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09-14-10, 19:28
If it's her you better start getting checked by the doctor as you may now have a life threatening disease. And yes, it's exactly what you are thinking.Where did you hear that Megan had a life threatening disease? I know her sister has been rumored to have one, but I've never heard the same about Megan.

09-14-10, 22:53
Where did you hear that Megan had a life threatening disease? I know her sister has been rumored to have one, but I've never heard the same about Megan.I have heard it for a few years now from some of the other girls who know her. Never heard it about Lil red though, just Magen.

09-15-10, 01:23
Do a little research and you will find out for yourself. Cover up boys or you are just asking for trouble.I've done reserch on it, and you can get some STDs from a blow-job, none of which are in the category of "life-threatening". Which I guess is why you didn't post your claims, because they would've been easily refuted by facts.

09-15-10, 08:31
Those of you who pmed about her pm me with an email address so I can forward pics.

09-15-10, 11:46
Anyone know how to get w hold of her or her "sister?"

Dads Extra Fun
09-15-10, 13:04
I'd seen her around before. But given a pass based on better selection. This afternoon she was the best of during the hunt so gave it a try. Not impressed with skills. Wasn't doing anything for me so stopped the date. Donated something for the effort. By the time I dropped her off I saw 3 potentials.

First may not have been SW but then again... About 5'7", dark brown hair and blue track suit. Appearred in early 20s. Second was a 5'8 or 9" blond with nice curves and a white tank top. Definitely SW. Last was about 5'4 brown hair with slim build. She met up with Charlene abou 10 minutes after my drop off. Had to get back to work so couldn't investigate any of these. This was about 12:45.

Dads Extra Fun
09-15-10, 13:08
Has anyone seen her in the last month. She was typically on S High near funeral parlor. Was hitting it weekly then went on vacation. Haven't seen her since. She had great skills.

09-15-10, 18:04
I have heard it for a few years now from some of the other girls who know her. Never heard it about Lil red though, just Magen.Correct me if I'm wrong, but Megan is Lil Red.

Rack Pat
09-15-10, 21:21
Megan Wymer IS Lil Red. Her sister is Jennifer and their mom is Tammie.

Does anyone know the brunette on Avondale and Sully with the cute face and huge cans? Didn't pick her up but should have. Looked about 22.

09-15-10, 22:37
Hit the bottoms and hilltop Monday night from 9pm to 11pm. Seen 12 sw between both areas. Six of them were a 6 or better and six of them were fat. Picked up Maria at Sully and Dakota. Got a nice bbbjcim while I played with her ginger. Hairy ginger, but nice ass to play with. She kinda did a rush job. I would not see her again.

09-15-10, 22:53
Correct me if I'm wrong... but Megan IS Lil Red.

Megan's sister is Lil red. Correct me if I'm wrong. The younger is Lil red. Megan is the older one. If I am wrong, I apologize.

09-15-10, 23:05
I've done reserch on it, and you can get some STDs from a blow-job, none of which are in the category of "life-threatening". Which I guess is why you didn't post your claims, because they would've been easily refuted by facts.

Where exactly do you get YOUR facts? Every link I have researched clearly shows you CAN get HIV through oral sex;






Why must I post the sources? A simple google search gives all of the same results. Are you going to refute these links? If you aren't satisfied with these, google it. Their are thousands of links. Then again, maybe you don't consider HIV life threatening. If that is the case, then we are just on two different pages. Sorry, I consider HIV life threatening.

09-16-10, 04:17
Where exactly do you get YOUR facts? Every link I have researched clearly shows you CAN get HIV through oral sex;






Why must I post the sources? A simple google search gives all of the same results. Are you going to refute these links? If you aren't satisfied with these, google it. Their are thousands of links. Then again, maybe you don't consider HIV life threatening. If that is the case, then we are just on two different pages. Sorry, I consider HIV life threatening.

Dude, you tried to freak someone out by telling him he had to go to a doctor because there's a good chance he just contracted HIV.

Yes, I can google myself, and I get stuff like this:

There are a few known cases of people getting HIV from giving oral sex (licking or sucking). There are no known cases of someone getting HIV from receiving oral sex (being licked or sucked). http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/hiv?page=basics-00-08

You cannot get HIV from contact with saliva alone, so insertive oral sex (that is a man receiving oral sex) is safe. The only way insertive oral sex could present some risk is if your sex partner had sufficient amounts of blood in her mouth (from recent dental work or other dental problems for example) and your penis came into direct contact with blood. But you’d hopefully notice if your partner had blood in her mouth.

You can get other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from insertive oral sex. The more common ones include gonorrhea, chlamydia, and non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU). These usually can be treated easily with antibiotics. You may also get syphilis (which usually can be treated easily with antibiotics (if identified early enough) and herpes (which can’t be cured but can be treated).http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/insite?page=ask-06-03-16

And that's what I already knew. Notice I provided quotes, unlike you who thought I'd bow down to a long list of URLs.

There aren't any documented cases of anyone getting HIV from a blow job. In theory, it can happen if someone has blood in their mouth, for example making contact with a scratch on your penis. Well, I'm not letting someone do anything if there is blood. Furthermore, it would probably have to be a lot of blood (like, someone who had just had their face beaten up), thus easily noticed...for the same reason as why people aren't getting HIV from kissing.


Now, I'll radomly click on a few of your links to get a sampling of what you googled (I'll obviously skip the CDC, because that's the government).

From your links....

There is considerable debate within the HIV/AIDS prevention community regarding the risk of transmission of HIV through oral sex. What is currently known is that there is some risk associated with performing oral sex without protection; (there have been a few documented cases of HIV transmission through oral sex). While no one knows exactly what that risk is, cumulative evidence indicates that the risk is less than that of unprotected anal or vaginal sex. The risk from receiving oral sex, for both a man and a woman, is considered to be very low.http://www.aids.org/info/hiv-from-oral-sex.html

Notice they say there are a few documented cases of people getting HIV from giving blow jobs, but they don't say that about receiving blow jobs. That's because, after decades of HIV being out there in the world, there aren't any documented cases.

(BTW, the debate they refer to is, IMO, because there are a lot of people who want the public to think all sex outside of marriage is life-threateningly dangerous, as a political agenda. That's why I wouldn't even bother clicking on the CDC web site -- which is heavily influenced by politics.)

Another of your links:
The risk of getting HIV through receiving oral sex is very, very low. We can't say that there's zero risk, because there are a few cases of HIV infection in people who have no other known risk factors for HIV.

They cannot say there's a zero risk (in theory, it could happen), so they stop one step short of that just to be on the safe side.

No reference to any documented cases. Though they aren't sure how people got HIV in some cases, so it can't be 100% ruled out. Guess what? Not everyone likes to admit what high risk behaviors they engaged in.

Also, we can imagine a scenario where an HIV-positive person's mouth is bleeding when he or she is giving oral sex. This could increase the risk of infecting the partner. But, in general, transmitting HIV to someone receiving oral sex is probably a very rare occurrence.http://www.hiv.va.gov/vahiv?page=ptfaq-2006-02-27

Again, they don't cite any documented cases. Instead, they can "imagine" "very rare" "scenerios" where it's conceivable HIV can be contracted from receiving a blow-job, if there's blood in the mouth of the person giving head.

Another of your links:

Risk is classified as either being documented (transmission that has actually occurred, been investigated, and documented in the scientific literature) or theoretical (passing an infection from one person to another is possible).... Another factor that makes risk determination difficult is the fact that most people who engage in oral sex also engage in other types of sexual practices, namely vaginal and anal intercourse. Still, there have been document cases of HIV transmission strictly from oral sex.

Theoretical Risk: With fellatio, there is a theoretical risk of transmission for the receptive partner because infected pre-ejaculate ("pre-cum") fluid or semen can get into the mouth. For the insertive partner there is a theoretical risk of infection because infected blood from a partner's bleeding gums or an open sore could come in contact with a scratch, cut, or sore on the penis.

Documented Risk: Although the risk is many times less than anal or vaginal sex, HIV has been transmitted to receptive partners through fellatio, even in cases when insertive partners didn't ejaculate.http://aids.about.com/cs/safesex/a/oralsex.htm

Notice how the risk for insertive partners (that is, the one with the penis getting sucked) is only theoretical and not documented. Notice again that the theoretcal risk is in a scenerio involving blood in the mouth.

I don't know, maybe you misread your link and thought the "receptive partner" was the one receiving the BJ, when actually that's the "insertive partner". Try and read your links more carefully next time. They refer to documented cases of the BJ giver getting HIV, but none for the BJ receiver.

In short, if the commenter who you advised to run to the doctor in fear that he's just gotten HIV actually got HIV from that SW, and it could be verified he got it from the BJ, he would make it into the medical journals as one of the rarest freak cases in HIV history. I won't hold my breath.

09-16-10, 04:26
Dude, you tried to freak someone out by telling him he had to go to a doctor because there's a good chance he just contracted HIV.

Yes, I can google myself, and I get stuff like this:



And that's what I already knew. Notice I provided quotes, unlike you who thought I'd bow down to a long links of URLs.

There aren't any documented cases of anyone getting HIV from a blow job. In theory, it can happen if someone has blood in their mouth, for example making contact with a scracth on your penis. Well, I'm not letting someone do anything if there is blood.


Now, I'll radomly click on a few of your links to get a sampling of what you googled (I'll obviously skip the CDC, because that's the government).

From your links.


Notice they say there are a few documented cases of people getting HIV from giving blow jobs, but they don't say that about recieving blow jobs. That's because, after decades of HIV being out there in the world, there aren't any documented cases.

(BTW, the debate they refer to is, IMO, because there are a lot of people who want the public to think all sex outside of marriage is life-threateningly dangerous, as a political agenda.)

Another of your links:

They cannot say there's a zero risk, so they stop one step short of that just to be on the safe side.

No reference to any documented cases. Though they aren't sure how people got HIV in some cases, so it can't be 100% ruled out. Guess what? Not everyone likes to admit what high risk behaviors they engaged in.

Cont.: http://www.hiv.va.gov/vahiv?page=ptfaq-2006-02-27

Again, they don't site any documented cases. Instead, they can "imagine" "very rare" "scenerios" where it's conceivable HIV can be contracted from receiving a blow-job, if there's blood in the mouth of the person giving head.

Another of your links:


Notice how the risk for insertive partners (that is, the one with the penis getting sucked) is only theoretical and not documented. Notice again that the theoretcal risk is in a scenerio involving blood in the mouth.

I don't know, maybe you misread your link and thought the "receptive partner" was the one receiving the BJ, when actually that's the "insertive partner". Try and read your links more carefully next time. They refer to documented cases of the BJ giver gettings HIV, but none for the BJ receiver.If there is a blood contact there is a chance of Aids that's it.

09-16-10, 06:29
Megan's sister is Lil red. Correct me if I'm wrong. The younger is Lil red. Megan is the older one. If I am wrong, I apologize.

Jennifer is the older one, Megan is Lil Red/The younger one. (This may be where all the confusion is coming from)

Rack Pat
09-16-10, 07:38
Megan Wymer IS Lil Red. Her sister is Jennifer and their mom is Tammie. In order-

Tammie - the mom, born 3/10/1964.
Jennifer - older sis, born 11/3/1987
Megan, aka Lil Red - younger sis, born 7/11/1989


Member #5600
09-16-10, 13:55
Has anyone seen her in the last month. She was typically on S High near funeral parlor. Was hitting it weekly then went on vacation. Haven't seen her since. She had great skills.She got arrested and did 3 days in the county for soliciting. Haven't seen her since.

09-16-10, 18:49
Jennifer is the older one, Megan is Lil Red/The younger one. (This may be where all the confusion is coming from)

You are correct. I got the sisters confused. It is Jennifer I was meaning to talk about. Sorry about that Kidolds. Jennifer reminded me of a girlfriend I had when I was young but her name was Megan.

09-16-10, 18:59
I don't want to sit and argue about HIV and Oral sex but the fact is you CAN get HIV from oral sex. Every source says it and it has happened. The chances are smaller then if it was intercourse but the fact is if the girl is HIV+ and performs oral sex and either gets saliva in an open wound on you or has an open sore in her own mouth (any form of bleeding), there is a possibility the guy can contract HIV. The reason I think it's a stronger possibility is because most of the girls are not exactly the most hygenic people in the world. With that comes a lack of brushing the teeth. Do you know what happens when a person does not brush there teeth as they should?.... Their gums bleed. So, not matter how remote the chance of getting something from the girl, remember, it's HIV, not Herpes. That my friend is like playing with fire.

But please don't twist the facts around to your liking. Everyone has a right to know the truth.

09-18-10, 01:37
I don't want to sit and argue about HIV and Oral sex but the fact is you CAN get HIV from oral sex. Every source says it and it has happened. The chances are smaller then if it was intercourse but the fact is if the girl is HIV+ and performs oral sex and either gets saliva in an open wound on you or has an open sore in her own mouth (any form of bleeding), there is a possibility the guy can contract HIV. The reason I think it's a stronger possibility is because most of the girls are not exactly the most hygenic people in the world. With that comes a lack of brushing the teeth. Do you know what happens when a person does not brush there teeth as they should?.... Their gums bleed. So, not matter how remote the chance of getting something from the girl, remember, it's HIV, not Herpes. That my friend is like playing with fire.

But please don't twist the facts around to your liking. Everyone has a right to know the truth.

I don't really wanna stay on this topic, but you are spreading misinformation and fear-mongering! First of all, you cannot get HIV from saliva!!!! It's amazing to me that people still don't know that saliva doesn't contain enough of the virus to transfer it. Google it! If you could get HIV from saliva, there'd be a whole lot more cases out there, including from mere kissing. Secondly, there are no documented cases of a man getting HIV from receiving a blow-job. The fact that you think people can get HIV from saliva shows why you are not really on top of the facts. The merely theoretical, un-documented ways a man could get HIV from a blow-job do not include getting it from saliva.

With that said, I did not mean to suggest that people messing around with SWs should not be concerned about STDs, including if all they are doing is getting a condomless blow-job. But outside of the most freakish situation, the list of things you can get from a blow-job are not life-threatening and mostly curable. Personally, I worry more about herpes than anything else, because although herpes is not life-threatening, once you've got it you're stuck with it. It would also be a very difficult thing to explain to your wife, if you're married.

09-18-10, 01:43
I don't want to sit and argue about HIV and Oral sex but the fact is you CAN get HIV from oral sex. Every source says it and it has happened. The chances are smaller then if it was intercourse but the fact is if the girl is HIV+ and performs oral sex and either gets saliva in an open wound on you or has an open sore in her own mouth (any form of bleeding), there is a possibility the guy can contract HIV. The reason I think it's a stronger possibility is because most of the girls are not exactly the most hygenic people in the world. With that comes a lack of brushing the teeth. Do you know what happens when a person does not brush there teeth as they should?.... Their gums bleed. So, not matter how remote the chance of getting something from the girl, remember, it's HIV, not Herpes. That my friend is like playing with fire.

But please don't twist the facts around to your liking. Everyone has a right to know the truth.

But I do take your point that SWs are more likely to have bleeding gums and so forth than other women. It is definitely good advice to take a close look at a SW before deciding not to use a condom, or even before going forward with a condom.

Rack Pat
09-18-10, 08:03
Anyone here know a tall blonde on Sully named Tina? I haven't seen her in a few months and am trying to find her again. She gives amazing service, and is a cool chick besides. There are plenty younger out there, but not as practiced. Does anyone have a lead on her please?

Humpty Dumpty
09-19-10, 12:53
Can someone point out where there are all these guys getting sick, dying right and left from getting blowjobs? You kids need to quit watching Oprah and other shows that propagate misinformation and outright lies. Can anyone explain to me why I have barebacked hundreds of ladies and I am HIV negative? Well, I will give you the answer right here. Heterosexual AIDS is a steaming pile of horseshit. Don't use needles, use a rubber for buttfucking whether you're gay or straight, don't fuck Africans(unless they're really hot) and you'll be OK. How many people do you guys know with HIV/AIDS? I know one, this gay dude who used to cut my hair when I was a kid. He died sometime in the 80s. If AIDS is really the disease that whiny liberals are making it out to be, then where are all these sick or dead heterosexual whites? The fact is, AIDS does indeed discriminate, so stick your political correctness up your bootyhoole. I am living proof that heterosexual AIDS is bullshit. Why do people not believe my reports, but take the garbage Oprah spews as the unquestionable truth?

And Rack Pat is correct about the Wymers. Older sister Jennifer is a wackjob and should be avoided. I only saw Megan aka little Red once back when she was 18. I have never seen out her out before or since! She was nice and sweet and I gave her one hell of a creampie.

09-20-10, 11:27

As a health care professional, I also have some doubts about heterosexual communicability of AIDS. All persons arrested for soliciting are tested and a positive test makes the news because it's a felony charge then. If what we've been told about the comunicability of HIV is true, wouldn't they all have it?

But, who knows the truth? As far as knowing who dies from what and how they got infected, will never be disclosed or truely reflected in statistics.. A person's HIV status is kept a secret even from doctors and nurses treating them in a hospital. AIDS is hardly ever listed as cause of death because the patient dies of pnuemonia or some other infection. Our government just isn't going to tell us the truth. Does this suprise you?

