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06-01-20, 15:56
To her face. LOL.She has mugshots online.

06-01-20, 19:45
She has mugshots online.LOL, it literally looks like her mug got shot.

06-02-20, 14:09
Yesterday on Sherman Ave there was a new girl I haven't seen wearing an olive greenish tracksuit that was tight on her. BSW with a very huge ass and nice figure, face was ok. She looked amazing and I let her in my car, and I told her I'd give her a 20 $ and she said hell no and got out of my car. Damnit, that's the only problem with decent looking girls on the stroll they expect to be compensated more than street level prices.

I would have paid 40-50 $ for her if I had that much on me at the time. Once she left I was upset because it's rare to catch anything decent on these strolls these days.

If you guys pick her up let me know how she was, I saw another monger talking to her from his car off a sidestreet.

06-03-20, 21:33
I would have paid 40-50 $ for her if I had that much on me at the time. Once she left I was upset because it's rare to catch anything decent on these strolls these days.

.In the spirit of Monday morning Quarterback: You should have offered her the $20 for just her phone #. Take a gamble. !

06-03-20, 22:02
Don't know if this is the right thread, but I'm pretty new to all of this and this thread has been a blessing. I'm a new John at the scene, and was wondering if I could get any tips for someone starting out, there isn't really a guidebook anywhere LOL. I'm terrified of getting busted, so on the strip if I see two girls walking with each other I don't approach because I heard undercovers go in pairs. Last Sunday I saw a blonde Latina SW on Pennsylvania and Wright who was straight-up TGTBT, and gave me massive red flags in my head, so I avoided. Also if a SW is out in front of or by a car that's on I don't even bother to slow down. Are these reactions appropriate or am I just paranoid as shit, I'd appreciate any feedback I can get.

06-04-20, 09:58
Don't know if this is the right thread, but I'm pretty new to all of this and this thread has been a blessing. I'm a new John at the scene, and was wondering if I could get any tips for someone starting out, there isn't really a guidebook anywhere LOL. I'm terrified of getting busted, so on the strip if I see two girls walking with each other I don't approach because I heard undercovers go in pairs. Last Sunday I saw a blonde Latina SW on Pennsylvania and Wright who was straight-up TGTBT, and gave me massive red flags in my head, so I avoided. Also if a SW is out in front of or by a car that's on I don't even bother to slow down. Are these reactions appropriate or am I just paranoid as shit, I'd appreciate any feedback I can get.I just private messaged you a lot of info and you still need more help? Come on dude.

I haven't seen anything that was TGTBT in that area, and I drove around it a lot. Keep in mind these girls look good from a far but when you meet them they are far from good (for the most part).

Grow a pair of balls and make some pick ups.

06-04-20, 10:32
You'll figure out whether the girl is legitimately hooking or working for a law enforcement.

Get a beer find a parking spot and keep an eye on their activity.

That's the best advice I can give you.

Too Long
06-04-20, 10:39
Is there a curfew in Newark? Are the police still pulling over cars at night? I'm anxious to get back out there but am concerned about the police, curfew, protests, etc.

06-04-20, 10:50
I'm a new John at the scene, and was wondering if I could get any tips for someone starting out, there isn't really a guidebook anywher .There is a wonderful guidebook available. If you go to the front page of this site, and slide down the left column, you will find a thread titled "22 Rules for Street Mongering".

06-04-20, 12:10
You'll figure out whether the girl is legitimately hooking or working for a law enforcement.

Get a beer find a parking spot and keep an eye on their activity.

That's the best advice I can give you.I've been doing the same thing for decades, and cross my fingers, never been busted. I follow these steps;.

1. Make eye contact, smile and get her to acknowledge you.

2. Never make the pick up on the first swing thru. Look around for cars with Government plates or police cars.

3. On the swing thru, make sure you are not on the main drag and pull over next to the curb at least a half block away.

4. Make her walk to you.

5. If she attempts to talk to you thru the window, tell her you thought she was someone else and drive away.

6. When she hops in, don't discuss business until you pulled away and driven more than 3 blocks.

7. Do the LE check if you want, but I think it is just a chance to get a free feel, nothing more, nothing less.

Nearly all (but not 100%) of undercover decoys will not get in the car, too dangerous for them. They will attempt to get you to agree to a sex act for money (all while standing outside your car) and then tell you to pull around the corner where her back up is waiting.

Personally, I believe the bigger danger is getting serviced when a cop car rolls up on you. The longer I've been in the game, the more I am willing to spring for that motel room for an hour. You get a more relaxed experience, you can get her completely naked and it removes that risk. I tend to think of it as a one time $40 insurance policy for my business reputation. Money well spent but that's just me.

06-04-20, 12:22
I just private messaged you a lot of info and you still need more help? Come on dude.

I haven't seen anything that was TGTBT in that area, and I drove around it a lot. Keep in mind these girls look good from a far but when you meet them they are far from good (for the most part)..Still new to posting on this forum, started yesterday. I tried posting twice, didn't think the first time it went thru. You've been a great help and so was everyone else helping in the thread and I thank all of you. Sypress I do apologize for the misunderstanding, didn't try to post after you helped.

06-04-20, 16:30
Still new to posting on this forum, started yesterday. I tried posting twice, didn't think the first time it went thru. You've been a great help and so was everyone else helping in the thread and I thank all of you. Sypress I do apologize for the misunderstanding, didn't try to post after you helped.LOL it's all good dude, I wasn't upset, just want you to get out there and get junior slurped on by some hoochie mamas!

06-05-20, 19:39
Good notes esp #5.

I've been doing the same thing for decades, and cross my fingers, never been busted. I follow these steps;.

1. Make eye contact, smile and get her to acknowledge you.

2. Never make the pick up on the first swing thru. Look around for cars with Government plates or police cars.

3. On the swing thru, make sure you are not on the main drag and pull over next to the curb at least a half block away.

4. Make her walk to you.

5. If she attempts to talk to you thru the window, tell her you thought she was someone else and drive away.

6. When she hops in, don't discuss business until you pulled away and driven more than 3 blocks.

7. Do the LE check if you want, but I think it is just a chance to get a free feel, nothing more, nothing less.

Nearly all (but not 100%) of undercover decoys will not get in the car, too dangerous for them. They will attempt to get you to agree to a sex act for money (all while standing outside your car) and then tell you to pull around the corner where her back up is waiting.

Personally, I believe the bigger danger is getting serviced when a cop car rolls up on you. The longer I've been in the game, the more I am willing to spring for that motel room for an hour. You get a more relaxed experience, you can get her completely naked and it removes that risk. I tend to think of it as a one time $40 insurance policy for my business reputation. Money well spent but that's just me.

06-07-20, 23:35
Sunday evening, after dark, about 8 to 9:30 is my new time to hit the Newark stroll. I am coming home from the shore and that gives me an excuse to re route my trip thru lovely Newark.

It wasn't so much dead as it was disappointing, of all the walkers, over half were BSW's that are the fugglies of the scene, in other words, I wouldn't fuck them with your dick. There were only three WSW's; one was plump and by plump, I would guess her to be 250 lbs, big butta woman, the other one was a crack head who hadn't showered in a week, you can imagine what week old tuna salad she had between her legs and the last one was seen for just one pass and never reappeared. My conclusion is that there were many more mongers than there were providers so even the lesser of the lot still got business.

I can't say that Sunday night's used to be hopping to make a point of comparison but it has been real slow now for 2 Sunday nights in a row. But the fact of the matter is that I have never quite figured out Newark, when is a good time for a wide selection. I've been told its in the AM hours after midnight but I almost never out in that timeframe. I would have been happy to make the scoop but the lack of even modest choices is disappointing. Street action requires some patience, I know that, but its hard to be patient when nothing materializes over a 2 hour period.

06-08-20, 11:26
Sunday evening, after dark, about 8 to 9:30 is my new time to hit the Newark stroll. I am coming home from the shore and that gives me an excuse to re route my trip thru lovely Newark.

It wasn't so much dead as it was disappointing, of all the walkers, over half were BSW's that are the fugglies of the scene, in other words, I wouldn't fuck them with your dick. There were only three WSW's; one was plump and by plump, I would guess her to be 250 lbs, big butta woman, the other one was a crack head who hadn't showered in a week, you can imagine what week old tuna salad she had between her legs and the last one was seen for just one pass and never reappeared. My conclusion is that there were many more mongers than there were providers so even the lesser of the lot still got business.

I can't say that Sunday night's used to be hopping to make a point of comparison but it has been real slow now for 2 Sunday nights in a row. But the fact of the matter is that I have never quite figured out Newark, when is a good time for a wide selection. I've been told its in the AM hours after midnight but I almost never out in that timeframe. I would have been happy to make the scoop but the lack of even modest choices is disappointing. Street action requires some patience, I know that, but its hard to be patient when nothing materializes over a 2 hour period.I was out last night and had the same exact experience, and I did notice the same girls you talked about. The heavy and tall WSW with a manly face, there was another WSW with a boyish hair cut walking around in jeans (always had a slight smile on her face as you drove past her). The BSW were all garbage and I wouldn't pick any of them up. In the morning there was a WSW who was so high she was standing but hunched over and dancing around, tripping balls. A worker near some fencing walked past her and told her to move, it was kind of funny.

Right where Frey and Sherman converge near Astor Street you can catch a thicker WSW during the day time, she get's her fix from the dope boys around that area, but she surprisingly looks pretty good, always has make up on and has a nice sized butt. I wouldn't pick her up because I'm looking for latina and black chicks, but she is an option for those who are interested.

Nye Stroll was completely dead by the way.

Too Long
06-08-20, 18:51
Sunday evening, after dark, about 8 to 9:30 is my new time to hit the Newark stroll. I am coming home from the shore and that gives me an excuse to re route my trip thru lovely Newark.

It wasn't so much dead as it was disappointing, of all the walkers, over half were BSW's that are the fugglies of the scene, in other words, I wouldn't fuck them with your dick. There were only three WSW's; one was plump and by plump, I would guess her to be 250 lbs, big butta woman, the other one was a crack head who hadn't showered in a week, you can imagine what week old tuna salad she had between her legs and the last one was seen for just one pass and never reappeared. My conclusion is that there were many more mongers than there were providers so even the lesser of the lot still got business.

I can't say that Sunday night's used to be hopping to make a point of comparison but it has been real slow now for 2 Sunday nights in a row. But the fact of the matter is that I have never quite figured out Newark, when is a good time for a wide selection. I've been told its in the AM hours after midnight but I almost never out in that timeframe. I would have been happy to make the scoop but the lack of even modest choices is disappointing. Street action requires some patience, I know that, but its hard to be patient when nothing materializes over a 2 hour period.I had to pick someone up at 8 AM from the Newark airport on sunday morning so I went to the stroll around 2 AM. For 5. 5 hours I circled all 3 tracks and it was the absolute worse that I have ever seen out there. There were 0 females on Emmit, no girls on sherman, and NONE on frey. It was a fucking host town!! When I say "none" I don't mean none worth picking up, I mean nobody was working!! The only spot that had females was Nye and fabyan. 99% of them I wouldn't touch with my enemies dick!

I finally got lucky about 7 AM and one of my regulars finally answered her cell number otherwise it would have been a complete waste of time and gas!!

06-09-20, 20:51
I met her at the 7-11 on Bway. Took her phone number and called her this morning. I UBERed her over. She charged me 80 for everything. I was suprised to find a looker in that area.

Catch her before she loses her phone.


862 704 0315.

06-09-20, 23:34
I met her at the 7-11 on Bway. Took her phone number and called her this morning. I UBERed her over. She charged me 80 for everything. I was suprised to find a looker in that area.

Catch her before she loses her phone.


862 704 0315.Thanks for sharing. She looks like a large woman. Is she hiding the stomach or wait in these pics? What's her body like?

06-13-20, 05:55
I've been doing the same thing for decades, and cross my fingers, never been busted. I follow these steps;.

1. Make eye contact, smile and get her to acknowledge you.

2. Never make the pick up on the first swing thru. Look around for cars with Government plates or police cars.

3. On the swing thru, make sure you are not on the main drag and pull over next to the curb at least a half block away.

4. Make her walk to you.

5. If she attempts to talk to you thru the window, tell her you thought she was someone else and drive away.

6. When she hops in, don't discuss business until you pulled away and driven more than 3 blocks.

7. Do the LE check if you want, but I think it is just a chance to get a free feel, nothing more, nothing less.

Nearly all (but not 100%) of undercover decoys will not get in the car, too dangerous for them. They will attempt to get you to agree to a sex act for money (all while standing outside your car) and then tell you to pull around the corner where her back up is waiting.

Personally, I believe the bigger danger is getting serviced when a cop car rolls up on you. The longer I've been in the game, the more I am willing to spring for that motel room for an hour. You get a more relaxed experience, you can get her completely naked and it removes that risk. I tend to think of it as a one time $40 insurance policy for my business reputation. Money well spent but that's just me.Or just get a motel room and get someone to see it that way car dates are so 2000's.

06-14-20, 02:19
Thanks for sharing. She looks like a large woman. Is she hiding the stomach or wait in these pics? What's her body like?I reviewed her a while ago. She was a car date nightmare. She hid a felonious amount of drugs in my car when she got spooked, nodded off and forgot where she stashed it. Uber and hotel might be OK,. Head was trash, anyway.

06-14-20, 09:25
I met her at the 7-11 on Bway. Took her phone number and called her this morning. I UBERed her over. She charged me 80 for everything. I was suprised to find a looker in that area.

Catch her before she loses her phone.


862 704 0315.I just Googled the phone and it comes back as the public library, not exactly a hot spot for Monger shopping.

06-15-20, 17:03
I just Googled the phone and it comes back as the public library, not exactly a hot spot for Monger shopping.I did the same but still texted her. Pick her up on halleck and Broadway and had a cardate for. 60. Tits soft as can be. She's not as big as the photos. Def will repeat.

06-16-20, 12:59
I've been doing the same thing for decades, and cross my fingers, never been busted. I follow these steps;.

1. Make eye contact, smile and get her to acknowledge you.

2. Never make the pick up on the first swing thru. Look around for cars with Government plates or police cars.

3. On the swing thru, make sure you are not on the main drag and pull over next to the curb at least a half block away.

4. Make her walk to you.

5. If she attempts to talk to you thru the window, tell her you thought she was someone else and drive away.

6. When she hops in, don't discuss business until you pulled away and driven more than 3 blocks.

7. Do the LE check if you want, but I think it is just a chance to get a free feel, nothing more, nothing less.

Nearly all (but not 100%) of undercover decoys will not get in the car, too dangerous for them. They will attempt to get you to agree to a sex act for money (all while standing outside your car) and then tell you to pull around the corner where her back up is waiting..I really appreciate this long and detailed post especially for a newbie like me who hasn't done this ever before. Just wanted to say thanks.

06-17-20, 16:52
Be good to both!

06-18-20, 09:01
I really appreciate this long and detailed post especially for a newbie like me who hasn't done this ever before. Just wanted to say thanks.Welcome to the hobby. My only additional advice is safety first, if your gut reaction signals something is off, better to wait for another chance, another day even——but don't ignore it.

This hobby isn't for everyone but for the thrill seekers amongst us, the adrenaline of the chase nearly surpasses the euphoria of dumping a quart of pecker snot down somebody's throat. I would go so far as to argue its an addiction that should be listing with all the rest.

But come back to the board with your experiences, conquests and (hopefully not many) horror stories. This board only gets stronger with contributions from all corners.

Shak Deez
06-20-20, 06:09
Welcome to the hobby. My only additional advice is safety first, if your gut reaction signals something is off, better to wait for another chance, another day evenbut don't ignore it.

This hobby isn't for everyone but for the thrill seekers amongst us, the adrenaline of the chase nearly surpasses the euphoria of dumping a quart of pecker snot down somebody's throat. I would go so far as to argue its an addiction that should be listing with all the rest.

But come back to the board with your experiences, conquests and (hopefully not many) horror stories. This board only gets stronger with contributions from all corners.Hahaha, all facts thou!

06-20-20, 16:28
I met her at the 7-11 on Bway. Took her phone number and called her this morning. I UBERed her over. She charged me 80 for everything. I was suprised to find a looker in that area.

Catch her before she loses her phone.


862 704 0315.Whats this dames name bro.

Pink Flamingo
06-21-20, 09:22
There was an active ho in Paterson till she got busted 2 years ago named Carri. .

She's about 5' 7", long black, now dyed with purplish tint, White and was thin but put some weight on since I last saw her- guess she's about 120 - 130 now.

She is actually pretty cute.

After jail and half way house, researched her & find out she shacked up with another loser in Newark.

Both for dope and loser for burglaries etc.

Anybody see her on the stroll (as I don't go to Newark) Curious as to if she's gone back to her old ways.

Unfortunately, don't have a pic.

06-21-20, 18:36
Whats this dames name bro.Her name is Beautiful, Beauty or Bella. She does look good but she uses a lot of makeup.

06-22-20, 00:58
Funny how the passage of an hour can change everything. Swung by the stroll at 10 PM and there was a choice of a single option, and not a very appealing option at that. So I took a long drive around and came back to find a SW convention going on, with about 6 choices (around 11 PM) so timing wise, I always suspected that I was hitting Newark too early in the evening.

The irony was I was heading back to the known SW shopping area and I came across this tall number, Erica. I invited her in for an audition for first chair skin flute player in the Don Trask All Star band. She wasn't the best I ever had but it wasn't for her lack of effort. She went down and stayed at it steady with above average suction and technique till she got what she wanted. She allowed roaming so I think the next time its off to the Notel to check out the tightness factor of her relatively young coochie.

