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Member #5805
11-07-08, 07:22
I would really appreciate it if Glenn 61 would stop posting pictures of Pres. Obamas face pasted on a monkeys body. (I don't have the right to stop you posting it, but you can no longer ask why someone would think that your racist) But I have to accept it because the only thing that Glenn and I have in common, is our love for splooging off on cheap SW. I can hate Glens politics, but love his pics and taste in women. I can admit that he is and idiot for voting for Bush TWICE, (the man who twisted around REAL Republican ideals of self sufficiency, and personal dignity, and sold them out to the idiots on the religious right for their votes), . But when Glen posts those splooged on, red eyed bi****s, it's always a good post.

The simple fact is, is that everyone on this board should calm down with their political rhetoric because we are all HORRIBLE examples for our political sides.

A lifelong Dem like me, cannot be seen preying on the weakness of the downtrodden poor SW. And she (the woman holy) is ALWAYS the victim in getting herself addicted on drugs, and dressing sexily, and walking the streets asking EVIL men if they want to degrade themselves by performing a blowjob for 10 minutes and getting $20+tip. And when they try to rob us or cheat us, well good for them, they got something for having to sully their "chakras" by pleasuring us evil MEN. Our auras are horrible.

And then you have these fat ass Feminazis, with their zero tolerance, zero fun stance to everything that not lesbianic. (Ask any out lesbo politician about a porn shop in her neighborhood and she'll cry heresy, but if it's a lesbian centric porn emporium, it's an "Oasis of freedom, and a center of exploration for the modern woman, to discover her true (lesbianic) nature. ") Nuff Said!

And Glenn, while you may like your guns, that alone doesn't make you a good republican. Because you see, you "Actively spit in the eyes of God! " You and your unholy actions, cavorting with these heathens of the night, spitting your demon seed, from your devil trident unto the very eyes of these she-devils, makes you an active conspiritor in releasing thine evil spirits onto Gods country, . Which is namely, . North Florida. (That should have been read with a southern preachers drawl.) Let none of us cast the first stone of racial insult (Obamas face on a monkeys body. Really? , so I'm not supposed to find that racist? . Really? )

Let not one get wild about, my politics are better than your politics, because ALL politicians want to put us in jail, and give us a permanent police record, just for trying to get some head. WTF!

Wow you are uptight; sounds like you need to go out and get a blow job!!!!!!

11-08-08, 01:18
(Wow you are uptight; sounds like you need to go out and get a blow job!)

Truer words have never been spoken.

11-08-08, 12:52
Glenn is a hero in this forum. Simply put if your not a senior member in this forum then basically any rant, bitches, complaints, or gripes is basically a mumbled echoe against a member who has established himself well in THIS forum. Keep up the good work Glenn, we'll have a beer one day on me!

Be safe!

A John
11-08-08, 15:10
The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. . . . waiting for attack!

The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.

1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

3. I carry a gun cause a cop is too heavy.

4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.

5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a .45?' The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a .46.'

6. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?' 'No Ma'am.. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle.'

7. Beware the man who only has one gun. HE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO USE IT!!!

But wait, there's more!

I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house. I said I did.
She said 'Well I certainly hope it isn't loaded!'
To which I said, of course it is loaded, can't work without bullets!'
She then asked, 'Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?'
My reply was, 'No not at all. I am not afraid of the house catching fire either, but I have fire extinguishers around, and they are all loaded too.'
To which I'll add, having a gun in the house that isn't loaded is like having a car in the garage without gas in the tank.

I'm a firm believer of the 2nd Amendment!
HAVE A NICE DAY, but don't Monkey with Me

Roamin Roman
11-09-08, 02:10
I would really appreciate it if Glenn 61 would stop posting pictures of Pres. Obamas face pasted on a monkeys body.I see what you're trying to say, Tyrell, but let's not forget that MSNBC anchorette Erin Burnett (who probably deserves one of Glenn61's famous splooges :D) referred, on live broadcast, to President Bush as a monkey.


And let's also not forget that Tom Toles, political cartoonist for The Washington Post - a.k.a., the second-best newspaper in Washington, DC - draws President Bush to resemble a monkey.

Barack Obama, now President-elect, has won election to the highest office in the world. As such, he is fair game (even for those whose game is monkeys) to any and all criticisms. Like many/most recent presidents before him, he will be the brunt of folks who will make fun of his speech, verbal gaffes, clothes, looks (like those ears), or anything else. He's a tough Chicago pol, even though young, but we'll see how things go. Ann Coulter, every Lib's favorite target to hate (and perhaps Glenn61's target of desire :D), said it best recently:

"In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president."
(Monkey pictures or comments, anyone?)


Roamin Roman
11-09-08, 02:17
To which I'll add, having a gun in the house that isn't loaded is like having a car in the garage without gas in the tank.To which I'll add: Having an unloaded gun in the house is like a eunich on Viagra.

NC Hunter
11-09-08, 06:54
Glenn is a hero in this forum. Simply put if your not a senior member in this forum then basically any rant, bitches, complaints, or gripes is basically a mumbled echoe against a member who has established himself well in THIS forum. Keep up the good work Glenn, we'll have a beer one day on me!

Be safe!

...and Glenn61 is no hero. He is a staunch racist and there is no denying that. He has lost respect of many respected mongers here on worldsexguide. It's not his views that has earned him this distinction but the disrespectful views of blacks he displayed when posting in the Presidential Election 2008 section in Opinions. He is not a man to be praised but despised.

NC Hunter

11-09-08, 07:06
Damn now this is my kind of homeless girl:
I would not mind investing in her, putting some food in her, & putting something else in her for a good cause of course.

Ignore that stupid sensitive rookie, keep doing what your doing. The contributions you have made on this board are far more superior to his 1 post...haha.

By the way I love Kat's dreamy eyes, she looks like she is on cloud 9.


11-09-08, 08:00
...and Glenn61 is no hero. He is a staunch racist and there is no denying that. He has lost respect of many respected mongers here on worldsexguide. It's not his views that has earned him this distinction but the disrespectful views of blacks he displayed when posting in the Presidential Election 2008 section in Opinions. He is not a man to be praised but despised.

NC Hunter

UsaSexGuide= Admin:Jackson
InternationalSexGuide= Admin:Jackson

WorldSexGuide= Admin:Banker

A John
11-09-08, 08:30
I don't know anyone here in this forum who needs praise!

Glenn61 is a respected member in this forum, as yourself NC Hunter in my opinion relating to issues relating to the purpose of this forum.

Do I like everything about either of your views. Got to tell you the answer is no. Do you really care about my opinion? (PROBABLY NOT) If so we are either very good friends, have many of the same interest or maybe have self-esteem issues.

There are points of interest that I totally agree with both of you. But just because I don't agree on something, does not give me the need to try and make someone else understand/believe my opinion.

This is one of the beautiful treasures of the United States of America.

I am entitled to my opinion! My self-esteem is in a place where I do not need to make/influence others to believe my beliefs.

NC Hunter this is a place for jokes you have followed Glenn almost everywhere he goes to have an opinion. Give it up / let it go, your resentment is keeping you from having fun. I'm sure it's not helping your blood pressure.

