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12-31-99, 20:00
Thread Starter

02-08-10, 10:43
Post Streetwalker Reports here:

Happy Now? :-)

02-09-10, 07:22
Happy in the ending!

03-08-10, 12:04
I see this section is there a reason no one post here for sw.

03-10-10, 14:18
Vero, I think I may have suggested this string on one of the other boards, just following the layout of the Orlando board. Don't be so touchy, isn't the object here to provide info and feedback, why not use the KISS method (keep it simple stupid) method. What is f. Lazy trying to be as efficient as possible?

Weren't we all told one time in our educational experience that the only DUMB question is the one you don't ask, so why belittle someone who posts something YOU consider DUMB. Sort of egotistical isn't it?

03-10-10, 21:11
My only point was that I would catagorize any report of a BP or CL type would be better suited under CL Reviews, not general that was my point. I was not asking for a seperate SW thread. See my latest SW under general reports.

03-11-10, 12:49
I think it is good to have a seperate area for street walkers.

Why not?

03-14-10, 02:14
So after reading a few posts about success on Aurora I went for a trek tonight on the way home from beachside hanging out with a friend.

On my pass back towards Wickham I saw a cute blond about 1030pm with pigtails. We both gave eachother "the look" but I didn't double back. I may have to do some driving tomorrow.

H20 Monger
03-14-10, 22:06
Had a dream this afternoon, that I was driving down US1 north Melbourne and saw a young looking blond with glasses crossing the street. I looped and turned down a side street and there she was, looking lonely. She hopped in, did the cop check and off we went to a safe place for a little big head meets little head. Dream girl was thin, healthy looking, clean, smart, and good at her job, I was quickly spent of some juice and a Jackson.
Then I woke up.

03-19-10, 10:50
Anyone curise buy the old Ramda on US1 in Melbourne and see a real nice looking thin dirty blonde maybe twnety, wearing new jeans maybe the $250 true religon. She just walks out in front and to the sides of the place fluffing her hair. She's probley po po bait so who can chance stopping to chat? But in case someone has would you post and let us know your opinion.


03-22-10, 10:40
So I've been down in Indian River for a year now. I've been cruising the local spots recently and there seems to be nothing but rock climbers. I actually ran into the blond with glasses mentioned below yesterday off aurora. I was cruising thinking there has to be someone not totally climbing mountains, but when I got one look at this chick close up, my dreams were shattered. I really don't get how you guys can even let these chicks in your car. I guess I'll have to continue taking long drives to south florida or orlando to get my mongering fix.

Be safe out there.

03-23-10, 01:31
Anyone curise buy the old Ramda on US1 in Melbourne and see a real nice looking thin dirty blonde maybe twnety, wearing new jeans maybe the $250 true religon. She just walks out in front and to the sides of the place fluffing her hair. She's probley po po bait so who can chance stopping to chat? But in case someone has would you post and let us know your opinion.


I would say you are right. Follow your gut ALWAYS!! You see it is all on video when they do this, dressing provocatively and such is hardly done. They just say that the decoy was minding her own business when a guy pulls up it extricates leo from entrapment. The Ramdas has been dead for some time and the owner works with leo to keep the slangers and bangers out now, he is attempting at legitimizing the shithole.

04-03-10, 10:31
I have not seen may sw out on us 1 in last month or so. Have they moved because of LEO? I seen 2 yesterday but did not get a chance to have a dream

04-06-10, 21:09
I have not seen may sw out on us 1 in last month or so. Have they moved because of LEO? I seen 2 yesterday but did not get a chance to have a dreamI see nothing but po po bait walking around melbourne from fee ave to aurora the bait is hot but if you stop for one you will find yourself in the cooler! Looks like its the much higher priced incall/outcall. Stuff. Or your picture and name in the paper!

04-07-10, 12:48
Around Noon, met Michelle, on Lincoln, walking west. Nice conversation. Got digits

04-07-10, 14:34
Just meet a black chick in brown could not dream she looks pretty good. I have seen her out many times before anybody have a dream with her? She about 5 foot huge breast.

H20 Monger
04-07-10, 23:22
Your tax dollars at work near Aurora.


04-08-10, 15:34
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove the mugshots of persons who were arrested from the report.

I want to say this carefully so no one gets the wrong idea here, but if you think about it, posting the mugshots of people who have been arrested is somewhat heartless and really just helping the police in their efforts to embarrass these people.

Since this website is all about assisting people in obtaining commercial sex services, we don't want to add to the problems of the unfortunate people who have been arrested by publishing their names and/or photographs.


04-11-10, 16:03
Love that we've got a new forum specific to this subject. Just took a few loops around the cocoa track but no one but leo seems to be out to play.

On a side note has anyone who frequents that area noticed you seem to see different Leo at different times. Sometimes it's the locals who are out strong but others you'll see lots of county Leo visiting. It seems as if county Leo is more interest in meeting up with us when they are our as opposed to the local leo. Maybe they are just more pre occupied with real problems?

Maybe it's just my imagination.

04-12-10, 23:03
Your tax dollars at work near Aurora.

http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20100407/BREAKINGNEWS/100407039/1086/Two+arrested+on+prostitution+charges+in+Melbourne+The steroid injected super bullet proof terrorist fighting melbourne police actually arrested someone?

Funny they cant close the blatant drug operation that gets the girls in this situation in the 1st place!

What a waste of $$$.

04-13-10, 13:08
Went for a cruise on Sunday evening to see if anything is going on around Melbourne. The Aurora area was dead around 7pm, so I decided to head South to the US1/Fee area. Immediately spot a younger brunette walking North (of course I'm heading South and didn't see her til I passed by). I circle around, and heading North, she spots me looking at her, and gives me a nod. I make one more turn, and head back south, she nods, and turns back to head down Lincoln, and I'm pulling away from view of US1, a large Pickup (who I passed twice already) is heading towards US1, and stops for her as well. She stood for a moment, trying to decide which vehicle to go to, but ran to the truck when another car pulled up behind, wanting to get through. I suppose if I had stopped 20 feet sooner, I might have scooped her up. She looked younger and decent for a Melbourne SW. I cruised back up to Aurora to waste some time, and hope she pops back up in the area, nothing at Aurora again, and headed back down to the Fee area. When I arrived there was a crew working on US1, right at Fee, with several cops there to direct traffic. After about 10 minutes I decided nothing was going to happen with this much leo sitting in the area.

All in all, nothing good for me, but at least it was the first sign of life I've seen in Melbourne in quite some time. If any of you were in that pick up, I would love to hear how it went.

04-14-10, 10:56
Hey, new to forum.

I work in down down Melbourne so I see alot of the SW. Monday night pretty good for SW in pink short dress. I tried to catch her but got picked up before I could get there. Been slow last month but see some signs out there.

04-20-10, 15:32
Scooped one up on cocoa beach, decent bbjcims for a Jackson (with allot of complaining). She was really nervous and said she was just trying to pay the elec bill (I believed her). I dont think she will be around much but if she is she will be around the church on 8th.

Shake out

04-22-10, 03:35
Made a early am loop or two around Cocoa, spotted several different ladies near peach. Several rough BSW and two WSW. One dirty blonde with a raincoat like jacket another also blonde in a light blue hoodie with flashlight.

Sadly Leo was out enmass, much heavier then I have seen in awhile. Both local and county.

I owe the unnamed in the blue hoodie for waving me to pass on thus avoiding a much closer visit with the Leo hidden in the bush. Would have liked to get to know her better, maybe next time.

04-25-10, 10:05
Almost model like on Aurora, west of us 1. Only issue was that she was sitting in a Brevard sheriff cruiser. Use the big head peoples!

04-25-10, 17:31
Almost model like on Aurora, west of us 1. Only issue was that she was sitting in a Brevard sheriff cruiser. Use the big head peoples!

Got to ask! Was she driving??


04-26-10, 12:53
Seat passenger side!

Got to ask! Was she driving?


04-27-10, 09:14
Could you see the top of her head going up and down? <grin>

Seat passenger side!

Originally Posted by Veroguy
Got to ask! Was she driving?


04-29-10, 15:24
I'm not much of a street monger, but it seems to be totally dead OR I have the worst timing.

For the last few days been making random runs on US1 from old 192 north to Aurora Road. Yes even checking side streets off US1. Not a single gal.

Not really seeing LEO either, I'm going to chock it up to my time frame I'm running.

05-01-10, 12:58
I'm still new to this and haven't picked up the ropes yet. But last Sunday after the art show at a little after 3pm I was driving on the street next the city hall parking garage (not strawbridge) and noticed a girl in a blue top and white pants. She was fairly attractive and as I was driving past she maintained constant eye contact with me. I didn't think anything of it at the time but after I got to the US1 intersection where you can only make a right turn (I needed to make a left) behind several cars also leaving the art show, I made a u-turn to go a different route. When I passed her again she made eye contact and held it for as long as I was driving by. After I thought about it I wondered if she could be a SW.

05-06-10, 13:38
So I'm not really supposed to be street mongering, but I was on my way back from orlando last night and it was pretty active. From about 10-11 I saw 3 almost doable SW's. A blonde with a sick little body but a serious acne problem almost tempted me, but she disappeared-just north or lincoln/fee. 2 brunettes 1 medium and 1 small- nothing to write home about.

Also by aurora east of us 1 saw an almost doable WSW and a very badly strung out BSW-stay away.

What I found comical was the fact that I wound up jumping a fellow monger crews car, ex-ny'ers like me, only realizing they were fellow mongers after leaving-if you guys are on here let me know if your night was successful!

I'm curious about the sidestreet action, can anyone confirm if the area near the CITA shelter south of 192 and west of us1 has a mongering scene?

Be safe out there.

05-06-10, 20:31
Ran the Cocoa loop the other night, not much activity for the most part. Ran across Mckinsey roaming Blake an Peach but decided to pass as the night was young and I was hoping to run across the young looking blonde I had seen weeks back.

Later on saw a burnette WSW curly hair walking by the crazy horse on clear saw a fellow mong in a truck slow to take a look but sped off, after seeing her a little more up close I know why. She was too pre occupied anyway yelling into her cell phone telling someone to stfu and stop calling.

Pickings were slim and mckensy was starting to look good but made a trip out to the truck stops and saw to WSW heading east on 520 a ways from the pilot. The one was horrid but the other tall skinny short curly blonde hair nice body sparked my attention. Turned around but had to wait a little because of traffic. Finally ready to swoop and what happens? A semi truck making a "uturn" scoops the nice one leaving only the giggly. Ahhh beat by a slow tractor trailer what's the world coming too! I guess technically it is their domain but oh well.

Long story short went back to Blake and had a nice dream,. 20 and. 05 tip for job well done.

05-09-10, 17:08
Saturday spotted a decent WSW on Peachtree near Wilson. Naturally it was when I had others in the car. Today spotted a WSW with long red hair on Clearlake walking the opposite direction from my travels. As I was checking traffic to get turned around I saw her get scooped by someone on a motorcycle. At Dixon and US1 there was a young brunet rounding the corner to head down Dixon. I figured I finally had a shot since I was also waiting to turn left onto Dixon. Unfortunately before the light changed I saw her cross and get into a waiting car at the auto parts store.

So no luck this weekend, but at least there's some activity and possibly new talent.

H20 Monger
05-15-10, 20:35
I've been seeing this new little blond, blue short shorts, bare midriff, always same outfit, hanging on US1 midtown. She's a bit too blatant, and there always seems to be LE around. Anybody hook up?

Crimson (blond, 27, glasses, hangs out in BookerT, want's to play her RAP CD while she works) is out of the gov hotel, back at it in the Aurora area. Gained a little weight. Mornings and evenings, she hates the heat.

Decent BBBJ-NS for a Jackson. No Drama. No Nakedness, no pics ;)

05-16-10, 02:43
I think I saw her last night. I turned around to scoop her up and toftt but she was gone so I'm sure she's working. Blue jean short shorts and a dark cutoff tank-top. I was going to make a house call in cocoa at my regular as a last resort but decided to call it a night.

Happy hunting

05-16-10, 09:33
All I been seeing is ones that got away, or vague descriptions of nothing. If any of you guys want the real 411, you will get them in your car get em naked and get a pic ...other than that it is all fluff you are reporting, right up there with Big-Lou on the Miami board. Telling me you saw a hot chick on US1 from a block away but when you came back she was gone makes me suspicious of your credibility and your possible affiliations so get real and post some solid shit or get out.

