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12-28-10, 15:43
I was inspired by some of your posts recently, and couldn't resist the temptation to drive back to Cbus and then hike up clevland avenue. Really only saw 1 girl a BSW named La La. Actually she had some other name I couldn't remember, but said all her freinds call her La La. Picked her up just about 2 blocks south of where cleveland splits with 3C. She was wearing this bright yellow ski jacket you could probably see from the moon, tight jeans & blouse. Very slender and looked much younger than what she was. She said she just turned 30, but I would have guessed early 20's by her face and mid to late teens by her very slender body. Don't normally pick up BSW, but I was kinda "curious". Know what I mean? She took me to the parking lot of what looked like a school about 4 blocks west and gave me a BJ for 30. She had this horrible smell to her, and I doubt she has had a bath in a week. She also kept this stocking cap on the whole time we were together, which I thought was weird. I wanted to fondle and enjoy those tiny little perky things, but I couldn't stand the odor. She gave me her number, but I threw it away since I'm not going to be a repeat for her. She was pleasant, but I am not sure I would suggest her to all of you. Just depends on what else is available and how "curious" you are I guess.

Afterwards, I took a drive over to Parsons. This was yesterday (Monday 12/27) at about noonish. Didn't see a thing, so I am not sure I am looking in the right area. I was on Parsons, south of Childrens around Stewart Ave and continued all the way until that big brige was there. I drove up and down about 3 times, so either I have the wrong location, bad timing or maybe just bad luck. If anyone can offer more specifics as to where I should be driving, feel free to pipe in.

Have a Great Day everyone, and Be Safe!

Humpty Dumpty
12-29-10, 00:52
As I mentioned, the stereotypes of the BSW exist for a reason. For every ebony treasure, there is a lot more trash.

Asking for too much money and piss poor hygiene are all too common among BSWs.

About the stocking cap, that is common among black ladies who wear wigs. Black women need to stop with the wigs. Curl it, straighten it, dreads, braids, an afro, anything but those tacky ass wigs. Oh yeah, the Kate Gosselin hairystyle sucks too.

12-29-10, 09:50
As we all know the west side has been a lot more miss than hit for the last couple of years. And with the rise in the STD's some of these SW's carry in their mouth, the art of mongering has taken a new turn. One of the things I do is look in places that (mini marts, fast food, strip malls, shopping malls) are in walking distance of populated areas.

Anyway, I was driving down High St. South of campus and spot a decent looking girl with a great body, tight jeans, UGH boots. Never would have thought SW except she was by herself. I pulled over at the first open space I could find and ask her with a big grin on my face if there are any ATM's close by (LOL). She just laughed and said I can help you find one. So we cruise, chit chat, stop and get a six pack. After her second beer she asks me if we're ever going to pull over and have some fun. By now it's pretty dark and I am ready for this sweet thing to go down on me. We find a pretty secluded area and I am already hard as rock. Best slow BBBJ cimws I have ever had (could have been the beers). I would loved some cfs with her but her roommate was home and probably getting worried. I dropped her off right in front of a duplex. I finally ask her if she was out streetwalking and she just smiled and said no you just got lucky. Gave her 60 for the hour with a promise of more when her roomate is gone. Got landline digits that I'm going to try this week.

12-29-10, 10:00
Let me say that I have only picked up one WSW that Humpty has mentioned. While I find his posts entertaining, the only useful ones are the ones to avoid. There are far more skanky WSW out there than skanky BSW. The secret is to get a feel for the area and don't be afraid to take charge. If a girl is a regular SW (white or black) and is tricking to get a fix,

Something is going to stink. If it stinks, give her five or ten bucks and kick her out (in a polite way). I have only been with a couple of BSW, one was good one wasn't. I would say you're lucky if 50% of the WSW you find are worth picking up.

12-29-10, 19:24
HD: There you go again with the stereotypes. I've had more treasures than trash.
I just spent a week in Kansas City Mo, and had a great time. The worst BSW I saw was still a 6 on the ho scale.
Paid too much for a couple (first 2) who were self appointed divas, but, they were super clean (clothes & Hygeine) and provided great service.
(One 22 yo 5'5" 150 44DD's pretty and well built and Samoan)
(One petite, light skinned white / black / samoan 33B's nice round butt. 21 yo)
(One average BSW. 27 from Calif, saggy 34C's but great BBBJ and CFS)
And a hot 32 yo 5'6" 110 lbs little tittied nymph. (this is the one I fell in love with)
(Never did post to the KC Mo board of my fun tho. Keeping it to myself)
A couple others (the 2nd two) were still cllean, didn't think they were gods gift to men, charged a fair price, and one of them was more into it than I was (if that was possible) Meaning, she smashed my face into her breast, ground her self into my leg, reached down into my pants and stroked me till I was rock hard, and this was in the first 3 minutes.

I fell in love, we screwed for an hour, stopped by the store so she could buy cigarettes and a beer for her dad, and took her home. (meaning she didn't stop by the crack house-she spent the money on dad and some food for her)

Just 30 minutes ago, dated Tina. She's off crack, gained 20 pounds, was clean and sober.
Gave a great BBBJ, has a tight p you s s why, we did mish and doggie, anal next time.
Jessica texted me for a hook up, and Ms Attitude has been texting me all day.
Miranda had her baby Christmas day, a girl.
The 19 YO hottie from Liv texted me too. Going to see her Fri evening.
All are between a 7. 8 on the ho scale.
(Meaning I've never seen a 10, and a 9 is going to cost ya a car payment.)

Yea, black women hate doing their hair. It ain't as easy to care for as white hair.
So, a stocking cap, baseball hat, doo rag, covers it up.

LaLa, yea, done her twice. The first time after many times of driving by.
Was pretty mechanical. Little interaction. But she loosened up on the ride back.
Dated her again the following week. Couldn't touch the little titties, one leg out, wouldn't take off her t shirt or even pull it up to show her titties, hurry up, no conversation.
Never dated her again (Never had a bad odor tho, just a bad attitude)

So, once again, it's your choice of women that gives you your biased opinion.
You've obviously never developed your BSW ho attitude detector.

Got to agree with ya on the ". More skanky WSW's than BSW's." comment.
Meaning, I've read a lot of posts from people saying they saw this skank WSW on the West side.
Nothing but skanks on the West side.
Skank this skank that.
Have never seen anything on Parsons either.

So, that being said, since I date primarily BSW's, I've got the BSW spidey sense thing going on.
Ya got to know how to talk to them.
Ya got to have a sense of their attitude after seeing them just walking down the street.

How they carry themselves.

How they act (waving arms / yelling at cars)

Got to learn to recognize the 'crack walk'.

And, sometimes ya got to keep your comments to yourself.

Long live Black Street Walkers.

Shadow's hittin it.


Chris H
12-30-10, 01:29
Shadow glad to hear that you had a ggod time in KC, got to keep that in mind for the future. Did you find Tina on Cleveland? Thats wierd that Miranda had her baby already, she claimed she was only 7 months preg, and baby was due in Feb. I feel sorry for her baby, because she did tell me that she was still doing drugs while she was with child.

Got to agree, you do hear more about skanky WSW on here than the BSW, and thats why I am not motivated to drive out west.

Chris H

12-30-10, 02:20
I was reading your conversation about black vs. White s / w. And thought I should share something with guys. I've asked both black and white s / w who they like to date most, I've done this maybe with 10-15 s / w in total over the yrs. And only with ones that I thought would give me a straight answer. You may ask why did I do that, well it's something I've always wanted to know. I have never had one black s / w say anything neg. About white guys, I had one say she perfer white guys but gave me no reason why she didn't like black guy, I asked her she wouldn't tell me why. Now, with the white girls overall didn't care who she dated a few said, black guys treat them better. The last one I asked over a month ago, told me she didn't like white guys at all and the only way she would sleep with one is if they paid her. I go all over the states, I never asked any girl in your area. Hey, if you guys know of any good girls in city by all means pm me. What I'm sharing with you guys is the truth, this is what I've been told by girls over the many yrs. I 'm not hung up on race I love'm all, I've had both races steal from me and the last one that stole from me was hispanic. Always hide things of value from them, they steal quickly. Ps. Try not to pay over 40 f / s that hurts us all, if she's hott pay her what she wants, they are a rare find.

12-30-10, 09:02
Yea, Tina (from cleve) said Miranda got her dates wrong, and had the baby last week. And, Tina said that yesterday she saw her headed to the crack house. (but that could be professinal jeallousy).


Yea, I've been told the same from BSW's, that some only date white guys, cause the black guys are too demanding / rough / cheap. And I guess some white guys are afraid of BSW's, or feel intimidated by them.

(HD comes to mind)

And, yes, I've been played by both.

But, yesterday, whille giving Tina a ride back home, she found my GF's expensive ear rings in the psgr side arm rest (she took them off on the road trip we just got back from) and gave them to me telling me to be more careful as some girls would steal them.

Yea, I paid xtra to the 2 girls in KC, but, they were exceptinal lookers and proviced good service. Worth the xtra 20.

Humpty Dumpty
12-30-10, 10:42
Haha, damn right Shadow. I have heard many street hohos of all colors say they avoid black dudes and Mexicans because of the reasons you mentioned. Latino dudes are usually drunk, so that can be a powder keg situation. A couple times I have asked hohos if I could share their number, and get asked "are your friends white?" even Aqua asked this, I said Chris was OK (hes cheap like most black dudes, but then again, I am notoriously cheap too)

Shadow, I think I may have mentioned this before, but go to Memphis, specifically Elvis Presley Parkway, if you want good looking BSWs. You will be shitting your pants. Most of the BSWs in Columbus and other Ohio cities are trash, but Memphis has first rate BSW quality. Next time I pass through there, I am going to pig out on chocolate cake and make a helluva mess with my vanilla frosting.

Sorry, but I prefer BSWs who look like they could be in a rap video.

12-30-10, 16:52
Rob, sounds like you really did get lucky. I havn't cruised the short north area (just south of campus) in years and it sounds like I should check out that area again. Thats the area I used to find some incredible gems 5th ave, courtland and some of the other little side streets. You definately got a gem. Let us know if you have any luck with a repeat visit and ask her if she would mind you sharing her digits with your ol friend Aaron.

Be safe and have fun.

As we all know the west side has been a lot more miss than hit for the last couple of years. And with the rise in the STD's some of these SW's carry in their mouth, the art of mongering has taken a new turn. One of the things I do is look in places that (mini marts, fast food, strip malls, shopping malls) are in walking distance of populated areas.

Anyway, I was driving down High St. South of campus and spot a decent looking girl with a great body, tight jeans, UGH boots. Never would have thought SW except she was by herself. I pulled over at the first open space I could find and ask her with a big grin on my face if there are any ATM's close by (LOL). She just laughed and said I can help you find one. So we cruise, chit chat, stop and get a six pack. After her second beer she asks me if we're ever going to pull over and have some fun. By now it's pretty dark and I am ready for this sweet thing to go down on me. We find a pretty secluded area and I am already hard as rock. Best slow BBBJ cimws I have ever had (could have been the beers). I would loved some cfs with her but her roommate was home and probably getting worried. I dropped her off right in front of a duplex. I finally ask her if she was out streetwalking and she just smiled and said no you just got lucky. Gave her 60 for the hour with a promise of more when her roomate is gone. Got landline digits that I'm going to try this week.

01-03-11, 14:10
I was out running some errands on New Years Day morning and decided I needed some fun. I headed west on Broad. Near Central I saw a WSW headed west and looking. She was decent looking so I rurned on a side street and she came to the car and asked for a ride. She introduced herself as "Dee" and we chatted a few minutes as we drove. After some authentication we headed to the rear of a strip mall on Georgesville. After hopping in the back seat of the car, shr spent several minutes providing some very nice BBBJ then expertly applyeds a cover for me. She slipped out of her jeans and provided me with some of the best cowgirl I've ever had. She is about 33 to 36, has dark hair to her shoulders, about 135 lbs, small but firm breasts, and very tight. After she got me off she kept going another 5 minutes until she was satisfied. Aftet she was done she dismounted me and removed the cover and licked and sucked me clean. Since I was only expecting a BJ I gave her $40. I got back in the front seat and she got out out and left from there on foot headed south. She was clean, smelled good and was friendly. Idont think she is a full timer. No number available.

01-04-11, 17:56
Just wanted to let everyone know that I called for Kate today and some guy answered the phone. He said she is no longer available. If you happened to get her number from me go ahead and lose it. To bad, she was a good time.

01-04-11, 17:59
Drove the Sullivant and broad stroll yesterdqy, once in the morning then again in the afternoon. First time for a few months since I've been busy with a civilian as humpty would pit it. Saw absolutely NOTHING. Not even any fuglies.

01-05-11, 15:19
I picked up a fairly tall, dark-haired WSW named Amber (on Sullivant, just east of Central at about 2AM) this morning and drove her home to her place on Stevens (just off Broad). She said she wad "too pretty" to mess around for less than 40, so I agreed just to drop her off at home in exchange for a phone number.

I'm pretty sure this is the Amber some here claim to be a man. Is there any confirmation of this, or is it just speculation?

Also, I saw Shelly and Shelby out, but passed on both as they often have very bad attitudes. For what it's worth, Shelly didn't seem drugged out at all; maybe I should have picked her up, as she has a nice body and cute face.

I heard from a WSW whose name I can't recall that Savannah (HOT blonde) is in jail.

Humpty Dumpty
01-06-11, 00:28
I picked up a fairly tall, dark-haired WSW named Amber (on Sullivant, just east of Central at about 2AM) this morning and drove her home to her place on Stevens (just off Broad). She said she wad "too pretty" to mess around for less than 40, so I agreed just to drop her off at home in exchange for a phone number.

I'm pretty sure this is the Amber some here claim to be a man. Is there any confirmation of this, or is it just speculation?

Also, I saw Shelly and Shelby out, but passed on both as they often have very bad attitudes. For what it's worth, Shelly didn't seem drugged out at all; maybe I should have picked her up, as she has a nice body and cute face.

I heard from a WSW whose name I can't recall that Savannah (HOT blonde) is in jail. Amber is an extremely common name (real name OR pseudonym) for SWs, like Jennifer and Ashley. That could be anyone. Try getting a last name. Just ask! From my experience. 95% of ladies will give you an honest answer if you ask. If she asks you why, just tell her the truth; that you want to check her out on the clerk site to make sure she hasn't been charged with spreading contagion, or you want to be able to recognize her name when she ends up in the Slammer paper (there are many occasions in which I would not have recognized the face were it not for the name attached to it)

I think I mentioned this before but John, Jim and Dick are the most common monger pseudonyms. I use one of these pseudonyms, and when a SW once told me "how come everyone who picks me up is named John, Jim or Dick?" I realized my choice of pseudonym was not original at all. I have never introduced myself as Humpty Hump unless its from this board.

01-06-11, 02:13
Amber told me she has working man parts.

I picked up a fairly tall, dark-haired WSW named Amber (on Sullivant, just east of Central at about 2AM) this morning and drove her home to her place on Stevens (just off Broad). She said she wad "too pretty" to mess around for less than 40, so I agreed just to drop her off at home in exchange for a phone number.

I'm pretty sure this is the Amber some here claim to be a man. Is there any confirmation of this, or is it just speculation?

Also, I saw Shelly and Shelby out, but passed on both as they often have very bad attitudes. For what it's worth, Shelly didn't seem drugged out at all; maybe I should have picked her up, as she has a nice body and cute face.

I heard from a WSW whose name I can't recall that Savannah (HOT blonde) is in jail.

01-06-11, 11:40
I had an occasion to be in the near downtown area about noon so I thought I would doa bit of hunting. I cruised from Alum Creek east on Livingston to Parsons and south on Parsons Ave down to Marion. Both areas were absolutely dead. I headed north on High and spotted a WSW walking south. I checked thearea for LEOs and made a loop and met her at an intersection. As luck would have it she needed a ride. She hopped in and we rode a few minutes and chatted. We discovered we know a couple of people in common."Stephanie" (blond. 42, 5'5".150 lbs average looks) and I rode south to a shopping mall parking lot where she provided me with nearly 30 minutes of her very talented oral artistry and finished me with an excellent BBBJCIM. I dropped her near her favorite eatery and got her digits before she got away. Not much on looks but gets an "A+" for her great attitude, enthusiasiam and oral skills. She is out of her regular job and trying to get by.

01-06-11, 11:45
Does anyone here have a hook up with an attractive, decent BSW? I'd like to hook up with a really nice piece in the near future that isn't going to be a waste if time.

Humpty Dumpty
01-06-11, 13:33
Does anyone here have a hook up with an attractive, decent BSW? I'd like to hook up with a really nice piece in the near future that isn't going to be a waste if time.The quality of Columbus BSW is abyssmal. Most are ugly, have bad attitudes or are thieves. And you will more than likely be wasting your time.

01-06-11, 20:34
Thanks for the feedback Humpty. Not what I wanted to hear but good to know. When I lived in West Palm Beach there were lots of really fine high quality BSW.

The quality of Columbus BSW is abyssmal. Most are ugly, have bad attitudes or are thieves. And you will more than likely be wasting your time.

01-06-11, 20:43
Does anyone here have a hook up with an attractive, decent BSW? I'd like to hook up with a really nice piece in the near future that isn't going to be a waste if time.What HD means is, all the ones he's been with have been unattractive.

I respect his right to his opinion, but, that's exactly what it is-his opinion.

Instead, read of what most people think of the WSW's on the West side.

If you're looking for Halle or Tyra, you probably won't find her-I agree.

But, they're out there.

Keep looking and good luck.

01-07-11, 09:41
Jaguars49 take a look at posting 262 in the backpage reviews and postings. Not a street walker but looks pretty fine in my point of view.

Humpty Dumpty
01-07-11, 10:18
I have eyes, and good vision. When I drive down Cleveland Ave, more often than not I am repulsed by what I see. There are exceptions to the rule, but if its blackberries you want, you will have to waste a lot of time finding a good one, Jaguars. Just look at the pics he has posted, I need not say anything. Unless he is posting pics of Aqua before she packed on a lot of belly fat or Keisha before she got pregnant. BTW, if Keisha is 4 months pregnant, it wasn't me. I creampied her around December 2009.

Shadow1- if we are talking about high quality mixed girls, what happened to Kayla on the west side? Gorgeous and very nice. I wanted to creampie her but did not have enough cash on hand for FS. I think Sullivant Guy reported on her too.

Another thing, you seem very quick to vilify WSWs. Of course there are a few white ladies who are problematic or ugly, and BSWs for the most part are not. Also, there is only one known WTV in Columbus compared to scores of BTVs. Its like saying there's no less crime in Whitehall than there is in Dublin, or Texas is no hotter than Ohio.

01-07-11, 18:33
Found Alicia strolling around Hudson, near I71 on Wednesday night. I bet these looked good before the kiddies ruined them!

01-09-11, 11:30
I found Arianna on Sullivant yesterday afternoon, drove around with her for a few minutes and decided to go a place she stays at, waited a few minutes for her to return but she didn't come back out.

Found her ad on BP this morring.

Arianna available ALL WEEKEND and ready to meet YOU!.23

Anyone else have any experinces with her?

01-09-11, 14:18
I found Arianna on Sullivant yesterday afternoon, drove around with her for a few minutes and decided to go a place she stays at, waited a few minutes for her to return but she didn't come back out.

Found her ad on BP this morring.
Arianna available ALL WEEKEND and ready to meet YOU. 23
Anyone else have any experinces with her?

I'm hoping this wasn't after you gave her $30, and she said "wait here till I tell my roommate to leave".
Of course, not that that has anything to do with the mentaility of the WSW.
And, Ms Attitude has been calling me wanting to get together.
I'm just too tired of her drama.
Hope your luck with her is better.
I decided to cut my losses and invest my funds into a product that gives immediate return with no hassle.
Good luck and be safe.

Mw Jrp
01-10-11, 00:32
I dated her before. She has brown hair, cute, nice spinner shape with large C's that sag a little, but her butt is dynomite. She jacked me all the way, no BBBJ in the car. But at my room she sucked away. Megan has a nice tight long-lipped giner. I should have eaten it, but other activities got me up and off.

Besides the BBBJ and some giner play, sucked those tits, I got CFS mish. Then I flipped her, had her lay flat, raised the hips up, with legs together, she was all pussy lips and butt-hole. A very nice view indeed. I hit it that way and soon busted a super nut in her oh so tight giner.

Like many of the young ones, she has no kissing policy, then there was no CG, not sure why. I'm sure anal is off limits. But when I can find a 21yo to suck, fu (k, and nut in; well why not?

I dropped her off Broad and she said she is on either of 2 main streets on the westside when she is out. Oh, donated. 45 to her cause.

At 9pm there were about 6 or 7 gals in the bottoms, mostly around Central, but plenty of LE. I think I saw 8 cars in a short while. Be safe and good hunting. MW

01-10-11, 01:14
I found Arianna on Sullivant yesterday afternoon, drove around with her for a few minutes and decided to go a place she stays at, waited a few minutes for her to return but she didn't come back out.

Found her ad on BP this morring.

Arianna available ALL WEEKEND and ready to meet YOU. 23

Anyone else have any experinces with her? Just curious, did she get the $ first or did she just leave ya hanging?

Hungry Wolf
01-10-11, 10:01
I found Arianna on Sullivant yesterday afternoon, drove around with her for a few minutes and decided to go a place she stays at, waited a few minutes for her to return but she didn't come back out.

Found her ad on BP this morring.

Arianna available ALL WEEKEND and ready to meet YOU. 23

Anyone else have any experinces with her? I sure she saw me in a store out west and stuck up a conversation and wrote her infro down for me and this with out me asking anything and it had something to do about escort! I will check and if I still have it I will give you her number. I just hate these lowlife, dirty people out here.

Member #1052
01-13-11, 05:19
Back in town for a few days so I did some recon last night and went out hunting tonight around 9:30. Not much out on Broad or Sully. Saw Christy / Kristy crossing Central but she got in a car before I could loop. Saw another in a white coat walking towards the bottom. Looped around and she was gone. Saw an ugly WSW in the bottoms as the only thing out there for two hours. She was waving at cars and when they passed her by she would throw her hands in the air like "WHAT!" Must be hard to learn you can't sell it when you're the only one on the shelf.

Saw Christy / Kristy again at the dope house up the hill around 11:30. Brought her back to the hotel and was thrilled with this little gem. 5' probably 90lbs, med long brown hair and brown eyes. 6 or 7 tats including a tiger on one leg and a tramp stamp that says Desiray. This little spinner says she's 21 and judging by her body, I believe her. Say's she's been in town for a year, but I never saw her.

Typical young girl issues. Tried to negotiate shorter time until she got in the warm room. Lazy attitude with little or no extras. No kissing, greek, DATY, lapdance, cowgirl, etc. She hates cum too and wants none in her or on her. (Of course Humpty is probably the reason for that.) She tried to talk her way out of taking a shower, but I only like the good stank. Tight pussy, tight a-cups, decent dt skills and the cutest tight little ass that I can fit in one hand. Made the appropriate noises and didn't complain when my old age kicked in.

Dropped her off at the dope house on central around 1:30a. Took another tour but it was just me and Leo so I called it a night.

By the way, she asked me not to put this on the internet.


01-13-11, 17:21
I cruised the S. High, Broad, Ssully and Parsons three times this afternoon fron 1:30 to 3:30 with absolutely no action. Only one really fugly WSW on Sully.

01-14-11, 07:39
I cruised the S. High, Broad, Ssully and Parsons three times this afternoon fron 1:30 to 3:30 with absolutely no action. Only one really fugly WSW on Sully.I think it's been dead most of the week. I went out Monday and Tuesday and had pretty much the same results.

