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03-19-08, 22:08
I decided that its time too start something new. I've made my first venture out too some korean bars and have found it somewhat an interesting mongering alternative. Cannot believe that you guys are not partaking. If you guys are then, why hold back on the intel.

Give me a minute for my thoughts to coalesce so tha i can put them down in writing for all too behold. so my mongers brothers chill, sit back, relax and I hope some of you contribute to this new thread.


03-22-08, 15:55
Well my adventures with the Kbar scene starts out like this. After many months of dliberation, scouting up and down telephone road a few times and engaging in some PMs with a few members for some intel, I decided too take the plunge in the Kbar scene.

The intel & advice that I recieved via PM, were very vague & sketchy at best. Here are some qoutes from a few members:

Originally Posted by DELETED
"You might try the Korean bars though, if you haven't already. I've never heard of anyone being stabbed at them"

Originally Posted by DELETED
"The second one is off telephone road. If you drive down the main strip, it is past 610, I can not tell you exactly, but if I happen to pass by, I will get the intersection for you so that you can mapquest it or something. You will not see any signs, just a beat down abandoned looking building, but when you pull around to the back, you will see the parking lot and inside are the girls.. freakin good looking girls too, but they are very suspicious and will not go with anyone. The rooms are located right in the back also.. so you do not have to drive around with them in your car."

Originally Posted by DELETED
Well, they are both bars and the damage last I checked was about the same in both. The first one might be cheaper, but I remember it being the same.

The second bar, I can not remember exactly where it is, but if you are coming from 45N headed 45S then you exit telephone and make a right. Drive down past all the korean bars, and when you get past 610, I believe that there is this one cantina that you will see on your right hand side. Right on the corner, big parking lot. Keep driving. Further down. Like I said, I can not remember the cross street, but it looks like an abandon building, pull to the back, and you will see all the cars. So you see why I say vague and sketchy. I had asked about the damage and could not get a response on a roundabout price to expect to pay for a girl and no mention of the lady drinks at all.

So being the go get-her that the Yohimbebroter is, I decided too take matters into my own hands. I ventured out on Monday night to test out my skills in navigating my way thru the Kbar scene. Stay tuned for the report.

03-23-08, 18:45
After reading some reports from the Hawaii Kbar and VeitBar scene, I figured that the bars here in houston must have a little action too be had. Or at least I would go out have a few drinks and socialize.

1st stop was the HAPPY GO LUCKY CLUB. I thought too myself with a name like that how can you go wrong? There was plenty of parking upfront. I walked into a dimly lite bar and was promply greeted by a korean bartender with a really big smile wearing a low cut dress displaying some big breast. Now the yohimbebrother likes big smiles and big breast. But this gal was old, ugly and FAT.

So I sit at the bar and order a drink and checkout the place. There were several other guys in there talking with what seems too be the Kbar targets girls. I engage into conversation with the bartender asking hows business, where you from, are there in more girls available. Etc. After a few minutes she yells out in korean (I guess) too the back area, and I'm hoping that she is callin for a beautiful and young Kgirl. To my atonishment out walks the most hideous looking creature that god has ever put on this green earth.

I'm thinking too myself NO, NO I don't like the direction that she is headed. No matter how hard and fast I prayed too whatever GOD that would listen, she had her heat seeker set on me. She walks up too me with all of the confidence of Tyra Banks, and stands between my legs. So I'm looking at this, this, this I'm not sure what IT is.

Now she had too be at least 60 years old, and I'm being kind about that. The years have not been good too her at all. She starts askin me questions, which I don't remember what she was saying. Then she grabs my croth and says oh nice one. : / then she takes my hand and places them on her big azz hanging tits. Which surprisingly enough were somewhat firm. I took them out of her top to give them an inspection, all the while the bartender was watching. As I took them out the bartender gave me an approving nod of the head and a wink. But I just could not imagine seeing this beast nekkid at all. i think this was part of the iniation for first time visitors.

The Beast leaves and I talk to the bartender for a few minutes askin about younger nicer looking girls. She said they were all busy and that I should come back another day. She asked me if I liked her titties, which I said yes, just going along with the program and letting her know that I'm a player in the game. You gotta make friends right? So I hurriedly finished up my drink and said good bye and that I would come back another day.

Stay tuned for the next installment of my Kbar report. The night gets better.


03-23-08, 22:36
After leaving the Happy Go Lucky club, I drove up Troad till I saw a string of bars together. The first place that I walked int was called The little toy club. Had a beer and chatted with a somewhat cute gal for a few minutes.

I went next door to another bar and ordered another drink. Watched the TV and chatted a few mins with some dude and another chick. There was 2or 3 girls sitting around looking bored, but not interested in talking with me. So I moved on.

Walked in the the blue cat club and was greeted at the door by a older but interesting looking faced gal. She smiled at me as I sat down a few seats from her at the bar. I orders a beer and scan the place looking for something of interest.

There was about 5 ladies there of various ages, a pool table and a juke box. I make eye contact with a younger looking girl wearing glasses and a funny looking hat. She comes over and start talking then we go too the juke box and she selects 1 song then walks away. Then another older girl comes up too me and asked if I need some help selecting a song. First thing that I saw was her ample cleavage. She starts flirting with me as we select several more songs from the juke box.

We sit back down at the bar and this chick is all over me at this point and asking me if I want too head too the back room. Once back into the room, which consist of 3 sofas, I figured that this is where things happen. We settled on a price, then she excused herself.

She shortly returned and started doing a slow strip tease till she was in her panties. Then she started removing my shirt, boots and then my pants and underwear. She spreads a large towel out for us to lay on.

After playing with her nice size tits and use exploring each others bodies she slipped on a cover for CBJ and then started too slowly ride on top of me. She told me too take my time and have fun, which I did. Went thru all the positions with her finishing where we started, with her on top. All told 30-40 mins of straight humping. Afterwards she left and got a hot towel too clean me up with.

Her name was ruby or luby, mid 40s, hairy between the legs, firm tits great attitude. Damage was $. 2

as i was leaving I was looking for the younger looking girl with the funny lookin hat and glasses.. I at least wanted too say good night too her and that id see her soon.
Stay tuned for the final installment.


03-25-08, 21:52
As I return back down the not too often path of Troad, I find myself strangely drawn back too the Blue Cat club. As I walk in thru the door I peep the girl with the interesting face (but I forgot too mention dard red thick ruby lipstick) was there. She smiles and gives me a appoving knod. I sit a few seats away from her once again, just too see what happens. I order a beer and starts the scanning process.

Few minutes later a little spinner comes slithers up too me and engages in some conversation. I buy her a LADY DRINK then we head too the pool table.

We have fun playing pool, with her feeling my azzz and crotch when I'm trying too shoot. And then we she is shooting I give her lessons while she is bending over with me grinding on her little azz. It gives playing pool a whole new meaning.

Afte a couple games, we move to the back room billards area for somemore billarards game.

I saw the girl that I've peeped on my last visit with the funny looking hat, she was laying down on one of the sofas snoozing, then later on she was just walking from the sofa too I think the restroom. But otherwise unengaged.

Back in the rear billards area we with my little 40s something spinner we settleded on the price. After a short intermission she returned with a large towel. Started to strip down too her gstring then helped me too undress. I had too explore her body all over. For a lady her age she had it going on. Perky tits, flat tummy but the azz was not too round and firm but decent.

Little momma wiped me down with several babywipes clothes, ensuring that all lickable parts were "clean". Then proceded to lick me down with her tongue. I asked for some AR, but she got close but no cigar. She sucked and licked my balls and dick all the while suggesting that I relax, enjoy and take my time. After my encouraging her, she lipped on the cover and gave me some really awesome deepthroating cbj. More ball licking and close too th AR then more ball licking.

After all the licking, sucking and her riding on top I was about too pop. So I switched position. I stood up and she started sucking me somemore, then I bent her over for some K9. This little lady took it all like a champ, every so often she would look back at me with, what I assume with curiosity and satisfaction. We switch back and forth with different positions and the expressions on her face and pace of her breathing and body language, I think a good time was had by all.

Still curious about the young girl with funny lookin HAT and glasses. I will return one day too sample it.

I don't remember the lady's name that I was with, but she had a good attitude, like playing pool, very oral and enthusistic, trimmed bush, petitete, as she said it " I'm 47 years old but have tits like a 26 year old. " which was true.

But she pushed lady drinks. Lady drink cost 10. 00 for a glass of WATER: regular drink for the lady wa 11. 00. Heres the difference. LADY DRINK = glass of water regular drink = pony beer for 11. 00 so I say skip on the drink for the lady or just pay 10. Oo and REQUESTE a beer for her.

All in all I had a really good time playing pool with her. Nice experience.

On a side note I met the boss and her little dogs of the place. I think that they all enjoyed my company and my company is welcomed back too their fine estabisment.

Damn, I' sure that I left out some details of the night.


03-26-08, 01:19
Picking up where my previous post left off, I made another swing by the happy go lucky club just too see what was going down. Or who was going down.

The place was very silent with the exception of one girl that was with some guy and the bartender. The bartender started talking too me and remembered me from a few nights ago. They started talking and they both remembered me. The working lady was some what nice looking but was with some dude, which she shortly left with to head too the back room.

So I'm left with the bartender. We talk and then she mentioned that she needs a massagie. So walks around the bar and lays on the top of the sofa and ask me too massage her. Since there was nothing else to do other finish my drink I decided to entertain her. She is like is said in in previous report fat and uglu, but proud of her tits. So I start massaging her back and legs. She like it hard. At one point I was just having fun, so I pulled up her dress to reviel her azzz, which she was wearing a gstring. So we talked and I massaged her back ass and tits till I got bored. Then left. She thanked me for the massaggie and of course said too come back. The way I see it, I'm earning some points at this place.


03-30-08, 14:33
Great series of reports

Picking up where my previous post left off, I made another swing by the happy go lucky club just too see what was going down. Or who was going down.


03-30-08, 15:06
And thanks for dropping by our happy lil forum and checking us out.


Great series of reports

03-30-08, 15:49
So I decided to venture back into the brave new world (still new too me), which I am eager too try a new experience of the Kbar scene. And so it continued with me exploring Troad Kbars. I'm not trying too trivalize the situations or boast, but just to explain what I'm experciening.

Once apon a time mongering was an abstract concept too me, and now when done properly with the proper research, information and field testing all things are possible.

So once again I find myself driving down Troad headed for the BCC. Soon as I walk in I'm greeted by the usual friendly and eager faces. The momma with her little dogs comes up and says Hi too me, followed by the other girls.

My favorite girl there and I play several games of pool once again, along with some other little older lady. We played pool, laughed and a whole lot of ass, tit and croth grabbing. The whole point is too have fun and gain their trust. When one girl is shooting my huging and touching with ther other. At any point I had my hands on their tits or ass. I even changed the rules too playing pool. When you miss a shot you have too get a spanking on the ass with the panties pulled down. So at every change I got I had them panties down spanking their asses. They seemed loved it too death.

When it was time to get down too business, both girls wanted too spend time with Yohimbebrother. But I was not having it unless they were willing too split the usual fee. In the end I took my favorite and too the back for a well deserved pounding.

Nothing spectacular or differnt too report. She throughly cleaned me with some those sanitized napkins, then she gave me plenty of ball and cock licking and sucking. I asked for some rimming but she got close but that was not on the menu. We went thru all the positions taking our time, all COVERED of course. She seems too know what she wants for sure, because every soo often she would want too ride on top grinding me with a purpose too what appeared too be her reaching a climax. We spent about 45mins straight nice fucking.

Cold beer, pool, juke box music, dancing, grabbing ass & tits and a good fucking = life is pretty good $. 2.


Lion Killer
03-30-08, 20:14
You know, your reports are the most intertaining here in H Town. I do look forward to reading them. With out you, this board would be boring.

I am from H Town, I do not report here much as I do most of my mongering out of the country. But I would like to meet up with you one day.

I totally enjoyed your KBars reports, they were right on as I have done the KBars in Galveston. As you say most are older women and you have to play them. Keep them coming.


04-12-08, 11:39
You know I HAVE to agree with the last post here that your reports are GREAT, I come to Houston two or three times a year, and I always visit the T Road bars and I love them. Since I don't live there, please keep providing such excellent reports in both forums.



04-23-08, 22:01
Just doing what I can too contribute toward the common goal here. Not sure why there are not that many post on the houston forums board. Are members playing thier cards close too their chest? Whats up brother?

You know, your reports are the most intertaining here in H Town. I do look forward to reading them. With out you, this board would be boring.

I am from H Town, I do not report here much as I do most of my mongering out of the country. But I would like to meet up with you one day.

I totally enjoyed your KBars reports, they were right on as I have done the KBars in Galveston. As you say most are older women and you have to play them. Keep them coming.


Cat Daddy #2
04-24-08, 10:39
I never knew anything about these bars until I watched a news special on MSNBC last night. It lasted about a hour and it showed all the bars along that strip in Houston. I would have never guessed in million years there was still a place like this in america. Enjoy it while it lasts because sooner or later all good things must come to an end.

Lion Killer
04-24-08, 16:50
You know I guess your right about not as many reports here. It has allot to do with the LE busts over the past 2 years here in Houston. People are just down right scared or don't want to let the Houston LE know anymore than they already know. Hell the Houston Vice monitor this board.

I rarely monger here in Houston even though I live here, most of my mongering is out of the country where its legal or not looked upon as a mortal sin.

I am heading to Houduras next month for a week of playing and diving, scuba during the day and muff at night, the best of both worlds.


04-24-08, 20:00
I am 99.999999 percent that anything we post here in public LE knew about a long time ago.

That is why if you come across something you think is really new etc. it is better to use the PM method, in my opinion.

04-24-08, 22:18
Have fun in Hounduras. You crack me up with the scuba during the day and muff at night. LOL

Be safe and let me know how your trip went. Would like too hear about accomodation, location and of course local talent.

Be safe


You know I guess your right about not as many reports here. It has allot to do with the LE busts over the past 2 years here in Houston. People are just down right scared or don't want to let the Houston LE know anymore than they already know. Hell the Houston Vice monitor this board.

I rarely monger here in Houston even though I live here, most of my mongering is out of the country where its legal or not looked upon as a mortal sin.

I am heading to Houduras next month for a week of playing and diving, scuba during the day and muff at night, the best of both worlds.


Swifty 53
05-04-08, 00:08
In Houston for a couple of days, from Maryland. Been reading the reports about the Korean Bars, and decided to check them out. Stop first at the Blue Cat Club, with two others right next door. From the outside they looked pretty run down, and I was standing outside my car debating on weather to enter, when I saw a lady walking up the street toward me. Thought she might be working, so I waited for her to come to me. First thing she says to me is that I don't want to go in those bar, that they're a big rip off. I asked her if she had something better in mind. She told me that she lived near by, and she'd give me full service for 30. Took her up on her offer, and fond that she lived about a mile away in a fairly nice house, with her elderly father. Started to get comfortable in her bedroom, when I found out that she had no condoms, and neater did I. I changed the offer to 20 for a BBBJ, and she graciously accepted. She gave one of the best BJ that I have had in years, plenty of ball licking and DT. Laura is an older wsw, kind of thin, but she has a great aditude, and a nice place. I got here digits, and plan to see her again soon. I know this is a SW report, only reporting it in this thred, because I met her outside the K Bars, which I never went in. I think I luck out Today.

05-21-08, 20:33
Yohimbe Brother: I want to the Blue Cat Club, and did very well based on the report you posted. Thanks. Also, I think the 40ish spinner that you had in your post from 3/30 called herself "Suki" when I went through there today.

I went in there around eleven, had a beer. There was the owner and her lapdogs, the bartender, and 2 girls. I actually thought the one girl, Suki was a waitress. Played a game of pool, bought one drink, and proceeded to the back room. At this point you can piece it together from the previous reports.

$ for back. $.14.75 total (counting the pool game)

Oh, humorous story. I asked her to play a game of pool, and she told me that she had never played pool before...then proceeded to make shots better than me. Although at that point I was more focused on groping than pool sharking.

Fun Lover King
07-16-08, 23:19
Hey gang,

Came to Houston for an overnight business trip and had a chance to check out a few places. First went to Exotic Club (strip club) I was too early, but there was one girl Marla who was very good. I didn't see how they could have offered extras there.

Then I went to check out the KBars mentioned in the previous postings. Either it's because it was a Wednesday, or it was too early, but I checked 4 of these places and they were all filled with 50+ yr old not so good looking Korean women. I stayed at each one for a drink and left.

Ended up going to Paradise spa. Only a few girls to choose from, not great, but at least was a happy ending.


08-09-08, 00:03
Visiting your city from Cali and after a few days was getting the itch for something a little different so headed down to Telephone to check out the Kbars. First stopped in at the BCC about 2pm. Two other guys in the bar, one watching the game and the other playing video and getting rubbed on by one of the girls. Bartender is older than dirt and proceeded to grill me about if I had been there before, where I was from, etc. Not real receptive. Of the two girls working, tried to talk with the one not occupied and she was not playing along. After a couple beers decided enough is enough. Maybe will try again another day.

Went a couple blocks down to Happy Go Lucky. There were three girls working one tending bar with the huge tits, a thin but attractive one and another who while had big tits, was not my style. Anyways, a totally different attitude than at BCC. Immediately upon entering they were talking to me, asking for a drink, rubbing my shoulders etc. Bought myself a beer and after a few minutes bought the girls a round ($10 each) to gain some good will. After the experience at BCC wanted to prime the pump a little. After 5 minutes went back to pool table and invited the thinner Kgirl (she said name was Kim) who willingly accompanied me. The problem was the thicker girl also followed and wanted to push her way into the action. As long as I would buy drinks, which I wouldn't. Be aware, she is pushy and not shy about trying to upsell.

After a couple games Kim suggested going to back room for a higher level of play which I did. Total damage for the hour plus was $60 for drinks and $100 tip. Not something I would do everyday, but not bad.

09-02-08, 19:02
This past labor day weekend, I find myself thinking of doing something different. Where shall I go? What shall I do? Who do I want too fuck? All of these questions deserved some considerable thinking. I read over the different post here on USG concerning AMPs and kbar. Viewed the various pictures posted by CookyJar. After scouring thru houstonbackpage and view the various AMP adds, I was still undecided as far as when too proceed too next. After rereading the hawaii kbar scene, I decided too check out my old haught the blue cat club.

Walked into the place around 7pm. Few customers sitting around talking with the girls. Looks like they have some new and too my surprise younger pretty faces in the house. But as soon as I sit down at the bar one of the older ladies who I have spent time with came running up too me.

I buy drinks for us, ensuring that she actually got a beer, and catch up on things. Sitting next too me was on of the new girls talkin with a customer. She had long wavy hair and dark tan which looked pretty good too me. She looks Polynesian too me, but whose too say. Me and my old reliable head over too play a game of pool and this also allows me to survey the land a little better. While playing pool, I noticed another cute gal slip off too the back with some guy for some fun. I wanted an opportunity to talk with the polynesian girl but it did not happen. After play one game of pool and a little bit of grab ass, he honey says "come on lets go fuck". I was feeling good so I grabbed her by the asss and squeesed it firmly saying yeah let roll.

Once in the back after giving her the fee, and she excused herself and came back. Stripped me nekkid and then she slipped out of her dress and undies leaving on her heels only.

After covering up jr. Yohimbebrother she proceeded too give me a very nice BJ while I was sittting and she was bent over slurping me down her throat. I then laid her down and slipped jr back into her mouth for me too skullfuck her while I'm fingering her pussy.

Sooon after that I slipped jr. Inside of her wet muff and went too all the positions. All the while I could her the sounds of the other couple fucking in the next room. Whoever was in there sure was tearing that gal up or she was putting on one hellava show.

After some heart pounding sweating 30 minutes I was down. Normally I remove the condom and she allows me too come in her mouth. But I totally got carried away.

Shes not the pretties, youngest or physically attractive. For her age she looks good. I really enjoy fucking this little MILF because she can take a good pounding, swallows and talks dirty.

Total damage was 1. 40 including the drinks.

Big Shock
10-12-08, 14:43
Based on some reports here I decided to check out Telephone rd. At all of the bars I have seen mentioned, things were dead for a Friday night. Most of the bars were either empty, or full of guys with no women. As has been discussed, the women that were around were definitly older. After about an hour wandering from bar to bar, and decided to leave and try my luck at a spa. As I crossed under the freeway, I saw some bars that have not been reported on. I struck out at the first one a stopped at, but then struck gold.

I found the xxxxx Nite Club in a small strip mall and decided to check it out. The bar had neon "Open" sign inside the glass door, but the door was locked. I range the buzzer next to the door and after about 30 seconds, a small Korean MILF came to the door. She let me in and we went to the bar. She started with the drink hustle, and things developed slowly from there. So slowly in fact, I though I may not be able to get the kind of service I was looking for. Every time I tried to touch my hand was pulled away from some of the more interesting areas after a few seconds. My friend had very good english, and we spent some time talking. Towards the end of her second drink, she spent some time trying to convince me that I should go home to my SO. , when I made it clear that I was looking for fun, we finally moved into the end game. It was definitely worth the wait. She had the best set of c-D cups I have ever seen, and was very responsive to my touch. When we got undressed she had the tightes kitty I have ever experienced. I can still feel it squeezing me more than 12 hours later.

Next time I am in h-town, I will definitely try to track here down, if that is this had all actually happened. In reality, Saturday night was a dessert, and this might have all been a Mirage.

Pay Pal
10-19-08, 19:32
Based on some reports here I decided to check out Telephone rd. At all of the bars I have seen mentioned, things were dead for a Friday night. Most of the bars were either empty, or full of guys with no women. As has been discussed, the women that were around were definitly older. After about an hour wandering from bar to bar, and decided to leave and try my luck at a spa. As I crossed under the freeway, I saw some bars that have not been reported on. I struck out at the first one a stopped at, but then struck gold.

