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09-10-18, 00:01
She sometimes hangs with skinny tattooed Miranda, so if you have her digits, she can be sorta "found".Couldn't find the speific one you were talking about so I just started asking around- found her. Thanks!

09-10-18, 00:04
So this Vice cop has raped her 5 OR 6 times and she gets back into the car with him AGAIN? Then decides enough is enough and stabs him? Rule number 1 seriously these girls are NOT trustworthy for information of this variety. I agree this did not need to end this way, let's let this play out. It's not over and the fat lady is nowhere in sight.Not exactly sure what you're saying here but I do know cops play the "I won't check for warrants. " game with these girls more frequently than I think most of us would suspect. Getting roughed up a few times by a cop is slightly better than a stint on Jackson pike to these girls.

09-10-18, 09:45
So this Vice cop has raped her 5 OR 6 times and she gets back into the car with him AGAIN? Then decides enough is enough and stabs him? Rule number 1 seriously these girls are NOT trustworthy for information of this variety. I agree this did not need to end this way, let's let this play out. It's not over and the fat lady is nowhere in sight.Don't be so nieve. The girls know these streets. Where there is smoke there is fire usually. Rape Is a common occurrence for these girls, but only by the police, but by mongers, street people and dope boys. And who are they going to call and report it to? A badge and a gun has a lot of power on the street.

09-10-18, 21:01
Made the drive up and down Sully tonight about 7 and not much happening. When when I got down in the bottoms by the traffic light just after the bridge. I saw a strawberry blond in tight tan pants that showed her beautiful ass. She was probably 5' 6" and was not dressed like the normal girls in that area. She really looked out of place and by the time I got turned around she was gone. Do any of you have any intel on her? Even better digits if she I legit.

Thanks Roadrunner.

09-11-18, 05:36
Had an amazing dream with jade. Brunette WSW. FS 30. She was on sully by the shut down gas station. Amazing girl.

09-11-18, 10:56
I took an early morning cruise down Main this morning and picked up a BSW who gave one of the most amazing bbbjs I've had. She said she's a head nurse. It showed. She left with a Jackson and I dropped her off at BP. I don't know if this guy is on here but there was a guy in a white 4 door that was stalking the girls out there. He was creeping the ally and stopped on Main a couple times. When I dropped her off, he pulled up to her and she started yelling at him. I got the hell out of dodge as to not draw any unwanted attention. The girls get spooked and seem to be on edge more than normal. I know this has been addressed several times on here. Not cool. Man. Not cool at all.

09-11-18, 14:36
Don't be so nieve. The girls know these streets. Where there is smoke there is fire usually. Rape Is a common occurrence for these girls, but only by the police, but by mongers, street people and dope boys. And who are they going to call and report it to? A badge and a gun has a lot of power on the street.If their lips are moving they're typically lying. The statement that she had been raped by this vice cop 5 or 6 time is BS, plain and simple. You are correct they get raped and robed a lot, just not by the police, if they knew the streets as well as you claim, that wouldn't be happening, they're walking around in a drug induced haze, practically 24/7 and really are more clueless than most people are aware of.

There are 2 facts about the Donna shooting that are known at this time, that are factual. Donna brought a knife to a gun fight, pretty F'ing stupid, and you don't need to shoot a girl that weighs 100 lbs. 8 F'ing times to get a situation under control, excessive force like 1000%. Anything other than the facts are just rumor and speculation.

Been around going back to Courtland Ave and Goody boys days, when the short north posse ruled the roost. Girls never walked Sullivant those days, only Broad St anbd mostly just the bottoms. There was a strip club at Warren and Sullivant, boarded up now, another one was located at Clarendon and Sullivant, now a vacant lot. I was Naive 30 plus years ago, but wiser than some think they are.

09-11-18, 23:20
There are 2 facts about the Donna shooting that are known at this time, that are factual. Donna brought a knife to a gun fight, pretty F'ing stupid, and you don't need to shoot a girl that weighs 100 lbs. 8 F'ing times to get a situation under control, excessive force like 1000%. Anything other than the facts are just rumor and speculation.Actually I don't even know if these two points are hard and fast facts in this instance. For example, I've heard speculation that maybe the cop stabbed himself to cover up his murder. And I have no idea if he used excessive force. I mean, if she was going crazy maybe he shot her in fear and self-protection. Of course, both of these scenarios I just related are unlikely. Still, until a tape of the encounter surfaces, it will be a challenge to ascertain "facts".

09-12-18, 08:39
Actually I don't even know if these two points are hard and fast facts in this instance. For example, I've heard speculation that maybe the cop stabbed himself to cover up his murder. And I have no idea if he used excessive force. I mean, if she was going crazy maybe he shot her in fear and self-protection. Of course, both of these scenarios I just related are unlikely. Still, until a tape of the encounter surfaces, it will be a challenge to ascertain "facts".I agree to a degree. But there are some other facts.

The way he was parked trapped her in the car. It was odd he parked that way, even odder she allowed it.

He owns several properties in drug trafficking areas.

He had officer complaints that were being looked into.

She only had one real charge on her record, for soliciting. Everything on her record was s for traffic. On top of that, she had just had her first warrant issued a few days earlier.

She weighed 110 lbs at her arrest and was carrying a small knife. He was 200+ carrying a gun.

There were no other officers in the vicinity.

09-13-18, 07:38
If their lips are moving they're typically lying. The statement that she had been raped by this vice cop 5 or 6 time is BS, plain and simple. You are correct they get raped and robed a lot, just not by the police, if they knew the streets as well as you claim, that wouldn't be happening, they're walking around in a drug induced haze, practically 24/7 and really are more clueless than most people are aware of.

There are 2 facts about the Donna shooting that are known at this time, that are factual. Donna brought a knife to a gun fight, pretty F'ing stupid, and you don't need to shoot a girl that weighs 100 lbs. 8 F'ing times to get a situation under control, excessive force like 1000%. Anything other than the facts are just rumor and speculation.

Been around going back to Courtland Ave and Goody boys days, when the short north posse ruled the roost. Girls never walked Sullivant those days, only Broad St anbd mostly just the bottoms. There was a strip club at Warren and Sullivant, boarded up now, another one was located at Clarendon and Sullivant, now a vacant lot. I was Naive 30 plus years ago, but wiser than some think they are.Nah the uniformed Officer who recently lost his job for having sex with them in his cruiser, wasn't raping them either. But you keep on believing what you want to believe.

09-14-18, 04:30
I passed Kayla near the BP Saturday evening and was so heart broken how far she has fallen. Even if I had the time I wouldn't have stopped. Back in the day she was such a looker and an equally cool chic.

Even her most recent picture on the busted mugshots site makes her almost unrecognizable. What a sad situation.Which Kayla are you speaking of?

09-14-18, 09:56
I don't do the SW scene, but I took alternative route from downtown yesterday afternoon due to traffic. Traveling west on Broad at the peak of rush hour, I saw a BSW literally trying to wave in cars with both arms. This was around Princeton and Broad about 5:15. She looked ok, young, but wow that was bold.

09-14-18, 12:34
I don't do the SW scene, but I took alternative route from downtown yesterday afternoon due to traffic. Traveling west on Broad at the peak of rush hour, I saw a BSW literally trying to wave in cars with both arms. This was around Princeton and Broad about 5:15. She looked ok, young, but wow that was bold.Not quite Broad but I have seen here or there some ladies taking advantage of the liberal topless laws to either have their shirt completely off or down for all passersby to see.

09-14-18, 18:03
Actually I don't even know if these two points are hard and fast facts in this instance. For example, I've heard speculation that maybe the cop stabbed himself to cover up his murder. And I have no idea if he used excessive force. I mean, if she was going crazy maybe he shot her in fear and self-protection. Of course, both of these scenarios I just related are unlikely. Still, until a tape of the encounter surfaces, it will be a challenge to ascertain "facts".I really never even considered that he stabbed himself to make it look like she did it, while unlikely as you said, that is possible. I've heard of the throw down gun, so there is a similar logic in that. I will admit we were close, even though I didn't want to divulge that. I really liked her. She treated me super nice was always really laid back and cool when we were together. I had a very hard time thinking she would stab him at first, T bobber made some good points, that also led me to believe that maybe she did, he had her pinned in, no escape, so fight vanished when that wasn't an option? I also have some inside knowledge from one of her close friends, that I am close with also, I'm really going through a phase of why and how this could have happened, it's a real puzzle. So your comment that until a tape of the encounter surfaces. ?

YMMV, She was really nice to me, I reciprocated, but when things get down and dirty I guess anything is possible, this post made me really think, A LOT .

Thanks for your insight, it was and is greatly appreciated, for reasons stated above.


09-14-18, 20:25
Had her pinned in, no escape, so fight vanished when that wasn't an option?

Thanks for your insight, it was and is greatly appreciated, for reasons stated above.

Spinman.I think a lot of us become closer to a few of them than we want to admit.

That's what really got me wondering, the way the car was parked. I accidentally parked blocking the passenger door one time. Luckily it was with a girl I had saw several times. She just let me know to never park blocking the girl in, laughed and said if she didn't know me, she'd have her hand on a knife. Don't believe me? I'd suggest you not try to find out.

09-14-18, 21:18
I think a lot of us become closer to a few of them than we want to admit.

That's what really got me wondering, the way the car was parked. I accidentally parked blocking the passenger door one time. Luckily it was with a girl I had saw several times. She just let me know to never park blocking the girl in, laughed and said if she didn't know me, she'd have her hand on a knife. Don't believe me? I'd suggest you not try to find out.That's the smoking gun, the way the car was parked. I have commented on this killing on the 'news and media' section of this site. In my last entry, I included a link with a video of a protest that never made the news. In in was I believe to be a male relative said she was fighting to escape thru the door from the back seat! (look at the pic, that was the only way of escape) The autopsy has not been released, and too my knowledge, the body not released to the family. The bullets will tell their story in the autopsy.

Something is going on, for CPD to suspend vice operations. Lets hope that the truth comes out. For those that want to keep up, google both names she went by. Its got some traction nationwide.

09-16-18, 00:26
That's the smoking gun, the way the car was parked. I have commented on this killing on the 'news and media' section of this site. In my last entry, I included a link with a video of a protest that never made the news. In in was I believe to be a male relative said she was fighting to escape thru the door from the back seat! (look at the pic, that was the only way of escape) The autopsy has not been released, and too my knowledge, the body not released to the family. The bullets will tell their story in the autopsy.

Something is going on, for CPD to suspend vice operations. Lets hope that the truth comes out. For those that want to keep up, google both names she went by. Its got some traction nationwide.How could the male relative know this unless he was there? Lots of these comments look ridiculous and like conspiracy theories. The only truth relies in actual witnesses and any possible recording.

09-16-18, 10:39
How could the male relative know this unless he was there? Lots of these comments look ridiculous and like conspiracy theories. The only truth relies in actual witnesses and any possible recording.There are no known witnesses. That come from speculation because of where her body was in the car. People on the scene after the fact, several of them, claim the body was in the back seat and was removed from the back seat. I wasn't there, I've not saw pictures or videos proving her body was in the back seat.

Let's assume for a second that her body was in the back seat. I can't think of any way that could of happened in a prostitution sting without some serious fuckery going on.

09-16-18, 20:42
I took a ride up and down Sully early this evening and saw a few walkers that caught my eye. I've only experienced a walker on one occasion when she hopped in my car at a stop sign. I've never tried picking someone up and stick to escorts. Kind of curious though and may need to educate myself and give it a try. I'm not from the area, but visit often. I'll keep reading here any maybe jump in the pool.

09-17-18, 11:26
I took a ride up and down Sully early this evening and saw a few walkers that caught my eye. I've only experienced a walker on one occasion when she hopped in my car at a stop sign. I've never tried picking someone up and stick to escorts. Kind of curious though and may need to educate myself and give it a try. I'm not from the area, but visit often. I'll keep reading here any maybe jump in the pool.Give it a go the prices are usually half (or less) and that includes the price of a room way more variety and you can meet some real sweeties.

09-17-18, 16:53
Give it a go the prices are usually half (or less) and that includes the price of a room way more variety and you can meet some real sweeties.I agree 100% with the typical advertising venues all but shut down, it's a pure buyers market with the new laws. I see a ton of really exceptional quality girls out anymore, yea you have to drive some and they get scooped fast. Some of the pick ups I've seen are pretty reckless though, I've seen what appeared to be guys dropping it into 4 wheel drive jumping curbs and BS like that. One guy actually stopped traffic on Hague one day, WTF? I mean jeez pull over or something, she was HOT too, but dang. So as long as the law stands the girls almost have no options but to hit the streets, how did this benefit or help putting to stop human trafficking again? What a joke, I was all but done picking up street walkers but when Escorts hit the block I'm picking them up, but unless you're wise better be careful, most of the ones I've scooped were WAY out of place. Old school me would have said no way she's a SW'er.

09-17-18, 18:16
I agree 100% with the typical advertising venues all but shut down, it's a pure buyers market with the new laws. I see a ton of really exceptional quality girls out anymore, yea you have to drive some and they get scooped fast. Some of the pick ups I've seen are pretty reckless though, I've seen what appeared to be guys dropping it into 4 wheel drive jumping curbs and BS like that. One guy actually stopped traffic on Hague one day, WTF? I mean jeez pull over or something, she was HOT too, but dang. So as long as the law stands the girls almost have no options but to hit the streets, how did this benefit or help putting to stop human trafficking again? What a joke, I was all but done picking up street walkers but when Escorts hit the block I'm picking them up, but unless you're wise better be careful, most of the ones I've scooped were WAY out of place. Old school me would have said no way she's a SW'er.I just need to learn since I'm not experienced in the SW seen and don't want to have an issue with LE.

Midwest Dude
09-17-18, 18:23
I agree 100% with the typical advertising venues all but shut down, it's a pure buyers market with the new laws. I see a ton of really exceptional quality girls out anymore, yea you have to drive some and they get scooped fast. Some of the pick ups I've seen are pretty reckless though, I've seen what appeared to be guys dropping it into 4 wheel drive jumping curbs and BS like that. One guy actually stopped traffic on Hague one day, WTF? I mean jeez pull over or something, she was HOT too, but dang. So as long as the law stands the girls almost have no options but to hit the streets, how did this benefit or help putting to stop human trafficking again? What a joke, I was all but done picking up street walkers but when Escorts hit the block I'm picking them up, but unless you're wise better be careful, most of the ones I've scooped were WAY out of place. Old school me would have said no way she's a SW'er.They have options, but they all want the quick buck. For reasons we all know.

09-17-18, 18:38
They have options, but they all want the quick buck. For reasons we all know.Yes I was about to comment Human Trafficking most of these girls only trafficking themselves to the local trap house haha. This big Human Trafficking epidemic just another smoke screen for public sympathy about us not contributing to the governments till. What they do not get taxes or get funds for is illegal unfortunately. Granted there are abused and trafficked women out there and the animals that do it should be hung from the local tree, but most if not all of the women I have encountered in these many years have fallen pray to the monkey all on their own. I have personally saved two from those type of circumstances of turn out and both were very young and tortured to say the least. This discussion has ran more than once around these halls as most of us have regs who have their vices that ravage them daily.

09-17-18, 18:48
I took a ride up and down Sully early this evening and saw a few walkers that caught my eye. I've only experienced a walker on one occasion when she hopped in my car at a stop sign. I've never tried picking someone up and stick to escorts. Kind of curious though and may need to educate myself and give it a try. I'm not from the area, but visit often. I'll keep reading here any maybe jump in the pool.I also came from the escort scene and I definitely recommend giving it a try. Just started doing this last summer and I must have between 10-15 pickups. It's the thrill of the hunt for me. Have definitely driven a lot of miles just to find the right girl. As for LE I just drive the length of Sully a few times at least to get a feel for where everyone is at. A lot of people say don't drive around a lot, but sadly I've done that more than a few times passing the same people and LE and no-one ever says anything or even seems to notice. Definitely try to use different streets as much as you can though. Some don't agree with this, but I only pick girls up in alleys or side streets. There's always going to be a risk associated with the pick-up, but it's just my style. Life is about taking chances!

Also, try to go during the day. I've only had one really worthwhile encounter at night as it's very hard to see. Most of the time you regret it when the woman gets in the car and you see her up close.

09-17-18, 21:09
There are no known witnesses. That come from speculation because of where her body was in the car. People on the scene after the fact, several of them, claim the body was in the back seat and was removed from the back seat. I wasn't there, I've not saw pictures or videos proving her body was in the back seat.

Let's assume for a second that her body was in the back seat. I can't think of any way that could of happened in a prostitution sting without some serious fuckery going on.As to why we should never Assume.

09-18-18, 00:18
I also came from the escort scene and I definitely recommend giving it a try. Just started doing this last summer and I must have between 10-15 pickups.This made me think of a question. How many pick ups was your highest in what time period?

I can't hazard a guess for a year, or really even a month. But I clearly remember 6 in one crazy cialis enhanced night.

I think for a week probably 10. Average 3 a week, but only because of a few high weeks. More like 1. 5 a week realistically.