01-14-11, 14:10
Had the opportunity to curise W. Broad yesterday around 2pm (Thursday 13th). Don't get to town real often, but when I do, I just love to cruise Broad and Sullivant. After cruising for about an hour, the only thing I saw that looked 'half-way' decent was Amy on W. Broad at Eureka. She is probably in her mid 30's, burnette 5'6" and guessing 150lbs. After picking her up and chatting a little bit, realized she was missing a few teeth. Eeek! Oh well, decided to get a BJ for 30. She took took it out while driving and went right to work. I kept wanting to stop and park someplace, but she did not want me to stop. Would only take care of business while I drove. That was freeking weird! It was against my better judgement, but decided this was better than nothing. Drove all the little side streets north of W. Broad in that area. Despite the weird 'driving around while being serviced thing', she actually did a real nice job and had excellent oral / tongue skills. I wanted to keep her longer and take her to a hotel, but she was too anxious to get to the crack house. She actually said that. I offered her another 40, but she really needed the fix. Can you believe that crap? Oh well. I did get her digits if anyone wants them. Just now real sure I'll revist her.

Be Safe and Happy Hunting.


01-14-11, 15:45
Saw Nikki strolling around Parsons, a bit east of TJ's at about 8:15 Tuesday night. I didn't have time to give her a ride, but she was kind enough to let me snap a photo! (Sorry if the poor light renders this a crappier photo than I originally thought.)

FWIW, she seemed absolutely sober, and seemed genuinely nice. Her tits are firm, and her body is healthy looking, if not hot. She has no stretch marks, and seems to be in her early to mid twenties.

Does anyone have experience with this WSW? I'd pick her up anytime.

Good luck!

Traveler Two
01-15-11, 01:43
I think it's been dead most of the week. I went out Monday and Tuesday and had pretty much the same results.Last Sunday was good, hooked it up with little brunette amber (not the man) , and then later with big fake boobed Wendy. There was a lot of cruisers out on duty too.

01-15-11, 06:41
Saw Nikki strolling around Parsons, a bit east of Tijuana's at about 8:15 Tuesday night. I didn't have time to give her a ride, but she was kind enough to let me snap a photo! (Sorry if the poor light renders this a crappier photo than I originally thought.)

FWIW, she seemed absolutely sober, and seemed genuinely nice. Her tits are firm, and her body is healthy looking, if not hot. She has no stretch marks, and seems to be in her early to mid twenties.

Does anyone have experience with this WSW? I'd pick her up anytime.

Good luck!Did you happen to get digits? I'll try her out and let you know, LOL!

Kaiser Soze
01-15-11, 08:00
Anybody have any idea what happened to Jennifer Napper? I miss those titties

Humpty Dumpty
01-15-11, 16:03
Anybody have any idea what happened to Jennifer Napper? I miss those tittiesSaw her in late October. She will be in creampie compilation video number 3.

Mw Jrp
01-16-11, 21:42
She walked down to where I pulled in, jacked me and BBBJ all the way to the room. Her pussy was shaved but I'm sure she's a redhead. Crystal showered and got clean. He ample D's are a bit saggy, but her butt is sweet and firm as her giner is tight.

She sucked me more in the room and got me nice and hard for CFS CG, RCG, and a mish finish. She had some difficulty with the soft touch I wanted. But the BLS was just right and I hardened up for the main events.

She almost got me to nut CG. Then we moved to RCG and her pink butt hole plus her hip movement again almost put me over the top, again. So, I decided then to flip her for mish and soon I busted a hard nut, while she patiently let me finish. Oh, she says yes to anal, but I didn't try that. But her butt was pink, tight, and inviting, though.

I gave her. 50 for her patients, got her digts for active seniors, and dropped her at her apartment. No shortage of gals out this Sabbath Day.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
01-16-11, 21:57
After the Crytal date I rolled Parson's, Livingston, Cleveland, Hudson, and N. High streets. While I spotted a few none peaked my interests so I went back to Sullivant and saw plenty.

I found Michelle and though she looked 30yo not almost 40. She is mark-free, nice round firm bumoer, firm D's, but her giner was loose, IMHO. She started offf with a BBBJ in the room and I felt her put a condom on with her mouth. So, I manuvered her hips into a 69 position and munched away for a good 15 minutes until she nutted.

Finally, I got hard enough to enter her mish, but she wasn't as tight as I had hoped. Her giner was clean and sweet to eat, but loose. So, after no nut for me I had her finish me CBJ, and surprisingly it felt awesome. And since I still had the cover on she sucked away and worked her tongue until I couldn't take any more.

I donated. 50 to her cause for patience and determination, stopped for a fast-food meal, her pay, and dropped her at a store on Sully. I have digits for active seniors, if you want to date her.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

01-17-11, 01:17

I had the opportunity to check out Maya fromColumbus BP*

You`ll love my sexy latina body & curvy way`s sexy maya 1614 *556 *8498. 27 (North Columbus)

She is from PR and a bit nutty. She looks in her late 30s, a bit thick with great tits. She did a CBJ for. 4 and let me suck and play with the tatas but wanted $100 for FS. She was in a bit of a rush but provided good service. I probably won't repeat.

01-17-11, 12:57
Was out last night into the early morring. I seen and found girls every where. Cleveland ave was not much out. I found a young BSW on Parsons name Trina 19y. She was a few months pregnat and looked new to the work. We drove around and I found a place to park, at the last moment she said she was too nervous and wanted to try some other time. She left me with her number and I dropped her off. Noticed an old WSW with no teeth, no stopping for her. Down on Livingston, there were the ugly BSW out, the ones that holler at every car that passes. A few out on Main St. I found BSW Starr here. She gave a good BBBJ. Got her number and told her I'll be back later on. There were SW on almost every corner of Sullivant. I found a short BSW named Shantella. Got CBJ and cds from her. After dropping her off I wanted to hook back up with Starr. Called her cell and it went to voice mail. Her voice mail was not set up, So I had to drive around. I found her again at a corner store on Main st. We went and parked and had some more BBBJ and cds with her. She must have been happy to be in a warm car cause she let me have as much time as I needed. And I came a few times hittin that from the back.

Mw Jrp
01-18-11, 08:34
I went out after resting from the Melissa date, with this outstanding little spinner WSP (white sex provider). There were several gals out mostly WSW and at least 1 BSW. I picked Michelle because she was a short spinner type. Unfortunately she was unenthusiatic, stared off at the wall, and I found her boredom distrationg, so I had difficulty finishing.

As with most veterans her BBBJ was exceptional, but I was having trouble hardening for the main event. Still I managed to enter her tight giner, but softened up and had to get it hard all over. I finally finished but barely.

She has tiny A tits, a tight little giner, is patient but would rather be somewhere else. I gave her the agreed. 40 and no tip. Compared to Melissa there is little comparison. Since I would not repeat I never asked about digits.

If you are not a senior yet, go earn your stripes. There is no shortage of SP in this town. Be safe and good hunting. MW

01-18-11, 10:37
Picked up Jess on sully and wedgewood. She is a brunette, in her early to mid twenties, around 5'4, 130 lbs, nice C cup possible even a D cup. Took her back to my place and am I glad I did! This girl can suck and fuck! Multiple positions were offered but I only needed 2, rcg and doggie. I poped my rocks off and took her back to close to where I picked her up. I gave her 60 because it took a little longer then normal. I have digits and will share with those that are active.

Mw Jrp
01-18-11, 21:44
I was looking for something young and cute. Michelle fit the bill. Only problem is she has lost a lot of weight, so she was looser than I had hoped for. But as a pill-head she had a non-hurry-up mood and a super, slurrpy, outstanding BBBJ; and a pretty tight giner to bust a nut in after lots of prelims.

Of course she kissed and jacked and BBBJ on the way from the westside to my room. In the room she gladly dressed up, left her top on to cover herself up a bit, but pulled the C size twins out for play and whatever. I got lots of BBBJ, BLS, and then I asked her to move down, and like a good little fellatrix she licked all around the taint and butt hole until I was teenage hard.

Then it was CFS CG and she rode me smooth and slow the way I like it. In fact everything she did was slow and smooth like, I like it. Then some more licking the taint and butt, and finally I asked her to lay back for a mish finish. Of course she let me finish completely.

I donated. 50 to her cause and dropped her off Broad hilltop where she claims to reside. No phone for referrals; sorry gents. But I am sure she can be found on hilltop, and if you do, you are in for an oral treat. Afterwards she remarked her oral skills have been noted by several of you, and I agreed with her.

After I dropped her about 7:30p along Broad there was another young 25ish one, a little thinner, although she may not have been working. I was in no shape for a back-to-back repeat, so I rolled on. But she caught my eye for sure.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
01-19-11, 16:01
I spotted Bobby Jo at her corner and debated about picking her. I also saw Sunday's date down past Wilson. When I went back for Booby she had already hopped in a truck, so I lamented missing out on some of the finest head offered in the Capital city.

Anyway when I spotted Starr I remembered her from a few weeks ago. But I forgot about her extremely excellent oral skills. Boy can this on suck dick, just as good as Bobby, but quite differently. Yet the same reult; my hips were rocking, I was moaning, and I almost filled her mouth.

But I held off for CFS CG, RCG, and a mish finish. The RCG was especially nice since her round bottom was mark-free, and her giner walls stretched down over my shaft on the up stroke, exposing about 1" of smooth, pink, giner skin. Boy did that look as good as it felt, IMHO.

I should say she spent about 10-12 minutes in the shower, getting clean, and then dressed the way I like. Of course she smelled great and went to work with more of her BBBJ skills. It was then I recalled her unusual technique of swirling her head a little and concentrating her tongue on the sensative spot behind the head. She can also take my whole shaft, some DT, and alternated her fingers, plus used her hands to work the boys, taint, and butt. This fellatrix is memorable.

Naturally, Starr will BLS and worked the butt with her finges just the way I like. In short she took her time, followed all directions, and pleased me to the max. She will not kiss, much, nor does anal, but DATY is possible and she has really long giner lips. But I skipped lunching on it today.

Dropped her at her apartment and have digits for active seniors. All you have to do is leave a message and / or ask for her. What a corksucker!

I was rolling about 1. 5 hours this lunch time and saw at least 20 LE marked cars. Wow! Be safe and good hunting. MW

Member #1052
01-20-11, 03:57
Found myself in the neighborhood yesterday afternoon so I did some cruising around 6p. Saw one hopeful and one run like hell. The hopeful was on Central and returned the look. Young, brunette, healthy thin with a very sweet face, not sure if she was latin or indian (casino, not 7-11) but way too good to be true. Too good to be true = loop the blocks to see who's watching. By the time I got back to her a gold sedan picked her up. Lucky bastard.

Saw a long, tall string-bean rounding the corner from Central to Sully. She must have just left the dope house there as she couldn't walk a straight line to save her life. She was wobbling like a newborn giraffe.

Found Brandy around 8:30 down in the bottoms. Cute, reddish hair, freckles. 25. Negotiated long date but the whole time she wouldn't stop the cop check. She wanted to be so sure that she blew me all the way back to the hotel. Luckily she stopped at the drive thru at Mickey D's.

Took a shower together. A little bit of a baby belly, but combined with her face, great tits and two-hander ass, it was easy to over look. Everything goes, but no greek. Pretty pink pussy, not brown and bruised like most others. BBJ then mish with cimns finish. Only missed one drop but I had to make her stop sucking before I had a stroke. Then she kicked my ass at Mario Brothers. Dropped her off in hilltop around 11p and out of reflex went for another tour. Got her numbers for those that want them.

Saw an incredible blonde in a white coat in Sully bottoms. Whoever picked her up, please share. Still don't know why but I picked up a 40's, never saw her hair or that much of her face for that matter, but she said her name was Shorty. I know she's a she from playing with her tits. Not bad for forty BTW. Pulled off Sully for a bbjcimns for two dimes. I don't usually pop twice in one night, but she did it. Nice slow dt with a fast ending. Dropped her off by Mt. Carmel and tried to stay awake for the drive back to the hotel.

Now I'll call in sick today and try to get plenty of fluids.

Happy hunting,


Leaving for Detroit soon. Any advice?

Mw Jrp
01-20-11, 08:57
Boy there were lots out late last night, all along Sully from Wedgewood to Green, I saw about 8 or 9 of them. It soon thinned and I almost decided to head home, but took one more pass looking for a young diamond, and found Megan. We dated before. She has medium brown hair, 5'-1", petite frame, fairly firm C's, cute. Aren't most of the 21yo's cute?

This gal has a nice tight bod, and a long fat-lipped giner, I would love to eat, but she declined my offer. All I got was one lick at her clit. Megan's BBBJ is quite good. She uses the same technique as Starr with somewhat similar pleasurable results. I wonder if Starr is her mentor?

So, beside some oral treat I got CGS mish and a K9 finish. For that I had her lay flat on her belly but raise that sweet little bumper up so I could enter her tunnel. And of course her pink butt-hole looked inviting but I'm sure that was off limits. I finished bouncing off her 21yo bumper; you got to love that smooth 21yo skin. I always do!

I dropped her off in the bottoms where she could shop and spend her. 45 I donated. Be safe and good hunting. MW

01-20-11, 10:55
Hey I'm from Orange County & I'm going to be coming out there to see some family if anybody can direct me to the safe areas & some safe girls you would approve of.

Humpty Dumpty
01-20-11, 16:01
Jackson, the SW forums should have maps that we can update periodically. It would make this so much easier, and I imagine you would get more traffic, and would save a lot of guys a lot of gas.

OC dude, to answer your question, I recommend Sullivant, between Davis all the way to Georgesville, and I recommend W Broad St, from McDowell all the way to Georgesville. Sullivant and Broad run parallel to each other. These girls are mostly white. Safe parking is hit or miss, theres a lot of area here to cover. Never ever park west of Central though.

S High and Parsons, also parallel streets, from Livingston to Marion. Again, mostly white. Parking can be difficult here though.

Hudson from I71 to Cleveland ave, and Cleveland Ave from 11th all the way to Cooke Road. Mixed, and some areas are mostly black. Many safe spots to park just west of I71.

You might check out N High, but SWs are hardly out there anymore. Safe spots everywhere.

E Main and Livingston have ladies, mostly black. The problem is, its extremely dangerous. Shadow1, however, will tell you that crime does not exist in this neighborhood.

01-20-11, 17:25
Found a nice, mid to late 20's on sully at central this afternoon, said her name was michelle and she just got out of jail. She was probably about 5'5 to 5'7" maybe 130lbs, very decent looking for a SW. She had long brownish hair with some of it braided. She had great tits, they wernt the perkiest but they were a great handfull! She did have a little of a baby belly but overall not too bad. I was in a hurry so settled for a quick BBBJCIM for. 2, which her tongue piercing made it feel awesome. Said she used to have some regulars but lost her phone. She has a new number I have confirmed that I will trade with members for reliable numbers.

Member #1052
01-20-11, 22:11
Jackson, the SW forums should have maps that we can update periodically. It would make this so much easier, and I imagine you would get more traffic, and would save a lot of guys a lot of gas.

Humpty, you know I've always respected you and value your posts and opinions but if Jackson started providing maps for every thread on this board, he might as well start delivering ladies to our doorsteps. I'm not trying to be mean here but if these guys have access to this board, they should be able to find Mapquest without too much effort. I mean you and I did. The only people I personally want to reward for not getting off their asses and applying a little initiative are the ladies we're here to discuss. Fellow mongers are constantly rewarded on every thread on Jackson's board with tons of invaluable intel that a sad few individuals refuse to take five minutes to read through when they travel to another town. I've been a road warrior for three years now and if it wasn't for reading through previous posts like yours, Mw Jrp's and even Shadow1's I'd have to resort to the Yellow Pages, hotel bars or Heaven forbid, hand lotion and Sarah Palin's Alaska.

I admit that I did PM you for information one time but only after I had read through your posts and understood that you and I have similar expectations and tastes, like the sink at UDF for example. But to illustrate my point I was supposed to be in Detroit tonight and have already studied up on the 7 Mile and 8 Mile strolls as well as the Golden Triangle (which is a major LE area BTW) and which strip clubs offer extras after a tip to the bouncer. For example, when I first visited Columbus back in 09, it took me a whole two minutes to find out what Sully or Liv was. I hope I'm helping others when I say I simply clicked on Search this Thread and typed in Sull, then Liv.

Besides, if you look at OC's posts, all 9 of them, he's never contributed anything usefull except a Cali dancers phone number. Every other post he's made has been asking someone else to hand over their hard work on a silver platter. No offence OC but you've heard the addage build a man a fire and you warm him for a night, but if you set that man on fire you'll warm him for the rest of his life. Or was it something about a fish?

Gentlemen, the soapbox is yours,


Rockout Cbus
01-22-11, 13:37
So for the last few months I have been trying to get rid of this money, gas, and TIME wasting habit. But as you will see in a moment. I have had little success.

Picked up Shelly Thursday night near the corner of Sullivant and Glenwood. I had been chasing her around a few times but she refused to walk a block down the street for a safe pickup. After giving up a number of times. Eventually got the pick. Seemed pretty lucid when she got in the car. Was annoying as she was eating all sorts of junk food the entire ride to my spot. Literally stuffing her mouth with doritos moments before the BBBJ. The BBBJ was ok. Got the job done, but nothing special. After she was nothing short of intolerable as I took her to her desired drop off spot. Nodding off, begging to use the phone, changing the drop off location, asking to make stops. Christ. The good thing was that she was a gold mine of SW information. I had been looking for the blonde Jamie, Who is a real sweetheart. I can't believe there is anything better. Apparently she is in the county hotel for some pretty serious offenses. I was concerned as around Christmas I was driving by her place and saw what I thought could be you / see filming from a car. At the time I thought I was crazy. Maybe I was not. I have been calling her a bit over the last three weeks to check in on her and have had no luck.

If anyone has jamie's last name and could PM it to me I would appreciate it.

Picked up Amanda a few weeks ago off sully. Went to my spot and got a BBBJ I really enjoyed. She seems like a really nice girl. Gave me house phone number where she lives with her sister. Called for her a few days later and talked to Shelby, who I dated at their place. Shelby is not the best looker, but she sure gives an enthusiastic BBBJ. I have sampled it twice and have been very happy.

I have dated Ashlee with two 'ee's a few times after I met her on Broad about 2 months ago. I has been three weeks since I have seen her but dated her about 5-6 times between car dates and dates at her place. She has a place outside the neighborhood where I enjoyed half and half atleast three times. Super sweet girl. Not my style for the BBBJ though. Doesn't do DT I guess. Which is what it takes for me.

I picked up Ashley (with a 'why') about a month ago, hopefully for the last time. Fucking christ this girl is a pain in the ass. I had picked her up a month prior and it was a total disaster. She refused to go to my place, and then got super pissed that I was wasting her time. Could not tell me where she wanted dropped off though. Was trying anything / everything to get rid of her. Anyway, this time she seemed less out of it so I decided to give it a try. We went to my spot and she insisted we get in the back of my car, rather than her get on top of me, which I know works in my particular vehicle. I finally caved and got in the back seat. Surprise surprise, my car is too cramped back there for anything other than her being on top. Which we did for a few minutes (which was actually a 10/10 experience for those precious 180 seconds) but then she started getting paranoid, saying it was taking too long, saying she already came, then her pointing to a window which I am convinced she left slighty cracked and saying someone heard us for sure. She wanted to go. CHRIST! Then she started picking a fight with me for not being happy with the experience. Saying how much she enjoyed it and how good it felt and 'you didn't like it? '. Well honey. I only like it if I cum in your snapper. Anyway. Then of course she wanted me to take her somewhere but would not give any directions other than. Oh its right up here, oh turn there, turn here, stop here. C H R I S T!

The only good that came out of it is that I was suoer suprised by how much I enjoyed her tits. They are nicer than you would think. Given her tiny frame. Undecided if I will repeat.

2 weeks ago I picked up Victoria ('like the queen, she said') just west of 70 entrance on sullivant. Near helen. Weird experience. She almost seemed like a part timer or maybe first timer. Bigger WSW with pretty big titties. Older, whitish blond hair. Did not look at all like a SW. Just did BBBJ although she was almost begging to be fucked. Very strange. Alomost seemed like she was out there because she wanted action and the bonus was she could make a few $$. Got BBBJ. Funny thing is she asked me to cum on her tits. Then as we got into it she wanted me to cum on her face. Would not let a drop of cum in her mouth. Claimed that the is not like the rest of the girls on the street. Strange. Did not get phone number.

I picked up Wendy. The fake tittied string bean about 2 months ago. I had picked her up some time earlier and had trouble with her because she would not go to my place, or leave and do business anywhere but in the hot zone. I hoped for better this time. NEGATIVE. I told her to never get in my car again, and she agreed that she would steer clear. I has a mediocre experience with her about 7 months ago. It is a shame, that body is smoking.

When I first started this hobby 18 months ago or so. Hudson was a hot spot. There was almost always a WSW worth picking up. It is bone dry now from what I can tell. Anyone else had any luck?

01-23-11, 13:20
I was on my way to an incall I had set up. I was travling along Cleveland ave and noticed someone doing the turn around. I was on the side of the street they were headed to, so I figured there was something good up ahead, so I had to get there first, Noticed a tall blond walking. I knew she had to be "walking" cause it was too cold to be out without a hat on. I hurried and did my turn around. A truck made it to the corner where she was standing at and she started walking towards there truck, I pull in behind, truck stops for a second and drives on, my luck cause I get the catch. Her names Monika but said to just call her "Moni".33 years old and thick in all the right places, cute face and smells good. She is a sweet girl. She said she just been in a fight with her current boyfriend, and needs money. She was high and paranoid. We parked in a spot behind her friends place and I was given a good BBBJ, she talked dirty while doing it. I wanted to do full service with her, and she wanted to wait until later next day. I talked her into it sooner. Said give her about an hour and call her. I went on to my session I had set up and contacted her when I was ready. We went back to the same spot and had a rush session. She's has a little bit of a belly, but her body and tits were great. Will take her to a motel next time.

01-25-11, 00:13
A few weeks ago, I reported on a WSW named Alana. I found a picture of her in the Oct. 1st-Oct7th issuse of The Slammer, pg. 12 name is Alana Spink (www.TheSlammer.com)

01-26-11, 20:25
After the Crytal date I rolled Parson's, Livingston, Cleveland, Hudson, and N. High streets. While I spotted a few none peaked my interests so I went back to Sullivant and saw plenty.

I found Michelle and though she looked 30yo not almost 40. She is mark-free, nice round firm bumoer, firm D's, but her giner was loose, IMHO. She started offf with a BBBJ in the room and I felt her put a condom on with her mouth. So, I manuvered her hips into a 69 position and munched away for a good 15 minutes until she nutted.

Finally, I got hard enough to enter her mish, but she wasn't as tight as I had hoped. Her giner was clean and sweet to eat, but loose. So, after no nut for me I had her finish me CBJ, and surprisingly it felt awesome. And since I still had the cover on she sucked away and worked her tongue until I couldn't take any more.

I donated. 50 to her cause for patience and determination, stopped for a fast-food meal, her pay, and dropped her at a store on Sully. I have digits for active seniors, if you want to date her.

Be safe and good hunting. MWI found this Michelle this morring on sully. Didn't know this was one of the girls Mw Jrp gave me a number to until she started giving me her number and I already had it in my contacts. We found a spot and did cds. She is very loose.

01-31-11, 14:21
Firstly, has anyone seen her lately?

I received a call today from a former acquaintance of hers. Supposedly a mutual friend who had been helping her and trying to date her called saying he tested positive for hiv and believes to have gotten it from her.

This is all secondhand so I dunno how much I believe it. Who knows if this guy got it from someone else. He's probably a dope shooter too. Anyone else hear this?

Humpty Dumpty
02-01-11, 04:07
Firstly, has anyone seen her lately?

I received a call today from a former acquaintance of hers. Supposedly a mutual friend who had been helping her and trying to date her called saying he tested positive for hiv and believes to have gotten it from her.

This is all secondhand so I dunno how much I believe it. Who knows if this guy got it from someone else. He's probably a dope shooter too. Anyone else hear this? Oh shit! I hope not. Going bareback is a LOT less dangerous than shooting needles, thats for sure. If Nirvana is careful enough to always, and I do mean always use rubbers, I would expect her to use a clean rig. But I've seen addicts make really bad decisions when they're dopesick. But maybe she just wants to use rubbers because she thinks she might infect others?

And you can expect her to make an angry call or post in response to these allegations! Heehee. However, I don't think this will hurt her business. She has a new alias now. I guess its smart to do that every so often.

