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04-11-08, 01:24
So, I decided to try Sakura today since I had some extra time. $60 for the half, and I saw jasmine. She seemed very nice and started with a half assed massage. After a couple minutes she asked what I wanted. I told her I didn't want FS and just wanted a BJ. She started with a cbj, but after a few minutes she ended up just with a HJ. Since I didn't finish right away, she called me superman after. But it really wasn't that long! She did say that she wanted to fuk me and to come back for that. Again she was very nice, but I'm sure others are better. As I was waiting for her. I was trying to think of the names that were posted before. All I could remember was pink. When I checked the computer. I got the one that said to avoid! Oh well. Maybe next time.Yeah, She is total BS if you dont want to FS.

I am going to repost the list. Personally I think that the AMP's have raised their rates way beyond the rate of inflation. I remember back in the day that FS was usually $100. HJ came with the $50 dollar 1/2 hour entrance fee. Does anyone know how in the hell FS went from $100 to $160 in less than ten years? I know that TJ is waaaaaaaaaaay better than any of the AMP's in SD. Even with the all of the drama that goes with going down South you get way more bang for your buck. I know the in Escondido that prices are still in the $100 dollar range for FS. That is still expensive though in comparison to TJ. You can get two hours of service for the price that you pay at an AMP for 20 minutes and the women appreciate it more than the K-girls do here. There are plenty of beautiful women in TJ. They are even more accommodating now that there has been a 90% drop in tourism. Unless you have to have some asian strange you should know that you can get a much more beautiful woman in TJ. The going rate down there is $60-$50 for a 1/2 hour FS session plus $12 for the room thats $72!!! Think about it for the FS AMP price here of $220 for a half HOur you can have 3 HOT women. Thats three for the price of one. Personally I am tired of getting the lame ass service that seems to be standard in the SD AMP scene. I only do the AMP thing now when I really want some asian strange.

Here is a repost of those mediocre girls of Sakura/Bella Spas. Just remember why pay 3 times the price for FS at this place. YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE $150 DOLLARS OF YOUR HARD EARNED CASH.

Both of these spas are own by Tiffany. She used to be a decent but expensive provider. She wanted the $$$$ more than she was worth. I had her on her knees all the time. Sakura and Bella Spas are now the best spa to get 20 something ass in SD. I had her on her knees all the time. She liked to swallow. : )

The girls of Sakura Spa:

Julia........D Cup hottie that is no longer there....A 4 star provider. I miss her. If anyone knows where she is please send me a pm.

Blue........Really hot but no longer there. She gave the best BJ in town. If you remember where she is please send me a pm.

Pink.........A great little 25 yearold spinner. She is still there. She gives great service.

Jasmine.....She still works there. She is a 24 yearold. Avoid her like the plague she does not provide the full time for the money.

Diana.......No longer there but probably the Hottest K-girl in the bizz. She was last seen working at MP in Pacific Beach by the Wienner Schnitzel. That place is waay to expensive $300 tip for FS!!!!!!!

Jackie...... I vaguely remember her she was there around the same time that Diana was there. I think that she was a bit older and not a good provider at all.

Nicole...... She is in her late 20's early 30's great provider. Has C-cup tits. She used to work at Kiaa Spa. You can still find her at either Bella or Sakura.

Sasha.......Avoid her like plague. She wants more than she is worth. She gives very cold mechanical service and is always in a rush.

Angie.....She is a new girl.

Kelly.......She is a new girl.

Now I have a question. What do you do when you have a provider short you on the time? Lets say you negociate for oral and you paid for the half hour but the provider only gives you 20 minutes service for the 30 minutes that you bought. Do you pay them in full? or do you skip out on the bill knowing that she will cause a stink?

04-11-08, 12:46
I believe these gals are part of the infamous "Glad's" service. Get "The List" and you'll see all of them are panned big time, i.e. it's all about the money. They try to entice you in and then do major upsell. They are constant advertisers on CL. They have to be because of the bad service. I have not used them, this is what I have gleaned from various sources.

04-11-08, 18:37
Yeah, She is total BS if you dont want to FS.

I am going to repost the list. Personally I think that the AMP's have raised their rates way beyond the rate of inflation. I remember back in the day that FS was usually $100. HJ came with the $50 dollar 1/2 hour entrance fee. Does anyone know how in the hell FS went from $100 to $160 in less than ten years? I know that TJ is waaaaaaaaaaay better than any of the AMP's in SD. Even with the all of the drama that goes with going down South you get way more bang for your buck. I know the in Escondido that prices are still in the $100 dollar range for FS. That is still expensive though in comparison to TJ. You can get two hours of service for the price that you pay at an AMP for 20 minutes and the women appreciate it more than the K-girls do here. There are plenty of beautiful women in TJ. They are even more accommodating now that there has been a 90% drop in tourism. Unless you have to have some asian strange you should know that you can get a much more beautiful woman in TJ. The going rate down there is $60-$50 for a 1/2 hour FS session plus $12 for the room thats $72!!! Think about it for the FS AMP price here of $220 for a half HOur you can have 3 HOT women. Thats three for the price of one. Personally I am tired of getting the lame ass service that seems to be standard in the SD AMP scene. I only do the AMP thing now when I really want some asian strange.

Now I have a question. What do you do when you have a provider short you on the time? Lets say you negociate for oral and you paid for the half hour but the provider only gives you 20 minutes service for the 30 minutes that you bought. Do you pay them in full? or do you skip out on the bill knowing that she will cause a stink?Do you work for the Mexican Dept of Tourism?

There's a 90% drop in tourism to Mexico for a reason. People are scared to go. I'll pay the extra money for services here in San Diego County to avoid any problems in Mexico. On top of that, with the price of gas, it's cheaper for me to save the gas and stay local.

You thoroughly complain about pricing. Maybe you need a new hobby?

Do you really think you're entitled to a full 30 minutes after the woman had your cock in her mouth? Are you really there for your 30 minute massage?Are you serious?! Do you seriously think the posted times have anything to do with the services involved? You sound like a dick and you're probably "that guy" that turns all of the providers into bitter women. Nickel and dime-ing a woman that takes your cock in your mouth... you're pathetic.

You're on TJ's jock so much, why don't you move there?

Maybe you get bad service because you are a douche.... just my 2c. Thanks for the list, btw. You seemed to have liked massage here in San Diego at least one time in your life.

04-11-08, 22:16
Yeah, She is total BS if you dont want to FS.

The girls of Sakura Spa:Mm,

Thanks for the summary. I haven't tried Sakura yet, but makes sense to give it a try now. I guess I can call ahead and "reserve" one of the ones you recommend? Or just show up and request one? Appreciate your summary. One of the best posts I've read on SD.

04-11-08, 22:19
Do you work for the Mexican Dept of Tourism?

There's a 90% drop in tourism to Mexico for a reason. People are scared to go. I'll pay the extra money for services here in San Diego County to avoid any problems in Mexico. On top of that, with the price of gas, it's cheaper for me to save the gas and stay local.

You thoroughly complain about pricing. Maybe you need a new hobby?

Do you really think you're entitled to a full 30 minutes after the woman had your cock in her mouth? Are you really there for your 30 minute massage?Are you serious?! Do you seriously think the posted times have anything to do with the services involved? You sound like a dick and you're probably "that guy" that turns all of the providers into bitter women. Nickel and dime-ing a woman that takes your cock in your mouth... you're pathetic.

You're on TJ's jock so much, why don't you move there?

Maybe you get bad service because you are a douche.... just my 2c. Thanks for the list, btw. You seemed to have liked massage here in San Diego at least one time in your life.I am entitled to a full 30 minutes. Thats what I paid for. I don't see why you are so mad, Foore. It seems to me that you are taking this waay to personal. Why? Do you own a AMP?

The fact is that this is not a risk free hobby no matter what side of the border you are on. Its still illegal on our side though. AMP's get raided all the time. If you get caught by the police here at a AMP engaging in our hobby. You will wind up with a criminal record.

I have a right to complain about the pricing. It has gone up alot over the years and the service has not gotten any better. This is not to say that I don't get superb service from some of my providers.

The thing is this is not "nickle and dime-ing" as you say. These women are making $440 an hour if they don't run out the door 20 to 15 minutes after they are done. At these prices of $440 an hour, Yes, I do EXPECT the woman to stay the full 30 minutes. If they can squeeze 3 "massages" in an hour that is $660. Where I come from thats a lot of money. Is it really too much to ask for them to stay the whole time? They are making $440-660 an hour!!

I estimate if a AMP were to have on average 10 customers a day and they each got either a a HJ or BJ that they would be making $2000 dollars a day. There are 30 days in a month so that would be around $60,000 a month or $720,000 a year. If you were to factor in FS it would probably be more like $1,300,000 a year. That is really good money. I don't think that it is too much to ask for the provider to stay the whole 30 minutes in this case. They are making money mouth over fist BTW :)!!! I know that their job is really hard but when you are making six figures at least you should make sure that people are happy when they leave.

I think that in these hard economic times that people should know their options. Thats why I posted the comparison to TJ. Competition is the beauty of our economy. I doubt that these posts will result in lowering of prices. But in Escondido they seem to be where they were 10 years ago. Why is it more expensive in SD? The women are not any better looking and the service is not any better.

BTW, Gas is not that expensive. It would be $10 at most depending where you live in SD county.

The 90% drop in tourism has more to do with the new passport requirements than it does with people being "scared". Thing is if you have a CA ID and birth certificate you are fine. The INS can not deny you entry anyway if you are an American Citizen.

When I want some Asian strange I hit up an AMP. The service may or may not be good. But it certainly is over priced. If I don't get the full 30 minutes and instead get 20 to 15 minutes that is robbery if you ask me.

I don't see why you attack me for providing a little info to the people here so that they can save a $100 to $160. They should know that they are losing money. Do you like losing money Foore? I don't. I am not moving to TJ. I just want to let the people here know that you can get a lot more bang for your buck with a lot hotter woman by just driving to TJ. Is that really so bad? You are welcome for the list BTW!

You can call me all the names you want. If my post saves even one man that reads this post $60, thats a win in my book. Plus if people did end up not going to the

04-11-08, 23:22

I was wondering if anyone tried Suki or any of the other back pages massage girls? Suki looks really hot but the pic does not show her body. Lola, Jen and Alicia are really hot looking too.

They even have a 50% of coupon, ha ha.I also would like to know if anyone has visited this place in the web address. I am coming to San Diego at the end of the month, and I really like the looks of one of the ladies. However I do not want to waste my time. Feel free to PM me with details.


04-12-08, 02:47
I sure do miss TJ too, but every once in a while I get up to OC. The admission is usually less than SD, like $45/30 min and $60/hr. Not sure about pricing for extras cause I'm a cheap bastard and happy with a hj for an extra $20.

You can find enough info on this site to get what you're looking for and not TOFTT.

Just a suggestion as a TJ alternative.


04-12-08, 11:45
I don't want to get this into a flamming situation, but Foore went way overboard. The prices some of you guys pay is pretty pathetic. If you ran a business this way you wouldn't last long. Look at the prices some of the guys are paying in tips on the massage parlor site. I've seen tips up to $200! Most of the K amps want a minimum of $140 & .6 to get in. That's really stupid. When the k amps raised their prices some time back I never went back. Again, look at the info on the mp web site. Most of the entries are for Escondido. I wonder why that is? Well.........duhhhh. Look at the prices. At most .5 to get in & $ for the full monty and better service to boot. You guys that are paying the SD prices are pretty pathetic. I have one provider, an absolute gfe. She is in SD, when I told her I wouldn't be be back because of the increased prices she went back to the old prices. She gets heat from the other K amps but I think she stays much busier. In addition, she will do anything I ask her to do (I've never asked for greek so I don't know about that). By the way, I generally only report bad experiences I've had in an amp. If something is good I'm not going to spread the word because guys like foore & most of the rest of you will screw it up. There is probably not an amp I've not been in in SD county & I go once or twice a week, sometime more. So if someone like foore says to quit bitching about prices maybe they only go once a month or so. I make a high six figure income but I still try to spend it wisely.

04-12-08, 14:29
I don't want to get this into a flamming situation, but Foore went way overboard. The prices some of you guys pay is pretty pathetic. If you ran a business this way you wouldn't last long. Look at the prices some of the guys are paying in tips on the massage parlor site. I've seen tips up to $200! Most of the K amps want a minimum of $140 & .6 to get in. That's really stupid. When the k amps raised their prices some time back I never went back. Again, look at the info on the mp web site. Most of the entries are for Escondido. I wonder why that is? Well.........duhhhh. Look at the prices. At most .5 to get in & $ for the full monty and better service to boot. You guys that are paying the SD prices are pretty pathetic. I have one provider, an absolute gfe. She is in SD, when I told her I wouldn't be be back because of the increased prices she went back to the old prices. She gets heat from the other K amps but I think she stays much busier. In addition, she will do anything I ask her to do (I've never asked for greek so I don't know about that). By the way, I generally only report bad experiences I've had in an amp. If something is good I'm not going to spread the word because guys like foore & most of the rest of you will screw it up. There is probably not an amp I've not been in in SD county & I go once or twice a week, sometime more. So if someone like foore says to quit bitching about prices maybe they only go once a month or so. I make a high six figure income but I still try to spend it wisely.Point taken. I didnt see it that way. I guess I was speaking more on the girls' behalf. There's two sides to every story, and I get your point.

04-12-08, 15:30
I make a high six figure income but I still try to spend it wisely.

It depends on how you parse it but without a comma, "high six figure" to me means close to a million dollars ($999,999). That's a lot of mongering cash and you should be doing $1k porn stars (1 per day would only be $365,000).

04-12-08, 15:47
I don't want to get this into a flamming situation, but Foore went way overboard. The prices some of you guys pay is pretty pathetic. If you ran a business this way you wouldn't last long. Look at the prices some of the guys are paying in tips on the massage parlor site. I've seen tips up to $200! Most of the K amps want a minimum of $140 & .6 to get in. That's really stupid. When the k amps raised their prices some time back I never went back. Again, look at the info on the mp web site. Most of the entries are for Escondido. I wonder why that is? Well.........duhhhh. Look at the prices. At most .5 to get in & $ for the full monty and better service to boot. You guys that are paying the SD prices are pretty pathetic. I have one provider, an absolute gfe. She is in SD, when I told her I wouldn't be be back because of the increased prices she went back to the old prices. She gets heat from the other K amps but I think she stays much busier. In addition, she will do anything I ask her to do (I've never asked for greek so I don't know about that). By the way, I generally only report bad experiences I've had in an amp. If something is good I'm not going to spread the word because guys like foore & most of the rest of you will screw it up. There is probably not an amp I've not been in in SD county & I go once or twice a week, sometime more. So if someone like foore says to quit bitching about prices maybe they only go once a month or so. I make a high six figure income but I still try to spend it wisely.TJ is/was great ... but personally, I'd be afraid to go down there anymore. Plus for me, it's a 50 mile drive from North County. Yes ... the AMPs up here in Escondildo cost a bit less than down in SD. You can get FS for $.5 for 1/2 hour massagee, plus $ for the rest. But if you're down in SD, the cost of gas alone to drive up here may not make it all that worthwhile. I can't speak for the quality of service you get from the providers in the SD AMPs, but up here I've never been hassled or rushed. I'm too paranoid to pick up a SW, even though there are some around Oceanside during the day. I don't much like the idea of hitting on an undercover cop. I might be tempted to try some of these gals on Craig's or Backpage, although it's moe expensive than the local AMPs.

04-12-08, 21:20

I was wondering if anyone tried Suki or any of the other back pages massage girls? Suki looks really hot but the pic does not show her body. Lola, Jen and Alicia are really hot looking too.

They even have a 50% of coupon, ha ha.I am coming to SD in a couple of weeks. I really like the looks of one of the girls in this ad. Has anyone tried this place. Are the ladies and this place hobby friendly, and what are the cost.



04-13-08, 15:20
I am coming to SD in a couple of weeks. I really like the looks of one of the girls in this ad. Has anyone tried this place. Are the ladies and this place hobby friendly, and what are the cost.


SpeedstickI myself have never tried any of these ads, I've just looked thru them and posted them here. But I know some of these other mongers have tried a few of these ads, and I'm not sure what results they got, or how long it took for the girls to trust them, etc. I would imagine a lot of them to be hobby-friendly, as that seems to be the nature of the massage industry as a whole. Not all of them, but a fair amount for sure.

