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08-26-20, 17:20
Was on k few weeks back, lot of zombies. Suppose picking is better, and you pick one up. Where can you take them? Is there a place to park and enjoy? Only shitty motel is 20 minutes Carlyle and there is no car parking. Hate street parking.You can go over the bridge to the Riviera or the Hallmark, most girls are familiar with the two hotels. I doubt anyone is going to post their favorite parking spots here though. Two many eyes and not all that friendly.

08-26-20, 21:55
Was on k few weeks back, lot of zombies. Suppose picking is better, and you pick one up. Where can you take them? Is there a place to park and enjoy? Only shitty motel is 20 minutes Carlyle and there is no car parking. Hate street parking.With all the illegal dumping that goes on all around that area I'm sure you can find a spot to post up with a K girl. Some girls have a room or a spot but I don't run up into homes with occupants who I don't know. Actually I would never do an incall in that area. Just finding a park alone gives me a headache. I had girls offer to sneak me into a house of a dude they staying with while they at work and I declined. Not cool. Stuff like that is how altercations pop off.

Window tint helps. When I got into the game I took the risk and let girls direct me to a spot they knew and those spots became my own and then I branched out. I eventually gained the trust and some I took to another city to get a bite to eat and continue on with the date. Never had any problems.

On a side note, once I was hunting on Ruth Street late at night and clear as day a dude was banging this girl (they had clothes on but his pants were down) doggie style right on the corner next to a fire hydrant. It all looked consensual and they both look to be around 25 years of age. Only in Kensington can you see two people going at it in the open on the corner and you just keep driving by like it's nothing.

08-27-20, 08:48
Business is back, might not be all the way, but its getting there. The issues are the same, the percentage of Zombies is still higher that I would like but if you have the patience, you can spot the 5-6's (on the SW scale) and occasionally the 7's or dare I say, 8's that are out there.

My own style of never making the pick up on the first swing thru cost me a couple of the better looking ones. By the time I circled back, they were gone, never to be seen again. The blocks between Lehigh and Allegheny look like a war zone with massive amounts of trash, homeless and the walking dead. It's best just to focus on the areas on both sides of the war zone.

After missing the better looking ones, I settled on Donna, a blonde, appears to be in her 40's near the Huntington Station and K. I don't mind the older SW's as long as they are not totally beaten up. She told me she doesn't get out that much (isn't that what they all say?) but she is of average looks, clean and showered and wearing clean clothes so that puts her in a different class than 75% of the choices. My instincts proved right, she knew how to play the skin flute like a true professional. Where I give her the highest marks are is her pleasant submissive approach to her trade. I would take that any day over a much better looking, younger SW ***** with an attitude.

As for some of the earlier comments on finding a parking spot, I just drive out of the immediate area and find a quiet side street with cars and park inbetween two cars so in case a car comes down the street, you are barely noticeable. I would never do FS in a car but for a BJ, it seems to work.

Good luck to all and stay safe.

08-29-20, 13:27
Man y'all didn't tell me about Nikki's cute self. Blond hair but previously dyed green or something. Late 20's cute smile and barely any trace of the habit. Found her Sunday night just north of K&A. Took her to my secret spot and had her do a mike check. She didn't complain about time and took a long drink at the end. Was a great day will repeat!

08-29-20, 18:32
I got to admit I have a soft spot for Amber if it's the same Amber you're talking about. CookyJar did a photo shoot with her a while back.

I remember when I first spotted Amber over two winters ago around Kensington and Sedgley. Man she had a killer body then. She was built like a gymnast and had a huge round backside.

At any rate, I quickly realized that Amber is one of those type of girls that she either loves you or she hates you. There is no in between with her and luckily I fell on her good side and have been since I have known her. One time as she got into my car and we pulled off she would vent about a bad prior date in how the date wanted FS but she wasn't in the mood. Amber when she plays the flute is like a pitbull where she won't let you go until you're finished. Once I was just tired and I told her it's ok I'm cool but she kept going and I got my headache relief. 99% girls tire out but not Amber but I guess she has to vibe with you. BTW, there is nothing special about me I know there are girls who don't take my calls or rather be in another car. It's just all about getting in where you fit in.

That said, what makes Amber stand out above all others is that if we hit up the store she offers to pay for what I want out of her own money that she already has. I took her up once and she made me a tasty coffie from Wawa. And even her food she will offer to share it with me.

Now obviously she's basically living on the street so I don't take advantage of that but all the other girls I met online or out in the street if we hit up the store even if they have a wad of money on them they don't offer to pay for my stuff or share anything. If anything they play like they're short and look to me to pay for some items.

As far as backdoor action on K ave I only know of one girl who has a rep for that and its Dee. Tall slim wf with reddish hair. Dee can be found on K and somerset and in the winter she seems to migrate to Kensington and Allegheny with her signature flashy purple coat.The Amber (s) that I found in cookyjar's photos are not the one I was with. The one I was with was recently pregnant and gave birth so now she's gone back to being slim.

08-30-20, 17:23
This Amber Was Recently Pregnant And Gave Birth.

08-30-20, 23:14
This Amber Was Recently Pregnant And Gave Birth.Yup that's her! That's the one that BARELY put forth any effort / complained the whole time / basically ripped me off.

08-31-20, 11:24
This Amber Was Recently Pregnant And Gave Birth.I see her around all the time, she always walks with her hair and head drooped to one side. I never did a date with her because she always looks so out of it. Any chick that looks as if as soon as they get into your car they're just going to collapse and fall asleep is going to be a bad date.

09-01-20, 07:43
This Amber Was Recently Pregnant And Gave Birth.Yea she is TERRIBLE.

One of the worst BJs you will ever have.

Its not worth $5.

lmao she was Pregnant???

Which one of you Nitwits are the Father?

09-01-20, 12:16
Yea she is TERRIBLE.
One of the worst BJs you will ever have.
She resides at the Clearfield camp. I made the mistake of getting with her a few years back. I see she hasn't improved. Anyone that has similar thoughts, save your cash. You will have a bigger thrill if you just toss your funds out the window on 95. You will have the same if not better results. My unsung motto is this. Just because they are "out there" doesn't mean they can do the job they apply for. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-03-20, 13:35
Heading to site early this morning (6 am) driving Lehigh and saw a girl at B street. Swung back around and picked her up. Every time I've found a girl on this corner it's been excellent. Luck would run out. WSW, slightly blitzed and scattered, but not zombie. She's actually dressed really, really well. Clothes that cost money. Redhead, freckles. Never seen her before. Said her name was Holly and I detected a bit of an accent (Mass. Maybe? Thoroughly uninspired performance for a Jackson. Got the job done, but nothing to write home about.

Was hoping to drive the Ave after work, but needed to get out of dodge. Maybe next week.

09-04-20, 22:59
Heading to site early this morning (6 am) driving Lehigh and saw a girl at B street. Swung back around and picked her up. Every time I've found a girl on this corner it's been excellent. Luck would run out. WSW, slightly blitzed and scattered, but not zombie. She's actually dressed really, really well. Clothes that cost money. Redhead, freckles. Never seen her before. Said her name was Holly and I detected a bit of an accent (Mass. Maybe? Thoroughly uninspired performance for a Jackson. Got the job done, but nothing to write home about.

Was hoping to drive the Ave after work, but needed to get out of dodge. Maybe next week.That's when you fuck that throat like it's yours. Make your own experience.

Texaco Tim
09-06-20, 19:20
Took my first visit to the K since the pandemic. Looks somewhat different then before.

Lots more people hanging out all along the Ave. Not sure if they are homeless (did not see tents). The street contains a lot more trash I assume from the rioting that occurred. Not much of what happened down there made the news and since it was after dark could not tell how many businesses were hurt as the steel shutters were in their down positions. Only the Walgreens at K and A was obviously a victim.

As someone mentioned here, the new lighting is a bit of a distraction, however did appreciate the non pothole street.

Normal amount of girls out with the usual mix of choices. Did notice the pick-ups were bolder then in the past. I guess there is less pressure from LE. Actually did not see much of them or the Transit Police.

Not ready to jump back in until a vaccine is available but was tempted. TT.

09-08-20, 00:12
I never tried the Ave. I used to enjoy Sydney when she was around for outcalls and I trusted her at my place. I was wondering if it would be too risky to bring a SW back to my place. I live close and would pay the extra amount for the time wasted getting back. Are these girl up for that and would it be smart to do?

Mr Predictable
09-08-20, 11:53
I never tried the Ave. I used to enjoy Sydney when she was around for outcalls and I trusted her at my place. I was wondering if it would be too risky to bring a SW back to my place. I live close and would pay the extra amount for the time wasted getting back. Are these girl up for that and would it be smart to do?I would only do that if you lived further away in a place that would be hard to find.

SWs are not normal people and having one know where you live sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

09-08-20, 13:51
Guys do you have the girl pay for the Motel?

I just realized this would keep us that much more Anonymous in Motel dealings.

I had a bad deal with a shady SW in Camden yesterday and I was going to leave her stranded out there in the Motel Lot but then I realized I paid for the room and they record your ID.

Prolly have you on Camera too.

I'm trying to stay as Anonymous as possible.

Like Charlie and his Angels.

09-08-20, 14:12
I never tried the Ave. I used to enjoy Sydney when she was around for outcalls and I trusted her at my place. I was wondering if it would be too risky to bring a SW back to my place. I live close and would pay the extra amount for the time wasted getting back. Are these girl up for that and would it be smart to do?Anyone know what happened to Sydney?

09-08-20, 14:36
I never tried the Ave. I used to enjoy Sydney when she was around for outcalls and I trusted her at my place. I was wondering if it would be too risky to bring a SW back to my place. I live close and would pay the extra amount for the time wasted getting back. Are these girl up for that and would it be smart to do?Have you read "the rules" for street mongering?


What could possibly go wrong with what you propose? A drug addicted SW now knows where you live AND it is close to where she walks? Expect her to show up at all hours when she is Jonesing and make a scene at your house or maybe even break in when you aren't home in order to get some cash when she is in need. OR she might date you a few times until you let down your guard and then steal you blind. A girl in your house you need to watch like a hawk!

Why pay extra to cover the cost of travel time? You are thinking like a victim. These girls will ride with you to the Carlyle Hotel or any other 'notel' all as part of doing business. You don't need to pay extra. Offer it up however, and the girl will sense weakness and take it and maybe ever try for more. There is a huge amount of power and control in this hobby. Give up your position of power (you have the money) and the girl will take control. Bad things usually happen when you cede control. SWers are pros at looking for an opening, weakness, etc. Ignore that at your own peril.

So PLEASE, please read those rules, all three pages and memorize them. Learn here, from those rules or the street will eat your lunch. I'm just saying.

09-08-20, 17:57
Guys do you have the girl pay for the Motel?

I just realize I'm trying to stay as Anonymous as possible.
Like Charlie and his Angels.There's a number of things you can do for safety. Most guys in the game tend to be solo. If you have a close friend have them rent the room ahead of time. They can give you the key. Perfectly legal for them to allow you to use the room. That way the girl has no idea what the person looks like that got the room. Don't tell her anything. If the meeting goes south leave. Let her call LEO. They question your friend and they say they have no idea what she's talking about. Any camera footage would show she wasn't with your friend. She's high, wasted. She's simply mistaken. Wrong room. Wrong customer. Happens all the time. If they ask the girl if she knows the friend she would have to say nope. You can pull this off with somebody you trust. Just don't do some felony act and you would be fine. I know you could fine tune the situation. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-08-20, 18:31
Have you read "the rules" for street mongering?


What could possibly go wrong with what you propose? A drug addicted SW now knows where you live AND it is close to where she walks? Expect her to show up at all hours when she is Jonesing and make a scene at your house or maybe even break in when you aren't home in order to get some cash when she is in need. OR she might date you a few times until you let down your guard and then steal you blind. A girl in your house you need to watch like a hawk!

Why pay extra to cover the cost of travel time? You are thinking like a victim. These girls will ride with you to the Carlyle Hotel or any other 'notel' all as part of doing business. You don't need to pay extra. Offer it up however, and the girl will sense weakness and take it and maybe ever try for more. There is a huge amount of power and control in this hobby. Give up your position of power (you have the money) and the girl will take control. Bad things usually happen when you cede control. SWers are pros at looking for an opening, weakness, etc. Ignore that at your own peril.

So PLEASE, please read those rules, all three pages and memorize them. Learn here, from those rules or the street will eat your lunch. I'm just saying.Murphy's law. Anything that can go wrong probably will.

The good old Carlyle has prevented many a headache over the years. Go in, throw a few potato chips in the corner for the roaches, mice and bedbugs and bang her brains out. She don't need to know any particulars about you. Bad enough her loser she hangs with probably has your tag number.

You take her home and you are getting a lot more personal than you want to get. She's looking for every weakness or flaw she can find. She's looking for what will fit easily into her pockets on the way out. She's looking at pictures knickknacks you name it. She's scanning the entire setup.

What would you do if she gets wild at your place? She gets pissed at you for some reason and starts busting things up. Like the neighbors car for instance. You got a meth head and that can happen in a heartbeat without notice. You don't need those problems. I'm sure you have enough issues in your own life without adding hers to yours.

Wowplayer if you don't know everything that can go wrong by taking a girl to your place then you need to really think that through. If something did go awry are you prepared to deal with everything that comes with that? We've told you a few things that can go wrong. Tell us something that you could benefit from doing that. Write yourself two lists. Advantages and disadvantages. Compare the two and go with what you feel safest at. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-08-20, 22:34
I never tried the Ave. I used to enjoy Sydney when she was around for outcalls and I trusted her at my place. I was wondering if it would be too risky to bring a SW back to my place. I live close and would pay the extra amount for the time wasted getting back. Are these girl up for that and would it be smart to do?Nothing like a fety addicted homing pigeon knowing where you live. I seriously hope you don't give a shit about what your neighbors think about you.

09-08-20, 22:48
There's a number of things you can do for safety. Most guys in the game tend to be solo. If you have a close friend have them rent the room ahead of time. They can give you the key. Perfectly legal for them to allow you to use the room. That way the girl has no idea what the person looks like that got the room. Don't tell her anything. If the meeting goes south leave. Let her call LEO. They question your friend and they say they have no idea what she's talking about. Any camera footage would show she wasn't with your friend. She's high, wasted. She's simply mistaken. Wrong room. Wrong customer. Happens all the time. If they ask the girl if she knows the friend she would have to say nope. You can pull this off with somebody you trust. Just don't do some felony act and you would be fine. I know you could fine tune the situation. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.If you ever date in Wilmington Crown Notell is your friend. No I.D. $50 2 hours. It's gross as fuck but gets the job done. Assholes just raised the rate ten bucks. Plus if you come with two girls it's $10 extra. Learned that the hard way.

I completely expect them to charge $10 for parking next week. Fucking poo’s.

09-09-20, 05:42
There's a number of things you can do for safety. Most guys in the game tend to be solo. If you have a close friend have them rent the room ahead of time. They can give you the key. Perfectly legal for them to allow you to use the room. That way the girl has no idea what the person looks like that got the room. Don't tell her anything. If the meeting goes south leave. Let her call LEO. They question your friend and they say they have no idea what she's talking about. Any camera footage would show she wasn't with your friend. She's high, wasted. She's simply mistaken. Wrong room. Wrong customer. Happens all the time. If they ask the girl if she knows the friend she would have to say nope. You can pull this off with somebody you trust. Just don't do some felony act and you would be fine. I know you could fine tune the situation. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Hey Gator! Can you get me a room this Friday ! 🤣

09-09-20, 13:24
Hey Gator! Can you get me a room this Friday ! 🤣Davey you know you can always count on me. We will get you laid. Guinness world records Has been asking about you. How long has it been now? A guy of your talent, things must be rough when you start asking me for help. Last night a girl said the nicest thing to me. She said ohhh baby it hurts. LO LOL Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-10-20, 02:45
Anyone know what happened to Sydney?According to her Facebook, she got clean. Now how long that lasts until she's back in the swing of things Is a whole other question LOL.

09-10-20, 11:01
According to her Facebook, she got clean. Now how long that lasts until she's back in the swing of things Is a whole other question LOL.Would and could you pm me her facebook? Sure like to see what's going on.

Fun Jersey
09-11-20, 01:51
Was out today and missed a few and finally decided to pick up cierra. She's got long brown hair, nice body but I had reservations since she never seemed to get picked up. Worst attitude and experience ever. I should know by now to trust my instincts. A pod this one. Rushed bad experience without a satisfactory ending.

09-11-20, 10:57
My atf Roxanne. She got that phat ass. She always accommodating and all 3 holes are open. Fun fun.Anyone know where she been at?

09-11-20, 12:22
She's looking for every weakness or flaw she can find.This isn't just with escorts but with all women that you get romantically involved with. Women are always testing men to find their weaknesses and flaws. Snide comments, using your flaws against you, gaslighting, attacking your manhood, withholding sex, starting arguments, or just anything that you feel in your gut that isn't right about how she came at you is an attack and you have to address it because it just gets worse. If you keep letting it go and she gets all the wins she will eventually lose all respect for you and you're definitely not getting any sex at at point.

I heard different ideas but the one that makes the most sense to me is that back in the old days women saw live in real time men taking over villages and so forth so those men were automatically respected because those women could clearly see those men were strong.

Now days we're more civilized so a woman has no way of knowing if you're really strong or not so instinctively women challenge you to see what you will do to see if you will stand up for yourself. And it never ends!

If there is one thing I know about women and that is women respect strength and strong masculine men. So much so that's why so many of them end up with abusers because as sick as it sounds many misguided women view a man who dominates and controls them with more respect than a guy who treats them as an equal and decently.

Member #6376
09-11-20, 15:23
Have you read "the rules" for street mongering?


What could possibly go wrong with what you propose? A drug addicted SW now knows where you live AND it is close to where she walks? Expect her to show up at all hours when she is Jonesing and make a scene at your house or maybe even break in when you aren't home in order to get some cash when she is in need. OR she might date you a few times until you let down your guard and then steal you blind. A girl in your house you need to watch like a hawk!

Why pay extra to cover the cost of travel time? You are thinking like a victim. These girls will ride with you to the Carlyle Hotel or any other 'notel' all as part of doing business. You don't need to pay extra. Offer it up however, and the girl will sense weakness and take it and maybe ever try for more. There is a huge amount of power and control in this hobby. Give up your position of power (you have the money) and the girl will take control. Bad things usually happen when you cede control. SWers are pros at looking for an opening, weakness, etc. Ignore that at your own peril.

So PLEASE, please read those rules, all three pages and memorize them. Learn here, from those rules or the street will eat your lunch. I'm just saying.That's good advice, because I know firsthand that you must dominate the whole situation or a SW will take advantage of any kindness shown toward them and use against you.

