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  1. #4516


    I went down to The Block for the first time in a long time last week and walked into Circus first since it was the first one I was walking past. One of the girls comes up to me and we start chatting. The bartenders are as aggressive on the Block as I remember because I wasn't there even a minute before they were asking if I wanted a drink and to buy the girl a drink. Maybe that's why it was dead as hell inside as it looked like most of the girls there were in the back and I was the only customer present.

    The girl tells me it's been dead all night and so they would probably drop the price for a dance. The Bartender did indeed make me an offer, and I countered which they took to who I think was the manager and they approved it. Off we go.

    When we get there, the girl steps away to use the bathroom and sits her bag down. In it, I notice a prescription bottle and see the label: Clindamycin.

    Absolutely nothing was happening given that.

    I'm not saying who the girl was due to board rules. All I will say is to watch yourselves.

  2. #4515
    Quote Originally Posted by Ebdawgg  [View Original Post]
    Better choices and better deals for customers and better conditions for entertainers all add up to The Bock's demise IMO.
    What do you mean "better choices and better deals for customers?" Absurd. There are none! Sexual activity has become even more prosecuted than before. Before, things like escorts and MPs were much safer than now. Nowadays, in order to see an escort on some dubious site, you have to provide id and leave a trail of personal info for vetting, which never happened before, and which no reasonable person would do. MPs have become decimated and the few obscure remaining ones are dangerous, unsafe, and have ugly masseuses, so MPs are out. Contrary to public opinion, you can't use modern dating apps like Tinder to meet women either, they're full of scammers and foreigners. In short, men are completely out of options if they want to see acceptable women, but that was not the case before. Given these developments the decline of the Block is terrible and the final nail in the coffin. There are no "better options," everything's getting worse for men compared to before. One additional note: a contributing factor is the decline of the white population. To be blunt, there are no white women anymore, or a lot fewer in the population. In the 2000s the Block still had attractive white women in good numbers and so did MPs.

  3. #4514
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolitaman  [View Original Post]
    I'll tell you what put the Block out of business. Instagram and OnlyFans...... The good ones can make money on these sites they don't need to degrade themselves and put up with the scumbag managers down at the block they are no independent. Also Sugarbaby web sites have ruined Strip clubs for same reason they can just find a sugar daddy to pay them and Vice versa men don't need Strip clubs anymore because it's incredibly easy to meet way hotter, cleaner, nicer chicks on these sites than to have to humiliate yourself and be seen in this places just to rub up on young Pussy. No upstanding decent businessman is going to frequent the Block when he can get a hot young college co-Ed who is a 10 to do everything for even less than Block back room prices. So there you go that's why. Now only scumbags and lowlifes on both ends patronize these places and girls who aren't bright enough to be on these sites who still work there. With the advent of social media Strip clubs everywhere and the purpose they use to serve will never be the same again.
    I believe it's WAY more then that but what you are saying is correct also. I use to go the block often before the Pandemic struck. I haven't been to the block since everything reopened. The owners got way too greedy and didn't realize that guys have options. I remember going and getting fleeced buying a girl a water down drink for $25 for for her to finish it off in less then 5 and the bartender comes back over on cue (repeat process). Back in the day a guy could feel a dancer up giving you a lap dance, not so much anymore. In essence the fun has been taken out of the experience, and your paying more money for that lame experience. I use to be able get get takeout pretty frequently, right before Covid dancers were saying that the owners don't allow (because they want all the money to flow through them). Now in 2022, why do I need to go to the club, get fleeced for a remote chance of getting take out when I can just hop on Crawler and have deliver instead right to my house via Uber or Lyft? Strip Clubs are going to way of the Adult Video store and Theaters, but the greed of the owners of the clubs has quicken the pace of their demise.

