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09-09-12, 09:19
Questions are certainly welcome though more specificity is useful. IMHO, a person unfamiliar with the area might be safer staying away from the clubs around Grand and 35th Avenues, and also in Phoenix south of the I-17.

I believe the list below is complete. Read back in the forum or use search for more info, or ask more specific questions. Incidentally, the Phoenix area clubs aren't particular noteworthy for fine food though some do have kitchens and a couple have food vendors on site. Don't expect fancy table food service.

Phoenix: Alaskan Bush Company, Bandaids, Bourbon Street, Centerfolds, Candy Store, Cheetahs, Christie's Cabaret, Chicas, Hi Liter, Jaquar's Gold Club, Locas, Pink Rhino, Showgirls, Stilettos, Sugar 44, T&A, Xecutive Show Lounge.

Glendale: Pink Cabaret, Xplicit.

Tempe: Christie's Cabaret

Scottsdale: (requires nipple coverings) Babes, Skin.

East Valley: Desert Flame, Sonny's.

Stay away from Dream Palace and modeling places. Stay out of all establishments on University Drive with the exception of Xecutive Show Lounge.

HiggsThanks for the info

09-09-12, 14:15
Your best bets may be Bourbon Street Circus or Centerfolds.

General Valley (PHX metro) club rules:

Clubs near the airport are a rip off. Empty promises, finish yourself.

Scottsdale clubs are a waste of time. Latex covered nipples, fake breast and personalities, LOW milage.

The further west the higher the milage, yet lower quality.

Many of us like the high milage and neighborhood (ghetto isn't the right word) feel of Bandaids, Cheetahs is very hit and miss, as is the Candy Store. Alaska Bush company can be fun. Christies in Tempe and Christies in PHX are two different places.

If you are not getting the required milage, most massage parlours will meet your needs.

If you have the time read the forums for quite a way back. Good luck, report back.

Grab a map at the rental car counter and a copy of the New Times at a convience store.

Hi All,

First off, I hope it's OK to post a question here as I see this is mostly a report area.

Anyway, I will be in Phoenix for a few days next month and could sure use some help picking out a strip club or two to visit.

So what am I looking for? Someplace clean, in a safe area, good food, great looking gals, high mileage, relatively private VIP area and a place where I'm not blasted with an endless stream of rap music. For those of you that have been to Detroit, basically I'm looking for something very similar to Penthouse Club in Detroit.

I know, I'm asking a lot but I sure could use a few club recommendations.


09-10-12, 01:46
I'll be downtown and will have a rental car.

ThanksIf you want to stay somewhat close to downtown, I'd suggest Bourbon Street, Christie's or Hi-Liter. If you want to venture a bit further north, try Centerfolds. Food is a bit sparse at Bourbon Street but they give you free popcorn. I doubt that you'll find high mileage anywhere in Phoenix, unless you try BM, but that place doesn't really meet the rest of your criteria. Let us know how it goes, a report would be nice.

Desert Rat
09-14-12, 00:49

"Definitely not into burning dancers, but if you come across a very attractive, middle aged brunette with bolt ons and a habit of being under the influence, keep it in the club as her dances are very good there, but do not attempt to take out unless you really like some drama."

I dated a dancer many years ago for about one month and I can confirm your experience with this lady is not unusual. Most dancers are drug addicts and con women who make men think they can fuck them. She was so nervous that you might have sex with her that she nearly overdosed on a drug. They are not used to having a man call their bluff and actually take action. I recommend stick with escorts instead of dancer. The worst thing that could ever happen to you is too actually have sex with a dancer. The dancer will try to rob you blind and may even attempt to blackmail you by claiming rape. Do NOT ever see a dancer outside of a club.

09-18-12, 18:07
Hi frequent reader have posted a couple times before under different accounts in different cities. Ok here is the situation:

Been hard up for it for a couple months due to personal issues blown some easy pickups non$ related in the last couple weeks figured the stink of desparation must be on me so I would go for a sure thing. Tried this weekend in Tucson didn't work but thats a different story. Got back to Phx yesterday and went to the Hi Liter looking for a certain little Asian who is infamous. Anybody who reads these boards or frequents the club should know who I'm talking about but just so there can be no confusion we'll call her Catapillar. Anyway went there yesterday around 2 looking for her couldn't get close to her I only had 45 min and demand was too high. Ended up going VIP with a decently attractive girl with dark hair and bolt ons named Cici. Implications were made so I went for it. The dance was decents definitely hands on but not what I was after so I said thank you and quit after the first song. Yeah I'm pretty direct about what I want but at 25$ every 3 minutes why waste time? Had to bounce after just not enough time to wait on her and resolved to come back today to get it done.

Got in today at 12:30 on a freakin mission. Got lucky and pulled her instantly. Just to make sure I had the right one I asked if she was ___. Her reply was yes how to you now my name? I said I just saw you yesterday and thought you were really pretty so I asked the bouncer. She seemed mollified and so standard BS ensued for maybe 60 seconds, (ie when did you come to this country how long have you worked here.) She asked why do you have so many questions I replied I'm just curious don't worry lets just go VIP. 9I had only been trying to be polite I really don't give a fuck who she is or where she is from so if she doen't want to talk all the better from my perspective.) Anyway seconds after she agreed to VIP they called her on stage and I was real clear as soon as you get off we're going. She goes up some fat girl sits on my lap I act polite but uninterested she doesn't take the hint so when my girl gets off stage I tell her bounce I got stuff to do.

I say maybe one more thing to Catapillar and we are heading VIP within 45 seconds. She sits me in the front but I figure whatever. Anyway we get in there and I'm excited dance starts out normal maybe a little dirty. I start trying to get my fingers wet she pulls away."Odd" I think but NBD this is a sure thing. Anyway second song starts and I figure lets start the show. So I draw on her. No reaction no big deal and she rubs it with her chest. Ummm. No thats not what I want I'm looking for CBJ or FS. After a min of this wich really wouldn't even have worked given the dimensions of the parties involved I say fuck it and take control. Sit her on my lap and try pulling aside to get in. She stops me. Shit now I'm really confused. I tell her exacty what up asking for FS. She says "No I don't do that" I reply "ok how about your mouth?" She looks confused. I consider maybe I'm being to direct and she suspects LEO. So I sit back still fully drawn and let her rub it for a while. With her thong still on. After a min I'm starting to get freakin rug burn so I try pulling aside again. No dice. Let her keep goin and out of desparation try fingering her. At this point I'm so confused "Its like this isn't supposed about you I'm not paying $500 an hour to get you off but maybe I have to give to engine a little gas so whatever. When I try this she stands up and looks at me with what I can only describe as confusion. Like I already told you no what the Hell are you doing. At this point I say ok I'm done thank her politely. I thought it was 3 she claimed 5 whatever I paid her and went back to my table fully bewildered. Couple other girls come over including Cici who asked "Did you decide you had fun yesterday after all?" I tell them all go away; discuss the situation with my buddy for 5 min he is confused as well I finish my drink and we leave. Total Time elapsed maybe 30 min.

So now being throughly puzzled I come to the Experts with one simple question? What. The. Fuck. That was the girl. I've read about her. The bouncer yesterday knew exactly who I was talking about when I asked "is the little Asian here." And her demand is WAY over her looks. What the fuck happened. I initiated everything so she couldn't have thought I was LE unless she has just no idea whats up. I'm a 27 yr old good looking guy in good shape so it wasn't a personal thing. What happened?

TLDR: The little Asian **** at Hi Liter didn't act right. Why?

09-18-12, 19:41
TLDR: The little Asian **** at Hi Liter didn't act right. Why?Are you for real? She didn't act right? That's the funniest thing I've read on here in awhile. Anyways, maybe you were just a little too obvious and she didn't want to be caught.

09-18-12, 22:25
I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about and if I remember correctly she got cited a while back so maybe she's calmed down a bit, but I don't know for certain because she's really not my taste. Kujo may have a good point as well, you make things too obvious and it will spook them. It may require a small investment of some floor dances and over time she will get comfortable.

09-18-12, 23:39

"Definitely not into burning dancers, but if you come across a very attractive, middle aged brunette with bolt ons and a habit of being under the influence, keep it in the club as her dances are very good there, but do not attempt to take out unless you really like some drama."

I dated a dancer many years ago for about one month and I can confirm your experience with this lady is not unusual. Most dancers are drug addicts and con women who make men think they can fuck them. She was so nervous that you might have sex with her that she nearly overdosed on a drug. They are not used to having a man call their bluff and actually take action. I recommend stick with escorts instead of dancer. The worst thing that could ever happen to you is too actually have sex with a dancer. The dancer will try to rob you blind and may even attempt to blackmail you by claiming rape. Do NOT ever see a dancer outside of a club.I'm not sure, but if you are referring to dating dancers in general, I would disagree. Most dancers are normal people who happen to take their clothes off for money. I've personally been involved at some level with 7 dancers. 1 ended up being a total scumbag; she also happened to look like Ms America. Another was a hooker in it for the money. The other 5 were just normal people. That's 72. In talking to others and comparing notes, I think the real number is 80% are normal.

Obviously, if you have been burned, it's hard to think about anything but being burned. I know because I have been there as well. It sucks. The only think I can say is not to worry, I got hurt worse than you. How do you tell who is a good person and who is a bad person? I think we all wish we could figure that one out.

09-19-12, 01:41
I'm not sure, but if you are referring to dating dancers in general, I would disagree. Most dancers are normal people who happen to take their clothes off for money. I've personally been involved at some level with 7 dancers. 1 ended up being a total scumbag; she also happened to look like Ms America. Another was a hooker in it for the money. The other 5 were just normal people. That's 72. In talking to others and comparing notes, I think the real number is 80% are normal.

Obviously, if you have been burned, it's hard to think about anything but being burned. I know because I have been there as well. It sucks. The only think I can say is not to worry, I got hurt worse than you. How do you tell who is a good person and who is a bad person? I think we all wish we could figure that one out.I would have to say that alot of dancers have many more problems than your average lady outside the stripclub walls. It takes alot to take your clothes off for starters. And that is ONE reason that alot of them begin to take Percasets, Valum, and Hydrocodone to get them threw it. Many are Bi-Polar, Schitsophrenics and so much more. Horrible upbringings plays a major role too. Lack of a father figure comes into play as well. And thats where alot of older customers come in. So I would have to disagree with with what was said. But, It also reigns true that it all depends on what level of women that you are looking for. And it is kind of cool to say that I too have dated a stripper more than once. And currently STILL single. These ladies are built for fun boys. A relationship stripper that has all of her shit together is a super duper rare beauty. Good luck to you either way.

Sorry for all the misspelled words. Be safe. Play safe.

Play Naked
09-19-12, 01:52
Hi frequent reader have posted a couple times before under different accounts in different cities. Ok here is the situation:

TLDR: The little Asian * at Hi Liter didn't act right. Why?If you only acted half as goofy as you wrote, you were lucky you weren't thrown out.

You say you read the forums and have posted before. Ever hear of 'Backpage' or 'Massage Parlors'?

09-19-12, 19:38
Hey guys. I'm normally in LA, and hang out at the very high mileage clubs where $10 and $15 laps are standard. Typically, you walk into the club, girls are decent, some are real hot, and right after you sit down someone is stroking you outside the shorts. And then the public, $10 dances are stroking inside the shorts, and often it gets a lot wilder. Definitely most girls are trying hard to make you cum, especially during my favorite time which is dayshift. And at the all-black clubs (which I often prefer) , the $15 laps are insane mileage, and just about anything is available for a price. Though I'm a cheap SOB, so I prefer the $10 laps, not the VIPS.

Anyway, in a recent trip to PHX I had some similar experiences to what I get in LA, both at HiLiter and Blue Moon. And the girls at HiLiter were surprisingly hot. I had one hot blonde at HiLiter jacking me and trying to make me cum during some regular floor dances. She was doing reverse cowgirl and reaching inside my shorts (I was wearing really short, loose and stretchy perv shorts, commando, of course) , and grinding me with her butt while I was strapped on to some awesome tits. After a few songs she jacked me to completion. I was amazed.

Though I'm not sure if I was just really, really lucky, or that's how things are at some of the PHX clubs. I recall years ago there was some ordinance passed that put in the 6 foot rule, so I had pretty much crossed PHX off my list. But it sounds like things have changed.

So based on my experiences I'll probably be visiting PHX more often, and I'm looking for some intel on what to expect. Now I know that Blue Moon is (and always has been) a mileage club, but I'm wondering about the others. Is what I experienced at HiLiter pretty much typical? And based on some stuff I've read on other sites, it sounds like Bandaids might be another club I'll want to check out.

So what are the best high mileage clubs with $10 laps and good looking girls?

By the way, I recall from my days of frequenting PHX clubs many years ago the reviews of DAVEPHX. Good to see you still around, Dave. I used your website reviews on a number of occasions. Thanks

09-21-12, 02:11
I would say that Centerfolds, Hi Liter, Bombshells and Bourbon Street. Those are the clubs that I know of that have good looking ladies that have $10 dances. If you want a place with lots of extras that has $10 dances there is Bandaids but the ladies are not that great looking. Probably the best looking ladies are at Bourbon Street, that is where all the famous people hang out. I actually met Vince Neal there. I know a dancer that works there named Georgia that has danced for the entire Metallica band and she has did some VIP's for Nikki Sixx. Bourbon Street has the $10 dances on the floor and $20 VIP's. The VIP's can be full of extras but it will cost you a fortune. As I said, the rock stars go to this place so those dancers are spoiled and accustommed to getting big tips! $100 is spare change to them. My dancer friend Georgia drives a brand new BMW so you can see that they are used to big tips. The other places I mentioned has the $10 privates and they at times can be full of extras. Sort of hit or miss. Cheaper extras there.

Hey guys. I'm normally in LA, and hang out at the very high mileage clubs where $10 and $15 laps are standard. Typically, you walk into the club, girls are decent, some are real hot, and right after you sit down someone is stroking you outside the shorts. And then the public, $10 dances are stroking inside the shorts, and often it gets a lot wilder. Definitely most girls are trying hard to make you cum, especially during my favorite time which is dayshift. And at the all-black clubs (which I often prefer) , the $15 laps are insane mileage, and just about anything is available for a price. Though I'm a cheap SOB, so I prefer the $10 laps, not the VIPS.

Anyway, in a recent trip to PHX I had some similar experiences to what I get in LA, both at HiLiter and Blue Moon. And the girls at HiLiter were surprisingly hot. I had one hot blonde at HiLiter jacking me and trying to make me cum during some regular floor dances. She was doing reverse cowgirl and reaching inside my shorts (I was wearing really short, loose and stretchy perv shorts, commando, of course) , and grinding me with her butt while I was strapped on to some awesome tits. After a few songs she jacked me to completion. I was amazed.

Though I'm not sure if I was just really, really lucky, or that's how things are at some of the PHX clubs. I recall years ago there was some ordinance passed that put in the 6 foot rule, so I had pretty much crossed PHX off my list. But it sounds like things have changed.

So based on my experiences I'll probably be visiting PHX more often, and I'm looking for some intel on what to expect. Now I know that Blue Moon is (and always has been) a mileage club, but I'm wondering about the others. Is what I experienced at HiLiter pretty much typical? And based on some stuff I've read on other sites, it sounds like Bandaids might be another club I'll want to check out.

So what are the best high mileage clubs with $10 laps and good looking girls?

By the way, I recall from my days of frequenting PHX clubs many years ago the reviews of DAVEPHX. Good to see you still around, Dave. I used your website reviews on a number of occasions. Thanks

09-21-12, 02:47
If you only acted half as goofy as you wrote, you were lucky you weren't thrown out.

You say you read the forums and have posted before. Ever hear of 'Backpage' or 'Massage Parlors'?No what are those? Thanks for your awesome advice man next time I need tips on how to be a creepy old man I'll be sure to hit you up.

09-21-12, 02:50
Thanks TempeJon.

Never heard of Bombshells, and don't see it listed at TUSCL. Is that a new place?

As far as Bourbon St, yeah, the hot girls sound nice, but I'm really looking for some decent mileage. The last thing I'm interested in is strippers who think they're worth $400 and giving no mileage. I remember visiting there many years ago, and the girls were hot, but I left with nothing but a lot of frustration.

I'd probably be more of a Bandaids kinda guy, with lower quailty girls but higher mileage.

Thanks for the info all.

09-21-12, 04:26
I made my first venture into BM the other night and was pleasantly surprised. *Reviews made it sound like my kinda club. *Also my first phoenix club in about 10 years.

Despite it being seedy, in a rough area, lack of VIP, no drinks, it has good looking and sweet ladies that are there to work. *I was definitely put off by the 3 song 41 minimum as I like to sample the overall selection before making the "plunge".

Being from Tucson I hadn't ever experienced that way of working things but it certainly helped to fine tune the monger in me as I watched the stage a little more closely for those specific signs of the fun to be had, but I would love to hear any recommendations if you got 'them. *PM, senior members.

It was about 8 on*Thursday night, about*7 girls working and almost as many guys. Mostly black ladies and all quite attractive and friendly. *Was given the menu and availability without much inquiry or push. *I think it was 12 at the door? *I handed the doorman a twenty and didn't count the ones. I really got the feeling that the ladies ran the show there and I like that, creates a mutually beneficial environment.

Got one three song set from a bolt on, petite black girl*and left quite happy. *Will return.

09-21-12, 10:54
Sorry, I forgot Bombshells is now Sugar 44. I am used to the old name.

Thanks TempeJon.

Never heard of Bombshells, and don't see it listed at TUSCL. Is that a new place?

As far as Bourbon St, yeah, the hot girls sound nice, but I'm really looking for some decent mileage. The last thing I'm interested in is strippers who think they're worth $400 and giving no mileage. I remember visiting there many years ago, and the girls were hot, but I left with nothing but a lot of frustration.

I'd probably be more of a Bandaids kinda guy, with lower quailty girls but higher mileage.

Thanks for the info all.

09-21-12, 13:27
Sorry, I forgot Bombshells is now Sugar 44. I am used to the old name.I have heard people mention the pink rhino as good place to good.

I never been there but I may go soon.

09-21-12, 14:22
I have never been to Pink Rhino but I have dropped off and picked up a lot of mongers there. Most of the people I picked up to give rides home were not happy with the place. They were complaining it was a rip off. I even had some that were angry and asked me to drop them off at a different club asking me what club was the best in the area. Pink Rhino did pay me a higher commission than other places to bring people in but even after that I still probably would not bring people there. If you want the best looking ladies go to Bourbon Street, if you want "extras" go to Bandaids. This of course is assuming you want to drink alcohol. Most people I dropped off wanted nothing to do with Blue Moon because it did not serve alcohol.

I have heard people mention the pink rhino as good place to good.

I never been there but I may go soon.

09-21-12, 14:29
I have never been to Pink Rhino but I have dropped off and picked up a lot of mongers there. Most of the people I picked up to give rides home were not happy with the place. They were complaining it was a rip off. I even had some that were angry and asked me to drop them off at a different club asking me what club was the best in the area. Pink Rhino did pay me a higher commission than other places to bring people in but even after that I still probably would not bring people there. If you want the best looking ladies go to Bourbon Street, if you want "extras" go to Bandaids. This of course is assuming you want to drink alcohol. Most people I dropped off wanted nothing to do with Blue Moon because it did not serve alcohol.That really helps, I know the Rhino is right on the track but outside the high traffic areas. But one should never assume I guess that would make the place any better than anywhere else. Yes if I need some healing I will go to bandaids.

09-21-12, 14:37
Always ask cab drivers for advice on strip clubs. We hear everything from picking up the passengers at the places. Funny thing is that the ones that pay me the highest commission to bring people in are the worst ones. Dream Palace in Scottsdale pays the highest commission in town to taxi cab drivers to bring people to their place but I think we would all agree it is probably one of the worst places in town!

That really helps, I know the Rhino is right on the track but outside the high traffic areas. But one should never assume I guess that would make the place any better than anywhere else. Yes if I need some healing I will go to bandaids.

09-21-12, 18:00
Someone mentioned previously the places on University Drive, and it reminded me of many years ago (maybe early '90s) when I used to make some fairly regular trips to PHX and sample some of the clubs. Not sure how I heard about the jack shacks (which I think were on University Dr, which is south of the freeway?) , but maybe it was from ads in the New Times. Anyway, for a while I was kind of hooked on them.

As I recall, they were located in some commercial office parks, and you'd go in and select a girl, and then go into a very nice and comfortable private room, where she'd dance for you and you'd jerk off.

And I'll never forget one time I went to one of them, and was led into a very nice room that was furnished very classy, with big comfy chairs, and mirrors, and flowers, etc. As if they had an interior designer.

So at this place I don't think they let you choose the girl, you just get what you get. Though my memory on exactly how they worked is real fuzzy.

So I'm waiting for the girl to come in, kind of dreading what might be a complete waste of money, and suddenly the door opens and this absolutely jaw dropping stunner comes in. She's tall, and tanned, with an insane body and big hair. She's wearing this shimmery gold drape top that just barely drapes over her massive, enhanced tits. And it was totally backless. And she has a shiny white micro miniskirt. And I'm a leg man, and this chick had the most incredible long, toned and tanned legs, and was wearing these ultra slutty gold stiletto sandals. And she had big, blonde / brown hair just tossed all over the place. And she had those gold glitter sparkles all over her body.

Anyway, this chick was, to me, an 11. Maybe a 12. So she gives me some lotion, and starts dancing right in front of me. And her big tits fall out of her top, and she presses them big hard nipples across my lips. And I know if I start strokin' I'll blow right away, so I just sit and enjoy. And surprisingly she starts giving me a little mileage. She lets me touch her tits, and brushes against my boner, and dances real close to me. And she's doing' some nasty talkin', and I'm in heaven.

But I can't hold out for very long with this chick, and pretty soon I'm all slathered up with lotion and jackin' like crazy. And this girl seemed real sweet, and really concerned about me having a good time. So suddenly I had this earth shattering orgasm, and she was real sweet and gentle as I recovered, and helped me clean up a bit. Just a great experience (well, as great as it can be if you have to jack it yourself) , and I don't recall it costing very much. Maybe $60 or so? Though I could be way off. I just doubt I would have paid much more than that for a jack shack.

But I really doubt that nowadays I'd pay that kind of money for a do-it-yourself. Especially with a small selection of girls and almost zero mileage.

But damn, it's good for a nice stroll down memory lane.

09-21-12, 18:17
So, I have been interested in some take out from Hi-Liter for quite a while. Brunette cougar who I have always had good interactions with and is usually at least partially drunk when she works. Finally was able to put it together and man, what a head ache. I pick her up around 2pm from her place and we go back to mine. On the way she seemed fine, just blabbing about how it's been dead in the club lately, guys spending no money, etc. We get to the house and I make her a drink. She has it and she starts out with some dancing. Within 1. 5 songs, she begins to seriously freak out. She begins to cry, saying how bad everything is for her and all the mistakes she has made. So we stop so she can compose herself, she smokes a cigarette and can seriously barely walk, WTF! I ask her what she took earlier and she said a Xanax and also had been drinking wine. So I get her to put her clothes on and I begin to take her back to her place as I'm way out of the mood and no longer feeling the whole experience. I have to walk her to the car and once inside she begins to cry. I do my best to calm her down and I finally get her back to her place. It's a 15 minute car ride and it felt like an hour. I help her up the stairs, she can still barely walk and I get her onto her couch. I hang out 5 minutes and she wants to try it again, but I had to get some real relief from the whole situation so I just bounced out. Definitely not into burning dancers, but if you come across a very attractive, middle aged brunette with bolt ons and a habit of being under the influence, keep it in the club as her dances are very good there, but do not attempt to take out unless you really like some drama.BTW, Evolution2003, some moron just copy / pasted your review and posted it on TUSCL as his HiLiter review. He also added a copy / paste summary of one of my reviews to it.

Unless that was you.

Looks like he just posts reviews at random clubs around the country just so he can keep his VIP membership at TUSCL. I flagged it, but if you follow TUSCL you might want to do the same.

09-21-12, 18:55
Looks like the conversation is flowing a bit today, so I'll join in. I've been dividing my time between Bandaids and BM in recent months, and it hasn't been too bad at all. The others are certainly right when they point out that the mileage can be quite nice at Bandaids, especially when a particular girls knows you a bit. While the $10 dances on the floor are great, the VIP area is one that has long divided me. With many girls, that extra $10 per dance will not make the dance that much better. There are a few, however, where the upgrade will give you a nicer time that is worth the experience. Might head out there during the day on Sunday for some NFL action and some dances.

BM is another story altogether, as most people know. I find the girls here pretty sweet and not all the bad looking at all-which is great for a dive bar. There should be an option for everybody. The dayshift usually includes Bubbles, Kiwi, and a few Latinas. The night shift sees Paris, London, Clover, Hennessy, and many others.

As a bit of an aside, do not ever get stuck at Blue Moon after dark without a ride home. I was without a car for a few days a couple of weeks ago and took the bus into Phoenix for work. On my way back, I stopped in at BM for a bit. Well, this turned into a longer bit, and before I knew it it was near 8:00 pm. I thought that I could fend for myself and walk the few hundred feet down the road to the bus stop and then head home. This was a a bad idea. Almost immediately, all sorts of interesting characters came out of the woodwork and it made me real nervous. 30th and Van Buren after the sun has gone down is not a safe or fun place to be. Needless to say, I take a cab now when I'm not driving. The inside of the club, I should say, is laidback and I always feel safe there. Just be careful in the surrounding environs.

09-21-12, 23:10
Normally I don't enjoy the clubs, it's a bit like going on a date with a ultra Christian girl that you know you want marry. You will get hard but no touching. But I'm a sucker and hit one now and again. With all the chatter abut band aids I decided to go with low expectations, holy cow I was proven wrong! One supa small tittied girl gave me a boring dance, but one brunette gave me two killer ones. Told her to come back around after I finished my drinks and well try that VIP thing.

Can't recall the name, I'm thinking late 2o's or 30's brunette be's, skinny but not anorexic, white but supa tan. Dunno.

High mileage VIP, no hip though (bummer). Far better than anything I've gotten at centerfolds or mustang. I'm a believer again.

09-22-12, 05:13
Had some downtime so I stopped by bourbon street and had a pretty good time. Started off with a few from a girl named cherry. No extras but a very nice set of sensual dances, more of the natural feel. Moved on to Sasha and while she is very easy on the eyes she does have her limits in both VIP and on the floor, very clean but good dances in my opinion. Ended with Monica and she was a little higher mileage but nothing crazy, would definitely repeat on all three. Went to HL to finish up and got a really good set of dances from Joey and then a newer latina named brandy was also very satisfactory. All in all a really good day out.

I only post here.

Dick North
09-24-12, 00:13
Looks like the conversation is flowing a bit today, so I'll join in. I've been dividing my time between Bandaids and BM in recent months, and it hasn't been too bad at all. The others are certainly right when they point out that the mileage can be quite nice at Bandaids, especially when a particular girls knows you a bit. While the $10 dances on the floor are great, the VIP area is one that has long divided me. With many girls, that extra $10 per dance will not make the dance that much better. There are a few, however, where the upgrade will give you a nicer time that is worth the experience. Might head out there during the day on Sunday for some NFL action and some dances.

BM is another story altogether, as most people know. I find the girls here pretty sweet and not all the bad looking at all-which is great for a dive bar. There should be an option for everybody. The dayshift usually includes Bubbles, Kiwi, and a few Latinas. The night shift sees Paris, London, Clover, Hennessy, and many others.

As a bit of an aside, do not ever get stuck at Blue Moon after dark without a ride home. I was without a car for a few days a couple of weeks ago and took the bus into Phoenix for work. On my way back, I stopped in at BM for a bit. Well, this turned into a longer bit, and before I knew it it was near 8:00 pm. I thought that I could fend for myself and walk the few hundred feet down the road to the bus stop and then head home. This was a a bad idea. Almost immediately, all sorts of interesting characters came out of the woodwork and it made me real nervous. 30th and Van Buren after the sun has gone down is not a safe or fun place to be. Needless to say, I take a cab now when I'm not driving. The inside of the club, I should say, is laidback and I always feel safe there. Just be careful in the surrounding environs.Although I've always been a bit embarrassed to admit that I had visited Blue Moon, the fact is I have. Several times.

Now however, the interior has been remodeled such that there don't appear to be any private booth areas. Robert the manager sits in clear view of the entire club. During my last and probably last ever visit, a dancer told me that there had been a lot of 'inspections'.

Done with this place.

Good luck to the rest of you mongers.

Let me know if I am missing something here in my impression.


09-24-12, 05:24
BM is definitely not the place I am going to take visiting friends if I want to show them the best that PHX has to offer, but it is a place where I can count on being treated decently and where I think I will (almost always) will get the best bang for my buck.

Even with my limited experience (5 visits) I've found it to be my most reliable source in PHX for SC fun. To be fair. It would be nice to know that my car is going to be in the same condition as it was when I left it, but it is what it is.

Sometimes it gets really old trying to figure out the girls, the girls issues, who's got mileage or not, hands off / hands on, rip offs, times of days vs other times if day, etc. BM doesn't seem to have all the same issues, some for damn sure yes, I think its pretty unavoidable with working girls, but overall I've left happy every time I've visited no matter how much cash I've dropped or whether or not the bathroom door has a handle or not.

My 2 cents.

09-24-12, 05:28
Done with this place.

Good luck to the rest of you mongers. DNWow, Dick. That seems pretty final. I'm curious why the decision to call it quits with BM. I recently had a real good time there, and it sounds like others are too. Seems like there's some good / great mileage going on, and some decent / good dancers. Is it just the threat of "inspections", or something else?

09-24-12, 07:19
Now however, the interior has been remodeled such that there don't appear to be any private booth areas. Robert the manager sits in clear view of the entire club. During my last and probably last ever visit, a dancer told me that there had been a lot of 'inspections'. DNThe in view of a manager is part of the strip club new law of 1999 written by the religious right group. To comply lap dancer could no longer be in lap but dancers had to get in weird straddle the chair positions with undercover cops drinking all night looking for the slightest illegal touch infraction. Technically you can't hug a fully clothed dancers since breasts can not touch even if covered.

I know club owners who had to pay fines or close for 1-2 weeks for the slightest infraction. I avoided Phx clubs for a decade enjoying the freedom of Canada and visiting often over the hot summers.

In the last about two years little enforcement but always the concern that places like BM would allow too much and refocus LE on the clubs. Strip clubs are not brothels and hope guys won't turn them into ones by trying to get sex but high quality mutual touch intimacy will continue without penetration or directly violations of prostitution law vs the bad enough strip club law not currently enforced.

09-24-12, 07:37
So what are the best high mileage clubs with $10 laps and good looking girls?

By the way, I recall from my days of frequenting PHX clubs many years ago the reviews of DAVEPHX. Good to see you still around, Dave. I used your website reviews on a number of occasions. ThanksWell hi. Haven't updated sexwork website for years just the Phoenix Private List since 1996 but now mostly legal info updates with all the issues in Phoenix.

I use to enjoy some of the LA clubs (and downtown hostess clubs) but that was like a decade ago. I may need to review some of your reviews to catch up if I visit again. After LA got spoiled by San Fran clubs but much higher priced than $10-20. Then hooked on the huge Ontario clubs but can now longer afford the travel. Now Phoenix is more liberal without much LE at clubs and $10 great at Bandaids and I need to do Hi-Liter more as often enjoyed $10 dances (same owner as Bandaids but as you say often more attractive gals and MUCH larger and nicer.)

