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Thread: Wesst coast streetwalking

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  1. #3


    There have been some recent reports where many girls are asking $150 min. Just last week I ran into a few girls that were asking these outlandish prices. We all need to remember that all these girls care about is the money. Once you give into their high prices you raise rates for yourself and everyone else. Back in 2012 it was not to hard to find a hot SW that was willing to give a good BJ for $40-$50. Even last year there was girls willing to give a BJ for $70. We just need to try and give into our urges and stop paying these high prices.

  2. #2

    WSW's on the west coast

    It in unfortunate that the West coast WSW scene has gone downhill over years. These days & a fthe only good places are Seattle & Portland. There is a few good WSW's in LA & a few random ones in SD. The downside is that so many fools have driven up the prices for the rest of us. Even in Vegas it is difficult to find any good WSW's. In TJ there is a few good light skinned SG / SW's there. The downside is that is fairly rare to see any new good street girls. All the good ones work in Hong Kong bar.

  3. #1

    Wesst coast streetwalking

    Wesst coast streetwalking.

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