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Bluffcity Guy
06-21-09, 12:57
And the picture.

I'm kicking myself now that I didn't go into a line of work that would give me virtually unlimited hobby money; I really wish I could have afforded to have that dream...

A reason to go to Toledo, I suppose (unless she gets down this way again sometime). She'd been on my radar long before she announced her pregnancy. Thanks to your review I know she won't drop off it anytime soon.



06-21-09, 13:41
And the picture.

I'm kicking myself now that I didn't go into a line of work that would give me virtually unlimited hobby money; I really wish I could have afforded to have that dream...

A reason to go to Toledo, I suppose (unless she gets down this way again sometime). She'd been on my radar long before she announced her pregnancy. Thanks to your review I know she won't drop off it anytime soon.


I wish I had a job like that too! I don't, which is why I seldom get to partake and it has to either be a crazy extra special rate, something really different (preggo etc) or someone especially new for me to get the wallet out.

This one was well worth it!


Trac Girl Luvr
06-21-09, 15:53
With all the incorrect and sometimes foolish/misleading info that I read on this site, it is good to see that someone has a clue.

Be safe (knowledge is the most powerful weapon).I agree with you Funster knowledge is power and in this biz it pays to be knowledgable in every area as well as havig street smarts, thank you for informing those who dont know.

Be Safe, Be Careful, Be Naughty

Toasty Ears
06-21-09, 19:38
Dude all herpes are NOT sexually passed. If you've ever had the chicken pox or the mumps, you have the herpes. It's common knowledge that these are the Herpes Simplex Virus. Haven't you ever heard that once you have the chicken pox you really never get rid of them? Thats because there HSV. Also a cold sore or a fever blister no matter how mild or severe is the HSV. It doesn't mean it was sexually transmitted. Have you ever had the pox or the mumps? If so you can go to the doctor, and I bet you will test positive for herpes. Also they can test your fever blister or cold sore and tell you if its sexually transmitted.

People do more research and less assuming. Esp on topics like this. It's ashamed most people think the only way you get Herpes is from sex. They should also know if you've ever had the pox you carry the Herpes virus just the same.

My dollar for the day, look it up or ask your doctor for yourself, but still be safe out there.

Happy Fathers Day! I never claimed they were. I was trying to use some sarcasm poking fun at how people are all scared of getting herpes (the below waist version) when there isn't much concern about the above the waist version (spread mostly by kissing).

06-22-09, 03:03
I never claimed they were. I was trying to use some sarcasm poking fun at how people are all scared of getting herpes (the below waist version) when there isn't much concern about the above the waist version (spread mostly by kissing).
Gotcha;) roger on the kissing!

06-22-09, 12:14
After a over a week of anxious anticipation, I had a dream about a very pregnant Brooklyn Viceroy from Toledo/Detroit last night. She and Sexy Sasha (lactating) will be leaving Memphis tomorrow night.

She checked my references in advance which made setting the appointment easy. She emailed me late Friday night and let me know she was in town. I called her yesterday and finalized the arrangement. She used the standard two call system. She has a nice two room suite at a location in east Memphis. Upon arriving, she opened the door and I walked in to dimmed lights, candle light, and soft music. I was greeted with a smile, big hug and a little kiss. She offered me several types of soda or bottled water. She was wearing a t-shirt and panties, just as I had requested. We sat on the couch and had a very intellectual conversation; a pleasant surprise. She is very well spoken and a true-to-the-word soccer mom. She is the attractive 30’s lady that you meet in an office somewhere. I think there were a few DFK’s in there too.

After a few minutes of talking we moved to the bedroom and laid down. We talked a little more and made out like high school lovers. She kissed me softly and gently teased my package until I warmed up a little. At my request, she slid down for a slow, deep and sensual BBBJ. She took her time and left nothing untouched or unlicked to include running her tongue up from the bottom of my balls to the base of my shaft. After several minutes I told her I was ready for her to climb on top. She covered me up by slipping it on with her mouth, a nice touch. She rode me with her huge tits and meaty nipple swinging back and forth. After riding and grinding me to near completion, I told her I wanted to finish doggy. She was super wet and either really really loves to have sex or she is very good at faking it. We positioned ourselves in front of the mirrored closet doors so I could again watch her huge tits swing back and forth with every thrust. As I would thrust into her, she would squeeze her pussy to meet me. I didn’t last long, and came really hard. I think I may have had a tourettes moment even. She pulled the cover off and took it away, returning with a warm wash cloth, which she used to clean me up.

We chatted some more as we got dressed. She was in no hurry and never mentioned or even touched the donation I had laid on the counter when I arrived. Except during the heat of sex, I don’t think she ever stopped smiling and it always seemed a genuine smile. As I left she hugged and kissed me again like she was a loving wife sending her husband off to work. This was likely the best experience I have had.

She is the, “I forgot it was a service” type and is a 10 across the board in my book. She earned and deserved the 3.0 she asks. The duo with lactating Sasha is 5.0 if you are looking for that too.



(The below pic is from her website)

I can't wait to meet her. I wonder if she will offer lactation sessions after the baby arrives?

Large Balls
06-22-09, 12:31
I can't wait to meet her. I wonder if she will offer lactation sessions after the baby arrives?Dude,

You must miss your mommy. That is disgusting. Not quite sure how dudes can get off with a prego chick. I'm sorry but that just nasty.

06-22-09, 13:54
She got popped once in North Mississippi, then the local Leo got her back in late April. She pled guilty, paid her fine, but apparently had some outstanding warrants elsewhere and was held for extradition.

SLShe was in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, the last time I saw here was about 2 weeks ago.

Sweet Melissa
06-22-09, 15:20
Greetings my fellow board members. I am happy to report that I am NOT writing from 201 Poplar. I had my first experience with what may very well have been a vice officer trying to catch me. But, I guess I am the gingerbread man because catch me he did NOT!

Standard procedure was followed. He had to send me a photo. E-mail a few times back and forth, talk on the phone and set up a face to face in public. I'm really glad I never discuss donations in terms of dollars. Because I guess that may have been a deal breaker and I would have ended up in the pokey. Anyway. We met at a local establishment. And part of my process is making you drink an adult beverage with me. He declines. Said he had to go back to work and this was just an initial meeting before we actually got together. RED FLAG! But I took him at his word and continued with a very nice lunch, conversation and such. He asked me several times what I offered and I always said "all inclusive". He kept pushing for specific DETAILS. Another RED FLAG! I told him I didn't talk about specifics until we were alone, but he could imagine that it was anything he wanted. I excused myself to use the restroom and as I was leaving the table a man from a few tables over walked up to him and shook his hand. I continued to the restroom. As I returned, the man from the other table left without speaking to me and I finished the lunch. All my senses were on high now and every move this guy made and every word he said were being processed through the spidey senses. He never took his jacket off. He never touched me. When the bill was paid he walked me to my car and under normal circumstances I would hug and kiss anyone I was considering a playdate with. This guy actually backed away from me as I stepped in to give him a hug and kiss. He stated that it was in public and he didn't want my perfume on him. Welll. I don't wear perfume and I was parked in a back corner spot. RED FLAG! I'm not stupid. I said goodbye. He wanted me to give him prices and when he could see me for the real thing. I told him to call or e-mail and we would talk another time. I drove away. But not too far away. I watched him climb into a big black car that could easily have been LEO (antenea and all). Watched him drive away. And watched him pull into the parking lot across the street and pull next to another car which was no doubt a white undercover car (antenae and all)and talked with the girl driving it for nearly 10 minutes. I wish I had a camera on my cell phone because this guy was good looking and I would bet my last dollar he was trying to bust me. NOTE to all providers. Never talk details and trust your gut. I could be wrong. But I think I just dodged a bullet. Needless to say. My already strict screening process is going to become even more difficult! At least I got a really nice meal on Uncle leo's dime! HAHA!

Play safe,



06-22-09, 17:48

You must miss your mommy. That is disgusting. Not quite sure how dudes can get off with a prego chick. I'm sorry but that just nasty.Please come back when you have something useful to contribute. You have 7 posts consisting of questions and worthless comments like this one. You have contributed nothing of value to anyone here and this particular post serves no purpose but to antagonize. You're not off to a great start here. Please refrain from wasting any more of our time.

By the looks of her schedule, it's hard to tell. Sasha, her traveing partner, is offering lactation now.

Trac Girl Luvr
06-22-09, 19:56
Greetings my fellow board members. I am happy to report that I am NOT writing from 201 Poplar. I had my first experience with what may very well have been a vice officer trying to catch me. But, I guess I am the gingerbread man because catch me he did NOT!

Standard procedure was followed. He had to send me a photo. E-mail a few times back and forth, talk on the phone and set up a face to face in public. I'm really glad I never discuss donations in terms of dollars. Because I guess that may have been a deal breaker and I would have ended up in the pokey. Anyway. We met at a local establishment. And part of my process is making you drink an adult beverage with me. He declines. Said he had to go back to work and this was just an initial meeting before we actually got together. RED FLAG! But I took him at his word and continued with a very nice lunch, conversation and such. He asked me several times what I offered and I always said "all inclusive". He kept pushing for specific DETAILS. Another RED FLAG! I told him I didn't talk about specifics until we were alone, but he could imagine that it was anything he wanted. I excused myself to use the restroom and as I was leaving the table a man from a few tables over walked up to him and shook his hand. I continued to the restroom. As I returned, the man from the other table left without speaking to me and I finished the lunch. All my senses were on high now and every move this guy made and every word he said were being processed through the spidey senses. He never took his jacket off. He never touched me. When the bill was paid he walked me to my car and under normal circumstances I would hug and kiss anyone I was considering a playdate with. This guy actually backed away from me as I stepped in to give him a hug and kiss. He stated that it was in public and he didn't want my perfume on him. Welll. I don't wear perfume and I was parked in a back corner spot. RED FLAG! I'm not stupid. I said goodbye. He wanted me to give him prices and when he could see me for the real thing. I told him to call or e-mail and we would talk another time. I drove away. But not too far away. I watched him climb into a big black car that could easily have been LEO (antenea and all). Watched him drive away. And watched him pull into the parking lot across the street and pull next to another car which was no doubt a white undercover car (antenae and all)and talked with the girl driving it for nearly 10 minutes. I wish I had a camera on my cell phone because this guy was good looking and I would bet my last dollar he was trying to bust me. NOTE to all providers. Never talk details and trust your gut. I could be wrong. But I think I just dodged a bullet. Needless to say. My already strict screening process is going to become even more difficult! At least I got a really nice meal on Uncle leo's dime! HAHA!

Play safe,


MelissaOnce again,

Things that make you say WTF!

Be Safe, Be Careful, & Be Naughty

x0x0x0x ERICA x0x0x0x

06-22-09, 20:00
Greetings my fellow board members. I am happy to report that I am NOT writing from 201 Poplar. I had my first experience with what may very well have been a vice officer trying to catch me. But, I guess I am the gingerbread man because catch me he did NOT!

Needless to say. My already strict screening process is going to become even more difficult! At least I got a really nice meal on Uncle leo's dime! HAHA!

Play safe,



Thanks for the information. Glad you made it out. I hope you shared this info with your fellow providers so this particular A**hole will be S.O.L. next time he's on the prowl.

What really irks me is how much taxpayer money these buttwipes use on this nonsense.

Sweet Melissa
06-22-09, 20:41
Please come back when you have something useful to contribute. You have 7 posts consisting of questions and worthless comments like this one. You have contributed nothing of value to anyone here and this particular post serves no purpose but to antagonize. You're not off to a great start here. Please refrain from wasting any more of our time.


By the looks of her schedule, it's hard to tell. Sasha, her traveing partner, is offering lactation now.

RetPregnant women are NOT. I repeat. NOT nasty. What the f*ck? Sensation is hightened. You get wetter and more turned on. I'm not usually the first person to stick up for Retskir (personal reasons). But I am disgusted by your opinion that women with babies in their bellies are gross. There is no Mommy issue. That came from your own head. A woman with child is soft and glowing and hard to resist. YOU my friend are an ignorant a**hole and I don't normally agree with Ret. F*ck off and find another board. Because something tells me your days here are numbered!


06-22-09, 21:05
Greetings my fellow board members. I am happy to report that I am NOT writing from 201 Poplar. I had my first experience with what may very well have been a vice officer trying to catch me. But, I guess I am the gingerbread man because catch me he did NOT!

Standard procedure was followed. He had to send me a photo. E-mail a few times back and forth, talk on the phone and set up a face to face in public. I'm really glad I never discuss donations in terms of dollars. Because I guess that may have been a deal breaker and I would have ended up in the pokey. Anyway. We met at a local establishment. And part of my process is making you drink an adult beverage with me. He declines. Said he had to go back to work and this was just an initial meeting before we actually got together. RED FLAG! But I took him at his word and continued with a very nice lunch, conversation and such. He asked me several times what I offered and I always said "all inclusive". He kept pushing for specific DETAILS. Another RED FLAG! I told him I didn't talk about specifics until we were alone, but he could imagine that it was anything he wanted. I excused myself to use the restroom and as I was leaving the table a man from a few tables over walked up to him and shook his hand. I continued to the restroom. As I returned, the man from the other table left without speaking to me and I finished the lunch. All my senses were on high now and every move this guy made and every word he said were being processed through the spidey senses. He never took his jacket off. He never touched me. When the bill was paid he walked me to my car and under normal circumstances I would hug and kiss anyone I was considering a playdate with. This guy actually backed away from me as I stepped in to give him a hug and kiss. He stated that it was in public and he didn't want my perfume on him. Welll. I don't wear perfume and I was parked in a back corner spot. RED FLAG! I'm not stupid. I said goodbye. He wanted me to give him prices and when he could see me for the real thing. I told him to call or e-mail and we would talk another time. I drove away. But not too far away. I watched him climb into a big black car that could easily have been LEO (antenea and all). Watched him drive away. And watched him pull into the parking lot across the street and pull next to another car which was no doubt a white undercover car (antenae and all)and talked with the girl driving it for nearly 10 minutes. I wish I had a camera on my cell phone because this guy was good looking and I would bet my last dollar he was trying to bust me. NOTE to all providers. Never talk details and trust your gut. I could be wrong. But I think I just dodged a bullet. Needless to say. My already strict screening process is going to become even more difficult! At least I got a really nice meal on Uncle leo's dime! HAHA!

Play safe,



It's hard to say for sure, but you do know, don't you, that undercover cops ARE allowed to take a drink or two when they are doing undercover entrapment schemes right? You shouldn't use that as any sort of clue whatsoever. I'm sure people also know that cops are allowed to lie to you as well, like if you straight out ask them if they are a cop, they can tell you, "No, I'm not a stinking pig." and that is fine.

I see you said he was good looking, I guess that's what you have to be to get a date with you. I wasn't good looking enough to get a date with you when I sent you my picture a couple months ago.

Trac Girl Luvr
06-22-09, 21:20
It's hard to say for sure, but you do know, don't you, that undercover cops ARE allowed to take a drink or two when they are doing undercover entrapment schemes right? You shouldn't use that as any sort of clue whatsoever. I'm sure people also know that cops are allowed to lie to you as well, like if you straight out ask them if they are a cop, they can tell you, "No, I'm not a stinking pig." and that is fine.

I see you said he was good looking, I guess that's what you have to be to get a date with you. I wasn't good looking enough to get a date with you when I sent you my picture a couple months ago.First of al it has been my expierence and I have alot, that if an undercover LE went to all that trouble, anindividualwould of never left the resturantwithout new jewelry The fact of the matter is that LE rarely goes to all that trouble for one idividual unless there is something else going on with that provider like theft blackmail etc. It is very hard for me to beleive they are going to go to all that trouble for just a simple arrest. Maybe there is more to make that person a LE target ummm. Also not eveyone is LE because they don't drink or want to get a hug in public espically when a person comes up and shakes his habd in public he must be well known I mean common sense is good but a good provider thinks like a good provider and MAYBE after he got to the resturant he did not like the menu and was to much of a gentlemen to say so in words but did so in actions.

Sweet Melissa
06-22-09, 21:25
It's hard to say for sure, but you do know, don't you, that undercover cops ARE allowed to take a drink or two when they are doing undercover entrapment schemes right? You shouldn't use that as any sort of clue whatsoever. I'm sure people also know that cops are allowed to lie to you as well, like if you straight out ask them if they are a cop, they can tell you, "No, I'm not a stinking pig." and that is fine.

I see you said he was good looking, I guess that's what you have to be to get a date with you. I wasn't good looking enough to get a date with you when I sent you my picture a couple months ago.It depends on what your definition of "good looking" is. I don't recall your photo and I delete them as soon as I view them. Please don't take it personally. I don't have a "type" but I know what I like when I see it. I know LEO can ahve a drink. And I know they can lie. But I also know they can't touch. Especially if there might be another person (waitress/customers at the other table) who can testify that they were physical with me. My strategy might not be perfect. But I think it's alot better than just giving out my phone number and location to anyone who claims to have the donation handy. (personal opinion) We all conduct our business in a different way. Mongering is pretty straight forward. Providing takes a little manuvering. We don't all operate the same way. LADIES. PM me if you want to know his screename/phone number. If he ends up being legit with other providers. Then I apologize. But you can't be toooooo carefull. I can only go on my own instinct and my own experiences.



06-22-09, 23:42
We met at a local establishment. And part of my process is making you drink an adult beverage with me. He declines. Said he had to go back to work and this was just an initial meeting before we actually got together. RED FLAG!

Play safe,


Glad you were careful and things do sound odd but there are several reason not to drink, I myself don't drink, so I hope you don't put a lot of stock in that as a red flag.

For me the reason is personal and I'd hate to know that that would keep me from getting to see you if I went through you process.

06-23-09, 00:33
Greetings my fellow board members. I am happy to report that I am NOT writing from 201 Poplar. I had my first experience with what may very well have been a vice officer trying to catch me. But, I guess I am the gingerbread man because catch me he did NOT!

