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11-18-07, 23:43
Davey, sorry to hear about your encounter at the patio. Ive only been there once a few years ago but it was dead. I can imagine LE staking the place out.

Of note, I met up with these 2 not to long ago, on the ave. Well rather met one who called in a friend. Anyway, went to the Days Inn which is SW friendly but expensive for a dive motel in my opinion. Anyway, the one called someone for supplies and met him downstairs pretty quickly. Makes me wonder if a couple are staked out by the seedy motels in the area.

Question for anyone, What about the Hub Motel past cottman and on the blvd. I remember once seeing to SW talking to a cop outside of it during the day. I drive by it a lot but never see anything going in or out.

Guys, be careful out there. Be patient and careful of your surroundings. LE in philly is pretty obvious, unlike NY, I do not think there is much of an undercover operation here and there cars are obvious enough but still be careful, you can easily get confortable. Also watch for those community watch smucks, you park in front of there house, they will call LE in a heart beat. They likely wont get there till after your done, but avoid the trouble all together. And remember, doesnt matter what the SW has on her body, but if she decides to dump it on your floor, its on you.

Sam Iam
11-19-07, 19:57
Davey, sorry to hear about your encounter at the patio. Ive only been there once a few years ago but it was dead. I can imagine LE staking the place out.

Of note, I met up with these 2 not to long ago, on the ave. Well rather met one who called in a friend. Anyway, went to the Days Inn which is SW friendly but expensive for a dive motel in my opinion. Anyway, the one called someone for supplies and met him downstairs pretty quickly. Makes me wonder if a couple are staked out by the seedy motels in the area.

Question for anyone, What about the Hub Motel past cottman and on the blvd. I remember once seeing to SW talking to a cop outside of it during the day. I drive by it a lot but never see anything going in or out.

Guys, be careful out there. Be patient and careful of your surroundings. LE in philly is pretty obvious, unlike NY, I do not think there is much of an undercover operation here and there cars are obvious enough but still be careful, you can easily get confortable. Also watch for those community watch smucks, you park in front of there house, they will call LE in a heart beat. They likely wont get there till after your done, but avoid the trouble all together. And remember, doesnt matter what the SW has on her body, but if she decides to dump it on your floor, its on you.

The hub was overpriced 7 years ago and it was a dump there are better places for the money. Unless you got a gal for the night the 1 hour motels are the best. I wouldn't spend the night at the Hub if they paid me.

Know One
11-19-07, 21:11
Davey, sorry to hear about your encounter at the patio. Ive only been there once a few years ago but it was dead. I can imagine LE staking the place out.

Of note, I met up with these 2 not to long ago, on the ave. Well rather met one who called in a friend. Anyway, went to the Days Inn which is SW friendly but expensive for a dive motel in my opinion. Anyway, the one called someone for supplies and met him downstairs pretty quickly. Makes me wonder if a couple are staked out by the seedy motels in the area.

Question for anyone, What about the Hub Motel past cottman and on the blvd. I remember once seeing to SW talking to a cop outside of it during the day. I drive by it a lot but never see anything going in or out.

Guys, be careful out there. Be patient and careful of your surroundings. LE in philly is pretty obvious, unlike NY, I do not think there is much of an undercover operation here and there cars are obvious enough but still be careful, you can easily get confortable. Also watch for those community watch smucks, you park in front of there house, they will call LE in a heart beat. They likely wont get there till after your done, but avoid the trouble all together. And remember, doesnt matter what the SW has on her body, but if she decides to dump it on your floor, its on you.

The hub is not only overpriced but intolerant. The operators rent rooms according to their idea of morality. I once saw two women turned away because they wanted to share one room that only had a double bed. Even if the women had been lesbians (They seemed pretty straight to me, but what do I know.) it is not legal to turn them away simply because you do not believe that two people of the same sex can sleep in the same bed. He did try to rent them two separate rooms. By the way I didn’t get one either when I mentioned that he was violating their civil rights. It is not the best place for your use.

11-20-07, 11:24
Met Heather on a trip to the K last week; white, early to mid 20's, light colored hear, neither thin nor fat, clean, friendly and with big, natural tits. Good, friendly and unrushed service..she even showed me a good place to park. She said it was the first time she'd been out in 8 months and that she planned to get a bit of money together and move to Florida. She reckoned it would take 3 days so, if she was serious, she's well on her way now.

I also saw a VERY young, skinny blonde girl near the McDonald's. I stopped near her to get a better look. She said she was 18. I didn't believe her but even if she were 18 or 19, I can't bring myself to do it. She should be in college, not walking the streets.


Sam Iam
12-01-07, 11:39
I sometimes see girls coming into a motel (one frequently mentioned here) with a guy just as I am leaving it. Twice recently I've seen girls I recognize and they recognized me. It made me wonder:

On a slow night, what if I just drove to the motel and waited to see who was coming out. Then, if I know the girl, ask her if she'd like to go back inside with me and then I'd drive her back to the K. It sure would be better for her, saving a round trip, saving time, and making money more quickly than usual.

Have any of you guys have ever done this?

How would you feel if some guy did this to you as you walked out and she accepted?

Not recommended, the reason why I say this is you don't know about the guy she is with and his mental state. Some guys are a bit looney and may have a GFE, or may really like the girl and you may put yourself in a bad situation. The girl may also be suspicious you are ULE and feel entrapped. In any case I recommed against that course of action. For me I really wouldn't care because you just made my life easier, but not all guys think that way.

Forth Ryte
12-01-07, 11:40
Interesting idea to catch SWs on the way out of a motel. It reminded me of something I use to do years back in NYC. In the morning, I sometimes hung around the Criminal Court arraignment part watching the flocks of SWs getting let out from the sweep the night before. This was back when NYC let them out easily. I thought to myself, how nice of the NYPD to gather up all these scantily clad ladies and bring them all to this one place for me to ogle. Then as they left the court building, if they weren't met be a pimp, I sometimes struck up a conversation. They were usually eager to meet someone and talk for a few blocks so they could walk away from the building safely. This was actually my very first encounter with SWs before I knew where the strolls were and where to find them.

-- Forth Ryte

T Shirt
12-01-07, 13:43
I sometimes see girls coming into a motel (one frequently mentioned here) with a guy just as I am leaving it. Twice recently I've seen girls I recognize and they recognized me. It made me wonder:

On a slow night, what if I just drove to the motel and waited to see who was coming out. Then, if I know the girl, ask her if she'd like to go back inside with me and then I'd drive her back to the K. It sure would be better for her, saving a round trip, saving time, and making money more quickly than usual.

Have any of you guys have ever done this?

How would you feel if some guy did this to you as you walked out and she accepted?It might not be a bad idea doing that, but on the down side like Sam says, you could put yourself in a bad situation depending on who she's with. Also if the place is being watched you could draw more attention to the place. Be careful.


12-01-07, 19:04
Not recommended, the reason why I say this is you don't know about the guy she is with and his mental state. Some guys are a bit looney and may have a GFE, or may really like the girl and you may put yourself in a bad situation. The girl may also be suspicious you are ULE and feel entrapped. In any case I recommed against that course of action. For me I really wouldn't care because you just made my life easier, but not all guys think that way.

I agree with you on both points. First I would love if someone did that to me and save me from having to drive them back to the ave or wherever.

Also agree that some guys may think you're trying to steal "their girl".

Last, yes some girls might be leary of the situation. Now if you knew the girl that would be different and it may work out just fine.

Maybe I ought to set up a little hooker drop box down the street from the Patio. Drop them off to me and I'll take them back for you (fee of course) and decide whether to date them again or not. Hmmm...wonder if there are any for rent signs close by.

12-03-07, 18:48
O.K. I have personal experience with being ripped of by Nicole when she first came out here years ago and stayed away from her, although have been tempted on more than one occasion. A couple years ago I picked up Lori and after not agreeing on a price (about a block later) she became nutty and I literally had to throw her out of the car after she insisted I give her 20 bucks for her time or she was going to start screaming. Oh she was screaming alright when her ass hit the pavement..LoL...

So now over the years I've talked with many mongers who over time have also had negative experiences with these two girls. By the way they are sisters. I don't always repeat everything I hear on the streets on this forum, but someone I personally know was ripped of by Nicole on Friday night and got a call from someone who has been a long time customer of Lori get into a similar situation as I did with her. He said she just started freaking out, screaming out the window and going nuts rummaging thru his car. He said it happened so quick he was shocked. Finally not wanting to get pulled over with her just going off the deep end in his car he gave her 15 dollars just to get her out.

Watch out for these two girls..nothing but trouble. I know some have had favorable reports in the past, but once a thief always a theif. Or in the case of Lori, once a nut always a nut.

I attached pics (from the photo thread) just so you know which girls I'm talking about.Thanks for the warning about nicole,but its a little too late for me,she ripped me off too..She is definately a real piece of shit. Hopefully she will go away for a long time someday.

12-07-07, 00:30
Went out the last couple of days and it's been really dead out. Almost no girls at all. Finally after a bit of frustration in not finding anything new today I took out the phone and called Shandie. Haven't seen her for about a month, so it was time to get back with her again.

But the reason of this post is as I stated to her that it was dead out, she said over the last two weeks they have busted about 36 girls. One of her friends got popped and when she got out, she told her half the girls on the ave are all there. And they have them 6 to a cell and it's not a pretty scene.

So guys, if they are busting this many girls, and I mentioned of a sting set-up the other day...be carefull !!!! I know it's not always as much fun just dialing a number of a girl you know, but it may be the wiser choice for a bit.

12-07-07, 01:13
Went out the last couple of days and it's been really dead out. Almost no girls at all.

...she said over the last two weeks they have busted about 36 girls. One of her friends got popped and when she got out, she told her half the girls on the ave are all there. And they have them 6 to a cell and it's not a pretty scene.

So guys, if they are busting this many girls, and I mentioned of a sting set-up the other day...be carefull !!!!

This happens in December, around the Holidays, every year. Kensington Avenue is a shopping district and they have to clean it up for the shoppers. They do the same thing at the malls, beefing up security and trying to chase off would be shop lifters, pickpockets and petty criminal. We think of them as just streetwalkers but many of these girls also have other job descriptions.

Usually the Judges get real misty (teary eyed) the week before Jan 1st and start letting the girls (and all other minor criminals) out. The thinking is (my guess) to get them off the streets for Christmas and then let them out before New Years because no one should start the year off in jail if they don't have too.

On the other hand. Broadway, in Camden, is less of a shopping area. Most of the regulars are still missing and I have noticed a couple of new girls in the area. So far I have been lucky and have managed to picked up a couple of nice ones.

Like Davey said: ...be careful!!!! Better safe than sorry.


Know One
12-08-07, 01:37
Went out the last couple of days and it's been really dead out. Almost no girls at all. Finally after a bit of frustration in not finding anything new today I took out the phone and called Shandie. Haven't seen her for about a month, so it was time to get back with her again.

But the reason of this post is as I stated to her that it was dead out, she said over the last two weeks they have busted about 36 girls. One of her friends got popped and when she got out, she told her half the girls on the ave are all there. And they have them 6 to a cell and it's not a pretty scene.

So guys, if they are busting this many girls, and I mentioned of a sting set-up the other day...be carefull !!!! I know it's not always as much fun just dialing a number of a girl you know, but it may be the wiser choice for a bit.

I would guess that about 75% of those arrests are possession arrest. If you go to the court house these days you will see many of these girls are arrested together while trying purchase contraband. Many of these girls have multiple arrests for possession then miss their court dates and have warrants out on them. It seems to me that the obstructing the highway charge seems to be falling out of favor and the girls who do get popped for prostitution are getting snagged by plain clothes LE.

Philadelphia is following the popular model of day in Law Enforcement. That is the hope that aggressive policing of quality of life crimes will stem the rate of all crime. It has worked for some areas but seems incredibly tedious. This does mean the number of arrest have increased and we will not be immune. It will be interesting to see what a new administration brings to the table.

By the way has anyone noticed how mobile the drug trade has become. It seems that instead of buyer walking to a corner and making their purchase they walk to a corner to find out where they need to go today.

Say safe guys, our problem is our friends don’t like to stray too far from their suppliers which brings us closer to a scene we don’t really want to be near.

12-08-07, 08:14
By the way has anyone noticed how mobile the drug trade has become. It seems that instead of buyer walking to a corner and making their purchase they walk to a corner to find out where they need to go today.

Say safe guys, our problem is our friends don’t like to stray too far from their suppliers which brings us closer to a scene we don’t really want to be near.

And do not let them use your cell phone. Even if they insist that they have to call mom or the babysister to tell them they are going to be late. Your number will end up on some drug dealers caller ID.


12-09-07, 16:55
Drove down the K last night about 10pm and Le was in full force Possibly the largest show of force that I've seen in the area since the original operation "Sunrise" back in the late 90's when they were shutting down the crackhouses.

Ever street had cruisers and unmarked where stopping every girl walking. I made one pass south and one north and didn't even go past Allegheny and just decided to leave. Didn't want to stand out to any LE and have them remember me on future eves.

Anybody else out last night ????

Horny Harry
12-09-07, 19:27
Anybody else out last night ????Yes. I pretty much agree with your description of Sat night. Came back late afternoon Sunday, figuring LE would ease off on a lighter shopping day and during an Eagles game. Indeed there hardly any marked cars and there were more opportunities, especially between Allegheny & Somerset. Picked up Nicole, aware of warnings here. But had a fine time & good rapport, as usual.

T Shirt
12-09-07, 21:31
Drove down the K last night about 10pm and Le was in full force Possibly the largest show of force that I've seen in the area since the original operation "Sunrise" back in the late 90's when they were shutting down the crackhouses.

Ever street had cruisers and unmarked where stopping every girl walking. I made one pass south and one north and didn't even go past Allegheny and just decided to leave. Didn't want to stand out to any LE and have them remember me on future eves.

Anybody else out last night ????I was out last night too, but only for a few minutes. I was on my way back home from Pathmark and was thinking it's not a good night for hunting. I noticed that all the corners were pretty much covered. Some streets even had a couple in the same block. Be safe out there.


Love To Monger
12-09-07, 23:37
And do not let them use your cell phone. Even if they insist that they have to call mom or the babysister to tell them they are going to be late. Your number will end up on some drug dealers caller ID.

CookyJarI just became a cell phone victim. Girl got my email password from saved settings on my phone.

12-21-07, 09:29
Ba Humbug...The action on the streets has reached a pre-holiday slow level. I am sure quite a number of my fellow mongers lucky enough to have regular(s) are smiling. But I who is a frequent observer of the board and infrequent hunter who enjoys the hunt as much as the actual act, have been unlucky of late.

Where's the action? I sound like Nathan Detroit from "Guys and Dolls". I got to have some game or I'll die in shame.

Happy Holidays to all.

Zaphod II
12-21-07, 16:48
Ba Humbug...The action on the streets has reached a pre-holiday slow level. I am sure quite a number of my fellow mongers lucky enough to have regular(s) are smiling. But I who is a frequent observer of the board and infrequent hunter who enjoys the hunt as much as the actual act, have been unlucky of late.

Where's the action? I sound like Nathan Detroit from "Guys and Dolls". I got to have some game or I'll die in shame.

Happy Holidays to all.

I have been out every night and every night it's the same thing, dead, I have had to rely on my list of phone numbers and hope there not in jail or lost there phones.

12-21-07, 20:27
Ba Humbug...The action on the streets has reached a pre-holiday slow level....

Where's the action?...Twas the night before Christmas, on the K very late,
Not a creature was stirring, no, not even Kate.
The condoms were laid by the dashboard with care,
In hopes that a working girl soon would be there.

When out on the Ave there arose such a clatter,
I slowed down my car to see what was the matter.
At the corner of Erie I turned right like a flash,
And drove to the donut shop, guarding my cash.

The moon on the breast of the Kensington El
Gave the lustre of mid-day to the donuts as well.
When, what to my wondering eyes should pull in,
But a miniature sled, and eight horny old men.

With a driver who steered like he'd been in the Navy,
I knew in a moment it had to be Davey.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Runnow! now Zaphod! Dark Phoenix! and Guthrie!
On Nivramb! Msaunders! Forth Ryte! and Mike 80!
To the top of the El! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the El track the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of condoms, and now ClitLicker too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard from on high
The nine horny men shout the mongering cry.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the El stairs Davey came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his thumb,
And his clothes were all tarnished with yesterday’s cum.
A list of old phone numbers firm in his hand,
He looked like a monger in charge of his land.

His eyes--how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
Not to mention his jewels, which were ready to blow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly
That the girls always shake, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old monger,
And I laughed when I saw he could not wait much longer!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know--girls had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And picked up nine girls, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, to the El they all rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Hunting to all, and to all a good-night!"

12-22-07, 11:05
Wish I had the literary talent to come up with stuff like that as I've never been the creative writing type. But excellent job, I got a good laugh out of that one.
Only unfortunate part of that poem is that Erie Torresdale has really died down as of lately. The DD now closes at 10pm, and girls are mostly non-existent there anymore. Come to think of it I haven't even seen Kate as of late.
Hope everyone has a great holiday season this year..

Member #4213
12-23-07, 10:02
DukePV that was great work!

Zaphod II
12-23-07, 13:59
They say if you travel far enough you will eventually meet yourself, well I have found if you drive up and down the K long enough you will eventually see a girl you want to pick up.

While it's not been easy I have seen a few of our girls out there, Short curly redhead Nicole, Kate, Gina, Rachel, Long Redhead Nicole, and Backpack Jenn. No I didn't date them all, just recon work.

So they are out there, but man it's more work than I'm used to finding them anymore. Seems daylight hours are your best bet, not too many coming out after 8 PM currently. BTW anyone know how much of AB's stable is locked up right now?


Horny Harry
12-23-07, 15:14
BTW anyone know how much of AB's stable is locked up right now?Only one that I know of: Stephanie is, and will be locked up through the holidays. Angie is permanently off the market. Brittney is still available. There are a couple of newbies. Short curly Red-headed Nicole and Krista have long been gone. Shandie/Amy lives nearby but is not (yet) part of the stable.

Zaphod II
12-24-07, 01:48
Only one that I know of: Stephanie is, and will be locked up through the holidays. Angie is permanently off the market. Brittney is still available. There are a couple of newbies. Short curly Red-headed Nicole and Krista have long been gone. Shandie/Amy lives nearby but is not (yet) part of the stable.

Actually I was with Short curly Red-headed Nicole a couple days ago, I know she is no longer working for AB but she's out there, or am I confusing something here?

Thanks for the update on Steph, I was wondering if she got out yet or not.


Horny Harry
12-24-07, 09:50
Actually I was with Short curly Red-headed Nicole a couple days ago, I know she is no longer working for AB but she's out there, or am I confusing something here?You're confused by my bad English! I meant to say she was long gone from Abdul's annex. If you tire of curly hair, I can vouch that the other red-head Nicole is also out and about.

Member #4318
01-02-08, 16:56
I was wondering what happened to a girl I used to see on the K. I never got up enough nerve to see her but she was the one I would have eventually seen. She was a brunette, straight hair to her shoulder. She would wear what looked like a green army jacket. She usually wore a hat and always winked when you went past her. Any info would be appreciated.

01-02-08, 22:38
I was wondering what happened to a girl I used to see on the K. I never got up enough nerve to see her but she was the one I would have eventually seen. She was a brunette, straight hair to her shoulder. She would wear what looked like a green army jacket. She usually wore a hat and always winked when you went past her. Any info would be appreciated.Sounds like Jewels; she often wore hats. Here's a photo (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=33021) of her. If you can confirm this is her, you'll have a better chance of getting feedback on her whereabouts.

P.S. Even if it's not Jewels, isn't it fun looking at photos of her! Since you mentioned hats, here's an old shot (www.usasexguide.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=30384) of her in a hat. Hard to keep your eyes up there on the hat though!

Member #4318
01-03-08, 06:08
Sounds like Jewels; she often wore hats. Here's a photo (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=33021) of her. If you can confirm this is her, you'll have a better chance of getting feedback on her whereabouts.

P.S. Even if it's not Jewels, isn't it fun looking at photos of her! Since you mentioned hats, here's an old shot (www.usasexguide.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=30384) of her in a hat. Hard to keep your eyes up there on the hat though!Hey Duke,

Thanks for the response. The girl I was looking for is definately not the girl that you sent pictures of. Anyone else who knows her would be appreciated.

