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09-28-22, 06:51
Law enforcement does not make phone calls. They show up at your door. End of story. If there is a fine to pay you will be ticketed or arrested to take it up with the judge. Lets be smart about things guys.Right. However the initial questions were structured so that I was supposed to think I was helping locate the missing person, although they sounded scammy from the start. Once they ". Directed their investigation towards me. " (Their words) I knew it was a hoax. I was trying to figure out which provider was participating in the scam and if they knew anything else about me.


01-20-23, 13:01

01-24-23, 22:53
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpaQR8R/Was going to ask for the location but I see the hashtag. Damn that’s tough

01-25-23, 08:24
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpaQR8R/So in the same area you know there's murders, rapists, drug dealers, computer hackers and all kind of bad people. So what do they spend the taxpayers money on? They have a pre-raid meeting (on the tax payers nickel) all dressed in tactical gear. Alright team here's the lay and photos of the perpetrator's these are the dangerous individual's known to use bottles of oil as weapons, this older one is the known leader, let's hit them hard and fast. Lets go get them middle aged ladies go go go go! Ahhh tax payers money well spent the city can sleep easier now.

01-28-23, 20:05

Cops in Fayettevile ran a sting using one of the Escorts websites. Nine guys charged with solicitation.

02-01-23, 10:30

Cops in Fayettevile ran a sting using one of the Escorts websites. Nine guys charged with solicitation.Bet they were the TGTBT posts. I'll use the AMPs in FayetteNam but not the individuals. Place is too scary for me with both LE and criminals.

02-01-23, 10:38

Cops in Fayettevile ran a sting using one of the Escorts websites. Nine guys charged with solicitation.That's a lot of tax payer dollars used just for 9 misdemeanors.

Member #6718
02-01-23, 12:31
That's a lot of tax payer dollars used just for 9 misdemeanors.I fucking hate cops at the best of times. This kind of bs does nothing to change that opinion.

02-01-23, 12:58
193 deaths per day from fentanyl in this country, and this is how these assholes use their time and resources.

11-09-23, 21:48

"Hourly rates that ranged from $350 to $600. Prospective buyers were instructed to fill out forms with detailed personal information, including their names, addresses, employers, and a 'reference if they have one, including politicians, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, scientists and accountants. ".

11-10-23, 17:05

"Hourly rates that ranged from $350 to $600. Prospective buyers were instructed to fill out forms with detailed personal information, including their names, addresses, employers, and a 'reference if they have one, including politicians, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, scientists and accountants. ".Those writing the laws are being targeted for breaking the same laws they wrote. Maybe they'll learn to write better laws.

11-10-23, 17:50
Those writing the laws are being targeted for breaking the same laws they wrote. Maybe they'll learn to write better laws.Well that's nothing new. Looks like it's still going to be a while in this Puritan nation if the federal DOJ is still taking the time and resources to do operations, stings, and press releases like this.

Joe Looking
11-13-23, 06:33
Those writing the laws are being targeted for breaking the same laws they wrote. Maybe they'll learn to write better laws.Anytime there's a major bust, there are always politicians and wealthy customers. Laws don't change because the people with power never get in trouble and tough on the wages of sin plays well with the bases on the left and the right. Elliot Spitzer wasn't the only politician to get caught up with the service he was using yet his is the only name we saw talked about a lot and that was largely because people didn't like him.

Member #6718
11-13-23, 09:39
Anytime there's a major bust, there are always politicians and wealthy customers. Laws don't change because the people with power never get in trouble and tough on the wages of sin plays well with the bases on the left and the right. Elliot Spitzer wasn't the only politician to get caught up with the service he was using yet his is the only name we saw talked about a lot and that was largely because people didn't like him.Spitzer had a habit of going after the wealthy and digging deep into their affairs. He paid the price for that.

02-27-24, 19:12
Was there a bust at the days inn in morrisville? Anyone have info?