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12-31-99, 20:00
Thread Starter

05-19-10, 16:52
I figured I'd start this thread, even though I'm not a local... this club is great for what it is: a nice club where you can go to see some hot women get naked. That said, it has not been (in my experience) a place where you can get any kind of extra special attention. No extras have ever been offered, and it was very much one-way contact in the lap dance area. My buddy sampled the VIP but felt like he didn't get his money's worth (could have been the girl)... With any club, YMMV, so who knows..

Our last visit, though, the hustle factor had gone up significantly. Lots of girls wanting to "talk," then get us to buy them expensive drinks and fail to deliver any quality in the back. It gets increasingly annoying to weed through all the uptight girls to find there are fewer "friendly" girls working at these clubs these days... It's a sad state of affairs...

Outa Control
05-28-10, 08:53
I stopped in on a Wednsday, for the middle of the week I think they had a lot of girls. Had a nice time as usual!

05-30-10, 03:40
Went to Platinum Plus tonight. Plenty of girl and plenty of types of girls. You will probly find your type there. Had a good time. Had a couple of dances.

05-31-10, 11:40
How has the quality been there recently? Has anyone had any good experiences in the new VIP? I have been there twice with the intention of using the VIP w/Casey or Trish but neither one of them were there those two trips. I did get some great dances from Silky so she would be my next choice. I'm heading back up the end of June and again in mid-July.


06-01-10, 03:51
How has the quality been there recently? Has anyone had any good experiences in the new VIP? I have been there twice with the intention of using the VIP w/Casey or Trish but neither one of them were there those two trips. I did get some great dances from Silky so she would be my next choice. I'm heading back up the end of June and again in mid-July.

PercyLast time I was there, I had a regular dance with Silky, but haven't been in since they've added the new VIP. Silky was very hands on, though, so I would definitely visit there again.

06-01-10, 23:31
I'm posting this in multiple forums, just to get different opinions if I can... Now, don't get me wrong... I've had extras in a club before... but it seems to be offered by the dancer more often than not... I guess I'm wondering what might be the proper "dialogue" if I have to negotiate it out of them? Maybe some girls who don't want to offer it openly but are willing to do it... I've RTFF plenty, but I guess I'm not getting some of the "pointers" I'm looking for when I'm chatting them up to see whether they cut it... just trying to expand my knowledge from other guys who are masters at it... PM me if you'd rather not post in the forum...

Outa Control
06-02-10, 17:12
Stopped in last night and it was not bad, a couple mighta been a five or so just depends on how you like it. Maybe a couple in there interested in take out. Will go back and see, have taken one out of there once in the last month but aint seen her since?

07-11-10, 22:11
A friend and I were in the Rhino Saturday afternoon... I must say the atmosphere during the day is much different than it can be at night. Practically NO hustle and NO pestering to buy the girls drinks. I must say it was a much better experience than my last time. The girls weren't great, but I found a sexy girl who had all the right moves. We talked for a bit and I hit her up for 2 twofers... sadly still only one-way contact here and no hope of extras... too many eyes in the booth area...

07-13-10, 10:33
I was coming through Lexington on Sunday around 5pm and decided to try out the club. I'm a huge fan of Cowboys but they are not open on Sundays. When I got there, it was still pretty early and no girls were dancing yet. That usually spells doom because you are hounded by girls wanting their overpriced drinks. I was approached by a girl named Ashley. She was not my cup of tea but I sat with her for a little bit. She asked if I wanted a 2 4 1 and I said sure without asking the price. I guess they usually get 30 per dance but 2 4 1's are 40 bucks. The dances are very good mileage and she kept letting me know I could do more. At one point she said "you're really behaving yourself." I asked her what else could I do and she just said a little more so I started rubbing her crotch over the panties and an occaisional slip inside. She had a bit of a breath issue and that kept me from doing more dances.

When I went back to my seat, I saw a brunette with a killer figure. I knew that was going to be my next quest. She was with someone so I was just ready to turn anyone down and wait. Before I new it a lovely blonde came and sat down. Her name was Trinity and she was very cute and charming. After a couple of songs I thought what the hell let's get some dances. When back there, she got me positioned and she was great. She had great feeling boods but I'm sure they had to be enhanced. About halfway through the second song, I told her she had me almost there. She told me to skoot down farther and she went to town.

I was very pleased with the mileage and the atmosphere and can't wait to see the club in a more crouded mode. Definitely check Trinity on the 4 to 9 shift. She usually doesn't dance on Sundays.

Mbz Sl320
07-19-10, 19:36
My current schedule has me finishing work around noon. I wasn't tired today, so I decided to check out some of the local clubs. Basically, go to each one, have a beer, watch the girls, and decide which ones I wouldn't mind spending an afternoon in. I've done separate posts for each of the three this afternoon.

One odd thing - one of the girls mentioned that the cops had been going undercover and arresting the strippers on prostitution charges in the area - most notably at platinum plus. I took this as a "no extras for sale" signal, and she certainly missed all the opportunities I gave her to offer them.

Mbz Sl320
07-19-10, 19:46
Diva's is pretty dead in the afternoon, and on prior visits, into the early evening. What few women are there aren't motivated to dance. Not really a major loss - most of them aren't worth watching.

From talking to them, Diva's doesn't provide a lot of incentive to dance, and in general provides less compensation for the dancers than the other clubs. That does mean they're more willing to just sit and talk, and there's almost no pressure to buy a dance or a drink. It also may be why it's the place where I've had the best luck getting offers of extras. On the other hand, it's also the place where I've had the worst luck finding someone I really want to pay for extras.

The one up side is that they have free - or at least unprotected - wifi. Of course, that I found the time to check and notice that is a bad thing in and of itself.

Mbz Sl320
07-19-10, 19:56
Platinum plus actually has some activity in the afternoon. The stage is seldom empty, and there was an active audience. The girls were better looking than anywhere else I went today. The worst of them was better than anyone at Divas. Pushier about drinks and dances than the other places, though.

The odd thing here is the split stage. The normal two-dance set is done on two different stages, and the dancer in the gogo cage seems to be ignored, and not happy about being there. If I go back, I'll have to see about a seat where I can watch both.

The other issue is that they're more expensive than the other two clubs I was at this afternoon: They were the only one with an afternoon cover charge, and charging about a buck more a bottle for the beer I was drinking (either Amber Bock or Killian's Red). That could add up if I plan on spending a lot of afternoons there.

Mbz Sl320
07-19-10, 20:18
Camelot East is also more active than Diva's in the afternoon. The best dancers there were a match for the best dancers at Platinum plus. On the other hand, the worst of the bunch fits in the middle of the pack at Divas. The dancers aren't as pushy as the girls at platinum plus, but they're generally less willing to just sit and talk than the girls at Divas.

This was the only place I felt motivated to get a dance, from Sky. One of the better lap dances I've had in a while - she really gets into it, but no extras. I also managed to leave with her digits.

This is the club I'm most likely to go back to, but Platinum Plus is definitely worth a second look.

Mbz Sl320
07-22-10, 19:32
Started today at Deja Vu. While they were open in theory, none of the dancers had shown up. The employee who told me was very apologetic, but also explained their rules: cover half off until 7pm (or so - I forgot the details), and they don't serve alcohol. Bah. Back to prohibition - or San Francisco. If they aren't going to serve beer, I might as well go home and stream skinemax movies from netflix - the girls aren't as friendly, but the beer is better than anywhere else.

Said employee also confirmed reviews of Cowboys I'd seen that said they didn't serve alcohol. He finally gave me a coupon good for half off the cover. I'll probably never use it.

Mbz Sl320
07-22-10, 19:58
I wanted to like the Rhino - I really, really did. Nice big place, lots of stages, and the girls are as good as anywhere else. Well, if you like their type of women: they were all busty white women. While I do like them, I prefer a little variety - add some color and a spinner or two, which would be more like the mix at Platinum Plus.

The problem was, they left the stage empty a *lot*. The dancers did three-song sets, with two-song breaks in between. And anytime they were doing two or three for one lap dances - which was fairly often - it was empty as well.

The dancers were pretty aggressive about selling dances - most interactions were limited to "want a dance" and your answer. One did drop hints that extras were available, but I didn't pick up on it until she had moved on.

I can see that someone might really like this place, if they expect to buy a lot of lap dances and prefer those busty gals. But that's not why I'm there - I want to see dancers on the stage!

Mbz Sl320
07-23-10, 20:28
Last club I could find out about - Camelot West. A lot like Camelot East. Similar mix of dancers. From talking to them, the ones at Camelot West can dance at Camelot East, but not vice versa. The attitude is also similar. The place is a bit larger than Camelot East, and the DJ allowed more breaks than the DJ at Camelot West.

If you like one, you'll probably like the other.

Bilbo Baggins II
07-24-10, 20:50
Dude, someone misinformed you. Cowboys serves alcohol and plenty of it. It's one of my favorites. I prefer it to Platinum unless I have a group of friends, then Platinum is a better place to party.

Ky Guy 123
07-24-10, 23:31
I concur. I don't drink so it never mattered to me one way or another, but starting late last year I've been a few times with friends and they sell booze at a good price, with some very attractive scenery ta boot. If you want a relaxed night with a beer, a pool cue, and a view of the stage, it's one of the best places in town ta visit. :)

Dude, someone misinformed you. Cowboys serves alcohol and plenty of it. It's one of my favorites. I prefer it to Platinum unless I have a group of friends, then Platinum is a better place to party.

Mbz Sl320
07-29-10, 21:19
Given that I was misinformed about Cowboys and booze, I dropped by there this afternoon. Seems like a great place. They have a nice mix of dancers, and most of them are well worth watching. They're also friendlier than in any of the other places I've been to in Lexington. Lots of stages, but the main stage was always occupied. They didn't do any twofer lap dances while I was there, but that may have just been bad timing on my part.

One of the dancers offered me oral sex, then got shy about things when I started trying to negotiate a price. On the other hand, at $150 for thirty minutes in a VIP booth plus any reasonable tip, I'd rather find a good escort.

The one down side for me was that they don't serve a beer I actually want to drink. I brew my own, so I'm a bit of a snob about beer. If you're happy with commercial American beers, this is the place hang out. I'll probably go back even though I'll be paying for well drinks.

Ky Guy 123
07-31-10, 02:19
Just got back in from a trip to Cowboys myself tonight. Not the best trip I've had, but, the view was nice and I got out of there without breaking the bank, which is helpful. LOL They had some excellent examples of womanliness.. maybe 6-9 scale for dancers, but there were some guys tossing $20s around like they were $1s, so most action went to their VIP corner. I did hit it off with this one blonde though that was all over me. I'm sure that she only wanted the $$, but, she really put the hard core press on me, even kissing on me, which is rather surprising. Anyway.. she wanted me to take her home in more ways than one, but, I had responsibilities elsewhere that prohibited it. Still, she wouldn't let me go without giving my her number for later. That was... well an ego boost if nothing else.. or an interesting prospect possibly too.

Just felt like sharing since I'm NOT getting to bed ANNNNYtime soon. heh


Given that I was misinformed about Cowboys and booze, I dropped by there this afternoon. Seems like a great place. They have a nice mix of dancers, and most of them are well worth watching. They're also friendlier than in any of the other places I've been to in Lexington. Lots of stages, but the main stage was always occupied. They didn't do any twofer lap dances while I was there, but that may have just been bad timing on my part.

One of the dancers offered me oral sex, then got shy about things when I started trying to negotiate a price. On the other hand, at $150 for thirty minutes in a VIP booth plus any reasonable tip, I'd rather find a good escort.

The one down side for me was that they don't serve a beer I actually want to drink. I brew my own, so I'm a bit of a snob about beer. If you're happy with commercial American beers, this is the place hang out. I'll probably go back even though I'll be paying for well drinks.

08-05-10, 17:47
Stopped by cowboys after work. Not much to look at, granted it was early 5:00, but only 4-5 girls and only one not over weight. Allison was cute, but her tits looked like raisin.

08-08-10, 13:13
Will be golfing at Brightleaf in Harrodsburg for 3 days next month. Any decent strip clubs on that side of Lexington? I am from Indiana just west of Cincy. Any info is helpful.

Ky Guy 123
08-08-10, 13:58
The only one truly on 'that side of town' is Camelot West. There's the dive area in central east off Winchester (Paradise, etc.), but for SC, Cowboys (NE), Platinum (E), Spearmint(SE), Deja (NE), and Camelot East (SE) are the better choices. Between one side of town versus the other, I'd spend the 12 minutes circling New Circle to get to a club that is reviewed better here if it were me.

Hope this helps whittle the research a smite, and don't bogey on the sandtrap on hole 7. ;)


Will be golfing at Brightleaf in Harrodsburg for 3 days next month. Any decent strip clubs on that side of Lexington? I am from Indiana just west of Cincy. Any info is helpful.

08-14-10, 09:58
Been down in Lex all week for work and decided to stop by Cowboys on my way back to NKY for the weekend. Well, I am glad I did. Got in there around 8:30 and the place was full of hot girls. I did think the dj rotated the girls a little too quick, it only seemed like they were on stage for maybe 90 seconds before the song changed and the next girl came up. This was the only reason I did not get a private dance. Songs were way too short. I did fall in love with "Sugar" though. Now I will admit she was not the hottest girl in there, in fact there were a bunch that I were better looking. However, Sugar was just so damn cute and sweet. And when I talked to her she was just so innocent looking yet very sexual. I am in love!

And Star was another of my favorites. So tall and what an amazing body. My time was limited in there last night but I am definitely going back in next week while I am in town again to finish the project I am working on. Anyone have any info on Sugar or Star? I would love to meet Sugar outside the bar.

Outa Control
08-18-10, 19:54
Been down in Lex all week for work and decided to stop by Cowboys on my way back to NKY for the weekend. Well, I am glad I did. Got in there around 8:30 and the place was full of hot girls. I did think the dj rotated the girls a little too quick, it only seemed like they were on stage for maybe 90 seconds before the song changed and the next girl came up. This was the only reason I did not get a private dance. Songs were way too short. I did fall in love with "Sugar" though. Now I will admit she was not the hottest girl in there, in fact there were a bunch that I were better looking. However, Sugar was just so damn cute and sweet. And when I talked to her she was just so innocent looking yet very sexual. I am in love!

And Star was another of my favorites. So tall and what an amazing body. My time was limited in there last night but I am definitely going back in next week while I am in town again to finish the project I am working on. Anyone have any info on Sugar or Star? I would love to meet Sugar outside the bar.Star can be had for takeout!

Look under Lex CL for "Caramel so Sweet"!

08-23-10, 18:50
Stopped in again this weekend as it is my last week down here in LEX before I go back up to Florence for work and I left overly impressed again with the level of talent. The places down here beat the clubs in NKY to death. Silky was just amazing! And Star, well she is the best at her job. I got yelled at in the back to keep my hands to myself, but hey she told me to do it.

It will be a few weeks before I am back down this way, but I am already looking forward to it. And just curious, I checked the 7th area out extensively and never could find anything. Is it completely dried up, or moved some where else? PM if anyone has recommended areas to try.

Mr Lucky
08-24-10, 19:03
What a dream. I met her three weeks ago and she was absolutely amazing.

It looked like she got in a little trouble with the DJ after my dance but reading the posts it looks like she is a continued success. I know I was fully fulfilled and the next time in that area, I'll be back.

Ky Man629
09-07-10, 20:17
Sorry put this in the wrong thread.

Nite Crush
10-01-10, 13:43
Was in town for one day and I did not miss the opportunity to visit the Cowboys.

Man, the club has the most beautiful women I ever seen in a strip club.

I did not go for any private dance since all the songs are pretty short and it makes me feel not worth it.

My advise is to find the girl you like and let her sit at your table. Buy her some drinks, have a small chat, then do not forget to get table dances in a consistent way: it costs $5 for a table dance.

It seems not many of them are offering takeout. But work diligently like you do at a regular bar. The effort might pay off.

Can't wait to go back.

Ky Guy 123
10-03-10, 00:12
Hit Cowboys up tonight. It seemed a little slow for a Saturday, I'm guessing the Equest games are eating a bit at the night crowds. Anyway, was a nice night, lots of beautiful women working, and I found the same one that I hit it off with last time that wanted to leave together. Couldn't because of time constraints (again), but did get info exchanged, and will see what can be seen when it's more convienient. A lot of the ones mentioned in earlier posts weren't working tonight (Silky, Star, etc.), but there was this beautiful blondish Amazon that I had the pleasure of chatting up before I had to leave that I was quite amazed by. I think she's a legit dance-only type... but she's one that makes a lad want to write love sonnets for and plan trips to Venice in the springtime. LOL, I know, cheesy, but she was an extremely cool chickarita. I'll have to go back now to just find out what her real name is. Maybe her 5'11"ness would like to hang out sometime with my 6'6"edness. :) A lad can dream. . . .

Anywho.. t'was a good night.. mileage in the club was liberal.. and I left being well under budget once more, so yay for that. :)


10-11-10, 21:42
Was in lexington this afternoon and had a little time to kill so I stopped in cowboys. Figured their wouldn't be much happening on a Monday, boy was I wrong. Greeted by a very attractive blonde as soon as I walked in. Chatted her up for quite some time bought her a drink, watched her stage performance and decided to take her back for some dances. She was a real go getter and gave great dances, mileage was excellent with plent of 2 way contact. This not what I have experienced here in the past. Did 2 dances and went back to the table. Being the sucker that I am she convinced me there was more to be had in the private area. I have to say she didn't disappoint. I won't go into details but we both left there happy and she didn't even ask for a tip, bit I gave her a little extra. Afterwards hit her up for some OTC and got some digits, we will see if that pans out.

