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06-14-11, 05:50
Well, I have never heard of AMP girls getting busted. Appears the new law is targeted at the streetwalkers in Waikiki. Whose service really sucks. I remember 5 years ago. They were asking $300 for 1 hour. Not to mention these way over priced call girls on backpage. So am for letting the law go. It will only make in harder for the black pimps in Waikiki. How many hundereds of tourists have been ripped off by pimped out Waikiki street tricks. I suspect many. So this is just my take after being here for 25 years.


If you paid for pussy in Hawaii, you probably paid too much.Wishful thinking, Bro. New law seeks to bring down AMPs by going after the owners and mamasans for promoting prostitution.

Member #6232
06-17-11, 01:48
Wishful thinking, Bro. New law seeks to bring down AMPs by going after the owners and mamasans for promoting prostitution.Alternative to AMPs is independent which is good by me if that is only option. Ladies can establish there select clientele and even manage and control their schedule with each client as they need. Better to be there own boss rather than be ruled by one. Careful screening can limit the crazies and couple of trusted friends can provide the extra insurance against undesirables. Just one option to AMPs.

Be safe gents, O

First Try
06-17-11, 22:53
Not really a report but the pics of nice eye candy brighten ups the day:


06-18-11, 20:53
Alternative to AMPs is independent which is good by me if that is only option. Ladies can establish there select clientele and even manage and control their schedule with each client as they need. Better to be there own boss rather than be ruled by one. Careful screening can limit the crazies and couple of trusted friends can provide the extra insurance against undesirables. Just one option to AMPs.

Be safe gents, OWell, be that as it may in an idea situation. But the reality of a prohibition era would be very different. How would the independents advertise and still stay under the radar of activists and law enforcement?

How would the totality of the change be better for mongers? It cannot be. Right now we can go to these establishments, have nice table shower, massage and intimacy. It is a safe and clean environment for both parties. You can stay with the one or the ones you like or see someone new. There is organization among the owners that set standards and parameters for providers and customers. There is acceptance by society, politicians and police if everyone involves keeps a low profile. Everyone wins.

But there are more organized and more willful activists, religious prudes and militant feminists and unthinking and wishful thinking politicians who are going to rock our world.

06-24-11, 17:38
Check this one out, running a web site can be breaking the law?


06-24-11, 23:38
Check this one out, running a web site can be breaking the law?

http://www.mail.com/news/us/515938-police-profs-site-esteemed-men-to-sex.html#.7518-stage-hero1-4HB240 just got signed into law effective middle of next year.

06-25-11, 08:15
Check this one out, running a web site can be breaking the law?

http://www.mail.com/news/us/515938-police-profs-site-esteemed-men-to-sex.html#.7518-stage-hero1-4If you read the story, they did a lot more than just operate a website. I like the description of the "hunt club" In which they recruited providers to come to NM.

"Southwest Companions had 1, 400 members, including former University of New Mexico President F. Chris Garcia, who police said was among the site's top echelon."

Obviously members identities were known or discoverable. Verification services such as date check and P411 have always made me nervous and this is why.

Interestingly, the website interface is similar to this site and uses the. Info domain.

06-29-11, 21:37
With Obama and world leader coming to town later this year do you think that AMP around the area will be impacted? I am thinking 2 things here. They will get shut down to "clean up" HNL or they may get super busy because of it.

What do you think?

06-30-11, 03:36
With Obama and world leader coming to town later this year do you think that AMP around the area will be impacted? I am thinking 2 things here. They will get shut down to "clean up" HNL or they may get super busy because of it.

What do you think?I would think that HPD would need to prove that illegal activity is taking place at an AMP before they can shut it down. As long as the AMPs are open, I suspect they will be very busy. That goes for the escorts and streetwalkers as well.

07-01-11, 03:45
I would think that HPD would need to prove that illegal activity is taking place at an AMP before they can shut it down. As long as the AMPs are open, I suspect they will be very busy. That goes for the escorts and streetwalkers as well.You think it is hard for HPD to prove that illegal activity takes place at AMPs in town? HPD, prosecutor and politicians could shut down each and every AMP in town tomorrow if they want to. They can sting every one of them and succeed.

They exist only because of the good will and generosity of the MAN.

Which way would the political wind blow by the end of this year? I say what happens during the big gathering later this year could be a good predictor for what may happen next year after HB240 takes effect. Trial run first in November. I say it is either business as usual or prohibition, and not anything in between.

Cosmic Kid
07-01-11, 18:20
Ocolumbo sez of the AMPs in Honolulu,"They exist only because of the good will and generosity of the MAN."

Dude! Pullleeze! It's not about good will and generosity; it's about money! It's ALWAYS about the money!

Look, this just occurred to me: Oahu is a prime tourist destination, and the fact there is easy consumer-available sex here must present an added attraction to the male segment of the potential visitor base. I would think the powers that be are cognizant of this situation. They must certainly recognize that shutting down the AMPs could further negatively impact the already struggling island economy if a particular visitor demographic suddenly changed it's mind about vacationing in Hawaii.

07-01-11, 22:52
You think it is hard for HPD to prove that illegal activity takes place at AMPs in town? HPD, prosecutor and politicians could shut down each and every AMP in town tomorrow if they want to. They can sting every one of them and succeed.

They exist only because of the good will and generosity of the MAN.

Which way would the political wind blow by the end of this year? I say what happens during the big gathering later this year could be a good predictor for what may happen next year after HB240 takes effect. Trial run first in November. I say it is either business as usual or prohibition, and not anything in between.Yes they can shut down a place but at the same time they would need the oh so hard thing to come by, guess what that is? Evidence this can come easy when attacking a new spot which the most certainly do for only one reason, get them when they are starting out so that they can show a long chain of events of illegal activity but if it's a miss in the beginning then they have been snuffed out the opportunity. I wish it were so but that is not how it is, if tomorrow came and all 3 as you say "let" I doubt it could I see all "shut down" I would personally like to see it not because of an ill feelings to AMPs but to see the sheer stupidity of such an abuse of power. I would like to see it.

07-02-11, 01:54
Ocolumbo sez of the AMPs in Honolulu,"They exist only because of the good will and generosity of the MAN."

Dude! Pullleeze! It's not about good will and generosity; it's about money! It's ALWAYS about the money!

Look, this just occurred to me: Oahu is a prime tourist destination, and the fact there is easy consumer-available sex here must present an added attraction to the male segment of the potential visitor base. I would think the powers that be are cognizant of this situation. They must certainly recognize that shutting down the AMPs could further negatively impact the already struggling island economy if a particular visitor demographic suddenly changed it's mind about vacationing in Hawaii.Then why did HB240 pass? And they can bust us as felons. And they can bust mamasans and owners of AMPs as felons for "promoting prostitution." Where is the money in that? If the money is so important, why didn't the "moneyed" politicians and businessmen apply the right combination of stick and carrot to keep the bill from passing and convince Governor to veto?

So, you are saying they get this new arsenal in the laws next year but they won't do nothing with it? Business as usual? I do not think so. HPD and prosecutor don't even have to do much. All they have to do is take down one or two AMPs with the new penalties, put away an owner or two, and there will be a freaking Big Chill across all the AMPs. Business risk would be too high for the owners, and pretty soon "supply" would dry up. That is what common sense tells me.

07-02-11, 02:07
Yes they can shut down a place but at the same time they would need the oh so hard thing to come by, guess what that is? Evidence this can come easy when attacking a new spot which the most certainly do for only one reason, get them when they are starting out so that they can show a long chain of events of illegal activity but if it's a miss in the beginning then they have been snuffed out the opportunity. I wish it were so but that is not how it is, if tomorrow came and all 3 as you say "let" I doubt it could I see all "shut down" I would personally like to see it not because of an ill feelings to AMPs but to see the sheer stupidity of such an abuse of power. I would like to see it.Bro, HPD can send 10 unmarried cops to 10 different AMPs in one night, at the same time, and most if not all will get play. $ exchange hands and that would be it. And under HB240 next year big, big trouble for the owners. Game over.

The question is whether the MAN, the politicians, the prosecutor and the HPD brass, would sucuumb to the activist pressure of militant feminists, the religious prudes, and their media lackeys and carry out prohibition. Cause if they want to, game is over.

07-02-11, 13:45
Just curious. New to the game and wondering why there are not more reported bust at "Relaxation" places like 7, Ichiban, and PT? It seems these places are ripe for the LE picking. At least some of the massage therapy places operate under a license and a patron could use a more legitimate excuse for being there. Can someone fill me in?I have been to a few, especially 7, and for the life of me they have to be paying off someone. It is just too blatant and out in the open. They must know something we don't know.

07-03-11, 01:08
I have been to a few, especially 7, and for the life of me they have to be paying off someone. It is just too blatant and out in the open. They must know something we don't know.Really? Why hasn't any bust of 7 been on the news?

07-03-11, 01:25
With Obama and world leader coming to town later this year do you think that AMP around the area will be impacted? I am thinking 2 things here. They will get shut down to "clean up" HNL or they may get super busy because of it.

What do you think?I think that every AMP and hostess bar in the area is going to be the location of many "after meeting" meetings. Rockza and Femme Nu is going to see an uptick in business and the BackPage advertisers are going to be getting lots of business as well. We know these international types like fuck and suck when they are on the road.

Head Lock
07-03-11, 01:44
I think that every AMP and hostess bar in the area is going to be the location of many "after meeting" meetings. Rockza and Femme Nu is going to see an uptick in business and the BackPage advertisers are going to be getting lots of business as well. We know these international types like fuck and suck when they are on the road.You think so? If I were a public figure, the last place I'd go is a run-down hostess bar or a dump like RockZa / FemmeNu. OTOH, there are nitwits in every walk of life.

07-03-11, 02:06
Bro, HPD can send 10 unmarried cops to 10 different AMPs in one night, at the same time, and most if not all will get play. $ exchange hands and that would be it. And under HB240 next year big, big trouble for the owners. Game over.

The question is whether the MAN, the politicians, the prosecutor and the HPD brass, would sucuumb to the activist pressure of militant feminists, the religious prudes, and their media lackeys and carry out prohibition. Cause if they want to, game is over.They been in the game just as long maybe they have an inside scoop also, you ever thing that some have just been around the block that they know a COP when they see one. Plus too, they never ever send it just 1 person alone, they always always have to send in 2 guys then they get super suspicious when 1 guys goes in and the other one wants to wait, if they don't know those people they will tell the other person who wants to inside that he has to wait outside, and sure enough that guy will tell the other one let's go they won't let me wait in here and they do the sad acting job and leave. Like I said if only it were that easy.

07-03-11, 02:08
I have been to a few, especially 7, and for the life of me they have to be paying off someone. It is just too blatant and out in the open. They must know something we don't know.Those AMPs have been around for a long long time with many different owners and all of them pretty experienced, they know when something is up vs. When nothing is up.

07-03-11, 02:25
Bro, HPD can send 10 unmarried cops to 10 different AMPs in one night, at the same time, and most if not all will get play. $ exchange hands and that would be it. And under HB240 next year big, big trouble for the owners. Game over.

The question is whether the MAN, the politicians, the prosecutor and the HPD brass, would sucuumb to the activist pressure of militant feminists, the religious prudes, and their media lackeys and carry out prohibition. Cause if they want to, game is over.Http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2011/lists/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=240

This means the ads found in backpage can be used against anyone posting, this would mean the confiscation of the device any and all that lead to the placement of such said add. Meaning they will connect the dots of the ad with the device, the method of payment and all the rest, the act of prostitution will still be separate from this. This just enables them to confiscated all the computers kinda like what happened to Sua's P10 fiasco where they took her dryer and washing machines. Well you will know what the results of these will be once it is passed. Still not going to shut them down. They like claiming the GET off the businesses.

07-03-11, 03:08

HB 240 is law, so how will the AMPs deal with this?

Smart mongers, now's your chance to share.


07-03-11, 05:46
HB240 just got signed into law effective middle of next year.My prediction is that after the first AMP bust in which the manager, provider and customers are tried and convicted, the AMP industry will adjust by going further underground. What that means is no more advertisments on BackPage no more neon "open" signs in the window no more ads in the Pennysaver and not being located in obvious spots. It also means that they won't allow random people to enter their establishments. You will have to no someone such as the MS or the provider in order to gain access.

My advice to all of us here is to get as many provider numbers as possible between now and the middle of next year. It makes it easier to keep in touch and know where your ATF's are working. When you want to see them, you call them and let them to set up an appt. And then they'll tell you where to go and let the person watching the door know that you are coming.

This new law goes into effect in the middle of next year which is unusual as most new laws go into effect on July 1 of the year in which it is signed by the governor. That tells me that LE is preparing itself to enforce the new law. I hope I'm wrong but this sounds real serious. The desire for pussy won't go away and hopefully the peeps that run these AMPs are savvy enough to adjust.

07-03-11, 17:33

Sadly I also think it will go back to the old days when it was a members only club.

Selection will go down. It will never go away tho.

Just like the gambling houses. Down but never gone.


My prediction is that after the first AMP bust in which the manager, provider and customers are tried and convicted, the AMP industry will adjust by going further underground. What that means is no more advertisments on BackPage no more neon "open" signs in the window no more ads in the Pennysaver and not being located in obvious spots. It also means that they won't allow random people to enter their establishments. You will have to no someone such as the MS or the provider in order to gain access.

My advice to all of us here is to get as many provider numbers as possible between now and the middle of next year. It makes it easier to keep in touch and know where your ATF's are working. When you want to see them, you call them and let them to set up an appt. And then they'll tell you where to go and let the person watching the door know that you are coming.

This new law goes into effect in the middle of next year which is unusual as most new laws go into effect on July 1 of the year in which it is signed by the governor. That tells me that LE is preparing itself to enforce the new law. I hope I'm wrong but this sounds real serious. The desire for pussy won't go away and hopefully the peeps that run these AMPs are savvy enough to adjust.

07-03-11, 17:38
My prediction is that after the first AMP bust in which the manager, provider and customers are tried and convicted, the AMP industry will adjust by going further underground. What that means is no more advertisments on BackPage no more neon "open" signs in the window no more ads in the Pennysaver and not being located in obvious spots. It also means that they won't allow random people to enter their establishments. You will have to no someone such as the MS or the provider in order to gain access.

My advice to all of us here is to get as many provider numbers as possible between now and the middle of next year. It makes it easier to keep in touch and know where your ATF's are working. When you want to see them, you call them and let them to set up an appt. And then they'll tell you where to go and let the person watching the door know that you are coming.

This new law goes into effect in the middle of next year which is unusual as most new laws go into effect on July 1 of the year in which it is signed by the governor. That tells me that LE is preparing itself to enforce the new law. I hope I'm wrong but this sounds real serious. The desire for pussy won't go away and hopefully the peeps that run these AMPs are savvy enough to adjust.Shit I can't believe I used the wrong "no" on my post. It should be "know" not "no."

07-03-11, 19:44
After all this discussion on HB 240, I went on to read it and looks like it providing protection to those who work in the industry to report and testify against the "pimps" or others who extort them. I'm sure there are cases of this happening, but from what I understand, a lot of the women who come here to work, do so with the assurance that nothing would happen to the family back home. I don't see how this law could protect some family living in another country.

Input from any of you others out there?

07-03-11, 20:57
My prediction is that after the first AMP bust in which the manager, provider and customers are tried and convicted, the AMP industry will adjust by going further underground. What that means is no more advertisments on BackPage no more neon "open" signs in the window no more ads in the Pennysaver and not being located in obvious spots. It also means that they won't allow random people to enter their establishments. You will have to no someone such as the MS or the provider in order to gain access.

My advice to all of us here is to get as many provider numbers as possible between now and the middle of next year. It makes it easier to keep in touch and know where your ATF's are working. When you want to see them, you call them and let them to set up an appt. And then they'll tell you where to go and let the person watching the door know that you are coming.

This new law goes into effect in the middle of next year which is unusual as most new laws go into effect on July 1 of the year in which it is signed by the governor. That tells me that LE is preparing itself to enforce the new law. I hope I'm wrong but this sounds real serious. The desire for pussy won't go away and hopefully the peeps that run these AMPs are savvy enough to adjust.It's a good thing we have this forum to share info in the event of a crackdown. I think that now is the time to connect with the brothers here so if things get bad, we can post info on the forum or PM each other. BTW, HB240 is in effect as of 1 Jul 11.

07-04-11, 14:41
There is very little chance of derailing the broad based crackdown that is being pushed unless providers step up to the plate and fight. Not since Erin O'Bryn left Hawaii six years ago has there been any effort to get providers to understand this issue. She attempted to organize other internet providers and went so far as to run for Congress under her real name.

We need to remember that many legal activities are part of the target plan. Last year Lingle vetoed Senate Bill 2045 that defined nude and exotic dancers as "prostituted persons" and included twenty year prison terms for people operating strip clubs if they transported a worker any distance. Strippers have told me that many of them have been arrested repeatedly for lap dancing; which was a perfectly legal act until a Kauai court ruled otherwise as part of the 1996 Richie case.

My experiance with providers is that they are often happy when some other person gets in trouble with LE as it reduces competition. In the long run this is a perscription for defeat. Unfortunately I don't have many smart ideas on how to fix this problem. My best idea might be to find someone who is willing to be a test case on a Constitutional challange.

07-04-11, 15:39
It's a good thing we have this forum to share info in the event of a crackdown. I think that now is the time to connect with the brothers here so if things get bad, we can post info on the forum or PM each other. BTW, HB240 is in effect as of 1 Jul 11.Shit, you are right. It is in effect now.

07-08-11, 15:08
A 26-year-old Mililani man was arrested after he allegedly assaulted and robbed his customer after they failed to agree on the price of a massage Wednesday afternoon.

Police said the two had been negotiating on a fee for a private massage at 4:42 pm Wednesday when an argument turned heated and the suspect, who was the masseuse, demanded money from the victim, a 27-year-old man, even though no services were performed.

The victim was subsequently assaulted and his money taken at the masseuse's home. The suspect was located at the home and arrested for second-degree robbery.

07-14-11, 05:28
California woman accused of slicing off husband's penis.


07-14-11, 14:51
California woman accused of slicing off husband's penis.

http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE76B6TZ20110712?irpc=932Hey she took it one step further than that infamous Lorena Bobbitt who too cut off her husband's pecker, but actually threw it in the garbage disposal! So in effect, he won't be getting it back or be left with a stub of what was once his manhood. She looks Asian and a hot attitude because the hubby wanted a divorce.

Wonder if he can file for government disability or maybe get a on-demand pump prosthetic member like that former local Chinese politician who used to terrorize some local providers? You old timers know his name, but word is that he enjoys seeing providers get drilled hard. Maybe he also got his tool damaged by his spouse and take it out his frustration on hoes?

07-22-11, 00:38
People should check out the gastly article in Newsweek giving exteded coverage of an alleged study done by Melissa Farley. Lots of blogs on their website pro and con battling it out.

07-22-11, 04:11

She knocked him out for trying to rob her salon, tied him up, fed him viagra, and screwed his brains out for 3 days straight to "teach him a lesson." I am in the wrong line of work!I guess when she was screwing him, he begged for mercy and yelled rape!

07-22-11, 04:34

She knocked him out for trying to rob her salon, tied him up, fed him viagra, and screwed his brains out for 3 days straight to "teach him a lesson." I am in the wrong line of work!LOL thats a good deal!

07-27-11, 12:29
News reported someone at night left his car and went straight into the water, at daylight they found his body. They reported that his wife is in Korea, Korean Bar *****? Maybe not, but the threads "Mind of a Korean Working Girl" and "Korean Bar Tactics and Discussion" should be required reading. If it saves one brother, it will be worth it.

10-22-11, 21:50
Obama's pal gets a 6 month DAG deal.



Lowlys One
10-27-11, 00:20
I was just watching the channel 7 news and saw this case which is now on trial here where a doctor who frequented Club Napa Valley apparently hooked up with a kbg, had a child together and is now accused of trying to hire one of his patients (woman) , to kill the mother of their child. The kbg was shock to hear of the plot, claiming she loved him and thought he was so charming. Apparently the patient he tried to hire spilt the bean to the kbg. He claim his patient is making up the whole thing claiming he rejected her advances and now was seeking revenge, stay tuned for the latest. I guess here's a case where the shoe as it is being claimed is on the other foot! All parties are inoccent until proven guilty, I'm just saying!

10-27-11, 13:50

She knocked him out for trying to rob her salon, tied him up, fed him viagra, and screwed his brains out for 3 days straight to "teach him a lesson." I am in the wrong line of work!Hey, that Russian looks not bad at all, I'll let her clean my "AK-47" anytime! At least she's not like those 400 lb big Bertha you find in the Siberian icepack to be smothered in some Russian gulag prison!

11-04-11, 15:19
What's up fellow mongers, I just read on staradvertiser. Com four men; three locals and one tourist got arrested for prostitution. They posted their ages, but not their names. Be safe out there guys. After all, our hobby is dangerous. I would post the link, unfortunately I don't know how.

Member #3973
11-04-11, 21:45
Report in the Star Advertiser about an undercover sting in Waiks:


V Rider
11-07-11, 03:20
Well, what do you guys make of this?


Any comments or opinions? Seems like this agent acted like a typical f*in haole and rubbed the locals the wrong way, from what my buddy who lives close to the incident tells me. Probably pushed his "authority" around but we will have to wait and see when the FACTS are released. Not sure if he is here for APEC or not.

Hope no further stories like this appear.

Hypo Luxa
11-07-11, 03:49
Well, what do you guys make of this?


Any comments or opinions? Seems like this agent acted like a typical f*in haole and rubbed the locals the wrong way, from what my buddy who lives close to the incident tells me. Probably pushed his "authority" around but we will have to wait and see when the FACTS are released. Not sure if he is here for APEC or not.

Hope no further stories like this appear.V Rider, from an outside viewpoint, I'd offer the following... I don't know more than is being reported, but three locals v. one haole sounds like the local boys simply picked on the wrong "f*in haole." It doesn't make sense that one guy would harass three guys. As an assumed white person (I'm actually not, but I get taken for one), I have been the target of locals who are usually pissed off at some other haole, and just assume one is as good as another, so they take it out on me. In 25 years, this has happened three times while I was minding my own business. Believe me, I am the last guy who would ever be obnoxious. I may be on here sometimes, but in person, I'm a lover, not a fighter! In all but one of those times, I'd usually just charm my way out of it, because I can do math. Three or four on one is not a fair fight. But, if I had a gun, I just might teach someone a lesson.

