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12-16-11, 13:13

Google search doesn't reveal anything that would put up a red flag.

Also, for those of you who were discussing "Mel", the cubic zirconia of southside massage, did she happen to ever mention anything about being from Chicago, being a nurse in a past life, going to court reporting school? If so, I may know her from "real life", with a very interesting story that I probably can't share in public. She looks very familiar, and the location (past and present) fits the bill.The word is she has military related action wounds and issues which she says force her to be able to just barely be able to do massage. If that is true and it is military related, she has access to VA hospitals here, Chicago etc and can get help from them from her service. I only saw her and a lady named Lacey on Madison sometime ago. Wouldn't waste my time on either and being a veteran, if she is using her alleged disability and says she can get no help, VA is there to help her based on her service record. If she wasn't in the service but is using it, BAD BAD BAD As one who did, that would rankle my fir big time.

My advice based only on my experience avoid her but that is your call

12-16-11, 13:34

Google search doesn't reveal anything that would put up a red flag.

Also, for those of you who were discussing "Mel", the cubic zirconia of southside massage, did she happen to ever mention anything about being from Chicago, being a nurse in a past life, going to court reporting school? If so, I may know her from "real life", with a very interesting story that I probably can't share in public. She looks very familiar, and the location (past and present) fits the bill.HAHAHA!"cubic zirconia" thats the perfect description. I think thats her. She told me once that She was on Judge Joe Brown. She has some mighty tales to tell.

12-16-11, 13:43

Google search doesn't reveal anything that would put up a red flag. (Edit Delete) According to posts since 2008 the pics are not her and there is no service for the money.

12-16-11, 13:43






They all look promising, but would hate to get caught in a scam. Any helo would be greatly appreciated.


12-16-11, 16:03






They all look promising, but would hate to get caught in a scam. Any helo would be greatly appreciated.

ThanksA few of those have already been reviewed here and with varying opinions. I suggest you read the forum first before making any more inquiries and form your own opinion.

12-16-11, 21:11
A few of those have already been reviewed here and with varying opinions. I suggest you read the forum first before making any more inquiries and form your own opinion.I don't know about the others but I suspect one of them called Jenny might be related to Stacey. In fact I think Stacey used to go by Jenny. She is the one who was a no show costing me 3 hours out of my life because I live out of town. She knew this was the case but got spooked because I showed up five minutes early and looked like a cop to her by my attire. I've had 4 no shows or discontinued service in my life and all of them from South Side girls. One was called Mia, another Kayla, and Stacey (possibly AKA Jenny). In any case I believe if you get to the point of actually having service it will be just fine.

BTW, Stacey's old phone is not accepting incoming calls anymore which is another thing that tells me she got spooked and is possibly going back to an old alias. I don't know what dope these south side girls are smoking but they are super paranoid. I suggest they get off backpage and do strickly p411 then they can relax and hopefully give some guys good service.

12-16-11, 21:19
I know I don't have alot of posts, but I have searched and searched and can't find what I'm looking for. I am trying to find 2 girls LOL kind of a Christmas present to myself. Preferably spinners! Any ideas? Saw a few on BP but can't find any reviews on any of them so far.

12-16-11, 22:13
I've Seen Jennifer three times now. I found her off backpage and of all things from an ad without even a picture. She is a gorgeous Indian Mixture with long black hair and a smoking hot body toned from working out. The tale I have to tell is a bit mixed. The best of my adventures with her was the first and the worst the last. I guess novelty in this case rules the day.

The first time I saw her she was supposed to dress up for me but when I got to her place she had just woken up. She has roommates who are friendly and also in the biz. In any case she offered once we got to her room to change but mentioned that we were going to get naked anyway. Her body is so nice it didn't bother me much at all. We started off with some very passionate kissing. Her tongue is pierced making for some nice play. We started and ended in 69. She buried her pussy in my face and allowed me to stick my tongue in deep. She got me so going that I CIMed and she was a NQNS continuing so long that she got me mostly hard again. She kept going which was nice but eventually had to stop her to take a break. She likes to cuddle which was awesome and tried to get me going for seconds. I could not quite make it up for the occasion but her attitude was so pleasant that I just enjoyed being in her company. We laughed a lot, sucked on her nipples (one of the pierced) , massaged all over her body, and we hugged warmly before I left. It was in my top 5 ATF hobby experience, and I've had quite a few experiences.

The second time I saw Jennifer I was determined to not only get some strokes in but please her as well. Again we started with kissing. She does allow digits and I easily found her G spot. I hit it so well in the puppy position her butt quivered. She's a quiet cummer (probably because of her roommates) but she confirmed she did indeed come. I had her get on top of me for some CG. She was so tight I could not fit it all the way in at first and I'm not a monster cock kind of guy. I know we all like to think we are, or wish we were one of those guys. In any case we switched to doggie. I got her to masturbate herself while I was in her to another O. Finally I put some pillows underneath her butt so as to hit the sweet spot while she masturbated herself again into another O. It was such a pleasure to watch the expression on her face. Afterwards she massaged my back as I laid on her a bit in ecstasy. Not quite a good as the first experience but a really really good one.

The last time unfortunately was the worst of the 3. The other two were worth repeating but this last one I think kind of turn each other off a bit. When I got there again she was not all dressed up as usual. I've gotten used to it as her smoking body makes up for it. But she was not ready at all. Her roommate who shares a bed insisted on doing laundry right there and then. Also there was some older dude in the house watching TV. Last time there were two dudes but the experience was so nice I overlooked them.

Anyway I walked back to her room and even her roommate who is a smoker complained the placed smelled like smoke. After my experience with Chelsea I'm kind of turned off by the smell of smoke more so than ever. It was so bad I had to run back to my car to put my jacket away so it wouldn't end up smelling like smoke. These girls are kind of the party time so I guess it only a matter of time before the house took on the air of their habits. In any case I had to stand and sit around while they tried to dig all the laundry and misc stuff out of the room. It wasn't terrible but really not professional at all. Finally her roommate left and once the door was closed Jennifer asked if I had any condoms. I must tell you this is her MO. Every single time I had to provide them but every time but this time I just happened to have some with me. So I had to search my car. No Luck! It's very unprofessional of her to put guys out like this but her beauty covers a multitude of sins. In the past I over looked them but things kind of went down hill from there. So I suggest we just do oral and afterwards I'd go for condoms to finish the rest of the hour. We started kissing again and fondling of the breasts along with insertion of digits. She was indeed wet. I was slightly turned off by the taste of smoke in her mouth. At least she could have brushed. It was worse than the other times. At any rate our make out session was still stimulating enough to get me hard as she jerked and we fondled each other.

I asked for a BBBJ on her knees. I wanted her to look up at me while she did so but I could tell it probably was not going to happen so sat on the edge of the bed to see if the angle would inspire her. This time the BBBJ was sp super light I could barely feel it, and she kept stopping to HJ me. She could tell it was not what I wanted to continued to BBBJ me. I finally blew my load, but she immediately let it flow out (was a little like watching a porn). She was definitely not a NQNS this time. I on purposely did not hold back because I figured we'd finish out the hour.

I gave her some gum and told her I'd be right back. I drove to a local store. The condoms I could not believe cost me 7 dollars for only 3 of them but was in a hurry to get back. I returned about a half hour before my hour was suppose to be up. I knocked and knocked at the door and her back window but no one answered. I texted and phoned but no response.

Finally right as I was driving away I got a text from her roommate who claimed she was sick and did not know why. She said I probably should just go home and she'll have her call me. I live over an hour a way and was not happy about things but maybe it was true. For all I know she has the flu and or the CIM bothered her somehow this time unlike the other time. So I drove home ultimately not feeling very satisfied.

I texted her several times since without any response. I some how think she was somewhat off put by the CIM and didn't want to finish out the session. In any case it was also another glaring example of unprofessional behavior. In the least she should have called and apologized for things not working out and not let me drive back and forth, waiting and knocking around only to have to drive a hour home wondering what the hell happened. In short Jennifer is a lose cannon. When she's on target you're in heaven, but when she's off it just isn't quite worth it.

At least I had a couple of good runs. I've got a new philosophy that if you have a lot of good, or bad things for that matter happen to you, life usually balances them out with their opposites. This is what I have been experiencing of late.

Peace and Happy Hobbying

12-16-11, 23:20
Ilapp, I think I know this mutual friend you are referring to. We have had some really good correspondence in the past. We have differing styles when going about the hobby but still have a good rapport.

In any case I wanted to let you know I absolutely laughed my ass off at your response. Not that it didn't have any truth to it but that it was so hilariously raw. Reminds me a bit of of how our mutual friend would lay into me. :)

In any case as you have noted the hobby does not have to be totally dark. It depends on each persons motives. For myself I am a blend of someone who knows his I'd but also has higher ideals at the same time. I am not perfect as some may already suspect but I do genuinely care about people.

I think it important to note I did not look down on Chelsea I just felt for her situation. She's in a shitty place and she knows it (and not just because of her profession). When I suggested moving she totally agreed that would probably be a good start. When I suggested getting into community gardening it seemed she sincerely was thinking about it.

I may not be a saint but I do have some good ideas when it comes to helping people. I could tell from the smell of the apartment drugs in one way shape or form where hindering her situation. From the cigarettes alone she could have saved 1000 to 3000 a year as I assume from the absolutely rank smell of smoke that between her and her BF they were smoking 2-4 packs a day. That alone would have more than saved her from having to "escort" to make Christmas happen.

The truth is some people are really lost when it comes to knowing which direction to take in life and even someone as imperfect as myself can shed some light on the matter. No matter what you or anyone else thinks I know what my heart was feeling for Chelsea and it was "save yourself"!

At best her escorting is only a symptom of a much greater problem. In short changing her location / company would do worlds of good to helping her have a much better life.

And as for the escorting, she could be a millionaire in less than 10 years if she does it right. Underneath it all she really is a gorgeous woman with a good heart. These qualities alone with the right marketing and savings plan could set her up for life. Many escorts could be in this position (which I wish they would as that's the kind of guy I am). But all too often bad decisions gets in the way. These girls either go for the quick buck, under or over sell themselves, waffle back a forth from escorting, get into drugs, have dead beat boyfriends, blow all their money on bullshit, don't properly market themselves, don't properly save and invest their earnings, don't properly screen for LE, etc. It's sad to see but that is the case for the majority of escorts out there with a few exceptions.

In any case I appreciate your post as you really gave me a good chuckle.

BTW, I did not make her family members walk in the cold. I agreed her BF could be there as that is the least I could do to show some respect. He chose to walk an errand and was home to wave me goodbye.

It was an odd evening indeed, not quite the adventure I was looking for but an adventure nevertheless. I definitely will not repeat, and if I had known would not have gone but I'm positive I was meant to go for some reason. Hopefully I left her with something more than just the 80 bucks. Maybe she will take some of my suggestions and her life will change for the better. Reply With Quote Report Post.

I have heard from a guy we know in common that you are a decent guy, and nothing you have ever posted would make me think otherwise, but maybe you should really find another hobby. You make a 3 hour round trip so that you can get a deal on a $75 dollar piece, ok never mind I get that part totally, but you hope that the bright and shining example of some schmuck, and yes we all are and you are kidding yourselves if you think we aren't, driving half the night to a small hick town know as the drug capitol of the midwest and was published nationally as such a year or so ago, to see a prostitute down on her luck and your feeling magnanimous and you are going to throw her an extra five spot and somehow this illegal, illicit and probably immoral act on your part is supposed to be some sort of shining beacon that gives her hope? Really? Did you even think that out? Her family has to take a walk in the winter cold so you can get laid for money and somehow that will lead her to a better life. You sir are a shining example and I suspect that now after she has had a couple days to reflect she has completely turned her life around. Maybe the fact, and this is strictly from a poor memory so correct me if I am wrong, that you drove a couple of hours to get an inexpensive BJ from the very sweet and very nice Melissa, will somehow show her how a life should be lived. By the way, aren't you the one that also tried to counsel Melissa, and thought she should charge more, just asking; but if your goal is to help them and counsel them to a better life maybe you shouldn't pay them to have sex with you first. This is not the kettle calling the pot black, I am not denigrating you for mongering, as I and every other guy on here does, not at all, but in doing it we are preying on the downtrodden and hopeless sometimes whether we know we are doing it intentionally or not, so let's just not portray ourselves as some golden example, or as their life coach to a better place, when we enable them to do whatever it is they wish to do. If that is what you want to do then this hobby is not for you is all I am saying. Like it or not, this is the dark side.

PS I should not paint it with an absolute, it is often the dark side, but there are also still good fun times to be had between consenting adults who are in this of their own volition, not desperation, and who enjoy these activities as a whole.

Tim P14
12-17-11, 01:43






They all look promising, but would hate to get caught in a scam. Any helo would be greatly appreciated.

ThanksWhat a douche bag.

Two Nutts
12-17-11, 08:53
[QUOTE=Freckle Freak; 1338977]I need to help you with the proper way to post quotes on this site. You really seem to have trouble getting the structure correct. It's making it darn difficult to read your posts and you know I love reading your posts. FF.
end qoute.

I'm not too old to be tought anything new. It's just that your not the teacher I've been looking (or paying) for brother.
opps I did it again

12-17-11, 10:59
There are several posts on this page that would have been informative had the writers included a link. Readers need a link to be clear the advertiser being mentioned. It's hard sometimes keeping the girls straight with a link. Impossible without.

It seems the only hobbyists posting links anymore are the new guys who want information on a silver platter.

Sorry for the rant.

12-17-11, 12:11
All the records were destroyed in an unresolved fire that burned the club to the ground several weeks after the incident. It's amazing what can happen when you are friends with Guido Sarducci Of the local Italian mafia.


PS. Did you know that 99% of Italian women don't have freckles.Wow, the local mafia even has it's own chaplain. Do tell. I was actually kicked out of PTs one night over 10 years back for something that really didn't happen. One of the dancers named Kylie (hot skinny blonde) apparently thought she saw me holding my cock. I think she saw my thumb (no comments from the peanut gallery, LOL). I saw her sometime later, and she not only didn't remember the incident, she was totally surprised and apologetic. She was totally cool with me. Of course, a little money makes any guy cool. This was the ONLY time I've ever been kicked out of any establishment, adult or otherwise. Shocked the hell out of me at the time, but I did learn to keep my hands in plain view or completely hidden.

12-17-11, 12:17
There are several posts on this page that would have been informative had the writers included a link. Readers need a link to be clear the advertiser being mentioned. It's hard sometimes keeping the girls straight with a link. Impossible without.

It seems the only hobbyists posting links anymore are the new guys who want information on a silver platter.

Sorry for the rant.I made a similar comment http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3978-Escort-Reports&p=1334289&viewfull=1#post1334289, albeit maybe a bit more blunt, on the Cincy board and some guy with two posts gave me shit about it being time to RTFF. I called BS. Been a few weeks, and so far, no pushback.

12-17-11, 12:20
[QUOTE=Freckle Freak; 1338977]I need to help you with the proper way to post quotes on this site. You really seem to have trouble getting the structure correct. It's making it darn difficult to read your posts and you know I love reading your posts. FF.

End qoute.

I'm not too old to be tought anything new. It's just that your not the teacher I've been looking (or paying) for brother.

Opps I did it againApparently, you're deleting the endquote[/quote ] thingy (love them technical terms). I put a space in it to break the coding so you could see it.

12-17-11, 13:18
Greetings fellow hobbyist! Rookie here from a small city named Fort Wayne! I'm in your forum looking for guidance in a couple of girls from your town I'm thinking to visit today, here are the links:

Tiffany: http://fortwayne.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/tiffany-from-indianapolis-here-for-one-day-only-sat-dec-17th-317-771-7971-24/4566509

Rose: http://fortwayne.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/arriving-today-busty-sexy-diva-40dcup-rose-317-625-6019-24/4798737

I have found more info and pics about Rose than from Tiffany, but I'm more curious about seeing Tiffany. So any info (are pics accurate, rushed service, overall experience etc.) will be really appreciated! I prefer if you can pm me but you can also reply in here.

Thanks in advance,

And as usual, be safe!

The rookie.

12-17-11, 16:07
I don't know about the others but I suspect one of them called Jenny might be related to Stacey. In fact I think Stacey used to go by Jenny. She is the one who was a no show costing me 3 hours out of my life because I live out of town. She knew this was the case but got spooked because I showed up five minutes early and looked like a cop to her by my attire. I've had 4 no shows or discontinued service in my life and all of them from South Side girls. One was called Mia, another Kayla, and Stacey (possibly AKA Jenny). In any case I believe if you get to the point of actually having service it will be just fine.

BTW, Stacey's old phone is not accepting incoming calls anymore which is another thing that tells me she got spooked and is possibly going back to an old alias. I don't know what dope these south side girls are smoking but they are super paranoid. I suggest they get off backpage and do strickly p411 then they can relax and hopefully give some guys good service.I've also been blown off after establishing appointments by Stacey / Jenny. She does have a new number.

12-17-11, 16:35
I know I don't have alot of posts, but I have searched and searched and can't find what I'm looking for. I am trying to find 2 girls LOL kind of a Christmas present to myself. Preferably spinners! Any ideas? Saw a few on BP but can't find any reviews on any of them so far.Assuming you can pass verification and you've been a very good boy that deserves some of the best for Christmas, I'd try Abby and see if she can bring RT or Angel. I think you'd have a present you would never forget.


12-17-11, 23:58
I made a similar comment http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3978-Escort-Reports&p=1334289&viewfull=1#post1334289 , albeit maybe a bit more blunt, on the Cincy board and some guy with two posts gave me shit about it being time to RTFF. I called BS. Been a few weeks, and so far, no pushback.Mike, I know what you mean. In times like these I'm reminded of something I read,"There must be intelligent life in outer space because there's so little of it on Earth."

12-18-11, 01:41
Let me start by adding a review. http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sexy-curvy-mature-native-woman-seeking-generous-gentlemen-42/4905421 Rayne is the real deal. She knows me already, so a phone call allowed us to set up a meeting for 2 hours later. Her assets are apparent from her pictures. Her skills are just as comparable.

I agree that number of reports has slowed down lately. I think that may be a result of the concerns surrounding certain news articles. However, I have noticed one senior that likes to post novels about the events. I would suggest that play by play in that much detail is not the best idea for the safety of all concerned on a public forum such as this sight. If it takes longer to type a post that the actual encounter then maybe you are providing too much information.

As far as girls being spooked and not responding, yes that happens to all hobbyists at one time or another. I would never be critical of anyone who follows their gut instinct when agreeing to meet someone or not meeting them. I recently tried to schedule an appointment with someone who has been around. I have been in this game for several years. This is a first for me, but our initial phone call must have spooked her as she would not answer any more calls after I got a room. After my second attempt, I left message that I'm sorry if she got scared and we can part ways with no hard feelings. No use getting mad or posting her name on here. Caution and safety have to be practiced on both sides of this game. Remember, the ladies read these posts too. Their friends read the posts. They do compare notes and concerns just as we do.

12-18-11, 15:20
It was an odd evening indeed, not quite the adventure I was looking for but an adventure nevertheless. I definitely will not repeat, and if I had known would not have gone but I'm positive I was meant to go for some reason. Hopefully I left her with something more than just the 80 bucks. Maybe she will take some of my suggestions and her life will change for the better. Reply With Quote Report Post.

I have heard from a guy we know in common that you are a decent guy, and nothing you have ever posted would make me think otherwise, but maybe you should really find another hobby. You make a 3 hour round trip so that you can get a deal on a $75 dollar piece, ok never mind I get that part totally, but you hope that the bright and shining example of some schmuck, and yes we all are and you are kidding yourselves if you think we aren't, driving half the night to a small hick town know as the drug capitol of the midwest and was published nationally as such a year or so ago, to see a prostitute down on her luck and your feeling magnanimous and you are going to throw her an extra five spot and somehow this illegal, illicit and probably immoral act on your part is supposed to be some sort of shining beacon that gives her hope?When I read that guys review, I thought the same thing. Trying to make himself feel better for what he had just done. Came off as some kind of savior of prostitutes, traveling the world doing his good deeds by stuffing his junk into someone who is much less fortunate than himself. I'm pretty sure that doesn't help them out with their life. Unless you are such a disgusting person that you make her so physically and emotionally sick by just being around you, that she decides she just can't do it anymore.

12-18-11, 21:24
I've also been blown off after establishing appointments by Stacey / Jenny. She does have a new number.She is gone into the wind, whether it blows her back here is questionable. The fact she has a target on her back from our uncles who live south, and that is a fact not a guess, and in addition to being bashed here some she has decided to pack up and leave. Shame really, thought she was one of the more fun providers around once I finally met her. I really liked Kayla the first time I met her too though the second time we had issues. I have been told of reasons she was off her game in the big picture, understandable, but I don't pay to be part of someones bad day. I hear she is back and in good shape and much like the girl I really liked the first time, so I, unlike some others, an not going to keep jumping on the bashing wagon. That has all been said and covered, I would rather hear from someone who has seen her recently to find out what she is like now, instead of a past that has been documented well enough I would think. I have no idea if she has reached out to those who were upset to try and set things straight, I would think it would be a good marketing ploy here, but we are a small percentage so maybe not worth it to anyone, especially in the big picture. Now someone go out there and take one for the team will you and let us know the current climate.

12-18-11, 22:09
Anyone have experience with this girl? She'll be visiting next week. I know she's visited Indy in the past and am hoping someone has some info on her.

Here's her link:

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/BodyRubs/sexy-exotic-seductress-visiting-treat-yourself-with-a-massage-second-to-none-23/4868019She's legit. And smokin hot.

12-19-11, 11:32
She is gone into the wind, whether it blows her back here is questionable. The fact she has a target on her back from our uncles who live south, and that is a fact not a guess, and in addition to being bashed here some she has decided to pack up and leave. Shame really, thought she was one of the more fun providers around once I finally met her. I really liked Kayla the first time I met her too though the second time we had issues. I have been told of reasons she was off her game in the big picture, understandable, but I don't pay to be part of someones bad day. I hear she is back and in good shape and much like the girl I really liked the first time, so I, unlike some others, an not going to keep jumping on the bashing wagon. That has all been said and covered, I would rather hear from someone who has seen her recently to find out what she is like now, instead of a past that has been documented well enough I would think. I have no idea if she has reached out to those who were upset to try and set things straight, I would think it would be a good marketing ploy here, but we are a small percentage so maybe not worth it to anyone, especially in the big picture. Now someone go out there and take one for the team will you and let us know the current climate.You hit the nail on the head Oh Wise and Respected Leader. Stacey was getting hassled and spooked by all the Uncle reports of a crackdown with the Big Game on the horizon. The problem that started it, that some mongers think that these ladies should lie around waiting and begging for their calls, quite the opposite. Kayla and Stacey got new numbers, started to see people again, then a title wave of bashing, scary calls from some dudes outside and inside this forum. Why should she (they) stay? She really was one of the ATF's as if you got to see her, got comfortable with her, she would rock your world! Kayla had a lot of personal issues, but was always very good to me. I hope she decided to stay around.

That being said, a few people on here need to take a step back and remember, this can be a dangerous hobby. Acting like you are Gods gift to these ladies is about as ridiculous as saying you are the next John Holmes.

The Big R 2000
12-19-11, 16:02
Let me start by adding a review.


Rayne is the real deal. She knows me already, so a phone call allowed us to set up a meeting for 2 hours later. Her assets are apparent from her pictures. Her skills are just as comparable.