09-18-18, 00:47
As to why we should never Assume.https://www.10tv.com/article/records-show-columbus-police-officer-under-investigation-had-properties-linked-crime

I'm done assuming. The cop is dirty as fuck. It's a fact, not an assumption at this point. The number of unsubstantiated rumors that turned out to be truthful facts is becoming staggering.

I'd make a side bet that the Columbus SW scene and Vice department are going to get a lot of national attention in the fairly near future.

09-18-18, 11:03
I was in love with the stroll until I made a pickup and got pulled over. Don't know if it was a uc but got BS ticket for traffic offfences with chick in car.

This made me think of a question. How many pick ups was your highest in what time period?

I can't hazard a guess for a year, or really even a month. But I clearly remember 6 in one crazy cialis enhanced night.

I think for a week probably 10. Average 3 a week, but only because of a few high weeks. More like 1. 5 a week realistically.

09-18-18, 15:58
This made me think of a question. How many pick ups was your highest in what time period?

I can't hazard a guess for a year, or really even a month. But I clearly remember 6 in one crazy cialis enhanced night.

I think for a week probably 10. Average 3 a week, but only because of a few high weeks. More like 1. 5 a week realistically.Hmm about 3 a month for me during the warmer seasons I go strictly escort or just chill during the winter. It really only turns me on when they wear really slutty outfits, haha. But yeah I live a little over an hour away so I typically only indulge when I'm around. Definitely looking to explore more very soon though. 6 in one night sounds like a fun experience. Although I had a bit of trouble even doing 2 while I was over in Amsterdam and those girls are like super models I blame the alcohol LOL.

09-18-18, 18:59
Drove around for a couple hours today and finally decide to pick up destiny. Taller girl with 2 pigtails, reddish Brown hair, a black tank top, and pink patterned stretch pants.

Brothers, stay far away. Doing the deed, I actually saw her reaching into my center console looking for what was in their. Fortunately, I don't keep anything in there except for napkins. Then when I took her to drop her off after I paid her the agreed upon Jackson, she tried to blackmail me into giving her another. I refused and she threatened to call the police saying she was 17 (which she is clearly not), And that I made her do this. I finally took 20 and threw it outside. She said "hand it to me" . I told to F off and started to drive. She asked me to stop and I did that which time she threw open my door swung around a smacked me in the face before I could react, and ran off.

09-18-18, 22:50
The next time you see her out walking call the police and make a citizen's complaint about a prostitute walking Sullivant. Give them her description and get her arrested. That's what I would do.

Shawn Petzel
09-19-18, 00:02
Drove around for a couple hours today and finally decide to pick up destiny. Taller girl with 2 pigtails, reddish Brown hair, a black tank top, and pink patterned stretch pants.

Brothers, stay far away. Doing the deed, I actually saw her reaching into my center console looking for what was in their. Fortunately, I don't keep anything in there except for napkins. Then when I took her to drop her off after I paid her the agreed upon Jackson, she tried to blackmail me into giving her another. I refused and she threatened to call the police saying she was 17 (which she is clearly not), And that I made her do this. I finally took 20 and threw it outside. She said "hand it to me" . I told to F off and started to drive. She asked me to stop and I did that which time she threw open my door swung around a smacked me in the face before I could react, and ran off.Where did you pick her up at?

09-19-18, 01:16
Where did you pick her up at?Upper Sullivant.

09-19-18, 14:32
The next time you see her out walking call the police and make a citizen's complaint about a prostitute walking Sullivant. Give them her description and get her arrested. That's what I would do.I was out last night. Wondering if I saw her. .

09-19-18, 22:08
BSW with big boobs. She has been around the bottoms for years. Has anyone seen her lately? She has always called me every few days (its been a couple months now) and I really wonder if something has happened to her. She isn't in jail.

Mr Blue 314
09-19-18, 23:57
Same deal. She jumped in my car as I let a date out (end of July). She pulled the same shit with me. I called her bluff. I carry a sig p320. Show her the gun. Pulled my shirt back. Kept driving headed towards the police sub station.

I got shit under control quickly. Grabbed her around the neck and about chocked the ***** out. Got about. 1/4 miles from the sub station and she decided to get out.

In the scuffle and the heat of the moment the birch got my cell phone and a half pack of smokes. Looking back I'm not sure I made the right choice.

***** jumped in my car at yale and sullivant. Please be carefull.


Drove around for a couple hours today and finally decide to pick up destiny. Taller girl with 2 pigtails, reddish Brown hair, a black tank top, and pink patterned stretch pants.

Brothers, stay far away. Doing the deed, I actually saw her reaching into my center console looking for what was in their. Fortunately, I don't keep anything in there except for napkins. Then when I took her to drop her off after I paid her the agreed upon Jackson, she tried to blackmail me into giving her another. I refused and she threatened to call the police saying she was 17 (which she is clearly not), And that I made her do this. I finally took 20 and threw it outside. She said "hand it to me" . I told to F off and started to drive. She asked me to stop and I did that which time she threw open my door swung around a smacked me in the face before I could react, and ran off.

09-20-18, 02:23
Same deal. She jumped in my car as I let a date out (end of July). She pulled the same shit with me. I called her bluff. I carry a sig p320. Show her the gun. Pulled my shirt back. Kept driving headed towards the police sub station.

I got shit under control quickly. Grabbed her around the neck and about chocked the ***** out. Got about. 1/4 miles from the sub station and she decided to get out.

In the scuffle and the heat of the moment the birch got my cell phone and a half pack of smokes. Looking back I'm not sure I made the right choice.

***** jumped in my car at yale and sullivant. Please be carefull.

Blue.I'm not one to strike or hit women, but in that instance a swift and powerful tennis backhand would be in order better she go to sleep than violence escalate because inevitably it would get worse as the time went on. No doubt this little number is out of control on her juice like an animal with rabies and no self control. I have had them jump in front of my car and even throw their head for a quick invite into my drivers side window for a sec at lights, but never had them just enter into my car without invitation that is a scary prospect and a situation I am glad I have avoided.

09-20-18, 08:52
Was out around midnight & found tall blonde Nicole at Terrace. She jumped in and we found a spot. Fun girl did what was asked of her and dropped her back close to the pick up.

Would probably try again but I've never seen her out. Although I'm not out very often.

09-20-18, 16:36
I'm not one to strike or hit women, but in that instance a swift and powerful tennis backhand would be in order better she go to sleep than violence escalate because inevitably it would get worse as the time went on. No doubt this little number is out of control on her juice like an animal with rabies and no self control. I have had them jump in front of my car and even throw their head for a quick invite into my drivers side window for a sec at lights, but never had them just enter into my car without invitation that is a scary prospect and a situation I am glad I have avoided.I normally carry a 40 caliber M&P shield. Sad thing is, I was an Army Ranger for 10 years and spent 2 years in a special forces group (19th). It's just so foreign to me to be violent with a woman my brain didn't know what to do.

09-20-18, 20:30
Same deal. She jumped in my car as I let a date out (end of July). She pulled the same shit with me. I called her bluff. I carry a sig p320. Show her the gun. Pulled my shirt back. Kept driving headed towards the police sub station.

I got shit under control quickly. Grabbed her around the neck and about chocked the ***** out. Got about. 1/4 miles from the sub station and she decided to get out.

In the scuffle and the heat of the moment the birch got my cell phone and a half pack of smokes. Looking back I'm not sure I made the right choice.

***** jumped in my car at yale and sullivant. Please be carefull.

Blue.If she had a blade and stabbed you and you would have done what you needed to do to protect yourself, TBobber would assume you were trying to rape her and it was your fault.

09-21-18, 09:12
If she had a blade and stabbed you and you would have done what you needed to do to protect yourself, TBobber would assume you were trying to rape her and it was your fault.Lmao. Well, if he had criminal investigations, owned 3 traps that I knew, and 12 other ghetto properties, had a write up for his gun belt and badge in a truck he loaned a hooker that got pulled over and she had no license and dope in the car, if he was. Too much to type.

I've never said he raped her, I said the cops dirty and the kill was a bad shoot. Which the police chief agrees with or the vice squad wouldn't be shut down and under review. Just sayin'. LOL.

09-21-18, 14:12
Lmao. Well, if he had criminal investigations, owned 3 traps that I knew, and 12 other ghetto properties, had a write up for his gun belt and badge in a truck he loaned a hooker that got pulled over and she had no license and dope in the car, if he was. Too much to type.

I've never said he raped her, I said the cops dirty and the kill was a bad shoot. Which the police chief agrees with or the vice squad wouldn't be shut down and under review. Just sayin'. LOL.TBobber, again with the assumptions. You have know idea what chief thinks. Did you talk to her / him? What if I told you that the b* robbed me almost in the exact same spot? I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one here. I'm just the only one to admit it. Like I said before, don't make assumptions until you have all the facts. But, you continue to play White night. When it happens to you and Maybe you get stabbed, just remember, it was your fault and there will be no excuse for you defending yourself.

09-21-18, 14:41
Why don't you all take this to the proper place, Tips, Tricks, Arguments and Bullshit.

[Deleted by Admin]

Probably for the same reason you didn't use the Report Post button.


09-21-18, 14:46
TBobber, again with the assumptions. You have know idea what chief thinks. Did you talk to her / him? What if I told you that the b* robbed me almost in the exact same spot? I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one here. I'm just the only one to admit it. Like I said before, don't make assumptions until you have all the facts. But, you continue to play White night. When it happens to you and Maybe you get stabbed, just remember, it was your fault and there will be no excuse for you defending yourself.Why don't you all take this to the proper place, Tips, Tricks, Arguments and Bullshit. This section is supposed to be about reporting on active Street Walkers. Not about dirty cops, assumptions, subjecture and opinions. Just saying and a suggestion.

09-21-18, 15:36
TBobber, again with the assumptions. You have know idea what chief thinks. Did you talk to her / him? What if I told you that the b* robbed me almost in the exact same spot? I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one here. I'm just the only one to admit it. Like I said before, don't make assumptions until you have all the facts. But, you continue to play White night. When it happens to you and Maybe you get stabbed, just remember, it was your fault and there will be no excuse for you defending yourself.It's not worth arguing over at all. I will point out I've never white knighted for the girl, I've said nothing positive about her at all. I mentioned once that she was a 110 lb junkie SW and he is a 230 + lb cop with training. Other than that she's dead is about all about her.

I have, however, black knighted the shit out of this cop. You're probably right about suspending operations of the vice squad. They probably just decided to suspend cause the drug and Hooker traffic is nearly non existent in Columbus and figured the undercovers had cleaned up the streets so well that they deserved a month of partial duty.

09-22-18, 18:15
It's not worth arguing over at all. I will point out I've never white knighted for the girl, I've said nothing positive about her at all. I mentioned once that she was a 110 lb junkie SW and he is a 230 + lb cop with training. Other than that she's dead is about all about her.

I have, however, black knighted the shit out of this cop. You're probably right about suspending operations of the vice squad. They probably just decided to suspend cause the drug and Hooker traffic is nearly non existent in Columbus and figured the undercovers had cleaned up the streets so well that they deserved a month of partial duty.One cop got busted for banging a SW while off duty. He kept his job. The next lost his job because he had sex in the police car. This guy that emptied out the clip and shot 8 times is a dirty cop. It will come out. It already is. I knew the first woman and I loved her. These cops are dirty as fuck.

09-23-18, 00:50
So I picked up a decent looking WSW tonight. Her name was Kiley. Looked ok, solid body but bad teeth. Her head game was excellent. She wanted more than the usual, but she gladly took my Jackson and a Hamilton for a tip for her 25 minutes of time spent doing what she does best. She never complained about anything. I will definitely see her again soon.

09-23-18, 09:32
Drove around for a couple hours today and finally decide to pick up destiny. Taller girl with 2 pigtails, reddish Brown hair, a black tank top, and pink patterned stretch pants.

Brothers, stay far away. Doing the deed, I actually saw her reaching into my center console looking for what was in their. Fortunately, I don't keep anything in there except for napkins. Then when I took her to drop her off after I paid her the agreed upon Jackson, she tried to blackmail me into giving her another. I refused and she threatened to call the police saying she was 17 (which she is clearly not), And that I made her do this. I finally took 20 and threw it outside. She said "hand it to me" . I told to F off and started to drive. She asked me to stop and I did that which time she threw open my door swung around a smacked me in the face before I could react, and ran off.So yeah, back in July, similar situation, she grabbed my burner and threw it as I threw her out of car. So I drank All the available fluid in my vehicle that I had, water juice etc. Then I went through the McDonald's drive-through, and ordered a large Coke and chugged it down. Then of course I had it in an enourmas piss coming on, relieved myself and the large McDonald's cup, almost filling it up. Drove around for a bit, and who should I see out on the corner again? Well let's just say she got drenched. :)

09-23-18, 10:37
That is simply awesome! My luck is spill it while trying to fill it up or as I threw the bomb out the window! Someone needs to make sure she knows why she got the golden shower, then maybe she would learn. If she knew it was you and still doing it, just like training a dog, she needs her nose rubbed in it again and again till she figures it out.

So yeah, back in July, similar situation, she grabbed my burner and threw it as I threw her out of car. So I drank All the available fluid in my vehicle that I had, water juice etc. Then I went through the McDonald's drive-through, and ordered a large Coke and chugged it down. Then of course I had it in an enourmas piss coming on, relieved myself and the large McDonald's cup, almost filling it up. Drove around for a bit, and who should I see out on the corner again? Well let's just say she got drenched. :)

09-23-18, 11:22
So yeah, back in July, similar situation, she grabbed my burner and threw it as I threw her out of car. So I drank All the available fluid in my vehicle that I had, water juice etc. Then I went through the McDonald's drive-through, and ordered a large Coke and chugged it down. Then of course I had it in an enourmas piss coming on, relieved myself and the large McDonald's cup, almost filling it up. Drove around for a bit, and who should I see out on the corner again? Well let's just say she got drenched. :)LOL. Was it a 90 degree day.

09-23-18, 18:44
LOL. Was it a 90 degree day.Actually, yeah it was! One those hot ass days we had.

09-24-18, 15:47
So yeah, back in July, similar situation, she grabbed my burner and threw it as I threw her out of car. So I drank All the available fluid in my vehicle that I had, water juice etc. Then I went through the McDonald's drive-through, and ordered a large Coke and chugged it down. Then of course I had it in an enourmas piss coming on, relieved myself and the large McDonald's cup, almost filling it up. Drove around for a bit, and who should I see out on the corner again? Well let's just say she got drenched. :)If anyone knows Mary on Harris and Broad, she's gotten the same treatment when she refused to pay her Uber driver.

09-25-18, 10:23
I reviewed her last year sometime.

I saw her back on the stroll yesterday. Looks about the same, thin, red hair but lighter. I didn't have time to stop. This girl gives amazing head. Deepthroat, wet, and gets nasty. I tracked down her FB account, messenged her, and got a quick reply. Set something up for tonight. I'll report back.

Also, Nays been out. Looks pretty good. But the poor thing lost a front tooth. Still gives great head though.

09-25-18, 11:06
I reviewed her last year sometime.

I saw her back on the stroll yesterday. Looks about the same, thin, red hair but lighter. I didn't have time to stop. This girl gives amazing head. Deepthroat, wet, and gets nasty. I tracked down her FB account, messenged her, and got a quick reply. Set something up for tonight. I'll report back.

Also, Nays been out. Looks pretty good. But the poor thing lost a front tooth. Still gives great head though.I'd like to set up a meeting with Ashley myself. How can I get her info to do that?

09-26-18, 04:04
Was browsing around awhile today and must say the selection was pretty good overall. Passed Korrinda on Wicklow, but been there done that. Eventually left for awhile to see a movie with a date. Went straight back after and the selection was still pretty good around the central area. Honestly, the police presence was pretty chill tonight. Focused all my attention on the area just east of central to the train tracks. Saw a very cute brunette walking back and forth, but also saw a blonde dressed to impress with some short shorts so I set my sights on her. It was around 2 am and I offered her a ride and immediately started feeling her up as she sat down with one hand down her shorts fiv. Found a good spot I offered my standard 20 and she agreed to sex. She got me up with a good BBBJ until I was ready for the condom then I hit it from behind for a few it was definitely a nice view. She definitely loves to trash talk lots of daddy talk. I had fun spanking her as we went at it. Eventually asked her to finish me with bbbjwcim as my car is just too small to go at it properly. Her deep throat skills were awesome as I had my fiv didn't last long and complemented her on the good time. Got her number (wasn't going to take no for an answer) for some future fun. Definitely some much needed stress relief she was an awesome time we had a good vibe going.

09-26-18, 07:06
I reviewed her last year sometime.

I saw her back on the stroll yesterday. Looks about the same, thin, red hair but lighter. I didn't have time to stop. This girl gives amazing head. Deepthroat, wet, and gets nasty. I tracked down her FB account, messenged her, and got a quick reply. Set something up for tonight. I'll report back.