After dropping her off, I had to by the shopping district and I couldn't believe my eyes. There were plenty of decent (4 to 7 or so on the SW scale) choices for anybody looking. I haven't seen that many in Newark in a very long time perhaps signaling the end of the Covid scare and back to business. At least one could hope so.

06-22-20, 08:11

So I know we posted on these 2 before and I said let me give it one more try. They are such assholes. They drag you along and then give.

Some BS excuse why they are taking so long. I heard the best excuse ever this time. The pipes burst in her hotel!! I told her I hope she drowns!

Waited almost 3 hours with back and forth. Stupid I know!

06-23-20, 00:27
Has anyone had any issues with the curfew in place? I've thought about going out a few times but worried about LE and the current 9:30 PM curfew.

06-24-20, 16:01
I gave Joslyn a round trip ride from a side street between Sherman and Frelyn. She's a newbie easily confused for a civilian. Mid 30's Latina to date unspoiled by the streets. Excellent service from a rather limited menu. She asks for more than the going rate but is well worth it.

06-24-20, 17:18
Has anyone had any issues with the curfew in place? I've thought about going out a few times but worried about LE and the current 9:30 PM curfew.We are into Phase 3 or 4 by now, indoor dining, nail salons, tattoo parlors and barbershops are all open by this week. That is not to say that you shouldn't be careful but if you get pulled over, it wouldn't be for curfew. Those days are behind us.

Pink Flamingo
06-24-20, 19:08
[Personal Name deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove the Real Personal Name of a private individual. Posting anyone's real personal name is a grave violation of their privacy and an event that justifies an immediate banning of the perpetrator.

Please do not post anyone's actual personal name in the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

Hunter Jay
06-25-20, 11:35
I gave Joslyn a round trip ride from a side street between Sherman and Frelyn. She's a newbie easily confused for a civilian. Mid 30's Latina to date unspoiled by the streets. Excellent service from a rather limited menu. She asks for more than the going rate but is well worth it.You found a clean SW and didn't get any info does she have a phone number.

06-25-20, 17:23
Yes and Yes! She is out there, I found her around 8 30 pm, on the early side. As far as the TN I need to keep it in reserve respecting her request for approval.

You found a clean SW and didn't get any info does she have a phone number.

06-25-20, 20:45
Last night did a cruise around all strolls, sherman ave, frey, and clinton. It was absolutely awful no decent looking girls, I drove from 10 pm to 3:30 a. M, bouncing back and forth between strolls and it was basically completely empty. You start to get an eye for the regulars in the area, and I never want a girl whos consistently out there, I prefer the ones that do it once a blue moon for some quick cash.

Clinton had a heavy LE presence last night, I was avoiding them like crazy, they definitely saw me loop around more than once but I always seemed to get out unharmed, making quick turns into big streets where I can blend back in and not look like a monger. But they were in full force on the known streets for girls. I should have left when I saw 4-5 LE cars all in the area making the rounds. Even if you avoid them, the girls are scared and do not come out (obviously).

Sherman Ave had some options and zero L. E presence, but like I said they were all the known girls and I don't like those. Frey had a cop car in the area at night, so I bounced. You can find a lot of activity in that area at night, but you have to be careful, the hobo's and drugdealers are all near by watching your every move, when it comes to discretion, I'm not a super fan of the frey stroll. But they are out there, if you're ballsy go right ahead.

06-25-20, 20:55
On Clinton Ave a couple of weeks ago, I saw two girls working. One was clearly a tranny but her friend was not, her friend was a very thick and voluptuous and beautiful ebony. She wanted $50 minimum for CBJ, she said nothing uncovered. She thought I was a cop and hesitated, but eventually she agreed to meet me on south 19th, she told me to drive there and meet her by her car, she had condoms in her car. I pull over and it was completely quiet on the street, and we just had a quick chat. She laughed at me for looking so young, and I could tell she kinda liked me. She wasn't your typical dumbo hood rat selling her ass, she was extremely well spoken and smart. We cracked a few jokes but I told her I'd rather leave the area since she isn't GFE. She thought I was crazy for not wanting to protect junior, but I told her I never pick up crackheads, only bad bitches, so I sleep well at night after getting a BBBJ. She said " I don't know you, and there's nothing but crackheads out here, I don't want corona or any std". I respected her wishes and told her she was smart for being safe, but I'm going to head back onto the stroll and look for a girl who isn't as cautious. She laughed and waved me goodbye. She later saw me cruising through the stroll and had a slight smile every time I passed by. She works with her tranny friend, they loop the block and see if they can get a monger to pick them up, but they don't stay there long.

I never had an issue with LE but if girls are that paranoid about them, there must be a good reason.

Take care guys, sorry for the little story.

Too Long
06-25-20, 23:50
I went out Saturday night and found a white hooker on clinton and 20th. I was shocked because I haven't seen a white hooker in that are in almost 4 years. Late 30's, skinny, blond hair, hr name was Kelly. I drove to my spot and I swear, in 2 fucking minutes she stopped and said "Are you cumming?" I told her "of course not, we just got started!" She went back to sucking (She was average, a 6. 5 in skills) and every fucking minute she stopped and asked if I was close, then she would do an exasperated sigh and go back to to the dick. After the third sigh, I told her we were done and pulled up my pants. Complete waste of money and time!

I ended up grabbing Krissy on Emmet street and she did a great job, so my night wasnt a total waste.

06-26-20, 14:09
Funny how the passage of an hour can change everything. Swung by the stroll at 10 PM and there was a choice of a single option, and not a very appealing option at that. So I took a long drive around and came back to find a SW convention going on, with about 6 choices (around 11 PM) so timing wise, I always suspected that I was hitting Newark too early in the evening.

The irony was I was heading back to the known SW shopping area and I came across this tall number, Erica. I invited her in for an audition for first chair skin flute player in the Don Trask All Star band. She wasn't the best I ever had but it wasn't for her lack of effort. She went down and stayed at it steady with above average suction and technique till she got what she wanted. She allowed roaming so I think the next time its off to the Notel to check out the tightness factor of her relatively young coochie.

After dropping her off, I had to by the shopping district and I couldn't believe my eyes. There were plenty of decent (4 to 7 or so on the SW scale) choices for anybody looking. I haven't seen that many in Newark in a very long time perhaps signaling the end of the Covid scare and back to business. At least one could hope so.What area are you referring to when you say "shopping district"? Where is this hot spot?

06-28-20, 22:21
Sherman stroll has someone way too fresh talking out of windows if you get my drift.

Fabian was mostly empty.

But Frey by McD has a few not bad looking, 2 red dresses and one red top with tight blue tights showing everything off but it's way to crowded, like your on stage. Maybe just too early.

06-29-20, 10:02
Hey Wasted3, yes I reported that the frey stroll at the certain area between popeyes and mcdonalds and the side streets can be a little scary to make the pick up, a lot of eyes watching.

Went out at 1 am last night, everything was pretty chill, no red&blue lights anywhere, and no red&blue bandanas either LOL. The only problem was a serious lack of selection of girls. Clinton had nothing to offer besides drug users, and Sherman was exactly the same.

07-03-20, 21:38
Newark is on the way to my weekend destination so it is becoming my default stroll. Covid has put a real crimp in my mongering time so I have to take what is available to me.

Because of timing, I was driving down Frey on a Friday afternoon and wasn't expecting much. But sometimes Frey can surprise you. I saw a strong possibility by McD's but I was flat outscooped by a white van. There was a trashy redhead by Popeyes and I held out for a better option. A quick detour over to Sherman was my second surprise of the day. Normally Sherman is mostly BWS and you have to go all the way over to Emmet to find something. Turned out Emmet was dry and there were two possibilities on Sherman, a WSW spinner type that leaned toward the trashy side and a blonde that caught my eye. So I swung around the block to run recon on any police in waiting and by the time I got back to the spot she was climbing in a Rave Runner.

So 0 for 2 and I had to be somewhere for dinner so I tucked my tail between my legs and left the playground with a full sack. The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass all the time.

07-05-20, 05:36
Hit 3 of the strolls tonight and ghost towns. First Frey by mcds then sherman at both ends then Nye then Sherman again and crickets all around at 1 am.

Wth is up.

07-05-20, 22:31
What up yall.

So I decided to hit up Jersey post curfew times.

Dropped by the fre stroll and there werent much out for the morning. Dropped by the fabian nye stroll. Some busted up dogs. Irv LEO was in full effect so had to thread lightly. I did see on BSW with a small waist but a big ole booty darkskin. I drove around but when I came back she was gone. I hit the Frel stroll again and BSW and she says she and OG and been out the game for 10 years and came back. I picked up and did the business for 1 Jackson. She spoke on the mic quite well and did not rush at all.

07-05-20, 22:32
Hit 3 of the strolls tonight and ghost towns. First Frey by mcds then sherman at both ends then Nye then Sherman again and crickets all around at 1 am.

Wth is up.If you ever figure it out, you'll be the first. I was heading home tonight and took my usual detour thru Newark. Frey by McDonalds had two choices, rough and rougher. In retrospect, I should have scooped one but I held out hoping for a better shot. Sherman had it's requisite BSW that never interest me and Emmet Street was dry as a bone. Not a single one.

So now I venture up to Nye and found a HSW in a lime green mini dress and thought I would take a chance. Kinda cute but once I got her in the car, she was nodding her head and nodding off. So I found a place to park and put the donation out in the open but instructed her that she could reach for it till the deed was done. Now that is an important detail because what happened next.

I have read about but never happened to me. She was so out of it that it appeared like she fell asleep with my Johnson in her mouth. When I would nudge her, she will begin to give a halfway decent blowjob but would slow down again after about 30 seconds. Meanwhile, I was reaching around the back on her mini skirt to pet Mrs. Kitty and the most god awful order hit the air.

I had to stop and get her out of the car. I switched the donation amount on her to a less valued President and drop her to the drop off spot. I know there are some mongers that feel she shouldn't have paid a dime but I was more interested in getting her out of my car with no damage or drama so the smaller donation wasn't a total loss. But the street scene in Newark is hit or miss with a lot more misses lately.

Pink Flamingo
07-06-20, 09:25
If you ever figure it out, you'll be the first. I was heading home tonight and took my usual detour thru Newark. Frey by McDonalds had two choices, rough and rougher. In retrospect, I should have scooped one but I held out hoping for a better shot. Sherman had it's requisite BSW that never interest me and Emmet Street was dry as a bone. Not a single one.

So now I venture up to Nye and found a HSW in a lime green mini dress and thought I would take a chance. Kinda cute but once I got her in the car, she was nodding her head and nodding off. So I found a place to park and put the donation out in the open but instructed her that she could reach for it till the deed was done. Now that is an important detail because what happened next.

I have read about but never happened to me. She was so out of it that it appeared like she fell asleep with my Johnson in her mouth. When I would nudge her, she will begin to give a halfway decent blowjob but would slow down again after about 30 seconds. Meanwhile, I was reaching around the back on her mini skirt to pet Mrs. Kitty and the most god awful order hit the air.

I had to stop and get her out of the car. I switched the donation amount on her to a less valued President and drop her to the drop off spot. I know there are some mongers that feel she shouldn't have paid a dime but I was more interested in getting her out of my car with no damage or drama so the smaller donation wasn't a total loss. But the street scene in Newark is hit or miss with a lot more misses lately.Smart move, I agree with you.

07-06-20, 11:10
If you ever figure it out, you'll be the first. I was heading home tonight and took my usual detour thru Newark. Frey by McDonalds had two choices, rough and rougher. In retrospect, I should have scooped one but I held out hoping for a better shot. Sherman had it's requisite BSW that never interest me and Emmet Street was dry as a bone. Not a single one.

So now I venture up to Nye and found a HSW in a lime green mini dress and thought I would take a chance. Kinda cute but once I got her in the car, she was nodding her head and nodding off. So I found a place to park and put the donation out in the open but instructed her that she could reach for it till the deed was done. Now that is an important detail because what happened next.

I have read about but never happened to me. She was so out of it that it appeared like she fell asleep with my Johnson in her mouth. When I would nudge her, she will begin to give a halfway decent blowjob but would slow down again after about 30 seconds. Meanwhile, I was reaching around the back on her mini skirt to pet Mrs. Kitty and the most god awful order hit the air..You'er a class act, nice.

07-10-20, 08:58
WSW, 40's, brown / dark dirty blonde shoulder length hair (pulled into a short pony tail), jeans / black tee. 3 am, across from McD's. Long story short, this chick can suck a dick. She was literally fucking her own pharynx with my dick. Straight porno shit! I was not expecting that. As I came, she didn't miss a beat and swallowed every drop as it came out, the whole time maintaining the same balls-deep stroke. FUCKING HEAVENLY! She asks for 30 upfront, I gave her 25 but after her performance, I tipped her well. No digits and, likely, no teeth.

07-11-20, 07:26
Sherman was somewhat popping. Girl in black top wouldn't leaver her guard. One in red was way too hurt by the yay. Other two look done in too. There was one BSW with dreads that I tried picking up but got scooped. Called it a morning after that.

07-13-20, 00:42
Since I don't get out that much anymore, I always take advantage of returning from the NJ shore with a slight detour thru Newark. Curiosity more than anything but it has become my Sunday evening habit.

So now that I have a few Sunday nights under my belt, I would venture to say there is a pattern to Sunday night. I can't speak to the other nights but Sunday has shown some regular patterns. First, McDonalds / Popeyes part of Frey is usually good for one to two of the rougher SW's that Newark has to offer. If a drug out zombie is a 1 on the SW scale, these weigh in at around 2 to 3, rough looking faces, shitty clothes and although I never pick them up, I would bet questionable hygiene.

Sherman hasn't changed for me in 10 years. Almost all Sherman Avenue providers are black (nothing wrong with that, just not my cup of tea) and usually rougher than most. The better action lies at the end near Emmet and Frey and it has happened now for 3 weeks running, what is dead at 10 PM is hopping at 11:30 PM. It goes from one or two at 10 PM to 5 or 6 a mere hour later. I didn't scoop because I ran out of time and none of the girls went much higher than 4 or 5 on the SW scale and figured I would be a bit more disciplined and kept my money in my pocket. Now that hardly ever happens but it did tonight.

Safe hunting boys!

Latino Heat
07-13-20, 01:14
Just wanted to drop a note and say what's up to everyone hope all is well.

I am new to the forum, just learned about it. I have been mongering since 2015 between Newark and Elizabeth and just started on the Ptown scene. Only met 2 chicks so far. A Becky and Jayda (I think that was her name). I had no idea Jayda was a SW since I found her on cityx before it got shutdown.

Anyways. Just wanted to introduce myself, thank you all for your informative posts and hope I can add something to the community over time.


07-13-20, 10:03
Sherman was somewhat popping. Girl in black top wouldn't leaver her guard. One in red was way too hurt by the yay. Other two look done in too. There was one BSW with dreads that I tried picking up but got scooped. Called it a morning after that.Seen that pimp often, he works with different girls. None of them are worth picking up.

07-15-20, 13:49
It's back up and running. Obviously be careful because Uncle LEO is watching.

I was by Fabyan and Nye. That general area. I picked up Kiwi. I picked her up before all this virus stuff. She's very sweet (for a streetwalker). Gave her 25 to sing on the mic and she sang alright.

She has a bad ass job. She's super skinny. The ass don't match the thighs. And it's hard to the touch when she's singing, but there is nothing like looking down and seeing a thong wedged in between two bowling balls while holding and caressing them.

I'm usually very skittish when hobbying so I finished fast and was gone. I wanted to pay extra to hit, but I ain't about to be in a bando in Irvington. And again. Our uncle is too fucking nosy and looks out for those things.

Happy searching bros.

07-16-20, 02:28
It's back up and running. Obviously be careful because Uncle LEO is watching.

I was by Fabyan and Nye. That general area. I picked up Kiwi. I picked her up before all this virus stuff. She's very sweet (for a streetwalker). Gave her 25 to sing on the mic and she sang alright.

She has a bad ass job. She's super skinny. The ass don't match the thighs. And it's hard to the touch when she's singing, but there is nothing like looking down and seeing a thong wedged in between two bowling balls while holding and caressing them.

I'm usually very skittish when hobbying so I finished fast and was gone. I wanted to pay extra to hit, but I ain't about to be in a bando in Irvington. And again. Our uncle is too fucking nosy and looks out for those things.

Happy searching bros.I've driven around fabyan and nye a few times and never seen anyone. Am I just on the wrong side? I'm usually going up nye from elizabeth ave and making the left onto fabyan towards irvington and 78.

07-16-20, 10:53
I've driven around fabyan and nye a few times and never seen anyone. Am I just on the wrong side? I'm usually going up nye from elizabeth ave and making the left onto fabyan towards irvington and 78.Don't make it complicated, fabyan and clinton is the area you want to be, if you drive down fabyan keep in mind there will some thug dudes chilling on their porch and a lot of the locals will be watching you. That's why I prefer south 20th and clinton ave by the embers spot, more industrial area and less people, and you can find a gem every now and then. But fabyan can be a pretty mediocre spot to pick up girls, it's a better street to drive around late at night because it's more quiet.

Stay on fabyan in between clinton and nye, as you drive down fabyan you will hit hawthorne ave, keep going down fabyan and you'll hit nye ave, after that do not go any further down fabyan, just loop back around and repeat that cycle.

07-17-20, 11:57
Don't make it complicated, fabyan and clinton is the area you want to be, if you drive down fabyan keep in mind there will some thug dudes chilling on their porch and a lot of the locals will be watching you. That's why I prefer south 20th and clinton ave by the embers spot, more industrial area and less people, and you can find a gem every now and then. But fabyan can be a pretty mediocre spot to pick up girls, it's a better street to drive around late at night because it's more quiet.

