View Full Version : First AMP experience

Ray Alan
01-22-10, 16:05
Well fellow mongers, I thought it would be cool to share our first experience. Good or bad, let's tell of our first time getting into the hobby. I'll start it off, anyone want to follow?

My first trip to an AMP was about 15 years ago. I had heard stories from guys about massage parlors and read a story or two in dirty magazines. My local paper used to run ads in the sports section for places that offered "full body massage", "body shampoo" and "Swedish massage". Then I noticed a place open up in my home town that had "oriental massage" in the name. I passed by the place everyday on my way to and from work and noticed at other times that the neon open sign was on late in the evening. My curiosity started to get the best of me.

On a sunny late spring Saturday afternoon when the wife and family was away for the day I thought I would look up the place in the yellow pages and do a little recon. A woman with a thick Asian accent answered the phone. I inquired on the prices of a massage and body shampoo. She told me $40 for half hour, $60 for hour. I asked how much for a body shampoo and she sensed my being naive to the AMP process and said "all services advertised included in price, tips welcome". I asked if I needed an appointment and she said, "Not busy today, you no need". So I grabbed some cash and headed over.

I drove past the front of the building first to scope out the front door, I did not want to be seen going in, since this was in my home town and it was on a busy street and a popular shop occupied the first floor. I swung around and turned down the street alongside the building and I saw a back door entrance. I parked in the rear confident my car would not be seen and headed for the door.

The first door was unlocked and opened up to a long staircase. I looked up the stairs before going further to see another closed door with a security camera pointing down at me and a large sign on the door instructing me to "ring bell for entry" I rang the bell that echoed through the stairway. I then heard loud foot steps quickly approaching the door. As I waited, I noticed a peep hole in door that had the light of the hallway behind it shining through. The foot steps stopped at the door and the light went dark for a moment. At that point I knew I was not in your friendly neighborhood massage therapy establishment. My heart was pounding I was so nervous.

With a thunk of the dead bolt and the squeak of the hinges, the door opened. On the other side was a very cute Asian dressed in a Hawaiian dress and slippers. Noticing my nervousness she gave me a big smile and welcomed me with her hand into the hallway and led me to a room immediately adjacent to the entrance.

Once inside the room she asked "you ever been here before"? I told her no and I asked for the hour. She reached out for the house fee up front and I reached in my pocket and pulled out the cash I brought with me which was way more than what I needed. She eyeballed the cash in my hand and I began to regret having so much with me. I handed over the $60 and put the rest back in my pocket. She asked if I wanted a shower, I told yes and she instructed me to undress and she would be right back, my heart was still pounding, so hard that I was certain she could hear it. After she left I quickly undressed and wrapped the towel that was on the massage table around my waist and waited. Waited and waited and waited.

As I waited I thought it would be a good idea if I put my surplus cash in my shoe tucked under my sock, (yeah that would fool a thief). Then I began to examine my surroundings. The windows in the room were blocked off with heavy blinds so no outside light could get in, the lighting was dim, but not too dim, enough to see with out straining and waiting for your eyes to adjust. There was soft oriental music coming from a CD player in the room, and there was a pleasant aroma. My heart rate began to go down.

After what seemed like 20 minutes, but was probably only 5 minutes or so, she returned and led me to the shower room. The whole time smiling and doing her best to reassure me that I will be well taken care of and pampered. After she warmed the table with hot water she guided me to lay face down. She then began my very first bath given by another person since I was an infant. As I lay on the table and she poured warm water on my back side and began to lather me up, I kept saying to my self silently "I can't believe I'm doing this", but I was and it was wonderful. She went slow and didn't miss a spot; I was pleasantly surprised at how she washed the crack of my butt and was not shy about getting in between my legs and washing my crotch. Then the rinse and flip. As she lathered my front side she made constant eye contact with me, to keep me reassured. She pointed to my little friends and asked it was ok to wash them, I smiled and nodded yes. This is going very well so far I thought.

After the rinse, she had me sit up on the edge of the table facing her and she gently washed my face with a cloth still smiling at me and telling me how handsome I was. Well of course she did, she was a paid provider and it was her job to make me happy. How happy, I would find out later.

The wash complete she gently dried me off with the towel and led me back by the hand to the room. My first TS behind me, I was thinking I could get used to this. Once in the room she told me lay on the table face down and she put a fresh dry towel on my butt and said she would be right back. And again I waited, and waited and waited. I started to relax while I inhaled the pleasant aroma and listened to the soft music.

Finally she returned, placed her hand on my back and asked what kind of massage I wanted, "hard or soft"? Enjoying being pampered so far, I asked for soft. Leaving the towel on, she began to rub my back with her fingers. After a minute or so she said my muscles were tight and that she would give me a harder massage and if she went too hard I was to tell her. I agreed and she began. No oil, only the towel and her fingers, and what a massage it was! I remarked that she had "magic fingers" and what she was doing felt very very good. As she worked my back, neck, legs and arms, she would occasionally place her hand in my crotch and get me more aroused each time. By the time she told me to flip, I had the hardest erection since puberty.

After the flip she started at my head, rubbing my temples and gently caressing my ears. She massaged my shoulders and fore arms, no towel this time, all of me on display, my very erect penis proudly standing at attention.

She then began the most erotic part of my visit. She started the extreme light touch, all over my front side, from my head to my toes, gentle, barley touching me, softly she caressed my body. As she passed my cock she would give the head and shaft the same treatment and move on. After each pass on my favorite organ I got closer to orgasm. After several glorious minutes of this treatment she moved above my head and as she gently caressed my shoulders, she whispered in my ear, "if you are nice to me, I will be very nice to you" praying for the happy ending that I was so longing for I said, " yes I will be nice".

She moved back to the side of the table and applied her soft gentle touch only on my cock and balls. I instinctively spread my legs wide to allow her full access to my parts. She ran her hands alternately from the base of my scrotum up the shaft of my penis and swirling her fingers on the head. Closer and closer I got to orgasm, yet she was the one in control. My breathing began to get deeper and deeper. Just when I thought I could take no more, and I was not going to hold back, she paused, allowed my breathing to slow down a little and surprised me yet again.

She reached under the massage table, retrieved a bottle of massage oil, applied it to her hands, and in one motion, put one hand on my cock and the other on my scrotum cupping my balls with all but her index finger, which she promptly inserted in to my ass. With out missing a beat, she stroked my shaft and massaged my prostate to an almost immediate powerful orgasm. When it was all done I was blinded by the experience.

After I came down from this new found high, she wiped me off with a towel and left to get a hot wet cloth to clean me up. As I lay on the table, I said to myself, "God help me that was fucking awesome".

After she returned and cleaned me up, she dressed me like a grand servant from another time. We chatted about where she was from, and how much better America was than Korea. After I was fully dressed and ready to leave, there was an awkward moment. She asked if I enjoyed my time at the spa and she reminded me on how nice she was towards me. I put 2 and 2 together took off my shoe that had the cash in it and gave her $20. I asked if this was ok and she tilted her head to the side and said maybe a little more, I had a $10 bill with the cash and handed that over and she said thank you. What did I know, it was my first time, I had not discovered this forum yet and I was going on almost pure instinct. She led me to the door, gave me hug and told me to come again soon. Go again I did. I went back more times than I can remember, but never repeated the exact same experience. I began to visit other Amps in the area that offer more than the R&T at this place. I went from hand jobs, to blow jobs and eventually getting FS at the other places. I have even seen private in call providers. I am hooked and good or bad I like it. But, like falling in love, you never forget your first.

01-24-10, 01:51
What a dream I had.

I was 26 went to Dallas on business. I bounced around a couple strip clubs for the first few days I was there, left the clubs unsatisfied. On the way out went to my first MP. VIP Sweets now closed. I went in, met my a tall tan beauty, took me to a side room and asked if I wanted her or a lineup, I saw a lineup just to be sure. All the girls I saw where nice but, the original girl was a lot more friendly and so I took her. I was so nervous, she could tell, so she offered me a couple beers from a mini fridge in the room. I pounded one and took two to the massage room.

She told me to get comfortable and left for a couple minutes. I pounded another beer and got naked and laided on the table. She came in and said it is. 8 for massage. I said okay. She got on top of me and grinded on me a bit, my heart was pounding. She said you know what this place is right, I said yes. Offered $. 5 for CBJ and $$ for FS. I took it all.

She put on the cover with her mouth and gave a great CBJ. Then went to multiple positions, she was very into it. Finished with CBJ.

I paid way to much but I was super nervous and my first time. Wish I could go back, but they shut down.

Nothing like your first time.

01-24-10, 09:40
took me several trip b4 I got the full treatment...

Big Mackie
01-24-10, 22:18
Oh man this takes me back. I remember the first time I went to an AMP almost 5 years ago. Of course it was located right outside of Fort Lewis and had the typical shady oriental massage signs, but those were the days. I had to go 3 times before the mamasan finally let me pick the girl that I wanted, and man was she a hottie. Late 20s early 30s, thin as can be with an amazing rack. She gave me the ever so gentle TS and even sat with me in the sauna making small talk to make sure I was comfortable. Once she led me to the room, she turned the lights down low and told me to get comfortable on the table. After what seemed like a lifetime she came back in the room wearing only a roB. Man was I lucky that day. Being a gentleman I won't tell all the details, but needless to say I have been a fan of AMPs since and have visited them in a number of different areas, though I doubt any experience will be quite like my first.

