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12-31-99, 20:00
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B Malibu
11-17-09, 22:20
Charlie Beck?

Curious what Walter's thoughts are on him since he's our LAPD insider?

I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions though.

Anybody think he'll be cracking down on prostitution?

The news is reporting that he's a "cop's cop." (whatever that means?)

11-19-09, 03:35
Charlie Beck?

Curious what Walter's thoughts are on him since he's our LAPD insider?

I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions though.

Anybody think he'll be cracking down on prostitution?

The news is reporting that he's a "cop's cop." (whatever that means?)Basically it means that he won't throw cops under the bus to appease the citizens like Bratton did. Chances are good he can't be any worse then old billy boy.

11-19-09, 17:29
He's going to put video cameras on every corner of every street.

He'll turn foot soldiers into video monitors. Keep them employes safe.

11-20-09, 03:42
LAPD by and large thinks they have the streetwalker problem under control. Their new target is going to be illegal drugs, in particular for the time being, they will be working with the DA on cracking down on the pot dispensaries.

Cres Prophet2
11-20-09, 12:37
He's going to put video cameras on every corner of every street.That won't happen. The city is so broke that they can't even repair cameras unless they are considered critical.

11-20-09, 12:59
I like the idea of going after drugs rather than sw. Maybe one of these days they could go after gangs even harder.

06-27-13, 23:09
Big Brother is watching.



06-28-13, 01:59
Big Brother is watching.


D2Watching all the innocent people during normal business hours? As if most crimes happen in broad daylight as opposed to during the dark hours. Geez.

Dildo Baggens
06-28-13, 11:20
This is why I very rarely park my vehicle at or near an establishment. Besides, walking is good for you.


Watching all the innocent people during normal business hours? As if most crimes happen in broad daylight as opposed to during the dark hours. Geez.

06-28-13, 11:46
Well, remember, this is only one of many many datapoints used to track you.

Go to the ATM for play money? You're on video. Drive to the AMP? They may observe that from a license scan. Leave DNA somewhere? Best hope no crime is committed because they collect it and catalog it. Oh, and now it's legal to grab your DNA if you're a suspect.

The only protection we have is that there aren't enough people surveilling you. Yet.

07-17-13, 14:09
And to erase all doubt that LEO knows where you are.


I thought this would help fellow mongers make informed decisions. I like the walking idea.


07-17-13, 18:07
And to erase all doubt that LEO knows where you are.


I thought this would help fellow mongers make informed decisions. I like the walking idea.

D2And how exactly does collecting all this help LE curb crime? Most criminals that are using vehicles to commit their crimes have an important first step, which is to steal a license plate if they are using their own vehicle (most probably just steal a vehicle) , so probably your license plate only comes up in connection with a "crime", if someone had stolen your license plate or your vehicle. They have no need to collect let alone keep the amount of information that they are keeping.

07-30-13, 11:24
This is going to sound really weird, but who can tell me about something crazy or fun or whatever that is "underground" or "behind closed doors" kind of thing. I honestly don't care what it is for now, I just want to try something crazy! So (as you can read in my past posts) I'm new to LA and thought this might be a good place to start looking to find something new. PM me if its better.

Thanks, and happy hunting

07-30-13, 19:07
This is going to sound really weird, but who can tell me about something crazy or fun or whatever that is "underground" or "behind closed doors" kind of thing. I honestly don't care what it is for now, I just want to try something crazy! So (as you can read in my past posts) I'm new to LA and thought this might be a good place to start looking to find something new. PM me if its better.

Thanks, and happy huntingThere's this event called Burning Man. Hard to get tickets to now as it happens in September. A hardcore camp-out on the playa for one week. It's on a dried up lake bed that appears in the Summertime. Free spirits running around and celebrating life, love, debauchery, and tom-foulery. Hard to get tickets to now.

If you can't find it. There are still LA burner parties. Lots of sexy girls. I don't shit where I sleep, as the saying goes, though you'll find lots of free love. And maybe some sex. Worth looking into. Might even change you're perspective on life.

07-31-13, 14:52
Our tax money in action!


I'm paying 40% of my income for this?

And to erase all doubt that LEO knows where you are.


I thought this would help fellow mongers make informed decisions. I like the walking idea.


08-26-13, 16:22
I was watching CNN and saw this:


And I thought I would share it with everyone here.

Dildo Baggens
08-27-13, 12:42
I really like the emoticon sign. Can you imagine seeing those on the highway to Vegas, at the public rests stops.

I was watching CNN and saw this:


And I thought I would share it with everyone here.

09-04-14, 00:32


09-04-14, 02:09

https://news.yahoo.com/video/suspected-prostitutes-taken-custody-upscale-111046335.htmlSomeone didn't line the pockets or didn't take care of some popo.

Dash Belli
08-11-15, 17:38

10-15-15, 18:04

So, here's the thing. The majority of the young girls with so-called "bookers" are trafficked ie kidnapped, coerced other otherwise forced into prostitution.

I'm all for full grown adults deciding on their own doing whatever they want as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's rights. Fucking kids is a dick move. So, if you're fucking kids.

That makes YOU an asshole. There are plenty enough grown women out there doing this that you don't need to fuck kids.

Personally, I avoid bookers now, because I know there's a good chance they're hooked into trafficking rings. Same thing with pimps for that matter.

So, be safe, and smart. And don't fuck kids!


Bus Nut
11-25-15, 23:08
News radio for Los Angeles. There is a proposal before the city council to issue "John Letters" to people whose vehicle "are noted driving in areas known for prostitution" that would basically say you vehicle has been noted.

I was up in L. A. For work today and did a little digging.

Undercover officers and "ancillary personnel" will be deployed to areas known to have prostitution issues. The proposal does ot identify the "ancillary personnel" directly, but.

I have a friend in the media, and she said it could be any city employee, a police explorer, a person attending the academy, even Senior Volunteers. Some would be in vehicles (not necessarily patrol cars) with plate readers some areas will use existing pole mounted cameras and red light cameras. If you go past a targeted area more than a specified number of times (the number hasn't been determined) you will automatically be sent a letter.

Transportation vehicle (buses limos and taxis) will not get the letter.

11-25-15, 23:13
Transportation vehicle (buses limos and taxis) will not get the letter.Two words:

Uber and Lyft.

11-26-15, 01:40
News radio for Los Angeles. There is a proposal before the city council to issue "John Letters" to people whose vehicle "are noted driving in areas known for prostitution" that would basically say you vehicle has been noted.

I was up in L. A. For work today and did a little digging.

Undercover officers and "ancillary personnel" will be deployed to areas known to have prostitution issues. The proposal does ot identify the "ancillary personnel" directly, but.

I have a friend in the media, and she said it could be any city employee, a police explorer, a person attending the academy, even Senior Volunteers. Some would be in vehicles (not necessarily patrol cars) with plate readers some areas will use existing pole mounted cameras and red light cameras. If you go past a targeted area more than a specified number of times (the number hasn't been determined) you will automatically be sent a letter.

Transportation vehicle (buses limos and taxis) will not get the letter.What if you live in that area? This seems to be rather ridiculous. On a different note, I got stopped coming home from the gym last week, and was given a paper ticket, that was a warning, not a fix-it ticket, for having a tail light out on my car. I took it to my mechanic the next day and verified that all of them were functioning properly. Could such a nuisance ticket that carries no fine nor obligation for repair be a means of tracking vehicles?

11-29-15, 02:26
Obviously the $124,000 a year wasnt enough. He wanted to get poon too! Probably from streetwalkers picked up on Fig.


Whats interesting is that in the attorney meeting room internal affairs found 5 jizz loads!


12-10-15, 13:00


Stick to one girl at a time.

Member #5005
12-11-15, 23:59


Stick to one girl at a time.Or it's just another good reason to avoid wearing a watch that costs as much as a house.

12-12-15, 11:55
Or it's just another good reason to avoid wearing a watch that costs as much as a house.Time paces at a different pace with that watch. On a 30 hour day.

12-12-15, 20:56


Stick to one girl at a time.Amusing article, but the funniest part was the reference to a "sprawling $2. 8 million home in Bel Air. " Yeah, you can get a condo for that.

01-07-16, 23:18
My friend sent me a text about a big korean girl roundup in Seattle.

Google or check out Seattle news stations about this.

Don't want to put link up cause some of the links have names.

01-08-16, 03:06
One other K site is gone too.


My friend sent me a text about a big korean girl roundup in Seattle.

Google or check out Seattle news stations about this.

Don't want to put link up cause some of the links have names.

01-28-16, 14:20
This explains why:



02-11-16, 20:56

Keep your head (s) down!

06-15-16, 01:19
Google. Be safe.

San Diego Men Accused of Operating Major Commercial Sex Enterprises.

08-23-16, 21:49

Be safe.

12-14-17, 23:01

02-01-18, 04:59

02-27-18, 18:04

03-23-18, 13:33
Saw this announcement today. Not sure if it's official. Will be interesting to see where the pros and amateurs (and 99% bots) go next.

Member #5794
03-23-18, 16:29
Dudes, if this shit passes, there is going to be so much jizz on fig they won't need lane markers.

We aren't going anywhere.


Just saying,


03-23-18, 20:00
Anyone that knows an MP or AMP owner has probably heard of jizzness hazard number 12. When the plumbing is clogged and the septic tank needs cleaned. What ever will they find? A floating condom island clogging up the pipes.

At least it confirms you're one of the not too many getting the BB.

03-24-18, 01:46
Dudes, if this shit passes, there is going to be so much jizz on fig they won't need lane markers.

We aren't going anywhere.


Just saying,

A2Hopefully the ads volume will pick up with CL being gone. The current selection is pretty minimal.

Yeah we know, you gotta get traction everywhere. Look at Ohio and you can see what it looks like when it's working.

We would be happier having a hundred good ones more than thousands of bullshit ones.

It's also easier to cut down on the imaginary trafficking that way.


03-30-18, 00:57
The government is trying to shut down all escort sites.


09-19-18, 14:10

11-21-18, 22:14

01-16-19, 21:30
Did you guys see this yet?

Adlist got shut down a la backpg.

01-16-19, 23:51
Did you guys see this yet?

Adlist got shut down a la backpg.I've noticed that Bedpage just got weird and ads seemed to have vanished. I assumed this sites were outside the US.

01-17-19, 03:47
Did you guys see this yet?

Adlist got shut down a la backpg.Still working for me. Although completely useless and filled with fake ads. "ALONE HORNY MOM WITH SMALL PUSSY 1 HR = $70".

Mr Sixty
02-27-19, 17:57
No, I'm not talking about the drop in stock price for America's Food Company. I'm talking about the arrest for soliciting prostitution of New England Patriots owner and Trump buddy, Robert Kraft.

Here is a link to the police report on the "investigation" into the AMP where Kraft was serviced: https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/74/98/64c708b942ac9a24ed0e40f57db0/hua-pc.pdf.

It's must-read material for anyone on this site. A few things kind of stood out to me, after I'd digested the report:

1. There are news reports that Kraft is NOT the highest-visibility person caught in this investigation. I'm not clear on why they others haven't been named yet. Politicians? The judge on the case?

