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12-31-99, 20:00
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05-22-10, 12:59
We have been stripped of all the tales of wow and woe relating to the various clubs. I went into the landing strip and did a pivot. Cars out front but a ghost town inside but it was late afternoon.

05-23-10, 00:41
I haven't been there since the remodel and the report that certain activities weren't condoned by the new owners/management.

05-23-10, 10:44
I went there yesterday afternoon and had fun, it had been years. A mixed bag of humanity a slice of the low end but I met a dancer who gave me a great dance, could hold a conversation and would have certainly enjoyed a big drink had I been willing to spring for it.

06-10-10, 08:08
I visited and met a lady going by Aaron, I liked her and enjoyed a lap dance but back away on the drink menu that started around 120, jumped to 240(suggested as a good idea by the hostess). Maybe there was another option but I remember the special drink was $1, 000.

I'm Not the kind of Monger to drop a $1, 000 period muchless in a semi-private area.

Anyway I understand these girls drift in and out but Aaron said she worked days, I've called a couple of times and thet said "she hasn't come in yet". Does anyone have digits or intell for her? PM 's welcome.

In that low end environment she was the cream of the crap and could almost pass for a older college student working her way through school, almost.

12-12-10, 15:55
There used to be a girl named T. Q. Does anyone know if she is still around?

12-13-10, 15:09
I stopped going there a few years ago, when a dancer knocked my drink over and took my money. And she said that I was drunk and had me thrown out. It was only like $20 I had laid out in ones. Her thieving ways have cost them more than the $20 that she stole.

Girls move around in the stripping business. It is nearly impossible to keep track of them. If you want to find her, you probably need to go there and ask one of the other girls if they know her.

I prefer privacy. Not VIP areas. You can usually work out a deal for off property appointments. For 1K you can get 3 porn stars to escort for you. The most expensive escort in town that I know is around $400, and you don't have to worry about the waitress coming in and checking on you. But it is your money, spend it however you want. I can think of a bunch of sugar babies that would hang out with you for a month for that kind of cheddar.

12-16-10, 23:39
T. Q. Is retired.

Member #4809
07-03-11, 08:28
Under new mgmt. Connie and Kat from Escapades have taken over. While it's still a dive I dropped in (happened to be on that side of town w / some time to kill). Had a great time w / a tall blonde new mommy in the VIP.

07-04-11, 04:38
I don't know who Connie and Kat are. I haven't been to Escapades in forever. NOW that place is a dive. The Foxxx Hole is a palace compared to Escapades.

I haven't been to the Hole in about 2 years. I have been disappointed the last 10 times I had been there. The girls would all leave before I got there. I did love the bartender that was there, but after she left, I did too. Not much fun without dancers and a boring bartender. It is unacceptable for the place not to have any dancers after 11pm on a Friday. Guess Hot Legs took all the action away from the Hole.

I remember Kat that used to dance there. She would race sprint cars on the side. She was a lot of fun. I wonder what ever happened to her. She had tried to run a bar down the street, but it failed from what I heard.

Well I wish them the best of luck and I am going to have to go check things out on of these days. I am not a big fan of VIP rooms but theirs isn't all that bad, just needs to be a little more private.

07-07-11, 00:56
Was in town and stopped by the Landing Strip and saw Lucky there. She used to work at the Foxxhole years ago and was always good.

For a little action. Did not have time to realy visit with her but will see her next week and let you know the outcome.

07-15-11, 20:49
Good to see people talking on this thread again. I'm pretty exclusive to Escapades these days, but I won't talk in public about who's good and who's not. Better to PM me for that. And sometimes I head over to the Landing Strip. I should know who Lucky is, but I can't picture her right now. Guess I'll have to make another trip. There's another blonde bombshell I enjoy talking with over there.

Speaking of TLS, has anyone tried their new VIP room? What's the gimmick on it? How much? Any extras?

07-22-11, 15:54
Hear rumour that the VIP at TLS is worthwhile. Depends on who is on bar duty, apparently. There is a camera, but success can be achieved. I've not tried it yet myself, just heard from one of the girls.

Member #4809
07-25-11, 17:56
Don't get played and don't believe what some girl tells you. The way that new VIP is organized anyone walking on or out has a CLEAR view of every seat in the VIP. There is no way anyone could get good service in there. LOL they were really better off w / the dark corners. If they really wanted to sell services they would turn the lights back down and reopen the dark corners.

Hear rumour that the VIP at TLS is worthwhile. Depends on who is on bar duty, apparently. There is a camera, but success can be achieved. I've not tried it yet myself, just heard from one of the girls.

09-19-11, 21:05
For anyone interested, Crazy Tami is back on days at Escapades.