Stay on fabyan in between clinton and nye, as you drive down fabyan you will hit hawthorne ave, keep going down fabyan and you'll hit nye ave, after that do not go any further down fabyan, just loop back around and repeat that cycle.Heavy cosign. That's where I pick up the WG. The only disconcerting thing is the people watching you from the porch. I usually get them right on the corner of Berverly and Fabyan. They all congregate there. But of course. Since it's a hot spot, please don't be a sitting duck and look for Uncle LEO.

07-17-20, 12:03
I've driven around fabyan and nye a few times and never seen anyone. Am I just on the wrong side? I'm usually going up nye from elizabeth ave and making the left onto fabyan towards irvington and 78.Sometimes it'll be absolutely dead. Then you'll drive there and just see the dealers selling. You just have to keep checking for when you see the ladies sitting on the porch or congregating on the streets leading up to Clinton from Nye, I. E. Beverly St.

It's a crapshoot. That's how I determine. On my way home, if I pass through and there is no one out, I'll go home. But if it's hot out and I got a few dollars on me, I'll cruise the blocks a few times. I prefer this to the Frelinghuysen stroll. I've been there twice and it just seems like an Uncle LEO haven (To me). So I stick with what I know.

07-17-20, 22:55
Sometimes it'll be absolutely dead. Then you'll drive there and just see the dealers selling. You just have to keep checking for when you see the ladies sitting on the porch or congregating on the streets leading up to Clinton from Nye, I. E. Beverly St.

It's a crapshoot. That's how I determine. On my way home, if I pass through and there is no one out, I'll go home. But if it's hot out and I got a few dollars on me, I'll cruise the blocks a few times. I prefer this to the Frelinghuysen stroll. I've been there twice and it just seems like an Uncle LEO haven (To me). So I stick with what I know.Agreed, if it's dead and quiet the best thing is to go home and not waste your time. Of course you can drive around for hours and maybe find something, but the chances of that happening are slim to none.

All strolls have an LE presence, but I did notice frey at night isn't a good idea, LE posted up near the apartment buildings near pop eyes is a guarantee, regardless, you HAVE to be aware of LE at all times... don't get caught with your dick out fellas!

07-17-20, 22:58
I've driven around fabyan and nye a few times and never seen anyone. Am I just on the wrong side? I'm usually going up nye from elizabeth ave and making the left onto fabyan towards irvington and 78.Sounds like you're on the wrong side, sorry to reply again but you'll know you're in the right area when you are on Clinton Avenue, near Embers. That whole 5 block radius is going to be where you find the highest concentration of pussy. So enjoy.

07-19-20, 12:11
There used to be a white girl that would hang out at the abandoned house on wright st which is now burned down. I think her name was summer but not sure but she did have a very unusual voice. She claimed to have a condition that caused it. White girl, slim, friendly, maybe in her 30's somewhat dirty blonde. Anyone have her contact or where abouts? You can't miss the voice!

Hunter Jay
07-19-20, 12:18
There used to be a white girl that would hang out at the abandoned house on wright st which is now burned down. I think her name was summer but not sure but she did have a very unusual voice. She claimed to have a condition that caused it. White girl, slim, friendly, maybe in her 30's somewhat dirty blonde. Anyone have her contact or where abouts? You can't miss the voice!Summer not around anymore she's in glassboro Nj according to her facebook.

07-20-20, 10:10
Summer not around anymore she's in glassboro Nj according to her facebook.According to her Facebook posts, she is in rehab and hoping to break out of the cycle of sucking dick for drug money. I wish her and anybody like her all the best in their quest for a better life. But I'd wait a few months and she will be right back at lit. Not that I find any pleasure is my conjecture, but I seen this movie before.

07-20-20, 12:08
Hey there,

I'm new to forum see if I have any luck looking for girl think her name is Jackie used to around haven't been able to find her anybody know or seen her.

07-21-20, 09:17
According to her Facebook posts, she is in rehab and hoping to break out of the cycle of sucking dick for drug money. I wish her and anybody like her all the best in their quest for a better life. But I'd wait a few months and she will be right back at lit. Not that I find any pleasure is my conjecture, but I seen this movie before.Can someone please direct me to the FB of hers?

07-21-20, 16:48
So the girls name is not summer with the strange voice. Any other thoughts who it might be?

Latino Heat
07-22-20, 10:18
Hey there,

I'm new to forum see if I have any luck looking for girl think her name is Jackie used to around haven't been able to find her anybody know or seen her.There a a couple of jackie's out there, what does she look like?

Latino Heat
07-22-20, 10:27
So the girls name is not summer with the strange voice. Any other thoughts who it might be?Her name is probably Leah. ?

Brown Gravy3
07-22-20, 10:39
It's been a while so I thought I'd share. I find that I get bored easily no matter how fine a ***** is. My eyes always wandering and open for something new. Yeah I got a problem LOL. Anyway, I usually hit the Clinton Ave / Fabayan stroll during the day time. At night everything around that area is closed and less busy. I just don't feel as comfortable. Sunday afternoon I picked up a red bone (forgot her name) who I fucked a while back in 2014. She was 18 then, pregnant huge tits and lactating like crazy. Back then I use to bring her to my house and fuck all three holes, she was a nasty ****. Let me record fucking her ass too. That pregnancy shit turn me on.

Funny thing when I picked her up Sunday, she was pregnant again. She was slimmer this time around but tits still look nice, no milk LOL. Ass wasn't bad. I found a safe parking spot and drop 20 for a bbj. She is so good damn. I wanted to fuck her too but her mouth so wet, she made me bust after about ten minutes. I'd been holding back hard trying to make it last LOL.

There are a few out there in that area (Clinton / fabayan) who give good head. There are two short Spanish gals who don't look like much but their head game is fire. Another is a BSW roving around usually with a big bag. Sorry I didn't get names but if you've been scoping that area long enough, I'm sure you have seen them.

Stay safe fellas!

07-22-20, 11:02
There a a couple of jackie's out there, what does she look like?The one who hangs around with a young kid she says is her boyfriend always used to see her in morning.

Latino Heat
07-22-20, 11:36
It's been a while so I thought I'd share. I find that I get bored easily no matter how fine a ***** is. My eyes always wandering and open for something new. Yeah I got a problem LOL. Anyway, I usually hit the Clinton Ave / Fabayan stroll during the day time. At night everything around that area is closed and less busy. I just don't feel as comfortable. Sunday afternoon I picked up a red bone (forgot her name) who I fucked a while back in 2014. She was 18 then, pregnant huge tits and lactating like crazy. Back then I use to bring her to my house and fuck all three holes, she was a nasty ****. Let me record fucking her ass too. That pregnancy shit turn me on.

Funny thing when I picked her up Sunday, she was pregnant again. She was slimmer this time around but tits still look nice, no milk LOL. Ass wasn't bad. I found a safe parking spot and drop 20 for a bbj. She is so good damn. I wanted to fuck her too but her mouth so wet, she made me bust after about ten minutes. I'd been holding back hard trying to make it last LOL.

There are a few out there in that area (Clinton / fabayan) who give good head. There are two short Spanish gals who don't look like much but their head game is fire. Another is a BSW roving around usually with a big bag. Sorry I didn't get names but if you've been scoping that area long enough, I'm sure you have seen them.

Stay safe fellas!Any other details you can share on the red bone chick? Where she be at mostly and around what time of the day / night?

07-22-20, 15:27
There a a couple of jackie's out there, what does she look like?Not sure how many there are but she usually with a guy around Sherman she young looking nice girl.

Latino Heat
07-22-20, 20:55
Not sure how many there are but she usually with a guy around Sherman she young looking nice girl.Oh yeah I've known her since she was 18, good girl taken over by those demons. Haven't seen her out there in a while either. If she is keep an eye out on wright st she sits on some house steps closer to corner of Sherman.

07-22-20, 22:57
Oh yeah I've known her since she was 18, good girl taken over by those demons. Haven't seen her out there in a while either. If she is keep an eye out on wright st she sits on some house steps closer to corner of Sherman.I met a few girls out there but she was one that seemed kind of normal to a point. Not sure how her boyfriend doesn't work instead having have to do what she does beautiful girl wasted to the demons.

07-22-20, 23:28
During a about of insomnia one night last week, I spent a majority of the night between midnight and 5 am back and forth between the Sherman stroll and the southern Frey (McD's to Popeyes) area. I had seen very little options since March or April. Some of the great (or once-great) regulars disappeared (Jackie, Kim, Summer.) around the same time the building on Wright burnt down. As per a post below, I guess Summer has moved, but the others have disappeared. All that's left on Sherman stroll are the more overt users and zombies and some BSW's that always made me nervous. There's a girl Erica who I met last fall or summer who is just kind of a difficult person to interact with, IMO, compared to the others. She showed up around sunrise, didn't remember me from our previous meeting and failed my LE test, thinking I was trying to get some free action or something. The initial conflict was not worth it at the time. There's also the girl who lives in the "crackhouse" on Sherman, who now goes by Gia, and those who associate with her, who are all strung out or at least have faces that look like it. The "other Jackie" is someone I've only seen a single time, one morning last fall, around sunrise. She was blonde and a sweetie and she felt and tasted great, but I never saw her again.

I need to widen my search area to the other strolls, but I'm so familiar with this area that I get nervous to check out others. I also go less sparingly than I used to, mostly because it's usually disappointing and I don't have the time and energy to waste the middle of my nights anymore (I won't do daytime stuff).

07-23-20, 09:02
During a about of insomnia one night last week, I spent a majority of the night between midnight and 5 am back and forth between the Sherman stroll and the southern Frey (McD's to Popeyes) area. I had seen very little options since March or April.

As per a post below, I guess Summer has moved, but the others have disappeared. All that's left on Sherman stroll are the more overt users and zombies and some BSW's that always made me nervous. There's a girl Erica who I met last fall or summer who is just kind of a difficult person to interact with, IMO, compared to the others. She showed up around sunrise, didn't remember me from our previous meeting and failed my LE test, thinking I was trying to get some free action or something. The initial conflict was not worth it at the time. There's also the girl who lives in the "crackhouse" on Sherman, who now goes by Gia, and those who associate with her, who are all strung out or at least have faces that look like it. I guess we will have to wait for the end of the Covid scare before we eulogize the demise of the Newark stroll. What started out as a 8 PM curfew has evolved to a changing of the guard in terms of options on the stroll. Not sure if this is the new normal or just the natural evolution of any stroll as drug addicts are not the most dependable people to make predictions on.

As for Erica, I found her to be a decent option, clean, wears clean clothes and has decent talented mouth, never tried FS. Gia on the other hand is a disaster, wouldn't catch much less swallow, doesn't allow any roaming and has a laundry list of other rules. Her biggest feature is decent sized meat curtain lips if you ever get around to paying for FS with her. I consider that a turn on, others might not find it attractive. But Gia is first and foremost a junkie so her entire outlook on life is driven by that.

But I have high hopes for the return of the Newark stroll when it presented a wide array of options during both day and night. Might be wishful thinking but I think the past few months represent abnormal times, as the economy recovers, so will our SW options.

Hunter Jay
07-23-20, 10:31
I guess we will have to wait for the end of the Covid scare before we eulogize the demise of the Newark stroll. What started out as a 8 PM curfew has evolved to a changing of the guard in terms of options on the stroll. Not sure if this is the new normal or just the natural evolution of any stroll as drug addicts are not the most dependable people to make predictions on.

As for Erica, I found her to be a decent option, clean, wears clean clothes and has decent talented mouth, never tried FS. Gia on the other hand is a disaster, wouldn't catch much less swallow, doesn't allow any roaming and has a laundry list of other rules. Her biggest feature is decent sized meat curtain lips if you ever get around to paying for FS with her. I consider that a turn on, others might not find it attractive. But Gia is first and foremost a junkie so her entire outlook on life is driven by that.

But I have high hopes for the return of the Newark stroll when it presented a wide array of options during both day and night. Might be wishful thinking but I think the past few months represent abnormal times, as the economy recovers, so will our SW options.I had full service with Erica a few times but she's not a freak but give great blowjob I stopped seeing her for a while. Newark stroll has become trash damn.

07-24-20, 08:19
Saw 3 BSW walking together down south 20th last night, they all had fat asses, one of them was a solid 8, the other two were like 6's. Of course L. E came out of nowhere as soon as they rolled through, this was not a sting however, seen a couple of the girls walking down that street before who gave me service.

07-25-20, 06:32
No chill sometimes. Almost broad daylight.

Anyway found a thick LSW named tiff by the dmv. Drove her around for a nice benjy song but wouldn't let me roam.

07-25-20, 15:13
Saw 3 BSW walking together down south 20th last night, they all had fat asses, one of them was a solid 8, the other two were like 6's. Of course L. E came out of nowhere as soon as they rolled through, this was not a sting however, seen a couple of the girls walking down that street before who gave me service.Where is this stroll located at? Street name ect.

07-27-20, 00:13
FYI, late 30's LSW, decent body, reddish-blonde in overalls shorts and light top. Picked her up, she wanted. 3, I obliged because she was decent looking and it's a rarity to find a LSW who isn't covered in garbage on Frelinghuysen. We go to the ATM and find a spot to park, she would not shut the fuck up the entire time and was super fucking needy (phone charger, sanitizer overuse, complaining, changing stations, poking / prodding / asking). This is not an Uber ride. Get to the main event, BBBJ, continues yapping gives the laziest effort. I jerk off, cum and go to drop her off. She won't get out, we're in front of the crackhouse. All eyes on me. Says she can't remember if I paid her. I assure her I had. I get ready to pull away from the goons so that I can safely extricate this whack job, she finds the money. I leave, wishing I had run into Kayla again.

For shits and giggles, I go down Sherman. Two younger WSW near Bigelow (one thin blonde and the other a little thicker brunette), unfortunately, I already blew my load on my own hand.

07-27-20, 01:12
Twenty not a ben. WTF autocorrect.

No chill sometimes. Almost broad daylight.

Anyway found a thick LSW named tiff by the dmv. Drove her around for a nice benjy song but wouldn't let me roam.

Hunter Jay
07-27-20, 01:15
FYI, late 30's LSW, decent body, reddish-blonde in overalls shorts and light top. Picked her up, she wanted. 3, I obliged because she was decent looking and it's a rarity to find a LSW who isn't covered in garbage on Frelinghuysen. We go to the ATM and find a spot to park, she would not shut the fuck up the entire time and was super fucking needy (phone charger, sanitizer overuse, complaining, changing stations, poking / prodding / asking). This is not an Uber ride. Get to the main event, BBBJ, continues yapping gives the laziest effort. I jerk off, cum and go to drop her off. She won't get out, we're in front of the crackhouse. All eyes on me. Says she can't remember if I paid her. I assure her I had. I get ready to pull away from the goons so that I can safely extricate this whack job, she finds the money. I leave, wishing I had run into Kayla again.

For shits and giggles, I go down Sherman. Two younger WSW near Bigelow (one thin blonde and the other a little thicker brunette), unfortunately, I already blew my load on my own hand.Was her name Stephanie.

07-27-20, 15:34
Was her name Stephanie.Could be, I never remember the duds by name, I simply avoid on sight.

08-01-20, 06:10
Midweek Saw this one but couldn't stop this early.

Friday night was empty on both Frey Sherman and nye. Finally saw a BSW in a tight black and red dress at 3 am on sherman but she disappeared. Anyone know her name?

08-05-20, 17:02
Frey stroll had a few girls out. One, in particular, had a tight teen body and she was flauting it. Her body was 20, her face was 56. Sherman had 2 decent girls out.

Hopefully, LEO is too busy to be a problem tonight.

Also, has anyone seen Kayla!? I promised myself I won't pick anyone else up until I see her again.

08-16-20, 15:14
Dropped in to the NJ Strolls over the weekend.

Noticed the gas station on corner of Fabian and Clinton where they be at is shutdown for repairs so the SW may move to different areas.

Drove down Fabian seen a couple of Crackhead BSW but not worth picking up.

Picked up a Regular from the area a Slim young BSW with if you can bypass the face the services are excellent. Drove off to a spot to got BBBJ and FS for 1. 5 Jacksons. Definitely worth it.

I stay off the irvington side because LE driving around so stay off that area.

Drove down to Sherman strolls and see a couple of WSW and BSW but nothing worth picking up tho.

I usually hit the spot morning to afternoon. Not to cool with coming around at nighttime with this covid going on.

08-18-20, 14:49
Gia is an attractive white girl w / a Dominican mix. Unfortunately, she was super high and beat to shit when I picked her up. She gives so-so head and tries to please but she couldn't get me there. Picked her up on Frelinghuysen and dropped her off on Hawthorne. She had no panties on and a red tank top dress. I don't fuck sex workers, these days, but I would've loved slamming into this girl. Pretty hazel eyes and plump lips.

08-31-20, 10:02
The one thing Newark is not is consistent. It's never provided a wide range of choices on any given night of the week, very much hit or miss. I had SW's tell me that all the action is after midnight but I'll never know since I work for a living and can't be running around at all hours just to get my nut off.

So a Sunday after 10 PM I take a detour on the way home to see if I can find anything. Down on the southern end of Frey (by the McDonalds), there are equal amount SW's and cop cars. (3 a piece). The problem is the squad cars are all on the side streets where a safe monger would potentially make the scoop so for safety reasons, I bolt that area for greener pastures up on the northern end by Emmet St. Completely empty if you discount the Black SW zombies that patrol Sherman Avenue, a no go in my book.

So I take the long ride back to the McDonalds area and police presence is still there so I thought, OK, one more trip to Emmet and I will call it a night. I hate doing this but Emmet Street offered a single option by the name of Gabby. A 20's something spinner with no tits, a street rat look and blondish hair. But all's well that ends well as she is an accomplish skin flute player of the sloppy head variety who takes suggestions well and really gets after it. A standard donation later, she is spitting out the kids on a Newark sidewalk and I am heading home, lightheaded and definitely lighter in the ball sack.