02-13-10, 14:11
Lakewood had a pretty open strip club , take-out sure thing, If I remember, the AMPs were N of Lakewood

Oh man this takes me back. I remember the first time I went to an AMP almost 5 years ago. Of course it was located right outside of Fort Lewis and had the typical shady oriental massage signs, but those were the days. I had to go 3 times before the mamasan finally let me pick the girl that I wanted, and man was she a hottie. Late 20s early 30s, thin as can be with an amazing rack. She gave me the ever so gentle TS and even sat with me in the sauna making small talk to make sure I was comfortable. Once she led me to the room, she turned the lights down low and told me to get comfortable on the table. After what seemed like a lifetime she came back in the room wearing only a roB. Man was I lucky that day. Being a gentleman I won't tell all the details, but needless to say I have been a fan of AMPs since and have visited them in a number of different areas, though I doubt any experience will be quite like my first.

02-13-10, 22:04
Greeting Gentlemen!

Frist AMP experience...February 2010. A local place I noticed while passing by, finally checked it out. Was greeted by a lady who claimed to be the owner. She is Korean and appeared from her face to be 50+ has a pretty exceptional body for her age. A very nice and clean facility.

Prices listed on the wall by the inside door- 40 half hour, 50 full hour. I was a bit cold and tight from stress at work, so I opted for the 1 hour.

She led me to a room and collected the 50. At this point I wasn't certain if she would be doing the massage or if she was a "Mama-San" type. I paid with a Benjamin. She told me to undress and went for change. I was down to my underwear when she returned with a Grant, which I left on top of my pile of cloths. She motioned for me to take off my shorts too. At that point I figured out it was going to be her, even though I got a feeling there was someone else in the building. May have been my paranoia / over active immagination. I took off the underwear and she led me to the shower room.

She poured warm water over the vinyl mattress to warm it up, then told me to lay face down. Instead of using the shower head (I don't think it could reach far enouth), she poured several large bowls of water over me and proceeded to soap me up all over then rinse me off. Flip over and repeat, leaving no part untouched. She then toweled me off and led me back to the massage room.

She lit a candle and had me lay face down. Gave me a rub all over the back half with oil. It was nice and fairly relaxing, but not very deep and didn't seem to involve much actual massage technique. She did do a rather pleasant scratching thing on my back- very stimulating to the skin. Then she had me flip over and I got the same treatment on the front side, minus Mr. Happy, except for a few grazing touches toward the end.

While she was paying attention to my inner thighs, Mr. Happy came to attention, and she asked my "why he wake up. " I told her that massaging so close to him excited him. She asked "he want" and made the jacking off motion with her hand. I ask if it is included, and she said no and showed me 5 fingers. I jokingly said 5 dollars? And she said no, fifty. I said that was too much and let silence build a bit, expecting her to come down. I must have offended her, because after a little bit she said "OK, you get dressed now" and left the room. I was a bit surprised she didn't volunteer a lower price- her asking price seemed pretty steep to me for just a HJ. After all, she a bit on the old side and didn't really turn me on that much. I guess she could tell I wasn't that into her and didn't want to debase herself by offering a lower price. Also, I guess since she knew I had at least her asking price on hand (the change) she expected to get it all. I got dressed and left.

I also have to admit I was a little uptight about it, being my first time and all so I bailed instead of counter offering or otherwise trying to negotiate further. So I left with a nice washing and rubdown and she got paid for a massage, and that was that.

I thought these places usually had multiple women to choose from or they were at least in their 20s or 30s? Maybe they do on weekends?

Anyway, it was an interesting experience. Lessons learned? Pay the exact amount or a bit over, keeping a secret of how much extra you have to spend? Also, make sure you are satisfied with your masseuse before heading back?

Is 50 really the going rate for a HJ?

Ray Alan
02-14-10, 08:51
Greeting Gentlemen!

Frist AMP experience...February 2010. A local place I noticed while passing by, finally checked it out. Was greeted by a lady who claimed to be the owner. She is Korean and appeared from her face to be 50+ has a pretty exceptional body for her age. A very nice and clean facility.

Anyway, it was an interesting experience. Lessons learned? Pay the exact amount or a bit over, keeping a secret of how much extra you have to spend? Also, make sure you are satisfied with your masseuse before heading back?

Is 50 really the going rate for a HJ?


Nice story, it is in keeping with the intent of this thread. I am glad you learned a lesson or two. The rest of your questions can be answered by reading the forum. Take sometime, go through some old posts for your area and you will get your questions answered. Be safe and welcome to the hobby!

02-25-10, 02:59
Sometimes you get what you get, and that means older providers (though I'm sure they're nice). I just don't have it in me to decline and ask to pick another provider (even though technically it's a buyer's market). Generally the workers in the amp's switch off. If there are 3 employees there, #1 will get the first John, then #2, etc, and they cycle. Unless of course the monger requested a specific provider or calls in advance and makes an appointment for a specific one. The going price at least in my experience for a HE is about .4

Try a different spot or graze at the MP reviews here on this site for your particular city. That helps a lot as well! Better luck next time!

Greeting Gentlemen!

Frist AMP experience...February 2010. A local place I noticed while passing by, finally checked it out. Was greeted by a lady who claimed to be the owner. She is Korean and appeared from her face to be 50+ has a pretty exceptional body for her age. A very nice and clean facility.

Prices listed on the wall by the inside door- 40 half hour, 50 full hour. I was a bit cold and tight from stress at work, so I opted for the 1 hour.

She led me to a room and collected the 50. At this point I wasn't certain if she would be doing the massage or if she was a "Mama-San" type. I paid with a Benjamin. She told me to undress and went for change. I was down to my underwear when she returned with a Grant, which I left on top of my pile of cloths. She motioned for me to take off my shorts too. At that point I figured out it was going to be her, even though I got a feeling there was someone else in the building. May have been my paranoia / over active immagination. I took off the underwear and she led me to the shower room.

She poured warm water over the vinyl mattress to warm it up, then told me to lay face down. Instead of using the shower head (I don't think it could reach far enouth), she poured several large bowls of water over me and proceeded to soap me up all over then rinse me off. Flip over and repeat, leaving no part untouched. She then toweled me off and led me back to the massage room.

She lit a candle and had me lay face down. Gave me a rub all over the back half with oil. It was nice and fairly relaxing, but not very deep and didn't seem to involve much actual massage technique. She did do a rather pleasant scratching thing on my back- very stimulating to the skin. Then she had me flip over and I got the same treatment on the front side, minus Mr. Happy, except for a few grazing touches toward the end.

While she was paying attention to my inner thighs, Mr. Happy came to attention, and she asked my "why he wake up. " I told her that massaging so close to him excited him. She asked "he want" and made the jacking off motion with her hand. I ask if it is included, and she said no and showed me 5 fingers. I jokingly said 5 dollars? And she said no, fifty. I said that was too much and let silence build a bit, expecting her to come down. I must have offended her, because after a little bit she said "OK, you get dressed now" and left the room. I was a bit surprised she didn't volunteer a lower price- her asking price seemed pretty steep to me for just a HJ. After all, she a bit on the old side and didn't really turn me on that much. I guess she could tell I wasn't that into her and didn't want to debase herself by offering a lower price. Also, I guess since she knew I had at least her asking price on hand (the change) she expected to get it all. I got dressed and left.

I also have to admit I was a little uptight about it, being my first time and all so I bailed instead of counter offering or otherwise trying to negotiate further. So I left with a nice washing and rubdown and she got paid for a massage, and that was that.

I thought these places usually had multiple women to choose from or they were at least in their 20s or 30s? Maybe they do on weekends?

Anyway, it was an interesting experience. Lessons learned? Pay the exact amount or a bit over, keeping a secret of how much extra you have to spend? Also, make sure you are satisfied with your masseuse before heading back?

Is 50 really the going rate for a HJ?

04-17-10, 01:30
Damn, I remember my first time.

I spent days reading online about this AMP near by and was hesitant to go. After searching and studying up that it's indeed a place that gave a happy ending, I decided to stop on by. I walked in and there I was: in this little room/lobby area with another door. I tried opening it but it was locked so I knocked. I walked back out to see if the place was even open and it was. Went back in highly confused. Then of course I discovered the doorbell. Feeling like fool already, I pushed it. The mamasan (sp?) answered and greeted me. I softly asked if I could get a massage and she nodded her head yes.

She lead me to a tiny room and asked if I wanted a shower, not knowing what the shower consisted of at the time, I declined. She then told me the price so I gave her cash and said she'd be right back. Being the noob I was, I asked if I just wait here and she brings me another girl. For about 30 seconds it was just me trying to explain to her what I meant. I then said nevermind and she left. I got undressed all the way to my boxer shorts, nervous and waiting eagerly to see what happens next. My provider returns and smiles, telling me to take off shorts. After that, she invited me to lay face down on the table. Very relaxing massage but I couldn't stop shaking as there was a bit of a chill in the room AND I've never been so nervous in my life. She then went to dim the lights, came back and did a soft touch. She moved between my thighs and brushed her fingers against my balls.

"This ok?"

"Oh it's good." I replied.

Then the flip took place. She rubbed the front and took my member in her hand went to town. After that, I've probably returned 5 or 6 times and have gotten 3 of their girls, mamasan included.

04-18-10, 01:19
My first visit to an AMP was about six years ago. I was travelling out of state and had seen the place on a previous trip. This time I got up enough nerve to stop. I stopped but was so nervous and excited my hands were trembling. Iwent in the first door and rang the bell at the second door. The mamasan opened the little sliding window and asked if I was there for a massage. I told her yes. She opened the door and escorted me to a room. She told me to undress and took my money for the massage. Then she left. Then a younger girl came in and started my massage. It was great and very relaxing. Then she asked me to flip. She finished massaging that side except the part under the towel. Then she lifted that and said to massage that would be extra. I asked how much? She took her hand and motioned for a HJ and held up 5 fingers. Then used her hand and mouth to indicate a BJ and held up 10 fingers. Then she wiggled her hips and smiled and indicated 10 fingers and then 5. I took the HJ. It was great. After I made a mess, she cleaned it all up. She gave me choice of soft drink or bottled water, hugged me and begged me to stop again the next time I was passing through. After that time, I was hooked.