10-27-11, 01:27
Hey fellers. Long time lurker, part time hobbyist here. Stay off the streets but like to see some t&a.

So I check out some new clubs in town the other day. First off Secrets in Sand Springs, formerly foxx hole. If memory serves the old club had some legal troubles. Place seems cozy enough, nice big VIP area. Got a dance from chick named Minaj. Got some hands on experience. Seems extras may be on offer but didn't sample.

Journeyed out to where the Trap used to be. Was surprised to see girls outnumbered patrons. All shades of ebony on display. Drink hustle unheard of here. Dancers mostly keep to themselves. Candy, however, is a real cool broad with a magnificent backside. Wish I'd been offered a trip to the lapdance area. It's semi-secluded with black gauzy curtains. Ah well, next time. No idea if take-out's available, but Bueno is across the street 'case you get the munchies.

10-27-11, 04:46
Do you mean the Trapeze Club on 31st?

Last I heard, it was a bikini club. Always has had bad reviews.

Hopefully Secrets is managed better now. I got tired of going in and no girls were there or plain just didn't want to dance. Seems to have been dead since Hot Legs opened up. (no pun intended.)

Have any of you been to Urban Legends?

04-09-12, 02:10

Its been a long time since I've been on here. This may not be the correct place to post this, but I had to share it with my fellow Tulsa Mongers. I frequently travel between KC and Tulsa. There's a small strip joint on Hwy-169 in Spring Hill Kansas called The End Zone. I've passed it several times, never having the time to stop in, until tonight. And BOY AM I GLAD I DID!

I got there tonight shortly after they opened at 7pm (Sunday hours). Kansas has this weird "member's only" law for strip clubs. You have to apply to be a member, wait 10 days, then you are able to attend as a member. HOWEVER, being an out of state resident, it doesn't apply (thankfully). After showing my I'd, and paying the cover charge, I went into what was a fairly small strip club with only a handfull of people inside. I thought it was going to be a bust, so I bellied up to the bar and ordered a beer. It was looking pretty bad. But, then Molly walked up and said Hi. Fellas, I'm not exaggerating when I tell you this, Molly was one of the most beautiful and personable strippers I've ever met. Tight body, firm perky C-cup breasts, and a great ass. On top of that, she had a beautiful face, gorgeous smile, and the cutest freckles across her nose and cheeks. I was in trouble with this one. Since it was a little on the slow side, Molly and I chatted for about 15minutes, and it was great conversation, sitting close to me as she rubbed my leg and inner thigh. While we chatted I told her I'd never been in before, so she informed me that there's a VIP area that costs $25 (getting you a VIP bracelet good all night). In the VIP area its very secluded, private booths. As a VIP the "Personal" dances are $25ea, but FULL touch! Thats right, a VIP "Member" gets to fully touch his dancer. She also said that lap dances out on the main floor are $10, but no touching except ass and legs. At this point, Molly had my full attention. I started with some floor dances.

Molly was in no rush. We moved from the bar to a comfy couch close to the stage. She sat and rubbed my leg and inner thigh as we talked waiting on the "right" song to get started. After three songs passed, she was ready to dance. I told her I would like to have 3 dances. And she started. And she was awesome. She almost had me convinced she was completely taken by me and trying to pleasure me, as opposed to just going through the motions that is all too common. The best move was when she would slowly grind up and down my hard member (which I very VERY rarely get at a strip joint). After two songs Molly stopped and asked if I wanted my third or if I wanted to take a break. I opted for the break. So we sat and continued to chat through the next song as I caressed her back and sides, and she rubbed my inner thigh, occasionally rubbing over my thick member. Oh, and by the way, the music was 80's themed and the songs they played were abnormally long (BONUS!)! Before another song began I asked Molly for my third dance, which she eagerly started. During this dance, she leaned over in a position that was out of site to the rest of the club and put my hand on her very firm breast. She worked that position until the song was over. Needless to say, I was all revved up by this point. When she finished, they called her name for the stage. She asked if I was staying. I said if she was coming back, I'd be there. She said "order me a drink?" I said absolutely. She told the waitress what she wanted and brought it over to me. For a second I was afraid I was going to be stuck with a huge drink hustle. However, it was a whopping $4. 50. Yes four dollars and fifty cents. I sat there half expecting to wake up, because the experience so far was almost too good to be true. I went up and gave molly a few singles while she was on stage. By this point, the place was filling up a bit more, and there were probably about 12 girls working, ranging on a Tulsa scale between 7 and 9 (not even joking). Molly was a solid 9 herself (again, not even joking).

