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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #6056

    Yoyo Come Back!

    Quote Originally Posted by SamKatz  [View Original Post]
    I've been hearing that Yoyo is coming back tomorrow or this week etc. I talked / chatted with her via WeChat not long ago, if I had to put my money on it, Yoyo unfortunately will not be coming back this month. And if I had to pick I would say she's not coming back at all judging by the tone of her voice and chat. I hope that I am wrong about my prediction though. But if I am right, it goes back to the same saying "Nothing lasts forever, especially a great AMP provider". Just my take on the matter. Then back to the drawing board as usual. Also, you asked if I was talking about Joy from Delaware, yes aznfbsm you should remember who I'm talking about.

    Sam Katz aka AMPimp.
    Bro your PMs are full so I'm writing you here. Damn so Yoyo is not coming back? Oh man oh man. I hope you're wrong too about your prediction. I hate it when we lose one of the Mount Rushmores of Philly IMHO. I don't want to go to EPM I'm tired of them constantly switching ladies and got used to to the Paradise price for much better value. More bang for my buck literally! I won't bother you for the details though just sucks. Mama told me she would be returning today too. Yoyo come back!

    Oh Joy from DE! I remember seeing her when she was working on her own. Only once but it was nice. She was doing the nuru stuff way before anyone else too. I did some searching found her website looks like she's still on the menu along with another lady. My memory is a bit foggy but I think she used to do BBBJs when AMPs were still doing CBJs. If she was closer I would check her out again. Thanks for clarifying because there's another Joy around 2016? An escort by the airport who claimed she was Japanese but I could tell she wasn't by her dark skin tone and not knowing some Japanese phrases I said. Total rip off but that's all water under the bridge now. When you see this please clear some space I need to ask you a couple things. Not rushing you.

  2. #6055


    Quote Originally Posted by UTurnMan  [View Original Post]
    Paradise. But Yoyo is not there right now and was told she's scheduled to return sometime soon.
    I've been hearing that Yoyo is coming back tomorrow or this week etc. I talked / chatted with her via WeChat not long ago, if I had to put my money on it, Yoyo unfortunately will not be coming back this month. And if I had to pick I would say she's not coming back at all judging by the tone of her voice and chat. I hope that I am wrong about my prediction though. But if I am right, it goes back to the same saying "Nothing lasts forever, especially a great AMP provider". Just my take on the matter. Then back to the drawing board as usual. Also, you asked if I was talking about Joy from Delaware, yes aznfbsm you should remember who I'm talking about.

    Concubine, an Asian chick with 'natural' Ds or DDs? There's some Asian chicks with Ds or DDs but they are not natural for sure.

    JustWanToHelp, looks like you're looking for a nice Thai massage and a happy ending. Was just writing a message back on here- Always remember these girls are working girls, not massage therapists. But hope you find something close to what you're looking for.

    Goodluck to every monger here!

    Sam Katz aka AMPimp.

  3. #6054

    Recommendation for a traveler?

    I am traveling to Harrisburg via Philly. Reading through the comments from senior members and experts here do I conclude Paradise is the AMP to visit? 200 is the ask, no Yoyo, no Amy. They have Nancy, Annie and Angela tomorrow. Whom do you recommend please.

    Would you recommend anything better? Any other AMP?

  4. #6053

    Nice D tits Asian

    Looking for an Asian provider having natural D or DDs in Philly. Will be the area in this weekend. Any suggestion?

  5. #6052

    Philly bubble

    Quote Originally Posted by BeefNoodleSoup  [View Original Post]
    I think most people completely misunderstood the OP's question. The most common misunderstanding is that he was looking for a Thai-style massage not necessarily a ethnically Thai person.

