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12-31-99, 20:00
Thread Starter.

06-05-10, 14:23
Avoid Mandy on BP. She is covered in MRSA;


06-05-10, 14:50
Avoid Mandy on BP. She is covered in MRSA;

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/mandy-is-always-here-4-u-26/5035348MRSA is a form of bacteria that resists antibiotics. It isn't anytthing you can see.

Please explain your statement. Did I misinterpret?

06-06-10, 10:30
Nday Guy is correct. MRSA IS a bacteria that resists infection and cannot be identified by sight. HOWEVER, especially in IDUs, a commonly misidentified sore often is referred to as MRSA because their abcesses often infect with the MRSA bacterium. It is actually an abcess that starts out looking like a pimple and progresses to look more like a boil with substantial "hard-to-the-touch puffiness" around the pus filled core and then to a fairly large open sore. These can be relatively "uncomfortable" and spread very easily. Most often these are seen on the extremities and upper body (such as underarms). Once the open sore is present, MRSA often enters the body through the open sore. (Again, especially in IDUs where the exposure is so prevelant).

Now, trust me when I say you really don't want to come into direct contact with these. And you most definately do not want to take these abcesses home to wifey and/or kiddies!

06-07-10, 00:51
Nday Guy is correct. MRSA IS a bacteria that resists infection and cannot be identified by sight. HOWEVER, especially in IDUs, a commonly misidentified sore often is referred to as MRSA because their abcesses often infect with the MRSA bacterium. It is actually an abcess that starts out looking like a pimple and progresses to look more like a boil with substantial "hard-to-the-touch puffiness" around the pus filled core and then to a fairly large open sore. These can be relatively "uncomfortable" and spread very easily. Most often these are seen on the extremities and upper body (such as underarms). Once the open sore is present, MRSA often enters the body through the open sore. (Again, especially in IDUs where the exposure is so prevelant).

Now, trust me when I say you really don't want to come into direct contact with these. And you most definately do not want to take these abcesses home to wifey and/or kiddies!If you doubt me, the next time you see her ask her to look at her back right side, and then come back and tell me that isn't MRSA.

06-07-10, 09:10
I did not doubt you even one little bit. BUT, over the past 2-3 years this has become more and more prevelant. Almost exclusively amoung IDUs and SWs. I thought I'd give a bit more descriptive explanation so other mongers can recognize it immediately on sight. There is no question in my mind that this is what you saw and that you are probably 100% correct in your "diagnosis".

I apologize if it appeared as though I was correcting you. My only additional comment is that for this to be MRSA/Abcesses, there does not need to be numerous ones grouped together. MANY times you will find only one on the trunk or extremeties and it (all by itself) is just as contageous as a group such as what were likely seen by BigHard.

06-08-10, 10:38
I did not doubt you even one little bit. BUT, over the past 2-3 years this has become more and more prevelant. Almost exclusively amoung IDUs and SWs. I thought I'd give a bit more descriptive explanation so other mongers can recognize it immediately on sight. There is no question in my mind that this is what you saw and that you are probably 100% correct in your "diagnosis".

I apologize if it appeared as though I was correcting you. My only additional comment is that for this to be MRSA/Abcesses, there does not need to be numerous ones grouped together. MANY times you will find only one on the trunk or extremeties and it (all by itself) is just as contageous as a group such as what were likely seen by BigHard.

My only concern was because I touched it and just completely freaked once I saw what I was touching. I just couldn't understand how others have missed it being that the whole infected area was so large and unmistakable.

06-08-10, 11:51
What will happen to someone if they come in contact with it. I was with a girl a while back. We didn't have sex, but just oral? i haven't any signs but it's been about 3 months. Does it get into blood stream? I was rubbing her when i discovered it.

06-08-10, 16:55
MRSA or Methycillin Resistant Staph Aureus is an anitbiotic resistant form of Staph Aureus, which we all carry on ours skin as what is called normal flora.

66% of us now carry MRSA on our skin as normal flora without being sick or infected. Our body's immune system keeps it in check like like any other bacteria.

People who have MRSA infections are usually ill or compromised in some other way. They may have other concurrent infections that affect or overwhelm the immune system like syphillus or aids. It can be an allergic reaction that gives the bacteria the opportunity to infect. It can just be poor health, hygine or lifestyle that enables the infection. It's very similar to something we used to call impetigo.

It's not a question of avoiding it, 2/3's of us already have it on our skin normally. I'm saying that the context in which we encounter this infection should suggest that there are other problems involved that we don't want to take home.

If your provider has a raging MRSA infection, it's probably not her only health problem.

Be carefull, look at what you're doing and always, always take precautions.

Life is full of risks, but don't take really stupid ones.

Firehouse Mack

06-08-10, 18:10
Thank you for your information on mrsa. It is a scary subject. But making us aware of just one of the dangers involing mongering. Be safe!!! and most of all thank's to the gentilmen who reported the lady who has it.

06-09-10, 09:39
Thank you for your information on mrsa. It is a scary subject. But making us aware of just one of the dangers involing mongering. Be safe!!! and most of all thank's to the gentilmen who reported the lady who has it.

I tried to research this more on the internet. Oddly, it was very hard to find any pictures of it. Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. I am going to try and attach the two pictures I was able to find.

One thing really caught my eye when I was reading about it. MRSA is most suseptable to people that already have a deficient immune system. It then went on to make a point that MRSA is common for people that are HIV positive or have AIDS. That one really got me thinking and more concerned about my incident. Embarressing as it is, I'm going to the doctor.

Niterider, I have no way of knowing but I would at least feel less concerned if it's been three months. Maybe someone else knows the answer for sure.

The other photo won't upload but I can tell you that what is in the picture posted here was nothing compared to what I saw on Mandy.

06-09-10, 15:15
If you want pictures of MRSA just go to google, click "images" and search MRSA infection. It looks like any other skin infection because thats exactly what it is. It's just resistant to antibiotics.

Chances are that you have already carried it on your skin. 66% of us do.
If you are healthy with intact skin, you won't be infected with MRSA.

My message is don't be afraid of MRSA, be afraid of what often lives with it.

While your looking, search "syphilitic chancre." We all should know what those look like and be looking out for them.

Again, always always use protection.

It's Ok to take chances in life, just don't get really stupid about it.

Firehouse Mack

The Squirrel
06-09-10, 16:15
Has the potential to be extremely useful, but is getting off to an unusual start. As a final (I hope) thought on the MRSA subject, might I suggest you check with the Backpage link below. You'll find information including a picture of Roxanne and at the end of it is a direct hyperlink to her roommate, Mandy, with her pictures. I'm not a physician, so I'm not saying Roxanne does or does not have this or that, but she DID exhibit similar symptoms awhile back (and I would presume still does) she was an IDU (and I presume she still is) and she was Mandy's roommate. Niteryder, I think I remember you saying on the SW thread that Roxanne spent a night or two with you, so I would think you might want to get checked just to be on the safe side.


But this CANNOT be the only report we have for girls on Backpage!! This one for example gets ME excited just to think about it. Anyone got information on her??


The Squirrel
06-09-10, 16:37

Any thoughts?

06-09-10, 19:01
Sorry Squirrel, just answering a question where it was asked.


You're right, there is another place just for this subject.

Firehouse Mack

More Cum For U
06-09-10, 19:48
The one that you posted wanting info about "squirrel" looks really pretty. But if you look close to her one pics you can see alot, alot of stretch marks in the Mid section.


The Squirrel
06-10-10, 08:08
I attempted to contact her via Yahoo Messenger, but she was not available. I was surprised that almost instantly upon trying to contact her, I received the response that she was not immediately available, but would be online later. Sure enough, a bit later I saw she had left a message saying she was taking appointments for after 10pm. Unfortunately by then the Squirrel had found a nut, so I was already home and it wasn't necessary. I WAS impressed, however, with her responsiveness.

In logging on this morning, I see she has updated her info to say that she is booking appointments for after 9:00 this evening. I must say, I DO like her responsiveness. Hopefully I'll be able to check her out this weekend.

As for the stretchmarks, yeah, I saw 'them, thanks. But I guess it's like the comedian Katt Williams says. "stretch marks simply mean she was small and got big or she was big and got small. Either way we're fu(king"!

Jst Hvn Fn
06-10-10, 08:51
But this CANNOT be the only report we have for girls on Backpage!! This one for example gets ME excited just to think about it. Anyone got information on her??


I've had a visit from her before. She actualy looks a little cuter in person I thought but be aware, she requires additional tip and tries hard to upsell as much as possible. Expect to tip just as much as you donate for just her time if you want to be fully satisfied. This is why I prefer to stick to the independents.

Jst Hvn Fn
06-10-10, 09:05
For those familiar with my posts I'm sure you know I have a thing for little chocolate spinners. So when I found this new little treat Shawna on bpage I had to give her a try.
Pics are very accurate, easy to set up and eager to please. Started with a light massage while getting to know each other a bit then quickly turned to some LFK and it was on. She's got some big teeth which didn't help the BBBJ but not too bad. Little DATY next before hitting the usual 3(K-9, cowgirl, mish). Thing I loved was she kept her hands very active in all positions, the boys were not neglected at all. Went just a little over on time but didn't seem like she was watching at all. She's a repeat for sure!

The Squirrel
06-10-10, 17:42
Jst Hvn Fn. WOW. I just finished a I'm session with that provider from Backpage (http://columbus.backpage.com/Female. Ning-19/4041178). She was probably the most rude woman I've "spoken" with since my ex-wife 20 years ago! I don't particularly care how cute she is/was, if I picked her up as a. 20 WSW and she was that rude, I'd take my $ back and physically kick her out of the car if I had to.

She was NOT sensously dominating or anything else on that order. Simply RUDE as hell. Afraid I'll Pass.

Gave Nirvana a call. Terrific attitude. Looking forward to her.

06-10-10, 20:57
My experience was nearly exactly the opposite, although I agree the photos are accurate. She was lethargic through the session, then met a dealer at her front door for a drug deal as I was in another room preparing to leave. I WON'T see her again.

For those familiar with my posts I'm sure you know ... I had to give her a try. http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sexy-ebony-lady-100-gfe-24/5153291 ... She's a repeat for sure!

Bill Buxton
06-11-10, 11:35
It is fact is bad stuff and will live outside a host for some time also. If you see that type of sore just pass or protect yourself. There are many people having this stuff and it is not anything ya ever want or want to bring home.

Jst Hvn Fn
06-12-10, 11:23
Wow, I must have caught her in a great mood or it could be the fact that I always bring these girls a little present that always insures me great service and avoids those deals while your in the other room. I've only ever met 2 providers that didn't accept my gifts and most will take it in exchange for or a lower donation and again it makes them so happy and eager to please. So the best tip I can give is even if you don't partake yourself bring these girls a little white or green present and you'll be more than happy you did.

06-13-10, 01:48
Wow, I must have caught her in a great mood or it could be the fact that I always bring these girls a little present that always insures me great service and avoids those deals while your in the other room. I've only ever met 2 providers that didn't accept my gifts and most will take it in exchange for or a lower donation and again it makes them so happy and eager to please. So the best tip I can give is even if you don't partake yourself bring these girls a little white or green present and you'll be more than happy you did.That's so very true. That package is what turned most of these girls into ******. Shawna looks like a nose goddess to the highroller, trust me I know one when I see one. But in the long run I don't care who does drugs or not. I'm just after quality service.

Member #4208
06-13-10, 06:58
Has anyone been with this Asian? She looks hot from her pics.




06-13-10, 21:25
Bob, the last two links look copied and 'real'.

Capt Gonzo
06-16-10, 05:44
Just to confirm for everyone, Mandy is indeed infected with MRSA as well as hepititus and lord knows what else by now. Tho she has had both of these for years, she has just recently started to be charged with 'Spreading a contagion', which makes me wonder what more serous issues she might have going on. Mandy has multiple large scale scarring all over her body caused by absesses from shooting heroin. The largest is her left ass cheek which she explains off as from an auto accident. BS! It is where the doctors had to carve out a massive infection!

Danger lurks here.

The A Man
06-18-10, 21:36
I saw this posted on backpage and cannot vouch for its authenticity but thought it should be posted as it is unusual to see posts like this one.


In the early part of the month of June. I saw Sydney Sweet ad on backpage. I went to her website www.sydneysweet.escort-site.com/

I sent her my information about getting together. We met at the Baymont Hotel and Suites in Westerville. Stayed in room 202. Second floor above the Hotel Lobby.

I locked my wallet and my watch up in my glove box. I locked my car.

I paid the $160 for the hour. She looks like her pictures, but she look like she has been awake for days. She had body oder and the room smelt like cigs. She did tell me she was actually 29 year's old but she looks 40. She did do GFE.

When leaving the hotel i stopped for gas. I went to get my wallet out of the glove box and the glove box just flew opened. Someone got into my car and drilled several holes to open my glove box. Wallet and Watch was gone. Major pain to cancel my credit and debit cards. Plus my DL. Now they know where i live. I had about 120 dollars in my wallet.