Again, I'll state that I don't know the situation here; and Fed Boy could have been a total dick. But from what's reported and from what common sense tells me, I just don't see one guy harassing three (if my numbers were correct). I'll also say that some haoles, and some locals too, can be aptly described with "fuckin'" as an adjective. It's not always the haole's fault.

11-07-11, 04:08

Bad news is good news for the news. 3 shots fired. One warning, two when attacked. Stupid locals picked.

The wrong haole-and of course, the family will say "he was an angel"-bullshit-just like the dude.

Who randomly shot three and killed one-believe what you want to-it's unfortunate we almost never.

Get the whole story. Three shots, and the attacker (s).there were several-at least one was armed.

That's the story I got. Hopefully the press reports the truth-don't hold your breath.


V Rider, from an outside viewpoint, I'd offer the following. I don't know more than is being reported, but three locals v. One haole sounds like the local boys simply picked on the wrong "f*in haole." It doesn't make sense that one guy would harass three guys. As an assumed white person (I'm actually not, but I get taken for one) , I have been the target of locals who are usually pissed off at some other haole, and just assume one is as good as another, so they take it out on me. In 25 years, this has happened three times while I was minding my own business. Believe me, I am the last guy who would ever be obnoxious. I may be on here sometimes, but in person, I'm a lover, not a fighter! In all but one of those times, I'd usually just charm my way out of it, because I can do math. Three or four on one is not a fair fight. But, if I had a gun, I just might teach someone a lesson.

Again, I'll state that I don't know the situation here; and Fed Boy could have been a total dick. But from what's reported and from what common sense tells me, I just don't see one guy harassing three (if my numbers were correct). I'll also say that some haoles, and some locals too, can be aptly described with "fuckin'" as an adjective. It's not always the haole's fault.

11-07-11, 04:44
Well, what do you guys make of this?


Any comments or opinions? Seems like this agent acted like a typical f*in haole and rubbed the locals the wrong way, from what my buddy who lives close to the incident tells me. Probably pushed his "authority" around but we will have to wait and see when the FACTS are released. Not sure if he is here for APEC or not.

Hope no further stories like this appear.This is an extremely tragic situation for all parties involved. No one should rush to judgment until all the facts of the incident come out.

11-07-11, 05:03
Well, what do you guys make of this?


Any comments or opinions? Seems like this agent acted like a typical f*in haole and rubbed the locals the wrong way, from what my buddy who lives close to the incident tells me. Probably pushed his "authority" around but we will have to wait and see when the FACTS are released. Not sure if he is here for APEC or not.

Hope no further stories like this appear.V Rider,

You need to read and hear the rest of the story before jumping to conclusions. Why would you listen to what you buddy says? He lives close by, but was he there? If not then he knows uh. Nothing. Try think, why would 1 haole tourist pick a fight or cause trouble to 4 drunk locals at 3am? Even 1 local not going pick a fight with 4 drunk locals. The agent was off duty getting something to eat at McDonalds, and they always conceal carry at all times; the same with off duty officers. BTW, You sound like an dumb racist asshole by saying typical fu*kin haole. I born and raised hea and I am tired of stupid local guys sterotyping haoles and others. Do you like to be sterotyped as a fat and lazy hawaiians who live in grass shacks eating poi all day? Don't think so.

11-07-11, 05:30
Well, what do you guys make of this?


Any comments or opinions? Seems like this agent acted like a typical f*in haole and rubbed the locals the wrong way, from what my buddy who lives close to the incident tells me. Probably pushed his "authority" around but we will have to wait and see when the FACTS are released. Not sure if he is here for APEC or not.

Hope no further stories like this appear.I don't make this to be anything. All I know is that right now is not a time to be messing with anyone, simply because any aggressor shall be treated and dealt their hand with extreme prejudice.

From past experience, some people do not know when to NOT act like a small-town bull (either way). Stupid in either direction. Gots no love for locals who do not defuse a situation especially when they start one.

11-07-11, 15:01
I don't make this to be anything. All I know is that right now is not a time to be messing with anyone, simply because any aggressor shall be treated and dealt their hand with extreme prejudice.

From past experience, some people do not know when to NOT act like a small-town bull (either way). Stupid in either direction. Gots no love for locals who do not defuse a situation especially when they start one.As Rodney King once said: "People can't we all just get along"

As a "Haole" who was transplanted here back in 1987; I have to say that I have seen all kinds of racism. When I grew up in Texas I saw real violent acts of racism in my public school towards anyone that was not white. When I moved over here to Hawaii in 1987 I was subjected to some reverse racism here by some locals at a bar in Waikiki. Now I have to say that I talked my way out of it. Thank God. Last thing I want to to do is pick a fight with people on their home turf. Of course this was all when I was young drunk and stupid in the Navy.

Over the last 20 something years I have grown to love and respect the local braddahs here and of course I love the local girls. Local people here are some of the kindest and most warm hearted people I have ever met. And I have been all over the world so I should know. I respect their culture and understand them. Just like they should understand and respect mine when they come visit my former homeland in Texas. I think respecting another culture is seen as a sign of maturity and general good character.

All I know is that in this particular case since all the facts are not out yet and that these facts have yet to be presented in a court of law we should refrain from making racist comments or any other comments until then. Opinions are just that. Remember our legal system in the United States (Hawaii included) states that an "accused" is innocent until proven guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt" by a jury of his or her peers. Until that event occurs it might be best to think before we write.

11-07-11, 15:29
This is an extremely tragic situation for all parties involved. No one should rush to judgment until all the facts of the incident come out.Why would HPD arrest this agent and post bail at $250, 000? Normally when an law enforcement officer gets booked by another LE organization, they confiscate his weapon and conduct an investigation without charges, but not this case. Latest news is that the fight occurred in a nightclub, then the agent followed the local to McDonald's and fired not one, but three shots killing him.

Had the shooting occurred during the fight, then maybe he had reasons to defend himself, but to follow in pursuit when the threat has expired is going beyond that premises and into premeditated murder. If HPD can prove the agent was legally drunk, I think his a$$ is in deep kim chee! Apparently it's us taxpayers who would probably be stuck with any financial burden if Green wins this lawsuit against this agent.

Whether its prison costs or monetary compensation for the victims family, we taxpayers end up paying. The system is messed up.

Member #4472
11-07-11, 19:37
Well, what do you guys make of this?


Any comments or opinions? Seems like this agent acted like a typical f*in haole and rubbed the locals the wrong way, from what my buddy who lives close to the incident tells me. Probably pushed his "authority" around but we will have to wait and see when the FACTS are released. Not sure if he is here for APEC or not.

Hope no further stories like this appear.First, listen to what Michael Green, the hired gun for the family, says about the local guy. (And just 2 cents more for the family: if you going come on tv and tell what a nice and decent guy your son / husband / boyfriend / brother was, make sure that the pictures you give the media of him shows more of him than just him giving the shaka sign with a beer in his hand at one party. Seems like all the pictures the media got from you was of him drunk and partying.)

Second, listen to what the hired gun for the shooter / State Department / federalies say about their client. (Hard to believe that a trained federal special agent would just plug with guy without being threatened with deadly force.)

Then, compare the two stories. Somewhere in the middle of both is where the truth is.

One thing Michael Green said in his statement that is 100% true: nothing good happens in Waikiki at 3:00 in the morning.

Just my 2 cents.

Member #6232
11-07-11, 19:56
Folks, update on shooting. I dunno?


First, listen to what Michael Green, the hired gun for the family, says about the local guy. (And just 2 cents more for the family: if you going come on tv and tell what a nice and decent guy your son / husband / boyfriend / brother was, make sure that the pictures you give the media of him shows more of him than just him giving the shaka sign with a beer in his hand at one party. Seems like all the pictures the media got from you was of him drunk and partying.)

Second, listen to what the hired gun for the shooter / State Department / federalies say about their client. (Hard to believe that a trained federal special agent would just plug with guy without being threatened with deadly force.)

Then, compare the two stories. Somewhere in the middle of both is where the truth is.

One thing Michael Green said in his statement that is 100% true: nothing good happens in Waikiki at 3:00 in the morning.

Just my 2 cents.

Vernon Howell
11-07-11, 20:11
This is what I think based on what I read . For APEC HPD installed security cameras all over waikiki. Interesting nothing is mentioned about those cameras. Also the guy is federal agent, he may not have been on duty at the time of the shooting. But he is in Hawaii for offical bussiness. His job is security for foreign heads of state. Which makes me believe he will walk. I think he is part advance team doing recon in waikiki. That is why the goverment is not commenting on the incident. The story of 3/4 locals vs 1 white. I think the locals picked a fight with a lone white guy at 3 am.

Locals have pack mentality, particulary with liquor in their system. Most of us been to bars / clubs and see how a group locals who are all friends act. In this case the locals picked a fight with the wrong guy. The FED is out on bail. I wonder once apec is over will the state will drop the charges againist the guy. Becuase as of now, emotions are high. If the state dropped the carges against the FED now, that has the potential to cause protests on behalf of the vicitims supporters. It's not the state / city interest to drop the fed while APEC is going on. Resoruces are thin. The state has to deal with APEC protesters, and security. Having to deal with a Kailua family and supports right now is not in the state / city interest. Or everything I said could be wrong.

11-07-11, 22:18
This is what I think based on what I read. For APEC HPD installed security cameras all over waikiki. Interesting nothing is mentioned about those cameras. Also the guy is federal agent, he may not have been on duty at the time of the shooting. But he is in Hawaii for offical bussiness. His job is security for foreign heads of state. Which makes me believe he will walk. I think he is part advance team doing recon in waikiki. That is why the goverment is not commenting on the incident. The story of 3/4 locals vs 1 white. I think the locals picked a fight with a lone white guy at 3 am.

Locals have pack mentality, particulary with liquor in their system. Most of us been to bars / clubs and see how a group locals who are all friends act. In this case the locals picked a fight with the wrong guy. The FED is out on bail. I wonder once apec is over will the state will drop the charges againist the guy. Becuase as of now, emotions are high. If the state dropped the carges against the FED now, that has the potential to cause protests on behalf of the vicitims supporters. It's not the state / city interest to drop the fed while APEC is going on. Resoruces are thin. The state has to deal with APEC protesters, and security. Having to deal with a Kailua family and supports right now is not in the state / city interest. Or everything I said could be wrong.In the overall scheme of things, any law enforcement agency will land up throwing this young agent to the wolves. He chose poorly in his decision making that night. To confront folks is not in his job description and following those kids to McDonalds was not in his jurisdiction. His law enforcement career just went up in smoke, whether he gets off legally or not. No one in any critical situation wants a guy like that who makes poor decisions around high level targets of enemies of this country. Pulling a gun at the wrong time could bring about disaster for United States foreign policy efforts during these sensitive times. If I were his supervisor or superior, he would be out in a flash.

11-07-11, 23:33
V Rider,

You need to read and hear the rest of the story before jumping to conclusions. Why would you listen to what you buddy says? He lives close by, but was he there? If not then he knows uh. Nothing. Try think, why would 1 haole tourist pick a fight or cause trouble to 4 drunk locals at 3am? Even 1 local not going pick a fight with 4 drunk locals. The agent was off duty getting something to eat at McDonalds, and they always conceal carry at all times; the same with off duty officers. BTW, You sound like an dumb racist asshole by saying typical fu*kin haole. I born and raised hea and I am tired of stupid local guys sterotyping haoles and others. Do you like to be sterotyped as a fat and lazy hawaiians who live in grass shacks eating poi all day? Don't think so.It's called,"Young and trigger happy". This is the main reason that I am totally against the Permits to carry firearms in Hawaii. There are too many young, trigger happy people out there. These people cannot think their way out of a paper bag. Yeah, his internal investigation team, will finish him off. He'll be in prison soon. You can bet on it.

11-08-11, 02:23
Well, what do you guys make of this?


Any comments or opinions? Seems like this agent acted like a typical f*in haole and rubbed the locals the wrong way, from what my buddy who lives close to the incident tells me. Probably pushed his "authority" around but we will have to wait and see when the FACTS are released. Not sure if he is here for APEC or not.

Hope no further stories like this appear.I've typically seen no probs with locals and tourists / haoles mixing up in waiks but often times it was a female to be impressed that upped the ante for a testosterone showdown.

V Rider
11-08-11, 02:42
V Rider, from an outside viewpoint, I'd offer the following. I don't know more than is being reported, but three locals v. One haole sounds like the local boys simply picked on the wrong "f*in haole." It doesn't make sense that one guy would harass three guys. As an assumed white person (I'm actually not, but I get taken for one) , I have been the target of locals who are usually pissed off at some other haole, and just assume one is as good as another, so they take it out on me. In 25 years, this has happened three times while I was minding my own business. Believe me, I am the last guy who would ever be obnoxious. I may be on here sometimes, but in person, I'm a lover, not a fighter! In all but one of those times, I'd usually just charm my way out of it, because I can do math. Three or four on one is not a fair fight. But, if I had a gun, I just might teach someone a lesson.

Again, I'll state that I don't know the situation here; and Fed Boy could have been a total dick. But from what's reported and from what common sense tells me, I just don't see one guy harassing three (if my numbers were correct). I'll also say that some haoles, and some locals too, can be aptly described with "fuckin'" as an adjective. It's not always the haole's fault.Met and talked with the nephew of the man killed. Friends with the victim told him the Agent was pushing his weight around and saying things like "I have a license to kill" and "It'll be no problem to shoot you". Well, I guess he got his "bluff" called and actually shot someone.

Oh well, no offense to anyone as I see a "Haole" as someone not necessarily of white skin, but someone who is obnoxious, rude, pushy and just not cool. Slightly different take than most on "Haole".

V Rider

V Rider
11-08-11, 02:44
This is an extremely tragic situation for all parties involved. No one should rush to judgment until all the facts of the incident come out.Exactly what I said in my original post.

V Rider

V Rider
11-08-11, 02:52
V Rider,

You need to read and hear the rest of the story before jumping to conclusions. Why would you listen to what you buddy says? He lives close by, but was he there? If not then he knows uh. Nothing. Try think, why would 1 haole tourist pick a fight or cause trouble to 4 drunk locals at 3am? Even 1 local not going pick a fight with 4 drunk locals. The agent was off duty getting something to eat at McDonalds, and they always conceal carry at all times; the same with off duty officers. BTW, You sound like an dumb racist asshole by saying typical fu*kin haole. I born and raised hea and I am tired of stupid local guys sterotyping haoles and others. Do you like to be sterotyped as a fat and lazy hawaiians who live in grass shacks eating poi all day? Don't think so.Bruddah, that's what I said in CAPS: "we will have to wait and see what the FACTS are". I am not saying anything definite, just "sound like". Gees. Talk about jumping to conclusions.

I feel bad I was such an ignoront, oh, I mean stuped, er, stoopid and racist asshole, in my post. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I hope I am not that way again. Thank you for showing me the liet (oops!) light. One day, I hope to be a more understanding and grashous, um, graeshowas, er, grashus individual like the example you have shown me. Thank you, OC! No offense intendud!

V Rider

Hypo Luxa
11-08-11, 02:57
Met and talked with the nephew of the man killed. Friends with the victim told him the Agent was pushing his weight around and saying things like "I have a license to kill" and "It'll be no problem to shoot you". Well, I guess he got his "bluff" called and actually shot someone.

In any case, if it was self-defense, why did the Agent run? Whatevers.Well, this certainly adds more to the story than the article laid out. Sounds like he's in for a world of hurt!

Lowlys One
11-08-11, 03:05
Met and talked with the nephew of the man killed. Friends with the victim told him the Agent was pushing his weight around and saying things like "I have a license to kill" and "It'll be no problem to shoot you". Well, I guess he got his "bluff" called and actually shot someone.

Oh well, no offense to anyone as I see a "Haole" as someone not necessarily of white skin, but someone who is obnoxious, rude, pushy and just not cool. Slightly different take on "Haloe".

In any case, if it was self-defense, why did the Agent run? Whatevers.

V Rider.

V RiderChannel 7 news, reported that the agent either was or may have been drunk, during his arrest and was was not cooperating with hpd during his arrest, that may explain why he ran, cause he had something to hide!

V Rider
11-08-11, 03:06
Well, this certainly adds more to the story than the article laid out. Sounds like he's in for a world of hurt!Yeah, but I guess what I was told is just hearsay, too. I am interested to find out what the real facts will turn out to be.

11-08-11, 06:49
Bruddah, that's what I said in CAPS: "we will have to wait and see what the FACTS are". I am not saying anything definite, just "sound like". Gees. Talk about jumping to conclusions.

I feel bad I was such an ignoront, oh, I mean stuped, er, stoopid and racist asshole, in my post. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I hope I am not that way again. Thank you for showing me the liet (oops!) light. One day, I hope to be a more understanding and grashous, um, graeshowas, er, grashus individual like the example you have shown me. Thank you, OC! No offense intendud!


V RiderThat was funny.

They reported that they found a knife at the scene. Which matches some statements that a knife was pulled on the agent. Looks like there is more information coming out daily.

The family hired that bottom feeding maggot attorney Green; and he started the rumor that the agent followed the local guy to McDonalds; and people commenting on local news websites think that was what happened. He is a scumbag but he is doing his job and making the local punk look like an innocent victim.


11-08-11, 13:45
That was funny.

They reported that they found a knife at the scene. Which matches some statements that a knife was pulled on the agent. Looks like there is more information coming out daily.

The family hired that bottom feeding maggot attorney Green; and he started the rumor that the agent followed the local guy to McDonalds; and people commenting on local news websites think that was what happened. He is a scumbag but he is doing his job and making the local punk look like an innocent victim.

OCI'm going to add my. 02 just because I have experience, nuff said. We locals, (notice I said WE, yes you can quote me cause I'm a local, family went to KSC Honolulu, so don't try the "you don't know the problems we locals face" bs with me) , sometimes we make our own problems, and yes we do have the mentality of a "pack" as quoted earlier. Just recall several months ago, when a fight broke out at Aloha Tower, guys was kicking a unconscious person (turned out to be a Hawaiian local, go figure) on the ground, in the fuken head! WTF, if I go out and shit like that happens, do you think I wish I had a gun. Fucxk yea! If my head was being kicked when I was already out, numerous times and you shot the assailants, would I be appreciative, hell yes! Knocking a guy out is one thing, kicking an unconscious person in the head is another, I would threaten to shoot someone who was obviously kicking to kill, what point is made during this by the assailant? Anyone care to explain such mentality, I recall when I was younger up and up, brah, two men fight, one man sleeps, but pau is pau, not kick head and shit while they're unconscious and defenseless, that's murder or at least attempted murder. I don't go to those events anymore, same reason I stopped going to MMA stuff (which I love) , because of the things I see happening and who wants to be "that guy (s)" who get mobbed? When was the last time you saw a one-on-one fight break out and finish one-on-one?

Think back a few years when a wahine was killed by her jealous BF with a shotgun, and people could only watch. Would an armed citizen been able to stop the senseless killing, cause if you ask her family, I can tell you what they would say. So the problem is not the armed citizen, but the citizen period, no matter. Someone just stabbed 3 people in Ewa, so guns aint the issue, but tell you what if someone came to my house and started stabbing people at my place, press 2 center mass, press 1 top, would be a good dose of medication. I'm not saying it would be me, but I sure as hell would want my family protected. I'm not sating that the Fed was justified, just that we don't know so lets wait and see if ALL the details come out. Only heard about the knife once. Wouldn't you think that is a "KEY" element in this case and bears confirming by the press? Hmmmmmmn.

I believe we should wait for the details, nothing personal to any one and my feelings go out to the family of the deceased, but in the end, everyone I have seen killed (even the braddah who went on a robbery and shooting spree with HPD and crashed in Aina Haina and was shot with loaded weapons brandished) was called "A good guy". So we all good guys, why the mob mentality braddahs? You don't know till you know so I say it aint haoles although I agree with the braddah who said you don't have to be white to be a friken haole a-hole, I know some brown friken a-holes, LOL. Assholes are assholes, white, black, brown, yellow, but pull a knife on me or if I get mobbed by 4 guys that are trying to kick my head as I fade to black. I make my decision and live with it rather then die without ever knowing why nike foot prints on my head and face caused my closed casket funeral. Go figure.


Hope this is OK to link Jackson.

If not you all can go to Hawaii News Now August 12 this year.

Sorry more than. 02$ LOL more like $1000. Be safe and lets get back to mongering. Anyone know if Vivian at Pink is leaving, heard rumors, so if you got the 411 lmk if you want to share.


V Rider
11-08-11, 14:08
That was funny.

They reported that they found a knife at the scene. Which matches some statements that a knife was pulled on the agent. Looks like there is more information coming out daily.

The family hired that bottom feeding maggot attorney Green; and he started the rumor that the agent followed the local guy to McDonalds; and people commenting on local news websites think that was what happened. He is a scumbag but he is doing his job and making the local punk look like an innocent victim.

OCOC, I really did learn one lesson from your posts: It's no longer worth contributing to this Forum.

To my friends out there,

Be safe and a hui hou,

V Rider

11-08-11, 14:49
We should wait to see if the grand jury indicts this suspect and follow his trial. Our Judicial system wil bring out all the facts and from there we will know if he is found guilty or aquitted of all charges. The unfortunate part of this incident is the negative publicty. No one really knows what happened except the dead victim. Assume they were all intoxicated how can we believe their testimonials. Hopefully video can show some idea as to what took place. They all went to a club assuminh fun was in their night and no one thought it would happen in tragedy death of an individual and a fbi agent being arrested for second degree murder. HPD must have enough evidence to arrest arraing this individual and for the judge to set bail. Now we sit back and with. If you really want to follow this trial go down and watch every day of the trial and you will have all the evidence in front of you and you can come out with your verdict. No argue with each other to much of that. That is probably how this incident happened.


11-08-11, 17:02
Exposing a handgun is usually enough, for a knife wielding opponent, to back off. Somehow, it seems like there was no discretion shown.

The adage "Bringing a knife to a gun fight" is enough for a knife wielding opponent to back off. It almost sounds like the Agent just pulled his gun out and started firing.

This doesn't sound like someone that the Feds should entrust to carry a badge and give a firearm. But mistakes are made and these mistakes can be corrected and I'm sure will be corrected. My condolences to the family in Kailua.

