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  1. #3309
    Prostitution isn't illegal in Japan LOL 😂 I've been to 4 different blowjob bars, 3 different soaplands and have gotten escort services in love hotels and the Hilton I stayed in Tokyo.

    The only thing illegal is the quality there compared to here. They worship you like gods LOL. Everything is better in Japan trust me. Go to a macdonalds and the burgers will come out looking exactly like the pictures haha 😂.

  2. #3308
    Quote Originally Posted by HellOnEarth  [View Original Post]
    Prostitution is illegal in Japan.
    It's so funny that FS is illegal in Japan but HJ, BJ and even Greek (They call it AF in japan) are all legal.

  3. #3307
    Quote Originally Posted by Jokerx27  [View Original Post]
    First post here, seconding desire for info on j-girls in OC. I too wish to relive my once upon a time in Japan, though I didn't really have too much of a problem mongering over there. Was amazing, even ended up dating an AV I met at a shop for a few months. Though I was in Japan at the start of the pandemic, and did see *many* shops closing their doors to foreigners. Still, not impossible if you can speak the language at the basic level.

    I've gotten a couple hits in the past, MKC had like 2 over the past 3 years. One of them was really sweet, and the other for some reason really wanted to talk about politics after we were done, that was really weird, but *shrug*. Beyond that, Asuka from Booker Gray in LA is Japanese and seems to be fairly regular, and I think the girls from lafantasy are Japanese.

    Personally, I've had some success at hostess clubs. You need game, and you're basically approaching the sugar dating realm more than the mongering. Zero / Bambino in Torrance, all the girls I've seen have been Japanese and most of them have been college students, I've heard there's another one next to Bristol (owned by the same owners I think) called Kako, going to check that out tonight. Chacha is a bit of a dive, but seems to be more for English speakers. Bristol also employs a good number of English speaking, non-Japanese girls.

    IMO the biggest issue is prostitution is basically legal in Japan, and similar wages to what we pay here in the states. Why's a girl going to fly to another country, have to pay living expenses and make the same wage she can back in Japan, and have even less legal protection as she does in Japan? Even when they get to MILF status, they can still work at Soaplands and / or do AV.
    Prostitution is illegal in Japan.

  4. #3306
    Quote Originally Posted by TnaStylez  [View Original Post]
    You might not be looking in the right places, there were plenty of JAV stars working in LA during the pandemic. You are right in that it is a crap shoot with C-orgs but you can walk if you don't like the girl or ask for the line up. Try doing that with a k-org and they will strike you with the ban hammer.
    Where can we find the JAV stars? That's on my checklist.

  5. #3305
    Quote Originally Posted by ReDtoLaunch  [View Original Post]
    Could you point us in the Jap direction? Perhaps myself or others can relive / live "once upon a time in Japan. " it was not easy prepandemic for Gaijin to get in the real Jap cream in the land of rising sun and likely quite impossible these times and after. Yea, I've never walked out on the K-ladies in all these years but only less than a handful of times that I thought I should've. I guess the C-orgs trained me about YMMV real good.
    First post here, seconding desire for info on j-girls in OC. I too wish to relive my once upon a time in Japan, though I didn't really have too much of a problem mongering over there. Was amazing, even ended up dating an AV I met at a shop for a few months. Though I was in Japan at the start of the pandemic, and did see *many* shops closing their doors to foreigners. Still, not impossible if you can speak the language at the basic level.

    I've gotten a couple hits in the past, MKC had like 2 over the past 3 years. One of them was really sweet, and the other for some reason really wanted to talk about politics after we were done, that was really weird, but *shrug*. Beyond that, Asuka from Booker Gray in LA is Japanese and seems to be fairly regular, and I think the girls from lafantasy are Japanese.

    Personally, I've had some success at hostess clubs. You need game, and you're basically approaching the sugar dating realm more than the mongering. Zero / Bambino in Torrance, all the girls I've seen have been Japanese and most of them have been college students, I've heard there's another one next to Bristol (owned by the same owners I think) called Kako, going to check that out tonight. Chacha is a bit of a dive, but seems to be more for English speakers. Bristol also employs a good number of English speaking, non-Japanese girls.

    IMO the biggest issue is prostitution is basically legal in Japan, and similar wages to what we pay here in the states. Why's a girl going to fly to another country, have to pay living expenses and make the same wage she can back in Japan, and have even less legal protection as she does in Japan? Even when they get to MILF status, they can still work at Soaplands and / or do AV.

  6. #3304

    Any names of note?

    The only notable J-pornstars I've seen touring were in New York. Milfy hot Reina Fukishi among others. Anyone of note in LA?

    Quote Originally Posted by TnaStylez  [View Original Post]
    You might not be looking in the right places, there were plenty of JAV stars working in LA during the pandemic. You are right in that it is a crap shoot with C-orgs but you can walk if you don't like the girl or ask for the line up. Try doing that with a k-org and they will strike you with the ban hammer.