05-16-10, 17:59
All I been seeing is ones that got away, or vague descriptions of nothing. If any of you guys want the real 411, you will get them in your car get em naked and get a pic ...other than that it is all fluff you are reporting, right up there with Big-Lou on the Miami board. Telling me you saw a hot chick on US1 from a block away but when you came back she was gone makes me suspicious of your credibility and your possible affiliations so get real and post some solid shit or get out.Damn J. sounds like you need a roadtrip down to Ft. Lauderdale. AE or FLES might help. Just giving you crap, my friend! LOL

05-17-10, 07:57
All I been seeing is ones that got away, or vague descriptions of nothing. If any of you guys want the real 411, you will get them in your car get them naked and get a pic. Other than that it is all fluff you are reporting, right up there with Big-Lou on the Miami board. Telling me you saw a hot chick on US1 from a block away but when you came back she was gone makes me suspicious of your credibility and your possible affiliations so get real and post some solid

Shit or get out.Man we have to deal with LEOs and FEOs (forum enforcement officers). How can we make a better swoop in traffic what's a good technique?

05-17-10, 08:26
With all the aint no SW reports thought I might chime in and say they are still some in T-ville. Most are low on the scale but not all. It is all relative to how horny you are. No one seems to care or it is too far to drive for most of you so have stopped reporting unless I find a jem with digits.
Also anyone tried Sally (relaxation theropy) on Merritt Island Cswy. On CL 100hhr? No table just a chair.

05-17-10, 13:42
The new blonde is not new she has been out here quite a bit. I think she just got out of jail. But last week she was not wearing much as she walked. There are 4 to 5 regular chicks out here on a normal day. Usually around lunch time is best mongering time. They hang out with there pimps down by the park on the water in down town melbourne then they walk up and down us 1 always ending up back there. I've seen guys pick them up from that park but a bit dangerous if you ask me. There is a hot black chick if you can find here always seem to see her around 3pm she has a pimp who follows her about 30 yards back but he leaves you alone.

SW Surfer
05-17-10, 20:42
I have spotted that Blond a number of times and today took the plunge and got her to take a surf lessons. It was mid morning, she was near Silver Palm on US1 and was wearing a white t and jean shorts.

We made eye contact and ended up meeting up in the BK lot. Did the LE check ended up at my hotel for some h/h. To say the least she was like a dead fish and kept B*tching about getting done. Plus she was stoned off her ass. I never got the BJ, just CFS, so I did her mish and then moved to K-9. As I was about to nut, I pulled out, lost the condom and unloaded all over her ass and leg. She didn't even know I whitewashed her - she just pulled up her shorts and asked for her money. I gave her .20 and out the door she went.

About 45mins later I was at the BK eating and she walked in and saw me. She came over like we were old friends. She sat down and asked if I wanted to go hang out. Wow - what a space ranger- she didn't even remember I was just with her. I tried to remind her, but then she started whining about the last guy that she was with jizzed all over her cloths - LOL. She wanted to get a shower and change. I told he I had to bolt and left.

Way to funny...

Her name is Paige and around 5'5", blond, thin, but not cracked out.

Be safe and have fun with this one,


The new blonde is not new she has been out here quite a bit. I think she just got out of jail. But last week she was not wearing much as she walked. There are 4 to 5 regular chicks out here on a normal day. Usually around lunch time is best mongering time. They hang out with there pimps down by the park on the water in down town melbourne then they walk up and down us 1 always ending up back there. I've seen guys pick them up from that park but a bit dangerous if you ask me. There is a hot black chick if you can find here always seem to see her around 3pm she has a pimp who follows her about 30 yards back but he leaves you alone.

Matt Man II
05-17-10, 22:41

With all the aint no SW reports thought I might chime in and say they are still some in T-ville. Most are low on the scale but not all. It is all relative to how horny you are. No one seems to care or it is too far to drive for most of you so have stopped reporting unless I find a jem with digits.

Also anyone tried Sally (relaxation theropy) on Merritt Island Cswy. On CL 100hhr? No table just a chair.Called the number in the ad and the message refers you to an 813 area code number. Did a Google search on that number and it seems this gal moves around alot and sets up shop for a while then leaves. One link had a review that basically said she was a waste of time and not attractive at all.

The Worb
05-19-10, 20:31

(Not her real name.) was walking in the P-lot of the gas station and jumped in my car when I slowed down. Gave her a ride as requested.

She is on the Crack Road, but not all that far. Trashy tattoos, poor muscle and skin tone, teeth probably failing. Nice B+ ditties, small ass, dirty blond hair.

Dropped her off a coupla blocks away and spotted another walker or two talking with the gentlemen who frequent that high class bar. (Never been invited, and they probably don't have wireless or lattes anyway)

05-30-10, 22:19
Spotted a blond at Lake and Peachtree Friday but she was gone by the time I got circled back. Today (Sunday) she was further East on Peachtree down near the car wash. Scooped her up and got a very patient BBBJ. Others have complained about taking to long but she was skilled and persistent. The only negative was the after the CIM she let it run all over my shorts and seat. I'd pick her up again, just be better prepared with a towel or something.

06-01-10, 08:58
There's a really cute sexy little brunette babe walking the south side of the us1 part of melbourne not far from that gas station, i first seen her at that park on the water on the right side of us1 just before u get to producers [about a week ago] yesterday i seen her walking the same us1 area except this time with a big bruise on her left cheek, looks like her handler may have given her a punch, has anyone seen this girl?

06-08-10, 19:04
The drought it over! At long last, my summer at home is not a complete waste. After weeks of cruising, and little-to-no action, I finally was able to spot a WSW and scoop her up for some fun. Just south of 192 on US1, I spotted Maria walking across the street, and I pulled a quick you to meet her near a certain pavilion. She walked over, and hopped in. She's probably early 30's, skinny, decent body. Decent face (minus the messed up dirty teeth). We exchanged greetings, and decided to get to business. Worked with her mouth and let me work with her. Until she pulled out a condom, and I reclined back. No rush, quite enjoyable, and she is even decent enough to see in the light (it was 6pm). After words I gave her my number, and she is to contact me as soon as she gets some digits payed for. I'll be sure to post when I have digits, and would love to trade with anyone else with legit digits in the area.

Happy hunting!

06-12-10, 21:22
Damn J. Sounds like you need a roadtrip down to Ft. Lauderdale. AE or FLES might help. Just giving you crap, my friend! LOLYou got my number brudah. For all the CL skanks up here it is so much better just to call Danny at Platinum Pleasures and get a 10 for an hour for 160. Rather than 180 or 200 for a 5 up here.

It seems that Brevard is the laws of diminishing return.

Matt Man II
06-13-10, 00:09
hahahahahahah you got my number brudah. For all the CL skanks up here it is so much better just to call Danny at Platinum Pleasures and get a 10 for an hour for 160. rather than 180 or 200 for a 5 up here.

It seems that Brevard is the laws of diminishing return.So true.

Miss those road trips I used to take to Miami a few years ago, with a stop to see Sonya, one of Danny's finest.

06-13-10, 16:43
Met up with sonny about 4-5 weeks ago. I've met her before and she was kinda rushing but gave a great bbj but this time she seemed either barred out or on something. She told me on the drive to the spot "I love pills." anyways at the spot and getting down to business she pretty much gave no effort just up and down with little to no suction/action with the BJ. Gave up after a while and just threw her $15 and let her on her way. Probably won't repeat again.

Met up with Michelle today near the BK. Probably 6 or 7 on the SW scale. Brunette, 35, crack skinny, clean mouth with some minor tooth issues. Very nice and very good and wet BBBJCIM with swallow was $30 no digits.

06-14-10, 10:04
Met up with sonny about 4-5 weeks ago. I've met her before and she was kinda rushing but gave a great bbj but this time she seemed either barred out or on something. She told me on the drive to the spot "I love pills." anyways at the spot and getting down to business she pretty much gave no effort just up and down with little to no suction/action with the BJ. Gave up after a while and just threw her $15 and let her on her way. Probably won't repeat again.

Met up with Michelle today near the BK. Probably 6 or 7 on the SW scale. Brunette, 35, crack skinny, clean mouth with some minor tooth issues. Very nice and very good and wet BBBJCIM with swallow was $30 no digits.Which BK was Michelle at?

06-14-10, 15:58
Which BK was Michelle at?It was the one near Fee ave.

06-22-10, 06:51
Made the trip up US1 from Palm Bay to Cocoa yesterday.

Nothing to report at all.

06-23-10, 13:37
Hey does anyone know of a really cute little blonde that hangs out at the light just north of the rosner car dealership on us1 I would say she is about 5 foot 2 a hundred pounds short blonde hair with tatoo on leg. Anyone know this girl?

06-24-10, 09:34
Was over to see the parents yesterday and drove every where down 520 peach st in cocoa a few side strees saw nothing. where did everyone go?

06-24-10, 12:32
Hey does anyone know of a really cute little blonde that hangs out at the light just north of the rosner car dealership on us1 I would say she is about 5 foot 2 a hundred pounds short blonde hair with tatoo on leg. Anyone know this girl?Think I found the answer I was looking for I made a trip back to look for this girl and what I found lit me up! Every cop in melbourne was parked on cherry street in front of the building with the big cross on it now either every cop in melbourne has just had a come to jesus day or they are ploting a dasterly act of agression agaisnt the people of melbourne and yes that means all you mongers, so I would say the smart thing to do would be to take a rest for the next month and let things play out. Keep reading your newspapers.

Ringo 007
06-24-10, 14:09
Cocoa has been a little dry, LEO has been doing alot to trap the girls and two are now locked up. whoo hoo first post.

06-26-10, 13:42
Was over to see the parents yesterday and drove every where down 520 peach st in cocoa a few side strees saw nothing. where did everyone go?All the girls are behind bars except for one named sissy riding around on her bike.

I would avoid that.

06-26-10, 14:41
Anyone sample these?

07-01-10, 19:36
Anyone sample these?
I hope no one has!

07-03-10, 17:40
Anyone sample these?Not good.

07-05-10, 16:02
I met Laura early this morning a few blocks off Main. I have seen her a few times before but never have hooked up. Anyway the leo check was easy and off to a spot for proper introductions. The red devel was present so only sampled the bbbcim/ws which was quite good. I have her digits if you ever contribute. HB

07-05-10, 23:11
I met Laura early this morning a few blocks off Main. I have seen her a few times before but never have hooked up. Anyway the leo check was easy and off to a spot for proper introductions. The red devel was present so only sampled the bbbcim/ws which was quite good. I have her digits if you ever contribute. HBNot bad on the SW scale. If I was closer to T-Ville I'd email for her digits.

07-09-10, 21:18
Swept by Main street late afternoon today but all I saw was TPD killing time on Main St. waiting for shift changeover. Hell, it was hot enough I didn't really expect to see anyone out but took my chances.

Be safe!

07-22-10, 13:30
Cruised in the north end of T-Ville today and clocked a brunette WSW mid 40's but was on an errand couldn't stop. A 6 with her sunglasses on and the way she was sucking on her cigarette she could probably take the chrome off of a towing hitch!

07-24-10, 13:39
I think she is on the street.

Many thanks.

07-24-10, 14:27
Caught up with McKenzie again this afternoon on Peachtree. This time she had a room out near I-95 so we went back there were things were much more relaxed. On the way out she pointed out another girl who she said she was sharing the room with. I'd seen the other girl earlier in the week but she didn't quite look the part and didn't make eye contact. Anyway, another patient BBBJCIM but without the spillage this time.

She also mentioned that Leo's was running a sting in the area a few days ago, so be careful.

The Worb
07-28-10, 09:53
I think she is on the street.

Many thanks.

Drugs alcohol mental illness

07-28-10, 11:00
I think she is on the street.

Many thanks.

She is cute, very cute.

The Worb
07-28-10, 23:23
She is cute, very cute.
Cute once.

07-29-10, 06:30
Spotted a new cocoa WSW on clr lake near 520. Didn't get to dream as it was snatched up before I could loop back, but looked to be a solid 8 on the SW scale. I don't usually hook up on the street but it looked pretty good. Hadn't been doing it long I suppose. Hadn't seen any activity there in a long time so I thought I would mention it.

08-05-10, 07:52
Quite a few out in the Peachtree/Lake area. Passed up a very nice blond WSW because I though I saw McKinsey up the road. Turned out it was Merissa, a red-head WSW. I'd say perhaps a little more orally skilled than McKinsey but not as attractive.

Suckmy Cock
08-06-10, 00:42
Once or twice a week, I'll see the girls on 192, east of -95, near the Sunoco.