Several days later i get an email. In the email is a digital picture of my car and plate number from the night at the Baymont hotel. In the email it stated if i want my wife to know i see call girls? I was told to go to the Red Roof in in Wothington on Saturday, go to room 304 and slide an enevolpe with 500 dollars under the door. I did that. I haven't heard from her again. I noticed she only post ads about once or twice a week.

The phone numbers she and some man called me from are 614-537-5519, 614-423-8045 and 614-323-4619.

She was driving a Green Buick Park Ave with tan leather seats.

The A Man
06-18-10, 21:41
Also saw this one posted too.


I will tell you as much as I can without getting in more trouble...these two girls have both been in and out of TROUBLE (DRUGS) and are working to get out of trouble with LE! I went to see Lily and got busted!! My car was searched and I was arrested. This happened around the 71 Morse Road area. Here is the number I called: 614-783-5177

They are now working a sting off of 161 and 71.(Clarion Hotel) I dont have a room number. I felt I should at least post something to warn everyone. I saw both girls in the room. The photos are fake on the ad.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-18-10, 22:09
Was around the w.broad area Thrusday before noon. Saw a few wsw around that time. One had on a bikini top with blue jean shorts. Drove by and she wavied, came around again and she went into a store. Another one was a red head with long hair. Walked with a limp. She asked and I passed on her. Got together with a small spinner blond named Pam. looks about 10 years older than what she really is, 30 looks 40. Got digits but phone is not turned back on yet.

Chris H
06-19-10, 02:13
Wow, both those stories are crazy, and makes a person want to econsider messing with these BP girls. I am glad we got this info, and we have to continue to share good and bad info when it comes to dealing with the girls on BP, CL, and on the streets.

Chris H

06-19-10, 08:25
That's the kind of info we need to know about. And thank for sharing it with all of us. Sorry about your bad luck.

Peter Nigo
06-19-10, 10:34
Could be true but sounds more like a pissed off pimp than a pissed off client. I have no desire to see SS but I'm noting buying this story.

How did someone get in a locked car?

I haven't seen a locking glove box in 20 years.

Why stay if the place stank?

Why stay if looked as described?

Why do GFE if she stank?

Must have been a damn good camera to get such details at night & the good

Fortune to have the Baymont sign in the same picture.

How would they know he has a wife?

If she was in the room, how did he know what she was driving?

Story doesn't wash.

06-19-10, 10:47
A Man, I truly feel badly for you, and hope you've learned from your experience. Please read the 22 rules for mongering, especially rules 12-16 and I think you'll see how this set-up occured. I am a firm believer in never doing incalls. There is simply too much that can happen. At a provider's home could be cameras (I saw a new one outside of Detroit in a store that specializes in these kind of things) that is as small as a coat button! Not just the lens, the whole camera! This in addition to the other possible perils of husband/boyfriend/pimp busting into the house and robbing the hobbiest, etc. There are so many others, it simply isn't worth the few extra bucks savings on a motel room. Always use YOUR location if you're looking to take a provider (SW or Escort) there. No, not your home, A hotel/motel of course is always best. And NOT their choice of hotels. YOUR choice. On the streets, if you want automobile action, there is one safe place (minimum) in EVERY area of town where I've never heard of the po-po busting anyone. I hesitate to put it on here because LE spends as much time on the board as anyone else and will readily see it and try to put a stop to it as well. Even PMs aren't good for disseminating the info because you never know when you're PMing LEO himself! Remember, to become a senior member it only takes 25 posts. Any one of the Senior Members could also be LEO! But go to a spot of YOUR choice, not hers! In fact, don't EVER say to the SW "Do you know of somewhere around here where we can park without interruption" that is just begging to get robbed! If you're out Mongering in a particular area, you should have scouted the area first to figure out where you'd take her if you DO pick someone up! If anyone knows a way I can get word out of where my personal choice is without worrying that it will fall under closer LEO scrutiny, please let me know!

But you've learned a valuable lesson. I sure hope it stops here for you and the blackmailers don't continue to demand more.

Good Luck to us all.

Book Man
06-19-10, 15:57
Wow another blackmail attempt story on BP today. Stay far far away from this one. BP the home of blackmailers cash and dashers thieves cons fake pictures scammers and disease carrying losers.

Happy Mongering .

The A Man
06-20-10, 15:20
A Man, I truly feel badly for you, and hope you've learned from your experience. Please read the 22 rules for mongering, especially rules 12-16 and I think you'll see how this set-up occured. I am a firm believer in never doing incalls. There is simply too much that can happen. At a provider's home could be cameras (I saw a new one outside of Detroit in a store that specializes in these kind of things) that is as small as a coat button! Not just the lens, the whole camera! This in addition to the other possible perils of husband/boyfriend/pimp busting into the house and robbing the hobbiest, etc. There are so many others, it simply isn't worth the few extra bucks savings on a motel room. Always use YOUR location if you're looking to take a provider (SW or Escort) there. No, not your home, A hotel/motel of course is always best. And NOT their choice of hotels. YOUR choice. On the streets, if you want automobile action, there is one safe place (minimum) in EVERY area of town where I've never heard of the po-po busting anyone. I hesitate to put it on here because LE spends as much time on the board as anyone else and will readily see it and try to put a stop to it as well. Even PMs aren't good for disseminating the info because you never know when you're PMing LEO himself! Remember, to become a senior member it only takes 25 posts. Any one of the Senior Members could also be LEO! But go to a spot of YOUR choice, not hers! In fact, don't EVER say to the SW "Do you know of somewhere around here where we can park without interruption" that is just begging to get robbed! If you're out Mongering in a particular area, you should have scouted the area first to figure out where you'd take her if you DO pick someone up! If anyone knows a way I can get word out of where my personal choice is without worrying that it will fall under closer LEO scrutiny, please let me know!

But you've learned a valuable lesson. I sure hope it stops here for you and the blackmailers don't continue to demand more.

Good Luck to us all.

Actually this did not happen to me, I just reposted what was on BP for y'all to see. Still your advice is spot on and it never hurts to see those rules show back up in posts every so often just to keep us all from getting overconfident in our abilities. Good on you!!

Minora Majora
06-21-10, 01:40
Could be true but sounds more like a pissed off pimp than a pissed off client. I have no desire to see SS but I'm noting buying this story.

How did someone get in a locked car?

I haven't seen a locking glove box in 20 years.

Why stay if the place stank?

Why stay if looked as described?

Why do GFE if she stank?

Must have been a damn good camera to get such details at night & the good

Fortune to have the Baymont sign in the same picture.

How would they know he has a wife?

If she was in the room, how did he know what she was driving?

Story doesn't wash.I agree with Captaincolumb. The unknown poster on BP posted the following on June 17. He seems to know too much about Sydney. Probably a pissed off "business partner" of hers. Below is the posting from BP (June 17)


A woman who calls herself Sydney Sweet who places ads on this site for sex for money.

Her real name is Jennifer L. Bobo. She has warrants for her arrest. Her address is

Westerville Ohio 43801

Jennifer Bobo has her brother Jared who has two warrants for his arrests have been going thru clients cars while Jennifer is having sex for money in the hotel room.

Ms. Bobo is addicted to oxy. She also traffic in oxy. Both Jared and Jennifer Bobo lives with there mother Sharon Loughman in a small one bedroom apartment. Along with Sharon husband and Jennifer two small children. Sharon is a waitress at Bob Evans on 161.

Jennifer is driving a green older model Buick Park Ave which is her mothers car, a silver Dodge Avenger or her father's red older Ford Explorer.

Jennifer will use your personal information and give it to her brother Jared. Jared will call you. He will tell you if you don't pay him between 500 to 5000 dollars he will tell your wife you have been seeing a hooker. He will tell your employer or anyone who knows you. She likes to work out of the Red Roof Inn on 23 in Worthington.

Be very careful with this woman!


Dads Extra Fun
06-21-10, 18:34
Sydney isn't a vouched member on one of the other indy sites but has a number of positive and negative reviews there. But she has had a couple of questionable of late from a known con artist that the admins of that site have banned numerous times but he shows up under new names. He posted positive reviews for her and another girl before being caught.

The positive rewviews were after some seriously negative reviews of bad performance and hygiene. The posters of those reviews were themselves from new members so difficult to say which if any are true. I recommend avoiding til reliable data comes through.

Wow another blackmail attempt story on BP today. Stay far far away from this one. BP the home of blackmailers cash and dashers thieves cons fake pictures scammers and disease carrying losers.

Happy Mongering .

Nirvana 614
06-22-10, 15:58
WOW, Guess you're not real happy with your experience there, huh? I'm not on BP right at the moment, but I have been in the past, and I don't fit into any of the categories you mentioned. Please don't stereotype all of us like that. Many DO fit into that class, but most don't. (I hope)

Maybe sometime we'lll cross paths and can talk about it.

Sorry you had such bad luck


06-22-10, 17:55
Unidentified61 Hopefully you weren't saying you are willing to share your spot with others? IMHO really bad idea!!!!

1.) Every time you go there it involves traffic.

2.) These girls (if they think it is a good spot) take others there and more traffic.

3.) Other guys (if you did that) you have told about your spot go there, More traffic. Then the cycle repeats itself!

4.) Not all watch there six. How do you know they aren't followed by LE?

5.) One spot is also a bad Idea IMHO you need minimum of 4. always nice to keep them fresh lol.

5.) Push the envelope on getting as far away as she will permit IMHO less chance she will take others there it's just to damn far.

IMHO This is something everyone that reads this SHOULD do!

Go to your so called secret SPOT ALONE. Get out and look on the ground real good. I'll bet you see condoms on the ground, if not it is still a good spot. If you see even one NOT a good spot anymore, get back in your vehicle and do not ever go back! Find a new spot.

Last but not least never give away your spot ever. The girls are already doing it for you anyway.

Remember you worked hard to find that spot IMHO keep it to yourself.

Be safe,


06-22-10, 21:04
I'm assuming you got my PM. Now do you see why it isn't 100% critical that I not share it? Granted I don't want it totally overrun, but it's completely private while being in full view of anyone/everyone!

06-23-10, 07:04
I'm assuming you got my PM. Now do you see why it isn't 100% critical that I not share it? Granted I don't want it totally overrun, but it's completely private while being in full view of anyone/everyone!Yes I have used it and yes it was suggested by a couple of ladies but only twice and it was many years ago. I appreciate you not taking offence to my comments and the PM! Your post that I was refering to was spot but I was worried that you might be getting to far into open waters while just trying to be helpful to others here.

Tipping my hat to Unidentified61


06-23-10, 14:19
CL is a waste of time for me but Backpage on the other hand is a Gold Mine of solid 10's IMHO. It is a pain to weed through the BS rip off ladies but real finds are there to be had!!

I must admit I am more than a little nervous about burning up the boards with the plethura of rock solid chicks I meet with that are out there for the taking. Any Seniors that would like a free BP referal that I have had fantastic experiances with can PM me.

I see solid 10 SWers all the time and pick my fair share for sure but time is a problem and BP is a sure ringer for me IMHO at least in a pinch for time.

Massage ladies are another area that I have great success with and IMHO Cols in general is tough to beat when it comes to quality but research is critical!

06-23-10, 23:31
I certainly understand your praise for BP. Unfortunately the other day when I was watching the News, they talked about busting a pimp in Marion along with two of "his" girls. They showed the girls on the news (I'd rate them 8. 5 to 9. 0) but when they showed the "brothel" including both the outside of the building and the "pimp" that was arrested, they said the arrest happened at least in part, because of the listing of the two girls on BP. The also showed a picture of the BP site! Don't know how safe it is now. Sure scared ME off anyway. I'm going to stick to ladies I already know (I KNOW they're available for the. 20,. 30,. 50 or whatever). Based on both my last post which refers to: http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/jun/23/2/tape-clue-leads-2nd-arrest-chat-line-kidnapping-ar-118803/ and what I saw about the "brothel" being run based on ads from girls on BP. I'm safest with the street girls. In all candor, half the fun is in the hunt anyway, and iti's more fun hunting on the street! Hunting on BP would be like hunting at the zoo. The prey is there, but you really need to think twice about shooting at it! (I just made that analogy up. I like it!)

