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01-28-14, 12:24
This date made me think back, how long it has been since a date left me wanting more, eager to repeat, not blasé. The date was with Star. Capt. Quickdraw's photo report didn't say enough about how skilled, willing and genuinely nice she is. Deserves your patronage and to be treated right!

02-04-14, 13:27
[Deleted by Admin]

I already moved this joke to the joke thread once.


02-06-14, 16:33
Hello all!

I'm a new member, but no stranger to the Ave. I love SW's and have been a hobbyist since the early 90's. I was trolling the K and Frankford when action was hot all the from Erie ave. To Girard ave. Those were good pickings then. I have traveled all over this country experiencing SW's everywhere I could, and I must say that none of those strolls compare to the excitement the "K" has to offer. I even been to Hunt's point and it comes close to the "K", but lacks the major risque drama of the "K".

I do troll OYR a lot and have pretty good luck there. There's a a particular WSW over that way named Stephanie whose very good at what she does. She hangs out a lot at a house on Broad and W. Pike. The dude's name is Lloyd who owns the house. He's a pretty cool dude and rents rooms there by the hour. That's where most of the girls hang out instead of trolling the streets. FYI. It is a safe place too; been goin to his house for yrs now.

Also, a lot of you may not know this, but, Wayne Ave. From Manheim to Chelten ave has SW's too. You won't find that many during the day time, but night time is a different story. The main corner is Wayne and Hansberry st by the apartment complex. There is a mix of white and black SW's there. There is one particular WSW over there named "Anna" who is really good! She's about 5'3", 110 lbs, real skinny, very long black hair, kinda looks like Cher in a way. She's a smoker and I gather it won't be long before she graduates to the "H" boy and starts walking the "K". But man is she good!

In addition, I have had luck with SW's along Chelten ave. From Wayne to Chew ave. Night time is the best time there too. Uncle LEO is heavy there though, so you have to be real careful.

Lastly, I was wondering if anyone has seen or know where "Sarah" is. She's a WSW from the "K". Her real name is Arlena. Heavy, hard core user. Her perch was "K" and Cambria over where the clothing store is. She lived on "K" and "E" sts. She's about 5'5", dirty blonde hair, rather skinny, shoots "H" heavily, orig. From No. Carolina but came to Philly from Denver. She was very good to me and I love to find her again if I could. If anyone has any info, I would be very grateful! Thanks!

02-12-14, 00:20
Hello again Gents!! I'm gettin a li'l bored now with seeing the same SW's and seeing the same scene on the "K". Need a li'l change! Headin to Baltimore next weekend to troll down there. I've been reading the posts for that area, and it's off the hook down there. Very active for the most part. IDK, if your a mongerer like me, you can certainly understand my need for a new vairety of SW's. If any of you decide to look up the posts in Baltimore, pay particular attention to NiteTimer's threads. That dude's game is all that! Pics of SW's are good so one can easily spot one with good reviews when roaming the streets, but this dude also videos his conquests and posts them on a diff website. A lot of the ones he's indulged are not bad looking at all. Tryin to touch base with him, to poss. Get an intro to some of the ones in his videos. If you can't tell, I am very stoked for next weekend. LOL And, I will be careful for LEO down there too. Been told LEO is thick there just like here. Will report either way upon my return.

02-16-14, 05:14
Has anyone seen Brittany?I used to see her back in the day, she obviously still looks decent, Repo are you in Philly?

02-16-14, 05:57
So I have been cruising Broad Street, and find that there are not many girls on Broad. I always go late at night, and find there really aren't many girls out there. But I have met a few. Met some girl named Kat, she was probably the cutest girl I have seen. Heard she is in rehab now though. I'd really like to find a hobbyist friend in the area. South Philly, or even Kenso which isn't that far. If you are up for it, message me!!

Cephlapod Love
02-16-14, 11:36
So I have been cruising Broad Street, and find that there are not many girls on Broad. I always go late at night, and find there really aren't many girls out there. But I have met a few. Met some girl named Kat, she was probably the cutest girl I have seen. Heard she is in rehab now though. I'd really like to find a hobbyist friend in the area. South Philly, or even Kenso which isn't that far. If you are up for it, message me!!Not sure if this is in your desired area, but take a stroll on Woodland or Elmwood Avenues: Island to 58th should be sufficient.

02-17-14, 12:07
I was reading this on yahoo today and it raised an eyebrow as I am sure it will raise an eyebrow to most fellow Mongerers. This excerpt link that I am posting reminds me just how dangerous a feat we are taking messing with these SW's, and also makes me grateful that we have a site like this to come to and get with somewhat reliable providers. I'd love to hear any comments or responses about this matter:

http://r.search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0LEV0YqMAJTPi0AZp1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0NXIwZ3RtBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1NXSU1DMF8x/SIG=1460ks63u/EXP=1392681130/**http%3 a / urlreplacement1}.

Kinda puts things into perspective huh? We have to so careful out there!! It's bad enough we have to worry ourselves with scammers and chicks that rob alone and / or with their pimps or crews, plus LEO; now, we also have to be on guard for psycho couples like this who really go to the extreme. Damn!!

02-17-14, 15:05
I'm not sure why this site messed up the link to this story, but I will try to re-post it again!!

http://r.search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0LEVxGkXAJT_WoA1Y9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0NXIwZ3RtBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1NXSU1DMF8x/SIG=146q74s9q/EXP=1392692516/**http%3 a / urlreplacement1}.

02-17-14, 15:12
Hey guys, if this site still post the link to this story wrong, just look up this story under CL Killer Miranda Barbour. It's worth the li'l time it will take to find this story and read it! I still would love to hear comments on it too.

02-17-14, 21:10
She now lives and works on the other side of the River, on the friendly streets of Camden. She is on again / off again, as she is living with her mom, and trying to get back custody of her girl.

I did just date her last week, and her skills are still unmatched.

Teddy.Seen her hanging down by Huntingdon station. Long brown hair, attractive.

02-17-14, 21:33
I have heard of this from a few people. There seems to be one officer out there with that M O. I have had the threat made more times than once. As far as I can tell it's Bullshit. Nothing ever came to my house cause I was always the first one home, and I brought in the mail. It is not sensible to believe the city would spend the money trying to harass people that way simply for being on Kensington Ave. Plus the danger of lawsuits that could come from something as childish as that. Seems they like to pull that on the guys from out of the area. Guess they feel it is more believable. I would rather err on the side of caution. No telling what those bastards will do. My suggestion would be to play along with him. Tell him everything you might think he wants to hear. Like sorry officer, I'll try not to let it happen again, I was looking for Camden and somehow wound up here, I'm going right home and go to bed like I should. Then pull away smile and wave. Don't forget to wish him a nice day, They love that shit. Then head down the Ave and find the sluttiest, sexiest, big titted, big assed, girl out there and go somewhere and pound the shit out of her. Make her suck your dick till you feel your asshole pulling forward. All the while keep repeating Officer Dickmeover this is for you. Always keep in mind if they can haul you in they will at the drop of a hat. If they have nothing on you, as much as they hate it, they have to let you go. Never, NEVER, NEVER, admit to anything no matter what they tell you. They do not have the power to go "easy on you". Never believe you will get a break.

They want to take you off the street so tell them nothing. Deny everything. More times than not they can never really prove anything. If they can then your fukt. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.They did post pictures of Johns a while back. It was on the front page of the daily news. Sucked to be those guys. I use extreme caution and spin the block most of the time, especially if I am picking up someone new. Try to see who is watching, or not, and if big blue is out and about.

02-21-14, 14:53
As a follow up to my run in the an a-hole LE officer a few weeks back, I haven't received a letter at my residence. I'm sure my wife would have had a few questions for me if I had.

Be safe.


02-23-14, 14:30
Found Cassandra on the K just east of 7 Eleven around 5 pm. I made a loop and scooped her up just off the ave on russel st. Cassandra's a spinner, about 5' flat and probably under a buck in weight. She has short black hair and I couldn't see too much of her shape until later, but a cute enough face.

We drove off without a word to a safer location off the ave. This was my second outing of the day, so I warned her it was going to take a lot of work and offered her .3. That was agreeable to her and she started a very good CBJ. After about 10 min, I could tell I wasn't going to get there like that, I had her take off the cover (against my better judgement, but I wasn't thinking clearly by then). That (obviously) felt a LOT better and she continued a fabuloud BBBJ for about another 15 min without complaint. It felt great and went on so long the car was steaming up. I never did get to finish because before she could close the deal, I saw a popo SUV up the street and decided to pull the plug, kind of ruining the mood. As long as it went, she never complained a bit, so she gets high marks for that. Also, she never bugged my for more or for a tip.

Just for fun, I had her show me the cooch. She actually looked good with her pants down, not too skinny as I expected. There was a stomach-turning smell from the clam, though, so I don't think I'd ever go for FS with her but would let her blow me again. She said she has no phone but is often in that area.


Stay safe,


02-23-14, 17:17
I have been seeing Brittany as recently as yesterday, 2 - 23 - 14. She does not look as hot as she did last summer when I first taught that pussy of her how to hold onto dick. She has lost an immense amount of weight. Don't get me wrong now, she is still a very pretty woman. Just last summer she had the nicest tits this side of Titville USA.

Another girl that has been dropping the weight down is Star. She is also a very pleasant girl. Both can be found at the Sergeant St playground. These two worry me as it's apparent the amount of weight loss could be leading to something. Not saying it is just a concern.

Anastasia has finally been released from the Hanoi Hilton. She is back also playing at Sergeant St. She is a bit thicker now but still a very attractive and talented girl.

Happened to see Gia for those that remember her from Somerset St. She also has put some cookies and milk and cheese sandwiches away, but still remains hot. She seems Eager to get her skills back to par again. That girl can suck the wrinkles out of a raisin.

Who the hell said the girls aren't around? Yeah they lock them up as fast as they let them out. In fact this is a great time right now cause all the girls that got locked up last spring are now being released.

Jen that was a fixture at Harold St for the longest time is back and has been noticed working her old haunts at Cambria and also just about anywhere on the Ave. Those that know her may remember she got the bright idea to shave her head bald before she got sent away. Now if she would just do the same to that pussy. Hell I've seen hay fields with less growth than that.

Ali is also back on the streets. She seems to be well for now. Selena is also out there for your entertainment. Always ready and able to please even the pickiest among us. Brenda has been taking the chill off her friends lately. Sammy is still hanging around doing what she does best, and doing it very well I might add. Aslynd is hanging around being very quiet taking care of business. Here's one for you guys that like her. Hottie Nichole who is also known as Bushy Nichole is back on the Stroll.

There has been quite a bit of undercover activity at the Huntingdon El Stop lately. At any given time Septas Trannies are there trying to throw some stupid shit at somebody. Seems they enjoy harassing the homeless that frequent the area. They hide up on the platform and watch what's going on down below. They think nobody knows so SHHHhhh! Then there are a few plain clothes gents that have been frequenting the area. Those guys also seem to like messing with the homeless. I will say this about them they are a great presence to the area. There has been some crazy shit that has gone on there and they seem to be able to handle whatever is thrown at them.

So that is a small snapshot of a few of the girls that are available. I personally have seen everyone of the girls mentioned all in the same day. So they are available. All one has to do is look and you should see them. Hell most times they are the only ones on the streets. Don't give up and be safe. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

02-25-14, 16:49
Met 2 very nice girls last Saturday.

Amber she said she lives in Scranton pa and was here in Philly for concert (I doubt she was saying the true).

The other one was Brandy, said she moved from Florida few months ago and staying recently in Philly.

Can anyone have met those girls before? I am just trying to get some more info about them, got Brandy's phone number.

02-27-14, 13:16
This past weekend 'Good ol' GATOR' introduced me to a pretty Italian girl named Selena. I honestly was really surprised at how much of a girl-next-door look she had. A healthy glow in her face. Nice dresser. Nice skin. Nice curves. And to top it all off, she was really, really sweet. I felt very comfortable around her. I definitely would love to see her again. Thanks GATOR!!

02-27-14, 14:05
Anyone know this one? The face looks familiar, but Duke's gallery seems to be missing. Sigh.

Can anyone tell me about her?

287745I was looking through this forum and saw someone question about the posted pic. Her name is Mandy, and she is on TER. Although I don't know why.

A few years ago, I answered her ad because it was fairly close, located off Red Lion Road in the NE. On the phone, she seemed decent. Then I drove to her house which was a corner property in a residential area.

It actually was a friend who opened the door and was fairly attractive, so I followed her to the basement.

Ugh. A pig sty, so I didn't want to undress. But I was so horny that day I accepted a BJ which was pretty good.

When I finished, I could not wait to leave. Then I ran into Mandy. Thank god I didn't see her. Heavy, skanky, disheveled, and droll looking.

Fast forward to three months ago.

I responded to a CL ad. After a few replies, the poster gave me a number. So I Googled it and it displayed Mandy.

This can't be! After all these years? So I asked for a recent pic.

And she sent the one that was posted here. It's her.

My recommendation: DO NOT waste your time with Mandy. And I am not recommending a "run, don't walk" scenario. Don't go. Don't say I didn't warn you.

02-28-14, 23:02
I know there was already a report here about this girl somewhere. Well, I had the luck of finding this wonderful gal out in the avenue. She's pretty, brunette, wears glasses, about 5'4 and got a nice body. I never expected her to look that good. As a matter of fact, I had a lower expectation of her physicality but, she really surprised me when she stripped. She's in a great shape. Nice perky breast, flat stomach and totally sexy. The time with her is all worth it, liberal kissing, nice BJ and the sex was not bad at all. She's one of those that doesn't talk much but definitely a freak in bed. I had great time with her. Hope to find her again out there when I come back.

Miami Boy
03-03-14, 11:29
A very attractive lady with a nice personality. Non-GFE, by her own words, not affectionate at all. Unfortunately also a very rushed date. I think the boyfriend / handler uses a stopwatch to time her. By the time I closed the door, she was naked, asking if I was ready. Everything is covered and she had the condom ready by the time I undressed. She actually tried putting it on pre-erection. Once covered, the worst BJ ever. She barely got the head in her mouth. About one minute of this and she again was asking me to hurry up. At this point I too was in a rush just to get it over with so she could leave. Once in missionary position, I have to say it was very nice and I finished faster and easier than usual.

If you are looking for fast relief with some real nice eye candy, go for it. If you like it slow and sensual, get an inflatable.

This was an evening date with the guy waiting. He has a day job so she might not rush so much on an earlier in the day meeting. I just might have to test that.

There was a pic of her on here recently. She was having a banana.

Miami Boy
03-03-14, 11:52
GFE and more. A real sweetheart, very affectionate and passionate. I had such a great time with her that I actually forgot all about my camera. For an addict, she has a great body with nice boobs and ass that you can grab a handful of. Unlike so many that even if they look good, they feel like partially inflated balloons. I am not into big girls and she is just the right size to me. As an old fart, I often have a hard time reaching the finish line no matter how great the date. With Selena, I came much faster than I wanted and much easier than expected. So much so that I was still hard and had to come again. I usually am just happy if I go once. She gave me a nice BJ and #2 came almost as easy as the first. No phone so look for her around Huntington Station.

03-04-14, 19:42
Met 2 very nice girls last Saturday.

Amber she said she lives in Scranton pa and was here in Philly for concert (I doubt she was saying the true).

The other one was Brandy, said she moved from Florida few months ago and staying recently in Philly.

Can anyone have met those girls before? I am just trying to get some more info about them, got Brandy's phone number.I met Brandi pretty recently. She's a pretty nice gal, said she got stuck up here after leaving Florida. I let her give me a HJ and it was pretty decent.

If you're lucky enough to meet her, Kimberly is out there also. Black hair, short, skinny but with a big bubble butt... I meet her often and she's definitely worth it.

I generally offer $3- to them and refuse to put out anymore.

03-05-14, 09:29
I had not seen Amanda in quite some time but she was out and about today. Pleasant and cute girl although her teeth are showing wear from her obvious habit (either past or present). Nice HJ with her other arm around me and looking into my eyes.

03-05-14, 19:05
I had not seen Amanda in quite some time but she was out and about today. Pleasant and cute girl although her teeth are showing wear from her obvious habit (either past or present). Nice HJ with her other arm around me and looking into my eyes.Which Amanda?

03-05-14, 22:06
A very attractive lady with a nice personality. Non-GFE, by her own words, not affectionate at all. Unfortunately also a very rushed date. I think the boyfriend / handler uses a stopwatch to time her. By the time I closed the door, she was naked, asking if I was ready. Everything is covered and she had the condom ready by the time I undressed. She actually tried putting it on pre-erection. Once covered, the worst BJ ever. She barely got the head in her mouth. About one minute of this and she again was asking me to hurry up. At this point I too was in a rush just to get it over with so she could leave. Once in missionary position, I have to say it was very nice and I finished faster and easier than usual.

If you are looking for fast relief with some real nice eye candy, go for it. If you like it slow and sensual, get an inflatable.

This was an evening date with the guy waiting. He has a day job so she might not rush so much on an earlier in the day meeting. I just might have to test that.

There was a pic of her on here recently. She was having a banana.I came across these pics of Brandi. She does seem all "lets get it done and give me the money". To be honest I never dated her and wouldn't based on all the bad ink on her. If I ever for some reason do anything with her I will be sure to post the results. I have had conversation with her and was not at all impressed. She comes across like she needs nobody and that her shit don't stink. I have found myself more impressed with some less attractive girls. Yet in the long run I imagine she's a good egg, but who really likes long runny eggs?

I like to think when I'm with someone that they like me at least a little bit. Having talked to Brandi, I don't think she likes anybody. Not sure she even likes herself.

Over the years there have been a few girls with this type attitude. They never last. Either LEO gets them or they say the wrong thing to the wrong person. They think they are better than others. Then I look where they "work", where they hang, where they live and I realize they aint no better than anybody else. These type girls usually learn the hard way. They rush the wrong guy and he puts an end to that shit right away.

The biggest complaint I have heard about Brandi is she is a rush job. She has no idea how to do the job or what it takes to please the paying customer. She truly believes once the money is in her hands the job is done. Oh well. She has a lot to learn in this business. My suggestion to anyone that has that type experience with any girl would be to get that info on here pronto. Then it's up to the rest of us to not use her services. Me I'm just an 'OL Gator.

03-06-14, 18:04
I dated Brandi once but I can't complain about anything. The service was very good, desent fee and nice talking, nothing rush (maybe she was just in her mood). The most important thing was that she was workng really hard to get my penis into her.

03-07-14, 10:22
Which Amanda?5'8", 130 lbs, dirty blonde, hangs out on the K around the railroad bridge.

Dr Dong
03-07-14, 20:05
Anything out there tonite? Thinking of heading over..

03-10-14, 12:26
I came across these pics of Brandi. She does seem all "lets get it done and give me the money". To be honest I never dated her and wouldn't based on all the bad ink on her. If I ever for some reason do anything with her I will be sure to post the results. I have had conversation with her and was not at all impressed. She comes across like she needs nobody and that her shit don't stink. I have found myself more impressed with some less attractive girls. Yet in the long run I imagine she's a good egg, but who really likes long runny eggs?

I like to think when I'm with someone that they like me at least a little bit. Having talked to Brandi, I don't think she likes anybody. Not sure she even likes herself.

Over the years there have been a few girls with this type attitude. They never last. Either LEO gets them or they say the wrong thing to the wrong person. They think they are better than others. Then I look where they "work", where they hang, where they live and I realize they aint no better than anybody else. These type girls usually learn the hard way. They rush the wrong guy and he puts an end to that shit right away.

The biggest complaint I have heard about Brandi is she is a rush job. She has no idea how to do the job or what it takes to please the paying customer. She truly believes once the money is in her hands the job is done. Oh well. She has a lot to learn in this business. My suggestion to anyone that has that type experience with any girl would be to get that info on here pronto. Then it's up to the rest of us to not use her services. Me I'm just an 'OL Gator.She does look very hot though. Pity she's not a GFE and sounds like she doesn't care. Could go a long way. Maybe someone can tame her!!

03-11-14, 15:12
Saw platinum blonde Kate walking towards her place on the Avenue with a young guy. By the time I was able to circle back she had already walked into her place. I don't remember if she previously told me it was ok to knock so I didn't want to take the chance and violate her privacy. She is a nice girl and I didn't want to show her any disrespect. Tried calling her on a number I had from last year but it is no longer hers. Any other mongers have her new number?

