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  1. #8456
    Quote Originally Posted by SocratesRvng  [View Original Post]

    This one wants 300 for an hour. This is the discounted rate if you meetup 2 times in a week. Hmmmm. Moving on.

    She's real from what I can tell. I can almost hear the Ebonics screeching from this one by the pics. I hit her up because she looks curvy but no serious interest so I'm good with letting her push on. Lives on an air mattress (did not see her; she showed me a pic) in her new apartment in west Seattle. Enjoy fellas.

    Amount by the hour?


  2. #8455
    Quote Originally Posted by Merovingian2  [View Original Post]
    I'm looking for a reliable wingman to occasionally tag team dumb 20 yos off seeking. Must be 40+ and I strongly prefer a tech bro because non-tech guys are too cheap for this hobby. Put those stock options and shares to good use. LOL. Msg me if interested but don't waste my time or yours.
    You're a douche for thinking only tech guys have hobby money.

  3. #8454
    Quote Originally Posted by SocratesRvng  [View Original Post]

    This one wants 300 for an hour. This is the discounted rate if you meetup 2 times in a week. Hmmmm. Moving on.

    She's real from what I can tell. I can almost hear the Ebonics screeching from this one by the pics. I hit her up because she looks curvy but no serious interest so I'm good with letting her push on. Lives on an air mattress (did not see her; she showed me a pic) in her new apartment in west Seattle. Enjoy fellas.

    That's either a very hard mileage 28 or she's really 33-35. I also get the sense that half an hour would be spent listening to her talk about 5 G LOL.

  4. #8453


    This one wants 300 for an hour. This is the discounted rate if you meetup 2 times in a week. Hmmmm. Moving on.

    She's real from what I can tell. I can almost hear the Ebonics screeching from this one by the pics. I hit her up because she looks curvy but no serious interest so I'm good with letting her push on. Lives on an air mattress (did not see her; she showed me a pic) in her new apartment in west Seattle. Enjoy fellas.


  5. #8452

    Reliable Wingman

    I'm looking for a reliable wingman to occasionally tag team dumb 20 yos off seeking. Must be 40+ and I strongly prefer a tech bro because non-tech guys are too cheap for this hobby. Put those stock options and shares to good use. LOL. Msg me if interested but don't waste my time or yours.

  6. #8451
    Quote Originally Posted by PnwSummers  [View Original Post]
    First time and first catch on SA. Communication is excellent and $700 for a 4 - 5 hour meet.

    Is this good pricing?
    Also in my experience. Things tend to work way better with girls that do no not talk arrangement amount before hand.

  7. #8450

  8. #8449

    Dimple Doll

    Saw this one a couple years ago, fun time but she lived a little too far away so I didn't make it long term. Took her to dinner and fucked her the same night. Decent head and bbds.

  9. #8448


    Quote Originally Posted by Surplice  [View Original Post]
    Mind to share your filtering and pipelining strategy? Do you chat a bit over in-app text or no? Do you do a video / phone call or no? Meet and greet only or one of the calls, etc?
    Mostly you need to be willing to do the work and take the time.

    That means usually we chat on the app, over text, have a phone call or zoom call or two, and do a couple of meet and greets. I ask a lot of questions about them and encourage them to talk about themselves enough to get a sense of what they are about. Sometimes I ask the same questions a couple of different times or in different ways to see if it all fits together. And if I start to see red flags or get a feeling that it won't work out I will just move on and not waste anybody's time.

  10. #8447

    These hoes are annoying

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkoRamius  [View Original Post]
    On the other hand if you are looking for a total freak who you can also hang out with and watch netflix or go out for drinks or get stoned or go on a road trip with your best option and very best return on investment is the sugar bowl.
    Mind to share your filtering and pipelining strategy? Do you chat a bit over in-app text or no? Do you do a video / phone call or no? Meet and greet only or one of the calls, etc?

    I've been out of the SB space for a bit and forgot how f*ing annoying these money grubbing GPS hoes are. So many day they want connection but then do one word replies, don't ask me questions back, or go straight to what are you looking for as if I don't have 80% of the text on my profile dedicated to that.

    Related, I date civvy moms easily so they aren't interesting to me.

  11. #8446

    Here, here!

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkoRamius  [View Original Post]
    In general if you are just looking for a warm hole to deposit your seed into the sugar world isn't either cost or time efficient.

    On the other hand if you are looking for a total freak who you can also hang out with and watch netflix or go out for drinks or get stoned or go on a road trip with your best option and very best return on investment is the sugar bowl.

    My own experience is that the very best deals and options are divorced or separated moms who have a job but are both lonely and also a bit tight on money. For me at least the very best have been over 25 and sometimes over 35. Second best are juniors or seniors in college.

    Younger girls are inexperienced and naive and much more likely to have serious GPS, obnoxious entitlement, and be total flakes.
    Couldn't have said it better myself. Divorced late 30's to early / mid 40's are my bread and butter. Although I just found one on SA who is a college student (dropped her off at her dorm a couple nights ago) and she is new to the site so there are hidden gems but you really can't go wrong with the older divorced tight on cash demographic.


  12. #8445

    What they are for

    In general if you are just looking for a warm hole to deposit your seed into the sugar world isn't either cost or time efficient.

    On the other hand if you are looking for a total freak who you can also hang out with and watch netflix or go out for drinks or get stoned or go on a road trip with your best option and very best return on investment is the sugar bowl.

    My own experience is that the very best deals and options are divorced or separated moms who have a job but are both lonely and also a bit tight on money. For me at least the very best have been over 25 and sometimes over 35. Second best are juniors or seniors in college.

    Younger girls are inexperienced and naive and much more likely to have serious GPS, obnoxious entitlement, and be total flakes.

  13. #8444
    It comes down to give time to my body to recharge and shoot again. I'm no spring chicken. When I was younger I was able to do 3 shots in an hour.

    Also, women give better sex when you let them feel is not so transactional and more like between friends.

    Quote Originally Posted by SocratesRvng  [View Original Post]
    You sounds just like my buddy in Vegas. He keeps a SB on him for a year at a time. Been with her for more than a year. He does the same, breakfast lunch and dinner. They go different places and all kinds of things. I joke with him every now and then that he's in a relationship and "when's the wedding? But I know he only kicks her back $300 at a time and takes care of everything they do.

    It's a good setup if you got the initial investment and patience for it. I imagine hanging out with them gets less expensive even but I just got stand these women past post-nut clarity. "Get the fuck on!" Is my equivalent to immediately closing all of my PH windows in disgust on my laptop after I'm done.

    It all boils down to the time you get out of it. If she is asking for 700 for an hour of play or less, hell no it's not worth it. If she's talking half-full day of hanging out and playing, it gets a bit more palatable.


  14. #8443
    Quote Originally Posted by PnwSummers  [View Original Post]
    First time and first catch on SA. Communication is excellent and $700 for a 4 - 5 hour meet.

    Is this good pricing?
    Aka the guys giving advice to show their work! Haha.

    One may set the price but the other sets the terms! There's shit at 1 k and 300. Let us know how it goes.

  15. #8442
    Quote Originally Posted by PnwSummers  [View Original Post]
    First time and first catch on SA. Communication is excellent and $700 for a 4 - 5 hour meet.

    Is this good pricing?
    Too pricey. My latest addition is a 28 Ukranian college graduate, gorgeous. 4 hrs of fucking for 400. Every now and then I take her to a good restaurant before the fuckfest

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