Also, Nays been out. Looks pretty good. But the poor thing lost a front tooth. Still gives great head though.Danger! Danger Will Robinson! Abort! ABORT!

Let me open by saying, it wasn't Ashley I saw walking. Don't know who it was, whoever it was looked like Ashley from last year. But it wasn't her. Which makes me a moron. So, yeah, I had that going for me.

I show up to pick her up, fully expecting this pretty, young thin thing. What I got was a methed out, chubby, oompah loompah wearing size 4 jeans on her size 10 ass.

She was only running 15 minutes late, that's the best thing I can say. If you want details about how much of a train wreck she is, just think of the of the worst zombie you've ever saw lurching down Sully, times that by 10.

09-26-18, 09:57
If any of you know Hali, you should check out the site some use to see who is temporarily out of the game. When I first saw Hali, she was a good time and looked very good. Street life has changed that.

09-26-18, 11:04
That's crazy! I saw her for the first time 4 months ago and she was such an attractive girl. She was so cute I wasn't sure she was even legit. Honestly, I'd never even recognize her now or pick her up. Glad I made a little film with her when I did!

Midwest Dude
09-26-18, 12:50
If any of you know Hali, you should check out the site some use to see who is temporarily out of the game. When I first saw Hali, she was a good time and looked very good. Street life has changed that.What a shame. Makes me mad that I didn't take a chance when she first posted on BP.

09-27-18, 13:15
I am north side of town. Near polaris, Worthington, dublin etc. Do I need to travel far or anything nearby for me for some quick pick up and fun? Are they safe from?

New to Columbus. Please consider helping me out. Send me private reply or on this. Thank you.

09-28-18, 02:05
That's crazy! I saw her for the first time 4 months ago and she was such an attractive girl. She was so cute I wasn't sure she was even legit. Honestly, I'd never even recognize her now or pick her up. Glad I made a little film with her when I did!If you thought she looked good 4 months ago, you should have seen her 2 years ago when she and her friend first hit BP. She was really hot then. Now she is hit or miss depending on many things.

09-28-18, 16:52
Well, I met Lucky recently and my experience with her was not as good as many others. She and I just don't click in bed. Her BJ skills were good. She needed no direction there but as for having sex, she is just plain bad. She is the complete opposite of a dead fish. She moves her hips way too much and in a way that just makes sex no good. In both mish and K9 she is so busy that there is no way to get a rhythm going. It was so bad that I couldn't even enjoy myself. I told her many times to chill out with all the unnecessary movements and she just kept on doing it. So she is a one and done for me. How she likes sex and how I like it are galaxies apart. If not for that most everything else was above average to great.

09-28-18, 17:18
Well, I met Lucky recently and my experience with her was not as good as many others. She and I just don't click in bed. Her BJ skills were good. She needed no direction there but as for having sex, she is just plain bad. She is the complete opposite of a dead fish. She moves her hips way too much and in a way that just makes sex no good. In both mish and K9 she is so busy that there is no way to get a rhythm going. It was so bad that I couldn't even enjoy myself. I told her many times to chill out with all the unnecessary movements and she just kept on doing it. So she is a one and done for me. How she likes sex and how I like it are galaxies apart. If not for that most everything else was above average to great.She's a semi regular for me, I don't think we'll ever get past that. She hits the must do's for me. She communicates well, affordable / price is right, strong head game as you stated, punctual and in the spot for the pick up, has a damn phone, or leaves a VM stating how to reach her, she's clean and fresh at my request aka NO odors, typically dressed nicely. There are FEW SW'ers that cover bases like Lucky IMHO. May I suggest putting her in you B&G folder? That's typically what I do with a girl that fits your description of your experience, plus one for the honesty in the detail of your review, for those that are paying attention details count.

09-28-18, 18:17
She's a semi regular for me, I don't think we'll ever get past that. She hits the must do's for me. She communicates well, affordable / price is right, strong head game as you stated, punctual and in the spot for the pick up, has a damn phone, or leaves a VM stating how to reach her, she's clean and fresh at my request aka NO odors, typically dressed nicely. There are FEW SW'ers that cover bases like Lucky IMHO. May I suggest putting her in you B&G folder? That's typically what I do with a girl that fits your description of your experience, plus one for the honesty in the detail of your review, for those that are paying attention details count.I will agree that the communications were on point. She was great at a number of things. She got all cleaned up for me at my place and held a nice conversation. I will definitely keep her in my black book for the BBBJ alone. Everything you said was correct. Waaaayyyy better than most of them out on the block.

Mr Blue 314
09-28-18, 19:51
Anyone want to send me a PM with contact info. ?

I can always use a good cocksucker in my stable. Thanks gentlemen.


I will agree that the communications were on point. She was great at a number of things. She got all cleaned up for me at my place and held a nice conversation. I will definitely keep her in my black book for the BBBJ alone. Everything you said was correct. Waaaayyyy better than most of them out on the block.

09-29-18, 01:22
Got ya covered B, check your mail. .

Anyone want to send me a PM with contact info. ?

I can always use a good cocksucker in my stable. Thanks gentlemen.


09-29-18, 02:37
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

Lucky doesn't get to tell guys, even by proxie, what they may do with info on this forum.

Don't do this again.


09-29-18, 03:10
I know, I know. They're all a bunch of lying ******, if their lips are moving they're lying, yada yada. But maybe there is something to this investigation, maybe this number really should get to the girls.

09-29-18, 08:21
I took a cruise up Cleveland this morning north of Northern Lights and saw a Somalian girl trying to wave down cars. I thought this was a huge no no in their culture but I guess they're becoming more "Americanized". I did not partake but she was near Radnor.

09-29-18, 08:25
I am north side of town. Near polaris, Worthington, dublin etc. Do I need to travel far or anything nearby for me for some quick pick up and fun? Are they safe from?

New to Columbus. Please consider helping me out. Send me private reply or on this. Thank you.There's not much going on north. Look thru the board and you can figure out where to go.

09-29-18, 08:34
Damn she's 22 going on 52.

09-29-18, 11:56
She never mentioned that to me when asked however I will not be sharing based on your comments. Blue is the only one I trusted with her info.

And all this crap regarding Donna is depressing. Hope the federal guys put a stop to the vice games. Sad situation for sure. She was a nice young lady.

Lucky has asked that yall don't share her info with people she doesn't know. She prefers to meet new mongers on her own.

09-29-18, 14:14
I took a cruise up Cleveland this morning north of Northern Lights and saw a Somalian girl trying to wave down cars. I thought this was a huge no no in their culture but I guess they're becoming more "Americanized". I did not partake but she was near Radnor.It may be a no no in their culture to do dates. But not to rob you.

09-29-18, 17:56
A few months ago, I provided a review of SW named Roo. I warned people that I had learned from a reliable source that she had the potential to expose mongers to a very troubling and irrevocable situation. Since then I've heard that she is no longer with us. Apparently her high risk lifestyle got the better of her. Even with one possible problem passing on, gentlemen still need to remain vigilant and very careful. Protection is highly advised.

09-30-18, 15:07
Damn she's 22 going on 52.I couldn't believe the first picture of her, the second one I just saw today and wow. I spent a lot of time with that damn girl over the last two years, never had any issues with her other than trying to be bossy at times. Kicked her out of my car back in May when she was smoking some "black tar" substance (told me it was dabs but LOL). I tried so hard to get her to leave the west side and she just wouldn't do it. She has some troubled past with her family.

10-01-18, 14:57
Spent the week in Columbus and enjoyed the local scene with 4 different girls during the week. Wanted to comment on the scene in Columbus. For the size of your city there are a lot of girls out there! Columbus is unique compared to the places I've travelled in in that 90% of your girls are white and most in their 20's. Crazy. I also had a near scoop of a girl who wasnt a regular. Was walking on a back street in a neighborhood with her boyfriend. Tall maybe 21 years old and had the same slightly dazed high look all the rest do. She started to approach me while her bf hung back but because I'm a physically fit clean cut white guy she got spooked that I was a cop. Damn! Lower back tattoo, long brown hair, very clean girl. Good luck mongers!

10-01-18, 15:48
Spent the week in Columbus and enjoyed the local scene with 4 different girls during the week. Wanted to comment on the scene in Columbus. For the size of your city there are a lot of girls out there! Columbus is unique compared to the places I've travelled in in that 90% of your girls are white and most in their 20's. Crazy. I also had a near scoop of a girl who wasnt a regular. Was walking on a back street in a neighborhood with her boyfriend. Tall maybe 21 years old and had the same slightly dazed high look all the rest do. She started to approach me while her bf hung back but because I'm a physically fit clean cut white guy she got spooked that I was a cop. Damn! Lower back tattoo, long brown hair, very clean girl. Good luck mongers!

Mr Blue 314
10-01-18, 17:54
I made a few texts to her. She responded pretty quickly. She did have some phone issues and she apologized for her dead battery.

Met her last night. She is a very pretty young lady. She had several rules that were deal breakers for me. No finger the kitty, didn't appear to be GFE, no kissing, Money up front. I did give her the cash up front. Paid just shy of 3 times the street rate.

About 10 min into the car date, I just was not feeling it. The no touch policy was really just a deal killer for me. I asked her to stop before the deed was done. Told her I just wasnt enjoying the session. I thanked her for her time and told her she was a lovely girl.

We talked on the drive back. She said she could possibly loosen up the rules on a second date. Told her maybe. She told me she hasn't been treated so well from a few senior members here. Thus the adoption of the rules.

She is above average for a sometimes street walker. I will not call out the senior member (s) whom have treated her badly. She did say she is always looking for new customers.

However, I will not be sharing digits. I only recomend ladies that I had an above average time with. Maybe a second date is in order to see if she loosens up.

She never mentioned that to me when asked however I will not be sharing based on your comments. Blue is the only one I trusted with her info.

And all this crap regarding Donna is depressing. Hope the federal guys put a stop to the vice games. Sad situation for sure. She was a nice young lady.

10-01-18, 22:13
Sometimes I read things on here that make me just roll my eyes.

Me too, guys who post shit in order to inflame the threads because they like the attention. Especially when what they post has nothing to do with the thread they are posting it on and ESPECIALLY when they post shit like that in cities that have fight threads.


10-02-18, 10:17
I made a few texts to her. She responded pretty quickly. She did have some phone issues and she apologized for her dead battery.

Met her last night. She is a very pretty young lady. She had several rules that were deal breakers for me. No finger the kitty, didn't appear to be GFE, no kissing, Money up front. I did give her the cash up front. Paid just shy of 3 times the street rate.

About 10 min into the car date, I just was not feeling it. The no touch policy was really just a deal killer for me. I asked her to stop before the deed was done. Told her I just wasnt enjoying the session. I thanked her for her time and told her she was a lovely girl.

We talked on the drive back. She said she could possibly loosen up the rules on a second date. Told her maybe. She told me she hasn't been treated so well from a few senior members here. Thus the adoption of the rules.

She is above average for a sometimes street walker. I will not call out the senior member (s) whom have treated her badly. She did say she is always looking for new customers.

However, I will not be sharing digits. I only recomend ladies that I had an above average time with. Maybe a second date is in order to see if she loosens up.She texted me as I was getting home from work. Back to my place, on the way we talked about her escapades with men on the street. She spent the night we've known each other for a time after I cut off a white truck and she hopped in. Its a rough life!


10-02-18, 11:54
Gassing up, within 4 minutes I saw Lucky, Tenny aka Christina, Rachael, and to my surprise I saw Jessica again, didn't look as good as she did a month ago though. Jessica IMHO is hotter than anything on the block. Not sure if I'm shocked, but to spend all those months in rehab just to throw it all away again seems stupid. No shortage of cuties out and about with the nice weather we're having.

10-02-18, 13:04
Gassing up, within 4 minutes I saw Lucky, Tenny aka Christina, Rachael, and to my surprise I saw Jessica again, didn't look as good as she did a month ago though. Jessica IMHO is hotter than anything on the block. Not sure if I'm shocked, but to spend all those months in rehab just to throw it all away again seems stupid. No shortage of cuties out and about with the nice weather we're having.Vice being under the thumb of the FBI has helped too!

10-02-18, 13:07
Not sure if I'm shocked, but to spend all those months in rehab just to throw it all away again seems stupid.Addiction is a powerful controller of the human brain. Even intelligent, self-disciplined people find it extraordinarily challenging to overcome. At least 75% relapse at some point. The average user relapses multiple times before succeeding at getting clean. Even some of those stay clean for years and then some situation causes them to backslide. The latest psychological research suggests that drug addiction has more in common with a learning disorder than with lack of self-control or will-power.

10-02-18, 13:57
Addiction is a powerful controller of the human brain. Even intelligent, self-disciplined people find it extraordinarily challenging to overcome. At least 75% relapse at some point. The average user relapses multiple times before succeeding at getting clean. Even some of those stay clean for years and then some situation causes them to backslide. The latest psychological research suggests that drug addiction has more in common with a learning disorder than with lack of self-control or will-power.I picked her up a month or so ago close to Midland and Sully by that ice cream / coffee shop. She was squeaky clean and dressed to dressed to the 9 and smelled wonderful. I asked if she was back on but said no just looking for quick cash, I made sure to make that a problem of the past for her that day. WOW she was looking good, yesterday wasn't like that at all, a shame but hey, as you said happens ever day someone falls off the wagon. Boy when she's on point DAMN, look out, if I didn't already know her really well I'd have kept on moving, looked way TGTBT that day.

10-02-18, 15:43
Gassing up, within 4 minutes I saw Lucky, Tenny aka Christina, Rachael, and to my surprise I saw Jessica again, didn't look as good as she did a month ago though. Jessica IMHO is hotter than anything on the block. Not sure if I'm shocked, but to spend all those months in rehab just to throw it all away again seems stupid. No shortage of cuties out and about with the nice weather we're having.What Jessica are you speaking of. I know a few but I want to make sure who was out there recently.

10-03-18, 17:33
Fresh new girl, out on Sullivant in the bottoms, said she comes from the far east side, parks her car to walk. Claims she's only been out the last couple days, I've not ever seen her out before and I wasn't hesitating to pick her up, she looked really good. She's 5'2" long dark brown hair to the middle of her back, brown eyes maybe 100 lbs really nice girl. She's a sweetheart treat her right, you'll be glad you did.

10-03-18, 23:42
Fresh new girl, out on Sullivant in the bottoms, said she comes from the far east side, parks her car to walk. Claims she's only been out the last couple days, I've not ever seen her out before and I wasn't hesitating to pick her up, she looked really good. She's 5'2" long dark brown hair to the middle of her back, brown eyes maybe 100 lbs really nice girl. She's a sweetheart treat her right, you'll be glad you did.Tried to pm, but box full did she happen to have digits I'm out east so if she still is out this way be nice to have a local to checkout thanks.

10-04-18, 10:44
Tried to pm, but box full did she happen to have digits I'm out east so if she still is out this way be nice to have a local to checkout thanks.Cleared some space, yes she did give me digits, I asked if she wanted me to help some, she declined. I think she's still figuring things out, she's already had a bad experience with one guy already and she was not happy about it. When she decides she's ready I'll let you know. Ever since the new laws took affect she's my typical find anymore, not really the type to be walking at, pretty girl that's out of place, but without the resources to post her own ads she's decided to walk. It all started the beginning of April and has been picking up steam ever since, hell there are so many TGTBT SW'ers I don't trust because they look like decoys to me, I know some have been. This has been going on for months too, so the idea that it's because the Vice unit is temporarily on hiatus isn't accurate IMHO.

10-04-18, 10:50
Saw Mariah / Kayla out today on the stroll in a hot as fk blue outfit swung around to get her and she disappeared! Looking that good she had to have gotten picked up the second she his Sullivant. You suck if your the guy that got her this am.

10-05-18, 08:51
Saw Mariah / Kayla out today on the stroll in a hot as fk blue outfit swung around to get her and she disappeared! Looking that good she had to have gotten picked up the second she his Sullivant. You suck if your the guy that got her this am.Don't you hate that? LOL I've had so many girls just vanish into thin air on my strolls. I'd swear some of these ladies are fucking magicians.

10-05-18, 09:49
I know, I know. They're all a bunch of lying ******, if their lips are moving they're lying, yada yada. But maybe there is something to this investigation, maybe this number really should get to the girls.Does anyone really think it is a good idea for people actively engaged in illegal activity to call the FBI? This smells like a setup.

The FBI could give a shit less about guys buying blowjobs from consenting sex workers. That's a misdemeanor, they don't get involved.


10-05-18, 14:14
Does anyone really think it is a good idea for people actively engaged in illegal activity to call the FBI? This smells like a setup.

The FBI could give a shit less about guys buying blowjobs from consenting sex workers. That's a misdemeanor, they don't get involved.

A2The FBI and Federal Marshals have been walking up to the girls and talking to them about different issues. They honestly couldn't care less if they tried about the hookers and Johns. They have actual serious shit to investigate. I obviously thought it was a good idea or I wouldn't of posted the number.

