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Nice Guy 195
07-18-11, 19:09
Gee, maybe this is why you shouldn't do bareback or DATY.You are assuming too much. I don't do BBBJ nor do I DATY. I always protect myself with as much foresight and diligence as I can. Things happen and this is a risky hobby that we have, maybe a little too risky. I'm still trying to remember her and the circumstances of our encounter but its fuzzy. I am surprised she still had my telephone number and I am trying to figure out why she would call me NOW.

Nice Guy 195
07-18-11, 19:19
I learned alot the past month or so. First, the police will not help us when we have a problem with this hobby. They think we deserve what we get when we get robbed, assaulted, scammed or otherwise fucked over. The prosecutors office feels the same way as I have found out also. These girls are NOT TESTED FOR STD'S unless a judge orders the test be done. The Sheriff's Office states they need a judges' order to do so, or the girls can voluntarily submit for the test, which they never do. The Health Dept states they have no policy or procedures to test these girls. Just no help out there for this problem. So, beware we are on our own out there which most of us already knew this anyway, but I admit, I was surprised by what I found out from these agencies. WE ARE IN THE WRONG FOR BEING WITH THEM. I'm still trying to put all this together as to who she is, where she works, and what she looks like. All fuzzy memories.

07-18-11, 20:18
What did she look like, where / around when did you pick her up?Look, gang, these girls are drug users or have sex with drug users and if you go bareback with them it is like you are having sex with everyone they have ever had sex with in terms of disease transmission. You could get exposed to Hep C and would not even know it for 10 or 15 years. So, use a anti-STD condom and some common sense. Do not do DATY unless you have an oral dam. Even if that is the case, make sure she showers first for goodness sake. Further, if you think you got together with a dirty girl, there are a couple of things you can do immediately- 1) Talk to a health care provider immediately if you think she is HIV positive or exposed so you can get some anti-virals in your system a. S. A. P. 2) If you think she has something else, keep several doses of tetracycline around the house. You can get it from Pet Supply websites. Take a full course. 3) Keep some valtrex around and just do a couple of doses twice a day for two days if you think you got exposed to herpes. You can get that online as well. 4) If you are just horny as hell and you do it unprotected because you are stupid, stop at the nearest drug store and get some betadine or iodine cream in the first aid section. Coat the outside of any exposed areas of your skin, glans, mucosa around the corona ring and shoot a little up your ureter. Believe it or not, during WWII prior to availability of antibiotics and concerns that so many troops were contracting V. D this was a pretty effective preventative treatment if a soldier went out on the town, got his drunk on and had his way with a few hookers and came back to barracks. They even had kits there with Iodine for the troops coming back after a night leave. The best thing of course is to use your common sense and see your doctor or a clinic immediately.

P. S. I have been in Columbus a couple of times the last year in the bottoms and never say ANYTHING that I wanted to pick up in terms of SW. They looked unhealthy. If they have sallow skin, eruptions, uber skinny, jaundice, or thin hair, stay the heck away from them. If they get in your car and have yellow eyes, kick them out to the curb.

Be careful!

07-18-11, 20:18
What did she look like, where / around when did you pick her up?
What did she look like, where / around when did you pick her up?Look, gang, these girls are drug users or have sex with drug users and if you go bareback with them it is like you are having sex with everyone they have ever had sex with in terms of disease transmission. You could get exposed to Hep C and would not even know it for 10 or 15 years. So, use a anti-STD condom and some common sense. Do not do DATY unless you have an oral dam. Even if that is the case, make sure she showers first for goodness sake. Further, if you think you got together with a dirty girl, there are a couple of things you can do immediately- 1) Talk to a health care provider immediately if you think she is HIV positive or exposed so you can get some anti-virals in your system a. S. A. P. 2) If you think she has something else, keep several doses of tetracycline around the house. You can get it from Pet Supply websites. Take a full course. 3) Keep some valtrex around and just do a couple of doses twice a day for two days if you think you got exposed to herpes. You can get that online as well. 4) If you are just horny as hell and you do it unprotected because you are stupid, stop at the nearest drug store and get some betadine or iodine cream in the first aid section. Coat the outside of any exposed areas of your skin, glans, mucosa around the corona ring and shoot a little up your ureter. Believe it or not, during WWII prior to availability of antibiotics and concerns that so many troops were contracting V. D this was a pretty effective preventative treatment if a soldier went out on the town, got his drunk on and had his way with a few hookers and came back to barracks. They even had kits there with Iodine for the troops coming back after a night leave. The best thing of course is to use your common sense and see your doctor or a clinic immediately.

P. S. I have been in Columbus a couple of times the last year in the bottoms and never say ANYTHING that I wanted to pick up in terms of SW. They looked unhealthy. If they have sallow skin, eruptions, uber skinny, jaundice, or thin hair, stay the heck away from them. If they get in your car and have yellow eyes, kick them out to the curb.

Be careful!

Buster Capp
07-18-11, 20:55
I just found out that I have had sex with a WSW that she has Hepatitis has been exposed to the HIV virus, (whatever the hell that means). I asked her why she didn't tell me this when, or before, we had sex. NO ANSWER. I then hung up on her and called the Columbus Health Department and they told me they can not do anything about this. They can't expose the girl, they can't test the girl. They can't do anything about her at all. I don't have enough information about her to post all of you so you can be aware of her. She said her name was Sally, but who knows. I know that we all run the risk out here and I always try to protect myself. I just hope that I did this time. When I get more information about this girl, I WILL POSTSorry to hear about this. I hope you did protect yourself and it worked this time. We will all assume you will do the right thing and cease hobbying until all tests are clear following a suitable incubation period. Sucks, but more importantly, take care of yourself, stay healthy, and help keep the community safe. And do post all available info regarding the SW who did this.

Best wishes niceguy.

Humpty Dumpty
07-18-11, 21:30
Nice Guy, this is very interesting, but don't get yourself worked up. You can bang hundreds of hohos raw and still not catch AIDS. I hope you have been vaccinated for Hep B though! Any girl under the same Sally will be on my blacklist I guess.

07-18-11, 21:49
I just found out that I have had sex with a WSW that she has Hepatitis has been exposed to the HIV virus, (whatever the hell that means). I asked her why she didn't tell me this when, or before, we had sex. NO ANSWER. I then hung up on her and called the Columbus Health Department and they told me they can not do anything about this. They can't expose the girl, they can't test the girl. They can't do anything about her at all. I don't have enough information about her to post all of you so you can be aware of her. She said her name was Sally, but who knows. I know that we all run the risk out here and I always try to protect myself. I just hope that I did this time. When I get more information about this girl, I WILL POSTYou need to go to The Columbus AIDS Taskforce website and go get tested on one of the days when they have testing for all STD's not just HIV.

You can google them for a calander of testing dates and times.

Oh, one other thing,

QUIT having unprotected sex! You are going to KILL us all!

This goes for all the other guys on here who bareback!

You are going to ruin your life, endanger the life of the providers you see and thier other clients!

So wrap those rascals!

The rotten penis you save may just be your own!

07-19-11, 00:08
I joined a month ago after finding out I would be visiting your fine city on business this week. First night hitting the Broad Sully loop did not disappoint! I saw several good looking WSW walking (even in the rain! You guys don't know how good you have it here, come to Utah sometime!) but after trying to navigate the one ways on the turn around, they were already swooped.

I saw Melissa walking down Sully after it stopped raining, she was wearing a black mini skirt (no panties!) and I pulled into an empty lot for her to jump in. Was a little nervous picking up my first SW here in Columbus, but all went smooth. She took me to a parking lot behind some apartments and for a hammy performed a great slow BBBJ without forgetting about the boys below. CIM and then had me drop her off at some other apartments saying it was too slow to be out tonight. No phone unfortunately be / see she said she gives great greek for two hammys and I would def have taken her up on it tomorrow night if I could get ahold of her. Oh well, maybe I will have just as good luck tomorrow after the meeting are done. Thanks for the info on here guys, makes my trip much more complete!

Humpty Dumpty
07-19-11, 02:28
Thats quite a humorous post, Desmond.

Humpty Dumpty
07-19-11, 02:54
Chuck, stop scaring Nice Guy.

Roadwarrior- I've BBFS hundreds, if not a thousand by now. I am disease free. If you don't believe me, I am not going to get defensive and argumentative. The HIV virus shows up in test 2 to 3 months after infection, not 2 years. Don't know where you picked up that bit of info.

Every time I bareback and creampie a lady of the street, I make sure to urinate soon afterward, and I wash my dingaling off with warm water. Usually I do this at the UDF at Sullivant and Hague. On South High, go to Speedway. You can wish your penis off in the sink there also. There is a crappy bar called Charlie's at Glenwood and Sullivant, thats another good place to wash your dick off in the sink. They never have soap or toilet paper in the bathroom at that bar. How nasty is that?

07-19-11, 09:17
Gee, maybe this is why you shouldn't do bareback or DATY.Sorry Niceguy, my comment was directed at those who do go bareback and DATY.

It was not an indictment of you.

I empathize and am truly sorry for your perdicament.

But, your story and anguish is a valuable reminder to the rest of us that this danger is huge and more prevalent than we would like to think.

07-19-11, 09:51
Sorry about the rant NiceGuy.

I was assuming that you went bareback. I hope you didn't and never do!

I also think you will be okay.

Anyhoo. It is true that it is much harder for a man to catch HIV through heterosexual sex than most people think.

It is even more difficult to get it from a BJ. Why chance it though?

Condoms used correctly can help prevent or at least lessen the chance for transmission of many diseases.

HOWEVER! No form of protection is 100%

It is important that all of us get tested on a regular basis.

Even when I wasn't in the hobby I would still get tested twice a year for HIV.

It is quick (30min) and easy (Oral swab) No needles or blood draw, and it is FREEEEE!

Why would we all NOT get tested?

The Columbus AIDS Taskforce is there to help with all your questions and testing for free!

I usually make a $50 donation every time I get tested.

I get a receipt and I can write it off on my taxes!

Stay safe!

07-19-11, 10:03
I've been happy with Tina, having seen her twice before, but was put off by the large, seeping wound she had on her right calf when I last saw her (and didn't pick her up). Any info? MRSA?

Called Tina this evening to see if we could meet. She answered right away and we agreed to meet at midnight. I picked her up at the agreed upon time and she looked great. Just showered and smelled fantastic. We went to my place again as I have had her there many times and she has always treated my home with respect. We sat and talked awhile, not rushed and started foreplay which was very good. She undressed and undressed me also. Her body is really, really good for a women in her early 40's. We went to the bed and she performed everything that I like. It was very GFE and best of all, not rushed. I hate it when they want to rush you and go. Afterwards, we went back to the kitchen table and talked awhile longer then I took her to the pick up spot. I gave her $60 for what was a very pleasant experience. Have digits if one wants.

Member #1052
07-19-11, 11:25
Chuck, stop scaring Nice Guy.

Roadwarrior- I've BBFS hundreds, if not a thousand by now. I am disease free. If you don't believe me, I am not going to get defensive and argumentative. The HIV virus shows up in test 2 to 3 months after infection, not 2 years. Don't know where you picked up that bit of info.

Every time I bareback and creampie a lady of the street, I make sure to urinate soon afterward, and I wash my dingaling off with warm water. Usually I do this at the UDF at Sullivant and Hague. On South High, go to Speedway. You can wish your penis off in the sink there also. There is a crappy bar called Charlie's at Glenwood and Sullivant, thats another good place to wash your dick off in the sink. They never have soap or toilet paper in the bathroom at that bar. How nasty is that?Humpty's right. Preaching and kicking a man when he's down is not the purpose of this forum. Nice Guy was passing valuable information as he always does. Next thing you know, you guys are going to tell me I can't wear a tu-tu and jack off while the girl pees on a Democrat.

PS. Even though Humpty and I share the same tastes and I respect all of his posts, now you guys know why I wash my hands in the toilet at UDF.

Member #1052
07-19-11, 11:31
Excellent 1st post Supes.

Thanks and happy hunting.

I joined a month ago after finding out I would be visiting your fine city on business this week. First night hitting the Broad Sully loop did not disappoint! I saw several good looking WSW walking (even in the rain! You guys don't know how good you have it here, come to Utah sometime!) but after trying to navigate the one ways on the turn around, they were already swooped.

I saw Melissa walking down Sully after it stopped raining, she was wearing a black mini skirt (no panties!) and I pulled into an empty lot for her to jump in. Was a little nervous picking up my first SW here in Columbus, but all went smooth. She took me to a parking lot behind some apartments and for a hammy performed a great slow BBBJ without forgetting about the boys below. CIM and then had me drop her off at some other apartments saying it was too slow to be out tonight. No phone unfortunately be / see she said she gives great greek for two hammys and I would def have taken her up on it tomorrow night if I could get ahold of her. Oh well, maybe I will have just as good luck tomorrow after the meeting are done. Thanks for the info on here guys, makes my trip much more complete!

07-19-11, 14:17
Is a very good deal on the streets of C-bus. Good score!

Excellent 1st post Supes.

Thanks and happy hunting.

Nice Guy 195
07-19-11, 16:50
I've been happy with Tina, having seen her twice before, but was put off by the large, seeping wound she had on her right calf when I last saw her (and didn't pick her up). Any info? MRSA?She hurt herself during a bicycle accident and also had a wound on her upper right arm. Arm has healed pretty well, but leg wound is taking more time. Still can raise her legs in the air, which is fine by me.

Nice Guy 195
07-19-11, 19:11
I was reading some of the SW Reports from earlier and read some about HEATHER with the step-dad with no legs. I have been with this one, probably 10 times in the last 3 months. I have never had one problem with her, not one. She has always showed up when she said she would, always been very attentive to my every need. Always been pleasant to be around, just an outright joy really. This is why I was very surprised to read these negative reports, because I have seen none of this, absolutely none. I just called her to set a date for this evening but I'm not going to mention any of the reports that I have read. I know her sister (or brother) , whatever you want to call IT isn't in the house now but she does have another brother named Derrick, which has been very nice and very helpful. Beats me. If it wasn't for the step-dad I would say this was another Heather.


07-19-11, 19:38
Humpty's right. Preaching and kicking a man when he's down is not the purpose of this forum. Nice Guy was passing valuable information as he always does. Next thing you know, you guys are going to tell me I can't wear a tu-tu and jack off while the girl pees on a Democrat.

PS. Even though Humpty and I share the same tastes and I respect all of his posts, now you guys know why I wash my hands in the toilet at UDF.Sorry Gang, I was not trying to scare anyone or kick anyone when they think they might have been exposed. In the early 90's you had to go to a local medical college in Toledo to get tested only on certain days and they were still deciding back then if they should publish the names of those infected if you came back positive. My heart never raced so hard and hope it does not ever race that hard again, I might not survive it! LOL.

The idea of the Hep B shot is also a very good one. I had that done for work reasons several years ago and I think it is a great idea for anyone who might risk exposure. Unfortunately, no vaccine yet for Hep C.

On a lighter note, you guys know what the difference is between marriage and herpes? Herpes lasts forever.

See you all in the bottoms in a week or so, back in Cap City. If I see anything worthy of posting, I will do so.

07-19-11, 19:46
I decided I needed to get out and see if I could find some fun today. I started my stroll west on Broad and went all the way to Wilson. I saw 2 Super Fuggly WSWs and 1 LOEs. It could have been because it was 97 degrees outside. In the cruisermobile it was a crisp 65 degrees! I ran south on Wilson to Sully then east. One very nice WSW just east of Wilson but couldn't get back to her before someone else got to her.

I saw 3 other WSWs but none of them were worth stopping for. No other LEOs in the area. I got almost to Avondale when I saw a cute blonde with glasses that didn't look like she was working but gave me the look. I looped the block and sure enough she needed a ride so she hopped in and we rolled. She said her name is "Misty" and is 34. She is 5'4".120 lbs. Nice C-cups with just a bit of sag but still nice. Her honey blonde hair was pulled up and looked good. With her glasses (she has really great eyes) she looks more like a librarian than a SP. She has a nice personality and doesn't appear to be burned out.

We rode a few blocks and chatted til I had time to check the 3-6-9s. After a quick LE check we negotiated some BBBJ, DATY and full service for $30 and headed to her friends secure apartment. A $10 tip for her friend was needed.

We got to the bedroom and she was all about having fun. After some BBBJ and DATY she put on the rain gear. We started with some MISH then legs over the shoulders, (I think the abreviation for legs over the shoulders should be LOTS) because it gives me really deep penetration and makes things tight! Next we had some CG then back to legs over the shoulders to finish. She has a really nice looking shaved pussy with a very full vulva and lips. She has a small tat just above her clit. She doesn't do K-9 because it makes her back hurt. She has a very decent body and a cute ass so I was a bit disappointed with no K-9. For being 34 she is pretty decent and about 6-7+ on the SW Scale. I will repeat if I can find her again. She doesn't have a phone as a "friend borrowed it and lost it". I did give her the Ho Phone # just in case she gets a new phone.

07-19-11, 19:53
Well done Supes! Very polished first post.

Was the Melissa you saw a little spinner with black hair and very nice teeth? If so she is a little hottie and fun to play with.


I joined a month ago after finding out I would be visiting your fine city on business this week. First night hitting the Broad Sully loop did not disappoint! I saw several good looking WSW walking (even in the rain! You guys don't know how good you have it here, come to Utah sometime!) but after trying to navigate the one ways on the turn around, they were already swooped.

I saw Melissa walking down Sully after it stopped raining, she was wearing a black mini skirt (no panties!) and I pulled into an empty lot for her to jump in. Was a little nervous picking up my first SW here in Columbus, but all went smooth. She took me to a parking lot behind some apartments and for a hammy performed a great slow BBBJ without forgetting about the boys below. CIM and then had me drop her off at some other apartments saying it was too slow to be out tonight. No phone unfortunately be / see she said she gives great greek for two hammys and I would def have taken her up on it tomorrow night if I could get ahold of her. Oh well, maybe I will have just as good luck tomorrow after the meeting are done. Thanks for the info on here guys, makes my trip much more complete!

07-19-11, 21:21
I learned alot the past month or so. First, the police will not help us when we have a problem with this hobby. They think we deserve what we get when we get robbed, assaulted, scammed or otherwise fucked over. The prosecutors office feels the same way as I have found out also. These girls are NOT TESTED FOR STD'S unless a judge orders the test be done. The Sheriff's Office states they need a judges' order to do so, or the girls can voluntarily submit for the test, which they never do. The Health Dept states they have no policy or procedures to test these girls. Just no help out there for this problem. So, beware we are on our own out there which most of us already knew this anyway, but I admit, I was surprised by what I found out from these agencies. WE ARE IN THE WRONG FOR BEING WITH THEM. I'm still trying to put all this together as to who she is, where she works, and what she looks like. All fuzzy memories.We are not on our own. Calm down with that because its not true. Police will help you. I'd police help drug dealer and murders why won't they help you ?

And yes you need a order to get anyone tested including a man.

07-19-11, 23:02
Thanks for the support all. It was my first post here, but I am an old handle in Utah. Time to go hit the streets for tonights fun. Hopefully a good report will be coming in a bit.

Traveler Two
07-19-11, 23:20
Chuck, stop scaring Nice Guy.

Roadwarrior- I've BBFS hundreds, if not a thousand by now. I am disease free. If you don't believe me, I am not going to get defensive and argumentative. The HIV virus shows up in test 2 to 3 months after infection, not 2 years. Don't know where you picked up that bit of info.

Every time I bareback and creampie a lady of the street, I make sure to urinate soon afterward, and I wash my dingaling off with warm water. Usually I do this at the UDF at Sullivant and Hague. On South High, go to Speedway. You can wish your penis off in the sink there also. There is a crappy bar called Charlie's at Glenwood and Sullivant, thats another good place to wash your dick off in the sink. They never have soap or toilet paper in the bathroom at that bar. How nasty is that?Damn. I can't tell you how many times I've been in that UDF bathroom. Don't worry though, every now and then they bleach the hell out of it. I thought things would be better over at the new BP but I've stopped there twice and the bathroom was locked up with an out of service sign both times.

Kaiser Soze
07-19-11, 23:32
It is a bit disconcerting that I too have visited the bathroom where Humpty washes his dick after a Dumpty.

07-20-11, 04:08
I love Columbus, at least when compared to Utah!

I left my hotel a little later than planned this fine evening, but I guess the va-jay never sleeps in Ohio! I hit the Broad Sully loop again since it didn't fail me yesterday. Once on Broad Uncle Leo was making his presence felt. Hard. I scooted over to Sully on Wilson and headed east (man, I love my car's GPS, I think under the attractions list there is a ho option!). I was about to give up on Sully since I was getting near I-70 (I think?) , when I saw a tiny little thang, Melissa (different one from yesterday) , who I am pretty sure is well reviewed on here. Brought her back to my hotel after stopping by an ATM (my only complaint about Columbus is the lack of cash back availability at gas stations. F*ck those ATM fees!) where we proceeded to have a grand old time. Naked she looked even tinier, if that is possible. Almost too skinny for my tastes. I need something to grab ahold of whilst pounding away! CG, mish and finished with a CBJ (a little toothy, but passable) .3 hammys and a ham sandwich tip. A little higher than I wanted to, but still much better than UTs price!

On the drive back she was still looking good, and her attitute is great, so I started getting a bit horny again. I found out today I won't have time tomo before leaving for New York for my third date, so I figured if anything attractive was still out (by this point it was about 1 AM) I would give her a nice little night cap and call the trip a success. That's when it got interesting.

Down Broad, I picked up a cute young lady, but she ended up being a 15 yard fake out, so I had to punt her out of the car. Although the final protest of 'I can even take my teeth out, you will love it! ' did perk my interest for a second (and the $4, literally FOUR DOLLAR price tag didn't hurt either). She looked too much like Hep B for me tho, so she got booted and I moved on. A lady down the road saw all this and ran out, great body, and asked if I wanted to come in her (sketchy) place. I declined and offered a ride, but she said she couldn't leave her daughter behind, gesturing at the 20 something lady behind her (yeah, right). She then asked if I wanted them both to jump in, which I entertained for a few seconds, before saying funding was low and I could only afford a BJ, and only one mouth is needed for that. Don't get me wrong, they were both do-able, but if push came to shove two on one is bad odds for our hero. After we decided a deal could not be reached, the young (er) one walked off muttering 'he's a cop'. Bit*h, I ain't no bacon! Moved on.

Was about to give up when I saw a STUNNING lady in capri's and a white tank, wonderful fakeys, who appeared to be walking home with some White Castle (yum). With a quick prayer to Deadbug, the patron saint of pooners in UT, I swung around (for once the one way was the right direction) and she was already heading to the alley. Her name was Wendy, god bless her. Cop check, the fakeys were obviously fakeys and I could feel the bag in there, but still fun to motorboat. Told her all I have was the last lonely hammy and she said bbj no cim was best I would get. She must have practiced this once or twice before, because even tho I had already unloaded the shotgun (read: pistol. Single shot pistol.) , she still got another round out expertly. Older lady, some hard lines in the face, but great rack and body, and BEAUTIFUL eyes. Swung by her motel and dropped her off.

And now I am back, getting in bed because it is real late. All in all, you guys need to stop moaning about the lack of talent here in columbus. Any one of the three ladies I saw today and yesterday would KILL IT in UT, charging double what they make here. Sorry this was so long, I guess I am starting page one of my manifesto here.

Humpty Dumpty
07-20-11, 15:12
Damn. I can't tell you how many times I've been in that UDF bathroom. Don't worry though, every now and then they bleach the hell out of it. I thought things would be better over at the new BP but I've stopped there twice and the bathroom was locked up with an out of service sign both times.The bathroom at that BP was closed when I was last there. I needed to take a shit really bad and my heart sunk when I noticed it was closed. Since the bathroom at UDF might be occupied for minutes at a time, I drove up Sullivant to Wendy's and took a shit there. I almost didn't make it. I was considered pulling over and crapping in the graveyard next to the Dari Twist but there were people out and about. Thankfully I made it to Wendy; s.

So does anyone have any numbers of young girls 18 to 25 who need a nice warm creampie?

07-20-11, 15:19
Damn. I can't tell you how many times I've been in that UDF bathroom. Don't worry though, every now and then they bleach the hell out of it. I thought things would be better over at the new BP but I've stopped there twice and the bathroom was locked up with an out of service sign both times.Man I aint going to argue with you. If you think it shows in 2-3 months, I'll let you have think that. And pissing does nothing.