06-24-10, 10:24
I certainly understand your praise for BP. Unfortunately the other day when I was watching the News, they talked about busting a pimp in Marion along with two of "his" girls. They showed the girls on the news (I'd rate them 8. 5 to 9. 0) but when they showed the "brothel" including both the outside of the building and the "pimp" that was arrested, they said the arrest happened at least in part, because of the listing of the two girls on BP. The also showed a picture of the BP site! Don't know how safe it is now. Sure scared ME off anyway. I'm going to stick to ladies I already know (I KNOW they're available for the. 20,. 30,. 50 or whatever). Based on both my last post which refers to: http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/jun/23/2/tape-clue-leads-2nd-arrest-chat-line-kidnapping-ar-118803/ and what I saw about the "brothel" being run based on ads from girls on BP. I'm safest with the street girls. In all candor, half the fun is in the hunt anyway, and iti's more fun hunting on the street! Hunting on BP would be like hunting at the zoo. The prey is there, but you really need to think twice about shooting at it! (I just made that analogy up. I like it!)I like to stick with the less expensive SWP's myself it sure makes it easier on the hip pocket too and enjoy the hunt for the gems that are out there. I have seen the ads for Marion and knew it was only a matter of time before they got hit. The pictures of a few there were VERY young IMHO and a sure target for the hit! Enough for me to stay far away from all that, have no time to do training an 18 y/o and find the young stuff to be a real turn off. The whole escort vs. SW thing requires multiple skill sets and the ability to switch up your gaming abilities I find exciting and challenging, so it makes for good fun for me at least.

Be safe,


Lauren 01
06-26-10, 03:53
My name is Lauren.100% Asian. Please PM me.

In Columbus until end of the month. Take care!

Book Man
06-26-10, 12:58
My name is Lauren.100% Asian. Please PM me.

In Columbus until end of the month. Take care!Asian girls draw a lot of interest. My suggestion would be go to Orlando streetwalker board check out post 3117 on 5 26 10 and read board forward. You can draw your own conclusion. She is Chinese not Korean.

Happy Mongering .

06-26-10, 16:31
Saw Angelina last night at her incall, northside motel, she advertises on BP but has a couple reviews on ter. Not the large breasted girl in the pic but cute with a spinner body, very tiny, no fat at all, nice B cups. She was with her friend Lake but she left when I got there. She got naked immediately and started with a very nice BBBJ with DT and lots of spit. Put the cover on and went to CG and mish, very tight, no kissing, kinda rushed but she finished with another BBBJTC no cim but one of the best bjs I've had. Will def repeat. Have digits to trade.

Mr Germany
06-28-10, 23:33
She changed the price on me when I showed up, then tried to say that amount was only for a "short time." Shame, but I didn't get a good feeling about her honesty.

07-10-10, 23:13
Extension for Backpage and Nuvo: ?layout=detailed

This extension will append the separate ads so they can be scrolled rather than having to be opened separately.

Extension for Backpage and Nuvo: ?layout=detailed
At this point is looks like we have to add the extension to the URL



Another public service announcement brought to you by Golfcart.

Somebody figure out what extension will work for Craigslist and get back to me.

07-11-10, 16:17
Has anyone sampled the total package advertised on Craigslist? http://columbus.craigslist.org/ads/1835757696.htmlShe says she offers everything plus extra pops for $.40 and Greek is extra 20. Just wondered if anyone has tried her or has a heads up on whether this is TGTBT.

07-12-10, 08:26
Not I, but please keep us "abreast" so to speak.

If she's all that I want to call, too!

07-12-10, 10:12
Has anyone sampled the total package advertised on Craigslist? http://columbus.craigslist.org/ads/1835757696.htmlShe says she offers everything plus extra pops for $.40 and Greek is extra 20. Just wondered if anyone has tried her or has a heads up on whether this is TGTBT.Everything plus extra pops for .40 and greek for another .20?

When PIGS fly maybe?

Did she then say come on over for the biggest rip off of your life?

Take a pass.


07-12-10, 13:26
It was for 140 and extra 20 for Greek.

The dollar sign represents a Franklin on other boards.

The A Man
07-12-10, 19:57
She is a cute brunette who worked for C.O. Girls escort agency and has apparently gone out on her own. I received the following e-mail from someone proporting to be her booker:

Hi my name is ***** and I used to book appts for kasey. She will rob you. She worked for c.o.girls but they got shut down bc of the bad reviews. Google reviews about c.o.girls escort agency and then see all the ones that mention kasey, you will see. Just saving you the headache. Please pass on the word. Thanks.

I had inquired about her but took a pass based on her rate being $ up front plus tips. I looked for one of her earlier posts but they seem to have been removed. Anyway, just passing the word along as requested. Stay safe!

07-16-10, 15:34
Any one have any info on this chick?

She looks to good to be true


07-18-10, 14:20
Any one have any info on this chick?

She looks to good to be true

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sweet-kandy-girl-lk-4-yourself-19/5386531A post in the Cincy section http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=1013123&postcount=106 had some info.

Rates are in a constant state of change.

07-19-10, 19:25
Has anyone seen the wsw by name of Star?

Shawn Petzel
07-21-10, 10:42
Has anyone seen the wsw by name of Star?I personal haven't had her but reports on craigslist before states put their grip on it. She goes by 2 names Carmen and Mia use to be a real high end hooker until she got hook on drugs. They say you would walk in the door and she would take it out and blow it on the spot. Mia was gone their for awhile maybe rehab?

Traveler Two
07-22-10, 03:47
Has anyone seen the wsw by name of Star?A while back there was a thick girl that lived on central that went by star, then there was an escort that went by Shar. They sound familiar?

Shawn Petzel
07-26-10, 23:41
Has anyone tried this one...sound like fun.


Sig Freud
07-28-10, 08:45
Saw this one last night:
Said she was in for a week from Florida, seeing family and the fair. $ for half hour. BBBJ and CFS. She looks even better than pic. Hotel around the Morse/71 area. Big fake tits. Not a big fan of fake ones but the size was interesting. Handled the setting up of the appointment very professionally. Room did not smell of smoke: always a plus. Would repeat.

07-28-10, 11:53
Anyone had any experience with the two gals that advertise on Backpage as Asian Cambodians. I spoke with one on the phone and they are located somewhere on Granville Dublin road. Pricing is $$ for an hour $.8 hh.

I willl be spending friday night in Columbus and am looking for some amusement.

Chris H
08-06-10, 02:02
Come on guys, step your game up, Maria and Lucius are the real thing for a GREAT price. You have to hit them up if you want the REAL no games thing!

Chris H

Member #4208
08-06-10, 23:03
Come on guys, step your game up, Maria and Lucius are the real thing for a GREAT price. You have to hit them up if you want the REAL no games thing!

Chris HHow do I get in touch with them?

08-16-10, 07:36
Has anyone had any experience with this one?


08-17-10, 20:34
How do I get in touch with them?http://columbus.columbusalive.com/FemaleEscorts/party-friday-itz-ma-ri3-having-fun-and-want-2-az-well-21/5563128

08-18-10, 08:36
I found this ad on BP this morning:


It appears to be posted by the same Nirvana who has posted some messages on this board, including pics of herself in a couple of her messages, and I think it’s her same phone number listed in the ad. But the image in the BP ad isn’t her -- tineye says it’s a copyrighted image from Getty, a stock photo source!

Is this an instance of a legit provider doing something non-kosher?

Dads Extra Fun
08-18-10, 10:04
Kendall is an old delight that used to operate as an independent locally and was a fun, honest lady at a good price. She got picked up by one of the big touring agencies a few years ago. Definitely worth seeing if you get the opportunity.

Saw this one last night:
Said she was in for a week from Florida, seeing family and the fair. $ for half hour. BBBJ and CFS. She looks even better than pic. Hotel around the Morse/71 area. Big fake tits. Not a big fan of fake ones but the size was interesting. Handled the setting up of the appointment very professionally. Room did not smell of smoke: always a plus. Would repeat.

08-18-10, 13:20
I found this ad on BP this morning:


It appears to be posted by the same Nirvana who has posted some messages on this board, including pics of herself in a couple of her messages, and I think it’s her same phone number listed in the ad. But the image in the BP ad isn’t her -- tineye says it’s a copyrighted image from Getty, a stock photo source!

Is this an instance of a legit provider doing something non-kosher?To me that does not look like an add she would post. If you want, pm her and ask her.

08-18-10, 13:25
Kendall is an old delight that used to operate as an independent locally and was a fun, honest lady at a good price. She got picked up by one of the big touring agencies a few years ago. Definitely worth seeing if you get the opportunity.I remember her from the Dispatch days too. Those pictures are from when she was with Miami Companions, aren't they really old? Those were VERY acurate pics but I have been wondering? I didn't hear a peep about the pictures being old from the previous poster, they are old. She was really built for speed in the day and knew what she was doing!! Has that changed? She apparently knows Cari. I am suspicious but knew her well at one time.

Please PM me.


Nirvana 614
08-18-10, 17:20
I found this ad on BP this morning:


It appears to be posted by the same Nirvana who has posted some messages on this board, including pics of herself in a couple of her messages, and I think it’s her same phone number listed in the ad. But the image in the BP ad isn’t her -- tineye says it’s a copyrighted image from Getty, a stock photo source!

Is this an instance of a legit provider doing something non-kosher?Grey. One of my "fans" thought he was doing me a favor by posting me an extra time. And being as HE posted it but didn't have pictures, I can't even get in to get the picture out of there. I DID have my friend who took my originals put his information on the front when I re-posted from the other day with my REAL pictures if you go back a day or two and look.

To all who saw that fake ad on BP, it was NOT me who put it up, and I have asked BP to remove it. (Just have to wait and see if they do or not!)

All those on USA who have seen my pics here know my REAL ones.

To all of you, I am VERY sorry.


08-18-10, 17:40
Grey. One of my "fans" thought he was doing me a favor by posting me an extra time. And being as HE posted it but didn't have pictures, I can't even get in to get the picture out of there. I DID have my friend who took my originals put his information on the front when I re-posted from the other day with my REAL pictures if you go back a day or two and look.

To all who saw that fake ad on BP, it was NOT me who put it up, and I have asked BP to remove it. (Just have to wait and see if they do or not!)

All those on USA who have seen my pics here know my REAL ones.

To all of you, I am VERY sorry.

NirvanaThanks for the update.

Nirvana 614
08-18-10, 19:24
Especially Greywolfe, THESE are MY pictures. My number has not changed, it is still [Telephone Number deleted by Admin]. If anyone else happens to spot some fake ad that's supposedly mine, PLEASE let me know. I work very hard at what I do and while I appreciate everything everyone does to try to help, that is one of those things I can do without!


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal telephone numbers in the text. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

Chris H
08-19-10, 00:00
Guys, Nirvana has no reason to post anything fake. She is the real deal, that provides EXCELLENT service, PERIOD! Enjoy her!!

Chris H

08-19-10, 12:39
Was recently in columbus and called the number for the Thai girl that advetises on BP. I was told that it would be about an hour before she could come to my motel, I agreed and waited expectantly. On e hour later girl shows up with driver. This girl is blonde and a little chubby and defiinitely not the Thai I had hoped for. An yway, I was horny and it was getting late so I innvited the blonde in. She immediately got naked, put on the cover and started sucking like there was not tomorrow. Talk about rushed service. Anyway, I wanted to play with her giner a bit and she informed m e she did not like that. We did a little cowgirl and I was just not into it due to her attitude and her not being that pnysically attractive. I paid her off and sent her home. Anyway, the number for the Thai girl is actually an agency and they will, apparently, send an yone they please which, to me, is just a scam. I very seldom use escorts because my history with them has not been very good. On the other hand, I have neve been ripped off in an AMP anhywhere.

Peter Nigo
08-20-10, 12:51
I saw the BP ad in question and also had concerns. The board challenged Nirvana. She answered the challenge. My thoughts are the WAY she answered the challenge was first class, professional, well written, and respectful. She could have dropped a bunch of "F" bombs and "up yours". And I have read more than a few from "escorts" who have done so under similar circumstances.

Nirvana seems to be a very sweet lady and is certainly well mannered & well spoken. All positive traits of a good escort. I wish her well and good fortune!

08-24-10, 20:42
I have a freind who has fallen on hard times. Her house burnt down. She was living in a motel with the help of red cross. She is now staying with me and she needs to make some roses. She is a 24 year old college student home for the summer. She is 5'3, 130 lbs with beautiful long black hair. She is a 9 on looks, 10 on the body and is willing to please. To ALL seniors, e-mail me for her digits. 160 roses per hour and well worth it! She's has never done this type of thing before but needs the roses.

Be safe!

08-24-10, 22:05
I have a freind that needs some help. shes 24, 5'3" 130 lbs. 36c's-24-36.Long dark hair. Her house burnt down. Was on the news last week. New to this. But she needs some roses to get herself back on her feet. Seniors hit me up for digits. Be safe!! All i can say is WOW!

And you will fall in love with one.

08-26-10, 22:07
Watch out for her. She robbed me for $175.00.

I stepped up to the plate for her several times, and tonight she got me!


08-29-10, 11:23
Any word on these 2


08-30-10, 17:34
Any word on these 2

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/andhearts-dont-miss-out-come-see-what-youve-been-missing-andhearts/5654267I think Unidentified61 fell in love too around the end of june. RTF July 7th on the reply I gave then.



08-30-10, 17:44
Any one have any info on this chick?

She looks to good to be true

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sweet-kandy-girl-lk-4-yourself-19/5386531I read your other Post and thought I would go ahead and respond to it too.

