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  1. #254
    There is a new lineup at H Yu, Cherry (new one) and Baby. Dont waste your time with Yu(sounds like "you"). She is not quite up to the standards for this place. Would like to say more but its better to keep things on the DL. Trusted can PM

  2. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by Blind Lefty
    God I love it. You're right, you caught me. I can't figure out the amazingly complex subterfuge going on here. So as a dedicated member of the LE community I tried to pass myself off as a fellow monger. I miss one reference to champs in an earlier post and try to find some help here (aren't we here to help each other? ) and I'm instantly LE. (an LEO would have access to all business licenses and be able to pull up every address in the state without blinking) Oh yeah and I only asked for location information; no desire for anything else. Thanks Dlrzboy btw; the champs reference was all I needed, I know that address.

    Does anyone here live under the delusion that LE doesn't know the exact location and activities that go on in every AMP that has a legal shingle out? Raids/busts don't happen because LE found out about a place doing business. They happen when elections are coming, budgets are being reviewed, locals call in complaints, departments need good press to offset bad, the press brings too much attention to a certain issue, etc. The cops don't give a crap about this; they have better things to do (in their own mind and in truth). We all know this.

    I doubt there are any that could vouch for me here. If I ever had people to vouch for me it would have been on TBD and I was never an active poster even in my heyday anyway. Hell their archive doesn't even go back far enough to catch any of my reviews on the public board there. There may be some here that recognize my tag from the old days (JJB? ) but certainly not that know me well enough to vouch for me. I came here because I'm now more of a dcspa board type and that board over there is now less than useless.

    And sexual favors? Jeez, I don't know what you guys go to massage parlors for, but personally my neck is killing me (isn't your neck your "little head"? ).

    Not that it matters; I don't care what you think and my usage of this board will continue to be what it's always been. Lurking and gleaning what I can, when I can, to use when my neck acts up. My mongering has always been spontaneous and unpredictable (why I'm more of a spa side type now); I'd head to my normal spots and/or check the board before heading out. I'd happily post my findings as my way of giving back to the community for responding to a question (otherwise normally I'd go about my business quietly) but if it wasn't for Dlrzboy I don't think I could say I've been given any support here.

    Return to your regularly scheduled programming. I'm going to go get me some of those donuts and bacon.

    Not even going to deny it?
    Sheesh.... you fucking cops crack me up.

    Benchseats Rock

  3. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by Blind Lefty
    God I love it. You're right, you caught me....[edited, to much pabulum]... I'm going to go get me some of those donuts and bacon.

    Confession is always good for the soul!


  4. #251
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonView
    This is your very first post; "Sakura & HWC(your joints) aren't enticing enough"! So you need info about York....hmmm.

    Well dude you are all wrong(pun?), York is a massage only place, no sexual favors are offered. I'd suggest you hit the old joints for that.

    Now pardon me while I get back to my BACON & eggs!

    God I love it. You're right, you caught me. I can't figure out the amazingly complex subterfuge going on here. So as a dedicated member of the LE community I tried to pass myself off as a fellow monger. I miss one reference to champs in an earlier post and try to find some help here (aren't we here to help each other? ) and I'm instantly LE. (an LEO would have access to all business licenses and be able to pull up every address in the state without blinking) Oh yeah and I only asked for location information; no desire for anything else. Thanks Dlrzboy btw; the champs reference was all I needed, I know that address.

    Does anyone here live under the delusion that LE doesn't know the exact location and activities that go on in every AMP that has a legal shingle out? Raids/busts don't happen because LE found out about a place doing business. They happen when elections are coming, budgets are being reviewed, locals call in complaints, departments need good press to offset bad, the press brings too much attention to a certain issue, etc. The cops don't give a crap about this; they have better things to do (in their own mind and in truth). We all know this.

    I doubt there are any that could vouch for me here. If I ever had people to vouch for me it would have been on TBD and I was never an active poster even in my heyday anyway. Hell their archive doesn't even go back far enough to catch any of my reviews on the public board there. There may be some here that recognize my tag from the old days (JJB? ) but certainly not that know me well enough to vouch for me. I came here because I'm now more of a dcspa board type and that board over there is now less than useless.

    And sexual favors? Jeez, I don't know what you guys go to massage parlors for, but personally my neck is killing me (isn't your neck your "little head"? ).

    Not that it matters; I don't care what you think and my usage of this board will continue to be what it's always been. Lurking and gleaning what I can, when I can, to use when my neck acts up. My mongering has always been spontaneous and unpredictable (why I'm more of a spa side type now); I'd head to my normal spots and/or check the board before heading out. I'd happily post my findings as my way of giving back to the community for responding to a question (otherwise normally I'd go about my business quietly) but if it wasn't for Dlrzboy I don't think I could say I've been given any support here.

    Return to your regularly scheduled programming. I'm going to go get me some of those donuts and bacon.

  5. #250

    Candy is Dandy

    Sign was lit up so I had a little Candy yesterday. Older, not a spinner, but very good TS and went above and beyond to please this old boy.

  6. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by BSR

    You're such a gentleman... we need members like you. Mostly because I don't have nearly as much of a filter between my brain and my fingers.

    Blind Lefty is either a fucking moron, or a fucking cop. IMHO, of course.