I found the xxxxx Nite Club in a small strip mall and decided to check it out. The bar had neon "Open" sign inside the glass door, but the door was locked. I range the buzzer next to the door and after about 30 seconds, a small Korean MILF came to the door. She let me in and we went to the bar. She started with the drink hustle, and things developed slowly from there. So slowly in fact, I though I may not be able to get the kind of service I was looking for. Every time I tried to touch my hand was pulled away from some of the more interesting areas after a few seconds. My friend had very good english, and we spent some time talking. Towards the end of her second drink, she spent some time trying to convince me that I should go home to my SO. , when I made it clear that I was looking for fun, we finally moved into the end game. It was definitely worth the wait. She had the best set of c-D cups I have ever seen, and was very responsive to my touch. When we got undressed she had the tightes kitty I have ever experienced. I can still feel it squeezing me more than 12 hours later.

Next time I am in h-town, I will definitely try to track here down, if that is this had all actually happened. In reality, Saturday night was a dessert, and this might have all been a Mirage.

I stopped in that area recently and nothing was to be found but older women. I started thinking that is where they go once they leave the AMP scene. Maybe it didn't help that all I ordered was water instead of an "adult" beverage but the only bar that had a somewhat young lady would have nothing to do with me. K-bars are a waste of time from what I've seen so far.

11-20-08, 17:45
First of all I'm glad I found this website, I normally go to the another forum. Boy is that forum dead. I go to the Korean bars alot, it's a hit or miss thing. I usually go to Blue Cat on T-RD, I've knock out some real 8 or 9's in there. There was this chick name Lisa she was in her mid 20's and had a nice ass and rack. She was awesome, my advice is not to go more than 1 benjamin franklin, I found out that these girls are usually MP's rejects, they can't make any money there so they go to the Korean bars. I've talks them down to 80 also but it depends on the girl. I use to have a girl that treated me real nice at the moonlounge or moonlight lounge, right next to a liqour store, she has since left that place. There are two hot Korean girls there but don't waste your time they don't go to the backroom, but it'll be a matter of time till they do, they can't make money on ladies drink. I'll post some info on Mexican bars if I get some feed back one of them is on T-RD also. You can get a hottie for 60-75 and the girls there are pretty nice.

11-20-08, 23:31

What's the deal with the mexican bars? I went to Las Palmas (I think) that's on t-road. How do they work? And what about us non-hispanic folk, are we welcome?


First of all I'm glad I found this website, I normally go to the another forum. Boy is that forum dead. I go to the Korean bars alot, it's a hit or miss thing. I usually go to Blue Cat on T-RD, I've knock out some real 8 or 9's in there. There was this chick name Lisa she was in her mid 20's and had a nice ass and rack. She was awesome, my advice is not to go more than 1 benjamin franklin, I found out that these girls are usually MP's rejects, they can't make any money there so they go to the Korean bars. I've talks them down to 80 also but it depends on the girl. I use to have a girl that treated me real nice at the moonlounge or moonlight lounge, right next to a liqour store, she has since left that place. There are two hot Korean girls there but don't waste your time they don't go to the backroom, but it'll be a matter of time till they do, they can't make money on ladies drink. I'll post some info on Mexican bars if I get some feed back one of them is on T-RD also. You can get a hottie for 60-75 and the girls there are pretty nice.

11-21-08, 02:24
First of all I'm glad I found this website, I normally go to the another forum. Boy is that forum dead. I go to the Korean bars alot, it's a hit or miss thing. I usually go to Blue Cat on T-RD, I've knock out some real 8 or 9's in there. There was this chick name Lisa she was in her mid 20's and had a nice ass and rack. She was awesome, my advice is not to go more than 1 benjamin franklin, I found out that these girls are usually MP's rejects, they can't make any money there so they go to the Korean bars. I've talks them down to 80 also but it depends on the girl. I use to have a girl that treated me real nice at the moonlounge or moonlight lounge, right next to a liqour store, she has since left that place. There are two hot Korean girls there but don't waste your time they don't go to the backroom, but it'll be a matter of time till they do, they can't make money on ladies drink. I'll post some info on Mexican bars if I get some feed back one of them is on T-RD also. You can get a hottie for 60-75 and the girls there are pretty nice.Welcome to the forum brother

Its not dead here, buts its not active tough lol

So where are the Mexican bars?

11-21-08, 15:26
Hey, that's the one I'm talking about (Las Palmas). Don't get it confused with the one that is on the corner of T-RD and 610, they have the same name but are worlds apart!!!. If you travel down T-RD and pass 610 going towards Pearland you will pass Park Place Blvd., turn right on the second street. You will see a korean store on the corner, its right before Macalitas Korean Bar. The parking lot is behind the business so it'll look like it's closed when you approach it from the front. The main objective if you are non-hispanic is that you have to sell yourself and prove that you are not L/E. If you have a mexican friend it'll go alot smoother. Once you establish that you can wave a girl to you and she will approach you, if she doesn't you probably didn't want her to begin with. The girls range from 7-10, and that goes for attitude also, but you have some that are great providers and I know for a fact that once you get to know them some of them will see you outside of the bar during the daytime. Hope this helps and I'll post some more info on other bars like this one.

SW Surfer
01-13-09, 14:45
Doing some recon before spending a week in Houston and saw this report. Can't figure out why the Big Shock didn't post he name of the club?

I like the K-Bar's and will partake at least 4-5 time while on my visit. I am use to using hostess clubs in various areas, but they are hard to find.

Any new info would be great. I plan on starting at the Blue Cat Sunday Night and will post my results.

Keepin it Waxed,


I found the xxxxx Nite Club in a small strip mall and decided to check it out. The bar had neon "Open" sign inside the glass door, but the door was locked. I range the buzzer next to the door and after about 30 seconds, a small Korean MILF came to the door.

01-18-09, 15:24
I'll be in Houston next week but will only have free time during the afternoon. Are the K bars worth going to? How about the Mexican bars? I'm a white guy, will be by myself, but would really like to check out the Mexican bars. Have a thing for Latinas! Any info or help anyone can provide is appreciated.

01-19-09, 10:44
I've gone too the Kbars on Troad a handfull of times last year. The blue kat club is wear I found the most fun. I've not gone too the mexican bars, but I hear that they are dangerous. YMMV. Have fun and report on your findings.

I'll be in Houston next week but will only have free time during the afternoon. Are the K bars worth going to? How about the Mexican bars? I'm a white guy, will be by myself, but would really like to check out the Mexican bars. Have a thing for Latinas! Any info or help anyone can provide is appreciated.

01-24-09, 16:39
Alright, I'll be in Houston next Tuesday afternoon and plan on hitting the K bars. Really looking forward to it. I definitely plan on hitting the Happy Go Lucky and the Blue Cat. Any other recommendations. I'd like to visit a few, have a few drinks, do a little fondling and head back to whichever one I like best. Any last minute advice anyone can give me? I'll definitely report back when I return.

Craig Kanton
03-22-09, 10:51
I've searched the forums, I might have missed something, but pretty sure I covered most.

Can someone give me a genral run down of the "K Bar" scene? You don't' have to go into great specifics, we all know what we are lookign for here LOL.

But I'm spending a Thur layover in houston & would like to "expand my horizons" a tad. I've had AMP, BSW, WSW scenes, wonder what I'm walking into in the "K Bar" scene.

Appreciate the guidance


SW Surfer
04-30-09, 14:32
Wondering what time the Houston K Bar's normally get started during the day?


SW Surfer.

PS - I have updated my map to include a list of K-Bar's, let me know if I missed any that are worth hitting.


04-30-09, 22:07
I've gone to the K bars as early as 2pm in the aftenoon on a weekday and had action, of course YMMV, also its been some months since I've visited them.


Wondering what time the Houston K Bar's normally get started during the day?


SW Surfer.

PS - I have updated my map to include a list of K-Bar's, let me know if I missed any that are worth hitting.


05-01-09, 10:01
I have hit them around 1. That is when I find they are just starting to clean up from the prior night and have found some jewels, both natural like a cheap diamond, and artificial like a piece of glass. Definately YMMV. I did stop by last month around 10pm. At the one across from Cindy's on the same side as the 2 story adult arcade dump, only one girl, mid 40''s, a little extra padding in the middle, nice natural C's and a pretty good bang for 40. Was late and they needed the business. Now the lady who opened the door when I knocked, wow I was afraid she was the only girl. Put a new spin on UGLY!

I've gone to the K bars as early as 2pm in the aftenoon on a weekday and had action, of course YMMV, also its been some months since I've visited them.


SW Surfer
05-05-09, 09:42
Stopped by the Blue Cat last night around 9. One older dude drinking by him self, 4-5 cute K-girls and Mamma with 2 little chiwawa's that kept barking.

Bought a beer, tipped Mamma a 5 and smiled. I ended up sitting by myself for 1 hour, it seemed the girls were to busy talking to each other then wanting to visit with me.

I will try again tonight at Blue Cat or one of the others....Kinda pissed my off.

Surfer Out

SW Surfer
05-06-09, 00:01
Well with a solid strike out Monday I headed out tonight and get a totally different experience.

Stopped in the Lucky and there was 5 guys and 1 girl...Mamma Kim suggested I head up the street. I told her of my experience at the Blue Cat - she basically said those stupid girls lost out on some good money. She also made a comment that I do look like a cop...ok that's not the first time I have heard that, but she said to go see Pepsi at Smiley and by pass the Blue Cat.

I still stopped in the Blue Cat to check it out. I didn't even buy a beer, it was the same girls from last night and 4-5 guys all in social mode with them.

I then head to the Smiley next door. I enter and Marry the bartender (25ish cutie) servers me up a beer and I ask for Pepsi. A 40ish K girl sits down and we make friendly. I buy her a drink (.10) and we continue with the small talk and patty cake. I ask for a walk about and more info on the club, they have a nice patio for smoking and a quite screened offed area for relaxing. They also have a back room with sofas and soft lights.

I ended up spending 1 hour in the back with Pepsi for a total of .80. It was very enjoyable for both of us, lots of attention to all the right areas and a solid 10 on the finish. Senior members can PM me for more info...

Though I like my girls in their early 20's, there is something to be said about a 40-50ish K-girl and what they know and are more willing to do.

Pepsi really invested in our first meeting and it was well worth the paid out.

Thanks Houston for a great visit.....

Be safe,

Surf Out.

Bad Bad Bad
05-07-09, 01:32
After reading Surfdog's report, I thought I'd check the T-street strip. And nothing although I did get a good laugh. At the Toy there was an older than dirt lady totally blitzed. She starts hanging all over so much that even the mamasan looked embarrased. Once she finally laid off, she went back to a corner and passed out.

Wanted to check out the latin club, but just didn't feel safe.

05-24-09, 23:39
Went to a Houston K-Bar for the first time Thursday night. Saw the yapping tiny dogs and 5 women total. One late 50's or older korean bartender, one late 40's or so Japanese or Native American house-mom type, two Koreans under 30 and one Korean that looked like a teenager. No action whatsoever, and I tried my best. I don't know if it's because I look like a short tubby cop or because what works in Honolulu doesn't work in Houston or both.

06-09-09, 00:03
Went back down telephone road on the 4th. Went to the back with a very old lady at the happy go lucky. She was nice and friendly and suffering in this economy, but if she hadn't been the only one there and I hadn't been pretty desperate I would have passed. I wish the bartender would go out back. She's not young or anything but she's very sexy.

Went back to the blue cat with exactly the same result as before. I was told that some of the women there like to have fun, but I just don't know the magic word. I will give it one more shot next week then I'll just have to write that place off. It's a shame because there are a couple of really cute youngish women there.

Shaved Cock
08-08-09, 12:34
I was in town for business last week and as I love asian women, couldn't resist the temptation so I read all the reports here and started with Blu Cat. To be honest, the place is dingy and smelled of dog urine, so I almost left. Sat at the bar and ordered a Corona. It didn't take long for a mid-30's Latina (little chunky but very nice person) to stop by. I chatted for a while, but when she asked if I wanted to buy her a girl drink, I said I really was there for a Korean girl. She was disappointed but retreated to where another girl was sitting, who then came by. Her name was something like JiuLing, but I couldn't quite get it. Mid-30's, 5'4, 33B, 105 petite and very affectionate. We chatted and got to know her life ... very nice person. I asked her to give me a tour and she showed me the backroom which is basically several sofas along 2 walls. The room rental fee was 1.5 (which seemed high) and "included her company". We had a great time and I was so turned on I didn't last long. Highly recommend her but the place is definitely grungy.

08-09-09, 18:16
Went to the Smile Lounge (one door south of Blue Cat). This place was closed a couple of weeks ago when I went by. There was 4 doable girls working in the place. I went to the back room with Lucy. Cost was $20 drink and $100 for fun, and she even gave a great body rub after. All girls were a little thick, but that is how I like'em. Bartender is pretty hot and fun to talk to. So my diamond may be your coal, but definately worth checking out when bar hopping on Telephone.

SW Surfer
10-23-09, 12:21
Just wondering if anyone has any new info on the K-bars....

.....planning a trip a few weeks out and would love to get some new insight.

11-17-09, 03:59
Went to Roseland the other day on t-road did the usual order a beer, buy her a drink, she drapes her leg on mine, go to back. Slightly older decent pair small belly started with CBJ layed her down and went crazy. Tried to give me her name but was interested not too bad for for just $1. 00 By all means not good but good enough for now.

02-10-10, 05:05
Went to the Cat on T-road a couple of days ago. It was early and tried the usual spots before arriving there, one female late 30's could not tell what she was working with as she was overdressed. She asked for a drink which I respond in a little bit. We talked a little and I reached inside her blouse to feel for her breast. They were natural and firm, she asked if I wanted to go to the back. To my supprise she quoted me 0.60 (gotta love the recession).

Good service overall.

Member #6038
02-26-10, 09:23
Intrigued by the reports here of the kbar scene I decided to check it out. Dropped in on a weekday around 3pm. Wandered in to Blue Cat first. One younger and reasonable cute gal there but she was socializing with two guys and a bucket of beers. Owner and bartender chatted me up but I wandered off after downing one beer as it was obvious nothing was happening soon.

Went next door to Smile. Nobody there but the staff and the one working girl wasn't for me. Headed in to Toy. Could have had carnal knowledge with a gal who appeared old enough to have been in my Mom's quilting club (my mother is in her 80's) but I don't have a geriatric fetish so I called it quits for the afternoon.

Headed back in the evening in the hopes pickings would be better. Not the case to any satisfying degree. More action in Blue Cat but all were otherwise engaged. Ended up hooking up with a gal in Toy - didn't catch the name. Fifties, not a hadbody at all but a nice lady. Full oral exam to completion.

Previous reviews are accurate. The places are dumps. I characterize it as sw level talent at sw prices with the added benefit of having the sw experience while sitting on a couch and sucking down a beer. Overall investment .4 for the girl, .12 for her beer and about .04 for my beer. Total out of pocket .56. Good bang for the buck but I'd rather spend more for better quality.

03-25-10, 19:44
Whats up guys -- No one going or are you holding back?

Yohimbe Brother -- time for another update! I'd be happy to do it, but I'm stuck up north.

03-26-10, 10:50
Whats up guys -- No one going or are you holding back?

Yohimbe Brother -- time for another update! I'd be happy to do it, but I'm stuck up north.Screwed Up the Header --> Should have been: Nothing New At the K-Bars.

03-26-10, 22:03
Naw, I have not gone back to the Kbars in a long time. I like the AMPs much better. At the AMPs there are better quality of woman to select from and in my opinion much cleaner and safer. I might go back one day soon just for a recon mission.


Whats up guys -- No one going or are you holding back?

Yohimbe Brother -- time for another update! I'd be happy to do it, but I'm stuck up north.

03-27-10, 22:03
Naw, I have not gone back to the Kbars in a long time. I like the AMPs much better. At the AMPs there are better quality of woman to select from and in my opinion much cleaner and safer. I might go back one day soon just for a recon mission.

YohimbebrotherThanks YohimbeBrother -- BTW, it you do visit the Cat, I saw somewhere there is a tall, thin young one with a oriental tat on her arm who is choosey but does deliver the goods. Said he went out for a couple of hours with her and he proceeded to tear that fine pussy up multiple times. Set him back more than he wanted, but said it is much better grade goods.

Happy Hunting and if you strike gold, give us all the juicy details!

04-05-10, 06:12
I saw somewhere there is a tall, thin young one with a oriental tat on her arm who is choosey but does deliver the goods.

I saw her a couple of weeks ago. She called herself "Zen" and she quoted $$$. That was too rich for my blood, so we socialized for about 90 min and then I went next door for 'old reliable'.

Had I seen the report you saw I might have stayed. $$$ is too much to TOFTT.

Monger Lord
04-06-10, 22:32
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's policy prohibiting reports claiming that another person afflicted with a Sexually Transmitted Disease, largely because many of these reports are less than genuine.

I am especially suspicious when these STD reports are the first post from a new members on the same day they registered their username.

Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

Monger Lord
04-07-10, 00:57
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's policy prohibiting reports claiming that another person afflicted with a Sexually Transmitted Disease, largely because many of these reports are less than genuine.

I am especially suspicious when these STD reports are the first post from a new members on the same day they registered their username.

Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.No offense or miss-step intended. I am new to the forums and just trying to get a warning out when I read this. I am 99% certain this is the same person.

Can we agree to summarize it by saying if anyone chooses to hit the girl at the Blue Cat recently described they may get something they absolutely do not want in the deal? I sure wish somebody had warned me.

04-16-10, 18:47
I'm from Hawaii. Want a go to K bar, anyone tell me where is locate?

05-28-10, 14:45
I cruised thru the small string of mentioned K-Bars and was a bit disappointed by the selection. Granted, it was late afternoon but I wasn't too overly interested in anything. "Pepsi" seems to be long gone and that was my main objective.

I prefer the AMP/AAMP scene but thought I would check these out a couple of weeks ago. Nice folks in most but nothing that I would invest these amounts in.

And yes, the yapping dogs are still present - looking loudly content while in their baby carriage...

06-01-10, 20:33
For what it's worth, Pepsi was working at Roseland a couple of months ago. I saw her at about 3 in the afternoon on a Saturday when none of the other places were open. She is good at what she does, but she is also a rip-off artist. Make sure you know exactly what you're paying for before you start.

Cochino One
06-15-10, 15:16
Yes, Pepsi is at Roseland, saw her there about 2 weeks ago. She is one mean person when she gets a little to much booze in her, so be careful.

Anybody know anything about the new bartender at Mirage??

SW Surfer
06-18-10, 14:02
Visited last week and looked for a few regulars. Hit BC, Lucky and Smileys. Most were solid dead. One girl at BC wanted $.5 +tip to go in the back. I laughed at her and told her .8 for everything...she said I could leave. Bye....

At Smileys I played the Pepsi card, told Kim that I was informed Pepsi was back. She said no, but intro'd me to Lee. Young 20ish, tiny spinner. After a Drink and some Patty-Cake, she showed me the back room. Once in the back she said $.5, I told her .60 for all...she countered at .80 for all...OK Deal. She left and came back with a towel and some other needed items. We locked the door and hit the coach. After a 10min back rub and 20min of DFK and BBBJ, I dropped her on her back and DIY for a while. At first no figures inside she said, till she felt that I had nice trimmed nails. 1 finger, 2, finger, wow - that's all - very tight.

Back to some more BBBJ, then a light knock on the door. Kim said 4 LEO's in the parking lot with a car pulled over. So and I turn off the light and continue...More BBBJ then CFS, 20mins later Kim knocks again and said all is good. In mid BBBJ, Lee stands up and bends over I get behind her and begin a standing K-9 deep inside her while she rubs my nuts. I finally release a huge nut and fill her up good. Opps - no cover - wow my first K-Cream Pie in years. Once I am done, she gets on her knees, licks me clean and wipes my down with a wet wipe. Wow - what a nice visit.

I leave with a hug and kiss from Lee and Kim. Get in my car and see 2-3 K-girls at every door along the street. All watching two LEO with a car pulled over on the opposite side of the road.

Thanks Houston for a great visit.

Surfer Out!!!

BTW - I ended up giving her $ total for the extra time/service.

06-28-10, 23:40
I tried to get into the VIP Hostess Lounge and it seemed like a pretty good hotspot. Unfortunately, they asked for two references since it was a social club. I have no idea how to join if I can't go there to meet the members there!

Anyone feeling generous?

I have Men's Club Dollars that I can throw your way.

08-21-10, 00:28
First thanks to all that have posted below about our interesting little area in Houston. I hope other get helpful information out of what I've posted below. Also if anyone has any additional insight please let me know.

Just thought I'd give some info on the K-bar scene based on about 1 year of mongering the Telephone Road. I've probably been in at least every bar K bar on Telephone road. First off not sure why all the hype on the Blue Cat. I've never got any action there and I just don't care for the vibe. The place next door probably same owners is much cooler. The providers may not be quite as nice looking but the place has a much better vibe. I've been in the Toy Club place but either did not like the providers or did'nt dig so I moved on. I've been to Smileys once. Of the four places all on the same strip this has to be the most gritty of the four but I kind of like that. When I've been in there is usually two providers one was is old even by Telephone Road standards and usually one other doable provider. I have a feeling you can get FS here for probably . 8 compared to $10 to. 12 at other places along this strip.

Now I personally would much rather hit the places on the other side of 610 this consists of the following places that I know of:

- Moon Lounge. Probably personal favorite, cool vibe, bartender has a cool vibe, one gal I really like, forgot her name but she has nice full lips, tight body, and knows what she's doing.

- Jenni's. One of the other nicer places on this side of 610, they usually have a few of the better gals including one named Rose who provides CBJ and COF for. 6.

- Macalitas. Probably the nicest by decor of all the Telephone Road Kbars, probably some of better looking providers with a really good friendly personality, also based off these facts probably one of the more expensive, I usually am just into the buy a gal a drink play some patty cake and go to the back for CBJ for $50 or. 6, it looks this place only offers FS for 1. 2 and only after buying at least one girlie drink.

- Mirage. Just been for a drink but it's a relatively nice place on the inside, bartender is young and cute with a cool attitude, never see any providers who sparked my interest but might just be hit or miss

- JoJos. Not to nice inside, never found a decent looking provider, providers are not very friendly, it seems however you can probably get more bargain pricing benfits here compared to other places.