However, a provider's mouth is still an excellent place to contract syphylis, gonorhea, clamydia or a scortching case of herpes. These infections can infect any mucous membrane: mouth, urinary meatus, vagina, anus, even eyes.

Humpty, you're a braver man than I and we've both been damn lucky.

I think it's still a good idea to cover up.

Be carefull friend and check six.

Dads Extra Fun
09-20-10, 14:26
She got arrested and did 3 days in the county for soliciting. Haven't seen her since.

I appreciate the update.

Humpty Dumpty
09-20-10, 20:02

As a health care professional, I also have some doubts about heterosexual communicability of AIDS. All persons arrested for soliciting are tested and a positive test makes the news because it's a felony charge then. If what we've been told about the comunicability of HIV is true, wouldn't they all have it?

But, who knows the truth? As far as knowing who dies from what and how they got infected, will never be disclosed or truely reflected in statistics. A person's HIV status is kept a secret even from doctors and nurses treating them in a hospital. AIDS is hardly ever listed as cause of death because the patient dies of pnuemonia or some other infection. Our government just isn't going to tell us the truth. Does this suprise you?

However, a provider's mouth is still an excellent place to contract syphylis, gonorhea, clamydia or a scortching case of herpes. These infections can infect any mucous membrane: mouth, urinary meatus, vagina, anus, even eyes.

Humpty, you're a braver man than I and we've both been damn lucky.

I think it's still a good idea to cover up.

Be carefull friend and check six.Damn right. You hit the nail on the head. AIDS tests are mandatory for everyone convicted of soliciting or loitering. No way around it. And yet the only girls who we know of who have been hit with those charges are Sandra Miller, that one girl in the Dispatch recently, as well as that one hoho who died. Where are all these HIV positive hohos? Quite a few with Hep C, yes. But not AIDS.

You raise some good points on causes of death. Here is another point; In Africa, they lack coroner reporting like we do. Any disease in which a person wastes away, like malaria, is usually blamed on AIDS. That dude who sang for the Badlands died of stomach cancer caused by AIDS. But stomach cancer was the cause of death. (He got the disease from sharing needles) Government lies and misinformation are only made worse by our hypochondriac, scaremonger, muckraking mass media.

But for a medical professional, it might be a good idea to learn the correct spelling of the diseases you mentioned.

Here is another few points for you guys:

How come no girls have come forward saying Eazy E or Magic Johnson infected them?

There is a window period for HIV infection. 3 months tops usually, for HIV antibodies to show up in a blood or saliva test. How long did Magic Johnson get infected, meet and marry his wife, then came a positive test. All this while, he never infected his wife. How long had he been fucking his wife, as well as other ladies, without his knowledge that he had it, and they never got infected?

09-21-10, 03:23
Im bored...need a smoker chick...a party girl to kick it with. Anyone have some digits???

Chris H
09-21-10, 21:01
Well, this weeks SLAMMER mag had Shadows girl Maranda in it. Its interesting that she uses her real name on the streets.

Chris H

Chris H
09-21-10, 21:12
Just a quick question, who is the monger in the wheelchair? Now thats straight pimpn!

09-22-10, 07:59
Well, this weeks SLAMMER mag had Shadows girl Maranda in it. Its interesting that she uses her real name on the streets.

Chris HSaw her Sunday. Said she was in for 19 days.

She originally used Nicole-her middlename.

Still the best BJ on Cleve,

Edited: But then again, Jess(ica), Tina and Monnica from Cleve, Brianna and Tonya from Main, and TT (short for Tatiana) and Tiera use their real names.

Chris H
09-23-10, 15:26
Had a session with a wsw name Treasure. Found her on Cleveland and Hudson, I think the guys who like the wsw, would enjoy her services.

Chris H

09-23-10, 22:15
Need someone to join seniors are anyone who wants to share please do might even let you use the room.

Humpty Dumpty
09-24-10, 10:18
So I drove down Broad and construction was a hassle, and not good for my vehicle's terrible suspension. But I saw a lady at Broad and Wheatland and I picked her up in the alley.

She goes under the pseudonym Stacy, who I think may have been mentioned here before, brown hair, average build, pretty face. She is 21 now. I guess she was out of circulation for a while but now she is back. Anyhow, we went to a place we mutually agreed on and got to work. BBBJ followed by BBFS with creampie. Damage was 25. She whined about getting pregnant saying she had not picked up her birth control pills.

Then I met Krystal with big tits. She is a little on the heavy side, 25, kinda plain jane face but oh well. She picked the spot and it was a good one that I will use in the future. BBBJ followed by BBFS with creampie. Damage was 25. Sullivant by Wendy's.

Anyone got some numbers? Send em here. Recently the numbers I have been calling are the landlines of very angry parents. Why do SWs insist on giving out their parents' landlines as contact info? Recently several moms have given me a major tongue lashing.

Rockout Cbus
09-25-10, 18:37
Had a session with a wsw name Treasure. Found her on Cleveland and Hudson, I think the guys who like the wsw, would enjoy her services.

Chris HI saw treasure near the corner of Hudson and Cleveland about a month ago but have not seen her since. Just did BBBJ (20), but really enjoyed it. She was clean and lucid for a SW. She took me to her spot, which is behind the place she supposedly lives. Seemed like a safe spot. If I remember correctly she showed me a hairy muff, but I did not partake. Didn't see the tits, but I remember that they felt spectacular over her shirt. I have gone out specifically to find her, sadly with no luck.

Claimed she was staying in the second apartment from the end and I could knock and ask for her. Not too comfortable with that. Is she still hanging around the same spot?

Is it just me or has Hudson dried up?

09-25-10, 19:57
Quick BBBJ, not into it at all.

There will be no next time.

Chris H
09-26-10, 17:21
I saw treasure near the corner of Hudson and Cleveland about a month ago but have not seen her since. Just did BBBJ (20), but really enjoyed it. She was clean and lucid for a SW. She took me to her spot, which is behind the place she supposedly lives. Seemed like a safe spot. If I remember correctly she showed me a hairy muff, but I did not partake. Didn't see the tits, but I remember that they felt spectacular over her shirt. I have gone out specifically to find her, sadly with no luck.

Claimed she was staying in the second apartment from the end and I could knock and ask for her. Not too comfortable with that. Is she still hanging around the same spot?

Is it just me or has Hudson dried up?

Yup..she is still in the same area, and I think she said that she hangs on Avondale also. You are right she does have good BBBJ skills.

Chris H

Humpty Dumpty
09-26-10, 18:19
A couple good finds. First, our adventure starts on Sullivant and West Park where I met Kristina. 21, WSW, slender build, shaved. Went to my hotel and she wanted to get a rubber, but of course I said no. She got naked and damn did she look good. BBBJ followed by BBFS with creampie. Damage was 35.

Then I met Shay at the Marathon near Demorest. WSW, 24, a couple extra pounds but cute. At first I did not think she was a working girl because she would not make eye contact and acted indignant at first when I pulled up to her and asked her some questions. Then she got in. Seemed very nervous and whined about how I was probably a cop. She wanted to use a condom, I said no. BBBJ followed by BBFS with creampie. Damage was 30. I looked up her name on the court's website, she just has traffic arrests.

I would definitely repeat with both ladies.

Rockout Cbus
09-27-10, 00:20
Yup..she is still in the same area, and I think she said that she hangs on Avondale also. You are right she does have good BBBJ skills.

Chris HUnfortunately I went looking for treasure today and found something else near the apartments. Shorter blonde, heavier than I typically consider. I was really only talking to her to find treasure, but thought, 'while I am here why not try something new'. Mistake.

She took me into the last apartment in the building. It was open and empty. I was paranoid because she kept taking her clothes off, which was clearly visible from the outside of the apt because of open windows and no door. She would not keep her sweatshirt on, which is the only thing separating me from those nasty saggy titties. I tried to get her to service me while standing in the corner out of the line of sight outside. But she kept insisting I sit down, kept playing with herself, and not taking care of me. Kept complaining about being homeless and complaining that some guy last night was rough with her. I was about to strangle her myself. After around 20 seconds of sucking, she told me to work on myself and she would catch, which progressed into her ignoring me and playing with herself. I was so disgusted I ran out of there. Unfortunately do not remember her name, because she deserves to be blacklisted. Good news is that a guy calling himself 'smooth' outside of the apartment told me to let him know I had any 'problems around here and he would take care of them'. Skinny older black guy dressed in all white. At first I thought he was a pastor or something. Strange.

Overall, a shitty experience.

Saturday. After driving down sullivant for hours (I was out too early. Before 11:00) finally found Barbra.there was nothing else out. Picked up at marathon, went to her place at first alley on Nashoba off sullivant. Probably in her 40s. Good attitude, but I am glad the lights were low at her place. Covered BJ and reverse CG. She was eager to please, but she is high mileage. I was never going to cum, so I finished myself while she licked the boys. Damage $26.

Of course on the way home back down towards the bottoms I spotted many (atleast 3 between Marathon and bridge) including the freckled one (Shalena?).

Have seen Kat (usually near westwood) a few times recently after I met her in my neighborhood (quite a distance away from the usual spots)a few weeks ago and drove her 'home' to some place in Canal Winchester. Of course I was rewarded for my kindness. Shares a phone with her sister. Great attitude and really sweet girl. I think they have an apartment in the area but always do rolling BBBJ car dates with her.

Anyone know Lynn from Hudson area and know if she is still around?

Humpty Dumpty
09-27-10, 19:46
Can someone post a description of Treasure? I saw a very fine white lady riding a bicycle near Cleveland and Hudson at 5 PM Monday. Not much older than 18. I did not stop because I had some other matters to attend to. Not to mention there was heavy traffic.

About Smooth, any random gentleman going under a pseudonym in that area is probably not trustworthy. But since he was older, he may be OK. Who knows. Why in the hell would you go to a house in that area when theres a million safe places on the other side of 71? And why would you pick up any girl who looks remotely nasty when there are options everywhere in this city?

Yes, I have creampied Kat on 2 different occasions.

Rockout Cbus
09-27-10, 22:51
Can someone post a description of Treasure? I saw a very fine white lady riding a bicycle near Cleveland and Hudson at 5 PM Monday. Not much older than 18. I did not stop because I had some other matters to attend to. Not to mention there was heavy traffic.

About Smooth, any random gentleman going under a pseudonym in that area is probably not trustworthy. But since he was older, he may be OK. Who knows. Why in the hell would you go to a house in that area when theres a million safe places on the other side of 71? And why would you pick up any girl who looks remotely nasty when there are options everywhere in this city?

Yes, I have creampied Kat on 2 different occasions.Humpty. Was on two wheels and her nasty titties were only shown after we had gotten started. Relocation was not an option.

I have no intention making friends with 'smooth'

Got a call from and saw 26-27 year old brunette fellatrix Shannon tonight. Simply the best. Anyone else know and see her? Sounds like she is on the outs with her friend in Hilliard so she is on the prowl. Also sounds like she has been hanging out more in the Bottoms / Hilltop area. Picked her up near Rich and Dakota. Damage. 39 for fantastic BBBJ. Such a sweet girl, great attitude and super fun girl. In another life.

Humpty Dumpty
09-28-10, 07:15
5 AM Tuesday morning, the rain was pouring and Broad St was bumpy with its protruding manholes. I saw Stacy again at Broad and Wheatland. I really wanted to sample someone new, but I was tired and didn't wanna waste time and gas. Besides, she looks good, has good attitude and skills. The rain provided us the opportunity to do it on a side street. Can't believe she wanted to do it in an alley, fuck that. BBBJ followed by BBFSCIP. Next time I will just get the BBBJCIM because she is quite skilled at that. Damage again was 25. Then I went to Tommy's for breakfast and now I have indigestion.

Hi Tek
09-29-10, 00:33
Picked her up off sully and Dakota.

BSW curvy, decent face bbbj rushed wasn't impressed. Won't repeat

Humpty Dumpty
09-29-10, 01:20
I met an unusual lady tonight. Things did not go well. Got the hell out of that area. Details later. I am willing to bet she was just retarded rather than UCLE. Thin WSW, aged 25 to 30, wearing jeans and blue shirt on Hudson. Decent looking lady, but dumber than a box of rocks. Would not pick her up even if it is confirmed she is legit SW.

Police presence was astronomical. Found Chelsea again on South High by Buckeye Donuts, did BBBJ and BBFSCIP again for 25.

Chris H
09-29-10, 05:48
Picked her up off sully and Dakota.

BSW curvy, decent face bbbj rushed wasn't impressed. Won't repeat

I see Mercedes got you with her rush service, sorry to hear that she is still doing that to people.

Humpty Dumpty
09-30-10, 05:21
So anyhow, I called this girl "Ashley" and she sent me her pic, etc. told me to come over to her place. Well, the address she gave me might be false. Then when I called, she said she was moving her baby to her friend's apartment. I was parked at a vantage point where I could see everything, and nothing like this was going on. There was no baby. There was no female friend. After 20 minutes of waiting and getting a bad feeling, I noticed a pretty lady in a pink sweatshirt walking, talking to a man in a newer bright yellow car. Red flag. The car drove off, and I walked up to her.

This was when she demanded money right then and there. She claimed she had been mistreated before, ripped off, blah blah blah. Finally, I said no, I cannot do that. Lets go to your place and get comfortable first. She said no, demanding money before we got to her place. She looked good, and it pained me to do it, but I walked away.

I called her to tell her that I was gonna inform her landlord, the cops, and CL that she had staged a robbery attempt. Then it sounded as if someone grabbed the phone out of her hand, and what sounded like an agitated white male who thought we was black began screaming and threatening me. "We didn't do nuthin wrong, beeyotch! Come back over here, Ima kill you!" So apparently this accomplice was lying in wait the entire time. He probably beat Ashley for botching the robbery.

I laughed at him. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" I told him.

The purported address of the robber is 4797 Mockingbird Court South. Its in some townhome complex, I'll find it later. The robber's phone number is 406-3506. She sent this pic, and I think the pic might be fake. The robber was skinnier, prettier, had bleary eyes, maybe from doing drugs.

Fyt Jackass
09-30-10, 16:49
So anyhow, I called this girl "Ashley" and she sent me her pic, etc. told me to come over to her place. Well, the address she gave me might be false. Then when I called, she said she was moving her baby to her friend's apartment. I was parked at a vantage point where I could see everything, and nothing like this was going on. There was no baby. There was no female friend. After 20 minutes of waiting and getting a bad feeling, I noticed a pretty lady in a pink sweatshirt walking, talking to a man in a newer bright yellow car. Red flag. The car drove off, and I walked up to her.

This was when she demanded money right then and there. She claimed she had been mistreated before, ripped off, blah blah blah. Finally, I said no, I cannot do that. Lets go to your place and get comfortable first. She said no, demanding money before we got to her place. She looked good, and it pained me to do it, but I walked away.

I called her to tell her that I was gonna inform her landlord, the cops, and CL that she had staged a robbery attempt. Then it sounded as if someone grabbed the phone out of her hand, and what sounded like an agitated white male who thought we was black began screaming and threatening me. "We didn't do nuthin wrong, beeyotch! Come back over here, Ima kill you!" So apparently this accomplice was lying in wait the entire time. He probably beat Ashley for botching the robbery.

I laughed at him. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" I told him.

The purported address of the robber is 4797 Mockingbird Court South. Its in some townhome complex, I'll find it later. The robber's phone number is 406-3506. She sent this pic, and I think the pic might be fake. The robber was skinnier, prettier, had bleary eyes, maybe from doing drugs.Attention ! Yes, I confirmed that this young lady is a robber ! Shit ! Don't call this girl. Bad experience. I am not as lucky as Humpty Dumpty.

Fyt Jackass
09-30-10, 17:02
Confirmed that I was robbed by this lady named "Ashley" today. Not as lucky as Humpty Dumpty. Should have reviewed his report first. Bad experience! The address and phone number she gave to me is exactly the same one in Humpty Dumpty's posting. Shit!

Newbie here, if anybody has a better recommendation close to Dublin, please send me the contact. I need it!

Thanks in advance.

Humpty Dumpty
09-30-10, 19:25
What the fuck are you waiting for? Call the cops.

What exactly happened, and how much cash did her and her boyfriend steal?
Did they get your cell phone or anything else?

Jackson, can I please be unmoderated? Had my report been posted when I made it, it may have saved others from being robbed. Hopefully CPD are going to pay a visit to Trashley and her boyfriend. And if there is a kid over there, Child Protective Services needs a call.

09-30-10, 22:35
So anyhow, I called this girl "Ashley" and she sent me her pic, etc. told me to come over to her place. Well, the address she gave me might be false. Then when I called, she said she was moving her baby to her friend's apartment. I was parked at a vantage point where I could see everything, and nothing like this was going on. There was no baby. There was no female friend. After 20 minutes of waiting and getting a bad feeling, I noticed a pretty lady in a pink sweatshirt walking, talking to a man in a newer bright yellow car. Red flag. The car drove off, and I walked up to her.

This was when she demanded money right then and there. She claimed she had been mistreated before, ripped off, blah blah blah. Finally, I said no, I cannot do that. Lets go to your place and get comfortable first. She said no, demanding money before we got to her place. She looked good, and it pained me to do it, but I walked away.