She is now a member MsMisc I think, I am old and my memorie is rusty at best. She has posted here in Cols and Cincy. Read the reports/posts she has given.

She is due to hit Cols very soon acording to Wingman Todd RTF Cincy and get the intel that he has given on this one, apparently she is TGTBT.You may check DC, she travels there too. I do not have any experiances that I will refer to here but IMHO I concider Wingman to be a VERY reliable source of intel. Read some of his reports, they are nothing short of incredible IMHO.

Just a public service message by


Shawn Petzel
08-30-10, 23:10
Any word on these 2

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/andhearts-dont-miss-out-come-see-what-youve-been-missing-andhearts/5654267I read somewhere either on here or on bp that this lady is a big ripe off.

09-05-10, 13:09
I'm new to posting here but I've been here a bit but was wondering if anyone knew a woman by her nickname Daisy?

She used to post once in awhile on Craigslist but the last time I even contacted her was around a year ago.

Was in Reynoldsburg off 70 Exit and lived with a roommate.

09-06-10, 22:01
I may be wrong (I am sure someone will correct me) I think the city of Columbus and Franklin county uses (614) 462-XXXX. I do not think it is available to individuals. SO If you see a provider with this type of number, I would be fearful. Have you seen this person? Is she legit and I am wrong????



09-06-10, 22:07

yes it is scary cause it's a TS and the third photo is not her/him. And not 30 more like 40 something. Not even close on the weight. Try 185+

09-07-10, 09:45
I may be wrong.....


http://columbus.backpage.com/BodyRubs/stress-relief/5243815TinEye search results for the photo in the ad: http://www.tineye.com/search/8ac176ea5a53d9d8d24b7c30659d93c8d023b173/

Run a Google search of the phone number. There are a lot of ads throughout the country using this number.

09-07-10, 11:45
but, not sure what you mean by legit. I can't imagine a sting where a cop gives massages for an hour and busts you on the flip for asking for sex

I may be wrong (I am sure someone will correct me) I think the city of Columbus and Franklin county uses (614) 462-XXXX. I do not think it is available to individuals. SO If you see a provider with this type of number, I would be fearful. Have you seen this person? Is she legit and I am wrong????



Dads Extra Fun
09-07-10, 21:48
I may be wrong (I am sure someone will correct me) I think the city of Columbus and Franklin county uses (614) 462-XXXX. I do not think it is available to individuals. SO If you see a provider with this type of number, I would be fearful. Have you seen this person? Is she legit and I am wrong????



She's legit. I did a review on her in the Massage section a couple weeks ago as have others. Service is rushed with a handjob at the end, though I hear she has an expanded menu for repeat customers. Pics are a few years old, but she's still an attractive lady in her 40s. As always, YMMV.

Dads Extra Fun
09-07-10, 21:52

yes it is scary cause it's a TS and the third photo is not her/him. And not 30 more like 40 something. Not even close on the weight. Try 185+

This one has been around for years but never tried to pass as not being a TS in the ads before. Ads were always pretty up front but does substitute a real woman's pic for backside shots. Could be changing tactics due to little activity. Usually posts in the escort section as a TS.

Dads Extra Fun
09-07-10, 21:55
If the phone number or the ad involves Worthington, avoid it. There is an agency that runs scams out of there and they have a slew of phone numbers. The photos are typically fake as well. Just a helpful hint.

09-07-10, 22:13
She's legit.
Thanks for cleaning up my post. Just seeing that number is a bit scary since if you call nearly any city number it would be a 462

Shemale didn't say it in her/his ad. I was bored and made a post.

09-08-10, 06:06
Anyone have any intel on this lass?

Lay down and relax with a 60 minute full body relaxation massage. $50 dollars for an hour of total relaxation. Located in a cozy Dublin office. Call for an appointment today 614-483-7957 (please no calls after 6pm)...Kristi

Millennium Office Park
6065 Frantz Rd. Suite 203
Dublin OH 43017
6065 Frantz Rd Suite 203 Dublin OH, 43017


The A Man
09-08-10, 16:26
Anyone have any intel on this lass?

Lay down and relax with a 60 minute full body relaxation massage. $50 dollars for an hour of total relaxation. Located in a cozy Dublin office. Call for an appointment today 614-483-7957 (please no calls after 6pm)...Kristi

Millennium Office Park
6065 Frantz Rd. Suite 203
Dublin OH 43017
6065 Frantz Rd Suite 203 Dublin OH, 43017


She is legit, just answer her questions truthfully and you will be happy. She specializes in lighter pressure massages so if you are looking for deep tissue you should look elsewhere.

09-10-10, 00:04
Saw Heather recently, from the ad below. Haven't seen any reviews of her so figured I'd share my experience.

She works out of a private residence (apartment) in Grove City. Session is performed on a bed, not a massage table. Decent massage, AMP quality in my opinion. Not as good as a trained therapist but definitely better than the "light touch" girls. Her pictures and description of herself are accurate. Nice girl, laid back, non-rushed session. I left happy and additional options appear to be on the menu.

Seniors can PM me for more details. Be safe.


Are you stressed out and need a soothing touch to soothe those aching muscles? Allow me to work you over from tip to toe.

♥ ♥ If you're looking for the most satisfying full body sensual massagein town, then you've come to the right place... Let go of all your worries and relax TODAY! ♥ ♥

I am a 5'9", hwp, curly brunette with captivating green eyes and 38DD curves! Very classy and discreet. I am sexy, friendly, very easy to be with and will brighten your day!

♥ Indulge your urges for a sensual massage today!! ♥

♥ Call or text ♥ (614) 332- 3080 ♥

I offer two options:

1 hour: 120.00 or 1/2 hr 70.00

** Tips NOT required but always appreciated. **

Open 7 days for your relaxation needs!
**Not available until 1p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.**

I do not respond to emails. Please call or text for appointments.
♥ Call or text ♥ (614) 332- 3080 ♥

Call or text for pictures. Serious callers only please.


The A Man
09-11-10, 13:36
Saw Samantha recently and pictures are accurate to a point. Pictures make her look younger than she is, I'd say mid to late 30's. Physically her stats are right, however quite a few limits. No DATY, anal or kissing. All services are done covered, including BJ.

She is very paranoid about LE and neighbors so she required verification and keeping things quiet. I had a pleasant enough time but don't think I will repeat.


The A Man
09-11-10, 13:39
Anyone seen this girl? Always been curios about her. Thanks for any info, its appreciated!


09-12-10, 18:01
Anyone seen this girl? Always been curios about her. Thanks for any info, its appreciated!

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/best-ride-in-town/5742291She is an Agency chick for sure.Remember Google the numbers regularly and you will always be ahead of the game and get to know who's who! That might seam like a pain in the ass but you will save money doing it. After some time you spot the numbers real fast even when they change them around. I don't have any experiance with her personally so YMMV.

Hope that helps


09-13-10, 09:58
I just got back in town from a jaunt in California and found this gal on BP...anyone have any experience or info on her? I searched and googled the number and found nothing. TIA


09-16-10, 16:29
I saw this gal on BP and while the price is easy on the wallet, she looks almost more sw than pro? Anyone have any info on experience with her?

09-17-10, 17:32
I have been scanning here and other boards for intel on this young lady, but nothing so far. Anyone recognize her?

I just got back in town from a jaunt in California and found this gal on BP...anyone have any experience or info on her? I searched and googled the number and found nothing. TIA


09-18-10, 12:30
Any info on this girl will be appreciated. She claims that she just turned 18.




Shawn Petzel
09-18-10, 23:24
Any info on this girl will be appreciated. She claims that she just turned 18.



http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/young-and-ready-to-come-out-and-play-18/5798017Sounds to good to be true!

09-23-10, 15:25
Hi guys,

Lookee here. The shelf life for this report is very short. I saw BP advertiser Bailey last night in Cincy and was more than pleased. If you like chocolate, I am quite confident you will like Bailey, however I believe her to be in your town tonight(thursday) only. So if you are on the fence, as I was, maybe this is of assistance to you. Under the escort report thread for Cincinnati, you will find my more detailed report. Stay safe.


09-24-10, 02:22

Had a room so I called up Mz. Luscious once she got to the room we chatted for about 30 minutes then after that she gave a real nice BBBJ looking at that nice firm ass I had o mount it so started k9 she really got into it switch from k9 too mish where she complain I had o much dick and she couldn't take it I was hitting the bottom of her pussy making her earn every penny after a few minutes of mish she said she couldn't do it no more so went back to k9 and finish looks better on pc then in person to me.

Shawn Petzel
09-24-10, 10:08
Hi guys,

Lookee here. The shelf life for this report is very short. I saw BP advertiser Bailey last night in Cincy and was more than pleased. If you like chocolate, I am quite confident you will like Bailey, however I believe her to be in your town tonight(thursday) only. So if you are on the fence, as I was, maybe this is of assistance to you. Under the escort report thread for Cincinnati, you will find my more detailed report. Stay safe.

LookeeI don't trust where screen is required.

I have here so many problems.


Peter Nigo
09-24-10, 22:24


Anyone got any info on this 35 y/o lass?

09-30-10, 17:16
Well, I've looked thru the forums and I've tin-eyed her; and found nothing on her, not even a name to call her by. Any one have any info on this one?




10-01-10, 01:33
Mariah pretty 1. 36 (used to advertise as Jodi

Posted: September 28, 2010, 02:09 PM

36c 26 36 blond green eyes 56HI 128 Lb. S NORTHSIDE COL. CALL 24/7 614-xxx-0829 NO RIP OFF.

Poster's age: 36

• Location: Columbus



The picture in this ad is AT LEAST 10 years old. Definitely not GFE

10-01-10, 01:41
Well, I've looked thru the forums and I've tin-eyed her; and found nothing on her, not even a name to call her by. Any one have any info on this one?



Thanks!A few days ago, she posted a burner ad in zanesville ads. She was pissed that she had gone there and everyone had canceled on her.


Traveler Two
10-01-10, 02:57
Well, I've looked thru the forums and I've tin-eyed her; and found nothing on her, not even a name to call her by. Any one have any info on this one?



Thanks!A couple months back she was a blonde.

10-01-10, 16:10
Well, I've looked thru the forums and I've tin-eyed her; and found nothing on her, not even a name to call her by. Any one have any info on this one?



Thanks!You can do a search for her phone number on another site. That'll turn up some reviews of her. (YMMV on the reviews.) Name she goes by is Candy, at least in another site reviews.

Dads Extra Fun
10-02-10, 16:03
Mariah pretty 1. 36 (used to advertise as Jodi

Posted: September 28, 2010, 02:09 PM

36c 26 36 blond green eyes 56HI 128 Lb. S NORTHSIDE COL. CALL 24/7 614-xxx-0829 NO RIP OFF.

Poster's age: 36

• Location: Columbus



The picture in this ad is AT LEAST 10 years old. Definitely not GFE

Figured it a rip off as she changes names every other week... Jodi, Cendy, Mariah... just too much always changing but the pic and phone number.

Dads Extra Fun
10-02-10, 16:16
Well, I've looked thru the forums and I've tin-eyed her; and found nothing on her, not even a name to call her by. Any one have any info on this one?




From her backside pose, she looks like a lady that used to go by the name Sydney Sweet here in C-bus until this summer. I don't know if she is actually Sydney Sweet as I never saw her myself and don't know what her face pic looks like. Any other senior members familiar with Sydney and able to determine if this is her or not?

Again... I don't know that this girl is Sydney, but Sydney was called out for robbing and blackmailing clients on another board which was verified and caused LE to be looking for her till she disappeared. Her brother was her accomplice.

I hope this young lady is legit as I wouldn't mind taking a run by her.

Chris H
10-03-10, 02:39
Well, I met with 2 girls from BP last week, and enjoyed both visits. I saw Huney, the THICK black chick on the northside. she provides great service, but EVERYTHING is covered..:-(

I also met with Sparkle, great, unrushed service from her. Out of the 2 girls, I would choose Sparkle, but Huney's body is better!

Chris H

FYI..I tried a few times to meet with a white girl who says she is on the northside and offers $40 and $50 specials. When I call to set up an appt. she says to call when I am 10mins away. When i do make the call, she will NOT answer the phone. Luckily, I am on the northside, so its not a long drive to get near her hotel, which she says is the KNIGHTS INN.

Chris H

10-03-10, 03:16
This girl


And Sydney Sweet are not the same. I have seen Sydney a couple times about 2 years ago. She was Brooke at that time. I never had a problem with her but have read some bad reports in recent months. I haven't got to meet the new redhead but would like to. I just wanted to add my two cents. It would be a shame for this newer redhead to be avoided due to the fact that she is similar to Sydney.