After Molly was finished on stage, she came back over to my couch and started sipping on her drink. I asked her "where do I become a VIP member?" So she took me over to the doorman, I paid my $25, and got my bracelet. Molly then lead me to one of the private VIP booths. These booths are not closed door, but they cannot be seen from the main floor. And, once you're in a VIP booth, you can't be seen by any other VIP booth. It was awesome. Molly jumped on top of me and told me to have fun, but keep my cock inside my pants. She then started my VIP treatment. I wasted no time getting my hands all over her tight, sexy body. Damn was it fun. She also put her hands all over me. My member was a main attraction too. Molly knew just how to handle it with just the right amount of friction that I cam close to exploding a couple of times. She even reached up my shorts and got very acquainted with my business. This was all mixed with an amazing, passionate, and sensual grinding dance. I had more fun with her than I have with almost any FS MTs (again, not even joking). She was a master at creating a fantasy that she wanted nothing else in the world but to please me and only me. I was lost in her fantasy. It was an amazing experience.

I know this place is not in Tulsa, and its a ways away. BUT, if you are EVER going to KC, and you have some time/$$ to spare, do yourself a favor. Go. To. The. End. Zone. You'll thank me later. I'll be a regular from now on when I travel up that way.

Member #4809
05-17-12, 08:04
Has some time to kill on an airport run so I ducked in to see if anything was different.

No. Still downhill. Place looks good but only 3 girls working (1 black and 2 hisp) all fugly. It also still looks like no action can be had.

05-25-12, 17:56
Has some time to kill on an airport run so I ducked in to see if anything was different.

No. Still downhill. Place looks good but only 3 girls working (1 black and 2 hisp) all fugly. It also still looks like no action can be had.I'm guessing you went in on dayshift. There are way more girls there on nights. Lots of good stuff.

But you're right that it's not like the old days when you could get a chair on the side and have fun. They have a VIP area, but when I've been in there, there have always been 2 or 3 other girls with guys in there as well. Very close quarters and brightly lit.

05-25-12, 20:31
Checked into Secrets the old Foxx Hole and was very surprised. I had been when they first got new management and wasn't much impressed. No girls on day shift and day bartender was rude. Decided to stop in for a beer and ended up having a great time. They have a new day bartender named Autumn that is a lot of fun I had a good time just sitting there talking with her and the girls. And they had 7 girls which is a lot for a day shift. All of them much cuter then I thought they be.

I didn't bring a lot of money with me cause I wasn't planning on stopping in. But Phoenix talked me into 3 lap dances for 50 deal and she let me pick out the songs all very long about 8 minuets each. I won't go into details but left very happy.

I am normally a massage parlor type of guy cause of the privacy but they have a very secluded back room and we were back there a while and no one bothered us. I'm not giving up my massage parlors, but for bang for the buck I will definitely be back and try them again.

James Blake71
05-31-12, 21:36
I haven't been to Secret's in a good couple of months. Was a customer of the old Foxxhole. When Secret's opened I came in and there was a bartender named Dakorum or something of that nature who was very unprofessional and lazy. A couple of months after they opened one of the dancers, a girl named Kittie with really nice big boobs was the daytime bartender and Connie was the owner. I went in quite often on all shifts day and night and Connie was rarely ever there, Kittie was usually there when I arrived. She worked nights often for Connie whom she said was having health issues. I know that Kittie worked most of the time. Connie and Kitty were the only bartenders and they had a decent mix of girls. Kittie was a tcc student and Connie used to be the day bartender at escapdes on 11th. Got online a few days ago and read a recent report on here that someone went to Secrets and there was a bartender named Autumn. Assuming by rude bartender the poster meant decorum the first day bartender as Kittie was not rude, worked very hard and was sweet. From what I could see Connie was rude and hateful always screaming at people. Once she was yelling so loud I just left. They have retarded people that do maintenance there. So I went in to Secrets today. There were a few girls a cross eyed girl whose named I don't remember and her sister who had to have the mentality of a 5 year old and was uglier than sin. The Phoenix girl I did get to meet, she is a short chunky girl with no boobs and a face where her chin is merged with her neck. The cutest girl wasa girl named Jo who does not show her breasts for any amount of cash. The bartender Autumn is friendly and talkative but is in desperate need of a diet and a bath. What happened to Kittie, Sweets, Harley and Sunny? Will not be back. Horrible bar. Rude horrible annoying people and disgusting females.

07-29-12, 09:57
The old doll house on Admiral and Lewis I believe just came under new management. He was fixing everything inside and looked real nice. Did not stay long and didn't get chance to relax. Anyone have info on quality of new girls and rates?

08-17-12, 12:25
Hey I went there. I was surprised. It has always been horrible when I have gone. It was actually had fun this time.

The owner gave me a free beer and got to spend some time with April. She is a tall long legged blonde. Sorry forgot what the other girls' names were. April was the only one that really had my attention. She got me worked up.