There were probably 6-8 girls there in the 7-9 range. There were a couple not so good 5-6 but that is about anywhere. Drinks were resonable at 2.75 and 7.50 for what the girl was drinking. Smoking seemed to be allowed in there which was my only detractor, not sure if that is all the time. Dances are negotiable so don't be afraid to ask. The private room is 150 for 30 minutes. Overall I would say a excellent experience.

By the way if anyone has a recommendation for a cheap hotel in Lexington preferrably towards the Nicholasville side of town drop me a line.

10-16-10, 20:14
In town for work and play so we hit up some SCs. First off was Cowboys around 6:00. Very disappointed. I usually like this place but this time it was pretty bad. Granted day shift was still on but we didn't last past two beers. Next up, Diva's. One word Terrible! After that it was off to Platinum. Nice selection and ok prices. Stayed for 4 drinks. Making stop at Brooklyns for pizza then we are going to check out Camelot and Rino. Give updates as they occur.

10-18-10, 10:51
Swung by Camelot East Saturday night. Not bad but been there when the selection was better. It seems that this place can be hit and miss. Usually it is worth stopping by. Almost always get your moneys worth in the back.

Afterwards we hit up Rhino. They had the best looking girls of all the places we went, but not a lot of touching when you go to the back room. In all I would say Platinum was the best value.

The G Man
11-19-10, 17:36
Went to Diva's the other night. The talent, in general, wasn't the greatest. Many of what I would call the "B-team" were working. However, one girl was probably an 7 or 8, so I bought the 3 songs for fifty lap dance.

The lap dance was decent, but a lot "extended" mouthplay was included, and this wasn't the first girl who has done some similar stuff at this place.

I also got as handsy as I wanted to.

No Body Knows
12-03-10, 13:09
Based on the post below, I checked Diva's out as well. All the good talent seemed to be scooped up by some douchebag band that was in town. I gave one girl the eye several times after she came off stage, but she would go straight by me and snuggle up with some grunge-want to-be who didn't take her to the back all night. I had a bunch of dough in one pocket and a few little friends strippers OC-casionally like as gifts in the other. But I didn't get a chance to offer her either.

Ended up getting a 2/$30 deal from a drunk off her ass gal named Medina / Medena / Madeena? Built kinds like Anna Nicole Smith in her later years, but without the big nice rack. I got the dance because she had been pestering me all night. I basically leaned back and TOFTT, because I prefer rail-thin girls myself. Hands down in the pants, lots of "don't worry. Nobody is looking" stuff. She dropped some hints that she was available OTC, and I am guessing she'd ask for a little less than a visit from a Divinity girl.

Check her out if you are interested in a girl with a little extra meat on her bones and want to try to snatch someone up for the night.

12-09-10, 17:46
I stopped by Diva's around 6:00 on a Wednesday. I sat at the bar and a girl came up and told me there are only two girls working. One is in the back with a guy and she was committed to go back with someone as well. I smiled and said ok. I'll just go to Cowboys. Now that is just not a good situation for a bar to be in.

Slick Dick
01-01-11, 19:05
Well, I dropped by Cowboy's earlier today. I used to go to Cowboy's pretty frequently, and it was my club of choice in Lex. I was really disappointed today. Things started going downhill a year or so ago when they stopped doing the $5 dances on the seats against the wall. Now those are only had at tables in the open area. Not near as good as the damn chairs are too bulky.

The really bad news today is that the songs never lasted more than three minutes. Sometimes it would be around 2:20. That's completely unacceptable. And apparently Casey isn't working there any more, either.

Very disappointing.

01-01-11, 19:28
Well, I dropped by Cowboy's earlier today. I used to go to Cowboy's pretty frequently, and it was my club of choice in Lex. I was really disappointed today. Things started going downhill a year or so ago when they stopped doing the $5 dances on the seats against the wall. Now those are only had at tables in the open area. Not near as good as the damn chairs are too bulky.

The really bad news today is that the songs never lasted more than three minutes. Sometimes it would be around 2:20. That's completely unacceptable. And apparently Casey isn't working there any more, either.

Very disappointing. Hey what does Casey look like? Is she the same one as the the girl on backpage. I know she was a dancer in the past.

Bilbo Baggins II
01-02-11, 13:58
Hey what does Casey look like? Is she the same one as the the girl on backpage. I know she was a dancer in the past.I am pretty sure the backpage girl is not the same Casey as the one who worked at Cowboys. Cowboys Casey is about 5'6" and nicely proportioned. She has dark blonde or brown hair and was one of my ATF's at Cowboys.

On a side note, Silky is now at Platinum. She is a petite brunette who is my new favorite.

Best of luck,


Slick Dick
01-05-11, 22:53
Correct, Bilbo. Have you heard anything about her of late?

Still can't get over the jackass DJ cutting the songs off at 2:20.

BTW, stopped at Paradise City and they've changed ownership. Not looking good.

Bilbo Baggins II
01-06-11, 14:53
Correct, Bilbo. Have you heard anything about her of late?

Still can't get over the jackass DJ cutting the songs off at 2:20.

BTW, stopped at Paradise City and they've changed ownership. Not looking good. I have not heard anything I can report. She ok though.

I agree, Cowboys better wise up or they may slide down the list of good clubs.

Mr Lucky
01-06-11, 18:20
You can't beat Silky. She is the best at what she does.

01-06-11, 18:34
Correct, Bilbo. Have you heard anything about her of late?

Still can't get over the jackass DJ cutting the songs off at 2:20.

BTW, stopped at Paradise City and they've changed ownership. Not looking good. How bad is it? Used to have some good times there.

Slick Dick
01-14-11, 10:52
Never have been impressed with Silky. Seems like she was always sleeping or in need of a nap.

Well, Paradise City is in the middle of changing over to, what I fear, is more like a gentleman's club. Paradise City could be bad alot of the time, but it was fun enough of the times to make it a worthwhile stop. I hope they don't ruin it.

Bilbo Baggins II
01-14-11, 22:52
Never have been impressed with Silky. Seems like she was always sleeping or in need of a nap.

Well, Paradise City is in the middle of changing over to, what I fear, is more like a gentleman's club. Paradise City could be bad alot of the time, but it was fun enough of the times to make it a worthwhile stop. I hope they don't ruin it. I have seen that side of Silky. However, I don't believe that is an issue any more. I have not noticed any tendency to doze off on my last 2 or 3 visits.

Mr Lucky
01-16-11, 22:10
I was with her back several months ago and I can not complain! She was the best and I am on the older side to say the least. That was at Cowboys and I think she got a warning after visiting me/

01-17-11, 18:24
Checked out Cowboy's VIP a while back for $150 per 1/2 hr + tip. The VIP area is misrepresented. There are cameras at each booth and if your hands start exploring the DJ will come in and say "No Touching". If you want to spend that kind of money go an AMP in Richmond. Cowboys is all about the $5 couch dance and is great for having some drinks and balling on a budget.

01-26-11, 11:05
Just got back in from a trip to Cowboys myself tonight. Not the best trip I've had, but, the view was nice and I got out of there without breaking the bank, which is helpful. LOL They had some excellent examples of womanliness. Maybe 6-9 scale for dancers, but there were some guys tossing $20s around like they were $1s, so most action went to their VIP corner. I did hit it off with this one blonde though that was all over me. I'm sure that she only wanted the $$, but, she really put the hard core press on me, even kissing on me, which is rather surprising. Anyway. She wanted me to take her home in more ways than one, but, I had responsibilities elsewhere that prohibited it. Still, she wouldn't let me go without giving my her number for later. That was. Well an ego boost if nothing else. Or an interesting prospect possibly too.

Just felt like sharing since I'm NOT getting to bed ANNNNYtime soon. Heh.

JayDoes trish stil work at cowboys?

My ATF but I preferred her pre boob job.

01-26-11, 11:06
Really tall slim brunente from Cowboys?

01-28-11, 00:20
I've only been to Cowboys a few times. The only woman that interested me was a short Latina that only served drinks. Does anyone know if she is still there and more importantly if she offers OTC? Any info is appreciated.

No Body Knows
02-01-11, 18:59
Went last night to both in the 11pm to 2am range. Will not go back to either unless things change.

West had about 4 girls working, and I honestly wouldn't take any of them home from a bar for free. But I was in the mood to offer some cash (and other things) for some extras in the VIP. But after 30 minutes, I had not even had the chance to talk to any of them. They all were hugged up to a crew of scary looking guys.

So I headed over to DV. They had 5-6 girls. Some of them looked straight out of maxim. I mean that place has gorgeous girls. But the action is just not enough. Even with dances for $10, the mileage only gets to a point and can't go any further. I tossed out the bait too. None were biting. Spent 100 bucks. 80 on 8 couch dances, ten to get in and 10 on tips. Was a fun couple hrs, but I have never left there without feeling guilty.

No Body Knows
02-05-11, 20:44
Took $100 with me to Cowboys at 1pm the other day when I should have been at work. No cover, which was nice. And 2/20-25 dances the whole time. The songs are nice and long too. I had to turn a couple girls away because they didn't fit what I was looking for. One girl was WAY too aggressive and sat down without asking. When it got to her turn to go up on stage, she actually called one of her friends (a giant latina) over to the table to "Keep me company".

I almost left at that point. Felt so uncomfortable because I had not given either of those girls an notion that I was interested, yet they planted the flag at my table and kept the better looking girls away.

I made an excuse to walk across the bar to the restroom. I made sure to take my keys and everything with me so I could just leave instead of coming back to the table if Andre the Giant was still at my table. I spotted what I thought was a cute college coed at the bar on my way to the John. I smiled at her and she returned. So when I came out, I walked over to the bar. As I got closer, I realized I had misjudged her. She was more in the 30-35 yr old range. But she had a flat stomach, nice man-made boobs and was all dolled up. She looked like the gal you met who has been stripping since she was 18 and will go until she's pushing 50. She walked into my life right about the time the peaches were most in bloom.

She asked if I wanted to go to a table, and since someone was already at mine, I asked if we could just go ahead and get a dance. I asked if she was doing the two for 1 and she said she was. First song was standard mileage, with lots of her knee-to-my-crotch rubbing and the reversing to bounce. I slowly got my hands closer and closer to her until I had a good handle on her legs. She didn't seem to mind me squeezing and getting a handful of ass from time to time. She turned it up for the second song and started rubbing my crotch through my pants. She also would put my face between her tits and slowly moved across my face so that her nipples brushed my lips. The third time she did this, I opened up and sucked it. She held in palce for a while and let me get a good kiss on both of them.

That was about when the song ended. We went back to the main area and I saw that my table was now empty. We sat down, chatted for a bit and then she went up on stage. During the song, I tipped her 5 dollars. She came back to my table after and sat in my lap. She immediately went back to rubbing on me. She suggested VIP, but I told her I didn't have that much that time. She said "if you want to do another dance, you should go into the bathroom and take off your belt first."

She didn't have to ask twice. I went straight in, took off my belt and we headed back for 4 songs. The session involved more tit sucking and grabbing and she had her hands down my pants the entire time. I don't know if I could ever "finish" that way, but she got me pretty close. I think a few more songs might have done it.

Later, we talked about her boyfriend problems and it seemed pretty clear that she's not available for OTC session. But I am going to go back a few more times and see if I can make it happen.

One bad thing was I couldn't go back to work after because I smelled like a cigarette factory.

02-08-11, 23:28
Took $100 with me to Cowboys at 1pm the other day when I should have been at work. No cover, which was nice. And 2/20-25 dances the whole time. The songs are nice and long too. I had to turn a couple girls away because they didn't fit what I was looking for. One girl was WAY too aggressive and sat down without asking. When it got to her turn to go up on stage, she actually called one of her friends (a giant latina) over to the table to "Keep me company".

I almost left at that point. Felt so uncomfortable because I had not given either of those girls an notion that I was interested, yet they planted the flag at my table and kept the better looking girls away.

I made an excuse to walk across the bar to the restroom. I made sure to take my keys and everything with me so I could just leave instead of coming back to the table if Andre the Giant was still at my table. I spotted what I thought was a cute college coed at the bar on my way to the John. I smiled at her and she returned. So when I came out, I walked over to the bar. As I got closer, I realized I had misjudged her. She was more in the 30-35 yr old range. But she had a flat stomach, nice man-made boobs and was all dolled up. She looked like the gal you met who has been stripping since she was 18 and will go until she's pushing 50. She walked into my life right about the time the peaches were most in bloom.

She asked if I wanted to go to a table, and since someone was already at mine, I asked if we could just go ahead and get a dance. I asked if she was doing the two for 1 and she said she was. First song was standard mileage, with lots of her knee-to-my-crotch rubbing and the reversing to bounce. I slowly got my hands closer and closer to her until I had a good handle on her legs. She didn't seem to mind me squeezing and getting a handful of ass from time to time. She turned it up for the second song and started rubbing my crotch through my pants. She also would put my face between her tits and slowly moved across my face so that her nipples brushed my lips. The third time she did this, I opened up and sucked it. She held in palce for a while and let me get a good kiss on both of them.

That was about when the song ended. We went back to the main area and I saw that my table was now empty. We sat down, chatted for a bit and then she went up on stage. During the song, I tipped her 5 dollars. She came back to my table after and sat in my lap. She immediately went back to rubbing on me. She suggested VIP, but I told her I didn't have that much that time. She said "if you want to do another dance, you should go into the bathroom and take off your belt first."

She didn't have to ask twice. I went straight in, took off my belt and we headed back for 4 songs. The session involved more tit sucking and grabbing and she had her hands down my pants the entire time. I don't know if I could ever "finish" that way, but she got me pretty close. I think a few more songs might have done it.

Later, we talked about her boyfriend problems and it seemed pretty clear that she's not available for OTC session. But I am going to go back a few more times and see if I can make it happen.

One bad thing was I couldn't go back to work after because I smelled like a cigarette factory. Great insight. Mind sharing which dancer this was so that I can ask for her or look her up next time I'm up that way? Cowboys has been hit and miss for me when I'm in town. Haven't been in a while. Thanks!

02-09-11, 09:09
Not really creepy thats how you get more bang for your buck. I have always found that mid-afternoon to late around 1:30 to 4:00 there are few guys and the girls seem to fight to keep your eye on them.


Ky Mike53
02-19-11, 12:55
Had a great time at the Spearmint Rhyno Thursday night. I like the relaxed atmoshere. The girls spend time with you and don't hustle for drinks. Layla was amazingly sweet and sexxy. She gives a great couch dance!

Was in Cowboys Wednesday and there was very few people there, including girls. It use to be my favorite place to be when I visited Lexington.

I would like to find someone I could just meet when I travel to there. Any advice would be appreciated.

Paco Taco
02-22-11, 18:58
Had a great time at the Spearmint Rhyno Thursday night. I like the relaxed atmoshere. The girls spend time with you and don't hustle for drinks. Layla was amazingly sweet and sexxy. She gives a great couch dance!

Was in Cowboys Wednesday and there was very few people there, including girls. It use to be my favorite place to be when I visited Lexington.

I would like to find someone I could just meet when I travel to there. Any advice would be appreciated.I always have great time at Cowboys. Great "memories" from the VIP area. There are cameras at the VIP though, hope they don't sell my "memories" online. Always grin at the cameras when I shoot my load. Wished I shoot my load further and aim at the cameras.

Chuck Roast
03-05-11, 02:22
So I went to Camelot East Tuesday night. I've been going there at least once a week for about 6-7 years, and Ive never had a problem with nor has the establishment ever had a problem with me whatsoever. Now when I go there mid week, I don't have a lot of money to spend, but just stop by to relax for half hour or so before going home. I would like to add that I always however have as a minimum at leat some ones for tips and enough to buy a girl a drink and a table dance or two, or I dont go in there. This night it was pretty empty, there were maybe ten tables with people at them and there were about 8-10 girls working, most of them pretty high quality. So I gave a few stage tips and sat there for a while, nobody ever came over, except a waitress who asked me if I wanted anything BEFORE my ass even hit the seat for the first time. I told her I didn't want anything for myself since I was driving but I would buy the first girl who came over drinks, just like I've done for years. I might add this waitress knew me for years and Ive always OVERTIP her. I just wanted to relax a bit, buy a girl a drink and get a table dance or two then leave, not sit there and get drunk for hours and spend 500 bucks. So she starts coming back by every 3 minutes asking the same question. Then she got hateful about it and told me theres a drink minimum or I can't stay. I told her once again I was waiting to buy a girl a drink. So a girl finally comes over and asks for a couch dance. I say I have limited funds and am up for a table dance. She says she doesn't do them and walks off. Then another one comes up, same conversation except she asks how many table dances? I say two, and then she says well my miniumun is 4 unless you want one for 10 and walks away! So then I see the waitress say something to the head waitress or whatever, who has also known me for years and has also always been tipped very well, and then the head serving wench comes over and rudely reiterates the drink minimum and walks away. The no neck manager was standing hucking it up with his steroid goons just a few feet away the whole time. I just got fed up and got the fuck out of there. I have now had similar experiences there 3x in a row including a Saturday night. What the hell is the deal with this place and what the fuck is the $5 cover charge for? Up until a few weeks ago, friendly girls would come by the table every few minutes and none of them cared a bit to do a table dance or two, and nobody hassled you about buying drinks. Now appearantly they turn down money, refuse advertised services, and then run off customers who have spent thousands over the years! They renovate the place every 6 months with new matching staff uniforms, add more and more black lights and more and more VIP booths that stay empty. It used to be enjoyable to go there and hang out and chill with the ladies but now its like the floor of the damn New York stock exchange meets Studio 54! YMMV with this club because mine surely has to the extreme.

