This is part, have to be carefull, never agree anything upfront extras
"Buyers were greeted by an undercover officer and escorted to a room," Merritt said.
They were greeted by someone in the room.
A dialogue was created and the buyer would then agree to purchase extras. That's when the arrest took place.
Rule 1) Do not agree to anything upfront on extras.
Could be trap.
Rule 2) If offered anything extra, than like old saying goes.
"Just say no".
Rule 3) You will thank me later, for it.
Jade Massage, second visit
Went back to Jade Massage, a little earlier in the day this time. The massage was better, the teasing less, and the masseuse a little shyer. Still 60/40 but thinking about trying the Alternative Spa on Sunset Ave next time instead of going back to Jade.
Kraft lawyers, Florida sheriff: "He lied about" human trafficking
Another proof that LE are unethical, untrustworthy and bunch of lairs.
Misused tax dollars.
Lied to the public.
Overstepped 4th amendment.
Wow, instead of solving violent crime, cold cases, catching felons, burgers, robbers.
Sheriff has become a pervert and used tax payer dollars to enjoy the perversions for 6 months.
Kraft, LE used lies to get judge sign warrant,
What we all suspected is coming to reality.
LE "deliberately misrepresented" facts.
Used to get a judge to approve their search warrant.
These types of surveillance should have been used for.
"serious felonies such as murder or kidnapping" per Florida law. ".
Were headed towards a fascist, totalitarian rule.
Our constitution is being broken by LE.
Time for us brothers to vote in the upcoming election.
Use your power to vote and toss law breaking Sheriff politicians out to the street.