Read the newspaper your man was elected by the people.

Now if one of you can say nothing to the other one we will see who is crazy, needs to have the last word!

Just one man's opinion of many men!

We all know what they smell like.

...and Glenn61 is no hero. He is a staunch racist and there is no denying that. He has lost respect of many respected mongers here on worldsexguide. It's not his views that has earned him this distinction but the disrespectful views of blacks he displayed when posting in the Presidential Election 2008 section in Opinions. He is not a man to be praised but despised.

NC Hunter

11-09-08, 18:34
This is the area for humor. Whether someone thinks it is funny or not is not a concern to me. Nearly every joke will offend someone. Political views should not be expressed here. Lets get back to what this area is about.

11-10-08, 02:47
Oh god, what have I done.

I was just trying to comically nudge Glenn into toning down his Obamas face on moneys body pics. I knew that I was playing with fire when I dare crossed a legendary member like Glenn (Love him or hate him, he really posts great pics). And to make it worst, I've hardly even contributed to this forum, although I actually have 5-6 posts as opposed to only one post. I'm actually pretty active in the Bronx SW scene, but I'm loath to share my spots and experiences because the NYPD will have the area on LOCK DOWN real quick!

This is why I treaded lightly with my wording. Please note the two paragraphs denouncing the worst factions of my personal party, the Democrats. And my calling of "TRUE" republicans as accepting personal responsibility. (BTW- I really do believe this. Unfortunately the Republican party has been soiled by the likes of the religious right and the racist extremists just to gain votes. The first Bush-Bush the elder, was a real Republican.) My attempts at comedy with the southern preachers rant at Glenn could be considered unfunny, but I think they established the upbeat, stupidly dramatic tone that I was going for. Perhaps I should just take Little Jimmy Nortons' advice (from Opie & Anthony) and just "Leave comedy to the professionals! "

I was not trying to start a flame war, I just wanted us to leave the "particuarly imflammitory" political "jokes" to the political opinions forum. After all, as I have said in other posts before, we can argue about our political views, but neither political party really wants us.

So PLEASE accept my dearest apologies Glenn. I've played with fire, and I've gotten singed. I don't want to get burnt. I still don't agree with you, but I can agree to disagree, and respect you for all of your diligent work to improving this forum.

BTW-Thanks a lot NC Hunter for sticking your neck out there and calling it like you see it. Whether we are right or wrong about whether the pics have racist intentions, perceptions can be important. But Damn! I don't think he's to be "despised". But then again, I live up in NYC, where our racists can't carry guns. Yeah I suppose down in N. C. , where you got both Delta and Marines training, and for a grand you can get a full auto M4, racist views carry a lot more weight, and threat.

11-11-08, 11:01
Evolution theory is sounding more realistic.

11-11-08, 22:16
Space aliens are even more believable.....:DThis does explain why ET does not want to destroy earth :)

Orlando J
11-12-08, 01:19
Maybe aliens will have sex by thoughts without physical contact. Who knows?

Space aliens are even more believable.....:D

11-12-08, 04:54
Maybe aliens will have sex by thoughts without physical contact. Who knows?Outer space masturbation? No wonder they cum to earth.

A John
11-12-08, 06:52
Inspirational message for the day

Member #5805
11-12-08, 17:56
Nike has announced the release of their new sustainable green sneakers. Some people think that being environmentally responsible needs to be ugly. I disagree. See for yourself.

Sammy Spots
11-12-08, 19:41
Space aliens are even more believable.....:D

Is that Eric the Midget and one of the ****** from the Bunny Ranch?


11-12-08, 21:45
The Mamasans of America asked Congress Saturday for the power to pump $700 billion into the "pump" industry.

The rescue plan would give Washington broad authority to purchase bad KAMPs for the next two years. It does not specify which institutions qualify or what, if anything, the government would get in return for the unprecedented infusion.

Democrats are pressing to require that the plan help more strapped mamasans stay in their parlors and to condition the bailout for new limits on Full Service compensation.

“We’re going to work with Congress to get a bill done quickly,” President Bush said at the White House. Without discussing specifics, he said, “This is a big package because it was a big load.”

The government must bail out the KAMPs “because if we don’t, it will have a tremendous impact on American sleazoids, mongers, and the rest,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said in San Francisco.

But, she added, “We cannot deal with this unless this bailout helps K-girls stay in their parlors.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said, “We cannot allow ourselves to be in denial about the threat now facing the KAMP economy. From all indications, that threat is real, and the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic. Every single American monger has a stake in preventing a global Happy Ending meltdown.”

11-12-08, 23:18
Outer space masturbation? No wonder they cum to earth.
The second motto of Men in Black:

"Protecting Earth from the cum of the Universe!"

11-13-08, 00:18
Nike has announced the release of their new sustainable green sneakers. Some people think that being environmentally responsible needs to be ugly. I disagree. See for yourself.You know my eyes just weren't drawn to the sneakers. My eyes were more drawn to the booty shorts and what a lousy job they were doing covering up the stuff they should be covering. I don't know too many women that want their bush outline showing through their shorts!

Orlando J
11-13-08, 01:38
There is much more important than the green. The camel toes.

Nike has announced the release of their new sustainable green sneakers. Some people think that being environmentally responsible needs to be ugly. I disagree. See for yourself.

A John
11-13-08, 07:16
For sale......

11-18-08, 16:10
The joy of mongering.

11-20-08, 14:57
Pesci & deNiro by Sesame Street:

Pesci & Deniro by the Flintstones:

11-20-08, 15:00
A Full Metal Christmas:

11-21-08, 21:22
This should have been done years ago!

11-21-08, 21:52
This show was very popular, now I know why!

11-21-08, 22:09
I Remember Mamasan (East Korea 2008) A fascinating docu-drama of a true story. After years as a small time "Rub 'N Tug" manager, an enterprising mamasan creates the worlds first massage airline.- KAMPairways (Serving Koreatown and West Hollywood). However, on it's maiden flight, the beautiful masseuses are short of oil and attempt an in-air refueling from a massage oil tanker aircraft. Since the pilots have coupons for special half-hour rate (w/extras), they are unaware of cockpit instruments indicating full release of the fluid. In spectacular fashion the whole enterprise comes crashing to earth. We never know if the poignant moans from the plummeting plane are from pleasure or pain. Truly a tragic ending to a happy ending.

11-22-08, 19:48
Every sap who falls into a long distance love affair should see this clip.....:D .


Thanks, Glenn61, I love this clip and lost it awhile back..


Vegas Black
11-22-08, 20:02
Adult cartoons.

Vegas Black
11-22-08, 20:04
Adult cartoons

11-23-08, 05:08
Inquiring minds want to know?



Member #4434
11-24-08, 02:07
Inquiring minds want to know?



Not sure , but I've seen her pics several places on the web in the last year or so. The most realistic , was a ******* page for a stripper in NY. I always said " I'd never go back to that place" . But if I thought I could meet up with her , I'd be on the next plane, LOL!