I agree that number of reports has slowed down lately. I think that may be a result of the concerns surrounding certain news articles. However, I have noticed one senior that likes to post novels about the events. I would suggest that play by play in that much detail is not the best idea for the safety of all concerned on a public forum such as this sight. If it takes longer to type a post that the actual encounter then maybe you are providing too much information.

As far as girls being spooked and not responding, yes that happens to all hobbyists at one time or another. I would never be critical of anyone who follows their gut instinct when agreeing to meet someone or not meeting them. I recently tried to schedule an appointment with someone who has been around. I have been in this game for several years. This is a first for me, but our initial phone call must have spooked her as she would not answer any more calls after I got a room. After my second attempt, I left message that I'm sorry if she got scared and we can part ways with no hard feelings. No use getting mad or posting her name on here. Caution and safety have to be practiced on both sides of this game. Remember, the ladies read these posts too. Their friends read the posts. They do compare notes and concerns just as we do.Rayna is definately awesome! Her incall in Anderson (before she moved to Indy) was 30 seconds from my office, I really miss those days,

12-19-11, 17:10
I took a chance, and called Kayla today and I am glad I did. The ad is her, and she even looks better than she ever has. Wow, I told her she must have been working out during her break because you could bounce a quarter off her abs. She was in a great mood and it was a good time.

During our conversation, she did say that it is getting scary out there. Lets just say that Uncle Leo, and if he reads this I don't care, have been taking some liberites with some of the young ladies out there. Making them do full service, CIM, Greek, you name it, then busting them. Seizing cash, cars, labtops etc. Etc. Sounds crazy, but I wouldn't put anything past LEO's, especially those in the Vice Division. She also mentioned, and I tend to agree, that some mongers out there do not treat ladies very well, and think of them as basic street walkers who beg for cash.

Listen up, those of you who complain the most, you are scaring off good girls who don't want to deal with your shit. If they don't know you very well, then don't bombard them when they get spooked. None of them want to go to jail, hell, should be legal anyway but it isn't. Quit being a whiner and just let it go. I have been stood up a few times, I got over it.

Stacey is now gone the way of the wind and I for one am not happy about it. She treated me well everytime I saw her and was good at what she did, now a few bitchers made it worse for us who respect the respectable providers.

12-19-11, 20:37
[Edit Delete] Kayla and Stacey got new numbers, started to see people again, then a title wave of bashing, scary calls from some dudes outside and inside this forum. Why should she (they) stay? [Edit Delete]A few months ago a guy in Ohio I always thought was okay made dates with 10 or so escorts, outcall to them. He used the address across the street from his, and sat looking out his window watching the escorts arrive one by one to knock at an unanswered door. He capped everything off by coming to the board to brad about it. And received a lot of positive responses.

Few appreciate the problems a woman has that bring her here. There is never an excuse for any of us to add to a woman's problems. We should see her or leave her alone.

12-20-11, 07:40
I was challenged by one member of this board that indeed Kayla uses her real pictures. He sent me the link and asked me if this is the picture of Kayla's ad.


Yes indeed it was, or at least very similar, though I actually saw her twice. The first time she used another picture and I think went by the name of Stephanie. I'm positive that was an old picture and or not her at all.

The pictures from the link after careful examination I still think may in the least be dated. Of coarse there are several other possibilities that it could be her but a bit photo shopped. Apparently you can elongate the picture to look skinner among a lot of other things. Also her not showing her whole face may give a different appearance.

When I saw her see seemed a bit older but still attractive. She did not seem overweight but not as skinny and toned as in the picture. Her best physical asset was her breasts. They were of a really nice size, firm, and I believe real. I hear from at least one board member she's gotten much more fit since. Good for her. However I still think the pictures are not entirely representational but may be a bit closer than I indicated. However if she has photo shopped them there is still no excuse as that is misrepresentation.

I hear other than LE jitters she gives good service. Again good for her but when you drive over again hour each way spend at least half an hour finding her and starting service only to be discontinued (Twice! Three times if you include her influence on her friend Stacey) only to have to drive back empty handed I think indeed I have something to complain about. Thank God Nancy (who is also a friend of theirs) saw me the second time this happened. She even verified me to Stacey and she still did a No Show!

I know some are giving me crap for bitching about this but when you get treated like this when you have to drive in from out of town it is extremely disrespectful. In the least they could have given me a gratis non full service massage just in case they were wrong. It's a bit hard to get busted for doing nothing. Between this duo (Stacey / Kayla) I wasted 8 hours out of my life. There is no excuse for this especially when Stacey exhorted me not to stand her up because of her having to show up and book the hotel and all. Yes, if I was from Indy I would have eased up a lot, but both of them new exactly my situation and let their paranoia and fear get the best of them.

If Kayla indeed has been the victim of a corrupt Indianapolis PD I feel for her but both of them need to get their act together before they agree to see a client. Personally I think because of their fear levels they need to go P411. If they told me sorry they could not verify me for security purposes before I drove up I would not have complained. But when even I see one of their friends and still Stacey cannot get over it that is just plain craziness.

As some of you know she called offering to make it all up to me profusely apologizing and all. But now she will not respond to her email, text, and has turned off her phone. She reads the boards and still has not contacted me. It should be blindingly obvious by now I am not LE and she still chooses to act all spooked. It's weird, the last time I talked with her I asked if she was comfortable for sure about seeing me for this make up session. She said she was positive she checked me out further, and now she still acts this way. This girl cannot make her mind up for anything.

Guys, she may indeed give good service once your acuating receiving it, but IMHO both her and Kayla and a couple of paranoid flakes and I have every right to be angry. Have 8 hours out of your lives completely wasted then come back to me and say it's nothing.

12-20-11, 08:12
When I read that guys review, I thought the same thing. Trying to make himself feel better for what he had just done. Came off as some kind of savior of prostitutes, traveling the world doing his good deeds by stuffing his junk into someone who is much less fortunate than himself. I'm pretty sure that doesn't help them out with their life. Unless you are such a disgusting person that you make her so physically and emotionally sick by just being around you, that she decides she just can't do it anymore.First of all I think IIap's response was a little more nuanced than your understanding. Second, your whole premises falls on your assumption that I feel guilty. I do not feel guilty as I do not think the profession is immoral. It can be practiced in the wrong spirit but I am in many ways am a nontraditional moralist. I believe in treating everybody with fairness and respect.

I did not look down on Chelsea for her profession. It was just obvious by spending a short amount of time with her she was admittedly not happy. I'm the kind of person who naturally tries to help others. It is ingrained in my character to be so and am at peace with it as it's not a bad trait over all to have (though being helpful can be overdone like anything else).

My intentions for Chelsea is not getting her to quit, (other than smoking) but to hang around better people and to avoiding wasting her time and resources on things (I. E drugs) and people (I. E. Dead beat boyfriend) that do not improve her life. By all means she should continue and if properly cleaned up, marketed, priced, monies earned invested, etc, she could retire completely self sufficient within 10 years. How many on this board would like be able to do that?

Anywho you can mistrust my intentions all you like but only myself and God need to know the truth. You are of coarse free to think as you please.

Member #4397
12-20-11, 13:20
Saw uncle leo parked outside ping today 12/20/11 around 11am or so. Avoid this place if you know whats good for you.

Member #4397
12-20-11, 13:21
Saw uncle leo parked outside today 12/20/11 around 11am. Avoid this place.

12-20-11, 14:44
A few months ago a guy in Ohio I always thought was okay made dates with 10 or so escorts, outcall to them. He used the address across the street from his, and sat looking out his window watching the escorts arrive one by one to knock at an unanswered door. He capped everything off by coming to the board to brad about it. And received a lot of positive responses.

Few appreciate the problems a woman has that bring her here. There is never an excuse for any of us to add to a woman's problems. We should see her or leave her alone.Not that there is an excuse for such behavior but I'm curious if this man was a victim of no showers himself. Evil have a way of being infectious.

12-20-11, 15:16
As some of you know she called offering to make it all up to me profusely apologizing and all. But now she will not respond to her email, text, and has turned off her phone. She reads the boards and still has not contacted me. It should be blindingly obvious by now I am not LE and she still chooses to act all spooked. It's weird, the last time I talked with her I asked if she was comfortable for sure about seeing me for this make up session. She said she was positive she checked me out further, and now she still acts this way. This girl cannot make her mind up for anything.

We all know she called you because you posted a long story about it on here. Yes she reads the boards. Maybe she read your postings. You seem to include every little detail of your experiences for all to read. Just maybe the ladies that read these posts and have a little intelligence have figured out that if they meet you, they will be the subject of your next novel. I understand you want to provide information to others as that is the purpose of this site. However, stick to the cliche phrases like "She was a very good provider","It was an enjoyable evening","She didn't answer my calls after I drove there","Would not repeat." People that want to know more can then PM you if they so chose and then you can tell the trusted members any details you feel relevant. And bashing providers is never a good way to make friends in the hobby on either side of playing field.

12-21-11, 03:08
We all know she called you because you posted a long story about it on here. Yes she reads the boards. Maybe she read your postings. You seem to include every little detail of your experiences for all to read. Just maybe the ladies that read these posts and have a little intelligence have figured out that if they meet you, they will be the subject of your next novel. I understand you want to provide information to others as that is the purpose of this site. However, stick to the cliche phrases like "She was a very good provider","It was an enjoyable evening","She didn't answer my calls after I drove there","Would not repeat." People that want to know more can then PM you if they so chose and then you can tell the trusted members any details you feel relevant. And bashing providers is never a good way to make friends in the hobby on either side of playing field.I agree in the past year, I've had more providers ask me if I know about this board and even try to get info about what people are saying. I say that I don't really go on here and that it's just like anything else on review on yelp. Only do it if the service was really awesome or really horrible. I've had two that didn't short the time because they wanted good reviews and asked me.

Specifically to put it out there without the details but link to their backpage.

12-22-11, 00:14
We all know she called you because you posted a long story about it on here. Yes she reads the boards. Maybe she read your postings. You seem to include every little detail of your experiences for all to read. Just maybe the ladies that read these posts and have a little intelligence have figured out that if they meet you, they will be the subject of your next novel. I understand you want to provide information to others as that is the purpose of this site. However, stick to the cliche phrases like "She was a very good provider","It was an enjoyable evening","She didn't answer my calls after I drove there","Would not repeat." People that want to know more can then PM you if they so chose and then you can tell the trusted members any details you feel relevant. And bashing providers is never a good way to make friends in the hobby on either side of playing field.Yes, she did contact me and offered me a discount rate. I said I'd call her in less than one week which I did several times, and texted, and emailed me. I'm sorry but she's blowing me off after offering to make it up. In short she has no credibility in my eyes.

Secondly any provider could ask me not to review them and I would and have honored that. In fact I've asked several who said they did not care about the details. In fact some posted explicit pictures onto of my reviews.

What I happen write proves nothing. As I've said before I like writing fiction. In a court of law my posts would not stand. I do not leave contact information on the board, but I suppose some could figure it out. I leave it up to the girls to do the proper screening. Anyone that calls them pretty much has something illicit in mind whether or not it is written down here on the board. And if it just happens to be LEO he is not fooled which escorts are which as many more escorts than not are FS.

Finally I challenge you to go through this board and you can find tons of information and details about girls reviewed even by very respected members of this board. This is an information board and I'm doing exactly that, giving information. You can read tons of similar things on other review boards with as much detail as I have given and more. Just because you follow the philosophy of minimalism when it comes to reviewing does not mean you have to project this choice onto other members of this board.

Stray Cat
12-22-11, 11:25
Luchi, I've talked to Jenny / Stacey about your situation, and I know some other girls who have seen you. Yes, she told you she'd make it up to you. She ultimately decided not to, and she should have been honest with you. In the meantime, after seeing your posting on Backpage about her, she has decided to leave the business. She was a terrific provider, who is now gone. I suppose it's possible she'll come back someday, but I think you helped chase her away, frankly.

Because of your behavior, I think you need to hear what the girls are saying about you; perhaps it will soften your stance about Jenny / Stacey's behavior and keep you from chasing more girls out of the business. I'm writing this publicly because I think it's important for all hobbyists to hear.


The girls don't feel you are clean enough. And it makes it hard for them to be with you. I know for a fact there are at least ten girls that won't see you because of this.

I think the girls are giving up a lot by seeing us, and the least we should do is bathe and brush our teeth.

Jenny / Stacey should have told you your hygiene was bad and she couldn't see you again because of that. She made a mistake, and you made sure she paid for it.

Yes, she did contact me and offered me a discount rate. I said I'd call her in less than one week which I did several times, and texted, and emailed me. I'm sorry but she's blowing me off after offering to make it up. In short she has no credibility in my eyes.

Secondly any provider could ask me not to review them and I would and have honored that. In fact I've asked several who said they did not care about the details. In fact some posted explicit pictures onto of my reviews.

What I happen write proves nothing. As I've said before I like writing fiction. In a court of law my posts would not stand. I do not leave contact information on the board, but I suppose some could figure it out. I leave it up to the girls to do the proper screening. Anyone that calls them pretty much has something illicit in mind whether or not it is written down here on the board. And if it just happens to be LEO he is not fooled which escorts are which as many more escorts than not are FS.

Finally I challenge you to go through this board and you can find tons of information and details about girls reviewed even by very respected members of this board. This is an information board and I'm doing exactly that, giving information. You can read tons of similar things on other review boards with as much detail as I have given and more. Just because you follow the philosophy of minimalism when it comes to reviewing does not mean you have to project this choice onto other members of this board.

12-22-11, 11:40
I keep seeing this provider on BP, and there are a couple of earlier posts asking about her, but I don't see any responses. Looks TGTBT.


Forgot It
12-22-11, 15:20
Luchi, I've talked to Jenny / Stacey about your situation, and I know some other girls who have seen you. Yes, she told you she'd make it up to you. She ultimately decided not to, and she should have been honest with you. In the meantime, after seeing your posting on Backpage about her, she has decided to leave the business. She was a terrific provider, who is now gone. I suppose it's possible she'll come back someday, but I think you helped chase her away, frankly.

Because of your behavior, I think you need to hear what the girls are saying about you; perhaps it will soften your stance about Jenny / Stacey's behavior and keep you from chasing more girls out of the business. I'm writing this publicly because I think it's important for all hobbyists to hear.


The girls don't feel you are clean enough. And it makes it hard for them to be with you. I know for a fact there are at least ten girls that won't see you because of this.

I think the girls are giving up a lot by seeing us, and the least we should do is bathe and brush our teeth.

Jenny / Stacey should have told you your hygiene was bad and she couldn't see you again because of that. She made a mistake, and you made sure she paid for it.She is on sipsap and I'm pretty sure it's current. F / I

Forgot It
12-22-11, 15:27
I keep seeing this provider on BP, and there are a couple of earlier posts asking about her, but I don't see any responses. Looks TGTBT.

http://bloomingtonin.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/100-incall-back-in-town-4pm-call-and-book-now-23/5360404You know the saying,"If it appears too good to be true... ." She is on N / R under Bloomington section, escort, with no reviews, account last active two weeks ago. I would wait, IMHO.

F / I

12-22-11, 15:45
You know the saying,"If it appears too good to be true." She is on N / R under Bloomington section, escort, with no reviews, account last active two weeks ago. I would wait, IMHO.

F / IA little more research reveals that the photos are of some celebrity, so telling what you may end up with. Pass

12-22-11, 16:04
Anyone know anything about this "Slim and Mature" southsider?


Hialeah Tina
12-22-11, 16:07
I'm glad you tricks have somewhere to talk about service.

12-22-11, 17:54
Luchi, I've talked to Jenny / Stacey about your situation, and I know some other girls who have seen you. Yes, she told you she'd make it up to you. She ultimately decided not to, and she should have been honest with you. In the meantime, after seeing your posting on Backpage about her, she has decided to leave the business. She was a terrific provider, who is now gone. I suppose it's possible she'll come back someday, but I think you helped chase her away, frankly.

Because of your behavior, I think you need to hear what the girls are saying about you; perhaps it will soften your stance about Jenny / Stacey's behavior and keep you from chasing more girls out of the business. I'm writing this publicly because I think it's important for all hobbyists to hear.


The girls don't feel you are clean enough. And it makes it hard for them to be with you. I know for a fact there are at least ten girls that won't see you because of this.

I think the girls are giving up a lot by seeing us, and the least we should do is bathe and brush our teeth.

Jenny / Stacey should have told you your hygiene was bad and she couldn't see you again because of that. She made a mistake, and you made sure she paid for it.Maybe more time should be spent under the shower instead of doing all this "creative" writing. A novel idea don't you think?

After hearing a like comment from a provider more than thirty years ago, every effort is made to ensure that all is clean when showing up, just like you would (should) if you were going on a date. With all the talk about GFE, we should do our part to make it pleasant for the ladies. Speaking of pleasant, bad queef while trying to be a canine, equals instant loss of attention. One of our locals took the drive out of my sails with her foul wind a while back. No returns on this one! Too bad, she was fairly cute and very accommodating.

Let's clean up our act.

12-22-11, 18:01
Anyone know anything about this "Slim and Mature" southsider?

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sexy-mama-super-friendly-slim-and-mature-37/5393703I was going to write full review last night then decided to wait. I will get it up soon, the short story is she is a little quirky, not in a bad way at all, but probably may not be everyone's cup of tea. Nice little body, obviously not her pics but nice and I'll explain more, but I am not at all surprised she doesn't have a huge list of clients yet but that the majority of her dates are repeats. She was serious fun, personally can't wait to see her again, it was hot and fun as hell. Don't let the calm exterior fool you, girl is a blast. More to come

12-22-11, 20:51
Anyone TOFTT on these either of Trinity or Alliyah on BP yet? The young blonde, Trinity is just too cute to be doing this. Staying at a nicer hotel in Castleton, though I couldn't go see her today. I called, she said she's new, so no reviews. Of course,"I don't discuss things over the phone" when I asked if she was GFE. I have to guess she's either bait & switch, or doesn't offer what we're looking for here. But if someone knows different, let me know. PM if you'd like.




Freckle Freak
12-22-11, 23:41
I'm writing this publicly because I think it's important for all hobbyists to hear.Sorry Stray Cat, It didn't need to be public. You are probably a provider or friend of Stacy and that is ok if you are, and if your are not. You should have communicated this through a PM not in public. Belive it or not, what you have said is nothing new, even to many hobbyists on this board. The only thing you accomplish with your post as a newbie is to light fires and create drama.

Those windmills are chasing me now my friend.


PS. OTC Freckles at Babes from 3 to 9.

12-23-11, 10:22
Anyone know anything about this "Slim and Mature" southsider?

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sexy-mama-super-friendly-slim-and-mature-37/5393703I posted about this topic a week ago or so.

12-23-11, 10:25
I'm glad you tricks have somewhere to talk about service.I sense some anger and innate self-loathing, based probably on one's choice of vocation. Sad, sad, sad. And so close to the holidays. I trust you find some piece Tina.

Forgot It
12-23-11, 10:26
I'm glad you tricks have somewhere to talk about service.That is the idea of the board and has served us well. F / I

12-23-11, 11:13
Luchi, I've talked to Jenny / Stacey about your situation, and I know some other girls who have seen you. Yes, she told you she'd make it up to you. She ultimately decided not to, and she should have been honest with you. In the meantime, after seeing your posting on Backpage about her, she has decided to leave the business. She was a terrific provider, who is now gone. I suppose it's possible she'll come back someday, but I think you helped chase her away, frankly.

Because of your behavior, I think you need to hear what the girls are saying about you; perhaps it will soften your stance about Jenny / Stacey's behavior and keep you from chasing more girls out of the business. I'm writing this publicly because I think it's important for all hobbyists to hear.


The girls don't feel you are clean enough. And it makes it hard for them to be with you. I know for a fact there are at least ten girls that won't see you because of this.

I think the girls are giving up a lot by seeing us, and the least we should do is bathe and brush our teeth.

Jenny / Stacey should have told you your hygiene was bad and she couldn't see you again because of that. She made a mistake, and you made sure she paid for it.I guess I'm not the only creative writer on this board. I know at least half of what you are saying is complete and utter BS as I always shower, shave, brush, and dress up before seeing any escort. For the most part I have not had any problems seeing escorts but have had a few no shows and discontinued service for fear that I was LE. Stacey claimed she saw someone come early (I was 5 minutes early but did not call till 2 minutes late) wandering around the hotel with a P coat. I do own a very nice sailors jacket. Wearing a sailors jacket that does not make me a cop but it was enough to spook her. And I severely doubt she even got close enough to get a whiff of me.

As for Kayla fear of me being LE was the major factor as she was still calling my cell phone long after I left telling me to quit knocking on her door. I also I dressed up very nicely with a button up, slacks and dress shoes. Again she told me that some cop was going around all dressed up busting girls before she all but pushed me out the door for fear that I too was LE. Again, nothing about hygiene. Your tactics are akin to a disgruntled girl school girl who calls the boy she likes a smelly old poop.

12-23-11, 11:20
I was going to write full review last night then decided to wait. I will get it up soon, the short story is she is a little quirky, not in a bad way at all, but probably may not be everyone's cup of tea. Nice little body, obviously not her pics but nice and I'll explain more, but I am not at all surprised she doesn't have a huge list of clients yet but that the majority of her dates are repeats. She was serious fun, personally can't wait to see her again, it was hot and fun as hell. Don't let the calm exterior fool you, girl is a blast. More to comeThat's too bad about the pictures. That exaggerated hourglass in the picture on the sofa made my eyes cross.

Regarding hygiene, I treat my visits with ladies just like dates. I go nicely dressed, freshly showered, well groomed. I think about how I would feel if the roles were reversed.

12-23-11, 11:58
Anyone have experience with this girl? She'll be visiting next week. I know she's visited Indy in the past and am hoping someone has some info on her.

Here's her link:

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/BodyRubs/sexy-exotic-seductress-visiting-treat-yourself-with-a-massage-second-to-none-23/4868019A very nice erotic shower and massage at an upscale hotel downtown. Very athletic and stunning looks, especially if you like large natural breasts. Took her time and not a clock watcher at all. I'm not sure if anything else is on the menu as I didn't make it past some L1. It wasn't that she was aggressively trying to finish me that way and slowed down when I warned her but she had my motor running hot and I didn't warn her in time. $.5.

I had a very nice time with her and will likely repeat when she is back in town.

12-23-11, 17:52

Anyone seen her before?

Does she look legit or TGTBT?

12-24-11, 00:20
Anyone know anything about this "Slim and Mature" southsider?

I was going to write full review last night then decided to wait. I will get it up soon, the short story is she is a little quirky, not in a bad way at all, but probably may not be everyone's cup of tea. Nice little body, obviously not her pics but nice and I'll explain more, but I am not at all surprised she doesn't have a huge list of clients yet but that the majority of her dates are repeats. She was serious fun, personally can't wait to see her again, it was hot and fun as hell. Don't let the calm exterior fool you, girl is a blast. More to comeAs luck would have it, I had the opportunity to walk into a room with Allison waiting to meet me. Your short review is pretty spot on. Her description in the ads are accurate. She is very fun. She has the rare gift of being able to determine what the guy loves almost immediately without having to ask. She pushed every one of my buttons the right way and I never gave her any clues. She loves to make eye contact. She is one I will visit again.

12-24-11, 00:30

The pictures caught my eye as I tend to like natural D cups. Research turned up nothing so I gave Racquel a call. She asked if I wanted 2 or 4 hands. 1/2 or 1 hour. Special today was $ for 4 handed hour. I arrived at location and was told to wait 10 more minutes. Finally got in to hotel room. The girls are the ones in the pics, except both are blonde now. They were neatly dressed. Again asked if I wanted 2 or 4 handed and 1/2 or 1 hour. Stated price again and took care of that. Allowed me to get as comfortable as I wanted. Shared a bottle of lotion and both started massaging. Nice relaxing massage and appear to both know how to massage. They are legit. The pictures reveal more than you will see in person. They told me time was up and as I was getting dressed, I noticed it had only been 35 minutes. Oh well. They are nice young ladies that did make my body feel better in most places.