09-11-20, 16:34
One of the many Ashleys. Quick nab at K & Tusculum at 7 am. She'd been out for hours with no luck, getting antsy. Went around the block, quickie for a Jackson. Nothing spectacular, but pleasant. Quite a number of trash trucks out this morning.

09-11-20, 23:44
That's good advice, because I know firsthand that you must dominate the whole situation or a SW will take advantage of any kindness shown toward them and use against you.Don't want to be pedantic over semantics, but the choice of "dominate" gives me an impression of something else. I suspect we are saying the same thing, just in different ways, But indulge me a few comments?

I am FIRM with girls while at the same time being polite and nice. I might even say I am kind too. Those who are stupid enough to test me will find out, in a nice but unwavering way, that they can't game me. Pulling shit gets you an exit out of my car where ever that maybe. A girl having to hoof it several miles back to her stomping grounds usually wakes up and changes her tune. I am not punching a girl or putting hands on her to get her out of my car either. So one CAN be (and should be) kind, polite and nice to the girls, just be firm on what you say. Start to be wishy washy and you are in trouble.

I have had dudes tell me that girls think I am "controlling"! Hey that's fine with me. If they can tell that, they know where the power lies and fall in line, avoiding any conflicts. I have dated girls that others have had "issues" with (rip offs, etc.) and asked them and to a girl they say that they can tell not to fuck with me. So part of developing mongering chops is learning the power / control dynamics while being kind & polite. But if a dude realizes a date is going south and gives up his power because he wants to get laid, then he'll get what he deserves: his lunch eaten.

For example scooped a girl the other day and she said she needed $80 to do an indoor date! WTF! If I said yes, the full cost of the date would have been north of $100, probably 120-130, for a streetwalker! Crazy. She was kind of firm in her style and a bit insistent. Now some guys would see the date potentially crashing and agree to the $80. Maybe a few would have thought they were smart and countered with $60. Me? I just started to slow down looking for a place to turn in and chuckled in a nonchalant way and told her, "No, street rates are 30-40. " That's all I said. All that needs to be said. I let silence build after that. I think with that polite but firm comment and the car turning into a place where she could be dropped off, well that seemed to wake her up. She thought for a moment and then stated she would be fine with that (40). So off we went! So I could have been a pussy and caved in when she said 80, or I could have been afraid of negotiating or unsure on how to do it and just gave her what she wanted so Jr would be satisfied. But I demonstrated, in a polite way, that I knew what the going rates were / are and that I was willing to walk away if need be. That gave me 'the power' in this situation and for the rest of the date. Is that "controlling?" So be it. ###.

But then again, mongering is EASY and requires no knowledge, education nor learning curve. Anyone suggesting that is just a f_cking a $$h*le! sarcasm warning.

So yeah, be FIRM with girls while maintaining control of the situation.


Now to be honest, my first few times out, I was timid, unsure and un-knowledgeable on how the game was played and I got played a few times. So it does take some time to learn & practice 'how to.' Not as easy as it looks. fwiw.

Little Conner
09-12-20, 16:14
Anyone know where she been at?I've seen her down on the Torresdale stroll last week. Looks to have gone way downhill.

09-12-20, 18:56
I've seen her down on the Torresdale stroll last week. Looks to have gone way downhill.She can be downhill all she wants as long as that big peach of hers is still there.

09-12-20, 22:11
This isn't just with escorts but with all women that you get romantically involved with. Women are always testing men to find their weaknesses and flaws. Snide comments, using your flaws against you, gaslighting, attacking your manhood, withholding sex, starting arguments, or just anything that you feel in your gut that isn't right about how she came at you is an attack and you have to address it because it just gets worse. If you keep letting it go and she gets all the wins she will eventually lose all respect for you and you're definitely not getting any sex at at point.

I heard different ideas but the one that makes the most sense to me is that back in the old days women saw live in real time men taking over villages and so forth so those men were automatically respected because those women could clearly see those men were strong.

Now days we're more civilized so a woman has no way of knowing if you're really strong or not so instinctively women challenge you to see what you will do to see if you will stand up for yourself. And it never ends!

If there is one thing I know about women and that is women respect strength and strong masculine men. So much so that's why so many of them end up with abusers because as sick as it sounds many misguided women view a man who dominates and controls them with more respect than a guy who treats them as an equal and decently.This all null and void the girls got the pussy they run the shpw and there are some sweet blonds all over the place can be had for $20 bt if you want to have sex $40 or $50 for car date getting out of your car is now becoming dangerous on the ave alot of scummbags even at high noon. With TorI S keep one hand on your wallet she stole right out of my pocket while I was on top of her. She will empty your bank account she took my bank card and I caught her threw her the fuck out and only gave her $5 for the date because she did that, and she ripped me for $50 another time it was make uo time, but I'm never going to pick her up she is quote hot, a little heavier than in her prime but she is only 24. Gina the infamous Gina is 24 also and a smoking bod she is a complete sweet heart and never rips guys off anymore, but the dope has so much tranq she falls asleep all the time one time she was so high and tired I just drove her around for 2 hrs Deleted by Admin and I had to really pour water on her face to wake her up and help her out of the car I threw her $40 palYING WITH HER BUTTHoLE AND PUSY AND THOSE PERT LITTLE SEXy titties when e stopped at a few dating spots. She is an angel these days remember her 2 yr ago she threw a lighter at my car after I wouldn't do a second date she needed money and had no phone so she was a streetwalker. You should go with the girls that have phones but they can never keep them for long for whatever reason. There are still alot of veterans out there but many have already wifed up with some ugly dope dealer or some 80 yr old man it never works out and youll see them out there after they get thrown out. Coild write a book about my 4 yrs mongering but then would be able to run for prez in 2028 LOL This site ha become very much about bullshit and not enough about the individual girls anymore an thqt pleez change. I'm looking at bs posts that are meaningless nothing about the girlz out there.

09-12-20, 22:20
Was out today and missed a few and finally decided to pick up cierra. She's got long brown hair, nice body but I had reservations since she never seemed to get picked up. Worst attitude and experience ever. I should know by now to trust my instincts. A pod this one. Rushed bad experience without a satisfactory ending.3 ccs done them all I guess cecilia one is fucking smoking hot and I ate her pussy for 10 fucked her for 10 and she blew me for 10 but your sierra I know her she hangs at clearfield she's good with time but falls out she has a sugar daddy that gives her $250 a day and that's says it all if she's out there and that uchmmoney aint enpough she's gona be falling asleep with your dick in your mouth.

[Deleted by Admin]

Time for you to go, if you aren't talking about raping chicks you're talking about beating them and if you aren't doing that you're complaining about the forum.

Go elsewhere


09-12-20, 22:23
There's a number of things you can do for safety. Most guys in the game tend to be solo. If you have a close friend have them rent the room ahead of time. They can give you the key. Perfectly legal for them to allow you to use the room. That way the girl has no idea what the person looks like that got the room. Don't tell her anything. If the meeting goes south leave. Let her call LEO. They question your friend and they say they have no idea what she's talking about. Any camera footage would show she wasn't with your friend. She's high, wasted. She's simply mistaken. Wrong room. Wrong customer. Happens all the time. If they ask the girl if she knows the friend she would have to say nope. You can pull this off with somebody you trust. Just don't do some felony act and you would be fine. I know you could fine tune the situation. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.If you give the girl money to pqy shell not pay and take your money bad idea.

09-12-20, 22:55
I've seen her down on the Torresdale stroll last week. Looks to have gone way downhill.Where's the Torresdale stroll?

09-13-20, 01:01
If you give the girl money to pqy shell not pay and take your money bad idea. I agree with you. Yet I didn't think I was implying to give the girl the money. Not sure how that was gleaned from what I typed. But, I guess any interpretation is possible. If it appears that way in the text then my apologies. In fact I am a firm believer in NEVER paying for anything before you get what you are there for. Hope this clears any misinterpretation up. Be well and be safe. Above all keep your money in your pocket till you get what you are there for. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-13-20, 03:42
I picked up a skinny girl the other day at Ruth and Tusculum- said her name was lex or Lexi, good attitude. Tatoo between her chest and was wearing a hat, loooking for her # have other numbers to trade.

09-13-20, 10:26
Where's the Torresdale stroll?Hmmmm makes you wonder don't it? I've found action on Torresdale from Erie and Torresdale all the way well into Holmesburg area. Of course the variables being ever present. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-13-20, 20:36
Hmmmm makes you wonder don't it? I've found action on Torresdale from Erie and Torresdale all the way well into Holmesburg area. Of course the variables being ever present. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.I was also wondering where the Torresdale Stroll was because apparently all the girls w / the big booties are out that way.

09-13-20, 23:07
This all null and void the girls got the pussy they run the shpw and there are some sweet blonds all over the place can be had for $20 bt if you want to have sex $40 or $50 for car date getting out of your car is now becoming dangerous on the ave alot of scummbags even at high noon. With TorI S keep one hand on your wallet she stole right out of my pocket while I was on top of her. She will empty your bank account she took my bank card and I caught her threw her the fuck out and only gave her $5 for the date because she did that, and she ripped me for $50 another time it was make uo time, but I'm never going to pick her up she is quote hot, a little heavier than in her prime but she is only 24. Gina the infamous Gina is 24 also and a smoking bod she is a complete sweet heart and never rips guys off anymore, but the dope has so much tranq she falls asleep all the time one time she was so high and tired I just drove her around for 2 hrs Deleted by Admin and I had to really pour water on her face to wake her up and help her out of the car I threw her $40 palYING WITH HER BUTTHoLE AND PUSY AND THOSE PERT LITTLE SEXy titties when e stopped at a few dating spots. She is an angel these days remember her 2 yr ago she threw a lighter at my car after I wouldn't do a second date she needed money and had no phone so she was a streetwalker. You should go with the girls that have phones but they can never keep them for long for whatever reason. There are still alot of veterans out there but many have already wifed up with some ugly dope dealer or some 80 yr old man it never works out and youll see them out there after they get thrown out. Coild write a book about my 4 yrs mongering but then would be able to run for prez in 2028 LOL This site ha become very much about bullshit and not enough about the individual girls anymore an thqt pleez change. I'm looking at bs posts that are meaningless nothing about the girlz out there.My head hurts reading this Mush.

09-14-20, 02:59
I drove around the area a couple times in the last week out of boredom. Seemed dead on the weekend. A few girls out that I wouldn't let in the car. Early morning during the week Thursday was pretty brisk. Lots of options. Can anyone shed some light on the Buckius and Jasper spot,? I also noticed that quite a bit of girls back on Jasper down by lehigh when the ave was dead.

Thursday morning before sun up it was competitive with quite a few girls out. Still baffles me at how blatant and reckless some mongers are for the pick up right on the Ave with sudden you-turns, flashing lights, horns and sudden stops, pull overs but then they get them when I miss out. Another thing is the number of girls trying to get picked up while eating and smoking. One girl had food running down her arm and dripping in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I'm not stopping for that.

I might head down again mid-week for more recon. . I need to look for spots to park instead of improvising once I got one in the car. I can't trust the girls on that, especially these days.

09-14-20, 09:11
My head hurts reading this Mush.Most of his posts are garbled speech.

09-14-20, 10:03
I drove around the area a couple times in the last week out of boredom. Seemed dead on the weekend. A few girls out that I wouldn't let in the car. Early morning during the week Thursday was pretty brisk. Lots of options. Can anyone shed some light on the Buckius and Jasper spot,? I also noticed that quite a bit of girls back on Jasper down by lehigh when the ave was dead.

Thursday morning before sun up it was competitive with quite a few girls out. Still baffles me at how blatant and reckless some mongers are for the pick up right on the Ave with sudden you-turns, flashing lights, horns and sudden stops, pull overs but then they get them when I miss out. Another thing is the number of girls trying to get picked up while eating and smoking. One girl had food running down her arm and dripping in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I'm not stopping for that.

I might head down again mid-week for more recon. . I need to look for spots to park instead of improvising once I got one in the car. I can't trust the girls on that, especially these days.I too would also like to know what the deal is w / Buckius & Jasper.

As for spots to go: any spot where there's minimal amount of humans wandering around and other cars parked there where you can easily "blend in" w / those cars should do it. Get tint on your car windows if you don't alrdy have them.

Forth Ryte
09-14-20, 11:38
Its starting to sound like there are more girls out than a few weeks back. Are they wearing masks? Just walking around these days, with most girls in masks, I can't tell if they are dogs or gorgeous. I can't imagine cruising and looking for a date without seeing what they look like

-- Forth Ryte.

09-14-20, 13:13
Not sure what you mean about what the deal is, but this use to be one of the main places to pick up a girl just off the ave, but lately it seems like there are rarely any girls there, and the few occasions that I see one there she isn't worth picking up. Maybe it is different during the daytime. I usually monger at night because I feel it is safer under the cover of darkness.

I too would also like to know what the deal is w / Buckius & Jasper.

As for spots to go: any spot where there's minimal amount of humans wandering around and other cars parked there where you can easily "blend in" w / those cars should do it. Get tint on your car windows if you don't alrdy have them.

09-14-20, 13:29
Its starting to sound like there are more girls out than a few weeks back. Are they wearing masks? Just walking around these days, with most girls in masks, I can't tell if they are dogs or gorgeous. I can't imagine cruising and looking for a date without seeing what they look like

-- Forth Ryte.No masks from what I saw.

09-14-20, 18:27
Not sure what you mean about what the deal is, but this use to be one of the main places to pick up a girl just off the ave, but lately it seems like there are rarely any girls there, and the few occasions that I see one there she isn't worth picking up. Maybe it is different during the daytime. I usually monger at night because I feel it is safer under the cover of darkness.Then you haven't been there recently late night / early AM. Its more than just being a regular off ave pick up.

09-14-20, 20:11
Hey Wookie,

Not sure why you say that. What do you mean? I was just there last night. I hit Kenzo regularly. Minimum twice a week for about 12 years now. About 5 years ago or so Buckius was a great off ave pickup spot and also a great place to loop back to the stroll to keep looking. What do you mean it is more than just being a regular off ave pickup? Please elaborate, your post was less informative than it was critical. Could you provide any info other than just saying you think I'm wrong? Thanks in advance!

Then you haven't been there recently late night / early AM. Its more than just being a regular off ave pick up.

09-14-20, 21:35
Hey Wookie,

Not sure why you say that. What do you mean? I was just there last night. I hit Kenzo regularly. Minimum twice a week for about 12 years now. About 5 years ago or so Buckius was a great off ave pickup spot and also a great place to loop back to the stroll to keep looking. What do you mean it is more than just being a regular off ave pickup? Please elaborate, your post was less informative than it was critical. Could you provide any info other than just saying you think I'm wrong? Thanks in advance!I was being intentionally vague hoping to get info or opinion of someone who was seeing the same thing I did. I thought it was odd back there. I thought it might be an isolated incident but two different nights / mornings I was seeing almost the same thing. Buckius was where I used to pick up 1/3 of the time, at least a long time ago, because it felt less obvious and safe. I tend to be a creature of habit despite the ave changing and I never had a close call there. Bad pick ups yeah but nothing horror story level. Usually an easy spot to turn around as well.

I decide to drive down and turn around there on Jasper. There are girls on Buckius between Jasper and the Ave closer to the ave. There were girls on the corner of buckius and jasper and farther over on the block behind the big building there which is well lit but also several cars parked there. Anywhere from 2 to 4 on either side with people in them (saw girls talking and or getting in or out of these cars but sitting there) and more girls under the lighted areas and down to the darker areas heading toward sedgely (on Jasoer along that big building.

One guy in his car looked like her was doing paperwork or reading a newspaper / doing a crossword folded over commuter style. Some of the girls were dressed over the top even for the ave. Like super cheap streetwalker garb from a straight to video B-movie and these women were sloppy looking and really shouldn't dress like that. A couple slim tight black girls in slutty beachwear tops and stretch pants 2 sizes too small.

I generally don't see that many girls packed into that small an area and no obvious reason to have cars parked about in that spot at that time. I don't drive the loop consistently and will go off to take a break and then go back to do another loop or do some perpendicular crosses back and forth over the ave on the open side streets in some target rich blocks but I drove through that block on Japser and buckius 3 or 4 times in about 3. 5 hours and while the population of girls changed I saw some of the same faces each time and always at least 2 cars there with same person / people in them. It seemed drastically out of place compared to the the scene on the prime stretches of the Ave. I admit I am somewhat out of touch with the K-ave scene these days but general purpose common sense that all seemed very circumspect to me. I was tempted to pick up a couple of the girls but for the blatant dress and the oddness of the scene to me.

09-15-20, 06:56
Hey Wookie,

Not sure why you say that. What do you mean? I was just there last night. I hit Kenzo regularly. Minimum twice a week for about 12 years now. About 5 years ago or so Buckius was a great off ave pickup spot and also a great place to loop back to the stroll to keep looking. What do you mean it is more than just being a regular off ave pickup? Please elaborate, your post was less informative than it was critical. Could you provide any info other than just saying you think I'm wrong? Thanks in advance!There's pussy back there. Nothing I'd pick up tho. Not even worth circling the block usually. Too bad, it's a good pick up area.

09-15-20, 11:28
I pass through a sobriety checkpoint just past Little Lou's this past Friday. Crazy they would have one during the pandemic. Is this a regular thing on the ave?

09-15-20, 11:51
I was being intentionally vague hoping to get info or opinion of someone who was seeing the same thing I did. I thought it was odd back there. I thought it might be an isolated incident but two different nights / mornings I was seeing almost the same thing. Buckius was where I used to pick up 1/3 of the time, at least a long time ago, because it felt less obvious and safe. I tend to be a creature of habit despite the ave changing and I never had a close call there. Bad pick ups yeah but nothing horror story level. Usually an easy spot to turn around as well.

I decide to drive down and turn around there on Jasper. There are girls on Buckius between Jasper and the Ave closer to the ave. There were girls on the corner of buckius and jasper and farther over on the block behind the big building there which is well lit but also several cars parked there. Anywhere from 2 to 4 on either side with people in them (saw girls talking and or getting in or out of these cars but sitting there) and more girls under the lighted areas and down to the darker areas heading toward sedgely (on Jasoer along that big building.

One guy in his car looked like her was doing paperwork or reading a newspaper / doing a crossword folded over commuter style. Some of the girls were dressed over the top even for the ave. Like super cheap streetwalker garb from a straight to video B-movie and these women were sloppy looking and really shouldn't dress like that. A couple slim tight black girls in slutty beachwear tops and stretch pants 2 sizes too small.