Joe Coodidge
04-14-08, 09:33
I myself have never tried any of these ads, I've just looked thru them and posted them here. But I know some of these other mongers have tried a few of these ads, and I'm not sure what results they got, or how long it took for the girls to trust them, etc. I would imagine a lot of them to be hobby-friendly, as that seems to be the nature of the massage industry as a whole. Not all of them, but a fair amount for sure.

I agree Oreo. I've had my luck with a few of them. With some I get a HE and will others even FS. For the most part they will at least do HE. If you are a frequent patron they might do more. I had one provider years ago that started this way. First it was just a very good massage with a HE. After a few months it was light GFE. By the end of 6 months it was full GFE complete with BBBJCIM!

My philosophy is to treat them nice and they will treat you nice. I used to bring her little gifts (chocolate, flowers) and so on.


Seeking Amps
04-14-08, 19:50
Greetings Mongers,

I am visiting SD staying near Point Loma. (Near the old Navy Base)

I only have tonight... what is the best / closest AMP that I should go to?

Thanks for the help.

Any thoughts on Vegas (I will be there on Wednesday)


Dark Knight619
04-15-08, 13:01
Greetings Mongers,

I am visiting SD staying near Point Loma. (Near the old Navy Base)

I only have tonight... what is the best / closest AMP that I should go to?

Thanks for the help.

Any thoughts on Vegas (I will be there on Wednesday)

SAI don't have any SD experience yet but I have some experience in vegas. While in vegas I've gone to oriental angels massage (near palace station) twice. Most I could get from them was a rub and tug. Would go back.

04-15-08, 15:23

I was wondering if anyone tried Suki or any of the other back pages massage girls? Suki looks really hot but the pic does not show her body. Lola, Jen and Alicia are really hot looking too.

They even have a 50% of coupon, ha ha.

I've been checking out this place. Suki isn't as attractive as her picture. Not much of a figure. Alicia is older and heavier than her picture.

However, both of their massages have been better than other AMPs I've tried (I'm new in town so don't have a lot of experience here).

Joe Coodidge
04-16-08, 00:24
I've been checking out this place. Suki isn't as attractive as her picture. Not much of a figure. Alicia is older and heavier than her picture.

However, both of their massages have been better than other AMPs I've tried (I'm new in town so don't have a lot of experience here).

Any extras? You can PM me if you wish.



04-17-08, 01:01
I've tried and reviewed the place at http://www.simplesite.com/letusrelaxyou/10227765. Here's the long and short of it. Not exactly the high-end massage spa, and not a school. Aka, there's opportunity. The trick, in my book, is that you have to walk in there, and maybe drop a hint where you saw the ad, and that you're looking for an outgoing girl, you know? They're in a business courtyard so make sure that you don't come off as a walk-in w/o a clue. And as far as Suki, well, I'm not 100% convinced that she's the girl in that picture online. Sorry to burst your bubble. Best of luck all around!

04-17-08, 16:32
I've tried and reviewed the place at http://www.simplesite.com/letusrelaxyou/10227765. And as far as Suki, well, I'm not 100% convinced that she's the girl in that picture online. Sorry to burst your bubble. Best of luck all around!Kasnugs,

Did you see how many girls were working at the time? Lola looks gorgeous. I may have to try her and will report back.

On the web site, they publish each girl's phone number.

04-17-08, 20:02
I've never seen this chick post on Backpage.com before today. She looks delicious.


04-20-08, 01:17

04-20-08, 14:43
I've tried and reviewed the place at http://www.simplesite.com/letusrelaxyou/10227765. Here's the long and short of it. Not exactly the high-end massage spa, and not a school. Aka, there's opportunity. The trick, in my book, is that you have to walk in there, and maybe drop a hint where you saw the ad, and that you're looking for an outgoing girl, you know? They're in a business courtyard so make sure that you don't come off as a walk-in w/o a clue. And as far as Suki, well, I'm not 100% convinced that she's the girl in that picture online. Sorry to burst your bubble. Best of luck all around!

Ive been bait and switched a couple of times in that place. Of the ones that are there, some are players, some are legit. Its really a rag-tag outfit and the location while discrete is a bit awkward, near a school, docs offices, etc.

Sharky Hi
04-20-08, 16:41
Will be visiting SD next week. Anyone have the exact address for the following places:

Sakura on Miramar Rd.
Bella's on Mission Gorge Rd.
Hons on Mission Gorge Rd.

Only address I found on the posts was for Kiaa Spa - 4425 Convoy St.

Any recommendations? Thanks!

04-21-08, 12:49
"Blue" is working as "Bobbie" at Shanghai Acupressure on the corner of El Cajon Blvd. and 70th.

She is still hot and still gives the best BJ in SD!

Yeah, She is total BS if you dont want to FS.

I am going to repost the list. Personally I think that the AMP's have raised their rates way beyond the rate of inflation. I remember back in the day that FS was usually $100. HJ came with the $50 dollar 1/2 hour entrance fee. Does anyone know how in the hell FS went from $100 to $160 in less than ten years? I know that TJ is waaaaaaaaaaay better than any of the AMP's in SD. Even with the all of the drama that goes with going down South you get way more bang for your buck. I know the in Escondido that prices are still in the $100 dollar range for FS. That is still expensive though in comparison to TJ. You can get two hours of service for the price that you pay at an AMP for 20 minutes and the women appreciate it more than the K-girls do here. There are plenty of beautiful women in TJ. They are even more accommodating now that there has been a 90% drop in tourism. Unless you have to have some asian strange you should know that you can get a much more beautiful woman in TJ. The going rate down there is $60-$50 for a 1/2 hour FS session plus $12 for the room thats $72!!! Think about it for the FS AMP price here of $220 for a half HOur you can have 3 HOT women. Thats three for the price of one. Personally I am tired of getting the lame ass service that seems to be standard in the SD AMP scene. I only do the AMP thing now when I really want some asian strange.

Here is a repost of those mediocre girls of Sakura/Bella Spas. Just remember why pay 3 times the price for FS at this place. YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE $150 DOLLARS OF YOUR HARD EARNED CASH.

Both of these spas are own by Tiffany. She used to be a decent but expensive provider. She wanted the $$$$ more than she was worth. I had her on her knees all the time. Sakura and Bella Spas are now the best spa to get 20 something ass in SD. I had her on her knees all the time. She liked to swallow. : )

The girls of Sakura Spa:

Julia........D Cup hottie that is no longer there....A 4 star provider. I miss her. If anyone knows where she is please send me a pm.

Blue........Really hot but no longer there. She gave the best BJ in town. If you remember where she is please send me a pm.

Pink.........A great little 25 yearold spinner. She is still there. She gives great service.

Jasmine.....She still works there. She is a 24 yearold. Avoid her like the plague she does not provide the full time for the money.

Diana.......No longer there but probably the Hottest K-girl in the bizz. She was last seen working at MP in Pacific Beach by the Wienner Schnitzel. That place is waay to expensive $300 tip for FS!!!!!!!

Jackie...... I vaguely remember her she was there around the same time that Diana was there. I think that she was a bit older and not a good provider at all.

Nicole...... She is in her late 20's early 30's great provider. Has C-cup tits. She used to work at Kiaa Spa. You can still find her at either Bella or Sakura.

Sasha.......Avoid her like plague. She wants more than she is worth. She gives very cold mechanical service and is always in a rush.

Angie.....She is a new girl.

Kelly.......She is a new girl.

Now I have a question. What do you do when you have a provider short you on the time? Lets say you negociate for oral and you paid for the half hour but the provider only gives you 20 minutes service for the 30 minutes that you bought. Do you pay them in full? or do you skip out on the bill knowing that she will cause a stink?

04-21-08, 23:41
You are right in that it has been an "old lady amp" for a long time but Bobbie has been working there for a couple of months. I think she works Wednesday through Saturday.

Is this generally a good place to go? Ive never gone because I (incorrectly apparently) assumed it was a "old lady" kinda AMP.

D Cooper76
04-22-08, 18:59
I saw Bobbie at Shanghai about a month ago. She is really hot with a bangin body. But the time I saw her she was bouncing off the walls. She was talking really fast about all sorts of weird stuff, constantly moving around, bitching about customers, etc etc. Kinda unsettling, I thought she might have been on something, but maybe that is just her personality.

Anyway she is a fantastic lay. She stood over my mid-section facing away and bent over at the waist giving me a wonderfull cbj and a great view of her perfect ass, and my hands roamed aplenty in every hole. I usually like to make it last but she had me cumming in record time, I just could not hold out any longer! The view from doggy style is not to be missed. very hot!

04-22-08, 19:48
I saw Bobbie at Shanghai about a month ago. She is really hot with a bangin body. But the time I saw her she was bouncing off the walls. She was talking really fast about all sorts of weird stuff, constantly moving around, bitching about customers, etc etc. Kinda unsettling, I thought she might have been on something, but maybe that is just her personality.

Anyway she is a fantastic lay. She stood over my mid-section facing away and bent over at the waist giving me a wonderfull cbj and a great view of her perfect ass, and my hands roamed aplenty in every hole. I usually like to make it last but she had me cumming in record time, I just could not hold out any longer! The view from doggy style is not to be missed. very hot!Sorry to hear that she maybe a meth-head.

04-22-08, 23:27
Nikki, Nikki bo-bikki ...

Gonna suck my do-dickie


Joe Coodidge
04-23-08, 09:00
Nikki, Nikki bo-bikki ...

Gonna suck my do-dickie


She looks like Ashlee Simpson when she was blond...

04-23-08, 16:12
Has anyone been to this place? Is it hobby friendly and what were the rates. Especially interested in Tiffany. I have also seen Tiffany occasionally has an add in CL with same number.


04-23-08, 16:13
Has anyone been to this place? Is it hobby friendly and what were the rates. Especially interested in Tiffany. I have also seen Tiffany occasionally has an add in CL with same number. I am sorry I forgot to include the website.



Blacken Hard
04-23-08, 16:54
Does anyone know how to get a hold of Yen? Cute & thick asian sweetheart?

A PM would be appreciated!

04-24-08, 17:02
Does anyone know how to get a hold of Yen? Cute & thick asian sweetheart?

A PM would be appreciated!Yen: A great fuck, but it cost me 3 hours at the drive-in.

Hard Hand
04-24-08, 18:06
Any body have any info on this place?? http://sandiego.craigslist.org/csd/ths/653336766.html

Some hot latina chicks

04-24-08, 19:05
Has anyone been to this place? Is it hobby friendly and what were the rates. Especially interested in Tiffany. I have also seen Tiffany occasionally has an add in CL with same number. I am sorry I forgot to include the website.


ThanksFirst round there was no good, and I'd say half the pictures on their site are BS. Today, though, was nice. Called for Lola, used the half price coupon online for a. 8 hr long massage. Ended up with Shaye who's cute, young, has great tits, and gives a kick ass massage! 4 for a well done HE and I was smiling my way out. Will be back to see her again!

A side note. Looks like I've missed some heated moments around here and I'm throwing my $. 02 in if anyone cares. Not too long ago milk, bread, gas, utilities. Were a lot cheaper than they are today. Well I still drink, eat, drive and turn on my lights every day. And lets face it, we could all live South of the border for much cheaper, but we choose not to, follow me?

Last but not least, providing an agreed upon length of time is just good business in my book. Expectations, you know? Enough from me, though, what's the good word on the following blonde bombshell?



Hard Hand
04-24-08, 21:00
First round there was no good, and I'd say half the pictures on their site are BS. Today, though, was nice. Called for Lola, used the half price coupon online for a. 8 hr long massage. Ended up with Shaye who's cute, young, has great tits, and gives a kick ass massage! 4 for a well done HE and I was smiling my way out. Will be back to see her again!

A side note. Looks like I've missed some heated moments around here and I'm throwing my $. 02 in if anyone cares. Not too long ago milk, bread, gas, utilities. Were a lot cheaper than they are today. Well I still drink, eat, drive and turn on my lights every day. And lets face it, we could all live South of the border for much cheaper, but we choose not to, follow me?

Last but not least, providing an agreed upon length of time is just good business in my book. Expectations, you know? Enough from me, though, what's the good word on the following blonde bombshell?


KasFrom the pics I've seen on CL and the site Shaye is HOT! Here is a pic of her from a post on CL


Dose she look just like the pic?

04-25-08, 01:29
That link got flagged, but I know the pic you're talking about. I honestly can't tell if that's her, but my 'cute' from before was an understatement. She is hot. Maybe hotter than that pic on CL. Can't call it. As I said before, though, I'll be going back to her, and I'm picky about a girls looks in this hobby.

Hard Hand
04-25-08, 20:46
Yeah guess I'll have to make a trip to check her out.

04-26-08, 03:47
Drove by about 30 min ago and the signs are gone....

Too bad they had a couple good ones there.

Project Pat
04-26-08, 12:55
I went to ot last week and have to say I was disapointed. They were friendly and everything, its just everyone I saw was old as dirt. I had tina, very nice lady, just had trouble getting in the mood with her. I wanted fs but ended up with decent massage and HJ after I saw her. Where are the young hot girls?

04-26-08, 23:57
I went to ot last week and have to say I was disapointed. They were friendly and everything, its just everyone I saw was old as dirt. I had tina, very nice lady, just had trouble getting in the mood with her. I wanted fs but ended up with decent massage and HJ after I saw her. Where are the young hot girls?Unless things have changed since I was last there, they used to have a couple young hotties. CeCe is awesome. She works Th,Fr,Sa, Su. I don't know any of the others there anymore, except for JoAnne. She's an oldie-but-goodie.

Member #3942
04-27-08, 10:39
Saw these girls pictures on CL. They look pretty hot. Anyone try these bitches out yet? There is also a AMP right across the street from them.

Joe Coodidge
04-27-08, 13:47
Last but not least, providing an agreed upon length of time is just good business in my book. Expectations, you know? Enough from me, though, what's the good word on the following blonde bombshell?



I'm sure she is legit but it would be nice to get a massage from someone so beautiful. Perhaps after repeat visits one might get something more but I doubt it (unless you drive up in a Ferrari perhaps).


Hard Hand
04-27-08, 14:37
Saw these girls pictures on CL. They look pretty hot. Anyone try these bitches out yet? There is also a AMP right across the street from them.Yeah any info on this?

I posted a link to the CL ad a couple of post down with a pic.

Maldini 11
04-28-08, 01:11
Yeah any info on this?

I posted a link to the CL ad a couple of post down with a pic.I saw someone replied to their ad on CL and he said they are not worth it, all they think about taking your money

04-29-08, 00:37
Visiting from Chicago and looking for a AMP that will give a good to great massage. The finish should be nice, but I am actually interested in getting a good deep tissue massage. Anything else is 2nd. In CHI town, I can get this for a. 60 entry fee and. 20 tip. Anything like that here?

Thanks for helping me out.

Hard Hand
04-29-08, 00:53
Yea I saw that. Two different postings. Also, someone else posted something positive, but who knows what to believe.

Anyone got any info on these two? They are closer to me than driving down to San Diego



04-29-08, 19:10
Yea I saw that. Two different postings. Also, someone else posted something positive, but who knows what to believe.

Anyone got any info on these two? They are closer to me than driving down to San Diego


http://sandiego.backpage.com/TherapeuticMassage/come_on_just_make_the_call_and_take_a_one_/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=2368482No, but I want to fuck them both immediately.

Hard Hand
04-29-08, 21:31
No, but I want to fuck them both immediately.LMAO aight, tell me how it goes when it happens

04-30-08, 01:26
No, but I want to fuck them both immediately.I have seen Gena years ago, her massage was awesome. She used to work on sports arena, but was legit. talked to her since the move and said we could have much more fun now.

05-01-08, 14:10
Yeah so I went to Shanghai tonight to see Bobbie. Jesus Christ! Fucking hot. I gave her this bs story about how "my friend" reccomended her and I knew her name used to be "Blue" ect so she was comfortable. I asked for her specifically so I had to tell her something..... And I wasn't gonna tell her I read about her here.