So I went next door and picked up a bar fly and banged the hell out of her. So over all, I had a good time. Sorry no names or numbers for civilians. But it shouldn't be that hard to find them.

08-23-12, 13:10
Went to C9, not much to report. Place is too loud and too many tables too close together. The girls are cute though. There are several. Don't think I have seen one bad looking one there yet.

Lap dance hustle was annoying. But a girl has to make some money.

09-23-12, 22:48
Weird to me that no one posts any reports on NT, far as I know they have the best talent around!

09-24-12, 13:00
Not to my liking. Has had several reviews on here. Oklahoma forum was wiped out a few years ago, so not as many now.

Night Trips just turned 15. Before that, it was Scarlet's.

The girls are hot, and they don't hustle you for drinks or music money.

I don't like it because it is way too loud in there. You can't have a conversation.

As always your mileage may vary.

10-08-12, 23:50
Not to my liking. Has had several reviews on here. Oklahoma forum was wiped out a few years ago, so not as many now.

Night Trips just turned 15. Before that, it was Scarlet's.

The girls are hot, and they don't hustle you for drinks or music money.

I don't like it because it is way too loud in there. You can't have a conversation.

As always your mileage may vary.I've just come back from another state that I was visiting for business and found that many of the clubs there offer TO service, I've never heard of this in OK and was just wondering if anyone has had luck with this?

Member #4809
10-21-12, 11:33
Had not been to TLS in some time. Had time to kill so I checked it out. After a few beers I got talked into the VIP for $150. All countdown but no blast off. TLS is still not what is used to be years ago. Don't bother.

10-28-12, 18:07
Well I had a little free time this weekend before the OU / ND game, so I decided to go to these two strip clubs. I haven't been to one in years. Wow Tulsa strip scene has fell off hard. First is The landing Strip (What a dumb ass name) Last time I was here was 10 years ago when it was called Showplace. I like curvy girls not fat but curvy well everyone of these girls look like they was on drugs or something. Skin and bones I tell ya. I ended leaving after one beer and tried my luck at Lady Godiva's. The girls look better and at least there was some color in there. But the club is too small for anything worthwhile.

Now I remember why I haven't been to one in years. If I had the capita I would open up one myself and put these others to shame.

Member #4809
11-18-12, 09:35
I was out an about Sat and had a specific type of girl in mind for some recreation. I headed to Escapades, what a disappointment. At 4:00pm they only had three girls. A big ugly black girl, and so-so white brunette, and a bbw blond. I was in a mood for a ton of fun and might have given the blond a chance but she put no effort into her come on. If I'm going to go in the VIP I like them to a little more aggressive. If they can't muster the energy to entice me that's a bad sign and I move on. Lat time I was at TLS it was just as bad. A few months ago I traveled out to Secrets but my all time fav was in the wind and not landing anyplace else (legal troubles). Looks like the days of an easy blow and go in the titty bar are gone.

11-26-12, 23:11
I was in Escapades recently and one of the girls I regularly talk to said that Leo had exhibited an increased interest in the place recently. So I haven't stopped in to do anything serious recently.

I have gone to TLS, even though I know nothing will happen there. 2 girls I enjoy seeing. Hoping to convince at least one of them to go the extra mile for me, one way or another.

10-26-13, 14:08
Does no one venture to the clubs anymore? I have a new girl to see at C9, plus regulars at Escapades. LG and TLS are still fun to kill time at. Anyone else?

Skank Taster
10-27-13, 00:39
Does no one venture to the clubs anymore? I have a new girl to see at C9, plus regulars at Escapades. LG and TLS are still fun to kill time at. Anyone else?Ya know. Technology has changed a great many things in the last two decades-- but one thing that has COMPLETELY changed is the sex hobby. The internet has just about killed "what used to be". IT USED TO BE. That to see a naked girl, you had to go to a strip club. But you couldn't see it all. You only got a glimpse of the snatch. Not today. Now you stay at home with one hand on the keyboard and the other on your cock. In full 1080 I glory you can see shit you would NEVER get to see in any strip club. And up close & personal. Soft, hard, brutal, kinky, straight... You name it. Hell, if the regular porn isn't enough for you, you can go to MFC and see the girls LIVE... And TALK to them, and see then shove things in every hole they've got. You can't do that at a strip club. Hell, for 10 tokens (that's ONE measly dollar), most of them will turn on YOUR webcam & watch you jack off. You can't do THAT at a strip club. I have a couple of cam babes that I frequently go into "private mode" where they shit in a bathtub or a plate & rub it on their tits. You can't get THAT at a strip club. So it is my observation that the strip club is a dying venue. The internet has been killing it THIS decade, just like it killed the Porno Theater during the decade before. If girls can stay home and be a cam girl, why would they want to be a stripper?