Standard procedure was followed. He had to send me a photo. E-mail a few times back and forth, talk on the phone and set up a face to face in public. I'm really glad I never discuss donations in terms of dollars. Because I guess that may have been a deal breaker and I would have ended up in the pokey. Anyway. We met at a local establishment. And part of my process is making you drink an adult beverage with me. He declines. Said he had to go back to work and this was just an initial meeting before we actually got together. RED FLAG! But I took him at his word and continued with a very nice lunch, conversation and such. He asked me several times what I offered and I always said "all inclusive". He kept pushing for specific DETAILS. Another RED FLAG! I told him I didn't talk about specifics until we were alone, but he could imagine that it was anything he wanted. I excused myself to use the restroom and as I was leaving the table a man from a few tables over walked up to him and shook his hand. I continued to the restroom. As I returned, the man from the other table left without speaking to me and I finished the lunch. All my senses were on high now and every move this guy made and every word he said were being processed through the spidey senses. He never took his jacket off. He never touched me. When the bill was paid he walked me to my car and under normal circumstances I would hug and kiss anyone I was considering a playdate with. This guy actually backed away from me as I stepped in to give him a hug and kiss. He stated that it was in public and he didn't want my perfume on him. Welll. I don't wear perfume and I was parked in a back corner spot. RED FLAG! I'm not stupid. I said goodbye. He wanted me to give him prices and when he could see me for the real thing. I told him to call or e-mail and we would talk another time. I drove away. But not too far away. I watched him climb into a big black car that could easily have been LEO (antenea and all). Watched him drive away. And watched him pull into the parking lot across the street and pull next to another car which was no doubt a white undercover car (antenae and all)and talked with the girl driving it for nearly 10 minutes. I wish I had a camera on my cell phone because this guy was good looking and I would bet my last dollar he was trying to bust me. NOTE to all providers. Never talk details and trust your gut. I could be wrong. But I think I just dodged a bullet. Needless to say. My already strict screening process is going to become even more difficult! At least I got a really nice meal on Uncle leo's dime! HAHA!

Play safe,



Keep three things in mind:

1 LEO is not permitted to entrap an innocent mind. LEO must show the person they entrap is a person who has shown a propensity to do the deed.

2. A woman advertising escort services shows she is in this line of work. That is propensity to do the deed and that becomes legal permission for LEO to entrap her. So any woman advertising escort services is fair game for LEO.

3 Get this - Melissa identified herself as the woman in the advertising as soon as she met the guy at the agreed time and place. Melissa can be legally entrapped into saying the wrong thing into the concealed tape recorder. She can be entrapped into leaving the hotel coffee shop and heading upstairs for an hour of play time.

The mistake here was allowing the meet and greet do take on too much, so it lasted too long and things went too far. Notice Melissa had to dodge and weave on several sensitive subjects. If he was LEO a concealed tape recorder would have been running and this would have been a carnival shooting gallery with Melissa the duck. I'm glad she got away, but it was too close for comfort.

Let me suggest that a meet and greet should a mere look-see, no more than two people over a quick cup of coffee at Starbucks. When the first cup is downed, the meet and greet is over.

Follow me using this illustration. Melissa is leaving her hotel to catch a taxi to the airport. Another guest, a gent, is doing the same exact thing, but there is only one taxi. So they agree to share the taxi for the 15 minute ride to the airport. What would they talk about enroute? Chit-chat over the weather and what they like to do in good weather. That's a good 15 minute talk and that's it. Melissa should down her coffee at that point, shake his hand and depart saying, "Gotta go."

If Melissa is going to use meet and greets, this quickie look-see is enough to wet the appetite of any hobbyist. If he liked the look, he'll email to schedule. He found her once, he'll find her again. If his appetite was not wetted, he won't schedule anyway. If he is LEO, no harm was done by a brief conversation over the weather. It is that simple.

I hope nobody thinks a meet and greet can be used to screen out LEO. That is playing with fire.

Stocking Lover
06-23-09, 14:24

you must miss your mommy. that is disgusting. not quite sure how dudes can get off with a prego chick. i'm sorry but that just nasty.you know me. i had to stick my.02 in on this one. large balls, what difference does it make to you whether ret likes to tap pregnant women? it's not anything that excites me, but the great thing about sex is we all have different things that get us off. hell. fetishes make the world go round. i've made it no secret that a woman in stockings and heels is my thing. you may think its weird. i personally don't give a fuck. what a guy, or girl for that matter, finds sexy is their own personal business. as long as it doesn't involve **** people, to each his own. i personally used to thing that trips to the greek isles were kind of nasty until i had a provider tell me "i need you to come over and fuck me hard up the ass today". i obliged and found out it was indeed a pleasurable experience. i guess the moral of this post is. don't knock it 'til you try it.


06-23-09, 16:47
you know me...i had to stick my .02 in on this one. large balls, what difference does it make to you whether ret likes to tap pregnant women? it's not anything that excites me, but the great thing about sex is we all have different things that get us off. hell...fetishes make the world go round. i've made it no secret that a woman in stockings and heels is my thing. you may think its weird...i personally don't give a fuck. what a guy, or girl for that matter, finds sexy is their own personal business. as long as it doesn't involve **** people, to each his own. i personally used to thing that trips to the greek isles were kind of nasty until i had a provider tell me "i need you to come over and fuck me hard up the ass today". i obliged and found out it was indeed a pleasurable experience. i guess the moral of this post is ...don't knock it 'til you try it.

sli got to stick my.02 in also. i love a woman in stocking and high heels also. also i like to bb pregnant women. put my load in there. if she's pg you know good well its clean. i would also do a daty. i've known it to taste very good. about 10 yrs ago i was introduced to greek. girl said wait a minute back out. she took hold of it and said push. damn it was tight and very good.

i like it too sl you the man.


Miss Bliss
06-23-09, 17:13
I don't post often, but this is getting interesting. I don't begrudge anyone their fetishes or fantasies. So, let's hear it from everyone. What is your unfulfilled fantasy? I'll start this one.

I would love a threesome with a man and a fully functional, very passable tranny and my man. Being as bi as I am it would give me the ultimate feminine and masculine all in one.

Another one. My husband and I have been in the swinging lifestyle for years. And although we have been in many couple swapping and group sex situations, I would love to see him covered in several hot women who are focused only on his sexual pleasure. I am very much a voyeur and I love watching him f**k other women.

My husband has an unusual fetish that it is a bit hard to bring to fruition. He wants a midget. The only midget provider I have found is in texas somewhere. I don't particularly "get" his fetish, but it is his fetish and who am I to judge? We all have our dirty little secrets. So come on, let's hear some of them!

06-23-09, 22:04
I don't post often, but this is getting interesting. I don't begrudge anyone their fetishes or fantasies. So, let's hear it from everyone. What is your unfulfilled fantasy? I'll start this one.

I would love a threesome with a man and a fully functional, very passable tranny and my man. Being as bi as I am it would give me the ultimate feminine and masculine all in one.

Another one. My husband and I have been in the swinging lifestyle for years. And although we have been in many couple swapping and group sex situations, I would love to see him covered in several hot women who are focused only on his sexual pleasure. I am very much a voyeur and I love watching him f**k other women.

My husband has an unusual fetish that it is a bit hard to bring to fruition. He wants a midget. The only midget provider I have found is in texas somewhere. I don't particularly "get" his fetish, but it is his fetish and who am I to judge? We all have our dirty little secrets. So come on, let's hear some of them!

The only thing better than a pregnant woman, it TWO pregnant women!


Bluffcity Guy
06-24-09, 05:37
I don't post often, but this is getting interesting. I don't begrudge anyone their fetishes or fantasies. So, let's hear it from everyone. What is your unfulfilled fantasy?I hate to disappoint you, but I'm at a stage of my life (two failed marriages, a failed relationship or two and an extended (several years') drought in the relationship area) where getting a strange woman to smile at me is pretty much my idea of fantasy fulfillment right now... A few more months of this and I'll be at the, "What is this thing you call... 'sex'?" stage.

Pitiful, I know.



Cat Daddy #2
06-24-09, 11:17
I hate to disappoint you, but I'm at a stage of my life (two failed marriages, a failed relationship or two and an extended (several years') drought in the relationship area) where getting a strange woman to smile at me is pretty much my idea of fantasy fulfillment right now... A few more months of this and I'll be at the, "What is this thing you call... 'sex'?" stage.

Pitiful, I know.



Its all good BG. Just stick around here man. I enjoy seeing your posts and hearing about your adventures.

06-24-09, 12:47
I don't post often, but this is getting interesting. I don't begrudge anyone their fetishes or fantasies. So, let's hear it from everyone. What is your unfulfilled fantasy? I'll start this one.

I would love a threesome with a man and a fully functional, very passable tranny and my man. Being as bi as I am it would give me the ultimate feminine and masculine all in one.

Another one. My husband and I have been in the swinging lifestyle for years. And although we have been in many couple swapping and group sex situations, I would love to see him covered in several hot women who are focused only on his sexual pleasure. I am very much a voyeur and I love watching him f**k other women.

My husband has an unusual fetish that it is a bit hard to bring to fruition. He wants a midget. The only midget provider I have found is in texas somewhere. I don't particularly "get" his fetish, but it is his fetish and who am I to judge? We all have our dirty little secrets. So come on, let's hear some of them!
I can dig the midget myself! :)

06-24-09, 12:59

You must miss your mommy. That is disgusting. Not quite sure how dudes can get off with a prego chick. I'm sorry but that just nasty.
Dude preggy pussy is the best pussy! Are you kidding me or what? It stays wet,and its way warmer than the norm. Grow up!

Banger Hard
06-24-09, 14:15
My husband has an unusual fetish that it is a bit hard to bring to fruition. He wants a midget. The only midget provider I have found is in texas somewhere. We all have our dirty little secrets. So come on, let's hear some of them!I think barebacking a prenant midget while you licked my balls would be pretty freakin awesome.... Might even be able to sell videos of that :-)

06-24-09, 15:58
May I start by saying where have all the fun pepole gone? I mean what the heck is going on? This is crazy has le scared everyone? I don't understand how they can put a stop to alot of pepole having clean safe funn! But I think if we stick to the ONES we already know. Then we'll be safe & be able to contiune to enjoy one another.

So if you would like to meet just PM me and we can meet.

06-24-09, 17:18
I think barebacking a prenant midget while you licked my balls would be pretty freakin awesome.... Might even be able to sell videos of that :-)You owe me 1 Microsoft Wireless Laser 5000 series keyboard and a new 20oz Mountain Dew.

PM me for an address to send the money order to.

Miss Bliss
06-24-09, 18:55
I think barebacking a prenant midget while you licked my balls would be pretty freakin awesome.... Might even be able to sell videos of that :-)I lmao at that one! Hey, I asked for dirty little secrets didn't I? And that one is certainly, well, vivid!

06-24-09, 18:59
I don't post often, but this is getting interesting. I don't begrudge anyone their fetishes or fantasies. So, let's hear it from everyone. What is your unfulfilled fantasy? I'll start this one.

I would love a threesome with a man and a fully functional, very passable tranny and my man. Being as bi as I am it would give me the ultimate feminine and masculine all in one.

Another one. My husband and I have been in the swinging lifestyle for years. And although we have been in many couple swapping and group sex situations, I would love to see him covered in several hot women who are focused only on his sexual pleasure. I am very much a voyeur and I love watching him f**k other women.

My husband has an unusual fetish that it is a bit hard to bring to fruition. He wants a midget. The only midget provider I have found is in texas somewhere. I don't particularly "get" his fetish, but it is his fetish and who am I to judge? We all have our dirty little secrets. So come on, let's hear some of them!If you were with a man, a TS and your man wouldn't that make it a 4some?

I want to bang a midget too, I bet junk would look huge with her tiny hand holding it.

Trac Girl Luvr
06-25-09, 02:55
I think barebacking a prenant midget while you licked my balls would be pretty freakin awesome.... Might even be able to sell videos of that :-)Let me know I would like to purchase a copy of that WOW!!

Whats really going on?

Miss Bliss
06-25-09, 19:56
Whatever you and Lea have cooked up for her Mphs visit ....



IN ! !

<this would fall under my fetish/fantasy wish list I'm bettin ??.... :p >


babeeWow! you, me and lea. sounds like a helluva daisy chain! we'll talk :) it sounds like a girl's night out is in order.

06-26-09, 09:18
Wow! you, me and lea. sounds like a helluva daisy chain! we'll talk :) it sounds like a girl's night out is in order.

Can I watch?


Its Too Much
06-26-09, 15:05
First of al it has been my expierence and I have alot, that if an undercover LE went to all that trouble, anindividualwould of never left the resturantwithout new jewelry The fact of the matter is that LE rarely goes to all that trouble for one idividual unless there is something else going on with that provider like theft blackmail etc. It is very hard for me to beleive they are going to go to all that trouble for just a simple arrest. Maybe there is more to make that person a LE target ummm. Also not eveyone is LE because they don't drink or want to get a hug in public espically when a person comes up and shakes his habd in public he must be well known I mean common sense is good but a good provider thinks like a good provider and MAYBE after he got to the resturant he did not like the menu and was to much of a gentlemen to say so in words but did so in actions.I don't think that since she is one person that they would not come after her. They have to follow up on the tips. It seems to me that any provider that is putting themselves out there on the internet to be easily identified is an easy target. If it happened exactly like she said then I am assuming that he felt it would have been a weak case against her because he couldn't get her to incriminate herself more.

I haven't ever met any Memphis providers but from a quick internet search it appears there aren't that many. At least not many making themselves as visible as Melissa. It sounds to me like you were right about being suspicious.

On another note, Melissa you must have balls of steel. I'm sure your on their radar now so be careful. I also wouldn't be surprised if they read your post and make it an agenda to get you. Sounds like you know what your doing though. Stay smart.

Trac Girl Luvr
06-26-09, 18:00
I haven't ever met any Memphis providers but from a quick internet search it appears there aren't that many. At least not many making themselves as visible as Melissa. It sounds to me like you were right about being suspicious.

On another note, Melissa you must have balls of steel. I'm sure your on their radar now so be careful. I also wouldn't be surprised if they read your post and make it an agenda to get you. Sounds like you know what your doing though. Stay smart.

I always WILL follow my gut instinct, ALWAYS! Not Very Good being on someones agenda, my 2 cents.
Be SAFE & Be VERY CAREFUL My "REAL" Naughty Boys
x0x0x0x ERICA x0x0x0x

06-26-09, 20:06
Dude preggy pussy is the best pussy! Are you kidding me or what? It stays wet,and its way warmer than the norm. Grow up!
I absolutely adore giant milk gorged titties...MMMM..milk...it does a body good!!!!

06-26-09, 21:51
I think I've left this before but I knew of someone who used to sell erotic stories for ( whatever price ) depending on the story. After you bought the literature then she ( at her discretion ) acted out the story. She wrote a receipt and paid taxes the whole nine yards.

She wasn't selling sex - she was selling literature.
Just as some will pay Millions for a piece of art -
Others may pay hundreds for literature......

Totally legal I believe.

[On another note, Melissa you must have balls of steel. I'm sure your on their radar now so be careful. I also wouldn't be surprised if they read your post and make it an agenda to get you. Sounds like you know what your doing though. Stay smart.[/QUOTE]

06-27-09, 18:17
It looks like Leo was at it again last night.

They got four women. One of them looks like Cherry:


I didn't recognize any of the others. I hope that all of the ladies from our board are safe at home.

Her mug photo looks better than what she uses on BP!

Bluffcity Guy
06-27-09, 18:26
I think I've left this before but I knew of someone who used to sell erotic stories for ( whatever price ) depending on the story. After you bought the literature then she ( at her discretion ) acted out the story. She wrote a receipt and paid taxes the whole nine yards.

She wasn't selling sex - she was selling literature.
Just as some will pay Millions for a piece of art -
Others may pay hundreds for literature......

Totally legal I believe.What you believe doesn't matter. What a jury believes, after a trial, does.

Based on my experience back when I was practicing law, I doubt that such a pretext would convince very many juries.



06-27-09, 23:23
Her mug photo looks better than what she uses on BP!If I could ask, where did you see her mug shot at? The only site I know of is the SCSO. Does Memphis Leo have one too?

06-28-09, 01:05
I think I've left this before but I knew of someone who used to sell erotic stories for ( whatever price ) depending on the story. After you bought the literature then she ( at her discretion ) acted out the story. She wrote a receipt and paid taxes the whole nine yards.

She wasn't selling sex - she was selling literature.
Just as some will pay Millions for a piece of art -
Others may pay hundreds for literature......

Totally legal I believe.[/QUOTE]

Let's take a minute and clarify for the jury where you learned of her and what happened between the two of you or what was agreed to happen.

If you learned of her from an escort site, made the appointment using the email addy shown on the escort site, the appointment was at a motel and you met her at the agreed place and time and put $300 on the table (the amount shown on her site), you will be found guilty if she turns out to be LEO and she will be found guilty if you are LEO.

Bob Parks
06-28-09, 09:21
Her mug photo looks better than what she uses on BP!Yes, and she still looks good in person but, I am not sure how long that will last she's becoming a pretty big rockstar. Haven't had the chance to get over to Memphis since I changed jobs anyone know which club she works at now?

06-28-09, 16:16
I've been interested in this escort "Destiny" for a while but have yet to call.


Today, while roaming the BP ads, I see her ads are linked up with the infamous Kiki, of all people. (see ~*black~*girl~*fantasy~*):


We all should be very wary of that partnership.

06-28-09, 17:06
I absolutely adore giant milk gorged titties...MMMM..milk...it does a body good!!!!
Amen Brother!

Tumbling Dice8
06-29-09, 07:46
It looks like Leo was at it again last night.

They got four women. One of them looks like Cherry:


I didn't recognize any of the others. I hope that all of the ladies from our board are safe at home.

Yep. Cherry is pretty persistent, though, as less than 24 hours after she got busted, she was back advertising on BP with a new number. She's either brave or stupid, depending on how you view it.

Tumbling Dice8
06-29-09, 07:49
I've been interested in this escort "Destiny" for a while but have yet to call.


Today, while roaming the BP ads, I see her ads are linked up with the infamous Kiki, of all people. (see ~*black~*girl~*fantasy~*):


We all should be very wary of that partnership.

I'd stay away from Destiny based on this earlier report:


06-29-09, 08:00
I'd stay away from Destiny based on this earlier report:


Sounds like she's learning a lot about the business from Kiki.

Snoop Deville
06-29-09, 08:47
I'd stay away from Destiny based on this earlier report:


Destiny is the girl named "Lollipop" from Lamar & sometimes she used to work Bellevue. She hangs out at the Studio 6 on American Way. Destiny runs with all the wrong people so I would stay away too.

Stocking Lover
06-29-09, 12:00
Yep. Cherry is pretty persistent, though, as less than 24 hours after she got busted, she was back advertising on BP with a new number. She's either brave or stupid, depending on how you view it.