Anyway pretty good massage. Then negotiated "everything" for 140. Dude this chick is smokin for sure. Went down on her and sucked hard on those tits. The CBG almost sent me over the edge (although VERY "teethy") but i managed to hold out and had a few different FS positions until i popped. No kissing however. Perhaps if you become a regular. Afterwards we chatted about all the places i've been and all the places she's worked. She speaks good english so thats a plus. Definitely would repeat.

Noticed when i got home there are tiny little bruses all ofer the head of my c@ck, but im not worried about it. Everything was covered and like I said, she was using those teeth alot so...

Anyone know of any GFE AMP girls by name? It takes alot to get into it for me nowdays without the GFE?


Cobra ComanderI'm sure the bruising is from her teeth, no disease would manifest itself that quickly. As far as GFE experiences, CeCe at OT had always given me a good one.

Also Candy at Asia Spa.

05-01-08, 14:14
Yeah, I'd like to escape into HER reality.


05-01-08, 14:16
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because appeared to be a commercial message and/or it contained links to a commercial website. Please post reports consisting primarily of a commercial nature and/or reports with a link or links to commercial websites in the Classified Advertisement section of the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.

05-03-08, 17:09
Went to Asia Spa and tried out the newest girl. Her name is Lucky. Small breasts, somewhat cute face. Great backrub. Best massage I've gotten there she really worked my shoulders and neck. After that it was pretty standard in price and details. I like Ruby and Na-Na better but if you want your back muscles worked well Lucky knows what she's doing.

D Cooper76
05-03-08, 21:18
Was feeling that familiar twitch from the depths of my sack, so I decided to get a professional examination and have my prescription filled, or ‘emptied’ depending on how you look at it. I had originally planned to head up to Oreo’s neck of the woods to take advantage of the killer pricing, but it makes me cringe whenever the commute takes longer than the session. I’ll get back up there soon to visit CeCe again, but today I felt lazy and wanted to stay local.

I cruised over to Hong’s spa on University. It is a ratty looking place, I’ve been there once before and had Mint. Got her again this time, I’d place her in the middle of the cute scale, not ugly, not killer, just a nice looking half Korean half Japanese girl. Long hair, decent body, and nice little b-cup tits that are still retaining some firmness. She is nice and playful, we chatted and I had her teach me some Japanese during her lame massage. It felt like I was being attacked by a half dozen calipers, very pokey and prod-like, but I wasn’t in the mood to offer any direction, as I knew it would be over in less time than it took for me to undress for the session.

After the flip, she asks what I want and I said everything to which she quotes $200! And this is obviously on top of the $60 half hour door fee. I couldn’t help but laugh in her face, I told her that last time I gave her $140, she said that was a special price for people she likes. I said, what you don’t like me anymore? To which she then quoted $160. By this time I am steaming mad, thinking about all the escondildo boys getting fs for a c-note. Now I had $140 on me but I told her it is $100 or nothing, she started balking and I got up and started to get dressed. All of a sudden $100 is no problem for her, so we get back to business. I asked her do guys really fork over $200 plus door fee? She said of course, and started to complain about slow business, gas prices and blah, blah, blah. I said that she wasn’t the only one who has to pay high gas prices. She obviously hasn’t taken Econ. 101. For $200 I can get a decent escort for an hour.

By this time I am still peeved about her trying to jack up prices on me, so I intend to take up every last millisecond of our remaining time. I’ve got to admit, she gives an outstanding cbj. Next she asks me to get on top of her, I say no way, your gonna ride me good for a while. And she did, very well, probably trying to make me cum quickly. She got into it and was making believable sounds. I whipped her around to all the different positions I could think of, and back again. I even busted out the froggy style for a little bit. I brought her back down on top to ride me some more, and after a while she jumps off laughing and says shit man when are you gonna cum, I’ve cum twice already! I didn’t believe her but she said she did, and said it had something to do with the curve of my dick hitting her just right.

I told her to finish me with her hand, and it was pretty good. She would do this thing where she would open her mouth and bring it close to the head of my dick. As I am about to cum I asked her to do that again, I didn’t get any on her face but it was funny to watch her duck out of the line of fire.

She cleaned me up and I got dressed, and just like last time I noticed that she just readjusted the bottom sheet on the bed instead of taking it away to the laundry, ewwwwwwwwww.needless to say, I went home and went snorkeling in a vat of hydrogen peroxide. Next time.----------escondildo!

05-04-08, 15:22
Went to Asia Spa and tried out the newest girl. Her name is Lucky. Small breasts, somewhat cute face. Great backrub. Best massage I've gotten there she really worked my shoulders and neck. After that it was pretty standard in price and details. I like Ruby and Na-Na better but if you want your back muscles worked well Lucky knows what she's doing.Does Lucky like to fucky?

05-04-08, 15:23
D Cooper76,

Sounds like Mint needs the ole backhand.

05-05-08, 19:12
I am looking for a good massage. A rub and tug place is fine, just looking for good massage followed by finish. Prefer finish to be topless possibly a Russian ending. Any help would be nice. I can give you some info on the Raleigh NC area. I was thinking about Ichiban or Lucky spa.

05-06-08, 14:34

05-06-08, 18:19
Hey bosoxfan. All you do is ask for info. Two things, RTFF, and second, you've never posted any of your exploits. Why in the hell should everybody do the ground work for you? So good buddy, post some of what YOU do!!!

05-06-08, 22:49

You are correct in noticing that all I post are questions about different areas. I travel alot and like to get a rub and tug while traveling. I do not post much about experiences because I have RTFF and realize most of you hard core mongerers do not care about rub and tugs. I have not progressed to FS yet. When I have an experience worth mentioning I will post.

Anyth Goes
05-07-08, 02:02
Got here Sunday eve and RTFF. Figured out what an ECB was and took a ride. Got there after dark so I really didn't have time to scope it all out for safety, spots, etc. Lotsa action but nothing I'd stick my neck out for. I am VERY careful on the street and anything wothwhile was scooped up by the time I figured out it might be safe to pick em up. Well, killed some time anyway.

Took the ride Monday night again...even more of them out there, BSW's, WSW's and even some "it's", you know the one's with the lump in the throat and the loger forearms. Called it a night after a written warning from SDPD about not yielding toa pedestrian. In Florida where I'm from they're all too slow from being old and you don't dare let em go first. You might be there all night.

I considered Mimi and a couple of other places but thought that I should RTFF more before I partook.

RTFF tonight. Many of you are right, these AMP's and the girls ask waaaaay too much for services. Did see some good stuff about Oriental and Asia in Escondido. It's a ride but the boss is paying for the gas and I've got nothing to do so off I went to Oriental.

Got there at 9:05 and they close at 9. The telltalle open sign was still on so I went in. mamasan net me a the door, asked if I'd been there before, of course I said yes and asked for Cece. Was told she was off tonight. How bout Candy I say, only because I read about her at Asia and it makes me look like I know what I'm doin'.

Waited in the room and in comes a 30 something beauty that said she was Candy. May have been, how the hell would I know. Anyway I say 1/2 hr she takes $.5 and comes back soon. I was on th table face down and she gave me a 1/4 assed, not even half assed massage. She was pretty, about an 8 with 9 body. Then the flip after I let my hands roam.

She sat with her back to me so I could fondle those great tits as she started to massge the hard muscle. She sent my hand south and I found some moisture in the valley. She kinda asked if everything was allright, I said sure and off came her clothes. Kick ass body! On went the cover and then a terrible 30 second CBJ. On she climbed. CG RCG on our spooning etc. She really worked it and I was soon grunting and cooing. She went to get the cleanup rag while I massaged the cramp in my shoulder I got when all the other tension released.

Since there was no bargaining up front I left $.4 for this 20 minute session. As I hit the door she came out, grabbed me by the hand and said it was $. I told her she should have said something and $4 was all I had. She talked me out of another .2 and off I went, sopent for $1.1 total.

Will probably try Asia before I leave.

Thanks for all the info gents I RTFF and it worked.

Oc Amper
05-07-08, 02:54
Anyway I say 1/2 hr she takes $.5 and comes back soon.
Since there was no bargaining up front I left $.4 for this 20 minute session. As I hit the door she came out, grabbed me by the hand and said it was $. I told her she should have said something and $4 was all I had. She talked me out of another .2 and off I went, sopent for $1.1 total.

Just so that you know $ means 100, $.5 means 150. We're all assuming that you left forty for full service.

You can find more on the abbreviations here, but I would suggest just using normal numbers that we all can understand easily.

Monger Jim
05-07-08, 22:00
First, thanks to regulars of this thread: excellent reports with all the right info.

Went to Asia, 8PM, planning to ask for Candy, with references to CeCe at OT and Linda at Moonlight. No Candy, but turns Lisa is just as reported by Oreo ... .5 at the door.

Looks/attitude/service: 5/5/6

I didn't shower, just got undressed and waited, sitting/leaning on the table. Lisa enters and I have no towel, just a smile and busy hands on her assets.

She didn't even ask me to lie down, but went right to CBJ while I stood against the table -- well received by me. Went to FS in multiple positions: CG, Dog, Mish to completion.

She left to get Hot towels (rags -- I agree not the best hygene)

I was pretty ready to leave when she had me face down for massage, which wasn't all that good, but nice jesture. Gave her the standard $, per this thread, but her joy in the amount led me to believe that she thought it was very generous, so might try .8 next time.

Drove back to LaJolla hotel ... warm smile.

Thanks, brothers.

05-08-08, 15:49
First, thanks to regulars of this thread: excellent reports with all the right info.

Went to Asia, 8PM, planning to ask for Candy, with references to CeCe at OT and Linda at Moonlight. No Candy, but turns Lisa is just as reported by Oreo ... .5 at the door.

Looks/attitude/service: 5/5/6

I didn't shower, just got undressed and waited, sitting/leaning on the table. Lisa enters and I have no towel, just a smile and busy hands on her assets.

She didn't even ask me to lie down, but went right to CBJ while I stood against the table -- well received by me. Went to FS in multiple positions: CG, Dog, Mish to completion.

She left to get Hot towels (rags -- I agree not the best hygene)

I was pretty ready to leave when she had me face down for massage, which wasn't all that good, but nice jesture. Gave her the standard $, per this thread, but her joy in the amount led me to believe that she thought it was very generous, so might try .8 next time.

Drove back to LaJolla hotel ... warm smile.

Thanks, brothers.Lisa has been on my "to do" list ... think it's time I gave her a try too.

05-08-08, 15:51
I usually see Candy at Asia (guess I'm brecoming a regular there), but saw Lisa recently when my schedule did not allow us to connect up. Lisa was a nice enough girl, but not as energetic as Candy. Different strokes for different folks. Candy has me spoiled as she and I both seem to like it the same way.

05-08-08, 16:14
Got here Sunday eve and RTFF. Figured out what an ECB was and took a ride. Got there after dark so I really didn't have time to scope it all out for safety, spots, etc. Lotsa action but nothing I'd stick my neck out for. I am VERY careful on the street and anything wothwhile was scooped up by the time I figured out it might be safe to pick em up. Well, killed some time anyway.

Took the ride Monday night again...even more of them out there, BSW's, WSW's and even some "it's", you know the one's with the lump in the throat and the loger forearms. Called it a night after a written warning from SDPD about not yielding toa pedestrian. In Florida where I'm from they're all too slow from being old and you don't dare let em go first. You might be there all night.

I considered Mimi and a couple of other places but thought that I should RTFF more before I partook.

RTFF tonight. Many of you are right, these AMP's and the girls ask waaaaay too much for services. Did see some good stuff about Oriental and Asia in Escondido. It's a ride but the boss is paying for the gas and I've got nothing to do so off I went to Oriental.

Got there at 9:05 and they close at 9. The telltalle open sign was still on so I went in. mamasan net me a the door, asked if I'd been there before, of course I said yes and asked for Cece. Was told she was off tonight. How bout Candy I say, only because I read about her at Asia and it makes me look like I know what I'm doin'.

Waited in the room and in comes a 30 something beauty that said she was Candy. May have been, how the hell would I know. Anyway I say 1/2 hr she takes $.5 and comes back soon. I was on th table face down and she gave me a 1/4 assed, not even half assed massage. She was pretty, about an 8 with 9 body. Then the flip after I let my hands roam.

She sat with her back to me so I could fondle those great tits as she started to massge the hard muscle. She sent my hand south and I found some moisture in the valley. She kinda asked if everything was allright, I said sure and off came her clothes. Kick ass body! On went the cover and then a terrible 30 second CBJ. On she climbed. CG RCG on our spooning etc. She really worked it and I was soon grunting and cooing. She went to get the cleanup rag while I massaged the cramp in my shoulder I got when all the other tension released.

Since there was no bargaining up front I left $.4 for this 20 minute session. As I hit the door she came out, grabbed me by the hand and said it was $. I told her she should have said something and $4 was all I had. She talked me out of another .2 and off I went, sopent for $1.1 total.

Will probably try Asia before I leave.

Thanks for all the info gents I RTFF and it worked.If you HAD RTFF, and knew the going rate for FS was $, why did you try to stiff the girl by only leaving .4? If you bluff your way into these places saying you had been there before and use names you grabbed off this board, then they very well may assume you also know the going rates!

05-09-08, 10:42
Returned to Asia Spa. Looks like Ruby is gone. I was told Vacation but the way mamasan said it it sounded like the "not coming back vacation". Shame. I liked Ruby. Na Na is off Thursdays. Mama was clear she is not on vacation. The choice was then Lisa, Snow or Lucky. I was warned Snow was really busy. I've been with Lisa multiple times so I went with Lucky again.

She recognized me right away (it's been only a week). Big hug and laid ontop of me. It was really cute. She weights almost nothing at 5'1". So she goes into the backrub and really works my back and neck again. I can't say it enough, if you want a backrub give Lucky a try, she knows what she's doing. She told me she knows Acupuncture but can't do it because she's not licensed here which made me chuckle. I'm sure she doesn't do anything without a license.

We went a bit long with the massage and the activities and the second message that she never really got to the hot towel. Shame. I guess she needs to work on her timing there. Still the second massage was better anyway.

Another thing about Lucky is she's a joker. I asked her age and she said 59. Clearly she is not 59, and that's a really stupid thing to say during a massage. She also pretends to kiss you on the lips and then swerves for the cheek. She said she was playing. She has an odd sense of humor I guess is what I'm saying.

The actual activities that this board is about. Those were pretty standard for Asia. She was good but nothing special. Hopefully on that front she'll learn.

Blacken Hard
05-09-08, 13:17
Got here Sunday eve and RTFF. Figured out what an ECB was and took a ride. Got there after dark so I really didn't have time to scope it all out for safety, spots, etc. Lotsa action but nothing I'd stick my neck out for. I am VERY careful on the street and anything wothwhile was scooped up by the time I figured out it might be safe to pick em up. Well, killed some time anyway.

Took the ride Monday night again...even more of them out there, BSW's, WSW's and even some "it's", you know the one's with the lump in the throat and the loger forearms. Called it a night after a written warning from SDPD about not yielding toa pedestrian. In Florida where I'm from they're all too slow from being old and you don't dare let em go first. You might be there all night.

I considered Mimi and a couple of other places but thought that I should RTFF more before I partook.

RTFF tonight. Many of you are right, these AMP's and the girls ask waaaaay too much for services. Did see some good stuff about Oriental and Asia in Escondido. It's a ride but the boss is paying for the gas and I've got nothing to do so off I went to Oriental.

Got there at 9:05 and they close at 9. The telltalle open sign was still on so I went in. mamasan net me a the door, asked if I'd been there before, of course I said yes and asked for Cece. Was told she was off tonight. How bout Candy I say, only because I read about her at Asia and it makes me look like I know what I'm doin'.

Waited in the room and in comes a 30 something beauty that said she was Candy. May have been, how the hell would I know. Anyway I say 1/2 hr she takes $.5 and comes back soon. I was on th table face down and she gave me a 1/4 assed, not even half assed massage. She was pretty, about an 8 with 9 body. Then the flip after I let my hands roam.

She sat with her back to me so I could fondle those great tits as she started to massge the hard muscle. She sent my hand south and I found some moisture in the valley. She kinda asked if everything was allright, I said sure and off came her clothes. Kick ass body! On went the cover and then a terrible 30 second CBJ. On she climbed. CG RCG on our spooning etc. She really worked it and I was soon grunting and cooing. She went to get the cleanup rag while I massaged the cramp in my shoulder I got when all the other tension released.