07-20-11, 23:41
Freaking hilarious. I love your comment ". I can't wear a tu-tu and jack off while the girl pees on a Democrat."

Humpty's right. Preaching and kicking a man when he's down is not the purpose of this forum. Nice Guy was passing valuable information as he always does. Next thing you know, you guys are going to tell me I can't wear a tu-tu and jack off while the girl pees on a Democrat.

PS. Even though Humpty and I share the same tastes and I respect all of his posts, now you guys know why I wash my hands in the toilet at UDF.

Vince Delaus
07-21-11, 09:46
I love Columbus, at least when compared to Utah!

I left my hotel a little later than planned this fine evening, but I guess the va-jay never sleeps in Ohio! I hit the Broad Sully loop again since it didn't fail me yesterday. Once on Broad Uncle Leo was making his presence felt. Hard. I scooted over to Sully on Wilson and headed east (man, I love my car's GPS, I think under the attractions list there is a ho option!). I was about to give up on Sully since I was getting near I-70 (I think?) , when I saw a tiny little thang, Melissa (different one from yesterday) , who I am pretty sure is well reviewed on here. Brought her back to my hotel after stopping by an ATM (my only complaint about Columbus is the lack of cash back availability at gas stations. F*ck those ATM fees!) where we proceeded to have a grand old time. Naked she looked even tinier, if that is possible. Almost too skinny for my tastes. I need something to grab ahold of whilst pounding away! CG, mish and finished with a CBJ (a little toothy, but passable).3 hammys and a ham sandwich tip. A little higher than I wanted to, but still much better than UTs price!

On the drive back she was still looking good, and her attitute is great, so I started getting a bit horny again. I found out today I won't have time tomo before leaving for New York for my third date, so I figured if anything attractive was still out (by this point it was about 1 AM) I would give her a nice little night cap and call the trip a success. That's when it got interesting.

Down Broad, I picked up a cute young lady, but she ended up being a 15 yard fake out, so I had to punt her out of the car. Although the final protest of 'I can even take my teeth out, you will love it! ' did perk my interest for a second (and the $4, literally FOUR DOLLAR price tag didn't hurt either). She looked too much like Hep B for me tho, so she got booted and I moved on. A lady down the road saw all this and ran out, great body, and asked if I wanted to come in her (sketchy) place. I declined and offered a ride, but she said she couldn't leave her daughter behind, gesturing at the 20 something lady behind her (yeah, right). She then asked if I wanted them both to jump in, which I entertained for a few seconds, before saying funding was low and I could only afford a BJ, and only one mouth is needed for that. Don't get me wrong, they were both do-able, but if push came to shove two on one is bad odds for our hero. After we decided a deal could not be reached, the young (er) one walked off muttering 'he's a cop'. Bit*h, I ain't no bacon! Moved on.

Was about to give up when I saw a STUNNING lady in capri's and a white tank, wonderful fakeys, who appeared to be walking home with some White Castle (yum). With a quick prayer to Deadbug, the patron saint of pooners in UT, I swung around (for once the one way was the right direction) and she was already heading to the alley. Her name was Wendy, god bless her. Cop check, the fakeys were obviously fakeys and I could feel the bag in there, but still fun to motorboat. Told her all I have was the last lonely hammy and she said bbj no cim was best I would get. She must have practiced this once or twice before, because even tho I had already unloaded the shotgun (read: pistol. Single shot pistol.) , she still got another round out expertly. Older lady, some hard lines in the face, but great rack and body, and BEAUTIFUL eyes. Swung by her motel and dropped her off.

And now I am back, getting in bed because it is real late. All in all, you guys need to stop moaning about the lack of talent here in columbus. Any one of the three ladies I saw today and yesterday would KILL IT in UT, charging double what they make here. Sorry this was so long, I guess I am starting page one of my manifesto here.Hey Steel, what motel did you stay at? Was the "HOMETOWN MOTEL" on HARRISBURG PIKE? V

07-21-11, 16:25
Is it worth going out between say 11:00 am and 3:00 pm looking for SW's? I have only been out around 7 or 8, but will be in the area around the afternoon tomorrow and was wondering if it will be worth my time.

07-21-11, 19:31
I love Columbus, at least when compared to Utah!

With a quick prayer to Deadbug, the patron saint of pooners in UT,

Any one of the three ladies I saw today and yesterday would KILL IT in UT, charging double what they make here.SS333,

I totally agree with the UT comments. Damn, cannot wait to get the hell out of here, seems like that only a few of us are mongering here.

Yeah, the prices suck and I refuse to pay them. If all mongers refuse to pay them, then reasonable prices will exist.

I encounter more SWs that make me shudder than go yum!

I am trying to be consistent contributor on the SLC board, but it is pretty lame, seems hopeless ;(

Have mongered in C-bus a few times, similar to Naptown, enjoy, I did, and I will again!

Night and day, ain't it when it comes to the SW trade in S (o) L (ame) C (ity) and C-bus.

Who is Deadbug?


Mw Jrp
07-21-11, 20:52
I rolled for about 3 hours looking for a 10 and found only a few I did not want. But when I happened across Ashley (8. 5) I decided she was close enough and scooped her. She is pleasant enough, cute, nice shape, firm B's, and a long lipped giner that felt terrific. Ashley showered in the room and got nice and clean.

Her BBBJ was exceptional. She flicks the tongue on the tender underside below the head just perfectly. That got me hard for CFS CG and her giner was sweet. We did that for a while and then I asked for RCG. I guess that hurts her, so we skippped it.

I flipped her on her back and DATY for a bit, and that giner tasted as good as it looked. Along the way she did some LFK. Then it was my turn for CFS mish finish. She allowed me to finish completely and we cleaned up for this pic of her giner.

I have digits for active seniors. After the date I rolled up and down Sully and Broad and saw more action but none as good as Ashley IMHO. There were many hot looking citizens that caught my eye, but the workers were 7's and below. Be safe and good hunting. MW

07-21-11, 21:59
I rolled for about 3 hours looking for a 10 and found only a few I did not want. But when I happened across Ashley (8. 5) I decided she was close enough and scooped her. She is pleasant enough, cute, nice shape, firm B's, and a long lipped giner that felt terrific. Ashley showered in the room and got nice and clean.

Her BBBJ was exceptional. She flicks the tongue on the tender underside below the head just perfectly. That got me hard for CFS CG and her giner was sweet. We did that for a while and then I asked for RCG. I guess that hurts her, so we skippped it.

I flipped her on her back and DATY for a bit, and that giner tasted as good as it looked. Along the way she did some LFK. Then it was my turn for CFS mish finish. She allowed me to finish completely and we cleaned up for this pic of her giner.

I have digits for active seniors. After the date I rolled up and down Sully and Broad and saw more action but none as good as Ashley IMHO. There were many hot looking citizens that caught my eye, but the workers were 7's and below. Be safe and good hunting. MWSounds like you've better luck than I did. I was in the area around the same time frame and finally left around 8. I did pick up a WSW name Lexi, early 20 may be, dark hair, very petite. 5'3"ish wearing yellow tee and 3/4 black pants between 70 & Central around 5. Couldn't agree on $ so I drop her back off. Another WSW on Parson a little earlier but she was a bit strung out so I told her she needed to leave. (She looks decent from a distance but too worn out at close up) Have to try late night next week to see if there will be more of them out during those hours.

07-21-11, 22:02
Is it worth going out between say 11:00 am and 3:00 pm looking for SW's? I have only been out around 7 or 8, but will be in the area around the afternoon tomorrow and was wondering if it will be worth my time.I've been there during those hours a couple three times in the last couple of weeks. Not much going on at all IMHO.

07-21-11, 22:11
However, since some here feel I'm full of crap, these pictures didn't really happen.

I didn't have a great time and I didn't take a lot more.

And, no she doesn't have a phone.

Nice Guy 195
07-22-11, 00:43
About 11:00 PM I decided to go out to the Taco Bell. I thought I would travel down Sullivant to see what was out. At Hawks there was a petit girl about 5'4" with small body that looked real good, but it was dark. I circled back and she came to the car and got in. Right away she started with a great attitude and was very cheerful. Not high cheerful, but genuine. I liked right away. We went to my favorite hide out and she was playing with me all the way there. When we got there she started to undress and showed me that she had all the right stuff in all the right places. Very clean, smelled nice, and very soft skin and vagina area. She started undressing me and again playing with everything. VERY GFE. I stopped her and said we should talk about donations and she stated that she wasn't worried about that. She said she knew I would be fair with her. Very good CBJ and I played with her till I thought I was about to blow. She then got on her back and dragged me on top of her. WOW. Very good. I gave her $4 plus 1 tip. She said that was fine and made me promise I would see her again. But no phone, so I gave her mine.

Highly recommend

Kaiser Soze
07-22-11, 06:16
On my way home about 5:00 saw a short (5'2" or so) black hair petite girl in a miniskirt and yellow top on Sully around Princeton. She smiled so I swung around and she hopped in. Very petite, looked decent, great attitude. Enjoyed a BBBJ for. 2 then dropped her. I don't think she noticed the gob that went into her hair. Overall fairly decent and problem free.

Kaiser Soze
07-22-11, 06:18
Anyone else see Jamie / Savannah in the latest slammer? Looks like she got hit by a donut truck.

Mw Jrp
07-22-11, 10:01
Had trouble laoding the pic of her asset. MW

07-22-11, 11:20
However, since some here feel I'm full of crap, these pictures didn't really happen.

I didn't have a great time and I didn't take a lot more.

And, no she doesn't have a phone.Not sure who would say you are full of crap, that's just BS. Just an idiot who does't know WTF they are talking about and hasn't RTFF.

Damn you have always thrown down some nice ladies over the years, obviously still at it too, same as it ever was.

Best to ignore idiots.


Right Thing
07-22-11, 15:17
I had Tina out 2 nights ago. Had a very good time and was GFE. Here is picture.


07-22-11, 16:38
Cruised sully today from 1:30 til about 3 and nothin. Of course with it being 100 outside I wasn't expecting much, but was hoping to find someone. Tried Chastity, but her number isn't working today. Oh well, always later.

Rack Pat
07-23-11, 08:42
I'm sure almost everyone here knows Melissa (aka Lexi). Does anyone here know her friend, Becky? Cute little blonde girl. 23, looks about 15 why / o? Hit me up if you do.

07-23-11, 18:30
Natasha has an ad on BP in Denver.
I'ver known her for a long time and believe me, her ad does her no justice.
We met at her place, went to my motel room and got reacquainted.
I will admit to BBBJ, Mish CG, RCG, doggier, anal and everything else.
One of the sweetest girls in Denver.

Yea, I'm posting here cause the Denver board sucks.

Also met Nina at the gas station around 9AM.
She walked by, our eyes met, I motioned and she got in.
Back to the motel for some great BBBJ, CG, doggie (no anal).
Agreed to $30.
Said she wa 27, but had a body of an 18YO.
34B 5'1" 125 great skills, quiet friendly, bad teeth. (hense forced smile to hide them)

Got a couple more.
Got to resize the pics

07-23-11, 18:41
In no specific order.

Alana. 26 and was very friendly and pleasing.

No need to describe. What you see is what I got.

And Jaz. 19 32B firm and just dam young and sweet.

07-23-11, 18:46
Saw her at the bus stop.

We chatted for a minute.

I was in love

07-23-11, 18:52
Actually had her twice.

The first time on purpose.

The second time it was dark and I didn't recognize her.

Was OK.

Did it all for $30

07-23-11, 19:07
Saw Miranda yesterday.

Wasn't up to her usual sexy looking self, but, with her clothes off and her head in my crotch sucking my dick, I don't really care what she was wearing.

And Today I saw TT on Liv.

She's changed. Really quiet, put on a few pounds (Which is a good thing)

Think she was tweeking a bit, cause when I parked, at the same place we've parked 1000 times, she starts getting paranoid. I see what's happening and said "let's go then", to which she quickly jumped in back and took her top off.

I followed and had a really good BBBJTCCIM for $23.

07-23-11, 19:12
I'm sure almost everyone here knows Melissa (aka Lexi). Does anyone here know her friend, Becky? Cute little blonde girl. 23, looks about 15 why / o? Hit me up if you do.Is Lexi a short-haired brunette with red highlights who hangs out at the bottom of The Bottoms? If so, I have seen her often, but never picked her up. Sometimes she's with a cute, very young-looking blonde (5"5", medium to long hair, doesn't seem high). Once this young blonde showed me her tits; they are youthful, and close to perfect. She had no interest in dating, however.

Hope this helps!

07-23-11, 19:19
My outdoor sex girl called me yesterday, to apologize for calling so late last week asking for a ride home fromt he hotel.

Seems HD, and a few others called me on this as BS, as she's a working girl who asked to get raped.

Seems that the dude is now in jail, as he's done this to 3 others, but they never knew his real name. Outdoor girl did.

She gave me a few more details, and it was horrible. She's slowly getting over it (but never will) and we're going to try to date soon.

Just saying.

And, yes, the Police will help a SW female in distress, but, agreed, the Police will not help a trick who gets ripped off by a SW.

Yes, I have had personal experience. I got ripped off, I called the cops, they cuffed me and put me in the back seat of the car and ran me for warrents. Didn't have any, so got the lecture (from a cop younger than my kids) and told to get outa that part of town.

07-23-11, 20:04
Friday afternoon, cruzed broad and nothing out, over on shully there was a few. Noticed Cayln & a friend but passed looking for something else. Found older Nicki, which was a bad choice cause I remember now about her bad bjs. Found Chrystal, and had CBJ & ccg. She had a phone but no time, so didn't ask for.

07-23-11, 22:08
For those ofyou who just like looking at women on the street here's:

Kroger girl. Looking really hot.

And Cleve 1 and 2 shouting to eachother across the street. Just N of Northern Light

Humpty Dumpty
07-24-11, 02:26
Well, Shadow, I guess I can say a couple good things. Renee looks good except for the stubble and the tattoos. And you should've made an indecent proposal to Kroger girl.

Okay guys. You no longer have to pay for the busted paper. www.bustedmugshots.com Is free now, however, I believe they are still not publishing all of the photos of the people arrested. Still not perfect, but a step forward for sure. You can search by name as well. Megan Wymer's most recent mugshot looks terrible! Things have changed for since the last time I nutted in her.

Also, about my post concerning needing a find a bathroom while driving around late at night in shitty neighborhoods. Theres a phone app called "sitorsquat" that can tell you where a bathroom is so you no longer have to take a shit at a car wash or piss in a gatorade bottle. I keep my wallet and expensive Android phone locked up in my glove compartment, but I also carry a cheap ass prepaid phone for 911 calls and booty calls that is within reach of me, but not anyone that I pick up. Of course, most of you dudes are familiar with where to take a crap while driving around late in Columbus but if you travel like I do this certainly helps.

Rack Pat- is Lexi that rail thin cute spinner girl with the dark hair? I blew my load in her. She wanted too much money but she got the standard rate of 30.

07-24-11, 13:30
Cruised Parson after work around 930 & nothing last night. Decided to go over to Sully to see what's going on there. Didn't see much not all the first pass from Central to Wilson, but on the way back down around 1030 & spotted a young blonde a few blocks E of Central. I slow down to as I passed her but didn't get the look. Pulled in front to a side street and waited but again no look as she passed. I started to continue E on Sully and still didn't see any other SW out. Then I saw the same blonde still walking as I circle back west than she hopped into a van right in front me. But not even a few minutes later when I circle back, I saw her at a pay phone at Avondale & Sully. This time she gave me a look as I passed. I stopped about 50 ft away and she approached and hopped in. After LE check, she directed to her safe spot, and told me. 4 or. 6 for the whole deal. Agreed on. 3 for 1/2 CIM then gave her another. 1 for FIY. I would rate her an 8 for looks and same with performance. 22 yrs old with nice soft A+ cup and a soft butt. 5'5"ish 115# may be, a young hard body. She doesn't allow pic but gave me digit and told me she only gives it out to people that she feels safe with. I'll ask next time if I can share it and may be a non facial pic. She did said she's been mentioned in here & a few different sites. It's was a good night for me to start my vacation.

Humpty Dumpty
07-24-11, 15:27
Why do you guys insist on overpaying? Am I the only person on this board that does not have unlimited disposable income? You guys probably would overpay for car insurance even if you went to Progressive or Geico!

Here's the deal. 20 or less for BBBJCIM. 30 or less for BBFSCIP. If she is top shelf, model quality, then maybe 40. But usually even those types will settle for cheap. For an entire hour of service at a hotel. 50 or 60.

If you dudes just want to throw your money away, donate it to Planned Parenthood or the Columbus AIDS Task Force. You aren't paying for these ladies' college educations. You're paying for Tyrone's spinning rimmz and gold teef, and for the cartels in Latin America. You aren't doing her any favors by giving her more money. Suppose I give a girl 20 bucks. Then she can only do so much junk with that. Then Joe Spendthrift gives her 60 for the same service. She overdoses because she was able to buy more shit. Smooth move, ex lax, now she's dead.

Oh yeah. I only fuck good looking girls under 30 who give good service. My definition of "good looking" is a bit different from what a lot of you dudes think, thats for sure. My opinion of good looking is Megan Wymer when she was 18. Most of you guys would think Jennifer Wymer 2011 is model quality. Gross!

07-24-11, 23:35
Oh yeah. I only fuck good looking girls under 30 who give good service. My definition of "good looking" is a bit different from what a lot of you dudes think, thats for sure. My opinion of good looking is Megan Wymer when she was 18. Most of you guys would think Jennifer Wymer 2011 is model quality. Gross!That being the case, can you do us a favour and go back thru your old posts, and give me the post #'s that include some pictures of some of the women you've fucked?

I can't seem to recall any real pictures. I think I remember some site you directed me to with a bunch of pictures, but, with no indication that it was yhou who boned them.

Meaning, you seem to criticize evryone here for what they're screwing, but I ain't seem no pictures of what yhu been screwing.

No offense intended, just curious what you've been screwing, (not that I want to screw them) not what you believe to be good looking.

I think Halle Berry is good looking, but, I ain't screwed her.

Just asking

Humpty Dumpty
07-25-11, 02:12
Jackson deleted a couple posts with video presentations of ladies to whom I have donated my Adonis DNA. I got the pictures from their social network sites, and a couple pics were from the mugshot sites. Volume 3 will have a couple pics that I shot myself. I do not use my camera phone to take pics because the pics may contain EXif data. You guys might want to consider this when taking pictures yourself. This was Sullivant Guy's undoing, was it not? If you're going to take pics of a hoho, do it with a digital camera that doesn't have your name or personal info tied to it somehow. Mine is a used Canon that I bought for dirt cheap on Craigslist.

07-25-11, 07:51
Jackson deleted a couple posts with video presentations of ladies to whom I have donated my Adonis DNA. I got the pictures from their social network sites, and a couple pics were from the mugshot sites. Volume 3 will have a couple pics that I shot myself. I do not use my camera phone to take pics because the pics may contain EXif data. You guys might want to consider this when taking pictures yourself. This was Sullivant Guy's undoing, was it not? If you're going to take pics of a hoho, do it with a digital camera that doesn't have your name or personal info tied to it somehow. Mine is a used Canon that I bought for dirt cheap on Craigslist.So, I guess the answer is you ain't got none.

Not dooubting your manly prowess, but, in another forum, we have a saying.

". If you ain't got pictures. It didn't happen".

Tobys downfall was he took pictures of his dates while using his wifes car.

Thanks for the confirmation.


07-25-11, 12:33
Greetings Gentlemen,

A few weeks back there was a report Jessica AKA Jesse was assaulted by a person she had never seen before and she had to cut him with her knife because she was afraid he was going to kill her. Since that time both of her phone numbers have been either disconnected or changed. Bases on a couple of posts here she had a rough time of it.

I've seen her several times and I'm hoping that someone has her new phone number. IF you have any info and her phone number, please PM me with that info.



07-25-11, 12:44
However, since some here feel I'm full of crap, these pictures didn't really happen.

I didn't have a great time and I didn't take a lot more.

And, no she doesn't have a phone.Hey Shadow,

Ignore the Dim-Wits you've been on the job too long to let rookies mess with your head. Ask them to post their pics that they have taken.


07-25-11, 12:56
Humpty is totally right. Girls will figure it out real quick when you hold the line on the donation. $20 to $30 is extremely reasonable. If you just say no to their requested amount the tune changes quickly. If they don't agree stop the car and let them out. There's plenty more and new faces every week.


Why do you guys insist on overpaying? Am I the only person on this board that does not have unlimited disposable income? You guys probably would overpay for car insurance even if you went to Progressive or Geico!

Here's the deal. 20 or less for BBBJCIM. 30 or less for BBFSCIP. If she is top shelf, model quality, then maybe 40. But usually even those types will settle for cheap. For an entire hour of service at a hotel. 50 or 60.

If you dudes just want to throw your money away, donate it to Planned Parenthood or the Columbus AIDS Task Force. You aren't paying for these ladies' college educations. You're paying for Tyrone's spinning rimmz and gold teef, and for the cartels in Latin America. You aren't doing her any favors by giving her more money. Suppose I give a girl 20 bucks. Then she can only do so much junk with that. Then Joe Spendthrift gives her 60 for the same service. She overdoses because she was able to buy more shit. Smooth move, ex lax, now she's dead.

Oh yeah. I only fuck good looking girls under 30 who give good service. My definition of "good looking" is a bit different from what a lot of you dudes think, thats for sure. My opinion of good looking is Megan Wymer when she was 18. Most of you guys would think Jennifer Wymer 2011 is model quality. Gross!

Member #1052
07-25-11, 13:06
Amen to that!

Hey Shadow,

Ignore the Dim-Wits you've been on the job too long to let rookies mess with your head. Ask them to post their pics that they have taken.


Traveler Two
07-25-11, 14:27
Hey Shadow,

Ignore the Dim-Wits you've been on the job too long to let rookies mess with your head. Ask them to post their pics that they have taken.

Jaguars49While I agree that there is a need for more pictures here. I think both shadow and humpty are both for real. They just frequent different areas. Shadow seems to know the N / E side scene and humpty knows the W / S sides.

Humpty Dumpty
07-26-11, 04:20
Actually I am quite familiar with all over town. I tend to avoid Main and Livingston because its dangerous, full of TVs, and just a waste of time. Cleveland and Hudson have a few gems, and campus is always worth prowling around even though the SW scene has become almost non-existent.

Nirvana614's new mugshot is on bustedmugshots. Com, and I got to admit, it isn't very flattering.

Michelle Bennett has a recent mugshot, not bad! I guess she is outa prison. I have heard a rumor she has AIDS, but the source of that rumor was a customer of hers who is a schizo Vietnam vet who is well known to the Columbus police who enjoys making prank calls, drinking and making a fool of himself.

I drove around tonight just for the hell of it. 9 PM, window shopping. Didn't see much.

07-26-11, 07:56
I was on Sully yesterday between 4 and 5 pm and there was a hottt little blonde with a long ponytail walking east between Oakley and Whitethorn. She was wearing a bright pink tank top and denim short shorts. She looked to be about 19 or 20.

I made a couple of loops but she didn't give any looks so I don't know if she was looking for dates or not.

Did anyone else see her?

07-26-11, 08:59
I had Tina out 2 nights ago. Had a very good time and was GFE. Here is picture.

138491Hey RT,

You take this Pic?


Right Thing
07-26-11, 09:19
Hey RT,

You take this Pic?

SpinmanNo found on this site somewhere.

07-26-11, 20:20
., but the source of that rumor was a customer of hers who is a schizo Vietnam vet who is well known to the Columbus police who enjoys making prank calls, drinking and making a fool of himself.I know you don't give a damn, but, a lot of us never came back the same. But, that VETERAN has seen and done shit that you'll ever see in any movie. He's that way for a reason, and our government has turned it's back on us / them.

You don't know, so you don't have, and haven't earned the right to make any judgement as to what that VETERAN thinks, does, says.

Walk a mile in his combat boots. You couldn't do it.

Humpty Dumpty
07-26-11, 22:06
Just making a statement of fact about this gentleman, thats all, no disrespect to his veteran status or to the men and women of the armed forces.

So how has the action been on the streets?

07-27-11, 06:32
Just making a statement of fact about this gentleman, thats all, no disrespect to his veteran status or to the men and women of the armed forces.

