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03-16-11, 09:50
Who is monica?

Not sure what happened but thought I would let the board know.

Had texted Abby on Monday about seeing her and she was busy so we set an appointment for Tuesday so I sent her my references.

Got a text that said she could not get in touch with any of my references (strange no other providers have had that problem) and that she needed an email from my work address so I sent her the email.

She said all checked out and that we were on for Tuesday.

On Tuesday a texted her about 1. 5 hours before the appointment time and thought all was good to go so I told her I would text her when I was in her general location.

When I arrived at the area of her in-call I texted her to let her know I was close and no answer.

I don't get it why would she make the appointment then stand me up. If I was not verified she could have said so and I would have moved on but she let me drive all the way to her location and then no answer.

I hate to be stood up and I was so excited to se her.

Thankfully I got a hold of Monica for a massage that was great.

Don't think I will call her again.

03-16-11, 13:03
Due to the stream of positive postings about Teresa I set up a date for today. She's everything everyone else has said about her. Pretty, hot bod, really fun in bed, and good company. I could see getting addicted.

Indy ChapShe is an addiction that I am slowly weaning myself off. Wonder if I should be on the next Intervention episode. Beautiful and classy woman. Add 10 years to Misty and Theresa is what you get.

B Beall
03-16-11, 13:35
My suggestion would be to wait 24 or 48 hours before posting reviews. Good or bad. (unless involving LE?) First, it takes much of the emotion out of it and clears your head. After a great date, you run home and type on your computer about how great it was. You end up overstating. Too soon. Same with bad reviews.

In this case, let's remember these ladies have real lives outside of work. Hard to believe, right? Also, their "work" isn't quite like punching the clock at Meijer. Lastly, in the case of communication issues, perhaps within 24 or 48 hours it gets resolved naturally anyway. Then you feel like a dope for not being patient. I had the impression that the thing with Abby was last week, since he said "Monday" and "Tuesday" instead of "yesterday and today", but maybe I'm mistaken. At any rate, excellent advice.

I would just add, though, that "real life" is a two-way street. I've got one, too, and it also involves more than punching in and out at Meijer. I've never missed an appointment in fifteen years of hobbying online. I've been late exactly once, when directions were bad. In return, like most regular hobbyists, I've been stood up more times than I can remember, had sessions shortened with no prior notice, and been expected to simply change start times or days as a matter of course, as though an appointment was a agreement to get together *sometime*

Yeah, I know: not every hobbyist is a girl's dream date, either. But drama is not an all-purpose excuse.

A few months back I saw a fairly new profile on edot. I wrote, we set up a date. Then the day before communications stopped; date comes and goes, and so does a weekend, with no response to my inquiries. I finally wrote, the next week, to ask if there was some reason I shouldn't post a bad review.

*Then* I got a response, but it sounded a little familiar. So I looked at the ad again, and it was, pretty clearly, the same provider who'd stood me up a year earlier, under a different name, but with the exact same excuse, both as to why she missed the appointment, and why she couldn't contact me until I complained four times. So a little cooling off period is a good idea; but so's telling the board when something goes wrong.

03-16-11, 16:53
She is an addiction that I am slowly weaning myself off. Wonder if I should be on the next Intervention episode. Beautiful and classy woman. Add 10 years to Misty and Theresa is what you get.How does one contact Teresa, or since I am so new on her have her contact me. Feel free to PM.


J T Willy
03-17-11, 18:04
Welcome to board. One comment, just goolge her name.

She come up somewhere.

Happy hunting guy.


How does one contact Teresa, or since I am so new on her have her contact me. Feel free to PM.


Freckle Freak
03-18-11, 09:13
It is rare that I get PM's from new members that are so sincere with wisdom and stature. Brazzelli joined on 2-12-11 and made one post slamming MissMisty, which was deleted by Jackson. It stuns me as to how a new member could so quickly figure out my true identity.

PM Title: "I think you may be a fag from reading your posts to these girls"

I'm not sure but about your sexual orientation but you sure don't have much "game"First off, Mr Groundhog, I don't make posts "to these girls". I make posts "about" ladies who in my mind do something that is erotic, fun, pleasurable, exciting and fortunately not within your IQ range. You were rude to a nice young lady who I knew well, never ever had FS with, and I saw many times not in session. She like most providers in this business are wonderful ladies. You were rude, crude and not a gentleman at all.

As far as my "game". There is no way you read my posts and couldn't figure it out. My game is "FRECKLES" duh! I like, adore, love and think they are extremly sexy. Your game is cutting down other women with first time posts.

Once again Brazzelli, ground hog day is over. Crawl back into your hole. Stay off the board. Start hanging out at Club 10 were you can abuse someone of "your" sexual preference.


PS. Gay is not a bad thing, but the only dick I want on any part of my body is mine, even if the owner does have freckles!

03-18-11, 10:46
Not sure what happened but thought I would let the board know.

Had texted Abby on Monday about seeing her and she was busy so we set an appointment for Tuesday so I sent her my references.

Got a text that said she could not get in touch with any of my references (strange no other providers have had that problem) and that she needed an email from my work address so I sent her the email.

She said all checked out and that we were on for Tuesday.

On Tuesday a texted her about 1. 5 hours before the appointment time and thought all was good to go so I told her I would text her when I was in her general location.

When I arrived at the area of her in-call I texted her to let her know I was close and no answer.

I don't get it why would she make the appointment then stand me up. If I was not verified she could have said so and I would have moved on but she let me drive all the way to her location and then no answer.[/quote]I think you left a few minor details out of this story, good sir.

I'd like to offer moral support, but I have questionable morals. I would recommend renting Caddyshack.

03-18-11, 11:21

From what I remember from reviews, service was great. Attitude. Not so much.

03-18-11, 11:28
It is rare that I get PM's from new members that are so sincere with wisdom and stature. Brazzelli joined on 2-12-11 and made one post slamming MissMisty, which was deleted by Jackson. It stuns me as to how a new member could so quickly figure out my true identity.

First off, Mr Groundhog, I don't make posts "to these girls". I make posts "about" ladies who in my mind do something that is erotic, fun, pleasurable, exciting and fortunately not within your IQ range. You were rude to a nice young lady who I knew well, never ever had FS with, and I saw many times not in session. She like most providers in this business are wonderful ladies. You were rude, crude and not a gentleman at all.

As far as my "game". There is no way you read my posts and couldn't figure it out. My game is "FRECKLES" duh! I like, adore, love and think they are extremly sexy. Your game is cutting down other women with first time posts.

Once again Brazzelli, ground hog day is over. Crawl back into your hole. Stay off the board. Start hanging out at Club 10 were you can abuse someone of "your" sexual preference.


PS. Gay is not a bad thing, but the only dick I want on any part of my body is mine, even if the owner does have freckles!Trust me on this one FF is far from gay and yes I know this from personal experience!

Two Nutts
03-18-11, 11:41
[QUOTE=Freckle Freak; 1158140gay is not a bad thing, but the only dick I want on any part of my body is mine, even if the owner does have freckles! [

Who would have thought sucking titties and pussy would constitute being gay.

BTW, BRAZZELLI in greek means I like it up the ass from a big hairy guy named bubba.

03-18-11, 11:55
[QUOTE=Freckle Freak; 1158140gay is not a bad thing, but the only dick I want on any part of my body is mine, even if the owner does have freckles!

Who would have thought sucking titties and pussy would constitute being gay.

BTW, BRAZZELLI in greek means I like it up the ass from a big hairy guy named bubba.In Russian it means screw me til my ass is swollen shut.

03-18-11, 12:02
She is an addiction that I am slowly weaning myself off. Wonder if I should be on the next Intervention episode. Beautiful and classy woman. Add 10 years to Misty and Theresa is what you get.Not to put too fine of a point on her age, but I think if you add a few more years to teresa, you Cate. I would put them on the same level. Although I have note seen T in a while, but I think I will look her up next week.

03-18-11, 12:38

From what I remember from reviews, service was great. Attitude. Not so much. I saw her once before she went under the radar, I can personally tell you that both service and attitude were off the charts good. I'd see her in a heartbeat again.

03-18-11, 13:31
If I may break from the. Gay bashing. I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Teresa last night. And "WOW" is an understatement! She is everything a hobbyist could want. I know conventional wisdom says to wait and post this later for fear of being too glowing, but I don't think it's possible to be TOO glowing.

Teresa is undeniably beautiful. She is built like the proverbial "brick house".36dd 24 36, lovely blond hair, pretty eyes, luscious lips, tight a$$ and without a doubt loves what she does. (and so do I) I cannot wait to explore more of her unquestionable talents. I'm sprouting a little wood just thinking about it.

On top of all that she's a marvelous decorator. .

With a warm inviting atmosphere and VERY energetic friend, I may have just found a new All Time Favorite!


03-18-11, 13:43
If I may break from the. Gay bashing. I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Teresa last night. And "WOW" is an understatement! She is everything a hobbyist could want. I know conventional wisdom says to wait and post this later for fear of being too glowing, but I don't think it's possible to be TOO glowing.

Teresa is undeniably beautiful. She is built like the proverbial "brick house".36dd 24 36, lovely blond hair, pretty eyes, luscious lips, tight a$$ and without a doubt loves what she does. (and so do I) I cannot wait to explore more of her unquestionable talents. I'm sprouting a little wood just thinking about it.

On top of all that she's a marvelous decorator.

With a warm inviting atmosphere and VERY energetic friend, I may have just found a new All Time Favorite!


03-18-11, 14:12
Wow, my last post with the lack of quotes was full of fail.

03-18-11, 15:43

From what I remember from reviews, service was great. Attitude. Not so much. I rarely make an extreme negative post, but I must caution, warn and prepare you. I will NEVER forget my first hand experience with this one. She was unquestionably VERY VERY attractive, she had more disclaimers then an experimental drug and a temper that would make Mike Tyson run away. Back then (3-5 years) e com was allowing in depth reviews, her reviews were always mixed and back then a provider could challenge a negative review and sometimes / often have it pulled off, ultimately leaving only the positive ones. She is NOT GFE, however she is FS and that's it. I walked away unsatisfied and lighter weighted wallet. She was not happy that I was unsatisfied, not from a "let me make it right" attitude, but more of a "how dare I insult her". Her temper started in the hotel hallway as I was leaving and continued as she chased my car in the parking lot and ultimately led to minor scratch on the car, my glasses being broken, my upper nose cut and bleeding. I called the sheriffs on her. Good luck to you brave soul.

03-18-11, 15:47
I saw her once before she went under the radar, I can personally tell you that both service and attitude were off the charts good. I'd see her in a heartbeat again.Good for you, I'm jealous. She has a HOT body. You must have caught her on a good day of her bipolar mood swing, the next time could be your last heart beat, LOL.

03-18-11, 19:21
I have been to a couple of AMP's in Indy and have really enjoyed it. I would like to venture into something else like an escort but I find it intimidating. I use to be intimidated and suspicious of the AMP's but now they are pretty easy for me. Until I work up enough courage I will continue to live vicariously through you guys in this forum. Maybe I will be able to make the next step soon. Was anyone else apprehensive about the escorts or am I just a wuss. Take it easy on me.

03-18-11, 20:27
I saw her once before she went under the radar, I can personally tell you that both service and attitude were off the charts good. I'd see her in a heartbeat again.Well, I can't find her Eros-Ohio ad right at the moment, but I've routinely seen her advertise there for Dayton and Cincy. I never partook, because I seem to remember some reviews, on here, I thought, stating some drama with a boyfriend, not very GFE, poor attitude and what not. Seems I was led astray from a gem unjustly, from your memory, and I've trusted your experiences to great relief in the recent past. I may have to keep an eye out for Miss QTPie afterall.


03-18-11, 20:30
I rarely make an extreme negative post, but I must caution, warn and prepare you. I will NEVER forget my first hand experience with this one. She was unquestionably VERY VERY attractive, she had more disclaimers then an experimental drug and a temper that would make Mike Tyson run away. Back then (3-5 years) e com was allowing in depth reviews, her reviews were always mixed and back then a provider could challenge a negative review and sometimes / often have it pulled off, ultimately leaving only the positive ones. She is NOT GFE, however she is FS and that's it. I walked away unsatisfied and lighter weighted wallet. She was not happy that I was unsatisfied, not from a "let me make it right" attitude, but more of a "how dare I insult her". Her temper started in the hotel hallway as I was leaving and continued as she chased my car in the parking lot and ultimately led to minor scratch on the car, my glasses being broken, my upper nose cut and bleeding. I called the sheriffs on her. Good luck to you brave soul.I obviously didn't fully read the rest of the thread before posting my last reply to Neaseman.


Freckle Freak
03-18-11, 22:44
Wow, my last post with the lack of quotes was full of fail.Abby, because of the post below you have over 200 "Get Out of Bad Post Passes".

I heard that Abby Amour has a big black pimp and does drugs and is usually high does anyone know if this is true?And you were not called the white knight, your regular was incorrect. In fact it is the opposite. MrW felt that only you could have written such an eloquent post for Maras if you were her ghost writer, as indicated below.

PS I have been sitting on this a couple of days thinking if I should send it or not, and while doing that I did realize that a young provider as witty, sarcastic, sardonic, and just plain funny and smart as the incredible Abby Amour might have been able to write the posts that Maras had ghost, or should I say white knight written, but she is apparently one in a million, and an exception to the rule. So I stand by what I think.FF.

PS So when did you say your freckles come out?

West Central
03-19-11, 00:14
I have been to a couple of AMP's in Indy and have really enjoyed it. I would like to venture into something else like an escort but I find it intimidating. I use to be intimidated and suspicious of the AMP's but now they are pretty easy for me. Until I work up enough courage I will continue to live vicariously through you guys in this forum. Maybe I will be able to make the next step soon. Was anyone else apprehensive about the escorts or am I just a wuss. Take it easy on me.I actually look at this just the opposite way. I feel more comfortable with an escort, especially if she has an incall hotel room, or even better if I supply the room. I don't like the AMPs as well because I feel exposed (insert chuckle) with people usually in the next room and other customers nearby. Much higher risk of cameras in an MP than a hotel room, and our fair city seems to have it in for the Asians lately.

03-19-11, 09:17
Any one remember this chick?


From what I remember from reviews, service was great. Attitude. Not so much.
I rarely make an extreme negative post, but I must caution, warn and prepare you. I will NEVER forget my first hand experience with this one. She was unquestionably VERY VERY attractive, she had more disclaimers then an experimental drug and a temper that would make Mike Tyson run away. Back then (3-5 years) e com was allowing in depth reviews, her reviews were always mixed and back then a provider could challenge a negative review and sometimes / often have it pulled off, ultimately leaving only the positive ones. She is NOT GFE, however she is FS and that's it. I walked away unsatisfied and lighter weighted wallet. She was not happy that I was unsatisfied, not from a "let me make it right" attitude, but more of a "how dare I insult her". Her temper started in the hotel hallway as I was leaving and continued as she chased my car in the parking lot and ultimately led to minor scratch on the car, my glasses being broken, my upper nose cut and bleeding. I called the sheriffs on her. Good luck to you brave soul.I must ask this question. What did Indplsgent4fu tell the Sheriff?

03-19-11, 11:01
I rarely make an extreme negative post, but I must caution, warn and prepare you. I will NEVER forget my first hand experience with this one. She was unquestionably VERY VERY attractive, she had more disclaimers then an experimental drug and a temper that would make Mike Tyson run away. Back then (3-5 years) e com was allowing in depth reviews, her reviews were always mixed and back then a provider could challenge a negative review and sometimes / often have it pulled off, ultimately leaving only the positive ones. She is NOT GFE, however she is FS and that's it. I walked away unsatisfied and lighter weighted wallet. She was not happy that I was unsatisfied, not from a "let me make it right" attitude, but more of a "how dare I insult her". Her temper started in the hotel hallway as I was leaving and continued as she chased my car in the parking lot and ultimately led to minor scratch on the car, my glasses being broken, my upper nose cut and bleeding. I called the sheriffs on her. Good luck to you brave soul.DAMN! An experience like that would make me give up the hobby altogether. I understand providers having a bad day but that shit is uncalled for.

I must ask this question. What did Indplsgent4fu tell the Sheriff?Maybe thats why she went UTR.

03-19-11, 11:36
DAMN! An experience like that would make me give up the hobby altogether. I understand providers having a bad day but that shit is uncalled for.

Maybe thats why she went UTR. Just travels now.

www (dot) eros-louisville (dot) com / files / 189515. Htm.


03-19-11, 12:39
Saw some good reviews regarding her and thought I'd take the dive, but the game got canceled due to potential rain. (happened early this week)

Sent a standard intro email and she quickly called back. After a nice phone conversation, we were on our way to hooking up. I emailed a followup and ended with the following question:

". If I handle the room cost, what would the donation be to cover your time? (I hate asking "business" questions!) Thanks again!"

Her email response: (aren't emails great? You can simply copy and paste)

Hi, My donation for one hour is $250, and $500 for two hours. I do not give discounts for lesser amounts of time. Basically, I will stay up to one hour, no longer for $250. I hate to sound rude, but I have had problems with guys complaining when their session is finished that I owe them the full hour and that is not how I work. When we are done, I leave, I don't like price hagglers. I am looking forward to seeing you soon! Luv, JocelynHmmm. So, guys pay for an hour but get less? That's "not how she works?" Kudos to her for her honesty, but she actually made this horny dude lose that loving feeling! She probably has many, many satisfied clients and maybe I passed a great one. I'm not sweating it. Let's just say she was donning her angry eyes when she responded to my "let's move on" suggestion. Just because I passed doesn't mean you should.

One last thing. Her e. Com profile and website don't have face shots. During my due diligence, I unearthed an ad that had several. Always dig deep boys!

03-19-11, 14:25
Hmmm. So, guys pay for an hour but get less? That's "not how she works?"Wonder if this is normal. I've run into it with a few myself (this week, as a matter of fact). It was clear that my companion wanted to jump to the last page of the book. But, obviously, I still paid for the entire novel.

03-19-11, 21:36
Saw some good reviews regarding her and thought I'd take the dive, but the game got canceled due to potential rain. (happened early this week)

Sent a standard intro email and she quickly called back. After a nice phone conversation, we were on our way to hooking up. I emailed a followup and ended with the following question:

". If I handle the room cost, what would the donation be to cover your time? (I hate asking "business" questions!) Thanks again!"

Her email response: (aren't emails great? You can simply copy and paste)

Hmmm. So, guys pay for an hour but get less? That's "not how she works?" Kudos to her for her honesty, but she actually made this horny dude lose that loving feeling! She probably has many, many satisfied clients and maybe I passed a great one. I'm not sweating it. Let's just say she was donning her angry eyes when she responded to my "let's move on" suggestion. Just because I passed doesn't mean you should.

One last thing. Her e. Com profile and website don't have face shots. During my due diligence, I unearthed an ad that had several. Always dig deep boys!That's useful info. I've never seen her but would like to someday. I have a friend who sees her regularly and he's a pretty discriminating hobbyist from up north, and I think he may have seen her this week. He never has any complaints and I will say he would be the first to let me know of anything negative.

03-19-11, 23:30
Saw some good reviews regarding her and thought I'd take the dive, but the game got canceled due to potential rain. (happened early this week)

Sent a standard intro email and she quickly called back. After a nice phone conversation, we were on our way to hooking up. I emailed a followup and ended with the following question:

". If I handle the room cost, what would the donation be to cover your time? (I hate asking "business" questions!) Thanks again!"

Her email response: (aren't emails great? You can simply copy and paste)

Hmmm. So, guys pay for an hour but get less? That's "not how she works?" Kudos to her for her honesty, but she actually made this horny dude lose that loving feeling! She probably has many, many satisfied clients and maybe I passed a great one. I'm not sweating it. Let's just say she was donning her angry eyes when she responded to my "let's move on" suggestion. Just because I passed doesn't mean you should.

One last thing. Her e. Com profile and website don't have face shots. During my due diligence, I unearthed an ad that had several. Always dig deep boys! I saw her last year or so. She is exactly like that email would indicate. When I was done. 1x, she was done. That and she was quite a bit heavier than her pictures indicate. And her skin is not good. Basically, the photos are very optomistic and her attitude sux. Oh, yeah, when I put the review on e. Com she replied that she never saw me and that I was a liar.

There are way better girls out there. Cate for one.

03-20-11, 06:33
That's useful info. I've never seen her but would like to someday. I have a friend who sees her regularly and he's a pretty discriminating hobbyist from up north, and I think he may have seen her this week. He never has any complaints and I will say he would be the first to let me know of anything negative.I guess everyone should pass for a girl who wants 250 but will leave once its over. What a joke!

03-20-11, 16:13
I saw Jocelyn when she first appeared in 2006.

Some girls stop the party when the show is over especially on a one hour. Nobody can fault Jocelyn because she made it clear during the scheduling.

The incall / outcall differential is on her site. There's no need to ask about this, as this experience shows.

Girls don't like questions. I've learned to never ask a question. Questions lead to problems. If I absolutely, positively have to know the answer to a question, if the answer is not on her site, if she hasn't told me already by her post or whatever, I don't schedule. Questions cause defensiveness. Actually questions cause more questions and pretty soon the girl spooks.

Just my experience.

03-20-11, 23:24
Some girls stop the party when the show is over especially on a one hour. Nobody can fault Jocelyn because she made it clear during the scheduling.I agree Golf. Few or no questions is the way to go. Regarding Jocelyn, I love her honesty. I think she inadvertently let me know it would be one shot on goal however. I wasn't even asking her about that. (nor would I) I don't believe she makes that point clear with everyone during scheduling. She even said she's had complaints. Hard to believe these dudes were told, then forgot.

I asked the initial donation question out of confusion. I've never haggled a provider. If I don't like the rate, I don't schedule. She advertises an incall and outcall rate. Though incall seemed questionable on a few ads. Posting OUTCALL ONLY, though accurate, would make her phone ring less. On the phone she said she actually didn't have an incall and I'd have to pay for a room. That's fine, so which rate then? If she would've said,"you cover the room and I'll knock your socks off!" then we would've been golden.