10-06-18, 19:33
Don't you hate that? LOL I've had so many girls just vanish into thin air on my strolls. I'd swear some of these ladies are fucking magicians.You're close but no cigar. They are actually demon possessed! But that's not a criticism.

10-07-18, 13:52
Had a unique (least for me) dream last night. Wasn't really looking but pulling out of the library on sully (was dropping off some items) she just got in. Looked cute, thin & definitely coherent. Thought why not. Somehow I was convinced to go for a stroll in a park, as it was dark. I knew the park in question and that it was out of the way / secluded, but not so much that "others" might be lurking. Very cautious lady as everything was covered and safe. Except from mosquitoes. Enjoyed the conversation, didn't rush at all and gave extra efforts, but we both agreed that the mosquitoes won that night. She has a phone so could be gotten ahold of. If you don't mind safe play, she'd prolly be right up ones alley. In another dream.

10-10-18, 11:46
Traveling through your fair city and tried a few numbers and couldn't get any response. So I cruised the neighborhood and came across a young dark haired girl named Heidi. She said she was new, who knows if that's the case, but she didn't have any noticable signs of an addiction. She was clean, friendly and a great time. If anyone knows anything about her, let me know because I want to hook up again the next time I'm in town.

10-10-18, 15:17
Picked her up on Wicklow and Hague. We did extended outcall, not car fun. She is quite tall 5'8" and slender but not skinny. Attractive but not beautiful to my eye. A bit more educated and interesting to talk with but not especially engaging. Performance was good but not exceptional. Excellent BBBJ. Ok in mish. Somewhat sensual for a SW type but not the best by any means. I rarely see SW types because they typically want to get things over with quickly. She's a step above. I experienced none of the high or low points other reviewers discussed in this forum. She has some rules for her protection but I did not find her to be overly prescriptive. I overpaid, 60 + tip, because I'm too nice.

10-10-18, 23:37
Fresh new girl, out on Sullivant in the bottoms, said she comes from the far east side, parks her car to walk. Claims she's only been out the last couple days, I've not ever seen her out before and I wasn't hesitating to pick her up, she looked really good. She's 5'2" long dark brown hair to the middle of her back, brown eyes maybe 100 lbs really nice girl. She's a sweetheart treat her right, you'll be glad you did.I was just killing some time cruising the block and I saw a girl that didn't look like one of the usual gals down in the heart of the bottoms. She almost didn't seem like she was working. After her walking right by me twice between Glenwood and Souder I had given up hope. I saw her again by Princeton about 10 minutes later and I went down West Park to come back around and she met me in the alley. She hoped in and asked me if I was a cop, did her check and we were off to my place. We had a nice conversation on the way back to my place. Once back at my place, she was just what Spinman described. A petite treat. I had a good time and she said she did as well. I gave her my digits and told her to hit me up soon. I dropped her off at her car and I really hope I see her again.

10-11-18, 13:19
Wish I could find Rachel, 5'6" long beautiful dark hair, long sexy legs. She was awesome, last time I saw she lived a block from Cooper stadium, any info would be appreciated.I was browsing the mug shot site looking for familiar faces. It's rare to find any attractive girls on there, but I found a few and cross checked them on FB. Most of the ones I viewed were there for minor offenses, but some were nabbed for SW. There was a Rachael who was picked up in August for SW. She is very skinny. Her rap sheet stats are 5'8" and 105 with black hair. She went to West HS, which from what I've noticed, is a breeding ground for SWs & Escorts. There are plenty of pics of Rachael on her FB. She's decent looking. She has a BF who may or may not be her baby daddy. I am sure it is the same girl you were asking about.

10-11-18, 14:52
Has anyone ever seen a SW named Marisa? She seems to have an encounter with Uncle LEO about every other week. Gives her parents address in Dublin as her residence on the reports. Her stats are 5'6", 130. Appears to be a good girl who went bad. Doesn't look like your typical SW. Think a senator who recently passed away if you want to try to look her up.

10-11-18, 17:00
Has anyone ever seen a SW named Marisa? She seems to have an encounter with Uncle LEO about every other week. Gives her parents address in Dublin as her residence on the reports. Her stats are 5'6", 130. Appears to be a good girl who went bad. Doesn't look like your typical SW. Think a senator who recently passed away if you want to try to look her up.Saw her last night. Scooped by Wendy's. Very unique find I must say.

10-11-18, 18:11
Saw her last night. Scooped by Wendy's. Very unique find I must say.I'm guessing she must be very obvious in her technique since she gets flagged down by LE so often?

10-11-18, 18:47
I was browsing the mug shot site looking for familiar faces. It's rare to find any attractive girls on there, but I found a few and cross checked them on FB. Most of the ones I viewed were there for minor offenses, but some were nabbed for SW. There was a Rachael who was picked up in August for SW. She is very skinny. Her rap sheet stats are 5'8" and 105 with black hair. She went to West HS, which from what I've noticed, is a breeding ground for SWs & Escorts. There are plenty of pics of Rachael on her FB. She's decent looking. She has a BF who may or may not be her baby daddy. I am sure it is the same girl you were asking about.Rachael's current BF isn't any of her 3 baby daddy's. I just saw Rachael out walking last evening. Rachael can be a very good time if everything lines up well.

10-11-18, 18:55
Saw her last night. Scooped by Wendy's. Very unique find I must say.So is this unique find worth our time to look for?

10-11-18, 19:08
Rachael's current BF isn't any of her 3 baby daddy's. I just saw Rachael out walking last evening. Rachael can be a very good time if everything lines up well.Wow, three baby daddies! Not a lot of sympathy coming my way for the lack of rational thinking and responsibility on her part for getting herself into that situation. Do I have the correct Rachael? Think of a classic rock & roll singer from the 70's whose name is Rod.

10-12-18, 00:01
Wow, three baby daddies! Not a lot of sympathy coming my way for the lack of rational thinking and responsibility on her part for getting herself into that situation. Do I have the correct Rachael? Think of a classic rock & roll singer from the 70's whose name is Rod.That is correct. She just made bad choices in BFs and each one left her knocked up with another kid. Her sister walks the streets as well and the youngest sister is on the same path. Most all of her friends from school are also in the biz, were in the biz or will be in the biz soon. I used to hang out with her 3 to 4 ti. Es a week. The habit just became worse and worse.

10-12-18, 13:19
Had a dream of red down by great southern she is a little older but looks good. She did dt with cim. Damage was 4 she will be down around great southern all day black pants and grey hoodie with a Jordan hat on.

10-12-18, 23:19
I wasn't on the hunt, but had to drive down Sully. I counted 4 without even long sleeves and long pants. I'm considering going out tomorrow and hitting a thrift store to buy some hoodies, coats, sweats to hand out as tips or something.

10-13-18, 11:58
Her sister walks the streets as well and the youngest sister is on the same path. Most all of her friends from school are also in the biz, were in the biz or will be in the biz soon. I think The West HS Cowboys should be the official team of the Columbus Chapter of USASG since it spawns so many of our girls. They are 0-8 on the year in football and haven't scored more than 6 points in any game. They lost one game 75-0 where the mercy clock was instituted after a 30 point lead.

10-13-18, 14:38
Had a dream of red down by great southern she is a little older but looks good. She did dt with cim. Damage was 4 she will be down around great southern all day black pants and grey hoodie with a Jordan hat on.You have a photo of this Red or digits? Used to be a very energetic lady in Springfield that went by Red, but she disappeared after her man was murdered.

10-14-18, 00:54
You have a photo of this Red or digits? Used to be a very energetic lady in Springfield that went by Red, but she disappeared after her man was murdered.I don't have pics but you can find her every day down by great southern walking around.

10-14-18, 08:58
Has anyone ever seen a SW named Marisa? She seems to have an encounter with Uncle LEO about every other week. Gives her parents address in Dublin as her residence on the reports. Her stats are 5'6", 130. Appears to be a good girl who went bad. Doesn't look like your typical SW. Think a senator who recently passed away if you want to try to look her up.Depending on the day her looks can range from terrible to a solid 8/10 on the SW scale. She gives great head too.

10-14-18, 09:18
I don't have pics but you can find her every day down by great southern walking around.What area are you referring to when you say great southern? The area on 23 between 270 and 104?

10-14-18, 11:50
Picked her up on Wicklow and Hague. We did extended outcall, not car fun. She is quite tall 5'8" and slender but not skinny. Attractive but not beautiful to my eye. A bit more educated and interesting to talk with but not especially engaging. Performance was good but not exceptional. Excellent BBBJ. Ok in mish. Somewhat sensual for a SW type but not the best by any means. I rarely see SW types because they typically want to get things over with quickly. She's a step above. I experienced none of the high or low points other reviewers discussed in this forum. She has some rules for her protection but I did not find her to be overly prescriptive. I overpaid, 60 + tip, because I'm too nice.It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure I've sampled her, and was very satisfied.

10-14-18, 12:08
What area are you referring to when you say great southern? The area on 23 between 270 and 104?Great Southern is a strip mall type place on 23 just north of 270. It is south of Williams Rd and north of Obetz rd. I think it is where the Kroger and Walmart are.

Mr Blue 314
10-14-18, 20:13
Several weeks ago I posted a report on Luckey. One member didn't think I was worthy of her digits! Thankfually I have several close friends on the site and I had her digits from three different members.

Basically our first car date did not go extremely well. Luckey and I have talked and texted several times since. She assured me she reads her reviews regularly. She wants to know what she does well and what she needs to improve upon! She wanted a second date to show me she was the real deal.

Luckey assured me she would give me the full on girlfriend experience (and then some). We agreed upon a price and a time for a early afternoon date. She doesn't have incall so I got us a room. Told her how I wanted her dressed for pickup (she didn't disapoint). Got to the room and she wanted to take a shower and finish getting ready for our makeup date.

Came out of the shower in a sexy green nighty. Got on the bed for little conversation and makeout session. Wasnt long before when was in my favorit outfit (birthday) suite. All reviews are correct she holds a PhD in oral. She had eye contact licking attention to the boys. I did taste the pussy, clean, smoth as a babby's ass!. She finally wanted to ride my cock. She also holds a PhD in cowgirl, reverse and Asian cowgirl. Wasnt long before I blew in the bag. She can rock those hips (porno style).

Cuddle and makeout time. Next thing I know she said rool over honey. She straddled my back rubbing that pussy on my back. Before I knew what was going on she had the baby oil out and gave me one of the best back rubs of my life.

She obviously noticed she made junior wanting attention. Luckey rolled me over and gave junior a suck and stroking (her hands were still oily.

She said I love it from behind and assumed the position. I tapped it hard and fast. Pussy was very wet. She reached around and rubbed her pussy lips. She pushed back and she truley loves doggie.

Had to have her in mish. She had her legs way over my sholder. Kissing, eye contact and grinding. Didn't last long. Had her for a little over 90 minutes. Went to get something to eat. Good intelligant conversation. Even current events.

10-14-18, 21:56
Great review Blue! Glad she worked out, sounds like I need to give her another a call!

Several weeks ago I posted a report on Luckey. One member didn't think I was worthy of her digits! Thankfually I have several close friends on the site and I had her digits from three different members.

Basically our first car date did not go extremely well. Luckey and I have talked and texted several times since. She assured me she reads her reviews regularly. She wants to know what she does well and what she needs to improve upon! She wanted a second date to show me she was the real deal.

Luckey assured me she would give me the full on girlfriend experience (and then some). We agreed upon a price and a time for a early afternoon date. She doesn't have incall so I got us a room. Told her how I wanted her dressed for pickup (she didn't disapoint). Got to the room and she wanted to take a shower and finish getting ready for our makeup date.

Came out of the shower in a sexy green nighty. Got on the bed for little conversation and makeout session. Wasnt long before when was in my favorit outfit (birthday) suite. All reviews are correct she holds a PhD in oral. She had eye contact licking attention to the boys. I did taste the pussy, clean, smoth as a babby's ass!. She finally wanted to ride my cock. She also holds a PhD in cowgirl, reverse and Asian cowgirl. Wasnt long before I blew in the bag. She can rock those hips (porno style).

Cuddle and makeout time. Next thing I know she said rool over honey. She straddled my back rubbing that pussy on my back. Before I knew what was going on she had the baby oil out and gave me one of the best back rubs of my life.

She obviously noticed she made junior wanting attention. Luckey rolled me over and gave junior a suck and stroking (her hands were still oily.

She said I love it from behind and assumed the position. I tapped it hard and fast. Pussy was very wet. She reached around and rubbed her pussy lips. She pushed back and she truley loves doggie.

Had to have her in mish. She had her legs way over my sholder. Kissing, eye contact and grinding. Didn't last long. Had her for a little over 90 minutes. Went to get something to eat. Good intelligant conversation. Even current events.

Mr Blue 314
10-14-18, 22:11
Thanks Bowtie. Yes it was a very great second date. Already talked to her about an overnight date soon. She said she may possibly supprise me with a girlfriend next time. ?

Several typo's in my review cause my knees where shaking after my 90 plus minutes of pure porn sexy with Luckey. I Literally had to take a nap after words.

That 20 something plum wore me the fuck out.

Great review Blue! Glad she worked out, sounds like I need to give her another a call!

10-14-18, 22:15
LOL, old man!

Thanks Bowtie. Yes it was a very great second date. Already talked to her about an overnight date soon. She said she may possibly supprise me with a girlfriend next time. ?

Several typo's in my review cause my knees where shaking after my 90 plus minutes of pure porn sexy with Luckey. I Literally had to take a nap after words.

That 20 something plum wore me the fuck out.

10-15-18, 18:32
There is some bad news about Nay in the Media section. I'm sure many of you knew her.

10-16-18, 22:16
Driving an nice car in sullivant ave is a challenge I guess. Scary AMD people are so aggressive on streets and bikes and worthless cars. I am not sure I drive again down there with my 45 k car. However Met a lady for street price. She looked ok from far but when close nah. So just had an un wanted BJ and HJ finish. All my mind was thinking I wanted to leave from there its not my type out there and am going to stick with my utrs. May be need to buy a $1 k car just to drive there.

10-17-18, 09:56
Driving an nice car in sullivant ave is a challenge I guess. Scary AMD people are so aggressive on streets and bikes and worthless cars. I am not sure I drive again down there with my 45 k car. However Met a lady for street price. She looked ok from far but when close nah. So just had an un wanted BJ and HJ finish. All my mind was thinking I wanted to leave from there its not my type out there and am going to stick with my utrs. May be need to buy a $1 k car just to drive there.Sometimes this hobby says as much about us as it does them.

10-17-18, 12:51
Sometimes this hobby says as much about us as it does them.True and I realized. Sorry for it.

10-17-18, 16:14
True and I realized. Sorry for it.I've totally done that, it's eaiser in a cheap ride or a base rental. I tried driving mu new white Escalade and that was a failure.

10-17-18, 17:48
True and I realized. Sorry for it.That same thought hit me once. "What am I doing here?" as I was knocking on the door of a motel 6. The chick was nice and not your typical. But still it was a scene I didn't like. I'm more comfortable with the UTR girl next door. Hell, you can find them at the grocery store.

10-18-18, 09:52
That same thought hit me once. "What am I doing here?" as I was knocking on the door of a motel 6. The chick was nice and not your typical. But still it was a scene I didn't like. I'm more comfortable with the UTR girl next door. Hell, you can find them at the grocery store.The reason I wrote that not to mention my status, it's to make sure others here it's not worth driving expensive car there and get into trouble for nothing. UTRs are always fabulous to me. They are bit expensive in beginning but affordable once they see you regularly and get to know and trust you. I never set a price for them. Its based on how did the date goes. Some time they may need some benefit for not doing any but it's worth cause I spent lots of full nights, taking trips and so much fun with them. Some times drunk had crazy GFE for whole nights. I think its trouble free imo. I cane to sully couple times one for meaghan and to look for lucky. That too when seniors here referes though.

10-18-18, 10:32
The reason I wrote that not to mention my status, it's to make sure others here it's not worth driving expensive car there and get into trouble for nothing. UTRs are always fabulous to me. They are bit expensive in beginning but affordable once they see you regularly and get to know and trust you. I never set a price for them. Its based on how did the date goes. Some time they may need some benefit for not doing any but it's worth cause I spent lots of full nights, taking trips and so much fun with them. Some times drunk had crazy GFE for whole nights. I think its trouble free imo. I cane to sully couple times one for meaghan and to look for lucky. That too when seniors here referes though.Thinking the lifestyle may not be for you. I do get a good laugh when I see a dude in a car that belongs in New Albany, and the driver looks like a deer in the headlights. The locals see it too. And the girls. I see a victim, and hope they get out unscathed.

10-18-18, 14:45
That same thought hit me once. "What am I doing here?" as I was knocking on the door of a motel 6. The chick was nice and not your typical. But still it was a scene I didn't like. I'm more comfortable with the UTR girl next door. Hell, you can find them at the grocery store.Apparently I am going to the wrong grocery store. Give us a tutorial on your moves at the grocery store. You have my attention.

10-18-18, 14:58
Apparently I am going to the wrong grocery store. Give us a tutorial on your moves at the grocery store. You have my attention.Me too.