I generally don't see that many girls packed into that small an area and no obvious reason to have cars parked about in that spot at that time. I don't drive the loop consistently and will go off to take a break and then go back to do another loop or do some perpendicular crosses back and forth over the ave on the open side streets in some target rich blocks but I drove through that block on Japser and buckius 3 or 4 times in about 3. 5 hours and while the population of girls changed I saw some of the same faces each time and always at least 2 cars there with same person / people in them. It seemed drastically out of place compared to the the scene on the prime stretches of the Ave. I admit I am somewhat out of touch with the K-ave scene these days but general purpose common sense that all seemed very circumspect to me. I was tempted to pick up a couple of the girls but for the blatant dress and the oddness of the scene to me.Yea, cars parked with men sitting inside them on the side streets is a red flag to me. I'm thinking pimp or LE which I want neither to do with. One girl told me some guys are just pervs and just like to drive around and look at girls and some will even expose themselves to girls and just sit in the car and pleasure themselves and not pick up anyone.

It's a definitely a balancing act. The SWs want to be discreet and some of them even told me that LE told them just don't make it obvious and do anything in front of them but if they get too discreet then they have a hard time being picked up.

09-15-20, 20:00
I have seen that on Jasper by Buckius before. There is some type of business or something operating out of that big building, because I have seen the people coming in and out and sitting in their cars outside before. I have no idea at all what it is, but if I had to guess I'd say maybe some kind of music studio? This is just based off the look of the crowd and the hours that I see it in operation, but again this is just a guess. I'd be interested to know if anyone actually knows what goes on in there. Thanks for your reply, I appreciate the additional information, it was very helpful.

I was being intentionally vague hoping to get info or opinion of someone who was seeing the same thing I did. I thought it was odd back there. I thought it might be an isolated incident but two different nights / mornings I was seeing almost the same thing. Buckius was where I used to pick up 1/3 of the time, at least a long time ago, because it felt less obvious and safe. I tend to be a creature of habit despite the ave changing and I never had a close call there. Bad pick ups yeah but nothing horror story level. Usually an easy spot to turn around as well.

I decide to drive down and turn around there on Jasper. There are girls on Buckius between Jasper and the Ave closer to the ave. There were girls on the corner of buckius and jasper and farther over on the block behind the big building there which is well lit but also several cars parked there. Anywhere from 2 to 4 on either side with people in them (saw girls talking and or getting in or out of these cars but sitting there) and more girls under the lighted areas and down to the darker areas heading toward sedgely (on Jasoer along that big building.

One guy in his car looked like her was doing paperwork or reading a newspaper / doing a crossword folded over commuter style. Some of the girls were dressed over the top even for the ave. Like super cheap streetwalker garb from a straight to video B-movie and these women were sloppy looking and really shouldn't dress like that. A couple slim tight black girls in slutty beachwear tops and stretch pants 2 sizes too small.

I generally don't see that many girls packed into that small an area and no obvious reason to have cars parked about in that spot at that time. I don't drive the loop consistently and will go off to take a break and then go back to do another loop or do some perpendicular crosses back and forth over the ave on the open side streets in some target rich blocks but I drove through that block on Japser and buckius 3 or 4 times in about 3. 5 hours and while the population of girls changed I saw some of the same faces each time and always at least 2 cars there with same person / people in them. It seemed drastically out of place compared to the the scene on the prime stretches of the Ave. I admit I am somewhat out of touch with the K-ave scene these days but general purpose common sense that all seemed very circumspect to me. I was tempted to pick up a couple of the girls but for the blatant dress and the oddness of the scene to me.

Little Conner
09-15-20, 21:24
I pass through a sobriety checkpoint just past Little Lou's this past Friday. Crazy they would have one during the pandemic. Is this a regular thing on the ave?Don't know if its regular, but passed through one in the same spot years ago.

09-16-20, 13:23
I have seen that on Jasper by Buckius before. There is some type of business or something operating out of that big building, because I have seen the people coming in and out and sitting in their cars outside before. I have no idea at all what it is, but if I had to guess I'd say maybe some kind of music studio? This is just based off the look of the crowd and the hours that I see it in operation, but again this is just a guess. I'd be interested to know if anyone actually knows what goes on in there. Thanks for your reply, I appreciate the additional information, it was very helpful.That Place is Called "Grindhouse Multimedia".

Recording Studio Multi Media Artistic Environment.

09-16-20, 18:16
Working this evening at a job site, so was cruising the K stroll in the afternoon, which is unusual for me. Feeling a bit hungry and parked by the Huntington station and walked over to the pizza place, Fiore. As I was walking by the school crossing guard, I heard something that made me kind of curious. She was talking to someone on a cell and was giving out car makes and partial plate numbers of vehicles looping through. Zero police presence other than the obvious SEPTA transit cop. Just weird. Anyone ever seen / heard anything like that before?

Pizza wasn't bad. Not great. But workable if you're in the neighborhood.

As I was leaving, saw a younger lady on the Harold corner. Scoped her up. Says her name is Angie. Black t-shirt and black bottoms. Cute. Easy to talk to. Not a zombie, but obvious marks on the arms. Small tits. Grabbed her, headed a few blocks over and parked. Excellent head game. She liked Andrew Jackson. No digits. She claims she never works the Ave (only her 3rd time), but sounded like bullshit.

09-16-20, 18:56
Working this evening at a job site, so was cruising the K stroll in the afternoon, which is unusual for me. Feeling a bit hungry and parked by the Huntington station and walked over to the pizza place, Fiore. As I was walking by the school crossing guard, I heard something that made me kind of curious. She was talking to someone on a cell and was giving out car makes and partial plate numbers of vehicles looping through. Zero police presence other than the obvious SEPTA transit cop. Just weird. Anyone ever seen / heard anything like that before?

Pizza wasn't bad. Not great. But workable if you're in the neighborhood.

As I was leaving, saw a younger lady on the Harold corner. Scoped her up. Says her name is Angie. Black t-shirt and black bottoms. Cute. Easy to talk to. Not a zombie, but obvious marks on the arms. Small tits. Grabbed her, headed a few blocks over and parked. Excellent head game. She liked Andrew Jackson. No digits. She claims she never works the Ave (only her 3rd time), but sounded like bullshit.Did she has a lot of tatts? Short or long hair? Thanks!

09-16-20, 19:53
I figured it was a music studio / artist space. Had that kinda vibe. I appreciate the info.

That Place is Called "Grindhouse Multimedia".

Recording Studio Multi Media Artistic Environment.

09-16-20, 20:11
Did she has a lot of tatts? Short or long hair? Thanks!Angie or the crossing guard?

Crossing guard: Wouldn't say a LOT of tatts, but several on her arms. Medium length hair, but pulled kind of up and back. Black, 30's. Jeans. The neon lime green vest.

Angie: Dark black hair, but short. Kind of a bob cut. She looks a little latina up close, but is probably mixed. From a distance, looks a little gothy (but not up close).

A couple of tats on the arms and one on her lower back. Early 20's. Hope that helps.

09-16-20, 21:17
Did she has a lot of tatts? Short or long hair? Thanks!I'm an idiot and should have searched first (and now I can't edit my old posting). This Angie is CookieJar #9 from 2006. Hair is shorter, but still dark. Arm tats now. Thinner.

09-16-20, 22:16
I've been reading here and there from Philly's forums. Seems you guys have way more street actions than NYC have in years. I'm heading that way soon and wanted to inquire about the best place to go and reasonably safe if on foot to where to go and take them?

09-16-20, 22:20
Angie or the crossing guard?

Crossing guard: Wouldn't say a LOT of tatts, but several on her arms. Medium length hair, but pulled kind of up and back. Black, 30's. Jeans. The neon lime green vest.

Angie: Dark black hair, but short. Kind of a bob cut. She looks a little latina up close, but is probably mixed. From a distance, looks a little gothy (but not up close).

A couple of tats on the arms and one on her lower back. Early 20's. Hope that helps.Angie, LOL. Thanks!

09-16-20, 23:54
I was also wondering where the Torresdale Stroll was because apparently all the girls w / the big booties are out that way.Torresdale stroll starts around Torresdale & Van Kirk and goes up around Torresdale & Disston.

09-17-20, 09:19
Torresdale stroll starts around Torresdale & Van Kirk and goes up around Torresdale & Disston.Best intersection on this strip is. ?

09-17-20, 14:36
Big payday Today for all those that managed to get onto that unemployment bandwagon That we're getting 195 a week got at least somewhere between 1800 and 2000 today Thanks for that extra stimulus money that the state put in getting that three weeks backpay plus the regular unemployment today you won't be seeing them around for a while.

09-17-20, 21:32
Best intersection on this strip is. ?Torresdale between Van Kirk & Howell. You can also catch a chick if you turn down one of those blocks and go down Hagerman street too.

09-18-20, 19:21
Sierra has been out there for years and she is not bad. I saw her a few times years back and she was fun. She has been out there a long time now though so I avoid her when I see her. She is always proud of her big nipples. LOL.

Was out today and missed a few and finally decided to pick up cierra. She's got long brown hair, nice body but I had reservations since she never seemed to get picked up. Worst attitude and experience ever. I should know by now to trust my instincts. A pod this one. Rushed bad experience without a satisfactory ending.

09-18-20, 19:26
Saw Jessica today. Picked her up near K&A and got an OK BJ. She had a kid a couple of months back so she is still lactating if you are into that. She said they squirt pretty far in the morning. She hangs around Clearfield a lot as well.

09-18-20, 22:07
Saw Jessica today. Picked her up near K&A and got an OK BJ. She had a kid a couple of months back so she is still lactating if you are into that. She said they squirt pretty far in the morning. She hangs around Clearfield a lot as well.Short girl, black hair, mole on the forehead?

09-18-20, 22:48
Saw Jessica today. Picked her up near K&A and got an OK BJ. She had a kid a couple of months back so she is still lactating if you are into that. She said they squirt pretty far in the morning. She hangs around Clearfield a lot as well.Is this the short white girl, black hair, mole on forehead?

09-20-20, 08:35
Your best bet on this stroll would be to start on Torresdale and Church St, than work your way down towards Tyson Ave by the 7-11. Highest percentage of seeing action would be on Torresdale between Cheltenham and Comly. This use to be my atf. Haven't seen her at all lately but she use to be there all the time.

PopPopof 5
09-21-20, 08:21
Sierra has been out there for years and she is not bad. I saw her a few times years back and she was fun. She has been out there a long time now though so I avoid her when I see her. She is always proud of her big nipples. LOL.

Was out today and missed a few and finally decided to pick up cierra. She's got long brown hair, nice body but I had reservations since she never seemed to get picked up. Worst attitude and experience ever. I should know by now to trust my instincts. A pod this one. Rushed bad experience without a satisfactory ending.I know her boyfriend is in jail. She always looks dirty to me anymore so I avoid her as well. She has lost a lot of weight her body used to be awesome and she had a good personality and did everything and anything to please you.

09-22-20, 04:28
Your best bet on this stroll would be to start on Torresdale and Church St, than work your way down towards Tyson Ave by the 7-11. Highest percentage of seeing action would be on Torresdale between Cheltenham and Comly. This use to be my atf. Haven't seen her at all lately but she use to be there all the time.Jess, I haven't seen her down there either, but she was also on frankford ave at rhawn.

09-22-20, 10:48
Jess, I haven't seen her down there either, but she was also on frankford ave at rhawn.She lives around Rhawn so it's possible you could also see her around there. Jess was out on the strip last night. Saw her down by Needle Park. She was walking toward Clearfield. Mostly see her in the Westmoreland area or walking toward Tioga or Sedgley. So she's around have to keep your eyes open. Cause one moment they are available the next they vanish. Either get scooped or they duck into someplace. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-22-20, 11:40
Please DM with pointers. I travel a lot and have received nothing but great advice. It looks like I will be about 30 minutes from Philly? Any help would be appreciated to avoid troubled areas and scammers.

09-22-20, 16:52
Cause one moment they are available the next they vanish. Either get scooped or they duck into someplace.Those words are so true. As soon as you see a girl walking by you want to date, bust a you turn and she's ghost.

09-22-20, 20:56
Please DM with pointers. I travel a lot and have received nothing but great advice. It looks like I will be about 30 minutes from Philly? Any help would be appreciated to avoid troubled areas and scammers.There are some women to be found in King of Prussia (KOP) or Plymouth Meeting areas, which are pretty close to Pheonixville. Finding a memorable date in Philly is a gamble these days, might not be worth the extra drive unless you get hooked up with a sure thing.

Member #6368
09-22-20, 21:39
There are some women to be found in King of Prussia (KOP) or Plymouth Meeting areas, which are pretty close to Pheonixville. Finding a memorable date in Philly is a gamble these days, might not be worth the extra drive unless you get hooked up with a sure thing.Farouk is right. Check some of the other sites for info on who is in King of Prussia and Plymouth Meeting. Also, I think you'll be closer to an hour from Philly. There is one MILF type in P. Ville but I haven't seen her first hand.

09-23-20, 00:52
Farouk is right. Check some of the other sites for info on who is in King of Prussia and Plymouth Meeting. Also, I think you'll be closer to an hour from Philly. There is one MILF type in P. Ville but I haven't seen her first hand.Your talking about streetwalkers in KOP? I've never seen any up that way. Around where?

09-23-20, 09:32
I have been on the K loop from McD's all the way down Coming back up Jasper and some side streets.

Torresdale was dead all the way to Tyson.

Old york is iffy as hell.

I can't find my watering hole!

Member #6368
09-23-20, 10:46
Your talking about streetwalkers in KOP? I've never seen any up that way. Around where?Oh sorry. I missed that this was on the SW thread. No, there are no SWs in KOP. A few escorts in KOP and PM though. There are some SWs in Norristown which is very close to KOP.

09-23-20, 22:39
Oh sorry. I missed that this was on the SW thread. No, there are no SWs in KOP. A few escorts in KOP and PM though. There are some SWs in Norristown which is very close to KOP.The Norristown SW scene is hit and miss (more miss than hit of late). There's a detailed thread in the Philly Suburbs section.

Little Conner
09-24-20, 07:24
Tried hitting up the Carlyle this morning. Got there and was told they don't open to 9. Is this something new?

09-25-20, 11:55
Tried hitting up the Carlyle this morning. Got there and was told they don't open to 9. Is this something new?Their sterilizer truck was caught in traffic.

09-25-20, 17:30
Their sterilizer truck was caught in traffic.Nah, it was apparent he didn't have any chips for the roaches, bedbugs and rats.

09-27-20, 06:40
Farouk is right. Check some of the other sites for info on who is in King of Prussia and Plymouth Meeting. Also, I think you'll be closer to an hour from Philly. There is one MILF type in P. Ville but I haven't seen her first hand.You're referring to Mya in Phoenixville. Classy, mature, well kept 45+/ Pricey but worth it. I'm from Montgomery Cty and I've seen her several times. As far as the street scene you can on rare occasion find a SW on King St area in Pottstown and around the McDonalds in Norristown but that's about it.

09-27-20, 22:30
Has anyone seen red at? Been trying to find her but no luck.

09-28-20, 13:30
Has anyone seen red at? Been trying to find her but no luck.Is that Red Head Darlene?

09-28-20, 14:25
Has anyone seen red at? Been trying to find her but no luck.Saw her Thursday around Tioga area. She bounces from Huntingdon to Cambria, to Somerset. So don't confine your search to any one area. She walks the entire strip. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-29-20, 23:35
Saw her Thursday around Tioga area. She bounces from Huntingdon to Cambria, to Somerset. So don't confine your search to any one area. She walks the entire strip. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Thanks, if someone sees her, please try and post a pic thanks.

09-30-20, 14:12
Thanks, if someone sees her, please try and post a pic thanks.Here is a Red Head Darlene, If it's the same girl? She used to Post As Dee Dee on skipTheGames.

And she hangs at Tioga.

09-30-20, 23:07
Here is a Red Head Darlene, If it's the same girl? She used to Post As Dee Dee on skipTheGames.

And she hangs at Tioga.I heard she got housing (good for her) so she might be hard to find now. Actually, a few other girls also got housing also.

10-01-20, 01:22
Anybody got any info on who is this?. The head looks fire!


10-01-20, 23:40
I heard she got housing (good for her) so she might be hard to find now. Actually, a few other girls also got housing also.The red I'm looking for goes by jen also. Different girl.

10-02-20, 17:55
Anybody got any info on who is this?. The head looks fire!

https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cd5db79f377dI've had her on my radar for some time. No one knows her and I've done my due diligence.

10-02-20, 23:11
I've had her on my radar for some time. No one knows her and I've done my due diligence.Damn. She must just be a freaky civilian jawn then.

10-04-20, 01:18
Anyone know phoebe, white girl, dark hair, when fresh out of jail she has great tits, hanged out around Tioga? Haven't seen her in a while, figured she's one of the lucky SW getting checks during COVID, one day she'll be back. Anyone have info otherwise?

10-04-20, 21:37
Anybody got any info on who is this?. The head looks fire!

https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cd5db79f377dI know her. PM me.

10-04-20, 21:48
Anyone know phoebe, white girl, dark hair, when fresh out of jail she has great tits, hanged out around Tioga? Haven't seen her in a while, figured she's one of the lucky SW getting checks during COVID, one day she'll be back. Anyone have info otherwise?She's back out down by Tioga. She has a boot on her foot and is using crutches. Can't miss her.

10-04-20, 22:43
I've had her on my radar for some time. No one knows her and I've done my due diligence.I know her quite well.

10-07-20, 11:01
With Glenwood Avenue closed heading to the K from Aramingo Avenue they're lined up 4 deep on Buckius Street in the daytime.

10-07-20, 11:05
Apologies in advance. I am not sure on the exact spot. It was around Castor and about 5 blocks east.

While having a nice experience, a guy, light skinned African American, maybe Hispanic, facial hair, tapped my window with a bat. He insisted I roll down my window and told me that I had to give him money.

There was no way that was happening. I pulled away, and he hit my rear windshield and a side window with a baseball bat.

I do not really need to be told I should have better minded my surroundings, or gone further off ave. Day is bad enough.

Be careful parking.

10-07-20, 15:50
Apologies in advance. I am not sure on the exact spot. It was around Castor and about 5 blocks east.

While having a nice experience, a guy, light skinned African American, maybe Hispanic, facial hair, tapped my window with a bat. He insisted I roll down my window and told me that I had to give him money.

There was no way that was happening. I pulled away, and he hit my rear windshield and a side window with a baseball bat.

I do not really need to be told I should have better minded my surroundings, or gone further off ave. Day is bad enough.

Be careful parking.Sounded like a setup to me. Luckily for me, I carry a baseball bat on me anyways. Next time bash his face in.

10-07-20, 16:36
Sounded like a setup to me. Luckily for me, I carry a baseball bat on me anyways. Next time bash his face in.Yeah. No thanks.