I called her to tell her that I was gonna inform her landlord, the cops, and CL that she had staged a robbery attempt. Then it sounded as if someone grabbed the phone out of her hand, and what sounded like an agitated white male who thought we was black began screaming and threatening me. "We didn't do nuthin wrong, beeyotch! Come back over here, Ima kill you!" So apparently this accomplice was lying in wait the entire time. He probably beat Ashley for botching the robbery.

I laughed at him. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" I told him.

The purported address of the robber is 4797 Mockingbird Court South. Its in some townhome complex, I'll find it later. The robber's phone number is 406-3506. She sent this pic, and I think the pic might be fake. The robber was skinnier, prettier, had bleary eyes, maybe from doing drugs.

That is one good thing about this board. I hope everyone reads it so that she cannot strike again.

Traveler Two
10-01-10, 01:03
I got a bad vibe from her and passed, she goes by brittney too.

Dick Hairy
10-01-10, 23:58
I have enjoyed reading posts on this board and getting good advice. Met a few gems and a few skanks, but the gems keep us all coming back.

I am trying to find the sweetest gem. Georgia. Found her on the west side-W. Broad lower hilltop (if that makes sense). She is short, thin, older Hispanic lady. We hit it off great and she gave me digits and address. Well, of course digits no longer work and she was staying with a girlfriend who got kicked out of the apt. (end of last month, I think).

Any clues would be appreciated.

Rack Pat
10-03-10, 09:28
Hey, anyone here know of a WSW on Broad near Hague named Melissa? She's petite, brunette, kinda quiet. Got a decent BBBJ from her this summer and haven't seen her since.

Humpty Dumpty
10-03-10, 19:19
Picked up Mackenzie on Parsons. Had not seen here in a while she looked good. Still, I was apprehensive about picking her up. And when she wanted a bottle of cheap wine at the store before we started the deed, I thought about leaving her there. But I went ahead and did it anyway. She was smiling and laughing for once. When we got to the undisclosed location though, things changed.

The Mackenzie I knew came out. Paranoid and whining. This started when some old bum walked fairly close to the car. He was old and carrying an open beer. Mackenzie whined that it was a cop, or he was gonna call the cops. She did not do FS like last time. BBBJ, and every couple licks was broken up by her peeping out the window nervously, and whining. She is now on my DNPU list.

I met Jessie by the library on Parsons. This girl is awesome! She is Italian and Cherokee and looks pretty dark. This girl picked out the perfect spot, and we did BBFSCIP and she did not whine about the cum or the donation. Gave me her email and last name without me asking. What an awesome find! Cant wait to repeat.

I met Shay who I think I reported about before. It was daytime, so I agree to go to her crappy apartment on Wedgewood. LE was everywhere. I was very nervous about my car. She assured me I would not get towed, nor would my car be broken into. She claimed there was only one guy in her apartment, but when we got there, there were 3. All of whom were white males aged 25 to 35, and who looked like junkies. None of them said a word or made eye contact with me, so apparently they have some manners. Did BBFSCIP for 30. She claims I am the only monger she has done that with.
When I left to go back to my car a middle aged Somali man was standing a little too close to my car and it seemed like he may have been looking inside to see what was in it. I gave him a mean look and he left.

Update on the Ashley/Brittany situation. Some guy on another board send me a message admitting that he went over there, and the boyfriend came out of the apartment saying he was a cop. Then he claimed he would arrest him for soliciting if he did not give Trashley the money. This dude fell for it and gave her 150 bucks! Soliciting is a misdemeanor. Impersonating police, robbery and extortion are felonies. Don't fall for this shit, men!

If you have new numbers of hot pretty girls, send em on over, lets trade!

10-03-10, 20:45
Hey, anyone here know of a WSW on Broad near Hague named Melissa? She's petite, brunette, kinda quiet. Got a decent BBBJ from her this summer and haven't seen her since.
Picked her up around the time when the aidsgirl's arriest broke. I got a room expecting great things. She insisted on cbj. Then to some less than stellar cg and missionary. big waste of time and money. Have had hotter times alone with my fleshlight.

Oh yea- her face is average but she is in poor health. She looked gaunt and emaciated. I actually found her stick thin rail of a body to be repulsive and had a hard time getting excited.

Anyways I might have a number she was using but unless it was free I'd rather jack off

10-03-10, 20:53
Hit all the spots Friday night around 10:330pm and there was no one out. Hit east Livingston, Parson, South high, Holltop, Bottoms, Cleveland Ave, and Hudson. Streets were empty. Looks like LE is getting the job done or there all locked up.

Blu Ray
10-03-10, 23:13
Hit all the spots Friday night around 10:330pm and there was no one out. Hit east Livingston, Parson, South high, Holltop, Bottoms, Cleveland Ave, and Hudson. Streets were empty. Looks like LE is getting the job done or there all locked up.Friday was dead nothing was to be seen, but I had a dream that Sunday night I picked up a BSW on Livingston and Seymore.Her name was Angel ,a little on the thick side, cute baby face about 19 or 20.Short date but fun bbbjcim, looks 7.5 attitude 9.5 skills 8 hope to have this dream again.

Humpty Dumpty
10-04-10, 01:23
I took a brief drive Sunday night. Cops everywhere. I saw Kristina from my previous reports but a cruiser was following her slowly. After filling up the tank I decided I would go to Tee-jaye's before going home. Then I saw 27 year old redhead Rebecca. Long hair, average build, pretty face. Did BBBJ followed by BBFSCIP. Damage was 30. No digits. She was a couple blocks west of the Marathon at Broad and Hague. Good service and good attitude, would repeat.

Oh yeah, check out my report in the Escort section. Also I am trying to figure out new ways to meet young pretty ladies for NSA BBFS, preferably that don't involve money, a significant amount of time, or maybe even the internet. So if you got any good suggestions, get in touch.

Humpty Dumpty
10-04-10, 15:02
God came and told me to quit the SW scene.

Been nice knowing you guys. It is time to move on.

10-04-10, 16:00
Went hunting last night for the first time in a while. It was fairly late (I didn't leave my house till about 12:30am), so picking were kind of slim, as it was Sunday night. I drove around for 2 hours, saw a couple of decent prospects, but they all seemed to disappear when I circled back around, or when I got closer, were horribly pock-marked/scarred.

Finally around 2:30am, near Sully/Davis, I saw a thin blond girl with a white cap and black hoodie on. I circled around, coming out near the convenience store past Davis. She jumped right in the car, and it was Savannah/Jamie (you can find out more about her from previous posts in this forum). I'd picked her up before in the past, and she remembered me, so it was off to the races we went.

She's nice and tight still, eager to please if she knows you. I picked up digits but I haven't tried them yet to see if they work (but in the past, she's been good about keeping her phone on). If you're a senior and want them, please PM me.

10-04-10, 20:39
God came and told me to quit the SW scene.

Been nice knowing you guys. It is time to move on.If so at least give us the real reason.

Humpty Dumpty
10-04-10, 23:22
I just brought God into it to be dramatic and contrite like Sullivant Guy. No, I did not get arrested, have a spiritual revelation, catch a disease, nor did I find my soul mate. I just decided this was no longer something I wanted to do. Nothing bizarre or dramatic happened at all.

But on a serious note, this is just taking up too much time that could be better spent on other things, too much money(even though I am notoriously cheap), and it is not as fun and exciting like it used to be, it has become more depressing than anything. I know the ladies of the streets will miss my sperm but I have decided it is time to move on. There are many other women out there to do the Humpty Dance with. It was kinda like when I decided to quit smoking. I just threw my pack of cigarettes out the window at some homeless bum as I drove down the road and that was the end of it.

I had the number for Kristina, I gave it out to a couple people, forget who. I deleted any numbers for hohos from my cell phone and have deleted all my messages from my inbox, so to those who I gave numbers to, give them out to whoever.

Mw Jrp
10-05-10, 08:27
It's called addiction and I'm not ready for celebacy yet; too many hot, juicy, sweet, yummy (unts to fu(k.

Many thanks for your referrals and your colorful reports.

I have a feeling you will be back. Relapse is all too common.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

10-06-10, 09:49
Been cruising Cleveland Ave since reading reports that there is action near Hudson. Cleveland Ave is kind of difficult since that are so many people out and about and waiting for bus. Hadn't been able to find anything. Sunday eve around 10:00, tried again. It was rainy and not many people out. A couple blocks north of Hudson I spotted a prospective BSW so I circled around. She was waiting for me when I reached the corner at Cleveland and aggressively waved me over. (I saw another prospect of slight build, on the next corner, so I guess when it rains, it pours)

This girl is better taken care of than most, wearing perfume and large gold earrings. Said her name was Chocolate. She told me to turn down a side street and immediately demanded, 'I want to see your dick' She started to work before ever finding a place to park. In fact, all the action occurred while driving the side streets. BBBJCIM. We returned to Cleveland and pulled over to complete the exchange. In addition to being bossy, she decided she was worth more than what I thought. She refused to get out until I had gifted.5$

A question for experienced posters. What do you do when a SW goes kind of crazy and won't get out of the car?

Chocolate – bossy, semi crazy, rushed, will not repeat.

10-06-10, 11:02
I miss the Photo section

10-06-10, 12:11
Humpty, I'm a newbie on the board. Not having lived in Columbus very long I didn't know about the level of hobbiest activity. You have given some excellent reports and insight for me.


I just brought God into it to be dramatic and contrite like Sullivant Guy. No, I did not get arrested, have a spiritual revelation, catch a disease, nor did I find my soul mate. I just decided this was no longer something I wanted to do. Nothing bizarre or dramatic happened at all.

But on a serious note, this is just taking up too much time that could be better spent on other things, too much money (even though I am notoriously cheap, and it is not as fun and exciting like it used to be, it has become more depressing than anything. I know the ladies of the streets will miss my sperm but I have decided it is time to move on. There are many other women out there to do the Humpty Dance with. It was kinda like when I decided to quit smoking. I just threw my pack of cigarettes out the window at some homeless bum as I drove down the road and that was the end of it.

I had the number for Kristina, I gave it out to a couple people, forget who. I deleted any numbers for hohos from my cell phone and have deleted all my messages from my inbox, so to those who I gave numbers to, give them out to whoever.

10-06-10, 12:28
Which means I'm the one who TOOK those photos you see of her on the various boards. I felt the way you do. That she just needed helping hand and was likely to provide a good service at the same time. Now, after taking the photos and helping her post here and elsewhere, she actually robbed me. I'm truly disappointed in her. But at the same time I learned why she's so quiet and submissive when she answers the phone. IDU. A few other things came to the surface at the same time, but I don't think I want to discuss them in public. Anyone wants the "Rest of the Story", we can discuss it in PM mode.

But I absolutely recommend staying as far away from this one as possible. I am a fairly new resident to Columbus. You mentioned other boards. I am only familiar with CL. Can you give me some direction for some hunting?


10-06-10, 14:30
I miss the Photo sectionYea. Whats up with that?

Humpty Dumpty
10-06-10, 14:48
Been cruising Cleveland Ave since reading reports that there is action near Hudson. Cleveland Ave is kind of difficult since that are so many people out and about and waiting for bus. Hadn't been able to find anything. Sunday eve around 10:00, tried again. It was rainy and not many people out. A couple blocks north of Hudson I spotted a prospective BSW so I circled around. She was waiting for me when I reached the corner at Cleveland and aggressively waved me over. (I saw another prospect of slight build, on the next corner, so I guess when it rains, it pours)

This girl is better taken care of than most, wearing perfume and large gold earrings. Said her name was Chocolate. She told me to turn down a side street and immediately demanded, 'I want to see your dick' She started to work before ever finding a place to park. In fact, all the action occurred while driving the side streets. BBBJCIM. We returned to Cleveland and pulled over to complete the exchange. In addition to being bossy, she decided she was worth more than what I thought. She refused to get out until I had gifted.5$

A question for experienced posters. What do you do when a SW goes kind of crazy and won't get out of the car?

Chocolate – bossy, semi crazy, rushed, will not repeat. That is typical BSW behavior, despite what Shadow1 says. This is why I very rarely mess around with black chicks. You are lucky she did not steal something. If a SW won't get out of your car, call the cops. Don't lie to the dispatch operator, just give them your location and say "I need help now" and make sure the SW hears you. Leave your regular cell phone behind and bring a 2nd, prepaid cell phone for purposes like this. Thats usually good enough. When I made the mistake of picking up an ugly woman, or a woman who made me feel uncomfortable, I would ask them to go to their place, or take them to "my hotel" and once they were out of the car I would leave them stranded. Recently, a cracked out WSW demanded that I buy her cigarettes. So I stopped at UDF, got out of the car, and asked her to come in with me. After she was out, I jumped back in, acting like I had left my wallet in the car, then locked the door and split while she shouted obscenities.

To clarify me ditching the SW scene, I am not going celibate. I am just finding new ways to meet women, whether it be indecent proposals, or just meeting women around campus, around Kroger, a coffeshop, a bar, the internet, whatever. I got into the SW scene because I travel a lot and wanted NSA BBFS without putting much time into it. But if I am spending 3 to 4 hours a day cruising the streets in the Humpty Hooptie, and sometimes coming up empty handed, then it takes more time and energy than what its worth. I may as well meet civilian women if thats how its going to be. I am still going to engage in reckless bareback sex with as many partners as I can, I just don't want to spend hours and hours driving through streets in crappy neighborhoods, and I am definitely not paying absurd rates to escorts. I am not quitting this board either, if someone needs good advice, here I am.

10-06-10, 15:24
Been cruising Cleveland Ave since reading reports that there is action near Hudson. Cleveland Ave is kind of difficult since that are so many people out and about and waiting for bus. Hadn't been able to find anything. Sunday eve around 10:00, tried again. It was rainy and not many people out. A couple blocks north of Hudson I spotted a prospective BSW so I circled around. She was waiting for me when I reached the corner at Cleveland and aggressively waved me over. (I saw another prospect of slight build, on the next corner, so I guess when it rains, it pours)

This girl is better taken care of than most, wearing perfume and large gold earrings. Said her name was Chocolate. She told me to turn down a side street and immediately demanded, 'I want to see your dick' She started to work before ever finding a place to park. In fact, all the action occurred while driving the side streets. BBBJCIM. We returned to Cleveland and pulled over to complete the exchange. In addition to being bossy, she decided she was worth more than what I thought. She refused to get out until I had gifted.5$

A question for experienced posters. What do you do when a SW goes kind of crazy and won't get out of the car?

Chocolate – bossy, semi crazy, rushed, will not repeat. First you violated the first rule: you gave her control of the situation. You should have told her to hold off till you got the negotiation process finished.

That"s her MO. She starts in on you before you have a chance to think about it. That allows her to set the price.

Short of getting physical, you're basically screwed. Lesson learned.

However, one time I had a girl do that, and I called a SW friend (Lois), told her I had a crazy beach in the car, and I was driving to her location so she and her friends could get her outa the car. The SW started crying real friggin tears, knowing she was going to get her ass kicked. She said stop, and she got out.

Good luck on future dates.

10-06-10, 21:33
I had the same problem with Choc a couple of weeks ago. She would not get out of my car. She was looking around the whole time looking for something to grab and jump out. I had to yell at her to get her out. You want to stay away from this one. She is crazy.

Been cruising Cleveland Ave since reading reports that there is action near Hudson. Cleveland Ave is kind of difficult since that are so many people out and about and waiting for bus. Hadn't been able to find anything. Sunday eve around 10:00, tried again. It was rainy and not many people out. A couple blocks north of Hudson I spotted a prospective BSW so I circled around. She was waiting for me when I reached the corner at Cleveland and aggressively waved me over. (I saw another prospect of slight build, on the next corner, so I guess when it rains, it pours)

This girl is better taken care of than most, wearing perfume and large gold earrings. Said her name was Chocolate. She told me to turn down a side street and immediately demanded, 'I want to see your dick' She started to work before ever finding a place to park. In fact, all the action occurred while driving the side streets. BBBJCIM. We returned to Cleveland and pulled over to complete the exchange. In addition to being bossy, she decided she was worth more than what I thought. She refused to get out until I had gifted.5$

A question for experienced posters. What do you do when a SW goes kind of crazy and won't get out of the car?

Chocolate – bossy, semi crazy, rushed, will not repeat.

Chris H
10-06-10, 23:59
I am a fairly new resident to Columbus. You mentioned other boards. I am only familiar with CL. Can you give me some direction for some hunting?

Thanks! Thhe other site to look for girls is Backpage. Com.

Humpty Dumpty
10-07-10, 00:15
Backpage and Craigslist both suck dick. If you want to get robbed, scammed or whatever, use those sites. Not to mention they are huge waste of time.

There are other boards similar to this, but Jackson won't allow us to post them. Only one them, the name of which name I shall not mention, is worth a shit.

Chris H
10-07-10, 00:19
Well, Chocolate is known to behave like that with her clients, especially the new ones. She has tried to steal from me in the past, but I caught her, and I know that if I am in the mood to have her services, I got to watch her roaming eyes and hands. She does give decent service once she realizes that she can't get over on you. But not ALL BSW are like her, but a good amount of them are.

Tonight I picked up a gem of a BSW. This girl was tall and built like the rap video dancing girls. The ass was NO JOKE! Got FS for $20, and was offered a double play at my home for $40 but didn't have the time. I picked her up at Cleveland and Westerville Road. She goes by the name Lisa, and says the best place to find her is her house, which I have no idea where that is. She didn't have a phone, but asked for my number, which I did not give to her, but if you are able to find her, you got to engage in hittin that juicy booty from the back!