Jake John
03-05-11, 12:50
So I went to Camelot East Tuesday night. I've been going there at least once a week for about 6-7 years, and Ive never had a problem with nor has the establishment ever had a problem with me whatsoever. Now when I go there mid week, I don't have a lot of money to spend, but just stop by to relax for half hour or so before going home. I would like to add that I always however have as a minimum at leat some ones for tips and enough to buy a girl a drink and a table dance or two, or I dont go in there. This night it was pretty empty, there were maybe ten tables with people at them and there were about 8-10 girls working, most of them pretty high quality. So I gave a few stage tips and sat there for a while, nobody ever came over, except a waitress who asked me if I wanted anything BEFORE my ass even hit the seat for the first time. I told her I didn't want anything for myself since I was driving but I would buy the first girl who came over drinks, just like I've done for years. I might add this waitress knew me for years and Ive always OVERTIP her. I just wanted to relax a bit, buy a girl a drink and get a table dance or two then leave, not sit there and get drunk for hours and spend 500 bucks. So she starts coming back by every 3 minutes asking the same question. Then she got hateful about it and told me theres a drink minimum or I can't stay. I told her once again I was waiting to buy a girl a drink. So a girl finally comes over and asks for a couch dance. I say I have limited funds and am up for a table dance. She says she doesn't do them and walks off. Then another one comes up, same conversation except she asks how many table dances? I say two, and then she says well my miniumun is 4 unless you want one for 10 and walks away! So then I see the waitress say something to the head waitress or whatever, who has also known me for years and has also always been tipped very well, and then the head serving wench comes over and rudely reiterates the drink minimum and walks away. The no neck manager was standing hucking it up with his steroid goons just a few feet away the whole time. I just got fed up and got the fuck out of there. I have now had similar experiences there 3x in a row including a Saturday night. What the hell is the deal with this place and what the fuck is the $5 cover charge for? Up until a few weeks ago, friendly girls would come by the table every few minutes and none of them cared a bit to do a table dance or two, and nobody hassled you about buying drinks. Now appearantly they turn down money, refuse advertised services, and then run off customers who have spent thousands over the years! They renovate the place every 6 months with new matching staff uniforms, add more and more black lights and more and more VIP booths that stay empty. It used to be enjoyable to go there and hang out and chill with the ladies but now its like the floor of the damn New York stock exchange meets Studio 54! YMMV with this club because mine surely has to the extreme.I understand where your coming from, but honestly, you can't expect to go into a strip club and not order a drink. If your driving order a coke. Its no different then going into a BW3's and sitting down at the bar to watch the game and not ordering a beer or food. People in the service industry (bartenders, waitresses, dancers, etc) make their living on tips. So, if you don't order something, these people are not going to make any money on tips. (The cover you paid, by the way, goes to the bar- not those serving you inside).

Your report indicates it was rather slow, which probably didn't put the waitress in a good mood to begin with. Add in your refusal to order anything, and I'm certain you just made her day. (I might add that not ordering anything probably didn't target you as a big spender to the dancers either). As for the table dances, there are lot of girls that won't do them and that's certainly their prerogative.

Outa Control
03-25-11, 14:53
Hit the plus on wends. Night and had a great time! It was a little pricy compared to where I have been going but it was a nice change! Decent girls and nice surroundings. Had several couch dances and ended up in the naughty room by the time the night was over. Did have two dancers get in a fight and break a glass while arguing, fighting over who was going to the naughty room with me. It was a good time and it had been over ten years since I had been to this paricular club. I will be going back!

Chuck Roast
03-25-11, 21:09
I understand where your coming from, but honestly, you can't expect to go into a strip club and not order a drink. If your driving order a coke. Its no different then going into a BW3's and sitting down at the bar to watch the game and not ordering a beer or food. People in the service industry (bartenders, waitresses, dancers, etc) make their living on tips. So, if you don't order something, these people are not going to make any money on tips. (The cover you paid, by the way, goes to the bar- not those serving you inside).

Your report indicates it was rather slow, which probably didn't put the waitress in a good mood to begin with. Add in your refusal to order anything, and I'm certain you just made her day. (I might add that not ordering anything probably didn't target you as a big spender to the dancers either). As for the table dances, there are lot of girls that won't do them and that's certainly their prerogative. Did you not get the part where I said I always get at least a table dance (hamburger) and buy a dancer(s) a drink or two (beer)? I didn't refuse to order anything, I said come back later when a girl sits down and I will buy her a drink. What kind of weird logic is that where a business is slow, so their employees let their bad mood run off what few customers they have? If being slow is an excuse then forget big spender, they should feel lucky to have "a" spender. And if there are girls who won't do table dances then they should'nt be working there, because all the clubs actively advertise that table dances are on the menu. For someone to be allowed the privelage of using a club to make money they have to accept the policies of said club, which is the policy of table dance services are available. That would be like going to work pumping gas and refusing to pump if a customer orders regular.

Mbz Sl320
03-26-11, 19:11
Went by camelot east for the first time in months.

Yup, the place has definitely gone upscale. It feels a lot bigger and roomier. On the other hand, the girls seem to have followed. Much better looking bunch than I remember being there before. Or at most other places, come to that. I didn't run into what Chuck did: the girls came over, asked to sit down and flirted. I did have one waitress get snappy about not getting a tip (yes, I should have tipped her. And did. But still.).

Downside. Seems like table dances are unpopular with the girls. One told me there's a "no touch" rule for table dances, which was enough to keep me from buying one from her, and none of the other girls wanted to sell one. There sure were a lot fewer table dances going on than I'm used to seeing in a good club, or remember seeing there before. I did get a nice couch dance from Kitty, though.

One oddity. The girls at CE seem a lot geekier. Or at least more able to "speak geek". Than anywhere else I've been. I've talked about cosplay, linux distros, and sf movies with some of them. And never anything remotely like that anywhere else.

03-29-11, 07:53
Went by camelot east for the first time in months.

Yup, the place has definitely gone upscale. It feels a lot bigger and roomier. On the other hand, the girls seem to have followed. Much better looking bunch than I remember being there before. Or at most other places, come to that. I didn't run into what Chuck did: the girls came over, asked to sit down and flirted. I did have one waitress get snappy about not getting a tip (yes, I should have tipped her. And did. But still.).

Downside. Seems like table dances are unpopular with the girls. One told me there's a "no touch" rule for table dances, which was enough to keep me from buying one from her, and none of the other girls wanted to sell one. There sure were a lot fewer table dances going on than I'm used to seeing in a good club, or remember seeing there before. I did get a nice couch dance from Kitty, though.

One oddity. The girls at CE seem a lot geekier. Or at least more able to "speak geek". Than anywhere else I've been. I've talked about cosplay, linux distros, and sf movies with some of them. And never anything remotely like that anywhere else.I have to agree that the upgrades there are great. Many flat screen tv's up now and the bar area is a lot nicer. From what I could see major upgrades with the ladies working there as well.

04-12-11, 11:41
So I went to Camelot East Tuesday night. I've been going there at least once a week for about 6-7 years, and Ive never had a problem with nor has the establishment ever had a problem with me whatsoever. Now when I go there mid week, I don't have a lot of money to spend, but just stop by to relax for half hour or so before going home. I would like to add that I always however have as a minimum at leat some ones for tips and enough to buy a girl a drink and a table dance or two, or I dont go in there. This night it was pretty empty, there were maybe ten tables with people at them and there were about 8-10 girls working, most of them pretty high quality. So I gave a few stage tips and sat there for a while, nobody ever came over, except a waitress who asked me if I wanted anything BEFORE my ass even hit the seat for the first time. I told her I didn't want anything for myself since I was driving but I would buy the first girl who came over drinks, just like I've done for years. I might add this waitress knew me for years and Ive always OVERTIP her. I just wanted to relax a bit, buy a girl a drink and get a table dance or two then leave, not sit there and get drunk for hours and spend 500 bucks. So she starts coming back by every 3 minutes asking the same question. Then she got hateful about it and told me theres a drink minimum or I can't stay. I told her once again I was waiting to buy a girl a drink. So a girl finally comes over and asks for a couch dance. I say I have limited funds and am up for a table dance. She says she doesn't do them and walks off. Then another one comes up, same conversation except she asks how many table dances? I say two, and then she says well my miniumun is 4 unless you want one for 10 and walks away! So then I see the waitress say something to the head waitress or whatever, who has also known me for years and has also always been tipped very well, and then the head serving wench comes over and rudely reiterates the drink minimum and walks away. The no neck manager was standing hucking it up with his steroid goons just a few feet away the whole time. I just got fed up and got the fuck out of there. I have now had similar experiences there 3x in a row including a Saturday night. What the hell is the deal with this place and what the fuck is the $5 cover charge for? Up until a few weeks ago, friendly girls would come by the table every few minutes and none of them cared a bit to do a table dance or two, and nobody hassled you about buying drinks. Now appearantly they turn down money, refuse advertised services, and then run off customers who have spent thousands over the years! They renovate the place every 6 months with new matching staff uniforms, add more and more black lights and more and more VIP booths that stay empty. It used to be enjoyable to go there and hang out and chill with the ladies but now its like the floor of the damn New York stock exchange meets Studio 54! YMMV with this club because mine surely has to the extreme.I know its a little late to chime in on this one, but its been awhile for me being on the Lexington board. I had to agree with Chuck here, but it sounds like they are pushing drinks and the VIP to pay for the upgrades to the club. Me having been in the business world for years it only makes since that when business is slow then your earn your money through volume and how you can. Table dances has always been a staple at Camelot East. Why change now. Maybe the house fee for the dancers has went up or something, but you still think they would get the money while its being offered.

04-13-11, 11:07
Was in town again last night and visited the west. Got a bogo couch dance from Candice, a tall older hot blonde with huge fake boobs. Lets just say I won't get anymore dances from her. Very lame no effort. Then there was Jazmine also mid 30s white brunette flat chested with long pierced nipples and a hot ass. Tried here table dance out first and immediately went to the couch room for 2 bogo sets. She just loved it that I had shorts on if you know what I mean. We hit it off and the rest is history. I will be dancing with her again.

05-02-11, 15:27
Was in town again last night and visited the west. Got a bogo couch dance from Candice, a tall older hot blonde with huge fake boobs. Lets just say I won't get anymore dances from her. Very lame no effort. Then there was Jazmine also mid 30s white brunette flat chested with long pierced nipples and a hot ass. Tried here table dance out first and immediately went to the couch room for 2 bogo sets. She just loved it that I had shorts on if you know what I mean. We hit it off and the rest is history. I will be dancing with her again.After reading Snakeeyez post, I hit CW and had a 20 minute session ($100) with Jazmine. All services promised were delivered. I will be back.

Mbz Sl320
05-03-11, 20:47
Seems like whatever was keeping the table dances down at CE has stopped. This makes the place well worth the time.

05-04-11, 13:48
I'm going to be in lex fri was going to try to go to a strip club since it has been 7 or 8 years who do you guys recommended and what young lady thanks guys you are always very helpful.

06-03-11, 11:16
Dropped by the other day on business from cinti. Met rebecca / callie who has lt. Br. Hair. Prob. 5' 5" or so and said she is 48 yrs. Old. Hard to believe and if true very well kept. Anyway really seem to hit it off well. I had to leave early but intend to visit again on my next trip down next month. Any intel on her? Claims to have worked there off / on for 15 yrs. Any intel would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Ps send me a pm if feel more comfortable.

Sleep E
06-03-11, 14:11
Dropped by the other day on business from cinti. Met rebecca / callie who has lt. Br. Hair. Prob. 5' 5" or so and said she is 48 yrs. Old. Hard to believe and if true very well kept. Anyway really seem to hit it off well. I had to leave early but intend to visit again on my next trip down next month. Any intel on her? Claims to have worked there off / on for 15 yrs. Any intel would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Ps send me a pm if feel more comfortable.As far as I know she is strictly business and no extras are to be had. One of my buddies used to get quite cozy with her.

Jake John
06-04-11, 13:08
Well, I went to CE on Thursday. They has some kind of special- all you can drink for $10? Is that every day? Anyway, I couldn't take advantage of it, but that seemed too good to be true. Not sure how I feel about the renovations. The stage is now just a circle with no real seating around it. They have some tables pushed up against it, so you can kind of sit at the stage, but its not quite the same thing. I guess I get it, they don't want you just sitting at the stage spending your dollars. Wait, what am I saying? I don't get it.

Anyway, the lap dances are the same- watched over by hawkeye-bouncer, but for a basic lapdance are rather energetic. I assume the VIP's can be more interesting, but didn't find anyone I was interested in taking back there. So, the place looks a lot nicer. The beer special was off the chart. But not sure I like the new stage.

On the way out of town, I stopped by Diva's. I think this bar deserves another visit. The girls were attractive and everyone was extremely nice. The lap dances, at least the 3/50 I got were in a back, curtained off room. Pretty private and it turned out to be a very good lap dance. As I said, I think I will be returning here.

Mbz Sl320
06-10-11, 23:26
Just a quick heads up. Camelot East is in the middle of their "grand reopening celebration", but aren't advertising it very well. They've presumably finished renovations, and it is fairly nice. The booths are nice, but table dances in them are $15 instead of five.

Part of the celebration is cheaper-than-usual drinks ($2 well drinks and cheap bear) during happy hour, along with some porn star I've never heard of dancing. The star doesn't show up before 11pm. And may not until well after midnight. I didn't wait around.

Tonight was as crowded as I've ever seen the place, but they were apparently expecting more. One of the dancers claimed that there were more dancers than customers, so a lot of them were sitting around in back between dances instead of working the floor. When they did the 2-1 parade, it sure seemed like it. I saw a number of dancers I hadn't seen on the floor. Even so, there was a lot of quality talent I on the floor I hadn't seen before. For that matter, the waitresses were more outgoing than I've seen them before, with more than one landing in my lap to take an order. Better yet, landing in the lap of the dancer sharing the table with me just because.

Tomorrow.Saturday. Night is the last night. You might want to give it a look-see, as that's probably the best it's going to be for a while.

Outa Control
06-14-11, 23:16
I have been hitting pp every week now for the last month and have to say it is a great place to go on Friday night. There are a lot of women working so plenty of variety. The club reminds me more of a club than a strip club with lots of women in the audience! I have had several good times there and plan on going back!

06-15-11, 10:58
I have been hitting pp every week now for the last month and have to say it is a great place to go on Friday night. There are a lot of women working so plenty of variety. The club reminds me more of a club than a strip club with lots of women in the audience! I have had several good times there and plan on going back!Do the women in the audience ever get on stage and strip?

06-15-11, 23:05
In Louisville tonight I met Carmella. Hot brunette, maybe see-cup, rocking body. Maybe 5'6" or so. Said she worked at a club on New Circle between Winchester Road and Richmond Road. Nice convo, not pushy on selling drinks / dances. Didn't say much but I suspect extras might be available. Any info would be appreciated.

Slick Dick
06-16-11, 17:39
In Louisville tonight I met Carmella. Hot brunette, maybe see-cup, rocking body. Maybe 5'6" or so. Said she worked at a club on New Circle between Winchester Road and Richmond Road. Nice convo, not pushy on selling drinks / dances. Didn't say much but I suspect extras might be available. Any info would be appreciated.That would probably be Platinum Plus. Which club was she working in Louisville?

06-16-11, 19:04
That would probably be Platinum Plus. Which club was she working in Louisville?Pot Time Lounge on Poplar Level.

06-17-11, 07:58
Is Star still at Cowboys? She still in town?

06-17-11, 17:17
That should have been Post Time Lounge, not Pot Time Lounge.

06-18-11, 00:30
Does anyone know where a stripper that goes by the name Elisa works now? When I saw her last she was at the Camelot East about two months back.

06-18-11, 00:37
Just a quick heads up. Camelot East is in the middle of their "grand reopening celebration", but aren't advertising it very well. They've presumably finished renovations, and it is fairly nice. The booths are nice, but table dances in them are $15 instead of five.

Part of the celebration is cheaper-than-usual drinks ($2 well drinks and cheap bear) during happy hour, along with some porn star I've never heard of dancing. The star doesn't show up before 11pm. And may not until well after midnight. I didn't wait around.

Tonight was as crowded as I've ever seen the place, but they were apparently expecting more. One of the dancers claimed that there were more dancers than customers, so a lot of them were sitting around in back between dances instead of working the floor. When they did the 2-1 parade, it sure seemed like it. I saw a number of dancers I hadn't seen on the floor. Even so, there was a lot of quality talent I on the floor I hadn't seen before. For that matter, the waitresses were more outgoing than I've seen them before, with more than one landing in my lap to take an order. Better yet, landing in the lap of the dancer sharing the table with me just because.

Tomorrow. Saturday. Night is the last night. You might want to give it a look-see, as that's probably the best it's going to be for a while. I know for a fact that in at least 3 of the VIP rooms they have installed Day / Night vision cameras that use IR LED for night vision.

If you wanted to have fun modify a ball cap with about 20 IR LEDs and install a switch that will allow you to turn it on when your in one of those rooms. After you switch it on there should a bouncer at your door within a few seconds wanting to know what you did to the camera. .

06-18-11, 06:42
I know for a fact that in at least 3 of the VIP rooms they have installed Day / Night vision cameras that use IR LED for night vision.

If you wanted to have fun modify a ball cap with about 20 IR LEDs and install a switch that will allow you to turn it on when your in one of those rooms. After you switch it on there should a bouncer at your door within a few seconds wanting to know what you did to the camera. . This only works on the cheaper cameras without IR filters I want to point out. The cap is obvious, gut a busted cell phone and cram the IR leds into it works well. Was also placing some high powered narrow beamed ones into a zippo, flip the top and the IR leds are ready to point at the camera. .

Lile I said only works on cheaper cameras. Would love to know if they are wireless, if someone has a WIFI enabled phone check to see if there is an AP with a strong signal. They can't be that stupid, others have been.