11-25-08, 00:15
Not sure , but I've seen her pics several places on the web in the last year or so. The most realistic , was a ******* page for a stripper in NY. I always said " I'd never go back to that place" . But if I thought I could meet up with her , I'd be on the next plane, LOL!Here is her home page


11-27-08, 20:44
I think this is the same girl.

A John
11-28-08, 19:23
Back in 1929 Financial Crash it was said that some Wall Street Stockbrokers and Bankers JUMPED from their office windows and committed suicide when confronted with the news of their firms and clients financial ruin . . . Many people were said to almost feel a little sorry for them . . . . . .

In 2008 the attitude has changed somewhat:

KC Questor
11-28-08, 21:47
I think this is the same girl.
As is this. I just wish she'd wear a bra in most of her modeling pics. She needs some support.

Bad Bird
11-28-08, 21:54
Back in 1929 Financial Crash it was said that some Wall Street Stockbrokers and Bankers JUMPED from their office windows and committed suicide when confronted with the news of their firms and clients financial ruin . . . Many people were said to almost feel a little sorry for them . . . . . .

In 2008 the attitude has changed somewhat:

Nice, they mis-spelled the key word originally...

A John
11-29-08, 17:25
Pic`s speaks 4-itself

11-30-08, 00:42
The makers of this product guarantee it to alert you every 30 minutes!!

12-01-08, 02:30
Very rare shot from a few years back of the mysterious powers behind the Rub 'n Tugs.

A John
12-01-08, 20:53
New releases at the local bookstore.

12-02-08, 02:11
It's around this time of year we celebrate traditional small town values.

12-02-08, 09:16
New releases at the local bookstore.
See also

KC Questor
12-02-08, 10:31
See also
I prefer this one (http://www.amazon.com/How-Have-Woods-Luann-Colombo/dp/0609804022/ref=pd_sim_b_2).

A John
12-02-08, 18:07
Not sure if you guys have seen this, but super funny!


Oriole Mon
12-04-08, 09:28
Do not get in this place, it sucks!



A John
12-05-08, 06:23
This is why men don't design Christmas wrapping paper:

and, then this is why they don't let men design Christmas cards.


A John
12-05-08, 06:46
New motivational posters

A John
12-05-08, 06:51
10 more new motivational posters

A John
12-06-08, 18:55
Just for a laugh

A John
12-06-08, 18:57
True happiness is....

A John
12-07-08, 07:45
Just for people who are old

A John
12-07-08, 13:17
Michelle's warning..........

A John
12-09-08, 16:56
Lucky Moments


KC Questor
12-11-08, 02:53
A must for your holiday fun! Makes Dining at the O much more tasty!

A John
12-12-08, 12:51
Pretty good ad, if you ask me!

A John
12-12-08, 20:11
What every man wants for Christmas!!

A John
12-13-08, 12:02
***how To Get What You Want For Christmas***

A John
12-14-08, 22:11
Wanted to get this card out early this year.....

A John
12-16-08, 07:49
Most Men will fail.
See if you have what it takes to be a pilot...
If you fail this, they make you a Navigator.

Can you focus on the Parrot for 10 seconds ?

Not to worry, me neither....
I never wanted to be a pilot anyway.....

A John
12-16-08, 07:57
Great News!

I found a local prostitute who charges by the inch.

Obviously, I can't afford her but I thought it would be a cheap night out for you.

12-17-08, 07:44
Most Men will fail.
See if you have what it takes to be a pilot...
If you fail this, they make you a Navigator.

Can you focus on the Parrot for 10 seconds ?

Not to worry, me neither....
I never wanted to be a pilot anyway.....

What parrot? ;)

A John
12-18-08, 20:56
Why Men Shouldn't take Messages......................

A John
12-18-08, 21:08


KC Questor
12-19-08, 02:55

That Flash animation was compiled from a set of anatomy study photographs for artists by photographer Akira Gomi. If I recall, the models are Swedish


12-19-08, 08:17
What a trip to move through these, trying to guess what is under their clothes. Everyone has their favorites. I picked out two that I liked and photoshopped together their front and back as well as their clothed view. One is hispanic (VERY well endowed), and a Swede, who is less well endowed, but actually I find more attractive. Don't they have wonderful breasts?

Thanks for the post,




Lurker 2009
12-19-08, 09:10

http://www.incident.net/works/miseanu/nues.htmlThats soooo cool. I had downloaded about 70 of these pictures years ago. Evidently, it was a common thing at colleges some years ago for studies with posture (although I think it was probably kust some horny students and professors brilliant idea). But the flash animation makes it take on new life.


Freshly Snipes
12-19-08, 11:08
What a trip to move through these, trying to guess what is under their clothes. Everyone has their favorites. I picked out two that I liked and photoshopped together their front and back as well as their clothed view. One is hispanic (VERY well endowed), and a Swede, who is less well endowed, but actually I find more attractive. Don't they have wonderful breasts?

Thanks for the post,

GianiThe Swede has a nicer ass.

KC Questor
12-20-08, 01:41
The Swede has a nicer ass.
They are actually both Swedish. Here are more pictures of them:


Clark Kent
12-21-08, 01:39
I've not seen that Finearts site before, though I have seen some of the pics from it. It's been a pleasure to look through them, and you can tell they're somewhat old as most of the girls pictured have either a full bush or close to it. Brings back good memories of when most females had a full bush and hardly no tattoos. Not all of us like that stuff which seems to be the norm nowadays.

It's also kind of funny how the girls are completely nude, yet they try to blur the crotch area so nothing is clearly visible. Those that are going to be viewing the pics aren't going to be offended. I know they do that in Japan, or somewhere like that with their erotic photos. Maybe this country has the same type modesty thoughts.

12-21-08, 07:51
I love european white girls.


A John
12-21-08, 12:36
Apologies but....NO MORE EMAILS FROM ME..... .

Please note...
I will no longer be sending e-mails.

Thanks to the Post Office, I am going back to licking stamps.....

A John
12-21-08, 12:42
When a woman wears a leather dress,
a man's heart beats quicker,
and his throat gets dry,
he goes weak in the knees,
and he begins to think irrationally.

Ever wonder why?

It's because she smells like a new truck.

A John
12-21-08, 23:30
It's that time of year again.

The wife has been on my case to get the Christmas lights up for a couple of weeks.

They are up now and for some reason she will not talk to me.

12-21-08, 23:45
Can you blame him if this is his first stop?

A John
12-22-08, 17:13
Expect a bad winter when the beavers have a long coat.

Member #4513
12-23-08, 05:41
Expect a bad winter when the beavers have a long coat.
Man this just really isnt what I want to see when browsing the pic section...kind of kills the mood :(

12-23-08, 13:14
Innovative advertising

12-24-08, 08:28
If you haven't seen these decorated urinal environments....


A John
12-24-08, 22:01
hard working little guys.

Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

12-25-08, 01:37
Now we know why the ice caps are melting!

Monger Forever
12-27-08, 22:45
Now I dance for you.


Glenn can move damnit man. That is some south beach moves bro.