Since there was no bargaining up front I left $.4 for this 20 minute session. As I hit the door she came out, grabbed me by the hand and said it was $. I told her she should have said something and $4 was all I had. She talked me out of another .2 and off I went, sopent for $1.1 total.

Will probably try Asia before I leave.

Thanks for all the info gents I RTFF and it worked.I'm perplexed as to why you would ROB the provider after you knew the going rate. Your actions are just going to make it harder for newer clientele and make providers want to drive up prices. Save that chicken shit for your own neck of the woods.

05-09-08, 14:41
Returned to Asia Spa. Looks like Ruby is gone. I was told Vacation but the way mamasan said it it sounded like the "not coming back vacation". Shame. I liked Ruby. Na Na is off Thursdays. Mama was clear she is not on vacation. The choice was then Lisa, Snow or Lucky. I was warned Snow was really busy. I've been with Lisa multiple times so I went with Lucky again.

She recognized me right away (it's been only a week). Big hug and laid ontop of me. It was really cute. She weights almost nothing at 5'1". So she goes into the backrub and really works my back and neck again. I can't say it enough, if you want a backrub give Lucky a try, she knows what she's doing. She told me she knows Acupuncture but can't do it because she's not licensed here which made me chuckle. I'm sure she doesn't do anything without a license.

We went a bit long with the massage and the activities and the second message that she never really got to the hot towel. Shame. I guess she needs to work on her timing there. Still the second massage was better anyway.

Another thing about Lucky is she's a joker. I asked her age and she said 59. Clearly she is not 59, and that's a really stupid thing to say during a massage. She also pretends to kiss you on the lips and then swerves for the cheek. She said she was playing. She has an odd sense of humor I guess is what I'm saying.

The actual activities that this board is about. Those were pretty standard for Asia. She was good but nothing special. Hopefully on that front she'll learn.Whatever happened to Candy. Is she no longer there?

05-09-08, 17:52
I've read this thread quite a bit and have ventured to an AMP when I occassionally have the x-tra dinero to do so. I've checked out kiaa, OT, royal, shamrocks (formerly Minato) and the spot on clairemont blvd near the doc offices and school. I saw this chick postin on CL and thought you might be interested. Don't know anything about her but what shes got on her listing.

05-09-08, 19:03
Has anyone gone to Touch of Asia in Vista. I was getting it confused with Asia in Escondido?

05-09-08, 19:08
I'm perplexed as to why you would ROB the provider after you knew the going rate. Your actions are just going to make it harder for newer clientele and make providers want to drive up prices. Save that chicken shit for your own neck of the woods.Well said. No sense creating bad karma within our hobby, it only makes it harder on everyone.

Gurka Dan
05-10-08, 02:25
I read up on san diego through this board. Very helpful. I got a report on Shanghai. Bobbi was there. And previous people were right. She was really hot. Face was 7, body was 8-9 scale. Nice breasts, good figure.

I didn't read before how you all negotiated, so I paid. 6 for my half hour and $$ on top of that for everything exta. I know I ruined it for everyone. At first I told her I never been there before which was a mistake, so she became hesitant, and she started out giving me a nice real massage. Eventually she took my hint, but wouldn't budge from the $$ asking. I guess I could have huffed and walked away and got a lower price, but I couldn't think straight at that point, and I remembered the rebate that showed up in my account courtesy of GW, and I thought here is my tchance to stimulate and support this local busness and get stimulated as well.

She let me do pretty much anythin I wanted, cept no kissing. She was shavedand wet, and she really enjoyed me doing that. She didn't hurry me or anything, but she did a real good job on me and I lost all patience and went chugging like a steam engine full speed and that didn't last that long LOL.

All in all very good experience. And a repeat for sure. She seemed the type that could go over the amout of time if she enjoyed it.

Also visited another massage place day before on friarsroad (I am not local so can't descibe it further) they had descreet setup where you exit through a back. I had monica. She had good body was bit older, very milfish like 35sh, so wasnt so bad. She charged about the same, but she was ok looking, nic breats and good body, but maybe if she were younger I would have went for it. I ended up just with a cbj. And a tty fck. $ for everything. Overpaid again, but enhusiatic service, so I had a good time.

But at same time I made it expensive. What are the other places you guys talk about? Like asia? Seems much cheaper. Where can I find them?


05-10-08, 06:09
I read up on san diego through this board. Very helpful. I got a report on Shanghai. Bobbi was there. And previous people were right. She was really hot. Face was 7, body was 8-9 scale. Nice breasts, good figure.

I didn't read before how you all negotiated, so I paid. 6 for my half hour and $$ on top of that for everything exta. I know I ruined it for everyone. At first I told her I never been there before which was a mistake, so she became hesitant, and she started out giving me a nice real massage. Eventually she took my hint, but wouldn't budge from the $$ asking. I guess I could have huffed and walked away and got a lower price, but I couldn't think straight at that point, and I remembered the rebate that showed up in my account courtesy of GW, and I thought here is my tchance to stimulate and support this local busness and get stimulated as well.

She let me do pretty much anythin I wanted, cept no kissing. She was shavedand wet, and she really enjoyed me doing that. She didn't hurry me or anything, but she did a real good job on me and I lost all patience and went chugging like a steam engine full speed and that didn't last that long LOL.

All in all very good experience. And a repeat for sure. She seemed the type that could go over the amout of time if she enjoyed it.

Also visited another massage place day before on friarsroad (I am not local so can't descibe it further) they had descreet setup where you exit through a back. I had monica. She had good body was bit older, very milfish like 35sh, so wasnt so bad. She charged about the same, but she was ok looking, nic breats and good body, but maybe if she were younger I would have went for it. I ended up just with a cbj. And a tty fck. $ for everything. Overpaid again, but enhusiatic service, so I had a good time.

But at same time I made it expensive. What are the other places you guys talk about? Like asia? Seems much cheaper. Where can I find them?


05-10-08, 09:03
Whatever happened to Candy. Is she no longer there?Candy is still working there, but sounded sick when I talked to her this week.

05-10-08, 11:05
I haven't seen Candy in ages. The last couple of times I've been there are days Candy is normally working but when I got a list of girls she was never listed so i think she's gone.

05-10-08, 14:00
I've read this thread quite a bit and have ventured to an AMP when I occassionally have the x-tra dinero to do so. I've checked out kiaa, OT, royal, shamrocks (formerly Minato) and the spot on clairemont blvd near the doc offices and school. I saw this chick postin on CL and thought you might be interested. Don't know anything about her but what shes got on her listing.Damn, that's a nice view!

05-10-08, 14:01
I haven't seen Candy in ages. The last couple of times I've been there are days Candy is normally working but when I got a list of girls she was never listed so i think she's gone.Oh well, easy cum, easy go.

05-10-08, 16:37
Has anyone gone to Touch of Asia in Vista. I was getting it confused with Asia in Escondido?Yes. I used to go there quite a bit. They were all Chinese girls there. But then one fine day, the place got raided, and my main girl was taken away in cuffs. The place got shut down, and eventually re-opened under new ownership. Word is. Sex can no longer be had there, just a massage with a HJ to finish. But still. At $. 5 gate fee, plus whatever you'd want to tip the girl, you're looking at getting off for $ or less, plus at least there's no disease worries. A good HJ, especially if you can do a little groping, still gets the job done. I've been thinking of cruising by there again sometime soon. If I do, I'll post a new report on the place.

05-10-08, 21:12
I haven't seen Candy in ages. The last couple of times I've been there are days Candy is normally working but when I got a list of girls she was never listed so i think she's gone.I just hope I didn't get her knocked up.

05-11-08, 02:04
Yes. I used to go there quite a bit. They were all Chinese girls there. But then one fine day, the place got raided, and my main girl was taken away in cuffs. The place got shut down, and eventually re-opened under new ownership. Word is. Sex can no longer be had there, just a massage with a HJ to finish. But still. At $. 5 gate fee, plus whatever you'd want to tip the girl, you're looking at getting off for $ or less, plus at least there's no disease worries. A good HJ, especially if you can do a little groping, still gets the job done. I've been thinking of cruising by there again sometime soon. If I do, I'll post a new report on the place.Thanks for the info.

I might go this weekend.

05-11-08, 02:18
I just hope I didn't get her knocked up.Nope, definately not :)

05-11-08, 02:23
I haven't seen Candy in ages. The last couple of times I've been there are days Candy is normally working but when I got a list of girls she was never listed so i think she's gone.Maybe I've always got her when you go in there :)

She said her schedule varies, and it sounds like they have some sort of rotation where she has some long weekends there and some shorter, as well as different times of the day.

05-11-08, 02:33
Yes. I used to go there quite a bit. They were all Chinese girls there. But then one fine day, the place got raided, and my main girl was taken away in cuffs. The place got shut down, and eventually re-opened under new ownership. Word is. Sex can no longer be had there, just a massage with a HJ to finish. But still. At $. 5 gate fee, plus whatever you'd want to tip the girl, you're looking at getting off for $ or less, plus at least there's no disease worries. A good HJ, especially if you can do a little groping, still gets the job done. I've been thinking of cruising by there again sometime soon. If I do, I'll post a new report on the place.I've continued to visit this place. 5 half hour entry. No fs, just HJ. At least in my experience. The girls are wearing jeans, which is a pretty good sign that nothing more can probably be had. I agree Oreo. No worries about disease at least.

Jack Smack147
05-11-08, 04:27
Hey Fellow Mongers,

Just wondering if any of you have gotten any type of diseases or symptoms from visiting an amp? One time i went to an amp (Crystal spa) and got a bbbj from this one provider that doesnt work there any more and then a couple days after i noticed a red spot on the head of my dick, it was kind of like a little red pimple but not, got it checked and it was nothing. Wondering if you guys had any troubles or scares? Cause this IS a risky thing but DAMN its too good to let go. Like they say OLD HABITS DIE HARD!!!

Hard Hand
05-11-08, 15:14
Has anyone gone to Touch of Asia in Vista. I was getting it confused with Asia in Escondido?First time I went two older women in there 50's were working, so I was disappointed. After the massage asked me if I wanted a HJ, and said hell naw. The woman was old enough to be my grandma. I have heard that a younger girl is working at the place now.

05-11-08, 19:46
Hey Fellow Mongers,

Just wondering if any of you have gotten any type of diseases or symptoms from visiting an amp? One time i went to an amp (Crystal spa) and got a bbbj from this one provider that doesnt work there any more and then a couple days after i noticed a red spot on the head of my dick, it was kind of like a little red pimple but not, got it checked and it was nothing. Wondering if you guys had any troubles or scares? Cause this IS a risky thing but DAMN its too good to let go. Like they say OLD HABITS DIE HARD!!!The only time I'd ever caught anything was ten years ago, from a Philipino chick who worked at an AMP in Del Mar. I'd started seeing her outside the AMP, and after I'd bare-backed her the first time, I had the eternal drip a few days later. Went and got it checked out, and it was Chlymedia. Had a hard time getting rid of it too, ended up having to go to a urologist. As it had gotten up into my prostate.

05-14-08, 13:33
First time I went two older women in there 50's were working, so I was disappointed. After the massage asked me if I wanted a HJ, and said hell naw. The woman was old enough to be my grandma. I have heard that a younger girl is working at the place now.Word has it. That there's a chick there named Heaven. Word also has it. That if one were a regular customer of hers, one might just be able to get her top off and perform DATY on her. No sex though. "boss get angry". I bet boss wouldn't get so angry if the offering price went up a bit more.

Joe Coodidge
05-14-08, 21:29
The only time I'd ever caught anything was ten years ago, from a Philipino chick who worked at an AMP in Del Mar. I'd started seeing her outside the AMP, and after I'd bare-backed her the first time, I had the eternal drip a few days later. Went and got it checked out, and it was Chlymedia. Had a hard time getting rid of it too, ended up having to go to a urologist. As it had gotten up into my prostate.

Back in my younger mongering days I bare-backed once. It was at this AMP in Kearny Mesa off I-163. The place is no longer there but there was this Korean provided named Michelle. Young, sweet, and with an amazing body. I don't know what came over me but after a little hand action she did a BBBJ which was amazing. The next thing I know she is on top of me doing a reverse CG. I remember it like it was yesterday. She was tight and wet. You know how it is guys -- once it is in it is difficult to stop. We did it doggie and then MISH. She said she did not want me to cum inside of her so I asked her if I could come on her face. To my surprise she said yes so I let out a huge load on her lips, cheeks, and neck. It was amazing -- the best time ever and since I've had at an AMP. Afterwards I was concerned about STD so I went to the bathroom and sinced my junk with soap and water. Not that this would really help but what did I know -- I was young. It all worked out ok but I've not done bare back since...


Jack Smack147
05-14-08, 21:53
Damn that sucks Oreo and Joe, yeah I've never gone bare backed but I can just imagine and I know what you're talking about Joe once you get it in you just can't pull out cause that pussy just feels too damn good. Thanks for sharing you guys. I only hope for the best for my fellow mongers and that we just stay safe out there.

Another question while I'm here I'm wondering whether I should go to sakura's spa on miramar rd or bella's spa on mission gorge. Sakura would be the easier of the two because of location wise. But just wondering how clean the place is. I'm thinking about trying out Nicole from what I've read and heard about. I heard that they only have a shower. So how does it work you shower up first by yourself and then you get the massage or does she join you in the shower too. Because I've had times where I've done the jacuzzi and instead of bathing me from outside the tub the girl came in the tub and we had some fun in there.

Mister V
05-15-08, 01:45
Back in my younger mongering days I bare-backed once. It was at this AMP in Kearny Mesa off I-163.

Royal Palace...also had a location (Royal Spa) on University across from Jolar. Man, I miss that place. They were the only place in town that had decent Pinay girls. Down the block from Royal Spa was another favorite of mine, Sunshine Tanning Salon. Sunshine had great looking Vietnamese girls. Mid 1990's was a good period in the Amp scene of San Diego. TJ was also great around then too. Sadly both are now a shell of their previous existence.

05-15-08, 14:09
Are there any AMPs left on Ranch Santa Fe in San Marcos? Seems like some of the craigslist adds have dropped out of circulation, and the number that used to be for Asian Angels is now Perfect Health Solutions. Called them up and they sound completely legit, no HE.

Anyone know if any of these places are still open?

05-15-08, 14:34
I had my first bareback experience this past Sunday at Tropical Spa on Mission Gorge. Had a lady named Grace. She seemed a little older, maybe late 30's, but still had an awesome body.

After a surprisingly good massage, she had me flip, at which time I said "Can we do everything? " Then she asked me "What is that? ". I didn't know if she was messing with me or not, so I said "Everything for $140. 00. "

Then she just laid back and looked at the ceiling. Didn't go get a condom, didn't strip, just laid on her back! For a few seconds, I wasn't sure what the heck I should do! Then I just pulled off her G-String, did the DATY thing for a few minutes, then did her mish until I popped.

After I popped, she turned over on her stomach and put the towel between her legs for me to clean her out. WTF? ! So I wiped her down and played with her cornhole for a few minutes.

This is definitely the weirdest experience I've ever had at an AMP, almost like I was with a non-working girl.

Had a great time but I'm feeling a little paranoid about STD's this week. So far, so good. No burning sensations yet.

Royal Palace. Also had a location (Royal Spa) on University across from Jolar. Man, I miss that place. They were the only place in town that had decent Pinay girls. Down the block from Royal Spa was another favorite of mine, Sunshine Tanning Salon. Sunshine had great looking Vietnamese girls. Mid 1990's was a good period in the AMP scene of San Diego. TJ was also great around then too. Sadly both are now a shell of their previous existence.

05-15-08, 14:36
Back in my younger mongering days I bare-backed once. It was at this AMP in Kearny Mesa off I-163. The place is no longer there but there was this Korean provided named Michelle. Young, sweet, and with an amazing body. I don't know what came over me but after a little hand action she did a BBBJ which was amazing. The next thing I know she is on top of me doing a reverse CG. I remember it like it was yesterday. She was tight and wet. You know how it is guys -- once it is in it is difficult to stop. We did it doggie and then MISH. She said she did not want me to cum inside of her so I asked her if I could come on her face. To my surprise she said yes so I let out a huge load on her lips, cheeks, and neck. It was amazing -- the best time ever and since I've had at an AMP. Afterwards I was concerned about STD so I went to the bathroom and sinced my junk with soap and water. Not that this would really help but what did I know -- I was young. It all worked out ok but I've not done bare back since...