I am all ears.

I hope you are not going to recommend Otter's line from Animal House. When he encounters Dean Wormer's wife in the vegetable section of the supermarket fondling a cucumber, and says - "Mine's bigger than that".

Funny scene - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9ZjOCSLYlc.

10-18-18, 16:26
Apparently I am going to the wrong grocery store. Give us a tutorial on your moves at the grocery store. You have my attention.It's not rocket science. You guys are pros. It's nothing overt or difficult.

You know. You see a girl that has a certain look. Generally it's either tats or piercings (which I really don't go for). But usually in my case it's the chick that might have a little meat on her that wears whatever to show off her cleavage. Then it's just a matter of striking up a conversation and letting your eyes let her know you didn't miss that her boobs are staring at you. It helps to be mature, coy, playful when you choose to make whatever comment you choose to see if she's down for more. "Well, you have been blessed haven't you." - "You didn't dress like that for someone not to notice." - "Busy later?" "How do I get in touch with you." Very nonchalant and conversational. And you either get digits or you don't. If you don't the icing on the cake is being as nice and mature and playful when you part. "Well, it's been a pleasure. " as you grip her hand and if not unwelcomed lean in for a hug or kiss on the cheek. It's an art. Not just at the grocery store. I mean any "non cruising" setting with UTR types. The post office. A restaurant. An event. Women are falling from trees, LOL. Opportunities exist everywhere to if nothing else make someones day and enjoy the ying and yang. And on occasion it ends up being a HJ a BJ or more.

IN reverse. I've had chicks in the parking lot of best buy approach. Working chicks in Vegas approach, on the strip, in a casino or downtown. Anyone else had any experiences with house keepers or desk clerks at hotels. ". just got to town and I've got a killer headache from the flight. " "Can you help me iron this, I'm terrible at it." and a dozen other simple non obtrusive conversation starters. And if it's not reciprocated- no big deal. And you don't have to be a jerk about it.

10-18-18, 22:33
It's not rocket science. You guys are pros. It's nothing overt or difficult.

You know. You see a girl that has a certain look. Generally it's either tats or piercings (which I really don't go for). But usually in my case it's the chick that might have a little meat on her that wears whatever to show off her cleavage. Then it's just a matter of striking up a conversation and letting your eyes let her know you didn't miss that her boobs are staring at you. It helps to be mature, coy, playful when you choose to make whatever comment you choose to see if she's down for more. "Well, you have been blessed haven't you." - "You didn't dress like that for someone not to notice." - "Busy later?" "How do I get in touch with you." Very nonchalant and conversational. And you either get digits or you don't. If you don't the icing on the cake is being as nice and mature and playful when you part. "Well, it's been a pleasure. " as you grip her hand and if not unwelcomed lean in for a hug or kiss on the cheek. It's an art. Not just at the grocery store. I mean any "non cruising" setting with UTR types. The post office. A restaurant. An event. Women are falling from trees, LOL. Opportunities exist everywhere to if nothing else make someones day and enjoy the ying and yang. And on occasion it ends up being a HJ a BJ or more.

IN reverse. I've had chicks in the parking lot of best buy approach. Working chicks in Vegas approach, on the strip, in a casino or downtown. Anyone else had any experiences with house keepers or desk clerks at hotels. ". just got to town and I've got a killer headache from the flight. " "Can you help me iron this, I'm terrible at it." and a dozen other simple non obtrusive conversation starters. And if it's not reciprocated- no big deal. And you don't have to be a jerk about it.Yeah I see them, but I'm not in monger mode when not on West Side. LOL. You sir are the true pro. LOL I guess I need to examine when I need to turn it on and turn it off.

10-19-18, 16:23
This isn't the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last. This is what happened to me when I was grocery shopping.

So I'm living in Jacksonville, FL, working on a contract basis and living in a furnished apartment. We all have to eat, so I'm at the local grocery paying for maybe $30 of groceries. The lady behind me has a ten year old girl with her, but she's pretty well put together. I'll give her a 7 just because she's cute. I didn't notice much right away because my mind was elsewhere. And not in the gutter, so stop laughing you bums. The cashier screws up and puts a couple of her items with my stuff and rings them up. She corrects the cashier, and I'm looking over my shoulder and liking what I see. The cashier is slowly, painfully, shifting gears to try her best to take the items off my total, and you can tell this is going to be a major undertaking. We are talking definition of the universe with three examples here. The items total less than a sawbuck, she was cute, I was flush, so what the hell, right? I paid for the items, and without missing a beat the cutie pie tears off a piece of paper and writes her phone number on it. Sure, okay by me. Then in the parking lot while I'm trying to tie everything down on the bike, she brushes past me and wonders if I'm free this afternoon.

No, I'm not free. But I can be had.

I make eye contact with her and she smiles. Call me later, 'Kay?

And that's how it happens.

10-20-18, 00:51
This isn't the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last. This is what happened to me when I was grocery shopping.

So I'm living in Jacksonville, FL, working on a contract basis and living in a furnished apartment. We all have to eat, so I'm at the local grocery paying for maybe $30 of groceries. The lady behind me has a ten year old girl with her, but she's pretty well put together. I'll give her a 7 just because she's cute. I didn't notice much right away because my mind was elsewhere. And not in the gutter, so stop laughing you bums. The cashier screws up and puts a couple of her items with my stuff and rings them up. She corrects the cashier, and I'm looking over my shoulder and liking what I see. The cashier is slowly, painfully, shifting gears to try her best to take the items off my total, and you can tell this is going to be a major undertaking. We are talking definition of the universe with three examples here. The items total less than a sawbuck, she was cute, I was flush, so what the hell, right? I paid for the items, and without missing a beat the cutie pie tears off a piece of paper and writes her phone number on it. Sure, okay by me. Then in the parking lot while I'm trying to tie everything down on the bike, she brushes past me and wonders if I'm free this afternoon.

No, I'm not free. But I can be had.

I make eye contact with her and she smiles. Call me later, 'Kay?

And that's how it happens.And yes my friend. That's exactly how it happens.

10-20-18, 17:35
This isn't the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last. This is what happened to me when I was grocery shopping.

So I'm living in Jacksonville, FL, working on a contract basis and living in a furnished apartment. We all have to eat, so I'm at the local grocery paying for maybe $30 of groceries. The lady behind me has a ten year old girl with her, but she's pretty well put together. I'll give her a 7 just because she's cute. I didn't notice much right away because my mind was elsewhere. And not in the gutter, so stop laughing you bums. The cashier screws up and puts a couple of her items with my stuff and rings them up. She corrects the cashier, and I'm looking over my shoulder and liking what I see. The cashier is slowly, painfully, shifting gears to try her best to take the items off my total, and you can tell this is going to be a major undertaking. We are talking definition of the universe with three examples here. The items total less than a sawbuck, she was cute, I was flush, so what the hell, right? I paid for the items, and without missing a beat the cutie pie tears off a piece of paper and writes her phone number on it. Sure, okay by me. Then in the parking lot while I'm trying to tie everything down on the bike, she brushes past me and wonders if I'm free this afternoon.

No, I'm not free. But I can be had.

I make eye contact with her and she smiles. Call me later, 'Kay?

And that's how it happens.Step 1. Be Attractive.

Step 2. Don't be unattractive.

I feel this could go very differently depending on how you look.

10-21-18, 10:57
Have any of you guys seen a new girl on the mugshot site named Brittany? She takes a decent mugshot photo and looks real nice in her FB pics. She is engaged. I noticed that Rachael is one of her fiance's FB friends. She recently had an incident with Uncle LEO regarding SW. Her rap sheet stats list her as 28,5'11" and 140. I'll bet she was hot before she had her 3 kids.

10-21-18, 12:26
Usually we are on the same page but I'm not seeing it at least from her mug shot.

Seems like vice is back, a lot of soliciting arrests the past couple of days.

Have any of you guys seen a new girl on the mugshot site named Brittany? She takes a decent mugshot photo and looks real nice in her FB pics. She is engaged. I noticed that Rachael is one of her fiance's FB friends. She recently had an incident with Uncle LEO regarding SW. Her rap sheet stats list her as 28,5'11" and 140. I'll bet she was hot before she had her 3 kids.

10-21-18, 12:42
Usually we are on the same page but I'm not seeing it at least from her mug shot.

Seems like vice is back, a lot of soliciting arrests the past couple of days.My speculation that she was once hot was based on her FB photos. If she posted those pics in an escort ad, guys on here would be lining up. Her face really stands out in them. There aren't any good body pics of her but at 5'11" she could easily distribute 140 pounds so as not to appear heavy. It's just a matter of how much baby damage there is. Maybe someone will let us know?

10-21-18, 19:04
Have any of you guys seen a new girl on the mugshot site named Brittany? She takes a decent mugshot photo and looks real nice in her FB pics. She is engaged. I noticed that Rachael is one of her fiance's FB friends. She recently had an incident with Uncle LEO regarding SW. Her rap sheet stats list her as 28,5'11" and 140. I'll bet she was hot before she had her 3 kids.I saw her right after her BF was killed. She was on BP for a brief period of time. She wasn't worth the time nor the donation. She just wasn't in to it and the hour at my place was one of the most boring times ever. She is friends with a number of the girls you would know from that part of the Hiltop.

Mw Jrp
10-22-18, 08:16
She said she was 19 yyo, but I doubt it. First she said she was 17 yo but changed it to 19 after I repeatedly asked to be safe with what I thought at first was a young girl. Anyway, she reluctantly sucked me on the way to the hotel and jacked me too. I enjoyed fondling her very small tits and stroked the kitty. In the room she gave more BBBJ and I finish CFS mish in her very tight giner. She must have tightened those muscles as I entered her, because there is no way a mom could be that tight. Anyway, she was a decent date, IMO.

I think I saw her out the next day, so she must be a regular on Sully bottoms. Be safe and good hunting. MW.

Mw Jrp
10-22-18, 08:25
She was on Sully hilltop and had a beautiful face. But she was a bit difficult to manage. Still she jacked me to my hotel and gave a super BBBJ. In the room I asked her to remove her clothes and she must have weighed 175 LBS. Her body was wrecked from kids or weight loss, but she had that beautiful face, almost middle eastern look, but she could have been Italian. Who knows.

Anyway, I let her suck me for a good 25 minutes and finally filled her mouth with goodies. She got my hips rocking and did what few can do. Got me to nut BBBJ. Coodoos to Brittany. She is a dynamite corksucker, IMO. I dropped her off near the pic and wished her well.

Be safe and good hunting. MW.

10-22-18, 10:48
This isn't the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last. This is what happened to me when I was grocery shopping.

So I'm living in Jacksonville, FL, working on a contract basis and living in a furnished apartment. We all have to eat, so I'm at the local grocery paying for maybe $30 of groceries. The lady behind me has a ten year old girl with her, but she's pretty well put together. I'll give her a 7 just because she's cute. I didn't notice much right away because my mind was elsewhere. And not in the gutter, so stop laughing you bums. The cashier screws up and puts a couple of her items with my stuff and rings them up. She corrects the cashier, and I'm looking over my shoulder and liking what I see. The cashier is slowly, painfully, shifting gears to try her best to take the items off my total, and you can tell this is going to be a major undertaking. We are talking definition of the universe with three examples here. The items total less than a sawbuck, she was cute, I was flush, so what the hell, right? I paid for the items, and without missing a beat the cutie pie tears off a piece of paper and writes her phone number on it. Sure, okay by me. Then in the parking lot while I'm trying to tie everything down on the bike, she brushes past me and wonders if I'm free this afternoon.

No, I'm not free. But I can be had.

I make eye contact with her and she smiles. Call me later, 'Kay?

And that's how it happens.As a kid packing bags and carrying out at the supermarket, my manager taught me how to earn bigger tips by being friendly, and helpful to the customers (ladies). Looking back he really taught me the art of flirting, easy smile, saying the right things, and showing sincere appreciation for her, (finding something where you can give an honest compliment if you are phony and insincere it shows and a big turnoff.) Fast forward a few years I take a job as asst manager at the supermarket where I use the same training for pussy instead of tips, those were wonderful times. Its been years since working in a store but I still can't help myself when shopping I still offer to help, with that charming smile, and still get laid on occasion, it might be why I choose to do the grocery shopping in my house and even stop in a supermarket for a pack of smokes when a convenience store would be faster. A lot of it is being in your comfort zone, for me I'm in my game when in a store, picking up a SW scares the f--k out of me, I still do it once in awhile just for the thrill but when I have time shopping for my prize is my favorite.

10-22-18, 13:08
Had a few hours to kill. Cruising Sully, got a few passes in nothing of note. Was going to go home to nap and watch football when at Davis I spied a cute blonde. Smaller kinda cute! Went by her she seem disgusted I didn't stop turned up the ally and she walked up and got in. Immediately noticed I had seen her before and she remembered me when I gave my name. I suggested we go back to my place for alot more fun she agreed but needed to stop at the pharmacy first. I generally don't think it's a good thing to do but she said she'd leave her bag in the car and don't leave her. All ended well with our stop and off we went to the great nortwest! Got to my crib she stripped to her undies started drawing and medicating up borrowing my lighter. Wanted to shower I got her a towel and waited. Smoking body not much reaction out of her but good good good. Drove her back and she took my number she doesn't have a phone lost five this summer so she gave up.

She let me know vice is back. The investigation wants to chat with her but she's scared being girls associated with this fact finding are ending up less than upright! She also claimed said vice guy fled town! That is all.


10-22-18, 16:16
I saw her right after her BF was killed. She was on BP for a brief period of time. She wasn't worth the time nor the donation. She just wasn't in to it and the hour at my place was one of the most boring times ever. She is friends with a number of the girls you would know from that part of the Hiltop.I saw her walking after her recent run in, or at least it appeared to be her. WOW she cleaned up nice, had black boots on and was looking pretty hot for Sullivant ave. It appears Mw Jrp confirmed the baby damage or weight loss wrecked her body, but damn she was looking good with clothes on anyway.

10-22-18, 16:24
Had a few hours to kill. Cruising Sully, got a few passes in nothing of note. Was going to go home to nap and watch football when at Davis I spied a cute blonde. Smaller kinda cute! Went by her she seem disgusted I didn't stop turned up the ally and she walked up and got in. Immediately noticed I had seen her before and she remembered me when I gave my name. I suggested we go back to my place for alot more fun she agreed but needed to stop at the pharmacy first. I generally don't think it's a good thing to do but she said she'd leave her bag in the car and don't leave her. All ended well with our stop and off we went to the great nortwest! Got to my crib she stripped to her undies started drawing and medicating up borrowing my lighter. Wanted to shower I got her a towel and waited. Smoking body not much reaction out of her but good good good. Drove her back and she took my number she doesn't have a phone lost five this summer so she gave up.

She let me know vice is back. The investigation wants to chat with her but she's scared being girls associated with this fact finding are ending up less than upright! She also claimed said vice guy fled town! That is all.

Usedtobedoctor.They resumed Vice after a month, so by the Oct 6th or so they've been out as heavy as ever. Nothings changed, that month flew by.

10-22-18, 16:32
I saw her walking after her recent run in, or at least it appeared to be her. WOW she cleaned up nice, had black boots on and was looking pretty hot for Sullivant ave. It appears Mw Jrp confirmed the baby damage or weight loss wrecked her body, but damn she was looking good with clothes on anyway.It can't be the same Brittany. I think the girl Mw Jrp was describing has dark hair. Brittany is a blonde. There is a current photo on her FB where is wearing jeans and you can get an idea of her shape and weight. There is no way she weighs 175. Closer to 130-140. There's another one from October 19 where she looks as fresh and perky as could be. She looks more like she's in banking or real estate sales than a SW.

10-22-18, 19:47
A person of interest has been arrested, for nays murder. See news and media section.

10-22-18, 22:26
They resumed Vice after a month, so by the Oct 6th or so they've been out as heavy as ever. Nothings changed, that month flew by.And not one media notification that they were back in operation.

10-22-18, 23:42
Had a few hours to kill. Cruising Sully, got a few passes in nothing of note. Was going to go home to nap and watch football when at Davis I spied a cute blonde. Smaller kinda cute! Went by her she seem disgusted I didn't stop turned up the ally and she walked up and got in. Immediately noticed I had seen her before and she remembered me when I gave my name. I suggested we go back to my place for alot more fun she agreed but needed to stop at the pharmacy first. I generally don't think it's a good thing to do but she said she'd leave her bag in the car and don't leave her. All ended well with our stop and off we went to the great nortwest! Got to my crib she stripped to her undies started drawing and medicating up borrowing my lighter. Wanted to shower I got her a towel and waited. Smoking body not much reaction out of her but good good good. Drove her back and she took my number she doesn't have a phone lost five this summer so she gave up.

She let me know vice is back. The investigation wants to chat with her but she's scared being girls associated with this fact finding are ending up less than upright! She also claimed said vice guy fled town! That is all.

Usedtobedoctor.I stopped seeing Hali as he was never as good as the first few times I saw her. She used to advertise on BP. She can be good if the stars align.