- Roseland. This place has the infamous Pepsi that has been mentioned on several other posts, I can't imagine the interest in Pepsi, she's very unattractive and has a really bad attitude, based off Pepsi being here I would avoid this place.

Sarayang (or something like that). This place is a real dump inside and out, I've walked in and walked out without having a drink.

So as I mentioned above I usually only go for CBJ. I think at most places this can be had after buying one girlie drink and then $50 to $60 in the back room. If your in to FS I believe this could be had for anywhere from $80 to 1. 2 + 1 or 2 girlie drinks. Girls can be hit or miss at any of these places. What I usually do is hit up a few places I like and sit down for a beer. If I see a girl that interests me and is available I buy her a drink. If I don't see a girl that interests me I politely say no to anyone requesting company finish my drink and go. When I find a girl I like and after I buy the drink if I like the vibe I hit the back room with her.

08-24-10, 01:29
Anyone kind of enough to share some intel on the Mexican bars on TRoad or just off or any other ares? There is one Mexican bar at the end of Kbar strip where the Blue Cat is. I've been inside but it was too early in the evening. It looks like they where just setting up. A pal of mine who also mongers went in one night but he's like a 6ft 5in red haired super gringo looking guy so they did not care for him. I went into another place going away from 610 (Northwest on Telephone) past Blue Cat on the opposite side of the street. It likes a bar that probably has girls working but it's hard to say. Mostly a lot of guys and girls standing around. Also it did not seem very safe. I had one beer with my friend and we left the place. On the way to car in the parking lot someone confronted us in a frank manner asking if we wanted a wife. Also they have a guy doing a serious pat down on people at the door.

There is one other place I heard about Las Palmas that is one one of the side streets from Telephone Road close to Macalitas? Wondering if anyone could provide info on this place?

10-05-10, 07:21
The Mexican bar next to Blue Cat is just a regular bar. no extras, just hussle. if you go further south on telephone there is a mexican bar on your right, next to a Korean bar that starts with an S. Gringos are welcomed there they have 6's-9's just depends on your type of girls. they open at 6pm, best time to go if you are not comfortable, also they are fresh and clean. There is another one on Clinton Dr. that one opens at 2pm. PM me if you need further details.

11-10-10, 23:16
A bunch of us went to see what the scene was like at the K bars on telephone last night. What a disappointment. I don' t think we saw a woman under50 and fugly. Don't waste your time. We went onto the Ritz, which was fun but expensive. Later we went to Legs, which seems to be the best bang for the buck.


11-13-10, 19:25
I am planning on being in your area this spring. (Yes I know I am planning early!) Anyway, I checked out the.

Houston board and was surprised to see a Korean Bar thread. The closest Korean Bars to me is in North Carolina.

Check out the Fayetteville thread if interested. The bars there are mostly a ripoff. I guess you can get more bang.

For your buck during the day than at night. I have been to them both day and night and have been to them a total.

Of 5 or 6 times. I hate to admit it but I will. I way overpaid twice for what I got in return. However it seems there

Daytime is better than night. I posted on my visits.

Now I was interested to see that some peope said they got everything they wanted for as little as. 8 In NC. 8 will.

Only get you to the back room.

So I was wondering. Are these bars all next to each other on Telegraph Road?

I googled a map of Houston and I finally found Telegraph Road. Am I correct in assuming the these bars are well.

Outside of the interstates and south of Houston?

From some of the posts it seems that these Korean bars may be more worthwhile then a trip to one of your AMPs.

Everybody stay safe and thank you for any info you can pass. Take care ya'll. Sorry I just figured ya'll say.

Ya'll that down there.

11-17-10, 07:55
So I was wondering. Are these bars all next to each other on Telegraph Road? If you google "Blue Cat Telephone Road Houston, TX" you will find a google map. Use street view to recognize the building. There are at least three clubs right next to each other on that stretch. Should be easy to find and access to the Interstate is less than a mile away.

04-01-11, 02:43
Thanks YohimbeBrother. BTW, it you do visit the Cat, I saw somewhere there is a tall, thin young one with a oriental tat on her arm who is choosey but does deliver the goods. Said he went out for a couple of hours with her and he proceeded to tear that fine pussy up multiple times. Set him back more than he wanted, but said it is much better grade goods.

Happy Hunting and if you strike gold, give us all the juicy details! Anyone have any more info or experience with "Zen" at the Blue Cat. Still asking for the big $$$. Want to know if it really worth it. No posts on her in a year but she is still working at the Blue Cat.

04-07-11, 20:47
Anyone have any more info or experience with "Zen" at the Blue Cat. Still asking for the big $$$. Want to know if it really worth it. No posts on her in a year but she is still working at the Blue Cat.Saw a report on another site E_ _ _ E. Net saying she "gave the gift that lasts forever" to some guy. Said he wished he'd kept on driving. Poor basterd, sorry I even mentioned anything

Trucker Guy
04-16-11, 03:39
Do any of you think I could park my semi (sans trailer) at any of them or is the parking pretty limited?

04-17-11, 18:26
Do any of you think I could park my semi (sans trailer) at any of them or is the parking pretty limited?Should be able to park in a lot in the general area but not right at bthe clubs. Their parking is pretty tight for a semi. Plenty of lots closed at night that you can park in.

Amp Bum
04-22-11, 10:46
My last dream in Houston was almost 4 years ago, and am so thankful you guys have been updating the site. Yesterday around 8pm was my only chance to explore this road. So, I started at Blue Cat, whose parking lot was packed. All the gals were occupied, including a 50+ lady, who invited me to sit with her, and of course asked to buy her a. 12 drink; I declined but chatted with her, asking about the other bars on that road, as well as places not on T-road (she gave me some useful intel but nothing specific). Looking at the rest of the gals I'd rate them 4. 5. I finished my beer and left.

50+ lady's recommendation was not to bother with next door (Little Toy?). There's another K-bar 2 doors down (can't remember the name) from Blue Cat, which was empty but I walked in anyway to have a peek. Totally dead, and everyone was 40+. The Mexican (?) bar next to that was not happening at all.

So further down T-road I drive to M-Dude's recommendation. A bit intimidating but I rolled the dice, paid. 02 cover charge, and walked in. Very thankful I did. I ordered a. 05 beer and stood by the counter. A Mexican gal of 25, 5'5".110, which I'd rate 8 walked to the other side and we exchanged looks. She was the only 8 that I saw. The rest were chubby to extremely chubby (not my cup of tea). I offered her a drink. She declined. I don't speak any Spanish but the negotiations started very quickly.



Her: No No:.2 for the room and supplies, and she gets the rest.

Me: doh, I'm SOL on negotiations.

Her: no hablo Anglish.

Me: no hablo Espanol.

Her: Sucky +. You know what.

Me: (thinking) OMG she's so hot and I'm running out of time.

Me: OK.

Her: Let's go.

On we go, CBJ, CG, K9, Mish. I'd say the 2nd to 3rd tightest kitties I've had the pleasure of knowing. Oral performance was mediocre. CG was very enthusiastic. 10 minutes later I woke up and my dream is complete. 'hope it doesn't take me another 4 years to visit again.

Disclaimer. I'm not prejudiced so don't flame me for saying this but if you decide to have similar dreams do stay safe and be respectful. I was definitely a sore thumb in that crowd and had a few doubts before I entered. Then I thought to myself, I was a sore thumb in Blue Cat and would have similar doubts in any bar. If this sounds like you, remember to err on the safe side.

05-18-11, 18:38
I was in your area last Wednesday. After reading the posts here thought I would check out the K bar scene.

First I checked out XTC bar and after Chics? See posts if interested.

Go to the last paragraph if you want to cut to the chase.

Wednesday night I checked out all of the bars that are in one group. I was surprised that most of the bars had at least 1 or 2 decent looking girls working. After stopping in all of them I stayed at Blue Cat. I have only been to the K bars in Fayettville NC so I was a little "shy" at first. Talked to one girl who bombarded me with questions.

Where are you from, why are you here, how long the drive, why do you stop here? Etc. Then she asked the same questions over and over again. I admit I did not feel comfortable even suggesting any more. So after wasting 20 bucks on her I left. I stopped in the other bars off and on through the hour or so I was there but started to feel strange waling in and out of the same bars. The girls in each bar I would have been interested in were occupied.

Drove down the road and saw JOJO's. I stayed about 10 seconds. Only 1 "girl" or woman working there besides the bardmaid. By pure chance I saw the Mirage bar. Got friendly with one girls and she said 160. To take a quote from the great movie A Christmas Story, I looked at her like she had lobsters comming out here ears. I came back with 60. She looked at me like I had lobsters comming out my ears. She did come down to 120, but both of us held firm.

I went back to my hotel and was pleasently surprised it was next to a strip club. I did not notice it when I checked in since it was light out and it may have been closed. Went in there.

Next morning I got some culture and went to the Space Center. It was pretty cool. On the way out of town I though I would try the K bars one more time.


I thought I would try JOJO"s since the night before it was the least crowded. There were about 4 or 5 girls there this time. They were all nothing to write home about and the cutest of the bunch did not have time to come over to me since the barmaid jumped all over me. To cut to the chase, she asked me have I been there before? I told her no but I was in Smile and others before. She was pleased with the answer. Sat down next to me and right away she asked how much did you spend? I told her 50 or 60 for everything. Basically she said lets go. Took my beer in the back with me. She left for a few seconds and I quickly downed the rest of my beer for "courage". Decide to decline "everything" but settled on a BBBJCIM. I was in there for about 15 minutes. I left feeling strange. I felt both.

Trashy and satisfied.

07-20-11, 01:53
Went to Happy Go Lucky as it looked like the others were closed, but I'm new to the K bar sceen. I got the pretty girl she was late 40's. Bought her 2 drinks. We chatted and if you have read this forum then you know what happend next. Excellent time will repeat. PM me if you need specifics, however; please have some posts of value.

SW Surfer
07-23-11, 16:05
Heading to Houston in a few weeks and plan on visiting the K-Bars for some fun. Anything new going on?

SW Surfer
08-12-11, 08:56
So I decide to check out 4-5 K-bars on Telephone around 3pm. Most were dead, but had some lively conversations. SR. Members can PM me for more info, but to say the least I landed a .50 FS date after buying a 40 y/o a cold beer. Date lasted 30 mins and covered everything including Greek.

Be safe,


08-26-11, 13:13
So I am in Houston next week for a few nights, and KBar scene sounds right up my alley. Does it make much difference the night of the week? Also, I will have afternoon and evening time available, if you had this option what would you choose? I promise to post a report if I can get a little help here.

08-29-11, 22:05
Yeah, so I checked out a couple kbars the other day. Could not get service for the life of me. Not sure if they thought I was a cop or what the deal was. Kinda sucked, cause I saw a couple hot koreans.

09-06-11, 14:49
Tried out the KBar scene. Went in afternoon, which was very slow, probably good. I think I hit every bar except Toy Shop or something like that. They were fun, but I could discern no significant differences among them. All the same format, as described in other posts, at least during the day it is just hit or miss who is there, if no one strikes your fancy, off to the next. Most were fairly dirty, although one, Mallica or something like that, seemed cleaner than the rest. JoJo's situation in the back, essentially one common (and dirty) room with a bunch of sofas and half ass dividers, was a bit public for my taste, but as it was afternoon no one else was there so it didn't matter. Still, if afflicted with performance anxiety, probably not the place for you.

01-25-12, 18:55
1st time in Texas: Will probably hit an AMP or three, intrigued by the K Bar scene. Never been. Worth it? How much do the girl drinks run? 6 pages of reports. Seems Blue Cat is the most frequented.


01-28-12, 11:41
Depending on the bar, gird drinks will be 10-20. Additional activities can be negotiated, but expect to pay 50-100 depending on the bar, the girl, you negotiating skills, and your patience.

01-30-12, 09:03
Depending on the bar, gird drinks will be 10-20. Additional activities can be negotiated, but expect to pay 50-100 depending on the bar, the girl, you negotiating skills, and your patience.Used to frequent them when I lived in Houston. Don't waste your money on drinks. They'll just string you along. If they know they're not getting drinks, they'll get you in the back faster. 50 will get you L1 and occasionally L2 if you're not into looks or age.

02-02-12, 20:58
1st time in Texas: Will probably hit an AMP or three, intrigued by the K Bar scene. Never been. Worth it? How much do the girl drinks run? 6 pages of reports. Seems Blue Cat is the most frequented.

ThanksI did the K bar scene last spring. I had a good enough time. See my post. I am hoping this thread picks up with reports since I am planning on being in Houston again this summer. BTW the girls I had drinks with did not "drink and run". I am sure it depends on the time of day and how busy they are.

Dark Traveler
02-04-12, 21:48
I am not sure anyway would feel like sending me a list, or if a fellow senior would be PM the key to finding the kbars, but I would appreciate being nudged in the right direction. Going to be in Houston weekly and looking forward to checking this scene out.

02-08-12, 17:00
Telephone Road is the place to go. Easy to find with GPS. I finally did and had a reasonably good time. Nothing special was had, but I had to experience it.

I am not sure anyway would feel like sending me a list, or if a fellow senior would be PM the key to finding the kbars, but I would appreciate being nudged in the right direction. Going to be in Houston weekly and looking forward to checking this scene out.

SW Surfer
04-07-12, 12:35
So I am heading to Houston in a few weeks and only have two days to play. I have not hit any Cantina in years and seem to have a good time in the K-Bar's. Anyone have any recommendations on some good Cantina's to hit mid afternoon 2-3p?

PM with details if you prefer.

Thanks in advance.


04-13-12, 18:57
So I am heading to Houston in a few weeks and only have two days to play. I have not hit any Cantina in years and seem to have a good time in the K-Bar's. Anyone have any recommendations on some good Cantina's to hit mid afternoon 2-3p?

PM with details if you prefer.

Thanks in advance.

Surf!See my post from 5/18/11. Still on this page probably.

I hope to be in the area again late in the summer. I will probably go to the same place. Keep in mind from what I have read and from what I have seen there are not too many girls who work in these places that could be considered to be a "10". But I had enough fun to want to go back. PLEASE POST on your trip and where you go. I am surprised that this section or board has so few posts. These places are fairly cheap and if you are not looking for a "10" can be fun!

05-03-12, 13:58
I'm not a big fan of AMPs, so I wasn't sure I was going to like this scene, but it rocked!

I stopped by Happy-go-lucky around 11PM on Monday. I hadn't seen posts on it the forum, but the other more referenced bars were closed.

I was immediately approached by a very attractive Korean girl named Susan.

130lbs with a nice set of bolt-ons. She looked about 35, but I would guess she's closer to 40.

My beer was $3, and I bought her a $10 drink to get to know her.

Excellent English, but lots of questions. I guess I passed the LE test because after 15 min or so, she wants another drink to head back to some more comfortable couches in the back. This time I got her a double drink for $20, and the next 15 min are a make out fest, with full roaming. I enquire about a back room and she says yep. How much you got? I explained that I only had $66 dollars left. She didn't want to take all of my cash so left me $6, and guided me to a small room.

Started out with a nice long CBJ, then moved to CFS, starting with cowgirl. Finished her off doggy style as I held on to them big bolt-ons.

She was a very sweet girl, making sure I knew the quickest way to highway etc.

05-08-12, 18:45
I'm not a big fan of AMPs, so I wasn't sure I was going to like this scene, but it rocked!

I stopped by Happy-go-lucky around 11PM on Monday. I hadn't seen posts on it the forum, but the other more referenced bars were closed.

I was immediately approached by a very attractive Korean girl named Susan.

130lbs with a nice set of bolt-ons. She looked about 35, but I would guess she's closer to 40.

My beer was $3, and I bought her a $10 drink to get to know her.

Excellent English, but lots of questions. I guess I passed the LE test because after 15 min or so, she wants another drink to head back to some more comfortable couches in the back. This time I got her a double drink for $20, and the next 15 min are a make out fest, with full roaming. I enquire about a back room and she says yep. How much you got? I explained that I only had $66 dollars left. She didn't want to take all of my cash so left me $6, and guided me to a small room.

Started out with a nice long CBJ, then moved to CFS, starting with cowgirl. Finished her off doggy style as I held on to them big bolt-ons.

She was a very sweet girl, making sure I knew the quickest way to highway etc.Nice post. I hope more guys will post here in the near future. I will be in your area again late this summer. I do not think I have heard of "Happy-go-Lucky". Was that the name of the bar? If so was it on the same road as all the other bars are on? Take care.

05-12-12, 01:04
I am visiting from los angeles. Using information from this thread I found my way to telephone. I didn't see the place I am originally was looking for but I found tiny toy club. Before I made it in there was a older korean lady squatting down between 2 cars smoking a cigarette. I thought she was taking a piss. Tried to see if she was game for some fun but it wasn't working out. Went into the club and or 3 older k ladies sitting there. 1 came over and asked me what I wanted to drink. She asked me a few questions to feel me out. I made eyes with the 1 I was interested in and she finally came over.

Her name is yoko mid forties with nice bolt ons. Long story short we went in the back after I buy her drink for 10 dollars. Got to know each other and go to business. I had a real good time. She also recommended connie during the daytime. Please note YMMV.

05-13-12, 14:16
Went back to tiny toy club and saw connie. Looks like Yoko but a inch or two shorter. Nice body for older woman. Tried hard and was fun. I would repeat again with either of them next time.

05-13-12, 15:42
If you found Little Toy then you were right next to my favorite K-bar "Smile Lounge". Also within a short walk north is the famous "Blue Cat"' and (I think)" Star Lounge"' but I could be wrong about the name of the one next to "Blue Cat".

Further north is the "Happy Go Lucky" on the left hand side if you are heading towards I45 or on the right if heading towards 610. I have neve had much luck at the HGL, but then again I don't spend much time there since the other four are more convenient.

There are several more South of 610, but I don't go to those very often either.

Blue Cat is typically your best bet for better looking younger girls, but the pick up there is a bit difficult, and you might have to wait for the better girls.

Smile and Star lounges can be hit or miss, but usually some decent tail at either spot.

I've never seen anything under 60 years old at Little Toy and I don't suggest more than a quick look inside.

Mileage at all thes lounges will vary, but I have found that I have more fun if I negotiate for services rather than price.

05-29-12, 18:47
I strayed into the Blue Cat on a sleepy Tuesday night. It was my first visit, and didn't know exactly what to expect, but saw 3 girls sitting at the bar and no one else.

At first everyone was a little cold and aloof, but after a couple beers and a little chit-chat with the bartender things heated up fast. The bartender (who I think is the owner) Tia is a really cool chick. Says she's been running the place for 20 years, but since she only looks about 40, she must have started real young, or aged real well. In a cagey way, she did a LE check without being too annoying. After I passed, she gave me the menu. It was a classic case of cheap, good, and rocking. Or at maybe more like 50, 35, 25.

The 50YO was out of the question, but 35 looked pretty damn good, and I didn't feel like breaking the bank. However, that 25YO looking girl is worth someone's time and $$. She looked real good.

Anyway 35YO name was Mina. Sweet girl, with broken but passable english.

First drink was $10. She wants a second drink, I want the room.

I offer. 6. No.

I offer. 8. NO.

Final offer $. YES. Though hesitantly. Says she's worth a lot more, but since her English isn't good she has to work for less. I agree. To myself; 0.

Room is comfy and private. Starts off with a long BBBJ (overall a B. Skills were a C, but she was a trooper)

On to some CFS with a lot of hard action. She seemed to dig it.

Finished off with some nice deep mish.

Short story: Nice bar, very cool bartender, and decent variety for multiple price points

06-02-12, 07:09
She would have taken 80 or possibly even less. You were the only customer that night, and there were two other bars within walking distance. You have to let your big head control the situation, and be willing to walk if they want more than that. You rewarded her by being way to easy, but I guess if you were willing to pay that much, and ended up getting what you want, all is well. I would have told her for $ it better include anal and COF.

07-05-12, 15:25
Traveling to some small town called Tomball but stopping in Houston for the night and never even knew that these places existed! Wish they had like a Puerto rican or Cuban bar out here in Orlando LOL. Anyway was wondering where the best spot is to land a Mexican or Latin lady at a reasonable price? If not ill probably try my hand at the blue cat as it seems to be the popular one on this forum.


07-06-12, 17:09
Traveling to some small town called Tomball but stopping in Houston for the night and never even knew that these places existed! Wish they had like a Puerto rican or Cuban bar out here in Orlando LOL. Anyway was wondering where the best spot is to land a Mexican or Latin lady at a reasonable price? If not ill probably try my hand at the blue cat as it seems to be the popular one on this forum.

Thanks!See my post from 5/18/11. Maybe it will be helpful for you. I will be in your city again in a few weeks. Looking forward to some fun Kbar action. For you regulars in Houston I hope to see some posts here. Thinks may have changed in 15 months. I hope not.

07-26-12, 21:37
Sandy's is gone! I mean really gone. Down to the cement slab. I popped my k-bar cherry at Sandy's. This was way back in the 80's. I believe some of the girls were still there this century. Talk about staying power.

I no longer live in Houston but by the looks of things on Google maps civilization is closing in on the K bars.

My ATF was the Macalida when a little spinner (dang, I can't remember her name) with natural C cups work there. She then worked at the Happy Go Lucky on the other side of the loop.

And I see Jo Jo's and Moon are still there. I'd love hear some reports.

Maybe it's time for another trip to Houston before it's too late.

08-10-12, 08:34
Sandy's is gone! I mean really gone. Down to the cement slab. I popped my k-bar cherry at Sandy's. This was way back in the 80's. I believe some of the girls were still there this century. Talk about staying power.

I no longer live in Houston but by the looks of things on Google maps civilization is closing in on the K bars.

My ATF was the Macalida when a little spinner (dang, I can't remember her name) with natural C cups work there. She then worked at the Happy Go Lucky on the other side of the loop.

And I see Jo Jo's and Moon are still there. I'd love hear some reports.