JoeMany times, the girl will bring me a small paper cup of mouthwash afterwards. And many times, I'll soak my dick in it to kill any germs I may have picked up.

05-16-08, 01:56
Yes they are

05-16-08, 14:05
Royal Palace...also had a location (Royal Spa) on University across from Jolar. Man, I miss that place. They were the only place in town that had decent Pinay girls. Down the block from Royal Spa was another favorite of mine, Sunshine Tanning Salon. Sunshine had great looking Vietnamese girls. Mid 1990's was a good period in the Amp scene of San Diego. TJ was also great around then too. Sadly both are now a shell of their previous existence.Philipino girls are born sex machines. I've had a few, and they were always great. There used to be this one little SW one that lived in a motel not too far from me in O'side. For $ I used to go there anytime, knock on her door, and then knock her. It was awesome ... no mamasan to deal with, no time constraints, etc.

05-16-08, 14:07

Senior Leche
05-16-08, 19:43
Damn that sucks Oreo and Joe, yeah I've never gone bare backed but I can just imagine and I know what you're talking about Joe once you get it in you just can't pull out cause that pussy just feels too damn good. Thanks for sharing you guys. I only hope for the best for my fellow mongers and that we just stay safe out there.

Another question while I'm here I'm wondering whether I should go to sakura's spa on miramar rd or bella's spa on mission gorge. Sakura would be the easier of the two because of location wise. But just wondering how clean the place is. I'm thinking about trying out Nicole from what I've read and heard about. I heard that they only have a shower. So how does it work you shower up first by yourself and then you get the massage or does she join you in the shower too. Because I've had times where I've done the jacuzzi and instead of bathing me from outside the tub the girl came in the tub and we had some fun in there.

I frequent both, although go to Sakura more because its closer to my house. Sakura and Bella are owned by the same woman, so you basically will get the same girls and same prices in both (i.e. 1/2 the girls will work Sun -Wed at Sakura and Thur - Sat at Bella, and switch). If you want to see a specific girl, call ahead. Both are clean (relatively speaking) for AMP, but Bella was remodeled a few years ago so its much nicer and its shower facilities are better (one room actually has the shower in it). You will shower by yourself -- I am not aware of any AMP in SD where a girl currently will shower with you. Sadly, there used to be a girl named Diane who worked at Bella. She was a real sex maniac and would fuck like a crazy woman and get all sweaty. She would shower with me in the private room at Bella, but I do not know what happened to her. The rumor was that she was at Crystal in PB but they were asking $$$ for FS.

Reading the other posts about Royal Palace brought back many fond memories. Royal Palace had a large jacuzzi in the back and you could occasionally talk one of the girls into taking a jacuzzi with you. That's a great pleasure for me -- now, I have to go to TJ for it (although they will fuck in the jacuzzi in TJ).

Good luck and report back with your experiences.

Joe Coodidge
05-16-08, 19:59

I'm with you there Oreo. My birthday is next week so I think I will treat myself (and report back of course).


05-17-08, 13:23
I'm with you there Oreo. My birthday is next week so I think I will treat myself (and report back of course).

JoeIf you tell her it's your birthday, perhaps she'd let you cum all over those sweet lips of hers.

05-17-08, 17:38
Damn, these girls look like strippers.


05-18-08, 21:09
Well. A bad case of blue-balls and some mighty hot weather forced me to take a Sunday drive. I'd heard tale of two new AMP's in Vista, spun off from one of the girls who used to work at Touch of Asia. I tried the first one on E. Vista Way, but the address was a lawyer's office. I tried calling the number I had for it, but never any answer. So. I drove over to the other one on S. Santa Fe, which is literally almost next door to where TOA is. I didn't much care for the girl who answered the door there, so I moved on. Next, I went to TOA itself, and there was an OK looking girl there. Her shirt said "Bebe" on it, but she later told me her name was Teresa. She was early 30's, not bad looking, and pleasant enough. So I spent $. 5 for half hour massage. She'd started out draping a towel over my ass, but soon took it off on her own. The massage was kinda rushed, as she had to stop a couple of times to go answer the front door. Anyway, on the flip, she began gently stroking where it hurt. She asked if I wanted it massaged, and I said yes. She oiled it up and away we went. I popped way too quick, and never got much of a chance to try to negotiate anything further. I did grab her ass a bit, and ran my finger on the underside of her pussy. As she was jacking me, she kinda hinted at "what more you want? You have to tell me. Next time you touch me inside". OK baby. Next time I will. I tried to tip her just $20 for the HJ, but she got another $20 out of me for it. I'll definitely try her again, she works Sa, Su, Mo. I'll book a longer massage, and bring more money and a condom. She really was nice enough, her English wasn't bad, and she might prove to be good GFE material. I surely wouldn't mind fucking her, and I do think it's doable. I'll let ya know next time I hit it. PS. These girls are all Chinese, including the two new places. Actually, the one I passed up on wasn't terrible. She appreared to be a bit older, but was wearing sexy jeans that exposed a nice little naval. I could see myself fucking her too, but the one at TOA is my current project.

Joe Coodidge
05-19-08, 10:07
If you tell her it's your birthday, perhaps she'd let you cum all over those sweet lips of hers.

Amen brother...

05-19-08, 18:16
New to San Diego ... aka welcome to my dick.


Joe Coodidge
05-20-08, 12:55
She looks like a tasty one...



05-20-08, 13:06
She looks like a tasty one...


JoeAs in tastes like tuna?

05-20-08, 13:34
Royal Palace...also had a location (Royal Spa) on University across from Jolar. Man, I miss that place. Unno if you knew, Royal Palace is still around, they moved down the street more towards the east. Can't think right now, but I saw it driving down University a couple weeks ago. Didn't try it yet. Anybody else check it out?


Joe Coodidge
05-20-08, 14:37
As in tastes like tuna?

I hope not!!! :-)


D Cooper76
05-20-08, 15:11
Went to Viet town on El Cajon Blvd. last week to have a nice bowl of Pho and leer at the pretty Viet waitresses. As I’m driving home on El Cajon I see Sunny’s spa and decide to give it a try. They have parking in the back, so I grab a spot and mosey up to the front door. I ring the bell and after a while this girl opens up and just kinda stares at me. I ask her for a half hour and she stands there as if she’s thinking it over. She looks down at the entry fee in my hand and finally says ‘ok, you come in, wait 5 minutes.’ I strip down and lay on the mattress, a short time later the same girl comes in. When she enters I notice that she is carrying this small wireless monitor. She sets it down next to the mattress and I can see that it is a video link to all the surveillance cameras for the front door, entry hall, and parking lot. I laugh and ask her if she is the Mama san. She says no, she is Mamas assistant and helps manage the girls and doesn’t normally provide services herself. She told me to be quiet because Mama is napping.

So she gets right to business and starts a nice cbj and after a while she just hikes up her long skirt and rides me cg, all the while keeping one eye on the monitor, pretty funny if you ask me, definitely a first.

She is ok looking, probably in her early 30’s, kinda dumpy looking, but a cute face, so I rolled with it. I spun her down for some mish, and then doggy, and then she tells me to hurry it up. I was about to get pissed when I realize that we haven’t discussed any price yet, all I’ve done so far is pay the $60 entry fee. I’m thinking wow for the first time in my AMP career, I’m in a superior bargaining position.

I ask her to finish me with her mouth, just to test her reaction, and wow she hopped right down there, whipped the condom off and got to business. I was funny watching her suck me off with one eye on that monitor, priceless. By this time I figure I’m close enough to the 30 min mark so I tell her I’m gonna unload and she gobbles every drop, NICE.

After she cleans me up I get dressed and hand her $80, just to see what she says. She counts it in front of me and was fine with it, probably because she wasn’t going to split any of it with the house, with Mama san sawing logs in the back, who needs to know right?

Anyway, she offers me one of those mini sized cokes and gives me a tour of the place. Business must be slow because it was as quiet as a morgue the entire time I was there. I didn’t even see any other girls wandering around, I asked her about that and she said one girl is working today but stepped out for a bit to handle some personal business.

All in all a good time, I may go back but next time I doubt I’ll get away with the same price structure I got this time.

Sorry I can't remember her name, something like Tina but I'm not 100% sure.

05-21-08, 14:48
D Cooper76,

Dude. She swallowed? Damn. I love chicks who swallow!

05-24-08, 13:05
Thought I would try these two work from O'side condo - our wise fellow monger was right (Oreo69) called them as strippers..at least one is.

The other girl that joined is not the one pictured very cute and both young 22 and 20. 4 hand massage had lots of potential, however was overall not pleased. Stripper (Cassy) takes off clothes and (tries) to dance after the flip other girl very shy but what a body !! Took off only top and really did not want to participate in HJ but did rub the boys a bit. No skill with HJ just hard and rough - I had to assist as they became big time clock watchers and I was out in 45 min. Paid too much afraid to admitt - tip $ + Friday Special Rate..I will not repeat.


Can touch only firm breasts - wanted to suck those wonderful nipples but no dice.

If you want decent massage by two tight bodies maybe for you but I would prefer to have "trained professional" and for same cost a LOT more service.

05-24-08, 23:51
Well. After cruising around Escondildo today, I decided to forego the easy $150 piece of pussy at either OT or Asia Spa, and instead try my hand again at Touch of Asia in Vista. I'd liked the girl I had there last weekend. Teresa. I'd hoped for bigger and better things than just the HJ I got from her last time. Upon arrival, I noticed their prices. An hour massagee was only $70. Just $20 more than the half-hour. I figured this would give us more time together for me to make something happen. Wrong. I started out by offering to give her a massagee. She reluctantly agreed, but refused to take off any clothing. Having her lay face down, I mounted her and dry-humped her between her legs. With her pants on. This wasn't going anywhere, and so she finally got up and told me to lay down. I did, and so began a light fingertip massagee. She was teasing around my asshole, and so I told her to finger it a bit. She then walks out of the room, and comes back in with a latex glove. Which she proceeds to put on her hand and go to town on me. Finally, she gets tired and just oils me up for another HJ. I ask if I can at least finger her pussy. She allows that much, but the anlge was all wrong for good penetration. Long story short. $70 for the massagee, plus she wanted another $80 for the HJ with finger-loving. Fuck that shit. I will not repeat. These Chinese chicks are all prick-teasers, and will not put out to save their lives. These places are ok for a jack-shack, albeit over-priced for what you get. Me. I'm back to the k-girls, where at least I know I'll get my money's worth.

D Cooper76
05-25-08, 15:48
Thanks for the intel and TOFTT bro.

05-26-08, 09:07
Went to Asia Spa on a Sunday. Asked for Ruby, still gone. Na Na was a 5 minute wait. Candy, Snow and Angie were there. I'd never heard the name Angie so I gave her a try.

Well when it comes to the massage part Angie needs a lot of practice. She was pretty, very pretty, and everything else was as great as you'd expect at Asia but damn I miss the way Lucky worked my back and neck. Since they are a massage parlor they should give the girls a re-fresher course on this side bit.

Anyway Angie was fun (she made little sound effects as she straightened up the towels, it was classic) and I'll try her again sometime. Hopefully her and Lucky can teach each other because the combo would be awesome.

05-26-08, 13:44
Thanks for the intel and TOFTT bro.It was horrible. I'd like to bang that little Vietnamese chick you had at at Sunny's.

05-26-08, 13:45
Went to Asia Spa on a Sunday. Asked for Ruby, still gone. Na Na was a 5 minute wait. Candy, Snow and Angie were there. I'd never heard the name Angie so I gave her a try.

Well when it comes to the massage part Angie needs a lot of practice. She was pretty, very pretty, and everything else was as great as you'd expect at Asia but damn I miss the way Lucky worked my back and neck. Since they are a massage parlor they should give the girls a re-fresher course on this side bit.

Anyway Angie was fun (she made little sound effects as she straightened up the towels, it was classic) and I'll try her again sometime. Hopefully her and Lucky can teach each other because the combo would be awesome.I didn't know Candy was still there?

05-26-08, 13:46

Joe Coodidge
05-26-08, 14:46

Yeah, I'd love to play with her pussy...cat :-)


Joe Coodidge
05-26-08, 14:47
This one is cute. Notice she writes "sensual". Hum...



05-26-08, 16:37
I didn't know Candy was still there?Is still there. She's usually there Thursday-Sunday, though she told me her hours may vary at times.

05-26-08, 17:59
Yeah, I'd love to play with her pussy...cat.

JoeDo it!

05-27-08, 04:29
Is still there. She's usually there Thursday-Sunday, though she told me her hours may vary at times.I would very much like to fuck her again asap.

05-27-08, 14:28
The place I wanted to get a massage was closed for the holiday so as I was cruising around I noticed Naomi Massage was open in Hillcrest. I thought what the hey. The price is high and I should probably have walked but I was curious what was going on here, another big mistake.
I got Donna as my massage person (the biggest mistake). Nothing but attitude. on the flip I reached up her leg to show I was not LE. She used the money sign, you know, rubbing the thumb and fingers together. I realized immediately she was all about the money. She got really pissed when I told her all I wanted was massage, no extras. Again, nothing but attitude. She went out for a moment supposedly to turn down the music. When she came back she said that's all. I told her I paid for 45 minutes of massage and I expected 45 minutes of massage (which is $80 btw). I told her she could either return $20 of my money or keep massaging me for another 13 minutes. I was actually starting to enjoy this. She was fuming. Needless to say, I would never return to this place. BTW, I believe the girls are all Thai.

05-27-08, 14:44
The place I wanted to get a massage was closed for the holiday so as I was cruising around I noticed Naomi Massage was open in Hillcrest. I thought what the hey. The price is high and I should probably have walked but I was curious what was going on here, another big mistake.

I got Donna as my massage person (the biggest mistake). Nothing but attitude. on the flip I reached up her leg to show I was not LE. She used the money sign, you know, rubbing the thumb and fingers together. I realized immediately she was all about the money. She got really pissed when I told her all I wanted was massage, no extras. Again, nothing but attitude. She went out for a moment supposedly to turn down the music. When she came back she said that's all. I told her I paid for 45 minutes of massage and I expected 45 minutes of massage (which is $80 btw). I told her she could either return $20 of my money or keep massaging me for another 13 minutes. I was actually starting to enjoy this. She was fuming. Needless to say, I would never return to this place. BTW, I believe the girls are all Thai.Sounds like she deserved a good old-fashion raping.

05-27-08, 14:53
Read the last line in her ad.


05-27-08, 16:05
I understand that FS is $, how much is just a BJ along with entry fee, money is tight and I got to squeeze out a bargain somehow!!

Joe Coodidge
05-27-08, 16:43
The place I wanted to get a massage was closed for the holiday so as I was cruising around I noticed Naomi Massage was open in Hillcrest. I thought what the hey. The price is high and I should probably have walked but I was curious what was going on here, another big mistake.
I got Donna as my massage person (the biggest mistake). Nothing but attitude. on the flip I reached up her leg to show I was not LE. She used the money sign, you know, rubbing the thumb and fingers together. I realized immediately she was all about the money. She got really pissed when I told her all I wanted was massage, no extras. Again, nothing but attitude. She went out for a moment supposedly to turn down the music. When she came back she said that's all. I told her I paid for 45 minutes of massage and I expected 45 minutes of massage (which is $80 btw). I told her she could either return $20 of my money or keep massaging me for another 13 minutes. I was actually starting to enjoy this. She was fuming. Needless to say, I would never return to this place. BTW, I believe the girls are all Thai.

Thanks for the report. I passed by there last week and was tempted to go in but I had a lunch appointment near by.

Quick question. Were you not there originally for extras? I mean, you did reach up her leg to show her you were not LE...


Member #3942
05-27-08, 18:34
Guess nobody has tried the Latinas in Hillcrest? I did try them a week ago. Look at the pics on CL. They run a 100$ special for lunch during the week. Just wondering if someone got a HE from them. You can message me if you want. Just tired of Asians and want to get more flavor from the massage girls. I see lots of ads on CL therapeutic section but I couldn't find any past posts.
I have been to the south american lady that does no extras what so ever. Her place is upstairs, private apartment. The price was great but nothing extra. Shes also older but in good shape for her age. Any info will be appreciated!