2. Although the police claimed "human trafficking" as a factor in this investigation, they allowed it to continue for eight months after they were tipped off.

3. Being on this investigation sounds like the worst job ever. Picking through trash for semen-soaked paper towels, watching video after video of guys getting jacked. I think the lead investigator was getting off on the process. If he wasn't, he would have acted faster. The story behind how the cameras were planted (several are circulating), is fascinating. Neither the providers nor the clients knew they were compromised. Apparently, there are apps and devices you can use to detect cameras in any location. Worth considering.

4. A number of "johns" were stopped after committing minor traffic violations as they were leaving the AMP: Speeding and running a "traffic control device" (I assume red light or stop sign) being most common. If you are going to break the law, don't be like Al Capone and get busted for a minor thing. You've got to be squeaky clean in every other way!

5. A number of those who were stopped spilled the beans. I'm guessing they were told, "We have the goods on you, but we'll let you go if you squeal like a stuck rat. " Either that, or the cops were lying. Why else would someone pulled over for a minor traffic stop admit to committing a misdemeanor?

6. I think the longest anyone lasted after the provider began the happy part of the ending was 8 minutes. The shortest was less than 2. And these seemed to mostly be older guys, who usually take *longer* to finish. So all the guys on this site talking about needing an hour to finish: Well, lucky you.

7. Several scenes were described as, "The lights were turned out, and when they were turned back on, the client was lying on his back, covered by a sheet. " Which implies that even in a R&T, some guys can get FS.

8. One guy tipped $20. Others tipped over $200. Obviously, they don't read this site! Some guys paid with credit cards, which receipts were later collected for evidence.

9. Providers were as young as 46 and as old as 58. I bet you a dollar, they were described as "late 30's / early 40's" by their clients.

10. Another monger site is named as a trigger for the investigation. Probably a clue to us all that discretion is the better part of valor. While what we post here may be inadmissible as evidence in court, it is apparently enough to support probable cause for an investigation.

I could probably list another 10 items. As the expression goes, "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

What did you learn?

Joe Pike
02-27-19, 18:45
I'm thinking this is not a good time to engage in massage parlor activities unless it's strictly a legit session, here or anywhere. I know I'm laying low for a good while, and even if I were to seek out some milfy Asian punani I would check the room for hidden cameras. Wonder if it's put a dent in the MP business.

02-27-19, 22:09
What did I learn? The cop had a rubmaps account. He was probably a jilted former customer. Also a lot of guys like prostate massages. No need to lay low. This investigation lasted over a year right? The chance you might get caught is still slim. Though now everybody knows what goes on in these places lmao. Walk of shame time!

also, if the cops have you clear a building due to a bomb threat or any other reason, your massage parlor is under investigation! stop jerking customers immediately!

03-02-19, 16:55
Behind Illicit Massage Parlors Lie a Vast Crime Network and Modern Indentured Servitude.


03-04-19, 19:31
I'm thinking this is not a good time to engage in massage parlor activities unless it's strictly a legit session, here or anywhere. I know I'm laying low for a good while, and even if I were to seek out some milfy Asian punani I would check the room for hidden cameras. Wonder if it's put a dent in the MP business.This story is pretty scary. I even wonder whether it's enough to stay away from MP or if we should stay away from mongering more in general. What prohibits LE to launch an offensive on Korean girls agencies, for example?

03-04-19, 23:21
This story is pretty scary. I even wonder whether it's enough to stay away from MP or if we should stay away from mongering more in general. What prohibits LE to launch an offensive on Korean girls agencies, for example?They have already done it some states. And, yes it has been done in LA as well. But, seems they (le) haven't been really able to really put the final nail in the coffin.

03-11-19, 14:22

The more I read about this, the more scared I am. What are you guys doing to prevent getting caught?

03-11-19, 19:08

The more I read about this, the more scared I am. What are you guys doing to prevent getting caught?You can do all the prevention you want. But, you can't prepare for the unknown that is when le busts down the front door.

03-12-19, 11:14
[Deleted by Admin]

Greetings Everyone,

BioMedHobbiest posted that he/she will no longer be participating in the forum.

Pursuant to Forum Policy, I have deleted this resignation post and retired his/her membership.



03-12-19, 12:48
Anybody else read the sub reddit are / SexWorkers? Quite a bit of gems / info pops up there on a myriad of subjects. That thread is your friend. Just sharing.


03-12-19, 16:32

The more I read about this, the more scared I am. What are you guys doing to prevent getting caught?Nobody in Florida has been charged with trafficking, at the end of the day people are going to pay fines because prostitution and soliciting are misdemeanors.

The problem is nobody posts links to Articles that says "the cops wasted a bunch of money watching a massage parlor for six months and only caught guys getting hand jobs. ".

None of the "victims" are talking. The video doesn't support the "squalor" the cops said they were living in.

End of the day I think Kraft ends up owning that town, they smacked a tiger with more lawyers than they have.

What was it all about?

Surprise, surprise there's an election this month.


Just like there always is.


03-15-19, 02:21
Nobody in Florida has been charged with trafficking, at the end of the day people are going to pay fines because prostitution and soliciting are misdemeanors.

The problem is nobody posts links to Articles that says "the cops wasted a bunch of money watching a massage parlor for six months and only caught guys getting hand jobs. ".

None of the "victims" are talking. The video doesn't support the "squalor" the cops said they were living in.

End of the day I think Kraft ends up owning that town, they smacked a tiger with more lawyers than they have.

What was it all about?

Surprise, surprise there's an election this month.


Just like there always is.

A2.What I wonder is why he isn't hit with a prostitution charge and only soliciting if they actually have video if him paying and receiving the BJ.

03-15-19, 09:58
What I wonder is why he isn't hit with a prostitution charge and only soliciting if they actually have video if him paying and receiving the BJ.Because he was the John, not the prostitute. Johns solicit and prostitutes engage in prostitution (providing for $).

Big Bad Dude
12-03-19, 23:17
Good read, sheds a different light.

"A lot of resources are being poured into these efforts, which are being utilized not to actually decrease human trafficking in any significant ways, but to arrest people who are vulnerable for other reasons," said Dr. Susie Baldwin, the medical director of L. A. County's Office of Women's Health, when presented with KPCC / LAist's findings.


01-29-20, 23:37

Just saw this today. This will be interesting to see how it shakes down.

02-03-20, 19:06

Just saw this today. This will be interesting to see how it shakes down.I'm surprised that all massage places don't just become aromatherapy. There are zero licensing restriction on aromatherapy places, as far as I know. When I tried Zen on Saticoy and White Oak back in the day, they had numerous signs saying, "No massage" and "Aromatherapy Only". Yet they were a FS place. To be clear: I am 100% opposed to human trafficking, and will report it if I ever get a whiff of it. However, putting the squeeze on legit working girls and forcing them underground is not the solution.

Aromatherapy places tend to be less paranoid, because if you go to a place for an aromatherapy session, and after you are told to go in the room and get comfortable, the provider walks in and you are naked, then the message and intent are pretty clear. (and yet completely deniable if it was a bust, as long as you don't proposition anyone). It's the equivalent of a cop check.

02-29-20, 15:13
Hey has anyone had the police call you?


The Camel
02-29-20, 21:35
Hey has anyone had the police call you?

WTF.How about some details as to what the call was about?

02-29-20, 23:16
Hey has anyone had the police call you?

WTF.More info would be nice?

03-01-20, 18:25
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

03-01-20, 21:15
Hey has anyone had the police call you?

WTF.Said they had warrants for stealing young girls hearts and assaulting that punani 😂.

03-02-20, 01:08
Hey has anyone had the police call you?

WTF.They usually provide you with real contact info and all that but if you google it that's a phone scam to try and get you to pay using a giftcard. Usually when you ask is there a way to take care of it over the phone and they will just ask you to pay a fine.

Missionary Man
04-02-20, 10:01

06-02-20, 22:49
This has to be the dumbest guy.

Just google Wong arrested. SMH.

06-23-20, 15:20


$6 million bail. . .

06-23-20, 23:49


$6 million bail. . .He's had this "dirty old man" vibe about him for years. I'm not surprised.

06-24-20, 10:22


$6 million bail. . .Fucking paywalls.

06-24-20, 11:10
Fucking paywalls.Easy to get past the paywall, but basically the dude is "alleged" to have been prowling the Roxy and abbey and sticking it in drunk rocker girls. I believe it kind of I used to see the fucker hanging out at GNR concerts and the line for the album sale with some skanks, but as they say, he is presumed innocent. I never understood how anyone can watch porn with a guy like that on screen.

06-24-20, 12:51
Fucking paywalls.Disable javascript and you will be able to read it.

Most browsers have "disable javascript" plugins that allow you to disable and reenable quickly.

Maybe Donnie Trump will pardon the hedgehog?

06-25-20, 09:58
Disable javascript and you will be able to read it.

Most browsers have "disable javascript" plugins that allow you to disable and reenable quickly.

Maybe Donnie Trump will pardon the hedgehog?Thanks for the tech advice.

07-21-20, 18:47

NOTE TO SELF: Do not allow Ron Jeremy to "show me" anything at anytime because its a trap.

07-22-20, 00:54

NOTE TO SELF: Do not allow Ron Jeremy to "show me" anything at anytime because its a trap.Dude's had the "creepy old guy" vibe to him for at least a decade.

07-22-20, 17:25
Dude's had the "creepy old guy" vibe to him for at least a decade.I agree but I also know for a fact that a lot of want to-be porn stars were lining up to get fucked by him as they felt it would help their careers.

He had a good thing going and took it way, way too far as he thought he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Its a damn shame. Maybe Trump will pardon him as well?

07-23-20, 03:17
I agree but I also know for a fact that a lot of want to-be porn stars were lining up to get fucked by him as they felt it would help their careers.

He had a good thing going and took it way, way too far as he thought he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Its a damn shame. Maybe Trump will pardon him as well?He can't. They will be state charges. Trump can only pardon federal crimes.

Thank god for that. Every KKK member would be free after the election.

07-23-20, 13:00
He can't. They will be state charges. Trump can only pardon federal crimes.

Thank god for that. Every KKK member would be free after the election.I had no idea you could be imprisoned for joining a lunatic political organization. I knew I should have taken con law 2.

07-23-20, 20:12
Rumors are circulating that Congresswoman Karen Bass is going to be chosen by dementia joe for his running mate. OMG, the fucken trolling on face book and instagram with pics of hoes in her district are going to be epic. The fig track is actually divided between bass and auntie Maxine, but bass has the hottie gallery.

07-23-20, 22:08
Rumors are circulating that Congresswoman Karen Bass is going to be chosen by dementia joe for his running mate. OMG, the fucken trolling on face book and instagram with pics of hoes in her district are going to be epic. The fig track is actually divided between bass and auntie Maxine, but bass has the hottie gallery.What the hell are you talking about?

I think the rumors are rolling between your ears.

07-24-20, 12:44
What the hell are you talking about?