So how has the action been on the streets?I don't know about other vets, but I feel disrespected by your characterization of Viet Nam Vets. You included it in a list of less than desirable traits.

But thats okay, God gave you the right and I, the Veteran, protected your right to say it.

My friends and I have gone through and done some serious shit for about 200 years so that you can sit in comfort at your computer and type whatever you want.

07-27-11, 13:56
Humpty is totally right. Girls will figure it out real quick when you hold the line on the donation. $20 to $30 is extremely reasonable. If you just say no to their requested amount the tune changes quickly. If they don't agree stop the car and let them out. There's plenty more and new faces every week.

Jaguars49.I agree about over paying. There was a time when you went to CL or BP and you could call a girl and it was $100 for the hour, now standard is $200 or more, most of the girls I have talked to said it was because the guys were willing to pay it. Remember the laws of supply and demand.

07-27-11, 17:20
I agree about over paying. There was a time when you went to CL or BP and you could call a girl and it was $100 for the hour, now standard is $200 or more, most of the girls I have talked to said it was because the guys were willing to pay it. Remember the laws of supply and demand.When I was in Denver, I hd 2 BP girls.

One I've known for years, and had been talking to before I even got there.

Paid her $40 + $20 for her daughter.

The other one, as it turned out, was her room mate.

Saw her on Colfax (the stroll) at 10 AM.

Had her for $40.



07-27-11, 19:59
Did the Sully & Board loop this afternoon. Started around 3 and didn't see much on Sully so headed to W. Board. Spotted Jessica again a few block E of Central just standing in front of a vacant building near Yale. Kept cruising W all the way to Hague and didn't see anything so went back to pick her up. Agreed on. 3 CIM and it's as good as a few nights ago. When I was dropping her off she made sure that I still have her digit and gave me a hug. Although I forgot to inquire about a pic and sharing her digit, sorry.

Before I left I looped the area again, and pick up Hayley on Board. She immediately talked about how she needed $ and something about her ex and buying diapers for her kids. I finally brought her a sandwich and told her I needed to go. Went over to Sully after that because I didn't want to get stuck in traffic going home and saw a few more WSW. Spotted a young redhead and a blonde in pony tail on Sully around Glenwood. Wanted to pick up the redhead but someone else got to her right before me. Oh well, may be next time. I did asked Jessica what time of the day is best to cruise the area and she told me from 5-9am. 12-2, and 430-630. It's kinda good info but I don't think I will ever try the 5-9am thing. Perhaps some of you might like those hours.

Traveler Two
07-28-11, 02:08
When I was in Denver, I hd 2 BP girls.

One I've known for years, and had been talking to before I even got there.

Paid her $40 + $20 for her daughter.

The other one, as it turned out, was her room mate.

Saw her on Colfax (the stroll) at 10 AM.

Had her for $40.


http://denver.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/hot-and-spicy-style-sexy-spanish-25/6892797I loved playing in Denver, TOB and bear's were great guides to that city. Haven't been to a good AMP since.

07-29-11, 22:54
I was in town over night, so got out to see what was happening in the city. Hit Parsons first and pass 1 WSW down by the fire station. Went around the block and noticed le slowly trailing behind me. Tryed to loose them by turning on a couple of different street, but they managed to catch up with me. Tailed me from Parsons & 104 all the way north to Main St. Were I jumped on the highway. Once they seen I was alone they went east on Main and got the hell out of dodge. Went over to the bottoms and ther was alot more le hanging out in the area. They were following cars, stopping and running checks on girls and had cars pulled over. So, I got the hell out of there. I know theres been a lot of crime in thoses area's lately, so I guess there looking at any and everything.

Went up to Cleveland Ave and found Heather at Cleveland and Weiber. She jumped in and said lets get out of here the cops are bad tonight. So, off we went. She is a cute little spinner. Brown hair, small tits, about 5'4, 100lbs wet. 28 years old and great personality. We went to her spot and got a nice BBBJ, deep throat, cim and swallow. She would turn her head certain way to get my cock all the way down her throat. She said she want repeat business. So she is out to please and always swallows. Hope to see her again. She just moved here three weeks ago.

07-30-11, 03:26
Yesterday eveing meet BSW De-De just North of Northern lights. She was a little paranoid and not wanting to leave from the area I picked her up from. That part is always too hot with le. I wanted FS, but with daylight still out she was only willing to do a rolling CBJ. Gave her my, & was supposed to get back later on at night, but never got a call back.

Friday morring meet WSW Marea on sully. Went to her place & she wanted to charge to much for FS, so just settled for bbj which was poor, won't pick her up again.

07-30-11, 17:07
I haven't seen her yet; WSW or BSW? Digits available?

I was in town over night, so got out to see what was happening in the city. Hit Parsons first and pass 1 WSW down by the fire station. Went around the block and noticed le slowly trailing behind me. Tryed to loose them by turning on a couple of different street, but they managed to catch up with me. Tailed me from Parsons & 104 all the way north to Main St. Were I jumped on the highway. Once they seen I was alone they went east on Main and got the hell out of dodge. Went over to the bottoms and ther was alot more le hanging out in the area. They were following cars, stopping and running checks on girls and had cars pulled over. So, I got the hell out of there. I know theres been a lot of crime in thoses area's lately, so I guess there looking at any and everything.

Went up to Cleveland Ave and found Heather at Cleveland and Weiber. She jumped in and said lets get out of here the cops are bad tonight. So, off we went. She is a cute little spinner. Brown hair, small tits, about 5'4, 100lbs wet. 28 years old and great personality. We went to her spot and got a nice BBBJ, deep throat, cim and swallow. She would turn her head certain way to get my cock all the way down her throat. She said she want repeat business. So she is out to please and always swallows. Hope to see her again. She just moved here three weeks ago.

07-30-11, 21:40
I haven't seen her yet; WSW or BSW? Digits available?Check my post from 7 July. #3709. Pic #1.

Description pretty right on.

Saw her a couple days ago. She was walking home. I was on the bike. She offered a BBBJTCCIM in the alley.

Woulda but there was people in the alley.

07-30-11, 21:43
Cruised Sully & Board Friday night after the rain for about an hour, nothing. Followed by LE for a few blocks going east on Sully, so I jumped on 70E and went over to Parson. Again nothing happened there either.

This afternoon I started around 130 and did the same loop and didn't see much either. There were a couple at the bottom off Sully but were not worth stopping. Took off around 230, went to the gym and went back around 530.

Again, started at Wilson and head east on Sully. A few block pass Hague, I caught up to LE 2 cars in front of me. I didn't want to follow him that close all the way down, so decided to turn at Wheatland to sit in the parking lot for a little while. As I was turning into the parking lot, Sam, short blonde hair about 5'8" cute spinner was right in front of me. I pulled into the lot and saw her coming up to me in the rear view mirror. Another LE was going down Sully as Sam hopped in. W / O wasting time, we drove off to find a spot. She told me she doesn't walk much, and agreed on. 2 BBJ and asked for another. 2 for WS but settle for. 05 for CIM. She has a pair of soft A's and allow FIV but no pic and no digit. Drove around a little more and didn't see much so headed over to Parson before getting dinner.

There was about 5-6 WSW on Parson around 7pm. 2 were 40+ and not worth the time. 1 was talking with some dude in a car in front to Tee Jay. 2 more walking north pass Thruman. 1 of them was long brown hair in pony tail 5'4" and nice body. I passed them about 3 times and only got the stare and wasn't sure if they were working. I was only window shopping anyway so didn't try to stop. Saving some for another day.

07-31-11, 09:39
I don't usually go that far down on Sully but did find a nice WSW about 5'2 120lbs, nice rack and smelled great. Drove by her once and no look, drove by again and got just a glance. After losing a couple this week by.

Not pulling the trigger, I pulled up and told her it was too hot to be walking and I would give her a ride. Said she was just going to the store and I said hop in and I'll take you to the store. She was very careful not to

Discuss money. I started with the whole you look like a girl from a strip club that I use to date. She ate that up and said she likes to strip. I layed. 30 on the console and said man that girl gave great head. The rest.

Was on auto pilot. Pulled in to a safe spot and let her do her thing. Nice slow kissing on the neck and mutual feeling and rubbing to get me hard. Long BBBJ with cimns but playful clean-up. Offered to take her to the storethen home but just dropped her off near the pick-up. Said she doesn't date but if I see her out she'll take a ride to the store. LOL. I think she said her name was Sara.

After a dry week or two things seem to picking back up. Had another one off of broad clear down by Westgate. Nice looking but after I gave he. 20 she couldn't wait to make me cum. She BBBJ for a little

Bit and then HJ for the finish. Asked for a tip, but I said maybe next time if she doesn't rush so much. Lindsey was her name (LOL) late 20's no visible marks but face a little leathered.

I'm seeing some new faces (at least for me) but there are a lot of civies out there wearing next to nothing because of the heat. Play safe.

07-31-11, 18:39
I drive that way frequently, but I've yet to see Heather. I'll check out the alley behind the convenience store next time; any suggested time of day? Nice to see some action back on Weber!

Check my post from 7 July. #3709. Pic #1.

Description pretty right on.

Saw her a couple days ago. She was walking home. I was on the bike. She offered a BBBJTCCIM in the alley.

Woulda but there was people in the alley.

07-31-11, 20:30
I drive that way frequently, but I've yet to see Heather. I'll check out the alley behind the convenience store next time; any suggested time of day? Nice to see some action back on Weber!Said she didn't like to be out after dark.

Lives on Joyce.

Hangs near to the gas station.

I scouted today and didn't see her

07-31-11, 20:37
But, mental telepathy was at work tho. Was thinking how nice it would be for Miranda to give me a BBBJ, when my phone rang (text). Met her and she was looking really sexy in her little sun dress, withing nothing on underneath. Went to our usual place, got in back, and got another great BBBJTCCIM, pussy licking and ball sucking.

She's going back to rehab (she says for real this time) for 6 weeks. Next weekend will be our last meet for a while.

Outdoor sex girl called, but I never answered. She rushed me last time, so going to let her lose a couple dates (meaning money) and then see if she wants to make it up to me.

No other new ones lately.

Right Thing
08-01-11, 12:31
I was cruising east on Sully at Hague when I noticed a very pretty WSW with dark brown hair, small body and very pretty face. I circled and stopped and she came to my car and got in. Very friendly and very pleasant to talk to. I decided that I had to have anything she was willing to give me. We did the usual LE check and I took her to my safe, friendly spot on the bottoms. After we talked about what I wanted, we then agreed upon a price for these services. It was 2 AM so agreement was both short and great with the both of us. The whole experience was top notch from start to finish. We finished and sat at my table to talk for awhile. She is pretty, smart and very easy to talk to. I have digits and will share them. Just PM me. She is street savy and a player but she gives 110% of herself to please the client. I will definitely see this one again, and again, and again. By far the best I have found out here and I ran into her by fate.

08-01-11, 20:01
Today at about 7:00 PM I saw Courtney. 22 WSW, near Sullivant and Wedgewood. She's 5'9" and fairly thin, but not sickly at all. She told me she lives with her sister Kristen and another WSW behind the Sunoco on Georgesville Road, just north of Sullivant.

Her breasts are large round Bs, and her stomach is stretchmark-free. Nevertheless, her general state of dirtiness, and the many track marks on her hands and arms led me to do without any sexual contact. (She admitted to shooting heroin.)

I gave her a small tip and a few condoms in return for showing me and allowing me to fondle her perfectly youthful breasts, then I took her home. If she ever cleaned up, this woman would be a gem.

WARNING: Courtney may have a warrant currently issued for her arrest. (She told me she wasn't sure if she had any warrants when I asked her, but thought she might for recently "missing (her) court date."

I have digits for the house.

I also saw Jessica for the first time, at about 7:30 PM tonight. She was strolling about the bottom of The Bottoms, under fairly heavy surveillance from LEO. She seemed a bit high and unconcerned about the nearby police cars in plain sight. I turned her down, but probably would have picked her up under different circumstances.

I would love to have seen this chick naked before she hit the streets; I'm sure she was very attractive. I'm thinking she might still be a 7 or so on the SW scale, despite the track marks about her arms, and the blemishes upon what was once an undoubtedly pretty face. Has anyone gotten a picture of her? I'm curious to see if her tits have any life left, and how that ass looks in the buff.

Traveler Two
08-02-11, 04:44
I was cruising east on Sully at Hague when I noticed a very pretty WSW with dark brown hair, small body and very pretty face. I circled and stopped and she came to my car and got in. Very friendly and very pleasant to talk to. I decided that I had to have anything she was willing to give me. We did the usual LE check and I took her to my safe, friendly spot on the bottoms. After we talked about what I wanted, we then agreed upon a price for these services. It was 2 AM so agreement was both short and great with the both of us. The whole experience was top notch from start to finish. We finished and sat at my table to talk for awhile. She is pretty, smart and very easy to talk to. I have digits and will share them. Just PM me. She is street savy and a player but she gives 110% of herself to please the client. I will definitely see this one again, and again, and again. By far the best I have found out here and I ran into her by fate.I saw molly the other night and she had a black eye. Thin, about 25, and nice. Maybe it's a different one, she lives right near broad.

08-02-11, 09:31
Got to town early this morning to check out the morning rush I hear some of you guys talking about. Headed down my usual Sully / Broad loop and did see several on Sully down in the bottoms (close to the eastern end of Sully). Most were a little older and scary looking for my taste. Made about 3 loops and saw Calyn around 6am. She was walking up the hill West of the I70 entrance ramp. I have seen Calyn a few times before and she recognized me and my ride. After catching her eye, she followed me around the corner. We quickly headed over to that little park behind where the old Rumors used to be. Another satisfying session and it is nice not to have to worry about leo checks when you find someone you already know. She gave me about 45 minutes for a BBBJ and plenty of opportunity for me to get reaquainted with her twin B's. She has short redish-blonde hair. 29 years old. 3b's and probably 130/140lbs & kinda short. She had on this nice looking white top that was very loose and easy to get in and out of. .20 and. 1 tip for being nice to me again and recognizing me. If any of you see her, be nice to her.

Was a little disappointed with everything else I saw. Will plan another trip later this week or next and see if I can find something new. Always looking for something young and new, arn't we? LOL.

Happy Hunting and be Safe out there.


Right Thing
08-02-11, 12:08
I saw molly the other night and she had a black eye. Thin, about 25, and nice. Maybe it's a different one, she lives right near broad.Yes, its the same Mollie. She said she got jumped by two other girls. I didn't get other details about it and she didn't seem to want to talk about it. She is a sweet girl. I've tried to reach her but her phone goes to voice mail. I sure hope I don't lose touch with her. It was too enjoyable to lose.

Right Thing
08-02-11, 12:15
I saw molly the other night and she had a black eye. Thin, about 25, and nice. Maybe it's a different one, she lives right near broad.I just tried to call Mollie again and the person who answered said that Mollie had stolen his phone and he kicked her out of the place. Go figure. I will never get over how we can't trust these girls. I am getting too old to play this game of lies and deceit. I should know better but I always hope for the best and it rarely comes if at all.

08-02-11, 15:12
Got to town early this morning to check out the morning rush I hear some of you guys talking about. Headed down my usual Sully / Broad loop and did see several on Sully down in the bottoms (close to the eastern end of Sully). Most were a little older and scary looking for my taste. Made about 3 loops and saw Calyn around 6am. She was walking up the hill West of the I70 entrance ramp. I have seen Calyn a few times before and she recognized me and my ride. After catching her eye, she followed me around the corner. We quickly headed over to that little park behind where the old Rumors used to be. Another satisfying session and it is nice not to have to worry about leo checks when you find someone you already know. She gave me about 45 minutes for a BBBJ and plenty of opportunity for me to get reaquainted with her twin B's. She has short redish-blonde hair. 29 years old. 3b's and probably 130/140lbs & kinda short. She had on this nice looking white top that was very loose and easy to get in and out of. .20 and. 1 tip for being nice to me again and recognizing me. If any of you see her, be nice to her.

Was a little disappointed with everything else I saw. Will plan another trip later this week or next and see if I can find something new. Always looking for something young and new, arn't we? LOL.

Happy Hunting and be Safe out there.

AaronI needed a quick fix this morring around 9. I tried callin Cayln, but another girl answered and said she was out.

08-02-11, 15:30
Today at about 7:00 PM I saw Courtney. 22 WSW, near Sullivant and Wedgewood. She's 5'9" and fairly thin, but not sickly at all. She told me she lives with her sister Kristen and another WSW behind the Sunoco on Georgesville Road, just north of Sullivant.

Her breasts are large round Bs, and her stomach is stretchmark-free. Nevertheless, her general state of dirtiness, and the many track marks on her hands and arms led me to do without any sexual contact. (She admitted to shooting heroin.)

I gave her a small tip and a few condoms in return for showing me and allowing me to fondle her perfectly youthful breasts, then I took her home. If she ever cleaned up, this woman would be a gem.

WARNING: Courtney may have a warrant currently issued for her arrest. (She told me she wasn't sure if she had any warrants when I asked her, but thought she might for recently "missing (her) court date."

I have digits for the house.

I also saw Jessica for the first time, at about 7:30 PM tonight. She was strolling about the bottom of The Bottoms, under fairly heavy surveillance from LEO. She seemed a bit high and unconcerned about the nearby police cars in plain sight. I turned her down, but probably would have picked her up under different circumstances.

I would love to have seen this chick naked before she hit the streets; I'm sure she was very attractive. I'm thinking she might still be a 7 or so on the SW scale, despite the track marks about her arms, and the blemishes upon what was once an undoubtedly pretty face. Has anyone gotten a picture of her? I'm curious to see if her tits have any life left, and how that ass looks in the buff.Courtney was Jamie / Savannah girl friend before Jamie got busted. Her and Jamie had just started shooting up the last time I saw them both In early January. Courtney would be a gem indeed if she would clean up her act. What a waste for two pretty girls like Jamie and Courtney.

Nice Guy 195
08-02-11, 19:07
Anyone hear anything about Maria, sully and hawks area getting shot a couple nights ago? I've been asked a couple of times about it but I haven't heard anything. If anyone hears anything, please PM me, or post here about it.

08-02-11, 22:35
I cruzed around just about everywhere today except for Parsons. Shully was the best area while I was out. Seen a lot of SW out and the quality was decent. A few got picked up before I got to them. I did have a nice one, name Danille-23-brown eyes- long brown hair- a little thick with a tummy-very cute, a few tats. Only down was she had hard yellow teeth. Had to work her a little for us to agree on terms. Afterwards she clamis she usully only does FS for "BP" prices. She has my number and was supposed to call about an hour latter for us to hook up again, No call, just hope to hear from her again some time this week or be able to find her again.

Off note, The ugly BSW Tv that usually on cleve ave, seen him working on E. Main

Nice Guy 195
08-02-11, 23:34
It's 11:30 PM now, and I just got home from my latest trip down memory lane. (SullY) I didn't see anything worth stopping for let alone worth picking up. Was out about an hour and didn't have luck one. Went west on Sully up to Hague and back down Broad St east. NOTHING. Things have changed, that's for sure. A couple of years ago, I couldn't drive down sully or broad without passing something up, I HAD TO STOP, JUST TOO GOOD TO PASS UP! Not now. Very little out there now, or I'm going out at the wrong times. Doubt it. Maybe I'm getting too picky, Nah. I hope to have better luck some other time. If anyone has Chastity's number and will share, please PM me. All my numbers have turned into trash notes. Thanks, Jim

08-03-11, 00:09
While I was driving E on Sully at the bottom, I saw LE just ahead with light flashing between Hawkes & Martin around 10pm. I made a quick left onto Hawkes to avoid attention. As I got to Rich, I saw Nikki walking up & made eye contact. I slowly pull to the side & stop and she came up and hopped in. She told me that she was heading back to hotel at Board & Central so that's where we went.

LE check on the way and she told me she is staying there w / her son & brother and they will leave the room while we take care of business. She asked for. 2 or. 4 for H & H. Since it was the 1st meeting & w / her brother outside, I only choose to do 1/2 plus. 05 tip so I can play with her nice B's while she was doing BBJCIM. Got her digit before I left & I probably will do H&H next time. Nikki is a 6. 5-7 with long light brown hair & a nice clean body. PM me if you like the digit.

Before p / you of Nikki, I cruised up & down Board & Sully and saw a few WSW. Just like Metical, saw a few but one got p / you before me & missed 2 after I turned around. (need to react a little quicker in the future) Couple others on Board gave the look and wave but didn't stop because I couldn't get a real good look.

Humpty Dumpty
08-03-11, 03:38
I blew my load in Heather V last night on Parsons by Hal and Sal's bar. She is WSW. 25, got a few extra pounds. Nothing special, but not ugly. Did BBBJ and BBFSCIP for 11. Yes. 11. She said she usually charges more. But they all say that. She told me her real last name and I found her social networking profile. Shows her holding a kid. Good attitude, service and hygiene, she is clean shaven. Would definitely repeat. She has a landline, you can't call after 11 pm. Next time I will spoil her. I will give her a whole TWENTY dollars!

You can have her number if you send me a phone number of an ATTRACTIVE girl. 25 or under, and state the going rate. I pay 20 or 30 for BBFSCIP.

Right Thing
08-03-11, 15:52
I just got back from my date with Heather on Stevens Ave. We had a long talk about everything that you all have posted about her on this web site. I didn't give her any detailed information about who was posting and things like that. She is aware of this web site and some of the things that have been posted about her. She is especially is concerned about Jaguar49 because she says that she didn't rip him off and wanted an opportunity to speak with him about the incident. My date with her went like it always does, with me being taken care of and not rushed service. I really like this girl but the reviews that I have read concerned me. I have not had one problem with her service, attitude, or anything else. She says that she is not perfect but she did not intentionally rip anyone off. She is aware of what repeat business can do for her and wants to please. OK BY ME. Her cell is not working right now but she said I could give out her home phone is anyone wants it, PM me.

08-03-11, 16:09
Anyone have pics of heather? I am interested.

08-03-11, 20:46
Anyone hear anything about Maria, sully and hawks area getting shot a couple nights ago? I've been asked a couple of times about it but I haven't heard anything. If anyone hears anything, please PM me, or post here about it.One of the girls I pick up regularly asked if I had heard anything about it. When I said no, she said that apparently Maria (mid-20s Maria, not the one that's missing teeth) ripped money off a dope boy.

Right Thing
08-03-11, 23:59
One of the girls I pick up regularly asked if I had heard anything about it. When I said no, she said that apparently Maria (mid-20s Maria, not the one that's missing teeth) ripped money off a dope boy.I heard the same thing today. I guess she's alright. She's back to working the street so must not have been too bad.

08-05-11, 09:13
At 7:30 PM, after my disaster meeting on the hilltop, I figured I would go back to my regular stomping grounds in the bottoms. I notice a very pretty dark haired beauty with blonde high lights on the corner of Sullivant and Souder so I made the loop and came back south on Souder. Just as I got to her, LE came east on Sulli and she took off north on Souder. There I was, sitting there like a deer in the headlights. I went west on Sulli and LE stopped me at hawks and sulli. Since I live in the neighbor hood, they didn't have much they could do or say to me. I never talked to her and she didn't come to the car because she saw them before I did. Smart girl. I went back to get her but she was gone. Hadn't seen her before but she was definitely worth stopping for. I will keep trying to find her again. But I'm home for the night. Better hunting tomorrow I hope Seen Tina last night. She is really looking good these days. Will have to try that again. 5'7" Dishwater Blond, about 40 but nice body. Have digits on her if you want them. PM me.In hind sight I should have spoke up when this happened. Maybe I could have prevented Chex from posting his report (if you want to call it that) , sticking a brick in his mouth and all.

News flash for newbies: THINK Before you hit SUBMIT REPORT!

IMHO you are putting yourself in a really unfavorable position.


08-05-11, 11:41
Okay last night between 11pm and midnight, there was a cute WSW with dark hair and ponytail, early 20's wearing light colored pants and a white tank top pulled up to expose her tummy. She was sitting on the window ledge in the picture!

Which one of you swooped her out from under me?

And who was she?

I kept checking every half hour or so but she never showed up again.

08-05-11, 11:45
She was sitting on the window ledge at Sully & Harris.

Nice Guy 195
08-05-11, 12:32
In hind sight I should have spoke up when this happened. Maybe I could have prevented Chex from posting his report (if you want to call it that) , sticking a brick in his mouth and all.