Dark Traveler
06-23-11, 19:01
After reading Snakeeyez post, I hit CW and had a 20 minute session ($100) with Jazmine. All services promised were delivered. I will be back.When I asked about Jazmine I was given the run down by another girl about how she was a crack head. She has moved on to cowboys.

I hit 4 clubs one evening while in town and got BBBJ in 2 of them. You have to keep the girls moving along to get to one who wants to play. With things as slow as they are that can be a challenge. Sometimes you get stuck sitting with a no-hitter for an hour before she gives up and you can pimp her co-worker.

Mbz Sl320
06-24-11, 20:02
On the way out of town, I stopped by Diva's. I think this bar deserves another visit. The girls were attractive and everyone was extremely nice. The lap dances, at least the 3/50 I got were in a back, curtained off room. Pretty private and it turned out to be a very good lap dance. As I said, I think I will be returning here.I decided to go back there for the first time in a while based on this (and being in the area with time to kill).

Doesn't seem to have changed all that much from last time I was there. The girls were mostly mediocre, and the more mediocre the pushier they were. As I left, a new shift seemed to be coming in. They seemed better looking, but I only saw a couple of them. Including one who tried to sell me on a private party (rather than going in to work) after I told her how dead it was in the club.

The only upside was they had a beer I could actually stand to drink, but I still probably won't be going back for a while.

Mbz Sl320
06-24-11, 20:04
While running errands today, I wound up driving by "Paradise City" on winchester. Never seen it mentioned here, doesn't turn up in the obvious google maps searches for strip clubs. It did look like it was closed, but that seems normal for strip clubs. I finally decided to give it a by and went to Diva's.

Anyone know anything about it?

06-26-11, 12:57
While running errands today, I wound up driving by "Paradise City" on winchester. Never seen it mentioned here, doesn't turn up in the obvious google maps searches for strip clubs. It did look like it was closed, but that seems normal for strip clubs. I finally decided to give it a by and went to Diva's.

Anyone know anything about it?They are in the process of remodeling it and it looks a lot better than it use to but they still have some work to go. They open at 5:30 but most of the girls don't show up until around 6:00. There are some cute girls there.

06-29-11, 20:28
Gents, I am thinking of heading to Lexington Friday night to hit the strip bar scene. From reading this board, it looks like Platinum Plus is the top club followed by Cowboys. Please PM me with any details, like girls to request, extras provided, etc. Thanks!

07-15-11, 17:47
Can someone please tell me which of Lexington's strip clubs have more hispanic or black dancers?

Thank you in advance.

Ky Guy 123
07-15-11, 21:23
Can someone please tell me which of Lexington's strip clubs have more hispanic or black dancers?

Thank you in advance.Camelot West.

Dark Traveler
07-21-11, 18:10
The fun at Camelot West seems to have ended. No more curtains on the champaign room. I have already taken to meeting a few girls regularly outside the club so I am glad I made that investment in time. I heard from all 3 girls I see that the new management has cut out all extras.

So for those who enjoyed, sorry to break the bad news. For those who had no clue, sorry you found out about it too late.

Outa Control
07-28-11, 23:04
Spent a few hours at pp for their anniversary party. The place was jumpin, tons of girls, some porn star. I love this place, if you have not been to pp thier anniversary party is Thurs, Fri, Sat it would be worth your time!

07-29-11, 21:52
Platinum's a cool place, but I won't go there because I've heard from some of the dancers that they discriminate against minorities. I'm not having anything to do with that.

08-18-11, 15:25
While running errands today, I wound up driving by "Paradise City" on winchester. Never seen it mentioned here, doesn't turn up in the obvious google maps searches for strip clubs. It did look like it was closed, but that seems normal for strip clubs. I finally decided to give it a by and went to Diva's.

Anyone know anything about it?Went by there 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Mostly skanks but there are a couple of hot girls. Their VIP rooms are very private but a little pricey.

$60 for 15 min, $80 for 20 min and I think it was $140 or $150 for 1 hr.

That being said, the VIPs are curtained and very private, and I am 3 for 3 on completion in the VIP with 2 different ones of the more attractive girls. Just negotiate the extra tip. For me it was + $40 each time.

Bouncer leaves you alone completely until time is up and then he is on you every 30 sec to get out. So make sure you can get to completion in the time you allocate.

I can't imagine they will get away with this for long. Got digits from the 2 girls I saw but have yet to call them up for service outside of PC.



09-07-11, 13:22
Went by there 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Mostly skanks but there are a couple of hot girls. Their VIP rooms are very private but a little pricey.

$60 for 15 min, $80 for 20 min and I think it was $140 or $150 for 1 hr.

That being said, the VIPs are curtained and very private, and I am 3 for 3 on completion in the VIP with 2 different ones of the more attractive girls. Just negotiate the extra tip. For me it was + $40 each time.

Bouncer leaves you alone completely until time is up and then he is on you every 30 sec to get out. So make sure you can get to completion in the time you allocate.

I can't imagine they will get away with this for long. Got digits from the 2 girls I saw but have yet to call them up for service outside of PC.


Tomnewton22I have a similar experience last night. The VIP areas are completely private and we had nobody checking in on us. I can only hope this last because.

It is nice to have a place to go for some quick fun.

Member #6344
10-01-11, 13:43
The fun at Camelot West seems to have ended. No more curtains on the champaign room. I have already taken to meeting a few girls regularly outside the club so I am glad I made that investment in time. I heard from all 3 girls I see that the new management has cut out all extras.

So for those who enjoyed, sorry to break the bad news. For those who had no clue, sorry you found out about it too late.This is indeed sad news. That could be a great club at times.

Member #6344
10-01-11, 16:30
There hasn't been a review of the Spearmint Rhino Lexington in over a year here, so I'll contribute an account of my brief visit yesterday.

I live a very straight-laced life, married, grown children, etc. But I enjoy two things in the forbidden areas of life, I enjoy the strip club experience: seeing naked women dance closeup and having them rub their naked breasts on my face, LDs when they do the former plus rub their clothed crotch on mine, that sort of thing. I also enjoy the occasional BJ. Unfortunately, I do not have a large amount of disposable income for these activities, so I stretch them out and learn to get the most bang-for-buck, sometimes literally. It was a great time, a few decades back in the old days on Louisville, when my two illicit passions could be had at the same locations for minimum $$. Being serviced by one stripper, while fondling her breasts and watching another babe dance naked on stage, was the best, for me.

Now, I am really, really gettin' bummed at the fact that my home area of Louisville has pretty much ended nudity in strip clubs. (There are reports that some of the clubs ignore the new law, but these are sleazy places, but ones where a BJ or FS now costs much more than I want to pay in a place like that.) I am in one of those times in my life when I REALLY enjoy seeing the topless and naked women dance, and enjoy the complete LD experience, and my old fave clubs in Louisville just ain't hacking it.

Situation yesterday was: Left my family on vacation southeast of here while I had to drive back to Louisville for work by Saturday night. I had a long drive, but as I was approaching Lexington on I-75 my mind started wandering as I realized:

(A) I was on my own.

(B) I realized I could stop for 45 minutes or an hour and still have sufficient time to get to my job.

(C) As I said, dancing naked women are getting hard to see in Derbytown.

-BUT, I had this problem:

(X) not a lot of cash after being on vacation with the family (too many places didn't take our preferred form of plastic).

I didn't have enough time to get off the highway and wander through town, but I did have time for the ever-so-conveniently located (right off of I-75, southeast of Lex) Spearmint Rhino. My research on other forums (I occasionally have the odd afternoon in Lexington) helped me recall that SR has been labeled both the "upscale" Lexington club, with the best-looking babes, BUT also quite hit-or-miss.

I mainly wanted to see beautiful naked women, and maybe could spring for a quickie LD, so was eager to check it out. Walked in past the SWANK-Y entrance hallway, the nice looking guy at the desk, welcoming me, offering change (it was 5:30 PM. No cover until night). Went around the winding hallway, past some large, beautiful photos of beautiful women with beautiful breasts (I love breasts!) , to main room.

A stunningly beautiful blonde, with stunningly beautiful large (albeit fake) breasts was dancing topless on stage.

Now, I am not one of those guys that sits a row or two away from the stage, avoiding tipping the girl who is showing her all for our pleasure. I sit right up at the table and tip away, and enjoy the bounty of breast-to-face loving-closeness that those little singles bring. I quickly found out why guys sit a row or two away from the stage, avoiding tipping the girl who is showing her all for our pleasure. This babe managed to pull quite a number of those singles from me in a very short time. The breasts were worth the two or three bucks went between them, but then she would turn over, expect one on each bun thong, etc. I gathered from the DJ's screetchingly loud-prattle that she needed more dough before she'd go bottomless, and I did provide a few more, so she did. Probably about 8 bucks flew away for just the last song of her dance, which is a pretty fast pace.

After the dance, DJ starts screaming about a "3 for $50" LD special, and stunning blonde hits me up for it. Now, I have a rule that I never LD the first girl I see, I always say "I just got here" or whatever, and I had driven hundreds of miles with barely a stop. So I said I needed to wash up and then we'd see. (Of course, I didn't have a whole lot of time to see all the girls dance before picking an LD candidate, as is my preference.) When I came out of the restroom, I surveyed the club and realized there were only a few guys and a few girls there (visable, anyway) and I suddenly wanted very much to take up my new blonde acquaintance (did I mention those stunningly beautiful large breasts?) on the 3-4-50. But she had vanished, and the DJ counted down the last seconds of the offer. Also, while I was in the restroom I counted my cash and had even less than I thought. I'm still not sure if a single dance is $20 or $30.

The only girls I saw during my brief visit were stunner-blonde (did I mention her breasts? Stunningly beautiful!) , a cute blonde girl, short, just a bit plump, at the edge of the stage sitting with a guy, and the next dancer. There might have been a few more in the shadows.

Still disappointed from mistiming my LD with stunner-blonde, I sat down at the stage, and another girl started to dance. You know how people say this place is hit-or-miss? This miss was a miss. Young, mid-twenties, but her figure was a bit too close to Jim Carrey as the "Grinch". Small boobs, stomach poking out. She was not nearly as demanding of the ones. I did one for a breast-face rub that wasn't bad. Then I saw a guy light up a smoke past the other side of the stage. I think Lexington's ordinance includes these clubs but they seem to ignore it. I didn't think the one would be too bad, but it got very smoke-stinky very fast. Maybe there were more smokers behind me. So, sitting there in heavy cig smoke, watching a girl who doesn't really appeal to me put her ass in my face made me think I really should be getting back on the road. So I did. I wasn't there long, but no one had sold me a drink, which was good, since I was low on cash and don't drink.

I got to my work in plenty of time. It was a short shift for me tonight, and I would still be on the prowl. If anyone wants to read my chapter 2. Go to "Louisville / Streetwalker Reports"

10-05-11, 11:47
Last time I was at Cowboys, they said that Zoe "no longer worked there". Tall, high-energy blonde around 40 with a great slim body. Very, um, friendly.

I'm not from the area, but I had several great times with her over the past year as recently as August on stops while driving thru. Wondering if anybody has seen her at another Lexington club?

10-08-11, 04:31
I'm new to the scene in Lexington. Does anyone know of a dancer at Diva's that I can get some special attention from?

PM me with a name or distinguishing feature (tattoo maybe)

Thanks in advance.

I'll return the favor later.

10-08-11, 15:53
Also, I was wondering if anyone could give me advice for getting extras there.

Best time?

Any secrets you have?

Thanks again.

10-26-11, 08:54
I was in once this summer and met an older blonde dancer from the Louisville area. I think her name was Ashley but thRu may be wrong. Do you happen to know her or know if she is still working there? She did a great session in the lap room and I would love to catch her there again.

I have been hitting pp every week now for the last month and have to say it is a great place to go on Friday night. There are a lot of women working so plenty of variety. The club reminds me more of a club than a strip club with lots of women in the audience! I have had several good times there and plan on going back!

10-26-11, 18:06
Last time I was at Cowboys, they said that Zoe "no longer worked there". Tall, high-energy blonde around 40 with a great slim body. Very, um, friendly.

I'm not from the area, but I had several great times with her over the past year as recently as August on stops while driving thru. Wondering if anybody has seen her at another Lexington club?She is back at Cowboys as of last Saturday night. She looks good with a new hair doo and she gained a little weight which was needed in my opinion.

10-27-11, 08:10
I was in once this summer and met an older blonde dancer from the Louisville area. I think her name was Ashley but thRu may be wrong. Do you happen to know her or know if she is still working there? She did a great session in the lap room and I would love to catch her there again.Haven't seen her there lately. She is great in the lap room, but that's pretty much a given. I'd be cautious and safe.

Member #6484
11-30-11, 01:28
Anyone have updates on the club scene? I like Rhino but I need some tips on getting extras. Someone please help this newbie!

12-05-11, 19:05
Has anyone gotten any digits from there and had any success? I did years ago but the last digits I just got a lot of texting and then one asking for help putting a new engine in her car.

12-07-11, 08:45
Has anyone gotten any digits from there and had any success? I did years ago but the last digits I just got a lot of texting and then one asking for help putting a new engine in her car.I've always been a strip club fan. Have yet to try a BP girl, though I have one in mind. Right now it is def. A buyer's market at the strip clubs. Both Plat. & CE tend to have too many girls and us customers are more value-minded. The days of where girls had the upper hand & could call all the shots. Such as $40. For a simple couch dance. Are over. If a girl comes to my table and immediately asks me to buy her a drink or a dance, I wave her on. Find a chick who will actually sit and talk with you for a bit, then when you order yourself a drink get her one if you're interested. Go from there. Don't wait too long to negotiate prices on couch dances. In most cases you can get it down to at least 2 for $30 for nude dances. Times are tough. On top of there being too many dancers and not enough big spenders anymore, the tip-outs remain and most girls complain they aren't making much after a long shift of hard work. Also, you'll find the day shift a bit 'easier' as there are still decent chicks, but less customers and it's a bit more relaxed atmosphere. Saturday nights are a zoo, with plenty of girls and customers, but are the girls actually making any money? Each girl is different. Take the time to play the game and there's a good chance you can get the extras you want. In the club and out. Just be a decent guy, but don't take any bullshit. I can't tell you how many girls I've got to the "how much for 2 nude couch dances" point to find out they think their nude dances somehow are worth $40. Each. Then you ask them how much money they've made and they look down at their garter and there's only $2. 00 there. Nuff said. Keep dreaming, bioch. Go on to the next one. Maybe she's hungrier. It's getting close to Christmas, so they are all getting desperate. My cell phone gets calls daily asking me if my associates and I are coming to the club. Now is a good time to visit your favorite clubs.

12-26-11, 20:09
Had an hour to kill this afternoon, so I swung by Cowboys for a rum and coke. After watching the field for a while, a sexy tattooed thing sat down in my lap, introduced herself as Brianna, and asked for my name. I told her my name, and she said "great, I always want to know a guys name before I suck his cock." I let the little head do all the thinking, and went back to the couch area with her. I can't exactly say false advertisement, $70 got me two dances, and BBBJ, but not to completion. All in all about 30 seconds of enthusuastic BBBJ, and then she stopped in the middle, and asked for more $ to finish. I didn't have the cash on me, so I opted out. Other than not finishing, great lapdance. My hands were free to roam ANYWHERE, and she at least acted like it felt good.

12-27-11, 12:00
Coming to town in the next few weeks wondering if anyone can give me some places to check out during my stay where some fun can be had?

Jake John
12-27-11, 16:41
Had an hour to kill this afternoon, so I swung by Cowboys for a rum and coke. After watching the field for a while, a sexy tattooed thing sat down in my lap, introduced herself as Brianna, and asked for my name. I told her my name, and she said "great, I always want to know a guys name before I suck his cock." I let the little head do all the thinking, and went back to the couch area with her. I can't exactly say false advertisement, $70 got me two dances, and BBBJ, but not to completion. All in all about 30 seconds of enthusuastic BBBJ, and then she stopped in the middle, and asked for more $ to finish. I didn't have the cash on me, so I opted out. Other than not finishing, great lapdance. My hands were free to roam ANYWHERE, and she at least acted like it felt good.Just exactly where did you sit in the couch room? I mean, don't get me wrong, I know all sorts of things can get shoved in the patron's face, but what you describe here seems hard to shield from the DJ who hovers over the couch room. Did you go VIP?

12-28-11, 08:31
Just exactly where did you sit in the couch room? I mean, don't get me wrong, I know all sorts of things can get shoved in the patron's face, but what you describe here seems hard to shield from the DJ who hovers over the couch room. Did you go VIP?Depending on the dancer, and their deal with the dj, you can get exactly what he described on the couches (behind the dj). The VIP rooms at Cowboys are a joke as they are not that private and bouncers wander in. So, if you can work something out with certain dancers, you don't have to go the costly VIP route. Negotiate BEFOREHAND so you're not left dangling with the blue balls.

12-28-11, 14:31
Depending on the dancer, and their deal with the dj, you can get exactly what he described on the couches (behind the dj). The VIP rooms at Cowboys are a joke as they are not that private and bouncers wander in. So, if you can work something out with certain dancers, you don't have to go the costly VIP route. Negotiate BEFOREHAND so you're not left dangling with the blue balls.This is exactly how it happened, right behind the dj booth. I think as long as the dj gets their cut, they don't care what happens. I guess the big lesson here is to make sure to negotiate for COMPLETION.

12-30-11, 20:53
Hey gents. Thinking of heading to Lex to check out the titty bar scene. Which is the best club for looks? How about the best for dances? And which is best for extras? PM me if you prefer. Thanks!