On The Prowl
11-08-11, 22:26
Anyone know if Vivian at Pink is leaving, heard rumors, so if you got the 411 lmk if you want to share.

EShe left today won't be back till mid January.

11-09-11, 01:32
OC, I really did learn one lesson from your posts: It's no longer worth contributing to this Forum.

To my friends out there,

Be safe and a hui hou,

V RiderMr V is a credible reporter to this forum. I've known about this rascal for more than 20 years. His usage of the term Fn'Haole is a common local phrase which connotates an attitude rather than a racial slur. He is not the first, nor will he be the last to use it in this context. You may disagree with usage of the phrase in any context, and indeed a case could be made for such a protest, however, it is what it is and part of the local dna. My guess is that the sooner one gets used to the context concept, the sooner it is less likely to be applied.

Now Mr V, you wanker, don't head off into the sunset. Your experiences, story telling, insight, and observations are all valuable tools (yes tools) that we can apply in the proper "context" to get what we are all after. You have a responsibility to mongerkind to assist in the acquisition of quality PUSSY. You accepted this responsibility on the day you helped co-found the "HammerTime" gang.

Nuff said.


11-09-11, 03:02
She left today won't be back till mid January.Mahalo OTP! Damn I'm too late.

V Rider
11-09-11, 06:20
Mr V is a credible reporter to this forum. I've known about this rascal for more than 20 years. His usage of the term Fn'Haole is a common local phrase which connotates an attitude rather than a racial slur. He is not the first, nor will he be the last to use it in this context. You may disagree with usage of the phrase in any context, and indeed a case could be made for such a protest, however, it is what it is and part of the local dna. My guess is that the sooner one gets used to the context concept, the sooner it is less likely to be applied.

Now Mr V, you wanker, don't head off into the sunset. Your experiences, story telling, insight, and observations are all valuable tools (yes tools) that we can apply in the proper "context" to get what we are all after. You have a responsibility to mongerkind to assist in the acquisition of quality PUSSY. You accepted this responsibility on the day you helped co-found the "HammerTime" gang.

Nuff said.

SsOhhh, alright. . . . It's just discouraging when some post the very way they're criticizing about. Reminds me of a statement made by Benjamin Franklin.

I'll just "wank-off" in PM-land. Heh heh.

V Rider

Lowlys One
11-09-11, 23:55
Ohhh, alright. It's just discouraging when some post the very way they're criticizing about. Reminds me of a statement made by Benjamin Franklin.

I'll just "wank-off" in PM-land. Heh heh.

V RiderAh hell let's all just wank off for brotherhoods sake! :)

Hypo Luxa
11-15-11, 07:11
I certainly don't intend for this to become a political thread, but I'd just like to give Obama props for not abandoning his boy Titcomb after his prostitution sting by playing golf with him today. That's called having your buddy's back!

11-15-11, 07:14
I certainly don't intend for this to become a political thread, but I'd just like to give Obama props for not abandoning his boy Titcomb after his prostitution sting by playing golf with him today. That's called having your buddy's back!You are right about Obama sticking with his buddy Titcomb. That is what loyalty is all about.

11-18-11, 01:42
Not sure where to put this link so I figured put it in the general forum. Found these compiled pictures of various street ladies from google's street view car.

http://fem.orsm.net/prostitutes-on-street-view 832. Html

11-20-11, 17:09
Saw this report, massage place busted.


11-21-11, 04:47
Saw this report, massage place busted.


01-27-12, 00:40
I just watched this on KGMB Hawaii News Now.


University of Hawaii Professor Tied To X-Rated Escort Service.

BY JIM DOOLEY AND MALIA ZIMMERMAN. An X-rated local escort service called 'The Volcano Girls' is being operated out of the Waikiki residence of University of Hawaii Professor Lawrence W. Boyd, Jr, a Hawaii Reporter investigation shows.

An 'appointment' booked by Hawaii Reporter with a Volcano Girls escort took place Friday afternoon in a bedroom inside Boyd's apartment at 250 Ohua Avenue.

A Hawaii Reporter staffer posing as a customer arranged the appointment in a series of telephone calls to the website contact number that rang inside Boyd's apartment. The website – http://www.thevolcanogirls.com. Has been shut down for 'maintenance' since Friday night.

A woman first answered The Volcano Girls phone when we called Friday morning and a manager took later calls, referring to the woman as 'the receptionist. '

In an interview Tuesday, Boyd denied any connection to the escort service, saying it might be operated by a woman, Lorraine Drake, who rents a room from him in his apartment.

'I can be very specific. I'm just saying flat out I didn't talk to you on the phone Friday, ' Boyd said.

The The Volcano Girls number we called is listed in the phone directory as the number for Lorraine Drake. Attempts to reach Drake this week were unsuccessful.

Boyd said Drake helps care for his partially disabled wife, but he hadn't seen or spoken to her for four days, adding that her absence has 'perturbed' him.

He said it 'is kind of hard to believe' that she could be operating an escort service out of his Ohua Avenue condominium.

In arranging the Friday appointment with an escort, the manager at The Volcano Girls recommended a young woman called "Kendra" who is featured prominently on the website and is reviewed by "Laurence" as "smoking hot." There were nine women featured in total on the web site.

Kendra was described as 'a busty Caucasian (of) part-Italian / Brazilian background. '

When asked the price of the encounter, the manager said, 'The gift is three. ' That was understood to mean $300, a charge that conformed with fees cited in the comments section of The Volcano Girls website.

'It's a flat rate, ' the manager said, with 'nothing hidden' in the charge.

Kendra has her own site on the web, http://kendrakanexxx.com/kendra-kane1.phtml, which lists the prices of 'gift donations' as $300 per hour for in-call appointments and $350 / hour for out-call visits.

'All gifts must be placed in an unsealed white envelope marked 'GIFT' & left in the bathroom or on the table, no discussion necessary, ' her website said (underlining in original).

The Volcano Girls manager gave detailed driving instructions to the 250 Ohua Avenue apartment building near Ala Wai Boulevard, advising the caller to park across the street in the Waikiki Health Center's lot.

We were directed to "park in there, just not in any reserved space, ' he said.

The manager also gave the entry phone code number for Boyd's apartment in the building.

Once in the building, we were told, 'You're going to take the elevator to the first floor. '

The apartment number, the manager said, was '1C as in Charlie. '

Boyd has owned Unit 1C since 2006, claiming it as his personal residence to qualify for an $80, 000 exemption from City property tax valuations, real estate records show.

The Volcano Girls manager spoke as if he owned the apartment.

'I'll have a little sign on the door that says 'please remove your shoes, 'the manager said, but added that that wasn't necessary 'because it's all hardwood in here. '

When a Hawaii Reporter staffer rang the doorbell at the apartment, 'Kendra' opened the door, admitting the reporter

Into a dimly lit hallway.

She led the way to a bedroom at the end of the hallway.

After Kendra sat on the bed, the reporter asked her if the price of the service was $300. Kendra said the price was whatever had been previously arranged on the telephone. The reporter explained that he had changed his mind about the encounter, gave her $50 as a cancellation fee and left the premises.

Kendra was the only person seen in the apartment.

Within 10 minutes, the manager who arranged the encounter called to ask if there had been a problem with Kendra, describing the call as a 'quality control' inquiry. After complaining briefly that Hawaii Reporter's meeting with Kendra had been arranged only after a 'cancellation with another appointment' had to be made, the manager ended the call by saying there was 'no problem. '

In the interview Tuesday, Boyd said he had heard complaints in the past about escort service activities in the building.

'I've heard about it, but it seemed so bizarre it didn't seem relevant. This was a year or so ago, ' he said.

He said he was 'dumbfounded' to learn of Hawaii Reporter's encounter with Kendra inside his apartment last week.

'I don't know, ' he said. 'I mean, I go to work, I come back, you know, around five or six o'clock. My wife is out during the day. I mean, that, that's it. '

Boyd holds a doctorate in economics and is a faculty member at the Center for Labor Education and Research at the West Oahu campus of the University of Hawaii.

He lectures on labor-management issues and has written one essay in the past that was published by Hawaii Reporter.

No business registration records or tax licenses could be found for The Volcano Girls. Boyd holds an excise tax license for a private consulting business.

Boyd is is a member of the owner's association board of directors at 250 Ohua.

The resident manager of the building, Christopher Jacobowski, said he has 'never seen' any signs of escort service activity there. Jacobowski also lives on the first floor of the building, several doors down the hall from Boyd's unit.

The Honolulu Police Department had no immediate response to questions about The Volcano Girls website or the activities at 250 Ohua Street.

Two officers familiar with escort service investigations said bringing prostitution charges against them is difficult.

The services are able to pre-screen customers and are well versed in the fine points of the law, they said. The websites offer what is referred to as a 'GFE' (girl friend experience) and use code words such as 'roses' when referring to cash payments, the officers said.

The University of Hawaii said through spokeswoman Lynne Waters that it was unaware of any allegations linking a professor to escort service activities.

"We have no specific knowledge of this matter. In general, if a university employee is investigated we will, of course, cooperate fully," said Waters.

01-27-12, 04:12
I just watched this on KGMB Hawaii News Now.


University of Hawaii Professor Tied To X-Rated Escort Service.

BY JIM DOOLEY AND MALIA ZIMMERMAN. An X-rated local escort service called 'The Volcano Girls' is being operated out of the Waikiki residence of University of Hawaii Professor Lawrence W. Boyd, Jr, a Hawaii Reporter investigation shows.

An 'appointment' booked by Hawaii Reporter with a Volcano Girls escort took place Friday afternoon in a bedroom inside Boyd's apartment...I totally believe the Professor.

01-27-12, 10:17
For those who've been to the VG condo, we all know that name "Boyd" from the intercom dial-up. Now I know who he really is.

I saw the report when I was making dinner last night. I almost dropped my food on the ground when I heard "Ohua Street" and "X-Rate Escort Service". Also, to hear Tash's voice setting up the appointment put the bullet in the coffin. 1st person view of the undercover walk into the lobby and into the apartment with Kendra at the helm had me thinking,"this is probably the last time I'm going to see the in-call ever again". Their website now has them listed as,"Hawaii hula group".

Even if I lurk (more than report) on the forum these days, due to change of lifestyle and career, Sayonara for now, VG. Sayonara. This whole "scandal" is very surreal and will have me reminiscing for a long time.

I just watched this on KGMB Hawaii News Now.


University of Hawaii Professor Tied To X-Rated Escort Service.

BY JIM DOOLEY AND MALIA ZIMMERMAN. An X-rated local escort service called 'The Volcano Girls' is being operated out of the Waikiki residence of University of Hawaii Professor Lawrence W. Boyd, Jr, a Hawaii Reporter investigation shows.

An 'appointment' booked by Hawaii Reporter with a Volcano Girls escort took place Friday afternoon in a bedroom inside Boyd's apartment at 250 Ohua Avenue.

A Hawaii Reporter staffer posing as a customer arranged the appointment in a series of telephone calls to the website contact number that rang inside Boyd's apartment. The website –


Has been shut down for 'maintenance' since Friday night.

A woman first answered The Volcano Girls phone when we called Friday morning and a manager took later calls, referring to the woman as 'the receptionist. '

In an interview Tuesday, Boyd denied any connection to the escort service, saying it might be operated by a woman, Lorraine Drake, who rents a room from him in his apartment.

'I can be very specific. I'm just saying flat out I didn't talk to you on the phone Friday, ' Boyd said.

The The Volcano Girls number we called is listed in the phone directory as the number for Lorraine Drake. Attempts to reach Drake this week were unsuccessful.

Boyd said Drake helps care for his partially disabled wife, but he hadn't seen or spoken to her for four days, adding that her absence has 'perturbed' him.

He said it 'is kind of hard to believe' that she could be operating an escort service out of his Ohua Avenue condominium.

In arranging the Friday appointment with an escort, the manager at The Volcano Girls recommended a young woman called "Kendra" who is featured prominently on the website and is reviewed by "Laurence" as "smoking hot." There were nine women featured in total on the web site.

Kendra was described as 'a busty Caucasian (of) part-Italian / Brazilian background. '

When asked the price of the encounter, the manager said, 'The gift is three. ' That was understood to mean $300, a charge that conformed with fees cited in the comments section of The Volcano Girls website.

'It's a flat rate, ' the manager said, with 'nothing hidden' in the charge.

Kendra has her own site on the web,


, which lists the prices of 'gift donations' as $300 per hour for in-call appointments and $350 / hour for out-call visits.

'All gifts must be placed in an unsealed white envelope marked 'GIFT' & left in the bathroom or on the table, no discussion necessary, ' her website said (underlining in original).

The Volcano Girls manager gave detailed driving instructions to the 250 Ohua Avenue apartment building near Ala Wai Boulevard, advising the caller to park across the street in the Waikiki Health Center's lot.

We were directed to "park in there, just not in any reserved space, ' he said.

The manager also gave the entry phone code number for Boyd's apartment in the building.

Once in the building, we were told, 'You're going to take the elevator to the first floor. '

The apartment number, the manager said, was '1C as in Charlie. '

Boyd has owned Unit 1C since 2006, claiming it as his personal residence to qualify for an $80, 000 exemption from City property tax valuations, real estate records show.

The Volcano Girls manager spoke as if he owned the apartment.

'I'll have a little sign on the door that says 'please remove your shoes, 'the manager said, but added that that wasn't necessary 'because it's all hardwood in here. '

When a Hawaii Reporter staffer rang the doorbell at the apartment, 'Kendra' opened the door, admitting the reporter

Into a dimly lit hallway.

She led the way to a bedroom at the end of the hallway.

After Kendra sat on the bed, the reporter asked her if the price of the service was $300. Kendra said the price was whatever had been previously arranged on the telephone. The reporter explained that he had changed his mind about the encounter, gave her $50 as a cancellation fee and left the premises.

Kendra was the only person seen in the apartment.

Within 10 minutes, the manager who arranged the encounter called to ask if there had been a problem with Kendra, describing the call as a 'quality control' inquiry. After complaining briefly that Hawaii Reporter's meeting with Kendra had been arranged only after a 'cancellation with another appointment' had to be made, the manager ended the call by saying there was 'no problem. '

In the interview Tuesday, Boyd said he had heard complaints in the past about escort service activities in the building.

'I've heard about it, but it seemed so bizarre it didn't seem relevant. This was a year or so ago, ' he said.

He said he was 'dumbfounded' to learn of Hawaii Reporter's encounter with Kendra inside his apartment last week.

'I don't know, ' he said. 'I mean, I go to work, I come back, you know, around five or six o'clock. My wife is out during the day. I mean, that, that's it. '

Boyd holds a doctorate in economics and is a faculty member at the Center for Labor Education and Research at the West Oahu campus of the University of Hawaii.

He lectures on labor-management issues and has written one essay in the past that was published by Hawaii Reporter.

No business registration records or tax licenses could be found for The Volcano Girls. Boyd holds an excise tax license for a private consulting business.

Boyd is is a member of the owner's association board of directors at 250 Ohua.

The resident manager of the building, Christopher Jacobowski, said he has 'never seen' any signs of escort service activity there. Jacobowski also lives on the first floor of the building, several doors down the hall from Boyd's unit.

The Honolulu Police Department had no immediate response to questions about The Volcano Girls website or the activities at 250 Ohua Street.

Two officers familiar with escort service investigations said bringing prostitution charges against them is difficult.

The services are able to pre-screen customers and are well versed in the fine points of the law, they said. The websites offer what is referred to as a 'GFE' (girl friend experience) and use code words such as 'roses' when referring to cash payments, the officers said.

The University of Hawaii said through spokeswoman Lynne Waters that it was unaware of any allegations linking a professor to escort service activities.

"We have no specific knowledge of this matter. In general, if a university employee is investigated we will, of course, cooperate fully," said Waters.

01-27-12, 15:01
I totally believe the Professor.That professor looks like he's getting some and its sure not from his wife who is bed ridden. So I wouldn't be surprised if he's banging on the side as part of the "lease rent" arrangements. Ha ha. I would tap that hot Brazillian any thing too!

01-27-12, 20:20
They were charging $300 for a session. Plus no table shower? Glad the media exposed this up charge BS.


If you paid for pussy in Hawaii, you paid too much.

01-27-12, 21:46
They were charging $300 for a session. Plus no table shower? Glad the media exposed this up charge BS.


If you paid for pussy in Hawaii, you paid too much.Well they are a escort service and escorts tend to be on the higher side.

01-28-12, 00:57
Recent sting operation in Kona. I wonder if a website ad was used? Anyone know any details? http://www.westhawaiitoday.com/sections/news/local-news/five-big-isle-men-arrested-charged-prostitution-sting.html

01-28-12, 04:18
They were charging $300 for a session. Plus no table shower? Glad the media exposed this up charge BS.


If you paid for pussy in Hawaii, you paid too much.What I'd like to see is a local TV station, unknowingly, make an appointment at a police sting operation. So when the TV people showed up, they and their camera crew would be arrested for promoting prostitution.

Now, that would be funny!


Remember."Stay thirsty my friends".

01-28-12, 04:37
I just watched this on KGMB Hawaii News Now.


University of Hawaii Professor Tied To X-Rated Escort Service.

BY JIM DOOLEY AND MALIA ZIMMERMAN.Would you go to this place if Malia Zimmerman went undercover and provided service? She looks like a hot cougar with tantric skills.

01-28-12, 06:19
I don't think anyone gives a hash about the VG operation. It's about a liberal UH professor getting 'outed' by a conservative newspaper. OMG, sex in Waikiki? I'm shocked! Really? NO, not really. Those who have been a VG customer know, the operation was smooth, quiet and safe, low profile. It was the BOYD dude that, through whatever his angle was (and who cares, really?), he got busted and outed. Tasha will lay low for awhile and move on. She 'll resurface somewhere else at another time.

01-28-12, 11:03
For those who've been to the VG condo, we all know that name "Boyd" from the intercom dial-up. Now I know who he really is.

I saw the report when I was making dinner last night. I almost dropped my food on the ground when I heard "Ohua Street" and "X-Rate Escort Service". Also, to hear Tash's voice setting up the appointment put the bullet in the coffin. 1st person view of the undercover walk into the lobby and into the apartment with Kendra at the helm had me thinking,"this is probably the last time I'm going to see the in-call ever again". Their website now has them listed as,"Hawaii hula group".

Even if I lurk (more than report) on the forum these days, due to change of lifestyle and career, Sayonara for now, VG. Sayonara. This whole "scandal" is very surreal and will have me reminiscing for a long time.You and me both. I had some friends over, pupus, talk story, when a couple of us stopped in our tracks when this story when hit the news.

Luckily I watch CH9 for the Stephanie Lum eye candy, chou me off, more nutz my bud and I when look at each other in WTFH.

Oh well, scratch that one off the list for awhile.

EHhh, I can one for you, saw an oldie from VG who is attending a college here (Amb) , and if you remember right, I was all into her like a toddler playing with a cardboard box.

PM if you like the details, kind of funny how we bumped into each other.

Nice to see ya, ok, back into cloaking mode.


01-28-12, 15:12
Yup your dead on with this one. This had nothing to do with LE. More about screwing the Prof. And probably selling the story to the news. If they really want good stories they should just follow around the politician and did there.

I don't think anyone gives a hash about the VG operation. It's about a liberal UH professor getting 'outed' by a conservative newspaper. OMG, sex in Waikiki? I'm shocked! Really? NO, not really. Those who have been a VG customer know, the operation was smooth, quiet and safe, low profile. It was the BOYD dude that, through whatever his angle was (and who cares, really?), he got busted and outed. Tasha will lay low for awhile and move on. She 'll resurface somewhere else at another time.

01-28-12, 17:15
This guy is such a dipshit! All his posts are useless. He has no idea what a true GFE experience is. And it costs money. But it's worth it. Shit, w / the kamaaina and grandfathered rate it was only 280, 260 sometimes! But I almost always gave 300 just because they earned it. 100 more than an AMP was easily worth it. No-holds-barred, GFE / pse+++. And a double session that'll remember till the day I die. Playboy, if you don't like paying for pussy in hawaii, why don't you just leave? Please. Hehehheheh.

They were charging $300 for a session. Plus no table shower? Glad the media exposed this up charge BS.


If you paid for pussy in Hawaii, you paid too much.

01-29-12, 02:21
He is not the only UH Professor that knowingly rents his property to working / AMP girls.

I just watched this on KGMB Hawaii News Now.


University of Hawaii Professor Tied To X-Rated Escort Service.

BY JIM DOOLEY AND MALIA ZIMMERMAN. An X-rated local escort service called 'The Volcano Girls' is being operated out of the Waikiki residence of University of Hawaii Professor Lawrence W. Boyd, Jr, a Hawaii Reporter investigation shows.

An 'appointment' booked by Hawaii Reporter with a Volcano Girls escort took place Friday afternoon in a bedroom inside Boyd's apartment at 250 Ohua Avenue.

A Hawaii Reporter staffer posing as a customer arranged the appointment in a series of telephone calls to the website contact number that rang inside Boyd's apartment. The website –


Has been shut down for 'maintenance' since Friday night.

A woman first answered The Volcano Girls phone when we called Friday morning and a manager took later calls, referring to the woman as 'the receptionist. '

In an interview Tuesday, Boyd denied any connection to the escort service, saying it might be operated by a woman, Lorraine Drake, who rents a room from him in his apartment.

'I can be very specific. I'm just saying flat out I didn't talk to you on the phone Friday, ' Boyd said.

The The Volcano Girls number we called is listed in the phone directory as the number for Lorraine Drake. Attempts to reach Drake this week were unsuccessful.

Boyd said Drake helps care for his partially disabled wife, but he hadn't seen or spoken to her for four days, adding that her absence has 'perturbed' him.

He said it 'is kind of hard to believe' that she could be operating an escort service out of his Ohua Avenue condominium.

In arranging the Friday appointment with an escort, the manager at The Volcano Girls recommended a young woman called "Kendra" who is featured prominently on the website and is reviewed by "Laurence" as "smoking hot." There were nine women featured in total on the web site.

Kendra was described as 'a busty Caucasian (of) part-Italian / Brazilian background. '

When asked the price of the encounter, the manager said, 'The gift is three. ' That was understood to mean $300, a charge that conformed with fees cited in the comments section of The Volcano Girls website.

'It's a flat rate, ' the manager said, with 'nothing hidden' in the charge.