This is what insurance is for. Beats the risk of losing my job, assault charges, getting killed. I’ll drive a rental for two weeks, and pay a deductible. It sucks - but if I was in the situation again, I’d still drive away.

It wasn't a setup. I picked the location and she didn't have a phone. Believe as you wish, but my advice is be careful.

I'm debating going to the police. I don't relish standing there and telling them why I was in Kensington at 3 am, but I also don't want this bastard hurting someone.

10-08-20, 13:27
Yeah. No thanks.

This is what insurance is for. Beats the risk of losing my job, assault charges, getting killed. Ill drive a rental for two weeks, and pay a deductible. It sucks - but if I was in the situation again, Id still drive away.

It wasn't a setup. I picked the location and she didn't have a phone. Believe as you wish, but my advice is be careful.

I'm debating going to the police. I don't relish standing there and telling them why I was in Kensington at 3 am, but I also don't want this bastard hurting someone.Thanks for sharing, I believe the information gleaned off this board does more for my personal safety than it goes giving me leads on a the next great BJ, if I'm lucky, both. From what I can tell, it will serve all of us mongers well to pick parking spots on a street where your car blends in (in other words, you aren't the only car on the block), don't park in front of anybody's active residential entrance, and keep an eye on your review and side mirrors so no one can sneak up on you. I have gone so far as to start my car and left an area the minute any pedestrian is walking towards or coming from behind my car. Just don't want to take any chances. Sorry it happened to you and I am just trying to leverage the information you disclosed to make the hobby a little bit safer because picking up a complete stranger who is likely driven by her drug usage in all her decision making is dangerous enough.

10-08-20, 16:50
Thanks for sharing, I believe the information gleaned off this board does more for my personal safety than it goes giving me leads on a the next great BJ, if I'm lucky, both. From what I can tell, it will serve all of us mongers well to pick parking spots on a street where your car blends in (in other words, you aren't the only car on the block), don't park in front of anybody's active residential entrance, and keep an eye on your review and side mirrors so no one can sneak up on you. I have gone so far as to start my car and left an area the minute any pedestrian is walking towards or coming from behind my car. Just don't want to take any chances. Sorry it happened to you and I am just trying to leverage the information you disclosed to make the hobby a little bit safer because picking up a complete stranger who is likely driven by her drug usage in all her decision making is dangerous enough.I'm sorry I couldn't give more precise location info. I'm not sure if he lived in a nearby house, or just walks around looking for targets.

10-08-20, 17:59
Anyone know phoebe, white girl, dark hair, when fresh out of jail she has great tits, hanged out around Tioga? Haven't seen her in a while, figured she's one of the lucky SW getting checks during COVID, one day she'll be back. Anyone have info otherwise?Phoebe gained a lot of weight in good areas.

I think she is doing well now.

I haven't seen her in weeks.

10-08-20, 18:05
I've heard from a few girls that there is a serial killer out on the strip and he has been abducting girls.

Terrible for the girls and it also may be the reason I'm seeing so many undercovers out there lately.

I've heard the number is 4 girls and some say 8 girls.

Why is this not on the News?

I Swear its always the weirdos that fuck it up for everyone else.

Also Has anyone seen Krissy?

The small Blonde with the glasses who used to stay behind the CVS.

10-08-20, 18:06
I try a dead end street if possible. Try and find a area that you can enter from one direction. This reduces the amount of cars passing by. I also try and find a spot where there is wall or Bush that obstructs the neighbors from seeing you.

Thanks for sharing, I believe the information gleaned off this board does more for my personal safety than it goes giving me leads on a the next great BJ, if I'm lucky, both. From what I can tell, it will serve all of us mongers well to pick parking spots on a street where your car blends in (in other words, you aren't the only car on the block), don't park in front of anybody's active residential entrance, and keep an eye on your review and side mirrors so no one can sneak up on you. I have gone so far as to start my car and left an area the minute any pedestrian is walking towards or coming from behind my car. Just don't want to take any chances. Sorry it happened to you and I am just trying to leverage the information you disclosed to make the hobby a little bit safer because picking up a complete stranger who is likely driven by her drug usage in all her decision making is dangerous enough.

10-08-20, 18:31
White BBW Brunette from Frankford.

Steer clear of her. She walks around Buckius.

She isn't worth $5.

I gave her a $20 and 40 seconds in she asking if I'm almost done.

She also is a chain smoker, and will stink up your car with her Funk.

10-08-20, 18:32
Small Redhead I had this morning.

Kinda looks like Gina Gershon. On crack.

Nice lips but mouth was incredibly Dry.

BJ Skills below average.

Only worth about $10.

10-08-20, 19:56
I've heard from a few girls that there is a serial killer out on the strip and he has been abducting girls.

Terrible for the girls and it also may be the reason I'm seeing so many undercovers out there lately.

I've heard the number is 4 girls and some say 8 girls.

Why is this not on the News?

I Swear its always the weirdos that fuck it up for everyone else.

Also Has anyone seen Krissy?

The small Blonde with the glasses who used to stay behind the CVS.Could be. What I have heard is that there is a man going around picking up girls then taking the money back and rapeing them via anal penetration. His car and description is known. The last sighting one of the girls he did this to spotted him and jumped on the hood of his car but he still got away.

That said, the pickings are slim regardless. Hardcore kenzo girls I know who never kept a phone now have one as they see the benefits so they're working off the phone so they're not walking the street as much as they use to. With winter coming this is a good thing for them so there is that. Other girls I know got housing so you're not going to see them other then when they cop otherwise you're going to need their phone number to schedule something.

As far as the news let a young college middle class girl go missing and she will get a featured story that will run to no end but if you're a poor street drug addict nobody cares until the bodies start piling up or so many go missing that it makes the city look bad then someone will do something just so they won't loose their job. It's not fair. Everyone's life should matter.

Lastly there is always cops and undercover in that area but now that were getting closer to election time I guess they are going to be patrolling the area even more.

10-08-20, 23:53
Anyone seen Melissa around? Pretty thicc white girl. Used to be down Huntingdon but the last I saw her she was around venango.

One Eyed Phil
10-09-20, 00:14
Could be. What I have heard is that there is a man going around picking up girls then taking the money back and rapeing them via anal penetration. His car and description is known. The last sighting one of the girls he did this to spotted him and jumped on the hood of his car but he still got awayWould you mind sharing the description of the perp and his vehicle? Maybe one of us will spot him and help put this guy away.

10-09-20, 05:48
Lastly there is always cops and undercover in that area but now that were getting closer to election time I guess they are going to be patrolling the area even more.I always stop cruising the strolls the month before and after election time. AMPs are usually safer if they aren't in residential spots or blatantly high traffic. I'm getting the itch for some fun so probably get a massage in the next week or so then lurk the various forums till after the next round of crooks are elected.

10-09-20, 09:39
Could be. What I have heard is that there is a man going around picking up girls then taking the money back and rapeing them via anal penetration. His car and description is known.So this is why I can't get a mudhole date anymore, pfft. Way to screw it up for the rest of us.

10-09-20, 09:40
Also Has anyone seen Krissy?

The small Blonde with the glasses who used to stay behind the CVS.That CVS was a gem, sad what happened to it. Is this the same krissy that looks like a mongol w / missing fingers, or different? Is she the tiny, dirty blonde with glasses that always wears baggy-ish clothes and has some type of hat on that is on the corner of K&Buckius?

10-09-20, 22:52
Saw post before of an ad she posted, can't find it again, she was preggo in it. Went by k,she did a double with leelee when I met her. Have more photos.

10-10-20, 08:21
That CVS was a gem, sad what happened to it. Is this the same krissy that looks like a mongol w / missing fingers, or different? Is she the tiny, dirty blonde with glasses that always wears baggy-ish clothes and has some type of hat on that is on the corner of K&Buckius?LOL.


Yes that is her.

10-10-20, 08:24
Anyone seen Melissa around? Pretty thicc white girl. Used to be down Huntingdon but the last I saw her she was around venango.Yea I saw her yesterday.

Rolled up my window and kept driving.

She is scum.

Last time I saw picked her up (months ago) she was stinking so bad I asked her to get out.

She looks different. Like she's lost the weight.

That big booty is HISTORY.

10-10-20, 08:39
Anyone deal with the Average height Brunette going by Manda?

She says she prefers room service but I want to make sure she has never been a thief or setup artist.

I saw her yesterday hanging with a Short Jelly Bootie Blonde on Buckius.

I wanted the Blonde because of the shake as she walked.

They both were getting close after I pulled over then some Scumbag pulled over RIGHT NEXT TO THEM and Snapped up Blondie.


I parked too far away. But Pulling up right next to a girl is breaking the rules and just asking for trouble.

These 2 girls were way to clean and sexy to be StreetWalkers. Its better to be safe.

Let them Approach.

Anyway it turned out to be a good thing because I got the Brunette.

She gave an S-Class BJ.

You figure that plus she smells good, was feminine and sweet, it was a great time.

I drove her back after the first one and planned to scoop Blondie on some greedy shit. But as I'm pulling up Blondie is hopping that Big Bootie right into some lucky Bastard's Car.


So I ask Brunette for another Mic Check and she happily went to work.

What a Professional. I gave her a tip. None of that lowball garbage.

10-10-20, 08:51
Now that I'm sitting here thinking on it, that Blonde may have been the Bridget girl members have been looking for.

Same height. Jellybutt. Sexy Yoga Pants.

I had Bridget a few times last year before she went into rehab.

Jellybutt with a business attitude and an S-Class BJ skills.

Lets you take her to the room for fun too.

10-10-20, 23:04
Would you mind sharing the description of the perp and his vehicle? Maybe one of us will spot him and help put this guy away.A newer style white decommissioned police car. The Ford taurus police interceptor sedan. I believe the description of the perp as well as others are on a "bad date list" at Prevention Point.

10-10-20, 23:52
First time on the Torresdale stroll starting from Van Kirk all the way down or up past Van Kirk even. HIGHLY disappointing (7 pm-9 pm).

10-11-20, 23:45
I see there's a few vids made by users in the past. They are hard to find. Any of you recommend any sites or usernames on the majors (xvideos&PH) ? Specifically philly. Theres not a ton out there, a few kenso car scenes but under 20 which is not much. All recs welcomed. Mizzlemix seems to be the playlist king around there LOL.

10-12-20, 13:24
First time on the Torresdale stroll starting from Van Kirk all the way down or up past Van Kirk even. HIGHLY disappointing (7 pm-9 pm).I spoke with someone that knows the area. A few years ago there was a small crew that worked the Torresdale stroll but they're gone now. Another thing is you had to be out late. That stroll you're not going to find anything until 2 AM to 5 AM.

10-12-20, 20:20
First time on the Torresdale stroll starting from Van Kirk all the way down or up past Van Kirk even. HIGHLY disappointing (7 pm-9 pm).You're not going to find anything on Torresdale during that time. That stroll is strictly late night, after midnight.

10-12-20, 21:26
I spoke with someone that knows the area. A few years ago there was a small crew that worked the Torresdale stroll but they're gone now. Another thing is you had to be out late. That stroll you're not going to find anything until 2 AM to 5 AM.I'll say, the obvious girls on that stroll are out late. I've found service probably about half the time I've looked during the day. But it's more like fishing. You have to be patient, and you have to watch. Several times, I have picked up girls that were just out to the store, or whatever excuse they had to be out. But they aren't standing on the corner looking obvious. Not even obviously giving you the eye as you go past. Every time it was the girl that noticed me watching, and then walked over to me, or gave me some indication.

The last few were not the standard issue toothless hag, they were surprisingly tight young things. Always between noon and 5.

Patience man, patience.

10-14-20, 16:12
I was riding on the ave last night and I think I finally saw my personal white whale Sharon. I've seen you all rave about her but I've never seen her out. So as I'm driving down the ave I get to Tioga and I think I see her (she had the glasses and the nice rack, with a light jacket on that matched the description) coming out of that Chinese store. I didn't want to stop right in the intersection like an idiot rookie, I speed down Tioga turn on Tulip then made that right on Schiller so I can pick her up as she walks past Harrowgate park. I turn back on the ave and of course she's gone with no trace in sight, didn't even make it a half a block. IDK what happened but damn, dudes on the ave are like vultures that swoop quickly. Hopefully I'll get her one of these days LOL.

10-15-20, 00:55
I was riding on the ave last night and I think I finally saw my personal white whale Sharon. I've seen you all rave about her but I've never seen her out. So as I'm driving down the ave I get to Tioga and I think I see her (she had the glasses and the nice rack, with a light jacket on that matched the description) coming out of that Chinese store. I didn't want to stop right in the intersection like an idiot rookie, I speed down Tioga turn on Tulip then made that right on Schiller so I can pick her up as she walks past Harrowgate park. I turn back on the ave and of course she's gone with no trace in sight, didn't even make it a half a block. IDK what happened but damn, dudes on the ave are like vultures that swoop quickly. Hopefully I'll get her one of these days LOL.She lives right here near the playground. You lost her because she went in the house. You can find her around Tioga to Bukius after 2 Am. She's the best.

10-15-20, 00:57
Yea I saw her yesterday.

Rolled up my window and kept driving.

She is scum.

Last time I saw picked her up (months ago) she was stinking so bad I asked her to get out.

She looks different. Like she's lost the weight.

That big booty is HISTORY.That's not the same girl. This Melissa is very very beautiful. And her ass is still huge. Just saw her.

10-15-20, 18:00
She lives right here near the playground. You lost her because she went in the house. You can find her around Tioga to Bukius after 2 Am. She's the best.A few people have asked me about Sharon. Sharon is a great find. Yet, as so many out there, Few know what she looks like. I'm attaching some older pics of her so give you a better idea what you are looking for out there. Please note the last two are courtesy of CookyJar. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

10-15-20, 21:13
Quite possible had the greatest ave experience of my life last night. Found a WSW, about 5'4-5'7-ish height (wasn't rly paying attention to height to be totally honest w / u), physically-fit type of build for a body (GREAT, TONE, SOFT ass, B cup tits).

Played the flute. Owned the flute. Made the flute disappear. Over & over & over & over & over & over & over. Made the flute disappear in all the other holes too (thank the mudhole gods I found one). She's my new regular going forward. YES, I got digits this time. Also, YES, she was clean as a whistle (no funky smells whatsoever).

10-15-20, 21:55
She lives right here near the playground. You lost her because she went in the house. You can find her around Tioga to Bukius after 2 Am. She's the best.Oh ok. Good to know.

10-17-20, 08:53
Quite possible had the greatest ave experience of my life last night. Found a WSW, about 5'4-5'7-ish height (wasn't rly paying attention to height to be totally honest w / u), physically-fit type of build for a body (GREAT, TONE, SOFT ass, B cup tits).

Played the flute. Owned the flute. Made the flute disappear. Over & over & over & over & over & over & over. Made the flute disappear in all the other holes too (thank the mudhole gods I found one). She's my new regular going forward. YES, I got digits this time. Also, YES, she was clean as a whistle (no funky smells whatsoever).Yep, Jen might be the new #1.

If its the same one from that post I made a week ago.

Was she out there with a fat bootie Blonde?

10-17-20, 08:55
That's not the same girl. This Melissa is very very beautiful. And her ass is still huge. Just saw her.What color hair?

Glasses or not?

I'm talking about one with reddish brown hair and Glasses.

10-17-20, 10:45
She passed while in detox, RIP "Ariel".

10-17-20, 14:18
Yep, Jen might be the new #1.

If its the same one from that post I made a week ago.

Was she out there with a fat bootie Blonde?Nah no blonde sadly, but I can't seem to find Jen anymore. Anyone know her frequent route? Her phone is dead so digits are useless.

Sam Iam
10-17-20, 19:23
Nah no blonde sadly, but I can't seem to find Jen anymore. Anyone know her frequent route? Her phone is dead so digits are useless.Is this your Jen? I had seen her back in the day.

10-17-20, 20:00
Is this your Jen? I had seen her back in the day.Yup, you got it correct.

Sam Iam
10-17-20, 21:32
Yup, you got it correct.Thank you for your post and answering mine. From my prior experience with her it sounds like her, she has excellent skills.

10-18-20, 14:24
Haven't seen it talked about here but I heard through the grapevine that either the 24th or 25th district police station will be relocating across from needle park in about a year. So basically LE will be somewhere around Kensington ave and F st.

I heard also that vice is back out and they're picking up Johns. If you don't recognize a SW I would be careful.

10-18-20, 17:03
This special new Police district would open at a closed restaurant off of Kensington Avenue and F Street, across from McPherson Square, known by many in this part of town as "Needle Park. ".

Sanchez is the director of the Kensington Business Association, whose organization is working with a variety of community leaders to open the new district.

"This is not just a police thing. This is in partnerships with many of our partners, including the Department of Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Services," Sanchez said.

The final plans are still being worked out but Sanchez believes it could open by December or early next year, after City Council approval.

Sixty to 80 officers would work foot beats in the corridor, step-by-step hopefully changing this area for the better.

"We want to see it thriving and we expect it to happen and this is a very giant leap of a first step," Sanchez said.

10-18-20, 17:50
Wow I can't believe she is gone. So sad. That pic is before she had her face tats I guess. Such a shame that she is gone, she was a good one.

She passed while in detox, RIP "Ariel".

10-19-20, 08:25
No doubt, Kensington is a mess. From Leigh to Alleghany, its an open drug market with people shooting up on side walks without any concern of the police. It makes it hard for the mongers to tell which ones are working or just hanging out. I have found the most success outside of that area to the south and to the north.

Personally, I can't envision the day that they close down the street shopping for a BJ. It's like the game, Whack a Mole, you shut one area to have it pop up a few blocks away. But if the police and "Mental Services" can make a sizable dent in reducing the walking zombie population that seems to dominate the area, it should be worth the effort from a human compassion viewpoint.

As for us Mongers, most of us are beyond redemption anyway. Speaking for myself, all I want is skin flute session played by a maestro for a decent donation. Not setting the bar too high but I'm always seeking to clear it.

This special new Police district would open at a closed restaurant off of Kensington Avenue and F Street, across from McPherson Square, known by many in this part of town as "Needle Park”

Sanchez is the director of the Kensington Business Association, whose organization is working with a variety of community leaders to open the new district.

The final plans are still being worked out but Sanchez believes it could open by December or early next year, after City Council approval.

Sixty to 80 officers would work foot beats in the corridor, step-by-step hopefully changing this area for the better.

"We want to see it thriving and we expect it to happen and this is a very giant leap of a first step," Sanchez said.

10-19-20, 10:22
This special new Police district would open at a closed restaurant off of Kensington Avenue and F Street, across from McPherson Square, known by many in this part of town as "Needle Park. " Sixty to 80 officers would work foot beats in the corridor, step-by-step hopefully changing this area for the better.I did see the news report on the Police station being opened at F and Kensington. The report I saw indicated it would be in the closed restaurant there on the point. It was also stated the station would be open by years end. We will see.