01-04-08, 00:44
Sounds like Jewels; she often wore hats. Here's a photo (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=33021) of her. If you can confirm this is her, you'll have a better chance of getting feedback on her whereabouts.

P.S. Even if it's not Jewels, isn't it fun looking at photos of her! Since you mentioned hats, here's an old shot (www.usasexguide.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=30384) of her in a hat. Hard to keep your eyes up there on the hat though!

You beat me to the reply Duke..I was thinking Jules myself. I've actually seen her on a few occassions but she actually just walked by like she didnt even know me. Saw her once in the Walgreens at K&A and said hello and she just acted like I wasn't there. I figured she got clean and respected her wishes of anonymity and didn't persue further.

Zaphod II
02-09-08, 22:05
Some of you may know her, she has been discussed here a couple of times. Well I just want the board to know about something.


The "woman" who was raped in the above story was infact Jen. Jen may very well have spared other girls on the ave from the sickening bullshit this piece of shit Salvatore Longo did to her.

I urge anyone out there who knows other girls who may have been assaulted by this person to look at the picture and come forward. He needs to be put away forever. The police are aware that the victims he targeted are prostitutes and they are not interested in busting them, they need info in this guy.

Jen is a very good friend of mine and I am just glad she was able to escape. I said my goodbyes to her today, with the events of late she has gone to re-hab and I am hopeful she will get her life together.

Yea, I broke the rules and got "involved" but sometimes it just happens.


02-09-08, 23:15
Some of you may know her, she has been discussed here a couple of times. Well I just want the board to know about something.


The "woman" who was raped in the above story was infact Jen. Jen may very well have spared other girls on the ave from the sickening bullshit this piece of shit Salvatore Longo did to her.

I urge anyone out there who knows other girls who may have been assaulted by this person to look at the picture and come forward. He needs to be put away forever. The police are aware that the victims he targeted are prostitutes and they are not interested in busting them, they need info in this guy.

Jen is a very good friend of mine and I am just glad she was able to escape. I said my goodbyes to her today, with the events of late she has gone to re-hab and I am hopeful she will get her life together.

Yea, I broke the rules and got "involved" but sometimes it just happens.


Sad to hear that this has happened to Jen. Fortunately she did get away and hopefully help in this mans arrest. She was one of the nicer girls I met on the ave.
Hopefully something like this will scare her straight. I was kinda bummed out after she came out of rehab the last time only to wind up on the streets again. Maybe she can pull it off this time.

02-09-08, 23:48
Wow, that sucks.

Which Jen was this?

Mike 80
02-11-08, 21:29
Good for you Zaphod II. Thanks for the info. What a cruel, worthless POS this loser is. I'm sure LE is looking at him very closely and you got to believe this is not his first victim. May he rot in prison for the rest of his days. Hopefully his prison mates will give him the same treatment he gave her.

02-12-08, 17:34
I am new to this site, usually use escort services, friendfinders etc.

Tired of the bull

I like to find in shape sexy young girls for BJ's. I am trying to get in the flow on here, have used many AMP's etc. But want to get blown etc byb hot young petite females. It seems they are here on SW etc. Can snyone help me o where to go etc and not get busted?



02-12-08, 19:53
I am new to this site, usually use escort services, friendfinders etc.

Tired of the bull

I like to find in shape sexy young girls for BJ's. I am trying to get in the flow on here, have used many AMP's etc. But want to get blown etc byb hot young petite females. It seems they are here on SW etc. Can snyone help me o where to go etc and not get busted?



Read the forum and everything you want to know is here.

02-20-08, 15:25
It's been sometime now but I am back in Philadelphia. Been in Ft Myers for 6 years and SW are fair. I have been down the K since 1986 and a few times in the last 6 years when I was back for a vist or two.

Back in the 80's most of the WSW were crack heads. Today they look like dope heads. I would like to know if the book store on the k ave is still open?

Till then, be safe


Zaphod II
02-20-08, 18:39
It's been sometime now but I am back in Philadelphia. Been in Ft Myers for 6 years and SW are fair. I have been down the K since 1986 and a few times in the last 6 years when I was back for a vist or two.

Back in the 80's most of the WSW were crack heads. Today they look like dope heads. I would like to know if the book store on the k ave is still open?

Till then, be safe


Yes they were, yes they are, and yes it's still open as far as I know.


02-29-08, 14:23
Hey guys,

After reading about all the action in Philly/Camden I am planning a 2-3 day trip in a couple of weeks. Things up here in NY aren't so great. I was wondering if someone can point me to some cheap (but safe) motels that are in the general mongering areas and that allow guests. Also, how does Philly compare to Camden in terms of action and prices? I picked-up Ave K and B'way from these boards, but am I missing any other locations in both cities? What are optimal times of day for both places.

For the sake of not crowding this board, please PM me with the info. I really appreciate any input. If any of you are ever in NY, I would be glad to return the favor.

Trav Pokerman
03-01-08, 12:08
how does Philly compare to Camden in terms of action and prices?Don't forget Front Street as part of your Philly stroll. It's really just an extension of Kensington. Prices are consistent between Philly & Camden (20/40). Action is good in both places, although I have had more luck in Camden. If want to spend less time driving, Camden may be your best choice. Of course, Camden is really just an extension of the Philly stroll, as you can get to Broadway within 15 minutes of leaving Front Street in Philly. Try both. You'll be pleased.

Shadow Dancer
03-21-08, 09:37
I saw a brief preview for 20/20 tonight (on ABC) entitled "Prostitution in America: Working Girls Speak". The preview included a clip with a couple of Philly SWs from Broadway. It sounds like Diane Sawyer lets them (SWs) talk about how and why they got in to the business (among other things).

I believe it's on from 9pm - 11pm on channel 6 (ABC). Check you local listings.

(I'm not a senior member, so this posting will be delayed a bit.)

Trav Pokerman
03-22-08, 11:43
I saw a brief preview for 20/20 tonight (on ABC) entitled "Prostitution in America: Working Girls Speak". The preview included a clip with a couple of Philly SWs from Broadway. It sounds like Diane Sawyer lets them (SWs) talk about how and why they got in to the business (among other things).

I believe it's on from 9pm - 11pm on channel 6 (ABC). Check you local listings.

(I'm not a senior member, so this posting will be delayed a bit.)One of the interviewees was Skylar, a young Camden blond which I believe has been reviewed here. Footage was from 2005, I believe. I found it annoying that they kept referring to the place being Philly, yet they mentioned Broadway and showed Camden LE cruisers. They also showed (and filmed from) the Camden health dept RV. I certainly pity the guys who think, "great. I live near Philly. I'm going to check out the "Broadway" stroll in Philly. " I wonder how many times they run out of gas before determining that there is no Broadway in Philly.

Too bad Diane Sawyer didn't end her show with a statement such as, "for more detailed information about these girls, visit usasexguide. Info".

Emphasis on show was mostly on Nevada cathouses and call girls, but it was interesting to get glimpses of the Camden girls & stroll.

Shadow Dancer
03-22-08, 14:41
... I found it annoying that they kept referring to the place being Philly, yet they mentioned Broadway and showed Camden LE cruisers. They also showed (and filmed from) the Camden health dept RV. I certainly pity the guys who think, "great. I live near Philly. I'm going to check out the "Broadway" stroll in Philly. ..." I wondered about that when I posted. I had only seen a short clip and didn't see (or simply missed) any Camden reference. I'm not local, but have visited Philly a few times. I was surprised they mentioned "Broadway" but not the K. It was only when I watched last night I realized they were over the bridge.

Horny Harry
04-14-08, 21:06
Good Evening Mr. and Mrs. Philadelphia,

Spotted Rachel, subject of JohnnyBlazze's recent photo report (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?p=640257), on Sunday evening down the Avenue at that new green convenience store near the park. She looked good, as the photos confirm. Her blonde hair and nice shape always turn my head, but I passed on by. I guess I've had enough of the attitude. She is reportedly still one of Teddy's girls.

Wedding Bells for Angie and her pimp Abdul? Don't laugh. I've heard it from two sources. He is denying she's pregnant, everybody else is saying she is. He might even be getting out of the business.

Black Gina & Krista are locked up. Stephanie and Brittney are not. Old Dog 7540 has changed his name to Docstrangelove. He is 96 years-old and still yanking at his chain. Davey1965 got a "file limit exceeded" message on his Blackberry phone list of girls. Hizark21, San Diego's yawn inducer, is up to 2188 posts...closing in on Pwhipped's forum record of 2314.

Believe it all or believe someone else. But you gotta believe.

04-15-08, 12:32
Horny Harry: "Wedding Bells for Angie and her pimp Abdul? Don't laugh. I've heard it from two sources. He is denying she's pregnant, everybody else is saying she is. He might even be getting out of the business."

I almost spit my coffee on my computer screen at that one! I met Angie about three years ago and she was the oldest 20-year-old I had ever met in my life. She's having a baby? I feel sorry for the baby. SheE needs to get out of the business as much as Abdul does, hahahaha.

Horny Harry
04-15-08, 15:48
I met Angie about three years ago and she was the oldest 20-year-old I had ever met in my life. She's having a baby? I feel sorry for the baby. SheE needs to get out of the business as much as Abdul does, hahahaha.LOL. Agreed. I must applaud her though. She HAS been out of the business for a while now, since her last lockup. With the encouragement of said Abdul she's not working and she's clean. Albeit a bit chubby.

She will be chapter one if I ever write a book about the K. Actually, I'd like to see a happy ending for both partners in this rumored marriage.

But I'm not holding my breath...

T Shirt
04-15-08, 22:21
LOL. Agreed. I must applaud her though. She HAS been out of the business for a while now, since her last lockup. With the encouragement of said Abdul she's not working and she's clean. Albeit a bit chubby.

She will be chapter one if I ever write a book about the K. Actually, I'd like to see a happy ending for both partners in this rumored marriage.

But I'm not holding my breath...I seen her outside last weekend but only said hello. I ran into 2 friends of mine a couple doors down who I was talking to. Gotta say though, I thought she looked better than i've ever seen her. She was just sitting outside in a chair soaking up some rays.


04-15-08, 23:07
May I be the first to congratulate CenterCityDude on achieving Senior Member status.

I've always enjoyed his descriptive writing style and interesting reports.

As he may recall, we crossed paths with our dates once at the same luxury hotel. So he's not only a senior guy but he's obviously got class. ;)

04-16-08, 07:57
It sure has been a long time since the old dog got a mention on this forum. Our esteemed brother Harry certainly possesses a sharp eye and a good memory. I had thought retirement and a handle swap might enable a fade into obscurity.
The forum certainly is in good shape these days with quite a few quality posters carrying the torch. It seems like just the other day when I first found this forum and used the information to engage in a successful adventure under the "L".
I will now fade back into the shadows and get my enjoyment of the street life through the fine posts on these pages.
(I did fall off the wagon recently and took a hot little blond number into the bookstore for a little break)

One cordial shout out to the old-timers here who knew the old dog when he was off his leash. You know who you are.

One last word of caution to the couple newbies spewing their nut around the Avenue. Use caution as these activities can be extremely habit forming.

Best wishes to you always.

04-16-08, 12:24
May I be the first to congratulate CenterCityDude on achieving Senior Member status.

I've always enjoyed his descriptive writing style and interesting reports.

As he may recall, we crossed paths with our dates once at the same luxury hotel. So he's not only a senior guy but he's obviously got class. ;)

You were with that crazy Russian chick!

I believe we also had Angie the same night some years ago. That makes us practically related, heh-heh.

04-24-08, 18:05
She says she has a tight butt, looks good in her pic.

04-29-08, 20:38
I moved this to the general thread where I thought it might be more appropriate.

Yes for any reason I will be arrested on a treaspassing charge.

I have a very noticable car, One day last year the had an ULE sitting in the park near Tigoa looking for vehicles driving around. Well I drove by one to many times and got pulled over (No Girl in car). After checking for wants and warrants they came back to the vehicle had me get out for a photo and was issued an exclustion order. Since I live about 25 miles away the is no legit reason for begin on the Ave and they know I was there for a girl or drugs (LE words not mine). After checking with a laywer, He stated the only way I can get it lifted it to go before a Judge and explain why I was there (Not worth the hassle). The order will expire in two years on it's own. These orders have been used in other state's mostly on known girl's to get them off the street without actually witnessing any thing.

And with Nutter and the new Chief in charge now I bet there will be more issued by LE. I just don't want to get arrested on a treaspassing charge and have to go thru the hassle of going to court or explain it at work if they find out.

I need to get a cheaper mongering car that will blend's in once it expire's.

I hoped this explained it.

If I were you I’d be looking for another lawyer (not a cheaper car).

You are an American citizen. What does that mean? I am not sure, but; if it does not mean that you have the right to travel in, through and around public areas – what’s the point. If what you’ve outlined are all of the facts. I would fight it as a matter of principal.

True story. Twenty, maybe twenty-five years ago, when I’d have trouble sleeping, I’d get up and walk around the neighborhood. I would do this sometimes at 2 or 3am. I’d walk for maybe one or two hours, around Germantown. One morning the cops stopped me, checked me out and gave me a very polite warning. They said that a lot of pipers and no good nicks were out at that time of the morning and it was not a good idea for me to be out walking by myself. My family and friends agreed with the cops. But I figured that I was not going to let the dopers stop me from doing something I liked. Gradually I notice that what the cops had said was true, so I got scared and stopped walking the streets late/early in the morning. Now, when I cannot sleep, I get in my car and drive. Some times I drive for hours. I have been doing this for years. Sometimes I have a destination in mind and other times I just drive to nowhere and turn around and come back. Now you want to tell me that this may be unlawful. No way. I’d fight it.

I am a law abiding tax payer. I have not record. I have not been arrested or charged. No way I am not going to drive anywhere it’s legal I didn’t let the dopers stop me (at first) I wouldn’t let the cops stop me now. Besides, how does one trespass in a public area? They sell drugs on damn near every corner of Philadelphia (that’s an exaggeration). And, there are girls for sale, everywhere. Using the criteria they gave you, you could be arrested for going to city hall

I have been stopped with a girl in the car. I said nothing. They took the girl. One of the cops said I should be a shame of myself. No ticket (all of my papers were in order), no citations, no nothing. And my home address is outside of Philly (I do own property inside of Philly but they didn’t know that).

How is this for a good reason: I like to drive around when I cannot sleep, it releases the stress.


PS: I am not saying that you should fight it. I am saying I would fight it to the Supreme Court. And I would be looking for an apology. But then, I am an asshole.

Looking #1
04-29-08, 20:58
I moved this to the general thread where I thought it might be more appropriate.

If I were you I’d be looking for another lawyer (not a cheaper car).

You are an American citizen. What does that mean? I am not sure, but; if it does not mean that you have the right to travel in, through and around public areas – what’s the point. If what you’ve outlined are all of the facts. I would fight it as a matter of principal.

True story. Twenty, maybe twenty-five years ago, when I’d have trouble sleeping, I’d get up and walk around the neighborhood. I would do this sometimes at 2 or 3am. I’d walk for maybe one or two hours, around Germantown. One morning the cops stopped me, checked me out and gave me a very polite warning. They said that a lot of pipers and no good nicks were out at that time of the morning and it was not a good idea for me to be out walking by myself. My family and friends agreed with the cops. But I figured that I was not going to let the dopers stop me from doing something I liked. Gradually I notice that what the cops had said was true, so I got scared and stopped walking the streets late/early in the morning. Now, when I cannot sleep, I get in my car and drive. Some times I drive for hours. I have been doing this for years. Sometimes I have a destination in mind and other times I just drive to nowhere and turn around and come back. Now you want to tell me that this may be unlawful. No way. I’d fight it.

I am a law abiding tax payer. I have not record. I have not been arrested or charged. No way I am not going to drive anywhere it’s legal I didn’t let the dopers stop me (at first) I wouldn’t let the cops stop me now. Besides, how does one trespass in a public area? They sell drugs on damn near every corner of Philadelphia (that’s an exaggeration). And, there are girls for sale, everywhere. Using the criteria they gave you, you could be arrested for going to city hall

I have been stopped with a girl in the car. I said nothing. They took the girl. One of the cops said I should be a shame of myself. No ticket (all of my papers were in order), no citations, no nothing. And my home address is outside of Philly (I do own property inside of Philly but they didn’t know that).

How is this for a good reason: I like to drive around when I cannot sleep, it releases the stress.


PS: I am not saying that you should fight it. I am saying I would fight it to the Supreme Court. And I would be looking for an apology. But then, I am an asshole.

Well Put, I guess I'am just a wimp about :)

04-29-08, 22:55
I moved this to the general thread where I thought it might be more appropriate.

If I were you I’d be looking for another lawyer (not a cheaper car).

You are an American citizen. What does that mean? I am not sure, but; if it does not mean that you have the right to travel in, through and around public areas – what’s the point. If what you’ve outlined are all of the facts. I would fight it as a matter of principal.

True story. Twenty, maybe twenty-five years ago, when I’d have trouble sleeping, I’d get up and walk around the neighborhood. I would do this sometimes at 2 or 3am. I’d walk for maybe one or two hours, around Germantown. One morning the cops stopped me, checked me out and gave me a very polite warning. They said that a lot of pipers and no good nicks were out at that time of the morning and it was not a good idea for me to be out walking by myself. My family and friends agreed with the cops. But I figured that I was not going to let the dopers stop me from doing something I liked. Gradually I notice that what the cops had said was true, so I got scared and stopped walking the streets late/early in the morning. Now, when I cannot sleep, I get in my car and drive. Some times I drive for hours. I have been doing this for years. Sometimes I have a destination in mind and other times I just drive to nowhere and turn around and come back. Now you want to tell me that this may be unlawful. No way. I’d fight it.

I am a law abiding tax payer. I have not record. I have not been arrested or charged. No way I am not going to drive anywhere it’s legal I didn’t let the dopers stop me (at first) I wouldn’t let the cops stop me now. Besides, how does one trespass in a public area? They sell drugs on damn near every corner of Philadelphia (that’s an exaggeration). And, there are girls for sale, everywhere. Using the criteria they gave you, you could be arrested for going to city hall

I have been stopped with a girl in the car. I said nothing. They took the girl. One of the cops said I should be a shame of myself. No ticket (all of my papers were in order), no citations, no nothing. And my home address is outside of Philly (I do own property inside of Philly but they didn’t know that).

How is this for a good reason: I like to drive around when I cannot sleep, it releases the stress.


PS: I am not saying that you should fight it. I am saying I would fight it to the Supreme Court. And I would be looking for an apology. But then, I am an asshole. If Looking was just looking, he'd have grounds to contest the "exclusion order. " Nothing illegal about just looking, or just reading for that matter. Deriving pleasure or whatever from seeing women on the street is no crime, even if they are plying a trade. It's a crime to hire them, not to watch them.

It sounds wrong that the cops--rather than a magistrate or judge--could issue an order requiring you to stay away from some place. An order is something for a magistrate or judge to issue after a hearing. If Looking feels like fighting, he should give the ACLU a call. This sounds very dubious. The right to travel where you want is protected by the constitution.

OTOH, if Looking was interested in more than just looking, he's probably best off keeping his mouth shut.

Most likely, Looking has been placed on a list of people they will really come down on hard if he actually gets busted with drugs or hookers in the next two years. But, as far as I know, frequenting a bad part of town is not a crime, unless the constitution has really changed under W. Driving aimlessly under the El is no crime, and it doesn't become one until you actually do something, no matter what you might be _thinking_ about.

04-29-08, 23:22
Well Put, I guess I'am just a wimp about :)

No! You're not being a wimp. You're just being safe.

Anyone else have an opinion of the legality of Looking #1's plight


04-30-08, 07:05
If Looking feels like fighting, he should give the ACLU a call. This sounds very dubious. The right to travel where you want is protected by the constitution.

Unless he gave them some reason to believe that he intented to commit a crime. If he admitted or was tricked into saying he was looking for a girl for hire, he'd have a problem.

What about the photo. I would not have let them take my picture, unless I was under arrest. And then I would only let them take it inside of the station.

The same thing goes for searching my car (I know they didn't search Looking's car), no searches without a warrant. Oh! Sure they can search anyway, but I wouldn't give my permission.