Sometimes short brown hair, pink sweat pants and medium build.

Other times longer dark hair, blue sweat pants and a bit thinner.

Always "loitering", as if waiting for someone or resting from a run. Do not appear winded from running though.

Cannot stop, Always on my way to work.

08-08-10, 22:03
I was on 520 and decided to check out mckinsey's regular hangout. She was available. Her handler was in close distance.

She got in car. We did Leo check. She looks good on face. Talkative 26 yo WSW.

I was interested in pipe maintanence. She asked what I offer for the job. I asked her what she charges? She didn't give any numbers so she was hoping I would offer her big bucks. Reading this site I new she would clean pipes for 20. So I did my offer. She said everybody seems like offer the same.

She asked me to keep driving while she does her cleaning. I don't mind doing it with a date but not with a date like this in cocoa. I parked somewhere I picked, far away from her handler and street sight.

She did a good job. The only bad thing is she doesnot swallow. Worse she pulled it out and I came all over the car and myself. It was a mess.

I would repeat. She looks good and does a good job. One of the best you can get for the price.

Sorry no digits.

08-10-10, 01:52
Stopped by oneof those auto part stores in cocoa. Ended upbuying morethen auto parts. This 30s spinner WSW gets of a truck.

I picked her up. She looks good from distance. Not so good up close. She has taken a toll on drug highway.

Skilled bbbjcimwspit.

Asks for 30 gets 20 as usual.

I would repeat when mckinsey not around.

I have her digits. Senior members can email for number.

08-10-10, 08:00
Mongers, I saw a wsw on Dixon predawn last friday near the auto parts (Marissa?) but it was dark and did not get a good look. On to my fishing to come back later in the afternoon to see 3 wsw on Peach Tree. Really just window shopping and did not partake but actually had a choice of walkers. As always be careful CPD was everywhere and you do not want the same leo to see you twice.

08-11-10, 02:44
She was in the same area. Jumped in right away. No need for Leo check this time. She recon me.

She has a special location. We had to go all the way there. Trip took longer then the bj.

It was more like a hj and bj. She did pull out again and made a mess in car.

Not sure if I would repeat again. I wish she would swallow or at least spit!

I can't see her when I get a new car.

08-12-10, 07:37
Noon yesterday, uS1 south of 192 nice looking brunette, big boobs and looked pregnant, walking South. Looked like she was working but was passing on my way to a meeting. Did not see her when returning and hour later. Looked cute, any info on this one?

08-12-10, 07:49
She was in the same area. Jumped in right away. No need for Leo check this time. She recon me.

She has a special location. We had to go all the way there. Trip took longer then the bj.

It was more like a hj and bj. She did pull out again and made a mess in car.

Not sure if I would repeat again. I wish she would swallow or at least spit!

I can't see her when I get a new car.

Just curious if this area is on the west side of I-95? Reasoning is CPD does not go that far and I have had more than one ho lead me that direction. To reduce the risk and give me more negotiating/ho assesment time I am good with it but have since seached and found my own spot in that area.

08-12-10, 08:56
6:10pm. Just west of Walmart. Saw this brunette with an incredible ass and legs in jean cutoffs walking west.

Stopped to offer her a ride (for real). She opened the car door, took one look and said "No thanks, I'm trying to make some money" and closed the door.

Carp, crap, crap. I was NOT in monger mode (extenuating circumstances) so I drove off. She had to be an 8 on the SW scale. I'm po'ed at myself for not asking about digits.

Given the time of day and the direction she was heading, my guess is that she lives in the trailer park in the northwest area of the John Rhodes and Eau Gallie Blvd intersection.

There's a 7/11 there. May have to start hitting that place more often.

08-12-10, 09:17
Yesterday around noon, walking south of Strawbridge, East side of the hwy, nice looking brunette, big boobs and looked preggo. Saw her in passing, but not there an hour later when I was returning down US1. Looked like she was working? Anyone know her. Feedback? PM me if you want.

08-14-10, 01:00
Uncle Leo is out in force around Aurora and US1.

Be safe,

Shake out

08-14-10, 22:26
Found Jessica on Peachtree near Varr just before the rain started Saturday. The usual LEO check followed by a BBBJ. A little impatient but some of that may have been because my car A/C just about died this week and wasn't really keeping up with the heat & humidity. I'd probably repeat but won't be doing much at all until some repairs get made and the wallet recovers.

08-15-10, 00:30
6:10pm. Just west of Walmart. Saw this brunette with an incredible ass and legs in jean cutoffs walking west.

Stopped to offer her a ride (for real). She opened the car door, took one look and said "No thanks, I'm trying to make some money" and closed the door.

Carp, crap, crap. I was NOT in monger mode (extenuating circumstances) so I drove off. She had to be an 8 on the SW scale. I'm po'ed at myself for not asking about digits.

Given the time of day and the direction she was heading, my guess is that she lives in the trailer park in the northwest area of the John Rhodes and Eau Gallie Blvd intersection.

There's a 7/11 there. May have to start hitting that place more often.I think I know who you are talking about. Did she have glasses and hair a bit past her shoulders?

If so, her name is Melissa and I have digits if you want to PM me.

Albino Blanco
08-15-10, 16:46
Spotted a hot brunette walking down lincoln ave while i was driving north on US1. Pretty tight body. On my way back she was on the bridge just off downtown, heading south. Saw her wave at a couple cars. New to the area so I'm not sure if this is a common location or not. Also not sure if its common practice to be waving at cars in this area.

A heads up anyways.

08-15-10, 19:09
Saw Crystal on Dixie. Had seen her yesterday but nervous about the LEO presence. Today no LEO maybe cause its Sunday. Anyhow Crystal is a 29 y/o skinny blonde. Claims she is new to the area and that she moved from NY upstate. She could use a few more pounds. Boobs are small but nice. Took her to my place and she agreed to FS for $$. No rush. We had a glass of wine and some nice conversation. She insisted on a raincoat which was fine with me. She did a great BJ and then straddled me. Did a good job of sound effects and playing with her boobs while she rode. I finished DS. No digits. No phone. When we left to drive back I realized that I had left my car keys in my apt. This gal saved the day by squeezing through the small guest bathroom window. Would repeat.

Albino Blanco
08-15-10, 22:01
Driving to dinner tonight and spotted 3 LE on the south end of the car dealerships just outside of downtown melbourne. Just north of them were two SW. LE were sitting just out of site of any southbound traffic.

Be safe.

08-16-10, 12:20
Saw Crystal on Dixie. Had seen her yesterday but nervous about the LEO presence. Today no LEO maybe cause its Sunday. Anyhow Crystal is a 29 y/o skinny blonde. Claims she is new to the area and that she moved from NY upstate. She could use a few more pounds. Boobs are small but nice. Took her to my place and she agreed to FS for $$. No rush. We had a glass of wine and some nice conversation. She insisted on a raincoat which was fine with me. She did a great BJ and then straddled me. Did a good job of sound effects and playing with her boobs while she rode. I finished DS. No digits. No phone. When we left to drive back I realized that I had left my car keys in my apt. This gal saved the day by squeezing through the small guest bathroom window. Would repeat.Wow $$ for FS with a sw? Aint that a bit much? never seen anyone pay more than $ for a decent length time with one at their place.

08-16-10, 12:56
Saw Crystal on Dixie. Had seen her yesterday but nervous about the LEO presence. Today no LEO maybe cause its Sunday. Anyhow Crystal is a 29 y/o skinny blonde. Claims she is new to the area and that she moved from NY upstate. She could use a few more pounds. Boobs are small but nice. Took her to my place and she agreed to FS for $$. No rush. We had a glass of wine and some nice conversation. She insisted on a raincoat which was fine with me. She did a great BJ and then straddled me. Did a good job of sound effects and playing with her boobs while she rode. I finished DS. No digits. No phone. When we left to drive back I realized that I had left my car keys in my apt. This gal saved the day by squeezing through the small guest bathroom window. Would repeat.Seems like a lot of dough for FS from a streetwalker.

08-17-10, 08:31
Seems like a lot of dough for FS from a streetwalker.
Let's see some pics, she might worth it!

08-17-10, 08:37
Just curious if this area is on the west side of I-95? Reasoning is CPD does not go that far and I have had more than one ho lead me that direction. To reduce the risk and give me more negotiating/ho assesment time I am good with it but have since seached and found my own spot in that area.No not on the west of it. It is where you find them most the ti

E. Between 95 and us1.

I would like to check the area you mentioned. Do you mind sending a private message and let me know?

08-22-10, 22:40
Saturday makes 2 for 3 on her making a messy ending. In this case I was prepared so it wasn't as annoying. Both occasions she seemed a little strung out when she got in. The one time she made a nice clean catch we had a room so I wonder if it's her condition or the location.

08-23-10, 16:36
Uncle Leo is out in force around Aurora and US1.

Be safe,

Shake outAnd I must say wow there are loads of hot chicks on aurora the bait is very tempting for some reason I don't think there leo I think there for real even though they look like perfect 9's on my scale there is a blond and a brunett they sit outside that duplex on aruora where the mexicans use to live there must be 4 or 5 of them there has anyone picked one up? Well tomorrow I'm sayng to heck with it and am going to take my chance's and pick at least one of them up maybe two! They are really that smoking! Well I'll let you all know if its a sting after I bail out! LOL.

Chokin Chicken
08-24-10, 19:37
I made a return trip last week to Brevard for the first time since 2006.

PussPuss I am sure I saw the same girls in Melbourne last Wednesday evening around 830 pm near the Dunkin donuts and Burger king in Melbourne.

And yes they were 9's in my book too. What I saw a block south was a pick up truck with 4 military style haircuts guys sitting in the back with a good view of these 2 babes and their handlers. One of the handlers waved me in when I passed.

Looked way to obvious for that area and for the amount of traffic on the street.

I am no expert It just didn't look right.

Last Tuesday I made the Peachtree run in Cocoa for the first time.

I was out from 930 till around 1100. I saw about 5 girls out. All were doable.

I am picky so I didn't pick anyone up the first few go arounds.

While I was driving on Peachtree I thought I heard 2 small caliber gunshots near the convince store. I came back down the street and I see Leo coming in and aborted my run.

Wednesday I decided to do a US1 run from Cocoa to Titusville back to Cocoa and then Melbourne. Cocoa, I did Peachtree again around 630 and saw nothing.

I made the run to Titusville ran up main street. The first thing I noticed was too many people on the street. At the rr tracks I noticed a bunch of white guys at the first house on the left on the sidewalk. I don't know that neighborhood all that well but it made me suspicious. I noticed no workers on Main. I believe I went down south on Park ave and turned east on 405? And saw one 6-7 in a where's Waldo type shirt walking toward park ave.

Made eye contact and caught her attention. But I passed it was still daylight and too much traffic.

Went back to Cocoa did Peachtree and saw nothing. Then it was on to Melbourne. Saw the 2 the nines described above. Continued on to Palm bay turned around and headed back to Melbourne without seeing anything else.

I did notice that the outside tables had been removed from the BK since my last visit. Went back to Cocoa cruised Peachtree again and saw nothing It was around 930 I did take the road to clear lake that runs way from Peachtree.

At Clear lake. I saw SW young at the corne. I stop and fucked up and ask her if she was working? Aw shit that was a stupid question should have been do you need a ride? She said no another car was stopping when I talked to her. I turned right on Clear lake made it a block and I had leo coming fast on my passenger side taking a look at me and then proceeding on. So I aborted on Peachtree for that night. I then decided to do the last thing I wanted to do that night and headed to Playmates it was my first first class trip there. I almost tried Wiggles for the first time and didn't pull the trigger.

The first night out Tuesday I forgot to bring a towel. I have been reading about one the Peachtree girls being messy. I went to Auto Zone to buy a towel and it was 905 pm and it was too late. I then went to CVS and found a kitchen hand towel. This ate up some time having to drive back to Merritt Island.

Guys your lucky to have places to hunt even if it is dead sometimes where I am from you just don't see them. I like getting out and just hunting even if I don't connect.


08-25-10, 21:28
I'm just wondering if LEO can take your car in a sting opperation?

Anyone know?

08-26-10, 09:11
I'm just wondering if LEO can take your car in a sting opperation?

Anyone know?I'm not a lawyer but in some parts of the U.S., LEO can confiscate your car if you try to work a deal from the car. It varies from region to region. It's been talked about in Brevard.



Marc Polo92
08-26-10, 13:43
I'm just wondering if LEO can take your car in a sting opperation?

