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  1. #5244

    Tracking Phone

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawtren  [View Original Post]
    I have a company phone (iphone) and it has tacking enabled on it. They can see where I am at any time they like, and I know they check it often. Does anybody know of a way to make it look like I am at. Say McDonald's. And not at a massage parlor? If I just turn it off, they will get suspicious and ask a bunch of questions. Maybe could there be an app of some sort to do this?

    I would sure love the opportunity to slip away for a half hour or so for a quick pick me up during business hours! Any help would be appreciated!

    Play safe!

    I have similar thing just with Find My Friends with family iphones. We all share our location which is very convenient, but I will religiously stop sharing my location when I go to play, then reenable it afterwards. I also put my phone on airplane mode during the visit so if someone calls it goes straight to voicemail, or if they text from iMessage it doesn't say "delivered". Thus it looks like my phone is dead / no signal. Since all my visits in the hobby or an affair are scheduled I set an alarm to remind me to turn it off / on for the visit.

    Sometimes for the heck of it I'll turn off sharing my location when I'm going to meet my family someplace and I KNOW they will monitor my location for progress. I've done that so they notice that sometimes my location is "flakey" when I'm not cheating so they don't get as suspicious if the see I go dark on a date. I just tell them my phone went into low battery mode which stops using GPS in the background. They aren't techie enough to question it. You could do the same thing occasionally while you are at your job site where you are seen by others so if work is tracking you can say "but I'm right here". Set the precedent that your reported location isn't reliable.

    Side note: I do the same thing with the insurance car apps that monitors how you drive for discounts.

  2. #5243
    Banned Member

    Posts: 1086

    Excellent advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Benz1  [View Original Post]
    I joined Planet Fitness they're all over town.

    Join the black membership to have access to nation wide lockers and showers.

    Buy small lock.

    Drop the phone in a locker.

    Go play.

    Come back and wash up if needed.

    Pick up phone.

    Go home.
    Great advice. I like it. Simple. Cheap. Effective. Maybe work out a bit at PF so the company sees you getting in better shape.



  3. #5242
    Senior Member

    Posts: 4338


    Quote Originally Posted by Shawtren  [View Original Post]
    I have a company phone (iphone) and it has tacking enabled on it. They can see where I am at any time they like, and I know they check it often. Does anybody know of a way to make it look like I am at. Say McDonald's. And not at a massage parlor? If I just turn it off, they will get suspicious and ask a bunch of questions. Maybe could there be an app of some sort to do this?

    I would sure love the opportunity to slip away for a half hour or so for a quick pick me up during business hours! Any help would be appreciated!

    Play safe!

    I joined Planet Fitness they're all over town.

    Join the black membership to have access to nation wide lockers and showers.

    Buy small lock.

    Drop the phone in a locker.

    Go play.

    Come back and wash up if needed.

    Pick up phone.

    Go home.

  4. #5241
    Quote Originally Posted by Shawtren  [View Original Post]
    I have a company phone (iphone) and it has tacking enabled on it. They can see where I am at any time they like, and I know they check it often. Does anybody know of a way to make it look like I am at. Say McDonald's. And not at a massage parlor? If I just turn it off, they will get suspicious and ask a bunch of questions. Maybe could there be an app of some sort to do this?

    I would sure love the opportunity to slip away for a half hour or so for a quick pick me up during business hours! Any help would be appreciated!

    Play safe!

    1). Leave it on your desk.

    2) get a new job.

    3) give up the hobby.

  5. #5240


    Quote Originally Posted by Shawtren  [View Original Post]
    I have a company phone (iphone) and it has tacking enabled on it. They can see where I am at any time they like, and I know they check it often. Does anybody know of a way to make it look like I am at. Say McDonald's. And not at a massage parlor? If I just turn it off, they will get suspicious and ask a bunch of questions. Maybe could there be an app of some sort to do this?