The times, they are a changin'.

10-28-13, 21:48
Ya know. Technology has changed a great many things in the last two decades-- but one thing that has COMPLETELY changed is the sex hobby. The internet has just about killed "what used to be". IT USED TO BE. That to see a naked girl, you had to go to a strip club. But you couldn't see it all. You only got a glimpse of the snatch. Not today. Now you stay at home with one hand on the keyboard and the other on your cock. In full 1080 I glory you can see shit you would NEVER get to see in any strip club. And up close & personal. Soft, hard, brutal, kinky, straight... You name it. Hell, if the regular porn isn't enough for you, you can go to MFC and see the girls LIVE... And TALK to them, and see then shove things in every hole they've got. You can't do that at a strip club. Hell, for 10 tokens (that's ONE measly dollar), most of them will turn on YOUR webcam & watch you jack off. You can't do THAT at a strip club. I have a couple of cam babes that I frequently go into "private mode" where they shit in a bathtub or a plate & rub it on their tits. You can't get THAT at a strip club. So it is my observation that the strip club is a dying venue. The internet has been killing it THIS decade, just like it killed the Porno Theater during the decade before. If girls can stay home and be a cam girl, why would they want to be a stripper?

The times, they are a changin'.Very true. Tech has change everything. Lack of SW due to CL / BP where they can charge more and be in better surroundings etc.

01-20-14, 15:47
Rumor has it that TLS is now owned by the same person / people that owned Escapades. If so, I may venture there more. Still not sure how VIP would work, as TLS has a tiny one.

Member #4809
02-28-14, 19:04
Did you know Escapades burnt down? Was on that side of town and it was gone. Who knew?

Second- Ladies.. If you want to make any money and get men into the VIP you must TURN OFF THE DAMN PHONE. When you approach a guy he wants to be seduced. He wants to spend money. But if the txt conversation that you are having is more important then take your phone up in the VIP and rub it for money. Really no guy is going to spend his cash on you if you can't even break away from your txt messages to make the pitch. He knows that as soon as everyone gets comfortable out comes the phone might as well take care of things himself. Little redhead spinner at Secrets I'm talking to you.

Off my soapbox.

02-28-14, 22:58
Maybe the proposed law about texting and driving needs an amendment forbidding texting while giving a lap dance!

03-06-14, 23:10
I knew Escapades burnt down. Owner now owns TLS. Some Escapades talent is there. Some at The Ritz. Some are MIA.

08-20-14, 23:04
Going to be headed to Tulsa to work on a project around the end if the month.

I frequented a strip club in Pensacola that had this chick named star little on the busty side had some tats of her kids name but always talked about going back to Tulsa.

Figured I would make a long shot and see if she is still in the biz up there.

Had brown hair and what she would call magazine titties!! They looked like titties from the 60-70's kinda jiggly but upturned and nice pokey nips.

Just a longshot let me know.


09-17-14, 11:01
Went into TLS on a Tuesday at 4:30. I was the only guy in there. Took summer to their VIP room and got treated to a BBBJCIM. A little negotiating but the price was not bad, and she is SMOKING hot. She was nervous and there was a lot of run around, but a decent experience all the same.

01-19-16, 00:30
What would be the best club to visit in the day time? Just in general for having good girls. Any clubs have good VIP rooms?

I haven't been to a club in Tulsa in several years.

01-23-16, 12:34
Not sure what it is called now.

I actually has a VIP room. It isn't very VIP'ish though.

I don't know which other clubs actually have a VIP room now.

The clubs are disappearing fast. There aren't very many to choose from now days.

02-15-16, 19:14
Asia at Secrets does a nice job if you have a decent 120 total (includes drink). Make sure you bring some raincoats though.

Tell her you want VIP, buy the cheapest drink and tell her what you want. If vibe is good, she will fully treat you well.

She is thin, mixed, with short hair. It's always a trill to have fun at a strib club.

04-28-17, 11:04
I visit Tulsa for business trips on occasion and while there I visit Lady Godiva's. They have a happy our deal in pitchers of beer and $10 lap dances. That is the cheapest lap dance I have had and there are some nice ladies to choose from.

05-07-17, 13:21
What is happening to all the strip clubs in Tulsa? First one by highway closes down few years ago, then the doll house because well it was the doll house. Then the Showplace gets burned down. The Ritz closes to put up a Starbucks, cloud 9 closes it's doors. That Mexican strip club on 31st closes to become a Latin karaoke bar. We basically have the landing strip who has no privacy, secrets who does but kinda out there, lady Godiva's which again the privacy is not much, and the big club that has 0 privacy as well.