Maybe it's time for another trip to Houston before it's too late.Damn. That's sad news to this former Houstonian and K-Bar fanatic. Had many fun and economical times at most of the places on T-Road. You can't beat walking in, buying a drink and finding yourself in a warm mouth ten minutes later. The ladies may be older and have seen their better days, but the bars are dark and the price is right. My favorite was Thumbs-up Linda at the place across the street from Jo-Jos. Didn't even need to buy a drink.

08-24-12, 19:09
K bar hopped last Saturday night. The bars there are alive and well. So many bars I don't know the names of where what happeded, but I had a nice time. Girls I talked too of course asked for a drink. Last time I was there the prices for the girls drinks were the same as mine, about 3 bucks. Now it is 10 and all they get is a shot glass of water! LOL. Went to one and at closing time I briefly had the company of 2 girls after they told the last 2 other customers to leave since thery were closing. The girl I was most interested in left after a few minutes when things got started and I was left with "only" 1 girl. She was fun and I still left happy after dropping. 8. Not bad. (Plus the 10 dollar drinks for the one I was interested in who left when things got rolling.)

08-26-12, 08:25
Just moved to Houston this weekend. I've mongered here before and found success. Strip club extras (though this was 7 years ago) and AMPs (last summer).

Very interested in trying out the Kbars as they seem similar to the strip club scene in the Mexican border towns (buy a drink, girl takes you to the back to a couch, get down to business).

I've read through the entire forum and have to say that those who have posted have done a GREAT job. Most other boards in most other cities are crap compared to this one. Yohimbebrother really did us a solid and set the bar high for this board.

Anyways, I'll be heading to some Kbars this week. Likely in the afternoons. I have my targets / general plan, but any last minute advice or intel?

Happy hunting

09-03-12, 22:12
Hit the Kbars on Telephone today (Labor day) around 4. Stopped at Blue Cat first. One other monger there. There was the bartender and two girls working, but neither of the girls wanted anything to do with anyone. Stayed for a beer and heading next door to Smile Lounge. At Smile Lounge there was the bartender and one girl working. There was probably 5 or 6 guys in there just hanging out (they all seemed to know each other). Anyways, the one girl working was occupied with one guy (she wasn't that good looking anyways). The bartender had a great rack on her and was really nice. Made conversation with her for awhile, had two beers, she told me that they didn't have many girls working today because it was labor day, so I went next door to Little Toy Lounge (I think that's the name). One girl (old as fuck) and a bartender working. The girl went with one guy, so I polished off a beer and left.

Decided to venture past 610 and stopped at JoJo's. Again, very sparse. One bartender / mamasan and a girl working. Girl was older, maybe late 40s, but a spinner and had a nice set of natural Cs. Not my ideal situation, but I was ready to bust a nut at this point. Anyways, pretty good looking, she starts talking to me, I buy her a drink, she gives me a bit of a LEO check and we head to the back. Pretty open. Wouldn't be ideal if there were others there, but since we were the only people in the bar, it was fine. She started at $100, I said $60, we settled on $80. Great service, CBJ, mish, CG, doggystyle to finish. Very unrushed service. Will definitely try this place again. Girl's name was DiDi (I think).

11-03-12, 18:23
Hit Blue Cat Lounge last Saturday around 2 pm Hooked up with Lucky (I think that's what she said her name was). The typical LEO check, get me to buy her a $12 beer, and then negotiations. 0.80 for full service, she wanted $1. Good service overall. She can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

12-14-12, 02:04
Last week I took the plunge and visited the K-Bars on Telephone. My first stop was Roseland. That bar owes me about 5 minutes of my life back. The only lady inside was probably 80 years old. I drank a beer, kindly turned down her offers and left.

I then went to JoJo's and this might be my favorite pay for play experience ever and I'll never go back. I walked in and went towards the bar when three older ladies jumped up. One screams,"oh my god! Remembe me!" I have never seen her before but I just smiled and nodded. She grabbed my hand led me past the bar and straight to the back couch. She starts saying "I'm Pepsi. You used to see me all the time at the other bars." Then mentioned how I used to like to engage in mutual oral action. I'm perplexed because I have read about the famous Pepsi but have never met her. Or been to the bars she mentioned. She even told me I lost weight. Which I appreciated even though I've never seen her.

She immediately unzipped my pants and started in with a BBBJ. No negotiation or anything. Just right to sucking. After I was done enjoying her performance I got up, reached for my pants and my wallet. She said buy me a drink at the bar and we'll settle up there. As we're walking up there, I went to the bathroom to clean up and use the restroom.

While I was in there I heard the ladies start arguing. I couldn't tell you what they were saying but it was pretty heated. I heard the voices walk by the restroom into a back area. I washed my hands and walked out. No one was in the bar. They were all arguing in the back. I waited a few seconds for Pepsi to come out and get her money. Then, I said "Fuck It" and walked out the door. All the time expecting the half dressed woman to chase me down. I was ready to say my money was in the car and go back in. To finally get to the point. I hopped in the car and drove off. Free BBBJ at JoJo's for TheKing.

Now, I feel a little guilty but I've been ripped off so many times with bad service by SWs and AMPs that I take this as a win. Also, I apologize to the guy who looks like me. Pepsi is gunning for you now.

12-22-12, 18:55
TheKing, loved the story. I've been to JoJo's before and had a great time, but I realize I'm in the minority. Sounds like you had a great time.

Good work

02-11-13, 20:02
Made a return visit to the Blue Cat, but had substantially less fun. Tia was there, and was still cool, but no diversity of talent this time. Only one attractive young girl working the bar. I was prepared to pay a bit of a premium for some fun with, but all she wanted to do was drink $10 beers. I was willing to take a few for the team to learn her game, but it was unending. I ended up cutting my losses after $50. I'm not even sure if she's anything but a gold digger.

02-12-13, 14:06
Made a return visit to the Blue Cat, but had substantially less fun. Tia was there, and was still cool, but no diversity of talent this time. Only one attractive young girl working the bar. I was prepared to pay a bit of a premium for some fun with, but all she wanted to do was drink $10 beers. I was willing to take a few for the team to learn her game, but it was unending. I ended up cutting my losses after $50. I'm not even sure if she's anything but a gold digger.Never buy more than one drink for a girl. If she won't go in the back after that, move on to the next bar.

Member #4917
03-04-13, 21:50
Last week I took the plunge and visited the K-Bars on Telephone. My first stop was Roseland. That bar owes me about 5 minutes of my life back. The only lady inside was probably 80 years old. I drank a beer, kindly turned down her offers and left.

I then went to JoJo's and this might be my favorite pay for play experience ever and I'll never go back. I walked in and went towards the bar when three older ladies jumped up. One screams,"oh my god! Remembe me!" I have never seen her before but I just smiled and nodded. She grabbed my hand led me past the bar and straight to the back couch. She starts saying "I'm Pepsi. You used to see me all the time at the other bars." Then mentioned how I used to like to engage in mutual oral action. I'm perplexed because I have read about the famous Pepsi but have never met her. Or been to the bars she mentioned. She even told me I lost weight. Which I appreciated even though I've never seen her.

She immediately unzipped my pants and started in with a BBBJ. No negotiation or anything. Just right to sucking. After I was done enjoying her performance I got up, reached for my pants and my wallet. She said buy me a drink at the bar and we'll settle up there. As we're walking up there, I went to the bathroom to clean up and use the restroom.

While I was in there I heard the ladies start arguing. I couldn't tell you what they were saying but it was pretty heated. I heard the voices walk by the restroom into a back area. I washed my hands and walked out. No one was in the bar. They were all arguing in the back. I waited a few seconds for Pepsi to come out and get her money. Then, I said "Fuck It" and walked out the door. All the time expecting the half dressed woman to chase me down. I was ready to say my money was in the car and go back in. To finally get to the point. I hopped in the car and drove off. Free BBBJ at JoJo's for TheKing.

Now, I feel a little guilty but I've been ripped off so many times with bad service by SWs and AMPs that I take this as a win. Also, I apologize to the guy who looks like me. Pepsi is gunning for you now.Hahaha, King she is going to chastise your look alike the next time they cross paths.

SW Surfer
03-20-13, 08:07
Heading to H-Town for some work next week and wonder if the prices have gone fucking sky high or am I just reading your posts wrong.

My normal rate at a K-Bar on Tele is five to ten bucks for drinks, maybe ten to twenty including the lady (.10. 20) and. 60. 80 for covered half / half service. Some of you guys are listing $50 (150) or $80 (180) for basics.

Please tell me your not dropping 150 or 180 plus drinks at them.


Surf Out!

04-02-13, 15:47
Heading to H-Town for some work next week and wonder if the prices have gone fucking sky high or am I just reading your posts wrong.

My normal rate at a K-Bar on Tele is five to ten bucks for drinks, maybe ten to twenty including the lady (.10. 20) and. 60. 80 for covered half / half service. Some of you guys are listing $50 (150) or $80 (180) for basics.

Please tell me your not dropping 150 or 180 plus drinks at them.


Surf Out!Your prices are still right. I should have been a little more careful in the way I wrote the price for the girl's drink (0. 1) and my total expense including my drinks (0. 5)

Besides the gold digger I was talking to, FS is. 7 to $.5 depending upon age and quality.

06-04-13, 19:56
Hello fellow mongers, I will be visiting Sugarland this weekend and would like to visit a KBar while there. Can you direct me to the closest KBar to Sugarland?

Be Safe. Play safe.

Jeff Swon
07-13-13, 21:25
Your prices are still right. I should have been a little more careful in the way I wrote the price for the girl's drink (0. 1) and my total expense including my drinks (0. 5)

Besides the gold digger I was talking to, FS is. 7 to $.5 depending upon age and quality.So, the older the lady, the prices is lower too?

08-11-13, 21:13
So evidently mid July. Mid August SUCKS for the k-bar scene! Brief run down:

Blue Cat. Closed on Tuesdays. I don't remember this being the case before,

Happy Go Luck. All girls on vacation except the Bar tender.

Jo-Jo's. Appeared to be closed, but didn't actually try the door.

Mexican bar near Blue Cat. Appears to be shut down for good.

Mexican bar farther down the street passed the highway- Open, but guy at the door says girls won't arrive until after midnight. I've got to work the next day so no option.

Little Toy's. Decent looking late 40's mamassan working the bar. Apologizes for not having any girls. Explains that it was her first night back off after taking a few week vacation. Re-occurring theme!

Anyway, I'm about to explode, and mamma is feeding me $3 beers and talking sweet, so I drop 0. 8 for a nice BBBJ and covered doggie. Total damage $

08-12-13, 01:01
Something like this makes me think LEO rolled through. But a raid like that would have been all over the media.

So evidently mid July. Mid August SUCKS for the k-bar scene! Brief run down:

Blue Cat. Closed on Tuesdays. I don't remember this being the case before,

Happy Go Luck. All girls on vacation except the Bar tender.

Jo-Jo's. Appeared to be closed, but didn't actually try the door.

Mexican bar near Blue Cat. Appears to be shut down for good.

Mexican bar farther down the street passed the highway- Open, but guy at the door says girls won't arrive until after midnight. I've got to work the next day so no option.

Little Toy's. Decent looking late 40's mamassan working the bar. Apologizes for not having any girls. Explains that it was her first night back off after taking a few week vacation. Re-occurring theme!

Anyway, I'm about to explode, and mamma is feeding me $3 beers and talking sweet, so I drop 0. 8 for a nice BBBJ and covered doggie. Total damage $

SW Surfer
11-14-13, 15:13
So a few weeks back I do a run thru the Bar's: Blue Cat, Toy, Happy.

Most were slow as death. Had a beer at each and chatted up the bartender for 20 minutes or so. I even told them I was touring the bars to check out the girls. While at Toy, bartender made a call and 10 minutes later a hot little spinner came in and Sat. Next to me. I bought her a beer and we played LEO check till we were both comfortable.

We then moved to the couches for a bit of play time, then to the back room and locked the door.

Nice leather sofa and yago mat on floor, both striped naked and spent the next hour exploring each other. She was around 4'11", 90 pnds, short hair and freshly shaved. Maybe 23 why / o.

I think the only thing not done was Greek. I ended with a huge pop BBBJCIM with spit. Total damage $ plus the drinks (.12).

Be Safe,

Surf Out!

12-07-13, 08:06
Hello all. I know this thread is rather dead but I will bookmark this for future reference. I am looking for advice on what club to hit up (or clubs period). I recently moved here and will be in H-town for a couple more years at least. I have recently looked into escorts on Backpage but I feel that isn't my thing.

The problem? I am looking for BBFS with a inside finish. I know the risk already so if you want to warn me to steer clear then I already know the deal. I am looking for a place where I can get that kind of service. Any suggestions?

12-09-13, 22:55
Decided to try the K bar action tonight. It was a Monday so wasn't real sure if I'd have any luck. Tried to go to Little Toy but the door was locked. There was a car in the parking lot but no luck. Went next door to the Blue Cat. Walked in and ordered a beer at the bar. Immediately this tiny little Korean girl came and Sat. Next to me so of course I ordered her a beer and chatted her up. Couldn't understand half of what she said but I understood her rubbing my junk. She asked if I wanted to have some fun and of course I said yes. Went to one of the room, negotiated a price. She started off with a pretty average CBJ then climbed on top. Don't know if she was new or what but she wasn't very good on top either. So I rolled her over and took over doggie style. She was pretty small because I was easily knocking the bottom out. She kept flinching so I asked if she was ok and she said yes so I pounded away. I rolled her over and threw her legs over my shoulders and finished up. She cleaned me up and I went back to the bar and drank one more beer before I left. She tried to get me to buy her another but I said I had to go eat and I eat a lot. She laughed then asked for a couple bucks for the jukebox so I gave her some. Finished my beer and left. All in all not a bad experience. It was way cheaper than an AMP so I'll try it again. I'll check out all of them and see which I like best.

12-10-13, 12:43
[Deleted by Admin]

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12-13-13, 00:16
Hit up Little Toy and this time door was open. Walked in and was greeted by mamasan at the bar. I saw a couple other cars out front but I was the only one in there. Guessing someone might of been in the back. I chatted up mamasan and went ahead and bought her a drink just to let her guard down some. I asked why it was so slow I was hoping to talk to a nice girl. She asked if I'd been there before and I told her about the door being locked a few days earlier so I had to go next door. I think after that she knew I wasn't a nark. She went off to the side to use her phone and probably 20 minutes later this tiny little thing shows up and sits next to me. Of course one more drink to buy. We chatted some and then moved off to an area that was kind of covered and had a couch. She continued to chat and then started touching me a little more and then went for my junk. She asked me to buy another drink but I said I was probably going to go next door. She then asked me what I wanted and I said everything. She took me to a room that had a big leather couch and a lamp with a red light. Did the money exchange then she asked me to undress. She went out of the room and came back with her supplies and proceed to clean my area then started off with I very nice CBJ. When she finished she sat on me reverse cowgirl and really went to town. It was very enjoyable. She then turned around and we went at it like that for a few then I had her go doggie. Very nice from behind, she was face down, ass up and taking it nicely. Finished up in standing position from behind. So far have had two K Bar experiences and both times had good luck.

Amp Bum
03-25-14, 00:01
I'll be in the area in the coming weeks and just wondering if there's anything interesting still happening at these t-road bars. PM if you prefer. Thanks guys!

Tonto Monger
03-25-14, 00:25
I'll be in the area in the coming weeks and just wondering if there's anything interesting still happening at these t-road bars. PM if you prefer. Thanks guys!Unless buying overpriced beer for 60-something year old women in a place that smells like cat urine and then going into the back room for a quick $60-$100 BJ is your idea of a good time. I am not exaggerating. Don't waste your time or money.


Amp Bum
03-26-14, 15:25
Thanks for following up. Has the action migrated elsewhere? If so where?

Unless buying overpriced beer for 60-something year old women in a place that smells like cat urine and then going into the back room for a quick $60-$100 BJ is your idea of a good time. I am not exaggerating. Don't waste your time or money.


Tonto Monger
03-27-14, 00:56
Thanks for following up. Has the action migrated elsewhere? If so where?Don't know where the action is. We've already talked about the K-bars on Telephone Rd. There is a Mexican Canina, Las Palmas on Telephone, but if you're not Mexican, or with a Mexican, pretty much forget about it. I speak fluent Spanish, but look 110% gringo and all I got were unwelcome looks as I drank my one beer alone.

See my report in the General section on another crap hole to avoid, VIP Hostess Lounge.

I know this report is negative, and tells you where not to go. Houston has hundreds of modeling studios and massage parlors to try. That's the problem, they have more places to try than my wallet has cash.


05-08-14, 21:48
Just wondering if the K-bars are still in action. I have not seen any positive posts. Regardless.

I will check them out again. See my post from a year or so ago..Thanks...

05-09-14, 15:42
Just wondering if the K-bars are still in action. I have not seen any positive posts. Regardless.

I will check them out again. See my post from a year or so ago..Thanks...I was in Houston a few weeks ago. I stopped into the K-bars on Telephone road on a Sunday starting around 5. I visited Moon Lounge, Blue Cat and Happy-go-Lucky. Moon had only one old dancer working how was already engage with a guy. Blue Cat did have an attrative younger girl working there who spoke perfect English with an East Coast accent. A New Yorker no doubt. To this day I don't know why I did not try and get her into the back...I am still kicking myself. Happy-go-Lucky is where I got what I was looking for with an older but attractive dancer. It did not break the bank.

05-09-14, 21:25
I was in Houston a few weeks ago. I stopped into the K-bars on Telephone. Happy-go-Lucky is where I got what I was looking for with an older but attractive dancer. It did not break the bank.Reborate,

Nice report. Would you please elaborate on how this place works?



05-10-14, 09:22
I have only been to Houston twice and I have only gone to the bars on Sunday, so a few of them were not open, but they seem pretty standard.

Once you get to the bar you buy yourself a beer. The cost is $3. A girl will approach you and talk to you, maybe start stroking you, and you buy her a drink which is absurdly priced. At Moon Lounge it was ginger ale poured from a milk jug at $8 or $10. They did not even try and hid this. At Blue Cat the lady drinks are little pony cans of Coors Light for $12 or $14, I bought one for a girl and give a $20 and got back less than $10 in change. You will move to a secluded sofa in the back to let things take there natural course. Happy go lucky has the same set up, $10 for a lady cocktail, which is a non-alcoholic Cranbury cocktail. We went to the back sofa which was pretty private to feel each other out and up. After another beer and a lady drink we went to a private room. Its not cheap but it is not expensive either. I had a pretty good time and wish we had bars like that here.

Street Seeker
05-20-14, 09:38
Went to four different bars last night, Moon, Blue Cat, Happy go lucky, and Smile. Only Blue Cat was there one lady that looked good. Bought her a drink, small talk, trip to the couch. I fell asleep on the couch and dreamt she wanted $ for a CBJ. I woke up startled and went home unsatisfied. Total strikeout at the K-Bars. Seems this is where the Korean Great-grandmothers go to retire.

09-24-14, 20:48
I have only been to Houston twice and I have only gone to the bars on Sunday, so a few of them were not open, but they seem pretty standard.

Once you get to the bar you buy yourself a beer. The cost is $3. A girl will approach you and talk to you, maybe start stroking you, and you buy her a drink which is absurdly priced. At Moon Lounge it was ginger ale poured from a milk jug at $8 or $10. They did not even try and hid this. At Blue Cat the lady drinks are little pony cans of Coors Light for $12 or $14, I bought one for a girl and give a $20 and got back less than $10 in change. You will move to a secluded sofa in the back to let things take there natural course. Happy go lucky has the same set up, $10 for a lady cocktail, which is a non-alcoholic Cranbury cocktail. We went to the back sofa which was pretty private to feel each other out and up. After another beer and a lady drink we went to a private room. Its not cheap but it is not expensive either. I had a pretty good time and wish we had bars like that here.I wish we had that kind of price of lady's drink here in hawaii.

02-19-15, 10:53
I am in town next week in town for one day and night during the week. Last time I was there, toured all the K-Bars that were open, and ended up on a sofa in back of JoJo's, and another night in HGL (at least that is where I think it was, but all the K-Bars kind of blend together in my mind). Have things changed in the last 3 years?

Inquiring minds want to know.

07-17-15, 02:06
So, any of these places still going? As you may have seen from my SW posts, I'm new to the area, and we didn't have these kbars where I'm from, so I'm thinking I might look into it. Sounds alot like an AMP, without the "massage".

07-18-15, 05:21
So after the no joy on airline, I meandered down to telephone. Figured why not. Stop at blue cat first. The minute I walk in the door, a tiny little lady who didn't look a day under 400 is on me. This almost turns my outie to an innie. I extricate myself from the cold hands of undeath, and sit at the bar anyway. At the end of the bar, I do see a couple of cuties. But just my luck, they are attached to a couple guys down there. Behind me, I see what appears to be a young attractive girl that actually caused a stirring. But one of yous managed to get there before me. At this point I'm calling it a bust, but not wanting to be rude, I order a coke (I don't drink alcohol often). While I'm enjoying my chilly beverage, I am chatting with the barkeep, who turns out to be the owner. Nice girl, and kinda pretty. If I had half a brain, I would have offered to buy her a drink, but I didn't. I don't know if she would have gone for it, but I do believe that I'll go back at some point and give it a shot. Drank my coke and headed out the door.

Smile seemed to be closed. Didn't try the door, but no cars. The next place over was packed. I didn't go in because I had just seen what the leftovers consist of. I admit, I was a little scared of meeting another mummy. Jump in my truck and head on down the road.

On my way back towards the highway, I saw the happy lucky whatever place. Figured fuck it. I'm here. So I swing a uey and pull in. I walk in and a past middle aged woman greets me. I sit at the bar and order another coke. The lady is not pretty, but she isn't ugly either. So I'm sitting and chatting with her, the whole time thinking she is the mamasan and that one of the two girls laying on the couch would come over. That didn't happen. Instead some other woman comes out of nowhere and gets behind the bar, and the first comes around and sits next to me. She asks for a drink and I ok it. She gets her red water and a little white stone. We chat for a few and she asks for another drink. Sure. What's another 10 spot? Same drink, but now price doubles and she gets a red stone. Not sure what that's all about. But now I'm in about. 35. I can't walk now until I see how it plays out.