07-19-10, 23:37
I'm new to this forum and I'm new to AMP. Have heard of them and I've even seen them, just haven't gotten the nerves to go. I'm an all pro when it comes to strip clubs. Well I'm excited and nervous but I'm going this week. I will be back and post "My First AMP".

07-20-10, 16:05
First time was a place I think was called Moon Spa in the Poconos. It's now closed. Anyway, I was really nervous. I ahd been by this place many times in my business travels and after some research, I figured out, sort of, what it was. When I went there, I had no idea they did anything more than HE. Stupid me... when my attendent was massaging me, sitting on my rear end and on my thighs, it should have been a tipoff to me something more was on the menu, since she wasn't wearing anything underneath her short sundress. Duh. Later after this became my ATF spot, I was met by hotties in small bikinis sporting fake racks.... and I mean hotties. I guess the place got too popular. It was shut down in a raid on the places in 2004.
I never got anything more than HE at this place, but that's all I wanted.

What I am really curious about is - in the prior posts here, are the places still open and where are they?

James F
07-20-10, 17:14
First time was at a place called Peking Spa in East Chicago IN. It was there for many years but finally succumed to neighborhood pressure a couple of years ago. What a tradegy that was, still brings a tear to my eyes. Any way I had been trying to work up my nerve for months, then one night I just went for it. Mamasan took me to the room then the girl followed shortly thereafter. She explained how things worked. I don't remember the price (it was a long time ago) , but I do remember that when she asked me if I wanted to shower with her I replied that I'd be a fool not to. She thought that was pretty funny. From that night on I was hooked on Asian ladies. In fact, a couple of years later I met a lady at the very same spa that I ended up marrying, But that's a story for another day. Long live amps!

07-22-10, 10:16
It has been probably 5 years since my first visit, and I've been hooked ever since. I've always loved asian girls, and found out about this quite by chance.

I was hanging out with a friend of mine at a bar, and a work colleague of his was there. My buddy new he was a sex fiend, and frequented SW and AMPs. The guy was from out of town and staying at a hotel nearby. He was telling us that he was going to head down the street to an AMP and have some fun.

I looked up the place he was talking about, Puja in Rochester, NY, and went to find out what was going on.

I didn't know the rules at that time, so I just got a massage with a HE. The lady was a little older, but in good shape, decent looking (I'd say a 7 out of 10), and very friendly.

I felt like a teenage virgin with her, but she made me feel very comfortable. Giving me a nice massage and then slowly working her hands closer and closer to my dick. Gently brushing my balls as she would massage up the inside of my leg. Then finally asking me to turn over, to expose my rock hard dick. She gave me the best HJ I've ever had, and it didn't take long for me to nut.

Afterward she explained the tipping situation, and I've been a regular ever since.

Man, there is nothing like the first time when it is with the right person.

Reel Man
07-23-10, 20:16
My first visit to an amp was actually about a year ago. I had been eyeing this place for a few weeks and finally decided to give it a shot. The lady I met at the door asked if I wanted a table shower, this being my first time I had no idea what that was but said yes anyways. Boy am I glad that I did. When she was done washing (and a little extra touching) we went to the room for a massage. The massage itself was nothing spectacular, however the cbj afterwards was great. I have been to about three other amp's with good impressions, but the first was definately an experience.

08-13-10, 17:56
My first AMP experience was in Kalamazoo Mi in the late 80's. I had visited white massage parlors before this so I wasn't a "virgin" but I have to say it was the best experience I had ever had to that point. The Korean girl looked to be in her late 20's and sat and talked with me in the sauna. It was a Sunday morning so business was slow. After 10-5 minutes she took me to the room and had me face down on the table. She worked me sensually and blow softly on my anus and balls. The slow teasing was fantastic. I miss the AMP's in my area for this very reason. Asians know how to peak your interest. On the turn there was more rubbing especially around my cock and balls. She was teasing and I was aroused. She gave me the international sign for HJ but I asked for FS. She took $60 and left room. She came back with cover and applied it orally. She sucked me for a few minutes till I asked her to lay on table and I did her mish. I was great. The hell with white massage parlors, give me the asian AMP.

Stud Muffin314
08-15-10, 16:32
Here is my evolution into this sport: My first naughty visit was at a local jack shack, it cost me 60 to get in for a 'dance'. I was stupid and missed the cues that she expected more cash (I didn't have any more), so this poor girl danced for me fully clothed for about 20 mins while I did nothing but watch. My second visit to the same place, I had more cash, and this VERY hot blonde was at the desk. I gave her some more cash and she stripped down to just panties and danced while I pleasured myself. At the end, she gently guided my hand between her legs and I exploded. I was hooked! I visited two other rip-off jack shacks nearby, again self-pleasuring myself to mainly-clothed women. Also visited a peep show that was far less expensive and I got to watch a nude women through glass (but they closed down). Also visited a massage place where a naked women pleasured me but no other extras were ever going to be available there. I wanted more.

I did research on these boards to prepare for a business trip to Michigan. I stopped at an Asian spa just south of the capital and paid for a full hour "massage". Mamasan led me to a room, and very soon after getting undressed, a young thin HOT Asian women arrived to start the massage. She gave a fantastic massage, then on the flip, she whispered in my ear that the entry fee only covered a massage, and her hand motions indicated the price for a hand job, and BJ. I declined both and made the hip motion for FS. I was shaking with nerves. She left to get protection, and returned with a towel. She wiped me down with a washcloth, which seemed to break the mood for me a bit. She put the condom on me with her mouth (a talent I never knew existed!) and started a covered BJ. I did not care for that as I was nervous and really wanted FS. She laid on her back, grabbed me and inserted, and it was over in a few minutes. With the remaining half hour, she gave me a nice massage and I nearly fell asleep. However, I was actually disappointed in the FS, too rushed and mechanical.

My holy grail is to have an ultimate FS experience with somebody who will be a bit more personable about this instead of the mechanical act, with more mutual touching (dare I say. Foreplay) before the act. I am still searching for that ultimate experience and will use these boards to help identify my next adventure.

08-16-10, 15:05
In my younger days I had tried the Korean massage places inj NYC where they wash you down and then give you a massage and HJ. It was kind of like a mass production deal back then with lots of guys coming thru all day. They spoke no English so it was not a very personal massage.

Later, regular AMP's started to come into town. Many of the asian girls knew massage well and also special tricks. Their main trick, which almost all use, is that while you are on your stomach they will lightly massage your balls and rectum. They do this for about 5 minutes which is guaranteed to drive you crazy. Very few if any white women massage therapists know about this technique. Which is a shame.

Ray Alan
08-17-10, 11:10
My holy grail is to have an ultimate FS experience with somebody who will be a bit more personable about this instead of the mechanical act, with more mutual touching (dare I say. Foreplay) before the act. I am still searching for that ultimate experience and will use these boards to help identify my next adventure.Nice story, thanks for sharing. Keep searching, you will find it. Sometimes there are a few bumps along the way, but this board is a great way to find your ATF.

Happy Hunting!

09-21-10, 00:09
My first AMP experience was about 7 years ago. It was at the AMP on Augusta Road in Greenville SC. Think it was called Far East back then. I was so nervous. Mamason brought me to room and left with money. Then the girl came in. Gave me good massage with me face down. Then flipped and wanted to know what else I want. She pointed at my thing and said "massage him? That is extra. " I asked how much. She made sign for hand job and put 5 fingers, then gave BJ sign with 10 fingers, then wiggled hips and put up 10 and 5. Stupid me took the hand job. It was great.

10-04-10, 16:24
I have been reading these types of boards for a while and finally decided to join the mongering. So I searched CL and BP and chose a place on Town Line Road. It closed like 2 days later! I went in, didn't like the girl who greeted me so I asked who else and chose the other. Not bad but not great. It seems they are all old. Anyway, 40 for half paid at inside the curtain, then the massage. It was easy. She massaged me, flipped me, and tugged (horribly) me all without saying a word or asking for anything. I tipped 20. It was simple but it kind of hooked me. Which leads me to write about my next week's attempt. Wanted another try, so I found 3 local places and walked into them 1 by 1. After seeing the girls, I didn't like any, so I pretended to be looking for "Jenny. " They said no Jenny so I said sorry wrong place. Next place same thing. 3rd place (Carleton Ave.) found a cute girl so I went for it. Nice massage as I touched her body all over. Actually a GREAT massage. Then the flip and she didn't touch me so with time running out I guided her hand to him. She said no I get in trouble without pulling away too much. I gently held her there and she said "no trouble? " I said no and she showed crossed her fingers to me. I reassured her and crossed my fingers back and she went to work. Nice rub and I squirted a lot as she giggled. Tipped 30 and she was so so so so so thankful! She said next time I will "? " (couldn't understand her.) So I will be back to see her soon to find out what that means.

Ray Alan
10-04-10, 22:12
Tipped 30 and she was so so so so so thankful! She said next time I will "? " (couldn't understand her.) So I will be back to see her soon to find out what that means.

Nice first report, welcome to the board. If you have been reading the forum, I think you know what your next session with that girl will get you. Have fun be safe and report your findings.