Let me sum it all up saying I would first question the veracity of this mutual friend before I would question Nirvana.

02-01-11, 13:17
Oh shit! I hope not. Going bareback is a LOT less dangerous than shooting needles, thats for sure. If Nirvana is careful enough to always, and I do mean always use rubbers, I would expect her to use a clean rig. But I've seen addicts make really bad decisions when they're dopesick. But maybe she just wants to use rubbers because she thinks she might infect others?

And you can expect her to make an angry call or post in response to these allegations! Heehee. However, I don't think this will hurt her business. She has a new alias now. I guess its smart to do that every so often.

Let me sum it all up saying I would first question the veracity of this mutual friend before I would question Nirvana. I also question her reluctance to go bareback with a customer is whether or not it's for her or the client's protection. She has openly admitted to having hepatits C, not transmittable through sexual acts. Although I have always used rubbers with her, this has put me on alert.

I'll sum up what I was told:

The person making the accusation had befriended Nirvana and their relationship had extended beyond a friendship. To the point that this person was going out of his way to get her clean. He had not been with anyone but her for a solid month when he test positive.

That is about as much information as I have.

If she knowingly has HIV, logic would think that she would be even more careful with someone who is more than a client to her. Which makes me wonder. Was he banging dope w / her too?

There are also other anecdotal things I know about Nirvana that would make me think that if she does have it, that she wasn't aware of it. Either that, or she is really selfish / stupid.

02-03-11, 16:18
Could someone try reaching her to get her input on the accusation? I've tried calling her and leaving her a message but she doesn't answer.

Rack Pat
02-03-11, 23:43
Could someone try reaching her to get her input on the accusation? I've tried calling her and leaving her a message but she doesn't answer.I spoke to her. She says she is 100% clean and the accusation against her is total bullshit. She also said no one has ever tried to get her off of heroin and there was no one that fit the description of the supposed wannabe boyfriend who now has the bug.

For what it's worth.

02-04-11, 16:41
I spoke to her. She says she is 100% clean and the accusation against her is total bullshit. She also said no one has ever tried to get her off of heroin and there was no one that fit the description of the supposed wannabe boyfriend who now has the bug.

For what it's worth. Spoke to her also. She actually thought humpty was the one "spreading" the "rumor." Don't worry hd, I told her you were defending her.

Humpty Dumpty
02-05-11, 15:29
Spoke to her also. She actually thought humpty was the one "spreading" the "rumor." Don't worry hd, I told her you were defending her.Yeah, she also had misread something else posted on this forum about a dude who mistakenly thought she left a stem in her car.

I offered to go with Nirvana to the AIDS testing place once. Its no longer in the east side, I think they moved it to Clintonville? Can someone give us an update?

Nervegas, who is the accuser?

02-05-11, 17:03
I was in town on Tuesday the 1st, and couldn't resist the temptation to make the cruise up and down Broad & Sullivant around 6:30pm. I didn't have a whole lot of time, but I had been thinking about this trip for a week or two. Didn't see anyone for the first couple of loops until about 7:30. I saw a blonde wearing jeans, black tshirt and white ski jacket at Sully and Oakley. Although I prefer petite younger girls with smaller breasts, she appeared to have DD's, but still reletively thin. Since she was really the first one I saw and I didn't have much more time, I thought. What the hell. That was a freeking mistake! She looked great in the dark from a distance, but once inside I was wishing I wouldn't have stopped. But since I already had her and was kinda 'in-the-mood', I decided a quickie would be alright. I made several mistakes here, and I am sure you will all laugh at me, but I wanted to at least share my report with you anyways so maybe some newbies out there won't make the same stupid mistakes I made. First of all, if you are not attracked to them once they are inside, you should find a polite way of getting her out. As the date continued, it only got worse. She took me to "her location" which was a spot behind some apartments. She kept talking about all the kinky fetishes we did have in common, so thats kinda why I kept this up, but she was all talk. Once in our spot, she lifted up her tshirt and revealed the most padded bra I had ever seen in my life. OMG, those were not DD's they were saggy and deflated B's at best. I can't believe I got suckered into this at this point. She started playing with herself. Not with me and got off. I thought the whole thing here was to get me off? Oh well. When she was finished, she licked the just side of Mr Beaver and only twice, and said the show was over. Unbelievable! At this point, I was anxious to just get the hell out of there, and yes I had comitted another dumb mistake by paying in advance. Once back in the front seat, she even had the nerve to steel my tick tacs (which she did need) , my gatorade and some change I had in the ashtray. Then she got out and walked right into her crack house that she kept talking about.

I know, I made a bunch of stupid mistakes. But just wanted to warn all of you to stay away from a blonde who goes by the street name of shauna and said her real name was nicole.

Happy Hunting out there,


02-06-11, 01:30
Aaron: I really have doubts about your experience. According to HD, the only SW's that would do that are BSW's, not WSW's. But, if you say so. Yea, you made a couple mistakes, but, sometimes ya never know what you're going to get.

Lessons learned.

Just be safe.

Humpty Dumpty
02-06-11, 17:23
Aaron: I really have doubts about your experience. According to HD, the only SW's that would do that are BSW's, not WSW's. But, if you say so. Yea, you made a couple mistakes, but, sometimes ya never know what you're going to get.

Lessons learned.

Just be safe.What I said was that BSWs are exponentially MORE LIKELY to cause problems than WSWs and HSWs. Doesn't mean all white ladies are saints or all black ladies are thieves with bad attitudes who perform bad service. When I come back to Ohio I am going to bogart all the fresh sweet chocolate cake and leave you with the stale pieces, so there!

02-07-11, 07:26
If anyone has contact info on her please pm me



02-07-11, 10:56
I met Erica on Sullivant, just east of Central early this morning. She's nice, agreeable, and has one of the nicest pairs of tits I've seen on a SW. No digits available, but she says she's often out between 4-6 AM.

02-07-11, 16:39
Yeah, she also had misread something else posted on this forum about a dude who mistakenly thought she left a stem in her car.

I offered to go with Nirvana to the AIDS testing place once. Its no longer in the east side, I think they moved it to Clintonville? Can someone give us an update?

Nervegas, who is the accuser? I don't know where the HIV testing center is. Why were you offering to bring her there, so she can be tested as well? How did she react to this?

If you mean the purported boyfriend to be the accuser, I have no idea. My source never mentioned the guy's name and described him as a vague mutual friend. He mustn't be white either based on certain comments my source made.

My source is a former acquaintance of Nirvana's. I don't have any reason to believe my source would make such a story up about Nirvana although I did wonder why she insisted on maintaining the accuser's anonimity while she mentioned other friends' names.

02-07-11, 16:40
I met Erica on Sullivant, just east of Central early this morning. She's nice, agreeable, and has one of the nicest pairs of tits I've seen on a SW. No digits available, but she says she's often out between 4-6 AM.Those are indeed some nice tas.

How old is she and how is the face?

02-07-11, 16:41
Recently someone reported seeing Amber- can someone with digits hook me up?

02-07-11, 16:45
If anyone has contact info on her please pm me


EIf you are referring to megan wymer I found her all cracked out as usual we had one last go around and I dropped her off at maryhaven told her to give me a call when she gets out if she needs a place to stay, however I told her she would have to learn to share and place nice as amber hartman has been living with me for the last year.

02-07-11, 18:44
I reported on Christy several months back. Last week I was looking for some fun and had been looking on Backpage. Com since the streets have been bare. Being partial to redheads I decided to see what I could find. I ran across a new ad for Christy. She is 35, 5'4".110lbs, B cups and a real spinner. She is not the best looking nor the worst looking woman I've ever been with. She has long naturalstraight red hair down past the middle of her back that she enjoys having played with and pulled some.

Christy has her own place and prefers to host. She also has a roommate who is a bit heavier and cute that I plan to see as well. When I arrived the roomie greeted me as Christy was just finishing hair and makeup after a shower. She cam out in a pair of jeans and a sexy top. We retired to her favorite room where she insisted I undress her. She had on a bit of nice perfume so I took the time to undress and explore her. She was clean, sweet smelling and freshly trimmed. I got comfortable and she proceeded with some excellent BBBJ for about 15 minutes. We switched positions and I spent some time DATY. She has a really finger tight ginner with nice lips and clit which is great for me because I'm not hung. The tongue and finger action got her off. She was definately ready to get to some serious action at that point. I rolled over on my back again and she positioned herself between my legs and began to stroke my friend and the boys. She also rubbed the B cuppers all over my friend and the boys. I was definitely enjoying the action. She decided it was time for some more quality BBBJ and who was I to say no?

After about five minutes she told me she couldn't wait any longer and needed my cock in her. She wanted Rever se Cowgirl but I held out for front Cowgirl. She quickly applied the raingear and climed on board for a ride. It was apparent she was into her own fantacy because she was rocking, riding and enjoying it seriously. After about 5 minutes she popped a serious nut and I was only a minute later. She kept riding until I had to stop her as I couldn't take it any longer.

She was off me in a flash and came back with everything to clean me up and dispose of the raingear. She wasnt in any rush for me to leave and invited me to stay for anoter go at it because she was still wanting more action. I had to pass because I had to go to work in about an hour.

While Christy is decent looking where she excels is in her attitude, skills, desire to please and her enthusiasm. This time the experience was even better than the first one a couple of months back. She is looking for regulars that she can feel comfortable playing with. It was a Franklin for the time spent (a bit les than 2 hours) but well worth it.

If you like the Spinner type she fits the bill really well. I will repeat and I will be taking some pictures to post. She has no problem with me sharing her number so if you are interested, PM me.

Be safe and Good Hunting.


Humpty Dumpty
02-08-11, 20:38
I don't know where the HIV testing center is. Why were you offering to bring her there, so she can be tested as well? How did she react to this?

If you mean the purported boyfriend to be the accuser, I have no idea. My source never mentioned the guy's name and described him as a vague mutual friend. He mustn't be white either based on certain comments my source made.

My source is a former acquaintance of Nirvana's. I don't have any reason to believe my source would make such a story up about Nirvana although I did wonder why she insisted on maintaining the accuser's anonimity while she mentioned other friends' names.You don't know where the AIDS testing center is in Columbus? I take it you've never heard of google. Oh well. Call 1800 CDC INFO and they will tell you.

With the reading between the lines of Nirvana and the accuser, illegal business, drama and (possibly) lies go hand in hand. Glad I'm not involved in it. I would be very wary of this accuser if Nirvana is that afraid of him.

I would be willing to bet the guy is a loose cannon and would'nt think twice of robbing someone. If it was me, I wouldn't even want to be anywhere around this dude, much less gossip with him.

02-10-11, 11:32
You don't know where the AIDS testing center is in Columbus? I take it you've never heard of google. Oh well. Call 1800 CDC INFO and they will tell you.

With the reading between the lines of Nirvana and the accuser, illegal business, drama and (possibly) lies go hand in hand. Glad I'm not involved in it. I would be very wary of this accuser if Nirvana is that afraid of him.

I would be willing to bet the guy is a loose cannon and would'nt think twice of robbing someone. If it was me, I wouldn't even want to be anywhere around this dude, much less gossip with him. Who said nirvana is afraid of him? She has said she doesn't even know a person who would fit the description.

Papa Rotzi
02-11-11, 19:15
If you are a Senior Member, PM me for digits. Otherwise, please don't bother. Thanks for understanding.

Her name is Megan. A Nice, Cute, Redheaded Spinner. I picked her up around 5:30pm Wednesday evening on the corner of Broad and maybe 4 or 5 blocks EAST of Central (kind of near that traintrack bridge. Might have been Park St?). I drove past her and looked at her but she looked maybe 16 so I kept driving. Decided to go around the block and come up the side street, back up to Broad, where she was standing. She was wearing a bulky "camo" ski jacket, nice tight jeans and cute tight looking butt. I pull up next to her and roll down the window. She looks over, expecting my question. She still looked way young, but I asked her if she needed a ride. She readily jumped in. First question I asked was "How old are you"? She answers "22". Now if she were a minor trying to pose as being of legal age, they ALWAYS say 18 or maybe 19. Not 22. So she passed the first test.

So we start talking (while driving around, making various turns and checking my mirrors continuously) and I keep looking at her closely and decide upon closer inspection, she probably is around 22. Wanted to take her to my hotel, but it was over by the airport and too far for her. Se we settled on a BBBJ CIM in the car. I offered her $40 up front as she was cute, had great boobs to play with, and I was getting exactly what I wanted, so why argue about a few bucks. (She would NOT quote a price). Turns out she was worth every dime.

Glad I met this one. Excellent service. Good skills. She's staying over by the Taco Bell / McD's / Arbys off Broad. Didn't tell me this until I was dropping her off. She had a roomie so thats why we couldn't use the room. She did say FS is avail. Wish I could have stayed another day to finish what we started. Peace. Out Papa Rotzi

02-14-11, 12:49
I moved to Columbus some 10 months ago and new to SW scene. Actually just a virgin.

After reading some posts I finally decided to survey some areas this morning around 9:30 AM.

I drove Sullivant avenue, Broad street, cleveland avenue and E. Hudson.

I saw absolutely nothing.

I am wondering if my timing was off.

So what is the best time to visit?

Also what is a relatively safer area to visit for a newbie. I have read the rules to follow, but just don't know this city and have never picked up a girl before on the street.

If any of you have a contact info for a swf and feel comfortable sharing that would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

02-14-11, 14:50
I moved to Columbus some 10 months ago and new to SW scene. Actually just a virgin.

After reading some posts I finally decided to survey some areas this morning around 9:30 AM.

I drove Sullivant avenue, Broad street, cleveland avenue and E. Hudson.

I saw absolutely nothing.

I am wondering if my timing was off.

So what is the best time to visit?

Also what is a relatively safer area to visit for a newbie. I have read the rules to follow, but just don't know this city and have never picked up a girl before on the street.

If any of you have a contact info for a swf and feel comfortable sharing that would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance. Yes your timing was off, you stated that I think by acknowledging that you saw nothing. You did cover a considerable amount of ground in your tour of the city.

Please RTFF again starting with Rule #19 Hunting Hours.

With just one post you won't have much luck getting a referal from other members here either with just one post asking questions.

Good luck and please come back and let us know how things work out if you find what you are looking for!

Be safe,


02-16-11, 19:44
I was out from this morring to the afternoon. No problems finding SW on the westside and around Cleveland ave. Had bjs from 4 SW (3wsw +1bsw). Of the 4, 3 I met for the 1st time. Misty, female, long reddish / brown hair. 40's glasses. Sara- 5'4", short blonde hair. 40's rushed job. The BSW name is Candance off of Cleveland ave. I was talking to another girl I seen in a store and she said I should see Candance. Candance is a 3 on the SW scale, The location we went too was dirty and smelled bad, BJ was ok, but overall not a good experince.

02-16-11, 23:02
Well, that's too bad, cause tonight, after wrok (around 8:30) cruized Cleve a couple times and just happened to come across Miranda. See thru black lace top, tight ass jeans, nice hair (weave).

Absolutely no 'should I / shouldn't I', but immediately turned down the next street and we met in the middle.

Went to our usual parking spot, and got in back. Again, as usual, she took it all off. Still, meaning even after having the baby 2 months ago, she still has the best body and breasts on the block.

Another great BBBJ, Mish and doggie. Came all over her ass. I got to get her in a bed. She said she'd ride it for an hour if I got a room. I'm thinking it woule be wellworth the money.

Today is her birthday, so gave her a tip.

All this to say that Cleve does still have it's gems. She B 1.

Meaning, they all ain't like Candance.

Meaning, Yes, I'll defend the good BSW's.

Was in Denver last week and had a great time. Going to post a report when I get a chance

02-17-11, 19:55
Got a call from Kisses. A 23 YO SBF who sometimes pretends to be a BSW.
33B titties 5'2" 110lbs tight butt and gives great BBBJ.
Had the Buick so plenty of room in back.
This time, after 15 mins of head (with no hands) she asks "what's next".
I sat up in the middle of the back seat, and had her ride me. She leaned back on the front center arm rest and rode the dick like a high school girl.
Actually just like you see on you jizz dot com.
Then mish, then doggie.
Was going to finish with CIM but couldn't hold it and came (once again) all over her tight little butt.
Got some cell phone pics, and will post when I get them downloaded.

And, got a call from Lois (from a couple years ago.) I call her "Slammin' head" for a reason.
She's coming back to town for a visit and wants to get together.
Think I'll do just that.

No bad experiences.

All good.

(Except-I did have one bad experience back in Denver last week, read CRACK HEAD, and she fooled even me.)
Happy hunting.

02-19-11, 01:20
So finally after driving a bit around all the places finally picked up this BSW breeze (bee-zee) off sullivant and Kingsford.

Reasonable body but not tight like I like it. She wanted to get some "see" so I cautiously obliged. Got it from a place close by. Kept her cell phone and purse after giving her money for it. Nice BBJ and then took here from behind after we got to my place. Not a great experience but nice to score my first.

Mw Jrp
02-19-11, 08:54
So finally after driving a bit around all the places finally picked up this BSW breeze (bee-zee) off sullivant and Kingsford.

Reasonable body but not tight like I like it. She wanted to get some "see" so I cautiously obliged. Got it from a place close by. Kept her cell phone and purse after giving her money for it. Nice BBJ and then took here from behind after we got to my place. Not a great experience but nice to score my first. I too have allowed a gal or 2 to bring a party favor to the party. But only if I knew her from several previous date. So, I am guilty of doing what you did. That said I found that contrary to their promise that with the "favor", we could spend extra time; I found them jonesing for more before I finished my end of the party.

As for partying with them, my party days ended decades ago. Today, I consume nothing stronger than Diet Coke. So, there is no reason to bring "favors" to my "party". Except I fell for that promise of extra time, and it will put me in the mood, more so.

I expected them to spend 1 full hour sucking, licking, BBBJ, DATY. 69, and all 4 positions until I busted at the 60 minute marker. Well 20 minutes into our session they were lookng like "when?". This was after they spent at least 20 minutes in the bath cleanup and smoking up.

After a couple of these experiences I redoubled my protocol and firmly let them know, no favors until after I nut a really good one. Period. If they whine, I let them out and get another more cooperative date.

And I might add if the gal has contraband on her and the cops stop you or me, well we are immediately complicited in a felony, and picking up a hoe, which is a misdemeanor, is now very very serious.

I'm sure you know all this, but for anyone that doesn't, well her it is in black and white. I again realize when she is spotted the small head starts calling the shots, and I'm still subject to this, but now the larger head prevails and calls the final shots.

I must add, that of the last 25 gals I dated, I only had to reject one, and threaten another with off-loading; and they all without exception have been starling dates. With experience comes perfection. It also helps to RTFF, as there is a wealth of experinec; what to do and NOT do, plus the 22 Rules.

Keep up the good work, be safe, and good hunting. MW

Kaiser Soze
02-20-11, 07:15
Ran across Jennifer Napper working her old strip Friday night. She said she is trying to stay off the streets as she doesn't want to go back to jail (did a four monther last summer). She can be found in the bottoms off Broad now. She seems to have lost a ton of weight but those titties are still nice!

Member #1052
02-20-11, 13:39
Got assigned back to C-bus so I went for a tour of Sully and Broad at 9p. Found Shannon (I think) at the apartments. Good from afar but skeletal face when she climbed in. Drove for a while to find a spot and settled on bbj for. 2. She did the typical suck, suck, you done yet? So I asked her to get out. Her words,"I'd rather give back the twenty than walk back." When I held out my hand, she whined a bit more then started walking the three miles back to Sully.

Saw a real cutie in a red coat but she wouldn't get in, saw her turn down a few others, but she did climb into a few cars so she's game, just picky. For the next 6 hours these two, a chunkier BSW and a thin BSW who might have been a guy were all I saw. So pissed from the bad bbj I couldn't stop hunting.

Finally found Krystal / Christal at Broad and Central around 3. 5'5", long blonde, real good looking. Says she's been walking for a month. Beautiful face, good skin, good belly, phenominal tits, and of course no phone. Took me to a spot. .2 bbj w / spit and I offered. 4 for topless. Didn't bat an eye, took off her shirt and bra and went to work. Did a wonderfull job, taking instruction, talking dirty. Dropped her off at her dope spot and sincerely hope to find her again.

By the way, who are these guys on Sully with Security on their cars? Not too much hassle, but gave me the hairy eyeball a few times.

Happy hunting,


02-20-11, 18:02
Got assigned back to C-bus so I went for a tour of Sully and Broad at 9p. Found Shannon (I think) at the apartments. Good from afar but skeletal face when she climbed in. Drove for a while to find a spot and settled on bbj for. 2. She did the typical suck, suck, you done yet? So I asked her to get out. Her words,"I'd rather give back the twenty than walk back." When I held out my hand, she whined a bit more then started walking the three miles back to Sully.

Saw a real cutie in a red coat but she wouldn't get in, saw her turn down a few others, but she did climb into a few cars so she's game, just picky. For the next 6 hours these two, a chunkier BSW and a thin BSW who might have been a guy were all I saw. So pissed from the bad bbj I couldn't stop hunting.

Finally found Krystal / Christal at Broad and Central around 3. 5'5", long blonde, real good looking. Says she's been walking for a month. Beautiful face, good skin, good belly, phenominal tits, and of course no phone. Took me to a spot. .2 bbj w / spit and I offered. 4 for topless. Didn't bat an eye, took off her shirt and bra and went to work. Did a wonderfull job, taking instruction, talking dirty. Dropped her off at her dope spot and sincerely hope to find her again.

By the way, who are these guys on Sully with Security on their cars? Not too much hassle, but gave me the hairy eyeball a few times.

Happy hunting,

HonestasholI know most of the time the security cars are neighborhood watch, also noticed a sivilian in a green mini van doing neighborhood watch around broad st. They drive around the area looking for "Whats going on".

02-21-11, 15:12
I originally tried to post this last Wednesday but it didn't get posted so here it is again.

I was really feeling the need for some attention so I decided to take a ride and see what was available. My plan was to cruise south on Cleveland, south on Parsons, north on High and west on Broad then back east on Sully. I left the house about 10:30AM and made my way south to Columbus. I started south on Cleveland about 11:15AM.

Just north of 18th I spotted a really cute BSW. She was well dress, very trim and looking. I made the block and came back north and took side street and stopped. In a couple of minutes she appeared and asked for a ride stating that the 6' heels she was wearing were killing her feet. She hopped in and we rode for several minutes and getting to know one another and doing the usual LEO check. I took her to a parking spot I had found in the area. We had agreed on a Jackson for a BBJCIM. Once we parked she wanted to upsell and started asking for a tip. I refused and told her that if the service was stellar I would see her again and up the rate.

For the next ten minutes I got one of the most enthusiastic BBBJs I've ever had. She really got into it and kept telling me to fuck her mouth harder and I obliged her. I popped a major nut. Sarah aka 'Solja' is 22 yo, about 5'2' 100 lbs, small B cup, light skinned and very cute with a sexy voice. She is a solid '6' on anyones scale. I will see her again soon. I have digits for regulars.

02-21-11, 22:09
I originally tried to post this last Wednesday but it didn't get posted so here it is again.

I was really feeling the need for some attention so I decided to take a ride and see what was available. My plan was to cruise south on Cleveland, south on Parsons, north on High and west on Broad then back east on Sully. I left the house about 10:30AM and made my way south to Columbus. I started south on Cleveland about 11:15AM.

Just north of 18th I spotted a really cute BSW. She was well dress, very trim and looking. I made the block and came back north and took side street and stopped. In a couple of minutes she appeared and asked for a ride stating that the 6' heels she was wearing were killing her feet. She hopped in and we rode for several minutes and getting to know one another and doing the usual LEO check. I took her to a parking spot I had found in the area. We had agreed on a Jackson for a BBJCIM. Once we parked she wanted to upsell and started asking for a tip. I refused and told her that if the service was stellar I would see her again and up the rate.

For the next ten minutes I got one of the most enthusiastic BBBJs I've ever had. She really got into it and kept telling me to fuck her mouth harder and I obliged her. I popped a major nut. Sarah aka 'Solja' is 22 yo, about 5'2' 100 lbs, small B cup, light skinned and very cute with a sexy voice. She is a solid '6' on anyones scale. I will see her again soon. I have digits for regulars. Yep. That be Sara James aka Soulja. Haven't seen her in a while.

