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  1. #6041

    I don't think you will find that in Philly

    Quote Originally Posted by JustWanToHelp  [View Original Post]
    I will be visiting so this maybe this is off track but is there a good Thai Massage location that might be close to downtown? I was hoping for a true bending and stretching session with a bit of teasing and adult fun at the end. I've read where a few locations have a Thai person or 2 on staff but it seems that they give a great session in other ways. And I must comment on that. I'm from Charleston SC and we are lucky if we get UTC action 95% of the time. The services that you fellows get makes a person drool. It seems that New Star is a high favorite. If there are others that maybe within walking distance from downtown, I'd love to hear about them. Thank you.
    I think I know what you're referring to. The type of Thai vending and stretching where they put your foot on their hip and lean forward to stretch out your leg etc. I've never had anything like that in Philly. There are a few occasional Thai providers but nothing you are asking for. No genuine therapeutic Thai rub followed by FS action.

  2. #6040

    AZN Delight

    Quote Originally Posted by JustWanToHelp  [View Original Post]
    I will be visiting so this maybe this is off track but is there a good Thai Massage location that might be close to downtown? I was hoping for a true bending and stretching session with a bit of teasing and adult fun at the end. I've read where a few locations have a Thai person or 2 on staff but it seems that they give a great session in other ways. And I must comment on that. I'm from Charleston SC and we are lucky if we get UTC action 95% of the time. The services that you fellows get makes a person drool. It seems that New Star is a high favorite. If there are others that maybe within walking distance from downtown, I'd love to hear about them. Thank you.
    Depends on what you mean by downtown. Azn Delight is at 10th and Wood, just north of Chinatown, which is east of the City Hall / Broad St part of downtown. The massages there are average or better, but not amazing. Lay down $160 for TS, massage, (possible) BBBJ and cfs. There's a whole cluster of places around Chinatown / Convention center.

    In general, I find the HE places give better massages. The full service places tend to go lighter on the massage because they know you're there for the main event.

    If you're closer to City Hall and don't want to head to Chinatown, there's one or 2 places on Ludlow St. , which is a skinny street that parallels market. Place is near 18th. No idea of the nationality.

  3. #6039

    Chinatown Spas?


    Visiting this weekend and considering a dream in Chinatown. Sun or New Star or are they pretty much the same? Or is another location recommended?



  4. #6038

    Possible Thai massage

    I will be visiting so this maybe this is off track but is there a good Thai Massage location that might be close to downtown? I was hoping for a true bending and stretching session with a bit of teasing and adult fun at the end. I've read where a few locations have a Thai person or 2 on staff but it seems that they give a great session in other ways. And I must comment on that. I'm from Charleston SC and we are lucky if we get UTC action 95% of the time. The services that you fellows get makes a person drool. It seems that New Star is a high favorite. If there are others that maybe within walking distance from downtown, I'd love to hear about them. Thank you.

  5. #6037


    Treat people with respect and consideration and it (sometimes) comes back. This doesn't work as well with really unstable providers, like addicts, but for AMPs with consistent staffing (not a lot of turnover) or travelers, if you're a reasonable human being* they figure that out and remember it. And so your experiences get better. I saw Annie a bunch before she cut her hours back (hard for me to get to Philly mid week) and occasionally afterwards. Always had a great time with her, including a lot of what would be extras. And the sex was just better. That said, YMMV.

    *Think of the unbelievable assholes and creeps these women have to put up with. We see it here sometimes with the comments about proudly doing stuff with no consent, or treating them like garbage. Strive to not be that guy. I watched the Azn Delight refuse to let a guy in. I came in right after and they were all talking in Thai about it. When I got to the room and I asked what all the hubbub was about she said he was just too rough with the women. And if that's your kink, find a provider who will willingly engage.

    Quote Originally Posted by UTurnMan  [View Original Post]
    Yes from AZN. Never great? Can just chalk it up to YMMV. Another example of how much the same provider can be vastly different to 2 mongers.

    Jerry she is a great woman too which is always important for me. I could tell she is good hearted woman and you did too I bet. I have been on a Paradise run so haven't seen her in a bit but if I had known I would've stopped by for sure. Let me know if she ever happens to return please. I can't say she was my ATF but wow I guess you had a strong connection with her and she took great care of you every time. She was good the first time so I went back for more and the more I saw her the good turned into great and she went above and beyond every time I went since. I remember we finished with 10 minutes left but talked for 30 minutes having a great conversation about everything just getting to know her better. She told me before how she wanted to move out west or a different country I could sense the free spirit in her and her adventurous side. It's sad and good seeing somebody turn their life around like Sam said. I wish her nothing but the best of luck in life.