From the CA on the bust of Cherry and the other 3 girls from BP:


"According to a police affidavit and court records, (Cherry's name) ran from officers late Friday or early Saturday after she made a deal for sex with a decoy officer at a motel near Macon and Sycamore View, jumping into a red Isuzu Rodeo with two men.

Officers pulled the SUV over and took her into custody.

When a lieutenant asked why she ran, she said, “Because the last time (my) name was in the newspaper.”

Too funny. Add that to the two dudes waiting in the car for her and I'm not thinking she has helped herself out among the mongering community. Anybody figured out who the other 3 are yet? I posted their pics on the mug shot site.


Bluffcity Guy
06-29-09, 14:40

From the CA on the bust of Cherry and the other 3 girls from BP:


"According to a police affidavit and court records, (Cherry's name) ran from officers late Friday or early Saturday after she made a deal for sex with a decoy officer at a motel near Macon and Sycamore View, jumping into a red Isuzu Rodeo with two men.

Officers pulled the SUV over and took her into custody.

When a lieutenant asked why she ran, she said, “Because the last time (my) name was in the newspaper.”

Too funny. Add that to the two dudes waiting in the car for her and I'm not thinking she has helped herself out among the mongering community. Anybody figured out who the other 3 are yet? I posted their pics on the mug shot site.I'm a little surprised that the dudes in the car weren't arrested and charged with some form of accessorial liability for her resisting arrest. Unless there's some little quirk of TN law I don't know about.

That's the best "reason" I've heard for running from a cop since one of my clients (back when I was a public defender) told the judge during the guilty plea inquiry that he ran from the cops because he needed to dispose of the heroin he was carrying.

Damn, I could have won all my cases, but for the fact that my clients were stupid.




Tim Tom
06-29-09, 15:38

I'm a little surprised that the dudes in the car weren't arrested and charged with some form of accessorial liability for her resisting arrest. Unless there's some little quirk of TN law I don't know about.

That's the best "reason" I've heard for running from a cop since one of my clients (back when I was a public defender) told the judge during the guilty plea inquiry that he ran from the cops because he needed to dispose of the heroin he was carrying.

Damn, I could have won all my cases, but for the fact that my clients were stupid.




Hey, don't knock it. Their stupidity in the first case was your job security!

Greg Tennessee
06-29-09, 15:46
I've been interested in this escort "Destiny" for a while but have yet to call.


Today, while roaming the BP ads, I see her ads are linked up with the infamous Kiki, of all people. (see ~*black~*girl~*fantasy~*):


We all should be very wary of that partnership.

You hit the nail on the head Club King. This girl is a total rip-off and bad news. Advertises GFE, but is not. Advertises FS, but does not offer, Tries to leave after 10-15 minutes and answers phone constantly while she is with you. Too many good providers in Memphis to see instead of wasting your money on this one.

Be Safe

Greg Tennessee

Tumbling Dice8
06-29-09, 20:08

I'm a little surprised that the dudes in the car weren't arrested and charged with some form of accessorial liability for her resisting arrest. Unless there's some little quirk of TN law I don't know about.

That's the best "reason" I've heard for running from a cop since one of my clients (back when I was a public defender) told the judge during the guilty plea inquiry that he ran from the cops because he needed to dispose of the heroin he was carrying.

Damn, I could have won all my cases, but for the fact that my clients were stupid.




I don't know. Maybe the guy driving didn't actually drive off? Thats the only thing I can think of on them. Also, I'm guessing they weren't truly able to prove that the two guys were pimping her out.

Tumbling Dice8
06-29-09, 20:10
Destiny is the girl named "Lollipop" from Lamar & sometimes she used to work Bellevue. She hangs out at the Studio 6 on American Way. Destiny runs with all the wrong people so I would stay away too.

I remember ads from a black chick by the name of "Lollipop" from a year or two ago running on CL; I'm guessing its the same chick. I just remember the ads because , after looking at the pics, I thought to myself "thats the most obvious streetwalker I've ever seen". She looked pretty rough in the CL pics.

06-30-09, 20:18
Any one have any info on this one?

07-01-09, 00:59
Anyone sampled her?

The pics look to good to be true. Any info would be appreciated


07-01-09, 12:10
Anyone sampled her?

The pics look to good to be true. Any info would be appreciated


It is not real - the guy running that number and a couple others is a wanna be pimp. He does have some girls that look good and I have seen a couple of them (I know him) and they wouldnt do me wrong. I have heard of others not having good experiences - from cash n dash to just piss poor attitude/service. He is using three different numbers that I know of right now.

Seven Inch
07-01-09, 14:19
It is not real - the guy running that number and a couple others is a wanna be pimp. He does have some girls that look good and I have seen a couple of them (I know him) and they wouldnt do me wrong. I have heard of others not having good experiences - from cash n dash to just piss poor attitude/service. He is using three different numbers that I know of right now.

I went to see this girl who claims to be cajun whatever.She uses 2-3 different #s & looks not a damn sight anything like the pic on the ad.she asked for .$ but I declined and left.she wasnt anything to brag about and smelled like meth....no sh*t. there was also a blk male sitting on the dock watching her room from across the parking lot with superman vision. i had to bounce on that account alone.7

Stocking Lover
07-01-09, 14:38
It is not real - the guy running that number and a couple others is a wanna be pimp. He does have some girls that look good and I have seen a couple of them (I know him) and they wouldnt do me wrong. I have heard of others not having good experiences - from cash n dash to just piss poor attitude/service. He is using three different numbers that I know of right now.

This guy is running at least three ads with three different girls pics (including the cajun chick) using an 850 prefix, plus the cajun chick has ads using the 901 prefix along with one other named Shannon.

Be Safe,


07-01-09, 21:23
Destiny is the girl named "Lollipop" from Lamar & sometimes she used to work Bellevue. She hangs out at the Studio 6 on American Way. Destiny runs with all the wrong people so I would stay away too.All-American English-German Hottie all-alone in Vegas BABY!

Are they're any good ole boy's coming to the Wild Wild west soon?!


07-02-09, 14:45
This guy is running at least three ads with three different girls pics (including the cajun chick) using an 850 prefix, plus the cajun chick has ads using the 901 prefix along with one other named Shannon.

Be Safe,

SLThe second picture is being used by a girl who regularly post on CL and BP in the Tampa area. Can't at the moment remember her name.

07-03-09, 19:18
This guy is running at least three ads with three different girls pics (including the cajun chick) using an 850 prefix, plus the cajun chick has ads using the 901 prefix along with one other named Shannon.

Be Safe,


First post, long time reader (originally from NYC). I've seen another girl with a similar dragon tattoo as the one you posted, "noname", posting around the various sites with a few different numbers. On AofM, she goes by Gina. Might not be the same girl, but the tattoo bears a striking similarity.

07-03-09, 23:10
Well the chick in the red and white sports outfit is advertising today, and has been for a month in Sugarland outside of Houston. She really gets around!

This guy is running at least three ads with three different girls pics (including the cajun chick) using an 850 prefix, plus the cajun chick has ads using the 901 prefix along with one other named Shannon.

Be Safe,


07-04-09, 09:19
Assuming the pics are not stolen, this girl is legit. I saw her a while back but she was stoned out of her gored when I saw her and I did not repeat.


First post, long time reader (originally from NYC). I've seen another girl with a similar dragon tattoo as the one you posted, "noname", posting around the various sites with a few different numbers. On AofM, she goes by Gina. Might not be the same girl, but the tattoo bears a striking similarity.

07-05-09, 03:54
Thanks for the info David.

Well the chick in the red and white sports outfit is advertising today, and has been for a month in Sugarland outside of Houston. She really gets around!New girl, same 850 number.


Aimee Leigh
07-05-09, 21:22
Thanks for the info David.

New girl, same 850 number.


This girl is a regular on our CL here in Knoxville. I'm not aware that she travels, so be careful with bait and switch. She goes by Kelly here and has been a regular for a good 9 months. General reports on her are YMMV. Check the Knoxville boards for reports on her.
She was recently interviewed for the paper here (KnoxNews.com) and there could easily be some "blue" focus on her because of it.
There are links to a series of articles that the paper did last week on the
general reports board in Knoxville. They are really being aggressive.
Be careful.

07-05-09, 23:55
This girl is a regular on our CL here in Knoxville. I'm not aware that she travels, so be careful with bait and switch. She goes by Kelly here and has been a regular for a good 9 months. General reports on her are YMMV. Check the Knoxville boards for reports on her.

She was recently interviewed for the paper here (KnoxNews.com) and there could easily be some "blue" focus on her becasue of it.

There are links to a series of articles that the paper did last week on the
general reports board in Knoxville. They are really being aggressive.
Be careful.Good info.

Thanks for sharing it.

Stocking Lover
07-06-09, 16:14
I must have been really tired from the holiday weekend, because I feel asleep this morning and had one hell of a dream. I dreamed of meeting Erotic Heaven and her beautiful friend Lindsey from California. But this dream was unlike any other 3 way dream I've had...because this one included 2 girls who are majorly into one another. Both are drop dead gorgeous with killer bodies and certainly know how to please a man...and one another. The details aren't necessary but the dream was more than I could have ever imagined. Nothing like giving DATY to a beautiful woman while she is giving the same to another lady.

It was one hell of a dream involving two sexual dynamos...and one old man fulfilling a fantasy. :) Then we went and had lunch together before i had to head back to work. Too damn bad I had to wake up but I'm having this dream again in the very near future. Don't miss out on this opportunity if at all possible.


07-06-09, 18:21
This guy is running at least three ads with three different girls pics (including the cajun chick) using an 850 prefix, plus the cajun chick has ads using the 901 prefix along with one other named Shannon.

Be Safe,


I actually dreamed of one of the girls back in mid-June at the 850 number. She went by Nevaeh and looked a lot like the third girl over in your posting. Not exactly, but close enough. Actually the dream was a bit better looking than the ad, a spinner type with lots of energy. I was guessing that energy was artificially generated. She had answered the phone, answered the door, was on time and did not up sell for anything. Not a great experience, but an enjoyable way to dream 30 minutes away. I would not return, but no regrets.

07-07-09, 21:25
It was one hell of a dream involving two sexual dynamos...and one old man fulfilling a fantasy. :) Then we went and had lunch together before i had to head back to work. Too damn bad I had to wake up but I'm having this dream again in the very near future. Don't miss out on this opportunity if at all possible.

SLMy friend took up SL's advice, and he would have to disagree. It's one young man fulfilling a couple of fantasies too! What does he do now?

07-07-09, 22:13
I had a dream about Lindsey late last night. If my dream was anything similar to yours, then I know you're smiles are still a mile wide!

I must have been really tired from the holiday weekend, because I feel asleep this morning and had one hell of a dream. I dreamed of meeting Erotic Heaven and her beautiful friend Lindsey from California. But this dream was unlike any other 3 way dream I've had...because this one included 2 girls who are majorly into one another. Both are drop dead gorgeous with killer bodies and certainly know how to please a man...and one another. The details aren't necessary but the dream was more than I could have ever imagined. Nothing like giving DATY to a beautiful woman while she is giving the same to another lady.

It was one hell of a dream involving two sexual dynamos...and one old man fulfilling a fantasy. :) Then we went and had lunch together before i had to head back to work. Too damn bad I had to wake up but I'm having this dream again in the very near future. Don't miss out on this opportunity if at all possible.


07-08-09, 09:15
Saw this ad and think I recognize these photos as a girl that used to post as CC. If I remember correctly, she did not have great reviews fro her attitude. She also used to host in some pretty bad incall locations along Getwell.


Stocking Lover
07-08-09, 13:42
Saw this ad and think I recognize these photos as a girl that used to post as CC. If I remember correctly, she did not have great reviews fro her attitude. She also used to host in some pretty bad incall locations along Getwell.


The phone number in the ad is the same one used by the BeBe's Relaxation bunch, but that is definitely CeCe. My personal experience with her was pretty bad, but that was over a year ago. She pretty much dropped out of the scene not long after I saw her. I've never heard anything good about the BeBe's group either.


Bluffcity Guy
07-08-09, 13:51
Saw this ad and think I recognize these photos as a girl that used to post as CC. If I remember correctly, she did not have great reviews fro her attitude. She also used to host in some pretty bad incall locations along Getwell.

http://memphis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/hot_young_full_of_funn_23/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=892482You recognize correctly; that is indeed CC. I don't recall seeing any reviews of her (though those may have predated my joining, if they were posted here).



Stocking Lover
07-08-09, 14:00
You recognize correctly; that is indeed CC. I don't recall seeing any reviews of her (though those may have predated my joining, if they were posted here).



I dredged up her old website for those interested.



07-08-09, 14:52
The phone number in the ad is the same one used by the BeBe's Relaxation bunch, but that is definitely CeCe. My personal experience with her was pretty bad, but that was over a year ago. She pretty much dropped out of the scene not long after I saw her. I've never heard anything good about the BeBe's group either.


I believe I remember seeing somewhere she took a break to have a baby.

07-08-09, 21:27
You recognize correctly; that is indeed CC. I don't recall seeing any reviews of her (though those may have predated my joining, if they were posted here).



I do recall SL's review was the reason I passed on seeing her.

Cat Daddy #2
07-09-09, 14:22
Someone please contribute to my piggybank.


07-09-09, 18:01
Someone please contribute to my piggybank.


Damn Cat I'll throw in .20. Then you report back. If its as good as it looks. I may DATY and let you watch for .20.

Cat Daddy #2
07-09-09, 19:09
Damn Cat I'll throw in .20. Then you report back. If its as good as it looks. I may DATY and let you watch for .20.

BC this booty is always good. I used to have it all the time.

07-10-09, 09:12
BC this booty is always good. I used to have it all the time.

I agree with my ol' partner CD. In those days, you could get her for SW prices when she was known as "Nikki".

07-10-09, 11:05
I agree with my ol' partner CD. In those days, you could get her for SW prices when she was known as "Nikki".

Pay day is the end of next week. I will mark the funds for this project. Will do a full report.

Tumbling Dice8
07-10-09, 12:12
I agree with my ol' partner CD. In those days, you could get her for SW prices when she was known as "Nikki".

Her listed price now is $$$$ per hour for outcall. I would guess she would ngotiate, though, as that is basically double the average Memphis rate.

Cat Daddy #2
07-10-09, 14:14
Her listed price now is $$$$ per hour for outcall. I would guess she would ngotiate, though, as that is basically double the average Memphis rate.

She will negoiate I know. The donation was $ but I bet her handler changed it after he read this post. She does read this board and she does have a handler guys.

07-11-09, 14:38
Oxoxo Amber Silk 9012182398

07-11-09, 20:19
Silk, You are one fine looking gal. What I want to know is if it would be worth my time to drive to Memphis to see you. Would you say you deliver well on the promise shown in your photos?

And is it difficult to make a reliable appointment with you?


07-12-09, 15:19
My friend dreamed about Erica, and he's have to say. Exotic Middle-East Brothel Madam. DAMN! (Not that she runs a brothel, but that's just who she reminds him off from old movies.)

Erica is in her mid-30's. She got great skills in massage and oral (CBJ & BBBJ). But when it comes to cfs, umm., well, he got a little bit distracted by her hairiness, and let's just leave it at that! The distraction unfortunately woke him up so he didn't get to the ending.

Service: 7
Friendliness: 9
Price: Above average

07-12-09, 17:18
Silk, You are one fine looking gal. What I want to know is if it would be worth my time to drive to Memphis to see you. Would you say you deliver well on the promise shown in your photos?

And is it difficult to make a reliable appointment with you?

LexLutherThanks LexLuther! I promise to deliver, and I am reliable.

Please PM me. oxoxo and lots of licks!!

Ou Jackass
07-13-09, 13:12
This girl is the bomb. It was tough to get by her requirements but it was well worth it. Very personable and was great to hang out with. Excellent skills BBBJ and CFS(multiple). I have to say she is the top of the game in my book. All I want to know now is who is that crazy SOB who let her get away?

LOL, See ya soon Melissa.

07-13-09, 19:40
...I promise to deliver, and I am reliable.

Please PM me. oxoxo and lots of licks!!I like the maid oufit. Can you dust my knob? lol

Trac Girl Luvr
07-14-09, 08:31
My friend dreamed about Erica, and he's have to say. Exotic Middle-East Brothel Madam. DAMN! (Not that she runs a brothel, but that's just who she reminds him off from old movies.)

Erica is in her mid-30's. She got great skills in massage and oral (CBJ & BBBJ). But when it comes to cfs, umm., well, he got a little bit distracted by her hairiness, and let's just leave it at that! The distraction unfortunately woke him up so he didn't get to the ending.

Service: 7
Friendliness: 9
Price: Above averageTman,

Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x

07-14-09, 14:07
Well seems like Honey took a little trip to j. East today. Says she was booked in 7-14-09. Didnt list her charge , but her bond amount is $1,000. I'm guessing shes got her usual charges? Looks pretty good in her mug I might say!

Pole Dancer
07-14-09, 23:20
Hi Gentlemen,

I'm new to this site, jus checkin it out... It seems like I'm a pretty popular topic of discussion. I have to say when i read what alot of you had to say, i was upset! Do all of you lowlifes really believe everything you hear on tv? You people really need to check your sources! I am a college student and have never been on drugs in my life! I am just tryin to make an honest living doing what i enjoy... I may be a ho but I am definately not to be compared to the junkies in this city! xoxo cherry

07-15-09, 09:18
Hi Gentlemen,

I'm new to this site, jus checkin it out... It seems like I'm a pretty popular topic of discussion. I have to say when i read what alot of you had to say, i was upset! Do all of you lowlifes really believe everything you hear on tv? You people really need to check your sources! I am a college student and have never been on drugs in my life! I am just tryin to make an honest living doing what i enjoy... I may be a ho but I am definately not to be compared to the junkies in this city! xoxo cherry

Thanks for posting. You have a right to share your opinion and I respect that.

This is a forum to exchange information and hopefully you will be able to share with us. We have a very good relationship with several well known providers here (Sarah, Amber, Heaven, Alissa and Samantha, Jordan, Melissa, Erica, and Miss Bliss, just to name a few) and the information exchange benefits us all. There are also many other providers that read this board regularly. You could be one of those reliable sources. I, for one, would be glad to share info with you anytime.

Most of us are not lowlifes, and we give everyone the benefit of the doubt. We welcome your contributions and, I personally think you have some great pics on backpage (is that shaved pu**y pic really yours? lol). I especially like the shot of you in the little red skirt.

Lastly, best of luck to you in academic endeavors, and we hope to see you around here on a regular basis.