  4. #4513

    I don't disagree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolitaman  [View Original Post]
    I'll tell you what put the Block out of business. Instagram and OnlyFans...... The good ones can make money on these sites they don't need to degrade themselves and put up with the scumbag managers down at the block they are no independent. Also Sugarbaby web sites have ruined Strip clubs for same reason they can just find a sugar daddy to pay them and Vice versa men don't need Strip clubs anymore because it's incredibly easy to meet way hotter, cleaner, nicer chicks on these sites than to have to humiliate yourself and be seen in this places just to rub up on young Pussy. No upstanding decent businessman is going to frequent the Block when he can get a hot young college co-Ed who is a 10 to do everything for even less than Block back room prices. So there you go that's why. Now only scumbags and lowlifes on both ends patronize these places and girls who aren't bright enough to be on these sites who still work there. With the advent of social media Strip clubs everywhere and the purpose they use to serve will never be the same again.
    But what you are mostly saying is that strip clubs ruined strip clubs. If they were better places to work, they would have more, and more high quality, workers. Club owners for years had all but a monopoly on any kind of retail sex and adult entertainment. Instead of trying to see the future and make things profitable post-internet, they milked clubs for everything they were worth. All the way down.

    The online sites take their cut and sometimes a big one. I have heard that MFC takes like 50% of what performers take in. But at the end of the day the performers are safer, better treated and don't have to worry about scummy owners, customers and the various pimps an drug dealers that show up to clubs and make things miserable for dancers.

    Club owners should have figured this out a long time ago. If they did, they'd still have those licenses to print money. Now that they have to compete, owners who never had to do anything other than mark up beer by 300% have to figure out how to run a business. They had 20 years to do so but they did not. Maybe in the future one will get it but I don't see that happening on The Block.

    BTW, I used to love The Block. I even loved the sleaze when some of my friends wouldn't go near it. But it has gotten so bad and low class (and I, myself, am pretty low class) that even I don't find it fun. That's a bummer. Not much like a night out at a few good strip clubs. I emphasize "good."

    Better choices and better deals for customers and better conditions for entertainers all add up to The Bock's demise IMO.

  5. #4512

    Instagram killed Strip Clubs

    I'll tell you what put the Block out of business. Instagram and OnlyFans...... The good ones can make money on these sites they don't need to degrade themselves and put up with the scumbag managers down at the block they are no independent. Also Sugarbaby web sites have ruined Strip clubs for same reason they can just find a sugar daddy to pay them and Vice versa men don't need Strip clubs anymore because it's incredibly easy to meet way hotter, cleaner, nicer chicks on these sites than to have to humiliate yourself and be seen in this places just to rub up on young Pussy. No upstanding decent businessman is going to frequent the Block when he can get a hot young college co-Ed who is a 10 to do everything for even less than Block back room prices. So there you go that's why. Now only scumbags and lowlifes on both ends patronize these places and girls who aren't bright enough to be on these sites who still work there. With the advent of social media Strip clubs everywhere and the purpose they use to serve will never be the same again.

  6. #4511

    The Block

    I don't know why you guys keep bashing the block. Bottoms Up was such a lovely sight yesterday - 3 or 4 dancers grinding on customers' laps all with panties AWOL. All chill and I have nothing bad to say about the dress code.

  7. #4510

    New dress code for The Block

    Just wear your pants down below your ass you'll fit right in. Have fun.

  8. #4509
    Quote Originally Posted by Alasqano  [View Original Post]
    Heh. All I can do is quote what I said before.
    I know. I've seen your predictions. A sort of "Rumors of my death preceded me" sort of thing. And every time I saw your comments, I had to agree. The block wasn't about to die, it would continue in a long, slow spiral down toward that big, dark hole. Wherever that was going to go. All I can say is that this time over a very short interval of time (a couple of months), the block has changed. Changed radically. And for the worst. The disappearance of the Midway is a big marker. Vickie and her son Jimmie have owned that license for a long time. I suspect that whoever buys it from Jimmie the bar will radically change. But you may be right. The block may rise again. Either that or the developers will get a hold of that very valuable property and turn it into offices and condos for all the rich kids who play a few blocks away.

  9. #4508
    Quote Originally Posted by OneMan  [View Original Post]
    I haven't been to Baltimore for several months. I do remember the glory days of the block, and I always had a wonderful time here. All I can say is that the block itself and as near as I can tell all of the bars on the block have gone way down hill in that time. The white guys and white dancers on the block I can count on 10 fingers and still have a few fingers to spare. The entire block has become a playground for thugs. Tomorrow I'll be back for one last chance to check out a few of the day shift girls but if it's like tonight, I doubt I'll ever come back. And worst of all. My favorite bar seems to have closed. Midway. RIP. If anyone else has any suggestions for a good club in Baltimore outside the block please let me know.

