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Thread: Strip Club Reports

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  1. #4651

    Night Shift

    I been to Night Shift a couple of times. Aside from my visit before Thanksgiving last year I always been disappointed each time due to lack of quality girls.

  2. #4650

    Not enough girls at Penthouse

    Quote Originally Posted by Mcc110  [View Original Post]
    If you want to dip your toes into this I'd recommend Penthouse. Very chill during the afternoon, food is good, and they have great food and drink specials earlier on.

    The girls a great and definitely a cut above the block as well.
    Seems like everyone took your advice: Penthouse has become a sausage fest lately in the daytime. On recent Mon. And Weds. Afternoons around 5 pm, there have been 10-15 guys and 2-3 girls in attendance. In recent weeks it's been hard to get a seat at the bar, and guys are left staring at each other. Sundays are also awful, with lots of customers and hardly any girls. They seem to have trouble hiring enough strippers. Importantly, the quality of the girls has also gone down, even apart from their shortage, and is approaching the more ghetto and tattoed caliber of Night Shift.

  3. #4649
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterEgo4401  [View Original Post]
    Any intel on Night Shifts? Is back to its heyday. Are any of the girls extra nice?
    Night Shift gets going around 10-11 pm, even though they open at 8 pm. The girls are ghetto and tattoed trash, both black and white. There is no one passable in terms of quality, of any race. Because it's kind of a dirty / ghetto place, there seems to be a more mileage: their $200 VIP dance is fully nude, meaning they will grind their pussy on your pants. I suggest a good shower after that, given the caliber of the girls there. For comparison, Penthouse's $200 VIP is topless only. Penthouse's lineup is rapidly starting to approach that of Night Shift.

  4. #4648

    Night shift?

    Any intel on Night Shifts? Is back to its heyday. Are any of the girls extra nice?

  5. #4647
    If you want to dip your toes into this I'd recommend Penthouse. Very chill during the afternoon, food is good, and they have great food and drink specials earlier on.

    The girls a great and definitely a cut above the block as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesRussells  [View Original Post]
    Are there any clubs that are worth going to mid-afternoon?

  6. #4646
    Quote Originally Posted by SnarfTheCat  [View Original Post]
    Often wondered something similar-about strip clubs that had lunch menus. Gentlemans Gold club came immediately to mind, in that it opens at 12 Wednesdays through Saturdays. Millstream similarly is open early in the day.

    Also found a Sun article from 2013 that talked about the food at several strip clubs. It's below. Not sure how dated or accurate it is, and the article is behind a paywall, but it was a fun read.
    I've always made it a personal rule not to eat in strip clubs. Just doesn't seem right.

  7. #4645

    Lunch at a Stripclub

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesRussells  [View Original Post]
    Are there any clubs that are worth going to mid-afternoon?
    Often wondered something similar-about strip clubs that had lunch menus. Gentlemans Gold club came immediately to mind, in that it opens at 12 Wednesdays through Saturdays. Millstream similarly is open early in the day.

    Also found a Sun article from 2013 that talked about the food at several strip clubs. It's below. Not sure how dated or accurate it is, and the article is behind a paywall, but it was a fun read.

  8. #4644
    Are there any clubs that are worth going to mid-afternoon?

  9. #4643
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatBooredOne  [View Original Post]
    Was this post sarcastic? 7-8 is shift change and most girls not working doubles are getting dressed by 7 and looking for their payout to leave. Half the girls are late to their shift anyway so they don't start trickling in until after like 9:30 pm. And Sunday? Dude all elements of your post are like the worst times to go.
    I thought 8-9 is shift change. At least when I was showing up at 8, that's what they were telling me. So is it really 7-9:30? I am just in B-more around that time, cannot really change it.

  10. #4642


    Quote Originally Posted by CanaPunter  [View Original Post]
    Is there any logic to the Block day shift (around 7-8 pm on Sunday to be specific). Sometimes it's great and more often it's crickets. I cannot figure it out.
    Was this post sarcastic? 7-8 is shift change and most girls not working doubles are getting dressed by 7 and looking for their payout to leave. Half the girls are late to their shift anyway so they don't start trickling in until after like 9:30 pm. And Sunday? Dude all elements of your post are like the worst times to go.

  11. #4641

    Block day shift

    Is there any logic to the Block day shift (around 7-8 pm on Sunday to be specific). Sometimes it's great and more often it's crickets. I cannot figure it out.

  12. #4640

    Also a Russian chick, cute face, most amazing tits is at GGC

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobby123  [View Original Post]
    I liked Scores. This was/Friday day. several years ago, but the black girl Allire would always let me grab her tits and she would pretty much give me a HJ during the dance. There was also a Russian chick, cute face, most amazing tits.
    Russian chick is at Gold Club on Wednesday / Friday. Goes by "Maya". The same one that was at SCORES......MDC.

  13. #4639
    Quote Originally Posted by MetPage  [View Original Post]
    It's been a couple years since the name change but Scores had the exact same setup that Penthouse has now. Lap dances were 30/ sing with no touching, you could get a pack of 4 dances for 160 that wasn't much better than the regular. Place is full nude on stage only. I don't believe the rooms are fully nude but I could be wrong (never got a dance or room at Penthouse).
    I liked Scores. This was several years ago, but the black girl Allire would always let me grab her tits and she would pretty much give me a HJ during the dance. There was also a Russian chick, cute face, most amazing tits.

  14. #4638
    Quote Originally Posted by Visitor1980  [View Original Post]
    Can someone remind me, before Penthouse opened in Baltimore, that strip club used to be known as Scores, is that right? What year did the new Penthouse open? And was Scores topless, pasties, or full-nude as Penthouse is right now? Could you get lap dances at Scores, and were they good?
    It's been a couple years since the name change but Scores had the exact same setup that Penthouse has now. Lap dances were 30/ sing with no touching, you could get a pack of 4 dances for 160 that wasn't much better than the regular. Place is full nude on stage only. I don't believe the rooms are fully nude but I could be wrong (never got a dance or room at Penthouse).

  15. #4637

    Penthouse vs. Scores

    Can someone remind me, before Penthouse opened in Baltimore, that strip club used to be known as Scores, is that right? What year did the new Penthouse open? And was Scores topless, pasties, or full-nude as Penthouse is right now? Could you get lap dances at Scores, and were they good?

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