I think the rumors are rolling between your ears.https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/24/karen-bass-biden-vp-380583

She is the chairperson of the CBC.

I can't wait for her to be VP.

07-24-20, 21:36

She is the chairperson of the CBC.

I can't wait for her to be VP.Yeah but at least she's educated and has an employment history.

This worthless ****:


Has lied about getting a college degree and would be on HX if she hadn't found some loser the same age as her father.

Going to make use of that ignore button now. . .

07-26-20, 20:31
Yeah but at least she's educated and has an employment history.

This worthless ****:


Has lied about getting a college degree and would be on HX if she hadn't found some loser the same age as her father.

Going to make use of that ignore button now. . .Just think about if she had not snagged the Orange Idiot we would possibly banging banging her still on Hcp.

Yes the ignore button is great I've used hundred of time on one individual that has more handles that the Orange Idiot has bankruptcies.

07-27-20, 09:41
Rumors are circulating that Congresswoman Karen Bass is going to be chosen by dementia joe for his running mate. OMG, the fucken trolling on face book and instagram with pics of hoes in her district are going to be epic. The fig track is actually divided between bass and auntie Maxine, but bass has the hottie gallery.A) She'd be an excellent choice. B) He doesn't have the balls to do it. C) TImes are hard enough right now for all of us (Assuming we all make under $10,000,000), any chance we can keep the political bullshit out of one of the last "pure" area of the internet? No good every comes from this.

Stay safe.

08-01-20, 19:24
I think Rachel might have worked the streets of the south bay:


Those little diamonds look awfully familiar.

08-12-20, 13:39
Yeah but at least she's educated and has an employment history.

This worthless ****:


Has lied about getting a college degree and would be on HX if she hadn't found some loser the same age as her father.

Going to make use of that ignore button now..Not sure why you liberals think you're all so smart and righteous. You continue to be duped by the Democrats into voting for them while they continue to tax you into poverty, drive the companies that employ you out of the country, and Use smoke and mirrors to promote racist policies that keep you under their boot. Why do all the big cities have the most crime? Why are more black people killed in democrat controlled cities and states than all police shootings in the nation combined, but they won't do a thing about it? They won't tell you about the 55 innocent black people gunned down and killed by criminals in Chicago this weekend. Why is that? Why were democrats in favor of slavery, and continue to enslave you to this day with their oppressive policies? Now you all will vote for Kamala Harris who has a long proud history of locking up minorities and throwing away they key. Even when appeals came before her with sufficient evidence to let the wrongly convicted out of jail, she chose to keep them locked up on a technicality (they missed the appeal deadline by a day or two).

Yet you want to trash the Orange Idiot who pulled more blacks and Hispanics out of poverty and into employment than any other president in the history of this country? He made the strongest economy this country has ever seen before the Chinese Virus took hold? He brought jobs back from overseas and cut middle class taxes. And is about to cut them again. He's freed more people from jail than any other democrat leader has. He championed criminal justice reform, In favor of minorities, something your beloved Obama-bin-laden refused to do. You claim he's a racist but he's done nothing to keep any racial group down. He said he wanted secure borders because Mexico is sending their murders and rapists over here. That's a fact. It's not a racist statement when it's true. But you all want to play with feelings and get all sucked up over words Because CNN is telling you to feel that way instead of thinking for yourself.

The Dems support Antifa and BLM which are two domestic terror it groups tearing up Portland, Seattle and other large cities across the country right now. The Dems have now started funneling all of the funds donated (by some of you) to the DNC. They dangle just enough incentive to get you to vote for them, but not enough Results to pull yourselves out of your miserable existence. And you just keep voting for them blindly. If that's not modern day slavery. Then what is?

08-12-20, 16:31
Not sure why you liberals think you're all so smart and righteous. You continue to be duped by the Democrats into voting for them while they continue to tax you into poverty, drive the companies that employ you out of the country, and Use smoke and mirrors to promote racist policies that keep you under their boot. Why do all the big cities have the most crime? Why are more black people killed in democrat controlled cities and states than all police shootings in the nation combined, but they won't do a thing about it? They won't tell you about the 55 innocent black people gunned down and killed by criminals in Chicago this weekend. Why is that? Why were democrats in favor of slavery, and continue to enslave you to this day with their oppressive policies? Now you all will vote for Kamala Harris who has a long proud history of locking up minorities and throwing away they key. Even when appeals came before her with sufficient evidence to let the wrongly convicted out of jail, she chose to keep them locked up on a technicality (they missed the appeal deadline by a day or two).

Yet you want to trash the Orange Idiot who pulled more blacks and Hispanics out of poverty and into employment than any other president in the history of this country? He made the strongest economy this country has ever seen before the Chinese Virus took hold? He brought jobs back from overseas and cut middle class taxes. And is about to cut them again. He's freed more people from jail than any other democrat leader has. He championed criminal justice reform, In favor of minorities, something your beloved Obama-bin-laden refused to do. You claim he's a racist but he's done nothing to keep any racial group down. He said he wanted secure borders because Mexico is sending their murders and rapists over here. That's a fact. It's not a racist statement when it's true. But you all want to play with feelings and get all sucked up over words Because CNN is telling you to feel that way instead of thinking for yourself.

The Dems support Antifa and BLM which are two domestic terror it groups tearing up Portland, Seattle and other large cities across the country right now. The Dems have now started funneling all of the funds donated (by some of you) to the DNC. They dangle just enough incentive to get you to vote for them, but not enough Results to pull yourselves out of your miserable existence. And you just keep voting for them blindly. If that's not modern day slavery. Then what is?Here's another one of your fellow Incels / Trump supporters doing what they do best:


The cops made him take off his red hat for his mug shot.

08-12-20, 17:27
Not sure why you liberals think you're all so smart and righteous. You continue to be duped by the Democrats into voting for them while they continue to tax you into poverty, drive the companies that employ you out of the country, and Use smoke and mirrors to promote racist policies that keep you under their boot. Why do all the big cities have the most crime? Why are more black people killed in democrat controlled cities and states than all police shootings in the nation combined, but they won't do a thing about it? They won't tell you about the 55 innocent black people gunned down and killed by criminals in Chicago this weekend. Why is that? Why were democrats in favor of slavery, and continue to enslave you to this day with their oppressive policies? Now you all will vote for Kamala Harris who has a long proud history of locking up minorities and throwing away they key. Even when appeals came before her with sufficient evidence to let the wrongly convicted out of jail, she chose to keep them locked up on a technicality (they missed the appeal deadline by a day or two).

Yet you want to trash the Orange Idiot who pulled more blacks and Hispanics out of poverty and into employment than any other president in the history of this country? He made the strongest economy this country has ever seen before the Chinese Virus took hold? He brought jobs back from overseas and cut middle class taxes. And is about to cut them again. He's freed more people from jail than any other democrat leader has. He championed criminal justice reform, In favor of minorities, something your beloved Obama-bin-laden refused to do. You claim he's a racist but he's done nothing to keep any racial group down. He said he wanted secure borders because Mexico is sending their murders and rapists over here. That's a fact. It's not a racist statement when it's true. But you all want to play with feelings and get all sucked up over words Because CNN is telling you to feel that way instead of thinking for yourself.It is cool to be anti-trump. I was a democrat right up until I got involved in some charity work during law school in the "hood" and saw the difference between the schools in south central and the schools in the west side. I determined that the reason for the difference was that the democratic party felt it was to their advantage that black children not be educated and end up dependent on the state. Now, I am not the most racially sensitive guy and all I really care about is that after a hand job, the girl cleans up, but robbing black kids of their education is downright abysmal shit.

I quit the democratic party in the mid 90's and have never looked back.

Other than George Bush's attempt with no child left behind, not one single politician has given a fuck about black kids.

As for the republican party, I have no interest in abortion politics.

I will say that Kamala Harris is a totally corrupt individual and a clear affirmative action beneficiary.

08-12-20, 21:27
Not sure why you liberals think you're all so smart and righteous. You continue to be duped by the Democrats into voting for them while they continue to tax you into poverty, drive the companies that employ you out of the country, and Use smoke and mirrors to promote racist policies that keep you under their boot. Why do all the big cities have the most crime? Why are more black people killed in democrat controlled cities and states than all police shootings in the nation combined, but they won't do a thing about it? They won't tell you about the 55 innocent black people gunned down and killed by criminals in Chicago this weekend. Why is that? Why were democrats in favor of slavery, and continue to enslave you to this day with their oppressive policies? Now you all will vote for Kamala Harris who has a long proud history of locking up minorities and throwing away they key. Even when appeals came before her with sufficient evidence to let the wrongly convicted out of jail, she chose to keep them locked up on a technicality (they missed the appeal deadline by a day or two).

Yet you want to trash the Orange Idiot who pulled more blacks and Hispanics out of poverty and into employment than any other president in the history of this country? He made the strongest economy this country has ever seen before the Chinese Virus took hold? He brought jobs back from overseas and cut middle class taxes. And is about to cut them again. He's freed more people from jail than any other democrat leader has. He championed criminal justice reform, In favor of minorities, something your beloved Obama-bin-laden refused to do. You claim he's a racist but he's done nothing to keep any racial group down. He said he wanted secure borders because Mexico is sending their murders and rapists over here. That's a fact. It's not a racist statement when it's true. But you all want to play with feelings and get all sucked up over words Because CNN is telling you to feel that way instead of thinking for yourself.

The Dems support Antifa and BLM which are two domestic terror it groups tearing up Portland, Seattle and other large cities across the country right now. The Dems have now started funneling all of the funds donated (by some of you) to the DNC. They dangle just enough incentive to get you to vote for them, but not enough Results to pull yourselves out of your miserable existence. And you just keep voting for them blindly. If that's not modern day slavery. Then what is?Where do I start? I only have 5 minutes, so here goes.

-trump by himself raised the deficit by 3 trillion dollars directly due to his 2017 tax cut on the wealthy 5%.

-Antifa and BLM. Get over it, dude. They are no more terrorists than the guys trying to steal the secret recipe to the KFC spices.

-Modern day slavery, you say? There are 46 million slaves alive as we speak. Right now. The most in the history of slavery combined. I think they would all trade places with us right now.

-tax the middle class into poverty- Sanders and kamala harris and Biden want tax cuts for the middle class. Again, they have little say. The GOP senate (which is going to flip) has kept the tax cuts to the wealthy. HINT: NOT YOU!

-Chicago has had a crime problem for a long time now. However, violent crimes in Los Angeles and NYC have steadily declined over the past 20 years. So that nullifies your argument. HINT: Crime is not a partisan issue. It is a poverty problem. HINT: Probably you.

-Your argument that the Orange man has led the greatest economic expansion of all time is as ludicrous as it is disingenuous. Show me some stats. I can show you the one where the stock market rises in a smooth, linear fashion during Obama's entire 8 year term. He passes it to Trump, where it remains on a constant rise, but equal to Obama's rise. Then you get the huge blip in the stock market in March, where the DOW actually sank back to Obama levels. Also, George W before Obama had the crash in 2008 caused by the Housing crisis. Guess what? Obama didn't have one single crash in his entire 8 year term.