12-26-11, 11:03
Anyone have any report on this one? Aviator glasses make her look like a state trooper.



12-26-11, 16:30
Any reports on Tya? She appears to be straight-up massage.


12-26-11, 17:42
Any reports on Tya? She appears to be straight-up massage.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/TherapeuticMassage/massagebytya/5468686Is that a child, possibly her daughter by her looks on a backpage add? I don't think that picture should be there. Isn't that inapropriate. Maybe its me.

12-26-11, 21:39
Saw Jayla


Good times, cute little Latina. Pics aren't real said she had tattoos that might I'd her, however the pics are a very close representation. Pm for details.

12-27-11, 01:33
Is that a child, possibly her daughter by her looks on a backpage add? I don't think that picture should be there. Isn't that inapropriate. Maybe its me.I had to comment on your post Inndy, I totally agree it is inappropriate not only for backpage but on this forum as well. I have been trolling for a while on here and that had to be the most disturbing thing I have seen yet while pondering my new hobby.

12-27-11, 02:03
Is that a child, possibly her daughter by her looks on a backpage add? I don't think that picture should be there. Isn't that inapropriate. Maybe its me.It shouldn't be there. But I suspect that she and many others don't realize what we are thinking when we read the words "therapeutic massage". I suspect naiveté rather than anything abusive. I hope anyway.

12-27-11, 02:48
It's against the law, Federal Law, about minors in pics of this nature.

The exact thing happened to an escort in Kentucky about 10 years ago. It was a blog. The child was very young, There was no nudity. But it was an adult site.

The X-husband / father was the least of her problems.

Anal Hankerin
12-27-11, 14:09
It's against the law, Federal Law, about minors in pics of this nature.

The exact thing happened to an escort in Kentucky about 10 years ago. It was a blog. The child was very young, There was no nudity. But it was an adult site.

The X-husband / father was the least of her problems.Sorry, but some of you possibly are on the wrong page with this one.

Tya advertises in the "Therapeutic Massage" section of BP. There is a difference between that and a "Body Rub". There are several 'legitimate' therapist who practice on minors and even infants. Her ad mentions sports and injuries, nothing sexual, so why are so many of you defaming her without even knowing her business?. No, I have not seen her. I am just stating the facts. Do a little research before you slam someone gentlemen. Not all ads are for the monger. A. Hankerin

12-27-11, 15:16
Any reports on Tya? She appears to be straight-up massage.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/TherapeuticMassage/massagebytya/5468686Met with Tya and had a very legitimate massage. Seems to know her stuff and helped with the "sports" related injuries I had. Took the full hour and worked out all the knots and pains. Would certainly use again for those sport related injuries. Nuff said.

12-27-11, 16:34
I just wanted all to know I just left from seeing Kayla again and upon arriving she looked and smelled Great. You all owe it too yourself to experience Kayla, this year or in the New Year.

12-27-11, 16:58
I'm glad you tricks have somewhere to talk about service lmao I found my review on here of course its good.

I'm glad you tricks have somewhere to talk about service.My dear child, your words are so hurtful to me, to us, and so venomous. I can tell that behind them though is a hurt little child; crying out for attention and affection that is missing in their life. What has hurt you so that has caused you to lash out like this? What has injured your soul, what injustice was put upon you? Talk to me, I am here for you. You should know that this forum is really just part of a support group afflicted with a need to put thoughts and deeds that they know are inappropriate into a verbal form so that they don't feel the need to act upon them. All fiction, but a valuable vehicle in our recovery from an overwhelming desire to seek sex, but these works of fiction allow us to speak of our thoughts in a way that we can keep those demons at bay, and provide us help in one step of the program we are trying to work. So let me help you, as those here have helped me, to find peace and acceptance. I will take you without reservation or conditions, just as I hope you will come to accept me in the same fashion. Lean on me when your not stroooong, I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry oooon. (sic)

12-27-11, 17:56
A provider friend of mine, and yes she is a real friend, in and out of the hobby, recently hit me up and said she thought that perhaps it would be best if in the future we keep our relationship limited to our original form, and that it would be best to leave the professional part of it on the shelf, because it was apparent from my words and actions that I only preferred young hot providers and not someone of a more mature nature. I was a little hurt and somewhat indignant, and as soon as I finished my date with an extremely hot 20 YO extreme utr I told her so, though not in so many words. But she did get me to thinking, and as I reported here I revamped, or rather Teresa, revamped our relationship and helped me see that more mature providers have often more to offer than that incredible 20 yo body who was there but not connected did. So, when a friend suggested that they thought Allison would be some one I would enjoy meeting I decided to take the plunge.

I knew the pics were only representative, and is always the case that is sometimes a little tough to get your mind around, but I do understand it. Is she the girl in the pics, no, and maybe there are more representative ones that could be used, but from many agencies I have seen girls who really were the girls in the pics but were in life no closer to their portfolio than Allison. She met me at the outside door, and what I saw was an attractive but uninspiring looking woman. Nice but non-descript business dress, very long very straight dark hair, and she was very understated in her make up. We went to her room, and instead of having to have Jersey Shore or Teen Mom on the TV she had on the History channel and was in the process was reading a sizable and significant final book in a well known series. So here is the first caveat, she is a little quirky, not in any bad way, but not some overtly dressed cliche looking type of provider, but smart with a personality all her own. If I were to see her as I met her in a bar, I would have noticed her because I pride myself on seeing what others may overlook, but she wouldn't have the entire room staring, and I admit I would have probably underestimated her potential. Her look is conservative, almost fundamentalist in nature for anyone who would have seen her coming to meet me. All that being said, She undressed rather soon and exposed under the conservative exterior, a nice bra and panty set, with thigh highs and garters, and a killer body. I believe that her stated age is probably, and unusually, spot on, and her listed measurements are correct. She is not a 20yo hard body, and she has the signs associated with a 37 yo MILF, but it is really a nice little body, good legs, really cute ass, and the breasts, though enhanced, when standing or laying are really nice, though at some angles and positions combined with a very petite though shapely package, you can tell they aren't original equipment, and I can say that because I saw lots of positions and angles to determine this. So much for the hardware, don't always judge a book by its cover.

For the software description, it was superb. She is new I think to the hobby, don't really know for fact but I believe her, but she has a good grip on what a man likes. I think I have mentioned before that I normally abhor CBJ, and that CBJ never gets a GFE rating, but if anyone were to change my mind, might be Allison, for reasons I won't detail, but I will say that she had me climbing the walls with that long before we got to other things. She was extrememly responsive, sexy in sound and movement, and into it in such a total way, that if it was just acting or not, I didn't care, it was hot and intense and immensely satisfying, all the things that my date with the 20 yo hard body wasn't. Once finished and relaxing, her affectionate and sexual way about her, had me thinking we weren't close to done, in fact when she asked me if I had time to go again, it was a moot point because she really never let me lose "attention". The thing was, I had no idea if I had time or not. It seemed as if we had been going for quite a while, and I was sure halfway through the first go round that there would never be time to do anymore and I was sure I was fine with that do to the high satisfaction level. I never felt rushed, never felt the clock to be ticking, as a matter of fact she had even positioned it so that it wasn't seen from where we were, a small and I assumed intentional act, but even if not it was refreshing and relaxing. And it stayed that way until I went out the door.

I wasn't going to write another novel, I have been off of that for a while until my recent time with T, and then to back up that experience with meeting Allison, I felt I needed to once again give a little more detail. There are some cons to Allison that may not resonate with some, she is not very young, the different look and personality, assume she is a smoker though neither she nor the room smelled of it at all, her choice in friends perhaps, LOL, but it was an excellent experience, I understand why a lot of her dates are repeats and longer time frames. I fully intend to see her again, no reservations what so ever. Sorry for the book, but hey it's Christmas time, I cut a whole bunch of this report out as a present to everyone. Season's Greetings

Two Nutts
12-27-11, 18:44
I'm glad you tricks have somewhere to talk about service.Thanks Mr. Jackson for letting us tricks talk about service

12-28-11, 09:11
A provider friend of mine, and yes she is a real friend, in and out of the hobby, recently hit me up and said she thought that perhaps it would be best if in the future we keep our relationship limited to our original form, and that it would be best to leave the professional part of it on the shelf, because it was apparent from my words and actions that I only preferred young hot providers and not someone of a more mature nature. I was a little hurt and somewhat indignant, and as soon as I finished my date...My first public post (numerous PMs) since my return (tonto2037 previously) and all I want to say is that Ilapp is "spot on" as it relates to Allison. Well said Illap even though a "short story" for you! Only kidding! Accurate in detail, she's a repeat for sure!

12-28-11, 10:11
Looks like we must have played on the same day (don't believe she wears the same outfit every day). You are right though she looks like someone that should be working in a library instead of a hotel. Underneath those clothes is a pretty well kept MILF (I just love them) that really loves her job. Although I also would not consider her GFE, she sure is fun. She is starting to get many repeat customers and her schedule is getting tight as I discovered this week. Had an appointment to see her again drove there, knocked and was greeted by Allison in the nude and asking me to come back in an hour. Don't think so. So, if one of you was rudely interupted during your fun sorry, but you were playing during my time! As I was driving off Allison called to apologized and asked if I wanted to see Kayla. Had never seen Kayla but I certainly remember all the drama on the board. Still, I had time, the nutts were full and I had no back up. Don't normally just jump in but I said sure why not. Can this be considered a bait and switch? Dunno but the switch was much hotter than the bait!

Kayla, looks great! She has the hot MILF body type that drives me craaazzzzy. I found no drama that day, just a fun time with a great looking lady who wanted to please. I did bring up the drama from months past and she seemed genuinely concerned that she has gotten a bad rap. She explained it away to my satisfaction, but I must admit having a hot woman naked in front of me she could have explained away the mortage crises and I would have felt bad for the bankers. Since most members have complained about the second appointment I am a little concerned about setting up another. But I will. Can the second, third, and fouth appointment be as hot as the first? I will find out and report.

Illap, if I was after you that is just grroooss.

12-28-11, 10:23
Saw Jayla.


Good times, cute little Latina. Pics aren't real said she had tattoos that might I'd her, however the pics are a very close representation. Pm for details.I had the opportunity to see Jayla a couple of weeks ago. Very easy to set up. I agree that she is a cute latina, but I was surprised that her back side was a bit bigger than I expected from conversation. She was extremely friendly and attentive. She likes to kiss and roll around a bit in a flirty fashion which was a nice change. All in all a really nice time and nearly GFE. No clock watching and never a word about the donation.


12-28-11, 11:40
Hi Guys,

I have seen Kayla several times! What a body! Of course her Service is great too! I'm looking for someone similar to Kayla? Any suggestions from you guys that know her? I'm just looking for a pinch hitter! Please let me know of any ideas!

Thanks Indy

12-28-11, 15:15
My first public post (numerous PMs) since my return (tonto2037 previously) and all I want to say is that Ilapp is "spot on" as it relates to Allison. Well said Illap even though a "short story" for you! Only kidding! Accurate in detail, she's a repeat for sure!Always good to hear from an old friend.

12-28-11, 15:21
Looks like we must have played on the same day (don't believe she wears the same outfit every day). You are right though she looks like someone that should be working in a library instead of a hotel. Underneath those clothes is a pretty well kept MILF (I just love them) that really loves her job. Although I also would not consider her GFE, she sure is fun. She is starting to get many repeat customers and her schedule is getting tight as I discovered this week. Had an appointment to see her again drove there, knocked and was greeted by Allison in the nude and asking me to come back in an hour. Don't think so. So, if one of you was rudely interupted during your fun sorry, but you were playing during my time! As I was driving off Allison called to apologized and asked if I wanted to see Kayla. Had never seen Kayla but I certainly remember all the drama on the board. Still, I had time, the nutts were full and I had no back up. Don't normally just jump in but I said sure why not. Can this be considered a bait and switch? Dunno but the switch was much hotter than the bait!

Kayla, looks great! She has the hot MILF body type that drives me craaazzzzy. I found no drama that day, just a fun time with a great looking lady who wanted to please. I did bring up the drama from months past and she seemed genuinely concerned that she has gotten a bad rap. She explained it away to my satisfaction, but I must admit having a hot woman naked in front of me she could have explained away the mortage crises and I would have felt bad for the bankers. Since most members have complained about the second appointment I am a little concerned about setting up another. But I will. Can the second, third, and fouth appointment be as hot as the first? I will find out and report.

Illap, if I was after you that is just grroooss.Well if it was the same day, well all I can say is ask Freckle Freak how that goes, because I was an early bird. On the other hand, it was unintentional, unlike Freckle Freak's dates, but I am sure she only has so many outfits and probably cycles them through, so you may not have to loose sleep over it. And once again, it is good to see old familiar faces come out of the woodwork, so many new first timers lately makes me itchy.

12-28-11, 19:05

And here are other links that used the same phone number:



So I guess, maybe these girls belong to the same agency?

12-28-11, 20:28

And here are other links that used the same phone number:



So I guess, maybe these girls belong to the same agency?An agency is a possibility. Several girls using the same phone / scheduler is a possibility. So is a scam.

Check these out:



Also check out Caller I'd Look Up on this number: http://cidlookup.com/lookup/3177280766/


1. Google the phone as an exact phrase.

2. Google the email addy as an exact phrase.

3. Run every pic through Google Images. Forget using TinEye. Com. Tin Eye's inventory of images is too small to be useful.

4. Run the phone through Caller I'd Look Up.

P.S. Do the above on this girl and you'll find the links Jackson's software took out. [backwards: ythguan sweiver]

12-28-11, 23:59
http://www.myproviderguide.com/escorts/indianapolis/free-posts/w4m/4085917_holiday-time-sweet-petite-trea.htmlThis picture showed up a lot several months ago. I thought it was one of the Jennifer's that used it or maybe it was a Stacey.

12-29-11, 00:42
Looks like we must have played on the same day (don't believe she wears the same outfit every day). You are right though she looks like someone that should be working in a library instead of a hotel. Underneath those clothes is a pretty well kept MILF (I just love them) that really loves her job. Although I also would not consider her GFE, she sure is fun. She is starting to get many repeat customers and her schedule is getting tight as I discovered this week. Had an appointment to see her again drove there, knocked and was greeted by Allison in the nude and asking me to come back in an hour. Don't think so. So, if one of you was rudely interupted during your fun sorry, but you were playing during my time! As I was driving off Allison called to apologized and asked if I wanted to see Kayla. Had never seen Kayla but I certainly remember all the drama on the board. Still, I had time, the nutts were full and I had no back up. Don't normally just jump in but I said sure why not. Can this be considered a bait and switch? Dunno but the switch was much hotter than the bait!If I were to write a description of Allison, I would simply say ditto to Illap's. I met with her two or three weeks back, and I was happy with my time. She's a very passionate woman.

However, seeing as how Numbnutts had a bad experience with her scheduling, I feel I should add mine to the mix. I only live about 20 minutes from her incall location. After talking earlier in the day and setting a one hour appointment, I told her I would text her when I was on my way. 20 minutes before our appointment, and right before I left my house, I sent a text, which received an "ok". When I arrived at her location, I either called or texted (can't remember which) , that I was there. She asked if I could give her 30 minutes. I wasn't pissed but miffed. I could have been sitting on my couch rather than in a hotel parking lot. It wasn't the end of the world, nor was it the end of the world when I finally got into her room and was told that she only had 30 minutes available. However, I should have been notified of the schedule change, both start time and a half hour being taken off of our planned rendez-vous. My "I'm on my way" text should have received a "I'm running a half hour late, and I only have a half hour to spare". I thought this was pretty disrespectful. I get over things pretty easily, and this is one of those things. As mentioned, the service was good. Allison, if you're reading this, give yourself a half hour or so between appointments. Don't make people sit in parking lots, come to a door to be blown off (and not in a good way) by a naked you, or change the scheduled amount of time once someone has their pants down to their ankles.

12-29-11, 02:04
The caller I'd site should come in handy in the future. Your other info is very handy too. Helps us old timer mongers keep abreast of the new fangled stuff out there and potentially out of trouble or at least save some cash.

12-29-11, 10:58
This picture showed up a lot several months ago. I thought it was one of the Jennifer's that used it or maybe it was a Stacey.What makes me confused is that, at NR. Com, that picture is said to be real picture for Taylor. It is suprising that the picture is real, but I tend to trust it as there are two reviews there approving the picture.

However, when the same picture showed up recently, it was under a different name.

I think maybe other girls under the same agency just borrowed the picture of their ex-colleague Taylor? Anyway, I tried to contact Taylor, too, but couldn't get through.

12-29-11, 12:27
Anyone partake in this?


I prefer incall else I'd give her a try.


12-29-11, 14:07
What makes me confused is that, at NR. Com, that picture is said to be real picture for Taylor. It is suprising that the picture is real, but I tend to trust it as there are two reviews there approving the picture.

However, when the same picture showed up recently, it was under a different name.

I think maybe other girls under the same agency just borrowed the picture of their ex-colleague Taylor? Anyway, I tried to contact Taylor, too, but couldn't get through.Sorry, not nr. Com. It's theeroticreview. Com

12-29-11, 17:37
Sounds like it belongs in the S&M thread, if we had one. .


Anyone partake in this?


I prefer incall else I'd give her a try.


12-29-11, 19:39
I have had absolutely zero luck calling either person but I only call in the evening or at night.

Do I have to call during the day or are they just too busy?

12-29-11, 20:26
I have had absolutely zero luck calling either person but I only call in the evening or at night.

Do I have to call during the day or are they just too busy?Day is best. BTW my second appointment with Kayla was even better than the first. She sure knows how to push my buttons. She was wearing some nice tight dark jeans that squeezed her butt just right. I just couldn't keep my hands off her ass (and everything else). My only regret is that I took too long to see her. Glad the drama is behind her and I certainly hope it stays there.

Keep in the mind there is an answering service that takes their calls. No issues, they respond quickly (if the ladies are available). As stated earlier two very different ladies (in looks) but both perform extremely well. If you want the slim mature (and very conservative looking) lady, see Allison. If you want the thirty year old hot stripper body that knows how to get you off in minutes see Kayla (not because she is rushing you either). Have fun. If you have enjoyed the incredible Ms T you will like Kayla.

12-29-11, 20:27
Who talk the talk but getting them to be professional enough to answer phone calls or responding to messages, texts or emails is like a miracle. Ladies who advertise and don't follow through should be publically outted just as men should. This is a business not a time wasting exercise. Yes I know they don't sit at home waiting on our calls and have their lives but sending a text, or short email is not mentally challenging to most people, male or female. Those on both sides with records of being physchos should be ignored in the business. Just my. 02 cents worth. Mack

12-29-11, 23:28
CNN is probing into BP, thanks to the sicko (s) that killed four BP escorts in Detroit By probing, I mean raising the profile, trying to back BP spokespeople into a corner during interviews, citing trafficking of minors, etc. I see BP going the way of CL. Once CL got similar treatment, it was the beginning of the end for their adult sections. This should be interesting to watch. If so, something else will fill the void. It always does.

12-30-11, 00:19
Hi Senior:

Chasing girl in BP is so tired to me. Any suggestion I pay is better.doggie, redbook, p411. Etc?

An agency is a possibility. Several girls using the same phone / scheduler is a possibility. So is a scam.

Check these out:



Also check out Caller I'd Look Up on this number:



1. Google the phone as an exact phrase.

2. Google the email addy as an exact phrase.

3. Run every pic through Google Images. Forget using TinEye. Com. Tin Eye's inventory of images is too small to be useful.

4. Run the phone through Caller I'd Look Up.

P. S. Do the above on this girl and you'll find the links Jackson's software took out. [backwards: ythguan sweiver]

12-30-11, 01:53
If I were to write a description of Allison, I would simply say ditto to Illap's. I met with her two or three weeks back, and I was happy with my time. She's a very passionate woman.

However, seeing as how Numbnutts had a bad experience with her scheduling, I feel I should add mine to the mix. I only live about 20 minutes from her incall location. After talking earlier in the day and setting a one hour appointment, I told her I would text her when I was on my way. 20 minutes before our appointment, and right before I left my house, I sent a text, which received an "ok". When I arrived at her location, I either called or texted (can't remember which) , that I was there. She asked if I could give her 30 minutes. I wasn't pissed but miffed. I could have been sitting on my couch rather than in a hotel parking lot. It wasn't the end of the world, nor was it the end of the world when I finally got into her room and was told that she only had 30 minutes available. However, I should have been notified of the schedule change, both start time and a half hour being taken off of our planned rendez-vous. My "I'm on my way" text should have received a "I'm running a half hour late, and I only have a half hour to spare". I thought this was pretty disrespectful. I get over things pretty easily, and this is one of those things. As mentioned, the service was good. Allison, if you're reading this, give yourself a half hour or so between appointments. Don't make people sit in parking lots, come to a door to be blown off (and not in a good way) by a naked you, or change the scheduled amount of time once someone has their pants down to their ankles.I feel your pain brother. I'd be pissed too if an escort pulled that crap on me. Allison isn't by chance Stacey renamed? Trouble with the whole Stacey, Kayla, Allison pack is that though they are often reported to give good service they also from time to time pull stunts like this. At least she only wasted 30 minutes of your life and not 3 hrs. Well about 8 in total if you count Kayla freaking out on me TWICE! For her own flaked out reasons. Personally I will see none of these girls, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

I just wish more hobbyist stood together when girls are inconsistent. Apparently even the bad press seems to have created somewhat of a renewed interest. I'll never understand the psychology of people. Well maybe I do, but rather not focus on it.

Hope your next time goes better. From what I believe it all balances out in the end. If you have a shitty rash of experiences of no fault of your own eventually your due for some mind blowing ones. This of coarse is an axiom not a hard and fast rule.

Peace out :)

12-30-11, 04:38
Hi Senior:

Chasing girl in BP is so tired to me. Any suggestion I pay is better. Doggie, redbook, p411. Etc?Best place to find a girl is here:

USASG - Indianapolis - Escort Classified Ads - Posted by Escorts - No Reviews or Commentary

No sense looking anywhere else.

12-30-11, 05:50
Just frequent the ones who give good service, know how to be professioal in their communication and don't short you time or fail to communicate back with you in a timely manner. This shorting of time by some of the same ladies, no shows, and failure to get back with meaningful responses deserves no business from us and same for guys who don't conduct themselves in the same manner. Get rid of the time wasters, no shows and the paranoidal people. Totally too many quality ladies who know how to make it happen. The rest need to be cleaned out, guys and ladies. HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Freckle Freak
12-30-11, 11:44
For those of you that want to check her out before the session. This one works at HH and starts around 6 pm sometimes earlier and sometimes later. She goes by the name of Sparkles. Not GFE, one shot, quick and no DATY. I think she is hot but not worth the $$$ she wants for playtime.



PS. Very freckled lady with an attitude.

12-30-11, 13:03
Get OVER it brother. Gawd forbid if someone really did you wrong.

Stacy / Jenny had her reasons, you were not a completely innocent by-stander in this event; (from what I've read).

The girl has way too much pos feedback for you to keep trashing her like you are doing here. Be a Man and let this shite go brother.

Your continued drum beat here is a poor reflection on you and should be noted by others. Whether that be contributors, providers, et al. I'm just sayin. Get the F*ck over it!