    Most people in Philly live their whole lives in Philly and do not venture outside the philly bubble.
    There is definitely a Philly bubble with some of the residents of this fine city. Consider the term "k-girl. " Most people on this site would know this means Korean girl but in Philly, some use it to refer to Kensington girl. LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lance547  [View Original Post]
    With all the illegal dumping that goes on all around that area I'm sure you can find a spot to post up with a K girl. Some girls have a room or a spot but I don't run up into homes with occupants who I don't know. Actually I would never do an incall in that area. Just finding a park alone gives me a headache. I had girls offer to sneak me into a house of a dude they staying with while they at work and I declined. Not cool. Stuff like that is how altercations pop off.

  6. #6051
    Quote Originally Posted by BeefNoodleSoup  [View Original Post]
    I think most people completely misunderstood the OP's question. The most common misunderstanding is that he was looking for a Thai-style massage not necessarily a ethnically Thai person.

    Most people in philly live their whole lives in philly and do not venture outside the philly bubble.
    I appreciate all the responses and I'll jump back in. In the past, in different Cities in different States I have had a great Thai massage and then a happy finish. After a true Thai massage, you feel energized and exhausted. Your body has been stretched and pulled to areas that you did not think possible. 99% of Thai massages are done with loose clothes on but some put you naked under a sheet, happy things can occur under a sheet. It especially feels good after a plane trip. I was looking for something almost like a LMT that also gives a HE. That's a totally different type of massage but same basic concept.

    Thank you and by the way, I do LOVE what you fellows have available in your area.

  7. #6050

    Fair enough

    I only go to massage parlors that also offer some kind of sex (HE locally, FS in Philly) so my knowledge of the finer differences of massage techniques is limited. I do, however, have specific knowledge of who gives a toothy blowjob or gives a nice free nuru session in the TS.

    I would also venture to guess that the place to get a really good massage with lots of stretching and Thai-specific technique might not be the same place where you can get your asshole licked.

    Quote Originally Posted by BeefNoodleSoup  [View Original Post]
    I think most people completely misunderstood the OP's question. The most common misunderstanding is that he was looking for a Thai-style massage not necessarily a ethnically Thai person.

    Most people in philly live their whole lives in philly and do not venture outside the philly bubble.

  8. #6049
    Quote Originally Posted by UTurnMan  [View Original Post]
    JustWanToHelp, I second what JTerry26 just posted. He took the words right out of my mouth actually great way to put things. Haven't heard anything about Ludlow in forever. If people are going there they sure are keeping things to themselves.
    I went out of laziness and it was a mistake. Take the longer walk to New Star, Sun, Ocean, or grab an uber to azn, paradise, infinity.

  9. #6048


    Quote Originally Posted by JustWanToHelp  [View Original Post]
    I will be visiting so this maybe this is off track but is there a good Thai Massage location that might be close to downtown? I was hoping for a true bending and stretching session with a bit of teasing and adult fun at the end.
    Quote Originally Posted by JTerry26  [View Original Post]
    That puts you really close to the Chinatown. Just walk north on 13th 2 blocks to the other side of the convention center and there's a couple along Race St. , like Lollipop and New Star. Not sure of nationalities there but AZN Delight at 10th and Wood is 10 minute walk. They're Thai.
    I think most people completely misunderstood the OP's question. The most common misunderstanding is that he was looking for a Thai-style massage not necessarily a ethnically Thai person.

    Most people in philly live their whole lives in philly and do not venture outside the philly bubble.

  10. #6047


    Quote Originally Posted by WaltoDerri267  [View Original Post]
    Which AMP did you see yoyo at?
    Paradise. But Yoyo is not there right now and was told she's scheduled to return sometime soon.

    JustWanToHelp, I second what JTerry26 just posted. He took the words right out of my mouth actually great way to put things. Haven't heard anything about Ludlow in forever. If people are going there they sure are keeping things to themselves.

  11. #6046

    Closer to Chinatown

    Quote Originally Posted by JustWanToHelp  [View Original Post]
    Thank you for the information. I'll be at 1201 Market St, near City Hall. Maybe I'll try one of each. A HE and a FS, I'll be there for a couple of days. I'll try to find some information on the Ludlow Street place also.