Member #6484
12-31-11, 01:41
Last time I was at Rhino the DJ kept talking about a VIP card. Does anyone know what that is, how much it costs and what it gets you?

Also, one of the girls wanted me to buy a bottle of Champagne, said it was cheaper than VIP and you get the same thing. I passed on it be / see I though she was trying to scam me. Any veterans care to chime in on the subjects?

Outa Control
01-01-12, 22:16
This is exactly how it happened, right behind the dj booth. I think as long as the dj gets their cut, they don't care what happens. I guess the big lesson here is to make sure to negotiate for COMPLETION.Stopped in there Friday afternoon, ended up staying three hours and part of that was in VIP. I am not a VIP kinda guy but my freind was in love with one and I had to take her freind!

Glad I did, friend had full service, I settled for a BBBJCIM. Ready to go back! BTW tip the dj! He is often overlooked and your best asset in a place like that!

Member #6484
01-02-12, 12:04
Stopped in there Friday afternoon, ended up staying three hours and part of that was in VIP. I am not a VIP kinda guy but my freind was in love with one and I had to take her freind!

Glad I did, friend had full service, I settled for a BBBJCIM. Ready to go back! BTW tip the dj! He is often overlooked and your best asset in a place like that!How much should you tip the DJ?

01-02-12, 21:15
How much is VIP time?

02-19-12, 17:12
This is an old report, but it might be valuable none the less. It is from November of 2011. So the information should still be good. I went to Diva's it was my first time actually pursuing extra's. I got two dances from two different girls and definitely chose the wrong one to go to VIP with. There was a tall very attractive, very thin, brunette who gave a good lapdance and seemed like there would be more in VIP. Then there was blonde with a fat ass, she loved to spank the hell out of her ass too. I should have taken her there. She said she was moving on to platinum so if you are looking for her check there. There was also a very drunk very pill headed girl who kept trying to get me to take her back with another girl I was taking back to get dances. She would have undoubtedly gone down on me, but I wouldn't have wanted her to.

All in all it would be a great place to get extras. The lap dance booths are pretty private and curtained off and most of the girls seem willing. The one I chose just complained about needing her job too much, but she wasn't nervous when she was stuffing her vagina into my mouth so who knows. I'll know better next time. Caveat Emptor right fellas?

02-20-12, 10:16
This is an old report, but it might be valuable none the less. It is from November of 2011. So the information should still be good. I went to Diva's it was my first time actually pursuing extra's. I got two dances from two different girls and definitely chose the wrong one to go to VIP with. There was a tall very attractive, very thin, brunette who gave a good lapdance and seemed like there would be more in VIP. Then there was blonde with a fat ass, she loved to spank the hell out of her ass too. I should have taken her there. She said she was moving on to platinum so if you are looking for her check there. There was also a very drunk very pill headed girl who kept trying to get me to take her back with another girl I was taking back to get dances. She would have undoubtedly gone down on me, but I wouldn't have wanted her to.

All in all it would be a great place to get extras. The lap dance booths are pretty private and curtained off and most of the girls seem willing. The one I chose just complained about needing her job too much, but she wasn't nervous when she was stuffing her vagina into my mouth so who knows. I'll know better next time. Caveat Emptor right fellas?I read your review with interest. For the past few months I have been randomly visiting Diva's just out of curiosity to see if anything had changed since the last visit I made earlier in 2011. Since I am limited to the late day-shift / early night shift time period, that may have something to do with my results here. Being more of a fan of places like Platinum and Cowboys, boredom drove me to look around some. You'll have to look extra hard at Diva's to find a really nice looking girl who has both a great body AND a face (including teeth) that go with the body. Like the previous poster said, you may find one or two if you're lucky, but then you have to figure in the attitude factor to see if taking her back to the couch room might be worth it. One girl may tell you she'll give you the 'best couch dance you've ever had' (if I had a dollar for every time.) but that girl is usually not the one you've been eyeing to go back to the couch room with. In my case, over several visits, the one I worked on was cute, tall and pretty with promises of good dances, but once you get back, it's the usual "I don't want to lose my job", etc. Which makes it not a good deal when you can get plenty more elsewhere and have your choice of good looking babes. Fun, but in a club where they obviously need more business, this kind of attitude isn't helping. I also noticed that the girls tend to spend more time in the dressing room or sitting at the bar by themselves on their cell phones or (in one case on her laptop) than mingling. Overall, I would rate Diva's near the bottom of the Lex. Strip club list and it's hard to see how they even stay open.

My bang for my buck is best found at Platinum, Cowboys, and Rhino. If you are a nice dude, clean, not an asshole, but make yourself clear of your intentions, you will. With enough persistence and sifting thru the talent. Find someone for some extas in the couch rooms. Sit and talk first, then when she's aching to make some cash, present your offer. Anything more than $20. 00 a dance ANYwhere is way too much. Two for $30 is a good norm. 3 for $50 is a rip-off. Especially at Diva's.

02-20-12, 15:49
Hey kyguy,

We have to be crossing paths because I have seen some of the same things you have. I will say this, Sunday night is probably the best night to go there- more girls and prettier. I haven't really checked out the day shift but more girls come in during the week and weekend after 9 and some after 11. There are a couple of gems, you just have to look.

I read your review with interest. For the past few months I have been randomly visiting Diva's just out of curiosity to see if anything had changed since the last visit I made earlier in 2011. Since I am limited to the late day-shift / early night shift time period, that may have something to do with my results here. Being more of a fan of places like Platinum and Cowboys, boredom drove me to look around some. You'll have to look extra hard at Diva's to find a really nice looking girl who has both a great body AND a face (including teeth) that go with the body. Like the previous poster said, you may find one or two if you're lucky, but then you have to figure in the attitude factor to see if taking her back to the couch room might be worth it. One girl may tell you she'll give you the 'best couch dance you've ever had' (if I had a dollar for every time.) but that girl is usually not the one you've been eyeing to go back to the couch room with. In my case, over several visits, the one I worked on was cute, tall and pretty with promises of good dances, but once you get back, it's the usual "I don't want to lose my job", etc. Which makes it not a good deal when you can get plenty more elsewhere and have your choice of good looking babes. Fun, but in a club where they obviously need more business, this kind of attitude isn't helping. I also noticed that the girls tend to spend more time in the dressing room or sitting at the bar by themselves on their cell phones or (in one case on her laptop) than mingling. Overall, I would rate Diva's near the bottom of the Lex. Strip club list and it's hard to see how they even stay open.

My bang for my buck is best found at Platinum, Cowboys, and Rhino. If you are a nice dude, clean, not an asshole, but make yourself clear of your intentions, you will. With enough persistence and sifting thru the talent. Find someone for some extas in the couch rooms. Sit and talk first, then when she's aching to make some cash, present your offer. Anything more than $20. 00 a dance ANYwhere is way too much. Two for $30 is a good norm. 3 for $50 is a rip-off. Especially at Diva's.

03-10-12, 20:01
Fed up with the Louisville scene (actually, just didn't want to become a fixture of PTs) I migrated to Lexington for the night. I had never been to Cowboys before and I was thoroughly surprised. The decor was mediocre but the talent was not so bad. I saw a few 7s and maybe a 9. The rest fell under 6 for me. I enjoy fresh faces. Waiting staff was good and was prompt with my canned beverage. Canned. This was different for me. I watched a few of the dancers, scoped the talent while I caught some games on the big screen. There were probably 4-5 that I would have gotten a dance from, one in particular caught my eye. Nice B cups, short bobbed hair, dancing on stage 3. I went up for a tip and she spread them' wide. Lo and behold, a diamond shaped butt plug. I HAD TO GET THAT DANCE.

I told her where I was sitting and was told there was another in front of me, but she would come get me. 30 minutes pass. Way too long for my taste and so I dipped. I was curious to know what the cost of a dance was and how mileage fared. But I didn't want to waste all night there. Smokey as hell.

Went to my stand by in LEX, the rhino. Had a free pass from the calendar they give away and I walked in on a prime time. As I was finding my seat, the ladies were rolling out for a 3-for-1 with a free t-shirt ha! I sat. A waitress came to get my drink other. I ordered my usual, turned a few girls away because my spider sense wasn't tingling. Then this fine cuban approached me. Cardinal strip rule: usually can't go wrong with the exotic. I said yes and she took me by the hand as we walked to the dance area near the entrance (not the one one with the curtains. When you head here. You know you'll get some privacy.

3 dances, unsupervised. Milk duds filled my mouth, hands roamed freely, great amount of contact- needless to say, good thing I brought a raincoat. Threw in a tip at the end and didn't even bother get that drink, and left.

As always, YMMV my friends. Stay. Frisky.

03-10-12, 23:24
I hadn't heard any reviews in a long time about Deja Vu, so stopped in last Sunday night since Cowboys was closed to see what was up. $12 cover covers all fountain drinks and water in a cup. No alcohol on premises.

Place was dead, but a couple of cute girls. I procured Andi for a private dance. She said, $15. I said, is that nude? She said,"It can be, sure." So I took her up on it. She was absolutely gorgeous and did a lot of spreading, but never got closer than a few feet for the whole dance. I did see other dancers getting on guy's laps sometimes, just evidently not Andi. Oh, well.

Headed out and called it a night. $27 for a nude dance isn't the worst investment I made.

03-11-12, 12:29
I hadn't heard any reviews in a long time about Deja Vu, so stopped in last Sunday night since Cowboys was closed to see what was up. $12 cover covers all fountain drinks and water in a cup. No alcohol on premises.

Place was dead, but a couple of cute girls. I procured Andi for a private dance. She said, $15. I said, is that nude? She said,"It can be, sure." So I took her up on it. She was absolutely gorgeous and did a lot of spreading, but never got closer than a few feet for the whole dance. I did see other dancers getting on guy's laps sometimes, just evidently not Andi. Oh, well.

Headed out and called it a night. $27 for a nude dance isn't the worst investment I made.Vu's marketing is terrible. Sure they have some good deals on dances and what not through the week, but overall quality is sub-par at best. Even when you have a free pass for the cover, it only slashes the cost to half. And you get your soft drink all night long. Big whoop. There is no privacy in the dance areas and the layout is just sophomoric. It goes to say without question that Deja Vu lexington is a junior club. 18 and up, no mileage, pure eye candy, no booze. They might as well let pre-teens in, because it's like walking into a PG-13 club.

03-12-12, 07:55
Vu's marketing is terrible. Sure they have some good deals on dances and what not through the week, but overall quality is sub-par at best. Even when you have a free pass for the cover, it only slashes the cost to half. And you get your soft drink all night long. Big whoop. There is no privacy in the dance areas and the layout is just sophomoric. It goes to say without question that Deja Vu lexington is a junior club. 18 and up, no mileage, pure eye candy, no booze. They might as well let pre-teens in, because it's like walking into a PG-13 club.Though Vu used to be known for the 18 yr olds, the alcohol-free deal and the high entry fee has always made it one of my least favorite strip clubs. Part of the fun is sitting with a girl, working your shit over a few drinks to see if you can loosen her up enough to have some fun. Diet Coke just won't work. Vu has it's place in the strip club lineup, but it's for your high school / college kid who's never seen a real nekked babe up close. Without the Vu, they wouldn't be getting into the 21 and over clubs. For me and my buds, Plat. Plus, Rhino and Cowboys are the preferred locations.

04-16-12, 11:13
Is Silky still around? Saw her about 7-8 months ago at PPlus.

Will be back in town this week.

Member #4205
05-06-12, 16:41
What has happend to west? I used to get some great mileage in that place, but after a little hiatus I have gone back twice and feel like I'm in the vu with a bunch if ugly girls.

05-07-12, 07:28
Is Silky still around? Saw her about 7-8 months ago at PPlus.

Will be back in town this week.She's workin at CE

Dark Traveler
05-16-12, 19:05
I hit Spearmint Rhino, Cowboys and Platinum Plus here in the last week pretty aggressively. I believe some of the information provided about extras in these places has been embellished, to say the least.

At Cowboys I ran into a reliable provider who most of you know, tall sexy black girl. She assured me that it was impossible, and we ended up meeting the following evening after I exhausted other options.

I haven't heard anything about Fillie's, and I plan on checking out some of the other clubs, but not planning on putting in as much effort this time. Fortunately there are plenty of alternatives in town, but I do miss getting a hummer in the VIP room in the afternoon then returning to work with an undetectable buzz.

PM me if you have any tips, will return the favor.

Dark Traveler
05-16-12, 19:07
She's workin at CEIs she behaving there or has East loosened up in light of west's strict crack down?

05-22-12, 00:38
What has happend to west? I used to get some great mileage in that place, but after a little hiatus I have gone back twice and feel like I'm in the vu with a bunch if ugly girls.I went there 05/11/12 and had a great time with a build black dancers. She gave me an awesome BJ through my shorts in the couch room right in front of everyone just for the two for one. The bouncers didn't seem to care. I also so one of the dancers smoking a crack pipe right out in the open. Althought I had fun I think this club has became too risky for me to visit.

05-22-12, 11:11
Is she behaving there or has East loosened up in light of west's strict crack down?I'm not sure she knows how to behave. LOL.

Saw her last week and she's always encouraging me to send guys to see her.

Not personally my type, but it's always good to have friends who strip.

06-03-12, 00:00
I went there 05/11/12 and had a great time with a build black dancers. She gave me an awesome BJ through my shorts in the couch room right in front of everyone just for the two for one. The bouncers didn't seem to care. I also so one of the dancers smoking a crack pipe right out in the open. Althought I had fun I think this club has became too risky for me to visit.How do you get a BJ through your shorts? Wearing a condom is bad enough.

06-03-12, 00:07
I've lived in Lexington for 8 years now and found that Platinum is a good place to get some digits for take out. Are any of the other clubs up to par for takeout?

06-03-12, 17:45
Everybody I know wears spandex into the clubs. Just make sure you were an extra large t-shirt to cover up. If you're not comfortable wearing spandex then you should try the liquid lap dance (google for more info). Although I haven't tried it- it does have good reviews. I myself prefer swimming trunks because of the pockets and well it works well when things get wet. If this doesn't work- try unzipping your shorts while still buttoned and sticking your penis through the hole.

How do you get a BJ through your shorts? Wearing a condom is bad enough.

06-15-12, 02:11
How do you get a BJ through your shorts? Wearing a condom is bad enough.Wally world sells some shorts perfect for this. The brand name is starter. They are very thin and don't wear underwear under them. Have a great time.

08-31-12, 00:33
Hey guys I just wanted to let you guys know to use a little more caution than usual. CE got hit Monday night around midnight and PP got hit Tuesday night. Cops came in and searched everyone- they were looking for weapons or drugs. The word is that a girl (they thought her name was tessa at divas, going by Raven now? D) is going in and asking customers about drugs. Just be a little more careful than normal. Before you ask- this is all I know- Just thought I would pass the word along.

Chuck Roast
08-31-12, 02:51
Hey guys I just wanted to let you guys know to use a little more caution than usual. CE got hit Monday night around midnight and PP got hit Tuesday night. Cops came in and searched everyone- they were looking for weapons or drugs. The word is that a girl (they thought her name was tessa at divas, going by Raven now? D) is going in and asking customers about drugs. Just be a little more careful than normal. Before you ask- this is all I know- Just thought I would pass the word along.Yeah apparently our country became Nazi Germany overnight at some point. I didn't even feel the knife going in.

08-31-12, 10:25
Hey guys I just wanted to let you guys know to use a little more caution than usual. CE got hit Monday night around midnight and PP got hit Tuesday night. Cops came in and searched everyone- they were looking for weapons or drugs. The word is that a girl (they thought her name was tessa at divas, going by Raven now? D) is going in and asking customers about drugs. Just be a little more careful than normal. Before you ask- this is all I know- Just thought I would pass the word along.What in the wide world of sports is going on here? How in the hell can cops just storm in to a public place and start searching patrons for no apparent reason?

08-31-12, 11:19
Evidently if you have an informant or undercover cop in a place and someone thinks they saw or just says they saw a gun- then the police can come in. I guess they can do the same thing about drugs too. I don't think they found anything at those two clubs. Could you imagine getting a dance and the cops coming in- talk about a downer- I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get the cops to pay for another dance either!

What in the wide world of sports is going on here? How in the hell can cops just storm in to a public place and start searching patrons for no apparent reason?

Sir LanceLicksalot
08-31-12, 21:06
[QUOTE. Could you imagine getting a dance and the cops coming in- talk about a downer.[/QUOTE]Especially if you had paid the dancer a large tip and they caught you with your dick in her mouth.

09-14-12, 09:25
Anyone know if Eden, of Spearmint Rhino (up until a couple of months ago) is working anywhere now?

10-28-12, 22:00
After striking out in my attempts to meet with a provider, I took a trip down to Platinum Plus to try my hand at take out. While I failed in that endeavor, I had a blast at the club. Some pretty good looking girls are there, several with hands (or mouths) on policies. Marley, Nikki and Billy are fantastic. Stromy. Not so much. Thanks for those that steered me to PP.

11-06-12, 13:09
Hey, I see a club in Atlantic City is donating $5 for each lap dance to be given to the Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy relief. In the spirit of reaching out, I think our clubs should make the same offer. I would be willing to donate. I am all for the reaching.

11-22-12, 14:52
Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone had seen the dancer that advertises on BP (strippers, XXX-4369 ). I did a search but couldn't find anything on her. Any reviews, $ or any info would be appreciated. Thanks

11-22-12, 19:35
Been laying off the clubs a bit lately. Close to holidays and all. Ventured out this week. Found Platinum to have pretty much the same old faces (and bods). Not bad, but like I like to see some fresh young talent in there regularly. Figured it might be busy and loaded with ambitious ladies putting in the time to make money for Christmas already. Maybe just too early in evening, or because it was T-giving, but club was dead. There were two babes. And I do mean hotties. In from up north (Cincy area) trying to make some holiday cash, but they were the typical northern Ky / Ohio babes that talk the talk, but don't do squat. How many times have you heard "I give the BEST couch dances!" Followed by: "I don't touch, and you can't either." Do these chicks really think us guys are going to pay big bucks just to look at their naked bods? Really? LOL No Christmas money for the bastard babies for you to take back home with that attitude, honey!