10-23-18, 08:36
Cruising down Sully on my way to work this morning. Always window shopping the local talent to / from work.

Saw a sweet little number that looked to be a civilian at Herbert's. Made eye contact. I swung around the block to double check. She made eye contact again and swung back to Yale for the pickup.

Joy was happy to be out of the cold.

Red hair (dyed), little A cups on a tight body. Bbbjws for $30. I don't tip ever. I'm firm with my price and the talent normally accepts with no issues. But I tipped her $5 because she was way to cute (in my eye) and I just had to have her swallow my batter. She didn't disappoint. I wasn't planning on purchasing this morning but Joy was way to much to pass up.

No number unfortunately but made plans to meet up tonight. Hopefully I will get to make her kitty swallow my 2nd load.

10-23-18, 11:03
And not one media notification that they were back in operation.If you read the 10 TV article, CPD chief originally stated there would be a 28 day pause of the vice unit. That was on Sept 10th, minus a day or two for the press to be notified, so first week of October. I only saw a drop off on the Mug shots for about 2 1/2 weeks maybe 3, I spoke to a girl I consider as reliable for some information. She said 2 of the girls she knew were picked up for outstanding solicitation warrants during the vice hiatus, and suspected that was what was happening. I see new girls all the time, a lot of them are actually pretty nice looking, I'd be pretty damn careful though, or IMHO you might be taking an unexpected vacation your damn self.

10-23-18, 11:11
It can't be the same Brittany. I think the girl Mw Jrp was describing has dark hair. Brittany is a blonde. There is a current photo on her FB where is wearing jeans and you can get an idea of her shape and weight. There is no way she weighs 175. Closer to 130-140. There's another one from October 19 where she looks as fresh and perky as could be. She looks more like she's in banking or real estate sales than a SW.If I see her again I'm in, the girl I saw looked pretty damn good. I was suspicious, but after reading your post later and doing some searching, I found the Brittany you spoke of. I'm 99% sure it was her, she looked good black boots up to just below the knee. My comfort level was non existent to even think of picking her up, looked to much like a trap to me. Even in hindsight I would still have passed, it just didn't feel right, still been looking for Marrisa, have you seen her again?

10-23-18, 11:32
If I see her again I'm in, the girl I saw looked pretty damn good. I was suspicious, but after reading your post later and doing some searching, I found the Brittany you spoke of. I'm 99% sure it was her, she looked good black boots up to just below the knee. My comfort level was non existent to even think of picking her up, looked to much like a trap to me. Even in hindsight I would still have passed, it just didn't feel right, still been looking for Marrisa, have you seen her again?I've never seen Marisa. I only commented on her because her photo stood out on the mugshot site and I was able to find her FB. The only two SWs I ever saw, besides ones who might have doubled as BP girls, were Caitlyn and Alyssa, and that was because another monger gave me their digits. I have never picked up a SW, only cruised the avenue out of curiosity.

10-23-18, 12:07
Working off w broad so figured I'd cruise down sully an back. Saw couple 12,5-0, Vice, PoPo or whatever the fuck you want to call them at the dollar general. So did this old ass saggy tit wst. She dipped out quick. So headed towards the city and saw half a dozen or more out. They were all white and not so bad looking really. I didn't scoop any up with 12 up the street. I travel all over and its impressive the quality here as in say indy, or any city really. Seems a lot of shit is going down in Columbus to make a mofo nervous. Hoes be slapping customers, stabbing cops🙈. Shit guys I don't even know. I still might scoop one thou. LOL.

10-23-18, 13:08
As a kid packing bags and carrying out at the supermarket, my manager taught me how to earn bigger tips by being friendly, and helpful to the customers (ladies). Looking back he really taught me the art of flirting, easy smile, saying the right things, and showing sincere appreciation for her, (finding something where you can give an honest compliment if you are phony and insincere it shows and a big turnoff.) Fast forward a few years I take a job as asst manager at the supermarket where I use the same training for pussy instead of tips, those were wonderful times. Its been years since working in a store but I still can't help myself when shopping I still offer to help, with that charming smile, and still get laid on occasion, it might be why I choose to do the grocery shopping in my house and even stop in a supermarket for a pack of smokes when a convenience store would be faster. A lot of it is being in your comfort zone, for me I'm in my game when in a store, picking up a SW scares the f--k out of me, I still do it once in awhile just for the thrill but when I have time shopping for my prize is my favorite.I don't think most men stop to notice how many cute gals are cruising the aisles at the grocery store. They're relaxed because it's safe, it's public, and there's no reason to be embarrassed about grocery shopping alone. Flirt with them a little, flash them a sincere smile, and move along and half the time they end up positioning themselves so you'll bump into them again.

10-23-18, 13:57
Cruising down Sully on my way to work this morning. Always window shopping the local talent to / from work.

Saw a sweet little number that looked to be a civilian at Herbert's. Made eye contact. I swung around the block to double check. She made eye contact again and swung back to Yale for the pickup.

Joy was happy to be out of the cold.

Red hair (dyed), little A cups on a tight body. Bbbjws for $30. I don't tip ever. I'm firm with my price and the talent normally accepts with no issues. But I tipped her $5 because she was way to cute (in my eye) and I just had to have her swallow my batter. She didn't disappoint. I wasn't planning on purchasing this morning but Joy was way to much to pass up.

No number unfortunately but made plans to meet up tonight. Hopefully I will get to make her kitty swallow my 2nd load.She is far from a civilian. LOL, Joy has been on the bottoms block for over a year. Maybe more. I've been piling that kitty and mouth for over a year now. Pretty much gave up on her and pass by anymore, because I just don't like to hear all the complaining she does. However she lies present herself while, and is usually decent And clean. I saw her recently with the red hair, she was a blonde for a long time, and I think she looks better blonde.

10-23-18, 17:42
She is far from a civilian. LOL, Joy has been on the bottoms block for over a year. Maybe more. I've been piling that kitty and mouth for over a year now. Pretty much gave up on her and pass by anymore, because I just don't like to hear all the complaining she does. However she lies present herself while, and is usually decent And clean. I saw her recently with the red hair, she was a blonde for a long time, and I think she looks better blonde.Thanks for letting me know she ain't a civy. I think that because she is clean made me think she was a civy. Boy she definitely was clean this morning.

If we meet up tonight I know now to stand firm on price and looking to beat that kitty up.

10-23-18, 19:23
New to the street pick ups but I've been in the hobby for a while. Can anyone guide me to how to do a proper pick up for a lady? Thanks in advance.

10-23-18, 22:23
Thanks for letting me know she ain't a civy. I think that because she is clean made me think she was a civy. Boy she definitely was clean this morning.

If we meet up tonight I know now to stand firm on price and looking to beat that kitty up.Actually there's no need to stand firm on anything. There is no set price list on the street. Pay for what you want. She's worth it, cause she does keep her self clean and she looks good. As for somebody being a civilian and walking the streets that's a myth.

Any girl that walks the streets, or does this for a living period Is supporting a habit. Anybody who thinks otherwise is just plain out naïve.

Just my humble opinion.

10-23-18, 22:25
New to the street pick ups but I've been in the hobby for a while. Can anyone guide me to how to do a proper pick up for a lady? Thanks in advance.In my opinion, you should read the forum. The answers are here. And secondly, if you have to ask, the streets are probably not for you. Especially during these dangerous times anymore on the streets, As it takes a lot of StreetSmarts on the streets of Columbus. In other words if you have to ask, you shouldn't be out there.

10-23-18, 22:39
In my opinion, you should read the forum. The answers are here. And secondly, if you have to ask, the streets are probably not for you. Especially during these dangerous times anymore on the streets, As it takes a lot of StreetSmarts on the streets of Columbus. In other words if you have to ask, you shouldn't be out there.Dapon may have given you the best advice you will ever receive. But after reading Dapon advice check out this thread http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?15856-Streetwalker-Mongering-101.

And when you are done with that go back and read read read the threads.


10-24-18, 07:23
Do any of you guys recognize this girl?


10-24-18, 07:52
Actually there's no need to stand firm on anything. There is no set price list on the street. Pay for what you want. She's worth it, cause she does keep her self clean and she looks good. As for somebody being a civilian and walking the streets that's a myth.

Any girl that walks the streets, or does this for a living period Is supporting a habit. Anybody who thinks otherwise is just plain out nave.

Just my humble opinion.I agree with your opinion and believe me I wasn't naive when she got in my car and sucked me dry. I know she has a habit to support.

I stand firm on my price because I have a habit to support as well. Sex. That's my habit. LOL!

10-24-18, 17:07
I agree with your opinion and believe me I wasn't naive when she got in my car and sucked me dry. I know she has a habit to support.

I stand firm on my price because I have a habit to support as well. Sex. That's my habit. LOL!That's everybody on here! LOL. I've found though The quality beats quantity. .

10-24-18, 17:56
I do she use to do car.

Service for $80 back in the day.

Do any of you guys recognize this girl?


10-26-18, 01:53
I've found though The quality beats quantity. .Just like to chime in from the AMP board and say "Dilly Dilly!" to this one.


Monger Monster
10-27-18, 14:28
Hello fellow mongers,

Can't say enough how happy I am to be here. Also happy about the vast variety of SW's since popo has been spanked and locked away in an office somewhere. Thanks to Tammy last night for turning me onto this forum after our romantic road trip. Nice to know all the support we have here. Cruised Hudson east of 71 this morning and was not disappointed in the least. Don't just cruise the westside, get over to Hudson, you won't regret it my friends.


10-28-18, 04:20
Lately I've been lucky as hell running into UTR's. Recently met a sexy Latina on main st. Didn't know if she was a civilian or not. Pulled around and made eye contact and it was a go. She got in and gave a BBBJCIM like I've never had before. Guys this is one of those wild Latinas that love it. She orgasmed just from the BJ. She has some huge tits and smells great and had no signs of habit said she just does weed. And she has a normal job. She was just out getting coffee and just wanted the money for it. She has a great personality and has some crazy cartel stories. She's new to Columbus. PM for # fellas must be willing to trade.

10-28-18, 16:59
Anyone see her around? Saw her last time I posted but not recently. Sucks.

10-29-18, 12:18
Are Kayla and Korrinda doing doubles, or has anybody tried yet?

10-29-18, 14:01
Are Kayla and Korrinda doing doubles, or has anybody tried yet?How would one arrange this?

10-29-18, 14:46
Are Kayla and Korrinda doing doubles, or has anybody tried yet?I don't know for sure, but I would guess that they would be up for that. Neither of them would be considered shy about things.

Mr Blue 314
10-29-18, 21:50
I finally made contact with Korrinda. She was a little overly cautious about setting up a car date. After several back and fourth texts she agreed to see me. Unfortuantially by the time I made it through the screening process. It was too late for me to play.

She was a little upset that I couldn't come tonight. At one point after naming several of the bottoms girls I have seen or currently date; she asked me for a photo of myself.

Told her absulatelly no pic of me. Explained why and she finally let it go. I am going to see her after work tomorrow night.

She says she is well worth my time and the 60 Roses (including tip). First, is she really this sexy and worth this kind of donation for a car date. Or are you guys overpaying?

Any and all information would be appreciated before my after work date.

Thanks Blue.

I don't know for sure, but I would guess that they would be up for that. Neither of them would be considered shy about things.

Mr Blue 314
10-29-18, 22:06
Sorry guys somehow I doubled posted?

10-30-18, 01:36
I finally made contact with Korrinda. She was a little overly cautious about setting up a car date. After several back and fourth texts she agreed to see me. Unfortuantially by the time I made it through the screening process. It was too late for me to play.

She was a little upset that I couldn't come tonight. At one point after naming several of the bottoms girls I have seen or currently date; she asked me for a photo of myself.

Told her absulatelly no pic of me. Explained why and she finally let it go. I am going to see her after work tomorrow night.

She says she is well worth my time and the 60 Roses (including tip). First, is she really this sexy and worth this kind of donation for a car date. Or are you guys overpaying?

Any and all information would be appreciated before my after work date.

Thanks Blue.I would be willing to bet that she is going to leave you unimpressed. But that is just this one man's opinion.

10-30-18, 01:58
Fairly light out. Took a cruise south on Cleveland ave, just 2 to be seen both BSW, one with white pants, didn't get a rise so no pickup. Didn't see the 5-0 so must be the temp. Stay safe my friends.

10-30-18, 03:29
I spotted her up on West Broad and North Chase, just a couple of blocks west of Hague. Early-mid 30's, WSW, dirty blonde, and cute. I made eye contact, and pulled into the hast station at Hague to get a few gallons. She came by, and we chatted for a minute and agreed to go to my spot for some companionship.

Got to the spot and agreed on 40 for a good BBBJ and CFS. Good, wet kitty and didn't rush me. Not super tight, but she said she had just been with another monger right before me (I like that). We both left happy.

I dropped her off so she could get some medicine, and headed home! No digits, though. Oh, well.

10-30-18, 21:12
I spotted her up on West Broad and North Chase, just a couple of blocks west of Hague. Early-mid 30's, WSW, dirty blonde, and cute. I made eye contact, and pulled into the hast station at Hague to get a few gallons. She came by, and we chatted for a minute and agreed to go to my spot for some companionship.

Got to the spot and agreed on 40 for a good BBBJ and CFS. Good, wet kitty and didn't rush me. Not super tight, but she said she had just been with another monger right before me (I like that). We both left happy.

I dropped her off so she could get some medicine, and headed home! No digits, though. Oh, well.Was it this Emily that you saw by chance?

10-31-18, 00:48
Saw Korrinda a couple months ago or so and definitely wouldn't recommend 60 for her. Honestly, I gave her a 20 for just head and she's so small I'm not sure how sex would be with her. Hope you had a good date!

I finally made contact with Korrinda. She was a little overly cautious about setting up a car date. After several back and fourth texts she agreed to see me. Unfortuantially by the time I made it through the screening process. It was too late for me to play.

She was a little upset that I couldn't come tonight. At one point after naming several of the bottoms girls I have seen or currently date; she asked me for a photo of myself.

Told her absulatelly no pic of me. Explained why and she finally let it go. I am going to see her after work tomorrow night.

She says she is well worth my time and the 60 Roses (including tip). First, is she really this sexy and worth this kind of donation for a car date. Or are you guys overpaying?

Any and all information would be appreciated before my after work date.

Thanks Blue.

10-31-18, 01:14
So I've been slacking on my reporting lately. A few weeks ago I saw Nichole we arranged a meet via text and had some fun in the woods which was a lot different for me, haha. She's a pretty cool girl just not sure I'd see a girl more than 3 times.

Next I was driving around the Wicklow / Fremont area and came across Nae or Nay? Well it turned out to be a subpar time, but not going to say much more after hearing about her in the news. No one deserves that at all RIP.

Then while entering the bottoms I saw a mixed girl I've been dying to meet since the middle of the summer. Scooped her up and she goes by Pocahontas or Patricia definitely worth a meet. Gave a very good BJ as my hands wandered. Even gave her an extra 5 from my normal 20. Dropped her off at her place after getting her house number.

As for more recently Sunday the 28th I was nursing a hangover, but still was looking for some fun while I was around so I headed down that way (sully). Cruised for a bit as the rain was really making it tough to find anyone. Finally went down to an area I don't go often past Glenwood and saw a girl standing in the small street that looks kind of like an alley. Decided to scoop her up and sure enough it was Hailey who immediately remembered me. She looked better than recent pictures I had seen of her. Went to a nearby alley, slipped her a 20 and she went to work. Good BBBJ with fiv. It was a good time, but very business like we barely spoke. Was going to go home after, but just wanted more so I decided to try again as I hate seeing the same girls.

Drove around while it rained and saw a really nice looking girl walking near Yale she was much to clean looking for me. Definitely don't need to be caught up in a sting plus it was probably a civilian I just never know with women walking alone around there. Well anyway made it back by UDF and Hague and saw a brunette who instantly had me wanting to go again. Swung around and met her in an alley off Wicklow. She was very pretty all except her teeth, but no ones perfect and I figured I wouldn't see much of them anyway. Her name's Shelby as she gave me her Facebook after the meeting. Drove to a nearby alley and she said she'd give me an amazing blowjob for 20 and it definitely was. She went a lot slower than Hailey, but it was really good. Lots of dt as my hand wandered for some spanking and fiv. Girl definitely likes to talk dirty which I like. Finished up and she even swallowed the evidence which I've actually never had happen out there LOL. Really cool girl though would definitely recommend her.

Stay safe out there!

Mwm 55
10-31-18, 15:38
Was it this Emily that you saw by chance?
https://escortalligator.com.columbus.listcrawler.com/post/19595334/Do you have contact info on her? I doubt xxx-9260 is still valid.

10-31-18, 16:10
Do you have contact info on her? I doubt xxx-9260 is still valid.That number probably is not valid. I do not have current contact info for her. Ads are old. I have lost track of her. Fromtheback's description sounded kind of like her. Was wondering if it was.