She does provide good service IF, you can get her to do her job.

Last time I picked her up it was drama in the beginning, good service, and more drama to get rid of her.

I may do her if I see her again, or if I had a current ph#. (Hint)

02-21-11, 22:27
I still don't know if I had a good time or not.
Sunday afternoon saw a cute BSW near the McDonalds on Cleve / 26th.
She at first gave me the hard look, but I stopped, rolled down the window, and she asked for a ride cause she was cold.
She got in and asked if I was a cop, then asked if I had a gun? WTF?
She's 19, BSW. 5'2" 34C firm titties, no kids and a tiny little butt.
We found a place to park, agreed on $20 for a BBBJ.
Got in back and asked her to take off her top, which she did to reveal some perfect titties.
I sucked them and got those little nipples hard.
I leaned back, and asked her to take off her jeans cause I wanted to see her pussy.
She took them down to her knees, and revealed a totally clean shaven little pussy. Little pussy lips and little clit. She asked if I liked to DATY. I said Hell Yea.
She leaned back and said go for it.
I did, for damn near 20 minutes, till she came.
During that time she grabbed the back of my head and said 'suck harder, lick that pussy, harder, not so hard, let me open it, etc etc etc.

Then it was my turn.
She gave OK head, but complained cause I took too long.
Damn! I did her for 20 minutes and she complains after 5.
I wanted to have sex but didn't have a condom.
So, she finished me off with head. Got dressed and took her back.

On the way she said she still wanted to make another $20.
I wanted more sex, so got some condoms and went back for round 2.
Started the same way. More DATY, for another 15/20 minutes till she came.
Then more head, then on goes the condom.
She doesn't do mish or doggie.
Only does RCG.
She turns around, slides down on big willie and pumps the schmidt outa me.
I last about 5 more minutes and cum again.
Give her another $20 and take her back to the gas station.

Total time about 2 hours.

But, we did have a pit stop at Mcdonalds. Once to pee, and another for a happy meal.
She wanted to spend the day with me.
At the end, she was beginning to get annoying.
She's got a great body, but, at 19, still a little demanding, complained cause I took too long.
I'm thinnking that if you like to DATY, she'll let ya go as long as you want.
But if you want some hard sex, probably not going to get it.
I like RCG, but not if she's going to complain after 5 minutes.
So, I'd give her a 8 for body. 4 for attitude. 4 for head. 6 for RCG. 9 for nice pussy for DATY.

I still need some hard sex, so, gonna see if Tina is around. She's always good for some great BBBJ, Mish, Doggie , anal and maybe CIM.

Gotta find Jess soon, as she's quitting the business. Even her regulars.

Gave up on Ms Atitude. Just too much drama, upselling, complaining, running errands, etc etc.

Y'all be safe

02-22-11, 03:20
I saw her last month. We went to my house for some FS action. This chick has a nice body. She has got nice round ass on her too. We spent about an hour great BBBJCIM. CFS and it was nice and wet in that juicebox of hers. Found her on cleveland by hudson. The number I got goes straight to voicemail. I wish I had a working number for her.

02-22-11, 19:46
It was sort of crazy weather yesterday as you all know. Roads were slick but an all wheel drive helps. So I put my beat up yet all wheel drive ride to some work. Drove around a bit on the cleveland but saw nothing. Given that I live on the east side, would really like to find out where on cleveland ave are the hot spots since my searching there in the past few weeks have not even yielded a sight.

Any way around the Marathon on Sullivant, saw a duo. Both WSW, one with nice face and heavier build and the other with smaller build but not so nice face. Said they are sisters. First one is Tiffany and the others name I don't remember. Anyway we came to my place and it took for ever to drive in that weather. They were getting a little restless. Got some cigs and soda for them. Told them, I have alcohol at home, so they calmed down. Needle marks on both. Once out of clothes, I was a little disappointed. Both had belly's I don't like (flabby I believe is the term). Ass toneless but they both had some good skills. Would not do greek due to "constipated" I am sure has something to do with the needle marks or just excuse.

Both played with junior and his friends together, which was nice and then a condom goes on and I finish in the first one.

Spent a total of a Benjamin on them.

Would like to find some hunting ground on the east and someone with a flatter belly and a least a little tighter booty.

Oh well I guess it will come to me with time and experience. I am still learning the streets of columbus.

02-22-11, 22:49
I originally tried to post this last Wednesday but it didn't get posted so here it is again.

I was really feeling the need for some attention so I decided to take a ride and see what was available. My plan was to cruise south on Cleveland, south on Parsons, north on High and west on Broad then back east on Sully. I left the house about 10:30AM and made my way south to Columbus. I started south on Cleveland about 11:15AM.

Just north of 18th I spotted a really cute BSW. She was well dress, very trim and looking. I made the block and came back north and took side street and stopped. In a couple of minutes she appeared and asked for a ride stating that the 6' heels she was wearing were killing her feet. She hopped in and we rode for several minutes and getting to know one another and doing the usual LEO check. I took her to a parking spot I had found in the area. We had agreed on a Jackson for a BBJCIM. Once we parked she wanted to upsell and started asking for a tip. I refused and told her that if the service was stellar I would see her again and up the rate.

For the next ten minutes I got one of the most enthusiastic BBBJs I've ever had. She really got into it and kept telling me to fuck her mouth harder and I obliged her. I popped a major nut. Sarah aka 'Solja' is 22 yo, about 5'2' 100 lbs, small B cup, light skinned and very cute with a sexy voice. She is a solid '6' on anyones scale. I will see her again soon. I have digits for regulars. Thanks to Jag, I got to meet up with Solja today. I had a similar experince with her, but I didn't pop. She said the same things to me while giving a BBBJ. Friendly girl and a nice voice.

02-23-11, 19:31
I found Priscilla, WSW brown hair, brown eyes. 5'5".20's on Hudson and Cleveland ave this morring. She looked real cute from a distance and was wearing tight blue jeans. Once in the car seen her face, not ugly, not cute. Drove around and found a spot to stay at. Had her undress so I could check out her body. Puggey belly, chest was nice with hard 1/4 inch nipples that was nice to suck on. Thought about doing her k9 until when she came out the tight jeans, things wern't so tight, so I just went with BBBJ. It was one of the best ones I've had in a while and she did it for at least over 30 minutes.

After dropping Priscilla off, I cruzed for a little longer. A few BSW out, but none I wanted. 1 was the tall skinny girl with the fro-hawk, another was the girl in all brown (been in the same clothes the last two days) has a Huge monster ass, but not what I would want to try, and a few others that were out.

02-23-11, 22:53
It was sort of crazy weather yesterday as you all know. Roads were slick but an all wheel drive helps. So I put my beat up yet all wheel drive ride to some work. Drove around a bit on the cleveland but saw nothing. Given that I live on the east side, would really like to find out where on cleveland ave are the hot spots since my searching there in the past few weeks have not even yielded a sight.

Any way around the Marathon on Sullivant, saw a duo. Both WSW, one with nice face and heavier build and the other with smaller build but not so nice face. Said they are sisters. First one is Tiffany and the others name I don't remember. Anyway we came to my place and it took for ever to drive in that weather. They were getting a little restless. Got some cigs and soda for them. Told them, I have alcohol at home, so they calmed down. Needle marks on both. Once out of clothes, I was a little disappointed. Both had belly's I don't like (flabby I believe is the term). Ass toneless but they both had some good skills. Would not do greek due to "constipated" I am sure has something to do with the needle marks or just excuse.

Both played with junior and his friends together, which was nice and then a condom goes on and I finish in the first one.

Spent a total of a Benjamin on them.

Would like to find some hunting ground on the east and someone with a flatter belly and a least a little tighter booty.

Oh well I guess it will come to me with time and experience. I am still learning the streets of columbus.Am I understanding that you paid $100 for two WSW'ers? I have had a few BP girls that were around that ball park in price and by the sounds of it, much better than what you picked up. Not trying to give you a hard time, just giving some feedback from one newbie to what I think to be another.

02-24-11, 01:44
Why are all the downtown hotels sold out next weekend? I had to get a hotel near the airport. I assume this is close enough to find some SW action? Is it close enough to bring them back to my hotel?


02-24-11, 11:37
Why are all the downtown hotels sold out next weekend? I had to get a hotel near the airport. I assume this is close enough to find some SW action? Is it close enough to bring them back to my hotel?

ThanksThe Arnold classic is next weekend. Be glad you were able to get a room airport! This thing brings in about 100, 000 or so. Depends on which side of town you cruise but you should be ok to go back there. North and East side will be better for you out there but it's not that far of a drive from the.

South or West side either. Happy hunting and be safe.

02-24-11, 13:39
Why are all the downtown hotels sold out next weekend? I had to get a hotel near the airport. I assume this is close enough to find some SW action? Is it close enough to bring them back to my hotel?

ThanksMarch 3-6. You did pretty good getting a room that close.


Chris H
02-24-11, 18:59
Why are all the downtown hotels sold out next weekend? I had to get a hotel near the airport. I assume this is close enough to find some SW action? Is it close enough to bring them back to my hotel?

ThanksI notice that to that all the DT hotels are sold out, I know Mike epps is going to be in town, but that shouldn't be the reason, I may call one of the hotlels to check.

Chris H

02-25-11, 09:47
Had to do a meeting in cbus and cruised before 130pm, cleveland from 161 to downtown all BSW with shadows except one asw who wouldn't look, woulda woulda. Then hague / sullivant on sully, many out mostly yuk but one ravishing blonde w lowcut top 3 blocks east of glenwood. Did a turn and came back and she proceeded to one of those muddy dark alleys, ie lots of thugs and drug boys. Therefore no follow. Several other cute brunettes on broad near railroad tressel. Nothing good on return at 430 pm, bummer. Lots of leo too, I'd go back for blonde anyday, hopefully soon.

Lance Uppercut
02-27-11, 08:00
I've cruised most of the major strips here in town, Main Livingston, Sully, and Cleveland. Cleveland is the only one that's had any action as of late. Wouldn't mind running into 'Sara'.

It seems that the Eastside action has moved further out east. Saw some near Livingston and Courtright. Also noticed that an old friend recently got a solicitation charge around that intersection.

02-28-11, 02:11
Hague and sullivant, anyone know what her game is?

She seems like she has it but, as you know you never know what your getting into.

Be safe

Old Puseater
02-28-11, 12:33
Will be in Columbus the middle of April. Wil be staying on east side. Are there hobby girls that work that area? If so where?

03-01-11, 16:53
Am I understanding that you paid $100 for two WSW'ers? I have had a few BP girls that were around that ball park in price and by the sounds of it, much better than what you picked up. Not trying to give you a hard time, just giving some feedback from one newbie to what I think to be another.I guess it is live and learn. What you get when you don't get what you want is experience.

I guess I am getting a lot of experience. LOL

03-02-11, 00:18
I found WSW Calyn this morring on Sulivant. She has brown short hair. 5'4.".35-35. Had a good BBBJ from her. Later on found WSW Christal on Sulivant closer to georgesville Road. She has brown hair. 5'5'.19-20 years old. She had on black jeans and a long jacket. Was about to get a BJ from her until she lifted up her sleves on the jacket and revealed scratches, and bruises on her arm. I stop her and refused any service from her. Gave her a few dollars and let her go.

03-02-11, 14:53
This morning I gave one of the ladies on BP a call as I have been thinking about seeing her for a while. Now I'm really glad I did!

She asked that her name not be mentioned or specific details given here. Since I plan to see her again I am honoring her wishes.

I will tell you that it was well worth the $ and time. If you are interested I will answer any PMs from regulars her about the experience.

Be Safe

03-02-11, 17:02
Unexpectedly had a meeting in town today, so decided to drive in early and do my favorite loop around Sully and Broad. Got there around 9am and on first time around, saw a blonde spinner at Sully and Ryan. Definitely making the eye contact. Turned at the next street to go around and pick her up, but unfortunately one of you guys in a blue minivan beat me to the punch. LOL. Whoever you are, I hope you had a nice time with her and I would appreciate hearing about the details. She looked real nice.

Made 3 or 4 more loops and only saw a few on sully (nothing on broad) that didn't appeal to me at all. I don't go all the way down on sully, I usually turn on Hague. I have never had the luck further west on Sully that some of you local guys have had.

Finally saw one that I liked. I made the turn, and this time I beat the guy following me. LOL. Her name was Calyn and it looks like Calyn has been a busy girl this week judging by a previous post. I picked her up on Sully right beside the old Rumors dance club. It was 10:15am. I would describe her as short reddish-blonde hair and average looks. We quickly went to my nearby location and spent a nice 30 minutes with her getting a BBBJ. Definitely no complaints here. She said she was 29 years old and she was a 34b which is the size I like (if not even smaller) and fairly firm. I wouldn't describe her as a spinner, but instead would say her weight was just about perfect for her height. She gave me her digits and we discussed all kinds of nice activities for our next rendezvous. She said she did have a place we could go to and use while exploring a few of my more naughty fantasies. Full Service is available and I will take her up on it next time I get to town. Hopefully next week. She also had a great attitude, good body and decent looks along with one of the best BBBJ's I have had in a long time. Gave her. 2 along with another. 2 tip for doing things 'my way'. She was definitely addicted to something, but it didn't have any bearing on our session. I recommend her and hope to become one of her regulars.

Have a Great Day, Be Careful and Happy Hunting,


03-03-11, 23:33
I found a cute WSW spinner on broad near burgess. I can't remeber her name but it was something like Hidi or Holly. Early 20's, blond, new lip peircing, tat on lower back side, cute small tits. I wanted to do her and have her ride me, but she did not want to do it during the day time outside, so settled for a BBBJ. The BBBJ was ok, and she had a light smell of cigarette smoke on her. Asked her for her number and she said her phone was recently stollen. Gave her mine and was supposed to hook back up at night, still no call, So may have to just find her on the streets again.

Drove around cleve. Ave tonight and didn't see anything out but a ton of le out.

03-04-11, 01:21
Very nice, short, strawberry blond, nicely shaped, on sully near central, sucking a lollipop, no kidding!

Very shy, but warmed up after extensive conversation. Was obviously new at this. She said she was 24 yo, new mom, needed help with diapers, etc, after daddy abandoned them.

Got great BBBJ for 25, and would do it again in a heartbeat.


03-04-11, 14:04
Well this morring I tried calling a BSW I had meet a few months ago for a visit. Well her number was busy and I wanted some one with a nice size booty. I went to Main st, and Livingston and didn't find anything. I went to Cleveland ave and though I was going to have some luck. It was raining lightly at the time. Drove by a BSW who looked nice in her jeans so I turn around to come back and find her, at the same time a see another girl get off the bus with blue jeans and an orange shirt or jacket. The 1st girl turns down a street and is headed north and the other one is going the oppisite way going south. So I follow the one going north, when I catch up to her I ask if she would like a ride, She has a jacket hanging over her head and turns and ask what did I say, I see her face and see that she is dog ugly and I speed up to get away, while she's yelling in the rain that she would like a ride. I make my way to find the girl with the orange jacket. I pull beside her and ask if she would like a ride, again she has a nice size rump, and she is talking on the phone, looks over and says no thanks. Her face was ugly too but not as bad as the 1st. So I contuine the hunt. I stop in a stores parking lot and a T V approaches the car, I've had this person approach before and I tell them I'm not interstead, all the while he's making all these offers that I do not want. So I countine north on cleve. And its raining harder, and I know its about time to call it, I spot 1 more girl walking with a nice butt. I make a turn around to see if I could find her. By the time I get back to the street, she's gone, I look around for a moment and figures she stepped inside a store. I pull into the parking lot and enter the store. I find her inside. And once again the girl has a bad face and missing teeth. She was not a total lost so when she exited the store I tried to offer her a ride and it was declinded. So no luck for me this morring.

03-04-11, 16:36
Very nice, short, strawberry blond, nicely shaped, on sully near central, sucking a lollipop, no kidding!

Very shy, but warmed up after extensive conversation. Was obviously new at this. She said she was 24 yo, new mom, needed help with diapers, etc, after daddy abandoned them.

Got great BBBJ for 25, and would do it again in a heartbeat.

TBIRDYea that is good, but her phone never works.

03-05-11, 11:44
Drove by a BSW who looked nice in her jeans so I turn around to come back and find her, at the same time a see another girl get off the bus with blue jeans and an orange shirt or jacket. The 1st girl turns down a street and is headed north and the other one is going the oppisite way going south. So I follow the one going north, when I catch up to her I ask if she would like a ride, She has a jacket hanging over her head and turns and ask what did I say, I see her face and see that she is dog ugly and I speed up to get away, while she's yelling in the rain that she would like a ride.

I make my way to find the girl with the orange jacket. I pull beside her and ask if she would like a ride, again she has a nice size rump, and she is talking on the phone, looks over and says no thanks. Her face was ugly too but not as bad as the 1st. So I contuine the hunt.

So I countine north on cleve. And its raining harder, and I know its about time to call it, I spot 1 more girl walking with a nice butt. I make a turn around to see if I could find her. By the time I get back to the street, she's gone, I look around for a moment and figures she stepped inside a store. I pull into the parking lot and enter the store. I find her inside. And once again the girl has a bad face and missing teeth. She was not a total lost so when she exited the store I tried to offer her a ride and it was declinded. So no luck for me this morring. I find this report distressing. We should not be bothering civilians IMHO.

If a girl is engaging in normal activities, she is not a pro. IE, waiting for a bus, getting off a bus, walking along the street at a normal pace, talking on cell phone and not looking at traffic, dressed appropriate for the weather and hood up (face conceiled) , going into stores, etc. Guys, lets not bother the locals and get them asing for more police surveilence.

What you are looking for: standing around where there is no bus stop, walking very slowly or with exagerated sway, dressed conspicuously, head uncovered for visibility (even in cold weather) , not bundled up (jacket unzipped in cold weather) , establishing eye contact as you drive by. With proper eye contact, she will be looking for you after the turnaround. When you pull around the corner, she will come to you.

If she does not come to you and get into the car after the offer of a ride, it may be a LE decoy.

03-05-11, 14:24
I have been "around the block" a few times and have actully had success in getting girls for a date that were out, but not out street walking, like when a blind squirrel finds a nut, or just dumb luck, guess you never know unless you ask.

We'll on to my experince this morring, found a WSW at central and sullivant at the gas station. She had on blue sweats and white tee black hair short cut. Looked ok before she got into car, asked if her older find that was with her if she could ride along. Her face was not cute and hands were swollen. Both girls were crack heads and wanted to get a hit before doing anything, I did not want to deal with them so dropped them off down the street and looked for someone else. Found WSW Star a few streets down. Blond girl, with huge tits which I didn't really care for, says she's 33y. Had an ok BBBJ. She kept tryin to talk me into doing more with her, which I really wasn't into doing with her. Got her # and dropped her off after 30 minutes.

03-05-11, 18:37
Was out today, in the rain, just wasting some time.

Called 19YO Stacy, who likes to get eatten out.

Well, at first she said Yes, then 15 minutes later she texted back and said no.

Meaning, if you pick up a cute BSW Stacy, (Cleve and Duxberry) she's got mixed personalities.

Saw a couple hard core ones, but passed.

Then, at the bus stop on Cleve / Weber saw an older SBF, waiting on the bus. I stop at the light in the curb side lane, window rolled down, look, smile, say Hi, she says Hi, and looks away. I sit there for 10 seconds and offer a ride. She hesitates and says she's going down on Liv. I say 'that's OK, me too".

She hesitates for a few seconds, asks 'are you sure' I say Yes, etc etc etc.

She gets in and off we go.

Small talk along the way. She's married, kids, g-kids (she's like 40) but, nice personality. We talk some more till we get to the Family Dollar near her house. Pull up, exchange numbers, I ask her if she wants to go out some time, she says sure, her husband is a dick and she likes me. She leans over and gives me a very sensual kiss, we say goodbye, and she goes in.

Meaning: I met someone at the bus stop. We didn't date-yet. I'm guessing she'll be calling next week just to say Hi. Meaning, I offered a civilian a ride and we're friends.

03-05-11, 22:14
I you are uncertain if a girl is working you can try walking up to her and say Hello. If she is a SW she will clue you in. Usually I say something like Hello, what are up to? If she does clue you say something that is not incriminating like "want to go?". I recommend walking up only as a last resort. Some SW's don't like this and will avoid you.

03-06-11, 10:59
I you are uncertain if a girl is working you can try walking up to her and say Hello. If she is a SW she will clue you in. Usually I say something like Hello, what are up to? If she does clue you say something that is not incriminating like "want to go?". I recommend walking up only as a last resort. Some SW's don't like this and will avoid you.With all due respect, I ain't walking up to anyone. I'm staying in the safety of my car, where, if things go bad, (Meaning she takes extreme offense and pulls a knife / mace / etc, or her BF is close by) I can get outa there immediately.

I had a case where I stopped for a girl, she got in, and be darned if her 'brother', 'BF', 'pimp' didn't jump in the back seat. Meaning make sure you keep all doors locked and only open the psgr front door as she gets in.

In my case (below) with the girl at the bus stop, I gave her the 'lets go', she countered with the, 'I'm going a disatnce from here' and gave her confirmation when she said 'are you sure? '. Meaning OK-let's roll!

So, I'm not so sure 'walking' up to a potential date is the best thing.

Just saying.

03-06-11, 16:18
[QUOTE=TheDawg; 1150607]I find this report distressing. We should not be bothering civilians IMHO.

If a girl is engaging in normal activities, she is not a pro. IE, waiting for a bus, getting off a bus, walking along the street at a normal pace, talking on cell phone and not looking at traffic, dressed appropriate for the weather and hood up (face conceiled) , going into stores, etc. Guys, lets not bother the locals and get them asing for more police surveilence.

So I guess I'm not aloud to speak with normal girls just SW's. I'm not limiting myself to skanky, cracked out, hookers! Its not against the law to converse with strangers. You can't roll the window down at the bus stop and offer to creampie some normal girls chops for $20. Now the cops got a reason to show up. You got to have some game about yourself and like shadow you can get lucky at times. I also feel like pretty girls waiting on the bus are borderline broke. And sometimes a smile, Hello, offer of a ride can go a long way. Besides fellas, all women cost money and if you don't have any, I bet you aint getting any either. LOL

03-08-11, 09:25
Was on my way to I-70 and saw a WSW in her 30's in good shape at E. Livingston and Bulen. It was mid-day.

03-08-11, 17:08
Last night I was short on time. I found WSW Rynae along cleve. Ave. Cute girl, big sexy tits, nice soft round booty, smelled fresh and good. Had a good BBBJ and some good ck9. Wish I could have spent me time with or taken her to a room for the night. Will try and hook back up with her tonight.

03-09-11, 01:24
[QUOTE=TheDawg; 1150607]I find this report distressing. We should not be bothering civilians IMHO.

If a girl is engaging in normal activities, she is not a pro. IE, waiting for a bus, getting off a bus, walking along the street at a normal pace, talking on cell phone and not looking at traffic, dressed appropriate for the weather and hood up (face conceiled) , going into stores, etc. Guys, lets not bother the locals and get them asing for more police surveilence.

So I guess I'm not aloud to speak with normal girls just SW's. I'm not limiting myself to skanky, cracked out, hookers! Its not against the law to converse with strangers. You can't roll the window down at the bus stop and offer to creampie some normal girls chops for $20. Now the cops got a reason to show up. You got to have some game about yourself and like shadow you can get lucky at times. I also feel like pretty girls waiting on the bus are borderline broke. And sometimes a smile, Hello, offer of a ride can go a long way. Besides fellas, all women cost money and if you don't have any, I bet you aint getting any either. LOLAre you nuts? That's how I find my best 18-24 year old girls. There in public. I try to make eye contact drive around them a few times and most of time they hope off the cell phone, or walk from bus stop or whatever and try to meet me at nearest corner to get into my car

03-09-11, 01:29
I find this report distressing. We should not be bothering civilians IMHO.