05-28-08, 10:10
Joe, I was definitely in there for extras. I would not have slid my hand up her leg if I didn't want something besides a massage. I would never pay that kind of money just for massage and especially not the lame massage I was getting. I have places I go when I don't want extras, but those places I'm only paying $40 to $70 and get really good service. I occasionally toftt and when it's horrible like Naomi I report it. At this same location, there used to be a gal named Jeanne. She was one of the hottest babes in the biz. She was a big gal in the greatest sort of way. Large boobs, big creamy thighs and really sexy. Now, Naomi is the big rip-off! I really can't understand guys paying those kind of prices and getting attitude with it. In my case, I don't go to the Korean amps anymore except for one in SD. With my all time fave, I still get the old prices (like Escondido) and it's total gfe. Please don't ask me for her info. I would never want to ruin this for myself. I'm just being selfish so please don't ask :) Lastly, I think I can speak for the rest of the guys and thank Oreo and Joe and the rest of you for the good reports (Hizark notwithstanding).

05-28-08, 14:28
Guess nobody has tried the Latinas in Hillcrest? I did try them a week ago. Look at the pics on CL. They run a 100$ special for lunch during the week. Just wondering if someone got a HE from them. You can message me if you want. Just tired of Asians and want to get more flavor from the massage girls. I see lots of ads on CL therapeutic section but I couldn't find any past posts.
I have been to the south american lady that does no extras what so ever. Her place is upstairs, private apartment. The price was great but nothing extra. Shes also older but in good shape for her age. Any info will be appreciated!I love Mexican puntang, especially all the hot young ones I see walking around Escondildo while I'm en route to an AMP there. Makes me long for the good old days of TJ.

05-29-08, 16:07
I understand that FS is $, how much is just a BJ along with entry fee, money is tight and I got to squeeze out a bargain somehow!!Not really sure. I usually just get FS, which includes BJ. Price in Escondildo is $.5 for 1/2 hour massagee, plus another $ for FS. I'd take a guess that you could get the BJ for say $.6 on top of the $.5 gate fee, at least at the AMP's in Escondildo.

05-29-08, 20:41

05-29-08, 20:42

Joe Coodidge
05-30-08, 09:56

I wonder if these are their real pictures. Sometimes they are too good to be true!

I'm just counting the days until I get my tax refund check... ;-)


05-30-08, 23:43

05-31-08, 15:27
I really like her math; $65 for 1/2 hour and an additional $80 for the 2nd 1/2 hour. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

Member #2041
05-31-08, 19:15
I really like her math; $65 for 1/2 hour and an additional $80 for the 2nd 1/2 hour. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Generally speaking, it's the lack of business sense and basic literacy and math skills that gets these ladies into this profession.

05-31-08, 21:50
I would very much like to fuck her again asap.Then DO it! She's working this weekend.

Bud Leeeeeeee
06-01-08, 20:04
I been going to bella's for awhile (6months) now. The report with all the names is about right. Haven't tried their second location in mira mesa. Kelly doesn't work there anymore. She was the youngest and hottest in my opinion but her performance wasn't all that. She would leave after 30min if you busted and paid for 45min. But she was f'in gorgeous.

I also been to lucky's twice in el cajon in sdsu area. Had a cute young Loas girl there awhile back an recently went there again to look for her. They acted like they never heard of her when I mentioned her name Dollar (she might of been trying to say something else). Dollar was awesome. Young an good firm massage an walked on my back. GFE minus the kissing which is cool with me. I should of said the girl from Loas. Anyway I had a thai girl there last time instead (2 weeks ago). She said she was there only a few weeks. She wasn't all that. Early 30's sorry forgot name too much 420smoking these days. I had a hard time convincing her I wasn't LE. When I reached up to feel her up she would jump everytime. We never even talked about price. So I laid $. 4 after full service an took off. She must of been new to this location.

Also what about Shamrock on Friars? I went before I was shamrock but got over-charged an it left a bad taste in my mouth. It was my first time an paid $$. 4

So sunny's has some viet action? I will try. I use to go to vietnamese nights at viejas. Thats some good fun. Those girls wear next to nothing. Its like 1 thurs every month. Many girls will dance together in a lesbo fashion almost feeling eachother up. I got a couple dates from going up there but never closed the deal. I started feeling sorry for some of the little nail working girls I was meeting an didn't wanna get their hopes up of becoming legal etc. I know, what a wuss.

Anyone been up north like anahiem or la? Worth the trip? I will read those forums again too. If someone has a local viet outcall let me know. I been a member forever just lurking mainly. Sorry about the inactivity on my part.

There is always pearl on CL. Never tried her but always postin.

D Cooper76
06-02-08, 00:28
Just to clarify, the girl I saw there was Korean. Their location just happens to be near the Viet strip mall area of El Cajon Blvd where I was having lunch. The closest to a Viet AMP chick that I have found here was Tiffany at Royal Spa on University, she's half Viet half Thai.

06-02-08, 15:18
All of these Backpage links are to really great looking women. Has anybody ever seen any of them? Are they really the girls in the pics? Are the services worth it?

06-02-08, 16:13
Then DO it! She's working this weekend.Naah, once I'm done with a woman, I'm done.

D Cooper76
06-02-08, 18:40
I used to go to Viet night at the local casinos when I lived in Seattle. I ended up dateing 2 girls I met there. Boy they were freaks in the bed! One of them was really well off and owned 2 nail salons. One night she gave me $500 to play baccarat with her. In the Seattle area there were about 5 Viet AMP's that I would frequent, those were the days. I guess I would have to go up to OC to find any Viet AMP's in SoCal.

06-02-08, 23:45
All of these Backpage links are to really great looking women. Has anybody ever seen any of them? Are they really the girls in the pics? Are the services worth it?You mean like this one?


06-04-08, 15:57
Just curious, how many of you guys would use the convenience of an onsite ATM at any given AMP?

06-04-08, 16:08

06-05-08, 01:19
Just curious, how many of you guys would use the convenience of an onsite ATM at any given AMP?I'm down for ass-to-mouth. Oh! You mean an Automated Teller Machine?

Hells no.

06-05-08, 12:52
I was down in the Hillcrest area with some extra cash so I decided to stop in at the Thai spa there on 4th ave. I was led into a room by a heavy but cute girl working the "front desk".

Got undressed and waited a few minutes and in comes Mickey. Face is about a 6 but body is an 8. Around 5'7" and not saggy anywhere like a lot of these chicks are. She did have that low raspy voice I hate though.

She gave a better than average massage and we proceeded to do "everything". She let me do any position I wanted.

Ok time. Not the greatest as her enthusiasm wasn't so high, but a good stress release in a pinch.

06-05-08, 14:03

Joe Coodidge
06-05-08, 15:38

Did I read that right? $50?


06-05-08, 15:40
Did I read that right? $50?

JoeThat's what her ad says anyway. Man, I'd almost pay 10 times that to bang her.

06-05-08, 15:48
I was down in the Hillcrest area with some extra cash so I decided to stop in at the Thai spa there on 4th ave. I was led into a room by a heavy but cute girl working the "front desk".

Got undressed and waited a few minutes and in comes Mickey. Face is about a 6 but body is an 8. Around 5'7" and not saggy anywhere like a lot of these chicks are. She did have that low raspy voice I hate though.

She gave a better than average massage and we proceeded to do "everything". She let me do any position I wanted.

Ok time. Not the greatest as her enthusiasm wasn't so high, but a good stress release in a pinch.How much was the gate fee and how much more for FS?

06-05-08, 19:57
I was down in the Hillcrest area with some extra cash so I decided to stop in at the Thai spa there on 4th ave. I was led into a room by a heavy but cute girl working the "front desk".

Got undressed and waited a few minutes and in comes Mickey. Face is about a 6 but body is an 8. Around 5'7" and not saggy anywhere like a lot of these chicks are. She did have that low raspy voice I hate though.

She gave a better than average massage and we proceeded to do "everything". She let me do any position I wanted.

Ok time. Not the greatest as her enthusiasm wasn't so high, but a good stress release in a pinch.How much did you pay for that?

I'm new in San Diego and I'm really yearning for a good asian MP with great benefits.

Any other suggestions?

Member #2041
06-05-08, 21:29
That's what her ad says anyway. Man, I'd almost pay 10 times that to bang her.

Roxana has advertised on CL for over a year. I'm sure that her $50 fee is massage only (don't know if oral is included) But in the past, she has also advertised offering FS for $100/30 $200/60. I have not personally tried her, because she's a long drive away, but I know someone who recommends her highly for the price.

06-06-08, 16:37
How much did you pay for that?

I'm new in San Diego and I'm really yearning for a good asian MP with great benefits.

Any other suggestions?If you can drive up to Escondido, you can get FS for less. Both Asia Spa and Oriental Therapy offer half-hour massagee for $. 5 and you can get FS from any girl there for an additional $. These are all Korean girls. You won't get hassled or hussled at either of these places. I'd highly recommend CeCe at Oriental Therapy. She works Th, Fr, Sa, Su. Or. Candy or Lisa at Asia Spa.

06-06-08, 21:35
I paid .6 for the house fee and 1.6 for tip. She didn't want to negotiate so maybe you could get a better rate if you try.

I would recommend Bobbi at Shanghai Accupressure. She is a very sweet girl with a smokin' body and face. Best in San Diego in my opinion.

She works Wed. through Sat. I think.

Nicole at Bella's is hot also. I don't know her schedule though.

Good luck

How much did you pay for that?

I'm new in San Diego and I'm really yearning for a good asian MP with great benefits.

Any other suggestions?

06-07-08, 18:51

06-08-08, 00:47
There used to be a Korean amp at the south end of PCH, just as you leave Oceanside. They now have a sign up that says chiropractor/massage. I hadn't been in here for awhile so thought what the hey. It was really a hodge/podge. A middle-aged white gal comes out after I ring the bell. Following her is a young, nice looking gal. She sort of had a latina look to her. Later she told me she was Italian. She was in training. As I was standing at the entrance, a couple of older asian gals came in. It ended up I was massaged by one of the older asian gals and also by the young gal who was being trained. It was really not a particularly good experience. The massage was quite average but the cost for an hour of Swedish massage was $60 so it didn't break the bank. It doesn't appear that any extras are available at this "new" place. There menu showed a price of $50 for 1/2 hour so I can't imagine anyone going for the 1/2 hour.

Az Dude
06-08-08, 12:01
Roxana has advertised on CL for over a year. I'm sure that her $50 fee is massage only (don't know if oral is included) But in the past, she has also advertised offering FS for $100/30 $200/60. I have not personally tried her, because she's a long drive away, but I know someone who recommends her highly for the price.

Read the fine forums RTFF the answers are there gents. Roxana and her partner in crime Diana come both highly recommended. Prices quoted are accurate.

06-10-08, 10:45
I tried the new amp in Vista. They advertise in NC Times and CL, a massage for $49/hour. It's all Chinese. If you're looking for an inexpensive massage it's ok but it's strickly legit. There was not even any teasing. I might try again at a later date to see if there are any changes but for the most part I'll stick to the tried and true.

06-10-08, 13:42
I tried the new amp in Vista. They advertise in NC Times and CL, a massage for $49/hour. It's all Chinese. If you're looking for an inexpensive massage it's ok but it's strickly legit. There was not even any teasing. I might try again at a later date to see if there are any changes but for the most part I'll stick to the tried and true.Which one did you try, the one on S. Santa Fe or the one on E. Vista Way ?

Member #4236
06-11-08, 01:48
Has anyone here experienced Lynda?


There's nothing "pro" suggestive in her ad except:


$70/hour for swedish and shiatsu

for swedish, shiatsu, light touch combo $140/hr; $100/45 min; $80/half hr


Your comments appreciated.

06-11-08, 02:20
I tried the new amp in Vista. They advertise in NC Times and CL, a massage for $49/hour. It's all Chinese. If you're looking for an inexpensive massage it's ok but it's strickly legit. There was not even any teasing. I might try again at a later date to see if there are any changes but for the most part I'll stick to the tried and true.If its the same one you are talking about, I just tried today. It is legit like you say. Just like commented above, there wasnt even any teasing. Overall it was a good massage though.

06-11-08, 02:25

Tried this one:

I am a beautiful talented women with experience. I can do a variety of massage styles and techniques. I use only the best imported medicinal oils. I will create a truely relaxing experience for you. Also ask about the Ultimate Massage, which runs an hour and a half. soft massage. chiropractic exp. u get averything.no email
Shower, pool, and jacuzzi available. 760 755 0774 hours of operation: 9AM-11pm

same day appointments okay.
(760)760 471 7134 755 0774

Rue de Valle,
San Marcos, Ca, 92078I took one for the team. LOL Massage sucked and HJ too. Older woman, not good looking. Got tired too quick and wanted to stop. Said she would introduce me to a younger girl. Don't go. Price was 50h massage.

06-11-08, 06:30
This new amp is 620 S. Melrose. It's in a small medical type building on the left hand side as you're driving south. The price is $49/hour, all Chinese staff and strictly legit. I gave the masseuse a total of $65 for the massage and tip. A pretty good deal if you are not looking for extras.

NY Brick
06-11-08, 08:20
There appears to be at least 3 Spa/Massage places on or around Mission Gorge Ave. Are there any critiques that can be shared here ?

06-11-08, 13:41
Has anyone here experienced Lynda?


There's nothing "pro" suggestive in her ad except:


$70/hour for swedish and shiatsu

for swedish, shiatsu, light touch combo $140/hr; $100/45 min; $80/half hr


Your comments appreciated.No, but those tattered little shorts she's wearing in the pic are just begging to be pulled down.

06-11-08, 13:46

Member #3942
06-11-08, 17:51
Has anyone here experienced Lynda?

There's nothing "pro" suggestive in her ad except:
$70/hour for swedish and shiatsu
for swedish, shiatsu, light touch combo $140/hr; $100/45 min; $80/half hr


Tried her a month or two ago. Good massage with a good ending. Looks better in person. Nice body. I would go back but am trying others. Nobody here talks about all the girls doing massage on CL and backpage.

Joe Coodidge
06-11-08, 20:06
Tried her a month or two ago. Good massage with a good ending. Looks better in person. Nice body. I would go back but am trying others. Nobody here talks about all the girls doing massage on CL and backpage.

Her body looks great. Not so sure about the face...


06-11-08, 20:49
She gets VERY GOOD reviews on "The List". This is a list of various massage providers, both sensual & traditional. The buzz is that she provides very good massage of both types. The list is occasionally provided on CL and is updated the first of each month. The providers are rated from 1 (being the worst) to 5 being the best. You will get the best info on gals from this site. It usually includes phone #'s and prices.

06-11-08, 20:55
This gal advertises all the time. She says she is beautiful, an ex-costa rica beauty queen and on and on. She is a complete zero and you will find her cussed and discussed on the various boards. She has bruises all over her body where guys have been touching her with 10 foot poles. If you read her various ads, I would say she must have majored in marketing in costa rica. Avoid!!

06-11-08, 21:10
This gal advertises all the time. She says she is beautiful, an ex-costa rica beauty queen and on and on. She is a complete zero and you will find her cussed and discussed on the various boards. She has bruises all over her body where guys have been touching her with 10 foot poles. If you read her various ads, I would say she must have majored in marketing in costa rica. Avoid!!I gots to agree with you.

She is not what she claims.

06-13-08, 01:37
I've heard of many references of Cragislist provider reviews listed on "The List." Does anyone have information regarding this "List?"


06-13-08, 14:56
Went to Asia Spa and saw Lucky again. I like Lucky but I was hoping to see Yo Yo because I'd never seen her, she's new, but she was late. Anyway Lucky must have heard that because she started telling me how hot Yo Yo's body was. Big chest, years as a dancer. Has anyone seen Yo Yo?

Member #4236
06-13-08, 19:24
Tried her a month or two ago. Good massage with a good ending. Looks better in person. Nice body. I would go back but am trying others. Nobody here talks about all the girls doing massage on CL and backpage.

I'm glad I asked as I was all but sure she was just therapeutic. I went and saw her and all was as you said, though I'd say the massage itself was excellent, the ending ok. A good experience overall though. Thanks for yours and everyone else's feedback.

On another but related topic, I'm also curious about the whereabouts of "the list." It only comes out once a month on cl? If anyone has more info on this I'd sure like to know about it and I'm sure i'm not alone in that.