There are girls that charge a 30 minute rate. There are girls that charge nothing less than an hour, but at least let you hang for the full time. (they figure it's your dime) Then there are those that charge the full hour, but take off after your first pop. I have to believe that last group gets the least repeat business.

Ironically, a second shot isn't really that important to me. Heck, if I have a nice conversation for the last whatever remaining minutes, then I'll leave happy and probably repeat. Her vibe killed it for me.

Again, your main point I certainly agree with.

Indy Jhn11
03-21-11, 16:41
The gal who was / is one Charlie Sheen's current "goddess" girlfriends, Bree Olson, had a provider report on here not too long ago, although the guy thought she would be raising her rates.

I'm kind of slow on the uptake sometimes, I guess, on associating things. I remember the reports about her from a year ago now. I think reports on her are still searchable on here?

Guess she has Moved up and on then.

So out of curiousity, how many of you did Party with Charlie's current angel? .

Also, I watched that ABC segment, and the pasts of the girls mentioned her drunk driving arrest in Ft. Wayne from this past January?

Glanced at her twitter today.

03-21-11, 18:56
The gal who was / is one Charlie Sheen's current "goddess" girlfriends, Bree Olson, had a provider report on here not too long ago, although the guy thought she would be raising her rates.

I'm kind of slow on the uptake sometimes, I guess, on associating things. I remember the reports about her from a year ago now. I think reports on her are still searchable on here?

Guess she has Moved up and on then.

So out of curiousity, how many of you did Party with Charlie's current angel? .

Also, I watched that ABC segment, and the pasts of the girls mentioned her drunk driving arrest in Ft. Wayne from this past January?

Glanced at her twitter today. I've been following her Twitter for about 6 months. She splits her time between Ft Wayne and Malibu. She mentioned she is going to look for a place in Cali for full time however. She was in town a week ago to deal with her DUI.

I had no idea she used to advertise on USASG though. I'm going to have to look that up! She does fuck random guys while she's touring though.

03-21-11, 20:08
I knew that she was from Ft. Wayne, but I thought that she only worked in CA. If anyone sees recent activity from her, can you keep us updated?

The gal who was / is one Charlie Sheen's current "goddess" girlfriends, Bree Olson, had a provider report on here not too long ago, although the guy thought she would be raising her rates.

I'm kind of slow on the uptake sometimes, I guess, on associating things. I remember the reports about her from a year ago now. I think reports on her are still searchable on here?

Guess she has Moved up and on then.

So out of curiousity, how many of you did Party with Charlie's current angel? .

Also, I watched that ABC segment, and the pasts of the girls mentioned her drunk driving arrest in Ft. Wayne from this past January?

Glanced at her twitter today.

B Beall
03-21-11, 22:09
I'm not in the habit of emailing advertisers to ask "Do you do this or that?" I'll provide solid references before there's any discussion of anything, other than perhaps the date, time, and length of time I'd like to share her companionship.

After she's accepted my refs, I'll tell her that in the absence of a listed menu on E I'd like to ask some questions about services, with her permission. Since the November raid I've done so half a dozen times, and had one provider answer that she would not go into detail; everyone else has complied fully. My questions aren't pornographic or gynecological; they're no more than what would have been listed on most profiles in the good ol' alphabet days. And I don't think that's too much to ask of someone in the biz who's accepted my references.

And, specifically, MSOG. I'm an old guy. I'm not in a hurry. I rarely need 'them. But if the session is over with the first cup, why'd I pay for an hour of her company? Never understood the justification, never seen anyone who advertises it, and I'd never go back to someone-or give a good review-to anyone who pulled it once I got there.

03-22-11, 14:46
I was in Indy this week for work. I eventually came across Allison's info. Took some time to track # down, but finally did. Couldn't really find any reviews but went for it anyway. Got a hold of her, setup a time. I was running hh late, yet she waited patiently on me. I thought she would have left but did not. She came to me and we talked (quite a bit actually).

Due to a long work day, things did not progress as quickly as I had hoped, but we conversed a bit. She is a very nice girl, very attractive face, beautiful smile, A's, young woman. Elements of aiming to please, ethusiastic conversationalist but not so much as things progressed.

I would not repeat if ever in town again or otherwise.


Indy Chap
03-23-11, 07:53
Got an email from Alexa saying she's coming to Anderson on the 28th or 29, depending on bookings.

I still haven't seen her, but I hear great things; pricey, though: $$$

[Email address deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

03-23-11, 12:51
Have seen a few questions about our latest visitor Miss Ivory. She's legit. I tend to be more UTR, but when asked.

Seniors, feel free to PM me.

Have fun & Play safe!


03-23-11, 18:47
I just woke up from a very realistic dream. Erin M with the three x's was in it, and jeebus was she beeeautiful. And 100% natural. The natural I always dream about. In the dream she came to my city and I paid her a visit and a good time was had. So good that it's a dream I will never forget, and I really hope to have it again. She was the most friendly down to earth young lady a person could meet, and simply unbelievable in every way. Until I dream again I have the internet to see her pictures and videos.

03-24-11, 13:30
After reading many great reviews recently, I set up a session with Teresa. I called her earlier this week and she was very nice on the phone. She asked who recommended her and if I could supply two references. I supplied all the necessary info and set up an appointment for today.

When I arrived, she was warm and friendly. She made me feel comfortable right away. She also has a very nice incall location. She's a very fit, tan, pretty girl and was dressed for the occasion.

Once we got into it, it was a very hot experience. She very skilled and intuitive, hitting all the right buttons.

Overall, I'd say spending time with Teresa would be like spending time with a girlfriend. I'd recommend her to others and I will repeat.

03-24-11, 13:50
After reading many great reviews recently, I set up a session with Teresa. I called her earlier this week and she was very nice on the phone. She asked who recommended her and if I could supply two references. I supplied all the necessary info and set up an appointment for today.

When I arrived, she was warm and friendly. She made me feel comfortable right away. She also has a very nice incall location. She's a very fit, tan, pretty girl and was dressed for the occasion.

Once we got into it, it was a very hot experience. She very skilled and intuitive, hitting all the right buttons.

Overall, I'd say spending time with Teresa would be like spending time with a girlfriend. I'd recommend her to others and I will repeat. Do she have an ad somewhere? Do she only set up appointment by recommedation? How much were you out of? If you can post or send PM it would helpfull. Thanks

03-24-11, 19:21
Is this the same Teresa that worked with Bonnie and Mary at N2touch?

03-24-11, 21:49
Does anyone have any experience with Brooklynn19 they'd be willing to share? If someone wants to trade information through PM, that would be fine, thanks!

03-24-11, 21:55
After reading many great reviews recently, I set up a session with Teresa. I called her earlier this week and she was very nice on the phone. She asked who recommended her and if I could supply two references. I supplied all the necessary info and set up an appointment for today.
(edit delete) She also has a very nice incall location. She's a very fit, tan, pretty girl and was dressed for the occasion. Once we got into it, it was a very hot experience. She very skilled and intuitive, hitting all the right buttons.Overall, I'd say spending time with Teresa would be like spending time with a girlfriend. I'd recommend her to others and I will repeat. Glue Czar fixed me up and I'm glad he did.

Do she have an ad somewhere? Do she only set up appointment by recommedation? How much were you out of? If you can post or send PM it would helpfull. Thanks
She has no ads and operates off guy references.

J T Willy
03-25-11, 07:16
Is this the same Teresa that worked with Bonnie and Mary at N2touch?Come on guy, build some trust on this board, someone will eventually help you.


03-25-11, 12:53
Does anyone have any experience with Brooklynn19 they'd be willing to share? If someone wants to trade information through PM, that would be fine, thanks!I have never seen her IRL. But I have stumbled across some real pics of what she looks like and While she is not bad or anything. Those E. Com Pics are highly made up and a tad dated.

Member #4125
03-25-11, 13:09
Come on guy, build some trust on this board, someone will eventually help you.

JTI get your meaning, but it's not exactly like he asked for contact info. I don't see any harm in a yes or no response.

03-25-11, 14:25
If I crossed the line by asking one question on this forum. If I offended any Sr members, I must do some reading and educating on what this forum is about because I must be very confused. I have provided several reviews on ecom over several years and on providers all across the country. I have recently stumbled across this site. It appeared to me that several ask questions without holding Sr status.

Ps. I did get a PM from a Sr member who did answer my question on Teresa.

Happy hunting to us all.

03-25-11, 14:28
I have never seen her IRL. But I have stumbled across some real pics of what she looks like and While she is not bad or anything. Those E. Com Pics are highly made up and a tad dated.I actually have a movie (scene) that she made with a low budget porn producer (one man show) from out West. She and BellaLoren (yes our own BellaLoren) play together and with the guy. They take turns and I believe it ends with a facial on Brooklyn. The file is too large to send however I can PM you the site to pull it from.

03-25-11, 21:34
I would agree with this!

Prostate massage, facesitting, verbal abuse! Woohoo! Whomever is coaching her, keep it up!

She showed me a strapon that was a bit frightening! Agreed as well, I've been seeing her for years and she's getting more open and aggressive. Love it. She looks hot wearing the strap on but it is scary LOL! Trying to work up the courage to have her dominate me for a night

03-25-11, 23:47
Regarding Jocelyn, I love her honesty. I think she inadvertently let me know it would be one shot on goal however. I wasn't even asking her about that. (nor would I) I don't believe she makes that point clear with everyone during scheduling. She even said she's had complaints. Hard to believe these dudes were told, then forgot.Jocelyn was the first provider I ever saw so I had no idea about what to expect regarding MSOG, but after we were done with #1 she offered to go for #2 for an additional $ and I took her up on her offer. It did, of course, teach me to ask about this from subsequent providers.

03-26-11, 06:38
Agreed as well, I've been seeing her for years and she's getting more open and aggressive. Love it. She looks hot wearing the strap on but it is scary LOL! Trying to work up the courage to have her dominate me for a night.She does look hot wearing that purple strapon (only scary for a while LOL) , but wait till you see her new riding crop. You better do what she wants, believe me, the boys may not be safe otherwise. She just may take you over the edge! Over the last six months or so she has started to really get into this alternative activity. So if you want explore that side of yourself give her a try.


03-26-11, 08:48
Ok guys. I have been criticized for standing up for Amaras. But I talked to her yesterday and she is returning to Indy this Wednesday, March 30. She wants to make amends with everybody that there was less than desirable communication with. She promises me she will keep better notes when scheduling. Gus I really like this young girl and have had nothing but positive experiences with her. So hope you guys contact her for a great time. She is on e.com and her email is: availablegfe@yahoo.com. Or give her a call. PM me for digits

03-26-11, 13:38
So if you want explore that side of yourself give her a try.

Du3777I can't agree more. She is quickly becoming my favorite and can't wait to see her again.

03-26-11, 14:02
Jocelyn was the first provider I ever saw so I had no idea about what to expect regarding MSOG, but after we were done with #1 she offered to go for #2 for an additional $ and I took her up on her offer. It did, of course, teach me to ask about this from subsequent providers.Unless there is some discussion about MSOG during the set up (which will usually not happen with an experienced escort) , I think MSOG should be included in a two-hour appointment but not included in a one-hour appointment. With that said, everything is always YMMV. JMO.

03-26-11, 16:08
Unless there is some discussion about MSOG during the set up (which will usually not happen with an experienced escort) , I think MSOG should be included in a two-hour appointment but not included in a one-hour appointment. With that said, everything is always YMMV. JMO.The key words for me are "$x per hour" or "$x for up to an hour". The first means you're paying for an hour and MSOG is expected. The second makes it pretty clear that she didn't agree to a whole hour, just a one & done.

I've never once had an agency nor independent girl advertising "per hour" try to end a session in less than a full hour. I'm rarely good for two times in 60 minutes myself anyway, and take most of the hour on the first, but on the occasion that there's been time, I've never been told no or upsold. I have had several times where "up to an hour" was agree upon, and we both knew what that meant going in, so there was no confusion.


03-26-11, 19:47
The key words for me are "$x per hour" or "$x for up to an hour". The first means you're paying for an hour and MSOG is expected. The second makes it pretty clear that she didn't agree to a whole hour, just a one & done.

I've never once had an agency nor independent girl advertising "per hour" try to end a session in less than a full hour. I'm rarely good for two times in 60 minutes myself anyway, and take most of the hour on the first, but on the occasion that there's been time, I've never been told no or upsold. I have had several times where "up to an hour" was agree upon, and we both knew what that meant going in, so there was no confusion.

TA2I certainly agree on the "$x for up to an hour" part. After we shoot she plans to scoot. I bet she probably plans to rush, also.

But if "$x per hour" automatically means
MSOG is expectedon a one hour as a matter of custom, then it must mean three or whatever he can muster is just as welcome as two, and I don't think so. These girls aren't going to work that hard on a one hour.

If MSOG is important on a one hour we should not rely on what we think is custom and make things clear when we schedule or before we hand over the donation so there is no misunderstanding.

B Beall
03-26-11, 21:12
I certainly agree on the "$x for up to an hour" part. After we shoot she plans to scoot. I bet she probably plans to rush, also.I think it's safe to say that, outside of a half-hour French lesson, anyone limiting the number of cups served is trying at best to do the minimum amount of work necessary.

But if "$x per hour" automatically meanson a one hour as a matter of custom, then it must mean three or whatever he can muster is just as welcome as two, and I don't think so. These girls aren't going to work that hard on a one hour.

If MSOG is important on a one hour we should not rely on what we think is custom and make things clear when we schedule or before we hand over the donation so there is no misunderstanding. If we're sporting for an hour, what difference do the number of pops make?

For the life of me, I don't understand what possible justification there can be for that behavior. If you can't keep up with me for two hours, don't offer multiple hours. If you can't keep up with me for one hour, find a new line of work. I shouldn't have to negotiate an hour's work for an hour's pay. With the good providers I know that sort of thing isn't even a question.

Freckle Freak
03-26-11, 21:18
Does anyone have any experience with Brooklynn19 they'd be willing to share? If someone wants to trade information through PM, that would be fine, thanks!I saw her a couple of years ago when she was working with an agency. Was going to do a duo with her partner. Arrived paid and then UPSELL, UPSELL. I left very quickly after recovering my original payment, before services began, leaving a. 20 on the sidewalk as I hopped in my car and shouting,"here's for your trouble."

However I have a friend who recently saw her and said she was ok on the service until he mentioned restraints. She likes being tied up. Then she went wild in a very positive way. My past experience with her will not allow me to partake.


PS Besides I wanted her partner who was a redhead with freckles. Brooklnn didn't have any.

03-26-11, 21:44
I think it's safe to say that, outside of a half-hour French lesson, anyone limiting the number of cups served is trying at best to do the minimum amount of work necessary.

If we're sporting for an hour, what difference do the number of pops make?

For the life of me, I don't understand what possible justification there can be for that behavior. If you can't keep up with me for two hours, don't offer multiple hours. If you can't keep up with me for one hour, find a new line of work. I shouldn't have to negotiate an hour's work for an hour's pay. With the good providers I know that sort of thing isn't even a question.

I totally agree with you. I remember when I first started in this hobby I was getting ready for the second pop and she was putting on her stuff to leave. I still remember the girl who said after 20min that her hr was up. I told her that her time was wrong. I did not call again but she needed money and she called me. I made sure she stay the hour. I gave her 1/2 of the money and I show her the other 1/2 and told her if she stay the hour. I still remember that that day she was there about 1hr and 20min. I said to her that I needed picture and because last time she cut it short this time my time said it has been 40min. She let me take picture and I gave her the rest. Let make a stand.

03-27-11, 22:07
Thinking of making an appointment. She advertises on Datecheck out of Indy.

Anyone have any experiences with her?

03-28-11, 05:35
I had an hour appointment with this girl who advertises on BP (and a few other places). http://indianapolis.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/i-have-a-dirty-little-secret-28/4262259

I was pleasantly surprised that she looked even better than her pictures. We had a great time. She was exactly as advertised and I would definately recommend her.

03-28-11, 14:45
Saw her a few weeks ago One of the biggest disappointments in my hobbyist life. She is much heaver than the picture and in the end the encounter was frustrating.

03-28-11, 19:23
Saw her a few weeks ago One of the biggest disappointments in my hobbyist life. She is much heaver than the picture and in the end the encounter was frustrating.I seen her once, but I will NOT do it again. I will put it like this I had goto the doctor a day after, thank god everything checked out. She is a big girl. 6'1, 270-300 lbs. If you like BBW with big boobs she might fulfill you fantasy, but I will pass don't let the close of picture fool you.

03-28-11, 23:48
Tried to see Kayla today which ended up being a big disappointment. First off she in all great probability is not the girl in the picture. Her face was much plumper as was her body. She was not too unattractive so I waffled between bolting for the door and keeping the session anyway.

From a certain perspective it could be said I foolishly stayed. In time we realized we tried to see one another time before which ended up in me having to leave because she was paranoid I was LE. I dressed well at the time with a button up and slacks and am educated so I don't know if that was it or not but at the time she told me I was freaking her out and she all but pushed me out of the door.

I should have left once I realized who she was but she seemed in a different space. I offered to leave if she felt uncomfortable but she said I could stay. We talked quite a while about LE. Apparently the last girl that got busted was offered 1500 in which vice officer had vaginal sex with her twice and anal once then busted her taking back the 1500 and taking another 2500. Then her phone, computer and car which was not even hers was taken. And of coarse on top of it all the girl has to pay a fine and some girls even get time in jail. This is nothing short of rape and robbery in the name of the law. IDA really needs to get on this because we not only live in a police state but a corrupt one at that.

The funny thing is I completely sympathized with her but she kept waffling. She did however give me a nice rub down but she couldn't relax enough to proceed with the service. So I basically said this was not pleasant for me either and we decided to go our separate ways. I would have been pissed if I wasn't slightly relieved. I didn't have to pay her anything and I got a decent 15 min body rub so I left ok about it. Plus I ended up seeing Nancy later which turned out to be a good experience.

I do remember her making me the first time drive all the way up there in the night only to all but shove me out the door in a paranoid hysteria. I hate LE drive escorts to such behavior but really these girls need to screen before letting you in the door not let you get all the way up there then change their minds.

In any case between the fake pictures, a bit of weight, and the crazy paranoia I strongly suggest to stay away.

In case your wondering the ad she is currently using the link is below.


03-28-11, 23:56
Actually to be more accurate there are hour rates then half hour rates. Half Hour implies once and your done while hour implies MSOG, especially if the escorts advertises these two time framed rates.

The key words for me are "$x per hour" or "$x for up to an hour". The first means you're paying for an hour and MSOG is expected. The second makes it pretty clear that she didn't agree to a whole hour, just a one & done.

I've never once had an agency nor independent girl advertising "per hour" try to end a session in less than a full hour. I'm rarely good for two times in 60 minutes myself anyway, and take most of the hour on the first, but on the occasion that there's been time, I've never been told no or upsold. I have had several times where "up to an hour" was agree upon, and we both knew what that meant going in, so there was no confusion.


03-29-11, 06:02
Thanks so much for the advice. I have been thinking about this one for a long time and was about ready to take the plunge. After reading this I will pass.


Tried to see Kayla today which ended up being a big disappointment. First off she in all great probability is not the girl in the picture. Her face was much plumper as was her body. She was not too unattractive so I waffled between bolting for the door and keeping the session anyway.

From a certain perspective it could be said I foolishly stayed. In time we realized we tried to see one another time before which ended up in me having to leave because she was paranoid I was LE. I dressed well at the time with a button up and slacks and am educated so I don't know if that was it or not but at the time she told me I was freaking her out and she all but pushed me out of the door.

I should have left once I realized who she was but she seemed in a different space. I offered to leave if she felt uncomfortable but she said I could stay. We talked quite a while about LE. Apparently the last girl that got busted was offered 1500 in which vice officer had vaginal sex with her twice and anal once then busted her taking back the 1500 and taking another 2500. Then her phone, computer and car which was not even hers was taken. And of coarse on top of it all the girl has to pay a fine and some girls even get time in jail. This is nothing short of rape and robbery in the name of the law. IDA really needs to get on this because we not only live in a police state but a corrupt one at that.

The funny thing is I completely sympathized with her but she kept waffling. She did however give me a nice rub down but she couldn't relax enough to proceed with the service. So I basically said this was not pleasant for me either and we decided to go our separate ways. I would have been pissed if I wasn't slightly relieved. I didn't have to pay her anything and I got a decent 15 min body rub so I left ok about it. Plus I ended up seeing Nancy later which turned out to be a good experience.

I do remember her making me the first time drive all the way up there in the night only to all but shove me out the door in a paranoid hysteria. I hate LE drive escorts to such behavior but really these girls need to screen before letting you in the door not let you get all the way up there then change their minds.

In any case between the fake pictures, a bit of weight, and the crazy paranoia I strongly suggest to stay away.

In case your wondering the ad she is currently using the link is below.


03-29-11, 19:16
First time reporter here but, I have been a very active participant for 6 years now. I have recently found this wonderful forum.

I thought that I would authenticate Slutcake's proposition for the coconut oil massage. In a word. STELLAR!

I spent two hours in a blissful, relaxed atmosphere that really made my day. SC's massage is very good. But, her seduction is excellent. I had a wonderful time that I can't wait to repeat.

Thanks M for an afternoon that I won't soon forget.


03-30-11, 00:48
I have been in this hobby for a number of years. My first experience was not a very pleasant one. The contents of the events as they unfolded during my first experience had been mapped in my neural circuits. I was quite aware of the behavioral patterns that should serve as a warning sign thanks in large part to my first experience.