I feel your pain brother. I'd be pissed too if an escort pulled that crap on me. Allison isn't by chance Stacey renamed? Trouble with the whole Stacey, Kayla, Allison pack is that though they are often reported to give good service they also from time to time pull stunts like this. At least she only wasted 30 minutes of your life and not 3 hrs. Well about 8 in total if you count Kayla freaking out on me TWICE! For her own flaked out reasons. Personally I will see none of these girls, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

I just wish more hobbyist stood together when girls are inconsistent. Apparently even the bad press seems to have created somewhat of a renewed interest. I'll never understand the psychology of people. Well maybe I do, but rather not focus on it.

Hope your next time goes better. From what I believe it all balances out in the end. If you have a shitty rash of experiences of no fault of your own eventually your due for some mind blowing ones. This of coarse is an axiom not a hard and fast rule.

Peace out.

12-30-11, 18:30
Visited Melanie for a massage.


The massage was in her home. The table was in the living room, right by the front door, which was a bit strange. The massage was very, very good. On the flip she massaged my scalp, face, head, chest, shoulders and was very thorough. A brief discussion was had and I went home satisfied and with an excellent massage. I would recommend her more for the therapy than anything else. I can give more details in PM.

12-30-11, 18:37
So, I had an itch today, and looked to BP to scratch it. Called Carlee due to some positive reviews along with the negs. I walked out as soon as I saw her. I don't know what some of you guys are thinking.

So, I decided to take a chance on Trinity:


I almost left when I got there, not because she isn't cute, because she's exactly the girl in the pics. As always, reality is only nearly as good as pics, but she's as close as anyone I've ever seen to living up to hers. But she's not GFE, no kissing, and that usually sends me for the door. But she's just so damn cute! Some of the nicest natural DD's I've ever played with. Clean, cute, a little pricey for an hour w / o GFE, but I took a half for $.5. I recommend for any breast men, or anyone else that can live w / o GFE. She travels here and a few other places from out of state.


12-30-11, 18:41
Tried Angie a couple weeks back.


She's actually better looking than in her pictures. She was late, it ended up far too expensive after all the options, the massage was poor, she smelled like cigarettes and coffee, her place was a mess and the bed I got the massage on needed to have the sheets changed (The bed was pretty gross. I had pretty strong reservations about it, but then she got naked and I guess I'm just a sucker for hot naked girls) , and she needed to shave her legs. She however was very concerned that I went home happy (I did) and there were some very nice parts of the massage and she didn't mean to not give enough for the $$, she just didn't.

I won't go back, but I want to, if that makes any sense at all.

12-30-11, 22:02
Just frequent the ones who give good service, know how to be professioal in their communication and don't short you time or fail to communicate back with you in a timely manner. This shorting of time by some of the same ladies, no shows, and failure to get back with meaningful responses deserves no business from us and same for guys who don't conduct themselves in the same manner. Get rid of the time wasters, no shows and the paranoidal people. Totally too many quality ladies who know how to make it happen. The rest need to be cleaned out, guys and ladies. HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR.AMEN!

Thank you Big Mack (sigh of Relief)

BTW, Varoom yes I am innocent in both accounts with both Kayla and Stacey no matter how hard they try to spin it. Both were paranoid possibly feeding off one another. Both completely and utterly wasted my time needlessly. Stacey's offense was even worse in that not only did she exhort me not to stand her up but she failed to inform me once she decided not to give me service wasting another fucking hour of my time. IF this happened to you I severely doubt you'd be more gracious.

And to add insult on top of fucking injury Stacey had the gal to call me up and profusely apologize with promises to make it up to me then completely and then turn around and completely and utterly blow me off yet again wasting more of my time trying to call, email and text her till I got the hint. Once again she failed to learn the lesson.

She should have contacted me immediately once she made her decision to apologize and explain for whatever her reasons that she was not going to give me service. I have been severely disrespected and I have every damn right to be furious. Think what you want of me my ego isn't that precious I can't take hearing a contrary opinion.

I know others on this board that refuse to give an escort a second chance for such behavior and now I see why.

I never ever have stood up an escort. If I ever needed to change plans I called in advance. I never ever have received service and not paid. I never ever have been disrespectful and rude during service. This is more than I can say how a minority of escorts have treated me. It will not be tolerated by me and I suggest the same for everyone on this board.

I really think American men need to take lessons from our Latin brothers down South. I have been down to Brasil and it is a totally different mind set down there. I've had women stay with me all night for less than what many escorts her change for the hour and these women never ask for payment. You simply pay them when they leave without prompting and give them cab fare and they leave with a sincere smile.

There is a joke on the boards of the chicago section of world sex archives that the best play to find an escort is in the airport of terminal five. Now I'm beginning to see why.

Don't get me wrong I've had incredible experiences right here in the state, but the bullshit one has to wade through to find them can feel astounding at times.

Anyway I'm much more prepared than I was. Another lesson has been learned. I'm going to make doubly sure than there are no doubts before seeing a first time provider and if I have to deal with any bullshit I'm out the door. IF I even hear of a friend of an escort that has given me bad service I'll walk right past that door saving a tidal way off pissed off rants.

I am not remiss about my anger. Anger can be healthy in that it is our bodies way of telling us and other NO.

Well then. No shows, NO! Discontinued Service NO! Shorting Time NO! Fake Pictures NO! Crazy exorbitant prices NO! Arrogant Behavior NO! No FS NO! Lay there like a log service NO! Unhygienic providers NO! Respectful, honest, passionate, healthy of mind and body escorts YES, YES and More YES!

12-30-11, 22:37
This girl seems to interest me. I called her she claims to be relatively new. She sounded cordial but not super sweet. I definitely got a business vibe from her, but again cordial so she may still offer a good service. Any information or TOFTT would be appreciated. I might give her a try myself but it will have to be after the holidays.


12-30-11, 22:44
Opps, made a mistake. Should a have googled the number. There are at least five different escorts using that number including the well known charity. I don't know what's going on there. Maybe an escort is trying to madam for other escorts but I'm not risking. Still if one wants to TOFTT I'd be interested in knowing the details.


Two Nutts
12-30-11, 23:01
For those of you that want to check her out before the session. This one works at HH and starts around 6 pm sometimes earlier and sometimes later. She goes by the name of Sparkles. Not GFE, one shot, quick and no DATY. I think she is hot but not worth the $$$ she wants for playtime.



PS. Very freckled lady with an attitude.One of the worst lap dances I've ever had, I can't imagin giving her $$$ to hear her tell you how lucky you are to be with her. It would be nice to buy her for her worth and sell her for what she thinks her worth is.

12-31-11, 04:40
STFU already.

Man-O-Man Luchi, you are acting like such a D-bag over this. What the F. Do you expect to gain here other than ruining the rep of a provider, which you feel justified in doing; we ALL f*ing get that by now. The mere fact that you take NO responsiblity in this situation is also very telling. NO, NO, it isn't going to tell you Jack, because you aren't aware enough about that which others see clearly. And read here, but it is telling none-the-less.

So again, leave it be. But then again, it isn't within you to do so. Which again tells a tale here too. And you repose,"you had no part in how things turned out". D-Nile is not just a river in Africa, ya know. Dude, if you act anything like the way you act here on this board, when you are actually in communication with a provider, it is NO wonder that someone would stand you up. Surprised that it hasn't happened to you more often, and would certainly guess after your repeated hemorrhoidal rant here, that the frequency of any stand-ups will likely go up.

The bottom line is, when you scheduled with the lovely Stacy / Jenny you did NOT make it abundantly clear to her that you were not from the other side. That responsibility is upon you, as it is all of us to do so, and IF we leave or create any doubt this factor, then we have contributed to the circumstances of the debacle. But then you aren't man enough to admit same, are you?

[edit delete] BTW, Varoom yes I am innocent in both accounts with both Kayla and Stacey no matter how hard they try to spin it. Both were paranoid possibly feeding off one another. Both completely and utterly wasted my time needlessly. Stacey's offense was even worse in that not only did she exhort me not to stand her up but she failed to inform me once she decided not to give me service wasting another fucking hour of my time. IF this happened to you I severely doubt you'd be more gracious.

And to add insult on top of fucking injury Stacey had the gal to call me up and profusely apologize with promises to make it up to me then completely and then turn around and completely and utterly blow me off yet again wasting more of my time trying to call, email and text her till I got the hint. Once again she failed to learn the lesson.

She should have contacted me immediately once she made her decision to apologize and explain for whatever her reasons that she was not going to give me service. I have been severely disrespected and I have every damn right to be furious. Think what you want of me my ego isn't that precious I can't take hearing a contrary opinion.

I know others on this board that refuse to give an escort a second chance for such behavior and now I see why.

I never ever have stood up an escort. If I ever needed to change plans I called in advance. I never ever have received service and not paid. I never ever have been disrespectful and rude during service. This is more than I can say how a minority of escorts have treated me. It will not be tolerated by me and I suggest the same for everyone on this board.

12-31-11, 13:56
You assume I am rude to a provider because I complain when I am treated badly. This assumption is false to it's core. I was nothing but respectful to both Kayla and Stacey on the phone. It was not until I was treated badly that I bothered to say anything at all.

And yes I made it abundantly clear I was not LE. Both in word and offering of references. In fact the absolutely absurd thing is that Stacey confirmed with her friend nancy I was legit and she still chose to let her fears get the best of her. Why? In her reasoning it was because it was late at night (yeah 11 is real late) , I showed up early (5 minutes but did not call her till 2 minutes late) , wondered around the hotel (I did walk around the lobby area after using the bathroom only in an attempt to reach her by phone) and because I wore as she described it a p coat. All these were completely silly reasons which after my complaint she privately and public ally apologized. She was completely and utterly in the wrong and she knows it. And to make matters worse she promised to make things up to me then blew me off again. I'm sorry wrong is just wrong and just because she puts out to some guys does not mean her shit, nor yours for that matter doesn't stink.

STFU already.

Man-O-Man Luchi, you are acting like such a D-bag over this. What the F. Do you expect to gain here other than ruining the rep of a provider, which you feel justified in doing; we ALL f*ing get that by now. The mere fact that you take NO responsiblity in this situation is also very telling. NO, NO, it isn't going to tell you Jack, because you aren't aware enough about that which others see clearly. And read here, but it is telling none-the-less.

So again, leave it be. But then again, it isn't within you to do so. Which again tells a tale here too. And you repose,"you had no part in how things turned out". D-Nile is not just a river in Africa, ya know. Dude, if you act anything like the way you act here on this board, when you are actually in communication with a provider, it is NO wonder that someone would stand you up. Surprised that it hasn't happened to you more often, and would certainly guess after your repeated hemorrhoidal rant here, that the frequency of any stand-ups will likely go up.

The bottom line is, when you scheduled with the lovely Stacy / Jenny you did NOT make it abundantly clear to her that you were not from the other side. That responsibility is upon you, as it is all of us to do so, and IF we leave or create any doubt this factor, then we have contributed to the circumstances of the debacle. But then you aren't man enough to admit same, are you?

12-31-11, 16:28
I was going to let this go, but I'm just a little too pissed about it. So, for those that wish to slam me for it, go for it. I probably deserve it.

So, yesterday, as I reported, I went to see Carlee, then quickly thought otherwise upon experiencing reality versus the photos promised. Not for me. I shouldn't have slammed on her in the report as I did, but my miff with her was that she doesn't even remotely resemble the pictures. I don't like being mislead, and I'll call it out every time.

So, at 8:30 last night, my phone rings restricted. I had that phone on and with me, abnormally, because I was out running some errands w / o the fam-damily, and I was hoping for a call from someone on it. But it turns out, it's Carlee, pissed about my review and for wasting her time and letting me have it. In fairness, she wasn't overly rude, but was pissed because I walked out on her, according to her, the second time. That's of course possible, as I would have walked out any other time I saw her based on a complete lack of attraction to her, but I truly don't think that's occurred before. Again, it's possible, she thinks I did, but I have no recollection of that occurring. But she's also pissed that I mentioned her in my report negatively. When I finally got a word in, after at least a minute of non-stop whining, I asked if she claimed it was truly her in her photos. She insisted it is, that she spent time and money getting professional photos done (and "retouched", BTW, her words) and they were absolutely her. I let everything go, said "Ok" to everything and she finally hung up on me.

However, check out the photos on these separate ads, for "Carlee", same phone number:


The bottom pic of the top ad and the top pic of the bottom ad are CLEARLY not the same woman. There's a minimum of two-three cup sizes difference there. And her hair isn't the same color in the ass shot as it is in either of the other two. That's easily explainable enough, but I saw no resemblance to any of those photos in person, albeit I never stuck around to see her naked. But the body looked way bigger. The photos don't even match themselves.

Therefore, a couple of points. IF you want to see her, make sure she only has a hobby-phone number for you (thank goodness that's the case for me) and expect at least the possibility of an unprofessional call at inconvenient times if you piss her off. Second, and this is just my opinion, I simply won't see a girl if she doesn't match her photos. It's unprofessional, risky (what else is she lying about?) , and irritating to have wasted my time with misleading ads.

So that's my rant. Recognize it for what it is, slam me for it, call me BS, whatever. If she calls again, I'll probably report back on that too.

Stay safe out there,


12-31-11, 17:58
However, check out the photos on these separate ads, for "Carlee", same phone number:


The bottom pic of the top ad and the top pic of the bottom ad are CLEARLY not the same woman. There's a minimum of two-three cup sizes difference there. And her hair isn't the same color in the ass shot as it is in either of the other two. That's easily explainable enough, but I saw no resemblance to any of those photos in person, albeit I never stuck around to see her naked. But the body looked way bigger. The photos don't even match themselves.

Therefore, a couple of points. IF you want to see her, make sure she only has a hobby-phone number for you (thank goodness that's the case for me) and expect at least the possibility of an unprofessional call at inconvenient times if you piss her off. Second, and this is just my opinion, I simply won't see a girl if she doesn't match her photos. It's unprofessional, risky (what else is she lying about?) , and irritating to have wasted my time with misleading ads.

So that's my rant. Recognize it for what it is, slam me for it, call me BS, whatever. If she calls again, I'll probably report back on that too.

Stay safe out there,

TA2I have seen Carlee before. I will agree that the pics she uses on backpage did not look like her. However, if you look at her NR ad and the bottom pic with the redish hair down by her face is a very accurate photo. I think having seen that pic before I went to meet her allowed me to know what to expect. As I have posted on here and that other site, her speciality is a very special talent indeed.

Like TA2, I have noticed several providers do use pics that are not real. I know for "safety" is the usual excuse. It does allow for a let down on our part when we expect the airbrushed model and open the door to the girl we grew up next door to but didn't always notice. It is not to say that the actual girls are unattractive, but different from the pics and not quite as good as the pictures. But I know I will never be mistaken for Clooney, Pitt, or Cruise, so I am not one to be too critical. If a provider does wish to use pics that are not her for safety, I wish they would use pics that potray an accurate body size and also post accurate measurements on the written portion of the ad. Another provider going by Amy uses a hot blonde pic and advertises herself as having C-cups which the pictures appear to be that. But meeting her in person, she is a pretty blonde, but almost no breasts at all. There are guys out there that are attracted to the different body types and looks. I think using pics, even with face distorted, that are real would avoid the meeting getting off on the wrong foot and probably avoid negative postings.

12-31-11, 18:49
So, I had an itch today, and looked to BP to scratch it. Called Carlee due to some positive reviews along with the negs. I walked out as soon as I saw her. I don't know what some of you guys are thinking. (Edit Delete)Carlee's top pic, the ass pic, is Molly Cavalli http://www.starpornstars.com/stills/molly-april/lesbiansfree.html According to Google Image. A Google of Carlee's phone number associated with the pics also points out the pics are not Carlee but otherwise it is a pretty good review. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=217883

Freckle Freak
12-31-11, 20:30
One of the worst lap dances I've ever had, I can't imagin giving her $$$ to hear her tell you how lucky you are to be with her. It would be nice to buy her for her worth and sell her for what she thinks her worth is.You are so right TN. I didn't say I wanted it. I said she was hot, but only because of her freckles and pierced nipples. I didn't say she was good. I never saw her because the list I gave before was to long and not worth the $$$. Once again, No DATY, No GFE, No DFK or even LFK, $$$ and I was told one pop. Most who know me, know I won't venture to a non-GFE no matter how many freckles they have.


PS. Have a great New Year and may you all find some great freckles. I know I will.

Freckle Freak
12-31-11, 20:40
I was going to let this go, but I'm just a little too pissed about it. So, for those that wish to slam me for it, go for it. I probably deserve it.

TA2TA2, you have been around long enough on this board to know that Carlee never uses her real pictures and she uses a screener. Geez she has been advertising for over a year on BP and reviewed several times on this board. Where have you been, you are a senior member right?


PS. She has freckles and is a very nice provider.

Freckle Freak
12-31-11, 20:48
STFU already.

Man-O-Man Luchi, you are acting like such a D-bag over this. What the F. Do you expect to gain here other than ruining the rep of a provider, which you feel justified in doing; we ALL f*ing get that by now.Varoom, He doesn't get it and BigMac justified his rants. It's too bad, but you might as well talk to a wall in a vacant building. Kinda like yelling at someone under water, they see your mouth moving but can't understand the words.


PS. Varoom, Seen any freckles lately?

Two Nutts
12-31-11, 21:08
I was going to let this go, but I'm just a little too pissed about it. So, for those that wish to slam me for it, go for it. I probably deserve it.

TA2Thats what this board is about. If I'd knowN before hand she posts fake pics forwatever reason then I would have taken that into account and made a decision as to see her or not.

As FF said some do it for safty. Not a big deal if you know in advance.

If girl's don't want to read negative reviews, then stay the fuk off our boards.


P. S. Those dumb assed hoosiers are trying to piss me off and win this bb game.

12-31-11, 21:50
P. S. Those dumb assed hoosiers are trying to piss me off and win this bb game.OSU didn't play very smart at the end and CTC (Clappy The Clown or Coach Tom Crean, you pick) squeaked out a win.

Two Nutts
01-01-12, 08:00
OSU didn't play very smart at the end and CTC (Clappy The Clown or Coach Tom Crean, you pick) squeaked out a win.That game cost me three massages. DAMN! You saying the clown has the clapp?

01-01-12, 12:24
The facts are all right here. You have 80 posts in total. And like 10 of them are bitching over this encounter with Stacey. That is plainly idiotic, any way you cut it.

Yes, if you have a bad experience, write about it to warn others and move on. DO NOT keep beating the drum of discontent like a LITTLE BOY whose feelings got hurt. But that is exactly what you have proven yourself to be here. A little boy, in lieu of a man. It is here for ALL to see. Now, Grow a pair and move on. Or not; it is up to you. But, you simply hurt any image that you may or may not have developed here but continuing to act the way you have. Do you think that other members and providers alike here, don't take notice of such malicious and hurtful posts. For no good reason?

You assume I am rude to a provider because I complain when I am treated badly. This assumption is false to it's core. I was nothing but respectful to both Kayla and Stacey on the phone. It was not until I was treated badly that I bothered to say anything at all.

01-01-12, 13:14
TA2, you have been around long enough on this board to know that Carlee never uses her real pictures and she uses a screener. Geez she has been advertising for over a year on BP and reviewed several times on this board. Where have you been, you are a senior member right?


PS. She has freckles and is a very nice provider.Little head had an itch, wouldn't let the big head access memory properly. I somehow convinced myself I'd seen mixed reviews and thought it worth a shot. Oh well.


01-01-12, 23:04
I have had absolutely zero luck calling either person but I only call in the evening or at night.

Do I have to call during the day or are they just too busy?I have not seen their ads posted in last few days. Allison told me that she post only when she is working so probably will not answer the phone when not working. I would recommend calling them close to when their ads hit the BP, even if you want to set something up for later in the day.

01-01-12, 23:28
I simply won't see a girl if she doesn't match her photos. It's unprofessional, risky (what else is she lying about?) , and irritating to have wasted my time with misleading ads.

TA2Now you're starting to sound like me.

No slam here.

01-01-12, 23:39
Varoom, He doesn't get it and BigMac justified his rants. It's too bad, but you might as well talk to a wall in a vacant building. Kinda like yelling at someone under water, they see your mouth moving but can't understand the words.


PS. Varoom, Seen any freckles lately?Just like might does not make right neither do creative insults.

BTW varoom, what got your panties in such a bunch to rant about my rants? I know why I'm choosing to be in touch with my anger, what about yours.

01-02-12, 15:38
[Message to Admin deleted]

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01-02-12, 17:47
Anyone partake in this?


I prefer incall else I'd give her a try.

Hentai033I decided to try the services. Exchanged e-mails and pictures then phone numbers. She performed any and all grooming with her clippers and razor. Then we moved to my bed where she gave a very nice and complete body massage. She told me to flip and finished the massage. $.2 for an hour of service, outcall only. She did charge me 20 more for drive time as I don't live in Indy but still cheaper and easier than me driving to Indy and getting a room. I would recommend this lady.

01-03-12, 02:45
[carlee]was pissed because I walked out on her, according to her, the second time.You didn't remember she misrepresents herself with pics so it is your fault. -- to hell with everyone that takes that attitude.

01-03-12, 10:47
BTW varoom, what got your panties in such a bunch to rant about my rants?You've ranted 10 or more times over your bad experience with her. It is no longer getting it off your chest, it is more about trying to ruin a provider.

This provider has been positively reviewed in the past and as a result of your slamming her she has apparently stepped away from business; hopefully on a temporary basis. If so, your posts not only hurt her, as intended, they have hurt others who have had pleasant dealing with her in the past and may not be able to do so going forward. See the point?

It is just not right that a provider is dragged through the mud like this repeatedly. Say your piece, as you did, and then STFU. And then I will STFU too.

01-03-12, 13:06

Long dark hair. 115 lbs and in shape.

Mature, Professional & Drama free.

No piercings, no drugs and no tattoos.

Anyone get anywhere with this? No name, no phone number, no email address. Sexy photo! I hit reply and left my email address, but no response.

01-03-12, 14:40

Long dark hair. 115 lbs and in shape.

Mature, Professional & Drama free.

No piercings, no drugs and no tattoos.

Anyone get anywhere with this? No name, no phone number, no email address. Sexy photo! I hit reply and left my email address, but no response.Her name is Ashley, if you search that you will find info, or PM me. Its not her pic, but could be.

01-03-12, 14:49

Long dark hair. 115 lbs and in shape.

Mature, Professional & Drama free.

No piercings, no drugs and no tattoos.

Anyone get anywhere with this? No name, no phone number, no email address. Sexy photo! I hit reply and left my email address, but no response.I contacted her last year and had to do it through the reply button as well. She did respond via e-mail within a day. I never ended up seeing her as schedule was not good. But about that same time frame, several comments on here about her. I forget the exact comments, but I remember thinking I could find better priced and more Hands On at other providers.

Indy Dude
01-03-12, 16:09

Long dark hair. 115 lbs and in shape.

Mature, Professional & Drama free.

No piercings, no drugs and no tattoos.

Anyone get anywhere with this? No name, no phone number, no email address. Sexy photo! I hit reply and left my email address, but no response.I have seen her four times and she has a very nice incall on the west side. Pix is not her but a close match. She is very nice to talk with but limits the two way contact and will remove her bra on requests.

I definite step up from the AMP experience but about twice the price also. Now that school is back in session she should reply within a few hours.