Orlando J
12-27-08, 23:57
I am not sure if that was an act of defiance.
I do not know but is it:
-One is trying to save the other!
-One is humping another who's trapped!
-One is humping another who's not trapped!
Enjoy this Russian

The final act of defiance.

KC Questor
12-28-08, 03:37
Enjoy this Russian
Not very sophisticated humor, but pretty fun to watch.

A John
12-31-08, 23:10
It will be snowing again soon and I wanted to warn you of this latest scam.

You should be on the lookout for this pair in case they appear in your area.

They showed up offering to shovel snow from my driveway for $20.

Not ten minutes into the job they were at my door complaining about being cold..
They said they wanted to come in to my house and get warm for a while.

Well, three hours later, they ended up leaving without finishing the driveway!

I didn't get anything done around the house because I was afraid to take my eyes off of them. I'm just glad my wife wasn't at home to see me taken in by this scam. I'd never hear the end of it.

Don't let it happen to you!

Fortunately, I took their picture before they left. If these two appear on your doorstep, don't say you weren't warned!

01-04-09, 18:02
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button-Fly (Pubiversal Studios 2008) When the protagonist, Benjamin (played by Brad Pissed) is born, the family is shocked to discover he has 92 year old genitalia. As the story progresses it soon becomes apparent that his schwanz is aging backwards---which astounds everyone. As the "Little Benjamin" grows younger, he begins to feel healthier and happier, bringing it out in public and on the internet for all to fuss over. Viagra and Cialis salesmen are constantly turned away, crying. However, as years go by, the actual Benjamin starts to become saggy, tattered and rotted out. But even when Benjamin is about to retire at 65, the porn industry still has use for him as a "schwanz stand-in" for other aging actors. Sadly, his popularity diminishes as his crotch turns baby-like. The finale of the film, with spectacular effects, is his circumcision at age 102. Unfortunately, at the last minute, this scene was cut by studio rabbis.

01-06-09, 21:49
Or at least their FANS are more fun...

A John
01-08-09, 15:29
1970 SS 396 Chevelle that was one hot car rally wheels, hood pins, cowl injection, SS 396 emblems, sporty mirrors and a two-door hardtop.

Boy that was a car.

Smiling Fox
01-08-09, 16:50
Yeah, there is nothin better than gettin out in her, and reven the old girl up.
Thrust her into gear, listen to her sceam, as she peels out, and explodes under you in a fit of power and passion. Feel all those gears just grinding into you. Wow, what a car. And in the old days we would drive her over to the drive in, and eat out, right in the car. Yup, that was some fine prime meat in the old day.

OK< I will stop.

Smiling Fox

Member #4954
01-08-09, 17:21
It will be snowing again soon and I wanted to warn you of this latest scam.

You should be on the lookout for this pair in case they appear in your area.

They showed up offering to shovel snow from my driveway for $20.

Not ten minutes into the job they were at my door complaining about being cold..
They said they wanted to come in to my house and get warm for a while.

Well, three hours later, they ended up leaving without finishing the driveway!

I didn't get anything done around the house because I was afraid to take my eyes off of them. I'm just glad my wife wasn't at home to see me taken in by this scam. I'd never hear the end of it.

Don't let it happen to you!

Fortunately, I took their picture before they left. If these two appear on your doorstep, don't say you weren't warned!

I would like to take my chances..... could I send them my address??

01-08-09, 18:45
1970 SS 396 Chevelle that was one hot car rally wheels, hood pins, cowl injection, SS 396 emblems, sporty mirrors and a two-door hardtop.

Boy that was a car.

There was a car in those photos?


A John
01-08-09, 23:31
How men spice up romance.

A John
01-08-09, 23:47
Wisconsin Tractor Pull

A John
01-08-09, 23:49
Cross walk problem

A John
01-08-09, 23:55
Rite place wrong time

01-09-09, 01:22
Just give me the girl

1970 SS 396 Chevelle that was one hot car rally wheels, hood pins, cowl injection, SS 396 emblems, sporty mirrors and a two-door hardtop.

Boy that was a car.

01-09-09, 13:15
Get them both! Give me the car you can have the girl!!

01-09-09, 23:44
1970 SS 396 Chevelle that was one hot car rally wheels, hood pins, cowl injection, SS 396 emblems, sporty mirrors and a two-door hardtop.

Boy that was a car.Yeah, well the hood don't line up. I wonder if she knows the 454 was an option.

KC Questor
01-10-09, 03:54
With a car like that you can get a girl

John in Tampa
01-10-09, 11:54
Get them both! Give me the car you can have the girl!!
Helluva lot less maintenance with the car

A John
01-10-09, 15:23
Hello all,

Please hold all your PM`s and e-mails for the next few days.
I m having some repairs done on the car and feel it's essential that I be at the shop to keep an eye on the new mechanic.

Larks Tongue
01-10-09, 16:54
I'd loved to have her work on my car as well as some other things. She's definitely worth whatever she is asking for.

Hello all,

Please hold all your PM`s and e-mails for the next few days.
I m having some repairs done on the car and feel it's essential that I be at the shop to keep an eye on the new mechanic.

01-11-09, 07:23
I guess Jackson deleted my post about PETA fanatics, oh well. Come on now, Mr.Ed needs lovin too! I just found it funny & shocking at the same time, similar to 2 Girls 1 Cup...lol


01-11-09, 09:03
DeBeer's ad.

A John
01-11-09, 12:24
What is the meaning of courage?

Is it to fight a bull in a bullfight?

Is it to drive a formula 1 car?

Is it to fly a fighter plane in combat?

Is it to practice free falling parachuting?

Is it bungee jumping, wild water rafting?

Is it to gamble your salary on a coin toss?

Is it to insult the doorman in a bar?

Is it to insult your boss?

Is it to go on a defective ferris wheel?

Bullshit…that is nothing…
What you see below is COURAGE!!!

A John
01-11-09, 12:34
Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place.

Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell, they don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss?

The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a 'party atmosphere' going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women.

Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money. I suspect tips would be so good that we could charge the women for working the plane and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and 'special services.'

Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues.

This is definitely a win-win situation if we handle it right -- a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset.

Why didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself?


Bill Clinton

A John
01-11-09, 12:40
As I was checking into a hotel recently, I said to the female front desk clerk:

"I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled."

"No," she said, "it's regular porn, you sick bastard."

Bad Bird
01-11-09, 12:41
Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place.

Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell, they don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss?

The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a 'party atmosphere' going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women.

Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money. I suspect tips would be so good that we could charge the women for working the plane and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and 'special services.'

Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues.

This is definitely a win-win situation if we handle it right -- a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset.

Why didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself?


Bill Clinton

Not often I am wanting turbulance in flight...

A John
01-11-09, 12:47
If your bellybutton is an integral component of a tattoo.................you might be a redneck.

now isn't this just the cat's MEOW!!!

A John
01-11-09, 13:19
If you're never in northern Virginia looked this little Asian up to her you want to stewardess uniform. Well worth the flight!


Not often I am wanting turbulance in flight...

A John
01-12-09, 15:50
Cleaning video...........


A John
01-12-09, 23:55
A first grade girl handed in the drawing below for a homework assignment.