There is a list or a link, that shows what a citizen should do when stopped by the police - maybe someone should post it.



Demon Lkm
04-30-08, 13:05
I'm a long time lurker, wanna be monger. The link below is to a youtube video to surviving police encounters it's a little long. Hope it's useful.


There is also a great deal of information on their website:


Be safe


EDITOR'S SUGGESTION: This is interesting, but you might consider re-posting it in the Police Tactics and Legal Issues thread in the Special Interests section of the Forum where it will benefit the Forum Members who are specifically looking for this type of information. Thanks!

Looking #1
04-30-08, 18:27
Unless he gave them some reason to believe that he intented to commit a crime. If he admitted or was tricked into saying he was looking for a girl for hire, he'd have a problem.

What about the photo. I would not have let them take my picture, unless I was under arrest. And then I would only let them take it inside of the station.

The same thing goes for searching my car (I know they didn't search Looking's car), no searches without a warrant. Oh! Sure they can search anyway, but I wouldn't give my permission.

There is a list or a link, that shows what a citizen should do when stopped by the police - maybe someone should post it.



I never said anything other than it was a nice day and I was driving around to get out of the house and get some fresh air. They informed me that it is a high drug and prostitution area.

Your right they did not search or ask to search my car other than looking through the windows to find PC which would give them the right to search.

With Glenn in Miami commenting I guess I am now the talk of this broad.

I would like to thank everyone for there support and comment's.

Looking elsewhere (for now) #1

04-30-08, 18:47
Hey guys, out of town senior member from Florida visiting your fair city.
I'm at a hotel on Race near 13th, without a vehicle. Any mongering possibilities in that general area in walking distance? I'm considering an AMP, but am more of a SW dude myself.

If you have any favorites, I have a hotel room at your disposal if you'd like to co-op tonight (one at a time of course).

04-30-08, 21:06
Hey guys, out of town senior member from Florida visiting your fair city.
I'm at a hotel on Race near 13th, without a vehicle. Any mongering possibilities in that general area in walking distance? I'm considering an AMP, but am more of a SW dude myself.

If you have any favorites, I have a hotel room at your disposal if you'd like to co-op tonight (one at a time of course).

Is that the 'W-hotel' or thereabouts? You are right behind the convention center right? If so you are right at the edge of Chinatown, there are quite a few AMP right within a 3 block radius of you. Pretty much ground zero for the AMP's. Get thee over to the 'Philadelphia AMP forum', do a little homework (RTFT) pay particular attention to the 'CH2' thread and make a trip (locale on p.9 of thread). .6 for the house $ for the girl. This is standard rate around here, get it all including the 'special'. CH2 is the standard all other AMP's in Philly are measured against, it will be a shame to have come all this way and not pay a visit to CH2. Thoroughly read the threads for all the info you might want/need, requesting contact info on the few gems around here tend to get testy responses to your queries...RTFT!!!

It's been a bit but you can also check the free newspaper available everywhere (philadelphia weekly and citypaper) to see if they have listings. Again the AMP forum is a invaluable resource, be sure to look it up. sexadelphia.com can point you toward overpriced escorts if you wish (some might be on this site also).

As for SW...I dunno about Center City..unless you are looking for dudes in the gayborhood. I have never come across or know of any in center city, perhaps the more seasoned vets here have more insight than I do but I've never come across it. You are simply too far away to check out the 'K' or Camdens 'Broadway'.

Seeing that you dont have a vehicle your options will likely be limited to center city, where you are tends to get dead after business hours, all the fun, clubs, watering holes and festivites tend to happen the other side of Market street.

strip club...the only one of any note where where you are is 'the gold club', 1400 block of chancellor street. I've not been in a while but I hear told it's okay, dunno about extras or take-out tho. If you have the inclination go to the website (worldfamousgoldclub.com), print yourself the free pass and check it out.

good luck, have fun, be safe.

hopefully you have a map to help situate yourself.

04-30-08, 21:43
Is that the 'W-hotel' or thereabouts? You are right behind the convention center right? If so you are right at the edge of Chinatown, there are quite a few AMP right within a 3 block radius of you. Pretty much ground zero for the AMP's. Get thee over to the 'Philadelphia AMP forum', do a little homework (RTFT) pay particular attention to the 'CH2' thread and make a trip (locale on p.9 of thread). .6 for the house $ for the girl. This is standard rate around here, get it all including the 'special'. CH2 is the standard all other AMP's in Philly are measured against, it will be a shame to have come all this way and not pay a visit to CH2. Thoroughly read the threads for all the info you might want/need, requesting contact info on the few gems around here tend to get testy responses to your queries...RTFT!!!

It's been a bit but you can also check the free newspaper available everywhere (philadelphia weekly and citypaper) to see if they have listings. Again the AMP forum is a invaluable resource, be sure to look it up. sexadelphia.com can point you toward overpriced escorts if you wish (some might be on this site also).

As for SW...I dunno about Center City..unless you are looking for dudes in the gayborhood. I have never come across or know of any in center city, perhaps the more seasoned vets here have more insight than I do but I've never come across it. You are simply too far away to check out the 'K' or Camdens 'Broadway'.

Seeing that you dont have a vehicle your options will likely be limited to center city, where you are tends to get dead after business hours, all the fun, clubs, watering holes and festivites tend to happen the other side of Market street.

strip club...the only one of any note where where you are is 'the gold club', 1400 block of chancellor street. I've not been in a while but I hear told it's okay, dunno about extras or take-out tho. If you have the inclination go to the website (worldfamousgoldclub.com), print yourself the free pass and check it out.

good luck, have fun, be safe.

hopefully you have a map to help situate yourself.

Thanks my friend, you've restored my faith in the "city of brotherly love" with the fast and useful advice.

I did indeed RTFF and ended up visiting an AMP. I love the thrill of the street, but too out of my element to hang with the big boys. I'll post my review in the AMP section in a few minutes.

Again, I appreciate the help to a "useless" (my words) visitor to your area.

If you're ever in the Tampa area, send me a message and I'm sure I can point you to some experiences that will knock your socks off.

Phila Dog
05-12-08, 12:35
I seem to remember taking a walk through a sex shop on 21st/22nd and market and there being a private room on the 3rd floor or something that you can rent by the hour. I believe there were couches, pole, general fun stuff. Anyone know what I'm talking about, have any experience? Any other suggestions on where to take a date for an hour in center city?

Doctor Pussy
05-18-08, 08:56
I'm seeing posts referring to a Lisa (sometimes 2 Lisa's) so I have to ask.

Nearly 10 years ago there was a provider (real old lady but ok body, A-cups) named Ivy (Malaysian) who brought a 19 y.o. Thai/Laotian girl named Kitty (may have went by Angel) to Philly. Nice naturals, tattoo on one of them, you could tell she would put on some weight in a few years though.

They all stayed in a townhouse on 6th & Jackson (no longer there) with a relative named "Lisa" (not the Lisa I'm looking for).

I brought my buddy up to Philly to make a video with a girl and the aforementioned 3 offered the pictured Cambodian Lisa (this is the one I'm looking for). She may have been either a provider of stripper at the time. They all were somehow involved in that type of business.

She was great and since I didn't nail her that day, I've been thinking about doing her ever since. Went to 6th & Jackson a couple years back, new renters.

If this rings a bell to anybody, please PM me with any leads you may have. As a gratuity I'll share with you a video snippet of Lisa giving my buddy a BBBJ

05-30-08, 11:06

The place is les gals. $.05 to enter and can get a hj for $. Used to have more on menu but hj is about it now. Can spend extra $ to go downstairs to loung room for more time. this place has a few 8's but ymmv on the selection of girls

06-12-08, 23:01
Center City Massage Parlor Busted For Prostitution
Mary Stoker Smith PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― Philadelphia police arrested four women at a Center City massage parlor Thursday and charged them with prostitution following an investigation.

According to police, the suspects were taken into custody at about 1:30 p.m. while working at a massage parlor at 1235 Vine Street. Members of the Vice Squad executed a warrant following an investigation into alleged prostitution taking place at that address.

Police began their investigation after neighbors complained of suspicious activity.

"This particular one we've hit before, unfortunately they were up and running again, so we hit them again and we are going to try to close them and hopefully this time it will be permanently," Chief Inspector Bill Colarulo said.

Investigators said the business advertised in the Philadelphia City Paper under the name "RainBow". The ad suggested patrons can receive a "body shampoo" and "total relaxation".

"We do believe that a lot of these massage parlors are connected in some way or another, especially when you have certain blocks in the city where you have multiple massage parlors on the same block," Colarulo said.

Another woman inside the business fainted during the raid and was taken to local hospital for treatment.

Officials from the city's Licenses and Inspections Department shut the building down late Thursday afternoon.

The suspects have charged with prostitution and other related offenses.

06-13-08, 09:08
There was another bust on Wednesday at an AMP that recently opened on Cumberland and Aramingo. I was sitting at the light as the police and L&I where putting up the infamous white and red striped paper on the AMP's door. I heard from some sources that this is just the begining and that there are going to be plenty of more raids to come.

Be safe

06-13-08, 23:32
What I don't get is why the police don't bust more of these places? What qualifies as grounds for a raid? Do neighbors have to complain? All the police have to do is look in the City paper and easily identify the massage parlors. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure more than massages are going on. Obviously, I don't think the cops are that stupid, they know exactly where all these parlors (that advertise) are located. I think they need some public disturbances/complaints to execute a warrant tho. Typically, I think what you have is dissatisfied customers calling the police and issuing complaints about these establishments when they get bad business or an STD or whatever it may be.

06-28-08, 10:54
These have been other sweeps in neighboring states, including Dayton, OH/Richmond,IN. There might be some fed money behind this.

06-28-08, 20:20

I actually went to grab a bite to eat at the WaWa on Aramingo and happened to come through Cumberland Street. I didn't remember the number off the top of my head, but I had assumed that it was on the 2600 block. I will have to look for it again, because I am sure that they will re-open, although this may be one of the more peculiar places that they have decided to open.

Why doesn't Philly just have a Red Light District, so we can do our thing?

06-29-08, 15:08
NBC 10 website:

POSTED: 4:59 pm EDT June 12, 2008
UPDATED: 5:19 pm EDT June 12, 2008

PHILADELPHIA -- Philadelphia police said they made arrests Thursday at a massage parlor that was really being operated as a house of prostitution.

Three women were arrested and charged with prostitution during the afternoon raid at 11th and Winter streets in Center City, police said.

An undercover officer went inside and says he was solicited by one of the women.

Police said the new mayor and commissioner have a zero-tolerance policy for these types of crimes and are determined to stop them permanently.

The city's department of licenses and inspections officers said it's trying to shut the business down for good.

Immigration officers were also involved in the raid

06-29-08, 15:21
nbc 10 website:

posted: 4:59 pm edt june 12, 2008
updated: 5:19 pm edt june 12, 2008

philadelphia -- philadelphia police said they made arrests thursday at a massage parlor that was really being operated as a house of prostitution.

three women were arrested and charged with prostitution during the afternoon raid at 11th and winter streets in center city, police said.

an undercover officer went inside and says he was solicited by one of the women.

police said the new mayor and commissioner have a zero-tolerance policy for these types of crimes and are determined to stop them permanently.

the city's department of licenses and inspections officers said it's trying to shut the business down for good.

immigration officers were also involved in the raid

amp are under attack by le nationwide. coast to coast! in san fransisco, the mayor has vowed to shut them all down. there have been raids going on for months now. the thing that really bothers me most, is it is just going to force all these providers out on the streets. they do not just simply go away, they move into other avenues. also, as the economy worsens (and trust me it is going to get real bad, real soon) more and more women are going to turn to the oldest profession. when will our government learn we need to regulate it and stop trying to enforce laws that don't work with an iron fist? that being said, i'm all for shutting down these traffickers and slave traders. no woman should have to work as a prostitute unless she willingly chooses to do so. those who promote **** prostitution should be given a jail cell with bubba. aside from that, women who choose to work under their own free will, she be given the means to safely do so.

contrary to what the powers that be think, there are many women who actually enjoy this line of work. i've met many of them over the years.

06-29-08, 15:49

I actually went to grab a bite to eat at the WaWa on Aramingo and happened to come through Cumberland Street. I didn't remember the number off the top of my head, but I had assumed that it was on the 2600 block. I will have to look for it again, because I am sure that they will re-open, although this may be one of the more peculiar places that they have decided to open.

Why doesn't Philly just have a Red Light District, so we can do our thing?I happen to be in that area yesterday and drove by that AMP on Aramingo and the sticker was gone. I believe that they might be back in business. The day of the raid LE was talking with a few neighbors and taking down notes, so I believe that this was an effort by neighbors to have this place shut down. When you see guys coming and going from morning till night, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that something is not right. This has to be one of the worst locations to have an AMP by all means. You have nosey neighbors sitting on there steps, a bar next door and a traffic light at the corner. In this neighborhood you are not as anonymous as you would be downtown or in a shopping center IMHO.

Forth Ryte
06-29-08, 18:24
Guys, I didn't know where else to post this question. Maybe one of you knows. There are cell phones you can buy in drug stores, Radio Shack, etc. where you pre-pay the minutes.
I'd like to know, if I buy one, can I pay cash so there is no record of me connected to the phone? Do I need to show an ID (again, don't want the number connected to me)? When I call somone using that type of phone, will the number show on their caller ID? Its OK with me if the number shows but not my name.

Answers and info helpful. PM or here. Thanx.

-- Forth Ryte

T Shirt
06-29-08, 19:05
Guys, I didn't know where else to post this question. Maybe one of you knows. There are cell phones you can buy in drug stores, Radio Shack, etc. where you pre-pay the minutes.

I'd like to know, if I buy one, can I pay cash so there is no record of me connected to the phone? Do I need to show an ID (again, don't want the number connected to me)? When I call somone using that type of phone, will the number show on their caller ID? Its OK with me if the number shows but not my name.

Answers and info helpful. PM or here. Thanx.

-- Forth RyteYou can put those in any name you want. I've bought a few and just put them in the girls name even though she wasn't with me.


06-29-08, 20:36
i totally agree that as the economy gets worse, it is going to be a booming business. i wonder if it could mean that prices will be lowered to help out. i have noticed on tbd and ter that some of the escorts are lowering their prices to help out, because otherwise, they may not get any visitors.

i would never patronize a place that has **** girls. i have never been to one in philly and hope that i never run across a place like that.

06-29-08, 20:37

I just purchased a pre-paid Go Phone at Wal-Mart with cash and there was absolutely no questions asked. In the book, it says that you have to go to att.com/activations or dial a Toll-Free number to set up the phone to get a number. I started to tinker with the online portion, but it asked me for the SIM Card number. I am going to use the phone as a backup to a phone that I broke, so I don't want to mess it up. Good luck

06-30-08, 06:42
Guys, I didn't know where else to post this question. Maybe one of you knows. There are cell phones you can buy in drug stores, Radio Shack, etc. where you pre-pay the minutes.
I'd like to know, if I buy one, can I pay cash so there is no record of me connected to the phone? Do I need to show an ID (again, don't want the number connected to me)? When I call somone using that type of phone, will the number show on their caller ID? Its OK with me if the number shows but not my name.

Answers and info helpful. PM or here. Thanx.

-- Forth Ryte

Just use the 800 number to set up the phone (block the number you are
calling from) and always buy the minutes online with cash. Alot of the
prepaid phones now have tracking (the gov. says its for our safety)
that you can't turn off. I still have a few of the old ones that either
don't have it, or can be turned off. Might want to search on ebay
to find an older one if that function not being there is important
to you.

06-30-08, 14:16
amp are under attack by le nationwide. coast to coast! in san fransisco, the mayor has vowed to shut them all down. there have been raids going on for months now. the thing that really bothers me most, is it is just going to force all these providers out on the streets. they do not just simply go away, they move into other avenues. also, as the economy worsens (and trust me it is going to get real bad, real soon) more and more women are going to turn to the oldest profession. when will our government learn we need to regulate it and stop trying to enforce laws that don't work with an iron fist? that being said, i'm all for shutting down these traffickers and slave traders. no woman should have to work as a prostitute unless she willingly chooses to do so. those who promote **** prostitution should be given a jail cell with bubba. aside from that, women who choose to work under their own free will, she be given the means to safely do so.

contrary to what the powers that be think, there are many women who actually enjoy this line of work. i've met many of them over the years.

i'm with you 100%, its crazy that fornicatin' for free or stealing someones wife is totally legal...well not legal but has no criminal penalty assigned to it but the provision of physical/mental "stress relief" for a negotiated fee brings out the zealots and the sledgehammer of moral indignation and believes it can stamp a thing like this out.

this clampdown is stupid...now who's gonna jerk me off??

06-30-08, 16:01
....this clampdown is stupid...now who's gonna jerk me off??

Mayor Michael Bustyour Nutter

06-30-08, 20:16
This clampdown is a disgrace. With all the problems in this country today, you would think the politicians and LE would have something better to do. They don't. Let's face it, there's going to be another terrorist attack in this country (my guess is it will be a smuggled Pakistani nuclear device in NY or DC). LE isn't up to this challenge, so they go after poor women and their male customers who are bothering no one, only because it's easy.

Forth Ryte
06-30-08, 22:28
Thanks guys, but none of you seemed to understand that I DO want the phone to show a number, just no connection to my name..... I want to call girls who post on CL who will only answer if you call from an unblocked number but I do not want them or anyone else to have my name associated with that number.

I don't get it, Davey, how can you "go online and pay with cash"?

-- Forth Ryte

Very Dvs
07-01-08, 02:09
This clampdown is a disgrace. With all the problems in this country today, you would think the politicians and LE would have something better to do. They don't. Let's face it, there's going to be another terrorist attack in this country (my guess is it will be a smuggled Pakistani nuclear device in NY or DC). LE isn't up to this challenge, so they go after poor women and their male customers who are bothering no one, only because it's easy.

I post this in another forum, but it is relevant to this topic, so I am going to cross post it here, about the bust of an escort in Missouri. She advertised on Craig's List, which is how Uncle Leo got her.

Are you going to sleep better knowing she is off the street? I know I will!

:: please note extreme sarcasm ::

Here is my problem(s) with busting this girl. Not only should acts in a bedroom, between two consenting adults, be something between two adults, but there is another element(s) to this situation.

The first element is the abuse of the statute. She was charged with a felony, because this occurred within 1,000 ft of a daycare. The intent of the legislature was to keep street walkers away from schools, daycares, etc. because no one wants their kids around Johns doing u-turn in the middle of the road, pimps moonlighting as crack dealers on the corner or streetwalkers walking up to cars, which is understandable.

This young lady was arrested after posting on Craig's List, this transaction most likely occurred indoors, behind closed doors and it is outside the scope of the state legislature's intent. The prosecutor knows this, the police know this, but they are abusing the statute to catch a headline and appear, "Hard on crime!" Let it be noted, they achieved their goal and the local rag ran the article, because it was more entertaining than what a bushel of soy beans closed at on a commodity market.

The second disturbing element of this case are the resources that will be allocated to it. Between testifying in court, writing reports, the "sting," the "investigation" to find this girl, etc. it took two detectives three days. Detectives make 60k/year, 2x their pay goes to workman's comp, benefits, etc. That means each of these detectives is worth 180k/year to the taxpayer. With a five day work week and four weeks paid vacation, including holidays and sick days, three days of these guys time cost the taxpayer $4,500.

The next cost is the prosecutor who is making 70k/yr, who will spend half a day on this case, and oh yes, between case review, time in court, negotiations with the public defender, etc, half a day in court, at a cost of $500 to the taxpayer.

She is being charged with a felony, so she is facing a minimum of a year and a day in prison. The average cost of incarceration in Missouri is $14,005/yr, which is one of the lower rates in the United States, but that is still awfully expensive. Let's tack on two years probation/parole, at a cost of $5,000 to the taxpayer.

The judge, bailiffs, heating the courthouse, public defender etc. all cost money. Do you see what I am getting at here? None of this is free. Before everything is all said and done, this case will end up costing the taxpayer $40,000.

I am not anti-police, but the police should be out doing things like hunting down terrorists, armed robbers, etc. Has anyone driven through North or East St. Louis lately? You can't tell me there is not enough work to keep these guys busy.