- Under Obama we had the ebola crisis. You probably don't remember. It was horrible. (Not really). Two people died. TWO! Because he had a pandemic playbook, which he passed along to Trump, which trump tossed out like hot garbage. HINT: The same way he is going to get tossed out Nov 3rd.

- I can go on and on about what the GOP stuck in all the RONA relief bills, including a 135 Billion dollar tax cut to the. Wait for it, wait for it, wealthy 1%. Again. The list is too long and ugly for me to get into.

- I would counsel you to do some independent research, which could possibly lead to independent thinking on your part. Instead of regurgitating Tucker Carlson or hannity. Because you are not clever.

- BTW I trade stocks all day long. It is my job. It is my job to do research, and to try and figure out what is going to happen next. I would tell you, but you're probably busy drinking bleach in Yo-se-mite or something.

08-12-20, 21:31
Here's another one of your fellow Incels / Trump supporters doing what they do best:


The cops made him take off his red hat for his mug shot.Escort maybe? A pretty good looking broad meets a 60 year old in a sleazy motel?

08-12-20, 22:05
Not sure why you liberals think you're all so smart and righteous. You continue to be duped by the Democrats into voting for them while they continue to tax you into poverty, drive the companies that employ you out of the country, and Use smoke and mirrors to promote racist policies that keep you under their boot. Why do all the big cities have the most crime? Why are more black people killed in democrat controlled cities and states than all police shootings in the nation combined, but they won't do a thing about it? They won't tell you about the 55 innocent black people gunned down and killed by criminals in Chicago this weekend. Why is that? Why were democrats in favor of slavery, and continue to enslave you to this day with their oppressive policies? Now you all will vote for Kamala Harris who has a long proud history of locking up minorities and throwing away they key. Even when appeals came before her with sufficient evidence to let the wrongly convicted out of jail, she chose to keep them locked up on a technicality (they missed the appeal deadline by a day or two).

Yet you want to trash the Orange Idiot who pulled more blacks and Hispanics out of poverty and into employment than any other president in the history of this country? He made the strongest economy this country has ever seen before the Chinese Virus took hold? He brought jobs back from overseas and cut middle class taxes. And is about to cut them again. He's freed more people from jail than any other democrat leader has. He championed criminal justice reform, In favor of minorities, something your beloved Obama-bin-laden refused to do. You claim he's a racist but he's done nothing to keep any racial group down. He said he wanted secure borders because Mexico is sending their murders and rapists over here. That's a fact. It's not a racist statement when it's true. But you all want to play with feelings and get all sucked up over words Because CNN is telling you to feel that way instead of thinking for yourself.

The Dems support Antifa and BLM which are two domestic terror it groups tearing up Portland, Seattle and other large cities across the country right now. The Dems have now started funneling all of the funds donated (by some of you) to the DNC. They dangle just enough incentive to get you to vote for them, but not enough Results to pull yourselves out of your miserable existence. And you just keep voting for them blindly. If that's not modern day slavery. Then what is?I have seen the light I'm going vote for DJT and lobby to have his face on Mt rushmore. I thought that he and his KKK daddy Fred never rented to people of color. I see now that agent Orange is the modem day Abraham Lincoln.

08-12-20, 22:18
Where do I start? I only have 5 minutes, so here goes.

-trump by himself raised the deficit by 3 trillion dollars directly due to his 2017 tax cut on the wealthy 5%.

-Antifa and BLM. Get over it, dude. They are no more terrorists than the guys trying to steal the secret recipe to the KFC spices.

-Modern day slavery, you say? There are 46 million slaves alive as we speak. Right now. The most in the history of slavery combined. I think they would all trade places with us right now.

-tax the middle class into poverty- Sanders and kamala harris and Biden want tax cuts for the middle class. Again, they have little say. The GOP senate (which is going to flip) has kept the tax cuts to the wealthy. HINT: NOT YOU!

-Chicago has had a crime problem for a long time now. However, violent crimes in Los Angeles and NYC have steadily declined over the past 20 years. So that nullifies your argument. HINT: Crime is not a partisan issue. It is a poverty problem. HINT: Probably you.

-Your argument that the Orange man has led the greatest economic expansion of all time is as ludicrous as it is disingenuous. Show me some stats. I can show you the one where the stock market rises in a smooth, linear fashion during Obama's entire 8 year term. He passes it to Trump, where it remains on a constant rise, but equal to Obama's rise. Then you get the huge blip in the stock market in March, where the DOW actually sank back to Obama levels. Also, George W before Obama had the crash in 2008 caused by the Housing crisis. Guess what? Obama didn't have one single crash in his entire 8 year term.

- Under Obama we had the ebola crisis. You probably don't remember. It was horrible. (Not really). Two people died. TWO! Because he had a pandemic playbook, which he passed along to Trump, which trump tossed out like hot garbage. HINT: The same way he is going to get tossed out Nov 3rd.This is all hilariously funny. As if kenyan jesus is any better or worse than the bullshit artist in chief that we have now.

Comparing ebola to corona virus is like comparing a BSW on fig to amy taylor. Ebola has a 25% fatality rate and you literally have to have shit sprayed on you to catch it. Corona is only highly fatal in the us (countries like Singapore, korea and israel make us look like calcutta) because of the slowness of the us medical system to get test results before symptoms ravage the immune system, and that is I guess trump's fault, but really, it is the medical monopolies that have spent money on administration and ceos and not labs.

As for trading stocks, take a look at AZEK.

08-31-20, 14:55

Oh fuck. This guy is going to prison for the better part of eternity.

Does anyone know how to get a part in the pornos he was slated to star in?

I have a ten inch maglite.

09-01-20, 15:09

Does anyone know how to get a part in the pornos he was slated to star in?

I have a ten inch maglite.Pretty sure he has not been gainfully employed in the adult industry, for quite some time. If he were actually working, would you really want the scraps?

09-01-20, 15:56
Pretty sure he has not been gainfully employed in the adult industry, for quite some time. If he were actually working, would you really want the scraps?You are replying to a guy that is going nuts over getting over the clothes action from an Asian who looked like a raccoon at an mp. I would take this sloppy fourths. Unless you can get the girls on private delights to go on a diet?

09-01-20, 18:45

Oh fuck. This guy is going to prison for the better part of eternity.

Does anyone know how to get a part in the pornos he was slated to star in?

I have a ten inch maglite.What a sick fuck! Seems he got lost in the fantasy that's in front of the camera enough to think he could get away with his perv routine off the set. Total creeper.

11-18-20, 02:56
My guess is that West Hollywood is the safest city in the USA To run a FS AMP. The political awareness in WeHo is such that the powers that be realize busting AMPs is the equivalent of oppressing people of color and runs counter to the alphabet soup of non-binary gender identification and the "Sex work is real work" ethos that rides shotgun. Did it ever strike any of you as strange that a hotbed of AMPitude is in boystown? The main ways an AMP could get jammed up now is it didn't have a English speaker to deal with city hall, or if somehow the city manages to mount a big enough force to check for CV19 safeguards, because WeHo probably is into CV19 compliance and collecting fees.

Pretty sure there's some major construction site going on right next to that shopping center, so probably just part of that operation.

If any of the MPs along that stretch were going to get busted, it would've happened a million times by now. You're good.

11-19-20, 10:16
My guess is that West Hollywood is the safest city in the USA To run a FS AMP. The political awareness in WeHo is such that the powers that be realize busting AMPs is the equivalent of oppressing people of color and runs counter to the alphabet soup of non-binary gender identification and the "Sex work is real work" ethos that rides shotgun. Did it ever strike any of you as strange that a hotbed of AMPitude is in boystown? The main ways an AMP could get jammed up now is it didn't have a English speaker to deal with city hall, or if somehow the city manages to mount a big enough force to check for CV19 safeguards, because WeHo probably is into CV19 compliance and collecting fees.Good points. We ho is VERY liberal and very gay. It is not "neo feminist" where if a girl wants to make money selling space in her garage, somebody like a nury m. Or other so called liberal will get on her case and waste police resources. Wee ho is mostly gay men who if you think we all are perverted, holy shit, you have never lived among gays. I had a gay coworker. All they do is fuck and eat each other's ass.

West Hollywood LEO generally has to live down a tradition of alleged homo abuse, so the cops there. And remember it is a separate city so no LAPD, it is the territory of the la sheriff which is so dysfunctional the supervisors of l. A. Are trying to figure out a way to fire their own sheriff who was voted in by the people but apparently is not woke enough and did a coverup of the kobe photos. In any event, no one in wee hoe wants to seek a heavy police presence, and especially over fuking sex "crimes".

So yeah, it is no accident that boystown which is based on rampant buggery does not give a shit about AMPs. There has never been the type of crackdown seen in the valley (LAPD territory) or Santa Monica (neo feminist territory).

11-20-20, 12:26

Good points. We ho is VERY liberal and very gay. It is not "neo feminist" where if a girl wants to make money selling space in her garage, somebody like a nury m. Or other so called liberal will get on her case and waste police resources. Wee ho is mostly gay men who if you think we all are perverted, holy shit, you have never lived among gays. I had a gay coworker. All they do is fuck and eat each other's ass.

West Hollywood LEO generally has to live down a tradition of alleged homo abuse, so the cops there. And remember it is a separate city so no LAPD, it is the territory of the la sheriff which is so dysfunctional the supervisors of l. A. Are trying to figure out a way to fire their own sheriff who was voted in by the people but apparently is not woke enough and did a coverup of the kobe photos. In any event, no one in wee hoe wants to seek a heavy police presence, and especially over fuking sex "crimes".

So yeah, it is no accident that boystown which is based on rampant buggery does not give a shit about AMPs. There has never been the type of crackdown seen in the valley (LAPD territory) or Santa Monica (neo feminist territory).

11-20-20, 22:44
My guess is that West Hollywood is the safest city in the USA To run a FS AMP. The political awareness in WeHo is such that the powers that be realize busting AMPs is the equivalent of oppressing people of color and runs counter to the alphabet soup of non-binary gender identification and the "Sex work is real work" ethos that rides shotgun. Did it ever strike any of you as strange that a hotbed of AMPitude is in boystown? The main ways an AMP could get jammed up now is it didn't have a English speaker to deal with city hall, or if somehow the city manages to mount a big enough force to check for CV19 safeguards, because WeHo probably is into CV19 compliance and collecting fees.Not really, there used to be one I always used to go at the corner of La Cienega and Santa Monica by the indie pharmacy and few on Melrose that le shutdown several years ago.

11-21-20, 10:07
City Councilmember John Duran has spoken out against inspections of the massage parlors, saying that he does not want to see the women working there arrested. Duran has cited arrests of gay men for engaging in sexual activity decades ago before same-sex relationships became legalized and largely socially acceptable. However, the inspections were intended only to identify code violations said Rivas and Capt. Edward Ramirez of the West Hollywood Sheriff's Station.


"We don't focus on the girls, when we do that," he said of raids on such places. "We want to focus on the landlords and the managers themselves."