P.S. I am not speaking for the entire forum, just IMHO.

Trac Girl Luvr
07-15-09, 12:25
Thanks for posting. You have a right to share your opinion and I respect that.This is a forum to exchange information and hopefully you will be able to share with us. We have a very good relationship with several well known providers here (Sarah, Amber, Heaven, Alissa and Samantha, Jordan, Melissa, Erica, and Miss Bliss, just to name a few) and the information exchange benefits us all. There are also many other providers that read this board regularly. You could be one of those reliable sources. I, for one, would be glad to share info with you anytime.

Most of us are not lowlifes, and we give everyone the benefit of the doubt. We welcome your contributions

CKing I could not agree with you more!!!

Be Safe Be Careful & Be Naughty very Naughty!!!!

x0x0x0x ERICA x0x0x0x

07-15-09, 12:38

Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x

Personally, I prefer shaved (in all places - lol), but I can imagine situations where it wouldn't make much difference if I was having a good time with the right girl.

Sweet Melissa
07-15-09, 12:56
This girl is the bomb. It was tough to get by her requirements but it was well worth it. Very personable and was great to hang out with. Excellent skills BBBJ and CFS(multiple). I have to say she is the top of the game in my book. All I want to know now is who is that crazy SOB who let her get away?

LOL, See ya soon Melissa.It is nice to know when I have made a man happy. I know it takes a while to get to me. I know my allowance is HIGH. And I know I like to take several hours to play with my friends. But I'm glad you thought it was worth it and I'll look forward to seeing you again soon. I hope everyone who has wanted to see me will read and remember all of my FABULOUS reviews and take a chance. Make the extra effort. Treat yourself to something a bit different. It's well worth it and that's not just MY opinion.



07-15-09, 15:42

Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0xI too personally prefer most girls with no hair or just a landing strip. However, saying that, I have seen girls that were pretty hairy and was actually a turn on. Your service at 7 and freindliness at 9 would surely make it all well worth while. I say what ever you are comfortable with would be what I would stay with. But if you need any help shaving to try it out, let me know as I think that would be a turn on too....... LOL

C Note2
07-15-09, 16:07

Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x

I too prefer no hair but NEAT is more important. If you got hair it can be kept soft and trim but bald is better for taking a licking.

Now let's turn it around. Balls covered or uncovered? Well girls!

Big Dream
07-15-09, 16:13
I want the hair. Keep it short or a trim landing strip.


Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x

07-15-09, 17:06

Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x

My Vote is no hair.. If your going to shave make sure it's all the way around or just wax it. Nothing kills it for me like seeing a nice clean beaver then when you bend over having a hairy starfish on the back side.


07-15-09, 17:13

Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x

Another vote for hardwood floors instead of full carpet. A little accent carpet is always okay though.

Sweet Melissa
07-15-09, 17:26
My vote is BOTH when it comes to the girl parts. I like a tiny little well trimmed strip that you can see but completely shaved from the clit to the back. Now. As far as men. I love smoothe balls and trimmed bush. There is nothing worse than flossing your teeth with pubic hair while giving a guy a BJ. Keep it trimmed! That is just this ONE opinion.



Bluffcity Guy
07-15-09, 17:43
I too prefer no hair but NEAT is more important. If you got hair it can be kept soft and trim but bald is better for taking a licking.Yeah, tell me about it.

When I was married it was so embarassing trying to explain to the wife why she was seeing those stray pubic hairs in my toothbrush.




07-15-09, 17:48

Thank You for the review. Ummmm. I am glad to be compared to a classic movie (I think) Sorry you did not like the hair maybe I can get some feedback on that. To be hairy or not that is the question?

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

X0x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0xMakes no never mind to me - as long as it is clean and smells good in the zone!

Tuck in memphis

Miss Bliss
07-15-09, 18:44
In the early 90's i completely shaved for the first time. i came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me, walked up to my husband (now my ex), and opened up the towel and surprised him. i swear, for two weeks straight that man had his face in my twat every spare moment! i have never gone back to bush. i love the way it feels, so much cooler.

Tumbling Dice8
07-15-09, 19:44
Hi Gentlemen,

I'm new to this site, jus checkin it out... It seems like I'm a pretty popular topic of discussion. I have to say when i read what alot of you had to say, i was upset! Do all of you lowlifes really believe everything you hear on tv? You people really need to check your sources! I am a college student and have never been on drugs in my life! I am just tryin to make an honest living doing what i enjoy... I may be a ho but I am definately not to be compared to the junkies in this city! xoxo cherry

I'm not sure if anyone ever called you a junkie or a user but it might have been insinuated a little bit because of your friend, "Candance"/Jessica, who got busted with you and seems to have dropped off the radar.

Anyway, stick around and read the forums and feel free to post if you have stuff to add. I think you will probably find the info here to be useful and you might pick up some safe, regular clients from the guys who post here.

Tupelo Honey
07-15-09, 21:50
Well here is my two cents, I don't shave completely but it keep it very short. I just don't like the feeling of no hair down there. For guys, I don't mind hair as long is I don't have to go hunting for the package. This ain't an easter egg hunt.

Big Boi Terry
07-16-09, 09:36
I fell asleep on yesterday afternoon and had a dream of Total Bliss. In this dream, I dreamed that my companion opened the door and upon my entering her room she started right away making sure that I was completely comfortable and totally at ease. This dream truly looks pretty much like I imagined she would, she is like the sexy housewife next door that you secretly want to bang. She is around 5'4 and 140lbs. with nice breast and a pleasing shape. My dream was a standard dream,about 30 mins. long but it was jammed packed with plenty of excitement and activity. She really has good skills in every department that I sampled and I would put her on my list as for dreams that I would love to repeat with over and over again. Now, as for the debate on to hair or not to hair, I don't mind a little hair as long as it is short and soft and my dream was completely shaved. One of the ways that I rate dreams is that when I wake up do I say funds well spent or do I say I should've called someone else, well after this dream I can say WELL SPENT! On another note, with all of the LE activity going on and most guys not TOFTT'ing i'm thankful that we still have legit and good providers that we can call on and I'm talking about Sarah,Heaven (when in town),Allissa,Chanel,Amber and love her or not, my girl MOLLY(don't know what I would do without my Molly fixes every now and then) LOL! BBT out.

07-16-09, 10:51
Thanks for posting. You have a right to share your opinion and I respect that.

This is a forum to exchange information and hopefully you will be able to share with us. We have a very good relationship with several well known providers here (Sarah, Amber, Heaven, Alissa and Samantha, Jordan, Melissa, Erica, and Miss Bliss, just to name a few) and the information exchange benefits us all. There are also many other providers that read this board regularly. You could be one of those reliable sources. I, for one, would be glad to share info with you anytime.

Most of us are not lowlifes, and we give everyone the benefit of the doubt. We welcome your contributions and, I personally think you have some great pics on backpage (is that shaved pu**y pic really yours? lol). I especially like the shot of you in the little red skirt.

Lastly, best of luck to you in academic endeavors, and we hope to see you around here on a regular basis.

P.S. I am not speaking for the entire forum, just IMHO.I apologize jumping in late on this but I've been out of town and I've got limited access. Would just like to throw in my $.02 about Cherry at least as much as a relative newbie's opinion would be accepted.

I had a dream about Cherry back at the beginning of the month. Dreamed she answered her phone right away and was very easy to set up with after a bit of screeningl. Met at a mutually agreeable location that was close for both of us and I got the room.

I dreamed she was a very petite shaved spinner who's photos in no way do her justice. She's was very beautiful and very friendly with french skills that are first rate. DATY was well received and while full service was there I was just having too much enjoyment with her BBBJ french lesson. There was absolutely no rush and I had a great time. I will definitely see her again. Damn, just writing this has me wanting to wrap this trip up and get back down there for another dream.

Big Boi Terry
07-16-09, 10:58
I forgot to mention that in my dream, it was a total GFE and just thinking out loud, it would be awesome to dream a little dream with A Blissful One and a touch of Creamy Silk,a chocolate and vanilla swirl, ummmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Miss Bliss
07-16-09, 12:44
What a coincidence bbt, i had a dream about you too! I dreamed you banged the hell out of me and left me in a breathless clump on my bed!!! In a good way of course! It was a hot, hot, dream.

Thx babe.

I fell asleep on yesterday afternoon and had a dream of Total Bliss. In this dream, I dreamed that my companion opened the door and upon my entering her room she started right away making sure that I was completely comfortable and totally at ease. This dream truly looks pretty much like I imagined she would, she is like the sexy housewife next door that you secretly want to bang. She is around 5'4 and 140lbs. with nice breast and a pleasing shape. My dream was a standard dream,about 30 mins. long but it was jammed packed with plenty of excitement and activity. She really has good skills in every department that I sampled and I would put her on my list as for dreams that I would love to repeat with over and over again. Now, as for the debate on to hair or not to hair, I don't mind a little hair as long as it is short and soft and my dream was completely shaved. One of the ways that I rate dreams is that when I wake up do I say funds well spent or do I say I should've called someone else, well after this dream I can say WELL SPENT! On another note, with all of the LE activity going on and most guys not TOFTT'ing i'm thankful that we still have legit and good providers that we can call on and I'm talking about Sarah,Heaven (when in town),Allissa,Chanel,Amber and love her or not, my girl MOLLY(don't know what I would do without my Molly fixes every now and then) LOL! BBT out.

07-16-09, 14:10
Must be the weather, napped today at lunch and had a brief but very nice dream with Sam I am. A real treasure and worth the effort even if it was experienced with my eyes closed.

Cripple Monger
07-16-09, 14:31
Has anyone had a dream with miss honey? She is incredibly cute, maybe tgtbt..


07-16-09, 19:07
Has anyone had a dream with miss honey? She is incredibly cute, maybe tgtbt..


There are actually a bunch of what seem to be TGTBT postings that have appeared in the last couple of weeks. In addition to Honey, there has been Kelly, Lilly, Brandy, Madison and Jayden - to name a few. All have posted just about every day for a 10 days to two weeks. All have area codes from other cities. All disguise their phone numbers with unique combinations of words and dashes and symbols and numbers that make them unsearchable to see if they have posted in other cities. All have three or four good quality photos with just enough flesh showing to not feel like Leo. I am tempted by any one of them but have not gotten the nerve to take the plunge. Does anyone have any insight into this sudden expanded selection?

Greg Tennessee
07-17-09, 05:09
Was in Memphis last week for a couple of nights. I was lucky enough to have a wonderful dream with Sam. Sam is a great girl with a tremendous personality. She looks every bit as good in my dream as she does in her photos. Needless to say it was an very good hour long dream that left me wanting more. I hope when I return to Memphis I will be able to dream of her again real soon. If you haven't had a dream of this lady, you really are missing out.

Be Safe

Greg Tennessee

Greg Tennessee
07-17-09, 05:11
The first night of my Memphis trip I had a wonderful dream for the second time with Amber Silk. As she did the first time, this lady lived up to all of the hype and accolades. She has a wonderful attitude and is very pleasant to be around. I will definately dream of her again.

Be Safe

Greg Tennessee

07-17-09, 18:14
What a coincidence bbt, i had a dream about you too! I dreamed you banged the hell out of me and left me in a breathless clump on my bed!!! In a good way of course! It was a hot, hot, dream.

Thx babe.

WOW....I had great and Blissful dream myself today. No need to elaborate!

Blonde Blue Man
07-17-09, 20:04
My reality is blissless…I tried to set up a dream for the not-so-distant future and, alas, the bliss will be gone before I can get there.

My loss I'm sure!

07-17-09, 21:00
Misty,Gwen,Frosty is back.

07-17-09, 22:56
Misty,Gwen,Frosty is back.

....and she's claiming to be 18???????

07-18-09, 01:01
I dreamed of doubles with these two! They are both so amazingly beautiful and have set a new standard for me (there photos really don't convey how gorgeous they both are)! I don't want to give out too many details, except to say I never wanted to wake up from the dream and go back to the real world. Their skills were unbelievable, and blew my mind in every sense of the word. If you've never experienced the talents of these two, together or individually, you are definitely missing out! As soon as the opportunity arises I will definitely spend more time with them, either together or separately! And it wouldn't be complete without noting how absolutely adorable their pups are! The blue mohawk was awesome!

You know the feeling you get when you finally get a date with the girl of your dreams in high school and it goes great? Well multiply that by two and that is how I felt all day! It was the most unbelievable experience, and thankfully I have a great memory (and thanks for the condom info, they are soo much better). Oh, well. Off to my memories and hang out with Rosie (if only Rosie had the talents of these two). Heaven and Sweet Baby, until we meet again in my dreams!

Mr Grinch
07-18-09, 09:30
Has anyone had the pleasure of visiting with Pole Dancer/Cherry? Looks intriguing. :)

Be Safe!

Tumbling Dice8
07-18-09, 15:21
Has anyone had the pleasure of visiting with Pole Dancer/Cherry? Looks intriguing. :)

Be Safe!

MGScroll down a little bit and you will find one. She has several reviews on this site, if you do a little searching.

07-19-09, 09:14
I like the maid oufit. Can you dust my knob? lolBaby I will polish your knob! LOL.

I will clean you from head to toe!

Miss Bliss
07-19-09, 11:30
I forgot to mention that in my dream, it was a total GFE and just thinking out loud, it would be awesome to dream a little dream with A Blissful One and a touch of Creamy Silk,a chocolate and vanilla swirl.The idea of me and Amber Silk made me so hot, i contacted her! We have never met, but will be getting together for lunch when i get back from Phoenix to talk about doing doubles together. Maybe she and I will test out the chemistry, just she and I, after our lunch. Man, I bet she's sweet! Stay tuned boys!

07-19-09, 19:30
Has any tried this brunette?


07-19-09, 20:17
I dreamed of Erica yesterday. Quite a lady and a BBBJ to remember.

Bravo Sierra
07-19-09, 22:05
Has any tried this brunette?

http://memphis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/w_e_e_k_e_n_d_f_u_n_o_n_e_c_a_l_l_a_w_a_y_22/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=908234 I looked into her a couple of weeks ago though and came across this: (she's the 2nd female in the pics)


I've attached the picture I found with her Seattle number that led me to that post.

I've got more, if anyone wants them just shoot me a PM with their email address.

07-20-09, 10:25
Baby I will polish your knob! LOL.

I will clean you from head to toe!
After some PM’s and discussion, I picked up the phone last night and called Amber, someone I’ve thought about calling for a long time. She answered and set up an outcall. Within an hour she was at the door, looking great in jeans, a nice top, and the biggest smile I’ve seen in a long time.

We got into a long discussion about the state of the profession here in Memphis, those recent arrests, and lots of other topics. There was no rush and Amber was a delightful conversationalist. I learned a lot about the history of Memphis massage parlors and other brothels from one who knows and, while in her early 30’s, looks more like 25.

While sparing the “blow-by-blow” (pun intended) bedroom details, I will just say that Amber is the definition of GFE. Absolutely no rush, she really gets into the session, and makes a priority of pleasing her partner. A true spinner, and she wore me out.

Now while some think GFE means uncovered, I do not, and neither does Amber. For safety, she does everything covered, but is really talented at what she does. As far as GFE, she treats you like she is your girlfriend, but you who want everything uncovered need to get past that. This is a profession which comes with health risk, so she takes precautions. I totally agree with this stance, so while you’ll be treated like a king, please understand that everything is included in your session, but it will be covered.

In any event, you won’t be disappointed in the slightest. And while there are some very talented and great providers here in town, I would say that Amber ranks at the top of the list. She is a delight.

One of the things that attracted me to her is the great portfolio of pictures she has. I took the liberty of reposting my personal favorite below.

07-20-09, 18:45
The idea of me and Amber Silk made me so hot, i contacted her! We have never met, but will be getting together for lunch when i get back from Phoenix to talk about doing doubles together. Maybe she and I will test out the chemistry, just she and I, after our lunch. Man, I bet she's sweet! Stay tuned boys!


07-20-09, 20:19
Saw the redheaded Strawberry today.

Very sweet girl.

Be very nice to her.

07-20-09, 23:24
I took the time out to go see this sexy lady today. She was Amazing. Every
moment of my dream was great. FYI she is a Squirter and I mean Squirter,It was so wet, I thought I was drowning.
Very lovely Lady as nice as they come in this business. If you get the chance before she leaves, give her a call. I promise you won't be disappointed.
If you are into A*****, then she is the woman for you. Her confidence is fantastic.
It been a while since I have met a good provider like this. she is def on my list of ATF.

Service- 10
Menu- Everything.....
Will I repeat? Hell YES

Large Balls
07-21-09, 02:20
I decided to give this a go a bit ago. Knocked on door. And I didn't recognize the girl from the pic. She looked really rough. Room smelled of smoke. I said, no thanks and walked out. She then called me and claimed to have another friend with her that was better looking but I just headed home. She claimed the pics were professionally done but to me it looks like she is in damn hotel room to me with a regular ol digital. Stear clear if you expect the chick in the photo.

I looked into her a couple of weeks ago though and came across this: (she's the 2nd female in the pics)


I've attached the picture I found with her Seattle number that led me to that post.

I've got more, if anyone wants them just shoot me a PM with their email address.

Big Boi Terry
07-21-09, 08:49
Now while some think GFE means uncovered, I do not, and neither does Amber. For safety, she does everything covered, but is really talented at what she does. As far as GFE, she treats you like she is your girlfriend, but you who want everything uncovered need to get past that. This is a profession which comes with health risk, so she takes precautions. I totally agree with this stance, so while you’ll be treated like a king, please understand that everything is included in your session, but it will be covered.

I agree with you CK1. Whenever I say a provider was a GFE I am talking about the atmosphere that she creates within a session. GFE does not mean uncovered and i've had the greatest time with providers in which everything is covered. BBT out.

Bluffcity Guy
07-21-09, 09:19
I took the time out to go see this sexy lady today. She was Amazing. Every
moment of my dream was great. FYI she is a Squirter and I mean Squirter,It was so wet, I thought I was drowning.
Very lovely Lady as nice as they come in this business. If you get the chance before she leaves, give her a call. I promise you won't be disappointed.
If you are into A*****, then she is the woman for you. Her confidence is fantastic.
It been a while since I have met a good provider like this. she is def on my list of ATF.

Service- 10
Menu- Everything.....
Will I repeat? Hell YESIt's good you had such a good time.

I was chatting with Anna yesterday, and she lamented that she'd only had two appointments in the four days she was visiting Memphis. If you're going to repeat, you may have to travel to Houston for it; she says she doesn't think she'll ever visit Memphis again... :(



07-21-09, 11:43
It's good you had such a good time.