Hunter Jay
08-31-20, 19:05
The one thing Newark is not is consistent. It's never provided a wide range of choices on any given night of the week, very much hit or miss. I had SW's tell me that all the action is after midnight but I'll never know since I work for a living and can't be running around at all hours just to get my nut off.

So a Sunday after 10 PM I take a detour on the way home to see if I can find anything. Down on the southern end of Frey (by the McDonalds), there are equal amount SW's and cop cars. (3 a piece). The problem is the squad cars are all on the side streets where a safe monger would potentially make the scoop so for safety reasons, I bolt that area for greener pastures up on the northern end by Emmet St. Completely empty if you discount the Black SW zombies that patrol Sherman Avenue, a no go in my book.

So I take the long ride back to the McDonalds area and police presence is still there so I thought, OK, one more trip to Emmet and I will call it a night. I hate doing this but Emmet Street offered a single option by the name of Gabby. A 20's something spinner with no tits, a street rat look and blondish hair. But all's well that ends well as she is an accomplish skin flute player of the sloppy head variety who takes suggestions well and really gets after it. A standard donation later, she is spitting out the kids on a Newark sidewalk and I am heading home, lightheaded and definitely lighter in the ball sack.There's nothing available during midnight I was out Saturday morning driving around from 12 am to 3:30 am only found a BSW named Amira nice eyes young gave good blowjob Newark is trash next area will be paterson.

09-01-20, 03:51
Would you say LEO is more prominent in Newark or paterson?

There's nothing available during midnight I was out Saturday morning driving around from 12 am to 3:30 am only found a BSW named Amira nice eyes young gave good blowjob
Newark is trash next area will be paterson.

Hunter Jay
09-01-20, 06:22
Would you say LEO is more prominent in Newark or paterson?I went out last night again at 11 pm found a thick young BSW name Tiffany then found an LSW name Stephanie both gave good blowjobs LEO was blocking off certain streets where the dealers sell candy at Newark was still dead.

Hunter Jay
09-01-20, 11:53
Would you say LEO is more prominent in Newark or paterson?The post I read about LEO in paterson Newark LEO is not more prominent than Paterson.

09-01-20, 18:56
I ran into Melissa again. Thought she'd left town for good. She's raising the price a bit but still well worth it. She happens to be on Skip the Games now. I really enjoyed the toppy at her place. She's a definite go!

09-01-20, 19:02
I ran into Melissa again. Thought she'd left town for good. She's raising the price a bit but still well worth it. She happens to be on Skip the Games now. I really enjoyed the toppy at her place. She's a definite go!She looks very nice. Are her pics accurate? Link?

Hunter Jay
09-02-20, 15:02
Went to Clinton nye area around 2 am there's was a lot of BSW walking around I was on the hunt for big booty Michelle couldn't find her damn I want her great ass does anyone know how to contact big booty Michelle.

I saw two WSW Shannon and Meghan hooked with Shannon first for a cover blowjob it was good made me explode drop off Shannon LEO showed up for a few minutes and left the area I found Meghan WSW with short red hair gave me a great BBJ suck balls and talk to me dirty it was great.

I hooked up with a light skinned BSW before seeing Shannon and Meghan the BSW suck really good but Meghan was better left Clinton nye area went to Emmett street saw an HSW name juju I jacked her face and told her to suck my balls I had fun with juju exploded clean myself went home to sleep.

09-05-20, 22:43
To start, I'm new here but I've been lurking for a couple of years and mongering for a few more. I would call myself intermediate level, having experience with AMP's, high end / low end pros, and SW's.

I decided to try sws today despite all my experiences this year being horrible. I've had some good times in Newark, but all before COVID. Today I had the second worst encounter in all my life. (The worst being getting duped by a tranny, also this year).

6:30 p-9 p all the main strolls were barren with limited selection and hobbyists lining the streets. (To be expected on a Friday or Saturday night) I eventually picked up a WSW on Penn. Who I didn't realize was dozing off until she was already in the car. I didn't get a name, but she was taller, wore a Pony tail, leggings, big ol FUPA. She was off the candy for sure. The combination of her falling asleep and the burning cigarette incense she was holding onto made me sick to my stomach so I just give her $5 pull over and tell her to get out. She starts to wake up a little at this point asking "why?" WHY? I immediately realize the situation and now have a zombie in my car who doesn't want to get out. After some back and forth, repeatedly asking me why we couldn't smash, asking for more money (which I didn't her give her) she then asks to get dropped off at a nearby store, I oblige. We're now outside the store I open the door for her but she just won't budge. My car door is wide open and this scrot just won't get out! She starts making a scene and I don't know how I didn't knock this chick out! I finally push her out and skirt off vowing to never return.

09-05-20, 22:44
To start, I'm new here but I've been lurking for a couple of years and mongering for a few more. I would call myself intermediate level, having experience with AMP's, high end / low end pros, and SW's.

I decided to try sws today despite all my experiences this year being horrible. I've had some good times in Newark, but all before COVID. Today I had the second worst encounter in all my life. (The worst being getting duped by a tranny, also this year).

6:30 p-9 p all the main strolls were barren with limited selection and hobbyists lining the streets. (To be expected on a Friday or Saturday night) I eventually picked up a WSW on Penn. Who I didn't realize was dozing off until she was already in the car. I didn't get a name, but she was taller, wore a Pony tail, leggings, big ol FUPA. She was off the candy for sure. The combination of her falling asleep and the burning cigarette incense she was holding onto made me sick to my stomach so I just give her $5 pull over and tell her to get out. She starts to wake up a little at this point asking "why?" WHY? I immediately realize the situation and now have a zombie in my car who doesn't want to get out. After some back and forth, repeatedly asking me why we couldn't smash, asking for more money (which I didn't her give her) she then asks to get dropped off at a nearby store, I oblige. We're now outside the store I open the door for her but she just won't budge. My car door is wide open and this scrot just won't get out! She starts making a scene and I don't know how I didn't knock this chick out! I finally push her out and skirt off vowing to never return.

09-06-20, 13:34
To start, I'm new here but I've been lurking for a couple of years and mongering for a few more. I would call myself intermediate level, having experience with AMP's, high end / low end pros, and SW's.

I decided to try sws today despite all my experiences this year being horrible. I've had some good times in Newark, but all before COVID. Today I had the second worst encounter in all my life. (The worst being getting duped by a tranny, also this year).

6:30 p-9 p all the main strolls were barren with limited selection and hobbyists lining the streets. (To be expected on a Friday or Saturday night) I eventually picked up a WSW on Penn. Who I didn't realize was dozing off until she was already in the car. I didn't get a name, but she was taller, wore a Pony tail, leggings, big ol FUPA. She was off the candy for sure. The combination of her falling asleep and the burning cigarette incense she was holding onto made me sick to my stomach so I just give her $5 pull over and tell her to get out. She starts to wake up a little at this point asking "why?" WHY? I immediately realize the situation and now have a zombie in my car who doesn't want to get out. After some back and forth, repeatedly asking me why we couldn't smash, asking for more money (which I didn't her give her) she then asks to get dropped off at a nearby store, I oblige. We're now outside the store I open the door for her but she just won't budge. My car door is wide open and this scrot just won't get out! She starts making a scene and I don't know how I didn't knock this chick out! I finally push her out and skirt off vowing to never return.It happens. Sometimes even well-reviewed SW's have an off day. It's the nature of their preferred candy. Ihad to physically remove one girl (Nadine) pull my work knife on one girl, pretend I'm LEO, help one Beauty find her stash (in my car), drag on girl out Swan, run away from drug dealers because my "lady" thought it would be fun to steal their stash and not mention it to me. No one ever admit s to the trannies, but it happens.

09-09-20, 00:36
Saw Nicole on Emmet, holy shit she looks bad! She aged 20 years in 2 years! She still seems to have a nice figure but I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.

09-09-20, 01:39
Saw Nicole on Emmet, holy shit she looks bad! She aged 20 years in 2 years! She still seems to have a nice figure but I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.Which Nicole? The short petite one with the smokers voice?

09-09-20, 03:56
Saw Nicole on Emmet, holy shit she looks bad! She aged 20 years in 2 years! She still seems to have a nice figure but I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.Is she the Nicole on frey that had scratches on her face last week?

09-09-20, 09:40
Saw Nicole on Emmet, holy shit she looks bad! She aged 20 years in 2 years! She still seems to have a nice figure but I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.Lack of sleep heavy drug use and age will make her triple her age in appearance as she gets older. Her eyes are all black and shadowed and sunkin in.

09-09-20, 11:19
Which Nicole? The short petite one with the smokers voice?Short, pale Italian with a nice, petite ass.

Too Long
09-09-20, 16:52
I was on the scene last night around 1 AM. Frey was dead with police all over. Clinton was horrible and there were a few walking around emmet. I ran into Juju but didn't remember her excellent reviews from the board. She was talking to thing big spanish dude, I thought she might have been an UC, so I just pulled off. Now I am kicking myself for not grabbing her. Anyone have her contact info, please inbox me.

Too Long
09-11-20, 14:49

6:30 p-9 p all the main strolls were barren with limited selection and hobbyists lining the streets. (To be expected on a Friday or Saturday night) I eventually picked up a WSW on Penn. Who I didn't realize was dozing off until she was already in the car. I didn't get a name, but she was taller, wore a Pony tail, leggings, big ol FUPA. She was off the candy for sure. The combination of her falling asleep and the burning cigarette incense she was holding onto made me sick to my stomach so I just give her $5 pull over and tell her to get out. She starts to wake up a little at this point asking "why?" WHY? I immediately realize the situation and now have a zombie in my car who doesn't want to get out. After some back and forth, repeatedly asking me why we couldn't smash, asking for more money (which I didn't her give her) she then asks to get dropped off at a nearby store, I oblige. We're now outside the store I open the door for her but she just won't budge. My car door is wide open and this scrot just won't get out! She starts making a scene and I don't know how I didn't knock this chick out! I finally push her out and skirt off vowing to never return.I had a similar situation happen about 3 years ago, the girl was nodding out within seconds of getting into my car. So I drove to the gas station on Clinton Ave and told her "Lets go inside and get some cigarettes and food, then we can go out". As soon as she heard cigarettes she jumped right out of the car, we walked inside and as she walked to the counter, I turned around and walked out the store, got in my car and drive away.

Shak Deez
09-12-20, 15:32
Went to Clinton nye area around 2 am there's was a lot of BSW walking around I was on the hunt for big booty Michelle couldn't find her damn I want her great ass does anyone know how to contact big booty Michelle.

I saw two WSW Shannon and Meghan hooked with Shannon first for a cover blowjob it was good made me explode drop off Shannon LEO showed up for a few minutes and left the area I found Meghan WSW with short red hair gave me a great BBJ suck balls and talk to me dirty it was great.

I hooked up with a light skinned BSW before seeing Shannon and Meghan the BSW suck really good but Meghan was better left Clinton nye area went to Emmett street saw an HSW name juju I jacked her face and told her to suck my balls I had fun with juju exploded clean myself went home to sleep.Big Booty Michelle not in the game no more. I thought she would have a relapse myself but looks like her daughter got her life turned around for good.

09-13-20, 00:32
Stroll is weak, I've been around during the day and night the past couple of days and it's been weak, sherman, clinton stroll. Nothing to offer beside really worn out looking chicks, occasional 6 though that comes through.

09-13-20, 15:32
Yeah really dead last night. Uncle LEO was hanging out all over the stroll. Stopped at McDonald's had some chicken nuggets in the parking lot, Watching all the dum shit some mongers do! WTF! Not really a good idea to pull over on frey! Pull on the side streets!

09-16-20, 20:46
Just giving an update, I was out on Monday in the stroll area, actually on foot, it was dead quiet, nothing worth mentioning. Just some advice though:

There's a light skin girl, she's basically bbw with nappy hair, I would avoid her at all costs, she will smile at you and maybe wave her hand when you pass her, but when she gets in your car has a really nasty attitude. I think she was wearing jeans, she pops up on the stroll every now and then, sort of a casual streetwalker. Just do yourself a favor and avoid, never really had a problem with her outside of her attitude, but she asked me to drop her off at beverly after a session that I decided to end early, and took her sweet time getting out of the car which annoyed me. The reason I bring her up is because she was at that area that night.

If you cruise through the strolls with enough consistency you will see the same girls working, they are all very mediocre and to be avoided. You will occasionally spot a gem that will make your efforts worth it, but it requires a lot of effort and time.

09-17-20, 00:32
Just giving an update, I was out on Monday in the stroll area, actually on foot, it was dead quiet, nothing worth mentioning. Just some advice though:

If you cruise through the strolls with enough consistency you will see the same girls working, they are all very mediocre and to be avoided. You will occasionally spot a gem that will make your efforts worth it, but it requires a lot of effort and time.My trip through the strolls at 4 am Wed morning. There were about 5 WSW's on Sherman. One WSW on the corner of Frey and Emmet, she used to be around Day St. In Orange, so I was surprised to see her there. She goes by Lisa and has curly / wavy blonde hair and green eyes. She used to keep herself together but she looked bad this time.

Frey is dead. It's the same few girls huddled on the steps, always scheming and nothing but trouble. I keep hitting the strolls in hopes of finding Kayla, she was the best BBBJCIMNQNS that I've had since 2009. I'll check the scene this morning report back.

09-17-20, 04:29
Clinton area be too hot right now. Some ladies out but so are others.

Was still able to find a juicy girl for some quick play but no number.

09-17-20, 06:05
Sherman: 3 girls, one slightly attractive.

Frey: many bums; LEO watching; one girl, I picked her up a few times in the past. She is a young Latina mix with blonde, curly hair, usually in some sort of cute outfit, eyebrow piercings. I passed on her and went home.

09-17-20, 12:21
Clinton area be too hot right now. Some ladies out but so are others.

Was still able to find a juicy girl for some quick play but no number.I've seen that chick often in Clinton, and I saw her on sherman ave smoking the crack pipe during the day time.

Clinton is either really hot or completely empty LE wise. That's what I've noticed.

4 A. M Sherman had a few girls working nothing worth picking up, and Clinton Ave had 3 girls congregated together selling their ass on south 20.

09-26-20, 17:53
Visited newark today and found the following on Clinton stroll. Drove around for a bit but nothing out but Butt uglys. I did see a BSW / crackhead with a nice booty but the face was awful.

09-27-20, 05:51
Visited newark today and found the following on Clinton stroll. Drove around for a bit but nothing out but Butt uglys. I did see a BSW / crackhead with a nice booty but the face was awful.Signs been up for a few weeks. Doesn't stop the game.

09-27-20, 07:49
Hey just thought I share what I seen.

Signs been up for a few weeks. Doesn't stop the game.

09-28-20, 16:15
I happen to be in Irvington this weekend visiting some peoples from my old days (covid isn't scaring many I can see, hobbyist got needs LOL)!

Anyways, I opt to take the bus back to Newark so I could check out the pickings for a og (was on foot to recon), wasn't expecting anything spectacular (time frame 6:30 - 9 ish), its getting dark earlier so I assumed the freaks would come out.

Paradozio or however you spells it, didn't look open but work seems to be getting done on the block, I walk up and down each area I remember to have action (embers up the block, forgot the name of the giggle spot on the back street, behind the school, residential area, by the gas station, peep'd a couple trap houses), nothing much has changed however it feels like a scene of "I am legend" more base heads than actual talent, very slim pickings, not much uncle LEO presence, if I was in a car I would of been out of there in 15/20 minutes!

Newark, Irvington, Paterson, Elizabeth, Jersey City / Hoboken are hit or heavy miss, or maybe I'm just pitching in the wrong areas? Imma try again this weekend, its the end of the month, expenses are due & who knows how many nice weekends we got ahead of us to find a cuff buddy before thots retire to social media to fool simps with fans only or only fan or whatever non touching app they on, fuck that porn been free for 20 years, legalise this shit so we can have a tinder, gram or legit sexbook to entertain our boredom!

Happy hunting.

09-29-20, 16:04
I got Rosa last night really late her head game is amazing but she don't let grab her head and also she won't let me grab her ass according to her is her period and she is really thick she got digits but is on the text app meaning she needs wifi to answer but I got suspicious when a girl don't let me see her body maybe sick.

09-29-20, 16:08
No good luck lately and after checking the tampa Florida streetwalkers on the front page am really thinking about moving there or going on vacation there to check out. Er.

10-05-20, 07:19
Dropped into Newark yesterday Morning, Hit the Sherman stroll nothing but Dog faces. Dropped by the clinton stroll nothing out there and saw undercover LE parked off road. Proceeded carefully. Drove down nye stroll and found the is Slim BSW with a Bubble butt on her slimmie. She wasnt the best face looking but that booty was on point. Picked her up off road and we went to a spot. I have seen her walking around in the past couple of weeks of scoping the area. 1 1/2 Jackson she spoke on the mic and I was able to rub between butt cheeks. She pulled down them pants to show that ass I was like wow! Definitely would hit again.

10-07-20, 23:37
Anyone know any good cheap hotels / motels in the area?

10-08-20, 11:45
On a rare early morning swing by the stroll en route to the airport, I saw dear sweet Kim, who I hadn't seen since March, the first weekend when the state shut down. How lucky it was, because she doesn't hang out on the streets anymore. She says she's on stg, but I haven't seen her there. She was only out at this time to make a quick guaranteed buck. She almost got in someone else's car, but she saw me and dashed over instead. She and I have a standard rapport and a spot, and all was well in that regard.