    Amy was awesome! I knew to trust Sam already and even if Amy didn't work out well I still owe him a ton. Jonesy1972, thanks for the review as it helped me prepare for what was to come. Detailed reviews like your first one and addition are always helpful. Amy has a natural sexy smile and the willingness without any attitude and the eye contact could have me on my knees. The water show was on! I have a theory that all the girls talk about squirting and they all do it there. Same with BBFS teasing which felt like torture as I was trying to go in a little bit more but nope. I think I even begged to let me inside one time but she gave me the finger wag with a smile like I was naughty. I love a spinner like Amy I just took her from riding on top and spun her to RCG like I was turning a repositioning my monitor so light. Massage was different due to Yoyos power, Yoyo comes back next Wednesday! I can see steam coming from the phone already jam packed so I'm planning on going one of the days after. This spot has been my go to since I was introduced to it by Sam. Yoyo is my ATF too right now. Been saving alot of money too not going to EPM and going to Paradise. Thanks guys! As far as upselling, I'm not going back there and good to hear Joy started her own spot if it's Joy from Delaware you meant.

  6. #6036

    Amy I Like

    Yes from AZN. Never great? Can just chalk it up to YMMV. Another example of how much the same provider can be vastly different to 2 mongers.

    Jerry she is a great woman too which is always important for me. I could tell she is good hearted woman and you did too I bet. I have been on a Paradise run so haven't seen her in a bit but if I had known I would've stopped by for sure. Let me know if she ever happens to return please. I can't say she was my ATF but wow I guess you had a strong connection with her and she took great care of you every time. She was good the first time so I went back for more and the more I saw her the good turned into great and she went above and beyond every time I went since. I remember we finished with 10 minutes left but talked for 30 minutes having a great conversation about everything just getting to know her better. She told me before how she wanted to move out west or a different country I could sense the free spirit in her and her adventurous side. It's sad and good seeing somebody turn their life around like Sam said. I wish her nothing but the best of luck in life.

    Amy was awesome! I knew to trust Sam already and even if Amy didn't work out well I still owe him a ton. Jonesy1972, thanks for the review as it helped me prepare for what was to come. Detailed reviews like your first one and addition are always helpful. Amy has a natural sexy smile and the willingness without any attitude and the eye contact could have me on my knees. The water show was on! I have a theory that all the girls talk about squirting and they all do it there. Same with BBFS teasing which felt like torture as I was trying to go in a little bit more but nope. I think I even begged to let me inside one time but she gave me the finger wag with a smile like I was naughty. I love a spinner like Amy I just took her from riding on top and spun her to RCG like I was turning a repositioning my monitor so light. Massage was different due to Yoyos power, Yoyo comes back next Wednesday! I can see steam coming from the phone already jam packed so I'm planning on going one of the days after. This spot has been my go to since I was introduced to it by Sam. Yoyo is my ATF too right now. Been saving alot of money too not going to EPM and going to Paradise. Thanks guys! As far as upselling, I'm not going back there and good to hear Joy started her own spot if it's Joy from Delaware you meant.

  7. #6035

    Upselling and Normal Life

    Quote Originally Posted by UTurnMan  [View Original Post]
    Yoyos pictures don't do her justice! She's just awesome all around. Can't wait to go back! Amy looks fine too and I take your word that she will be a great time. I've seen another girl walking down the hallway before but she wasn't anything neck breaking I didn't even do a double take. Either way, I'll take your advice Sam at the end.

    Hey have you guys heard of the upselling going on at Infinity Spa? These are subpar girls from what I've been told and since my 4/10 experience with Dash now they are charging EPM rates. I could understand if it was $20 more but this is wrong all around. Nothing kills the mood more than the girl saying you didn't pay enough just give me a $120 more.

    Plus that really is a bummer that Annie is gone. She was one of best providers. But I'm glad she is transitioning into a 'normal' life. I bet she would meet if you were cool with her and if somebody knows if she will meet people at her place or wherever, please let me know. She knows me well and transitioning is not easy considering everything she will need if she is just starting out. Even the driving lessons she will need a car sooner or later on top of gas food rent and the whole 9. She might be getting help from a captain save a hoe but doesn't make a difference to me. If nobody hears from her ever again, well I wish her a great life.