Anyone know?Yes: your car, your house, your money, your wife's car, anything arguably connected with a crime - even if you were never arrested.

Government authority to seize property connected to illegal activity comes from federal statutes, as limited by those laws and the Constitution. Authorizing provisions of state and local statutes tend to be similar to federal law. The United States Supreme Court in Bennis v. Michigan identified certain categories of property subject to forfeiture:

Contraband - property for which ownership itself is a crime (e.g. illegal drugs, smuggled goods)
Proceeds from illegal activity - property that results from, or can be traced back to, illegal activity
Tools or instrumentalities used in commission of crime - property used to commit a crime (e.g. cars, boats, real estate)

Federal forfeiture actions are governed by the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984.

State forfeiture actions are governed by the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, Florida Statute Section 932.701-707.

Local Florida governments also have their own rules allowing forfeiture and often attempt forfeiture of a of vehicle used to facilitate prostitution and drug related crimes.

State law enforcement officers in Florida have been known to attempt forfeitures for minor offenses such as attempting forfeiture of a vehicle allegedly used after a felony shoplifting offense from a Wal-Mart. Another example of a questionable forfeiture action would be when law enforcement attempts to forfeit a vehicle after an arrest of the driver for being in possession of a trace amount of cocaine in a small baggie.

08-26-10, 14:22
I'm just wondering if LEO can take your car in a sting opperation?

Anyone know?I think that if you use your vehicle while committing a crime, they can take it. Not positive on that, though. I think that it's the same as it would be if you transported drugs in your vehicle.

08-28-10, 10:00
I'm just wondering if LEO can take your car in a sting opperation?

Anyone know?

I do know for sure they have the tow truck ready. I don"t know if they get to keep it but it will cost you to get it back if you can.

08-28-10, 14:48
Yes: your car, your house, your money, your wife's car, anything arguably connected with a crime - even if you were never arrested.

Government authority to seize property connected to illegal activity comes from federal statutes, as limited by those laws and the Constitution. .I believe there is also a specific statute in FL which addresses the car being forfeit in the case of 'lewd acts' although I can't seem to find it at the moment.

I really wish the government was constrained by the Constitution regarding asset forfeiture. Unfortunately the Supreme Court has ruled that even innocence is not a defense, so you're pretty well screwed.

08-28-10, 16:30
I'm just wondering if LEO can take your car in a sting opperation?

Anyone know?Yes in Melbourne.


08-30-10, 18:11
Ok got it. They can impound the car but not keep it and sell it, the owner can pay the towing fee among other fee's and get his car back. So I'll leave the Ferrari home.

Hags Joe
08-30-10, 23:13
Made a 3/4 loop through Aurora and US1 in north melbourne. Saw absolutely nothing except 2 uncle leo's having Jelly pastries on US-1 Northbound, just past Palm Shores Drive. Aside, I still don't get why that stretch of road is 45/50 and just north of it, unlit, narrower, is 55.

A little past 10PM

09-01-10, 02:51
Ok, I needed pipe cleaning Monday night. I drtove around after midnight. Nothing!

I return Tuesday evening around 8pm. Only saw 1 bsw trolling. That's it. Where is everyone?

09-04-10, 22:50
2sw at the corner of chevron on clearlake. One skinny bsw and one chubby wsw. Both young. Couldn't partake. On the way to a date.

09-06-10, 17:31
Found another Jessica on Peachtree today (Monday). Seemed a little too well dressed and attentive to traffic but after checking around for 'observers' waiting to pounce, made the scoop with no problems. Got a very nice BBBJ with a spit but no spillage. She was pretty patient in that we had to relocate, when some woman started to walk up on us. Who the heck walks her dog in the rain?

09-07-10, 19:47
Had a dream with Sierra. She is 22 nice boobs and ass on her. Best looking in cocoa. After all those sleepless nights, this was a good dream.

Ringo 007
09-09-10, 11:50
Just a quick heads up that leo was very active last night around 9:00 pm on peachtree and on clearlake 2 cars on clearlake close to the chevron and 3 cars on peachtree pulled over and being searched one at the store and peachtree/fiske. One on the street by the car wash. And the last on the side street by the little store in between them. Marked patrol cars and un marked be heads up.

The Worb
09-09-10, 13:56
Legend has it that Mary was walking S. on US1 in Melbourne, just about at Zipper Gynecology, (funny!) She said she needed a ride so we rode around the block. She had a friend who had a place, so we stopped there for BBBJ, touching all over. Would repeat. Have digits. Jackson. More would be on the menu if time had permitted. Seems about 3 other girls were at friend's place. Willing to join if if conditions were right.

Mary is about 5-3, 110, frizzy brunette hair. Cute-ish.

Big Dre
09-10-10, 11:12
WSW, 5"5, shoulder length brunette, about 155 lbs, usually found on US1 between the Hess and Producers, the park in that area, or on Lipscomb near Line St., has been compromised!

I repeat, she has been compromised!

She was offered a reduced sentence for cooperating in stings.

Be careful!

09-10-10, 17:14
I've also noticed an uptick in LEO presence in Cocoa. I've also had to remind some who got in to buckle up. No sense giving them an excuse to make a stop.

Yesterday was out running other errands and got the look from a young thing walking along Forrest. Picked her up on Main St. and it turned out to be Sierra. She was pretty drowsy and a little impatient (either you guys are really fast or I'm slow) to finish the BBBJ.

09-10-10, 17:27
Coming down US1 about 3. Thin blond wsw waving at cars corner of Sarno & US1. Didn't look too bad in a quick look. Then about 4pm saw 2 Melbourne PD cars with lights flashing just before Island Tile. Had a brunette beside the car. She looked dressed to be working?

09-10-10, 19:25
Just a quick heads up that leo was very active last night around 9:00 pm on peachtree and on clearlake 2 cars on clearlake close to the chevron and 3 cars on peachtree pulled over and being searched one at the store and peachtree/fiske. One on the street by the car wash. And the last on the side street by the little store in between them. Marked patrol cars and un marked be heads up.

That is because Bacon reads this board, they know about it and people giving details of where and when is why. Just post a city and a name, that is what the PM system is for. Don't make their jobs easier.

09-12-10, 19:56
That is because Bacon reads this board, they know about it and people giving details of where and when is why. Just post a city and a name, that is what the PM system is for. Don't make their jobs easier.

You have to get down to So. FL... Sounds like you have something built up, well something. LOL


09-13-10, 00:32
You have to get down to So. FL... Sounds like you have something built up, well something. LOL


Actually Vero.. lol my buid up was released saturday. I found a cherry SW, asiatic of origin, mid-20s cute face, tight bod, actually was clean and smelled good. i saw her and it was a TGTBT and I was leery so I just let her jump in the vehicle. Unbelievable highly recommend one of those 5 percenters, irt was like going back in time. Digits to my buddies :0 all others don't bother.

09-13-10, 09:56
That is because Bacon reads this board, they know about it and people giving details of where and when is why. Just post a city and a name, that is what the PM system is for. Don't make their jobs easier.Our heroes <cough , it is easier to prey on the oldest profession in the world that will NEVER go away. And they are paid for this?

Dear Heroes (Bacon)

You are on the street to stop crime. Real crime. Now go find it and stop it, cause if you think this is the real crime you might as well work at Dunkin Donuts rather than spend your spare time there.


Tired of paying tax dollars for nothing.

H20 Monger
09-14-10, 21:36
This morning I see a familiar skinny brunette pacing in front in front of a hotel on midtown us 1.
just pacing pack and forth and waving, staying off the side streets.
She's looking real nervous so I loop back and slow to maybe pick her up, sure enough there's a black and white sitting back in the shadows.

Later in the day on another common stroll side street, further north, a nice young new blond with shorts & pigtails smiles and waves at me, But in my rear view, another MPD car is lurking.
I loop again, now shes' crossed A1A. I slow as I pass and sure enough, bacon passing by again.
She points to a side road, as I pass.
Third pass, I head down the side road there there she is walking slow and just as I'm slowing down, here comes another black and white down that street.

Am I paranoid, or have these girls also made a deal?

The Worb
09-15-10, 12:33
Called and found with Mary again in S. Melb. Her inbox is full, but she returns the call. Seemed cuter to me this time around. As usual with these girls, she has legal problems and may be going on vacation with the county soon. She seems like an intelligent, rational girl, unlike some of the characters out there. Would love to participate in a longer interview.

09-20-10, 08:53
Found blond wsw Jessica again in Cocoa yesterday. BBBJ was very relaxed and patient. No rush to finish like I'd gotten from others recently.

The Worb
09-23-10, 12:29
So, legend has it that Mary has a room on 192 near I95.

Meet and greet was arranged, and she agreed to two conditions:

1. For safety, absolute privacy is necessary. No interruptions. That means cell phone, and especially, knocking at the door.
2. No rush.

Needless to say, she failed to deliver on both. For that reason, she cannot receive any more attention. Too bad. It had potential.

Contrary to her last meeting, she seemed either recently high, or needing to get high really badly. She was not freshly showered, even though it was early in the morning.

Her drug dealer called, and CAME BY, which is a deal killer times two.

She needed to get done in 30 minutes to pay for the room, breaking promise # 2.

None of this is a surprise, but still is a disappointment.

By the way, she was not punished for these failures, and received exactly what was promised. Her penalty will be no more attention from The Worb.

09-23-10, 13:58
So, legend has it that Mary has a room on 192 near I95.

Meet and greet was arranged, and she agreed to two conditions:

1. For safety, absolute privacy is necessary. No interruptions. That means cell phone, and especially, knocking at the door.
2. No rush.

Needless to say, she failed to deliver on both. For that reason, she cannot receive any more attention. Too bad. It had potential.

Contrary to her last meeting, she seemed either recently high, or needing to get high really badly. She was not freshly showered, even though it was early in the morning.

Her drug dealer called, and CAME BY, which is a deal killer times two.

She needed to get done in 30 minutes to pay for the room, breaking promise # 2.

None of this is a surprise, but still is a disappointment.

By the way, she was not punished for these failures, and received exactly what was promised. Her penalty will be no more attention from The Worb.

It seems that eventually almost all of this caliber succumb to the calling that brought them 'OUT' in the first place it is just a matter of time. These types place getting high in priority over customer service.

09-23-10, 16:36
Just a quick mobile report while I'm stuck in this service lounge. Had to take the wheels to the dealer for repair in Melbourne. Suffice to say the car runs but at the moment doesn't have my confidence for having any fun.

So. Of course I am tripping over SW the entire way down. Spotted one in cocoa near peach an florida, was a BSW but didn't know her but couldn't mistake the look, made eye contact thenade a BJ motion at me in my rearview as I pulled away. Found one on aurora near us1 a street or two behind the gas station, another camping out in the parking lot. (asking for trouble I'd say) further south I saw a pretty hot WSW strolling down us1 across from bk, tall burnette pretty thin plus I also saw a BSW right before fee.

I'm sorry I don't usually run Melbourne as I don't get down there often so I can't give names as none were familiar to me, but no doubt they were working. I really would have loved to stop! The worst part is I've run a dry lately with alot of wasted fuel. Anyway it's the end of the month an those SSI checks are long gone so it seems they're out in force.

Word of caution tho, saw a two Leo on fee past the tracks and a tow truck ominously nearby. Also saw what could have been an undercover further down near the park. Again not real familiar with melb so that may just be a regular car and the leos an truck might be normal. Just thought I'd point it out just incase.

Happy hunting and be safe. Sorry again for the less than usual detail but with the Leo out I thought it worth pointing out.

09-23-10, 19:46
I run into Sierra in Cocoa. She looked like beat upand run down. But her oral skills and handjob skills were good.

She offered a public place, I counter offer my alternative spot. Bbbjcim w spit.

No digits!

09-24-10, 18:08
Found one on aurora near us1 a street or two behind the gas station, another camping out in the parking lot. (asking for trouble I'd say)I live off Aurora and buy gas at the Sunoco station on US1 and Aurora. I am convinced the girls you are seeing behind the station are cops. they just don't have that SW feel, and they are way to obvious.

I snapped up a part timer on a side street she told me a guy pulled a U-turn on her and the cops pounced on him. Later that night his car was still were they pulled him over. So I guess he took the ride.

At this point I wouldn't trust anything I see walking down the stroll.

So lets be careful out there

Off to Blush tonight, late.