If a girl is engaging in normal activities, she is not a pro. IE, waiting for a bus, getting off a bus, walking along the street at a normal pace, talking on cell phone and not looking at traffic, dressed appropriate for the weather and hood up (face conceiled) , going into stores, etc. Guys, lets not bother the locals and get them asing for more police surveilence.

What you are looking for: standing around where there is no bus stop, walking very slowly or with exagerated sway, dressed conspicuously, head uncovered for visibility (even in cold weather) , not bundled up (jacket unzipped in cold weather) , establishing eye contact as you drive by. With proper eye contact, she will be looking for you after the turnaround. When you pull around the corner, she will come to you.

If she does not come to you and get into the car after the offer of a ride, it may be a LE decoy. Man your nuts. I always find my best women like this and most them are not SW just thinking logically trying to make a buck.

I'm younger looking so I can get away somewhat pulling up to a 18-25 year old bla bla bla.

But I do it all the time circle them and make good eye contact. If she is staring back with any type of look I drive around her again and pretend to pull over to see if she is catching, if I see her walking back towards me I will turn around and meet her at corner.

Works like a charm

03-09-11, 12:18
I decided to take some time off work last evening and see if the warmer weather has improved the cruise scene. Since I had plenty of time on my hands I initially thought I'd take a couple of passes to see who was out before doing any serious hunting.

I drove down to Columbus and started my ride on Cleveland Ave about 8:00PM. There were 4 BSW from Mickey Ds south. One of them was really nice in jeans, boots and a nice top. She had a nice ass and rack. I'd guess she was maybe 20. The other 3 were not worth talking about. All of them were looking for a ride. No LEO observed at the time.

Heading south I made a pass on Parsons and it was dead. Taking Avondale from Broad south to Sullivant I thought I would tour Sullivant to Georgesville Road then head east on Broad to check things. My plan had been to primarily to check out the action then possibly do some hunting. It seems as if Robert Burns was right when he said "All good plans go a stray". I had only gone about 10 blocks when I spotted a cute little blond that looked too good to pass up. She gave me the look so I circled a block and came back up a side street. Just as she turned down the side street where I was stopped. Another car spotted her and turned as well. He slowed down until he saw me then drove on. The blond came to the passenger window and when I asked her if she needed a ride she replied that she definitely did and hopped in. Well so much for my plan.

We headed west on Sullivant and talked a while. She asked what I was doing out tonight and I replied that I had been doing some shopping for something for myself. She asked if I had found anything I liked and I told her I thought I had. We completed our introductions and she told me she had an apartment reasonably close. Louanne AKA "Shorty" was dressed in nice fitting jeans, a red pullover, sneakers and a light jacket.

We arrived at her place and proceeded inside. It smelled of cigarette smoke from her roommate, but was clean. She did smell a little of cigarettes when she got in the car and she smokes from time to time. So if that's an issue. It was obvious that she hadn't been drinking or doing anything else from her appearance, demeanor and conversation. She did admit that she had some problems a few years back but had been straight for more than 3 years and her overall appearance supported that.

Once we were in her room, I told her what I had in mind and that I'd like to take some pictures of her and told her that I would share them with some fellow hobbyists and she said "no problem". She is about 5'3".130lbs. Blond / blue with nice B cups and claims she is 45. If that's true she sure doesn't look it. She has nice long honey blond hair to mid back, a great personality and a very nice smile. While she isn't a movie star, she is cute and has an awesome fun loving personality. A little makeup and some nice clothes would work a major change for her in to a take her anywhere girl. When she took her clothes off I was surprised and very pleased. Well you can judge for yourself.

I took the time to suck on her nice firm little B cuppers and that gave me an opportunity to get a good look up close of her body. There were no tracks, scars or signs of abuse. Her teeth are good and I let my fingers do some investigation and did a smell / taste check and it was clean and sweet. For me the smell taste test is a must before I let my friend out to play.

After the photo session we began with a very enthusiastic BBBJ for about 5 minutes. She was fresh out of the shower before hitting the street so she looked good and she smelled good. After some serious DATY in which she came 3 times, I had planned to enjoy some BBBJ, DATY, Cowgirl, K9 and finish with some Mish. What happened was that she told me that she really would really like some more BBBJ and that she loves K9 most of all and had hoped to get some like that. So that's where the party began. And ended for me. After some really nice BBBJ she assumed her favorite position and after suiting up, I really laid into her hard and fast. Louanne is really tight (and I'm not big) and really enthusiastic and enjoyed the five minutes before I popped as much or more than I did.

We talked as we dressed and she said she hoped that I would call her and she gave me her home and cell numbers. She walked me out to my car and we talked for a while. She said that she isn't a regular and goes out if she gets really horny or if cash is tight. Based on the overall experience I would say that she was telling the truth as she was quite anxious to play once we were in her room.

Will I see her again, absolutely. She is one of the best times I've had in quite a while. Her attitude, skills and enthusiastic approach to things made it even more enjoyable.

After I left, I continued my cruise. There were a total of 7 WSW on Sullivant. Two of them were near Holly Hill. Both of them were young and cute. On Broad just east of Georgesville there was an attractive, bigger WSW with black hair and glasses that I would have stopped for if I hadn't been satisfied. At that time it was about 10:30PM. I continued east and what I did observe was a really heavy presence of LEOs. There were 9 cruisers, and 5 black Chevy SUVs with two LEOs in each of them. The street was pretty much empty of anything of interest so I called it a night.

I do have pics and numbers for regular / senior members who are willing to exchange valid phone numbers so PM me.

03-09-11, 13:30
I hit cleveland ave this morring around 9. I spotted Amanda walking, (brown hair, blond high lights curly hair shoulder lenght. 28, 2 kids). Pulled around the corner and waited for her to come by. As I was waiting, a green truck pulls up and tries to pick her up, they talk for a moment and she doen't like his offer, I catch her before she walks off. I call her over and she gets in. Small talk for a little and find a spot. BBBJ, skills were good and a little crg and more BJ. She gave me her number and said to call any time.

I have been getting a lot of good feed back from everyone, on their success on picking up non SW just by going up and talking to them, weather the girl is waiting at bus stop, walking or inside the store. It works!

03-10-11, 17:30
I started a stroll this afternoon about 12:30PM. I covered all the areas and was totally diasaapointed after more than 3 hours of hunting there was nothing to be seen or had.

I finally came across one absolutely gourgeous little brunette on the Hilltop. About 22, 5'4".120 lbs. With a beautiful face and long hair down past her shoulders. She was headed west on the south side of Broad and I was headed east. She gave me the look and I returned the look and a nod that got a smile. I couldn't stop in traffic so I quickly made the block only to find she was already gone. I made several more passes hoping to find her again all witout success. She is by far the cutest thing I've seen out and about.

03-11-11, 18:34
Met a cute little red head this week. Her name is Stephanie. Cute natural redhead, about 5-4 115, 19. She was walking on Broad near Norton. I stopped beside her at a light and she asked for a ride. Had to do a good deed. Turned out she did me a good deed! Nice tight body. Firm little titties. Definite squeeze box and a natural red head. Too bad she had shaved. We drove to a nice spot and helped each other out. Said pictures were ok if no face.





She gave me her number so we're friends now. Hope to repeat. If not her, will definitely try the area again some time.

NC Transplant
03-11-11, 18:45
Now that looks like a nice snug little pussy?

Met a cute little red head this week. Her name is Stephanie. Cute natural redhead, about 5-4 115, 19. She was walking on Broad near Norton. I stopped beside her at a light and she asked for a ride. Had to do a good deed. Turned out she did me a good deed! Nice tight body. Firm little titties. Definite squeeze box and a natural red head. Too bad she had shaved. We drove to a nice spot and helped each other out. Said pictures were ok if no face.





She gave me her number so we're friends now. Hope to repeat. If not her, will definitely try the area again some time.

03-11-11, 19:07
I have to be in Columbus for business next week and have the following day off. I was going to get a room and do some street shopping. Are there any low end chain motels near the stroll? I can google the streets mentioned here and find my way around but would like a place close enough that the girls would go back to my room. The Red roofs and Motel 6's of the world have outside room entrances and don't really care what you do with the room.


03-11-11, 19:55
Met a cute little red head this week. Her name is Stephanie. Cute natural redhead, about 5-4 115, 19. She was walking on Broad near Norton. I stopped beside her at a light and she asked for a ride. Had to do a good deed. Turned out she did me a good deed! Nice tight body. Firm little titties. Definite squeeze box and a natural red head. Too bad she had shaved. We drove to a nice spot and helped each other out. Said pictures were ok if no face.





She gave me her number so we're friends now. Hope to repeat. If not her, will definitely try the area again some time. Now that being lucky. Congratulated that is some sweet looking box. If you have digits keep on calling because you never know when it's going to stop. Be safe.

03-12-11, 21:34
I took my stroll along cleve. Ave this morring. Noticed a few BSW out. One I missed and she made it to another customer before I could get back around. Another was a big one wearing shades, did not want to try her. Spotted WSW Rynae near the same area I got her earlier this week. After she got to the window she remember me. She offered her place to go to. The inside was clean, she just got new furniture delivered, so not much was set up in the house. Lead me to one of the bed rooms, and started to get undressed. She has a thick body, but she not fat. Allowed for pics for a little extra tip. Was able to take as long as I needed.

03-12-11, 23:42
Now that looks like a nice snug little pussy?Nice and shaved, looks good enough to eat.

03-13-11, 04:41
Met a cute little red head this week. Her name is Stephanie. Cute natural redhead, about 5-4 115, 19. She was walking on Broad near Norton. I stopped beside her at a light and she asked for a ride. Had to do a good deed. Turned out she did me a good deed! Nice tight body. Firm little titties. Definite squeeze box and a natural red head. Too bad she had shaved. We drove to a nice spot and helped each other out. Said pictures were ok if no face.





She gave me her number so we're friends now. Hope to repeat. If not her, will definitely try the area again some time. Way to go Trophytime. This is a great way to get a pic of your wiener on national tv here. LOL

The exhibitionist in your comes out.

Nah, j / k, and those are some nice shots of that cuter. Job well done.

03-13-11, 14:00
I always wondered what happened to Amber / Neveah.
Seems she's alive and well and back on Cleve. Says she's been locked up-twice.
Did 3 months after getting busted by undercover, got out and immediately got busted again.

Had a reasonably good encounter-for a WSW.
Gave pretty good BBBJ, but said she had a sore jaw as someone had smacked her.
But, good enuf to get me good and hard.
Then to my surprise, she got on top and rode the hell out it.
Then, to further my surprise, she leaned back and slid back and forth on Big Willie.
She got tired, so did mish and finished from behind.

All and all, not a bad time, for a WSW.
No phone yet.

Member #1052
03-13-11, 14:22
I started cruising around 11pm Friday. I met Tina for the first time after midnight. I found her at the apartments on Sully. Parked downtown for a very public topless BBBJ and spit then headed back to the hotel.

Standard fun time and she put forth more effort than I expected. Her hair smelled clean but as usual her crotch reeked. It's a pretty pussy though. I really liked her handful tits but the baby belly and flabby butt kept her from being perfect. Her BJ skills are incredible for DT but seemed too lazy for any real suction.

I was too whooped or old for the second pop so I dropped her off at the hotel on Broad and called it a night.

Happy hunting,


Chris H
03-13-11, 14:25
I always wondered what happened to Amber / Neveah.

Seems she's alive and well and back on Cleve. Says she's been locked up-twice.

Did 3 months after getting busted by undercover, got out and immediately got busted again.

Had a reasonably good encounter-for a WSW.

Gave pretty good BBBJ, but said she had a sore jaw as someone had smacked her.

But, good enuf to get me good and hard.

Then to my surprise, she got on top and rode the hell out it.

Then, to further my surprise, she leaned back and slid back and forth on Big Willie.

She got tired, so did mish and finished from behind.

All and all, not a bad time, for a WSW.

No phone yet. And I know you did not pay her rip off escort trying to be prices.

03-13-11, 16:02
And I know you did not pay her rip off escort trying to be prices.Is $30 too much?

And, there wasn't even any discussion.
Jumped in back, took it all off, and off to the races.
No request for a tip either.
And, she was clean and sober.

03-13-11, 22:04
Picked her up on Sat am, sully near the revol wireless store. She invited me back to her place nearby, where a good time was had by all. She is about 5 ft, slim, nice tits, and was very accommodating. I will look for her again.

Chris H
03-14-11, 09:23
Is $30 too much?

And, there wasn't even any discussion.

Jumped in back, took it all off, and off to the races.

No request for a tip either.

And, she was clean and sober. Nope $30 is a great price, especially since just a few months ago, she was trying to charge between $100-$150. Next should be her friend, I forget her name, but she will be back on the streets, charging $30 instead of $100 for the same service.

Humpty Dumpty
03-14-11, 11:44
Is there an update on the unfortunate monger who was accused of "rape" by the liar Amy Bourgois (sp?)?

03-14-11, 15:38
Took my trips around cleve, main, livi, and Parsons today. Most of the time I seen no SW that I wanted to try today. Watched an aggressive crazy BSW on livingston for about 10 minutes. She tried hard to wave down any car. She was even giving free flashes to cars stopped on the corner. I later crossed pathes with BSW Bionca by chance. I met her a few months earlier but did not try her the first time. She was looking cute and just what I needed. We went and had some quick fun. She told me she still doesn't have a contact number, gave her mine, for when ever she wants to hook up again.

John Ohio
03-14-11, 16:04
Is there an update on the unfortunate monger who was accused of "rape" by the liar Amy Bourgois (sp?)?Franklin county court records show the case was dismmissed a week (07/022010) after it was filed. Somehow that never made the news LOL

03-14-11, 19:42
Took my trips around cleve, main, livi, and Parsons today. Most of the time I seen no SW that I wanted to try today. Watched an aggressive crazy BSW on livingston for about 10 minutes. She tried hard to wave down any car. She was even giving free flashes to cars stopped on the corner. I later crossed pathes with BSW Bionca by chance. I met her a few months earlier but did not try her the first time. She was looking cute and just what I needed. We went and had some quick fun. She told me she still doesn't have a contact number, gave her mine, for when ever she wants to hook up again.

Yea, Bianca (actually Black and Korean) is a nice kid. She's aged a lot in the last year or so.
She should be turning 19 pretty soon.
Gained a couple pounds since she had the baby, but still nice.
Gives good head, not a clock watcher, goes until you tell her to stop.
Each time we date, it's either a stop at the gyro place or the thrift store.
Saying that to give her credit for eating and buying clothes, first, before the crack.
She's about the only one I'd stop for on Liv.

03-14-11, 21:39
Next should be her friend, I forget her name, but she will be back on the streets, charging $30 instead of $100 for the same service.Wasn't that Nirvana?

Haven't heard much from her either.
Never dated her, and probably won't.
WSW just don't do it for me (as much as Miranda does, or Tina, or even Jessica.)

Chris H
03-14-11, 22:40
Wasn't that Nirvana?

Haven't heard much from her either.

Never dated her, and probably won't.

WSW just don't do it for me (as much as Miranda does, or Tina, or even Jessica.) Yup thats her. She does still advertise on BP for a rip-off price. You are right, most WSW do not have the skills of the 3 girls you mentioned.

03-15-11, 13:47
I had planned to hook up with one of my regulars but she wasnt available so I decided to see if my luck on Sully was still good.

Near Avondale I spotted a WSW that was hot. I made the block and doubled back to see if LEO was around. I turned up a side street headed toward Sully and she was approaching me. I was stopped to check a VM on the phone. She approached the passenger side of mt car and asked for a ride so I agreed.

We talked a bit as we rode and introduced ourselves properly. Her name is "Wendy" and she says she lives in Grove City. She is abour 5'6".130 lbs w / dark hair to her shoulders. Easily a 7-8 on the scale. She had on tight jeans, black knee high boots and a black leather jacket. I discovered she has really nice rock hard C cuppers.

Everything was fine til she wanted me to stop where she could get "a little something for her needs" as she was going to take care of my needs. I really wanted to sample her wares but I'm not going to take the chance of a ripoff or a bust with something in my car.

Still. Damn she was hot!

Later I picked up "Tanya" on West Broad near Yale. She is 33, 5'4".110 to 115 lbs dark hair, no tits at all but fun. She looks as if she might be Italian, very clean and healthy. She provided a supurb BBBJCIM. A very talented and accomodating woman.

I have digits for both ladies for those who are interested.


03-15-11, 22:42
Met a cute little red head this week. Her name is Stephanie. Cute natural redhead, about 5-4 115, 19. She was walking on Broad near Norton. I stopped beside her at a light and she asked for a ride. Had to do a good deed. Turned out she did me a good deed! Nice tight body. Firm little titties. Definite squeeze box and a natural red head. Too bad she had shaved. We drove to a nice spot and helped each other out. Said pictures were ok if no face.





She gave me her number so we're friends now. Hope to repeat. If not her, will definitely try the area again some time.Wow, Too hot to be real!

03-15-11, 23:37
I've noticed a somewhat diminished population of SWs in several areas, and a corresponding increase in LEOs over the past three days. Naturally, when there are more LEOs there will tend to be fewer SWs, but it also seems there has been a significant increase in the amount of traffic stops (possibly involving SWs) on Sullivant, Cleveland, Broad, and Parsons as I've driven through these areas.

Any thoughts? Perhaps it's just my bad timing.

03-15-11, 23:39
Better safe than sorry! (And Wendy's tits are MUCH nicer with her clothes on; I'd have loved to see her several years ago-no doubt she had a smokin' body at one point in time.)

I had planned to hook up with one of my regulars but she wasnt available so I decided to see if my luck on Sully was still good.

Near Avondale I spotted a WSW that was hot. I made the block and doubled back to see if LEO was around. I turned up a side street headed toward Sully and she was approaching me. I was stopped to check a VM on the phone. She approached the passenger side of mt car and asked for a ride so I agreed.

We talked a bit as we rode and introduced ourselves properly. Her name is "Wendy" and she says she lives in Grove City. She is abour 5'6".130 lbs w / dark hair to her shoulders. Easily a 7-8 on the scale. She had on tight jeans, black knee high boots and a black leather jacket. I discovered she has really nice rock hard C cuppers.

Everything was fine til she wanted me to stop where she could get "a little something for her needs" as she was going to take care of my needs. I really wanted to sample her wares but I'm not going to take the chance of a ripoff or a bust with something in my car.

Still. Damn she was hot!

Later I picked up "Tanya" on West Broad near Yale. She is 33, 5'4".110 to 115 lbs dark hair, no tits at all but fun. She looks as if she might be Italian, very clean and healthy. She provided a supurb BBBJCIM. A very talented and accomodating woman.

I have digits for both ladies for those who are interested.


03-16-11, 14:25
I had planned to hook up with one of my regulars but she wasnt available so I decided to see if my luck on Sully was still good.

Near Avondale I spotted a WSW that was hot. I made the block and doubled back to see if LEO was around. I turned up a side street headed toward Sully and she was approaching me. I was stopped to check a VM on the phone. She approached the passenger side of mt car and asked for a ride so I agreed.

We talked a bit as we rode and introduced ourselves properly. Her name is "Wendy" and she says she lives in Grove City. She is abour 5'6".130 lbs w / dark hair to her shoulders. Easily a 7-8 on the scale. She had on tight jeans, black knee high boots and a black leather jacket. I discovered she has really nice rock hard C cuppers.

Everything was fine til she wanted me to stop where she could get "a little something for her needs" as she was going to take care of my needs. I really wanted to sample her wares but I'm not going to take the chance of a ripoff or a bust with something in my car.

Still. Damn she was hot!

Later I picked up "Tanya" on West Broad near Yale. She is 33, 5'4".110 to 115 lbs dark hair, no tits at all but fun. She looks as if she might be Italian, very clean and healthy. She provided a supurb BBBJCIM. A very talented and accomodating woman.

I have digits for both ladies for those who are interested.

JaguarIs this the Wendy that went by lollipop?

03-17-11, 12:09
I don't know if she went by Lollipop but the number she gave me was bogus.


Is this the Wendy that went by lollipop?

03-17-11, 14:34
Got in town about 10pm last eve and decided to wander hague to sully and back. Found Brandy early 20ish brunette WSW east of glenwood, drove around several times and she came to me. Very quick check and she was devouring me. Very talented and was excellent no hands and deep throat. She said please tip me more if I swallow. I did relax and she accepted all. I provided. 25 which expected to represent t. 20 +.05 and she started going on about how she gets more. I said we didn't discuss price and will return. She has no number. Duh. Will repeat

03-18-11, 01:47
Cruised Cleveland Ave from Northern lights to Hudson & Hudson to the freeway. One cute WSW in a black skirt, I was trying to pickup, but by the time I turned around someone else got the pleasure. A couple of older (very, very older) W gals, but old & fat is not my type.

One tiny young BSW on Cleveland by the strip club, wasn't around on the 2nd pass.

LEO out in force tonight, seems like the first warm night out.

Stay safe

03-18-11, 07:39
Hooked up with JoanJet.

What a fantastic woman. Very clean and neat in.

Apperance. I can't wait to hook up with her again.

Humpty Dumpty
03-18-11, 17:26
Hooked up with JoanJet.

What a fantastic woman. Very clean and neat in.

Apperance. I can't wait to hook up with her again.Isn't she 69 years old? She is older than Joan Jett, right?


03-19-11, 16:50
Picked up a girl named mandy on sullivant close to hague. It was late around 10pm and kind of dark.

She looked ok walking on the street, skinny and tall.

Well I pulled to a side street and she got in, I kept the inside lights dim just for safety and did not get a good look at her face first.

Drove off and a few blocks later when it was light looked at her face and it was a mess. She had scars from like surgeries or just abcesses. So I drove back and told her I am not interested.

She would not get out of the car and started raising her voice. I gave her a 20 and finally she did exit but kicked the car door.

What a waist of time. I was so upset, I headed home. I suppose I have to start cursing during the day.

03-19-11, 19:14
Isn't she 69 years old? She is older than Joan Jett, right?

Pass. John and JoanJet are one in the same.

03-20-11, 01:48
After no luck on Hudson, stopped back home, had some liquid courage, and hit the streets again. Went to Main st and saw Lisa, a thin BSW. Pulled over, she got in & said she was buzzed. Pulled off to a side street, whipped it out and handed her a Jackson. She said to let her know when I was going to cum, I was so ready to pop after a couple of her long licks on my shaft, I just blew. She gagged, repeatedly. I asked if she wanted out here or somewhere else. I had to laugh to myself. A nice time, too bad it was so quick.

03-20-11, 02:09
Picked up a girl named mandy on sullivant close to hague. It was late around 10pm and kind of dark.

She looked ok walking on the street, skinny and tall.

Well I pulled to a side street and she got in, I kept the inside lights dim just for safety and did not get a good look at her face first.

Drove off and a few blocks later when it was light looked at her face and it was a mess. She had scars from like surgeries or just abcesses. So I drove back and told her I am not interested.

She would not get out of the car and started raising her voice. I gave her a 20 and finally she did exit but kicked the car door.

What a waist of time. I was so upset, I headed home. I suppose I have to start cursing during the day. Funny how they are still pissed and they just got paid for doing nothing.

03-20-11, 11:32
Hooked up with JoanJet.

What a fantastic woman. Very clean and neat in.

Apperance. I can't wait to hook up with her again.Is Joan Jett a SW? Or should this review, as suspect as it is, be placed in the BP Adv Review section?

Are you referring to the Joan Jett that advertises on BP? Here other reviews may tell a different story than your experience here, seems as though she is manic; some good and some really, really bad. Must depend on the time of day, the way the wind is blowing and a few other issues for her.

Is John really Joan. As suspected by others? An IP address check would certainly tell, so maybe Jackson might have a look.

03-20-11, 11:46
Hey Guys,

Does anyone have a good number for Michelle the Spinner? She is 29, very thin, pretty with long dark hair and beautiful teeth. I saw her last fall and she gave me her number but apparently that phone was stolen by another girl. I'd really like to see her again. PM me with the number,



Dads Extra Fun
03-20-11, 16:26
Not getting out as much as I used to but here are a few reports.

Saw Chrystal (she goes by Marie on occassion) back on S. High St. a couple times last week. She's not looking as good as before Christmas. Both times she was hanging with some guy looking as messed up as herself. No good look at him as he's got his hoodie up all the time. Though she always gave good service in the past, I'm advising caution on this one.