Kendra has her own site on the web,


, which lists the prices of 'gift donations' as $300 per hour for in-call appointments and $350 / hour for out-call visits.

'All gifts must be placed in an unsealed white envelope marked 'GIFT' & left in the bathroom or on the table, no discussion necessary, ' her website said (underlining in original).

The Volcano Girls manager gave detailed driving instructions to the 250 Ohua Avenue apartment building near Ala Wai Boulevard, advising the caller to park across the street in the Waikiki Health Center's lot.

We were directed to "park in there, just not in any reserved space, ' he said.

The manager also gave the entry phone code number for Boyd's apartment in the building.

Once in the building, we were told, 'You're going to take the elevator to the first floor. '

The apartment number, the manager said, was '1C as in Charlie. '

Boyd has owned Unit 1C since 2006, claiming it as his personal residence to qualify for an $80, 000 exemption from City property tax valuations, real estate records show.

The Volcano Girls manager spoke as if he owned the apartment.

'I'll have a little sign on the door that says 'please remove your shoes, 'the manager said, but added that that wasn't necessary 'because it's all hardwood in here. '

When a Hawaii Reporter staffer rang the doorbell at the apartment, 'Kendra' opened the door, admitting the reporter

Into a dimly lit hallway.

She led the way to a bedroom at the end of the hallway.

After Kendra sat on the bed, the reporter asked her if the price of the service was $300. Kendra said the price was whatever had been previously arranged on the telephone. The reporter explained that he had changed his mind about the encounter, gave her $50 as a cancellation fee and left the premises.

Kendra was the only person seen in the apartment.

Within 10 minutes, the manager who arranged the encounter called to ask if there had been a problem with Kendra, describing the call as a 'quality control' inquiry. After complaining briefly that Hawaii Reporter's meeting with Kendra had been arranged only after a 'cancellation with another appointment' had to be made, the manager ended the call by saying there was 'no problem. '

In the interview Tuesday, Boyd said he had heard complaints in the past about escort service activities in the building.

'I've heard about it, but it seemed so bizarre it didn't seem relevant. This was a year or so ago, ' he said.

He said he was 'dumbfounded' to learn of Hawaii Reporter's encounter with Kendra inside his apartment last week.

'I don't know, ' he said. 'I mean, I go to work, I come back, you know, around five or six o'clock. My wife is out during the day. I mean, that, that's it. '

Boyd holds a doctorate in economics and is a faculty member at the Center for Labor Education and Research at the West Oahu campus of the University of Hawaii.

He lectures on labor-management issues and has written one essay in the past that was published by Hawaii Reporter.

No business registration records or tax licenses could be found for The Volcano Girls. Boyd holds an excise tax license for a private consulting business.

Boyd is is a member of the owner's association board of directors at 250 Ohua.

The resident manager of the building, Christopher Jacobowski, said he has 'never seen' any signs of escort service activity there. Jacobowski also lives on the first floor of the building, several doors down the hall from Boyd's unit.

The Honolulu Police Department had no immediate response to questions about The Volcano Girls website or the activities at 250 Ohua Street.

Two officers familiar with escort service investigations said bringing prostitution charges against them is difficult.

The services are able to pre-screen customers and are well versed in the fine points of the law, they said. The websites offer what is referred to as a 'GFE' (girl friend experience) and use code words such as 'roses' when referring to cash payments, the officers said.

The University of Hawaii said through spokeswoman Lynne Waters that it was unaware of any allegations linking a professor to escort service activities.

"We have no specific knowledge of this matter. In general, if a university employee is investigated we will, of course, cooperate fully," said Waters.

02-10-12, 13:26
Lexi of Tomorrow, real name Jodi Rementer, set up a customer to be robbed in the parking lot. Customer was an off-duty narcotics officer and his gun was stolen. She sells the gun to a police informant and undercover officer. Stupid bar girl, stick to what you do best, just rob loverboys. Her lawyer says she now works two jobs and got a real estate license. Oh No! Another dumbass bar girl realtor.

02-10-12, 15:10

Funny thing is I know at least 5 AMP hoes, kbgs that are now realtors. Amazing the korean ones tell the exact same story about their life-came to US, went to NY to work, sold cosmetics, married (green card) , divorced, moved to Cali, eventually to Hi. They always leave out the part about being a mistress, bar hoe, AMP hoe, and burning guys taking their cash along the way. Ruthless hoes. Eventually there tru colors show, even after having kids and being married.

Lexi of Tomorrow, real name Jodi Rementer, set up a customer to be robbed in the parking lot. Customer was an off-duty narcotics officer and his gun was stolen. She sells the gun to a police informant and undercover officer. Stupid bar girl, stick to what you do best, just rob loverboys. Her lawyer says she now works two jobs and got a real estate license. Oh No! Another dumbass bar girl realtor.

Doc Wayne
02-10-12, 17:24
Lexi of Tomorrow, real name Jodi Rementer, set up a customer to be robbed in the parking lot. Customer was an off-duty narcotics officer and his gun was stolen. She sells the gun to a police informant and undercover officer. Stupid bar girl, stick to what you do best, just rob loverboys. Her lawyer says she now works two jobs and got a real estate license. Oh No! Another dumbass bar girl realtor.Lexi? Which one was Lexi? What did she look like. Just wondering if I ever bought her drinks there. Korean?

Hypo Luxa
02-10-12, 19:01
Lexi? Which one was Lexi? What did she look like. Just wondering if I ever bought her drinks there. Korean?You can google her real name listed. She has a facebook page. Pretty hot if you ask me. She needs to learn not to pull that shit anymore, especially with a young son in tow.

Chikan San
03-06-12, 18:09

Sam Slom needs to put a leash on his girlfriend at Hawaii Reporter.

03-06-12, 19:16

sam slom needs to put a leash on his girlfriend at hawaii reporter.fucking rappongi allowing an **** local girl with a pimp to work was inexcusable. just the publicity xian and the crusading press could use to hurt ward. and who was the alleged sex slave at gq? and why did not the reporters who showed up at ward not 'rescue' all the other girls? cause the women are not trafficked or coerced. but you will never read that in the press. what the press and xian fear most is the lack of trafficking and coercion. hard for her to raise money from the churches. damn rappongi for the **** girl. and damn gq too if someone was there against her will.

03-06-12, 19:57

sam slom needs to put a leash on his girlfriend at hawaii reporter.it's one thing to work at these places voluntarily and completely another to be forced with beatings, threats of death, etc. and being ****. if golden queen is guilty tough shit, they should be shut down. at least at places like mf the providers can come and go so it is more of a job, not slavery. i talk with my providers, many like at kison who are older had businesses on the mainland or are unemployed with bills so they work as a provider until they pay off their debts or have other goals for that money.

03-06-12, 20:46

Sam Slom needs to put a leash on his girlfriend at Hawaii Reporter.I remember last year sometime, I befriended one of the providers at Rappongi and she told me that there was a Filipina provider, who recently had a baby, worked with a pimp and was asking customers for $$.5 if not more upfront. I don't know if she is still there, but I have heard that this part of the story was pretty much true. Fortunately, this story does not reflect the majority of the providers that work the AMPs under their own terms.

03-06-12, 20:47
it's one thing to work at these places voluntarily and completely another to be forced with beatings, threats of death, etc. and being ****. if golden queen is guilty tough shit, they should be shut down. at least at places like mf the providers can come and go so it is more of a job, not slavery. i talk with my providers, many like at kison who are older had businesses on the mainland or are unemployed with bills so they work as a provider until they pay off their debts or have other goals for that money.there is a second article by the dynamic duo about golden queen and pimp and sex slave from 2009.

03-06-12, 21:16
I remember last year sometime, I befriended one of the providers at Rappongi and she told me that there was a Filipina provider, who recently had a baby, worked with a pimp and was asking customers for $$.5 if not more upfront. I don't know if she is still there, but I have heard that this part of the story was pretty much true. Fortunately, this story does not reflect the majority of the providers that work the AMPs under their own terms.The less evidence Xian and her buddies in the press have of trafficking and coercion, the more desperate they are to milk the one or two isolated exceptions as if they were the rule. They have to attack the AMPs more for lack of coercion than for existence of coercion. Lack of coercion in general threatens the ideological and fundraising foundations of the activist groups and friends in the press. Their beef are not with trafficking and coercion per se as they are with women oppression by men viewed through the lenses of militant feminism.

03-07-12, 05:02

Well something bad did happen at GQ that should not have happened.

03-08-12, 18:23
Sigh. And Leilani is (was?) on my bucket list of "must see" girls. Oh well. Unless one of you can PM me her digits?

I just watched this on KGMB Hawaii News Now.


University of Hawaii Professor Tied To X-Rated Escort Service.

BY JIM DOOLEY AND MALIA ZIMMERMAN. An X-rated local escort service called 'The Volcano Girls' is being operated out of the Waikiki residence of University of Hawaii Professor Lawrence W. Boyd, Jr, a Hawaii Reporter investigation shows.

An 'appointment' booked by Hawaii Reporter with a Volcano Girls escort took place Friday afternoon in a bedroom inside Boyd's apartment at 250 Ohua Avenue.

03-09-12, 14:39
I listen to Christian rock, ballads, hip hop and rap. Yes, there is Christian rap. I like the positive vibes and optimism of the music.Yea man I guess everybody has different tastes. That's what makes the world go round. I am not going to denigrate you on your taste in music. I respect the fact people are free to like what they want.

But just my opinion please don't denigrate me on this. I think black music has really taken a dive in quality in the last twenty something years since rap started. Gone are the days of beautiful harmonies and melodies and great sing along songs such as those played by groups like Earth Wind and Fire, The Commodores, The Spinners, The Temptations etc. Singers like Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Barry White, Diana Ross, etc had great lyrics with beautiful music that was liked by everyone. I even liked the classics by Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong, Louis Prima, and the great John Coltrane in jazz, and on and on and on.

I saw an interview recently with the great Paul MCartney of the Beatles. He was asked what he thought of the state of music nowadays. He responded by saying quote: "It is all style and no substance". To me that about sums it up. MTV and VH1 totally ruined music.

Otis C1
03-11-12, 05:03

Well something bad did happen at GQ that should not have happened.The bad thing didn't happen at Golden Queen, it happened in court when the judge let this dirt bag out of jail in the HOPE program. Furthermore, the people who were supposed to supervise this ape weren't doing their jobs. This provider wasn't guilty of or a victim of a sex crime but rather a victim of a drug dealing thug.

03-11-12, 16:56
the bad thing didn't happen at golden queen, it happened in court when the judge let this dirt bag out of jail in the hope program. furthermore, the people who were supposed to supervise this ape weren't doing their jobs. this provider wasn't guilty of or a victim of a sex crime but rather a victim of a drug dealing thug.gq is guilty of a lot of things. even if you factor in the bias and ulterior motive behind the advocacy propaganda underlying the article. is it ok for gq or any relaxation place in honolulu to allow a situation where you have either a white trash provider from the mainland being controlled by a pimp in 2009 or a local trash provider **** being run by a pimp? no, these circumstances should have never happened and they should not happen. the relaxation establishments need to do much better vetting about who they allow to work at the establishments because nothing could hurt the relaxation business more than this type of bad publicity. that is why hawaii reporter, a propaganda arm of pass, has gone all out with the two related articles on 3/5/12. it is even worse when the article suggests that another gq provider "introduced" the mainland woman to the pimp. this "introduction" raises more questions than answers and hawaii reporter deliberately did not elaborate. was the other provider also run by this pimp? if so how did that play out? if not, how did this other provider know of the pimp, how did she not get run by him and why would she introduce her colleague to him? more bullshit holes in hawaii reporter's article. and regardless what was the relationship between this or any other pimps and gq or other relaxation establishments? gq really did not care or have any control about a pimp running and threatening one of the girls working there? this is not plausible. because if pimps could do that to one of the girls, whey don't they do that to all the girls working at the relaxation places and take over the relaxation places too? and since we know relaxation places and the korean girls are not run by pimps, why could not gq and whoever is behind it not protect this girl from the pimp?

Otis C1
03-12-12, 04:40
gq is guilty of a lot of things. even if you factor in the bias and ulterior motive behind the advocacy propaganda underlying the article. is it ok for gq or any relaxation place in honolulu to allow a situation where you have either a white trash provider from the mainland being controlled by a pimp in 2009 or a local trash provider **** being run by a pimp? no, these circumstances should have never happened and they should not happen. the relaxation establishments need to do much better vetting about who they allow to work at the establishments because nothing could hurt the relaxation business more than this type of bad publicity. that is why hawaii reporter, a propaganda arm of pass, has gone all out with the two related articles on 3/5/12. it is even worse when the article suggests that another gq provider "introduced" the mainland woman to the pimp. this "introduction" raises more questions than answers and hawaii reporter deliberately did not elaborate. was the other provider also run by this pimp? if so how did that play out? if not, how did this other provider know of the pimp, how did she not get run by him and why would she introduce her colleague to him? more bullshit holes in hawaii reporter's article. and regardless what was the relationship between this or any other pimps and gq or other relaxation establishments? gq really did not care or have any control about a pimp running and threatening one of the girls working there? this is not plausible. because if pimps could do that to one of the girls, whey don't they do that to all the girls working at the relaxation places and take over the relaxation places too? and since we know relaxation places and the korean girls are not run by pimps, why could not gq and whoever is behind it not protect this girl from the pimp?you are correct in everything, but my point was that it was our legal system that dropped the ball in letting this piece of garbage out of prison in the first place. furthermore this hope organization was also at fault for not "closely supervising" this thug. as far as allowing pimps to put girls in their establishment and hiring **** providers, they do shoulder some of the blame but how do you get references and background info on these providers when the would be provider provides fake documents as to their age let alone a simple lie about having a pimp. if however they are working with the pimps and knowingly allow **** people to work at their establishment then by all means boycott the place and step up and do what you can to get the place shut down and maybe get the owner (s) arrested.

03-12-12, 13:44
Todays paper has an article on security cameras. It says Prosecutor Keith K was a security consultant in mid 2000s, did surveilance at CC, and many of the visitors went to see drug dealers. Good thing he did not mention all the mongers. Probably because we come from all walks of life, and many are people he knows LOL.

03-13-12, 03:36
you are correct in everything, but my point was that it was our legal system that dropped the ball in letting this piece of garbage out of prison in the first place. furthermore this hope organization was also at fault for not "closely supervising" this thug. as far as allowing pimps to put girls in their establishment and hiring **** providers, they do shoulder some of the blame but how do you get references and background info on these providers when the would be provider provides fake documents as to their age let alone a simple lie about having a pimp. if however they are working with the pimps and knowingly allow **** people to work at their establishment then by all means boycott the place and step up and do what you can to get the place shut down and maybe get the owner (s) arrested.my point is this pimp or any other pimp needs to be popped they way travis bickle popped them in taxi driver. and if any people involved in the business of the relaxation places are part of any coercion and trafficking of providers, the same thing should happen to them. there is no margin for error. i don't care about what anyone says about cost and comparison with the mainland. what is available in hawaii is special. i have not run across any reports in any city of the mainland that can compare to the relaxation places we have in honolulu. and because we have safe and clean indoor establishments in honolulu that are the best of all worlds, something that threaten the "oppression model" of prostitution that the religious prudes and militant activists love, advocates who want abolition of prostitution are scared shitless. that is why they are blasting away in the legislatures and spewing propaganda through the media. there is no room for any kind of trafficking and coercion in the amps in honolulu. or "our good thing" will be in jeorpardy. maybe i am naive. maybe i just don't see what others know but don't talk about. but i have not come across any evidence of trafficking and coercion with the dozens of providers i have been with and talked to in recent years. and until and unless i come across testimony and evidence to the contrary, that is what i am going to believe. but if i did come across those testimony and evidence, this nonviolent middle age man will go through a transformation.

Vernon Howell
03-13-12, 17:29
Honolulu Civil beat has series on pimps, and streetwalkers.

03-13-12, 19:13
Ok, who cares about GQ and Dooley etc. Do not get mad at me but seriously who cares?


03-14-12, 03:50
ok, who cares about gq and dooley etc. do not get mad at me but seriously who cares?

ckwell, ck, we will find out who cares. your question may be rhetorical, but it is the crux of the issue. who really cares? dooley goebbels and zimmerman rifenstahl are banking that their propaganda would galvanize the public to put pressure on everyone that could affect 350 ward. and if they succeed in shutting down ward3plex, they and the pass gastapo will be going after all the relaxation places. that is their plan. so who cares is the $64, 000 question.

the girls at ward say that they have heard before the news articles that the 350 ward building may be getting torn down soon anyway. if this is true, no doubt the abolitionists will try to take credit. the competitors of ward would not mind seeing them gone, thinking that more business will flow to them. but they are shortsighted. it is all for one and one for all really. if they don't stand together they will fall individually against a blitzkreig. the owners had better talked to their friends in high places.

dooley got some fucking balls walking upstairs at ward with zimmerman and some other dude, with cameras and video. on a recon mission to "rescue" all the girls. lol. rescue all the girls from their fat bank accounts. some poor girl, i think at rappongi in the article, told them there is no **** girls working there. stupid chick did not realize rescuing **** girls was not the goal. shutting down all relaxation places is the goal, because ideology tells them men oppress women there regardless of actual circumstances. lol. even if there were no coercion or trafficking. especially if there were no coercion or trafficking. it is the lack of coercion and trafficking, more than anything else, that threatens the "oppression model" that underlies pass's fundraising efforts with the religious prudes at the churches. the less coercion and trafficking at the amps, the more "empowered" the women are working there, the more hatred the militant feminists and the abolition advocates have for the amps.

so, ck, you should care because we are dealing with radical, extremist and uncompromising people with an abolitionist agenda who will use every means at their disposal, truths, half-truths and lies, to get their way.

03-14-12, 17:48
do you really think freid / fried is concerned that his building was on the news? do you think the a. y wong building cares? on and on and on!

yes i see channel (4) reporting more and more on prostitution but seriously we have more and more important things to deal with.

another push to attempt to get rid of prostition especially when again its election year. after this year is done it will go underground again and then we will see it hit surface next election year.

okay, should we get more trafficking sex slavery murders etc then i would worry. my friends could care less about amp's, mt's escorts etc. bigger fish to fry and more important crimes to solve.

again, if there no a very little complaints the prosecutors office will not bother. if the federal government is so laxed on pornography and such do you think our state or county will care or take it very seriously?

it's like medicinal pot. the federal government does not recognize it but yet they do not bother. they have bigger fish to fry and more severe crimes to prosecute.

just my opinion ok! but honestly, i am not worried and i do not care because our state will not change. our state is behind at least 10 years the mainland. when they hit the medicinal pot, the feds i mean, i am not worried. opps, i am talking bubbles now.

relax oc. when thatn time come i will fight by your side, not openly because i have a wife but we all know someone that will help.

mongering along with hoes are the oldest games in town.

hubba hubba! remember them days and picking up hoes on hotel street for $30. 00 to fuck in your car? and they were fucking hot chicks too!

well, ck, we will find out who cares. your question may be rhetorical, but it is the crux of the issue. who really cares? dooley goebbels and zimmerman rifenstahl are banking that their propaganda would galvanize the public to put pressure on everyone that could affect 350 ward. and if they succeed in shutting down ward3plex, they and the pass gastapo will be going after all the relaxation places. that is their plan. so who cares is the $64, 000 question.

the girls at ward say that they have heard before the news articles that the 350 ward building may be getting torn down soon anyway. if this is true, no doubt the abolitionists will try to take credit. the competitors of ward would not mind seeing them gone, thinking that more business will flow to them. but they are shortsighted. it is all for one and one for all really. if they don't stand together they will fall individually against a blitzkreig. the owners had better talked to their friends in high places.

dooley got some fucking balls walking upstairs at ward with zimmerman and some other dude, with cameras and video. on a recon mission to "rescue" all the girls. lol. rescue all the girls from their fat bank accounts. some poor girl, i think at rappongi in the article, told them there is no **** girls working there. stupid chick did not realize rescuing **** girls was not the goal. shutting down all relaxation places is the goal, because ideology tells them men oppress women there regardless of actual circumstances. lol. even if there were no coercion or trafficking. especially if there were no coercion or trafficking. it is the lack of coercion and trafficking, more than anything else, that threatens the "oppression model" that underlies pass's fundraising efforts with the religious prudes at the churches. the less coercion and trafficking at the amps, the more "empowered" the women are working there, the more hatred the militant feminists and the abolition advocates have for the amps.

so, ck, you should care because we are dealing with radical, extremist and uncompromising people with an abolitionist agenda who will use every means at their disposal, truths, half-truths and lies, to get their way.

Honolulu Yobo
03-18-12, 20:59
do you think for a minute that any one of the girls or the mama's will go to the legislature to testify. they are like the drunks in the bars that were drinking and having a good time when they passed all the dwi / dui laws.

but here's another article in civil beat about the hookers in waikiki / kuhio ave:


do the vice squad truly not work on sat & sun?

well, ck, we will find out who cares. your question may be rhetorical, but it is the crux of the issue. who really cares? dooley goebbels and zimmerman rifenstahl are banking that their propaganda would galvanize the public to put pressure on everyone that could affect 350 ward. and if they succeed in shutting down ward3plex, they and the pass gastapo will be going after all the relaxation places. that is their plan. so who cares is the $64, 000 question.

the girls at ward say that they have heard before the news articles that the 350 ward building may be getting torn down soon anyway. if this is true, no doubt the abolitionists will try to take credit. the competitors of ward would not mind seeing them gone, thinking that more business will flow to them. but they are shortsighted. it is all for one and one for all really. if they don't stand together they will fall individually against a blitzkreig. the owners had better talked to their friends in high places.

dooley got some fucking balls walking upstairs at ward with zimmerman and some other dude, with cameras and video. on a recon mission to "rescue" all the girls. lol. rescue all the girls from their fat bank accounts. some poor girl, i think at rappongi in the article, told them there is no **** girls working there. stupid chick did not realize rescuing **** girls was not the goal. shutting down all relaxation places is the goal, because ideology tells them men oppress women there regardless of actual circumstances. lol. even if there were no coercion or trafficking. especially if there were no coercion or trafficking. it is the lack of coercion and trafficking, more than anything else, that threatens the "oppression model" that underlies pass's fundraising efforts with the religious prudes at the churches. the less coercion and trafficking at the amps, the more "empowered" the women are working there, the more hatred the militant feminists and the abolition advocates have for the amps.

so, ck, you should care because we are dealing with radical, extremist and uncompromising people with an abolitionist agenda who will use every means at their disposal, truths, half-truths and lies, to get their way.

