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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #14641

    WRONG place to share some of these recent posts. Gosh

    Korean Angels, Asian Pink, STG, TNA. All those have their own forum, folks.

    And another news, Alyssa texted me informing that SaiSai and Nora from Shanghai will be serving Renton area for rest of this month.

    Glad North talents are being shared in south, too.

    Vivi is staying which is another plus.

  2. #14640


    Have not seen her but recognize her. FYI. It's stg. Add 50 pounds to any pic.

  3. #14639


    Quote Originally Posted by YoKo1313  [View Original Post]
    So you think it is just TGTBT? Or are you saying you have had an experience and its not worth it? I'm thinking it's the first one, however I think it is just for a massage and probably an HJ.
    Quote Originally Posted by TokyoHalJordan  [View Original Post]
    There's no explanation for GPS. ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Massaji  [View Original Post]
    She's been mentioned here before under the name Bella. Was doing some research because I almost took the plunge recently, but she sounds like a headache and not the good kind.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaBandit  [View Original Post]
    At 100/ hr there is no way. At least mo way it's her or that the service is any good and without major upselling. Those pics look familiar too, I think from TNA.
    Quote Originally Posted by YoKo1313  [View Original Post]

    Wondering if anyone has had any experience they might share with the class?
    She has a tna name but it escapes me currently. Here is a more recent ad (note the email address change from her old ad):

    She is legit and the 100 is her basic massage rate. More is available and she's sweet enough and nice enough. A little negotiating may be involved for more advanced services. She doesn't have gps, or at least didn't. I haven't seen her in quite a while so I can't say about now. However, I had been thinking about visiting her and hadn't seen anything from her in a long time. As far as pictures, if you look at the old ad and see the one where there is a mirror in the background, you can see exactly what body type she has. Nice enough woman and I'd repeat with her again. She's a little further than I care to go now but I might try her again soon. Try her once and report back.

  4. #14638
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaBandit  [View Original Post]
    At 100/ hr there is no way. At least mo way it's her or that the service is any good and without major upselling. Those pics look familiar too, I think from TNA.
    So you think it is just TGTBT? Or are you saying you have had an experience and its not worth it? I'm thinking it's the first one, however I think it is just for a massage and probably an HJ.

  5. #14637
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingGolfball  [View Original Post]
    You will be extremely surprised that there is "abbreviations" section on the drop down menu on the top. Right below "log out" and "Settings" button.
    There's no explanation for GPS. ?

  6. #14636


    Quote Originally Posted by YoKo1313  [View Original Post]

    Wondering if anyone has had any experience they might share with the class?
    She's been mentioned here before under the name Bella. Was doing some research because I almost took the plunge recently, but she sounds like a headache and not the good kind.

  7. #14635

    No way!

    Quote Originally Posted by YoKo1313  [View Original Post]

    Wondering if anyone has had any experience they might share with the class?
    At 100/ hr there is no way. At least mo way it's her or that the service is any good and without major upselling. Those pics look familiar too, I think from TNA.

  8. #14634

    Any intel

    Wondering if anyone has had any experience they might share with the class?

  9. #14633
    Quote Originally Posted by Oregon2020  [View Original Post]
    Hi all. I am very into convenience, which means I've been sticking with Orchid for years as it's close to home and decent enough. But let's say I'm up for some variety. Does anyone have any recent info on Dream Spa? If you'd like to keep it DL, please message me. I'm interested in everything Orchid offers (or more. But not less) and want to give somewhere else a try. If you'd know of something in the area (Ballard, Fremont, Wallingford) and want to throw me a bone, have at.
    Went to Dream Spa this Sunday am. Parked in back. Rang the bell a tired-looking Coco answered the door in an almost -on slip. . 5 for 30. Started hugging and fondling. Boomboom? Yes. Offered 1. 5, seemed happy. GND pleasant face. Nice nat C's. Bit of baby damage below but not terrible. No kisses at all, which wasn't so bad as her breath was literally poopy. Decent but too short bbj. Snapped a too small hat on a semi hard staff. Mish only. Not tight and starting from half didn't work. Only option after that was jackhammer HJ. No more BJ. No Russian (would have been nice. Door rang a few times, Coco stayed but tried to hurry things along which always has the opposite effect. Called time on the play and left. Meh.

  10. #14632
    Is this Rainier massage in Renton? Or the other one in Seattle?