I was chatting with Anna yesterday, and she lamented that she'd only had two appointments in the four days she was visiting Memphis. If you're going to repeat, you may have to travel to Houston for it; she says she doesn't think she'll ever visit Memphis again... :(


BCGMemphis is a dead beat town! Most of the girls are cheap.The cops are hot.I found myself saying the same thing as Anna. Although I have have fam. there I will have to return but not to work that is for sure.Memphis is a street walkers haven. I hate Memphis nuthing but a rat trap!

Pole Dancer
07-21-09, 11:53
I put new pix up on BP. Go check them out by the way I agree with you big boy. Most things may be covered in our field but a good provider knows how to make up for that!

Stocking Lover
07-21-09, 14:08
I put new pix up on BP. Go check them out

I saw those this morning Cherry and they certainly caught my attention. Damn they are smoking hot!!


07-21-09, 14:36
I put new pix up on BP. Go check them out by the way I agree with you big boy. Most things may be covered in our field but a good provider knows how to make up for that!
I'd score those new pics a 10 for sure......

07-21-09, 17:01
Now while some think GFE means uncovered, I do not, and neither does Amber. For safety, she does everything covered, but is really talented at what she does. As far as GFE, she treats you like she is your girlfriend, but you who want everything uncovered need to get past that. This is a profession which comes with health risk, so she takes precautions. I totally agree with this stance, so while you’ll be treated like a king, please understand that everything is included in your session, but it will be covered.

I agree with you CK1. Whenever I say a provider was a GFE I am talking about the atmosphere that she creates within a session. GFE does not mean uncovered and i've had the greatest time with providers in which everything is covered. BBT out.Thanks baby! You be ready for Amber Silk and Bliss Fun Party!! OXOXO

07-21-09, 18:01
I put new pix up on BP. Go check them out by the way I agree with you big boy. Most things may be covered in our field but a good provider knows how to make up for that!

In all of your postings, including the ones way back last year with Candice, I have never been tempted to see you. I have to tell you, the latest postings may change my mind. Old ones seemed kind of trashy. These are definitely hot.

07-21-09, 21:06
I put new pix up on BP. Go check them out by the way I agree with you big boy. Most things may be covered in our field but a good provider knows how to make up for that!As I'd mentioned in my review of Cherry last week that I didn't think her photo's did her justice. These latest photo's are the Cherry who was in my dream earlier this month. I can't wait to dream of her again! I'll be calling you soon babydoll!

Tumbling Dice8
07-21-09, 21:44
I saw those this morning Cherry and they certainly caught my attention. Damn they are smoking hot!!


Agreed. The new ones look much better than any of the old set.

Big Boi Terry
07-22-09, 08:39
Thanks baby! You be ready for Amber Silk and Bliss Fun Party!! OXOXO
I can't wait to be the stick that stirs these two flavors up.

07-22-09, 14:57
Now while some think GFE means uncovered, I do not, and neither does Amber. For safety, she does everything covered, but is really talented at what she does. As far as GFE, she treats you like she is your girlfriend, but you who want everything uncovered need to get past that. This is a profession which comes with health risk, so she takes precautions. I totally agree with this stance, so while you’ll be treated like a king, please understand that everything is included in your session, but it will be covered.

I agree with you CK1. Whenever I say a provider was a GFE I am talking about the atmosphere that she creates within a session. GFE does not mean uncovered and i've had the greatest time with providers in which everything is covered. BBT out.Big Boi,

I agree, that is what I keep saying, you don't have to have a bbbj to have fun with a provider. so many guys ask me if I do bbbj, when I say no, they don't even want an appointment.


07-22-09, 19:20
Big Boi,

I agree, that is what I keep saying, you don't have to have a bbbj to have fun with a provider. so many guys ask me if I do bbbj, when I say no, they don't even want an appointment.


I just think we need some parameters as to the definition of GFE. I agree with you, BBT and Amber, but I know that there are others who have an entirely different interpretation of "GFE".

What is your interpretation?

Tumbling Dice8
07-22-09, 21:21
I just think we need some parameters as to the definition of GFE. I agree with you, BBT and Amber, but I know that there are others who have an entirely different interpretation of "GFE".

What is your interpretation?

I'm pretty sure her's is the interpretation that GFE has more to do with unrushed service and multiple pops rather than including a BBBJ. This has always been a hot topic among people, since so many girls claim to be "GFE" in their ads and obviously lie about it or have no clue what it should really mean service-wise.

07-22-09, 22:05
I don't know of too many girlfriends who would give you oral sex with a condom. If she did she probably wouldn't be your girlfriend for long. To me GFE means bbbj, kissing, and also non rushed.

But to be 100% honest here folks girls can be different with different clients. I have seen girls who supposedly offer only cbj who have given me bbbjs. And I can see why. It's all about human interaction. Two people may just not get along for whatever reason, and lets face it some of you guys out there can be smelly, dirty, nasty, and obnoxious lol. So thats why some girls may not 'advertise' bbbj, even though they give that service to many cients.

I suppose I have been spoiled so much by great bbbj's that I just can't be bothered with spending hard earned money on a cbj anymore, it seems like a waste of money, and time frankly.

07-22-09, 22:28
I don't know of too many girlfriends who would give you oral sex with a condom. If she did she probably wouldn't be your girlfriend for long. To me GFE means bbbj, kissing, and also non rushed.

But to be 100% honest here folks girls can be different with different clients. I have seen girls who supposedly offer only cbj who have given me bbbjs. And I can see why. It's all about human interaction. Two people may just not get along for whatever reason, and lets face it some of you guys out there can be smelly, dirty, nasty, and obnoxious lol. So thats why some girls may not 'advertise' bbbj, even though they give that service to many cients.

I suppose I have been spoiled so much by great bbbj's that I just can't be bothered with spending hard earned money on a cbj anymore, it seems like a waste of money, and time frankly.

I agree with Wyldhorses!

Sweet Melissa
07-22-09, 22:51
Gfe-(noun) Girl Friend Experience. Long deep tongue kisses, no clocks, no limits, BBBJ but cfs, as many pops as you can handle in the time YOU have because I have all the time in the world when it comes to you. I only schedule one boyfriend a day and I'll give you hours of my time. Every position your body is capable of and my body can do them all. Cuddles and pillow talk if that is what you are into. A nice nap if you have the time (my personal favorite). Can't walk straight when it is all said and done. Call me or text me 5 minutes after you leave me to let me know you already can't wait to see me again. I feel the same. That is MY version of GFE.



Trac Girl Luvr
07-22-09, 23:26
I don't know of too many girlfriends who would give you oral sex with a condom. If she did she probably wouldn't be your girlfriend for long. To me GFE means bbbj, kissing, and also non rushed.

But to be 100% honest here folks girls can be different with different clients. I have seen girls who supposedly offer only cbj who have given me bbbjs. And I can see why. It's all about human interaction. Two people may just not get along for whatever reason, and lets face it some of you guys out there can be smelly, dirty, nasty, and obnoxious lol. So thats why some girls may not 'advertise' bbbj, even though they give that service to many cients.

I suppose I have been spoiled so much by great bbbj's that I just can't be bothered with spending hard earned money on a cbj anymore, it seems like a waste of money, and time frankly.I am in total agreement it does very much depend on each individual encounter. And it is very true that a whole lot of providers say they wont do a certain thing but behind closed doors they do it and more. And as far as I can find out no one has contracted HIV from giving a bbbj. As long as the ending does not happen in your mouth, unless a provider is into that I think bbbj is fine! But again it is totally a providers choice how far she will go! And human interaction is the most important. But whatever happens,

Be Safe, Be Careful & Be Naughty

x0x0x0x ERICA x0x0x0x

Ps. I am running a Super Special Just Today
Call me for info 901 644 9191

07-23-09, 13:05
I don't know of too many girlfriends who would give you oral sex with a condom. If she did she probably wouldn't be your girlfriend for long. To me GFE means bbbj, kissing, and also non rushed.

But to be 100% honest here folks girls can be different with different clients. I have seen girls who supposedly offer only cbj who have given me bbbjs. And I can see why. It's all about human interaction. Two people may just not get along for whatever reason, and lets face it some of you guys out there can be smelly, dirty, nasty, and obnoxious lol. So thats why some girls may not 'advertise' bbbj, even though they give that service to many cients.

I suppose I have been spoiled so much by great bbbj's that I just can't be bothered with spending hard earned money on a cbj anymore, it seems like a waste of money, and time frankly.
I agree....

Member #4243
07-23-09, 13:55
So there is no one single definition. Just when you find it consider yourself lucky.

Babee is right on ... that's why I pay no attention when I see "GFE" in an ad or post. I've had great sessions with providers who didn't advertise as GFE and some pretty awful sessions with providers who 'pride themselves on being GFE.'

It all comes down to what you are looking for in the experience, and I'm not always looking for the same thing each time I dip into the hobby (pun intended). Sometimes I'm looking for that experience that Melissa described below. Sometimes I'm in the mood for more of a Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma'am experience -- and just because the experience is abbreviated doesn't mean it's bad (I've had some 'quickies' that are among my favorite encounters).

Just think about this ... when you HAVE a girlfriend or significant other, are your encounters always the same? If they are, I bet that's when you start thinking about getting into the hobby again (again, pun intended). ;-)

07-23-09, 15:00
After corresponding with her via email for a short time I scheduled an appt with her around lunch, she texted back she can do that. So, on the way to her place, she texted me asking to push it back 30 mins because she was running behind, no problem I responded. She wanted me to call at the new time when I was arriving and I did so, and she said she's running another 10 mins late.

Starting to get irritated and had a feeling this was going to be a stand up situation I told her OK because she said she was coming from the other end of the county and was paying bills. So I wait, no call or text so I call her. Another 5 mins please. Ok I wait, nothing. I call her again, oh I'm just getting on such and such street (about 20 minutes away) so I knew this was a stand up.

So, I leave and call a reputable provider of whom I a regular and schedule with no problem.

About 15 minutes after I leave and about 1 hour from the time she first agreed to meet, she texts me "can't make it". No other explanation or anything.

So, I wait a few minutes and call and she said well something came up blah blah blah.

Time lost - 1 hour
Gas - lots
Frustration - lots

07-23-09, 17:00
I just think we need some parameters as to the definition of GFE. I agree with you, BBT and Amber, but I know that there are others who have an entirely different interpretation of "GFE".

What is your interpretation? I think GFE is the time spent with a client. The cuddling, conversation, and karma.

I mean, just becuase a provider gives BBBJ, doesn't mean the whole experience is going to be better. I guess it just depends on what you, as a client, is looking for. But, I know that since most providers seem to provide a BBBJ as a part of their service, it has made it harder for a provider's like myself, who just won't provide that service. If your gonna do. At least charge extra. LOL

I personally don't understand the attraction. Wether the provider only does it with certain clients or every client. You are still french kissing and being barebacked by someone who has had lots of bare dicks in their mouths. And vice versa. Providers you don't know where their dicks have been.

Anyway. Better safe than sorry.

07-23-09, 19:16
After corresponding with her via email for a short time I scheduled an appt with her around lunch, she texted back she can do that. So, on the way to her place, she texted me asking to push it back 30 mins because she was running behind, no problem I responded. She wanted me to call at the new time when I was arriving and I did so, and she said she's running another 10 mins late.

Starting to get irritated and had a feeling this was going to be a stand up situation I told her OK because she said she was coming from the other end of the county and was paying bills. So I wait, no call or text so I call her. Another 5 mins please. Ok I wait, nothing. I call her again, oh I'm just getting on such and such street (about 20 minutes away) so I knew this was a stand up.

So, I leave and call a reputable provider of whom I a regular and schedule with no problem.

About 15 minutes after I leave and about 1 hour from the time she first agreed to meet, she texts me "can't make it". No other explanation or anything.

So, I wait a few minutes and call and she said well something came up blah blah blah.

Time lost - 1 hour
Gas - lots
Frustration - lots

She sounds young and irresponsible. I would write her off in a heartbeat and wait until she matures. I say that if you're in business then act like it. Thanks for the head's up. (no pun intended.)


Bob Parks
07-23-09, 20:01
Gfe-(noun) Girl Friend Experience. Long deep tongue kisses, no clocks, no limits, BBBJ but cfs, as many pops as you can handle in the time YOU have because I have all the time in the world when it comes to you. I only schedule one boyfriend a day and I'll give you hours of my time. Every position your body is capable of and my body can do them all. Cuddles and pillow talk if that is what you are into. A nice nap if you have the time (my personal favorite). Can't walk straight when it is all said and done. Call me or text me 5 minutes after you leave me to let me know you already can't wait to see me again. I feel the same. That is MY version of GFE.


MelissaNow that is a GFE deal I can live with. Melissa we gota get together. Your version sounds like a real and rare treat if your dates really go this way and from what I have seen posted on the board and heard about you they do.

Keep up the good work, have fun and always enjoy what you do.

Pole Dancer
07-23-09, 20:09
Ok, not that I feel I need to explain myself or anything, here's what happened this morning. As I was on my way to the T-mobile store to handle some things, I hear a loud clank under my car. As we all know it's not the best idea to pull over on I-40 so in going to the nearest exit to see what the problem is, another loud clank and smoke starts to barrell out from under my hood. I call my brother and am stuck. During this time is when I said I would be late, not knowing how bad it was. When my bro arrived and told me I had busted my radiator I then called and said I couldn't make it. Maybe I should have told you what was going on at the moment, but in the confusion I made a mistake. You failed to mention that after the fact, I called and left you a voicemail explaining, apollogizing about, and offering you a half off discount for your inconveinances. No immaturity or irresponsibility was my intent hope you can understand.

Wise Guy 868
07-23-09, 21:45
I think GFE is the time spent with a client. The cuddling, conversation, and karma.

I mean, just becuase a provider gives BBBJ, doesn't mean the whole experience is going to be better. I guess it just depends on what you, as a client, is looking for. But, I know that since most providers seem to provide a BBBJ as a part of their service, it has made it harder for a provider's like myself, who just won't provide that service. If your gonna do. At least charge extra. LOL

I personally don't understand the attraction. Wether the provider only does it with certain clients or every client. You are still french kissing and being barebacked by someone who has had lots of bare dicks in their mouths. And vice versa. Providers you don't know where their dicks have been.

Anyway. Better safe than sorry.In these days, AIDS should stop anyone doing BBJs. Think about it, any body fluid exchange is not good in terms of getting AIDS. There are more AIDS virus in a person's mouth than in the any other hole. That's a fact.

I would advise not doing it for the safety of both parties.

07-24-09, 06:55
In these days, AIDS should stop anyone doing BBJs. Think about it, any body fluid exchange is not good in terms of getting AIDS. There are more AIDS virus in a person's mouth than in the any other hole. That's a fact.

I would advise not doing it for the safety of both parties.

You are entirely wrong, and your 'facts' are urban legends and nonsense that you have pulled out of thin air. Do some reading and you will find that it is almost impossible to transmit hiv from saliva alone and there has NEVER been a documented case of hiv transmission through saliva. Also your statement that there is more hiv virus in saliva than in other areas of the body is ignorant and false. In fact saliva has been shown to inhibit and protect against hiv. Many groups now define oral sex as a 'low risk' behavior. And your chances of getting hiv from oral sex are less than your chances of getting hiv from a condom slip. Condoms slip and can come off all the time, and your chances of transmitting hiv that way are much higher than hiv transmission from oral sex.


You also have a much greater chance of dieing in a car accident on the freeway today than you do of getting hiv from even unprotected intercourse with an hiv infected partner. Read some of the studies about married couples where one of them got infected from a blood transfusion and the other partner remained hiv negative. It is also extremely difficult for a man, especially a man who has been circumcised, to contract hiv from even unprotected intercourse with an hiv infected woman. Just due to biology the virus is much harder to transmit from woman to man.

You can also read the studies done on working girls working in Tijuana at places like Adelitas and the Chicago Club. All of the girls there offer bbbj, but of course they use condoms for intercourse and their hiv infection rates are statistically lower than that of the general population.

07-24-09, 07:37
If anyone is interested. I have had dreams with about 15 providers in Memphis and only 3 of those I considered to be GFE. Melissa, babee and the erotic Princess Heaven. GFE has everything to do with the attitude of the provider and nothing to do with BBBJ. It is rubbing, kissing, conversation. And for me I could have a great GFE experience and never even have intercourse.

But remember, This is just my opinion.

Sweet Melissa
07-24-09, 07:45
I have found 3 new escorts for reasonable rates in Memphis. Kim 901-849-9171, Denise 901-238-1804, and Doris 901-219-5943. Exceptional rates. Ages of them respectfully Kim 21, Denise 31, Doris, 38. They have incall and outcall.Doesn't this fall under the escort ad section? Correct me if I am wrong. New guy.1 post. New girls. Any photos? Any descriptions? Escorts have their own area of posting. Should there be an area for PIMPS as well? Curious minds want to know.



Sweet Melissa
07-24-09, 07:51
Do you know that it is actually a CRIME to spit on someone? Misdemeanor assault. If HIV is so strong in saliva. Who the HELL will ever kiss again? A world without kissing sounds like poop to me! Plane crashes, random pissed off employees with guns, choking on a hot dog. You can be as safe and carefull as possible and you still end up kicking the bucket. Enjoy what you have while you have it!

Kisses, wet, slobbery and etc.


07-24-09, 07:57
I have found 3 new escorts for reasonable rates in Memphis. Kim 901-849-9171, Denise 901-238-1804, and Doris 901-219-5943. Exceptional rates. Ages of them respectfully Kim 21, Denise 31, Doris, 38. They have incall and outcall.
Lets see some pics of these escorts.

07-24-09, 08:10
I never received a voice mail from you.

In fact, I just checked my phone again right now and no text, no voice mail nor email from you.

Funny, if you really had that problem or any problem, what's the harm in just telling the other person?

Why lie about it?

Ok, not that I feel I need to explain myself or anything, here's what happened this morning. As I was on my way to the T-mobile store to handle some things, I hear a loud clank under my car. As we all know it's not the best idea to pull over on I-40 so in going to the nearest exit to see what the problem is, another loud clank and smoke starts to barrell out from under my hood. I call my brother and am stuck. During this time is when I said I would be late, not knowing how bad it was. When my bro arrived and told me I had busted my radiator I then called and said I couldn't make it. Maybe I should have told you what was going on at the moment, but in the confusion I made a mistake. You failed to mention that after the fact, I called and left you a voicemail explaining, apollogizing about, and offering you a half off discount for your inconveinances. No immaturity or irresponsibility was my intent hope you can understand.