03-11-14, 17:52
Saw platinum blonde Kate walking towards her place on the Avenue with a young guy. By the time I was able to circle back she had already walked into her place. I don't remember if she previously told me it was ok to knock so I didn't want to take the chance and violate her privacy. She is a nice girl and I didn't want to show her any disrespect. Tried calling her on a number I had from last year but it is no longer hers. Any other mongers have her new number?I was doing some recon 5 AM Monday morning and saw Katie talking to a cop at Jasper and Huntington so I picked her up after the cop left and I saw Krista on Somerset today around noon, I haven't seen Krista in over a year or two and she looked good so I was surprised to see her walking around, Katie was nice as usual and asked me to take her to get a coffee. GOOD LUCK to everyone!!


Miami Boy
03-11-14, 18:09
Saw platinum blonde Kate walking towards her place on the Avenue with a young guy. By the time I was able to circle back she had already walked into her place. I don't remember if she previously told me it was ok to knock so I didn't want to take the chance and violate her privacy. She is a nice girl and I didn't want to show her any disrespect. Tried calling her on a number I had from last year but it is no longer hers. Any other mongers have her new number?Your mail box is full.

03-11-14, 20:34
I spotted Sabrina by the old bull dealer Monday night around 9-10.

Ran into Hottie Nicole later on.

Seems like old times with some other blasts from the past.

03-11-14, 23:10
Your mail box is full.Just deleted all my old messages. Try again.

03-12-14, 17:07
Any pics of Hottie Nicole?

03-15-14, 18:39
Hey can any senior members pm me the location or the general location of a 10 spot? Never been to one and don't want to get caught up in a bad situation. I'm asking bc if a girl takes me takes to one, and I already have an idea of where it should be, I'll feel less anxious that she's taking me to some other spot! LOL.

03-15-14, 22:18
[Forum Complaint deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: The general posting sections of the Forum are not the place to voice your personal complaints about the Forum's rules or operating procedures. In the future, please send any complaints about the Forum to me personally by email or PM, or post them in the Comment on Forum Rules section. Thanks!

Anytime you find the forum too difficult to use you may cancel your membership and we will happily refund your subscription fee.

Oh I forgot, there isn't a subscription fee.

In that case, if you don't like the way it works don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.


Cephlapod Love
03-16-14, 22:19
Hello Gents! I received a number of PMs asking about Theresa after my footnote to a prior post and thought it might be easier to respond here.

Not sure what the policy is around here and I do not want to get cross-wise with the rules or Mod here. Isn't giving out personally Identifying Info one of the things that would result in an automatic BANISHMENT?

I guess if Theresa was around to be able to give the "OK" then that would be one thing, this appears to be something else. My "opinion," fwiw, is that she is in the PPS. Now what do I know, perhaps PPS has a rehab unit attached to one of its facilities for women? I dunno.

Let's hope she is able to turn her life around!

03-16-14, 22:48
Hey can any senior members pm me the location or the general location of a 10 spot? Never been to one and don't want to get caught up in a bad situation. I'm asking bc if a girl takes me takes to one, and I already have an idea of where it should be, I'll feel less anxious that she's taking me to some other spot! LOL.Why not the Carlisle? Only $20.

03-17-14, 02:19
Dated a girl named Nicole tonight. She looked familiar and maybe I may have dated her some years back. Red Hair long and wavy, maybe 5'4", little separation between her front teeth. She was pretty, not fat or thin and appeared to be Irish. Had a tat on her neck with a guys name. Found her off the part of the K, which I don't usually troll but the warrant unit was out and probably chased them all in.

We had a nice chat on the way to a spot I know. She was friendly and easy to chit chat with. I had a good feeling and I think she was glad to have a date that wasn't crazy. We got to the place I know and she asked what I wanted to do. I told her I was up for BJ or sex or both. She was whatever you want. So I decided to go for both. She said she didn't have a condom, but was glad I did. I handed her a donation and we started.

She did a very nice BBBJ and I was enjoying it immensely. She turned and dropped her pants so I could go doggy style. What a nice behind. I fought off the urge to spank as she didn't know me well enough to play that way, but she was fine of fannie, firm, a tad thick, not fat or jiggly. I found one of her breasts as I was thrusting. It wasn't as firm as it had once been but no problem. The position was hard to work as she was a little high up for good penetration and I was not maintaining, so I had her come back for more head to firm things up. I was thinking I should let her finish me this way as she was really good, but then she got on her back and we went mish. I finished and she seemed to like I made a little noise as I finished.

She asked me to stop by a store on our way back and she bought her own smokes and an iced tea. And then offered to pay for my chips which I declined. That was probably the most unusual part of the date. We had a very nice chat on our way back. I hope to see her again and she said the same. I have had some pretty lousy dates with girls I just met, but this one was nice. Next time I might take her to the Carlisle or my friends pad which I have used before. Awesome BJ in the car but you would want a room to grab onto that fine behind. I will definitely look for her again. I will try to get a pic next time and post it.

03-17-14, 08:12
Hello Gents! I received a number of PMs asking about Theresa after my footnote to a prior post and thought it might be easier to respond here.

Not sure what the policy is around here and I do not want to get cross-wise with the rules or Mod here. Isn't giving out personally Identifying Info one of the things that would result in an automatic BANISHMENT?

I guess if Theresa was around to be able to give the "OK" then that would be one thing, this appears to be something else. My "opinion," fwiw, is that she is in the PPS. Now what do I know, perhaps PPS has a rehab unit attached to one of its facilities for women? I dunno.

Let's hope she is able to turn her life around!I sure hopes she does well and turns her life around. She was always a sweetheart.

03-17-14, 09:57
Hello Gents! I received a number of PMs asking about Theresa after my footnote to a prior post and thought it might be easier to respond here.

Not sure what the policy is around here and I do not want to get cross-wise with the rules or Mod here. Isn't giving out personally Identifying Info one of the things that would result in an automatic BANISHMENT?

I guess if Theresa was around to be able to give the "OK" then that would be one thing, this appears to be something else. My "opinion," fwiw, is that she is in the PPS. Now what do I know, perhaps PPS has a rehab unit attached to one of its facilities for women? I dunno.

Let's hope she is able to turn her life around!I hope she is doing well wherever she is, and that she is able to turn her life around. She was an amazing girl to be with before things got a little too much for her to handle.

03-17-14, 19:28
Why not the Carlisle? Only $20.Yes, I've used the Carlyle a few times. I just figured going to a 10 spot would someyimes bring new opportunities, as CJ has demostrated, LOL.

That said, went for a cruise last night around 10 pm. Took two passes, the usual spots at the southern end were deserted. Didn't have time to check the side streets. Did see 2 girls on my way out, one was a blonde spinner type. I usually see her around during the day. The other one was by Tioga, tall, a little chubby, redhead.

03-20-14, 12:25
Gents! The ave was hot this morning! I saw 5 SW's on the K on my way to see one of my reg's at her crib. They all looked hungry and looked good! I did see an old hottie named Treena just above the Allegheny el stop (BSW, 5' 2", 42 yrs old, round li'l booty and gives a great BJ slurpin and all); hadn't seen her since last summer; she waved me down and I told her I had a prior arrangement; so she gave me that look; I laughed and moved on. It was good to see her though. Anyway, as I was about to make my right onto Indiana st., I saw LEO was rather busy (4 reg cruisers and 1 def. Undercover ride) with 2 diff vehicles pulled over on the "K" just above "F" st. The driver of the car closest to the corner did not look happy, and the dude that was in the car behind that one LEO had him hemmed up against the wall, and there was a WF I'm almost sure was not an SW walking from the scene and sat in the undercover ride (passenger side) on her own. She had on regular street clothes about 5'5" or 5'6"; shoulder length blonde hair, black jeans, black jacket with fur around the hood, and what looked like dark brown cowboy type boots. As I turned the corner onto Indiana st., it looked like she was getting ready to use the computer inside the undercover car: a blue ford explorer suv type. Now, I'm not sure if ol girl was an Undercover SW or just part of that sweep team, but I thought I would mention it just in case that's what was goin down. Anyway, I would urge caution around that area. Needless to say after I finished meeting my regular at her house, I didn't go back that way...LOL. This was around 10 am this morning.

03-24-14, 03:31
Gents! The ave was hot this morning! I saw 5 SW's on the K on my way to see one of my reg's at her crib. They all looked hungry and looked good! I did see an old hottie named Treena just above the Allegheny el stop (BSW, 5' 2", 42 yrs old, round li'l booty and gives a great BJ slurpin and all); hadn't seen her since last summer; she waved me down and I told her I had a prior arrangement; so she gave me that look; I laughed and moved on. It was good to see her though. Anyway, as I was about to make my right onto Indiana st., I saw LEO was rather busy (4 reg cruisers and 1 def. Undercover ride) with 2 diff vehicles pulled over on the "K" just above "F" st. The driver of the car closest to the corner did not look happy, and the dude that was in the car behind that one LEO had him hemmed up against the wall, and there was a WF I'm almost sure was not an SW walking from the scene and sat in the undercover ride (passenger side) on her own. She had on regular street clothes about 5'5" or 5'6"; shoulder length blonde hair, black jeans, black jacket with fur around the hood, and what looked like dark brown cowboy type boots. As I turned the corner onto Indiana st., it looked like she was getting ready to use the computer inside the undercover car: a blue ford explorer suv type. Now, I'm not sure if ol girl was an Undercover SW or just part of that sweep team, but I thought I would mention it just in case that's what was goin down. Anyway, I would urge caution around that area. Needless to say after I finished meeting my regular at her house, I didn't go back that way...LOL. This was around 10 am this morning.I saw this on ch6 action news, 4 mongers arrested and cars towed BEWARE AND BE SAFE!

03-28-14, 05:08
Why not the Carlisle? Only $20.Where is carleslei I need an inside spot csn some one pm me a location also if we are allowed to share numbers.

Can some one drop me the digits in pm please and thank you.

03-28-14, 17:23
Where is carleslei I need an inside spot csn some one pm me a location also if we are allowed to share numbers.

Can some one drop me the digits in pm please and thank you.The Famous Carlisle can be found at Poplar around 15th. You may wish to call in advance to reserve a room. If you would like a view it may be extra. Be sure to tell them if you would like Cable and warm towels. Outside you will find plenty of Valets willing to keep an eye on your vehicle. Enjoy.

Be sure to let us know if you decide to enjoy the weekend plan.

Mike Sweeney
03-28-14, 22:37
The Famous Carlisle can be found at Poplar around 15th. You may wish to call in advance to reserve a room. If you would like a view it may be extra. Be sure to tell them if you would like Cable and warm towels. Outside you will find plenty of Valets willing to keep an eye on your vehicle. Enjoy.

Be sure to let us know if you decide to enjoy the weekend plan.ROTFLMAO, Gator...

03-29-14, 08:34
The Famous Carlisle can be found at Poplar around 15th. You may wish to call in advance to reserve a room. If you would like a view it may be extra. Be sure to tell them if you would like Cable and warm towels. Outside you will find plenty of Valets willing to keep an eye on your vehicle. Enjoy.

Be sure to let us know if you decide to enjoy the weekend plan.Don't forget the jacuzzi rooms and the wide screen in room movies. I love their selection of pillows of various firmness. Wonderful spot!

03-29-14, 09:00
Don't forget the jacuzzi rooms and the wide screen in room movies. I love their selection of pillows of various firmness. Wonderful spot!Ha ha. You guys are funny. I say just be happy if they change the bed sheet.

03-29-14, 09:04
The Famous Carlisle can be found at Poplar around 15th. You may wish to call in advance to reserve a room. If you would like a view it may be extra. Be sure to tell them if you would like Cable and warm towels. Outside you will find plenty of Valets willing to keep an eye on your vehicle. Enjoy.

Be sure to let us know if you decide to enjoy the weekend plan.Note the nearness of "Hotel Carlyle" to "N Carlisle St.".

03-29-14, 10:38
Note the nearness of "Hotel Carlyle" to "N Carlisle St.".Ah yes I see the did look dim for a Friday yesterday there was a brand new white ford parked near k&A there were doing sting there be carefull.

Has anyone seen little blonde britney have not seen her there she. Had a private room near bull dealer she was open to everything but play with her mamos whitch is odd.

03-30-14, 00:01

Cephlapod Love
03-30-14, 00:30
Ha ha. You guys are funny. I say just be happy if they change the bed sheet.HuH? You lay on the bedsheets provided? LOL!

I thought standard operating procedure was bring your own, to lay on top if theirs, and afterwards triple bag it until you can get it to a "treatment facility" - as the ONLY way to avoid getting bedbugs? Bwdik?

Md Curious2
03-30-14, 07:35
HuH? You lay on the bedsheets provided? LOL!

I thought standard operating procedure was bring your own, to lay on top if theirs, and afterwards triple bag it until you can get it to a "treatment facility" - as the ONLY way to avoid getting bedbugs? Bwdik?I get cheap sheets from family dollar. Then burn those bad boys / leave them there. All it takes is one bug to find your home... MDC.

03-31-14, 19:22
Met Ashley on a side street at the southern end around 4-5 pm a few days ago. Absolute spinner, very small girl, nice ass even if she could use a few more pounds on the rest of her. Spent an hour with her. Not a clock watcher, does not rush. Had multiple pops with her. Very nice and polite, aims to please. Swallowed everything I could give her. Digits availible for trusted members. Couple pics later on.

Chuck Marvel
04-02-14, 00:36
I rolled up and down the Avenue from Erie to Girard and back last night between 9:30 and 10:30 pm. Saw absolutely nothing! Expected more action with the nice weather.

Chuck Marvel.

04-02-14, 07:39
Met Ashley on a side street at the southern end around 4-5 pm a few days ago. Absolute spinner, very small girl, nice ass even if she could use a few more pounds on the rest of her. Spent an hour with her. Not a clock watcher, does not rush. Had multiple pops with her. Very nice and polite, aims to please. Swallowed everything I could give her. Digits availible for trusted members. Couple pics later on.Get her digits. The one your describing I think I was with few wks ago but haven't seen her since. Saw her on side street about two or three streets past Huntington away from Lehigh. Kind of on skinny side but she finishes you on a BBBJ and starts another without saying anything. I had to stop her that day bc I was in a hurry. This was a thurs eve.

04-02-14, 19:12
I'm bad with names but believe it was Jessica.

Picked her up on the k around 6 pm Friday night.

Full service was offered and I took advantage of in all mish cowgirl reverse cowgirl doggie and finished with a bbcim was great.

04-03-14, 02:28
Hey can any senior members pm me the location or the general location of a 10 spot? Never been to one and don't want to get caught up in a bad situation. I'm asking bc if a girl takes me takes to one, and I already have an idea of where it should be, I'll feel less anxious that she's taking me to some other spot! LOL.There's a few 10 spots. Different girls know different ones. I've been walked past one I've been to previously when heading to one the girl "knew" (she had to give herself an introduction when she got there).

04-07-14, 01:06
Met Ashley on a side street at the southern end around 4-5 pm a few days ago. Absolute spinner, very small girl, nice ass even if she could use a few more pounds on the rest of her. Spent an hour with her. Not a clock watcher, does not rush. Had multiple pops with her. Very nice and polite, aims to please. Swallowed everything I could give her. Digits availible for trusted members. Couple pics later on.Any pics of this cutie?

04-07-14, 16:21
Any pics of this cutie?I have one pic of Ashley. I am attaching it. She can be found around Sergeant just off the K or at the bottom of the block on Jasper. She has promised to do some more entertaining pics but I can't seem to get my schedule to blend with hers. So any of you mongers that date her be sure to take your camera. Me' I'm just an 'OL Gator.

04-07-14, 20:39
I have one pic of Ashley. I am attaching it. She can be found around Sergeant just off the K or at the bottom of the block on Jasper. She has promised to do some more entertaining pics but I can't seem to get my schedule to blend with hers. So any of you mongers that date her be sure to take your camera. Me' I'm just an 'OL Gator.She out a lot or kinda off an on? Was going to be coming back past that area tomorrow afternoon figured might be worth a look. No won't ask for digits know one knows me so wouldn't expect that heck I couldn't even get any real help when I was down in Florida last month LOL so I know I'm going to have to search for her. And idea of the damage?

04-08-14, 06:44
Is there any word on a return visit of this little minx? I heard she ended a dual vacation. You know in some ways I hope she never comes back; but in the other ways I can't wait to see that impish smile again! RM.

04-08-14, 19:35
A little splash of one of the prettier girls of the ave.

04-08-14, 19:41
A little splash of one of the prettier girls of the ave.Gator, I can't agree with you more! She's one great looking lady.

04-09-14, 08:36
Is there any word on a return visit of this little minx? I heard she ended a dual vacation. You know in some ways I hope she never comes back; but in the other ways I can't wait to see that impish smile again! RM.Had a brief exchange this morning on FB. She just said she has been sober for 10 months. That makes me feel good and hope she stays that way. RM.

04-10-14, 01:32
Met Ashley on a side street at the southern end around 4-5 pm a few days ago. Absolute spinner, very small girl, nice ass even if she could use a few more pounds on the rest of her. Spent an hour with her. Not a clock watcher, does not rush. Had multiple pops with her. Very nice and polite, aims to please. Swallowed everything I could give her. Digits availible for trusted members. Couple pics later on.Dead accurate description of Ashley. She was a little hesitant to meet me as a "blind date" since I was a referral. After we texted a few times and I joked around with her, she got comfortable enough to go for it. Everything went well as Philly describes. I didn't think she was too skinny, but that's a personal thing, and she DOES have a great ass! Tiny up top, but nice nipples. Good enough for me. She let me take some pictures, but I had to keep her face out of it. Too bad because she's cute. Anyway, she also made me promise to not post them. Digits available only if she says it's OK.

04-10-14, 09:15
Gents I've been reading and you've been talking about this Ashley girl. I'm just wondering if it's the same one I was with and she was great. The only thing she wanted to do is please me. She's not one of them girls who are always rushing you, plus she has a great ass on her. She is found on Jasper walking between Cumberland and Huntingdon. If you want to know more about her message me.

04-11-14, 07:24
Note the nearness of "Hotel Carlyle" to "N Carlisle St.".Hotel is now .95 for 11 hrs with bathroom & cable.

Just saying.

04-11-14, 11:59
Dead accurate description of Ashley. She was a little hesitant to meet me as a "blind date" since I was a referral. After we texted a few times and I joked around with her, she got comfortable enough to go for it. Everything went well as Philly describes. I didn't think she was too skinny, but that's a personal thing, and she DOES have a great ass! Tiny up top, but nice nipples. Good enough for me. She let me take some pictures, but I had to keep her face out of it. Too bad because she's cute. Anyway, she also made me promise to not post them. Digits available only if she says it's OK.I couldn't agree more she's great especially in the BJ department. I was with her yesterday. I wish you would post them pics, I have a buddy avid them.

04-11-14, 17:15
Ashley just gave me the ok to post her pics. Here they are! BTW, I'm now a "Senior"! Congratulate me!

312872312877312878312879 312881 312882.

04-11-14, 17:39
Ashley just gave me the ok to post her pics. Here they are! BTW, I'm now a "Senior"! Congratulate me!

312872312877312878312879 312881 312882.Nice pics and Congrats!! Tried getting a hold of her haven't heard back atleast now I see what I'm missing LOL.

Jak Hammer
04-11-14, 19:29
Member of the I.B. T.C.

Cephlapod Love
04-12-14, 14:23
Hotel is now .95 for 11 hrs with bathroom & cable.

Just saying.WTF? REALLY? Le Hotel Carlyle has gone up scale, tryin' to dump out the druggies and the hookers? No 20 spot rooms for an hour? How can it last like that?

04-13-14, 19:41
I just had the DT PLEASURE of Spinner Ashley. All I can say is GOD DAMN!! That gal can go deep and stay there and never once asked if I was close. Got me off with just her mouth via CBJ, my choice. Will repeat! Again and again!