Our economy is in a recession, our schools are a mess, children are going without food and roads are not being repaired. With all of this occurring, we are wasting our resources on this case? I call BS.

This was my rant, and I feel better now. If you ever hear anyone talking about the legality of prostitution, don't forget to let them know what the cost of busting a working girl is. Everyone in our society should be outraged over a case like this. The most ironic part of this, almost all of us have decent jobs, we are taxpayers, and we are the ones supporting this gestapo crap, with our hard earned tax dollars.

Very Dvs
07-01-08, 02:20
i would never patronize a place that has **** girls. i have never been to one in philly and hope that i never run across a place like that.

i 100% agree with this statement. if someone is ****, they should be focused on school and the normal things kids enjoy. if someone is over 18, they are old enough to die in iraq, they should be old enough to make a living or do what they choose.

the other night, there was an msnbc investigates special about "human trafficking." during this hour long documentary, the reporters focused on women from russia, who are lured to the united states under false pretenses i.e. to get jobs working as secretaries or models, then once they get here they are "forced" into prostitution or stripping.

ok, i call b.s. why would anyone have to force russian girls into prostitution or stripping? i have been to russia and eastern europe. there are more working girls than there are baptists at the wedding of two cousins in arkansas. seriously, all these girls want to talk about is, "the united states this" or "the united states that." anyone could offer these women a ticket to the united states, tell them they have to work for you for a year to pay it off and you would have more women lined up than you could put to work.

wouldn't kidnapping and imprisoning these women as slaves be risky? wouldn't you increase your risk of one of them escaping and telling the authorities? wouldn't their work not be as enthusiastic? there is no logical reason to "force" women into this business. i don't buy it for a minute.

look, i am not saying it never happens, but logically, it would have to be far and few between. from a business point of view, there is no reason to "force" these women to do anything, when there are more willing participants than pimps know what to do with.

Sam Iam
07-01-08, 11:23
Thanks guys, but none of you seemed to understand that I DO want the phone to show a number, just no connection to my name..... I want to call girls who post on CL who will only answer if you call from an unblocked number but I do not want them or anyone else to have my name associated with that number.

I don't get it, Davey, how can you "go online and pay with cash"?

-- Forth Ryte

You can buy a prepaid card at a store like 7-11 and the card has a code on it. then you enter the code online. I have used it before as I have a prepaid phone and if someone traces the phone to you, ohhh I lost it months ago. If I call my house with the Virgin Mobile phone I have the caller id says wireless call.

Love AMPs
07-01-08, 11:56
Thanks guys, but none of you seemed to understand that I DO want the phone to show a number, just no connection to my name..... I want to call girls who post on CL who will only answer if you call from an unblocked number but I do not want them or anyone else to have my name associated with that number.

I don't get it, Davey, how can you "go online and pay with cash"?

-- Forth Ryte

FR, I had the same problem as you. I was using my office cell, with the number blocked for hobbying. Not smart and not safe.

I went to Wal-Mart and bought a $12.88 tracphone and a 30 minute prepaid card for (I think) around $15. Paid cash. No questions asked.

Activating the phone was quick and easy. Dial an 800 number, enter basic information (about the only thing they needed that was somewhat personal was my ZIP code so they can assign a phone # to me, but I used a ZIP adjacent to me to be safe). Very quick and easy. There is absolutely NO way they can track the phone to me.

The phone now has it's own number. I use the phone only for hobbying. It's turned off on days I'm not hobbying. When I call a number with caller ID, my phone number shows up. Makes CL calls much easier. (The obvious question is why are CL providers so hung up about blocked/private calls? If they knew how easy it was to get a phone number anonymously, they would know that seeing a "real" phone number guarantees nothing.)

Only problem with pre-paid calls is you get charged for outgoing and incoming calls. Not expensive, just annoying. And the minutes DO expire after about 6 months or so.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

07-01-08, 21:19
800 numbers use ANI (Automatic Number Identification). The number cannot be blocked, so your traceable. Calling cards usually won't allow calls to 800 numbers.

Now, you can use caller ID spoofing which allows any number to be displayed on the cell phone that you desire, but a reminder ANI will track you. Some corporations have ANI and thus blocking numbers as private doesn't work.

Skype, apparently doesn't do caller ID well, either.

Caller ID details:

Very Dvs
07-01-08, 22:37
800 numbers use ANI (Automatic Number Identification). The number cannot be blocked, so your traceable. Calling cards usually won't allow calls to 800 numbers.

Now, you can use caller ID spoofing which allows any number to be displayed on the cell phone that you desire, but a reminder ANI will track you. Some corporations have ANI and thus blocking numbers as private doesn't work.

Skype, apparently doesn't do caller ID well, either.

Caller ID details:

This is an old trick that has been working for years. When it first started, you could call someone from their own cell number and the system would put you into their voicemail. Now, there are some phones, like you said, that won't even allow this trick to work at all.

07-02-08, 14:52
Sup everybody went out last night didnt see much but i'm also a rookie so my eye isnt as sharp as the vets LOL saw a wsw out on k had nice ass and tits blond hair got up close saw her face was crazy busted up but it was late and i gotta bust a nut so fuck it tried to play me with a .40 for dome i was like fuck that ..she settled for .20 +.5 tip gave me a number thats all for now peace


07-02-08, 20:20
Just posted a report so this is a repost its about girl met last night blond hair nice tits and ass. Face was busted up said name was candy. Tried to run me with a. 40 for BJ. I said nah but settled for. 20 +. 5 peace.

07-02-08, 23:08
I don't get it, Davey, how can you "go online and pay with cash"?

-- Forth Ryte

Sorri, that was a typo. What I meant to say was alway buy the
minutes with cash and never online.

07-19-08, 20:32
What happened at the Patio?

I think L & I shut it down.

07-21-08, 14:07
Do you mean the Patio Motel, near C and the Boulevard?

I can't believe this place is still in operation, but early this summer the faded backlit sign still lit up on most nights, and you could sometimes see someone milling around in the front office (?) area as you passed by.

My dad moved to C and Sheldon in the early 50s, ('53, I believe) and tells me that the Patio was around, even then.

I'm going to take a stab at it, and say they rented rooms by the half hour, and room items included fresh syringes, a complimentary condom, and if you were lucky the mattress wouldn't have "bed bugs".

Are you afraid it might be torn down and become a condo?

Oh you're really original!! Nothing like plagiarizing another site..
Anyone interested where he got his "funny saying"


Try posting good info instead of just being a horses ass.

Davey1965 back into hiding until more forms of intelligent life show up
around here.

Horny Harry
07-21-08, 18:40
I passed by the Patio at 6 PM today (Monday 7/21). Here's the scoop.

A cardboard sign on the door says:

Closed until Wedsday

Above the sign was an L&I notice with the left side torn off (was that your work Davey? :)). You you can get an idea what's going on from these snippets that remain:

x electrical
x fire
...of licensed electrical...
...address violations & certify...
...systems repair exist. emer. cty...
...add'l emerg ltg. required...
...L&I has ordered that all work operations CEASE at...
...is ordered vacated immediately of all occupants...

Oh, and in case it WAS you Davey:

...damages or defaces this no-...
...upon conviction is subject to a fine of...
...sonment of 90 days...

We'll come visit you buddy - just post your 6-digit prison ID here. [Just kidding!]

08-17-08, 11:01
Best time to avoid an encounter with LE on the Ave? Try Sunday morning. I walked into Mercer Cafe (reviewed here (www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=544871&postcount=18)) at 8:30 this morning and there were 10 uniformed cops chatting and scarfing down omelettes. They were still there at 9:15 when I left. Yes, the days of a quick donut in the squad car are past.

I then went to the Ave (a 4-minute drive) and scoped it out. It was LE-free. Indeed, I saw blonde Rachel* and a reasonably attractive platinum blonde milf, there for the taking near Westmoreland St.

By the way, Commander, if you're monitoring this board, here are the numbers of the cars parked outside the cafe: 243, 247, 249, 2412, 2418. Maybe you can join them next Sunday. Better yet, invite your colleagues from the 26th district (south of Lehigh) so we can have the whole avenue to ourselves!

*Rachel actually SMILED when I waved, an unusual and welcome event.

Chip Whitley
09-03-08, 02:04

I am new to the area and this board. I wanted to see if anybody knows anything about this girl: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/ers/795623065.html She has one TER review from a member who has written other reports, but I always worry when a girl only has one review. Anybody seen her or can vouch for her? The price is right, so I hope she is legit!


09-04-08, 16:51
I see CookyJars jewel's she is awsome, whats best is her attitude. she love's anal did the kY jelly lube condom thing.

09-08-08, 13:50
I see CookyJars jewel's she is awsome, whats best is her attitude. she love's anal did the kY jelly lube condom thing.

Where do you find Jewel?

10-13-08, 22:16
Where do you find Jewel?

Jewel is back out and about, but difficult to track down. Over the last month
I've seen her everywhere from Erie/Torresdale all the way down
to the mission at Hagaert St.

Arnold Bocklin
10-16-08, 16:01
Hi, guys...long time since I've posted, but I have a question that forum members may well be able to answer for me.

I have a 'date' lined up for Sat morning, and need to find an inexpensive place in the general area of the airport. Any suggestions? This one is gonna be a couple hours in length, and I really DON'T want to do this in a car...


Love To Monger
10-16-08, 18:33
Airport hotels are gonna be pricey. If that is not a problem, stay near the airport. I think the best thing to do would be to find a motel one or two towns south of the airport. Probably get a room for 60-80$. I don't think there are any 3 hr no-tels near the airport.

Doctor Man Toy
10-16-08, 19:26
So I will be staying at the Doubletree and looking forward to trying out your local flavor!

10-16-08, 20:20
I have a 'date' lined up for Sat morning, and need to find an inexpensive place in the general area of the airport.Prior posters here have suggested the Airport Towers on Penrose Avenue as an inexpensive alternative. Right across the street from the Penrose Diner. That's in South Philadelphia, and you would need a car.

Know One
10-16-08, 22:54
Hi, guys...long time since I've posted, but I have a question that forum members may well be able to answer for me.

I have a 'date' lined up for Sat morning, and need to find an inexpensive place in the general area of the airport. Any suggestions? This one is gonna be a couple hours in length, and I really DON'T want to do this in a car...


Raven Motel
427 E. State Street
Media PA

According to yahoo maps, it's about 12 miles and 19 minutes from Philadelphia International airport. Typical motel room with bathroom. I don't know the exact current rates but I believe about .40 may get you a few hours. I guess you could always call and check. There is also another place accross the street which runs about the same rates.

Arnold Bocklin
10-17-08, 01:05
Raven Motel
427 E. State Street
Media PA

According to yahoo maps, it's about 12 miles and 19 minutes from Philadelphia International airport. Typical motel room with bathroom. I don't know the exact current rates but I believe about .40 may get you a few hours. I guess you could always call and check. There is also another place accross the street which runs about the same rates.

Hmmm. Never considered Media, because I figured with all the motels along 291 in Eddystone, etc., that there'd be a cheap one there. This sounds good all the way around, and a better location to boot. Thanks.

11-07-08, 07:59
Seems Phila is on the verge of closing in on a 1 billion dollar deficit.
Mayor Nutter mentioned that to prepare now with a bad economy
and work on getting the city in order there are going to be a lot of
cuts in spending. Even though they won't be cutting the police force they
will be reducing the new hires from 400 to 200. Seems like all the extra
overtime the cops have been getting chasing hookers may finally go

11-24-08, 22:01
Just noticed that Duke hasn't posted anything for about 3 months
now. If you are still around Duke give us a shout. Also the pic section
you started has been awesome but seems to be getting very out
of date. If you don't have the time to play around with it shoot me a
PM and I would be glad to take over if you tell me what to do..

11-24-08, 23:48
Just noticed that Duke hasn't posted anything for about 3 months
now. If you are still around Duke give us a shout. Also the pic section
you started has been awesome but seems to be getting very out
of date. If you don't have the time to play around with it shoot me a
PM and I would be glad to take over if you tell me what to do..Still here and enjoying the reports, especially yours.

I've purposely left the photo list alone since last New Year's to see if anybody missed the updates and to spare Jackson from having to spend time purging the old lists. And I was wondering also if perhaps his web designers might even sit up, take notice, and provide an option for every city to select and sort its own pictures by name. (I know at least one poster has made such a suggestion (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=427543&postcount=38).)

Even though it's historical and incomplete by nature, I've noticed the list does occasionally help clarify the discussions here about who's who. I'm not sure if people used it much (when it was fresh) as a personal reference. I wish there were a counter or something to measure the "hits" on it.

That said, your post is all the encouragement I need to go ahead and begin work on a year-end update with pics from 2008.

11-25-08, 00:07

I'm not sure if people used it much (when it was fresh) as a personal reference.

We all use it. It is like a yearbook of sw.
Thanks again.

Zaphod II
11-25-08, 00:08
Still here and enjoying the reports, especially yours.

I've purposely left the photo list alone since last New Year's to see if anybody missed the updates and also to spare Jackson from having to spend time purging the old lists. And I was wondering also if perhaps his web designers might even sit up, take notice, and provide a localized option for each city to select and sort its own pictures by name.

Even though it's historical and incomplete by nature, I've noticed the list does occasionally help clarify the discussions here about who's who. I'm not sure if people used it much (when it was fresh) as a personal reference. I wish there were a counter or something to measure the "hits" on it.

All that said, your post is all I need to go ahead and begin work on a 2008 update.

I have used it often, especially when I see a name I don't know. It was and still is a very useful tool.

11-25-08, 03:45
i 100% agree with this statement. if someone is ****, they should be focused on school and the normal things kids enjoy. if someone is over 18, they are old enough to die in iraq, they should be old enough to make a living or do what they choose.

the other night, there was an msnbc investigates special about "human trafficking. " during this hour long documentary, the reporters focused on women from russia, who are lured to the united states under false pretenses i. e. to get jobs working as secretaries or models, then once they get here they are "forced" into prostitution or stripping.

ok, i call b. s. why would anyone have to force russian girls into prostitution or stripping? i have been to russia and eastern europe. there are more working girls than there are baptists at the wedding of two cousins in arkansas. seriously, all these girls want to talk about is, "the united states this" or "the united states that. " anyone could offer these women a ticket to the united states, tell them they have to work for you for a year to pay it off and you would have more women lined up than you could put to work.

wouldn't kidnapping and imprisoning these women as slaves be risky? wouldn't you increase your risk of one of them escaping and telling the authorities? wouldn't their work not be as enthusiastic? there is no logical reason to "force" women into this business. i don't buy it for a minute.

look, i am not saying it never happens, but logically, it would have to be far and few between. from a business point of view, there is no reason to "force" these women to do anything, when there are more willing participants than pimps know what to do with. i think there is a market out there for all sorts of stuff. a young girl who is naive in the sexually sense will probably be auction more to those who seek such thing. this is probably in the thousands of dollar to start. of course the value depreciate over time. by the time it gets to the k ave, it's value at. 20 to. 50, but that doesn't happen over night.

so let try to answer some of the questions. although i just throwing out some answer, i think some of it is not far fetched as it may seem.

does human trafficking and how do i prove it? i can't, simply because i don't have first hand experience. but consider this, there are missing people reported all over the us. we have a system in place to help us find these missing individual. you see them in the news, on a milk carton or by visiting your local police station. how many happy ending have you seem? it's easier to catch a criminal on america's most wanted then to find missing people. your mileage may vary depends on race, sex, and age.

fresh meat is always worth more. the high demand for fresh meat have never change. it the property of human nature. the market always favor the fresh stuff no matter how bad the economy is.

risk vs returns from the trafficker point. a job is a job. if there is money to be made, there is a person to do it. every job there is a risk but the returns will always find the right person to do it.

so let's sum this up:

buyer (high roller gentlemen club k ave) creates the demand

seller (human trafficker) brings in the supplies

in the end it's all economics. $$$

so you ask from a business point of view does it make sense? if i have 10 guys who bring in 5 girls each, and 2 guys get caught, that still leaves me with 8 guys with 5 girls each. 40 girls total. so i lost 20 percent, which means demand will probably go up as supply is low. in theory charging more to make up for the difference will satisfy both my pocket and the demand.

"more willing participants than pimps know what to do with them": non-willing participants will probably fetch a huge amount more than willing participants.

it's raining and cold outside, somebody's pimp isn't too happy tonight.

11-25-08, 06:17
Will be looking forward to the update as there are a lot of new pics.
So many times I'd be driving see a girl who's name I just cant
remember and pull over and scan the photo section on my mobile
and see if I could find her. It's proved to be very valuable. Tks again!!

11-25-08, 08:19
...to see if anybody missed the updates

I'm not sure if people used it much (when it was fresh) as a personal reference. I wish there were a counter or something to measure the "hits" on it.

That said, your post is all the encouragement I need to go ahead and begin work on a year-end update with pics from 2008.

Just my two cents!

The Photo List is one of the best features on the Philly Board. I use it on numerous occasions and for a number of reasons.


Member #4213
11-25-08, 22:25
DukePV Please continue updating the SW Photo list. I personally use it and think it is an invaluable tool. Thanks and keep up the good work.

11-26-08, 16:03
Due to popular demand I have revised the Photo List (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=5202). It now contains entries from 2008 and a few updates to older shots. That's almost five years of memories!

After reviewing all your great pictures my tongue is hanging out, so I think I'll head to the K soon for a little Thanksgiving celebration.

If you have any corrections or additions, please PM me.

11-26-08, 17:20
Due to popular demand I have revised the Photo List (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=5202). It now contains entries from 2008 and a few updates to older shots. That's almost five years of memories!

After reviewing all your great pictures my tongue is hanging out, so I think I'll head to the K soon for a little Thanksgiving celebration.

If you have any corrections or additions, please PM me.Thanks Duke for taking the time.

I'm one who appreciates what all of you guys do here.

11-29-08, 12:42
Yes they were all out in full force last night. Headed out around 9pm last
night after family gathering more to just window shop that participate.
If I would have had the intention of participating I would have passed.

LE was working very hard and saw at least 3 mongers pulled over (recognized the vehicles) and being harrassed.

I was followed out of the area twice with LE right up my
butt turn for turn and after a brief break I came back
only to witness a sting at Margaret-Orthodox. She was a very (extremely)
attractive black girl wearing stripper shoes and a black mini-skirt with
sequences on it. My first thought was a pimp from NYC was down here
working some of his hoes or a sting. So I parked about 3 blocks away
on Sellers St and strolled toward M.O. station. About 1/2 block away
a car pulls up, she leans in the window and then stands back talking
to the monger and in about 5 seconds two unmarked and one marked car
have him surrounded. They take the girl and put her in the back of one
of the unmarked cars while they cuff and search the monger. Well at this
point I just kinda walked past and grabbed a seat by the station and
in about 10 more minutes the tow truck came. After that I walked by
and made a comment that it was good to see the cities tax dollars
taking care of really dangerous crime and the one cop looked at me
like he wanted to start shooting, but I just kept walking to my car.

Now seeing this I went back towards the south end for a bit and came
back to M.O. area about 45 minutes later to see the same girl working
to make arrest number 2. About 20 yards north I saw the same unmarked
with the cop who heard my comment and I just beeped and waved at
him in passing.

Really sucks that they have to use holiday overtime money when the
city is broke to try to arrest mongers on a holiday.

Know One
11-29-08, 13:35
Really sucks that they have to use holiday overtime money when the
city is broke to try to arrest mongers on a holiday.

The city might be in better shape, just zoning it and taxing it!

Mongers should be aware that I heard a recent story of a guy who was held for a couple hours after someone he picked up dropped drugs in his car when they were stopped. It seems like he must have taken her to buy her school supplies and the buy was witnessed by LE. They stopped his car and she drops the little baggies in his car so that they don't find them on her. He was eventually released but nobody needs that hassel.

11-29-08, 15:33
I got pulled over while traveling north on Kensington for going through a YELLOW light at Tioga a few weeks ago. When the officer came to the car, I said "is this about going through that yellow light?" He replied "negative! It was a red light!" Real hard-nosed DH and he gave me a $118 ticket. My advice to everybody is, don't drive over the speed limit, stop on yellow lights and just follow all the rules of the road to a tee while on the K. That same night I got the ticket, I saw LE with all kinds of people pulled over. Obviously, they are trying to discourage us from frequenting the area. What is the penalty for propositioning a cop? What can be done to you if LE sees a girl getting in your car? What if you are just pulled over, talking to a girl? What if you just talk to an undercover with no mention of money for sex?