I had recognized similar behavioral patterns with alexisann quite early on in our conversation. A common theme throughout our conversation was how desperately she needed to pay her rent. At the start of our conversation she said that meeting me halfway would not be a problem. Her suggestion was for me to start driving south and she would drive north and we would meet in the middle. To find out where the middle was exactly she requested my address. At this point I became very hesitant because she displayed a similar behavior pattern as the first girl I ever met with. In this hobby one should always be aware of indecisiveness and its cognate, desperation.

She decided that we could at a location that was actually north of me. I thought that would work quite nicely because it was around 2:30 am. Leading up to that decision being made I suggested we meet some other time. I told her that it would be more convenient to meet at a later date because I wanted two hours but I was ninety dollars short of the normal fee. She said it would not be a problem and we should really meet because she needed to pay her rent. In my short trip to the hotel I received an inordinate amount of text messages. She also requested what kind of car I drove, which I believe is typical, and also a picture of myself.

She arrives with her driver parked somewhere that is not within my visual field. She walks over to my car and requested money to pay for the room. I made sure that I was not paying for the room because I requested incall and have always done so. She smelled like alcohol, which is just an observation. She assures me that she was just going inside to get the key and I could watch or come with her. I stay in the car and wait for her to return. She gives me the key and a business card with the room number on it. At this point she says her driver needs the money up front because she has been ripped off before. Obviously I had a huge problem with this and I made this known but she assured me that she was not the type of person to rip people off. She said the driver was her ex-husband and I asked if he knew what she does. She stated that he thinks she just gives dances. She proffered her pinky so she could swear that I could wait in the room or wait in my car and she would be right back. She said she does that with her kids all the time. While hesitant I reached into my pocket and gave her the money I just took out of the bank.

A few minutes later I get a text asking why I did not give the amount agreed upon. I had stopped at the bank for additional funds and placed the money in my jacket to supplement the money I had brought from home in my jeans pocket. I texted her back saying that it was an honest mistake and that she could come back and get the additional money. I was informed that her driver did not trust me and I tried to pull one over on her. It was obvious to her that I should have seen how nervous she was. I was highly perturbed by the whole situation although it was evident that they were not confused because they had already taken off. In a matter of moments her demeanor sharply changed as she was sending texts about how this should be a lesson to me and that I could come back when I had the full donation. She did invite me back to her incall room that she already had but that made no sense to me. She originally said she was 35 minutes from my address but later she said her incall was in a location that would be at most 20 minutes away and not going a mile over the speed limit. I had already paid for services that were not provided and I was not about to follow.

About two hours later her attitude changed again. She stated that she wanted to me and that we would definitely hook up the next day. She then sent me a picture of her, one that was already on e. Com. She was also nice enough to send me a picture of her husband to show me what kind of guy she likes. Earlier the same man had been her ex-husband. I never paid a second thought to hooking up the next day because I knew quite simply that I had been had. I do not bring emotions into any debate with me because once that is done the argument is lost. Therefore, I do not debate with others who are emotional. The proof of this incident is contained on my phone that through the wonders of smart phone technology can be uploaded for anyone to objectively critique. Penn and Teller have always done a wonderful job in calling bullshit so I thought I would give it the old college try.

03-30-11, 08:16
I feel for you brother. I've been ripped off in the past too but have learned from some hard experiences to almost always pay after service. The last 9 out of 10 escorts didn't even ask until services were rendered. More importantly it is best to research before hand. However if you are willing to TOFTT then I'd suggest either paying afterward or placing the donation in a neutral location. If you feel compelled to take a risk and pay upfront I'd pay a HH then upgrade if you are pleased with the way things are going. Most escorts I have seen have been willing to do this. But any reputatable ones will accept payment afterward. Her is a list of escorts that didn't ask for funds upfront. Gabriella, Andrea, Nancy, Rachael (though do not recommend) , Kayla (also do not recommend) , Tessa, Vanessa, and Sue.

I'm your next experience will go better. It can be painful but we can learn from our mistakes, and that of others. Thanks for sharing.

I have been in this hobby for a number of years. My first experience was not a very pleasant one. The contents of the events as they unfolded during my first experience had been mapped in my neural circuits. I was quite aware of the behavioral patterns that should serve as a warning sign thanks in large part to my first experience.

I had recognized similar behavioral patterns with alexisann quite early on in our conversation. A common theme throughout our conversation was how desperately she needed to pay her rent. At the start of our conversation she said that meeting me halfway would not be a problem. Her suggestion was for me to start driving south and she would drive north and we would meet in the middle. To find out where the middle was exactly she requested my address. At this point I became very hesitant because she displayed a similar behavior pattern as the first girl I ever met with. In this hobby one should always be aware of indecisiveness and its cognate, desperation.

She decided that we could at a location that was actually north of me. I thought that would work quite nicely because it was around 2:30 am. Leading up to that decision being made I suggested we meet some other time. I told her that it would be more convenient to meet at a later date because I wanted two hours but I was ninety dollars short of the normal fee. She said it would not be a problem and we should really meet because she needed to pay her rent. In my short trip to the hotel I received an inordinate amount of text messages. She also requested what kind of car I drove, which I believe is typical, and also a picture of myself.

She arrives with her driver parked somewhere that is not within my visual field. She walks over to my car and requested money to pay for the room. I made sure that I was not paying for the room because I requested incall and have always done so. She smelled like alcohol, which is just an observation. She assures me that she was just going inside to get the key and I could watch or come with her. I stay in the car and wait for her to return. She gives me the key and a business card with the room number on it. At this point she says her driver needs the money up front because she has been ripped off before. Obviously I had a huge problem with this and I made this known but she assured me that she was not the type of person to rip people off. She said the driver was her ex-husband and I asked if he knew what she does. She stated that he thinks she just gives dances. She proffered her pinky so she could swear that I could wait in the room or wait in my car and she would be right back. She said she does that with her kids all the time. While hesitant I reached into my pocket and gave her the money I just took out of the bank.

A few minutes later I get a text asking why I did not give the amount agreed upon. I had stopped at the bank for additional funds and placed the money in my jacket to supplement the money I had brought from home in my jeans pocket. I texted her back saying that it was an honest mistake and that she could come back and get the additional money. I was informed that her driver did not trust me and I tried to pull one over on her. It was obvious to her that I should have seen how nervous she was. I was highly perturbed by the whole situation although it was evident that they were not confused because they had already taken off. In a matter of moments her demeanor sharply changed as she was sending texts about how this should be a lesson to me and that I could come back when I had the full donation. She did invite me back to her incall room that she already had but that made no sense to me. She originally said she was 35 minutes from my address but later she said her incall was in a location that would be at most 20 minutes away and not going a mile over the speed limit. I had already paid for services that were not provided and I was not about to follow.

About two hours later her attitude changed again. She stated that she wanted to me and that we would definitely hook up the next day. She then sent me a picture of her, one that was already on e. Com. She was also nice enough to send me a picture of her husband to show me what kind of guy she likes. Earlier the same man had been her ex-husband. I never paid a second thought to hooking up the next day because I knew quite simply that I had been had. I do not bring emotions into any debate with me because once that is done the argument is lost. Therefore, I do not debate with others who are emotional. The proof of this incident is contained on my phone that through the wonders of smart phone technology can be uploaded for anyone to objectively critique. Penn and Teller have always done a wonderful job in calling bullshit so I thought I would give it the old college try.

03-30-11, 08:49
I have been in this hobby for a number of years. My first experience was not a very pleasant one. The contents of the events as they unfolded during my first experience had been mapped in my neural circuits. I was quite aware of the behavioral patterns that should serve as a warning sign thanks in large part to my first experience.

I had recognized similar behavioral patterns with alexisann quite early on in our conversation. A common theme throughout our conversation was how desperately she needed to pay her rent. At the start of our conversation she said that meeting me halfway would not be a problem. Her suggestion was for me to start driving south and she would drive north and we would meet in the middle. To find out where the middle was exactly she requested my address. At this point I became very hesitant because she displayed a similar behavior pattern as the first girl I ever met with. In this hobby one should always be aware of indecisiveness and its cognate, desperation.

She decided that we could at a location that was actually north of me. I thought that would work quite nicely because it was around 2:30 am. Leading up to that decision being made I suggested we meet some other time. I told her that it would be more convenient to meet at a later date because I wanted two hours but I was ninety dollars short of the normal fee. She said it would not be a problem and we should really meet because she needed to pay her rent. In my short trip to the hotel I received an inordinate amount of text messages. She also requested what kind of car I drove, which I believe is typical, and also a picture of myself.

She arrives with her driver parked somewhere that is not within my visual field. She walks over to my car and requested money to pay for the room. I made sure that I was not paying for the room because I requested incall and have always done so. She smelled like alcohol, which is just an observation. She assures me that she was just going inside to get the key and I could watch or come with her. I stay in the car and wait for her to return. She gives me the key and a business card with the room number on it. At this point she says her driver needs the money up front because she has been ripped off before. Obviously I had a huge problem with this and I made this known but she assured me that she was not the type of person to rip people off. She said the driver was her ex-husband and I asked if he knew what she does. She stated that he thinks she just gives dances. She proffered her pinky so she could swear that I could wait in the room or wait in my car and she would be right back. She said she does that with her kids all the time. While hesitant I reached into my pocket and gave her the money I just took out of the bank.

A few minutes later I get a text asking why I did not give the amount agreed upon. I had stopped at the bank for additional funds and placed the money in my jacket to supplement the money I had brought from home in my jeans pocket. I texted her back saying that it was an honest mistake and that she could come back and get the additional money. I was informed that her driver did not trust me and I tried to pull one over on her. It was obvious to her that I should have seen how nervous she was. I was highly perturbed by the whole situation although it was evident that they were not confused because they had already taken off. In a matter of moments her demeanor sharply changed as she was sending texts about how this should be a lesson to me and that I could come back when I had the full donation. She did invite me back to her incall room that she already had but that made no sense to me. She originally said she was 35 minutes from my address but later she said her incall was in a location that would be at most 20 minutes away and not going a mile over the speed limit. I had already paid for services that were not provided and I was not about to follow.

About two hours later her attitude changed again. She stated that she wanted to me and that we would definitely hook up the next day. She then sent me a picture of her, one that was already on e. Com. She was also nice enough to send me a picture of her husband to show me what kind of guy she likes. Earlier the same man had been her ex-husband. I never paid a second thought to hooking up the next day because I knew quite simply that I had been had. I do not bring emotions into any debate with me because once that is done the argument is lost. Therefore, I do not debate with others who are emotional. The proof of this incident is contained on my phone that through the wonders of smart phone technology can be uploaded for anyone to objectively critique. Penn and Teller have always done a wonderful job in calling bullshit so I thought I would give it the old college try.Thanks for the report Chuch.

What I would call the amount of donation that you made, for room and partial (amount of $ in error) that this gal drove off with;"a TUITIION payment", since you surely got an education. And nothing more. Now you know why you NEVER pay in advance, especially in these type of situations.

What is also puzzling to me is how / why any escort that engages in such scams, which I would elude to calling a robbery, justifies simply keeping the amount of dough, ray-me that you paid her. And simply drives off and calls it EVEN? Should this have happened to me, there would certainly have to be a cum-up-ance be learned on her part, but of course I would NEVER have handed her the wad to begin with. Nor do I deal with girls that have drivers, as a general rule. I have learned that this only leads to issues. But that is just me.

03-30-11, 08:49
Was visiting the city and scheduled a meeting with Ms Shay. Was extremely easy to schedule. Her phone number is listed on her profile with some nice pics as well. I did provide references but later found out she never confirmed with any of the providers. We had very nice conversation on the phone, the location she suggested seemed to be in an upscale area of the city. We agreed on a time, I paid for the room and called her with the room number. Everything still was okay at this point. 30 min later. 45 min later, an hour later. Still no Shay, Ms Shay has decided not to answer her phone any longer. I decide to try to text her, this being the first text that I sent, and with her not answering my phone calls anymore, I was a little reluctant on getting a text back. To my surprise I did, and it was extremely defensive "I don't know you, lose my number", and I explain we have just talked on the phone 3 different times. She then proceeds to tell me "I'm crazy, lose my number". Being her number is on her e profile, I sent back that she may need to take her number down from her profile. She replies with she is going to turn me in and I'm crazy. I then text her ShayShay23. I never heard any more from her.

It appears there is many e providers in the Indy area that have some behaviroal issues. At least thats what I gather from recent reviews. I have never experienced this with e providers in the past. Possibily I'm coming to realize e will no longer be in existence. I have not wanted to believe what other mongers had said about the site recently. I have had such amazing encounters from e.

03-30-11, 10:10
Varoom brings up a good point. Never ever deal with drivers. My worst experiences ever included drivers. Taxing the girl and leaving is one thing but muscle is a totally different game. Also I remember 3 other providers that did not ask for money in advance including Lacy, Misty, and Siera. That brings the total # of escorts I've experienced that did not ask for money until services were rendered to 11 out of the last 12. Again, if you have any doubts see the girl as an incall. Make her provide the room without paying for it. If things look dodgy you can always bounce. If absolutely necessary simply agree on a neutral location to leave the money. And if they still try to cheat you you can always take it back and or give her a consolation amount and simply leave.

Thanks for the report Chuch.

What I would call the amount of donation that you made, for room and partial (amount of $ in error) that this gal drove off with;"a TUITIION payment", since you surely got an education. And nothing more. Now you know why you NEVER pay in advance, especially in these type of situations.

What is also puzzling to me is how / why any escort that engages in such scams, which I would elude to calling a robbery, justifies simply keeping the amount of dough, ray-me that you paid her. And simply drives off and calls it EVEN? Should this have happened to me, there would certainly have to be a cum-up-ance be learned on her part, but of course I would NEVER have handed her the wad to begin with. Nor do I deal with girls that have drivers, as a general rule. I have learned that this only leads to issues. But that is just me.

03-30-11, 11:10
Tried to pm you about my question to you on Monday but your mailbox is full. I have info on the lady we have been discussing.

03-30-11, 14:39
First time reporter here but, I have been a very active participant for 6 years now. I have recently found this wonderful forum.

I thought that I would authenticate Slutcake's proposition for the coconut oil massage. In a word. STELLAR!

I spent two hours in a blissful, relaxed atmosphere that really made my day. SC's massage is very good. But, her seduction is excellent. I had a wonderful time that I can't wait to repeat.

Thanks M for an afternoon that I won't soon forget.

GI enjoyed your company as well Mr Trench, you truly know how to make a lady feel very special. I'm looking forward to our next encounter also. I have been catching my self giggle today at the thought of Ladies hitting their local handyman store to scout potential husbands. (wink-wink)

03-31-11, 10:39
Has anyone been with shay_shay23? In am traveling up to Indiana this weekend. I have found some posts on the internet that she has worked with LE. Has anyone seen her lately?

03-31-11, 11:07
Has anyone seen shay_shay23 recently?

03-31-11, 14:49
Thanks for letting us know. This reminds me of Mia the Hawaiian escort. The first time she was supposed to call me at a certain time before coming to see me. She did not call me till several hours after which I had already made plans. The second time I actually drove to her hotel location and called her to let her know I was there. She then told me she needed to take a shower to be all clean for her and to wait ten minutes then call her back. Long story short I called her for over an hour with no response. Later the next day she texted me and told me she had gotten in an accident. How could that have happened while she was taking a shower? My theory is that she went on a drug run. I'm glad we never saw each other but she was a colossal waste of time. BTW avoid the Ramada on I believe it was Raymond street. It is a heaven for low end prostitutes and scam artists with drug problems. If an escort ever wants to meet you there steer clear as the story above was not my first problem with this "hotel".

Was visiting the city and scheduled a meeting with Ms Shay. Was extremely easy to schedule. Her phone number is listed on her profile with some nice pics as well. I did provide references but later found out she never confirmed with any of the providers. We had very nice conversation on the phone, the location she suggested seemed to be in an upscale area of the city. We agreed on a time, I paid for the room and called her with the room number. Everything still was okay at this point. 30 min later. 45 min later, an hour later. Still no Shay, Ms Shay has decided not to answer her phone any longer. I decide to try to text her, this being the first text that I sent, and with her not answering my phone calls anymore, I was a little reluctant on getting a text back. To my surprise I did, and it was extremely defensive "I don't know you, lose my number", and I explain we have just talked on the phone 3 different times. She then proceeds to tell me "I'm crazy, lose my number". Being her number is on her e profile, I sent back that she may need to take her number down from her profile. She replies with she is going to turn me in and I'm crazy. I then text her ShayShay23. I never heard any more from her.

It appears there is many e providers in the Indy area that have some behaviroal issues. At least thats what I gather from recent reviews. I have never experienced this with e providers in the past. Possibily I'm coming to realize e will no longer be in existence. I have not wanted to believe what other mongers had said about the site recently. I have had such amazing encounters from e.

03-31-11, 17:02

Tis been sometime since my last posting, but after coming out of a blah relationship I decided to partake in SC's coconut oil massage. It was easy to set up an appointment with the lovely lady SC. Her massage with the coconut oil is a must gentlemen. I had set up a 2hr appointment and was well worth it. I felt I was with an longtime friend after the ice was broken, SC is a sweet lady, and gives a very soothing massage and more.

Thanks M for the great massage and company!

03-31-11, 18:30
Has anyone been with shay_shay23? In am traveling up to Indiana this weekend. I have found some posts on the internet that she has worked with LE. Has anyone seen her lately?There is a post (#4079) in this thread on the first page with a recent review.

West Central
04-01-11, 00:32
I feel for you brother. I think I would be planning some revenge, even though that always seems to backfire and make the problem worse. Some things I just can't let go, and this is one of them.

I have been in this hobby for a number of years. My first experience was not a very pleasant one. The contents of the events as they unfolded during my first experience had been mapped in my neural circuits. I was quite aware of the behavioral patterns that should serve as a warning sign thanks in large part to my first experience.

I had recognized similar behavioral patterns with alexisann quite early on in our conversation. A common theme throughout our conversation was how desperately she needed to pay her rent. At the start of our conversation she said that meeting me halfway would not be a problem. Her suggestion was for me to start driving south and she would drive north and we would meet in the middle. To find out where the middle was exactly she requested my address. At this point I became very hesitant because she displayed a similar behavior pattern as the first girl I ever met with. In this hobby one should always be aware of indecisiveness and its cognate, desperation.

She decided that we could at a location that was actually north of me. I thought that would work quite nicely because it was around 2:30 am. Leading up to that decision being made I suggested we meet some other time. I told her that it would be more convenient to meet at a later date because I wanted two hours but I was ninety dollars short of the normal fee. She said it would not be a problem and we should really meet because she needed to pay her rent. In my short trip to the hotel I received an inordinate amount of text messages. She also requested what kind of car I drove, which I believe is typical, and also a picture of myself.

She arrives with her driver parked somewhere that is not within my visual field. She walks over to my car and requested money to pay for the room. I made sure that I was not paying for the room because I requested incall and have always done so. She smelled like alcohol, which is just an observation. She assures me that she was just going inside to get the key and I could watch or come with her. I stay in the car and wait for her to return. She gives me the key and a business card with the room number on it. At this point she says her driver needs the money up front because she has been ripped off before. Obviously I had a huge problem with this and I made this known but she assured me that she was not the type of person to rip people off. She said the driver was her ex-husband and I asked if he knew what she does. She stated that he thinks she just gives dances. She proffered her pinky so she could swear that I could wait in the room or wait in my car and she would be right back. She said she does that with her kids all the time. While hesitant I reached into my pocket and gave her the money I just took out of the bank.

A few minutes later I get a text asking why I did not give the amount agreed upon. I had stopped at the bank for additional funds and placed the money in my jacket to supplement the money I had brought from home in my jeans pocket. I texted her back saying that it was an honest mistake and that she could come back and get the additional money. I was informed that her driver did not trust me and I tried to pull one over on her. It was obvious to her that I should have seen how nervous she was. I was highly perturbed by the whole situation although it was evident that they were not confused because they had already taken off. In a matter of moments her demeanor sharply changed as she was sending texts about how this should be a lesson to me and that I could come back when I had the full donation. She did invite me back to her incall room that she already had but that made no sense to me. She originally said she was 35 minutes from my address but later she said her incall was in a location that would be at most 20 minutes away and not going a mile over the speed limit. I had already paid for services that were not provided and I was not about to follow.

About two hours later her attitude changed again. She stated that she wanted to me and that we would definitely hook up the next day. She then sent me a picture of her, one that was already on e. Com. She was also nice enough to send me a picture of her husband to show me what kind of guy she likes. Earlier the same man had been her ex-husband. I never paid a second thought to hooking up the next day because I knew quite simply that I had been had. I do not bring emotions into any debate with me because once that is done the argument is lost. Therefore, I do not debate with others who are emotional. The proof of this incident is contained on my phone that through the wonders of smart phone technology can be uploaded for anyone to objectively critique. Penn and Teller have always done a wonderful job in calling bullshit so I thought I would give it the old college try.

04-01-11, 04:01
Separate what really happened from all the extraneous details and this thing looks totally different.

Chuchurocket is an experienced hobbyist who left home with part of the money in his jeans pocket and stopped on the way to get more money from an ATM machine which he put in his jacket pocket.

He was still $90 short which he told her he would be and she okayed because she was desperate to get her rent paid.

They met in the hotel parking lot. Alexisann arrived by driver. She walked to his car and he gave her the money for the room as she requested. Although unplanned it happens the girl needs the room money fronted. Some guys do it and some don't. It's a choice.

She returned to his car and gave him the key card and a business card with the room number on it. She asked that the driver hold the donation while they were inside because of past problems with others. Maybe part of this was she knew he was going to be $90 short anyway. No sense taking any chances on the rest of it.

He was reluctant, but gave it to her, but he gave her only the money from one pocket or the other so she was inadvertently shorted more than the $90 she was expecting. She took the money to her driver. What happened next was by text from the driver's car.

She texted complaining she was shorted. He tried to explain it was an honest mistake, and no doubt it was, but her demeanor sharply changed. She knew to expect his $90 problem but now there was a second problem, a pocket problem.