As the problem has been brewing there for over 50 years, it will be interesting to see what if any changes at all take place. There's beat cops in the park now and nothing's changed except the increase of coffee and donuts at the Quick Stop across the street.

The report addressed the issue of the homeless, junkies that have taken over the park the past few years. Yet it stopped way short of addressing the real issue that fuels the junkies and prostitutes there. That being the the dealers that have overtaken the neighborhood. The squatters and the trap houses.

You all know as well as I do, all the places in that area that have twenty four hour service for drugs. They are doing more business than any Walgreens or CVS around.

F St. And Clementine, Clearfield and Custer, Weymouth, Potter St. Those are just a few corners on that side of Kensington Ave. Does the city really think these dealers are going to close up shop and leave because a police station is there? Ha! Ha! Ha! Yeah right. They will most likely burn that down too.

This city wants the world to believe they are doing something about the drug problems with "feel good stories" such as this". Yet it's this same city government that allowed the problem to fester so many years and become what it is today. Shows how foolish they think the rest of this city is.

One has to wonder how the city can prosecute people for drinking a beer under the public intoxication laws and look the other way about drug intoxication. Or public lewdness for taking a piss in an alley and allow people to drop their pants and take a shit in a public park. If that doesn't seem a bit crazy and double standard then nothing does. I always thought laws was supposed to be applied evenly, and fairly for all not just the sober among us.

The local civic groups go in that park and clean it up all the time because the homeless junkies and streetwalkers are to lazy to clean up after themselves. Could be a trash can two feet away and their trash never finds it. Two hours later you would never know it was cleaned. Makes one wonder how they lived at home if in public they are on good behavior.

I don't envy any cop that gets assigned to that beat. Putting a bunch of rookie cops in a spot like that is just another stupid move by politicians that throw good money after bad. They will be fighting a losing battle. Mainly because they are scared to death of the dealers there. They are afraid of gun battles which happen weekly if not daily. Rightly so. It's a live and let live mentality there when it comes to cops and dealers. So, what does the city do? They hammer the junkies and the streetwalkers. They know the junkies will simply move from corner to corner. Now, that has been the thought for as long as I can remember. One city department blames the other. The cops blame the politicians. The politicians blame the the D A. The D A blames the judges. We've all heard the pass the buck stories.

Don't forget, it was just this past June, four months ago, the National Guard was literally two doors away from the spot the new station house is supposed to be. What changed there? The five or six buildings right next door got burned to the ground that's what. The National Guard didn't change anything it's not probable the next graduating class of the Philadelphia Police Academy will have much affect either. Is the next police station on the corner next to be burned down? I wonder. Nothing I would more rather be is wrong on this.

Police station or no police station there I think the city is pissing against the wind on this. As long as the dealers flourish there, so will the streetwalkers and the junkies.

They could put five station houses there its doubtful things would change. The mold has already set.

Look around the street, there's six, eight cars sitting there just waiting for the girls to come out of the park. From Indiana all the way to Allegheny it's the same program.

Couple weeks ago I was right across the street from the park. I watched as a bunch of warrant unit cops chased a guy out of the park and toward Clearfield on Kensington. Girls walking the Ave. Junkies shooting up right there, half dozen nodders. Then one warrant unit cop tagged the guy with the his Taser. He stopped running right away. The guy should have listened when he was told "don't run".

Around the corner it is going to take a lot more than rookies, intimidation, and tasers to get that area under any degree of control. Better cops than we have now have tried and failed miserably. Even while the National Guard was there the girls and the dealers didn't lose a dime. It was business as usual. The park has become a prime spot for picking up working girls.

Many working girls "live" in that park. A lot of the cops date the girls from the park.

The cop dating has always been common knowledge from the days they would pick the girls up in the wagons and go down by the river and take turns. Now there are women on the force that has been changed to dating in the off duty hours. Still is common practice.

I like the old days when the girls had more common sense. The drugs have changed all that now. Now with the drugs the dates are a lot more risky. Because of the drugs the girls are more brazen. Rip offs are more common. High risk of being hit by stray bullets when on the playing field. The girls have always been around. Chances are they always will be.

When / if the station does open at F St. And Kensington, it will be interesting how that all plays out. In that building will reside those that think they are the ring master. The carnival of fools across the street and the circus of dealers right up the street and literally behind them. The show must go on. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

10-22-20, 08:51
Last night, a relatively warm night and I'm driving down Kensington about a half block south of the intersection with Allegheny. I am behind about 4-6 cars at a red light waiting for it to turn green when all of a sudden a gun shot rang out. That intersection has quite a bit of foot traffic on the sidewalks and sitting in my car, it was a sight to see as they sprinted down the sidewalk with terror in their eyes, quite literally running for their lives.

I was fortunate in that the front of my car was next to a side street so banged a right hand turn and headed out of there. I did notice later on the entire area was blocked with police tape closing down that block of Kensington for the next hour that I was around.

All was not lost, I am tenacious if nothing else and I found an old regular away from the crime scene and made a protein deposit in her willing mouth. It's good relief for a single Jackson, considering my predicament an hour earlier.

10-23-20, 01:03
Last night, a relatively warm night and I'm driving down Kensington about a half block south of the intersection with Allegheny. I am behind about 4-6 cars at a red light waiting for it to turn green when all of a sudden a gun shot rang out. That intersection has quite a bit of foot traffic on the sidewalks and sitting in my car, it was a sight to see as they sprinted down the sidewalk with terror in their eyes, quite literally running for their lives.

I was fortunate in that the front of my car was next to a side street so banged a right hand turn and headed out of there. I did notice later on the entire area was blocked with police tape closing down that block of Kensington for the next hour that I was around.

All was not lost, I am tenacious if nothing else and I found an old regular away from the crime scene and made a protein deposit in her willing mouth. It's good relief for a single Jackson, considering my predicament an hour earlier.All the recent news of the more frequent shootings at all hours of the day have turned me off from wanting to take a drive down the Ave. I'm sure the chances of something happening to me / my car are highly unlikely, but it's one of those situations where if something were to happen, how in the hell would I explain that when I get home.

Yes, I know there was always a chance of that happening while driving down there, but it just seems more prevalent nowadays for some reason. I miss the chase. The hunt for that "golden mouth" that hasn't been attained yet or finding someone like Sharon or back in the day curly hair Nicole for a repeat visit, but for me, I'd rather not have to explain why there's a bullet hole in the car when I get home. Hopeful to return to the Ave again soon, until then I will thoroughly enjoy reading all of you guys' adventures. Stay safe everyone!

10-23-20, 06:14
All the recent news of the more frequent shootings at all hours of the day have turned me off from wanting to take a drive down the Ave. I'm sure the chances of something happening to me / my car are highly unlikely, but it's one of those situations where if something were to happen, how in the hell would I explain that when I get home.
Yes, I know there was always a chance of that happening while driving down there, but it just seems more prevalent nowadays for some reason. Yup, we're going to miss you Hunterspeak. I don't blame you one bit though. Whenever entering the crazy maze expect to see some wild and crazy stuff. Goes with the territory.

Most important rule of mongering is trying to stay safe. If one doesn't feel in a safe position why risk it? Sometimes it's best to take a step back and reevaluate the game.

Although the volume of available employees on the strip varies from time to time, the risk is always present.

DonTrask pointed out, when the situation became testy he got out of there at the first available street to turn onto. Wednesday evening I was right there when the shots were fired. I counted no less than six. So I fully understand where you are coming from.

One main rule of driving I try to adhere to no matter where I drive. That is never pull up on the vehicle in front of me. Whether at a light or if it's stopped for any reason. I try to leave distance in case I need to get out of there fast. DonTrask report is exactly why.

One never knows what can happen. It's important we control as much of the risk factor as we can. How can we do that? Staying alert to what's happening around us is a key factor in our safety. Practice safe driving, both distance from the vehicle in front and maintain posted speed limits. Much of our safety lies within our own hands. Murphy said it best. "Anything that can go wrong usually does".

Don't get distracted when we see a girl. That puts us at all risk. Stop in the middle of traffic and then we deserve to get rear ended. There's a dozen more where she came from.

Pull off into a safe spot and make the score.

When one goes to the zoo if we don't expect to see animals that's the last place we should be. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

10-23-20, 17:47
Yup, we're going to miss you Hunterspeak. I don't blame you one bit though. Whenever entering the crazy maze expect to see some wild and crazy stuff. Goes with the territory.

Most important rule of mongering is trying to stay safe. If one doesn't feel in a safe position why risk it? Sometimes it's best to take a step back and reevaluate the game.

Although the volume of available employees on the strip varies from time to time, the risk is always present.

DonTrask pointed out, when the situation became testy he got out of there at the first available street to turn onto. Wednesday evening I was right there when the shots were fired. I counted no less than six. So I fully understand where you are coming from.

One main rule of driving I try to adhere to no matter where I drive. That is never pull up on the vehicle in front of me. Whether at a light or if it's stopped for any reason. I try to leave distance in case I need to get out of there fast. DonTrask report is exactly why.

One never knows what can happen. It's important we control as much of the risk factor as we can. How can we do that? Staying alert to what's happening around us is a key factor in our safety. Practice safe driving, both distance from the vehicle in front and maintain posted speed limits. Much of our safety lies within our own hands. Murphy said it best. "Anything that can go wrong usually does".

Don't get distracted when we see a girl. That puts us at all risk. Stop in the middle of traffic and then we deserve to get rear ended. There's a dozen more where she came from.

Pull off into a safe spot and make the score.

When one goes to the zoo if we don't expect to see animals that's the last place we should be. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Its about using common sense and having street smarts. As somebody who grew up in North Philly I've been in and seen a lot of crazy shit so now I have that 6th sense of when some crazy shit is about to go down.

Also you can't be that pressed to scoop a girl that you're doing reckless shit. People stopping in the middle of the street to do a pick up are just insane to me. Its like your telling the cops "come book me now" smh.

10-23-20, 22:33
All the recent news of the more frequent shootings at all hours of the day have turned me off from wanting to take a drive down the Ave. I'm sure the chances of something happening to me / my car are highly unlikely, but it's one of those situations where if something were to happen, how in the hell would I explain that when I get home.

Yes, I know there was always a chance of that happening while driving down there, but it just seems more prevalent nowadays for some reason. I miss the chase. The hunt for that "golden mouth" that hasn't been attained yet or finding someone like Sharon or back in the day curly hair Nicole for a repeat visit, but for me, I'd rather not have to explain why there's a bullet hole in the car when I get home. Hopeful to return to the Ave again soon, until then I will thoroughly enjoy reading all of you guys' adventures. Stay safe everyone!Unfortunately there are shootings all over this city not just Kensington. It's shameful. I'm actually more afraid of driving through Frankford then Kensington so I stay out of Frankford now.

Then over in Germantown a little over a week ago some guy went on a rampage with an AK47 and wound up shooting and killing a random young woman who was innocently just driving down the street. The woman that was killed was related to Bam from that early 2000 TV show jackass. It was his niece.

10-24-20, 00:29
Its about using common sense and having street smarts. As somebody who grew up in North Philly I've been in and seen a lot of crazy shit so now I have that 6th sense of when some crazy shit is about to go down.

Also you can't be that pressed to scoop a girl that you're doing reckless shit. People stopping in the middle of the street to do a pick up are just insane to me. Its like your telling the cops "come book me now" smh.I couldn't agree with you more. It amazes me that some guys throw caution and safety to the wind to score a junked up streetwalker. They don't care who sees them or as you said, if LEO sees them. Are these guys that deprived they would risk their and others safety trying to get a girl that may or just as well may not be a streetwalker? For gosh sake use a little discretion.

Also you are correct again. Street smarts and common sense go hand in had in this game. Main thing to keep in mind is picking up women to engage in sex for money is not legal. So why would anybody use no discretion and lay their actions out there where it's so obvious what they are doing? DUUUUUUHHHHHH!

The girls know very well what is going on. They know correct glance to throw to a guy. They also know the rookies and overzealous among us. Being over zealous to the point a girl sees it puts that monger in a bad spot before he gets his pants unzipped.

Her wheels are already turning before she even gets in his car. She's planning her game to maximize her return. Best thing we can do is try and make it appear we know what we are doing. That at least levels the playing field. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

10-24-20, 12:47
Also you are correct again. Street smarts and common sense go hand in had in this game. Main thing to keep in mind is picking up women to engage in sex for money is not legal. So why would anybody use no discretion and lay their actions out there where it's so obvious what they are doing? DUUUUUUHHHHHH!

Its about using common sense and having street smarts. As somebody who grew up in North Philly I've been in and seen a lot of crazy shit so now I have that 6th sense of when some crazy shit is about to go down.
I hear you guys and agree. But let me add this perspective. Sometimes you don't know, what you don't know!.

I know when I started dating, I had no street smarts at all. Not everyone is so aware. So since I knew I wasn't "street" I made allowances for that. Can't say that even after years of dating that I'd consider myself "street" but can handle most of what goes down and avoid a bunch of the rest. So growing up in North Philly perhaps ingrained some of that street sense, while burbs mongers need to learn those skills.

Can some of that 'street smarts' be taught here and learned on these threads?

If it can there are probably no better teachers, as demonstrated by your posts! Keep up the good work.

10-25-20, 11:21
I couldn't agree with you more. It amazes me that some guys throw caution and safety to the wind to score a junked up streetwalker. They don't care who sees them or as you said, if LEO sees them. Are these guys that deprived they would risk their and others safety trying to get a girl that may or just as well may not be a streetwalker? For gosh sake use a little discretion.What I noticed with the newer crowd of streetwalkers is that very few of them have any discretion themselves. The more strung out they get on drugs the more obvious they become as they ply their trade in a hurry to score their next fix.

They should be walking quiet back streets, the areas of K ave that are quiet, or streets with less people and residents but these newer street walkers simply don't care and make what they do obvious to the point of trying to get picked up literally on the corner of K&A or like I seen the other night they will impede traffic on Kensington ave in full view of the police just to get the attention of a potential date.

There is plenty of quiet back streets but they don't want to work them because it takes longer for them to get picked up so dates are forced to pick them up in locations where they probably shouldn't.

10-26-20, 09:36
Visiting Philly and curious about where to find some action and avoid any trouble.


10-26-20, 22:57
Visiting Philly and curious about where to find some action and avoid any trouble.

Thanks.Broadway in Camden, especially the south half and Buckius & Kensington have been gold for me lately. More are areas around Kensington are known to the experienced folks around here, but I'm visiting and have only been to those spots.

10-27-20, 16:19
Visiting Philly and curious about where to find some action and avoid any trouble.

Thanks.The short answer is Keningston Avenue for action but you will be hard pressed to avoid trouble. With the recent police shooting, the natives are restless and I would avoid Kensington Avenue for the next few days but that's just me. If you have a car and a Gps, I would head across the Ben Franklin Bridge to Broadway in Camden. The quality of the girls or the amount of choices is not necessarily better but for safety reasons alone, you can find what you are looking for without the level of risk that Philadelphia has on its streets.

Good luck and happy hunting.

10-27-20, 18:08
With the recent police shooting, the natives are restless
Has the rioting begun in Kensington too?

10-27-20, 20:36
Has the rioting begun in Kensington too?Yup. Watching looting in the Aramingo & Castor neighbourhood live now.

10-27-20, 21:43
Yup. Watching looting in the Aramingo & Castor neighbourhood live now.Not really a hotbed of streetwalker activity anymore, but there are several providers advertising in West Philly and that's out of bounds now, also. I'd stay away from everything west of 30th street.

At least for my lilly-white ass.

Be careful out there.

10-27-20, 22:11
Not really a hotbed of streetwalker activity anymore, but there are several providers advertising in West Philly and that's out of bounds now, also. I'd stay away from everything west of 30th street.

At least for my lilly-white ass.

Be careful out there.There were / are protesting at the 18th police. Lots of police activity around 52nd / pine / chestnut. 52nd between Chestnut and Market are closed. Saw cops arresting a few male / female protesters around 52nd & Pine.

10-27-20, 22:24
Has the rioting begun in Kensington too?Just left K ave. Lots of helicopters flying over Port Richmond area to monitor the looting. On my way leaving Kensington there was a fight in the middle of the street near Frankford and Clearfield of about 10 young girls that made traffic come to a stand still. A young kid got shot and killed not too far away from there about a week ago.


Situations where there is a brawl in the middle of the street someone could pull a gun and you got no where to go for cover when you're stuck in traffic. Almost drove down a one way street to avoid the danger but things calmed down so I was able to make a uuu turn and make it out safely.

I agree with the other poster, go to NJ for street action or book incall in safer areas like Levittown or Upper Darby. I would avoid Kensington, Port Richmond, Frankford, North / West Philly and Cobb's Creek.

10-27-20, 23:07
Not really a hotbed of streetwalker activity anymore, but there are several providers advertising in West Philly and that's out of bounds now, also. I'd stay away from everything west of 30th street.

At least for my lilly-white ass.

Be careful out there.This isn't necessarily a pure racial issue. As long as you don't look like a cop you're OK aside from just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. This civil unrest is due to the relations breakdown between certain neighborhoods and LE. A black cop in w philly has just as a hard time as a white cop. That said if you're a white guy from the suburbs yea I would probably avoid w philly but if you look like you belong to the Pagans mc nobody is going to bother you.

10-27-20, 23:41
Not really a hotbed of streetwalker activity anymore, but there are several providers advertising in West Philly and that's out of bounds now, also. I'd stay away from everything west of 30th street.

At least for my lilly-white ass.

Be careful out there.West Philly is a little' bit of a hike for me. You'd have to be a stunning provider for me to drive out there.

10-28-20, 21:55
Just called a provider from Kensington area just to check on her. She said last night young kids were shooting working girls with paint ball guns and even worse she heard up to 3 girls got raped but she knows of one rape that happened for sure. Its walk up dates and males loitering around that are causing the problems. With LE preoccupied with tending to the looters some of the neighbours have stepped up to look after the girls walking the ave. As of right now there is curfew starting from 9 PM to 6 AM Thursday morning. Troubling times.

10-29-20, 11:20
Just called a provider from Kensington area just to check on her. She said last night young kids were shooting working girls with paint ball guns and even worse she heard up to 3 girls got raped but she knows of one rape that happened for sure. Its walk up dates and males loitering around that are causing the problems. With LE preoccupied with tending to the looters some of the neighbours have stepped up to look after the girls walking the ave. As of right now there is curfew starting from 9 PM to 6 AM Thursday morning. Troubling times.This was At CVS at Aramingo.