03-19-12, 01:09
Do you think for a minute that any one of the girls or the mama's will go to the Legislature to testify. They are like the drunks in the bars that were drinking and having a good time when they passed all the DWI / DUI Laws.

But here's another article in Civil Beat about the hookers in Waikiki / Kuhio Ave:


Do the Vice Squad truly not work on Sat & Sun?No I do not think that the owners or providers will do anything in public. Why would I think that?

03-19-12, 03:28
Ok, ignorant question. Who is this Sara Lin?

We need to back up our Police department. Do we arrest 10 more pimps save 20 workers or use the resources for controling the drug problem and save thousands and thousands of lives?

The funds are made for prostution by the feds but can't the money be used elsewhere?

The police watch and take care of these workers, issue tickets, stop fights, domestics, etc etc etc.

What is priority?

Sara Lin and Jim Dooley. Who polices them? Maybe we should put a watch dog on them and put some pressure and start squeezing these two bitches.

Go after the drug lords? They probably be dead in a heartbeat. Fight corruption within our politiciabs etc.


Do you think for a minute that any one of the girls or the mama's will go to the Legislature to testify. They are like the drunks in the bars that were drinking and having a good time when they passed all the DWI / DUI Laws.

But here's another article in Civil Beat about the hookers in Waikiki / Kuhio Ave:


Do the Vice Squad truly not work on Sat & Sun?

DT Looker
03-19-12, 14:41
Wasn't she that White Slavery protestor? The one thinking that all prostitutes are unknowing girls who are forced into slavery by men and pimps? Strippers and AMP girls are not working of their own free will and the mama-sans are getting them from China, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam bringing them in by the truckloads. The one that only cares about females and doesn't give a damn about the male prostitutes (and I'm not talking about mahus).

I took a look at that article, but I actually think the HPD is doing their job way too well in Downtown. There used to be scores of 'cheaper dates' compared to the girls in Waikiki. I used to be able to find dates with ease in DT. Heck in the 90s it was so easy to find a girl. There was girls on almost every street corner in Chinatown and the Kukui St area. I was able to pick up so many girls back then. Same thing with Waikiki. When I mongered there for a while and it got expensive. I was able to find girls on every street corner from Waikiki Trade Center all the way to the Pacific Beach Hotel. There was this back street, that always had a row of streetwalker and it was a 'pick and choose' for anyone wanting to grab one by car. Waikiki now is difficult to find a girl. You have to walk around an negotiate with one, they used to come up to you for fun, now there aren't anyone.

Its not that easy to take down the AMPs and strip clubs. Although, that law about 'no touching for money law' passed years ago, has essentially screwed them up and they are slowly becoming a rare breed / dying out. Heck, I rather they do an economic impact survey on what has happened since they have been cracking down on prostitutes and hookers. I don't think we've seen a decrease in other related crimes, and based on how many hookers no longer 'fly Hawaii' for the winter. Nor how many locals are working the clubs, I'm starting to wonder if some of our 'shortfalls' has caused us to LOSE money instead.

Member #4472
03-19-12, 15:06
Slavery should not be tolerated. Anybody trafficking in it should have the shit beat out of them, then taken way out to sea and dumped with the sharks. But be real and go after all of it. How about the rich bitches on Kahala Ave or up on the hillsides who bring in illegals, have them work at below poverty wages while serviing cocktails at their high end parties attended by politicians, judges, prosecutors, captains of industry and high ranking law enforcement officials who look the other way and comment on how beautiful the mansion is now that the redocorating is done. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been at one of these things. And not only are the really rich doing it. Lets face it: like someone else said here, its so easy to go after the prostitutes and "help" them get a better life.

And what is this shit about forcing women to do a job that they don't want to do? What's the next cause: lets go after all the employers like the fast food industry and Walmart cause hell we all know that nobody gets up in the morning and says I want to go flip burgers or stock shelves or drive a taxi for 18 hours to make a living. The brother had it right. Go after the real criminals down their at the legislature and in those law firms and at those stock brokerage places. Don't worry about the guys who pull out a gun at the 7-11. Give him your spare change! Worry about the guys in the designer suit with the brief case who steals your retirement pension, imports illegals to do his menial house chores, and gives big money to charities only to spin his image. Beat that asshole and dump him in the ocean and society will be so much better for it.

And man, if you don't think the vice cops are doing their jobs, take a drive downtown at night or walk along Kuhio Ave and see how few SWs are out. Some journalists need to go visit the volcano on the Big Isle and get too close.

Sorry, just had to be real for a minute there.

Little Dickie
03-19-12, 20:09
Where's the "like" button?

Slavery should not be tolerated. Anybody trafficking in it should have the shit beat out of them, then taken way out to sea and dumped with the sharks. But be real and go after all of it. How about the rich bitches on Kahala Ave or up on the hillsides who bring in illegals, have them work at below poverty wages while serviing cocktails at their high end parties attended by politicians, judges, prosecutors, captains of industry and high ranking law enforcement officials who look the other way and comment on how beautiful the mansion is now that the redocorating is done. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been at one of these things. And not only are the really rich doing it. Lets face it: like someone else said here, its so easy to go after the prostitutes and "help" them get a better life.

And what is this shit about forcing women to do a job that they don't want to do? What's the next cause: lets go after all the employers like the fast food industry and Walmart cause hell we all know that nobody gets up in the morning and says I want to go flip burgers or stock shelves or drive a taxi for 18 hours to make a living. The brother had it right. Go after the real criminals down their at the legislature and in those law firms and at those stock brokerage places. Don't worry about the guys who pull out a gun at the 7-11. Give him your spare change! Worry about the guys in the designer suit with the brief case who steals your retirement pension, imports illegals to do his menial house chores, and gives big money to charities only to spin his image. Beat that asshole and dump him in the ocean and society will be so much better for it.

And man, if you don't think the vice cops are doing their jobs, take a drive downtown at night or walk along Kuhio Ave and see how few SWs are out. Some journalists need to go visit the volcano on the Big Isle and get too close.

Sorry, just had to be real for a minute there.

03-19-12, 20:41
Slavery should not be tolerated. Anybody trafficking in it should have the shit beat out of them, then taken way out to sea and dumped with the sharks. But be real and go after all of it. How about the rich bitches on Kahala Ave or up on the hillsides who bring in illegals, have them work at below poverty wages while serviing cocktails at their high end parties attended by politicians, judges, prosecutors, captains of industry and high ranking law enforcement officials who look the other way and comment on how beautiful the mansion is now that the redocorating is done. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been at one of these things. And not only are the really rich doing it. Lets face it: like someone else said here, its so easy to go after the prostitutes and "help" them get a better life.

And what is this shit about forcing women to do a job that they don't want to do? What's the next cause: lets go after all the employers like the fast food industry and Walmart cause hell we all know that nobody gets up in the morning and says I want to go flip burgers or stock shelves or drive a taxi for 18 hours to make a living. The brother had it right. Go after the real criminals down their at the legislature and in those law firms and at those stock brokerage places. Don't worry about the guys who pull out a gun at the 7-11. Give him your spare change! Worry about the guys in the designer suit with the brief case who steals your retirement pension, imports illegals to do his menial house chores, and gives big money to charities only to spin his image. Beat that asshole and dump him in the ocean and society will be so much better for it.

And man, if you don't think the vice cops are doing their jobs, take a drive downtown at night or walk along Kuhio Ave and see how few SWs are out. Some journalists need to go visit the volcano on the Big Isle and get too close.

Sorry, just had to be real for a minute there.I never will understand this constant rich vs poor; envy, jealousy, hatred thinking. I am not defending anybody in general but class warfare never will do anything to elevate your own personal financial situation. It only makes you feel better that you are "sticking it to the rich guy". But you have to ask yourself a question after all this hatred. Is your own personal situation any better because you hate the rich? NO! Poor and middle class people should worry more about themselves and not other people that are better off than them. They should spend the time that they spend bitching and moaning on other more productive things such as improving their own situation. Basically a persons financial situation is there own. If you want to rise from low and middle class you have to do things that wealthy people do. Most wealthy people run businesses and take risks and guess what THEY EMPLOY OTHER PEOPLE. You will never get wealthy working for someone else. Simple as that. Sure there are rich people that don't work (Paris Hilton etc) but most wealthy people work way more hours than standard employees. I challenge you to change your way of thinking.

Ok off my soap box now but this class warfare stuff pisses me off. Sorry guys.

Lowlys One
03-20-12, 00:44
Where's the "like" button?I don't know but I can show you how to" poke" a person. I ve been told I'm a good and frequent poker.

Little Dickie
03-20-12, 16:18
I didn't see Dave's post as a poor vs rich rant at all. I "liked" his post, because I thought it was good. I also "like" your post. How is that possible if your post was a rant against his? Because I saw it as two different things. I agree with your thinking that the whole poor vs rich attitudes are stupid and don't get anyone anywhere. I am not a rich person but I don't bash them. I strive to be one someday. I saw Dave's post not as a rant against the rich, but as a rant against hypocrites! Pople who complain about illegal aliens but hire them for their own uses. Politicians who pass laws that they break themselves. People who make speeches bashing certain activities or lifestyles, but who engage in that lifestyle themselves. I didn't see his bash against 'stockbrokers" as being against the honest stockbrokers trying to make a buck, but the bernie madoff types who make a buck by ripping off others!

I never will understand this constant rich vs poor; envy, jealousy, hatred thinking. I am not defending anybody in general but class warfare never will do anything to elevate your own personal financial situation. It only makes you feel better that you are "sticking it to the rich guy". But you have to ask yourself a question after all this hatred. Is your own personal situation any better because you hate the rich? NO! Poor and middle class people should worry more about themselves and not other people that are better off than them. They should spend the time that they spend bitching and moaning on other more productive things such as improving their own situation. Basically a persons financial situation is there own. If you want to rise from low and middle class you have to do things that wealthy people do. Most wealthy people run businesses and take risks and guess what THEY EMPLOY OTHER PEOPLE. You will never get wealthy working for someone else. Simple as that. Sure there are rich people that don't work (Paris Hilton etc) but most wealthy people work way more hours than standard employees. I challenge you to change your way of thinking.

Ok off my soap box now but this class warfare stuff pisses me off. Sorry guys.

03-20-12, 19:01
I recently worked in Waikiki and witnessed HPD break up probably more then (20) fights, stop a woman getting beat down by her BF or whatever, Take a guy down arrest them, Helped crowd control maybe over a (1000) people all within a 5-6 hour period.

With this said how can we say they are not doing their job?

I agree that people who commit slavery, pimps, etc are the lowest scum in life and should be beat down literally dragged naked through the streets then feed them to the sharks. But can't that be done by the our corrupt politicians? They seem to be doing okay ratting each other out.

Rod Tam and his racist comment (2) Fuckn days! But, I believe his political career is done. He should now be disbarred and make this prick a slave. Where oh where is Andy Mirikatani?

Prostitution is not a victimless crime. Who really is the victim here? I am not going to preach but we all know who the real victims are. It aint me and it sure aint the hooker.

Like I expressed in the other thread, does NO really FUCKN mean NO? Turn it around and tell me really Fuckn tell me No really means NO!

03-20-12, 22:05
HPD does an awesome job with respect to any problems of slavery, coercion and trafficking. We do not have a big problem in Hawaii for many reasons not applicable to mainland and foreign countries. Where else would you find Pine Tree next to a Korean church in commercial centers with many other Korean businesses. Same for Young Street. Same for VIP. Same for CHM and Golden Butterfly. Not in a mainland city or even Korea. A Korean woman in the business has resourses in Honolulu not available on the mainland. Money is too good and working conditions ideal that there is no lack of willing and eager volunteers.

The point is trafficking is a Smokescreen for the advocates and activists pushing for prostitution prohibition. They are funded by prudish churches and motivated by militant feminism. In this world view, actual coercion and trafficking is an afterthought. The Vivians, the Chanels, the Saras are victims of male exploitation no matter if they are consenting adults. They have to be rescued. In fact they have to be stopped because as long as prostitution flourishes somewhere, even if it is victimless, somewhere else a poor girl is being enslaved. It is a prohibition mentality that is uncompromising and its twisted logic inexorable.

They have politicians who are sympathetic and are pushing bills through the legislature as we speak, including bills that would use fines and forfitures from people busted to financially support these 'rescue' and activist organizations. The people who are trying to stand in their way are Tracy Ryan of the Libertarian party of Hawaii and the ACLU, publicly doing what mongers and the owners and the girls could not do.

03-21-12, 03:08
hpd does an awesome job with respect to any problems of slavery, coercion and trafficking. we do not have a big problem in hawaii for many reasons not applicable to mainland and foreign countries. where else would you find pine tree next to a korean church in commercial centers with many other korean businesses. same for young street. same for vip. same for chm and golden butterfly. not in a mainland city or even korea. a korean woman in the business has resourses in honolulu not available on the mainland. money is too good and working conditions ideal that there is no lack of willing and eager volunteers.

the point is trafficking is a smokescreen for the advocates and activists pushing for prostitution prohibition. they are funded by prudish churches and motivated by militant feminism. in this world view, actual coercion and trafficking is an afterthought. the vivians, the chanels, the saras are victims of male exploitation no matter if they are consenting adults. they have to be rescued. in fact they have to be stopped because as long as prostitution flourishes somewhere, even if it is victimless, somewhere else a poor girl is being enslaved. it is a prohibition mentality that is uncompromising and its twisted logic inexorable.

they have politicians who are sympathetic and are pushing bills through the legislature as we speak, including bills that would use fines and forfitures from people busted to financially support these 'rescue' and activist organizations. the people who are trying to stand in their way are tracy ryan of the libertarian party of hawaii and the aclu, publicly doing what mongers and the owners and the girls could not do.let me rephrase this shit. the prohibition advocates, with their uncompromising ideology, are more dangerous to the fabric of hawaii than all the trafficking pimps in hawaii combined. if it were just the religious prudes, nobody would freaking pay them any attention. but the militant feminists have a "rescue" industry with connection all over the world with just one goal in mind, prohibition. like the prohibitionists of bygone era, they won't be satisfied until all streetwalkers, escorts, in calls and out calls, amps and strip culbs and korean hostess bars, yes korean hostess bars, are all taken down. it does not matter what the reality on the ground is about coercion and trafficking. the ideology says no right minded woman would sell her body for money. therefore, there can be no real consent. therefore, seemingly consenting providers are duped and exploited regardless. any prostitution or gateway to prostitution must be shut down. and any mongers and any mongering are evil. so, armed with this twisted logic and self-righteousness, they organize and put pressure on politicians to do their bidding, aided by sympathetic media. they are not going away. there will be no andy miritakani implosion. they are not here to rescue **** girls and trafficked women. they are here to do their share in overthrowing evil patriarchy and male oppression of women.

03-21-12, 05:38
I've enjoyed ALL the recent posts but just want to remind you guys of something. Discussing social issues like politics and religion AlWAYS ends up being a case of I understand more than you, I'm more right than you and is really just MENTAL MASTURBATION, LOL. Doesn't matter 1 bit who right or wrong because there is no end to it. I include myself as sometimes guilty of this so please don't be offended too much and laugh at yourselves. Its good for you.

03-21-12, 14:11
Hey Oldee,

I respect everything you say and post. Lets drop the subject because it is depressing. Watched NCIS LA last night and it was about human trafficking.

OC I understand your point and yes it is something we need to give more attention too.

Peace and Love everyone.


I've enjoyed ALL the recent posts but just want to remind you guys of something. Discussing social issues like politics and religion AlWAYS ends up being a case of I understand more than you, I'm more right than you and is really just MENTAL MASTURBATION, LOL. Doesn't matter 1 bit who right or wrong because there is no end to it. I include myself as sometimes guilty of this so please don't be offended too much and laugh at yourselves. Its good for you.

Member #4472
03-21-12, 14:36
I never will understand this constant rich vs poor; envy, jealousy, hatred thinking. I am not defending anybody in general but class warfare never will do anything to elevate your own personal financial situation. It only makes you feel better that you are "sticking it to the rich guy". But you have to ask yourself a question after all this hatred. Is your own personal situation any better because you hate the rich? NO! Poor and middle class people should worry more about themselves and not other people that are better off than them. They should spend the time that they spend bitching and moaning on other more productive things such as improving their own situation. Basically a persons financial situation is there own. If you want to rise from low and middle class you have to do things that wealthy people do. Most wealthy people run businesses and take risks and guess what THEY EMPLOY OTHER PEOPLE. You will never get wealthy working for someone else. Simple as that. Sure there are rich people that don't work (Paris Hilton etc) but most wealthy people work way more hours than standard employees. I challenge you to change your way of thinking.

Ok off my soap box now but this class warfare stuff pisses me off. Sorry guys.Mipene. If you read what I wrote again carefully, you will see where I said "I am sure that I am not the only one that has been to these things". It means I was there. And I am sure that poor, broke people will hardly ever find themselves at gatherings in excusive homes where cocktails are served by underpaid and overworked employees. It seems you are the one hung up on rich v. Poor by your rant. As Little Dickie said, my posting was about the hypocracy of those who publicly stand against issues but do just the opposite in their private lives, as in the case of "slavery". Do you remember all the political appointees who had to withdraw their nominations because they hired illegals to do their housekeeping and babysitting? Seems I hit a nerve with you. Didn't intend to. But man, let go of the class warefare stuff. Enough said: back to mongering.

03-21-12, 15:48
I've enjoyed ALL the recent posts but just want to remind you guys of something. Discussing social issues like politics and religion AlWAYS ends up being a case of I understand more than you, I'm more right than you and is really just MENTAL MASTURBATION, LOL. Doesn't matter 1 bit who right or wrong because there is no end to it. I include myself as sometimes guilty of this so please don't be offended too much and laugh at yourselves. Its good for you.Again, wise words from a very wise man. We are fortunate to be able to voice our opinions whether right or left without being condemned.

03-21-12, 18:27
Mipene. If you read what I wrote again carefully, you will see where I said "I am sure that I am not the only one that has been to these things". It means I was there. And I am sure that poor, broke people will hardly ever find themselves at gatherings in excusive homes where cocktails are served by underpaid and overworked employees. It seems you are the one hung up on rich v. Poor by your rant. As Little Dickie said, my posting was about the hypocracy of those who publicly stand against issues but do just the opposite in their private lives, as in the case of "slavery". Do you remember all the political appointees who had to withdraw their nominations because they hired illegals to do their housekeeping and babysitting? Seems I hit a nerve with you. Didn't intend to. But man, let go of the class warefare stuff. Enough said: back to mongering.Actually you started the class warfare stuff, not me. I just responded. Read between the lines in your original message. It implies that you despise rich people. Otherwise you would have never wrote it in the first place. Its cool, this kinda stuff goes over peoples heads anyway.

As Albert Einstein once said: "Great spirits always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds"

03-22-12, 16:56
HPD does an awesome job with respect to any problems of slavery, coercion and trafficking. We do not have a big problem in Hawaii for many reasons not applicable to mainland and foreign countries. Where else would you find Pine Tree next to a Korean church in commercial centers with many other Korean businesses. Same for Young Street. Same for VIP. Same for CHM and Golden Butterfly. Not in a mainland city or even Korea. A Korean woman in the business has resourses in Honolulu not available on the mainland. Money is too good and working conditions ideal that there is no lack of willing and eager volunteers.

The point is trafficking is a Smokescreen for the advocates and activists pushing for prostitution prohibition. They are funded by prudish churches and motivated by militant feminism. In this world view, actual coercion and trafficking is an afterthought. The Vivians, the Chanels, the Saras are victims of male exploitation no matter if they are consenting adults. They have to be rescued. In fact they have to be stopped because as long as prostitution flourishes somewhere, even if it is victimless, somewhere else a poor girl is being enslaved. It is a prohibition mentality that is uncompromising and its twisted logic inexorable.

They have politicians who are sympathetic and are pushing bills through the legislature as we speak, including bills that would use fines and forfitures from people busted to financially support these 'rescue' and activist organizations. The people who are trying to stand in their way are Tracy Ryan of the Libertarian party of Hawaii and the ACLU, publicly doing what mongers and the owners and the girls could not do.I disagree I have seen first hand how many of the high school boys and girls are recruited by men and women. Some are done using their friends or relatives. Many are invited to a party with their so called friends are beaten raped and taken away from their families. Other are shipped here from Asia South of the boarder or from Euro countries. These are not just for sex but for Ag jobs, look at all the food in China town! After what I have heard and learned I will never by food produce by Aloun Farms! But they are not the only ones. HPD has very little to do with Slavery, its the Feds. Why do think the Feds are building a mulit level FBI / ICE facility in Kapolei? Many of the MP girls the ones that hardly speak english, young ones are slaves at least to an extend, I have also seen KB situations. Girls are recruited from Asia with large Money debts, sign contracts to work to pay it off. They are living with the Mama, are given a small allowance, passports taken away, outside dates setup up with the mama. And some mama's take off leave sugar daddy's with dedt and girls left with more debt and having to find their way home. I met a BK that was in this situation, also had a friend who co signed for a mama and had the mama take out leaving many people to pay off her debts from rent to suppliers, auto loans, cash, etc.

03-23-12, 01:31
Hey Oldee,

I respect everything you say and post. Lets drop the subject because it is depressing. Watched NCIS LA last night and it was about human trafficking.

OC I understand your point and yes it is something we need to give more attention too.

Peace and Love everyone.

CKThanks bro. However, as I said, I ENJOY reading everyone's posts including yours. I just wanted posters to not get fustrated if the back and forth posts never ends with mutual agreement thats all. Therefore, if that doesn't bother you, post away bro. A lot of the posts have good info and I enjoy reading what everyone has to say.