News flash for newbies: THINK Before you hit SUBMIT REPORT!

IMHO you are putting yourself in a really unfavorable position.

SpinmanHow am I putting myself in an unfavorable position?

08-05-11, 19:06
How am I putting myself in an unfavorable position?I don't know if this is what he was getting at, but your report disclosed the exact time and intersection where you were pulled over and questioned by the police, and you're on a board where you're discussing illegal activities. It probably won't cause you any problems, but it seems silly to post incriminating messages that give police information on who you are. If someone is monitoring the board, they might forward that info along. Furthermore, you confessed on here that you lied to the police and gave enough info for them to figure out who you are. Best to be overly paranoid than to wind up like Sullivant Guy. Again, I don't think you have much to worry about, but I think you should be more careful so you don't get yourself into trouble! Or find yourself getting constantly pulled over every time a cop sees your car. I'd even change my screenname if I were you, but I'm more than just a LITTLE paranoid! LOL At the very least, be more vague when discussing run-ins with LE, and maybe change a couple key facts in those reports. IMHO, anyway.

Stay safe.

08-06-11, 00:40
I don't know if this is what he was getting at, but your report disclosed the exact time and intersection where you were pulled over and questioned by the police, and you're on a board where you're discussing illegal activities. It probably won't cause you any problems, but it seems silly to post incriminating messages that give police information on who you are. If someone is monitoring the board, they might forward that info along. Furthermore, you confessed on here that you lied to the police and gave enough info for them to figure out who you are. Best to be overly paranoid than to wind up like Sullivant Guy. Again, I don't think you have much to worry about, but I think you should be more careful so you don't get yourself into trouble! Or find yourself getting constantly pulled over every time a cop sees your car. I'd even change my screenname if I were you, but I'm more than just a LITTLE paranoid! LOL At the very least, be more vague when discussing run-ins with LE, and maybe change a couple key facts in those reports. IMHO, anyway. Stay safe. :)Very good points Francis and Spinman. It's good thing that this is a board about expressing fantasy.

08-06-11, 22:43
She was sitting on the window ledge at Sully & Harris.THanks for the info. I hope I can swing by there myself a few times.

Traveler Two
08-07-11, 03:34
I'm seeing a lot of girls on the west side with boils and open sores lately. Like an outbreak of the hoe-pox

08-07-11, 13:15
I'm seeing a lot of girls on the west side with boils and open sores lately. Like an outbreak of the hoe-poxI know it is scary to see a hoe with sores and crap. I think it is the tweek that does it mostly. They slam (shot up) some tweek and start picking at there skin.

Doing drug like tweek will mess there teeth and skin up. At some point they start to look like lizards because there skin dries up.

It is best to stay away from the sores and hoe pox hoes. They can also have Staph and Mrsa. Be careful out there.

08-07-11, 18:47
Saw Heather today, was a little disappointed. Body wasn't too bad, BBBJCIM was mediocre at best. Most girls take the full load, but she left a lot coming out of her mouth and I had a little mess to clean up.

Are there any SW's that are Backpage quality or better in the looks department? The SW's I've seen are good cheap dates, but am really disappointed in the looks department. Any suggestions?

08-07-11, 20:10
Was had with Miranda the other day. She came outa the house in this little sun dres, that didn't stay on very long.

She's going into self inflicted rehab so she can get her kid back.

So, on this side of town, no LE following me, no Hoe soes, just a good time

08-07-11, 20:15
Saw Heather today, was a little disappointed. Body wasn't too bad, BBBJCIM was mediocre at best. Most girls take the full load, but she left a lot coming out of her mouth and I had a little mess to clean up.

Are there any SW's that are Backpage quality or better in the looks department? The SW's I've seen are good cheap dates, but am really disappointed in the looks department. Any suggestions?All I can say is, spend a lot more money on the escorts, or BP.

Or, spend more time cruizin, find a couple really hot ones, and keep them entertained.

If you spoil them, they'll keep in touch with you.

Meaning, this "I lost your number" is crap.

I just had a girl from Denver call me, that I haven't seen in over 3 years.

She wants to hook up when I got back in Sep.

(Example: See below post. I met her 3 years ago, and we been doing it on a regular basis ever since. Every time is like the first time)

08-07-11, 23:15
Well. I spent a couple of hours scouring the city today for ho-ho's. I started on Cleveland Ave about 10am. I did not see one single SW down the entire stretch. Probably too early. At any rate. I hit Scully and also did not see too many. I did see a fine ass SW just West of Central Ave on Sully. She looked to be late teens or early twenties. White with long brown hair pulled up. She had on big hoop ear rings if I remember correctly. She was a strong 7 maybe an 8 on looks. I got the look but did not have a good place to turn and scoop without being to conspicuous. So. I just kept going. Unfortunately, she was the last one I saw on Sully! I did stop at a gas station and went in to get a Red Bull. There was a young blonde in there buying some rolling papers, a lighter, and a 64oz of malt liquor. She was geekin pretty bad and I am sure that he liquor was to take the edge off of her lack of dope. She wasn't too bad looking and actually had some decent legs. She walked West on Sully. I stopped at a strategic spot to scoop her up and one of you fellow mongers beat me to her! You were driving a white older car. Dammit! I knew she was game at the gas station but wasn't sure if she would be worth the possible trouble. So. I proceeded onward to Broad Street. The ho-ho's were out on Broad. I saw at least four working. Two were very nice. I got beat to one that was a brunette with red highlights in her hair. She was crossing over an overpass and I did not have a good spot to scoop her. As I was trying to turn around. A van picked her up! ARGGHHHH! I then went back down Broad to see this short-haired brunette sitting on a stoop with high heels on. She had a bangin bod. I got the look and proceeded to pull to a pickup spot. She started my way. Then. The damn dope boys must have had a better deal as she started talking to them and went into the house with them. Strike two! I did see an older blonde near a gas station sitting off to the side on Broad. She was obviously working but I was definitely not interested. I also saw a WSW on Broad a little further East of Central (if I recall correctly). She was standing in front of some storefronts with apartments above them and had a tattoo on her ankle. She was probably early to mid twenties with dirty blond hair. She was not bad. But, LEO was in full effect and I did not want to risk the pickup. She was a bit too obvious and I am certain that our not so favorite uncle was watching closely. Sully really wasn't much better with LEO presence. Not to mention the cameras are up. Well. I decided to go home after two hours of no luck. I will be looking for three of the ladies I saw today though. They looked good. I did try the call lines tonight and hit a bingo. Had twenty something black chick give some good BBBJ no CIM for $30. She was pretty good and did not rush or complain. She was clean and I did not have to worry about LEO. She also did not appear to be using any hard drugs. Another plus in my book. Happy Hunting fellas and be safe out there!

08-08-11, 11:44
I did the cleve. Ave cruze last night after 10. Only a few SW that I noticed for the time I was out. 1st noticed a BSW and went to make the pick up. Found out it is Nicole, who I found back in April and 1st time seein her since. She was dressed cute, with a white top and blue jean shorts. I asked her if she wanted a ride, and she thought for a second, then I had to ask if she remember me, and then she said yea. Then I asked again if she wanted to ride, which I guess she wasn't getting the point cause she said she need to make some $ and headed to another car that came around to pick her up. No problem cause I wasn't to pressed in tryin to pick her up. Just down the street I notice a WSW. I made it to the pick up cause two others were tryin to get her at the same time. At the window I notice its Amanda. Looking better than when I seen her a few days ago. I get BBBJ, ck9, and cim. She didn't rush. She needed a little extra this time and and said it will cover for the next time we meet, and I know she's good for it, just said give her a call.

08-08-11, 20:46
Found Tina at the bottom off Board on Sat night around 10. Went to her place for. 25 with tip. She had a ACE bandage wrapped around her right calf. Didn't know what it was all about and didn't ask. Also saw a couple of cuties off Sully, but they look really young and didn't try to approached. Not much else up & down Sully and left around 1130. Do have Tina's digit if someone wants it. Pic can be found about 5 pages back.

08-11-11, 07:30
Dudes! I had an awesome three way on Sully last night around 11pm to 12pm.

There were two cop cars in front of me and one behind me!

I don't know what was going on but they were everywhere.

They were parked in twos and threes everywhere. Even on Broad they were thick.

They musta' been out spraying Ho-B-Gone because there were absolutely no SW's out.

I went back home and watched Sportscenter.

Mw Jrp
08-11-11, 21:44
She hopped in and we delayed checks since she was cautious and I think a little green; but who knows. She jacked me all the way and showered in the room. Then Carlynn put the stockings on and hopped in bed. We started with LFK, mutual masterbation, and then BBBJ and BLS.

She announced she was shy and declined DATY. Too bad since she had a tight little giner with thin lips; it looked yummy. I wanted her to do CFS CG but she said hop on and I hit her mish. The cvnt was about as small and tight as any gal that had no kids, but she has had some. It didn't take me long to bust a nut in that heavenly muff and that's very unusual for me.

I have digits for a further meeting, and will call her again. I'm hoping for more of a GFE next time. And of course no pic this time. She is a natural blonde with large but a little droppy C's. The tits really stand out on her spinner, thin frame. I dropped her at her house about 2 miles from the pick. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
08-12-11, 16:37
After the Carlynn date I rested and went out after midnight. I was surprised to see no LE and very few SW's. But I did spot a nicely shaped gal on Sully. But everytime I circled and she was headed my way, another car would turn the corner behind me, so I moved on, in case it was LE. Finally, I went back to where she was and completed the scoop. I asked her why she was still walking and she said she won't jump in just any vehicle. I've heard that before.

Calyn jacked and BBBJ me on the way to my room. In the room her very firm body looked and felt terrific; extremely firm perky small C's for a 30yo with kidos. Very unusual! As we got to know each other, I noticed a tuft of giner fuzz and that's when I realized she was a real strawberry blonde, top and bottom. And she appeared mark-free and strech-mark free, too. Again very unusual.

Her BBBJ technique was extremely good and she BLS and worked all the right parts. I covered when she hardened me up after about 15 minutes, and got CFS, CG, RCG, and mish finish. I offered to DATY and help her nut but she refused that. It was not a full GFE, but I have her cell and will repeat soon. Next time she promised to have me DATY.

Calyn loves to grind when on top CG or RCG and uses a rapid fire hump that is boner hardening and will get the nut if not careful. The finale for me was heavenly, as she has a 20yo bod for her age, and it is firm all over. I got this pic for you horn-dogs.

Nice giner, great tits, and a beautiful chassis, IMHO. MW

08-12-11, 19:02
Had some time last nite so decided to cruize Cleve. Didn't really plan on dating, so took the Jeep. (my mistake).

Saw a couple WSW near Weber, but passed. Was mainly looking for Miranda, but she wasn't out. Saw a stray here and there but nothing I woulda stopped for.

Then on the last run, saw One Eyed Tina. She did a really good job last time (make up sex) so thought WTF.

She got in and right away said she was on the rag and could only do head. Thanks for being straight up from the beginning. Then, she didn't want to go to our usual place. Started the 'turn right here', turn down here', then 'how about you just give me $6" NOT. I fiunally found a quiet spot and she started doiing the 'here comes a car' and there goes a car' and I think I saw someone' crap. I said, 'here's $2, all I got is $22" 'next time then'

Took her back to point A. But, on the way she decided she'd give me some road head, then she wanted to do head in the alley. I said 'not this time'. She hesitated, but finally got out knowing that if she started a heated discussion it would be another 6 months before I dated her again.

Was going to head home, when I saw Heather and her friend Lynn near Weber.
She recognized me and we met half way down the road.
Found a spot and got in back (of the damn Jeep [Cherokee])

She says 'I guess I'll just have to get on top'. I said fine.
She started with aggressive, eager head with multiple DT's. Which went on for a good 10-15 minutes.
Then, she got on top and ground, bounced, rotated, slid in and out and back and forth.
I blew shortly thereafter, and she kept grinding, and sliding, and rotating for another 5 minutes.
She was gettin hers while I already got mine.

Anyway, stopped by McD's for a mcchicken and some napkins. (Jeep wasn't SW stocked)

Another good time with Heather.

Outdoor sex girl called, but I missed it. Think I'll miss a couple more till she gets the point.

Be safe.


08-12-11, 20:13
Picked up Tiffany Wednesday night on Sully and Avondale. Jumped in my car and was smoking. I told her I don't smoke and she kept on smoking. I told her I don't smoke in the car and she said do you want me to get out. I said no, but don't want smoke in my car. She said that's why I have the window down. As my car is filling up with smoke, I tell her if she is going to keep smoking to get out. She takes two more big hits and throws it out the window. WTF Then she ask do you party. I say no and then she ask do you have any drugs. Really. Just get out of my car. Well, I'm good. It will be your loss she says. No thanks, just get out of my car. She was a nice looking girl. White female, in her mid 30's about 5'7".125lbs, brown hair, nice lips, seem to have a nice body, but did not see her nude.

Went over to Broad in the bottoms and found Nikki. Went to her spot and got a awesome BBBJ with cim. And man can she suck cock good. Played with her ginger and ass while she got me off. Cute blonde. 30 years old. 5'5".135lbs, glasses, nice ass and clean body. LE seemed to be out in full force. Be good to Nikki, she is a good one.

08-13-11, 00:42
Anyone on familiar with her?

Thin good looking BSW on parsons?

Is she trustworthy?

Humpty Dumpty
08-13-11, 17:50
Anyone on familiar with her?

Thin good looking BSW on parsons?

Is she trustworthy?I made a post about her a while back. She looked good, I talked to her briefly. Something wasnt right though. Possibly a BTV? There are a shitload of BTVs and its tough to pick up a BSW because of this. She was out for a while and I noticed no takers. Which leads me to believe she is actually a he. Some of these black dudes have got boob jobs, plastic surgery and hormone treatment. Its sickening. Too bad AIDS takes so many years to kill them off. Whites and most hispanics arent fooling anyone. But these BTVs can be passable.

Aside from the BTV problem, BSWs can be problematic with stealing, attitude, pricing issues, hygiene, robbery setups. I've picked up enough to the point that I know what I'm talking about. Its nice to find exceptions to the rule though.

It is possible that Peaches is a real girl and a nice one too, I may just be overly wary. Shadow needs to weigh in on this subject.

08-13-11, 20:07
Out Wednesday evening and saw a few WSW out on Sully but not much on Board. Finally picked up Kat at the car wash at Wilson. She was a spinner with no chest to speak of but gave a decent BBBJCIM for. 2+tips. Also saw 2-3 on Parson around 6 but decided to wait.

Did the rush hour loop on Thursday and spotted a few on Board at the bottom. I hooked up with Jessica again and this time went for the H & H. We went to a house near by and got a room. It was a fun time since we've met twice before and are comfortable with each other. She doesn't have the tightest body but young and soft like every another young 20's and clean shaven. Also she told me she wasn't the Jessica that was attacked a while back. Treat her well, she is a sweet girl.

08-13-11, 20:49
I had a meeting planned with the below mentioned sweetheart, but, I got tied up at work, so, had to decide if I should leave work early or not.

I left work early.

Glad I did.

Not a SW.

No Ph# (lives with her mom)

08-13-11, 22:50
Was waiting for the dentist's office to open on Thursday on Livingston. Behold there were 3 BSW waiting across the street. 2 approached me asking if I was looking for company, then asking for a ride. I was just after a teeth cleaning. This was before 9 am.

Big butts, but cute in the face. I'm sure they could go this distance.

Be safe

08-14-11, 08:40
I would jump trew hoops to play with a body like hers. Very good choice on leaving work.

I had a meeting planned with the below mentioned sweetheart, but, I got tied up at work, so, had to decide if I should leave work early or not.

I left work early.

Glad I did.

Not a SW.

No Ph# (lives with her mom)

08-14-11, 18:05
Was waiting for the dentist's office to open on Thursday on Livingston. Behold there were 3 BSW waiting across the street. 2 approached me asking if I was looking for company, then asking for a ride. I was just after a teeth cleaning. This was before 9 am.

Big butts, but cute in the face. I'm sure they could go this distance.

Be safeThey would have cleaned your teeth and maybe more? I always wonder how much more fun it would be with a nipple in my ear while she is leaning over me cleaning those pearly whites! They seem to enjoy brushing up against the side of my head; oh for a topless hygenist, what a great idea! Wow, I need a new dentist but maybe just a new location for his office, eh?

08-14-11, 19:01
It has been a long weekend at home cleaning out the garage, detailing the cars, tune up, oil changes, working on the bikes. I was due for a little time on my own. Got the cars washed and decided to take a look down my favourite street. Cleve.

I wasn't there more than 2 minutes when I saw my favoritest of all times, Miranda. However, today she was looking sluttier than usual. But, I know what she's really like and I immediately pulled over in the Pizza shop parking lot.

She gets in and off we go.

She hasn't entered rehab yet (good for me-bad for her). Go to our favortitest spot, chat for a minute, do some heavy kissing, tonsil checking, titty holding, she massages my already getting kinda hard dick, and it's like HS all over again.

Get in back for the best BBBJ in Cbus.

Then, I ask her to get on top, CG. She seldom agrees to this, but did this time, and, to my amazement, she started rocking and never stopped. Till she came. Then rode it some more.

Then mish. I mean laying down, holding onto eachother, sweating, her grinding that tight pussy, me stroking as long, hard and deep as I could.

Then doggie, where she shudders again, and I lose it all on her butt.

To the store for some cigs and a Pepsi and take her home.

Tell her to stay home the rest of the nite. She says with the money I gave her she could.

Back at home reliving every minute.

And, how was your weekend?

Shadow out

08-14-11, 19:14
I made a post about her a while back. She looked good, I talked to her briefly. Something wasnt right though. Possibly a BTV? There are a shitload of BTVs and its tough to pick up a BSW because of this. She was out for a while and I noticed no takers. Which leads me to believe she is actually a he. Some of these black dudes have got boob jobs, plastic surgery and hormone treatment. Its sickening. Too bad AIDS takes so many years to kill them off. Whites and most hispanics arent fooling anyone. But these BTVs can be passable.

Aside from the BTV problem, BSWs can be problematic with stealing, attitude, pricing issues, hygiene, robbery setups. I've picked up enough to the point that I know what I'm talking about. Its nice to find exceptions to the rule though.

It is possible that Peaches is a real girl and a nice one too, I may just be overly wary. Shadow needs to weigh in on this subject.Why Why Why.

Do you perswist in this BSW's are either TV's or thieves.

Although you never post any pics of who you do, I've posted plenty, and, they're all original, sweet, nice, clean, non stealing Black women!

I'm thinkiing you just ain't got the hodar to find a descent BSW.

I found them in Kansas City in a matter of minutes, and I found them in Denver, after being gone for years.

So, would you please desist in the constant negative portrayal of BSW's?

They ain't all bad.

You, however, appear to find the bad ones.

However, if you're looking for a BTV that can really suck a dick, find London, on Main / 17th.

Mw Jrp
08-14-11, 20:43
I made the mistake of picking her, since she was petite and young. She said she had time to go to my room for H&H. But before we got there she asked if I could get it up. Then she tired of jacking me. And in the room I gave her. 4 up front. I asked her to BBBJ and work the boys. Well about 6 times she squeezed too hard, and the hard softened each time. The crackheads and meth monkeys usually can't work the balls gently.

I never did get hard for CFS mish and she all of a sudden had to go. I protested and argued, but chose to not cause a scene. I dropped her near her crack house near the pick and will never consider Maria again. There were a couple dozen out and I rolled for a better candidate.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
08-14-11, 20:56
Now this is what I was looking for. She has some acne on her cheeks mostly but none on her bod. Her tiny A tits are nicely pink tipped, squeezable, and lovely to suck on, and I guessed her age at 22yo, but was very plesantly surprised when she said 18yo. She jacked me all the way and in the room showered. I reluctantly fronted the. 40 but figured Sam really had time and I would get a decent nut.

Well, clean as a whistle she BBBJ and gently stroked the balls. I got hard right away. I was disappointed she didn't want to ride me, so I had her flip on her back and DATY. Sam responded right away and I FIV while working her clit with my tongue. She nutted twice, vocally, and rocked her hips with each nut. I only DATY 10 minutes at the most.

Then it was my turn and I entered her CFS mish. She has a extremely tight giner and it didn't take me long to bust a sweet nut in that 18yo cvnt of her's. I got her digits for a repeat and will ring her up soon for a repeat. She looked like a million in the black thigh highs. Too bad she refused a pic.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

08-14-11, 22:48
Now this is what I was looking for. She has some acne on her cheeks mostly but none on her bod. Her tiny A tits are nicely pink tipped, squeezable, and lovely to suck on, and I guessed her age at 22yo, but was very plesantly surprised when she said 18yo. She jacked me all the way and in the room showered. I reluctantly fronted the. 40 but figured Sam really had time and I would get a decent nut.

Well, clean as a whistle she BBBJ and gently stroked the balls. I got hard right away. I was disappointed she didn't want to ride me, so I had her flip on her back and DATY. Sam responded right away and I FIV while working her clit with my tongue. She nutted twice, vocally, and rocked her hips with each nut. I only DATY 10 minutes at the most.

Then it was my turn and I entered her CFS mish. She has a extremely tight giner and it didn't take me long to bust a sweet nut in that 18yo cvnt of her's. I got her digits for a repeat and will ring her up soon for a repeat. She looked like a million in the black thigh highs. Too bad she refused a pic.

Be safe and good hunting. MWDoes she has a tatoo on her calf? Just wonder if she's the same girl that I met not too long ago. She was pretty nice.

08-15-11, 08:01
I was out earily afternoon and started out on shully. There was nothing out but a few low end SW and a lot l. E. Broad was pretty much empty to. Had went to the main and livy loop. Second time coming around main I spotted a WSW, made enough eye contact and wave, stopped at the next corner store and waited for her to cath up. Barb is a little chuncky, but still cute enough. 5'8", long brown / reddish hair, a few tats, and a few small scars. She seemed to be pretty new to the SW seen. Friendly. After finding a spot, she got to work, very good BBBJ and dt. She didn't rush and made it feel good the whole time. Gave me her # and I'm looking to hook back up latter on this week.

I did see one WSW on s. High. She was blond with a decent body, but looked to old in the face. Didn't see anything good on cleve.

Mw Jrp
08-15-11, 08:07
She is a real stunner, IMHO, and has a flawless body. Her small B's are teenage firm with small pink tipped nipples. Her giner has puffy outer lips and short thin inner ones that stay in like a teen. When I spotted her in the alley she said give me a minute to go in a house, so I drove around the block, gave her 2 minutes, and she was waiting for me in the alley. I offered her. 40+tip and she almost turned it down since the few times she did a car hop she got $$ and $ or more. I told her. 60 and she agreed to H&H.

She is easily worth twice what I donated. In the room she showered and started in with a BBBJ. It was very slurpy, smooth, hardening, and she gently worked the boys. I'm guessing she is a pill head; they are the best, never a rush or complaint. And their stroking and BJ technique are gentle, unlike the crackheads or Maria from earlier.

I wanted to DATY with Jessica, but she said she might be starting her period. So I hit her CFS mish and had some difficulty entering that no-kids tight giner, but eventually did and it didn't take long before I filled the wrapper. Her titties danced nicely on her checst as I banged away at her darling frame. And her face is gorgeous too and she has flawless soft white skin from head to toe.

Compared to Sam from earlier, Jessica is a much cutier date, but Sam seemed to be into it more. Jessica seemed very new to this action and embarassed to being doing it. I tried to make her feel comfortable.

Oh and yes I think Sam had a tat on her lower leg, but I'm not into body art, so I tend to look past it. As for seeing Jessica again I have her digits and may ring her up. But if it was true about the flow, she may be out of FS comission for a few days.

Jessica is about the hottest SW I have found, ever. I almost think I spotted her on Broad near Yale after the Sam date. There was a darling SW there just before dark that wanted a ride, but I needed a break. Sorry no pics. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
08-15-11, 12:56
I hesitate to be so difficult and critical of you Capital mongers but I give out a lot of numbers to active seniors in current standing. All else I delete especially newbies. But over the last 2 years I have given many of you Columbus guys digts and gotten nothing in return; except from 1 or 2 close friends from this town. Everyone one of you seem to have a private stock gal like G2 who fell in love with a SP and now she wants some distance to live her life however she wants.