Shake out

09-26-10, 14:32
The Auroa area is a hot area for bully's alright but I can tell you about two nice young lady's that live on that road sometimes, one is Kassy a 5 foot 2 blond with a beautiful litlle round butt and no tits about 28 years old and is very good at what she does also there is jenifer a brunette about same age with long hair and a great set of tits with great personalty you will find them sitting on a stump in front of there living quarters[duplex] when there there. Days are best after 11am. When I pass by I just say meet me at the sunoco and thats that.

Good luck.

09-29-10, 20:21
The Auroa area is a hot area for bully's alright but I can tell you about two nice young lady's that live on that road sometimes, one is Kassy a 5 foot 2 blond with a beautiful litlle round butt and no tits about 28 years old and is very good at what she does also there is jenifer a brunette about same age with long hair and a great set of tits with great personalty you will find them sitting on a stump in front of there living quarters[duplex] when there there. Days are best after 11am. When I pass by I just say meet me at the sunoco and thats that.

Good luck.Saw both of them out walking today. They are both 9s on the SW scale and at least 7.5 on the civilian scale. Both have great asses. The blond was trying to talk to me at the intersection but with the cops they way they are I wasn't having any of it.

They are however NOT the ones I was referring to. I have seen a couple standing under the tree behind the station. The one I did a drive by on was middle aged. She wasn't even trying to hide and thoroughly stunk of pork.

Once the cops calm down I will definitely check out the 2 little cuties. I can't help but wonder if they ever hang out at Backstreet.

For that matter does anyone know of a bar where SWs hang out. I found one at the after hours club of Eau Galle and US1 but she didn't even move the needle on the SW scale. Apparently I have standards, who knew.

Shake out

09-30-10, 14:46
Leo is active here lately. Sandy (super skank now) and Mandi have both been busted lately and are living with our old county uncle.

09-30-10, 22:22
Found Sierra in Cocoa this evening and found a pleasant spot to enjoy a BBBJ. She was much more patient this time. On the drive back to drop her off there seemed to be a lot of LEO from various agencies in and around the area.

10-04-10, 02:34
Met a nice 20 something islander/Eskimo cutie in cocoa. All she had was where she is staying which does not offer much privacy and security. Recommend springing for a room. That pays for way more time and attention. Service was eager and enthusiastic, if a little rushed. Could be cured with training. She's a treasure. Reviewed elswhere in this site. Thanks for the recommendation!

10-04-10, 22:59
A bit of a delayed report. Sunday I came across a blond WSW in Cocoa, nice figure initially. She thought she remembered me so she didn't start the LEO check. Suggested a spot I've heard mentioned before but seems too visible and trafficked for my preferences. Went on to my preferred spot and got a nice BBBJ. She was a little out of it and kept switching names between Lucky and Lisa which was a bit amusing. Biggest negative was when she lifted her shirt to expose a pair of small, sagging, shriveled breasts. I was close to saying put those away but the geometry of the activities kept them mercifully out of sight.

I'd probably pass in the future unless it's been one of Cocoa's longer dry spells and maybe still even then.

10-06-10, 08:01
Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.

Java Junkie
10-06-10, 13:30
Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.8. I'm subtracting 1 point for the splotchy skinatcleavage

10-06-10, 18:50
Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.2 maybe 3 from me. Uhhh. Me no likey.

10-06-10, 19:12
Nice set! I'd play with them.8.5!

Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.

10-06-10, 22:03
Jen from IR.

I give them a 9, including the BJ-VS

Atl Video Guy
10-06-10, 23:59
Nice tits for a SW. Where did you pick her up?

Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.

10-07-10, 06:37
Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.Where might someone do a squeeze and thump on these?

10-07-10, 23:31
Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.Holy Shit those are some big fucking Ta-Ta's

10-08-10, 15:42
Okay. So who is she and what are her digits.

Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.

10-08-10, 16:58
Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.I gave up SW's awhile ago due to the drama (drugs, cops, pimps, money stolen bla bla bla) but this may convince me to get back in.

10-08-10, 22:34
I gave up SW's awhile ago due to the drama (drugs, cops, pimps, money stolen bla bla bla) but this may convince me to get back in.I know Samantha has tits like that. If so she was at the suburban lodge.

Big Dre
10-08-10, 23:45
Ok how about a rating on a one to ten scale for this set of melons.Where, oh where, might these magnificent tits be found, Pusspuss?

10-09-10, 10:03
Have digits if interested. 112346112347

Monky Boy
10-09-10, 17:47
Have digits if interested. 112346112347I've seen her post on BP. Is she a streetwalker to?

Matt Man II
10-09-10, 23:07
I've seen her post on BP. Is she a streetwalker to?Well she just raised her rates a whole bunch in her BP ad. Worth it at the old rate, way overpriced now considering the accommodations (roommate / kids etc) and YMMV.

10-10-10, 08:27
Well she just raised her rates a whole bunch in her BP ad. Worth it at the old rate, way overpriced now considering the accommodations (roommate / kids etc) and YMMV.Yep she just did its been all the lads she's be seeing who are telling her she's worth more but I disagree although she's a sexy young women and can bend her body like a gumby she's not worth the money she's asking now so I would stay away until she goes back to her lower price. Sorry guys I did'nt see her doing that. Please if anyone does go ahead and see her don't tell her she's worth more.

10-10-10, 08:48
Here is Lanna from melbourne a really nice girl that I was sorry to hear was run over by a train and lost her right arm but is still alive and can be found around fee ave and the black park off USA1 near producers. She gives great head and swollows every drop without missing a beat. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK. I first met her awhile back and took her home. These pic's were before she lost her arm.

10-11-10, 09:25
So at 9 am this morning I am driving through cocoa village on way to work. I see a WSW right at the corner of 520 and forrest. She was wearing thong style boy shorts, completely showing off her butt and a tight belly shirt. She was waving her butt at everyone, and waving hands too. She looked pretty hot too. Way too obvious if you ask me. Either she was bacon or really needed her fix today. Be careful guys. She was drawing way too much attention to herself.

10-11-10, 09:51
I was not going to post this since I said awhile back would not post this area unless I had pics and digits but am getting old and want to hit post 300 before my dick goes limp and retire. I was prowling the streets of Titusville early Friday and man was it bare. Knowing most of the regular girls are in jail now was about to give up but on my last turn to leave ran into Amanda. A cute little spinner who has been around along time so asked her how come we never met to learn she is never out in the morning. She said her and Laura are about all that is left for now. Standard pricing for a BBBJ no / cim. Thought she might fall asleep before I was finished but made it. Too bad I can really mess with them if they do. Sorry no photo or digits but she is cute enough to find again for more adventures. Dropped her off at Deleon crack house before leaving. If you have a black F-150 w / Gator tag please PM me.

10-11-10, 22:49
Way too obvious if you ask me. Either she was bacon or really needed her fix today. Be careful guys. She was drawing way too much attention to herself.I saw a redhead WSW out today, I've seen her several times before but this time she was jumping around, waving and within line-of-sight of LEO's back driveway. She also looked rather angry this afternoon so it was a pass for several reasons.

I also noticed a girl on a bicycle, definitely a SW (street rider?). There used to be one other one but it never seemed very practical to try to make the scoop. Anyone know how the pickup works from a bike?

10-12-10, 00:43
I also noticed a girl on a bicycle, definitely a SW (street rider?). There used to be one other one but it never seemed very practical to try to make the scoop. Anyone know how the pickup works from a bike?When I worked in Cape Canaveral, there was a street rider who I saw frequently in the morning along A1A. Sitting on her bike, not going anywhere usually. But some times I just saw the bike leaning up against a light pole or something similar. I think pull into parking lot, girl leaves bike wherever and jumps in. Then drop off near bike again.

10-12-10, 08:21
I saw a redhead WSW out today, I've seen her several times before but this time she was jumping around, waving and within line-of-sight of LEO's back driveway. She also looked rather angry this afternoon so it was a pass for several reasons.

I also noticed a girl on a bicycle, definitely a SW (street rider. There used to be one other one but it never seemed very practical to try to make the scoop. Anyone know how the pickup works from a bike? Spook,

Many mongers have pick-up trucks and it is easy to throw it in the bed. For those who drive a regular car the SW will just hide it close by but the 2 instances where I picked them up they said meet me at a different location in a few minutes. If she looks like a ho and I get the look I will pursue.

10-12-10, 16:29
1. Scary big girl on Avacado behind gas station. Passed.

2. Cute readhead w / camo shorts, white tank top, walking w. On Aurora, could not establish eye contact.

3. Thin blonde, short shorts, white wife beater showing midriff and 'bird' tatoo on back was walking on Highland. Made several passes, but she would not turn off of the main drag. Too risky to be seen making a pickup. My caution probably pissed her off, but if she is smart, she will make the pickup safe for me. Passed.

4. It was almost comical when a pickup truck and an suv made a rapid you-turn in front of me to scoop a cuter petite thing walking s. On Avacado from Aurora. I did not lurk to see who she was when they brought her back.

5. Down in Melb, a tall, thin blonde with a white tank top was walking s. Across the bridge with a younger black dude. Did not stick around to strike up a conversation. When will they learn that HE kills the deal?

Timing was off, and caution cost another adventure, but caution has also prevented any "Adventures" with MPD or BCSO. Be careful out there and teach these SW to be careful too. They will last longer and even have more fun.

10-13-10, 16:51
For all those who knew this gal she is walking Melbourne from line street 192.

10-15-10, 07:41
Met with marianne near producers on us1. A good dream once she finally relaxed. She said that she was robbed earlier. She said that she is going to be going away for a while. (up state. She gave me the low down on other girls, but you don't always know if it it true. 112986112987

10-15-10, 11:13
Scooped her up on Avacado, a bit after 11.27yo skinny brunette. Nice backside. She has a place to take care of business, if you need the space. A bit seedy, but can't complain. Rounded the bases for.4. She said she usually is more for that, but didn't push the subject, and was happy to jump on. Will repeat. PM if you need more details.

10-18-10, 20:10
What a lovely lady once again walking around melbourne. Anyone have the luck to run into Brandy? She has no phone yet but when she gets one ill get the number.

The Antagonist
10-19-10, 16:49
What a lovely lady once again walking around melbourne. Anyone have the luck to run into Brandy? She has no phone yet but when she gets one ill get the number.you need to by that bitath a metro pcs it will pay for it self LOL

10-19-10, 18:35
What a lovely lady once again walking around melbourne. Anyone have the luck to run into Brandy? She has no phone yet but when she gets one ill get the number.were can you find that nice ass in melborune?

10-21-10, 20:57
A rare girl.

10-22-10, 08:35
A rare girl.Seriously, where do you hunt because your "friends" look a lot better than the ones I got walking around.

If you could spare an info PM I would be grateful.

Nick Name Dan
10-22-10, 10:29
What is the best of the bests name, location and $$?


10-22-10, 12:10
A rare girl.And who is this gem?



10-22-10, 12:57
A rare girl.Yes who I would love to sample her.

10-23-10, 14:09
Pussy shot.

10-24-10, 10:57
Why do you keep posting pictures on here and not share with the rest of us? That's hardly a sociable thing to do with your fellow members. And. Just because someone isn't a sm, doesn't mean they are a lesser form of life. Some people just don't post all their exploits, or in some cases, dicker back and forth about issues.

Share the wealth!

10-25-10, 16:14
Have number for missy who also has a few friends staying at her place where a giant sucking sound can always be heard as you near if you have over 50 reports and want her number just email me.

10-25-10, 17:49
It's all a lie. There is no girl. He just downloaded the pics from the internet. Prove us wrong. Invite us all over for an introduction. Come on. I dare ya. Hehehehehehe.

Fine. Just have a good time with her all by yourself! .

Why do you keep posting pictures on here and not share with the rest of us? That's hardly a sociable thing to do with your fellow members. And. Just because someone isn't a sm, doesn't mean they are a lesser form of life. Some people just don't post all their exploits, or in some cases, dicker back and forth about issues.

Share the wealth!

Big Dre
10-25-10, 23:43
So basically, senior members only. Oh well.

Have number for missy who also has a few friends staying at her place where a giant sucking sound can always be heard as you near if you have over 50 reports and want her number just email me.

10-26-10, 18:31
Maybe I'll start posting one liners about senseless dribble, as so many do, in order to get to my 50 posts. That will make me a better person, qualify me as a worthy recipient of the hallowed digits, and give me membership into the club.

That elite status is difficult to attain, and few ever climb the mountain. But give me time and a good keyboard and I'll get there!

Maybe along the way I'll post something that someone else can actually use.

10-26-10, 23:25
After getting beat to the scoop a few days ago, I was able to catch up with Jessica again. Very good BBBJ. She also tipped me off that one of my favorites spots was becoming too well known and popular so I guess I'll be hunting for some new ones.