Blu Ray
10-03-10, 11:41
I see Brittany Snyder is in the Slammer this week for child endangering and theft. She use to have a add on CL 5'3" dirty blond 110lbs, she has a tight little body and 8 rated in skills, juicy sweet ass. She use to be at the Extended Stay 70E. Look for her when she gets out, I do recommend her but, stay in control with this one because she will walk over you if you give her the chance. But she can be a good cheap date, YMMV, I will check I think I have a couple picks of her.

10-04-10, 01:20
Don't Go To Thailand, Just To Be With One.... - 25

posted: October 1, 2010, 01:15 AM

Why would you want to travel so far just to be with one? When I'm a natural born Thai/Asian gal, hot and gorgeous with a 34b-25-35.... and you know what they say the best thing come in small packages! These are my real pix! Call me Nina @ 614-xxx-5380. Please no emails, texts or blocked calls. Thank you!

Poster's age: 25

• Location: Worthington



Nina is slightly chunky. She was raised in US since age 6, so don't expect anything close to a Thailand type experience. She is an American girl. Got a reluctant half-a**ed attempt at a massage as a prelude. Rushed, impersonal, and detached. Will not repeat.

10-04-10, 02:05
Hot blonde,special price50$!!! - 23
posted: September 28, 2010, 07:46 AM
SATURDAY & SUNDAY only 50$......9374746918,I don't discuss service by phone. Thanks a bunch. I'm 5f 5 blonde hair light blue eyes 38 dd cup thin and attractive. Rates are 85 half hr incall no tips!!
Poster's age: 23
• Location: Columbus

Also, backpage, massage
50 $ special hot! - 23http://columbus.backpage.com/BodyRubs/50-special-hot-23/3119825

What you get from this gal is a rushed hand job. Followed by 5 minutes of conversation about how great she is, all the other girls on backpage are diseased or scammers.

Will not repeat!

Shawn Petzel
10-04-10, 09:42
Well, I met with 2 girls from BP last week, and enjoyed both visits. I saw Huney, the THICK black chick on the northside. she provides great service, but EVERYTHING is covered.

I also met with Sparkle, great, unrushed service from her. Out of the 2 girls, I would choose Sparkle, but Huney's body is better!

Chris H

FYI..I tried a few times to meet with a white girl who says she is on the northside and offers $40 and $50 specials. When I call to set up an appt. she says to call when I am 10mins away. When i do make the call, she will NOT answer the phone. Luckily, I am on the northside, so its not a long drive to get near her hotel, which she says is the KNIGHTS INN.

Chris HI call sparkle she said she was out east at a hotel off brice. Drove their knock on door and no one answered. Didn't answer phone neither. I really hate running around and being set up.

10-04-10, 10:12
So... let me throw this out to you other fellas. If you found a good looking gal on BP, set up an appt, then went up a little early to her her "upscale" 30$/night motel and noticed 5-9 thuggy looking guys doing nothing more than standing in the general vicinity, and an almost deserted parking lot, would anyone elese be concerned? And then say you contacted said provider and was called every name in the book..would you proceed back? I didnt, but Im just curious to hear some other opinions

10-04-10, 10:25
So... let me throw this out to you other fellas. If you found a good looking gal on BP, set up an appt, then went up a little early to her her "upscale" 30$/night motel and noticed 5-9 thuggy looking guys doing nothing more than standing in the general vicinity, and an almost deserted parking lot, would anyone elese be concerned? And then say you contacted said provider and was called every name in the book..would you proceed back? I didnt, but Im just curious to hear some other opinionsSsat1982,

I would say you did a smart move. Red flags started to go off in your mind and you went with your instinks. It's hard to say if I would try an visit the provider again, unless certin changes in meeting and location were changed.

10-04-10, 10:30
So... let me throw this out to you other fellas. If you found a good looking gal on BP, set up an appt, then went up a little early to her her "upscale" 30$/night motel and noticed 5-9 thuggy looking guys doing nothing more than standing in the general vicinity, and an almost deserted parking lot, would anyone elese be concerned? And then say you contacted said provider and was called every name in the book..would you proceed back? I didnt, but Im just curious to hear some other opinionsSsat1982,

I would say you did a smart move. Red flags started to go off in your mind and you went with your instinks. It's hard to say if I would try an visit the provider again, unless certin changes in meeting and location were changed.

Humpty Dumpty
10-04-10, 11:11
So... let me throw this out to you other fellas. If you found a good looking gal on BP, set up an appt, then went up a little early to her her "upscale" 30$/night motel and noticed 5-9 thuggy looking guys doing nothing more than standing in the general vicinity, and an almost deserted parking lot, would anyone elese be concerned? And then say you contacted said provider and was called every name in the book..would you proceed back? I didnt, but Im just curious to hear some other opinionsJust tell us the name of the provider and the hotel so we can blacklist them.

About Sidney Sweet- how could the lady from Dublin in this ad be mistaken for her?

10-04-10, 11:54
The provider in question sent me a txt after I left saying that she was college educated and if I left a bad review on TER she could find out who I was and sue for slander. I figured a "college educated" gal would know the difference between slander and libel...oh well.

Humpty Dumpty
10-04-10, 11:55
The provider in question sent me a txt after I left saying that she was college educated and if I left a bad review on TER she could find out who I was and sue for slander. I figured a "college educated" gal would know the difference between slander and libel...oh well.She is full of shit. Post her name, pics, phone number, everything. Scam artists, thieves and extortionists must be exposed.

Tnt 368
10-04-10, 12:29
The provider in question sent me a txt after I left saying that she was college educated and if I left a bad review on TER she could find out who I was and sue for slander. I figured a "college educated" gal would know the difference between slander and libel...oh well.This sounds like a girl that likes to Gab a lot?

Chris H
10-04-10, 13:31
The provider in question sent me a txt after I left saying that she was college educated and if I left a bad review on TER she could find out who I was and sue for slander. I figured a "college educated" gal would know the difference between slander and libel...oh well.

Why are you scared to tell us who the girl is?

10-04-10, 13:37
Simple...I have a friend and fellow hobbyist who is an IT wiz and is checking mongers can be traced by there accounts on sites like this or TER. I will happily tell senior members via pm

Chris H
10-04-10, 13:42

What you get from this gal is a rushed hand job. Followed by 5 minutes of conversation about how great she is, all the other girls on backpage are diseased or scammers.

Will not repeat!

Glad to see that someone was able to meet with this girl. This is the girl that i was talking about that said to call her when I was 10mins away from the KNIGHTS INN and would not answer the phone when I would call her. I guess it was a good thing for me that she didnt answer the phone.

Chris H

Tnt 368
10-04-10, 17:45
The provider in question sent me a txt after I left saying that she was college educated and if I left a bad review on TER she could find out who I was and sue for slander. I figured a "college educated" gal would know the difference between slander and libel...oh well.I am guessing this girl likes to Gab a lot!

10-04-10, 19:40
Simple...I have a friend and fellow hobbyist who is an IT wiz and is checking mongers can be traced by there accounts on sites like this or TER. I will happily tell senior members via pm

Who uses their real information on this site or TER? I think you should second guess your friend.

Texas Tiger 75
10-06-10, 00:36
Just a heads up guys this ad


Is stealing photos from an escort in Texas.


Not saying she isn't legit, but why steal pics if you are?

Dads Extra Fun
10-06-10, 12:47
This girl.


And Sydney Sweet are not the same. I have seen Sydney a couple times about 2 years ago. She was Brooke at that time. I never had a problem with her but have read some bad reports in recent months. I haven't got to meet the new redhead but would like to. I just wanted to add my two cents. It would be a shame for this newer redhead to be avoided due to the fact that she is similar to Sydney. Thanks for the clarification. That's why I asked for someone to verify for me.

10-06-10, 13:19
Saw Heather recently, from the ad below. Haven't seen any reviews of her so figured I'd share my experience.

She works out of a private residence (apartment) in Grove City. Session is performed on a bed, not a massage table. Decent massage, AMP quality in my opinion. Not as good as a trained therapist but definitely better than the "light touch" girls. Her pictures and description of herself are accurate. Nice girl, laid back, non-rushed session. I left happy and additional options appear to be on the menu.

Seniors can PM me for more details. Be safe.

Are you stressed out and need a soothing touch to soothe those aching muscles? Allow me to work you over from tip to toe.

&9829; &9829; If you're looking for the most satisfying full body sensual massagein town, then you've come to the right place. Let go of all your worries and relax TODAY! &9829; &9829;

I am a 5'9", hwp, curly brunette with captivating green eyes and 38DD curves! Very classy and discreet. I am sexy, friendly, very easy to be with and will brighten your day!

&9829; Indulge your urges for a sensual massage today! &9829;

&9829; Call or text &9829; (614) 332- 3080 &9829;

I offer two options:

1 hour: 120.00 or 1/2 hr 70.00.

* Tips NOT required but always appreciated. *

Open 7 days for your relaxation needs!

*Not available until 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays*

I do not respond to emails. Please call or text for appointments.

&9829; Call or text &9829; (614) 332- 3080 &9829;

Call or text for pictures. Serious callers only please.

http://columbus.backpage.com/BodyRubs/sexy-massage-therapist-for-your-relaxation-needs-relax-today-29/5730270Isn't there another Heather available. It think she has the same contact info / address as Kristi recently listed. Anyone have any info on her?

10-06-10, 15:54
Who uses their real information on this site or TER? I think you should second guess your friend.First off, let me say that I'm not really worried about my posts being traced back to me. That said, it is situationally possible to do so if someone really wanted to invest the time and effort (and probably a few subpoenas.

The ability to track someone is based upon the logs kept by each party between the website and the keyboard you are using. If each step keeps halfway decent logs, then it is trivial (with aforementioned subpoena or with a compliant sysadmin) to track a poster, even if it has anonymous logins.

I have no idea what logging if any this site does. I hope it is none. Even so, as any given link in the path fails to keep logs, you can use parties on either side of that link to figure things out.

Let's say this site doesn't keep any logs. It is possible that their ISP logs the source and destination of connections to their website (not likely, but easy to do if they want) along with dates and time. Now if someone wants to know who posted something with a given time stamp, they can figure out who was logged on during that time and will have a relatively small set of IP addresses to investigate. If they cross reference against other posts by the same person, it narrows rapidly. And all that without the website itself being involved in any way.

There are many other complexities that can be introduced to make the tracking harder, but most of them have a technical counter (again, if anyone was interested enough to put in the time and effort) so that things can be traced.

10-08-10, 17:55

This girl has run specials for $100 / hr supposedly GFE. She has a review under cameron star on another site.


10-12-10, 20:10
[QUOTE=Datty; 1074775]http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/for-gentlemen-who-like-to-be-treated-with-a-lot-of-tlc-I'm-the-girl-for-you-27/5872865.

This girl has run specials for $100 / hr supposedly GFE. She has a review under cameron star on another site.

I haven't seen her in person, but I've noticed her ads are posted for a month or so and then aren't posted anywhere for months and the timing seems to correspond to reported increased LE activity. I do know the same pictures have been posted each time over the last 3 years. The review you found may have been planted or may describe another woman. TGTBT

10-12-10, 22:29

This girl has run specials for $100 / hr supposedly GFE. She has a review under cameron star on another site.

ThanksI visited this provider last week, and I can tell you that while she did provide FS for the special, she does not look like her photo. The girl I met was a little heavier but still attractive, with blonde streaks in her hair. Her ad also states she is west Indian and Latina, but told me she was Dominican. All services were covered, but would uncover the BJ for an extra.5, but only because she didn't know me. After she gets to know you, the BBBJ would be included. Nice girl but not real enthusiastic.

Humpty Dumpty
10-13-10, 19:29
Dominicans ARE latin, and from the West Indies.

Chris H
10-13-10, 19:32
These girls fom BP do not do good business. You can set up an appt. With these girls, and when you get to the spot to call them from, they won't answer the phone. Thats called "NOT' doing good business. No wonder they be runnin specials, beggib for guys to call them.

Chris h

10-14-10, 19:33
Was in Columbus last week and called Sandy from backpage. She advertises no games and 140 flat rate. I called and got directions to her apartment which was pretty dirty. The pictures are not her but she is not bad. She wasn't very enthusiastic and it was a pop and go. She is not open to much of anything unlike her profile says. She did provide FS but it was ok at best. If you have a little more money I would call another provider. YMMV.

Chris H
10-15-10, 01:40
So, I had an appoinment with Ms. Cassy tonight, who was running a $75 special. Her pics. Show a nice THIC body that I wanted to tap. She told me to call her when I got to the hotel parking lot. I did this, and of course, she dd not answer the phone. I left, knowing that I just saved some money. This girl has the nerves to call me, and ask me"where you at? ". I told her I as home and she just hung up the phone. She then called my other phone, not knowing it was me, and then realized hho it was, then hung up.

10-16-10, 02:48
Ms Cassy.




Chris H
10-16-10, 23:47
Ms Cassy.



http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/are-you-tired-of-the-games-I'm-a-21-yr-old-hottie-try-me-140-hr-flat-rate-no-games-21/5786272so do you have a review for us?