Chris H

10-07-10, 16:46
Taking some advice from the board, yesterday I went on my first cruise. I headed south on Cleveland from Morse Road about 1:30PM. I didn't see anything that looked likea SW let alone anything that I would consider picking up. There were lots of people out, lots of traffic and it would have been hard to pick a SW out of the crowd.

I headed west on Broad St and spotted quite a few (14) WSW but all of them were pretty rank and all of them were smoking which is an auto reject for me. I had made it through the bottoms and to the Hilltop before I saw anything that was even worth looking at. There were 3 cuties hanging on a corner 2 blocks west of the top of the hill. I spotted a very petite brunette headed east down the hill. I did a quick loop and headed back east. When I got back to her she was at the entrance ramp to 70 and I couldn't stop in traffic. We did make good eye contact and she gave me a big smile. I kept moving east and pulled into Mickey the's parking lot and stopped. In about 2 minutes she showed up and we chatted for a moment and she hopped in. After several minutes of conversation we did a quick LE check and agreed on a couple of things. I sprang for a trip to the drive thru for lunch and we left. I had found a nice quiet spot off Sully to eat lunch and converse.

I had time to get a really good look at her. She is about 5'0", 90 lbs with very small breast. She has jet black hair and blue green eyes and a very nice smile with nice teeth. She says she is 29 but looks much younger. She is going by Melissa and gave me her numbers but wouldn't let me take a photo. Her eyes were clear and very expressive. She was calm and no sines of any abuse of any kind. We ate our lunch and chatted for about 15 minutes. She has a very friendly personality and a good sense of humor. Looks wise I'd give her a seven, even though I am a tit man. Shw was clean and smelled nice.

She thanked me for lunch with a very skillful BBBJCIM. She didn't rush or seem to be in any hurry to finish and she seemed to enjoy herself as well. She likes pictures of Andrew Jackson. She shared that FS would be.3 but almost anything service wise is available. I presented her with a Mr Jackson and a small tip as well.

I dropped her off near her house on the hill south of broad. I will definitely give her a call soon. She is a sweet little spinner that knows how to please.

10-07-10, 19:20
This girl on Backpage is legit. I have seen her 3 time. The picture is the way she looks know. She has some big tits if your a boob guy. She is attractive down to earth. She gives a outstanding BBBJ. I want to blow my load everytime she sucks my cock. Theres not to many girls that suck cock really good. I would let her suck my cock all night. Nice lips, great kisser and that would be DFK, shaved ginger whitch is nice and tight and DATY.


Red Gray 66
10-09-10, 22:12
Alright, so I saw this **** hanging down by the fire station last night around 6:30 on broad just smoking a cig. I made eye contact with her and turned around a block later and let her into my car after waiting for her to walk to it. Goddamn did she stink. She was probably in her mid-to-late 30's or early 40's, with some nice-sized jugs and shoulder-length hair. I drove down the street and told her I was just concerned about her getting a ride home, so I just gave her.10 to get her as away from me. From afar I thought I would want to blow a huge load in her, but up close, she stunk like a skunk. Didn't get her name because she was stinky.

10-10-10, 03:53
Buddy of mine was cruising Sulivant Friday night, said it was around midnight and he had made maybe two passes. He said he hadn't noticed any cop cars paying him any attention. He stopped to get some gas and a cop pulled up and blocked his car. He described the officer as red faced and extremely angry.

"Michael. It's not a good idea what you are down here doing. "

At this point he didn't say anything, just kept quiet and continued looking at the officer.

"You and I both know what you are doing down here, right? "

Again he didn't say anything.

"Michael, " officer's voice getting noticably louder, "you know what you are doing and you know why you need to get the hell out of this neighborhood now right? "

"Um. Okay? "

"Get the hell out of here right now. "

My understanding is the man in blue was just livid by the end of their exchange.

The fuck is this town coming too. Really? Weren't there actual criminals he could have been out harassing?

10-10-10, 03:59
How ridiculous, talk about police harassment. :(

The Best
10-10-10, 15:11
I miss the Photo section
Fellows I think we all should sent JACKSON a letter of protest. This is not good. No photos, can't find nothing. I finished the 2nd grade so I should be up to speed on this but I'm not. Fellows sent in your cards or letters in protest. Straighten out this forum. MY.02.Uncle Booty.The only way to see any pics at present is- on the (Cities) Home Page- each thread listing has a paperclip icon. Click on it to get ONLY pics for that thread posted. Only problem is it is a list- NO THUMBNAILS, I think that is the problem with his new program. So I agree give Jackson a chance to work it out but if you have advice send him a note.

My fav's is Cookiejar and Supereloquent's in Philly each has his own thread really full of HOT_HOT_HOT ladys and girls barely legal. http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?654-Philadelphia

O- H, Go Bucks was in town for the game.

Thanks, Read the Rules http://usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=5124 Be Safe. .

10-10-10, 15:36
Just drove around CMH for over 4 hrs and got nothing. Was hoping for some luck with football, thought maybe the girls would be out.

The Best
10-10-10, 16:10

I just brought God into it to be dramatic and contrite like Sullivant Guy. No, I did not get arrested, have a spiritual revelation, catch a disease, nor did I find my soul mate. I just decided this was no longer something I wanted to do. ...But in Memphis some people do the wrong things by using info on the forum and that causes problems. Like those rightous people (we know who they are) on here. So you look for a better place to get satified.

Anyway- I was in town for the game and used the pick-up college girls on Short North. Well, Friday noon- overheard this one on the phone- Room mate going to kick her out, had not paid her part of electric. So I said "tough times but I got a bonus on payday and would you talk about me helping you out? " She smiled and in my car. Went to my room nearby and she quickly got the message. Asked how I would help her, was very open to suggestion about improving skills and did she enjoy that. She stayed the night, ended up performing 3 times during the night and breakfast in the AM. Freshman at OSU BBBJ and BBFS. BJ Skill from 3 to 8 and BBFS 2 to Multipops 9 And learned GFE DATY DFK no greek. Seriously, she was like fresh off the farm young- like Becca in that Pauley Shore down on the farm movie. Asked her if she knew of any others in her classes that could use some help. She called one and we met at the game. She left with Jackson Harrison.

Made plans for after the game and without repeating above- Skills were 8 and BBBJ and BBFS same age. Harrison left with her. But she had heard about older men and sugar daddy's. Told her only tonight but am in Cbus occasionaly and both will get together again. Hope they compare notes and cover up. Give out numbers or pic's.

10-10-10, 21:11
Taking some advice from the board, yesterday I went on my first cruise. I headed south on Cleveland from Morse Road about 1:30PM. I didn't see anything that looked likea SW let alone anything that I would consider picking up. There were lots of people out, lots of traffic and it would have been hard to pick a SW out of the crowd.

I headed west on Broad St and spotted quite a few (14) WSW but all of them were pretty rank and all of them were smoking which is an auto reject for me. I had made it through the bottoms and to the Hilltop before I saw anything that was even worth looking at. There were 3 cuties hanging on a corner 2 blocks west of the top of the hill. I spotted a very petite brunette headed east down the hill. I did a quick loop and headed back east. When I got back to her she was at the entrance ramp to 70 and I couldn't stop in traffic. We did make good eye contact and she gave me a big smile. I kept moving east and pulled into Mickey the's parking lot and stopped. In about 2 minutes she showed up and we chatted for a moment and she hopped in. After several minutes of conversation we did a quick LE check and agreed on a couple of things. I sprang for a trip to the drive thru for lunch and we left. I had found a nice quiet spot off Sully to eat lunch and converse.

I had time to get a really good look at her. She is about 5'0", 90 lbs with very small breast. She has jet black hair and blue green eyes and a very nice smile with nice teeth. She says she is 29 but looks much younger. She is going by Melissa and gave me her numbers but wouldn't let me take a photo. Her eyes were clear and very expressive. She was calm and no sines of any abuse of any kind. We ate our lunch and chatted for about 15 minutes. She has a very friendly personality and a good sense of humor. Looks wise I'd give her a seven, even though I am a tit man. Shw was clean and smelled nice.

She thanked me for lunch with a very skillful BBBJCIM. She didn't rush or seem to be in any hurry to finish and she seemed to enjoy herself as well. She likes pictures of Andrew Jackson. She shared that FS would be.3 but almost anything service wise is available. I presented her with a Mr Jackson and a small tip as well.

I dropped her off near her house on the hill south of broad. I will definitely give her a call soon. She is a sweet little spinner that knows how to please. Congrats and thanks for the nice report.

After reading the SW section (to find out where the actions are, I did my first cruise in see'bus this afternoon. Started from Cleveland / 161 down to Morse road, Hudson. Not a singel SW. Then turned west on Broad St, passed the river. Did find a couple SW, white, nice body but both smokes. Turned around after reach the Hilltop, then took me a while to find Sullivan Ave. Found a girl sitting outside a store but didn't look healthy. Eventually maded to Parsons ave. Around the library there is a nice looking Burnette standing againt a wall, but dispeared after I made turn around. Another 40ish slim SW who eagerly made eye contact but again didn't looks very healthy.

Right before I leaving, saw a little drama happened on Parsons: a big black Chevy SUV passed by fast and stopped at 1/4 block head of me. A young black gentlemen stepped out the truck. I thought he is going to make a pick up of the 40ish slim girl. Instead, he ran to the passenger side and pull a black girl out of the car. There was some arguement and light body fighting between the two while I passed them. When I turned around and drive back to the scence, the SUV is gone and the black girl was sitting on the floor, crying. I did not event get a good look at her, not sure if she is a SW.

No LE seen, but overall not a good sign. Seems quite dangerous out there. I think I will stay away from SW for a while (unless some senior member can kindly give me a referral). The AMPs I used to go before moving to C'bus is much more predictable. Too bad we don't have them here.

Humpty Dumpty
10-10-10, 21:24
The Best; yeah, thats the idea!

Which Harrison has his face on money? I am not aware of such a bill.

And your 23rd rule; are you serious? Where do you come up with this? Come on, get real.

10-11-10, 00:15
Was crusing around on sully and found her out. I had picked her up a few days ago and choices looked pretty slim tonight so I stopped. She is about 5'5" or so and a nice large rack. She seems to stay around the area of sully and east of central. Drove around a little and found a decent spot to stop. Took care of donation and on my cock she went. Nice action and let's you cim but no swallow.

10-12-10, 00:07
Hey guys,

This is my first post on this board. So I wanted to say what's up to everyone. Although I'm a new guy on the board I'm a vet to the SW Scene. I'm looking to gain knowledge from all the members here to help my hunting skills.

North Jersey
10-12-10, 01:42
Had a nice session with Kristina tonight. Excellent body and good skills. Found her on Sull & Yale. Her number is on backpage.

Humpty Dumpty
10-12-10, 02:42
Had a nice session with Kristina tonight. Excellent body and good skills. Found her on Sull & Yale. Her number is on backpage.Yes, I had reported on her earlier. I have ejaculated inside her on 2 previous occasions. What a nice girl.

Member #5600
10-12-10, 13:14
Yes, I had reported on her earlier. I have ejaculated inside her on 2 previous occasions. What a nice girl.I can't find her BP?

Member #5600
10-12-10, 13:41
I can't find her BP?Nevermind, I think I found her. I gave her a call but it went to voicemail.


Humpty Dumpty
10-12-10, 14:58
I can't find her BP?Did you look on www.backpage.com? Sarcasm)

Dads Extra Fun
10-12-10, 16:47
Saw her walking south from Thurman and got reaquainted. She was 3 weeks visiting the county and happy to see old friends. Said she saw 5 or 6 other southside girls visiting with county that had longer planned stays than she did. Skills haven't diminished. BJ for.2 plus a.1 welcome back tip.

The Best
10-12-10, 17:42
Duh! You right isn't it GRANT? The pic attached will answer all your questions about money.

The Best; yeah, thats the idea! Which Harrison has his face on money? I am not aware of such a bill. And your 23rd rule; are you serious? Where do you come up with this? Come on, get realRULE#23. THE PRETTIER she is, more likely she's LEO. [I Work in Knoxville and this is LEO's tactic there. The guys 2 years later still fall for that. ] Also LEO has used SW's and Mongers (get us 4-5 guys / girls for arrest and you don't go to jail) to "entice" others into a deal, take her or meet up and the All LEO Party awaits. [we just had a couple of BP girls PM'd and posted about a reliable provider calling them for $200 doubles in Memphis. ] [also a senior member was in the Graybar Inn for refusing to help in lieu of the visit. Reputation verses Freedom- what is your choice? ]Thus read rule #14 and follow it always! http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php? 4162-Escort-Reports&p=1074865&viewfull=1#post1074865

She set me up and I did 3 mths!http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php? 4162-Escort-Reports&p=1073644&viewfull=1#post1073644.

Now it's very obvious that I have some haters on the backpage. One young lady in particular seems to eliminate her competition by either setting them up with the police of posting false ads on the backpage. Some of you might know her as "Caress".If CPD is getting away with this posted harrassment it is conceivable that they won't be far from doing the rule #23. Did not SVG get nailed like that?

Buddy of mine was cruising Sulivant Friday night, said it was around midnight and he had made maybe two passes. He said he hadn't noticed any cop cars paying him any attention. He stopped to get some gas and a cop pulled up and blocked his car. He described the officer as red faced and extremely angry."Michael. It's not a good idea what you are down here doing. "At this point he didn't say anything, just kept quiet and continued looking at the officer."You and I both know what you are doing down here, right? "Again he didn't say anything."Michael, " officer's voice getting noticably louder, "you know what you are doing and you know why you need to get the hell out of this neighborhood now right? ""Um. Okay? ""Get the hell out of here right now. "My understanding is the man in blue was just livid by the end of their exchange.The fuck is this town coming too. Really? Weren't there actual criminals he could have been out harassing? Thanks, Read the Rules http://usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=5124 Be Safe. .

Mw Jrp
10-14-10, 22:19
I passed her and decided to go back and get her. After all she gives some of the best head in see-bus. And of course she did on the way, in the room, and then more BBBJ. I also got CFS CG and finished mish, busting a hard nut. It seems Carmen can also squeeze those muscles tighter than the average gal. I had to consider twice if I was up her butt by accident. Yep, it was that tight.

And of course she kept the clenching and contracting until after I was finished. Carmen is a pro WSP, IMHO. She will do almost anything to please and that includes GFE. Oh, and she also spent a good amount of time BLS plus working the taint, butt, and prostate; again like a pro. And all for.45.

I have her new number for seniors in good standing. She didn't want a pic, oh well, I guess she doesn't need the biz. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
10-14-10, 22:27
I spotted Melissa with her tiny, tiny frame, and had to scoop her. I really needed more recovery time from the Carmen date but hated to let this little package get away. For.50 got H&H. I had difficulty keeping it up, but managed some CFS mish. Her BBBJ was fine but after Carmen's it was a letdown.

I wanted to finish K9 rocking that tiny butt, but alas it wasn't going to happen. So, I finished Russian. She lost her phone but said she'd get one in the a. M. And would give me her number. If that happens, I'll be able to pm seniors in good standing. This one was probably the littlest date I have ever had. Wow?

Be safe and good hunting. MW

10-16-10, 03:20
I have recently started checking out the West side of town for SW's is there any recommendations on who gives the best BBBJ.

Humpty Dumpty
10-16-10, 17:48
The 3 best BBBJCIM girls I know of are:

1. Nicole Solis who is believed to be retired according to Becky Carroll (RIP) Nicole is 40 but looks a LOT younger.

2. Wendy aka Lollipop. Too bad she is ugly now. Not to mention certain guys who have had problems with her.

3. Tammy Nash, who is ugly now. I swear I saw hear recently on Broad, so maybe her bank robbery charges were dropped.

Can anyone else add anything?

10-17-10, 06:38
Searah W is the only girl I can remember asking to slow down because it felt so good. Definitely the best beej.

Mw Jrp
10-17-10, 08:43
Searah W is the only girl I can remember asking to slow down because it felt so good. Definitely the best beej.I have concluded that my opinion of who gives the best BBBJ around town or state is just that; my opinion. What you consider terrific I might find too hard, or some other diagreeable technique. Fortunately no 2 gals seems to do it identically and that is what I enjoy the most. Secondly, the better ones will take direction, aim to please, and will change it up to my great satifaction.

As I have said before, I use the BBBJ as a prelude to the main event. It is a rare fellatrix that I unload the load in her mouth. But there are a few that it seems more pleasurable to do so, IMHO. And that is just that; my opinion.

BBBJ are like giners, no 2 alike, IMHO. Except for a newbie in Jackson, Mi that can't tell 1 pic from another (And a Dayton, Ohio guy had the same problem until her got glasses). It is this difference that makes our hobby so addictive.

Yep variety is the spice. I think we can all agree on this, IMHO. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Ass Raper
10-17-10, 15:11
Yes humpty that was tammy that you saw on broad st. She was out but I saw in the busted that she got picked up for drugs I believe. It was in the busted that just came out on Thursday.

Member #5600
10-17-10, 22:35
Saw her walking south from Thurman and got reaquainted. She was 3 weeks visiting the county and happy to see old friends. Said she saw 5 or 6 other southside girls visiting with county that had longer planned stays than she did. Skills haven't diminished. BJ for.2 plus a.1 welcome back tip.Still haven't seen her. I tried the number she had given me before but the person hung up right after they answered.