06-14-08, 14:06
Guess nobody has tried the Latinas in Hillcrest? I did try them a week ago. Look at the pics on CL. They run a 100$ special for lunch during the week. Just wondering if someone got a HE from them.

So I take it you are saying there were no extras? :(

(Hi everyone, long time no see!)

06-15-08, 12:55
Couple of months back somebody mentioned a Latina named Olga in a Escondido MP. Can anybody pm me with the name and address of this MP


06-18-08, 14:14
Couple of months back somebody mentioned a Latina named Olga in a Escondido MP. Can anybody pm me with the name and address of this MP

ThanksI found this one on Backpage today. Sounds pretty good.


06-20-08, 14:32

06-22-08, 15:35
Kinda cool that we've all had our dicks in the same women.

Member #2041
06-22-08, 20:01
Kinda cool that we've all had our dicks in the same women.

That's why I wear a condom when I fuck a pro.

06-22-08, 23:07
what is the context for that off-the-wall comment? Or are you just figuring that out?

Kinda cool that we've all had our dicks in the same women.

06-22-08, 23:21
After scanning the forums for the past 2 months, I finally I had myself prepared for my first AMP experience. Saturday morning found me at OT in Escondido. I hit the place shortly after it opened. I guess I figured I better get my business out of the way before the rest of you mongers wore the poor ladies out.

Now, I have never been to an AMP, brothel, or even picked up a SW. I'm as green as they come, but you guys let me know what to say. I told the mamasan that I had been there a couple years ago, and she showed me to a room. I was actually quite surprised at how clean and un-seedy it was.

A few minutes later, in came Kimchee. I would guess she is in her late 30s to early 40s by the amount of makeup, but the body looked well put together. She probably weighed 105. I was seated with a towel over my junk when she came in but when she asked me to lie down, I did so, tossing the towel to the side. She covered me up. I took that as a bad sign. As soon as the massage started she asked me if I knew any what#es. My brain froze. I read the posts about girls like CeCe, Candy, Tammy, Yo-Yo, Lucky. All I could think to say was "I usually go to Asia Spa. "

For the next fifteen minutes I lay on my back, touching her legs and ass. At the flip I expected some kind of sign from her asking me what I wanted. Nope. I guess I either smacked of LE or newbie. Eventually I took her hand a placed it on my gland. My hands wandered all over. She finished me off quickly and I left happy. I can't give an a/s/l score since I have no frame of reference.

Thanks to all of you mongers for letting me know where prices are reasonable, service is dependable, and how a newbie can get get his start.

06-23-08, 15:34
After scanning the forums for the past 2 months, I finally I had myself prepared for my first AMP experience. Saturday morning found me at OT in Escondido. I hit the place shortly after it opened. I guess I figured I better get my business out of the way before the rest of you mongers wore the poor ladies out.

Now, I have never been to an AMP, brothel, or even picked up a SW. I'm as green as they come, but you guys let me know what to say. I told the mamasan that I had been there a couple years ago, and she showed me to a room. I was actually quite surprised at how clean and un-seedy it was.

A few minutes later, in came Kimchee. I would guess she is in her late 30s to early 40s by the amount of makeup, but the body looked well put together. She probably weighed 105. I was seated with a towel over my junk when she came in but when she asked me to lie down, I did so, tossing the towel to the side. She covered me up. I took that as a bad sign. As soon as the massage started she asked me if I knew any what#es. My brain froze. I read the posts about girls like CeCe, Candy, Tammy, Yo-Yo, Lucky. All I could think to say was "I usually go to Asia Spa. "

For the next fifteen minutes I lay on my back, touching her legs and ass. At the flip I expected some kind of sign from her asking me what I wanted. Nope. I guess I either smacked of LE or newbie. Eventually I took her hand a placed it on my gland. My hands wandered all over. She finished me off quickly and I left happy. I can't give an a/s/l score since I have no frame of reference.

Thanks to all of you mongers for letting me know where prices are reasonable, service is dependable, and how a newbie can get get his start.The bottom line is, you got off on your very first visit. Keep trying, go back again and try for more. Once they know you there and realize you're not LE, you should have an easier time of it. Go back to OT and try CeCe ... she works Th,Fr,Sa,Su. She's usually busy, so better to call ahead and make an appointment for her. 760-233-7877. Or ... try one of the girls at Asia Spa like Candy or Lisa. Just don't be or act nervous, you'll do fine.

06-23-08, 15:36
what is the context for that off-the-wall comment? Or are you just figuring that out?I know, I'd just run out of things to say.

Buggin Menot
06-24-08, 02:28
Hi there,

I am new to SD and I was wondering if you bro can help me rate Bobbi. I know some of you have mentioned that she is hot but I just want to make sure as I don't want to drive all that way and be disappointed.

My type of girl is tall big boobs (atleast a C) and nice curvy ass! I hope Bobbi fits the bill.

Btw what day does she work? Do i need to book?

06-24-08, 19:25

Az Dude
06-25-08, 04:34
My brain froze. I read the posts about girls like CeCe, Candy, Tammy, Yo-Yo, Lucky. All I could think to say was "I usually go to Asia Spa. "

Reminds me of the kid in X-Mas story.. when he freezes up sitting on Santa's lap and cant remember he wants the Red Ryder Triple Action BB gun with a compass in the stock and instead asks for a 'football' ;-)

Hang in there, you'll get the gist of it... it is definitely a learned skill for sure!

CeCe will take care of you.. be sure to shower before hand and she'll lick
you clean 'down there' :-)

06-25-08, 17:51
Reminds me of the kid in X-Mas story.. when he freezes up sitting on Santa's lap and cant remember he wants the Red Ryder Triple Action BB gun with a compass in the stock and instead asks for a 'football' ;-)Around Christmas time, I like to go to the AMPs wearing a Santa hat, and have the "ho ho ho" sit on my lap and bounce up and down.

06-26-08, 01:18
Hey Guys,

Anything goin on in the Mira Mesa/Rancho Bernardo area? Details on cost, services, and providers is appreciated.

Joe Coodidge
06-26-08, 08:06
Hey Guys,

Anything goin on in the Mira Mesa/Rancho Bernardo area? Details on cost, services, and providers is appreciated.

Hey Genxxx:

Since this is your first post, the best thing to do is to take one for the team, try some providers and report back. The best approach is to contribute first to gain some credibility...


06-26-08, 13:01
Bobbi is about 5"7 with at least a C. She is in really good shape so her ass isn't so curvy but she has nice hips and has a nice shape. She works at Shanghai from Thursday through Saturday, and at Kiaa Spa from Monday through Wednesday.

Hi there,

I am new to SD and I was wondering if you bro can help me rate Bobbi. I know some of you have mentioned that she is hot but I just want to make sure as I don't want to drive all that way and be disappointed.

My type of girl is tall big boobs (atleast a C) and nice curvy ass! I hope Bobbi fits the bill.

Btw what day does she work? Do i need to book?

06-26-08, 16:06

Buggin Menot
06-27-08, 02:39
Went to see bobbi and I have to say I was a bit let down after all the rave review.

I agree she got a nice body but not smoking hot. Her boobs is definitely faked and her face is average. I give her a 5 for face and 7.5 for body but her personality is kinda cute. I was a bit stupid as I went for an hour and she want to charge me 200 bucks for FS which I thought was not worth it.

Decided to pay for 100 for full nude massage and a bit of fun. If you guys reckon she hot you should go to China or Macau the chicks there are super super hot plus they cost a fraction of the cost here.

Taepo Dong
06-27-08, 07:54
Bobbi is about 5"7 with at least a C. She is in really good shape so her ass isn't so curvy but she has nice hips and has a nice shape. She works at Shanghai from Thursday through Saturday, and at Kiaa Spa from Monday through Wednesday.I just saw her yesterday and I agree with Beglad's description. Only things I would add is that 1) she has beautiful surgically enhanced C cups (I know some mongers don't like that) but they are spectacular, 2) she is a smoker, and 3) according to her, she doesn't work at any other places. Treat her well and pay her price (house + $$) accordingly. She can easily work at an KAAMP and charge even more. Her hot towel massage is excellent too if you are not interested in extras.

Thanks to all for the recon info.


"The Original Taepo Dong"

06-27-08, 21:48
If you guys reckon she hot you should go to China or Macau the chicks there are super super hot plus they cost a fraction of the cost here.I don't doubt they're hot. But just for shits and giggles I did a search for airfare to China, and it costs about $1300 round trip. Of course, this is not the cheapest rate as I priced it to leave in the next week. Add passport costs and the vacation time used to leave work, it's not quite "a fraction of the cost here. " I think I'll stick around San Diego.

Now, if I was heading to China, I'd give you all a full report on my experiences. But, that'll wait for another day.

I'm not trying to be a dick Buggin Menot, just thought it would be funny to look up how much it would cost to actually go to China. Thanks for your report.

06-28-08, 00:56
"Decided to pay for 100 for full nude massage and a bit of fun. If you guys reckon she hot you should go to China or Macau the chicks there are super super hot plus they cost a fraction of the cost here."

Yo buggin, no crap. Really? Of course the Asians and prices are better in China and Macau. People here are just giving reviews relative to the area. That is like saying the chicks are hotter and cheaper in Mexico, of course they are.

06-28-08, 10:33
Long-time lurker, first time poster.

The other night I wanted to try and visit Tiffany at Royal Spa; I called to see if she was in, and the mamasan said she was at the other location downtown (aforementioned Naomi Spa). Headed down to Hillcrest and I was walking up, about 4-5 fine-looking ladies walked in ahead of me. The mamasan-apprentice (she was young and hot-looking. Saw an older lady peek out of a room at me, but the younger one did all the talking) said they had just come over for dinner. At about this time, I decided I'd just roll the dice and see who I got at random, rather than requesting Tiffany (if that many hot women were coming to eat dinner, there had to be some other hotties waiting around).

I went with 45 minutes for about $80; I was really hoping for a decent massage. In walked Dana (pronounced DAN-a). Body about a 6. Face was a 7 by the end of the session (better light? Post massage fuzzy glow? ). Said she was Thai and I believe it; the massage was awesome. Thing was, I had gotten a bad sunburn earlier in the day. She saw that, and put some aloe lotion on my back, and proceeded to concentrate on my arms and legs. After a great massage, she came back to my back and started lightly. She asked constantly if the pressure was ok, and it was perfect; I never felt the slightest discomfort, and she was totally concerned with my well-being (she told me a number of times to wear sunscreen).

At the flip, I indicated what I wanted, and she proceeded into a HJ that was fantastic (sorry, due to the sunburn, I wasn't really in the mood for much more at the time); she took her time and kept eye contact with me the entire time, as my hands roamed up her skirt and over her really soft thighs. Afterwards, she got me two hot towels to clean myself with (damn, I love it when they clean me up) and a bottle of cold water (nice touch! ). After that I dressed, and Dana took me out to the pool area (yeah, they have a pool). They had an aloe plant growing out there, and Dana picked a few stalks, letting me know how I should apply it and so forth. What a sweet girl! One of the nicest things someone had done for me lately, let alone at an AMP. That alone would make me a repeat customer. $80-85 for 45 min; $40 for the extras.

06-29-08, 09:58
First, thanks to bp18 for his report, and hope we get many more. But look at what he got; he paid $120 for a lousy handjob. The American male is shit on so much in this culture, especially by the American female, that when a kindness is presented such as bp18 got, we think this is really great and I will repeat. I know that when one of the girls puts on my socks for me, helps me into my shoes and then ties my shoes it is a really feel good situation and I sometimes have added $5 to the equation. Nevertheless, bp18 paid $120 to get tugged. I really don't mean to flame, but in my opinion, bp18 actually got f**ked!
Next, I went by both of the amps in San Marcos. Both were closed. The one near the asian buffet, north of 78 had no sign or nuttin. Just closed. The one south of 78, also off Santa Fe, had a sign that they were remodeling. Anyone have any info on these? Both were Chinese. Maybe there are getting to be too many Chinese places in north county, albeit many of them are legit only.
I ended up going to TOA on south Santa Fe in Vista. The gal was Ruby. A reasonably good massage but with attitude. The tug was good and the damages $80 including tip.

06-29-08, 11:13
First, thanks to bp18 for his report, and hope we get many more. But look at what he got; he paid $120 for a lousy handjob. The American male is shit on so much in this culture, especially by the American female, that when a kindness is presented such as bp18 got, we think this is really great and I will repeat. I know that when one of the girls puts on my socks for me, helps me into my shoes and then ties my shoes it is a really feel good situation and I sometimes have added $5 to the equation. Nevertheless, bp18 paid $120 to get tugged. I really don't mean to flame, but in my opinion, bp18 actually got f**ked!Just two points I wanted to respond to. One, I chose to pay more for a longer massage (the half hour was the standard $60 for San Diego, if I remember correctly). Two, she wasn't an American female; she was Thai.

Also, I should say that Naomi Spa actually looked really nice inside. Hard-wood floors (or bamboo. Or fake. Still, it looked nice) and nice floor screens, good lighting, etc. It would easily pass as legit, and maybe they have a legit clientele. I THINK I saw an actual massage table in one room, but I was put into a room with a futon on the floor.

06-29-08, 21:45
Went to Asia Spa and had them list off the girls. Snow was the only one I'd never been with. When she arrived she acted like she knew me. I'm guessing Mamasan mentioned me or one of the other girls. Maybe it was just a mistaken identity thing but it was pretty cool. I got the Korean blanket, in which she pretty much came into the room and laid down on top of me like a giggling blanket. Then a pretty decent massage (I hate the back walking stuff though). Then the usual business and she finished with some stretches on my arms, neck and shoulders that felt great.

Snow is a bit older than most of the other girls. I'd guess she's in her 30s. Small breasts. Still attractive and thin. Her personality was awesome and fun.

07-01-08, 22:10
Drove down to SD to visit a friend in Clairemont Mesa over the weekend but had some time to kill because he was still at work. I was going to kill time in Cheetah on Clairemont Mesa Blvd but saw there is a Foot Massage/Full Body Massage shop in the area next to the tire store. Walked by the place and saw a bunch of Chinese women inside so I decided to give it a try. Stripped down and lay on table for 5 minutes and the door opens. Some old Chinese guy walked in and said he's here to massage me. WTFFFFFFF???? First time that has ever happened to me. I ran back to Cheetah immediately.

07-02-08, 13:46

07-02-08, 18:18
Drove down to SD to visit a friend in Clairemont Mesa over the weekend but had some time to kill because he was still at work. I was going to kill time in Cheetah on Clairemont Mesa Blvd but saw there is a Foot Massage/Full Body Massage shop in the area next to the tire store. Walked by the place and saw a bunch of Chinese women inside so I decided to give it a try. Stripped down and lay on table for 5 minutes and the door opens. Some old Chinese guy walked in and said he's here to massage me. WTFFFFFFF???? First time that has ever happened to me. I ran back to Cheetah immediately.Did you at least get your money back?

07-04-08, 18:06
Went to Asia Spa. They only had Candy and Lisa working so I chose Candy. No message, straight to the action, which was mediocre. Maybe Candy's not a morning girl, maybe she didn't recognize me since I've been doing the Ruby, Na Na, Lucky circuit since the last time I'd seen Candy. Maybe she felt a bit too overworked as it sounded like they hadn't expected a number of customers in the morning. But the question if she's still there is clearly answerd now. She is.

I have read elsewhere that the new girl, Yo Yo, is actually Cherry returned after a few months in Korea. If so I hope Ruby does the same an comes back at some point.

07-06-08, 20:08
Checked out this place again on the 5th, and very slow; they said alot of girls were on vacation; but my favorite LINDA, WAS working! She is a little older, but great body; did it all, and gave the house 50, her 60. She said the gas is hurting business; and they are getting paid lower tips. Highly recommenddddd.

07-07-08, 01:31
Did you at least get your money back?
Sure did. I was surprised they didn't put up much resistance refunding the money.

Senior Leche
07-07-08, 13:12
Checked out this place again on the 5th, and very slow; they said alot of girls were on vacation; but my favorite LINDA, WAS working! She is a little older, but great body; did it all, and gave the house 50, her 60. She said the gas is hurting business; and they are getting paid lower tips. Highly recommenddddd.

I wonder if this is the same Linda that worked that worked at the late, great Sundance Spa in Escondido. Sounds like it could be her -- a little older, good body, great service, not a ROB.