I also would suggest trying Centerfolds but only if willing to do the VIP with $20 all night entry and $20 / song. Usually ignored there vs HL and BA but when do get some attention have had some great interactions in my kind of way.

BM have been to a few times in the last 6 months but found too mechanical sexual, not the more intimate I prefer and risking LE actions since too liberal. Use to be my favorite club pre 1999 law change and knew MANY dancers.

09-24-12, 12:46
I wonder if they would do an inspection if they would focus strictly on the dancers or would they actually try to bust the customers too? I do not believe that in the past they have arrested customers from the reports I have read.

BM have been to a few times in the last 6 months but found too mechanical sexual, not the more intimate I prefer and risking LE actions since too liberal. Use to be my favorite club pre 1999 law change and knew MANY dancers.

09-24-12, 14:14
When why'all talk about "inspections" do you mean LE or club management?

Thanks for the clarification.

09-24-12, 14:33
BM has always had the Manager in "Clear View" of the club but, if you pick a corner spot you're pretty good to go. All the times I imagined being there, the manager never even looked my direction.

09-24-12, 15:18
Most of the clubs I've been to the DJ has a clear view of the entire floor. I suppose it is necessary so the DJ can keep track of the number of dancers each dancer gets. Some clubs, like Bandaids and Hi-Liter, the DJ cannot see into the VIP room. However, I've seen bouncers standing at the entrance of the VIP at Bandaids looking into the "action" in the VIP room for the entire time the customer was in there. One reason I've never used the VIP at BA.

09-24-12, 15:32
Once you are a regular and the manager gets to know you, he really does not give a shit. He has even pulled me aside before and told me which girls to get dances from. I have even seen the girls asking him if he had seen a certain customer there before so that the dancer would know that the guy is not LE. Once he knows you he will even help you out!

BM has always had the Manager in "Clear View" of the club but, if you pick a corner spot you're pretty good to go. All the times I imagined being there, the manager never even looked my direction.

Dick North
09-24-12, 18:10
Wow, Dick. That seems pretty final. I'm curious why the decision to call it quits with BM. I recently had a real good time there, and it sounds like others are too. Seems like there's some good / great mileage going on, and some decent / good dancers. Is it just the threat of "inspections", or something else?Alright, I guess I have to fess up. Actually my experiences at this place go back to when there were cubicles and private booths everywhere. I got spoiled with those opportunities.

The transition started a while back and now within the last month or so it's like you are sitting in a 'fishbowl'. Definitely not to my liking.

I am fully aware of the relationship with managers, bouncers etc and I know Robert quite well. We have discussed the new ownership etc etc.

I am also aware of the legal requirements of the strip clubs, but it's interesting that at most clubs the VIP areas offer many more opportunities for mongers. No VIP areas at BM to my knowledge, but worth checking out.

The clubs have to worry about what is happening on the floor. No boob touching, fingering etc. That certainly could compromise their license.

I am gratified that some of you guys are still having fun. Maybe I will try the place again one of these days.


Dick North
09-24-12, 19:30
BM has always had the Manager in "Clear View" of the club but, if you pick a corner spot you're pretty good to go. All the times I imagined being there, the manager never even looked my direction.The Blue Moon originally had the manager right at the entrance. No possible way to view the entire club.


09-24-12, 22:23
I dunno, seems like you can point to any city in the US and there are laws on the books that make a lot of stuff that goes on in the clubs illegal. But it happens anyway. What it comes down to is enforcement by the local LE and the management. If LE's not going to enforce, and management takes a blind eye to it, then why worry?

Yeah, it's risky business no matter where you go, but IMO, it's more about probability. If all the clubs are doing it, and nobody is enforcing, it seems to be pretty low probability of having a problem.

Danimal Forth
09-24-12, 23:40
When why'all talk about "inspections" do you mean LE or club management?

Thanks for the clarification.I think we're mostly talking about city inspections related to the remodel and compliance with the adult-oriented business ordinances. Some of the booths had to be opened up because of the line of sight issue.

09-25-12, 01:57
Should have known better than to expect much on a Sunday afternoon.

Stopped at Bandaids first. Very few dancers or customers. Adios.

Tried Cheetahs. A few customers. Facing away from stage and towards game on big screen. Dancers not even on stage. One at bar another debating whether to get "dressed". Couldn't leave fast enough.

Bottoms up. Same story. One dancer at the bar.

Like a dumbass, I figure Blue Moon will be dependable. Oops not open until later on Sunday.

Last chance. Sugar 44. Only a few gals, yet all were cute (contrary to the first three stops). First prospect promises to deliver what I want in VIP. I didn't even inquire. Wasn't expecting that. A few dances and got just what I needed. First time that has happened for me there. My only complaint would be that my prefered mixed drink is 8 dollars here. Usually 6 bucks or less and sometimes two for one at the other establishments.

09-25-12, 02:03
I wonder if they would do an inspection if they would focus strictly on the dancers or would they actually try to bust the customers too? I do not believe that in the past they have arrested customers from the reports I have read.I have not heard of any customers busted even when LE was active at the clubs. It is easy to find a strip club license violation (basically any contact with breasts or genitals even if clothed) but its the dancer that is in violation and expected to follow the law. A customer prostitution bust is much harder since the strip club law about contact is a licensing violation not criminal (unless repeated enough) as I recall.

09-25-12, 02:22
Had exactly an hour to kill and found myself at BM again. 6-7 girls and 2 guys, counting me.

Enjoyed the stage shows, I almost always do. A good stage dance for me is almost as good as a private. At least when they put something into it.

Day shift. Chatted up B_ _ _ _ _ _ and K_ _ _.

B was so cheery and lap friendly from the very get go that I couldn't resist. Had a dance set and was pleased, she is not my body type but she was remarkably sweet and fun.

K, so tiny and sweet as well, may take her up on a dance later despite the info here telling me low mileage, time was short.

Saw an amazing Latina girl dancing, she was mentioned on this board a few pages back.

B _ _ _. What a body! What a booty! Slow sensual dances, although I also definitely got a low mileage vibe from her. Man, she is hot. Whew!

09-25-12, 18:58
I have to say that BSC might be my favorite club right now during the day. Hot chicks, nobody pressuring you for dances and 2 4 1 drinks. Pretty good.

09-26-12, 15:19
I have to say that BSC might be my favorite club right now during the day. Hot chicks, nobody pressuring you for dances and 2 4 1 drinks. Pretty good.True, but my biggest problem with BSC (based on only a couple of recent visits) is that, from what I can tell, none of these girls is going to try to get you off in any way. Which is fine if you're going there just to be teased by some hot (or very hot) girls, but for me that's just a lot of frustration. Yeah, it's good as a warmup, but otherwise I'm looking for more. Unless there are some hidden gems there who like to get a little freaky, but even then it's a lot of work to find your freak.

But I agree, damn some of those chicks are fine.

09-26-12, 15:57
True, you will never get "extras" from BSC unless you are willing to spend about $500. Those girls are spoiled by the movie star and rock star crowd that has ultra deep pockets so $100 to them is chump change. They have the best looking girls though. If you want extras go to either Blue Moon if not drinking alcohol is not a problem for you or go to Bandaids if you must have alcohol. Personally, I do not even drink so I do not really care about the alcohol so that is why BM is good but it is expensive at $41 per dance set.

BTW, if you want really cheap bars that sell alcohol, have full nudity and LEGALLY allow all of the extras you want, go south of the border to Mexico. Tijuana, Nogales, Algodones and Mexicali are the places to go.

True, but my biggest problem with BSC (based on only a couple of recent visits) is that, from what I can tell, none of these girls is going to try to get you off in any way. Which is fine if you're going there just to be teased by some hot (or very hot) girls, but for me that's just a lot of frustration. Yeah, it's good as a warmup, but otherwise I'm looking for more. Unless there are some hidden gems there who like to get a little freaky, but even then it's a lot of work to find your freak.

But I agree, damn some of those chicks are fine.

09-26-12, 16:40
If you want extras go to either Blue Moon if not drinking alcohol is not a problem for you or go to Bandaids if you must have alcohol. Personally, I do not even drink so I do not really care about the alcohol so that is why BM is good but it is expensive at $41 per dance set.Thanks, Jon. Yeah, I'll probably stick with my three favorites so far (based on a recent trip to PHX) : Blue Moon, Bandaids, and HiLiter. Those seem to be the best places to get my lap dance groove on. In my (limited) experience, at those clubs you'll find decent (or even hot) girls who will usually try hard, using their hands, their boobs, their butts, whatever, to get you off during a lap dance.

On the other hand, at BSC, I get the feeling that if I were to splooge during a lap dance, most of the dancers would go screaming to the manager or something.

09-28-12, 04:25
I had visited BM tonight. There were about 5 girls and 3 guys. I have to say the bathroom is looking amazing. I had a pleasure of dancing with an amazing Latina. I will share the detail in pm if anyone is interested. Let's just say I had fun. All the girls were easy on the eyes. Just got one dance set and left. All the other girls look promising. If you have something good to share, send me private message and I will share with the girls I usually get dances from when I go to BM.

Be safe and play safe.

10-03-12, 01:48
Got there around 7.

10-03-12, 01:55
Got there around 7, maybe only 8 dancers. 4 customers. Got quoted 4 for VIP, white girl, had 2 decline that, ain't got $ like that, drank 4 bottles of bud, it was 2 for 1 before 9.

10-03-12, 02:27
The new "stereo" at BM sucks. It's set to stop playing at 3:15 no matter what.

Had a dance with N_ _ _. Will not repeat. I should have tipped myself for all I put into it.

10-03-12, 04:42
Forgot to mention the dance referenced below at Sugar 44 was a Blue Moon type experience. Shocked, yet went with it and enjoyed. Sounds like a return to Blue Moon is overdue.

My most recent take-out conquest from Bandaids is still friendly, yet doesn't seem interested in offering take out anymore. And admittedly, I am less interested as well. Fun while it lasted. A couple excellent experiences.

So I have been cultivating a new young hottie at Bandaids. She was giving high milage dances and seemed receptive to the idea. Anyway, I stop in and she acts as if we will be able to meet up when she leaves. I am not one to stay until close. I like to catch a day or mid shift worker, or get a number and set up a date.

Anyway, we get a dance on the floor and she talks as if she's off in an hour and wants to meet up. Then she says lets go to VIP. She initiates an in house experience to match the best dance I have recieved in a PHX club.

Blue Moon has quality dances, yet unless you drop ridiculous champage room money (which I won't do) , you don't really expect extras for the price of the dances (with maybe a small tip) in PHX clubs. Good stuff happens in Mexico and Tucson (in the good old days).

Few and far between I have not bent, but broke, the rules. Quite some time back at Centerfolds, awhile back as well as more recently at Cheetah's, once at Bottoms Up, and most recently at Bandaids.

In Mexico you may get a HJ, BJ, or FS with your lap dance. To do so in a PHX club is an event to be cherished.

10-03-12, 12:25
I arrived to CF 1am Sat. Morning, perfect timing with both topless & nude sections ripe for the taking. Cream to the ceiling as the pleasant aroma of ovulation filled the air. I tried desperately to find out which dancers were in heat focusing in on the more scantily clad. 2am hit with the party shifting to the nude section along with most of the elite topless dancers following. How awesome I thought watching perfect 9's &10's flash their kitten on stage. I shall return I vowed next time with VIP fun in mind.

Drill Press
10-05-12, 01:05
I arrived to CF 1am Sat. Morning, perfect timing with both topless & nude sections ripe for the taking. Cream to the ceiling as the pleasant aroma of ovulation filled the air. I tried desperately to find out which dancers were in heat focusing in on the more scantily clad. 2am hit with the party shifting to the nude section along with most of the elite topless dancers following. How awesome I thought watching perfect 9's &10's flash their kitten on stage. I shall return I vowed next time with VIP fun in mind.Wow. Uhhh. So. Are you like the new Marketing Director?

10-08-12, 20:12
Went to BM Sunday early evening. Only about 3 girls working when I was there and none were ones I had seen before. Got a 3-song dance with Clover: white, blonde, baby fat, DDs, cute face. She was nice and took good care of me. I left very happy. Would recommend her to other mongers. My other favs are Paris, Silvia, Pretiss, Kiwi, Charly.

10-10-12, 17:37
Wondering if anyone has any first hand experience with C _ _ _ _ B. 4"11" short dark hair, real sweet.

Maybe too sweet. PM preferred.


Member #4514
10-10-12, 22:06
Anyone know of Mary Jane Johnson who dances at Bourbon Street? She's one of my fav porn stars and dances there and does the gloryhole sometimes. Just curious if any extras are available and would love any info. PM is fine.


10-13-12, 06:10
I went with a buddy to Jags on Friday night 10-12-12. I haven't been there in maybe 5 years, since it was Penthouse Club and it was pretty much what I had expected. Greeted by a stonefaced bouncer at the door and get the pat down. The club has a pretty decent layout with 1 main stage and and 4 smaller stages that encompass the floor. Got a few dances from a brunette, I honestly forgot her name, that were pretty good and I would definitely repeat if I return. I then got a dance from a woman named Trinity and her hygiene just wasn't up to snuff. I noticed that on a few dancers actually. Instead of an overkill of bodyspray I noticed some very strong body odor from the nether region, just not good. The wait staff was very attentive and I think I saw maybe 10 waitresses. The DJ was more annoying than I have experienced at a strip club before. Although I saw some mature people, most of the customers were younger and the music went from techno, to hip hop to Mexican style. I will probably check it out during the day but I don't think I will be back at night.

Just on a side note. I know from my own experiences that I have gotten into dancers probably more than I should have at various points. Remember this though, it's all a hustle. Don't be an asshole, but take what you can, don't get twisted up by one. Have fun, but keep it at that.

10-13-12, 13:48
I went with a buddy to Jags on Friday night 10-12-12. I haven't been there in maybe 5 years, since it was Penthouse Club and it was pretty much what I had expected. Greeted by a stonefaced bouncer at the door and get the pat down. The club has a pretty decent layout with 1 main stage and and 4 smaller stages that encompass the floor. Got a few dances from a brunette, I honestly forgot her name, that were pretty good and I would definitely repeat if I return. I then got a dance from a woman named Trinity and her hygiene just wasn't up to snuff. I noticed that on a few dancers actually. Instead of an overkill of bodyspray I noticed some very strong body odor from the nether region, just not good. The wait staff was very attentive and I think I saw maybe 10 waitresses. The DJ was more annoying than I have experienced at a strip club before. Although I saw some mature people, most of the customers were younger and the music went from techno, to hip hop to Mexican style. I will probably check it out during the day but I don't think I will be back at night.

Just on a side note. I know from my own experiences that I have gotten into dancers probably more than I should have at various points. Remember this though, it's all a hustle. Don't be an asshole, but take what you can, don't get twisted up by one. Have fun, but keep it at that.Hey Evolution,

Funny you mention the BO over the last 2 months I've been in clubs in OH, Tucson & even Vegas and in everyone there was a least one chick that flat out smelled. Were not talking smoke smell or over done body spray (I wish) it was just plane out BO. I was beginning to think it was just me I never use to run into that.

10-13-12, 21:55
Felt like giving them a try so I visited on the dayshift. The last time I went a new black girl at night gave me a lame no contact dance and I left. She said she was 18 or 19. Forgot her name. The times before, I had enjoyable mutual hands on treatments.

This week was wonderful, the first girl I talked to a busty Latina probed me a bit, I bought a dance for the 41 plus 20 then upped the anty on the next one and had a wonderful hands on and in experience. She really hit the spot. I don't want to post a name on here, but you can PM me if interested.

I like dayshifts better in clubs. The girls are a little more stable, the clientele is more relaxed, and less supervision in the club.

I know I am new posting on here, but I have been reading reviews for a long time, and finally decided to share some of my experiences. I have indulged in this hobby off and on for a long time.

Higgs Boson
10-15-12, 03:07
A month or so I decided I needed to give Bandaids a rest for a while. Since then I've made three Saturday night visits to the Hi Liter. Last night I approached the club's front door and noticed a sign announcing some performer, Sassy Cassie, was there that evening."Oh crap" I thought, one of those visiting feature dancers / performers. I usually avoid clubs when they have those events but I entered anyway. I assumed my usual starting position at the bar and surveyed the lounge. Not a lot of activity, the club had many empty seats at 9:15 and some dancers were at a couple of tables talking among themselves. Then the DJ announced the feature performer was taking the stage. It turns out that Sassy Cassie is a "little person", somewhere between 2 and 3 feet tall, and I found the whole thing so bizarre I just couldn't look at the stage after the first minute or two. I'm sure you've heard about the difference between a kink and a perversion. A kink is when you use a feather. A perversion is when you use the whole damned chicken. This event was much more than a chicken. I sat there thinking,"this can't be happening". I understand the concepts of novelty and curiosity but, for me, that ended after two minutes. Cassie ended her time on stage and the DJ announced her next performance was at Midnight. Then it hit me. This had to be a sign of the "end times". Midnight would see the beginning of the zombie apocalypse at this very club.

I was sitting at the bar sipping my beer and trying to remember what the CDC and FEMA said to do in the case of a zombie apocalyse. Then a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I looked and there was a very attractive dancer of medium height and long natural-tone straight blond hair. We talked for a few minutes. She was very nice without being totally fake or pushy. Of course, I knew this was going to eventually lead to a dance invitation and I was trying to get an idea what she was hiding under this piece of lingerie she was wearing. It had straps and covered her from the top of her breasts to just above the knee. Dancers usually wear something very revealing, leaving little to the imagination but her outfit looked about as revealing as something out of the Sears catalog. The question came and, liking her attitude, we proceeded to one of the few available wall seats. There the lingerie came off and I inwardly gasped at her magnificent body. She was height / weight proportional, and curvy with nice hips / ass covered only by a thong g-string. I'm thinking, this is too good to be true, she has to have implants. Instead she had a beautifully shaped pair of natural C-cup breasts. In a couple of minutes I was able to verify what I was seeing with my hands. Yup, very natural. Being Mr. Smooth (ha) , I like to let my hands start at the extremities and test how much I can let them wander. She put her knees on the chair, straddling me, and I put my right hand on her calf. She took my hand. What was she going to do, remove it? Instead, she took it and planted it firmly on her ass. It wasn't long before, with her encouragement, I was doing the feel test on her breasts. Unfortunately, she had to take the stage after the second song but we promised to get together later.

I fended off the offers from multiple dancers with fake boobs (not my thing) but made the acquaintance of a really hot slim and diminutive brunette who I would have spent more time with but I was hoping to reunite with my voluptuous blonde dancer. Meanwhile, I noticed my neighbor had an exotic-looking latina on his lap. The previous week I saw this same latina providing fantastic dances but I was unable to make a connection that evening. Medium height with small boobs, she had a beautiful athletic-looking butt. If my blonde friend didn't show up, I was hoping to get the latina on my lap. The blonde showed up and we continued from where we left off with me eventually achieving complete relaxation. She then sat on my lap and we talked. She asked me to look for her the next time I came to the club. I certainly will. Then the DJ announced that Sassy Cassie would be taking the stage again soon. My companion, knowing about my apocalyptic visions, said I should leave very soon. I was out the door.


10-15-12, 22:01
I've seen a few ads for this place: http://www.clubdesire.org/

Has anyone been there? If so, what should I expect?

Higgs Boson
10-16-12, 23:40
I've seen a few ads for this place:


Has anyone been there? If so, what should I expect?Avoid any establishment on University Drive with the exception of the Xecutive strip club. Reports consistently say people pay at the other establishments and get nothing in return.


10-17-12, 00:50
I've seen a few ads for this place:


Has anyone been there? If so, what should I expect?Run, do not walk, run, from anywhere on University!

10-17-12, 17:13
Run, do not walk, run, from anywhere on University!Thanks for the advice. I will stay away from University. Looks like it's BM for me.

10-18-12, 17:07
Went to HL on (10/13/12) Saturday afternoon. I have been taking it easy with the drinking lately, but not on that day. I get there and I see a brunette with big breasts working. I have seen her before and she has mastered the out of it vacuous look. She walks around and dances so stiffly that I let her know she needs to loosen up and have another dancer show her how to dance, she doesn't like the criticism and takes off. I wasn't trying to be rude, but if her moves / attitude matched her looks then she would do much better. I had already had about 6 by the time a friend of mine linked up with me. I saw a mid 30's cougar named Skylie who I had not seen in quite a while on stage so I tipped her and asked her to come down. She immediately came down after her stage, which I really like, and we got acquainted. I got some dances from her before, but it had been quite a long time. Perfect hygiene, great set of dances, nothing extra, but well worth it IMHO. My friend made his way back to VIP with a black girl and was gone for a very long time. So I'm on maybe drink 12 by then and a girl I have had dance for me before comes through. We begin to talk, but things go south quickly with her. She bounces out and my friend gets back with the same dancer he was in VIP with in tow. I use the restroom and I make a hasty retreat. I may have to avoid HL when she is working. If you have read my previous post you may know what I'm talking about.

Visited Cheetah's after work on (10/16/12) Tuesday afternoon. Had a drink and a young girl comes down and sits with me. She is very easy to talk to and doesn't even ask me for a dance. After about 20 minutes of talking I get 4 dances from her. Very sensual, no extras but I would definitely repeat. After that got a few dances from Layla, she had worked at Bottoms Up / Chicas in the past and is a major tease. Not a rip off, but she has put on some weight and her hygiene isn't up to snuff. Sat back down and the young girl sits back down with me, we talk a little more and I'm out.

Went to HL late on (10/16/12) Tuesday night. Mostly empty but some good talent there. Saw Chloe, a younger latina with a nice rack, but couldn't get her attention as she was dancing for other guys. Saw a real porn star looking blonde named Tiffany on stage so I made a beeline and tipped her. She finally makes her way to my seat, and we get started. Hard to describe her style, but it was definitely enjoyable. Got 3 dances before she had to put her top on. She says this was her last night as she is moving out to Surprise and starting school. We'll see about that. Here's a question. At HL they make them put their tops on at 1am when they are giving dances on the floor, I've been to Christie's and other Phx clubs and it is different, why?

10-20-12, 09:05
Had exactly an hour to kill and found myself at BM again. 6-7 girls and 2 guys, counting me.

Enjoyed the stage shows, I almost always do. A good stage dance for me is almost as good as a private. At least when they put something into it.

Day shift. Chatted up B_ _ _ _ _ _ and K_ _ _.

B was so cheery and lap friendly from the very get go that I couldn't resist. Had a dance set and was pleased, she is not my body type but she was remarkably sweet and fun.

K, so tiny and sweet as well, may take her up on a dance later despite the info here telling me low mileage, time was short.

Saw an amazing Latina girl dancing, she was mentioned on this board a few pages back.

B _ _ _. What a body! What a booty! Slow sensual dances, although I also definitely got a low mileage vibe from her. Man, she is hot. Whew!I'm glad to see you had a good time there. Yes, I suspect "K" of being low mileage as well, but she is always flirty and looks tasty, and I definitely want to give her a try one of these days.

I just had to post to inform you about "B." Yes, she has the body of a goddess, but she is very sweet and accessible. Her dances are the some of the best I've ever had. The only downside is that she will ask for $20 extra if you want her to go all out.

10-20-12, 13:30
[QUOTE=Evolution2003; 1573919.

Went to HL late on (10/16/12) Here's a question. At HL they make them put their tops on at 1am when they are giving dances on the floor, I've been to Christie's and other Phx clubs and it is different, why?[/QUOTE]Arizona hasn't always allowed bars to stay open until 2. Closing time was 1 AM until midway into Janet Napolitano's term as governor, when she signed a bill moving bar closing time to 2.

For some weird reason where strip clubs were concerned, during the last hour, all dancers have to have their tops on. That's the law. Probably some haggling from the anti club people.

I haven't heard of the law changing. Some other clubs, or some dancers probably aren't following it, just like dancers weren't allowed to drink while working in AZ. They used to have to change into their street clothes to do a Champagne Room or have a drink with a customer.

Now they drink but managers monitor their sobriety.

Danimal Forth
10-21-12, 15:27
I spent some time at BM. Here are a few notes that might be interesting to some people here:

Quite a few new girls (to me) running around. One is Dahlia, a dark-skinned, hispanic girl with a mole over her lip, who just started last night. Another on the day shift is Shorty who could be confused with Kiwi, at least from across the room in the dark. We're talking 4'11" and 85lbs. Dahlia was easy to talk to while Shorty took a little more effort. There's also a slender, black girl named Autumn but I've got zero info on her. Overall I got positive vibes from all three.

I didn't see Clover; she's never been very friendly to me and so I forgot to ask. Baby is back and tonight was her first night to return.

The jukebox cuts off the songs on a timer and I find it really annoying. The dances feel shorter and if I'm actually listening to the music it sucks too. I just felt like griping about that.

They think the Arizona State Fair is taking some business away and so a lot of afternoon girls were leaving early. It might have been a little slower than normal but I didn't think it was too bad.

Reallly Bored
10-22-12, 00:17
Does anyone remember the tiny half Asian looking brunette with short hair and perfect be cups? I remember her leaving to go work at that ghetto strip club around 20th street and mcdowell. She was so sweet.

I spent some time at BM. Here are a few notes that might be interesting to some people here:

Quite a few new girls (to me) running around. One is Dahlia, a dark-skinned, hispanic girl with a mole over her lip, who just started last night. Another on the day shift is Shorty who could be confused with Kiwi, at least from across the room in the dark. We're talking 4'11" and 85lbs. Dahlia was easy to talk to while Shorty took a little more effort. There's also a slender, black girl named Autumn but I've got zero info on her. Overall I got positive vibes from all three.

I didn't see Clover; she's never been very friendly to me and so I forgot to ask. Baby is back and tonight was her first night to return.

The jukebox cuts off the songs on a timer and I find it really annoying. The dances feel shorter and if I'm actually listening to the music it sucks too. I just felt like griping about that.

They think the Arizona State Fair is taking some business away and so a lot of afternoon girls were leaving early. It might have been a little slower than normal but I didn't think it was too bad.

10-22-12, 07:07
I'm getting back into the Phx strip club scene after 20 years. Slowly trying to visit all the Phx clubs to get feel.

Candy Store.

A favorite from decades past, and so far the one that feels like it's changed the least. One of the furthest from my house, or I'd visit more often. Was in the neighborhood one afternoon. Most of the talent looked better in the dim lighting, lots of toned legs & abs, faces & boobs not the best (I give negative points for bolt-ons). Still, I had a good time. $7 table dances feel cheap. I still pay $10, but I feel like a big roller, grin. You have to pay the house $20 to get into VIP, then $20 / dance. Didn't seem worth the premium price. It's a closet in the corner with facing rows of side-by-side boothettes. As I was ready to leave a tall long haired brunette with a killer body came on for her last dance. Goes by Sterling. I think she'd been in VIP. She would stand out as a looker in any club or pageant. Not sure why she's at Candy Store. I'm looking forward to having business in the area again.


Didn't like this place. Big, open, well lit warehouse feel. Place was packed on a Fri night. I do have to say that the wait staff is on the ball, unlike some places (Bourbon Street comes to mind). Dancers available in a wide variety of sizes & shapes. Went to VIP with an adorable young thing, was annoyed to discover no beer allowed. Not surprised to discover the almost full bottle gone afterwards. VIP is a slightly dimmer open lounge area with couches perpendicular to a glass wall.

I was just there to check it out so I didn't bring much cash. After a thoroughly enjoyable session (not as good as the best at Bandaids but very scenic & enough roaming hands to get barked at by management, twice) I need to hit the ATM. Nope, sign says out-of-order. Have to get house dollars from the cashier, $15 surcharge. Did I mention the dancers get 80˘ on the dollar? So both of us screwed, and not in a good way. Between that and the beer and Big Box Store atmosphere I don't think I'll be back. Only really good thing was the adorable dancer and she gave me her digits, so no need to return.

10-25-12, 13:26
I took a trip to Blue Moon last evening. Hadn't been there for several weeks. There were quite a few girls working (more than I've seen on a weekday night) and many of them were new. I talked to about half a dozen of them. Brecia, whom I haven't seen there for a long time, was back. I'd never had a dance with her before (although I had wanted to in the past) , so I went with her. She is skinny, toned, black, cute face and a big rack. She gave a great into-it dance, with a number of extras, and I had an excellent time. I think she may be my new favorite there.

Az Hobby Habit
10-29-12, 22:16
Hit up BM again a few times.

A couple more day trips-again, Kiwi provided very hands-on (my hands) experience. Another day shift regular (pm if curious) provided the usual handshake with the usual lack of upsell a few times.

Had a few minutes last Friday, went in right after night shift switched (I didn't know about this). The new juke box is very jarring-I wish it at least faded out, it just cuts out like someone cut the power. Saw Ina (olga?) , who looked like she was about as tall as I was, Ukranian I think, and used to work at Christi's tempe. Ended up not having time for a dance, but right as I was going out, a petite little latina came over to see if I wanted a dance-I didn't catch her name, and hadn't seen her, and the way she was crouching next to me, I couldn't get a good look at her, so I passed-however, when she stood up to walk away, my jaw dropped-she was smoking hot! Tight black leather dress, VERY fine booty, nice good-sized rack for her small frame-if she was 5'2 110lbs I'd be surprised. I've been thinking about making time to go back and see her-anybody know who I'm talking about?

Also, enjoyed a black girl that same night who was doing the stage show in crotchless panties-took me a second to orient the fact that I could see her labia when she was otherwise fully dressed. I lost track of her once she left the stage, I wouldn't have minded seeing what having her sit on my lap was like in the VIP, as she was certainly OUT THERE.

Quick BM Question: Is everyone else just having to pack a change of clothes? The particular form of extra that seems to be most common results in having to switch shirts at least or pants at worst, and I haven't figured out a way to communicate in the heat of the moment that this is undesirable. Gigi was great about it, but she turned it into a hybrid Russian finish to contain and redirect, and so far noone else has done anything to minimize the collateral damage, so to speak. I have a spare few hours a lot more often than I have a spare few hours, followed by an empty house and uninterrupted time with the washing machine-if I start washing clothes out of the blue, the old lady is going to know SOMETHING is up-maybe I need to start on a more regular basis. I'm definitely willing to tip extra for extras that result in a more tidy finish, if anyone has any leads as to who might be better at, er, waste management.

10-30-12, 05:22

Quick BM Question: Is everyone else just having to pack a change of clothes? The particular form of extra that seems to be most common results in having to switch shirts at least or pants at worst, and I haven't figured out a way to communicate in the heat of the moment that this is undesirable. Gigi was great about it, but she turned it into a hybrid Russian finish to contain and redirect, and so far noone else has done anything to minimize the collateral damage, so to speak. I have a spare few hours a lot more often than I have a spare few hours, followed by an empty house and uninterrupted time with the washing machine-if I start washing clothes out of the blue, the old lady is going to know SOMETHING is up-maybe I need to start on a more regular basis. I'm definitely willing to tip extra for extras that result in a more tidy finish, if anyone has any leads as to who might be better at, er, waste management.I know what you mean. That's why I always have an extra underwear (and maybe extra pair of shorts) in the car. I usually stop by the casino (nice big clean bathroom and no one questions your coming in and out) on the way home to change if necessary. It's also a good place to wash off any perfume / lipstick you might have picked up.