One thing I meant to mention. On the way back to drop her off she started clipping her toenails in the car. OK, only two and I was about to say something when she stopped and figured "well she just had my CIM so maybe a pair of toenails aren't that bad". Although a good vacuuming was in order since I wouldn't want to explain them either.

May get down to the Melbourne area later this week. Too bad I'm not over 50 posts yet.

10-27-10, 08:32
Maybe I'll start posting one liners about senseless dribble, as so many do, in order to get to my 50 posts. That will make me a better person, qualify me as a worthy recipient of the hallowed digits, and give me membership into the club.

That elite status is difficult to attain, and few ever climb the mountain. But give me time and a good keyboard and I'll get there!

Maybe along the way I'll post something that someone else can actually use. Many put too much credit on the senior status. It is some times a good requirement to keep Leo (who could also be senior status) and no post nubies from buggin you when you post something good. I have connected with members on a short list with very few posts who should be seniors but do not want to be. Pm's are their method of operation and never post their finds but will tip those on their short list with digits etc. In return they are trusted and rewarded. I think the more posting the better and really enjoy the ones with creative sentencing and even enjoy the ego building I sometime get with a good post. Keep up the good work guys, all reports are appreciated.

10-27-10, 13:56
The girls must be lazy.

There was a large girl in a yellow shirt propped up against the fence on Avocado just E. Of the Sunoco. Several passes and she did not come off of the fence. She might not have been walking but she was there for a good 15 - 20 minutes. She could have been a spotter for the Fuzz. Just north of there, just missed a reasonable looking taller, WSW getting out of a white pickup by the seedy bar. Eye contact but made the loop, she was gone. She might have had an appointment to get to so she did not hang around. Otherwise, dry.

10-27-10, 14:29
The girls must be lazy.

There was a large girl in a yellow shirt propped up against the fence on Avocado just E. Of the Sunoco. Several passes and she did not come off of the fence. She might not have been walking but she was there for a good 15.20 minutes. She could have been a spotter for the Fuzz. Just north of there, just missed a reasonable looking taller, WSW getting out of a white pickup by the seedy bar. Eye contact but made the loop, she was gone. She might have had an appointment to get to so she did not hang around. Otherwise, dry. She could of been just mary lives there if you want to know all the leget girls just email me for number.50 or more reports.

10-27-10, 16:16
I wholeheartedly agree with your comments regarding the senior status. I am one who chooses to be selective regarding any encounters I might have, mostly out of respect for the person with whom I've met. Many of the quality providers that I've encountered are a bit skiddish about being advertised in an open forum such as this, and I've honored their concerns.

That being said, I too appreciate information that's posted from time to time, as I find it enlightening. I would be great to sometime become part of the "PM" circle, as I concur, that's a better way of passing off information.

I addition, I've had to change my screen name on here some time ago as a discretionary matter; therefore I lost credit for a number of previous posts. I do wish I was in the 50 post category, because those previous pictures were hot!

Now to some more practical information. I, too, saw a larger woman just north of Aurora on Avocado around lunch time. She was, however, definitely open for business. I feel a bit nervous in that area, as it seems there are a lot of LEO patrols through there. I do know there's been a concerted effort to "clean up" that vicinity in recent times, so one should be very careful.

Having said that, however, I met the one of the most talented ladies I've ever met there several years ago. Name was Vanessa. Never saw her again, though.

10-27-10, 17:19
Met up with Sally, US1 north of the dealerships, south of the babcock intersection. She recognized me from about three years ago. She was a hot little number then but is skanked out now. Still, she's not fat, which is big in my book.

She told me what she could do for me. I told her that with blood pressure meds and heart-rate meds, finding wood was a problem. She ASSURED me wood will be found and we went back to her motel room.

I gave her.25. She wanted a bonus but I warned her before hand that was all there was.

In the room, she went topless and started to work with those skanky tits hanging. She found wood and swallowed it all, to the root. She also used her teeth just right. It was a joy to watch and feel her work.

Her hours are irregular and there were no digits.

10-27-10, 22:00
Met up with Sally, US1 north of the dealerships, south of the babcock intersection. She recognized me from about three years ago. She was a hot little number then but is skanked out now. Still, she's not fat, which is big in my book.Is Sally a blond? I saw one in that area this morning but she seemed VERY focused on stuff away from the road so I was never able to make eye contact even after a couple of passes. I don't know the area as well as Cocoa so it also seemed a bit further North than usual.

Looks like work is going to have me traveling to Melbourne for the next few days.

10-27-10, 22:05
Is Sally a blond? I saw one in that area this morning but she seemed VERY focused on stuff away from the road so I was never able to make eye contact even after a couple of passes. I don't know the area as well as Cocoa so it also seemed a bit further North than usual.

Looks like work is going to have me traveling to Melbourne for the next few days. Dirty blond. Hair is pulled. I've seen better.

10-28-10, 10:42
Here is Lanna from melbourne a really nice girl that I was sorry to hear was run over by a train and lost her right arm but is still alive and can be found around fee ave and the black park off USA1 near producers. She gives great head and swollows every drop without missing a beat. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK. I first met her awhile back and took her home. These pic's were before she lost her arm.Saw her yesterday as I drove past the new medical building. Remembered the part about the missing right arm. I would do her in a heartbeat. She's next on my to-do list.


Vino 7373
10-28-10, 20:25
Ok got it. They can impound the car but not keep it and sell it, the owner can pay the towing fee among other fee's and get his car back. So I'll leave the Ferrari home.The cops can and will impound your car. They have different towing companies and lots that they use. The tow company will charge you for the tow and for a daily lot fee. If you can't come up with the coin to get your car back, then the tow company will sell your car. I don't know the time frame for this. I doubt you receive the difference between what you owe and what they receive for selling your vehicle.

10-28-10, 22:37
The cops can and will impound your car. They have different towing companies and lots that they use. The tow company will charge you for the tow and for a daily lot fee. If you can't come up with the coin to get your car back, then the tow company will sell your car. I don't know the time frame for this. I doubt you receive the difference between what you owe and what they receive for selling your vehicle.I've attached an article about the ordinance.



R Consultant
10-29-10, 15:08
With the nice set of dsl's that sweet thing has on her you had to have a good time.

Nice Work! :}

OHHHH she's VERY GOOD AT THIS. 114182114183

10-30-10, 08:10
Anyone seen lucy? Mother nature has been good to this one A REAL set of milker's!

10-30-10, 13:16
Anyone seen lucy? Mother nature has been good to this one A REAL set of milker's!I would like to suck on them.

10-31-10, 12:49

I am having a hard time doing this post after "the Babe" and other good finds I have been reading about in this area but here it is any way.

Was heading to the beach and made a few spins around this area Friday 8amish. On my turn down Aroura noticed a blond sw so looped the block to pick her up. First glance from a distance she looked pretty good but after jumping in saw shae was much older. Although I like-um older this was a stretch even for me but did not chicken out. She has a place close by and lives alone so off we went. Once there got comfy and found sag aplenty but the cooted was shaven, clean and way nice by comparison to the rest of her body. Billie Jean (street name I'm sure) was very friendly and wanted to please. A fun no rush session finding pretty much all services rendered except daty. Althought it was clean enough to eat, not on a sw for me. Bj felt great all else was covered and she even supplied the cover. Ymmv but it was .4 for well over a hour of undisturbed fun. If you have a Grand Mother fetish she may be your girl.

11-04-10, 10:00
This women is smoking!

11-04-10, 14:35
You know we are all jealous.

11-04-10, 14:37
Legs are kind of skinny, though.

11-07-10, 11:20
A few weeks ago I picked up blond WSW Cassie in Cocoa. After initially agreeing to BJ started renegotiating. After way too much chatter ended up trying FS without any upsell. Seems she's really got a hang up about oral. Got to my spot and was getting going when someone else rolled pasted us and parked a few feet away. This freaked both of us out a bit so we bailed.

After I dropped her off I noticed she'd left footprints on the headliner. Now weeks later I noticed a footprint on the door in a place and angle that would've been hard to explain.

In short, I wouldn't recommend Cassie and just a reminder to give the vehicle a good looking over for any tell-tale signs.

11-07-10, 13:14
Have number for missy who also has a few friends staying at her place where a giant sucking sound can always be heard as you near if you have over 50 reports and want her number just email me.Hi Puss,

What does Missy look like?

Java Junkie
11-08-10, 16:13

After I dropped her off I noticed she'd left footprints on the headliner. Now weeks later I noticed a footprint on the door in a place and angle that would've been hard to explain.

In short, I wouldn't recommend Cassie and just a reminder to give the vehicle a good looking over for any tell-tale signs. Stains on your seats or pants. Condom wrappers on the floor or between the seats, long hairs of a different color or texture than your gf / wife on the headrest.

If you are going to partake in street action, make sure to give the car and the seats a complete lookover after.

11-09-10, 09:31
A few weeks ago I picked up blond WSW Cassie in Cocoa. After initially agreeing to BJ started renegotiating. After way too much chatter ended up trying FS without any upsell. Seems she's really got a hang up about oral. Got to my spot and was getting going when someone else rolled pasted us and parked a few feet away. This freaked both of us out a bit so we bailed.

After I dropped her off I noticed she'd left footprints on the headliner. Now weeks later I noticed a footprint on the door in a place and angle that would've been hard to explain.

In short, I wouldn't recommend Cassie and just a reminder to give the vehicle a good looking over for any tell-tale signs. You guys may want to read "Guide for the married" on the Orlando board for a review. Easy to forget something.

11-09-10, 19:59
Have had eyes out for this one in Melb. Have not seen her out in quite some time. Anybody?

Not married, but read the Orlando "Married" tips. Good stuff. Especially about keeping the car clean, Center console empty to discourage theft.

My tip, act as if you were under CIA surveillance at all times. Dexter's Rule #1 Don't get caught!

11-10-10, 15:10
Sorry buddy. Lost of couple of cred points for this one. The other chick. Smoking hot boobs! These are don't right pitiful or a horrible angle for the pic.

Anyone seen lucy? Mother nature has been good to this one A REAL set of milker's!

11-10-10, 21:18
I saw a girl in green shorts and a white top walking at lunchtime by the Circle K. Any one know her. This area has been so dry for a while it made me leary.

11-11-10, 09:55
I saw a girl in green shorts and a white top walking at lunchtime by the Circle K. Any one know her. This area has been so dry for a while it made me leary.. Is 6 requests for information and no reports. What are you doing with your time?

11-11-10, 21:58
. Is 6 requests for information and no reports. What are you doing with your time?So I am new don't hold it against me.

11-12-10, 09:45
So I am new don't hold it against me.New is not the point.

Reports that contribute information develop credibility.


11-12-10, 20:55
New is not the point.

Reports that contribute information develop credibility.

BI understand. I use to be quite a monger but in my older age Leo scares me alot. I have also traveled to places like Panama and St Martin where it is legal. Such a difference.

I live in CC and the ladies I see are on the rise. I remember years ago before I lived here and only came each day to work it was very active.

Now Leo has a station here and they are everywhere.

11-12-10, 20:58
New is not the point.

Reports that contribute information develop credibility.

BLet me add this was $100 for GFE in Panama.

11-17-10, 19:51
Found Melody in a dream off Aurora, WSW w / blonde hair. Looked like a real catch at a distance (don't they always) but more then passable up close. I'm still much more comfortable dreaming in Cocoa then the Melb areas but decided what the hell. Pulled around the corner and let her come to me. Leo check then a rolling CBJ at. 2 plus tip for a good job. Would have liked to explored more as more was available but lack of time and poor knowledge of the area forced our encounter to be brief. No digits, she has a phone but is out of minutes. Actually hit me up for another. 1 to reload it in exchange she would give me the number. I passed, though I'd be happy to see her again as she was sweet.

Had made several rounds further south in melb from the BK to university and some sides but came up empty. Too bad I was on a semi-road trip today and had hoped to run across some of the hotter ladies I passed on previously due to time. I never seem to have luck in my dreams when making a specific trip. I think that's why I've yet to make a run to otown to visit the trail yet.

Anyway be safe!

11-18-10, 09:48
So is this what drives man to do the things he does?

11-18-10, 21:57
So is this what drives man to do the things he does?Yes it does!

Big Dre
11-19-10, 07:17
Has anyone on this board, other than PussPuss, dreamed about (or for that matter, even seen)"The Babe"? Because all I've seen are pics & bragging. I personally don't care if it's a "senior's only" engagement with this chick, but some validation would be nice.