10-18-10, 10:39
Kim give great BBBJ, deep throat and cim. You can find her around Parson & Columbus St.

Crystal awesome BBBJ, deep throat, cim and swallow. She is on south High.

Reese outstanding BBBJ, deep throat, cim and swallow. She is on Cleveland around 19th.

Julie give a outstanding BBBJ, deep throat, and cim. She is older and take her teeth out. She is on east Livington.

Like MW Jrp said. Depends what you like. I like it slow and deep. Girls that can take all 8 inches in there mouth down to my balls. I told these girls what I like and they granted my wish. Thats why I keep going back to them. For 2010 they get my vote. I'm sure there are some out there I have'nt see. I don't get to Columbus as much as I did through 2009.

10-18-10, 11:53
Took a morning cruise between 9AM and 11:30AM. South on High, west on Sully and east on Broad. There was very little happening. No quality only a couple of pretty rough lookers on Broad.

10-18-10, 14:09
Anybody know victoria on the hill on Sullivant.

Member #4208
10-18-10, 23:29
Was cruising on Sully around 7:45 and was a nice slender brunette walking between W Park and Princeton. This is the second time I have seen her and did not have time free to partake. Last time she was scooped before I get to her. Anyone know who it might be? Is she worth picking up?

10-19-10, 12:27
Took a late cruise around midnight after getting off work. I scored a very young BSW on Cleveland about 18th. She was a bit nervous. Rode a few blocks and intoduced ourselves and agreed on terms. Found a quiet driveway off an alley for a BBBJCIM and som digital exam for $20 +tip. She was not totally novis but not realt talenteg but eager to please and worked me over well. Goes by Dee. Looks 4- Body-5 Skills-4 Attitude-7. No phone.

10-19-10, 23:16
The 3 best BBBJCIM girls I know of are:

1. Nicole Solis who is believed to be retired according to Becky Carroll (RIP) Nicole is 40 but looks a LOT younger.

2. Wendy aka Lollipop. Too bad she is ugly now. Not to mention certain guys who have had problems with her.

3. Tammy Nash, who is ugly now. I swear I saw hear recently on Broad, so maybe her bank robbery charges were dropped.

Can anyone else add anything? Wow Now that brings back memories. She was my very first SW That I met years ago. I met her when she was walking off of Cleaveland Ave. I didn't know she was still out there. Sad to hear that she is ulgy now but that seems to happen to most of them after a while. I have to admidt you are right Humpty she gave a real good BBBJ.

Legs Nassman
10-20-10, 18:12

Although I am not new to this hobby I am very new to this board. I was familiar with the other board and only recently came acrossed this board, thank you, finally.

You men have very helpful information and I just wish I had found this board years ago. I come to Columbus about 2-4 times a year from the Cleveland area.

I will be in Columbus this Wednesday and was wondering if anyone would help a lonely man out and provide some direction, contact names and numbers etc. I' much rather call a known commodity than go hit and miss on the streets. I willl be spending the night so if anyone has a "excellent, reasonable all nighter" contact that would be most appreciated.

If you feel I am too new to this I totally understand but maybe someone out there might lend a helping hand. Any info I get and observe first hand will now be shared since I have found this wonderful median.

I am / will also be posting for the Cleveland area, hopefully on a regular basis.

Thanks so much to all you gentlemen that have shared your valuable information.

Good luck and keep up the good work.


Chris H
10-20-10, 23:05
I know we all love getting BBBJ's from these SW's, but we must realize that they may carry the STD TRICHONMAS. Very common, and there are really no symptons for us guys.

Just a FYI.

10-22-10, 20:04
Well gentlemen, I just spent a few minutes on line and it appears that Columbus BackPage. Com has most all of its pertinent sections "under review" at this time. I guess LE is hard at it again. I hope another source for good info will become apparent.

Dads Extra Fun
10-23-10, 10:52
Shoddy late night. Cruised Cleveland Ave, Main, Sullivant and eventually the S. High and Parsons loop.

Sara. S. High about 2:00 AM. Rip off. Broke the first rule and gave her money up front. She's a real cutie and talks a great game. So great I let my guard down and was left waving bye bye to my money. She bailed on me at a stop to the local store. She was working the S. High / Welch area. Brunette, hair in pony tail down between shoulder blades, about 5'7" and maybe 125.

Michelle. Parsons about 2:30 AM. Decided to push my luck and tried Parsons. Saw a couple near Hinman, one was Michelle who's skills aren't great but not much else available. Find a quiet spot, starts giving head and then stops to complain, the position hurts her back, she's tired, how much am I going to giver her. Not in the mood for it and ask her to leave.

Hope someone out there was having some luck.

Dads Extra Fun
10-23-10, 10:56
Well gentlemen, I just spent a few minutes on line and it appears that Columbus BackPage. Com has most all of its pertinent sections "under review" at this time. I guess LE is hard at it again. I hope another source for good info will become apparent.I think it more about the inappropriate postings in those sections. They aren't reviewing the Escorts or Body Rub sections, more the dating where you have some escorts and pay sites posting where they shouldn't.

10-24-10, 21:43
Cruised Sulli / Broad for the first time in months this evening. Saw a handful out, kept getting beaten to the punch by other mongers.

Found a girl, around 5'4" and 110 lbs. Dressed very nicely in a revealing short dress, tattoos covering the length of her arms. During the deed she smiles and tells me: "You're still as you cute as you were in high school. " Yep, we went to high school together.

As strange as it was, neither of us seemed to be surprised to have run into each other this way.

CMH Hobbiest
10-24-10, 22:12
So, I decided to visit Crystal again so I headed to S. High and dug out the digits from our last session. Answer on first ring but NOT Crystal! Gal tells me Crystal is back in Cleveland with her parents and don't fu-king call here no more! CLICK! So maybe bad news if it's true. Anyone else know for sure?

Well, even though that's a huge bummer, I was still in need! Nothing on High so I hit a few side streets and on to Parsons. Not far from DQ I found Sara who asked "for a ride". I let her in and after a quick LE check we were on. Or so I thought. Drove for a bit and she kept telling me "just give me a citation and let me go". Don't know what was up but she was insistent. Finally pulled into a spot of my choosing and got my little friend out. Told her she could help me and I'd help her or she could get out and walk back. Overall skills about 7. BBBJCIM for.2 with plenty hand action for the boys. Maybe a 6+ on the SW scale. She was wearing some nerdy glasses that really set the tone for me at the time. Have untested digits to trade with seniors. Play safe and have fun! CMH

Dads Extra Fun
10-24-10, 23:27
So, I decided to visit Crystal again so I headed to S. High and dug out the digits from our last session. Answer on first ring but NOT Crystal! Gal tells me Crystal is back in Cleveland with her parents and don't fu-king call here no more! CLICK! So maybe bad news if it's true. Anyone else know for sure?

Well, even though that's a huge bummer, I was still in need! Nothing on High so I hit a few side streets and on to Parsons. Not far from DQ I found Sara who asked "for a ride". I let her in and after a quick LE check we were on. Or so I thought. Drove for a bit and she kept telling me "just give me a citation and let me go". Don't know what was up but she was insistent. Finally pulled into a spot of my choosing and got my little friend out. Told her she could help me and I'd help her or she could get out and walk back. Overall skills about 7. BBBJCIM for.2 with plenty hand action for the boys. Maybe a 6+ on the SW scale. She was wearing some nerdy glasses that really set the tone for me at the time. Have untested digits to trade with seniors. Play safe and have fun! CMHCrystal's girlfriend was never happy with her activities and they had a volatile relationship to begin with. She'd kicked her out a couple of times before so it sounds like they are on the outs again. Who knows if that's the end of Crystal, they've done this before.

If the same Sara I reported on earlier this week, you did a hell of a lot better than me. The on I saw didn't have glasses. Straight hair she wore pulled back.

Humpty Dumpty
10-25-10, 03:06
I am sure this will come as no shock to anyone, but I have ejaculated inside Crystal. She is a very nice lady and she gave me digits which she told me to be wary of. Her lesbian girlfriend who lives above the Irish bar on S High disapproves of eating her out after I have creampied her.

As I have mentioned, I have decided to abandon the SW scene, but this doesn't mean I quit posting, or quit observing what goes on with the mean streets of Columbus. I just have my hands full with civilians.

Saturday, I noticed Leslie McComas by Alex Market. She is pretty, however, a right handed person must have been pissed off at her because one side of her face is significantly bruised.

Erica Cortez was seen by Rocky Top Tavern. Or "Porky Top" since someone fucked up their sign.

Star the BJ queen was questioned by a cop.

I went to Double the's on South High for a quick beer and was approached by Chelsea Moore. I declined her services, but invited her to have a couple drinks on me since she is 21 now. She had no I'd. Oh well. I wish I had taken a pic of her for my next video.

Blu Ray
10-25-10, 11:08
Does anyone know what ever happened to the girl named Navaeh, she also used the name Amber. In this weeks issue of Slammer, there is a picture of a girl on page 12 that looks like her named Christine Girlando. Is this the same girl?

Chris H
10-26-10, 01:41
Does anyone know what ever happened to the girl named Navaeh, she also used the name Amber. In this weeks issue of Slammer, there is a picture of a girl on page 12 that looks like her named Christine Girlando. Is this the same girl?Her real name is Christine, so it probably is her.

10-27-10, 21:17
I'm a senior from Dayton now working in Capital city. Cruised during the daylight today around 3pm I cruised Parson near Woodrow and saw I lovely blond WSW but she was snatched by a van before me. Saw very little after. Not knowing the area I also cruised Lexington but after seeing a couple very pretty BSW the neighborhood looked alittle unfriendly.

Appreciate any suggested hunting grounds that have game during the 8-4.

Blu Ray
10-28-10, 17:22
I'm a senior from Dayton now working in Capital city. Cruised during the daylight today around 3pm I cruised Parson near Woodrow and saw I lovely blond WSW but she was snatched by a van before me. Saw very little after. Not knowing the area I also cruised Lexington but after seeing a couple very pretty BSW the neighborhood looked alittle unfriendly.

Appreciate any suggested hunting grounds that have game during the 8-4. You said " I also cruised Lexington. " I think you mean Livingston Avenue. And yes Livingston and Main will be primarily BSW, but I've never had a problem there. Depends on what your looking for, if you on the south side check S. High St. But your best bet is Sullivant or W. Broad if you want WSW.

Humpty Dumpty
10-28-10, 20:17
The blonde you saw was probably Mackenzie, who is well known for being a whiner and totally paranoid.

The Best
10-28-10, 22:18
After extremely numerous PM's- "was wondering how to hook up with Taylor? " Here's the deal she has a GOON FRIEND of the WORST KIND= 22 y / o knows everything and "she is mine to abuse". Who'd of thunk at OSU? Was in town for Homecoming OSU and she asked not to give out or refer at the time. But it may not last as the idiot she was with, was a controlling goon. I told her to get CPD involved now or she will not last at OSU. He got in my face, but a Professor got involved with him. She was scared as to why he got thrown out and I re-told her to act now or else. Did not get a chance to find out if she's living with him. Day-um situation if so. Thanks, Read the Rules http://usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=5124 Be Safe. .

The Best
10-28-10, 22:37
Dcloser6- You said " I also cruised Lexington. " I think you mean Livingston Avenue. And yes Livingston and Main will be primarily BSW, but I've never had a problem there. Depends on what your looking for, if you on the south side check S. High St. But your best bet is Sullivant or W. Broad if you want WSW.While in town for OSU Homecoming I wrote about Taylor but she really does not want to be a call girl. It was a bar pick-up. Anyway- the area was hot- meaning supply was more than demand- 3 ran up when I pulled into Marathon. Amber, Kailyn but the choice was named Jackie= Blond / Blue eyes, long brown hair, no tats or drug signs.26yo small a's and body 7 face 8. But was not the Jackie that I have seen numerous times before. To the room and.4 BBBJ, CFS, GFE and Greek an hour later- took her back near Mt Carmel. But CPD was everywhere so I went onto a lot and she said that leaving the hospital would be a good excuse. YMMV Thanks, Read the Rules http://usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=5124 Be Safe.

Humpty Dumpty
10-29-10, 09:41
The Best,

Can you clarify whatever it is you're talking about?

10-29-10, 13:22
In a conversation with a good friend I discovered he is an avid reader of this site. We decided to take a cruise to see if there was any action out for the lunch time crowd. Starting at abour 12:10PM, we cruised Cleveland south from Morse road to Broad. Absolutely nothing! We headed west on Broad all the to Georgesville. Again totally barren of any activity! We took Georgesville south to Sully and east on Sully all the way To Gift St. Nothing, nothing and nothing! We ventured north to Broad then south on High all the way to 270. Zip, Nada, none, zero activity! We concluded the ride with a trip north on Parsons and then up Westerville Road.

Our conclusion was the cooler weather had caused a serious case of disinterest on the part of those individuals who are normally out and about. We abandoned the hunt and canceled the mission in favor of finding a good place to have lunch.

10-29-10, 13:33
After wasting the afternoon my friend and I had a bight of dinner then decided to make the same run as we had at lunch to see if there was any activity ou Beggars Night! (Geeze I hate to have to beg! So we decided to take the cruise to see if there was any action out for the evening mongers. Starting at abour 8:30PM, we cruised Cleveland south from Morse road to Broad. Absolutely nothing! We headed west on Broad all the to Georgesville. There was a good bit of activity. We saw five WSW just west of Princeton. None of them were suitable looks wise and one appeard drunk on her ass. At Hague there was a fairly decent brunette WSW but we were looking not stopping. Further west there was a stocky blond WSW west of the UDF, then nothing. Not much from there to Georgesville. We took Georgesville south to Sully and east on Sully. There was a number of WSWs on sully but there was a huge LE presence and apparently there had been a shooting on one of the side streets. We took Central to Broad and decided to call it a night. There was way too much LE and Fire activity in the area for me to be comfortable.

The good news was that there was alot of activity with several good lookers to choose from.

Safe hunting Mongers!

Rack Pat
10-29-10, 17:40
Seriously Best, WTF ARE you talking about? I didn't comprehend a word either.

The Best
10-29-10, 19:59
Seriously Best, WTF ARE you talking about? I didn't comprehend a word either.
The Best,Can you clarify whatever it is you're talking about?Since you could not understand what I wrote will this help out.2 mongers crossed the line and I wished to save them this embarassment. If you notice missing people not reporting on the forum they could be those she is upset with. They could be laying low not to get caught. Sooooo.

Taylor- everyone wanted her phone number, so I gave it to two who I thought would be ok. BUT they turned out to be jerks. Did they cross the line- 1- told her that I got overnight and all 3 places of enjoyment for.40. And the other was overnight for.20. She gave them a time and stood them up. They started phone harassment and she had to get a new number but the carrier required her to sign a prosecution form. I was contacted and she covered for me. But the other phone numbers- she has not been told about and she has even refused to give me the new phone.

She hooked up with a guy and he is as I wrote, A JERK.

The rest of the report is about the girl I found on Sully and the plethora of choices that night. Sorry about my short choppy sentences, but I am not a long worded writer, as Jack Webb said on DRAGNET- "Just the facts. " FINALLY, I was wondering why there has been a decrease in info on this forum and by the comments in PM, I feel that there are those that are of questionable motives and those that are always critical of posts and are stiving to become a new SVG. I hope this is not the case. Thanks, Read the Rules http://usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=5124 Be Safe. .

Dads Extra Fun
10-29-10, 20:03
Cruising home after dinner with friends on S High and come across 9rystal taking a lap outside her usual hant. Stories are true she heads for cleveland on Monday. Gave me some goodbye head for the normal price plus a goodbye and thanks for the memories tip. Said she may be back once a month though. Taking the girlfriend with her. She'll be out this weekend as she stills money to cover recent fines.

Rockout Cbus
10-29-10, 21:14
I am mostly a lurker. But since the board (and the streets) seem slow. I thought I would contribute.

The boys in blue must be doing a pretty good job because it seems like most of the SW I have run into have been picked up and shown up in the slammer in the last few weeks.

Maria. I met Maria about a month ago right past Greenwood off Sullivant Ave. I was amazed because she looked really hot. But she was wearing a pretty puffy jacket. Because I am cautious, we drove out of the neighborhood to find a spot. I hate car dates in the bottoms or hilltop, even if it is just BBBJ. She was not pleased that I was only offering 25, and that it took us awhile to find a spot so the performance was pretty weak. I am pretty sure I ended up finishing myself while she watched. It was still fun though. I was looking forward to meeting up for a full service session at a later date. She gave me a number.3xx-495x, which I never tried because I saw her in the next slammer.

Tiffany / AKA Treasure . Found out why the tits looked so nice. They are implants. They are so firm it is ridiculous. Almost a turn off. Anyway. I saw her twice. Most recently about 3 weeks ago off Cleveland near Hudson. Parked behind an apartment building a few streets away where she claimed she lived. Excellent BBBJ and is happy getting standard rates without a tip. Told her I wanted FS next time. Looks like I may be waiting while. She gave me a number that she said was a friends number (apparently a dude on parole. ) I tried once and it just rang.74x-9x53.