10-30-12, 14:29
That is where the jimmy hat comes in handy.

Clean no fuss no muss. Pull the bad boy out and cover.

Him up or use paper towels which they have in plenty.

Autumn has a pretty good technique, best of all was

Paris. I really miss her.

I know what you mean. That's why I always have an extra underwear (and maybe extra pair of shorts) in the car. I usually stop by the casino (nice big clean bathroom and no one questions your coming in and out) on the way home to change if necessary. It's also a good place to wash off any perfume / lipstick you might have picked up.

10-30-12, 15:35
Yep, Jimmy Hat every time.

They should rename BM,"Paper Towels".

Danimal Forth
10-30-12, 20:29
Ended up not having time for a dance, but right as I was going out, a petite little latina came over to see if I wanted a dance-I didn't catch her name, and hadn't seen her, and the way she was crouching next to me, I couldn't get a good look at her, so I passed-however, when she stood up to walk away, my jaw dropped-she was smoking hot! Tight black leather dress, VERY fine booty, nice good-sized rack for her small frame-if she was 5'2 110lbs I'd be surprised. I've been thinking about making time to go back and see her-anybody know who I'm talking about?

Also, enjoyed a black girl that same night who was doing the stage show in crotchless panties-took me a second to orient the fact that I could see her labia when she was otherwise fully dressed. I lost track of her once she left the stage, I wouldn't have minded seeing what having her sit on my lap was like in the VIP, as she was certainly OUT THERE.Assuming she's actually still working there, my guess was that you saw Princess, who's really not latina even though it's the most obvious guess.

And Autumn was probably the girl in the panties.

10-30-12, 20:50
That is where the jimmy hat comes in handy.

Clean no fuss no muss. Pull the bad boy out and cover.

Him up or use paper towels which they have in plenty.

Autumn has a pretty good technique, best of all was

Paris. I really miss her.Hmmm. Last time I went, I had a private dance with Paris; although this was probably a month ago. Did Paris leave or something?

10-30-12, 23:57
How many 3 song sets do you guys get there? One set plus a 20 or 40 tip, or do you do 2 sets plus maybe 40-60? At roughly 3. 5 minutes per song, and maybe an extra 2 minutes if the girl takes you to the dance area and you wait for the next song, you only have about 10-12 minutes per set.

I usually do 2 sets.

Danimal Forth
10-31-12, 01:10
Hmmm. Last time I went, I had a private dance with Paris; although this was probably a month ago. Did Paris leave or something?There are quite a few that left recently. I do know that Paris had a friend who used to work at Bandaids and if I were going to look for her I'd probably start by asking around there. She used to go by London in the past when she lived in California and then for a while a Blue Moon before the other London came back. You might keep an eye out for that name also in case she goes back to it.

11-04-12, 10:26

11/4/2012 About 1AM.

I have been a bit tired of the strip club scene vs trying to find individual escort or massage gal, and have some female friends so not in need of female touch as much. But had been awhile since been to club.

Blonde Irish dancer hard time with name. Medium busy on a Sat night. Many good looking dancers.

Irish gal comes right to me after on stage, sits in lap and starts very nice conversation. Worked at various clubs many years and once was an escort originally from CA great conversation.

Start dance going very well, my kind of good interaction. She does some vibration moves and cuddles nicely, now facing me and I'm doing my usual back massage which she says how good it feels.

Out of the blue comes the huge black hunk DAMIAN the bouncer. He yells at me to get my hands off her and leave the club! Huh? What was I doing wrong? Dancer is as shocked as I am. I mention the front desk person knows me well and I don't do any illegal touch. That makes him matter."LEAVE NOW" he shouts.

Dancer profusely apologies as I give her $10 and want DAMAIN to go to front me and talk to front guy (Big guy knows me well and lots of good discussions. Higgs also knows him well. This made DAMIAN even madder so we walk out. Front guy says sorry what ever DAMIAN says goes (I thought front guy was higher in pecking order and didn't see manager Alex around. I say will leave but can he just tell me what I did wrong? He is totally unable to have a respectful discussion and he and the shorter Latin guy keep yelling for me to just leave now"

DAMIAN the brainless HULK unable to converse other than by yelling at you it seems while I am soft spoken rational just asking what I had done wrong?

Obviously I have never had such an experience and in no way was I doing any bad touch. In fact I warn about going too far and have no interest in being over the line sexual.

Oh yes I asked dancer if DAMIAN was new . She said no, but he if a real jerk and she was totally shocked.

I was a bit perplexed but up until the hulk came had a nice time with Irish dancer sadly no longer my favorite club. Not because of the dancers but the HULK.

I recall Damian is also the name of the owner of Alaskan Bush. But he is an older white nice guy from when he ran the Phoenix Strip Club Owners Assn meetings at the Bush. I represented Stevi Secret's club at meetings in about 2004 with the cops sitting at clubs all night looking for the slightest contact. Dancers had sit on arms of chairs since could not sit in your lap. You couldn't even technicaly hug since even if both clothed breasts could not touch. I know an owner that had to shut down for a week for the smallest infraction. At least no enforcement of that silly law lately.

Was going to return home but then decided to once again try Blue Moon (usually nothing but frustration as it was again)

THEN. The best is last. One of my best ever expereinces. Centerfolds- 2AM. 4AM. My new favorite club.

See separate reports

11-04-12, 10:28
11/4/12 after Bandaids disaster. Blue Moon totally boring frustration.

Young Latin desk guy. Asked him if the usual older guy Robert was OK since long ago loud mouth, obnoxious owner Ralph died of a heart attack. Then brother took over and died and now nice older guy Robert who is no relation but around in the old Ralph days and we had a good discussion last visit back in August. I guess with prior two desk guys / owner died made me concerned about Robert.

New desk guy assured me Robert was fine just taking some time off! New young Latin guy very nice. My best conversation all night at the club unfortunately about 15 seconds with the Desk Guy.

Club is STILL in remodel mode kind of a mess.

Maybe 10 dancers but as usual they all avoided old Dave, I seem to always be ignored by dancers here vs the old days when I was one of the most popular customers (not because of tips).

I don't get it. If a dancer asks you if you want a drink and you decline the drink is this taken as declining the dancer? They rarely ever ask me if I want a DANCE not a DRINK! One very nice body but seemed a bit air head Autumn stands long way away and extended long arm to shake hands (why not just sit next to me or at least stand by me!) Was attractive but a bit hard to understand her Latin accent introduces self from a far and asks if I want a DRINK. I now see from another review maybe I should have said no but a DANCE. I had just showered, and am always clean and had no problem attracting lots of dancers later at Centerfolds where I had one of best ever times after 2AM.

I am totally bored, have moved seat a few times, am now on back row and two dancers sitting about 10 feet eating to my left and dancers walking by totally ignoring old Dave. Unless I trip one of them walking by I am invisible.

When I arrived 3 dancers were in VIP area but then none a long time (no dancers approaching customers other than one later short gal goes right to the Latin guy and gets a VIP)

I guess they don't like nice older men. Some of them I may have rejected by looks but there were some nice looking gals. I'm also use to intelligent conversation, with a human mind not just a body and not talking so from so far away I can hardly hear them over the noise of the "music".

On to Centerfolds where I had opposite great experience.

11-04-12, 11:14
Centerfolds one of best times

Saturday night 2AM-4AM (actually Sunday early)

After my disaster with the Hulk at Bandaid's, after nothing but frustration at Blue Moon fortunately I went to Centerfolds to make up for it. The best often is last.

I arrive about 2AM, I had never been in the "nude" section when main stages close at 2AM. I could care less if nude or not since have zero interest in stage dancing but meeting the right kind of dancers.

I like the layout and fact no VIP you pay entry fee for just the couches etc for $20 dances. Usually not much different from $10 once's at Bandaid's without the HULK idiot. But since they charge a $20 entry fee after 2AM (with free drink band) its not that much of a bargain.


Soon Jasmine arrives and sits next to me. Asks the usual what am up to or something. Having had such bad experiences at Bandaid's with the hulk (but great dancer) and zero out at Blue Moon I reply "looking for an intelligent humanoid" She says "and your looking at a Strip Club?" That starts a LONG conversation at the table about the industry, experiences etc. She has been a dancer many years at many clubs. I say that she must have started dancing out of the womb. She enjoyed that, and yes I was born with my dancing shoes on. Just a few examples of really good "intelligent" exchange (well jokes too) rather than the Wanta dance approach of some.

We even talked about her interest in the different types of customers by ethnicity etc. All the time having some good side-by-side body contact.

I was starting to wonder when she would get to "want a dance". And talking about intelligent getting to know you like I like than just dance. Reminded me of the about 2 hours I had with two dancers and Higgs at another club where they just wanted to talk with someone with "intelligence" and not just about sex or sports. But I also wanted to get to the dance part while enjoying the mind interaction.

Jasmine nice body, very friendly face and smile. All works for me.

When I thought she was about to pop the dance question (or I was going to) she said she had to go on stage but would look for me when done.


Now Cassie Latin comes over. My perfect body type. Tall even more slender soft skin. She basically just asks "wana dance" and I am so attracted to her figure will do one while Jasmine is on stage and I mention I am waiting for her but will do a dance with Cassie. I have a bit of a trouble with Latin (or any) accents hearing above the noise of the so called "music" but go to a couch. Wonderful body to hold and caress. BUT she is the wild kind of dancer a zero on my 0-5 intimacy scale (with 5 very rare) just one dance. Great body but would not be interested for more without the intimacy connection I enjoy. Later. Near when I leave asks if want another dance but decline.


Jasmine finds me "you moved" after her dance. Since someone else in original chair. More good conversation and back to the couch area. Very nice intimacy and interaction a 4+ on my intimacy scale with 2 dances but more cuddling and after dances discussion.



Older, shorter and one of best lap sitters / snuggler's (other than Summer next). Really nice body. Interaction, talk but she got to asking for dance quicker (more efficient from dancer making money view) , long time dancer at many clubs but only 3 days at Centerfolds. Oh yes after Cassie but still waiting for Jasmine to return she had also approached me and turned her down saying I was waiting for someone else. So mentioned nice she approached again and mentioned her trait is "persistence". Nice 2 dancers probably 4- on intimacy scale. She had newly enhanced still recovering for surgery breasts was the only draw back so couldn't do my favorite breast massage they were too sensitive. I hadn't realize how large they were when at table (I prefer smaller natural) but otherwise good intimacy and time.



Tall, I like slender but almost too thin but OK, otherwise really nice body. Younger and since younger often is wilder I almost turned down. But she sat in my lap was nice and cuddly and started good conversation. We even talked about G-spots! Waiting for an empty couch to open really nice contact in my lap with great mutual caressing I enjoy.

Couch open off we go for what can only be described as one of best rare 5 intimacy rating with great mutual interaction in the way I enjoy the most. Nice small breasts. I am being hesitant to massage as she comments about my nice soft hands on her body but then grabs them and clamps them on her breasts and I do my thing. Hard to describe but very sensual body positions. Reminded me of some of the best times in the huge Ontario Canada clubs. I'm cheap. Only two dances but talk cuddle time also her choice. I mentioned how hard it is to find a certain dancer I would like to have in the future like her. She mentions she works almost every night but ONLY for about 3 hours. The late shift nude side and most dancers will know her by Summer.

It is now 4 AM. I've only paid for 7 dances been in 2 hours and very little alone time between dancers. Kind of like Bandaid's usually but at $20 vs $10 / dance but without the "Hulk"

During the night on the Main side usually have much harder time getting dance offers so from tonight's experience after 2AM nude side works best for me.

11-04-12, 14:25
Was at Bandaids Friday 11/3 from about 2:30-4 PM. Place was hopping, about 40 girls. Guys getting good contact dances. Was there on Halloween afternoon too. Good dances and touching going on, maybe about 15 girls. One guy sitting by the DJ booth was getting about 8-9 dances, then he got up, adjusted his dick through his shorts, and walked out.

Day shift which runs till about 6:30-7:00 is better there IMO. One bouncer who is not really watching anything. Plenty of good dancers. Clientele is different at night and the bouncers watch more.

Likewise at BM. I go during the afternoons. About 6 dancers, and 3-5 customers, so the girls always come around selling their services. Some of the night girls there are a different breed, and the club is less laid back then. Mostly older guys who come alone during the days, sit for a bit, go back and get 2-3 sets with the dancer they choose, and they leave. I think you'd be happy with some of the day girls. They leave at 6.

Higgs Boson
11-04-12, 16:18
My apologies to all those I doubted over the past couple years when they reported The Hi Liter as an excellent place for dances. There was a time, long ago, when the Hi Liter dancers (IMHO) gave among the poorest dances in the Valley. The redeeming qualities were their good looks and the physical condition of the club itself. In retrospect, I was witnessing the changes from the bar during my occasional visits over the past couple of years.

So, my thanks go out to the same people for accurate reporting. The Hi-Liter is my current favorite location for high quality dances, and that's without even entering the VIP area. Also, almost every body type is represented among the dancers except black dancers with decent booties. Strip club management dancer auditions and screening is a topic I don't what to get into at the moment.

I was at the Hi Liter last night and, as with the other visits over the past month or so, had a great time. I don't want to get too specific about my experiences or the dancers (to be clear, no FS or BJs) , but the interaction with certain dancers are much better than what I've had at Bandaids over the past year or so. I used to visit one or two clubs and finish an evening at Bandaids but I'm changing my routine. I'll be at the Hi Liter. At least, on the evenings they don't have guest performers. One of the dancers told me that Sassy Cassie had a great personality (see my previous report on the forthcoming end times and Zombie Apocalypse). I'm in agreement with our buddy Dave, personality and cuddly interaction is great but I'm beginning to think the Hi Liter club management may have left-over zombies from the Sassy Cassie event chained up in a back room.


Higgs Boson
11-04-12, 16:49
Out of the blue comes the huge black hunk DAMIAN the bouncer. He yells at me to get my hands off her and leave the club! Huh? What was I doing wrong? Dancer is as shocked as I am. I mention the front desk person knows me well and I don't do any illegal touch. That makes him matter."LEAVE NOW" he shouts.Wow, Dave. Being kicked out for massaging a dancer's back. I've always heard from dancers you had a wicked massage and the looks on their faces with your magic hands at work, well, priceless (grin). You should have seen what I was massaging at the Hi Liter over the past four weeks! I've seen people at Bandaids shaken down then kicked out for not paying dancers and seen people at Bandaids warned about touching breasts or areas between the, hmmm bikini line and the upper thighs (areas I was into nose-deep last night at another club), but this is a first I've heard regarding massages for dancers at Bandaids.

Though I may turn into a pumpkin about the time they open the nude area at Centerfolds, maybe we need to get the team together again. We can start at the Hi Liter and move on to Centerfolds. Doesn't the nude area open about 1 AM?


11-05-12, 01:06
Though I may turn into a pumpkin about the time they open the nude area at Centerfolds, maybe we need to get the team together again. We can start at the Hi Liter and move on to Centerfolds. Doesn't the nude area open about 1 AM? HiggsThanks for comments. I'm open to a "group meeting" again.

I have visited hi-ligher a few times and maybe not did reports can't recall. I do like it but depends on dancer as always in the main area and VIP as I recall is quite expensive. Never been in. But overall I like it and now your great times.

I am not sure when Centerfold's nude opens, it was open at times I was in Main area, think when we were both there also and peaked in. I arrived right at 2AM when main was shutting down. I was surprised of the $20 cover charge at 2AM.

I wonder if nude has different dancers or if some dancers switch sides at some point. The dancer that says she only works 3 hours a night makes me wonder if there is a 2nd shift for nude side. They did have wide variety of quality dancers but thinned out at 4AM. I asked one of the staff guys when closed and they say sometime after 4AM depending on activity can stay open to 5AM.

I forget entry fee before 2AM if much lower. I am spoiled since have free coupons to most clubs except Centerfolds.

11-05-12, 01:43
maybe we need to get the team together again. We can start at the Hi Liter and move on to Centerfolds.Do you or anyone know if women guests are allowed into Centerfolds. I believe I've seen groups that include women that looked like non dancers at Hi-Liter and Centerfold main so assume no problem. I may have an escort friend would invite if any group gathering. But assume if gal with men not a problem.

In Canada the clubs did not allow single women so escort I became friends with went with me so she could get in and had a really great wild time. Don't know if US clubs have any women restrictions. The idea I guess is not to complete with dancers for attention but doesn't make sense if the gal is not trying to pick up other men maybe as an escort soliciting could be a risk.

11-05-12, 02:47
In my recent stuper I forgot to post a rather interesting time at HL. Went in at about 7 or 8 and took a seat in the back by VIP. Noticed a very pretty latina named Nikki with a rather large lower back tattoo. I motioned for her to come over and she obliged. Very sweet girl and I took her up on her offer of dances. Very slow and very sensual. Nice girl. I stopped at 2 and allowed myself to relax. I hung out for another half hour and she came back adding if I wanted to go to VIP, I told her she would have to convince me. She immediately began to kiss and lick my ear, let's roll. Back to VIP for a trio of songs. Had some tension to relieve and she was more than willing to help me out. It was quite the site to have her beautiful brown eyes looking up at me. Paid her and she sat down with me, we discussed some takeout and she was open to it. I haven't been able to set it up quite yet, but its looks promising. So I left that night free of all tension, just thinking about those beautiful eyes.

11-05-12, 06:33
DavePHX was that you at bandaids tonight? I saw some guy giving a girl a back massage, and she seemed to be in heaven. Today was my second day at a strip club and I learnt something important; Don't wear a white t-shirt unless you want to be the center of attention.

If you guys do this group thing, I would love to get invited, I need some strip club mentoring.

11-05-12, 10:10
Do you or anyone know if women guests are allowed into Centerfolds. I believe I've seen groups that include women that looked like non dancers at Hi-Liter and Centerfold main so assume no problem. I may have an escort friend would invite if any group gathering. But assume if gal with men not a problem.Have been to Centerfolds with the wife. Also Bandaids, Hi-Liter, Sugar 44, T&A, Christies, Chicas, Candy Store and Xplicit. It's not a problem. Weekend nights nowadays are full of couples and single women for that matter.

The last time I was at Centerfolds with her was a few months ago during happy hour.

11-05-12, 11:29
I have been exposed to the inner workings of the strip club business for a long time, and speaking from experience I would recommend dayshift strip club visits over nighttime in most cases.

Here in Phoenix we have some decent volume clubs that have quite active day shifts. I will list them in order of volume. Hi-Liter, Bandaids, Bourbon Street, Christies Tempe, Candy Store, Sugar 44, Centerfolds, and Chicas and T&A on Fridays. Blue Moon has a decent day shift, it just depends on who is working.

Most have no cover during the day (BM it's $2 cheaper) , no doorperson or a doorperson with only 1/2 an eye open who isn't paying attention. Maybe one bouncer if that.

The clientele is different during the day. No hustlers, mostly guys who are self employed, in sales, retired, work in the field, or who come in after work. Mostly they come alone or maybe with one buddy. They tend to be older. Friday tends to be a mixed bag of customers, but still no hustlers tend to come out that early.

There are more stable girls and still a decent selection.

The floor isn't being policed very much if at all due to the more stable nature of the crowd. Guys sitting in the club alone who are aged 35 and up aren't being stereotyped as potential problems that could get the club shut down or put it in danger.

At night, more dancers are prone to drug use, and more hustler guys who bouncers are watching to make sure they don't bring drugs in the club. They are watching for careless sex acts in the club that could pose a problem. Some of these flaky girls might do drugs on the floor or fuck and suck in the VIP with no regard to who is watching when the hard knock guys come in. They pat you down at the door at night where day shift (with the exception of T&A) won't. More younger guys in groups, more chances for an incident to go down in the club or in the parking lot.

Some dayshift managers are more laid back whereas the night shift ones can be cocky.

Many of these girls have thug boyfriends. Night shift girls more prone to this, and as I said before, they are watching for drugs.

If you want to get away with more in the club, days tend to be better as there is not enough staff to watch everything, and given the nature of the clientele, the staff doesn't feel the need to do so.

If you really want to go to a club at night, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday may be more low key than the other nights.

Days are slower, and you may get more personal time with the dancers. More dancers on day shift treat this more like a business and don't want to deal with much of the clientele at night.

Again this is just my opinion based on my knowledge of the inner mindset of this business.

A bouncer got shot at Bandaids several years back. Customer shot and killed at Cheetah and Hi-Liter outside. All of this on night shift. I am not saying to be afraid to go at night, but that there tends to be less bullshit on days.

As I said I have been exposed to this business for a long time through my work, and my other 1/2 whom I've been with for years danced.

I would focus on days, or happy hour on the way home from work over nights. If you have an ATF or a few, maybe arrange to see them earlier in the day. They are willing to come in at 4 or 5 instead of 7 or 8 if they know you always buy dances.

11-05-12, 11:50
I went to HL for the first time in 3 years last night and blown away! I've been reading some posts, but not really believing some of the contact that goes on these days, but I'm now a believer! Have strip club rules changes lately? Had a great dance from a small asian girl Then spent at least 2 hours with a latin girl who's name starts with an S. But can't remember her name. Can anyone help? She seems like she is mid 30's, great smile and give a nice slow very sensual dance.


11-05-12, 23:58
You are absolutely right. I find that the crowds during the day are much more tolerable. Less of the gang / drug dealer type and less of the annoying party boy type. Things are relaxed during the day and if you keep your head about you much more enjoyable. I find that for the most part the women are much more stable as well. The dancers are more likely to sit down and have a drink with you as well.

11-06-12, 00:04
All of what you said was so so true. Be safe. Play safe.
Even in Tucson. If u have questions for me,just ask.

I have been exposed to the inner workings of the strip club business for a long time, and speaking from experience I would recommend dayshift strip club visits over nighttime in most cases.

Here in Phoenix we have some decent volume clubs that have quite active day shifts. I will list them in order of volume. Hi-Liter, Bandaids, Bourbon Street, Christies Tempe, Candy Store, Sugar 44, Centerfolds, and Chicas and T&A on Fridays. Blue Moon has a decent day shift, it just depends on who is working.

Most have no cover during the day (BM it's $2 cheaper) , no doorperson or a doorperson with only 1/2 an eye open who isn't paying attention. Maybe one bouncer if that.

The clientele is different during the day. No hustlers, mostly guys who are self employed, in sales, retired, work in the field, or who come in after work. Mostly they come alone or maybe with one buddy. They tend to be older. Friday tends to be a mixed bag of customers, but still no hustlers tend to come out that early. All of what was said is so

True. Even in Tucson.

There are more stable girls and still a decent selection.

The floor isn't being policed very much if at all due to the more stable nature of the crowd. Guys sitting in the club alone who are aged 35 and up aren't being stereotyped as potential problems that could get the club shut down or put it in danger.

At night, more dancers are prone to drug use, and more hustler guys who bouncers are watching to make sure they don't bring drugs in the club. They are watching for careless sex acts in the club that could pose a problem. Some of these flaky girls might do drugs on the floor or fuck and suck in the VIP with no regard to who is watching when the hard knock guys come in. They pat you down at the door at night where day shift (with the exception of T&A) won't. More younger guys in groups, more chances for an incident to go down in the club or in the parking lot.

Some dayshift managers are more laid back whereas the night shift ones can be cocky.

Many of these girls have thug boyfriends. Night shift girls more prone to this, and as I said before, they are watching for drugs.

If you want to get away with more in the club, days tend to be better as there is not enough staff to watch everything, and given the nature of the clientele, the staff doesn't feel the need to do so.

If you really want to go to a club at night, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday may be more low key than the other nights.

Days are slower, and you may get more personal time with the dancers. More dancers on day shift treat this more like a business and don't want to deal with much of the clientele at night.

Again this is just my opinion based on my knowledge of the inner mindset of this business.

A bouncer got shot at Bandaids several years back. Customer shot and killed at Cheetah and Hi-Liter outside. All of this on night shift. I am not saying to be afraid to go at night, but that there tends to be less bullshit on days.

As I said I have been exposed to this business for a long time through my work, and my other 1/2 whom I've been with for years danced.

I would focus on days, or happy hour on the way home from work over nights. If you have an ATF or a few, maybe arrange to see them earlier in the day. They are willing to come in at 4 or 5 instead of 7 or 8 if they know you always buy dances.

11-06-12, 04:45
Quick BM Question: Is everyone else just having to pack a change of clothes? The particular form of extra that seems to be most common results in having to switch shirts at least or pants at worst, and I haven't figured out a way to communicate in the heat of the moment that this is undesirable. Gigi was great about it, but she turned it into a hybrid Russian finish to contain and redirect, and so far noone else has done anything to minimize the collateral damage, so to speak. I have a spare few hours a lot more often than I have a spare few hours, followed by an empty house and uninterrupted time with the washing machine-if I start washing clothes out of the blue, the old lady is going to know SOMETHING is up-maybe I need to start on a more regular basis. I'm definitely willing to tip extra for extras that result in a more tidy finish, if anyone has any leads as to who might be better at, er, waste management.Hahaha, ah yes, cleanup: what a troublesome yet desirable problem to have.
I've luckily not had to deal with it for a while, because at least at BM, there is a very simple solution. Just ask the girl to go and get a paper towel before she starts the dance, if she doesn't bring one out already.
A few of the girls I've gotten extras from there already knew to go in the back and bring out a paper towel before they come and sit down with me in the VIP. I guess I just give off that perverted vibe. Either that or they talk about me with each other.
A couple of the really thoughtful ones even bring their little bottles of lotion from their purses to use as lube and hand sanitizer to ensure germ-free mutual touching.
I would think that a change of clothes would be way too much of a pain, unless you are afraid your old lady will detect the smell of cheap perfume and the glitter which often accompany visits to the club.

Of course, life would be easier if all strippers were as accommodating as Gigi, but the paper towel is a nice alternative. This reminds me of a few months ago when a new girl, who was apparently just clued in to the nature of that club when she saw me getting a handshake from another dancer, allowed me to introduce her into the world of extras, and I had to instruct her on everything from how to discreetly access the goods to having her go back and get a paper towel before she started dancing.
I find there are few things as titillating as a hot stripper coming to give you a private dance with a paper towel in her hand.

And of course, for most clubs, where a girl bringing a paper towel into the VIP would generally be frowned upon, I would suggest bringing your own tissues or handkerchief in a pocket, and whipping them out when the time is right.

I also have to wholeheartedly agree with Slacker's post about the benefits of daytime visits. Not only is it safer and less expensive, it is a better experience. For you fellas who grumble about not receiving enough attention from the ladies, try visiting during the day. While some days can be slow, more often than not I get so much attention from the ladies that I feel like a king. You are also more likely to be treated like a king, because since there is less cash to go around during the day, daygirls will work harder for your money. In my experience that means higher mileage and friendlier chats. I get multiple visits from girls during the daytime who I know for a fact would ignore me for an entire evening. During the day, the scarcity in the strip club economy works in your favor.

Higgs Boson
11-07-12, 00:47
I went to HL for the first time in 3 years last night and blown away! I've been reading some posts, but not really believing some of the contact that goes on these days, but I'm now a believer! Have strip club rules changes lately? Had a great dance from a small asian girl Then spent at least 2 hours with a latin girl who's name starts with an S. But can't remember her name. Can anyone help? She seems like she is mid 30's, great smile and give a nice slow very sensual dance.I just sent you a PM but I just noticed your member status. I'm not sure you can receive / read PMs, so I'll send you the name of a dancer at the HL I met last Saturday and meets that description. I'll send it in my special code so it's just between you and me. Her name was S-o-f-i-a. OK, don't tell anyone else. 8-)


11-07-12, 11:26
I just sent you a PM but I just noticed your member status. I'm not sure you can receive / read PMs, so I'll send you the name of a dancer at the HL I met last Saturday and meets that description. I'll send it in my special code so it's just between you and me. Her name was S-o-f-I-a. OK, don't tell anyone else. 8-)

HiggsHa. Ok won't say a word!

11-08-12, 22:29
Ha. Ok won't say a word!Seems like you one of the experts on this board, any tips on how to get more than just a dances from her?

Higgs Boson
11-09-12, 00:47
If you guys do this group thing, I would love to get invited, I need some strip club mentoring.Newbie, can you send me a PM?


11-09-12, 12:50
Newbie, can you send me a PM?

HiggsTried, but sez your inbox is full.

Higgs Boson
11-10-12, 01:15
Seems like you one of the experts on this board, any tips on how to get more than just a dances from her?Try asking her. I don't think I'm an expert. I bow to people like Tyler and Jack who seem to do very well in clubs and "internationalists" like Jon. I like to visit the clubs, meet sexy women, then tactfully share my experiences here. Thanks to DN, I've tried to make my writing more effective.

In this world, I'm just a sub-atomic particle in search of the CERN accelerator of strip clubs.


11-11-12, 05:15
11/10/12 Sat night with Higgs and Newguy. 9:30PM. 1:00AM.

Wow one of best times here

We sat at table and no problem flow of dancers all night almost all very nice bodies for old Dave, although a few huge breasts usually passed on. Turned down most "wanta dance" approaches but had many sit in lap to start conversation as did Higgs and Newguy. Lots of good contact much like Bandaid's with out the freak bouncer Damien and no concerns even in more open areas and of course much nicer club with a bit more light than the dark rather sleazy Baidaids and what seems like a less rough crowd.

Christina. Best first. And last. She approached by starting great shoulder massage. And offers massage or dance? Reminds me of a club in Canada with the really nice massage gal. Took massage, then dance and later again dances. Really good massage on shoulder, back. Has been doing since a school girl with lots of people with injuries etc needing massage and comes naturally. Then dances were just as good as massage, nice body, genuine friendly real connection with customers rather than just the more being seduction type, perfect medium breasts etc and great conversationalist. Works mostly just weekends as it seems with many of tonight's gals. Does I believe a double shift on Saturday. Did another towards end and nice good bye hug for Higgs and I as we left club.

Had a feature dancer was some famous huge breasted star (Australia and Finland) who was even a contestant on America's got talent. Her 10pm show mostly magic tricks (the lighting could have been brighter to see). Her 12 midnight show I thought better, including lots of fire play kid of good. Afterwards lots of guys laying on stage with her bouncing breasts etc on them.

Before about 11PM was surprised how sparse the crowd was. With PIR or whatever that race thing is thought would be more out of town guys. And someone overheard a discussion of that and said I'm on of those car guys from out of town. After about 11PM to when left about 1AM was packed. Looked like VIP also was busy from walking by a few times.

On with the gals. Gee wish some of them were reasonably priced companions by the hour!

Kiwana sp?. Very nice 4 on my 0-5 intimacy scale with 5 rare. I for the life of me can't read a note I made favorable about her.

Sophia. Very nice 4.

"Yes". I had hard time with her accent so had her spell her name and I got it as "yes" Really nice face 3+ on my scale.

Karla (with a K I confirmed not C). Huge breasts but cute face 3 on my scale.

I may have missed someone. Did 2 dances with most which is usually my limit unless a rate 5 on my intimacy scale.