10-20-10, 10:45
My first AMP was in Ann Arbor in the 90's. The Pine Tree (?) was in a strip mall on the edge of town. I walked in and there was some exercise equipment that had the look of having never been used. The mamasan greeted me and asked if I wanted a massage. She took the door fee, told me to "take care of the lady", gave me a table shower missing no portion of my anatomy, toweled me off, and put me in a room. In came a hot looking young asian. She asked me what I wanted, gave me the HJ signal, pointed to her mouth, or said everything and quoted some prices (which I can remember. I opted for the BJ. She got me hard and then started in on the BJ. She turned so I could play with her pussy, which I did. I didn't know at the time but she slipped on a cover with her mouth. It was a good but not great BJ and it took me a while to come. When I did it was pretty intense. Afterward I saw the cover which probably explained the long duration of the BJ. She said something. Ooh, you strong. I assume based on the time it took me to come. She cleaned me up and dressed me and I was on my way with a smile on my face. It wasn't my best experience but was good enough that I visit other AMPs when the opportunity strikes.


10-23-10, 16:32
I was visiting Denver about a year ago and had been watching some ads on the net for a few AMPs in hopes of getting to one while there. My first night in town (at a friends house) we drove right by one of the places I'd seen on the net and it was about 4 blocks from his house. I was in luck! After supper I excused myself and said I'd go for a walk and 'just happened" to end up at the parlor. I entered and rung the bell and was pleased to see a cute little Chinese girl answer the bell. She showed me to a room where I undressed and laid face down. She gave a great massage and on the flip immediately hinted at a happy ending. I said it would be great if she'd give me one and she grabbed the oil. I was surprised when she wanted me to do the work but I kept insisting she help and she finally consented. She was very nervous because we could hear through the wall to the next room where someone was getting another massage. She didn't want me to moan too loudly! She wasn't into mutual touching at all and remained fully clothed the whole time. So, she got the job done and cleaned me up and I was off to finish my walk! It wasn't the greatest experience but I liked it enough to fish a little with some of my "therapeutic" therapists and they've given me extra since then. I love them!.cam

11-29-10, 16:57
Never actually been to a brick and mortar establishment, but my first experience at an AAMP was about 5 years back after I got my job after getting back from a long work assignment in Vietnam.

Had to call 3x to get the location. After arriving and having no clue how AMPs or AAMPs worked I just paid the flat fee from the advert, walked in, took a quick shower and laid face down.

Was a 35-45 yr old Korean lady who called herself Candi and she gave a rough massage, the type where you're almost crying but then feel really loosened up afterwards.

Somewhere between me lying face down and flipping over she went from fully clothed to bare naked and. Well. While it wasn't as great as the freebies in Vietnam it was enough to wake up the little one.

Long BJ with eye-contact and then she just sorta jumped on and the rest is history. The fact that this location was literally two buildings over pretty much took away my fun-money budget and I had to go three years without upgrading my computer, TV, wardrobe or car.

However, being so stress-free from all those massages got me a promotion which increased my fun-budget all while being able to save 50% more in the bank to boot.

Life is good

Billsie Baby
12-14-10, 01:36
Nearly 40 years ago, I moved from the East coast to the West Coast. A colleague of mine invited to go with him to get a massage. Having never had one, I did not know what to expect, except my colleague said to have a good time. The Masseuse asked me to shower and then to lay face down on the massage table. I lay face down, covered myself with the towel. When she came into the room, she turned down the lights, took the towel off, and commenced to massage my back side. There was pleasant small talk, and then she asked me to flip. I noticed she was nude and quite shapely and pretty. She was oriental and looked about thirty. As she worked her way down, I got a monumental erection. She said I could touch her. As she started to stroke me, she said to f*k her with my fingers. What a turn on and what an explosion. This was my first experience, I remember like yesterday, and have been getting massages all along even though I'm now 75.

03-22-11, 19:45
About three years, I went to local AMP. I was very nervous, as it would be plenty bad to get caught. I got a lot of good info from this site before and since then. Nothing can quite prepare you for the real thing, except for alcohol. Someone said that it takes the nerves of a burglar to do this (that and my attraction to asian women). I definitely agree. Well, anyway, I think I had one too many beers. Since it was my first time there and I made it obvious by coming in the wrong door, I was only offered a HJ. Boss lady runs a very tight ship. The alcohol affected the little man's ability to complete the fun session. But, I have made numerous return trips with the level of service I was hoping for. I have gotten to know them well and offered very good service by boss lady herself. Always respect the ladies and they will return the goodwill in spades.

04-20-11, 03:50
My first AMP was only a few months ago in Michigan City indiana. I had hit the casino, made some money, and drank alot. I'd always wanted to go to an AMP, but never had the guts. Well, let me tell you, alcohol gives you big cahones. So I found address of an AMP, and someow found it. Place looked creepy, so I parked behind and walked to the front. I walk in to a small waiting room and buzz the door. This 90 year old Chinese ask me if I had been there. For some reason I say I'm from the casino. Well, that must have been good enough, because she took my forty bucks and led me into a room and told me to get undressed.

So. Nervously get naked, and sit on the table. I take a small towel and cover myself. I have no clue what is about to happen. An older asian with a nice rack walks in. And bam, she walks over, reaches under the towel, grabs my penis, and asks "you want sex? 200 bucks." she then appears to hold my cock hostage until I answer. 200 after I already paid 40 seemed high. I said no, and thought she would negotitate but she just walked out.

Then the hot one walked in. Nice butt, small rack, very cute face. She tells me to turn over and massages me. On the flip she asked what I want. I said sex, but I can't pay 200. She asked what I had. I had 200 but told her 160. She asked me to show her the money. I handed over the 160 (I'm sure she saw I had more in my wallet). She left the room. When she came back she just starting getting undressed. The rest of the story I will leave to imagination, but I will say that nothing was unlicked!

05-02-11, 15:57
Went to an AMP in my country. Well it was an interesting experience as I got an extra 20 mins added to my hour. Not sure if this is normal. I had left my towel on when she came. She was young, really cute and a turn on.

May have thought I just wanted a therapeutic though as there was no HE.

Next time I went again, had left my towel off as I had read more posts here and knew a bit more now. Got touched by her hands really good, my behind got massaged well too and I'm not sure if there was some playing there. I was so much in an ecstasy. Tried to indicate perhaps she would touch my penis (she can't speak english) but no go. Doesn't seem like she does that.

I want to try another AMP next time.

11-25-11, 13:38
My first time was not quite as successful as a few of you (more a comedy of errors than anything) , although it was still quite enjoyable, and I've since been back to see the same provider.

I'm pretty new to all this. I had been toying with the idea of seeing someone for a few months, but I'd heard most of the local ladies were not particularly reputable (mostly cash and dash) ; at the time, I hadn't really heard of AMPs, beyond hearing the occasional HE joke. Looking for other options I started looking through some BP / Craigslist ads; I saw some of the AMP ones and started reading up, researching AMPs in general and trying to find out more about the localish ones.

Took a little while to work up the nerve to finally do it, especially when I got spooked after hearing about a big citywide sting in of the providers in Indy (where most of the AMPs are located in driving distance from here) and LE promising to go after them extra hard for the next few months to try to clean up Indy prior to the Super Bowl. Finally worked my nerve back up to try one outside the sting area, got thoroughly cleaned up and showered at home and drove over to one I'd heard good things about. I drove past first, didn't see any problems, so I looped back around, got out of the car, and did my quick walk of shame through the front door.

At this point, my heart was beating a mile a minute. I was psyched that I had finally worked up the nerve to go through with it, but still really nervous and not knowing what to expect. I knock on the inner door, and I'm greeted by a nice looking woman that I'd guess is in her late 30s wearing a miniskirt and a tank top. She beckons me through the door and immediately into a side room, and asks me how long. I say 60 minutes, hand her the cash (flashing the rest that I'd brought before tucking it back into my pants pocket, one of the things I've read that is a good sign to the provider that you're not LE) , and she leaves. Comes back a couple of minutes later, but I was still just standing there unsure; she giggled a little and told me to get undressed. I do so, then make my next mistake. She had put a couple of towels around the face hole in the table to pad it, but I didn't see the hole as a result, so I ended up laying down on the table facing the wrong way, without a towel (as another thing to try to indicate I'm not LE).

So she comes in, and this time gets a full on laugh when she tells me to turn around. My heart is beating even faster from embarrassment at this point, but I do so, apologizing and explaining that I'm new to this. Still no towel, and she doesn't put any effort into retrieving the towel before she asks if I want hard or soft massage; I ask for hard, and she starts right away. DAMN did she know what she was doing with that massage. I'd been all wound up from stress from work, but she did a fantastic job of working it out, I was feeling more relaxed for days after this. Still feeling the need to convince her I'm safe, I massage her legs every time she walks near the head of the table, and she doesn't object as I work my way higher and higher up her legs as the massage goes on.

About 30 minutes in, she asks me to flip, and I do so. She still seems a bit apprehensive after all my little newbie screwups earlier, so she continues the massage, working on my arms and legs, and then giving me a head massage. I continue to work my way higher on her legs, finally massaging her ass through the skirt. I think this finally convinces her to move on, as with about 10 minutes left she leans down and whispers,"No trouble?". I don't understand through her accent at first, but after she repeats herself, I nod and reply "Promise no trouble", at which point she smiles and breaks out the oil. Then, disaster, I can't get it up. She tries for about 5 minutes, before she gives up and says her arm is tired; however, I had still quite enjoyed myself, as it still felt good even without the release, and though she hadn't stripped she had been more than willing to let my hands wander wherever they wanted under her skirt and tank top. It's time to go at this point, so I get dressed, tip her anyway (she hadn't actually asked for tip before starting, and seemed quite happy to receive it) , and she escorts me back out the door.

At the time I thought it was just nerves, but I later realized the actual problem. I had started taking Zoloft just a few days before. SSRIs are nasty business. Took about a week after I stopped taking it before I could get an erection at all again. I gave it a few days to clear out of my system, and then made a return trip to the same provider (it was worth it just for the massage, it was that good) , with a much happier conclusion!