10-30-20, 10:13
The short answer is Keningston Avenue for action but you will be hard pressed to avoid trouble. With the recent police shooting, the natives are restless and I would avoid Kensington Avenue for the next few days but that's just me. If you have a car and a Gps, I would head across the Ben Franklin Bridge to Broadway in Camden. The quality of the girls or the amount of choices is not necessarily better but for safety reasons alone, you can find what you are looking for without the level of risk that Philadelphia has on its streets.

Good luck and happy hunting.Thanks for the info.

10-30-20, 10:14
Broadway in Camden, especially the south half and Buckius & Kensington have been gold for me lately. More are areas around Kensington are known to the experienced folks around here, but I'm visiting and have only been to those spots.Thanks Camden seems a safer bet now.

10-30-20, 13:51
Thanks Camden seems a safer bet now.That has to be the first time that sentence was ever written. Heh. Smh.

11-04-20, 21:08
A midday excursion on Keningston Avenue is an eye opener. The bright sunshine does no favors for most the the Walking Dead on the street. So this one caught my eye, and I am partial to redheads anyway.

Our small talk on the ride revealed she was a relative newcomer to the World's Oldest Profession. If her story is to be believed, I would be Client #2 in her budding career as a skin flute player. I was honored to let her do the honors on the head of my dick once we found a place to park. I can't say it was the best performance but her inexperience is all part of her charm. She did slip down her pants and let me roam, sexy underwear and a tight hole is a lethal combination. Being an older monger, I do appreciate a younger (25 she old me) provider, skill level aside.

Sometimes your ventures get you a real gem. The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass everyday and I feel blessed after the session, sometimes you can get lucky.

11-05-20, 11:11
A midday excursion on Keningston Avenue is an eye opener. The bright sunshine does no favors for most the the Walking Dead on the street. So this one caught my eye, and I am partial to redheads anyway.

Our small talk on the ride revealed she was a relative newcomer to the World's Oldest Profession. If her story is to be believed, I would be Client #2 in her budding career as a skin flute player. I was honored to let her do the honors on the head of my dick once we found a place to park. I can't say it was the best performance but her inexperience is all part of her charm. She did slip down her pants and let me roam, sexy underwear and a tight hole is a lethal combination. Being an older monger, I do appreciate a younger (25 she old me) provider, skill level aside.

Sometimes your ventures get you a real gem. The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass everyday and I feel blessed after the session, sometimes you can get lucky.She's cute as hell.

11-06-20, 02:01
A midday excursion on Keningston Avenue is an eye opener. The bright sunshine does no favors for most the the Walking Dead on the street. So this one caught my eye, and I am partial to redheads anyway.

Our small talk on the ride revealed she was a relative newcomer to the World's Oldest Profession. If her story is to be believed, I would be Client #2 in her budding career as a skin flute player. I was honored to let her do the honors on the head of my dick once we found a place to park. I can't say it was the best performance but her inexperience is all part of her charm. She did slip down her pants and let me roam, sexy underwear and a tight hole is a lethal combination. Being an older monger, I do appreciate a younger (25 she old me) provider, skill level aside.

Sometimes your ventures get you a real gem. The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass everyday and I feel blessed after the session, sometimes you can get lucky.At where did you find her? Love to see more of her.

11-06-20, 16:19
The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass everyday and I feel blessed after the session, sometimes you can get lucky.LMAO.

Damn she is a cutie.

With Braces too?

11-06-20, 16:22
2-4 am is her walking time and she stays below Venango.

I saw her waking, ass jiggling and shaking out of control in some tights.

Scooped her up. Face is ugly and looks like she's taken a beating or 3 in the past from a Scumbag Loser BF, from the looks of her broken Nose.

Anyone have any dealings with her?

I want to know if its safe to get a room with her.

She has the nicest ass since Colleen.

I'd say even better because she is thick.

11-06-20, 16:27
I picked up Brooke for a chat on Sedgley and this guy pulls up next to me and stares into my car.

I have heavy tint so you can't see in. But he looked for a good 4 seconds.

That is a long time for this business.

WTF was he doing?

He was an older heavyset White man and was wearing a hat.

Nice Jeep with NY Plates. Maybe NJ.

He sped off when I started rolling the window down.

Anyone of you seen this guy?

He is out of pocket.

11-06-20, 17:20
She's prettier than most, slim figure, sexy underwear covering her butt and she would rather jack you off than blow you if that's your thing. Plus with the higher than average cost starting out plus the constant upsell, she is a one and done project for me.

I see her a lot on Castor off of K Avenue and she fits a certain profile for me, the pretty ones can sometimes not work as hard knowing they have an advantage over most of the walking dead that populates the general area. My biggest mistake was not following the advice of my adopted mentor, the ol Gator, in keeping my money in my pocket till the end. It would have saved me the constant upsell and multiple time outs as she worked the Johnson.

I recognize YMMV so she must have worked out for other mongers because I've been seeing out on the streets for a year now and she typically wasn't there on my second pass. Oh well, my early experience this week was with the 25 year old redhead so not every SW pick up is going to work out just the way you want it.

11-06-20, 19:03
I picked up Brooke for a chat on Sedgley and this guy pulls up next to me and stares into my car.

I have heavy tint so you can't see in. But he looked for a good 4 seconds.

That is a long time for this business.

WTF was he doing?

He was an older heavyset White man and was wearing a hat.

Nice Jeep with NY Plates. Maybe NJ.

He sped off when I started rolling the window down.

Anyone of you seen this guy?

He is out of pocket.Good thing he sped off, I would've gotten out of my car and *ed him up if he tried anything. I hate people who don't mind their own damn business. You know damn well what's happenin in this car so piss off and find your own entertainment.

11-07-20, 19:29
2-4 am is her walking time and she stays below Venango.

I saw her waking, ass jiggling and shaking out of control in some tights.

Scooped her up. Face is ugly and looks like she's taken a beating or 3 in the past from a Scumbag Loser BF, from the looks of her broken Nose.

Anyone have any dealings with her?

I want to know if its safe to get a room with her.

She has the nicest ass since Colleen.

I'd say even better because she is thick.Is she a White jawn or Puerto Rican??

11-11-20, 19:02
She's prettier than most, slim figure, sexy underwear covering her butt and she would rather jack you off than blow you if that's your thing. Plus with the higher than average cost starting out plus the constant upsell, she is a one and done project for me.

I see her a lot on Castor off of K Avenue and she fits a certain profile for me, the pretty ones can sometimes not work as hard knowing they have an advantage over most of the walking dead that populates the general area. My biggest mistake was not following the advice of my adopted mentor, the ol Gator, in keeping my money in my pocket till the end. It would have saved me the constant upsell and multiple time outs as she worked the Johnson.

I recognize YMMV so she must have worked out for other mongers because I've been seeing out on the streets for a year now and she typically wasn't there on my second pass. Oh well, my early experience this week was with the 25 year old redhead so not every SW pick up is going to work out just the way you want it.Idk how Gator gets away with paying at the end.

Most of the girls run into Scumbags that get the BJ and Dash without paying, so the girls build up a defense and rather leave if you say after.

Honestly I don't mind paying up front. Its only a few bucks anyway.

I'm not going to miss my mortgage payment over it.

And if they provide crap service then I'll give them a negative review here and never see them again.

Too many of the girls out here that are sweet, talk about horror stories of guys who said they will pay at the end, then kicked them out or threatened them with violence.

Lets say you DO get shitty service. Then what? Are you prepared to sit there haggling with this dirty ***** over $20?

I recently had a WSW in Camden wait til we got to the Motel to tell me she doesn't like Doggie, and that I wasnt allowed to see her Ass or Vagina with the lights on.

WTF? She was hiding an STD or something more sinister like CRABS.

She gave me back half the money but when I tried to get smart and Leave her there she ran to the back of my vehicle and was about to take a pic of my Plate.

Who knows what she was doing that for. Maybe report it and tell Police I assaulted her?

I played it off and took her back to Broadway.

You can see the story in the Camden Ripoff Section.

Its just not worth it. Just take it as a loss if you are unlucky enough to run into one of these Women.

I know Gator has other advice from his 65 Years Mongering.


11-11-20, 19:09
Is she a White jawn or Puerto Rican??White. I dont mess with Puerto Ricans....
Sharon i mess with but she is Mixed and really sweet.

The Reddish Brunette lives on Hancock and Cambria, but she makes her way up the ave.

She usually doesn't make it to Venango before being snapped up.
Her name is Rachel or something.

I don't understand these stupid chicks.

They out here with the ability to make $1000 a night and they waste it on Drugs.

11-11-20, 19:13
She's prettier than most, slim figure, sexy underwear covering her butt and she would rather jack you off than blow you if that's your thing. Plus with the higher than average cost starting out plus the constant upsell, she is a one and done project for me.

I see her a lot on Castor off of K Avenue and she fits a certain profile for me, the pretty ones can sometimes not work as hard knowing they have an advantage over most of the walking dead that populates the general area. My biggest mistake was not following the advice of my adopted mentor, the ol Gator, in keeping my money in my pocket till the end. It would have saved me the constant upsell and multiple time outs as she worked the Johnson.

I recognize YMMV so she must have worked out for other mongers because I've been seeing out on the streets for a year now and she typically wasn't there on my second pass. Oh well, my early experience this week was with the 25 year old redhead so not every SW pick up is going to work out just the way you want it.Is this an old Pic of Patty?

I think I saw this same woman but she looked 30 years older.

11-11-20, 20:41
Is this an old Pic of Patty?

I think I saw this same woman but she looked 30 years older.That is her picture, I did not snap it myself, I stole it off social media. We can disagree but I thought she looked within 5 years of that picture, not the 30 you are suggesting but that doesn't mean my opinion weighs more than yours. YMMV as they say.

I just wanted to do my fellow mongers a solid by giving a review of her performance before they plunk their money down. She gives a tight gripping handjob when her jaw gets tired and it gets tired sooner than what I expected. In my opinion, she looks better than most of the Walking Dead on K Avenue, spinner type body, Victoria Secret underwear, surely that makes her different than most. But if you are paying for sheer performance and a man eater that will put a lip lock on your love muscle and wouldn't stop till she tastes the white gravy, you are better off grabbing one of those lesser looking options. Again, just my opinion.

11-11-20, 21:06
Idk how Gator gets away with paying at the end.

Most of the girls run into Scumbags that get the BJ and Dash without paying, so the girls build up a defense and rather leave if you say after.

Honestly I don't mind paying up front. Its only a few bucks anyway.
I never pay up front anymore, always at the end. I never rip anyone off, but have been ripped off before. Not everyone can afford to keep getting ripped off over & over again.

11-11-20, 21:45
Idk how Gator gets away with paying at the end.
Most of the girls run into Scumbags that get the BJ and Dash without paying, so the girls build up a defense and rather leave if you say after.
Honestly I don't mind paying up front. Its only a few bucks anyway.
And if they provide crap service then I'll give them a negative review here and never see them again.
Lets say you DO get shitty service. Then what? Are you prepared to sit there haggling with this dirty ***** over $20?
She gave me back half the money but when I tried to get smart and Leave her there she ran to the back of my vehicle and was about to take a pic of my Plate.
Its just not worth it. Just take it as a loss if you are unlucky enough to run into one of these Women.

I know Gator has other advice from his 65 Years Mongering.Lmao.That's close. LOL. How is it I get away with paying at the end? To clarify my position allow me to offer this.

I never mean to imply I score a goal every time I negotiate because I don't. I lose as many as I get. My methods are quite simple at best.

I don't wait till I get to the spot to say payment comes at the end. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

At the negotiation table is when I tell a girl what I'm willing to pay for what service. I let them know if it includes windows and when the payment will arrive.

At that time, she has the option to agree or opt out. If she decides to opt out, I wish her well and continue my quest. No hard feelings. I've had enough pussy in my lifetime I can pretty much afford to allow them to walk.

I never hit the playground with a do or die mindset. It's always a game for me. I don't have to have that pussy. With that in mind I can afford to make choices. Safe logical choices.

If things change up and I'm not ok I turn the vehicle around and head right back.

I've heard all the excuses and very politely tell them that's between them and the guy that didn't pay them. Has nothing to do with the current situation. I explain they have their rules and I have mine. So, we can do things my way or they can find somebody to do things their way. Bird in the hand is always worth two in the Bush.

Working this way, I have no problems with those familiar with my procedure. One thing I never do is withhold payment upon completion of the task. Good job or not so good she gets the agreed amount for the service provided. Some of the work force refuse to do business my way. That's all part of negotiations.

I've lost as many meetings as I've had. I have no problem letting a deal walk away. They're like street cars. Always another right around the corner.

Not everyone agrees with my way of doing business. It works well for me. Will it work for others? As always YMMV.

For me everything is a risk evaluation in this game. Driving down the street, stopping at a light, paying up front all has a risk factor. I like to keep my risk factor as low as I logically can. I like to share those experiences with others so they don't find themselves in a bad situation.

What burns me up is many of the participants in the game work very hard for their money. Very few people I know have their money just handed to them in an envelope because they are nice guys. It's my strong belief they should get something for those funds. Even a lousy BJ is better than no BJ. Agreed?

With that in mind, if you drive home with your money in your pocket even if you didn't score you was successful. Tomorrow is another day. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

11-11-20, 21:56
I never pay up front anymore, always at the end. I never rip anyone off, but have been ripped off before. Not everyone can afford to keep getting ripped off over & over again.I agree with you. The way you are doing things lowers your risk factor. It's keeping you safer. Less confrontation. Paying for what you get puts the ball in your court for the next time. If you got good results or not so good, you can make educated choices. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

11-11-20, 23:30
That's close. LOL. How is it I get away with paying at the end? To clarify my position allow me to offer this.

I never mean to imply I score a goal every time I negotiate because I don't. I lose as many as I get. My methods are quite simple at best.

I don't wait till I get to the spot to say payment comes at the end. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

At the negotiation table is when I tell a girl what I'm willing to pay for what service. I let them know if it includes windows and when the payment will arrive.

At that time, she has the option to agree or opt out. If she decides to opt out, I wish her well and continue my quest. No hard feelings. I've had enough pussy in my lifetime I can pretty much afford to allow them to walk.

I never hit the playground with a do or die mindset. It's always a game for me. I don't have to have that pussy. With that in mind I can afford to make choices. Safe logical choices.

If things change up and I'm not ok I turn the vehicle around and head right back.

I've heard all the excuses and very politely tell them that's between them and the guy that didn't pay them. Has nothing to do with the current situation. I explain they have their rules and I have mine. So, we can do things my way or they can find somebody to do things their way. Bird in the hand is always worth two in the Bush.

Working this way, I have no problems with those familiar with my procedure. One thing I never do is withhold payment upon completion of the task. Good job or not so good she gets the agreed amount for the service provided. Some of the work force refuse to do business my way. That's all part of negotiations.

I've lost as many meetings as I've had. I have no problem letting a deal walk away. They're like street cars. Always another right around the corner.

Not everyone agrees with my way of doing business. It works well for me. Will it work for others? As always YMMV.

For me everything is a risk evaluation in this game. Driving down the street, stopping at a light, paying up front all has a risk factor. I like to keep my risk factor as low as I logically can. I like to share those experiences with others so they don't find themselves in a bad situation.

What burns me up is many of the participants in the game work very hard for their money. Very few people I know have their money just handed to them in an envelope because they are nice guys. It's my strong belief they should get something for those funds. Even a lousy BJ is better than no BJ. Agreed?

With that in mind, if you drive home with your money in your pocket even if you didn't score you was successful. Tomorrow is another day. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.This sounds exactly right. Laying out payment (and other) expectations as part of the initial discussion avoids all manner of problems. Adding in conditions after that can create problems. Not that I play in this particular area, but the concept applies to many situations, not just mongering.

11-12-20, 13:29
I never hit the playground with a do or die mindset. It's always a game for me. I don't have to have that pussy. With that in mind I can afford to make choices. Safe logical choices.This. 1000 times this.

Always remember you're the one with the money, and if you choose not to spend it, it'll be in your pocket tomorrow same as it is today.

On the other hand, the time she chooses to spend with you is perishable. If she passes up a half hour with you and doesn't land another client, that half hour. And the money that could have come along with it. Can never be recovered.

11-12-20, 21:08
That is her picture, I did not snap it myself, I stole it off social media. We can disagree but I thought she looked within 5 years of that picture, not the 30 you are suggesting but that doesn't mean my opinion weighs more than yours. YMMV as they say.

I just wanted to do my fellow mongers a solid by giving a review of her performance before they plunk their money down. She gives a tight gripping handjob when her jaw gets tired and it gets tired sooner than what I expected. In my opinion, she looks better than most of the Walking Dead on K Avenue, spinner type body, Victoria Secret underwear, surely that makes her different than most. But if you are paying for sheer performance and a man eater that will put a lip lock on your love muscle and wouldn't stop till she tastes the white gravy, you are better off grabbing one of those lesser looking options. Again, just my opinion.Ok.

Yea the one I saw looked just like this with a ton of makeup on. But I could see the wrinkles in her face.

She was in her 50's or 60's.

11-12-20, 21:21
It's my strong belief they should get something for those funds. Even a lousy BJ is better than no BJ. Agreed?.So we agree they should be compensated for the attempt.

I have 2 questions. What do you do when:

1-She starts complaining 2 minutes into the Bjob that you need to "Hurry Up", or starts whining as if you need to finish?

Do you withhold the money? Or Stop right there and give her some?

2-You have agreed on a price then she tries to upsell you a few minutes in?

11-12-20, 21:28
The name of the redhead I referred to a few posts ago is Roxanne.

I caught her again around 3 am on Sedgley.

Same big fat ass in Camo sweatsuit.

Same attitude.

Same Broken nose that was prolly the results of that attitude.

Said K9 hurts and prefers Missionary.

Ended up getting out giving up on Negotiations.

11-13-20, 05:42
So we agree they should be compensated for the attempt.
I have 2 questions. What do you do when:
1-She starts complaining 2 minutes into the Bjob that you need to "Hurry Up", or starts whining as if you need to finish?
Do you withhold the money? Or Stop right there and give her some?
2-You have agreed on a price then she tries to upsell you a few minutes in?Upsell? Simply tell her the agreed price is all I have. We have an agreement. That's what I'm willing to pay for. Exactly what chores she said she was willing to do. I tell her I don't change things up and she better not either or the deal is off. I let her know at negotiations we travel at my speed not hers. I don't want to hear "you almost done" or "hurry up" or any of that BS.

I will never break the deal. Stick to the deal and she will get what she wants. If at negotiations I get bad vibes, attitude, whatever I feel might be a problem I cut negotiations right there. I refuse to knowingly take the chance thinking it will get better. I'll walk away from a deal if I sense things could turn sour. I will not deal with any attitude. At negotiations I tell them very nicely if they can't play by my rules they can't get in my game. There's a dozen others that would gladly play.