    Let 2024 be packed with lots of hot ladies with phenomenal service.
    I did hear about the upselling from somebody I message with. Imo, it's all around not cool and a bad business move on behalf of the AMP and the girls. Everyone knows the price unless you're a newbie or visiting the city but it's not illegal to ask how much for a "massage". If you go to one of the non big 2 with your usual amount and get hit with the "umm you're short 120 $ baby"(with the hand out expecting you to just have the extra cash on you. I know that I would just leave. Plus mongers usually bring only the exact amount plus an extra X amount for tip and car key leaving everything else in the car. Nobody wants that uneasy feeling of leaving our wallet in the room while a chick escorts you to a nice long table shower. Back in the day there was a few mongers who claimed something was missing afterwards (sucks, but haven't heard anything lately). The agencies have their prices at EPM and Classy and regular AMPs have their prices and it should stay that way. Only been here once and Dash was nice but YMMV somebody said they didn't have a good time with her. Heard she's not even there and it's a pack of new chicks upselling, didn't care enough to ask about names and such. Simple solution, they will go back to normal prices if mongers stop going (money! Easy fix, just Sams take on the situation.

    U-Turn Man, did things go well with Amy? Not asking for a review etc. Just asking to see if she was good to you too. Jonesy1972, you seen Yoyo before Amy like myself, so you noticed the difference in pure strength between Amy and Yoyo right? LOL. I knew the massage was going to be different once I seen Amys figure. Not saying she's weak, just knew by how figure and knowing how Yoyo is just strong (she could do real massages which is NOT easy) I even told Amy "don't worry about the massage save your energy for fun" She laughed. I don't care about the massage much anyway since it's sometimes just a backrub and I've had providers just rub your shoulders for 10 seconds then slide the tip of their fingernails across my back which is nothing I want to skip to the infamous FLIP! For now I'm on the same train as you I'm sticking with Paradise until things change and now everyone even knows Yoyos period schedule too LOL. Nothing great going on in the city anyway right now as far as I know.

    I don't know who Annie is but good and sad to hear about getting out the AMP game to make a "normal" and legal living. The fast money can be addicting since it becomes a lifestyle and they become too comfortable. I know an a chick who left the game to marry a guy from Arizona but things didn't work out due to her gambling and his cheating so she claims (don't know details was a few emails back and forth hinting at financial help, I can't help) Ever wonder what those $100 minimum Baccarat tables with all Asians betting tons all night do for a living? Some are involved in AMP. Also the luxury of ducking uncle Sam is hard to walk away from if she was doing well. All time favorite? Damn, so she wasn't no slacker either. Goodluck to her because I've only heard of a few chicks who made that move successfully in however many years I've been around. Usually they all end up going back to their country and God knows what or opening their own AMP or connected to the scene still in some way. But the successful ones I heard did well got help from a sugar daddy and ended up marrying the guys (Mina, Young Hee, Joy-think she opened up her own but not sure about a guy) . I can imagine how hard it is without some kind of help and influence from somebody but either way good for her because most that say they are going that way in life never end up doing so or end up going back after the a while.

    Happy 2024 mongers!

    Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

  8. #6034
    Quote Originally Posted by JTerry26  [View Original Post]
    My guess is her transitioning plan has been in the works for awhile. I suspect her cutting back to just Tu-Th a year or two ago was part of it. She was definitely my AT (AMP) F, just a lot of fun, BBBJ in the ts, a free slippery slide every time with those nice tits and even got to dip some BBFS a few times. "You miss my big boobies?"

    I would have definitely set her up in a sugar baby situation if I had had the chance.

    The other crazy Annie fact is she told me she originally taught herself English by watching movies.
    Anne at Azn delight? Wow. Definitely YMMV. She was never great the few times I had her. That's why I stopped going since Nana left.

  9. #6033

    Yoyo and Amy

    Quote Originally Posted by UTurnMan  [View Original Post]
    Yoyos pictures don't do her justice! She's just awesome all around. Can't wait to go back! Amy looks fine too and I take your word that she will be a great time. I've seen another girl walking down the hallway before but she wasn't anything neck breaking I didn't even do a double take. Either way, I'll take your advice Sam at the end.