Jessie was a lady met on Parsons near Thurman about 7:30 AM a week ago Thursday. 23, about 5'2", short brown hair, brown eyes, 'C' cups. She actually lives over off Ohio and doesn't go out much. No digits but if you find this one, she's worth it. BBBJ for 20 and a ride close to home.

Saw little Lexi Wednesday night on Broad near Eureka. Haven't seen her in a while. For those not familiar, she's 29, brunette hair just past the shoulders, tiny spinner body. She was looking pretty good so I gave her a lift and was rewarded in return. Took her shopping at the dollar store in return for services.

03-20-11, 20:40
Has anyone seen Amanda lately. This Amanda is around 26 with big naturals. She used to hang around Central and Sully. Send me a pm if you have contact info.

03-20-11, 21:32
Franklin county court records show the case was dismmissed a week (07/022010) after it was filed. Somehow that never made the news LOLProbably wasn't dismissed but he got Grand Jury Indict him so they move it out of regular courts since its a felony. Just the way they do. So more then likely he is probably still charged they just moved the case out of general sessions.

Felonies are like that

03-21-11, 22:24

I have a thing for Asians.

Any suggestions?

03-22-11, 10:22
Sully just west of Central, met Ashley. She's 21, but looked to me more like 18. She's beautiful. Let me say that one again, this girl is BEAUTIFUL. Easily a 9, not on the SW scale, but on the real world scale.

Maybe 5'6" light brown / dark blonde hair, incredibly tight little body. You remember that perfect cheerleader body you wanted to get ahold of when you were a kid? This one has it. Small pert, perfect breasts, fantastic abs (which I personally thing is awfully goddamned sexy) and a smile to die for. I said it before, and I will say it again. Beautiful. And the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen I think.

She's a very engaging young lady. Friendly and bright, with a fun personality, she was not just easy to talk to, she was fun to talk to.

Service was more than expected in all regards, she seems to be actually interested in making sure you're happy. There was no rush, she did a great job of seeming to be into the whole experience as well.

I cannot strongly enough recommend this lass, she's young, hot, sweet, fun, and clean and new to the game. Treat her nicely, and I guarantee you will not feel even the slightest disappointment.

ATF without question. I frankly was very surprised that after this many years I had the incredible fortune to have met this one. She's a keeper.

I have digits, and I am waiting for her to decide if she wants me to share them or not (yes, she's that new) but if established seniors want to drop me a line, I can update you once I see her again this week.


Humpty Dumpty
03-22-11, 12:05
Picked up a girl named mandy on sullivant close to hague. It was late around 10pm and kind of dark.

She looked ok walking on the street, skinny and tall.

Well I pulled to a side street and she got in, I kept the inside lights dim just for safety and did not get a good look at her face first.

Drove off and a few blocks later when it was light looked at her face and it was a mess. She had scars from like surgeries or just abcesses. So I drove back and told her I am not interested.

She would not get out of the car and started raising her voice. I gave her a 20 and finally she did exit but kicked the car door.

What a waist of time. I was so upset, I headed home. I suppose I have to start cursing during the day. Dude, you are not smooth at all. Never pay a woman to get out of your car. Do what I do. Drive to a place she thinks is your hotel, house, or place to do it. Then lock the door, turn on the ignition and hit the gas and leave her stranded. That is the only nonconfrontational way to do it.

03-23-11, 17:59
She is an attractive brunette. 5'6", a little extra on some thighs, but generally attractive. She has been beaten up recently, so looks a little rough. She is not a druggy, no marks and was very stable, and was into pleasing. She said she works part time, but needed extra money for her kids.

I picked her up near the Dairy Queen on Sully, and we went near her friends house on a side street. I would pick her up again, because of her attitude and effort.


03-23-11, 20:43
Anyone know what happened to Melissa? For a while, it seemed like she was the new hot girl, and you'd see very good reports about her every so often. The number I had for her no longer works, and I haven't seen any report on her in a while. Checking the arrest records, I see there's a warrant out for her, but it doesn't look like she's been caught yet.

Mw Jrp
03-23-11, 23:14
She has 2 different size tits and nipples, and short black hair. I got H&H; her BBBJ was only fair. And the CFS mish was, well it got the job done. I scooped her at Sully and Yale. I should have stayed in Dayton; several of the gals were calling me to pick them up. Of course they were the same ones that blew me off yesterday.

Before finding Crissy I rolled for too many hours. I scooped Danielle after dark and she was hot. But she said BBBJ only and I wanted it all. I also saw what may have been Savanah, a really hot looking spinner. But someone else got her. In fact she had the choice of 5 mongers. It was a real traffic jam on Sully bottoms!

I also had another, but cut her loose. Geeking too much for a decent date. Be safe and good hunting. MW

03-25-11, 14:27
She was standing about a half block north of Broad, just east of Central. She waved when she saw me slow down. I drove around the block to check for LE, and when I saw nothing I went back. She is streaked blond, maybe 35 yo. 120 lbs, C cup, not skinny, healthy and stable. A welcome surprise.

She started the conversation with "if you're a cop, arrest me know, cause I'm to make some money!". Reasonable prices for nearly anything.

She says she usually works off Broad and Central. I dropped her at the Valero after a very good time.


Super King
03-26-11, 04:39
Is the really pretty freckled girl still around? I can never remember her name; starts with an S. Picked her up twice and was very pleased both times!

Traveler Two
03-26-11, 15:07
Is the really pretty freckled girl still around? I can never remember her name; starts with an S. Picked her up twice and was very pleased both times!Are you talking about Shaleena?

Trucker Guy
03-26-11, 23:01
Not the best area for trying to pickup in a semi but thought I would have a go.

Went back and forth on Broad twice and only saw one possible WSW. Relaxing for a few then having another go at it. Wish me luck fellas this big rig needs servicing!

Super King
03-27-11, 00:14
Are you talking about Shaleena?Yeah, that's her. I can never remember her name. I think she's my ATF in Columbus.

03-28-11, 12:18
I had a chance to try the lunch crowd. I have read on hear about the goodones that a few always find. I found one today. Jessica early 20s red hair clean not all strung out. Good service BBBJCIM worked the boys spit then back to get what she missed. Jackson plus tip. Sullivan and central. Does not look like the avg WSW talked about full service will get that later today.

Happy hunting

03-28-11, 12:22
I needed some diversion last Friday so I called Chrissy. I eased down to Columbus and was greeted like her long lost BF. Things went from good to Excellent in about 5 minutes. As always she was clean, smelled nice, and anxious to play and please with an awesome BBBJ for about 10 minutes. Then she asked if we could change positions for some DATY which she loves. She has let the red Bush grow out a little bit more than I really like for a DATY but everyone involved still really enjoyed it!

While I had planned for some of her excellent CG / RCG she asked if we could do some MISH as she really wanted it bad. With her legs over my shoulders I gave her a good pounding and after about five minutes we were both happy.

After a couple of minutes of talking she went to get a cloth to clean me up after removing the rain gear. We chatted some and she said that several of the guys that I've given her number to have become regulars and she appreciates the referrals. Guys thanks for helping with her. I appreciate her taking care of me so well when I see her! You can expect to spend $ for her very talented services including an awesome BBBJ.

For Seniors and Trusted Regulars the digits are available.

Be Safe and Enjoy!


03-28-11, 21:13
Dude, you are not smooth at all. Never pay a woman to get out of your car. Do what I do. Drive to a place she thinks is your hotel, house, or place to do it. Then lock the door, turn on the ignition and hit the gas and leave her stranded. That is the only nonconfrontational way to do it.That is a good suggestion. Next time this happens (hopefully it won't) that is what I am doing. I just sort of got scared to be honest. Learning my lessons.

03-29-11, 09:44
There was nothing out around Cleveland ave, so I headed to Livingston. There were a few BSW out. I drove around for a little while until I found one I wanted. I found BSW that goes by China, older lady late 30's, face is not cute but she's not ugly, big tits, a little bit of a belly, and a great "Ghetto Booty". Went to her friends place for 30 minutes. Great experince. She does not have a, so she took mine. She wants to hook up later in the week and get a room.

04-02-11, 13:29
Called Jessica today hooked up and had a no rush none stop service. Very good skills. She is clean showered full service. A must on repeat. I have her number for the seniors that will remember me when I ask.

A good day of hunting

04-02-11, 15:48
Was on the west side Friday morring, not much time to look around and didn't see much out. Found Lauren (late 40's dark blond) on shully. Had a quick visit with her and dropped her off at a corner store. Have digits.

Mw Jrp
04-03-11, 20:35
She agreed on H&H my place. 40 + tip so off we went. I got a feeling she might want to hurry things and even said if she won't jack me on the way I could turn around. Before we arrived her hand was tired. I tried to cut my losses. In the room her BBBJ was very good. She swirled her tongue on the sensitive side of the head and it felt terrific.

She talked about swallowing. I asked her to undress 3 times and all she did was take a jacket off, promising to disrobe when I got ready for CFS. But that never happened. Instead she got me to nut, then finished with her hand.

I paid the. 40 up front so that was all she got. It was a rather expenisve BBBJ, no catch. So buyer beware. This one does not deliver.

Too bad, she is very cute, has fairly firm small B's. If she was on the rag, all she had to do was say so. Oh, well live and learn. Cheryl has brown hair and a smallish frame, almost spinner-like, about 5'3", that's why I scooped her.

Plenty of talent out this afternoon. I saw about 12-15 girls on Sully and Broad. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
04-03-11, 21:00
After the Cheryl bust I rolled looking for a better, tried and true date. I found Melissa sporting her shiner on Broad and scooped her. Some of you know her as Lexi.

She jacked me all the way and explained the shiner. It occured during a home invasion a couple days ago. It does not seem to affect her performance.

Meissa's RCG is about the best out there. Those giner lips slide a 1/2" over the shaft and it drives me nuts. In addition I got CG, and a second round of RCG. For the finish I had her lay back and she reached under to work the boys as I drove into her CFS mish. Now this was a great date.

Melissa is not into any anal play, but that brown eye of her's in the RCG position looks inviting. And while she doen't kiss I got some very LFK.

She said she was getting minutes on her phone and could use some senior support; her words. After I dropped her off plenty of girls were out. I saw Shaleena on Broad near Central. She looked healthy. I may have to try her again.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-04-11, 01:59
There were plenty of choices out on Cleve. Ave. There were also plenty of leo and uc out too. 1st found BSW Nicole. Skinny chick, ok face, teeth are going south. BJ skills were good.

2nd find was BSW Atea, thick red bone. Face is cute with a stacked rack. When I 1st started talking with her, a po came around the corner in an unmarked, unsettling for a moment. Seen the same car 3 different times in 3 different areas, the last time looks like they were making a bust with vice. Time spent with Atea was good, would have liked to have a little more with her, will see her again soon.

Remember to watch your 6 and stay safe.

04-04-11, 08:14
There were plenty of choices out on Cleve. Ave. There were also plenty of leo and uc out too. 1st found BSW Nicole. Skinny chick, ok face, teeth are going south. BJ skills were good.

2nd find was BSW Atea, thick red bone. Face is cute with a stacked rack. When I 1st started talking with her, a po came around the corner in an unmarked, unsettling for a moment. Seen the same car 3 different times in 3 different areas, the last time looks like they were making a bust with vice. Time spent with Atea was good, would have liked to have a little more with her, will see her again soon.

Remember to watch your 6 and stay safe. Nice to see that Atea is back. I dated her last fall, then her phone went dead and she disappeared. That was right after the shooting at her hotel on Main st.

When I dated her, she was pleasent and preformed well. The second date was at her room, and it didn't go so well. She suddenly got her period after the call setting up the date and me arriving. Still wanted the $40.

Haven't seen her since.

I'll keep a eye out for her.

I wonder if Nicole is Miranda. Nicole is the name she first gave me, Nicole is her middle name
About 5'2" just had a baby front tooth is chipped. Gives great head.
She's one of my favorites

CMH Hobbiest
04-04-11, 17:00
Was a little bored today so I hit the chatline for a little while. Several duds and then one that sounded like a possibility. Goes by Wendy. Black, thin, petite, about 5'8" and I'd guess about a buck and a quarter for weight. Chatted a bit and then got her number. I'd really rather not talk too many details on the chatline! Called her up and sure enough, she picked right up! Gave me the "you're not a copy are you?" quiz and then said she only does incall. Since she knows the lingo, I asked if she was GFE and she said "of course"! Started out asking for $ but settled on. 5 for however long it takes! Got directions to the general area and started for her place, which is a house on the south side. Got close, called her again and she guided me right in. Nice, clean house. Says she lives with her sister. Not a lot of talk once I was inside and we got down to business. Didn't ask for the donation and didn't hesitate to get right to it! She'll cover any GFE activity you want, she said just go for it, I'm game for almost anything! Some BBBJ, DATY, L and DFK. 69, then doggy. I almost lost it when she said put it in my a! It wasn't long and I was empty! She removed the cover and got me a washcloth with soap. I cleaned up and we chatted as I got dressed. Once I was dressed, she continued to chat and chat. I had to get back to work so I told her I'd give her a call again. She gave me a cell number and said she was going to add minutes on today but I'm not holding my breath. A nice time and I would definitely hit it again! Sometimes the chatlines are worth a little effort. Other times they are a total waste! Play safe and have fun!. CMH

Mw Jrp
04-04-11, 20:36
I found her on Glenwood off Broad at 6:50p after driving about 1. 5 hours in the rain. She was grateful to get out of the cold and rain and I was pleased to find a young, cute, hot little spinner to ride with me. At first I thought it was Melissa from yesterday, but Diane is taller, about 5'3" without the boots she wore.

Well, Diane restored my faith in Capital city gals; she did almost everything I wanted. She jacked me and sucked me most of the way to my room, and she knows how to swirl that tongue of her's; a super fine BBBJ, much better than her young years. I wonder who taught her?

In the room we started with mutual masterbation and DFK. She got into the play more than I did like a GFE. I then had her give more BBBJ with much attention to stroking the boys and taint. Again, she amazed me with her technique and suck and touch. I could have busted then and there. I also played more with that 21yo giner of hers; FIV.

Then I had her give a nude lap dance and had her mount me CFS CG. She ground hard on me until she busted a nut and got me close to cuming too. Next I had her turn for RCG and that beautiful little cvnt of hers was, well beautiful. I shoved a finger up her ass and stroked my dick as she rode the shaft. But she didn't appreciate the anal play so I stopped at her request.

I was going to DATY after a little mish. But when I stuffed her this way, she grabbed my hips, and rode my dick, again busting a nut and this time I was over the top and nutting too. We didn't quite come together but it was close. As I was finishing my nut she squeezed her giner and butt muscles several times as if to thank me for a super orgasmic time. Well, it was mutual, for sure.

I dropped her near the pick, and asked her to give me her digits when she gets a phone tomorrow. If she does I am sure the same five of you will want to hit this little hottie, as I passed on Melissa's number. Hope she too followed thru with her minute intentions.

Diane has a very flat stomach, but stretch marks from a couple kids. Still, other than these, she is clean as a whistle, mark-free, and a doll, IMHO. Like Melissa she has long black hair, and a closely trimmed coochie.

Again, lots of girls out, but I found one of the best. There was another brunette on Sully bottoms after I dropped Di, that was young and cute. And when I first started at 5:30p there was a cute blond on Hague off Sully, that a van scoped ahead of me; I tried. I think she came from the "white" house. Also, no action was seen around the pizza parlour.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
04-05-11, 08:45
See attachment for some of her assets.


04-05-11, 10:09
See attachment for some of her assets.

127328Nice. I need to go on vacation to Ohio.

04-05-11, 17:59
Yesterday pretty well sucked for hunting with the rain and wind yet I was in the mood for some fun. My buddy Duke had given me a call and was on his way up from Columbus to meet me for a late lunch so I figured we would kill some time nd comiserate for a bit. As it turned out I got a text from Louanne wanting to know if I was available for some fun. Thinking that was a capital idea, I asked her if she would be willing to do a 3way. It took about. 03 seconds for her to answer an enthuasastic Yes! I told her we would pick her up at about 3:30PM and go have some fun.

Over lunch I shared with my buddy Duke that we had some fun in store. Duke had never met her but has seen her pics and was excited to learn that I had arranged an "Adult Play Date" for us with her. After a quick lunch we made our way back down to Columbus for some fun.

A quick call to let Louanne know that we were there and she was in the car within 30 seconds. After some quick intros she told us that she had limited time as family was coming. As always she was clean, fress and dressed well. She has no unhealthy / illegal habits so I have no concerns about having her in my car. She isn't a street regular. She plays when she gets horny or if she wants a few extra $ at the endof the month if things get tight.

I made a very quick trip to my safe place and had planned to let Duke have first opportunity to enjoy her talents. While duke went to the head, I showed her to the bedroom and she was nude and on the bed in a flash and wanted to know what I was waiting for? I took the hint and did likewise. As quickly as I was undressed, she had my cock in her hand and then in her sweet mouth.

After about 2 minutes she took a breath and her second question was " Would you eat me like you did last time?" Well who am I to not fulfill a lady's request so I began to DATY. In a moment I was on my knees beside the bed with my tongue plowing into a very sweet wet and nearly hairless little puss. I'm moments she was into it and really enjoying my DATY. About that time Duke came in the bedroom and asked her if she minded if he joined the party. She assured him she would enjoy the fun. In her mouth went his cock and she began to give him some excellent BBBJ. It was pretty cool because from my vantage poing I could see her enjoying his cock as I ate her. He could watch me eat her and seee how much she was enjoying that as her hips were bucking in time to my tongue action and her cute ass was coming completely off the bed to meet my tongue.

Knowing we were a bit pressed for time, I put on the raincoat pulled her legs up over my shoulders and rammed my cock into a very hot, wet and tight pussy and began to pound her. After about two minutes of pounding her she exploded and that made me nutt right away. All the time she had continued to provide an excellent BBBJ for Duke.

As soon as he saw that I was done he suited up and mounted her. He began to pound her and within a coupl of minuted due to the excellent BBBJ he unloaded too. Louanne had another small nutt just as Duke finished.

We all cleaned up and got dressed. Louanne said several times that she was sorry that she had a time issue because of family and hoped we could do the 3-way again soon. We took a quick ride back to her house and dropped her off so she could meet her family.

Duke was really happy to have some really serious fun and diversion on a cold, rainy Monday afternoon and I was glad I hadn't missed her text message. Out of respect, I won't show her face here but perhaps you will enjoy the pics of her sweet ass. By the way, duke is still grinning like a Cheshire cat!

Be Safe and Enjoy the Hunt!


Mw Jrp
04-05-11, 20:48
TG for off-the-net SP's since no one could be found. But I had a hookup with T, so the nut was handled nicely.

As for Diane from yesterday, I expected her to phone at first, but of course she didn't so there is no way to contact her. Such is the way, with hot 21yo's, who have no trouble finding 3 or 4 or more dates a day. She is one of the cutest I have seen in Columbus in about a year.

So, if you spot a very thin, darling spinner with long black hair, a couple inches taller than Melissa / Lexi, who looks Italian or spanish from afar; then you have found this little gem.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
04-06-11, 08:14
When I picked her up I said I'll give you another try but you better behave. She said she was sober for weeks, just making a few dollars, and would be a very nice girl. I got her dinner at McD's and she showered, and got clean.

A pic is worth a thousand words. She jacked and sucked me all the way to my room. In the room more BBBJ, BLS, DFK, DATY, FIV, CFS CG and mish. She was a very fine and patient date. I will repeat and she thanked me for picking her and giving her another chance. Maybe she learned a lesson.

BTW, we both came and she nutted while I dinned away on that sweet pink giner and FIV so I felt her cum.

Donated. 50 to her cause and dropped her near the pick. I'm sure many of you recognize her. Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-06-11, 19:39
Gee. Long time lurker and I discriminate who I see. But if the pic I just looked at is who senior poster mwjrp? Sees. I'll do with out referals. I wouldn't fuck her if I was dead.

Just saying

04-06-11, 20:58
Man. I have not posted in a long time. I used to live in Cincy. Man I loved the posts by Giani. Holy crap if this is what you are seeing on a regular basis. Count me out. Oh man!

Shaleena 20yo WSW redhead top and bottom, Sully bottoms 2am, near-GFE

When I picked her up I said I'll give you another try but you better behave. She said she was sober for weeks, just making a few dollars, and would be a very nice girl. I got her dinner at McD's and she showered, and got clean.

A pic is worth a thousand words. She jacked and sucked me all the way to my room. In the room more BBBJ, BLS, DFK, DATY, FIV, CFS CG and mish. She was a very fine and patient date. I will repeat and she thanked me for picking her and giving her another chance. Maybe she learned a lesson.

BTW, we both came and she nutted while I dinned away on that sweet pink giner and FIV so I felt her cum.

Donated. 50 to her cause and dropped her near the pick. I'm sure many of you recognize her. Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-07-11, 07:57
Gee. Long time lurker and I discriminate who I see. But if the pic I just looked at is who senior poster mwjrp? Sees. I'll do with out referals. I wouldn't fuck her if I was dead.

Just sayingWell then, Scott, show us what you've been doing lately then.

But, to come on here as your first two posts and flame a Sr, until you got something to show for yourself and can prove it, or contribute something positive to the cause, I can only say that we'd probably not want to hear your ranting.

Until such time as you've provided some valuable information, I can only say, in my most humble voice to STFU!

Thank you for listening, and have a nice day.

IF (and that is a sincere IF) you ever find anythng of your definitioin of quality, please let us know.

Carry on.


04-07-11, 08:01

It's cool being a friend of the President of the United States. Unless you get in trouble.

Robert "Bobby" Titcomb is feeling the dark side of reflected fame today, his name is newspapers across the globe after his arrest in Honolulu on charges of soliciting a prostitute.

From The Associated Press:

Titcomb was one of four men arrested in an undercover sting operation late Monday and later released on $500 bail, according to Honolulu police.

Titcomb. 49, attended Punahou School in Honolulu with Obama in the 1970s. The president graduated in 1979, a year before Titcomb. The two often play golf and basketball, go to the beach and dine together when the president returns home to Hawaii for vacation.


By Alex Brandon, AP.

Obama's family has also attended barbeques at Titcomb's beachside home in Waialua, located on Oahu's North Shore about an hour outside of downtown Honolulu.

Titcomb and Obama last spent time together in Hawaii during Obama's most recent vacation over the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

The White House had no comment. Titcomb has not publicly responded to the charges, and he wasn't immediately available for comment.

Police said Titcomb was arrested at 9:40 pm Monday near downtown at the intersection of South and Pohukaina streets, which is next to the Circuit Court building and a large parking lot. He posted bail about two hours later.Got to LOVE THE LASTNAME, 'Titcomb'. LOL!

04-07-11, 08:43
Hey Lurker,

I don't recall anyone asking you for your opinion. One man's roses are another mans thorns. Two posts doesn't make you an expert. Have you ever had a woman or do you just lurk in the shadows? I doubt you could buy a referral here.

You and the Cincinnati Bungles are free to stay in Cinci. Both of you are lurkers and bunglers.


Gee. Long time lurker and I discriminate who I see. But if the pic I just looked at is who senior poster mwjrp? Sees. I'll do with out referals. I wouldn't fuck her if I was dead.

Just saying

04-07-11, 08:56
Mw Jrp.

Thanks for sharing! Well done! The picture was hot!



When I picked her up I said I'll give you another try but you better behave. She said she was sober for weeks, just making a few dollars, and would be a very nice girl. I got her dinner at McD's and she showered, and got clean.

A pic is worth a thousand words. She jacked and sucked me all the way to my room. In the room more BBBJ, BLS, DFK, DATY, FIV, CFS CG and mish. She was a very fine and patient date. I will repeat and she thanked me for picking her and giving her another chance. Maybe she learned a lesson.

BTW, we both came and she nutted while I dinned away on that sweet pink giner and FIV so I felt her cum.