01-03-12, 22:37
So, I decided to take a chance on Trinity:


She is the real girl in the pics. She is cute as a button bordering on very hot. Nice large C or D cups. She has a sweet smile and southern accent. Those are all her positives. Called, set up time, told to call when I get to certain intersection. Called when I arrived at intersection, already able to guess what hotel, told to call when get to hotel, which was a minute drive time more. So obliged and called a minute later and got room number. She opened door and let me in. Told me to get naked immediately as she did the same. After counting the family pictures in my envelope, she climbed onto the bed. Asked what I liked. Got maybe 30 seconds with the girls. Everything was to be covered. She asked me to get myself "ready". She finally came around and did that. She then went to work and got the job done with the standards but was not into it and seemed afraid that I might not be a minute man. Saw the hour rate on her ad, was done in 10. Self clean and got a smile goodbye. She is young and it shows. Must have been a water balloon fight there earlier based on all the wet pieces of latex in the trashcan. Glad I didn't have a snack. With her looks, she could have real potential.

01-05-12, 02:38
I decided to try the services. Exchanged e-mails and pictures then phone numbers. She performed any and all grooming with her clippers and razor. Then we moved to my bed where she gave a very nice and complete body massage. She told me to flip and finished the massage. $.2 for an hour of service, outcall only. She did charge me 20 more for drive time as I don't live in Indy but still cheaper and easier than me driving to Indy and getting a room. I would recommend this lady.Were you left happy after the massage? I ask because on her website she states explicitly that there's no happy ending!

01-05-12, 12:09
Were you left happy after the massage? I ask because on her website she states explicitly that there's no happy ending!I have learned, when I enjoy the experience and want to repeat, to ask the lady what info she is comfortable with me posting public. You are correct that her website states that "this is a nonsexual service" and she also reminded me of that via text prior to her heading to my location. I have answered pms from other contributors for more detailed info. With that being said, I do plan on calling this lovely lady again for future help.

01-05-12, 12:42
Anyone have any information on the BP ad for "Tigerkitten-mature-master-professor-actress"?

Old senior member tonto2037 here who left and is back as tonto2038 (pretty original, eh?). Any help is appreciated?

Member #6672
01-05-12, 17:33
Anyone been to Louisville for this? Thoughts?

01-05-12, 18:39
Tried Angie a couple weeks back.


She's actually better looking than in her pictures. She was late, it ended up far too expensive after all the options, the massage was poor, she smelled like cigarettes and coffee, her place was a mess and the bed I got the massage on needed to have the sheets changed (The bed was pretty gross. I had pretty strong reservations about it, but then she got naked and I guess I'm just a sucker for hot naked girls) , and she needed to shave her legs. She however was very concerned that I went home happy (I did) and there were some very nice parts of the massage and she didn't mean to not give enough for the $$, she just didn't.

I won't go back, but I want to, if that makes any sense at all.First time posting here, although I have referenced the site for information many times in the past. I have some experiences to share, and will try to do so moving forward!

I too tried Angie, and I can state with absolute certainty that I will never do so again. The incall location is gross beyond belief. I went straight home and took a long shower after lying on those sheets. I agree with the hot naked girl comment, and she really does try to please, but I just can't get passed how dirty the sheets were!

I hate for my first post to be a negative one. And maybe some people can get past the unclean state of the room. All in all for the. 15 I walked away disappointed.

01-05-12, 19:12
Tried Angie a couple weeks back.


She's actually better looking than in her pictures. She was late, it ended up far too expensive after all the options, the massage was poor, she smelled like cigarettes and coffee, her place was a mess and the bed I got the massage on needed to have the sheets changed (The bed was pretty gross. I had pretty strong reservations about it, but then she got naked and I guess I'm just a sucker for hot naked girls) , and she needed to shave her legs. She however was very concerned that I went home happy (I did) and there were some very nice parts of the massage and she didn't mean to not give enough for the $$, she just didn't.

I won't go back, but I want to, if that makes any sense at all.First post. Have many more to come!

I saw Angie a few weeks ago as well, and you're comments on the cleanliness of her place are spot on! If anything, you were too kind in your words. The sheets should be burned, and after lying on them the first thing I did was go home and take a very long shower.

I won't be going back either. Too much talk of prison, her boyfriend, and. Ugh. Those sheets.

Two Nutts
01-05-12, 20:59
Anyone been to Louisville for this? Thoughts?There has been some discusion. Personally I tried it and it wasn't my thing.

01-05-12, 23:49

Hello, all. I've been a lurker on this board and an active hobbyist for awhile. I recently moved to Indianapolis because of a job relocation and decided to join this board and hopefully post some useful and constructive info. What better way to start my first post than with a review. I'm hoping my posts will be viewed as informative and not TMI.

I've been a hobbyist for a couple of years. Before I moved I had a couple of girls that I saw on a routine basis. When I talked about providers with a good friend of mine here in Indy, he recommended Andi. He sees he 4-5 times a month and raves about her. I explained that I didn't have anything against bigger girls but they just weren't my cup of tea (I didn't think they were his either). He suggested that I give her a try and make up my own mind.

I called Andi the next day and since she didn't answer I left her a brief message. She called me back later in the day. She was very upbeat and funny. She has a great voice that just projects fun. I set an appointment with her for later in the week.

I arrived at the hotel 30 minutes prior to our appointment which gave me time to acquire the room, grad a quick shower, and call her with the room number. She arrived 5 minutes early and was dressed very sexy. She was much better looking in person than her pics portrayed. She didn't waste any time in finding out what I enjoyed. She was all about me. She offered FS GFE with one of the best BBBJ's I have ever had. I spent 2 hours with her and she allowed me to complete as many times as I wanted. She never rushed me and we actually went over 15 minutes that was no big deal to her. I made sure to tip appropriately. She was very vocal in a totally sincere way. We laughed a lot and had great fun. My opinion on big girls had definitely changed. I'm not sure I will be a regular just yet but I am definitely seeing her again. She was what a provider appointment should be like.


01-06-12, 14:46
Went to see my favorite little southern girl today for a body rub. Left ecstatic as usual. Everyone needs a little light rain in their lives!

01-07-12, 03:44
Wow what can I say but I've had an absolutely fantastic experience. It was somewhat unexpected when "Jennifer" texted me to see if I wanted to get together putting it nicely that she "missed me".

At first the negotiations were a little off putting but we eventually agreed to meet and I'm so glad we did. Strangely I had to pick her up at a friends house to go to her incall. I hinted before coming up that maybe she'd throw in some extra time and extra time and effort she did.

But before things got started right she had some unexpected visitors at her house. She was not happy to see them. One of them acted very poorly and she rightfully asked him to leave. Some Hobbyists might be off put by such an event but I'm a bit of a salty dog and it actually gave the evening an interesting jolt. We talked about letting such people into her lives and how they also might affect her business. She completely agreed and I believe she is well on her way to avoid similar events in the future.

Anyway we finally got to her room and made out some. We then undressed, woman oh womyn does she have a smoking body. It was even hotter the last time I saw her. As some of you might remember my visit last time was interrupted by me having to leave to get condoms and her getting sick thereby discontinuing service.

At first I thought her illness was feigned or a result of an unwanted CIM but she assured me she got terribly sick (some sort of flu) and even had to go to the hospital for a bit causing her to lose even more weight from her already toned body. Did I mention she regularly works out and it shows."Jennifer" is not much older than her earlier 20's and her skin is silky smooth. She's probably one of the most in shape escorts I've ever been with. Gabriella comes a close second.

In any case after undressing we made out further full deep DFK her pierced tongue wagging over mine while she jerked me off and I felt her pussy, which was surprisingly wet after such a short time. From there we went straight to 69 and let me tell you I think I ate more pussy tonight than I ever had in one sitting, and she moans to show her appreciation. It got me so hot I almost blew my load right there and then. But I've learned from experience that at my age it better to hold off as long as possible as seconds are hard to cum by.

I stopped her and positioned a pillow underneath for better G-spot striking. At first like always she's very tight almost like a virgin but wetter. I did some good mish in the girl push up position while she masturbated herself in tandem. I loved watching her cum face as she'd turn her head away with a beautiful gasping wide mouth. We kissed some more passionately as she continued to seem close to or actually cumming with her pussy notably wetter. I simply could not take it anymore and blew my first load. But wait she did not want to stop and kept masturbating herself and grinding onto my cock. I stayed hard for a surprising long time afterwards but eventually had to give up for fear of losing the condom. Nevertheless it was one of the hottest after cums I've ever experienced.

One thing I love about "Jennifer" is she loves to cuddle and even though a guy I love it too so we cuddled and kissed, massaged and talked for the longest time talking freely about anything and everything. It was lovely to say the least.

Then she said something that got me going again. She bi and when I asked if her girlfriend uses a dido on her she said no, just the mouth and I got interested in going down on her again. I kissed up her opening legs and did some DATY sticking my tongue then fingers deep inside her. She responded in excitement getting me hard again. I wanted to be in her again so decided to try doggie this time. I tell you it was amazing like out of some hard core porno. I could last forever but was super hard and she was banging and grinding back on me as hard and fast as she could. She must have cum at least three times finally being totally relaxed. We slowed it down a bit trying multiple positions. I loved watching it go in and out. And she was so wet. I was really afraid I was going to make her raw but she said she was fine and would let me know when.

I must have jinxed it as eventually she did tell me she needed a break. I immediately massaged her sensitive pussy moving my fingers in quick little back and forth movements and she was still into it. I felt young like we were some sex up teenagers not being able to stop having sex till we'd over done it. We switched into 69 and ate pussy like I never had before with deep tongue thrusts and all. She gave great head and had me on the verge of cumming like ten times. I felt like we were practicing tantra though I desperately wanted to cum.

We then back and forth between BBBJ's and passionate kissing. She'd tease my tongue just tongue licking as she hung her head over mine thrn back to the BBBJ and HJ. Eventually we just have to quit as it had been well over two hours.

She never asked for any money but I gave her everything I had in my wallet. We really like each other so no complaints on either side. I took her out to eat and dropped her back off giving each other warm hugs and promises to see one another again. I truly can't wait."Jennifer" has skyrocketed to become my ATM and as some of you probably know by now I do not easily sing ones accolades but hers I will gladly sing.

01-07-12, 11:11
So, I decided to take a chance on Trinity:


She is the real girl in the pics. She is cute as a button bordering on very hot. Nice large C or D cups. She has a sweet smile and southern accent. Those are all her positives. Called, set up time, told to call when I get to certain intersection. Called when I arrived at intersection, already able to guess what hotel, told to call when get to hotel, which was a minute drive time more. So obliged and called a minute later and got room number. She opened door and let me in. Told me to get naked immediately as she did the same. After counting the family pictures in my envelope, she climbed onto the bed. Asked what I liked. Got maybe 30 seconds with the girls. Everything was to be covered. She asked me to get myself "ready". She finally came around and did that. She then went to work and got the job done with the standards but was not into it and seemed afraid that I might not be a minute man. Saw the hour rate on her ad, was done in 10. Self clean and got a smile goodbye. She is young and it shows. Must have been a water balloon fight there earlier based on all the wet pieces of latex in the trashcan. Glad I didn't have a snack. With her looks, she could have real potential.Not surprising. A 19YO with no experience aside from probably former boyfriends who, surprise, couldn't last 2 minutes, or worse, a sexual predator father, step-dad, etc. She figures all the guys she can see with relatively low wear on the mommy parts. $$ for 1/10 $ work. Definite burnout candidate, I'm sure. Might be worth developing if she's not a psychology case in the waiting.

ETA: All that and the fact that while YOU may have seen her without issue, how do we know that tomorrow she doesn't get picked up by her mean Uncle Leonard who decides to pimp her out for his unkind purposes.

01-07-12, 11:21
Jazmine is a hot tre provider, she has her own place in Clifton not to bad of area but she will Mae all your dreams come true. She had a hot tan body that will keep all your dreams coming back. So for me I keep her in my dreams and the ones that want to just wonder just keep just doing that because you are missing out.

01-07-12, 16:41

My gut says she's ok and not TGTBT. Got a feeling for these sorts of things. Any experience anyone. Bueller. Bueller?

Forgot It
01-08-12, 01:47
Wow what can I say but I've had an absolutely fantastic experience. It was somewhat unexpected when "Jennifer" texted me to see if I wanted to get together putting it nicely that she "missed me".

At first the negotiations were a little off putting but we eventually agreed to meet and I'm so glad we did. Strangely I had to pick her up at a friends house to go to her incall. I hinted before coming up that maybe she'd throw in some extra time and extra time and effort she did.

But before things got started right she had some unexpected visitors at her house. She was not happy to see them. One of them acted very poorly and she rightfully asked him to leave. Some Hobbyists might be off put by such an event but I'm a bit of a salty dog and it actually gave the evening an interesting jolt. We talked about letting such people into her lives and how they also might affect her business. She completely agreed and I believe she is well on her way to avoid similar events in the future.

Anyway we finally got to her room and made out some. We then undressed, woman oh womyn does she have a smoking body. It was even hotter the last time I saw her. As some of you might remember my visit last time was interrupted by me having to leave to get condoms and her getting sick thereby discontinuing service.

At first I thought her illness was feigned or a result of an unwanted CIM but she assured me she got terribly sick (some sort of flu) and even had to go to the hospital for a bit causing her to lose even more weight from her already toned body. Did I mention she regularly works out and it shows."Jennifer" is not much older than her earlier 20's and her skin is silky smooth. She's probably one of the most in shape escorts I've ever been with. Gabriella comes a close second.

In any case after undressing we made out further full deep DFK her pierced tongue wagging over mine while she jerked me off and I felt her pussy, which was surprisingly wet after such a short time. From there we went straight to 69 and let me tell you I think I ate more pussy tonight than I ever had in one sitting, and she moans to show her appreciation. It got me so hot I almost blew my load right there and then. But I've learned from experience that at my age it better to hold off as long as possible as seconds are hard to cum by.

I stopped her and positioned a pillow underneath for better G-spot striking. At first like always she's very tight almost like a virgin but wetter. I did some good mish in the girl push up position while she masturbated herself in tandem. I loved watching her cum face as she'd turn her head away with a beautiful gasping wide mouth. We kissed some more passionately as she continued to seem close to or actually cumming with her pussy notably wetter. I simply could not take it anymore and blew my first load. But wait she did not want to stop and kept masturbating herself and grinding onto my cock. I stayed hard for a surprising long time afterwards but eventually had to give up for fear of losing the condom. Nevertheless it was one of the hottest after cums I've ever experienced.

One thing I love about "Jennifer" is she loves to cuddle and even though a guy I love it too so we cuddled and kissed, massaged and talked for the longest time talking freely about anything and everything. It was lovely to say the least.

Then she said something that got me going again. She bi and when I asked if her girlfriend uses a dido on her she said no, just the mouth and I got interested in going down on her again. I kissed up her opening legs and did some DATY sticking my tongue then fingers deep inside her. She responded in excitement getting me hard again. I wanted to be in her again so decided to try doggie this time. I tell you it was amazing like out of some hard core porno. I could last forever but was super hard and she was banging and grinding back on me as hard and fast as she could. She must have cum at least three times finally being totally relaxed. We slowed it down a bit trying multiple positions. I loved watching it go in and out. And she was so wet. I was really afraid I was going to make her raw but she said she was fine and would let me know when.

I must have jinxed it as eventually she did tell me she needed a break. I immediately massaged her sensitive pussy moving my fingers in quick little back and forth movements and she was still into it. I felt young like we were some sex up teenagers not being able to stop having sex till we'd over done it. We switched into 69 and ate pussy like I never had before with deep tongue thrusts and all. She gave great head and had me on the verge of cumming like ten times. I felt like we were practicing tantra though I desperately wanted to cum.

We then back and forth between BBBJ's and passionate kissing. She'd tease my tongue just tongue licking as she hung her head over mine thrn back to the BBBJ and HJ. Eventually we just have to quit as it had been well over two hours.

She never asked for any money but I gave her everything I had in my wallet. We really like each other so no complaints on either side. I took her out to eat and dropped her back off giving each other warm hugs and promises to see one another again. I truly can't wait."Jennifer" has skyrocketed to become my ATM and as some of you probably know by now I do not easily sing ones accolades but hers I will gladly sing.Enough said...

F / I

01-08-12, 11:17
Jennifer" has skyrocketed to become my ATM

F / IJust wondering. Whose ass and whose mouth?

01-08-12, 16:45
Jennifer" has skyrocketed to become my ATM

F / IJust wondering. Whose ass and whose mouth?

I pictured him swiping his card in the slot and her spitting out money. I could use one of those.

01-08-12, 23:35
It's funny some hobbyist seem more interested in flaming other hobbyists than finding good information about escorts."Jennifer" is great and as far as I'm concerned I'd keep it a secert as she has been very fresh for me being a LVP. The sex for us has been very geniune and that ts not always easy to find. The only thing that dissuades me from keeping her a secret is that she's got a really good heart and I want her to do well. She needs to find her financial footing and she's got the whole package to do so and do so well. She just needs to come a bit more out the UTR closet so to speak and get serious about the business side of her venture. That and ridding from her life those who want to sap off her and drag her down.

In any case say and do as you please as I'm certainly not going to stop you. I just hope more hobbyists would have a little more solidarity between one another. Sometimes I really wonder how well they can be treating the escorts I care about if they can be so cruel towards one another.

Here's hoping for the best.

01-09-12, 10:10
Sex for us has been very geniune and that ts not always easy to find.

Shouldn't this be posted in the transsexual reports?

01-09-12, 11:08
Got to add another 2 cents story about some interaction last week.

I posted a few weeks ago that a call screener and I had a little bit of a disagreement over a review I gave one of the ladies she answers the phone for. I admit, one line in there was not very nice, but all in all, the review was spot on. She gives an ad with a photo that is supposed to be a "close representation" of what she looks like. This was certainly not the case. I was still polite, kept the appointment, and left after it was over.

The next time I called for a girl she answers the phone for, I get lambasted over being mean and cruel.

I then last week called one of my regular regulars and the phone screener this time has a familiar voice. The unhappy screener was filling in for the regular one and was very short with me. The appointment was still made, but my regular asked what I did to this screener. (hope she doesn't get scolded for telling me). I explained what happened to her and she said,"well,"K" said you were lucky that she even let you see me."

That I call Bullshit on! I know providers and screeners alike read this board. Ladies, I hope you know some of your screeners are costing you roses and reputation. This also goes to show to some mongers that 99% of these ladies do not answer their own phones. So don't get pissed at them.

Now that I have pissed off the almighty screener, there are women that I will never be able to see again. So be it, I will move on. But I had to get my rant out.

01-09-12, 23:47
I for one am completely supportive in getting in touch with ones anger especially over bad behavior. And this whole lucky she even booked the appointment shit would have made my mind up instantly never to see her again. Almost more than a no show I hate arrogance. I'd rather my hand than fuck someone who thought so high of themselves. For me sex with a person is so much more than a body. I've slept with gorgeous women evelin there after regretted. In any case the market will sort itself out. If these ladies are relying on screeners, which I have doubts about their necessity, they'd better make sure they are excellent else they'd be loosing them business which is exactly what I sense is happening in your case.

Got to add another 2 cents story about some interaction last week.

I posted a few weeks ago that a call screener and I had a little bit of a disagreement over a review I gave one of the ladies she answers the phone for. I admit, one line in there was not very nice, but all in all, the review was spot on. She gives an ad with a photo that is supposed to be a "close representation" of what she looks like. This was certainly not the case. I was still polite, kept the appointment, and left after it was over.

The next time I called for a girl she answers the phone for, I get lambasted over being mean and cruel.

I then last week called one of my regular regulars and the phone screener this time has a familiar voice. The unhappy screener was filling in for the regular one and was very short with me. The appointment was still made, but my regular asked what I did to this screener. (hope she doesn't get scolded for telling me). I explained what happened to her and she said,"well,"K" said you were lucky that she even let you see me."

That I call Bullshit on! I know providers and screeners alike read this board. Ladies, I hope you know some of your screeners are costing you roses and reputation. This also goes to show to some mongers that 99% of these ladies do not answer their own phones. So don't get pissed at them.

Now that I have pissed off the almighty screener, there are women that I will never be able to see again. So be it, I will move on. But I had to get my rant out.

B Beall
01-10-12, 17:04
I posted a few weeks ago that a call screener and I had a little bit of a disagreement over a review I gave one of the ladies she answers the phone for. I admit, one line in there was not very nice, but all in all, the review was spot on. She gives an ad with a photo that is supposed to be a "close representation" of what she looks like. This was certainly not the case. I was still polite, kept the appointment, and left after it was over.You didn't have a disagreement over a review. You wrote an honest review and some pimp tried to blackmail you into never doing so again.

Over, I might add, the odious practice of fraudulent advertising. I can't understand why the board erupts over a legitimate provider naming her own rate, but over and over again reviewers say "She didn't look like her pictures, but I was already there."

"Close representation"? A picture is a close representation. A picture of someone else is a lie. I don't use BP. Six of the last seven women I saw conceal their faces somewhat, but they all use pictures of themselves. That's a close representation. There's no excuse, ever, for using a pic of someone else.

If hobbyists wanted to do something for each other, alongside writing honest reviews would be walking away immediately if it ain't the girl in the picture.

01-10-12, 18:24

Anyone seen her?

I'm a college girl looking for some company.

My name is Melissa, I'm 5'8".135 lbs, Ebony, size DD breasts and very discreet. I come to all locations across indy. I don't engage in sexual content over the phone.

Please call 317-965-8564.

Available from 4pm. 9pm.

150 / hr Outcall only. Please DO NOT send me text messages, I won't respond.

These are my real pictures

01-11-12, 00:02
"Close representation"? A picture is a close representation. A picture of someone else is a lie. There's no excuse, ever, for using a pic of someone else.

If hobbyists wanted to do something for each other, alongside writing honest reviews would be walking away immediately if it ain't the girl in the picture.I 1 billion percent agree.

B Beall
01-11-12, 09:50
I've been guilty, not of being taken by a BP pirate, but by a photoless esdotcom profile which listed the provider's age as roughly half that of the woman who answered the door. At which point I said to myself,"Hey, you drove 35 miles to get here." I was madder at the twenty hobbyists who'd reviewed her and said "Profile accurate? Yes" than at her. Until I heard-and can't confirm-that she was represented by a local provider/"booker" who's notorious for such, let's call them "inattentions to the truth".

I should have walked. I did immediately leave honest reviews.

It's fine by me if all the fans of Carly / Carlie / Kharlii, whichever one is notorious for using someone else's pics, find her a good provider and a good value. The point is that the practice ought to be seen as the fraud it is, and a that a good provider who engages in it is just as guilty of damaging both sides of the equation, hobbyists and fellow providers, as the outright thieves do. When I see "pics not her" in a review it means I'll never contact the provider. Too many good ones out there who are honest.

Above all, though, the degree to which reviews can be believed depends on hobbyists telling the truth. Some "booker" trying to short-circuit that can only be hoping for short-term profit over long-term safety and security for the women involved, as well as everyone else. That makes him a public enemy.

01-11-12, 10:16
Sex for us has been very geniune and that ts not always easy to find.

Shouldn't this be posted in the transsexual reports?OK that is funny, and sorry Luchi I know you love her, but I have known her quite a while out of the hobby, and bro. 90% of the time she looks like a dude, and that is not by accident, but gives us something in common, we both like girls. That being said, between that slip and the ATM one I can't quite quit laughing, and on the other hand, I always wanted to do her anyway too. But I already had my own ATM

01-11-12, 10:41
"Close representation"? A picture is a close representation. A picture of someone else is a lie. I don't use BP. Six of the last seven women I saw conceal their faces somewhat, but they all use pictures of themselves. That's a close representation. There's no excuse, ever, for using a pic of someone else.