    Hey have you guys heard of the upselling going on at Infinity Spa? These are subpar girls from what I've been told and since my 4/10 experience with Dash now they are charging EPM rates. I could understand if it was $20 more but this is wrong all around. Nothing kills the mood more than the girl saying you didn't pay enough just give me a $120 more.

    Plus that really is a bummer that Annie is gone. She was one of best providers. But I'm glad she is transitioning into a 'normal' life. I bet she would meet if you were cool with her and if somebody knows if she will meet people at her place or wherever, please let me know. She knows me well and transitioning is not easy considering everything she will need if she is just starting out. Even the driving lessons she will need a car sooner or later on top of gas food rent and the whole 9. She might be getting help from a captain save a hoe but doesn't make a difference to me. If nobody hears from her ever again, well I wish her a great life.

    Let 2024 be packed with lots of hot ladies with phenomenal service.
    Yes! YOYO is my new ATF. I've seen her three times before she left and I'm waiting her return. I saw amy while yoyo was away (per Sam's suggestion) and let me tell you she does not disappoint! Only slightly different from Yo, (yoyo's massage was better but her eye contact and just GFE are top notch) Amy allowed some lfk where yoyo did not (YMMV) but everyone must have gone to the concubine school of squirting because they both did. Now, yoyo's squirt was on point, she shot it up my belly and chest and whacked me in the face. Amys squirt was just the nile river. It did not stop. The whole massage table was covered in piss. It was sooo much I had to lick it off her. I don't go for daty or many bare services but I went down to amys area and just licked all around it. Her navel, thighs, the crook of her crotch without touching any labia. Just wanted to feel that juice on my lips. That spot has to be the best time I've had at an AMP or CMP or whatever the term is. Thanks SAM!

  10. #6032


    My guess is her transitioning plan has been in the works for awhile. I suspect her cutting back to just Tu-Th a year or two ago was part of it. She was definitely my AT (AMP) F, just a lot of fun, BBBJ in the ts, a free slippery slide every time with those nice tits and even got to dip some BBFS a few times. "You miss my big boobies?"

    I would have definitely set her up in a sugar baby situation if I had had the chance.

    The other crazy Annie fact is she told me she originally taught herself English by watching movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by UTurnMan  [View Original Post]
    Yoyos pictures don't do her justice! She's just awesome all around. Can't wait to go back! Amy looks fine too and I take your word that she will be a great time. I've seen another girl walking down the hallway before but she wasn't anything neck breaking I didn't even do a double take. Either way, I'll take your advice Sam at the end.

    Hey have you guys heard of the upselling going on at Infinity Spa? These are subpar girls from what I've been told and since my 4/10 experience with Dash now they are charging EPM rates. I could understand if it was $20 more but this is wrong all around. Nothing kills the mood more than the girl saying you didn't pay enough just give me a $120 more.

    Plus that really is a bummer that Annie is gone. She was one of best providers. But I'm glad she is transitioning into a 'normal' life. I bet she would meet if you were cool with her and if somebody knows if she will meet people at her place or wherever, please let me know. She knows me well and transitioning is not easy considering everything she will need if she is just starting out. Even the driving lessons she will need a car sooner or later on top of gas food rent and the whole 9. She might be getting help from a captain save a hoe but doesn't make a difference to me. If nobody hears from her ever again, well I wish her a great life.

    Let 2024 be packed with lots of hot ladies with phenomenal service.

  11. #6031

    Yoyo and Amy

    Yoyos pictures don't do her justice! She's just awesome all around. Can't wait to go back! Amy looks fine too and I take your word that she will be a great time. I've seen another girl walking down the hallway before but she wasn't anything neck breaking I didn't even do a double take. Either way, I'll take your advice Sam at the end.

    Hey have you guys heard of the upselling going on at Infinity Spa? These are subpar girls from what I've been told and since my 4/10 experience with Dash now they are charging EPM rates. I could understand if it was $20 more but this is wrong all around. Nothing kills the mood more than the girl saying you didn't pay enough just give me a $120 more.

    Plus that really is a bummer that Annie is gone. She was one of best providers. But I'm glad she is transitioning into a 'normal' life. I bet she would meet if you were cool with her and if somebody knows if she will meet people at her place or wherever, please let me know. She knows me well and transitioning is not easy considering everything she will need if she is just starting out. Even the driving lessons she will need a car sooner or later on top of gas food rent and the whole 9. She might be getting help from a captain save a hoe but doesn't make a difference to me. If nobody hears from her ever again, well I wish her a great life.