Donated. 50 to her cause and dropped her near the pick. I'm sure many of you recognize her. Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-07-11, 19:31
Who really cares what you idiots think. LOL

04-08-11, 06:09
Who really cares what you idiots think. LOLThen why are you here? Mw Jrp is active and posts a good bit to this board and helps spread useful and informative information to others. What have you contributed? Just remember, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. You don't like how that girl looks, move on, find a better looking one the suites you and share that information. No need to slam anyone because you want to be a douche bag, especially when you have a whopping 3 posts! Contribute something to the board or move on, and leave us "idiots" be.

04-08-11, 06:44
Sorry for the delay in posting this, it has been a hectic few weeks since this transpired.

I first saw Megan on Sully just west of Central near the railroad tracks, as she was walking east. This girl was cute, I'd give her a 6. 5 or a 7 rating as a regular girl, LOL. She is approximately 5'5, 110 lbs, and has shoulder length dirty blonde hair. She gave all the signs and made eye contact so the hunt was on! By the time I was able to get turned around she had made it down to Dana already. A Honda Ridgeline had just turned in front of me and with me being she seemed a little nervous and passed us both up. I turned and headed east on Sully and gave it a little bit of time. She was still making good eye contact the entire time so I knew she was working. After about 10 minutes I spotted her sitting near the bus stop at park street so I circled around and parked across the street so she could see me. She came to me and after the introductions she raised her shirt to show a very nice set of C cups that just begged for attention! We found a nice quiet spot not far from the pick up spot. I was only in the mood for a BBBJ and she delivered! Nice tongue action and BLS thrown in. She allows CIM but wants you to tell her before, she is a spitter. Set me back a Jackson plus tip, my choice. Unfortantly, she didn't have digits to share and I don't my number out.

04-08-11, 07:11
Was out yesterday afternoon and saw a lot of SW's out. But a lot of mongers also. The good thing about daytime is you can get a good look before you make the pick. Well I was pretty horny and would've been a littles picky than usual but I never see one with sores or if she looks ill. The one decent one I saw was in the bottoms and I was going to strike quick but a dude stopped and picked her up right in front of a LEO coming from the opposite direction. Bold move probably got him some sweet pu*why. Tall, thin, short red hear, well dressed. Kind of out of place for that area. Had a another red head one street south of sully give me a look from her porch. Went back around and a guy and a kid were on the porch with her. Looked for about an hour and a half and called it a day.

Blu Ray
04-08-11, 10:16
Well Wednesday night I was out far east-side, Livingston and Courtright area. When I spot a Blond at the Marathon gas station. I pull over next cross street and she walks over to my car, but does not get in or ask too. I ask her if she needs a ride 2 times. She said something back but could not hear her. So finally I roll down the window, and ask her if she needs a ride? She replies" You'll give me a ride I need more than a ride" pause " I need more than a ride" I make money. By this time I spot what appears to be PAL t-shirt under her coat. So no thanks. She was about 5'3" blond shoulder length early 30s 7 or 8 looks. Circle back around, saw her at the the bus stop sitting. Saw no LEO. So watch your six.

04-08-11, 11:18
Then why are you here? Mw Jrp is active and posts a good bit to this board and helps spread useful and informative information to others. What have you contributed? Just remember, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. You don't like how that girl looks, move on, find a better looking one the suites you and share that information. No need to slam anyone because you want to be a douche bag, especially when you have a whopping 3 posts! Contribute something to the board or move on, and leave us "idiots" be.Well said Bigjc! I get so tired of beggers, whiners, complainers and lurkers who have nothing positive to add or share to the board.

04-08-11, 11:33
Who really cares what you idiots think. LOLhere's a couple from BP you might enjoy!


04-08-11, 12:07
Well said Bigjc! I get so tired of beggers, whiners, complainers and lurkers who have nothing positive to add or share to the board.Thanks jag! We all do a certain amount of lurking around here, hell I know I do. I've been on this site long enough that I could have senior status if I had the post count. I try to post when I actually have pertinent information to share. Have there been things said on this board I disagree with, of course there is. But since I'm only a regular member and don't have the trust of others yet I keep my mouth shut. Maybe a few others can heed that advice or just move on to the other drama filled boards that are everywhere. Just my. 02 cents. Happy hunting everyone that wants to hunt, and stay safe!

04-11-11, 12:21
Friday afternoon about 1:30 I found myself with a few hours on my hands so I thought some hunting might be in order so I drove down to Columbus. The weather was nice so I was hoping there would be a good selection of providers available. I headed west on Broad and rolled all the way to G'ville Road. There were a total of three out. Two of them would have jumped in the car if I had some Ken-L-Ration or Begginbits. The third was a really hot little brunette spinner near the railroad overpass but she was smoking and that is a No for me.

I moved on to Sully and headed east. I spotted 3 LEO's and 2 Black / black Chevy SUVs cruising on the western end of Sully. Rolling east I spotted several WSW but none of them were what I had in mind. Near Dakota Ave I spotted a cute blonde with glasses and a a nice body. She gave me the look but I knew I was going to have to circle back to get to her. Two other mongers were looking and one of them stopped for a fat, ugly one. I headed back west and she had crossed the street and was at Campbell Ave waiting. I turned down Campbell and stopped. She came to me and asked for a ride. She hopped in amd we made the block and headed west.

"Misty" is 34, about 5'3".130lbs. With a nice set of full B cuppers. She was clean and totally straight with no signs od any type of abouse. She is fairly cute and playful. Some nice clothes and a bit of makeup and you would take her out to eat. Unfortunately she let her phone get wet so she has no contact # now.

She quickly did an introduction and told me she had the use of a room at a friends house for $10. I agreed and within five minutes we were there. She introduced her friend and I paid the rent.

Once in the room she was all about making good things happen. She started with a BBBJ that was a very skilled and enthuasastic performance. I had to make her stop before I nutted. We moved to some very nice DATY that had her rockin and rollin on my tongue for about 10 minutes. She has a very nice clean shaved puss with a very cute tatt abouve it. I was read for some pussy so we switched to covered RCG then CG then we finished Mish style. She complained a bit about how long it took me to get off after we moved away from the BBBJ. After the BBBJ her level of enthusasiam went down with each change of position. I will say that I'm hot hung but she was still tight for mer. Both of us did wind up with a good nut with the Mish finish.

Even with the diminished enthusasiam she was well worthe the $30 +$10 for the room. I'd hit it again given the opportunity. For $30 she wouldn't let me take her pics.

Keep Hunting and Be safe my Friends,


04-11-11, 12:31
I saw her walking on sully just west of Wilson. Made eye contact and I pulled into the Chinese joint that is down that way. I saw a Hispanic male just sitting in his van so when she approached I te her to meet me down the street out of wandering eyes. She walked down to derrer and picked her up there. She is a taller, thin blonde, probably in her early to mid twenties, and 130lbs. Or so. After the checks were done we found a spot to park. She was not the absolutely the best I have ever seen but she is far from hideous. Gave a good BBBJWCIM but she is a spitter. Just wants you to tell her before you finish. Set me back a Jackson. Asked if she had digits and said her phone was stolen a couple of weeks ago. She is trying to get enough cash to get a replacement. I will repeat and maybe see what else is on the menu the next time.

04-11-11, 13:00
Friday afternoon about 1:30 I found myself with a few hours on my hands so I thought some hunting might be in order so I drove down to Columbus. The weather was nice so I was hoping there would be a good selection of providers available. I headed west on Broad and rolled all the way to G'ville Road. There were a total of three out. Two of them would have jumped in the car if I had some Ken-L-Ration or Begginbits. The third was a really hot little brunette spinner near the railroad overpass but she was smoking and that is a No for me.

I moved on to Sully and headed east. I spotted 3 LEO's and 2 Black / black Chevy SUVs cruising on the western end of Sully. Rolling east I spotted several WSW but none of them were what I had in mind. Near Dakota Ave I spotted a cute blonde with glasses and a a nice body. She gave me the look but I knew I was going to have to circle back to get to her. Two other mongers were looking and one of them stopped for a fat, ugly one. I headed back west and she had crossed the street and was at Campbell Ave waiting. I turned down Campbell and stopped. She came to me and asked for a ride. She hopped in amd we made the block and headed west.

"Misty" is 34, about 5'3".130lbs. With a nice set of full B cuppers. She was clean and totally straight with no signs od any type of abouse. She is fairly cute and playful. Some nice clothes and a bit of makeup and you would take her out to eat. Unfortunately she let her phone get wet so she has no contact # now.

She quickly did an introduction and told me she had the use of a room at a friends house for $10. I agreed and within five minutes we were there. She introduced her friend and I paid the rent.

Once in the room she was all about making good things happen. She started with a BBBJ that was a very skilled and enthuasastic performance. I had to make her stop before I nutted. We moved to some very nice DATY that had her rockin and rollin on my tongue for about 10 minutes. She has a very nice clean shaved puss with a very cute tatt abouve it. I was read for some pussy so we switched to covered RCG then CG then we finished Mish style. She complained a bit about how long it took me to get off after we moved away from the BBBJ. After the BBBJ her level of enthusasiam went down with each change of position. I will say that I'm hot hung but she was still tight for mer. Both of us did wind up with a good nut with the Mish finish.

Even with the diminished enthusasiam she was well worthe the $30 +$10 for the room. I'd hit it again given the opportunity. For $30 she wouldn't let me take her pics.

Keep Hunting and Be safe my Friends,

Jaguars49If it's the one I think it is, I've been trying to get her for a week or so. Everytime I get turned around someone else has already scooped her up. Story of my life, LOL

04-11-11, 14:54
Question of the Day?

Has anyone used the link on here for the Canadian Pharmacy to get the blue pills? If so were they the real deal? I purchased some on line a few months ago. The packaging said they were were Viagra but werent blue. They came from China so I'm not sure they were the real deal.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated including other sources if you have one.


04-11-11, 15:56
I had a less than happy first experience with her today. Picked her up Broad near Central. She is WSW, blond, large, maybe 30, and I normally like BBW. After LE check, we went to a friends place, extra $10 rent. She said her sister would be there, but instead her sister was entertaining two very large men, who were wandering the place.

When we got to the room, she asked for extra, assuring me I would leave very happy. She was clean, and had very nice breasts, and my little head made the decision to pay $40.

Leanna and I started to get into it, but she became very nervous, and said for me to hurry up because she wanted to leave. That had the normal effect of deflating the balloon. After more rushing from her, I suggested we go back to my car, and she would have none of it. She finished with a hand job, not very satisfying.

Will not repeat!

04-13-11, 18:27
My friend Duke and I had teamed up for a late breakfast then decided to take a early afternoon cruise since the weather was so nice. Since we didn't plan to partake of anything we were just doing some serious recon.

Heading south on Cleveland there were 2 BSWs. One was quite decent looking very light skin and very nice body. The other had a very nice tight body with average looks. Both of them were near the shopping center with the Sears Outlet Store.

Heading west on Broad there were about a dozen WSW out. There were 3 that would have qualified for me to stop and offer a ride or ask directions. Unfortunately, Uncle Leo was out and about as well. Running east on Sully there were a hand full out and about but none that I would have stopped for. We ran south on High Street and saw 3 or 4 possibles. One of which was really nice looking. We took a turn down Parsons and didn't see anything however there was some sort of "event" well south down Parsons and just west. There were about 12 Leos. 3 rescue units, a firetruck and a copter in the air as we headed back north. Livingston had 3 BSW and 2WSW as well as several Leos.

We called it a day and figured a report of all the news that is the news was in order.

Be Safe, Happy Hunting.


04-15-11, 14:07
After finding this site, I have officially fallen off the wagon. Been a few years since I have went out mongering as I prefer escorts, but I read some good reports and thought I would take a loop. It was nice to see CMH still has something to offer.

Passed a few nastys in the bottoms on sully but going up the hill I saw a young spinner at Wrexham. Made the swoop and offered a ride.

Stephanie is her name. 21 years ripe. Nice long dark hair and a tight young body that was an easy 8 on a SW scale. Not a beautiful face, but not ugly. Maybe with some makeup she could be higher but I would rate her a 6. She was dressed In a nice sweater and lowrise jeans. She was pretty quiet and appeared quite nervous.

Had a room on Broad St already lined up and took her back there. She asked if she could go to the bathroom and smoke first. Now that I think about it, I am sure it wasn't a cig she smoked. Kinda rusty, I am.

I laid. 25 on the dresser. She came out an undressed. Very tight body with a big tattoo just above her shaved kitty. She immediately started BBBJ which was nice. I then told for BBCG and she obliged. Very nice technique, burying her head into my chest and working her hips. Finished MISH. Very nice.

Just after I finished she was on my room phone to her dealer. A real shame because she seems like a nice girl. I am sure the "best by date" isn't too far off, but for now I would definitely repeat. Unfortunately she has no digits and says she is homeless. She did say she stays at the KI / RI notels whenever she can.

04-15-11, 19:30
Ahh. Now I remember why I gave up SWs. Had such a nice time with Stephanie and still had a room in the middle of the circuit so I said why not.

My second trip started great. Spotted a very tall, thin brunette on Sully near Ryan. Loop & Swoop. Said her name was Ashley and is 24. Took her back to the room and got undressed. Another stripper quality body! I don't remember bods like these two before. Small boobs but a 9 all day long in body. Face was 7ish on a SW scale. Sexy bra and thong, smelled great. Did have a hairy Bush and needle tracks though.

BBBJ was decent but a little hurried. Did K9 and MISH. Tight and nice. Definitely repeatable although she said she is heading to rehab soon. Dropped her off at a dope hut where I picked her up. .30 plus a tip, pm me for her number

Went back to the room to check out and the fun began.

At the corner busstop where I turned in was Stephanie from my earlier post. Well, it was stephanies body inhabited by various chemical substances. Sure enough as I was leaving the room she came running my direction. She was sobbing uncontrollably and was strung every kind of out. Said she had gotten beat up and raped and needed $10 for some pills. I politely declined her request for the $10, then her request for a ride to Alkire, then her request for my room key so she didn't have to sleep in an alley. She then proceded to say that she still had my DNA on her and she was going to the cops and tell them I raped her unless I gave her ten bucks. Not too proud to say I gave her ten bucks. She needed it more than me and it got her to leave me alone

Majik Mike
04-16-11, 10:08
No matter how long I stay off the streets All it takes is a little idle time an a couple of brews I'm off the chain,

A sucker for titts and ass! Try my method on your next excursion, Go to the place you grew up then do a 10 mile radius drive in Columbus you score period. My case the east side left a bar fly pub on Hamilton Road, turned west on Livingston Ave Spotted a couple of BSWs, continued west just east of Courtright Road A WSW heading right at me swoop in offer a ride she accepts. EZ 7 On a SW scale Tina has Large Ds dishwater blode hair and an ass made for fucking! After intro and LEO check, I know thease streets go to a secluded location, She give me a fantastic BBBJWCIM She took a lot of time super tounge action twenty bucks! Then offered "anything else" for an additional "Jackson" So I peeled of Twenty more had K-9 Mish and finished her on top Awesome will repeat < have digits will share imfo happy hunting M. M.

04-18-11, 12:54

That was an excellent report with lots og great feedback on the excursion.

Keep hunting and Be Safe!


No matter how long I stay off the streets All it takes is a little idle time an a couple of brews I'm off the chain,

A sucker for titts and ass! Try my method on your next excursion, Go to the place you grew up then do a 10 mile radius drive in Columbus you score period. My case the east side left a bar fly pub on Hamilton Road, turned west on Livingston Ave Spotted a couple of BSWs, continued west just east of Courtright Road A WSW heading right at me swoop in offer a ride she accepts. EZ 7 On a SW scale Tina has Large Ds dishwater blode hair and an ass made for fucking! After intro and LEO check, I know thease streets go to a secluded location, She give me a fantastic BBBJWCIM She took a lot of time super tounge action twenty bucks! Then offered "anything else" for an additional "Jackson" So I peeled of Twenty more had K-9 Mish and finished her on top Awesome will repeat < have digits will share imfo happy hunting M. M.

04-19-11, 12:39
Yesterday morning I received a call on the Ho Phone from Louanne to let me know she was back in town and that she was looking for some cock and needed it bad since it had been more than a week. As it happened I was in Columbus to have breakfast with my friend Duke. Louanne was excited to know that we were available for a 3-Way and I don't mean from Skyline!

Duke and I finished breakfast and headed south to the pickup zone at Louanne's house.

On the way to our safe location, Louanne filled us in an all the details of her weekend trip. Arriving at the safe location the game was on as soon as we hit the door. Duke and I both made pit stops and by the time we got to the bedroom Louanne was ready and raring for some hot action. This time duke started the party with letting Louanne begin with her awesome BBBJ. I took some photos of the action which Louanne really gets off on. She is becoming a regular little porn star. From there Duke spread her and took his time and enjoyed some serious DATY (which Louanne really loves) as I snapped more pics. Louanne was ready for some cock so Duke obliged her with some serious pounding as I covered the action with the camera. After the BBBJ the DATY and the covered pounding that Duke gave her the two of them enjoyed a real serious double O at the same time.

So I put down the camera and decided to enjoy Louanne's very special oral talents. After about five minutes I was so into it I allowed her to finish me off with her patented BBBJCIMWS.

After all the fun and games Duke dropped Louanne off at home.

Cost of breakfast = $23.92 plus tip.

Total time of adventure = 3hours and 17 minutes.

Louanne's gift $100. 00.

The thrill of the adventure and blowing a big load = PRICELESS!

Her digits are available to Seniors and Trusted Regular Members with a special rate of $50 for referred members

As always Happy Hunting and Be Safe


04-19-11, 16:29
Mara Gay Contributor.

Rates of oral cancer are on the rise among men, and researchers say the culprit isn't the devil you might think.

The rising rates of oral cancer aren't being caused by tobacco, experts say, but by HPV, the same sexually transmitted virus responsible for the vast majority of cases of cervical cancer in women.

Millions of women and girls have been vaccinated against HPV, or human papillomavirus, but doctors now say men exposed to the STD during oral sex are at risk as well and may have higher chances of developing oral cancer.

An oral cancer screenings can detect cancer early on. The incidence of the disease is increasing among men who are exposed to the sexually transmitted virus HPV during oral sex.

Men have a greater chance of contracting the HPV virus from oral sex than women do from the same behavior, though researchers aren't exactly sure why. Oral cancer has a low survival rate because it is generally not discovered until it has spread to other areas, according to the CDC. Only half of people who've been diagnosed with oral cancer will live longer than five years.

About 65 percent of oral cancer tumors were linked to HPV in 2007, according to the National Cancer Institute. And the uptick isn't occurring among tobacco smokers.

"We're looking at non-smokers who are predominantly white, upper middle class, college-educated men," Brian Hill, the executive director of the Oral Cancer Foundation, told AOL News by phone.

Tobacco use has declined over the past decade, but rates of HPV infections have risen and affect at least 50 percent of the sexually active American population, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

HPV-16, the strain of the virus that causes cervical cancer in women, has become the leading cause of oral cancer in non-smoking men, Hill said, citing research in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"When the No. 1 cause of your disease goes down [tobacco use], you would expect that the incidence of disease would go down, but that hasn't happened," he said."In our world, this is an epidemic."

Dr. Jennifer Grandis, the vice chairwoman for research at the University of Pittsburgh and an expert on head and neck cancers, said doctors have been seeing the HPV virus in most oral cancer tumors. She said the massive push to vaccinate girls and women between the ages of 11 and 26 against HPV should have included boys and men from the beginning. Gardasil, one of the two major vaccines used to prevent HPV, wasn't approved for use in males in the United States until 2009, three years after it was approved for women.

"The thinking is changing," Grandis told AOL News in a phone interview."But at the time the vaccine was licensed, there wasn't such an awareness about head or oral cancers or a willingness to accept that males played a part in the transmission of the virus," she said."I think this idea that we only protect our daughters with the vaccine is nuts anyway, particularly because they're having sex with our boys."

As a Post Script to this article I'd like to provide some pertinent information;

Clorox vs. Peroxide: VERY interesting and inexpensive.

This was written by Becky R a doctor's wife , and I want to share it with you.

'I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little ol' bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1. 00 at any drug store. What does bleach cost? My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide. Have you ever smelled bleach in a doctor's office?

NO! Why? Because it smells, and it is not healthy!

Did you also know bleach was invented in the late 40's? It's chlorine, folks! And it was used to kill our troops.
Peroxide was invented during WWI in the 20's. It was used to save and help cleanse the needs of our troops and hospitals.

Please think about this:

1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out.

No more canker sores, and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.

2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep them free of germs.

3. Clean your counters and table tops with peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dish cloth when you wipe, or spray it on the counters.

4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.

5. I had fungus on my feet for years until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.

6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine but was healed by soaking in peroxide.

7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other Disinfectants will.

8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes, and then blow your nose into a tissue.

9. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.

10. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide-burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, reddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually, so it's not a drastic change.

11. Put half a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help get rid of boils, fungus, or other skin infections.

12. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour it directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.

13. Another place it's great is in the bathroom, if someone has been careless & has peed on the floor around the toilet & it's begun to smell of urine. Just put some peroxide in a spray bottle & spray. In the blink of any eye all the smell will be gone & the bacteria eliminated!

This information really woke me up. I hope you gain something from this

If you are like me and enjoy DATY a peroxide mouth rinse may keep you safe.

Be Safe


Trick Williams
04-19-11, 20:40
Great info Jaguars49. Didn't know peroxide was so useuful.

04-21-11, 23:57
Both tonight (11PM) and very early this morning (4AM) I ran into "Ashley" on Sullivant, just west of I70. I tried to scoop her several times, but in each case LEO proved to be lurking at a discreet distance. If I hadn't been careful, I'd surely have been busted. With LEO seemingly coming out of nowhere (must be hiding in alley or in unmarked radio car) , I advise fellow mongers to not only watch their respective sixes, but their threes and nines as well. In fact, I'd avoid this neighborhood for a bit; LEO is so quick to appear after noticing a few extra turns, I wondered if "Ashley" was part of a sting.

FYI: "Ashley" is cute, dark brown hair, C cups, average face, slim body, about 5' 3". She's ALWAYS smoking a cigarette.

Also, having read in the Dayton board about LEO's tendency to question drivers and passengers separately after a bust / stop, I recommend an addition to the 22 rules: show your cash, but pay nothing up front. If a SW cuts a deal with Leo and produces $$ it may be used as evidence of prostitution (in the mind of LEO who may then issue summons) , if not in court.

04-22-11, 10:19
Kudos to Jaguars49.

A great post. You did some reading and brought some very pertinant info to the forum.

However, peroxide has been used by hospitals over the years as a cleansing agent for delicate instrumentation, not as a disinfectant. It does have mild disinfencting qualities, but it is mostly in decreasing bioload by physically bubbling crud away over time. If it were an effective disinfectant, hospitals would be using it on everything because it is cheap and doesn't smell.

As for protecting you after a DATY encounter, wow friend, you need some better information. PLEASE talk candidly to a health care professional.

Metaphoricly, you're waving a BB gun at some really mean street thugs.

04-22-11, 11:01
And then there is the other oral experience. It seems to me that HPV is one of the big risks of getting a BBBJ. Some of the HPV virus cause cancer, and some cause genetal warts. Sorry to be a buzz kill, but it is something I have been thinking about.

Hugh Wannabe
04-22-11, 11:09
Had a dream I was cruising Sully earlier this week and happened upon a younger red head named Brittany. Was a little rainy out so offered her a ride to where she was going. Found a quiet spot and after some LE checks she provided a nice BBBJ. Didn't catch for a Jackson but said for a tip would. Gave me some digits which I haven't tried yet. Said more was on the menu. She was freshly showered and looked pretty clean. Said the carpet matched the drapes and to call her some time to sample the rest of the goods at a more private locale. All in all a good experience, I would and will repeat unless I hear someone who advises against it.

04-22-11, 17:47
Both tonight (11PM) and very early this morning (4AM) I ran into "Ashley" on Sullivant, just west of I70. I tried to scoop her several times, but in each case LEO proved to be lurking at a discreet distance. If I hadn't been careful, I'd surely have been busted. With LEO seemingly coming out of nowhere (must be hiding in alley or in unmarked radio car) , I advise fellow mongers to not only watch their respective sixes, but their threes and nines as well. In fact, I'd avoid this neighborhood for a bit; LEO is so quick to appear after noticing a few extra turns, I wondered if "Ashley" was part of a sting.