Interesting story though, she had a baby last March (same time I last saw her) and she apparently didn't realize she was pregnant until last minute. I remember her complain of being really bloated, and now I know why. Then she showed me pics and emphasized that the eyes and hair were the same color as mine. I would've freaked out were it not for the fact that I've been snipped for 3 years. Anyway, she's back and has moved to the "big leagues. " She was too good for the streets.

10-08-20, 13:54
Anyone know any good cheap hotels / motels in the area?Spring Lane in Elizabeth. 50 Ball St in Irvington.

10-11-20, 05:12
Big Booty Michelle not in the game no more. I thought she would have a relapse myself but looks like her daughter got her life turned around for good.Shake, what she been doing for money? What her life like now?

10-15-20, 01:07
I got this new thang that be on 6th st. By the post office, her name Crista. This *** suck dick with a warm mouth. She def will be a regular.

Too Long
10-15-20, 14:41
I got this new thang that be on 6th st. By the post office, her name Crista. This *** suck dick with a warm mouth. She def will be a regular.They got working girls over by 6th street? Is there a hoe stroll in that area?

10-15-20, 17:10
They got working girls over by 6th street? Is there a hoe stroll in that areaNo cap that area always had potential.

Shak Deez
10-16-20, 13:13
Shake, what she been doing for money? What her life like now?Hahaha your name is wild! I hope you got videos of her to hold you down.

She babysits her grandson all day now while her daughter and her boyfriend do their thug thizzle. She got a bootleg food and clothes business and the boyfriend is a local pharmacist so they take care of her now fully. Michelle turned into a full blown Grandmother / Veterinarian with all them dogs in there. I count at least 6 of those fuckers. You wouldn't want to hit it these days anyway she mad skinny now. I would post a picture but I don't even want to do a legend like that.

Latino Heat
10-17-20, 02:47
They got working girls over by 6th street? Is there a hoe stroll in that area?And 6th? Roseville area?

10-19-20, 03:15
Found blonde Pinkie out on Sherman. Asked for. 3 for beej.

, took a jack. No cover but also came up with that catching os extra. Ok but probably look elsewhere next time.

Gaa Durin
10-19-20, 15:48
They got working girls over by 6th street? Is there a hoe stroll in that areaYeah, the stroll is at Roseville ave $ 7th ave w.

Gaa Durin
10-23-20, 15:58
I feel the streets between 18th ave and south orange is starting to become lit now that Clinton is dying off.

Hunter Jay
10-24-20, 09:00
Went to Newark around 5:15 am Emmett Sherman area was dead no one out went to Clinton area contacted Meghan a WSW with short red she told me to meet her at 20th and hopkins. Meghan got in asked me how I been doing told her I was doing great she asked me what I wanted told her two blowjobs she drained me good tongue action ball sucking and fucking my Cock with her mouth my fucking god. I exploded twice screaming and shaking heart beating fast with joy dropped her off.

Sally older HSW never saw her before around the McDonald's frey area was driving looked around for any LE did a quick U turn slowed down and looked at sally I was about to drive away because I thought she was a McDonald's worker. Sally wave and quickly came to my truck I let her in me and sally had a bad nerve reaction thought I was LE and I thought she was LE I pulled my pants down and grab her hand started using her hand to jerk me slow. Sally kept jerking me off slowly until we got to a spot BBJ was good tongue action kissing and mouth fucking explode dropped her off made sure I got digits.

Went back to Sherman, Emmett area saw Nicole god damn she look bad she was the only Chick outside a guy stopped to talk to her but did not pick her up I drove past her twice left the area went home.

10-24-20, 09:15
I feel the streets between 18th ave and south orange is starting to become lit now that Clinton is dying off.

Yeah, the stroll is at Roseville ave $ 7th ave w.So what's the idea here gent's? Are these two spots worth paying a visit?

10-24-20, 11:54
Went to Newark around 5:15 am Emmett Sherman area was dead no one out went to Clinton area contacted Meghan a WSW with short red she told me to meet her at 20th and hopkins. Meghan got in asked me how I been doing told her I was doing great she asked me what I wanted told her two blowjobs she drained me good tongue action ball sucking and fucking my Cock with her mouth my fucking god. I exploded twice screaming and shaking heart beating fast with joy dropped her off.

Sally older HSW never saw her before around the McDonald's frey area was driving looked around for any LE did a quick U turn slowed down and looked at sally I was about to drive away because I thought she was a McDonald's worker. Sally wave and quickly came to my truck I let her in me and sally had a bad nerve reaction thought I was LE and I thought she was LE I pulled my pants down and grab her hand started using her hand to jerk me slow. Sally kept jerking me off slowly until we got to a spot BBJ was good tongue action kissing and mouth fucking explode dropped her off made sure I got digits.

Went back to Sherman, Emmett area saw Nicole god damn she look bad she was the only Chick outside a guy stopped to talk to her but did not pick her up I drove past her twice left the area went home.Yeah she looks bad her eyes and her skin she aged 15 years in 3 years from the drug use on her face.

10-24-20, 14:35
Shake DM a pic of her now. I actually watch Michelle videos online. I had a few personal ones in my phone but they got lost in the cloud.

Hahaha your name is wild! I hope you got videos of her to hold you down.

She babysits her grandson all day now while her daughter and her boyfriend do their thug thizzle. She got a bootleg food and clothes business and the boyfriend is a local pharmacist so they take care of her now fully. Michelle turned into a full blown Grandmother / Veterinarian with all them dogs in there. I count at least 6 of those fuckers. You wouldn't want to hit it these days anyway she mad skinny now. I would post a picture but I don't even want to do a legend like that.

Hunter Jay
10-24-20, 19:25
You asked me for some info I can not send info because your inbox is full to all the other hunters and mongers make sure your inbox is not full before asking for info.

Gaa Durin
10-25-20, 02:21
So what's the idea here gent's? Are these two spots worth paying a visit?18th ave is way better than Roseville. Roseville chicks aren't that fine and they got too much drama in my opinion. The 3 good babes in Roseville was a tall big booty always high with pink wig BSW named big baby (she also worked on Fabyan / Clinton area) but very sadly she was involved in an hit and run in Roseville close to the post office that left her in a coma and broken spine on Aug. 3 2020), anoda thick BSW named Mimi whose no I still got and a MILF who likes to keep it quiet but is cool with recording so I won't mention her name but will post pics. 18th ave chick are nice looking with asses ranging from bubblebutts to big asses and very good prices. Hit me in my inbox for names and no.

Shak Deez
10-25-20, 13:22
18th ave is way better than Roseville. Roseville chicks aren't that fine and they got too much drama in my opinion. The 3 good babes in Roseville was a tall big booty always high with pink wig BSW named big baby (she also worked on Fabyan / Clinton area) but very sadly she was involved in an hit and run in Roseville close to the post office that left her in a coma and broken spine on Aug. 3 2020), anoda thick BSW named Mimi whose no I still got and a MILF who likes to keep it quiet but is cool with recording so I won't mention her name but will post pics. 18th ave chick are nice looking with asses ranging from bubblebutts to big asses and very good prices. Hit me in my inbox for names and no.The stroll has been OK over the years. I haven't come across Any phat asses over there over the years. It's hit or miss over there like any other stroll. Cops post up over there a lot and the back streets. 1 of my steadies works that stroll from time to time. I would say it's less junkie girls on it and less girls overall but definitely not more phat asses than Nye Clinton stroll. All the Big Booty legends have come from that stroll. Better up kept girls you can find there thou. The Roseville stroll is nothing to talk about really most of them are trash and they bunch up together and sit down right on 7th and Roseville, plus it's a whole police station right around the corner from the stroll. None of these strolls are new just haven't been talked about a lot in here and rightfully so, just like the North Newark stroll and the East Orange stroll.

Too Long
10-25-20, 16:54
You asked me for some info I can not send info because your inbox is full to all the other hunters and mongers make sure your inbox is not full before asking for info.Thanks for letting me know. I cleaned out my inbox. Appreciate it.

Gaa Durin
10-26-20, 00:15
Does anyone know a chick called sugar on d Clinton stroll. Seen her twice but I have been trying to find her. I think she lost her phone because I couldn't reach her.

10-27-20, 06:43
Sounds like Newark going back to curfew due to increase of covid infections.


11-01-20, 11:17
Anyone know what happened to all the girls in the north Newark stroll? Broadway from Verona st to ellwood. It seems after the 711 and new you-Haul were built that all the girls vanished. It was my favorite area back in the day. You could always find a girl on the surrounding blocks. Now nada! Where they goooooooo?

11-01-20, 13:33
Does anyone know the name of this tall BSW MILF with a huge bubble butt, she had butt injections so it is insanely huge and stops traffic, literally, and one of her legs is black and blue caused by butt shots that went bad and left her leg looking bruised. She likes the candy and when she hits, she like instant zombie, totally zones out. Has tattoos over her body / leg and used to be a dancer. I met her on Clinton over summer. She not out there like that much. Seen only a handful of times over the years. Pretty clean and you wouldn't know she was in the game unless you approached and hollared at her strong. Trying to reconnect. She bad and got's to be her regular. Anyone know her name or where she hangs?

11-01-20, 17:36
I know north Newark, where is the east orange stroll??

The stroll has been OK over the years. I haven't come across Any phat asses over there over the years. It's hit or miss over there like any other stroll. Cops post up over there a lot and the back streets. 1 of my steadies works that stroll from time to time. I would say it's less junkie girls on it and less girls overall but definitely not more phat asses than Nye Clinton stroll. All the Big Booty legends have come from that stroll. Better up kept girls you can find there thou. The Roseville stroll is nothing to talk about really most of them are trash and they bunch up together and sit down right on 7th and Roseville, plus it's a whole police station right around the corner from the stroll. None of these strolls are new just haven't been talked about a lot in here and rightfully so, just like the North Newark stroll and the East Orange stroll.

Hunter Jay
11-01-20, 20:03
I need new stroll hunting grounds Newark is becoming trash no one worth seeing just a few SW I see please pm info or post on thread I'm not the only guy looking for new hunting grounds.

11-11-20, 00:30
Saw Lucy (Old BSW) on Fabyan place / Clinton Ave. She wears a black wig with wine color stripes. She also wears a red Adidas and pants. Red and blue hoodie.

If you come across this *****, don't be fooled. She'll talk about how different she is and how she's a woman of her word but it's all lies.

Agreed to 50/ hour for BJ at the motel on ball street ($25 upfront).

I saw red flags but ignored them (She argues a lot, complains and likes to talk over you).

We get to the motel, she starts acting up raising her voice, complaining about not getting all the money upfront (something she agreed to in the car).

We get inside the motel and hell breaks loose after I give her the first $25.

She starts to raise her voice, demanding the other $25 and complaining. Talking about she doesn't do bbj.

Realized this was her plan all along decided not to waste any time cause her crazy ass wanted to argue.

Told her to keep the $25 and dashed off to look for another. Luckily.

11-11-20, 00:52
After the ordeal with Lucy, I drove around looking for another SW. I had about an hour ten minutes left at the motel on ball street. After walking around Clinton and Fabyan, I found a BSW (crackhead) named Ronda on Fabyan.

Ronda is skinny, average height with short and thick almost dreadlocks natural hair.

She was talking to another BSW. A guy was shadowing them.

Picked up Ronda after she broke off from the group. Told her I wanted bbj. She didn't have a problem. Just doesn't like hairy balls.

Now, Ronda's body / face is shit, but she takes direction so well and has a pleasing attitude that it didn't matter.

Told her what happened with Lucy. She vowed to treat me better which she did.

Ronda likes to be directed when sucking.

Banged her throat (she complained at first). Mouth was dripping. Sucked balls so good.

Nutted in her mouth and she fist bumped me after. Gave her $30 plus $10 tip. Dropped $35 for 2 hours motel.

Hopefully you don't judge sws by appearance. Virtually all the best suckers I've encountered didn't look like freaks.

11-11-20, 11:15
Anyone know about this chick. I get a SW vibe.


Latino Heat
11-11-20, 15:45
Anyone know about this chick. I get a SW vibe.

https://newark.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/latin/molly-bosscome-play-tag-with-m/259770457181Sherman stroll.

11-11-20, 23:11
Sherman stroll.Anyone know about the quality of service?

Latino Heat
11-12-20, 01:14
Anyone know about the quality of service?No. I set up a time with her but then asked her to send me a recent pic. Ad pics are old, saw some marks on hands and arms in pic, gut told me to pass so I ghosted.

11-12-20, 06:49
Around 2 am today went on foot from Penn station to Shermon stroll in light rain, no real action. Then I decided to head to Hopkins when I found a slim BSW. Forgot her name but she was nice and all was well. Decided to go for 2 nds with a few more girls out until a black civic started tailing me so I had to dip. Overall a great place just be cautious.

11-22-20, 21:50
This is what is so maddening about the Newark stroll, total inconsistency. It's been awhile since I hit the Newark stroll but I had to pick somebody up at the Newark Airport so I thought I would leave 90 minutes early to get a little headache relief. All I did was waste time and gas.

Ok, so 1 PM is not prime time to find a SW but in 90 minutes, I only saw 3 and none of the three were much above a 3 on the SW scale where 1 is so ugly you can't look her in the eye, 2 is a spaced out junkie and 3 is an unkempt ugly hag. I would have never let any of the three in my car much less suck my dick.

I was hoping for a little fun and was just totally frustrated.

Hunter Jay
11-22-20, 22:56
This is what is so maddening about the Newark stroll, total inconsistency. It's been awhile since I hit the Newark stroll but I had to pick somebody up at the Newark Airport so I thought I would leave 90 minutes early to get a little headache relief. All I did was waste time and gas.

Ok, so 1 PM is not prime time to find a SW but in 90 minutes, I only saw 3 and none of the three were much above a 3 on the SW scale where 1 is so ugly you can't look her in the eye, 2 is a spaced out junkie and 3 is an unkempt ugly hag. I would have never let any of the three in my car much less suck my dick.

I was hoping for a little fun and was just totally frustrated.Damn Don I feel your frustration Newark is dead I see Jackie out on the stroll but she be acting stuck up and boyfriend be blocking I gave up on Newark.

Latino Heat
11-23-20, 12:57
Damn Don I feel your frustration Newark is dead I see Jackie out on the stroll but she be acting stuck up and boyfriend be blocking I gave up on Newark.I haven't seen her out in ages been looking for her.

Hunter Jay
11-23-20, 19:35
I haven't seen her out in ages been looking for her.Late night around 11 pm and 5:30 pm.

11-25-20, 03:05
After the ordeal with Lucy, I drove around looking for another SW. I had about an hour ten minutes left at the motel on ball street. After walking around Clinton and Fabyan, I found a BSW (crackhead) named Ronda on Fabyan.

Ronda is skinny, average height with short and thick almost dreadlocks natural hair.

She was talking to another BSW. A guy was shadowing them.

Picked up Ronda after she broke off from the group. Told her I wanted bbj. She didn't have a problem. Just doesn't like hairy balls.

Now, Ronda's body / face is shit, but she takes direction so well and has a pleasing attitude that it didn't matter.

Told her what happened with Lucy. She vowed to treat me better which she did.

Ronda likes to be directed when sucking.

Banged her throat (she complained at first). Mouth was dripping. Sucked balls so good.

Nutted in her mouth and she fist bumped me after. Gave her $30 plus $10 tip. Dropped $35 for 2 hours motel.

Hopefully you don't judge sws by appearance. Virtually all the best suckers I've encountered didn't look like freaks.Full co-sign. Had Ronda the other night. Deffo a crackhead, but I was really fiending for some strange mouthwork. She's actually really personable and very conversational, but like Throatwrecka said, she does look like shit at first. She sang karaoke on my mike for a Jordan amount. Was timid at first with singing, but then she Jennifer Hudson'ed my shit afterward. LOL. (Hope yall get my references) Asked for her number, but like most sws, she gave some lame excuse and was like, "if it's meant to be we'll cross paths again. " If I ran across her again, I actually would do the whole hotel thing.

11-25-20, 03:12
I need new stroll hunting grounds Newark is becoming trash no one worth seeing just a few SW I see please pm info or post on thread I'm not the only guy looking for new hunting grounds.As crazy as this sounds, because most people only think of Central Ave as East Orange. EO isn't the shithole most people think it is. I actually live here. The ONLY thing your going to encounter are escorts. EO is too clean to have SWs running around. And the only place I would think would have sws, are the bad crackheads that live in that project complex on the Newark border, by south orange. But LEO stays over there. So even if I was in a drought, and I DESIRED the ugliest crackhead, the chance of me getting in trouble with LEO, keeps my erection hella flaccid and my behavior in CHECK!

I wouldn't mind finding a cheap little hoe, I can throw a few Jacksons to if she was one of those reformed crackheads that had her own place, like my Paterson hoe does. But that's rare as hell. Also before you ask. The last 3 visits, she's been giving lackluster service. So I'm almost deciding not to fuck with her anymore. I've been so good to her over the years, smh.

That's hoes for ya. LOL.

11-26-20, 10:09
Are there a lot of big ass girls in Newark?

11-26-20, 11:07
Are there a lot of big ass girls in Newark?The first question should be, are there any SW's left on the Newark stroll? I know I've had trouble finding them. When I did find them, I would ask them the question, "What's the best time to find working girls in Newark?" They would tell me after midnight for what it is worth. I don't know about the rest of the group here but I rarely monger after midnight so maybe Newark will never be a gold mine for me.

But to answer your question more directly, its sort of rare to find the big ass girls. Think about it, most of these workers are out there for their drug money and drug addicts tend not to spend their money on food so good luck finding them. I can't help but notice that there are a fair number of fat ass girls posting on Skip the games if you want to look there.