10-31-18, 17:22
Was it this Emily that you saw by chance?
https://escortalligator.com.columbus.listcrawler.com/post/19595334/No, that wasn't the one. The Emily I saw had darker hair.

11-01-18, 22:20
I spotted her up on West Broad and North Chase, just a couple of blocks west of Hague. Early-mid 30's, WSW, dirty blonde, and cute. I made eye contact, and pulled into the hast station at Hague to get a few gallons. She came by, and we chatted for a minute and agreed to go to my spot for some companionship.

Got to the spot and agreed on 40 for a good BBBJ and CFS. Good, wet kitty and didn't rush me. Not super tight, but she said she had just been with another monger right before me (I like that). We both left happy.

I dropped her off so she could get some medicine, and headed home! No digits, though. Oh, well.Sir.

Was this a daytime pickup or an evening pick up.

11-02-18, 02:39

Was this a daytime pickup or an evening pick up.Night. Probably about 10 or 11.

11-02-18, 06:23
I've seen her several times. The bad: She doesn't get into it. Not even a little bit. It's like banging a corpse, I'd imagine. The good: Absolutely stellar body if you like everything teeny tiny. Tight beyond words, and she's very compliant once she relaxes around you. Oh. And she runs from the D a bit. Not surprising, as she's really, really small.

I finally made contact with Korrinda. She was a little overly cautious about setting up a car date. After several back and fourth texts she agreed to see me. Unfortuantially by the time I made it through the screening process. It was too late for me to play.

She was a little upset that I couldn't come tonight. At one point after naming several of the bottoms girls I have seen or currently date; she asked me for a photo of myself.

Told her absulatelly no pic of me. Explained why and she finally let it go. I am going to see her after work tomorrow night.

She says she is well worth my time and the 60 Roses (including tip). First, is she really this sexy and worth this kind of donation for a car date. Or are you guys overpaying?

Any and all information would be appreciated before my after work date.

Thanks Blue.

11-02-18, 07:02
The bad: She doesn't get into it. Not even a little bit. It's like banging a corpse, Korrinda is gay. Kayla T is her current GF as professed on Kayla's FB.

11-02-18, 09:45
I've seen her several times. The bad: She doesn't get into it. Not even a little bit. It's like banging a corpse, I'd imagine. The good: Absolutely stellar body if you like everything teeny tiny. Tight beyond words, and she's very compliant once she relaxes around you. Oh. And she runs from the D a bit. Not surprising, as she's really, really small.Runs from the D a bit is being nice. She doesn't like sex with a guy much at all. She might be the hardest girl to slip into that I have ever seen. Make sure you have lots of lube or your experience may be less than great. I will say that I had 2 or 3 times with her that were better than average. They just didn't make up for the numerous issues and dead corpse times.

11-02-18, 17:27
Mariah (Kayla) reached out to me last night, wanted to know if I could share her number with some of the seniors on this board. So if you're a good contributor, PM me for her digits. She's having trouble due to the weather she says.

11-02-18, 21:15
One for the girl I tried to meet but she wanted to pick her stuff before we go to my place. I asked what stuff. She said stuff. I felt something wrong and didn't go because I don't want someone with d*pe in my car. So I refused to go and meet. She also wanted one Benjamin before to get while we go. Is it good to meet this way. Safe or not? I see people here meeting her and reviews too.

11-02-18, 22:34
One for the girl I tried to meet but she wanted to pick her stuff before we go to my place. I asked what stuff. She said stuff. I felt something wrong and didn't go because I don't want someone with d*pe in my car. So I refused to go and meet. She also wanted one Benjamin before to get while we go. Is it good to meet this way. Safe or not? I see people here meeting her and reviews too.Anytime you feel uncomfortable, bail out, you can always play another day. IMHO its bad enough to get caught with a hooker, really bad to get caught with dope.

11-02-18, 22:40
One for the girl I tried to meet but she wanted to pick her stuff before we go to my place. I asked what stuff. She said stuff. I felt something wrong and didn't go because I don't want someone with d*pe in my car. So I refused to go and meet. She also wanted one Benjamin before to get while we go. Is it good to meet this way. Safe or not? I see people here meeting her and reviews too.Speaking from experience, I think you did the smart thing by refusing. There are plenty of good reasons:

1. Would not want to have dope in the car if stopped by police.

2. Girl might not come back and uphold her end of the deal.

3. Even if she does come back, you could be waiting in your car for awhile outside a trap house in a bad neighborhood.

4. Would not want to be followed by police after leaving a known trap house.

5. She may want to go to a bathroom afterward to consume her "stuff. " Might lock herself in there for a good half hour to do that.

6. She might overdose, and you would have to get emergency assistance.

7. Even if she does not overdose, she will be drugged out of her mind and there could be uncertainty about her ability to consent to sex.

8. If you continue seeing her in the future, she will keep asking you for these favors if you don't put your foot down.

If you want to build rapport with a girl, treat her with respect, see her regularly and / or pay her well, but don't be her * That's my opinion.

11-03-18, 07:55
Well said and all points are spot on. Can be frustrating and scary stuff!

Speaking from experience, I think you did the smart thing by refusing. There are plenty of good reasons:

1. Would not want to have dope in the car if stopped by police.

2. Girl might not come back and uphold her end of the deal.

3. Even if she does come back, you could be waiting in your car for awhile outside a trap house in a bad neighborhood.

4. Would not want to be followed by police after leaving a known trap house.

5. She may want to go to a bathroom afterward to consume her "stuff. " Might lock herself in there for a good half hour to do that.

6. She might overdose, and you would have to get emergency assistance.

7. Even if she does not overdose, she will be drugged out of her mind and there could be uncertainty about her ability to consent to sex.

8. If you continue seeing her in the future, she will keep asking you for these favors if you don't put your foot down.

If you want to build rapport with a girl, treat her with respect, see her regularly and / or pay her well, but don't be her * That's my opinion.

11-03-18, 07:56
Speaking from experience, I think you did the smart thing by refusing. There are plenty of good reasons:

1. Would not want to have dope in the car if stopped by police.

2. Girl might not come back and uphold her end of the deal.

3. Even if she does come back, you could be waiting in your car for awhile outside a trap house in a bad neighborhood.

4. Would not want to be followed by police after leaving a known trap house.

5. She may want to go to a bathroom afterward to consume her "stuff. " Might lock herself in there for a good half hour to do that.

6. She might overdose, and you would have to get emergency assistance.

7. Even if she does not overdose, she will be drugged out of her mind and there could be uncertainty about her ability to consent to sex.

8. If you continue seeing her in the future, she will keep asking you for these favors if you don't put your foot down.

If you want to build rapport with a girl, treat her with respect, see her regularly and / or pay her well, but don't be her * That's my opinion.Thank you so much. This is a great info. Glad I did refuse and asked board here before trying.

11-03-18, 07:59
Anytime you feel uncomfortable, bail out, you can always play another day. IMHO its bad enough to get caught with a hooker, really bad to get caught with dope.Every time I hit her this is the same text I get. I think I don't contact her again. This is absolutely helpful info. Thanks again.

Dream Monger
11-03-18, 08:03
Dreamt of an early morning cruise, on misty streets, as few roamed early morning Saturday. In time, Cookie spotted and we drove, talked & went for cigs & a drink for her (a tip, in advance). Made it to a spot, did few kisses, FIY, and she gave BBBJCIM for a Jackson. Great DT and great to see her vertical and mobile, not all zombie'd out, as in earlier this summer.

Had been dreaming of seeing tall, blonde, Abby from NE side, but she likes day-dreams, not the night dreams of my needs.

11-03-18, 08:12
Speaking from experience, I think you did the smart thing by refusing. There are plenty of good reasons:

1. Would not want to have dope in the car if stopped by police.

2. Girl might not come back and uphold her end of the deal.

3. Even if she does come back, you could be waiting in your car for awhile outside a trap house in a bad neighborhood.

4. Would not want to be followed by police after leaving a known trap house.

5. She may want to go to a bathroom afterward to consume her "stuff. " Might lock herself in there for a good half hour to do that.

6. She might overdose, and you would have to get emergency assistance.

7. Even if she does not overdose, she will be drugged out of her mind and there could be uncertainty about her ability to consent to sex.

8. If you continue seeing her in the future, she will keep asking you for these favors if you don't put your foot down.

If you want to build rapport with a girl, treat her with respect, see her regularly and / or pay her well, but don't be her * That's my opinion.I met another hottie from west but she is not new and used to well advertise earlier in BP for 200 hr. Like I said earlier SW are not my type or I rarely try in sully so I went for her. She also did the same got a Benjamin frm me and went inside the place I went to pick her up and came after 10 min before I took her to home. Once in my home she went to bathroom for atleast good 45 min. I got frustrated but in the end all went fine. But those waiting moments are really scary. Atleast I known her before, she didn't give permission to share her info but once doing do share.

Rack Pat
11-03-18, 12:14
I don't know for sure, but I would guess that they would be up for that. Neither of them would be considered shy about things.Yeah they do doubles. Just ask, they're down for it.

11-03-18, 20:38
Anyone know a BSW for me? I only go black and maybe I went thru them all? Seye was the last but she is so weird.

11-03-18, 23:40
New the the site, not to the game. Strolled down Sullivan the other day, spotted a cute little thing on a side street around the Wendy's. Backpack and all, she jumped in and gave me some direction to a place that seemed safe. Didn't look like a walker at first, but the eyes gave her away! Talked a bit and she got to work with bbbjns. Nice time, ill look for her again for more fun in the future!

Mr Blue 314
11-05-18, 02:24
Let's see. I smell some bullshit here! Last several reports on her have been she was not into it very much as she is possibly a lesbian.

So now we have two back to back posters with less than 5 posts between them saying she is great. I'm just saying two back to back stellar reports.

Some seniors want to chime in here?

Long time reader, first time reviewing. Scooped little blonde Korrinda at BP on Sully and Haugue. This girl has some cool piercings and tattoos, if you're into that type a thing. She had on some really tight leggings that highlighted her ass, and really hot leather jacket, biker type on. Or blond hair was down and she really looked cute. Got BBBJ And CFS In front seat. Dropped on Wicklow. Will reapeat for sure. For a little girl she has skills.

11-05-18, 03:29
Let's see. I smell some bullshit here! Last several reports on her have been she was not into it very much as she is possibly a lesbian.

So now we have two back to back posters with less than 5 posts between them saying she is great. I'm just saying two back to back stellar reports.

Some seniors want to chime in here?I messaged her and she did not seem interested in a client more interested in how I got a number to contact her. I am not for sure about everyone else opinion or experience with her, but I prefer at least showing an interest in the business and glad I did not waste funds with a girl who seems to not even be able to get out the gate with manners.

11-05-18, 13:29
Saw Maranda Sunday on the stroll. Thought I heard she was not a great performer but she looked good. This true or am I mistaken about performance?

11-05-18, 13:43
[Deleted by Admin]

Don't reply to those guys, just report the post and I'll take care of it. Some guys don't understand that the forum is about pussy and not their stupidity.


Dream Monger
11-05-18, 14:27
Dreamt of a veritable buffet from 7:30-9 am, Monday - 1-2 dozen lovelies out. The first, a tall, 5'10 blonde w / short frizzy hair, and only pink was a sweater, but inside her jacket, near Richardson. In her jeans, she almost looked like a LEO, so I passed by; only later, seeing her W. Of Hague, did I notice how slender her legs are, too thin to be a LEO. Was amazed to see an ATF, Sara / h, out in green w / large bag over her shoulder. Quite the amazing DT she gives, and her sultry voice is entrancing. But she disappeared into a backyard near Warren, into a Quonset hut type structure. It kept me driving up and down the area, hoping to rendezvous.

There was a ultra-cute brunette near the library, with short frizzy dark hair, and stylish little boots. But as it was near school-time, & she had a back-pack, I just drove near. She seemed to do 'the look', but it was only seeing her go down Sullivant, that let me know for sure. But another monger scooped her before me. One other blonde, in beige jacket, and with a large maroon bag, looked very fresh. About 5'2, 110 - but w / Sarah on my mind, I went close but didn't offer her. Down in the Bottoms, only a few were out around Yale, but none east of there. Except for a much later sighting of Alyssa, hair bobbed up and dressed for the cold.

I went shopping after 9, when the ladies all seemed to disappear. Coming back out before 10, hoping for Sarah, I saw another ATF, Lacey, on Hague. Synchronistic-ly, she wasn't SW'ing, but I connected with her to take a ride in my dream machine, to my apt. Had awesome DFK, FIY and CS. First coming in from the side, then finishing with her on top. Just 2 Jacksons, once a drive thru meal was tossed in. Have known her for 3 yrs now. Helping her in many ways & her being a good friend / listener to me.

She did confirm my suspicion that blonde Kiley was a TS, M2 F. Often saying she was on her period, to do Greek, rather than admit she has a he-stick. Kiley gives great DT, tho not as good as Sara / h, since w / Sara, you can FIY as she does all but swallow.

Dream Monger
11-05-18, 14:39
Dreamt of many tasty buffet portions from 7:30 to 9 am today. From a tall, 5'10, blonde with short frizzy hair. Only showing pink was a sweat under a jacket, near Ogden. I hadn't see her before, and her good clothes had me sensing LEO, until much later I saw her on the other side of Hague. And her very, very thin legs took me off the LEO idea. Also west of Hague was a sharp blonde in a black leather jacket (Korrinda? Only 5', 95 lbs, but a man walking near her had me thinking it could be a set up, so I kept circling Earlier sighting was Sara / h, with well styled hairdo, in green pantsuit. And the memories of her amazing DT had be cruising just to connect with her.

Another short frizzy haired brunette, near the library with cute boots and clothes, caught my eye. But though I got 'the look', I went passed, as her back-pack gave me pause, as it was still near school time. Only later, walking down Sullivant, did I come off my civilian idea, but by the time I got closer, she got scooped. Another short blonde, in beige coat, looked very fresh-faced and tasty, but I didn't offer. Her, nor the other few gals near the Warren Mkt. Much later, I saw Alyssa in the Bottoms, but for this morning, most of the better options were closer to Hague.

Nearing 9 am, the ladies seemed to hibernate. I went to do some shopping, and make one last pass closer to 10 am (hoping for Sara / h). I saw another ATF, Lacey, near Hague and the library. Not SW'ing, just out (was tired of busts). Gave her a ride in my dream machine, to my apt. , for a couple of Jacksons, for DFK, FIY and CS, first coming in from the side and finishing w / her on top. It was good to reconnect. Had her digits, but her phone got cut during her own crisis times. She did confirm my suspicion that blonde Kiley was a TS, M2 F. Tho she does give amazing DT.

11-05-18, 15:04
Yeah they do doubles. Just ask, they're down for it.Kayla (Mariah) has always doubled with whoever she happens to be with at the time. Saw her with Stacy a while back as an add-on and was the better performer for sure.

11-06-18, 08:23
She's way too old for me, but for 48 she doesn't look bad. One record lists her as 5'6" and 120 and another at 5'3"and 116. Either way it sounds like she has a proportionate body. Based on her rap sheet, it appears that Paula works the Hudson Avenue area. I wonder if she is an old pro or if her life just recently took a turn for the worse?

11-06-18, 10:38
Yeah they do doubles. Just ask, they're down for it.Is there a way to contact Kayla without trying to find her on the street?

11-06-18, 12:02
She's way too old for me, but for 48 she doesn't look bad. One record lists her as 5'6" and 120 and another at 5'3"and 116. Either way it sounds like she has a proportionate body. Based on her rap sheet, it appears that Paula works the Hudson Avenue area. I wonder if she is an old pro or if her life just recently took a turn for the worse?I think she's reasonably new to the area, maybe in the last year. She has a long trail in North Carolina.

11-06-18, 18:20
I think she's reasonably new to the area, maybe in the last year. She has a long trail in North Carolina.
She does look nice. She was discussed on here back in 2016. Unfortunately no first hand reviews.
Here are links to the thread.
Start at the top:

If you search her name on the busted mug shots web site, she has a long history of nefarious deeds. Based on what she has done in the passed, I would steer clear.

11-06-18, 18:35
Anyone willing to hook up a weary traveler with a young, clean safe lady? Would prefer thin, attractive, skilled, reasonable price, but beggars can't be choosers.

Rack Pat
11-07-18, 20:32
Is there a way to contact Kayla without trying to find her on the street?Sure, hit me up on the side and I'll tell you her full name, and you can contact her on Facebook messenger.

Tiny Pecker
11-08-18, 16:07
I would like to trade info on any UTR ladies. I have Meghan's number.

11-10-18, 18:09
Has anyone seen Caitlyn out recently? Or Brandie (short little blonde girl)?

11-10-18, 21:05
Has anyone seen Caitlyn out recently? Or Brandie (short little blonde girl)?I don't know who Brandie is but Caitlyn is on vacation until after the new year. She has been on vacation for a while now.

11-10-18, 21:24
I don't know who Brandie is but Caitlyn is on vacation until after the new year. She has been on vacation for a while now.Anyone know of any girls I could pay an Uber for to pick them up and bring them to my hotel off Dublin grainville?(I will pay 20 over and advise the girl to give you said discount) I also have multiple numbers for the Louisville my area. Respectfuly tips.