FYI: "Ashley" is cute, dark brown hair, C cups, average face, slim body, about 5' 3". She's ALWAYS smoking a cigarette.

Also, having read in the Dayton board about LEO's tendency to question drivers and passengers separately after a bust / stop, I recommend an addition to the 22 rules: show your cash, but pay nothing up front. If a SW cuts a deal with Leo and produces $$ it may be used as evidence of prostitution (in the mind of LEO who may then issue summons) , if not in court. You are just asking for a cash and dash if you pay up front. It doesn't need to be added to the rules because you are the only person I have heard that does that.

04-22-11, 19:44
You are just asking for a cash and dash if you pay up front. It doesn't need to be added to the rules because you are the only person I have heard that does that.Actually, he said show the cash but DO NOT pay upfront, that way it cannot be used as evidence of prostitution but the girl knows you have the cash. Read things before you make such sarcastic comments.

Skippy 8816
04-23-11, 01:45
Had a dream I was cruising Sully earlier this week and happened upon a younger red head named Brittany. Was a little rainy out so offered her a ride to where she was going. Found a quiet spot and after some LE checks she provided a nice BBBJ. Didn't catch for a Jackson but said for a tip would. Gave me some digits which I haven't tried yet. Said more was on the menu. She was freshly showered and looked pretty clean. Said the carpet matched the drapes and to call her some time to sample the rest of the goods at a more private locale. All in all a good experience, I would and will repeat unless I hear someone who advises against it.Good post and definitely not putting it down. But. When has any guy quibbled about "Carpet matching the drapes"?

04-23-11, 10:26
In Columbus for a few days. Any recommendations on a talented girl? Prefer young and thin if possible.

PM me with any help.

04-23-11, 12:12
Jamica is a very attractive BSW with a brightly colored bag. She was on Sully, near Hague, around 8. 00 Fri nite. LE was out in force last night, so it took a couple of turns around the block to be sure it was safe. When I went through an alley, she caught up with me and jumped in. A very good first step!

She suggested we go back to her apartment, which put me off a little. We did a LE check in the car, and she defined the menu prices, so I felt a little better.

Her apartment is a little rough, but well lit, in a safe neighborhood. She is a delight to look at. Great DD's, soft and cuddly. About 130, well proportioned, maybe 30 yo. Although she rushed a little, she was attentive and energetic. I will repeat.

She says she works from Demorest to Hague, very early morning, mid evening, and very late night.

04-24-11, 04:18
I was having a pretty bad day Friday so I took the usual loop on sully to see if I could find something to help get me in a better mood. Came across charlina (sp) in the bottoms. Pickings were pretty slim and she was the best that was out. Don't get me wrong, she is not the ugliest thing I've picked up but she isn't the best I've picked up either. On a average girl scale, she would be a 5 or so. I saw her and circled a couple of times to make sure the area was clear, there was a heavy LE presence out. I picked her up on Avondale and headed east on sully. She actually remembered me picking her up last fall so that was a bonus in my books. Went to a little spot I'm comfortable with and she gave me on of the better BBBJ I've had in a while. She took her time and didn't complain that it took a while, she just switched up her technique and tried even harder. After about 20 minutes I finally unleashed my load which she happily swallowed. Unfortantly no digits were available. She is around 5'5, 160lbs or so, dirty blode hair (closer to light brown) , and freckles. She isn't out much but if you can find her you won't regret it!

Stay safe and good luck hunting. Watch you six!

04-25-11, 13:08
I stated that the info provided was;

Was written by Becky R a doctor's wife, and I want to share it with you.

What I pointed out is;

If you are like me and enjoy DATY a peroxide mouth rinse may keep you safe.

I'm not a doctor nor have I ever played one on television. I proovided the information strictly as that" pure information" not as a cure nor as a guaranteed preventative, merely a possible action that might help prevent any problems. I can unequivocally guaranty that if you don't use the peroxide after any DATY sessions it can not help.

This along with any information, suggestions or ideas that I offer here is strictly provided as an attempt to provide information for readers of this forum to read, determine the value and use at their own risk.

I have began to use peroxide after DATY sessions and I can say definitively, my teeth are several shades whiter and I've lost all desire to smoke cigars. As always YMMV with use.


'I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little ol' bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1. 00 at any drug store. What does bleach cost? My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide. Have you ever smelled bleach in a doctor's office?

NO! Why? Because it smells, and it is not healthy!

Did you also know bleach was invented in the late 40's? It's chlorine, folks! And it was used to kill our troops.

Peroxide was invented during WWI in the 20's. It was used to save and help cleanse the needs of our troops and hospitals.

Please think about this:

1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out.

No more canker sores, and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.

2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep them free of germs.

3. Clean your counters and table tops with peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dish cloth when you wipe, or spray it on the counters.

4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.

5. I had fungus on my feet for years until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.

6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine but was healed by soaking in peroxide.

7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other Disinfectants will.

8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes, and then blow your nose into a tissue.

9. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.

10. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide-burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, reddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually, so it's not a drastic change.

11. Put half a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help get rid of boils, fungus, or other skin infections.

12. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour it directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.

13. Another place it's great is in the bathroom, if someone has been careless & has peed on the floor around the toilet & it's begun to smell of urine. Just put some peroxide in a spray bottle & spray. In the blink of any eye all the smell will be gone & the bacteria eliminated!

This information really woke me up. I hope you gain something from this.

If you are like me and enjoy DATY a peroxide mouth rinse may keep you safe.

Kudos to Jaguars49.

A great post. You did some reading and brought some very pertinant info to the forum.

However, peroxide has been used by hospitals over the years as a cleansing agent for delicate instrumentation, not as a disinfectant. It does have mild disinfencting qualities, but it is mostly in decreasing bioload by physically bubbling crud away over time. If it were an effective disinfectant, hospitals would be using it on everything because it is cheap and doesn't smell.

As for protecting you after a DATY encounter, wow friend, you need some better information. PLEASE talk candidly to a health care professional.

Metaphoricly, you're waving a BB gun at some really mean street thugs.

04-25-11, 13:41
I I have began to use peroxide after DATY sessions and I can say definitively, my teeth are several shades whiter and I've lost all desire to smoke cigars. As always YMMV with use.

Jaguars49To play off of Meatloaf's song lyrics (2 out of 3 ain't bad). In this case, One out of 2 ain't bad.

Whiter teeth are great. But losing your desire for a fine cigar, that my friend may not be a benefit of using H2O2. I rather enjoy a fine cigar, especially after some tasty DATY and other sundry sexual exploitations. Maybe cut back to using half the amount of H2O2, and it will whiten your teeth, kill any germs and leave the desire for the cigar.

04-25-11, 17:28
After further reflection on the topic, I realized I've never cared for cigars however I still love to DATY!


To play off of Meatloaf's song lyrics (2 out of 3 ain't bad). In this case, One out of 2 ain't bad.

Whiter teeth are great. But losing your desire for a fine cigar, that my friend may not be a benefit of using H2O2. I rather enjoy a fine cigar, especially after some tasty DATY and other sundry sexual exploitations. Maybe cut back to using half the amount of H2O2, and it will whiten your teeth, kill any germs and leave the desire for the cigar.

CMH Hobbiest
04-26-11, 00:37
So its been a good couple of weeks! First off, kudos to Jaguars for his recommendation on Chrissy! Had a great time at her place; plenty of DATY, BBBJ and multiple positions with a doggy finish.

Then, kudos go out to Kidolds and again Jaguars for the connection with Jess. WOW! Best BBBJCIMWS in a long, long time! This girl knows what she's doing and I agree with Jag maybe 19 y/o not 23 that she told me.

Hit a streak of luck lately I guess. Threw a post out on Craig's and got a gem! Far East side, dirty blond. 5'3".110, real 100% GFE did I mention 100% GFE! Lots of DFK, DATY, BBBJ and CFS in many positions! This was a little more than SW rate but I will repeat! $.5

Today, I decided to cruise my loop on the way home. Several WSW on Sully but not what I was looking for tonight. S High was busy, which is where I found Vanessa, almost a BBW but not quite. Maybe 5'6".150, dark hair, Puerto Rican with nice tits and nipples that popped to attention from a little sucking. Jackson for BBBJCIM with a lot of nipple / pussy play. I have untested digits but plan to test them soon!

I'm willing to share with SENIORS or others who have shared with me!

CMH Hobbiest
04-26-11, 01:00
I also wanted to mention that Vanessa gave me a warning. There is a tall red head with shorter hair along S High, nice looking on the drive by. Vanessa said that it's a TS with real tits but also fairly well hung. Probably not a bad find if that's your thing, Just not mine. I can't confirm or deny this so take it for what its worth. Just thought I'd pass it along.

Monger Forever
04-26-11, 01:34
Sullivant and wilson buffet $40 for GFE 30 yr old petite sexy blonde worth the hunt just did her in my rig behind papa johns. No digits and leo is heavy in area so best careful.

Monger Forever
04-26-11, 02:44
5 minutes after blonde walks up a smoking hot brunette 23 named amanda OMG GFE $40 I love this city. Usually when I am hunting in a strange city I have little to no luck not here thanks to the great reports only here. Ty for great reports guys!

Harry Harper
04-26-11, 06:58
Went for a tour through the neighborhood yesterday. LEO was everywhere, people were everywhere and mongers were everywhere. To much to keep track of. Drivers wanted to travel 50 on posted 25 areas, it was nuts. Did see alot but turn arounds did not pan out.


Rack Pat
04-26-11, 17:53
Does anyone have any info on a WSW I saw southbound on Hague? Blonde, nice body, looked about 35-40, wearing jeans and carrying her jacket. Shoulder length hair and very clean looking. I circled twice but she got into another car. Lucky monger.

Sound familiar to anyone?

04-26-11, 19:51
I finally made it back to Columbus. One night only again. I decided to save some money and look for a SW rather than the BP route. I drove south on Cleveland to Broad and went West. I was surprised by the number of WSW I saw. I dropped down to Sully and drove it till it ended (I wasn't sure how far to go). I went back (pretty far) and saw at least 3 or 4 girls. Saw a really decent looking (at least from the window) blond. However, I was in the wrong lane and a van swooped in and snagged her. I saw a brunette sitting on some steps and I went back to get her. She definitely looked better from the car than when she got it but she was decent enough. She said she was new to the area and didn't know where to park so asked if I had a place. I had a hotel about 10 minutes away but I was only looking for HJ (maybe CBJ) and didn't want to take 10 minutes to drive there and another 10 to drive back but Melanie insisted. That made me a bit nervous but went to hotel anyway.

We get in the room and she just sits there and asks me what she should do. I said let's take your top off and pull off her shirt and bra. Her tits are small and flabby. Up until this time I thought she would have been in late 20's because she looks pretty thin and trim but I think her flabby tits mean she was probably in late 30's (I'm no expert).

I get naked and give her some lotion and she gives a pretty decent HJ and actually got into it and talked dirty some. She was friendly and fun and made it worthwhile. I paid her 20 bucks and we head back to the car and I drop her off near where I picked her up.

Be Safe,


Cbus Bigguy
04-26-11, 23:23
Did she have scars on her belly? High cheek bones?

I finally made it back to Columbus. One night only again. I decided to save some money and look for a SW rather than the BP route. I drove south on Cleveland to Broad and went West. I was surprised by the number of WSW I saw. I dropped down to Sully and drove it till it ended (I wasn't sure how far to go). I went back (pretty far) and saw at least 3 or 4 girls. Saw a really decent looking (at least from the window) blond. However, I was in the wrong lane and a van swooped in and snagged her. I saw a brunette sitting on some steps and I went back to get her. She definitely looked better from the car than when she got it but she was decent enough. She said she was new to the area and didn't know where to park so asked if I had a place. I had a hotel about 10 minutes away but I was only looking for HJ (maybe CBJ) and didn't want to take 10 minutes to drive there and another 10 to drive back but Melanie insisted. That made me a bit nervous but went to hotel anyway.

We get in the room and she just sits there and asks me what she should do. I said let's take your top off and pull off her shirt and bra. Her tits are small and flabby. Up until this time I thought she would have been in late 20's because she looks pretty thin and trim but I think her flabby tits mean she was probably in late 30's (I'm no expert).

I get naked and give her some lotion and she gives a pretty decent HJ and actually got into it and talked dirty some. She was friendly and fun and made it worthwhile. I paid her 20 bucks and we head back to the car and I drop her off near where I picked her up.

Be Safe,


Monger Forever
04-27-11, 01:18
Banged same blonde again today and then a while later banged a smoking hot 25 yr old blonish with red high lights $40 each wilson and sullivant behind papa johns parked the semi there even took a nap.

Careful the school is close and a church info shopping center. I can't wait t.

O get a load back in a few weeks.

Super King
04-27-11, 01:44
I was having a pretty bad day Friday so I took the usual loop on sully to see if I could find something to help get me in a better mood. Came across charlina (sp) in the bottoms. Pickings were pretty slim and she was the best that was out. Don't get me wrong, she is not the ugliest thing I've picked up but she isn't the best I've picked up either. On a average girl scale, she would be a 5 or so. I saw her and circled a couple of times to make sure the area was clear, there was a heavy LE presence out. I picked her up on Avondale and headed east on sully. She actually remembered me picking her up last fall so that was a bonus in my books. Went to a little spot I'm comfortable with and she gave me on of the better BBBJ I've had in a while. She took her time and didn't complain that it took a while, she just switched up her technique and tried even harder. After about 20 minutes I finally unleashed my load which she happily swallowed. Unfortantly no digits were available. She is around 5'5, 160lbs or so, dirty blode hair (closer to light brown) , and freckles. She isn't out much but if you can find her you won't regret it!

Stay safe and good luck hunting. Watch you six! Shaleena. Yep, she is awesome, one of the best in town.

04-27-11, 06:13
Sullivant and wilson buffet $40 for GFE 30 yr old petite sexy blonde worth the hunt just did her in my rig behind papa johns. No digits and leo is heavy in area so best careful.Thanks for the info; what time of day / night did you find these gems? What day?

Monger Forever
04-27-11, 12:26
Thanks for the info; what time of day / night did you find these gems? What day?Monday was real later night. And Tuesday was around 5 pm it worked easy for me I just satt info semi waited and they walked up to me.

04-27-11, 18:08
I disagree. I have caught her going through my shit. She seems to have good and bad days, like many of the girls.

Shaleena. Yep, she is awesome, one of the best in town.Also, did anybody notice that our hobby got a little attention at 10tv. Hope everybody here was watching their 6 and obeying the rules of mongering.

04-28-11, 08:02
I disagree. I have caught her going through my shit. She seems to have good and bad days, like many of the girls.

Also, did anybody notice that our hobby got a little attention at 10tv. Hope everybody here was watching their 6 and obeying the rules of mongering. Here's the link:


04-28-11, 14:28
I hope this was none of our members. Be careful out there.



04-28-11, 14:29
I want to preface this report with several caveats.

1. It is long.

2. I know that it should possibly be posted in "General Reports" or perhaps "Escorts"

3. Chrissy isn't a SW

Thursday evening, as a result of a power failure along the Great White Way where I work, I found myself with some unexpected free time on my hands. It was raining like crazy and I needed some gas I figured it would be a nice time to take a drive and see what was happening. After checking GasBuddy. Com I headed south to Columbus / Broad Street where I found gas for $3. 74 a gallon.

After getting fuel I decided to see if my favorite redhead was available. I called Chrissy at 9:15 and lo and behold she answered. I asked if she was busy. Her reply made me smile when she said 'I just got out of the shower before going to bed but I always have time for you Jack'! The lady knows how to make me feel good by saying just what I need to hear.

I headed west and by 9:30PM I was at the front door of her apartment. Chrissy greeted me with a hug, a smile and a DFK and said 'come on in sweetie, its great to see you'! I was pleasantly surprised that she had done some housekeeping and her apartment was neater since loosing the roommate.

With no further preliminaries necessary she led me to her bedroom where she proceeded to undress me and explore my body with some nice kisses, licks and sucks here and there.

She undressed slowly and allowed me to enjoy the view of her cute little spinner body as I lay on her bed. At maybe 5'3' and 100 lbs. She is all of a size 1 or 2. She came to me with anxious hands and warm kisses and shared with me that she was very glad I called because she was horny. She began kissing my chest and worked her way down to my little friend.

It is really hard to say which things about her I enjoy about her the most. She has long straight red hair almost down to her cute little ass that drives me wild. Or perhaps it's that she loves sex and pleasing a man as she pleases herself. She loves to give oral and spent more than 30 minutes sucking my cock, licking and kissing my balls. Every time I was really beginning to get close she would stop and we would talk for a few minutes then back to work she would go. Oh! Did I mention her unbelievable ability to do a very nice DT without gagging as she smiled at me?

Perhaps it is her attitude that I really enjoy. She is always positive, upbeat and happy. In all of the times I've seen Chrissy she has never talked about A. Her Dealer (there isn't one) B. Her ex. C. Her roommates or their issues. D. How broke she was and that I should give her more $ because she is worth so much more. E. Her legal issues (there aren't any) F. Her screwed up kids (they are really cute kids that are good as well. She will show you their pics if you ask nicely) G. How fucked up and miserable her life is.

Maybe it is her attitude. She loves to please and she knows why I come over. Yes we both know it is a business arrangement but it is really a GFE experience for me every time because she goes out of her way to make me feel good. Maybe it's the fact that she is almost always just out of the shower and fresh and smelling and tasting sweet. On one occasion she actually took a quick shower just for me. Perhaps it is because she is a good person who has a great personality and a great sense of humor. It's really hard to determine what I like most about her.

Chrissy apparently doesn't have a clock because she never worries about time. For her, it all about the experience and the pleasure of the visit. I was there for about 2 hours or a bit more last night. Between her attitude, skills and everything a visit is always more than I could normally hope for.

But I digress from the event. During the extended BBBJ session we started talking about pictures. I love to take pictures and she loves to have pictures taken. She slipped on a couple of different teddies, brushed her hair and applied fresh lipstick and I took some pictures that I will share here for your enjoyment as well as mine. She is sexy and loves to show that to the camera. I plan to take her out to lunch and an extended photo session out in one of our local parks for some 'G' rated photos soon. She showed me a lot of Chrissy and her smile and sexy attitude.

Honestly I've come to know that Chrissy enjoys sex as much as I do, both giving and receiving. So after the photo session she quickly went back to entertaining my friend with some awesome BBBJ. After about 5 minutes of pure bliss she suddenly stopped and looked me in the eyes and said' Jack I want you now and I can't wait any longer I an so horny and so ready to have you in me'. How could I say no to that? She applied the fowl weather gear. She likes CG as well as I do and mounted me quickly. I slid into her hot ready wetness and she began to ride slowly. Did I mention that even with having had children that she is finger tight? She also loves to be fingered as you DATY.

My plan had been to enjoy some DATY, K-9, CG, RCG then finish with a modified MISH. Well that never happened. She had me pinned to the bed in her CG and as she rode me she kissed my chest and stroked my face and hair. After her changing the speed and variety of her stroke patterns I was only able to hold out for 10 minutes before blowing a major load. She had her O as well.

She stayed there astride me for a few minutes as we talked about several things. She shared that a good number of my fellow hobbyist's have paid a call and respects to her as a result of my referrals and that she had enjoyed and appreciated their visits. She shared that several visitors had driven some great distances of 70 miles and more to visit. If you haven't had a chance to see her now would be a great time for her.

As always I asked how things are for her financially. Due to the economy and the weather as well as a roommate that skipped and a few other things (someone stole her daughters birthday bike that she had to replace) she has been tight financially this month.

Her rent is due on the first of May and she is concerned that she won't be able to have it all together. This is not information she dropped on me. I had to ask her to tell me. If four of five of my fellow hobbyist's would pay her a visit she would be very grateful to you. I would also be grateful as I don't want to see her have to go through a hassle or move. I left her with my usual donation. I would have left more if I hadn't spent nearly $70 to fill my car. Geeze, this hobby is getting expensive but we all have Me Obamasan to thank for his hope and change for higher prices on everything.

If you are up for the experience and you don't have her digits PM me for that info. As always this applies to Senior Members and Trusted Regulars. If you need to ask me why I have that rule, don't PM me. She is UTR and wants to stay that way. I won't do anything that I have any reason to think might be unkind to her. I also have more pics than posted here.

If you visit, take your best manners and a good attitude and be ready to enjoy yourself she is one of My ATFs and everyone who has seen her and sent me feedback raves about her. Don't be shy, tell her what you like and she will deliver because she offers a full menu of services with the exception of S&M, pain, SCAT or showers. A$ makes the menu available with my referral.

Treat her with respect and she does the same. Give her pleasure and she does the same 10 times over for you. Treat her like a GFE if that is what you like and that is what she will provide for you as she does for me. As always gentlemen, YMMV so take your time and have it your way.

After leaving Chrissy's last night I made the stroll up and down Broad and Sully for informational purposes only as I was tapped out. Even with the rain there was plenty of action to be had on the entire route. I saw at least 11 different WSW that were all good or better on the scale. LEO was very present but there were also a good number of hobbyist's out and about. I sure wish I had some deeper pockets because last night was really choice for the hobbyist's who were out. I made my way back north via Cleveland Ave. Which also had an excellent selection of WSW however at 11:30 there were no BSW to be seen. Again I really wish I had deep pockets last night. It would have been a marathon evening for me because of the wide selection of providers available.

Good Hunting and be safe always,


04-28-11, 14:33
Glad to say I had no knowledge of that operation!

Here's the link:


04-28-11, 22:43
Driving along Sullivant early Wednesday morning (4-6:30) , I noticed two CPD cruisers, with their headlights off and facing opposite directions crouching in the alley just south of the avenue. There were a few familiar SWs out (Brandy, Sarah, etc.) , and one or two unfamiliar ones as well. I stuck around for a bit, hoping the decoy would reveal herself, but no such luck. I wonder if "The Bottoms" was the other neighborhood mentioned in the news articles posted below.

Monger Forever
04-29-11, 00:09
Sucks if they mess up the play ground I had a blast while I was in town there. You guys are lucky I live in Peoria Il and it sucks here you can drive all day and night and not even see 1 SW WTF. I like the parking and picking the girls it was a blast and I am anxious to get back and play some more. Next time maybe I can get lucky and get the girl to goto the truck stop and have the fun in the shower at the truck stop have some fresh soapy clean fun LOL. Next time I will try to get pictures I was so horny this time I forgot about pics The blonde and red head I asked if I could take pics and they said no. The brunette well she was so sexy I skipped asking for pics I had to hit that honey pot asap and hard.

04-29-11, 10:12
Got off the leash again yesterday and headed for the west side. Saw one very nice college looking girl in a baby blue sweater, but someone beat me to the punch. Also saw some nastys. Then ran across Mandi at Sully by the DQ. Tall, thin redhead wearing holy jeans and a tank top. Swooped in.

And made the pick.

Says she is 23, no kids. Obviously high on something, but still managed a decent conversation. Cute face with freckles, but brownish teeth. No makeup, but smelled good. Hair in a ponytail.

Took her back to the room. Very nice body on this one, nothing out of place. Only complaint was that she had stubbly legs. Clean shaven "elsewhere" though.

Started with very nice BBBJ then great technique on CG. Beautiful view on k9, then I wanted to finish BBBJCIM. Cost was. 4 plus. 1 tip. Would definitely repeat, but no phone. Decent attitude especially once she sobered up. Even insisted on buying me ice cream. Dropped her at Wedgewood.

04-29-11, 11:10
Recently I had a request for digits from Hotrod43. He is a "Senior" from Newark, OH. He has no recent posts and posts only very occasionally over the last 5 years. Is there anyone who can vouch for him before I share digits? The gut is very leary of sharing at this time. Please respond ASAP.

Also I want to give kudos to L Dog for good intel and sharing digits and valuable other assets. I can vouch for him as a team player!


This is one of my ATFs. Man do I love to hit this as often as possible. Her digits are available to Seniors and Trusted Regulars as are Chrissys.