10-17-10, 02:05
so do you have a review for us?No, I just thought it would be nice to have a link to the ads for the previous two reviews, to make it easier to see who you were writing about. Their ads might be easy to find today, but in a week or so, more difficult. Personally, I am a visual guy and will remember a reveiw better if I see a picture of the person discussed.

Chris H
10-17-10, 13:29
No, I just thought it would be nice to have a link to the ads for the previous two reviews, to make it easier to see who you were writing about. Their ads might be easy to find today, but in a week or so, more difficult. Personally, I am a visual guy and will remember a reveiw better if I see a picture of the person discussed.Oh. I never heard of that sandy girl, so I wasnt the one to do a review on her. The white girl that I was talking about is the one that runs $50 specials, that one of the guys on here went and saw and said it was not a good time.

10-18-10, 15:03
First of all, the phone has been used on multiple posts under different names, and second, the 4th photo on Sandy's post, I have couple photos of that girl (got them from internet, I really doubt that is a real deal.

No, I just thought it would be nice to have a link to the ads for the previous two reviews, to make it easier to see who you were writing about. Their ads might be easy to find today, but in a week or so, more difficult. Personally, I am a visual guy and will remember a reveiw better if I see a picture of the person discussed.

Chris H
10-18-10, 15:37
Well. Thats right I was determined to get with Ms. Cassy. And did today. Very cool chick, but those pics are not here, I don't think. She is thick, but probably about 30lbs heavier than the girl in the pics.

Chris H

10-19-10, 20:39

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/are-you-tired-of-the-games-I'm-a-21-yr-old-hottie-try-me-140-hr-flat-rate-no-games-21/5786272Sandys forth photo was found in 62 locations on the web by tineye.

10-21-10, 18:09
Have seen ads on BP / CL for a Heather or Kristi in Dublin. Any info?

10-21-10, 18:43
I was in town today and met with Ashley Moore AKA meganTarus http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/21/5843413. I met her at her hotel which was an upscale hotel off of polaris. I felt the session was a bit rushed but overall a good time. She had a female friend staying with her that she said would play too for another Franklin. I think her pictures are her but they have probably been airbrushed as she looks better in the pictures. She was FS and got right down to business. She started off with a CBJ and followed by several positions. Overall not a rip off but I have definitely had better. YMMV.

Dads Extra Fun
10-23-10, 11:15
Isn't there another Heather available. It think she has the same contact info / address as Kristi recently listed. Anyone have any info on her?You're thinking of Heather Kovach that works out of Dublin off Frantz. Close to Kristi but I think they have different contact information. Haven't experienced either of these ladies but they always seem to be busy. I'd heard happy ending is available but don't know if anything else is.

The Heather mentioned in the post you quoted is not the same. I have been with this Heather and she's genuine. After she gets to know you the menu expands but FS is not one of them.

Blu Ray
10-23-10, 18:43
Has anyone seen either one of these girls?



The Tall one looks a little funny.

Chris H
10-24-10, 02:32
That tall thing looks like a dude.

Blu Ray
10-24-10, 05:33
That tall thing looks like a dude.Yea, that's what I was thinking too, the 5 o'clock shadow and flat chest. Just thought those pics look funny.

Rack Pat
10-24-10, 09:14
Hey, anyone here still seeing this chick? I got with her last week and she was amazing. Highly recommended provider, IMHO.

She does everything, too.

10-25-10, 23:22
Hey, anyone here still seeing this chick? I got with her last week and she was amazing. Highly recommended provider, IMHO.

She does everything, too. Is she Heaven'lee Angel aka Nirvana? Or is she the other Nirvana? Is she in call or out-call.

10-26-10, 04:44
Anyone have any rates and contact info?

10-26-10, 15:36
Anyone have any rates and contact info?She advertises on here under the escort ad section

Rack Pat
10-26-10, 21:07
She will NOT disappoint.

Did I mention that she does everything?

Humpty Dumpty
10-27-10, 00:25
She will NOT disappoint.

Did I mention that she does everything? No bareback. Trust me, I have tried. She is one of maybe 4 ladies in Columbus who have refused to do me raw.

10-27-10, 09:00
After a few unsuccessful attempts at scheduling a local favorite, I was able to connect with Kendall last week while visiting our state capital. I spoke with Irina.there are a few girls with the same number, and with different menu options. While I was a bit skeptical at first, talking with Irina and checking out her good reviews pute at ease.

Kendall is very hot, looks like her pictures, and was extremely accommodating and friendly.

Menu was accurate, and I will repeat.

I only booked a 1/2 hour, which always feels rushed- my fault, not kendalls.

Can anyone help me get contact info for maidinheaven?

Her reviews are stellar and I would love to schedule a visit.

Rack Pat
10-27-10, 17:57
No bareback. Trust me, I have tried. She is one of maybe 4 ladies in Columbus who have refused to do me raw.If you poke any of these ladies bareback, you are an idiot. Just wear the glove and be happy.

If you have a condom, she will do EVERYTHING. She is also friendly and affectionate, and pleasant to be around.

10-27-10, 23:57
If you poke any of these ladies bareback, you are an idiot. Just wear the glove and be happy.

If you have a condom, she will do EVERYTHING. She is also friendly and affectionate, and pleasant to be around. I'm with you Rack it's a little to scary out here to go without a hat. Although I do enjoy my BBBJ's so I guess I'm just the pot talking to the kettle.

11-01-10, 01:07

Experiences / recommenations with this girl lately?

11-01-10, 01:10

Experiences / recommenations with this girl lately?

The A Man
11-01-10, 19:34

Experiences / recommenations with this girl lately? At those prices? Pass. I have no idea how she can complete with all the girls giving the same service for 25% or less.

Time Twist
11-02-10, 18:52
At those prices? Pass. I have no idea how she can complete with all the girls giving the same service for 25% or less.I agree, those prices are more inline with Eros not backpage. She needs to cut her prices by 1/3 at the minimum.

One thing that would make me hesitant to see her, is that her photos are much hotter looking than the typical gal on posting on backpage. Which makes the odds the she is actually the woman pictured much lower.

11-03-10, 23:53

Saw Jenny from Backpage two weekends back. She is a Vietam / Thai mix from Taxes who travels to Columbus and Indiannpolis occasionally. I was draw but the stunning body on the picture. The one sit on the couch, really hot!

Anyway, set it up appointment by texting and got the place and called her from hotel lobby. She has the same nice body figure as pictures but seems lighter skinned and different hairstyle. Not sure it was her picture, but she is pretty.

Warm hug and chitchat follow by actions. She gives good CBJ, enjoys DATY, but only do LFK. Her figure is really small and I was worried going to hurt her. Anyhow, decent session (will be better if she do DFK. Damage is $.5. She said she will be back in Dec.

For someone likes really petite, light smooth skinned Asian girl, maybe worth a try.

11-04-10, 00:46
I agree, those prices are more inline with Eros not backpage. She needs to cut her prices by 1/3 at the minimum.

One thing that would make me hesitant to see her, is that her photos are much hotter looking than the typical gal on posting on backpage. Which makes the odds the she is actually the woman pictured much lower. Speaking of prices is there any asian women out there who have reasonable prices and provide good service. They don't have to be models but kinda in line with backpage prices. Any help would be good.

Humpty Dumpty
11-04-10, 02:47
The reason prices are so high is because most dudes who use these sites are pussywhipped and will pay any amount of money. Either that or everyone is the world is perpetually rich and has a limitless amount of disposable income except for me. Even older less attractive girls are raking in big bucks. Me, for an hour of service with a young, pretty girl age 18 to 25, I pay 50 to 60.

11-04-10, 23:51
The reason prices are so high is because most dudes who use these sites are pussywhipped and will pay any amount of money. Either that or everyone is the world is perpetually rich and has a limitless amount of disposable income except for me. Even older less attractive girls are raking in big bucks. Me, for an hour of service with a young, pretty girl age 18 to 25, I pay 50 to 60.Humpty, Now your talking but you don't get those type of rates unless your talking to a SW right? If there is someone out there for those type of rates let me know. Grasshopper willing to learn.

Humpty Dumpty
11-05-10, 01:02
Humpty, Now your talking but you don't get those type of rates unless your talking to a SW right? If there is someone out there for those type of rates let me know. Grasshopper willing to learn.Just make an indecent proposal to any girl you meet randomly. I found "Aqua" and many other girls doing this. They had never done this before and I gave them the opportunity.

Chris H
11-05-10, 01:08
The reason prices are so high is because most dudes who use these sites are pussywhipped and will pay any amount of money. Either that or everyone is the world is perpetually rich and has a limitless amount of disposable income except for me. Even older less attractive girls are raking in big bucks. Me, for an hour of service with a young, pretty girl age 18 to 25, I pay 50 to 60.Thats right, and that comes with multiple pops!

11-05-10, 23:59
Just make an indecent proposal to any girl you meet randomly. I found "Aqua" and many other girls doing this. They had never done this before and I gave them the opportunity.Wow, I wonder where you find these "any girl" you are talking about.

It's hard to imagine a regular guy can just walk in there and make an unbecoming progposal to any pretty girls he meet in a market, library or workplace, etc. Unless you are really talented, handsome, or with extraordinary communication skills.

11-06-10, 06:49
He is right I have done this a few times my self. I will just start off asking do you need a ride? Works even better in the winter. Who wants to stand out in the cold when there's a nice warm car inviting you.

11-06-10, 10:03
Has anyone seen or have any information on these gals? Particulary Nicole or Jamie?


Humpty Dumpty
11-06-10, 19:06
Wow, I wonder where you find these "any girl" you are talking about.

It's hard to imagine a regular guy can just walk in there and make an unbecoming progposal to any pretty girls he meet in a market, library or workplace, etc. Unless you are really talented, handsome, or with extraordinary communication skills. Just go to any not so good neighborhood and youll find these ladies. Convenience stores, gas stations, the food stamp place, drug treatment places, NA meetings, Whataburger, bus stops, whatever.

Member #4208
11-07-10, 04:13
Has anyone seen or have any information on these gals? Particulary Nicole or Jamie?

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/triple-threat-21/5438008Been with Ashley on two occasions. Cute sweet girl, nice boobs, stretch marks on the stomach. I little robotic but nice enough. Would repeat (already have once.)

11-07-10, 04:47

Has anyone have anything to say or has seen Rachelle?

11-10-10, 14:53

Has anyone have anything to say or has seen Rachelle? I would have to go and look, but there have been some negative reviews. I think in the massage section.

11-11-10, 00:25
I would have to go and look, but there have been some negative reviews. I think in the massage section.I haven't seen anything?

11-11-10, 00:50
I would have to go and look, but there have been some negative reviews. I think in the massage section.she's is as advertised, bring a little extra and she will hum you a song. I found the message to not be that great though, I wouldn't repeat.

The A Man
11-12-10, 10:41
Just curious if anyone has checked this girl out. If so what were rates and services? She is pretty hot if pics are accurate.


11-12-10, 11:28
Just curious if anyone has checked this girl out. If so what were rates and services? She is pretty hot if pics are accurate.

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/hey-guys-im-jan-but-my-friends-call-me-21/6105247TinEye finds multlple matches for those photos. The types of matches found are ambiguous indicators in regard to their validity in this case, but I'm suspicious.

Yeah, I cried, too.

Texas Tiger 75
11-12-10, 14:02
I remember seeing this ad a few times when I lived in Dallas. I couldn't say if the number is the same, but I never saw any reviews (pos or neg) on her when I lived there. The 818 area code is for Glendale, CA.

Just curious if anyone has checked this girl out. If so what were rates and services? She is pretty hot if pics are accurate.


11-12-10, 14:12
The pictures look dated, such as the mirror with all the curves.

These pictures were lifted from the internet. Tineye found the first picture on 29 different internet sites.

11-13-10, 08:20
she's is as advertised, bring a little extra and she will hum you a song. I found the message to not be that great though, I wouldn't repeat.Been there- done that twice. Not worth the effort.

Shawn Petzel
11-14-10, 04:13
Someone just posted on BP that she was a cash and dash!

Just curious if anyone has checked this girl out. If so what were rates and services? She is pretty hot if pics are accurate.


The A Man
11-14-10, 09:06
The pictures look dated, such as the mirror with all the curves.

These pictures were lifted from the internet. Tineye found the first picture on 29 different internet sites. Thanks guys- yeah I was wondering about that mirror and the area code thing. Good to know my first instincts were on.

Pay For It
11-14-10, 11:48
Coming your way and for some reason this ad has me intrigured. Anyone got any low down.


11-14-10, 23:46
Well crap. Took one for the team and passing along the info to you all.

* SINFUL * N * Sexy * Blonde. 25.

Been seeing this ad for a while and wanted to see what it was all about. Well it was all about a massage that was good and a BBBJ that was good. But with a top notch GFE gift tag. Looks just like pictures. Not allowed much touching. Will let you play with a nice natural set but no kitty play at all.