08-08-17, 09:15
Anyone know anything about this club. Seems like it has potential. https://www.tuscl.net/?page=club&id=4358.

08-08-17, 12:51
Anyone know anything about this club. Seems like it has potential. https://www.tuscl.net/?page=club&id=4358.Believe its closed.

08-08-17, 22:01
Believe its closed.Nope it's open good times.

Guy Montag
11-07-17, 18:11
Anybody remember a club that was WAY out west. Like, 200+ W Avenue west of Sand Springs? This was years ago (10+). Not talking abut Fox Hole. This place was at least west of 177th W Avenue of of the Sand Springs Xpressway.

11-21-17, 15:20
Or whatever it is called now. Yes 209 w ave.

I went there like 15 years ago after they changed. There was a hot stripper there. A MILF that worked outside the bar. Something escort37 on Yahoo. Can't remember her name.

01-05-18, 10:44
Any strip clubs in Tulsa.

Where the girls offer FS?

02-09-18, 15:41
I'm looking for a club near Tulsa that has a good amateur night. Preferably one where the crowd would be accepting or enjoy a little bigger girl. A friend of mine wants to try it but she's a little chubby. 21 yo, cute girl though.

Any suggestions? I don't know the area at all.

04-08-18, 08:23
Just went to Sensations in Inola last night. Saturday night, so the place was hopping. Probably about 30 patrons give or take, and it's a pretty small venue. As far as mongering goes, I'd say this place is a maybe, if you're into bigger girls at least. I was talking with a guy whose wife works there and is familiar with all the staff. He told me there is one girl there who does allow fingering, and he believes would go all the way. And the girl is fairly large, I might add. As for the others, it was his opinion that no one really offers extras. Said news like that would spread like wildfire and result in the girl's dismissal. Don't ask me why the aforementioned girl has not been fired; I don't know.

However, pretty early on I was approached by two BBWs who seemed to be pushing for that kind of action. They got really handsy with my junk, and said he could have fun in the VIP room (More on those in a bit). I declined their kind offer. I noticed that the two women seemed to circle around the place, trying to find a catch. I don't think they succeeded, but I'll admit, I wasn't paying to much attention to them. I did notice that neither of them were dancers; Neither danced the entire eight hours I was there. Considering their approach, the guy I was talking to might not know as much of the girls and the extras offered as he thinks. Maybe he was just making things up. Who's to say?

Moving on, there is no real discrete locations in the venue. The lap-dance seats are all visible from pretty much everywhere. The 4 VIP exclusive rooms all have windows that allow the bouncers to look in and make sure no shenanigans are going on. I think there were two bouncers by the VIP rooms for this purpose last night.

As for the club itself, it's a good little club I would say. If your goal is just to watch women strip their clothes and pole dance, and get some over the clothes action, it'll suit your needs. The girls were all pretty diverse: White, Black, Hispanic, Native American. Had just about every body type you could imagine: Curvy, lithe, muscular, BBW, average. There were a few gorgeous girls there, and some not-so-gorgeous. It was about even on that front, actually. The dancing was hit or miss; Some girls knocked it out of the park, while others had you think, "What the hell is she doing?" The girls themselves were all great. Extremely friendly, not pushy at all, great conversationalists, etc. Personality-wise, best club I've been to. This is a nude club, so alcohol sales are prohibited. The drink prices were my biggest annoyance. A bottle of water was four dollars, a small Red Bull was six dollars, a fountain drink was six dollars. What I didn't know was that they offered unlimited fountain drinks if you paid fifteen dollars, along with a cup you could keep. Learned about that detail a little too late.

Other things to note: Smoking is allowed inside, so it was pretty smoky. The bar staff is awesome. The place itself is very clean. You can bring your own alcoholic drinks in, as long as you're discrete. The VIP rooms are all nude girls, however the regular lap-dances leave the clothes on. It's a hands on establishment; If you're getting a dance, you can put your hands on the girls. And you can hire the cute bartender to dance in the VIP rooms for you, however she is twice the normal cost. Though she is more attractive than the dancers.

As for myself, I had a good time. Had a few dances with some different girls, tipped a lot, talked to the girls for hours. I didn't come with the expectation of sex, and I left satisfied.

TL; DR: Good strip club. Not so good mongering spot, but I'm open to being proven wrong.

06-18-18, 22:05
I travel to Tulsa frequently and if in town for more than one evening I always hit up one of the clubs. I've been hearing rumors of huge issues at Night Trips from my friends at Twin Peaks. I note, alarmingly, this story in today's Tulsa World.


In Florida, if a customer lays hands on a dancer, the customer does not leave the club unless they are in handcuffs. What in the hell is going on here? Feel free to PM.