11-29-08, 23:36
Sounds like the LE in the Kensington area got all of us a big present for the holidays. It'll be the gift that keeps on giving at least till the new year and that would be massive harassment. Unless u actually offer $ to an undercover I think your fine. Just talking to her on the Ave. is no crime. LE can't say u offered $ when u didn't since I'm sure for there case to stick u have to be recorded offering $ for sex. Why risk it in case I'm wrong, nobody should talk to any"SW" till she's in your car! If she's talking thru the window without jumping in your car she's almost definetly a cop. Let's not give them any reason to pull us over.

Know One
11-30-08, 15:29
I got pulled ... Real hard-nosed DH and he gave me a $118 ticket.

What is the penalty for propositioning a cop? What can be done to you if LE sees a girl getting in your car? What if you are just pulled over, talking to a girl? What if you just talk to an undercover with no mention of money for sex?

It is not always what is going to get you convicted of a crime which will be your problem. The other problems are being detained or ticketed for some minor offence. What if you misplaced your insurance card, if LE wants to I beleive legally they could tow your car. (Yet another reason to drive like a saint and have pristine paperwork) You might even get you name and face in the paper before a fair trial if they think they have enough to book you for propositioning. If it were not for the public shaming... ah but that would be unamerican!

11-30-08, 16:53
It's ridiculous that a woman can legally abort an unborn baby, but she can't take cash to use her body to make a man feel good. It's her body and she should be able to do with it what she wishes, as long as nobody is getting hurt.

12-02-08, 17:55
Gonna be in the area can anyone recommend somewhere that rents rooms by the hour thanks alot really need this one fellas.

12-22-08, 12:07
Gonna be in the area can anyone recommend somewhere that rents rooms by the hour thanks alot really need this one fellas.

Either the Liberty or the Carlysle will be your best best if you are cruising
the ave and want to stay in Phila. If you want to go over the bridge into
NJ try either the Riviera or Hallmark. All the info on these hotels can be
found on the forum as well as google. Hope this helps.

12-27-08, 05:37
Does anyone know what happened to the brazilian chick in the weekly who advertised as "massage by marla"? I had some fun times with her about 2 years ago and would love to get back in contact with her.

12-29-08, 00:02
Two blocks away from K and Ontario there's been 2 killed and one wounded in 3 months, and LE is more concerned about chasing mongers and their dates on the Avenue. I guess it's safer arresting ne'erdowells for victimless crimes, than going after real criminals.

01-02-09, 02:19
Can you guys suggest a Short Term Motel in North East Philly? I am trying to hookup with a college girl tomorrow noon and Will greatly appreciate a quick response.

01-02-09, 09:52
Can you guys suggest a Short Term Motel in North East Philly? I am trying to hookup with a college girl tomorrow noon and Will greatly appreciate a quick response.

I'm not sure if the Hub or Roosevelt Inn on US1 still offer any short time
rates, they used to but I believe they stopped some time ago. Both of these are about 1/2 north of Cottman Ave. One on the north side and one on the
south side. Other than that you'll have to take US1 north just out of the
city into Bensalem and the Lincoln Motel has short time rates and isn't
that bad of a motel. From the Hub it's only about 15 minutes north depending
on the time of day and traffic.

01-02-09, 10:03
I'm not sure if the Hub or Roosevelt Inn on US1 still offer any short time rates, they used to but I believe they stopped some time ago. Both of these are about 1/2 north of Cottman Ave. One on the north side and one on the south side. Other than that you'll have to take US1 north just out of the city into Bensalem and the Lincoln Motel has short time rates and isn't that bad of a motel. From the Hub it's only about 15 minutes north depending on the time of day and traffic. Right near the Linclon Motel on Route One in Bensalem is the Neshaminy Inn which is very nice and offers day rates of $34, including tax, from early morning until 4 PM.

01-04-09, 12:02
I also got a ticket for going through a yellow on one of the K's notoriously long intersections. For good measure, the cop also wrote me a ticket for no seatbelt even though I was wearing it. I went to fight it and, as it turns out, you have to go to court to arrange another court date, meaning that if you want to fight it you must go twice. At least that's how it was when I went. I recommend NEVER going through a yellow on the K.


I got pulled over while traveling north on Kensington for going through a YELLOW light at Tioga a few weeks ago. When the officer came to the car, I said "is this about going through that yellow light?" He replied "negative! It was a red light!" Real hard-nosed DH and he gave me a $118 ticket. My advice to everybody is, don't drive over the speed limit, stop on yellow lights and just follow all the rules of the road to a tee while on the K. That same night I got the ticket, I saw LE with all kinds of people pulled over. Obviously, they are trying to discourage us from frequenting the area. What is the penalty for propositioning a cop? What can be done to you if LE sees a girl getting in your car? What if you are just pulled over, talking to a girl? What if you just talk to an undercover with no mention of money for sex?

Zaphod II
01-04-09, 13:50
Not sure if any of the rest of you guys are noticing this, but seems as the past few months or so LE has been stepped up radically. Lots more patrols, lots more stops, Evenings and nights are not particularly good times to be doing this anymore. Mornings seems to be the best time now for safety sake, but alas, all the good fishing is at night still.

My biggest observation is girls I have befriended are in and out of jail lots more than in the past, funny thing is Philly seems to be running a catch and release operation these days. Yes sure lots of arrests but the majority are ROR'ed the next day anyway.

My good friend has been picked up 3 times in 2 months and despite having parole violations (no warrants however) is released every time with no bail. Just seems odd.

My advice is take a recon stroll first, and as stated drive like Joe Citizen when your down there. Also make sure all your lights work if you drive at night, THEY WILL pull you over for this, has happened to me a couple of times. Whats funny about that is half the cruisers I see have 1 Headlight out anyway.


Know One
01-04-09, 22:59
I also got a ticket for going through a yellow on one of the K's notoriously long intersections. For good measure, the cop also wrote me a ticket for no seatbelt even though I was wearing it. I went to fight it and, as it turns out, you have to go to court to arrange another court date, meaning that if you want to fight it you must go twice. At least that's how it was when I went. I recommend NEVER going through a yellow on the K.


Did you try contested it or plead "not guilty" on line. It has been my experience that you pay a fee to plead "not guilty" on line and they will send you a notice about the court date. For many of the correctable violations you can show proof of correction within a certain time frame and have the case dropped. In the last few years I am 2/2 but they were both correctable or refutable by an "expert"! It is a pain and the city is slow to reimburse.

Forth Ryte
03-06-09, 07:25
It sounds like you are afraid of a rookie. Why even bother posting, when all your posts are a lie. Your are a big fraud.

Back off, junior. You've made all of two posts and they are both hostile, arrogant, scornful and bullying against a senior member with 189 posts (as of today). We can all see there is a problem with some recent posts under his name but he's tried to explain them and maybe he's got a legit explanation. We don't REALLY know what happened and for damn sure, YOU don't, so don't be judge and jury. For the most part, the mature posters are giving Super the benefit of the doubt but watching and withholding judgment and condemnation. If Super is a fraud we'll know and deal with it. You don't have the street cred to come off the way you do.

-- Forth Ryte

03-07-09, 11:59
With the weather expecting to be warm this weekend, there should be plenty of girls out. So happy hunter fellas!

Forth Ryte
03-08-09, 09:28
To answer part of Super's question, "Entrapment" is still a defense to a crime. It occurs when a police officer "induces or encourages another person to engage in conduct employing methods of persuasion or inducement which create a substantial risk that such an offense will be committed by persons other than those who are ready to commit it."

In English, if the LEO pushes, prods or cons a person into doing a criminal act that they were not otherwise already ready to do, that's entrapment.
But if LEO affords the person an opportunity do to what they were other ready to do, its NOT entrapment.

Its the difference between giving you an opportunity (allowing you or letting you) to commit a crime and PROVOKING or CAUSING you to commit the crime.

Example: LEO walks up to a drug dealer on the street or calls a guy on the phone and asks for drugs and the guy sells the drugs, its not entrapment. They asked the guy to do it, but the guy was willing to do it anyway. No entrapment.
Another example: LEO is a young blonde lady who, over 10 months comes on to an older black male kissing and socializing and wearing revealing clothes and asking him to get her drugs. When he finally did, it was ruled to be entrapment. He was coaxed into committing a crime, not just given the opportunity to commit the crime. That was an actual case, by the way and the conviction was reversed.

Its often a difficult question as to whether or not the person who gets arrested was willing to commit the crime anyway or was induced or encouraged to commit a crime they were not otherwise ready to commit.

Super says he thought LEO can't "create the crime situation." Yes, they can. If a guy asks a girl for sex and offers $20 and she's says "Yes" its not entrapment. She was willing. But if LEO asks a girl and she says "No" and he says "PLEASE, please, please, please, please! Cumon, baby, cumon, I NEED you." and offers $1000 and she relents and says, "Well, I COULD use the money." its probably entrapment.

As for what LEO can do, like touching and feeling, its common knowledge that undercover cops have to do some things that might cross the line in order to "blend in." Undercover cops have to be able to smoke pot when hanging with a crowd of drug dealers they are investigating or they'll stand out and its obvious they are cops. So SWs can't assume that the touchy feely thing is going to protect them.

-- Forth Ryte

03-26-09, 06:29
If this doesn't bring more LE attention to the Somerset Station nothing will.


Vin Wal
03-26-09, 10:11
If this doesn't bring more LE attention to the Somerset Station nothing will.

http://cbs3.com/topstories/SEPTA.Needles.Philadelphia.2.968075.htmlI am here on the ave now, and they have a army of clean up workers sweeping up the ave now, I never seen the K so clean. And alot of Leo.

Horny Harry
03-26-09, 11:19
SEPTA officials believe this is an isolated issue...Well of course the needle-taping was an isolated incident. We all know Kensington is a welcoming community where locals often smile at visitors and jump in their car for a friendly tour.

Speaking of which, here's a video tour highlighting the culture of the area: http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/real-estate/Philly-Neighborhoods-Kensington-41056137.html

03-26-09, 13:40
Well of course the needle-taping was an isolated incident. We all know Kensington is a welcoming community where locals often smile at visitors and jump in their car for a friendly tour.

Speaking of which, here's a video tour highlighting the culture of the area: http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/real-estate/Philly-Neighborhoods-Kensington-41056137.html

Well that was almost boring. Should have shown a bunch of locals
buying 40's at Lil Lou's !!! Now thats the Kensington I know

04-01-09, 18:11

If anyone comes across that link, beware! It's a scam. When you I'm "her" you are asked to go to a cam site and verify your not LE by paying $29.95 a month. Then you get a show (apparently) and then the girl's contact info.

When I refused apparently I became a "****", "loser", "liar", and my fav a "***** ass ******! "

So avoid this CL posting at all costs. I knew something was fishy when I told her were I lived and she said she lived in the same town.

Hi there guys, I am the best massage therapist in this area I honestly believe that, I specialize in all sorts of massage techniques and will make you for get about life for the time you are here with me, we can talk about other things when you message me at iwetclit on y or aim, happy ending type of girl here I am the one who pampers you in every way I can here, so feel free to meet me soon. 80 an hour any type of massge in/call or out /call.

40 half hour

*I am open to all other requests as well.

04-03-09, 14:46
So avoid this CL posting at all costs. I knew something was fishy when I told her were I lived and she said she lived in the same town.Just as an update. I contacted her with a different I'm screen name and gave her a different town. Guess what? ! She lived there too! Wow. She's good considering they are 20 miles apart.

Mike 80
04-08-09, 19:54
Maybe a little off-topic but then again maybe not. Here is a story I found interesting: "Wild Chimps Trade Meat for Sex"


I don't know about you guys but I certainly can identify with some of the behavior these researchers found in the wild. I've seen it on K, in casino bars in AC, and before my divorce I used to see it all the time in my own house:

"Females who are bolder or are more relaxed around males will approach the male who is in possession of meat and try to take a piece of meat or immediately start eating from the carcass," lead author Cristina Gomes told Discovery News.

"The male will either not react to this and allow the female to eat, or will pull the meat away from the female, to which females usually react by screaming, crying or throwing a temper tantrum," added Gomes, a researcher in the Department of Primatology at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology.

"Female chimps that are unsuccessful in the attempt, or less bold in general, may resort to just sitting next to the male and whimpering, "occasionally touching the carcass or extending their cupped hand towards the male."

....Later in the article there's speculation on why all chimps aren't mongers and a comment about the experience many of us have had when certain damn chimps overpay for chimp pussy and ruin it for the rest of us guys: "Anthropologist Michael Gurven at the University of California at Santa Barbara believes "the study results are convincing." But, he added, they raise many important questions."

"If hunting and meat-sharing improve male mating success, why don't more males do it more frequently? If no additional benefits accrue by sharing minimal amounts to females, why do males share more than the minimum?" Gurven asked.

04-09-09, 08:18
OK, we all know that little house that we all feel so comfortable
going to with our dates. Well I was informed that he got robbed
the other night. He only came after the home owner, but did
not venture upstairs.

But this should be something to consider when going there. Keep your
street smarts both coming and going from the house and dont become
brain dead while you pecker is getting sucked on, as you should always be
aware of things that could be happening outside or downstairs.

04-13-09, 17:52
Confused by all the Nicoles and Nikkis? How many have you slept with? To find out just go to the newly updated renamed Photo Index (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=6021). It's a tool that's sure to settle some arguments about who was who on the Avenue.

I've asked Jackson if he can remove the old thread of photo links, since all of the names are incorporated in the new thread.

We await Davey65's count of how many in the list he has known over the years. Thanks to all you photographers. And happy mongering!

04-13-09, 19:40
Hello monger friends,

I will be visiting Philly next week for about 5 days, wanted to get some advice on the 'good' places to hit up. I am a fan of strip joints and MP's, dont mind the drive as long as the place is fun, but do understand YMMV. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

04-13-09, 22:44
After all these years we should have known. Dark Phoenix has been luring women almost daily in broad daylight right at the corner of Boston and Kensington Avenue. Right in the midst of the neighborhood from which he has written so many of those clever reports.

You can see in the attached photos that he is indeed very Dark. And his behavior, if you recall those times he left the forum and (fortunately) came back to reprise his conquests, is just like that of the mythological Phoenix who always rose from it's own ashes with new life.

As I watched him flag down curious motorists this afternoon, I realized this was the same schmoozer we've been reading about here. One after another the lady drivers gazed into his big brown eyes. Then he smoothly passed a paper to them that obviously had his phone number...and perhaps one of the "big" measurements for which he is famous. Inevitably they all drove off with a huge grin on their face.

Well, sorry to blow your cover, Dark Phoenix. But I do have one piece of advice. We've all seen your occasional reports where, after describing a smooth pickup and some steamy embraces, you then report how the girl *grimaces* just as you are entering her. I wouldn't normally comment on such a personal matter. But looking at your photo there's a rather obvious solution to the problem: get a haircut!

Dark Phoenix
04-14-09, 17:27
After all these years we should have known. Dark Phoenix has been luring women almost daily in broad daylight right at the corner of Boston and Kensington Avenue. Right in the midst of the neighborhood from which he has written so many of those clever reports.

You can see in the attached photos that he is indeed very Dark. And his behavior, if you recall those times he left the forum and (fortunately) came back to reprise his conquests, is just like that of the mythological Phoenix who always rose from it's own ashes with new life.

As I watched him flag down curious motorists this afternoon, I realized this was the same schmoozer we've been reading about here. One after another the lady drivers gazed into his big brown eyes. Then he smoothly passed a paper to them that obviously had his phone number...and perhaps one of the "big" measurements for which he is famous. Inevitably they all drove off with a huge grin on their face.

Well, sorry to blow your cover, Dark Phoenix. But I do have one piece of advice. We've all seen your occasional reports where, after describing a smooth pickup and some steamy embraces, you then report how the girl *grimaces* just as you are entering her. I wouldn't normally comment on such a personal matter. But looking at your photo there's a rather obvious solution to the problem: get a haircut!

You got me! No, but seriously, if you'd paid attention to Davy's movie, you'd know I never get out of my car in Kensington unless ordered to by the police. Too much dirt and schmutz for me, thanks, and I just plain stand out like a sore thumb in a crowd down there. Far too Jewy.

And in case you hadn't noticed, I've been deliberately omitting any references to size in my posts - keeping it to the plain vanilla facts, although I think my older posts were more stylistically engaging. However, if push came to shove, I can produce an affidavit supporting my claims. One of the more recent seniors on the board has usurped that role and all the flaming that comes with it. He's welcome to it.

04-14-09, 18:31
Confused by all the Nicoles and Nikkis? How many have you slept with? To find out just go to the newly updated renamed Photo Index (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=6021). It's a tool that's sure to settle some arguments about who was who on the Avenue.

I've asked Jackson if he can remove the old thread of photo links, since all of the names are incorporated in the new thread.

We await Davey65's count of how many in the list he has known over the years. Thanks to all you photographers. And happy mongering!

Actually I think CJ is going to be the Nichole/Nikki Pro here. I think he
probably scored most of them. And just for the record Johanna is a
Nikki as well.

04-14-09, 18:33
After all these years we should have known. Dark Phoenix has been luring women almost daily in broad daylight right at the corner of Boston and Kensington Avenue. Right in the midst of the neighborhood from which he has written so many of those clever reports.

You can see in the attached photos that he is indeed very Dark. And his behavior, if you recall those times he left the forum and (fortunately) came back to reprise his conquests, is just like that of the mythological Phoenix who always rose from it's own ashes with new life.

As I watched him flag down curious motorists this afternoon, I realized this was the same schmoozer we've been reading about here. One after another the lady drivers gazed into his big brown eyes. Then he smoothly passed a paper to them that obviously had his phone number...and perhaps one of the "big" measurements for which he is famous. Inevitably they all drove off with a huge grin on their face.

Well, sorry to blow your cover, Dark Phoenix. But I do have one piece of advice. We've all seen your occasional reports where, after describing a smooth pickup and some steamy embraces, you then report how the girl *grimaces* just as you are entering her. I wouldn't normally comment on such a personal matter. But looking at your photo there's a rather obvious solution to the problem: get a haircut!

Great post Duke!! That one should be in the Post Hall of Fame if we
had one here!!

04-14-09, 18:47
Well, sorry to blow your cover, Dark Phoenix. But I do have one piece of advice. We've all seen your occasional reports where, after describing a smooth pickup and some steamy embraces, you then report how the girl *grimaces* just as you are entering her. I wouldn't normally comment on such a personal matter. But looking at your photo there's a rather obvious solution to the problem: get a haircut!Yeah. Right! And the entire K is over this!:

04-14-09, 21:38
Hey CJ, her name is Nichole. Nice girl, but has lost some serious weight since she first hit the scene out here last year. Have dated her many times myself and if you do want to get back in touch with her just PM me.

…she is a screamer and chaser.

Yo Duke, Don’t put away your Key board just yet. The girl you list as “AnonGirl,” has a name. Davey was so nice as to provide us with her name, “Nichole.” I’d check the spelling with Davey. “Nichole,” is awful close to “Nicole.” Another, “Nicole?” Damn!

Confused by all the Nicoles and Nikkis? How many have you slept with? To find out just go to the newly updated renamed Photo Index (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=6021). It's a tool that's sure to settle some arguments about who was who on the Avenue.

Once again, let me say how much I appreciate your putting together the Photo Index. I use it a lot as I am sure everyone else who shops on the “K,” does.


04-15-09, 22:20
...The girl you list as “AnonGirl,” has a name. Davey was so nice as to provide us with her name, “Nichole.” I’d check the spelling with Davey.Thanks for the heads up. OK Davey, when you were about to explode your load, did you have the presence to ask her how she spelled her name?
Actually I think CJ is going to be the Nichole/Nikki Pro here. I think he probably scored most of them. And just for the record Johanna is a Nikki as well.Thanks for the heads up. OK CJ, you have to tear yourself away from PhotoShop, force yourself to have another date with Johanna/Nikki, and ask which name she prefers.