Minora Majora
11-15-10, 08:54
Did she at least show the kitty. She has a manly face.

Well crap. Took one for the team and passing along the info to you all.

* SINFUL * N * Sexy * Blonde. 25.

Been seeing this ad for a while and wanted to see what it was all about. Well it was all about a massage that was good and a BBBJ that was good. But with a top notch GFE gift tag. Looks just like pictures. Not allowed much touching. Will let you play with a nice natural set but no kitty play at all.


11-15-10, 10:21
Here's the ad.

Hello, Gentlemen I am a 24 year old true red that loves to have fun! I'm 5'3".108, 34b and size 3. You be mature and respectful and we will get a long fine. I am in great shape from playing soccer, swimming, and working out. I am offering some great specials this weekend. If you love having a good time give me a call soon, I can't wait to hear from you. Call me 24/7 at 614-7-1066.

Xoxoxoxo Can't wait to hear from you!

Poster's age: 24.

• Location: Columbus, Ohio.



This girl used to go by Tish or Trish, and then changed her name for a while. Now, no name.

A while back, I called this girl because my #1 pick stood me up. In the past, I had seen posts that she was distracted during session and even would answer cell phone during the session. It had been a while so I thought things may have changed, and the 24/7 responce was what I needed at the time. We arranged for me to call her back in an hour. When I called, she said she wasn't quite ready but would call back in 15 minutes. She never called back and she wouldn't answer when I tried to call her. I moved on to #3 option which turned out poorly.

Bottom line, I wasted over an hour on her. I won't do it again.


Shawn Petzel
11-16-10, 01:11
Coming your way and for some reason this ad has me intrigured. Anyone got any low down.

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/two-for-one-specialwe-will-answer-740-222-8499-26/6118053I tried call several times during the day and night and all I got was vm

Blu Ray
11-17-10, 09:16
I tried call several times during the day and night and all I got was vmKeep trying, let us know if you connect. They have been on BP for some time now.

C P Guy
11-17-10, 15:41
Going to be in Columbus this weekend and this girl caught my eye. Thinking about toftt, but I'm hesitant. Tineye didn't show anything out of the ordinary on her pic, but a girl that looks this good should have some reviews out there somewhere.

Anyone ever see her?


11-17-10, 16:10
They had a BP ad posted in Dayton yesterday. They answered right away but requested donation was higher than previous ads in Columbus and I declined after they didn't accept the previously advertised rate.

11-17-10, 17:19
Going to be in Columbus this weekend and this girl caught my eye. Thinking about toftt, but I'm hesitant. Tineye didn't show anything out of the ordinary on her pic, but a girl that looks this good should have some reviews out there somewhere.

Anyone ever see her?

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/tall-sexy-blonde-real-pics-call-or-msg-19/6023074I haven't seen her, but attempted to set something up with her. She was very attentive at first but very difficult to get in touch with after that. Once I finally did get a hold of her she was very rude. Decided not to even try after that.

11-17-10, 23:41



I'm real curious about them.

11-18-10, 03:12
Going to be in Columbus this weekend and this girl caught my eye. Thinking about toftt, but I'm hesitant. Tineye didn't show anything out of the ordinary on her pic, but a girl that looks this good should have some reviews out there somewhere.

Anyone ever see her?

http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/tall-sexy-blonde-real-pics-call-or-msg-19/6023074Typical driver scam wherein he must inspect the premises and receive payment before she enters, etc.

C P Guy
11-18-10, 08:58
Typical driver scam wherein he must inspect the premises and receive payment before she enters, etc.Thanks for the intel, sir. Much appreciated. Prices and services seemed tgtbt when I talked with her, so this makes sense.

Traveler Two
11-19-10, 23:27



I'm real curious about them. It was last year but the second one is a lot of fun, don't remember how much but remember there was greek.

The A Man
11-21-10, 09:19
I saw this posted on backpage and these girls advertise alot. I have not seen other reviews of the girls listed so if anyone can verify that is good information for all of us.


No idea if any of these are legit providers, but I wanted to post my experiences here as a warning.

Jamie (blonde) told me to meet her in the hotel bar, but never showed up. Wouldn't answer my calls after that.

Madison (ravishing hottie) , that advertises along with a 'MILF' named Lana, rudely kicked me out after. I didn't do anything to deserve that treatment. She also was abusive to her dog while I was there. Not the girl in the pics.

The worst of all is Nicole, the Puerto Rican / Black woman. She has completely wasted my evening on two separate occasions. I gave her the beneift of the doubt the second time, but she sent me to a false location. Has hung up on me in the middle of conversations.

Just thought I would give a review of Nikki - 23.

Made arrangements and went to her place. She let me in and was very attractive and very pleasant. Asked for the donation first thing so got that out of the way. Then told me to have a seat on the chair and that I could watch her naked. Hmmm.

Maybe I expect too much. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe it was just a bad night. Not sure, but just watching her naked wasn't really what I envisioned the time to be.


just wanted to let others know how your time with Nadia will be spent. Her pictures are accurate. And she's nice. To begin she'll ask about her tip (after you've paid her driver the house fee AND signed a form stating nothing sexual will occur). You'll tip (she'll ask for $100) and your good time will begin. Let's see. Nadia had a really sore back when we met. And she was cold. So she sat for 40 minutes next to me on the couch. I asked her to remove her coat but no deal (guess that's not included). We conversed until about utes and I started to realize Nadia wasn't gonna be as fun as she said during the tipping phase! Well, the minute I tried to... well, Nadia used the prementioned form I signed to justify her lack of attention.

Nadia: http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/tall-sexy-blonde-ready-to-heat-up-your-week-real-pics-call-or-text-19/5913273




Madison / Lana:


Nicole (I think) :


Also, many ads for these girls either together or separately. As I recall they are from Marion and were busted some time ago. I do see one that now has a 614 area code number so maybe she has moved here to Columbus. Still I am kinda leery about seeing any of them, especially at the high price they are asking.


One more, I saw this girl a couple months ago and she has lots of limitations- no DATY or bareback anything. Pictures are accurate but overall unsatisfying experience as she has nosy neighbors and was very worried they might hear something.


Hope those save you some $$ to spend on the good girls!

11-21-10, 10:41
Nikki has been around for quite a while and has good reviews on another site. I suspect that this guy did something to spook her, thinking he might be a cop, so she kept behavior legal.

I saw this posted on backpage and these girls advertise alot. I have not seen other reviews of the girls listed so if anyone can verify that is good information for all of us.


Just thought I would give a review of Nikki. 23.

Made arrangements and went to her place. She let me in and was very attractive and very pleasant. Asked for the donation first thing so got that out of the way. Then told me to have a seat on the chair and that I could watch her naked. Hmmm.

Maybe I expect too much. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe it was just a bad night. Not sure, but just watching her naked wasn't really what I envisioned the time to be.


11-21-10, 14:32
Nikki has been around for quite a while and has good reviews on another site. I suspect that this guy did something to spook her, thinking he might be a cop, so she kept behavior legal.You must be thinking of another Nikki then. I haven't seen her, so I can't comment on my own interactions with her, but whoever is using that picture is a known DIY girl / ripoff artist.

11-21-10, 21:01
You must be thinking of another Nikki then. I haven't seen her ... whoever is using that picture is a known DIY girl /ripoff artist.I believe YOU are thinking of another woman and TD is correct:

1) I've never seen Nikki's photo associated with another ph# (Although she needs a new one. Several reviewers have said she's much cuter than in the photo & I agree).

2) She's treated me with politeness and consideration, although I don't see her often and I'm no cover model.

3) She is both cautious and experienced. The 1st trait enabled the 2nd. .

Since the guy claims to have actually made it through the door, he must have said or done something suspicious or creepy at the time (if any of the story is true!). The spite implied by his BP attack ad suggests her alleged action was appropriate.

Traveler Two
11-22-10, 00:13

Jamie (blonde) told me to meet her in the hotel bar, but never showed up. Wouldn't answer my calls after that.


I saw her a while back, probably January or February. She was going by the name brittney. It was almost everything I expected. The only downside was no matter how much time you paid for, when you're done she's out.

11-22-10, 11:44
You must be thinking of another Nikki then. I haven't seen her, so I can't comment on my own interactions with her, but whoever is using that picture is a known DIY girl / ripoff artist.I used her phone number to look up her favorable reviews, so it is not a matter of someone else using her picture.

Member #5116
11-23-10, 01:30
One more, I saw this girl a couple months ago and she has lots of limitations- no DATY or bareback anything. Pictures are accurate but overall unsatisfying experience as she has nosy neighbors and was very worried they might hear something.


She is legit as I saw her several times about 2 years ago. She will get the job done if that's all you're looking for but don't expect many extras. Last time I was with her she farted (albeit after we were done) and now I will never see her again! I also heard her on the chat lines this past weekend as she was advertising she had an ad on backpage!

Minora Majora
11-26-10, 12:54
She is legit. Pics are real. Enjoyed her company, was fun.

(614) xxx1591.


11-26-10, 14:40
Minora Majora

She is legit. Pics are real. Enjoyed her company, was fun.

(614) xxx1591.


What was the dollar damage from her session?

Minora Majora
11-27-10, 08:20
Minora Majora

She is legit. Pics are real. Enjoyed her company, was fun.

(614) xxx1591.


What was the dollar damage from her session? I met her thru a friend of a friend of hers and so it was not a paid date.

11-28-10, 16:25
Has anyone seen either of these girls? They have reviews on another site.


12-01-10, 20:20



Don't waste your time on either of these girls they will do nothing but waste your time. It was hassle after hassle with both these girls, but they were smokin hot in the pics so I had to keep trying.

I was able to schedule with Jamie. Good looking, however, hotel room was a mess, smoke smell everywhere, knives laying around, decided to stay since I was there. Her girlfriend was hinding in the bathroom entire session (made it really awkward). Jamie was very, very rushed. She kept clockwatching and reminding me how much time was left. She does have a nice body, but breath reeked of smoke, and pussy didn't smell to fresh either. I had to bypass any DATY and you could smell her pussy when doing doogie. Had to leave without spunking.

The other girl nicole is even worse. I have tried for 3 weeks to hook up with her. I should just give up, but she is my ideal body type and look I am after. Anyhow, the first time I booked with her I made it to her location (at least I think it was her location) She said we had to wait till her girlfriend left. Then she text me back and said she can't leave and will be in the bathroom. I asked for the room number and no response. I left and 20 min later told me to come up but gave no room number. I went back and then no anwer to my text. I gave up and went home. Last night she even text me and said to come see her, she was avail. THis was after several attempts and our timing just didn't work out. Anyhow, I went her location and when I got there she said Jamey was with someone for the next hour. I was pissed. I drove 30 minutes aftershe told me to come. I waiting since I had some errands to run. Hour later I text again, then she said Jamie's date wnated another half hour. So I waited, then she text back and said it wasn't going to work, I gav her one last chance. Said I wanted to book for today and wanted a 4:30 appt at the same location and she agreed. At 3:00 I text her and said that I was still on and she said she was looking forward to meeting finally. I got 15 min away and confirmed location and she said they moved (from NW to downtown). SHe F*cked me again. First agreed to a time and location, then 15 min before I arrive she says they aren't there. I pulled up their ad and it showed they were still NW.

Anyhow, I am done with these chicks, they are trouble, scammers, unreliable, stinky P*SSY, and just down right liars. I would not waste my time. I have since done my research tonight and found they are part of the ring that got busted in Marion a few months ago. Be warned.

12-02-10, 23:36
In a departure from my normal activities when I visit this fine capital I took a flyer on a BP advertiser http://columbus.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/champagne-1-hour-jacuzzi-me-call-now-27/6221153 And I am glad I did. There is nothing like a little time soaking in a Jacuzzi to warm you up. Now she isn't for everyone, you need to enjoy women who are very rubenesque to enjoy this one. But the sight of little bear nestled between those wonderful mammariers was grand. And who am I to kid, my belly can arrive a moment or two before the rest of me. She is also quite the talker, however she is very polite and wouldn't speak with her mouth full (ok, maybe I am only fantasizing that I could completely fill her mouth).

All in all an enjoyable experience that I will repeat if I have the opportunity.

Stay safe.

12-03-10, 01:20



Don't waste your time on either of these girls they will do nothing but waste your time. It was hassle after hassle with both these girls, but they were smokin hot in the pics so I had to keep trying. (residue omitted) How things go when the appointment is being made and again when we are on our way tells us how the appointment will go.

The girl is entitled to some leeway when we first contact her to schedule. She has her own life, there are more of us to keep track, etc, but once a date, time and place have been agreed upon and we are on our way and we become someone she is "expecting," we're no longer just a guy in the middle of the pack. Time is close, she should be ready or close to it and we should have her attention. That contact should go without a hitch as proof she has her act together. If not it is time to say,"I'm sorry, I've changed my mind." No sense getting into recriminations. Just say,"I'm sorry, I've changed my mind."