If hobbyists wanted to do something for each other, alongside writing honest reviews would be walking away immediately if it ain't the girl in the picture.I couldn't agree more, and though I've been ripped on for insisting the truth be told in the past, will continue to do so.

01-11-12, 11:16
OK that is funny, and sorry Luchi I know you love her, but I have known her quite a while out of the hobby, and bro. 90% of the time she looks like a dude, and that is not by accident, but gives us something in common, we both like girls. That being said, between that slip and the ATM one I can't quite quit laughing, and on the other hand, I always wanted to do her anyway too. But I already had my own ATMGlad you found that funny. If I was in a better mood at the time I'd have left a different response as I can take a roast in good humor. It is true though there are hobbyist guilty of trying to flame one another needlessly which degrades the overall culture.

Finally I disagree with you about Jennifer looking like a dude. She does have an athletic body which for me is a plus but does not look butch to me. Yes she's bi but that's another plus in my book as she'll genuinely get into doing doubles with her GF. One of the reasons I say she does not look butch to me is her gorgeous long black hair. Definitely not something a butch dike would do. Her attitude is very sweet but also somewhat raw. I think living around so many questionable characters has made her have to get tough. I've seen her all but ready to throw down with a muscular black guy trying to make her his hoe and he backed down. I had her back but I suspect she can handle her own.

Not sure if we're talking about the same gal but I definitely like the girls. I am known for typos though which I guess is a plus to the amusement of this board.

01-11-12, 15:05
"Close representation"? A picture is a close representation. A picture of someone else is a lie. I don't use BP. Six of the last seven women I saw conceal their faces somewhat, but they all use pictures of themselves. That's a close representation. There's no excuse, ever, for using a pic of someone else.

If hobbyists wanted to do something for each other, alongside writing honest reviews would be walking away immediately if it ain't the girl in the picture.I would love it if the providers would provide a real picture up front so I know exactly what to expect. However, this is the "BP Advertiser Reviews" forum and is used to review people who advertise on BP. I know very few that actually use a real picture on that advertising sight. Yes, it sucks. We all know that BP is the last resort for free ads and free searching and that there is always a good chance that the provider is not the one in the pics, not really a provider but rather a lure for a pay site, potential rip off, or even a legal trap waiting for one of us to walk thru the door. But there is no use complaining about it but just accept it as part of doing business, kind of like having to pay employment taxes for legitimate business owners.

I frequent the other sites and usually see more accurate pictures (even for one of the ladies who uses fake pics on BP). I see hobbyist write that there are so many choices out there so stay away from the ones who false advertise. Being someone that has made over 100 unique friends over the last several years, I don't see the large variety of tried and true proven providers right now as there used to be with several other sites. So taking chances on BP girls or others, even with "representative" pics, is not the perfect scenario, but for the sake of variety and maybe even the thrill of the unknown is why it is still allowed to happen.

Let us not forget, those that were around in the edot days, that one of the best providers around here, K. C. (the real real one) never used a picture of herself but we all found her to be very attractive.

I think those of us who have been around know better than to get our hopes up too high for any new provider based on a picture to avoid a let down. Once someone has a review, then it can say real pics or representative. We know what that means.

01-11-12, 15:56
OK, it's been highly reported that her place is a dump and the her bed is disgusting. I figured, whatever. When I was a teen I would have sex in the woods with no blanket. Plus her photos make her hot as hell. I love that tiny look.

Anyway, I had no idea what I was in store for. You leave there afraid you'll have fleas or lice. If she relocated to a gas station bathroom it would be a step up in cleanliness.

Quite honestly I had a difficult time overcoming the dirty environment and enjoying myself. As in staying hard. At one point during the massage she's pushing her kitty (and it did look nice) into my face but I couldn't help but think of other cleanliness. If her place looks like it's never been cleaned in years what about her kitty? I told her to cut that out. She seemed put off by it. Things went downhill from there and she just focused on getting me off and getting me out the door. I don't blame her because I know I was giving off a shitty vibe. I was pissed at myself for not heeding other's warnings and trying to decide if I just get up and toss down a few bills and leave or "ride it out" so to speak.

I left and (like some other reviewer) went to work and took the longest shower of my life in what had to be the hottest water I've ever showered in.

I cannot stress this enough fellas. It's not dirty like a teenager's room with cluttered clothes and a few dirty dishes. This is creepy, burn down the house to clean it dirty.

Just FYI. I know my handful of reviews have been negative ones. I have positive experiences but they've been with well reviewed women and I'm avoiding the overpraising sin.

Good luck hunting guys.

01-11-12, 19:27
Though you have a certain logic that is valid I would contest that there arent many girls on BP with real photo. Off the top of my head that I have personally seen with my own eyes that posted real pictures are Andrea, Gabriella, Summer, Vannessa, Tesla, and Chelsea. I'm sure I could think of more given time. There have also been many that have been confirmed such as nevaeh, Kay, and most recently Trinity. And I'm willing to bet good money I could find at least a dozen more than I have already listed. I don't need a 100 unique friends. A dozen or so honest good providers would be more than plenty. And with every month more seem to come along so I seriously doubt hold to such values will stifle ones access to variety.

What some of us her are trying to do is create a standard that in time will create trends. As I've mentioned before about our Latin brothers down south and how things are very different down there. This did not magically appear like some creation myth but instead evolved along side the standards of the culture. And these standards are not static but are created by the individuals that adopted them. The question isn't whether we can change things but rather whether we have the will to do so. I say, yes we can.

I would love it if the providers would provide a real picture up front so I know exactly what to expect. However, this is the "BP Advertiser Reviews" forum and is used to review people who advertise on BP. I know very few that actually use a real picture on that advertising sight. Yes, it sucks. We all know that BP is the last resort for free ads and free searching and that there is always a good chance that the provider is not the one in the pics, not really a provider but rather a lure for a pay site, potential rip off, or even a legal trap waiting for one of us to walk thru the door. But there is no use complaining about it but just accept it as part of doing business, kind of like having to pay employment taxes for legitimate business owners.

I frequent the other sites and usually see more accurate pictures (even for one of the ladies who uses fake pics on BP). I see hobbyist write that there are so many choices out there so stay away from the ones who false advertise. Being someone that has made over 100 unique friends over the last several years, I don't see the large variety of tried and true proven providers right now as there used to be with several other sites. So taking chances on BP girls or others, even with "representative" pics, is not the perfect scenario, but for the sake of variety and maybe even the thrill of the unknown is why it is still allowed to happen.

Let us not forget, those that were around in the edot days, that one of the best providers around here, K. C. (the real real one) never used a picture of herself but we all found her to be very attractive.

I think those of us who have been around know better than to get our hopes up too high for any new provider based on a picture to avoid a let down. Once someone has a review, then it can say real pics or representative. We know what that means.

01-11-12, 19:32
Though you have a certain logic that is valid I would contest that there arent many girls on BP with real photo. Off the top of my head that I have personally seen with my own eyes that posted real pictures are Andrea, Gabriella, Summer, Vannessa, Tesla, and Chelsea. I'm sure I could think of more given time. There have also been many that have been confirmed such as nevaeh, Kay, and most recently Trinity. And I'm willing to bet good money I could find at least a dozen more than I have already listed. I don't need a 100 unique friends. A dozen or so honest good providers would be more than plenty. And with every month more seem to come along so I seriously doubt hold to such values will stifle ones access to variety.

What some of us her are trying to do is create a standard that in time will create trends. As I've mentioned before about our Latin brothers down south and how things are very different down there. This did not magically appear like some creation myth but instead evolved along side the standards of the culture. And these standards are not static but are created by the individuals that adopted them. The question isn't whether we can change things but rather whether we have the will to do so.

I say, yes can.

I would love it if the providers would provide a real picture up front so I know exactly what to expect. However, this is the "BP Advertiser Reviews" forum and is used to review people who advertise on BP. I know very few that actually use a real picture on that advertising sight. Yes, it sucks. We all know that BP is the last resort for free ads and free searching and that there is always a good chance that the provider is not the one in the pics, not really a provider but rather a lure for a pay site, potential rip off, or even a legal trap waiting for one of us to walk thru the door. But there is no use complaining about it but just accept it as part of doing business, kind of like having to pay employment taxes for legitimate business owners.

I frequent the other sites and usually see more accurate pictures (even for one of the ladies who uses fake pics on BP). I see hobbyist write that there are so many choices out there so stay away from the ones who false advertise. Being someone that has made over 100 unique friends over the last several years, I don't see the large variety of tried and true proven providers right now as there used to be with several other sites. So taking chances on BP girls or others, even with "representative" pics, is not the perfect scenario, but for the sake of variety and maybe even the thrill of the unknown is why it is still allowed to happen.

Let us not forget, those that were around in the edot days, that one of the best providers around here, K. C. (the real real one) never used a picture of herself but we all found her to be very attractive.

I think those of us who have been around know better than to get our hopes up too high for any new provider based on a picture to avoid a let down. Once someone has a review, then it can say real pics or representative. We know what that means.

01-11-12, 19:32
It would be nice if more reviews used the providers "name" in the title. Would help us avid fans find reviews on specific ladies without reading through all the bickering and such between some of you. Nonetheless,

I saw Linda from backpage yesterday. http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/busty-brunette-in-castleton-120-special-real-pics-and-quality-un-rushed-service-29/5533656

The top and bottom pictures represent the body. Very busty and a lot of fun. She was sexy, but I wouldn't say hot. Everything is covered.

Side note, anyone been to the cat house on lafayette?

B Beall
01-12-12, 08:49
Much truth in what you say, DG, but I don't consider "We all know how the game is played" to be a rejoinder. It's the starting point. Anyone who doesn't learn quickly (or can't figure it out at first glance, since so much of it is not just dishonest but laughably dishonest) would be too broke to pay the electric bill in short order.

And someone who takes the garage sale shopper attitude-swimming through oceans of junk in hopes of discovering a pearl-might actually enjoy it. By the same token, the guy who thinks he "stole" a Rembrandt from some yard sale hick can't complain when it turns out to be a worthless fake.

But there's a clear distinction-at least in this culture-between permitted hyperbole and criminal fraud. Pepsi's free to claim to taste better than Coke, and vice-versa, but you have a right not to open up a can of soda and get a mouthful of used motor oil. There's no reason, and no excuse, for using fake pics except to hook suckers. That some advertisers do so and still provide reasonable service doesn't change that equation. It just means they aren't also guilty of robbery.

And the point is that, above all, someone trying to pressure a hobbyist into writing fake reviews should be tarred and feathered. No reason to have a forum otherwise.

01-12-12, 11:56
Glad you found that funny. If I was in a better mood at the time I'd have left a different response as I can take a roast in good humor. It is true though there are hobbyist guilty of trying to flame one another needlessly which degrades the overall culture.

Finally I disagree with you about Jennifer looking like a dude. She does have an athletic body which for me is a plus but does not look butch to me. Yes she's bi but that's another plus in my book as she'll genuinely get into doing doubles with her GF. One of the reasons I say she does not look butch to me is her gorgeous long black hair. Definitely not something a butch dike would do. Her attitude is very sweet but also somewhat raw. I think living around so many questionable characters has made her have to get tough. I've seen her all but ready to throw down with a muscular black guy trying to make her his hoe and he backed down. I had her back but I suspect she can handle her own.

Not sure if we're talking about the same gal but I definitely like the girls. I am known for typos though which I guess is a plus to the amusement of this board.OK, sorry about your mood, and there was a point but it was meant to be fun too. Hey, I said I would love to do her, and she can girl it up some without a doubt. I guess I have to wonder though, how you can continue to bash one or two providers because they opted not to see you, and mind you you had a right to be pissed and to say so after the date was made and you made the huge effort to get there, I am good with that part it is just at some point as our commander in chief always says, you have to move the boat, move on to something else; but then you find it perfectly acceptable that a provider put you in the position of having to have her back as she is getting ready to throw down with some dude that is trying to make her his ho. I am not sure I want to know exactly how you got to that position, but honestly not many providers that put a client into that situation is going to get a good review from them very often, kind of seems like a bad provider business practice. To your credit, you once again are trying to play Cap'nSavahoe and show her how that might not be the best practice to invite a potential pimp into your session and you did mention in your review here that she had some "personnel" issues around her incall. I am just thinking that that whole deal might piss me off and worry me more than getting stood up. Not much personal danger in walking out and driving back home at least. And of course now I have extended the issue which I wanted to die. I are smart huh?

01-12-12, 11:59
Anyone know about this Melanie. Have seen her ad for awhile on BP but have found no reviews of her.


Forgot It
01-12-12, 16:00
Just wondering. Whose ass and whose mouth?Don't know how my F / I ended up on the quote but this was Luchi's comment. I've not seen jennifer. Just wanted to set the record straight as I got 2 PM's requiring.

F / I

01-12-12, 16:57
There's a gal named Angie who posts frequently under body rubs.

In the background of one of her pics there's a reflection of the person who snapped the pic.

A good reminder to always check your mirrors before changing lanes or taking pictures in the buff.

01-12-12, 17:09
OK, sorry about your mood, and there was a point but it was meant to be fun too. Hey, I said I would love to do her, and she can girl it up some without a doubt. I guess I have to wonder though, how you can continue to bash one or two providers because they opted not to see you, and mind you you had a right to be pissed and to say so after the date was made and you made the huge effort to get there, I am good with that part it is just at some point as our commander in chief always says, you have to move the boat, move on to something else; but then you find it perfectly acceptable that a provider put you in the position of having to have her back as she is getting ready to throw down with some dude that is trying to make her his ho. I am not sure I want to know exactly how you got to that position, but honestly not many providers that put a client into that situation is going to get a good review from them very often, kind of seems like a bad provider business practice. To your credit, you once again are trying to play Cap'nSavahoe and show her how that might not be the best practice to invite a potential pimp into your session and you did mention in your review here that she had some "personnel" issues around her incall. I am just thinking that that whole deal might piss me off and worry me more than getting stood up. Not much personal danger in walking out and driving back home at least. And of course now I have extended the issue which I wanted to die. I are smart huh?You bring up a good point which deserves a good response. In short Jennifer put up a good faith effort the other times I saw her before and we already connected very well. I can tell she has a good heart. Her only noticeable problems mostly have to do with her associations.

At first it was not dangerous just a little weird and maybe a little annoying. It was not until this fourth time that I saw her that this wannabe pimp crashed her house before we had got there. She thought nobody would be home. After ousting this real piece of work things between her and I were probably about the best ever and she spent over two glorious hrs with me for less than the price of one hour.

Again, it is not just her service but the chemistry between us that was powerful. And not just on a sexual level but there were some genuine feelings of care that I could feel and assumed were to a good degree mutual.

I did however have a long talk with her about how many guys would either turn around and or not be a repeat customer because of things I'd seen in the past. Nobody likes to see a dude around when seeing a provider let alone one you fear for your safety. No one likes silly little events like having to wait around for 5 minutes while her GF and roomie insist on taking all the laundry out of the room to do it right there and then. Very few Hobbyists like the smell nor taste of smoke which was only pronounced one time. I told her if she wants to consistently get the high dollars she needs to not only provide a consistently good service but have an upscale incall, shower, dress up, groom, not smell nor taste of smoke, have too many tattoos, nor have questionable people around. Ideally there should be none unless you are doing a double.

She's young but I think she got it and in all probability will be making steps to achieve what for her could be full retirement in ten years if she does it right. The only thing that really stands in her way are mostly the people she lets into her life, and of course herself.

All of this does not mean I don't think she is great. She is! She is the diamond in the rough we all look for and I was willing to put up with some inconvenience to begin the first cuts and polishings.

01-12-12, 18:15
It would be nice if more reviews used the providers "name" in the title. Would help us avid fans find reviews on specific ladies without reading through all the bickering and such between some of you. Nonetheless,

I saw Linda from backpage yesterday.


The top and bottom pictures represent the body. Very busty and a lot of fun. She was sexy, but I wouldn't say hot. Everything is covered.

Side note, anyone been to the cat house on lafayette?And even better is your use of the link, there are like 20 girls with the same name some days

Fun Freak
01-12-12, 18:26
OK, it's been highly reported that her place is a dump and the her bed is disgusting. I figured, whatever. When I was a teen I would have sex in the woods with no blanket. Plus her photos make her hot as hell. I love that tiny look.

Anyway, I had no idea what I was in store for. You leave there afraid you'll have fleas or lice. If she relocated to a gas station bathroom it would be a step up in cleanliness.

Quite honestly I had a difficult time overcoming the dirty environment and enjoying myself. As in staying hard. At one point during the massage she's pushing her kitty (and it did look nice) into my face but I couldn't help but think of other cleanliness. If her place looks like it's never been cleaned in years what about her kitty? I told her to cut that out. She seemed put off by it. Things went downhill from there and she just focused on getting me off and getting me out the door. I don't blame her because I know I was giving off a shitty vibe. I was pissed at myself for not heeding other's warnings and trying to decide if I just get up and toss down a few bills and leave or "ride it out" so to speak.

I left and (like some other reviewer) went to work and took the longest shower of my life in what had to be the hottest water I've ever showered in.

I cannot stress this enough fellas. It's not dirty like a teenager's room with cluttered clothes and a few dirty dishes. This is creepy, burn down the house to clean it dirty.

Just FYI. I know my handful of reviews have been negative ones. I have positive experiences but they've been with well reviewed women and I'm avoiding the overpraising sin.

Good luck hunting guys.How much did you end up spending by the way?

She quoted 150 (nude massage) + 40 (happy ending). I had to ask her to repeat because I could not believe my ears. After that I could not stop laughing. LOL.

01-12-12, 21:20
How much did you end up spending by the way?

She quoted 150 (nude massage) + 40 (happy ending). I had to ask her to repeat because I could not believe my ears. After that I could not stop laughing. LOL.Answered in PM.

01-13-12, 10:22
OK, it's been highly reported that her place is a dump and the her bed is disgusting. I figured, whatever. When I was a teen I would have sex in the woods with no blanket. Plus her photos make her hot as hell. I love that tiny look.

Anyway, I had no idea what I was in store for. You leave there afraid you'll have fleas or lice. If she relocated to a gas station bathroom it would be a step up in cleanliness.

Quite honestly I had a difficult time overcoming the dirty environment and enjoying myself. As in staying hard. At one point during the massage she's pushing her kitty (and it did look nice) into my face but I couldn't help but think of other cleanliness. If her place looks like it's never been cleaned in years what about her kitty? I told her to cut that out. She seemed put off by it. Things went downhill from there and she just focused on getting me off and getting me out the door. I don't blame her because I know I was giving off a shitty vibe. I was pissed at myself for not heeding other's warnings and trying to decide if I just get up and toss down a few bills and leave or "ride it out" so to speak.

I left and (like some other reviewer) went to work and took the longest shower of my life in what had to be the hottest water I've ever showered in.

I cannot stress this enough fellas. It's not dirty like a teenager's room with cluttered clothes and a few dirty dishes. This is creepy, burn down the house to clean it dirty.

Just FYI. I know my handful of reviews have been negative ones. I have positive experiences but they've been with well reviewed women and I'm avoiding the overpraising sin.

Good luck hunting guys.Hate to beat a dead horse here, but have to admit you nailed it. I didn't want my first post to be too negative, so I left out some of the harsher details that you put forward in your post. Bottom line is. I agree, the place should be declared a hazard area. I don't know how many guys found themselves curled up in there shower, attempting to scrub whatever the hell got on them from that place, wishing they hadn't tried it to begin with.

One thing I didn't mention in my other post. She also attempted to move the kitty up by my face, and I noticed she had a. Hmmm. 'problem' with another hole in that area. Almost made me throw up. I decided to just turn my head and look away. Honestly, I was kind of so overwhelmed with the whole situation that my instincts told me to leave, but I was so freaked out I couldn't make myself do it.

She was also slurring her speech and could barely keep her eyes open by the end of the session. I would suspect she took / smoked something before I got there and it had kicked in by the end of the session, but that's just speculation.

Guys. Trust what you're hearing. If you don't have issues going unprotected with the stankiest SW out there, this may be your girl. Just saying.

Fun Freak
01-13-12, 14:07

After couple of phone calls (could hear baby / kids crying in the background) and few txt msgs, Indiana Johns arrived at the hotel on Shadeland.

If you are like Indiana Johns, when providers say they want to know what kind of car you are driving, and they would like to come over to your car to take care of "biz". Usually you leave the place immediately. That's basically what Indiana Johns did.

01-13-12, 16:04
I noticed that the Angie a lot of people have reviewed just switched her name to Alexis.


I saw her several months ago, and her bed and apartment were not quite as bad as I have read on here lately, but probably have detoriated since I was there. She works out of the Zionsville area.

The other Angie has been advertising for a while now.


I have not seen her, but I thought I had seen her pics tied in with the infamous Breanna crew at one time. I could be wrong.

01-13-12, 18:00
Hate to beat a dead horse here, but have to admit you nailed it. I didn't want my first post to be too negative, so I left out some of the harsher details that you put forward in your post. Bottom line is. I agree, the place should be declared a hazard area. I don't know how many guys found themselves curled up in there shower, attempting to scrub whatever the hell got on them from that place, wishing they hadn't tried it to begin with.

One thing I didn't mention in my other post. She also attempted to move the kitty up by my face, and I noticed she had a. Hmmm. 'problem' with another hole in that area. Almost made me throw up. I decided to just turn my head and look away. Honestly, I was kind of so overwhelmed with the whole situation that my instincts told me to leave, but I was so freaked out I couldn't make myself do it.

She was also slurring her speech and could barely keep her eyes open by the end of the session. I would suspect she took / smoked something before I got there and it had kicked in by the end of the session, but that's just speculation.

Guys. Trust what you're hearing. If you don't have issues going unprotected with the stankiest SW out there, this may be your girl. Just saying.Hmmmm, I smell LEO.

01-14-12, 04:26
I normally don't see providers under 25, mainly due to the potential for silliness, but also because I tend to feel that they might spend the whole time thinking,"I wish this old fuck would get off of me and go home". Anyway, I overcame my normal thoughts about this and called Leyla-mainly because it was 1 am, and she was the only provider that checked out that returned my texts. Also, she has very good reviews on NR. Anyway, we set something up at her incall on the northside. She asked if I could come int he morning, that she was afraid she would fall asleep prior to my arrival. I said that I couldn't, and she was very accommodating. I texted her from the parking lot of her lower end but ok hotel and went up. I opted for the half hour $5, due to the time. All services were covered, which is normally not great for me, but effort and a decent technique made up for the CBJ. Leyla is a cool chick and carries herself well. She's not ditzy or rushed or a silly little girl. Leyla also mentioned that she wanted to enhance her body, which is above average (a tiny bit of flab and some minor stretch marks) and get into porn. Would repeat if the opportunity readily presented itself.


01-14-12, 05:03
Yes, heads up fellas. The disgusting Angie is now called Alexis.

I wouldn't normally go through the trouble of pointing this out but I fear someone will make the same mistake I did. If you chose to see her, bring protection. As in a hazmat suit. And don't eat anything 24 hours before. Your throw up will have less consistency that way.

I noticed that the Angie a lot of people have reviewed just switched her name to Alexis.


I saw her several months ago, and her bed and apartment were not quite as bad as I have read on here lately, but probably have detoriated since I was there. She works out of the Zionsville area.

The other Angie has been advertising for a while now.


I have not seen her, but I thought I had seen her pics tied in with the infamous Breanna crew at one time. I could be wrong.