She and the driver left. She told him this was a good lesson for him, but offered to see him the next day when he had the rest of the donation.

While I probably would not have thought to do this myself and I don't fault Chuchurocket for not doing this given the drama going on at the time, but he never went to the room to verify the key card worked a real door. That would have made clear in spades her side of this.

If she really got the room with the first money he gave her she was going through with it. She knew $90 wasn't coming, but now there's more shortage due to the second money. While his mistake is understandable from his point of view it looks totally different not from hers. We all know a short envelop is a serious baddy. That's why we count the money about 10 times to make sure.

If that key card really worked nobody should blame her for leaving. Nobody should expect her to go behind closed doors once he put himself in bad light. He makes clear he was spooked. She was too.

Cudos to her for giving him the chance to see her the next day by paying the shortage. He should have taken advantage of her offer.

This situation shows what happens when people get surprised. He was surprised by being asked to front the room. She expected a $90 shortage and saw a larger one. All trust was gone at that point.

If that key card really worked I would take Chuchurocket's total experience as a positive review for Alexisann. But I would want Alexisann to explain how it was she needed the cash for the room and could get it without a credit card as security.

04-01-11, 06:48

You continue to impress me with your with and wisdom of human nature! A very astute observation.


Separate what really happened from all the extraneous details and this thing looks totally different.

Chuchurocket is an experienced hobbyist who left home with part of the money in his jeans pocket and stopped on the way to get more money from an ATM machine which he put in his jacket pocket.

He was still $90 short which he told her he would be and she okayed because she was desperate to get her rent paid.

They met in the hotel parking lot. Alexisann arrived by driver. She walked to his car and he gave her the money for the room as she requested. Although unplanned it happens the girl needs the room money fronted. Some guys do it and some don't. It's a choice.

She returned to his car and gave him the key card and a business card with the room number on it. She asked that the driver hold the donation while they were inside because of past problems with others. Maybe part of this was she knew he was going to be $90 short anyway. No sense taking any chances on the rest of it.

He was reluctant, but gave it to her, but he gave her only the money from one pocket or the other so she was inadvertently shorted more than the $90 she was expecting. She took the money to her driver. What happened next was by text from the driver's car.

She texted complaining she was shorted. He tried to explain it was an honest mistake, and no doubt it was, but her demeanor sharply changed. She knew to expect his $90 problem but now there was a second problem, a pocket problem.

She and the driver left. She told him this was a good lesson for him, but offered to see him the next day when he had the rest of the donation.

While I probably would not have thought to do this myself and I don't fault Chuchurocket for not doing this given the drama going on at the time, but he never went to the room to verify the key card worked a real door. That would have made clear in spades her side of this.

If she really got the room with the first money he gave her she was going through with it. She knew $90 wasn't coming, but now there's more shortage due to the second money. While his mistake is understandable from his point of view it looks totally different not from hers. We all know a short envelop is a serious baddy. That's why we count the money about 10 times to make sure.

If that key card really worked nobody should blame her for leaving. Nobody should expect her to go behind closed doors once he put himself in bad light. He makes clear he was spooked. She was too.

Cudos to her for giving him the chance to see her the next day by paying the shortage. He should have taken advantage of her offer.

This situation shows what happens when people get surprised. He was surprised by being asked to front the room. She expected a $90 shortage and saw a larger one. All trust was gone at that point.

If that key card really worked I would take Chuchurocket's total experience as a positive review for Alexisann. But I would want Alexisann to explain how it was she needed the cash for the room and could get it without a credit card as security.

B Beall
04-01-11, 07:42
...She asked that the driver hold the donation while they were inside because of past problems with others. First, the original telling is hazy. I was left with the impression that she left with his partial donation, which is theft, and for which there is no excuse short of running for your life. If, instead, the "lesson" was the price of the room, then it would seem to be as much a warning about avoiding fronting alexisann money as it is about the perils of presuming to short a provider.

Second, let's talk about that "past problems with others" routine, the most overworked excuse in the hobby, on both sides, unless it's "I heard an internet rumor she was working with LE". Yes, short envelopes are a problem, but not one which comes wholly unexpected or is aimed specifically at you. (This is reminiscent of hobbyists who create a foolproof system to deal with the possibility that the magazine model in the ad they answered may not be the girl who answers the doorbell. The system, somehow, never requires them to avoid being foolish enough to answer the ad in the first place, thus solving a problem other people don't even have.)

You respond to a problem with a solution. You have a system. Okay, then you're obliged to let the system work. Having demanded the money up front, when a problem occurs you owe the hobbyist the benefit of the doubt, because now he didn't leave you a short envelope. He left you a short amount of money to *count. There was no possibility he was trying to get over on you, *because your system prevented that* Under the circumstances, reacting in anger is a tell; Chuchurocket was *entitled* to the assumption that any mistake was unintentional.

04-01-11, 08:05
Separate what really happened from all the extraneous details and this thing looks totally different.

Chuchurocket is an experienced hobbyist who left home with part of the money in his jeans pocket and stopped on the way to get more money from an ATM machine which he put in his jacket pocket.

He was still $90 short which he told her he would be and she okayed because she was desperate to get her rent paid.

They met in the hotel parking lot. Alexisann arrived by driver. She walked to his car and he gave her the money for the room as she requested. Although unplanned it happens the girl needs the room money fronted. Some guys do it and some don't. It's a choice.

She returned to his car and gave him the key card and a business card with the room number on it. She asked that the driver hold the donation while they were inside because of past problems with others. Maybe part of this was she knew he was going to be $90 short anyway. No sense taking any chances on the rest of it.

He was reluctant, but gave it to her, but he gave her only the money from one pocket or the other so she was inadvertently shorted more than the $90 she was expecting. She took the money to her driver. What happened next was by text from the driver's car.

She texted complaining she was shorted. He tried to explain it was an honest mistake, and no doubt it was, but her demeanor sharply changed. She knew to expect his $90 problem but now there was a second problem, a pocket problem.

She and the driver left. She told him this was a good lesson for him, but offered to see him the next day when he had the rest of the donation.

While I probably would not have thought to do this myself and I don't fault Chuchurocket for not doing this given the drama going on at the time, but he never went to the room to verify the key card worked a real door. That would have made clear in spades her side of this.

If she really got the room with the first money he gave her she was going through with it. She knew $90 wasn't coming, but now there's more shortage due to the second money. While his mistake is understandable from his point of view it looks totally different not from hers. We all know a short envelop is a serious baddy. That's why we count the money about 10 times to make sure.

If that key card really worked nobody should blame her for leaving. Nobody should expect her to go behind closed doors once he put himself in bad light. He makes clear he was spooked. She was too.

Cudos to her for giving him the chance to see her the next day by paying the shortage. He should have taken advantage of her offer.

This situation shows what happens when people get surprised. He was surprised by being asked to front the room. She expected a $90 shortage and saw a larger one. All trust was gone at that point.

If that key card really worked I would take Chuchurocket's total experience as a positive review for Alexisann. But I would want Alexisann to explain how it was she needed the cash for the room and could get it without a credit card as security. I have seen her a couple times and that is the way she rolls. Never has money for a room and if she cannot get it from her family member guess what. Your next to be ask. Problem with that you don't get asked until you are already on your way to meet her.

Another issue you may run into is that she has no drivers license so she has a family member drop her off. Which is fine until you here. My family does not know what I do for a living. They think I just dance for my clients.

So she tries to get you finish off as quick as possible before the hour is up. Afraid they will come knocking on the door if it goes over.

04-01-11, 08:45
Separate what really happened from all the extraneous details and this thing looks totally different.

She texted complaining she was shorted. He tried to explain it was an honest mistake, and no doubt it was, but her demeanor sharply changed. She knew to expect his $90 problem but now there was a second problem, a pocket problem.

She and the driver left. She told him this was a good lesson for him, but offered to see him the next day when he had the rest of the donation.

While I probably would not have thought to do this myself and I don't fault Chuchurocket for not doing this given the drama going on at the time, but he never went to the room to verify the key card worked a real door. That would have made clear in spades her side of this.

If she really got the room with the first money he gave her she was going through with it. She knew $90 wasn't coming, but now there's more shortage due to the second money. While his mistake is understandable from his point of view it looks totally different not from hers. We all know a short envelop is a serious baddy. That's why we count the money about 10 times to make sure.

If that key card really worked nobody should blame her for leaving. Nobody should expect her to go behind closed doors once he put himself in bad light. He makes clear he was spooked. She was too.

Cudos to her for giving him the chance to see her the next day by paying the shortage. He should have taken advantage of her offer.

This situation shows what happens when people get surprised. He was surprised by being asked to front the room. She expected a $90 shortage and saw a larger one. All trust was gone at that point.

If that key card really worked I would take Chuchurocket's total experience as a positive review for Alexisann. But I would want Alexisann to explain how it was she needed the cash for the room and could get it without a credit card as security. Golfcart:

You are so forgiving here. Maybe you have missed your calling GC, that of a Catholic Priest who hears confessions and grants absolution for one's sins. You are WAAAAAAAY more forgiving than I would EVER BE. Sounds like you are trying to rationalize or justify this providers behavior that night, and I don't see that as a possiblity.

I think you are right in one assessment, there is no way we are going to know exactly what happened that night, blow by blow; (er no blow was involved, is more appropriate here).

But here is the bottom line; the Wench drives off with Chuch's funds for which she did NOT earn. There is NEVER an excuse for this and I don't care what the circumstances are. What would have been wrong with the provider calling him on the shortage, Chuch then making the amount right, and they go on with the intended business; (unless that was not her plan to begin with). Anything short of that in this situation just makes her look like a filthy, rotten thief, IMO. And that is why I never went to the Seminary, because I don't forgive people that try to get-over on me, or others. I would nail her azz, if that had happened to me, and that you could place a bet on. She is just fortunate that ole Varoom is not the sole that she scammed. And I will leave it at that.

04-01-11, 10:23

Tis been sometime since my last posting, but after coming out of a blah relationship I decided to partake in SC's coconut oil massage. It was easy to set up an appointment with the lovely lady SC. Her massage with the coconut oil is a must gentlemen. I had set up a 2hr appointment and was well worth it. I felt I was with an longtime friend after the ice was broken, SC is a sweet lady, and gives a very soothing massage and more.

Thanks M for the great massage and company! I enjoyed your company as well Mr. Ralphy. Amazing all the "old timers" we both know. Ironic it took us this long to cross each others path.

04-01-11, 10:50
Golfcart, I don't think there is any excuse whatsoever on Alexisann's part. If she was shorted before the session started she should have done an about face and gotten the money back on the room. You can do that if you change your mind within 15 minutes of getting it. I've done it before once myself. Secondly she should have returned all the money except maybe a cancellation fee. 50 dollars is except-able in my book.

But to take all the money and run is nothing short of theft no matter how this girl justifies it in her mind. Also its just plain bad for business. If she treated him right she would have possibly had a LT client / provider relationship, not to mention getting a good review instead of a bad one. I doubt anyone reading this board will give Alexisann a try after hearing this. There are few things Hobbyist like less than being cheated out of their money.

In any case paying upfront, especially before having even entered the room was a serious foe paw on his part. Also Alexis should have let him know upfront the room cost was to be his. This was a breech on her part and akin to up selling to get FS. IMO this was an all the way around debacle.

Ultimately it is up to us hobbyist to keep things from getting out of control. There is a saying that comes to mind "Good fences make good neighbors." If we allow enable bad behavior by not protecting ourselves in the first place it's bound to happen that advantages will be taken.

Separate what really happened from all the extraneous details and this thing looks totally different.

Chuchurocket is an experienced hobbyist who left home with part of the money in his jeans pocket and stopped on the way to get more money from an ATM machine which he put in his jacket pocket.

He was still $90 short which he told her he would be and she okayed because she was desperate to get her rent paid.

They met in the hotel parking lot. Alexisann arrived by driver. She walked to his car and he gave her the money for the room as she requested. Although unplanned it happens the girl needs the room money fronted. Some guys do it and some don't. It's a choice.

She returned to his car and gave him the key card and a business card with the room number on it. She asked that the driver hold the donation while they were inside because of past problems with others. Maybe part of this was she knew he was going to be $90 short anyway. No sense taking any chances on the rest of it.

He was reluctant, but gave it to her, but he gave her only the money from one pocket or the other so she was inadvertently shorted more than the $90 she was expecting. She took the money to her driver. What happened next was by text from the driver's car.

She texted complaining she was shorted. He tried to explain it was an honest mistake, and no doubt it was, but her demeanor sharply changed. She knew to expect his $90 problem but now there was a second problem, a pocket problem.

She and the driver left. She told him this was a good lesson for him, but offered to see him the next day when he had the rest of the donation.

While I probably would not have thought to do this myself and I don't fault Chuchurocket for not doing this given the drama going on at the time, but he never went to the room to verify the key card worked a real door. That would have made clear in spades her side of this.

If she really got the room with the first money he gave her she was going through with it. She knew $90 wasn't coming, but now there's more shortage due to the second money. While his mistake is understandable from his point of view it looks totally different not from hers. We all know a short envelop is a serious baddy. That's why we count the money about 10 times to make sure.

If that key card really worked nobody should blame her for leaving. Nobody should expect her to go behind closed doors once he put himself in bad light. He makes clear he was spooked. She was too.

Cudos to her for giving him the chance to see her the next day by paying the shortage. He should have taken advantage of her offer.

This situation shows what happens when people get surprised. He was surprised by being asked to front the room. She expected a $90 shortage and saw a larger one. All trust was gone at that point.

If that key card really worked I would take Chuchurocket's total experience as a positive review for Alexisann. But I would want Alexisann to explain how it was she needed the cash for the room and could get it without a credit card as security.

Aramis De V
04-02-11, 10:54
Saw her a few times in past years when she was Mercedes23 I think, seems like she has had another name or two also. Very inconsistent, sometimes pretty good sometimes off the game. Always seemed to have a shady and unreliable element, her old incall wasn't in best part of town, but never had trouble, and although she stood me up a couple of times and kind of felt jerked around instead of off some, never got ripped.

04-02-11, 12:19
Golfcart, I don't think there is any excuse whatsoever on Alexisann's part. (edit delete)
Golfcart: You are so forgiving here. (edit delete) Guys, Chuchurocket brought his problem encounter to our attention. When you boil it down Alexisann took the money, most of the money Chuchurocket brought with him, and she didn't provide. She pulled a "cash and dash." The only reason she didn't get it all is he pulled a "short envelope."

Most everyone sees cash and dash as the bigger sin. I think a short envelope is worse (due to the context of this set-up). It's all opinion. This is difficult to resolve when both happen in the same encounter. I don't ever remember seeing both in the same encounter before.

04-02-11, 16:24
A good friend of mine who is a provider was just telling me the other day that she has had a rash of "shorts" lately, even from people she had seen before. Said it wasn't big shortages but a lot of $20 to $40 short of the donation, and I have heard from others about guys pulling bigger shorts at leaving time. All of them have said they hate to go to pay in advance plans but they are thinking about it due to the larger number of occurrences. Everyone has the right to negotiate or haggle prior to making the deal however they want to do it, but there is really no excuse for not living up to your end of the deal after you have been served. I had an account do that to me this week in my business and someone almost got hurt, I suspect that would not be unreasonable to expect if we pull that sort of thing on providers either.

04-02-11, 16:45
I had a dream I spent a wonderful time with and internet adult star christie lamour! What more can I say other than my dreams came true! This is one beautiful fantastic Columbian sweetheart! Highly recommend!

B Beall
04-02-11, 17:26
A good friend of mine who is a provider was just telling me the other day that she has had a rash of "shorts" lately, even from people she had seen before. Said it wasn't big shortages but a lot of $20 to $40 short of the donation, and I have heard from others about guys pulling bigger shorts at leaving time. All of them have said they hate to go to pay in advance plans but they are thinking about it due to the larger number of occurrences. Everyone has the right to negotiate or haggle prior to making the deal however they want to do it, but there is really no excuse for not living up to your end of the deal after you have been served. I had an account do that to me this week in my business and someone almost got hurt, I suspect that would not be unreasonable to expect if we pull that sort of thing on providers either.And while I disagree with Golfcart regarding the particulars of the alexisann deal (assuming, that is, that she made off with the donation, which has not been clearly stated) I do applaud him for equating short envelopes with cash and dash; they're both theft. Yet you have any number of hobbyists who scream bloody murder whenever any detail doesn't go their way, but imagine that running over, or finagling uncompensated time, is all part of the game.

Member #4244
04-03-11, 07:48
I realize we are analyzing short envelops versus cash and dash but do either possibilities exist in a parking lot? I think the only mistake made here was not paying attention to the big head and it's red flags. I would have driven off long before handing any money over. I've no showed for less than that. One provider would randomly text me for open availability. I'm a married man and don't need the wife stumbling into any text before me. I was so uncomfortable with the random texts that I just blew off the appointment as nothing else seemed to work to make the texts go away. I decided "the hell with a good reference I don't need this drama.". Long story short, there are plenty of great providers out there that don't make this hobby more nerve racking than it needs to be. So lesson learned about Alexis? Take the report as intended: She's full of drama and not worth it. No need to over analyze the specifics and come to a providers defense unnecessarily. There are reviewers more worthy of critique, like me for example. Smile. Let's not piss off our brothers willing to share information, to the point we leave them uncomfortable doing so in the future.

And while I disagree with Golfcart regarding the particulars of the alexisann deal (assuming, that is, that she made off with the donation, which has not been clearly stated) I do applaud him for equating short envelopes with cash and dash; they're both theft. Yet you have any number of hobbyists who scream bloody murder whenever any detail doesn't go their way, but imagine that running over, or finagling uncompensated time, is all part of the game.

Redlynx Con
04-03-11, 12:52
I have been a hobbyist for a while (approx 3-4 years) with limited reviews on this board. Typically used to post on e. Com. But, with its demise I thought this would be a good time to start posting here.

In any case, coming back to the review. I recently had an opportunity to meet up again with Sophie. She is one of the best girls in Indy. Compared with some of the experiences I have had, I give thanks that girls like Sophie are still around. She has a nice, cozy and safe incall location. Provides the best experience ever. I have seen her friend Macy also on a couple of occasions and again the experience has been something to write about.

04-03-11, 13:25
Lets drop the subject, this is a dead horse. Everyone make their own opinion but spare the rest of us from making a comment on this board. Lets get back to giving usefull information on our lovely providers.

04-03-11, 13:53
I realize we are analyzing short envelops versus cash and dash but do either possibilities exist in a parking lot? I think the only mistake made here was not paying attention to the big head and it's red flags. I would have driven off long before handing any money over. I've no showed for less than that. One provider would randomly text me for open availability. I'm a married man and don't need the wife stumbling into any text before me. I was so uncomfortable with the random texts that I just blew off the appointment as nothing else seemed to work to make the texts go away. I decided "the hell with a good reference I don't need this drama.". Long story short, there are plenty of great providers out there that don't make this hobby more nerve racking than it needs to be. So lesson learned about Alexis? Take the report as intended: She's full of drama and not worth it. No need to over analyze the specifics and come to a providers defense unnecessarily. There are reviewers more worthy of critique, like me for example. Smile. Let's not piss off our brothers willing to share information, to the point we leave them uncomfortable doing so in the future.I agree with you. I have had text and called and I don't respondi back because I don't need them to think that is ok to do this. I have had that cash and dash happen to me and there is no excused for that. I have put 1/2 on different pockets just in case is a rip-off. But I always bring extra for tips. I'm not afraid of telling them that I tip for good service.

B Beall
04-03-11, 16:19
Let's not piss off our brothers willing to share information, to the point we leave them uncomfortable doing so in the future.Keeping people honest is all part of the process.

And I dunno about you, but personally I've had a lot more bad experiences with women who got glowing reviews from this and other boards than I have from anyone I've been warned off for drama.

Freckle Freak
04-03-11, 23:53
She asked that the driver hold the donation while they were inside because of past problems with others. Maybe part of this was she knew he was going to be $90 short anyway. No sense taking any chances on the rest of it.Nobody holds my donation but me. If she doesn't trust me then I walk. Depending on the price of the room, I want my money back. If she doesn't give the money back then it's time to let her know that every board available will be advised of how she plays the game. $.20 is good enough for her troubles. It's a plain and simple rule of the hobby, no body holds any donation except me and once in the room I let her see it and then it sits out in the open until we are finished.


PS. Does anyone know if Roni on BP has freckles?

04-04-11, 00:55
I have been a hobbyist for a while (approx 3-4 years) with limited reviews on this board. Typically used to post on e. Com. But, with its demise I thought this would be a good time to start posting here.

In any case, coming back to the review. I recently had an opportunity to meet up again with Sophie. She is one of the best girls in Indy. Compared with some of the experiences I have had, I give thanks that girls like Sophie are still around. She has a nice, cozy and safe incall location. Provides the best experience ever. I have seen her friend Macy also on a couple of occasions and again the experience has been something to write about. Sophie is an all around awesome Provider and person. One of the top flight Providers in Indy and well worth the money.

Member #4244
04-04-11, 07:07
I too have had mediocre experiences from well reviewed providers on the board. I can't say I've had good experiences with any that were reviewed poorly. You'll have to PM me with whom you are referring to; I'd love to know! I agree that at times reviewers need to be challenged, however in my humble opinion this particular topic I find people are simply trying to poke holes in a solid drama queen review. I commend (forget the posters handle) for his clarity about the situation, whereas most of us would have been too embarrassed to post a review, exposing our lack of street smarts within this hobby. These type of reviews allow us to see the reality of a providers personality whether it were cash and dash or not. I'm simply saying we should be more selective in those reviews we decide to challenge.

