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Thread: 2005 Archived General Reports

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  1. #678


    I had a crack at Christine today. She’s been out on the circuit since last October.

    Pickup - at the K Ave Dunkin Donuts at about 3 PM Saturday. She didn’t really invite me with her eyes when I passed by her at first. Finally I chatted her up, and she said she would be around all day, but was waiting for something to be dropped off from a friend. When she got that drop-off, she spent a long time in the DD restroom (hmm).

    Looks - Blonde/brown straight hair down to the shoulder blades, blue eyes, 5’ 3”, C-cup with just a slight sag, short shaved pussy hair, medium weight, decent ass, pleasant youthful face.

    The Deal - She agreed to FS at the Patio for $50.

    Personal Story - Raised in Fishtown, 23 years old, has 3 kids who she lost custody of when she got onto heroin, has worked with kids professionally, has been arrested only once in her life in a K Ave sting, has detoxed several times before, hopes to do rehab in West Philly in a couple of weeks, is basically homeless this week.

    Performance - She’s a happy lover, snuggly between the sheets, allowed all the kissing & fondling I wanted, didn't rush, didn’t try to direct things.

    Gossip - She said that Angie has been locked up after warrant police busted a hole in her door; that Gina comes out infrequently & works mainly off her cell phone.

    Bottom Line - A nice person, pleasant looks, good performance.

  2. #677
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Dong
    Did a quick survelience run this morning around 10am, before heading down the shore. Kensington was crazed with LE pulling lots of folks over. I must have done the run a total of 7 or 8 times and each time saw a few more being harassed. Only saw 3-4 SW's during the time. Swifted off to Camden which was just the opposite with no cops and at least 5 or 6 ladies. Didnt partake.

    I want to be nominated for the award in 2005 for the monger who put the most miles on his vehicle this year while mongering. Leased a car Feb '05 and have put 21,000K on it already! Considering that my office is 1 mile from my apt and I dont do any extensive other driving, I feel that I'm most deserving. Not sure what I want yet. Perhaps some additional miles added to my lease.

    I took the drive around 11am to about 12:15 today also. Yes alot of LE but seems they were just harrassing normal people more than the SW. Though I really didn't see much of them either. Guess they are just trying to clean up as much as possible now figuring they'll be busy looking for drunk drivers later.

    21K in a year, WOW!! I figured about 200 a week cruising for me, but you have me beat! Probably recognize each others vehicles if we knew each other. I see some of the same all the time, and most all OK except for one that drives beyond slow and always seems to somehow get in front of me..LoL

    I also enjoy this board and the info it brings, just wish more people would post next year instead of just lurking. If 20 more people start sharing here it would be awesome.

  3. #676

    HNY (add it to the abbreviation list)

    Did a quick survelience run this morning around 10am, before heading down the shore. Kensington was crazed with LE pulling lots of folks over. I must have done the run a total of 7 or 8 times and each time saw a few more being harassed. Only saw 3-4 SW's during the time. Swifted off to Camden which was just the opposite with no cops and at least 5 or 6 ladies. Didnt partake.

    2005 has been a good year to me. I discovered this awesome website and have been addicted ever since. I was lucky to get involved just at the time when the 2 boards were going thru some difficult times. I still check out the other from time to time.

    I want to be nominated for the award in 2005 for the monger who put the most miles on his vehicle this year while mongering. Leased a car Feb '05 and have put 21,000K on it already! Considering that my office is 1 mile from my apt and I dont do any extensive other driving, I feel that I'm most deserving. Not sure what I want yet. Perhaps some additional miles added to my lease.

    Guys, I want to thank you all for your sharing of info and allowing me to be part of this hobby. I hope you all have wonderful and prosperous New Year. Stay healthy.Looking forward to sharing lots in the upcomming year.

    Happy New Year!! (HNY)


  4. #675
    Quote Originally Posted by Aressex
    Compare this to an escort service, who you might have to give some of your personal info to. You have to trust they don't roll over if heat comes down; they inevitably will do whatever it takes to cover their ass. Also, I've never had to deal with a scam, boyfriend, nasty driver or pimp with a SW, where such stories are not uncommon with escorts. Finally, there's the "how much would you rather lose" factor....$50 for two escapees isn't anything compared to the $150 plus a single escort can take you for if she bolts.
    You couldn't be more correct!! When I was younger and just out of the military I used to cruise the K first for pussy and also because of price. Back then full service outcall was about 125 and the massage places on Vine St were about 90. I could get what I wanted on the K for 10-20.

    Once I moved up in my job and started making the bucks I started using the agencies, thinking I'd get hotter girls and better service. Boy was I ever wrong!!! Give me the streets anyday for finding talent. Yes I've had the girls who you would pay 200 or more and be a cold fish and also druggies, so why not pay less.

  5. #674

    Releasing digits??

    Being relatively new here, I am asking for your opinions. I myself feel uncomfortable releasing anything to anybody (via PM) with no prior posts.

    What are your thoughts?

  6. #673

    New AMP in Philly Suburbs Accupressure Center + Swan Spa review

    There is a new amp that has opened up called Accupressure Center. Just wondering if anyone else has been there yet. I have gone a few times already and have had good service each time. There is also 1/2 hr available.

    I visited Da Swan and I guess everyone else was busy so the mamasan gave the massage. Very good service and DD's. I do not think she typically gives the massages so perhaps I got lucky.

  7. #672

    Tattle Tales South

    Found out last night that Tattle Tales South is no longer BYOB.