Morgan. I was about danced out and spend as much as I wanted when Morgan (very slender tattooed arm) snuck up on me and started talking. I said I had too many dancers. Not drinks- my diet coke. She immediately said "your from Minnesota". Huh? How did she know. Something about how I said about the coke which I still don't get. But since she was right thought had "earned" a dance. Very sexy dance, beautiful face, but also wild a 0 on my intimacy scale but fun almost hit the guy in the face at next table with her legs over her head! I rolled my eyes at him as he smiled. I think she is into submission has she said a few times,"I've been naughty spank me". Not really my thing. She was also in a sub role on stage with featured dancer when she did put a sword through her neck trick.

We had planned to hit Centerfold after HI-Liter but had enjoyed it so much, decided to pass on doing more tonight.

Great time with Higgs and the newguy getting introduced to clubs.

11-11-12, 12:39
Dave summed it up very well. I had a great time thanks to Dave, Higgs and especially the girls that danced for me, for us. Next time I go there, I'll know where to sit and have at least one dancer I want to go back for. There was tons of girls to choose from. 80% of them super hot. Before 11pm we were heavily outnumbered. I got better dances than I've been getting at Bandaids and by much hotter women. From what I saw tonight you also get higher millage dances at Hi-Liter. The girls had some mad skills. This girl that was giving me a dance, fliped around somehow, and I ended up with her legs on my shoulders and crotch all over my face, it was f (#king great!

I loved the nice and comfy chairs at Hi-Liter. The lighting creates a better vibe. The waitresses are super nice. They have a guy handing out paper towels at the restroom!

The Hi-Liter bouncers are friendlier, the Bandaids guys seem more alert, more paranoid which in turn makes me nervous. I was talking to one of the Hi-Liter bouncers and his knowledge of the regulars was pure comedic gold.

The clientčle is also pretty funny, Lots of hot lessie babes drooling over all the TnA. I know where I'm going to take my sister for her next birthday. I sat on the entrance handrail for about 40 minutes and chatted with a lot of the people that were leaving the club. Most people there are super friendly, I don't get that Impression about the people at Bandaids.

My experiances at Bandaids have been good and I want to go back there for Sofia (Latina, Braces, Perfect bum, nice natural tatas) who gives me great dances, and I want to get tons of dances from this girl that has the most perfect bum ever, I think her name is Mya or Maya. However Hi-Liter Bandaids, so that's where I'll be going more often from now on.

11-11-12, 12:39
I'm a first timer, and relatively new on here so here it goes.

On a recent trip to Phoenix I visited a few clubs (BSC, HL, CF and BM) what an awesome time!

First was Bliss, slow Sunday night, arrived fairly late around midnight, got a dance from a blonde spinner type, can't remember her name, very friendly and gave me the rundown on the VIP pricing and restrictions, had several dances from her and was very pleased with mileage, although no paper towels were needed. She got called onto the stage after being about 7 songs deep in VIP with me, I was less than impressed. While she was on stage I saw Gabby she is sort of a girl next door type face but very large breasts, tall and maybe a few pounds more than my preferred body type but she had something about her that really got me, had 3 songs with her in VIP before the end of the night, she told me she was going to be off Monday and Tuesday but I should come see her Wednesday, seemed like potential for very good mileage.

I took a few days off and visited the HiLiter had a couple of less than impressive table dances from some girls, then was convinced to go to the VIP with a girl who I definitely not my type, but she was giving me a great massage and I was sore from a few days of golf. It seemed like there was good potential. She was probably nearing 40, latina? And had visible scarring on her face from possibly bad acne, we go for the VIP and during the second song she starts to negotiate, she wants me to make an offer, I politely tell her I can't make an offer when I don't have any idea what I'm buying, I suppose she mistook my naive question as stupidity, she said the going rate was $ just to touch her breasts! I ended the dance right there. I was a little jaded on the HL at this point then I saw London, spinner type, young brunette now this is what I'm looking for! She was just finishing on stage, we made eye contact and she immediately came over after, we started with a table dance and then took it to the VIP, she gave such an amazing lapdance, really knew how to hit the right spots. Amazing experience as a would have found a paper towel would have come in handy, I apologized to her for what had happened, she said no need for an apology I think she is quite used to this routine as she really seemed to be looking for this as an end result, awesome girl, great grind.

I stopped in at Centerfolds on a Friday afternoon around 3pm, very busy, club was almost full, I was rushed for time so I grabbed the first girl that came by, another one that wasn't my body type but she was cute and I thought maybe mid 20's, lots of curves huge breasts, went for a few dances with her in the back, turned into quite a time, it was busy so I wonder if it would have been much much better on a slower day, got a handy, over the shorts only and she let my hands roam but only kitty over the g string, she got me off and smiled, told me she only works days noon to 5 and would love for me to see her again.

My last night there I hit up the Blue Moon, it was a weekend and very busy, standing room only, I wish I had made this trip earlier or in the daytime, I am really confused by the 3 for 41 thing, sit for 2 dances and she'll dance for 1? I also didn't like having to go back and forth with my half chub to pay for the next set, got dances from Sbaro and Rose, both amazing mileage, digits and all, I think I need lessons at the BM to make it extra special.

11-12-12, 05:04
Anyone been yet or do I have to TOFTT?

11-12-12, 09:16
I'm a first timer, and relatively new on here so here it goes.

I took a few days off and visited the HiLiter she said the going rate was $ just to touch her breasts! .Dancers vary at Hi-Liter but I only had one that had this kind of attitude.

I have never been to a VIP other than Centerfold since am not looking for a brothel or a happy ending from a massage place.

Phoenix has very strict basically no touch strip club law. Technically dancer has to straddle chair and not even on your lap. Originally after 1999 law written by Christian group, vice cops drank all night at clubs looking for slightest illegal touch (media report asked if this was good use of police time). In the last few years virtually no enforcement.

But as I have often said, give a guy an inch and he will take a mile. And for use that don't need or seek paper towel service at a strip club but enjoy what we are able to share, full contact but no insertion etc guys and gals giving and receiving more but us at risk for strict enforcement again. Phoenix strip clubs should be enjoyed with certain limits or we could go back to the early 2000's days of those silly no touch straddle on the arms of the seats dances.

Or worse yet with our conservative Republican state with power of Christians and Mormons we could wind up with the 6-foot rule as in some cities.

11-12-12, 19:30
Anyone been yet or do I have to TOFTT?I have been here various times. I personally like Friday happy hour or even the Wednesday before Thanksgiving happy hour. It tends to be busy during those times with a decent selection of girls. Dances are $5 on the floor, $10 on the back wall area, and $20 in VIP. It just depends on the girl. Weekend nights will get somewhat of a party crowd in the mix.

If you catch it on an off day the amount and selection of girls can be limited. It's predominately latina girls with several black girls and an occasional white girl mixed in. If you like Bandaids, you will like it here as long as you catch it at a time when it is busier with more girls.

You can afford to experiment with floor dances to see whose style you like. If a girl doesn't come over to you that you like, do a mini make it rain of $5 or $6 when she is on stage, and tell her at that time to come see you at your table.

Dick North
11-13-12, 20:57
Well, I heard that some of my faves from Sugar44 had moved to Centerfolds, so I checked
it out this afternoon. Hadn't been there in several years.

Anyway, when I went in I noticed this black chick on stage who was very attractive.

I eventually moved to the South side seating area and shortly thereafter, she came up to me.

She 'acted' as tho she had too much to drink and we ended up in VIP with DN losing $+.

Did I get taken ... probably so, but I must say that this girl, 'Passion' is hot and gave me a great experience..

Would recommend and will repeat.


11-14-12, 14:29
More detailed than I expected. Thanks. I will probably check out T&A soon. Wondered about the police substation right across the street though. Probably plenty of off duty cops hanging out and not causing trouble but still made me wonder. Also it doesn't look like the nicest club. But the parking lot was packed when I drove by.

I have been here various times. I personally like Friday happy hour or even the Wednesday before Thanksgiving happy hour. It tends to be busy during those times with a decent selection of girls. Dances are $5 on the floor, $10 on the back wall area, and $20 in VIP. It just depends on the girl. Weekend nights will get somewhat of a party crowd in the mix.

If you catch it on an off day the amount and selection of girls can be limited. It's predominately latina girls with several black girls and an occasional white girl mixed in. If you like Bandaids, you will like it here as long as you catch it at a time when it is busier with more girls.

You can afford to experiment with floor dances to see whose style you like. If a girl doesn't come over to you that you like, do a mini make it rain of $5 or $6 when she is on stage, and tell her at that time to come see you at your table.

11-15-12, 12:20
More detailed than I expected. Thanks. I will probably check out T&A soon. Wondered about the police substation right across the street though. Probably plenty of off duty cops hanging out and not causing trouble but still made me wonder. Also it doesn't look like the nicest club. But the parking lot was packed when I drove by.Don't worry about cops they are not in the club. The police substation closes around 5. The club is comfortable inside. The only difference is the bar is in a separate area from the room where the entertainment is. You can order your own drinks at the bar or the waitresses will bring them to your table.

11-16-12, 15:04
I may and submitted multiple times because I reloaded the page a couple times and it wasn't showing anything. So let me try this agin.

First thank you for all your insights s it helped me to get a positive experience over the past couple months in which I will share to show my appreciation.

Firstly BM:

I went there a number of time over the past few months and here are a two I'd like to mention, once day time I had a dance from K_w_ (not see if I am ok to put names). She was good, not hight mileage but her intention was obvious. Lots of grinding, light moaning, intimate and touch on all the right places over layers. Another one was Br_c_a, an African American. I had two sessions of VIP with here. I learnt from you guys posts a while ago and initiate a gentle lead and she obliged and I left a happy man.

Secondly, one afternoon very recently I went to HL for the first time. There were a lot I people there at first but it got better. I sat for a while first to soak it in. A couple dancers came by. Some initiated a convo. M_a and I chatted about where to get Chinese food. They asked me if I'd like a dance but I wanted to take it slow first so I said maybe later. I was then approached by f_nc_ and she's my type of girl, petite and very cute. I took up her invite and had two table dance. It was very good and I'd love to try her VIP. After that dance I had more dancers came by and I took up the invite from Lo_a after a brief convo. I like it when they try to establish a connection first instead of just asking you if you want a dance. After the dance, it got quiet for me for a while, some just walked past and doesn't seem interested. I was about to take off and one petite dancer came by. Al_x_s asked of she can keep me company which I gladly said yes. We chatted for a song or two as she sat on my lap. She was very polite and even asked before she sat on me. I decided I would have her table dance for 2 songs. It was good, I did like F_n_ys dance more but Al_x_s wasn't much less good. It was good enough to take up her VIP invite as she said she would take care of me. Now, I am glad I stayed and took on her offer. I left very happy. Please treat her well, she said she has only been here a few days ago.

Seniors experienced members, if you can PM me I would tell you the details and like to ask a couple questions to make sure I have proper etiquette please.

Hope my report is ok.

Oh and, what's T&A's full name or where about is it? Thanks

11-16-12, 18:44
It's actually al_c_ not al_x_s. Sorry.

I may and submitted multiple times because I reloaded the page a couple times and it wasn't

Secondly, one afternoon very recently I went to HL for the first time. There were a lot I people there at first but it got better. I sat for a while first to soak it in. A couple dancers came by. Some initiated a convo. M_a and I chatted about where to get Chinese food. They asked me if I'd like a dance but I wanted to take it slow first so I said maybe later. I was then approached by f_nc_ and she's my type of girl, petite and very cute. I took up her invite and had two table dance. It was very good and I'd love to try her VIP. After that dance I had more dancers came by and I took up the invite from Lo_a after a brief convo. I like it when they try to establish a connection first instead of just asking you if you want a dance. After the dance, it got quiet for me for a while, some just walked past and doesn't seem interested. I was about to take off and one petite dancer came by. Al_x_s asked of she can keep me company which I gladly said yes. We chatted for a song or two as she sat on my lap. She was very polite and even asked before she sat on me. I decided I would have her table dance for 2 songs. It was good, I did like F_n_ys dance more but Al_x_s wasn't much less good. It was good enough to take up her VIP invite as she said she would take care of me. Now, I am glad I stayed and took on her offer. I left very happy. Please treat her well, she said she has only been here a few days ago.

Seniors experienced members, if you can PM me I would tell you the details and like to ask a couple questions to make sure I have proper etiquette please.

Hope my report is ok.

Oh and, what's T&A's full name or where about is it? Thanks

11-16-12, 20:05
Oh and, what's T&A's full name or where about is it? Thanks3420 S. Central Ave.

11-21-12, 01:28
Ok so guys made another trip BM on Sunday night. It is true more girls in the rotation. Floors are still the same. Girls are still eating fast food on the bench. I keep trying new girls. A new light skin latina in tube top with a nice rack and ass came out around 11. Mileage was great but she's new to the spot and really didn't get the job done. I was doing the work and though I left with my fingers soaked I wish I would have some febreeze on them. She still has some learning to do but potential. For being a new girl not bad not quite a top 5.

11-21-12, 21:26
Ok so guys made another trip BM on Sunday night. It is true more girls in the rotation. Floors are still the same. Girls are still eating fast food on the bench. I keep trying new girls. A new light skin latina in tube top with a nice rack and ass came out around 11. Mileage was great but she's new to the spot and really didn't get the job done. I was doing the work and though I left with my fingers soaked I wish I would have some febreeze on them. She still has some learning to do but potential. For being a new girl not bad not quite a top 5.Drove by today and saw a sign that said 10 girls. I will stop by next week.


11-25-12, 03:08
I thought I would share this interesting experience that I had. Last night I was in El Paso, TX and I went to a strip club. As I pulled into the lot the guy that was watching the lot noticed that my car had an Arizona license plate and he accompanied me into the place as I paid the cover fee. He told the bouncer inside that I had an Arizona license plate. I was not sure what to think about that, I thought it was strange (why would they care where my car was registered?) The bouncer also checked me I. D. And commented that it was from Arizona which I also thought was strange because I am 41 years old so why on earth was I being IDed? I had not been IDed probably in at least 10 years. Later, when I got a dance from one of the girls I was offerred F. S. (in both holes) , BBBJ, and HJ which I gladly took for only paying for 4 dances in the VIP room. The dancer later told me she felt safe in offering me all of this because the bouncer had told her I had an out of state license plate and I had an out of state driver license so they knew there was no way I could be an undercover. So have I found possibly a secret in getting extras? Just have license plates and I'd's from out of state! I doubt if that would work all of the time in all places but I still thought that this was an interesting system this night club had.

Member #1183
11-25-12, 11:28
I plan on be in the area real soon, are there any fine establishments that serve a full menu? PM me please and thanks

11-28-12, 22:52
Drove by today and saw a sign that said 10 girls. I will stop by next week.

LFA sign actually keep track of quantity of girls? LOL. I was tempted to go tonight but seems like either middady or late night is better. I only had evening available to go tonight.

11-29-12, 05:19
A sign actually keep track of quantity of girls? LOL. I was tempted to go tonight but seems like either middady or late night is better. I only had evening available to go tonight.When I was living in SF, the clubs there posted the names of the dancers working that shift by the cashier. I wish they would do that here.

11-29-12, 12:20
Tried this place based on fond memories of several years ago. What a change! First time about 10:30 on a weeknight, heavy handed doorman and security, VERY few women. Couldn't have been more than 5 or 6, only one I would rate higher than a 5. I was looking for some take home, but was staying in a upscale resort, and quite frankly wouldn't have takenany of them thru the my hotel lobby.

Next afternoon, a few more women, but I'm thinking this place specializes in goons who have a history of trying to intimidate people. Also thinking I'm done going there.

Later that same night, went to club around 44th and Thomas, next to a McDonalds. Coming up on 11 pm, very few women. Get dances from a couple, one even pushing my hand off her thigh during the second dance. Thinking this was a waste of time, head to the bar, and approached by a dancer I would rate a 9+, model quality IMHO. Couple dances, nice tugs, encourages touching, suggests carryout is very possible. Had to leave, but give my number. She texts back a couple days later, sends playmate quality photo, but I was already back up in north country by then. PM me for her name, I don't want to get a good one like her in trouble. Look forward to coming to Phx again to continue with her.

11-29-12, 23:16
When I was living in SF, the clubs there posted the names of the dancers working that shift by the cashier. I wish they would do that here.I wish I could have the same level of fun here as I could at the Mitchell Bros.

11-30-12, 00:34
Hello Everyone,

Has anyone been to Sonny's in Chandler recently? Is this place any good?


11-30-12, 11:26
I wish I could have the same level of fun here as I could at the Mitchell Bros.I lived in the Bay Area for a long time. I really liked it, but strangely enough, the ONLY clubs are in San Francisco and Sunnyvale. I don't know why. The San Francisco clubs are all nude and full on sex (with NO law enforcement interference) and the 2 topless clubs with alcohol only allow top on lap dances. All but Mitchell Bros owned by the rip off artists Deja Vu. In Sunnyvale, all are bikini bars, and only 2 nude clubs with nothing going on. I don't know why in an area of 7. 5 million people, there aren't clubs in any other towns.

TONS of escorts and massage providers though.

In the mid 80's there a club in Redwood City called the Lily Theater was unlike any I ever saw. Nude stage shows, then the girl would take a show of hands for who would want a sex act with her on stage, then the chosen guy would go on stage and get a blow job or sex for the crowd to see. It was quite entertaining.

Then after a few years a church took over their spot. Go figure.

11-30-12, 12:25
Hello Everyone,

Has anyone been to Sonny's in Chandler recently? Is this place any good?

ThanksSonny's is a sh*t hole w / piss poor attitude from the strippers and the door men. Never had a good experience there and can guarandamntee you that almost anywhere else except in Scottsdale would be money better spent. Forego the disappointment and hit up BM. At least you know your mileage will be exceptional there as long as you don't draw kiwi. LOL Nice girl, not much in the exras dept.

11-30-12, 13:34
I thought I would share this interesting experience that I had. Last night I was in El Paso, TX and I went to a strip club. As I pulled into the lot the guy that was watching the lot noticed that my car had an Arizona license plate and he accompanied me into the place as I paid the cover fee. He told the bouncer inside that I had an Arizona license plate. I was not sure what to think about that, I thought it was strange (why would they care where my car was registered?) The bouncer also checked me I. D. And commented that it was from Arizona which I also thought was strange because I am 41 years old so why on earth was I being IDed? I had not been IDed probably in at least 10 years. Later, when I got a dance from one of the girls I was offerred F. S. (in both holes) , BBBJ, and HJ which I gladly took for only paying for 4 dances in the VIP room. The dancer later told me she felt safe in offering me all of this because the bouncer had told her I had an out of state license plate and I had an out of state driver license so they knew there was no way I could be an undercover. So have I found possibly a secret in getting extras? Just have license plates and I'd's from out of state! I doubt if that would work all of the time in all places but I still thought that this was an interesting system this night club had.I like El Paso. Used to go there all the time. Saw your post on the El Paso section. Cabaret is quite a place. They used to have liquor until the city cracked down on the clubs a few years back. Women there can be average to a little hum drum looking but everything is always on the menu there. Best to wear cargo sweats with zip up pockets. Do they still do the "Roll Call"?

Red Parrot is always good. Just pay the small "VIP entry fee" as a general rule when you go there, and sit against the wall. Had some great times there. There is another spa type place across the interstate from there maybe an exit west, called Extreme Fantasy. Great action to be had (if it's still there).

The other clubs can be iffy and the laws are stricter there as El Paso officials felt they had a problem with too many young women getting lured into the sex business. It was better before they cracked down on the liquor. Red Parrot is outside the city limits so they get away with more.

You mentioned 1 foot rules here and Phoenix being too strict in your El Paso thread post. I have NEVER been in a club here where the girls followed a 1 foot rule. Clubs and liquor laws are more liberal here than in El Paso. The laws on the books and the way the clubs operate are usually miles apart. They don't police the clubs too much here. I have seen cops walk through clubs in El Paso though. I agree it is rare to be able to get laid in a club in Phoenix, but we have many other options for that in Phoenix, compared to El Paso.

You picked the best clubs in El Paso. Some of the others can be a little "iffy", especially since the legal crackdown 4-5 years ago.

12-01-12, 11:54
Sonny's is a sh*t hole w / piss poor attitude from the strippers and the door men. Never had a good experience there and can guarandamntee you that almost anywhere else except in Scottsdale would be money better spent.That's a bit harsh, Sonny's is not that bad, you can actually have a good time in the VIP rooms there, it's $100 for 15 minutes or $200 for half an hour.

12-01-12, 19:59
I plan on be in the area real soon, are there any fine establishments that serve a full menu? PM me please and thanksI was wondering the same thing. Anything around here kind of like Hooters (with food) , except more of a "gentleman's club" type of atmosphere?

12-02-12, 00:59
I like El Paso. Used to go there all the time. Saw your post on the El Paso section. Cabaret is quite a place. They used to have liquor until the city cracked down on the clubs a few years back. Women there can be average to a little hum drum looking but everything is always on the menu there. Best to wear cargo sweats with zip up pockets. Do they still do the "Roll Call"?

Red Parrot is always good. Just pay the small "VIP entry fee" as a general rule when you go there, and sit against the wall. Had some great times there. There is another spa type place across the interstate from there maybe an exit west, called Extreme Fantasy. Great action to be had (if it's still there).

The other clubs can be iffy and the laws are stricter there as El Paso officials felt they had a problem with too many young women getting lured into the sex business. It was better before they cracked down on the liquor. Red Parrot is outside the city limits so they get away with more.

You mentioned 1 foot rules here and Phoenix being too strict in your El Paso thread post. I have NEVER been in a club here where the girls followed a 1 foot rule. Clubs and liquor laws are more liberal here than in El Paso. The laws on the books and the way the clubs operate are usually miles apart. They don't police the clubs too much here. I have seen cops walk through clubs in El Paso though. I agree it is rare to be able to get laid in a club in Phoenix, but we have many other options for that in Phoenix, compared to El Paso.

You picked the best clubs in El Paso. Some of the others can be a little "iffy", especially since the legal crackdown 4-5 years ago.The 1 foot rule is enforced at some places more than others. It is the "official" law but of course you and I know that sometimes those ladies "accidentally" step within that one foot radius. It seems to happen more if they know you. LOL. At the moment, there seems to be a lull in enforcement here in Phoenix. That has not always been the case. Until like maybe a year or 2 ago they enforced the rules to a tee. They used to send in under cover cops to the clubs. In fact, I would be careful because we are probably about due for a sting. Sheriff Joe lately seems to have shifted his focus from strip clubs to undocumented aliens. That is good for us since it relieves the pressure on the clubs. Sheriff Joe is an opportunist and he will do whatever is popular at the moment. Right now being tough on undocumented aliens seems to be more popular so he is focused on that. If something should happen though to shift the focus he would probably go for the strip clubs again. I do travel once and a while through El Paso so I think I will probably be making a few trips to the Cabaret and the Red Parrot.

12-02-12, 02:18
The 1 foot rule is enforced at some places more than others. It is the "official" law but of course you and I know that sometimes those ladies "accidentally" step within that one foot radius. It seems to happen more if they know you. LOL. At the moment, there seems to be a lull in enforcement here in Phoenix. That has not always been the case. Until like maybe a year or 2 ago they enforced the rules to a tee. They used to send in under cover cops to the clubs. In fact, I would be careful because we are probably about due for a sting. Sheriff Joe lately seems to have shifted his focus from strip clubs to undocumented aliens. That is good for us since it relieves the pressure on the clubs. Sheriff Joe is an opportunist and he will do whatever is popular at the moment. Right now being tough on undocumented aliens seems to be more popular so he is focused on that. If something should happen though to shift the focus he would probably go for the strip clubs again. I do travel once and a while through El Paso so I think I will probably be making a few trips to the Cabaret and the Red Parrot.As much as I hate the political climate of this place, the clubs here operate just like they do in major Texas cities, Albuquerque, and Las Vegas. The girls sit on your lap, grind while the guys hands roam, and the club owners don't worry about it as long as the hands don't touch the boobs and crotch.

Vice cops in all the Texas cities and Vegas periodically make runs in the clubs and cite girls and arrest some. But once they leave, it's business as usual. Austin is probably the least hassled club environment I've seen in Texas. Houston is all about fucking in the club, no dances or touching on the floor, but everything goes on in back. Both Houston and Dallas raid clubs off and on to appeal to their conservative base. El Paso too. That is probably why they marked you as "safe" when they saw your AZ plates. El Paso isn't safer than here. Most of the clubs I've experienced extras in have vice making occasional visits.

I do agree that since Obama won and so did Arpaio, that the conservative movement isn't accepting the reality of their loss, which is socially conservative politics IS NOT what the majority of people want. But Arpaio squeaked out a win because out of state money donors felt with him in office he could influence some law enforcement tactics that will make them money. Cracking down on Latinos was done to try and make big money for the private prison industry, and to keep the state from going blue.

It amazes me how conservatives are still pushing social conservatism when it cost them 2 elections, but I don't know if an all out war on strip clubs is going to make the fat cats money enough to make it a primary focus of law enforcement.

I think we are pretty much in the same boat as much of the US as far as sexually oriented businesses go. Many politicians are afraid to openly say that sex businesses are in demand and to leave them alone. I just think that the out of state donors who gave Arpaio over 10 times the campaign money than a measly county sheriffs race is worth, want more payback from him than a full blown crackdown on adult oriented businesses. That is not to say that isolated busts might not occur as is always the case.

12-02-12, 04:42
Hit the clubs a week or two back. Saturday night, IIRC.

BANDAIDS. 10:30. 11:30. Medium size crowd, fair amount of dancers. While this club usually has a mix of dancers (50% not of my interest. 30% maybe. 20% gems) only two remotely peaked my interest. Very poor quality for a Saturday night.

After the patdown, I immediately threw a single into the hostess' tip jar and she allowed me to stroll in without a cover charge. Perhaps because she recognized me as a somewhat frequent customer who always tips at the door and I had inquired about a VIP pass with the manager the last visit. Dave's favorite bouncer was present, bathroom porter was not. The barstools / chairs have finally been replaced, completing the remodel. VERY glad the torn upholstery is gone! Had a drink, got a dance from a newer gal and we discussed maybe going to VIP. Told her I need to visit the restroom and I wanted more dances. She stated she'd talk to a friend at the bar and come back. She chatted with a fellow dancer and a dude at the bar and gave no indication of returning for guaranteed money, so I bailed.

CHEETAHS: 11:30-11:45. This club continues to frustrate me to no end.

Followed three dudes going back in, threw a tip in the hostess tip jar and again avoided cover which tends to be steep at the place. Nice looking gal at the bar, so we chat a bit. Private party in the upstairs VIP, with customers sitting at tables along the balcony. Perhaps some dances going on in the boothes. Nice looking dancer (in cute shorts with top on) dancing for a female customer. Another female customer, too thick in the wrong places, is dancing at the top of the stairs. Podium guy advices of private party and states VIP dances are only available in area under stairs (actually has been a good spot for me in the past) or champagne room. Music and bass are way too much as usual, and I am out quickly.

HILITER: 11:45-1:15. Nice mix of girls. All attractive. Just as in years past. It has been way too long. Tell the door guy I'll sit in back, as I spot a dancer of my liking standing nearby. Miss her, but a cute dancer soon chats me up. L1 (her identifier for now) , brush the jewels through the pant. A good sign. The dance and some discussion indicate (as others have posted) that there is good contact on the floor and more to be had in the VIP with the right dancers. She offers to "kiss" my friend in VIP. I indicate that my friend likes long lasting "french kisses". VIP dances are twenty five bucks each. She wants a benji extra to help my friend. Telling her my friend needs three dances of kissing to relieve his stress. She confirms the extra is a per song fee. Too rich for my blood.

L2, total hottie stops by. She carries a glass of Stella? She's a bit buzzed. She indicates for two benjis total (includes the per VIP dance fee) she'll provide my friend a handshake. This would normally be too steep, yet I was going to get VIP dances from her anyway and my friend needed stress relief. Dilema ensues as she takes her time getting ready for the dances. I start to weigh dancer L1's $$.5 counter-offer and activity versus L2's $$ offer and activity. End up with desired outcome via L2's talents. Ironically, she wanted hands on hips and off breasts and mentions boyfriend prior to dance (still willing to provide handshake. And a good one at that). Upon settling up, she offers takeout, indicating more menu items each time we visit. Sensing my desires and budget, she mentions getting 10 benjis for the full menu she is now offering to me for $$$. Didn't take her number, yet will see her again. She states we can arrange to meet at the bar and then go wherever I choose and she will dress nicely.

See next post for report on follow up visit.

12-02-12, 05:03
After my previous visit, I was anxious to return. Was not able to make it Tuesday night to catch up with L2 for possible take out. Okay, as I didn't really have a place as an out of town family member was staying at mine.

Couple notes from previous report. L1 and I negotiated a counter offer after L2 had provided some floor dances. Told L1 I was going with L2, yet would return Friday afternoon to accept offer. L1 was confident the job would only require 2 songs. L2 offered up to 4 songs.

Confirmed on this visit that floor dances are very good milage while watching fellow patrons.

Spotted L1 immediately upon entry (was running late. It was early evening versus afternoon). L2 indicates she was heading out for dinner and then returning later in the evening (until I showed). We immediately went to the VIP. She danced the remainder of the song playing and when queried, stated it wasn't being counted. The next two and a half songs (almost three) she translated french with a deep accent and was rewarded with a soothing drink and settled for $$.2 tip (including VIP fees).

Exiting VIP, gentlemen on the other end were getting an obvious handshake and an apparent french lesson.

Enjoyed a couple mixed drinks and an EXCELLENT jalepeno cheeseburger and fries while observing patrons and called it an early evening.

Needless to say, my next few stripclub visits will be to the Hiliter.

Dick North
12-02-12, 19:02
As much as I hate the political climate of this place, the clubs here operate just like they do in major Texas cities, Albuquerque, and Las Vegas. The girls sit on your lap, grind while the guys hands roam, and the club owners don't worry about it as long as the hands don't touch the boobs and crotch.

Vice cops in all the Texas cities and Vegas periodically make runs in the clubs and cite girls and arrest some. But once they leave, it's business as usual. Austin is probably the least hassled club environment I've seen in Texas. Houston is all about fucking in the club, no dances or touching on the floor, but everything goes on in back. Both Houston and Dallas raid clubs off and on to appeal to their conservative base. El Paso too. That is probably why they marked you as "safe" when they saw your AZ plates. El Paso isn't safer than here. Most of the clubs I've experienced extras in have vice making occasional visits.

I do agree that since Obama won and so did Arpaio, that the conservative movement isn't accepting the reality of their loss, which is socially conservative politics IS NOT what the majority of people want. But Arpaio squeaked out a win because out of state money donors felt with him in office he could influence some law enforcement tactics that will make them money. Cracking down on Latinos was done to try and make big money for the private prison industry, and to keep the state from going blue.

It amazes me how conservatives are still pushing social conservatism when it cost them 2 elections, but I don't know if an all out war on strip clubs is going to make the fat cats money enough to make it a primary focus of law enforcement.

I think we are pretty much in the same boat as much of the US as far as sexually oriented businesses go. Many politicians are afraid to openly say that sex businesses are in demand and to leave them alone. I just think that the out of state donors who gave Arpaio over 10 times the campaign money than a measly county sheriffs race is worth, want more payback from him than a full blown crackdown on adult oriented businesses. That is not to say that isolated busts might not occur as is always the case.