Senior Leche
07-07-08, 13:17
Checked out this place again on the 5th, and very slow; they said alot of girls were on vacation; but my favorite LINDA, WAS working! She is a little older, but great body; did it all, and gave the house 50, her 60. She said the gas is hurting business; and they are getting paid lower tips. Highly recommenddddd.

Nice to see that the prices at remain reasonable at least in Escondido (although that's a long drive for many of us mongers). I recently ave been amazed by the inflation in AMP prices. Just a few years ago, you could get FS for $.8, and were thought to be a special customer if you paid $. I didn't mind when the price went to $ since it had been low for so long. But then it quickly shot up to $1.2 expected for FS, then $1.4. Lately, the demand has been $1.6 which to me is getting to the point of too much especially when the service can be very inconsistent. I hate to sound like Hizark 21 -- just my Monday morning *****.

Joe Coodidge
07-07-08, 17:35
I wonder if this is the same Linda that worked that worked at the late, great Sundance Spa in Escondido. Sounds like it could be her -- a little older, good body, great service, not a ROB.

I remember Linda from Sundance. She was a lot of fun. I wonder where Sarah went. She was REALLY fun...


07-07-08, 23:40
Saw Candy today - she is working all week this week (someone must be taking the week off). Poor girl was definitely feeling under the weather. Said she had "caught cold" last week. She was trying hard to be good to me, but I could definitely tell her head and sinuses were hurting, and could feel her energy level was low.

How have any of you dealt with a massage parlor girl that is obviously not feeling well?

Went to Asia Spa. They only had Candy and Lisa working so I chose Candy. No message, straight to the action, which was mediocre. Maybe Candy's not a morning girl, maybe she didn't recognize me since I've been doing the Ruby, Na Na, Lucky circuit since the last time I'd seen Candy. Maybe she felt a bit too overworked as it sounded like they hadn't expected a number of customers in the morning. But the question if she's still there is clearly answerd now. She is.

I have read elsewhere that the new girl, Yo Yo, is actually Cherry returned after a few months in Korea. If so I hope Ruby does the same an comes back at some point.

07-08-08, 00:26
Saw Candy today - she is working all week this week (someone must be taking the week off). Poor girl was definitely feeling under the weather. Said she had "caught cold" last week. She was trying hard to be good to me, but I could definitely tell her head and sinuses were hurting, and could feel her energy level was low.

How have any of you dealt with a massage parlor girl that is obviously not feeling well?

Went to Asia Spa. They only had Candy and Lisa working so I chose Candy. No message, straight to the action, which was mediocre. Maybe Candy's not a morning girl, maybe she didn't recognize me since I've been doing the Ruby, Na Na, Lucky circuit since the last time I'd seen Candy. Maybe she felt a bit too overworked as it sounded like they hadn't expected a number of customers in the morning. But the question if she's still there is clearly answerd now. She is.

I have read elsewhere that the new girl, Yo Yo, is actually Cherry returned after a few months in Korea. If so I hope Ruby does the same an comes back at some point.

Senior Leche
07-08-08, 13:18
I remember Linda from Sundance. She was a lot of fun. I wonder where Sarah went. She was REALLY fun...


How true . . . Sarah was one of the best ever. I'd like to know what happened to her as well, hard to believe she just disappeared from the AMP scene.

Ready Toplay
07-08-08, 19:51
http://sandiego.backpage.com/TherapeuticMassage/put_your_body_first_this_holiday_week/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=2885510But very, very, very HOT! I particularly like the freckles.

Are we talking jail time here?

What type of service does she provide?

Does anyone have any experience they would like to share?

Panting and drooling in anticipation.

07-13-08, 15:09
Can anyone tell me if the Saigon Accupressure Spa on El Cajon Blvd is still open? Its been quite a while since I've been there and when I call it keeps on ringing with no answer? . Since I live kind of far from there I don't want to waste the gas money to find that its closed when I get there.

Member #3942
07-15-08, 18:00
But very, very, very HOT! I particularly like the freckles.
Are we talking jail time here?
What type of service does she provide?
Does anyone have any experience they would like to share?
Panting and drooling in anticipation.

I saw that too. Dont know how much she wants for an hour. I saw some others too that look hot but am in the mood for some chocolate. Any info would be fantastic.

07-15-08, 19:34
I'm going to visit San Diego. I found this spa''Chi Energy'' is close to my area. does any one have any referal in this amp?

Thanks a lot

07-16-08, 08:38
This is a Chinese place. You will get a decent massage but you will NOT get a happy ending. It's slightly higher priced ($75) and the girls feel the minimal tip is $20 and are aggresive about asking for it. If you're not mathmatically inclined, that's a tip of over 25%. But, most of the guys on this board seem to rush for their wallets when they go to the local amps. Like they say "a fool and his money are soon parted". That should be the anthem on this board. The asian gals play these guys like a fine tuned violin.

Ready Toplay
07-16-08, 21:23
I've called her phone multiple times now and left messages without reply.
Does anyone know if this gal is still providing services in the San Diego area?
Hope so 'cause she's really hot!

Can anyone on this board recommend similar look and feel provider?
Does anyone on this board even care?

But very, very, very HOT! I particularly like the freckles.

Are we talking jail time here?

What type of service does she provide?

Does anyone have any experience they would like to share?

Panting and drooling in anticipation.

Joe Coodidge
07-18-08, 17:07
Hum, looks tempting.



07-18-08, 19:51
Checked out this place again on the 5th, and very slow; they said alot of girls were on vacation; but my favorite LINDA, WAS working! She is a little older, but great body; did it all, and gave the house 50, her 60. She said the gas is hurting business; and they are getting paid lower tips. Highly recommenddddd.I remember when Linda was a mama-san at OT. I'd always wanted to fuck her then, and so imagine my delight when I got her as a provider at Moonlight. She's definitely hot for an older chick. My only complaint is that she doesn't allow DATY. Too bad, I'd really like to taste that.

07-19-08, 14:43
Hum, looks tempting.


JoeSomeone should definitely fuck her.

Member #2041
07-19-08, 18:33
Someone should definitely fuck her.
Unfortunately, I think that the best you can hope for is a hand job.

07-19-08, 21:03
But very, very, very HOT! I particularly like the freckles.

Are we talking jail time here?

What type of service does she provide?

Does anyone have any experience they would like to share?

Panting and drooling in anticipation.Sparkle from AZ looks amazing, I only do outcalls so can tell you the experience but she is offering a. 1 incall special. If you love short girls (about 5ft) then you should go for it. By the way has anyone tried wan's accupressure on north park? I work by there all the time but have always thought it was just what it actually is.

07-19-08, 23:36
Unfortunately, I think that the best you can hope for is a hand job.I'll take it.

07-20-08, 13:24

07-20-08, 16:51
Hello fellow mongrol's.

Since I stumbled on to site I have laughed, shook my head, and taken notes. I feel I need to post an opening thread to build rank. I will have imput when needed and I will be glad to offer my experiences to those who ask. As a newbie, I have no rank or to be trusted yet but even though I am new to this site, I am not new to SWs or AMPs. For years I cruised ECB from 70th to Park blvd. Even when downtown was happening even before Gaslamp, those of you older know what I am talking about. When. 2 was enough and. 4 was FS. I moved to up norht when I was job transfered to Corona, man I miss ECB. I have thorough knowledge of Corona, s (6th st.) AMPs and Temecula's (new AMPs popping up regularly).

On that note keep the post's coming and I will throw my 2 cents in.

07-20-08, 23:48
For these prices, she damn well better make you feel good.


07-21-08, 00:23
Drove up with the idea of saving a little coin. Told mamasan, never been there but usually went to OT. Paid for a full hour so I could get some of the kinks worked out of my back. She sent in a lady who was on the older side, and who was in addition fairly unattractive to me. She said her name was Linda. Now I'd been to OT several times a couple of years ago, but didn't remember the mamasan. So I figured OK, maybe this lady will be great, based on the previous report here.

The massage started out pretty decent but I just could not get excited about this lady. Her English was pretty poor. I asked her to tell me her name again, and again she said Linda. But she said she never worked at OT. She was trying to work around the edges to get me going, but I just was not interested in her, god bless her. Keep in mind this was Sunday evening, maybe the A-team was not in. I finally figured I'd just cut my losses, and after about 30 minutes I got up to leave. She looked so pitiful I tipped her $20. That's the way it goes sometimes. Flame away, I got skint on that deal! ! ! :(

I guess what hooked me in was thinking she was the same Linda mentioned here.

Ouch! ! ! Well that's one for my karma.

07-21-08, 13:18
Drove up with the idea of saving a little coin. Told mamasan, never been there but usually went to OT. Paid for a full hour so I could get some of the kinks worked out of my back. She sent in a lady who was on the older side, and who was in addition fairly unattractive to me. She said her name was Linda. Now I'd been to OT several times a couple of years ago, but didn't remember the mamasan. So I figured OK, maybe this lady will be great, based on the previous report here.

The massage started out pretty decent but I just could not get excited about this lady. Her English was pretty poor. I asked her to tell me her name again, and again she said Linda. But she said she never worked at OT. She was trying to work around the edges to get me going, but I just was not interested in her, god bless her. Keep in mind this was Sunday evening, maybe the A-team was not in. I finally figured I'd just cut my losses, and after about 30 minutes I got up to leave. She looked so pitiful I tipped her $20. That's the way it goes sometimes. Flame away, I got skint on that deal! ! ! :(

I guess what hooked me in was thinking she was the same Linda mentioned here.

Ouch! ! ! Well that's one for my karma.Despite what she said, I guaranteee that's the same Linda that used to work at OT. Granted, I've had younger and better looking providers, but she's actually very nice personality-wise anyway. As far as anything else, I actually kind of enjoyed having her, albiet I prefer the younger stuff as well.

07-21-08, 13:20

07-21-08, 20:42
Can anyone tell me if the Saigon Accupressure Spa on El Cajon Blvd is still open? Its been quite a while since I've been there and when I call it keeps on ringing with no answer? . Since I live kind of far from there I don't want to waste the gas money to find that its closed when I get there.Does anyone know if they are still in business?

07-22-08, 00:00
http://sandiego.backpage.com/TherapeuticMassage/elegant_and_delightful_sensual_latina_sensual_relaxing_and_touching_massage_/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=2933588That looks like a pretty nice MILF, might give it a whirl.

07-22-08, 14:34
That looks like a pretty nice MILF, might give it a whirl.Or what about this one?


07-23-08, 20:05

Cruiser 69
07-23-08, 23:20

This girl is Roxana that posts on CL. I have seen alot of reports of quality service way beyond your typical rub and tug although for those prices her services may be limited.

Maldini 11
07-24-08, 23:38
Sparkle from AZ looks amazing, I only do outcalls so can tell you the experience but she is offering a. 1 incall special. If you love short girls (about 5ft) then you should go for it. By the way has anyone tried wan's accupressure on north park? I work by there all the time but have always thought it was just what it actually is.I went to Won's couple of weeks ago, they had just changed management, but you still get fs there

07-25-08, 18:47
This girl is Roxana that posts on CL. I have seen alot of reports of quality service way beyond your typical rub and tug although for those prices her services may be limited.

You pretty much nailed it. Very pleasant lady, pretty nice body. Stripped down to bra and panties before the massage, it was lotion and fairly light pressure, which didn't do much for me in terms of massage.

Asked at the end if I wanted happy finish, I told her of course. Took off her bra and gave a so-so HJ with oil while she licked and sucked my nipples. I took a quick mini shower and was out before the hour was up.

She seems like she could be super nice and probably a great fcuk IF she got into it, but I won't repeat -- at this rate ($140) it's just not worth it.

A nice young woman but nothing memorable about the session.


Blacken Hard
07-26-08, 21:03
Are there any places (AMP) that you've gotten more than just one nut? After the deed is done, with all of the fondling most ladies do I'm already ready for round two, and the girls always say the same thing" Oh you very strong", but I've never been offered to take care of the second salute. The closest I've had was at OA on Garnet a long time ago with a lady named Sunshine. After I nutted she said she was finished yet and continued to ride for a good 5 more minutes (I didn't mind) until she got hers. You can PM me if you like, always happy to swap.

07-27-08, 15:18
Are there any places (AMP) that you've gotten more than just one nut? After the deed is done, with all of the fondling most ladies do I'm already ready for round two, and the girls always say the same thing" Oh you very strong", but I've never been offered to take care of the second salute. The closest I've had was at OA on Garnet a long time ago with a lady named Sunshine. After I nutted she said she was finished yet and continued to ride for a good 5 more minutes (I didn't mind) until she got hers. You can PM me if you like, always happy to swap.Well. I do recall one time at OT a few years ago. I had Joanne, who was always a horny little thing. I had an hour session with her, and we finished things up about half way thru. Now. She spent the rest of the session massaging me, but saw that I'd begun to get aroused again towards the end. To my surprise, she stripped back down, declared that I was good to go again, and mounted me. I had no complaints.

Senior Leche
07-27-08, 21:58
In driving around San Diego County the past week, I've noticed two new massage places that may have potential. One os on Mercury Street just south of Balboa in the mini-mall near Boot World. The second is in a mini-mall on Palm Blvd. at the intersection of Saturn Blvd. in Imperial Beach. Both had the look of AMP so I was wondering whether any of my monger brothers had any info on these places before I start TOFT.

The place on Mercury is right near Kiaa Spa so it might have potential. The South Bay has never been known for good AMP (except Chula Vista had a good one for awhile before it got busted) and I've never heard of anything in IB but you never know.

I'll try to visit these places in the upcoming weeks and I'll post reports. If anyone has any intel on these places, I'd greatly appreciate.

07-27-08, 22:51
Does anyone know if they are still in business?Can anyone tell me if the Saigon Acupressure is still open?

Someone's gotta know?

07-28-08, 00:56
Are there any places (AMP) that you've gotten more than just one nut? After the deed is done, with all of the fondling most ladies do I'm already ready for round two, and the girls always say the same thing" Oh you very strong", but I've never been offered to take care of the second salute. The closest I've had was at OA on Garnet a long time ago with a lady named Sunshine. After I nutted she said she was finished yet and continued to ride for a good 5 more minutes (I didn't mind) until she got hers. You can PM me if you like, always happy to swap.

I had Ruby at Asian Spa twice in one session. It cost me double the normal tip. Only time she's ever talked money. That was also her last week or so there so who knows.

I had a girl long ago at OT (name I dont remember) who encouraged me to go a second time at no extra cost. I think on two different sessions this happened. The girl left and I stopped going to OT around that time.

So it happens and its totally variable.

07-28-08, 11:15
For all of the Temecula hobbyist I just checked out a new spot that is good for at least a rub and tug. Aroma Spa. 40 for 30min and. 30 tip. Decent but I don't know if fs is on the menu yet.

07-28-08, 13:58
There is a Shanghai Acupressure near El Cajon Blvd. and 70th St. that is still open. If you go there, I would go on a Thursday or Friday and ask for Bobbie.

I think Saigon Acupressure is still open but is now Genie Spa. I don't know who to recommend at Genie but they have a nice Jacuzzi room.

Can anyone tell me if the Saigon Acupressure is still open?

Someone's gotta know?

07-28-08, 14:02
I tried this place a couple of times. The first time I got a Jacuzzi and massage from some old lady. No Extras at all.

I decided to try one more time but this time I got an uglier old lady. Did the jacuzzi and massage and she did give me a HE.

$120 entry fee for jacuzzi and 1 hour massage. Would not recommend.

In driving around San Diego County the past week, I've noticed two new massage places that may have potential. One os on Mercury Street just south of Balboa in the mini-mall near Boot World. The second is in a mini-mall on Palm Blvd. at the intersection of Saturn Blvd. in Imperial Beach. Both had the look of AMP so I was wondering whether any of my monger brothers had any info on these places before I start TOFT.

The place on Mercury is right near Kiaa Spa so it might have potential. The South Bay has never been known for good AMP (except Chula Vista had a good one for awhile before it got busted) and I've never heard of anything in IB but you never know.

I'll try to visit these places in the upcoming weeks and I'll post reports. If anyone has any intel on these places, I'd greatly appreciate.

07-28-08, 18:39
Can anyone tell me if the Saigon Acupressure is still open?

Someone's gotta know?Anyone know?