    I remember waiting in line to see Phantom Menace with some friends, and the line wrapped all the way around the block and up a residential street - and the cops were doing their best to maintain calm and order in the crowd. Eventually they started towing cars from the lot across from some of the houses we were camped in front of - and they ended up towing this old Doctor's car. We knew he was a doctor because we were infront of his house, and there was a sign that said Doctor's Office. We knew it was his car because he came running out the front door in his bathrobe cursing to high heaven that the cops were towing his car, and not one of ours.
    Naturally, the whole crowd starts to shout and scream and plead the Doctor's case to the cops - who pulled out a megaphone and guess what he said.

    "If you all don't shut up right now I'm going to arrest you for enticing a riot."

    Lefty, go have a donut.

    Benchseats Rock

    Hey Benchseats Rock...

    Thanks for the complement brother, and remember we're all in this together! I like to think there's a little "Bench" in all of us!


  7. #248

    Best not Best

    A quick report on my dissapointing visit to Best this evening.

    K was too busy, so I made the fatal mistake of going around the corner. Agh!

    To cut a long story short, I will never go there again. Firstly the quality is lower than I am used to (if you know what I mean), Garlic Breath!!, Second rate massage, I guess the HR was half-decent, Unhappy about tip, Almost asked for the water back!!!

    (Provider: Hanna)

    Never again!

    It's K for me from now on (or the highway).

  8. #247
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonView
    This is your very first post; "Sakura & HWC(your joints) aren't enticing enough"! So you need info about York....hmmm.

    Well dude you are all wrong(pun?), York is a massage only place, no sexual favors are offered. I'd suggest you hit the old joints for that.

    Now pardon me while I get back to my BACON & eggs!!


    You're such a gentleman... we need members like you. Mostly because I don't have nearly as much of a filter between my brain and my fingers.

    Blind Lefty is either a fucking moron, or a fucking cop. IMHO, of course.

    I remember waiting in line to see Phantom Menace with some friends, and the line wrapped all the way around the block and up a residential street - and the cops were doing their best to maintain calm and order in the crowd. Eventually they started towing cars from the lot across from some of the houses we were camped in front of - and they ended up towing this old Doctor's car. We knew he was a doctor because we were infront of his house, and there was a sign that said Doctor's Office. We knew it was his car because he came running out the front door in his bathrobe cursing to high heaven that the cops were towing his car, and not one of ours.
    Naturally, the whole crowd starts to shout and scream and plead the Doctor's case to the cops - who pulled out a megaphone and guess what he said.

    "If you all don't shut up right now I'm going to arrest you for enticing a riot."

    Lefty, go have a donut.

    Benchseats Rock

  9. #246

    York report

    York was harrassed by LE as Champs. New owner seems to want to ensure there is not a repeat of the old problems, and is going to make sure it can stay open. Very clean and nice. Try it for a good relaxing session, but they will not cross the line for you or LE.

  10. #245


    This is your very first post; "Sakura & HWC(your joints) aren't enticing enough"! So you need info about York....hmmm.

    Well dude you are all wrong(pun?), York is a massage only place, no sexual favors are offered. I'd suggest you hit the old joints for that.

    Now pardon me while I get back to my BACON & eggs!


    Quote Originally Posted by Blind Lefty
    Was wondering where to find more info on Yorkshire Therapy? Reports of Sakura and my joint HWC aren't enticing and am looking to expand my horizons. (and before my little head convinces me it's worth trying S or H).

    BC appreciated at blind_lefty(at) Tried to RTFF but only find rt 28, near CVS, community named Yorkshire and I don't know where that is. Will happily report back my experience.

  11. #244
    Was wondering where to find more info on Yorkshire Therapy? Reports of Sakura and my joint HWC aren't enticing and am looking to expand my horizons. (and before my little head convinces me it's worth trying S or H).

  12. #243


    Quote Originally Posted by Rt For Me
    I recently spent over four years in K and enjoyed the services there. I am new to this area and am looking to satisfy that old itch. I would appreciate any PM's that can point me in the right direction.
    Well, if you spent four years overseas, then you can spend a few hours reviewing this forum because everything you need to know is right here.

  13. #242

    Yorkshire Report

    Michelle was a 10, across the board, but has flown away. Too bad! Met with Honey the other day. Great English, but so what. She has great theraputic skills, but rather mechanical throughout. Would probably repeat, but would take a chance on another provider if available. Be safe--and Uncle LEO, nothing happened out of sorts.

  14. #241

    Where To Go

    O. K. , my first post. I just found this board as I was surfing and trying to find a good AMP. I recently spent over four years in K and enjoyed the services there. I am new to this area and am looking to satisfy that old itch. I would appreciate any PM's that can point me in the right direction. Thanks for the help!

  15. #240

    Kinja gone

    I've been to Kinja several times and have been satisfied with the service. It would have been my AMP of choice, but I see that it's now closed. I've also been to the Magical Touch once on Old Bridge. It was an alright HJ with no roaming, unless I would have specified before. She said it would be ok if I had had a glove on. Can someone send me a PM with the locations of some other AMP's or RMP's in the NOVA area. I'd appreciate the heads up. Thanks.


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