Megan. This was about 3 weeks ago. Prior to this encounter it had been months. I am not sure if this is the Megan Wymer that I have read about on here before but I dated her many many times months ago and she disappeared. All I know is that she usually cocks her head and thinks for a good 15-20 seconds before answering any question. Very strange when I first saw it but used to it now. If you have met her. You know what I am talking about. It had been awhile since I had seen her last, but her tits looked amazing (clothed) which I did not remember noticing in the past. She never seemed to give great service in the past but last time was one of the best BBBJ I ever remember having. No DT, which I usually need. But it was spectacular. Just slow and lots of circling motions. She was really eager to please for once. Donation was 30 plus a trip through Rallys. We actually hung out about 35 minutes after just chatting while she ate. She never has a phone so I always have had to hunt for her.

Shannon. It has been a few weeks and sadly, she appears to be in custody. Even more disturbing is that she is charged with exposing others in addition to the other BS. Concerning as I have seen Shannon regularly for many months. Most worrysome was an encounter I had at her 'place' when she was staying off Alzeda. I was drunk as hell and called her and she invited me over. I was fucking her for about 30 straight minutes as hard as I could (covered of course) to try to come as soon as possible. I finally just threw in the towel and got frustrated and told her I was giving up as I knew I was destroyed and not getting nowhere. (I was still hard of course. Just could'not feel a thing through the cover) She jumped onto her knees and tried for another 10 minutes of sucking to get me to come with no success. Then jumped back onto the bed, on her back and started rubbing her pussy and pulled me towards her with her eyes locked on mine. It was so hot. I will never forget it. I entered bareback and within a few minutes, had come all over her tits and face. I hope the exposing others is BS, for more than my sake. She is really a nice girl, super friendly, super enthusiastic, and give the best BBBJ I have had on the streets. I have her number which has been the same for as long as I have known her (a year at least, but not sharing here.

Cara-lynn (spelling?. Saw her two weeks ago and had a very scary situation. Picked her up in an ally off Sullivant the bottoms, pulled onto Sully and had a cop tail. I had dated her before, and I know she is super careful on the pick-up (atleast a block off sully) so I was pretty sure neither of us gave anything away. Luckily, she is cool and was lucid and was less freaked out than I. I jumped on 70 off sullivant, cop follows. I was assuming I was going to get pulled over. Jumped on 670, cop still behind but about 6 car lengths back. Finally after passing downtown and getting off at high street exit he either lost us, gave up, or really was never actually tailing. Nonetheless. Very scary. Did our business in an ally in the short north. BBBJ. Unfortunately she does not catch. She is a nice girl though. Not upset about being almost 5-10 miles out of the neighborhood. Very friendly. No phone.

Last I tried, Kats number was no longer in service.

Met WSW Phylis off Cleveland by 19th about three weeks ago. Claimed she lived on 20th. I am guessing she is about 28. Body looked really tight with clothes on. I never removed any unfortunately. Got a great BBBJ in an ally I the area. Donation plus Mcdonalds after. She was really nice. Spent about 20 miuintes after talking while she ate. No number. I have been hunting for her again but have not found her. I want FS with this one.

Met 9 month pregnant Tammy the other night off of Sullivant. I am guessing she would be about 105lbs without the extra cargo. Probably 28 or 30. But her thin frame makes her look 25ish, and actually pretty healthy. She still looked hot despite the fact that she claimed she was 3 days from her due date. She insisted that he go to her apt in the area but I refused. I did not trust her. We drove way out of the neighborhood where I got a BBBJ with mostly jacking at the end because I think she was convinced I was going to make her catch. I finally took over myself. But she talked dirty about 1 inch from my face. Which was actually quite a turn on. After we finished she saw a copy of the latest busted in my car and pointed to a white guy on the cover and claimed it was her brother. The whole way back she told me her life story which included a story about being in the hospital a few days earlier for contractions. Fucked up. I don't even want to know what my donation is going towards.

Lately the streets have become pretty bare. Which makes for much work for little reward. That and the situation with the prego and Shannon make me want to go the Humpty route.

Sorry for hoarding. I am typically to busy / lazy to report.

Humpty Dumpty
10-30-10, 04:38
Cool reports, Rockout. The only one I recognized by name was Carlynn Mohler. I creampied her once, when she was lucid. A few weeks later, she was hopped up on crack and I had to ditch her. Will pass from now on. She can be found east of Mort's on Sullivant, and her looks have gone south.

I am not sure if the Megan you spoke of is Megan Wymer. I have not seen either Wymer sister in at least 2 and a half years.

The Best- Okay, that still makes zero sense. [Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

10-30-10, 11:39
Tuesday night about 11pm, I took a drive south on Cleve Ave. I saw two thin girls standing on the corner at 21st, so I pulled down the street and one approached and got in. Her name is Kisha, and pretty thin, except for a developing baby bump. The initial conversation where non-LEO status is verified was somewhat awkward, I think she is kind of novice at this.20 for BBBJ and another 5 for catch and spit. (ala carte pricing, like the airlines) She lifted her top so I could play with her B sized fun bags while she worked the pole.

She said she needed the 20 so she and her sister (standing back on the corner) could stay the night at the local flop house. ($10 per person)

On Wednesday night, at a similar time, I saw a very obvious BSW at the same corner. While everyone else was all bundled up, she was showing lots of leg and wearing pretty flashy clothes. But one street over two LEO cars were sitting side by side with lights flashing. I kept moving.

Then I drove the sully, Hague, Broad loop and saw nothing. I guess the cold weather is keeping the girls inside. I saw one CPD checking out the more poorly lit parking lots of local businesses. Later, Just east of Campus area, I saw one of the mini paddy wagons, cruising the side streets and shining the spotlight all over the place, looking for goblins in the bushes.

I have a question for you seniors. I have read some mongers are getting in the back seat and getting FS. How do you find a spot safe enough for such activities. I have read a great deal of past posts and have not seen specifics on site selection. Info would be appreciated. I realize I am not a senior member, but junior members need love too, you know. If you don't want to put info out there publicly, you could PM me.

I would like to meet little Melissa from the near hilltop, but I read she had lost her phone shortly after getting her numbers.

Humpty Dumpty
10-30-10, 12:41
Well, the campus / arena district / short north area is full of safe places. Too bad girls don't walk there anymore. What the hell are they thinking? And suppose you are in a car, doing FS. Are drunk students going to call the cops on you if they walk by? No. What about the gays? No.

When meeting a lady on Hudson / Cleveland, go west of 71. If she whines, just be firm.

Parsons / S High can be challenging to find a safe spot. I once did it in the Taco Bell bathroom on South High.

West side- a few safe spots but I prefer to get out of there. The girls don't want to go far from the pickup place, but why make the cops' jobs easy for them? And whatever you do, don't park in an alley, behind a garage or anything like that. You are a sitting duck for a robbery, or to be caught by cops or a pissed off homeowner thinking you are a burglar.

Thats another thing. Try not to let her pick the place. If she is persistent about one spot, it may be a robbery setup. So, at the very least, shoot down her first choice.

Legs Nassman
10-30-10, 19:23
Coming into town Wednesday evening for some training on Thursday and looking for another kind of "training" on the way into town. Across 161 to Cleveland and down to Hudson. Past up and down Cleveland around 8 ish, nothing. When I got to Hudson it looked like 2-3 BSW at the corner. One very interesting one sitting on a step on the left right when U-turn the corner.

Went and checked into the hotel and then headed down Broad. WSW at Meek and Broad around 9:55pm. Turned onto Grubb to head over to Sully. An older WSW sitting on the second set of steps on the left hand side when I turned the corner onto Grubb.

Went up and down Sully to Georgeville Road. Making a number of passes (probably too many but. Lots and lots of ladies out gentleman as follows: (no particular order)

Avondale. WSW. BBW on phone on south side of Sully (saw her again a few times) bbw not my cup of tea.

Clarendon. WSW

Oakley. WSW. Thin.

Ogegon. Chucky WSW.

Hawkes. Thick WSW but shapely but no "look"

Highland. Older. Big WSW.

Dana.2. One WSW and one BSW.

3 other WSW but I couldn't read my writing on the street name (sorry). Not from Columbus.

All and all though quantity was excellent but quality was really really bad. Saw only a couple I was considering and ofcourse they weren't there when I circled. But most of the other were for obvious reasons.

Won't be back to Columbus until next month, sure wish I could land some reliable digits for some ladies.

Good luck gentleman and stay safe.


10-31-10, 13:29
Thanks Humpty. That helps some.

I've found promising spots slightly removed from Cleve Ave. Now I have to work on the Sully area.

Humpty Dumpty
11-01-10, 03:45
Thanks Humpty. That helps some.

I've found promising spots slightly removed from Cleve Ave. Now I have to work on the Sully area. Just get comfortable with the area. Cruise the streets, whether in car, bicycle or foot. Talk to the locals. Go to the bar. If you're white, don't be afraid to go to a black bar, and if you're black, don't be afraid to go to bar with a confederate flag on it (speaking of which, what happened to the Aragon on Cleveland?

The more familiar you are with an area, the more you can thwart robberies or police problems, and the more confident you will be when dealing with strangers in a strange land.

11-01-10, 13:17
This morning I had an itch that I really needed scratched. I made my way south from Delaware and headed west on Broad. There wasn't anything happening til I got west of Central. I saw an older (40ish) WSW with medium length blond hair. She was wearing nice tight jeans with boots and a white ski jacket. She was definitely a Butterface and she was smoking which is an eliminator for me.

I continued west toward Georgesville Road seeing several possible candidates but nothig that really caught my attention. I headed back east on sully and saw several WSW ans 1 BSW. At Central there was a young mid 20s WSW. Se was about 5'5", 110lbs with shoulder length light brown hair. She was decent looking (about a 6 on the SW scale) and wearing jeans and a hoodie with big sunglasses. I pulled into the convience store and parked. Ater a couple of minutes she came over and asked for a ride. I agreed to give "Michelle" a ride. We headed west and introduced ourselves. I headed to a parking place out of the area without any push back. She did a reasonably professional job of scratching my itch with a BBBJ for a Jackson. Got her digits. I'd see her again. Not as clean and wholesome as I'd prefer but not bad.

Mw Jrp
11-01-10, 20:47
Carmen gives the best BBBJ in Columbus, IMHO. I got H&H.50 including tip. She spent plenty of time orally pleasing me on the way, in the room, and in-between. This gal is a fellatrix extrodinnaire.

I also got CG and CFS mish finish, but not after much BBBJ and BLS. Carmen even got her own nut while grinding on me CG. It was like a GFE with her getting off.

Here is a pic of her tight little giner and firm little A tits. I'll let the pic speak for her. Nice eh? Be safe and good hunting. MW

11-02-10, 06:15
After staying at home the past few weeks I needed some play time. After I got out of work Saturday morning cut over to sully and headed west to Georgesville, nothing not a soul out. Went over Broad from Georgesville. Once on broad headed east this time and got the same results, not a soul in sight anywhere! Whent back to sully and headed west again. Saw 1WSW that could have been confused for a guy, hell she pratically scared the shit out of me when I realized it was a female. Decided that I needed my bed more so I went home after not seeing anything. After working a 16 hour shift I reallllly needed some play time so on Sunday I headed down that way to make my trip. Mind you this trip is after 11:00pm so I thoughti would see something, nope not a thing! Went back to Broad and didn't see much happening down there either. Back to sully and still not much going on over there. What happened to all the action, they fly southfor the winter? LOL

Happy hunting y'all, be safe!

11-02-10, 08:23
My lucky friend was traveling South High south of Frank Road. Saw a pretty young lady walking and offered her a ride. Turned out she was looking for some companionship and a little help with the rent too. Very tight and natural body. She let him take some pictures. 114586

11-02-10, 13:55
I was on sully a few weeks ago and saw a redhead WSW out o.

In the middle of the street flagging down cars. Looked cute but with the way she was acting I figured she was LE or just plain wacked out. Anyone know who she is and is she legit? I love redheads.

11-02-10, 16:04
Was heading down Sully today and spotted Sullivant Guy in a car at Clarendon. I'm pretty sure it was him. I remember him from his face being on the news so much after he got busted. Does anyone know if he has been released? Maybe we'll start getting reports from a newbie named Rich St Guy.

Humpty Dumpty
11-02-10, 19:28
Was heading down Sully today and spotted Sullivant Guy in a car at Clarendon. I'm pretty sure it was him. I remember him from his face being on the news so much after he got busted. Does anyone know if he has been released? Maybe we'll start getting reports from a newbie named Rich St Guy.You got to be shittin me!

Yeah, he has been out for a few months, I think he did about 7 months altogether. Here is his pic. This link does not say what kinda car he has. Apparently he is still living at his old place in Dublin. I wonder what he is doing for work nowadays and how this has affected his family.


Mw Jrp
11-02-10, 21:50
I had a great date with Carmen. I also scooped 2 others and cut my losses by dropping them immediately. First was Shawna about 30-35ish on hilltop. She was in a hurry and wanted 1/2 up front to "get-me-in-the-mood". Then I found 21yo Shelly in the bottoms. She probably was up for days, slurred speach, sleepy, whinny, and hurried. Wanted to suck me off in the bottoms. Well, that don't get me off!

Both of these girls would have been a terrible date if I continued with them. Experience has it's advantages, and I have made this mistake several times. No more.

I also circled for 2 others, decent WSP, and let another monger have the prey since we both had the same quarry on our minds. While Columbus has many choices, the quality was not what I have cum accustomed to, and there seemed to be 2 or 3 mongers for each gal. Also, the mongers were aggressive and that spells LE troubles.

So, I decided to move on to greener but less fertile pastures. Also, I sent some pm's for digits and didn't get a lead. Except for Humpty who has hooked me up several times. At least he uses this forum, as it is intended; to share info on SP's.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

11-02-10, 22:58
You got to be shittin me!

Yeah, he has been out for a few months, I think he did about 7 months altogether. Here is his pic. This link does not say what kinda car he has. Apparently he is still living at his old place in Dublin. I wonder what he is doing for work nowadays and how this has affected his family.

http://www.esorn.ag.state.oh.us/Secured/p23.aspx?oid=sgQfph6kEAs=I seen some one who looks similar to Sullivant Guy in a small red jeep getting serviced a few days ago. Not for sure it was him.

11-02-10, 23:08
I was headed home coming down S. Hamilton Road. Tonight, and seen a girl walking the Road. Headed north. I turn around and catch up to her near the BK. She's woundering around not really headed any where. I offer her a ride and she accepts. Cute chick looks mixed, black hair with red mixed in, sexy firm body. Says she lives on the South side but is staying at a Hotel down the Road. We find a spot and start off with a BJ which she's very good at, then on to cfs. She doesn't have a number, but took mine with her. Had a good time with her and can't wait to meet up with her again.

Rockout Cbus
11-02-10, 23:19
I posted on Saturday but for whatever reason the post vanished into thin air. Trying again.

On Saturday I had some time to kill around lunch time on West Broad and hit a bonanza of WSW.

Around the church a bit east of the 315 overpass, spotted two girls that looked like WSW from afar. After a passes I saw them go into the marathon just down the road. Timed my pull up for when they exited and parked. Can I give them a ride to the Knights Inn?. Certainly. They both jumped in. After driving a few blocks, I found out what I wanted to. That they were in the business and the thin dark haired WSW had a working phone. Since I really didn't have the time at the moment for a date, and since the one I was interested in was in back, and already indicated she had a working phone. We exchanged numbers and I dropped them off by Princeton / broad. The one I liked called herself Lexi. Not sure about the other one.

I ate lunch which took me much less time than I thought and went back to look for them to try to get a date. I was around the same spot where I dropped them and not 20 feet behind were another two WSW. One of them caught my eye as a TGTBT WSW I saw on Sullivant a few days earlier. I was sure she was not working, or too young when I saw her the other day. Looked a little closer at the other one and realized it was Shaleena, whom I had dated once before so I knew they were in the business. Waved and pulled down a side street about 7 car lengths and parked. They took the bait. Luckily, the one who caught my eye, Jamie, hopped in front with Shaleena getting in back. Drove off the beaten path where I preceded to get a pretty good BBBJ from Jamie while Shaleena watched from the back seat and played lookout. Since I have read that Shaleena has wandering hands, I kept my eyes peeled. But did not have a problem with her. Jamie is super hot. Blonde, 19 with blackish highlights, very thin. Standard donation for service plus drive through for both hungry girls. Have number from Jamie that does work. I have repeated with her at her location for an extremely satisfying FS experience.

The only other time before Saturday that I had a double pick up I think was my very first pick up. Found Amanda off broad and 270 at the speedway. I waved, parked, and they walked up and they asked for a ride. Amanda ended up giving me a BBBJ while her friend watched from the back seat. This was over a year ago. Amanda was one of my most frequent dates but her phone went dead and we lost touch. I assumed that she was retired until I saw her in the Oct 15th slammer.

I have tried to hook up with Lexi since, but she has been out of town. I think she may be trouble though as she called me last night around midnight. I texted back saying that I was in bed and I would contact her tomorrow. She texted back asking who I was. Then told me she was stuck out of town and didn't know when she would be back. I then woke up in the morning with another call from her that I had missed an hour or so after our text exchange. I will try to sample and report. Anyone know this one x59-18xx?

