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Thread: 2000-2004 Archived Reports

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  1. #28
    I've never seen her but I know the pictures are not hers. The girl in the pictures is Solana Jewell. That makes me a bit sceptical and cautious.

    Stay Safe

  2. #27
    Senior Member

    Posts: 223

    New provider in town

    Have any of your seen this escort?

  3. #26

    Is Lancaster dead or what?

    I was in Lancaster for a few days and searched Water street and surrounding areas several times and at several different times of the day. I never found anything of interest. Is there anything happening in Lancaster?

  4. #25
    I need some suggestions, I will be in the Lancaster,Reading,York area in a couple of weeks. Can anyone give me some advise on an AMP or SW's or escorts.


  5. #24
    Is utopia open again? Last I heard they shut down?? Is it in the same spot?

  6. #23
    Utopia is an all American MP. As for AMP's, I don't know of any in the Lancaster area, but there are 3 in the Reading area. All are posted about on the Reading thread.

  7. #22
    Does Utopia or any other local spas have Asian attendants?

  8. #21
    You know, now that I think about it, there were other spots in Lancaster City where action could be found.

    Now keep in mind that this was over ten years ago, but we all know that when LE sweeps it out of one section it just moves somewhere else.

    Secret Spot #1:

    The public housing units not to far from Water St. If I remember correctly, you would make a left onto Conestoga from S Water and take that up to S Queen (left turn only). Then you would make a quick right onto Chruch, follow that to S Duke and make a left. The whole area to your left was active down past Dauphin. All those little side streets used to be game for BSW and HSW during the late night and early morning hours. It was a relatively bad area thay I found by picking up a latina in the Park City parking lot. She offered me a bbbj for a ride home. Who could pass that up?

    Secret Spot #2:

    By the train station there was a conveinence store that was a popular hang for the WSWs from 4-7 am. They waited there for the guys coming off of 3rd shift from the business parks up off Lititz Pike. I think the store was on the corner of N Duke, but they could be found strolling around the whole area in front of the station. In fact, I spotted them further up Lititz Pike on the other side of the bridge over the train tracks.

    Well, there were other spots back then too. But these two seemed to be about as regular as Water, so they may still be at least a little active.

    Good Luck!

  9. #20
    Wow, it's really sad what has happened in Lancaster. Back in the early 90's I lived out by MU and would cruise into the city with a buddy almost weekly. We could park the car in the lot by the baseball field, walk down past McD's a couple of blocks and then just turn around and work our way back. I can only think of one time in the two years I was out that way that I struck out. I even picked up a real cutie on Christmas eve in 92 or 93!

    Oh well, I guess it's just a memory now.

  10. #19
    Guys, I cruised Water Street tonight, NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH, and LE was extremely thick, I have never seen them out in such a show of force, I don't know what's going on, but I would avoid that area for a while as we all know that Lancaster PD pretty much do as they please

  11. #18
    Lancaster Board,

    This is written with respect to the opinion of Sexpa who suggested that Lancaster PD wouldn`t be afraid to take liberties with the law.

    In Lancaster City the Yellow Shirts ( Police drug units ) routinely roll up to a street corner, jump out with guns drawn, and order eveyone to the ground. They then proceed to search for drugs. These operations are clearly unconstitutional, but these tactics are SOP ( standard operating procedure).
    These actions continue unquestioned because they occur in the economically depressed sections of the city and the voters do not object to stampeding the Rights of those citizens who may lack the resources to resist. I doubt how much sympathy you can expect from the Judges in Lancaster County after being arrested in posession of crack cocaine, heroin, or soliciting a prostitute.

    If the City Of Lancaster decides it is going to sweep the streets of prostitution activity I doubt anything as trivial as the United States Constitution will stand in their way.

    The reality is that even if you can sucessfully defend yourself from charges, the damage to you has already been done and cannot be reversed. How much will an acquital help after your picture has peered out from the newspaper under the headline "Arrested for Prostitution". Not Much. Your already dead, fired, divorced, ridiculed, etc. They will entrap your ass in a New York minute given a fraction of a chance.

    There is action in Lancaster, but the risk/reward ratio is off the freakin` charts. This old dog cannot reccommend the scene for anyone who lives in the County, works in the County, has a wife or significant other, or who has relatives or inlaws who can read.

    FWIW, I did see a monger pick a really cute BSW off the steps on South Water a while back. They appeared to have a regular thing going, like maybe he had called her and she was waiting.

    Be freakin` careful in Lancaster.


  12. #17
    I made a trip down Water St. on Friday at 11:30Pm and got that nod from a blond WSW. I did not see ane LE around.

  13. #16
    Water St. is not a good idea these days. There are regular busts with pictures in the paper. Lancaster County LE is somewhat notorious for frame ups, planting evidence, and generally disregarding the law to do what they want. Proceed with caution.

  14. #15
    OK Gentleman,

    I figured with the weather getting a bit steamy, it was time to do a midday ride down Water Street. I know it's been empty in the evening, so I figured with some time to kill today it couldn't hurt to check.

    I wish I could exhaust your minds with some tale of forbidden dreams of some reliable new find on the stroll. However, even though there were some fine views for the eyes to drink in, no SW's to speak of. I didn't expect there would be, but you know how you get that little bit of hope?

    The Minc,

    By the Way, I'm posting in the other areas section of PA about a nice little opportunity I've come across in Lebanon, PA. Check that out if you get a chance.

  15. #14
    Pics paper regularly, like almost every week.

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