Arnold Bocklin
04-17-09, 14:12
I kinda, sorta remember seeing something on the forum about reasonably clean, reasonably inexpensive motels in the Media, PA area, but I did a quick RTFF and came up empty-handed. I'm not looking for a Carlyle experience, but I don't want to pay a fortune, either (in other words, this is a nice girl--but not THAT nice ). TIA for any help...

04-17-09, 14:48
I kinda, sorta remember seeing something on the forum about reasonably clean, reasonably inexpensive motels in the Media, PA area, but I did a quick RTFF and came up empty-handed. I'm not looking for a Carlyle experience, but I don't want to pay a fortune, either (in other words, this is a nice girl--but not THAT nice ). TIA for any help...OK, I'm just checking here. ;)

You're asking for a motel IN ADDITION to the one you commented on last October?

Raven Motel
427 E. State Street
Media PA

According to yahoo maps, it's about 12 miles and 19 minutes from Philadelphia International airport. Typical motel room with bathroom. I don't know the exact current rates but I believe about .40 may get you a few hours. I guess you could always call and check. There is also another place accross the street which runs about the same rates.Hmmm. Never considered Media, because I figured with all the motels along 291 in Eddystone, etc., that there'd be a cheap one there. This sounds good all the way around, and a better location to boot. Thanks.

Sleeping Bag
04-17-09, 17:43
I'm not looking for a Carlyle experience...

What's a Carlyle experience?

04-17-09, 20:41
You may have been thinking of the Media Inn on Baltimore Pike.

I kinda, sorta remember seeing something on the forum about reasonably clean, reasonably inexpensive motels in the Media, PA area, but I did a quick RTFF and came up empty-handed. I'm not looking for a Carlyle experience, but I don't want to pay a fortune, either (in other words, this is a nice girl--but not THAT nice ). TIA for any help...

Arnold Bocklin
04-18-09, 03:12
OK, I'm just checking here. ;)

You're asking for a motel IN ADDITION to the one you commented on last October?

That's what it was I couldn't remember or find. Thanks.

(Maybe I'm getting too old for this... :()

04-19-09, 06:48
I also admired Rachel, at least once she got away from the street where she was quite cautious. To be fair to her legacy, any "cum piggy shit" she might have engaged in would have been solely at the request of her client.

In my encounters she was always very good at what she did, which was pleasant conversation and attentive, knowledgeable, sensual, and nicely-paced lovemaking. Never did she utter a dirty word or make any suggestion of a dirty deed.

Yes you are right about her as she was a great girl and would never
start talking dirty, but if prompted Rachel would do anything to please
a date if she liked you. She knew how to make a date she liked become
a regular with her.
When I mentioned that Super would have liked her, not because she
was a girl who talked dirty, but would if you asked her and had the
little high pitched nasally voice that he seems to like.

04-19-09, 07:08
The debate brings to mind two conversations I've had with working girls along Kensington Avenue who reacted to debasing comments from guys in our hobby. Both unpleasant in tone.

The first had seen the forum and was aware of reports on her by a regular here. He enjoyed dirty talking to her. She hated it and flat out said she didn't enjoy his company anymore. However she endured it. Obviously she endured it for the money. That's a shame.

Unfortunately what these girls see and hear is all goes along with the
job of being a prostitute. Men come to them to get what they can't get
at home, and pay for it. And as it being "a shame" that she had to
endure this is a bunch of bull. Do we all love our jobs and everything
that goes along with it, probably not. But it's how we make our living
from week to week and we can either endure it or find another line
of work. I wouldn't call that "a shame", would you.

Also some of these girls that complain are the same ones that will leave
the ave and give all their money to their pimp and get smacked around
day by day as well. Now that is what I call degrading, but they put
up with it and rarely complain about it. They always have the choice
of stopping the session and refunding money if they don't like the
way things are going. Also if talking dirty is the worst thing a guy
does to them out there they should be happy, as a lot worse comes
along with these girls on a regular basis. Even though I like Janine, she'll
she has to come to realize that she just needs to toughen up a bit and
get over the little bullshit that happens.

I think if Super wouldn't mind we should all at least once during every
date call a girl a little cum piggy. It could almost be a philly tradition over
time. "Cum piggy" is to a Philly sw'er as "cheese with" is to a steak sandwich.

05-16-09, 02:09
I've edited the Photo List

First let me say this, “I believe the Photo Index is the greatest thing since slice bread.” It’s a dictionary and encyclopedia of Philadelphia street walkers. It’s a reference tool of immense value. Like in many great works, there are sometimes mistakes, misprints and omissions.

Hey Duke,

I've posted what I think are some missing pictures. Please follow this links to Missing Girls.


05-16-09, 07:31
Hey Duke,

I've posted what I think are some missing pictures. Please follow this links to Missing Girls.

CookyJarGreat! Thank you CookyJar. I'll check it out after I return from a trip this weekend.

05-17-09, 11:00
Can we get her naked.


05-20-09, 22:54
The Photo Index (http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=6021) keeps on morphing. I've now added a five-star rating system of performance, based on a consensus of your written reports. (This should start a few good arguments! :)) For the providers who have "retired", it will provide a brief legacy of sorts. For current providers it will provide a quick take on what you guys have reported.

I've already "rated" some of the providers I'm familiar with, and will eventually fill in many of the rest after browsing through your reports. To see a key to the ratings, scroll to the bottom of the index.

Jr Monger
05-21-09, 09:48
Diane Sawyer interviewed a chick working in reno who claims to have worked our streets.


Does she look familiar to anyone???

05-31-09, 17:32
Well the sure were doing their job last night. First sighting was when
two warrant units and a patrol car went busting in the book store. Didnt
hang around to see what was going on, but guns were drawn when the
got out of the vehicles. So if anyone who is friendly with the dudes in
the bookstore can find out what happened that would be good to post
here. Is the bookstore still safe or is LE now targeting and raiding it.

Next about 2 hours laters the same two warrant Suv's and two patrol
cars raided Bishops house. Couldn't get a good view as the cops were
parked on the curb facing his house and was a tight squeeze just
to get by. Have to call today if I get a chance and see what happened
there as well.

Anyone else out there last night that saw any of this action?

Vin Wal
05-31-09, 17:56
Well the sure were doing their job last night. First sighting was when two warrant units and a patrol car went busting in the book store. Didn't hang around to see what was going on, but guns were drawn when the got out of the vehicles. So if anyone who is friendly with the dudes in the bookstore can find out what happened that would be good to post here. Is the bookstore still safe or is LE now targeting and raiding it.Were they made to Clean up that back Room under Gun Point?

Yes, can Anybody report if that back room is Cleaned up?

05-31-09, 23:27
The old Art Holiday movie theater has been closed for a long time, and apparently is missed by few. Whoever owns it has gotten around to trying to find a tenant. I don't know whether the big signs that read "For Rant" reflect newcomers to the English Language, or an attempt at some enigmatic comment. At any rate, this seems like a fitting place to document the transition.

Forth Ryte
06-12-09, 23:41
I admit up front this has nothing to do with Philly but I love this board so much, I'm going to share this here.

We love to cruise The K and see the scene. I, for one have lamented how The K scene is not as much of an eyeful as other strolls are or the NY strolls once were. But here is a view of a stroll in Singapore that make me want to hop the first plane over.


That's what a stroll should look like.

-- Forth Ryte

06-13-09, 06:40
I admit up front this has nothing to do with Philly but I love this board so much, I'm going to share this here.

We love to cruise The K and see the scene. I, for one have lamented how The K scene is not as much of an eyeful as other strolls are or the NY strolls once were. But here is a view of a stroll in Singapore that make me want to hop the first plane over.


That's what a stroll should look like.

-- Forth Ryte

That would sure be nice. I guess now there will be more flights out of Philly to China.

Dr Dong
06-13-09, 09:26
That's even better than the "old days". I say monger cruise to China! Lots of Viagra too. Damn, I think I'd bee so overwhelmed with options that I wouldnt be capable to choose.

Horny Harry
06-13-09, 10:33
That's even better than the "old days". I say monger cruise to China! Lots of Viagra too. Damn, I think I'd bee so overwhelmed with options that I wouldnt be capable to choose.Just don't get on the wrong plane. Singapore is a separate country and is WAY south of China.

Forth Ryte
06-13-09, 11:31
Right. Singapore is a separate country and is WAY south of China.

That clip was from China Street in Singapore.

-- Forth Ryte

06-13-09, 14:33
I admit up front this has nothing to do with Philly but I love this board so much, I'm going to share this here.

We love to cruise The K and see the scene. I, for one have lamented how The K scene is not as much of an eyeful as other strolls are or the NY strolls once were. But here is a view of a stroll in Singapore that make me want to hop the first plane over.


That's what a stroll should look like.

-- Forth RyteHoly Pussy Parade Batman, that was just added onto my places to go list right after Brazil and right before the Phillipines, the only place I've seen a better selection than that, (with my own eyes), is parte norte in Tijuana.

Thanks for sharing Forth.


Old School 62
06-13-09, 15:06
Right. Singapore is a separate country and is WAY south of China.

That clip was from China Street in Singapore.

-- Forth Ryte

Looks like a normal day on HPA c. 1989. Straight lays for 10 bucks. The woman were far from fuglies.

Bug Me Not 62
06-13-09, 22:58
Right. Singapore is a separate country and is WAY south of China.

That clip was from China Street in Singapore.

-- Forth RyteThanks for the clip.

Brings back a lot of memories. That is actually Geylang - the one district where prostitution is legal in Singapore. I was there for about 7 mos and it was awesome.
Pretty cheap too - $30 will get you FS and about $5 will you get you a room for an hr.

06-14-09, 14:40
Quick report on Sunday visit to 777. Early morning visit, but still not 1st one to arrive. Greeted by 40 something mamasan. Polite, brought me to very back room. Meme was my girl today. Kinda quiet, but knew the deal. $2 + door for all. Pretty good rubdown. Very good oral. Very good fs.

Place- 5 (run down)
Face- 7
Body- 6 (great rack, kinda curvy, but big belly scar)
massage- 7 (nothing great)
rest- 8 ( skilled at what she did)

I f you just need it, it's your place. If your looking for top notch talent, maybe not.

Mad Monger
06-17-09, 23:33
Me thinks one with a bit more street savvy would have seen it coming and exerted a few controlling words to let her know who was in charge. I suspect a bit of polite but firm warnings up front can keep some of these hardened types from trying stuff? But once they think they have an edge on you. Your goose is cooked, and I believe they can smell fear a mile away.

Anyway this is something I have always wondered about and have not seen discussed much on these forums. Have to be some advice on establishing dominance or alpha behavior that lets these girls know. Don't F with me. (er, at least not in a bad way.) Anyone wanna comment? Suggestions? CL
These girls think that if they act crazy, guys will get scared and back down. The whole grab the steering wheel, yell out the window trick to get the guy to give in. Let me tell ya, if you act a bit crazier than they do you catch them off guard. Remember they last thing these girls want is for someone to harm them or for themselves to get arrested. So when you act like a friggin psyco, believe me they want to get out of the car.I have continued this discussion under General Reports as to not conflict with the Streetwalker Reports thread. My original post was a SW report but now it has broadened to a general discussion of dealing with situations similar to what I experienced and I think that properly belongs in this thread.

I am not trying to avoid criticism, but I am hardly a newbie to mongering, just to posting in this forum, although I have been a regular reader of the posts both in Philly and elsewhere. I have dropped SWs off before without dating them and without incident. I tried my usual successful techniques this time: first politely asking her to leave, and then less politely. My first and most dismal error was giving her the few bucks she demanded. Giving her that money was like blood in the water to a shark. After that she was just convinced that if she stood her ground she would make a fast 20, maybe more. In hindsight, I should have refused to give her a nickel, driven to a quiet back street, opened her door and firmly asked her to get out, and if that didn't work, dragged her out.

Also, while I agree with Davey1965's comments to a degree, you had to be there in my shoes. This crazy SW obviously wasn't concerned about a run in with LE, and I certainly had no intentions of that. She wasn't just going through the motions; she was screaming her head off. And she was quite serious about claiming I had assaulted her. Whether or not that would have stood the test of a court of law, I would just as soon have avoided the hassle of having an arrest record, and explaining the circumstances of that one to my company for whom I was on business in Philadelphia.

But even as an experienced monger I re-learned a valuable lesson: don't have anything in your car that you don't want lost or stolen. That includes locking your glove compartment so some crazy biatch doesn't open it and throw your registration, insurance, important papers or anything else of value out the window.

06-18-09, 11:43
I have continued this discussion under General Reports as to not conflict with the Streetwalker Reports thread. My original post was a SW report but now it has broadened to a general discussion of dealing with situations similar to what I experienced and I think that properly belongs in this thread.

I am not trying to avoid criticism, but I am hardly a newbie to mongering, just to posting in this forum, although I have been a regular reader of the posts both in Philly and elsewhere. I have dropped SWs off before without dating them and without incident. I tried my usual successful techniques this time: first politely asking her to leave, and then less politely. My first and most dismal error was giving her the few bucks she demanded. Giving her that money was like blood in the water to a shark. After that she was just convinced that if she stood her ground she would make a fast 20, maybe more. In hindsight, I should have refused to give her a nickel, driven to a quiet back street, opened her door and firmly asked her to get out, and if that didn't work, dragged her out.

Also, while I agree with Davey1965's comments to a degree, you had to be there in my shoes. This crazy SW obviously wasn't concerned about a run in with LE, and I certainly had no intentions of that. She wasn't just going through the motions; she was screaming her head off. And she was quite serious about claiming I had assaulted her. Whether or not that would have stood the test of a court of law, I would just as soon have avoided the hassle of having an arrest record, and explaining the circumstances of that one to my company for whom I was on business in Philadelphia.

But even as an experienced monger I re-learned a valuable lesson: don't have anything in your car that you don't want lost or stolen. That includes locking your glove compartment so some crazy biatch [sic] doesn't open it and throw your registration, insurance, important papers or anything else of value out the window.As an older hobbyist, with many years of successfully avoiding any real trouble behind me, I have a few diverging observations about what I have just read:

My usual M.O. is to observe and get to know an SW to some degree before ever thinking about inviting her into my car. My slowness to agree to anything will naturally bring out a bit of justifiable impatience on an SW's part. It is done that way deliberately. How that mild, little provocation is handled clues me in as to whether or not she could become treacherous.

Contact is nearly always made on foot. I am fairly sure I will go through with the date before anyone ever makes it into my car. If LE sees us, there is nothing to do with a motor vehicle. When she gets into my car, it is with me standing on the sidewalk with the remote in my hand, or holding the passenger door for her like some high school boy on his way to the prom. Apparently that quaint behavior does not push LE's buttons. Maybe I am the dad from the suburbs, retrieving the prodigal daughter.

While I am eternally grateful to those who post indoor pictures of SWs, I am not into that myself. But I do always have my antiquated little fixed focus digital camera in my car (and my cell phone for that matter as well). Although the occasion has not arisen, I would be capable of taking outdoor pictures of an SW who is a bad egg, and posting them with an account of what happened. It might even be something I witness but am not a part of. (The same might go for LE misconduct.) If others would be prepared to do the same, I would be grateful to them as well.

It is amazing, how many talented, attractive girls there are on the K these days, who just want to have reliable clients, to make friends instead of enemies, and even have some fun. We should all learn to think in terms of who merits our patronage, and who we wish would go away!

Mad Monger
06-18-09, 14:04
I thought of an additional fact that might further identify Stacie, the crazy SW in question.

Before I stopped to let her out and end the date and everything escalated, she was suggesting we go to the parking lot at the Home Depot near Aramingo to do the deed? Perhaps this will help to shake someone's memory about her.

06-18-09, 18:27
These women all have one thing in common and it's not drugs it's desperation, and desperate people do desperate things. There is an inherent level of danger in what we do. We engage these women in there element in a not too nice neighborhood. Please don't delude yourself into thinking that these women are out there for the love of the game. They are there for one thing and that's money. We have it and they need it for whatever reason. That being said they have different means of getting our money. Some do their business in a pleasant manner hoping that the next time we see them we'll want to spend our money with them again. Some are complete scam artists that just want your money without giving you anything in return except for a hard on and a headache. Some, (and in my opinion these are the more dangerous ones) are in between, they are the unpredictable ones, the wildcards that might give me the best BJ I've ever had and in the next breathe rob you for whatever they can get. That's why we have to always be on our toes, always follow the rules to the game if not you're asking for trouble. Furthermore always have an escape plan that you'll hopefully never have to use.

Well that's my two cents, good luck and happy hunting.


06-30-09, 08:43
Has anyone else recieved spam PM's from Amanda Dexter? I know two
other people who have, just wondering if it's board wide or not.

Dark Phoenix
06-30-09, 12:39
Has anyone else recieved spam PM's from Amanda Dexter? I know two
other people who have, just wondering if it's board wide or not.

Got one yesterday - noticed it was already from a banned member, so Jackson's clearly on it.

07-07-09, 00:42
Looks like Darlene has moved on over to BP. I'm sure she is making more than the .3 she was getting for a BBBJCIM on the Avenue


Jr Monger
07-07-09, 18:06

This ad was in craiglist and I should have know from it's brevity that it was not going to be a good experience. Normal two call system. So I get to the meeting place and had to call her three times before I get through, This should have been my second clue as to how this was going to be. She answer and gives me directions. I arrive and though not the same girl in the ad she is still attractive and I proceed.

This apartment next to a sunoco station in center city is a nice location, but the rushed service was a mood killer. Asked for fee immediately and I don't know where only blow and doggie are considered GFE but that was it there for 30 minutes then rushed out the door. Never will use this service again the BJ was subpar and the doggie just bearable.

all I know was that for $$ I felt ripped off. YMMV

07-07-09, 18:52
Has anyone else recieved spam PM's from Amanda Dexter? I know two
other people who have, just wondering if it's board wide or not.

Many have recieved the PM's

07-07-09, 19:42
I had picked up this nice looking girl in Reading Pa., and before we were around the block, she said. "What would you do if I said I had a gun?"

I told her, "That I could get to my gun faster than she could get to hers." And I reached my right arm behind her seat like I had one on her thru the back of the seat.

She left then car willingly at the next stop sign. You really have to watch it with SWers. I don't bother with them anymore, and only use providers with alot of good reviews.

Good Luck, and Be Safe All.

Know One
07-07-09, 19:49
Looks like Darlene has moved on over to BP. I'm sure she is making more than the .3 she was getting for a BBBJCIM on the Avenue


Darlene actually used to post on Cl. The pictures were horrible. It looked like she was standing against a wall on the Ave. I beleive the area was even listed as Kensington. I never dated her from her post or on the Ave but I always thought the CL post were a bad joke from a fellow monger. It looks like I was wrong on that account.

Know One
07-07-09, 19:53

This ad was in craiglist and I should have know from it's brevity that it was not going to be a good experience. Normal two call system. So I get to the meeting place and had to call her three times before I get through, This should have been my second clue as to how this was going to be. She answer and gives me directions. I arrive and though not the same girl in the ad she is still attractive and I proceed.

This apartment next to a sunoco station in center city is a nice location, but the rushed service was a mood killer. Asked for fee immediately and I don't know where only blow and doggie are considered GFE but that was it there for 30 minutes then rushed out the door. Never will use this service again the BJ was subpar and the doggie just bearable.

all I know was that for $$ I felt ripped off. YMMV

If this is the apartment near the 2000 block of Walnut, it has been posted about for years on some of the escort sites. If you post this message over on the escort board here, Hawk could probably fill you in on all the dirt. I just know to stay away.

Know One
07-08-09, 07:14
With all due respect to two respected Senior Members, you are both way off. $25 for a 15 minute BJ does not extrapolate out to $100/hour, nor is it 40 hours a week.

We all know many of these SWs stand around a long time between dates and they are only out a few hours a day. And a 15 minute bj often takes an hour of real time when you take into account how long she is in your car, driving to and from a spot to spend the quiet 15 minutes.

To get your numbers, the SW would have to have her head bobbing in laps all day, every day. Woah! Now THERE's a picture.

-- Forth Ryte

Agreed, I based my calculations off of the assertion that a pay rate of $100 per hour was equal to an annual salary of $500,000.

Is a pay rate of $100 per hour for a sw realistic. Not in this life time!