Ventured to Fillies, a place I've found some real gems in the past, but, unless you want to sit around by yourself at a table while a handful of regulars sit at the bar until 9pm or later when most of the dancers finally stroll in - skip it. Not sure management's reasoning on opening the doors at 5:30, but not requiring there be a decent line-up of babes to keep patrons attention. Why open at 5:30 if other clubs already have their babes dancing since noon? EX: Platinum, Cowboys, Rhino's, etc. Some of us don't want to wander out at 9:30 just because that's when the dancers finally all get there. Not good business sense.

Of course, your results may vary depending on time of day and club. But, right now I suspect it's going to be either deader than shit in the clubs for awhile, or, a sudden flurry of activity after T-giving over with lots of money-hungry babes dancing for dollars to buy Christmas presents. In that case, it could be a good time to go, as the more dancers, the better your bargaining position.

Two Nutts
11-24-12, 19:36
Friday night I was trying to call some BP girls for a massage but nobody answerd or called back so I thought I'd go look at some titties. If nothing looked good I'd just hit Fujis farther south.

I orderd a beer and was about half through with it before anyone started dancing. While watching the stage a dancer sits beside me and tells me she saw me come in, she started stroking my dick to almost getting me hard. She said she knew what I came in for by the type of pants I had on, and she was right. These are like sweats or thin pajamas but look like jeans with patchs. Anyway she said she dances next, then she will give me the best BBBJ I've ever had. (gosh hadn't heard that one before) After her dance she came and got me, said others at the stage wanted her but she wanted to suck my dick. BLAA BLAA BLAA. 60 bucks for a three song dance behind the curtain, she tipped the doorman 2 bucks. She started dancing for about half of a song getting me solid as a rock then went down and deep. No cim but when I was cumming she gave a great HJ while deep french kissing. She wanted 40 buck for the BJ. So total spent 100 bucks. Figured I'd have spent more for less with the other two ideas I'd had. Not a bad time. I left after I finished that first beer.


11-25-12, 03:14
That's one hell of a good time at the Rhino Two Nutts. I'd love to know who that eager beaver was.

I didn't fair as well last night. I got there a bit after shift change in the evening, still early but I did let my eyes adjust. Much to my demise, the pickins were slim. There were only a handful of dancers, probably between 12-18. The place was nearly filled as it got a bit later but the talent did not improve much. I'm going to chalk it up to the holiday weekend but shit I guess it was just that night. There were a few 7s that I would have considered as a pass on any other night but they were the only desired ones that night. Just in the cover and a beer, I took my business to Platinum Plus.

Always counting on it as a party place. Not as crowded as the last time I was there but I was lucky to grab a seat. A solid 6 with a nice behind sat on me and offered 2 for 30, I figured why the hell not, I didn't have much luck at SR. Great amount of friction, she threw in a little disclaimer to keep a watchful eye out for the suits. On a few occasions the kitty contacted and purred on my lips, so overall, a very "intimate" dance. Back to the main room and I sit for less than five minutes and a nice 8 european slim blonde comes over. Great set of naturals. I could hear the accent and she said the magic words, a special. 2 for 40, couldn't resist. Another great dance, great two way friction. Great stick-shifting too.

The selection was way better at PP, while the atmosphere was lacking at SR. If only the two venues merged.

11-26-12, 13:46
Friday night I was trying to call some BP girls for a massage but nobody answerd or called back so I thought I'd go look at some titties. If nothing looked good I'd just hit Fujis farther south.

I orderd a beer and was about half through with it before anyone started dancing. While watching the stage a dancer sits beside me and tells me she saw me come in, she started stroking my dick to almost getting me hard. She said she knew what I came in for by the type of pants I had on, and she was right. These are like sweats or thin pajamas but look like jeans with patchs. Anyway she said she dances next, then she will give me the best BBBJ I've ever had. (gosh hadn't heard that one before) After her dance she came and got me, said others at the stage wanted her but she wanted to suck my dick. BLAA BLAA BLAA. 60 bucks for a three song dance behind the curtain, she tipped the doorman 2 bucks. She started dancing for about half of a song getting me solid as a rock then went down and deep. No cim but when I was cumming she gave a great HJ while deep french kissing. She wanted 40 buck for the BJ. So total spent 100 bucks. Figured I'd have spent more for less with the other two ideas I'd had. Not a bad time. I left after I finished that first beer.

TNI haven't been to a strip club in over 10 years, looks like I have really missed out.

Two Nutts
11-26-12, 14:32
That's one hell of a good time at the Rhino Two Nutts. I'd love to know who that eager beaver was.Pm sent, didn't want to out her in public forum. I got a pm from somebody else that said the same exact thing happen to him almost to my words perfectly. I hope she uses mouth wash. LOL

Paco Taco
11-30-12, 00:37
Friday night I was trying to call some BP girls for a massage but nobody answerd or called back so I thought I'd go look at some titties. If nothing looked good I'd just hit Fujis farther south.

I orderd a beer and was about half through with it before anyone started dancing. While watching the stage a dancer sits beside me and tells me she saw me come in, she started stroking my dick to almost getting me hard. She said she knew what I came in for by the type of pants I had on, and she was right. These are like sweats or thin pajamas but look like jeans with patchs. Anyway she said she dances next, then she will give me the best BBBJ I've ever had. (gosh hadn't heard that one before) After her dance she came and got me, said others at the stage wanted her but she wanted to suck my dick. BLAA BLAA BLAA. 60 bucks for a three song dance behind the curtain, she tipped the doorman 2 bucks. She started dancing for about half of a song getting me solid as a rock then went down and deep. No cim but when I was cumming she gave a great HJ while deep french kissing. She wanted 40 buck for the BJ. So total spent 100 bucks. Figured I'd have spent more for less with the other two ideas I'd had. Not a bad time. I left after I finished that first beer.

TNMy apology for slightly OT. I have seen the "pants" mentioned several times, but for the life of me, still can't quite figure out what kind of "pants" they are. I have had a vague picture of MC Hammer's pants painted in my mind, but somehow his "You Can't Touch This" song kind of "erases" that imagination of mine. Can you post a pic of the "pants" you mentioned above or at least post a link to a website that sells or has pictures of those "pants". PM me if the URL is blocked by USG.


12-01-12, 02:02
My apology for slightly OT. I have seen the "pants" mentioned several times, but for the life of me, still can't quite figure out what kind of "pants" they are. I have had a vague picture of MC Hammer's pants painted in my mind, but somehow his "You Can't Touch This" song kind of "erases" that imagination of mine. Can you post a pic of the "pants" you mentioned above or at least post a link to a website that sells or has pictures of those "pants". PM me if the URL is blocked by USG.

PacoYes, TN. What are these pants like? Seems like I need to get my hands on a pair of them. I might fancy a trip to SR this weekend for some good times with my eyes peeled.

12-04-12, 16:11
I visited the SR last night. Not hopping, but not dead either. Had several offers for dances, but no one sat down to talk until Crystal. We sat and talked for a while and she drank a Jack and coke that I ordered. She said that she liked Patrone. When the two for one specials came up, she asked if I would like to go into the couch dance section with her for either the topless or nude dance. I opted for the nude (2 for $30) and was not disappointed. We got back there as a song started and she sadi that she would just wait for the next song to start. However, she stripped and started dancing anyway. I had not set any expectations prior to going back with her. That way, I would not be disappointed. However, she put her whole self into the dances. There were no off limits areas. After the dances, we went back out. I drank some more ($4 top shelf liquor drinks durning MNF) and she sat and talked. She then took her turn in the rotation and had several guys come up and tip her, so I figured she was gone. However, she came back and sat with me and we continued to talk. I asked about the private dance area and she said that it was $200 / hhr. I asked if it was two for one when the DJ was announcing and she said only the topless and nude dances were two for one. I asked what I could expect for a half hour and she said that it would be more than I had experienced so far. I bit and was not disappointed. She stripped, got on my lap, started grinding away. She moved from my lap to my face, back to my lap, a couple of other moves, my belt came off, my pants came down and she gave a good HJ. She then did a couple of other moves, always in contact with me and finally rode me to completion. While we were cooling down she asked what hotel I was staying at. I believe that I could have had take out also. Remember, YMMV.

Also, be safe out there.

12-05-12, 08:36
Wow, seems like quit a bit for a HJ. When you say rode you to completion, actual intercourse, or she grinded you off? I don't get the lure of the clubs, for that kind of scratch, you're better off with a BP provider for less money.

QUOTE=JohnE193; 1613934]I visited the SR last night. Not hopping, but not dead either. Had several offers for dances, but no one sat down to talk until Crystal. We sat and talked for a while and she drank a Jack and coke that I ordered. She said that she liked Patrone. When the two for one specials came up, she asked if I would like to go into the couch dance section with her for either the topless or nude dance. I opted for the nude (2 for $30) and was not disappointed. We got back there as a song started and she sadi that she would just wait for the next song to start. However, she stripped and started dancing anyway. I had not set any expectations prior to going back with her. That way, I would not be disappointed. However, she put her whole self into the dances. There were no off limits areas. After the dances, we went back out. I drank some more ($4 top shelf liquor drinks durning MNF) and she sat and talked. She then took her turn in the rotation and had several guys come up and tip her, so I figured she was gone. However, she came back and sat with me and we continued to talk. I asked about the private dance area and she said that it was $200 / hhr. I asked if it was two for one when the DJ was announcing and she said only the topless and nude dances were two for one. I asked what I could expect for a half hour and she said that it would be more than I had experienced so far. I bit and was not disappointed. She stripped, got on my lap, started grinding away. She moved from my lap to my face, back to my lap, a couple of other moves, my belt came off, my pants came down and she gave a good HJ. She then did a couple of other moves, always in contact with me and finally rode me to completion. While we were cooling down she asked what hotel I was staying at. I believe that I could have had take out also. Remember, YMMV.

Also, be safe out there.[/QUOTE]

12-05-12, 11:34
If you get a chance check her out. Young'and as she can't be more than 22 or so. Right body and very aggressive lap dance. Was able to obtain some takeout but YMMV. She definitely knows what she's doing and prides herself on not making you spend the $ for multiple dances when she only needs one or two to really get it done.

12-05-12, 21:52
It was grinding, flesh on flesh. No fabric in between. I am nervous about BP in Lex.

Wow, seems like quit a bit for a HJ. When you say rode you to completion, actual intercourse, or she grinded you off? I don't get the lure of the clubs, for that kind of scratch, you're better off with a BP provider for less money.

QUOTE=JohnE193; 1613934]I visited the SR last night. Not hopping, but not dead either. Had several offers for dances, but no one sat down to talk until Crystal. We sat and talked for a while and she drank a Jack and coke that I ordered. She said that she liked Patrone. When the two for one specials came up, she asked if I would like to go into the couch dance section with her for either the topless or nude dance. I opted for the nude (2 for $30) and was not disappointed. We got back there as a song started and she sadi that she would just wait for the next song to start. However, she stripped and started dancing anyway. I had not set any expectations prior to going back with her. That way, I would not be disappointed. However, she put her whole self into the dances. There were no off limits areas. After the dances, we went back out. I drank some more ($4 top shelf liquor drinks durning MNF) and she sat and talked. She then took her turn in the rotation and had several guys come up and tip her, so I figured she was gone. However, she came back and sat with me and we continued to talk. I asked about the private dance area and she said that it was $200 / hhr. I asked if it was two for one when the DJ was announcing and she said only the topless and nude dances were two for one. I asked what I could expect for a half hour and she said that it would be more than I had experienced so far. I bit and was not disappointed. She stripped, got on my lap, started grinding away. She moved from my lap to my face, back to my lap, a couple of other moves, my belt came off, my pants came down and she gave a good HJ. She then did a couple of other moves, always in contact with me and finally rode me to completion. While we were cooling down she asked what hotel I was staying at. I believe that I could have had take out also. Remember, YMMV.

Also, be safe out there.[/QUOTE]

Two Nutts
12-07-12, 15:42
Yes, TN. What are these pants like? Seems like I need to get my hands on a pair of them. I might fancy a trip to SR this weekend for some good times with my eyes peeled.Google, UNDER DISGUISE SLEEPWEAR. I have the ones that look like fadded jeans with a patch on them. These look like blue jeans but feel better than any sweats I own. The girls in the clubs love them. The cost around 20 buck maybe a little less. I get mine at BEALS OUTLET in Daytona Beach. I just got back from there and bought 2 more pair, plus 2 alike shorts for summer strip clubbing. My wife said, boy you must really like those. LOL. If she only knew. They cost 13 bucks at Beals.

Hope this helps.

12-10-12, 10:53
Hi. Contact me if you want a deep tissue, soft, relaxing, relieving massage. I use really warm lotion.

Plenty of references. On backpage and craigslist. Its $1 a min. Thanks so much.

12-10-12, 18:01
After striking out in my attempts to meet with a provider, I took a trip down to Platinum Plus to try my hand at take out. While I failed in that endeavor, I had a blast at the club. Some pretty good looking girls are there, several with hands (or mouths) on policies. Marley, Nikki and Billy are fantastic. Stromy. Not so much. Thanks for those that steered me to PP.I like PP and last time got a few dances from a very hot black girl and wish I had more to spend on some other hotties. The room did not seem to suggest that I could have more fun. Am I wrong?

12-11-12, 03:12
I'm new to this whole game here and would love some info on how exactly to get some take out from some clubs. You can pm me. Any info is helpful.

01-14-13, 19:31
Just wondering if there are any new developments in the Lex SC scene lately? Thinking my buddies and I will be visiting soon. We usually stop at the Rhino but might consider other options.

01-15-13, 12:27
Just wondering if there are any new developments in the Lex SC scene lately? Thinking my buddies and I will be visiting soon. We usually stop at the Rhino but might consider other options.Same here. I haven't been on the TT bar scene in Lex in years. The rhino was the last place I had been and like I said. It's been awhile.

01-15-13, 17:49
Same here. I haven't been on the TT bar scene in Lex in years. The rhino was the last place I had been and like I said. It's been awhile.Stopped in before Christmas when in Lex. On business. Rhino seems to have higher caliber girls in my book. Also, a low pressure environment that runs lots of dance specials. Had a great time with a 28 year old full figured college grad with no gag reflex for a couple hours $.40 or so drinks, dances, tips included.

02-03-13, 09:07
What is the best bet as far as finding some take out or some extras in Lexington? I was young and dumb last time I was there and did not read the signs of what was available. I don't think that place (something like club gold) is open, but I do want to redeem myself!

02-06-13, 21:05
Might give this one a try soon. Looks very good.

Hi. Contact me if you want a deep tissue, soft, relaxing, relieving massage. I use really warm lotion.

Plenty of references. On backpage and craigslist. Its $1 a min. Thanks so much.

02-07-13, 17:28
Might give this one a try soon. Looks very good.She's not bad compared to other Lexington providers but you will get slathered with lotion, I mean it will be all over you, in your hair etc.

02-08-13, 09:38
Might give this one a try soon. Looks very good.I can concur with Cardinals, you will be absolutely DRENCHED in lotion. Head to toe and all points and crevices in between. Also don't anticipate topless action without an additional fee. $ will get you topless for the whole time, plus what you want. You may want to ask for a shower at her place after, have her give you a bath or something to get that lotion off.

02-08-13, 15:33
I can concur with Cardinals, you will be absolutely DRENCHED in lotion. Head to toe and all points and crevices in between. Also don't anticipate topless action without an additional fee. $ will get you topless for the whole time, plus what you want. You may want to ask for a shower at her place after, have her give you a bath or something to get that lotion off.That's the other thing. It's a flat fee then she asks if you want her to remove her top for an additional 20. She's got a great rack. Other than that she leaves her pants on and it's a standard finish.

Ky Mike53
02-09-13, 11:13
I will be in Lexington on business soon and looking for good time in club with a takeout. Any advice is greatly appreciated. You can pm me. Thanks

02-23-13, 11:47
Had a great time a couple of weeks ago at Spearmint Rhino with a tiny dancer whose stage name I believe was "Carson." Her private dance was awesome. Missed her last night. Anybody know if she still dances there and / or when she is usually there?

02-23-13, 22:07
Anyone ever meet Larissa from Cowboys? PM me because I have some questions.

Also, as an aside, if he's on here, thanks to the dude who directed me there that was at the adult store across from Fillies. I think your name started with a J. If you are on here, PM me too.

03-09-13, 17:28
Had a great time a couple of weeks ago at Spearmint Rhino with a tiny dancer whose stage name I believe was "Carson." Her private dance was awesome. Missed her last night. Anybody know if she still dances there and / or when she is usually there?Was back Weds. And Friday from about 9 until 11:30. No luck. Anyone know when she usually is available?

03-21-13, 12:18
Dunno if why'all been to Platinum in a while or not, but I noticed that they have upped the patrol on the dance area. Is this new or was I just seeing things?

03-21-13, 19:29
Dunno if why'all been to Platinum in a while or not, but I noticed that they have upped the patrol on the dance area. Is this new or was I just seeing things?I'm heading there tonight and will evaluate the situation.

03-23-13, 08:48
I'm heading there tonight and will evaluate the situation.Seemed to be business as usual. Man, they have some real talent up in there!