12-06-10, 13:28
I have seen this ad for quite a while and it just seems odd for some reason, however it is intriguing. Has anyone given her a shot? If so, any report?



Chris H
12-07-10, 00:40
I have seen this ad for quite a while and it just seems odd for some reason, however it is intriguing. Has anyone given her a shot? If so, any report?



I have read that she is legit, but if you are black, don't waste your time, because she wants nothing to do with the brothas.

Chris H

12-07-10, 12:44
I have seen this ad for quite a while and it just seems odd for some reason, however it is intriguing. Has anyone given her a shot? If so, any report?



She is also not FS, just give a rough HJ and talk your ear off, and you can only touch her fake tits.

12-07-10, 17:42
I have read that she is legit, but if you are black, don't waste your time, because she wants nothing to do with the brothas.

Chris HYes saw her yesterday. Awesome body. SHe jacks you off only, but well worth it for the price. She is legit if you are OK with J / O only. SHe gets naked and you can touch her, but no full service. Plus is she has the scoop on almost al the ladys and she provided great insight on who to see and who not to see.

12-07-10, 17:44
How things go when the appointment is being made and again when we are on our way tells us how the appointment will go.

The girl is entitled to some leeway when we first contact her to schedule. She has her own life, there are more of us to keep track, etc, but once a date, time and place have been agreed upon and we are on our way and we become someone she is "expecting," we're no longer just a guy in the middle of the pack. Time is close, she should be ready or close to it and we should have her attention. That contact should go without a hitch as proof she has her act together. If not it is time to say,"I'm sorry, I've changed my mind." No sense getting into recriminations. Just say,"I'm sorry, I've changed my mind."Found out the girls I posted about are bad news. Nicole the one I wanted to see has Hepatitis. Maybe all the problems I had with trying to see her was a sign from above. See at your own risk. Since she has hep and does doubles and triples with the other girls, I wouldn't see the others either.

Fyt Jackass
12-08-10, 21:26
I have seen this ad for quite a while and it just seems odd for some reason, however it is intriguing. Has anyone given her a shot? If so, any report?



Saw her months ago. Fake tits, no FS. No HJ, , no BJ. Nothing. You are only allowed to touch her. Paid $65

Chris H
12-09-10, 00:08
Saw her months ago. Fake tits, no FS. No HJ, , no BJ. Nothing. You are only allowed to touch her. Paid $65Thats why she has problem with black dudes, they are not trying to get ripped off by some escort. I don't know why white dudes would put up with that mess.

Likes to Play
12-11-10, 06:17
Can anybody recommend a good massage provider on the North or North East side?

I like the girl down my alum creek, but I don't make it down that way too often. Jade, over off Morse, is good, but a bit pricey. I see ads for the Russian chick, her girl next door friend, and the legs for days girl all the time (I think they're all working together) , but something tells me none of them are worth it. And that brunette chick over by 161/71 is about as fun as a gas station sandwich.

Chris H
12-11-10, 17:28
Can anybody recommend a good massage provider on the North or North East side?

I like the girl down my alum creek, but I don't make it down that way too often. Jade, over off Morse, is good, but a bit pricey. I see ads for the Russian chick, her girl next door friend, and the legs for days girl all the time (I think they're all working together) , but something tells me none of them are worth it. And that brunette chick over by 161/71 is about as fun as a gas station sandwich. I had a session with the Russian chick a few months ago. She gives a decent massage with a HJ ending, thats all that is offered. Not really worth it.

Chris H

12-12-10, 00:36
Be aware of this one.


Was kinda horny the other night and call this girl since the pictures are pretty hot. Agreed for a hh session for $150 and get to her hotel at 161 near 71. As soon as walking in, I found the girl is at least 20 lbs heavier than the girl in picture. I asked if she is the one in picture, and she yes and the pics were token last summer. I then asked if she do kisses, she said "no, that is GFE." I said: "That's what I expected." She then asked for $200 for hh. At this point, I feed up with her and walked out.

12-14-10, 16:36
Can anybody recommend a good massage provider on the North or North East side?

I like the girl down my alum creek, but I don't make it down that way too often. Jade, over off Morse, is good, but a bit pricey. I see ads for the Russian chick, her girl next door friend, and the legs for days girl all the time (I think they're all working together) , but something tells me none of them are worth it. And that brunette chick over by 161/71 is about as fun as a gas station sandwich. I've seen the legs for days girls. She really is around 20, which is nice. Nice body, and nice to talk to. Her technique isn't the best, very mechanical. I'm unlikely to repeat.

The Russian has better technique, but is not very nice to look at. She spent the entire session telling me about guys who didn't pay, and what she did to get back at them. Very unlikely to repeat.

Shawn Petzel
12-14-10, 23:41
Went and tried this one this evening.


She legit but price was. 9 for hh. She is a nice person but is distant will not repeat unless really in need.

The A Man
12-15-10, 09:38
More reviews direct from backpage, reposted for your information and safety.

Girl#1 is Hot to trot and always on drugs. And that's not all. I currently have warrants for my arrest and have even been picked up for soliciting on the streets in the past. Yes, that is my real age-31. I will do almost anything. Watch your money too if you are with me. My MO is theft. I also need to let you know that I work for someone. 614 749-8475.

Girl#2 Read the ad "Sexy and Slender". Now read the truth before you call. She comes from the streets on the West side, is much older and is heavily into shooting up drugs. She is NOT independent. Name on her picture is Brandi but goes by Breea.



Chris H
12-15-10, 13:17
Went and tried this one this evening.


She legit but price was. 9 for hh. She is a nice person but is distant will not repeat unless really in need. Why would you pay $90, if her ad says $50?

John Ohio
12-15-10, 16:43
[QUOTE=The A Man; 1105950]More reviews direct from backpage, reposted for your information and safety.

Girl#1 is Hot to trot and always on drugs. And that's not all. I currently have warrants for my arrest and have even been picked up for soliciting on the streets in the past. Yes, that is my real age-31. I will do almost anything. Watch your money too if you are with me. My MO is theft. I also need to let you know that I work for someone. 614 749-8475.

Girl#2 Read the ad "Sexy and Slender". Now read the truth before you call. She comes from the streets on the West side, is much older and is heavily into shooting up drugs. She is NOT independent. Name on her picture is Brandi but goes by Breea.


Wow these girls do drugs and havie warrants! What is this world coming to? LMAO!

12-15-10, 21:20

Any info is much appreciated!

Peter Nigo
12-16-10, 01:14

Hey guys! My name is Arianna and I'm looking for the right guy to show me around this new city. I'm 23 years old. 5'5", I weigh about 120 and I've got brown hair and brown eyes. I'm very sexy, fair complected and have shoulder length hair. I'm always interested in having a good time. So give me a call anytime and we can talk. Can't wait to hear from ya! (614) 584-5211.

Gents, was checking this one out & she looks like one to avoid. Yes she is legit as her multiple solicitation arrests indicate. But, several also indicate EXPOSING OTHERS-CONTAGION. Not sure what she has. But I don't want it.

12-16-10, 15:28
Be aware of this one.


Was kinda horny the other night and call this girl since the pictures are pretty hot. Agreed for a hh session for $150 and get to her hotel at 161 near 71. As soon as walking in, I found the girl is at least 20 lbs heavier than the girl in picture. I asked if she is the one in picture, and she yes and the pics were token last summer. I then asked if she do kisses, she said "no, that is GFE." I said: "That's what I expected." She then asked for $200 for hh. At this point, I feed up with her and walked out. Those pics are fakes for sure or touched up really good at a minimum, you should have known that at a glance. Next she sure gets around! All over Florida and Ohio, no big deal you say she's an Escort, but NO reviews? Huh No way a girl moves around that much that looks that good (if the pic's are real) and has zero reviews NO WAY. Big mistake even dialing her number. Do some research then get horny after your 95% sure she's a ringer.

Sorry about your luck.


12-16-10, 15:42

Any info is much appreciated! She is one of the Marion group, I do not have any experiance with her or them but be careful read the forum here and other places on the net. I wouldn't drive to Marion to see her if you gave me the fee to go! IMHO she is probably legit but to risky for me, sorry no dice!

Research before you leap always,


12-17-10, 22:32

Gents, was checking this one out & she looks like one to avoid. Yes she is legit as her multiple solicitation arrests indicate. But, several also indicate EXPOSING OTHERS-CONTAGION. Not sure what she has. But I don't want it. Out of curiosity I checked the online records. The "Exposing" charge was dismissed both times. On the other hand, any provider who can't be discrete enough to avoid multiple arrests each year is one I've no inclination to meet. I suspect the multiple drug possession charges are also cause for caution.

12-19-10, 22:45
She is one of the Marion group, I do not have any experiance with her or them but be careful read the forum here and other places on the net. I wouldn't drive to Marion to see her if you gave me the fee to go! IMHO she is probably legit but to risky for me, sorry no dice!

Research before you leap always,

SpinmanThank you for the info. Spinman! You just saved me an hour drive!

Dads Extra Fun
12-21-10, 21:19
Anyone have any information on this one?


I've seen her post the last few weeks but have not gotten an answer the three times I've tried calling.

Humpty Dumpty
12-22-10, 02:48
Anyone have any information on this one?


I've seen her post the last few weeks but have not gotten an answer the three times I've tried calling. If she has not responded three times, what does this tell you?

Member #4383
12-22-10, 09:29
I too was intrigued. I called and talked to her yesterday. She didn't know what GFE was so I decided not to take a chance.

Anyone have any information on this one?

I've seen her post the last few weeks but have not gotten an answer the three times I've tried calling.

Peter Nigo
12-22-10, 12:41

I'm purto ricos best kept secret. I'm a woman who knows how to be and when to be nice. I'm 26 years old with deep brown eyes and long red hair. My measurements are 4'll 120lb 34c. I'm fun, energetic and I know exactly how to get you relaxed and stress free. I enjoy meeting new people and having new experiences. If you need to relieve some stress and find out all my secrets. Give me a call. Jasmine 812-221-6545.

Gents, she delivers just like her ad states. Looks better in person than her pics. Full GFE including DFK, BBBJ, DATY, MPOS. Go for the half hour rate as she is not a clock watcher. Definite repeat on this one.

12-22-10, 21:17

I'm purto ricos best kept secret. I'm a woman who knows how to be and when to be nice. I'm 26 years old with deep brown eyes and long red hair. My measurements are 4'll 120lb 34c. I'm fun, energetic and I know exactly how to get you relaxed and stress free. I enjoy meeting new people and having new experiences. If you need to relieve some stress and find out all my secrets. Give me a call. Jasmine 812-221-6545.

Gents, she delivers just like her ad states. Looks better in person than her pics. Full GFE including DFK, BBBJ, DATY, MPOS. Go for the half hour rate as she is not a clock watcher. Definite repeat on this one. Thanks for the report on this one, I've been thinking about tryin her.

Traveler Two
12-22-10, 23:25
I too was intrigued. I called and talked to her yesterday. She didn't know what GFE was so I decided not to take a chance.I haven't met her but I've noticed a few times she's advertised as a dominatrix.

12-23-10, 23:51
Has anybody seen Joy? She sent me some nice pics. I am interested. Thanks!


Peter Nigo
12-24-10, 00:22
Anyone have any information on this one?


I've seen her post the last few weeks but have not gotten an answer the three times I've tried calling. If you google the number you get a yellow page listing. That's a guaranteed indicator of a no action date. Plus, if you "tineye" her photo, she had 38 hits. Most I've ever seen. That indicates that whomever posted the ad stole the picture off of one of the 38 porn sites her pic is on.

Dads Extra Fun
12-27-10, 20:23
If you google the number you get a yellow page listing. That's a guaranteed indicator of a no action date. Plus, if you "tineye" her photo, she had 38 hits. Most I've ever seen. That indicates that whomever posted the ad stole the picture off of one of the 38 porn sites her pic is on.I appreciate the update.

Shawn Petzel
12-28-10, 02:07

I'm purto ricos best kept secret. I'm a woman who knows how to be and when to be nice. I'm 26 years old with deep brown eyes and long red hair. My measurements are 4'll 120lb 34c. I'm fun, energetic and I know exactly how to get you relaxed and stress free. I enjoy meeting new people and having new experiences. If you need to relieve some stress and find out all my secrets. Give me a call. Jasmine 812-221-6545.

Gents, she delivers just like her ad states. Looks better in person than her pics. Full GFE including DFK, BBBJ, DATY, MPOS. Go for the half hour rate as she is not a clock watcher. Definite repeat on this one. I call and went to see her because of this report. She is legit but wasn't anything to write home about. 1st thing that was a real turn off is she tried to put condom on 30 sec after I arrived session was very rush and she kept asking did you come yet and I was only their for 15 min. Big turnoff being ask that. She did a little DFK but really didn't seem to have heart into it. I can't see BBBJ since she was in such a hurry to put condom on. I would never repeat and the cost being 1. 5 was a little steep for HH.