    I would sure love the opportunity to slip away for a half hour or so for a quick pick me up during business hours! Any help would be appreciated!

    Play safe!

    Perhaps a faraday bag. They block all signals coming and going. Phones disconnect and reconnect to the network all the time. Who would be the wiser?


  6. #5239

    Hacking Tracking

    I have a company phone (iphone) and it has tacking enabled on it. They can see where I am at any time they like, and I know they check it often. Does anybody know of a way to make it look like I am at. Say McDonald's. And not at a massage parlor? If I just turn it off, they will get suspicious and ask a bunch of questions. Maybe could there be an app of some sort to do this?

    I would sure love the opportunity to slip away for a half hour or so for a quick pick me up during business hours! Any help would be appreciated!

    Play safe!


  7. #5238
    Senior Member

    Posts: 4338
    The following errors occurred with your submission.

    EngrGuy has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

  8. #5237
    Quote Originally Posted by Benz1  [View Original Post]
    LakeGuy70 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
    My mailbox is empty now.


  9. #5236
    Senior Member

    Posts: 4338
    Quote Originally Posted by Dean27  [View Original Post]
    Benz you're at your limit with emails. Quit being so popular LOL.
    LakeGuy70 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

  10. #5235

    End it

    Quote Originally Posted by Russians  [View Original Post]
    Hi, just seeking advice, I've been coummincating with a sugar baby on secret benefits she is 41 years old and is telling me there ar so many men willing to pay a lot to see her. She goes by the post of jessica 5 I've had car play with her once and she is not fat but had 4 kids so by far not a spinner. She wants a monthly allowance, and keeps telling me how she can get a lot Have you ever had an arrangement or know of someone who has.
    You're more than likely getting played. You should just assume that she is saying the exact same thing to every other guy she is talking to. She has four kids. Only pay to play, and don't fall in love my friend. These girls will chew you up and stomp on your emotions.

    Please save your time and money.

  11. #5234
    Benz you're at your limit with emails. Quit being so popular LOL.

  12. #5233
    Quote Originally Posted by DuDonk  [View Original Post]
    Ditto for me A'Man, Mine claims to be up to date with Catalina 10.15. 7. DOB on the Mac Book Pro is 2012. I use safari in a Private setting. It just started misbehaving a month or two ago.
    I am using an older 2011 mac for hobbying "research" purposes also and found that I needed to switch to using a Firefox browser. It also has a privacy mode. You might try installing whatever the latest version that is compatible with your vintage mac and OS.


  13. #5232

    Mac pics

    Ditto for me A'Man, Mine claims to be up to date with Catalina 10.15. 7. DOB on the Mac Book Pro is 2012. I use safari in a Private setting. It just started misbehaving a month or two ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by AngelsMan  [View Original Post]
    Not sure if this is the right place for this, but recently my older MAC laptop is only loading about half of the pics on STG. I either get a pic of the lady, or a blank square with a? Inside.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Note. Other sites seam to load everything fine.


  14. #5231

    I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by RufusFirefly  [View Original Post]
    Those girls need to wear more cloths.
    Which is why I am surprised they don't get arrested! It is pretty obvious what they are doing. Sometimes parents walk by with their young children and these SW are standing at a corner with their entire ass hanging out. When I first started strolling, a lot of the SW dressed sexy, but for the most part; they were covered.

    Big states like LA and NV can be dangerous as they have SW that are underage. Anyone that pimps out a woman that's not yet 18, needs to be put in prison for life.

  15. #5230

    Please put more on

    Quote Originally Posted by PaperClips  [View Original Post]
    I'm not sure where exactly to post this: I remember when SW in Grand Rapids used to dress scantly like this, but police presence shut that down real quick. It seems like ladies in LA do not care. Still till this day, they are dressing with hardly anything on!

    I came across this YouTube channel by accident. Seems like there's plenty of action to have there.
    Those girls need to wear more cloths.

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