04-13-14, 19:45
WTF? REALLY? Le Hotel Carlyle has gone up scale, tryin' to dump out the druggies and the hookers? No 20 spot rooms for an hour? How can it last like that?Maybe you can still get it cheaper without bathroom & cable. I can do without cable.

04-14-14, 16:42
I couldn't agree more she's great especially in the BJ department. I was with her yesterday. I wish you would post them pics, I have a buddy avid them.I had a terrible time with this girl, I saw her yesterday passing the 7-eleven. I think I posted about the event; Lay there, inhibited, thievery. This isn't the same Ashley that gator mentioned recently. The Ashley Gator mentioned is awesome. She is a very sweet girl.

04-14-14, 16:55
Took a walk on the wild side yesterday. Hung out with a friend at Pats King of Cheese Steak. I always see Dee Dee on Venago. She apparently gets just as lonely as me so she told me to mention her name. Sorry, I don't have hot details all I wanted was good food and a conversation.

Mention the novel writer if you see her. BE NICE!

04-15-14, 22:39
[Racial Epithet(s) Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing racial epithets.

Please be advised that Forum Members who succeed in having three or more of their reports deleted for personal attacks, racial epithets or other derogatory comments, will be banned under the Forum's Serial Antagonist Policy.

04-16-14, 11:03
I had a terrible time with this girl, I saw her yesterday passing the 7-eleven. I think I posted about the event; Lay there, inhibited, thievery. This isn't the same Ashley that gator mentioned recently. The Ashley Gator mentioned is awesome. She is a very sweet girl.Sorry about your experience. It's always YMMV with all the girls out there. Hard to tell what they like or they don't like about you. But, I had the opposite. It was a good time and no rush which is always good. Loved her BJ, it was one of a kind I should say. The date went so well that I would like a repeat again soon.

04-17-14, 07:48
I just had the pleasure of having another date with her last night. This is Ashley is the one gator talks about. I didn't think it was possibly but I think she gets better and better each time, I can't wait to see her again.

04-17-14, 21:51
I don't know what's going on here. I read the post about Ashley and decided to give her a call. She said those x rated pictures aren't her. I may see her tonight and I have advised her to contact admin. She is also confused.

04-18-14, 04:02
Picked up skinny brunette Tatiana at the Torresdale end, just off the Avenue, about 6 am Monday. Says she usually goes home by 7, that's apparently when vice start out. She did a good job when we parked up out the way, for a decent price, and spat out the door when done. Didn't get digits, probably should have, Russian by birth, been here 20 years, probably mid 30's now. Just a few others out at that hour, some LEO still.

04-18-14, 12:26
I don't know what's going on here. I read the post about Ashley and decided to give her a call. She said those x rated pictures aren't her. I may see her tonight and I have advised her to contact admin. She is also confused.Never tell a girl you saw her pics online! Most gals hate that but some don't give a rats ass.

04-18-14, 13:30
I don't know what's going on here. I read the post about Ashley and decided to give her a call. She said those x rated pictures aren't her. I may see her tonight and I have advised her to contact admin. She is also confused.The "x rated" pics I posted ARE Ashley. She gave me permission to take them and also to post them. Notice that you can't see her face in the pics. Her request. Otherwise, I would not have posted them. I don't know who the "other" Ashley is, but this one's name IS Ashley. She is not confused. She knows what's up. (Description again in case you haven't read it: Great ass, no tits, lives in Frankford area, tattoo on her ass, spinner). She knows about this site. She doesn't need to contact admin. Just go out with her and have fun.

04-19-14, 04:16
The "x rated" pics I posted ARE Ashley. She gave me permission to take them and also to post them. Notice that you can't see her face in the pics. Her request. Otherwise, I would not have posted them. I don't know who the "other" Ashley is, but this one's name IS Ashley. She is not confused. She knows what's up. (Description again in case you haven't read it: Great ass, no tits, lives in Frankford area, tattoo on her ass, spinner). She knows about this site. She doesn't need to contact admin. Just go out with her and have fun.Just so everybody knows there are 2 Ashley's out there, I've only met the one who was great but I heard the other one isn't that good.

04-20-14, 12:58
Never tell a girl you saw her pics online! Most gals hate that but some don't give a rats ass.Hey Readhead your box is full. Trying to contact you.

04-21-14, 08:57
I'm guessing that's a typo? There ARE two Ashleys? Or there IS one Ashley?

The "x rated" pics I posted ARE Ashley. She gave me permission to take them and also to post them. Notice that you can't see her face in the pics. Her request. Otherwise, I would not have posted them. I don't know who the "other" Ashley is, but this one's name IS Ashley. She is not confused. She knows what's up. (Description again in case you haven't read it: Great ass, no tits, lives in Frankford area, tattoo on her ass, spinner). She knows about this site. She doesn't need to contact admin. Just go out with her and have fun.

04-22-14, 07:54
I'm guessing that's a typo? There ARE two Ashleys? Or there IS one Ashley?I've been with the Ashley "less talked about". This one was more amateurish as far as the professionals go but for me it was enjoyable with the innocence combined.

My story shall span my "Cruise" weekend. Started Monday 4/13 when I forgot my jacket and sport jacket for the cruise so I had to return back to Philly to retrieve. Checked out the action that evening and nobody really was out that I desired. So was about to head out of the Ave area and approached Frankford at the end (attempting to head to the Blvd and go north). Spotted a cute but chubby WSW and scooped her up. Damage was .20 for BBBJ and she was quite good. I always like for them to pull their pants down so I can play with the ass while she sucks away. First she did pull down her pants and attempted to do a "rolling" suck til I found a spot to park. She did the deed well and I dropped her back on Frankford and proceeded home.

4/14 Tues morn approx. 545 am on the Ave (headed south to Baltimore my so called pit stop) spotted Brittany walking and scooped her up and went to spot. Damage .40 BBBJ (and attempted FS) but couldn't get it up. I'm an old man I guess...perhaps too soon from the night before activity. She was a real sport about it she didn't rush me or anything even when it wasn't happening. I let her off the hook and will catch her again next time.

Off topic...but interesting: 4/19 Sat night: Last night of my cruise to Bahamas. Had a few drinks and smoked one...I'm in the club and I ask this woman to dance and she dances about two to three songs with me with the last one kinda close if ya know what I mean. Now I'm a black guy so she goes you want to be with a white woman to some affect like that. She then goes...my husband over there has to watch. Now this woman was very pretty so I shrugged a yes but not seriously and continued dancing. She stops midswing and says she will be right back. She returns with her rm num on a napkin and says if I'm interested to come on down. So at this point I'm saying against my better wishes that I will give it a shot. Saw her hubby he looked like he was one of those muscle guys. I didn't care LOL. Went down there knocked. On the second try as I was about to leave she answered stuck her head out the door. I went back and saw her with bra and red panties on. I said damn to myself. The rm was dimly lit. She leads me back near the bed and her hubby was sitting in the corner with his drawers on. I figured it was safe enough distance. I was assured all was ok and that she just wanted to make out with a black guy. It was her fantasy. So I'm still kinda nervous but willing. She takes off my shirt and lightly kissed my chest working down to my pants. She unbuckled my belt pulled down my pants to ankles. Pulled down my drawers and started a BBBJ. Was feeling so good I said I'm about to cum. She said I want you to cum inside me. She says how you want to do it. Bc the dude was sitting there basically jerkin off I chose missionary bc it provided a better escape if I needed one. So I hit it...and cum kinda quick because of the nervousness. After done I apologized for my nervousness and she said it was okay. She sucked one more toke but at this point I thought it best to get dressed rather than go round two. It felt as if I was in the movies or something. Totally weird.

04-22-14, 13:30
Haha, what a GREAT story! Congrats man! I hope you got their real number. About how old was she?

I've been with the Ashley "less talked about". This one was more amateurish as far as the professionals go but for me it was enjoyable with the innocence combined.

My story shall span my "Cruise" weekend. Started Monday 4/13 when I forgot my jacket and sport jacket for the cruise so I had to return back to Philly to retrieve. Checked out the action that evening and nobody really was out that I desired. So was about to head out of the Ave area and approached Frankford at the end (attempting to head to the Blvd and go north). Spotted a cute but chubby WSW and scooped her up. Damage was .20 for BBBJ and she was quite good. I always like for them to pull their pants down so I can play with the ass while she sucks away. First she did pull down her pants and attempted to do a "rolling" suck til I found a spot to park. She did the deed well and I dropped her back on Frankford and proceeded home.

4/14 Tues morn approx. 545 am on the Ave (headed south to Baltimore my so called pit stop) spotted Brittany walking and scooped her up and went to spot. Damage .40 BBBJ (and attempted FS) but couldn't get it up. I'm an old man I guess...perhaps too soon from the night before activity. She was a real sport about it she didn't rush me or anything even when it wasn't happening. I let her off the hook and will catch her again next time.

Off topic...but interesting: 4/19 Sat night: Last night of my cruise to Bahamas. Had a few drinks and smoked one...I'm in the club and I ask this woman to dance and she dances about two to three songs with me with the last one kinda close if ya know what I mean. Now I'm a black guy so she goes you want to be with a white woman to some affect like that. She then goes...my husband over there has to watch. Now this woman was very pretty so I shrugged a yes but not seriously and continued dancing. She stops midswing and says she will be right back. She returns with her rm num on a napkin and says if I'm interested to come on down. So at this point I'm saying against my better wishes that I will give it a shot. Saw her hubby he looked like he was one of those muscle guys. I didn't care LOL. Went down there knocked. On the second try as I was about to leave she answered stuck her head out the door. I went back and saw her with bra and red panties on. I said damn to myself. The rm was dimly lit. She leads me back near the bed and her hubby was sitting in the corner with his drawers on. I figured it was safe enough distance. I was assured all was ok and that she just wanted to make out with a black guy. It was her fantasy. So I'm still kinda nervous but willing. She takes off my shirt and lightly kissed my chest working down to my pants. She unbuckled my belt pulled down my pants to ankles. Pulled down my drawers and started a BBBJ. Was feeling so good I said I'm about to cum. She said I want you to cum inside me. She says how you want to do it. Bc the dude was sitting there basically jerkin off I chose missionary bc it provided a better escape if I needed one. So I hit it...and cum kinda quick because of the nervousness. After done I apologized for my nervousness and she said it was okay. She sucked one more toke but at this point I thought it best to get dressed rather than go round two. It felt as if I was in the movies or something. Totally weird.

04-22-14, 14:30
Haha, what a GREAT story! Congrats man! I hope you got their real number. About how old was she?"felt" like a "one time" deal. Keep in mind the "nervous" factor. Thinking back I coulda asked for number but didn't. They were from Georgia. He was 53 and she was 43. They say they have 3 kids and married 22 yrs. In the back of my mind I wanted the number but the "big" head prevailed and said it was "unwise" to think there could be more of this without some sorta drama happening. Make sense?

EC Man
04-22-14, 21:32

I have been here a while and I should try to get senior member but never post picuters.

The following is just an experience I had to hopefully help others. I was 'dating' this girl Nicole (no pics on this forum) for a few times. I met up with her today and my spider senses where tingling (mistake number one) and she was late like 1 hour. However she is female and that is what they always do.

She begs me to take her to the spot and I have done that a few times in the past (mistake number two).

{Of course I had a feeling she would take off on me because (a) she was late (b) she is a flyers fan. }.

Then I made (mistake number four) - she has my number and maybe knows where I live.

So when I text-ed her 'hey why did you leave' ...it became a nightmare.

I will have to change my phone number (mistake number five. Always use a 'throwaway' phone) and hopefully she is not smart enough to come to my house.

Of course the 5 times we dated previous she was telling me how much she 'cares for me' and how nice I am. Reading these forums when girls say they 'like you alot' 1 out of 10.

Times you will get BURNED BAD.

Take home message use the rules that others have set out.

(a) no giving your phone number.

(b) don't take them to your real house. Even if you are single like me.

(c) don't help them to get drugs up front before the date.

Some rules I will add.

(I) don't believe "I like you a lot" crap.

(ii) if you have a feeling. Most of the time it is correct go with it.

(iii) if the girl takes off on you even it is a good amount of money. Let it go cause they have nothing to loose to get back at you.

(iv) always use a condom when having sex.

I hope someone reads this message and helps them out.

04-23-14, 11:00
I met this girl the other day. I saw a girl I was hesitant to think was an SW because she was wearing a short sun dress, heels, legs up to here, totally clean and normal-looking. Not what the mongers (or, inexplicably, what some people call "mongerers" because they apparently don't see that the word already ends with "er") usually go for I don't think. Nice girl. Not the most erotic or into her job but definitely one of the best looking girls I've ever seen out there.

Also, she told me that one of the reasons the K is almost completely empty is because a lot of girls have been locked up.

Ashley just gave me the ok to post her pics. Here they are! BTW, I'm now a "Senior"! Congratulate me!

312872312877312878312879 312881 312882.

Cephlapod Love
04-23-14, 15:25
"felt" like a "one time" deal. Keep in mind the "nervous" factor. Thinking back I coulda asked for number but didn't. They were from Georgia. He was 53 and she was 43. They say they have 3 kids and married 22 yrs. In the back of my mind I wanted the number but the "big" head prevailed and said it was "unwise" to think there could be more of this without some sorta drama happening. Make sense?Dude! You hit the Holy Grail and you were freaked out?

There is a whole group of people who enjoy that thing. The guy gets off on watching his woman with another guy. Shoot for most of them the guy wants to "clean her up" when you are done depositing in her or he wants to feel the sensation of sloppy seconds.

You can find those types on a website called wife lovers dot com. Stories, pictures and videos.

Most of these people are pretty straight forward. If you ask they will answer. Not looking for trouble or drama. In order to ease your fear one needs to ask enough questions of the couple. Yeah, go ahead and ask if the dude is bi or bi-curious. Make your wishes known about man to ma contact. Look this is all about the woman's fun and pleasure. Sure the guy is going to be there because you are a stranger and he wants to make sure she is safe. Anything you can do that would make them trust you increases your chances of playing with her alone. The chances that a dude tries something is low, after all his woman is there and you could turn on her and then he has a problem. Also having woman in the mix tends to neutralize egos and testosterone a bit. When dudes get wonky in their thinking and action often the word of a woman diffuses things. Or at least long enough to get out of a situation.

Don't be afraid if you find this again. Just talk to them, get to know what they want and desire and then go F the heck out of the woman and have fun! They want you for your ability to pleasure the woman. You do that and there are smiles all around!

God luck!

04-23-14, 19:51

I have been here a while and I should try to get senior member but never post picuters.

The following is just an experience I had to hopefully help others. I was 'dating' this girl Nicole (no pics on this forum) for a few times. I met up with her today and my spider senses where tingling (mistake number one) and she was late like 1 hour. However she is female and that is what they always do.

She begs me to take her to the spot and I have done that a few times in the past (mistake number two).

{Of course I had a feeling she would take off on me because (a) she was late (b) she is a flyers fan. }.

Then I made (mistake number four) - she has my number and maybe knows where I live.

So when I text-ed her 'hey why did you leave' ...it became a nightmare.

I will have to change my phone number (mistake number five. Always use a 'throwaway' phone) and hopefully she is not smart enough to come to my house.

Of course the 5 times we dated previous she was telling me how much she 'cares for me' and how nice I am. Reading these forums when girls say they 'like you alot' 1 out of 10.

Times you will get BURNED BAD.

Take home message use the rules that others have set out.

(a) no giving your phone number.

(b) don't take them to your real house. Even if you are single like me.

(c) don't help them to get drugs up front before the date.

Some rules I will add.

(I) don't believe "I like you a lot" crap.

(ii) if you have a feeling. Most of the time it is correct go with it.

(iii) if the girl takes off on you even it is a good amount of money. Let it go cause they have nothing to loose to get back at you.

(iv) always use a condom when having sex.

I hope someone reads this message and helps them out.Very good advice, Thanks. Point ii above is the best.

04-24-14, 09:32
Dude! You hit the Holy Grail and you were freaked out?

There is a whole group of people who enjoy that thing. The guy gets off on watching his woman with another guy. Shoot for most of them the guy wants to "clean her up" when you are done depositing in her or he wants to feel the sensation of sloppy seconds.

You can find those types on a website called wife lovers dot com. Stories, pictures and videos.

Most of these people are pretty straight forward. If you ask they will answer. Not looking for trouble or drama. In order to ease your fear one needs to ask enough questions of the couple. Yeah, go ahead and ask if the dude is bi or bi-curious. Make your wishes known about man to ma contact. Look this is all about the woman's fun and pleasure. Sure the guy is going to be there because you are a stranger and he wants to make sure she is safe. Anything you can do that would make them trust you increases your chances of playing with her alone. The chances that a dude tries something is low, after all his woman is there and you could turn on her and then he has a problem. Also having woman in the mix tends to neutralize egos and testosterone a bit. When dudes get wonky in their thinking and action often the word of a woman diffuses things. Or at least long enough to get out of a situation.

Don't be afraid if you find this again. Just talk to them, get to know what they want and desire and then go F the heck out of the woman and have fun! They want you for your ability to pleasure the woman. You do that and there are smiles all around!

God luck!Ceph...that site is awesome...and it brings some clarity. Thought I seen it all LOL. Again Thanks!

04-24-14, 10:41
Ceph...that site is awesome...and it brings some clarity. Thought I seen it all LOL. Again Thanks!It seems to be a pay site. Is there anything of value there in the free section? I can't find anything, and certainly don't want to shell out some $$ unless I'm sure it's legit.

04-24-14, 15:56
I found Alley, at tall skinny brunette, along Jasper yesterday around noon. She said she hasn't been out for awhile since she doesn't like the cold winters. She was very friendly and seemed eager to give me the service I wanted. She started the BBBJ, then stopped to pull up her shirt and undo her panties so I could play with her during the service. She finished with excellent DT and CIM. When she pulled up her shirt I knew I would definitly wanted to see her again, next week for FS, she agreed and gave me her number. Can't wait.

04-24-14, 16:37
It seems to be a pay site. Is there anything of value there in the free section? I can't find anything, and certainly don't want to shell out some $$ unless I'm sure it's legit.Mal: For me I registered as a user. It is actually free to register. Once registered I "handpicked" a few stories that related to my experience. One stuck out in my mind that was interesting was something of reference of a "Woman wearing a black dress at a bar". Scroll down and see if you can find one that match that description. It was hot and believable. I was "shellshocked" that this even happens. I can't see myself allowing my wife to fuck another dude with me watching LOL. Apparently on this site anything seems to go as long as the "rules / criteria" is met. In this particular case the hubby allows his wife to seduce another guy at the bar in a "dance" while he watched from afar. After all, I'm just an old man. .

Cephlapod Love
04-25-14, 15:23
It seems to be a pay site. Is there anything of value there in the free section? I can't find anything, and certainly don't want to shell out some $$ unless I'm sure it's legit.Dude it is a legit website. I have never registered and there is plenty of free content. Look on the left column for the "Home" button. Punch that and up pops a menu divided in half. The left side of which is Free content. Now if one does sign up for free there is a dating section where one can post adverts or respond.


Look, entering this world is a BIG difference from the SW scene. There are a million guys available to any couple to do a wife. What gets you the "date" is being polite, non-pushy, non-treatening and kind. Dudes are a dime a dozen. So think about how you would want your SO to be treated or how you would want a sister treated and do that and you'll distinguish yourself from the plethora of guys who behave badly. Some women MAY want to be treated like a **** or a working girl, but I would not start there. Start calling her that without her giving you clues that is what she wants and you may find drama. Focus on getting her off and you'll stand a chance of being invited back.

Hey, I have done this before. The most recent round was a couple married, but not to each other. Met them at a bar, had her laughing at my corny jokes and eventually went back to their hotel room. Spent 3-hours pleasing her but he was a bit of a jerk. Every time I moved in to do something with her he joined in and cock-blocked me. Last thing I needed was his junk in my face as I'm doing her missionary and he now wants a BJ?

But I have met couples like yours, where the hubby wanted to watch. Did that a few times and she eventually ended up playing with me alone! It is as good as a SW or Escort date- great sex, do as much as you want and when you get tired or bored, send her home and let someone else deal with her drama!

Oh and about "I thought I had seen it all" comment... I use to say that, but every time I think I HAVE seen it all, some new weirdo or freak out there emerges and surprises me. Never doubt the potential depths of depravity of your fellow bipeds! LOL!