    As an aside, I usually like to take someone pretty from a club back to my hotel. I tried that tonight and while someone (from the Circus) did come back with me I gave her some money and she went out to "smoke a cigarette" and then disappeared. My loss and hers. At least she didn't steal any thing and I didn't lose anything but my pride. It may be the last time I'm in Baltimore. Oh Well. The block will be missed.
    Eventually, someone will figure out some alternative use for that area, and the block will go.

    Until then, the block will survive, but other commentators are right. It has turned into one big urban club (even Hustlers, which used to be the epitome of upscale, now advertises under different name as urban club). My feeling is that the area was changed forever by the Freddie Gray riots, which scared off the usual suburban clientele.

    As for now, there are only three POSSIBLES for those looking to old days:

    1) Indulge daytime only; at least last time I was there, they had kept 5-6 pretty attractive blondes from pre-COVID; a little worn for wear, but still a good deal.

    2) Saturday and Friday night, PC and Harem. More old time bartenders than dancers, but since reopening, those shifts usually have at least one looker (though tip expectations have grown).

    Good luck everyone!

  10. #4507

    Demise of the Block??

    I haven't been to Baltimore for several months. I do remember the glory days of the block, and I always had a wonderful time here. All I can say is that the block itself and as near as I can tell all of the bars on the block have gone way down hill in that time. The white guys and white dancers on the block I can count on 10 fingers and still have a few fingers to spare. The entire block has become a playground for thugs. Tomorrow I'll be back for one last chance to check out a few of the day shift girls but if it's like tonight, I doubt I'll ever come back. And worst of all. My favorite bar seems to have closed. Midway. RIP. If anyone else has any suggestions for a good club in Baltimore outside the block please let me know.

    As an aside, I usually like to take someone pretty from a club back to my hotel. I tried that tonight and while someone (from the Circus) did come back with me I gave her some money and she went out to "smoke a cigarette" and then disappeared. My loss and hers. At least she didn't steal any thing and I didn't lose anything but my pride. It may be the last time I'm in Baltimore. Oh Well. The block will be missed.

  11. #4506
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBlitz23  [View Original Post]
    Anybody have any intel on Christina's Gemale Review?

    They popped up in my Facebook and seem it seems like an interesting club to visit.
    Didn't half of the girls at Haven used to work at Christina's at one point or another?

  12. #4505
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBlitz23  [View Original Post]
    Anybody have any intel on Christina's Gemale Review?

    They popped up in my Facebook and seem it seems like an interesting club to visit.
    Don't bother, it's not a fully nude club (pasties), girls aren't that good looking and bartenders take forever to serve. They are better options.

  13. #4504
    Quote Originally Posted by Balancefighter  [View Original Post]
    Appreciate that. Sounds like we found our spot. So I know it's Byob and they serve you. It's that limited to beer though? Can you bring in liquor and mixers?
    Like with PC they have sodas / water / red bull if needed but you can bring whatever alcohol you want, they keep it on ice for you. Just bring enough that you think you can manage to drink.

  14. #4503
    Quote Originally Posted by MetPage  [View Original Post]
    I was a wagon wheel regular. Definitely McDoogles is the next closest thing. Same kinda of atmosphere, 4 private rooms with no cameras, extras are dependent on the girls. Most girls from Player's club migrated to McDoogles after it closed. You can bring a cooler but they serve you drinks you bring. Lots of good looking girls too. They have pool tables too. Space is bigger than wagon wheel and it's undergoing some minor renovations.
    Appreciate that. Sounds like we found our spot. So I know it's Byob and they serve you. It's that limited to beer though? Can you bring in liquor and mixers?

  15. #4502

    Christina's Female Review

    Anybody have any intel on Christina's Gemale Review?

    They popped up in my Facebook and seem it seems like an interesting club to visit.

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