I hear this story from gals all over; too many of us fall in luv, want a lusty exclusive, and they definitely don't. I make it clear all I want from them is to rent their bodies for an hour, get a super nut, drop them off, and see them another month or not. If they are a sugar-baby, I'm not their sugar-daddy. Look elsewhere, please.

Sorry, to digress. But I have some constructive criticism of you local guys. Of course the digit thing is over-rated. I have hundreds that don't work. Fortunately, in this town there are hundreds of hoes to be found. But in the spirit of this forum, how about sharing what you got? I love to pass on digits for these hotties, but it seems to be a one-way street in this town.

Like I said, the streets are overflowing with plenty for us all, but it would be nice to have digits for some really nice tight, juicy giners. Be safe and good hunting. MW

08-15-11, 15:19
Sorry for taking a while to post this, been having trouble with this website (firefox keeps reporting that it's a dangerous site).

Last Monday I arranged to meet with Brandie (20 year old. 5'1", around 100lbs. Cute little thing). Drove over to her house to pick her up, and there was a cop car parked right alongside it, so I just kept going. Spoke to her later, and it turns out that the cop car was there because someone broke into the truck that's normally parked right outside. Being as I was dateless at that point, though, I decided to circle around the normal areas. This was around 11pm. Saw quite a few girls out and about on Sully, but whenever I went to go pick up a girl, someone would always beat me to the punch.

I ended up on Broad Street. Ran into Molly around Eureka. 25ish, about 5'6", with dark hair. Her face was a little bruised up. Still went for it though, and I'm glad I did. Incredibly enthusiastic, great head and a great fuck.

Looked her up today, and it looks like her face was bruised up, according to previous posts here, cause she got jumped by some other girls. Asked her for her digits and she said she didn't have a phone, so I gave her my digits. Sadly, haven't heard back from her. If anyone has working digits for her, please let me know.

If any active seniors want Brandie's number, let me know. She's got a court appearance on the 17th, so she may be MIA for a couple months, but she's good about keeping the same number, even after she gets out.

08-15-11, 15:58
Headed over there now. Might be slim pickens fight now. If anyone has any good numbers and willing to share. I will return the favor if I can today.

08-15-11, 17:14
I hear this story from gals all over; too many of us fall in luv, want a lusty exclusive, ".and they definitely don't. .".
Miranda and I had this same discussion yesterday. Other than the not having a stable environment, I got the idea she kinda likes the lifestyle.
She specifically mentioned meeting all different kinds of people (the good ones, of which she says I am one).
Bad part is, she's trying to get custody of her dau, and without a permanent home / apt / etc, it's going to be tough.
But, she has no intention of quitting and going to work at Walmart.
She doesn't do heavy drugs, mostly weed and wine.
She's never been high or tweeking when we've dated.
She's one of my favourites, and I'm one of her 4 regulars.

I don't judge her, she doesn't make any demands of me.
Meaning, she's had my number for years, and has never called asking for money, bail me out, I need a ride, I need cigs, nothing.
She'll call if she sees me cruizin, letting me know she's out and available.

All that to say, Yea, MW's got it right.
They (OK Most all) prefer to do what they do.
They don't want to report to anyone.
They want to be free to come, go, eat, sleep, whenever / wherever they want.
All we would do is be an obtrusion to their freedom.

I give respect to all my regualrs.
Because they do what they do doesn't make them any less a person.
They just prefer to work when they want, set their own hourly wage, work for whom they want when they want.
Not pay taxes or live to a schedule.
Fine with me.
Wishing no ill will, but when 'she' disappears "No. 2" will be right behind her.

I go thru a new set of regulars about every 6 months.
Miranda I've been seeing off and on for 3 years however.
Meaning, enjoy all the available women out there.

Find a couple regulars and have a good time every time.
Hit a new one every time out.
Makes no never mind.
Just be careful out there

Mw Jrp
08-15-11, 22:00
First of all thanks for the digits you Capital mongers who forwarded them. I rolled looking for a gem and got close enough to one to scoop Heather, although her clothes were not as clean as I expect, she was perfumed and seemed clean enough. On the way she jacked me and I FIV plus enjoyed the twins. Her tits are probably and A or tiny B's.

In the room she showered up so I know she was clean and got H&H for. 40 + and over-size tip. Her BBBJ is quite good with nice tongue flicking action, but she has a mucus problem and spits more than most guys and clears her throat too much for me. A few do this but she takes the cake on this. It is also a dead giveaway if you scoop her.

After she hardened me up I returned the favor and DATY for her pleasure. She responded like a GFE and in 6 or 7 minutes busted a hard nut, thrashing and jumping around. Then it was my turn and I hit her CFS mish. Her giner looks and tastes like I like, but it was not tight enough so I asked her to squeeze it up. Apparently she has not developed those muscles so I flipped her on her belly. Her little ass, the brown hole, and her giner lips looked yummy. Check out the pic; nice eh?

In this K9 position I slipped in her cvnt, as she stayed flat and the cvnt was much tighter. I kept my knees outside her legs for maximum tightness and soon busted a very hard heavenly nut. And she allowed me to stay in her until I was completely done. In fact she was never in a hurry; I found myself hurrying her along. This is a plus with her.

The minuses are her constant and annoying mucus clearing and she asked for a large tip to often; but at least she spent more time than I wanted. Besides this pic for you horn-dogs, I have digits for you; IF you are who you are supposed to be and not new, random, or LE.

Again, no shortage of girls to pick from (Sunday is much better than Monday) and few LE travelling around to interfer. Be safe and good hunting. MW

08-16-11, 05:18
Cruzed sullly about 5:00 pm yesterday and found Brandie and Heather. Brandi is very young, short, petite, spinner, looked about 19, great BBBJCIM for 20. After dropping her off I mad one more loop and found Heather. She was a hottie in SW terms. I picked her uo, but since I just nutted I was just checking her out for next time. It sounds like the same woman Jwp just reviewed. Wish I would have found her first, she seemed desparate for 8 bucks to get her kid some diapers, but in a short time I am only a 1 nut guy so I couldn't go for round two. LOL. I asked for her number so next time I can look her up.

I have digits for both these ladies if interested.

08-16-11, 08:22
Cruised Sully last night around 11:30. Saw Missy, WSW, around Davis she is 26 but looks much younger. She's about 5'2" 125lbs with long blonde hair in ponytail. She is a cutie and the first SW I have seen that wasn't all banged up.

I pulled into side street and she hopped right in. We went back to my place and she showed off her oral skills. After a short time she said I needed to hurry cause she was getting tired. I was like "It's only been five minutes!" She apologized and asked me to do my best. So that being said I thought if she wants a rush job I'll give her one!

I grabbed her by the head and face fucked her for a good two or three minutes! I didn't know how she would react but was pleasantly surprised when she seemed to actually be into it! She started looking up at me and making eye contact and was gagging a bit. I love it when a girl does that.

I finally busted and then took her to taco bell before dropping her off back on Sully.

Damage was. 2 and I tipped. 1 plus bought her Taco Bell for $8. More.

She was a fun time and worth the trip. I will repeat when I see her again.

I didn't get ger digits though. Wish I had.

Local Looks
08-16-11, 16:07
Ran into Amy by Wendys on broad. Cute little spinner type short brown hair. Lunch and. 50 and went to my hideaway. A definate repeat.

Mw Jrp
08-17-11, 08:05
I found her at 8p after the Christan date in an alley off Broad and Chicago. She wanted a ride but I needed a rest, so I asked if her cell was still good, and she said no minutes. Then I said where will you be at 11p and she said, I have no idea. Anyway, I decided she would be like finding a needle later so I rested. At 12:20am I was rolling Broad and Glenwood and there she was with another gal. They both wanted a ride, but I said no thanks and picked up Sam.

She needed a shower but was relaxed with me, since she knew I was not a psycho, and cleaned up nicely at the room and readied for H&H. Her BBBJ is not what Christan's is but watching her little teen frame work as she sucked away and I had FIV too, I rose to the occasion. We also started with mutual masterbation. We kissed a little, very little, so she is not a GFE, like my earlier session.

I DATY for a minute or 2 and she said, I'd rather not nut today. The truth was she was anxious to get back to her pharmacy for her favorite concoction of whatever. She admitted to trying and doing almost everything and said she uses to numb herself from her sucky life. Well duh, isn't that the truth!

Even though the stuff was calling her, she was patient and stuck to the task at hand; my boner. Once I was good and hard I covered and hit her mish. As before she was heavenly tight and her little 98# frame below me was horny in itself. Her tiny tits quivered with my thrusts and she clenched those muscles with expert control for maximum effect. Like the other day I didn't last long in her sweet little love tunnel and busted a hard nut.

She probably spent over an hour with me, but the sex may have laste 20 minutes. Still I find her a dynomite turn on. And who wouldn't at 18yo. She is 5'7", has a very short, almost boyish hair cut, dyed blondish hair, and very thin with tiny tits. Her face has some acne, and she looks like a plain-Jane. If you like a gal with meat Sam is not for you. But if you want a teenie spinner with a really tight cvnt, Sam's the one. She can be found where I found her.

Sorry about the worthless digits I passed to a couple friends, but you know how they often work, or don't. Again, she refused a pic; this time because her giner was fury. I would love to eat that little money maker just after she shaved it. Oh well, maybe next time.

As earlier this week there were girls everwhere and few LE. Most noteworthy was a dark haired doll at Brehl on Sully at 2am and earlier at 5:30p at Wilson and Sully another long dark haired gal with meat on her bones, not fat, and a really cute face. Actually both were 9's, IMHO. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Humpty Dumpty
08-17-11, 23:27
Shadow, I asked you to weigh in on Peaches on Parsons. I think her excessive makeup scared me into thinking she was a tranny. I received a PM from another forum member indicating I may have been overly wary. However, he picked her up but didn't do anything with her, which is kind of odd. Next time I see her I will give Peaches a load of my cream.

Anyhow, I cruised through the city on Monday evening. I noticed E 5th had some good looking ladies! I am also told that this neighborhood is not quite as menacing as it looks. I saw attractive BSWs as well as WSWs. Couldn't stop to pick any of them up though.

Cleveland, Hudson, Parsons and South High were empty! Broad and Sullivant had a couple unattractive women. Then I turned down Wedgewood and noticed 2 attractive WSWs. An older blonde and a younger dark haired girl. I wanted the younger one, but since the older girl looked good I said what the hell.

Her name is Kristin and she is 30. I told her all I had was 20 and I wanted BBFS. She said no. But I ignored this. We drove to a secret location and my lowball offer was fine. Her body was great. She must not have been doing this for very long. She has a landing strip but needs to shave it bald. We did it in the missionary position and she was quite enthusiastic and appeared to be enjoying herself. I blew my load in her and she wiped her pussy off with some napkins and threw them outside the car for some poor guy to clean up. She gave me her number that she shares with Laura, the 20 year old dark haired girl. Next time I will blow my load in Laura.

She said I could give her digits out. So if you can hook up with attractive disease free ladies under 25, who will set me back 20 dollars, give me your numbers.

08-18-11, 15:00
[QUOTE=Humpty Dumpty; 1258655]Shadow, I asked you to weigh in on Peaches on Parsons. I think her excessive makeup scared me into thinking she was a tranny. I received a PM from another forum member indicating I may have been overly wary. However, he picked her up but didn't do anything with her, which is kind of odd. Next time I see her I will give Peaches a load of my cream.

Anyhow, I cruised through the city on Monday evening. I noticed E 5th had some good looking ladies! I am also told that this neighborhood is not quite as menacing as it looks. I saw attractive BSWs as well as WSWs. Couldn't stop to pick any of them up though.

Cleveland, Hudson, Parsons and South High were empty! Broad and Sullivant had a couple unattractive women. Then I turned down Wedgewood and noticed 2 attractive WSWs. An older blonde and a younger dark haired girl. I wanted the younger one, but since the older girl looked good I said what the hell.

Her name is Kristin and she is 30. I told her all I had was 20 and I wanted BBFS. She said no. But I ignored this. We drove to a secret location and my lowball offer was fine. Her body was great. She must not have been doing this for very long. She has a landing strip but needs to shave it bald. We did it in the missionary position and she was quite enthusiastic and appeared to be enjoying herself. I blew my load in her and she wiped her pussy off with some napkins and threw them outside the car for some poor guy to clean up. She gave me her number that she shares with Laura, the 20 year old dark haired girl. Next time I will blow my load in Laura.

She said I could give her digits out. So if you can hook up with attractive disease free ladies under 25, who will set me back 20 dollars, give me your numbers. [/QUOT.

What's her number?

08-18-11, 17:38
1. No, never seen dated talked to Peaches on Parsons. I've never seen anything worth stopping for on Parsons. I seldom go down Parsons. I've rarely visit Main or Liv lately. I got all I want right here on Cleve, or my reg hottie Char.

2. However, Outdoor Sex Girl (actually we only had sex one time outdoors-that was the first time) called me and wanted to date.

I picked her up and she asks

'what ya want to do'

Same as we always do, why?

I want to do anal this time.

Wow, OK, great. Why?

By Boyfriend and I do it and I like it.

Good. Me too.

We park, take it all off, I get the usual sloppy BBBJ, then some good mish, while she gets herself off, then doggie, then, as she's now wet, some anal. It's really tight but I manage. Then back to mish, she gets herself off again, and finished me off with head. Got to get her in a bed.

Today, my special regular sends me another pic of her. Asks to get together. I have to make it tomorrow, to which she agrees.

This is one I won't say No to. And, she made a special effort to be just a few blocks from work so when I get off, it's straight to pick her up.

And, on cleve I've always got Miranda.

And, if I'm despeerate, one eyed Tina.

So, I got no need to go over to Sully / W Broad and get followed by LE, Main or Liv to see the TV's.

I don't hit a different girl every few days.

I'm old, and content with a few special young Ebony beauties, that are all women, all clean, all honest, never had nothin stolen.

I did see Heather on cleve / Weber, but passed on.


Shadow out.

Oh yea, here's the pic my new reg sent me:

I'll just bet there ain't too many 62 YO fat men hitting something like this.

08-18-11, 17:44
First off, I want to say thank you to Golfingrya2. This dude and I are now "buds". He fixed me up with a very nice number and I will return the favor very soon.

Cruised Sully / Broad about 9:30 this morning. Actually, saw several on all the way down on Sully. Many looked decent. I couldn't believe my eyes and kept driving so I could see more candy. Went over to Broad and saw 1 on top of the hill who didn't look so hot and then saw 3 down in the bottoms who probably had the best BJ in the world since they didn't appear to have any teeth. Just looking at them sent a nasty chill up my spine. Went back to Sully, and by that time, the pretty ones were gone and the Heavy Weights were out. I suspect the prettier ones come out earlier for the businessman comute each morning. Once all the lawyers, bankers and polititions are in their office, the good looking girls go get breakfast and wait for the evening rush hour.

Being mad at myself for passing them up to begin with, I called a number Golfingrya2 gave me and hooked up with an incredible little spinner. She doesn't want to pass out her digits just yet, but I will see her again soon. She doesn't walk the streets, so I can't really offer anything else at this time except that the time of day seems to make a difference.

Happy Hunting and Be Safe,


08-18-11, 20:32
First off, I want to say thank you to Golfingrya2. This dude and I are now "buds". He fixed me up with a very nice number and I will return the favor very soon.

Cruised Sully / Broad about 9:30 this morning. Actually, saw several on all the way down on Sully. Many looked decent. I couldn't believe my eyes and kept driving so I could see more candy. Went over to Broad and saw 1 on top of the hill who didn't look so hot and then saw 3 down in the bottoms who probably had the best BJ in the world since they didn't appear to have any teeth. Just looking at them sent a nasty chill up my spine. Went back to Sully, and by that time, the pretty ones were gone and the Heavy Weights were out. I suspect the prettier ones come out earlier for the businessman comute each morning. Once all the lawyers, bankers and polititions are in their office, the good looking girls go get breakfast and wait for the evening rush hour.

Being mad at myself for passing them up to begin with, I called a number Golfingrya2 gave me and hooked up with an incredible little spinner. She doesn't want to pass out her digits just yet, but I will see her again soon. She doesn't walk the streets, so I can't really offer anything else at this time except that the time of day seems to make a difference.

Happy Hunting and Be Safe,

Well, that really helped me in what to look out for.
One on top of the hill.
3 toothless ones.
No pretty ones after early am.

And you called one who doesn't want her number given out, but, goldfinger gave it out, and she reciprocated.
Now that's information I can work with.


I wonder why I even post and provide pics.
When, all I get is PM's wanting free hook ups.

08-18-11, 20:38
[QUOTE=Humpty Dumpty; 1258655]Her name is Kristin and she is 30. I told her all I had was 20 and I wanted BBFS. She said no. But I ignored this. We drove to a secret location and my lowball offer was fine. Her body was great. She must not have been doing this for very long. She has a landing strip but needs to shave it bald. We did it in the missionary position and she was quite enthusiastic and appeared to be enjoying herself. I blew my load in her and she wiped her pussy off with some napkins and threw them outside the car for some poor guy to clean up. She gave me her number that she shares with Laura, the 20 year old dark haired girl. Next time I will blow my load in Laura.
She said I could give her digits out. So if you can hook up with attractive disease free ladies under 25, who will set me back 20 dollars, give me your numbers. [/QUOT.

What's her number?With a total of 1 (that's ONE, as in one less than 2) posts, bigdaddy asks for a free hook up.

Chris H
08-18-11, 20:52
Well, that really helped me in what to look out for.

One on top of the hill.

3 toothless ones.

No pretty ones after early am.

And you called one who doesn't want her number given out, but, goldfinger gave it out, and she reciprocated.

Now that's information I can work with.


I wonder why I even post and provide pics.

When, all I get is PM's wanting free hook ups.You got to keep posting, I am taking in your valuable info, and you know when I find something good, I hook you up.

08-18-11, 22:05
Out west today and only had enough to get one pick up today. The bad part was I wasted it on a bad pick up, a WSW who I told myself not to see again. So after that waste, I did some recon. I was able to get me some numbers to set me up for tommorow. (Caraline, Sheri) , Jenifer&Candance which said I can get together for a 3way. Last was Wendy with the large fake tits which she showed off to me. Got her some lunch and she said she will return the favor. I could have stayed out all day if I had more gas / energy/$

08-18-11, 22:08
Anyone have any luck (or even try!) picking up SW's in the local bars on Sully and Broad? (would they still be SW's if they are in a bar?). I found a fun lady in a place close on Sully and Hawkes a few months back.

Went back to her place a few blocks away, FS for $60 which I guess is a little high.

I'm mostly out in the evenings and always make a stop or 2, but not sure I'm hitting the right places! (if there are any right places.)

08-18-11, 23:55
You got to keep posting, I am taking in your valuable info, and you know when I find something good, I hook you up.Chris.

Yea, You gave me Lushious's number, but I never hooked up with her.
But, true to what I said, I had 4 PM's asking for my special hotties fone no.
As I explained, we all got our special ladies we don't want to share.
I don't want to share this one.
I'll share her pic, but she's not into multiple men (I think I'm #3 of 3)

I like Miranda, and she dates who she wants.
OneeyedTina is good for some hard sex
Kisses I havent dated lately. Her attitude changed from friendly spinner to I want your money.
Outdoorsex girl is getting hardened (moreso after the rape)
No more innosence.
No more giggly little girl.
She still thinks she can smoke in the car.
Is now asking for a bigger tip.

How quickly they learn / change / harden.
The one I posted a pic of, is still sweet, friendly and doesn't make demands like 'I want your money. Now!"

I'm 62 years old.
I'm getting tired.
I don't need viagra.
I don't need a different one every other day.
I don't need LE following me all over.
I ain't got a lot of good years left, and want to enjoy the ones I do.


Peace out.


08-19-11, 07:43
Well, that really helped me in what to look out for.

One on top of the hill.

3 toothless ones.

No pretty ones after early am.

And you called one who doesn't want her number given out, but, goldfinger gave it out, and she reciprocated.

Now that's information I can work with.


I wonder why I even post and provide pics.

When, all I get is PM's wanting free hook ups.Shadow, when I posted this report, I was assuming the reader would have some basic knowledge of the area I was talking about. For your clarification, the hill refers to Broad Street west of I-70. There is a large hill you drive up. Sorry, I thought that was obvious to everyone. Toothless would be a reference to one butt-ugly chick who is missing teeth. Sorry, I thought that too was an obvious statement. No pretty ones after early am. Well, I thought this was fairly common knowledge. AM is an abreviation for Ante Meridian which in layman terms means the morning hours. So when I referenced after early am hours, that means closer to lunch time or noon. Your next coment suggests that I called the number of a woman who did not want her number given out. The number Golfingrya2 gave me was to a girl who is not currently available, but ther person on the other hooked me up with the girll who does not want me to broadcast her phone number on this site just yet. Once she gets a little more comfortable with me, I suspect she will allow her number given out. The original number given to me by Golfingrya2 is his source, not mine, and it is should not be up to me to pass out that number without his explicit permission. Since that was pretty much irrelevant, I saw no need to post all of this in my original post since the end result is that the girl I saw does not yet want her phone number passed out. Now that we have waisted everyones time with this, let me suggest that one of the points of this forum would be to report back to the group on what transpires so others can pick up tips about when / where. I think my original post conveyed that with what I saw on my trip and where I saw it on my trip. My appologies if it did not meet your criteria.

08-19-11, 14:00
Shadow, when I posted this report, I was assuming the reader would have some basic knowledge of the area I was talking about. For your clarification, the hill refers to Broad Street west of I-70. There is a large hill you drive up. Sorry, I thought that was obvious to everyone. Toothless would be a reference to one butt-ugly chick who is missing teeth. Sorry, I thought that too was an obvious statement. No pretty ones after early am. Well, I thought this was fairly common knowledge. AM is an abreviation for Ante Meridian which in layman terms means the morning hours. So when I referenced after early am hours, that means closer to lunch time or noon. Your next coment suggests that I called the number of a woman who did not want her number given out. The number Golfingrya2 gave me was to a girl who is not currently available, but ther person on the other hooked me up with the girll who does not want me to broadcast her phone number on this site just yet. Once she gets a little more comfortable with me, I suspect she will allow her number given out. The original number given to me by Golfingrya2 is his source, not mine, and it is should not be up to me to pass out that number without his explicit permission. Since that was pretty much irrelevant, I saw no need to post all of this in my original post since the end result is that the girl I saw does not yet want her phone number passed out. Now that we have waisted everyones time with this, let me suggest that one of the points of this forum would be to report back to the group on what transpires so others can pick up tips about when / where. I think my original post conveyed that with what I saw on my trip and where I saw it on my trip. My appologies if it did not meet your criteria.I'm not speaking for Shadow1, but I'm pretty sure thats not what he was talking about when he reffered to the story being "Useless information". And certinly he wasn't confused with the short talk.

08-19-11, 14:41
I'm not speaking for Shadow1, but I'm pretty sure thats not what he was talking about when he reffered to the story being "Useless information". And certinly he wasn't confused with the short talk.I am not sure what he was confused about either, that's why I attempted to respond to his concerns line by line. The information provided is no more useless than what many other fine folks here report, and based on some of the private messages I have received, I would say that others have not found it to be useless.

The report discussed fairly specific locations, and times that worked and times that didn't work. I think the average reader should also walk away knowing that IMHO, Golfingrya2 should be considered a trusted and reliable source of information. I went out on a limb with information he provided me, and he came through with shining colors.

I realize some of this information may not be anything new for many of the experienced mongers out there, but a little shared reconnaissance should always be welcomed.

Be Safe and Have Fun out there,


Rockout Cbus
08-19-11, 18:41
Been a while since I posted. Here goes.

Several weeks ago I met WSWS dirty blonde Candice late on a Thursday night. Has a Sarah Jessica Parker look to her. Ateast in the dark. Anyway, got BBBJCIM which was pretty good. She appeared to have a nearly perfect ass, but did not get a close inspection. Tattoo upper thigh below shorts line is a good givaway. You will see it if she is walking. She is super cautious on the pickup.

MWJRP was right about Jessica. 10+ on SW scale, dare I say 9-ish on any scale if you like short girls. I have seen her twice, first time BBBJ in car, second was a trip to my place for FS. She really is absolutely flawless. Better skin than most women outside the business. Super friendly and nice as well. Correcton to MR's report though. I am almost certain that she has light green eyes. The problem is that she is indeed super tight, and does not like lube. She is also quite shy, and remains very distant during FS. Like looking blankly at the ceiling, etc which is a turn off. She asks for a premium because she can get it. BBBJ was not great if you ask me, definately not for you if you like any sort of DT. She is super cool though. One of the few I was not in a hurry to drop off afterwards. You could take her to your moms house as a GF and none would be the wiser. Last number she called me from was x24-23xx, match the # you have MR? Stays off bellows near Soulder.