Keep your arrogant ill-informed political opinions to yourself.


Jack Clear
12-02-12, 19:18
That's a bit harsh, Sonny's is not that bad, you can actually have a good time in the VIP rooms there, it's $100 for 15 minutes or $200 for half an hour.Last time I went to Sonny's a dancer ripped me off for $100 and the bouncers basically ignored me, saying I had too much to drink.

Uh. Yeah I come her to get drunk. But I never been drunk enough to lose $100 an not know what's what.

12-02-12, 22:32
Has anyone been to this club recently on Main Street near Apache Junction? Just curious. I was only there once some years back and it was kinda slow.

Danimal Forth
12-03-12, 10:07
Has anyone been to this club recently on Main Street near Apache Junction? Just curious. I was only there once some years back and it was kinda slow.It's usually pretty busy when I've been inside.

I just happened to go last night around 7pm and there were only three girls. Two more had come in by the time I left. Even with the limited customer I was basically ignored. That's the slowest I've ever seen, but a typical Sunday night I think.

Higgs Boson
12-05-12, 01:12
I plan on be in the area real soon, are there any fine establishments that serve a full menu? PM me please and thanks
I was wondering the same thing. Anything around here kind of like Hooters (with food) , except more of a "gentleman's club" type of atmosphere?I didn't think Member #1183 was talking about food. If he was, there isn't any SC in the Phoenix area that does anything fancy with food. We talked about this very recently.


12-05-12, 23:51
Stopped by Monday night around 12 after short trip to HL. The sign wasnt out but I did the see the chalk sign that is used outside to indicate how many girls are working. Maybe its out more often on Friday nights. By this time most girls were gone. Clover was walking around and she came up to me. I knew there was no one else I was interested in so I obliged. As usual great experience. A little longer outside the pants but as soon as I made clear where I preferred the attention we were just fine.

Higgs Boson
12-07-12, 01:39
Pink Cabaret has converted its exterior. The signs now read Christies' Cabaret, finally reflecting the change in ownership.

Showgirls (formerly Pantera) is now "The Essex Gentleman's Showclub". The entire exterior is in the final stages of a complete makeover. I almost didn't recognize the place as I was driving by. I'm betting the interior has also been re-done but that has to be confirmed. I'm sure some brave soul will take the recon assignment. .

Les Girls is advertising the availability of alcoholic beverages. I don't know how they're doing this given the legal restriction on the serving of alcohol in nude clubs. Again, some brave person can check this out.

Phoenix strip-club owner charged with filing false tax returns.



12-07-12, 02:59
Les Girls is advertising the availability of alcoholic beverages. I don't know how they're doing this given the legal restriction on the serving of alcohol in nude clubs. Again, some brave person can check this out.They are going topless instead of nude per my friend who ran it most of the time but recently left.

I don't think I knew about the Teasers mess before, very interesting, knew there was change of management but had been told owners were the same when they had the big changes and turnover.

12-07-12, 06:09
Showgirls (formerly Pantera) is now "The Essex Gentleman's Showclub".sI drove by about 1:15 am Thurs well really early Fri was closed but 2 cars / trucks and a trailer outside front door like doing remodel.

Also noted "under the bridge" on 35th ave the place that often has closed fence had cars in lot and open gates but didn't explore further. The sign says Foxs and Hiring Entertainers.

12-07-12, 06:55
Centerfolds Thursday 1:30 AM- 2:45AM (actually Fri early morning)

Gee only about 10 customers on nude side and same or less on Main side.

I am tending to like the nude side a bit more. A bit smaller cozy and no VIP cover and back coaches plenty private.

Maybe 15 dancers but most were talking to each other or at tables with 2 dancers talking. Was quite awhile before any approaches but with so few customers dancers mostly given up on table dances.

Eventually Harper sat with me. She is very young, new, shy on stage and guys trying to do things and had never been a stripper before. But had good discussion over the very loud noise called music. She pointed out I was at one of the most noisy areas pointing out the blaring speakers above us. I was about to suggest a dance when she was called to be next on stage. I invited her to join me afterwards but I would move more to other side. I also asked her if Audrey or Summer was working from my prior "after action" notes. She said she had seen Summer on the Main side and would point her out when came over here at 2AM.

Found me later (after Brooklyn disaster) and pointed out Summer and then she on stage but invited for a dance. Some of the guys were "creepy" at the stage and now maybe 2:15AM more customers and dancers. She mentioned Wed night had been a lot busier. Off we went to couch. Cuddled in my arms waiting for next song and actually nicely mentioned how unusually comfortable she felt with me. That is nice compliment! Has some big tattoos on legs people ask if "Gothic" etc.

Really nice dance. Very ideal smaller natural breasts and interaction the way I like. 4 on my intimacy scale. You would have not known how new she was from dances. Has been thinking about enlargement but I assured her some of us don't go for big enhanced breasts.

While waiting for Harper Brooklyn almost tossed her self at me. Pretended to recognize me as an old friend thought had met on the Main side. But also asked if was here last night. I sort of wondered if I had seen her long ago. Very pretty face and sort of maybe recognized name. But now reviewing prior notes and searches can not find any reports of seeing her. From initial conversation should have recognized she was a bit off. But lured by nice body. Dance was OK about a 3 on my intimacy scale but tried to up the song count and asked about a tip. Seemed a bit drunk or stoned I am not around that to know the difference!

Sara and Sister.
After nice interaction with Harper I turned down a few more "want to dance" type dancers, although all had very nice bodies other than a bit large breasts. While a few more customers even more dancers. Some just sat not mingling and others seemed a bit more desperate since seemed to have been a slow night.

I lost track of Summer. So decided I was satisfied and started to leave.

Heading out I was pounced on. By Sara. Nice body but between the roar of the noise (some call music) and what seemed slurred speech I haven't a clue what she was saying. Something about really liking something (about me?) the DJ and she always says the wrong thing. No we had not met. Then next to her introduces her sister. Nice hug circle of us 3. Gorgeous bodies but if any hint of drunk and stoned I just am not interested. And I was frustrated I could hardly understand what they were saying other than how they wanted a dance with me.

Need Hearing Aid?
As prices decline almost tempted to get one of those tiny hearing aids that help block out background noise and focus on the human voice frequencies. I know I have some high freq hearing problem in one ear, but since I never notice it otherwise keep forgetting which ear to have in the talkers direction. When I am with other guys at clubs the all say they also have a hard time hearing over the noise. Clubs are not designed for any intelligent interaction just the bump and grind and gawk! I can usually only understand about half or less of what the DJ is blaring out when I am trying to catch name of dancer he is introducing!

12-07-12, 07:34
Phoenix strip-club owner charged with filing false tax returns.Indictment claims failed to report $350, 000 from VIP and door fees which are kept separate from the alcohol revenues.

IRS investigators say they (ex husband and wife owners) used handwritten ledgers to hide cash collected through tips, house-fees from dancers and payments from customers for private entertainment in a VIP area. The ex husband pled guilty.

Latest update.Another continuance granted defendant moving trial date from 12/4/2012 to 2/5/2013 in US District Court in Phoenix. The ex husband sentencing continued - usually till after her trial since in plea deals agrees to testify against the other at trial.

Member #4210
12-07-12, 11:32
Background noise will mask sound enough that speech is not intelligible. If this is the case, then the environment IS DAMAGING your hearing at that moment! Custom form fitted ear plugs "might" help by rolling off some of the harsher highs and the destroying lows, but speech may or may not be more intelligible. They are cheaper than hearing aids; I use a set of flesh colored fitted ear plugs in the clubs when the audio is too loud.

That said, please speak up and let the manager know!

You'll be doing us all a favor AND be helping business as well.

More often than not, the bass has been boosted resulting in masking mid-range speech and distortion.

I'll bet there would be more patronage if management dropped the volume, maybe even used an audio compressor such as dBX, and patrons could actually hear better. There is a fine line at which this happens. Fewer bodies means less sound absorption.

If you can't hear what you want and need to hear, please tell management as you depart exactly what you are experiencing and why you are leaving. I hate the disorientation high volume causes. The girls might like it but we are the customers.

12-07-12, 21:59
Thanks for your lots of great comments.

Danimal Forth
12-08-12, 23:44
I spent some time at Bandaids that was mostly good.

One of the black girls came up to me and talked for a few moments. She told me how she works out and she's probably stronger than all the other girls there. I declined a dance but told her she could come back later to check again.

Probably 30 minutes later she came back and we started chatting again (the music volume was fairly tolerable for a change) and I realized that she probably had a slight accent so I was curious about it. Honestly, at that point I thought it could just have been an east coast thing if it wasn't an African country. I've known plenty of ladies from all sorts of places so I don't think my question was based in ignorance. And besides all that I didn't imply that an accent was a bad thing in any way.

That was exactly the wrong thing to say. Apparently she gets asked the same question constantly and it's some kind of insult to her "perfect English".

I cautiously asked the next girl who came over about it. So I think I got the offended dancer's name as Alexis and the second dancer has definitely heard all about it.

I'm probably not the first on this board to make that mistake, but I've never seen it shared. At least I didn't have to turn down the dance again.

Member #1183
12-09-12, 08:59
I didn't think Member #1183 was talking about food. If he was, there isn't any SC in the Phoenix area that does anything fancy with food. We talked about this very recently.

HiggsYea, I was looking more for a take out menu so to speak, food for thought.

Member #4734
12-13-12, 00:17
Asked about it said it was for tips only

Higgs Boson
12-16-12, 00:18
Asked about it said it was for tips onlyYes, expected tips are $10 a dance. Seriously.

The Hi Liter has these "customer appreciation" nights when dances are "free" or half-price. I've been there on one of those nights. On those evenings the DJ plays only short songs or cuts them half way. You don't get a real dance.

I think it's a gimmick that isn't honest with the customer. In short, the customer is actually cheated and creates ill will between them and the dancers.


Higgs Boson
12-16-12, 00:25
Last Saturday I decided to check out Lé Girls and Pink Rhino. For years I thought the name of the first club was Les Girls, which would have been at least a half-assed attempt at some classy French affectation, but the sign out front says "Lé Girls" which makes absolutely no sense. Since I wasn't into nude clubs, its earlier incarnation, this was my first visit ever. (I like my beer and I have a thing for thongs and barely-there bikini tops. Sure, call me a pervert!) I was there somewhat early, between 9 PM and 10 PM, and took my place at the bar. The main floor had no customers but there were about 5 at the bar and about the same number in an adjoining alcove watching the evening's boxing event on PPV. Customers drifted in over the next hour or so, and the number of dancers gradually increased. One dancer joined me at the bar before she changed into costume. She was NOT what I was looking for: perhaps early thirties, face prematurely aged from smoking and obscured with heavy make-up, huge plastic tits and, thanks to those years of cigarettes, a voice like Tom Waits only not as pleasant. She invited me to place a bill between her tits and that seemed to satisfy her enough to go away.

During our agonizing time together Plastic Tits explained the layout of the place which included the usual main floor, and a couple of VIP areas. Her claim that the main floor dances ($10) were really air dances was disproven by my next visitor. She was tall in her heels, slim, with long legs and small tits. Though she was only vaguely pretty, she was gorgeous compared to the previous dancer and and her friendliness seemed more genuine. I bought her a drink and she gave me a couple of adequate dances when she returned from her time on stage. Next was a latina in her late twenties or early thirties with a friendly disposition and very nice face but when she removed part of her costume for a dance it was apparent her two kids had a very negative affect on her body.

OK, you're probably thinking Lé Girls doesn't sound very good. It's not all bad. There were some hot dancers but the aggressive ones got to me first. The club interior is fairly classy and the drinks were reasonably priced for a strip club. I'll be back sometime but I've had far better experiences at other clubs.


Higgs Boson
12-16-12, 00:37
The Pink Rhino. I left Lé Girls and headed to the second club for the evening. You might remember my earlier posts about the Pink Rhino. Previously I had the club on a death watch. No customers and the dancers were few. This evening it was a different story. For starters, the parking lot was nearly full. You may be like me and clip the occasional strip-club coupon from the local weekly. Warning. I entered the foyer holding a free entry coupon for the Pink Rhino and was confronted with a sign on the wall saying the coupons weren't honored after 9 PM. WTF! I made sad puppy-eyes at the door girl and said "Gee willikers, the coupon doesn't say anything like that!" The door girl was still unyielding but then the manager came through a side curtain. He said I looked like a nice guy and I said I was the nicest guy to ever be at his club. He told the door girl the coupon was OK. I entered the club and was pleasantly surprised to find the place packed. There wasn't an empty table and almost no empty seats in the entire club. The customers were approximately 7/8 black, the rest white, with the same split for the dancers. I ran into a bouncer I knew from another club, now working at the Rhino. It was too loud and busy for him to talk about the club, so some details about what turned the club around will have to wait. The dancers were mostly hot and my only complaints was there probably wasn't enough dancers and the place was too crowded though that's good for the owner and management.


Higgs Boson
12-16-12, 01:29
Thanks to Dave's alert eyes, we now know that Foxs has opened at the intersection of Indian School / Grand / 35th Avenue. I happened to be in that area last Sunday and decided to drop in and see what's happening. Right now, what's happening isn't much on Sundays. So far, only one dancer (nice tits!) and a handful of customers when I stopped by. My big surprise was that I knew the barmaid from another club I've visited a couple of times. I barely sat down at the bar at Foxs and she was prepared to mix up the special cocktail I drank at the other club. She'll be there on Saturday and Sunday nights. Treat her nice.

And a short comment on Bandaids. I dropped by the club a couple of weeks ago on a late Saturday night and I was very disappointed. All the hot dancers are at the Hi Liter with the same or better mileage. For those of you who recommend day visits to clubs, it just doesn't work for my schedule.


12-16-12, 04:03
As a Bandaids and Cheetahs regular, I must now say Hiliter is my recommended favorite and Cheetahs is back in the favorable mix. Since old habits die hard, it is certain I'll get back to Bandaids eventually. Usually long periods of time away help my luck when returning to the old reliable.

A couple nights ago I ventured to HiLiter and finished at Cheetahs.

HiLiter: late afternoon early evening. As usual, quite crowded and many dancers. Noticed some real hotties leaving from day shift. Funny some girls look better in street clothes, some half dressed. Few pull off both.

Ran into L2 (see previous report) who was happy to see me. She wanted to set up takeout next week, yet mentioned wanted 5 dozen roses. Reminding her we had negotiated 3 dozen, she countered with 4 dozen. WTF? Sure, some business gents may pay double or triple; yet hot as she is, my monger budget has limits and I wouldn't go that high even if possessing unlimited funds. Did get a dance and phone digits. Another dancer gave a very aggressive dance, yet I just wasn't feeling it. Noticed a gent with two medium size handfuls by the mens room. Which held my interest (the dancer and her breasts, not the gent). Enjoyed another phenomenal jalepeno cheeseburger and mentioned I'd like a dance when she later circled round. Bailed before she got the chance. Didn't want to drink anymore before driving.


Decided to give them a shot. Early evening. Medium sized crowd. Dancers not grabbing my interest. Finally H1, gets my attention with her petite figure and great dance moves. Tip her on stage and ask her to find me. They were having two dancers on stage at a time, rotating (one is on first dance, other on second. Two stripper poles available). She finished on stage and later I spot her dressed out, leaving the club. WTF. Why not tell me or stick around for guaranteed money?

Glad I held on as a newbie (too hot to expect high milage from) caught my eye. Spoke with her at the bar and was somewhat forward about hoping to bend the rules. Off to the VIP with A1 and she was absolutely A1! She started by moving pretty quickly to an introductory handshake, later asked me to FIA her (very short indulgence, not my thing). However this lead to some RCG grinding with no obstruction (or penetration. Just grinding / rubbing). She finished the handshake on the third song. And I offered to pay for four dances. She countered with a five dance price and I was more than happy to oblige (sp?). Donation beyond VIP entrance fee and per song fee had not been discussed prior. She will have me returning soon.

Other notes: had a nice chat with with bouncer / manager type. A1 was called to satge after first dance. And said she would not count it. Told me to watch her top and clutch. Got up to give to the dude to hold. No need for drama if she states something is missing. And he met me at the top of the stairs, as she also realized he should hold it and asked him to fetch her purse / clutch. You can get a block of time versus per dance songs in the VIP and avoid interruption. Cheaper for me to pay by the dance, and as mentioned above, she took great care of me upon return.

The bass is still cranked, yet the volume of the music is now tolerable. Seems to be some fresh new talent at Cheetahs.

12-18-12, 11:03
Blue moon Sunday.

Well, this past Sunday, I ventured out to Blue Moon for my first visit to a strip club in nearly two months. I was there on a Sunday evening, and there were probably 5 or 6 guys there. There were only three dancers, though-Bubbles, Ina, and another darker-skinned Cuban girl (maybe Brandi). I got a set of dances from Ina and Brandi. Ina was her usual vivacious self and was quite accomodating. Brandi was good, too, though I had not seen her there before. Ina has the hair a bit different now. Before, she had blonde highlights and the hair itself was a bit big. Now, it's tied back a bit more and is all one color (brown). Brandi-if that was indeed her name-was a complete sweetheart in every way. In fact, I was not looking for a whole lot of sensual activity and just sat for the first two songs with her in my arms. It was nicer than I ever would have expected.

I'm probably going to get made fun of by some of the regular posters for saying this, but oh well. Most of the time when I go to the clubs I'm looking for some nice dances that push the boundaries a bit when it comes to sensuality. Every once in awhile, however, I get in these weird moods where I'm more in the mood for simple romance and, well, cuddling. This was one of those nights, hence the simple pleasures of holding Brandi in my arms for a a few minutes. I'll be back to my usual self on the next visit I'm sure.

Az Hobby Habit
12-18-12, 21:06
I went back to blue moon after work another afternoon, and got to dance from Kiwis doppelganger, shorty. I was not impressed at all-she was at the mindset that the first 2 dances should be sit and talk fully clothed and the third and should be simple bottomless boring grinding.

I didn't have time for another dance set but I did sit at the rail and tip autumn who was very enthusiastic receiving my tips in fact I probably had more skin contact with autumn to bring her 1 dollar bills and I did with Shorty in the VIP.

I have still never tipped any 1 extra for the 3 dance at and other than shorty have not had a bad experience. What kind of extra tips are you guys giving and what kind of extras are you getting? Just HE? 3 different dancers now have not said anything about extra tips despite service above and beyond the Phoenix normal.

Based on my tip rail experience I am thinking autumn is probably a good time, so so unless I hear good leads from other people next time I go I will try to hit the shift change and get a dance from Kiwi and stick around for something with more extras from autumn.

12-19-12, 01:39
Blue moon Sunday.

Well, this past Sunday, I ventured out to Blue Moon for my first visit to a strip club in nearly two months. I was there on a Sunday evening, and there were probably 5 or 6 guys there. There were only three dancers, though-Bubbles, Ina, and another darker-skinned Cuban girl (maybe Brandi). I got a set of dances from Ina and Brandi. Ina was her usual vivacious self and was quite accomodating. Brandi was good, too, though I had not seen her there before. Ina has the hair a bit different now. Before, she had blonde highlights and the hair itself was a bit big. Now, it's tied back a bit more and is all one color (brown). Brandi-if that was indeed her name-was a complete sweetheart in every way. In fact, I was not looking for a whole lot of sensual activity and just sat for the first two songs with her in my arms. It was nicer than I ever would have expected.

I'm probably going to get made fun of by some of the regular posters for saying this, but oh well. Most of the time when I go to the clubs I'm looking for some nice dances that push the boundaries a bit when it comes to sensuality. Every once in awhile, however, I get in these weird moods where I'm more in the mood for simple romance and, well, cuddling. This was one of those nights, hence the simple pleasures of holding Brandi in my arms for a a few minutes. I'll be back to my usual self on the next visit I'm sure.I think you just start feeling that way when you reach a certain age (I'm 27). When I go to the clubs, that's basically all I want. I'm starting to get that feeling more and more now a days. It's almost unbearable enough to make me want to go through the hassle of having a girlfriend. I'd like to think that I've just reached a higher lever of maturity, but then again maybe it's just nature conspiring against me (in a different way) to propagate the species LOL.

12-19-12, 06:29
What kind of extra tips are you guys giving and what kind of extras are you getting? Just HE? 3 different dancers now have not said anything about extra tips despite service above and beyond the Phoenix normal.I have never tipped a dancer in the last 20 years and have been very popular. Some men feel more manly or important so they tip. It is mostly an American silly obsession of tipping mostly rare in most of the rest of the world.

If the fee is $45 you pay $45. Except at a used car lot or minimum wage waitress.

12-19-12, 06:33
I'm probably going to get made fun of by some of the regular posters for saying this, but oh well. Most of the time when I go to the clubs I'm looking for some nice dances that push the boundaries a bit when it comes to sensuality. Every once in awhile, however, I get in these weird moods where I'm more in the mood for simple romance and, well, cuddling. This was one of those nights, hence the simple pleasures of holding Brandi in my arms for a a few minutes. I'll be back to my usual self on the next visit I'm sure.As another cuddle freak I think its great. To me a meaningful intimacy, cuddling interaction is more satisfying than trying to get extras or in a dancers bottom. But I do enjoy nice cuddling of her breasts massaging them etc.

I have actually had dancers cry in my arms from being cuddled and caressed in a way many say they wish their boyfriends would do.

12-19-12, 07:02
"Lé Girls"Gee your right but haven't figured out how to type that e so pasted yours!

I checked an old free entry pass from the manager then I have known for decades from the escort side (owned an legit honest agency before the DD bust). I always have used the wrong spelling.

I have avoided since then as was clear when I went there is almost no contact on floor or the chairs in back if the layout is the same. Only upstairs was there any contact at some horrendous VIP rate.

I considered one of the best clubs physically and some nice gals. Big screen TV over front desk showing inside the club. Had some escort parties there (and one tomorrow or tonight actually but not going without a partner with me). But I had no interest without due to high fee for anything but air dances vs other clubs in the last few years.

12-19-12, 10:57
Blue moon Sunday.

I'm probably going to get made fun of by some of the regular posters for saying this, but oh well. Most of the time when I go to the clubs I'm looking for some nice dances that push the boundaries a bit when it comes to sensuality. Every once in awhile, however, I get in these weird moods where I'm more in the mood for simple romance and, well, cuddling. This was one of those nights, hence the simple pleasures of holding Brandi in my arms for a a few minutes. I'll be back to my usual self on the next visit I'm sure.Nobody can make fun of you, we all have our little things. However there are some clubs in LA that you would probably love, they are called, for some reason, taxi clubs. Basically you pay a girl to dance with you or sit and have drinks with you. Sometimes you can get a bit more depending on the girls. I heard of these places so I decided to check it out one. It was totally weird. You walk in and it's like a scene from Braveheart just before a battle, on one side there is a wall / line of girls just standing there. Directly opposite facing them about 10 feet away is a wall of dudes just standing there looking at the girls. Then one guy will walk up and pick a girl and go beyond to where the dance floor and booths are. It was mostly older Mexican and Asian guys. The girls were mostly hot Latinas dressed very nicely.

I grabbed a chick and took her straight to a back booth and after a couple of drinks got her to give me a handjob under the table. After that I took her back where you cash out. I think for like an hour I paid the house like $40 maybe and I forget what I tipped her, probably only $20.

I tried going to a couple of the different clubs later but could never get any action again. It was just something different to try but I guess for guys wanting intimacy it's the place to go.

Danimal Forth
12-19-12, 21:16
I think you just start feeling that way when you reach a certain age (I'm 27). When I go to the clubs, that's basically all I want. I'm starting to get that feeling more and more now a days. It's almost unbearable enough to make me want to go through the hassle of having a girlfriend. I'd like to think that I've just reached a higher lever of maturity, but then again maybe it's just nature conspiring against me (in a different way) to propagate the species LOL.I think the typical age might be a little higher than that but I'll generally agree. My other thought on the subject is that most guys apparently still don't change their strip club behavior after this metamorphosis. If that were true then I think fewer of the dancers would be surprised to bump into guys whose instincts aren't finding how much their hands can get away with.

12-20-12, 01:07
Nobody can make fun of you, we all have our little things. However there are some clubs in LA that you would probably love, they are called, for some reason, taxi clubs. Basically you pay a girl to dance with you or sit and have drinks with you. Sometimes you can get a bit more depending on the girls. I heard of these places so I decided to check it out one. It was totally weird. You walk in and it's like a scene from Braveheart just before a battle, on one side there is a wall / line of girls just standing there. Directly opposite facing them about 10 feet away is a wall of dudes just standing there looking at the girls. Then one guy will walk up and pick a girl and go beyond to where the dance floor and booths are. It was mostly older Mexican and Asian guys. The girls were mostly hot Latinas dressed very nicely.

I grabbed a chick and took her straight to a back booth and after a couple of drinks got her to give me a handjob under the table. After that I took her back where you cash out. I think for like an hour I paid the house like $40 maybe and I forget what I tipped her, probably only $20.

I tried going to a couple of the different clubs later but could never get any action again. It was just something different to try but I guess for guys wanting intimacy it's the place to go.They are also called "hostess" clubs but history going back to the 30s were Taxi clubs. Before I found Canadian strip clubs I enjoyed them in the late 90s-early 2000's. There were more of them back then one got town down due to the new? Center and a few closed. They were all I believe located in the "Warehouse" district of downtown LA. A bit seedy area but I felt relatively safe walking from parking lots.

There was a bit more wild/open Latin club I enjoyed at times, although I was often the only White guy there and hardly anyone spoke English. Another very high priced Asian club.

I did lots of reports on the clubs on my site. From what I have heard more recently the quality is much lower and often English isn't the best for us that have a hard time with foreign accents.

It was weird then as you describe now with guys staring at gals and they have to wait for you to ask for a dance. Back then the gals were seated in chairs, vs your report of standing. Almost like the fishbowls of massage gals typical in Thailand although they were on benches vs chairs.

In my view I prefer more "flesh" contact when cuddling, caressing etc vs more clothed at these clubs. But brings back good memories of some good times, but them moved on enjoy the Canadian clubs (after 1999 new law of no contact and those odd straddle positions in chairs since can't sit in lap in Phoenix, now not enforced for the last few years).

Now some Phoenix clubs are back to almost pre 1999 experiences but hope too many guys taking it too far won't result in more enforcement again.

12-23-12, 07:38
Centerfolds Sat night 12/22/2012 2AM so really Sunday morning.

Arrived about 2:30AM looked like parking lot emptied out from earlier. Nude side quite busy. Stood around this time instead of getting a seat- actually weren't any even available.

After awhile Valerie approaches on how just needs 3 more dances tonight to get gift for child out of layaway. Pretty charm so say I will do one. While waiting she wants me to massage her neck. Really tight. OK she is in heaven and has me continue for about 3 songs off the clock. Very nicely intimate after the nice intro to my hands from massage. About a 4 on my 0-5 intimacy scale.

Next? Hannaria? About A breasts but liked to have them massaged which I enjoy. Nice body about average interaction.

Long dry spell. Getting bored. Am standing by the dancers entry to dressing room area trying to smile at some but old Dave ignored a long time. I note cute shy seeming black gal lots of gals talk to but she just stands or sits at that near stage area high point. Never saw her approach any customers, went back to dressing room, back out. Gals talking to but just observing so thought was new. Seemed like maybe my kind of cute not wild type.

Now its about 3:15am and dancers thinning about as fast as guys but I'm not getting any attention. Some dancers seem in street clothing with their boyfriends unless customers with girlfriends. Ms cute new is still sitting around, I am almost daring to approach HER!

But then attractive tall low key dancers wonders up and starts conversation. Nice chat. I ask about cute girl and she confirms yes she is new. Actually she looks a bit like I think it was "Hanniaria?" not quite sure haven't already danced with her and just being friendly but I think breasts are larger but not huge which is ideal (and natural). Finally I ask her name and she says we have met before. Is Jasmine! My gosh this is the one I had such a long chat with so talkative back in November but I don't remember faces / bodies that well. She admitted she forgot name but always remembers faces! After more nice talk I suggest a dance. Almost seems surprised I want one. Asked her if Ms Cute was available to dance maybe she would introduce us after our dance.

Nice dance, my kind of cuddly good touch. Afterwards says to stay on the "dance couch" and she would get Ms cute. I think ms cute is back in dressing room probably ready to go home. But she comes over just about a few seconds before a song starts so goes quickly into dance. Note to self. Do not try and break in new gals! She She is Rania (like the Queen above others) and now has one of those net fish stockings on which keep getting caught in my shirt buttons. I was quite sure she had nice bare legs before. Never took her top off, not much flesh contact and just into a bit of bounce and grind. Zero on my intimacy scale and really don't think she will make it at a high contact club like this. Big thing seemed to be hold her butt so she could jiggle it faster.

Now about 3:30am leave. But had some enjoyable interactions as usual her on the nude side late night.

Danimal Forth
12-23-12, 09:25
I just got back from Alaskan Bush Company. I'm pretty pissed off about this so I'm sitting down to write this now at 4am. This latest experience is pretty much like all the ones I had way back when I had decided that strip clubs were a total waste of time and money. It's very unlikely I will go back there again.

I hadn't been to ABC for probably as many as eight years. Decided to mix it up a little bit. When I walked in I couldn't even remember which side was nude and which side was topless.

My memories of the physical layout came back pretty much as they were back before. I thought somebody had told me they renovated recently but I wouldn't be able to pick out what they might have done. Not much to say in that department. Both ABC and Essex have better chairs and do have more room than some of the other clubs I've been going to the past few months. The whole lodge decor feels a little weirder this time around.

I also have to stop here and say that the staff was overall pretty rude. The girl at the window was unpleasant. The straps on both wrists made it pretty obvious that I had paid the cover but one of the bouncers got rude when I let him know I'd be going back inside in just a few minutes after taking a phone call. The new, nearby Essex club is much more upscale and those people are very cool. ABC apparently wants to live and die by the broke, under-21 crowd.

Back in those former days I did not have much cash to blow on strip clubs. At least this time I knew that wouldn't be a problem but I still try to limit the amount of cash I carry around. In case it wasn't obvious, there's a little bit of foreshadowing there.

I got a dance from one of the first girls who approached me and the conversation went pretty well so I took her up on a dance. (Twenty dollars per song is probably too high.). Then I liked the second girl, Sonya, even more and when she mentioned VIP I asked her about how it worked now. (Just $20. I think I wasted forty bucks way back for absolute nothing at all.) I was able connect with her in conversation and she was fairly relaxed although she never stayed more than a few songs at a time before getting up to make the rounds. This girl only works one or two nights per month and not even on predictable days. She's the only small positive of my night.

Several of the girls blew me off completely. All of the other girls would just walk up and ask for dances.

There was no mistaking the look of disgust and eye-rolling each time I turned them down. The few that sat down on my lap or the empty chair beside me always had laughably bad escape lines like "Ok, I'm going to get some water" or "I'm going to check on those two guys but I'll be back." Multiple times they said "I have to go walk around." and then they'd walk straight over to the congregating area at the bottom of the ramp talking with other dancers. I do realize they like to make money but they'll get mine a little faster by engaging in some friendly chit chat; these girls are generally young and incredibly immature. In the looks department I won't complain though.