Hunter Jay
11-26-20, 16:08
The first question should be, are there any SW's left on the Newark stroll? I know I've had trouble finding them. When I did find them, I would ask them the question, "What's the best time to find working girls in Newark?" They would tell me after midnight for what it is worth. I don't know about the rest of the group here but I rarely monger after midnight so maybe Newark will never be a gold mine for me.

But to answer your question more directly, its sort of rare to find the big ass girls. Think about it, most of these workers are out there for their drug money and drug addicts tend not to spend their money on food so good luck finding them. I can't help but notice that there are a fair number of fat ass girls posting on Skip the games if you want to look there.Newark is dead 24-7 I've hunted during midnight hours I can't find anyone decent just the same zombies the McDonald's area on frey during midnight hour is a hit or miss Hopkins and fabyan is just zombies. Emmett Sherman area just not good.

11-27-20, 08:02
Newark is dead 24-7 I've hunted during midnight hours I can't find anyone decent just the same zombies the McDonald's area on frey during midnight hour is a hit or miss Hopkins and fabyan is just zombies. Emmett Sherman area just not good.I remember when there were a lot in North Newark after certain time of night. When the After Dark was around most use to come in there to get warm or have a drink or go to the gas station by the Route 21 exit. Most look nice others looked like zombies but you can get a decent BBBJ for 20. Now its empty and with this pandemic you hardly see any now.

If you go to Freuling by the Popeyes they are there in the day and night stalking cars and most are bad.

11-27-20, 08:11
Anything on 1 & 9 on Tonnelle Ave? Remember the one time I walked into the White Mana to eat late in the morning around 3 am and there was a group sitting at a table there eating. This was years ago! I remember a group of girls that were at the Seville and when I walked in they were dressed up in cocktail dresses and you had to choose one LOL. This was a long time ago!

Is there still action on Tonnelle Ave?

11-30-20, 06:22
I hit the Frey stroll around 1 am, only saw 2 SW. I picked up Nadiya, seems like a Middle Eastern mix, surprisingly decent looking. She asked for 2 jacksons, I oblige because she looks better than the average Newark SW. Big fucking mistake! Her last hit must've kicked in 2 minutes after she got in my car, I swear she was fine when I scooped her up. She starts with having me contort uncomfortably, then starting / stopping, then nodding, wouldn't allow over the clothes roaming. It's like she wanted me to hate this particular BBBJ. I asked her to leave, keep the cash, I don't need the drama. Tried to pkick up another SW, Latina, looked fine from afar, sounded totally out of it when she got to my window, I passeed.

I hit the Wawa's on 1&9, made several attempts to find something online, no dice. Wawa's and 7-11 (Bayway) used to be good spots to find strippers and even civilians after hours. I got a hold of Bri (WSW who manages to keep a phone and decent hygiene), left me sitting in her hotel parking lot. It's for the best, I guess. She wanted a hundo for a quickie. I like Bri, just not that fucking much. I can get a good BBBJ from a hot Colombn stripper for that price.

I know this a long rant, but what the fuck else is going on?

11-30-20, 06:25
Anything on 1 & 9 on Tonnelle Ave? Remember the one time I walked into the White Mana to eat late in the morning around 3 am and there was a group sitting at a table there eating. This was years ago! I remember a group of girls that were at the Seville and when I walked in they were dressed up in cocktail dresses and you had to choose one LOL. This was a long time ago!

Is there still action on Tonnelle Ave?That area was cleaned up years ago. You may catch a STG / Listcrawler girl smoking a cigarette outside of one of the hotels, but that's a real longshot.

11-30-20, 20:41
I hit the Frey stroll around 1 am, only saw 2 SW. I picked up Nadiya, seems like a Middle Eastern mix, surprisingly decent looking. She asked for 2 jacksons, I oblige because she looks better than the average Newark SW. Big fucking mistake! Her last hit must've kicked in 2 minutes after she got in my car, I swear she was fine when I scooped her up. She starts with having me contort uncomfortably, then starting / stopping, then nodding, wouldn't allow over the clothes roaming. It's like she wanted me to hate this particular BBBJ. I asked her to leave, keep the cash, I don't need the drama. Tried to pkick up another SW, Latina, looked fine from afar, sounded totally out of it when she got to my window, I passeed.

I hit the Wawa's on 1&9, made several attempts to find something online, no dice. Wawa's and 7-11 (Bayway) used to be good spots to find strippers and even civilians after hours. I got a hold of Bri (WSW who manages to keep a phone and decent hygiene), left me sitting in her hotel parking lot. It's for the best, I guess. She wanted a hundo for a quickie. I like Bri, just not that fucking much. I can get a good BBBJ from a hot Colombn stripper for that price.

I know this a long rant, but what the fuck else is going on?I can feel your frustration. I was out in Newark last Sunday morning. Barely saw anything. The BSW I ended picking up stunk like a mf and didn't finish what she started.

After an unfulfilling experience at an AMP in central Jersey (Read CNJ massage parlor reports), I decided to head to Newark. Texted one of the best dick sucker I encountered (a Latina SW). We agreed to a time. By the time I got to Newark around 3 pm she bailed on me.

The sws on Frey and Sherman were trash so I headed to Fabian pl on Clinton. Didn't see much, so went to south 20th by Embers.

Picked up a young BSW by the name of Nina. Took her to the motel on ball st. She gave a decent BBBJ (we agreed to $30. $15 down $15 later). Played with her ass a bit.

Nina quit after 10 minutes saying she couldn't handle it. She kept the $15. Was running out of time at the motel. Decided to look for another option.

Saw another BSW (April) on Clinton ave after a few minutes.

She agreed to a BBBJ for $25. Took her to the motel. Suddenly, she tells me she wants to take a shit. Spends like 15 minutes in the bathroom.

Comes out and starts arguing, saying she wanted the $15 upfront. When I wouldn't budge, she relented.

April gave a surprisingly good BBBJ for $25. It was so good. She took directions and deep throated like a champ.

Only issue was her complaining towards the end. Busted a fat nut in April's mouth. She immediately spat some on the bed and the rest on the floor (sweet vengeance for all that yapping).

Keep seeking and ye shall find.

11-30-20, 20:48
About two weeks ago I saw Kim, a former mainstay of the Newark stroll, and apparently there had just been a big sting in the Sherm / Frey area, where something like 7 girls and 20+ guys got picked up. So, expect it to be rough for awhile. Take the road trip to Paterson or Camden if you have the time, although absolutely nothing is consistent these days.

11-30-20, 22:41
About two weeks ago I saw Kim, a former mainstay of the Newark stroll, and apparently there had just been a big sting in the Sherm / Frey area, where something like 7 girls and 20+ guys got picked up. So, expect it to be rough for awhile. Take the road trip to Paterson or Camden if you have the time, although absolutely nothing is consistent these days.I haven't been to the stroll in quite some time and finally I was able to take a quick spin in both irvington and newark twice in the last 3 weeks and it was a ghost town with just a few zombies.

I guess that sting is what caused it to be like that.

Any Idea how the guys got picked up? Did they have any undercovers working the strolls?

11-30-20, 22:46
I can feel your frustration. I was out in Newark last Sunday morning. Barely saw anything. The BSW I ended picking up stunk like a mf and didn't finish what she started.

After an unfulfilling experience at an AMP in central Jersey (Read CNJ massage parlor reports), I decided to head to Newark. Texted one of the best dick sucker I encountered (a Latina SW). We agreed to a time. By the time I got to Newark around 3 pm she bailed on me.

The sws on Frey and Sherman were trash so I headed to Fabian pl on Clinton. Didn't see much, so went to south 20th by Embers.

Picked up a young BSW by the name of Nina. Took her to the motel on ball st. She gave a decent BBBJ (we agreed to $30. $15 down $15 later). Played with her ass a bit.

Nina quit after 10 minutes saying she couldn't handle it. She kept the $15. Was running out of time at the motel. Decided to look for another option.

Saw another BSW (April) on Clinton ave after a few minutes.

She agreed to a BBBJ for $25. Took her to the motel. Suddenly, she tells me she wants to take a shit. Spends like 15 minutes in the bathroom.

Comes out and starts arguing, saying she wanted the $15 upfront. When I wouldn't budge, she relented.

April gave a surprisingly good BBBJ for $25. It was so good. She took directions and deep throated like a champ.

Only issue was her complaining towards the end. Busted a fat nut in April's mouth. She immediately spat some on the bed and the rest on the floor (sweet vengeance for all that yapping).

Keep seeking and ye shall find.I wish we could have somehow prevented you from picking up Laylia. She's a scam artist to say the least. Decent looking but all about sticking you for your hard earned cash. She'll either take it and say she needs to get something and disappear or she'll take it and give the worst service possible so you'll just kick her out and keeps your cash.

Sorry about the other experiences. It's the worst when you have a room and pick something up that just won't cooperate.

Throatwrecker. Sounds like you have a winner with the best dick sucker Latina SW. Too bad she doesn't sound reliablem what does she look and smell like? LOL nice body? Where can she be found? Any contact info?

12-01-20, 08:32
I wish we could have somehow prevented you from picking up Laylia. She's a scam artist to say the least. Decent looking but all about sticking you for your hard earned cash. She'll either take it and say she needs to get something and disappear or she'll take it and give the worst service possible so you'll just kick her out and keeps your cash.

Sorry about the other experiences. It's the worst when you have a room and pick something up that just won't cooperate.

Throatwrecker. Sounds like you have a winner with the best dick sucker Latina SW. Too bad she doesn't sound reliablem what does she look and smell like? LOL nice body? Where can she be found? Any contact infoThanks. The LSW I was referring to is a short spinner. She doesn't have a great attitude and her hole has an odor which isn't really off putting.

She's very unreliable as most sws are. Did a Cfs with her once but it wasn't worth it. Her head skills on the other hand is fire. She can also be very persistent when it comes to making you nut.

She has a number. I'll have to ask her if it's ok to share. She likes men that cum quick (unfortunately for her I'm not one of those).

Too Long
12-01-20, 14:53
About two weeks ago I saw Kim, a former mainstay of the Newark stroll, and apparently there had just been a big sting in the Sherm / Frey area, where something like 7 girls and 20+ guys got picked up. So, expect it to be rough for awhile. Take the road trip to Paterson or Camden if you have the time, although absolutely nothing is consistent these days.It makes sense that they are trying to clean up the Sherman / Wright area. If you look around, they are building $350-500 K house on those streets. Nobody wants to pay half a million dollars for a new home and then have hookers standing in front of their property, jumping in and out of cars. Once they clean up the drugs on Astor and Brunswick, that whole neighborhood will be gentrified.

12-01-20, 20:05
Anyone recall a Lysha or Ashee white Spanish girl. Broadway you hall area?

Latino Heat
12-02-20, 20:19
Anyone recall a Lysha or Ashee white Spanish girl. Broadway you hall areaThey must be old now tho.

12-02-20, 22:49
Hit up the Sherman stroll in Newark around 6-6:30 pm and LEO was parked with lights flashing on nearly every other block all over down town. As if that area wasn't already a ghost town, I doubt anyone will be coming out anytime soon. Stay safe out there.

12-03-20, 10:42
Hit up the Sherman stroll in Newark around 6-6:30 pm and LEO was parked with lights flashing on nearly every other block all over down town. As if that area wasn't already a ghost town, I doubt anyone will be coming out anytime soon. Stay safe out there.This may be related to the curfew imposed due to COVID 19 and not mongering. But I may be wrong.



12-05-20, 08:49
Stopped by Frey and Clinton ave yesterday around 4 pm. Drove back and forth between those spots at least 4 times. Didn't see anything worthwhile.

There's this LSW with crooked teeth and a bad attitude. She's about average height. She usually stands by the Popeyes. If you speak to her, you'll notice how impatient she is.

I interrogated her but her off putting attitude was a red flag. She wanted me to give her $5 for some candy. Didn't even want to earn the money.

Don't pick her up if you see her. She's the type to not finish what she started.

12-05-20, 08:54
Met this WSW on Frey about 2 weeks back. Says they call her cream because of how wet she gets.

Flashed me her vag. Wanted me to give her a $20 for Candy before she serviced me. Declined.

She seemed interesting. Anyone has info on her? Please share.

12-05-20, 15:34

Attention all Newark bound Mongers.

For what it is worth, they had a curfew last spring and the net effect is the cops can (but don't always) pull you over for the crime of being out after dark. It became a real cat and mouse game with the SW's, you had to size up your prey and make the scoop real quick if you plan to have a little fun. My rule of thumb (and it doesn't have to be yours) is that if a cop car saw you in the area, that was last loop on the stroll because if they saw you again, they would pull you over and they would remind you of the curfew (I know, it happened to a friend of mine).

If mongering in Covid times wasn't challenging enough, try to scoop in the SW desert of Newark during a curfew. If you are successful, you should get a gold star or something. Good luck and stay safe.

12-07-20, 22:11
The zip codes in that curfew don't include the areas we normal look for. Not that that stops the blue team.

12-08-20, 10:45
Stopped by Frey yesterday evening. Last Friday it was dry. Yesterday there were plenty of options to choose from.

Saw a Tall skinny WSW with black rimmed glasses as I was looking for parking. Seems like she just stepped out.

Walked past her to check out the full menu. Saw a BSW and WSW who provided terrible service when I had them, so I ignored.

Turned around to head back for the tall WSW with black rimmed glasses. Saw a monger in a red car about to scoop her up but hesitated when he saw me. He drove past.

Seizing the opportunity, I negotiated with the tall WSW with rimmed glasses. Told me her name was Kat.

Me and Kat Walked over to where I parked. As we entered my car, the monger in the red car pulled up. He was making salty faces. Asked Kat if she knew him she said nah. The monger parked behind me, then drove up to my driver's side door.

The monger kept making faces like I stole his ***** (better luck next time sucker!

Took Kat to a spot. We negotiated $20 but agreed to give her $40 if she finishes considering it take me up to 30 minutes to bust.

Gave Kat a $10 deposit and she went to work.

At first I wasn't feeling it due to insufficient spit. Turns out Kat doesn't produce a lot of slob.

Kat was very submissive. She throat fucked herself and let me fuck her throat mercilessly for almost 30 minutes.

Kat's throat felt like some good slightly moist pussy. The feeling was euphoric.

She let me use her head for motion control. Grabbed her hair and was bouncing her head up and down like a basketball.

Kat didn't complain or rush me. Buried my entire load in the back of her throat and she kept on sucking (didn't let out a single drop).

Paid Kat $40 plus $5 tip for being patient and not rushing me (most SW would have started complaining after 10 minutes).

Kat doesn't have a phone unfortunately. Hopefully we meet again.

The Newark stroll is really a game of chance.

Hunter Jay
12-08-20, 13:23
Stopped by Frey yesterday evening. Last Friday it was dry. Yesterday there were plenty of options to choose from.

Saw a Tall skinny WSW with black rimmed glasses as I was looking for parking. Seems like she just stepped out.

Walked past her to check out the full menu. Saw a BSW and WSW who provided terrible service when I had them, so I ignored.

Turned around to head back for the tall WSW with black rimmed glasses. Saw a monger in a red car about to scoop her up but hesitated when he saw me. He drove past.

Seizing the opportunity, I negotiated with the tall WSW with rimmed glasses. Told me her name was Kat.

Me and Kat Walked over to where I parked. As we entered my car, the monger in the red car pulled up. He was making salty faces. Asked Kat if she knew him she said nah. The monger parked behind me, then drove up to my driver's side door.

The monger kept making faces like I stole his ***** (better luck next time sucker!

Took Kat to a spot. We negotiated $20 but agreed to give her $40 if she finishes considering it take me up to 30 minutes to bust.

Gave Kat a $10 deposit and she went to work.

At first I wasn't feeling it due to insufficient spit. Turns out Kat doesn't produce a lot of slob.

Kat was very submissive. She throat fucked herself and let me fuck her throat mercilessly for almost 30 minutes.

Kat's throat felt like some good slightly moist pussy. The feeling was euphoric.

She let me use her head for motion control. Grabbed her hair and was bouncing her head up and down like a basketball.

Kat didn't complain or rush me. Buried my entire load in the back of her throat and she kept on sucking (didn't let out a single drop).

Paid Kat $40 plus $5 tip for being patient and not rushing me (most SW would have started complaining after 10 minutes).

Kat doesn't have a phone unfortunately. Hopefully we meet again.

The Newark stroll is really a game of chance.I know the kat you post about saw her two months ago she use to post on Skipthegames received a blowjob for $25.

12-08-20, 20:07
I know the kat you post about saw her two months ago she use to post on Skipthegames received a blowjob for $25.Messed with her years ago. Surprised she isn't dead from all the drugs. She was good looking in her prime when I used her.

Hunter Jay
12-08-20, 22:50
Messed with her years ago. Surprised she isn't dead from all the drugs. She was good looking in her prime when I used her.Yeah that's her on Facebook.

Too Long
12-09-20, 14:40
Messed with her years ago. Surprised she isn't dead from all the drugs. She was good looking in her prime when I used her.I think I used to mess with Kat like 6-7 years ago, when she used to stand on Magnolia Ave. She had a nice DT method but her endurance was shit, 10 minutes max, that was why I stop seeing her. Nice to see she has stepped her game up since then.

Too Long
12-09-20, 18:25
Looks like someone from the board contacted Katt and told her that her facebook page was public. She took down the pictures of herself in lingerie from her page.

12-09-20, 19:22
Looks like someone from the board contacted Katt and told her that her facebook page was public. She took down the pictures of herself in lingerie from her page.There is a lot of who show the girls are reviews trying to win their hearts when all they want is are $. They don't give a flying F about us and would rob us blind if we slip and leave are wallets laying out in the car during a car date.