    Thanks again.
    That puts you really close to the Chinatown. Just walk north on 13th 2 blocks to the other side of the convention center and there's a couple along Race St. , like Lollipop and New Star. Not sure of nationalities there but AZN Delight at 10th and Wood is 10 minute walk. They're Thai.

    I wouldn't bother going to Ludlow, you are in a perfect spot for the highest density of AMPs in Philly.

  12. #6045
    Quote Originally Posted by JTerry26  [View Original Post]
    Depends on what you mean by downtown. Azn Delight is at 10th and Wood, just north of Chinatown, which is east of the City Hall / Broad St part of downtown. The massages there are average or better, but not amazing. Lay down $160 for TS, massage, (possible) BBBJ and cfs. There's a whole cluster of places around Chinatown / Convention center.

    In general, I find the HE places give better massages. The full service places tend to go lighter on the massage because they know you're there for the main event.

    If you're closer to City Hall and don't want to head to Chinatown, there's one or 2 places on Ludlow St. , which is a skinny street that parallels market. Place is near 18th. No idea of the nationality.
    My experience with the Ludlow street establishments are that they are Chinese.


  13. #6044


    Quote Originally Posted by UTurnMan  [View Original Post]
    Yoyos pictures don't do her justice! She's just awesome all around. Can't wait to go back! Amy looks fine too and I take your word that she will be a great time. I've seen another girl walking down the hallway before but she wasn't anything neck breaking I didn't even do a double take. Either way, I'll take your advice Sam at the end.

    Hey have you guys heard of the upselling going on at Infinity Spa? These are subpar girls from what I've been told and since my 4/10 experience with Dash now they are charging EPM rates. I could understand if it was $20 more but this is wrong all around. Nothing kills the mood more than the girl saying you didn't pay enough just give me a $120 more.

    Plus that really is a bummer that Annie is gone. She was one of best providers. But I'm glad she is transitioning into a 'normal' life. I bet she would meet if you were cool with her and if somebody knows if she will meet people at her place or wherever, please let me know. She knows me well and transitioning is not easy considering everything she will need if she is just starting out. Even the driving lessons she will need a car sooner or later on top of gas food rent and the whole 9. She might be getting help from a captain save a hoe but doesn't make a difference to me. If nobody hears from her ever again, well I wish her a great life.

    Let 2024 be packed with lots of hot ladies with phenomenal service.
    Which AMP did you see yoyo at?

  14. #6043
    Quote Originally Posted by JTerry26  [View Original Post]
    Depends on what you mean by downtown. Azn Delight is at 10th and Wood, just north of Chinatown, which is east of the City Hall / Broad St part of downtown. The massages there are average or better, but not amazing. Lay down $160 for TS, massage, (possible) BBBJ and cfs. There's a whole cluster of places around Chinatown / Convention center.

    In general, I find the HE places give better massages. The full service places tend to go lighter on the massage because they know you're there for the main event.

    If you're closer to City Hall and don't want to head to Chinatown, there's one or 2 places on Ludlow St. , which is a skinny street that parallels market. Place is near 18th. No idea of the nationality.
    Thank you for the information. I'll be at 1201 Market St, near City Hall. Maybe I'll try one of each. A HE and a FS, I'll be there for a couple of days. I'll try to find some information on the Ludlow Street place also.

    Thanks again.

  15. #6042
    Quote Originally Posted by BeefNoodleSoup  [View Original Post]
    I think I know what you're referring to. The type of Thai vending and stretching where they put your foot on their hip and lean forward to stretch out your leg etc. I've never had anything like that in Philly. There are a few occasional Thai providers but nothing you are asking for. No genuine therapeutic Thai rub followed by FS action.
    Thanks, from all of the reviews I've read on different boards I'm afraid you are 100% correct. I figured I would throw it out there and see if I got lucky with maybe an UTR provider. I appreciate your response.

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