Not really, there used to be one I always used to go at the corner of La Cienega and Santa Monica by the indie pharmacy and few on Melrose that le shutdown several years ago.

11-21-20, 15:07
City Councilmember John Duran has spoken out against inspections of the massage parlors, saying that he does not want to see the women working there arrested. Duran has cited arrests of gay men for engaging in sexual activity decades ago before same-sex relationships became legalized and largely socially acceptable. However, the inspections were intended only to identify code violations said Rivas and Capt. Edward Ramirez of the West Hollywood Sheriff's Station.


"We don't focus on the girls, when we do that," he said of raids on such places. "We want to focus on the landlords and the managers themselves."

https://www.wehoville.com/2019/03/16/weho-the-sex-based-and-largely-gay-city-has-many-heterosexual-and-maybe-illicit-massage-parlors/Every time I am about to give up on this forum (that long story about the guy who got Robbed and then went on instagram or only fans to complain just about did it or me), someone brings salvation. The violations cited from the story are legend:

I only comment on the ones I have been to:

8155 Spa's violations included not having a business license or licenses for its massage technicians. The business also was called out for its lack of cleanliness and unsanitary conditions and not having a manager on duty.

I am not sure what happened to her, but I do believe zara had a license for being the hottest fucken girl in the universe at an MP who liked to fuck studs like me.

Lack of cleanliness is not really adequate to describe the third dirtiest place on planet earth.

Technically the warped mamasan, emo, is a manager, I think she manages hell on her off hours. But she gives me a fucken line up.

BeBe Aroma Therapy was cited for not having a manager on the premises and not keeping soiled linens separate from clean linens.

I will not comment on the types of nosocomial infections you can get from not keeping linens clean, let alone hitting a wet spot when you lie down.

MoMo Therapy was cited for employing unlicensed massage technicians, having locks on massage room doors and covering windows with plywood without the requisite city permit.

This is the dirtiest place on earth (second is skid row), I literally once got sick walking back to my car. I have seen their plywood window coverings, but it was because of peaceful protests.

11-25-20, 00:11
Every time I am about to give up on this forum (that long story about the guy who got Robbed and then went on instagram or only fans to complain just about did it or me), someone brings salvation. The violations cited from the story are legend:

I only comment on the ones I have been to:

8155 Spa's violations included not having a business license or licenses for its massage technicians. The business also was called out for its lack of cleanliness and unsanitary conditions and not having a manager on duty.

I am not sure what happened to her, but I do believe zara had a license for being the hottest fucken girl in the universe at an MP who liked to fuck studs like me.

Lack of cleanliness is not really adequate to describe the third dirtiest place on planet earth.

Technically the warped mamasan, emo, is a manager, I think she manages hell on her off hours. But she gives me a fucken line up.

BeBe Aroma Therapy was cited for not having a manager on the premises and not keeping soiled linens separate from clean linens.

I will not comment on the types of nosocomial infections you can get from not keeping linens clean, let alone hitting a wet spot when you lie down.

MoMo Therapy was cited for employing unlicensed massage technicians, having locks on massage room doors and covering windows with plywood without the requisite city permit.

This is the dirtiest place on earth (second is skid row), I literally once got sick walking back to my car. I have seen their plywood window coverings, but it was because of peaceful protests.I am glad that Momo has survived for well over a decade, hidden away in its WeHo alley while countless K-town MPs have crashed and burned. Like the place across from El Chili, the one at Western and SM, and so many others.

12-07-20, 23:54
Prostitution is not going to be prosecuted. The pig must be immune to China Virus.

12-08-20, 16:53
Prostitution is not going to be prosecuted. The pig must be immune to China Virus.The language in the heading in the directive states that loitering is not prosecuted, but then refers to 647 (b) that is the actual prostitution / solicitation statute. I will inquire with George monger Gascon to understand it better.

03-18-21, 00:04

So the chick who ripped off an Uber driver's mask and coughed on his face, as expected, is an upstanding citizen, and has her pussy for sale:


It may be a few years before she's back on the market, depending on how long of a sentence she serves!

03-18-21, 00:37

So the chick who ripped off an Uber driver's mask and coughed on his face, as expected, is an upstanding citizen, and has her pussy for sale:


It may be a few years before she's back on the market, depending on how long of a sentence she serves!First, there wasn't just 1, but actually 3 girls in the back of that ride.

Second, the pics in her ad are super old, as she looks at least 25 lbs heavier now.

Third, do you really think she will spend 1 day in jail? Plea bargain, community service, and she will cash in on her new celebrity status. Coming to a PD ad near you with GPS rates lmao.

03-25-21, 12:26
First, there wasn't just 1, but actually 3 girls in the back of that ride.

Second, the pics in her ad are super old, as she looks at least 25 lbs heavier now.

Third, do you really think she will spend 1 day in jail? Plea bargain, community service, and she will cash in on her new celebrity status. Coming to a PD ad near you with GPS rates lmao.1. Naturally, anyone reading the posted article knows there were 3 chicks on that ride. The one that interests us is the one who is confirmed to be selling her snatch. I wouldn't be surprised if the other girls are prostitutes as well, as the large black chick in that same video got arrested in a Vegas bank trying to gain access to some random guy's checking account. I suspect the bank card she tried to use may have been swiped off a trick.

2. She wouldn't be the first hooker to post older or misleading photos.

3. The courts may be lenient, but it remains to be seen. For our purposes a prompter release means an earlier chance of filling up her ratchet ass pussy.

Well done to everyone offering to Uber her over LOL!

03-25-21, 15:33
1. Naturally, anyone reading the posted article knows there were 3 chicks on that ride. The one that interests us is the one who is confirmed to be selling her snatch. I wouldn't be surprised if the other girls are prostitutes as well, as the large black chick in that same video got arrested in a Vegas bank trying to gain access to some random guy's checking account. I suspect the bank card she tried to use may have been swiped off a trick.

2. She wouldn't be the first hooker to post older or misleading photos.

3. The courts may be lenient, but it remains to be seen. For our purposes a prompter release means an earlier chance of filling up her ratchet ass pussy.

Well done to everyone offering to Uber her over LOL!The the in San fran is leader of the crime is ok because of critical race theory narrative. My bet is the girl does 100 hours of community service.

04-12-21, 20:27

04-13-21, 00:07
Los Angeles South Los Angeles women, widely known as "The Most Hated Hoe in LA" has been charged with sex trafficking.

Melanie Denae Williams, 22, used her social media platforms to recruit young girls into prostitution. Her website features countless pictures and videos of "run-ins with the law."

The victim, who has not yet been identified, told police Williams forced her to sell sex, taking all proceeds then threw bleach on her and beat her with a broomstick.

Williams also made the victim tattoo "Melanie" on her wrist and face to show that she was her property.

The indictment specifically targets one count of sex trafficking an adult by force, fraud or coercion. Court papers say Williams was sentenced to three months in jail back in December of last year for prostitution. Williams is being held in the Los Angeles County Jail without bail and if convicted, will face up to 55 years in prison.

http://pheecith.com/5JUhWhen you taunt the le and brag and say you can't catch me!

They going to get you!

04-13-21, 00:09
https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/sex-trafficking-sting-nets-dozens-of-arrests-around-county/This will happen all the time its just not all the sweeps are posted by the media. Temecula is very active! They will even put your mug on facebook for everyone to see you!

04-13-21, 00:14
https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/sex-trafficking-sting-nets-dozens-of-arrests-around-county/Yes and for a more personal look see the stories of some arrested as discussed in the San Diego threads.

04-13-21, 17:24
Yes and for a more personal look see the stories of some arrested as discussed in the San Diego threads.I can picture in my mind the old TV commercial, "And I, Senor Naugles, was there. ".

06-12-21, 16:12
Always wondered if these ads for porn stars were legit:


Too late to find out for Dakota Skye though:


09-13-21, 10:40
California Becomes The First State To Pass 'Stealthing' Bill, Making Nonconsensual Condom Removal Illegal-.


It is an interesting read.

09-13-21, 23:43
California Becomes The First State To Pass 'Stealthing' Bill, Making Nonconsensual Condom Removal Illegal-.


It is an interesting read.Good! Bullshit like that ruins things for all of us. Providers need to be able to trust us mongers before they can provide their best service.

09-14-21, 20:42
Good! Bullshit like that ruins things for all of us. Providers need to be able to trust us mongers before they can provide their best service.I am fine if guys do this. I am aware that Chen's will be enforcing this in reverse and if you put on a rubber while in Mary's ass, you will be tried, imprisoned pending your appeal, and then executed.

10-11-21, 13:04
California Becomes The First State To Pass 'Stealthing' Bill, Making Nonconsensual Condom Removal Illegal-.


It is an interesting read.While I generally believe in limited government and allowing everyone to have the freedom to do as they wish. I totally support this.

Removing a condom without the girl's consent is an asshole move in all scenarios.

02-06-22, 20:48
This is an interesting article about a "real" Mile-High Club. They say it's coming to Los Angeles, I assume it would be Van Nuys or Burbank airports. $995 for a 45-minute flight.


Would you do this? Would you take an escort? (or two?

I agree that 45 minutes is not long enough, especially if you have to buckle up for take-off and landing.

02-08-22, 02:56
This is an interesting article about a "real" Mile-High Club. They say it's coming to Los Angeles, I assume it would be Van Nuys or Burbank airports. $995 for a 45-minute flight.


Would you do this? Would you take an escort? (or two?

I agree that 45 minutes is not long enough, especially if you have to buckle up for take-off and landing.The goddess of fucks Pepsi!

02-08-22, 20:39
The goddess of fucks Pepsi!Count me in!

The Sexorcist
02-11-22, 04:55
The goddess of fucks Pepsi!Me too!! Pepsi is one of the best fucks ever!!.

02-16-22, 17:12
Over 400 arrested in California human trafficking investigation

Here is a link to the article:


Hopefully the well paid cops arrested some of the bookers that overcharge and the girls running scams.

02-17-22, 05:58
Over 400 arrested in California human trafficking investigation

Here is a link to the article:


Hopefully the well paid cops arrested some of the bookers that overcharge and the girls running scams.Looks like they came down harder on the mongers than anyone else. What's up with that?

130 johns to 30 actual traffickers? Not even remotely even. Who's to say they weren't even visiting independents.

All seems skewed.

02-17-22, 12:10
Looks like they came down harder on the mongers than anyone else. What's up with that?

130 johns to 30 actual traffickers? Not even remotely even. Who's to say they weren't even visiting independents.

All seems skewed.I thought it was free shoes and items for the oppressed and there would be no LE anywhere to make up for centuries of oppression. You mean I marched and looted for nothing. Fuck.

02-17-22, 12:16

Wow, there are more agencies here than on a Durham supboena. They used to always release the names of the johns. I always enjoyed seeing some dumb fucken 27 year old from west covina getting arrested at some shitbag incall in Norwalk. There is precious little detail on any methods and sources here. You know if they used HX the boys over at ownership of HX would be handing over server logs. I guess I will have to track the federal investigations. They brought in the fucken FBI and US attorney's office too. At least those boys pat themselves on the taint for arresting white supremacists and mongers, once the prosecutions start, we will see who the perps are.