Mike Sweeney
07-08-09, 14:09
Give this a break, these girls are lucky to make a hundred a night, then it's gone in a flash.

Zaphod II
07-14-09, 01:24
So I'm driving home from a long ass days at work, on my day off no less, and it's 3:30 AM. I take the K just because I'm used to it anymore, and love to do recon even if I have no interest in picking up.

So here I am tooling along and the lights go on behind me, WTF, I'm belted, did nothing wrong other than being there. So I get the usual, License, registration, yada yada.

"what are you doing down here" going home from work I say. "where's that" I tell him, "isn't there a better way than this" WTF so what are my driving habits under scrutiny now. So we go through the Usual BS he's got nothing on me and finally has to let me go.

One last question "want to make a donation to benefit the family's of fallen officers" What a way to raise money, and yes I did, probably should not have but he had me in awkward moment. Figured It might save me further harassment.

Operation Pressure point scores again.

07-14-09, 10:41
One last question "want to make a donation to benefit the family's of fallen officers" What a way to raise money, and yes I did, probably should not have but he had me in awkward moment. Figured It might save me further harassment.

Operation Pressure point scores again.

I edited the post somewhat, "would you like to donate to the fallen officers fund?" I hope you paid by check, then you can turn it over to IAB. LEO's are not allowed to solicit for businesses or charities while on duty. Just him asking you was a violation, however I doubt any money you gave him will go to any fallen officers more like his kids college fund or to one of the SW'ers on the ave.

F**k the Police that's just how I feel.

Hoe Hunter
07-14-09, 12:41
I edited the post somewhat, "would you like to donate to the fallen officers fund?" I hope you paid by check, then you can turn it over to IAB. LEO's are not allowed to solicit for businesses or charities while on duty. Just him asking you was a violation, however I doubt any money you gave him will go to any fallen officers more like his kids college fund or to one of the SW'ers on the ave.

F**k the Police that's just how I feel.
BadBoyThat's fcking awful, the shit these pigs get away with. It's unfortunate but not all these pis are the same. There are actually a few good ones but the bad ones ruin it for all of them. Amen! "fuck the police and I say it with authority" NWA.

07-14-09, 18:46
That's fcking awful, the shit these pigs get away with. It's unfortunate but not all these pis are the same. There are actually a few good ones but the bad ones ruin it for all of them. Amen! "fuck the police and I say it with authority" NWA.
" Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help yo black ass?" I'm glad someone got that reference. You say there are few good ones, if so I've never met them. Even the straight laced ones abuse their so called authority. I already knew that America has become a police state and it depresses me because since this is so there is no place in this world where a person can truly be free. Sorry for the depressing post but I needed to get that off my chest somewhere. Taking it to the subject of SW'ers, us patronizing them is currently against the law, but at least we give them money. I've had yet to meet a SW'er that hasn't been forced to service a cop or go to jail. These guys call it a job perk but the Commonwealth of PA calls it rape. Every dope dealer out there has a story of a cop taking their dope and letting them walk or they can go to jail. I call that theft. These cops shoot unarmed citizens and get their buddies in blue to cover for them. I call that murder. If any other group did this it would be called organized crime but here it's called the Philadelphia Police Department. People say yeah there are good cops but I have to disagree, anybody who would join a group like that is guilty by association.


07-14-09, 23:39
About 6 weeks ago, I had the misfortune of being stopped while driving the K, because--unknown to me--one of my headlights burned out. The charming Philadelphia LEO wrote me a $150 ticket. After much verbal harrassment and nonsense questions, He told me--"I know you are down here looking for a blow job, don't tell me otherwise". Actually, I was looking for FS.

Getting any ticket in Philly is a joke--you can't call the Violations Bureau (as they NEVER answer the phone), so, I went down to Spring Garden and 8th with documentation that the bulb was replaced. I waited in line about an hour-and-a-half (which is excellent for that place--sometimes, you could spend 3-4 hours on line). After all that, I was informed that I still need to appear before a judge to have the ticket waived. It used to be that all you needed to do was mail in the ticket with proof that the bulb is fixed, and the ticket would be dismissed.

I'm so glad that Police Officers are enforcing the laws regarding head lamps--while people get shot and drug deals go down around the corner. This sort of harrassment is beyond what is reasonable. Zaphod's story is typical--they stop people without any probable cause. It is hard to respect the badge anymore in Philadelphia--apparently, they have forgotten we have a Constitution and rights in 2009.

Horny Harry
07-15-09, 00:11
You say there are few good ones, if so I've never met them.
Even the straight laced ones abuse their so called authority.
I already knew that America has become a police state
I've had yet to meet a SW'er that hasn't been forced to service a cop or go to jail.
Every dope dealer out there has a story of a cop taking their dope and letting them walk or they can go to jail.
These cops shoot unarmed citizens and get their buddies in blue to cover for them.Well, BadBoy, that's a lot of hyperbole. I'm sorry you are so angry and I'm sorry if you have suffered at the hands of law enforcement. I, too, have been asked to contribute to a police fund after being booked, and I've been stopped unnecessarily on the K. But your opinions are so one-sided and blind to the fact that there is a semblance of order and protection provided for all of us by the police that I now wonder how seriously I should take any of your posts on here.

I harbor no ill will toward you and hope we can joke around and enjoy our mutual admiration of the girls, but remember that credibility is a valuable commodity in this forum and bombastic one-sided posts detract from it.

07-15-09, 02:19

I've written, erased, re-written, erased and re-written so many times is crazy. In the end frankly I dont exactly know what to say and that isnt the purpose of this forum, shit, I'd likely be accused of exaggerating and overstating like has been suggested of 'Badboy' but I have seen police officers do some god awful shit! Criminal, sociopathic, evil, hateful, violent, criminal shit and carry on knowing they were untuchable and protected.

I dont trust the police as far as I can throw 'em. I Know too much, seen too much, experienced enough! Besides my 'fornicatin' habit I am a model of law abiding citizenry, never ever been arrested, no record, no tickets, taxes paid, quite kinda guy, lives a relatively quiet life, nothing going on other than chasing girls and gettin BJ's. Dont smoke, never taken drugs, pretty square. Good enough job, make a decent middle income, live in the burbs..not a guy with a recorded history that one can point to to say "a-ha! no wonder you hate the cops, youve been arrested, been to jail, on probation, yadda-yadda...I"m as clean as they go! Got a passport and presumably can travel the world and secure visas without hinderance or interpol wanting to have a word or three. Yet I've been treated rudely for no reason, threatened, accosted, followed-stopped-questioned-checked for outstandings (DWB circa 1990's). slammed up, gun pointed at, and believe it or not I have never done anything to warrant any of this action toward me.

They are necessary to lend enforcement of civil law amongst the citizenry...I guess but their manner of dispensing their duties when they focus on me leaves me with a total loss of respect, empathy or need for them. They are fucking sociopathic egomaniac bullying bastards! FUKKEM! Or is that how you in truth preserve law and order...intimidation and threats...sounds like the land of the free to me..

That's just the ill treatment I have had occasion to have had from them, so far as what I have seem them do to others during the course of my life, it's abysmal, obscene and criminal what I know of what some police have done in the past. I cant claim to really engage with them at all nowadays to speak of the present so I'll leave off..

Shit...I'd better stop I'm getting worked up and going off on tangents but hey if you wanna start being sceptical about Badboy, add me in there.

I didnt mean to write much of anything but man... On the news whenever something happens to an officer all the stops are rolled out to lend honor and respect to them. I guess thats generally appropriate in the sense of the larger scheme but I find that I simply am not moved at all like I observe others are. My exchanges with law enforcement have seriously left a lasting bitter taste..it's a shame. Then there's always the question of that occasion in life when you need to call them for assistance...sigh...

I'm reminded of that guy in NY at his bachelor night at the strip club, when those cops emptied their clips in him, reloaded and emptied them again and got acquitted. Do I trust em? Does my wallet look like a gun? Is that gonna get me killed and they say "my bad, thought I saw a gun"...There are more than a few examples of just this scenario....I'll take my chances with the Hells Angels, at least they are declared outlaws and you (or your surviving heirs) have a shot at legal recourse..

me and my tangents....sigh... let me get outta here...

07-15-09, 02:53
I'll must add...there have been a few times where I recall wonderful interaction with a police officer. I must be clear in stating that now absolutely all my experiences are negative ones. There were a few that stand out as notably pleasant..but that was suburban cops. One was of great assistance when I got a flat tire on my motorcyle in Bryn Mawr, the other when I was in a motorcycle accident in Upper Moreland, Abington cops seem nice enough nowadays. One let me go when I could have gotten a speeding ticket in West Whiteland Twp and a state trooper gave assistance when a clutch on a pickup burned out on me on the turnpike. Nice guy, we actually talked and had a conversation like regular guys..

lol....thought it good to add the caviat, I read my stuff back to myself and it sounds like I've had 100% bad luck, 100% of the time and that isnt the case...but I still have issues..obviously.

Zaphod II
07-15-09, 11:44
Well it's been a couple days since I was here, didn't think my post was going to start this much discussion.

Guess the only reason I posted it was I was pissed for being stopped for no reason other than I was profiled. It was one of those nights I really had no interest in mongering, just like to see what's going on, kinda like why people watch show's like COPS I guess.

Asking me to buy one of their charity show tickets just floored me, he probably would have done nothing if I had refused, again he had nothing on me, but I was tired as shit and just wanted to get the hell outta there, so he got me.

No biggie, just wanted everyone to know what going on.

BTW looks like Holly dyed her hair red.


07-15-09, 17:16
Well, BadBoy, that's a lot of hyperbole. I'm sorry you are so angry and I'm sorry if you have suffered at the hands of law enforcement. I, too, have been asked to contribute to a police fund after being booked, and I've been stopped unnecessarily on the K. But your opinions are so one-sided and blind to the fact that there is a semblance of order and protection provided for all of us by the police that I now wonder how seriously I should take any of your posts on here.

I harbor no ill will toward you and hope we can joke around and enjoy our mutual admiration of the girls, but remember that credibility is a valuable commodity in this forum and bombastic one-sided posts detract from it.

I didn't know exactly what hyperbole meant so I looked it up:
Hyperbole (pronounced /haɪˈpɜrbəliː/ hye-PER-bə-lee[1]) comes from ancient Greek "ὑπερβολή" (meaning excess or exaggeration) and is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is rarely meant to be taken literally.

There wasn't any hyperbole in anything I said, Cops do steal drugs from dealers and users, Cops do rape SW'ers all the time.... Sex by Coersion is rape! Cops do shoot unarmed men, women, and children and no matter how many eyewitnesses there happen to be the boys in blue will cover each other. Otherwise straightlaced cops will beat the crap out of people and give out bogus tickets and other things to harass and intimidate. Saying America is a Police State is my opinion whether you agree or disagree is on you.
I'm not blind to the fact that we need law and order. You're blind to the fact that law and order is comprimised when you have a group of people who as a whole believe they are above the law. There is an over abundance of evidence to this fact, the PPD are required to obey every law we are the only exception is they can forego certain traffic laws if they are in pursuit of a FELONY suspect. This isn't the case, how many times have we seen a cop put on his flashers so he can run a red light? That's where it starts with the little minor infractions until you have a unit that believes they are the law and anything they do is justified because they are the Police. Your last sentence about bombastic credibility or whatever I really don't understand what you meant and I don't really feel like looking up bombastic. I will just say this, I meant every word I said. It's how I feel and it's from the heart. It's the truth as I know it, if you don't agree that's cool alot of people disagree or somewhat agree and don't feel as strongly as I do, if you think me expressing my opinion in this case will somehow mean that I don't know where to find SW's or what feels good on my Johnson then feel free not to give me any credibility. Cause if everyone here turned their back and shunned me for my opinion I'd still do it in a heartbeat, my feelings aren't influenced by the popular crowd.


Horny Harry
07-15-09, 21:23
Well stated BadBoy, and kudos for having a clearcut position and sticking to it.

One thing for sure: neither of us will have to perform jury duty. I got bounced last time I was called for saying that, on balance, I would believe testimony of a cop over that of a defendent. You obviously would have the opposite opinion and likewise probably get an early dismissal.

That gives both of us more time to check out the action on the K. Whahoo!

07-15-09, 21:41
Well stated BadBoy, and kudos for having a clearcut position and sticking to it.

One thing for sure: neither of us will have to perform jury duty. I got bounced last time I was called for saying that, on balance, I would believe testimony of a cop over that of a defendent. You obviously would have the opposite opinion and likewise probably get an early dismissal.

That gives both of us more time to check out the action on the K. Whahoo!
There are some good things about this country and some bad things that need fixing. One of the good ones is that two men are allowed to put aside their differences in a matter and agree to disagree while working toward a common goal, which here is finding and fornicatin with women. I guess we should probally get back to that now LOL. No hard feelins Harry!

Happy Huntin

Zaphod II
07-16-09, 21:08
Don't know, just saw her walking down the street. Actually I don't really like the dye job myself. I am a sucker for a redhead, but it just don't look right on her. She looks better as a blond I think. But at the same time, it would not detract me from picking her up again either.

Ok so I saw Holly today again in a better light, and the redish hair looks good, it's not all red just highlights. She says she is going for black hair next.


07-17-09, 17:26
In light of recent events, confrontations with angry SW's and Cooky's pending departure. Do we as a whole think it's wise to discuss reviews on this forum with the ladies on the Ave. I realize that a small minority of the girls have access to the internet and have posted here from time to time. However many of these girls would have no clue unless mongers are "outed" by other mongers for whatever reason. In my opinion this may place our fellow mongers in best case awkward and worst case dangerous situations. While mongers like myself who keep a low profile (staying away from specifics and not posting photos) are relatively immune, those of us who contribute the most are the most at risk. I live in the area so I would feel betrayed if I tried to help the forum by telling them to avoid a certain person only to get a rock thrown at my car because another monger instigated the situation by sharing the review or even worse a greatly exaggerated form of that review. If I meet with a SW personally I deny knowing of the existence of this site, but lately I've had a few ask me about it and even ask me to use my netbook to look up this site so they can see who posted the review of them and they've said some pretty nasty things about what they want to do to them. For the record I told them my wireless card is broke so I can't show them anything. I think this is a serious situation and would like some input from the wiser members of the forum.


PS When I say live I mean I'm there all the time with family. Figure of speech.

Zaphod II
07-17-09, 18:02
In light of recent events, confrontations with angry SW's and Cooky's pending departure. Do we as a whole think it's wise to discuss reviews on this forum with the ladies on the Ave. I realize that a small minority of the girls have access to the internet and have posted here from time to time. However many of these girls would have no clue unless mongers are "outed" by other mongers for whatever reason. In my opinion this may place our fellow mongers in best case awkward and worst case dangerous situations. While mongers like myself who keep a low profile (staying away from specifics and not posting photos) are relatively immune, those of us who contribute the most are the most at risk. I live in the area so I would feel betrayed if I tried to help the forum by telling them to avoid a certain person only to get a rock thrown at my car because another monger instigated the situation by sharing the review or even worse a greatly exaggerated form of that review. If I meet with a SW personally I deny knowing of the existence of this site, but lately I've had a few ask me about it and even ask me to use my netbook to look up this site so they can see who posted the review of them and they've said some pretty nasty things about what they want to do to them. For the record I told them my wireless card is broke so I can't show them anything. I think this is a serious situation and would like some input from the wiser members of the forum.


PS When I say live I mean I'm there all the time with family. Figure of speech.

My response to that is it's not 1989 anymore. The internet has changed many things and prostitution is no different. There are many review sites out there for the "Higher class" escorts and many of the "providers" speak freely to their clients. The only difference here is we are talking about a class of girls who are drug addicts, have no access to the net, and do not know how to use these sites to their advantage.

If you want to lay low, then do just that lay low, don't post, don't comment and go about your business. I am sure at least half the mongers out there on the K never even read this site, yet they have a successful time.

While I find this site extremely helpful and love the information you can get here I was doing this without any help from anyone before this site existed. I find some members accounts of their experiences tend to be biased and very one sided at times, not many mind you, most posters out here are great guys and give great intel. While a lot of the girls have no issues trying to get over on us guys (i know it's been done to me many a time), some of the mongers out there are doing it as well. This ends up souring the girls and fucking things up for the rest of us. I have never worried about being "outed" by other members for what I post, because I have always been straight up about what I say when I post. I have flat out told some of the girls how I feel about another girl they work with under the same pimp, and yes it was all bad. I don't give a shit, it should get back to them, mabie then their attitudes will improve. Most of the girls I know really don't care what we say about them, as long as it's the truth and not bullshit.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question IMHO, what we are all doing is wrong and we all know it, so lets not attempt to question the morality of what other members are doing when we are ALL doing something that is fundamentally exploitative by nature. Don't get me wrong I love this game as much as anyone, but I have never lost sight of what it really means at the end of the day.

I live here as well, I live very near where some of the areas I frequent, well it's part of the risk and I accept that. If your worried about getting caught then stop doing it, go the safer route with escorts that advertise and work in hotels, there is much less risk involved. So I have said my peace, I'm not going to debate it, or otherwise continue discussing it, those of you that know me know I do not partake in flame wars.

OK Let the flaming begin.


07-17-09, 18:53
My response to that is it's not 1989 anymore. The internet has changed many things and prostitution is no different. There are many review sites out there for the "Higher class" escorts and many of the "providers" speak freely to their clients. The only difference here is we are talking about a class of girls who are drug addicts, have no access to the net, and do not know how to use these sites to their advantage.

If you want to lay low, then do just that lay low, don't post, don't comment and go about your business. I am sure at least half the mongers out there on the K never even read this site, yet they have a successful time.

While I find this site extremely helpful and love the information you can get here I was doing this without any help from anyone before this site existed. I find some members accounts of their experiences tend to be biased and very one sided at times, not many mind you, most posters out here are great guys and give great intel. While a lot of the girls have no issues trying to get over on us guys (i know it's been done to me many a time), some of the mongers out there are doing it as well. This ends up souring the girls and fucking things up for the rest of us. I have never worried about being "outed" by other members for what I post, because I have always been straight up about what I say when I post. I have flat out told some of the girls how I feel about another girl they work with under the same pimp, and yes it was all bad. I don't give a shit, it should get back to them, mabie then their attitudes will improve. Most of the girls I know really don't care what we say about them, as long as it's the truth and not bullshit.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question IMHO, what we are all doing is wrong and we all know it, so lets not attempt to question the morality of what other members are doing when we are ALL doing something that is fundamentally exploitative by nature. Don't get me wrong I love this game as much as anyone, but I have never lost sight of what it really means at the end of the day.

I live here as well, I live very near where some of the areas I frequent, well it's part of the risk and I accept that. If your worried about getting caught then stop doing it, go the safer route with escorts that advertise and work in hotels, there is much less risk involved. So I have said my peace, I'm not going to debate it, or otherwise continue discussing it, those of you that know me know I do not partake in flame wars.

OK Let the flaming begin.

I agree with everything you said for the most part. I don't think a "flame war" is in our future. There aren't any rules about discussing reviews with the reviewed it's a matter of personal preference. My intention was only to give intel about what's happening on the ave and to have an open dicussion about it. Some mongers might not be aware that their reviews are being discussed among the providers and that some of them are not happy about what some mongers are saying about them even if it's the honest truth. My favorite cartoon when I was a youngin was GIJOE at the end of every episode they would say "Now you know and knowing is half the battle". Alot of times I feel that I've been amused and informed by this forum and I don't give back enough in return so when I hear something that hasn't been discused here to my knowledge I felt that I could contribute positively, a flame war or naming names is not my intention, not by a long shot.


Know One
07-17-09, 23:01
I think you both make great points, but I think this is a situation where the best defense is a good offense or at least careful posting.

I enjoy viewing the intimate photos but I learned a while back that they are an easy way for people to get more information about the poster. Sometimes this leads to great opportunities for the poster but more often it leads to problems. This has been going on for longer than CJ has been a poster and will continue for as long as this is a semi public board.

There really is no way to police the lurkers or frequent posters from using your post against you but it is very unlikely that a girl will remember a guy from his post if it is fairly general, does not include pictures, or special request.

Maybe one day this board will employ some of the features of the social networking boards where you can allow only a trusted few to view certain photos. Until then be careful.