01-13-09, 01:47
A first grade girl handed in the drawing below for a homework assignment.Yeah, she sells snow shovels!

01-13-09, 19:21

We have all done some crazy things with the lizards & Ho's from time to time but this?


A John
01-14-09, 00:30
Telling Husband you're going out for the night with the 'Girls'... $0.00

Red Leather Jacket for night out with the 'Girls'... $200.00
Car wash and Wax... $20.00

Getting a Radar photo speeding ticket while out with the 'Girls'. $150.00

Having Husband open Mailed Radar Photo citation, and seeing you with another man's winkie in your hands........ PRICELESS!!!!!

01-14-09, 17:29
Does anyone know what brand of razor this is?

Chrome Dome
01-14-09, 19:29
So, I'm driving to work this morning - and this dick in a pickup truck pulls right in front of me...

01-15-09, 02:21
Does anyone know what brand of razor this is?Does the handle come with it?

01-18-09, 06:51
It appears they finally know the cause of the emergency landing on the river. It was not the 2 engines malfunction by birds flying into them like the FAA would like to spoon feed you. It was in fact, the veteran pilot taking his eyes off the flight path to check the airline attendent trying out her new method of going over the instructions in case of an emergency landing. Why do you think there were no casualties in this crash. Everyone paid attention, hell even the pilot.



01-18-09, 09:19
... Everyone paid attention, hell even the pilot.
http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=67841AFAIK that airline hasn't had a female flight attendant that young and nubile in about a decade.

01-18-09, 09:33
AFAIK that airline hasn't had a female flight attendant that young and nubile in about a decade.Airlines in their effort to cut back on cost have discovered a big savings in uniforms and laundry.

People are willing to fly without meals and delays in the air receive no complaints :)

A John
01-18-09, 20:42
No this isn't the one you've seen a hundred times (Breast Appreciation Day) with tits you'll only see in your dreams. This one is far better...

It's Ass Appreciation Day!

My personal first appreciation would be photo No. 4 then No. 8 and last but definitely not least No. 1

Better than titties any day!!!

01-19-09, 19:00
This may not receive the publicity as the washington ceremonies, but it is much more important. It took years of struggle. Considering the history of massage parlors in america, we never thought this could happen in our lifetime..-- the first black mamasan!

Let us all chant in unison:

Yes, we have been here before!

01-19-09, 20:13
I have to concur... I love #4. Love to eat that thing from behind.


No this isn't the one you've seen a hundred times (Breast Appreciation Day) with tits you'll only see in your dreams. This one is far better...

It's Ass Appreciation Day!

My personal first appreciation would be photo No. 4 then No. 8 and last but definitely not least No. 1

Better than titties any day!!!

01-20-09, 14:22
Warning ! Be aware of "Beer Eyes"

01-20-09, 16:11
He has been President for 2 hours and the world has not eneded. So far so good.

01-24-09, 11:47
What a clit.

A John
01-24-09, 14:03
"Can she really replace Martha Stewart?"

And then I thought ....

"Oh, what the hell, let's give her a chance...."

A John
01-24-09, 17:13
Have you ever traveled to Mount Rushmore but wondered what
was on the other side of the mountain? Here is a glimpse.

KC Questor
01-25-09, 05:31
Have you ever traveled to Mount Rushmore but wondered what
was on the other side of the mountain? Here is a glimpse.

Where'd you find that, A John? I hope it wasn't at http://queer-travel.de (ha ha)


A John
01-25-09, 07:41
No it was set to me via E-mail.

You've got a valid point.

Actually I never looked at the picture it in that aspect. However on the other hand if this was meant to be some sort of dart you're throwing at me?
I then would be curious is to how you find this web site?

Otherwise your point is taken.

Where'd you find that, A John? I hope it wasn't at http://queer-travel.de (ha ha)


KC Questor
01-26-09, 16:11
Sorry, didn't mean to offend. Was just teasing. I saw the same photo you posted while reading a blog for marketing and advertising (Google "Copyranter"), which pointed to the Coilhouse page I linked. Nothing against you. I thought it was funny that whoever forwarded the message cut out the advertising part that mentions it is for gay travel.

A John
01-26-09, 17:59
I approached my friend the same way you hit me. He was like common man you know I'm not like that. I said are you sure, anyway no harm taken thought you were joking.

It's all in fun if were unable to laugh at each other we have serious problems.

Have a great day

Sorry, didn't mean to offend. Was just teasing. I saw the same photo you posted while reading a blog for marketing and advertising (Google "Copyranter"), which pointed to the Coilhouse page I linked. Nothing against you. I thought it was funny that whoever forwarded the message cut out the advertising part that mentions it is for gay travel.

A John
01-26-09, 20:58
So next time your buddy tells you to "move it a cunthair to the left"

you won't have to guess!!

A John
01-27-09, 20:21
Tim Tebow recently announced that he would return for his senior year to lead the Florida Gators in hopes of another National Title.

In 2006 Florida 's Tim Tebow was awarded the Heisman Trophy as a sophomore, the first time ever the award has gone to a second year player.

In addition to his amazing passing, running and TD stats is the fact that he has NEVER fumbled the ball! How is he able to hold on to the football so well? What grip does he use??

Tim’s grip training techniques was inspired from his girlfriend, Amber, of 2 years.

“I really have to say, with her help and training support I have been able to strengthen my grip, with either hand, even if I barely have any piece of the ball in my hand”

“But I feel that I can still improve my game if I stick with Amber’s training method just one more year”

Introducing the Amazing Tim Tebow Grip Master Training System!

01-28-09, 18:10
This book should be in the waiting room of every MP.

I believe it has a forward by Bob Villa.

Sadly, the volume on Inglewood is out of print.

A John
01-28-09, 20:37
Is that, or is that not, a graphite shaft?

A John
01-28-09, 20:41
Choose the best play from three photos from the game:

A. Toomer hauls in a 38 yard prayer from Manning in the first half:

B. Plexico Burress hauls in the game winning TD with under a minute to go:

C. Bambi MacAfee signals for a left turn during the pregame show:

KC Questor
01-29-09, 01:32
Is that, or is that not, a graphite shaft?
She seems to like that pose. And so do I!

01-29-09, 05:34
I wish Natalie Gulbis would pose like these girls!!! Damn!!!

No this isn't the one you've seen a hundred times (Breast Appreciation Day) with tits you'll only see in your dreams. This one is far better...

It's Ass Appreciation Day!

My personal first appreciation would be photo No. 4 then No. 8 and last but definitely not least No. 1

Better than titties any day!!!

A John
01-29-09, 07:17
I believe will be a day in the not too distant future where she might! Some of her poses just give me that impression. She'd probably make a lot more money as well. I know I'd pay to hitter 18 holes LOL

I wish Natalie Gulbis would pose like these girls!!! Damn!!!

A John
01-31-09, 01:07
Another reason to check your kids' homework!

A John
01-31-09, 01:15
How To Shut A Man Up After Taking His Remote Control

A John
01-31-09, 19:48
Well, sometimes life is a *****!

You come home after a long, hard work day.