For a nude club you don't really get to see very much. The lighting is brighter along the private dance areas but it's the guys turning around to watch the girl giving dances who are getting a better view of that action. The stage is very dark but the DJ continually announces that the people sitting at stage seat need to be putting dollar bills up to stay that close.

I had forgotten they had their thing where the guy lays his had back over the edge of the stage and the dancer straddles his head to give a close-up view of her goods. In a small way that's redeeming quality but it hardly makes up for all the negative stuff.

Now I decided to take Sonya up to VIP since she hinted that it would be more comfortable. I suppose the couch was fairly nice to sit in but I didn't get anything that was worth the twenty dollar admission fee. (I got a rude glance from the bouncer as I follow Sonya up the stairs.) Out of nowhere but at least before we headed up Sonya tried to tell me that she has a five-dance minimum for VIP; she agreed to do just three since that's what I had on me. If I hadn't liked her I would have considered that to be both deceptive and ridiculous.

Unfortunately I doubt that paying for five dances would have improved the ones I got. And since they don't seem to allow nudity on the bar side, they were really worse than the ones downstairs except for a little bit more time just hanging out between songs. I don't usually want extras but there was definitely no vibe that it could have happened.

We went back down to the nude side and they were in the middle of a series of "Dollar Dances" where the girls are all doing very, very short lap dances and rotating to a new lap each 20-second song snippet. It's an interesting idea that I hadn't seen before. I sat down in time to get a few and it was Ivy, a blonde, who ended up on my lap last.

She made some comment about how I looked like the kind of guy she likes to dance for later. I suggested that would be ok. Then she said she needed to go give a dance to another customer but that she would come back right after. She said "Don't cheat on me. And I mean that."

Now I knew that I was going to need some more cash if I was going to get more dances. My plan is generally to go back to my bank's ATM. I don't want to pay the fees or have the facility recorded in a transaction. And it's another way to keep my spending in check.

So the other customer didn't want a dance after all and Ivy came back immediately. The music was a little too loud and so I follow her over to the dance area to explain that I didn't have enough cash on me and wasn't anticipating her to return so quickly.

She asked if I was planning to go to an ATM and then asked if I was sure that funds were available. (Of course I have no problem getting another twenty.) It was totally her idea to trust me to pay afterward and I guess it seemed cool that she was willing to do that without any prior evidence of more than a dollar in my pocket. I agreed to that but I didn't make the connection that she was expecting me to use the ATM inside the building.

I know there are plenty of guys who can't be trusted but to me paying for a single twenty-dollar dance is a very tiny thing. At other clubs I rack up ten dances in a row and the girls don't even care about asking for the money. Sometimes they will go on stage and disappear for an entire hour before coming back to collect. Other times they insist on taking less than what I offer. When we're dealing with girls on the BP forum, we appreciate the token of trust that they don't even mention the envelope or examine its contents so I don't see what the big difference is for a stripper's five minutes.

So to pay for one dance she pressures me to use the ATM and even wants to follow me over. I tried to offer her some collateral to go to the bank instead. Then I explain that I would still need to go to my car first to get my card and she tells a bouncer to follow outside. (He was actually cool about it and made a comment about how he's a "grown man being told what to do".) And of course he also had to stand behind me while I completed the transaction with its outrageous seven dollar fee. The bouncer had also assured me that the transaction record didn't appear with the name of the club but as I have just discovered before writing this, he was entirely wrong.

Ivy is a little older and one of the other dancers described her as kind of a mother to the girls. As far as I'm concerned she is about as stuck up, immature and manipulative as the rest.

I would have probably come back with a lot more cash were it not for this stupid episode. Instead I am writing a negative review to send guys toward other venues more worthy of your hard-earned dollars.

Member #4210
12-23-12, 19:57
Hell, I didn't know they were in the valley. I had to google it!

In Anchorage it was OK. Spent a very few evenings there. I found it was too expensive and I see they brought their table dance rates south with them.

Thanks for the detailed report.

12-26-12, 21:47
Went into Cheetahs around 5 after work and the place was pretty busy. I was able to get a seat and immediately saw a mix named Milan on stage, tipped her and told her to come down. She came down after she was done and began to chat me up. Talked for a few songs and then we moved to a corner booth to begin the dances. She was very nice and encouraged touching everywhere. She also touched everywhere. Talked about some extras and for a small tip she took care of me but she looked around quite a bit, she said she was afraid to get caught. A good experience, I was able to get out of there without even buying a drink and home by 6.

12-31-12, 00:43
Stopped into Cheetahs the other evening. DJ had the music and bass turned way too high. Go figure. Woofers and speakers started to crackle on one song. Met a fairly new dancer and quite a beauty (H2) and got a couple dances before doing the VIP thing. Got off to a good start, yet didn't finish. Another dancer, N1, was pretty upfront about her VIP dances and offers to finish what H2 started. She did. In hindsight, I should have been more patient (yet I wanted to get relief and get home) , as A1 was on stage as I exitted VIP. She would have been a much better choice. Girl is smokin' hot.

Tipped A1, who seemed to remember me, and seemed slightly disappointed that I was on the way out. Bouncer gent, D1 (read about him and A1 in previous post) stopped by my chair earlier in the evening with a friendly "welcome back" greeting.

Gravity (habit) will pull me back to Bandaids or Blue Moon sooner or later, yet Cheetahs and HiLiter will get my monger funds and monger time in the near future.

SWs have been off my agenda for some time (too much LEO concern for too little savings). Aztec is a LMP always available as a back up. Backpage has had few offerings catching my attention (and LEO and Rob concerns). With my good fortune (rather spoiled) it looks like Strip Clubs are my vice for awhile (may have to mix take out with in house adventures).

Happy Mongering to all.

edit...forgot H1 had caught my attention last trip, so this adventure was with H2.

12-31-12, 00:52
Oops forgot to report on a Hiliter visit a little ways back. Christmas eve afternoon? Or day prior (Christmas eve eve?).

Thin crowd and thinner amount of talent available.

Standard agenda. Have a two-fer cocktail, tip some dancers, try to spot one who is both attractive to me and seems willing to give extras.

Found R1, who took care of me for the price of my VIP dances (plus a small unsolicited tip). Enjoyed a double cheeseburger with jalepenos and fries, left happy.

It seems that HE's are becoming more available at various valley strip clubs.

01-04-13, 17:44
First BM trip during day. Sign said 9 girls. Saw 3-4 in the club area.

Beth (hispanic with bolt ons decent english upsell but friendly). I forget the other girls name but piercings on face nipples shaved head comb over maybe bubbles. She said she's been there about 6 months.

The infamous Kiwi was there but as I was leaving at about 530 is when I saw her. With this club I guess I've been spoiled with knowing hands fingers roam and will get wet but I guess when I go in expecting shifting and release and it doesn't happen I call it a bad stop. LOL. Both were friendly Beth I think has been a dancer elsewhere bubbles on the other hand not so much a little more awkward interaction. BTW beth wanted 60 for 3 dances which she said meant 1 sitting and two standing. As oppossed to three standing or something. She went through the whole spiel I just wasnt patient to listen since it usually 3 for 40. I just let it go but wasn't worth it. Not any different.


As always great mileage on floor. Bowl game so pretty crowded so tough to really work anything out. Spent about the same at each place but more fun at HL.

01-04-13, 23:29
Hopefully not a duplicate. Now I don't remember if I pressed preview or upload report.

Thursday went to both BM and HL.

BM was around 4 chalboard said 9 girls I saw 4-5. Dances with Beth (mid 30 spanish woman bolt-ons decent english) enticed with request to go to corner booth. She had her own pricing to start of 60 for3 dances which she implied included more time sitting than standing for dances. I did the work just wet fingers no gear shifting or spillage.

2nd girl was the nose and other part of face plus tit piercing. Friendly said she's been there six months I thought name was bubbles but maybe not. Mid 20's partially shaved head with some long hair too. Again same thing I did all the work. I guess I've gotten to more mutual fun so this wasnt a great trip.

Spent about the same amount of money at HL even with it being a bowl game night had a good time no great VIP stories to report but good time on the floor.

Danimal Forth
01-05-13, 16:24
2nd girl was the nose and other part of face plus tit piercing. Friendly said she's been there six months I thought name was bubbles but maybe not. Mid 20's partially shaved head with some long hair too. Again same thing I did all the work. I guess I've gotten to more mutual fun so this wasnt a great trip.
Girls with shaved hair is probably Candy B. That was definitely not Bubbles.

01-05-13, 23:17
Girls with shaved hair is probably Candy B. That was definitely not Bubbles.Ok thanks. I knew it was a generica stripper name. Couldn't remember which one though.

01-06-13, 13:09
Does anyone know what happened to Gigi from BM? I had a great experience with her at the club and would like to see her again. Any info is appreciated.

01-06-13, 13:29
Stopped by Christies in Glendale on Thursday night on my way home from work. The bowl game was still going on at the stadium a few miles away, so the place was pretty dead, but they had a lot of dancers there like they were anticipating things would get busy after the game finished up.

Had the cocktail waitress bring me a beer, and as I was drinking it and watching the game, a very tall and slender girl came up to me and sat on my lap. I believe she said her name was Desire. Said she works at both the Glendale location, as well as the location off of the I-10. We talked for a few, and she asked me if I had ever been there before. I had a flashback to the movie "Ghostbusters". When Winston tells Ray "When someone asks you if you're a God, you say YES!". Instead, I did the honest thing and said "no", as I had never been to either location of Christies, or even this location when it was Pink.

So we chatted for a few more minutes. Turns out she and I went to the same high school, although she started there a couple years after I graduated. She began to tell me about how things worked there. $10 for "air dances" on the floor, $20 for lap dances on the sofas where she can touch me, and $100 for 3 songs upstairs where there is mutual touching. I usually don't get a dance from the first couple dancers that approach me, as I like to get a good look at my options, but something wouldn't let me pass her up. I opted for the $20 lap dance on the sofa (although I was tempted to head upstairs. A few disappointments from other VIP areas at other clubs had me hesitant) , and she suggested we go to the "naughty corner".

We chatted for a few more minutes until the next song started. At this point, she told me that if I got 2 $20 dances, the third would be free. The nice thing that I started to take notice of is that they don't seem to cut songs short like a lot of other places do. And it just so happened that the 3 songs that were playing while I was getting dances from her were fairly decent in length. Now, I don't remember what the first 2 songs were, but when the third song started, I immediately recognized it as "Gangnam Style". I laughed and started shaking my head. She asked me what was up, and I told her that I hated that song. Her response was that we would have to do something to change my preception of that song.

Long story short, those 3 dances were easily the best lap dances that I have ever gotten. Everything stayed within the confines of the club rules and local laws, but let me just say that after "Gangnam Style" was over, I was very satisfied.

I made a pit stop in the rest room, and returned to my seat on the dance floor and ordered another drink. As I was watching the game, I was aproached by another dancer that recently moved here from Minnesota (her name escapes me). She was nice, but I decided that I wanted to just chill a bit, watch some stage dances, and watch the bowl game.

Not even 30 seconds after Minnesota left, some other dancer came a flopped down on my lap. Very little chit chat, and she quickly asked if I wanted a dance. I politely declined, and then she did something that I had never experienced before. She asked if I wanted to give her a tip anyways. Now, I've witnessed some dancers do some pretty shitty things, so I made sure not do what my gut reaction was telling me to do and ask her "What the fuck for?", but I could envision this one going to a boucer and telling him some lie to make him toss me out of the joint. So what I did instead was respond with "I'm sorry?". The funny thing was that she actually repeated herself and asked me again if I wanted to give her a tip. She obviously thought that I didn't hear her, and not that I was dumbfounded by her question. So my follow up response was "For what?" with a slight laugh. She definitely didn't think it was funny and was up and off of my lap in no time.

I had another beer and watched some more of the game, but with starting my evening off in such a satisfying way, I saw no need to hang around much longer and spend more money unnecessarily.

Danimal Forth
01-06-13, 18:23
Does anyone know what happened to Gigi from BM? I had a great experience with her at the club and would like to see her again. Any info is appreciated.I think I heard a couple versions of what happened, but essentially she got fired.

One of those was that she was doing takeout with customers and that she was running a massage business out of her home.

01-06-13, 23:49
I think I heard a couple versions of what happened, but essentially she got fired.

One of those was that she was doing takeout with customers and that she was running a massage business out of her home.Thanks for the reply, Danimal.

I heard something similar. I was wondering if she was still working in the area. Maybe as UTR massage or escort. If she is, I'd like her contact info.

I know she had somewhat of a following on these boards, maybe someone knows where she ended up.

Higgs Boson
01-15-13, 00:11
In late December I was thinking, hey, maybe I should cut back on my strip club spending. Yeah, that's the ticket! I can get a Ferarri with the money I save. That could take a few years but it would be a start.

So, a couple of days after New Year's I had a break in work and stopped by Stilettos (formerly Teasers) for a diet cola and surveyed the dancers. No lap dances for me but seeing one of the dancers reminded me of a conversation she and I had a couple of weeks before and helped me understand why the dancers there seem so passive. She told me that she often sits at the bar and "advertises", that is, makes herself visible. It got me thinking about how a low percentage of customers at this club actually get lap dances, therefore the dancers get tired of approaching customers with zero results. If you're looking for lap dances here, my recommendation is to sit at one of the tables immediately visible to dancers exiting the dressing room. The door is between the VIP lounge and the DJ booth. The dancers will approach you there after they leave the dressing room. Also, tipping a dancer on stage here is a near guarantee she'll come looking for you when she gets off-stage. As for the dancer I referred to, I really liked her body, slim with nicely-shaped B cup breasts but her face is a little homely, not fugly, just plain. That would have been OK for me but back on the couches I found her breasts were off-limits. Not an upsell attempt to get me to the VIP area, just off-limits. Let me note that there are some hot looking women at Stilettos. I plan to return and sample a couple more of the other new dancers. As I left, my strip club spending plan was intact.


Higgs Boson
01-15-13, 00:14
The next night was the downfall for the New Year's resolution. I finished up work early, thinking I'd see the early evening dancer shift at the Hi Liter for the first time. Arriving, I found that the club offers 2 for 1 beverages until 7 PM. Cheap (er) drinks and hot dancers is a deadly combination for my wallet. About the time I started my third gin and tonic a passing dancer caught my eye and reached out to shake hands but took my hand and put it directly on her bare right tit. Nice introduction. Thus began my budget downfall. After laps with a nice selection of hot dancers, including a petite exotic who rocked my world, I got it in my head to see what Bandaids looks like on a Friday night even though I already made a big dent in my budget.

I entered Bandaids and presented my "free cover" coupon to the hot large-breasted door girl. No problem there but the security staff seemed a bit cold. Maybe it's because I hadn't been there for awhile or maybe the big guy was having a bad week. He said he hadn't had any time off for awhile.

From the Bandaids entryway, I passed the bar, noted a couple of familiar faces, and proceeded to the lounge entrance to survey the activity. I was just beginning to do my census of the available dancers when a figure emerged out of the darkness and said "Hi!". It was my ATF dancer, a bundle of sexiness, bubbly personality, and booty you love to kiss. She was on her way to the bar stage to do the stage rotation and told me to follow her. At the bar stage she told me what she's been doing the past few months. As she was doing her turn on the stages I went back to the lounge entrance and then I saw another dancer I hadn't seen in a very long time. The last time we talked, this dancer had her hand in my shorts at the bar. When I got off the barstool that night, I forgot my belt was undone and the shorts unsnapped and unzipped. Lucky for me, I caught my shorts before they hit the floor. This evening we locked eyes and she moved in for the kill. Later we met outside the club. Thus in one night I managed to expend perhaps six months of my strip club budget. But damn! It was great!


Higgs Boson
01-15-13, 00:19
As much fun as I already had in the first few days of 2013, I restrained myself the next night during a visit to Bliss up on Deer Valley Road. The club and dancers seem to thrive on regulars. Since I wanted to limit any lap dancing activities, I remained at the bar. About an hour later a dancer finally asked me about a dance. She was tall with natural breasts but it was time for me to go. I'll definitely try some dances with her next time.

A week later, I decided to visit The Candy Store. Normally this club is at or near the bottom of my list of clubs. However, during my big night at the Hi Liter, one of the most exciting and sexy dancers at the club told me she was moving to The Candy Store. This club has always been very low mileage for me, a major reason it's at the bottom of my list, but I thought I'd see if this dancer made the move. I had my doubts when she mentioned it because she definitely did NOT fit the profile of a Candy Store dancer. That is, she had neither tattoos nor fake boobs. The dancers at the Candy Store seem to have one or the other, often both.

This night, the club was true to form. Most of the dancers seemed to have the two main qualifications but there were a couple of exceptions. I checked out those exceptions while waiting to see if the hot Hi Liter dancer would make an appearance. By my second beer it was fairly certain my hot darlin' wasn't showing up. About that point, one of the exceptions, a smiling tall high-heeled blond with natural B / C breasts asked if I'd like a dance. Hell yeah, yes I would, and we moved to a better location. Perhaps within a minute of starting the dance the crew-cut security guy in the short pants was poking at my shoulder saying no touching was allowed. Just to be clear, maybe I touched the outside of the dancer's legs, perhaps her hips. There's no point in arguing with security staff. Just say OK, make adjustments, stop, or leave. I made some adjustments then left later but not before a couple more dances. I fended off a couple of huge-fake-boobed, tattooed, aging biker-chick types. One of them didn't take the phrase "no, thank you" very well. Then I met a nice slim brunette, natural a / be cup who gave a nice dance but had some interesting repressed anger issues.

To the person in the Phoenix threads who likes women with full sleeve tattoos, there's at least one dancer at The Candy Store who's waiting for you. For me, my visit only confirmed my previous experiences: low mileage dances and few dancers I'm interested in meeting again. Next week I go looking for that hot little exotic dancer elsewhere. I'm also looking for a former Hi Liter dancer who could pass as Zuzana Drabinova's younger sister. (look up Zuzana Drabinova).


01-15-13, 02:29
Higgs, The Candy Store seems totally opposite your posted favorites such as Bandaids, Hi-Liter, Stilettos. More of a skinny chick rocker place. Not diverse at all. My vibe there isn't too good either. I have seen guys and dancers get away with more in the eastside dance area but that was during the earlier hours of the afternoon.

Cheetah and Sugar 44 may be more up your alley. Sugar 44 isn't consistent, but I have had some fun there with women that are more "naturally" pretty. My last visit was around the 5 to 6 ish time frame, and no bouncer interference either.

I agree with you about Bliss having kind of a regulars feel, and it's not that busy either. I don't know why that club isn't jumping, there is no competition in the area. The few dances I've bought there in my past were ho hum at best.

Higgs Boson
01-16-13, 00:12
Higgs, The Candy Store seems totally opposite your posted favorites such as Bandaids, Hi-Liter, Stilettos. More of a skinny chick rocker place. Not diverse at all. My vibe there isn't too good either. I have seen guys and dancers get away with more in the eastside dance area but that was during the earlier hours of the afternoon.Not diverse, is right. There was one light complexioned black dancer, which is typical at this club but fits the demographics for that part of town. In the past there have been one or two latinas, On those visits I did my best to escape one because she wouldn't shut up, and the other was just plain cold. Yes, the east side stage by the bar is a little more hidden. That area was fairly full when I was there on Saturday nite.

Cheetah and Sugar 44 may be more up your alley. Sugar 44 isn't consistent, but I have had some fun there with women that are more "naturally" pretty. My last visit was around the 5 to 6 ish time frame, and no bouncer interference either.I've been intrigued by Tyler's and, now, your reports on the recent situation at Cheetah's. I haven't been by there for 12-18 months when a dimwit door hostess didn't want to accept my valid free entry coupon and one of the security staff had to explain it to her. I expect to check it out again later this month. It's a tough job but someone has to do it.

I occasionally stop by Sugar 44. After the reopening, the security staff patrolled the floor like Stalag perimeter guards and chastised customers for any touching. It's loosened up quite a bit since then but my experiences there have been mixed. Drink costs are on the high side with few announced specials, and one aging dancer seemed to target me for special and unwanted attention. I've had a couple of interesting dancers in the past, one of whom was fired. I have a good idea why she was fired because that night she gave me some of the greatest dances I've ever had in my life. (Not counting the dancer who tried to do me bareback in a certain other club.)

I agree with you about Bliss having kind of a regulars feel, and it's not that busy either. I don't know why that club isn't jumping, there is no competition in the area. The few dances I've bought there in my past were ho hum at best.I can't say Bliss has ever "jumped". For me it's been pretty much the same on every visit. Fairly dull, a slightly different line-up of dancer faces, almost all white dancers, half with fake boobs, usually one black dancer. The actual lap dances have not been notable. There aren't any good reasons to visit unless you happen to be in the vicinity.

The only reason I stopped by the Candy Store the other evening was to link up with the dancer I met at the Hi Liter. Time to look elsewhere.


01-16-13, 14:23
Finally decided to check this place out. Really dead Sun evening (3-12 patrons, started with 2 dancers, ended with 6). Staff was very friendly. According to multiple conversations the place attracts tall girls. They hire shorter ones but only the tall stay. So if you like the long lean look this may be a good option. Also, only 1 in 6 had bolt-ons.

Only ducked in for a beer or two, but ended up staying for hours thanks to the delightful company of Nadia & Melody. As mentioned before table dances here are $10 while dances on the sofas along the walls are $20. For this price I seemed to get about what I expect at BSC for those prices. Caressing anywhere uncovered was encouraged on the sofa. Certainly enjoyable, but it did seem a bit odd on the main floor. Not sure if this is SOP or just because it was so slow. Songs are full length, always nice.

Biggest downside: ATM fee is $12. Now, I expect to get overcharged, but come on. Also. 2 of the rudest gals I've dealt with in a club. Both made ever aggressive & escalating offers that wandered far off menu by the end, but I was much happier just chatting with Nadia on my lap.

I do plan on returning during more normal hours and checking it out again.

01-16-13, 22:32
So where did you go?

1. Christie?

2. Christie's in Phoenix?

3. Christies in Tempe?

Or somewhere completely fucking different?

01-17-13, 04:13
After about a 3 month hiatus went back there. My favorite girl was not there, and literally as soon as I paid the cover, her best friend came up to me, said her friend was off, (they always work together) and asked if I wanted a dance. I said yes. B- took me to the back corner, asked how much I usually pay her friend, and enthusiastically went to work. I never got dances from her before. I got 2 sets as usual, tipped her the $58 above the $82 just like I would give her friend, and she provided excellent service. She knew all about me as her friend introduced me to her before, told her all about me, they ride together, and that is why I went with her.

These 2 girls work at another club with alcohol, and they know I prefer the topless club to there. Once I get my 2 sets at BM, and get off, I don't know about you guys, but I am ready to go. I may watch 1 or 2 other girls stage sets, and out the door I go. For a little more money I prefer going to a spa, getting a rubdown and FS, instead of a HJ and fingering. BM is just an occasional change of pace.

I may stay at a topless club with intriguing girls longer and try a few different girls. To me, BM is all about choosing a reliable girl, getting off, and getting out. .

Saw several different skinny white girls there this visit. Was there right before shift change, and day shift had more girls than night. 8 girls on day shift.

01-17-13, 16:20
So where did you go?

1. Christie?

2. Christie's in Phoenix?

3. Christies in Tempe?

Or somewhere completely fucking different?Not sure how the title got truncated.

01-17-13, 23:46
Not sure how the title got truncated.Christie's Glendale.

And it was truncated again. Apparently it doesn't like an apostrophe in the title. Maybe an artifact from posting on the iPad.

Dick North
01-18-13, 19:06
In the area today so I stopped in early afternoon. I thought the place was just opening as there were only a few guys at the bar and few dancers.

Anyway the dj finally got a girl on stage 'Arianna" a 5'7" black chick who had seriously large tits. I tipped her a 5 on stage and later she came over to see me at the bar.

She said that a lot of customers in there don't like black girls. I don't quite understand that, but anyway I took her to VIP.

Very sweet girl with a very satisfying performance and BTW the tits are real!

Says she wants to be a pediatrician. Not sure if she will achieve that goal, but good for her if she does.

Give her a try guys, I think you will enjoy the experience.


01-18-13, 20:41
In the area today so I stopped in early afternoon. I thought the place was just opening as there were only a few guys at the bar and few dancers.

Anyway the dj finally got a girl on stage 'Arianna" a 5'7" black chick who had seriously large tits. I tipped her a 5 on stage and later she came over to see me at the bar.

She said that a lot of customers in there don't like black girls. I don't quite understand that, but anyway I took her to VIP.

Very sweet girl with a very satisfying performance and BTW the tits are real!

Says she wants to be a pediatrician. Not sure if she will achieve that goal, but good for her if she does.

Give her a try guys, I think you will enjoy the experience.

DNPretty lofty goal, but I used to see a RN several years ago whose goal was to become an MD. Maybe she made it, at any rate she dropped off the radar never to be heard of again.

01-20-13, 05:45
Essex Strip Club. Patience pays off.

Previously Pantara / Showclub etc. Wins my award for the most transformed club. Excellent remodel, very nice and more light than in most clubs so you can actually see the dancers vs most too dark.

Arrive 9PM and arranged to meet "Higgs" as we often explore clubs together.

Very friendly front guy. $5 cover, asked if they still need to show your drivers license as they use to run through their machine. He joked if I swear I am not a felon and over age 18 won't need to.

Bigger front area, the 3 stages the same but all freshly painted new. Very nice very private VIP area. Glass door is so clean almost don't realize it is a door and not just open.

Not very busy initially and Higgs was delayed. I was getting totally bored, trying to smile as dancers walked by and on stage but as previous experience here was as if I was invisible. For about 40 minutes I didn't see any floor dances, no dancers offering dances to anyone. Some dancers sitting with guys but probably friends since not dancing etc.

Higgs arrived and we both wondered if its turned just into a Teasers type club with little interest in doing lap dances. Then saw a couple getting basically air dances. Higgs and I had low expectations based on prior Pantara visits and had planned to bail to Hi-Liter if nothing more at sit and stare was offered. As with most clubs the noise was so loud (some cal it music) that hard to hear conversations.

Getting closer to 10PM saw more dancers arrive. Must be a shift change. And our patience started paying off vs bailing out to our old reliable Hi-Liter (which as replaced Bandaids with it going downhill, the obnoxious Damian and many night dancers leaving for other clubs.)

Lala. Tall very slender (my favorite body type) black friendly gal. Being a bit concerned about what I saw in floor dances mentioned to her my interest in quality mutual contact and she indicated better in VIP. As I concluded worth it to do $20 / dance VIP (no entry fee) vs much more limited $10 floor dances. Wow this is really nice VIP behind a glass door, nice booths some what more like the great Canadian clubs I enjoyed so much. Great time 2 dances with quite long uncut songs and a 4+ on my 0-5 intimacy scale. With 5's very rare. She usually works days at Bandaids. Higgs also danced with her after me and she wanted him to remind me works days at Bandaids (when obnoxious Damion doesn't work which I mentioned to her). In the past day shift was a bit more mature and those that like more mature guys instead of the younger drinking crowd at night. But last few times day shift before I stopped going to Bandaids, was not as good as maybe a year ago.

Jamie (if I have that right). Very friendly good intro talk but a bit more the wild vs more intimate but nice 3 on my scale but just did one dance.

Pussy. Gee what a name. Very friendly warm more sexy than intimate. 3+ on my scale, one song.

Paige- She had good floor dances with Higgs and talked to him a lot. She had ignored me earlier and seemed focused on Higgs (came back long talk with him) but then asked if I would do another dance noting I had danced with others. She was attractive, I was hesitant. Wow, was she great! We connected on the intimacy side. Rare 5 on my intimacy scale for 2 songs. Has been dancing 9 years since about age 18 at various clubs. She also works at Bandaids and Cheetahs.

It seems quite a few dancers work both here and at Bandaids since owned by the same "trio" as is Hi-Liter but in ways large differences between clubs.

We left about midnight, I was satisfiable with some good intimacy for the night. Higgs planned to go on to Hi-Liter which was original plan.

As usual I wish I could meet some of the dancers as companions and for as much as I spend a night on dances with the right women would wish could spent an hour in a bed as a companion / escort. But have a terrible time trying to find reviews of escorts that hint more the intimacy interest vs just all the more mechanical sex stuff and abbreviations. Especially GFE which I was one of the first to use that term on the alt. Sex. Prostitution news group before there were websites using 300 baud packet readers. It originally meant a real connection, intimacy for the moment not all the risky sex acts it has been redefined as today.

Dick North
01-20-13, 20:20
Pretty lofty goal, but I used to see a RN several years ago whose goal was to become an MD. Maybe she made it, at any rate she dropped off the radar never to be heard of again.Crutch, I think that many of these girls live in a dream world, which is ok (for awhile). Dreams could evolve into ambition, which could evolve into determination, which could culminate in success in the chosen career. In most cases that I have witnessed, success is unlikely.

But I always try to encourage the girls as best I can.


Dick North
01-20-13, 20:33
Essex Strip Club. Patience pays off.

As usual I wish I could meet some of the dancers as companions and for as much as I spend a night on dances with the right women would wish could spent an hour in a bed as a companion / escort. But have a terrible time trying to find reviews of escorts that hint more the intimacy interest vs just all the more mechanical sex stuff and abbreviations. Especially GFE which I was one of the first to use that term on the alt. Sex. Prostitution news group before there were websites using 300 baud packet readers. It originally meant a real connection, intimacy for the moment not all the risky sex acts it has been redefined as today.Then why not visit an AMP and not worry about "300 baud packet readers"

Dave. Are you there?


01-21-13, 02:23
Then why not visit an AMP and not worry about "300 baud packet readers"

DNI am not that attracted to Asians, and not the silly tipping negotiation and high prices. I am totally spoiled by the nude-reverse-release adult body rubs in Ontario all upfront, no legal issues and especially attracted to tall, slender especially Europeans and especially Eastern Europeans who seemed so much more natural intimacy skills.

I enjoy giving nice Esalen massage (not directly sexual but sensual) to an attractive women just as much as receiving but more the type of interactive intimate (and I don't mean sex) in Ontario and Thailand. But can not afford the travel expenses like I did a few years ago.

01-21-13, 08:28
Crutch, I think that many of these girls live in a dream world, which is ok (for awhile). Dreams could evolve into ambition, which could evolve into determination, which could culminate in success in the chosen career. In most cases that I have witnessed, success is unlikely.

But I always try to encourage the girls as best I can.

DNDN, I completely agree. In the case I cited the girl was already an RN so maybe she made it. If she did, she was probably one in a thousand because, like you, I think most of their goals / dreams are pure fantasy.

Dick North
01-22-13, 19:37
I am not that attracted to Asians, and not the silly tipping negotiation and high prices. I am totally spoiled by the nude-reverse-release adult body rubs in Ontario all upfront, no legal issues and especially attracted to tall, slender especially Europeans and especially Eastern Europeans who seemed so much more natural intimacy skills.

I enjoy giving nice Esalen massage (not directly sexual but sensual) to an attractive women just as much as receiving but more the type of interactive intimate (and I don't mean sex) in Ontario and Thailand. But can not afford the travel expenses like I did a few years ago.Dave: A couple of points.