11-19-10, 20:49
Has anyone on this board, other than PussPuss, dreamed about (or for that matter, even seen)"The Babe"? Because all I've seen are pics & bragging. I personally don't care if it's a "senior's only" engagement with this chick, but some validation would be nice.I'd take a shot at that.

On the other hand, maybe he is just bolder about bragging. If I backslide back into my secret get together, I promise I will take and post some pics that will make even Pusspuss purple with envy.

I have not done so because my secret MILF is not open to meeting other guys. So why make you jealous? I always figured sharing pictures meant sharing P@.

My 2 cents.


11-19-10, 21:47
Has anyone on this board, other than PussPuss, dreamed about (or for that matter, even seen)"The Babe"? Because all I've seen are pics & bragging. I personally don't care if it's a "senior's only" engagement with this chick, but some validation would be nice.Be careful my last post chastising this becoming a picture site not an exchange site due to the pictures with no info was deleted by our infamous moderator with not explanation. Other boards in other locations would not tolerate this but I guess were all wimps here on the coast.

11-20-10, 06:37
Just to give you the heads up if you don't know by now, Mandy is out on the streets again and worse then ever! If you pick her up or think about picking her up, she will take you for your money and anything else of value that she can lay her hands on. I advice to avoid her at all cost, she ain't worth it anymore. She use to be a good girl, but the rock got her stealing anything and everything, so beware!

11-20-10, 09:16
Be careful my last post chastising this becoming a picture site not an exchange site due to the pictures with no info was deleted by our infamous moderator with not explanation. Other boards in other locations would not tolerate this but I guess were all wimps here on the coast.I have to agree. There are lots of places to find pictures of naked women but very few that provide valuable intel and feedback. Photos are great and appreciated if you want but as a side note. We are supposed to be in a forum for exchanging experiences, reviews, and helping each other out. In this case words are worth more than the picture. It's just a humble opinion and I'm just chasing dreams.

Happy hunting.

PS Avoid Cocoa tonight is you're scoping SW. Overheard leo in IHOP this morning that they were targeting peachtree area Sat night. That was the actual reason I logged on.

11-20-10, 15:36
PS Avoid Cocoa tonight is you're scoping SW. Overheard leo in IHOP this morning that they were targeting peachtree area Sat night. That was the actual reason I logged on.I was out and about earlier than usual this morning and found McKenzie in Cocoa. Seems she "messed up" a regular job she'd found so now she's putting her other very marketable skills back to work. Had a very good time with her. Honestly I think she's getting better.

Glad Spokes had Leo with him at breakfast.

11-20-10, 18:22
Yeah, I agree. I'm'd this guy to ask for details and he emails back "you need to have 50 or more posts to get the info". Did anyone ever get any info or digits from him or is he just a pic poster and a bragger?

11-21-10, 10:03
I was out and about earlier than usual this morning and found McKenzie in Cocoa. Seems she "messed up" a regular job she'd found so now she's putting her other very marketable skills back to work. Had a very good time with her. Honestly I think she's getting better.

Glad Spokes had Leo with him at breakfast. Yeah, I guess I could clarify that a little. I had breakfast at IHOP and a couple of Cocoa's finest were a table over within earshot. Nothing more devious than under cooked hash browns. I was just sharing what I heard. Thanks for the poke though, it makes me feel loved.

11-21-10, 15:04
Yeah, I agree. I'm'd this guy to ask for details and he emails back "you need to have 50 or more posts to get the info". Did anyone ever get any info or digits from him or is he just a pic poster and a bragger?I have over 100 and have given out my fare share on info but I was told when asked "right now you can't I'm helping her out for awhile." thus my original fuss over the type of site were supporting here. I have no issue with supporting someone and taking them "off" the market just don't clog up the board with pics then until there available to the rest of the members.

11-21-10, 16:44
Just to give you the heads up if you don't know by now, Mandy is out on the streets again and worse then ever! If you pick her up or think about picking her up, she will take you for your money and anything else of value that she can lay her hands on. I advice to avoid her at all cost, she ain't worth it anymore. She use to be a good girl, but the rock got her stealing anything and everything, so beware!Probecj,

Thanks for the heads up. I saw her out Friday and almost picked her up but she was being way too obvious so scared me off. She won't be out of jail long would be my guess. No one else out I could see.

Welcome aboard good 1st post.

11-23-10, 10:01
Was passing through Cocoa, not actually trolling this time, and spotted McKenzie. Had some time to spare for a change so we found a quite spot to have some fun. Very nice BBBJ a little more sloppy but very patient and caught everything at the end. There's a definite correlation between how much she slurs her speech and tidiness.

I tried to get digits but instead got a long story about her and another girl sharing a phone, sim cards and battery issues.

11-24-10, 20:13
I once again have to shout the words of "caution" and "beware", it is sad that some of these girls take great strides to lure you into caring for them in any sort of way then, BAM! They just strike you when you are the at your most sincere and helpful point and take advantage of what you are offering them. The latest is a little one that goes by the name Amanda, she is running around with Mandy and seems to be picking up on her bad habits. I dreamed of her for the first time around 2 years ago on a rainy night in Tville. Picked her out of the rain and got her dry and fed, we had FS fun for. 40 and she was very sweet. I got her digits and dreamed with her several more times before she ended up in county. I recently dreamed of her again and it was ok, but some thing was not right, I then later found out that she had ripped me off. So beware my friends, she is doing the same as Mandy, you can usually find them traveling either together in Tville on main or around that area or within close proximity of each other. But all is not lost in this area, the other night I had another dream and found a sweet little one by the name of Michelle, she is a petite little blond who takes care of things and has great control of her downstairs area. Her rates are the standard for the area. I highly recommend her, don't have digits, but when I see her next, I will be sure to try and get them and share with those who are interested. So maybe all isn't lost in this area of Brevard County. I hope not, I rather not have to do much traveling if I can help it. Happy Thanksgiving to all you guys! Hope you have a safe and great Holiday weekend! Later.

11-26-10, 19:06
My travels today took me through Cocoa, made a few loops both am and afternoon and saw zip also Aurora area and almost got skunked in Melbourne and was heading home but stopped at the little county park on Line for a bladder drain and as I was pulling out spotted Sunny. The pick up was easy, no one around. She did a quick Leo check and off we went. Got to my spot and haggled a bbbjw / spit for. 3 that was worth it. She is blond w / dark roots about 5'6" 130lbs and probably late 20's (I usually get the age wrong) on some sort of drug but was no issue. Not quite a spinner but close and maybe a 7 on the scale. Would repeat if I saw her again.

11-27-10, 02:05
I dreamed of her many times. They were all car dates. Always bare. She made a mess all the time.

She always had her pimp in close distance during pick up! But no problems.

I never ventured full service with her. Any of you seniors plase share your FS dream with her.

How was it? Cost? Would you repeat?

I will be down there in 2 days, tempted to do FS with her.



11-30-10, 00:04
Always bare. She made a mess all the time.I picked her up Sunday morning about 2am on the way home from IR. She was really messed up and as you said made a big mess. In fact, she stopped just as I hit the point of no return. She was also having problems with the difference between lips and teeth. She has really been on a downhill slide the last few weeks.

I think in the future, if there's more than just a very little bit of slurring words, I'll just drop her back off.

The Worb
11-30-10, 19:02
The Worb was driving Tue afternoon in s. Melbourne, spotted a SW on the side street next to the Hess station. Pulling around in a safe and discreet manner, three, (count 'them! (3!) hotties got into cars of guys who were getting gas. It was just not his day for hooking up with hookers.

Another hobbyist, not posting here, encountered Dirty Donna on Cypress, just S. Of Aurora. Bigger girl, in her 40's, obviously on the skreets for a while, offered everything and upsold each item. Lives in a house with a bunch of other crackers. Lesson here is to keep with the 22 rules. Never go the SW's house. Never go to a place where you will meet new 'friends. ' Pick your place out in advance. Invest in window tinting and a sunshade.

12-01-10, 22:08
5' 8", thin, not bad a looking girl, glasses, sort of makes a school-teacher look, was walking northbound on Avocado near Creel after dark. Nice BBJCIMSW. Here's the weird twist, she said she did not like the feel of my Jackson, and wanted me to go to the store and exchange it. I am not sure if this is some switcheroo scam, but I traded another note for the one she did not like and she seemed to calm down. I did not want to go to any public areas with her or meet any of her friends. Delivered her back to the W. Side of US1 nearer to her home.

12-02-10, 01:53
Need you to Google a story about a dude slipping counterfeit Hundreds to strippers and getting busted. IMHO, fake money for fake boobs is fair turnabout but that's another story. Did I get this right that she was a currency expert, trained in the detection of bogus bills? Were you aware they were bad? Or were they? Story leaves me hangin' Dude.

All in all was it a repeatable performance? Did you get digits?

Help us all out, Broah, the REsT of the story!

5' 8", thin, not bad a looking girl, glasses, sort of makes a school-teacher look, was walking northbound on Avocado near Creel after dark. Nice BBJCIMSW. Here's the weird twist, she said she did not like the feel of my Jackson, and wanted me to go to the store and exchange it. I am not sure if this is some switcheroo scam, but I traded another note for the one she did not like and she seemed to calm down. I did not want to go to any public areas with her or meet any of her friends. Delivered her back to the W. Side of US1 nearer to her home.

12-02-10, 11:58
I'd post on a public forum about committing a felony in order to engage in a misdemeanor to save 20 bucks? After much thought, I have concluded: A hooker is about the MOST likely person to be suspicious after probably having a high percentage of people trying to rip her off, both on the supply and the demand side. She probably IS an expert of sorts at handling currency, just due to sheer volume. They were not bad, they were crisp. I used those bucks in question in a store in broad daylight and had no problem.

In answer to question #2, she was definitely a keeper. Probably in my top 10 on a performance scale. If I were to commit a felony, it would be kidnapping.

Thanks for your concern and advice.

Need you to Google a story about a dude slipping counterfeit Hundreds to strippers and getting busted. IMHO, fake money for fake boobs is fair turnabout but that's another story. Did I get this right that she was a currency expert, trained in the detection of bogus bills? Were you aware they were bad? Or were they? Story leaves me hangin' Dude.

All in all was it a repeatable performance? Did you get digits?

Help us all out, Broah, the REsT of the story!

12-04-10, 15:44
Bonnie was probably busted before. Cops record the serial numbers of bills when exchanging them for dope or ass, and they use that evidence in court when they confiscate money from the busted. You were putting off a cop-vibe to her and knew a cop would not have exchanged the evidence bill for a random store bill.

12-05-10, 00:19
5' 8", thin, not bad a looking girl, glasses, sort of makes a school-teacher look, was walking northbound on Avocado near Creel after dark. Nice BBJCIMSW. Sounds like a girl who used to work at playmates a while back. Decent looking girl for the money, as I recall.

The Worb
12-08-10, 13:18
Guys don't cruise down a dead end street when mongering or dropping off. Especially if she is directing you. It could be an ambush. Keep your options open. You always want an alternative to drive with the appearance of intentionality. A guy cruising slowly and randomly is suspicious to everyone.

Guideline I've adopted, Don't ever spend more than half of your hobby cash on any one SW or Provider. That way, you will not feel like you have drained your reserves.

12-10-10, 02:07
A hobbyist had a dream of cruising down a very dark Cypress Ave in N Melbourne. He spotted Donna on a cross street leaning in the passenger window of a LEO-Mobile. Too close for comfort? I thinks so. Does she work for him, or was he discussing some off hours monkey bizness? Too hot. Even after dark.

12-10-10, 20:12
Go for parts for your car in cocoa. You will get more them car parts.

It can be a hit or miss depending on day and time.

I always get a car wash that way at least he car is clean!

Coca beach is different. There is none that I know of. There used to be one at the waffle house that you can pick and then drop off same location but don't knw if she is styill there.

I run into some non pros during airshow or fair time. They ask a beer or a few dollars for food or cigarettes. If you can read them right you can score. Make sure they are of age or you can be in too much trouble.

Worse comes to worse go to cheaters and ask for Stephanie. She would do you in VIP. It will cost you more then a SW, better be prepared!

Cocoa and Cocoa Beach are not the same place. There's two "rivers" and an island between them. Cocoa is very hit or miss, mostly miss, in my experience. If there's an area Beach-side other than the clubs and AMP I'd like to hear about it too.

12-11-10, 17:51
Go for parts for your car in cocoa. You will get more them car parts.

It can be a hit or miss depending on day and time.

