Seattle Downtown / Chinatown reviews
Hey Guys, I'm new to Seattle area. Any good recommended MP near Seattle Downtown / Chinatown area? Is this area is completely safe?
Current EuroTouch Roster Review
So, I've seen all of the new roster at EuroTouch- Pepsi, Yoko and Monica. Here are my reviews.
Pepsi is facially the most attractive of the three. Rackwise, it's probably a tie between Pepsi and Yoko- Monica is just OK.
Service-wise, however, Monica is head and shoulder above the others.
If you are packing anything above average, you're going to find knees, hands, hips and thighs trying to prevent you from fully enjoying the experience. This was true with both Pepsi and Yoko.
Yoko tried to skip the BBBJ, but I convinced her not to. Some guys may enjoy the jockeying back and forth with the masseuse about what she will or won't do. And the faux shock they put on when in reality they know what the request is and why we go there. I prefer she do as I say, when I say. In that vein, Yoko was the least service-oriented, but that's not to say she didn't do everything I wanted. It is an attitude thing. I wanted the massage first, and she resisted my desire to change the order (massage, then "fun") because she didn't want to have to massage for very long. Eventually, she did it after 3-4 times explaining it. And it wasn't a language barrier. And she still rushed me out 15 minutes early.
On the other end is Monica. Enthusiastic, willing and able to take what you throw at her. For me, service tops being the best looking. I don't want to stare at a car- I want to drive it. And Monica delivers.
Anyway, all were $200 all-in. All were BBBJ & CIP-friendly.
Overall, my ranking is.
1) Monica.
2) Pepsi.
3) Yoko.
All EuroTouch Massaueses are Middle Aged Across the Board
[QUOTE=JMirage;5425396]Never been, how is are these ladies?[/QUOTE]They're all varying degrees of middle age - 40's, perhaps early 50's. Yoko and Monica seem older than Pepsi, but that's guesswork.