We head to the back couch and petting commences. She may be a little older, but the body is still good. Loved her little a cups and big nips. Oh, those Asian titties. After a bit of this, she starts asking if she can trust me. Obviously I say yes. I mean, even if I wasn't trustworthy, would I admit it? Now negotiations begin.

Before I go on, I have to say that apparently my northern "accent" is a plus down here. Of course, I maintain that I am not the one with the accent, but I digress. She asks what I'm looking for. I say everything, but I'm a little short on cash. (get for a $20 drink will you? I tell her that the drinks have pretty much cleaned me out and all I have left is this 20 and a couple 5's. She gives me an apologetic look, amd says that that'll be ok this time, but only because I'm new in town. She leaves for a couple minutes and comes back with her ammo. We didn't even bother leaving that little couch area, she just closes the screen off and we begin. There's a little oral action, and we get down to real business. She gets on top and rides me pretty. Good. Fairly talented vag. After a few, I move her off, bend her over the massage table, and start going hard. I bust one off, sit back and let her clean up. We walk put to the bar and she asks if I want to stay and hang out. I told her I really needed to get on the road. It's late and I have a long drive.

All in all, it was a good time, at a reasonable cost. FS for about. 7. For first time At a kbar, I'd say it was a win. I think I'll be playing around at those some more. I just hope to find a younger girl next time.

One more thing before I go. Anyone know what the fuck the little stones are all about?

07-29-15, 02:05
Did another tour of the k bars Friday night. First stop was moon lounge. Walked in and only one guy was there. Thought good, maybe I'll find a cutey. The mamasan working the bar was very freindly, but very short and honestly, a little too overweight for my taste. And she was the one asking for a drink. I politely said I needed to be going and left.

Next I went back to blue cat. But again, the sexy young thing I want to meet was busy with someone. There was another cute one, but she was watching a movie on her laptop and ignoring everyone. So I left.

Meandered next door to smile. Walked in and saw a beautiful lady tending bar. I'm assuming the owner by all the pics of her around. She was wearing this tight blue dress leaving nothing to the imagination. Unfortunately, while freindly to me, she was deep in conversation with a guy at the bar. I decided to wait it out for a few. As I was sipping my water, (still don't drink) she said the girls were busy but would be out soon. A few minutes later a skinny girl with curly hair came out, introduced herself as Suni. Within 5 minutes she asked for a drink and asked to go to the back. Once in the room, she was immediately asking if I wanted a ride. I said sure, how much? She said $, I countered with. 6 and she agreed. So much for the art of haggling. But a decent price for some companionship. Off come the duds, 2 minute BJ to lip cover jr, and she's ready to go. On the plus side, her quick manner wasn't a huge turn on, so I was able to take some time in multiple positions. All in all, not a bad experience, and got the job done. But super rushed. I will be back for that barkeep though. Her I want.

Spice Shot
07-31-15, 15:40
I saw the happy lucky whatever place........ Loved her little a cups and big nips. Oh, those Asian titties. After a bit of this, she starts asking if she can trust me. Obviously I say yes. I mean, even if I wasn't trustworthy, would I admit it? Now negotiations begin.

Before I go on, I have to say that apparently my northern "accent" is a plus down here. Of course, I maintain that I am not the one with the accent, but I digress. She asks what I'm looking for. I say everything, but I'm a little short on cash. (get for a $20 drink will you? I tell her that the drinks have pretty much cleaned me out and all I have left is this 20 and a couple 5's. She gives me an apologetic look, amd says that that'll be ok this time, but only because I'm new in town. She leaves for a couple minutes and comes back with her ammo. We didn't even bother leaving that little couch area, she just closes the screen off and we begin. There's a little oral action, and we get down to real business. She gets on top and rides me pretty. Good. Fairly talented vag. After a few, I move her off, bend her over the massage table, and start going hard. I bust one off, sit back and let her clean up. We walk put to the bar and she asks if I want to stay and hang out. I told her I really needed to get on the road. It's late and I have a long drive.

All in all, it was a good time, at a reasonable cost. FS for about. 7. One more thing before I go. Anyone know what the fuck the little stones are all about?I went to the Happy Go Lucky last night about 11, four old Korean ladies and a heavyset bartender, who is all about lady drinks.

Had a similar experience, there is a private room too, did that, costs a second lady drink They did the little stone things with the lady drinks $20 per drink.

It was OK experience.

08-12-15, 01:23
Yep, still trying to figure out the stones. It's the only place I've seen using then also, unless the others are a bit slyer. Guess I'll just have to ask next time I'm in.

Spice Shot
08-14-15, 10:00
Yep, still trying to figure out the stones. It's the only place I've seen using then also, unless the others are a bit slyer. Guess I'll just have to ask next time I'm in.I am pretty sure the stones are simply a token for turning in for cash later, a way to keep track of how many lady drinks they are credited for, I don't know for sure but it seems to be what its about.

I went back a second night, new bartender was going to charge only $10 instead of $20, like the night before, the provider told her to charge me $20 instead, gave her a red stone.

08-20-15, 01:11
Since the streets weren't playing out for me on Saturday, I drifted back down to the kbars on telephone. First stop was the moon lounge. The mamasan was super. Friendly the first time I stopped in, and I was hoping to find a nice young lady. Sadly, the doors were locked. So I headed over to Smile.

I was really hoping to talk the bartender / owner into fooling around, but the place was actually pretty busy. So I didn't really have a chance to talk to her. As I was sitting at the bar, Suni walked in. Apparently she recognized me, because she beeline right over.

This time there was no drinks. No interviews. Just, want to play? I said ok. We went to the back and got ready. There was no entire of money. No haggling. I had paid. 6 plus drinks the first time. This time I just handed over. 8 and everything proceeded from there. This time was much better than the first. More playing amd fooling around. Not rushed. And she was into it. So, I will probably go back some more. As long as service keeps getting better for repeat business, I'm happy.

I do want that bartender though.

03-23-17, 10:06
Visiting from Florida and decided to try one of these K-Bars on Telephone Road. Pulled into the only place that looked open at noon. The Blue Cat. Drank a few Bud Lights before the bartender questioned me about if I had been there before and how come I wasn't talking to any of the girls. I replied that I was from Florida and this was my first time at such an establishment. The regular bartender arrived so the girl I talked with rushed around the bar to be at my side. And make me buy her $12 pony beers. She was attractive and her body was tight. We drank for an hour with me feeling her up the whole time. She wanted to go in the back with me but I wanted to finish my beer first. Big mistake. One of her regulars pops in so she drops me with apologies and hands me over to a big breasted Chinese woman who reminded me of Meg Tilley (actress). Well I didn't have the energy to go through another hour of buying drinks so we agreed to one drink and then go to the back room. After the drink and feeling up those huge melons I was ready to rock but she wanted 300 for FS. I was tired so I just left without getting satisfaction. Dropped 100 on drinks and tips. I might go back tonight to see the first girl. Her name is pronounced "one-gee".

Craven Morehead
04-21-17, 20:55
One day this week I hit several of the K-bars on Telephone Road mid-afternoon as I had never been to any of these before & wanted to get a feel for what they offered. I started with Happy-Go-Lucky, walked in & up to the bar. Saw several middle-aged Asian gals there, one eating lunch, no guys. Was asked if I wanted a drink, looked around then politely excused myself. Then I went down Telephone, visiting them all in pretty much the same way. Smile had about 6 vehicles outside but no guys I could see inside. They must have been busy.

My last stop was at Bamboo Lounge which seemed perfect as I had some bamboo that needed attention & there was only 1 car outside so I figured there'd be some gals available. When I walked in there were 2 middle-aged gals napping on couches & they got up. I focused my attention on the one with the best cleavage & a top that looked like it would pull down easily. She walked me to the bar & asked me if I wanted a drink. I put my arm around her waist & told her how good she looked. I've found all women like this even if you're paying them & it breaks the ice. I told her I didn't want a drink but asked if we could just go straight to the back room. No problem. She led me into a room the size of a large closet with a single bed in it & asked me what I wanted. I told her: BJ for $60. I got an enthusiastic Yes, she took my greenbacks, put a big beach towel on the bed, told me to undress & went away to hide the money. When she came back she took off her 1 piece outfit & I rubbed her nice C-cups. She wiped down my equipment with some wet paper towels, then she got to work while I laid back on the beach towel. As my dick found the softness of her mouth my eyes rolled back in their sockets & I knew this is how I want it to all end one day. But not today. After some BB oral she put on a condom with her mouth & said something about not wanting my cum in her mouth. I went with it. The jukebox in the bar started playing In The House of the Rising Sun. She had a really nice clean, mark-free, tattoo-free body which I caressed while she did the head-bobbing thing. While she was blowing me I got to admire the old room dcor & the stepladder in the corner. After I unloaded she cleaned me up & I was on my way. As I walked out of the small sex room I saw there was a guy at the bar sitting with the other gal who was there, stroking her leg. I didn't go there for drinks or socializing & didn't see any stones changing hands that I read about in other posts, so I figured I got a better deal.

What an awesome experience. I want to thank usasexguide.info & the rest of you for making me aware of these places which add a new dimension for me. I can picture Friday after work or whenever there are a lot of vehicles outside being a bad time to go. I'm glad I didn't have to buy expensive drinks but went straight for the action. I will return.


Craven Morehead
05-13-17, 12:22
I made my 3rd visit to the Korean Bars one afternoon this week & am learning a lot about how these places operate. This time I started in Jo-Jo's where there was a gal serving drinks, a gal sitting at the bar with a guy: she was bored & playing with her phone. There were 2 gals towards the back, one I recognized for declining my offer of $50 for a BJ at Happy Go Lucky. The other one looked like so many I've seen working these places: The Walking Dead. Left there & went to Moon Lounge, where I declined a Zombie & spotted Jeannie, who looked alive & pretty, despite her age. She asked if I wanted a drink & I did my usual: No drink, thanks, you look great; can we just go in the back room? She led me into the darkness & turned on a lamp with a 3 watt bulb in a room with a single bed & closed the door. She readily accepted my offer of BJ for $60. She insisted on covered, but it was good & she did some high speed head-bobbing, which did the job just great. As we chatted she told me they'd had 3 men in there since they opened 5 hours ago & that I was the 1st she'd been with that day. She also said the place is never busy. They open 10 am. Midnight. Sounds to me like they are short of income. Always a good thing for consumers as we can get better deals.

Jeannie told me which vehicle outside was hers. Tells me that if you see vehicles outside these places some of them belong to the employees.


06-01-17, 19:08
So I've only been mongering for a couple months now and have mainly stuck to AMPs, but a few days ago I found this site and learned about T-Road. I'm amazed, going to spend the day out there on Saturday. As a first timer though, I already know that its going to be tough from all the reviews I've been reading. Can anybody possibly PM me some pointers so I don't get stuck looking like a fool?

06-01-17, 19:57
So I've only been mongering for a couple months now and have mainly stuck to AMPs, but a few days ago I found this site and learned about T-Road. I'm amazed, going to spend the day out there on Saturday. As a first timer though, I already know that its going to be tough from all the reviews I've been reading. Can anybody possibly PM me some pointers so I don't get stuck looking like a fool?

06-02-17, 21:06
Happy Go Lucky. First stop on my cherry poppin T-Road excursion that I've deemed my "Asian Hooker Extravaganza". Walked in right at 6:00 pm to see 2 sleepers and the bartender. * Ordered a beer and made some small chit chat with the bartender, whose name I didn't catch or ask, and I assume went through her screening process. She was actually very nice about it but from reviews I knew what was up. Asked where I could smoke and she led me to the back patio where I saw girl #3 washing dishes and then girl #4 playing slot machines on her phone. Bartender joined me for the smoke and afterwards I got beer #2 at which time I offered her one which she surprisingly declined. Girl #3 walked to the bar to get her smokes and actually acknowledged me so I opted to join her. She introduced herself as Michelle, mid to late 50's which showed in the face but looked to have a knockout body in her tight white dress. Went through the where are you from, I've never seen you here before spill which I was ready for. When she learned the city I'm from, she has family there so we started a convo about shrimping and game rooms. Offered her a drink which she said was $10 ended up being blue Gatorade poured blatantly from the Gatorade bottle LOL. No big deal, I know the game. Back at the bar she started a relaxing back scratch and neck rub, I wasn't complaining. Bought her drink 2 and the negotiations started. Asked what I wanted, I replied everything. Asked what I could spend, I said probably. 6. And it worked. Led me to the back room, she stripped me down, cleaned up the ole unit, and then peeled her dress off. And wow, that body looked even better out of the dress. Smooth skin, nice full C fake tits, minimal mom belly, and a nice little ass. She started with a B2 B rub shoving the funbags into my mouth and let me FIV. Couple minutes of that, then on goes the cover for a decent CBJ for about 5 minutes until I was at full attention, then CG for about 5 minutes then she wanted to finish with her hand. Blew after a few more minutes, she cleaned me up and then dressed me. Big hug, asked me to come back and I was on my way.

Total time spent 1. 5 hours.

Total money spent $ which includes my 4 beers, her 2 lady drinks, and the full meal deal.

Not a bad start to my trek. More to come.

06-02-17, 23:24
Blue Cat. Showed up at 8:00 Friday evening. Handful of girls, all decent. 1 or 2 customers. I was approached by Angie. Kinda thick but I'll give her cute. Seems very shy but it may have just been me. Gracie kept trying to cut in. That one is pushy as fuck. 2 hours later I'm down 2 beers for me, 3 ponies to angie and a lot of boredom and awkward silence I finally ask for BCD since I was getting nothing from her end but casual convo. Shot down with the "next time" excuse. I bounced. Hour and 45 minutes later then I should have. Still learning and Michelle at HGL was just too easy I guess. Not going through that wait again. Think I'll hit an AMP to shower Michelle off of me and get a guaranteed 2 girl night. I'll try again in a few weeks.

Time wasted 2 hours.

Money spent. 44.

Return trip nah?

08-27-17, 17:35
50 year old white guy visiting from Florida ok to go here? I was told by someone they won't seve me or some won't let me thru the door.

08-28-17, 00:20
50 year old white guy visiting from Florida ok to go here? I was told by someone they won't seve me or some won't let me thru the door.

I'm a 50 year old white guy and only once did I have an issue. But that was because they thought I was a cop. Other than that, I've gone whenever I'm in town and haven't had an issue, except for the selection most times.

08-28-17, 23:09
Are these places affected by any of the flooding? I was going to head down to Laredo for a day or two later this month and maybe visit Houston on the way back, but the videos out of Houston show this might not be a great idea.

10-02-17, 23:56
I was intrigued and am always up for a new experience so off I went to HGL. Only saw one girl plus the barmaid. Very friendly, when they found I was from out of town we had a nice convo. Bought June a drink for 12, she got a blue stone and her drink. She wanted to go for a smoke so I offered to go along hoping to get an invite in the back. June was a pretty MILF with a hot little body. She told me how slow it was (think it was Tues or Weds night) so I was hopeful. We went back in, another drink and blue stone. Barmaid offers me a sandwich, I decline. Barmaid disappears so I ask June if we're going to have some fun, she just gives me a funny look. I got up and walked out, one of the oddest experiences ever. A waste of time for me, will not try again.

12-05-17, 14:12
So over the past 6 months I've become a regular at all the T-road bars and its been great. I've found my favorite bars and girls, and also have a few that I've learned to avoid. Last week though a guy mentioned the Chinese Karaoke bars. Does anyone have any information about them that they can share with me? I haven't been able to find any info on any of the review sites I got to. Thats a damn shame too because I was even able to find a place to get a hair cut with a happy ending LOL. Thanks in advance.

12-05-17, 20:38
I'm interested in that haircuttery.

Craven Morehead
12-09-17, 15:04
So over the past 6 months I've become a regular at all the T-road bars and its been great. I've found my favorite bars and girls, and also have a few that I've learned to avoid. Last week though a guy mentioned the Chinese Karaoke bars. Does anyone have any information about them that they can share with me? I haven't been able to find any info on any of the review sites I got to. Thats a damn shame too because I was even able to find a place to get a hair cut with a happy ending LOL. Thanks in advance.I like the thought of a Chinese girl holding my mike & singing into it but have never heard of Chinese karaoke bars.

Can you report on the Korean-bars on T-road you like best & why? See my reports on these for my experiences.


02-25-18, 19:04
So I will be in Houston overnight on a Friday in May and thought these K-Bars would be an interesting diversion. This thread is pretty scarce recently though and I was hoping someone might be able to let me know if there is still action to be had. I usually frequent AMPs here in the OC, but I'm up for something a little different. I'll be staying near the Intercontinental Airport so it seems a bit of a drive if these places aren't worth it. Feel free to PM me if you want, and I will monitor this thread as well. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

04-02-18, 13:40
So does the lack of response mean the K-Bars are gone? Or just that this thread is dead?

So I will be in Houston overnight on a Friday in May and thought these K-Bars would be an interesting diversion. This thread is pretty scarce recently though and I was hoping someone might be able to let me know if there is still action to be had. I usually frequent AMPs here in the OC, but I'm up for something a little different. I'll be staying near the Intercontinental Airport so it seems a bit of a drive if these places aren't worth it. Feel free to PM me if you want, and I will monitor this thread as well. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Member #1552
06-09-18, 00:28
So does the lack of response mean the K-Bars are gone? Or just that this thread is dead?I'm in the same situation. What did you find out about these places?


06-09-18, 07:06
So does the lack of response mean the K-Bars are gone? Or just that this thread is dead?I have a girl who used to work at Happy Go Luck and is now working at Blue Cat. She sent me the text a couple of months ago letting me know of the change. I won't get back to Houston for a couple of months though. So I guess this means hurricane Harvey didn't reck the bars.

06-11-18, 12:59
So does the lack of response mean the K-Bars are gone? Or just that this thread is dead?Quality has definitely gone down over the past few months but they're all still up and running. I visited every bar on the road a couple weeks ago and the only changes where that the cantina next to sky lounge moved into Jojo's but they had a jealous ex boyfriend run over and kill obe of the girls there, so I'm pretty sure they're closed, and Mirage is a cantina now too. Decent looking younger girls but they didn't acknowledge me since I don't speak spanish. All the rest of the bar girls have seemed to have aged about a decade over the past few months LOL.

Craven Morehead
06-12-18, 21:49
I went to the K-Bars one afternoon this week, first time since Hurricane Harvey blew through and my experiences were similar to the previous 2 posts. I hit them all, walked in, wandered around, chatted with the ladies, then left & on to the next one. All were open like I had seen them about a year ago except Bamboo Lounge & JoJo's. Some of them obviously had some major upgrades, brand new furniture, paint jobs, pool tables. I partook at one of them with Dee who didn't hesitate to take me to the dark back room when I said I didn't want a drink. Offered $60 for a BJ which she accepted with no issues, but she tried to squeeze another $5 out of me saying she had to buy a condom, but I didn't budge, claiming I had no more money. BJ was covered, pretty lackluster & rushed but got the job done.

The main thing I noticed with all the bars is how very old these women looked. I'd bet they were all over 50 but it's hard to judge with Asian women in the dark. Visiting has been a neat unique experience, one I'd recommend all mongers try once but I may not go back. They need some young blood & to inject some life into this hobby for us. Given how dead everyone of the bars was I'm surprised they stay in bidness. On the plus side, there's no doubt that FS is readily available at every one of these places. You can sense it as soon as you walk in.


09-30-18, 19:23
Any visits lately?

09-30-18, 19:31
AAny action lately?

Craven Morehead
10-02-18, 09:11
AAny action lately?Not from me. Why don't you visit a few, take one of the women in the back room & report back. Thanks.


10-02-18, 14:58
Not from me. Why don't you visit a few, take one of the women in the back room & report back. Thanks.

Craven.Will do. Going this Thursday. Will report back.

10-29-18, 14:58
Will do. Going this Thursday. Will report back.Went to Jenny's. Smoking hot Latina there but she wanted $170 so I declined. Instead went with Jenny herself. Jenny really sucks and fucks good. I ate her pussy and she came three times. $100.

Need to save up a little and go back for the Latina. Young and beautiful.

Craven Morehead
10-30-18, 21:10
Went to Jenny's. Smoking hot Latina there but she wanted $170 so I declined. Instead went with Jenny herself. Jenny really sucks and fucks good. I ate her pussy and she came three times. $100.

Need to save up a little and go back for the Latina. Young and beautiful.Is there anything else you can say about Jenny? How old, appearance? Did you stop at any of the other Asian bars? I'm considering another trek down that way. Thanks.

11-01-18, 07:23
Is there anything else you can say about Jenny? How old, appearance? Did you stop at any of the other Asian bars? I'm considering another trek down that way. Thanks.Jenny is around 50 or so. Petite, nice body. Cute face. Knows how to please.

Yes went by others. Met and drank with several nice girls at Blue cat, Smile, Bamboo and Sky. At Sky lounge met most beautiful young woman I have ever seen at a K bar. Young, gorgeous face and body. Friendly and playful. She asked for $200 which I didn't have. Will save up and go back for her as she is smoking hot and well worth it.

Things are picking up on Telephone Rd. Best at Jenny's with hot Latina girl and Sky with hot Korean girl.

11-06-18, 10:40
The girl at Sky is "Eugene" and yeah. She's the best I've seen there in a long time. If you know the right people there, that $200 will come down. She's only been here from Korea though for about a month now though and her English is extremely limited. I saw the Latina at Jenny too and was really impressed, but I refuse to pay any of them more than $100.

The bars have come up big time though, I have my regular one or 2 that I visit but I made a round last week and was pretty impressed.

Jenny is around 50 or so. Petite, nice body. Cute face. Knows how to please.

Yes went by others. Met and drank with several nice girls at Blue cat, Smile, Bamboo and Sky. At Sky lounge met most beautiful young woman I have ever seen at a K bar. Young, gorgeous face and body. Friendly and playful. She asked for $200 which I didn't have. Will save up and go back for her as she is smoking hot and well worth it.