Latino Heat
12-10-20, 18:26
Looks like someone from the board contacted Katt and told her that her facebook page was public. She took down the pictures of herself in lingerie from her page.Customers get good head and fall in love, loyalty shifts because they think its going to win points. Wrong. You're still going to have to pay for that shit smh.

12-11-20, 08:14
Customers get good head and fall in love, loyalty shifts because they think its going to win points. Wrong. You're still going to have to pay for that shit smh.This! Exactly.

12-11-20, 09:53
Looks like someone from the board contacted Katt and told her that her facebook page was public. She took down the pictures of herself in lingerie from her page.I will never understand a monger's motive to tip off a provider about information on this board. This board serves as an added layer of protection against rip offs, bad service, false advertising, and bad attitudes. The power is in sharing and there is absolutely no need to let a provider know this board even exists. Not that I think anybody reading this is going to be deeply influenced by my opinion but please think about the information you give providers, you have a deeper obligation to your fellow mongers than you do the girl who just sucked your cock. Let's face it, she and her like will come and go but if you value the information on this board, zip your lip and respect the community. If you want to be a hero, I suggest you donate your time at a local homeless shelter, it will make you feel good without compromising the efforts of this board.

Happy hunting!

12-11-20, 12:21
Shot through the fishing grounds last night around midnight. Nothing much around and mostly dead. Saw a girl on Sherman. I pulled over and she gets in, its a girl that fucked me over in the past. She is a small little young thing. Wish I knew her name but I'm terrible with names. She gets in the car and immediately starts fucking with the radio and grabbing everything but my car is ho proofed. I get to the spot and tell her that she fucked me over a month ago, She said ohhh my bad! This time I took a different approach, I said if you fuck around with me again " ill beat the fuck out of you". Needless to say she took the flute down the neck and I busted in the throat and not a drop spilt. These times suck, no girls, all the old spots are beat, no craigslist girls anymore, what is happening to this world. I think we need a new street drug like crack to hit the scene again. LOL joking!

Hunter Jay
12-11-20, 13:10
Shot through the fishing grounds last night around midnight. Nothing much around and mostly dead. Saw a girl on Sherman. I pulled over and she gets in, its a girl that fucked me over in the past. She is a small little young thing. Wish I knew her name but I'm terrible with names. She gets in the car and immediately starts fucking with the radio and grabbing everything but my car is ho proofed. I get to the spot and tell her that she fucked me over a month ago, She said ohhh my bad! This time I took a different approach, I said if you fuck around with me again " ill beat the fuck out of you". Needless to say she took the flute down the neck and I busted in the throat and not a drop spilt. These times suck, no girls, all the old spots are beat, no craigslist girls anymore, what is happening to this world. I think we need a new street drug like crack to hit the scene again. LOL joking!Is she a BSW, WSW, or LSW I think the Chick you met was a BSW did she had her her wrapped has a cherry and butterfly tattoos on her ass and stars on neck.

12-11-20, 15:06
Is she a BSW, WSW, or LSW I think the Chick you met was a BSW did she had her her wrapped has a cherry and butterfly tattoos on her ass and stars on neck.Yes that's her.

Hunter Jay
12-11-20, 15:50
Yes that's her.Her name is pee pee yeah crazy name she's not worthy and crazy.

12-12-20, 02:13
Met this WSW on Frey about 2 weeks back. Says they call her cream because of how wet she gets.

Flashed me her vag. Wanted me to give her a $20 for Candy before she serviced me. Declined.

She seemed interesting. Anyone has info on her? Please share.BJ skills not that great. Kitty is wet. Overall I'd give her a 6. She has a decent attitude.

12-12-20, 02:17
There is a lot of who show the girls are reviews trying to win their hearts when all they want is are $. They don't give a flying F about us and would rob us blind if we slip and leave are wallets laying out in the car during a car date.This is true. I know a few who will rob you blind if you give them a chance. If you aren't with a regular that you trust, assume the worst and take precautions.

Hunter Jay
12-13-20, 20:23
Went to hunt around 5:00 pm saw a Chick name Kayla on frey near McDonald's asked her can hang out ask me what I want to do told her a BBJ went to a spot she suck me slow with ball sucking, tongue and deepthroat I exploded dropped her off gave her my number because she does not have a phone damn.

12-14-20, 13:52
I hit the Frey stroll around 1 am, only saw 2 SW. I picked up Nadiya, seems like a Middle Eastern mix, surprisingly decent looking. She asked for 2 jacksons, I oblige because she looks better than the average Newark SW. Big fucking mistake! Her last hit must've kicked in 2 minutes after she got in my car, I swear she was fine when I scooped her up. She starts with having me contort uncomfortably, then starting / stopping, then nodding, wouldn't allow over the clothes roaming. It's like she wanted me to hate this particular BBBJ. I asked her to leave, keep the cash, I don't need the drama. Tried to pkick up another SW, Latina, looked fine from afar, sounded totally out of it when she got to my window, I passeed.

I hit the Wawa's on 1&9, made several attempts to find something online, no dice. Wawa's and 7-11 (Bayway) used to be good spots to find strippers and even civilians after hours. I got a hold of Bri (WSW who manages to keep a phone and decent hygiene), left me sitting in her hotel parking lot. It's for the best, I guess. She wanted a hundo for a quickie. I like Bri, just not that fucking much. I can get a good BBBJ from a hot Colombn stripper for that price.

I know this a long rant, but what the fuck else is going on?The Golden Days of the mid-90's is gone. Gone is the time when you could find 5-6 SWs hanging on one corner alone. They would earn rent money, hoping in / out rides with pick up and drop offs on the same corner so you knew they would be back and exactly where to find them. Today's SW gets a Jackson, and bounces to get high off one monger. There were gorgeous girls back then. Some wore lingerie, high heels, even make up and perfume. They dressed way better and took better care of themselves then. Crack was a motherfugger tho, it had mad chicks sprung and down to do whatever but they didn't look or act like junkies. And back then LEOs were practically non-existent in the hood. Could pull to the side of the road, down a dead end street and do your thing. It was dark all over Newark, virtually no cars or people people, way more abandoned buildings. It was nightmarish then, but plenty of SWs and on a scale of 1- 10 were like 6 at the most.

12-16-20, 03:28
Went to hunt around 5:00 pm saw a Chick name Kayla on frey near McDonald's asked her can hang out ask me what I want to do told her a BBJ went to a spot she suck me slow with ball sucking, tongue and deepthroat I exploded dropped her off gave her my number because she does not have a phone damn.Thick latina with a pink hat on?

Latino Heat
12-16-20, 09:27
Thick latina with a pink hat on?Nice chick and she never has any hygiene issues from my experience.

Hunter Jay
12-16-20, 09:40
Thick latina with a pink hat on?No WSW brunette does this Latina Chick have short hair.

12-16-20, 12:25
Does anyone remember the Seville Motel on Tonnelle Ave? Remember "Big Mama", she had a bunch of girls working for her at the hotel. Those girls were hot and they were always dressed in cocktail dresses. Whatever happen to to them? I've seen the girls now but in no comparisons with those other girls.

12-16-20, 18:02
Kayla? Is she mid-40's? Short ponytail / shoulder-length dark hair? If so, I've been looking for this soul-sucking demon for months. I mentioned hr a while back. Best deepthroat, non-stop, cum in throat, swallow, no nonsense, no game BBBJ that I've had in a decade.

Hunter Jay
12-17-20, 10:00
Kayla? Is she mid-40's? Short ponytail / shoulder-length dark hair? If so, I've been looking for this soul-sucking demon for months. I mentioned hr a while back. Best deepthroat, non-stop, cum in throat, swallow, no nonsense, no game BBBJ that I've had in a decade.Yeah she deepthroat me while I exploded it was amazing god damn.

Too Long
12-18-20, 15:06
Yeah she deepthroat me while I exploded it was amazing god damn.And she swallows too! In 6 years, I have only cum across 2 girls who swallow.

12-18-20, 22:23
And she swallows too! In 6 years, I have only cum across 2 girls who swallow.I swear, I would pay to have her GPS chipped to keep track of her migration habits. She is a unicorn if she were more available, she'd be a legennd.

12-23-20, 01:02
There were a few sws out today.

Picked up Vikky (a mature LSW in her 50's) on Frey. Sought BBBJ from her twice before. The BBBJ's were decent.

Took Vikky to a motel. $50 for BBBJ and CFS. $40 for motel.

After showering, Vikky gave me some really good BBBJ with lots of spit. She deep throated better this time compared to past attempts.

After some foreplay (Vikky has a nice fat clit), We fucked in mish, CG and doggy.

She has loose skin, a bot belly and deflated titties so the first 2 positions weren't the most arousing.

It all changed when we switched to doggy. At first I wasn't feeling it cause she wasn't really wet.

As soon as I applied lube, her pussy became instantly better.

For a mother of 2 Vikky is surprisingly tight.

Fucking her lubed pussy from the back felt so good. She was completely submissive and took my dick well.

Hearing her pussy queef, her orgasmic moans and seeing that pussy slide up and down my pipe was almost unbearable.

She looks nice from the back. I can say she has the best hole out of all the providers I've tried so far (including, escorts, sws, Korean masseuses).

It's a shame she doesn't have a phone. She did tell me exactly what time she's usually out and where to find her.

That was the best $50 I've ever spent on a provider.

She hinted she might be open to anal. She's patient and not a clock watcher.

12-23-20, 01:32
Does anyone remember the Seville Motel on Tonnelle Ave? Remember "Big Mama", she had a bunch of girls working for her at the hotel. Those girls were hot and they were always dressed in cocktail dresses. Whatever happen to to them? I've seen the girls now but in no comparisons with those other girls.You don't get out much do ya? (JK. Nothing personal).

Loved that place. Unfortunately its turned into the NBPD annex. Ludicrous!

12-24-20, 16:08
I just got back from there was this columbian girl from Cali. Natural or really good surgery no marks young nice tight toto but she is really on the mechanical side. I did dig deep into it she said its big. Anyways I have Christmas with family wish I could partake more but its ok. Quality girl good service from most. I'd recoommend the SSorHHR.

12-26-20, 19:41
Saw a light skinned dominican girl gloria. Fire pussy was eating it and then smashed it rushed me at the end but she is nice body b plus titites full and rode good dick. These girls work in twos so they try to rush for getting in more customers but dimes like that should have thier own room. Anyways going to see my UTR in paterson. It was her bday weds and she goign to let me eat that pussy as well. I usually don't eat WSW pussy but this girl is like in her prime cut relatively so I'm going to enjoy a nice BBBJ an DATY session. Smoke a blunt in between.

12-26-20, 23:17
Saw a light skinned dominican girl gloria. Fire pussy was eating it and then smashed it rushed me at the end but she is nice body b plus titites full and rode good dick. These girls work in twos so they try to rush for getting in more customers but dimes like that should have thier own room. Anyways going to see my UTR in paterson. It was her bday weds and she goign to let me eat that pussy as well. I usually don't eat WSW pussy but this girl is like in her prime cut relatively so I'm going to enjoy a nice BBBJ an DATY session. Smoke a blunt in between.This is for streetwalkers not for the chicks you found online working the hotels. Not sure why that's such a hard concept to understand.

12-27-20, 20:19
I went into it knowing it was going to be dead and dead it was. I had to drop off some family members at the Newark Airport so I thought I would seek some head ache relief after so I didn't have to worry about timing. But once I looked around, it was merely a question of how much time and gas would I be willing to waste just to gaze at nothing above a 2 or 3 on the SW scale.

Granted it was just getting dark and the temperature was in the mid 30's so I didn't expect a Hooker convention on the street corners but it slim pickings from the start and after a couple of loops, I headed out with at least my pride.

I travel for business so I can attest to the differences between Paterson, Trenton, Camden and Philadelphia strolls and I would put Newark dead last. I do believe busiest time is later than I usually go so take that into consideration. I sometimes wonder why I keep giving Newark another chance, that's probably because I'm an eternal optimist but I wouldn't go out of my way if there is a next time.

12-29-20, 03:12
They had a sting operation on frey this night, which is funny because I noticed an unmarked SUV in the area with cops in it for sure, and I think they had a decoy set up because after I spoke to her I got swarmed by 6 cop cars. They knew everything and I was at their mercy. They let me go. Could have been a long night, car towed and arrest. Just be careful guys, I was sloppy. I knew I shouldn't have pursued but I did regardless, the decoy was set up right by Mitchell. Light skin girl with dreads.

12-29-20, 10:51
I went into it knowing it was going to be dead and dead it was. I had to drop off some family members at the Newark Airport so I thought I would seek some head ache relief after so I didn't have to worry about timing. But once I looked around, it was merely a question of how much time and gas would I be willing to waste just to gaze at nothing above a 2 or 3 on the SW scale.

Granted it was just getting dark and the temperature was in the mid 30's so I didn't expect a Hooker convention on the street corners but it slim pickings from the start and after a couple of loops, I headed out with at least my pride.

I travel for business so I can attest to the differences between Paterson, Trenton, Camden and Philadelphia strolls and I would put Newark dead last. I do believe busiest time is later than I usually go so take that into consideration. I sometimes wonder why I keep giving Newark another chance, that's probably because I'm an eternal optimist but I wouldn't go out of my way if there is a next time.I have yet to explore Paterson, Camden and Philadelphia strolls. I've only driven through on scouting missions like twice for each but saw no prospects. This was years ago. Many moons ago I used to check the Trenton stroll and that would have been dead last on my list. But you say Newark is last on yours, so I am curious, what would be your first?

Too Long
12-29-20, 14:44
They had a sting operation on frey this night, which is funny because I noticed an unmarked SUV in the area with cops in it for sure, and I think they had a decoy set up because after I spoke to her I got swarmed by 6 cop cars. They knew everything and I was at their mercy. They let me go. Could have been a long night, car towed and arrest. Just be careful guys, I was sloppy. I knew I shouldn't have pursued but I did regardless, the decoy was set up right by Mitchell. Light skin girl with dreads.Had you made an offer of money for sex? Or did you just ask her name?

I have a friend who mongers and his tactic is to just roll up on a female and yell "I need my dick sucked! Hop in!" If she got in, great, if she tires to have a convo, he just drives away. He said he has been pulled over a couple of times but he argues that he never said anything about money, so they can't arrest him for soliciting.

12-31-20, 19:55
Had you made an offer of money for sex? Or did you just ask her name?

I have a friend who mongers and his tactic is to just roll up on a female and yell "I need my dick sucked! Hop in!" If she got in, great, if she tires to have a convo, he just drives away. He said he has been pulled over a couple of times but he argues that he never said anything about money, so they can't arrest him for soliciting.Yes I did mention prices for sex, but you're missing the bigger picture, they SET UP A STING, and regardless of what anybody says, they will arrest you if you stop and talk to a hoe on mitchell at 1 am in the night. Will it hold in court if you were just asking for directions? Probably not, but guess what, you still will have an arrest and lawyer fees to worry about. When they set up stings like that they bag probably upwards of 10 mongers in a night. If you guys aren't careful you will be put in a situation like I was, and possibly won't be as lucky as I was. Think about that. Just move carefully, listen to your gut, if you notice something suspicious it's better not to risk it. Just be smart. I'd stay away from frey and be careful on any stroll regardless.

01-02-21, 08:42
If you never said anything to incriminate you then they cannot arrest.

You can pick up a SW right in front of them whole entire sting and drive away.

They cannot do anything without proof, have your phone on recording and make sure they can tell you exactly what crime you committed.

Stopping to to talk to anyone at anytime is not a crime.

Put them in a position where If you do get arrested, you can walk away from this a rich man.

Yes I did mention prices for sex, but you're missing the bigger picture, they SET UP A STING, and regardless of what anybody says, they will arrest you if you stop and talk to a hoe on mitchell at 1 am in the night. Will it hold in court if you were just asking for directions? Probably not, but guess what, you still will have an arrest and lawyer fees to worry about. When they set up stings like that they bag probably upwards of 10 mongers in a night. If you guys aren't careful you will be put in a situation like I was, and possibly won't be as lucky as I was. Think about that. Just move carefully, listen to your gut, if you notice something suspicious it's better not to risk it. Just be smart. I'd stay away from frey and be careful on any stroll regardless.

01-02-21, 10:00
Had you made an offer of money for sex? Or did you just ask her name?I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV but all things considered, I believe this is the focal point of the law enforcement sting. First (but not always) she will try to negotiate thru the car window. I never bother to roll my window down, either she is hopping in the car or I am moving on. The second thing I try to do (about 99%) of the time is to make eye contact and then roll around the block and park in a discreet spot where she can see me and make her walk to me. I have never made a pick up on Sherman or Frey, it's always one of the side streets and usually when I stop the car, I turn off the lights and wait for her to walk to me. I can't prove this next point but I believe the police stings are interested in only the sloppiest mongers out there. Make them work for an arrest and they will ignore you and wait for the less disciplined monger to come along.

I have been stopped by the police just once with a SW in the passenger seat. I refuse to acknowledge the police's assertion that I had a known SW in my car, I was just giving her a ride. Even when the Police suggested that they "might" go easy on me for telling the truth, I stayed with, "I was just giving her a ride". In the final analysis, they didn't have enough to make any charge stick and they sufficiently spooked me and they just let me go. I realize they can jam you up with a bogus arrest and all that but a bit of respect shown to the police all while never admitting to anything is the best approach.

01-04-21, 06:07
Hit he Newark area on Sat. When by the frey stroll. Just driving and looking and nothing popping at 8 am. Hit the Clinton stroll and drove the Nye stroll a regular BSW spotted me and drove around the block and let her walk to me. Slim BSW with a nice azz on her. Scooped her up and hits a location to park. Once there got some BBJ and FS for 2 jacksons. Well worth it. Dropped her off and got out of town.