  7. #3303


    Quote Originally Posted by TnaStylez  [View Original Post]
    You might not be looking in the right places, there were plenty of JAV stars working in LA during the pandemic.
    Could you point us in the Jap direction? Perhaps myself or others can relive / live "once upon a time in Japan. " it was not easy prepandemic for Gaijin to get in the real Jap cream in the land of rising sun and likely quite impossible these times and after. Yea, I've never walked out on the K-ladies in all these years but only less than a handful of times that I thought I should've. I guess the C-orgs trained me about YMMV real good.

  8. #3302
    Quote Originally Posted by ReDtoLaunch  [View Original Post]
    Website seem to be C-org Booker. Had been using some Sgv C-Org shops in LA. Most times completely B&S, I'd ended up preferring the K-Orgs at the moment. Every now & then, may find a CYA or HYA at the C-org. Haven't come across any Jap girl since the Pandemic w the C-orgs even when they claim and pretend to be Jap.
    You might not be looking in the right places, there were plenty of JAV stars working in LA during the pandemic. You are right in that it is a crap shoot with C-orgs but you can walk if you don't like the girl or ask for the line up. Try doing that with a k-org and they will strike you with the ban hammer.

  9. #3301
    Quote Originally Posted by ReDtoLaunch  [View Original Post]
    Website seem to be C-org Booker. Had been using some Sgv C-Org shops in LA. Most times completely B&S, I'd ended up preferring the K-Orgs at the moment. Every now & then, may find a CYA or HYA at the C-org. Haven't come across any Jap girl since the Pandemic w the C-orgs even when they claim and pretend to be Jap.
    I believe I've had that girl that's listed as Japanese. Pretty sure she was Chinese. She does look like those pics, pretty sure she was wearing the same bra / panties when I saw her too. You're right about these c-org bookers. It's very YMMV. Before the website crackdown, used to be a couple of good c-orgs in Anaheim that had young girls who did like to fuck. Now they're mostly late 30's-40's and just barely passable as a convenience fuck. From my experience with these guys is that the $200/30 min are very close to the pics.

    That being said, I saw a girl last month that was easily on par with k-org. She was young 23 - and had a tight yoga body with firm b's if you guys like them perky. I was going to try a duo with this org, but this girl was so hot, I decided I'd rather spend full time with her. The weird thing is that this young girl and the "Japanese" girl were seen in a different city than what was advertised. I feel like they just move the girls around and will give you whoever is available. So it's incredibly hard to recommend these c-orgs since it's such an up and down experience. My advice is trying to arrange to be able to choose between girls, and politely decline the girl if she's not up to your liking. But kissing is extremely rare and I've never had one who did DATY if those are important to you. So your expectations should be low to begin with. But I used to frequent the SGV c-orgs too, I miss having random great experiences with them.

  10. #3300
    Quote Originally Posted by TnaStylez  [View Original Post]
    beeshousedotnet good luck!
    Website seem to be C-org Booker. Had been using some Sgv C-Org shops in LA. Most times completely B&S, I'd ended up preferring the K-Orgs at the moment. Every now & then, may find a CYA or HYA at the C-org. Haven't come across any Jap girl since the Pandemic w the C-orgs even when they claim and pretend to be Jap.

  11. #3299
    Quote Originally Posted by Plastique  [View Original Post]
    Min-ClassyExotic in HX have Japanese girls. I don't know if all of thier girls are Japanese, but the girl I met named Airu was definitely Japanese. She didn't even speak any English and had to use a translator device the whole session.
    Seems like she's been gone for a while. I'll keep my eye open on that agency, I suppose. Apparently, Milknhoney has some too, so I'll see what they're about. Any thoughts on them would be appreciated. Only Asian girl I've seen was Kgirl Dahee over a year ago and she was great.

  12. #3298
    Quote Originally Posted by TheZorak  [View Original Post]
    Dang it. Alright, thanks.
    Min-ClassyExotic in HX have Japanese girls. I don't know if all of thier girls are Japanese, but the girl I met named Airu was definitely Japanese. She didn't even speak any English and had to use a translator device the whole session.

  13. #3297
    Quote Originally Posted by TheZorak  [View Original Post]
    Dang it. Alright, thanks.
    There are a couple of JDM girls currently available. Here is one beeshousedotnet good luck!

  14. #3296
    Quote Originally Posted by Bartolo2003  [View Original Post]
    Finding a Japanese provider in OC, is almost impossible. I have asked the same question in the OC forums but got no answer from any hobbyist. You want to practice Japanese? I have read in the LA forums that Yoko is or at least pretends to be Japanese. She is the LA area, and you can find her at the website lafantasy. Live.

    If you decide to give Yoko a try, let's know about your experience.
    Dang it. Alright, thanks.

  15. #3295
    Quote Originally Posted by TheZorak  [View Original Post]
    Damn, okay, thanks. Suddenly got a hankering for Japanese girls. At least to practice the language LOL. Since I've been out of the Asian loop for a while, can you / someone direct me to HX groups that definitely have them? I searched "Japanese" on the OC forums but haven't really found anything.
    Finding a Japanese provider in OC, is almost impossible. I have asked the same question in the OC forums but got no answer from any hobbyist. You want to practice Japanese? I have read in the LA forums that Yoko is or at least pretends to be Japanese. She is the LA area, and you can find her at the website lafantasy. Live.

    If you decide to give Yoko a try, let's know about your experience.

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