01-11-12, 12:29
Their main trick, which almost all use, is that while you are on your stomach they will lightly massage your balls and rectum. They do this for about 5 minutes which is guaranteed to drive you crazy. Very few if any white women massage therapists know about this technique. Which is a shame.A white provider in my local area does Know this wonderful trick. Makes for an even better start to that Happy Ending.

01-11-12, 12:57
For me it goes all the way back to fall of 1991 in Atlanta. My marriage was on the rocks and I started getting fixated on the gazillion AMP ads you could see in the sports section of the Atlanta Journal / Constitution at the time. Finally tried one close to where I lived in Roswell (just north of ATL) , on Roswell Road. South of Holcomb Bridge. Something "Health" and I'm sure it's gone now. I was clueless and all I got was a regular massage. I was too chicken to ask for more and none was hinted at or offered. I did learn later that more was available, so guess it was not a good safe vibe with me and the girl.

A few months later, tried another one in Grand Ledge, Michigan. This one is long gone, too. This time, I got touching, HE, etc, just not FS. Sorry I can't provide any more fun newbie details, but I can't really remember any more! Later in 1992, I started going to scores of AMPs in Atlanta, during part of the long boom era of great AMPs in Atlanta. They were everywhere. This was before the internet was very big, so it was always trial and error; never had any reviews to go by until mid-late 90s.

Anyway, that's how my love affair with AMPs started. Wish I could remember more of the details from the "experience," but it was so long ago!

02-08-12, 18:02
My first time was just last month. Like alot of you, I had always wanted to try, but never had the nerve. I don't know why, but last month I really got the bug, and decided to do some research. I read everything I could about how to approach things, what to say, what not to do, etc. We don; t have any local AMPs, unfortunately, but while my car was in the shop one day I had a rental and took a drive about two hours from home in Baltimore. I had a list of five places which were known to offer FS treatment. I actually had them ranked 1 to 5. LOL. What a nerd.

Took a shot at my Numero Uno. Parked out front, busy street, what did I care, I was two hours from home in a rental. The entrance to the AMP was on the side, I had read if you knocked on the front door they wouldn't let you in. Was brought in thru the kitchen, some vile smelling stuff going there, greeted by Mama, looks at me "you been here before?" Having read up on these matters, I knew to say "Of course, last time I was in town, and I saw Candi," a name I had gotten off a review site. She says "ah, very good, how long" I tell her and hour and she takes me back to a dark room. This room smells very nice, and there is a young Chinese girl there, probably a 7, just a little bit plump for an asian, but as I like my girls with a little meat on their bones this isn't a bad thing. She is wearing a tight black sheath dress. I tell you, I still looking back cannot believe how much nerve I had. She takes my money for the house fee and leaves, handing me a towel. Well, another tip I got was don; t be afraid to get undressed, show the equipment, and if possible have him salute as quickly as possible, helps to show you are not LE. She comes back and her eyes go immediately to my tool, she hugs me and grinds a little against it. At this point, I know the games are on.

She tells me her name is Sophie, and that she is new that week. She was very young, definitely early 20's, but she gave an amazing massage (I was surprised no TS offered, this place was supposed to be known for it.) As she worked around the table I would reach up and touch her legs and ass, rubbing her smooth skin, and each time she would giggle a little, and keep going. After about 10 minutes of this she is standing over my head, rubbing neck and shoulders. I look up and her dress is pulled up under her breasts, showing a nice little red g-string. I decide, WTH, and start rubbing her over it, and when she doesn't object I slide my fingers under. After about a minute of rubbing she shudders, stops rubbing my shoulders, gets VERY wet, and almost collapses on top of me. Either this girl was a REALLY good actress, or I made her feel really good. Go me. .

At this point, I decide all pretense is out the window, I look up at her and say "I want you." She motions for me to flip and asks me "what you want." She moves between my legs and starts teasing my cock with her mouth, I tell her everything. She says no, and goes back to teasing. She looks up again "how much you tip?" I tell her $80. She teases some more. Looks up again "for what you want $100." BINGO! Thats what I had budgeted.

The rest was awesome. She asked me for a condom, luckily I had one, CBJ, and the BEST RCG I ever had. I came WAY too quick, but she was doing a good job grinding.

I did my research, I know that helped, and I was very confident. But I know for a FACT that I simply got lucky first time out. Tried a different (closer) place on my list (#2) about a week later and while it was enjoyable, nothing like my time with Sweet Sophie. Might never be that good again.

04-02-12, 03:06
My first experience was about one month and some change ago. My experience was pretty decent. On my first time I made a newcomer mistake by listening to the provider. She told me to keep my underwear on. I should of taken them off to show her I was safe. After massage I asked her if she did anything else she said next time go for full hour. So a few weeks later I came back went to the same provider by asking for her. I'This time she came in when I was undressing so I knew my experience would be better this time around. She also remembered me but I guess I'm not their usual customer. Pretty much I got the standard HJ and she kept going even when she got tired. Took me a while to cum but was worth it. I either came or nearly came on her face she was shocked how much came out. She was older but not too old maybe 35-40 can never tell with Asians.

06-13-12, 14:39
My first time was just last month. Like alot of you, I had always wanted to try, but never had the nerve. I don't know why, but last month I really got the bug, and decided to do some research. Look at this website has a lot of reviews and categories for AMP http://adultsearch.com/nevada/las-vegas/erotic-massage/ I read everything I could about how to approach things, what to say, what not to do, etc. We don; t have any local AMPs, unfortunately, but while my car was in the shop one day I had a rental and took a drive about two hours from home in Baltimore. I had a list of five places which were known to offer FS treatment. I actually had them ranked 1 to 5. LOL. What a nerd.

Took a shot at my Numero Uno. Parked out front, busy street, what did I care, I was two hours from home in a rental. The entrance to the AMP was on the side, I had read if you knocked on the front door they wouldn't let you in. Was brought in thru the kitchen, some vile smelling stuff going there, greeted by Mama, looks at me "you been here before?" Having read up on these matters, I knew to say "Of course, last time I was in town, and I saw Candi," a name I had gotten off a review site. She says "ah, very good, how long" I tell her and hour and she takes me back to a dark room. This room smells very nice, and there is a young Chinese girl there, probably a 7, just a little bit plump for an asian, but as I like my girls with a little meat on their bones this isn't a bad thing. She is wearing a tight black sheath dress. I tell you, I still looking back cannot believe how much nerve I had. She takes my money for the house fee and leaves, handing me a towel. Well, another tip I got was don; t be afraid to get undressed, show the equipment, and if possible have him salute as quickly as possible, helps to show you are not LE. She comes back and her eyes go immediately to my tool, she hugs me and grinds a little against it. At this point, I know the games are on.

She tells me her name is Sophie, and that she is new that week. She was very young, definitely early 20's, but she gave an amazing massage (I was surprised no TS offered, this place was supposed to be known for it.) As she worked around the table I would reach up and touch her legs and ass, rubbing her smooth skin, and each time she would giggle a little, and keep going. After about 10 minutes of this she is standing over my head, rubbing neck and shoulders. I look up and her dress is pulled up under her breasts, showing a nice little red g-string. I decide, WTH, and start rubbing her over it, and when she doesn't object I slide my fingers under. After about a minute of rubbing she shudders, stops rubbing my shoulders, gets VERY wet, and almost collapses on top of me. Either this girl was a REALLY good actress, or I made her feel really good. Go me. .

At this point, I decide all pretense is out the window, I look up at her and say "I want you." She motions for me to flip and asks me "what you want." She moves between my legs and starts teasing my cock with her mouth, I tell her everything. She says no, and goes back to teasing. She looks up again "how much you tip?" I tell her $80. She teases some more. Looks up again "for what you want $100." BINGO! Thats what I had budgeted.

The rest was awesome. She asked me for a condom, luckily I had one, CBJ, and the BEST RCG I ever had. I came WAY too quick, but she was doing a good job grinding.

I did my research, I know that helped, and I was very confident. But I know for a FACT that I simply got lucky first time out. Tried a different (closer) place on my list (#2) about a week later and while it was enjoyable, nothing like my time with Sweet Sophie. Might never be that good again

09-12-12, 22:51
Your going to have a job beating that first time, sounds like you hit the jackpot there, should make her a keeper, you may have to travel along way to get better.


My first time was just last month. Like alot of you, I had always wanted to try, but never had the nerve. I don't know why, but last month I really got the bug, and decided to do some research. Look at this website has a lot of reviews and categories for AMP.


I read everything I could about how to approach things, what to say, what not to do, etc. We don; t have any local AMPs, unfortunately, but while my car was in the shop one day I had a rental and took a drive about two hours from home in Baltimore. I had a list of five places which were known to offer FS treatment. I actually had them ranked 1 to 5. LOL. What a nerd.

Took a shot at my Numero Uno. Parked out front, busy street, what did I care, I was two hours from home in a rental. The entrance to the AMP was on the side, I had read if you knocked on the front door they wouldn't let you in. Was brought in thru the kitchen, some vile smelling stuff going there, greeted by Mama, looks at me "you been here before?" Having read up on these matters, I knew to say "Of course, last time I was in town, and I saw Candi," a name I had gotten off a review site. She says "ah, very good, how long" I tell her and hour and she takes me back to a dark room. This room smells very nice, and there is a young Chinese girl there, probably a 7, just a little bit plump for an asian, but as I like my girls with a little meat on their bones this isn't a bad thing. She is wearing a tight black sheath dress. I tell you, I still looking back cannot believe how much nerve I had. She takes my money for the house fee and leaves, handing me a towel. Well, another tip I got was don; t be afraid to get undressed, show the equipment, and if possible have him salute as quickly as possible, helps to show you are not LE. She comes back and her eyes go immediately to my tool, she hugs me and grinds a little against it. At this point, I know the games are on.