Saw a girl Tina, WSW late 20's? On parsons down by innis several weeks ago. Was not super hot, but gave good BBBJ. Damage was $20. Not sure, but think # includes xxx-7027, but that may be another.

Saw Brandy (I?) on Parsons (near rallys) twice this week. WSW, super skinny spinner, says she is 22. First time I saw her at night. Looked super super hot. I was surprised how cute she was. Second time was Wednesday late afternoon, still cute, but not in Jessica category. Probably still an 8. 5-9 for SW scale though. She is really cute. Did not see naked though. BBBJCIM each time with lots of DT. 20 is damage. Has a phone but have not called. It seems like she is easy to find.

Saw another really cute blonde on parsons before I saw brandi the first time, but she would not take the hint to get off a busy corner for a safe pickup, so I did not attempt pickup.

Saw Dee (dianna, deanna?) mixed 22 year old spinner MR has reported on in the past. She is blondish now. Possibly a botched dye job but looked great to me. Said she was nabbed in April or June I guess by an UC, and was fined. Super cute girl. Pics posted of her do no justice. BBBJCIM is phenomenal IMHO. No desire for FS with her BBBJ. I swear that I saw stars the first BBBJ I got from her.

Have a somewhat regular arrangement with Jen who lives off Hall Road out of the neighborhood. Great DT BBBJ. Gets into BBBJ with moaning, etc. Pick her up at home, find a spot, get excellent DT BBBJ, take her home. Older, but physically in pretty good shape. Maybe 30's. With clothes, body is a solid 8+ on SW scale. Have not seen without them. I have reported on her in the past. Originally picked her up behind a bar near richardson off sully about 6 months ago. Regular ever since. Don't think she is really in the business.

Saw megan (I think it is megan wymer) about 3 months ago off sullivant a few blocks east of UDF. She went back to an ally for pickup. I came back the other way, turned corner to pull into the ally and BAM. Cop helicopter hovering right there like they were watching. Drove by and left neighbourhood. Have not seen her since. Thought I saw her in slammer sometmie in the last month or 2.

Saw Wendi's big fake tittied dumb ass strolling down Broad yesterday. I will never pick her up again, as she has been nothing but trouble for me.

Saw 'pornstar BBBJ' blond WSW tina out last weekend. Saturday or Sunday morning on broad east of the UDF by 5-6 blocks. Tried to scoop, but missed.

Anyone seen the spinner brunette Tonya that is always out on Broad? Have talked to her but never picked her up, although I have been tempted. Another SW that was a regular of mine for a time told me that she has been seen shooting H in alleys, which has scared me away.

08-19-11, 19:26
I had a real nice long formal reply all ready to go, but decided against it.

Main thing is, you know you didn't really provide any useful information.

We know the difference between the hilltop and the bottoms.

We know there are skanks and toothless SW's and there are a few hotties.

But, unless you got something specific to relate to, general information isn't going to get me a hot piece of ass.

So, not to worry.

You tried.

Thanks for the information

08-19-11, 23:03
Went back to the westside today cause I had a good day yesterday doing recon. Plan was to go on another cruze first and if I didn't find anything, then try out some of the numbers I had gotten. It was late morring and I find WSW Angel on a side street south of shully. After she gets in, she says we can go over to her sisters yard over on high st. Angel is a little thick with a tummy and firm small tits. Teeth were a little messed up but all else was good. Was able to get an unrushed H&H. When she started with the BBBJ, I was thinking about letting her continue and just finish me off that way cause she was doing it real good, but I wanted to do her too. She then got herself into possition for mish. This girl has an man eater ginger, took all of me with no problem. We both worked up a sweat and I finished c.Mish.

After dropping Angel off, I found Red head Nikki waiting at a bus stop on Shully. I had to make a few passes before she came over. She gave me a rolling BBBJ. Looked like she may have been in a fight with some one cause she had small scratches on her and wouldn't let me feel on certain areas.

I gave Parsons a try today cause others said they haven't had any luck. There were a few good looking non SW's out. I came across WSW Tina. She was actully waiting for someone else to pick her up but they didn't show, so she got in with me. I didn't pick her up for her looks, she wasn't cute but not ugly either. Her tits were a nice size but had that de-pressed looked to them and her belly is unattractive. The good with her is that she has great BJ skills. I will try and get back with her real soon.

AaronOhio, I knew what you were sayin in your report, don't worry, I have posted a few like that myself.

08-20-11, 01:05
Got a call from my special reg.

Picked her up down the street from the office.

Parked in plain site. She rode me like a rodeo star.

Meaning, I got me some and posted a pic.

What have YOU provided today?

Humpty Dumpty
08-20-11, 05:32
Was something funny going on last night, Sullivant on the Hilltop? Saw strange body language on 2 WSWs, including one who gave hand signals to a marked car. Also, I noticed the cops were everywhere, and a bit more quick when pulling someone over; usually when someone is pulled over, even if no ticket or arrest, its a 15 minute ordeal minimum. Not so with the cars I saw. I am not one to be overly paranoid about possible sting operations, but what I saw was cause for concern. I smoked a cigarette out in front of a couple of the trashy bars in the area and couldn't help but notice these abnormalities.

I called Kristin and Laura. They claimed not to remember me and wouldn't see me. This really let the air outa my tires. No action on Wedgewood at all.

So I went over to Parsons and saw petite Peaches, BSW. 29. She is indeed a woman. I gave her my cream. BBBJ and BBFS was 20, half her going rate since I am cheap. Her service and BBBJ skills were way above average. Its a shame there are all these BTVs, thieves, etc who give good girls like Peaches a bad name. I told her about this and she agreed. Next time will get BBBJ because her technique and enthusiasm were great. Asked for digits, apparently she has a problem with losing phones. Sorry, Shadow.

Oh yeah, Cleveland and Hudson were empty. E 5th had a couple decent girls but could not make a pickup because of LE presence.

Rockout Cbus
08-20-11, 09:56
Was something funny going on last night, Sullivant on the Hilltop? Saw strange body language on 2 WSWs, including one who gave hand signals to a marked car. Also, I noticed the cops were everywhere, and a bit more quick when pulling someone over; usually when someone is pulled over, even if no ticket or arrest, its a 15 minute ordeal minimum. Not so with the cars I saw. I am not one to be overly paranoid about possible sting operations, but what I saw was cause for concern. I smoked a cigarette out in front of a couple of the trashy bars in the area and couldn't help but notice these abnormalities.

I called Kristin and Laura. They claimed not to remember me and wouldn't see me. This really let the air outa my tires. No action on Wedgewood at all.

So I went over to Parsons and saw petite Peaches, BSW. 29. She is indeed a woman. I gave her my cream. BBBJ and BBFS was 20, half her going rate since I am cheap. Her service and BBBJ skills were way above average. Its a shame there are all these BTVs, thieves, etc who give good girls like Peaches a bad name. I told her about this and she agreed. Next time will get BBBJ because her technique and enthusiasm were great. Asked for digits, apparently she has a problem with losing phones. Sorry, Shadow.

Oh yeah, Cleveland and Hudson were empty. E 5th had a couple decent girls but could not make a pickup because of LE presence.Everything seemed dead. Around 3am I saw activity on broad by central that looked alot like LE sting activity. LE was very heavy but out of view. Saw cops driving around in alleys without lights on etc. Earlier in the evening, I saw what looked like a sting on S high.

Parsons and Cleve seemed dead to me. I miss the days when you could find something on Hudson just off 71 almost any time of day. There is absolutely nothing there now ever.

Where is the action on E 5th? Is it further out than Leonard / 5th split?

08-20-11, 11:40
Was something funny going on last night, Sullivant on the Hilltop? Saw strange body language on 2 WSWs, including one who gave hand signals to a marked car. Also, I noticed the cops were everywhere, and a bit more quick when pulling someone over; usually when someone is pulled over, even if no ticket or arrest, its a 15 minute ordeal minimum. Not so with the cars I saw. I am not one to be overly paranoid about possible sting operations, but what I saw was cause for concern. I smoked a cigarette out in front of a couple of the trashy bars in the area and couldn't help but notice these abnormalities.

I called Kristin and Laura. They claimed not to remember me and wouldn't see me. This really let the air outa my tires. No action on Wedgewood at all.

So I went over to Parsons and saw petite Peaches, BSW. 29. She is indeed a woman. I gave her my cream. BBBJ and BBFS was 20, half her going rate since I am cheap. Her service and BBBJ skills were way above average. Its a shame there are all these BTVs, thieves, etc who give good girls like Peaches a bad name. I told her about this and she agreed. Next time will get BBBJ because her technique and enthusiasm were great. Asked for digits, apparently she has a problem with losing phones. Sorry, Shadow.

Oh yeah, Cleveland and Hudson were empty. E 5th had a couple decent girls but could not make a pickup because of LE presence.
1. Quick stops / arrests are a sure sign of a sting. Set them up, arrest them and get outa there so they can get the next one.
2. No problem on the fone for Peaches. I really don't want to hit someone who coiuld be seen as a TV.
3. Based on the post below, I got plenty of fine BSW's blowing up my fone to get my money.
4. One of my old reg (Lois, aka Slammin Head) lives in an apt on E 5th. Time to give her a call.
5. Never much on Hudson.
6. Cleve is hit and miss, if ya ain't got a contact. One eyed Tina is always out there tho.
7. Why people would continuously go to where there is a consistant heavy LE presence, I dunno. Law of averages would tell me that sooner or later I'm going to get stopped / arrested if there are always cops around. Wich is another reason I stay on cleve, very few cops. Same on Main / Liv. Had one reg tell me that that was why she worked Main-no cops.
8. Not a good sign when a prior date doesn't want your money. Maybe you got to kick in a couple more bucks for the special ones ifin ya want to see them again.

Blu Ray
08-20-11, 12:19
You got to keep posting, I am taking in your valuable info, and you know when I find something good, I hook you up.
Got a call from my special reg.

Picked her up down the street from the office.

Parked in plain site. She rode me like a rodeo star.

Meaning, I got me some and posted a pic.

What have YOU provided today?I for one value and enjoy reading Shadows reports very informative. While he has been critized in the past for his pererfence in girls, he provides excellent reports and finds some real gems and reports on them. The above recent post is just one example of that, Keep on posting Shadow.

08-20-11, 13:37
I dreamed of Alexis last Sunday. In the dream, I was driving down Sully, and saw her hanging out near the intersection of Martin. I rolled around, got the nod, and went around the block where we met. Did a cop check, and rolled over to my favorite notel. She then proceeded to make a deal, give me some excellent BBBJ, and then I finished with her legs spread wide. It was great, and as I was finish, she was wishpering,"You going to cum for me, baby?". That put me right over the top! Great dream!

08-20-11, 23:11
Was gettin restless hanging around the house so decided to take the bike for a ride.
Straight to Cleve.
Around Weber saw Amber (of Amber and Nirvana fame a few months ago). She was looking really nice with her long hair flowing in the warm breeze.
Saw Heathers friend Lynn walking just S of Weber, near the auto parts store.
Saw Chay, a thick BSW.
Saw another WSW just S of the same Auto Parts store.
Went further down and saw a youngish SBF, walking from Mcdonalds towards Hudson. I tried to get her attention but she wouldn't stop.
Kept on and think I saw One Eye. But, on the return leg of the trip, she was gone, but the Young SBF was now walking the other direction.

Went over to Hamilton (17th to Hudson) couple of civilians is all.
Back to McD's and saw Miranda.

Stopped and talked for a minute. Went around back and played HS kissy games, a little Hand Job, and set a time to meet tomoro.
Back up the street and saw a couple more.
What I didn't see, was one cop. Not one cop the whole time cruizin.

Just S of Morse on Cleve, near that corner store, saw some young hotties 'hangin'.
Probably selling weed, as the apt bldg right behind there is a big drug store.
So,"It's a sat night and everythings all right'.
Meaning, I got a smorgus board of possibilities.
No toothless skank black eyed cut up nasty TV's with LE all over round here.
Never did make it to Main / Liv.
But tomoro be another day.

08-20-11, 23:25
I I realize some of this information may not be anything new for many of the experienced mongers out there, but a little shared reconnaissance should always be welcomed."Experienced" (I hope you're not trying to say that I have little experience) (althought the Denver board died when I left)


I'm guessing I been doing this longer than you been alive.
I started many years ago, (1968) when I went to a small country far away and worked for my Uncle (Sam-that is)
Haven't quit since.
(Sorry for the late reply-just saw this).

So, tell us what you did tonight.
And take some pictures next time.
Thanks and good huntin'

08-21-11, 01:38
I rolled around from 10-mid night on Sat night and saw 1 either high or drunk SW between Sully and Board. No more LE than normal, may be 3-4. Wonder if something happened earlier or just bad timing. Oh well, there is always another time. Parson was the same.

08-22-11, 08:19
Anyone seen the spinner brunette Tonya that is always out on Broad? Have talked to her but never picked her up, although I have been tempted. Another SW that was a regular of mine for a time told me that she has been seen shooting H in alleys, which has scared me away.I saw Tonya a few weeks ago and she looks okay in the dark but once the lights come on you can see that she has a bad case of Ho Pox. She wears a ton of makeup to cover the ones on her face but you can still see thta she has a big problem. She denis being on drugs but uhhh. Working girls lie.

I enjoyed talking with her though and we rode a round a bit but did not partake in any activity with her. I tipped her a few bucks for her time so that she could buy some smokes. If I see her out I stop and say Hello, and sometimes give her a couple of dollars.

She has absoultely beautiful eyes and her body is solid as a rock. It is a shame that she has so many problems in her life.

08-22-11, 09:05
Wendy sucked my ding dong completely off on Saturday. I no longrer have a penis.

Seriously though. I have read on here that she is quite the case but I'm a sucker for big rubber tits. (pun intended)

She sucked me off in record time! It only took her about three minutes and I never pop from a BJ in three minutes!

I would like to get her back to my dungeon so that I can really give her a good gag! Gag! Gag! Face fucking!

08-22-11, 20:26
Hit the bottoms and hilltop Saturday night. Not much out at all. LE had someone pulled over one block east of Sally's. Seen a skinny WSW in front of mortz with short brown hair. She was scooped up before I could get back around. Nothing on the hilltop on Sully. Scooped up Faith on Broad on the hilltop. Older WSW, brown hair to the shoulder, med. Build, nice ass and very friendly. Went to her spot and got a BBBJCIM that was pretty dam good. Said she does greek, but did not have the time to drive back to my hotel and then take her back to the hilltop. Will give here a call next time I'm in town to take her up on that. Hopefully her number will still work when I come back.

08-23-11, 07:09

How did you take the comment to say I thought you were not experienced? It was a comment suggesting that intel may not be anything new for experienced mongers, like yourself and several others in here. I would encourage you to reread the post and don't misconstrue what I write. If there is something in my posts that is not clear to you, I invite you to send me a PM anytime and I will be happy to clarify my remarks to you in private.

As far as being active longer than I have been alive, I am afraid you are wrong there my friend. While I do not write down what happens every time I go to town in this forum due to time constraints, you should not think that you have been doing this longer than I have. You were not the only one working for our Uncle Sam in 68.



"Experienced" (I hope you're not trying to say that I have little experience) (althought the Denver board died when I left)


I'm guessing I been doing this longer than you been alive.

I started many years ago, (1968) when I went to a small country far away and worked for my Uncle (Sam-that is)

Haven't quit since.

(Sorry for the late reply-just saw this).

So, tell us what you did tonight.

And take some pictures next time.

Thanks and good huntin'


08-23-11, 07:32
Made arrangements to go for an early morning cruise this morning to check out all the scenery on the Sully / Broad loop around 6ish this morning and saw all kinds of eye candy out. Especially saw several girls on Sully, so I was cruising for a 'looker'. Picked up Jennifer, near an alley on Avondale between Sully & Bellows. She is a very pretty young lady, probably in her mid 20's with blonde hair and age / weight proportionate. Would guess she is a 36c 140lbs. We drove around doing the Leo checks, and then went to one of my regular locations. She was way too nervous, constantly looking around. I'm wondering if she was busted recently or something. She didn't like my spot, so we went to find another. She didn't like the 2nd spot either, so I went to my 3rd. Finally, she reluctantly agreed to the location and BBBJ for. 2. She kept up this nervous behavior the whole time, and frankly, did a lousy job. Dropped her off where I picked her up. She was very pretty, but not a repeat for me.

Saw Calyn up the hill on sully, picked her up to finish the job. She has been one of my favorites and she didn't disappoint me this time either. Usual. 2 donation plus tip.

Be Careful and Have Fun,


Humpty Dumpty
08-23-11, 11:33
I plan on doing some more recon missions in the E 5th area after doing some contract work on a business in the area. For a black neighborhood, its not so bad. If I found a really cheap house a few blocks away from the main thoroughfare, I wouldn't mind living there. The overall vibe of the area isn't as tense as Livingston, Main or Cleveland Ave. The LE presence isn't excessive either. I have not seen any BTVs. Decent quality BSWs are around. If you see a white lady walking around that area, you can bet she is working. Some of them are quite attractive too. The area I am referring to is E 5th from Leonard all the way down to Stelzer, with Sunbury to a few blocks east of Cassady being the hotspots. Ohio Dominican University is just up the way if you wanted to meet young students.

08-23-11, 11:33
Picked up amber at sully and avondale lots of track marks and seemed to be totally out of it was very rushed and she lacked good skills would not repeat to many scabs and scars.

Humpty Dumpty
08-23-11, 16:33
Picked up amber at sully and avondale lots of track marks and seemed to be totally out of it was very rushed and she lacked good skills would not repeat to many scabs and scars.Oh no! She had been going to college and had a legit job. Its a shame to hear about this. She used to be top shelf! I nutted in her on 4 occasions.

08-23-11, 22:39
Saw Rose, black hustler (won"t call herself a prostitute) 21 5'5" 130 short hair. Hudson / cleve. Was a little spacey (high) but still straight enuf for a BBBJTCCIM for 20. Wouldn't let me play with her saggy 34C's as someone put a cig out on the L one. Probably won"t repeat.

Further down the road, saw Miranda. Looked like a little HS girl. Went to the dollar store and got her an air mattress and a cute outfit. She thanked me.

Fairwood / Liv, saw Tia. 23 5'2' 115lbs 34C's had an exotic look (black mixed) from Sanberghetto Calif. Offer a ride, she got in. Said she just wanted a ride home. Further discussion led to parking and getting a HJ for $10. In the middle, agreed to BBBJ for another $10. No tittie fondling. Doesn't fvck. Just head. Is supposedly getting married and is only avail during the week 10:00 to 3:00. Is really cute, but not being able to suck them titties or fvck that tight ass hurts. No fone. Gave her mine.

Chris H
08-23-11, 22:57
I plan on doing some more recon missions in the E 5th area after doing some contract work on a business in the area. For a black neighborhood, its not so bad. If I found a really cheap house a few blocks away from the main thoroughfare, I wouldn't mind living there. The overall vibe of the area isn't as tense as Livingston, Main or Cleveland Ave. The LE presence isn't excessive either. I have not seen any BTVs. Decent quality BSWs are around. If you see a white lady walking around that area, you can bet she is working. Some of them are quite attractive too. The area I am referring to is E 5th from Leonard all the way down to Stelzer, with Sunbury to a few blocks east of Cassady being the hotspots. Ohio Dominican University is just up the way if you wanted to meet young students.I checked out the area yesterday, but no luck. I know the girls can be out in that area, but it may be hit or miss.

08-23-11, 23:09
I picked up Missy on Parsons. Medium length blonde hair and around 130lbs. She started whineing right away about being hot and then about being abandoned by some friends. Claims she is from Dayton and was trying to make enough money to get back home.

I told her I was running an errand and not really interested but she begged me for some money. I told her that I would give her a few bucks just to help her out. She said she gave great head and thought that I should get something for my money. She convinced me to find a spot so she could show me what she could do. We climbed in the back and she took her top off. She has a pretty decent pair of C cups. Well, she was right. She sucked like hell and took my load in her mouth. Then with a big smile she said I told you I gave great head.

Shawn Petzel
08-24-11, 01:52
I plan on doing some more recon missions in the E 5th area after doing some contract work on a business in the area. For a black neighborhood, its not so bad. If I found a really cheap house a few blocks away from the main thoroughfare, I wouldn't mind living there. The overall vibe of the area isn't as tense as Livingston, Main or Cleveland Ave. The LE presence isn't excessive either. I have not seen any BTVs. Decent quality BSWs are around. If you see a white lady walking around that area, you can bet she is working. Some of them are quite attractive too. The area I am referring to is E 5th from Leonard all the way down to Stelzer, with Sunbury to a few blocks east of Cassady being the hotspots. Ohio Dominican University is just up the way if you wanted to meet young students.I pass though their all the time and on a very rare occasion you will find a jem in the ruffle. But in my option not worth the drive out of your way because very seldom is their anything their.

Humpty Dumpty
08-24-11, 21:03
Drove down South High by Buckeye Donuts. Noticed a pretty WSW. She got in. She said she was 18! I offered 15 for BBFS and she agreed. Jackpot! Went to a secret location and did it in the car. She got the full load. No digits. Forgot her name, remember romance!

See guys? Girls will take whatever you offer them. Stop overpaying!

Dads Extra Fun
08-24-11, 21:13
I've not posted in a while so I'me playing catch-up. All of these are from along Parsons.

Tess. WSW about 5'2", brown hair and brown eyes. She's about 23. Maybe 140 pounds but a cute face and nice D sized breasts. She doesn't swallow but works long and hard without complaints. Sweet girl. Found near old fire station.

Nora. BSW, thin about 5'9" small breasts. She's probably about 35. Found around Pizza Hut. Friendly and no attitude. Decent BBBJ skills, nothing special but reliable.

McKenzie. WSW about 5'6" with brown hair and a nice build about 24. I wouldn't advise this one. She'll try to work you and get the money up front then start with the paranoid act. Maybe someone else has had positive experience with her but I'll continue to avoid as long as there are others available. She's usually around Parsons and Siebert.

WSW about 22, reddish blond hair. 5'4" and maybe 110 pounds. I think she goes by the name Gandy or Grady or something. She's usually around the hardware store. She's not much of a talker and doesn't appear very enthusiastic when you pick her up but when she goes to work she puts everything into it. I've seen her twice for bjs, once working for more than 20 minutes without complaint. Another reliable one.

08-25-11, 00:56
I haven't seen her or heard about Mckenzie in a long time. She tried something smilar with me. I'm going to see if I can find some of the other SW you had.

I've not posted in a while so I'me playing catch-up. All of these are from along Parsons.

Tess. WSW about 5'2", brown hair and brown eyes. She's about 23. Maybe 140 pounds but a cute face and nice D sized breasts. She doesn't swallow but works long and hard without complaints. Sweet girl. Found near old fire station.

Nora. BSW, thin about 5'9" small breasts. She's probably about 35. Found around Pizza Hut. Friendly and no attitude. Decent BBBJ skills, nothing special but reliable.

McKenzie. WSW about 5'6" with brown hair and a nice build about 24. I wouldn't advise this one. She'll try to work you and get the money up front then start with the paranoid act. Maybe someone else has had positive experience with her but I'll continue to avoid as long as there are others available. She's usually around Parsons and Siebert.

WSW about 22, reddish blond hair. 5'4" and maybe 110 pounds. I think she goes by the name Gandy or Grady or something. She's usually around the hardware store. She's not much of a talker and doesn't appear very enthusiastic when you pick her up but when she goes to work she puts everything into it. I've seen her twice for bjs, once working for more than 20 minutes without complaint. Another reliable one.

08-25-11, 08:12
Okay I was doing the Sully 500 last night and picked up a WSW named Ashley. 23, 5'5" about 115 lbs. With pigtails! (pig tails get BONUS points). She has a slender build with small boobs and puffy nipples! (Puffies are another BONUS) She provided an awesome CBJ for. 25. I asked about oral popshot with swaller for a. 1 tip. She agreed. No celly. I asked, but nope. Said she dances at Rachel's on the east side.