06-19-18, 23:54
Just went to Sensations in Inola last night. Saturday night, so the place was hopping. Probably about 30 patrons give or take, and it's a pretty small venue. As far as mongering goes, I'd say this place is a maybe, if you're into bigger girls at least. I was talking with a guy whose wife works there and is familiar with all the staff. He told me there is one girl there who does allow fingering, and he believes would go all the way. And the girl is fairly large, I might add. As for the others, it was his opinion that no one really offers extras. Said news like that would spread like wildfire and result in the girl's dismissal. Don't ask me why the aforementioned girl has not been fired; I don't know.

However, pretty early on I was approached by two BBWs who seemed to be pushing for that kind of action. They got really handsy with my junk, and said he could have fun in the VIP room (More on those in a bit). I declined their kind offer. I noticed that the two women seemed to circle around the place, trying to find a catch. I don't think they succeeded, but I'll admit, I wasn't paying to much attention to them. I did notice that neither of them were dancers; Neither danced the entire eight hours I was there. Considering their approach, the guy I was talking to might not know as much of the girls and the extras offered as he thinks. Maybe he was just making things up. Who's to say?

Moving on, there is no real discrete locations in the venue. The lap-dance seats are all visible from pretty much everywhere. The 4 VIP exclusive rooms all have windows that allow the bouncers to look in and make sure no shenanigans are going on. I think there were two bouncers by the VIP rooms for this purpose last night.

As for the club itself, it's a good little club I would say. If your goal is just to watch women strip their clothes and pole dance, and get some over the clothes action, it'll suit your needs. The girls were all pretty diverse: White, Black, Hispanic, Native American. Had just about every body type you could imagine: Curvy, lithe, muscular, BBW, average. There were a few gorgeous girls there, and some not-so-gorgeous. It was about even on that front, actually. The dancing was hit or miss; Some girls knocked it out of the park, while others had you think, "What the hell is she doing?" The girls themselves were all great. Extremely friendly, not pushy at all, great conversationalists, etc. Personality-wise, best club I've been to. This is a nude club, so alcohol sales are prohibited. The drink prices were my biggest annoyance. A bottle of water was four dollars, a small Red Bull was six dollars, a fountain drink was six dollars. What I didn't know was that they offered unlimited fountain drinks if you paid fifteen dollars, along with a cup you could keep. Learned about that detail a little too late.

Other things to note: Smoking is allowed inside, so it was pretty smoky. The bar staff is awesome. The place itself is very clean. You can bring your own alcoholic drinks in, as long as you're discrete. The VIP rooms are all nude girls, however the regular lap-dances leave the clothes on. It's a hands on establishment; If you're getting a dance, you can put your hands on the girls. And you can hire the cute bartender to dance in the VIP rooms for you, however she is twice the normal cost. Though she is more attractive than the dancers.

As for myself, I had a good time. Had a few dances with some different girls, tipped a lot, talked to the girls for hours. I didn't come with the expectation of sex, and I left satisfied.

TL; DR: Good strip club. Not so good mongering spot, but I'm open to being proven wrong.There was a girl advertising on BP who said she worked there. She offered out all or play there. So I would say it's likely.

12-15-18, 07:28
Good grief, they are having trouble with the girls not showing up, so they decide if a girl doesn't show up she can't come back.

Read the letter in the image. I intend to forward the letter to the club's attorney's and ask if the owner pays taxes on all of the "fines" they collect?

Let's see what happens.

12-18-18, 13:31
Good grief, they are having trouble with the girls not showing up, so they decide if a girl doesn't show up she can't come back.

Read the letter in the image. I intend to forward the letter to the club's attorney's and ask if the owner pays taxes on all of the "fines" they collect?

Let's see what happens.Sounds pretty crappy. Too bad I don't go there, so I could stop going in protest.

03-29-19, 22:44
A dancer there who goes by the name of Juniper in the Club is expanding her career. She's got some very hot porn available. Too bad Tulsa laws restrict what a girl can do on stage, 'cause she is very, very hot. Hoping to get her out to the club in Inola.


Ks Dark Knight
03-31-19, 04:39
I travel to Tulsa frequently and if in town for more than one evening I always hit up one of the clubs. I've been hearing rumors of huge issues at Night Trips from my friends at Twin Peaks. I note, alarmingly, this story in today's Tulsa World.


In Florida, if a customer lays hands on a dancer, the customer does not leave the club unless they are in handcuffs. What in the hell is going on here? Feel free to PM.I wonder why this chick is so surprised that the dude kicked her ass after being slapped.