Bluffcity Guy
07-24-09, 08:50
You are entirely wrong, and your 'facts' are urban legends and nonsense that you have pulled out of thin air.What he said (most of that excellent response snipped).

I think this thread is degenerating because some people err (IMHO) on the side of caution to the point of overkill because they're overly fearful.

Enough already. We're all adults and perfectly capable of performing our own cost-benefit analyses, and deciding what we are going to do or not going to do and what our level of acceptable risk is.

I've done enough research on my own, and concluded that the risk of my acquiring anything nasty through FK and BBBJ isn't great enough to worry about. So when I'm looking for a provider to spend time with, that's what I'm going to want to see on the menu. If a lady doesn't want to provide that level of service because she feels it's too risky, that's her call, and that's fine, but don't try to tell me that it's my loss because I won't see her. I've been there and done that already, and it IS my loss when I DO see a provider that doesn't FK and provide BBBJ, because I'm not getting what I want and feel I "need". In large part I'm in the hobby because I don't have a girlfriend, and for whatever reasons can't seem to get one. I want that illusion of connection, of passion, of caring, and I'm not going to get that from a woman who won't kiss me and who throws a cover on before going down on me. Come on (being realistic here), it's bad enough that I have to pay for companionship and somehow push that fact to the back of my mind in order to maintain the illusion that I'm not a complete and utter loser when it comes to women, let's not add insult to injury. ;)

What I do appreciate, from you guys who provide such details, is letting me know which ladies do provide such services, and which ones don't, so I don't get let down (and conversely, I'm not making the lady uncomfortable by insisting on a service she's not comfortable providing).

Just my €0.0140602 (at today's exchange rate).



Bluffcity Guy
07-24-09, 08:55
I have found 3 new escorts for reasonable rates in Memphis. Kim 901-849-9171, Denise 901-238-1804, and Doris 901-219-5943. Exceptional rates. Ages of them respectfully Kim 21, Denise 31, Doris, 38. They have incall and outcall.Apropos your handle, are these "your" girls?

Leaving aside my general preference for independents over girls with a manager, at least a little more description (and preferably pictures) might be in order. What do these ladies look like, and what's on the menu for the "reasonable"/"exceptional rates? For that matter, what are you considering "reasonable"/"exceptional"?

Inquiring minds want to know.



Cat Daddy #2
07-24-09, 11:33
After corresponding with her via email for a short time I scheduled an appt with her around lunch, she texted back she can do that. So, on the way to her place, she texted me asking to push it back 30 mins because she was running behind, no problem I responded. She wanted me to call at the new time when I was arriving and I did so, and she said she's running another 10 mins late.

Starting to get irritated and had a feeling this was going to be a stand up situation I told her OK because she said she was coming from the other end of the county and was paying bills. So I wait, no call or text so I call her. Another 5 mins please. Ok I wait, nothing. I call her again, oh I'm just getting on such and such street (about 20 minutes away) so I knew this was a stand up.

So, I leave and call a reputable provider of whom I a regular and schedule with no problem.

About 15 minutes after I leave and about 1 hour from the time she first agreed to meet, she texts me "can't make it". No other explanation or anything.

So, I wait a few minutes and call and she said well something came up blah blah blah.

Time lost - 1 hour
Gas - lots
Frustration - lots

WOW, And she was on my to do list next week.

Tupelo Honey
07-24-09, 12:52
Gfe-(noun) Girl Friend Experience. Long deep tongue kisses, no clocks, no limits, BBBJ but cfs, as many pops as you can handle in the time YOU have because I have all the time in the world when it comes to you. I only schedule one boyfriend a day and I'll give you hours of my time. Every position your body is capable of and my body can do them all. Cuddles and pillow talk if that is what you are into. A nice nap if you have the time (my personal favorite). Can't walk straight when it is all said and done. Call me or text me 5 minutes after you leave me to let me know you already can't wait to see me again. I feel the same. That is MY version of GFE.



I completely agree with your definition. This is also the way I am with my guys.

Stocking Lover
07-24-09, 13:18
My definition of a GFE provider is one who includes plenty of DFK, DATY, a nice BJ, (hopefully uncovered, but its not a deal breaker for me), and any position I am in the mood for that particular day. I have found that a lot of ladies are YMMV as far as the BBBJs are concerned. That's why you often see conflicting reviews about whether the elusive BBBJ is involved or not. Let's face it guys...show up with a smelly member and she probably isn't going to want to stick it in her mouth without a cover. Also, some ladies might, after becoming more comfortable with you after a couple of visits, decide that you are a nice enough guy to give you the BJ without the cover. You can gain a lot of extras form a provider if you treat them like a lady during your time together. I would also throw multiple pops into this whole equation. That used to be more of a concern for me...but it seems like that 2nd pop is getting more difficult the older I get. One good pop and then some nice cuddling and conversation is GFE enough for me on most days. I'm pretty easy to please....most of the time. :)


Big Boi Terry
07-24-09, 13:52
I had a dream with Cherry earlier this week and am here to give my report. Upon arriving I was hoping to see the vision that we've all seen on her BP ad's and I was not disapointed. IMHO if you put Cherry in a room with most providers in a bikini, you would def. notice her. Cherry is a very attractive young lady with an almost flawless body. I will admit that I did scan the room for any signs of drug use but didn't see any,I did this simply because I recall where someone reported suspicious drug use. Cherry doesn't give me the impression of someone that uses drugs, but I am no expert in that matter. The PROS: Great looks,smoking hot body,very good skills,easy to talk to,nice tight & very wet twat,and was not a clock watcher. The Cons: Is a smoker,incall was decent but not great,and for some guys (not me) has a tattoo. Cherry was ready when I arrived and while I would not consider her, and here is where the debate can continue, a true GFE. She is certainly pretty enough,has the body,and has the skills to be one,but for me the mood that a woman can get me in is very important. I stay horny but some providers take me to another level. That's were attitude comes into play, i've met some providers that while not as georgeous as Cherry simply make me want to love them until we both hurt,with Cherry i'm like that simply because she is so nice to look at. I've often wondered how can providers get motivated to see us,because when they open their doors they may not like what they see but we still expect them to give us their best. Me,i'm middle aged,dark complexion,avg. height,more muscular than fat,some find attractive but not all. I guess the power of the benjamin is strong. Don't get me wrong, Cherry has a nice attitude and all that I can say is that if you are into getting it on with an attractive young blonde with a killer body and good skills see her. If you are not into that kind of thing,stay away. Would I repeat,yes I would. But she may not be every man's cup of tea,no provider is everything to everybody.

Stocking Lover
07-24-09, 14:07
I've often wondered how can providers get motivated to see us,because when they open their doors they may not like what they see but we still expect them to give us their best.

I have asked many providers that exact question because I can guarantee you I will have a difficult time making wood if an ugly provider showed up at my door. I know I wouldn't give my best....not even for a couple of Benjamins. My hat's off to all you providers who can pull it off.


07-24-09, 14:51
Stocking Lover, your hilarious talking about your wood. I'm crackin up. I feel the same way. That's why I always am fresh and clean and if I know a provider well, will ask to use her shower to freshen up.

Cleanliness is next to godliness!

Woody Wood Pecker

I have asked many providers that exact question because I can guarantee you I will have a difficult time making wood if an ugly provider showed up at my door. I know I wouldn't give my best....not even for a couple of Benjamins. My hat's off to all you providers who can pull it off.


Pole Dancer
07-24-09, 16:35
I had a dream with Cherry earlier this week and am here to give my report. Upon arriving I was hoping to see the vision that we've all seen on her BP ad's and I was not disapointed. IMHO if you put Cherry in a room with most providers in a bikini, you would def. notice her. Cherry is a very attractive young lady with an almost flawless body. I will admit that I did scan the room for any signs of drug use but didn't see any,I did this simply because I recall where someone reported suspicious drug use. Cherry doesn't give me the impression of someone that uses drugs, but I am no expert in that matter. The PROS: Great looks,smoking hot body,very good skills,easy to talk to,nice tight & very wet twat,and was not a clock watcher. The Cons: Is a smoker,incall was decent but not great,and for some guys (not me) has a tattoo. Cherry was ready when I arrived and while I would not consider her, and here is where the debate can continue, a true GFE. She is certainly pretty enough,has the body,and has the skills to be one,but for me the mood that a woman can get me in is very important. I stay horny but some providers take me to another level. That's were attitude comes into play, i've met some providers that while not as georgeous as Cherry simply make me want to love them until we both hurt,with Cherry i'm like that simply because she is so nice to look at. I've often wondered how can providers get motivated to see us,because when they open their doors they may not like what they see but we still expect them to give us their best. Me,i'm middle aged,dark complexion,avg. height,more muscular than fat,some find attractive but not all. I guess the power of the benjamin is strong. Don't get me wrong, Cherry has a nice attitude and all that I can say is that if you are into getting it on with an attractive young blonde with a killer body and good skills see her. If you are not into that kind of thing,stay away. Would I repeat,yes I would. But she amay not be every man's cup of tea,no provider is everything to everybody.wwe, thanx big boi! I really appreciate your honesty and taking the time to review me. I had an awesome dream with you y-day and can't wait to see you again! Be good yall

Member #4243
07-24-09, 18:46
See my report in Classifieds -- Discussion regarding Erica.

Pole Dancer
07-24-09, 22:18
The Cops Are Using A Female Tonight!! She Is Calling Herself Tracy And Is Very Nice On The Phone. Dont Let It Fool You, I Just Went To Meet Her And Her "boyfriend"... Total Setup!! This Has Happened To Me A Few Times Before, But Not Tonite! I Wish You All The Best


Hi Pole Dancer,

I sincerely appreciate your contributions to the forum, but...

Would you please refrain from capitalizing the first letter of EVERY word in your reports!

It's difficult to read, it's time consuming to fix, and it takes you more work to write like that.

On behalf of myself and your fellow Forum Members: Thank You!


07-24-09, 23:03
Hmmm, I do I start this story of literary fiction? I know that we all have different tastes and preferences, so please take this report as a personally biased one.

I had an incall with Erica yesterday. I had researched here and other boards, I had reviewed CL and backpage ads. I had also PM'd others, whom had seen her, looking for comments (unfortunately they came back to late...LOL). I had concluded, based on my reasearch, that she would be someone that I would like to see.

She was accomodating on the phone and sounded nice, very easy to get ahold of and was willing to work with me on my schedule. We had ironed out the arrangements and agreed on the details. We were set for the meeting.

It was scheduled for 6pm, however 45 minutes prior to the meeting, due to her own reasons, she was not going to be able to make that time....well I called off the meeting. She then calls me about 30 minutes later and we make new arrangements. We meet at a mutually agreed location.

I am sorry to say that she has several misleading pics in her ads. They are probably her, but they are several, several years old. She states that she is 47 years old (and I would agree with this) and those are NOT pics of a 47 y.o. woman. The pics of her in a white shirt and jeans are NOT an accurate representation of her. I will say that the pic posted on 6-25-09 is a closer representation to her (she is the person with black shirt and blu jeans) but not completely accurate, just closer.

We go and get the room and I am trying to make the best of this, but when the clothes come off, unfortunately again the pics ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE of her. I am happy to report though that she has taken the advice of the board, and though she has not shaved, she has tightly trimmed herself. We had agreed to greek isles beforehand, but in the room stated that would be $ more. I then pressed the situation and she said that I was to big and that she would not be able to go through with it. OK, well that is that.

I will say that she was willing to accomodate me on the BJ, but by this time I was just wanting to get it done and leave. Which is what was done.

For me, this was not a good experience. I may take some heat over this, but I do feel that this is a representational account of my fictional experience. I am sorry that no one else has reported the obivious discrepancy between the person and the pics. I will not repeat.


07-25-09, 02:26
Hmmm, I do I start this story of literary fiction? I know that we all have different tastes and preferences, so please take this report as a personally biased one.

I had an incall with Erica yesterday. I had researched here and other boards, I had reviewed CL and backpage ads. I had also PM'd others, whom had seen her, looking for comments (unfortunately they came back to late. LOL). I had concluded, based on my reasearch, that she would be someone that I would like to see.

She was accomodating on the phone and sounded nice, very easy to get ahold of and was willing to work with me on my schedule. We had ironed out the arrangements and agreed on the details. We were set for the meeting.

It was scheduled for 6pm, however 45 minutes prior to the meeting, due to her own reasons, she was not going to be able to make that time. Well I called off the meeting. She then calls me about 30 minutes later and we make new arrangements. We meet at a mutually agreed location.

I am sorry to say that she has several misleading pics in her ads. They are probably her, but they are several, several years old. She states that she is 47 years old (and I would agree with this) and those are NOT pics of a 47 y. O. Woman. The pics of her in a white shirt and jeans are NOT an accurate representation of her. I will say that the pic posted on 6-25-09 is a closer representation to her (she is the person with black shirt and blu jeans) but not completely accurate, just closer.

We go and get the room and I am trying to make the best of this, but when the clothes come off, unfortunately again the pics ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE of her. I am happy to report though that she has taken the advice of the board, and though she has not shaved, she has tightly trimmed herself. We had agreed to greek isles beforehand, but in the room stated that would be $ more. I then pressed the situation and she said that I was to big and that she would not be able to go through with it. OK, well that is that.

I will say that she was willing to accomodate me on the BJ, but by this time I was just wanting to get it done and leave. Which is what was done.

For me, this was not a good experience. I may take some heat over this, but I do feel that this is a representational account of my fictional experience. I am sorry that no one else has reported the obivious discrepancy between the person and the pics. I will not repeat.

JTBI have not been on this board long but been on other sites of this type for MANY years. Let me say, that I enjoy accurate descriptions of various posters. I have seen a number of girls where the pics are just not accurate. I even go back to the reviews that I had read prior to seeing a given provider, after seeing them, and find no mention of the pics being a mis-representation of the provider. I just wondered what they were looking at, or just afraid to piss someone off. I have been in your shoes and it just SUCKS when you expect one thing and get something totally different. So I for one appreciate your honesty in this report. You will always take heat for saying anything negative about someone. Time will tell how this turns out, but from what I read, sure seems like a honest view of things from your eyes. You did not seem to be just bashing her.

07-25-09, 09:28
Doesn't this fall under the escort ad section? Correct me if I am wrong. New guy.1 post. New girls. Any photos? Any descriptions? Escorts have their own area of posting. Should there be an area for PIMPS as well? Curious minds want to know.


While this may be a new precedent, I agree that Pimps should probably advertise in the Escorts Ads - No Commentary section unless Jackson makes one for pimps, and that is unlikely. You might also make a mention with more detail in the Escort review section, for discussion.

As Melissa said, pics are a HUGE part. I have not and will not ever call a girl without having seen several pics first. Just won't happen. Description of services and rates is always helpful too.


07-25-09, 10:14
While this may be a new precedent, I agree that Pimps should probably advertise in the Escorts Ads - No Commentary section unless Jackson makes one for pimps, and that is unlikely. You might also make a mention with more detail in the Escort review section, for discussion.

As Melissa said, pics are a HUGE part. I have not and will not ever call a girl without having seen several pics first. Just won't happen. Description of services and rates is always helpful too.


Alot of clients are really turned off from seeing a girl who is known to have a pimp. The whole thought of her being so.... well....let's just be nice and say so vulnerable - that she has to give her money to some pimp dude is really a turn off. It just ruins the mood for me to know that the money I am giving her is going straight to some dude so he can buy some more dubs and rims and whatever. I have no respect for a girl who has a pimp and do my best to avoid girls who do have them. I'm sure I have seen girls who have had pimps, but I sure as hell don't want to know about it. And I sure as hell don't want to see a girl who is so low class that she has some self named pimp trolling the net for her. I can't think of anything more of a turn off than that.

07-25-09, 12:24
The Cops Are Using A Female Tonight!! She Is Calling Herself Tracy And Is Very Nice On The Phone. Dont Let It Fool You, I Just Went To Meet Her And Her "boyfriend"... Total Setup!! This Has Happened To Me A Few Times Before, But Not Tonite! I Wish You All The BestIf you ever feel unsure of a call. Please feel free to call me or other providers, Becuase they used this method about 2 months ago and got several ladies. They tried calling me before and in the last two days.

Check References. They will save you!

07-25-09, 12:43
I have found 3 new escorts for reasonable rates in Memphis. Kim 901-849-9171, Denise 901-238-1804, and Doris 901-219-5943. Exceptional rates. Ages of them respectfully Kim 21, Denise 31, Doris, 38. They have incall and outcall.
I think I seen another from you where you sure had alot of $ signs. The Kim thats 21 might be worth $.50 the rest might be but pics and posts would tell the whole story. What is your cut. LOL LOL

Tupelo Honey
07-25-09, 17:03
I fully agree with all the guys on here. Everyone should have accurate and up-to-date pictures. I know that guys are very visual. I don't understand these girls that use old pictures or even pictures of someone else. When are you dishonest you aren't going to get any repeat business.

Being a plus sized girl myself, I always make sure the guy knows up front exactly how I look. I don't take offense to anyone who doesn't want to see me because I am not model thin. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. You should get exactly what you pay for when making any kind of purchase.

Just my two cents.

Stay safe and play hard.

07-25-09, 17:37
I would like thank you Jtownbrown for saving me some money because I really wanted to see Erica.Her pics posted were hot but now forget it.I got burned a month ago by the latino Rachel.She used to post a lot on bp and craigslist .She showed up at my hotel looking like a hot mess.She has realy let herself go nothing like her pics just her face .Fat stomach and flat ass what happened to her.Gave her gas money and called up another escort.

07-25-09, 20:33
This review is a little behind, but with one of my jobs I don't always have good access.

Set up a meeting with Bliss via email in late june. It was easy, she checked a reference and it was a go. She is definite GFE, made me feel right at home, and after a few minutes of chatting we got down to business.

From kissing to the BBBJNQNS which was great and mixed in with some tit fucking (don't know the slang for that). We did all positions, and greek, I never could get that second shot off, but that my problem not hers. She worked me till I was like a rag doll.

I would see her again and do recommend her to those that haven't had the pleasure.