You really hope that your unemployed and not so intelligent wife at least has cooked some friggin dinner for you.

You struggle to get up the steps, find the key and open the door to your residence, and then, you find your wife sitting there on her ass, eating dinner that she has cooked for HERSELF ONLY!

Unbelievable. She has been home the whole day and she couldn't even cook you dinner.

You think to yourself, why the hell did I marry her???

Oh, yeah...now I remember!!!

02-01-09, 07:05
Damn you can poke someone eye out with that thing.



02-01-09, 13:45
Damn you can poke someone eye out with that thing.



Try explaining THAT at the hospital!

A John
02-01-09, 14:05
Looks Good, right???


We were raised on HERSHEY chocolate as kids and even into adulthood. I will never eat it again. I hope from now on you will throw yours away whenever you are given any . It seems as though nothing is safe to eat anymore..


It could happen to you, your family and friends!!

HERSHEY Chocolate can cause


Clark Kent
02-01-09, 23:38
About 10 years ago I was fucking this married woman that resembled the girl in the green bikini. She gave the best BJ of any I've had to this day, plus she was like an undersexed rabbit when it came to her sexual appetite.

Larks Tongue
02-02-09, 04:37
Looks Good, right???


We were raised on HERSHEY chocolate as kids and even into adulthood. I will never eat it again. I hope from now on you will throw yours away whenever you are given any . It seems as though nothing is safe to eat anymore..


It could happen to you, your family and friends!!

HERSHEY Chocolate can cause


You know that you are in a slump when the girl on the far right looks fuckable compared to the other three.

A John
02-02-09, 06:05
To funny!!!!!!

You know that you are in a slump when the girl on the far right looks fuckable compared to the other three.

02-02-09, 16:27
Wal-Mart shopper tries to nick the Smiley face and get it out of the store under her dress.

02-02-09, 16:29
More proof that global warming is a real danger that imperils both man and animal, the deer are starving to death.

A John
02-03-09, 19:26
Why front row concert seats

are so expensive..........

Rumor has it she can sing too!

World Wise
02-03-09, 22:31
LBA, you finally posted a good one. Thanks.

A John
02-03-09, 23:08
Two priests are off to the showers late one night. They undress and step into the showers before they realize there is no soap.

Father John says he has soap in his room and goes to get it, not bothering to dress.

He grabs two bars of soap, one in each hand, and heads back to the showers. He is halfway down the hall when he sees three nuns heading his way. Having no place to hide, he stands against the wall and freezes like he's a statue.

The nuns stop and comment on how life-like he looks.

The first nun suddenly reaches out and pulls on his manhood. Startled, he drops a bar of soap. "Oh look" says the first nun, "it's a soap dispenser."

To test her theory the second nun also pulls on his manhood. Sure enough, he drops the second bar of soap.

Now the third nun decides to have a go. She pulls once, then twice and three times but nothing happens. So she gives several more tugs , then yells . . . "Holy Mary, Mother of God! Hand lotion too!"

A John
02-03-09, 23:11
No problem....

Mr sad ass

Ray the Hunter
02-04-09, 19:19
Visit to the Welfare Office:

A woman walks into the downtown welfare office, trailed by 15 kids.

'WOW! ' the social worker exclaims. 'Are they all yours? ''

'Yep, they are all mine, ' the flustered momma sighs, having heard that question a thousand times before.

She says, 'Sit down Leroy. ' All the children rush to find seats.

'W ell, ' says the social worker, 'then you must be here to sign up.

I'll need all your children's names. '

'Well, to keep it simple, the boys are all named 'Leroy' and the girls are all named 'Leighroy'. '

In disbelief, the case worker. 'Are you serious? They're ALL named Leroy? '

Their momma replied, 'Well, yes-it makes it easier. When it's time to get them out of bed and ready for school, I yell, 'Leroy! '

An when it's time for dinner, I just yell 'Leroy! ' an they all comes a runnin. An' if I need to stop the kid who's running into the street, I just yell Leroy' and all of them stop.

It's the smartest idea I ever had, namin' them all Leroy. '

The social worker thinks this over for a bit, then wrinkles her forehead and says tentatively, 'But what if you just want ONE kid to come, and not the whole bunch? '

'Then I call them by their last names.'

02-05-09, 11:55
The Patriot Microchip has been designed to be implanted in terrorists. The implant is specifically designed to be installed in their forehead, although insertion at other points has also been known to be effective. When properly installed it will allow the implantee to speak directly to Allah, something they all strive for. It comes in various sizes, the exact size of the implant will be selected by a well-trained and
highly-skilled technician. The implant may or may not be painless. When properly installed there will be some side effects, like headaches and nausea. But they are only temprary. Also some bleeding or swelling may occur at the injection site.

Please enjoy the security we provide for you.
Best regards, your soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Ira

02-05-09, 11:59
The official portrait of former President Clinton has been completed and visitors to his library will see it upon entering. For those of you to far away to make the trek here it is:

02-05-09, 12:04
New movie playing in Washington. The lead will be there for 4 more years although supporting roles can be recast in two.

A John
02-05-09, 13:54
As you all know, I rarely take up a 'cause' that motivates me to contact friends and ask for help.

However, I'm an avid outdoors man and fisherman, and that's why I'm seeking your help now.

We MUST be extremely careful not to over fish certain areas. It¢s our duty to keep only what we plan to use and pledge to CATCH and RELEASE what we know we cannot reasonably consume.

It`s always common courtesy and helps make friends to leave some specimens for others.

As you can see from the regrettable instances shown below, indiscriminate net fishing is a serious problem.

It`s simply too easy to over-fish while netting, and some people are tempted to exceed their 'Bag-Limit'

Remember Rex Hunt always used to kiss and release his excess catch after measuring and examining them. Anything you can do would be appreciated......

I know I can count on you....

02-05-09, 20:01
Woman gets the world's largest boob job (38KKK):


Each implant holds a GALLON of silicone.

Amp Guide
02-05-09, 20:25
Looks like the Catamaran that leaves on the Nude boose cruse out of Hedo II. i have been on the cruise. Its tons of fun. The sex on the nets are great. There was lots of action. You can see this anytime you go on the cruise. its tuesday and thrusday from Jamiaca.

Have fun all.

02-06-09, 03:05
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's SPAM policy prohibiting reports containing political commentary. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thank You!

02-06-09, 03:27
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's SPAM policy prohibiting reports containing political commentary. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thank You!

M13 Gunz
02-06-09, 19:15
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's SPAM policy prohibiting reports containing political commentary. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thank You!

A John
02-08-09, 05:41
I placed a sign in my front yard. I hope my neighbors are not offended.

A John
02-08-09, 05:44
Durex advertisement. This may infect be the best condom add I've seen.


02-08-09, 07:46
I don't quite have this in mind when the bartender asks me:

Import or Domestic?

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "it's Miller Time".


02-08-09, 10:45
Works every time!

A John
02-08-09, 10:52

If that's what their smoking these days, I'm really - really glad I quit 30 years ago. There ain't no way in HELL you'd catch me with one of those in my mouth!

02-09-09, 10:43
Cheerleader Tryouts.