Later saw another pair walking down broad. One looked familiar. I think it may have been a WSW I dated about 9 months ago. When I dated he she looked like she had the most amazing body with clothes on. Part of that was because of the fake funbags. I don't remember the name she gave me but from my memory she looked like 'Queenie Milligan' from the September 24th slammer. In any case, she was acting so obvious I didn't even bother slowing down. Plus my experiences with her were really pretty disappointing. Plus I was quite satisfied from my experience with Jamie moments earlier.

Rockout Cbus
11-02-10, 23:20
On Saturday I had some time to kill around lunch time on West Broad and hit a bonanza of WSW.

Around the church a bit east of the 315 overpass, spotted two girls that looked like WSW from afar. After a passes I saw them go into the marathon just down the road. Timed my pull up for when they exited and parked. Can I give them a ride to the Knights Inn?. Certainly. They both jumped in. After driving a few blocks, I found out what I wanted to. That they were in the business and the thin dark haired WSW had a working phone. Since I really didn't have the time at the moment for a date, and since the one I was interested in was in back, and already indicated she had a working phone. We exchanged numbers and I dropped them off by Princeton / broad. The one I liked called herself Lexi. Not sure about the other one.

I ate lunch which took me much less time than I thought and went back to look for them to try to get a date. I was around the same spot where I dropped them and not 20 feet behind were another two WSW. One of them caught my eye as a TGTBT WSW I saw on Sullivant a few days earlier. I was sure she was not working, or too young when I saw her the other day. Looked a little closer at the other one and realized it was Shaleena, whom I had dated once before so I knew they were in the business. Waved and pulled down a side street about 7 car lengths and parked. They took the bait. Luckily, the one who caught my eye, Jamie, hopped in front with Shaleena getting in back. Drove off the beaten path where I preceded to get a pretty good BBBJ from Jamie while Shaleena watched from the back seat and played lookout. Since I have read that Shaleena has wandering hands, I kept my eyes peeled. But did not have a problem with her. Jamie is super hot. Blonde, 19 with blackish highlights, very thin. Standard donation for service plus drive through for both hungry girls. Have number from Jamie that does work. I have repeated with her at her location for an extremely satisfying FS experience.

The only other time before Saturday that I had a double pick up I think was my very first pick up. Found Amanda off broad and 270 at the speedway. I waved, parked, and they walked up and they asked for a ride. Amanda ended up giving me a BBBJ while her friend watched from the back seat. This was over a year ago. Amanda was one of my most frequent dates but her phone went dead and we lost touch. I assumed that she was retired until I saw her in the Oct 15th slammer.

I have tried to hook up with Lexi since, but she has been out of town. I think she may be trouble though as she called me last night around midnight. I texted back saying that I was in bed and I would contact her tomorrow. She texted back asking who I was. Then told me she was stuck out of town and didn't know when she would be back. I then woke up in the morning with another call from her that I had missed an hour or so after our text exchange. I will try to sample and report. Anyone know this one x59-18xx?

Later saw another pair walking down broad. One looked familiar. I think it may have been a WSW I dated about 9 months ago. When I dated he she looked like she had the most amazing body with clothes on. Part of that was because of the fake funbags. I don't remember the name she gave me but from my memory she looked like 'Queenie Milligan' from the September 24th slammer. In any case, she was acting so obvious I didn't even bother slowing down. Plus my experiences with her were really pretty disappointing. Plus I was quite satisfied from my experience with Jamie moments earlier.

11-03-10, 00:30
I am mostly a lurker. But since the board (and the streets) seem slow. I thought I would contribute.

The boys in blue must be doing a pretty good job because it seems like most of the SW I have run into have been picked up and shown up in the slammer in the last few weeks.

Maria. I met Maria about a month ago right past Greenwood off Sullivant Ave. I was amazed because she looked really hot. But she was wearing a pretty puffy jacket. Because I am cautious, we drove out of the neighborhood to find a spot. I hate car dates in the bottoms or hilltop, even if it is just BBBJ. She was not pleased that I was only offering 25, and that it took us awhile to find a spot so the performance was pretty weak. I am pretty sure I ended up finishing myself while she watched. It was still fun though. I was looking forward to meeting up for a full service session at a later date. She gave me a number.3xx-495x, which I never tried because I saw her in the next slammer.

Tiffany / AKA Treasure. Found out why the tits looked so nice. They are implants. They are so firm it is ridiculous. Almost a turn off. Anyway. I saw her twice. Most recently about 3 weeks ago off Cleveland near Hudson. Parked behind an apartment building a few streets away where she claimed she lived. Excellent BBBJ and is happy getting standard rates without a tip. Told her I wanted FS next time. Looks like I may be waiting while. She gave me a number that she said was a friends number (apparently a dude on parole) I tried once and it just rang.74x-9x53.

Megan. This was about 3 weeks ago. Prior to this encounter it had been months. I am not sure if this is the Megan Wymer that I have read about on here before but I dated her many many times months ago and she disappeared. All I know is that she usually cocks her head and thinks for a good 15-20 seconds before answering any question. Very strange when I first saw it but used to it now. If you have met her. You know what I am talking about. It had been awhile since I had seen her last, but her tits looked amazing (clothed) which I did not remember noticing in the past. She never seemed to give great service in the past but last time was one of the best BBBJ I ever remember having. No DT, which I usually need. But it was spectacular. Just slow and lots of circling motions. She was really eager to please for once. Donation was 30 plus a trip through Rallys. We actually hung out about 35 minutes after just chatting while she ate. She never has a phone so I always have had to hunt for her.

Shannon. It has been a few weeks and sadly, she appears to be in custody. Even more disturbing is that she is charged with exposing others in addition to the other BS. Concerning as I have seen Shannon regularly for many months. Most worrysome was an encounter I had at her 'place' when she was staying off Alzeda. I was drunk as hell and called her and she invited me over. I was fucking her for about 30 straight minutes as hard as I could (covered of course) to try to come as soon as possible. I finally just threw in the towel and got frustrated and told her I was giving up as I knew I was destroyed and not getting nowhere. (I was still hard of course. Just could'not feel a thing through the cover) She jumped onto her knees and tried for another 10 minutes of sucking to get me to come with no success. Then jumped back onto the bed, on her back and started rubbing her pussy and pulled me towards her with her eyes locked on mine. It was so hot. I will never forget it. I entered bareback and within a few minutes, had come all over her tits and face. I hope the exposing others is BS, for more than my sake. She is really a nice girl, super friendly, super enthusiastic, and give the best BBBJ I have had on the streets. I have her number which has been the same for as long as I have known her (a year at least, but not sharing here.

Cara-lynn (spelling. Saw her two weeks ago and had a very scary situation. Picked her up in an ally off Sullivant the bottoms, pulled onto Sully and had a cop tail. I had dated her before, and I know she is super careful on the pick-up (atleast a block off sully) so I was pretty sure neither of us gave anything away. Luckily, she is cool and was lucid and was less freaked out than I. I jumped on 70 off sullivant, cop follows. I was assuming I was going to get pulled over. Jumped on 670, cop still behind but about 6 car lengths back. Finally after passing downtown and getting off at high street exit he either lost us, gave up, or really was never actually tailing. Nonetheless. Very scary. Did our business in an ally in the short north. BBBJ. Unfortunately she does not catch. She is a nice girl though. Not upset about being almost 5-10 miles out of the neighborhood. Very friendly. No phone.

Last I tried, Kats number was no longer in service.

Met WSW Phylis off Cleveland by 19th about three weeks ago. Claimed she lived on 20th. I am guessing she is about 28. Body looked really tight with clothes on. I never removed any unfortunately. Got a great BBBJ in an ally I the area. Donation plus Mcdonalds after. She was really nice. Spent about 20 miuintes after talking while she ate. No number. I have been hunting for her again but have not found her. I want FS with this one.

Met 9 month pregnant Tammy the other night off of Sullivant. I am guessing she would be about 105lbs without the extra cargo. Probably 28 or 30. But her thin frame makes her look 25ish, and actually pretty healthy. She still looked hot despite the fact that she claimed she was 3 days from her due date. She insisted that he go to her apt in the area but I refused. I did not trust her. We drove way out of the neighborhood where I got a BBBJ with mostly jacking at the end because I think she was convinced I was going to make her catch. I finally took over myself. But she talked dirty about 1 inch from my face. Which was actually quite a turn on. After we finished she saw a copy of the latest busted in my car and pointed to a white guy on the cover and claimed it was her brother. The whole way back she told me her life story which included a story about being in the hospital a few days earlier for contractions. Fucked up. I don't even want to know what my donation is going towards.

Lately the streets have become pretty bare. Which makes for much work for little reward. That and the situation with the prego and Shannon make me want to go the Humpty route.

Sorry for hoarding. I am typically to busy / lazy to report. I'm with you. I have been a lurker for a while and just started posting and for some reason it seems the streets are bare. I can't contribute to much here. It seems that the quality of girls has really went down lately. I might try branching out my area, tried crusing on S. High street the other day and got nothing.

Humpty Dumpty
11-03-10, 01:49
Good reports, gentlemen. Keep up coming.

Jrp, yeah, I would pass by 21 year old Shelly if I was you. I had her once a couple years back I gave her a damn good creampie. But nowadays, she does indeed stay up for days at a time smoking crack. The geeking is a total turn off. Last time I picked her up I left her stranded without doing the deed. A couple months before this, I called her and drove to the pick up location. She was looking good, but was totally high and was drawing a lot of attention to herself and several locals were watching and laughing at her. So I had to pass her by. Shelly is a street name, I forgot her real name, she was in the Slammer not so long ago. Its better to pick her girls who are into pills and downers and booze. Girls on crack or meth are annoying, paranoid and very volatile.

I did see Shelli Moore a couple nights ago one Broad in the Hilltop near Noor Market. She actually looked good! I nutted in her as well back in 2006. But I am trying to get away from the SW scene so I drove on by.

11-03-10, 03:28
I'm with you. I have been a lurker for a while and just started posting and for some reason it seems the streets are bare. I can't contribute to much here. It seems that the quality of girls has really went down lately. I might try branching out my area, tried crusing on S. High street the other day and got nothing.At least I'm not the only one stricking out, LOL.

Humpty Dumpty
11-03-10, 22:36
At least I'm not the only one stricking out, LOL.Its time you boys learned the art of indecent proposals.

Humpty Dumpty
11-05-10, 01:19
So I drove down Sullivant looking for a girl to meet and make an indecent proposal to, because SWs are getting to be too much of a pain in the ass. I noticed Michelle "Smurfette" Smith by Rocky Top Tavern and cracked out "Shelly" at Glenwood and Sullivant. She looked good but was yelling and waving her hands as usual. No single girls who were not already hohos were around. Then school let out. Bad timing on my part. I continued to drive westbound down Sully.3 PM is not a good time to monger. Traffic, kids and whatnot.

Then at the bus stop by Papa John's I noticed a young white female waiting for the bus stop by herself. Perfect opportunity for an indecent proposal. She was not a SW since a couple cars circled around her and she seemed not to notice them, or make eye contact, she just stared in the direction of the bus. So I parked the car, and got out, preparing to talk to her and get her to do me. But as soon as I got out of the car, a tidal wave of vomit erupted from her mouth. It was orange and liquid and looked like the Hi-C that they have at McDonald's. I got back in the car and drove off. Even if this chick was Eva Mendes I would not have let her in my car after that. I guess you have to expect the unexpected. If I had dropped by earlier, she would have really ruined the interior of my beautiful car. Then again, the interior of my car is covered in bodily fluids, this probably would not have made it much worse.

I then went to campus where I met a young lady at a bar there and blew my load in her.

11-06-10, 23:01
Its time you boys learned the art of indecent proposals.Yes sensai teach us.

11-07-10, 13:50
Was in the area yesterday after a great lunch and thought I would cruz the area until LE blasted out of about every street. Shit Broad was swarming with them, this was about 2-3 o clock pm. Curled my tail a ran home south. Just haven't been in see-bus enough to know the area. I did notice a nasty one all geeked up on somethin and sores all over her face on Broad little down from Yale. Two young ones sitting together looked cute as hell but looked a little to young. Be safe, and good hunting, shit I miss summer already.

11-08-10, 22:06
Was in the area yesterday after a great lunch and thought I would cruz the area until LE blasted out of about every street. Shit Broad was swarming with them, this was about 2-3 o clock pm. Curled my tail a ran home south. Just haven't been in see-bus enough to know the area. I did notice a nasty one all geeked up on somethin and sores all over her face on Broad little down from Yale. Two young ones sitting together looked cute as hell but looked a little to young. Be safe, and good hunting, shit I miss summer already.I miss the summer too, with it getting colder out seem to have more luck hunting during the day. Daylight makes me a little nervous. I guess I need to find better spots for the day.

11-10-10, 14:50
I posted on Saturday but for whatever reason the post vanished into thin air. Trying again.

On Saturday I had some time to kill around lunch time on West Broad and hit a bonanza of WSW.

Around the church a bit east of the 315 overpass, spotted two girls that looked like WSW from afar. After a passes I saw them go into the marathon just down the road. Timed my pull up for when they exited and parked. Can I give them a ride to the Knights Inn. Certainly. They both jumped in. After driving a few blocks, I found out what I wanted to. That they were in the business and the thin dark haired WSW had a working phone. Since I really didn't have the time at the moment for a date, and since the one I was interested in was in back, and already indicated she had a working phone. We exchanged numbers and I dropped them off by Princeton / broad. The one I liked called herself Lexi. Not sure about the other one.

I ate lunch which took me much less time than I thought and went back to look for them to try to get a date. I was around the same spot where I dropped them and not 20 feet behind were another two WSW. One of them caught my eye as a TGTBT WSW I saw on Sullivant a few days earlier. I was sure she was not working, or too young when I saw her the other day. Looked a little closer at the other one and realized it was Shaleena, whom I had dated once before so I knew they were in the business. Waved and pulled down a side street about 7 car lengths and parked. They took the bait. Luckily, the one who caught my eye, Jamie, hopped in front with Shaleena getting in back. Drove off the beaten path where I preceded to get a pretty good BBBJ from Jamie while Shaleena watched from the back seat and played lookout. Since I have read that Shaleena has wandering hands, I kept my eyes peeled. But did not have a problem with her. Jamie is super hot. Blonde. 19 with blackish highlights, very thin. Standard donation for service plus drive through for both hungry girls. Have number from Jamie that does work. I have repeated with her at her location for an extremely satisfying FS experience.

The only other time before Saturday that I had a double pick up I think was my very first pick up. Found Amanda off broad and 270 at the speedway. I waved, parked, and they walked up and they asked for a ride. Amanda ended up giving me a BBBJ while her friend watched from the back seat. This was over a year ago. Amanda was one of my most frequent dates but her phone went dead and we lost touch. I assumed that she was retired until I saw her in the Oct 15th slammer.

I have tried to hook up with Lexi since, but she has been out of town. I think she may be trouble though as she called me last night around midnight. I texted back saying that I was in bed and I would contact her tomorrow. She texted back asking who I was. Then told me she was stuck out of town and didn't know when she would be back. I then woke up in the morning with another call from her that I had missed an hour or so after our text exchange. I will try to sample and report. Anyone know this one x59-18xx?

Later saw another pair walking down broad. One looked familiar. I think it may have been a WSW I dated about 9 months ago. When I dated he she looked like she had the most amazing body with clothes on. Part of that was because of the fake funbags. I don't remember the name she gave me but from my memory she looked like 'Queenie Milligan' from the September 24th slammer. In any case, she was acting so obvious I didn't even bother slowing down. Plus my experiences with her were really pretty disappointing. Plus I was quite satisfied from my experience with Jamie moments earlier. When you are new, your posts will not show up right away.

11-10-10, 23:48
When you are new, your posts will not show up right away. It takes forever for me to post something too how many post do you need before that changes.

11-11-10, 12:03
Last night after taking care of some personal affairs I decided I needed some diversion. Since I don't have any good working numbers to fall back on, I figured I'd do some hunting. It was 9:30PM and I took a cruise from east James on Broad all the way to G'ville Road. Absolutely nothing out and about. I headed east on Sully to town. I went south on Hig then north again. I took Broad west again and then back east on Sully. By 10:30 I had convinced myself that it was too cold for any action anywhere. So with no luck, I cruised north and found a warm bar and a cold beer to contemplate the wasted time.

11-12-10, 03:38
I've been cruising the Sully bottoms getting to know the area. Some evenings around midnight I will see several girls. Other nights I see nothing.

Tonight I was checking out the area and things were slim. (I really wasn't looking for action yet because I want to compile a list of the good and the bad that I can refer to before committing to action.) There was a fat fugly BSW wearing pink stretch pants a few blocks east of Central. OMG. At Central, there was an overweight WSW on the corner across from the gas station. She appeared to be geeking (high, coming down, or something) Not a pretty sight. I also saw a girl kind of lirking behind a van at Glenwood, but I was no longer in the mood after my Maria encounter which I am about to describe.

At the corner of Yale and sully (East of the train overpass.) I encountered Maria. She asked for a ride. She quickly admitted that she didn't really want a ride, that she was out looking to be naughty. She offered a feel of a nice C cup to demonstrate what she was talking about. Anyway, we agree on. 40 for a quickie at her apartment. We return to a large brick apartment building just south of Sully on Yale. At this point she says she needs the money up front to give to her roommate so she can run out to the store, giving us privacy. I propose to hold half the money till afterward, but she says she needs all to get roommate to run to the store. I am reluctant but finally agree.