    They must of gotten their liquior license back. So no more $10 cover.

  8. #671
    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth
    Long ago, there were reports about a Rachel (not the current one) that was cute and had implants. Has anyone seen here or know where she can be found? Are there any other enhanced girls out there besides Dawn?


    Who is this enhanced Dawn? I only know of one, and except for this summer when she was pregs, and for a while after, she is certainly no more than a B-cup. Are there any pics here?

  9. #670
    Tuesday night met Jessica at Sergant & K. Long dirty blond hair. Very good
    and not a kook. Midnight & after.

    Saw Bianca near dd. Very scary. Also near the dd saw a wsw with brown hair that she wears in a bun. She has a long red coat. Taller with a cute face. Occasionally a dude is with her. Anyone know her?

  10. #669

    Urban Warrior Resigns

    Somehow I missed this great news last month: the Daily News Urban Warrior has "resigned".

    You may remember her as the columnist who pushed to publish the names and photos of men arrested for patronizing prostitutes.

    There was some discussion on this thread about her presuming people guilty until proven innocent.

    I will presume she was guilty, until proven innocent, of crying wolf to her readers once too often, irritating her co-workers, being too pushy in seeking a raise, failing to get a promotion, failing to find a job with another newspaper, and ultimately being forced to take the minimum severance pay.

    Good riddance.

  11. #668

    Rough Justice

    In case it comes as news to anyone, the monger who hired Ashley Burg, the 17-year-old escort and (allegedly) provided her with a lethal amount of cocaine has been arrested after a grand jury returned an indictment for the charge of murder. This should be sobering to those of us who patronize gals and bring them to our homes.

    To give the inside legal perspective, a grand jury indictment is a far cry from a conviction. The prosecutor gets to present whatever he wants, however he wants, whether the evidence would later be admissible or not, and is not challenged by a defense attorney, since no right of representation exists in such proceedings, really. It's also likely that a murder charge would not have come down but for some evidence that the monger in question provided cocaine to the girl - if he gave her enough to kill her, a murder charge will stick, and rightfully so.

    I've seen a current discussion thread in one of the CT groups where the debate is focused on the relative safety of SWs versus escorts. I have to agree, for the most part, if you approach it intelligently, SWs are safer. I've had only 2 "cash and dash" incidents with SWs in 20 years in this hobby, for a whopping total of $50 lost. There was also one time when a SW I brought home (I don't do that anymore, period) stole a check from my briefcase, forged it and made off with $400, but my bank covered it. Except for having to appear in court when she was eventually brought in (our dirty laundry did get a limited airing) that incident cost me nothing at all.

    Compare this to an escort service, who you might have to give some of your personal info to. You have to trust they don't roll over if heat comes down; they inevitably will do whatever it takes to cover their ass. Also, I've never had to deal with a scam, boyfriend, nasty driver or pimp with a SW, where such stories are not uncommon with escorts. Finally, there's the "how much would you rather lose" factor....$50 for two escapees isn't anything compared to the $150 plus a single escort can take you for if she bolts.

    Unfortunately there's a monger out there who's looking at losing more than $$$ but that may be his own fault and a just result.

  12. #667


    Visited the k last night from about 7p-1a. Gina, Kate and two other kind of messed up girls at their normal spot, although Gina didn't stay long. After looking for a while I tried calling Shannon, whom I met recently, but her number didn't work, which isn't a surprise. Was getting ready go home when I saw someone whom I thought was her but it was Heaven, a very cute 20-something girl next door type. She said she doesn't get to the K that much and that she was thinking of starting at an incall place at Ludlow and another street where she had a successful auditon. One of the rare gems one always looks for. BJ fans will love her gorgeous, full mouth.

    On another note, again saw a cute, skinny hispanic-looking girl South of Lehigh, closer to Front Street. I'm wary of her because she's the type that appears to get mad because I drive by a couple of times without stopping; she shoots me these exasperated looks that imply that just by looking at her I'm obliged to stop. If she's so irrational before she gets in my car, I'm afraid of what she'll be like if I pick her up.


  13. #666
    Tues night kind of quite. Few le hear and there. A couple of sw near dd. Taller brown hair girl in a bun with a red coat has been near the dd area. She usually has a dude near by. Usually walking between 6 and 11pm. Anyone know? Also saw Bianca. Vey scary.

    Around midnite hooked up with Jessica near Sargent. Long dirty blond hair.

    Very good and friendly.

  14. #665
    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth
    Long ago, there were reports about a Rachel (not the current one) that was cute and had implants. Has anyone seen here or know where she can be found?

    I've followed your quest for a supposed "enhanced Rachel" for years now. I admire your doggedness, but now I'm wondering if anyone ever actually identified a Rachel in this forum who had implants.

    Try the searches yourself. The posting history for this thread goes all the way back to 2000, and every mention of Rachel is either the dark-haired short small-breasted Rachel, or the blonde AKA Sabrina who likewise is not enhanced. Even searching only on the word "enhanced" does not bring up anyone with a similar name with implants.

    This plus the lack of confirmation to the many posts where you've asked about an enhanced Rachel makes me wonder whether it's time to admit maybe you saw her only in one of those great dreams we all have occasionally.

    Your fellow monger,


  15. #664


    Long ago, there were reports about a Rachel (not the current one) that was cute and had implants. Has anyone seen here or know where she can be found? Are there any other enhanced girls out there besides Dawn?


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