She tells me her name is Sophie, and that she is new that week. She was very young, definitely early 20's, but she gave an amazing massage (I was surprised no TS offered, this place was supposed to be known for it.) As she worked around the table I would reach up and touch her legs and ass, rubbing her smooth skin, and each time she would giggle a little, and keep going. After about 10 minutes of this she is standing over my head, rubbing neck and shoulders. I look up and her dress is pulled up under her breasts, showing a nice little red g-string. I decide, WTH, and start rubbing her over it, and when she doesn't object I slide my fingers under. After about a minute of rubbing she shudders, stops rubbing my shoulders, gets VERY wet, and almost collapses on top of me. Either this girl was a REALLY good actress, or I made her feel really good. Go me. .

At this point, I decide all pretense is out the window, I look up at her and say "I want you." She motions for me to flip and asks me "what you want." She moves between my legs and starts teasing my cock with her mouth, I tell her everything. She says no, and goes back to teasing. She looks up again "how much you tip?" I tell her $80. She teases some more. Looks up again "for what you want $100." BINGO! Thats what I had budgeted.

The rest was awesome. She asked me for a condom, luckily I had one, CBJ, and the BEST RCG I ever had. I came WAY too quick, but she was doing a good job grinding.

I did my research, I know that helped, and I was very confident. But I know for a FACT that I simply got lucky first time out. Tried a different (closer) place on my list (#2) about a week later and while it was enjoyable, nothing like my time with Sweet Sophie. Might never be that good again

11-28-12, 13:09
I was always curious about the massage parlor HE. Never knew where to go, or how to approach to get one but thanks to USA forums! I gained some knowledge haha.

Learned about the pay structure and what to say and what to look for. Back in June called in to make an appointment very late for a 8 pm (last customer) I suppose I didn't want anyone to see me LOL. Took a deep breath and strolled up the business building. Saw the door with a lock and buzzer with a camera staring right at me. Door opened up and this 37-42 yr old not too bad looking at all. About 5'4 B cup nice small but round butt. She asked "you make ah appointment?" I said yes and she asked the famous "you bin heah before?" question again saying yes. Paid the house fee and she brought me into the room. She left for a moment I was a nervous wreck didn't know what to expect. I but the towel on my bottom part and layed down. She came in I smiled and she put both hands on my face and said "you soft or hard?" Went for the hard selection. She then proceeded to take off my towel that and threw it in the bin. Her enthusiasm and affection made me feel like everything was going to be okay.

I relaxed she gave a very relaxing and euphoric massage that I need so bad. Toward the end she began the infamous "soft-touch" which drove me crazy I loved it. Never felt it before. Then she put a pillow below my head and said "okay U-turn over now" and there I was in my birthday suit all open and having her look at me naked just turned me on. She proceeded with the soft-touch on the front. Smiled and was getting it into her self giving "oohs and ahs" as she was rubbing me. She pointed at junior and said you want? I smiled and said YES. She got some oil and went to town. I have to admit she was a pro bc she went at it for about 15-18 mins I took a damn long time. After I bust I was in another place. Its like she took my soul with those hands. She cleaned me up hot towel and all and gave me water / hug and kiss on cheek and said you come back okay. I was addicted after that.

12-18-12, 19:10
My MP journey started when I was still in college. I had been reading about these adventures on various forums for quite a while, but never had the guts to do it myself. Something about the massage parlor sex had been a fantasy of mine for a while (I honestly think it started when I was younger and saw an episode of the bad, short lived HBO series "Mind of a Married Man" where a guy goes to a massage parlor) so I had built it up quite a bit in my head.

One evening before a holiday weekend I told my roommates that I had to go run some errands (definitely wasn't going to tell them where I was going). I had driven past the once place several times, and had read about it online countless times. It was a strip mall location with a discrete exterior. I pulled up about an hour til closing time, and my heart starting beating like crazy. I can't remember a time when I was so nervous. Built up my courage and entered the lobby.

There, I rang the bell at the front and out comes an attractive asian woman, probably in her mid 40s, wearing a black dress and heels. She didn't seem suspicious of me at all, just very business like. I said I wanted 30 mins and gave her the money, my hand shanking while I handed her the cash. She lead me back to a room and told me to get undressed and she will be back. I quickly took my clothes off, still nervous as hell. I hear her lead another customer out of another room, thanking him for coming in. She then came back in my room and told me to follow her to another room. As I walked out naked, she slapped my ass. I couldn't believe it was happening.

In the new room, which was at the front and she clearly wanted to look through the curtains and front windows for any suspicious activity, I lay down and she does a very quick rub. Then asks if I want a shower. I went for it. I walk naked (not even a towel, it was crazy to me at the time) down the hall to the shower room and quickly learned that these Asian women take their table showers very serious and are thorough with their scrubbing (my asshole has never been cleaner). Leads me back to the room.

I could hardly relax during the massage, as I was still so nervous. She even commented on my heart rate and I just had to laugh. She smiled too. A good massage though, and then the flip. She looks at me and says "Anything else?" with a little smirk. I still couldn't believe that I was actually doing this, but I-trying to remember the internet lingo-said "Manual." She looked a little confused so she made the HJ motion with her hand and I nodded. She slipped the top part of her dress down and exposed her tits, began lubing me up, and stroking away. She even threw in some dirty talk, telling me how big my dick is, I absolutely loved it. Loved it too much that I came probably in less than a minute. Just a result of extreme nerves. She dirty talked the cum out of my dick, telling me she wanted to milk it all out, and she cleaned me up and kissed me on the cheek.

And I'll never forget, as I was walking out of the room, she ripped an incredibly loud fart. I know, it's bizarre, but it was hilarious. She said it was my fault, whatever that means. But that was my first time. I took off and have been frequenting MPs ever since, although I still haven't been back to this initial one. Maybe the next time I'm in town I'll have to hit it up, so just for some nostalgia.

11-18-15, 15:27
It was in Thailand just outside a family oriented hotel / resort. There were massage parlors all over the area. There was nothing all that special looking on the outside. A group of us went in and we all got normal massages in the open room with just thin curtains separating us. I was told to take off my shirt, so I did. After a half hour of a great massage she told me to take off my shorts, so I did, but I left on my underwear. I was completely clueless on what was being offered. She told me to flip, so I did. Towards the end of the hour she purposely grazed along her hand along my penis over the top of my underwear. I was shocked and just laid there, unable to react. At the end of the massage we all paid the 500 bht and left.

I immediately hit the Internet when I got back to my hotel. I did all kinds of searches about happy endings. This was the first time I found this site. I went on some tours the next day, but all I could think about was going back. That evening I made the trip by myself to the same parlor. I asked for the same girl I had before. Somehow through a broken English conversation, I was able to get the same provider. I was lead to a back room (that I did not even notice before). When I got back there, I asked for a shoulder, back and "down there" massage as I pointed at my crotch. She smiled and said "you get oil massage". I said okay. She told me to take off all my clothes and lay down. She closed off some curtains and put on a relaxing CD. I laid down on my stomach, making sure to point down for some extra possible contact. She left for a good 5 minutes (maybe more). When she came back she was wearing a tight white shirt and jean shorts that were so short they matched the creases on her nearly perfect butt. For the first time I got to see her face. She was definitely Thai. I was amazed on how beautiful she was. And she moved with such grace. I was in Heaven before the first touch.

She generously coated my back with warm oil and began. It was not as good of massage as the day before, but definitely more erotic. She worked her way slowly down my back, then just a brush to get me going. Then slowly up one leg, followed by just a brush. Then slowly up the other leg. This time instead of a brush I got a tender touch all down my fully hard member. Then came the butt rub. It was firm, and good.

After about 20 minutes she told me to flip over. My heart was pounding so hard, I swore she could hear it. When I turned over she let out a happy gasp. "So big" she said. She slowly gave me a few strokes with her oil covered hands. She whispered in my ear "2000, I make you happy. " I knew that was a total rip off. The going rate is 500 bht for a HJ up to 1500 for FS. But this was my first time, I had more than enough money with me and did not want to spoil the mood, so I said yes while nodding vigorously.

She applied more oil generously and began give me a one handed massage with the other hand gently caressing my member with the other. I propped up my head to watch the whole thing. It was one of the most stimulating things I have ever seen. When she switched sides, she always kept contact on my member. Then she leaned over and started sucking my nipples. While she did this she intensified the stroking and played with my other nipple with her free hand. Then she she started licking my ear, inside and out.

During this process she read me like a book. She would bring me close to a finish, then focus on a different area of my now overly erect member. Around the 40 minute point she started focusing more on just my cock. She quickened the pace. I tried to hold back a moan but it was too powerful. She leaned over and opened her mouth like she was about to take me in. I reached it and grabbed her outer thigh. Her perfect strokes intensified. I stared to cum. I spurted like a fountain. In my entire life I never experience that hard of an orgasm. Some got in her hair, but mostly it covered my legs and stomach.

She cleaned me up with tissues and had me sit up. Now she proceeded to start up the massage again. She wrapped herself around my back and began stroking me again. Within 3 minutes of finishing, I was fully erect again. She whispered into my ear how healthy and big I was. She began licking my neck and ears. This continued for about 15 minutes. I did not finish again, but it still felt great. She wiped the oil off with some towels. She left, I got dressed and when she came back I paid. I hugged her and she hugged me back and licked my neck. I asked for her name. "Tock", she replied. She told me to come see her again. But the next morning I flew out, so I never did.

Frisky Frank
02-08-17, 00:20
My first experience was last week. Went to a user recommended business and left happy. This site really takes the guess work out of it. Couldn't be happier unless I was back on the massage table.