04-27-14, 23:43
Gents I've been reading and you've been talking about this Ashley girl. I'm just wondering if it's the same one I was with and she was great. The only thing she wanted to do is please me. She's not one of them girls who are always rushing you, plus she has a great ass on her. She is found on Jasper walking between Cumberland and Huntingdon. If you want to know more about her message me.Hey friend can I get the contact.

04-28-14, 07:55
Dude it is a legit website. I have never registered and there is plenty of free content. Look on the left column for the "Home" button. Punch that and up pops a menu divided in half. The left side of which is Free content. Now if one does sign up for free there is a dating section where one can post adverts or respond.


Look, entering this world is a BIG difference from the SW scene. There are a million guys available to any couple to do a wife. What gets you the "date" is being polite, non-pushy, non-treatening and kind. Dudes are a dime a dozen. So think about how you would want your SO to be treated or how you would want a sister treated and do that and you'll distinguish yourself from the plethora of guys who behave badly. Some women MAY want to be treated like a **** or a working girl, but I would not start there. Start calling her that without her giving you clues that is what she wants and you may find drama. Focus on getting her off and you'll stand a chance of being invited back.

Hey, I have done this before. The most recent round was a couple married, but not to each other. Met them at a bar, had her laughing at my corny jokes and eventually went back to their hotel room. Spent 3-hours pleasing her but he was a bit of a jerk. Every time I moved in to do something with her he joined in and cock-blocked me. Last thing I needed was his junk in my face as I'm doing her missionary and he now wants a BJ?

But I have met couples like yours, where the hubby wanted to watch. Did that a few times and she eventually ended up playing with me alone! It is as good as a SW or Escort date- great sex, do as much as you want and when you get tired or bored, send her home and let someone else deal with her drama!

Oh and about "I thought I had seen it all" comment... I use to say that, but every time I think I HAVE seen it all, some new weirdo or freak out there emerges and surprises me. Never doubt the potential depths of depravity of your fellow bipeds! LOL!Ceph:

Very good story indeed also...except the cock-blocking part. I registered for free on the site so that I can post if I desired to.

On another note: Is there any intel out there on a woman named Samantha. She approx. 155 lbs, 5'4, nice ass, nothing atop, approx. 45 ish. Found between Lehigh and Huntington or Susequana.

04-29-14, 03:27
Just now coming back from nice time with Robin met this one near Van Krick and Toresdale nice dirty blonde mid size. She asked 50 for half / half BBBJ.

And so on she used lots of spit and fluctuated from deep throat to licking the top. Then I slipped s condom on she signaled towards me on top but after awkward pause she quickly jumped on top and started riding I then switched position to laying down next to her lifting one of her legs over my shoulder and you know. After all was said and done I had pretty good 20 minutes on the ride back to where I plucked her from I siad now I can go home and sleep well she responded with at least you have home to sleep in but ill be allright hinting towards she was trying to find place to sleep because when I picked her up she asked if I lived near here. When we had arived at the drop of point she reached in for hug I did not expect that and was caught off gaurd so I reached around with one arm and rubed her back she said I could find her around same area. I think she was nice but wanted a place to crash but I just wanted to leave and go to sleep. Over all she was all smiles knew what to do with out saying much.

05-01-14, 22:36
I was stuck in Philly on Wednesday and my first plan was flaking on me. I decided I would try the K even though it was down pouring. Amazing I lucked out and found Angelina near 7-11. She is a tall strawberry blonde beauty. After quick cop check her hand was in my pants as I was driving, twice sucking me at stop lights. She had an excellent body, perfect tits and beautiful smile. She gave an energetic BBBJCIM with plenty hand action. Definitely can wait to see her again.

Mike Twist
05-08-14, 10:09
Anybody feel like helping an old time lurker here LOL? Coming in Friday eve and would love to hook up with a reliable girl of the younger persuasion. Anybody with a contact to my old fave Melissa would be great too.

05-08-14, 13:19
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

05-13-14, 20:27
Picked up Angie couple of weeks ago. Had a good time, she is indeed talented. She called me the other day to play, I was nearby so we met up. Another nice session. The first time I picked her up she talked about this site and how she had all these great reviews. Didn't have the heart to tell her that Ashley was getting all the mentions.

She works a block off K St in an effort to not draw too much attention.


05-14-14, 10:30
Met Ashley on a side street at the southern end around 4-5 pm a few days ago. Absolute spinner, very small girl, nice ass even if she could use a few more pounds on the rest of her. Spent an hour with her. Not a clock watcher, does not rush. Had multiple pops with her. Very nice and polite, aims to please. Swallowed everything I could give her. Digits availible for trusted members. Couple pics later on.Spinner Ashley is everything PhillyNightOwl said her to be. Thanks to him I was able to hook up with her and sample her talents. Her oral skills are superb, she can take it all the way in down to the boys. Had to stop her sooner than I wanted otherwise I would have surely popped. Cowgirl, mish, doggie, then back to mish where I filled the bag during a nice long wet kiss.

05-15-14, 07:05
Any action around Parx casino?

05-15-14, 16:17
Any action around Parx casino?No. Sometimes some backpage girls are holed up in hotels around the area, but be careful: The area is notorious for sting operations.

05-16-14, 10:43
Any action around Parx casino?What are you looking for? Their are some girls that offer incall or outcall? No streetwalkers. Some of the strip joints offer OTC or fun in the back room.

05-17-14, 12:51
Just took a troll, empty. I never hit it at right time. Anyone have a digits?

05-18-14, 16:05
Happy Sunday to all. Happen to take a drive today on the K. I repeatedly hear and read there are some slim pickings as of late. I have no idea where these people are looking, but it certainly can't be the Ave.

I picked up some coffee about 9:00 am and headed to the Sweet Spot. From Erie and Torresdale I rolled down to the lower end around Cumberland. I was simply on a recon mission. Not really looking, just getting a handle on the view from my vehicle. Now from one end to the other in the first sweep I counted 16 girls that I personally know are working. That's right 16.

This may seem out of the ordinary for some with less experience than myself. The girls are available out there. Some tell me they are not as busy as they have been in the past. Many mongers simply are trying to get bargain prices. I have been told by many of the girls there are a select few mongers that try to get into the game for around ten dollars. Just a word to the wise, those girls that are entertaining you for that exchange would be best left alone. The best thing one can do for themselves out there is play the game safe. Always keep in mind the field is never level in this game. NEVER. Those of you that may think it is are in for a very rude awakening. I also found out due to the overcrowding on State Rd there have been many recent releases.

Keeping that in mind, remember there might be some faces out there you are not familiar with. The M O is still the same. It seems to be the trend what they get locked up for initially they go right back to doing when they return. Kind of like that saying "you can't teach old dogs new tricks".

Those of you that seem glued to "just the Ave mentality" don't underestimate the power of the side streets. There are a large amount of entertainers that don't even deal with the Ave. I'm talking about first class entertainers. They tend to work solely on the side streets, such as Jasper, Emerald, Cambria, even Frankford Ave. I personally know of girls as far up as Rhawn and Frankford. Just have to know what you are looking for.

What causes this is quite simple. On the Ave many of the girls have very little issue with City Uncle LEO. In fact some are clients of some of the girls during off hours. The biggest concern of the girls is the Task units (warrant, vice) and the Tranny Cops (SEPTA). Those are the wannabes. The ones that couldn't, make it to the real force so they work for SEPTA. There is also a huge amount of under cover contingent out there. People that look like the average junkie have turned up to be LEO.

Don't listen to those that might say they aren't real cops. They will harass the shit out of you. They are as sneaky and underhanded as any city cop on the force. Where the city force may have bigger fish to fry, the Tranny's tend to handle the small shit. Hence the girls tend to avoid them as much as they can.

Always maintaining an acute awareness of what one is looking for, where to find it, what it will take to get it will accomplish your goals more quickly than cruising up and down the Ave. Another thought to be mindful of is you are not the only one doing what you are doing. Don't drive up and down the strip at 8 miles an hour looking left then right for 5 blocks. You stick out like a Blonde with big tits. Try blending in. Drive within the speed limit. Train your eyes to scan ahead so you have an idea of what you are approaching. If your phone rings pull to the side of the street and keep other drivers and pedestrians safe. Try not to draw any unwanted attention to yourself from LEO or others in the area. By doing this you will be less obvious and less apt to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

Above all, when enjoying your hobby be safe and play safe.

Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

05-18-14, 16:24
I am fairly surprised to hear that there some SW's if any working on a Sunday morning...? Seems like there this few if any SW's working on Sundays at least in recent years on the west coast. There was one time when I actually saw 2 or 3 fairly good SW's working on Christmas days. These days I am lucky to see a single SW all month and SD and have to settle for Tijuana. Sometimes I am tempted to move where there is more SW's around.

Happy Sunday to all. Happen to take a drive today on the K. I repeatedly hear and read there are some slim pickings as of late. I have no idea where these people are looking, but it certainly can't be the Ave.

I picked up some coffee about 9:00 am and headed to the Sweet Spot. From Erie and Torresdale I rolled down to the lower end around Cumberland. I was simply on a recon mission. Not really looking, just getting a handle on the view from my vehicle. Now from one end to the other in the first sweep I counted 16 girls that I personally know are working. That's right 16.

This may seem out of the ordinary for some with less experience than myself. The girls are available out there. Some tell me they are not as busy as they have been in the past. Many mongers simply are trying to get bargain prices. I have been told by many of the girls there are a select few mongers that try to get into the game for around ten dollars. Just a word to the wise, those girls that are entertaining you for that exchange would be best left alone. The best thing one can do for themselves out there is play the game safe. Always keep in mind the field is never level in this game. NEVER. Those of you that may think it is are in for a very rude awakening. I also found out due to the overcrowding on State Rd there have been many recent releases.

Keeping that in mind, remember there might be some faces out there you are not familiar with. The M O is still the same. It seems to be the trend what they get locked up for initially they go right back to doing when they return. Kind of like that saying "you can't teach old dogs new tricks".

Those of you that seem glued to "just the Ave mentality" don't underestimate the power of the side streets. There are a large amount of entertainers that don't even deal with the Ave. I'm talking about first class entertainers. They tend to work solely on the side streets, such as Jasper, Emerald, Cambria, even Frankford Ave. I personally know of girls as far up as Rhawn and Frankford. Just have to know what you are looking for.

What causes this is quite simple. On the Ave many of the girls have very little issue with City Uncle LEO. In fact some are clients of some of the girls during off hours. The biggest concern of the girls is the Task units (warrant, vice) and the Tranny Cops (SEPTA). Those are the wannabes. The ones that couldn't, make it to the real force so they work for SEPTA. There is also a huge amount of under cover contingent out there. People that look like the average junkie have turned up to be LEO.

Don't listen to those that might say they aren't real cops. They will harass the shit out of you. They are as sneaky and underhanded as any city cop on the force. Where the city force may have bigger fish to fry, the Tranny's tend to handle the small shit. Hence the girls tend to avoid them as much as they can.

Always maintaining an acute awareness of what one is looking for, where to find it, what it will take to get it will accomplish your goals more quickly than cruising up and down the Ave. Another thought to be mindful of is you are not the only one doing what you are doing. Don't drive up and down the strip at 8 miles an hour looking left then right for 5 blocks. You stick out like a Blonde with big tits. Try blending in. Drive within the speed limit. Train your eyes to scan ahead so you have an idea of what you are approaching. If your phone rings pull to the side of the street and keep other drivers and pedestrians safe. Try not to draw any unwanted attention to yourself from LEO or others in the area. By doing this you will be less obvious and less apt to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

Above all, when enjoying your hobby be safe and play safe.

Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

05-18-14, 22:46
No. Sometimes some backpage girls are holed up in hotels around the area, but be careful: The area is notorious for sting operations.Don't do it. Bensalem cops got nothing to do so they set up stings and DUI. Don't do it. Much trouble.

05-22-14, 20:23
Just met today beautifull 21 years old black girl, never seen her on the streets. Her name is London, just got her cell phone number.

Has anyone got more info about her?

Cephlapod Love
05-23-14, 11:02
Just met today beautifull 21 years old black girl, never seen her on the streets. Her name is London, just got her cell phone number.

Has anyone got more info about her?Where did you find her? What did you talk about? What kind of damages was she looking for? How would you describe her? Height? Weight? Hair? Eyes? Chest? Booty? Belly?

05-23-14, 17:13
Ok so from about 3:15 this afternoon until now I did several revolutions on the K from all the way down at front to up frankford past the split. Around E.Harold I saw a cute dark blond wearin a zebra print mini. She was pretty but I was in the mood for Spanish take out. Not really that many until past allegheny spotted a cute petite LSW with a red haired thin friend. I wanted the LSW so I went to make the block and when I came back at Russell st warrant task force had the red haired one in cuffs and my LSW was nowhere to be seen. I am guessing nothing good came out of it for her.

Further down on Venango I saw a cute blond with jeans and a denim type shirt. She had a 7 or 8 body but the face was like a 6. If not for my determination for Goya I would have scooped her. There was a BSW a little before her that was a 0 on my scale. As we go farther north at the corner of Pike there was what looked to be an older WSW brunette wearing big sunglasses but the body was unimpressive. No more that I saw other than the first loop when I went back south I turned before allegheny so I don't know if the situation on that end perked up or not.

Went home empty handed but that happens more often then not. What can I say I am picky and get in moods for certain flavored of take out! LOL. Philly police was out in there normal numbers and really did not look overly concerned. There were a few bike cops at the 7-11 and an undercover. Only unusual activity was the WTF UC. If I can find a cute LSW I'm going to make her my down low chick! Peace fellow travelers.

Teddy Nomad
05-23-14, 18:02
Reaching out to the forum, I have been trying to find out information about a street walker named Alison, she is 28/29 she is tall about 5'7, 5'8". Skinny, around 105-110, with very long brunette hair. Usually found around sergeant street, she has no piercings, except for ears, and a small tattoo on her foot. She is college educated and is very sweet to be around.

She was locked up, got out, living with some guy up by the Neshimany Mall.

I took very good care of her for a while, and then we parted ways, she knew my number and would call me and we would see each other once or twice a month or so.

I haven't heard from her in a while, anyone with news, sighting, is she locked back up? Maybe she is with a sugardaddy, any information would be helpful.

Thanks so much.


05-24-14, 18:43
Visiting your fine city read some back post put some intel together and hit the streets. Man you guys have one hell of a hunting ground over here. I was cruisng some side streets between K and front and along jasper and I ran into a WSW name Danielle blond hair pulled back in a bun pink shirt grey pants and what a butt on her. Paid a Jackson to hear her sing a song on the mic and had a blast. On my way out of the area I seen a super small little WSW black hair brown eyes not much of a talker said her name was T she was a bit nervous since I'm not from the area. Another Jackson to hear her sing it was decent enough. On my way out seen a under covers pull over a fellow monger officers were driving a blue dodge ram 1500 with tinted windows and a white cargo can. Just down the street from the pawn shop by front. If anyone has any safety tips for this area or people places to stay away from please pm me.

05-26-14, 04:37
I was passing thru K and Somerset Last week and ran into Platimum Blonde Katie, she said she was tied up for a minute on State Road and just got out.

Happy Sunday to all. Happen to take a drive today on the K. I repeatedly hear and read there are some slim pickings as of late. I have no idea where these people are looking, but it certainly can't be the Ave.

I picked up some coffee about 9:00 am and headed to the Sweet Spot. From Erie and Torresdale I rolled down to the lower end around Cumberland. I was simply on a recon mission. Not really looking, just getting a handle on the view from my vehicle. Now from one end to the other in the first sweep I counted 16 girls that I personally know are working. That's right 16.

This may seem out of the ordinary for some with less experience than myself. The girls are available out there. Some tell me they are not as busy as they have been in the past. Many mongers simply are trying to get bargain prices. I have been told by many of the girls there are a select few mongers that try to get into the game for around ten dollars. Just a word to the wise, those girls that are entertaining you for that exchange would be best left alone. The best thing one can do for themselves out there is play the game safe. Always keep in mind the field is never level in this game. NEVER. Those of you that may think it is are in for a very rude awakening. I also found out due to the overcrowding on State Rd there have been many recent releases.

Keeping that in mind, remember there might be some faces out there you are not familiar with. The M O is still the same. It seems to be the trend what they get locked up for initially they go right back to doing when they return. Kind of like that saying "you can't teach old dogs new tricks".

Those of you that seem glued to "just the Ave mentality" don't underestimate the power of the side streets. There are a large amount of entertainers that don't even deal with the Ave. I'm talking about first class entertainers. They tend to work solely on the side streets, such as Jasper, Emerald, Cambria, even Frankford Ave. I personally know of girls as far up as Rhawn and Frankford. Just have to know what you are looking for.

What causes this is quite simple. On the Ave many of the girls have very little issue with City Uncle LEO. In fact some are clients of some of the girls during off hours. The biggest concern of the girls is the Task units (warrant, vice) and the Tranny Cops (SEPTA). Those are the wannabes. The ones that couldn't, make it to the real force so they work for SEPTA. There is also a huge amount of under cover contingent out there. People that look like the average junkie have turned up to be LEO.

Don't listen to those that might say they aren't real cops. They will harass the shit out of you. They are as sneaky and underhanded as any city cop on the force. Where the city force may have bigger fish to fry, the Tranny's tend to handle the small shit. Hence the girls tend to avoid them as much as they can.

Always maintaining an acute awareness of what one is looking for, where to find it, what it will take to get it will accomplish your goals more quickly than cruising up and down the Ave. Another thought to be mindful of is you are not the only one doing what you are doing. Don't drive up and down the strip at 8 miles an hour looking left then right for 5 blocks. You stick out like a Blonde with big tits. Try blending in. Drive within the speed limit. Train your eyes to scan ahead so you have an idea of what you are approaching. If your phone rings pull to the side of the street and keep other drivers and pedestrians safe. Try not to draw any unwanted attention to yourself from LEO or others in the area. By doing this you will be less obvious and less apt to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

Above all, when enjoying your hobby be safe and play safe.

Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

05-27-14, 04:26
I found this one ways off the normal stroll near cottman thick white and is new to the biz and it shows on body and face very clean with her most things are on table except CIM I have the number I normaly don't get the number but she lives in a cleaner hood so I figured why not.

Gscs Ret
05-29-14, 08:40
Fellow senior members. I am visiting philly next Monday and Tuesday night. If you look back at my posts in my profile I used to contribute to this board and gave numbers out to a bunch of members. Could someone hook me up with contact info for Maryann and / or Angela? If I find anything while in town I will post and gladly share contact info.

Thanks Jim.

05-29-14, 09:30
Is there increased legality with picking up a SW in a school zone?

Many girls stand on the corner say 25 yards from schools etc?

I would think it would be extra punishment.

I heard johns must take classes now if caught picking up SW in Philadelphia?

05-29-14, 14:48
Is there increased legality with picking up a SW in a school zone?

Many girls stand on the corner say 25 yards from schools etc?

I would think it would be extra punishment.

I heard johns must take classes now if caught picking up SW in Philadelphia?Please someone comment if I have it wrong: The way a monger gets busted is to solicit undercover LE. The way to avoid that is to know who is who before saying anything. There are special provisions about drugs and alcohol near schools. I don't know if that extends to solicitation. What is the likelihood that LE will set up a sting in a school zone?

05-29-14, 15:20
Please someone comment if I have it wrong: The way a monger gets busted is to solicit undercover LE. The way to avoid that is to know who is who before saying anything. There are special provisions about drugs and alcohol near schools. I don't know if that extends to solicitation. What is the likelihood that LE will set up a sting in a school zone?They set up stings where ever the hookers work. They never pick spots where there were never any girls.

05-29-14, 16:35
Please someone comment if I have it wrong: The way a monger gets busted is to solicit undercover LE. The way to avoid that is to know who is who before saying anything. There are special provisions about drugs and alcohol near schools. I don't know if that extends to solicitation. What is the likelihood that LE will set up a sting in a school zone?I got ticket for pulling over near bus zone for SW just to ask her directions.

If one gets in your car with drugs, warrants, or record you could be guilty by association.

05-30-14, 09:55
I got ticket for pulling over near bus zone for SW just to ask her directions.