The real story is that after I dropped Ashley off I was driving E on Sull in a horrible down pour complete with extreme lightning show and there was a WSW about 5'4" 135 with long blonde ponytail, in shorts and a white halter top with a purse over one shoulder walking West! She was just strolling along like it was sunny and 65 outside! She made eyecontact as I drove by and gave a bit of a wave. NOW THAT IS SOME DEDICATION!

I couldn't help but think,."This girl will walk around in a sketchy neighborhood at 2a. M. In a pouring rain storm with lightning and thunder just to do a $20. BJ in an alley, but can't hold a job working the counter in a Jiffy Lube!""

That kinda got me aroused again! I am a sucker for desperation!

Winter is just around the corner and I would bet that if Baby Phat makes snowshoes this one will be out in a fucking blizzard!

Mw Jrp
08-25-11, 17:37
She hoped in and decided we met before. In the room she showered clean and we started DFK, mutual masterbation which evolved into a skillful BBBJ and I continued to stroke her clit and FIV. She seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. Her fingers, hands, and tongue worked magic as she BLS.

After the oral prelims I covered and had her CG and RCG. Her butt had a few marks on it and was the only loose thing on her. The B titties with long nipples were a joy to fondle and suck. Every other part on her was clean, mark-free, clean and nice to rub, squeeze and fondle. Her tummy had a wash board trimness. So, I returned the oral favor and had lunch. Tina responded with more enthuisiasm to the DATY, than I expected and in 5-7 minutes busted a hard nut.

Then it was my turn and I hit her cute little blondish, fury giner and busted a hard nut myself. It felt as good as it looked and tasted. Oh yeah. No pics allowed and she had no digits or phone.

Before Tina, way west on Sully I picked Anna, another blonde, cute with more meat on her bones. She needed a shower, had some loose skin, and a long fresh cut on the thigh, so I dropped her at Wedgewood. If I had seen her at night it probably would have been a date. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
08-25-11, 22:09
I found her on Sully hilltop around 8p before dark. I have not seen her in over a year but she recognized me right away and we quickly caught up. She gave a very fine BBBJ most of the way to my room. Kat is a lean, hardbody spinner, cuter than cute, IMHO, and has no tits, just gum-drop nipples. She is actually self-conscious of the itty bitty titties. I happen to love them.

In the room I got more BBBJ, BLS, and I returned the favor with some DATY. But a clit piercing destroyed most of her sensativity, so she no longer nuts. But she seemed glued to the porn I had going, so she has a purient side, I guess.

After about 25 minutes of oral prelims I got CFS mish, then K9 with her kneeling, and for the finish I had her lay flat on her belly, put my knees outside her's, had her raise her tiny butt, and drove it home with a hard nut, oh yeah. It was erotic watching her tiny frame and butt bounce as I drove into that petite frame. I felt like a huge guy next to her. She is built much like Melissa only taller, and has that same effervescent personality.

It was good to get reconnected with Kat. She gave me her number but minutes are a problem. So, I dropped her off at home and now have that address for another visit. Here is a pic of her sweet little giner just after I busted my nut. She is too shy about her titties to show them. Too bad because they are darling. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Humpty Dumpty
08-25-11, 22:31
About Mackenzie, I blew my load in her once. A couple other times I picked her up and her attitude and paranoia were pretty bad. Good looking girl, but I will not repeat.

Humpty Dumpty
08-25-11, 22:35
Can someone tell me what the hell happened on the Hilltop Thursday night? Sullivant east of Hague? 2 dozen cop cars, streets blocked off, etc? The news sites haven't said anything yet.

08-25-11, 23:09
After I had my visit with Angel tonight, I went down cleve. Ave to see what was out. Just earily into the cruze, I see a girl talking through the window of antoher car. She looks great from what I could see, so I make a turn around the block to see if she leaves with that car or if I can make the pick up. As I get back around she justs finishes talking with the person in the car and doesn't get in and starts walking. (I later find out that the guy stopped and tried to talk to her like three times and didn't make the pick up. Well that ended up being bad for that guy, cause he missed out on a good one, Lucky me.) I tried to get her attention and get her to come over to me, I don't know if she heard me or not, so I did it again as I drove by and she meet me at the next corner. I can't remember the name she goes by on the street, But her real name starts with a C. (Sorry can't say real name on here.) Mid 20's, Brunette curly hair shoulder lenght. 5'5", a tat on her neck and a few on other places on her body, tits are about be and a nice round, soft ass, mixed, she's a high 7. Found a spot and started with a little BBBJ and on to k9 which I pounded for a long time. After poping in Angel, I wasn't sure I could do it again. I had just began mish with this girl when our spot got interupeted and it was time to go. She doesn't have a phone, said the one she had got stolen. Gave her my number, and hope she's calls, cause I got to get this gem in a room and have her again.

08-26-11, 08:20
Took 5th home after work yesterday. Absolutely nada.
Went up Cleve and I think I saw her (your Gem) around 20th. She gave me the look a couple times, but I passed. Was wearing brown pants and forgot what colour top.

I did see a couple others near Weber, a black girl I never dated, with Lynn (WSW).

I was looking for Miranda, but saw One Eyed Tina instead. She's always good for a good hard BJ / FS. See her, she gets in, wants to stop by the corner store for cigs. Give her $10. She comes back and we go park. Once again, here comes the BS "I can only do head today".
I'm thinking now, she doesn't want to have FS with me cause I take too long and give it to her hard.
So, it's on with the BBBJ and she's giving it all she got, but, she can't finish the job. Take her back and give her $2 (two-not twnety).

See Miranda at the bus stop. Pull in the parking lot and she gets in. Go back to the same spot and get in back. I eally like MIranda, but, she's been up / runnin for 3 days now and looks tired and worn out.
She gives a great BBBJTCCIM for $20 and 3 singles (cigarettes-cost $1) from the corner store.

SlamminHead (Lois) called and wants to hook up. Last time she had her BF over to the house. I asked why, if she had a BF, she wants to svck my dyck for $20. She replied she had her reasons. Meaning, never trust a SW to be true to you. I'm sure her BF thinks she's all that, but, ain't so.
Kinda like Jada Pinkett. I've always said she reminds me of a SW. Now, she's fvcking some other dude and Will caught them.
I'd fvck her, but, true to her nature and natural instincts, she be a hoe just like the rest of them.

Oh yea, Tia, from Liv / Fairwood, that I gave my # to, of course she never called. Wasn't going to date her again anyway. I can't do a half a HJ and half a BJ. I need titties and ass.


08-26-11, 08:27
. But a clit piercing destroyed most of her sensativity, so she no longer nuts. MWI like small titties too, but, I don't see a clit piercing in your pic of her koochie.

What am I missing?

Mw Jrp
08-26-11, 10:51
I like small titties too, but, I don't see a clit piercing in your pic of her koochie.

What am I missing?I didn't see evidence of the piercing either and I was close-up. She said if she knew that it would ruin her sensativity she would not have gotten it 3 or 4 years ago. I figured since there is no physical evidence of it, she abandoned the jewelry or ring that may have been there years ago and the holes closed up. As a result of that piercing she no longer can cum; her words. So, I cut the DATY short since I had viewed and tasted her giner enough, and she was incapable of nutting.

If you want a westside date let me know. MW

Traveler Two
08-26-11, 11:07
Can someone tell me what the hell happened on the Hilltop Thursday night? Sullivant east of Hague? 2 dozen cop cars, streets blocked off, etc? The news sites haven't said anything yet.I hear somebody was shooting at the police again. Didn't hear if they got the guy or not.

08-26-11, 12:43
Can someone tell me what the hell happened on the Hilltop Thursday night? Sullivant east of Hague? 2 dozen cop cars, streets blocked off, etc? The news sites haven't said anything yet.I saw Kat at the car wash around 630-700 but traffic was too heavy at the time to make a turn around and decided to take Wilson to Board and headed over to Parson. Before that, I did 3 passes and saw 3 WSW up & down Sully 1 tall slender blonde at the bottom and a brunette around 5'2" (looks very young) with a white top further up pass 70 and a redhead around Wheatland with pink top, jean, and dark sunglasses.

While on Parson, I saw a cute slender blonde with a tatoo on one of her arm near Kroger but she was scooped up before I got to her. After dinner, I headed back over to Board & Sully around 9 and saw quite a bit of LE at the bottom on Sully, side streets and alleys. Finally around 930-1000 I p / you Crystal (same from last week) at Burger King on Board for a BBBJCIM before heading home. There was another decent looking WSW at the same spot also but she was gone after I drop Crystal off 30 mins later.

08-26-11, 23:34
P / U Brandy tonight around 10 next to the auto part store on Parson. Same girl I mentioned yesterday. She is may be 95lbs soak & wet. Decent BBBJCIM for. 2. She said she doesn't normally come out at night because of safety reason.

Earlier around 7ish, I spotted 3-4 WSW at Board & Central but I was on the phone and couldn't do any p / you. Sully was dead and heavy present of LE again. I even saw 3 of them walking shoulder to shoulder in front of Mort's at the bottom around 930.

08-27-11, 01:37
Hey Shadow, I do think you seen the same girl. I couldn't remember the color of her shirt either cause I was checking out her a$$. I did pick her up in that area too.

08-27-11, 11:11
Had some free time last nite so decided to see what happens after dark.

Saw the regulars ones on cleve. Made a few passes and nothing really stood out.
Say Miranda near the corner store and stopped to say Hi. (she gets mad if I drive by and not at least say Hi) Gave her $2 for 7 singles and a ride to grammas house.
She mentioned that it was 'hot' out last nite. I said it wasn't that bad. She said NO, I mean Cops are everywhere. After that I did in fact notice cops everywhere. Cars, paddy wagons, fire trucks ambulamces-everywhere.

Say One Eyed Tina and she was looking really hot. Nice designer 3/4 length pants, form fitting top, a new weave and some sunglasses (so the next trick doesn't see her eye). She waved. I never stopped for her, and she knew why. Saw a few others, both white and black. Between Weber and 17th.

Nothing striking so went down to Main. Saw the ususal tweekers, and a really hot looking BTV for HD. Lotsa cops.
Went over to Liv. Saw Brianna, but by the time I did 3 lefts and a R she was gone. But, did see 7 cops cars with lights, fire trucks, paddy wagon near Liv / Fairwood.
Seems like last nite the cities nitght for some kinda crackdown.

I finally saw an older (35) BSW near Kelton. Picked her up and parked over by the park. Offered $20 for a BBBJ. She said she never been so inslted in her life. I say 'fine' start the car and she asks 'what ya doing'. I had no problem taking her back. Seems she bases her price on the car the trick drives (I had the good car last nite). She did agree to get in back and did give a fair BBBJ. Took her back and she now wants to be friends. Don't think so.

Went back to Cleve as it was nearing the bewitching hour. I've seldom seen anything on Hudson (last was outdoorsexgirl).
But, hear Hamilton / Hudson saw a young but kinda thick BSW.
Name is Nikki / Nodak / something like that.
19YO. 5'6" 150lbs, pear shaped boobies / 36C, clean shaven and a nice personality.
Parked and agreed to $20 for a BBBJ. She did really good and offered another $10 to drop the pants for some Mish. Then rolled her over for some doggie, then back for more BBBJ, then a little HJ, then back to mish where I unloaded on her big tummy.
No fone, supposed to see her again, same spot, this afternoon. From Chicago, going back in a month.

So, cops everywhere. 2 dates and a new youngun.
Got to get while the gettin's good.

Humpty Dumpty
08-28-11, 04:01
Saw Jessie Flener on Parsons north of Tee Jayes. She is an Italian / Cherokee mix. She looked slender and fit! I blew my load in her several times. But some other dude picked her up first. I won't identify the car. But if that was you, post details. 20 bucks for BBFSCIP was her old rate.

08-28-11, 14:41
Noontime, Weber / Westerville, saw Heather (the one I call Baby Lysas sister (from Dog the Booty Hunter). Same face, dirty blonde hair, but skinnier.
Went to our usual spot, she just looks at me and says she ain't taking nothing off and we're going to do it in the front seat.
I look at her like WTF?
She says "Fooled ya", and took it all off and jumped in back.
Where, she kneeled down of the floor and I laid back and she burried her face in my crotch.

I would say DT, but, how does one DT a 2" limp dick?
But, not to worry, she got me up and ready in no time, More DT, more long slow thrusts.
Then some ball sucking while HJ'ing. I had to stop her before I lost it.
Then CG like a mad woman.
She cum'ded (BSW terminology) and kept on riding, and cumded again.
Then laid back for mish, I jump on, and it don't take long before I finish.

$27, as we stopped by McD's earlier and I had to break a $10, but gave her another $20.
Now, it's 3 oclock and I spent my hobby money for today.
Was supposed to see outdoorsexgirl later. May still try to make the appt.

Dads Extra Fun
08-28-11, 15:53
Saw Jessie Flener on Parsons north of Tee Jayes. She is an Italian / Cherokee mix. She looked slender and fit! I blew my load in her several times. But some other dude picked her up first. I won't identify the car. But if that was you, post details. 20 bucks for BBFSCIP was her old rate.She must not be getting the business she was looking for on Backpage. She's been posting there as Alexandria with a considerable markup in price. Hard to pay the markup when you know you can get it from her for considerably less.

Humpty Dumpty
08-30-11, 03:23
I drove down Parsons on Sunday night and met Shandi. A BBW WSW. Her going rate is a whopping 30-60! I got her down to 16 for a BBBJCIM. Her digits are available for anyone. She is 28.

So Monday night I drove down Parsons. Saw Kayla, WSW. 23. She flashed herself and showed her small tittays and post-mama belly. I passed and she was upset. Guarantee you she wouldve don't BBFSCIP for 10. But I needed to take a shit. Drove to Double Ds on High. No TP in the bathroom! So I wiped my ass with hard brown paper towels and put them in the tank. Didn't stop for a beer since there was no women, only trashy white guys who thought they were black.

Then I drove down Sullivant. Nothing. Stopped at Keg Room for a couple beers. As I left, a pretty black girl pulled up in a Corolla and begged for gas money. I bet I couldve got her to do BBFS for 20. But I passed. Oh well. Shadow wouldve nutted in his drawers for this girl, but since I had a couple beers, I decided I was vulnerable and has to pass.

Blueberry Hill on Sully had no good looking women either! I need to start going into Campus bars again. Those girls like older dudes. But the 21 year old meatheads want to fight!

08-30-11, 18:17
. As I left, a pretty black girl pulled up in a Corolla and begged for gas money. I bet I couldve got her to do BBFS for 20. But I passed. Oh well. Shadow wouldve nutted in his drawers for this girl, but since I had a couple beers, I decided I was vulnerable and has to pass.
So, you passed on a hot looking BSW that you coulda hit for $20. (after a couple beers)

I only wish you knew how to operate a camera, cause, as they say in another forum, if you ain't got no pictures, it didn'thappen.
Not callin you out, just saying you talk a lot, but never post any pics.
Most of these girls like tohave their pic taken. One of my reg's even asks for copies of the good ones.
But, alas, I got my hands full with the ones on Cleve.
But, if you want to pass on a fone no., feel free, and I'll hit it and post a pic.



08-31-11, 15:37
I need some "Monger Edicut" advice. So if I see a SW that looks like she is worth a swoop and when she gets up to the car looks like she got hit in the face with a bag of hammers, how do I tell her that I am not interested in her services without offending her?

I don't want to offend any ladies. I'm sure if she is not my cup of **** that she will be someone elses. I just would like to know what you guys say when this happens.

I actually had this happen last night. When she got up to the window I said Hello, and realized how looped out she was. I said "I'm sorry I thought you were a friend of mine." She asked "What is her name?" and I said "Jimmy". She said "Do I look like a dude to you?" and I said "No not at all. My friend Jimmy dresses up like a lady"

She was all like "Ooooohhh. I'm sorry. I don't know Jimmy."

I said "It's okay dude I ain't mad at ya'."

I was laughing my ass off as I pulled away!

Traveler Two
09-01-11, 02:09
I need some "Monger Edicut" advice. So if I see a SW that looks like she is worth a swoop and when she gets up to the car looks like she got hit in the face with a bag of hammers, how do I tell her that I am not interested in her services without offending her?

I don't want to offend any ladies. I'm sure if she is not my cup of * that she will be someone elses. I just would like to know what you guys say when this happens.

I actually had this happen last night. When she got up to the window I said Hello, and realized how looped out she was. I said "I'm sorry I thought you were a friend of mine." She asked "What is her name?" and I said "Jimmy". She said "Do I look like a dude to you?" and I said "No not at all. My friend Jimmy dresses up like a lady"

She was all like "Ooooohhh. I'm sorry. I don't know Jimmy."

I said "It's okay dude I ain't mad at ya'."

I was laughing my ass off as I pulled away!I don't have a surefire way about it yet but a couple I've tried before:

First- The classic "I thought you were somebody else"

Second- Ask for something freaky and unreasonably priced, be careful here she may agree.

Third- Once I just gave a chick some money to get out of the car.

09-01-11, 07:55
Just tell her you are not interested or shake you head no. Sometimes you will run into a few girls who get irritated or upset but it's all part of the game.

09-01-11, 13:21
I have been noticing a few hot looking BSW on Cleveland Ave around midnight. Turns out that some of them are transvestites. I thought these freeks hung out on Main street. There seemed to be several of them. One I tangled with was quite aggressive and demanded money to get out of the car.

One more reason to stick to Sully.

09-01-11, 19:00
I have been noticing a few hot looking BSW on Cleveland Ave around midnight. Turns out that some of them are transvestites. I thought these freeks hung out on Main street. There seemed to be several of them. One I tangled with was quite aggressive and demanded money to get out of the car.

One more reason to stick to Sully.Actually one more reason to do a 3 drive by:

1. 1st drive by is to recognize / give / get the look (to confirm it's working)
2. 2nd drive by is to see if it really is what ya want to hit (making more observations)
3. 3rd drive by is the Yes / No decision.

During these observations you look for the tell tale signs.
If 'it' is dressed really hot, it may be a TV (they put more effort into looking good than a reg SW.
Facial features / structure.
Agressiveness. TV's seem to be a lot more aggressive / demanding / vocal / animated than a reg SW.

One more reason to have a few regulars, instead of having to hit something new every time you're out.

Meaning, Ole One Eye just texted me.
Miranda called me yesterday.

I saw the 19YO thick girl from Chicago on Hudson last nite, but, she was with her BF. She pretended to not recognize me, but she knew. Meaning, she was fuggin around on him to get some xtra money. Which, is why she said his fone was off.

Saw a couple others lst nite too.
An older BSW dressed nice (in a dress) but, she didn't appeal to me.
Picked up an older (40) SBF at McD's and gave her a ride home. Gave her my no.
Tina was supposed to call, but didn't, which is fine-I didn't have a lot of time anyway.
Meaning, ya got to know what to look for.

HD: Take note: Hot TV on cleve.

09-01-11, 19:13
I have seen the tvs out on main and cleve the last couple of nights. Today on broad I found WSW Shelly, says she's 22 but looks 18-19. Good BBBJ. She also says she has a friend and we could hook up for a 3way. Lots of leo out on shully, a few on broad. Also found Tex on livingston for a quick meet.

Dads Extra Fun
09-02-11, 14:01
Took a half day and headed down Parsons to see if anyone was out about 1pm. Found Jessie at Siebert and she jumped right in. She volunteered she's still posting on Backpage for $$$ an hour but has been slow. I got what they pay the big bucks for 20 and tip.

Humpty, she's still given it all up bareback without hesitation. Body is looking good but skin has a lot of old scarring.

Stay safe

09-02-11, 14:57
Took a half day and headed down Parsons to see if anyone was out about 1pm. Found Jessie at Siebert and she jumped right in. She volunteered she's still posting on Backpage for $$$ an hour but has been slow. I got what they pay the big bucks for 20 and tip.

Humpty, she's still given it all up bareback without hesitation. Body is looking good but skin has a lot of old scarring.

Stay safeCan you post a link to her BP advertisement?

I'd like to see what she looks like.


09-03-11, 14:33
Say, what are the best times to cruise Sully and Broad? I'm thinking about a visit to Buckeye city and find a nut.

Mw Jrp
09-03-11, 15:14
Say, what are the best times to cruise Sully and Broad? I'm thinking about a visit to Buckeye city and find a nut.7p to 9p; just before and after sunset.

Big Delicious
09-04-11, 02:26
Where on Parsons Ave. Is good to roll? I'm not from Columbus, but I am familiar with Sully and Broad. I just don't know much about Parson's Ave. I also don't know too much about Cleveland either. After reading several posts on here, I realize Cleveland clould be a haven for TV's.

Anyone who has good info about Parson's, feel free to shout out.

Thanks bro's

09-04-11, 08:45
Can you post a link to her BP advertisement?

I'd like to see what she looks like.

Thanks!+1. Pm if you want

09-04-11, 15:01
Went to the OSU game Saturday, so I thought I would come up Friday and spend the night in Columbus. Did a late night tour. Not much out. Seen Wendy on Broad in the bottoms and she looked rough. Lost a lot of weight and a lot of sores on her face. Didn't see anyone on the hilltop or on High st. Seen a fat WSW on Parson. She had a big mouth, but not my type. Then on Livingston I found Tiffany. Offered her a ride and she hopped in. Cute girl with brown hair and a med body. Got a BBBJ with cim and spit. Played with her ass and shaved pussy while she sucked my cock. Finger fucked here ginger with two fingers and it was tight. Nice girl with a great attitude.

09-04-11, 23:30
Went to the OSU game Saturday, so I thought I would come up Friday and spend the night in Columbus. Did a late night tour. Not much out. Seen Wendy on Broad in the bottoms and she looked rough. Lost a lot of weight and a lot of sores on her face. Didn't see anyone on the hilltop or on High st. Seen a fat WSW on Parson. She had a big mouth, but not my type. Then on Livingston I found Tiffany. Offered her a ride and she hopped in. Cute girl with brown hair and a med body. Got a BBBJ with cim and spit. Played with her ass and shaved pussy while she sucked my cock. Finger fucked here ginger with two fingers and it was tight. Nice girl with a great attitude.Was Tiffany a WSW? What part of Livingston did you see her at?

Please share, thanks!

09-04-11, 23:54
Quite both night after 1am. Only saw Tina on Board on Fri but decided not to p / you. I didn't realize it was her until she came up to the car. Think she was a little upset but just wasn't in the mood for her. P / U Dee on Sully Sat on Sully at the bottom but she jumped out of the car after she saw a car rolled pass us without finishing the job. Luckily it was only. 1. She had long curly blonde hair. 30 something with ok body. Her face looks better from a distance. May be a 4 to me.

Dads Extra Fun
09-05-11, 10:51
Where on Parsons Ave. Is good to roll? I'm not from Columbus, but I am familiar with Sully and Broad. I just don't know much about Parson's Ave. I also don't know too much about Cleveland either. After reading several posts on here, I realize Cleveland clould be a haven for TV's.

Anyone who has good info about Parson's, feel free to shout out.

Thanks bro'sBig D. South of Whittier on Parsons

Dads Extra Fun
09-05-11, 10:59
Can you post a link to her BP advertisement?

I'd like to see what she looks like.

Thanks!Body is pretty accurate. She's got some scarring due to her habit now.


09-06-11, 10:33
Was Tiffany a WSW? What part of Livingston did you see her at?

Please share, thanks!Yes she was a white girl. Don't know the name of the side street, but it was 5 blocks west of Alum Creek Drive. Theres only a couple of white girls on Livingston if any at all. Most of the time it's black girls. From time to time I have seen some white girls. Michelle was one of the white girls that was always there, but I seen her on Main last trip. Michelle is short and cute with a spinned body, but does a rush job. It was 4:30am when I found Tiffany.

09-06-11, 10:41
Where on Parsons Ave. Is good to roll? I'm not from Columbus, but I am familiar with Sully and Broad. I just don't know much about Parson's Ave. I also don't know too much about Cleveland either. After reading several posts on here, I realize Cleveland clould be a haven for TV's.

Anyone who has good info about Parson's, feel free to shout out.

Thanks bro'sMost of the girls you will find on Parsons closer to 104. Three block north of 104 and back. You can also find them around Parsons and Columbus st and 3 blocks south of Columbus. From time to time you can find some driving down Columbus east of Parson. You will find black and white girls. Its a hit a miss, but they are there.