    Quote Originally Posted by TripleThreat  [View Original Post]
    Stopped in last week around noon. It was very quiet, maybe due to the rain. I rang the inside buzzer and waited a minute for a girl to let me in. I think she was eating lunch and wasn't expecting anyone. I could tell that I was the only one there. She spoke almost no English with a bad accent, but I managed to learn that her name is Yuyu (sp?) She asked for. 4 for the hh, so I offered $. 2 for FS, which I had to pantomime. She smiled and said "more", and I threw in another 20. She kept saying more and I would peel off another 20 until we were up to $1. 8 and I said no more. Then Yuyu, who is a short Taiwanese MILF, around 40 with mm c's, proceeded to give a decent 15 minute medium hard massage. No real teasing, but rather she said "ok". So I turned over and watched as she wiped a liberal amount of a rubbing alcohol based cleanser on my entire mid section. Then she laid herself on me and russianed me to attention, after which a one size fits all cover (read: too tight) was slipped on and she mounted me for cg. After a few minutes I flipped her over into mish and worked her until I blew.

    I don't know who else might be working there right now. I wasn't impressed with the experience, but the place is super convenient for me. Yuyu is cute, face 2. 5/5, body 3/5, attitude 3/5. No kissing, no CBJ, no time for daty. Perhaps an hour session would include more activities.

  11. #14631

    Tokyo Elsa

    Quote Originally Posted by DatyMan007  [View Original Post]
    OMG just can't get enough of this Asian princess. All previous reports are spot on. Had a session with her Friday night and needless to say she blew my mind. Her physique is extremely fit body to die for I'm estimating she's late 20's but her body is that of a 19 year old large C's and very nice ass perfectly proportioned to her 5' 4" height. Started with an amazing massage then BBBJ, Daty, dato, on goes the cover for Cg, aCG, and the view from K9 did me in a true sight to behold. She's a true princess couldn't contain myself and saw Elsa again Sunday Morning and she didn't disappoint an experience just like on Friday night but enhanced to full on PSE with deep FK was hoping for a CIM finish but she's so tight that CG did me in and blew in the Bag. Did I mention she's very tight OMG a true Gem..
    Thanks for the report, I am in total agreement with you. She leaves in 2 days FYI.

  12. #14630
    Quote Originally Posted by AmpluckyCat  [View Original Post]
    Very familiar with KAngels and AsianPink. But, what is the website for CC?
    Probably more a question for the KAngels thread, but it's

  13. #14629
    Very familiar with KAngels and AsianPink. But, what is the website for CC?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesPeligro  [View Original Post]
    There are a few different agencies. KAngels, Asian Pink and CC. Read the KAngels thread for info. There is a search bar, advanced search, Google. The world is your oyster when you use all three.

  14. #14628
    Quote Originally Posted by CorveLay  [View Original Post]
    Speaking of which, and to inject some more Seattle into this, how is Orchid's situation these days? I was there frequently when the Kathy / Cici / Coco crew was there with their labcoats 4 years ago, but once they seemingly moved on I found the experiences dropped off dramatically. Visited about 6 months ago, told the lady I had minimal time and wanted 30 minutes. She stuck me in a room to undress. Didn't come back in for about fifteen minutes. Once I heard her with another customer through the wall I got dressed. I had already given her the house fee. Considered just abandoning it, but waited for the other guy to leave. Told her it wasn't cool to leave me hanging without notice, especially when I'd told her I was short on time. She began crying when I asked for my house fee back. Never had post-nut clarity pre-nut before, but with her begging me to stay I realized she was a surprisingly unattractive auntie and bounced.

    It's a shame all the quality seems to be either in Renton or Everett. Even the marginal pre-covid north Seattle AAMP situation is now absolutely dead.
    I live out east side of the state our last one closed due to the city pressuring landlords. There's a mole on this board providing our narratives as "proof" of what's going on. Games up boys. I'm sure it will rebound as we can't house anymore weed shops in the empty store fronts. At least the AMP had flashing lights. Some joy in the dump called the pwn. LOL.

  15. #14627


    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesPeligro  [View Original Post]
    There are a few different agencies. KAngels, Asian Pink and CC. Read the KAngels thread for info. There is a search bar, advanced search, Google. The world is your oyster when you use all three.
    Thanks Charles, I appreciate the clarification. I looked into that and they're screening is Out of my comfort zone LOL.

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