Things are picking up on Telephone Rd. Best at Jenny's with hot Latina girl and Sky with hot Korean girl.

11-17-18, 02:14
Based on the reviews here I decided to stop by Jenney's last Friday. I got there around 7:30 pm. It was pretty full so grabbed a seat at the end of the bar. There was a cute Latina there but she was talking to another guy. After a few minutes Jenney sat down next to me. I got a beer for me and one for her. It was $17 total. Jenney and I went to the back room for some fun. Damage was a c-note. Jenney is older. Probably 60 ish. She has the hardest fake tits I've come across. Like rock hard. She got the job done.

After I left I cruised up and down Telephone Rd to see what was up. I saw a pretty hot blond LSW with an incredible ass walking around. If I was younger I would have stopped but I need some time between pops now.

I went back to Jenney's tonight hoping to see the cute little Latina again. Before I got there I cruised around to see if the LSW was out but she wasn't. I got to Jenney's around the same time as last week. None to the girls were occupied and I spotted the cute Latina sitting on a couch with a smoking hot Latina. She was a catch. I walked by both not the way to the restroom. Neither looked up. On the way back I made eye contact with both but they both seemed like they would rather sit on the couch and talk. I got a beer and stood up to look around both Latinas looked my way and knew I was interested but neither moved. Finally Jenney looked at the girls and gave them a WTF look. I was ready for whichever one came up. It was the cute Latina. I got her a beer and we talked awhile. After a short time we retired to a back room. She was very shy but got the job done pretty well. Dame was 1. And the $17 for the drinks. I plan on returning soon to see if the smoking hot Latina wants some company.


12-02-18, 12:52
The girl at Sky is "Eugene" and yeah. She's the best I've seen there in a long time. If you know the right people there, that $200 will come down. She's only been here from Korea though for about a month now though and her English is extremely limited. I saw the Latina at Jenny too and was really impressed, but I refuse to pay any of them more than $100.

The bars have come up big time though, I have my regular one or 2 that I visit but I made a round last week and was pretty impressed.Went to Sky. Took Eugene to back room. $200. She is so young beautiful and sexy. Had a great time. Almost came in her mouth but pulled out to save for her pussy. Ate her sweet wet pussy for a long time which she really enjoyed. Sucked her beautiful tits. Licked and kissed her beautiful ass Came in her beautiful pussy. Best sex in along time. Most beautiful girl I have ever fucked. Can't wait to go back.

12-16-18, 05:15
Went to Sky. Took Eugene to back room. $200. She is so young beautiful and sexy. Had a great time. Almost came in her mouth but pulled out to save for her pussy. Ate her sweet wet pussy for a long time which she really enjoyed. Sucked her beautiful tits. Licked and kissed her beautiful ass Came in her beautiful pussy. Best sex in along time. Most beautiful girl I have ever fucked. Can't wait to go back.What time do you recommend going at? Never been to a K-bar.

12-17-18, 17:46
I had some extra cash last week so I headed to the bars on Telephone. First stop was Jenny's to see if the hot Latina was there. She wasn't. There was a woman who was trying to look young but she was probably in her sixties so I bolted.

I went to Sky. They had 4 women there. 2 old ones, 1 big girl who was younger and a beautiful young thing. I figured she had to be Eugene. One of the old ones sat by me and I made it clear I wanted the hottie. The big girl looks pretty good too but she was occupied. Eugene came over and sat with me. She was wearing a hot little dress and looked great. She has a great combination of smoking hot and cute. I somehow talked her down from her 200 request. We went to the back room for 160. After some clumsy groping on my part we got to business. Her tits are outstanding but then so is everything else. She rode me awhile and I had to taste her treats. After my feast was done Eugene hopped back on and rode me hard. It was really something. If you have time and money to spend go see her at Sky.

Finally, does anyone know if the hot Latina is still working at Jenny's? I want to check her out but it's a long drive and don't want to go in vain.



Frank Lucas
12-26-18, 00:50
Jenny's was raided and all ladies are gone for now. This happened last week. Not sure if they returned over the weekend.

So I suspect Sky will be the next one based on the positive reviews.


12-27-18, 01:00
Jenny's was raided and all ladies are gone for now. This happened last week. Not sure if they returned over the weekend.

So I suspect Sky will be the next one based on the positive reviews.

Frank.Was thinking of going to both places. Do they accept anglo's?

Frank Lucas
12-27-18, 12:48
Was thinking of going to both places. Do they accept anglo's?Yeah but if you are not known it may be harder now. Because everyone is on guard after these past events.

12-28-18, 18:17
Why was Jenny's raided? It seems like the media would have been all over it if there were prostitution or other sex related charges.


01-08-19, 02:54
Ok figured out where they were. First time in Houston mongering. Went to Jenny's and bought a beer. 2 other guys there, one was completely drunk and he was the one the bar tender was paying attention to. After a short time it became apparent that the bar tender was only female there and was too old for me. She said one more girl comes back late on Wednesday.

On the way over I at a stop light the girl in the car next to me waves and rolls her window down. Asks if I am looking for fun (reminded me of the old days in Dallas on Harry Hines). I said sure and she said to follow her as she needs to drop the guy off in her car. I stayed back several car lengths while the guy got out at an apartment building so I could escape if needed. She gets out of her white Camaro and walks back. Latina that was too big and seemed really high, she said she had to wait for the guy to pay her for the ride and I told her I was not ready to party and left.

Next stop was Sky. Walk in and really old lady is talking to a fairly old guy. Bar tender greets me and wants to know if I had been there before and I told her a few months ago as that always seems to work. She then asks if I want to talk to a girl. I said sure and she brings the only other girl over and turns out it is Eugene. Eugene is Korean and older than what I thought from all the descriptions. She is easily 30, not that she is old, just certainly not in her early 20's. Nonetheless, she is hot. She was wearing on white one piece dress. Besides my drink I had to buy her a drink. Then another drink before bar tender asks if I want to take her back to the room. Eugene tells me it will be $200 and I told her after the drinks all I had left was $160. Which she agreed to. Then off to the room in the back. She takes money and heads back out. For a minute I was worried about a switheroo but fortunately she returned. Pulls of clothes behind curtain thing and then take off my clothes and sprays my junk with whatever sanitizer they use. Sprays herself as well. Then goes into DFK for several minutes and I spent some time on her great breasts and FIV which she had no problems with p. Go to CBJ, cowgirl, doggy, and finish in mish. Doggy is really a nice view and did me in. She does a good job of getting into it. Likes to kiss which works for me. Bed back there is really comfortable and everything was clean. Would not pay $200 as it is fairly quick. I kind of like massage parlor better as you get more time. As I left bar tender turns out lights and closes shop. Is bar tender available? She is older but looks like she could be fun.

Girls like Eugene are pretty typical for the massage girls in Dallas and Philly. Price there is $160 for full hour.

Saw the other bars in the same strip mall as Sky, the one to the left had a Latina hanging in the door way, but again she was big. Which of the other places are good, hoping they are cheaper as well.

01-08-19, 15:27
Ok figured out where they were. First time in Houston mongering. Went to Jenny's and bought a beer. 2 other guys there, one was completely drunk and he was the one the bar tender was paying attention to. After a short time it became apparent that the bar tender was only female there and was too old for me. She said one more girl comes back late on Wednesday.

On the way over I at a stop light the girl in the car next to me waves and rolls her window down. Asks if I am looking for fun (reminded me of the old days in Dallas on Harry Hines). I said sure and she said to follow her as she needs to drop the guy off in her car. I stayed back several car lengths while the guy got out at an apartment building so I could escape if needed. She gets out of her white Camaro and walks back. Latina that was too big and seemed really high, she said she had to wait for the guy to pay her for the ride and I told her I was not ready to party and left.

Next stop was Sky. Walk in and really old lady is talking to a fairly old guy. Bar tender greets me and wants to know if I had been there before and I told her a few months ago as that always seems to work. She then asks if I want to talk to a girl. I said sure and she brings the only other girl over and turns out it is Eugene. Eugene is Korean and older than what I thought from all the descriptions. She is easily 30, not that she is old, just certainly not in her early 20's. Nonetheless, she is hot. She was wearing on white one piece dress. Besides my drink I had to buy her a drink. Then another drink before bar tender asks if I want to take her back to the room. Eugene tells me it will be $200 and I told her after the drinks all I had left was $160. Which she agreed to. Then off to the room in the back. She takes money and heads back out. For a minute I was worried about a switheroo but fortunately she returned. Pulls of clothes behind curtain thing and then take off my clothes and sprays my junk with whatever sanitizer they use. Sprays herself as well. Then goes into DFK for several minutes and I spent some time on her great breasts and FIV which she had no problems with p. Go to CBJ, cowgirl, doggy, and finish in mish. Doggy is really a nice view and did me in. She does a good job of getting into it. Likes to kiss which works for me. Bed back there is really comfortable and everything was clean. Would not pay $200 as it is fairly quick. I kind of like massage parlor better as you get more time. As I left bar tender turns out lights and closes shop. Is bar tender available? She is older but looks like she could be fun.

Girls like Eugene are pretty typical for the massage girls in Dallas and Philly. Price there is $160 for full hour.

Saw the other bars in the same strip mall as Sky, the one to the left had a Latina hanging in the door way, but again she was big. Which of the other places are good, hoping they are cheaper as well.You might want to try Smile Lounge two doors down from Sky. Try Gina if she is around. She is older but has the body of a twenty year old and is beautiful. Gives great sex. $150. Gina and Eugene are the best on Telephone Road. I try to see them regularly.

01-09-19, 17:17
I have been reading the posts on the K bars and as a former senior member with a new account

Bullshit, this account was made in 2014

A2[Deleted by Admin]

01-12-19, 16:26
My old account was korndoggie and I was senior. This account may be 5 years old but since I've just discovered I had it and started using it then it's new to me. Just because I've haven't posted in a long time does not mean I have not been mongering. Now if you guys want to keep paying $200 in the K bars instead of having a great time for under $100 like me then have at it.

01-18-19, 18:19
I stopped by Jenny's yesterday and was surprised to see that the hot Latina is working there again. She said she came back last week and will be working evenings from Wednesday through Sunday. Her name is Dana and she is Honduran. She looked so smoking sexy hot in a tight short skirt. Her legs and ass are beautiful. I wanted to take her to the back and fuck the devil out of her but didn't bring a lot of money. She said she would wait for me. I will go back soon before she decides to leave again.

Frank Lucas
01-26-19, 13:45
I stopped by Jenny's yesterday and was surprised to see that the hot Latina is working there again. She said she came back last week and will be working evenings from Wednesday through Sunday. Her name is Dana and she is Honduran. She looked so smoking sexy hot in a tight short skirt. Her legs and ass are beautiful. I wanted to take her to the back and fuck the devil out of her but didn't bring a lot of money. She said she would wait for me. I will go back soon before she decides to leave again.Stopped by twice this week later in the evening and each time, there was some Latino guy in there and he had both girls sitting with him the hold time. He was kissing heavily on the better-looking one.

I did not see that he was spending a lot of money but the girls seemed to be more into him talking than making money. Just an observation.

Craven Morehead
01-26-19, 23:33
Looks like Jenny's is open but back in December there were reports it was closed due to raids / busts. Anyone know what happened as I see no stories online. Thanks.

02-01-19, 08:39
You might want to try Smile Lounge two doors down from Sky. Try Gina if she is around. She is older but has the body of a twenty year old and is beautiful. Gives great sex. $150. Gina and Eugene are the best on Telephone Road. I try to see them regularly.You guys have no idea how lucky you have it down here. I was visiting and thanks to fellow mongers decided to take a trip here and also visited with Gina. A bit older than I like but anything and everything was in play which was fun. Same as above, I probably spent $75 at the bar, but WTF that's still cheaper than NJ / NY. This set-up is nothing less than phenomenal.

02-04-19, 14:25
You guys have no idea how lucky you have it down here. I was visiting and thanks to fellow mongers decided to take a trip here and also visited with Gina. A bit older than I like but anything and everything was in play which was fun. Same as above, I probably spent $75 at the bar, but WTF that's still cheaper than NJ / NY. This set-up is nothing less than phenomenal.Yes we are lucky down here. I love Gina. She is so hot and sexy and her pussy is so sweet. I plan on seeing her this week. Can't wait.

Frank Lucas
02-04-19, 21:08
Here is your proof. This is the owner and her 2nd time with this charge at this place. I would be careful here as I am sure it's being watched in that a church has opened up next door, LMAO.

Every time I go in there its always the same exact people. The same latin guy talking to the girls. Something is not right with this so I will not be going back. The church will keep the pressure on the popo until they have enough marks to cancel that beer license then it's over, 2 strikes so far. No one can open there again with a beer license as long as the church is there.

I had a little time to do some research and thought I would enlighten you guys, LOL.


Looks like Jenny's is open but back in December there were reports it was closed due to raids / busts. Anyone know what happened as I see no stories online. Thanks.

Craven Morehead
02-06-19, 08:02
Here is your proof. This is the owner and her 2nd time with this charge at this place. I would be careful here as I am sure it's being watched in that a church has opened up next door, LMAO.

Every time I go in there its always the same exact people. The same latin guy talking to the girls. Something is not right with this so I will not be going back. The church will keep the pressure on the popo until they have enough marks to cancel that beer license then it's over, 2 strikes so far. No one can open there again with a beer license as long as the church is there.

I had a little time to do some research and thought I would enlighten you guys, LOL.

https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/slideshow/Houston-police-arrest-20-on-felony-human-189446/photo-16839850.phpIt's thanks to Houston having no zoning laws that you can find a church next to a brothel. Or a funeral parlor next to a chemical refinery.

Frank Lucas
02-06-19, 09:57
It's thanks to Houston having no zoning laws that you can find a church next to a brothel. Or a funeral parlor next to a chemical refinery.I'm not going to debate the zoning law. We are talking about the TABC laws and how they function. Once that beer license lapses no one can get another one at that location while the church is there. Go to TABC page and read the rules, it says it clear as day. Cheers.

P.S. You only get 3 hits on a beer license then they cancel it. Jenny's is on the last hit numero 3.

03-11-19, 14:38
Any good action at the Kbars lately? I went by Smile last week and got some from Gina. She fucked me crazy.

I went by Sky today and bought a couple of drinks for Yujin (Eugene). She looked so hot. I really wanted to fuck her but was short on cash. She said to come back next Monday as it would be slow then and we could spend more time together and I could do anything I wanted with her. I plan on doing that.

Big Comanche
05-10-19, 02:20
From out of town but hit up telephone rd this week. First went to Smile looking for Gina. Place was weird, 2 guys at the bar. Old woman git me a beer for $4. Another old one was there as well. Sat at the bar watching the news, finally the 2 guys left. Hot woman but older (I think her) appeared for some small chit chat. I explained I was from out of town but was there in Dec. She didn't believe me and walked away never to be seen again. Had 3 beers and left but luckily they were cheap.

Hit up Sky, same 2 dudes were now there along with a third, great. There were 2 chicks though. One fit the bill of Eugene but this Korean guy in the back was all over her. I sat on the couch by myself and the other one stopped by for a sec to chat, explained I was from out of town and had been there before. She was very nervous about the 2 other guys who were new as well. I convinced her I wasnt a cop, after 2 beers and an hour those 2 guys left. We agreed on $160 and went out back. It was good and I love the room setup. She was shy and a bit of a germophobe and kept spraying and squirting sanitizer and alcohol solution on me and her. She was hot though.

All in all a good time, and if I visit again Ill try to bag Gina. Maybe Ill bring my plane ticket. If not, Sky will do.

05-27-19, 18:03
Walked into this place at around 2 pm on Friday and it was just me and 4 very old looking ladies. Got a beer and out of nowhere the old but still hot woman came and sat by my side. We started to chit chat, I said it was my first time there but "my friend" had recommended the place. She just said 'oh'.

Anyway, I asked if she served food since I could see all the pots and pans from the bar, they said no but offerd to get me a pizza from across the street. Pizza was good, but too big for me, so we all gathered around and had lunch. One of the girls brought me a soda, no charge!

After I was done eating the good looking woman I had been talking with had a really sexy smile on her and said, 'well, lets go get what you came for, follow me. ".

I'm going to spare you the details but I had an awesome time in the back room.

Thanks 'friends' for the recommentations!

06-03-19, 10:59
Would not mind going. Too nervous to go at it alone. Anyone want to plan a tour?

06-04-19, 11:20
Walked into this place around 1030 p. An older lady was at the bar, and a young one was sleeping on the couch. As I walked in sleeping beauty sat up and had the meanest face on her. Whatever. Sat at the bar and ordered a beer. I've been here before but I didn't recognize anyone working that night and they didn't recognize me either, so a game a 20 questions ensued. A while later the boss lady walked in, luckily she remembered me.

The boss lady asked if I wanted to buy someone a drink I said I would buy the sleeping lady one (she was already up by this time), then all hell broke loose. All 3 ladies started talking to each other, sounded firm at first then it just degenerated into a shouting and flailing arms match. One of the older ladies stormed off into the backyard, while the other two continued shouting at each other. This seemed to go on forever. From what I gathered the younger woman thought I was a cop and wouldn't have a beer with me to which the boss lady refuted and said I was not a cop, just a nice guy etc.

After all they yelling had died down, boss lady invited me to come over during the weekend, apparently there would be kbbq in the backyard, so I might come for that. Maybe there will be another fight, hopefully in tub full of jello haha.

06-05-19, 10:37
So I heard from one of the bar owners that Jenny's was packing it up at the end of May. Does any one know if that happened or not? I haven't been out that way since the 1st.

06-07-19, 11:03
So I heard from one of the bar owners that Jenny's was packing it up at the end of May. Does any one know if that happened or not? I haven't been out that way since the 1st.Looks like its closed. Have gone by several times this month and its closed. Too bad. I got a lot of good pussy there over the years.

06-07-19, 13:01
Yeah I was out and about on T-road yesterday and saw it closed, then got a call from one of the ladies that worked there this morning telling me where she was now.

06-23-19, 10:30
It's been about 5 years since I was last in Houston. Did Jojo's reopen after the hurricane?

06-25-19, 12:49
It's been about 5 years since I was last in Houston. Did Jojo's reopen after the hurricane?They did reopen and then turned into a Latina bar. Shut down a while back after one of the girls got mowed down by a jealous bf in the parking lot and I haven't heard anything about them since.

07-01-19, 16:36
Went by Smile today. Gina was there and we went to the back room. She got naked and we had great sex. I had not fucked her for a month so I was really horny for her body. She sucked my dick really good and I licked her sweet pussy. I stuck my tongue in her ass, sucked her beautiful tits and licked her all over. I finished fucking her in reverse cowgirl. I think Gina is the best on Telephone Rd.

08-17-19, 15:35
Went by 3 of the K-Bars. The first two basically ignored me. The first was Smile. They had 1 older Korean working. But she didn't even make eye contact with me. I drank a coke and sat at the bar talking with the bar tender. It was during the week in the afternoon, so not many people around. I will say that I probably messed it up by saying it was my first time and I look young for my age. So they probably thought I was LE. AT one point the bar tender and the younger woman with her went out to smoke and I was in the place almost alone. Very odd. There was the one working, but I didn't even see here until someone came in and she popped up from behind a partition where some chairs were. Needless to say, I left without a smile.

The second club, which is right next door. Blue Cat. There were at least 4 to 5 women working in this place. One older one came in and flirted with me. Once she found out that it was my first time and that I was only drinking coke, she lost interest too. I'm guessing those are LE indicators as well. Since this was my first time, I really wanted to make first contact with someone, so I was being real flexible on my choices. Old young, fat, slim, it didn't matter. There was a chubby Latina working, I even tapper her on her shoulder as she was listening to music, it startled her, but she just put them back in and ignored me. This was all kinda weird and I was loaded with cash too. So I left and headed over to Bamboo. They also had cats running around, it was weird. I left there confused.

Bamboo was a success and I had multiple choices and was able to have a great K-Bar first experience. They were active when I walked in, an older one was basically walking around topless and grabbed my jewels as soon as I sat down at the bar. They had a mix of young, hot, old, ugly, aggressive and passive. I went with a younger looking passive one and enjoyed myself for $, now that's what I call a deal. I'll be going back and attempt to become a regular and who knows, I'm crazy enough to try some of the old talent too. It's just that the older ones looked like they were late 60's. Eesh!

All this is to say that they are up and running and YMMV. But overall it seemed like a better choice than SWs.


08-19-19, 01:42
Bamboo is now my go to place. It's never crowded and they have three ladies I'm happy to spend time with.

1 - Kim. She and older woman. Out of the older ladies there, Kim is the one with lots of makeup and fake tits. I got several BBBJs from her. She also will lick the balls like a pro. Wait she is a pro.

2 - Candy. I love Candy. She is probably mid 40's to 50's and Vietnamese. She is very friendly and has great boobs. She's my favorite on Telephone. She stacks up well against Yoo-Jin next door at Sky but is half the price.

3 - Hot Latina. The hot latina from Jenny's is at Bamboo now. She was too upity for me at Jenny's and was asking for too many Jacksons to perform. The Bamboo mamasan cut that shit out. The hot Latina is still hot and gets the same amount as the other girls. She is really hot. I'm biased because I like the latin women but I would gladly take her to an office party.

09-01-19, 17:31
Bamboo is now my go to place. It's never crowded and they have three ladies I'm happy to spend time with.

1 - Kim. She and older woman. Out of the older ladies there, Kim is the one with lots of makeup and fake tits. I got several BBBJs from her. She also will lick the balls like a pro. Wait she is a pro.

2 - Candy. I love Candy. She is probably mid 40's to 50's and Vietnamese. She is very friendly and has great boobs. She's my favorite on Telephone. She stacks up well against Yoo-Jin next door at Sky but is half the price.

3 - Hot Latina. The hot latina from Jenny's is at Bamboo now. She was too upity for me at Jenny's and was asking for too many Jacksons to perform. The Bamboo mamasan cut that shit out. The hot Latina is still hot and gets the same amount as the other girls. She is really hot. I'm biased because I like the latin women but I would gladly take her to an office party.Smoking hot Latina.