02-17-22, 17:22
What's weird is none of the articles say where the busts happened. Were they apartment operations? K-Bookers? Street tracks? Your neighborhood parlor?

Regarding the numbers, they make sense: 1 trafficker for multiple girls, for multiple johns. It's just a pyramid.


Wow, there are more agencies here than on a Durham supboena. They used to always release the names of the johns. I always enjoyed seeing some dumb fucken 27 year old from west covina getting arrested at some shitbag incall in Norwalk. There is precious little detail on any methods and sources here. You know if they used HX the boys over at ownership of HX would be handing over server logs. I guess I will have to track the federal investigations. They brought in the fucken FBI and US attorney's office too. At least those boys pat themselves on the taint for arresting white supremacists and mongers, once the prosecutions start, we will see who the perps are.

02-17-22, 18:45

Wow, there are more agencies here than on a Durham supboena. They used to always release the names of the johns. I always enjoyed seeing some dumb fucken 27 year old from west covina getting arrested at some shitbag incall in Norwalk. There is precious little detail on any methods and sources here. You know if they used HX the boys over at ownership of HX would be handing over server logs. I guess I will have to track the federal investigations. They brought in the fucken FBI and US attorney's office too.It's just a citation if ay girls we're caught and same with the pimps. Why, they have Garcetti on they're side since he will "not" prosecute!

02-21-22, 19:14
They're gone soon and full shutdown of the site.

08-24-22, 18:06
LA Times article: "Rise of monkeypox worries L. A. Sex workers: 'It feels like we are seen as disposable'.


08-24-22, 18:44
LA Times article: "Rise of monkeypox worries L. A. Sex workers: 'It feels like we are seen as disposable'.

https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-24/monkeypox-worries-sex-workersWow, great find. This article is a fucken hoot. Pride pox is spread among gay men who ass fuck. Any other spread of pride pox must be from similar behavior. And while I am all for anal barebacking for others. I won't yuck your yum, maybe try something else for the next few weeks.

I love how some PC health care supervisor at county notes that right now the cases are 98% but at some time in the future it will spread. Yeah, like when I have an 8 inch dick.

08-24-22, 22:36
Anyone get their culitos at Burrito Express in Oxnard?


08-25-22, 13:20
Anyone get their culitos at Burrito Express in Oxnard?

https://www.foxla.com/news/sex-labor-trafficking-took-place-at-several-massage-parlors-skin-care-businesses-in-ventura-county.ampThe veggie burrito is decent I stopped there a few years pre flu. I did not get my chalupa sucked.

08-25-22, 17:20
LA Times article: "Rise of monkeypox worries L. A. Sex workers: 'It feels like we are seen as disposable'.

https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-24/monkeypox-worries-sex-workersThe reality of monkeypox. https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Monkeypox-Data.aspx.

1 and half per cent of all cases are in women.

08-25-22, 22:48
I got a response that I was able to get a monkeypox vaccine within 48 hours of signing up on the link that was dropped here. Looks like it's first come first serve, a lot of the locations are South Centralish and you need your I'd and the text they send you. If you've had a date in the last year, you qualify. I'm happy to take a pass on this outbreak early.

08-25-22, 22:55
The reality of monkeypox. https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Monkeypox-Data.aspx.

1 and half per cent of all cases are in women.And of those 1. 5 percent I bet very few are of the type of nonpros that are on seeking arrangments and sugar daddy sites, given how they are all nonpros and do not get around much due to schoolwork at USC in org chem.

Tiger Guy X
08-25-22, 23:19
I got a response that I was able to get a monkeypox vaccine within 48 hours of signing up on the link that was dropped here. Looks like it's first come first serve, a lot of the locations are South Centralish and you need your I'd and the text they send you. If you've had a date in the last year, you qualify. I'm happy to take a pass on this outbreak early.Same here. I signed up using the link I saw posted here (after some checking to verify it's legitimacy of course). I signed up today and got a text saying I could go and get my shot so I did. I showed up filled out the paperwork and got my shot without having to wait in any line. Most of the other people showing up that I saw after me were all guys. I just have to go get the 2nd shot in a few weeks then I'm all good.

02-01-23, 20:11
Heard on the radio today that LA is claiming big success in busting 'human trafficking' (=sex workers) over the past month. They have providers (victims), johns, managers, etc. There were some who were juveniles, that is despicable and should never happen. I hope none of the mongers who use these boards were caught up in that. Actually, they are all likely too wise for something dumb like those stings. Evidently it was all over California, several other counties as well.

02-04-23, 10:10

02-04-23, 17:38
Once a year in socal there is a very large coordinated effort to get trafficked and underage SW's. And the LAPD is always on the lookout for underage. I almost got nailed once in an internet sting, when there was still a CL / backpage. I used to pay for rooms for this white girl in return for discounts. There was always some drama as she was a dope fieend. The other thing was even though she was 21 she looked about 15.

Anyway one day a backpage post turned into a full on raid of the notel. Like 8 LAPD stormed in the room convinced they had found an underage girl. When they checked her ID they were more than a little pissed off when they came to realize she was of age. Drug stuff was all over the room and my name was on the register. They didn't give a shit about the drugs and just arrested her for solicitation. That was the last time I ever got a room for anyone to work out of. Live and learn.

02-04-23, 18:15
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/368-arrested-131-rescued-california-sex-trafficking-operationWhich joints got busted?

02-04-23, 18:33
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/368-arrested-131-rescued-california-sex-trafficking-operationI have been in the "game" for a long time. I have never even seen an ad for an underage gal, and the closest I have come to someone say under even 21 (well except for the plethora of 19 year old girls in hot young asians) are some gals on fig. And I ain't been on the blade in like 2 years.

It would appear to me that this incident is borne out of the recent change in immigration enforcement.

Look, it makes no difference to me how a guy mongers. Some dudes go to the wharf on Wilshire and ask for two pops, some guys bang hot young Asians on Sawtelle and make them cum 8-9 times, but mongering with underage girls, well, that is a little dangerous. Technically, such a girl is not of consent, so think about that next time you haggle with her and consider whether she has contractual capacity as set forth in Probate Code sections 811-813.

Politically, I don't think a guy who calls his pederast son a good kid and a guy who appoints Bill Clinton to a post in support of woman's rights, cares much about sexual abuse.

Open borders is a higher objective.

02-05-23, 01:39
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/368-arrested-131-rescued-california-sex-trafficking-operationIf you google Operation Reclaim and Rebuild it will allow you to start we surfing to find more info. One site will lead to another and so on and always be careful in the IE le has no problem blasting your full name for everyone to "see"!

HT has always been the month of Jan but seems they're extending into Feb now with Fed Gov't grants and funds.

From what I know about the la ht task force there also on the hunt Big Time right now!

I have two friends who almost walked into two different spa busts this past week. One in the south bay and one in Valley.

Both buddies said they we're just sitting in there car waiting to go in and all of a sudden he saw dudes / ladies with jackets just swarm into the spa.

05-30-23, 18:05
latimes.com/ california / newsletter /2023-04-22/ la-on-the-record-newsletter-hydee-feldstein-soto-l-a-on-the-record.

The money shot:

In addition to her efforts to fight corruption, Feldstein Soto talked about a real estate branch that she formed within the department and efforts to fight sex trafficking along Figueroa Street in South L. A. She called that thoroughfare the "most horrific red light district after dark that I've ever seen in my life. ".

Feldstein Soto said she's gotten assistance from the federal government, among others, on the issue of sex trafficking. She told them that she needs undercover officers from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

"Because my LAPD undercover ability has been blown for right now with this charming little website with all their pictures on it," she said, alluding to the photos that were released by the LAPD and later posted online.

This is the perfect issue for Karen bass to pawn off to this byoot. If it works, and they clean up fig, they can go to Lourdes next.

It there is a screw up where some cop arrests some pimp who can't breathe, well it was the city attorney.

I have met this city attorney. She is a real c word. Just reasoning a fortiori, if nury m. From a shit ass district in the valley could shut down Sepulveda, I think the city attorney with the held of the FBI can knock down the hottie gallery. Odd that FBI and DHS would care, given the proclivities of this administration for open borders and fingering senate aides.

05-30-23, 20:10
latimes.com/ california / newsletter /2023-04-22/ la-on-the-record-newsletter-hydee-feldstein-soto-l-a-on-the-record.

The money shot:

In addition to her efforts to fight corruption, Feldstein Soto talked about a real estate branch that she formed within the department and efforts to fight sex trafficking along Figueroa Street in South L. A. She called that thoroughfare the "most horrific red light district after dark that I've ever seen in my life. ".

Feldstein Soto said she's gotten assistance from the federal government, among others, on the issue of sex trafficking. She told them that she needs undercover officers from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

"Because my LAPD undercover ability has been blown for right now with this charming little website with all their pictures on it," she said, alluding to the photos that were released by the LAPD and later posted online.

This is the perfect issue for Karen bass to pawn off to this byoot. If it works, and they clean up fig, they can go to Lourdes next.

It there is a screw up where some cop arrests some pimp who can't breathe, well it was the city attorney.

I have met this city attorney. She is a real c word. Just reasoning a fortiori, if nury m. From a shit ass district in the valley could shut down Sepulveda, I think the city attorney with the held of the FBI can knock down the hottie gallery. Odd that FBI and DHS would care, given the proclivities of this administration for open borders and fingering senate aides.I Highly doubt it.

05-31-23, 14:24
What do you doubt I mean the Fbi got them fisa warrants.They've been saying they're going to "close down" fig since the late 90's. Then hundreds of SWs started working Fig and Sunset at the same time.

05-31-23, 21:54
latimes.com/ california / newsletter /2023-04-22/ la-on-the-record-newsletter-hydee-feldstein-soto-l-a-on-the-record.

The money shot:

In addition to her efforts to fight corruption, Feldstein Soto talked about a real estate branch that she formed within the department and efforts to fight sex trafficking along Figueroa Street in South L. A. She called that thoroughfare the "most horrific red light district after dark that I've ever seen in my life. ".

Feldstein Soto said she's gotten assistance from the federal government, among others, on the issue of sex trafficking. She told them that she needs undercover officers from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

"Because my LAPD undercover ability has been blown for right now with this charming little website with all their pictures on it," she said, alluding to the photos that were released by the LAPD and later posted online.

This is the perfect issue for Karen bass to pawn off to this byoot. If it works, and they clean up fig, they can go to Lourdes next.Who votes these clowns into office?

06-17-23, 15:56
Getting a hotel, and wondering what the best street is.

Don't have a car, I'll just walk the blade until I find what I like.

Fig and 70th maybe?A mexican dude just got robbed, shot and died on Fig and Century a few days ago. What you talking about doing is like playing Russian Roulette with no empty chambers.

06-18-23, 14:39
A mexican dude just got robbed, shot and died on Fig and Century a few days ago. What you talking about doing is like playing Russian Roulette with no empty chambers.Got a link?