Zaphod II
07-17-09, 23:53
Well I am glad to see we are all able to be reasonable about this topic. I really do understand the other point of view. After playing this game this long I get a little grumpy sometimes.

Be safe out there.


07-23-09, 11:45
Hey Duke,

Her name is Samantha ......

07-25-09, 09:07
Yesterday I had the following PM exchange:


Do you have the # for this Jillian


TomNo, officer, I don't think it's a good idea to do that!There was neither a reply nor a read receipt. Tomrg has been a member for a couple of months, and has never posted.

In all fairness, the recent stepped-up LE activity on the K has been directed at crime and "live stop," not at us. Are they no more sophisticated than this?

07-27-09, 10:22
Just the other day I had to laugh and if it wasn't dark enough I would have
risked getting a snapshot. There was a guy sitting at Huntingdon Station
who was part of the street happenings. Most likely he was waiting for his
gf to return from a date. Anyway, I'm sitting in my car eating a slice of pizza
from Fiore's when four foot patrols walk by and straight to questioning
him. Next thing you know a squad car comes by to offer his assistance in
talking to this guy and then another car to talk to the guys in the other
squad car. So in all there are two squad cars and 4 foot patrols talking to
one homeless drug addict, which they eventually made him leave his
post. As he walked away without even an argument to the police, they
hung out for almost 15 more minutes just shooting the bull. So all in all almost
a half hour of man power (actually 15 min X 8 officers = 2 hrs) where wasted of taxpayers dollars for this useless show of force against a homeless drug

Looks like the "Nut" really figured out how to save the city from dangerous
criminals when he took the mayors office.

Now maybe I really shouldn't be bitching about this, as the stupidity and
inefficiency of our mayors office, police department and court system
has enabled me able to find really great pussy to fuck for a very reasonable
price for over 20 years now.

I also think all the cell phone stores on the ave need to thank Phila as
well as Operation Pressure Point really helped many sw'ers learn the
importance of having a cell phone to keep them out of lock-up.

07-27-09, 15:12
Did Holly move to BP. It sure looks like her??


07-27-09, 15:20
There are at least 2-3 other girls advertising on BP using this same phone number. The pics of each have similar backgrounds.

Looks like maybe somebody on the K is pimping out a bunch of ladies through BP. I say--why pay Backpage prices when you can have it everyday at "K" prices.

Zaphod II
07-27-09, 19:19
Ok is this our beloved Johanna.


BTW no I don't mean the guy, click on the number 2 above the picture.


07-27-09, 22:16
Ok is this our beloved Johanna.


BTW no I don't mean the guy, click on the number 2 above the picture.


Nice Catch, Zaphod II. Scary!

Zaphod II
07-27-09, 22:46
Nice Catch, Zaphod II. Scary!

Scary is an understatement. My first reaction was WTF was she thinking, first for calling the cops, and second for getting hooked up with the dude. Not sure I'm buying the "break in" story either, but hey, who am I to judge.


07-27-09, 22:47
Ok is this our beloved Johanna.


BTW no I don't mean the guy, click on the number 2 above the picture.


Yup, thats Niki..At least we know where she is now. Last I seen her was
about a month ago and thought she was back in lock-up. Guess so in a way.

I made a mention of this guy a while back and his pics of girls on the
avenue. Not sure if he has uploaded any of Niki yet but you can go
to his site and make sure you go to settings on the home page and
click extreme. Many old faces from the ave on his site www.eroto.com

Zaphod II
07-27-09, 23:11
Yup, thats Niki..At least we know where she is now. Last I seen her was
about a month ago and thought she was back in lock-up. Guess so in a way.

I made a mention of this guy a while back and his pics of girls on the
avenue. Not sure if he has uploaded any of Niki yet but you can go
to his site and make sure you go to settings on the home page and
click extreme. Many old faces from the ave on his site www.eroto.com

Another nice catch, I remember you pointing out that site, but didn't connect the 2. My guess is if Niki did pose for pictures they will never make it to the site since the seized all his computer equipment and data. His appearance on that site are NOT going to help his case me thinks.

The plot thickens...


07-27-09, 23:21
Practically out of Central casting for a horror film. I hope they don't find bodies buried in his backyard or something. Incredible story on Philly burbs and equally bizarre website. Amazing how the guy gets caught because drugged out Niki got paranoid and thought someone broke in--she gets busted for horse and this freak Horsch gets in big-time hot water for having a combination pot farm and dungeon scene going on. Just when you thought you'd seen it all.

07-28-09, 03:04
Many old faces from the ave on his site www.eroto.com

Thanks for the info.

07-28-09, 03:21
Ok is this our beloved Johanna.


BTW no I don't mean the guy, click on the number 2 above the picture.




07-28-09, 08:34
"Montgomery, a 21-year-old who lived with Horsch, was incarcerated for allegedly possessing heroin. Her bail was set at 10 percent of $50,000. She does not face any drug dealing charges."

OK..So who wants to get her out of jail. Maybe 50 of us can all throw in
100 bucks each and have one hell of a gang bang when we get her out.

07-28-09, 08:38
I think there may have been more than just her hearing a possible intruder.
Addicts usually don't call the cops very easily. Also I believe Niki telling me
that she didn't show up for a court hearing and had a warrant as well. So
something spooked her. I bet Raymond Horsch was getting her into some
freaky stuff and she wanted out. Spend some time on his site and you'll
see some pretty disturbing stuff. Have known about him from girls for a long
time now and just a real creepy dude.

Dark Phoenix
07-28-09, 14:23
Wow, what an unbelievable scene. When I read the story I thought it was wierd that an addict, who almost certainly had a warrant, would call the cops, especially when she was holding. And I don't care WHAT kind of combination lock you have on a basement door, 450 pot plants under grow lights can be smelled throughout the house. Someone in her situation calling the cops reflects a conscious decision on her part that jail is a better and safer place to be than where she was.

I think Davey's thoughts on this might be right on - she may have had some real justifiable fear for her life. Speaking of Davey, I have to give you kudos - you are more tuned in to more girls and more of these sort of hidden side aspects of the game than anyone I've ever met. In fact, you're just fucking scary, lol.

But not as scary as some of the stuff on that eroto site. Makes you kind of wonder how far the guy actually went. Anyone seen Corrine lately?

07-28-09, 18:06
Many old faces from the ave on his site www.eroto.com

Thanks for the info.

I'm at a loss for words. That guy has some serious issues. I'm sure they're looking at him as a suspect for those SW dissappearances a few years back. I wouldn't be surprised if they're buried in his backyard.


Zaphod II
07-28-09, 19:40
I think there may have been more than just her hearing a possible intruder.
Addicts usually don't call the cops very easily. Also I believe Niki telling me
that she didn't show up for a court hearing and had a warrant as well. So
something spooked her. I bet Raymond Horsch was getting her into some
freaky stuff and she wanted out. Spend some time on his site and you'll
see some pretty disturbing stuff. Have known about him from girls for a long
time now and just a real creepy dude.

My guess is your probably right on that one, but I was thinking it's also possible that she may have just freaked out and called the cops. Either way she is developing a laundry list of cases this year.


Mike 80
07-28-09, 22:28
I bet Raymond Horsch was getting her into some
freaky stuff and she wanted out. Spend some time on his site and you'll
see some pretty disturbing stuff. Have known about him from girls for a long
time now and just a real creepy dude.I did a double-take seeing his booking picture. Is that really a photograph? Looks like a sketch, or some villain from a 17th Century novel, or somebody dug up out of a grave. Yes, "creepy" and "disturbing" to say the least. Wow.

07-29-09, 11:16
My guess is your probably right on that one, but I was thinking it's also possible that she may have just freaked out and called the cops. Either way she is developing a laundry list of cases this year.


Come to think of it, she must have really been freaked out. I won't say
too much here but Nikki has shared with me and I know a few others about
a very bad abduction experience she had on the avenue that lasted almost
a week. When I asked why she didn't go to the police and get this guy
locked up her answer was "I have a warrant". So with that being said I
think it must have been more than thinking an intruder may have been
in the house. Either that or she was dropping some acid and was seeing
shit. I know I saw some crazy stuff doing that shit when I was a kid..LoL!!

07-29-09, 11:23
Speaking of Davey, I have to give you kudos - you are more tuned in to more girls and more of these sort of hidden side aspects of the game than anyone I've ever met. In fact, you're just fucking scary, lol.

Who me scary ? I wasn't a psych major for nothing ya know.. Come to
think of it though I was a psych major for nothing as it never netted
me a penny of income. Good thing I found other talents along the way
and made them into a career for myself. Otherwise I may have had
to go back to school and who knows what I may have become. But when
I look back I always say to myself.."Just think, it could always be
much worse..I might have been a lawyer" !!

07-31-09, 22:54
If you been drinking or have a date in da car try avoiding da k between venango & sedgley they have a supposely sabrioty check point.

08-01-09, 19:42
If you been drinking or have a date in da car try avoiding da k between venango & sedgley they have a supposely sabrioty check point.

08-08-09, 23:57
Maybe someone here can confirm this. I was with a girl who has been
off the ave for a while whom I've built a nice relationship with over the
months. Anyway she said she heard that the Carlysle has been closed
down. Can anyone confirm that, or is it just a rumor.

08-09-09, 01:27
Maybe someone here can confirm this. I was with a girl who has been
off the ave for a while whom I've built a nice relationship with over the
months. Anyway she said she heard that the Carlysle has been closed
down. Can anyone confirm that, or is it just a rumor.

It is not closed. I was there Friday afternoon,8/7.
A 20 spot for 1 hour.

08-09-09, 10:35
It is not closed. I was there Friday afternoon,8/7.
A 20 spot for 1 hour.

Tks for the confirmation

08-11-09, 14:34
Anyone recognize this girl? She has an ad on BP and goes by the name Sparkle.

Dark Phoenix
08-11-09, 14:51
Anyone recognize this girl? She has an ad on BP and goes by the name Sparkle.

Yeah, I recognize her, she was calling herself Maria when I picked her up, just before she stole my iPod. B*tch c*nt wh*re. Total rushjob, obnoxious Boston accent, and probably a Red Sox fan on top of it all. Search under my name for recent reports, this is maybe about 6 weeks ago I think. Stay away.

08-11-09, 20:36
Hey I am sorry you got ripped off but don't need to be hating on the Red Sox!

08-11-09, 20:56
Hey: Sorry you got ripped off but no need to be hating on the Red Sox.

Know One
08-14-09, 20:03
Did anyone catch this today. They seemed to be a good new business on the Ave. I hope they had the fire insurance in good standing.


Horny Harry
08-14-09, 22:50
did anyone catch this today. they seemed to be a good new business on the ave. i hope they had the fire insurance in good standing.

http://www.philly.com/philly/photos/news_photos/081409_arson_fire.htmli happened to be driving north on the k after le had already set up a detour. lots of fire engines and cop cars. lots of smoke. and the locals were enjoying the show. given the way so many streets intersect with the k diagonally, i could look back from the detour route for many blocks and still see the fire. i must say the detour setup was quite efficient, with traffic flowing and cops set up at many corners waving cars through.

so i had to settle for limited sightseeing on just the upper end of the k. i decided to grab dinner instead of a girl, since the only decent-looking sw was janine, and she's become too matter-of-fact for my taste. boy, she has been out a lot lately. rent must be due or she's getting really dependant on something.

p.s. i heard there were really two angry men barricaded in the basement of that fire. one was yelling something about "she's ****!" and the other "no, she's not!"

sorry, had to do that. just kidding! ;)

08-14-09, 23:11
I was just wondering if anyone has ever kept in contact with girls who are in State Road. One of my favorite girls is now there and probably will be for awhile.

Clinton Bush
08-15-09, 00:26
Anyone recognize this girl? She has an ad on BP and goes by the name Sparkle.

And does mind if you are a bit out of shape - LOL

Horny Harry
08-15-09, 13:10
I was just wondering if anyone has ever kept in contact with girls who are in State Road. One of my favorite girls is now there and probably will be for awhile.This is a tricky matter, since we all want to protect our identity but do feel some compassion for girls who we may have befriended and seen regularly.

Unless you are a relative, it is difficult to get any phone contact with our beloved incarcerated ones. But it is possible to visit them if you really care that much. I've done that in the past, knowing full well there isn't and won't be any boyfriend-girlfriend relationship involved, but just a friendly relationship worth checking up on.

Here's what you have to give up:
• your identity to the prison
• an hour or more waiting time on visiting day
• a complete body search on the way in

All you need is the girl's prison ID, which you can get by phoning RCF. Google the full name for that and you can get the address, visiting days, and phone number. If you don't know the girl's last name, then you're out of luck and probably shouldn't be visiting anyway, since the girl is blindsided and doesn't know who her visitor is until he walks in.

I currently have prison info on only one girl which, again for anonymity reasons, I wouldn't want to give out over the internet. But I have posted tidbits about girls I've heard about through visits or street gossip or otherwise. Based on your good reports here, I suspect you'll do the same.

08-15-09, 13:27
I was just wondering if anyone has ever kept in contact with girls who are in State Road. One of my favorite girls is now there and probably will be for awhile.About ten years ago, I was the regular of one whom I really liked. For well over a year, I dated no other. Then her luck ran out. Visiting her at State Road drew me into contact with her family, and into doing what I could to make her subsequent inpatient drug program experience a good one.

Besides the moral support, you can make quite a qualitative difference by bringing an inmate certain clothing, etc., and by putting small sums of money in her commissary account. I'm glad I did it. I think it did some good. I will never—never—do that again!

Know One
08-15-09, 20:14
This is a tricky matter, since we all want to protect our identity but do feel some compassion for girls who we may have befriended and seen regularly.

Unless you are a relative, it is difficult to get any phone contact with our beloved incarcerated ones. But it is possible to visit them if you really care that much. I've done that in the past, knowing full well there isn't and won't be any boyfriend-girlfriend relationship involved, but just a friendly relationship worth checking up on.

Here's what you have to give up:
• your identity to the prison
• an hour or more waiting time on visiting day
• a complete body search on the way in

All you need is the girl's prison ID, which you can get by phoning RCF. Google the full name for that and you can get the address, visiting days, and phone number. If you don't know the girl's last name, then you're out of luck and probably shouldn't be visiting anyway, since the girl is blindsided and doesn't know who her visitor is until he walks in.

I currently have prison info on only one girl which, again for anonymity reasons, I wouldn't want to give out over the internet. But I have posted tidbits about girls I've heard about through visits or street gossip or otherwise. Based on your good reports here, I suspect you'll do the same.
Great information Harry. I have tracked quite a few girls through the system but never gone to visit any of them. Have you ever tried the mail system or putting money on "the books" for them?

Horny Harry
08-15-09, 21:29
Great information Harry. I have tracked quite a few girls through the system but never gone to visit any of them. Have you ever tried the mail system or putting money on "the books" for them?I have mailed a Christmas card successfully. Once again, you need to put the prisoner ID prominently on the envelope; the address is on the website. It seems to me that there was a regulation that you had to have a return address. I used an alias and a phony Philadelphia address, but it went through. You can't enclose anything (even drugs! LOL) in the letter.

I have put money on the books also. Quite easy. They have a box in the visitor waiting room for money orders, and also a cashier's window that is open limited hours. No need to actually visit the girl to make a deposit. Once again, you need to put the prisoner ID# prominently on the money order. If you ever visit someone, it's kind of nice to make a deposit to their account the same day, and then they'll have something to remember you by after you have left.

I forgot to mention there is a "dress code" for visitors, which is also on the website. No surprises there (no shorts, for example), but I'm sure you would be anxious to be properly color coordinated with the person you are visiting. ;) So be forewarned they are all required to put on bright ORANGE jumpsuits before being transported to the visitor's room.

08-15-09, 22:55
Thanks for the info. It’s much appreciated. The girl I know worked for one of the local “talent agents.” I heard he wouldn’t pay her bail this time because it was too high. She hasn’t been mentioned on here much. She was usually around the southern end of the Ave. I checked the Web site and the visiting hours don’t work for me. I have the necessary info so I might just send her a note and maybe put some money on the books.

Thanks again.

Mike Sweeney
08-16-09, 05:17
Beware if you visit in Muncy, car searches, dogs, etc, I saw two being cuffed my last visit, as I was leaving. I do understand not many are going to drive up to Muncy, just in case.

Zaphod II
08-16-09, 23:07
I was just wondering if anyone has ever kept in contact with girls who are in State Road. One of my favorite girls is now there and probably will be for awhile.

I have actually been up there quite a bit this year, not going to talk about who I'm seeing up there but she is very close to me. Anyway everything that has been said here is true, will add this. You can no longer put cash on the books at the cashier, they stopped that a few months ago. Your choices now are the Internet (Accesscorrections.com), Money order either mailed or in person, or the machine in the RCF trailer. All of these involve a fee, MO being the cheapest.

If you go to see someone for an hour visit you must go on their letter day, you can look that up on the PPS website. Be prepared to be there for 2 to 3 hours for a 1 hour visit with all the wait time. Also RCF sucks with the van, you can't walk to the prison, you have to wait in the trailer for the van to take you back, and then again to take you back to the parking lot.

Be wary, you can end up spending a lot of money at this place between clothes and money on the books. Unless you really have some emotional attachment to the girl I do not recommend doing this, you may find yourself getting too attached, take it from me, I'm living it.

Funny the people you meet there, I have run into our friend Holly (as a visitor not and inmate) once along with AB in the trailer. I have seen the parents of some of the other girls in visit, the whole thing kinda put's things into a new perspective. Seen several other girls I know being visited by other people, kinda scary actually how small a world it is.

Here's the other gotcha, if someone already visited and used the time you won't know till you get there, but at least you know at the trailer.

For mail I just keep a PO box, that way you can get mail without giving up your address. If you have a Philly phone number (that you don't mind giving out) have your girl add it to her call list and she can call you for 10 minutes free each day.

Searches are not that bad, not strip search or anything, some CO's are better than others about it. You will need a quarter for the locker and lock all your stuff up before entering the visit room.

Last thing if you take clothes up there be very careful about following the guidelines on the PPS website or you will just end up taking a lot of stuff back to the store.

Yes, I know WAY too much about this place.

Anyway Good luck.

08-17-09, 04:08
I have actually been up there quite a bit this year, not going to talk about who I'm seeing up there but she is very close to me. Anyway everything that has been said here is true, will add this. You can no longer put cash on the books at the cashier, they stopped that a few months ago. Your choices now are the Internet (Accesscorrections.com), Money order either mailed or in person, or the machine in the RCF trailer. All of these involve a fee, MO being the cheapest.

If you go to see someone for an hour visit you must go on their letter day, you can look that up on the PPS website. Be prepared to be there for 2 to 3 hours for a 1 hour visit with all the wait time. Also RCF sucks with the van, you can't walk to the prison, you have to wait in the trailer for the van to take you back, and then again to take you back to the parking lot.

Be wary, you can end up spending a lot of money at this place between clothes and money on the books. Unless you really have some emotional attachment to the girl I do not recommend doing this, you may find yourself getting too attached, take it from me, I'm living it.

Funny the people you meet there, I have run into our friend Holly (as a visitor not and inmate) once along with AB in the trailer. I have seen the parents of some of the other girls in visit, the whole thing kinda put's things into a new perspective. Seen several other girls I know being visited by other people, kinda scary actually how small a world it is.

Here's the other gotcha, if someone already visited and used the time you won't know till you get there, but at least you know at the trailer.

For mail I just keep a PO box, that way you can get mail without giving up your address. If you have a Philly phone number (that you don't mind giving out) have your girl add it to her call list and she can call you for 10 minutes free each day.

Searches are not that bad, not strip search or anything, some CO's are better than others about it. You will need a quarter for the locker and lock all your stuff up before entering the visit room.

Last thing if you take clothes up there be very careful about following the guidelines on the PPS website or you will just end up taking a lot of stuff back to the store.

Yes, I know WAY too much about this place.

Anyway Good luck.

Wow Z, you do know alot about this place. Will you come visit me if I get locked up? I could use the cheering up. Joking of course.


Zaphod II
08-17-09, 09:27
Wow Z, you do know alot about this place. Will you come visit me if I get locked up? I could use the cheering up. Joking of course.


He he, I'm never doing this again ever. :)