04-21-19, 23:50
A dancer there who goes by the name of Juniper in the Club is expanding her career. She's got some very hot porn available. Too bad Tulsa laws restrict what a girl can do on stage, 'cause she is very, very hot. Hoping to get her out to the club in Inola.

https://onlyfans.com/artemiahelleboreGreat info!

Mr Mark
02-17-21, 12:08
I travel to Tulsa frequently and if in town for more than one evening I always hit up one of the clubs. I've been hearing rumors of huge issues at Night Trips from my friends at Twin Peaks. I note, alarmingly, this story in today's Tulsa World.


In Florida, if a customer lays hands on a dancer, the customer does not leave the club unless they are in handcuffs. What in the hell is going on here? Feel free to PM.Ya that's simply NOT true dude. Get your facts straight. I've been to many many clubs in the greater Miami area, Ft Lauderdale area and other random cities. They do not call the cops for confrontations, the usual method is Bouncer + Door. I've seen your posts and you talk a lot of BS. Stop it your just looking for attention and you are a liar too boot.

Mr Mark
02-17-21, 12:12
In Florida, if a customer lays hands on a dancer, the customer does not leave the club unless they are in handcuffs. What in the hell is going on here? Feel free to PM.Ya that's simply NOT true at ALL.

Get your facts straight. I've been to many many clubs in the greater Miami area, Ft Lauderdale area and other random cities. They do not call the cops for confrontations, the usual method is Bouncer + Door.

I've seen your posts and you talk a lot of BS. Stop it, your just looking for attention and you are full of shit. Just another white knight who thinks he knows something. YOU ARE A CUSTOMER dickhead, not the police or a lawyer.

04-28-22, 16:20
Any strip clubs in Tulsa worth hitting up? Not really looking for extras but if upgrades are available I don't mind at least checking out the scene to those places too but mainly just Here for a nice relax time.

04-29-22, 15:51
The only Tulsa club I've visited recently is Secrets. It's inconsistent in what it delivers and unusual, but it can be good. A guy near the door will look at your driver license and have you sign a clipboard. There will probably be periods without a dancer on the stage and apparent ad hoc decision-making regarding that, but the VIP room is dark and private. The $75 VIP deal for five songs is a solid value with a good dancer. I've had hot, high-contact sessions with two of the three I've tried. I'd share a name via PM.

Any strip clubs in Tulsa worth hitting up? Not really looking for extras but if upgrades are available I don't mind at least checking out the scene to those places too but mainly just Here for a nice relax time.

A Great Hobby
07-14-22, 23:01
Clear your inbox please.

07-15-22, 03:03
Clear your inbox please.I've made some room.

02-21-23, 22:35
The only Tulsa club I've visited recently is Secrets. It's inconsistent in what it delivers and unusual, but it can be good. A guy near the door will look at your driver license and have you sign a clipboard. There will probably be periods without a dancer on the stage and apparent ad hoc decision-making regarding that, but the VIP room is dark and private. The $75 VIP deal for five songs is a solid value with a good dancer. I've had hot, high-contact sessions with two of the three I've tried. I'd share a name via PM.I'm not generally looking to go the distance in a club, but have in certain "permissive" markets. City of Industry, and East St. Louis come to mind. While I didn't partake here, it does seem like some will do what it takes. For whatever reason the girls shy away from floor dances, so you pretty much have to jump right into the deep end behind the curtain. The one I took behind the curtain made it unambiguously clear that she was high mileage on the floor, and backed it up behind the curtain. She offered her number for otc, but was over what I'd pay.

Anyone have experience with the sex club behind the bar? Herd that there was a gangbang there last weekend.

05-22-24, 09:51
Any New strip club experiences or VIP services? Where is the best place to go? Pretty strippers!!

05-28-24, 18:01
Any New strip club experiences or VIP services? Where is the best place to go? Pretty strippers!!Well officer I guess you will have to find out on your own!

08-03-24, 19:27
I must qualify my report by saying that I haven't tried any of the other Tulsa clubs in recent years. What I wrote in 2022 about Secrets is still true, but I haven't had to scribble a "name" on a clipboard lately. It's still run in a strange way, with times of silence and not enough regulation of the stage show. VIP prices have not gone up (starting at $75/ five songs) and there are some very attractive girls dancing there, especially at night. Last Friday, a new girl was what I'd call the total package in the looks department and she also made a good impression in small talk. Take-out is possible with some of the girls.

The only Tulsa club I've visited recently is Secrets. It's inconsistent in what it delivers and unusual, but it can be good. A guy near the door will look at your driver license and have you sign a clipboard. There will probably be periods without a dancer on the stage and apparent ad hoc decision-making regarding that, but the VIP room is dark and private. The $75 VIP deal for five songs is a solid value with a good dancer. I've had hot, high-contact sessions with two of the three I've tried. I'd share a name via PM.