I remember an awful experience with Carly, attempted to post the facts on another site, only to receive a rejection letter stating that my review way not consistent with past reviewers. I chose not to post a review at all on that site as I would have to have mislead others into an equally bad experience as past reviews stated she looked just like her photos which was false. That is when I realized how valuable this site is. We may not like someone critiquing our ATF. I personally appreciate it so that I have an opportunity to see if the negatives are tolerable for my tastes. I would hate to make any reviewer feel that they need to go with the flow like sights such as another site does.

Keeping people honest is all part of the process.

And I dunno about you, but personally I've had a lot more bad experiences with women who got glowing reviews from this and other boards than I have from anyone I've been warned off for drama.

04-04-11, 08:12
PS. Does anyone know if Roni on BP has freckles?Yes, several. I told you that before.

Freckle Freak
04-04-11, 10:25
Yes, several. I told you that before.Sorry. I must have forgotten. It must have been some time back, because you and I have not been able to have a drink and titties lately. You're too damn busy with the ladies!


PS. Well Larcklorn I guess we know the truth about Roni and freckles. I believe anything HOW tells me.

Freckle Freak
04-04-11, 10:37
Just saw that Sexylittlemissivory was posting on this site. I have not experienced her myself but a friend has and he was not pleased. Old pics, skanky and wished he had a full body cover during the session, not just a raincoat. This forum is for informational purposes and since she posted I felt the information was purposeful. As always YMMV.


PS. He toftt'd and she does not have freckles.

04-04-11, 11:01
I too have had mediocre experiences from well reviewed providers on the board. I can't say I've had good experiences with any that were reviewed poorly. You'll have to PM me with whom you are referring to; I'd love to know! I agree that at times reviewers need to be challenged, however in my humble opinion this particular topic I find people are simply trying to poke holes in a solid drama queen review. I commend (forget the posters handle) for his clarity about the situation, whereas most of us would have been too embarrassed to post a review, exposing our lack of street smarts within this hobby. These type of reviews allow us to see the reality of a providers personality whether it were cash and dash or not. I'm simply saying we should be more selective in those reviews we decide to challenge.

I remember an awful experience with Carly, attempted to post the facts on another site, only to receive a rejection letter stating that my review way not consistent with past reviewers. I chose not to post a review at all on that site as I would have to have mislead others into an equally bad experience as past reviews stated she looked just like her photos which was false. That is when I realized how valuable this site is. We may not like someone critiquing our ATF. I personally appreciate it so that I have an opportunity to see if the negatives are tolerable for my tastes. I would hate to make any reviewer feel that they need to go with the flow like sights such as another site does. Danville,

Which Carly are you talking about? I think there are a couple of them here in Indy. I have been with the Carly that now goes by Carlee. Pm me and lest compare.

04-04-11, 18:53
I had an hour appointment with this girl who advertises on BP (and a few other places).


I was pleasantly surprised that she looked even better than her pictures. We had a great time. She was exactly as advertised and I would definately recommend her.I was able to arrange a meeting with her one time very late at night. I saw her on NR and she is as advertised. Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

04-05-11, 00:23
I recently met this very cute young lady and she is the real deal. She has a pretty busy life, so only opens her schedule a couple of days each week. She does incall only and uses various higher end downtown hotels. She is 26, cute, very petite, truly a GFE, and a MILF. She is a member here, but has only one post. She said it was OK for me to post her review and contact info, which is andrea.indy.hott@gmail.com. She will give you all the necessary details when you contact her. But please, don't take up all her time. Save some for me! Feel free to pm me for additional specific info, as I prefer to keep it general here. Andrea is a keeper!

04-05-11, 13:43
I was able to arrange a meeting with her one time very late at night. I saw her on NR and she is as advertised. Overall, it was a pleasant experience.Her body is very nice but how is her face?

04-05-11, 17:04
Her body is very nice but how is her face?I have seen her too. Looks young. You ask about her face, compared to who that maybe we have both seen? I would consider her as cute. You would never dream that she escorts.

04-05-11, 21:47
I have seen her too. Looks young. You ask about her face, compared to who that maybe we have both seen? I would consider her as cute. You would never dream that she escorts.Thanks for the info. Is just that sometime the body is nice but the face has like things on them. I don't expect like Ms America but a nice face. This helps.

Tony Verghese
04-05-11, 22:34

Any one seen her? Google says she belongs to an escort agency called Barely Legal.



04-06-11, 07:27
Thanks for the info. Is just that sometime the body is nice but the face has like things on them. I don't expect like Ms America but a nice face. This helps.I agree. She is cute. Reminds me of the cheerleader you wanted to ask out but knew you would be turned down. Thin body and very good skills. Not PSE but definetely GFE.

04-06-11, 08:42
Was visiting the city and scheduled a meeting with Ms Shay. Was extremely easy to schedule. Her phone number is listed on her profile with some nice pics as well. I did provide references but later found out she never confirmed with any of the providers. We had very nice conversation on the phone, the location she suggested seemed to be in an upscale area of the city. We agreed on a time, I paid for the room and called her with the room number. Everything still was okay at this point. 30 min later. 45 min later, an hour later. Still no Shay, Ms Shay has decided not to answer her phone any longer. I decide to try to text her, this being the first text that I sent, and with her not answering my phone calls anymore, I was a little reluctant on getting a text back. To my surprise I did, and it was extremely defensive "I don't know you, lose my number", and I explain we have just talked on the phone 3 different times. She then proceeds to tell me "I'm crazy, lose my number". Being her number is on her e profile, I sent back that she may need to take her number down from her profile. She replies with she is going to turn me in and I'm crazy. I then text her ShayShay23. I never heard any more from her.

It appears there is many e providers in the Indy area that have some behaviroal issues. At least thats what I gather from recent reviews. I have never experienced this with e providers in the past. Possibily I'm coming to realize e will no longer be in existence. I have not wanted to believe what other mongers had said about the site recently. I have had such amazing encounters from e. You have NEVER called me to set an appointment because if you did I would have been there and on time. Another thing I do not appreciate you trying to give me a bad rep. I always check my references and for behavioral issues ha I am the bubbliest outgoing sweetest person you would have ever have the pleasure of meeting. I never suggest hotels as we are all grown and I am sure you could figure out where you would like to stay or where you would like to meet me at. I am not sure who you think you called or who you think you talked to but it was certainly not me. So this is either a wildly made up story or you had the wrong Shay. But I will say if this did happen to you it was not me and I will guarantee you that. I am sorry this happen to you but sweets it was not me you were calling. I am very respectful, sweet and see no need to be rude as I would not want anyone being that way to me.

I joined this site because I had gentlemen that has seen me tell me about your review of me and they have all said that was not me don't even sound like a thing I would do. So I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop trying to spread awful things about me. As I am the real SHAYSHAY23.

Member #4244
04-06-11, 14:16
Was fortunate to have Kendra in town while my pockets were burning. I was hesitant as not many have reviewed her hear, but her reviews on eicce backwards seemed good enough and the pictures were too hard to refuse.

Her incall location was excellent with the typical candles, and music playing, each of you have read about. Not once was a donation asked for and her careful discretion put me at ease right away. Her personality is very down to earth, her physical attributes are that of a runway model, and her hygiene was fantastic. This woman pays every inch of attention to herself without letting it get to her head. I felt as if I were hanging out with an old friend instead of donating money for time.

Sr. Members feel free to ask what you like however her reviews are very accurate and the time is well spent. You, like me, will be left waiting for her next trip in town, or cracking into the piggy bank to see her again as soon as possible. A true gem, a real professional, and the decider I've seen so far.

04-06-11, 14:27
Our latest arrival is indeed delightful, legit and a pleasure to spend time with! .

Sr's, feel free to PM me.

Have fun & play safe!


04-06-11, 14:45
You have NEVER called me to set an appointment because if you did I would have been there and on time. Another thing I do not appreciate you trying to give me a bad rep. I always check my references and for behavioral issues ha I am the bubbliest outgoing sweetest person you would have ever have the pleasure of meeting. I never suggest hotels as we are all grown and I am sure you could figure out where you would like to stay or where you would like to meet me at. I am not sure who you think you called or who you think you talked to but it was certainly not me. So this is either a wildly made up story or you had the wrong Shay. But I will say if this did happen to you it was not me and I will guarantee you that. I am sorry this happen to you but sweets it was not me you were calling. I am very respectful, sweet and see no need to be rude as I would not want anyone being that way to me.

I joined this site because I had gentlemen that has seen me tell me about your review of me and they have all said that was not me don't even sound like a thing I would do. So I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop trying to spread awful things about me. As I am the real SHAYSHAY23. I can vouch for ShayShay23 in a huge way. She is everything and much, much more than she has stated in this post. I have seen her many times, as lately as last week. She is off the charts fun, funny and spontaneously sexy as he.

I realize that I have not had a presence here on this board hardly at all. I am still rather new here. As a result of the failings of e. Com I found this site. AND LOVE IT! If anyone has questions for me concerning ShayShay23 or myself please feel free to PM me.

04-06-11, 15:34

Any one seen her? Google says she belongs to an escort agency called Barely Legal.



That number pops up a lot on different sites and it is always a different name & picture so google the phone number and do your home work, but the consensus seems to be stay away she is a scam. A quick search came up with 4 names & pics on 4 different sites on the first page alone, Kitty, Erica, Emily, & Lorri.

Be safe

04-06-11, 15:47
I echo the comments below about the newest addition to Indy. Hawaii's loss is definitely Indy's gain! She is good looking (better than the pics posted on another thread. The last one is the best representation) , great personality, awesome body, and even more awesome skills.

Seniors PM for details.

04-06-11, 16:13
Has anyone been with shay_shay23? In am traveling up to Indiana this weekend. I have found some posts on the internet that she has worked with LE. Has anyone seen her lately?Sense you don't remember me, I'm sure you don't remember this one either?

B Beall
04-06-11, 22:35
Sense you don't remember me, I'm sure you don't remember this one either?Oh, the guy with two posts? The one who heard a rumor on the internets somewhere? Hell, we all remember him.

04-07-11, 03:00

That number pops up a lot on different sites and it is always a different name & picture so google the phone number and do your home work, but the consensus seems to be stay away she is a scam. A quick search came up with 4 names & pics on 4 different sites on the first page alone, Kitty, Erica, Emily, & Lorri.

Be safeI have heard the same thing over the past few months

04-07-11, 09:31
Oh, the guy with two posts? The one who heard a rumor on the internets somewhere? Hell, we all remember him.I did NOT credit his posting nor his PM to me any attention. For the simple fact my research only came back with positive feedback on Shay. Hence, my interest and scheduling with her. I was only curious as to why she only defended my review.

B Beall
04-07-11, 12:08
I did NOT credit his posting nor his PM to me any attention.That's fortunate, because it doesn't deserve any.

[QUOTE=Jackass2; 1170786For the simple fact my research only came back with positive feedback on Shay. Hence, my interest and scheduling with her. I was only curious as to why she only defended my review. [/QUOTE]I've never had the pleasure of her company, and I wouldn't presume to speak for her, but maybe it's that 1) you made specific complaints while 2) the other guy never saw her, but trotted out "I heard she's LE", which deserves no reply besides hunting him down and cutting off his fingers, though that would be wrong. You stated your piece. Your right. She replied. That's her right. You're never going to get any more satisfaction out of this beyond what you got typing it the first time.

She's got a solid reputation around town, based on several years as a provider. You're a guy with a complaint. Game, set, and match. Don't be dragging in this LE shite; it does no one any good. Just accept the cold comfort that you complained, and move on. Better yet, do what it takes to make up with her, be on your best behavior, and have a great time. I've tried both, and believe me, that beats the hell out of fumin'.

04-08-11, 21:50
Just read on the L'ville escorts board (I saw someone down there last summer who went by "Blue") where someone considered $$ "steep." Jesus F. Bawls, fellas. Can the chick have a burger with those fries? I mean see'mon, I can remember the day when the base tag was $$$. WTF! Now I'm not posting this to tick off any of the senior members, but I think if someone considers $$ steep, then maybe that someone should either get out of the game or start combing street corners for his "entertainment" purposes. It's us hobbyists. And not the providers. Who've taken most of the "class" out of the game. I mean if the sluggish economy has spanked you that hard and you got to sit down and cut coupons while you're checking out what's on the BP / e. Com menu, then maybe a change of scenery should be considered.

Bottom line: $$ is more than reasonable for any FS provider.

BFDeal (formerly Uncle Cletus, and I didn't change name to play games; I couldn't log on as UC after the great 2010 redesign)

04-09-11, 07:30
Just read on the L'ville escorts board (I saw someone down there last summer who went by "Blue," and posted on there, too) where someone considered $$ "steep." Jesus F. Bawls, fellas. Can the chick have a burger with those fries? I mean come on, I can remember the day when the base tag was $$$. WTF! Now I'm not posting this to tick off any of the senior members, but I think if someone considers $$ steep, then maybe that someone should either get out of the game or start combing street corners for his "entertainment" purposes. It's us hobbyists. And not the providers. Who've taken most of the "class" out of the game. I mean if the sluggish economy has spanked you that hard and you got to sit down and cut coupons while you're checking out what's on the BP and e. Com menus, then maybe a change of scenery should be considered.

Bottom line: $$ is more than reasonable for any FS provider.

BFDeal (formerly Uncle Cletus, and I didn't change name to play games; I couldn't log on as UC after the great 2010 redesign)

04-09-11, 07:45
Just read on the L'ville escorts board (I saw someone down there last summer who went by "Blue," and I posted on there, too) where someone considered $$ "steep." Jesus F. Bawls, fellas! Can the chick have a burger with those fries? I mean come on! I can remember the day when the base tag was $$$. WTF! Now I'm not posting this to tick off any of the senior members, but I think if someone considers $$ steep, then maybe that someone should either get out of the game or start combing the street corners for his "entertainment" purposes. It's us hobbyists, and not the providers, who've taken most of the "class" out of the game. I mean if the sluggish economy has spanked you that badly and you have got to sit down and cut coupons while you're checking out what's on the BP and edotcom menus, then maybe a change of scenery should be considered.

Bottom line: $$ is more than reasonable for any FS provider.

BFDeal (formerly Uncle Cletus, and I didn't change name to play games; I couldn't log on as UC after the great 2010 redesign)

04-09-11, 08:14
Bottom line: $$ is more than reasonable for any FS provider.This statement is nothing more than your opinion and just because you have it doesn't mean it's right. The situation is totally subjective to each individual, there is no one size fits all answer. And while I'm glad you have money falling out of your pockets, the rest of your post shows pure arrogance and absolutely no understanding that many people's financial difficulties are not of their own making. For you to pass judgement on others and be telling them what they should do is just plain wrong and is an indication of very poor character.

West Central
04-09-11, 09:39
Just read on the L'ville escorts board (I saw someone down there last summer who went by "Blue") where someone considered $$ "steep." Jesus F. Bawls, fellas. Can the chick have a burger with those fries? I mean see'mon, I can remember the day when the base tag was $$$. WTF! Now I'm not posting this to tick off any of the senior members, but I think if someone considers $$ steep, then maybe that someone should either get out of the game or start combing street corners for his "entertainment" purposes. It's us hobbyists. And not the providers. Who've taken most of the "class" out of the game. I mean if the sluggish economy has spanked you that hard and you got to sit down and cut coupons while you're checking out what's on the BP / e. Com menu, then maybe a change of scenery should be considered.

Bottom line: $$ is more than reasonable for any FS provider.

BFDeal (formerly Uncle Cletus, and I didn't change name to play games; I couldn't log on as UC after the great 2010 redesign) I disagree. If you've never come across a provider who isn't worth $$, either you haven't seen many providers or you're blessed by powerful spirits who watch over you. Either way, your opinion is in the minority.

B Beall
04-09-11, 09:57
Please. There's honor in being poor but honest; there's nothing but shame in being rich and a dick, like Tim Durham. Unfortunately the latter get the expensive toys.

What's plain wrong is taking frustrations over the unfairness of life out on providers who charge what the market will bear *just like hundreds of thousands of profit-making businesses do around you every hour of every day* Are you insulted that the liquor store charges more for Dom Perignon than a short dog of rotgut?

04-09-11, 10:57
Please. There's honor in being poor but honest; there's nothing but shame in being rich and a dick, like Tim Durham. Unfortunately the latter get the expensive toys.

What's plain wrong is taking frustrations over the unfairness of life out on providers who charge what the market will bear *just like hundreds of thousands of profit-making businesses do around you every hour of every day* Are you insulted that the liquor store charges more for Dom Perignon than a short dog of rotgut? No, but when I pay for Dom Perignon, I expect to actually get the full bottle and that is actually made in France and not a cheap bottle of crap.

The real problem is that there are some providers out there that are worth every penny the charge. There are others who aren't worth half.

Which brings me to my point. Differentiating between the two is the point of this board. So, lets not argue over what people are willing to pay. Lets just get back to reporting on providers and let the market decide.

Speaking of which, I forgot to submit a report on my last Backpage experience.

04-09-11, 11:18
You're right that the market will bear what the market will bear. I'm curious how you feel on the other end where girls in some parts of the country give uncovered bjs to completion for a mere 20 bucks or less. I hate to sound like a moralist but there must be a happy medium. Escorts charging as much as many lawyers who worked hard and put themselves in financial peril via massive student loans does seem a bit unfair to me. At the same time do escorts provide an essential service we cannot live without like food and heat, and transportation? These areas of price gouging should be frowned on much more readily.

A piece of advice to you gentlemen that need a break financially when it comes to escorts. IME I've found that most escorts will give you a half hour over even 15 to 20 minute rate often for a little as a $. You need to be careful you make sure this is for a flat rate. In any case I've also found that every escorts I've ever asked (and there have been many) for a return client discount has given it to me. Believe it or not I've gotten rates for less than 50 dollars before. Usually I start out between a 100 to 150 then after sometimes years work my way down after we have established a very good report. I try to make my time more than just about me. If both of you are having a good time and are friends you'd be surprised at what they'd be willing to give.

So in short research and find the good providers. See and pay them what they want upfront. Then ask for discounts are time goes by. Believe me I could not have hobbied this long seeing this many escorts without it. I'm simply just not that rich. Well more technically I'm not rich at all but more accurately getting by.

Please. There's honor in being poor but honest; there's nothing but shame in being rich and a dick, like Tim Durham. Unfortunately the latter get the expensive toys.

What's plain wrong is taking frustrations over the unfairness of life out on providers who charge what the market will bear *just like hundreds of thousands of profit-making businesses do around you every hour of every day* Are you insulted that the liquor store charges more for Dom Perignon than a short dog of rotgut?

B Beall
04-09-11, 14:31
The real problem is that there are some providers out there that are worth every penny the charge. There are others who aren't worth half.

Which brings me to my point. Differentiating between the two is the point of this board. So, lets not argue over what people are willing to pay. Lets just get back to reporting on providers and let the market decide. Did Uncle Cletus claim that every provider is worth $$? Did I? Nobody disputes that some aren't. The point was about objecting to $$ as the going rate, period, regardless of who's asking. We just went through this, and it was made abundantly clear that most guys who patronize escorts are happy to pay that and more to a good one. For those who want cut-rate services there's a Backpage and a Streetwalker board.

Escorts charging as much as many lawyers who worked hard and put themselves in financial peril via massive student loans does seem a bit unfair to me. At the same time do escorts provide an essential service we cannot live without like food and heat, and transportation? These areas of price gouging should be frowned on much more readily.We live in a meritocracy now? I guess I slept through it. Last I knew people with no musical training and marginal talent were winning teevee contests and signing multi-million dollar contracts, while classically-trained musicians work for scale. And people earn hundreds of millions for throwing a ball, while artists starve. That's an absurd comparison; if no escort was worth $$, no escort would be charging $$. And like most guys, I'd rather be screwed by a good courtesan than a great lawyer any day.

If you want cut rate services, go find 'them. Don't complain that everybody else doesn't.

Tim P14
04-09-11, 14:38
Just read on the L'ville escorts board (I saw someone down there last summer who went by "Blue," and I posted on there, too) where someone considered $$ "steep." Jesus F. Bawls, fellas! Can the chick have a burger with those fries? I mean come on! I can remember the day when the base tag was $$$. WTF! Now I'm not posting this to tick off any of the senior members, but I think if someone considers $$ steep, then maybe that someone should either get out of the game or start combing the street corners for his "entertainment" purposes. It's us hobbyists, and not the providers, who've taken most of the "class" out of the game. I mean if the sluggish economy has spanked you that badly and you have got to sit down and cut coupons while you're checking out what's on the BP and edotcom menus, then maybe a change of scenery should be considered.

Bottom line: $$ is more than reasonable for any FS provider.

BFDeal (formerly Uncle Cletus, and I didn't change name to play games; I couldn't log on as UC after the great 2010 redesign) I agree that this poster does seem a bit arrogant and with what I am about to say I may sound arrogant also and I truly mean no arrogance but it may be taken that way. First of all it is a classic supply and demand situation. I have been to Brazil, The Carribbean and Asia mongering and I have paid as little as $15 for FS from young fit and attractive providers that if they worked in this city would get the $$$ an hour. Every trip I make inevitably on the plane I calculate how much money I could make if I could fly 20 or so of them over build a brothel and open it for business. It is the fact that this activity is illegal that drives the price up more than the quality of the provider.

I realize that there are those that will say, with merit I add, that many of the women in these locations that I speak of do not live under the same rights and privlidges that we all do here in the United States. Their imposed, for lack of a better word, self worth is many times percieved less than we do as Americans. That and real economic situations in these countries and more so in the countries the the girls come from such as Columbia, Panama, Banglash (sp.) , Tiawan, Kenya etc bring the price to the lower levels. I have seen two girls in rooms 10ft from each other with similar appeareances be $250 dollars apart for the same service. Again its each persons choice. Supply and demand. McDonalds charges 99 cents for a hamburger, St Elmo's charges $48 for a fillet. I've had both and they both satisfy me.

