When I was chatting with her a few months ago
[QUOTE=OrdinaryJohn;5310358]Oh I am well aware of that. I have not sent any money and will not send any money before meeting. I have had a couple of girls in the past ask for that before we met and I declined. But they still ended up being real and we met and had a good time in person. But obviously if they can milk some money out of you without meeting that is their preference. Not going to happen with me. The reason I asked about her is that We have been texting on and off for quite a while and she does not push trying to sell pictures before she will meet. But I have heard from a couple of members that caused think she is fake so I will move on and not waste an hour drive to find out.[/QUOTE]I discovered she was using pics off the internet of some model. I confronted her about it and she wouldn't own up to it. Scam all the way. . .
Average Debster is Your Average Scammer
[QUOTE=Sledg77;5310354]Don't waste your time or $$.[/QUOTE]I can confirm that Average Debster is 100% fake. I texted back and forth with her for about six weeks. On two occasions, when it seemed like we were close to setting up a time to meet in person, she asked for money via cash app. I told her I would never send her money in advance, but she still kept texting me. I told her she was being written about on this site about being fake, and she acted like she was surprised and upset. She sends awesome pics showing a well-endowed beauty, but it is not her. I finally stopped texting her and blocked her. Don't let her fool you into sending her any cash.