03-23-12, 02:29
I disagree I have seen first hand how many of the high school boys and girls are recruited by men and women. Some are done using their friends or relatives. Many are invited to a party with their so called friends are beaten raped and taken away from their families. Other are shipped here from Asia South of the boarder or from Euro countries. These are not just for sex but for Ag jobs, look at all the food in China town! After what I have heard and learned I will never by food produce by Aloun Farms! But they are not the only ones. HPD has very little to do with Slavery, its the Feds. Why do think the Feds are building a mulit level FBI / ICE facility in Kapolei? Many of the MP girls the ones that hardly speak english, young ones are slaves at least to an extend, I have also seen KB situations. Girls are recruited from Asia with large Money debts, sign contracts to work to pay it off. They are living with the Mama, are given a small allowance, passports taken away, outside dates setup up with the mama. And some mama's take off leave sugar daddy's with dedt and girls left with more debt and having to find their way home. I met a BK that was in this situation, also had a friend who co signed for a mama and had the mama take out leaving many people to pay off her debts from rent to suppliers, auto loans, cash, etc.You are regurgitating propaganda about slavery in prostitution that would make rescue organizations proud. You have seen first hand? In what capacity? What did you do? Did you help the victims. I do not care about trafficked street walkers with pimps, white trash runaways from the midwest meeting black daddies. You say there are "slaves at least to an extent" for the young girls in MPs? Name one we would recognize! What have you done when you recognize slavery in the KBs. Did you call the cops? Did you call the rescue organizations like PASS. That is what they are there for. I have not seen anything or come across anything in the MPs. That is why I hold the views that I do. But if I were to come across evidence of coercion, trafficking and slavery in the MPs, I would not turn my head and walk away. What have you done knowing what you know?

03-23-12, 16:08
You are regurgitating propaganda about slavery in prostitution that would make rescue organizations proud. You have seen first hand? In what capacity? What did you do? Did you help the victims. I do not care about trafficked street walkers with pimps, white trash runaways from the midwest meeting black daddies. You say there are "slaves at least to an extent" for the young girls in MPs? Name one we would recognize! What have you done when you recognize slavery in the KBs. Did you call the cops? Did you call the rescue organizations like PASS. That is what they are there for. I have not seen anything or come across anything in the MPs. That is why I hold the views that I do. But if I were to come across evidence of coercion, trafficking and slavery in the MPs, I would not turn my head and walk away. What have you done knowing what you know?I have met with the Pacific Alliance, I have talk to some victims. Do you know that organized crime assists PASS? Like I said the Feds are here it's not HPD primary job. I hope you do not ever have a family member or someone you know become a victim. Have a good live.

03-24-12, 18:34
I have met with the Pacific Alliance, I have talk to some victims. Do you know that organized crime assists PASS? Like I said the Feds are here it's not HPD primary job. I hope you do not ever have a family member or someone you know become a victim. Have a good live.Even if I take your word at face value that trafficking has affected your personal life, you are still painting with a broad stroke. You have the self-righteous zeal of a zealot with messianic mission. The details don't matter because your cause is just. Show me one case of a coerced or trafficked or enslaved Korean or Asian woman, young or old, that has worked at the MPs. First you would be hard pressed to find any young ones anywhere. I do not see them and I do not hear of them. I am talking about late teens or early 20s. And there are very few in their late 20s. And the ones I know are not trafficked or coerced. So, where did you get the notion that younger ones at the MPs in Honolulu orginally from abroad are slaves to some extent? Please expand and elaborate. Convert me to your cause.

This is the problem of a prohibition mentality. You throw out generalities and discard evidence contrary to your advocacy. What do you do at the MPs and the KBs anyway? Have you been a customer or do you just cruise around to look for trafficked victims to rescue?

03-26-12, 11:58
[Text in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING Deleted by Admin]

On another note, does anyone know if the Volcano Girls escorts have opened under another name since the bustatthe UH professors condo?

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because it was written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!

03-26-12, 14:56
I recenlty got an e-mail from someone at VG stating that they are still in operation and are only contacting / servicing customers from the past. I did Not reply to the e-mail. I was thinking it could be a "sting"!


[Text in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING Deleted by Admin]

On another note, does anyone know if the Volcano Girls escorts have opened under another name since the bustatthe UH professors condo?

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because it was written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!

03-26-12, 14:57
Ontario has "legalized" prostitution and will be implemented from 2013!


03-27-12, 01:48
Ontario has "legalized" prostitution and will be implemented from 2013!

JTIn Canada Prostitution was always legal and it was the advertising of it that was illegal and that in 2011 there was a court ruling that judges favored that prostitues could legally advertise because during common convention it was causing backdoor back alley way tactics to occur which made it dangerous for the girls as it was. Thus the resolution to change how advertising is treated and legalize it to create a safe atmosphere. In Japan, it is illegal but they still advertise and do nothing about it. However I do believe a topic thread such as this belongs in the intenational guide. But this is news and media.

03-29-12, 03:50
I've read numerous accounts of young women being forced into prostitution on the Mainland and in Hawaii. I cannot say that these reports didn't make me think twice. However, the net effect was to make me more discerning of who I would and wouldn't spend my money on.

I stay clear of SWs entirely. I didn't always have problems over this, but there are too many girls being pimped out there and I'm never quite sure if she's getting any of the money I pay her or not. I'd prefer that she gets it all. It's all or I spend my money on some one who gets to keep it all. I'll allow for a house fee paid by an AMP girl to mama. But, I'm not putting my money to some scumbag who slaps his girls while drinking Crown Royal.

I'm all in favor of keeping forced prostitution out of Hawaii, both because I disapprove of slavery and because pimps are always trying to get the self-employed girls to work for them, usually by threatening them with violence if they don't. Honolulu lost a really good provider named Blue who worked at VG years ago because the pimps kept hassling her and other providers have told me that the pimps here came on so strong that they will never come here again.

I'm all in favor of women who choose to earn their money in this business. Sadly, when LE cracksdown on forced prostitution, they get the non-forced girls in the same net.

03-29-12, 04:02
I've read numerous accounts of young women being forced into prostitution on the Mainland and in Hawaii. I cannot say that these reports didn't make me think twice. However, the net effect was to make me more discerning of who I would and wouldn't spend my money on.

I stay clear of SWs entirely. I didn't always have problems over this, but there are too many girls being pimped out there and I'm never quite sure if she's getting any of the money I pay her or not. I'd prefer that she gets it all. It's all or I spend my money on some one who gets to keep it all. I'll allow for a house fee paid by an AMP girl to mama. But, I'm not putting my money to some scumbag who slaps his girls while drinking Crown Royal.

I'm all in favor of keeping forced prostitution out of Hawaii, both because I disapprove of slavery and because pimps are always trying to get the self-employed girls to work for them, usually by threatening them with violence if they don't. Honolulu lost a really good provider named Blue who worked at VG years ago because the pimps kept hassling her and other providers have told me that the pimps here came on so strong that they will never come here again.

I'm all in favor of women who choose to earn their money in this business. Sadly, when LE cracksdown on forced prostitution, they get the non-forced girls in the same net.They pay us to keep the pimps out and we only take part of their money.

03-29-12, 04:08
I've read numerous accounts of young women being forced into prostitution on the Mainland and in Hawaii. I cannot say that these reports didn't make me think twice. However, the net effect was to make me more discerning of who I would and wouldn't spend my money on.

I stay clear of SWs entirely. I didn't always have problems over this, but there are too many girls being pimped out there and I'm never quite sure if she's getting any of the money I pay her or not. I'd prefer that she gets it all. It's all or I spend my money on some one who gets to keep it all. I'll allow for a house fee paid by an AMP girl to mama. But, I'm not putting my money to some scumbag who slaps his girls while drinking Crown Royal.

I'm all in favor of keeping forced prostitution out of Hawaii, both because I disapprove of slavery and because pimps are always trying to get the self-employed girls to work for them, usually by threatening them with violence if they don't. Honolulu lost a really good provider named Blue who worked at VG years ago because the pimps kept hassling her and other providers have told me that the pimps here came on so strong that they will never come here again.

I'm all in favor of women who choose to earn their money in this business. Sadly, when LE cracksdown on forced prostitution, they get the non-forced girls in the same net.What is VG? An AMP? If not an AMP what is it? Who was Blue? Streetwalker or AMP provider? What ethnicity?


03-29-12, 04:20
I've read numerous accounts of young women being forced into prostitution on the Mainland and in Hawaii. I cannot say that these reports didn't make me think twice. However, the net effect was to make me more discerning of who I would and wouldn't spend my money on.

I stay clear of SWs entirely. I didn't always have problems over this, but there are too many girls being pimped out there and I'm never quite sure if she's getting any of the money I pay her or not. I'd prefer that she gets it all. It's all or I spend my money on some one who gets to keep it all. I'll allow for a house fee paid by an AMP girl to mama. But, I'm not putting my money to some scumbag who slaps his girls while drinking Crown Royal.

I'm all in favor of keeping forced prostitution out of Hawaii, both because I disapprove of slavery and because pimps are always trying to get the self-employed girls to work for them, usually by threatening them with violence if they don't. Honolulu lost a really good provider named Blue who worked at VG years ago because the pimps kept hassling her and other providers have told me that the pimps here came on so strong that they will never come here again.

I'm all in favor of women who choose to earn their money in this business. Sadly, when LE cracksdown on forced prostitution, they get the non-forced girls in the same net.I guess you mean Volcano Girls, the escort that got outed by the reporters.

Tell me, how do you think the two business models, forced and not forced, could coexist in Hawaii? If these pimps that could coerce streetwalkers to work for them and threaten the independents at the escort agencies, what stops them from extorting the AMPs and muscle in and take over the AMP operations?

Hypo Luxa
03-29-12, 05:15
JTI just noticed your handle initials look like pi.

JT = pi = 3.14159265358979...

03-29-12, 17:52
Aloha Lanis' Island Escorts has an Ad on ErosGuide.

Lei is still one of the girls!


I recenlty got an e-mail from someone at VG stating that they are still in operation and are only contacting / servicing customers from the past. I did Not reply to the e-mail. I was thinking it could be a "sting"!


04-02-12, 14:43
Aloha Lanis' Island Escorts has an Ad on ErosGuide.

Lei is still one of the girls!

JT.I got the same e-mail from what appears to be Tasha. I've used VG in the past, but I'm a little wary of using them again since that news report. Has anybody TOFTT and used this new service that they can report on? Do they have a new incall location?

04-08-12, 13:05
Have you seen her prices? $450. For an hour and I think it was $700 for 2 hours? I had her for $200. 00 DFK BBBJ and BBFSCIP. Do you think she is getting any business?

Always A Noob
04-15-12, 03:55
So I guess the mongering down there is so good even the committed guys in service can't keep them selves away.

04-20-12, 04:37
So I guess the mongering down there is so good even the committed guys in service can't keep them selves away.By the way they're acting. All the laws against prostitution are just a rouse. Nobody really believes in them. It's just something to keep the cops and judges busy. Just one big ROUSE.

Member 69
04-29-12, 07:48
Not sure if anyone cares but another newsperson starting to look hapai. Malika Dudley starting to show a baby bump. Can't wait for her boobs to start growing, she needs bigger tits.

Guess the biological time clock is ticking for many of them. Surprised that Olena hasn't gotten hapai yet, I would think it's nearing her time.

Anyone else? Yasmine?

Doc Wayne
04-30-12, 05:12
Not sure if anyone cares but another newsperson starting to look hapai. Malika Dudley starting to show a baby bump. Can't wait for her boobs to start growing, she needs bigger tits.

Guess the biological time clock is ticking for many of them. Surprised that Olena hasn't gotten hapai yet, I would think it's nearing her time.

Anyone else? Yasmine?Yasmine just got engaged. Guess she's waiting to get hitched. As for Olena, if she keeps packing on the pounds, no one will know if she's hapai.

05-01-12, 02:17
On Ben Wood's April 27th column in the Star Advertiser, he writes that Cindy Paliracio of OC16 is getting married to a Navy man.

05-01-12, 16:52
Have you seen her prices? $450. For an hour and I think it was $700 for 2 hours? I had her for $200. 00 DFK BBBJ and BBFSCIP. Do you think she is getting any business?Ck I would think you would keep that to yourself maybe you were special? I know she is getting business, but YMMV? Did you post this tidbit of very interesting info before? Just curious. I'm sure that would have her super busy, lmao! $$ BBFS / BBBJ / dfk / bbfscip with hot local chick like her. Line forms to the left!

I think all girls place pricing to what they "want" but the reality is what can they get, if you got what you claim at that price. You my new idol! Splooge, you're out, hehehe! In any event she's a sweetie.


Shy Hawaiiguy
05-01-12, 18:04
On Ben Wood's April 27th column in the Star Advertiser, he writes that Cindy Paliracio of OC16 is getting married to a Navy man.Yep, she got married this week. Lucky dude. She likes to dress kinda slutty so I bet she's hot in bed.

05-02-12, 02:09
Yasmine just got engaged. Guess she's waiting to get hitched. As for Olena, if she keeps packing on the pounds, no one will know if she's hapai.Yasmines engaged to Frank Fasi's youngest son. I think he is late 40's maybe even 50 by now.

05-02-12, 18:31
Hey (E) sorry I did not mean to offend you or anyone or boast about it. When I saw her ad I ws just shocked at her prices being so high.

I did get GFE full meaning dfk BBBJ bbfscip for $$. I do not think it was being special just think she was horny and wanted to please. Pm me for further info if you want.

I think I even got my ass tongued and everything else. It was one of those I could do whatever I wanted. Sometimes get lucky like that.


Ck I would think you would keep that to yourself maybe you were special? I know she is getting business, but YMMV? Did you post this tidbit of very interesting info before? Just curious. I'm sure that would have her super busy, lmao! $$ BBFS / BBBJ / dfk / bbfscip with hot local chick like her. Line forms to the left!

I think all girls place pricing to what they "want" but the reality is what can they get, if you got what you claim at that price. You my new idol! Splooge, you're out, hehehe! In any event she's a sweetie.


05-03-12, 12:38
Hey (E) sorry I did not mean to offend you or anyone or boast about it. When I saw her ad I ws just shocked at her prices being so high.

I did get GFE full meaning dfk BBBJ bbfscip for $$. I do not think it was being special just think she was horny and wanted to please. Pm me for further info if you want.

I think I even got my ass tongued and everything else. It was one of those I could do whatever I wanted. Sometimes get lucky like that.

CKNo offense taken braddah, Like I said maybe you got her in a "mood", she's a tiger in the sack no matter, delivers and then some, all her reviews are stellar, so I can only imagine your "ride" hahaha! Classic, we all know that sometimes the chemicals in the body take over and BAM. We all tongue tangled and fucking like sex starved maniacs with a stranger, hahaha like scoring at the disco. Now where's my Flock Of Seagull cassette? Since you brought it out, hows about the ratings. A / S/L for those reading our exchanges. Monger on!


05-04-12, 19:33
I was never one for local local girls if you know what I mean. She is more on the thicker side while I like them petite. She is not fat but I like them petite. The face has more of a Polynesian look which is really not my style again. Nice ass and tits though.

She was very willing to please, but I do not like DATY and she kept on pushing me to do it so that was a turn off. I did it and according to her she had some orgasms. Other then that her BBBJ was awesome, DFK nice and her bare pussy was great. NO bare anal because she wanted to pretty and clean it up first.

I guess that sums it all up. Would I repeat probably not even if anal was on the table bare. I know if I get a hold of her I will get everything bare. She bleeds green now though!


No offense taken braddah, Like I said maybe you got her in a "mood", she's a tiger in the sack no matter, delivers and then some, all her reviews are stellar, so I can only imagine your "ride" hahaha! Classic, we all know that sometimes the chemicals in the body take over and BAM. We all tongue tangled and fucking like sex starved maniacs with a stranger, hahaha like scoring at the disco. Now where's my Flock Of Seagull cassette? Since you brought it out, hows about the ratings. A / S/L for those reading our exchanges. Monger on!


05-07-12, 14:32
I was never one for local local girls if you know what I mean. She is more on the thicker side while I like them petite. She is not fat but I like them petite. The face has more of a Polynesian look which is really not my style again. Nice ass and tits though.

She was very willing to please, but I do not like DATY and she kept on pushing me to do it so that was a turn off. I did it and according to her she had some orgasms. Other then that her BBBJ was awesome, DFK nice and her bare pussy was great. NO bare anal because she wanted to pretty and clean it up first.

I guess that sums it all up. Would I repeat probably not even if anal was on the table bare. I know if I get a hold of her I will get everything bare. She bleeds green now though!


Just like I come to know you, upfront and honest, like I told you she likes her endeavor! So maybe thats why she needed the DATY, LOL, as we all know some like to eat some don't, I agree with her looks, you got to like curvey local looks, she's not a spinner by any description! She can suck a golf ball through a garden hose you're right, her BBBJ is stellar LOL. I'd say it was chemistry and luck at $$ for all the offerings but hey, I'm sure she would have enough business at that price and full GFE / greek that she would not have to advertise? I dunno, but anyway guys, enjoy the ride if you chance them, even the well review Nikki handed out specials and she's a GFE snow bunny hottie! So bargain if you can with anyone I always say, thats the supply and demand and its the American way! A study in Democracy, hahahaha! But. Don't you just hate when we hit a bargain and they say ok and give shitty service cause they got our hard earned $$? Monger on!


05-18-12, 18:17
"Health spa" called Red Devil. Ha!


LAS VEGAS Las Vegas police have arrested a seventh person after the stabbing of a British tourist at a business police say was marketed as a health spa but operated a prostitution scam.

Records show that 33-year-old Kenneth Stimpson was held Friday at the Clark County jail pending a court appearance on conspiracy, racketeering, fraud and other charges.

KLAS-TV 8 NewsNow identifies Stimpson as the business owner at the Red Devil Fitness and Spa west of the Las Vegas Strip.

Five women and a man were arrested shortly after 25-year-old Joseph Sherriff was stabbed early last Sunday in a dispute over sex acts that police say were hinted at but not performed.

Prostitution is legal in some rural Nevada counties, but not in Las Vegas and Reno.

Chikan San
05-25-12, 00:10
Tune into kgmb at 630 for a special on the sex industry in HI.

Bobb Sledd
05-25-12, 04:01
"Health spa" called Red Devil. Ha!


LAS VEGAS Las Vegas police have arrested a seventh person after the stabbing of a British tourist at a business police say was marketed as a health spa but operated a prostitution scam.

Records show that 33-year-old Kenneth Stimpson was held Friday at the Clark County jail pending a court appearance on conspiracy, racketeering, fraud and other charges.

KLAS-TV 8 NewsNow identifies Stimpson as the business owner at the Red Devil Fitness and Spa west of the Las Vegas Strip.

Five women and a man were arrested shortly after 25-year-old Joseph Sherriff was stabbed early last Sunday in a dispute over sex acts that police say were hinted at but not performed.

Prostitution is legal in some rural Nevada counties, but not in Las Vegas and Reno.For some on the island, Red Devil might be near and dear to your heart; unless of course you were a Death Angel!

05-26-12, 02:18
Tune into kgmb at 630 for a special on the sex industry in HI.Saw second half only. Worthless "oppression model" ideological propaganda. Local trash pimped out and escaped and now has new "job" informing others and empowering others. They actually had a brief shot with a video from the hallway outside of Golden Queen, showing the girls sitting inside in the lobby. But of course no discussion of coercion or human trafficking among the Koreans. The investigative clown, Matt Levi, goes around interviewing people, with a law enforcement rep saying not enough resources to rescue the girls and bust the pimps. And of course Levi chimes in one case of trafficking is too much. With that utopian, uncompromising logic one case of alcoholism or one case of compulsive gambling are justifications enough to ban alcohol and gambling and use all resources to enforce that ban regardless of cost.

05-26-12, 15:17
Last night on Jimmy Fallon there was a short maybe 15 second ad for Femme Nu. This may not be the first ever but it is the first TV ad that I have seen for a strip club in Honolulu.

Most was as you might expect; shot of stripper shoes, shot of bartender fairly modestly dressed. Last shot was interesting. It shows a dude in profile and the girl comes up to his face until their noses touch. Could this technically be a LC violation?

Slide Hammer
05-26-12, 15:28
Business that hurting that they actually have to advertise? Used to be word of mouth. That place is famous.

Chikan San
05-26-12, 19:02
Saw second half only. Worthless "oppression model" ideological propaganda. Local trash pimped out and escaped and now has new "job" informing others and empowering others. They actually had a brief shot with a video from the hallway outside of Golden Queen, showing the girls sitting inside in the lobby. But of course no discussion of coercion or human trafficking among the Koreans. The investigative clown, Matt Levi, goes around interviewing people, with a law enforcement rep saying not enough resources to rescue the girls and bust the pimps. And of course Levi chimes in one case of trafficking is too much. With that utopian, uncompromising logic one case of alcoholism or one case of compulsive gambling are justifications enough to ban alcohol and gambling and use all resources to enforce that ban regardless of cost.Yeah, show was pretty stupid. Pretty much what was expected. Legalizing prostitution would be an easy way to cut down the forced labor. But that just makes too much sense for anybody to bring up.

05-26-12, 22:06
Yeah, show was pretty stupid. Pretty much what was expected. Legalizing prostitution would be an easy way to cut down the forced labor. But that just makes too much sense for anybody to bring up.Legalization is never going to happen in this state. They can't even legalize gambling. Too much of a puritanical streak. Too many vested interests who want to preserve illusion of pristine island paradise to allow for casinos. And they will dredge up all the propaganda against it. On Fort Street Mall there is actually an office for one of these anti-gambling coalitions.

More uphill climb for prostitution. There is an Unholy alliance against it. Militant feminists in league with religious prudes. The strangest bed fellows you could possibly imagine. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The prudes just contribute money. Consenting adults should not be having sex outside of marriage."Fallen" women are home wreckers. The militant feminists are pros at raising money in the "business" of rescue, especially among the prudes. They throw the specter of coercion and human trafficking around and the prudes just open their wallets. What a fucking scam. Now they got another money making scam going. Getting politicians to pass laws to get busted Johns to forfeit money to go straight to the rescue businesses.

The corruption and lies are so twisted that it is not even funny. The real tragedy of trafficking and coercion is lost amidst the ideological fanaticism of the prudes and the militant fems. And the press willingly participates in this farce. They cannot find any evidence of coercion and human trafficking at the AMPs among the Koreans and other Asians? Well, let's blow up the one or two cases of pimps and coercion of local and mainland white girls in the press that have something to do with the AMPs. It is generally safe and clean for the girls to make a lot of money at the AMPs and nobody is harmed except for the pathetic LVB customers who could not control their spending? Well, we can't have that. What if the public gets wind of no coercion and trafficking, blowing holes in the "oppression model" and the fundraising scheme based on that model is damaged? So let us go after the AMPs, not because they are hotbeds of coercion and trafficking, but because they are NOT.