02-09-09, 21:42
"...and on the left you'll see the boyhood home of Rush Limbaugh".

02-10-09, 17:29
I've heard of girls looking for a big knob but this is a little much...

M13 Gunz
02-10-09, 18:21
Liberals trying to lead.

02-10-09, 18:54
Cheerleader Tryouts.The real test is what they look like when she takes them out of her mouth.

02-12-09, 16:39
The car will be cheaper in the long run!

02-12-09, 23:16
Los Angeles, 1976.

At least spelling has improved since then (notice sign in the upper window).

02-13-09, 18:17
The car will be cheaper in the long run!

Added bonus for the car, if you decide to get rid of it the guy who takes it off your hands will give you some money for it. That tends not to happen with women.

Das Ubersoldat
02-14-09, 11:46
I've heard of girls looking for a big knob but this is a little much...

I've heard of women that are able to suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch, I just pictured it differently....

02-14-09, 13:19
Cupid is looking for you!

Larks Tongue
02-14-09, 20:57
I've heard of girls looking for a big knob but this is a little much...

I wonder how much good that Vag will be after that hitch is through with it?

02-15-09, 09:29
I wonder how much good that Vag will be after that hitch is through with it?
You'll never know it's been there. Don't forget babies come out of there and some of the tightest pussies I've ever had have had kids.

02-16-09, 17:00

A John
02-16-09, 21:29
The research has just been completed:

One thing about Hooters is:

9 out of 10 men prefer women with big hooters,

(and the 10th guy prefers the other 9 guys!)

If you are one of the straight 90%, then



A John
02-18-09, 23:23
Sign in Shafer Minnesota - Spreading the wealth around

For you city slickers, this is a manure spreader.

(For you 'enviros', it is an "organic waste recycling applicator" for "sustainable" agriculture practices)

P.S. This was the only implement John Deere ever made that

they would not stand behind!

02-19-09, 01:34
Liberals trying to lead.

Why do you hate America? Why do you disrespect the office of the President?


02-19-09, 18:35

I just do not understand my wife. My neighbor was out training her dog! And. Guess what? ! I got yelled at for watching her train her dog!

Sir Loin
02-19-09, 21:11
You'll never know it's been there. Don't forget babies come out of there and some of the tightest pussies I've ever had have had kids.Not all pussy bounces back though. LOL, there are some that lose the tread on their tires after pumping out a kid or two.

Mac Dre33
02-20-09, 16:33

I just do not understand my wife. My neighbor was out training her dog! And. Guess what? ! I got yelled at for watching her train her dog!Surely, you jest. She's not your wife, and this was a lame attempt at a joke. Nice picture though!

M13 Gunz
02-20-09, 18:54
Why do you hate America? Why do you disrespect the office of the President?


You have it absolutely wrong. I don't hate America, I love it more than you can imagine. That's why I'm very disappointed in what was chosen to be president. Socialism now reigns.

A John
02-20-09, 19:29
How to Spot A deer hunter ,

With A DUI Conviction

There aren't a thousand words that could replace this picture............

02-21-09, 06:34
Did you guys hear, Tom Cruise is going to release a new Mission "fucking" Impossible movie this Summer 2009. He stars with his wife Katie Holmes. Damn she sure let herself go after her pregnancy, that pregnancy weight is sure hard to get rid of. Here is the trailer:



A John
02-21-09, 09:50
Can't we all just get along!


02-22-09, 13:08

The math on the Paul McCartney-Heather Mills divorce is as follows:

After 5 years of marriage, he paid her $49 million.

Assuming he got sex every night during their 5 year relationship it ended up costing him $26,849 per time.


On the other hand, New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's hooker, Kristen, an absolute stunner with a body like no other, charges $4,000 an hour. For anything!


Had Paul McCartney "employed" Kristen for 5 years, he would have paid $7.3 million for an hour of sex every night for 5 years (a $41.7 million savings).

Value-added benefits are: a 22 year old hot babe, no begging, no coaxing, never a
headache, plays all requests, no bitching and complaining or 'honey-do' lists. Best of all, she leaves when you're done, and comes back when asked. All at 1/7th the cost, and no legal fees.

Sometimes leasing just makes more sense!

A John
02-22-09, 17:20
Nothing left to live for........

02-23-09, 13:54
Ever since I retired, I've been searching for that "just right" volunteer job. I just want to give back to the community a little something. I looked around a long time and think I might of found it. It had to be one where I didn't feel like it was a chore. Something enjoyable.

Something a little different from the ordinary day-in, day-out routine. At last I am truly comfortable being a volunteer. I no longer feel like my talents are being wasted on non-meaning, irrelevant trivialities. I do feel good again. I can't wait to get to work each day!

Larks Tongue
02-23-09, 14:31

The math on the Paul McCartney-Heather Mills divorce is as follows:

After 5 years of marriage, he paid her $49 million.

Assuming he got sex every night during their 5 year relationship it ended up costing him $26,849 per time.


On the other hand, New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's hooker, Kristen, an absolute stunner with a body like no other, charges $4,000 an hour. For anything!


Had Paul McCartney "employed" Kristen for 5 years, he would have paid $7.3 million for an hour of sex every night for 5 years (a $41.7 million savings).

Value-added benefits are: a 22 year old hot babe, no begging, no coaxing, never a
headache, plays all requests, no bitching and complaining or 'honey-do' lists. Best of all, she leaves when you're done, and comes back when asked. All at 1/7th the cost, and no legal fees.

Sometimes leasing just makes more sense!

I couldn't agree more about this. When the whole Heidi Fleiss thing came out and Charlie Sheen's name was on the list they had asked him why he does it. He said that he doesn't pay for the women to come to him, he pays to have them leave. A lot cheaper in the long run.

02-23-09, 15:34
You have it absolutely wrong. I don't hate America, I love it more than you can imagine. That's why I'm very disappointed in what was chosen to be president. Socialism now reigns.

First of all, "what was chosen to be president." If you think you aren't disrespecting the office of the president by referring to him as Mr. President, or even the President instead of what, you are mistaken. What is an object. It is disrespectful to refer to a president, especially in a time of war, that way. By disrespecting the man, you disrespect the office and you disrespect your country.

Second of all, socialism is where the government provides a safety net to it's citizens. And frankly I can't think of anything more socialist than giving billions to failed and failing companies that deliberately ruined the economy and are still trying to shaft regular folks with the bill. Socialism of a corporate stripe is what we have had for a long time and it is time to pull the plug. Feel free to disagree with me about what I am calling it, but the only other label that fits is fascism. Take your pick. Try to miss your nose.

So my original question stands, only this time not so tongue in cheek. WHy do you hate America? You know, maybe you don't. Maybe you DO LOVE it as much as you say. Perhaps as much as Timothy McVeigh does?


One Time
02-23-09, 16:50
New movie playing in Washington. The lead will be there for 4 more years although supporting roles can be recast in two.

Yes these replaced the previous three stooges: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld

A John
02-23-09, 22:26
I Don't Care Who You Are, This Is Funny! Do You Remember When You Were A Kid And Your Parents Lined You Up Against
A Door Frame To Mark How Tall You Were And Dated The Mark?
Well, This Cartoon Brings A Whole New Perspective To That Exercise!