A final thought about discounts. Alot of providers don't have steady boyfriends. They have sexual needs as well. It is my opinion that if you are a healthy, attractive male with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a provider that they will give you a better rate than they would give an overweight, unattractive client. That is in my opinion the strongest factor when I see a reference to YMMV. Basically if they want to screw you, you shouldn't have to pay as much as you would if they don't.

04-09-11, 15:21
(edit delete)

(I)f you are a healthy, attractive male with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a provider that they will give you a better rate than they would give an overweight, unattractive client. (edit delete) If I was a healthy, attractive male escort with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a woman no way would I do an overweight, unattractive female client for $300 (1) or $600 (2) . No way. I don't see how some of the girls can bring themselves to do some of us. They earn every dime they get. JMO.

04-09-11, 19:21
If I was a healthy, attractive male escort with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a woman no way would I do an overweight, unattractive female client for $300 (1) or $600 (2) . No way. I don't see how some of the girls can bring themselves to do some of us. They earn every dime they get. JMO.I have said this all along, I could never and will not do an overweight or ugly female. Not that I am Mr. GQ just will not settle. No Idea how Cate and several other attractive ladies do it, they have strong stomachs I guess.


04-09-11, 21:10
We live in a meritocracy now? I guess I slept through it. Last I knew people with no musical training and marginal talent were winning teevee contests and signing multi-million dollar contracts, while classically-trained musicians work for scale. And people earn hundreds of millions for throwing a ball, while artists starve. That's an absurd comparison; if no escort was worth $$, no escort would be charging $$. And like most guys, I'd rather be screwed by a good courtesan than a great lawyer any day.

If you want cut rate services, go find 'them. Don't complain that everybody else doesn't. Maybe you've mistaken me but I'm not complaining one bit. If you consider paying less than $$ cut rate than I've already found that by some very mainstream providers not streetwalkers.

What I was trying to do is give helpful advise to those who feel the sting of paying for them big bucks. Not everyone is as well off as some. I wish I could pay $$$ every time and not have to worry about it. Thankfully I've found a system that has worked.

Also I tend to by nature try to develop sincere relations with the escorts I meet. Most seem to feel the same way as it often reflects in time with what one might term as a friendship rate. In the end everyone wins as I see the escorts many more times than if I was paying full price in which they make much more money than they otherwise would, and we both enjoy our time together. Win win is what I am going for not whine whine.;)

By the way I completely agree, I'd rather be screwed by an escort than a lawyer. LOL :)

Down South
04-09-11, 22:40
Had a recent trip to Chicago and wanted to post some info on our board, just in case some of you travel or have some interesting fetishes to explore. Here is a link to the post:


PS. No freckles on this trip.

04-10-11, 00:32
Again, I didn't write my original post to try to offend anyone. I was just stunned when I read that someone considered $$ "steep." Again, it's on the L'ville escorts reports board. I'm not arrogant, nor am I wealthy. I'm not a native Hoosier, which really doesn't mean much I guess. I don't live paycheck to paycheck, either. I guess it's startling to me that us hobbyists actually try to "negotiate" when it comes to this thing. When we stop and think about what's being negotiated, it's kind of ludicrous. I'm not a fan of BP because I read about more horror stories about that site. But because of this notion that $$ is considered steep by some, er, by many I guess, it enables BP and some of the providers who advertise on there to exist and even prosper in some ways. Why would we try to play the "game" with a site that, in my opinion on what I've read and heard, advertises or promotes providers who basically are trying to scam hobbyists? I'd say 6 out of every 10 ads, again based on what I've read on message boards like these, feature either phony pictures or are posted by providers trying to scam (what usually results in a cash and dash) hobbyists. That's what I mean by devaluing or taking the "class" out of the game. Most of the providers have lowered rates to try to create more biz and that's fine, and most don't have time or money to market themselves with an extravagant Web site featuring pics of themselves wearing sexy lingerie or, in some cases, nothing at all. I'm more than pleased with the providers I've seen recently. I just feel that, based on what true FS providers do to make us hobbyists relax and help relieve the tensions that go along with stressful jobs and the day-to-day tumultuous anarchy that life has to offer, $$ is more than fair. But hey, what do I know? I'm supposed to know computers pretty well and it still takes me several times to log on to this Web site. Ha!

BFDeal (formerly UC)

Did Uncle Cletus claim that every provider is worth $$? Did I? Nobody disputes that some aren't. The point was about objecting to $$ as the going rate, period, regardless of who's asking. We just went through this, and it was made abundantly clear that most guys who patronize escorts are happy to pay that and more to a good one. For those who want cut-rate services there's a Backpage and a Streetwalker board.

We live in a meritocracy now? I guess I slept through it. Last I knew people with no musical training and marginal talent were winning teevee contests and signing multi-million dollar contracts, while classically-trained musicians work for scale. And people earn hundreds of millions for throwing a ball, while artists starve. That's an absurd comparison; if no escort was worth $$, no escort would be charging $$. And like most guys, I'd rather be screwed by a good courtesan than a great lawyer any day.

If you want cut rate services, go find 'them. Don't complain that everybody else doesn't.

04-10-11, 00:36
Again, I didn't write my original post to try to offend anyone. I was just stunned when I read that someone considered $$ "steep." Again, it's on the L'ville escorts reports board. I'm not arrogant, nor am I wealthy. I'm not a native Hoosier, which really doesn't mean much I guess. I don't live paycheck to paycheck, either. I guess it's startling to me that us hobbyists actually try to "negotiate" when it comes to this thing. When we stop and think about what's being negotiated, it's kind of ludicrous. I'm not a fan of BP because I read about more horror stories about that site. But because of this notion that $$ is considered steep by some, er, by many I guess, it enables BP and some of the providers who advertise on there to exist and even prosper in some ways. Why would we try to play the "game" with a site that, in my opinion on what I've read and heard, advertises or promotes providers who basically are trying to scam hobbyists? I'd say 6 out of every 10 ads, again based on what I've read on message boards like these, feature either phony pictures or are posted by providers trying to scam (what usually results in a cash and dash) hobbyists. That's what I mean by devaluing or taking the "class" out of the game. Most of the providers have lowered rates to try to create more biz and that's fine, and most don't have time or money to market themselves with an extravagant Web site featuring pics of themselves wearing sexy lingerie or, in some cases, nothing at all. I'm more than pleased with the providers I've seen recently. I just feel that, based on what true FS providers do to make us hobbyists relax and help relieve the tensions that go along with stressful jobs and the day-to-day tumultuous anarchy that life has to offer, $$ is more than fair. But hey, what do I know? I'm supposed to know computers pretty well and it still takes me several times to log on to this Web site. Ha!

BFDeal (formerly UC)

Did Uncle Cletus claim that every provider is worth $$? Did I? Nobody disputes that some aren't. The point was about objecting to $$ as the going rate, period, regardless of who's asking. We just went through this, and it was made abundantly clear that most guys who patronize escorts are happy to pay that and more to a good one. For those who want cut-rate services there's a Backpage and a Streetwalker board.

We live in a meritocracy now? I guess I slept through it. Last I knew people with no musical training and marginal talent were winning teevee contests and signing multi-million dollar contracts, while classically-trained musicians work for scale. And people earn hundreds of millions for throwing a ball, while artists starve. That's an absurd comparison; if no escort was worth $$, no escort would be charging $$. And like most guys, I'd rather be screwed by a good courtesan than a great lawyer any day.

If you want cut rate services, go find 'them. Don't complain that everybody else doesn't.

04-10-11, 13:13
Again, I didn't write my original post to try to offend anyone. I was just stunned when I read that someone considered $$ "steep." Again, it's on the L'ville escorts reports board. I'm not arrogant, nor am I wealthy. I'm not a native Hoosier, which really doesn't mean much I guess. I don't live paycheck to paycheck, either. I guess it's startling to me that us hobbyists actually try to "negotiate" when it comes to this thing. When we stop and think about what's being negotiated, it's kind of ludicrous. I'm not a fan of BP because I read about more horror stories about that site. But because of this notion that $$ is considered steep by some, er, by many I guess, it enables BP and some of the providers who advertise on there to exist and even prosper in some ways. Why would we try to play the "game" with a site that, in my opinion on what I've read and heard, advertises or promotes providers who basically are trying to scam hobbyists? I'd say 6 out of every 10 ads, again based on what I've read on message boards like these, feature either phony pictures or are posted by providers trying to scam (what usually results in a cash and dash) hobbyists. That's what I mean by devaluing or taking the "class" out of the game. Most of the providers have lowered rates to try to create more biz and that's fine, and most don't have time or money to market themselves with an extravagant Web site featuring pics of themselves wearing sexy lingerie or, in some cases, nothing at all. I'm more than pleased with the providers I've seen recently. I just feel that, based on what true FS providers do to make us hobbyists relax and help relieve the tensions that go along with stressful jobs and the day-to-day tumultuous anarchy that life has to offer, $$ is more than fair. But hey, what do I know? I'm supposed to know computers pretty well and it still takes me several times to log on to this Web site. Ha!

BFDeal (formerly UC)Oh sure it is available everywhere but not in the quantity to meet the demands; hence, the price that is offered and agreed to might seem higher than what some would hope to pay, or be able to appreciate. Also the fact that it is an unregulated industry, not to mention illegal, drives the price higher than what would be required if it was open, regulated and legal. So the bottom line is, no one is forced to participate or pay anything that they deem exhorbitant. So cut your best deal and go with it. Obviously those of us that regularly participate with the well reviewed ladies must see value there or else they wouldn't be able to charge that.

Everyone wants to drive a Porsche (or Mercedes, or you fill in the _______ blank) , but there is a reason why the sub compact models outsell the luxury model 10 to 1. The Champagne taste and the Beer budget has been around since the inception of free markets, but a lot of Champagne is still sold, and enjoyed highly by some / many.

I think I will have another glass or two of Dom Perignon.

04-10-11, 13:20
Our currency is worth more that is only factor. If the Euro is 2 to 1 dollar then our European brothers would claim its a good deal to come here cause a $1, 000 an hour top of the line escort can be had for 500 euro. Just like our dollar is 1 to 10 pesos you could get a 1000 peso an hour Escort for a 100 hundred dollars.

B Beall
04-10-11, 15:25
I just feel that, based on what true FS providers do to make us hobbyists relax and help relieve the tensions that go along with stressful jobs and the day-to-day tumultuous anarchy that life has to offer, $$ is more than fair. But hey, what do I know? And, look, this points out that we aren't even talking about the same thing. If all someone wants is an anonymous blowjob, or twenty minutes of sexual release, then $$ is no doubt an extravagance. Similarly, if someone thinks talking a hungry woman into a sub-$ half-hour proves something about pricing he is at the very least assuming that he gets the same experience with a quickie that someone else gets over 2-3 hours or more. I think there are any number of experienced hobbyists here who'll say that extra time, extra consideration, the trip to Sybaris, the nice tip, or a good dinner, pays off a lot more than saving fifty bucks does.

Hey, to each his own. All I can say from my own experience, and that of like-minded hobbyists, anyone who thinks he's nickel and diming his way to the best service available is fooling himself.

Tim P14
04-11-11, 07:14

New listing on E. Com this morning. I assume that this one is to good to be true. My tin eye skills and other investigative tools are non existent. Can someone check this one out? If someone has and knows her a PM would be appreciated.


04-11-11, 09:05
And, look, this points out that we aren't even talking about the same thing. If all someone wants is an anonymous blowjob, or twenty minutes of sexual release, then $$ is no doubt an extravagance. Similarly, if someone thinks talking a hungry woman into a sub-$ half-hour proves something about pricing he is at the very least assuming that he gets the same experience with a quickie that someone else gets over 2-3 hours or more. I think there are any number of experienced hobbyists here who'll say that extra time, extra consideration, the trip to Sybaris, the nice tip, or a good dinner, pays off a lot more than saving fifty bucks does.

Hey, to each his own. All I can say from my own experience, and that of like-minded hobbyists, anyone who thinks he's nickel and diming his way to the best service available is fooling himself. We all try to find the best deal possible. I have found some AMP with better service for way less then other. SW better service for less then other. BP provider same. I do believe that $.5 for a BP or other web site is it. You do however could find a $$$$ provider that is worth it but you still could find the same service for less. To each there owned. Be safe.

West Central
04-11-11, 09:41

New listing on E. Com this morning. I assume that this one is to good to be true. My tin eye skills and other investigative tools are non existent. Can someone check this one out? If someone has and knows her a PM would be appreciated.

Tim. E uses a convoluted scheme to keep people from copying photos, so using Tineye is a little tougher than other sites. Nevertheless, after a little research, I came up with this site:


She's a moderately famous camgirl.

04-11-11, 10:42
E uses a convoluted scheme to keep people from copying photos, so using Tineye is a little tougher than other sites. Nevertheless, after a little research, I came up with this site:


She's a moderately famous camgirl. I'm wondering if anyone called and asked her for her name. Is it the camgirl do service now or someone taking her pictures.

Glue Czar
04-11-11, 12:22

New listing on E. Com this morning. I assume that this one is to good to be true. My tin eye skills and other investigative tools are non existent. Can someone check this one out? If someone has and knows her a PM would be appreciated.

Tim. Emailed. Wants 50% up front.

04-11-11, 13:18
Anyone seen her yet? She also has an add on Nuvo Kimmy sweet blonde vixon!

04-11-11, 13:47
I'm wondering if anyone called and asked her for her name. Is it the camgirl do service now or someone taking her pictures.Here's her reply to me. Bottom line she wants 50% deposit up front (probably a guy scammer, LOL)

Thank you for contact me again and I want to let you know I have a webcam and more pictures for you to see if you want. I offer ATF CBJ or without Bag Bareback BBBJ BBBJTC BBBJCIM BDSM FS / GFE BF BFE CIM Cowgirl DATY GFE GREEK Hand Job and many more but before we go into all that I would like you to go through my rates to be sure that we are on the same path here.

Below are my rates and screening methods.

• 1 HOURS. 300 ROSES.

•24 HOURS. 1000 ROSES.



Screening: A provider or agency does a pre-session background check on a new client. E. G. Upfront deposits may also be used as a screening tool to hedge against no-shows

04-11-11, 13:52
Here's her reply to me. Bottom line she wants 50% deposit up front (probably a guy scammer, LOL)

Thank you for contact me again and I want to let you know I have a webcam and more pictures for you to see if you want. I offer ATF CBJ or without Bag Bareback BBBJ BBBJTC BBBJCIM BDSM FS / GFE BF BFE CIM Cowgirl DATY GFE GREEK Hand Job and many more but before we go into all that I would like you to go through my rates to be sure that we are on the same path here.

Below are my rates and screening methods.

• 1 HOURS. 300 ROSES.

•24 HOURS. 1000 ROSES.



Screening: A provider or agency does a pre-session background check on a new client. E. G. Upfront deposits may also be used as a screening tool to hedge against no-showsIt really sound like a scam. Why would I give up $.5 when I can have other providers for the same amount for an hour and it's the full price. Sorry I'm holding on to my money.

Indy Jhn11
04-11-11, 14:36
I don't know what's up with all the nitpicking in this thread. The shared info on ladies is sometimes decent.

I see it as your mileage may vary. We all have our comfort zone pay and play range or price / activity points of resistance. If you can get lots of fun for what your both comfortable with, go with it!

I had a nice dream this weekend about a local lady who was willing to go beyond normal session to help me out. That made a big positive impression for me. And yes she had some freckles, but I'm pretty sure FF already knows her.

04-11-11, 15:59
I'm supposed to know computers pretty well and it still takes me several times to log on to this Web site. Ha!Ahaha.

I find myself double looking at the "warning" page because it looks like the blue screen of death.

04-11-11, 16:08
They have sexual needs as well. It is my opinion that if you are a healthy, attractive male with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a provider that they will give you a better rate than they would give an overweight, unattractive client.I laughed out loud.

04-11-11, 16:34
Met with AndreaVirgo this afternoon for another fantastic time. She is not PSE but one of the really true GFE's in the business. She is a real sweety with absolutely incredible skills if you treat her the way she likes it. Seniors can PM for details.

Tim P14
04-11-11, 19:32
No doubt a scam. Thanks for the info. Been trying to get home from work all day to see the responses.

04-11-11, 20:30
Anyone seen her yet? She also has an add on Nuvo Kimmy sweet blonde vixon!Surely someone here has seen or attempted?

04-11-11, 20:32
Any current info on either of these agencies?

04-11-11, 22:45
And, look, this points out that we aren't even talking about the same thing. If all someone wants is an anonymous blowjob, or twenty minutes of sexual release, then $$ is no doubt an extravagance. Similarly, if someone thinks talking a hungry woman into a sub-$ half-hour proves something about pricing he is at the very least assuming that he gets the same experience with a quickie that someone else gets over 2-3 hours or more. I think there are any number of experienced hobbyists here who'll say that extra time, extra consideration, the trip to Sybaris, the nice tip, or a good dinner, pays off a lot more than saving fifty bucks does.

Hey, to each his own. All I can say from my own experience, and that of like-minded hobbyists, anyone who thinks he's nickel and diming his way to the best service available is fooling himself. FYI I've paid half hour prices and stayed for four hours having a very very enjoyable time. Paying more is no guarantee for better service. Yes as an axiom it can work out that way, but not necessarily. But again as I mentioned if you simply ask for a deal and are pleasant to be around you'd be surprised and what you can work out. However most often getting a good deal requires developing a rapport. It doesn't happen right out the gate. That is why I usually pay full price upfront. Then as the relationship develops ask for a return client discount that my budget can handle. When I do opt of the half hour for the first time it is because in part it hedges my bets against a bad experience. But also half an hour is usually all I need. The difference between a half and a hour I really don't notice. But if you bump it up to 90 minutes to 2 hours then yes one can often see a qualitative difference.

In short it's all relative.

West Central
04-11-11, 23:43
Anyone seen her yet? She also has an add on Nuvo Kimmy sweet blonde vixon!If it's the one I hunted down a few weeks ago, the pics belong to an MMA ring girl. If you can post or PM a link to the E profile I'll confirm.

04-12-11, 00:42
Any current info on either of these agencies?Fantasies has a good reputation, and it was exactly as advertised when I used it years ago. Pricey if you're used to SW or BP rates, but you pretty much know exactly what you're going to get before hand if you do some research on them.

04-12-11, 01:33
I laughed out loud.Abby: Did you laugh out of agreement or disagreement? You're quite respected here for your attitude, and I feel no differently (though we haven't met. . . Yet) , so I'm curious. Is it tough doing those you find extremely unattractive, and do you find yourself providing a noticeably better experience with those you're attracted to? Be honest. We're all big boys and can take it (probably). ; D.


04-12-11, 01:39
Here's her reply to me. Bottom line she wants 50% deposit up front (probably a guy scammer, LOL)

Thank you for contact me again and I want to let you know I have a webcam and more pictures for you to see if you want. I offer ATF CBJ or without Bag Bareback BBBJ BBBJTC BBBJCIM BDSM FS / GFE BF BFE CIM Cowgirl DATY GFE GREEK Hand Job and many more but before we go into all that I would like you to go through my rates to be sure that we are on the same path here.

Below are my rates and screening methods.

• 1 HOURS. 300 ROSES.

•24 HOURS. 1000 ROSES.



Screening: A provider or agency does a pre-session background check on a new client. E. G. Upfront deposits may also be used as a screening tool to hedge against no-showsObvious scam. But I was feeling in a fun mood, so here was my response:


Upfront? Deposit? LOL. I suppose that there may actually be someone this stupid.

Here's my screening. 5-10 legitimate reviews on theeroticreview(.)com, from reviewers with multiple reviews of other girls, at least two more reviews from seniors on usasexguide. Info, and, again, a photo of you, faceshot, holding up three fingers.

But I'll waive my screening and submit to yours just because you're so freakin' hot. Please provide me with your bank account number, social security number, full name, birth date, mother's maiden name and the address of your last three residences. I'll deposit the whole donation immediately into your account and be anxiously awaiting your call back for a time and place of your choosing for our meeting, LOL.


I'll report back if that gets another response.

04-12-11, 02:11
Abby: Did you laugh out of agreement or disagreement? You're quite respected here for your attitude, and I feel no differently (though we haven't met. . . Yet) , so I'm curious. Is it tough doing those you find extremely unattractive, and do you find yourself providing a noticeably better experience with those you're attracted to? Be honest. We're all big boys and can take it (probably). ; D.

TA2I have peculiar taste in men so I'm probably not the *best* provider to ask, but with all due respects, I was laughing in disagreement.

B Beall
04-12-11, 07:19
Abby: Did you laugh out of agreement or disagreement? You're quite respected here for your attitude, and I feel no differently (though we haven't met. . . Yet) , so I'm curious. Is it tough doing those you find extremely unattractive, and do you find yourself providing a noticeably better experience with those you're attracted to? Be honest. We're all big boys and can take it (probably). ; D.

TA2Ya think maybe she could have been laughing at the notion of the hobbyist grudgingly plunking down his $$ just so the girl in question will get the chance to swoon over his manly good looks and incredible sexual mastery?

04-12-11, 10:28

04-12-11, 10:37
Ya think maybe she could have been laughing at the notion of the hobbyist grudgingly plunking down his $$ just so the girl in question will get the chance to swoon over his manly good looks and incredible sexual mastery?This is dead nutz on.

Imagine the naiveity of a guy who thinks that he is plunking down his hard earned cash so he can give a provider a chance to have a shot at him. He is certainly doing her one heck of a favor, no doubt. Maybe delirious is the best descriptor.

04-12-11, 10:53
Ya think maybe she could have been laughing at the notion of the hobbyist grudgingly plunking down his $$ just so the girl in question will get the chance to swoon over his manly good looks and incredible sexual mastery?Which is why I asked the questions. I'm interested in her answers. I didn't take what you did away from the original statement at all. What I took from it is that it's possible for a provider to be attracted to a hobbyist both physically and for the way he treats her well, and after a few visits, once it's obvious she's also enjoying herself, maybe cut him a break to encourage visits more often.