Sweet Melissa
07-25-09, 21:29
I got an e-mail (my e-mail is public) and it was from a girl named Hannah who wanted to set up a birthday surprise for her b/f. I replied with the usual. Send me a pic. Meet me in public and cough up the $$$$. I never got a response and when I tried to e-mail again to make sure they got my pic that they asked for. The mail came back as undeliverable. Hmmmmm. SCSO is getting tricky and we should all look out for each other. Thanks to all the providers who "provide". Hahahahah. Information on the sketchy people. Have to say that the mood on the board is much more friendly lately and I like it! Peace, Love and Happiness to all who love a piece of love with happy endings. Ha!



07-25-09, 21:41
If you ever feel unsure of a call. Please feel free to call me or other providers, Becuase they used this method about 2 months ago and got several ladies. They tried calling me before and in the last two days.

Check References. They will save you! I've found the safest thing is to ask providers who they recommend as "safe" providers that are their friends or at least they can vouch that they aren't LEO. I really appreciate SweetSarah's offer to authenticate other providers. I haven't had one person get bent outta shape b/c I asked for a referral to someone else if I told them it was just for safety's sake. IMHO that is the about the safest way to navigate the shark (or pig) filled waters of Memphis' hobbyland.

07-25-09, 23:09
This review is a little behind, but with one of my jobs I don't always have good access.

Set up a meeting with Bliss via email in late june. It was easy, she checked a reference and it was a go. She is definite GFE, made me feel right at home, and after a few minutes of chatting we got down to business.

From kissing to the BBBJNQNS which was great and mixed in with some tit fucking (don't know the slang for that). We did all positions, and greek, I never could get that second shot off, but that my problem not hers. She worked me till I was like a rag doll.

I would see her again and do recommend her to those that haven't had the pleasure.

Thanks for the report.

FWIW, tit-fucking is called Russion in the US. If your in Australia, it's called Spanish. But if your in Australia, Russion means Quickie... Don't ask me why.

And for whatever reason, BBBJNQNS (Bare Back Blow Job No Quit No Spit) isn't in our abbreviation list. We'll have to call it BBBJTCWS (Bare Back Blow Job to Completion with Swallowing) which is the same as BBBJTCIM (Bare Back Blow Job to Cum/Completion in Mouth) which we also dont have... Jackson!!!



Sweet Melissa
07-25-09, 23:32
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.



Snoop Deville
07-26-09, 00:01
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.


A repeat customer.

07-26-09, 00:05
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.



From a recipient stand point I think that would be called- IMNF (In My Near Future)!

For your purposes, I would simply call it an outstanding resume bullet point!

If we have to name it, lets make it; BBBJTCIMDLS (Bare Back Blow Job To Cum In Mouth with Dribble then Lick & Swallow).



07-26-09, 01:10
A repeat customer.Indeed, indeed! Well played! +1 for you.

I sure want to be a repeat customer of Melissa!

07-26-09, 04:23
A repeat customer.My thoughts exactly.

Bob Parks
07-26-09, 05:31
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.


MelissaMy kinda BJ.

07-26-09, 08:55
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.


Something i'd like you to video!!!!!

07-26-09, 09:11
Alot of clients are really turned off from seeing a girl who is known to have a pimp. The whole thought of her being so.... well....let's just be nice and say so vulnerable - that she has to give her money to some pimp dude is really a turn off. It just ruins the mood for me to know that the money I am giving her is going straight to some dude so he can buy some more dubs and rims and whatever. I have no respect for a girl who has a pimp and do my best to avoid girls who do have them. I'm sure I have seen girls who have had pimps, but I sure as hell don't want to know about it. And I sure as hell don't want to see a girl who is so low class that she has some self named pimp trolling the net for her. I can't think of anything more of a turn off than that.
May I also ad that if pimps start advertising here openly. More than likely we'll really draw more unwanted attention to this site from SCSO. Girls with pimps have there own advertising campaign"the track."

We all know there are some girls who have pimps that we dont know of. The girls we do know of having pimps,don't outright advertise it on line." Hey i'm a pimp try these new girls out I just got in from Cali last night!"
Anyway I just think its to much unwanted attention IMHO. Way to keep a open mind for marketing though!

C Note2
07-26-09, 09:33
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.



Ah Hell! Will you just marry me?

07-26-09, 12:06
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.


MelissaI call it disgusting. Something their girl friend or wife SHOULD do, but they won't! And think we should.

What do you call it when your wife or girlfriend won't do it. Is it still considered "the girl friend experience"? LOL

Sweet Melissa
07-26-09, 14:00
I call it disgusting. Something their girl friend or wife SHOULD do, but they won't! And think we should.

What do you call it when your wife or girlfriend won't do it. Is it still considered "the girl friend experience"? LOLThat's why we get paid the BIG BUCKS! Would you eat a bulls testicle on FEAR FACTOR for $$$$$. LOL! I would. Guess that just makes me disgusting. I've seen it done in movies though. As long as it doesn't get in my eyes. I'm cool!


07-26-09, 14:01
I just got back from a nice long lunch date with Melissa and I have to take back anything bad I may have said. For anyone who doubted it: She’s hot, has gorgeous blue eyes, has tits that MAKE you stare at them and is sweeter and funnier in person than I could have imagined. We had a nice lunch and made the usual introductory small talk. After a few minutes, the purpose of us date was on the table. For my upcoming birthday, my wife and I will be having a threesome with Melissa! Not only will I get to be treated by having two hot ladies, we get to be her first threesome.

Just to make sure we were on the same page, when I walked her out to her car, we found a private spot and she proved that those nice, big, round titties are real and they taste like honey! She’s a passionate kisser too! I can’t friggin wait!!!

Read it and weep boys! <evil grin>.


07-26-09, 14:09
What do you call it when you give a bare back blow job. Cum in mouth. Let it dribble down your shaft and lick it back up again and THEN swallow it? This curious mind wants to know.


BBBJTCWDTCUWS Bare back blow job to completion with dribbles clean up with swallow .... plus the number goes on speed dial

07-26-09, 14:12
Thanks for the report.

FWIW, tit-fucking is called Russion in the US. If your in Australia, it's called Spanish. But if your in Australia, Russion means Quickie... Don't ask me why.

And for whatever reason, BBBJNQNS (Bare Back Blow Job No Quit No Spit) isn't in our abbreviation list. We'll have to call it BBBJTCWS (Bare Back Blow Job to Completion with Swallowing) which is the same as BBBJTCIM (Bare Back Blow Job to Cum/Completion in Mouth) which we also dont have... Jackson!!!



Russian, I thought of it later doing a review elsewhere. But thanks, some of these abbreviations are just about as long as spelling it out....

07-26-09, 16:23
Ah Hell! Will you just marry me?
Reminds me of an old joke though. "Do you know why the bride always has a big smile on her face once they've said the vow ?" Cause it's the last time she'll have to give a BJ..... Let's just be glad there are girls like Melissa out there.... :-).

Bob Parks
07-26-09, 19:25
I call it disgusting. Something their girl friend or wife SHOULD do, but they won't! And think we should.

What do you call it when your wife or girlfriend won't do it. Is it still considered "the girl friend experience"? LOLI call that grounds for a DIVORICE; Just ask my EXwife.

Bob Parks
07-26-09, 19:31
Reminds me of an old joke though. "Do you know why the bride always has a big smile on her face once they've said the vow? " Cause it's the last time she'll have to give a BJ. Let's just be glad there are girls like Melissa out there.It has been said that there is a food that can reduce a womans sex drive by 90%. It's called wedding cake! LOL

Sweet Melissa
07-27-09, 10:37
It has been said that there is a food that can reduce a womans sex drive by 90%. It's called wedding cake! LOLThe man who marries me can stake his life on the fact that he will get ANYTHING he wants. ANYTIME he wants. Along with the cooking and the cleaning and the yard work (love yard work) done by me. I loved being married. Sex in the morning, sex in the afternoon, sex at night, sex in the car, sex on the balcony, sex sex sex. Plus the bonus of a cute companion who makes dinner in heels and an apron and nothing else. Serves it to you and rubs your feet while watching baseball. Wakes you up with a BJ, wears a skirt with no panties to the office and shuts the door while she sits on your lap during lunch. Ahhhhh. To be married again. A girl can dream. I know the things I did wrong last time. It wasn't ALL his fault. But I won't make any of those mistakes again. So, wedding cake to me would be an aphrodesiac (sp). My.02



Member #4243
07-27-09, 11:46
... mixed in with some tit fucking (don't know the slang for that) ...

The term I've seen most commonly is "Russian."

Tupelo Honey
07-27-09, 13:36
It's not always the woman that doesn't want sex after marriage. Hell lack of sex was one of the main reasons I left my ex-husband. I was under the impression that once I got married I was entitled to unlimited on demand dick. Anytime I wanted dick I would get it because I had a husband. WRONG. Anyway, got rid of his ass and I have said ever since, next relationship I get into, there will be a sex contract with a weekly minimum. LOL

Sweet Melissa
07-27-09, 15:54
It's not always the woman that doesn't want sex after marriage. Hell lack of sex was one of the main reasons I left my ex-husband. I was under the impression that once I got married I was entitled to unlimited on demand dick. Anytime I wanted dick I would get it because I had a husband. WRONG. Anyway, got rid of his ass and I have said ever since, next relationship I get into, there will be a sex contract with a weekly minimum. LOLI have decide on that same thing. And I also want a renewal clause. Every two years we decide if we still want to be with each other and we either renew the contract or go our seperate ways. Less pressure to keep up appearances or worry about hurting someone. I've never had a problem signing a prenup about money because that is not what matters to me. But sex, honesty and loyalty do. Just my little ol' opinion.



07-29-09, 13:20
Hmmm, I wonder why you refered to them as thugs.Hmmm, I got it and I'm not that bright I suspect he referred to them that way because that's the way most of them act. If the shoe fits. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't roll models. I certainly don't want any of them influencing my family. They are thugs and, if they weren't so luckily gifted, they'd be robbing people just like all their thug friends. Hope this doesn't cause me grief, but I appreciate people who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. No disrespect meant towards you or them, but many of them are street level thugs who just happen to be gifted/rich and their actions are pretty much indefensible.

Sweet Melissa
07-29-09, 13:21
I'll do what I want BH. And who appointed you board monitor? I posted in two threads because the thread that Melissa made her comment in wasn't the "Escort Reports" thread, so I cross posted it here but then, I don't need to explain anything to you nor do I need your approval.

$$$$ was for three or four hours. Reasonable for anyone who knows WTF they're talking about or who has ever RTFF regarding Melissa. So who is the sucker?Bh,

You get the military discount (you always have from day one) and you know it. Have to support our troops. Sweaty, solid, manly men who can bang you hard. No one is allowed to discuss my rates though like Rebelest did. And those who know BH. And love? Hate you. Know that you REALLY are an a**hole. It's in your nature. Love you anyway. I've cancelled dates in the past, I've never not shown up (is that a double negative). But I ahve had the same done to me by mongers. I have people who I have been seeing for quite a while. What I ask for in an allowance is my own business and I can do sales and freebies at my own discretion. I just chose "NO" on this one. I Went back on my word, but once again quoting Babee. I can stop when I want. And come on, I provide "services" for money. How trustworthy can I really be? <evil grin I can decide nt to answer when I want. It's my right. I can decide not to return messages. I can avoid Calls in the hopes that you will go away. When you don't. I think it is called stalking. But I hope you have gotten all of your aggresion out in our public. Thank you Jackson for providing us with your service.



07-29-09, 13:24
With every phone call I received from Rebelst. The messages became more and more disturbing. THe anger was there and to tell you the truth I was just a little scared to invite a man who was OBVIOUSLY upset with me back into my home. My life and safety mean more than ONE crappy review. It had to happen eventually I guess. Can't please them all. But after 4 hours. Which equals $ an hour. Which is a ridiculously low rate. I had enough and his parts just weren't working. Not my fault. And just to repeat. If I was so grotesque and fat. You should have walked out there and then.

MelissaMaybe you shouldn't promise things you can't deliver. I thought for $$$$ they get what ever they want for as long as they want. A nap, dinner, BBBJ, and so on and so forth! ?

That is why you get paid the BIG BUCKS right?

Sweet Melissa
07-29-09, 13:41
Any grown man who spends his time watching sports is wasting his time.

"I don't care about who won the big sports game or waste my time on such crap. Sounds gay to me to cheer for a bunch of men chasing a ball around, but whatever I guess. I like to spend my time making money, and making women - that's how a man should spend his time, not watching some idiots chase a ball." - - Gene Simmons

I feel the same way. Life is too short to waste time watching sports.I like sports. I like watching and playing them. Whne I am watching at home. I might not be so interested in the game, but I'm doing it for my man. So, in order to amuse myself while watching said sports. I have a rule! We have to make out, BJ's ussy-pay licking or something during all the time outs, commercials, half-time (unless it's someone good) etc. Sports can be fun when you do it my way!


07-29-09, 14:18
Any grown man who spends his time watching sports is wasting his time.

"I don't care about who won the big sports game or waste my time on such crap. Sounds gay to me to cheer for a bunch of men chasing a ball around, but whatever I guess. I like to spend my time making money, and making women - that's how a man should spend his time, not watching some idiots chase a ball." - - Gene Simmons

I feel the same way. Life is too short to waste time watching sports.
I can Multi Task!:);)

07-29-09, 14:19
Rmcky. I think you hit the nail squarely on the head. I'll even add to it, lots of our elected leaders are thugs. I won't mention anyone specifically like Hussein.

Hmmm, I got it and I'm not that bright I suspect he referred to them that way because that's the way most of them act. If the shoe fits. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't roll models. I certainly don't want any of them influencing my family. They are thugs and, if they weren't so luckily gifted, they'd be robbing people just like all their thug friends. Hope this doesn't cause me grief, but I appreciate people who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. No disrespect meant towards you or them, but many of them are street level thugs who just happen to be gifted/rich and their actions are pretty much indefensible.

Sweet Melissa
07-29-09, 14:19
Welll Gee Mellisa after much considoration and pondering your thoughts below! I would be extremely honored if you would be me wife :) All ya have to da is anything ya want all day long and everything ya said below :) LOL

RichI will take your proposal under advisement. Please PM me with you intentions and requirements. I would like land and horses. Imagine me running around is short blue jean shorts. Tending to the yard, the home, the horses and you. YOU being my first priority!

You know I got that cowboy hat!



07-29-09, 14:39
Hmmm, I got it and I'm not that bright:) I suspect he referred to them that way because that's the way most of them act. If the shoe fits. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't roll models. I certainly don't want any of them influencing my family. They are thugs and, if they weren't so luckily gifted, they'd be robbing people just like all their thug friends. Hope this doesn't cause me grief, but I appreciate people who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. No disrespect meant towards you or them, but many of them are street level thugs who just happen to be gifted/rich and their actions are pretty much indefensible.
Look i'm not here to take up for athletes,lord knows I cant stand a dumb jock who blows a free ride! ESP when other students have to pay there way through school,and some even when they finish they're still paying back. You do know all athletes aren't thugs right? Thats just what media chooses to focus on. It's ashamed they never focus on the true student/scholar athletes. And yes they are out there.

Take Vandy,perfect example. They're not the best in the SEC,but if you put them in another conference they'll clean house. Also while you have some of the thugs playing at say....Tn. BAMA,MSU,Ole Miss. No pun intended... They are looking over at the Vandy bench laughing because there beating the snot outta of them. BUT!!! A few years later,those exact Vandy players are the surgeon's repairing there knee,the PT nursing them back to health,or the lawyer getting there dumb rich asses outta trouble for....let's say hmmmmmm dog fighting,or vehicular homicide while intoxicated. You know some of the smart players take advantage of pro sports minus maybe doctors and lawyers. They play a few years to make the money to start there business ventures in there chosen field's. Yes some truly do this... And I repeat im not taking up for all of them because some are thugs,but dont classify them all that way. Dont drink the media kool-aid all the time. If you dont think for yourself at times this makes you worse than a thug. Is Peyton Manning a Thug?

07-29-09, 15:32
John Lennon said: "Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted."

Any grown man who spends his time watching sports is wasting his time.

07-29-09, 16:24
Look i'm not here to take up for athletes,lord knows I cant stand a dumb jock who blows a free ride! ESP when other students have to pay there way through school,and some even when they finish they're still paying back. You do know all athletes aren't thugs right? Thats just what media chooses to focus on. It's ashamed they never focus on the true student/scholar athletes. And yes they are out there.

I know they're not all thugs. We have several from down here in MS that are quite good people who make it a point to give back as much as they can. As a matter of fact, we just lost a very fine one to a crazy girlfriend and that was a doggoned shame.

However, there are plenty of low life thugs in professional sports, especially the NBA. Most of the ones I've seen would be crack dealers and/or inmates, if they weren't so talented. However, I'm still proud of them for working thier way out of the hood. I didn't mean to melign all professional athletes. Just pointing out that I understood the thug reference and that it was well earned.

And, FWIW, I waste plenty of my time as a sports fan. Hey, I can admire a well formed dog turd. Doesn't mean I want to eat it, but I can admire it.

Member #4714
07-29-09, 18:49
Take for instance the ex Tiger and Grizzly Antonio Burks who is in the Med fighting for his life. Shot in a alley shooting dice. Now if thats not a role model for the inner city youth of this town then I don't know what is.. Wrong place at the wrong time hanging with the wrong people is what I say. I haven't been shot yet and I don't hang out in alleys shooting dice either.

Protect yourself! Cause there damn sure won't be anyone else to do it. Don't put yourself in a bad situation. I don't know Burks or his career but who's to say that he is out of pro ball because of his off the court antics? I'd much rather be getting paid to play a kids game than what he was doing.

Trac Girl Luvr
07-29-09, 19:04
With every phone call I received from Rebelst. The messages became more and more disturbing. THe anger was there and to tell you the truth I was just a little scared to invite a man who was OBVIOUSLY upset with me back into my home. My life and safety mean more than ONE crappy review. It had to happen eventually I guess. Can't please them all. But after 4 hours. Which equals $ an hour. Which is a ridiculously low rate. I had enough and his parts just weren't working. Not my fault. And just to repeat. If I was so grotesque and fat. You should have walked out there and then.

MelissaMy Dear,

I have no idea what traspired between you and Rebelst and even after RTFF I still have no clear understanding and frankly don't care,EXCEPT to say that I have met Rebelst in a 5 hour dream that was pleasant,& very intresting I find him to be a very complex and stimulating man full of surprises. And quite picky I am afraid which can be both good and bad. We as providers CAN NOT please everyone!!! And sparing or exchangeing insults seems a bit childish!! It seems to me that since we cant control what is posted, good or bad! We can only control our selfs no one else in what they do or what they say and all that said should be truly investagated before it is stated as fact!!!!