I'm not perfect. I've made some bad decisions along the way. But every time I screwed up I try and review what led to the problem. What could I have done different to make things work.

I keep a dummy roll of cash in my shirt pocket. It looks like a Jackson wrapped around a few other bills. Actually I snipped the corners of a few 20's and glued them to a one. Wrapped what appears to be the twenty around some play money with a rubber band around it. In the shadows it looks pretty legit. Any trouble from the girl I bring things to a complete stop. Drive back to a safe spot for her and tell her get out and she gets her cash. She balks I pull out the fake wad show it to her and quickly toss it out her window. When she gets out I'm out of there.

I've only had to do that 3-5 times that I can remember. Worked every time.

If she legitimately tries she gets what we agreed to. Only time I use the dummy wad is with a problem case where a member of the workforce breaks the deal or refuses to get out.

Not all the employees are equal. We all know some are a lot better than others. As long as they don't try and screw me over the're will be no issue. They play hard ball I got a dozen tricks up my sleeve and will use every one to keep myself safe.
Another thing we all know, is all situations are not equal. The above approach works for me. There will be times when It doesn't. We need to evaluate every meeting with caution keeping our safety in mind. That's the most important asset to you, your safety.
Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

11-13-20, 13:44
Upsell? Simply tell her the agreed price is all I have. We have an agreement. That's what I'm willing to pay for. Exactly what chores she said she was willing to do. I tell her I don't change things up and she better not either or the deal is off. I let her know at negotiations we travel at my speed not hers. I don't want to hear "you almost done" or "hurry up" or any of that BS.

I will never break the deal. Stick to the deal and she will get what she wants. If at negotiations I get bad vibes, attitude, whatever I feel might be a problem I cut negotiations right there. I refuse to knowingly take the chance thinking it will get better. I'll walk away from a deal if I sense things could turn sour. I will not deal with any attitude. At negotiations I tell them very nicely if they can't play by my rules they can't get in my game. There's a dozen others that would gladly play.

I'm not perfect. I've made some bad decisions along the way. But every time I screwed up I try and review what led to the problem. What could I have done different to make things work.

I keep a dummy roll of cash in my shirt pocket. It looks like a Jackson wrapped around a few other bills. Actually I snipped the corners of a few 20's and glued them to a one. Wrapped what appears to be the twenty around some play money with a rubber band around it. In the shadows it looks pretty legit. Any trouble from the girl I bring things to a complete stop. Drive back to a safe spot for her and tell her get out and she gets her cash. She balks I pull out the fake wad show it to her and quickly toss it out her window. When she gets out I'm out of there.

I've only had to do that 3-5 times that I can remember. Worked every time.

If she legitimately tries she gets what we agreed to. Only time I use the dummy wad is with a problem case where a member of the workforce breaks the deal or refuses to get out.

Not all the employees are equal. We all know some are a lot better than others. As long as they don't try and screw me over the're will be no issue. They play hard ball I got a dozen tricks up my sleeve and will use every one to keep myself safe.
Another thing we all know, is all situations are not equal. The above approach works for me. There will be times when It doesn't. We need to evaluate every meeting with caution keeping our safety in mind. That's the most important asset to you, your safety.
Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.What you have described in your two excellent posts is CONTROL. The power lies with the dude with the money. Now he can choose to hold and use the power, er, in a polite way, or give his power over to the girl. Usually showing that power along with kindness is enough to get most marginal girls in line with the program. The bad ones? Whie they are few & far between, you can't change them, so have to use skills to get away.

Every dollar you are prepared to spend, you should also be prepared to lose. So when things go south, one needs to be able to part with their funds, not put up a fight or whatever. Hitting a girl or other violence can get you in more hotwater than hobbying. Why take that chance? Have seen girls get mad and kicking the side of a car or smash a window with a rock. That's hard to explain to an SO or a pain to get fixed and not worth the trade off of a few bucks lost.

But learning to negotiate is a skill that I think many dudes avoid. I know many posters complain that they don't like to do it, so avoid it. That is a choice. When I talk to a girl, am discussing the projects she will be doing and when the job is done payment will be made. Often add that a tip is possible for excellent work, above & beyond. When all is laid out like that, things usually go well. Those that bauk are met with a polite response and a change of direction and offer to return them to where the were found. That often solves things. Those that don't, I am glad to drop off.

Key to this is being firm, but polite and respectful. You can be in control without being an a $$. Remember while you are negotiating with her, she is sizing you up. Show weakness and street girls will exploit that. Show that you are a regular Joe, polite but firm and most girls will feel more comfortable.

So good luck out there!

11-13-20, 16:02
What you have described in your two excellent posts is CONTROL. The power lies with the dude with the money. Now he can choose to hold and use the power, er, in a polite way, or give his power over to the girl. Usually showing that power along with kindness is enough to get most marginal girls in line with the program. The bad ones? Whie they are few & far between, you can't change them, so have to use skills to get away.

Every dollar you are prepared to spend, you should also be prepared to lose. So when things go south, one needs to be able to part with their funds, not put up a fight or whatever. Hitting a girl or other violence can get you in more hotwater than hobbying. Why take that chance? Have seen girls get mad and kicking the side of a car or smash a window with a rock. That's hard to explain to an SO or a pain to get fixed and not worth the trade off of a few bucks lost.

But learning to negotiate is a skill that I think many dudes avoid. I know many posters complain that they don't like to do it, so avoid it. That is a choice. When I talk to a girl, am discussing the projects she will be doing and when the job is done payment will be made. Often add that a tip is possible for excellent work, above & beyond. When all is laid out like that, things usually go well. Those that bauk are met with a polite response and a change of direction and offer to return them to where the were found. That often solves things. Those that don't, I am glad to drop off.

Key to this is being firm, but polite and respectful. You can be in control without being an a $$. Remember while you are negotiating with her, she is sizing you up. Show weakness and street girls will exploit that. Show that you are a regular Joe, polite but firm and most girls will feel more comfortable.

So good luck out there!Also one other thing by not pre-paying she may put that extra effort into her work to make sure you are truly satisfied knowing that she did not get paid yet opposed to the ones that get the money upfront and give you a Lackluster job because they really don't care now they have the money in there pocket already.

Deep Striker
11-15-20, 06:11
Spent a few nights cruising and finding nothing worthwhile, but tonight I ran into a Native American girl named Breonna. Curly shoulder-length hair, rectangle frame glasses, and a dreamcatcher necklace ("she never takes it off" She had to be fresh because nothing about her said SW.

I didn't think she was out at first because she was a solid 8+ on the normal civilian scale from afar. Not only was she well-dressed, gorgeous, and bright-eyed, she smelled good and didn't have that used car voice if you catch my drift. U0 close she's a 9 (on the normal civilian scale). I almost thought it was too good to be true, but I rolled the dice and won BIG time. I scooped her up immediately. I didn't care how awkward it looked stopping like that, nor did I care who was watching. I'm telling you boys she is worth it.

Did the usual LE confirmation and settled for 30. At first I was adamant about 20, but something told me she would be one of the exceedingly rare SW worth more than the usual, so against my better judgment I agreed to 20 upfront and 10 after. She smiled and got right to work.

Calling her a SW is disrespectful at this point, because she took my soul. Deep, sloppy, methodical. Not only did she cover every square inch of the discussion, she left no fold, crevice, or corner unloved. Her technique was startling for someone on the stroll. And the best part was how obedient she was. I told her to slow down and appraise the coin purse as she gave me a HJ. I can't even begin to describe to you how it felt. I didn't even think it could feel that good. What really sealed the deal for me is that she never once complained, never once rushed me, and she made sure to heed my every command. When I was ready, she told ME to grab a handful of her hair (real! No wig!) and push her down when I was ready.

It surprised me at first, but I did just that. Usually I'm in control of the dance, but boys, let me tell you, this girl is 11 out of 10. She didn't stop until I became a gummi worm and even then she made sure to extract it all out. She didn't stop. Took her time until I was well spent. I fought I'll ever experience a BBBJCIM better than her. If you see a girl with a dreamcatcher necklace and curly shoulder-length hair, scoop her up immediately.

Forth Ryte
11-15-20, 12:05
What you have described in your two excellent posts is CONTROL. The power lies with the dude with the money. Now he can choose to hold and use the power in a polite way, or give his power over to the girl. I want to make a related point. While I have never paid in advance, I also never agree to a price in advance. Typically the guest asks what I want and wants to agree on a price. I respond calmly, "I will not discuss or agree on a price for three good reasons. First, if we agree that I'm going to pay you, its illegal. You can get into a car with me and do whatever and its perfectly legal so long as we don't make an agreement that you will get paid for it. Later I may decide to give you a gift that was not in exchange for what we did. Still legal. You just have to trust me. Second reason, if we agreed on some price and it takes me longer, I don't want you complaining and interrupting and asking for more. You just have to trust me. I'm fair. Third reason, I trust you but some girls take the cash and dash. ".

To be honest this has not always worked but most of the time it does. If I get an argument or attitude, I say "I'm going to drop you off at the next corner. Here is $5 for you trouble. Stay safe and have a nice day. " I do like to talk a lot and take my time and I am generous. I'm being fair and honest, I'm being forthright (pun intended). Most of the times, this has gotten good results. Sometimes I do get attitude but I have never been burned.

- Forth Ryte.

11-15-20, 19:05
Anyone ever do a date with TJ? She's usually out at Kensington and Pacific right before the bridge. There's no doubt she give the best head out there. Her or Amarist.

11-15-20, 20:53
Had a dream that I met a young woman named Dani near the quick stop. In my dream she had light red hair, about 5'6" and very pure white skin with freckles. She's a very sweet 20 something. Had on a brown puffy coat and was easy to talk to, no drama in my dream.

11-15-20, 22:44
Had a dream that I met a young woman named Dani near the quick stop. In my dream she had light red hair, about 5'6" and very pure white skin with freckles. She's a very sweet 20 something. Had on a brown puffy coat and was easy to talk to, no drama in my dream.Was It this Dani? A Pic from a Couple Years Ago.

11-16-20, 10:24
Anyone ever do a date with TJ? She's usually out at Kensington and Pacific right before the bridge. There's no doubt she give the best head out there. Her or Amarist.I only know of one TJ. WF and very attractive. Best mic skills on the ave. She's normally found from K and Clearfield to K and lehigh area but that was over 6 months ago. If it's the same TJ last I know she got housing and was trying to stay off the streets.

11-16-20, 14:31
Anyone ever do a date with TJ? She's usually out at Kensington and Pacific right before the bridge. There's no doubt she give the best head out there. Her or Amarist.Never heard or seen either. Pics?

11-16-20, 16:23
Was It this Dani? A Pic from a Couple Years Ago.The Dani / Danielle in your pic Was taken a few years back. I never had issue with her, but others had nightmares. Not sure if it was luck or why. She had been posted many times in the cash and dash arena. I haven't seen her around recently. She was a staple at Venango for a long while. Even as the bad reviews was being played out she remained there for quite some time. She eventually plied her wares at Sedgley. Not sure what happened to her after that. Thought I saw her about a month ago, not sure.

I know the Dani that J G dreamed of. It's two different girls. They do look somewhat alike though. This girl has a better reputation than Danielle from Venango. This girl can rock your world without any music playing. When she takes on employment she doesn't stop until the job is done and done better than right. J. G. Was correct Dani can be found around the block between Orleans and Clearfield. You will be pleasantly surprised. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

11-16-20, 16:33
I only know of one TJ. WF and very attractive. Best mic skills on the ave. She's normally found from K and Clearfield to K and lehigh area but that was over 6 months ago. If it's the same TJ last I know she got housing and was trying to stay off the streets.I agree Lance. T J can do things others find difficult. She can be very wild yet accommodating at the same time. If you aren't happy she's not happy. She doesn't rush a job. Gets it done and done better than most. Never heard of any issue with her. I know plenty of people that know her. Nobody has anything bad to say about her. Last I saw her she was shopping around Somerset.

She had been a steady fixture in the Huntingdon area for as long as I can remember. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

11-16-20, 17:54
I am visiting from Richmond to hunt for SWs in the Philly / Camden area. I will read the forum to find the strolls but is there a local roach motel close by the strolls that might not show up on a Google search. I hope to get some pics to post on this forum. I invite you to look at my pictures from the Richmond stroll.

11-16-20, 20:12
I am visiting from Richmond to hunt for SWs in the Philly / Camden area. I will read the forum to find the strolls but is there a local roach motel close by the strolls that might not show up on a Google search. I hope to get some pics to post on this forum. I invite you to look at my pictures from the Richmond stroll.That would be the Hotel Carlyle at 1425 Popular St. $20 hour, no in room bathroom, bathrooms that are avail are dingy. Shitty beds with no pillows, but a true notel and no I'd asked for. Depending on the pickup location and time of day anywhere from 15-30 minutes to get there. Almost all the girls know the place and don't mind going.

11-16-20, 22:16
That would be the Hotel Carlyle at 1425 Popular St. $20 hour, no in room bathroom, bathrooms that are avail are dingy. Shitty beds with no pillows, but a true notel and no I'd asked for. Depending on the pickup location and time of day anywhere from 15-30 minutes to get there. Almost all the girls know the place and don't mind going.You forgot one piece of advice for the Hotel Carlyle. Toss a couple of chips in the corner for the roaches & rats! LOL!

Note: I stole that classic line from Gator145

I might add, standard "kit" for that place is your own sheet and a new pair of socks. Sheet is bedbug protection and the socks so your feet never touch the floor, toss the ones that do and wear the new ones home. Might also take wipes, your own soap, wash cloth & towel too.

11-16-20, 22:32
You forgot one piece of advice for the Hotel Carlyle. Toss a couple of chips in the corner for the roaches & rats! LOL!

Note: I stole that classic line from Gator

I might add, standard "kit" for that place is your own sheet and a new pair of socks. Sheet is bedbug protection and the socks so your feet never touch the floor, toss the ones that do and wear the new ones home. Might also take wipes, your own soap, wash cloth & towel too.If you have to go through all that trouble. Just spend a few extra dollars and get a little bit better room somewhere. Or just do a car date. Sounds like even if you took all the precautions you're still going to walk out of there catching something. I don't think you could pay me to walk into one of the rooms after the description you all just gave LOL.

11-16-20, 22:38
I want to make a related point. While I have never paid in advance, I also never agree to a price in advance. Typically the guest asks what I want and wants to agree on a price. I respond calmly, "I will not discuss or agree on a price for three good reasons. First, if we agree that I'm going to pay you, its illegal. You can get into a car with me and do whatever and its perfectly legal so long as we don't make an agreement that you will get paid for it. Later I may decide to give you a gift that was not in exchange for what we did. Still legal. You just have to trust me. Second reason, if we agreed on some price and it takes me longer, I don't want you complaining and interrupting and asking for more. You just have to trust me. I'm fair. Third reason, I trust you but some girls take the cash and dash. ".

To be honest this has not always worked but most of the time it does. If I get an argument or attitude, I say "I'm going to drop you off at the next corner. Here is $5 for you trouble. Stay safe and have a nice day. " I do like to talk a lot and take my time and I am generous. I'm being fair and honest, I'm being forthright (pun intended). Most of the times, this has gotten good results. Sometimes I do get attitude but I have never been burned.

- Forth Ryte.Always interest in the techniques others use. I think it is a case of YMMV or finding what works for each, or what each is comfortable with.

Those three points are all valid, and a good example of the power / control that has been discussed here. I can't see it working for me, but that is just me.

What I think is notable or exemplary is that you offer a "no thank you" fee to the girls when you drop them off! There are some dudes that will say that doing that is "embarrassing" or labels you as a sucker. (Shoot even saw that CJ mentioned buying a McD's for a girl he didn't date, from time to time) I suspect these acts of kindness builds some cred with the girl and if you ever scoop her again, she is move willing to allow you to take the lead. If not, I bet she mentions it to other girls and your cred gets a boost that way too. If nothing else, it's the right thing to do. Kudos.

I like that you emphasized being fair, honest and generous. I hear too many stories of knuckleheads out there treating the girls badly. Being a good guy has always paid dividends. Shoot, one day a girl (ABC) reported that a regular (XYZ) mentioned to girl ABC that XYZ, and her newly out of jail BF, were looking to set me up. The fact that she reported that was in a way a repayment of the kindness I had shown her. She was in no way obligated to make such a report. Further ABC squashed the set up by telling XYZ that I was one of the nicest guys out there and the wrong target. I have also had girls direct me to others when they were out of commission or because they wanted to steer me to good girls and away from the dangerous ones. Often $5 worth of kindness buys intel about the street, girls, etc. So several reasons to be generous, honest & polite!

11-16-20, 22:51
You forgot one piece of advice for the Hotel Carlyle. Toss a couple of chips in the corner for the roaches & rats! LOL!

Note: I stole that classic line from Gator145

I might add, standard "kit" for that place is your own sheet and a new pair of socks. Sheet is bedbug protection and the socks so your feet never touch the floor, toss the ones that do and wear the new ones home. Might also take wipes, your own soap, wash cloth & towel too.Call me crazy, but I carry a large gym bag in the trunk of my car. I have a toilet kit (condoms, lube, wipes, and napkins), a large beach towel which I place on the bed so my bare ass doesn't touch the sheets and my own pillow so I can lay my head to watch her hide the salami. I wash the towel and pillow cases after every visit and its the only way I can handle visiting that dump. But $20 for the hour is worth it to get her completely naked and enjoy my romp. I never had sex in a car, BJ's only so the Carlye does fit an immediate need.

11-17-20, 08:15
A midday excursion on Keningston Avenue is an eye opener. The bright sunshine does no favors for most the the Walking Dead on the street. So this one caught my eye, and I am partial to redheads anyway.

Our small talk on the ride revealed she was a relative newcomer to the World's Oldest Profession. If her story is to be believed, I would be Client #2 in her budding career as a skin flute player. I was honored to let her do the honors on the head of my dick once we found a place to park. I can't say it was the best performance but her inexperience is all part of her charm. She did slip down her pants and let me roam, sexy underwear and a tight hole is a lethal combination. Being an older monger, I do appreciate a younger (25 she old me) provider, skill level aside.

Sometimes your ventures get you a real gem. The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass everyday and I feel blessed after the session, sometimes you can get lucky.Anyone have extra info on this one? Visiting Philly tomorrow and will have a good 5 hours to kill, would love to connect with her.

11-17-20, 22:23
If you have to go through all that trouble. Just spend a few extra dollars and get a little bit better room somewhere. Or just do a car date. Sounds like even if you took all the precautions you're still going to walk out of there catching something. I don't think you could pay me to walk into one of the rooms after the description you all just gave LOL.Or get a van or an SUV to upgrade that car date experience!