06-19-23, 10:43
Got a link?No real need to supply links of homicides on fig, you can just look it up. Here is a little taste of this destination resort.


This was in February, a hit and run of an individual experiencing homelessness at fig and century.


This might be the story, sounds like a nice hit on fig and Vernon with some submachine guns.

06-20-23, 01:40
No real need to supply links of homicides on fig, you can just look it up. Here is a little taste of this destination resort.


This was in February, a hit and run of an individual experiencing homelessness at fig and century.


This might be the story, sounds like a nice hit on fig and Vernon with some submachine guns.RIP of course but Vernon & Fig is not really where the action is.

09-13-23, 01:47

09-13-23, 09:42
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/l-a-city-attorney-targets-sex-trafficking-along-figueroa-corridor/ar-AA1gCmTk?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=27358cadc0484ea3b8de386ecd1c4738&ei=6So this is what happens when a woke / pc man hating fat ass woman has max cognitive dissonance.

I met this city attorney. Not even whoremaster would go down on her. She is disgusting. I did not give her any money at this mixer, but I ate more free messican food than the god forsaken toilets at the restaurant will ever forget.

She is not going after the African American pimps and hos because reasons.

So she is going after the poor poo in the loo owners of a lovely 16 room motel.

How a business that is simply not doing anything wrong is to blame for the conduct of its guests is at all aligned with capitalism, well, whatever.

I guess they should arrest the owners of that macys in Northridge for allowing looting.

This is the actual lawsuit. I did one session in that motel. It is disgusting there.


Ace McNasty
09-13-23, 10:20
Here you go gents. They are targeting the gals in the hottie gallery

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/l-a-city-attorney-targets-sex-trafficking-along-figueroa-corridor/ar-AA1gCmTk?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=27358cadc0484ea3b8de386ecd1c4738&ei=6If the above vehicle is no longer registered in your name, or if this notice was sent in error, please disregard it.

You married dudes hopefully are not driving a car registered in your wife's name or she will be getting this surprise letter from Chief Moore LOL.

Specifically targeting the hot spot of Fig and 73rd. To protect and to serve.

You got served!

09-13-23, 13:28
If the above vehicle is no longer registered in your name, or if this notice was sent in error, please disregard it.

You married dudes hopefully are not driving a car registered in your wife's name or she will be getting this surprise letter from Chief Moore LOL.

Specifically targeting the hot spot of Fig and 73rd. To protect and to serve.

You got served!Never trust any man named Michel aka Big Mike.

09-13-23, 16:11
So this is what happens when a woke / pc man hating fat ass woman has max cognitive dissonance.

I met this city attorney. Not even whoremaster would go down on her. She is disgusting. I did not give her any money at this mixer, but I ate more free messican food than the god forsaken toilets at the restaurant will ever forget.

She is not going after the African American pimps and hos because reasons.

So she is going after the poor poo in the loo owners of a lovely 16 room motel.

How a business that is simply not doing anything wrong is to blame for the conduct of its guests is at all aligned with capitalism, well, whatever.

I guess they should arrest the owners of that macys in Northridge for allowing looting.

This is the actual lawsuit. I did one session in that motel. It is disgusting there."Feldstein Soto" LOL.

09-13-23, 16:18
If the above vehicle is no longer registered in your name, or if this notice was sent in error, please disregard it.

You married dudes hopefully are not driving a car registered in your wife's name or she will be getting this surprise letter from Chief Moore LOL.

Specifically targeting the hot spot of Fig and 73rd. To protect and to serve.

You got served!Dang imagine all the relationships broken up over this, PD definitely trying to rustle some feathers with the letters LOL.

09-13-23, 18:45
If the above vehicle is no longer registered in your name, or if this notice was sent in error, please disregard it.

You married dudes hopefully are not driving a car registered in your wife's name or she will be getting this surprise letter from Chief Moore LOL.

Specifically targeting the hot spot of Fig and 73rd. To protect and to serve.

You got served!They'll either go online (not like half of them aren't already advertising their *ahem* "services" online), or just do business in the car. They don't care about poor people, they don't care about people living in rough conditions, they don't care about rehabilitation. Maybe it isn't their job to stop poor people from having like 12 kids when they are broke, and I can maybe agree on that, but they don't actually care about human trafficking", because they know that not only that some of the women are going to run right back into that lifestyle, one way or another, but that they are full of.

Is just the politically correct way of saying "we want to look good to get our ratings up, like we're actually doing something to clean up this city".

Why are there no women walking the walk in bel air, Beverley hills, or otherwise rich places? Oh yeah, because poor people are scum and aren't human, but the rich people are more human than you. Never forget that. It is all a sham, it is all one big joke, and your tax dollars are the punchline.

09-14-23, 16:21
"Feldstein Soto" LOL.Like the fat PC Mexican Jew chick version of ManBearPig.

10-21-23, 01:34
If the above vehicle is no longer registered in your name, or if this notice was sent in error, please disregard it.

You married dudes hopefully are not driving a car registered in your wife's name or she will be getting this surprise letter from Chief Moore LOL.

Specifically targeting the hot spot of Fig and 73rd. To protect and to serve.

You got served!Bruh, thank god I'm divorced LOL I can hobby without the stress of wifey getting wise to my tricks. That being said, I hope this isn't a sign that the esteemed LAPD is going to start cracking down across the board I. E. AMPs, houses, etc.

10-21-23, 01:36
If the above vehicle is no longer registered in your name, or if this notice was sent in error, please disregard it.

You married dudes hopefully are not driving a car registered in your wife's name or she will be getting this surprise letter from Chief Moore LOL.

Specifically targeting the hot spot of Fig and 73rd. To protect and to serve.

You got served!I wonder how many of these coppers are actually customers when not in uniform. They really should just decriminalize it so that it can be safer for providers and customers alike. So dumb.

10-23-23, 21:01

"You go by the alleys and you see a guy in the middle of the alley and a woman performing [fellatio]. And a mom and her kids have to pass by that. Its ridiculous, all in the open broad daylight. God only knows the impact it has on those kids who have to see this.

Los Angeles Police Department sources who work the area told The Post that prostitutes will perform sex acts for as little as $40 and many are selling their bodies for $160 or less at a time.

10-23-23, 22:18
I wonder how many of these coppers are actually customers when not in uniform. They really should just decriminalize it so that it can be safer for providers and customers alike. So dumb.One of my x's had a $$$ date with a motorcycle cop. He arrived in uniform and on his bike.

Param Ahmad
11-06-23, 04:22
Be warned your maseusse in LA, Fresno, or really anywhere may be an undercover police officer waiting to arrest you for saying the wrong words, namely, offering or agreeing to pay money for sexual conduct, which includes hand jobs as well as oral sex and intercourse. Prostitution is a CRIME OF WORDS, so don't say the words. Avoid masseuses who negotiate or quote a price for any type of sexual contact. Hand gestures count the same as spoken or written words. Sex between consenting adults is legal, including in a massage parlor UNLESS there is an offer or agreement to pay money for same.

Police take over massage business and arrest customers.


11-07-23, 19:08
Be warned your maseusse in LA, Fresno, or really anywhere may be an undercover police officer waiting to arrest you for saying the wrong words, namely, offering or agreeing to pay money for sexual conduct, which includes hand jobs as well as oral sex and intercourse. Prostitution is a CRIME OF WORDS, so don't say the words. Avoid masseuses who negotiate or quote a price for any type of sexual contact. Hand gestures count the same as spoken or written words. Sex between consenting adults is legal, including in a massage parlor UNLESS there is an offer or agreement to pay money for same.

Police take over massage business and arrest customers.

https://abc30.com/prostitution-fresno-massage-parlor-arrest/5105834/The article is copyright 2019. Maybe this is old news.

11-08-23, 09:32
Are parlors or agencies more likely to busts? I feel like the answer is parlors and that's why I've been staying away from them as of late but you really don't know. I remember reading up somewhere that the closer we get to state elections, the more likely parlor busts happen. I can see how the agencies are harder to crack since they're not going after the women, they're getting people at the top.

11-08-23, 18:47
Looks like they busted up some Boston AAMPS that had a connection to Los Angeles. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/08/high-end-brothels-serviced-elected-officials-tech-and-pharma-execs-military-officials-and-more-feds.html.

11-09-23, 09:07
Looks like they busted up some Boston AAMPS that had a connection to Los Angeles. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/08/high-end-brothels-serviced-elected-officials-tech-and-pharma-execs-military-officials-and-more-feds.html.There's no doubt they Know about korgs. The question is if they are going to clean house across the states. Like another monger said, this wasn't city police, this was the homeland security.

11-09-23, 15:22
Looks like they busted up some Boston AAMPS that had a connection to Los Angeles. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/08/high-end-brothels-serviced-elected-officials-tech-and-pharma-execs-military-officials-and-more-feds.html.They are not AMPs, they are Korean incall by appointment. You can read the detailed summary and affidavit here from the original source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/three-arrested-operating-high-end-brothel-network.

The only connection to California is the lady leasing the apartments was arrested in Torrance. In the long run it is an elevated risk, but it is also a drop in the bucket. For context in the USA with a population of 332 million, about 17 million men have paid for sex. There are 70,000 arrests for prostitution a year, only 40% of which are men (the other generally being the workers), which is. 2% of that pool. 99% of that is from stings. We're talking 3 high profile arrests here versus those numbers. It is a drop in the bucket.

In past cases like when they busted the Seattle ring, they looked for low hanging fruit, direct connections. I've read a lot of affidavits in the past and it is much easier to start with a solid new lead than to try to connect one agency to a completely separate one. It's just a lot less work considering their goal is to get achievements, they already know they will never end it. They haven't even slowed it down.

There are Latin American rings doing the same thing (and much worse), Russian orgs, Thai orgs, etc.. All unrelated to the other. The "high end" side is a lot more work to investigate than the opposite end, where they can set up a van and make 10 or 20 arrests. Or use online and rent a house. The reason why K-orgs work is you can touch the girl before even paying, and I would love to hear a policewoman dress up as a sexy kgirl half-naked but with a wiretap, in a luxury apartment complex, as a train of guys try to touch and kiss her before speaking a word or giving money. Apart from being ridiculous, you'd get Karens complaining to the police chief over the nuisance of bringing stings into "their" turf.

This all will certainly continue of course and there is always risk, but on the other hand AMPs and incall has exploded in the last 10 years. Streetwalkers are now common again. Maybe in 20,50 years they will legalize in a few more states.

For those who want virtually no risk sex and aren't in a relationship, Asia is your best bet. It is 100% legal in Thailand and no different than visiting a strip club, arguably safer.

Oc Amper
11-09-23, 20:52
They are not AMPs, they are Korean incall by appointment. You can read the detailed summary and affidavit here from the original source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/three-arrested-operating-high-end-brothel-network.

The only connection to California is the lady leasing the apartments was arrested in Torrance.