If one gets in your car with drugs, warrants, or record you could be guilty by association.I would say they have used up their drugs by the time the get in and that is why they are with us.

05-30-14, 15:36
Is there increased legality with picking up a SW in a school zone?

Many girls stand on the corner say 25 yards from schools etc?

I would think it would be extra punishment.

I heard johns must take classes now if caught picking up SW in Philadelphia?They just did one yesterday at Sargent and Huntingdon there's a school there. .I was walking a friend down and they told her not to go down there. The girls they had out were not the greatest looking either.

Gscs Ret
06-02-14, 06:21
I will be in town tonight and Tuesday. Does anyone have a good contact they could share? I received Ashley's number from one of your generous members but could use one more. If you look at my profile I have reviews I posted in Philly before and always shared with members.


06-02-14, 06:49
I would say they have used up their drugs by the time the get in and that is why they are with us. That is by far not true. Several times seen them take a quick hit on the low after hopping in. Not to mention they are often carrying their utensils on them. Either can get you a quick trip to the city motel. Not saying you will receive any major sentencing but once you've got those hand cuffs on you you've already paid a heavy price.

06-02-14, 09:00
In some states like CA it is a crime to commit a lewd act near a school. I was looking at the Pennsylvania code (http: www. Legis. State. Pa. Us / WU01/ LI / LI / CT / HTM /18/00. 059. HTM) your state does not appear to have a law such as that.

If you get a ticket for merely picking up a SW you can beat this in court by arguing that you were simply giving the girl a ride. Case law precludes a conviction if this is argued in court regardless of whether she a working girl or not. Just get a aggressive attorney a have him tell the city attorney that this is your defense. If you ask for a trial chances are they will drop it. Either way you have a very strong defense if you did not admit guilt to the cop.

Cephlapod Love
06-02-14, 09:42
In some states like CA it is a crime to commit a lewd act near a school. I was looking at the Pennsylvania code (http: www. Legis. State. Pa. Us / WU01/ LI / LI / CT / HTM /18/00. 059. HTM) your state does not appear to have a law such as that. In our neighbor to the south. Delaware, it is written into the law that patronizing a prostitute with in 1,000 feet of a school residence, church, synagogue or other place of worship carries a mandatory fine of $1,000. Also that fine can not be suspended or waved by the judge. Oh and the legislature was kind enough to add a paragraph that says even if you didn't know you were within 1,000 ft or one of those, you are still guilty! Nice. Now think about it, where in DE is one going to find a SW that ISN'T within 1,000 feet of one of these?

If you get a ticket for merely picking up a SW you can beat this in court by arguing that you were simply giving the girl a ride. Case law precludes a conviction if this is argued in court regardless of whether she a working girl or not. Just get a aggressive attorney a have him tell the city attorney that this is your defense. If you ask for a trial chances are they will drop it. Either way you have a very strong defense if you did not admit guilt to the cop. Last sentence is a good point and usually the crux of the matter. PD tells me that 99% of the time his hands are tied because the perp confessed or made incriminating statements to LE. Remember gents. The cops are trained to get you to talk and to get you to incriminate yourself. They can tell you they will make it easier on you if you just tell the truth. DON'T DO IT! Only the prosecutor or judge can make a deal with you, NOT the cop. Do not tell lies, but no need to talk to the cop at all.

06-02-14, 09:49
That is by far not true. Several times seen them take a quick hit on the low after hopping in. Not to mention they are often carrying their utensils on them. Either can get you a quick trip to the city motel. Not saying you will receive any major sentencing but once you've got those hand cuffs on you you've already paid a heavy price. True they have their utensils on them, but 99% of the time they are trying to get the cash to get more.

Over the years, I try to use the same ones and most of them only smoke, that I know of.

06-02-14, 21:32
Basically either you or the prostitute have to admit to solicitation under this law. Just remember that the cops no longer have to read you your Miranda rights any more.

In our neighbor to the south. Delaware, it is written into the law that patronizing a prostitute with in 1,000 feet of a school residence, church, synagogue or other place of worship carries a mandatory fine of $1,000. Also that fine can not be suspended or waved by the judge. Oh and the legislature was kind enough to add a paragraph that says even if you didn't know you were within 1,000 ft or one of those, you are still guilty! Nice. Now think about it, where in DE is one going to find a SW that ISN'T within 1,000 feet of one of these?

Last sentence is a good point and usually the crux of the matter. PD tells me that 99% of the time his hands are tied because the perp confessed or made incriminating statements to LE. Remember gents. The cops are trained to get you to talk and to get you to incriminate yourself. They can tell you they will make it easier on you if you just tell the truth. DON'T DO IT! Only the prosecutor or judge can make a deal with you, NOT the cop. Do not tell lies, but no need to talk to the cop at all.

Cephlapod Love
06-03-14, 18:37
Basically either you or the prostitute have to admit to solicitation under this law. Yeah, as long as you do not offer money for sex to an under cover LE or informant. Sheet! I have even sat in front of a Cop's house, talking to a SW and in the end gave her cash. Bottom line: keep your trap shut.

Just remember that the cops no longer have to read you your Miranda rights any more. Now that is an interesting comment. What is the basis? What changed?

06-05-14, 01:04
Now that is an interesting comment. What is the basis? What changed?Probably a misunderstanding of a supreme court ruling from a few years ago. It's a very narrow case, related to not alerting a suspect to the fact they can just sit there and shut up.


Cephlapod Love
06-05-14, 12:51
Probably a misunderstanding of a supreme court ruling from a few years ago. It's a very narrow case, related to not alerting a suspect to the fact they can just sit there and shut up.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/21/supreme-court-miranda-rights-interrogations_n_1291232.htmlThanks for that link. That IS a very narrow situation: when a person is already in jail (custody) on one crime, the person can be questioned about other crimes without being "read their rights!

Point salient to those reading this thread is that when questioned by police, one is under NO obligation to talk (other than to ID self) and the best policy is to keep yer mouth shut. Point is that LE is trained to get you to TALK and to incriminate one's self. Who needs eye-witnesses, physical evidence, etc if they have a CONFESSION. Only after you confess will you be arrested, THEN yo will be read your Miranda rights (too late!

I have posted before, watch and memorize the BUSTED video. I can post a link again if anyone needs it.

Be safe!

06-05-14, 13:14
The supreme court ruled several years ago that the Miranda warning is not mandatory. Your Miranda rights still remain regardless of whether you are arrest or if they are read to you.


Yeah, as long as you do not offer money for sex to an under cover LE or informant. Sheet! I have even sat in front of a Cop's house, talking to a SW and in the end gave her cash. Bottom line: keep your trap shut.

Now that is an interesting comment. What is the basis? What changed?

06-06-14, 17:26
It was a nice day and thought I would take a cruz down to K. Not too much around that I noticed, but it was not the best time to go hunting. Wound up hooking up a WSW, cute, 5'6 - 5'8, skinny, dirty blond hair, late 20's or early 30's, bit older than I usually like but took a chance. Her name was Carla I believe, or Carol. Not bad BJ, doesn't mind going way down, and did not rush me, I was a bit distracted so it took longer than usual. Sounds like all doors are open, which I like. She didn't have a # but I gave her my burner #, see if she calls.

On the way home, I saw beautiful blonde WSW in a nice sun dress, but I had already spent my wad and load so I did not stop, wish I saw her first. Hope the summer brings out the better looking SW'ers.

Rush 2112
06-10-14, 18:17
Hello Philly!

My employer is sending here for a few days. Will be in town Early wed till mid morning on Friday.

I'm highly respected in the Manchester NH board. See my posts.

Interested in meeting Mary Ann she's the type I really like. Or a suitable equivalant.

I'm not looking to photograph her. I do photos with my girls up here.

So I guess I'm the cookie jar of NH hahahaha.

I would be looking for Thursday evening. Anybody feel like helping me out while i'm in town?

Looking foward to visiting.


06-11-14, 02:37
Met this one by the furthest end light skin spanish SW with skinny body and short type and nice black hair nice bloe job and very and I mean very tight pussy.

Luckly she had digits definatly repeating.

06-13-14, 01:03
Meet a short little thing, she called herself Dana. Tiny little thing, really my type but she was either tired or just not into it. She was nice enough, no BS but just really not into it. YYMV, BJ for $30, she tired to ask me for something and then stopped herself. BJ was not very good. I wanted to try some V but she was on the rag so I passed. No digits, which sucks because I really want to find a regular but probably not really much of a loss.

06-13-14, 07:45
Meet a short little thing, she called herself Dana. Tiny little thing, really my type but she was either tired or just not into it. She was nice enough, no BS but just really not into it. YYMV, BJ for $30, she tired to ask me for something and then stopped herself. BJ was not very good. I wanted to try some V but she was on the rag so I passed. No digits, which sucks because I really want to find a regular but probably not really much of a loss.That SW' was lying, probl' wasn't on her rag'. Don't get played next time. Or just kick her out and stroll on'.

06-13-14, 16:29
Meet a short little thing, she called herself Dana. Tiny little thing, really my type but she was either tired or just not into it. She was nice enough, no BS but just really not into it. YYMV, BJ for $30, she tired to ask me for something and then stopped herself. BJ was not very good. I wanted to try some V but she was on the rag so I passed. No digits, which sucks because I really want to find a regular but probably not really much of a loss.Was just wondering if the girl you refer to as Dana is the pictured girl here? If it is you can consider yourself lucky. She is as bad as Crazy Katie for those that remember her. This girl goes by the name JLo, Josinia, or Dana, or a variation of one of these. She is tiny maybe 4' 8" or thereabouts. Nice rack. Usually clean. Long below the shoulder hair. Nice butt. Everything guys want in a girl. She is cute also.

Without going into a great deal of detail this girl is BAD NEWS. I repeat VERY BAD NEWS.

About a year ago I did a report on her. She cannot be trusted with the time of day. If you see her she will steal anything that isn't nailed down. I have spoke with mongers that regret the day they "dated" Dana.

There are other issues about her that are very important I am unable to divulge in this report but will gladly share the details with any senior member that might PM me.

With girls like her it is always wise to stay safe in more ways than one. She has recently been working the lower end from Somerset to about Cumberland. Be very careful with this one. I would stay away. Me I'm just an 'OL Gator.

06-13-14, 16:37
That is her, thanks for the heads up.

06-14-14, 11:43
Dated Ashley yesterday, very pretty and petite. I know some of you already reported about her but just wanted to say she is very well worth what she asks for. She is pretty intelligent also. Good conversations good at what she does. To those that know her you know what I mean. Also if anyone is trying to get hold of her she can only text right now her talk minutes will be on Monday she said. Definitely will date again and again.

06-15-14, 23:00
Dated Ashley yesterday, very pretty and petite. I know some of you already reported about her but just wanted to say she is very well worth what she asks for. She is pretty intelligent also. Good conversations good at what she does. To those that know her you know what I mean. Also if anyone is trying to get hold of her she can only text right now her talk minutes will be on Monday she said. Definitely will date again and again.Is it ok to pm me her number?

If you guys ever go indy, wl exchange info to treat. Thanks.

06-17-14, 08:32
Found Andrea at tioga station, she was going by another name, 5 ft tall blonde with pink highlights said she was from Lansdale, good service no problems would date again, she said she got busted last week by vice and spent a night on State Rd, took her to get brkfst around 3 am and got her to BBBJ before and after going to the diner then on the way back I saw Platinum Blonde Katie at 4 AM standing on Somerset and K at 4 am in the rain, I can never resist picking up a hot blonde so I picked her up.

And she is always nice to spend some time with, then Kelsey called me so I picked Kelsey at Front and Girard, Kelsey is the cheapest of all three at. 2 in all I was served 4 times for 110 by three girls plus breakfast and a pack of newports.

Then Shannon called me but she was at Torresdale and K so I passed on her and called it a night.

Has anyone seen a girl lately that is 5 ft tall with brown hair, nice body and real name is Jamey that used to hang around Huntington station, said the used to work in a center city law office and was married with kids before ending up on the ave? Also what happened to Angel with the fake boobs whose real name is Kelly?

Be Safe.


06-20-14, 08:22
Found Andrea at tioga station, she was going by another name, 5 ft tall blonde with pink highlights said she was from Lansdale, good service no problems would date again, she said she got busted last week by vice and spent a night on State Rd, took her to get brkfst around 3 am and got her to BBBJ before and after going to the diner then on the way back I saw Platinum Blonde Katie at 4 AM standing on Somerset and K at 4 am in the rain, I can never resist picking up a hot blonde so I picked her up.

And she is always nice to spend some time with, then Kelsey called me so I picked Kelsey at Front and Girard, Kelsey is the cheapest of all three at. 2 in all I was served 4 times for 110 by three girls plus breakfast and a pack of newports.

Then Shannon called me but she was at Torresdale and K so I passed on her and called it a night.

Has anyone seen a girl lately that is 5 ft tall with brown hair, nice body and real name is Jamey that used to hang around Huntington station, said the used to work in a center city law office and was married with kids before ending up on the ave? Also what happened to Angel with the fake boobs whose real name is Kelly?

Be Safe.

REPO.I have noticed ALOT of girls lately are wearing bras that make their chests look larger than they really are, they look like they have a nice rack but when the bra comes off they are lucky if they are a A-cup, I also dated one girl who was wearing three.

Bras over top of each other. Now I am only talking about the skinny girls on the ave under 130 lbs. I ran into Brittany from NJ Tues night at Lehigh and she was an exception and then there is angel with the implants but it seems like its getting harder to find a girl with a large chest on the ave.


06-20-14, 13:27
Was just wondering if the girl you refer to as Dana is the pictured girl here? If it is you can consider yourself lucky. She is as bad as Crazy Katie for those that remember her. This girl goes by the name JLo, Josinia, or Dana, or a variation of one of these. She is tiny maybe 4' 8" or thereabouts. Nice rack. Usually clean. Long below the shoulder hair. Nice butt. Everything guys want in a girl. She is cute also.

Without going into a great deal of detail this girl is BAD NEWS. I repeat VERY BAD NEWS.

About a year ago I did a report on her. She cannot be trusted with the time of day. If you see her she will steal anything that isn't nailed down. I have spoke with mongers that regret the day they "dated" Dana.

There are other issues about her that are very important I am unable to divulge in this report but will gladly share the details with any senior member that might PM me.

With girls like her it is always wise to stay safe in more ways than one. She has recently been working the lower end from Somerset to about Cumberland. Be very careful with this one. I would stay away. Me I'm just an 'OL Gator.Jlo or dana my exp did very with her she fid not try anything funny deep thoart then put condon on into doggy I got nervous she took it of to make make it rise agian then hit it in legs closed leaned side ways position she got buck naked got me nice body not a sticker but a smoker but I can tell when I had got done she offered to buy me a drink out of her earning thete is however an odd thing sbout her I can tell when some is going to have a mood swing or is manttaly unstable and I can tell she can very quickly turn into a nightmare how ever not with me because I know how to keep them in line non violently I give half first and half after just because girls can quickly have a mood change after they get money for exaple the girl jay jay any ways I will save my explanation on jay jay for later.

06-22-14, 00:06
Was out and about today (Saturday) It was beautiful weather. First Saw Angie, petite blond, nicely dressed. Next was another petite one Red Head, Tatiana wearing some great 6 inch heels. Then there was Michelle, a little fuller, brown hair and looked most like a Civilian, looked a little offended when I asked her name. Cheryl was a little fuller figured yet. Slim waist but wide top and hips another that looked more like a Civi. The last one I saw in this area was Brandi. She came bounding up to my car and before I could even say anything, she pulls down her top and says, "I'm Brandi, I'm not a cop, Look at my boobs!" Was quite a nice picture in my mind. All this for recon. Hope it is nice again tomorrow, I'll surely have to act on one or two of these morsels. RM 328134.

John Cert
06-23-14, 13:25
Got lucky on Broad and Somerset (I think was the cross street) last week. Is there typically action on broad?

Also a few weeks ago got lucky in Callow hill.

06-26-14, 23:25
Here for work and decided to follow the reports to the hot spot under the tracks. Headed out around 9 PM and drove all the way to the end. Didn't see much so turned around. On my way back saw a skinny dirty blonde walking near one of the stations (sorry not from around here so I don't remember all the streets). She got in and I noticed she was pretty but had a lot of acne scars. She was thin like I like them so we took a ride. She wanted me to take her to McD's which wasnt a problem. After we found a dark spot near the McD where the activities commenced. Total damage was. 7 plus the McD's. The only thing I wasn't to into was she kept saying "we got to be quick" and started saying "you going to cum" as soon as I got in her. I was thinking "yeah ***** but shut the f up" LOL.

Got her digits if you want PM me.

On the way home saw a really hot blonde around Pike? (mentioned in an earlier report). I pulled around and asked for her digits as I was spent. Unfortunately she said she didn't have a phone. Name was Laura. Really sexy and pretty face. Would love to find her again.

Overall I would have to say Philly has much better talent than I have found in other cities I have looked around. Will have to explore more.


Cephlapod Love
06-27-14, 18:49
Here for work and decided to follow the reports to the hot spot under the tracks. Headed out around 9 PM and drove all the way to the end. Didn't see much so turned around. On my way back saw a skinny dirty blonde walking near one of the stations (sorry not from around here so I don't remember all the streets). She got in and I noticed she was pretty but had a lot of acne scars. She was thin like I like them so we took a ride. She wanted me to take her to McD's which wasnt a problem. After we found a dark spot near the McD where the activities commenced. Total damage was. 7 plus the McD's. The only thing I wasn't to into was she kept saying "we got to be quick" and started saying "you going to cum" as soon as I got in her. I was thinking "yeah ***** but shut the f up" LOL.

Got her digits if you want PM me.

On the way home saw a really hot blonde around Pike? (mentioned in an earlier report). I pulled around and asked for her digits as I was spent. Unfortunately she said she didn't have a phone. Name was Laura. Really sexy and pretty face. Would love to find her again.

Overall I would have to say Philly has much better talent than I have found in other cities I have looked around. Will have to explore more.

Cheers!Elliot. Hey thanks for the report! Well done! Sorry to see you have fallen from $5 K babes to drugged SWs. But hey, no problem, I get it! . less likely to end up in the media this way!

Only comment - $70 for a date off the K seems a bit high. Er, unless she was doing something special, like greek? Maybe you finally got that date without a hat? .

Thanks again for the report! Happy hunting!

06-30-14, 10:16
And about along the Ave this morn (5 - 530 AM). Made several trips up and down the Ave. Two transgenders and three WSWs out and that was it. One had on a g string and appeared drunk / drugged out. Absolutely nothing good really to pick from overall. Was rolling two streets past Sargent towards Front and LE was up on my bumper at 0520. There was a BSW that I was eyeballing slightly which prob drew the attention of LE. Made left (dumb me didn't use turn signal) at the food dispensary place they usually dish out for the homeless and he followed me for several blocks. He finally turned on his lights and pulled me over. Gave him reg and lic and got the hell out of there with no ticket.

06-30-14, 10:27
I was out and about on Fri 6/28 and picked up this skinny chic named "Princess". She actually wasn't too bad as she needed a ride back to her place. Told her I needed to stop at Atm and that she would have to get out while I went in. She complied and waited. Got some $ and proceeded to head towards Erie where she wanted to go. She wanted to suck my member while enroute. So gave her. 20 and she got the member in attention. Reached her place didn't have cover so ($10 place) the dude there went and got a condom while we fooled around upstairs. She claims she was an ex-dancer. So she popped a few moves on me. After cover was brought up she sucked some more then stopped and asked if I wanted to do anal. I say um sure. Then she starts talking and member goes down. She wants me to get member sucked again as if I am fking her face. I agreed. Couldn't quite get going LOL. Ima old man. So winded up doing a mini lap dance and some grinding to finish off the job. The place I think really had me uneasy but went through the motions. Even after all that it is not likely I repeat. Even though she worked it hard. Overall, the damage was .30 plus .10 for rm.

On my way out of town I just pass over Castor on the Ave headed towards Torresdale. Spotted a "Kandi" on the corner near old car sales lot. Told her I wish I could but had just got "done". She gave me her digits but they ended up being bad. Had circled the block after she gave digits but she was gone. Wonder if anyone else seen this Kandi because she was definitely new meat. The only strange thing about her was she asked me how much I had right out the window. A red flag goes up immediately when that happens and that's when I answered I was takened care of already and proceeded to get her digits. She was a beautiful site but I wonder if it was TGTBT??