11-11-18, 08:29
Was down on Sully yesterday around noon. It was slim pickings, saw a couple of very strung out ladies around Dakota. Saw a brunette with a thick body near Yale, swung around a couple of times and finally the little head got the better of me and I made the scoop. She said her name was Mary and she is new, I believe her because she is not yet street worn. . 4 for BBBJ and CBS, when I got her clothes off I was pleasantly surprised, she is truly thick, not fat, tight skin and curves in all the right places. She is tight and slippery and really gets into it. No digits, said she is getting a phone Monday. Made plans to see her again today, I want to get as much of her as I can before the streets ruin her. I will see if she will let me get a pic to post.

11-11-18, 09:33
Sure, hit me up on the side and I'll tell you her full name, and you can contact her on Facebook messenger.Not sure why but every time I try to PM you it gets directed to someone else. Can you just PM me with Kayla's info?

11-11-18, 10:14
Lately I've been lucky as hell running into UTR's. Recently met a sexy Latina on main st. Didn't know if she was a civilian or not. Pulled around and made eye contact and it was a go. She got in and gave a BBBJCIM like I've never had before. Guys this is one of those wild Latinas that love it. She orgasmed just from the BJ. She has some huge tits and smells great and had no signs of habit said she just does weed. And she has a normal job. She was just out getting coffee and just wanted the money for it. She has a great personality and has some crazy cartel stories. She's new to Columbus. PM for # fellas must be willing to trade.I sent you a UTR through PM but you didn't give me the Latina info. ?

11-11-18, 10:44
Found another SW on the mugshot site. She got picked up for a traffic and substance violation. Her last SW offense was in 2013. She has a long list of priors that go back to 2009. Her stats on record are 4'11", 115. The usual suspects can be found on her FB as friends. I'm guessing she is not actively walking anymore?

11-11-18, 13:43
Anyone know of any girls I could pay an Uber for to pick them up and bring them to my hotel off Dublin grainville?(I will pay 20 over and advise the girl to give you said discount) I also have multiple numbers for the Louisville my area. Respectfuly tips.I drive a lot of the girls. Hit my inbox.

11-11-18, 18:08
Found another SW on the mugshot site. She got picked up for a traffic and substance violation. Her last SW offense was in 2013. She has a long list of priors that go back to 2009. Her stats on record are 4'11", 115. The usual suspects can be found on her FB as friends. I'm guessing she is not actively walking anymore?Thanks Jiz, lets me know not to try to find her, at least in the short term.

11-12-18, 08:49
[Deleted by Admin]

If you two are going to have a lovers spat either take it to a fight thread or get a room


WV Traveler
11-12-18, 13:57
Picked up Ashley on Sully Friday night, she asked me to give her a good review. Picked up her friend Shana Saturday morning near Sully / Warren. Both did BBBJ and FS for 60, I tipped Ashley another 20 because she offered to let me CIP when I was too far gone to be reasonable.

Ashley is younger and cuter, but Shana is much more talented. They can both be reached at the same number, PM me if you are a senior member or regular contributor.

Lucky Duck
11-12-18, 15:34
Last weekend, picked up Tiffany (brunette, small to spinner, good body) and Nichole (blond, older, great head but didn't strip), who were together on Sully near Hague. Only wanted one, but they wanted to stay together and eventually talked me into both. Got them some food and took them to my notel. They spent a lot of time eating and showering, and then Nichole (who seemed in charge) tried to demand up front payment, which I denied. Started with head from Nichole. She is good, with a velvety mouth and fine effort! She prepped me for Tiffany, missionary. She was tight and great! Damage was 0. 8 $. Regretfully, they did not have numbers, but promised to call me when they can. I haven't posted recently, having found the site up only recently after it was closed. Wasn't looking, thought it was down for good. By the way, I have Marissa's number, though I recommend her only for oral, and she will blow up your phone trying to get repeats. PM me for her's.

Lucky Duck
11-12-18, 15:39
.... Recently met a sexy Latina on main st. ... Guys this is one of those wild Latinas that love it. She orgasmed just from the BJ. She has some huge tits and smells great and had no signs of habit said she just does weed. And she has a normal job. ... She's new to Columbus. PM for # fellas must be willing to trade.Some of those Latinos sure can orgasm! They can get off just by rubbing over their pants!

11-12-18, 16:36
Hello fellow mongers,

Can't say enough how happy I am to be here. Also happy about the vast variety of SW's since popo has been spanked and locked away in an office somewhere. Thanks to Tammy last night for turning me onto this forum after our romantic road trip. Nice to know all the support we have here. Cruised Hudson east of 71 this morning and was not disappointed in the least. Don't just cruise the westside, get over to Hudson, you won't regret it my friends.

Balls-Deep.I've been down Hudson from High to Joyce and haven't seen anything of note. Might be time of day or the fact that it's really freaking cold out now but for me, nothing.

11-12-18, 22:32
Picked up Kris on Sullivant around hague today. Long hair caught my attention. Mid 20's, 5'5 I would guess around 120#. Average looking, messed up teeth though. BBBJ, she got the job done for 20 and a tip. Dropped her near pickup and headed home with a smile.

11-13-18, 00:35
Picked up Ashley on Sully Friday night, she asked me to give her a good review. Picked up her friend Shana Saturday morning near Sully / Warren. Both did BBBJ and FS for 60, I tipped Ashley another 20 because she offered to let me CIP when I was too far gone to be reasonable.

Ashley is younger and cuter, but Shana is much more talented. They can both be reached at the same number, PM me if you are a senior member or regular contributor.I have seen Ashley a few times. She is a safe Pickup. Never any BS or rush. I would agree that she is sort of vanilla. The last time I saw her she had no digits. She looks better in that pic than she did last time I saw her. How talented was her friend? If she is vastly better I would take the number.

WV Traveler
11-13-18, 05:49
I have seen Ashley a few times. She is a safe Pickup. Never any BS or rush. I would agree that she is sort of vanilla. The last time I saw her she had no digits. She looks better in that pic than she did last time I saw her. How talented was her friend? If she is vastly better I would take the number.YMMV, but Shana gave me one of the best BBBJs I've had in months.

Sir LanceLicksalot
11-13-18, 09:25
Which one is Shana?

Picked up Ashley on Sully Friday night, she asked me to give her a good review. Picked up her friend Shana Saturday morning near Sully / Warren. Both did BBBJ and FS for 60, I tipped Ashley another 20 because she offered to let me CIP when I was too far gone to be reasonable.

Ashley is younger and cuter, but Shana is much more talented. They can both be reached at the same number, PM me if you are a senior member or regular contributor.

11-13-18, 09:55
Which one is Shana?Shana is the skinnier one with the red / pink coat.

11-13-18, 12:42
I haven't seen her for a while but the bumps or sores are from her "anxiety" - they are self-induced. She picks on herself. She says ingrown hairs. She is a very intelligent girl and I believe she has an inner sweetness about her and she will use this to take advantage if given the opportunity.

I would love to see her beat her demons. She has showered when she can.

Not trying to brag but she is one of the few who can DT me. I kinda miss seeing her but I got involved in something (one) else. She used to be with Korrinda.

Marissa is the one who needs a shower. Lots of red spots on that one too. Been told that one doesn't hit the shower ever. As for eating and showers. Classic booker time management to keep their time with you to a minimum. Hate that crap.

Tiny Pecker
11-16-18, 12:23
I got sucked off by Meghan near the Wendy's on Sullivant. It was really cold and I was really drunk. Don't remember how much I paid, couldn't have been much. Have digits for trade. She's 30, looks younger, dark hair, thin, cute.

11-17-18, 06:44
Lately I've been lucky as hell running into UTR's. Recently met a sexy Latina on main st. Didn't know if she was a civilian or not. Pulled around and made eye contact and it was a go. She got in and gave a BBBJCIM like I've never had before. Guys this is one of those wild Latinas that love it. She orgasmed just from the BJ. She has some huge tits and smells great and had no signs of habit said she just does weed. And she has a normal job. She was just out getting coffee and just wanted the money for it. She has a great personality and has some crazy cartel stories. She's new to Columbus. PM for # fellas must be willing to trade.I have no luck finding UTR girls, I have tried all the UTR sites but no luck. I have an easier time finding civilian girls that are DTF. Any info on finding the UTR's would be greatly appreciated.

11-17-18, 09:11
I noticed another SW on the mugshot site who some of you might recognize. I think she was a regular on BP a couple of years ago? She's must be regular on Sully these days judging by the amount of times she's encountered LE this year. Her stats are 22 yrs old, 5'4', 120. It doesn't appear she has any children. There are recent photos on her FB. She must think of herself as hot because there are lots of selfies. There's one in particular that stands out where she is wearing a pink bra and her jeans are unzipped. I definitely remember one photo, from July 16,2016, that I think she used in a BP ad. She is wearing shorts and a white top. There is a green towel hanging on the bathroom door. She could use some firming up around the waist, but her body is decent and could be nicer with a minimum amount of work and diet. There are plenty of familiar friends on her FB. I had to find her sister's FB to find hers because she doesn't use her last name on her FB. It might be a nickame she uses that follows her first name. Think of a popular Indonesian island. Has anyone seen her or recognize her from BP?

11-17-18, 12:20
I noticed another SW on the mugshot site who some of you might recognize. I think she was a regular on BP a couple of years ago? She's must be regular on Sully these days judging by the amount of times she's encountered LE this year. Her stats are 22 yrs old, 5'4', 120. It doesn't appear she has any children. There are recent photos on her FB. She must think of herself as hot because there are lots of selfies. There's one in particular that stands out where she is wearing a pink bra and her jeans are unzipped. I definitely remember one photo, from July 16,2016, that I think she used in a BP ad. She is wearing shorts and a white top. There is a green towel hanging on the bathroom door. She could use some firming up around the waist, but her body is decent and could be nicer with a minimum amount of work and diet. There are plenty of familiar friends on her FB. I had to find her sister's FB to find hers because she doesn't use her last name on her FB. It might be a nickame she uses that follows her first name. Think of a popular Indonesian island. Has anyone seen her or recognize her from BP?She's been around a little while. Used to see her a lot, more than I should have actuallyHas gone down hill fast. I could probably tell you all kinds of things about her if you want.

11-17-18, 19:40
I noticed another SW on the mugshot site who some of you might recognize. I think she was a regular on BP a couple of years ago? She's must be regular on Sully these days judging by the amount of times she's encountered LE this year. Her stats are 22 yrs old, 5'4', 120. It doesn't appear she has any children. There are recent photos on her FB. She must think of herself as hot because there are lots of selfies. There's one in particular that stands out where she is wearing a pink bra and her jeans are unzipped. I definitely remember one photo, from July 16,2016, that I think she used in a BP ad. She is wearing shorts and a white top. There is a green towel hanging on the bathroom door. She could use some firming up around the waist, but her body is decent and could be nicer with a minimum amount of work and diet. There are plenty of familiar friends on her FB. I had to find her sister's FB to find hers because she doesn't use her last name on her FB. It might be a nickame she uses that follows her first name. Think of a popular Indonesian island. Has anyone seen her or recognize her from BP?I have reviewed her probably twice and I have seen her 20 times between BP and SW. She had a friend when she first came on the scene and I had both of them. She is hit or miss nowadays so I don't bother with her.

Humpty Dumpty
11-17-18, 21:39
I learned Tamara F, who worked Parsons for years, usually at Columbus Ave, has been dead of a heart attack. Her boobs and BBBJ skills were great. I creampied her once about 12 years ago and will always have fond memories of her.

11-19-18, 09:45
Picked Kayla / Mariah up this morning at 6 am just west of Hague. Mshe was looking great as always but also looking a little clear than I've seen her recently. I've actually passed her up a few times because of the zombie stumbling she was doing. Great time and went out of her way to be sexy as hell the whole time. $30.

11-20-18, 00:10
Great work WV Traveler. Those two look great. The older one on the right has that look like she's ready to go! Super jealous of your wknd!

Picked up Ashley on Sully Friday night, she asked me to give her a good review. Picked up her friend Shana Saturday morning near Sully / Warren. Both did BBBJ and FS for 60, I tipped Ashley another 20 because she offered to let me CIP when I was too far gone to be reasonable.

Ashley is younger and cuter, but Shana is much more talented. They can both be reached at the same number, PM me if you are a senior member or regular contributor.

11-20-18, 11:50
Picked Kayla / Mariah up this morning at 6 am just west of Hague. Mshe was looking great as always but also looking a little clear than I've seen her recently. I've actually passed her up a few times because of the zombie stumbling she was doing. Great time and went out of her way to be sexy as hell the whole time. $30.Picked her up brought her back to my place. Saw her pictures for years just never took the time to ca! L. She was uber nice sexy as hell alittle thin but had a great time. She showered here as well. Took my number as Korrinda cut her cell phone off for some reason. . 5 $$.


Mwm 55
11-20-18, 14:59
I drove E Main from Hamilton to Parsons, no luck. I went south on Parsons and picked up Nicky. Not bad, not great. Mid 30 brunette, some baby damage bad teeth, some signers of the habit. BBBJ then bb mish cip. 4 + 10 for the room.

11-20-18, 17:52
I saw her last night made the scoop at sully and chase went back to my room she is up for anything atm and ended with creampie $6 had a good time.

11-20-18, 23:49
Noon time rolling on sully saw a beautiful ass. Looped around and scooped up cookie. Ok, I should have known by her "dance" as she walked that she was a mess. But that ass. Once I scooped her, rolled a bit end just couldn't pull the trigger, just too f'd up and a real mess. Couldn't hold a conversation, face all broke out, wasn't going to work out at all. Dropped her near terrace where I picked her up, gave her 5 for the time and rolled. Several out this evening, the caddy escalate scooped the blonde I was after, how was she?

11-21-18, 02:40
Noon time rolling on sully saw a beautiful ass. Looped around and scooped up cookie. Ok, I should have known by her "dance" as she walked that she was a mess. But that ass. Once I scooped her, rolled a bit end just couldn't pull the trigger, just too f'd up and a real mess. Couldn't hold a conversation, face all broke out, wasn't going to work out at all. Dropped her near terrace where I picked her up, gave her 5 for the time and rolled. Several out this evening, the caddy escalate scooped the blonde I was after, how was she?She is a hot mess. Can be seen walking and falling on sully- sometimes pregnant. She ranges from 180 pounds to about 110. Just a mess. I only like the black ones but what ya see is not for me.

11-21-18, 09:46
Picked up Ashley on Sully Friday night, she asked me to give her a good review. Picked up her friend Shana Saturday morning near Sully / Warren. Both did BBBJ and FS for 60, I tipped Ashley another 20 because she offered to let me CIP when I was too far gone to be reasonable.

Ashley is younger and cuter, but Shana is much more talented. They can both be reached at the same number, PM me if you are a senior member or regular contributor.I noticed Ashley's photo on the mugshot site. Looked her up on FB. She has 5 accounts. She must fancy her appearance because there are plenty of photos. Nothing risqué. Looked a little chunky in her youth then slimmed down to a decent figure but looks a little doughy in recent pics. Doesn't appear to have any kids. 5'3", 120,22 yrs old.

Dream Monger
11-21-18, 15:39
Drove down around 8 pm, and saw few. Dreamed I got Hali, W. Of Hague, but she was rushing me to pull over anywhere. I like to take them home, to enjoy more than side-street quickies, & she wasn't into it. Gave her a 5 and dropped her off. Then met Tammy, in white down coat, W. Of Hague & got her to travel with me. She told a wicked story of abuse that a lot of these ladies have in their past. Got her a tip first, and she performed well after. BBBJCIM. Says she stays on the street, outdoors. That has to be tough with winter approaching. Know where she hangs out. May go back. Awfully thin, though, & I'm beginning to like them a little fuller figured.

11-21-18, 15:50
I noticed Ashley's photo on the mugshot site. Looked her up on FB. She has 5 accounts. She must fancy her appearance because there are plenty of photos. Nothing risqu. Looked a little chunky in her youth then slimmed down to a decent figure but looks a little doughy in recent pics. Doesn't appear to have any kids. 5'3", 120,22 yrs old.Ashley's body has been different each of the 3 or 4 times I have seen her. You never know what she looks like as she knows how to cover her flaws. Her ass is usually pretty nice though. She is also has a fairly open menu and her skills are good. She has never rushed me to finish and is a pleasant girl. Most of these girls have multiple FB accounts as they can not remember their passwords.

11-22-18, 22:40
Ashley's body has been different each of the 3 or 4 times I have seen her. You never know what she looks like as she knows how to cover her flaws. Her ass is usually pretty nice though. She is also has a fairly open menu and her skills are good. She has never rushed me to finish and is a pleasant girl. Most of these girls have multiple FB accounts as they can not remember their passwords.Poof. She's on vacation, most likely for 90 days. LOL, it like that insurance commercial "whoops, ya got to move faster than that!