01-15-12, 23:09
It would be nice if more reviews used the providers "name" in the title. Would help us avid fans find reviews on specific ladies without reading through all the bickering and such between some of you. Nonetheless,

I saw Linda from backpage yesterday.


The top and bottom pictures represent the body. Very busty and a lot of fun. She was sexy, but I wouldn't say hot. Everything is covered.

Side note, anyone been to the cat house on lafayette?Wings, brother, you nailed it. Folks need to do a complete job when they post, especially when their talking about a certain person. Help each other out and make these posts easier to find when you search by including the girl's name in the title.

01-16-12, 00:50
I saw an ad on BP Massage section for these 2. Quoted 4 hand 120 roses for the hour. Please let me know.


01-16-12, 09:47
I saw an ad on BP Massage section for these 2. Quoted 4 hand 120 roses for the hour. Please let me know.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/BodyRubs/sensual-full-body-massage-by-racquel-and-marie-late-nite-out-or-in-call-special-d-21/5491523Yes I reviewed them on here a couple of weeks ago. My review said the pictures show a lot more than you will see during the visit. No hint of extras.

01-16-12, 14:51
Has anyone visited Kendra? A review would be appreciated.


01-16-12, 16:51
Hi guys. I am a long time lurker, and first time poster. I have had many good experiences with local ladies and visitors, and some not so good, to share. I have utilized other's reports, so it's now time to contribute.

Saw a nice, mature lady today, visiting from South Carolina. She is staying at a nicer Castleton area hotel, and has been here a few days. She has had little response so far from local Hoosier guys, so I hope some of you will contact her before she leaves Tuesday. With hopes that she will find our area a place worth returning to. She is mature, which I tend to like, and busty. She is solidly built for a woman around 50 years old, and busty. Also completely bare. She is very attentive, in no rush, and friendly and responsive. She had lots of great deep eye contact, which makes you feel at least temporarily connected. Provided great DT, before she mounted up and helped me release all of my pent-up stress. She was willing to negotiate with me on her usual travel donation (probably because biz was slow) and we settled on $.5 for our time spent. MSOG might have been possible, but I did not inquire. Again, she was in no hurry. Search her name and you will find many great reviews. I found quite a few on another site; all positive. You have to like the older type woman, but if you do, give sexxybonnie a try.


01-16-12, 17:33
OK, I'll add my voice to the chorus about the less than stellar condition of Angie's place in Z'ville. Everything everybody has said is accurate. The additionally gross thing that bothered me was after we were done with the massage, she said I could use the towel on the floor to clean myself off. Seriously? How many other of you guys have used that same towel, and how many weeks do you suppose it has been sitting there being used since it was washed? Now, the session (apart from the conditions) was nice. The "massage" was pretty feable, but she was very hands on in helping me relax, and moved her panties aside to provide a nice visual to help me achieve complete relief. She even massaged herself down there to help improve the already very cute visual. Her rates were a bit high, but she negotiated with me, because I had seen her friend Kathy, who provided similar services for less cost. Angie was kind enough on the phone beforehand to match her friend's rate of $, because she could tell I wasn't pleased with the higher quoted rates. I wonder what she would think if one of us showed up with our own sheet, towels and sanitizer. That would make me feel much more comfortable. The other thing that bothered me a little; she seems to be a bit of an assembly line. She talked about how she had like 8 or 9 appts the day I was there. And there was a guy out front waiting who called right when she and I were done. She told him to wait 3 minutes before coming up. He was parked right in front of me on the street, and walked in as soon as I pulled away. I assume he was directed to the same towel on the floor that I was after his massage was done. Ewwww! The other thing, she talked about herself, her car, her boyfriend / fiance', school, past jobs, family, ETC the whole time. I really didn't care to know that much about her, but I didn't want to be rude and tell her to stop talking. I guess I let her ramble because she was so damn cute, and I didn't want to cause a problem that affected the final product.

01-16-12, 18:15
Here are a variety of reviews of ladies from BP. If you guys think this info is helpful, I have more experiences I can share in the future. Rather than post 4 separate posts, I'll condense into one lengthy post:


Shelly. Very nice and down-to-earth. A little more mature (late 30's) than some of the other girls, which usually results in less drama. Shelly offered no drama. Sampled the 1/2 hour as it was my first time with her. I usually take the shorter session for less money (especially the 1st time meeting someone) , becasue it seems many of the 1 hour sessions only last a 1/2 hour anyways. Great, big tits. Signs of childbirth around the mid-section. She didn't remove bottoms because she said she currently had a monthly visitor (this was a few weeks ago). Said she used to work with Abigail (some pics on BP with the 2 of them) , but said she doesn't anymore because she was too much drama. HE via Russian was acheived. Nice time.


Tiffany 1. Great big boobs, pathetic massage, nice release and plenty of play with her huge tits. Again, opted for the 1/2 hour. Paying the full hour rate for more of the worthless massage would have been a colossal waste of money; unless she would provide a 2nd HE? She is nice, but not much personality. She is a BBW, but I think very cute in the face. If she would provide a 15 minute session that eliminated the massage part, that would have been even better. Maybe I'll ask next time.


Tiffany 2. She is a larger BBW. Quite tall too. She does have huge tits, which I like, and she is very sweet. Saw her around Christmas, and she was talking about getting some presents for her kids. She is not a druggie or psycho; very sweet and down-to-earth. No drama. She advertises only outcall now, but will do incall if she knows you. Great oral! One of the few providers that can do it great, and takes her time. I have only sampled FS once with her, but it was nice doggy. Usually just opt for a blow-and-go. The doggy was tighter than I would have thought for a larger lady. She is always on the far west side, in a low quality hotel. Rates are cheap, and she is reliable when you are in a moment of need!


Crystal. Another very sweet girl. Gives a very nice massage too. Took her time, and actually went over time a little. After the flip, she was massaging all around the area of interest, but I think was wanting some direction to proceed. A little carressing of her butt, and moving around to her chest helped things along. She is a small BBW, with nice tits. I think they may be augmented. After me touching her all over, and pulling her bra down to expose her tits, she still wasn't massaging my hot button area. I gently took her hand, and placed it where I wanted it. Then she started with a very nice HE. The second visit with her proceeded in the same manner, but the HE progressd into a BJ. Never any mention of a tip. I provided a. 5 tip at the end, and I hope that was sufficent. She is soft-spoken and low-key.

01-16-12, 22:03
Found myself on a date with Layla, a 25 whyear old on the Westside of town.


Since I speak in PowerPoint, here ya go:


Terrific location that is clean, nicely appointed for activity and conveniently located.

Congenial& conversant.

Positive attitude.


There is dude living there, though out of sight or gone for my time.

Evidence of at least part-time kids.

Bit of a baby belly that would be worth working for a knock-out curvy girl figure.


Clock watcher.

No kissing.


Covered BJ.

No anal.

A pleasant diversion if you can live with 'no's' and the total use of covering 'for your safety and mine. ' There are, IMHO, better values (I. E, Melissa, Cate, Slutcake) and because of that I will not repeat. Of course the boilerplate: The views express, YMMV, etc.

01-17-12, 00:14
This is the 5th time (in a row!) that I've gone to see "Jennifer" and it takes me over 2 and 1/2 hours round trip. This is how much I'm into this girl."Jennifer's" phone as been out of minutes for a while so I could not get a hold of her.

Using another phone she reconnected with me. We made arrangements to see one another. The drama at her incall has been substantially dialed down. No black gang banger hood rat trying to make her his hoe, and I quote,"Where's my money *****." She was smart enough to take my advice and kicked him out for good. There was however her older roommate who is a mellow kind of guy and another good friend of hers that was there, also another guy. I'm kind of use to the drill and they were cool with me so it didn't bother me a bit. I'm just mentioning this so if you decide to see her you know what to expect.

Once in the room she stood up to greet me. We talked hugging for a while, (it was super sweet) which broke out into a very nice DFKissing session. We moved things to the bed for some DATY and shortly after to 69 with me on top. It did not take long before I wanted to be in her so covered up for some mish. It was very sweet and she made lots of moans and gripped my back passionately. She O's twice before I O'd with her. So far things were great as usual.

Next we cuddled for a while (again very sweetly) with me holding and kissing her head. Then I massaged her as we talked. Again, her body is so awesome. It's in really good shape but with a touch of softness, the perfect combination for me.

Then I broke out my camera and took some pics that I might post here in a bit. The focused visuals got me going and we broke into a make out session again. This quickly progressed into DATY, Digits. 69 (this time with her on top) then Froggie Style. I say froggie style as for the first time in a while I experienced a variation of a new position. She pushed all the way up with her arms close together and put her butt way down low. This in essence made my dick bend to hit her G spot just right. She kept pushing down so hard I had to pull up with one hand under her hip and hold onto her shoulders with the other hand to keep from falling out. She was super duper wet and had to from time to time reinsert. Long story short she absolutely loved it and kept pushing back into me like crazy and came hard twice. I can always tell when she cums hard as she totally relaxes. I absolutely love experiencing women cum and "Jennifer" really knows how to get into it.

Finally because of a comical leg cramp we switched to mish. Again there was a lot of sweetness, moaning, holding my back, kissing, the works till she came for the 5th and final time. Hey, it just occurred me, I've seen her 5 times and she came 5 times. Interesting synchronicity.

Afterwards I just hugged and stayed in her for a while slowly stroking from time to time feeling every inch of her tightness. After all this she still felt super tight to me. Incredible!

I didn't want to make her raw so stopped and we took some more pictures as we got dressed. We talked and got ready watching her try on different sexy out fits put on make up, etc. It was nice just hanging out.

Finally before leaving she talked with her roommate and friend. This time another friend was there. Some guys might be freaked out but I really love seeing "Jennifer" and these guys were nice to me. We commented about Steven Seagal's bad acting, lack of drama this time, etc.

I mentioned to "Jennifer" some guys would be skiddish about these other guys. She claimed she could ask them to be gone when seeing a new client, or they could meet at a hotel, etc. In any case there are options for those who like a more controlled atmosphere.

Finally I took her out to eat. We had some good conversation. Then I dropped her back off.

Again, I've had another blast of an evening. Not sure every guy would feel as I do but still I cannot highly recommend her enough.

Seniors that contacted me for her, if you still are interested PM me and I'll give those I trust the new # she can be reached at.

Happy Hobbying

01-17-12, 13:29

Just checking to see if there is any new info on this one, more current than the last time she was being talked about some. Contacted her last week, seems nice, not sure what the old higher price might have been but quoted $.5 which to me seems rather high for what I would normally pay for a really good massage and minor finish unless a lot more is included.

01-17-12, 15:00
This is the 5th time (in a row!) that I've gone to see "Jennifer" and it takes me over 2 and 1/2 hours round trip. This is how much I'm into this girl."Jennifer's" phone as been out of minutes for a while so I could not get a hold of her.

Using another phone she reconnected with me. We made arrangements to see one another. The drama at her incall has been substantially dialed down. No black gang banger hood rat trying to make her his hoe, and I quote,"Where's my money." She was smart enough to take my advice and kicked him out for good. There was however her older roommate who is a mellow kind of guy and another good friend of hers that was there, also another guy. I'm kind of use to the drill and they were cool with me so it didn't bother me a bit. I'm just mentioning this so if you decide to see her you know what to expect.

Once in the room she stood up to greet me. We talked hugging for a while, (it was super sweet) which broke out into a very nice DFKissing session. We moved things to the bed for some DATY and shortly after to 69 with me on top. It did not take long before I wanted to be in her so covered up for some mish. It was very sweet and she made lots of moans and gripped my back passionately. She O's twice before I O'd with her. So far things were great as usual.

Next we cuddled for a while (again very sweetly) with me holding and kissing her head. Then I massaged her as we talked. Again, her body is so awesome. It's in really good shape but with a touch of softness, the perfect combination for me.

Then I broke out my camera and took some pics that I might post here in a bit. The focused visuals got me going and we broke into a make out session again. This quickly progressed into DATY, Digits. 69 (this time with her on top) then Froggie Style. I say froggie style as for the first time in a while I experienced a variation of a new position. She pushed all the way up with her arms close together and put her butt way down low. This in essence made my dick bend to hit her G spot just right. She kept pushing down so hard I had to pull up with one hand under her hip and hold onto her shoulders with the other hand to keep from falling out. She was super duper wet and had to from time to time reinsert. Long story short she absolutely loved it and kept pushing back into me like crazy and came hard twice. I can always tell when she cums hard as she totally relaxes. I absolutely love experiencing women cum and "Jennifer" really knows how to get into it.

Finally because of a comical leg cramp we switched to mish. Again there was a lot of sweetness, moaning, holding my back, kissing, the works till she came for the 5th and final time. Hey, it just occurred me, I've seen her 5 times and she came 5 times. Interesting synchronicity.

Afterwards I just hugged and stayed in her for a while slowly stroking from time to time feeling every inch of her tightness. After all this she still felt super tight to me. Incredible!

I didn't want to make her raw so stopped and we took some more pictures as we got dressed. We talked and got ready watching her try on different sexy out fits put on make up, etc. It was nice just hanging out.

Finally before leaving she talked with her roommate and friend. This time another friend was there. Some guys might be freaked out but I really love seeing "Jennifer" and these guys were nice to me. We commented about Steven Seagal's bad acting, lack of drama this time, etc.

I mentioned to "Jennifer" some guys would be skiddish about these other guys. She claimed she could ask them to be gone when seeing a new client, or they could meet at a hotel, etc. In any case there are options for those who like a more controlled atmosphere.

Finally I took her out to eat. We had some good conversation. Then I dropped her back off.

Again, I've had another blast of an evening. Not sure every guy would feel as I do but still I cannot highly recommend her enough.

Seniors that contacted me for her, if you still are interested PM me and I'll give those I trust the new # she can be reached at.

Happy HobbyingAre you still talking about your transsexual that loves ATM?

01-17-12, 17:57

Just checking to see if there is any new info on this one, more current than the last time she was being talked about some. Contacted her last week, seems nice, not sure what the old higher price might have been but quoted $.5 which to me seems rather high for what I would normally pay for a really good massage and minor finish unless a lot more is included.I have seen her and she is a nice enough gal with the suicide girl look; lots of tats. Good tight body with beautiful breasts but more than likely not a meeting worth repeating. She has rules that are somewhat restrictive to most wishes. However, YMMV, as they say.

01-17-12, 18:22

Just checking to see if there is any new info on this one, more current than the last time she was being talked about some. Contacted her last week, seems nice, not sure what the old higher price might have been but quoted $.5 which to me seems rather high for what I would normally pay for a really good massage and minor finish unless a lot more is included.She's been quoting $.5 in her ad for quite some time, so it doesn't sounds like she has "new lower rates". I'd check her out, but she keeps throwing these 'get you in the door' slogans that aren't true, and that just doesn't set you up well for the session, IMO.

Anal Hankerin
01-17-12, 19:04

Just checking to see if there is any new info on this one, more current than the last time she was being talked about some. Contacted her last week, seems nice, not sure what the old higher price might have been but quoted $.5 which to me seems rather high for what I would normally pay for a really good massage and minor finish unless a lot more is included.I called her up several months ago when she supposedly was moving to New York. She quoted $.5 then which I thought was a bit high also. Still she is a cute girl even with the facial piercings.

01-18-12, 00:43
Here's a couple of Pics of "Jennifer" for those who are interested.

01-18-12, 00:56
Hmmmm, I smell LEO.Interesting that you would say that. I had posted a review earlier and attempted to keep the providers name somewhat hidden yet obvious if you bothered to figure out what light rain could also be called. You PM'd me asking about it, and after reviewing your posts (you only had around 12 or so at the time) , I decided that I didn't want to share the information about name, location, etc. With you. So your tactic is to now accuse me of being LEO? Seriously?

As I explained to you in my reply, I consider this provider a special find for me. Everyone knows of the normal providers. We see their names frequently reviewed here. This special lady works at a legitimate location and doesn't advertise under body rubs, but rather therapeutic massage. I went to her for an actual massage, and well, things happened that I didn't expect would happen. I've seen her multiple times since that first visit. All of them resulting in me leaving with a huge smile on my face. I have no desire to publicly declare her actual name / location on this forum that may negatively affect her ability to work and provide services to those fortunate enough to know who she is. And I didn't feel like sharing her info to someone that simply sent a PM that said "Where can I find some light rain". Seriously? I don't know you. Your activity was limited. These ladies need to be protected, ESPECIALLY those that don't actively advertise as providing the services we all enjoy. The most coveted finds are those providers that don't operate like a manufacturing line, watching the clock, giving a mediocre HE, next guy in please.

Anyone that wants to PM me for details, please do. However, I will review your posts before replying and giving details. I will err on the side of caution. Please understand that I am not here to contribute to the normal reviews of the usual providers (unless the experience was really bad, I. E. Angie in Zyville). If you don't like me not giving exact names, links to their BP posts, etc, fine. I won't contribute then. However, some providers that don't post in body rubs deserve to be handled with some delicacy on this forum IMO. They don't post in that area for a reason, and I'm not going to do it for them by providing their details here. I will post experiences, PM's are welcome and will be vetted before I provide details.

One other question. If I was LEO. Perhaps I would have responded to your PM with details on where to find this young lady. Did you think about that before accusing me of being LEO? Idiot.

01-18-12, 01:10
Hmmmm, I smell LEO.Just reviewed your posts. Still glad I didn't give you the information. To recap, you've posted about Relax a few times, REL once or twice, asked for info a couple of times, referenced a coupon once, posted about a legit location. What have you posted that would make me feel like I should give you information about a provider that doesn't advertise under body rubs or any adult service for that matter? And you acuse me of being LEO because I wouldn't give you info via PM. LMAO.

I seriously hope there are people on this board that don't give info via PM to yahoo's like this guy.

01-18-12, 13:56
Found myself on a date with Layla, a 25 whyear old on the Westside of town.


Since I speak in PowerPoint, here ya go:


Terrific location that is clean, nicely appointed for activity and conveniently located.

Congenial& conversant.

Positive attitude.


There is dude living there, though out of sight or gone for my time.

Evidence of at least part-time kids.

Bit of a baby belly that would be worth working for a knock-out curvy girl figure.


Clock watcher.

No kissing.


Covered BJ.

No anal.

A pleasant diversion if you can live with 'no's' and the total use of covering 'for your safety and mine. ' There are, IMHO, better values (I. E, Melissa, Cate, Slutcake) and because of that I will not repeat. Of course the boilerplate: The views express, YMMV, etc.If there is a dude living there, You better hope she is a clockwatcher. I would be a door watcher. LOL

01-18-12, 14:39

Tiffany only does outcall unless she knows you already. She was on time. The pics are definitely her although she looks older in person. All-in-all it was an ok time. She has very big tits and has no problem getting down to business. The oral was pretty good but there seemed to be something missing. Like she wasn't really completely in the room mentally. I know it's a job but the hobbyist shouldn't feel that way. I had fun anyway. She was inexpensive and you get what you pay for. Will consider contacting her again if I need someone in a pinch.


Andi only does outcalls. She was on time and arrived full of energy and in a great mood. She is very affectionate and enjoys making you feel good. This was my second time seeing her and it only got better. She actually looks younger in person than she does in her pics. She let me complete as many time as I wanted in the allotted time and never once seemed concerned of the time. We actually went over several minutes. This girl is very concerned about making you happy however she has to. Great conversation and plenty of laughs. I will be seeing her again.

01-18-12, 15:52
Here's a couple of Pics of "Jennifer" for those who are interested.Wow! Looks very nice!

01-18-12, 17:25
I was browsing thru reviews, although somewhat naughty, and came across this comment. It is a little sick, but I laughed so hard everytime I read it, I wanted to share it with this board. I left the poster's name out.

"Things started much better but then in the middle of mish she starts farting. After we finished and got up I noticed what I thought were milk duds in the bed. They were not milk duds. I thank God I didn't eat one. She turned red faced and explained her Crohns disease could be acting up. I could smell crap the enire ride home. Once I got home I went to take a shower and discovered my ball sack was brown."

This review should be on our "C'mon Man!" forum

01-18-12, 18:30
I was browsing thru reviews, although somewhat naughty, and came across this comment. It is a little sick, but I laughed so hard everytime I read it, I wanted to share it with this board. I left the poster's name out.

"Things started much better but then in the middle of mish she starts farting. After we finished and got up I noticed what I thought were milk duds in the bed. They were not milk duds. I thank God I didn't eat one. She turned red faced and explained her Crohns disease could be acting up. I could smell crap the enire ride home. Once I got home I went to take a shower and discovered my ball sack was brown."

This review should be on our "C'mon Man!" forumSpeechless.

Member #4106
01-18-12, 18:57
I was browsing thru reviews, although somewhat naughty, and came across this comment. It is a little sick, but I laughed so hard everytime I read it, I wanted to share it with this board. I left the poster's name out.

"Things started much better but then in the middle of mish she starts farting. After we finished and got up I noticed what I thought were milk duds in the bed. They were not milk duds. I thank God I didn't eat one. She turned red faced and explained her Crohns disease could be acting up. I could smell crap the enire ride home. Once I got home I went to take a shower and discovered my ball sack was brown."

This review should be on our "C'mon Man!" forumNow here are the reviews that are needed.

01-18-12, 21:21
Good point.

Sadly, she was sufficiently professional about it that it is clear this is not a new endeavor for her, so I knew he would not be dropping in. No doubt the guy in her life is why the hard boundaries relative to DATY, anal and kissing.

If there is a dude living there, You better hope she is a clockwatcher. I would be a door watcher. LOL

01-18-12, 22:54
Thanks senior, be / see your bad comment, I went to see her be / see she is real and legit. Actually I enjoyed w / her each time. I was surprised she got lots reviews. Hope she would come back Indy since I have no chance to see T.

I was browsing thru reviews, although somewhat naughty, and came across this comment. It is a little sick, but I laughed so hard everytime I read it, I wanted to share it with this board. I left the poster's name out.

"Things started much better but then in the middle of mish she starts farting. After we finished and got up I noticed what I thought were milk duds in the bed. They were not milk duds. I thank God I didn't eat one. She turned red faced and explained her Crohns disease could be acting up. I could smell crap the enire ride home. Once I got home I went to take a shower and discovered my ball sack was brown."

This review should be on our "C'mon Man!" forum

Member #4397
01-19-12, 10:23
* Unrushed _*_ Relaxation * Beautiful Women ready to make you satisfied!.22.

Anyone seen these lovely ladies? I tried searching, but came up with nothing. I don't know if I am retarded or what. Any info would be great, PM or otherwise.

Thanks in advance.

01-19-12, 12:10
I was browsing thru reviews, although somewhat naughty, and came across this comment. It is a little sick, but I laughed so hard everytime I read it, I wanted to share it with this board. I left the poster's name out.

"Things started much better but then in the middle of mish she starts farting. After we finished and got up I noticed what I thought were milk duds in the bed. They were not milk duds. I thank God I didn't eat one. She turned red faced and explained her Crohns disease could be acting up. I could smell crap the enire ride home. Once I got home I went to take a shower and discovered my ball sack was brown."

This review should be on our "C'mon Man!" forum". And as I started to leave she said look into my brown eye and tell how you really feel about me!" LOL.

Is this really for real? Can anyone say "throat vomit"?

01-19-12, 16:39
Just reviewed your posts. Still glad I didn't give you the information. To recap, you've posted about Relax a few times, REL once or twice, asked for info a couple of times, referenced a coupon once, posted about a legit location. What have you posted that would make me feel like I should give you information about a provider that doesn't advertise under body rubs or any adult service for that matter? And you acuse me of being LEO because I wouldn't give you info via PM. LMAO.

