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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #33027
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1239
    Quote Originally Posted by NoHorni  [View Original Post]
    Not a new guy. Just looking for info. Other people seem to be able to do that if they're coming in from out of town or if they have a high enough post count. You didn't even have to respond anyway! I check daily on this site in this forum, you guys either talking about the same 5 spas (CLM, Orange, 819, Tokoyo, a random Thai one with ladyboys). Someone asked about Jin Spa and I did give my knowledge of what I knew. Did the same with Chicago men spa. Not argumentative, just your attitude rubbed me the wrong way. Some asked about Jin and I didn't see anyone say "oh toftt and find out" or "oh there's info on the forum". Despite what his status, he still have people help him. If you don't feel like help then don't but don't go and belittle someone for whatever invalid reason.
    Claiming you are not a new guy after you act like one in all of your posts doesn't exactly further your point.

  2. #33026

    Randomly Seeing girls outside the massage world.

    There's been times where I've ran into some girls, outside of their work area, ofc at times it's awkward for them, for me it's kinda funny except that one time I was with my partner LOL.

    I go to this planet fitness and there there is this Asian girl with huge bolts on and so petite I'm almost tempted to ask her if she does massages, she looks like one of those girls that orange post in their over photo shopped pics. Ideal girl she's like 5'2 weighs no more than 90 lbs triple ds.

    She also has a friend that looks really familiar and could swear I've seen her before somewhere, she has a dark birthmark above her heart, I have shitty memory that's why I doubt myself smh.

    Anyone else bumped into random girls in the outside world??0.

  3. #33025

    Broadway Spa

    Quote Originally Posted by AyoHell  [View Original Post]
    She somehow got $1. Tip out of me for clothed L1. Wasn't discussed until after the flip. She said 1.5 for L2 wtf. She knew I was there to see her and it was her time of the month so maybe that was why. But I should have complained. That is way too much. Maybe negotiate up front if you go.
    I have seen at least 3 girls here. All were really cute to hot and all gave great spa quality massages. Their prices for extras are way too high and has kept me from continuing to repeat. Know that going it and if you want a great massage by a good looking girl, its great. I might go back just for the massage, maybe if a few of us do that, they will get the point?

  4. #33024

    Spoon Feed Much

    Quote Originally Posted by NoHorni  [View Original Post]
    Not a new guy. Just looking for info. Other people seem to be able to do that if they're coming in from out of town or if they have a high enough post count. You didn't even have to respond anyway! I check daily on this site in this forum, you guys either talking about the same 5 spas (CLM, Orange, 819, Tokoyo, a random Thai one with ladyboys). Someone asked about Jin Spa and I did give my knowledge of what I knew. Did the same with Chicago men spa. Not argumentative, just your attitude rubbed me the wrong way. Some asked about Jin and I didn't see anyone say "oh toftt and find out" or "oh there's info on the forum". Despite what his status, he still have people help him. If you don't feel like help then don't but don't go and belittle someone for whatever invalid reason.
    Dude, literally read the thread and get out there. No one can curate an experience for you.

  5. #33023


    Quote Originally Posted by NoHorni  [View Original Post]
    Literally how is it vague? It's a pretty simple question. And what does take a few for the team means? The reason why I'm asking is because I been to a few mps recently and only had luck with one.

    Where they are okay with you touching them (Grabbing ass, caressing thigh, etc). Not trying to sound like an asshole or be difficult. I'm just here asking a question. Sure, I can comb through outdated info that was posted on here or info that could be entirely fake. Or I could ask a question on here like all the other people did and get an answer that's not sass sounding or being a dick.
    Give Lotus & Lavender a try. The girls love to be touched!

  6. #33022

    Pro tip

    Quote Originally Posted by AyoHell  [View Original Post]
    She somehow got $1. Tip out of me for clothed L1. Wasn't discussed until after the flip. She said 1.5 for L2 wtf. She knew I was there to see her and it was her time of the month so maybe that was why. But I should have complained. That is way too much. Maybe negotiate up front if you go.
    Never negotiate. Let her quote prices, and opt for the cheapest selection. Providers will often deduct $20-30 off of an upgraded service. Not all providers will, but 60-70% will.

  7. #33021
    Quote Originally Posted by FruitNinja  [View Original Post]
    There is plenty of recent reviews on here that are recent. Like there are daily reviews. Regulars here tire of the new guys that want to be spoon fed information on a daily basis when there's plenty of information if you just read the forum. Guys post and then the new gut that's too lazy to read the forum wants everyone else to work for them and re-post information that they've already posted. Nobody is going to help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. Looking at your 21 posts, most are questions and deletions because you're argumentative. Take a look in the mirror.
    Not a new guy. Just looking for info. Other people seem to be able to do that if they're coming in from out of town or if they have a high enough post count. You didn't even have to respond anyway! I check daily on this site in this forum, you guys either talking about the same 5 spas (CLM, Orange, 819, Tokoyo, a random Thai one with ladyboys). Someone asked about Jin Spa and I did give my knowledge of what I knew. Did the same with Chicago men spa. Not argumentative, just your attitude rubbed me the wrong way. Some asked about Jin and I didn't see anyone say "oh toftt and find out" or "oh there's info on the forum". Despite what his status, he still have people help him. If you don't feel like help then don't but don't go and belittle someone for whatever invalid reason.

