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Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

How can I review my current email address?

Method A
  1. Login.

  2. Select the "User CP" link on the top menu bar.

  3. Select "Edit Email & Password" in the left side menu.

  4. The email address currently listed in your membership record will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
Method B
  1. Log in.

  2. Select the "Contact Us" link in the bottom menu bar.

  3. Your current User Name and email address will be displayed in the form.
Revised 06-12-05

How can I change my Email Address?

You can change your email address as follows:

  1. Login.

  2. Select the "User CP" link on the top menu bar.

  3. Select "Edit Email & Password" in the left side menu.

  4. Enter your current password.

  5. Please read the avisory notice about changing your email address.

  6. Enter a new email address, then select "Save Changes".

  7. The Forum software will send a Confirmation Email to your OLD address confirming the change. You must respond to this Confirmation Email by selecting the link in the email to confirm your intention to change your email address.

  8. If you do not respond to the Confirmation Email sent to your old address, your email address change will not be effective.
Special instructions for Users Awaiting Email Activation:

  1. If you have registered a Forum membership, AND...
  2. You have not activated your membership because you did not receive your Activation Email, AND...
  3. You suspect that your email address cannot receive the Forum's Activation Email because of your email program's SPAM blocker software or for some other reason, AND...
  4. You want to try having the Activation Email sent to another email address, THEN...
You may change your email address as follows:
  1. Login.

  2. Select the "User CP" link on the top menu bar.

  3. Select "Edit Email & Password" in the left side menu.

  4. Enter your current password.

  5. Enter a new email address, then select "Save Changes".

  6. The Forum software will send another Activation Email to the new address.

  7. If you do not respond to the Activation Email, then your membership will not be activated.
Revised 06-12-05

How do I change my User Name?

There are a number of legitimate reasons why you might want to change your User Name, including:

  • The User Name you originally submitted didn't meet the User Name Guidelines and you were given one of those generic "Member #1234" User Names.

  • You want to have your WSG User Name match your User Name on other Forums.

  • You are concerned that someone may have come to associate your User Name with you personally.

  • You've simply identified a more suitable User Name for yourself.

Changing your User Name is easy, and I'll be pleased to acommidate your request, as follows:

  • Log in to the Forum.

  • Read the User Name Guidelines and check that your proposed new User Name conforms with the guidelines.

  • Use the Forum's Search Function (top menu) to check that your proposed new User Name is available.

  • Use the Contact Us form to send me an email. The form will automatically provide your current user name and membership email address. All you need to say is "Please change my User Name" along with your proposed new User Name.

  • I will use the return address of your email to find your membership record, and once I have establised that I am indeed in communication with YOU, then I will effect the change.

Other Notes:

  • Changing your User Name does not effect your current Membership Status, does not effect your password, and does not effect your current or future Private Messages.

  • Changes in your User Name will be reflected in all your past reports. In other words, all your existing reports and your future reports will display your new User Name.

  • You will be notified by email when your User Name has been changed.

Please note that it is not possible to use the PM system to administrate User Name changes because once your User Name has been changed, I cannot contact you by PM to advise you of the change because you cannot login under your previous User Name, and you won't know that your User Name was modified because you can't read the PM.

Revised 06-05-05

How can I change my Password?

You can change your password as follows:

  1. Login.

  2. Select the "User CP" link on the top menu bar.

  3. Select "Edit Email & Password" in the left side menu.

  4. Enter your current password.

  5. Enter a new password, then select "Save Changes".

  6. The Forum software will send a Confirmation Email to the email address currently in your membership record. You must respond to this Confirmation Email by selecting the link in the email to confirm your intention to change your password.

  7. If you do not respond to the Confirmation Email, your new password will not be effective.
Revised 06-12-05

How can I recover a Lost Password?

1. Enter your User Name in the Login screen but leave the password blank.

2. After you select "Login", the Forum will present a screen advising you that the Password is incorrect.

3. Select the "Forgotten your password? Click here!" link.

4. Enter your correct, registered email address.

5. The Forum will email your password to you.

How can I delete my membership?

You can't, but you can use the Contact Us form to send me an email requesting that I do it for you.

Revised 06-12-05

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