09-20-17, 00:15
My first experience was last week. Went to a user recommended business and left happy. This site really takes the guess work out of it. Couldn't be happier unless I was back on the massage table.Well as you I had mine the last week! I'm traveling in Latin America and I went to an exclusive massage studiohere in Peru. She is half peruan and half italian. I just love that girl.

01-28-18, 01:22
Rolled up in the early afternoon on a Tuesday. Opened the front door and walked right in. No one was at the front desk. Mamasan came running "What you want?" I mumbled "Can I get a massage today?" "OK, follow me. You been before?" No was my answer. She led me to a room in back and told me she would get my masseuse and left. I'm an amateur endurance sport athlete and was wondering if this was in fact a legit establishment. I guess I'll find out I thought.

I heard Chinese being spoken and then the door opened and a 40 - 50 something lady comes in. She's still cute, rating at least a 7 from me but with very small breasts. She asks how long and I had no idea what time frame I really wanted. We settled for maybe an hour or "We'll see. " She then tells me to undress and lie down face first while complimenting me on my body. She leaves the room and I disrobe, sort out the sheet and towel laying on the table, and put the sheet on over my butt and lay down.

I hear a knock and tell her to come in. Without a word she places her warm hands on my back and softly moves my whole back side to side. I have had many LMT Massages before and this is how they start so I expect she knew what to do. She does the motion part increasing pressure as she works lower down my back to the top of my butt. Then she asks me soft or hard. I say hard as that's what I like. She then goes to work with the deep rub and kneading from the top of my glutes up to my shoulders. Once she has me warmed up she asks if I want oil. "Is oil OK?" Yes was my reply and she then starts the application. She covers my back and then works my legs up and down stopping 40 minutes or so into it. She leans into my ear and says "Time almost up. You want more?" We discuss house price and settle for the 90 minute session. No money has exchanged hands yet so I expected this to be a legit parlor.

This is when she really goes to work. She gets up on the table at my head and runs her hands all the way down past my glutes to the hammies and back up several times. Now I'm in heaven. I've only had one other work my glutes and that was actually a male LMT. She massages my shoulders and moves to my arms one at a time all the while still straddling my head fully clothed. Then she gets off the table and starts on my legs again. Now the the sheet never leaves my body but is moved up or down depending on where she is working. So the sheet is covering my back again leaving my lower half exposed. Then she leaves and returns with the hot stones using them to massage my pressure points followed by a hot washcloth clean up. When she is finished she pulls the sheet back over my butt and tells me to turn over. I have a hard time doing this on the table due to back issues and even at the LMT Massage I step off the table away from the therapist and lay back down. This allows her to see me fully nude but there is nothing that came from it. An LMT always looks away but she didn't. She drapes the sheet over me and proceeds to do my front starting with a facial.

After the facial she does my chest, abs, quads, calves and lastly my feet. She moved the sheet but never uncovers my genital area. When time is up she tells me to get dressed and come up front when I'm ready. Whew, that was the best massage I have had in a long long time. As I lay there for a while it dawned on me it was set up for cautionary purposes so neither I or the parlor would misunderstand. There was never a mention of any "extras" at all. So I finally, 10 minutes later, get up, dress, and go up front. She meets me at the front desk with water and hands me a business card circling the cell number on it telling me to "call this number and ask for Wendy next time". On the back of the card she shows me where frequent visits gets extra time after number 6. I pay cash for the experience and tip 25% as the massage was tip top.

I leave with a promise to return in 3 weeks as that is what my training schedule provides. So in 3 weeks time I call and ask if I can get in that afternoon. Wendy answers and sets me up. When I arrive I'm met not by Mamasan but by Wendy who takes me by the hand back to the room. She is a lot more friendly and inside we discuss massage time and cost and agree on 90 minutes. With that she leaves, I undress, then lie down on the table with the small towel barely covering me this time. The knock comes and Wendy comes in and says to me I will get happy today. I raise my head up to tell her something and am greeted by a nice kiss on my cheek. I compliment her on her warm personality and tell he she looks good today. With that the towel is gone from my butt and the rest of the massage touched every part of my body. She even worked on my member and balls sliding down the crack of my ass caressing my anus several times.

On the flip I got up again and laid back down giving her full exposure again. This time she leaves my head alone and starts with my chest and abs. Then the quads are worked. Once she is done there she shakes me a little and asks "You want happy feeling?" I tell her whatever she needs to do she can. I'm all hers. She leans down to my face and whispers that she will "make me feel good now, ok?" I responded "ok. " The next thing I know is she has oil and lots of it all over my member and massaging it better than I ever had before. I don't know what technique she used but it was exquisite. After a few minutes I tense up and release all my pent up stress having the hardest response I have had in many years.

After I calm down Wendy cleaned me up with a hot washcloth, went to work on my calves and feet and finished up. She must have been pretty happy too as she started to softly sing along with the music playing as she went. When the massage was over I sat up and we hugged and she left the room. I tried to get up and was still shaky from the massage and release and had to sit down to dress. I got composed and went up front where I paid for the massage. Wendy didn't ask or negotiate for the extra activity she just did it. I tipped her the appropriate amount for the extra service, got my card stamped, and went on my way.

I'll be back in 3 weeks according to my training schedule.

Cephlapod Love
01-28-18, 13:52
Rolled up in the early afternoon on a Tuesday. Opened the front door and walked right in. No one was at the front desk. Mamasan came running "What you want?" I mumbled "Can I get a massage today?" "OK, follow me. You been before?" No was my answer. She led me to a room in back and told me she would get my masseuse and left. I'm an amateur endurance sport athlete and was wondering if this was in fact a legit establishment. I guess I'll find out I thought.

I heard Chinese being spoken and then the door opened and a 40 - 50 something lady comes in. She's still cute, rating at least a 7 from me but with very small breasts. She asks how long and I had no idea what time frame I really wanted. We settled for maybe an hour or "We'll see. " She then tells me to undress and lie down face first while complimenting me on my body. She leaves the room and I disrobe, sort out the sheet and towel laying on the table, and put the sheet on over my butt and lay down.

I hear a knock and tell her to come in. Without a word she places her warm hands on my back and softly moves my whole back side to side. I have had many LMT Massages before and this is how they start so I expect she knew what to do. She does the motion part increasing pressure as she works lower down my back to the top of my butt. Then she asks me soft or hard. I say hard as that's what I like. She then goes to work with the deep rub and kneading from the top of my glutes up to my shoulders. Once she has me warmed up she asks if I want oil. "Is oil OK?" Yes was my reply and she then starts the application. She covers my back and then works my legs up and down stopping 40 minutes or so into it. She leans into my ear and says "Time almost up. You want more?" We discuss house price and settle for the 90 minute session. No money has exchanged hands yet so I expected this to be a legit parlor.

This is when she really goes to work. She gets up on the table at my head and runs her hands all the way down past my glutes to the hammies and back up several times. Now I'm in heaven. I've only had one other work my glutes and that was actually a male LMT. She massages my shoulders and moves to my arms one at a time all the while still straddling my head fully clothed. Then she gets off the table and starts on my legs again. Now the the sheet never leaves my body but is moved up or down depending on where she is working. So the sheet is covering my back again leaving my lower half exposed. Then she leaves and returns with the hot stones using them to massage my pressure points followed by a hot washcloth clean up. When she is finished she pulls the sheet back over my butt and tells me to turn over. I have a hard time doing this on the table due to back issues and even at the LMT Massage I step off the table away from the therapist and lay back down. This allows her to see me fully nude but there is nothing that came from it. An LMT always looks away but she didn't. She drapes the sheet over me and proceeds to do my front starting with a facial.

After the facial she does my chest, abs, quads, calves and lastly my feet. She moved the sheet but never uncovers my genital area. When time is up she tells me to get dressed and come up front when I'm ready. Whew, that was the best massage I have had in a long long time. As I lay there for a while it dawned on me it was set up for cautionary purposes so neither I or the parlor would misunderstand. There was never a mention of any "extras" at all. So I finally, 10 minutes later, get up, dress, and go up front. She meets me at the front desk with water and hands me a business card circling the cell number on it telling me to "call this number and ask for Wendy next time". On the back of the card she shows me where frequent visits gets extra time after number 6. I pay cash for the experience and tip 25% as the massage was tip top.

I leave with a promise to return in 3 weeks as that is what my training schedule provides. So in 3 weeks time I call and ask if I can get in that afternoon. Wendy answers and sets me up. When I arrive I'm met not by Mamasan but by Wendy who takes me by the hand back to the room. She is a lot more friendly and inside we discuss massage time and cost and agree on 90 minutes. With that she leaves, I undress, then lie down on the table with the small towel barely covering me this time. The knock comes and Wendy comes in and says to me I will get happy today. I raise my head up to tell her something and am greeted by a nice kiss on my cheek. I compliment her on her warm personality and tell he she looks good today. With that the towel is gone from my butt and the rest of the massage touched every part of my body. She even worked on my member and balls sliding down the crack of my ass caressing my anus several times.

On the flip I got up again and laid back down giving her full exposure again. This time she leaves my head alone and starts with my chest and abs. Then the quads are worked. Once she is done there she shakes me a little and asks "You want happy feeling?" I tell her whatever she needs to do she can. I'm all hers. She leans down to my face and whispers that she will "make me feel good now, ok?" I responded "ok. " The next thing I know is she has oil and lots of it all over my member and massaging it better than I ever had before. I don't know what technique she used but it was exquisite. After a few minutes I tense up and release all my pent up stress having the hardest response I have had in many years.