1. This is not Ontario or Budapest. This is the USA and so we enjoy what's available on our own turf.

2. You keep qualifying your remarks as " (and I don't mean sex)". What's wrong with sex? This is the USA SEX Guide after all!

3. Many AMPs don't really require negotiation. .60 upfront and a $ out the door. What do you get? In most cases a great sensual table shower and an all-you-can handle room experience in most cases. Got to work on knowing the best girls and the best establishments. Why don't you like Asian girls? They are in many cases attractive, very clean, attentive, and can satisfy almost every sexual need.

4. As I see it, here are your options:
4a. Move to Canada or Europe.
4b. Find or open your own Esalen spa. Actually there is one probably very similar in overall results in Chandler (Waterfeel)
4c. Find or open your own massage spa specializing in "nude-reverse-release adult body rubs?"
4d. Continue spending thousands of $ NOT getting satisfied in strip clubs. Nothing wrong with strip clubs mind you, a great diversion on occasion. But as a steady diet?


01-23-13, 23:12
I am not that attracted to Asians, and not the silly tipping negotiation and high prices. I am totally spoiled by the nude-reverse-release adult body rubs in Ontario all upfront.Ontario, Canada?

01-24-13, 07:56
Dave: A couple of points.

1. This is not Ontario or Budapest. This is the USA and so we enjoy what's available on our own turf.

2. You keep qualifying your remarks as " (and I don't mean sex)". What's wrong with sex? This is the USA SEX Guide after all!

3. Many AMPs don't really require negotiation. .60 upfront and a $ out the door. What do you get? In most cases a great sensual table shower and an all-you-can handle room experience in most cases. Got to work on knowing the best girls and the best establishments. Why don't you like Asian girls? They are in many cases attractive, very clean, attentive, and can satisfy almost every sexual need.

4. As I see it, here are your options:

4a. Move to Canada or Europe.

4b. Find or open your own Esalen spa. Actually there is one probably very similar in overall results in Chandler (Waterfeel)

4c. Find or open your own massage spa specializing in "nude-reverse-release adult body rubs?"

4d. Continue spending thousands of $ NOT getting satisfied in strip clubs. Nothing wrong with strip clubs mind you, a great diversion on occasion. But as a steady diet?

DNJust a few reactions ignoring your more sarcastic comments.

If gals adopted the more Canadian model they might find good customers and a flat fee would avoid most of the legal risks.

Waterfeel is great. I have experienced founder Emma, before she went back to Europe I believe but is now back. Waterfeel is based on Watsu. Created by Harold Dull at Harbin Hot Springs in Northern CA. Been there often many years ago. While very nicely sensual it is very different from "nude-reverse-release" adult body rubs in Ontario at about $120 full cost about 45 minutes with gorgeous gals, many incluidng better than some LMT real massage and without the legal issues.

A strip club is not a brothel. All the clubs we enjoy are breaking the Phoenix law adopted in 1999. I spoke against it on talk radio, at Council hearings etc. We are lucky there is no current enforcement vs extremely tight enforcement up until a few years ago. But give a guy an inch and they will take a mile. Trying to get sex at a strip club and risk getting attention of undercover LE again. Some of us enjoy it for non penetration full touch almost nude intimacy.

Massage places by typical negotiation are at huge risk not just for prostitution but felony criminal enterprise. Many big ones of the past have been busted and owners are going to prison and one committed suicide in late 2012, just before sentencing after pled to a felony. I have yet to experience a massage parlor in Phoenix that have any level of intimacy compared to what I enjoyed in Canada.

No I am not moving to Canada, I am not starting any massage place myself or other silly ideas.

But most guys don't care about this just want sex. Which is illegal in Arizona if paid for.

I am working on a national basis of advocates renewing interest in possible constitutional fight, especially with the recent adult related win in the 5th Circuit plus concepts from Lawrence vs Texas. The lawyer that won in the 5th Circuit (or his associate) is ready for a prostitution constitutional fight but need about $100k in legal fees and expect to have to take it to the 9th Circuit since will lose in lower courts. We even have a motion to dismissed based on these issues and need a test case of someone with standing that is in the 9th Circuit (CA, AZ etc).

Also almost had ideal person (disabled) to try for a declaratory finding to appeal to the 9th but sadly he died. Especially looking for a NV brothel worker who seeks the right to work in CA as this would be potential good declaratory standing.

So while most guys just whine about not getting their rocks off with no legal risk for them, some folks are fighting for the same sexual freedoms enjoyed in most of the rest of the world.

End of sermon, now passing the offerring plate to raise legal costs. There is even a 501c3 corp ready to take donations for the fight. But it will takes years to battle.

01-25-13, 06:28
Ontario, Canada?Yes, Canada not California.

Although there is a San Diego massage site / group that seem to have a lot of great activity. I assume enforcement of getting a happy ending is not as bad as in Phoenix.

Dick North
01-25-13, 18:02
Just a few reactions ignoring your more sarcastic comments.

If gals adopted the more Canadian model they might find good customers and a flat fee would avoid most of the legal risks.

Waterfeel is great. I have experienced founder Emma, before she went back to Europe I believe but is now back. Waterfeel is based on Watsu. Created by Harold Dull at Harbin Hot Springs in Northern CA. Been there often many years ago. While very nicely sensual it is very different from "nude-reverse-release" adult body rubs in Ontario at about $120 full cost about 45 minutes with gorgeous gals, many incluidng better than some LMT real massage and without the legal issues.

A strip club is not a brothel. All the clubs we enjoy are breaking the Phoenix law adopted in 1999. I spoke against it on talk radio, at Council hearings etc. We are lucky there is no current enforcement vs extremely tight enforcement up until a few years ago. But give a guy an inch and they will take a mile. Trying to get sex at a strip club and risk getting attention of undercover LE again. Some of us enjoy it for non penetration full touch almost nude intimacy.

Massage places by typical negotiation are at huge risk not just for prostitution but felony criminal enterprise. Many big ones of the past have been busted and owners are going to prison and one committed suicide in late 2012, just before sentencing after pled to a felony. I have yet to experience a massage parlor in Phoenix that have any level of intimacy compared to what I enjoyed in Canada.

No I am not moving to Canada, I am not starting any massage place myself or other silly ideas.

But most guys don't care about this just want sex. Which is illegal in Arizona if paid for.

I am working on a national basis of advocates renewing interest in possible constitutional fight, especially with the recent adult related win in the 5th Circuit plus concepts from Lawrence vs Texas. The lawyer that won in the 5th Circuit (or his associate) is ready for a prostitution constitutional fight but need about $100k in legal fees and expect to have to take it to the 9th Circuit since will lose in lower courts. We even have a motion to dismissed based on these issues and need a test case of someone with standing that is in the 9th Circuit (CA, AZ etc).

Also almost had ideal person (disabled) to try for a declaratory finding to appeal to the 9th but sadly he died. Especially looking for a NV brothel worker who seeks the right to work in CA as this would be potential good declaratory standing.

So while most guys just whine about not getting their rocks off with no legal risk for them, some folks are fighting for the same sexual freedoms enjoyed in most of the rest of the world.

End of sermon, now passing the offerring plate to raise legal costs. There is even a 501c3 corp ready to take donations for the fight. But it will takes years to battle.Dave. Seriously!

Here's your best statement.

"But most guys don't care about this just want sex. Which is illegal in Arizona if paid for."

BINGO!! That's what this forum is all about! Pursuing the hobby! The thrill of the hunt! Guys wanting to have sex!

Please knock of the sanctimonious, mind-numbing, legal drivel. Go whack off or something, but please knock it off.

If you are so impressed with your knowledge of the legal challenges to the sex industry then please start a new thread. Here's an idea "Dave's Sex legislation / activisim"

We all know the legalities involved with our hobby but what is most important on this thread is current intel regarding providers and current activities which pose a threat to our hobby.



Dick North
01-25-13, 19:52
Yes, Canada not California.

Although there is a San Diego massage site / group that seem to have a lot of great activity. I assume enforcement of getting a happy ending is not as bad as in Phoenix.Then why report nonsense?


01-26-13, 01:28
Just a few reactions ignoring your more sarcastic comments.

I am working on a national basis of advocates renewing interest in possible constitutional fight, especially with the recent adult related win in the 5th Circuit plus concepts from Lawrence vs Texas. The lawyer that won in the 5th Circuit (or his associate) is ready for a prostitution constitutional fight but need about $100k in legal fees and expect to have to take it to the 9th Circuit since will lose in lower courts. We even have a motion to dismissed based on these issues and need a test case of someone with standing that is in the 9th Circuit (CA, AZ etc).

Also almost had ideal person (disabled) to try for a declaratory finding to appeal to the 9th but sadly he died. Especially looking for a NV brothel worker who seeks the right to work in CA as this would be potential good declaratory standing.

So while most guys just whine about not getting their rocks off with no legal risk for them, some folks are fighting for the same sexual freedoms enjoyed in most of the rest of the world.

End of sermon, now passing the offerring plate to raise legal costs. There is even a 501c3 corp ready to take donations for the fight. But it will takes years to battle.I have a solid understanding of this business, and while I am not going to let illegal monetary compensation for sex stop me from indulging in the act periodically, we all are hurting ourselves if we don't stand up and fight when ultra conservative strip club laws are trying to be passed, and we don't join the fight for decriminalization and legalization of prostitution. If we enjoy the hobby, we should stand up for it and be part of the fight, I believe.

We are dealing with a system of entrenched interests who don't want sex or drugs legalized. Many politicians fear being sexually liberal will hurt their reelection chances.

If all of us hobbyists stand up and sign petitions in favor of sexually oriented businesses when conservative laws are being proposed, and contribute what we can afford towards a legal fund that will help in the fight to legalize paid sex, we can feel good that we are the part of the solution, and not just part of the whiners who get angry when businesses we enjoy patronizing get shut down.

When the vast majority of the population becomes unconcerned about escorts, strip clubs, and massage parlors, and it becomes a total waste of political capital to bust these people and places, things will change for the better.

01-27-13, 19:02
Ok folks carry on with your constitutional interpretation and uphill battle we fight while I tell you about my Friday night trip to BM.

I'm usually a weeknight mongerer and was curious what a Friday would be like and had some free time for a few hours. Went in around 9 most seats were full only seat available was up front by stage with red lamp burning me down. Ended up on bench chatted up two of the new girls neither my type.

One was 19 heavyset clean Alaskan Mex mix goes to college and says its her night gig she described mileage including allowing her oil checked but was not my type.

2nd girl was dark skinned cuban also easy to talk to sat for a while but again kindly declined.

In between I stepped out to make a call came back moved seats near hallway and could hear a fight happening in the back room shortly after. Of course it was the tall blonde with bolt ons who I was waiting for that got kicked out. I saw her earlier in the week and she seemed more friendly just looking to make money but whatever happened back there got the other girls fired up so they brought her belongings inside the club where she was standing by stage and dropped them there. All the guys were trying to keep a straight face. She either got let go or at least had to leave for the night.

Ended up doing dances with Cherry. She was fun. Very energetic maybe too energetic. She said about being hypey http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hyphey And thats why she had energy little out of it. I think she danced two extra songs no charge I guess she was just having fun. Oh one of my favorites girl next door type blonde with bolt ons was there. (clover) and I usually get dances with her but just wasnt available at the time I needed to do something before leaving.

Dick North
01-27-13, 19:14
I have a solid understanding of this business, and while I am not going to let illegal monetary compensation for sex stop me from indulging in the act periodically, we all are hurting ourselves if we don't stand up and fight when ultra conservative strip club laws are trying to be passed, and we don't join the fight for decriminalization and legalization of prostitution. If we enjoy the hobby, we should stand up for it and be part of the fight, I believe.

We are dealing with a system of entrenched interests who don't want sex or drugs legalized. Many politicians fear being sexually liberal will hurt their reelection chances.

If all of us hobbyists stand up and sign petitions in favor of sexually oriented businesses when conservative laws are being proposed, and contribute what we can afford towards a legal fund that will help in the fight to legalize paid sex, we can feel good that we are the part of the solution, and not just part of the whiners who get angry when businesses we enjoy patronizing get shut down.

When the vast majority of the population becomes unconcerned about escorts, strip clubs, and massage parlors, and it becomes a total waste of political capital to bust these people and places, things will change for the better.But, Here's the deal. This forum consists of (mostly) anonymous male persons exchanging information so that they can get laid.
If you wish to create a new legislative/activist thread then more power to you.

So, Slacker30, I suggest that you unveil your private self, investigate how to go about initiating such a petition/legislative action and get it done!

It's easy to BS about what should be done and what the circumstances are, but it's much more difficult to actually make a difference.


01-27-13, 22:29
But, Here's the deal. This forum consists of (mostly) anonymous male persons exchanging information so that they can get laid.

If you wish to create a new legislative / activist thread then more power to you.

So, Slacker30, I suggest that you unveil your private self, investigate how to go about initiating such a petition / legislative action and get it done!

It's easy to BS about what should be done and what the circumstances are, but it's much more difficult to actually make a difference.

DNI am merely responding to DavePhx's post. Some cities have petitions that circulate around strip clubs asking registered voters to sign them supporting the business, when attempts are made to shut them down or change the laws. Dave is talking about a legal non profit being set up to challenge these laws, which will raise all of its funding from private donors. I am saying that everyone who enjoys this hobby making small donations and getting involved in that manner would be helpful. I am not sugessting starting our own petitions.

Just like many of us donate small amounts to political causes on a regular basis. It all adds up in the end. Remember the Scottsdale strip club fight about 6-7 years ago?

01-28-13, 15:09
But, Here's the deal. This forum consists of (mostly) anonymous male persons exchanging information so that they can get laid.

If you wish to create a new legislative / activist thread then more power to you.

So, Slacker30, I suggest that you unveil your private self, investigate how to go about initiating such a petition / legislative action and get it done!

It's easy to BS about what should be done and what the circumstances are, but it's much more difficult to actually make a difference.

DNI suggest that you quit trying to be the self anointed moderator / referee of this forum. If you think a post should not be in a certain area, send a message to Jackson. If you do not like PhxDave's or Slacker30's post, you may ignore them. This is the exchange of information from anonymous males helping each other get laid. If there are legal obstacles out there that impede our progress in doing that, it is useful to discuss how to abolish them so that we can help each other do that. I have seen your past history of flaming anyone that does not try to follow your strict posting guidelines of appropriate topics (your guidelines are obviously not in syncy with the real forum moderator Jackson as he has not done any actions on the people you discipline from your self appointed throne) so I am aware that a followup post from you is coming with all kinds of flaming to me. I thought I would save your energy by telling you that after this post is done you will be in my ignore list so I will not see it anyway so you might as well not waste your time.

01-28-13, 15:19
I have a solid understanding of this business, and while I am not going to let illegal monetary compensation for sex stop me from indulging in the act periodically, we all are hurting ourselves if we don't stand up and fight when ultra conservative strip club laws are trying to be passed, and we don't join the fight for decriminalization and legalization of prostitution. If we enjoy the hobby, we should stand up for it and be part of the fight, I believe.

We are dealing with a system of entrenched interests who don't want sex or drugs legalized. Many politicians fear being sexually liberal will hurt their reelection chances.

If all of us hobbyists stand up and sign petitions in favor of sexually oriented businesses when conservative laws are being proposed, and contribute what we can afford towards a legal fund that will help in the fight to legalize paid sex, we can feel good that we are the part of the solution, and not just part of the whiners who get angry when businesses we enjoy patronizing get shut down.

When the vast majority of the population becomes unconcerned about escorts, strip clubs, and massage parlors, and it becomes a total waste of political capital to bust these people and places, things will change for the better.Personally, I think the best way to go about decriminalizing prostitution would be to do it with a ballot proposition. Yes, Arizona does seem to have a conservative streak but it also seems to have a libertarian streak as well. A few years ago they passed medical marijuana and I think that a Colorado style legalized marijuana proposition would probably do well here too. I am not trying to change the topic to drugs here, I am just using it as a comparison. The same arguments that proponents of marijuana legalization use are also used for prostitution. Obviously these arguments worked in Colorado for legalizing marijuana so I think they would work on prostitution too. Obviously, it would have to be a proposition for regulated prostitution meaning not happening on the streets and girls that are licensed. Strip clubs would be an ideal place for licensed girls to do this trade. In Mexico they do it that way and it works quite well. In my opinion this would be the best way to do this.

Dick North
01-29-13, 19:24
Oops. Sorry must be on the wrong thread.

Seriously Tempe Jon. No beef with you but please explain any fallacies in the post that I submitted.

Your post as does Slacker30's makes for a great read and you both made good points. My point was simply that expounding on these issues doesn't solve the problem.
It takes someone to get the ball rolling. Thus my suggestion for a dedicated thread to focus those of us who are concerned enough on these issues to make a difference.

If you are the guy to initiate such an effort, I'm all for it and will sign the petition for such a proposition.

Let us all know and I am sure most of us mongers will sign.

Curious tho how the Colorado medical marijuana arguments would parallel an effort for legalized prostitution.


01-29-13, 19:46
I agree the ballot proposition as to Ariz law. And can be to not enforce like proposed in Berkeley. But would have to first raise a huge amount of funds to buy lots of media time to inform voters of the real issues because the other side will scream all the horrors of children, trafficking and their fake research to show all prostitution is exploitative of women.

We do not want "legalization" with licensing restrictions etc, we want Decriminalization as in most of the world. Women in charge of their own bodies. Just like in Canada, U. K. Etc etc.

A constitutional challenge will takes years to fight vs a faster ballot proposition but in AZ those that goven and control would probably try to find a way to ignore it just like with pot now.

A constitutional fight would make prostitution legal in all the USA. Incalls still may have to have zoning and perhaps some licensing but should not apply to outcall. And of course no pimps or street work again as in most of the world.

No individual person can do this but a wide coalition. Which is now forming with the right lawyers, advocates, sexworkers on a national basis.

Since its not so much strip club related. I have done latest update in the General Reports section.

01-29-13, 22:24
After two year investigation the well known upselling scam place, The Champagne Room 3826 E. Illini St busted in SWAT team raid and owners home in Surprise. It has been operating for over 8 years.

A child or neigbor to the owner and boyfrieds home in Surprise said, "daddy the army is here" - Picture of MSCO SWAT van in driveway. A man and woman barricaded themselves in the house near 111th Avenue and Union Hills Drive, but they were eventually taken into custody, according to Sgt. Steve Martos of the Phoenix Police Department. Some pictures and reports show the front door and windows smashed in at the owner's home as police and SWAT stormed in.

Police are now trying to track down other employees who may have worked there. More arrests are expected.

Police says fees were $300-$900 for a sex acts and $6000 was found in the raid.

The investigation took such a long time because the owners of the Champagne Room took precautions to avoid allowing undercover agents to enter their establishment. “It took so long to get probable cause to obtain a search warrant because the owners were very savvy and had steps in place to weed out undercover cops,” .

The Champagne Room is located in the middle of an industrial area of Phoenix, and one woman who works nearby said it stuck out. “There’s a lot of loud music when you’d drive by in the afternoon. Girls standing outside. Standing on the street corner with flip signs,”

Two women and a man were arrested at the business Tuesday morning. Two more people were arrested at the home in Surprise, where police said the owners of the Champagne Room lived.

A phone number listed on the door of Champagne Room leads callers to a recorded voice of a woman promising “the sexiest club on earth.”

The people arrested face a variety of charges including control of an illegal enterprise, money laundering, prostitution, receiving earnings of prostitution, and pandering.

The Glendale Police Department's SWAT team, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office SWAT team, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, and the City Prosecutor's office assisted in the investigation.

Variious souces - One video with picture of those arrested so far at http://www.azfamily.com/news/Strip-club-actually-prostitution-house-police-say-188908551.html

Mt Red Neck
01-30-13, 00:23
After two year investigation the well known upselling scam place, The Champagne Room 3826 E. Illini St busted in SWAT team raid and owners home in Surprise. It has been operating for over 8 years.

A child or neigbor to the owner and boyfrieds home in Surprise said,"daddy the army is here". Picture of MSCO SWAT van in driveway. A man and woman barricaded themselves in the house near 111th Avenue and Union Hills Drive, but they were eventually taken into custody, according to Sgt. Steve Martos of the Phoenix Police Department. Some pictures and reports show the front door and windows smashed in at the owner's home as police and SWAT stormed in.

Police are now trying to track down other employees who may have worked there. More arrests are expected.

Police says fees were $300-$900 for a sex acts and $6000 was found in the raid.

The investigation took such a long time because the owners of the Champagne Room took precautions to avoid allowing undercover agents to enter their establishment. 'It took so long to get probable cause to obtain a search warrant because the owners were very savvy and had steps in place to weed out undercover cops, '.

The Champagne Room is located in the middle of an industrial area of Phoenix, and one woman who works nearby said it stuck out. 'There's a lot of loud music when you'the drive by in the afternoon. Girls standing outside. Standing on the street corner with flip signs, '

Two women and a man were arrested at the business Tuesday morning. Two more people were arrested at the home in Surprise, where police said the owners of the Champagne Room lived.

A phone number listed on the door of Champagne Room leads callers to a recorded voice of a woman promising 'the sexiest club on earth. '

The people arrested face a variety of charges including control of an illegal enterprise, money laundering, prostitution, receiving earnings of prostitution, and pandering.

The Glendale Police Department's SWAT team, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office SWAT team, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, and the City Prosecutor's office assisted in the investigation.

Variious souces. One video with picture of those arrested so far at http://www.azfamily.com/news/Strip-club-actually-prostitution-house-police-say-188908551.html2 years to bust 4 people? That sounds like a good investment of our tax dollars. NOT! Whom are these 4 people hurting?

01-30-13, 01:00
2 years to bust 4 people? That sounds like a good investment of our tax dollars. NOT! Whom are these 4 people hurting?The Phoenix Tantra Temple busted 39 probably spent $1 million so far had been in Court over a year now FBI forensic lab pulled everything even what had been erased off like 39 computers and 39 TB of data. All to try and show maybe handjobs were sometimes allegedly part of their sessions, even though only about 5 have any such charges and only 2 in the Temple.

In the last week prosecution doing last round of trying to get felony pleas but some are not taking but risking long prison terms to go to trial, maybe 15 at this point headed for trial. State has noticed 100 witnesses, and estimates 6-8 weeks for each trial.

The victim listed in the indictment is "The State of AZ" Before every hearing the judge had to give a victims rights statement as if any were in Court even though no human victims.

01-30-13, 03:49
2 years to bust 4 people? That sounds like a good investment of our tax dollars. NOT! Whom are these 4 people hurting?Excellent points.

02-06-13, 16:15
I suggest that you quit trying to be the self anointed moderator / referee of this forum. If you think a post should not be in a certain area, send a message to Jackson. If you do not like PhxDave's or Slacker30's post, you may ignore them. This is the exchange of information from anonymous males helping each other get laid. If there are legal obstacles out there that impede our progress in doing that, it is useful to discuss how to abolish them so that we can help each other do that. I have seen your past history of flaming anyone that does not try to follow your strict posting guidelines of appropriate topics (your guidelines are obviously not in syncy with the real forum moderator Jackson as he has not done any actions on the people you discipline from your self appointed throne) so I am aware that a followup post from you is coming with all kinds of flaming to me.
Very nicely put.
I second that suggestion, no one cares whether sanctimonious minimods think the current topic of discussion is appropriate or not.

Made several weekday trips to Bandaids recently after a brief hiatus. Was saddened to see that many of the favorite daytime chicas like Jasmine and Sasha seem to be MIA, but as always, new talent has risen to replace them.
The only new girl I came into contact with that was worth remembering was a (Vietnamese?) spinner named Jessie. Her floor dances, complete with moaning, were some of the most satisfying in recent memory.
She's been there during the day literally every time I've gone. Ah, dependable strippers are so refreshing.

Dick North
02-06-13, 20:11
Very nicely put.

I second that suggestion, no one cares whether sanctimonious minimods think the current topic of discussion is appropriate or not.No one cares? Then why did you respond?

BTW, I totally agree that any of us are free to express ourselves on this forum according to the rules established by Jackson. Just as you did.

If anyone is intimidated by one of my posts to the point where they want to call me a 'minimod' then I would suggest that they 'grab both ears and pull hard!'

I contribute a lot. Just as you do and I also offer opinions. Just as you do.

Many mongers on the USG routinely chastise, criticize, and offer opinions.

If I violate any of the forum rules, then please report me to Jackson.


02-06-13, 20:32
Curious tho how the Colorado medical marijuana arguments would parallel an effort for legalized prostitution.

DNMedical prostitution? It's the only thing that cures what ails me!


02-06-13, 20:38
I am a contributor with many actual reviews, and honestly don't want to see this political crap. If I want news, I'll get it from news sites, I read this one awhile ago on fox's site. It's pointless to block Dave because the thread spirals out of control like this one. It makes it a waste of time to flip through the postings to see if anything worthwhile has been posted. This stuff needs to go elsewhere.

I suggest that you quit trying to be the self anointed moderator / referee of this forum. If you think a post should not be in a certain area, send a message to Jackson. If you do not like PhxDave's or Slacker30's post, you may ignore them. This is the exchange of information from anonymous males helping each other get laid. If there are legal obstacles out there that impede our progress in doing that, it is useful to discuss how to abolish them so that we can help each other do that. I have seen your past history of flaming anyone that does not try to follow your strict posting guidelines of appropriate topics (your guidelines are obviously not in syncy with the real forum moderator Jackson as he has not done any actions on the people you discipline from your self appointed throne) so I am aware that a followup post from you is coming with all kinds of flaming to me. I thought I would save your energy by telling you that after this post is done you will be in my ignore list so I will not see it anyway so you might as well not waste your time.

Danimal Forth
02-07-13, 01:06
Made several weekday trips to Bandaids recently after a brief hiatus.

The only new girl I came into contact with that was worth remembering was a (Vietnamese?) spinner named Jessie.She's actually Thai.

I've find her attractive, but you've had a more enjoyable time than I've had on the floor. It was definitely better in VIP.

02-08-13, 06:20
Trying to get sex at a strip club and risk getting attention of undercover LE again. Some of us enjoy it for non penetration full touch almost nude intimacy.You 'some' are the few. The only reason to go to a strip club is to get laid or some version of that. If you can't, why the bother? You can see naked girls online. If you're seriously THAT hard up that you need to pay to TALK to a girl. Good God.

anyway... i will be in PHX soon. after reading the last couple pages i no longer know how to guess at which clubs are worth my cash. anyone know where I can find friendly strip club girls?

02-08-13, 22:18
I can't believe I have another report and all post in between this and my last have non review related discussion. Hey Mod can you start a new thread or something for these people.

Another trip to BM Thursday night got there around 11. More than 5 girls under 10.

Sat and talked to the loopy blonde that really doesn't look like she belongs. She seems more like BSC but not mentally stable. Forgot her name again but this is the one that last time I went on a Friday got into it with girls in the back and they dropped her stuff on in the common area in front one of the benches. Did a dance with her and talked to her for a while. Unfortunately time I will never get back in my life. I think I was just hopping because she was loopy that she would be more friendly towards my man parts but not the case. She did tell me that each tit weights about 2 lbs though. Told me about each job she had working as charter plane flght attendant before war in mid 2000's annuity company in socal the list went on.

Shorter hispanic with bolt ons did approach for me a dance didn't know her name she said she recognized me but I didn't recognize her. I told her in a while and would have done it but Isis was on the stage and caught my eye. Tipped her a few on stage then she came by shortly after. She seems also hispanic native mix very slim a cup almost modest when on stage. If she bent down while nude facing crowd she would cover her lady parts. Once she sat down next me on main floor she was more touchy so I figured why not.

She was hands on from the begging little small talk. First person to ask who I else I get dances from but I gave names of the few I remembered and gave her brief description of why I liked them. So I think I checked out. From that point on she was on mission impossible. I clean out of the shower so my boyd parts were too dry for her to close the deal. She tried a little spit. Then she asked if alcohol sanitizer was ok. I said yes (don't know why) it didn't sting but didint work either. She said next time she'll bring lotion.

If I had to complain it was the fact that when we were done she asked for a tip. I gave two fives she was cool with that.

02-09-13, 03:34
Was making my way to Cheetahs to meet up with a buddy of mine for lunch and a drink or two before I had to be at work, I get a call and he tells me he can't make it. Since I was short on time I decided to just go grab lunch but quickly remembered that Blue Moon was not to far. Make my way there, get my Pepsi and watch the girl on stage. Around 12-12:30 there was about 6-7 girls. Was approached for a dance but declined, I regretted it immediately as I saw her walk away, she was a petite latina with all the right curves. Not long after was approached by another hot latina (Dulce) and remembered she had some positive reviews so immediately said yes to her. We went to the back area and there were paper towels on the table with a small bottle of lotion, she made the comment that those were her supplies to make it an enjoyable dance. Dulce usually works the night shift but was called in to work the day shift and I couldn't be happier. Pay the standard fees and expected her to wait for the third dance, but she immediately undressed and started a small dance on the 1st song, progressed to a better 2nd dance and ended the 3rd dance happily. A lot of mutual touching that she promoted and she has all the latin curves that I enjoy. Blue moon is always reliable for a good dance.

02-10-13, 23:25
All right, my fellow strip club frequenters. I need just a bit of advice. I'm been going almost exclusively to Bandaids over the past few years (with some trips to Blue Moon thrown in). I was under the impression that, for decent high-mileage dances in the valley, Bandaids was near the top of the list. I have also found the girls at Bandaids to be generally laidback and cool, which I like. I've been hearing more and more, however, that the Hi-Liter is just as good as Bandaids when it comes to intimate dances, and may in fact be better.

So, guys, if you were in the mood for high-mileage dances and could visit only one of these two places, which would you choose? Assume, for the moment, that the actual hotness of the girls is no object to you (though I love Latinas). I'm getting the feeling that there are very fine dances available at Hi-Liter, but the VIP fee scares me off just a bit. I'm wondering if you can still get decent dances on the floor for the usual $10. Finally, reviewers often speak of the 'the wall' as being the best place to sit when at the Hi-Liter. Is it obvious to a newcomer where this might be? Thanks so much.

Okay. I guess I have asked for quite a bit of information, so I'll provide a bit myself. My funds have been lacking a bit lately, so I haven't done anything in the past few weeks except go to Bandaids one time. There were a few cute Hispanic girls that I got dances from and, in general, I sat around and relaxed with a few beers. Bandaids is changing for me, however. I didn't see some of the familiar girls. If I go during the day, I look for Lisa Marie and Olivia. Lisa Marie is usually pretty nice to me. If I'm there at night, I gravitate toward Ada and Joanna. Joanna doesn't speak perfect English, but she is sweet. Haven't seen her in awhile, though. Also liked Sasha, but haven't seen her either. I might try to switch it up by heading to Hi-Liter during the next week or so. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for reading.

02-11-13, 20:42
All right, my fellow strip club frequenters. I need just a bit of advice. I'm been going almost exclusively to Bandaids over the past few years (with some trips to Blue Moon thrown in). I was under the impression that, for decent high-mileage dances in the valley, Bandaids was near the top of the list. I have also found the girls at Bandaids to be generally laidback and cool, which I like. I've been hearing more and more, however, that the Hi-Liter is just as good as Bandaids when it comes to intimate dances, and may in fact be better.