Cephlapod Love
06-30-14, 11:38
The only strange thing about her was she asked me how much I had right out the window. A red flag goes up immediately when that happens and that's when I answered I was takened care of already and proceeded to get her digits. She was a beautiful site but I wonder if it was TGTBT??Yeah, BIG red flag! Avoiding was good: Better safe than sorry.

Might I suggest: WTF were you doing talking to a girl through the car window? If she isn't seated in yer car, all you should be asking is if she needs a ride or not. Period. Nothing illegal about offering a ride. The experienced and legit ones will hop in before talking about anything. The dumb ones, leave 'them on the street. The rest are cops, decoys or worse.

Recently I had a similar thing happen to me; Pulled around the corner for a girl, she wandered up to the car, opened the door, but didn't get in. Immediately I saw the red flag. I asked if she was looking for a ride. She asked if I wanted a date. {I NEVER want a date with a girl who is standing outside my car! Never. But one seated...} I repeated, asking if she wanted a ride. She again, asked about a date. To that I said, gosh sorry, just trying to be a nice guy and offering a ride. And left immediately.

So I'd never suggest to a girl that I was "already taken care of" out of a car window. The way some scum LE might interpret that is that, "I am interested in a date, and thus an offer of something illegal, but can't right now as I already engaged a girl!" And then you asked for digits? Huh! That clearly shows intent as well. Jeez. IMHO if you encounter something like that drive away or roll up the window.

What many fail to understand is that in these situations one always has the choice to SAY NOTHING! You are not obligated to talk to her, respond, give an answer, etc. When the red flag goes up, exercise that choice to clam up.

Hey, I'm just sayin'.

Glad you have a red flag and it went up. Many apparently do not.

Stay safe out there!

07-01-14, 08:55
Yeah, BIG red flag! Avoiding was good: Better safe than sorry.

Might I suggest: WTF were you doing talking to a girl through the car window? If she isn't seated in yer car, all you should be asking is if she needs a ride or not. Period. Nothing illegal about offering a ride. The experienced and legit ones will hop in before talking about anything. The dumb ones, leave 'them on the street. The rest are cops, decoys or worse.

Recently I had a similar thing happen to me; Pulled around the corner for a girl, she wandered up to the car, opened the door, but didn't get in. Immediately I saw the red flag. I asked if she was looking for a ride. She asked if I wanted a date. {I NEVER want a date with a girl who is standing outside my car! Never. But one seated...} I repeated, asking if she wanted a ride. She again, asked about a date. To that I said, gosh sorry, just trying to be a nice guy and offering a ride. And left immediately.

So I'd never suggest to a girl that I was "already taken care of" out of a car window. The way some scum LE might interpret that is that, "I am interested in a date, and thus an offer of something illegal, but can't right now as I already engaged a girl!" And then you asked for digits? Huh! That clearly shows intent as well. Jeez. IMHO if you encounter something like that drive away or roll up the window.

What many fail to understand is that in these situations one always has the choice to SAY NOTHING! You are not obligated to talk to her, respond, give an answer, etc. When the red flag goes up, exercise that choice to clam up.

Hey, I'm just sayin'.

Glad you have a red flag and it went up. Many apparently do not.

Stay safe out there!The little head almost took full control. That was the little head almost getting the big head in trouble.

On another note, she was wearing these short short shorts and the little head almost took over. But your.

Absolutely right about non engaging through the window. Yes I should know better.

07-01-14, 09:47
You have disgraced the forum:

But don't worry, we forgive and gladly welcome back. Most importantly, you safely got out of Dodge.

The little head almost took full control. That was the little head almost getting the big head in trouble.

On another note, she was wearing these short short shorts and the little head almost took over. But your.

Absolutely right about non engaging through the window. Yes I should know better.

07-01-14, 09:59
You have disgraced the forum:

But don't worry, we forgive and gladly welcome back. Most importantly, you safely got out of Dodge.Could have been worst. I have passed over many whom I thought were "plants". Yes it is good to have.

Gotten out of Dodge unscathed. It could've been worst.

Cephlapod Love
07-01-14, 15:31
Could have been worst. I have passed over many whom I thought were "plants". Yes it is good to have.

Gotten out of Dodge unscathed. It could've been worst.Hey we all have had little head blunders. One of the reasons I am here is to learn how to not make those mistakes. Seeing others experiences sure helps me learn, with out the danger. So thanks for sharing.

Oh, and now that you have confessed. As the Mod here said to me. Go and sin some more! .

Happy Hunting!

07-02-14, 12:49
I think I saw this SW name Michelle, by the 7/11 that nght, almost hit her ass. Did not know it was a SW until I read other monger review, dam it I realized why she gave me that look when I almost hit her with my car. Le just pulled into 7/11 behind me. Dam dam dam, that night was ah frenzy for le'. Helicopter, streets heavily influenced with pop0's patrolling. Meet with the one name brandi, she immediately pulled out her twin friends and showed me saying I'm not ah cop, went around corner and it was on. . 5 for FS / CBJ. Alright 6-10 on a scale. Ill be back next Friday, here In MD about to check out the one they called kiara (supaduupahead) woooh.

07-03-14, 17:33
I hear over and over again there are no girls available. Yet I find girls like these all the time. 331028331029. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

07-03-14, 18:13
I'm not very good at uploading pics here. I tried putting about four other girls of the same quality as my prior post but kept getting an error that the upload failed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

These girls were just walking down the street and I caught their eye and then we had a nice conversation and so on. Well you get the picture.

So now you have an idea of what truly is available to all of you. In fact when I get a girl like these I contact my friends and other Mongers and share the wealth. There is always an amount of risk involved in trolling this way as always. So be aware of your surroundings at all times. These girls are on the Ave at different times. Just have to hit and miss. Sooner or later you have to hit.

Although I know many of the regular girls available I lean toward the prettier and cleaner girls. There is always that challenge. Just so everyone knows I fail also. I don't always get the cigar but when I do I smoke it down to the very end. Win or lose, I see some of the hottest women every time I go out.

Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

07-04-14, 11:34
I'm not very good at uploading pics here. I tried putting about four other girls of the same quality as my prior post but kept getting an error that the upload failed. Any suggestions would be appreciated...

Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Gator, good buddy, you know I would help you if I could. The best I can do, without know exacting how you attempted posting pictures, is to direct you to the USASexGuide instructions:


There are two ways pictures can be posted: In Text (attachments) and out. In either case you must resize down to 640 pixels. I am not certain how images are post in text, but apparently you do because that appears to be one of the methods you used.

...These girls were just walking down the street and I caught their eye and then we had a nice conversation and so on. Well you get the picture.

So now you have an idea of what truly is available to all of you. In fact when I get a girl like these I contact my friends and other Mongers and share the wealth. There is always an amount of risk involved in trolling this way as always. So be aware of your surroundings at all times. These girls are on the Ave at different times. Just have to hit and miss. Sooner or later you have to hit.

Although I know many of the regular girls available I lean toward the prettier and cleaner girls. There is always that challenge. Just so everyone knows I fail also. I don't always get the cigar but when I do I smoke it down to the very end. Win or lose, I see some of the hottest women every time I go out.

Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.In any case, the missing pictures aren't as important as the wisdom you've shared.


07-06-14, 07:50
I hear over and over again there are no girls available. Yet I find girls like these all the time. 331028331029. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.Hey Gator.

Who are these girls. They are very pretty. Vj.

07-07-14, 17:18
Hey Gator.

Who are these girls. They are very pretty. Vj.To all who are interested. I really should have done a better reporting job than I did on the couple girls I posted. I really think a good punishment would be to get a blonde to tie me up naked and just tease the shit out of me. That will probably make me pay better attention. Sorry. The girl in the blue top with the glasses is Tammy. I tried her number recently but its off. Not sure if it will be back or not. Said she was new on the job but would do whatever I wanted no hold backs. I found her on Erie Ave about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Watched her walk for about a half block pulled into the laundry parking lot. I asked her if she wanted a ride? She got in my ride and smiled and asked word for word "What kind of ride did you have in mind?" Well that was the end of all promises right there. We talked for a while and she said she works there at the Auto Zone. We went to my playground and had a great time. Like I said everything was available and there were no hold backs. Recently I have been looking for her and have seen her getting on the El at Erie. I go to turn around and she's gone. Last time I saw her she was at Somerset heading up the St toward the shopping district. So I do know she is still around. Just a matter of being at the right place at the right time.

The other girl with the tats down her back is Steff. I met her on the Ave. She was walking toward the underpass from Somerset toward Lehigh. I pulled ahead of her and went around the block and returned so I could park and be facing her as she approached. She had on one of those full length dresses and she was carrying a shopping bag. Had a large red hand bag she always carries. Looked like any other regular girl on her way home. She wasn't though. She was out there and wanted to take a walk on the wild side. I thought to myself "who better to take that walk with than 'OL Gator. " She approached my vehicle and I looked up and caught her eye. Yes she is beautiful. She got in and we did the Uncle LEO shuffle and drove away.

We chit chatted and decided to hang out for a few hours. We lost phone contact Until Saturday night. Then, I'm just about ready to call it a night. I was tired and really wanted to get off the street. I was tired of the goofy looks the Tranny cops were giving me. So I was going to pack my bags and take off. Lo and behold I look across the street and there she is talking to probably one of the most dangerous guys in the area. I know the guy and so I crossed the street and scooped her before he could get his slimy hands on her. This was probably about 8:30 - 9:00 pm. We talked and she said she spent the last week in detox. Lot of good that did cause she was right back at the playground.

I didn't want to leave her there with that guy as he has raped other girls that I know in the area. The cops let him get away with it too.

I decided to pick up something to eat and drink. We headed for a very quiet off street place out of the hood I know about. We wound up staying the night together. She wanted me to drop her off first at Kensington Hospital. Said she would have her family pick her up and take her home to Jersey. Yet on the way she asked to be left at Boudinot and Somerset. So that's what I did. I dropped her there about 10:00 am Sunday morning. My guess is she is still in that area. That is based on the things she was saying and the lack of interest to leave.

Yes these girls are very beautiful. It's a known fact most of my friends are very pretty. There are a few people I send friends of mine. I just can't bring myself to send poor quality friends when there are first quality friends available.

For any of us it is always hit or miss. Some times you eat the bear and other times the bear eats you.

Also had the opportunity to meet Brandi from Florida. I pulled over to allow a rescue vehicle to pass and she was up on my vehicle before I could pull away. What a waste of time and energy. Very rarely do I give a girl a bad review on here. Especially if she really puts an effort to earn her rewards. But after spending about almost three hours with Brandi I was just so surprised that things turned out as bad as they did. You could get more action fucking an over ripe melon than you can with her. Maybe I have higher standards than some but I'm not going to even waste time reviewing her any further. Don't waste your time or hard earned money on this one. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

Bigtime Monger
07-07-14, 20:14
Good one Gator. It's refreshing to have photos and meaningful commentary, as opposed to dozens of modeling shots with generic commentary. You understand the mission of the forum. Thanks!

07-07-14, 22:46
You the man Gator! With a report like that, no punishment for you!

To all who are interested. I really should have done a better reporting job than I did on the couple girls I posted. I really think a good punishment would be to get a blonde to tie me up naked and just tease the shit out of me. That will probably make me pay better attention. Sorry. The girl in the blue top with the glasses is Tammy. I tried her number recently but its off. Not sure if it will be back or not. Said she was new on the job but would do whatever I wanted no hold backs. I found her on Erie Ave about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Watched her walk for about a half block pulled into the laundry parking lot. I asked her if she wanted a ride? She got in my ride and smiled and asked word for word "What kind of ride did you have in mind?" Well that was the end of all promises right there. We talked for a while and she said she works there at the Auto Zone. We went to my playground and had a great time. Like I said everything was available and there were no hold backs. Recently I have been looking for her and have seen her getting on the El at Erie. I go to turn around and she's gone. Last time I saw her she was at Somerset heading up the St toward the shopping district. So I do know she is still around. Just a matter of being at the right place at the right time.

The other girl with the tats down her back is Steff. I met her on the Ave. She was walking toward the underpass from Somerset toward Lehigh. I pulled ahead of her and went around the block and returned so I could park and be facing her as she approached. She had on one of those full length dresses and she was carrying a shopping bag. Had a large red hand bag she always carries. Looked like any other regular girl on her way home. She wasn't though. She was out there and wanted to take a walk on the wild side. I thought to myself "who better to take that walk with than 'OL Gator. " She approached my vehicle and I looked up and caught her eye. Yes she is beautiful. She got in and we did the Uncle LEO shuffle and drove away.

We chit chatted and decided to hang out for a few hours. We lost phone contact Until Saturday night. Then, I'm just about ready to call it a night. I was tired and really wanted to get off the street. I was tired of the goofy looks the Tranny cops were giving me. So I was going to pack my bags and take off. Lo and behold I look across the street and there she is talking to probably one of the most dangerous guys in the area. I know the guy and so I crossed the street and scooped her before he could get his slimy hands on her. This was probably about 8:30 - 9:00 pm. We talked and she said she spent the last week in detox. Lot of good that did cause she was right back at the playground.

I didn't want to leave her there with that guy as he has raped other girls that I know in the area. The cops let him get away with it too.

I decided to pick up something to eat and drink. We headed for a very quiet off street place out of the hood I know about. We wound up staying the night together. She wanted me to drop her off first at Kensington Hospital. Said she would have her family pick her up and take her home to Jersey. Yet on the way she asked to be left at Boudinot and Somerset. So that's what I did. I dropped her there about 10:00 am Sunday morning. My guess is she is still in that area. That is based on the things she was saying and the lack of interest to leave.

Yes these girls are very beautiful. It's a known fact most of my friends are very pretty. There are a few people I send friends of mine. I just can't bring myself to send poor quality friends when there are first quality friends available.

For any of us it is always hit or miss. Some times you eat the bear and other times the bear eats you.

Also had the opportunity to meet Brandi from Florida. I pulled over to allow a rescue vehicle to pass and she was up on my vehicle before I could pull away. What a waste of time and energy. Very rarely do I give a girl a bad review on here. Especially if she really puts an effort to earn her rewards. But after spending about almost three hours with Brandi I was just so surprised that things turned out as bad as they did. You could get more action fucking an over ripe melon than you can with her. Maybe I have higher standards than some but I'm not going to even waste time reviewing her any further. Don't waste your time or hard earned money on this one. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

Miami Boy
07-08-14, 17:55
We need a face pic of Tammy. Steff is very cute. You must have missed my review of Brandi, the worlds fastest date, LOL. With girls like Delany setting the bar so high, its hard to find new talent that can compare with the high quality. Brandi does not even try, definitely not a multi-hour date.

07-14-14, 15:52
Ashley has been reported on before but she is by far one of the sweetest girls on the K. She's a smart girl with exceptional skills. She is very attentive with her oral abilities and is an all around fun girl. I don't need to state any more than what has already been said about her. She is also very photo friendly so I thought I would post her pic as she allowed. I have her digits as well if anybody wants to meet her.

07-14-14, 18:23
News is reporting that a 23 yr old Hispanic female was found dead in a duffel bag 5 am this morning on 3rd st near Susquahanna and her car was found in point breeze area on fire not long after the body was found.

07-14-14, 19:47
Ashley has been reported on before but she is by far one of the sweetest girls on the K. She's a smart girl with exceptional skills. She is very attentive with her oral abilities and is an all around fun girl. I don't need to state any more than what has already been said about her. She is also very photo friendly so I thought I would post her pic as she allowed. I have her digits as well if anybody wants to meet her.Thanks for posting. She's very pretty.

HPS 9949
07-14-14, 21:12
News is reporting that a 23 yr old Hispanic female was found dead in a duffel bag 5 am this morning on 3rd st near Susquahanna and her car was found in point breeze area on fire not long after the body was found.Here's a link: http://6abc.com/news/womans-body-found-in-duffel-bag-in-kensington/184996/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+6abc%2Fentertainment+(6ABC+Entertainment+News).

Crash 88
07-15-14, 02:30
News is reporting that a 23 yr old Hispanic female was found dead in a duffel bag 5 am this morning on 3rd st near Susquahanna and her car was found in point breeze area on fire not long after the body was found.That's freaking crazy! I couldn't imagine what that was over. Talk about overkill, sheesh.

BTW, I'm new to mongering the street scene though am pretty experienced with AMP's. I just started strolling the K, 15th near wharton and ellsworth, and down by wolf stand I rarely see anything. I'm usually out there anywhere between 12 am-4 am. Is there an ideal time to go out there? I'm really surprised how dead it is out there even on weekends at midnight. I did pass one hot girl on Ritner named Gina who I talked to, but I had zero cash on me and I haven't seen her since. Thanks in advance guys.

07-17-14, 13:28
Met this by BP CBJ and f does a nice job tats on her intire back pm me if you want digi ts.

Cephlapod Love
07-18-14, 15:10
Here's a link: http://6abc.com/news/womans-body-found-in-duffel-bag-in-kensington/184996/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+6abc%2Fentertainment+(6ABC+Entertainment+News).Jeez, it is a good thing these dudes aren't all that sharp.

From the linked story:

Police say XXXXXX then drove (the victim's) Toyota Rav-4 to the 1600 block of Bambrey Street in South Philadelphia and used gasoline to set it on fire.

In the process, he was badly burned and dropped his cell phone leaving the scene.

Sources say the suspect left his cell phone at the scene of the car fire and that he had used the phone to make a call from near the location where (the victim's) body was found. The call was placed in the same time frame police believe (the victim's) body was dumped

07-19-14, 01:38
Hit the Ave between 2 and 6 pm and nothing too much was happening. Started travelling towards north Philly and hit Torresdale Ave. There actually were a few good ones out and about. There was one blond with short hair nice shorty shorts but she seem to evade me. She was standing at the park by bus stop where they were practicing for cheerleading and football tryouts. Going north there is only one park on the left side. She seem to hop in another monger's car she seem to know him or was actually waiting for him. Kept looking and found this blonde that had hopped into another mongers car earlier. Did the quick cop check and while rolling she asked if she could have the. 20 that we agreed on for BJ. I said don't think about trying to run if I pay you up front. She wanted to stay nearby but I was quickly getting out of the immediate area. Once out of the area I asked are you down to do a rolling BJ. She obliged and delivered an outstanding BBBJCIM. Will repeat if I see her again. Didn't catch her name.

07-21-14, 22:16
First off, I salute you K Ave warriors! I cruised the K on Thursday evening and I was amazed at all the activity and actually feared for my well being at several traffic stops.

I first turned on the K off of Allegheny I think and within 3 blocks I had LE on my tail. Meanwhile I could not believe all the women that seemed to be available. Black, white, hispanic. Seemed like they were all over the place and on both sides of the avenue. I finally turned off on one of the side streets and uncle LEO just kept going. So I back tracked around to the K and as I pulled up to the avenue again there was a very pretty young lady in a black mini dress that tried to get in my car. She said her name was "J" . Not sure what the deal was but she was a "little off" and I wanted to continue looking. I asked her if she had a cell number and she said she didn't. Cruised the K some more and again saw several possibilities but just about every stop light there were several thugs giving me the evil eye not to mention I saw two fist fights and several homeless people holding up street signs or just staring into space. When the activity started to wane I turned around and went back down the K. Almost immediately I pickedup another LE tail. Thought for sure I would be pulled this time, but after a few blocks I just turned down another side street to do a crazy Ivan.

While on the side street I saw a beautiful, tall thin hispanic lady striding out going the opposite direction. Could not believe my luck! As I passed her I notice a hispanic guy in a knee brace and crutches chasing after her. He couldn't keep up so he thew his crutches in her direction and then pulled the knee brace off and threw that at her. She was looking a little panicked, but unfortunately there was no where for me to turn around. So I quickly made a few lefts only to get back on the street she was on just in time to see her get in another car. She was wearing a white tank and very short denim shorts. Lucky is the guy that picked her up.