03-23-13, 22:43
Took some time this afternoon and went to Cowboys. Friendly wait staff. Cold beer. About 6 dancers. Two of which were worth my time. One was tall, spinner, went by Bella. Didn't get her. Got a dark spinner with a rocking body, didn't catch her stage name. She took me back for a few dances and we had a blast. Spent about $20 on drinks, $60 on the dances, $20 on tip, worth twice that. What a wonderful surprise!

Red Running
03-27-13, 21:11
I was in town back before Christmas visiting with my college roomate and while he was at a meeting I swung by Saturday morning when they opened and hung out till about 2 pm. Got a VIP dance from a girl who seemed to be high on something but she went above and beyond the call so lets just say I didn't leave disappointed. Went back a few months later and saw a diff girl who was also very eager to please but a little less adventurous than the last girl. Didn't leave satisfied but the dance was very erotic. On my way out I noticed the girl I got a dance from last time working and was a little sad. That she hadn't been there earlier!

03-29-13, 08:16

(maybe with a wheelbarrow of Clorox wipes in hand) :)

04-08-13, 11:18
Is Silky still around? If so, where is she dancing now?

04-08-13, 17:34
Is Silky still around? If so, where is she dancing now?I was wondering that myself yesterday. I heard it was available for takeout, the last time I seen her she was stripping at cowboys. You can see its been a while for me.

04-09-13, 17:32

(maybe with a wheelbarrow of Clorox wipes in hand).LOL. I haven't even thought about that place in years. Surprised its still open.

04-10-13, 09:36
Is Silky still around? If so, where is she dancing now?She's around, but was going to school to cut hair last time I talked to her. Was fired from Plat.

For beating the shit out of another dancer one drunken night. Saw her downtown last summer/fall

with her b/f and she seems to be doing well and is clean. Think her dancing days behind her now.

She's always been nice to talk to, despite the other past issues.

04-24-13, 14:46
Was in your fair city on business Monday night. Read the board and got some decent info on the strip clubs in the area. Me and a buddy checked out Fillies, Got there around 10:30, hardly anyone in there. Entertainers were not that hot but somewhat friendly. Lots of cooch shots for dollar tip which is different from where I am from. Can't do that at all. Couple tried to talk us up on "couch dance" and / or Private room. We passed. Little dancer about a 6 at best named Channell definitely gave me impression that she would "go" for a price and I don't believe it would be that high either. Another tall brunette dancer, kind of thick, took a customer to private area and he left directly. That usually means he was "done". Left there and went to PP, couldn't get in there. My buddy had sweat pants. What an idiot, can't get in anywhere nice dressed like that! Left there and went to Cowboys. Really like that place, big. 3 stages, and some cute dancers mixed in with some average and couple not so good. I like that variety though. One dancer I tipped flashed me a gorgeous beav with two piercings, dipped her head and did something that vibrated on my. Wow! Super cute and sexy spinner named "Tatyiana" sat with me and gave some great $5 table dances all the while trying to talk me up on higher priced dances but was not a hard sell at all. She was precious and silly. A few others came over and talked, my buddy got a couch dance from one and he wasn't impressed for $20. I already knew better. There were a couple of dancer their that I am pretty sure would have done the take home at closing for the right number. Don't know if I will ever be back in Lex but if so, I'll definitely check out Cowboys again and possibly SR.

05-04-13, 01:04
I saw Ariel a few years ago from Divinity. I believe she may have worked at Cowboys as well.

Is she still around?

05-04-13, 08:19
I saw Ariel a few years ago from Divinity. I believe she may have worked at Cowboys as well.

Is she still around?Do you know her stage name? I would guess she wouldn't use the stage name Ariel at cowboys since there already is a girl called that. She's in her 30's. If she's available to takeout I would be all over that!

05-04-13, 09:35
Was in your fair city on business Monday night. Read the board and got some decent info on the strip clubs in the area. Me and a buddy checked out Fillies, Got there around 10:30, hardly anyone in there. Entertainers were not that hot but somewhat friendly. Lots of cooch shots for dollar tip which is different from where I am from. Can't do that at all. Couple tried to talk us up on "couch dance" and / or Private room. We passed. Little dancer about a 6 at best named Channell definitely gave me impression that she would "go" for a price and I don't believe it would be that high either. Another tall brunette dancer, kind of thick, took a customer to private area and he left directly. That usually means he was "done". Left there and went to PP, couldn't get in there. My buddy had sweat pants. What an idiot, can't get in anywhere nice dressed like that! Left there and went to Cowboys. Really like that place, big. 3 stages, and some cute dancers mixed in with some average and couple not so good. I like that variety though. One dancer I tipped flashed me a gorgeous beav with two piercings, dipped her head and did something that vibrated on my. Wow! Super cute and sexy spinner named "Tatyiana" sat with me and gave some great $5 table dances all the while trying to talk me up on higher priced dances but was not a hard sell at all. She was precious and silly. A few others came over and talked, my buddy got a couch dance from one and he wasn't impressed for $20. I already knew better. There were a couple of dancer their that I am pretty sure would have done the take home at closing for the right number. Don't know if I will ever be back in Lex but if so, I'll definitely check out Cowboys again and possibly SR.If you do get back in town go to the spearmint rhino. Lot's of fun to be had. You will not be disappointed.

05-04-13, 14:55
Just left Cowboys after an afternoon of fun. Had a smoking hot time with Wendy a hot little petitie Burnette with fake smaller boobs and nipples that could be used as door stoppers. She is so frigging hot looks like she might have a bit of native american indian in her. We had a very naughty time and then I finished the afternoon off with Peaches also brunette but hair isn't so dark. She is also small but larger natural boobs. Both ladies were very personable and in tune to my needs. I will repeat with them for sure. Wear shorts. Before them got a couple of couch dances from a platinum blonde Destiny which were pretty good and started with one from Amber. She is older pretty nice fake boobs but lame couch dances and if you spend any money on her she won't leave you alone. Ran her off after first time so could experience all the love and she came back after Wendy and just made herself comfy like she was going to cut me off from the rest of the action LOL. I went to the bar and Peaches rescued me. Off to the couch room we went and then well LOL it was time to leave.

Member #5473
05-05-13, 16:43
Was at a couple of clubs this week and ran into my old friend Callie. Said she is flying UTR and is still seeing old clients until the heat she has on her dies down a bit. She actually looked damn good. Put on some weight and looked fine as hell. She let me play with her little bald kitty while she stroked my little head in the couch room. She took my number down as she said she lost her phone and her asshole ex cut her other phone off. I have bashed her here before but she always was a fun time. Glad to see her back.

05-06-13, 08:57
Was at a couple of clubs this week and ran into my old friend Callie. Said she is flying UTR and is still seeing old clients until the heat she has on her dies down a bit. She actually looked damn good. Put on some weight and looked fine as hell. She let me play with her little bald kitty while she stroked my little head in the couch room. She took my number down as she said she lost her phone and her asshole ex cut her other phone off. I have bashed her here before but she always was a fun time. Glad to see her back.My, what a little time will change.

05-08-13, 10:34
Hadn't been to the Rhino in a while. When did they start doing the dances-by-room sell? That small couch area near the entrance is topless only, .15 and the small couch area next the regular curtained dance area is nude, but then the regular area is price more. Anyone else have any insight on this?

I was quoted two for. 60 in the curtained area, during a non special. Dunno if that was the norm or if that was just the dance du jour with my dancer.

05-17-13, 13:01
Just a head's up guys. Strip clubs are my favorite distraction, and Platinum is the reliable spot I usually visit because my associates and I are welcomed as soon as we enter and are treated well by the staff and the girls. You're probably thinking dancers are, well, dancers, but sometimes new talent comes in that is above and beyond the usual line-up. Not sure how long she's staying, but there is a gorgeous, tall, very young (22/23?) slender blonde, from Sweden, dancing under the name of "Sweetie" (or maybe it's spelled "Sweedie", dunno). Honestly, I didn't give a rat's ass if she could dance onstage or not, but she did. Trust me guys, I'm used to some wild shit from the regulars, but I was definitely NOT disappointed there were none involved in the couch dances from this tall beauty. I don't consider grabbing boobs or rubbing the pussy 'extra'. But beyond that, you won't get far. Just saying (like the honey badger) you won't give a shit. This girl is hot from head to toes. Long curly blonde hair (no extensions) that flows down below the bottom edge of her little ass cheeks. White teeth, beautiful smile, great personality. She'll try to get you to drop $50 for 2 couch dances. I normally don't go more than $30. (total nude) for two with my regs. However, I didn't mind settling on 2 for $40 just to have this babe laying all over me for 2 songs. Never met her before, she travels the country "learning about American culture so I can open a clothing enterprise someday". I highly recommend if you guys are bored shitless this weekend, catch "Sweetie / Sweedie" before she heads to the next town. If your g / f likes chicks, this is the one to get a dance for her with. Not sure if she's a day shift only or a day & night shift, but worth checking out. Your jaw will drop. She is stunning and I am all for promoting good international relations with foreign countries.

Member #5473
05-23-13, 08:30
Is there a club that is best to go to for some extra play in the VIP rooms? Looking to hit up one of the clubs this weekend and don't want to drop a fortune just for an hour long naked lap dance.

05-25-13, 01:44
Is there a club that is best to go to for some extra play in the VIP rooms? Looking to hit up one of the clubs this weekend and don't want to drop a fortune just for an hour long naked lap dance.I have had the most luck at Deja vu. Have gotten lucky a few times there and by the white marks on the curtains I think several others have also.

06-06-13, 19:58
Just left Cowboys after an afternoon of fun. Had a smoking hot time with Wendy a hot little petitie Burnette with fake smaller boobs and nipples that could be used as door stoppers. She is so frigging hot looks like she might have a bit of native american indian in her. We had a very naughty time and then I finished the afternoon off with Peaches also brunette but hair isn't so dark. She is also small but larger natural boobs. Both ladies were very personable and in tune to my needs. I will repeat with them for sure. Wear shorts. Before them got a couple of couch dances from a platinum blonde Destiny which were pretty good and started with one from Amber. She is older pretty nice fake boobs but lame couch dances and if you spend any money on her she won't leave you alone. Ran her off after first time so could experience all the love and she came back after Wendy and just made herself comfy like she was going to cut me off from the rest of the action LOL. I went to the bar and Peaches rescued me. Off to the couch room we went and then well LOL it was time to leave.Found myself in town this afternoon and stopped by Cowboys. Wendy and Peaches were both there. Got several dances from both. Just as good as before so good I have to say Courtney who LOL jk I will always live Courtney. Also got a couple of dances from Zoey and they were almost as good. Also got a good couch from Sasha huge natural boobs. It was worth it just for the tits. The couch room is happening at Cowboys. Got to try a VIP sometime.

06-07-13, 16:13
I am from far east KY, and the closest we strip club we have is Southern Xposure in Huntington, so my experience may just be through rose colored glasses.

Never been to any clubs that allow any touching what-so-ever between patrons and the dancers, so I was pretty surprised at first. Saw 3 really cute dancers, one was all over my pal who was drinking to his delight, while I was stuck being D / D, no big deal, next time I go back I get to partake and he drives. Haha, saw a cute to me chick with chest tat and a real nice spinner body, first private dance I've had in years. Something about chicks who look like they are into metal just do it for me. Didn't want to cross any boundaries with her, as it was my first time there. Damage was .40 for a 2 for 1 dance. Worth it as she really seemed to work it. Complimented my beard and whispering sweet nothings into my ear didn't hurt much either. And a really cute black chick, juicy booty and juicy tits. She tried to get me to go back for a dance but I didn't even know I was stopping and didn't feel like raping my debit card for another go. Grinded on my leg, face full of tittys, and just an overall sweetheart she seemed. Maybe it's a good thing I live 2+ hours from there. YMMV, but I had a good 2 hours.

Stay Safe out there

06-10-13, 14:16
Found myself in town this afternoon and stopped by Cowboys. Wendy and Peaches were both there. Got several dances from both. Just as good as before so good I have to say Courtney who LOL jk I will always live Courtney. Also got a couple of dances from Zoey and they were almost as good. Also got a good couch from Sasha huge natural boobs. It was worth it just for the tits. The couch room is happening at Cowboys. Got to try a VIP sometime.From out of town and went to Cowboys because of these reviews. Pleasantly surprised that the reviews were spot on. Saw a little spinner Friday night Tracey, pretty wild in the couch room, and then Wendy Saturday afternoon, love this place, left happy both times. Wendy made me promise "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" (her words). LOL.

06-12-13, 16:38
I'm thinking about stopping at Cowboys on Saturday. Any suggestions on what girls might be working on Saturday afternoons? It's kind of out of the way so I don't want to drive there unless there are some good opportunities.

Thanks for the help!

06-13-13, 18:10
I'm thinking about stopping at Cowboys on Saturday. Any suggestions on what girls might be working on Saturday afternoons? It's kind of out of the way so I don't want to drive there unless there are some good opportunities.

Thanks for the help!From the post right below yours. I would say try Wendy.

06-30-13, 16:50
Anyone remember the golden days? My favorite s had to be autumn savanah and tiffany who is sadly deceased.

06-30-13, 17:39
Anyone remember the golden days? My favorite s had to be autumn savanah and tiffany who is sadly deceased.Can you describe that bunch- I went there a few times during that period. What happened to Tiffany?

07-01-13, 19:43
Can you describe that bunch- I went there a few times during that period. What happened to Tiffany?Autumn was a short blond super pretty. Worked at the mall too. Always danced to country. Savannah was really tall brunette with small boobs danced to prince a lot. Tiffany died a year or 2 ago. Paper didn't say why but I'd guess overdose she was a very troubled young lady but god she was pretty

07-01-13, 19:53
Trish still there

07-01-13, 22:25
I heard she quit / got fired a couple of weeks ago for drinking.

Trish still there

07-04-13, 15:22
Does anyone have an update on this? I am traveling through Lexington tomorrow and was hoping to see one of my favorites. I wonder if she will end up at one of the other clubs.

Thanks for the updates!

I heard she quit / got fired a couple of weeks ago for drinking.

07-08-13, 20:29
I decided to make the hour drive to Lexington Saturday evening to see some naked women. I arrived at PP just before 7:00, so no cover and got two beers for
$3. 75. I stayed about 4 hours and was disappointed that most of the dancers did not take their panties off. If I just wanted to see some tits, I could have stayed in Louisville. Others have commented about 2 for $30 dances. I had lots of 2 for $40 offers, but no room for negotiation. Finally around 10:00 Mia offered a 2 for $30 nude dance with touching permitted. She did not get nude until halfway through the second song and spent more time dancing in front of me than on my lap. Ten minutes after the dance I reached in my front pocket and noticed about $15 in singles was missing...thank goodness I keep my bigger bills in a safer pocket. All in all, I am not in a hurry to return.

Chuck Roast
08-03-13, 09:33
I decided to make the hour drive to Lexington Saturday evening to see some naked women. I arrived at PP just before 7:00, so no cover and got two beers for.

$3. 75. I stayed about 4 hours and was disappointed that most of the dancers did not take their panties off. If I just wanted to see some tits, I could have stayed in Louisville. Others have commented about 2 for $30 dances. I had lots of 2 for $40 offers, but no room for negotiation. Finally around 10:00 Mia offered a 2 for $30 nude dance with touching permitted. She did not get nude until halfway through the second song and spent more time dancing in front of me than on my lap. Ten minutes after the dance I reached in my front pocket and noticed about $15 in singles was missing. Thank goodness I keep my bigger bills in a safer pocket. All in all, I am not in a hurry to return.

I've also came out of PP unexpectedly lighter in my money pile. Not the same dancer but it also happened back in the couch room. I knew right away I was missing a $20 because it was the last $30 I had, and I felt it in my pocket before I sat down, to make sure I had enough to pay her before she started. But when I stood up to pay her there was only a ten. I even had the bouncer come in there with a light to look in the couch cushions. The Beotch had to have pick pocketed me. Oh well she only stole her own money, because I refused to give her more than the ten. I couldn't have anyway. They must think we are all so drunk or stupid, we won't miss money they steal.

08-03-13, 16:52
Does anyone have an update on this? I am traveling through Lexington tomorrow and was hoping to see one of my favorites. I wonder if she will end up at one of the other clubs.

Thanks for the updates!I was at Cowboys last night and she was there. Still looking as good as ever. Sat with us because we are long time acquaintances and had a few drinks with us.

08-06-13, 06:35
Autumn was a short blond super pretty. Worked at the mall too. Always danced to country. Savannah was really tall brunette with small boobs danced to prince a lot. Tiffany died a year or 2 ago. Paper didn't say why but I'd guess overdose she was a very troubled young lady but god she was prettyI was in the bunch who played pool a lot. Dave moose tom etc. I miss those dayz

08-06-13, 06:36
I was at Cowboys last night and she was there. Still looking as good as ever. Sat with us because we are long time acquaintances and had a few drinks with us.Most beautiful pregnant girl I ever seen

Member #4440
08-13-13, 18:25
Moved to ky sometime back but never visited any club. Are those any good? How's the talent and mileage?

08-14-13, 17:23
Moved to ky sometime back but never visited any club. Are those any good? How's the talent and mileage?I suppose it depends on where you are coming from and what you're used to. I like to visit clubs in new cities when I travel and I feel the mileage here is quite high. I honestly just don't go that much anymore because the escort prices have dropped so much over the past 10 years. I do know that sometimes one just gets the craving for the thrill of the club hunt though. Heck if nothing else go check it out, drink prices are so cheap anymore, I just heard a commercial for plat plus with all day happy hour on Mondays, I hope that continues for football season!

Dab Due
08-14-13, 18:30
Most beautiful pregnant girl I ever seenWhat a horrible way to find out I'm a dad again.