Thanks for the info King. I went to Bamboo and took the smoking hot Latina to the back room. Her name is Dana and she is so damn hot. I fucked her doggy and in missionary. She let me lick her beautiful round ass and stick my tongue in her asshole. I then ate her wet shaven pussy and licked up all her dripping juice. She sat om my face as I licked her pussy and asshole. Damn she was good! I couldn't stand any more so I started fucking her in cowgirl until I came.

Wow! Dana is the hottest girl and best fuck on Telephone Rd. $120. Will go back many times.

09-10-19, 11:46
Smoking hot Latina.

Thanks for the info King. I went to Bamboo and took the smoking hot Latina to the back room. Her name is Dana and she is so damn hot. I fucked her doggy and in missionary. She let me lick her beautiful round ass and stick my tongue in her asshole. I then ate her wet shaven pussy and licked up all her dripping juice. She sat om my face as I licked her pussy and asshole. Damn she was good! I couldn't stand any more so I started fucking her in cowgirl until I came.

Wow! Dana is the hottest girl and best fuck on Telephone Rd. $120. Will go back many times.Don't bother. She's no longer there. She's dancing at a "Mexican bar" according to one of the older ladies at Bamboo.

09-12-19, 01:15
I was in town for a few days and made two trips down Telephone Road. It was a must after reading these reports.

Monday night around 1045 pm, I ducked my head into Sky. It was dead. Only an older and heavyset woman was at the bar. She said hi but I pulled back. I walked past Smile and headed for Bamboo, but it was all dark outside, no 'open' light, nothing. So I reversed course and went to Smile.

There was a young Korean lady all over a guy at the bar near the door. I walked to the bar and was greeted by an older (I'd guess 50's) slender Korean lady who said 'I've never seen you here before" and I answered honestly. "first time. ".

She got me a bottle of water and sat down next to me, and took my hand and began to rub my forearm. She told me her name was Yeon-Ha and asked where I was from. I told her (Florida) and she asked to see my I'd, which I was ok with. She had an open laptop on the bar and looked at my license against the image she found online. Satisfied that I was legit we talked more. By then the younger girl came over to join us (her guy left) and she introduced herself as Anna, short for Annabelle. Yeon-Ha asked if I would buy her a drink, and Anna said 'me too'. I said 'OK for her (pointing to Yeon-Ha) since weve been chatting a while'. $12 for a small glass of 'tea' (she said they werent allowed to drink).

We talked a bit more, and I asked her if there was someplace more private. She took me to a couch on the other side of a screen, and she sat next to me with her back leaning against my chest, while starting to rub my thighs and crotch. I started to undo her top and she took it off so I could cup her bra, and start to take it off to grab her tits (b-cup). She reached into my pants to grab my cock and whispered 'come with me', and led me into a back room.

She told me to get comfortable and started to undress, so I stripped and got onto the bed. She used a spray bottle of water to clean up my crotch with some baby wipes, then washed herself up a bit. No talk of money at all. She started in with a great BBBJ. I was getting ready to pop really fast. I told her that I wanted to fuck her but this felt too good to stop. So I let her keep blowing me and a short time later I shot a load into her mouth. She pulled back after the first 2 or 3 shots while keeping her hands on to finish the job. She got the water and wipes to clean us both up.

We talked a bit while we got dressed, again no mention of $$. I put. 6 on the table (I would have gone more for FS). She led me out and I was happy to have experienced Smile.

Tuesday I went back to Telephone Road closer to 10 pm and Bamboo was all lit up outside, so that's where I went. I walked to the door and before I could open it, a lady opened it for me from the inside. She took my hand and brought me in. She was a 40-ish Korean hottie with her tits aching to come out of her red dress. We sat at the bar and she said her name was Kim (she has been discussed here before). She was ready for a visitor, sitting bare-assed on the chair next to me with her Bush in full sight and accessible. She put my hand on her thigh and I flicked her Bush. She asked for a drink, I said sure and she grabbed a tiny Lite beer. I mentioned I was next door yesterday because they appeared closed around the same time last night, and mentioned the 'non alcohol' thing next door. She asked why didn't I go back there and I told her I had to visit Bamboo if they were open. She said she was glad I did and leaned in to give me a kiss. Our tongues met and she asked 'want to come back'? I said 'oh yeah' and back we went.

We each got undressed pretty fast and I was in awe. I think she's extremely fit for a 40+ lady. She said 'you pay first?' and I grabbed 1. 0 from my wallet. She said 'thanks' and gave me a wonderful deep kiss. We laid down onto the bed and she asked if I wanted a condom. I told her I preferred not, and she said 'ok, you smell good'. But before she worked on my unit we made out for a couple of minutes. Lots of DFK. Then a wonderful BBBJ was had. Plenty of ball licking too. I told her I wanted to do that for her so she spun around to offer me her flower. 69 was on and she tasted great. Plenty of moans for both of us. I was ready to pop and she stopped to grab the condom. She got on top and rode me like a champ. Twisting as she rode me. It felt great, but being 54 I am unable to cum like this more often than not. Despite her grinding (with plenty of DFK as well) I asked her to finish with her mouth. And she went in for a great BBBJTC.

Kim rocks, plain and simple. If I lived in Houston I would be seeing her 1-2 times a month. I haven't had many ladies make me feel this good.

09-15-19, 14:03
Don't bother. She's no longer there. She's dancing at a "Mexican bar" according to one of the older ladies at Bamboo.In Houston I nthe next few weeks.

What bar is the "Mexican bar" PM is fine.

Any insight on any other non asian bars would be good too if anyone knows. Pm is fine.

09-29-19, 15:46
I was in town for a few days and made two trips down Telephone Road. It was a must after reading these reports.

Monday night around 1045 pm, I ducked my head into Sky. It was dead. Only an older and heavyset woman was at the bar. She said hi but I pulled back. I walked past Smile and headed for Bamboo, but it was all dark outside, no 'open' light, nothing. So I reversed course and went to Smile.

There was a young Korean lady all over a guy at the bar near the door. I walked to the bar and was greeted by an older (I'd guess 50's) slender Korean lady who said 'I've never seen you here before" and I answered honestly. "first time. ".

She got me a bottle of water and sat down next to me, and took my hand and began to rub my forearm. She told me her name was Yeon-Ha and asked where I was from. I told her (Florida) and she asked to see my I'd, which I was ok with. She had an open laptop on the bar and looked at my license against the image she found online. Satisfied that I was legit we talked more. By then the younger girl came over to join us (her guy left) and she introduced herself as Anna, short for Annabelle. Yeon-Ha asked if I would buy her a drink, and Anna said 'me too'. I said 'OK for her (pointing to Yeon-Ha) since weve been chatting a while'. $12 for a small glass of 'tea' (she said they werent allowed to drink).

We talked a bit more, and I asked her if there was someplace more private. She took me to a couch on the other side of a screen, and she sat next to me with her back leaning against my chest, while starting to rub my thighs and crotch. I started to undo her top and she took it off so I could cup her bra, and start to take it off to grab her tits (b-cup). She reached into my pants to grab my cock and whispered 'come with me', and led me into a back room.

She told me to get comfortable and started to undress, so I stripped and got onto the bed. She used a spray bottle of water to clean up my crotch with some baby wipes, then washed herself up a bit. No talk of money at all. She started in with a great BBBJ. I was getting ready to pop really fast. I told her that I wanted to fuck her but this felt too good to stop. So I let her keep blowing me and a short time later I shot a load into her mouth. She pulled back after the first 2 or 3 shots while keeping her hands on to finish the job. She got the water and wipes to clean us both up.

We talked a bit while we got dressed, again no mention of $$. I put. 6 on the table (I would have gone more for FS). She led me out and I was happy to have experienced Smile.

Tuesday I went back to Telephone Road closer to 10 pm and Bamboo was all lit up outside, so that's where I went. I walked to the door and before I could open it, a lady opened it for me from the inside. She took my hand and brought me in. She was a 40-ish Korean hottie with her tits aching to come out of her red dress. We sat at the bar and she said her name was Kim (she has been discussed here before). She was ready for a visitor, sitting bare-assed on the chair next to me with her Bush in full sight and accessible. She put my hand on her thigh and I flicked her Bush. She asked for a drink, I said sure and she grabbed a tiny Lite beer. I mentioned I was next door yesterday because they appeared closed around the same time last night, and mentioned the 'non alcohol' thing next door. She asked why didn't I go back there and I told her I had to visit Bamboo if they were open. She said she was glad I did and leaned in to give me a kiss. Our tongues met and she asked 'want to come back'? I said 'oh yeah' and back we went.

We each got undressed pretty fast and I was in awe. I think she's extremely fit for a 40+ lady. She said 'you pay first?' and I grabbed 1. 0 from my wallet. She said 'thanks' and gave me a wonderful deep kiss. We laid down onto the bed and she asked if I wanted a condom. I told her I preferred not, and she said 'ok, you smell good'. But before she worked on my unit we made out for a couple of minutes. Lots of DFK. Then a wonderful BBBJ was had. Plenty of ball licking too. I told her I wanted to do that for her so she spun around to offer me her flower. 69 was on and she tasted great. Plenty of moans for both of us. I was ready to pop and she stopped to grab the condom. She got on top and rode me like a champ. Twisting as she rode me. It felt great, but being 54 I am unable to cum like this more often than not. Despite her grinding (with plenty of DFK as well) I asked her to finish with her mouth. And she went in for a great BBBJTC.

Kim rocks, plain and simple. If I lived in Houston I would be seeing her 1-2 times a month. I haven't had many ladies make me feel this good.Do they care about ethnicity. In California when I lived there they Korean cafe's were not very amicable to hispanics and AAs.

Ass Man808
09-29-19, 17:34
I was in town for a few days and made two trips down Telephone Road. It was a must after reading these reports.

Monday night around 1045 pm, I ducked my head into Sky. It was dead. Only an older and heavyset woman was at the bar. She said hi but I pulled back. I walked past Smile and headed for Bamboo, but it was all dark outside, no 'open' light, nothing. So I reversed course and went to Smile.

There was a young Korean lady all over a guy at the bar near the door. I walked to the bar and was greeted by an older (I'd guess 50's) slender Korean lady who said 'I've never seen you here before" and I answered honestly. "first time. ".

She got me a bottle of water and sat down next to me, and took my hand and began to rub my forearm. She told me her name was Yeon-Ha and asked where I was from. I told her (Florida) and she asked to see my I'd, which I was ok with. She had an open laptop on the bar and looked at my license against the image she found online. Satisfied that I was legit we talked more. By then the younger girl came over to join us (her guy left) and she introduced herself as Anna, short for Annabelle. Yeon-Ha asked if I would buy her a drink, and Anna said 'me too'. I said 'OK for her (pointing to Yeon-Ha) since weve been chatting a while'. $12 for a small glass of 'tea' (she said they werent allowed to drink).

We talked a bit more, and I asked her if there was someplace more private. She took me to a couch on the other side of a screen, and she sat next to me with her back leaning against my chest, while starting to rub my thighs and crotch. I started to undo her top and she took it off so I could cup her bra, and start to take it off to grab her tits (b-cup). She reached into my pants to grab my cock and whispered 'come with me', and led me into a back room.

She told me to get comfortable and started to undress, so I stripped and got onto the bed. She used a spray bottle of water to clean up my crotch with some baby wipes, then washed herself up a bit. No talk of money at all. She started in with a great BBBJ. I was getting ready to pop really fast. I told her that I wanted to fuck her but this felt too good to stop. So I let her keep blowing me and a short time later I shot a load into her mouth. She pulled back after the first 2 or 3 shots while keeping her hands on to finish the job. She got the water and wipes to clean us both up.

We talked a bit while we got dressed, again no mention of $$. I put. 6 on the table (I would have gone more for FS). She led me out and I was happy to have experienced Smile.

Tuesday I went back to Telephone Road closer to 10 pm and Bamboo was all lit up outside, so that's where I went. I walked to the door and before I could open it, a lady opened it for me from the inside. She took my hand and brought me in. She was a 40-ish Korean hottie with her tits aching to come out of her red dress. We sat at the bar and she said her name was Kim (she has been discussed here before). She was ready for a visitor, sitting bare-assed on the chair next to me with her Bush in full sight and accessible. She put my hand on her thigh and I flicked her Bush. She asked for a drink, I said sure and she grabbed a tiny Lite beer. I mentioned I was next door yesterday because they appeared closed around the same time last night, and mentioned the 'non alcohol' thing next door. She asked why didn't I go back there and I told her I had to visit Bamboo if they were open. She said she was glad I did and leaned in to give me a kiss. Our tongues met and she asked 'want to come back'? I said 'oh yeah' and back we went.

We each got undressed pretty fast and I was in awe. I think she's extremely fit for a 40+ lady. She said 'you pay first?' and I grabbed 1. 0 from my wallet. She said 'thanks' and gave me a wonderful deep kiss. We laid down onto the bed and she asked if I wanted a condom. I told her I preferred not, and she said 'ok, you smell good'. But before she worked on my unit we made out for a couple of minutes. Lots of DFK. Then a wonderful BBBJ was had. Plenty of ball licking too. I told her I wanted to do that for her so she spun around to offer me her flower. 69 was on and she tasted great. Plenty of moans for both of us. I was ready to pop and she stopped to grab the condom. She got on top and rode me like a champ. Twisting as she rode me. It felt great, but being 54 I am unable to cum like this more often than not. Despite her grinding (with plenty of DFK as well) I asked her to finish with her mouth. And she went in for a great BBBJTC.

Kim rocks, plain and simple. If I lived in Houston I would be seeing her 1-2 times a month. I haven't had many ladies make me feel this good.I tried Anna and she was worth it. Very friendly and has a great personality. In the booth she would always rub my thigh and rub jr over my pants. Bought her couple drinks. She has a great rack on her.

09-29-19, 20:42
Do they care about ethnicity. In California when I lived there they Korean cafe's were not very amicable to hispanics and AAs.I was just visiting, those were my first two experiences.

Full disclosure: I'm a mid-50's white male.

10-01-19, 11:16

Visiting Sr. Monger from other areas. RTFF of the AMP forum has brought me here. I've RTFF this forum and am definitely going to be making a trip down to Telephone Rd during my short visit this week. As I'm flying in, I have limited travel and will not be renting a car this trip. Would appreciate info on the overall area as I'll be using Uber / Lyft to get around town a bit. Feel free to HMU regarding any area knowledge I might have of other areas as I am always willing to share with other seniors.


10-08-19, 13:03
While visiting Houston I decided to take a trip down to all the K-Bars on Telephone road. I flew in and was car-less so I called an Uber. Following Big's lead I went straight for Bamboo Lounge. I walked in to a place that had seen better days and was a dive, but the atmosphere we completely friendly. I went to the bar and got a beer and was immediately engaged by an older lady. She wasn't very hot but not totally unattractive either. She joined me for a drink and proceeded to talk to me. She asked me several questions then excused herself. Another lady came up and asked me the exact questions. How I heard of the place, where I was from, what was I doing in town, etc. After explaining it 2 times they seemed to think I was ok. The first lady returned and went back to rubbing my shoulders and legs. It was then that I saw Kim come into the room. I immediately made eye contact and the lady I was with asked me if I'd like to talk to her so I said sure. Kim came over and we had a drink and talked for a bit. I then suggested that we should find someplace more comfortable.

We went back to a private room and proceeded with DFK and undressing each other. She asked if $100 was okay. I agreed and said "no rush. " We proceeded onto the bed and she started warming me up with a BBBJ while I started sucking on her luscious nipple and fingering her. She had a nice clean-shaven pussy that was super tight. Her oral skills left nothing to be desired and she let her mouth and tongue wander and explore everything in that whole region. She even would suck on my balls as well as flick her tongue along the underside and down to my ass. It wasn't long before we were both worked up. She put a condom on me and climbed on top. I was surprised how well her petite body took every inch of me with no problems. She rode me to completion, took the condom off, cleaned me up and layed down beside me and started stroking me. It wasn't long before I was ready again. She got another condom and I climbed on top of her for round two. All in All was a wonderful experience with a sexy but older skilled woman. I'd love to go back again, however she stated she's going to be visiting family in Korea soon for the next two months. I hope I get to run into her again on another visit to the area.


10-09-19, 18:38
While visiting Houston I decided to take a trip down to all the K-Bars on Telephone road. I flew in and was car-less so I called an Uber. Following Big's lead I went straight for Bamboo Lounge. I walked in to a place that had seen better days and was a dive, but the atmosphere we completely friendly. I went to the bar and got a beer and was immediately engaged by an older lady. She wasn't very hot but not totally unattractive either. She joined me for a drink and proceeded to talk to me. She asked me several questions then excused herself. Another lady came up and asked me the exact questions. How I heard of the place, where I was from, what was I doing in town, etc. After explaining it 2 times they seemed to think I was ok. The first lady returned and went back to rubbing my shoulders and legs. It was then that I saw Kim come into the room. I immediately made eye contact and the lady I was with asked me if I'd like to talk to her so I said sure. Kim came over and we had a drink and talked for a bit. I then suggested that we should find someplace more comfortable.

We went back to a private room and proceeded with DFK and undressing each other. She asked if $100 was okay. I agreed and said "no rush. " We proceeded onto the bed and she started warming me up with a BBBJ while I started sucking on her luscious nipple and fingering her. She had a nice clean-shaven pussy that was super tight. Her oral skills left nothing to be desired and she let her mouth and tongue wander and explore everything in that whole region. She even would suck on my balls as well as flick her tongue along the underside and down to my ass. It wasn't long before we were both worked up. She put a condom on me and climbed on top. I was surprised how well her petite body took every inch of me with no problems. She rode me to completion, took the condom off, cleaned me up and layed down beside me and started stroking me. It wasn't long before I was ready again. She got another condom and I climbed on top of her for round two. All in All was a wonderful experience with a sexy but older skilled woman. I'd love to go back again, however she stated she's going to be visiting family in Korea soon for the next two months. I hope I get to run into her again on another visit to the area.

Lv.It's been long time since I went to K-bar scene. Need to go back and check out these chicks.

Thanks for the report.

11-05-19, 12:35
Thanks! I plan on making it back to town later this month. So I may give a further update ad I explore the scene further.


It's been long time since I went to K-bar scene. Need to go back and check out these chicks.

Thanks for the report.

11-06-19, 08:57
Are these places just as good during the day, or better off visiting late at night?


11-06-19, 09:42
Are these places just as good during the day, or better off visiting late at night?

Thanks!About the same. Typically the "girls" are there before noon, maybe as early as 10 in the morning. They stay there all day and from what I have seen thy typically close around mid-night. In the evening there may be more guys chasing fewer girls.

11-06-19, 10:54
While visiting and browsing through AMP reviews I saw a recommendation for the K-bars. Decided to give it a go and was really glad I did. Walked into Bamboo and was prepared to leave as there was only one car outside. Two ladies seated just inside, one older and the other a very attractive mid-40's (girl in a tight black dress. The older lady took me to the bar and asked if I I wanted a beer. Marie came up and gave me a big hug and kiss with lots of tongue. I ended up buying her mini beer total tab $12. Older lady asked if I knew how it worked and when I said yes she smiled and said good, I lock the door you go with Marie.

We went back to the room and she asked if I pay first. I didn't negotiate just handed her $. She left for a minute and came back with her little kit, wipes, condoms etc. Lots of kissing and grabbing and getting undressed. After wiping me down and cleaning up herself proceeded to a very enjoyable BBBJ. I would have been happy popping right there but I'm a one shot guy so I told her to get on her back and dined at the why for a lot longer than I'd planned. She tasted like honey and might be a great little actress but after a while made all the appropriate noises for cumming. Judging by the amount of cum flowing out of her I doubt she was faking but who cares. I enjoyed it all. She was very enthusiastic during the FS portion of the program and I came harder than I have for a long time. A really nice surprise since it's hard for me to finish as a rule. After cleaning us both us she just layed down next to me for some cuddling and kissing. All the while I was wishing I could go again but.

I'll be back in the area in a few months and am headed straight to Telephone Rd when I get there.

11-07-19, 09:39
While visiting Houston I decided to take a trip down to all the K-Bars on Telephone road. I flew in and was car-less so I called an Uber. Following Big's lead I went straight for Bamboo Lounge. I walked in to a place that had seen better days and was a dive, but the atmosphere we completely friendly. I went to the bar and got a beer and was immediately engaged by an older lady. She wasn't very hot but not totally unattractive either. She joined me for a drink and proceeded to talk to me. She asked me several questions then excused herself. Another lady came up and asked me the exact questions. How I heard of the place, where I was from, what was I doing in town, etc. After explaining it 2 times they seemed to think I was ok. The first lady returned and went back to rubbing my shoulders and legs. It was then that I saw Kim come into the room. I immediately made eye contact and the lady I was with asked me if I'd like to talk to her so I said sure. Kim came over and we had a drink and talked for a bit. I then suggested that we should find someplace more comfortable.

We went back to a private room and proceeded with DFK and undressing each other. She asked if $100 was okay. I agreed and said "no rush. " We proceeded onto the bed and she started warming me up with a BBBJ while I started sucking on her luscious nipple and fingering her. She had a nice clean-shaven pussy that was super tight. Her oral skills left nothing to be desired and she let her mouth and tongue wander and explore everything in that whole region. She even would suck on my balls as well as flick her tongue along the underside and down to my ass. It wasn't long before we were both worked up. She put a condom on me and climbed on top. I was surprised how well her petite body took every inch of me with no problems. She rode me to completion, took the condom off, cleaned me up and layed down beside me and started stroking me. It wasn't long before I was ready again. She got another condom and I climbed on top of her for round two. All in All was a wonderful experience with a sexy but older skilled woman. I'd love to go back again, however she stated she's going to be visiting family in Korea soon for the next two months. I hope I get to run into her again on another visit to the area.

Lv.Wait. 100 will get you 2 pops in these places??