  8. #33020


    Quote Originally Posted by Billy73  [View Original Post]
    Anyone test drive Jin Spa on S Michigan downtown?

    Going to try and get in there tomorrow or Tuesday but was wondering if anyone has checked this spot out yet appears to be on the 13th Floor of a building on S Michigan Ave.

    But any intel would be helpful and I'll report back from my visit also.
    Been a few times, older bbw with big tits named Ipop (I know weird name). Pretty expensive for L1 around 100-120. Shitty massage and light teasing. Last time she got tired from trying to get me to bust and had to resort to self service. Also be ready to give an I'd at the desk when you enter the building and they make you sign in.

    Wish there were more options downtown between granny bbw and Angel bag of bones, its insane how there isn't a decent parlor in the Loop. This fuckin city man I swear.

  9. #33019

    Broadway Nadia

    She somehow got $1. Tip out of me for clothed L1. Wasn't discussed until after the flip. She said 1.5 for L2 wtf. She knew I was there to see her and it was her time of the month so maybe that was why. But I should have complained. That is way too much. Maybe negotiate up front if you go.

  10. #33018

    Jin Spa. Review

    8 X Mich.

    Thanks for all the intel appreciate you guys.

    Called this morning and she told me she would text me rates and she said 80 yuan I'm thinking I hit the jackpot for $11.25 USD LOL but I knew what she meant -.

    Headed over got the 1 hr for $80 about 40 minutes into a really good massage she pulled my underwear down and started the prostate rub which got me stupid rock hard on the flip was only offered L1 for $60 more and took it and was one of the better L1 I've gotten in a long time. Reminds me of the older woman at Belmont Spa 5-6 years ago. The $140'worth the out of the ordinary experience. Sign in at desk on 13th floor building is oddly vacant and spooky.

    Location 9/10 great for a work lunch time pop.

    Girl 6/10 older probably 50's attractive with giant tits.

    Cost 6/10 Pricey for a jerk off but it was a hell of a jerk.

    Would repeat just for the ease of access older woman but still has some attractive sides to her and those tits are worth it alone.

  11. #33017
    Quote Originally Posted by SmileySam  [View Original Post]
    Tons of info on the forum. Just got to take some effort. Also writing reviews seems to be a good habit to get into. Cheers.
    Sam is right, there's a lot of current info on here if so scroll through. Pay any of them a visit, walk in and if you don't like what you see leave. If it's your 1st time there maybe just do the half hour and see how that goes and post a review.

  12. #33016

    Jin Spa

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy73  [View Original Post]
    Anyone test drive Jin Spa on S Michigan downtown?

    Going to try and get in there tomorrow or Tuesday but was wondering if anyone has checked this spot out yet appears to be on the 13th Floor of a building on S Michigan Ave.

    But any intel would be helpful and I'll report back from my visit also.
    I went once. Was expensive and nothing great. Older woman rub and tug, nothing extra. I work nearby, and I do not think they are there anymore. At least not in the 180 and. Michigan building. If you go an it is better, let us know. With all the office vacancy downtown I am surprised there are not more opening up downtown.

  13. #33015
    Quote Originally Posted by DWaits  [View Original Post]
    And on that note, I'm surprised there aren't any shops around the Argyle stop. Maybe the area is too community oriented and its easier to stick with locations where the women don't run into people they know?
    Used to be a lot of street prostitution in the area and maybe an apartment or two, but there's never been any spas around there.

  14. #33014


    Quote Originally Posted by NoHorni  [View Original Post]
    Literally how is it vague? It's a pretty simple question. And what does take a few for the team means? The reason why I'm asking is because I been to a few mps recently and only had luck with one.

    Where they are okay with you touching them (Grabbing ass, caressing thigh, etc). Not trying to sound like an asshole or be difficult. I'm just here asking a question. Sure, I can comb through outdated info that was posted on here or info that could be entirely fake. Or I could ask a question on here like all the other people did and get an answer that's not sass sounding or being a dick.
    There is plenty of recent reviews on here that are recent. Like there are daily reviews. Regulars here tire of the new guys that want to be spoon fed information on a daily basis when there's plenty of information if you just read the forum. Guys post and then the new gut that's too lazy to read the forum wants everyone else to work for them and re-post information that they've already posted. Nobody is going to help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. Looking at your 21 posts, most are questions and deletions because you're argumentative. Take a look in the mirror.

  15. #33013
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisDemos  [View Original Post]
    Any luck with Le rose. I see they offer waxing too.
    Visited few months back. The chick use to work at body mind soul on northside. He is legit but was only 1st visit. No otc or hints.

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