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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports (Formerly Pine)

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  1. #3568


    Already TOFTT several months ago at Healing Hands. Two MTs wore masks so hard to tell, but one looked great as far as I could ascertain. The one that chose me I'm not so sure. Rub was OK, but no sign of below the belt roaming.

    $80 door fee but I chose the $60 half hour because I didn't want to waste money unnecessarily.

    Would like to try again if someone says they loosened up on the legitimate nature of the place that I experienced. Not looking to make any announcements, just want to know if some fluid could be extracted. PM please if anyone has enhanced experiences. THANK YOU in advance.

    Happy to share intel.

  2. #3567


    Quote Originally Posted by Dbomb  [View Original Post]
    Has anyone been to the place near Washington and Lewis in Waukegan? I think it was mentioned once before, but in a negative light. Thanks.
    Yes. There seems to be a lot of Asian men running the show there. They're around the front desk, speaking loudly during massage etc. Once one of them kept talking to my masseuse during the massage through the curtain.

    Been there twice, no extras. No hints. First time lady ditched my butt towel and I was bare ass. 2nd time ass was covered the entire time. Pretty older women. Just wish for better a finish. Hopefully they loosen up after being open longer.

  3. #3566
    Senior Member

    Posts: 219

    New Massage in Waukegan

    Has anyone been to the place near Washington and Lewis in Waukegan? I think it was mentioned once before, but in a negative light. Thanks.

  4. #3565


    Quote Originally Posted by LuvNooke2  [View Original Post]
    Looks like 2 foot spa's in Round Lake Beach. I've read the post but can't figure out which is Joy on 83 or Apple on Rollins.
    Sorry, I assumed the previous poster I replied to mentioned it.

  5. #3564

    Foot Spa confusion

    Looks like 2 foot spa's in Round Lake Beach. I've read the post but can't figure out which is Joy on 83 or Apple on Rollins.

  6. #3563

    Cici, pretty girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by FearTheDeer  [View Original Post]
    Cutie alert! Very cute girl there in her 30's. Massage is almost non-existent but her forplay and teasing is fantastic and she's very good and fun.

    Enhanced l1 first visit. .8 tip negotiations were not discussed and she was happy with it. Named cici or lili not sure hard to understand and really no English LOL.
    Stopped in on your suggestion. She's very cute, a little thick. Cici is her name and she is asked for quite often. Nice C's and full bum. Massage good enough. House fee is 70 there. Agreed on 60 for L1 and added 20 for the sisters.

  7. #3562

    New talent GL

    I visited GL today, and met ISA, according to her. When I called and asked they said it was Lili. Anyways it was a Chubby mature person, who did try hard, and succeed.

  8. #3561


    Quote Originally Posted by ChgSpaMan  [View Original Post]
    But how was Lucky? How about a report of her etc. Thanks. These girls often rotate to the Lisle sister apartment as well.
    I really like Lucky, seen her a few times. The reason we got walked-in on, is because we were chatting using WeChat and she wasn't checking her text messages from the boss. She heard the knock on the door, and it was a real "Oh Shit!" moment. I went into the kitchen, and the door partially blocked the sight of me. I saw a (younger) monger guy come in and she shooed him into the bedroom right away so he wouldn't see me. Was kind of embarrassing, LOL.

  9. #3560

    Rlb foot spa

    Cutie alert! Very cute girl there in her 30's. Massage is almost non-existent but her forplay and teasing is fantastic and she's very good and fun.

    Enhanced l1 first visit. .8 tip negotiations were not discussed and she was happy with it. Named cici or lili not sure hard to understand and really no English LOL.

  10. #3559


    Quote Originally Posted by ChgSpaMan  [View Original Post]
    But how was Lucky? How about a report of her etc. Thanks. These girls often rotate to the Lisle sister apartment as well.
    Mamasan had to say it's ok and Lucky had to let him in. Very unusual. They are very careful to make sure you get out first. Oh well.

    So tell us how Lucky was! I need to get back there. Maybe this is the one for me.

  11. #3558

    But how was Lucky

    Quote Originally Posted by MrLoudMonger  [View Original Post]
    Was at GL the other day, had an hour appt with Lucky. Anyway, after the fun and dressed, a knock on the door and one of you mongers walked in, while I'm in the kitchen to the left LOL. Awkward!
    But how was Lucky? How about a report of her etc. Thanks. These girls often rotate to the Lisle sister apartment as well.

  12. #3557

    Sorry to the co-Monger I ran into, at the GL apartment

    Was at GL the other day, had an hour appt with Lucky. Anyway, after the fun and dressed, a knock on the door and one of you mongers walked in, while I'm in the kitchen to the left LOL. Awkward!

  13. #3556


    Anybody here have access? I would like to know what's in a review.

    T. I. A.

  14. #3555


    Anyone got any changes at Healing Hands.

    PM if yes please. I will share what I have.

  15. #3554

    Joy are L B

    Decided to try something different. I'm amiliar with the place, I've had some good times there. I met Lulu. Very attractive. Nice shape minor BD. After a good massage and finish, I would return. She wanted bigger tip, but don't they all? 40 used to be standard for L1, but I guess 60 is the new standard.

    The $70 house fee is kind of a turn off. But what the hell everything is expensive now.

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