But going back to the pimps and coercion. Yes I have seen over the years big black daddies who run the streetwalkers downtown and Waikiki. No doubt there is coercion and brutality and parasital leaching going on. This shit needs to be stopped. With force and violence if needed.

05-27-12, 02:43
Last night on Jimmy Fallon there was a short maybe 15 second ad for Femme Nu. This may not be the first ever but it is the first TV ad that I have seen for a strip club in Honolulu.

Most was as you might expect; shot of stripper shoes, shot of bartender fairly modestly dressed. Last shot was interesting. It shows a dude in profile and the girl comes up to his face until their noses touch. Could this technically be a LC violation?Back in The Day, Club Rose and RockZa had ads aired on late night television. If Femme Nu is paying money for ads, it seems like business must be pretty bad or that they are giving some one special treatment at the club in exchange for airtime

Member #5438
05-27-12, 22:31
Was in FN this weekened and they had flyers posted for a new website, femmenu dot com Checked it out and looks like they spent some $$$ on professional photo shoot and makeup for the dancers. I'm ging with the theory that biz is prob not that good, based on the lack of customers I saw that day, and that several of the girls said that biz is steadily declining.

Back in The Day, Club Rose and RockZa had ads aired on late night television. If Femme Nu is paying money for ads, it seems like business must be pretty bad or that they are giving some one special treatment at the club in exchange for airtime

Pok Gai
05-29-12, 18:36
Legalization is never going to happen in this state.And lets hope it NEVER does. IF / WHEN it does. Bye bye $$=FS. House / girls start paying taxes? They'll prob have some type of tourism / prostitution tax like cigarettes. I can see it already. The city will levy a $ tax for FS, a $$ tax for greek. LOL. We'll see BJ specials everywhere because there's no special tax.

06-17-12, 23:28
And lets hope it NEVER does. IF / WHEN it does. Bye bye $$=FS. House / girls start paying taxes? They'll prob have some type of tourism / prostitution tax like cigarettes. I can see it already. The city will levy a $ tax for FS, a $$ tax for greek. LOL. We'll see BJ specials everywhere because there's no special tax.The legalized brothels in Nevada are around $250+/hr. It's hard to say. Illegal things are generally not the cheapest. Legalized things can be cheaper since theoretically there will be more demand as a result which will drive down prices. But I'm also not sure how much demand there is on the island for these services. For all I know demand could be extremely high despite its legal status and the prices are already rock bottom.

Little Dickie
06-19-12, 18:23
Where did you get that info from? Is that first hand? If that is first hand info, I can't argue it, as I have never experienced a Nevada brothel, but everything I have ever heard and read points to much much higher costs. As in 200 for 15 minutes, negotiations for every menu item, and generally paying many hundreds and even thousands for what you can get from an indie provider for many times less.

The legalized brothels in Nevada are around $250+/hr. It's hard to say. Illegal things are generally not the cheapest. Legalized things can be cheaper since theoretically there will be more demand as a result which will drive down prices. But I'm also not sure how much demand there is on the island for these services. For all I know demand could be extremely high despite its legal status and the prices are already rock bottom.

06-19-12, 19:38
Got this from another site decided to share incase anyone of go to Vegas to party.

NV clubs are good. Topless tends to be classier and they take less of your earnings. Full nude clubs here tend to be dirty take a high cut and are full of pimps. I wouldn't recommend moving here in the summer for a few reasons.

#1 the strip clubs are slow (while this is high nightclub / pool club season it is not high season for us)

#2 Less quality clients. The older more refined people Don't come in summer so there tends to be a lot of VERY young guys and bachelor parties (they rarely make money)

#3 Rent and utilities are higher in the summer.

#4 Its freaking HOT! Like over 100 degrees every day.

As for places to work you have to figure out which places best fits your style. Some I've worked at other I have just heard from the other girls.

Spearmint Rhino- ++ This place is most consistantly busy they have business 24 hours a day.

- The girls here are gorgeous, the manager is crazy, the girls are super agressive.

Sapphire +++ Largest club in the world, super busy on weekends, good managment.

- Tons of girls working (weekdays sometimes girls out number customers) , most girls. Super pretty, girls are pretty aggressive.

Crazy Horse 3 +++ Smaller club, lower drink prices, locals, after hours.

- Not as busy, not as high end.

Treasures +++ Doing way better than anyone thought, steakhouse, really nice inside, high end.

- Location, hiring manager picky, a mixture of girls not as many sharks.

Covergirls +++ brand new, clean, nice staff, high end.

- Brand new, not busy yet, bad location, no one's heard of it yet.

Hustler ++++ New, new clean inside, less girls less competition, good drink specials. Bring in locals.

- Caliber of dancers not as good, high house fees.

Club Paradise +++ Location, know for being classy gown club.

- haven't heard anything about this club from dancers lately.

Olympic Garden +++ Location, its been around forever, some girls say they've made. Good money there.

- Know for being kinda seedy

Pok Gai
06-19-12, 22:28
Where did you get that info from? . +1.

Seriously. Before I found this site, and knew standard rates for areas. I looked up the MBR online, and some of the other ones in that area. From what I remember it was easily 800+/HR way back then. But I could be wrong. Since I have never personally been there. For 250 / HR AND LEGAL, I'll make the drive.

08-08-12, 17:24
Wow. Any of you guys there when this happened or know what sparked it? From the Sadvertiser website:


"Police are seeking the public's help in locating the man wanted for beating the manager of Ellie's Club until she was unconscious on Kapiolani Boulevard on July 8.

Police said the suspect, believed to be in his 30s, got into an argument with an employee of the club at 12:59 am The manager intervened and was struck numerous times. She was taken to the hospital with numerous facial fractures. The suspect fled before police arrived. He is wanted for second-degree assault.

The suspect is 5-feet 9-inches tall, weighing 200 pounds and has Samoan tribal tattoos on both arms.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call CrimeStoppers at 955-8300, or *CRIME on cellular phone. Free cellular calls are provided by AT&T, Nextel Hawaii, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless Hawaii, Mobi PCS, and Hawaiian Telcom. The public may now send anonymous text and web tips. Text 'CS808' plus message to 274637 or CRIMES."

08-09-12, 01:13
Anybody ever try Ashley Madison or other websites, and have any luck? Adultfriendfinder. Com or fling. ? Curious.

08-09-12, 02:59

Seriously. Before I found this site, and knew standard rates for areas. I looked up the MBR online, and some of the other ones in that area. From what I remember it was easily 800+/HR way back then. But I could be wrong. Since I have never personally been there. For 250 / HR AND LEGAL, I'll make the drive.+2.

I can't see how that is right at all since my trips to Vegas the local talent ranges from $$.5 to $$$$ an hour. $$.5 at a legit place seems to cheap. Even the Vegas boards reported higher prices, which is why I never bothered with the drive. I want to get the most bang for my buck, pun intended.

08-09-12, 04:40
Was in FN this weekened and they had flyers posted for a new website, femmenu dot com Checked it out and looks like they spent some $$$ on professional photo shoot and makeup for the dancers. I'm ging with the theory that biz is prob not that good, based on the lack of customers I saw that day, and that several of the girls said that biz is steadily declining.After the one experience I had there I swore I would never go back. To me the strip clubs here do not meet the standars I enjoyed in Noffolk, VA and Denver, CO.

08-09-12, 20:07
Anybody ever try Ashley Madison or other websites, and have any luck? Adultfriendfinder. Com or fling. ? Curious.Join and spend money but it's ll bogus imo. They are all fakers and takers.

08-09-12, 20:38
Anybody ever try Ashley Madison or other websites, and have any luck? Adultfriendfinder. Com or fling. ? Curious.Yep. Tried most of them. No luck with AshMad. Best luck with AFF. I have several "freebie" regulars that I originally met at these sites and have been fucking for years now. But don't think you're just going to put up a profile and then fuck whomever, whenever. Getting pussy using these sites takes as much or more effort and skill as it takes to meet, seduce and fuck women anywhere else. If you like it kinky, fetlife is great site, though it is more of a social networking site than a hookup site. With any of these sites, look for pics of women that look the way the range of typical women around here look. If they don't, the site is a rip-off. If the people look like real typical local people, you're willing to pay to play on the site (free account is a waste of time if you're a guy) , and willing to put in effort, lot's of fun can be found. Also be prepared to send lots of emails and get few responses. I'll send out about 15 first time emails for every one response I get back. For every three first time responses I get, on average I'll fuck one of them.

08-09-12, 21:55
Yep. Tried most of them. No luck with AshMad. Best luck with AFF. I have several "freebie" regulars that I originally met at these sites and have been fucking for years now.You are the Man I tell ya. I tried AFF for free years ago with no luck what so ever. I figured my pic and profile was bottom of the barrel. Must be someone getting some action as you point out. Also, I know this Filipina hostess used to work old CK location that asked me if I wanted a threesome with her and her dude. She said they always hooked up with a third "member" on the AFF site. I turned her down because I didn't want to be "crossing swords" with some other dude, or playing wacky clackers with some other dudes kiwis.

08-12-12, 22:06
From Khon news. A 31-year-old man was allegedly kidnapped and robbed after he received a $2, 400 bar tab. It happened around 3:30 a. M. At a bar in the Ala Moana-area.

Secret Agent
08-13-12, 07:13
From Khon news. A 31-year-old man was allegedly kidnapped and robbed after he received a $2, 400 bar tab. It happened around 3:30 a. M. At a bar in the Ala Moana-area.I'm dying to know what bar this was!

08-13-12, 19:46
From Khon news. A 31-year-old man was allegedly kidnapped and robbed after he received a $2, 400 bar tab. It happened around 3:30 a. M. At a bar in the Ala Moana-area.My guess it was an after 2am open bar because of the time but who knows.

H Mobius
08-13-12, 20:27
I'm dying to know what bar this was!I wonder if it was Michelle's? From what I understand it is a 4 am bar with young LVBs who buy multiple pops of $300 bottles for 'their' girl. Lots of fights, too.

08-13-12, 22:11
Who runs up a 2400 bar tab? Aren't they illegal bar tabs?

From Khon news. A 31-year-old man was allegedly kidnapped and robbed after he received a $2, 400 bar tab. It happened around 3:30 a. M. At a bar in the Ala Moana-area.

Booya Boiz
08-13-12, 22:40
From Khon news. A 31-year-old man was allegedly kidnapped and robbed after he received a $2, 400 bar tab. It happened around 3:30 a. M. At a bar in the Ala Moana-area.I might be wrong but I thought the ATM limit is $$$$$/day.

08-14-12, 00:31
I wonder if it was Michelle's? From what I understand it is a 4 am bar with young LVBs who buy multiple pops of $300 bottles for 'their' girl. Lots of fights, too.My money is also on Michelle's. Last time I was there, a fight broke out. Some guy got his face smashed in. Haven't been back since.

08-14-12, 01:41
I might be wrong but I thought the ATM limit is $$$$$/day.So it could have been a combination of multiple ATM with different card withdrawals or it could have been a cash advance from a credit card and that depends on what his limits are.

08-14-12, 03:26
Who runs up a 2400 bar tab? Aren't they illegal bar tabs?Read ripoff reports. It happens.

Viet Whisperer
08-14-12, 04:59
You can call customer service and get a temporary increase to your ATM limit if you have reached the limit. A smart escort taught me how one time when I was going to pass as I was at my limit LOL.

H Mobius
08-14-12, 05:17
Who runs up a 2400 bar tab? Aren't they illegal bar tabs?Back when bars were busy, they'd tack-on all sorts of drinks, expensive bottles, etc. I've seen them 'doctor' the charges and try to stick guys with tabs in the thousands. To the new guy in the KB Tactics thread: use cash, in fact use 20's.

In the case of Michelle's and the young LVB's, sounds like it isn't uncommon for the guy to willingly buy several $300 bottles for 'his' girl, so it adds-up fast. I haven't seen that kind of action in KBs in a long time. Remember when bars would stink because they'd pound the bottle and let it shoot all over the carpet?

Member #4752
08-16-12, 04:45
Hawaii news now was reporting Club VIP in Pearl City was a massage parlor. Thought it was a K-bar.

08-16-12, 06:39
Hawaii news now was reporting Club VIP in Pearl City was a massage parlor. Thought it was a K-bar.I've been there once with a buddy of mine a few months ago. Its a K-bar. But the female workers weren't all that hot to begin with. It was a regular bar that serves food and alcohol.

Captin Crunch
08-16-12, 12:47
Hawaii news now was reporting Club VIP in Pearl City was a massage parlor. Thought it was a K-bar.I just missed it on the news last night. What was it all about? I know lots of video games in there.

Captin Crunch
08-16-12, 12:55
Hot new girl on Hawaii News Now. Meteorologist Jennifer Robbins. Nice!

H Mobius
08-17-12, 13:32
Hot new girl on Hawaii News Now. Meteorologist Jennifer Robbins. Nice!She's very pretty, but her You Tube videos with 'Sexy skirt' or 'Short skirt' in the titles got me wondering how they would describe what the j-tourists and KBGs wear :).

This lady (actually there are many others in the sidebar!) is more my speed, especially during the second half in the blue top:


Lowlys One
08-17-12, 17:33
She's very pretty, but her You Tube videos with 'Sexy skirt' or 'Short skirt' in the titles got me wondering how they would describe what the j-tourists and KBGs wear.

This lady (actually there are many others in the sidebar!) is more my speed, especially during the second half in the blue top:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=SNHhtbqUH1k&feature=endscreenThat's kind of unusual that the news station would allow her to wear a top like those, not complaining but I have a hard time checking out the weather, even the surf with her bouncing around the place.

H Mobius
08-17-12, 19:41
That's kind of unusual that the news station would allow her to wear a top like those, not complaining but I have a hard time checking out the weather, even the surf with her bouncing around the place.He-he! I was thinking the same thing. Pretty much all the women speaking Espanol were sporting their jugs. I was just noticing that in the link, Ms. Iglesias has her hair cut and curled just right, so as to cradle her jugs.

As for your being distracted, there's even a "Mission Impossible: Maintaining Eye Contact" one, where male employees try to remain professional with female employees who have their jugs practically falling out.

This all reminds me of Lola at SP3; might pay her a visit.

08-17-12, 22:51

Its w / great sadness I say that Yasmin Dar of KITV news is going to get a new job in Eugene, Oregon.

I greatly enjoyed watching her. Sigh! If anything, I love the whole KITV morning crew lineup! Best eye candy as far as quantity is concerned. Only that Ryan K. T. Ruins it. (Damn lone Sausage fest!)

Hope they bring another female on board. Good luck w / her new job. Below is the article, FWIW.

Braddah H.


08-18-12, 04:01

Its w / great sadness I say that Yasmin Dar of KITV news is going to get a new job in Eugene, Oregon.

I greatly enjoyed watching her. Sigh! If anything, I love the whole KITV morning crew lineup! Best eye candy as far as quantity is concerned. Only that Ryan K. T. Ruins it. (Damn lone Sausage fest!)

Hope they bring another female on board. Good luck w / her new job. Below is the article, FWIW.

Braddah H.

http://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/blog/morning_call/2012/07/yasmin-dar-to-leave-kitv-for-anchor.htmlYes, she is a beauty. It always seems the good-looking ones are the ones that leave Hawaii.

Smokin Gun
08-18-12, 04:24
Yes, she is a beauty. It always seems the good-looking ones are the ones that leave Hawaii.I've got to find another tv news hoe to jag off to now.

08-18-12, 04:56
New girl coming on in September to anchor with Paula Akana at KITV is named Yunji de Nies, a part Korean, part Haole girl who apparently has national news experience with ABC. While she's no Yasmin, at least she has a nice, watchable, girl next door quality along with what could be a pretty hot bod.

Here's the news:


Check her out at:


Monger on, bros.


Its w / great sadness I say that Yasmin Dar of KITV news is going to get a new job in Eugene, Oregon.

I greatly enjoyed watching her. Sigh! If anything, I love the whole KITV morning crew lineup! Best eye candy as far as quantity is concerned. Only that Ryan K. T. Ruins it. (Damn lone Sausage fest!)

Hope they bring another female on board. Good luck w / her new job. Below is the article, FWIW.

Braddah H.


08-18-12, 08:28
I've got to find another tv news hoe to jag off to now.I'll stick with my KHONeys: Olena Heu and Marisa Yamane!

08-20-12, 19:25
I'll stick with my KHONeys: Olena Heu and Marisa Yamane!And let's not forget the ever delightful Tammy Mori!

08-22-12, 13:52
And let's not forget the ever delightful Tammy Mori!
Mori now has a baby. White weenie husband. She's gotten some baby fat & lost her tan.

Saw her & da fam last weekend.

08-22-12, 13:56
Speaking of which, I saw Jill Kuramoto in person 2 weeks ago. She's a lot more prettier in person than on TV.

I see Mahealani all the time, she gives this image of being "stuck up" in public but once, I seen her w / her son, he was running around rampant but she didn't do anything. I smiled at him then her, she smiled back, & rolled her eyes 2 the heavens. Kids, I tell you!

I think all 3 of them is eye candy, best out of the newscasters except Steph Lum. But Moana; got to love her short arms, love when she talks Hawaiian too, mmm ono.


08-22-12, 16:16
Here's one of my favorites doing the weather in LA.


Lowlys One
08-22-12, 16:50
Speaking of which, I saw Jill Kuramoto in person 2 weeks ago. She's a lot more prettier in person than on TV.

I see Mahealani all the time, she gives this image of being "stuck up" in public but once, I seen her w / her son, he was running around rampant but she didn't do anything. I smiled at him then her, she smiled back, & rolled her eyes 2 the heavens. Kids, I tell you!

I think all 3 of them is eye candy, best out of the newscasters except Steph Lum. But Moana; got to love her short arms, love when she talks Hawaiian too, mmm ono.

HYep me to, I always thought Mahea was really pretty but on camera she looked thin, and while she is thin, she looks even hotter in person, and she is friendly and flirty, far from that sassy wootha look that she has on the tele, saw her at a Halloween bash at aloha towers, girl has a great tan, hard slender legs and cute sexy face. My favorite, she just has that look that I like.

08-24-12, 01:42
New from Hawaii Reporter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlpi4OynZiU&feature=player_embedded. It's on the front page of their website, too. What'choo guys think? A little late on the uptake, now that Pink has shut down.

08-24-12, 12:46
Yep me to, I always thought Mahea was really pretty but on camera she looked thin, and while she is thin, she looks even hotter in person, and she is friendly and flirty, far from that sassy wootha look that she has on the tele, saw her at a Halloween bash at aloha towers, girl has a great tan, hard slender legs and cute sexy face. My favorite, she just has that look that I like.Moani (KITV) is looking hot in a real tight white dress. Jennifer (HNN) is looking hot in a real tight red dress. Ah. The morning weather is such a great wake up call.

08-24-12, 13:12
Moani (KITV) is looking hot in a real tight white dress. Jennifer (HNN) is looking hot in a real tight red dress. Ah. The morning weather is such a great wake up call.Ooh. Kanoe Gibson former Miss Hawaii starting weekend weather on KHON visiting the set. Not as hot as Moani or Jennifer. She needs a tight dress.

Lowlys One
08-28-12, 07:22
Moani (KITV) is looking hot in a real tight white dress. Jennifer (HNN) is looking hot in a real tight red dress. Ah. The morning weather is such a great wake up call.Wait now, H. N. N, is channel 7/8? I watch channel 7 in the morning once in a while but never saw Jennifer, I think its mostly Rueben. : (

08-28-12, 12:35
Wait now, H. N. N, is channel 7/8? I watch channel 7 in the morning once in a while but never saw Jennifer, I think its mostly Rueben. : (Jennifer is the new weekend weather girl on HNN. She was visiting the Sunrise set that day. Reuben? Are you referring to Olena Rubin Heu? She's on Fox KHON3.

Lowlys One
08-28-12, 19:51
Jennifer is the new weekend weather girl on HNN. She was visiting the Sunrise set that day. Reuben? Are you referring to Olena Rubin Heu? She's on Fox KHON3.Nope sorry I kinda wish it was Olena, but it's Ben Guitterez.

Bobb Sledd
08-31-12, 16:06
Giving the rest of us a bad name!

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP). Police in southeast Michigan say a man called to complain that a woman he had agreed to pay for sex unexpectedly increased the price.

AnnArbor. Com reports that police were called to an Ann Arbor home late Wednesday on a report of a robbery. Police say the 45-year-old man and a 19-year-old Ohio woman he contacted online had agreed on a price, but that the man claimed she upped the cost after taking his money.

Police say the woman was arrested. The man wasn't taken into custody.

According to investigators, the man and woman gave vastly different accounts of what happened. The case is under investigation and prosecutors will determine any possible charges.

The link:


09-01-12, 00:02
I tell you what, I'm quickly being converted to the dark side on this. Here's another piece of BS from Kathryn Xian, whom you've all warned me about. On the other hand, Malia Zimmerman isn't so bad looking. At any rate, the fourplex. Scratch that. Threeplex (now that Pink is down) has been one of my hotspots, since coming back to the islands. Girls were free to walk in and out. Hell, dogs walk in and out, as some have mentioned. The only coerced action I've seen at the Wardplex was the smoke being coerced from various providers' lips. Like I said, I tried to be sensitive about this, given what some had send and my one experience at PS. But this whole article reads like a propaganda piece. Oh, and I watched the video on the site, too. How do we know the "anonymous" person isn't Xian herself, posing as a victim? Just sayin'.

LINK: http://www.hawaiireporter.com/hawaiis-youngest-sex-trafficking-victims-only-get-out-when-rescued-by-first-responders/123

STORY TEXT: Hawaii's Youngest Sex Trafficking Victims 'Get Out' When Rescued by First Responders.

Young girls are trafficked as sex workers in Hawaii. They are often 13 years old or younger when they are recruited.

BY MALIA ZIMMERMAN. When Dee Dee was just 16 years old, a pimp forced her to work on the streets of Chinatown and Waikiki as a prostitute. She remembers the first time she was forced to have sex for money, and how scared and humilliated she felt.

After being beaten and raped repeatedly and threatened by her pimp during her "breaking in period," she saw no way to escape.

"I did it because my pimp was threatening to kill my family. Because he found out where my family lived. He threatened to kill them or to kill me. So I did it because I was scared. It was mostly out of fear," Dee Dee told Hawaii Reporter in an exclusive interview about her experiences.