08-15-13, 12:25
Any news or updates for a girl called Eden who used to work at Cowboys. I heard she might be at Spearmint Rhino. Any info appreciated. Thanks!

09-10-13, 22:45
I'll be in Lex this weekend for three nights and as I'm a bit of a research nerd, I've just finished reading the last 18 months of posts on this board.

From reading, it seems my best bet for extras are SR and Cowboys. (I'll also be hitting PP just based on an incredible visit about 3 years ago.)

If anyone has any advice outside the last 1. 5 years' worth of posts it would be greatly appreciated. And I promise to review if I make any pleasant discoveries. Feel free to comment or critique my SR / Cowboys plan.

Looking forward to seeing your fair city again. It's been too long!

09-10-13, 23:28
Same 3 nites Teagan Presley dancing at SR!

I'll be in Lex this weekend for three nights and as I'm a bit of a research nerd, I've just finished reading the last 18 months of posts on this board.

From reading, it seems my best bet for extras are SR and Cowboys. (I'll also be hitting PP just based on an incredible visit about 3 years ago.)

If anyone has any advice outside the last 1. 5 years' worth of posts it would be greatly appreciated. And I promise to review if I make any pleasant discoveries. Feel free to comment or critique my SR / Cowboys plan.

Looking forward to seeing your fair city again. It's been too long!

09-11-13, 11:42
Same 3 nites Teagan Presley dancing at SR!got to love this site! These are the little tidbits I wouldn't know about otherwise

09-15-13, 22:39
I just returned from beautiful Lexington, and while I don't have much to share, I wanted to contribute what I can.

Hit SR over the weekend and was offered (very blatantly) TO from a gorgeous black girl. She claims to have a friend that works at another club in town and that the three of us should meet after closing time for some extracurricular activities. I declined as I was already attempting to reel one in. The one I was working on didn't pan out but I still can't complain as a great time was had.

It's not much, but I do what I can. Stay safe and I look forward to my next trip through.

09-16-13, 14:48
I just returned from beautiful Lexington, and while I don't have much to share, I wanted to contribute what I can.

Hit SR over the weekend and was offered (very blatantly) TO from a gorgeous black girl. She claims to have a friend that works at another club in town and that the three of us should meet after closing time for some extracurricular activities. I declined as I was already attempting to reel one in. The one I was working on didn't pan out but I still can't complain as a great time was had.

It's not much, but I do what I can. Stay safe and I look forward to my next trip through.I may be showing my ignorance, but TO is a new term for me. Clarification would be most appreciated. Thanks

09-16-13, 15:02
I may be showing my ignorance, but TO is a new term for me. Clarification would be most appreciated. ThanksBased on the context, Take Out.

09-16-13, 16:46
Based on the context, Take Out.Yeah, that makes sense. Getting old sucks, I don't pick up on stuff as fast as I used to. Ha. Thanks

Tim P14
09-17-13, 22:28
Stopped in about 4:30 today. Was attacked by Candy. Light skinned black lady. Claimed to be 29 I would guess closer to 39 but attractive and friendly. Asked what I wanted and said take out. She said why wait, I can take care of you back there. FS was offered for $150 but I declined. Not enough privacy. Took the BBBJCIM option for $100 no song limit. Took 3. Would repeat.

09-17-13, 22:54
Stopped in about 4:30 today. Was attacked by Candy. Light skinned black lady. Claimed to be 29 I would guess closer to 39 but attractive and friendly. Asked what I wanted and said take out. She said why wait, I can take care of you back there. FS was offered for $150 but I declined. Not enough privacy. Took the BBBJCIM option for $100 no song limit. Took 3. Would repeat.I heard the day game up there is generally good for ITC / OTC. Care to share any other gems I should check out on days? The new addition, Mandy, gives for some good two-way but I had not pushed it further to know more.

09-19-13, 20:12
I hear alot of rumors about ex filles club girls proving. Amybody have # to share

Member #4440
09-21-13, 12:00
Stopped at rhino yesterday at around 4pm at stayed there for 90 mins. 5 dancers with variable looks. Talked to a short dancer with awesome rack named Ann Marie. Asked for a BJ and she said I can get it if we go to VIP. The VIP is 200 and I said last time I got a BJ for 100 and I passed. There are too many customers and less dancers so I just left the place in 90 mins. Extras pretty much available here

Big Delicious
09-30-13, 02:34
What a horrible way to find out I'm a dad again.I laughed out loud after reading that. Thank you for that.

Slick Dick
10-10-13, 17:09
I'll preface this review by saying that this used to be my favorite place in Lexington. You could sit against the wall on the left side as you go in. Prime spot for a $5 table dance. Well, a few years ago, they did away with doing the dances there. You had to get one in the chair instead of the bench. And it started to get too "gentleman club" like and got away from being the casual, laid-back place. Well, I rarely go there anymore, but the other day I decided to see if things had changed. First thing I noticed is that stage 2 is no longer there. Just the main stage and the small stage in the back. I'm sitting in a chair against the half-wall by that small stage and decide to get a table dance (can't remember the name). We're into it for about thirty seconds when the dumbass DJ tells her she needs to move my chair around to face the DJ booth (I was facing the main stage). That goes on for a bit while I'm losing my "dance time". She said "is this better?" to the DJ, and he still says to move it around some more. I just throw my hands up and damn near left right then. If you don't have your chair up against some kind of a wall or something, you roll around (the chairs all have rollers on the bottom). And the chairs have arms to them as well. Worst chair you can have for a table dance, especially when your chair keeps moving.

Disappointing, to say the least. Cowboys has gone from the best to the worst. And that's a damn shame.

Chuck Roast
10-10-13, 18:12
I'll preface this review by saying that this used to be my favorite place in Lexington. You could sit against the wall on the left side as you go in. Prime spot for a $5 table dance. Well, a few years ago, they did away with doing the dances there. You had to get one in the chair instead of the bench. And it started to get too "gentleman club" like and got away from being the casual, laid-back place. Well, I rarely go there anymore, but the other day I decided to see if things had changed. First thing I noticed is that stage 2 is no longer there. Just the main stage and the small stage in the back. I'm sitting in a chair against the half-wall by that small stage and decide to get a table dance (can't remember the name). We're into it for about thirty seconds when the dumbass DJ tells her she needs to move my chair around to face the DJ booth (I was facing the main stage). That goes on for a bit while I'm losing my "dance time". She said "is this better?" to the DJ, and he still says to move it around some more. I just throw my hands up and damn near left right then. If you don't have your chair up against some kind of a wall or something, you roll around (the chairs all have rollers on the bottom). And the chairs have arms to them as well. Worst chair you can have for a table dance, especially when your chair keeps moving.

Disappointing, to say the least. Cowboys has gone from the best to the worst. And that's a damn shame.Yeah that owner Kevin is increasingly assholeish the older he gets. All kinds of rules he makes up that change from day to day, such as all a sudden the girls aren't allowed to sit on your lap anymore, unless they are giving a dance. Not to mention his refusal to have two for one couch dances like every other club in Amercia! I've never gotten a couch dance there for just that reason. A Hamilton for a 2 minute chopped song just isn't worth it. Two 2 minute chopped songs would be right on the borderline of not being worth it much less just one. He also has the wait staff, which there are about as many of as strippers mind you, aggravate the living ESS out of you! I buy plenty of drinks for myself and the girls, but that doesn't stop them from coming around and snatching up half finished drinks trying to sell you more, like literally every 2 or 3 minutes. I'm not even exaggerating! That stupid ass has ran off most of his business. I think a lot of other people feel the same way, m as it used to be hard to find a table any night of the week, and now it's completely empty during the week and often a quarter full at best on Saturday night.

10-11-13, 00:25
Yeah that owner Kevin is increasingly assholeish the older he gets. All kinds of rules he makes up that change from day to day, such as all a sudden the girls aren't allowed to sit on your lap anymore, unless they are giving a dance. Not to mention his refusal to have two for one couch dances like every other club in Amercia! I've never gotten a couch dance there for just that reason. A Hamilton for a 2 minute chopped song just isn't worth it. Two 2 minute chopped songs would be right on the borderline of not being worth it much less just one. He also has the wait staff, which there are about as many of as strippers mind you, aggravate the living ESS out of you! I buy plenty of drinks for myself and the girls, but that doesn't stop them from coming around and snatching up half finished drinks trying to sell you more, like literally every 2 or 3 minutes. I'm not even exaggerating! That stupid ass has ran off most of his business. I think a lot of other people feel the same way, m as it used to be hard to find a table any night of the week, and now it's completely empty during the week and often a quarter full at best on Saturday night.I second the comment about Kevin. He's lucky he inherited a club with a strong business base because if it was your average club he would have killed it a long time ago. THat said, it does look much better in there and isn't quite the monkey shop that many have become (or are becoming.) Camelot West is totally over grown with the jungle and East seems to be heading that way- both were decent clubs back in the day.

Dab Due
10-12-13, 00:38
I laughed out loud after reading that. Thank you for that.You're welcome.

10-16-13, 00:21
So Candy was fired. Thank you for posting name and extent of the interaction.

People should know that clubs, cops, and your wife can read these posts easily.

Stopped in about 4:30 today. Was attacked by Candy. Light skinned black lady. Claimed to be 29 I would guess closer to 39 but attractive and friendly. Asked what I wanted and said take out. She said why wait, I can take care of you back there. FS was offered for $150 but I declined. Not enough privacy. Took the BBBJCIM option for $100 no song limit. Took 3. Would repeat.

10-16-13, 00:23
She is no longer at SR. Would like to know where she is, as she is a great personality.

Any news or updates for a girl called Eden who used to work at Cowboys. I heard she might be at Spearmint Rhino. Any info appreciated. Thanks!

Ky Mike53
10-19-13, 13:50
Had a great time at Platnuim last night. The girls were hot and very friendly in couch room. Negotiate your price before going back. No take outs though Will be back next week. Any advice?

Roy Cat
10-20-13, 19:17
A recent trip from Indianapolis to Vegas and the all nude Little Darlings there left me highly impressed and wanting to find an all nude club within driving distance. There doesn't seem to be much in the Midwest but some internet checking shows Lexington might have several. Is this true? If it is, for a nonlocal what would be the best ones for quality of girls? Also, is any touching generally allowed during the dances?

Tim P14
10-21-13, 08:00
So Candy was fired. Thank you for posting name and extent of the interaction.

People should know that clubs, cops, and your wife can read these posts easily.You really think that she was fired because of that post? First of all look at 75% of the posts and a specific dancer is identified and her services are discussed. Secondly the management / door man knew what was going on at the time it happened because it was discussed / joked about as we walked in. Maybe they were both fired? Thirdly I would imagine that if she was fired she was caught in the act and not fired on some chest beating unverified post on a blog. You're welcome to stand on your soap box and preach but your message lacks meaning and substance.

10-21-13, 08:50
A recent trip from Indianapolis to Vegas and the all nude Little Darlings there left me highly impressed and wanting to find an all nude club within driving distance. There doesn't seem to be much in the Midwest but some internet checking shows Lexington might have several. Is this true? If it is, for a nonlocal what would be the best ones for quality of girls? Also, is any touching generally allowed during the dances?Tuscl is always worth checking out for more on specific places. Out of the 8-9 clubs in lex, you probably want to stick with spearmint, cowboys, and platinum in terms of quality of girls. Depending on the kind of experience or atmosphere you want, it can vary between these three. Platinum is generally the busiest, spearmint the more lax, cowboys local. Mileage is always YMMV. Platinum and cowboys don't have private dance areas, and spearmint will set you back .60 for a two song set in a curtained area, so value can vary too.

I've found platinum girls are more likely to allow roaming, and at spearmint and cowboys it just depends on the girl. Better negotiations at platinum. PM me if you are curious about any other stuff.

10-22-13, 03:10
I've been to SR twice and have not been offered anything more than standard dance for $60. I'm guessing options expand with the $1-200 options. I did enjoy the three song $60 private dance. Girl was naked and no boundaries on where I could put my hands. Nice experience.

Does anyone have any insight on Camelot club? Are there two and Lex? Which is better?

10-22-13, 22:55
I liked it lots back in the Paradise City days; skeezy and high action, my kind of place.

Haven't heard much lately, might stop in in the next few weeks and will report if I do. Anybody else have recent experience?

Slick Dick
10-23-13, 12:30
I liked it lots back in the Paradise City days; skeezy and high action, my kind of place.

Haven't heard much lately, might stop in in the next few weeks and will report if I do. Anybody else have recent experience?I was there a couple weeks or so ago. It changes names so often, I couldn't even tell you the current name. Like you, I remember it being Paradise City more than anything. The talent was average at best when I was there. Granted it was early (7:00-8:00 range), so that may have been part of the reason. Maybe five girls there. Got a table dance (can't remember name), and it was pretty good. I get the feel that it's still similar to Paradise City days.

11-03-13, 02:46
I've been to SR twice and have not been offered anything more than standard dance for $60. I'm guessing options expand with the $1-200 options. I did enjoy the three song $60 private dance. Girl was naked and no boundaries on where I could put my hands. Nice experience.

Does anyone have any insight on Camelot club? Are there two and Lex? Which is better?Yes there are 2 Camelots, East and West. East is the safer of the 2 clubs, but more action can be had at west and the dances are cheaper, 2 for 25 and the VIPs are not monitored.

Chuck Roast
11-03-13, 08:12
Platinum and cowboys don't have private dance areasCowboys does indeed have both couch room and VIP areas for private dances.

11-03-13, 19:11
Yes there are 2 Camelots, East and West. East is the safer of the 2 clubs, but more action can be had at west and the dances are cheaper, 2 for 25 and the VIPs are not monitored.I thought that West was considered dangerous because of some murders a few years back, that is why I haven't been there in 6+ years.

11-04-13, 15:02
I thought that West was considered dangerous because of some murders a few years back, that is why I haven't been there in 6+ years.These days they all have some kind of presence in the news. Remember filles with the dancer that was abused, dude shot at diva's... SR wands everyone now. The quality is going down and its pitiful, considering how many hotties they have local university.

11-05-13, 02:21
I thought that West was considered dangerous because of some murders a few years back, that is why I haven't been there in 6+ years.I would consider Camelot West more of a waste of time and money than dangerous. Last two times I went there I Sat. And asked myself why I picked that sh! Thole. No real reason to go there- it is largely an urban dance club now.

11-05-13, 14:56
I would consider Camelot West more of a waste of time and money than dangerous. Last two times I went there I Sat. And asked myself why I picked that sh! Thole. No real reason to go there- it is largely an urban dance club now.I have heard that the majority of the dancers are thick latino chicks but with the word urban in your post I assume that the majority is not latino.

02-28-14, 10:08
Had not been here in several years. They have totally renovated. They now have private rooms with shower-like doors for VIP sessions. $.25 for 20 minutes. Fun can definitely be had here. Possibly the best club in town at the moment. YMMV. But I recommend giving it a shot. Girls not quite as hot as Platinum or some of the other clubs, but there is a good mix of looks / types for all tastes.

03-03-14, 14:38
Had not been here in several years. They have totally renovated. They now have private rooms with shower-like doors for VIP sessions. $.25 for 20 minutes. Fun can definitely be had here. Possibly the best club in town at the moment. YMMV. But I recommend giving it a shot. Girls not quite as hot as Platinum or some of the other clubs, but there is a good mix of looks / types for all tastes.Never thought I would hear the words.."Camelot East, probably the best club in town at the moment".

Glad to hear they have cleaned the place up. I haven't been there in years either...might be worth a stop!

Thanks for the update.

03-03-14, 14:57
Never thought I would hear the words.."Camelot East, probably the best club in town at the moment".I agree. I'm not one to frequent the clubs but that place was always lower tier. The West is a hole, or was my last visit but that has been literally a decade ago. Camelot was always just a notch up on the Red Lion Lounge, for those of you that remember that joint.

03-04-14, 17:41
I agree. I'm not one to frequent the clubs but that place was always lower tier. The West is a hole, or was my last visit but that has been literally a decade ago. Camelot was always just a notch up on the Red Lion Lounge, for those of you that remember that joint.I haven't thought of that dump in years. Twenty something years ago a few guys and myself went club hopping. We were at the Red Lion for less than a beer. The girl on stage was pregnant, sitting in a chair, and rocking her foot to the beat of the song that was on. LOL fun times.

03-04-14, 20:40
I haven't thought of that dump in years. Twenty something years ago a few guys and myself went club hopping. We were at the Red Lion for less than a beer. The girl on stage was pregnant, sitting in a chair, and rocking her foot to the beat of the song that was on. LOL fun times.I saw a guy get with a frying pan by his angry wife there on night, sitting at the bar, just like in a cartoon LOL.

03-05-14, 00:14
Well, if we are remembering dumps, how about the Twilight Lounge Versailles Road near Red Mile Road. And the the worst hole of them all-Great Scott's Depot!

04-04-14, 01:41
Had not been here in several years. They have totally renovated. They now have private rooms with shower-like doors for VIP sessions. $.25 for 20 minutes. Fun can definitely be had here. Possibly the best club in town at the moment. YMMV. But I recommend giving it a shot. Girls not quite as hot as Platinum or some of the other clubs, but there is a good mix of looks / types for all tastes.I must totally disagree with this statement. Although the renovation was nice, this club still no where comes close to Cowboys, Platinum, or Spearmint Rhino as far as over all experience.

04-04-14, 22:49
Found myself at Cowboys this afternoon and Peaches and Wendy were rockin as usual in the couch room. I just love these two. They keep me coming back.

04-07-14, 17:20
I'm headed out to Platinum on Wednesday night. What recommendations does the monger community have for who I should be looking for? If I have learned anything at this club, it's that I never know how much fun a girl will be until I get her in the back room on the couch (well that is except for a few late late in the evening).