Excel version of snitch list
[QUOTE=TittiesRGreat;4784599]Anybody see the list from the governor's snitch line? Lots of parlors on it. It's up online.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Jonderin;4784706]It's a gigantic list, tons of companies on it so it's all blended together. They'll never get to it all. It includes little stuff, like they saw three people standing next each other at the grocery store.
There's even complaints on panhandlers breaking the 6 foot rule when accepting money.
Some of it might be helpful if it's a large company where the employees aren't following safety precautions, but most of it is just ridiculous stuff.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=TinyTim76;4784893]I know someone who was working at the emerald queen cacino. Very large construction project they never stopped construction for one day. They had special permission from the governor himself.
I called the report line and they got back a month later with they are a sovern nation and the rules don't apply.
Funny shit. Your not shut down if you support crooked Jay.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Efurufe;4796615]If you're trying to makes sense of the huge list, the Excel version is better. There's a link to is at this site: [URL]https://redoubtnews.com/2020/05/governor-inslees-informant-army-heres-the-snitch-list/[/URL].
First download it locally and enable editing, then:
1. Select the header row and click "Sort and Filter. Filter".
2. Click the dropdown next to "Other Business Type" (NOT "Business Type".
3. Uncheck "Select All".
4. Type "massage" in the little search box in the drop down.
5. Make sure "(Select All Search Results)" is checked.
6. Click "Ok".[/QUOTE]Incredible. I did not there was a "list" of this sort. Bet most of the list is comprised of people and businesses trying to take each other down. Funny and good for a laugh, or cure for boredom during the lockdown, but I would be hesitant to actually trust that list.