Dee Dee essentially worked as a sex slave. Keeping any of the money she made – even $2 to buy French Fries after working all night – could earn her a severe beating.

"There were consequences all the time," she said.

And there was no way to hide because "there was always eyes" on her when she worked on "the track" in Waikiki.

"We called it the gang. Cause there was always the 'old G' at the top. Original Gangster, the original pimp, the top guy, he's the king. And if my pimp was not there, somebody else would tell him. There were always eyes on me even when I thought the street was empty," Dee Dee said.

There were other young girls from Hawaii in the same situation. They are forced to take drugs and then controlled by their addictions.

"If you say 'I don't touch drugs, I hate those, they are gross, ' the pimp will hold you down and shoot you up. A lot of times I would see pimps control girls just because of the drugs," Dee Dee said.

Dee Dee finally escaped, but only because she was picked up by law enforcement after being misidentified as a runaway youth and not a sex trafficking victim. Her parents met her at the police station.

Coming back from the lowest point in her life, she had many emotional, physical and spiritual wounds to heal.

She was put into rehabillitation. But the road to recovery was long and difficult. Having a tough time dealing with terrible flashbacks and severe despressions, she tried to kill herself by overdosing on pills.

Kathryn Xian, head of the Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery, rescues girls like Dee Dee who are victims of sex trafficking and assists law enforcement to get the pimps prosecuted.

The City & County of Honolulu's EMS department contacted Xian to ask her to teach paramatics how to identify trafficking victims, how to talk to them in language they will understand, how to keep them out of danger while they are being treated, and ensure they get the help they need.

Honolulu's emergency responders, especially those who work the over night shift, encounter girls like Dee Dee after they are beaten by their pimps or when they are strung out on drugs and left in the streets in a bad state.

"We started training all the paramedics on island at the end of June at the request of their Supervisors. It took about two months and we trained over 160 of them in indentifying the problem, who may be at risk, identifying the signs, and what to do if they encounter a victim- what to do, what not to do (best practices). We also gave them resources to call for help such as the national hotline number and our local hotline at PASS. We aim to train all health care professionals on island so that they may develop a protocol for responding to these victims. We also covered signs to I'd labor trafficking victims," Xian said.

Next steps will be to coordinate protocols between hospital Emergency Rooms and the paramedics themselves, Xian said, as well as more training for psychiatrists and med students. Her group also trained JABSOM medical students a few months ago as well as residents at Kapiolani Medical Center.

The PASS training program runs about 90 minutes and has already saved at least one young woman. Just last Monday, a woman deemed "high risk" because she was homeless after being abandoned by her family two weeks earlier, was beaten, struck in the face, robbed and left lying on the street.

An EMS parametic who took the training class called the PASS Hotline to get help for the victim when the she would not accept assistance from first responders. Xian happened to be on call.

The EMS parametic we spoke to who did not want to be named said she is grateful for the training that helps identify those who might be in trouble, and gives the "town" parametics the tools they need to reach out to trafficking victims. She believes the training will help save more children.

Dee Dee said she was lucky to get out alive."The longer you stay and the less hope you have," she said.

Jana, another young sex trafficking victim we interviewed who also worked the streets of Waikiki, Chinatown and at Rappongi Relaxation in 350 Ward Avenue, agreed Hawaii's streets are a "very dangerous place to be". And "scary too." She was also rescued by law enforcement.

"Cause if you stay in the game, you will never come home. Unless somebody comes and rescues you. Like the the cops, or somebody," Jana said.

09-01-12, 01:25
News story


And a video.


09-01-12, 13:31
Todays Star- Advertiser has a report of a Korean man admiting to bank fraud for tranferring money between Honolulu and LA, for Korean bar and massage girls. $1, 500, 000 over the past three years. That is our monger money!

09-01-12, 20:12
Here's the link.


As always monger safe, and if your gut says no, then go with with it,

Grave Diggah

09-01-12, 20:39
Here's the link.


As always monger safe, and if your gut says no, then go with with it,

Grave DiggahThat's suck. Almost went there yesterday.

09-01-12, 21:32
Thanks for the report about the arrests. I assume these were Craigslists stings?


Provider Hint: When you don't ask for the money first, we actually think you like us.

Mama Hint: Knock on the door at the 60 minute mark, not 45.

DUD of the Week: Hana at VIP

Member #5438
09-01-12, 21:57

Here's the link.


As always monger safe, and if your gut says no, then go with with it,

Grave Diggah

09-01-12, 22:52
Todays Star- Advertiser has a report of a Korean man admiting to bank fraud for tranferring money between Honolulu and LA, for Korean bar and massage girls. $1, 500, 000 over the past three years. That is our monger money!$1, 500, 000? What the hell? Was he an establishment owner or customer? What exactly does $1. 5 mil buy you these days? I think that'd even get you Jada. Still to little for GFE with Hana, I'd think.

Bobby Gunn
09-01-12, 23:33
http://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/news/2012/08/29/pacific-marina-inn-for-sale-near.htmlI was so very close to calling one of the ads that was posted Friday and visiting. Thank goodness for spidey senses.

09-03-12, 05:04

Popo all over pacific marina for years. One pretty and real sweetie told me she was busted for "trespassing" there-she wus a sweetie and just cried the whole time, so popo charged her just trespass, and told her never to cum bak-and she never did. Saw her lots at her Waipio townhouse, then in Waiks.

Dis was 8 years ago. Lots of druggies and stuff happening for years at them airport hotels-not a very pretty picture there.


Tako Diver
10-06-12, 04:22
Midnight Inc, gets busted.


Always A Noob
12-23-12, 02:23

12-23-12, 16:44
This just shows you the level of government waste. As if, given the state of affairs our economy is in, these guys have nothing better to do but bust the sex trade? If it were me, I'd pay a visit in person and remind them about illegal aliens and minors staying OUT of the business. But beyond that, leave them alone. Maybe considering taxing it all. Canada has legal prostitution and they are fine by it. Our government needs to get the hell out of my underwear and my wallet. BTW. That goes for both parties. This ain't a conservative or republican thing. Case in point, Harry Reid is a lib from Nevada and BO is a lib. They own the federal government today and these "pressure" legal activities are happening under their watch.

12-24-12, 04:22
http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/274293-senate-resolution-tells-village-voice-to-take-down-adult-entertainment-sectionLawmakers said that website, Backpage. Com, ends up promoting child sex trafficking in the United States.

This is news to me. Sounds like legislators typically talking out of their asses. I have never seen a Backpage ad that promotes child sex trafficing. I would think those scumbags that promote child sex trafficing are not stupid enough to use Backpage, and they probably have their own private online network. No telling how many useless legislators actually use Backpage for some adult escort action outside the home.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and "freedom of expression" from "government interference."

Useless Legislators: How about doing something useful like preventing a "fiscal cliff."

12-24-12, 05:13
Lawmakers said that website, Backpage. Com, ends up promoting child sex trafficking in the United States.

This is news to me. Sounds like legislators typically talking out of their asses. I have never seen a Backpage ad that promotes child sex trafficing. I would think those scumbags that promote child sex trafficing are not stupid enough to use Backpage, and they probably have their own private online network. No telling how many useless legislators actually use Backpage for some adult escort action outside the home.


The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and "freedom of expression" from "government interference."

Useless Legislators: How about doing something useful like preventing a "fiscal cliff."Recent legal precedent says that you can criminalize third-party posting, so long as you don't go after the online advertising sites. I have no doubt that BP is used for child trafficking, especially given the amount of fake pictures on there. It's one of the reasons that I avoid the escort scene, unless I see someone astounding. Again, I maintain that the best cover for a monger is to blend in with the anti-trafficking crowd, something I've seen done in the Philippines and Thailand. I know local lawmakers and prosecutors, not to mention defense attorneys and mid-level government workers, who are heavy into our scene.

12-24-12, 06:38
Here's the link.


As always monger safe, and if your gut says no, then go with with it,

Grave DiggahI've visited all hotels along the nimitz side for various reasons either mongering or getting a room, and that place by far was the creepiest. The left side is tourists, the right is locals, most monger times I went were on the right. The walls are thin, always people just sitting in or near there cars, not really the safest place. Been to PM at least 4 times and never seen PoPo yet but I've learned to stay away from most providers around the airport simply cause. Its always a waste of time and Kala. These busts make me want to never even think about it again.


12-24-12, 06:43
lawmakers said that website, backpage. com, ends up promoting child sex trafficking in the united states.

this is news to me. sounds like legislators typically talking out of their asses. i have never seen a backpage ad that promotes child sex trafficing. i would think those scumbags that promote child sex trafficing are not stupid enough to use backpage, and they probably have their own private online network. no telling how many useless legislators actually use backpage for some adult escort action outside the home.according to news reports, **** girls who had been forced into prostitution were advertised on bp by their pimps. so, while the ad might say they were 18, they were really something like 15 or 16.

this is why i hate pimps: they ruin everything for everybody else.

12-24-12, 08:04
This just shows you the level of government waste. As if, given the state of affairs our economy is in, these guys have nothing better to do but bust the sex trade? If it were me, I'd pay a visit in person and remind them about illegal aliens and minors staying OUT of the business. But beyond that, leave them alone. Maybe considering taxing it all. Canada has legal prostitution and they are fine by it. Our government needs to get the hell out of my underwear and my wallet. BTW. That goes for both parties. This ain't a conservative or republican thing. Case in point, Harry Reid is a lib from Nevada and BO is a lib. They own the federal government today and these "pressure" legal activities are happening under their watch.Just to be clear, consensual prostitution is technically legal in Canada, but related activities are not. Operation of brothels, facilitation of prostitution, procurement, patronizing or working at brothels, and communicating or advertising prostitution services in public places are all illegal, making it difficult to engage in prostitution without violating some element of criminal law. Also, cars are deemed to be 'public places' if they can be seen by any member of the public, aside from those inside the vehicle. It's pretty restrictive.

12-24-12, 08:08
according to news reports, **** girls who had been forced into prostitution were advertised on bp by their pimps. so, while the ad might say they were 18, they were really something like 15 or 16.

this is why i hate pimps: they ruin everything for everybody else.i fully agree with this, though i also believe that legalization and subsequent taxation could adversely impact our ability to control prices. sure, amps would be operating under the same market principles as other businesses, but the regulatory fees that would likely accompany legalization would force establishments to jack up rates to maintain today's profit margins for providers. could get pretty expensive. i know you weren't advocating legalization, but i wanted to make the point. good discussion.

01-04-13, 15:29
Honolulu police arrested and cited two women for prostitution at a King Street massage parlor and arrested and cited a third woman at another massage parlor on Keeaumoku Street Wednesday night.

Police arrested a 20-year-old woman and a 37-year-old woman at 1359 S. King St. At about 10:10 pm.

Just after 11 p. M, police arrested a 58-year-old Makiki woman for prostitution and not having a massage license at 919 Keeaumoku St. The women were released on bail of between 1, 000 and $1, 500.

TG comment. A 20 year old at an MP. Never seen that!

Stay safe!

01-05-13, 01:51

Fox News was in Hawaii talking about "Why Hawaii is so liberal?". During the broadcast they mention that Hawaii is very lenient on prostitution and that law enforcement ignores the prostitution. They video tape some really nice looking ladies walking the Waikiki streets. Want to warn all mongers about the impending backlash of this broadcast. You can smell it coming. Massive clean up of street walkers and AMPs are going to be disscussed at state and city meetings today and next week. Police and Vice probably acting on it now. Mongers beware. Poipounder.

01-05-13, 04:25

Fox News was in Hawaii talking about "Why Hawaii is so liberal?". During the broadcast they mention that Hawaii is very lenient on prostitution and that law enforcement ignores the prostitution. They video tape some really nice looking ladies walking the Waikiki streets. Want to warn all mongers about the impending backlash of this broadcast. You can smell it coming. Massive clean up of street walkers and AMPs are going to be disscussed at state and city meetings today and next week. Police and Vice probably acting on it now. Mongers beware. Poipounder.Liberal has nothing to do with toleration of prostitution. Radical liberal militant feminists are the most fanatical and uncompromising opponents of prostitution. With or without coercion, prostitution is man exploitation and oppression of women. This resonates with the general public bombarded with propaganda. Nobody cares about religious prudes decrying sex outside of marriage and fallen women.

01-06-13, 18:57
Honolulu police arrested and cited two women for prostitution at a King Street massage parlor and arrested and cited a third woman at another massage parlor on Keeaumoku Street Wednesday night.

Police arrested a 20-year-old woman and a 37-year-old woman at 1359 S. King St. At about 10:10 pm.

Just after 11 p. M, police arrested a 58-year-old Makiki woman for prostitution and not having a massage license at 919 Keeaumoku St. The women were released on bail of between 1, 000 and $1, 500.

TG comment. A 20 year old at an MP. Never seen that!

Stay safe!That's Hula Girl and Hanabi / Goi. Don't know who the providers are, but 58 at Goi? Not someone I've been with, that's for sure. And certainly not Vivian!

01-06-13, 23:31

Fox News was in Hawaii talking about "Why Hawaii is so liberal?". During the broadcast they mention that Hawaii is very lenient on prostitution and that law enforcement ignores the prostitution. They video tape some really nice looking ladies walking the Waikiki streets. Want to warn all mongers about the impending backlash of this broadcast. You can smell it coming. Massive clean up of street walkers and AMPs are going to be disscussed at state and city meetings today and next week. Police and Vice probably acting on it now. Mongers beware. Poipounder.That's why we're liberal? I coulda sworn that Reds, generally speaking, tend to get caught with their hands in the cookie jar a lot. Doing kinky stuff.

Good lookin' out!

01-07-13, 00:50
That's Hula Girl and Hanabi / Goi. Don't know who the providers are, but 58 at Goi? Not someone I've been with, that's for sure. And certainly not Vivian!Just my 2 cents. I think that must be the mama San. Maybe he asked her how much for sex. I really don't think Goi have a 58 years old provider.

01-07-13, 02:04

Fox News was in Hawaii talking about "Why Hawaii is so liberal?". During the broadcast they mention that Hawaii is very lenient on prostitution and that law enforcement ignores the prostitution. They video tape some really nice looking ladies walking the Waikiki streets. Want to warn all mongers about the impending backlash of this broadcast. You can smell it coming. Massive clean up of street walkers and AMPs are going to be disscussed at state and city meetings today and next week. Police and Vice probably acting on it now. Mongers beware. Poipounder.IMHO, I think the lawmakers know that males need a release mechanism. A guy who doesn't nut begins to think freaky things. The longer it goes on, the worst it gets. If a guy can nut once a month or more, then he won't need to think about picking up 12 or 14 year olds on the internet or molesting family members.

A man with a loaded gun and can't shoot it off is makes for a volatile situation. That is why prostitution in Hawaii is only a petty misdemeanor. It is actually a needed and healthy activity for a safe society. Pu

Uki Eater
01-07-13, 02:18
IMHO, I think the lawmakers know that males need a release mechanism. A guy who doesn't nut begins to think freaky things. The longer it goes on, the worst it gets. If a guy can nut once a month or more, then he won't need to think about picking up 12 or 14 year olds on the internet or molesting family members.

A man with a loaded gun and can't shoot it off is makes for a volatile situation. That is why prostitution in Hawaii is only a petty misdemeanor. It is actually a needed and healthy activity for a safe society. PuThis sounds similar to the movie: "Jack Reacher"

01-07-13, 02:19
IMHO, I think the lawmakers know that males need a release mechanism. A guy who doesn't nut begins to think freaky things. The longer it goes on, the worst it gets. If a guy can nut once a month or more, then he won't need to think about picking up 12 or 14 year olds on the internet or molesting family members.

A man with a loaded gun and can't shoot it off is makes for a volatile situation. That is why prostitution in Hawaii is only a petty misdemeanor. It is actually a needed and healthy activity for a safe society. PuChina better load up on AMPs if they don't want chaos in the next few years or decades. I remember reading the 1 child law and many girl infants being abandoned / killed or adopted off to foreign countries. This will lead to a big imbalance of male to female ratio, and you know what happens when young, horny and stupid guys have no release available. Violence and chaos could ensue, unless many of them turn gay and play the female roles! LOL.

01-07-13, 03:59
IMHO, I think the lawmakers know that males need a release mechanism. A guy who doesn't nut begins to think freaky things. The longer it goes on, the worst it gets. If a guy can nut once a month or more, then he won't need to think about picking up 12 or 14 year olds on the internet or molesting family members.

A man with a loaded gun and can't shoot it off is makes for a volatile situation. That is why prostitution in Hawaii is only a petty misdemeanor. It is actually a needed and healthy activity for a safe society. PuAccording to reports that I've seen at the Capitol and heard from legislators, there's going to be a big push, this year, to up it to a full misdemeanor and increase penalties. Not saying that it will go anywhere, but you never know. Best to watch out, especially with multiple places being busted only a couple of nights ago.

Member #4374
01-07-13, 04:10
I heard Honolulu is relatively lenient on prostitution becuz we're on an island and we need hoes or if not it could be a powder keg ready to erupt. (And we got the military and tourists and locals with no game).

I mean with all the AMPs and ho-stess bars we got. They do their little token busts and check that the hoes got GCs and what not. But it's pretty much tolerated as long as its all consenting adults.

01-07-13, 04:59
I hope that this supposed crack down on all the AMP is just talk! Because I agree with other posts guys do need a realease mechanism or shit will go to hell. Especially since its so hard to get laid here in hawaii, I am originally from the mainland it was so much easier to get laid and meet single girls, here it seems like theres a 5. 1 ratio of guys to girls and to top it off it seems like every girl here is taken! All I can say is with the way society is now days and its complete fear of sex it wouldn't surprise me if a clean sweep is coming. LMAO society is so fucked up they consider doing drugs worse then sex, remember when Charlie Sheen got busted for cocaine and he was with that porn star LOL all the reports kept talking about him being with a pornstar as if that was worse then him doing cocaine! Unreal! Well if hawaii does start cracking down on all the fun anarchy will surely follow! LOL and then all the cops and politicians and news media will be dumb founded wondering why there is a sudden bump in sexual assaults and other crimes! Damn they have drugs, theft and so much other stuff to worry about?

Redneck 1
01-10-13, 19:34
According to reports that I've seen at the Capitol and heard from legislators, there's going to be a big push, this year, to up it to a full misdemeanor and increase penalties. Not saying that it will go anywhere, but you never know. Best to watch out, especially with multiple places being busted only a couple of nights ago.Two thoughts about arresting and prosecuting women for prostitution in Honolulu.

First, shouldn't PASS and its allies be protesting against the government arresting and prosecuting women involved in prostitution? PASS contends that more than ninety percent of prostitutes actually don't want to be involved with prostitution. Although personally I don't believe that statistic, if PASS-type people do, they should likewise be opposed to stigmatizing these "victims" with criminal records, and illogically punishing "victims" with fines and incarceration. Having a criminal conviction for prostitution on their records certainly won't help the female "victims" obtain regular employment and lead normal lives, as PASS types supposedly want them to do.

Second, the news media has reported that HPD clearance rates for crimes such as motor vehicle theft, larceny theft, burglary and robbery are quite low. So it would seem that the police time and resources spent on investigating and arresting women for the petty misdemeanor offense of prostitution would be better spent on more serious crimes.

01-11-13, 01:15
According to reports that I've seen at the Capitol and heard from legislators, there's going to be a big push, this year, to up it to a full misdemeanor and increase penalties. Not saying that it will go anywhere, but you never know. Best to watch out, especially with multiple places being busted only a couple of nights ago.We hear this every time the Legislature gets together but nothing ever happens. Politicians being politicians need to say things against easy targets. In the end, these carreer politicians just playing their games.

Also Redneck1, you make some very good points about the prostitution conviction appearing on the record of these women and how it excludes them many carreer opportunities. Pu

01-11-13, 03:51
Two thoughts about arresting and prosecuting women for prostitution in Honolulu.

First, shouldn't PASS and its allies be protesting against the government arresting and prosecuting women involved in prostitution? PASS contends that more than ninety percent of prostitutes actually don't want to be involved with prostitution. Although personally I don't believe that statistic, if PASS-type people do, they should likewise be opposed to stigmatizing these "victims" with criminal records, and illogically punishing "victims" with fines and incarceration. Having a criminal conviction for prostitution on their records certainly won't help the female "victims" obtain regular employment and lead normal lives, as PASS types supposedly want them to do.

Second, the news media has reported that HPD clearance rates for crimes such as motor vehicle theft, larceny theft, burglary and robbery are quite low. So it would seem that the police time and resources spent on investigating and arresting women for the petty misdemeanor offense of prostitution would be better spent on more serious crimes.PASS contends that prostitution equals slavery, but also that increased penalties. In whatever form they might take. Incentivize HPD action. As for your comment about arrests, they say that all the time, actually. It's, like, their biggest complaint. Last year, it led to the passage of what is called a "vacating convictions" law, in which prostitutes who can prove that their past "crimes" were coerced can apply to have their records vacated (a step that is stronger than expungement, making it as if the person's record never existed).

PASS's primary legislative ally, John Mizuno, was a key swing vote in the struggle between the two competing democratic factions. Now, he's vice-speaker, giving him tons of power over what makes it through session. I'm at the Capitol every day and can tell you that PASS's folks are, too, holding joint meetings with county prosecutors, the attorney general's reps, and local lawmakers. I'm trying to keep tabs on their proposals, hoping to steer them awry if I can. That's a big 'if', though, and I think it's wise to monitor their actions.

01-11-13, 23:42
PASS contends that prostitution equals slavery, but also that increased penalties. In whatever form they might take. Incentivize HPD action. As for your comment about arrests, they say that all the time, actually. It's, like, their biggest complaint. Last year, it led to the passage of what is called a "vacating convictions" law, in which prostitutes who can prove that their past "crimes" were coerced can apply to have their records vacated (a step that is stronger than expungement, making it as if the person's record never existed).

PASS's primary legislative ally, John Mizuno, was a key swing vote in the struggle between the two competing democratic factions. Now, he's vice-speaker, giving him tons of power over what makes it through session. I'm at the Capitol every day and can tell you that PASS's folks are, too, holding joint meetings with county prosecutors, the attorney general's reps, and local lawmakers. I'm trying to keep tabs on their proposals, hoping to steer them awry if I can. That's a big 'if', though, and I think it's wise to monitor their actions.Thanks for info about Mizuno.