11-07-19, 11:56
Hadn't had any Korean pussy in while so I went by Smile earlier this week. Gina was there and we went to the back room. She looked so hot and had on this short skirt with a low cut top with her ample tits popping out. It didn't stay on her very long though as I had her naked in just a few seconds. I licked her pussy, licked her ass and asshole and sucked her tits. We shifted into 69 as I gorged on her sweet wet pussy while she sucked my dick. She then climbed on me into cowgirl and we both finished at the same time. It was one spectacular fuck. I'll return again and again to fuck Gina.

Afterward I stopped by Bamboo. There was a new girl there. Said her name was Mari and I bought her a drink. She is older but has a pretty face and real nice body.

We talked a little and she started kissing me. We kissed some more mostly long, deep, wet tongue kisses. She's a great kisser. She invited me to the back room but I declined having just unloaded into Gina. I told her I really wanted to fuck her but would be back next week. She said to hurry back which I will.

Street Seeker
11-22-19, 19:20
Visited Bamboo and Smile lounges and was totally disappointed. Was there at 3 pm and Bamboo had one lady who sat with me and I bought her a ladies drink, nice looking, good English, pleasure to talk to. Then she asked me if I was married. Nope divorced. She then starts to dig into why, what is my ex doing, etc. And after telling her the 3rd time I was not interested in continuing the discussion, I left.

Smile. No ladies in there I would consider, even if I was drunk.

I did find joy at an AMP. So not a waste of the day.

12-16-19, 12:30
Sorry for the delay TG. I travel all over the country so this forum wasn't still on my radar. I'm sure it's a YMMV situation, but that was my experience there. Travelling back to the area this week. It's too bad Kim is not available and on travel.

I'll be looking for some mischief to get into while in town again. Anybody have any local intel and suggestions I'm open otherwise I'll probably visit places that are already known to me.


Wait. 100 will get you 2 pops in these places??

12-25-19, 01:05
After finding this thread I decided to give them a try this evening. Christmas Eve. It turned out about like I expected.

I went down to Telephone and first went to Sky. There were two women working. An attractive 40 ish woman and Anna, a very cute late 20's.

Anna flirted with me from across the bar while ahe acted as bartender, and got me to buy her a drink, but she never came to sit by me. The other woman didn't like me, I think, and barely talked to me. I left after one drink.

I went down to Happy Go Lucky next. I was the only customer. I talked to Li- 40's, nice curves, big fake breasts. Who got me to buy her a drink and made some conversation and then asked if I liked to play. I told her not today, but said it in a way that left her room to convince me. I like being convinced.

We went outside so I could smoke a cigarette, and we began to fondle each other, with dfk. The kiss wasn't that great (She just jammed her tongue in my mouth) but her fingers were magic though my pants.

We agreed on. 6, and went in to a room. Standard stuff. BBBJ, daty, fiha, fiv, cfs, kissing. It was good for the price. My only complaint is that she said I was too big (I'm barely above average) and acted like it hurt. I asked and she said no, but she acted like it did. It didn't feel that tight, and I never tapped her cervix, but her acting uncomfortable made it not as good for me, so I hurried and finished before I wanted to.

As she was leaving the room she told me I should give her 1. Next time I see her. I think. 6 was lower than her normal, and I only got it because business was so slow. Whatever the reason, I won't be using Li's services again.

So that's my first Telephone Rd Kbar experience. I think I'll be going back pretty soon. It wasn't a bad experience, and next time may be better.

01-05-20, 05:21
Was in town for a few days and after reading these reports I decided to check it out. I attempted going significantly later than many of you reported as I ventured out around 1 am. Immediately upon opening the door I was greeted by Lucy! A short (5'4"-5'5" very busty woman. A bit older. Claimed to be 38, but I guess 40's.

She led me to the bar where I ordered a beer and after 2-3 minutes of chitchat I bought her a drink. Cost about 4 for my drink and 12 for hers (if I remember correctly). We talked for about 5 minutes during which time I began caressing her leg and feeling up her dress and around her butt which she obliged to. One of you fine gentlemen came out with another Asian woman (couldn't catch her name) but roughly same height, a little older, but smaller chest and short haircut. They sat right next to us at the bar so I ordered Lucy another drink and requested to move somewhere more quiet. We moved to a few tables towards the back and we talked a bit more as she felt up my chest and legs and I moved my hands up and around her legs and up her dress. After a min or so she asked me what I wanted and I mentioned that I was just looking to get to know her a bit more. She mentioned that the club needed a few extra dollars to pay the light bill this month. After talking for a bit I offered 1. 1 (she wanted 1. 4) to help with bills. She took it and went to the bar and came back and asked me to follow her. We made our way to the back room.

For a woman her age she was extremely energetic and looked honestly very good outside of the dress. If you're a fan of big chests I suggest checking her out as her chest is huge. Session was nice, short CBJ (could've been longer if I wanted. Personally just not big on it). Cfs in cowgirl, doggie, missionary. She liked getting her chest sucked on and seeing those in cowgirl was truly a sight. Finished on her chest. Afterwards there was no rush from her at all (which I appreciated) as she literally said "no rush take your time" and she was very playful. On the way out she led me back to the bar but I mentioned it was time for me to head out as it was now just after 2 am. She led me to the door, gave me a hug and told me to stop by to see her again.

Overall definitely not bad for a first experience and I would definitely consider coming back next time I'm in town. She did have a slight belly but if that doesn't bother you I'd recommend her. Session was fully covered but it seemed like if I got to know her over a few visits maybe that could be up for negotiation.

01-11-20, 17:56
Any one here familiar with the Dallas AMPs?

The reason I ask is this.

I have a chance to visit EITHER Houston or Dallas for a day or less and want to know which had the hotter K girls?


01-26-20, 12:15
There is a new girl at Sky. Just started last week. She is young and very beautiful. Name is Angie. Went by last night but she was busy with other customers. Has anybody here fucked her yet? I want to fuck her very much.

01-27-20, 15:52
I'm going to be in Houston in a few weeks, and would love to try the bars on Telephone street. Any advice you could give to make sure I don't strikeout? I've never been to a bar like what you guys describe on this thread, I want to make sure the ladies know I'm not a cop and looking for a good time.

01-29-20, 17:22
Hey all, senior monger here from TN. Just curious as to what a K-Bar is and where they are located. Any info would be greatly appreciated. PM me if you like. Thanks in advance, stay safe.

Lets Play 2
02-01-20, 14:19
I was in Houston last week for a work conference where I didn't have a lot of time to myself since I was stuck with people from work all day. After doing some research and reading several months worth of posts I made a plan to skip out of a team dinner early and visit Bamboo. But when I got there around 10:30 - 11:00 it was dark with no cars in the lot. Not having a backup in mind I went to Smile and grabbed a seat at the bar. There was an older woman showing off her rack behind the bar, another woman sat next to me watching a video on a laptop and a 3rd woman sitting on a couch watching TV. I was disappointed in the selection and after saying no to buying the woman next to me a drink I was out the door when I finished my beer. Still a little thirsty I stepped into the place next door for another beer. I was greeted by someone much more to my liking showing a little cleavage. I bought her a drink and she sat down with me. There was another woman there but she was sitting at the bar with her friend and after a few minutes they disappeared. Another gentleman from Smile came in and sat at the bar, since my new friend was watching the bar we couldn't go to the back so we had a couple more drinks together. Finally the other woman's friend left and she started talking to the gentleman freeing up my friend from the bar, we went to go talk someplace more private. We had a little fun together but it was late, she was tired and she just wanted me to finish and be on my way. Next time I'm back in Houston I'll make it a point to stop by earlier in the day and see how things are then.

02-24-20, 23:04
Based on the reviews here, I decided to try the K-bar's in Houston, it seemed like easy pickings. I apologize if I get any of the names wrong or confused, they all blurred together after awhile.

So, after finding the places, I stopped into The "Happy Lucky" I was greeted by 2 older women, one who seemed very tired. I was hopeful when I sat down because I'm sure I heard the distinct sounds of "fun" coming from somewhere. As I sat there, the bartender asked me where I was from, asked to see my I'd, which was fine with me, I showed them. However, I was not interested in either one, so I finished my beer and left.

Next I tired "Smile" down the road. Here, I was also greeted by two older women, one of whom seemed to fall asleep on the bar while I talked to the other. Same as the last K-Bar, asked where I was from, see the I'd, and all that. I was not interested in either one of them, and they knew it. I was told to come back the next day and ask for "Gina" she would take special care of me. I had a beer and left.

Next up was Jia Lounge, I walked in and two other gentlemen were there talking to an older lady with to much makeup. I sat making small talk with the bar tender (who was older as well) and watching TV. After a beer the two other guys left and the painted lady came over to talk to me. I did buy her a drink and we talked a bit. She seemed to have a nice body, but I just wasn't "into her" so I finished my second beer and left. The bar tender was kind a funny, she asked me if I knew "what goes on here"? I said I had been there before, so I knew.

The final stop for the night was "Sky High Lounge" this seemed to have some promise when I walked in. Three women, one older bartender who was flirting with some old guy at the bar. She asked if I wanted company and I said yes, so she waved over one of the other girls. A tall, chubby girl who was sitting on the coach came over and flirted with me for a while. I bought her a drink and she asked if I would want to go in back with her for a while. Since I was now 5 beers into the night, I agreed (I just really wanted something at this point). Once in back she offered FS for 1. 8, or GFE for 2, there was no way I was paying that much for her, I could find better for less. We settled on. 8 for a BJ, which turned out to be a CBJ. Long story short I over paid, it took awhile but I finished and left. I would not do it again.

Overall, I feel like I need to go back and give them another try. I was disappointed with the selection, but maybe it was just a bad night. Plus, after reading the comments here, I was hoping to spend less.

03-21-20, 13:08
The K bars are all closed for now. I hope they open back up soon. I desperately need some Korean pussy. I have a few of the girls phone numbers. Will call and maybe one will meet me at a motel.

05-24-20, 05:35
I stopped by sky and bamboo today. No luck at sky. They were having some kind of pizza party. A nice lady told me to come back today. Bamboo is still the same. Older ladies but they will take good care of you for a c-note. And that's what happened with me.

05-28-20, 11:39
Yes are open. I've been fucking girls at Smile and at Sky Lounge. Was really desperate for Korean pussy. They let me lick -So sweet.

05-29-20, 15:26
Yes are open. I've been fucking girls at Smile and at Sky Lounge. Was really desperate for Korean pussy. They let me lick -So sweet.Been wanting to go to one, but don't want a 40 or 50 year old. Are they in their 20's - 30's.

06-02-20, 21:51
Been wanting to go to one, but don't want a 40 or 50 year old. Are they in their 20's - 30's.Best bet for younger girls is at Sky Lounge. Angie in her 20's or Chi-wan in her 30's. Both are pretty with hot bodies. Both fuck and suck really good.

06-18-20, 16:45
I'm thru Houston once every couple of weeks. Never been to the Kbars before. Do any of these ladies have huge fake tits? Any latinas? Big fan of enormous fake cans on Asians and Hispanics.

Craven Morehead
06-22-20, 12:26
I'm thru Houston once every couple of weeks. Never been to the Kbars before. Do any of these ladies have huge fake tits? Any latinas? Big fan of enormous fake cans on Asians and Hispanics.Never seen this in my visits but I encourage you to visit anyway as it's a cool unique experience.

08-11-20, 03:38
I was cruising down telephone on Sunday and I must have fallen asleep because I dreamed there were several cars parked in front the K-Bars. I decided what the hell and tried to go inside one of them. The door was locked so I rattled it a few times. No one came to the door so I got back into the car and was about to leave. I looked up one last time and a Korean lady was at the door waving me in. She was a little older but stilled looked okay. She took me straight to a back room and we got down to business. This is where things got a little to hot for me. I laid back for a nice BBBJ and it started to burn. Well. It appeared I get there right after lunch and my lady likes it spicy. We took a break while she gargled and wiped off the hot sauce from little Elvis. This did the trick and little E was happy again.

Anyhoo. If you go by during the day, knock on the front door of you favorite establishment and see what happens.

08-18-20, 11:38
So I'm just curious what kind of tab do you run up at one of these bars how much should you tip your bartender?

10-06-20, 01:43
What's the best one guys, smile or what? Bunch of guys mentioned a girl named Gina in here and Eugene and Kim. Are these girls still active? All I keep reading is 50 and 60 year olds at these places WTF? Where can I find the young girls?

10-06-20, 01:53
Let's team up if you're freaked out like me to go alone to one of these places. I want to go get a BJ from a hot Asian woman, but from what I've read in here, they all sound over 40 (which is disappointing).

10-08-20, 10:38
Let's team up if you're freaked out like me to go alone to one of these places. I want to go get a BJ from a hot Asian woman, but from what I've read in here, they all sound over 40 (which is disappointing).Been to T-Road twice. It was a fun trip down the abyss of the hobby world.

I don't mind going with some folks if why'all a little freak out going solo.

I will be honest; I am still on the hunt for them can-tee-nas. With LatinASS.

Either way PM me if want to roll thru together.

10-31-20, 16:08
I've driven buy the ones most people talk aabout and they have all been closed. Are they even open?

11-04-20, 12:27
After seeing these reports, I decide to spend a free afternoon on Friday checking out the scene.

Damn, I know the ladies tend to be older, but most the ladies present were well past their SS check collecting years.

Of the four connected clubs, the first three seemed to only have employees that have been working there since the Eisenhower administration. I politely had a beer in each and moved on. At the four one (The Blue Cat? I thought I had struck pay dirt. I talked to Jenny, an attractive women that appeared to be in her late thirties / early forties. She mentioned having recently arrived from New York. She was attractive and easy to talk too. After a couple of ladies drinks, I suggested we get to know each other better. And then the drop, she said nothing ever happens on the first meeting and I need to continue to buy her drinks all night I hopes that we could go somewhere more private the next time is was there. I let her know unless something happened this time I was never coming back. And then I left.

In a final act of desperation, I hit the last bar, the Happy Go Lucky. The place was dead with only the bartender present. She looked ok and was young enough that she might have given up her virtue during the Nixon years. And the blue pill I popped was begging to get it done. She pretty blatantly propositioned me. And for a c-note, I busted my Korean Bar Girl cherry in Houston.

Not sure I would head back that way unless the numbers of ladies picked up or the elusive Latinas mentioned in previous reports returned.

Craven Morehead
12-12-20, 14:27
I took a trip to the K bars one afternoon this week & saw they're all open. First one I went into (forgot the name, begins with R) there was a guy sitting at the bar & a woman talking to him. She spots me & comes over trying to pull me into a back room. OMG this was the oldest sex worker I have ever seen anywhere, possibly in her 70's. As I headed back towards the door another one climbed out of her coffin on the other side of the room & slowly tried to move towards me. I left.

Next stop was Moon Lounge where another senior woman was eating at the bar. The place was otherwise empty. Next stop for me was Bamboo which I've had some good luck at in the past. There were a couple of guys at the bar & I was greeted by Sue, a very well preserved nicely dressed woman. I declined her offer of a drink so she led me towards a pitch black room in the back. When she turned on a light I could see a king sized bed which took up 95% of the floor space. After some mutual fondling I handed over $100 & wondered what that would get me. She left & returned with her own blanket & a shopping bag containing wipes, spray etc. I laid back & she gave me some slow uncovered, unrushed head, both of us naked, no masks. Then she went to ride me & I had to stop her & have her strap on a condom or it would have been bareback. She's a friendly enthusiastic fucker & this was a good experience. She even gave me her phone number & wants me to call her to set up future appointments.

All the other bars seemed to have vehicles outside so things are happening at the K bars these days.


01-08-21, 00:54
So, Skyy seems to be closed recently. That has been my go-to.

Went next door (can't remember name. Are they all the same) and a fairly youthful (possibly around 60) but fairly attractive lady answered door enthusiastically.

Got me to buy her a beer, and fondled my thigh a bit while she propositioned me. I agreed, and she led me to a back room where she did Herman geriatric best, but just smelled too much like kimchee for me to be enthusiastic. She, however, was enthusiastic and followed up a hand ending with a decent massage.

10 for enthusiasm.

5 for age.

01-31-21, 04:47
So I went to Bamboo a couple of weeks ago and the hot Latina from a year ago was back. We went in the back room and had some fun. For the going price.

I went back Friday evening and hooked up with her again. She was in the middle of riding me when the owner banged on the door and told her to run the back.

Fuck! She grabbed her panties and dress and took off in a panic. The owner grabbed her bra and hid it. I heard official sounding voices near the bar and frantically got dress. I left the condom on because I didn't know what else to do with it. I walked out of the room expecting to get arrested. I took a quick turn into the restroom and flushed the toilet. I walked out and realized the officers were checking on the liquor license. I placed my soft drink can (I don't drink and drive) on the bar and walked out, got in my car and took off. I was near Hobby before I finally calmed down.

I sent the Latina a text to see what was up. Yes, I got her number which is a win. She said their is a problem with the license and the bar is closed.

And the rubber flew out the window somewhere on the Gulf Freeway. Sorry if hit your windshield.

Craven Morehead
01-31-21, 23:11
So I went to Bamboo a couple of weeks ago and the hot Latina from a year ago was back. We went in the back room and had some fun. For the going price.

I went back Friday evening and hooked up with her again. She was in the middle of riding me when the owner banged on the door and told her to run the back.

Fuck! She grabbed her panties and dress and took off in a panic. The owner grabbed her bra and hid it. I heard official sounding voices near the bar and frantically got dress. I left the condom on because I didn't know what else to do with it. I walked out of the room expecting to get arrested. I took a quick turn into the restroom and flushed the toilet. I walked out and realized the officers were checking on the liquor license. I placed my soft drink can (I don't drink and drive) on the bar and walked out, got in my car and took off. I was near Hobby before I finally calmed down.

I sent the Latina a text to see what was up. Yes, I got her number which is a win. She said their is a problem with the license and the bar is closed.

And the rubber flew out the window somewhere on the Gulf Freeway. Sorry if hit your windshield.Awesome story. You escaped jail time by the skin of your teeth. I'm pretty surprised the cops didn't go & look in the rooms with the beds while they were there. I've fornicated on those beds at The Bamboo.


02-02-21, 13:18
So it is true! Damnit. All those times I went in and no luck.

Good news is you got very lucky. I would have been nervous AF.

And you have her info? Hell you better be playing at Patels' from now on. Safer.

Craven Morehead
02-26-21, 23:06
I was back toTelephone Rd this week. Bamboo is open as are most of the other action bars. I went to Smile & had a session with Sue who used to be at the Bamboo but now says she's only at Smile & prefers it there. It's tough to say how old she is but she looks good & performs well. She led me into one of the side rooms that had a bed, 2 small tables, a chair & a Shop Vac. For $100 I received some slow uncovered head & did her in multiple covered positions. I didn't ask about Shop Vac treatment but if you've had it please report as I'd love to hear that story. Sounds like Sue is there most of the time for those of you that need her services.


Ed Haskell
03-03-21, 23:57
She spots me & comes over trying to pull me into a back room. OMG this was the oldest sex worker I have ever seen anywhere, possibly in her 70's. As I headed back towards the door another one climbed out of her coffin on the other side of the room & slowly tried to move towards me. I left.

Craven."Climbed out of her coffin" - LMFAO! This is why I love reading USA SG. There are some funny guys on here!

03-10-21, 02:27
First time going to a Korean bar, what should I expect? What one do you recommend? I drove down the road a couple times when I was in the area but couldn't tell which ine was a Korean bar and which ones were normal.

Craven Morehead
03-10-21, 23:29
First time going to a Korean bar, what should I expect? What one do you recommend? I drove down the road a couple times when I was in the area but couldn't tell which ine was a Korean bar and which ones were normal.They are between Happy-Go-Lucky & McDonalds at Long Drive. If it looks like a sleazy bar you're at the right place. My advice is to visit them all, at least for 30 seconds, to get a feel for each place & the women there. Don't get suckered into buying any drinks, unless you're thirsty. When/if you've found a woman you want to be with tell her you want to go in the back room with her. One of my favorite lines from the Simpsons is when Mo is talking to a woman: I'd like to take you out. Out back.

03-20-21, 12:39
I have been going here lately. Gina is now working here. She has such a pretty face and a sexy smoking hot body. I love fucking her and licking her sweet pussy and asshole. Gina is the best on Telephone road. I am going to go fuck her next week and am getting hard just thinking about it. I love Gina so much. Her breasts are so beautiful too. I enjoy sucking them.

03-22-21, 13:27
I have been going here lately. Gina is now working here. She has such a pretty face and a sexy smoking hot body. I love fucking her and licking her sweet pussy and asshole. Gina is the best on Telephone road. I am going to go fuck her next week and am getting hard just thinking about it. I love Gina so much. Her breasts are so beautiful too. I enjoy sucking them.Thanks for sharing. Telephone Road is a bit out of the way, but I do plan to visit. Who are some of the other greats on Telephone Road? My experience with Korean Girls has been mostly at Luxury and Sun in Dallas. Ideally, I'm looking for spinners no older than 35.

04-02-21, 19:58
First time post and I had to. I'm from out if state and here working. Decided to check out the bar scene and had an amazing dream. First I went into blue cat and was greeted by a very old but attractive lady. I had a beer and bought her one but decided to move along. Went next door but it was locked. Went to the next and met Kim. OK guys she is older but damn what a body. Bought a drink and her one. Ended up outside smoking and I made the move. Everythig was agreed and we went into the back. In this dream everything was amazing. BBBJ, daty, and multiple positions. She is really good and for the price ill definitely be back. $ I have never had this kind of experience in an AMP.

Frank Lucas
04-28-21, 06:24
Rumor has it that Gina has retired and no longer working on telephone. What a sad day.

04-30-21, 10:20
Rumor has it that Gina has retired and no longer working on telephone. What a sad day.If true, this is indeed a sad day.

04-30-21, 14:43
Rumor has it that Gina has retired and no longer working on telephone. What a sad day.It's true. The woman that runs the Blue Cat recognized me and came over to tell me that Gina is no longer working. I texted Gina a couple of times but got no response.