11-18-20, 23:54
Idk how Gator gets away with paying at the end.

Most of the girls run into Scumbags that get the BJ and Dash without paying, so the girls build up a defense and rather leave if you say after.

Honestly I don't mind paying up front. Its only a few bucks anyway.

I'm not going to miss my mortgage payment over it.

And if they provide crap service then I'll give them a negative review here and never see them again.

Too many of the girls out here that are sweet, talk about horror stories of guys who said they will pay at the end, then kicked them out or threatened them with violence.

Lets say you DO get shitty service. Then what? Are you prepared to sit there haggling with this dirty ***** over $20?

I recently had a WSW in Camden wait til we got to the Motel to tell me she doesn't like Doggie, and that I wasnt allowed to see her Ass or Vagina with the lights on.

WTF? She was hiding an STD or something more sinister like CRABS.

She gave me back half the money but when I tried to get smart and Leave her there she ran to the back of my vehicle and was about to take a pic of my Plate..I essentially winged it and didn't find the rules or advice on here until I was already in the game. I pretty much broke all the rules and still break them and haven't had any problems other then a provider falling asleep on me.

I had a handful of dates that didn't have good mic skills but I simply took the loss and never picked them up again. Usually a provider with poor skills or other problems you will notice that they will have a hard time getting picked up. You can circle the block and they will still be on the same corner, or see them walking for blocks but any provider who has a good reputation and looks good as soon as they hit the ave they can stop multiple cars at once.

That being said, I feel I had good luck because it is all in how you treat people. I treat them like ladies regardless that they're addicted and on the streets and if they're hungry lie take them to get something to eat.

These girls go through a lot that they shouldn't have to put up with. They seem to be the target for everyone to take their frustration out on including the juveniles in the area who shoot them with frozen paint balls for fun. Even if a guy pays upfront they're still not in the clear because numerous girls told me guys took the money back and kicked them out or worse they got guns and knives pulled on them or they were eventually raped and robbed. One girl in Camden NJ told me she only played dead after he choked her and that's the only reason she's still alive. Its a dam shame. All these girls are someone's mom, daughter and sister.

11-19-20, 09:12
Note to self, if you want a wide range of SW choices, don't look on a cold night. Granted, it was only in the 30's but it has been the coldest night in a long time and the street reflected the temp. Looked high and low and there wasn't much to choose from.

But the SW gods smiled on me yet again with a younger, good looking (6 or 7 on the SW scale) Ashley braved the cold outside the Huntindon station on K Avenue. I am always fascinated to hear the backdrop to their situations, why a decent looking young woman is out hustling for Hamiltons and Jacksons. Our young Ashley makes money at a local pizza parlor being paid under the table so she supplements her income with her talented mouth for the extra cash.

I gave her the choice upfront, a BJ in the car or a romp at the Carlyle. She just smiled and told me that she can suck a mean cock and for the expediency of time, let's find a quiet spot so she can demonstrate. She took direction well and finished strong to the last drop which she promptly spit out after the deed. Her attitude and patience are to be commended, I just wish every K Avenue excursion could be so pleasant. But any seasoned monger already knows, you have to cherish those highs because there are always the lows.

11-19-20, 10:31
Or get a van or an SUV to upgrade that car date experience!Long time back I had use of a mini van with no windows except rear and the doors, windshield. It was an auctioned fleet vehicle used for deliveries. I found it difficult to get get girls, even in daylight, to approach on a stop let alone get in even if they would approach for a chat. Tinted windows don't seem to arouse much interest in the city but in the burbs are magnet for LEO's interest or random pull overs or were in the past when I had a beater with them. Its a been years. Maybe a decade so maybe that trend has changed now?

11-19-20, 17:29
On another note just want to put it out there with the new Covid-19 restrictions and the uptick in covid cases everyone should be concerned with how they're going to get to the clinic if the need should arise even for just basic testing.

I looked around at the clinics I know of and the offices are closed and others are running on a modified schedule. What's worse is I hear in other states people are getting turned away at the hospital.

I'm seriously thinking about going into hibernation. Imagine if you need to get tested or treated but you can't because everything is closed or they're turning people away.

11-19-20, 23:26
Our young Ashley makes money at a local pizza parlor being paid under the table so she supplements her income with her talented mouth for the extra cash.
I grabbed her about a year ago, remember the name and story. She gave me some digits but never would pick up or respond to messages. But I remember her, not the best but better than most.

11-19-20, 23:46
I grabbed her about a year ago, remember the name and story. She gave me some digits but never would pick up or respond to messages. But I remember her, not the best but better than most.I've gotten to the point where I rarely collect a phone number for that reason alone. They don't pick up or respond, what good is it? It's good for frustration and that's all, if I wanted that, I would have stayed home from mongering.

But I have to say, I thought Ashley was quite attractive, especially when you stack her up against my other choices that night. She asked me how I liked it and I told her as deep as you can but I had to call that off when her teeth were scraping. She adjusted on the fly and with a little direction, she converted into a Hoover vacuum machine, good value for my mongering donation. As always, YMMV.

11-22-20, 15:23
Last night I finally caught up with the legendary Sharon on the Ave!! LOL. I took yall advice and went out around 1 am (knowing that she's usually out after 2). I took a lap or 2 up Torresdale and up and down the ave a few times. Saw a couple of things out but nothing that sparked my interest, TBH I only went out there with one goal and that was to find Sharon. Then around 2:35 I see what I think is Sharon (because she had on glasses) walking up the ave towards Venango as I'm driving down. I turn off on Tioga and hit a quick you-turn and come back up the ave. I pull up ahead of her and park real quick to see her walk by and it is Sharon. I never told a SW to get in the car so quickly 😂128514;. We start talking she shows me those tittays (her rack is crazy) which I quickly feel on. I find a spot on a quiet block up near Torresdale & Orthodox (I don't trust any area near the Ave) and get down to business. She gave me a nice BBBJ, good motion not too fast & not too slow with a CIM. Dropped her back off on Venango and headed home (mission complete).

11-22-20, 17:35
I only know of one TJ. WF and very attractive. Best mic skills on the ave. She's normally found from K and Clearfield to K and lehigh area but that was over 6 months ago. If it's the same TJ last I know she got housing and was trying to stay off the streets.She's always at Atlantic and Kensington between 6 am-7 am. Can't miss her. Attractive with beautiful long brown hair.

11-22-20, 21:39
She loves glazed donuts.

11-24-20, 08:05
She loves glazed donuts.She is actually starting to look a little normal with the latest weight gain.

I had her last month for a double shot and her ass is getting plump again.

11-24-20, 08:08
Last night I finally caught up with the legendary Sharon on the Ave!! LOL. I took yall advice and went out around 1 am (knowing that she's usually out after 2). I took a lap or 2 up Torresdale and up and down the ave a few times. Saw a couple of things out but nothing that sparked my interest, TBH I only went out there with one goal and that was to find Sharon. Then around 2:35 I see what I think is Sharon (because she had on glasses) walking up the ave towards Venango as I'm driving down. I turn off on Tioga and hit a quick you-turn and come back up the ave. I pull up ahead of her and park real quick to see her walk by and it is Sharon. I never told a SW to get in the car so quickly 😂128514;. We start talking she shows me those tittays (her rack is crazy) which I quickly feel on. I find a spot on a quiet block up near Torresdale & Orthodox (I don't trust any area near the Ave) and get down to business. She gave me a nice BBBJ, good motion not too fast & not too slow with a CIM. Dropped her back off on Venango and headed home (mission complete).Shoulda told her to answer her Fkn phone.

Sometimes I want to knock on her door for a piece of that sweet ass.

11-24-20, 08:24
This is at 6am. The Sun is up earlier.

You already know about Kirsten. The older Redhead with the nice rack.

Parked on Jasper and she hooped in, but I didn't see the young Brunette with wide hips and fat ass walking from the other side.

I seriously was about to kick Kirsten out but she is a PROFRESSIONAL.

She spits like Nicki Minaj on the Mic, never rushes, never clockwatches. She might be the Best.

So that tells you how sexy the new girl looked for me to be thinking Kick Kirsten out like Wilma Flintstone.

Oh well, "A Bird in the Hand...is worth 2 in the Bush"

I finished up with her and hurried back for the Booty Brunette but she was gone.

I waited and initially found another girl name Sam.

Hair in a Ponytail with a hairband. Dressed in Gym Tights.

Looked way too clean and cute to be a SW so I parked and made her walk.

Excellent Mic skills rivaling Kirsten. A pleasant surprise.

PM for her number. And be PATIENT.

Don't harass me talkin about "Pimp she aint never answer!

You know how these chicks is.

11-24-20, 20:24
Shoulda told her to answer her Fkn phone.

Sometimes I want to knock on her door for a piece of that sweet ass.Hahahahahahaha. I feel ya.

11-24-20, 20:27
This is at 6am. The Sun is up earlier.

You already know about Kirsten. The older Redhead with the nice rack.

Parked on Jasper and she hooped in, but I didn't see the young Brunette with wide hips and fat ass walking from the other side.

I seriously was about to kick Kirsten out but she is a PROFRESSIONAL.

She spits like Nicki Minaj on the Mic, never rushes, never clockwatches. She might be the Best.

So that tells you how sexy the new girl looked for me to be thinking Kick Kirsten out like Wilma Flintstone.

Oh well, "A Bird in the Hand...is worth 2 in the Bush"

I finished up with her and hurried back for the Booty Brunette but she was gone.

I waited and initially found another girl name Sam.

Hair in a Ponytail with a hairband. Dressed in Gym Tights.

Looked way too clean and cute to be a SW so I parked and made her walk.

Excellent Mic skills rivaling Kirsten. A pleasant surprise.

PM for her number. And be PATIENT.

Don't harass me talkin about "Pimp she aint never answer!

You know how these chicks is.I haven't seen this Kirsten chick. But big titties and good head are all I really look for on the Ave. Is she usually out up near Venango??

11-25-20, 10:15
I haven't seen this Kirsten chick. But big titties and good head are all I really look for on the Ave. Is she usually out up near Venango??You have prolly seen her but was mesmerized by the Rack.

I'd rate her rack just below Sharons. And I believe Sharon's are Paid for.

She is usually on Jasper and Buckius EARLY.

11-25-20, 11:25
You have prolly seen her but was mesmerized by the Rack.

I'd rate her rack just below Sharons. And I believe Sharon's are Paid for.

She is usually on Jasper and Buckius EARLY.I seen Sharon's rack before. She's ok. There was a wf who went by the name of Kelly who had a set of bolt ons that were awesome. Had more fun with Kelly's set than anyone else. She had a stripper body to boot.

She use work incall in the Frankford than she hit the ave and use to be seen around Buckius st. This is over 2 years ago and haven't seen her since.

11-26-20, 05:48
She loves glazed donuts.So you got a number? Or at least where could I find her if I wanted to meet up?

Forth Ryte
11-26-20, 10:12
So are they wearing masks out there? There are one or two that I'd stop for if I saw them but that means I'd have to SEE them. And for all the others, if you can't see what they look like shopping blind. I mean, OK, so you can see if they have a nice rack but you can't tell if they are 20 or 50.

-- Forth Ryte.

11-27-20, 23:08
So you got a number? Or at least where could I find her if I wanted to meet up?Sure I have her number, but only senior members. She's sometimes on torresdale.

11-28-20, 07:14
Yeah, some are wearing masks, but not all of them. If you see a girl you are interested but she has a mask, just tell her to drop her mask before she gets in your car. If you don't like what you see, just politely tell her "sorry I thought you were my friend, I couldn't tell with that mask on".

So are they wearing masks out there? There are one or two that I'd stop for if I saw them but that means I'd have to SEE them. And for all the others, if you can't see what they look like shopping blind. I mean, OK, so you can see if they have a nice rack but you can't tell if they are 20 or 50.

-- Forth Ryte.

12-01-20, 19:32
This is at 6am. The Sun is up earlier.

You already know about Kirsten. The older Redhead with the nice rack.

Parked on Jasper and she hooped in, but I didn't see the young Brunette with wide hips and fat ass walking from the other side.

I seriously was about to kick Kirsten out but she is a PROFRESSIONAL.

She spits like Nicki Minaj on the Mic, never rushes, never clockwatches. She might be the Best.

So that tells you how sexy the new girl looked for me to be thinking Kick Kirsten out like Wilma Flintstone.

Oh well, "A Bird in the Hand...is worth 2 in the Bush"

I finished up with her and hurried back for the Booty Brunette but she was gone.

I waited and initially found another girl name Sam.

Hair in a Ponytail with a hairband. Dressed in Gym Tights.

Looked way too clean and cute to be a SW so I parked and made her walk.

Excellent Mic skills rivaling Kirsten. A pleasant surprise.

PM for her number. And be PATIENT.

Don't harass me talkin about "Pimp she aint never answer!

You know how these chicks is.Can you pm me Sam's last four digits. I found a sam down there just curious if we got the same one LOL.

12-01-20, 23:53
Can you pm me Sam's last four digits. I found a sam down there just curious if we got the same one LOL.Yea, there is a few different female Sams in Kensington. The Sam I know is currently the best all around girl on the ave in terms of just an all around cool chick but she doesn't have a phone. Seems like the best girls on the ave can't keep a phone so you just have to see them when you see them.

On another note, the famous TJ is back on the scene. She moved to a new location to work but I don't want to give out coordinates as to not blow up her spot. She likes to keep a low profile and stay on the move.

12-02-20, 11:56
I believe I have seen the next alternative is Jersey? Where? Carlisle is ok but a little more upscale would be nice.

I am visiting from Richmond to hunt for SWs in the Philly / Camden area. I will read the forum to find the strolls but is there a local roach motel close by the strolls that might not show up on a Google search. I hope to get some pics to post on this forum. I invite you to look at my pictures from the Richmond stroll.

12-07-20, 12:22
I prefer Budget Inn in Gloucester City.

Less than 5 minutes from Camden stroll and about 15 from Kensington. 40 for a short stay. Much nicer than Carlisle.

I believe I have seen the next alternative is Jersey? Where? Carlisle is ok but a little more upscale would be nice.

12-08-20, 08:05
I prefer Budget Inn in Gloucester City.

Less than 5 minutes from Camden stroll and about 15 from Kensington. 40 for a short stay. Much nicer than Carlisle.Also in NJ literally just minutes off of the Betsy Ross is the Riviera on Rt 73 and in Pennsauken, you will see it on your left when taking the ramp to Rt73 south and 1st jug handle and you're back there. Also at that jughandle is the "Jughandle Inn". Great bar food and known for their wings.

If you don't like the Riviera when getting off the Betsy take the Ramp for Rt130 N. And almost same as you will see it on your left coming down the ramp. Just to be aware there is a WaWa right at the jughandle there, so if the girl wants to go in let her go on her own and give her a few bucks. If you go in with her she'll want to buy up the store (on your dime). If she tries shoplifting and gets caught, well you have some explaining to do as well.

Pgh Soldier
12-08-20, 10:35
I am visiting from Richmond to hunt for SWs in the Philly / Camden area. I will read the forum to find the strolls but is there a local roach motel close by the strolls that might not show up on a Google search. I hope to get some pics to post on this forum. I invite you to look at my pictures from the Richmond stroll.I always get a room at the Days Inn by Wyndham on Roosevelt Boulevard. It's only about a 10 or 15 minute drive from Kensington.

12-08-20, 11:28
I always get a room at the Days Inn by Wyndham on Roosevelt Boulevard. It's only about a 10 or 15 minute drive from Kensington.This location offers rooms with spa tubs large enough for two. Fun for making sure your guest is well cleaned, and some fantasy work too.

12-08-20, 15:14
I believe I have seen the next alternative is Jersey? Where? Carlisle is ok but a little more upscale would be nice.I'm not sure if it's still open, but there used to be an alternative called the blue moon in west Philadelphia. It was disgusting, but less disgusting than the Carlisle. I think it also had bathrooms in the room.

12-08-20, 17:44
There was also the Liberty Motel on Germantown ave. A little nicer than the Carlisle, but not by much. Unfortunately it gained a notorious reputation for all the usual stuff you would expect, and got shut down. Just Google the name and you will see articles about it.

I'm not sure if it's still open, but there used to be an alternative called the blue moon in west Philadelphia. It was disgusting, but less disgusting than the Carlisle. I think it also had bathrooms in the room.

12-08-20, 18:04
There was also the Liberty Motel on Germantown ave. A little nicer than the Carlisle, but not by much. Unfortunately it gained a notorious reputation for all the usual stuff you would expect, and got shut down. Just Google the name and you will see articles about it.Only thing I didn't like about the Liberty was they took your license and scanned it when checking in. My favorite was the Patio on the Blvd. Another shithole but a lot of memories going there.

Texaco Tim
12-08-20, 20:13
Davey, I think you forgot to mention the name of the motel on 130. Is it the Hallmark? It has been a while since I have been over that way.

Also remember the Patio. Strange location in a residential setting. OK if the weather was cold but quite the walk of shame during the summer months with everyone outside. TT.

Sam Iam
12-08-20, 22:00
Only thing I didn't like about the Liberty was they took your license and scanned it when checking in. My favorite was the Patio on the Blvd. Another shithole but a lot of memories going there.The patio used to have a nice surprise in the drawers. LOL.

12-09-20, 01:15
Davey, I think you forgot to mention the name of the motel on 130. Is it the Hallmark? It has been a while since I have been over that way.

Also remember the Patio. Strange location in a residential setting. OK if the weather was cold but quite the walk of shame during the summer months with everyone outside. TT.Yes the Hallmark.

12-09-20, 02:33
Sure a few of you have seen her before. She's not the same very rushed and all over the place. Plus full of herself.

12-12-20, 02:17
I always get a room at the Days Inn by Wyndham on Roosevelt Boulevard. It's only about a 10 or 15 minute drive from Kensington.Don't you worry about the girls proclivities? I figure the crack smoke at least.

12-12-20, 12:19
Taller. Brown hair. Glasses. Thin.

Complained from the minute she got in the car. Just obnoxious and whiny. Pressuring on price right away, even though I was going above local market rate. Extremely unpleasant. I finally hit the point where I didn't want her anywhere near me, drove her back, gave her a 10, and told her to leave. Also not a pleasant smell.

I'd look else where.

12-12-20, 12:22
While stopped at the K&A traffic light a girl began waving frantically a me & ran over to my car. At first I didn't recognize her because I had not seen her since last winter. Had a lot of weekly fun with her & her cute petite girlfriend. Always a 3 way interaction whether it was kissing, sucking or fucking. Just watching them was a thrill.

This time it was a singular occurrence but without the girlfriend. It was good but she lost some of her cuteness probably to too much candy. Lost contact with her last time because she lost her phone. She still has no phone so finding her is a hit or miss.