I seriously hope there are people on this board that don't give info via PM to yahoo's like this guy.You failed to mention that in your pm reply to me, you offered to trade. You suggested I might know some legit masseuses that secretly provide extras that I could divulge to you in return for giving me info on your secret provider.

01-19-12, 17:57
Recently I have seeing different ads about Asian providers on BP. Did anyone get a chance to visit a Asian girl in Indy?

01-19-12, 22:23
Anyone have info on the ebony girl named Passion on BP? I do belive I recognize her from a certain club on P Pike. PM would be great.

01-19-12, 23:08
You failed to mention that in your pm reply to me, you offered to trade. You suggested I might know some legit masseuses that secretly provide extras that I could divulge to you in return for giving me info on your secret provider.My PM back to your "Where might I find some light rain?" is as follows.

"You give out a lot of detail in some of you posts. This little gal is too special for me to risk having someone give specific details on name, location, rate. I might be more inclined to share if you give me a secret provider as well as well as promise to keep any posts about her cryptic so she doesn't begin to get calls 24/7 and a huge inflow of new male customers which would raise a lot of flags with her, her location, and possible LEO. Please understand that I do not want her to be compromised as she practices at a legit location and does not advertise in the body rub section. And very rarely advertises in the massage section as well. She was a very lucky find by me and it would be a tragedy for me to lose her services!

I don't mind sharing her with a few, but want to make sure she continues to be around for me as well!"

As I rightly point out, you give a lot of info, I. E. Went to Reflex (a common theme for you) , saw PUT NAME HERE, .

As I also point out, I don't want to risk giving info to someone about a provider that doesn't want to have her name / location posted for all to see so that I can no longer enjoy her services. Enjoying her services are much more important to me than you getting them from her.

This place is all about trading info. To get some, you have to give some. I was interested in seeing if you'd trade some info with the hope that you might just prove you would be of value to me beyond your posts about Reflex and REL (been there, done that). And yes, normally I wouldn't mention the second place's name except you (and others) have already clearly posted on here the location, names of providers, directions on how to get there, services provided, etc, for all to see.

You didn't respond. Fine. But I didn't post "Hmmmm. Smells like LEO" on one of your posts.

Happy hunting bud. Hope you have many happy endings coming your way. Please let others here determine whether I have anything useful to share before flaming me the way you did. No hard feelings. Idiot out.

01-20-12, 08:03
I am very familiar with Passion as she's one of my favorites. She's sweet, very talented and exactly as she appears in her pics. PM me for more specifics if you'd like.

01-20-12, 13:35
I was wondering if these two actually went "all the way" or just a tease:


It appears that they do:


01-20-12, 14:47
I was wondering if these two actually went "all the way" or just a tease:


It appears that they do:

http://www.fox59.com/news/crime/wxin-dianna-nicley-nicole-fortner-prostitution-sting-greenwood-police-arrest-two-women-during-prostitution-sting-20120119.0,349796.ColumnI couldn't get that link to work. Goto Fox59. Com. Pick news. Pick crime. Pick from list: Greenwood police arrest two women during prostitution sting

01-20-12, 20:10
Saw Melissa this afternoon, and got her approval to post on here as she's recently become concerned about all the reviews. She's had to relocate from the Castleton area as hotels are raising room rates, and she's now temporarily located on the east side. She's one of the sweetest, if not the sweetest, I've seen. Hell, she even took in a stray dog to keep it from freezing today! I was shocked at how good the back rub was.

Member #4397
01-21-12, 01:16
I couldn't get that link to work. Goto Fox59. Com. Pick news. Pick crime. Pick from list: Greenwood police arrest two women during prostitution stingHttp://www.fox59.com/news/crime/wxin-dianna-nicley-nicole-fortner-prostitution-sting-greenwood-police-arrest-two-women-during-prostitution-sting-20120119.0,349796.Column

01-24-12, 00:03
Doesn't leave a name. Phone search doesn't reveal much.

Don't have much to go by.

Any info is appreciated, gentleman.


01-24-12, 07:57
Doesn't leave a name. Phone search doesn't reveal much.

Don't have much to go by.

Any info is appreciated, gentleman.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/BodyRubs/full-body-massage-skilled-hands-pretty-face-and-body-26/5585365I saw same ad a day or two ago and searched # and came up with backage ads all over Indiana and Michigan. All same girl but some offered massages with a man also. Couldn't find reviews so someone will have to TOFTT but the number change is strange.

Bob Stuff
01-24-12, 11:04
Check out my review of her a while back. Decent time and price.

My review is titled "Had a nice visit with T today", from back in October.

She's the girl near E 56th St, that sometimes advertises with a guy.

Doesn't leave a name. Phone search doesn't reveal much.

Don't have much to go by.

Any info is appreciated, gentleman.


01-24-12, 23:24

Have seen this ad for a little while. Says its a new number. Google the number and get ads for "Holly". Could be same girl, just a new handle. Anyone met this mature provider? I think I have seen her advertise in Indy sometimes, but looks like she is now out of Anderson. Would love to hear a first hand experience; not interested in experimenting given the current caution mode I am in for the next few weeks.

01-25-12, 01:49
First I need to apologize to some seniors as one of the numbers I gave was to a phone Jennifer used to have access to but has fallen into unfriendly hands. Jennifer is great in oh some many ways but still needs to get her act together in terms of associates as well as getting a phone that is strictly hers. In any case I do have a number that has been working for me but am reluctant to give it out unless some senior really wants to see her badly. I don't want to be responsibly for any more mishaps. I just wanted to help out a friend as well as my fellow hobbyists. This is one of the problems I guess you run into with young providers.

In any case I did happen to see Jennifer again tonight. It was the best first round I've had with her yet. She had cleaned up and redecorated her room. Things looks noticeably more tidy. I think she is making an effort towards becoming a higher end provider. I haVe full confidence that Jennifer will pull all those pieces together one day. Again she is young and her associates somewhat draining.

We started by standing up and making out with the deepest fullest kissing one could want. I loved how we hugged one another feeling each other up while doing so. After quite a while we undressed and continued to make out standing up this time with me heavy petting and inserting digits into her wet pussy.

I didn't need a BBBJ to get me hard this time and laid on the bed and asked her to guess which position I wanted this time. She guessed it CG. She slid me in which was wonderfully wet and warm. I suckled intently on her pierced Brest pulling occasionally on the stud with my teeth. She got noticably aroused and I asked her to kiss me reply when she was about to cum. She got closer as I continued my focus on her breast trusting in tune with her ride. Suddenly she turned my head off her breast and came hard kissing me oh so deep. It was literally fucking awesome. And then I got super turned on which turned her super on again and we came together while I massaged her clit in CG.

We Both laughed with pleasure exclaiming this to be the best first round yet. We cuddled and talked for a while which is always a pleasure as Jennifer has a chilled type of attitude. I would have stayed for round two but she got another call and I felt a bit spent so I offered to leave a bit early. She only charged me for the hr rate instead of the two I normally go for and let her she her next client. We warmly hugged one another and said our goodbyes and kissed before I left into the night. I will most definitely be returning.

01-25-12, 10:40

Have seen this ad for a little while. Says its a new number. Google the number and get ads for "Holly". Could be same girl, just a new handle. Anyone met this mature provider? I think I have seen her advertise in Indy sometimes, but looks like she is now out of Anderson. Would love to hear a first hand experience; not interested in experimenting given the current caution mode I am in for the next few weeks.Jaime used to go by the name Sara. She advertised in Anderson several months ago with a picture wearing a red dress, no faceshot. Not to be confused with the Sara from Anderson that is super skiny and shows up on the Muncie ads. With that being said, I have tried to call both the old number and her new number (that I also googled and found other providers used this number a year or two ago) with no luck and no return calls. I believe a review was made months ago about her as sara and they were nothing stellar. However the advertised price does fit with that. If anyone does get ahold of her and meet her, I too would be interested. But I am done trying to call her.

01-25-12, 19:10
That's what I needed. Thank you, sir.

Check out my review of her a while back. Decent time and price.

My review is titled "Had a nice visit with T today", from back in October.

She's the girl near E 56th St, that sometimes advertises with a guy.

01-26-12, 08:51
Trying to send you a PM but your inbox is full.

01-26-12, 18:33
After a fair amount of searching I was unable to find any trace of this woman. Maybe one of you have some info?


Tineye did show 1 hit for an eros site for Sandy daniels......So I'm guessing its fake or sting.

01-26-12, 20:14
Jaime used to go by the name Sara. She advertised in Anderson several months ago with a picture wearing a red dress, no faceshot. Not to be confused with the Sara from Anderson that is super skiny and shows up on the Muncie ads. With that being said, I have tried to call both the old number and her new number (that I also googled and found other providers used this number a year or two ago) with no luck and no return calls. I believe a review was made months ago about her as sara and they were nothing stellar. However the advertised price does fit with that. If anyone does get ahold of her and meet her, I too would be interested. But I am done trying to call her.I have talked with Jamie and confirmed it, in fact, is Sara. I would agree regarding the comment "nothing stellar" and I think the pics must be old as they are, IMO, better than in person.

01-26-12, 21:13
I have not seen any reviews of her anywhere but she started advertising on Dec. 31 and seems to remove her ads so there is no trace of them on BP. Other rogue sites have copies of her ads though.



After a fair amount of searching I was unable to find any trace of this woman. Maybe one of you have some info?


Tineye did show 1 hit for an eros site for Sandy daniels. So I'm guessing its fake or sting.

01-26-12, 21:56
I have actually spoken with her; however, schedules and timing have not yet worked out. Sounds fairly experienced in this line, but I could be wrong.

After a fair amount of searching I was unable to find any trace of this woman. Maybe one of you have some info?


Tineye did show 1 hit for an eros site for Sandy daniels. So I'm guessing its fake or sting.

01-27-12, 14:27
Anyone know about this Melanie. Have seen her ad for awhile on BP but have found no reviews of her.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/i_-n_-c_-r_-e_-d_-i_-b_-l_-e-25/4001574I googled her phone number again today and found an erotic information release. In it, a hobbyists described time as a massage with upsell and more upsell with no return on investment.

Here is her current ad http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/what-you-see-is-what-you-get-no-more-no-less-25/4121398

Bob Stuff
01-27-12, 14:49
Cleared inbox, PM away.

Trying to send you a PM but your inbox is full.

01-27-12, 19:34
I have actually spoken with her; however, schedules and timing have not yet worked out. Sounds fairly experienced in this line, but I could be wrong.I'll be interested to see your report.

01-27-12, 23:39
After a fair amount of searching I was unable to find any trace of this woman. Maybe one of you have some info?


Tineye did show 1 hit for an eros site for Sandy daniels. So I'm guessing its fake or sting.She is legit and safe, don't think the pics are actually her, but can't say for sure. All I know

01-28-12, 01:24
After a fair amount of searching I was unable to find any trace of this woman. Maybe one of you have some info?


Tineye did show 1 hit for an eros site for Sandy daniels. So I'm guessing its fake or sting.I don't know anything but I've had my eye on Lizz and found Lizz's identical Indy Nuvo ad just like in Indianapolis also on Guide Provider My in Nebraska Omaha, to-with: http://www.myproviderguide.com/escorts/omaha/free-posts/w4m/4124271.html. Maybe that can be explained to Assman's satisfaction.

Red Gray 66
01-28-12, 03:13
Alright, gentleman. Need some intel on this hot little number. Tried searching the forums but had no luck. Came very close to meeting up with her a few months back, but the plan fell through. Heading back into town next week and I need some reports to help seal the deal this time around.


Forgot It
01-28-12, 10:52
Alright, gentleman. Need some intel on this hot little number. Tried searching the forums but had no luck. Came very close to meeting up with her a few months back, but the plan fell through. Heading back into town next week and I need some reports to help seal the deal this time around.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/take-a-trip-to-heaven-with-eva-21/5279355She has been reviewed on here before; don't recall the thread, but you could search it. Also, she is on NR and has been reviewed there. Let us know with a post if you connect. Would like to know your experience as she has been on my radar as well.

F / I

01-28-12, 16:32
She has been reviewed on here before; don't recall the thread, but you could search it. Also, she is on NR and has been reviewed there. Let us know with a post if you connect. Would like to know your experience as she has been on my radar as well.

F / II did a search and I don't see it.

01-29-12, 00:05
I don't know anything but I've had my eye on Lizz and found Lizz's identical Indy Nuvo ad just like in Indianapolis also on Guide Provider My in Nebraska Omaha, to-with:


Maybe that can be explained to Assman's satisfaction.I could do that. And might, but stand by what I said, she's real and safe, can not speak to quality, and is not the girl that was working in the other ads / numbers. Think the old caveat we mature hobbiests used to often see, stock model photo.

01-30-12, 01:00
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove references to Transvestites/Transsexuals/SheMales. As provided in the Forum's Posting Guideline, members may not discuss Transvestites/Transsexuals/SheMales. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

B Beall
01-30-12, 10:27
Think the old caveat we mature hobbiests used to often see, stock model photo.I used to see Sony Betamaxes on sale everywhere, too. Which doesn't excuse selling them on eBay as "vintage analog blue-ray recorders".

01-30-12, 11:11
Alright, gentleman. Need some intel on this hot little number. Tried searching the forums but had no luck. Came very close to meeting up with her a few months back, but the plan fell through. Heading back into town next week and I need some reports to help seal the deal this time around.

http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/take-a-trip-to-heaven-with-eva-21/5279355Here is my review of Eva.


01-30-12, 12:34
I used to see Sony Betamaxes on sale everywhere, too. Which doesn't excuse selling them on eBay as "vintage analog blue-ray recorders".But as always witty and hilarious.

01-30-12, 12:52

OK, my friend BBeall and some others may quit reading now, they are not actual pics. I was told by an acquaintance I trust that they were not as good as the real thing. I personally think the pics in the ad are pretty darn nice, but Krystal is every bit as cute, probably more. (read cute as body and face) so yes the pics are representative. She likes to think of her looks as "decent", well if she is just decent I really want to meet the hot ones she knows. She is very new to this, and it shows, but not in a bad way. She doesn't waste any time getting going, and tends to do everything rather quickly, but she does them very very well. Claims to be GFE, and I would rate her that and more, the only drawback for me being a slight reluctance for kissing, but that I think will be better with a little more time on her part, or hopefully time with me anyway. As with so many so young, but not all, BJ comes to mind, she is very sexual, just hasn't been around enough to discover sensual yet. She has the potential to be really special. Cute, young, friendly, sexual, smart, accomodating and reasonable. Really hard not to like all that.

01-30-12, 13:15
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove references to Transvestites/Transsexuals/SheMales. As provided in the Forum's Posting Guideline, members may not discuss Transvestites/Transsexuals/SheMales. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

01-30-12, 15:58

Tiffany only does outcall unless she knows you already. She was on time. The pics are definitely her although she looks older in person. All-in-all it was an ok time. She has very big tits and has no problem getting down to business. The oral was pretty good but there seemed to be something missing. Like she wasn't really completely in the room mentally. I know it's a job but the hobbyist shouldn't feel that way. I had fun anyway. She was inexpensive and you get what you pay for. Will consider contacting her again if I need someone in a pinch.


Andi only does outcalls. She was on time and arrived full of energy and in a great mood. She is very affectionate and enjoys making you feel good. This was my second time seeing her and it only got better. She actually looks younger in person than she does in her pics. She let me complete as many time as I wanted in the allotted time and never once seemed concerned of the time. We actually went over several minutes. This girl is very concerned about making you happy however she has to. Great conversation and plenty of laughs. I will be seeing her again.You are very sweet Dan! I had a good time too. I sent you a PM but you didn't respond. Get with me when you get time.


01-30-12, 17:08
Have checked the site, haven't seen anything on this little sparkplug,

Anyone out there lend a PM or a review?



Member #4164
01-30-12, 21:43
I had a dream I saw Hollie.


Place was in an ok neighborhood. It was at a house. The blonde in the pictures was there on the couch. Hollie greeted me as I walked in the door. She wanted to secure things up front. We did so and both put on our birthday suits. Amazing rack on this one.

The ad was for a massage. So I laid face down. She told me to flip over. She got right down to business. I roamed around and she took very very good care of me. She asked me to be quiet as other people where home.

There wasn't a massage at all. It was more of a door side service. We talked for a few as we got back in our work clothes and I said my goodbyes. She offered to smoke a cigarette with me. I declined as I don't smoke.

I left and woke up. Felt like I over paid. I wouldn't go back unless a massage was in the cars. However, she did mention a 4 hand massage. That sounds good. The dream was so-so.

Forgot It
01-31-12, 00:42
Hi all I am new here and was wanting to know if there is any ts that are legit? I could use some pointers if I use BP on how to tell if they are legit and not LEO. I have looked some up and tried to do research but I don't know what I am looking for. If any of you suggest one to me I will post a review on who I choose. Pm me if you would like. I do have a couple in mind but not sure how to post there link so don't get it deleted off here.When looking on B / P for a ts,"pointers... to tell if they are legit and not LEO" are the same pointers we use here on the board to tell if newbie posters asking dumb questions are LEO.

F / I

01-31-12, 10:17

OK, my friend BBeall and some others may quit reading now, they are not actual pics. I was told by an acquaintance I trust that they were not as good as the real thing. I personally think the pics in the ad are pretty darn nice, but Krystal is every bit as cute, probably more. (read cute as body and face) so yes the pics are representative. She likes to think of her looks as "decent", well if she is just decent I really want to meet the hot ones she knows. She is very new to this, and it shows, but not in a bad way. She doesn't waste any time getting going, and tends to do everything rather quickly, but she does them very very well. Claims to be GFE, and I would rate her that and more, the only drawback for me being a slight reluctance for kissing, but that I think will be better with a little more time on her part, or hopefully time with me anyway. As with so many so young, but not all, BJ comes to mind, she is very sexual, just hasn't been around enough to discover sensual yet. She has the potential to be really special. Cute, young, friendly, sexual, smart, accomodating and reasonable. Really hard not to like all that.I was wondering about her but with all the fuss surrounding the SB, it did not seem like the best time to venture out for a little strange thing, eh? Anyway, thanks for the report; coming from you, I am now headed to the bank!

01-31-12, 15:11
Hi all I am new here and was wanting to know if there is any ts that are legit? I could use some pointers if I use BP on how to tell if they are legit and not LEO. I have looked some up and tried to do research but I don't know what I am looking for. If any of you suggest one to me I will post a review on who I choose. Pm me if you would like. I do have a couple in mind but not sure how to post there link so don't get it deleted off here.How to tell? You mean besides reading the review boards or taking chances like everyone else has had to do? Seriously though, call someone from BP that advertises as a TS and meet them. Look for the "Pointer". If it is a penis, you got a legit one. If it is a gun, you got a LEO. Maybe if you make a few dates and post a few reviews, the information would be easier to obtain.

02-01-12, 02:54
How to tell? You mean besides reading the review boards or taking chances like everyone else has had to do? Seriously though, call someone from BP that advertises as a TS and meet them. Look for the "Pointer". If it is a penis, you got a legit one. If it is a gun, you got a LEO. Maybe if you make a few dates and post a few reviews, the information would be easier to obtain.I thought the moderator of the board has specifically intended for discussions to be limited to "men" seeking "women". TS are not women. There ought to be another board for this, as we don't need the confusion here. The last thing I think anyone wants is to follow a good review about a provider, not having caught on that it's about a TS, and be unpleasantly surprised upon discovery of their confusion.


02-01-12, 12:24
Why are we discussing this? I thought the moderator of the board has specifically intended for discussions to be limited to "men" seeking "women". TS are not women. TA2TA2, I agree with you and I have no interest, no experience or desire to meet or discuss them. I only responded in a sarcastic manner in an attempt for a little humor during the times when we all worry about new members asking for specific help when we know that enforcement is a strong possibility. Sorry if my humor missed its mark.


B Beall
02-01-12, 18:42
TA2, I agree with you and I have no interest, no experience or desire to meet or discuss them. I only responded in a sarcastic manner in an attempt for a little humor during the times when we all worry about new members asking for specific help when we know that enforcement is a strong possibility. Sorry if my humor missed its mark.

DGI thought it was the funniest line I've heard all week. And we can't all be expected to catch everything that's out of bounds. (I thought that's what moderators were for.) You put the guy in his place, which is probably better than it just being ignored.

On the other hand, yeah. Doesn't belong here. But let's blame the newbie offender, TA, not the regular who, after all, did not start a discussion of the matter.

02-01-12, 20:29
He's not known as "newbie offender." He's known as fucking queer. There's a time and a place for that $hit, and it's never on these boards.


I thought it was the funniest line I've heard all week. And we can't all be expected to catch everything that's out of bounds. (I thought that's what moderators were for.) You put the guy in his place, which is probably better than it just being ignored.

On the other hand, yeah. Doesn't belong here. But let's blame the newbie offender, TA, not the regular who, after all, did not start a discussion of the matter.

02-01-12, 21:03
Look I am fairly new I haven't posted in a while for many reasons I kind of got into it with one of the members here last time but anyways I just want to ask if anybody would be nice enough to help me out with getting a date with jayla the latina girl I have texted her many times once she told me that wasnt her and today she sort of stopped texting me for no apparent reason I am legit and have ways to prove it even though I usually do not write reviews so please any help is appreciated

02-02-12, 09:14
Look I am fairly new I haven't posted in a while for many reasons I kind of got into it with one of the members here last time but anyways I just want to ask if anybody would be nice enough to help me out with getting a date with jayla the latina girl I have texted her many times once she told me that wasnt her and today she sort of stopped texting me for no apparent reason I am legit and have ways to prove it even though I usually do not write reviews so please any help is appreciatedI know I have had a provider not respond to my inquiries before. I'm sure every hobbyists has had that happen before. I do not know Jayla. Sometimes, a provider gets a bad vibe for some reason or even no reason. Whatever her reasoning for not responding, you have to accept it and move on to another. No one is going to help a stranger setting up an appointment.

B Beall
02-02-12, 09:44
I am legit and have ways to prove it even though I usually do not write reviews so please any help is appreciatedBeing legit and able to prove it is the minimum requirement for entry. Or should be. It's not a guarantee that you get the best table. It doesn't make coming in here and getting crosswise of people a good idea. It doesn't mean any provider has to see you.

02-02-12, 10:36
Look I am fairly new I haven't posted in a while for many reasons I kind of got into it with one of the members here last time but anyways I just want to ask if anybody would be nice enough to help me out with getting a date with jayla the latina girl I have texted her many times once she told me that wasnt her and today she sort of stopped texting me for no apparent reason I am legit and have ways to prove it even though I usually do not write reviews so please any help is appreciatedThe providers I know tell me they usually stop texting or talking when the gentleman starts asking specific questions about services, personal life, etc. Things that need not be asked. And, we as hobbyist's, have to remember this is a job for the ladies and endless text sessions is not something they can do. Sometimes, they may either get the feeling that the guy wants to become friends thru text, or she may simply be busy with a scheduled appointment. Sometimes a simple phone call, instead of text, is the answer.

Good luck.

Tim P14
02-02-12, 11:29
Look I am fairly new I haven't posted in a while for many reasons I kind of got into it with one of the members here last time but anyways I just want to ask if anybody would be nice enough to help me out with getting a date with jayla the latina girl I have texted her many times once she told me that wasnt her and today she sort of stopped texting me for no apparent reason I am legit and have ways to prove it even though I usually do not write reviews so please any help is appreciatedWeren't you calling senior members asshole and jerkoff the last time you slithered out of your hole. Why would we have any interest in helping you?