So, guys, if you were in the mood for high-mileage dances and could visit only one of these two places, which would you choose? Assume, for the moment, that the actual hotness of the girls is no object to you (though I love Latinas). I'm getting the feeling that there are very fine dances available at Hi-Liter, but the VIP fee scares me off just a bit. I'm wondering if you can still get decent dances on the floor for the usual $10. Finally, reviewers often speak of the 'the wall' as being the best place to sit when at the Hi-Liter. Is it obvious to a newcomer where this might be? Thanks so much.

Okay. I guess I have asked for quite a bit of information, so I'll provide a bit myself. My funds have been lacking a bit lately, so I haven't done anything in the past few weeks except go to Bandaids one time. There were a few cute Hispanic girls that I got dances from and, in general, I sat around and relaxed with a few beers. Bandaids is changing for me, however. I didn't see some of the familiar girls. If I go during the day, I look for Lisa Marie and Olivia. Lisa Marie is usually pretty nice to me. If I'm there at night, I gravitate toward Ada and Joanna. Joanna doesn't speak perfect English, but she is sweet. Haven't seen her in awhile, though. Also liked Sasha, but haven't seen her either. I might try to switch it up by heading to Hi-Liter during the next week or so. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for reading.Actually, both clubs are owned by the same person. That is why they are similar. I would say that Hi Liter is better. It is not as ghetto as Bandaids. The women are better looking. Some of the girls at Hi Liter are high mileage on the floor and some aren't. What I suggest you do is to go there and observe the women working on other customers and see how they are dancing for them. This will tell you who dances better. A personal favorite for quality dance is a dancer named Tantra. She gives a good dance in my opinion.

02-14-13, 17:54
Just wondering, has anyone had more than a HJ and FIV at BM recently? Some years back when then had booths I had FS. Just curious on whether I should spend my alloted funds there on a select dancer, or utilize them at a spa. If you don't want to post publicly you can PM me.


02-17-13, 04:24
All right, my fellow strip club frequenters. I need just a bit of advice. I'm been going almost exclusively to Bandaids over the past few years (with some trips to Blue Moon thrown in). I was under the impression that, for decent high-mileage dances in the valley, Bandaids was near the top of the list. I have also found the girls at Bandaids to be generally laidback and cool, which I like. I've been hearing more and more, however, that the Hi-Liter is just as good as Bandaids when it comes to intimate dances, and may in fact be better.

So, guys, if you were in the mood for high-mileage dances and could visit only one of these two places, which would you choose? Assume, for the moment, that the actual hotness of the girls is no object to you (though I love Latinas). I'm getting the feeling that there are very fine dances available at Hi-Liter, but the VIP fee scares me off just a bit. I'm wondering if you can still get decent dances on the floor for the usual $10. Finally, reviewers often speak of the 'the wall' as being the best place to sit when at the Hi-Liter. Is it obvious to a newcomer where this might be? Thanks so much.
Perhaps it is just the day shift, but I've found Hi-Liter to be extremely mediocre every time I've given it a try.
Yes, it is a classier joint than Bandaids, but in my experience that comes with the price of a much higher ratio of low mileage girls. (The kind I always regret getting dances from)
I found the talent almost indistinguishable from the likes of Christies and Alaskan Bush Company, though the burgers are great.
Yes, a girl might allow mutual touching or slip a hand up my shorts in VIP, but that happens when I'm just having a chat at Bandaids.
For me there is no contest, I wouldn't even mention them in the same breath (despite the ownership) but YMMV.
Oh, and I'm guessing "The Wall" is the wall on the left side of the room, as it was hard to find a seat there even during lunch hour. (At Bandaids, every lap dance is given up against a wall. Just saying)

She's actually Thai.

I've find her attractive, but you've had a more enjoyable time than I've had on the floor. It was definitely better in VIP.
Delicious either way, but thanks, would have been embarrassing to make that mistake to her face.
I've been wanting to try her in VIP one of these days, but her moaning really gets me going.
She gives a shockingly good dance for how low key her personality is.

No one cares? Then why did you respond?

BTW, I totally agree that any of us are free to express ourselves on this forum according to the rules established by Jackson. Just as you did.

If anyone is intimidated by one of my posts to the point where they want to call me a 'minimod' then I would suggest that they 'grab both ears and pull hard! '

I responded because caring whether you deem something appropriate and not finding your unnecessarily snide remarks distasteful are two very different things.
And if you think being called a minimod is a sign of someone being intimidated by your posts, I would suggest that you brush up on your forum vernacular.

Urban Dictionary definition of Minimod: "A normal forum poster that takes it upon themselves to push forum rules and tell everybody how to conduct themselves instead of leaving it up to the mods. Typically reserved for people that don't know what they're talking about, act like they have some kind of authority, and / or are obviously doing what they're doing to try to score points with the real mods and become moderators themselves. (especially if it becomes a regular thing for them and / or they don't contribute much good to the community otherwise)"

Sound familiar?
At the end of the day, we are all here to help one another, and you obviously have a lot more to offer this forum than report sniping.

02-17-13, 14:48
I used to enjoy going to Hi-Liter. The last time I went before the holidays was on day shift and it was far too vanilla for my tastes, and the girls were ho hum and plain at best. I was really disappointed. On my other visits in the past it was more of a junior version of Bandaids, all types of women, body styles, races, and ages and was more fun. I'll have to stop my again soon and assess things again.

Of course in this business it all depends on who shows up to work each day. Since there are no schedules these clubs are totally unpredictable.

Bandaids is the same way. I know the owners of these clubs want to minimize the non white girls at Hi-Liter and maximize them at Bandaids, and the white girls at Bandaids are a little less attractive there than at Hi-Liter. I wish this kind of crap would just stop, and they could just merge both of the clubs formats and dancers together and let the girls work both clubs.

Sometimes I go to Bandaids, enjoy a Dos Equis, and leave as the girls aren't what I want to spend money on, and other times I engage in dances with several girls. Hi-Liter doesn't have Dos Equis. When I don't want the daytime 2 for 1 I drink beer and hang out longer.

My take is these strip club visits are just like going to spas. Sometimes I walk in and out of 7-8 spas before I see a girl who turns me on enough to give her a try. With strip clubs sometimes I don't even finish my drink and leave, and other times at the same club I may stay and have 2 drinks and enjoy myself more.

02-20-13, 10:42
Stopped by Bandaids Monday night about 9:20. Surprised to find no cover charge, and a $4 Dos Equis. Relatively slow. I counted 8 dancers and about the same amount of customers in the main stage area and 3-4 at the bar.

I partook is a few dances on the floor with one thicker latina dancer and a few with another cute latina. No extras, just basic contact dances. Hadn't been here at night in awhile, knew Mondays were slow, and just wanted to check things out.

Friday afternoons are best IMO as they have 30-40 dancers, as long as you can get a seat along the wall.

02-21-13, 02:07
May be of interest to some. Seems like a screaming deal to me.


02-21-13, 19:19
May be of interest to some. Seems like a screaming deal to me.

http://www.hiliterclubaz.com/promotions/vip-pass/Go in the afternoon, there's never a cover.

They have Customer Appreciation days a couple times a year too when they give those passes away.

02-21-13, 21:02
Was making my way to Cheetahs to meet up with a buddy of mine for lunch and a drink or two before I had to be at work, I get a call and he tells me he can't make it. Since I was short on time I decided to just go grab lunch but quickly remembered that Blue Moon was not to far. Make my way there, get my Pepsi and watch the girl on stage. Around 12-12:30 there was about 6-7 girls. Was approached for a dance but declined, I regretted it immediately as I saw her walk away, she was a petite latina with all the right curves. Not long after was approached by another hot latina (Dulce) and remembered she had some positive reviews so immediately said yes to her. We went to the back area and there were paper towels on the table with a small bottle of lotion, she made the comment that those were her supplies to make it an enjoyable dance. Dulce usually works the night shift but was called in to work the day shift and I couldn't be happier. Pay the standard fees and expected her to wait for the third dance, but she immediately undressed and started a small dance on the 1st song, progressed to a better 2nd dance and ended the 3rd dance happily. A lot of mutual touching that she promoted and she has all the latin curves that I enjoy. Blue moon is always reliable for a good dance.Thanks for the post. I have frequent this forum for a while and to tell you the truth I have not hit many clubs in AZ since I moved here a couple of years ago. The only one I did go to a couple of times was Bourbon street. But, I am interested in checking this club out. Can you furnish me with location details and what is the best time to attend during weekdays? Thanks in advance.

02-22-13, 12:42
Thanks for the post. I have frequent this forum for a while and to tell you the truth I have not hit many clubs in AZ since I moved here a couple of years ago. The only one I did go to a couple of times was Bourbon street. But, I am interested in checking this club out. Can you furnish me with location details and what is the best time to attend during weekdays? Thanks in advance.I typically go during the afternoons. It is located at 29th Street and Van Buren, south side of street. Not too early, but after 2 or 3 is fine. Daytime cover is $10, and that includes your soda. Night shift starts at 6, and night time cover is $12. The daytime girls are more mellow and laid back IMO.

Keep in mind the dances are $41 for 3. They are only required to dance one song and sit with you for 2. The club gets $20 of that, so the girls only get $7 per song. I give the dancer $60 up front, and if the dancer is one I know, I pay for 2 sets up front.

Giving $60 up front shows you want to play, and tell them you do when you give it to them. A 3 song set is only about 10 minutes, so 2 sets for me is more comfortable.

02-24-13, 03:59
Been away from the scene for a bit. Awhile back I reported on some high milage encounters at Hi-Liter and Cheetahs. Seems I had been taking a break from old reliable Bandaids and Blue Moon.

For those asking (re: Bandaids vs HiLiter) , if at Bandaids, why not check out Cheetahs (even closer than Hi-Liter).

Last visit to Cheetahs (some time back) I ran into the hottie that gave me a hand previously (A1 or A2. Too lazy to reference my last report). She suggested more fun was now available and a trip to the convenience store for supplies. Unfortunately, the combination of allergy meds, a few whiskeys, and the fact that the best location was occupied made it difficult for me to relax and function.

However, an acquaintance from Bandaids was now at Cheetahs. She had taken a couple months off. She gave me the best time I've ever had inside Bandaids (some takeout encounters with others have been great). Relating my experience with whiskey dick, she promised she could make it work and would do whatever was necessary. She did. Lets just say B1 wanted me as much as I wanted her and the subsequent stress relief. We have had a connection since our Bandaids encounter.

Work and assisting a friend overcoming surgery have kept me from the scene lately. Anxious to return. Will have my whiskey after my fun this time.

02-26-13, 12:54
Will be visiting the Phoenix area in 2 weeks and would like some help with what clubs I should visit during the day and which ones are betteratnight. Also if anybody knows if Kennedy skinny brunette with tatts still works dayshiftatLe Girls? Also if someone can post the name of that guide that is available at most of the club. Thanks in advance.

02-26-13, 15:21
Will be visiting the Phoenix area in 2 weeks and would like some help with what clubs I should visit during the day and which ones are betteratnight. Also if anybody knows if Kennedy skinny brunette with tatts still works dayshiftatLe Girls? Also if someone can post the name of that guide that is available at most of the club. Thanks in advance.Best clubs during the day (busy with a decent selection of girls) Bandaids and Hi-Liter. Next Christies in Tempe and Candy Store. Blue Moon (which is nude) good day club, girls with less drama work days there. All these clubs ok at night too. Bourbon Street good day or night.

The name slips me of that magazine. Most stripper wear stores and clubs have it free at the entrance.

02-26-13, 19:20
Will be visiting the Phoenix area in 2 weeks and would like some help with what clubs I should visit during the day and which ones are betteratnight. Also if anybody knows if Kennedy skinny brunette with tatts still works dayshiftatLe Girls? Also if someone can post the name of that guide that is available at most of the club. Thanks in advance.Bourbon Street and The Hi-Liter are both good at day and night. I also enjoy Centerfolds at night (I haven't been there during the daytime in years though, not sure what it would be like during the daytime). Playtime Magazine used to be available at most of the clubs, that may be the guide that you're referring to, I haven't seen any of those around in quite some time though.

Danimal Forth
02-26-13, 23:19
Will be visiting the Phoenix area in 2 weeks and would like some help with what clubs I should visit during the day and which ones are betteratnight. Also if anybody knows if Kennedy skinny brunette with tatts still works dayshiftatLe Girls? Also if someone can post the name of that guide that is available at most of the club. Thanks in advance.And the formerly all nude Lé Girls is no longer nude.

Member #4734
03-01-13, 00:06
Love this place. Several all excellent dances. Don't remember names, except for Amanda, sexy good looking ready willing and able. White girl who walks around topless with blonde hair also excellent, and the girl from Cambodia, light sexy touch. And Nancy, defensive but such a beautiful ass.

03-01-13, 22:59
Went to Bandaids at around Noon the other day and to my surprise, the parking lot was almost completely full when I arrived.

Inside of the club, it was jampacked as if it were nighttime during some kind of sport event or fight! Most of the facets that usually make daytime beautiful were gone, there were no decent seats, the girls were all occupied with the wide variety of customers (and thus were not able to sit on my lap and entertain me before and after dances) , and the waitress was too busy to attend to my glass the instant it was empty.

I ended up getting fed up with the mediocre-ness of it all and leaving after a few so-so dances, as I am usually wont to do at nighttime or another club.

I was happy to see Bandaids succeeding commercially, but at the same time saddened to see my personal den of daytime debauchery infringed upon.
I'm guessing this was just a fluke, or some marketing success of Bandaids about their lack of a cover charge during the day, but just in case it was because of the good rep Bandaids has been getting on this board; guys don't come during the day anymore, it's shitty now. ;)

03-02-13, 00:00
Went to Bandaids at around Noon the other day and to my surprise, the parking lot was almost completely full when I arrived.

Inside of the club, it was jampacked as if it were nighttime during some kind of sport event or fight! Most of the facets that usually make daytime beautiful were gone, there were no decent seats, the girls were all occupied with the wide variety of customers (and thus were not able to sit on my lap and entertain me before and after dances) , and the waitress was too busy to attend to my glass the instant it was empty.

I ended up getting fed up with the mediocre-ness of it all and leaving after a few so-so dances, as I am usually won't to do at nighttime or another club.

I was happy to see Bandaids succeeding commercially, but at the same time saddened to see my personal den of daytime debauchery infringed upon.

I'm guessing this was just a fluke, or some marketing success of Bandaids about their lack of a cover charge during the day, but just in case it was because of the good rep Bandaids has been getting on this board; guys don't come during the day anymore, it's shitty now. .Don't get discouraged because every visit to a strip club isn't the same experience.

I generally go there during the day and the club is not wall to wall customers every time. Keep in mind that dancers have no set schedule, hundreds of girls are on the hired roster there, and they come to work at their own discretion. You don't know who will be working any given day.

Some days the parking lot will be full, and others half empty.

Some days the girls will be to your liking and you will buy dances. Others you will have one drink and leave. This has been my experience in all clubs including Bandaids.

On a busy day there will be 30-40 girls working, and that is more likely to be on a Thursday or Friday. And even then, all the girls aren't making lots of money and overly busy, so if you like a girl and are spending money on her, she will make time for you.

I always say this business is hit or miss. The last time I went there I had a beer and left. The time before I bought dances from 2 girls. This happens to me in all clubs and spas too.

Sounds like you were disappointed that the club wasn't slow. But if it is really sloooow, there won't be as many dancers either.

Danimal Forth
03-02-13, 11:15
Went to Bandaids at around Noon the other day and to my surprise, the parking lot was almost completely full when I arrived.

Inside of the club, it was jampacked as if it were nighttime during some kind of sport event or fight! Most of the facets that usually make daytime beautiful were gone, there were no decent seats, the girls were all occupied with the wide variety of customers (and thus were not able to sit on my lap and entertain me before and after dances) , and the waitress was too busy to attend to my glass the instant it was empty.Could have been some racing fans getting into town before the events this weekend.

03-04-13, 23:49
Sounds like you were disappointed that the club wasn't slow. But if it is really sloooow, there won't be as many dancers either.
I'm actually perfectly fine with it not being slow, but this was standing-room-only at noon on a Wednesday! There was no dayshift in the State that would have been able to adequately cover that room.
But don't let my report about this freak occurrence make you think that I am discouraged in any way from visiting Bandaids.
Despite the worse than usual attention, I still got in 2 drinks. 2 dances, and watched some tits swing around a pole for no cover fee.
I've been around to pretty much every club in the Phoenix area, and had enough good times at Bandaids to know that, barring an unfortunate incident with the staff or a price increase, it will continue to be a place that I frequent.

Could have been some racing fans getting into town before the events this weekend.Hmm, could have been, though if that was the case I'm surprised I didn't see any working girls from out of state that followed them in.

The place is usually crawling with them around the time of sporting events.

03-05-13, 13:09
I'm actually perfectly fine with it not being slow, but this was standing-room-only at noon on a Wednesday! There was no dayshift in the State that would have been able to adequately cover that room.

But don't let my report about this freak occurrence make you think that I am discouraged in any way from visiting Bandaids.

Despite the worse than usual attention, I still got in 2 drinks. 2 dances, and watched some tits swing around a pole for no cover fee.

I've been around to pretty much every club in the Phoenix area, and had enough good times at Bandaids to know that, barring an unfortunate incident with the staff or a price increase, it will continue to be a place that I frequent.

Hmm, could have been, though if that was the case I'm surprised I didn't see any working girls from out of state that followed them in.

The place is usually crawling with them around the time of sporting events.WOW! That is really unusual. I drive by there all the time and especially that early, the parking lot is less than 1/2 full. Maybe a monger tour bus stopped by. A lot of the day shift girls aren't even there at 12.

03-10-13, 00:37
Dropped by Bandaids this afternoon around 2:30. Decent momentum and a great mix of good looking dancers. Got a dance from a blonde girl named Kendra. So so then she had to go on stage. Then my friend formerly from BM came over to me and said she had enough of that place and would be here from now on. I enjoyed her sensuous moves for 4 songs as she reminded me that my FIV turned her on at BM last trip. Then the illustrious Estrella came over and I said what the hell and got a couple songs from her. I wish I had another $100 with me as this was a rare trip where I really wanted to test the waters.

The crowd was a trip. From the older guy with sweats on sagging like a rapper and his hard dick protruding as he was being escorted to VIP, to the guy on the other side of the stage with his bifocals down over his nose staring as he and his buddies were tipping Estrella on stage, to the guy turning his head 180 degrees to stare every time a dancer walked by, to the guy next to me who couldn't stop talking to me.

He was there with 2 other guys who were sitting by the stage. He was sitting up against the wall by me. He was telling me I should grab more ass and suck on those titties. Then he asked me my favorite clubs, and before I could answer he said BM, Bandaids and Hi-Liter. Then the girl who quit BM went on stage and he said $41 HJ and started laughing. Then he turns around and says to me, the best value in town is USA Spa. He said Mya does the trick. He said it is wonderful at a flat rate 50/100/150. He said 50 for 15 minutes is all you need. 30 minutes is too much. Mya gets the job done, and he laughed. He said I love Backpage. All this talk while his buddies were slapping a girl on each butt cheek and tipping her in each side of her thong. All of these guys got dances and had their heads buried in their cleavage and were grabbing everything they could get away with.

I have been here many a time and I wish I had a spy camera this trip as I was totally amused. The club was definately high energy today.

03-10-13, 17:08
Stopped into BM earlier in the week. Two pretty hot dancers, two OK, and two beasts were working. Finally got the attention of one of the hotties (a 4-letter fruit that starts with K). Followed your advice and handed her an even. 6. She left to pay the house and came back and the fun began. Mutual touch and I left happy. Thanks for the tip!

I typically go during the afternoons. It is located at 29th Street and Van Buren, south side of street. Not too early, but after 2 or 3 is fine. Daytime cover is $10, and that includes your soda. Night shift starts at 6, and night time cover is $12. The daytime girls are more mellow and laid back IMO.

Keep in mind the dances are $41 for 3. They are only required to dance one song and sit with you for 2. The club gets $20 of that, so the girls only get $7 per song. I give the dancer $60 up front, and if the dancer is one I know, I pay for 2 sets up front.

Giving $60 up front shows you want to play, and tell them you do when you give it to them. A 3 song set is only about 10 minutes, so 2 sets for me is more comfortable.

Danimal Forth
03-10-13, 20:19
I've caught wind of recent changes at Blue Moon and I was curious to go check it out late last night. I have some connections that are telling me it has been slow lately.

As I walked in I could see that the old staff had changed. I used to chat with the security guy; instead of the old manager there was a familiar-looking couple behind the counter and I haven't yet placed where I've seen them before.

I made a passing comment about the place looking better. I didn't necessarily have a problem with the look but it has definitely changed from my last trip. The only real complaint I ever had is the uncomfortable seats. The man said "thanks" in a way that I wasn't expecting and I started to think that maybe they were new owners or something.

I was still standing at the counter when a dancer came over to ask what I'd like for my free drink. I'm not sure what made me think to ask if it still had to be a soft drink; bottled water was always excluded in the past. The man behind the counter overheard and said that water was now OK. That's definitely a small plus.

Based on the conversations I had it does seem that the place changed hands a few weeks ago. One newer girl was recently hired by the old night manager but he has since gone and these people appear to me to be tightening ship. Not sure if the two are connected.

One example: they kept talking to the girls about how to set up the music between sets. I think the intention was to have a song playing all the time without the old gap between girls. Never really a big deal if you ask me but I suppose it changes the atmosphere to be more like what you expect at other clubs with a DJ. It probably also had something to do with the total length of private dances. Didn't they used to prefer syncing the VIP dances with a stage set? I can't remember, but the songs are no longer cutting off and so I didn't having the subconscious feeling that I was getting cheated in the private area.

They've now got a couple of blacklights on the ceiling and more lighting on the stage. It's not nearly as dark as it used to be even though it's all black inside. Restroom hasn't changed.

I would say that the clientele seemed different in demographics too.

I overheard just a snippet of conversation with a dancer about a management issue that Robert is trying to handle with the daytime girls. Didn't catch anything more specific.

I want to say that perhaps last summer I observed a foursome of two couples sitting around the stages having quite a bit of fun. I think I can picture that same couple now sitting behind the counter getting a lot of closeup dances and shoving a lot of dollars into panties.

I also gather that the girls have had some force applied to selling dances with less talking. The daytime girls have always had that pressure but it used to be a little more relaxed at night.

Not too many girls that I recognized. A few of those had started around the time of my last visit a few months ago. Clover was working last night. I know they've hoped to keep Slacker's favorite dancer around, but she could work anywhere she wants.

If anybody cares to PM me about what's going on with Kat, Rose, or Princess I'd appreciate it.

Reallly Bored
03-11-13, 15:15
I was in there Friday. 3/8, and its has been totally remodeled. Bathrooms are clean, and brand new. In the table dance section, it has been remodeled too, and is not as dark as before. The same style of private show is definitely still available, and usually no upsell. Every time a girl does a private show, she goes and grabs a few paper towels, from the manager podium stand. This says to me the management is quite aware, and accepting of the types of private shows going on. THere are three dark corners for semi privacy, but seem to be occupied all the time. Did not see clover, but kiwi is a cute skinny thing that claims to be a swinger. Did see a nice latina doing show after show after show. I was there for an hour, and she was in private the whole time. (in one of the dark corners)

I've caught wind of recent changes at Blue Moon and I was curious to go check it out late last night. I have some connections that are telling me it has been slow lately.

As I walked in I could see that the old staff had changed. I used to chat with the security guy; instead of the old manager there was a familiar-looking couple behind the counter and I haven't yet placed where I've seen them before.

I made a passing comment about the place looking better. I didn't necessarily have a problem with the look but it has definitely changed from my last trip. The only real complaint I ever had is the uncomfortable seats. The man said "thanks" in a way that I wasn't expecting and I started to think that maybe they were new owners or something.

I was still standing at the counter when a dancer came over to ask what I'd like for my free drink. I'm not sure what made me think to ask if it still had to be a soft drink; bottled water was always excluded in the past. The man behind the counter overheard and said that water was now OK. That's definitely a small plus.

Based on the conversations I had it does seem that the place changed hands a few weeks ago. One newer girl was recently hired by the old night manager but he has since gone and these people appear to me to be tightening ship. Not sure if the two are connected.

One example: they kept talking to the girls about how to set up the music between sets. I think the intention was to have a song playing all the time without the old gap between girls. Never really a big deal if you ask me but I suppose it changes the atmosphere to be more like what you expect at other clubs with a DJ. It probably also had something to do with the total length of private dances. Didn't they used to prefer syncing the VIP dances with a stage set? I can't remember, but the songs are no longer cutting off and so I didn't having the subconscious feeling that I was getting cheated in the private area.

They've now got a couple of blacklights on the ceiling and more lighting on the stage. It's not nearly as dark as it used to be even though it's all black inside. Restroom hasn't changed.

I would say that the clientele seemed different in demographics too.

I overheard just a snippet of conversation with a dancer about a management issue that Robert is trying to handle with the daytime girls. Didn't catch anything more specific.

I want to say that perhaps last summer I observed a foursome of two couples sitting around the stages having quite a bit of fun. I think I can picture that same couple now sitting behind the counter getting a lot of closeup dances and shoving a lot of dollars into panties.

I also gather that the girls have had some force applied to selling dances with less talking. The daytime girls have always had that pressure but it used to be a little more relaxed at night.

Not too many girls that I recognized. A few of those had started around the time of my last visit a few months ago. Clover was working last night. I know they've hoped to keep Slacker's favorite dancer around, but she could work anywhere she wants.

If anybody cares to PM me about what's going on with Kat, Rose, or Princess I'd appreciate it.

03-11-13, 15:28
I know they've hoped to keep Slacker's favorite dancer around, but she could work anywhere she wants.There were 2 girls I would see there who are related and always worked together. One is gone with family issues for a few months. The other one you are referring to quit. She said it got slow there and she wasn't going to be putting up with the bullshit there with her family member out of town and not able to work with her.

I was told that Robert was mean and these girls won't work nights. They say the drama is too much. That this club is about their money. They want their dance sales. The same girl told me while we were talking elsewhere, that in the topless clubs they don't care what you do and aren't constantly pushing you to sell dances. That in a topless club like Bandaids and Hi-Liter, you have to move around a lot and hustle more, but there is a lot more business. They have worked at Christie's Phoenix and say it is too slow except for weekend nights, it's too lit up in there, and nights aren't their thing.

I understand where the girls are coming from. Can you imagine sitting in BM as a dancer from 12-6, working with 5-7 girls with no more than 2-6 customers at any one time in the club? Then you only get $21 for a 3 dance set, and lots of pressure to produce a HJ and FIV and touching for maybe 21-$40.

And I don't know about you guys, but once my dancer of choice gets me off, I am in no shape down south to experiment with other girls, or financially if I paid for 2 sets with one girl, and tipped an extra $20 per set.

My one dancer friend liked to sit with me after we finished, never wanting any money, with little desire to work the floor further, and it felt awkward when there are only 2-3 other guys in there, and the manager staring.

BM needs more customer flow, but nude clubs face a challenge as no liquor = less customer count. They have to charge the girls more to work, and put more pressure on them to get maximum dance sales out of each customer. You can go to a club like Bandaids and Hi-Liter with a full bar and more dancers and find as much business during the day as at night, and be able to experiment with different girls since you most likely haven't gotten off from your dances, and the more crowded atmosphere takes you out of the spotlight, and is more chill.

As my dancer friend told me, she would rather work where the atmosphere is busier, than in BM. I will ask her what else is going on with BM.

03-16-13, 23:47
Is it just me or has the mileage at HL along the wall decreased?

My last two trips have been less satisfying than previous visits. There was a feature dancer performing when I was in and while I thought her show was nice it was not as entertaining as the feature a month ago. But the girl was VERY good looking. Smoking hot brunette, she came out in a Wonder Woman outfit and was very energetic but I was more impressed with her looks. Don't get me wrong though, she did have a nice stage show and I would have certainly had taken some lap dances from her if she had been working the floor.

There was some great looking girls working and a couple less than great. And as I seem to find at HL a number of great looking girls with no ass. Just flat rear ends.

I did have fun though and will return.

03-17-13, 12:49
Is it just me or has the mileage at HL along the wall decreased?

My last two trips have been less satisfying than previous visits. There was a feature dancer performing when I was in and while I thought her show was nice it was not as entertaining as the feature a month ago. But the girl was VERY good looking. Smoking hot brunette, she came out in a Wonder Woman outfit and was very energetic but I was more impressed with her looks. Don't get me wrong though, she did have a nice stage show and I would have certainly had taken some lap dances from her if she had been working the floor.

There was some great looking girls working and a couple less than great. And as I seem to find at HL a number of great looking girls with no ass. Just flat rear ends.

I did have fun though and will return.In my experience with clubs many of the big city clubs that are popular such as Bandaids and Hi-Liter here have HUNDREDS of girls on the clubs books. You could literally go in any one of theses clubs for several days in a row and see all different dancers. That can explain why every time you go you won't find girls who are apt to partake in extras.

As far as asses go, Hi-Liter and Bandaids are the same owner, and it seems to me lately that Hi-Liter is focused more on eurocentricity rather than being a mix of the ethnicity found in Bandaids and the eurocentricity they are more and more aiming for in Hi-Liter. In other words, the owners are trying to segregate the clubs, but as customers we more and more crave integration. We all have a taste for variety. The owners feel white men like flat asses, and in other words, they are trying to steer the dancers and customers of color (except a token few) to Bandaids.

Danimal Forth
03-17-13, 23:56
I gave Jessie at Bandaids another try. This second time was much better than my memory of the first and she definitely did the moaning.

On Wednesday I had some business that took me downtown and I took a drive by Blue Moon. The sign outside said seven dancers but I only saw five cars total in the parking lot.

I know some of those girls carpool, get picked up, or even take the bus and then considering that it was about 4:30 a few might have already finished the day shift and gone home. I'd still say it looked dead though.

Reallly Bored
03-18-13, 00:36
THe sign said 9 dancers this weekend, with only a few cars outside too.

I gave Jessie at Bandaids another try. This second time was much better than my memory of the first and she definitely did the moaning.

On Wednesday I had some business that took me downtown and I took a drive by Blue Moon. The sign outside said seven dancers but I only saw five cars total in the parking lot.

I know some of those girls carpool, get picked up, or even take the bus and then considering that it was about 4:30 a few might have already finished the day shift and gone home. I'd still say it looked dead though.

03-18-13, 13:51
On Wednesday I had some business that took me downtown and I took a drive by Blue Moon. The sign outside said seven dancers but I only saw five cars total in the parking lot.

I know some of those girls carpool, get picked up, or even take the bus and then considering that it was about 4:30 a few might have already finished the day shift and gone home. I'd still say it looked dead though.The day shift ends at 6. A lot of times there may be only 2-3 customers in there. As soon as they get their "dances", they are out the door. If you're the only customer, you don't have to worry about the dancers being too busy for you. Ha ha.

03-19-13, 10:56
In town on business and checked out BM. The first lady I see on stage is Candice, the oldest stripper I have ever seen. When she laid down on the stage, I was not sure she was going to be able to get back up. It was almost painful to watch. She must give great private dances to make any money there but I was not going to TOFTT.