For the record, I have just such an arrangement myself, though I'm holding those cards much too close to share here. I'm also reasonably sure I'm nothing special in this regard.


B Beall
04-12-11, 13:18
Which is why I asked the questions. I'm interested in her answers. I didn't take what you did away from the original statement at all. What I took from it is that it's possible for a provider to be attracted to a hobbyist both physically and for the way he treats her well, and after a few visits, once it's obvious she's also enjoying herself, maybe cut him a break to encourage visits more often.

For the record, I have just such an arrangement myself, though I'm holding those cards much too close to share here. I'm also reasonably sure I'm nothing special in this regard.

TA2Yeah, I understood why you were asking, I just didn't understand quite how you could have missed her point. She quoted the bit about "being a studly pipe-swinger, not some overweight accountant", and I don't know why laughter would be an appropriate way to agree with that kind of naivete.

I'd certainly agree with your larger point, but then, no one ever said chemistry isn't part of the game. Still, I'd ask you to consider how many escort ads say "Gentlemen over 30" "Gentlemen over 40", and how many say "18-year-old studs who can pound me into submission only". That's a young man's conceit, and the product of watching too much porn, though I suppose it was meant well. I'm privileged to see three extremely high-voltage providers, and they all say they prefer older men, because they'd rather go for 2-3 hours than stop and start every ten minutes. Or else they're just flattering me. At the same time I know they pride themselves in taking care of men who're less energetic, but treat them well.

Part of the hobby is that many hobbyists are self-centered about sessions; this sure isn't anything we have to explain to providers, and I've never talked to one who begrudges a client calling the shots. The top flight providers understand the meaning of service, whether the guy is one and done, a talker, or imagines himself an irresistible stud. I met a woman last year who said she doesn't have sex with half her clients, and I'll bet some of those are among her favorites. That's why I assumed I knew why Miss Abby was laughing.

04-12-11, 13:33
Call a few of your favs and tell them that things have been a little slow lately and you want to come over for a visit and catch them a little later on the donation. Let me know how that works out for you?

This is a BIZ for these ladies and you expect that they are seeing you because you are some irresistable stud, then you have departed from the space known as reality. No different than if you go to the grocery store and expect that they sell you groceries for less because they like to see you strut your stuff up and down the aisles. Come-on Man.

04-12-11, 18:00
Call a few of your favs and tell them that things have been a little slow lately and you want to come over for a visit and catch them a little later on the donation. Let me know how that works out for you?

This is a BIZ for these ladies and you expect that they are seeing you because you are some irresistable stud, then you have departed from the space known as reality. No different than if you go to the grocery store and expect that they sell you groceries for less because they like to see you strut your stuff up and down the aisles. Come-on Man. I could point out that only a moron would try to put words in someone else's mouth that in no way resembled what was posted, but since I've been part of enough drama in the past, I'll decline to point out the obvious.


04-12-11, 19:53
There has been a lot of discussion lately on the pricing structure in our hobby. And truly, I think it's not any different than any other commercial venture. You get what you pay for.

There are plenty of low priced opportunities ($ or less). But with those come risks. Ie; cash and dash, inaccurate pics, unreliability or even worse. As risks go down, price goes up. Simple. $$ opportunities are more reliable, more "stable", more closely resemble their pics and occasionally have reviews. Naturally, the $$$ opportunities are well reviewed, have a wonderful attitude and hopefully are very attractive. All of those characteristics demand a higher price. Sometimes, even one exceptional characteristic is worthy of the higher price.

A case in point would be the lovely Ms. SlutCake. I had the opportunity to partake of her Coconut Oil Massage. Without any doubt, it was the most WONDERFUL massage I have ever experienced! It was sensual, erotic, exhilarating and finally relaxing. And that's an understatement.

Ms Cake was very warm, friendly and inviting. She has a wonderful attitude and really put me at ease. With her certified massage experience, she really knows how to work your entire body. It is obvious she really, truly enjoys what she's doing (as much as you will)!

For those who like the AMP's for their pricing structure, trust me. Fore go a few AMP visits, save your $'s and splurge on the C. O. Massage. You will not regret it!

There may be other providers you find more attractive, but none will work harder to please you. And I hate to even use the word "work". It seemed as if she wanted to please me as much as I wanted to be pleased. More like play. Sexy, erotic, Hot, Sloppy, PLAY!

Ms. M, Thank You for a very memorable afternoon!


Freckle Freak
04-12-11, 21:10
Abby: Did you laugh out of agreement or disagreement? You're quite respected here for your attitude, and I feel no differently (though we haven't met. . . Yet) , so I'm curious. Is it tough doing those you find extremely unattractive, and do you find yourself providing a noticeably better experience with those you're attracted to? Be honest. We're all big boys and can take it (probably). ; D.

TA2I think I know why she laughed. She was not being disrespectful. This is a biz. Abby not trying to answer for you, just my opinion. Those opinions seem to be flying around a lot lately on this board.

As far as "They have sexual needs as well", most are satisfied by a husband, lover or BF mainly through the emotional relationship which becomes physical They are women and with most of them sex is more emotional than physical. Two simple questions are: Question to a hobbyist who becomes a male provider for women: If you could have sex with someone from the opposite sex as a provider and NOT be paid for it, would you? Now ask the same question to a female provider. What do you think the difference in the two answers would be. I have known very few providers who didn't have economic needs to be filled that did it strictly for the thrill and the sex. Some would most won't.

"It is my opinion that if you are a healthy, attractive male with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a provider that they will give you a better rate than they would give an overweight, unattractive client." NOT! They give better rates to those that become regulars and spend as much in one month as someone who would spend the same amount in 6 months. Now being disrespectful to the provider in most cases will cost you extra, along with poor hygiene. Suppliers cut discounts to GE because they buy more than the mom and pop companies do, bad suppliers are replaced or ignored.

Providers deserve respect because they are women and women should be respected. Just what I was taught growing up and still believe it. Now if they disrespect me I stop seeing them. I have been cheated, taken, stolen from and disrespected. I still do it because I like the thrill of the chase, met some very nice women and of course always looking for the perfect freckles!

You guys have discussed this to death and the truth is for providers and hobbyist alike, YMMV, plain and simple.


PS. Can we change the topic and get back to escort reports so you guys can tell me about all the freckles out there?

04-12-11, 21:17
Has anyone found a replacement that even approaches the old Escorts. Com?

04-12-11, 21:56
I think I know why she laughed. She was not being disrespectful. This is a biz. Abby not trying to answer for you, just my opinion. Those opinions seem to be flying around a lot lately on this board.

As far as "They have sexual needs as well", most are satisfied by a husband, lover or BF mainly through the emotional relationship which becomes physical They are women and with most of them sex is more emotional than physical. Two simple questions are: Question to a hobbyist who becomes a male provider for women: If you could have sex with someone from the opposite sex as a provider and NOT be paid for it, would you? Now ask the same question to a female provider. What do you think the difference in the two answers would be. I have known very few providers who didn't have economic needs to be filled that did it strictly for the thrill and the sex. Some would most won't.

"It is my opinion that if you are a healthy, attractive male with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a provider that they will give you a better rate than they would give an overweight, unattractive client." NOT! They give better rates to those that become regulars and spend as much in one month as someone who would spend the same amount in 6 months. Now being disrespectful to the provider in most cases will cost you extra, along with poor hygiene. Suppliers cut discounts to GE because they buy more than the mom and pop companies do, bad suppliers are replaced or ignored.

Providers deserve respect because they are women and women should be respected. Just what I was taught growing up and still believe it. Now if they disrespect me I stop seeing them. I have been cheated, taken, stolen from and disrespected. I still do it because I like the thrill of the chase, met some very nice women and of course always looking for the perfect freckles!

You guys have discussed this to death and the truth is for providers and hobbyist alike, YMMV, plain and simple.


PS. Can we change the topic and get back to escort reports so you guys can tell me about all the freckles out there? Exactly what needed to be said. And lets move on,

Freckle Freak
04-12-11, 22:13
Has anyone found a replacement that even approaches the old Escorts. Com?Isn't it kind of up to the providers? Where they advertise is where we go to look for them. Do you really think they will get together and decide on a new site? Let's see the Indiana providers meeting to search for a new advertising avenue. Suggestions: Indys, redbook, evault, Naughty R, eros, eccie, escortguide etc. Where they go we shall follow! Kinda like sheep aren't we!


PS. I would show up at the meeting if invited and there were freckles present.

West Central
04-13-11, 00:24

That's the same profile. Pictures are of Holly Kishere, MMA ring girl.

04-13-11, 02:25
As far as "They have sexual needs as well", most are satisfied by a husband, lover or BF mainly through the emotional relationship which becomes physical They are women and with most of them sex is more emotional than physical.I don't think most of these women have meaningful normal relationships. If they are in relationships it has to be highly dysfunctional. Example being, When a provider meets the family does she lie about what she does? Of course this is not of my business but, I am curious nonetheless.

04-13-11, 07:25
I don't think most of these women have meaningful normal relationships. If they are in relationships it has to be highly dysfunctional. Example being, When a provider meets the family does she lie about what she does? Of course this is not of my business but, I am curious nonetheless.More of these gals are in relationships than you might think. I have met a number of ladies that are married and it is simply their part time job. They might be swingers or in an open relationship anyway, and have a high sex drive so why not capitalize on the skills for profit. More of these ladies have boyfriends than you might think and many meet them thru the hobby.

Speaking of dysfunctional, I think if one participates in this hobby in any fashion. A large portion of society would classify them as dysfunctional. Take a survey down at the local drugstore (a thing of the past) , and see how many would classify anyone here as dysfunctional? What does that mean? Notta, but there is some truth to it. So look in the mirror and say it out loud; D-Y-S-F-U-N. I'll stop with the last 3 letters in the word, cause I'm not about to reform my ways anytime soon, nor will I judge what someone tells their family, truth or not.

B Beall
04-13-11, 07:48
Has anyone found a replacement that even approaches the old Escorts. Com?Yeah, it's a bummer you can't get free access to contact info anymore, and that profiles don't include menus. I refuse to judge them for their legal problems without more info, but the removal of interviews just looks like a money-making ploy.

But it still seems to me like the best bet for meeting travelers, and legitimate freelancers who might be moving up from the scam sheets. You can assure yourself the listings are fresh. With search set to "logging in in the last month" I get four pages of VIPs between here, Cincy, Louisville, and Ft. Wayne, and at least 90% would be classed as legitimate. The bulk of on-the-radar local talent is still represented there. New local listings show up pretty regularly.

Whaddya want? Reviews? Reviewers are unreliable (I mentioned here last year how, on a whim, I saw a provider whose profile was on-again, off-again; she had maybe twenty reviews, all positive, several from well-known commenters. The woman who opened the door was as much as twenty years past the "29" she'd listed on her profile. Every last one of those reviews said "Profile accurate." That's one anecdote, but how often does it happen? How often has it happened to you? How often does it happen here?).

The one thing reviews were good for was telling you, by volume, that someone wasn't an outright scam. But if you're not greedy, think with your big brain occasionally, and don't chase $60 / hr supermodels on BP the worst that's likely to happen to you is mediocre sex, and that's always a possibility anyway.

And I know I get hooted at every time I say it, but in the absence of self-posted menus I feel entitled to ask someone I haven't met to answer those questions for me, once I've established my references. Those sorts of questions are answered in the Services and FAQ sections of every provider webpage in existence, and I see no reason why they shouldn't be addressed, at least in a general way, with a legitimate prospective client who asks politely.

04-13-11, 08:49
Sorry Frekle Freak, I forgot to mention, and maybe you already know, but Ms SlutCake does have quite a few freckles. And OHH how they glisten under coconut oil!



PS. Can we change the topic and get back to escort reports so you guys can tell me about all the freckles out there? [/QUOTE]

04-13-11, 10:48
I think I know why she laughed. She was not being disrespectful. This is a biz. Abby not trying to answer for you, just my opinion. Those opinions seem to be flying around a lot lately on this board.

As far as "They have sexual needs as well", most are satisfied by a husband, lover or BF mainly through the emotional relationship which becomes physical They are women and with most of them sex is more emotional than physical. Two simple questions are: Question to a hobbyist who becomes a male provider for women: If you could have sex with someone from the opposite sex as a provider and NOT be paid for it, would you? Now ask the same question to a female provider. What do you think the difference in the two answers would be. I have known very few providers who didn't have economic needs to be filled that did it strictly for the thrill and the sex. Some would most won't.

"It is my opinion that if you are a healthy, attractive male with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a provider that they will give you a better rate than they would give an overweight, unattractive client." NOT! They give better rates to those that become regulars and spend as much in one month as someone who would spend the same amount in 6 months. Now being disrespectful to the provider in most cases will cost you extra, along with poor hygiene. Suppliers cut discounts to GE because they buy more than the mom and pop companies do, bad suppliers are replaced or ignored.

Providers deserve respect because they are women and women should be respected. Just what I was taught growing up and still believe it. Now if they disrespect me I stop seeing them. I have been cheated, taken, stolen from and disrespected. I still do it because I like the thrill of the chase, met some very nice women and of course always looking for the perfect freckles!

You guys have discussed this to death and the truth is for providers and hobbyist alike, YMMV, plain and simple.


PS. Can we change the topic and get back to escort reports so you guys can tell me about all the freckles out there? As in the immortal words of the great C Lo Green, well you know the rest. Surprisingly thoughtful and insightful for someone who has their mind in the freckle gutter. To some providers this is just a hobby too, and they may provide differently as the mood, or the client strikes them, just human nature. Then there are, as I suspect our fine fellow member Abby is, the consummate pros. They aren't going to do Adonis without cash on the table, but more importantly you could be Adonis or you could be Quasimodo but when they are done with you you will not know which you might be because they give the same fine service and attention to one and all, and no matter what or who we are when we leave we will feel as if we are special, an ardent lover and friend. (something which makes them special, something I am sure I couldn't do) Illusion? Most certainly, but that is why one seeks more than just a romp in the hay, which sometimes is all any of us want but many times we seek a courtesan more than a hump. But this is the ultimate game for YMMV, we, hobbiest and providers alike are humans and no matter how professional either of us act, things, events, people and emotions effect us and at some point will come into play, it is the nature of humans and thus nature of the game. And like any other facet of life some are more capable of handling it than others, why, short of the blatant, and I don't want to use the word lies exactly, but the misleading and misconstrued information that B Beall accurately speaks of in reviews and the like, may seem so vastly different from one perspective to another. Also why I find much more honesty in one on one provider discussions than generic open posts and reviews, those just make better rough outlines. But this was beaten pretty well before I floundered around with it, so I will leave it be at this.

04-13-11, 11:17
There has been a lot of discussion lately on the pricing structure in our hobby. And truly, I think it's not any different than any other commercial venture. You get what you pay for.

There are plenty of low priced opportunities ($ or less). But with those come risks. Ie; cash and dash, inaccurate pics, unreliability or even worse. As risks go down, price goes up. Simple. $$ opportunities are more reliable, more "stable", more closely resemble their pics and occasionally have reviews. Naturally, the $$$ opportunities are well reviewed, have a wonderful attitude and hopefully are very attractive. All of those characteristics demand a higher price. Sometimes, even one exceptional characteristic is worthy of the higher price.

I've seen far too many very poor reviews, unreviewed or even rip offs in the $$$+ range to have any belief that paying the added fees gives any security whatsoever. I've also paid above $$$$ an hour and occasionally had as good a time at $$ an hour. Though, I'll admit that the odds are a $$$-$$$$ provider is going to view herself more professionally and have more invested in her reputation. At least that's been my experience. And I'm sure you know what I'm saying here, but thought it worth saying for the sake of any lurkers or less experienced that paying $$$+ is no guarantee. One must still check out reviews, learn which ones to take with a grain of salt, and proceed with caution with unknowns.


04-13-11, 11:25
I think I know why she laughed. She was not being disrespectful. This is a biz. Abby not trying to answer for you, just my opinion. Those opinions seem to be flying around a lot lately on this board.

As far as "They have sexual needs as well", most are satisfied by a husband, lover or BF mainly through the emotional relationship which becomes physical They are women and with most of them sex is more emotional than physical. Two simple questions are: Question to a hobbyist who becomes a male provider for women: If you could have sex with someone from the opposite sex as a provider and NOT be paid for it, would you? Now ask the same question to a female provider. What do you think the difference in the two answers would be. I have known very few providers who didn't have economic needs to be filled that did it strictly for the thrill and the sex. Some would most won't.

"It is my opinion that if you are a healthy, attractive male with a strong presence in the bedroom and can stimulate and satisfy a provider that they will give you a better rate than they would give an overweight, unattractive client." NOT! They give better rates to those that become regulars and spend as much in one month as someone who would spend the same amount in 6 months. Now being disrespectful to the provider in most cases will cost you extra, along with poor hygiene. Suppliers cut discounts to GE because they buy more than the mom and pop companies do, bad suppliers are replaced or ignored.

Providers deserve respect because they are women and women should be respected. Just what I was taught growing up and still believe it. Now if they disrespect me I stop seeing them. I have been cheated, taken, stolen from and disrespected. I still do it because I like the thrill of the chase, met some very nice women and of course always looking for the perfect freckles!

You guys have discussed this to death and the truth is for providers and hobbyist alike, YMMV, plain and simple.


PS. Can we change the topic and get back to escort reports so you guys can tell me about all the freckles out there? No arguments with any of that. People read more into my posts than I intended.

And FTR, I neither felt, nor meant to infer that Abby was being disrespectful. Still don't, and appreciate her answer below. Her occasional humor here is likewise appreciated.


04-13-11, 11:35
Has anyone found a replacement that even approaches the old Escorts. Com?another site has, to me, always had much better info than e. Com even before e. Com took a dive. Though I don't see a lot of locals guys using them. I wish it was used more locally. Free to review, and easy to earn free VIP access with those reviews.

I always check another site for travelers and will not see one w / o what I'm looking for in those reviews. Locally, I rely on this board, and again, won't see an unreviewed local. I've taken enough chances in the past and been disappointed or lost entirely or simply wasted a lot of time, and I'm no longer willing to do that. I also don't have the time to check five or six different sources. I might miss out on a few new opportunities that way, but I'll live.


B Beall
04-13-11, 13:08
I've seen far too many very poor reviews, unreviewed or even rip offs in the $$$+ range to have any belief that paying the added fees gives any security whatsoever. I've also paid above $$$$ an hour and occasionally had as good a time at $$ an hour. Though, I'll admit that the odds are a $$$-$$$$ provider is going to view herself more professionally and have more invested in her reputation. At least that's been my experience. And I'm sure you know what I'm saying here, but thought it worth saying for the sake of any lurkers or less experienced that paying $$$+ is no guarantee. One must still check out reviews, learn which ones to take with a grain of salt, and proceed with caution with unknowns.

TA2Well, there's never a guarantee, but if someone is established, and commands $$$ when the going rate is $$, you can figure she's either got something going for her, doesn't really need the business, or she's using a high rate to filter clients. Then you should figure out what it is. If she's not established then even two bills is a risk.

Maybe she gets top dollar because she looks like a cam girl and needs to hire support staff to keep the heavy breathers at bay. But if she's Megan the Muse (speaking from experience) or Jane Monterey (not yet, dammit) then you can pretty much figure that price tag means you're in for something more than a $$ hump. (And that it's probably not a good idea to start your initial email with "Would you take two hundred?")

Freckle Freak
04-13-11, 22:34
Sorry Frekle Freak, I forgot to mention, and maybe you already know, but Ms SlutCake does have quite a few freckles. And OHH how they glisten under coconut oil!

D. Thanks for the info Dyoung35. I am very familiar with those freckles yet I have not seen them since they resided at a salon at 86th and Michigan Road. I also have never seen them covered in coconut oil, however I have seen them covered in another type of white-ish liquid. I first met her at a touchy establishment that I was into.

Awhile back on one of my posts I listed her in my top 5 freckled women providers. She had her positive traits and her snowy traits. To many snowstorms made me move further south to a warmer climate. I hear she has also moved to a more tropical location within the past year. But like most snowbirds they always head back up north at some point in their life.

I have been lucky lately and found some more enhanced freckles for fun. They are also very GFE. I think Illiniman would agree that one of his favorite seasons is the Skyy in Autumn. However I am alway on the lookout for more freckles so please keep your eyes open.


PS. I have freckled research to perform at Babes, Silk, Huggers and Rio. Anybody want to help?

04-14-11, 01:04
Surprisingly, I got a couple of responses from the email sent to this new, hot "provider" at http://www.escorts.com/member/2836812/yourstwotake. They were, essentially, laughter at the idea that charging 50% upfront prior to meeting a new client will chase off even a half-with with more dollars than cents. Wanting to give the benefit of the doubt, I held out some hope (let's face it, the pics are damn hot) that maybe she was just so fresh she thought she could demand such luxury and she would relent to establishing herself legitimately by employing some reason to her methods, but alas, she appears the scam we already knew comes along with such a ridiculous demand. Too bad.


04-14-11, 08:00
I have a query to maybe the more senior members. I never hear mentioned the service with banners all over this site ie, escortguide. See. It appears a good number of the pics are from blackdressclub. A few are from long established providers and a couple even nationally known PS names. There are, however, a few fresh faces. (Amber, Brandy, Paris.) Unfortunately, it seems the most recent post by any of them is July 2010. And the phone numbers are either no longer in existence or I get no return message. Has anyone had any luck with this site? Maybe this question is better posed to our administrator?

Just Curious.


04-14-11, 10:40
Thanks for the info Dyoung35. I am very familiar with those freckles yet I have not seen them since they resided at a salon at 86th and Michigan Road. I also have never seen them covered in coconut oil, however I have seen them covered in another type of white-ish liquid. I first met her at a touchy establishment that I was into.