Be Safe Be Careful & Be Nuaghty

x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x
Some of us like Choclate
Some of us like Strawberry
Some of us like Vanilla
But we must taste them all to see which we like and which we dont!!!!

07-29-09, 19:44
Personally- I don't give a shit about sports or the conversations related to them.

I'd love to hear your latest report about an escort though!



Sweet Melissa
07-29-09, 20:17
Maybe you shouldn't promise things you can't deliver. I thought for $$$$ they get what ever they want for as long as they want. A nap, dinner, BBBJ, and so on and so forth! ?

That is why you get paid the BIG BUCKS right?I deliver everything I promise. My equipment was working just fine. I had no problem delivering. But you can knock on the door all day and still nobody will answer. There was no wood in this guys door. And don't I recall you telling me you get $$$.75 for one hour? All day. Everyday? You would think that you of all people would understand that enough was enough. But then again. You just like being crabby when it comes to me so I expect nothing less from you. I worked really hard on this guy and just couldn't get him to pop. Not My Problem. You take a shot at him and if he can't deliver after your 1 hour. Then think of me after 4!

Piss Off,


07-29-09, 20:22
I know they're not all thugs. We have several from down here in MS that are quite good people who make it a point to give back as much as they can. As a matter of fact, we just lost a very fine one to a crazy girlfriend and that was a doggoned shame.

However, there are plenty of low life thugs in professional sports, especially the NBA. Most of the ones I've seen would be crack dealers and/or inmates, if they weren't so talented. However, I'm still proud of them for working thier way out of the hood. I didn't mean to melign all professional athletes. Just pointing out that I understood the thug reference and that it was well earned.

And, FWIW, I waste plenty of my time as a sports fan. Hey, I can admire a well formed dog turd. Doesn't mean I want to eat it, but I can admire it.
We can agree on that,esp the NBA :)

07-30-09, 00:03

I called and was told by the ladies that they only did doubles for $$. I mentioned the add price and they said that was an old ad and they no longer did the other amts. So I said thanks but no thanks.

But I did happened to run into blk angel at the mapco Monday nite. I have her # for sr. members.

07-30-09, 02:37
I had a "quick" dream about Mallory tonight.

In my dream she was a great provider with a great personality.

Definitely worth dreaming of again.

07-30-09, 07:59
Could you please continue your petty bickering? I find it intriguing.
--Lt. Cmdr. Data [TV series <i>Star Trek: The Next Generation</i>, ep. "Haven"]


BCGI didn't know I was in the company of fellow nerds. :)

We should have done that on-again/off-again greet and meet months ago using the new Star Trek movie as an "excuse."

So "Eureka" party, anyone?

07-30-09, 11:28

I called and was told by the ladies that they only did doubles for $$. I mentioned the add price and they said that was an old ad and they no longer did the other amts. So I said thanks but no thanks.

But I did happened to run into blk angel at the mapco Monday nite. I have her # for sr. members.
You think we can sue them for false advertising?:) Thanks for the report!

Banger Hard
07-30-09, 12:16
I'll do what I want BH.... I don't need to explain anything to you nor do I need your approval...... anyone who knows WTF they're talking about or who has ever RTFF regarding Melissa. So who is the sucker?Maybe if you RTFF you would see that I reviewed Melissa long before anyone had ever heard of her. Consider who you try flaming before you hit submit.... your response just validates what she said and reinforces to others that you are someone to stay away from.

Trac Girl Luvr
07-30-09, 12:54
Hmmm, I do I start this story of literary fiction? I know that we all have different tastes and preferences, so please take this report as a personally biased one.

I had an incall with Erica yesterday. I had researched here and other boards, I had reviewed CL and backpage ads. I had also PM'd others, whom had seen her, looking for comments (unfortunately they came back to late...LOL). I had concluded, based on my reasearch, that she would be someone that I would like to see.

She was accomodating on the phone and sounded nice, very easy to get ahold of and was willing to work with me on my schedule. We had ironed out the arrangements and agreed on the details. We were set for the meeting.

It was scheduled for 6pm, however 45 minutes prior to the meeting, due to her own reasons, she was not going to be able to make that time....well I called off the meeting. She then calls me about 30 minutes later and we make new arrangements. We meet at a mutually agreed location.

I am sorry to say that she has several misleading pics in her ads. They are probably her, but they are several, several years old. She states that she is 47 years old (and I would agree with this) and those are NOT pics of a 47 y.o. woman. The pics of her in a white shirt and jeans are NOT an accurate representation of her. I will say that the pic posted on 6-25-09 is a closer representation to her (she is the person with black shirt and blu jeans) but not completely accurate, just closer.

We go and get the room and I am trying to make the best of this, but when the clothes come off, unfortunately again the pics ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE of her. I am happy to report though that she has taken the advice of the board, and though she has not shaved, she has tightly trimmed herself. We had agreed to greek isles beforehand, but in the room stated that would be $ more. I then pressed the situation and she said that I was to big and that she would not be able to go through with it. OK, well that is that.

I will say that she was willing to accomodate me on the BJ, but by this time I was just wanting to get it done and leave. Which is what was done.

For me, this was not a good experience. I may take some heat over this, but I do feel that this is a representational account of my fictional experience. I am sorry that no one else has reported the obivious discrepancy between the person and the pics. I will not repeat.

JTBFirst of all no one reported the discrepency in the pics because they are me!

I have lost some weight but not enuff to put the pics in to question I have seen enuff members of this site for any mess to come to light. I have found that I can not please all those I see. But I would be gratefull if you can keep the account of the events truthful and correct!! And with that I will take my leave of you and say that I am sorry you did not like, hopefully you can find someone who can make you smile while in the greek isle's.

Be Safe Be Careful & Be Naughty

x0x0x0x0 ERICA x0x0x0x0x

Sweet Melissa
07-30-09, 13:52
You said that if it isn't working. It isn't working and feel free to end a date. I'm not psychobabble. I was using what you said to tell this guy that I had every right to say "NO" and used you as a quote to back it up. Cna't get over why you hate me so much. I posted that we like the same freakin Eureka show and I saw your site and complimented you on your pretty curls.

Continue to hate me. No worries.

07-30-09, 17:15
dayum what a difference a day (or so) makes. Ummm, fellas I don't see anything @ me being told to apologize to anyone. But I have those posts on 'ignore'. My answer would be "I see no pigs in the sky".

I didn't read all those posts verbatim, but I do see somewhere that I was quoted by PsychoBabble. Don't.

And I'll publicly answer the question that I have been asked so many times BCD. I'm right. I believe I said if I am wrong I would apologize. So here is the thing: If someone posted something about me that I felt was wrong and could interfere with my $$$...I would contact that person and try and set the record straight. That has not happened to date. I have received no call, co email no pm saying 'Can we clear this up?'

I don't believe i have ever commented on service and there was ALOT of personal info I didn't include in that post. The point of the post was to point out that there are character issues that hobbyists need to take into consideration. Then I decided to ignore and let people dig their own holes.

I will say I am a reference friendly provider. I think everyone knows I am extremely pro-provider. There are things I dont do.

I don't keep a diary. I destroy/delete everything daily.
I don't discuss dates with other dates. If it's funny or hot or 'of interest' I may say something to friends. But I will never pass on names, employment etc.
I don't throw a hissy if a friend sees another provider. I refer clients to other providers 'Try so & so ..You might like her.' and for a few point out when providers travel into the area that I think they might like.

The great condom debate. That's common. As a matter of fact I am waiting on a sampler pack shipment of 'Japan's #1 selling condom' . I also had a date recently where he brought his own - Lifestyles 'Snugger Fit'. While I was shopping at condomman.com I saw Xwides (bigger than Magnums?) and condom varieties that are 'fuller shaped at the tip' as well as some that have ridge/ridges at the tip on the underside - supposedly at The Spot.

I generally prefer Lifestyles Ultra Sensitive and another I don't have on hand right now and Magnums <looking to change that one>.

I have provider recommendations (will always take more) but what's the male perspective on them? I've heard both 'I like tight fitting gloves' and 'I prefer mine looser.'

Play Safe,

bThis is the way a real provider works! Thank god for great providers!

07-30-09, 20:07
You said that if it isn't working. It isn't working and feel free to end a date. I'm not psychobabble. I was using what you said to tell this guy that I had every right to say "NO" and used you as a quote to back it up. Cna't get over why you hate me so much. I posted that we like the same freakin Eureka show and I saw your site and complimented you on your pretty curls.

Continue to hate me. No worries.

Babee Doll- she has tried to play nice and I can promise you (from experience) those titties are real. I was believing that she was who you thought she was at first, but now I am solidly convinced it is a mistaken identity. She may look similar but I just don't think it's the same girl. Give her a chance, you might actually like her. She's a sweetheart when you can -hear- the playfulness in the things she says.


Member #4723
07-31-09, 01:07
I think we get the point. Your upset. Your letting off steam. I believe we have scalled the walls enough by now. Can we please get back to our regularly scheduled programming?

Thank you for kind cooperation in this matter.

Yours very truly,

TTFrankly, as someone who wasn't able to make it past her screening process, I'm glad to hear the other side about Melissa. Kinda makes me think that maybe I didn't miss out on much after all, especially for $$$$. Jeez!

If you think about it, Melissa has executed a very shrewd and very effective marketing campaign since she came on the scene via this board. Her cumbersome and mysterious screening process could be viewed as being part of the campaign. Ditto for her fairly frequent come-hither posts in which she comes across like a nymphomaniac who will do almost anything in the sack.

Rebelest's recent posts have put some dents in that shrewd marketing campaign.

07-31-09, 11:45
Frankly, as someone who wasn't able to make it past her screening process, I'm glad to hear the other side about Melissa. Kinda makes me think that maybe I didn't miss out on much after all, especially for $$$$. Jeez!

If you think about it, Melissa has executed a very shrewd and very effective marketing campaign since she came on the scene via this board. Her cumbersome and mysterious screening process could be viewed as being part of the campaign. Ditto for her fairly frequent come-hither posts in which she comes across like a nymphomaniac who will do almost anything in the sack.

Rebelest's recent posts have put some dents in that shrewd marketing campaign.

If I were you, I guess I would be jealous too. Luckily I seem to have made it, but even if I hadn't I don't know that it would be fair to jump on the insult wagon about someone I haven't seen.

Just my .02


Tim Tom
07-31-09, 13:29
Frankly, as someone who wasn't able to make it past her screening process, I'm glad to hear the other side about Melissa. Kinda makes me think that maybe I didn't miss out on much after all, especially for $$$$. Jeez!

If you think about it, Melissa has executed a very shrewd and very effective marketing campaign since she came on the scene via this board. Her cumbersome and mysterious screening process could be viewed as being part of the campaign. Ditto for her fairly frequent come-hither posts in which she comes across like a nymphomaniac who will do almost anything in the sack.

Rebelest's recent posts have put some dents in that shrewd marketing campaign.

From someone who has dreamed there, even at 4 bones, the process and wait was well well worth it. It is like the TER board rates with numbers and words, she would be on the experience with 10 - once in a lifetime. If you could experience it just once, with the exception of a recept poster or two, you would agree. She certainly aint the cheapest but I would say 99% percent out there would go back. The come hither posts are nothing to that come hither voice and come hither look in her eye when she is about to rip your britches off and attack whatever you got smuggling down there. So whatever she has going on, it works.

my .01 (healthcare reform got my other .01)


08-03-09, 11:36
Has anyone seen Danni? Looks great!


Bob Parks
08-03-09, 23:49
Has anyone seen Danni? Looks great!

http://memphis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/8_9658_two_kinky_young_chicks_9668_/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=920777I think I remember seeing some post from them or about them on the Nashville board. If I remember she was with a girl named Jordan and was advertising that they were traveling and listed dates to be in Nashville.

Search the board for reviews I seem to remember some discussion about them but can not remember what it was.

08-04-09, 21:20
Got to spend a very enjoyable dream yesterday with a provider who (for her reasons) prefers to remain very low key on this forum so I will not identify her in this review. Great dream with a nice slow BBBJ, cowgirl and doggie which was very relaxed and unrushed. We even threw in a little toy fun to make it interesting. This little lady sure is fun to dream with.

Also got a couple nice photo's which she's allowed me to share with some senior members. Just pm me if interested.

Toasty Ears
08-04-09, 22:25
Noticed the ad for Peyton few weeks ago


Thought she looked might fine so I set up an appointment in southaven at her incall. Well the girl that I met was not the girl in the ad (Shocker! ). The girl I met was actually the girl going by the name Brooke in another ad. I have attached Brooke's pic that I saved from her ad several weeks ago. She was nice enough but was not really the escort type experience. Everything was done covered. Text messaging while getting pounded not very cool. Has anybody else actually met up with the girl pictured in the ad for Peyton?

Stocking Lover
08-05-09, 10:37
Noticed the ad for Peyton few weeks ago


Thought she looked might fine so I set up an appointment in southaven at her incall. Well the girl that I met was not the girl in the ad (Shocker! ). The girl I met was actually the girl going by the name Brooke in another ad. I have attached Brooke's pic that I saved from her ad several weeks ago. She was nice enough but was not really the escort type experience. Everything was done covered. Text messaging while getting pounded not very cool. Has anybody else actually met up with the girl pictured in the ad for Peyton?

The girl pictured in the ad isn't ever going to show up at the door. The ad worked because you stayed, paid your $$, and pounded her while she was texting.

I'm not trying to start anything but I do have a question...why in the world would you not just hit the bricks when the girl who answered the door wasn't the girl in the pics? The fact that she is representing herself as someone else should tell you that she was a crappy provider.


Licker 4369
08-05-09, 12:14
If it's not the girl in the pic I am walking!!!!!!!!! I agree with SL

The girl pictured in the ad isn't ever going to show up at the door. The ad worked because you stayed, paid your $$, and pounded her while she was texting.

I'm not trying to start anything but I do have a question...why in the world would you not just hit the bricks when the girl who answered the door wasn't the girl in the pics? The fact that she is representing herself as someone else should tell you that she was a crappy provider.


Ruta Stretcher
08-05-09, 18:49
Has anyone had the pleasure of seeing Jayden? Are her pics on backpage her? Lets hear from you guys! Been trying to reach her on the number provided but goes straight to voice mail. If she is too busy to answer her phone not sure I'm even interested. Same goes for Lindsey! Advertises but then you can never get in touch with her. If their services are as bad as their "none response" think I will just have to pass. Their loss not mine.It may just be a way to weed out any flaky guys or she may just be "off" at the time.

Hello to everyone by the way.

C Note2
08-05-09, 20:28
Had the pleasure of visiting an old friend on sunday. What a dream we had together. A very clean and quiet place. she always able to put me at ease the moment I walked in the door we had the sweetest of kisses. A beautful full of knowledge. After a sit down so we could catch up with each other and more kisses. Then we moved to the bedroom to get more comfortable. She is very tan and slim with full breast that are remarkable. I indugled in tasting her most sweet and tender flesh. she enjoyed as much as I. Then it was her turn and the mirror in the corner revealed her actions in wonderful ways. to say the woman has talent is a great understatement. The first was powerful as she swallowed willingly. She help me clean up a little and made sure to continue to touch and carress the little guy. We talked and laughed and she proved she was very much a compassionate soul. Then after a while her skills were proven again as she was able to raise the pole and the second cumming was more toe curling than the first. she kissed and laughed and said our goodbye. This woman is the prefect milf and her name is Tammy4u.

Thank you dear for seeing me!!!!!!

Sweet Melissa
08-05-09, 21:17
I thought it was an urban myth. A woman is getting it doggie and the whole time texting to someone else. I can't even imagine. And you stayed. And you paid. WOW! My phone goes straight to silent when I am with a friend. There is nobody more important than the man I am with. Just my.02.



08-05-09, 21:22
Boy, talk about sparks flying on the the board. It's a shame some folks want to take issues and just go on and on and on. Several posts in many different areas of the forum.

I'll say this, both Sam and Babee are gorgeous women who I find to be exceptionally smart; are a delight and honor to be with; and have never given anyone a reason to doubt what they say. If I had to choose, I would tend to go with the posts from these two astonishing women.

Sam, I admire how passionate and loyal you are about your sister and friends regarding reputation and protection of their honor. Additionally, you are a very sensual and caring women that allows a man to swell with pride for the time he has with you. Heaven spoke very highly of you and you have been outstanding in everything you do. You are an incredible lady with extraordinary skills.

Babee, your are one of the most magnificent women around. You have a brilliant sense of humor, insightful comments and spectacular skills that drain every ounce of energy from a man. You are a tantalizing attractive woman that is a supreme provider. Your mind-blowing abilities leaves one to constant daydreaming of endless companionship possibilities.

Needless to say gentlemen, these are two hot ladies in our area that should be graciously treated with admiration.

Be safe!


08-05-09, 22:28
Boy, talk about sparks flying on the the board. It's a shame some folks want to take issues and just go on and on and on. Several posts in many different areas of the forum.

I'll say this, both Sam and Babee are gorgeous women who I find to be exceptionally smart; are a delight and honor to be with; and have never given anyone a reason to doubt what they say. If I had to choose, I would tend to go with the posts from these two astonishing women.

Sam, I admire how passionate and loyal you are about your sister and friends regarding reputation and protection of their honor. Additionally, you are a very sensual and caring women that allows a man to swell with pride for the time he has with you. Heaven spoke very highly of you and you have been outstanding in everything you do. You are an incredible lady with extraordinary skills.

Babee, your are one of the most magnificent women around. You have a brilliant sense of humor, insightful comments and spectacular skills that drain every ounce of energy from a man. You are a tantalizing attractive woman that is a supreme provider. Your mind-blowing abilities leaves one to constant daydreaming of endless companionship possibilities.

Needless to say gentlemen, these are two hot ladies in our area that should be graciously treated with admiration.

Be safe!

BballDamn, you ought to get a freebie with that testimony !

08-05-09, 22:32
I thought it was an urban myth. A woman is getting it doggie and the whole time texting to someone else. I can't even imagine. And you stayed. And you paid. WOW! My phone goes straight to silent when I am with a friend. There is nobody more important than the man I am with. Just my.02.


MelissaAnd I thought the guy crawling out the window took the cake. Guess you should be glad she wasn't doing her nails during this wonderful afternoon delight. Damn, has the old saying " bang for your buck" just gone completely out the window??? LOL. I think I'll just save my money... My nickles worth.....