Laughter Will Keep You Young At Heart!

02-25-09, 09:59
Always adjust your mirrors.

02-25-09, 12:25
Things are getting rough out there.

Sir Loin
02-25-09, 14:21

that is hillarious especially w/ the sound fx

LOL @ 23 secs in the blue one spanks the pink one

Durex advertisement. This may infect be the best condom add I've seen.


KC Questor
02-26-09, 12:22
What you DON'T want to see through that glory hole:


02-26-09, 20:55
Why I'm not flying Northwest Airlines anymore:


Hell On Wls
02-26-09, 22:35
Bet woman love this airline!

Why I'm not flying Northwest Airlines anymore:


02-27-09, 16:13
How to serve chicken wings to a Man:

Orlando J
02-28-09, 02:39

02-28-09, 06:16
Yes these replaced the previous three stooges: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld

Check out this movie from Netflix. It is faster than blockbuster online. It will piss you off about Cheny and Rumsfield. George Bush is just the biggest scapegoat ever.

A John
02-28-09, 07:12
CurtisMoto69 MOVIE?????????
Did I miss something? I don`t see a movie name or link or is that the joke?

Help me out

Check out this movie from Netflix. It is faster than blockbuster online. It will piss you off about Cheny and Rumsfield. George Bush is just the biggest scapegoat ever.

A John
02-28-09, 10:30
Just something to hopefully bring a smile to someone else

Quality Junk
03-04-09, 10:46
USS Barrack Obama

KC Questor
03-05-09, 22:24
CurtisMoto69 MOVIE?????????
Did I miss something? I don`t see a movie name or link or is that the joke?

Help me out

The name of the movie is in the title of the post (although it is misspelled):

No End in Sight (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0912593/).

However I think we all missed the joke. Just another person using the "Jokes" and "Humorous Photos" threads for political ranting.

A John
03-06-09, 06:29
Duaaaaa witch way did he go, witch way did he go. lol That one got by me.

Tks KC

The name of the movie is in the title of the post (although it is misspelled):

No End in Sight (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0912593/).

However I think we all missed the joke. Just another person using the "Jokes" and "Humorous Photos" threads for political ranting.

03-07-09, 14:42
What are the mathematical chances of having a second good luck in only 2 days?

This guy wins Lotto on a Wednesday, and then finds a fiancé just 2 days later.

03-07-09, 14:45
You want me to sniff THAT ?!?

A John
03-07-09, 18:25
Another Example Of An Asshole On A Motorcycle . . .

03-08-09, 09:19
Pussy. It's not just for dick inserting anymore.



A John
03-08-09, 18:54
Need sex....................

03-08-09, 21:34
Pussy. It's not just for dick inserting anymore.



You know it's fake right?

Notice how the distance between her tits and her "pussy" changes.

03-09-09, 07:08
Need sex....................

Great shirt. But next time you are wearing it look behind you.

I won't be a government guy you see there, but a banker doing some rumpy pumpy. He'll steal your pants when he is done. And then ask you to bail him out.

A John
03-09-09, 07:36
He needs government for his bail out with our money lol

then ask you to bail him out.

A John
03-10-09, 05:55
The Cat in heat again

A John
03-10-09, 17:30
Are you expecting a heart wrenching story about a cat that got run over by a truck, lost a leg, dragged himself 100 miles after being bitten by a snake

W R O N G.

Mac Dre33
03-11-09, 19:09
Are you expecting a heart wrenching story about a cat that got run over by a truck, lost a leg, dragged himself 100 miles after being bitten by a snake

W R O N G.FTW!!!

R I G H T.

A John
03-11-09, 19:28
And we call these creatures animals!!!

03-11-09, 22:23
And we call these creatures animals!!!

Great pics. I loved the ones about the cats too.

Dude, you are sick and twisted, but in a good way.


03-12-09, 19:00
This logo should be on all appropriate providers (as is the USDA meat logo) for our benefit!

A John
03-13-09, 10:50
The perfect woman

03-14-09, 03:55
LMAO i seen something similar at walmart is said **** on her undies

Wal-Mart shopper tries to nick the Smiley face and get it out of the store under her dress.

03-15-09, 06:49
Mom thinks "Where the hell did I leave that damn baby bottle".

Kid thinks "Im not hungry anymore! Here cums this mornings milk out the wrong way".



03-15-09, 20:56
The perfect womanOmg. That is one funny ass pic! Thank you for the killer laugh. I'm gonna have to share this with all my friends.

03-18-09, 16:40
A magician this crowd can appreciate;


03-18-09, 17:04
Catching the bouquet is a sure way to be the next married!

A John
03-18-09, 21:21
There Are Two Basic Types Of

1. Yoga From India
2. Yoga From West Virginia

03-19-09, 17:40
A magician this crowd can appreciate;

It is obvious she keeps stuffing the handkerchief into flesh-colored pocket on her right palm, that's why her right hand is always in whichever piece of clothing she pulls the hankie out of. But the last "hankie pull" was done with one hand -- so I think she had it in her pussy all along.

Benchseats Rock
03-19-09, 19:14
It is obvious she keeps stuffing the handkerchief into flesh-colored pocket on her right palm, that's why her right hand is always in whichever piece of clothing she pulls the hankie out of. But the last "hankie pull" was done with one hand -- so I think she had it in her pussy all along.

Really? I was just enjoying the show.
I'll bet you're the kind of guy who goes into explaining how sausage gets made at a BBQ. People don't want to hear that sort of thing, they just wanna eat.


03-19-09, 19:49
Really? I was just enjoying the show.

I'll bet you're the kind of guy who goes into explaining how sausage gets made at a BBQ. People don't want to hear that sort of thing, they just wanna eat.

BenchYes, We all like to eat pussy, but I try to not think about what else that pussy has done and where it's been.

03-19-09, 20:45
There Are Two Basic Types Of

1. Yoga From India
2. Yoga From West Virginia

If these are West Virginians, they obviously know a thing or 2 about the Dominican Republic. <Presidente beer>

Rob Roy
03-19-09, 22:02
The perfect woman

Not if you are the kind of guy who likes big tits.

Bird of Prey
03-20-09, 00:55
You are either as fond of crack as Wendy is OR You may be suffering from Sexual Addiction. Either way... GET HELP!

Orlando J
03-20-09, 03:14
If they kept the boobs and maybe the mouth!
The perfect woman

Nells M All
03-20-09, 22:46
You better watch again. She stuffs it in her left hand not right. Yes her right hand is in her cloths but not her left hand the one she stuffed it in. And I paused it and played it frame by frame and I still can't tell what the hell she does.

KC Questor
03-21-09, 16:53
Anyone want to go see a movie. It is a sequel to an Oscar winner that (frankly) I never saw. The sequel looks interesting though.

03-21-09, 20:06
If they kept the boobs and maybe the mouth!That mouth with vocal cords ruins most women.

03-22-09, 06:43
Dinner, the most important meal of the day.