01-05-21, 13:01
Thick BSW on Clinton Ave. Huge ass. Here's a pic.

01-07-21, 10:33
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

01-13-21, 02:03
So I picked up Maya off the clinton stroll, our first encounter was kinda lame like other reviewers have noted she will give an attitude right off the bat and wants a pretty big amount of money (50 $ is a lot for the stroll), I told her listen, I don't have that money right now but if you give me a number I'll see you next time. She gives me the number after I spent 25 $ bucks, which she didn't do any HEAD or SEX just letting me squeeze her ass for like 5 seconds and then she got out. I thought okay cool, she is a little stand offish but maybe she's just very serious about her rates, and will deliver the goods when you meet her price.

So I call her another day and let her know I'll be picking her up and if I could get a BJ for the 50 that we agreed upon. It went well until I actually picked her up and then she immediately started bullshit about needing 125 roses for anything serious, I had already handed her the money. I thought that was incredibly rude of her. She's also on some pretty heavy drugs, she was falling asleep while counting the money I gave her, literally dozing off in my car. Basically she took my 50 and didn't give me a session, just offering me to squeeze her tits and look at her ass. WOW what a *****. Ofcourse she acted like she would give me a blowjob if I took her to dealer's spot in irvington which I was nice enough to take her, she copped some pills right on brookdale near abinger. Even her dealer was laughing at her because she couldn't find the right spot to pick him up, but she copped like 2 pills off him for 10 bucks. Not sure if he's lenient with her about the money because she's a regular or just a local girl he grew up with (or both), but she is definitely a drug addict, it just hasn't shown on her body yet but she'll be one of those zombies walking around the streets unfortunately, but more than likely she'll be dead before that happens.

She works the clinton ave and south 20th stroll frequently, you can catch her during the day walking near the Embers strip club spot. I have a hard time believing she gives good sessions to anybody but a member on this forum I believe his name was Brown_gravy mentioned she is top-notch GFE material when she is with him. Like I said hard to believe but I don't knock anybody's experience, afterall this is highly YMMV when dealing with streetwalkers, if you catch them when they are desperate enough I guess you can get more out of them, but she's essentially a junkie with a booty still intact and heroin isn't her drug of choice it's probably lean and pills.

I've posted a picture of her recently and she's probably one of the better looking girls on the stroll, but with her attitude and manipulation tactics, along with her nodding off in the middle of a conversation, I recommend you guys stay the fuck away from her. But if your curious and think I'm making this up to keep her to myself, be my fucking guest and indulge in that low tier ghetto trash booty. Be safe fellas.

01-13-21, 21:46
I travel for business so I can attest to the differences between Paterson, Trenton, Camden and Philadelphia strolls and I would put Newark dead last. I do believe busiest time is later than I usually go so take that into consideration. I sometimes wonder why I keep giving Newark another chance, that's probably because I'm an eternal optimist but I wouldn't go out of my way if there is a next time.We cover a fair bit of the same ground, Don and I fully concur. I've had very few good experiences with BSWs which does "color" my judgement and help Newark right down to the bottom of the list.

Many moons ago I used to check the Trenton stroll and that would have been dead last on my list. But you say Newark is last on yours, so I am curious, what would be your first?I'd probably declare Trenton my favorite, have met many girls I'd love to see again. Used to live fairly close by so didn't go then really, other than minorly to scout. But I know where's where thoroughly, and have fall backs if it's an excessively quiet day. I also like Providence, RI for fairly similar reasons, but its a much bigger place and hence more likely to have a good offering. It's not so local.

So I picked up Maya off the Clinton strollScooped her again and then paid upfront again. Fool me once, as they say.

I wish I could feel higher ground about this, but I've been ripped off by the same thief twice in Trenton. Big head needs to stay in control.

01-13-21, 22:21
I have yet to explore Paterson, Camden and Philadelphia strolls. Many moons ago I used to check the Trenton stroll and that would have been dead last on my list. But you say Newark is last on yours, so I am curious, what would be your first?First for me would be Keningston Avenue in Philly. But that comes with a caveat. Warning, it's not for everybody, it's far more dangerous than all the others combined. I have been scouting prospective SW's and heard gun shots from my car, more than once. There are tons of shady people standing around so you have to pick your spots. But if you use the criteria of having the widest number of options at the majority of hours in the day, hands down that's Keningston Avenue. Plus, the streets in the area are not perpendicular to each other so making the scoop somewhere other than the main drag is a challenge. If you are new to the SW scene, I would recommend cutting your teeth elsewhere because Kensington Avenue is the equivalent of a Black Diamond ski slope, the area of a ski resort typically reserved for the most advance skier.

01-14-21, 08:32
We cover a fair bit of the same ground, Don and I fully concur. I've had very few good experiences with BSWs which does "color" my judgement and help Newark right down to the bottom of the list.

I'd probably declare Trenton my favorite, have met many girls I'd love to see again. Used to live fairly close by so didn't go then really, other than minorly to scout. But I know where's where thoroughly, and have fall backs if it's an excessively quiet day. I also like Providence, RI for fairly similar reasons, but its a much bigger place and hence more likely to have a good offering. It's not so local.

Scooped her again and then paid upfront again. Fool me once, as they say.

I wish I could feel higher ground about this, but I've been ripped off by the same thief twice in Trenton. Big head needs to stay in control.Yes, Providence looks like it has potential. I been there twice to party with girls in the trade. I understand prosty used to be legal there to some degree so it is a hub for New England as a sin city. Huge concentration of strip joints. Too far to venture tho.

01-14-21, 08:35
First for me would be Keningston Avenue in Philly. But that comes with a caveat. Warning, it's not for everybody, it's far more dangerous than all the others combined. I have been scouting prospective SW's and heard gun shots from my car, more than once. There are tons of shady people standing around so you have to pick your spots. But if you use the criteria of having the widest number of options at the majority of hours in the day, hands down that's Keningston Avenue. Plus, the streets in the area are not perpendicular to each other so making the scoop somewhere other than the main drag is a challenge. If you are new to the SW scene, I would recommend cutting your teeth elsewhere because Kensington Avenue is the equivalent of a Black Diamond ski slope, the area of a ski resort typically reserved for the most advance skier.Thanks for the low down on Philly's Keningston. I'm an OG in the game, 30 years, so I know how to coast cities. First visit I'll go during the day to scout out and as I get comfortable and know the lay of the land I'll venture in the night hours. Much appreciate the info!

01-14-21, 08:37
Thick BSW on Clinton Ave. Huge ass. Here's a pic.I am looking for this chick whose ass got injections. I mean it is mutant large! Did you get to converse with her Is she the one? Know her name?

01-14-21, 10:18
[QUOTE=Sypress;5158782]So I picked up Maya off the clinton stroll, our first encounter was kinda lame like other reviewers have noted she will give an attitude right off the bat and wants a pretty big amount of money (50 $ is a lot for the stroll), I told her listen, I don't have that money right now but if you give me a number I'll see you next time. She gives me the number after I spent 25 $ bucks, which she didn't do any HEAD or SEX just letting me squeeze her ass for like 5 seconds and then she got out. I thought okay cool, she is a little stand offish but maybe she's just very serious about her rates, and will deliver the goods when you meet her price.

So I call her another day and let her know I'll be picking her up and if I could get a BJ for the 50 that we agreed upon. It went well until I actually picked her up and then she immediately started bullshit about needing 125 roses for anything serious, I had already handed her the money. I thought that was incredibly rude of her. She's also on some pretty heavy drugs, she was falling asleep while counting the money I gave her, literally dozing off in my car. Basically she took my 50 and didn't give me a session, just offering me to squeeze her tits and look at her ass. WOW what a *****. Ofcourse she acted like she would give me a blowjob if I took her to dealer's spot in irvington which I was nice enough to take her, she copped some pills right on brookdale near abinger. Even her dealer was laughing at her because she couldn't find the right spot to pick him up, but she copped like 2 pills off him for 10 bucks. Not sure if he's lenient with her about the money because she's a regular or just a local girl he grew up with (or both), but she is definitely a drug addict, it just hasn't shown on her body yet but she'll be one of those zombies walking around the streets unfortunately, but more than likely she'll be dead before that happens./QUOTE]Yooo she pretty decent I enjoyed the bbj from her s little expensive for the area but her prices will go down once those drugs start to hit different. But real talk she isn't a Hard fines.

Just have to converse with her can get her comfortable she'll definitely give you her best throat.

01-16-21, 21:44
Yes, Providence looks like it has potential. I been there twice to party with girls in the trade. I understand prosty used to be legal there to some degree so it is a hub for New England as a sin city. Huge concentration of strip joints. Too far to venture tho.Yes, and no. What happened was that prostitution had gotten decriminalized in Rhode Island somewhat by accident. That is to say, it wasn't a crime but it wasn't exactly legal either. That ended in 2009 when it became criminal again. You can read all the details here:


My favorite part of the story was the judge who said that "as long as it was two consenting adults, it didn't matter what they agreed to, as long as they did in private, and it could certainly involve anything including money. ".

It also got rid of rape


but the feminazis still want to say rape is a crime of power not sex. I'm not defending rape, just saying that if being able to buy pussy makes it go away then maybe the chicks that want to sell it should so that the chicks who don't want to get raped don't have to.


Brown Gravy3
01-17-21, 14:22
So I picked up Maya off the clinton stroll, our first encounter was kinda lame like other reviewers have noted she will give an attitude right off the bat and wants a pretty big amount of money (50 $ is a lot for the stroll), I told her listen, I don't have that money right now but if you give me a number I'll see you next time. She gives me the number after I spent 25 $ bucks, which she didn't do any HEAD or SEX just letting me squeeze her ass for like 5 seconds and then she got out. I thought okay cool, she is a little stand offish but maybe she's just very serious about her rates, and will deliver the goods when you meet her price.

So I call her another day and let her know I'll be picking her up and if I could get a BJ for the 50 that we agreed upon. It went well until I actually picked her up and then she immediately started bullshit about needing 125 roses for anything serious, I had already handed her the money. I thought that was incredibly rude of her. She's also on some pretty heavy drugs, she was falling asleep while counting the money I gave her, literally dozing off in my car. Basically she took my 50 and didn't give me a session, just offering me to squeeze her tits and look at her ass. WOW what a *****. Ofcourse she acted like she would give me a blowjob if I took her to dealer's spot in irvington which I was nice enough to take her, she copped some pills right on brookdale near abinger. Even her dealer was laughing at her because she couldn't find the right spot to pick him up, but she copped like 2 pills off him for 10 bucks. Not sure if he's lenient with her about the money because she's a regular or just a local girl he grew up with (or both), but she is definitely a drug addict, it just hasn't shown on her body yet but she'll be one of those zombies walking around the streets unfortunately, but more than likely she'll be dead before that happens.

She works the clinton ave and south 20th stroll frequently, you can catch her during the day walking near the Embers strip club spot. I have a hard time believing she gives good sessions to anybody but a member on this forum I believe his name was Brown_gravy mentioned she is top-notch GFE material when she is with him. Like I said hard to believe but I don't knock anybody's experience, afterall this is highly YMMV when dealing with streetwalkers, if you catch them when they are desperate enough I guess you can get more out of them, but she's essentially a junkie with a booty still intact and heroin isn't her drug of choice it's probably lean and pills.

I've posted a picture of her recently and she's probably one of the better looking girls on the stroll, but with her attitude and manipulation tactics, along with her nodding off in the middle of a conversation, I recommend you guys stay the fuck away from her. But if your curious and think I'm making this up to keep her to myself, be my fucking guest and indulge in that low tier ghetto trash booty. Be safe fellas.Yeah I haven't hit her in a min. She was definitely good with me. I was a regular for a few months last year so YMMV now. Idk. She still look better than those other zombies LOL you have to get to know her. Otherwise she'll definitely try to up the price on ya but I stayed firm and she was cool after. That was then. Idk about now. Haven't been hunting as I got another one off stgs who I fw on the regular from a while back. I can't seem to stay with just one no matter how bad they are.

Brown Gravy3
01-17-21, 14:43
I am looking for this chick whose ass got injections. I mean it is mutant large! Did you get to converse with her Is she the one? Know her name?I see this chick out on the Clinton stroll often. Never picked her up but she be tweaking hard sometimes and be putting on a show in the middle of the street throwing that fake ass and pulling up her dress in the summer. She a zombie no doubt and that's why I pass on her everytime.

01-18-21, 01:17
Yeah I haven't hit her in a min. She was definitely good with me. I was a regular for a few months last year so YMMV now. Idk. She still look better than those other zombies LOL you have to get to know her. Otherwise she'll definitely try to up the price on ya but I stayed firm and she was cool after. That was then. Idk about now. Haven't been hunting as I got another one off stgs who I fw on the regular from a while back. I can't seem to stay with just one no matter how bad they are. I'll see if I can work my magic and get her to accommodate me, I'll throat fuck her so hard she'll vomit those pills she's taking.. lil ****! lol, for those of you wondering where u can catch her, she works day time on south 20th street near the stripclub on clinton

01-18-21, 02:05

*** gave me the best CBJ so far doing this. Skip the games has the girls for sure. I'm only about CBJ right now.

Hunter Jay
01-19-21, 13:14

*** gave me the best CBJ so far doing this. Skip the games has the girls for sure. I'm only about CBJ right now.This bastard took my credit card from my house and decided to buy food I called my credit told them what happened canceled card immediately she's a streetwalker so I wonder how much did you pay for cover BJ I'm curious you can PM me the details. JuJu is a streetwalker on the Sherman stroll posting on skip trying to get escort rates.

Too Long
01-19-21, 17:02
This bastard took my credit card from my house and decided to buy food I called my credit told them what happened canceled card immediately she's a streetwalker so I wonder how much did you pay for cover BJ I'm curious you can PM me the details. JuJu is a streetwalker on the Sherman stroll posting on skip trying to get escort rates.I found it funny that her profile picture was from inside of a car. I've never seen her on Sherman before. I know she stole your CC but how was the blowjob?

Hunter Jay
01-19-21, 17:55
I found it funny that her profile picture was from inside of a car. I've never seen her on Sherman before. I know she stole your CC but how was the blowjob?BBJ was good felt great but she's a thief be careful.

Hunter Jay
01-19-21, 18:08
I found it funny that her profile picture was from inside of a car. I've never seen her on Sherman before. I know she stole your CC but how was the blowjob?JuJu been on Sherman for a year now I saw her early 2020 I posted a review about her the first time I saw her.

01-22-21, 08:22
Have anybody seen the slim booty BSW with a fat booty. She's dark skin and missing some teeth. What's her name? She's been on the Fabyan Clinton ave.

01-23-21, 16:56
Very nice WSW tall and blond very good DT never get lucky like this anymore over by Mount Pleasant Ave an Rt 21 I think street name golden girl.

01-23-21, 18:10
WSW very nice blond girl on taller side got lucky I guess never see anything good over over by Mount Pleasant Ave and Rt 21 anymore DT and let me face fuck her.

Latino Heat
01-24-21, 12:43
WSW very nice blond girl on taller side got lucky I guess never see anything good over over by Mount Pleasant Ave and Rt 21 anymore DT and let me face fuck her.What did she look like? Was she older, younger? What time and where did you find her exactly?

01-24-21, 13:59
What did she look like? Was she older, younger? What time and where did you find her exactly?She was middle age but in very good shape, it was in the am. I think she camm out the house on the corner.

01-24-21, 21:54
Jackie, 40 something, slim, dirty blonde WSW. 30 buck for a below average BBBJ with a lot of complaining. She was nice herwise but I'll not repeat. Says Kayla has a phone and has a roster of regulars, that explains her absencs.

Latino Heat
01-25-21, 11:52
Jackie, 40 something, slim, dirty blonde WSW. 30 buck for a below average BBBJ with a lot of complaining. She was nice herwise but I'll not repeat. Says Kayla has a phone and has a roster of regulars, that explains her absencs.The one on frey by mcdonalds? If so, I saw her last week, she doesn't have a phone, you can catch her late night tho.

Latino Heat
01-25-21, 13:21
Saw this petite spanish chick walking, wasnt sure so I just gave her the nod when we made eye contact. She nodded back so I made the uturn and parked at the tacobell. She walked over, asked if I wanted to do something, told her to hop in. Nice cardate for your normal rate. Kool peeps and she let me cip. Says she normally doesn't do BBFS so I say YMMV. She also told me there is another chick (which I saw by BK the other day, WSW w / FAT ASS!) live in a tent next to BK with her man, supposedly works off stg but idk. Didn't have luck scooping her up as she was with some dude so ill try again next time I see her around there.

Hunter Jay
01-25-21, 14:21
The one on frey by mcdonalds? If so, I saw her last week, she doesn't have a phone, you can catch her late night tho.She had a phone number two weeks ago what the hell.

01-25-21, 17:10
The one on frey by mcdonalds? If so, I saw her last week, she doesn't have a phone, you can catch her late night tho.Bro, I'm up super early (late night) and often pass through 2, 3, 4 am. Not a fucking thing. I picked her up a couple months ago.

01-25-21, 19:36
Saw this petite spanish chick walking, wasnt sure so I just gave her the nod when we made eye contact. She nodded back so I made the uturn and parked at the tacobell. She walked over, asked if I wanted to do something, told her to hop in. Nice cardate for your normal rate. Kool peeps and she let me cip. Says she normally doesn't do BBFS so I say YMMV. She also told me there is another chick (which I saw by BK the other day, WSW w / FAT ASS!) live in a tent next to BK with her man, supposedly works off stg but idk. Didn't have luck scooping her up as she was with some dude so ill try again next time I see her around there.How fat? And that tent always up?