09-06-11, 11:39
I was on Broad & Central last night around 7pm and pulled up to the stop sign on Guilford between Wendy's and BK. There was a dark green, late 90's Pontiac Bonneville parked in the Wendy's lot facing the BK with it's headlights on. The car was occupied by two people. There was a person in the front passenger seat and a person in the back seat. The person in the back seat was taking photos over the shoulder of the person in the front and using the person in the front seat as a shield. I am 100 percent sure of it! I couldn't see what they looked like because of the headlights but I saw the flash go off multiple times!

I know they got a picture of me but I don't really care. I had no passengers and had not stopped or spoken to anyone.

However this did make me stay away from that area for a while. About ten minutes. When I went back down Broad the car was gone.

I don't know if it was LE building cases or maybe someone doing recon on a cheating spouse or what have you.

But be aware that someone is taking photos!

09-06-11, 11:40
I was on Broad & Central last night around 7pm and pulled up to the stop sign on Guilford between Wendy's and BK. There was a dark green, late 90's Pontiac Bonneville parked in the Wendy's lot facing the BK with it's headlights on. The car was occupied by two people. There was a person in the front passenger seat and a person in the back seat. The person in the back seat was taking photos over the shoulder of the person in the front and using the person in the front seat as a shield. I am 100 percent sure of it! I couldn't see what they looked like because of the headlights but I saw the flash go off multiple times!

I know they got a picture of me but I don't really care. I had no passengers and had not stopped or spoken to anyone.

However this did make me stay away from that area for a while. About ten minutes. When I went back down Broad the car was gone.

I don't know if it was LE building cases or maybe someone doing recon on a cheating spouse or what have you.

But be aware that someone is taking photos!

09-06-11, 21:24
Not much going on today around 5-6. I did see my regular girl on Sully at the bottom and did a quick BBBJCIM in an alley. Didn't see anything on Board at all and only may be 2 others on Sully but wasn't sure if they're working girls or not. They weren't that interesting anyway. May be the cool air kept most of them in. Anyone can tell a newbie about the activity in the cold months?

Shawn Petzel
09-07-11, 00:42
11-12:30 nothing on sully, broad, parson. Their was a couple on lockbourn around 12:15 but they disappeared fast because of LE I think. One gave me the look and waved and wanted me to turn down a no exit road. I opt to turn on another and when I came back she was gone. Then I notice LE down the street. Their was a few on Livingston but nothing I was interested in and a few on main again nothing I found attracted to.

Vince Delaus
09-07-11, 09:40
I was on Broad & Central last night around 7pm and pulled up to the stop sign on Guilford between Wendy's and BK. There was a dark green, late 90's Pontiac Bonneville parked in the Wendy's lot facing the BK with it's headlights on. The car was occupied by two people. There was a person in the front passenger seat and a person in the back seat. The person in the back seat was taking photos over the shoulder of the person in the front and using the person in the front seat as a shield. I am 100 percent sure of it! I couldn't see what they looked like because of the headlights but I saw the flash go off multiple times!

I know they got a picture of me but I don't really care. I had no passengers and had not stopped or spoken to anyone.

However this did make me stay away from that area for a while. About ten minutes. When I went back down Broad the car was gone.

I don't know if it was LE building cases or maybe someone doing recon on a cheating spouse or what have you.

But be aware that someone is taking photos!Desmond, why would you post the EXACT SAME report TWICE, but with different titles????

09-07-11, 12:49
Desmond, why would you post the EXACT SAME report TWICE, but with different titles????Because when I hit the "Submit" button it prompted me to log in even though I thought I already was. When I logged in it took me to the main page. I thought my post had been lost. As a precaution I had copied my post to the clipboard. Since there is a time delay between when posts are submitted and when posts actually show up I didn't know if it got lost in space or what. I posted the message again but couldn't remember what title I had put on the first one. So thats why the title is different.

So basicly it's an accidental repost with a different title.

Blu Ray
09-10-11, 08:54
Well last night was a busy night at 6pm I met with my fwb and had some rather kinky sex with her, will not bore you with the details on this but it was real good. Then I go get something to eat, and head off to the races literally. After a couple hours there I head home, then I had a dream that I went out cruising the east side. Saw a few on Main near Berkley one was a bbw type dress real nice, further east past James saw a cute blond on the corner, but by the time I turn around and tried to scoop she was gone. So head to Livingston and I pick up Angel BSW 5'7 real short hair, full lips, hoop ear rings 150lbs, little thick in the waist, probably from a couple of kids. Went to my spot got BBBJ DATY and mish. This girl is a keeper Looks 8 Attitude 9. 5 Skills 8 she said her phone was out of minutes I gave her my number.

Blu Ray
09-12-11, 04:37
Last night I had a bad dream that I went to the west side. So around 6:30 it starts to rain and I offer a ride to girl couple blocks east of central on Sullivant. She gets in said her name was Star 5'3" about 140lbs ash blond shoulder length, pug face said she was 33yrs old looks younger. So I tell her I would like to take some pics of her she, she says no pics, so I use this as a deciding factor if I keep or through away. So pull over and she sees that I'm going let her out and she changes her mind and said see will do the pics. I tell her we our going to my spot not to far away, not even 2 minutes into the ride she starts wine about its to far away from her "area" so I pull over in a parking lot and tell to get out. She threw a fit started yelling, tryed to rip to keys from the steering column tried to create a scene. Then tried to get redneck, like she wanted to fight. Said she wasn't afraid to go to jail. So I decide to take her back to where I picked her up. There is old saying " never get into a pissing contest with a skunk" Go rendons this girl is nothing but trouble with a capital T.

Be fair warned on this one.

09-12-11, 17:23
I've been scoping out the SW scene on sully for some time now had a bad time first time I tried about a yr ago then today I was driving up central to hit the bank. Not really looking to pickup just check things out on the way. As I'm getting close to the bank I see this cutie walking down central with a nice figure, I couldn't tell if she could be picked up and I told myself if she's there on the way back I'm going to get a closer look and try to figure out if she can be picked. After leaving the bank I head s on central and she is approaching the traffic light as I am also, I drive past slow as I'm stopping for the light she gives a quick look but keeps walking and turns are on sully. I make my right and the truck made the turn into an alley that she was approaching I didn't even have to think about it it's like the truck did it on it's own. I went about 100ft and stopped looked in the mirror and she is approaching at that moment I knew this will be my second shot. I rolled down the window as she approached and she said do you want me to get in, I said sure. I turned around and headed west on sully I didn't know of a location and she said she did, we went there not far away and I pulled out. 3 and she said we have to hurry, started BJ then hand and she started with the hurry crap again she then wanted me to jack it and I said no use your lips and she did but it was shallow but felt good. If she would not have kept stopping I could have popped sooner but she finally got it. But she just let it go, all over me and some on the seat I almost got pissed but luckily I had some napkins within reach. The good part is I got the happy ending but the enthusiasm on her part was very lacking. I think she said her name is tina, does kinda look like a pic of tina about 13 pages back but with makeup on. I would really like to try the honey hole sometime if she can lose the hurry crap.

09-13-11, 00:07
Late afternoon at the bottom had a few out on Sully but nothing anyone would want to stop for. It wasn't any better further west or on Board so I decided to have dinner and went at it again around 730.

First p / you Erica 2 blocks e of Glenwood on Sully. Agreed on. 25 for BJ after reaching her safe spot. She took off her top and jean as requested and proceeded. I think she sensed that I'm not real sure about the spot and suggested to go to her apartment. As we were walking up, she told me to stop and wait because there was someone in her apartment and she needed to go take a look. 15-20 sec later, some dude came down the steps and told me I need to leave. I figure he must be the pissed off BF so I left. Waste of. 25 and should have stayed at the safe spot.

Second p / you was Nikki from a few weeks ago behind BK on board. Went to her room for H & H for. 4. Started with BBBJ then cover up for miss but wouldn't let me play with her tities because it tickle her too much, WTF. Then she wouldn't let me touch her kitty unless I put up another. 1. After a couple of mins I pulled out and lost interest and took her back at the p / you spot and told her never again. Should have just do the H for. 2.

Third, while still a little p-off, I decided to cruise Sully once more time before heading home. Spotted 1 WSW around Dana but didn't see her after I circle back but did see another one 1 block away. Circle back to check her out and it was Sam whom I met from about a month or 2 ago. Went to a safe spot near by and did a BBBJ w / o cim while FIV for. 2 and she gave me her digit for later use.

I guess you can call it a somewhat eventful night but at least I got the rock off before heading home. BTW, Sat night was quite w / plenty of LE and even saq 2 cadets w / ccp t-shirt on walking up and down Sully at the bottom.

Traveler Two
09-13-11, 00:50
Last night I had a bad dream that I went to the west side. So around 6:30 it starts to rain and I offer a ride to girl couple blocks east of central on Sullivant. She gets in said her name was Star 5'3" about 140lbs ash blond shoulder length, pug face said she was 33yrs old looks younger. So I tell her I would like to take some pics of her she, she says no pics, so I use this as a deciding factor if I keep or through away. So pull over and she sees that I'm going let her out and she changes her mind and said see will do the pics. I tell her we our going to my spot not to far away, not even 2 minutes into the ride she starts wine about its to far away from her "area" so I pull over in a parking lot and tell to get out. She threw a fit started yelling, tryed to rip to keys from the steering column tried to create a scene. Then tried to get redneck, like she wanted to fight. Said she wasn't afraid to go to jail. So I decide to take her back to where I picked her up. There is old saying " never get into a pissing contest with a skunk" Go rendons this girl is nothing but trouble with a capital T.

Be fair warned on this one.If it's who I'm thinking, cubby girl with big tits, she wasn't too bad to get off the street for a minute. She gives a good BJ with lots of sloppy wet titty action. Had her a couple times over the years but haven't seen her since last winter.

Right Thing
09-13-11, 05:17
I've been scoping out the SW scene on sully for some time now had a bad time first time I tried about a yr ago then today I was driving up central to hit the bank. Not really looking to pickup just check things out on the way. As I'm getting close to the bank I see this cutie walking down central with a nice figure, I couldn't tell if she could be picked up and I told myself if she's there on the way back I'm going to get a closer look and try to figure out if she can be picked. After leaving the bank I head s on central and she is approaching the traffic light as I am also, I drive past slow as I'm stopping for the light she gives a quick look but keeps walking and turns are on sully. I make my right and the truck made the turn into an alley that she was approaching I didn't even have to think about it it's like the truck did it on it's own. I went about 100ft and stopped looked in the mirror and she is approaching at that moment I knew this will be my second shot. I rolled down the window as she approached and she said do you want me to get in, I said sure. I turned around and headed west on sully I didn't know of a location and she said she did, we went there not far away and I pulled out. 3 and she said we have to hurry, started BJ then hand and she started with the hurry crap again she then wanted me to jack it and I said no use your lips and she did but it was shallow but felt good. If she would not have kept stopping I could have popped sooner but she finally got it. But she just let it go, all over me and some on the seat I almost got pissed but luckily I had some napkins within reach. The good part is I got the happy ending but the enthusiasm on her part was very lacking. I think she said her name is tina, does kinda look like a pic of tina about 13 pages back but with makeup on. I would really like to try the honey hole sometime if she can lose the hurry crap.For about three weeks now Tina has been really hard to get along with. She has several warrants now so she tends to think about them instead of the customer. I don't see her any more, just two hard to get along with now. She used to be much better, too much crack now.

Right Thing
09-13-11, 05:23
Had a very good session with Heather last nite. Picked her up at her house about 12:30 and went to my safe house. She looked and smelled great. Lots of GFE with DFK and lots and lots of rubbing each other. If I wanted to do it, she was willing as always. I really like being with this girl. Good conversation and very good at what she does. We stayed there playing and talking until 2:00 am and I took her to the Valero to get her cigarettes. So with service, tip and cigs it was 6 roses and plenty of kisses for me.

Be safe out there.

09-13-11, 17:43
Had some time and some xtra money so decided someone was going to get lucky. I texted 3 of my regulars with the plan to do whichever one answered first.

And that be Char. I hadn't heard from her in a few weeks and found out why.
She had met some dude at the corner store and agreed to a date. He picked her up later that evening, and she said he seemed skittish.
Turned out he robbed her, of her purse and phone, but no cash.
She said she learned to not carry cash.

Anyway, as usual, we parked, got in back, took it all off, another great BBBJ, CG RCG Mish, CIM.
Said I'd see her again this weekend.

Still, just like eating Chinese, I was hungry 30 minutes later.

Went down to Main / Liv.
On the first pass saw TT.
I've dated her many times in the past, but only a few times this summer.
She is now quieter, strictly business and thankfully has put on a few pounds.

Her once sagging 33B are now some filled out 35C's.
We park, get in back, she takes her top off, I suck those nice firm titties, she kneels down on the psgr side floor and I lean back for a great BBBJ.
She gets me 80% ready and I say 'take down them pants"
She says she' s on her period.
OK, not going to argue as the head is great.
I hold back and make her work for another 20 minutes or so (38 Min total)
She takes it all and sucks me dry.
Give her $20 and she says thanks. I give another $5 so she'll treat me just as good mext time.

Very little conversation.

I did get her to crack a smile tho when I said her titties really turned out nice.

A nice Fri nite in the hood.

09-13-11, 17:57
Still had some money left and gas in the van, so went to see who wanted a part time job.

Little on Cleve (cause this is like 3PM) so head to Main and Liv.
See the usual on the church steps.
See TT again and we wave and continue on.
See Bianacca (chubby Korean / Black Mix.) She wants me to stop.
I got to check out the rest of the area first.

See a nice one on the church steps I hadn't seen before.
Make 2 Rights and meet her at the end of the block.

We conversate and agree to 1/2 and 1/2 for $35.
Introductions and her name is Bianacca, the other Bianccas friend, that I had dated about a year ago and had a very stressful time.
Now I'm assuming we're not going to hit it off, but, to my surprise she has a totally different attitude.
And has lost 50 lbs or so.
She's now 19, 5'7" 140 38C's fresh, clean shaven and great personality.
Park at the park, get in back, pull the curtains, she gets on her knees and starts with a great BBBJ, with lots of head actiona and roaming fingers / hands / etc/
Meaning, she plays with the balls, carresses the balls, rubs my fat tummy. Strokes the really getting hard quick johnson.
Then up on the bed, she takes EVERYTHING off (last time she just dropped her too tight jeans to her knees)
I apply a gallon of baby oil (she says nothing) and she puts me in.
He have a great time, that's all I'm going to say about that.
No fone, give her mine, we'll see, nuttin yet.

Later that evening, on Cleve/Weber, see a new to me 30is BSW. 38C's Barbara.
Park and get an OK BBBJ in the front seat for $20.
The problem was the front seat, not her ability to suck a dick.

Later on, see Miranda, and get another great BBBJ.

Then home for a good nights rest

09-13-11, 18:05
Get a text from Outdoorsexgirl and she wants to hook up.

Was supposed to hook up the day prior but our schedules conflicted.
Pick her up at her stepmothers house and head to our parking place.
Park and she pulls out a baggie and a Cr card.
She's sniffin powder.
Said stepmom gave it to her for helping clean the house.
Said it makes her horny.
Fine with me.

Get in back, takes it all off
(I just love total nude 19yo 38C black girls in the back of my car sucking my dick)
A long BBBJ, then CG where she cums at least twice.
Then mish where she shudders again.
Then doggie.
Then anal, where she has an issue and after a couple minutes has to quit.
Then more doggie.

57 minutes later and we're headed back home.

So, Yea, I guess I could say I had a OK weekend.

For those that are thinking about PM'ing me for their fone #'s-Don't.

Char doesn't want any more unknowns.
Outdoorsexgirl was on her stepmammas fone and doesn't even want me to call/text her.
None of the others have working fones.
Thanx for understanding

Meaning, they're out there, all ya gotta do is go look for em.
That's all I do, and am kinda successful.
But, I like my regulars and don't need a new one every time I go out.
Yes, I hit 2 new ones this weekend and they both turn out fine.

09-13-11, 18:17
Late cruisin Main / Liv / Sully this morning (9am). Met up with April on Sully. 30ish redhead (I have a fondness for red). She said she usually can be found at bus stop on Davis just off Sully. Went around the corner. BBBJ, RCG (she said she doesn't like to be on top) , then Mish. Didn't get digits but can find her again.

09-15-11, 12:33
Where do all of our Broad and Sullivant girlfriends hide when it rains like it did last night?

09-16-11, 18:12
Hi, I am still fairly new here and have a question. Are there any girls working south high street? I drive part of south high home now to avoid the interchange at 104 and 71. Today I saw a nice looking lady walking the street that looked like she was trying to get my attention as I looked at her going by. Would apppreciate any help, if they are not I will be checking out broad and sullivanat tomorrow.

09-17-11, 16:12
Hi, I am still fairly new here and have a question. Are there any girls working south high street? I drive part of south high home now to avoid the interchange at 104 and 71. Today I saw a nice looking lady walking the street that looked like she was trying to get my attention as I looked at her going by. Would apppreciate any help, if they are not I will be checking out broad and sullivanat tomorrow.South High is less busy overall than elsewhere, but still plenty busy at night and occasionally other hours. Often way better on the eyes than Sully gals, IMHO.

09-19-11, 09:52
I started my adventure in the morring. Statred from Cleveland (found an older BSW, which once she got in the car I decided I need something else so I go around the block and send her back out, which she finds another car to get into) , livi (noticed a WSW in blue jean shorts. Looked really high when I passed by. Made a turn around to check her out again and when I got back someone else picked her up.) , parson, high and then westside. I found WSW Searah on w. Broad. She was sitting on the steps when I first passed, by the time I made the turn around I seen her headed to a back side street on her way to another fellow monger. I make it to her first and she rides with me. She has dark browish hair, tall skinny, small a cups with tats on her chest and back. Got BBBJ and cds from her. After the visit from her, I'm allmost home when I get a call from Angel. She has a room and check out time is at 11am, so I make a return trip back to the w. Side. When I get to the parking lot where her room is I see another girl walking by, She comes up to my car and we talk. Says she's out to make some $ and tells me her name is Nikki (Short girl, small body). I tell her I'm up against time with my previous oppointment and I would like to see her afterwards. She gives me her room # and the # to the room. I tried to hook up with her when I was done, but she had not made it back to the room by then. I cruzed the area to see if I could find her on the streets again. I found a older blond WSW over near the bk. I didn't pick her up for her looks, just to get a quick BJ form her which was ok.

09-19-11, 17:10
She spelled it Nicci when she jotted down her number. Anyway I must say after sitting back for awhile and observing all of the sudden now I'm getting what I'm after, and not even trying. After last weeks encounter was less than great today's was more than great. I drove to broad st for lunch and sat in the parking lot where I could see the side walks and traffic, right away I saw this cute redhead and could tell she was looking for a ride I watched for about 5 min then she noticed me and came over and we chatted for a bit and we went for a ride. She gaurenteed me she was the best so I took her up on it but not expecting a whole lot and WOW was I ever wrong. I gave a. 2 the get the ball rolling and not long into the BBBJ I knew this lass is getting a tip. I parked and she was not letting up it was great. Before I nutted though she was mumbling she was going to need more frog skins which I agreed whole heartedly but it was a turnoff to hear it. I finished and she didn't miss a drop after I wiped off I gave her another. 12 but had she not requested it I was going to drop another. 2 on her. I was very impressed I kinda wish now I would have gone ahead and gave the. 2. This is the kind of service I never had before makes me wonder how long it will be before I find another with that kind of skill. She gave me her number wonder how long it will be good for. I want to do that again and see if other services are available. She has a nice body and I would to try the giner out.

09-19-11, 21:42
I have been on this site for a long time, have picked up great info from you guys, now I have a story that will blow your minds.

Saw amber h you know the one cute 5'6 skinny body addicted to crack and heroin. Tried to get in my car told her I was not interested, she got mad and started throwing rocks at my car started screaming I was trying to kidnap her, saw someone say don't worry honey I'm calling 911 for you, so I think to myself better call 911 and stick around cause you can see the rock damage, police come out find she has a crack pipe on her go to arrest her and she screams to the cop he just raped me! Uh oh police don't say much at first to me they get her in the car and then they walk up to me and say put your hands behind your back you are under arrest for rape. They take amber to mt carmel for a rape test, and I get to sit in the back of the cruiser waiting on the dectectives to show. Long story short I was detained they came out processed my car and then I had said I wanted my pee pee swabed because I never touched this girl, they take me downtown take my dna and said you are free to go after 6hrs, now guys the police treated me great they were first class, it also helped that she has been arrested twice in the last week for soliciting and drug parph, but just think if I would have had sex with her, but here is the real kicker, said she has merca the jail wouldn't take her so she left mt carmel and headed right back up old sully.

So beware of amber h 5'6 brown hair 110lbs blue jeans black pea coat looks like she's 18 hangs out at sully and avondale, cypress if you piss her off look out, it's not a very fun experience.

The real sad part is I can never troll around the old bottoms anymore every second shift cop knows my car now.

09-20-11, 01:38
So I have been going on Livingston lately around 8-9pm and I ran into a BSW named mya got BBBJCIM on one day two days later went back for some more BBBJCIM and tap that pussy you don't have to give her much I have contact info she is always out on livingston near studer anybody has info to trade lets go.

Nice Guy 195
09-20-11, 05:59
I have been on this site for a long time, have picked up great info from you guys, now I have a story that will blow your minds.

Saw amber h you know the one cute 5'6 skinny body addicted to crack and heroin. Tried to get in my car told her I was not interested, she got mad and started throwing rocks at my car started screaming I was trying to kidnap her, saw someone say don't worry honey I'm calling 911 for you, so I think to myself better call 911 and stick around cause you can see the rock damage, police come out find she has a crack pipe on her go to arrest her and she screams to the cop he just raped me! Uh oh police don't say much at first to me they get her in the car and then they walk up to me and say put your hands behind your back you are under arrest for rape. They take amber to mt carmel for a rape test, and I get to sit in the back of the cruiser waiting on the dectectives to show. Long story short I was detained they came out processed my car and then I had said I wanted my pee pee swabed because I never touched this girl, they take me downtown take my dna and said you are free to go after 6hrs, now guys the police treated me great they were first class, it also helped that she has been arrested twice in the last week for soliciting and drug parph, but just think if I would have had sex with her, but here is the real kicker, said she has merca the jail wouldn't take her so she left mt carmel and headed right back up old sully.

So beware of amber h 5'6 brown hair 110lbs blue jeans black pea coat looks like she's 18 hangs out at sully and avondale, cypress if you piss her off look out, it's not a very fun experience.

The real sad part is I can never troll around the old bottoms anymore every second shift cop knows my car now.About a year ago I had Wendy (Fake Ta Ta's) get into my car. I asked her to get out and she refused unless I gave her some money. I refused to give her anything. I got out of my car and went to the passengers side and opened the door and dragged her out by the arms. She fell on the ground and started yelling,"RAPE, RAPE, RAPE". I said,"Shut up Wendy, nobody's going to believe I am trying to rape you. She shut up and I left. She then started telling all the other Ho's that I tried to rape her. WOW No body believed her and I never had any trouble getting any dates, but it was a crazy 10 minutes in my life. Be safe out there.

09-20-11, 11:45
Out doing what I do last night around 11pm and asked a young lady (WSW) if she wanted a lift. She said sure and hopped in. She said her name was Malenia. She is about 5'6" and has reddish brown hair and is 30 yrs old but looks younger. She said she was from Hilliard but just moved down to the hood.

We played a bit of tonsil hockey for. 2 while I drove around. Dropped her off at Clarenden and Mound.

She was good and I would pick her again if I see her!

Nice Guy 195
09-20-11, 13:01
Went to Heather's house last night to see if she wanted to go play for awhile. She did. We went to my house about 5 minutes from hers. One on one experience was very good. No rush, no rules, no anything. Each time I am with this girl the better the experience gets. She truly does every thing she can to please. 1 and 1/2 hour of fun and delight. I was satisfied and gave her 8 roses to put in her vase. I can hardly wait to see her again. Be safe out there. We all know there are some bad SW out there.

09-20-11, 15:26
Gave Molly a ride the other night. She is 20ish with glasses and curly dark hair and big tits! Found her on Sully at Cent. Did a quick CBJ for. 2 and a. 05 tippy. Good skills and was nervous but nice. Said she was new to the whole scene.

Did I say she has big tits? She has big tits! Nice ones!