The reason why K-orgs work is you can touch the girl before even paying, and I would love to hear a policewoman dress up as a sexy kgirl half-naked but with a wiretap, in a luxury apartment complex, as a train of guys try to touch and kiss her before speaking a word or giving money. The Torrance connection, was a man, that was the leasing partner for the woman that ran seemingly ran the agency. He would lease the apartments, using his or other stolen identities and hand them over to her for the business.

If LE has the electronic communications, in California, and my opinion, it doesn't matter if one touches the lady, pays her 1st, pays her going out the door. We setup a date, the length of service, might also throw in some add-ins like BB or what ever. Right there, they got you.

You'd have a very hard time explaining to anyone, looking at the advertisement that one was there just to talk or play tiddly winks.

The DOJ has at least one text message intended for a customer. Replying to that message that you want an appointment, set the time and options, all you need to do is get to the front door of the apartment, and you can be arrested.

If both you and LE are at that point, of course they will see if you will do an act of furtherance, but that is only to help solidify their case and isn't completely necessary for a conviction.

Oc Amper
11-09-23, 20:59
Are parlors or agencies more likely to busts? I feel like the answer is parlors and that's why I've been staying away from them as of late but you really don't know. I remember reading up somewhere that the closer we get to state elections, the more likely parlor busts happen. I can see how the agencies are harder to crack since they're not going after the women, they're getting people at the top.Not sure there is a good way of comparing the two. Elections surely seem to be a time when enforcement seems to happen more. Simply low hanging fruit.

In either case, parlor or AAMP's, we have establishments operating for years and not uncommon decades. Both cases, they don't usually go after the women. Frequently they are treated as victims.

Kind of seems like, they don't take down the little players, unless they are a community nuisance. Those that are community nuisances, get eliminated fairly quickly. The others, seem to run for an extended time. Not sure if it really takes that long to investigate, probably does to some extent, but probably they are looking at seizure laws and grab the profits to fund more enforement, or pay for the time already spent on the case.

Oc Amper
11-09-23, 21:05
There's no doubt they Know about korgs. The question is if they are going to clean house across the states. Like another monger said, this wasn't city police, this was the homeland security.They surely know about nearly all of them. The K-Orgs aren't hiding. Sometimes they do cutsie websites, photo modeling, or business advisors. No one is fooled.

This current case, since they are looking into the customers, its more likely this is a corruption case. That is what they are ultimately looking for. From the affidavit, surely isn't spelled out that they found any such corruption or extortion / black mail.

I think it is a good thing, they are going down the rabbit hole. We really should know, if military leaders or military with clearances, if they had been black mailed / extorted or any other thing.

Will they try to clean house across the states? Who knows. At first, I thought this is the tip of that iceberg, but now believing it is simply an isolated yet large case. It involves prostitution, but as said the focus is on other things that are of National Interest.

11-09-23, 22:51
The DOJ has at least one text message intended for a customer. Replying to that message that you want an appointment, set the time and options, all you need to do is get to the front door of the apartment, and you can be arrested.

If both you and LE are at that point, of course they will see if you will do an act of furtherance, but that is only to help solidify their case and isn't completely necessary for a conviction.I disagree. I have not gotten a text of options in years. They have no case and I have seen much stronger cases dropped. I visit the same girls regularly, the moment it is not them behind the door I say I'm at the wrong house. They cannot even ask me my ID and I will just leave. It's obvious from the door opening if it's the girl, without even seeing the girl. I have a perfectly legal explanation for why I am there, consistent with all my communications. Haven't had a problem in 20 years.

With the girls I'm seeing right now, I've seen her so much I have her on LINE anyways and we check up on each other before meeting. Would be pretty obvious before I even got to the door. Another girl from long ago, I have her on IG now and she quit her agency so I just see her in person. Sugaring is pretty much the very bottom of their priority.

With HX the moment I or any other customer is out, I put a strike on their safety. And that's it, their cover is blown. In my 12 years with the two agencies, they have not had one single strike or problem. If I or another see a strike, it's pretty quick before others will find out why (this has happened in several non-LE situations, with other independent girls). As I've always said, there is always some risk. Compared to alternatives, it's extremely low. The statistics I've cited show that.

01-05-24, 20:32
YouTube -- Stop The Raids: Sex Workers Protest Hydee Feldstein Soto's Criminalization.


Tiger Guy X
01-31-24, 02:08
I'm sure this will be a big story the next few days unless something bigger occurs. Hopefully no one in this group were caught up in the stings. https://abc7.com/california-human-trafficking-arrests-los-angeles-county-sex-workers-la/14372756/.

01-31-24, 16:01
I'm sure this will be a big story the next few days unless something bigger occurs. Hopefully no one in this group were caught up in the stings. https://abc7.com/california-human-trafficking-arrests-los-angeles-county-sex-workers-la/14372756/.Haven't read too much yet but I'm glad I'm taking a break from the agencies and escorts and just getting my rocks off on Fet. I'll probably lay low and continue on there for a few more months. I'd hate to be one of the poor bastards that was caught up in that.

01-31-24, 16:17
YouTube -- Stop The Raids: Sex Workers Protest Hydee Feldstein Soto's Criminalization.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53OSrLFhMZAImpressed that the ladies put themselves out there and made a compelling argument. Hope more in government actually listen to them even in Sacramento.

01-31-24, 20:10
Superbowl is a busy time for trafficers and prostitution. Vegas has got to be insane right now and over the next few weeks.

Stay safe everyone.

I'm sure this will be a big story the next few days unless something bigger occurs. Hopefully no one in this group were caught up in the stings. https://abc7.com/california-human-trafficking-arrests-los-angeles-county-sex-workers-la/14372756/.

02-09-24, 00:55
I'm sure this will be a big story the next few days unless something bigger occurs. Hopefully no one in this group were caught up in the stings. https://abc7.com/california-human-trafficking-arrests-los-angeles-county-sex-workers-la/14372756/.I support the bust if it means getting kids out of these situations. Theres nothing wrong, ethically, morally, and in my opinion, should be legalized as long as it is two consenting adults engaging in a transaction. If there's minors, to hell with the scumbag adults using minors to make a buck. A shame if the mongers entering this sting didn't know but to hell with them as well if they knew they could've been underage.

02-09-24, 01:06
I support the bust if it means getting kids out of these situations. Theres nothing wrong, ethically, morally, and in my opinion, should be legalized as long as it is two consenting adults engaging in a transaction. If there's minors, to hell with the scumbag adults using minors to make a buck. A shame if the mongers entering this sting didn't know but to hell with them as well if they knew they could've been underage.Stay as informed as why'all can out there. Especially if why'all into SWs. Cross your T's and dot your I's. Don't trust those SM pages that post girls. They get DM'd proof of minors being in their videos and don't take them down. Legit willingly being advertising for underaged pussy smh.

02-22-24, 23:00
Stay as informed as why'all can out there. Especially if why'all into SWs. Cross your T's and dot your I's. Don't trust those SM pages that post girls. They get DM'd proof of minors being in their videos and don't take them down. Legit willingly being advertising for underaged pussy smh.Yeah I may just avoid at all costs. I'm not partial to SW's since hearing my boy got robbed by her pimp not that long ago so I tend to try not to go with dice rolls like that.

04-11-24, 02:52
https://lasentinel.net/sex-trafficking-a-focus-on-figueroa-from-south-la-to-sacramento.html. I hear Disney is thinking of opening a store on fig right after Louis Vuitton does.

05-21-24, 00:38

Not sure how many of us travel here. I only have work that takes me to SF and Seattle area. Thought I wold leave this here though in the event any of you make your way to the East Coast.

05-21-24, 01:23

Not sure how many of us travel here. I only have work that takes me to SF and Seattle area. Thought I wold leave this here though in the event any of you make your way to the East Coast.Sheesh, she look like some pure Kentucky white Trailor park trash!

05-21-24, 13:45
Sheesh, she look like some pure Kentucky white Trailor park trash!Without a doubt and tbh, she does not look like my cup of tea. The only risk is these unfortunate souls go out and bareback other ladies in the area. However small the transmission rate, it's always good to be aware LOL.

05-21-24, 16:29
Red sox pitcher arrested.

Interesting that the sting in Florida nabbed the Red Sox pitcher along with 27 others in a sting. It was a skipthegames ad that attracted the perps. Be careful with that website- VPNs are blocked so they are getting real IP addresses and other metadata. Bleachbit is an excellent system cleaner that can delete much of the metadata from websites (cookies, temp files, cached images etc.).

He was a dumbass going for a 14 year old. Even though it was a sting. I don't use STG because of all the tracking. I just find it a giant potential honey-trap.

Take a look a the software: Windows, Linux, MacOs- not cell phone however. But if you are using a laptop / desktop this software is excellent.



05-21-24, 16:51
Red sox pitcher arrested.

Interesting that the sting in Florida nabbed the Red Sox pitcher along with 27 others in a sting. It was a skipthegames ad that attracted the perps. Be careful with that website- VPNs are blocked so they are getting real IP addresses and other metadata. Bleachbit is an excellent system cleaner that can delete much of the metadata from websites (cookies, temp files, cached images etc.).

He was a dumbass going for a 14 year old. Even though it was a sting. I don't use STG because of all the tracking. I just find it a giant potential honey-trap.

Take a look a the software: Windows, Linux, MacOs- not cell phone however. But if you are using a laptop / desktop this software is excellent.


LM.Dude was having a back and forth with someone he thought was a 14 year old girl to arrange to meet to have sex. Is that the thing you're trying to avoid from prying eyes? Jesus.


This video of his bust is funny - https://ovp.tmz.com/video/6c/o/2024/05/20/6c09360d7c0248b7a109eee0d754b4ad.mp4

05-21-24, 21:22
Dude was having a back and forth with someone he thought was a 14 year old girl to arrange to meet to have sex. Is that the thing you're trying to avoid from prying eyes? Jesus.


This video of his bust is funny - https://ovp.tmz.com/video/6c/o/2024/05/20/6c09360d7c0248b7a109eee0d754b4ad.mp4Hell no. Not saying that at all. My comment is about STG and tracking and risks by website for those that don't understand how websites track everything. Read what I write.


05-21-24, 21:59
Hell no. Not saying that at all. My comment is about STG and tracking and risks by website for those that don't understand how websites track everything. Read what I write.

LM.I know how to read. You left out the part that it was a sting to catch pedos.

05-21-24, 23:01
Hell no. Not saying that at all. My comment is about STG and tracking and risks by website for those that don't understand how websites track everything. Read what I write.

LM.Okay I just want to point out that they knew who he was because he showed up to a sting. They do not care that they have his IP address, there's too many further steps to prove who was at the computer and it doesn't make an easy case. They'd rather arrest two dozen guys for the same amount of work, who simply show up. A lot of cases get dropped, even with an arrest. The prosecutor picks the easiest cases because it's smart.

The point is ads get served for everything, especially online gambling, scams, even ransomware if the ad server sucks. The ad server hardly cares or knows what you do after, and aren't involved past that point. They'd love to track you by IP but it's for their own use, not to help with some investigation. They hate wasting time on that since they are there to make money. Do what you need to but understand their motivation is bad but not as charitable as helping police.