    Let 2024 be packed with lots of hot ladies with phenomenal service.

  12. #6030


    I posted everything and with alot of little changes than the post below and had the pictures on there as well but I guess it didn't go through or probably due to the site having to shut down sometimes around 3-5 AM. Oh well, I don't feel like going over all the changes I made but can't forget the pictures. For those looking for a second option to Yoyo whether she's off for a bit or busy, there's 3 more pictures of Amy, not 2 which was one of the changes. The unknown 2 girls are the one at the beach and on the treadmill it looks like. Also, to the couple guys who wanted to see Yoyo she's the one in white but these pictures don't represent her fully because she's better looking in person and the service is top notch in the city right now hands down. Good thing I had a the unrevised post copied just incase since it was around that time where the site takes a break but It's okay, just Sams take on the matter.

    My bad if anyone tried PMing me I had clue it was full I just made a little space. I'll clear out some more.

    Happy Early New Years Mongers and Mamasans and whoever else may be lurking!

    Sam Katz aka AMPimp.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 905.jpg‎   IMG_36205E4BA92C-1.jpg‎   901.jpg‎   903.jpg‎   902.jpg‎  

    IMG_4455D28724DB-1.jpg‎   IMG_0FB855FCA646-1.jpg‎   Yoyo1.jpg‎   Yoyo2.jpg‎  

  13. #6029
    Quote Originally Posted by JustWanToHelp  [View Original Post]
    I will be visiting and have seen that you have a very active AMP environment and was wondering if has any real prospects? In most of the cities that I visit rubrankings is loaded with fakes. Any help is extremely appreciated and welcomed. If anyone knows of an UTR female masseuse I would treat her with respect if you would be willing to share. I will be staying downtown but could uber to a location if fairly close.
    Like most other cities listed on RubRankings, the vast majority of the listings in Philly are fake. I travel to Nashville quite a bit and find it funny that, apparently, a lot of the girls on the Philly RubRankings page also travel to Nashville a lot. Same ads in almost every city. Wish I could help with the UTR masseuse, but, alas, I too am looking for such a provider. Enjoy your visit.

  14. #6028


    Quote Originally Posted by StrawMan83  [View Original Post]
    I just texted to schedule Annie at AZN and was told she is not there anymore. So say goodbye to a favorite and let's all find a new fav to love.
    Last time I saw her she said she had a legit job nearby as well in order to build up her credit rating, implying that all / most of her AMP income was under the table. I think her intent was be able to qualify for a car loan, since she also said she was taking driving lessons. Bummer, she was probably my ATF. I wondered a couple of times if she would do outcall for the right price. Should have asked.

    As an aside, every AMP bust talks about "human trafficking" although an actual charge for that rarely materializes. I'm sure it happens, but a place like AZN Delight is noted for its stability and is just a job for these women. Annie supposedly has her own apartment and was taking steps to "go legit", funded with the money she made being a top notch talent at an AMP. Same goes for my local HE place in the 'burbs (Serenity in Paoli). Pretty stable group, and the same lead MMS / masseuse for awhile. She used to be married to an American, has her citizenship and uses her HJ money to travel all over the place, just got back from 10 days in CO and AZ. Sex work, for many of these women, is just work.

  15. #6027

    Amy at Paradise

    Well yet again S. Katz is true to his word. Amy was amazing. She's no YoYo but close. Massage wasn't as good and there were other very slight differences. She asked me before she did anything. BBBJ in shower, 69 (I said no and she was cool) nuru slide and some lfk. To the room and she asked massage first? I said this first and scooped her up. She said condom? And tried to leave to get one but I had two so slapped one on. She rubbed me on her clit and squirted an enormous amount (I guess they all go to the same concubine school now be squirting seems regular. And amazing. Never had that in the 90's). Multiple positions until I allowed myself to finish. Very attentive, very responsive and very cute. She's like 5'5" maybe? And so thin I could pick her up and put her anywhere. After, shower again, massage with a little titty fuck at the end (hers are nice and natural—good nipples and areolas) but I wasn't ready for a second round (again not the 90's LOL) a beautiful hug and I was on my way. She asked "Amy ok?" Amy amazing. I guess everyone there is a rock star. Thanks Sam.

    Dr. Jones.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Image-1.jpg‎  

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