Awhile back on one of my posts I listed her in my top 5 freckled women providers. She had her positive traits and her snowy traits. To many snowstorms made me move further south to a warmer climate. I hear she has also moved to a more tropical location within the past year. But like most snowbirds they always head back up north at some point in their life.

I have been lucky lately and found some more enhanced freckles for fun. They are also very GFE. I think Illiniman would agree that one of his favorite seasons is the Skyy in Autumn. However I am alway on the lookout for more freckles so please keep your eyes open.


PS. I have freckled research to perform at Babes, Silk, Huggers and Rio. Anybody want to help? Thanks for the clearity. She is the one U-turned me on to a couple years ago."gett comfortable" was the line. I wondered what happened to her.

Thanks for connecting the dots, err freckles.

B Beall
04-14-11, 15:34
I have a query to maybe the more senior members. I never hear mentioned the service with banners all over this site ie, escortguide. See. It appears a good number of the pics are from blackdressclub. A few are from long established providers and a couple even nationally known PS names. There are, however, a few fresh faces. (Amber, Brandy, Paris.) Unfortunately, it seems the most recent post by any of them is July 2010. And the phone numbers are either no longer in existence or I get no return message. Has anyone had any luck with this site? Maybe this question is better posed to our administrator?

Just Curious.

DI'm more member who's a senior than senior member, but I think you answered your own question. There's no real substitute for freshness dating. Twenty-five percent of the women pictured either don't live here anymore, don't go by that name, or are just flat gone, and half of what remains I've never seen before, and they're all lookers. And what are the odds some camgirl-hot working girl in Indianapolis advertises there and nowhere else?

I'd say they're even slimmer when someone "based in Indianapolis" gives her rates in euros and her measurements in centimeters.

Down South
04-14-11, 21:14
Any info on the new escort Amber. Says she is reviewed, but not coming back with too much, but tineye is clean.

04-14-11, 22:28
Had a wonderful dream about Autumnskyy this evening. Cute, smart, funny- and I left very happy. I will repeat this dream!

Tony Verghese
04-14-11, 22:37
There is an ad by BustyNikki on the "escort advertisement. No review" thread. Historical records show that that she was 5 months pregnant last November. Looks great in those pictures posted. I googled her phone number and the results did not look suspicious.

Has anybody here seen her? Is she $$$?



Down South
04-14-11, 23:13
Any info on the new escort Amber. Says she is reviewed, but not coming back with too much, but tineye is clean.She has apparently already moved on to Ft. Wayne, but may be coming back through later. Not a lot of screening from what she said. Kind of strange.

04-15-11, 11:13
Isn't it kind of up to the providers? Where they advertise is where we go to look for them. Do you really think they will get together and decide on a new site? Let's see the Indiana providers meeting to search for a new advertising avenue. Suggestions: Indys, redbook, evault, Naughty R, eros, eccie, escortguide etc. Where they go we shall follow! Kinda like sheep aren't we!


PS. I would show up at the meeting if invited and there were freckles present.Well. Actually, some of us have had quite a few discussions on the matter at hand. Change takes time my friends. We can obviously sign up for any and all advertising opportunities, but the one (s) that create the most business will most definitely win the majority. With that said, despite the innate beauty of change, many people resist it, instead of embracing it. Nothing lasts forever, and wisdom is earned by learning to see the alternate possibilities. Just saying.

04-15-11, 16:53
Well. Actually, some of us have had quite a few discussions on the matter at hand. Change takes time my friends. We can obviously sign up for any and all advertising opportunities, but the one (s) that create the most business will most definitely win the majority. With that said, despite the innate beauty of change, many people resist it, instead of embracing it. Nothing lasts forever, and wisdom is earned by learning to see the alternate possibilities. Just saying.You are so f*ing hot. I would say that maybe it is your brain I like to........ Well never mind

Member #4244
04-15-11, 21:20
Any info on this lady? She's on e right now and in town. Feel free to PM me for details. She's all over the web yet only two reviews on erotic.


Freckle Freak
04-15-11, 22:11
Well. Actually, some of us have had quite a few discussions on the matter at hand. Change takes time my friends. We can obviously sign up for any and all advertising opportunities, but the one (s) that create the most business will most definitely win the majority. With that said, despite the innate beauty of change, many people resist it, instead of embracing it. Nothing lasts forever, and wisdom is earned by learning to see the alternate possibilities. Just saying.I agree with Ilapp, you are and always will be HOT, both physically and mentally. A true innate beauty in this city. We need to do drinks again sometime so I can tell you about running into an old friend of ours.


PS. I also love your freckles.

B Beall
04-15-11, 22:26
You are so f*ing hot. I would say that maybe it is your brain I like to........ Well never mindBest brain in the business.

04-17-11, 15:25
After taking a long break from the hobby I got to spend some time with Teresa recently after reading (and being tempted) about her new talents. Let me just say the lady has improved her already great skillls. She is reading, watching movies and getting her "friends" to teach her on how to drive a man crazy. She was getting out lotions, creams and toys to show me what she has learned. Did not last long. However, I did not get to see her scary strap-on mentioned earlier (thank goodness) but I am impressed on the girl's eagerness to perfect her craft. Her tanned, flawless and super athletic body rubbing (and other things) on you is a pleasure that needs to be experienced first hand. Got to lay next to her (while my body stopped twitching) and talked about current events for a long time. Nothing better than laying naked with a hot woman and talking about earthquakes while your hands are caressing every inch of her shaven kitty. She even shifted her body to give me better access. Also heard that she wants to team up with another hot girl (although I have not had the pleasure of meeting) on this board for doubles. First Cate and now the beauty that works out of Fishers and Southport. Hot damn, who can live thru that?

04-17-11, 17:53
Had the pleasure of meeting Tasha who advertises in backpage! This is one of the friendliest and natural beauties I have ever met! Thanks for such a wonderful experience! I highly recommend this lovely woman!

04-18-11, 08:20
You are so f*ing hot. I would say that maybe it is your brain I like to........ Well never mindI know. I know. I'm awesome! Hahahaha.

04-18-11, 08:28
I agree with Ilapp, you are and always will be HOT, both physically and mentally. A true innate beauty in this city. We need to do drinks again sometime so I can tell you about running into an old friend of ours.


PS. I also love your freckles.And I love, that you love, my freckles. Summer is coming up. There will be lot's of freckles out there FF. I know it's going to be hard to control yourself. No dry humping of freckled strangers. Unless your nekkid! We definitely need to do lunch! I can only guess you are talking about my hobby husband. :-p I miss him tremendously. I truly hope he is doing well. I hope you gave him a big sexy hug for me. LOL. See you soon!

04-18-11, 08:34
Had the pleasure of meeting Tasha who advertises in backpage! This is one of the friendliest and natural beauties I have ever met! Thanks for such a wonderful experience! I highly recommend this lovely woman!There are a couple of Tashas on BP; could you clarify a little? Thanks!

04-18-11, 08:34
Best brain in the business.Well. Our thoughts determine our reality. My thought is Nuru.

04-18-11, 10:00
There are a couple of Tashas on BP; could you clarify a little? Thanks!She's tall with blue eyes 5' 10".

04-18-11, 10:59
I'm a long time luker here with some posts. I have given many reviews on E. Com and have been in the hobby for many years. Could someone pm the contact info for Teresa.

Thank for the help in advance.

B Beall
04-18-11, 14:25
I'm a long time luker here with some posts. I have given many reviews on E. Com and have been in the hobby for many years. Could someone pm the contact info for Teresa.

Thank for the help in advance. Can't help with Teresa, but I can verify that I've seen providers who knew you, and I always found your reviews trustworthy.

B Beall
04-18-11, 14:44
Well. Our thoughts determine our reality. My thought is Nuru.And mine is that tomorrow will be better than today. Somehow.

[Jesus, I'm not going to play Mr. Big Shot Insider when I'm just lucky enough to stand next to a work of art. And I hate hobbyists drooling all over a provider in public just to curry favor. But I have no reason to. You're the best, darlin'. You can't possibly give me anything more than what you already have.

P. S. Let's fake our own deaths. ]

B Beall
04-21-11, 06:50
I have no idea how she's going to handle the logistics of nuru-do yourself a favor and take her to a spa-but let me put it this way: I've had experiences with this woman which are etched somewhere in the Erotic Hall of Fame, but never anything like her gliding around me frictionless.

04-21-11, 08:32
Has something happened to Lacy. The number I had doesn't work any more.

04-21-11, 13:58
Has something happened to Lacy. The number I had doesn't work any more.No, she's still around. Just had a number change. You can PM me for the 411.

04-21-11, 15:41
Has something happened to Lacy. The number I had doesn't work any more.Lacy is fine, she got a new number.

04-21-11, 17:35
Has anyone seen this girl advertising on ecom. I havn't been able to find anything on her and was wondering if anybody knows her can't get contact info since only have regular membership to ecom.


04-21-11, 18:36
This chick is pretty hot! Anybody have any info on Her? I searched the forum and found posts from a year ago, but I would like something more updated. If you've seen her shoot me a PM.


Freckle Freak
04-22-11, 00:25
And I love, that you love, my freckles. Summer is coming up. There will be lot's of freckles out there FF. I know it's going to be hard to control yourself. No dry humping of freckled strangers. Unless your nekkid! We definitely need to do lunch! I can only guess you are talking about my hobby husband. :-p I miss him tremendously. I truly hope he is doing well. I hope you gave him a big sexy hug for me. LOL. See you soon!Ok, that got my dick hard. Nuru nekkid freckles and might I add a little autumn in the sky combined with a nuru sensory will provide a magical surprise hopefully with me on top of it all. Geez, I have to control myself or I will have to clean my computer screen! God, the porn production I envision is F-ing awsome!


PS. I did and along with a kiss on his freckled ass, him being the only male I would ever do such a thing to! No Ilapp not even you! HOW stay out of this! 2N no comments from you either.

04-22-11, 09:29
I know it's going to be hard to control yourself. No dry humping of freckled strangers. Unless your nekkid!About spit my coffee all over the puter screen when I read this one. ROFL

Butler Dawg1
04-22-11, 11:30
I'm a college student who is looking for a little fun. I've never done this and I was wondering if you all had any suggestions as to who I should first see. Any help would be awesome!

Freckle Freak
04-22-11, 12:44
I'm a college student who is looking for a little fun. I've never done this and I was wondering if you all had any suggestions as to who I should first see. Any help would be awesome!Your a college student looking for a little fun, huh? And you want some help on suggestions who you should see? Uhhh lets see, the following: Hot chick in the library; any of the girls in any of the dorms; the girl (s) that were drunk after all the games on the way to the final four; sororities; GDI's; your female lab partner; one of the girls at the rec center; your hot female professor or TA; a ripple girl; a girl at one of the many bars in ripple; one of the providers who attends Butler. Are you nutts? You come here to play when college is the largest free playground ever devised by our intellectual free society? Am I missing something?


PS. I want to go back to college and take physiology and inspect all the females for the rare angel kisses disease!

Jay Malibu
04-22-11, 13:00
Your a college student looking for a little fun, huh? And you want some help on suggestions who you should see? Uhhh lets see, the following: Hot chick in the library; any of the girls in any of the dorms; the girl (s) that were drunk after all the games on the way to the final four; sororities; GDI's; your female lab partner; one of the girls at the rec center; your hot female professor or TA; a ripple girl; a girl at one of the many bars in ripple; one of the providers who attends Butler. Are you nutts? You come here to play when college is the largest free playground ever devised by our intellectual free society? Am I missing something?


PS. I want to go back to college and take physiology and inspect all the females for the rare angel kisses disease! DUH! If you can't get laid in college you need to take a class in social skills. Even shy dorks get pussy there.

Hint: The geeky-intellectual women are the best and will F U silly. The beauty queens are rarely worth a damn.

04-22-11, 13:18
And mine is that tomorrow will be better than today. Somehow.

You can't possibly give me anything more than what you already have.

]And yet she did LOL

B Beall
04-22-11, 15:06
And yet she did LOLCreativity. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

04-22-11, 16:05
I have no idea how she's going to handle the logistics of nuru-do yourself a favor and take her to a spa-but let me put it this way: I've had experiences with this woman which are etched somewhere in the Erotic Hall of Fame, but never anything like her gliding around me frictionless.I stumbled onto Nuru one night after internet surfing a girl I used to see in DC that now offers it. I texted Sensy and showed her where the site was and that she should think about including it on her menu. We met about a week and a half ago and tried it out.


04-22-11, 18:07
I stumbled onto Nuru one night after internet surfing a girl I used to see in DC that now offers it. I texted Sensy and showed her where the site was and that she should think about including it on her menu. We met about a week and a half ago and tried it out.

Description in one word. ABSOLUTELYFUCKINGOUTOFTHISWORLDYou know you're awesome, right? Thanks again for informing me of this slip-and-sliding fun! And thanks for holding my hand and guiding me through the new venture. I have had daydreams and fond memories about how LOUD the experience got. .

04-22-11, 18:10
Creativity. It's the gift that keeps on giving.This makes me think of Gala Dali, and how she inspired men and their art and poetry.

04-22-11, 18:11
About spit my coffee all over the puter screen when I read this one. ROFLI enjoy humping strangers myself.

04-22-11, 18:22
Ok, that got my dick hard. Nuru nekkid freckles and might I add a little autumn in the sky combined with a nuru sensory will provide a magical surprise hopefully with me on top of it all. Geez, I have to control myself or I will have to clean my computer screen! God, the porn production I envision is F-ing awsome!


PS. I did and along with a kiss on his freckled ass, him being the only male I would ever do such a thing to! No Ilapp not even you! HOW stay out of this! 2N no comments from you either.I miss him.

04-22-11, 18:41
You've got a long hot summer and nothin' to do.

I'll tell you slip 'and' slide is a way to get through.

You get wet on slip 'and' slide.

You get cool.

It's a long wet ride.


On the slip and slide.

SLIIIP! Slip and slide.

First your stride

And then your glide.

Then you get wet

And slide slide slide.


From Wham-o.

Sorry, I had to. How could I not revert back to fond childhood memories of the 80's? Not only did I learn that the mullet is a hairstyle, common among those of lower socio-economic status. I also learned a skill that would pertain to life as I know it today.

B Beall
04-22-11, 20:36
I stumbled onto Nuru one night after internet surfing a girl I used to see in DC that now offers it. I texted Sensy and showed her where the site was and that she should think about including it on her menu. You, sir, are a benefactor of all mankind.

04-22-11, 22:42
I'm a college student who is looking for a little fun. I've never done this and I was wondering if you all had any suggestions as to who I should first see. Any help would be awesome!I once fucked a chick at a party becuase we were the last two people in the room. College is the devil's playground!

Two Nutts
04-22-11, 23:01
[QUOTE=Freckle Freak; 1179912]PS. I did and along with a kiss on his freckled ass, him being the only male

I'm speechless for the first time in my life. There are just no words

04-23-11, 00:26
You've got a long hot summer and nothin' to do.

I'll tell you slip 'and' slide is a way to get through.

You get wet on slip 'and' slide.

You get cool.

It's a long wet ride.


On the slip and slide.

SLIIIP! Slip and slide.

First your stride

And then your glide.

Then you get wet

And slide slide slide.


From Wham-o.

Sorry, I had to. How could I not revert back to fond childhood memories of the 80's? Not only did I learn that the mullet is a hairstyle, common among those of lower socio-economic status. I also learned a skill that would pertain to life as I know it today. I think I find out first hand about all this fun.

04-23-11, 11:26
I enjoy humping strangers myself.Otherwise I never would have met you. I have to laugh, reminded me a note from you once where you were close to hiding in bushes and jumping and humping whomever might venture too close. Had to backspace the rest of this post, best left in private, but yeah.

04-23-11, 13:35
Otherwise I never would have met you. I have to laugh, reminded me a note from you once where you were close to hiding in bushes and jumping and humping whomever might venture too close. Had to backspace the rest of this post, best left in private, but yeah.Hahahahaha. I should know by now that not EVERY thought that comes to my mind needs to be shared. Especially not in print! It's evidence of my deviance.

04-24-11, 07:29
I had the opportunity to see Teresa on Good Friday or should I say Great Friday. As always, I had a wonderful time during my visit with her, not only because she is a great provider, which she is, but because she is a fun women to be around. She always makes a guy feel at ease, very friendly, no BS and a body that is better than most 21 year old girls doesn't hurt either.

As some of you know, she has developed some new, more "open minded" skills that you may not find with other providers. Yes, she is still a great GFE as ever and can probably turn most guys in side out, but if are looking for something different and are willing to open up and explore some things you have only "thought" about, you should see her.

You will not find her on any websites, she is totally UTR, only works through referrals and has a very nice, clean.



Freckle Freak
04-24-11, 21:59
[QUOTE=Freckle Freak; 1179912]PS. I did and along with a kiss on his freckled ass, him being the only male

I'm speechless for the first time in my life. There are just no wordsNo comments from you! And don't even let anyone on this board think you are speechless because it's just not in your nature!


PS. When you coming back to town so we can go check out the new freckles at some clubs?

04-25-11, 10:57
Any opinions? I searched the forum and seems to be virtually no talk of them in any way recently. I guess that might tell the story?

04-25-11, 19:17
Any opinions? I searched the forum and seems to be virtually no talk of them in any way recently. I guess that might tell the story?I have often wondered about them. They have very attractive ladies, but no discussion / feedback. They post often on another board but also not much discussion. I have to think they are not reputable. Any comments from anyone in the know?

04-25-11, 22:27
I've had no experience with Black Dress Club myself. This is my recollection from various boards.

They opened around 2007 making a big splash on the Big Canine, E and even a profile on [backwards] ecapsym. The owner was a legitimate escort. Her business model was to be a guys' general store of legitimate escorts side-by-side with dinner-companion girls. Things broke down because of a lack of clarity which girls were in which department. Guys claimed they were ripped when the hot girl in a black dress showed up expecting to go to dinner and call it an evening. I never figured out why the owner, a real escort, thought the idea had a chance, yet the site remains up today. Maybe it's working after all. Who knows.

P.S. Anybody recognize Aubree on that site?

B Beall
04-26-11, 07:13
Hit and miss; by reputation at least one of the "models" on the site is not FS.

Can't say I ever understood the agency thing, unless you're an out-of-towner who wants to see three women in a weekend, or you need someone delivered in thirty minutes, like a pizza. There's presumably an office somewhere, with business records, and someone at the top who needs plausible deniability, at least. The women may get security, a place to learn the job, and freedom from handling reservations, but they also get a fraction of the $$ to $$$.5 you shell out. You're buying a middleman and a middleman's legal concerns.

Not to mention that guy who screams "ZERO BODY FAT!" at you every time you open a profile. Like I'm ordering a lab specimen or something. There's plenty of wonderful independents around. Yeah, I think the lack of feedback is probably all you need to know.

04-26-11, 10:05
I've had no experience with Black Dress Club myself. This is my recollection from various boards.

They opened around 2007 making a big splash on the Big Canine, E and even a profile on [backwards] ecapsym. The owner was a legitimate escort. Her business model was to be a guys' general store of legitimate escorts side-by-side with dinner-companion girls. Things broke down because of a lack of clarity which girls were in which department. Guys claimed they were ripped when the hot girl in a black dress showed up expecting to go to dinner and call it an evening. I never figured out why the owner, a real escort, thought the idea had a chance, yet the site remains up today. Maybe it's working after all. Who knows.

P. S. Anybody recognize Aubree on that site? As usual GC has the lowdown. It is a small collection of some that come and go, under the same "management" Talent is legit and like every where, sometimes special, sometimes not.

04-26-11, 11:08
Those pics of Kristal have to be 6-8 years old. I bet most of those girls are out of the business now. I Know Indy has some fantastic Independents but I find it curious that A city this size doesn't have one reliable agency. Even HF has pics from 6-7 years ago.

04-26-11, 12:45
Hahahahaha. I should know by now that not EVERY thought that comes to my mind needs to be shared. Especially not in print! It's evidence of my deviance.OH, OK, like I was letting some great secret out of the bag with that comment! Hahahahah! It is why you are who you are and why those that love you do so much (and often I guess I should add). It is good to see you back around more often, brightens days that otherwise are grey.

04-26-11, 12:47
That there are pics on there that were on the Hoosier Hotties site well before they closed. I did wonder if they ever updated their ages.

04-26-11, 22:13
OH, OK, like I was letting some great secret out of the bag with that comment! Hahahahah! It is why you are who you are and why those that love you do so much (and often I guess I should add). It is good to see you back around more often, brightens days that otherwise are grey.Shut the front door! . I'm happier than a squirrel with a big nut.

04-27-11, 02:43
That there are pics on there that were on the Hoosier Hotties site well before they closed. I did wonder if they ever updated their ages.Good point.

04-27-11, 09:47
Ilapp had given a glowing report of Kayla on BP at:


However, I just noticed this morning that this seemingly new provider is using the same pics at:


The second is an different number, different name, and claims to be 11 years younger. Ilapp confirmed that the woman he saw was about 31, as the ad states, so it appears that someone is scamming Kayla's images.

Ilapp, can you confirm that Kayla's pics are indeed of her?


04-27-11, 11:21
Shut the front door! . I'm happier than a squirrel with a big nut.Front door, back door, getting a big nut, enough already, my old heart can't take all the exciting thoughts. TA2, yes although the pics only show a portion of the face, my impression of the pics was always someone younger and thinner, but I fully believe those are Kayla. Pretty face, the curve and shape of the bust protruding in the pic seems to be of her very magnificent pair that I had the pleasure to meet, the proportion of the waist and the rear seems accurate and the shape of the leg appears to be the same. Not knowing she was who I was going to meet I wasn't expecting to see the live version of those pics when we met, and when I saw her did I go, oh wow, that is the girl in the pics on BP? No, but I can see that is her, and what I saw was a pretty woman with a great body and one whom I had a very good time with. I did try to call and warn "her" about it when I saw that ad post, didn't get through, not surprising, but I am sure someone will notice soon.