After getting back on the K I just figured it was too rough for me so I bugged out and went to Bella's spa. Went by the place about 3 times before I saw the sign in the window. Went in and a short Asian woman with a nice body answered the door. She told me 30 minute wait and then a taller Asian popped her head in the door. Obviously both had clients and they both looked a little "worn out". Again, not feeling it I was all set to head back to my hotel room, but good old Gator came through for me.

Gator gave me a few numbers one of which was for Ashley. A 25 year old or so thin blond with a very easy going demeanor. She said she finally responded to my texts after talking to Gator. She was interested in meeting but I told her we would have to go back to my hotel with me which was a good 25 minutes away. She gave me directions and I scooped her up. On the way she told me she had an altercation with another lady she knew and had everything stolen from her. Clothes, make up, toiletries you name it so she had a field day with my room supplies and even jumped in the shower to freshen up. I had some wine for the occasion and we killed the bottle talking about her situation while she curled up on the couch next to me naked. She got very comfortable at the hotel and talked about even spending the night but I had an early morning appointment.

After the wine this young lady showed off her talents. Nice tight little body with small be's but top notch oral skills and one very tight kitty. I highly recommend you guys checking her out.

Thank you Gator for saving the day and again you K avenue warriors. I salute you!

07-22-14, 00:41
First off, I salute you K Ave warriors! I cruised the K on Thursday evening and I was amazed at all the activity and actually feared for my well being at several traffic stops.

I first turned on the K off of Allegheny I think and within 3 blocks I had LE on my tail. Meanwhile I could not believe all the women that seemed to be available. Black, white, hispanic. Seemed like they were all over the place and on both sides of the avenue. I finally turned off on one of the side streets and uncle LEO just kept going. So I back tracked around to the K and as I pulled up to the avenue again there was a very pretty young lady in a black mini dress that tried to get in my car. She said her name was "J" . Not sure what the deal was but she was a "little off" and I wanted to continue looking. I asked her if she had a cell number and she said she didn't. Cruised the K some more and again saw several possibilities but just about every stop light there were several thugs giving me the evil eye not to mention I saw two fist fights and several homeless people holding up street signs or just staring into space. When the activity started to wane I turned around and went back down the K. Almost immediately I pickedup another LE tail. Thought for sure I would be pulled this time, but after a few blocks I just turned down another side street to do a crazy Ivan.

While on the side street I saw a beautiful, tall thin hispanic lady striding out going the opposite direction. Could not believe my luck! As I passed her I notice a hispanic guy in a knee brace and crutches chasing after her. He couldn't keep up so he thew his crutches in her direction and then pulled the knee brace off and threw that at her. She was looking a little panicked, but unfortunately there was no where for me to turn around. So I quickly made a few lefts only to get back on the street she was on just in time to see her get in another car. She was wearing a white tank and very short denim shorts. Lucky is the guy that picked her up.

After getting back on the K I just figured it was too rough for me so I bugged out and went to Bella's spa. Went by the place about 3 times before I saw the sign in the window. Went in and a short Asian woman with a nice body answered the door. She told me 30 minute wait and then a taller Asian popped her head in the door. Obviously both had clients and they both looked a little "worn out". Again, not feeling it I was all set to head back to my hotel room, but good old Gator came through for me.

Gator gave me a few numbers one of which was for Ashley. A 25 year old or so thin blond with a very easy going demeanor. She said she finally responded to my texts after talking to Gator. She was interested in meeting but I told her we would have to go back to my hotel with me which was a good 25 minutes away. She gave me directions and I scooped her up. On the way she told me she had an altercation with another lady she knew and had everything stolen from her. Clothes, make up, toiletries you name it so she had a field day with my room supplies and even jumped in the shower to freshen up. I had some wine for the occasion and we killed the bottle talking about her situation while she curled up on the couch next to me naked. She got very comfortable at the hotel and talked about even spending the night but I had an early morning appointment.

After the wine this young lady showed off her talents. Nice tight little body with small be's but top notch oral skills and one very tight kitty. I highly recommend you guys checking her out.

Thank you Gator for saving the day and again you K avenue warriors. I salute you!Keep in mind that Thursday's are traditionally vice nights so perhaps that explains the added patrols.

John Cert
07-22-14, 11:53
Met Dani on ave around midnight convinced her to finish BBBJ outside of car for cof for extra 20. She sorta reminds me of Emma Watson. She's 29. I have digits if any one wants them pm me.

07-22-14, 16:35
Anyone knows what happened to platinum blonde Katie? Is she still around?

Philly Guy
07-22-14, 22:18
Anyone knows what happened to platinum blonde Katie? Is she still around?She is living with a sugar daddy somewhere in South Jersey. She might be dancing under the name of Platinum.

The apartment where she live on the ave was taken over by a family. They have a sign out that says donot knock.

Teddy Nomad
07-22-14, 22:59
I haven't heard from this girl in about 6 months. She is very smart and very sweet. Pretty girl with very long dark brown hair.

Have you seen her? Know what happened to her?

Any info would be appreciated.


07-24-14, 16:50
She is living with a sugar daddy somewhere in South Jersey. She might be dancing under the name of Platinum.

The apartment where she live on the ave was taken over by a family. They have a sign out that says donot knock.What club she's going to dance?

07-24-14, 18:47
Just wondering if Angel with the huge beautiful fake boobs is still around. I will be in Philly Sunday and Monday and I really want to see her again!

07-24-14, 23:57
Just wondering if Angel with the huge beautiful fake boobs is still around. I will be in Philly Sunday and Monday and I really want to see her again!Angel hasn't been seen since last time she had her pics on here with sienna, I did see sienna today near huntington sta, she must have just gotten out of jail bec she gained a few pounds.

I did some recon today around 5 pm and there were a lot of girls out and about, I did meet 2 new girls, one was jen, a short 27 yr old that's looks younger and has a nice rack, the other was kim, they both can be found around Venango. I did see a tall thin WSW standing at torresdale and the ave wearing a see thru top with a black bra under it with extremely large chest and possibly add ons but was with a date and couldn't stop, does anyone have any intell? And does anyone know where Kelsey is?

Thanks, REPO.

07-25-14, 12:57
Anyone want to trade numbers?

The Moj
07-27-14, 12:10
Any houses to monger in? Just don't feel 100% safe out in the car since I'm new to the scene.

Cephlapod Love
07-28-14, 11:41
Any houses to monger in? Just don't feel 100% safe out in the car since I'm new to the scene.Hey, not that I'm any expert. But how about a few suggestions?

1. Read the 22 Rules of Mongering (might as well read the whole post!), here:


2. Reread the 22 Rules of Mongering, Rinse & Repeat until one has them memorized! [3, 4, 5 times?] Ignorance may be bliss, but on the street, it will get you ripped-off, locked up or worse. Knowledge is Power and especially in this case.

3. Once you have internalized the rules, set out for some recon. I'd suggest driving the loop and doing nothing more than just OBSERVING for the first 6 times out (six days). I'm serious. Get a feel for the lay of the land. Where the girls are located, where yer Uncle hides, which are the one-way streets, how to loop around, where are the notels, etc.

4. After some recon, come back here and ASK QUESTIONS! The streets are tough. Either learn from others here, or the streets will be glad to provide "an education" the hard way!

5. Once one knows the rules, has a lay of the land and has gotten advice from members here, then one can try their wings.

6. Have fun and report back!

Good luck!

07-29-14, 12:53
Great! And its a great refresher as well. Some things you take for granted.

A few additional items I may add and I am sure we have all been there. Never haggle too long in negotiations. Often times it leads to the 'tude!

Never have anything loose in plain sight. They seem to think everything they see is theirs until you set them straight. If you have a console box that.

Has like a slide drawer close it.

If you have to go the ATM with the SW in your car best bet is to make her stand outside while you conduct business. Same if you were buying raincoats.

If I repeated anything I apologize in advance. Just trying to help the fellow mongers.

07-30-14, 16:07
Been a while since I've been in Philly. Nice day to check the action. Made the right from Allegheny to K. Drove down to Torresdale; saw on WSW at the bar; the rest was empty. Turned back and noticed a LEO vehicle in the park at Tioga, kept going. Past Allegheny and saw a cute latino sitting on the steps of the church. Somerset was crawling with Transit PD, including the blocks on both sides. I thought "stay on the train boys". I saw a few skinny WSW towards Huntington; appeared to cracked out. Turned back and started the opposite direction. Saw the Latino again; turned down a side street, parked and got out. Walked towards her and saw she was pregnant. She approached, but I had to pass.

Headed back towards Huntington. Found Melissa on the corner of Sergeant. Pulled over after exchanging nods. She jumps in. WF about 24 YO, nice tits (so she had some weight). We exchanged LE pleasantries and off to the Carly. Usual story, good girl grew up in the NE, turned to drugs after making some bad friend choices.

We arrive at the Grand Carly, sign in and off to the room. She washes up while I wait. Comes back a few minutes later and we start out cuddling. She goes down on me and she has problems. Gets up and pukes 3 times in the trash can. Drug sickness; hasn't had her dope this morning. She dresses and cleans up. I'm thinking of just taking the loss and getting out of there, but she returns and insists on finishing. Blew a load and took her back. $40 for her $20 for the room and an experience I'll never forget.

07-31-14, 16:06
Anyone knows what happened to platinum blonde Katie? Is she still around?I just saw Kate last night she is sober and has gained some weight. She is sporting real B cups. Gave me some great BBFS. I will repeat.

Philly Guy
08-01-14, 10:05
I just saw Kate last night she is sober and has gained some weight. She is sporting real B cups. Gave me some great BBFS. I will repeat.Where did you see her at.

Philly Guy
08-01-14, 11:17

I just saw Kate last night she is sober and has gained some weight. She is sporting real B cups. Gave me some great BBFS. I will repeat..

Is this the Katie you speak of.

08-01-14, 15:11

Is this the Katie you speak of.Yes that is her. She was across the street from the apartment she used to stay at with Ken about 7 PM. No crack in 2 months and went to detox almost 4 weeks ago. Looks and is very clean. Had a really good pop inside her like I always do.

Good hunting gents.

08-02-14, 00:23
New monger seeking quality time if anyone would be kind enough I would appreciate any contact information. I will post if given permission on the outcome. Thanks.

08-02-14, 18:57
She is beautiful and loved by many. Welcome back Kate!



Is this the Katie you speak of.

08-08-14, 10:20
Just finishing my summer vacation in Philly. What a week! Here are some of the highlights:

Amber. I found Amber at near the defunct Bull car dealer around 6 pm (also saw her there around the same time a few nights later). She was walking on the Ave but followed me onto Beuler and hopped in. She played the "Oh my gosh, are you LE because I'm really worried!" game a little too long, but we got past that and went to a quiet spot for a CBJ. She has HUGE, nice natural tits that she displayed for my amusement. Her skills were very good, but at the end I had her remove the cover and blasted into her mouth. BTW, she's a spitter. Digits available to regular posters (I will check).

Brandi. I found her accross from Huntingdon and picked her up on a sidestreet at around 8 pm. REALLY cute girl, long brown hair, mid-twenties, A-cups, slim, good skin, VERY personable and friendly. She started asking for. 8 but we negotiated to. 6. She was very clean and completely accomodating. Outstanding CBJ and excellent CFS (doggie). She doesn't have a phone but may be able getting one soon. Saw her walking on the Ave later with what I guess is her BF, a 20-something guy with short blond hair.

Megan. She was also near Huntindon. Megan is early 20's and had the look of a librarian with those cute little tortoise-shell glasses. Outstanding BBBJ to completion (another spitter). Down to earth and would definitely repeat and got digits. . 25.

Bella. Tall, pretty girl with a banging body & nice natural tits. She has brown hair but sprayed it red. She said she was on Xanax and was pretty out of it. I almost dropped her off right there, but it was pretty dead and she was the best I'd seen. We went to a quiet place & she started a great CBJ. She almost got me off fairly quickly but kept nodding off and stopping. I woke her up several times to continue and was ready to quit when she livened up & sucked the rubber off. Now a fantastic BBJ that she continued to completion. All told, probably a fabulous 30 minute BJ! . 2 + . 1. Digits available.

I also noticed a LOT of cops standing around and sitting in parked cars this week. The one that creeped me out the most was a parked car sitting at the corner of Seargent and Jasper just waiting to pounce. Be careful out there.


08-10-14, 20:46
Just finishing my summer vacation in Philly. What a week! Here are some of the highlights:

Amber. I found Amber at near the defunct Bull car dealer around 6 pm (also saw her there around the same time a few nights later). She was walking on the Ave but followed me onto Beuler and hopped in. She played the "Oh my gosh, are you LE because I'm really worried!" game a little too long, but we got past that and went to a quiet spot for a CBJ. She has HUGE, nice natural tits that she displayed for my amusement. Her skills were very good, but at the end I had her remove the cover and blasted into her mouth. BTW, she's a spitter. Digits available to regular posters (I will check).

Brandi. I found her accross from Huntingdon and picked her up on a sidestreet at around 8 pm. REALLY cute girl, long brown hair, mid-twenties, A-cups, slim, good skin, VERY personable and friendly. She started asking for. 8 but we negotiated to. 6. She was very clean and completely accomodating. Outstanding CBJ and excellent CFS (doggie). She doesn't have a phone but may be able getting one soon. Saw her walking on the Ave later with what I guess is her BF, a 20-something guy with short blond hair.

Megan. She was also near Huntindon. Megan is early 20's and had the look of a librarian with those cute little tortoise-shell glasses. Outstanding BBBJ to completion (another spitter). Down to earth and would definitely repeat and got digits. . 25.

Bella. Tall, pretty girl with a banging body & nice natural tits. She has brown hair but sprayed it red. She said she was on Xanax and was pretty out of it. I almost dropped her off right there, but it was pretty dead and she was the best I'd seen. We went to a quiet place & she started a great CBJ. She almost got me off fairly quickly but kept nodding off and stopping. I woke her up several times to continue and was ready to quit when she livened up & sucked the rubber off. Now a fantastic BBJ that she continued to completion. All told, probably a fabulous 30 minute BJ! . 2 + . 1. Digits available.

I also noticed a LOT of cops standing around and sitting in parked cars this week. The one that creeped me out the most was a parked car sitting at the corner of Seargent and Jasper just waiting to pounce. Be careful out there.

Jack.Just wanted to know I am planning on vacationing in philly within the next few weeks. What hotel did you stay at. An what was the rates. Was any action near the hotel. Thanks.

08-10-14, 20:53
Just finishing my summer vacation in Philly. What a week! Here are some of the highlights:

Amber. I found Amber at near the defunct Bull car dealer around 6 pm (also saw her there around the same time a few nights later). She was walking on the Ave but followed me onto Beuler and hopped in. She played the "Oh my gosh, are you LE because I'm really worried!" game a little too long, but we got past that and went to a quiet spot for a CBJ. She has HUGE, nice natural tits that she displayed for my amusement. Her skills were very good, but at the end I had her remove the cover and blasted into her mouth. BTW, she's a spitter. Digits available to regular posters (I will check).

Brandi. I found her accross from Huntingdon and picked her up on a sidestreet at around 8 pm. REALLY cute girl, long brown hair, mid-twenties, A-cups, slim, good skin, VERY personable and friendly. She started asking for. 8 but we negotiated to. 6. She was very clean and completely accomodating. Outstanding CBJ and excellent CFS (doggie). She doesn't have a phone but may be able getting one soon. Saw her walking on the Ave later with what I guess is her BF, a 20-something guy with short blond hair.

Megan. She was also near Huntindon. Megan is early 20's and had the look of a librarian with those cute little tortoise-shell glasses. Outstanding BBBJ to completion (another spitter). Down to earth and would definitely repeat and got digits. . 25.

Bella. Tall, pretty girl with a banging body & nice natural tits. She has brown hair but sprayed it red. She said she was on Xanax and was pretty out of it. I almost dropped her off right there, but it was pretty dead and she was the best I'd seen. We went to a quiet place & she started a great CBJ. She almost got me off fairly quickly but kept nodding off and stopping. I woke her up several times to continue and was ready to quit when she livened up & sucked the rubber off. Now a fantastic BBJ that she continued to completion. All told, probably a fabulous 30 minute BJ! . 2 + . 1. Digits available.

I also noticed a LOT of cops standing around and sitting in parked cars this week. The one that creeped me out the most was a parked car sitting at the corner of Seargent and Jasper just waiting to pounce. Be careful out there.

Jack.Just wanted to know I am planning on vacationing in Philly within the next few weeks. What hotel did you stay at. An what was the rates. Was any action near the hotel. Thanks.

Forth Ryte
08-25-14, 09:19
I'm not local so I only get to cruise the K every couple of months and usually in mid-day. Last time I noticed that sightings of SWs had definitely moved from the whole length of the K to the areas at the north end and the south end of the strip with almost no sightings in between. This past weekend I had an opportunity to cruise at night (10-11 pm) and there was nothing except at the south end.

Am I correct in noting the migration?

Forth Ryte.

09-04-14, 13:16
Does anybody knows if she's still around? And maybe places where she can be found?

09-04-14, 19:48
Does anybody knows if she's still around? And maybe places where she can be found?Last I saw her was back in July. Said she there were problems at home and that she was probably going to rehab. Her phone is still on so. It used to go off when she ran out of minutes than come back on when she got more minutes put on it. I am assuming it has stayed on all this time because there were some minutes left and she can't use it where she is at.

Hopefully she straightens herself out.

09-06-14, 17:56
Does anybody knows if she's still around? And maybe places where she can be found?Just a quick update on Dominique. I saw her on the Ave as recently as last night, that being Friday 9-5-14. She is always changing her look. Currently she is sporting red hair and most of the time she wears nice dresses. She is not a girl that likes to be stationary. She can be found anywhere on Jasper between Cumberland and Lehigh. Also from Cumberland and the K to Lehigh and the K. She is still one of the more attractive and seasoned girls available. I have watched her go from average SW to pro the last couple years. Always be fair with Dominique and she will be good to you. Me I'm just an 'OL Gator.

09-10-14, 16:30
Just a quick update on Dominique. I saw her on the Ave as recently as last night, that being Friday 9-5-14. She is always changing her look. Currently she is sporting red hair and most of the time she wears nice dresses. She is not a girl that likes to be stationary. She can be found anywhere on Jasper between Cumberland and Lehigh. Also from Cumberland and the K to Lehigh and the K. She is still one of the more attractive and seasoned girls available. I have watched her go from average SW to pro the last couple years. Always be fair with Dominique and she will be good to you. Me I'm just an 'OL Gator.Thanks Gator. I'll keep an eye when I get back in the area. Appreciate the info.

09-10-14, 16:48
Had the opportunity to date her out again. I would say she's one of the best out there. Always a trooper, always tried her best to give you a good service and your satisfaction is her goal. She just wants you to have a good time while you're in her company. I've dated her a few times and not once that she failed to deliver. You guys that dates her knows exactly what I'm talking about. She's a keeper so please take good care of her.

09-10-14, 23:42
Had the opportunity to date her out again. I would say she's one of the best out there. Always a trooper, always tried her best to give you a good service and your satisfaction is her goal. She just wants you to have a good time while you're in her company. I've dated her a few times and not once that she failed to deliver. You guys that dates her knows exactly what I'm talking about. She's a keeper so please take good care of her.Ashley that dances at the Ballpark?

09-11-14, 12:21
Ashley that dances at the Ballpark?No. The one I'm talking about, she got a picture here. See post #5681.

09-12-14, 13:59
Had the opportunity to date her out again. I would say she's one of the best out there. Always a trooper, always tried her best to give you a good service and your satisfaction is her goal. She just wants you to have a good time while you're in her company. I've dated her a few times and not once that she failed to deliver. You guys that dates her knows exactly what I'm talking about. She's a keeper so please take good care of her.I was with Ashley one time. She was nice and friendly very accommodating. Didn't have a condom so I took it bare back. She told me to pull out and I did kind of, after shooting the first blast deep inside. The rest of the load was shot about an inch deep. She did not complain. We cleaned up and I dropped her off. Only complaint was her nose was running a bit like she was dope sick.