After I calm down Wendy cleaned me up with a hot washcloth, went to work on my calves and feet and finished up. She must have been pretty happy too as she started to softly sing along with the music playing as she went. When the massage was over I sat up and we hugged and she left the room. I tried to get up and was still shaky from the massage and release and had to sit down to dress. I got composed and went up front where I paid for the massage. Wendy didn't ask or negotiate for the extra activity she just did it. I tipped her the appropriate amount for the extra service, got my card stamped, and went on my way.

I'll be back in 3 weeks according to my training schedule.Good job! Got your feet wet and started off on the journey! Have fun!

Ray Alan
01-29-18, 19:21
Rolled up in the early afternoon on a Tuesday. Opened the front door and walked right in. No one was at the front desk. Mamasan came running "What you want?" I mumbled "Can I get a massage today?" "OK, follow me. You been before?" No was my answer. She led me to a room in back and told me she would get my masseuse and left. I'm an amateur endurance sport athlete and was wondering if this was in fact a legit establishment. I guess I'll find out I thought.
Nice first report! Welcome to the board and the hobby world. Careful, this lifestyle is addicting in a good way! .

01-29-18, 21:09
Nice first report! Welcome to the board and the hobby world. Careful, this lifestyle is addicting in a good way! .I'd like to start over if what you are saying is true! Careful Little Bro. This is addicting and not in a good way! (money, time, porn, danger, lost of life, wife, family, jail, health, job, social life, ups, down,) should I go on? I can! I don't know if I'd welcome any one to this Life style! Drk.

01-30-18, 14:18
I don't know what technique she used but it was exquisite. After a few minutes I tense up and release all my pent up stress having the hardest response I have had in many years..Welcome to the board. It is an addicting hobby, but the experience you describe is like no other. Had a recent experience where I shot like the good ol' days. Haven't really shot like that in many years. Great job and it sounds like you RTFF before embarking on your journey. Be sure to share in your local region as well.


Ray Alan
01-31-18, 12:07
I'd like to start over if what you are saying is true! Careful Little Bro. This is addicting and not in a good way! (money, time, porn, danger, lost of life, wife, family, jail, health, job, social life, ups, down,) should I go on? I can! I don't know if I'd welcome any one to this Life style! Drk.Then quit if you are not happy / afraid / feeling guilty or whatever by doing this.

03-26-20, 22:38
My first AMP experience was in 1982. I was a naive, curious and very horny college student. Walked in a very old Asian lady sit me down at a desk and asked what I wanted. Honestly, too much time has passed to remember the exact conversation. I remember handing her $40 for a topless massage. As she was leading me to a room we walked by the sauna. Suddenly the door popped open and out comes a nude Asian girl laughing and leading a client back to the room. My thoughts was this is great, I came to the right place!! So, I get to my room and mamason says, "take off clothes face down ". Minutes later in walks my provider, nice rack, but lacking in looks. She takes her top off, very nice rack and gives me a back massage. On the flip, she begins the up sale. Totally nude or FS. Well college boy only had the house fee. So, nice HJ with full roaming, cleanup and out the door. Not much has changed with AMP's over the years other than the monetary investment.

04-17-20, 10:05
About five years ago, I did some research on this site (Thank you!) and checked out providers in a city that I had a business trip to. I selected one that looked promising and checked it out. I parked the car and walked up to the door and entered the foyer. The inside door was locked and there was a security camera and a doorbell. I almost lost my nerve and left but I pressed the button and waited. Just about the time I turned to leave, an older Asian woman opened the door and asked me if I wanted a massage. She wasn't bad looking (maybe a 7) and I assumed that she was the Mamasan. I told her yes, for an hour. She took me to a room and told me to take off my clothes, then left. I stripped and laid face down on the table, and although I was embarrassed, without a towel. She came back after about 5 minutes and asked me if I wanted a table shower. Based on the advice of this forum, I said sure. She handed me a robe and led me to the shower room where she had me lay face down on the table while she put on boots. She proceeded to rinse me off, soap up my back, butt, and legs, then rinse me off. I was embarrassed again when she asked me to turn over and proceeded to repeat the procedure on my chest, groin, and legs. The whole table shower only took 5 minutes and was well worth it. I decided that she had seen a lot of guys naked so I shouldn't be embarrassed. She dried me off and then led me back to the room. I laid face down on the table and she covered me with a towel and started rubbing my shoulders and back. After a few minutes, she removed the towel and spread some oil on my back and started a deep massage. It really felt good and the muscles in my back started to relax. She climbed up on the table, straddling my head, and massaged my lower back and butt. It was very erotic and I was really liking the experience! She got off the table and massaged my arms, hands, and then started on my legs. Oiling up each foot and leg and then rubbing them. The whole time I was laying there totally exposed. She ran her hands up the inside of my legs and down the crack of my butt, touching my anus and grazing my balls. Definitely teasing me and getting me worked up. She told me that she was getting a hot towel and would be right back. She wiped me off with the hot towel and then dried me with the other towel.

She asked me to turn over, and again I was embarrassed, but excited too. Fortunately, I was still limp and she covered me with the towel and started massaging my scalp, face, and chest. I thought "there goes my happy ending" when she covered me with the towel, but she was leaning over my head rubbing my stomach and her tits were right in my face, so I was hopeful that the massage would end with a handshake. Nothing was certain. She then started at my feet and worked up my legs while I was still covered. I had almost lost hope that anything was going to happen, when she asked me "Happy?" I said sure, not knowing if she was telling me that she was done or if she was offering a happy ending. She pulled the towel off of me and started teasing my balls and I immediately got hard. She oiled me up while I rubbed her butt and tits over her clothes. Pretty soon I exploded all over my stomach and she went to get a hot towel to clean me up. She cleaned me up and dried me off. The experience was definitely better than going to a strip club and getting a lap dance! I stopped going to strip clubs and have only gone to AMPs since. Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don't. I prefer the suspense and not knowing if I'll get lucky or not. I've struck out at highly rated AMPs and struck gold at some that are poorly rated. It is truly YMMV.

Ray Alan
04-17-20, 15:46
Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don't. I prefer the suspense and not knowing if I'll get lucky or not. I've struck out at highly rated AMPs and struck gold at some that are poorly rated. It is truly YMMV.Nice report. Thank you for sharing.

02-23-23, 14:25
First off I've been married for over 20 years and has never thought of cheating on my wife. About 10 years ago she was diagnosed with that broken pussy disease and sex became almost non-existent. 1 a year at most then in the last 5 years we tried 3 times with it just being too painful for her and not enjoyable for me. If she's not enjoying it a can't and therefore didn't cum.

So in November 2022 I broke down and thought I'd find one of these special message places I've heard rumors of. Went to a place of passed many times that just said massage on the outside of the house in a split industrial area. As soon as I went in I figured I found one. The little Asian lady about 30 ish that greeted me was just wearing a mini dress. I get regular pt massages for back injuries so I know that's not the normal look of a massage therapist. She ushers me to a room with a table that has just a single sheet and small bath towel on it. I get naked, because I prefer my massage that way, and lay face down. She gives a surprisingly good relaxation massage and while she does so I let my hand brush her legs a bit. She doesn't move away so as it progresses I get bolder and an soon rubbing her a much as she is me. She has me roll over and sees my very obvious hard on. She coos and comments on how nice it looks as she rubs my front and my dick. By now I'm shaking like a teenager alone with his girlfriend for the first time. She asks what I'd like and I'm like I don't know, whatever I can get I guess. She asks how much I have and I tell her. She's very nice about telling me it's not near enough. King story short on the Financials, we work out a nine and she takes it and comes back in immediately strong off her panties and hiking up her mini dress. Going to work on massaging my front especially my dick. She breaks out a condoms and puts it on a her mouth goes over it. Not a bad BJ, but he and I both know that's not what I really want do we switch and go at it. I last as long as I can trying to make it just as enjoyable for her because as I mentioned before that gets me going. I haven't had a cum like that in years and really fill up the condom. I don't know if they are all lovey afterwards, but she sure was. I know she came at least once and before I left told me a few times she Really liked me.

So that was my first time. I saw her again about a month later and it was just as amazing.

Since then I've been trying to find others in my area because this is exciting and fun and I want to see as many places and girls as I can.

08-28-24, 01:28
Been a few months but might as well.

Found the forum and kept browsing my local board a lot trying to decipher the cryptic (and not so cryptic) clues. Until I came across a location that someone was like "they're so overt that they will probably be padlocked by September". I figured heck let me in on this freebie before it dies out since they gave it away and it didn't require me to do anything like a burner phone or verification or anything.

Showed up. No appointment or call. Just wanted to see what it was like. Although I did sorta patrol the location for a few minutes.

The door was closed but it was answered without much of a fuss.

$50 for a 30 minutes, $70 for an hour. I took the 30 minutes because I expected that I wouldn't actually like being massaged by a stranger so that was a good testing ground, then I could run away. If something more happened, I'd be open to it.

Lady at the door sent someone to take me to the room. Probably a bit older Asian but it was fine. I was curious about the massage quality.

In very short order, I was asked "bang bang?" and I realized the English might not be good. I tried to just go for HJ or BJ motion, but I guess I wasn't pushy enough. So when I was trying to navigate that she kind of went to check my bills herself and took all the $20's in there. I didn't keep an exact count on what I had in there because I thought it would be more clear cut, but I think it came out to about $190 for everything (included door fee). Which considering future visits, was actually the cheapest rate I ever got out of that place.

She has me undress and uses her phone to tell me she will wash her hands. Comes back in awhile, short massage. Flipped and was given a condom and went to FS. My mind was ultimately confused because I expected it to be much harder to get that far or longer. Left out with no problems other than it all being very short haha.

But the next day I got paranoid and went for testing.

I thought I wouldn't go back but I was trying to chase what I thought was the ideal experience and eventually branched out to some non FS but "actually get a rub" places. There may not be much more in me to keep experimenting with this soon but I mostly had fun overall.