I always get a car wash that way at least he car is clean!

Coca beach is different. There is none that I know of. There used to be one at the waffle house that you can pick and then drop off same location but don't knw if she is styill there.

I run into some non pros during airshow or fair time. They ask a beer or a few dollars for food or cigarettes. If you can read them right you can score. Make sure they are of age or you can be in too much trouble.

Worse comes to worse go to cheaters and ask for Stephanie. She would do you in VIP. It will cost you more then a SW, better be prepared! I've heard about people having success in cocoa beach up through cape / port canaveral. Supposedly the best shot is on the president streets off a1a. I am actually in the area frequently but never have cruised. My working girl radar has gone off a handful of times in the last few years. Not very good.

I think the former poster is right, if you find action in the area it's likely a non pro. My only success beachside worth mentioning was in cape canaveral outside a circle k. A young blonde who I dreamed that I initially tried to pick up normally, who gave a sob story about her boyfriend, needing money for bus fare home and a ride back to her trailer.

Can't remember if I posted that report or not since she was a non professional. Still as I can remember it was the only tine I got away with giving a winning lotto ticket instead of green.

You would think that with the port and the steady influx of male crews at sea for extended periods that you would see more. Then again tbh I have never actually cruised the port other then having actual business there so I have no clue. Might be worth checking out sometime. There are several trailer parks in walking distance afterall.

12-12-10, 10:03
I just counted that I have seen her 4 times now and that is a record for me, This sweety has a squeezebox, I have posted pics be-4 of her.

12-13-10, 19:48
If anyone knows who Melissa in Melbourne is, I'm looking for her current. She's about 40, brown hair, slender, walks on 192 or sarno sometimes. The one I have does not work any longer, she lives behind the Winn-Dixie but I don't want to beat on her door. Will if I have to though. If you get me a working # and give me the name she knows you buy, I'll buy a you a BBBJ you can collect on.

12-23-10, 02:45
Melody appeared in an afternoon dream around Aurora near dusk. I introduced her to my friend Jackson, and she introduced me to her friend, Billly Jean. She has a home phone but no cell right now. Cute when you get to know her. Petite, clean, no monkey bizness. Will repeat for a much longer dream.

Digits for seniors.

12-23-10, 11:41

If this appears like I stole it from Blodar, I did. His dream mirrored my dream with Misty so much, it was scary. Misty appeared in a early morning dream around Aurora. I introduced her to my friend Jackson, and she introduced me to her friend, Sweet Lips. BBBJTC, catch and release, no swallow.

She has no cell right now. Cute, friendly, clean, no monkey bizness. Will repeat ASAP.



P. S.

Thanks Blodar

Big Dog2
12-23-10, 22:16
Hey Malabar,

Is this Misty short dark hair nice ass and cute face soft spoken if so she at one time was around the producers in Mlb I have heard that she is in the Aroura Road area now please reply.

Big dog

12-28-10, 14:36
Just a heads up to anyone between 192 and Aurora, on US1. Not much action to pick from to begin with, and leo seems to be out in full lately. I was pulled over for "window tint" while cruising the other night. Played 20 questions. Had my car searched. Let go with a "warning" luckily, I'm smart enough to not have anything in my car while cruising. But still, a tense 45 minutes out of my life. I would avoid the Aurora area until things cool off. If anyone else in Melbourne knows of anything worst checking out, please feel free to point me in the right direction. I've had a dry holiday.

Stay safe!

12-29-10, 10:57
Just a heads up to anyone between 192 and Aurora, on US1. Not much action to pick from to begin with, and leo seems to be out in full lately. I was pulled over for "window tint" while cruising the other night. Played 20 questions. Had my car searched. Let go with a "warning" luckily, I'm smart enough to not have anything in my car while cruising. But still, a tense 45 minutes out of my life. I would avoid the Aurora area until things cool off. If anyone else in Melbourne knows of anything worst checking out, please feel free to point me in the right direction. I've had a dry holiday.

Stay safe! I am glad you are not in any trouble. You might want to get some legal advice on how to demand that your 4th amendment rights are respected. Your story does not contain enough information about whether Mr Leo had 'probable cause' in your window tint stop, but my spider sense says that you were bullied. There are also lots of resources on the web on this topic. For me, I do not consent to any searches as a matter of principle. As a matter of practical, like you, I do not have anything in my vehicle that would implicate me even if my car were searched.

Best Mongering in 2011!

Seminole John
12-29-10, 13:22
When stopped LEO its important to remember you have rights. If the ask you for anything just ask them, in a respectful way, if that is a request or a command. If its a request you can say no. Its not likely they will say command but if they do that means you are in 'police custody' and can request your attorney and stop everything until you are represented. Odds are they won't want to deal with the hassle.

I am glad you are not in any trouble. You might want to get some legal advice on how to demand that your 4th amendment rights are respected. Your story does not contain enough information about whether Mr Leo had 'probable cause' in your window tint stop, but my spider sense says that you were bullied. There are also lots of resources on the web on this topic. For me, I do not consent to any searches as a matter of principle. As a matter of practical, like you, I do not have anything in my vehicle that would implicate me even if my car were searched.

Best Mongering in 2011!

12-29-10, 16:49
The most important thing to remember when meeting uncle Leo is to SHUT UP! You have the right to remain silent, use it. Every question posed by Leo is part of their investigation of the stop. If you were up to something or even if not, it does you no good to volunteer any information to them.

They will play on your fears to get you to lock yourself into a story and then poke holes in it. They will will tell you they already know exactly what you were doing, your just making it harder on everyone (you especially). But if your just honest they can work it out right now and you can avoid getting everyone else involved. Yada yada. Courts have clearly stated that Leo can lie to obtain information during investigations, they can make promises they have no authority to keep.

The best course of action is as stated by others here over and over. Remain silent, you are not being rude, you are exercising your rights. Don't ever presume you can lie or outsmart Leo. They do their job EVERY DAY. You have an encounter maybe once a year (hopefully never) they are in their comfort zone, they will get you if you volunteer information.

The other big point is searches. Remember they can pat you down for weapons but no further. If they begin to do more then that."mind if I check your pockets too." etc. Calmly decline and ask if you have to. Same goes for the car. Never ever.

You are thinking. Well hey I don't have anyone in the car and it's clean so where's the harm? It'll make you look better. Look innocent if you let them find nothing. WRONG. Again they wouldn't search if they already didn't have suspicion. If they want to look in your car, they have already begun their investigation. Don't help.

How sure are you that your last ride didn't drop a few things under the seat or down the side? I've known some girls who are pretty absent minded even sober, an sober is rare for them right? Don't risk it.

I'm usually very very careful but have still been stopped a few times in my dreams, always for bs. Thankfully never while I had company. Adding a known worker to the mix in your car. I dread to even think about it. Though obviously the same rules apply.

12-30-10, 01:16
Hey Malabar,

Is this Misty short dark hair nice ass and cute face soft spoken if so she at one time was around the producers in Mlb I have heard that she is in the Aroura Road area now please reply.

Big dogYour description isn't sufficiently detailed enough for me to answer with any certainy. I have no idea if she ever was around the producers.


Big Dog2
12-30-10, 14:02
Was out yesterday afternoon and saw a WSW on a side street near Aurora went around the block and made the swoop. Low and behold it was Misty and yes the same one that had been in Mlb around the Producers. She has been gone for a while no explanation. Parked and received a great BBBJ and as you said catch and release. Said she would be in the area for a while still no phone. One of the best for a Jackson.

Thanks for your reply.

Big Dog 2

12-30-10, 20:31
Anyone have a contact number for any ladies in the area? It would be appreciated.

I'll return the favor if you're ever in Ohio.

12-30-10, 23:10
Anyone have a contact number for any ladies in the area?

It would be appreciated. Ill return the favor if you're ever in Ohio.

01-06-11, 15:51
Your description isn't sufficiently detailed enough for me to answer with any certainy. I have no idea if she ever was around the producers.

MalCan it be her? Damn, I would to see again!

Updates PLEASE!


01-07-11, 15:40
Somebody criticized a What I Saw report a while back, but I think it is helpful. Aurora was hot as hell with all sorts of Po Po both City and Sheriff about 200. Dunno whats up but I went elsewhere.

Down around Fee there was a couple walking where the girl looked at me directly, but I was caught up in traffic. On the way back there was a definite WSW, a little heavy heading N from fee. I pulled around and tracked her up past the VW dealer and she was still walking. I got a phone call so I had to pass. Be careful out there.

01-10-11, 10:42
Can it be her? Damn, I would to see again!

Updates PLEASE!

VeroI think that's her name. Cute and young. Gave me a BBBJ for a Jackson. Claims she normally gets. 3 to. 4 but biz was slow.

Her digits: [Telephone Number deleted by Admin].

Tell her the guy who told her about the website (usasexguide) gave you her.

Have fun.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal telephone numbers in the text. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

H20 Monger
01-10-11, 20:48
Was out on Avocado this eve.

BBJ, $20. Too bad she was wearing pants.

Last time, she wore a skirt and a thong for easy access.

So I applied rotation to her sugar plumb.

Her moaning made the head much sweeter

01-13-11, 00:50
Picked up Sonny near the park behind the producers. We've met before and she remembered me. The life style has really drained her looks but she's still better looking than a lot of SWs that I've passed up.

She showed me a secluded spot where she gave me one of the best Jackson BBBJs I've had in a long time. She out-did Misty. I gave her a handful of ones as a tip, it was that good.

Sorry but no digits.

01-13-11, 09:32
Sunny is a good find, saw her a few weeks back. She said she is from Palm Bay and after reviewing the mug shots for awhile now have noticed how many girls get in trouble in that area, also Merrit Island has even had more than one would expect so this begs the question. Are there street walkers in these areas? I live so far away that I do not want to go exploring these area unless there is enough to warrent the trip. Thanks for any intel HB.

01-13-11, 09:59
Sunny is a good find, saw her a few weeks back. She said she is from Palm Bay and after reviewing the mug shots for awhile now have noticed how many girls get in trouble in that area, also Merrit Island has even had more than one would expect so this begs the question. Are there street walkers in these areas? I live so far away that I do not want to go exploring these area unless there is enough to warrent the trip. Thanks for any intel HB.Unless I missing the action MI is very hit and miss. At one time Tropical and SR520 was pretty consistent and now its someone passing through to or from the beach who needs a few extra bucks or early morning dancers from the beach trying to get back home. (that's always fun) There are a few girls that use the old Aladdin for incall but I don't think they walk, mostly advertise on backpage. If any one knows different please let us know.

01-13-11, 10:16
I m curious about your MI findings. I got luck in cocoa Ana cocoa beach off 520 but never in MI.

I know that hotel, sometimes you can Sven drive around and there will be a crackhead needing her fix waving at you but that's very rare.

Let us know!

Unless I missing the action MI is very hit and miss. At one time Tropical and SR520 was pretty consistent and now its someone passing through to or from the beach who needs a few extra bucks or early morning dancers from the beach trying to get back home. (that's always fun) There are a few girls that use the old Aladdin for incall but I don't think they walk, mostly advertise on backpage. If any one knows different please let us know.

01-14-11, 16:56
Was out on Avocado this eve.

BBJ, $20. Too bad she was wearing pants.

Last time, she wore a skirt and a thong for easy access.

So I applied rotation to her sugar plumb.

Her moaning made the head much sweeterI don't know where she coming from but I just met a lady named dynamo hum.

She made a bet with her sister whose a little bit dumb, she could prove it all the time all men was scum.

Now I don't mind if you call me a bum but I knew right away she really going to cum, so I got down to it.

So I pulled down her bloomers and stiffened my thumb and applied rotation to her sugar plum.

I poked and stroked till my wrist got numb but I still didn't hear no dyna-moe-hum

FZ 1973 overnite sensation

01-15-11, 00:24
WSW. 5'10, cherubic, pock-marked face, nice personality.

Found her at Fee and US1, 10:00pm-ish. Found a spot and gave her a Jackson for a BBBJ. I drive a rice burner so a 5'10" SW, giving me head, makes for uncomfortable seating. She said she usually uses condoms but she had run out. Then, a minute or two after she started, she tells me she doesn't do CIM. CIM makes her throw up. WTF?

She proceeds on using a lot of teeth and hand action. The situation has now become untenable so I stopped her. I let her down easy, blaming blood pressure meds, fired up the rice burner and took her back to where I found her.

If you like CBJ, with lots of teeth and hand action, no CIM, then she's your girl. No digits.

I won't be going back.