09-12-14, 15:26
So went to the K at around 1:15 PM. Started up on the north side on frankford ave and headed south. Saw a possible WSW or HSW at Unity walking. Thought she made eye contact looped around but the logistics of the P / you was a little much. Kept going south saw some 1 thru 4's on the scale around the park. Continued on down past Lehigh and at the corner of E Harold saw a thick I think HSW with white pants and reddish hair. A solid 8 or 9 she was conversating with a guy on foot when I made the first pass. I did another loop to confirm SW status got the smile and the wave. Made the block again to do the P / you and one of you bastards was already on it. To whoever it was hats off and PM me how it went. So continues north again and between the 7-11 and E Russell I spot a HSW with jeans and a BW stripes shirt on. Cutie a little petite for my tastes but I said the hell with it.

09-12-14, 15:34
Made the P / you and rolled to a spot. Now one of the selling points was for as petite as she was she looked to have a nice rack. Well that was mainly the bra. It looked as if once she probably had some nice ones the life had taken its toll. Other than that nice green eyes and overall very cute. I was looking for oral skill sets and on that end it was a mixed bag. Let's put it this way I am no giant among redwoods in the member dept but she seemed to just pay attention to the first 3". The redeeming factor was when I spoke up she took direction well and let me put my hand on her head to set the tempo. Lots of gagging ensued but she never quit and kept at it. Took every last drop and then some. Now some of this May have been from the fact that it seemed like she had just taken her meds but I still give her an A for effort. Her attitude was very pleasant throughout. No digits as she said she has no working phone. Damage was. 20 + . 10 tip for the effort.

09-12-14, 23:55
Met this one by the furthest end light skin spanish SW with skinny body and short type and nice black hair nice bloe job and very and I mean very tight pussy.

Luckly she had digits definatly repeating.Have you seen her around?

09-16-14, 23:52
Pretty Spanish woman. Roughly 26. She lives with an older man. Wavy long hair, brown eyes about 5. 6. If you guys have her number please share. It was changed recently. Thanks.

09-17-14, 13:28
I ran into Melissa this morning. It didn't click on who she was until I told her I was looking for someone else. One thing I did notice was her front tooth was somewhat out of place. She smelled great though. As quickly as she was there, circled around the block and she was gone.

Met up w / her one time a while ago. Excellent DT skills. Maybe she'll pop back up again.

Going through old pics and I thought I'd post these. I took these pics at the good old Carlisle last May on my iPhone. I didn't have the capability to post pics then so in doing it now.

This was my last date with Melissa as I haven't been able to schedule anything recently. Her number changes often, when I get the new number from helpful mongers, the line is busy or out of credits. I miss her spunky and sarcastic personality and her wild DT skills.

Any recent contact info for Melissa would be much appreciated. Also, please PM me if you've seen her recently. Thanks!


09-18-14, 18:21
I ran into Melissa this morning. It didn't click on who she was until I told her I was looking for someone else. One thing I did notice was her front tooth was somewhat out of place. She smelled great though. As quickly as she was there, circled around the block and she was gone.

Met up w / her one time a while ago. Excellent DT skills. Maybe she'll pop back up again.May have been her I met Sunday night, near Pacific. Dirty blonde hair, said she was a Polak or "Polesuck" as she'd been re-titled. I'd been drinking pretty heavily all day to the point where it's all a bit hazy, but she really did a good job, told me up front that she liked her hair pulled and head grabbed. She needed to do well to get me to blow a load down her throat in the state I was in. Would repeat any time I got the chance, but no plans to get to Philly again any time soon, sadly.

09-20-14, 16:44
Asked a cabbie to take me to the K from race street, cruise maybe 5 minutes and bring me back to Hotel but he said it was too dangerous and wouldn't do it.

09-22-14, 02:57
Asked a cabbie to take me to the K from race street, cruise maybe 5 minutes and bring me back to Hotel but he said it was too dangerous and wouldn't do it.But from Race st could just walk a couple of blocks down to Market st and get the El that runs the entire length of the K stroll.

Cephlapod Love
09-24-14, 09:49
Asked a cabbie to take me to the K from race street, cruise maybe 5 minutes and bring me back to Hotel but he said it was too dangerous and wouldn't do it.Mongering out of a cab?

Hmmm, sounds like the dude did you a favor by turning you down. Obviously you are carrying cash, so dude could have steered you into a setup / ripoff situation after "dropping you off. ".

Aren't there still AMPs on Race?

EDIT - I see you posted on the AMP thread... have seen very few turned away at the AMPs unless they were doing something wrong. Were you solo or with others? Did you really visit 11+ AMPs? Was FC one of the last AMPs you hit up? Wonder if there is an intra-AMP early warning system for LE or clients deemed suspicious?

09-25-14, 12:24
I ran into Melissa this morning. It didn't click on who she was until I told her I was looking for someone else. One thing I did notice was her front tooth was somewhat out of place. She smelled great though. As quickly as she was there, circled around the block and she was gone.

Met up w / her one time a while ago. Excellent DT skills. Maybe she'll pop back up again.Nice to hear that she's working again! What time of day or night did you see her? Oh, and on what street?

09-25-14, 13:51
Asked a cabbie to take me to the K from race street, cruise maybe 5 minutes and bring me back to Hotel but he said it was too dangerous and wouldn't do it.Cabbie could have cab seized and probably would have lost his license. Maybe he would have been arrested for solicitation also.

09-25-14, 14:01
Has there been any recent updates or sightings. I will confess she is still an ATF even after making off with the donation on me (just once). She's a fine lady just in a situation.

09-25-14, 16:11
Has there been any recent updates or sightings. I will confess she is still an ATF even after making off with the donation on me (just once). She's a fine lady just in a situation.I saw her about a week ago just standing around hanging out on the corner at Huntington with a couple guys.

Bond 007
09-29-14, 18:30
Hold on to your wallet don't give her any money.

Will take your money and run she will be around Jasper and Huntingdon street.

This photo taken at letterly 345420.

Will try to get better photo.

Tonsil Hockey
09-30-14, 22:30
My first time in Philly for a while, since August of last year, in-fact. Anyway, today's venture took me near 63rd and Passyunk, an area with which I am not totally familiar, but this gal was "flaunting her wares", and my inferior brain took control. I didn't notice any signs of Uncle LEO, so I bit, and went to one of the Airport area lodging establishments. We agreed upon . 5, plus either cab fare or a return ride back to her previous locale.

The ride to the inn was uneventful, fortunately, I had previously locked anything of value away, and I was in my service vehicle, which I really don't care about. I did not detect any signs of "poor maintenance", no fragrance (outside of Dial Soap), non-smoker, arms were bare. With no indications, eyes seemed clear and responsive. In speaking with her, the conversation was always normal, with no slurring or forgetfulness. Once at our destination, I dropped her off outside the property, negotiated the room rental (lower end airport rates), returned to retrieve her, and it was off to the races.

Annette / Nettie / whichever, got right down to disrobing, and started out with a CBJ (not to completion) - which was "okay", not bad, but not stellar either. Next came the unexpected. Off came the cover, followed by a quick cleanup. I began thinking WTF? But not to worry, her dagger-like fingernails provided a back and neck scratch which alone was worth the price of admission. She continued by asking "ready? Like she had to ask. Upon re-application of the cover, all three common positions were performed, finishing with mish, and her requesting "harder pushing", to which I complied. Upon finishing up, she assisted in the cleanup, and showered (yeah, she actually showered while I waited to get the heck out of there). I decided to provide a Jackson for cab fare, for reasons of safety.

Would definitely repeat, facial features (ten scale) a 6. 5 - 7. 0, build (meaty in the right places) 8. 0, performance 7. 5, cleanliness 9. 0. She was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke cutoff's, and a tank top which revealed few secrets.

NOT fetish friendly, no tours of the Adriatic available. Annette / Nettie did say that she was into role-playing, if that's important to anyone. She did not offer, nor did I ask for digits.

As always, YMMV, and BE SAFE!

Tonsil Hockey
10-01-14, 00:37
Change "Upon re-application of the cover" to read "application of a different cover" sorry.

10-01-14, 10:10
My first time in Philly for a while, since August of last year, in-fact. Anyway, today's venture took me near 63rd and Passyunk, an area with which I am not totally familiar, but this gal was "flaunting her wares", and my inferior brain took control. I didn't notice any signs of Uncle LEO, so I bit, and went to one of the Airport area lodging establishments. We agreed upon . 5, plus either cab fare or a return ride back to her previous locale.

The ride to the inn was uneventful, fortunately, I had previously locked anything of value away, and I was in my service vehicle, which I really don't care about. I did not detect any signs of "poor maintenance", no fragrance (outside of Dial Soap), non-smoker, arms were bare. With no indications, eyes seemed clear and responsive. In speaking with her, the conversation was always normal, with no slurring or forgetfulness. Once at our destination, I dropped her off outside the property, negotiated the room rental (lower end airport rates), returned to retrieve her, and it was off to the races.

Annette / Nettie / whichever, got right down to disrobing, and started out with a CBJ (not to completion) - which was "okay", not bad, but not stellar either. Next came the unexpected. Off came the cover, followed by a quick cleanup. I began thinking WTF? But not to worry, her dagger-like fingernails provided a back and neck scratch which alone was worth the price of admission. She continued by asking "ready? Like she had to ask. Upon re-application of the cover, all three common positions were performed, finishing with mish, and her requesting "harder pushing", to which I complied. Upon finishing up, she assisted in the cleanup, and showered (yeah, she actually showered while I waited to get the heck out of there). I decided to provide a Jackson for cab fare, for reasons of safety.

Would definitely repeat, facial features (ten scale) a 6. 5 - 7. 0, build (meaty in the right places) 8. 0, performance 7. 5, cleanliness 9. 0. She was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke cutoff's, and a tank top which revealed few secrets.

NOT fetish friendly, no tours of the Adriatic available. Annette / Nettie did say that she was into role-playing, if that's important to anyone. She did not offer, nor did I ask for digits.

As always, YMMV, and BE SAFE!Hepatitis thru nail clippers and razors also.

10-01-14, 14:43
Hold on to your wallet don't give her any money.

Will take your money and run she will be around Jasper and Huntingdon street.

This photo taken at letterly 345420.

Will try to get better photo.Saw her last night at the same corner.

Thanks for the heads up.

10-01-14, 16:51
Nice to hear that she's working again! What time of day or night did you see her? Oh, and on what street?It was the morning time, pre-rush hour. Northern end, not sure which street.

10-02-14, 17:12
Who has shot video of her?

She is beautiful and loved by many. Welcome back Kate!

10-02-14, 19:26
Any SW in KOP for the picking up at all?? How about in Coatesville?? I've seen some walking around there but just afraid to pull over on the main street. Lincoln highway! Let me know of any action!

10-02-14, 19:54
I have a few still photos of Katie, but no video. I'd love to hook up with her again. Lost touch a while ago. Any fellow monger in the Christmas spirit and willing to share her digits?

Member #6368
10-02-14, 23:11
Any SW in KOP for the picking up at all?? How about in Coatesville?? I've seen some walking around there but just afraid to pull over on the main street. Lincoln highway! Let me know of any action!Really? In Coatesville. I remember there being a couple walkers a few years ago but didn't realize they where back. Where have you seen them?

10-02-14, 23:26
Really? In Coatesville. I remember there being a couple walkers a few years ago but didn't realize they where back. Where have you seen them?Lincoln Highway. Main street.

10-02-14, 23:41
Any SW in KOP for the picking up at all?? How about in Coatesville?? I've seen some walking around there but just afraid to pull over on the main street. Lincoln highway! Let me know of any action!Forget K. O. P.

10-03-14, 13:25
My first time in Philly for a while, since August of last year, in-fact. Anyway, today's venture took me near 63rd and Passyunk, an area with which I am not totally familiar, but this gal was "flaunting her wares", and my inferior brain took control. I didn't notice any signs of Uncle LEO, so I bit, and went to one of the Airport area lodging establishments. We agreed upon . 5, plus either cab fare or a return ride back to her previous locale.

The ride to the inn was uneventful, fortunately, I had previously locked anything of value away, and I was in my service vehicle, which I really don't care about. I did not detect any signs of "poor maintenance", no fragrance (outside of Dial Soap), non-smoker, arms were bare. With no indications, eyes seemed clear and responsive. In speaking with her, the conversation was always normal, with no slurring or forgetfulness. Once at our destination, I dropped her off outside the property, negotiated the room rental (lower end airport rates), returned to retrieve her, and it was off to the races.

Annette / Nettie / whichever, got ri ght down to disrobing, and started out with a CBJ (not to completion) - which was "okay", not bad, but not stellar either. Next came the unexpected. Off came the cover, followed by a quick cleanup. I began thinking WTF? But not to worry, her dagger-like fingernails provided a back and neck scratch which alone was worth the price of admission. She continued by asking "ready? Like she had to ask. Upon re-application of the cover, all three common positions were performed, finishing with mish, and her requesting "harder pushing", to which I complied. Upon finishing up, she assisted in the cleanup, and showered (yeah, she actually showered while I waited to get the heck out of there). I decided to provide a Jackson for cab fare, for reasons of safety.

Would definitely repeat, facial features (ten scale) a 6. 5 - 7. 0, build (meaty in the right places) 8. 0, performance 7. 5, cleanliness 9. 0. She was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke cutoff's, and a tank top which revealed few secrets.

NOT fetish friendly, no tours of the Adriatic available. Annette / Nettie did say that she was into role-playing, if that's important to anyone. She did not offer, nor did I ask for digits.

As always, YMMV, and BE SAFE!I think I have dated her any pics of her and / or digits you could share?

10-03-14, 13:28
Hepatitis thru nail clippers and razors also.They now are advertising a cure for hep see. I am sure this is great news to many. Now of they can cure herpes and HIV would be set.

10-03-14, 13:35
Hepatitis thru nail clippers and razors also.

My first time in Philly for a while, since August of last year, in-fact. Anyway, today's venture took me near 63rd and Passyunk, an area with which I am not totally familiar, but this gal was "flaunting her wares", and my inferior brain took control. I didn't notice any signs of Uncle LEO, so I bit, and went to one of the Airport area lodging establishments. We agreed upon . 5, plus either cab fare or a return ride back to her previous locale.

The ride to the inn was uneventful, fortunately, I had previously locked anything of value away, and I was in my service vehicle, which I really don't care about. I did not detect any signs of "poor maintenance", no fragrance (outside of Dial Soap), non-smoker, arms were bare. With no indications, eyes seemed clear and responsive. In speaking with her, the conversation was always normal, with no slurring or forgetfulness. Once at our destination, I dropped her off outside the property, negotiated the room rental (lower end airport rates), returned to retrieve her, and it was off to the races.

Annette / Nettie / whichever, got right down to disrobing, and started out with a CBJ (not to completion) - which was "okay", not bad, but not stellar either. Next came the unexpected. Off came the cover, followed by a quick cleanup. I began thinking WTF? But not to worry, her dagger-like fingernails provided a back and neck scratch which alone was worth the price of admission. She continued by asking "ready? Like she had to ask. Upon re-application of the cover, all three common positions were performed, finishing with mish, and her requesting "harder pushing", to which I complied. Upon finishing up, she assisted in the cleanup, and showered (yeah, she actually showered while I waited to get the heck out of there). I decided to provide a Jackson for cab fare, for reasons of safety.

Would definitely repeat, facial features (ten scale) a 6. 5 - 7. 0, build (meaty in the right places) 8. 0, performance 7. 5, cleanliness 9. 0. She was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke cutoff's, and a tank top which revealed few secrets.

NOT fetish friendly, no tours of the Adriatic available. Annette / Nettie did say that she was into role-playing, if that's important to anyone. She did not offer, nor did I ask for digits.

As always, YMMV, and BE SAFE!I'm confused what was the reason the cover was removed?

10-03-14, 14:08
Has anybody seen or heard from Shaina lately? I am actually a friend of hers on Facebook. Dated her several times always a good time. Last thing I saw on Facebook was she was in the big house, got out and says she was 12 weeks pregnant. I asked for an update on her page but she did not reply. In fact she hasn't posted anything since her announcement. Says she was happy that God had blessed her with this baby. I hope she is doing ok. Anyone know anything?

Tonsil Hockey
10-04-14, 01:43
I'm confused what was the reason the cover was removed?Annette / Nettie, after finding out that I was providing cab fare, instead of a ride back to 63rd Street, decided to throw in the extra massage as a "perk". The massage lasted almost twenty minutes, and necessitated a quick cleanup and application of new protective measures. Before completing the "full service" portion of the task. I decided to increase the tip because the service was better than expected, and more than what was negotiated.

Truthfully, I think she was just happy to not be required to complete the task in a vehicle of some type. The experience was not even remotely comparable to any other SW encounter which I've had, ever. My instincts tell me that she probably worked in a parlor for some length of time before hitting the streets.

Tonsil Hockey
10-04-14, 01:53
I think I have dated her any pics of her and / or digits you could share?No digits or picts, sorry. I locked my IPhone and valuables away in a safe which is securely installed in my service vehicle, and kept only enough out to make the transaction. I kept a keen watch on the key at all times, as I've read horror stories on this forum far too many times, and I live almost 80 miles away from PHL.

Cephlapod Love
10-09-14, 22:18
No digits or picts, sorry. I locked my IPhone and valuables away in a safe which is securely installed in my service vehicle, and kept only enough out to make the transaction. I kept a keen watch on the key at all times, as I've read horror stories on this forum far too many times, and I live almost 80 miles away from PHL.There goes a wise man. Learning from other's experiences instead of the School of the Streets! Kudos!

10-13-14, 17:07
I ran into Melissa this morning. It didn't click on who she was until I told her I was looking for someone else. One thing I did notice was her front tooth was somewhat out of place. She smelled great though. As quickly as she was there, circled around the block and she was gone.
Met up w / her one time a while ago. Excellent DT skills. Maybe she'll pop back up again.Yep. Sounds like her. (front tooth and all (LOL). Question, Where was she, sometimes they seem to stay in their "area'. Thanks.

10-14-14, 09:22
Yep. Sounds like her. (front tooth and all (LOL). Question, Where was she, sometimes they seem to stay in their "area'. Thanks.Seen her yesterday. Young petite and 23 yrs old. DT skills are off the chain. Easily the best of the area IMO. Was about to give up and go home on holiday play day and saw her walking. Didn't know she was the famous Melissa. Headed to my spot even though she offered her room / spot. She performed a fantastic DT on junior and applied the raincoat and sucked some more and entered the hot box and exploded into my coat. Was a fantastic experience and will definitely repeat. The rest of the loop had more than a few undesirables. One was just straggling out in the street geeking on Sargent.

10-14-14, 21:51
Found another Melissa while I was driving around the Frankford area south of the stroll. It was the first time I picked up someone on that side so I was a bit surprised. She was wearing a flashy pink tops with two bags on her hand like she just got done shopping. Never at first glance would anyone thought that she is working because she looked more of a civi rather than of a working girl. I noticed her walking very cute and I guess she saw me looking at her so she started waving and so I pulled over and gave her a ride. Girl was a bit mouthy. We chatted and shared jokes on the way to the favorite notel. The service was really good and not all business like. She even tried to enjoy herself too during our time together. Her body is a little on the heavy side but all curvy on the right places. She got a nice be cup with an eraser size nipples. Loved playing with those nipples and she even encouraged me to fondle them. So overall, the session went very well and I really enjoyed her company. I would definitely be looking for her again when I get back in the area.

Bigtime Monger
10-14-14, 22:32
Thanks for the report, JCM. Did you mean north of the stroll (north of Erie / Torresdale Aves) where Frankford is? If so, the well known notel on Poplar St is a pretty long drive. If your notel is a different one are you willing to supply (or PM) its name or location? I've heard there is a place on Frankford Ave but have never spotted one there.

10-16-14, 13:18
Saw her by Lehigh and Front. Real Cute Girl. Where can I find her pics on-line?

10-17-14, 22:31
Has anybody seen or heard from Shaina lately? I am actually a friend of hers on Facebook. Dated her several times always a good time. Last thing I saw on Facebook was she was in the big house, got out and says she was 12 weeks pregnant. I asked for an update on her page but she did not reply. In fact she hasn't posted anything since her announcement. Says she was happy that God had blessed her with this baby. I hope she is doing ok. Anyone know anything?Seen her the other week. Said she was five months pregnant. Gave me a nice BBBJ for. 2 and I gave. 15 tip. Nice girl nice time.