I am kind of slow because I am fishing around in the vehicle for a raincoat. Maria takes off at a fast clip and was around the corner to the front of the building before I could close the door. When I followed around the corner, Maria was nowhere to be seen.

I checked old posts and see that Maria either gives very poor service or rips off mongers in a similar manner. Post 2796 describes a very similar experience. (There seems to be a Maria in every part of town, but this Maria is always in this immediate area.)

Maria's description. She is short, about 5'3' and thin. Long dark hair. Thin face. Priminent nose. Dark plastic frame glasses. Face is kind of rough like a young girl turning old fast. Stay away from this one. (She really knows how to spin the story that she needs the money beforehand.)

At least being taken by a Sully bottoms be*ch is not as expensive as being taken by a $$ Backpage scammer. From now on, no money up front, ever.

11-13-10, 22:17
Just my luck. I have been working an insane amount of hours and haven't had the chance to get out much. When I have had a chance to get out there has been nothing, I mean no one it seems on the streets. I left work and had to go to a friends house this morning and since he lives near clime road decieded to take a cruise down sully. Seems like everygirl and her sister were out this morning and here I am with no cash on me and in a hurry to get to his place. Hell, there was a younger blonde that was hot walking east on sully near Davis. I should have snatched her up and taken her to his place and pounded the hell out of her! Oh well, story of my life and like I said, just my luck.

11-13-10, 23:14
I've been cruising the Sully bottoms getting to know the area. Some evenings around midnight I will see several girls. Other nights I see nothing.

Tonight I was checking out the area and things were slim. (I really wasn't looking for action yet because I want to compile a list of the good and the bad that I can refer to before committing to action.) There was a fat fugly BSW wearing pink stretch pants a few blocks east of Central. OMG. At Central, there was an overweight WSW on the corner across from the gas station. She appeared to be geeking (high, coming down, or something) Not a pretty sight. I also saw a girl kind of lirking behind a van at Glenwood, but I was no longer in the mood after my Maria encounter which I am about to describe.

At the corner of Yale and sully (East of the train overpass.) I encountered Maria. She asked for a ride. She quickly admitted that she didn't really want a ride, that she was out looking to be naughty. She offered a feel of a nice C cup to demonstrate what she was talking about. Anyway, we agree on. 40 for a quickie at her apartment. We return to a large brick apartment building just south of Sully on Yale. At this point she says she needs the money up front to give to her roommate so she can run out to the store, giving us privacy. I propose to hold half the money till afterward, but she says she needs all to get roommate to run to the store. I am reluctant but finally agree.

I am kind of slow because I am fishing around in the vehicle for a raincoat. Maria takes off at a fast clip and was around the corner to the front of the building before I could close the door. When I followed around the corner, Maria was nowhere to be seen.

I checked old posts and see that Maria either gives very poor service or rips off mongers in a similar manner. Post 2796 describes a very similar experience. (There seems to be a Maria in every part of town, but this Maria is always in this immediate area.)

Maria's description. She is short, about 5'3' and thin. Long dark hair. Thin face. Priminent nose. Dark plastic frame glasses. Face is kind of rough like a young girl turning old fast. Stay away from this one. (She really knows how to spin the story that she needs the money beforehand.)

At least being taken by a Sully bottoms be*ch is not as expensive as being taken by a $$ Backpage scammer. From now on, no money up front, ever.Sorry to hear that. I wonder if she treats her custmer like that, should she be worried about being see again on the street? What are these SW thinking?

11-14-10, 09:13
I've been cruising the Sully bottoms getting to know the area. Some evenings around midnight I will see several girls. Other nights I see nothing.

Tonight I was checking out the area and things were slim. (I really wasn't looking for action yet because I want to compile a list of the good and the bad that I can refer to before committing to action.) There was a fat fugly BSW wearing pink stretch pants a few blocks east of Central. OMG. At Central, there was an overweight WSW on the corner across from the gas station. She appeared to be geeking (high, coming down, or something) Not a pretty sight. I also saw a girl kind of lirking behind a van at Glenwood, but I was no longer in the mood after my Maria encounter which I am about to describe.

At the corner of Yale and sully (East of the train overpass.) I encountered Maria. She asked for a ride. She quickly admitted that she didn't really want a ride, that she was out looking to be naughty. She offered a feel of a nice C cup to demonstrate what she was talking about. Anyway, we agree on. 40 for a quickie at her apartment. We return to a large brick apartment building just south of Sully on Yale. At this point she says she needs the money up front to give to her roommate so she can run out to the store, giving us privacy. I propose to hold half the money till afterward, but she says she needs all to get roommate to run to the store. I am reluctant but finally agree.

I am kind of slow because I am fishing around in the vehicle for a raincoat. Maria takes off at a fast clip and was around the corner to the front of the building before I could close the door. When I followed around the corner, Maria was nowhere to be seen.

I checked old posts and see that Maria either gives very poor service or rips off mongers in a similar manner. Post 2796 describes a very similar experience. (There seems to be a Maria in every part of town, but this Maria is always in this immediate area.)

Maria's description. She is short, about 5'3' and thin. Long dark hair. Thin face. Priminent nose. Dark plastic frame glasses. Face is kind of rough like a young girl turning old fast. Stay away from this one. (She really knows how to spin the story that she needs the money beforehand.)

At least being taken by a Sully bottoms be*ch is not as expensive as being taken by a $$ Backpage scammer. From now on, no money up front, ever. That sucks man, sorry to hear that.

Chris H
11-15-10, 02:43
Had a great session with Mercedes tonight. She was working Main Street, and we went to a nice spot so I could hit that juicy booty from the back outside. Very Nice!

11-15-10, 17:01
It takes forever for me to post something too how many post do you need before that changes.If I had to guess, I'd say 10 posts or so.

11-15-10, 20:18
Cruzed w. Broad early this morring between 2-3 am, was not expecting to find anything. Found Nikki waiting in an empty parking lot between D. M. And the gas station. Had hook up with her before about 2 weeks ago. Couldn't tell who she was untill she got closer to the car. Since it was cold out she was not in a hurry to finish, and nither was I. Found a good location to park and get things done. She lost her new phone already, so I had to give her my # again. After dropping her off, about a block and a half down I seen another protencial ws, she walked back and forth on one part of the block, I made a few passes at her to see if she was down, she looked to be talking on a cell phone, and there were two many leo presence in the area so I left. Checked out Cleve, ave and did not see anything there but more leo.

Streets were pretty much empty so any C. P. D. Cars out were more likey to tail who ever was out.

11-16-10, 01:14
I've been cruising the Sully bottoms getting to know the area. Some evenings around midnight I will see several girls. Other nights I see nothing.

Tonight I was checking out the area and things were slim. (I really wasn't looking for action yet because I want to compile a list of the good and the bad that I can refer to before committing to action.) There was a fat fugly BSW wearing pink stretch pants a few blocks east of Central. OMG. At Central, there was an overweight WSW on the corner across from the gas station. She appeared to be geeking (high, coming down, or something) Not a pretty sight. I also saw a girl kind of lirking behind a van at Glenwood, but I was no longer in the mood after my Maria encounter which I am about to describe.

At the corner of Yale and sully (East of the train overpass.) I encountered Maria. She asked for a ride. She quickly admitted that she didn't really want a ride, that she was out looking to be naughty. She offered a feel of a nice C cup to demonstrate what she was talking about. Anyway, we agree on. 40 for a quickie at her apartment. We return to a large brick apartment building just south of Sully on Yale. At this point she says she needs the money up front to give to her roommate so she can run out to the store, giving us privacy. I propose to hold half the money till afterward, but she says she needs all to get roommate to run to the store. I am reluctant but finally agree.

I am kind of slow because I am fishing around in the vehicle for a raincoat. Maria takes off at a fast clip and was around the corner to the front of the building before I could close the door. When I followed around the corner, Maria was nowhere to be seen.

I checked old posts and see that Maria either gives very poor service or rips off mongers in a similar manner. Post 2796 describes a very similar experience. (There seems to be a Maria in every part of town, but this Maria is always in this immediate area.)

Maria's description. She is short, about 5'3' and thin. Long dark hair. Thin face. Priminent nose. Dark plastic frame glasses. Face is kind of rough like a young girl turning old fast. Stay away from this one. (She really knows how to spin the story that she needs the money beforehand.)

At least being taken by a Sully bottoms be*ch is not as expensive as being taken by a $$ Backpage scammer. From now on, no money up front, ever. Wow! I have almost picked her up a couple times. That sucks man.

11-16-10, 01:20
Had a great session with Mercedes tonight. She was working Main Street, and we went to a nice spot so I could hit that juicy booty from the back outside. Very Nice!She is nice haven't had that in a while, Last time I saw her she was on the West side earlier this summer. I wouldn't mind running into her or Lynnett.

Chris H
11-16-10, 15:17
She is nice haven't had that in a while, Last time I saw her she was on the West side earlier this summer. I wouldn't mind running into her or Lynnett.Lynnett, is starting 2 show her age, the booty is not as thick and her whole body is skinner now. I wonder if she is sick.

11-17-10, 23:28
Lynnett, is starting 2 show her age, the booty is not as thick and her whole body is skinner now. I wonder if she is sick.That sucks, Lynnett was real nice back in the day. She was freaky as hell. I haven't seen talent out there on her level in a while.

11-17-10, 23:33
Who are some of the nicer looking girls on the east side? It's kinda sparce out their from what I've seen. I was just wondering if I might be missing something. The only girls that I tend to see out there is either Spook, or Star. Spooky isn't looking as nice as she use to either.

Traveler Two
11-20-10, 21:06
The young blonde spinner Jamie is back on the west side again. She's looking good and wasn't all geeked out tonight.

11-21-10, 09:02
I've had a few great encounters with her in the last couple of months. Too bad she got locked up again. Looks like it will be a couple months before I get to work that juicy body again.

11-21-10, 09:05
I called her up and we went to a cheap hotel. That azz is still pretty hittin it from the back. I blew a load of hot sauce all over it. She has a good attitude.

Chris H
11-21-10, 16:09
I've had a few great encounters with her in the last couple of months. Too bad she got locked up again. Looks like it will be a couple months before I get to work that juicy body again.How do you know that Mercedas is locked up again? Was she in the SLAMMER mag?

11-21-10, 21:21
1st BSW I seen was off hudson. I wasn't looking for anything at the time, but noticed her and wanted to try an see if I can hook up with her later in the night. She was an older lady about 40 and skinny. Asked for her # and she got nerves, talked to her a minute and she cooled. Had a quick sample for a few minutes before leaving. Seen her later on in the night working the same area but did not stop.

2nd BSW (Miranda) I meet before midnight. She was walking north along cleveland ave, she waived as I drove by. I pulled back around about 1/2 a block and she comes an meets me at the car. She is about 5'6", in her mid 40's. She's not hot but doesn't look bad. We talked for a few minutes then found a spot to get started. BJ was ok, she had a nice apple bottom shape that was nice and soft. Would like to see her again. She didn't have a number and says she only is out on the weekends.

Not to long after my last visit, I get a call from another girl that stays in the area and wanted to visit me. I was pretty much spent at this time. Lots of people were starting to get pulled over by this time, and I was ready to call it a night.

Humpty Dumpty
11-21-10, 21:40
Anyone have an update on the false rape case of Amy Bourgois? Please post it.

I recently picked up a young lady. She got in the car without asking questions, and when I asked her if she wanted to "make some easy money" she said yes. When we got to the safe location, she demanded money and said if I did not give her free money and take her to a neighboring county, she would call the cops. She also refused to get out of my car.

So I drove her to a bus stop and ordered her out. I wanted to drive to a public place so anyone could see what was going on. I figured if people saw me kicking her out of my car, it would be a good defense, since what kind of "victim" would not want to run away from her alleged attacker? To make a long story short, I called the cops on her and she left with no money. Then she entered my plate number into her phone. I did not touch this lady, but with the Amy thing and the Duke lacrosse team case, I am quite nervous over this. All it takes is some overzealous cops and prosecutors and thats it, you're done.

11-22-10, 00:26
I called her up and we went to a cheap hotel. That azz is still pretty hittin it from the back. I blew a load of hot sauce all over it. She has a good attitude.Saw her on the east side this weekend. I can see why Chris H thinks she is showing a bit of her age. She isn't as tight as she use to be although she still was fun.

11-22-10, 00:37
Has any one seen either one of these girls? Tara is a Light skinned BSW usually hangs out off of Cleveland Ave. She isn't to thick up top but man does she have a nice ass. I haven't seen her in a while was wondering if anyone else has even herard of her. I have had some good times with her. Ebony use to hang out on the east side off of Main street between Fairwood and that Krogers area. She is also a light skinned BSW with nice C cups and a nice butt, both are really cute.

11-22-10, 01:47
How do you know that Mercedas is locked up again? Was she in the SLAMMER mag?I know her real name so its easy to find out whether she's in jail or not.

11-22-10, 02:17
I was travling north on Parsons tonight, I seen 2 SW. 1 walking south and the other north, I pass up the 1st one and go to the next one. She ask to be picked up on the next street. I drive around the corner and wait for her. As she gets up to the window, I see she is a very sexy Latina, looks like she may be pregnat, she does not get right in, so I ask her if she needs a ride, she doesn't answer, but asks for $ and tells me how much she needs, I ask once more if she needs a ride, and she doesn't get in, I ask her for her number and she says she doesn't have one, so I let her go. She heads to another car tryin to pick her up, and they leave without her, I drive by her again and see her talking on a cell phone. I travel up Thurman towards High and see 2 crusiers waiting in a near by lot.

Humpty Dumpty
11-22-10, 08:15
I was travling north on Parsons tonight, I seen 2 SW. 1 walking south and the other north, I pass up the 1st one and go to the next one. She ask to be picked up on the next street. I drive around the corner and wait for her. As she gets up to the window, I see she is a very sexy Latina, looks like she may be pregnat, she does not get right in, so I ask her if she needs a ride, she doesn't answer, but asks for $ and tells me how much she needs, I ask once more if she needs a ride, and she doesn't get in, I ask her for her number and she says she doesn't have one, so I let her go. She heads to another car tryin to pick her up, and they leave without her, I drive by her again and see her talking on a cell phone. I travel up Thurman towards High and see 2 crusiers waiting in a near by lot.That would be Jessie Flener. I creampied her three times. She is Italian and Cherokee. She looks pregnant to me! But last time I saw her on Parsons she appeared to have some weird abnormalities on her skin. So I would pass. Great skills, attitude and (was?) a pretty girl though. But it won't take long before her looks plummet into the ground. She also does threesomes with her friend. I forgot the friend's name but I blew my load in her too. Jessie is in my most recent youtube creampie video.

11-23-10, 21:03
Maybe it's just my luck but it seems like everytime I have a chance to check out the scenes there is nothing going on. I know some of it's my schedule and the hours I work but damn! Only girl I've seen out the past few weeks was a BSW that had a ass as wide as my truck! Oh well, guess I'll keep looking and hoping to catch a sighting of one. It's bound to happen one day, LOL!

Stay safe

11-24-10, 04:30
Saturday afternoon on W Broad street bottoms I saw a young thin girl wearing tall boots with high heels. I saw her a couple days earlier in the sully bottoms and I thought that these boots scream SW. This time, as I come around the block again, She has ditched her friends and I get the smile and a few steps toward me. I know that I need to meet this girl. Unfortunately, I don't have time to stop. Additionally, there is a police car a block down, in a corner lot, parked at an angle to keep an eye on the corner where she is standing

Saturday around midnight, I have time and I return hoping to find her. There is one police car cruising aggressively up and down the bottoms and there are no girls to be seen anywhere on the loop. And there is a big ugly white crown vic (with black painted wheels) cruising the bottoms as well. He makes a U-turn and follows me up sully. On my next lap, I see him turning off of central to head back down sully. Either this is a very unsubtle undercover, or a monger driving a very scary car.

So I head up to Cleveland and at 21st, I find Keisha again. She doesn't want to leave the area so have to settle for BBBJ. Monday afternoon, I see Keisha at the same location, but heading the other direction is a very tall BSW. This is something to look forward to.

Tuesday at 1 in the morning (well Wednesday actually) I take a loop around sully before heading home. I'll be damned if I don't see that crown vic get off the highway a block back and soon he is right behind me on Sully. I turned off to get rid of him. 2 blocks E of central, there are two nice young WSW pacing the sidewalks. One even calls out as I pass. Why aren't they out there when I have time for pickup? So it seems that they are out there, when the LEO isn't around. Mid to late afternoon is not a good time though, too many school kids around.

Traveler Two
11-24-10, 13:20
Saturday afternoon on W Broad street bottoms I saw a young thin girl wearing tall boots with high heels. I saw her a couple days earlier in the sully bottoms and I thought that these boots scream SW. This time, as I come around the block again, She has ditched her friends and I get the smile and a few steps toward me. I know that I need to meet this girl. Unfortunately, I don't have time to stop. Additionally, there is a police car a block down, in a corner lot, parked at an angle to keep an eye on the corner where she is standing Don't worry, I caught up with her Saturday. That's Jamie, she's a hot one that has been mentioned here a few times. She shows up from time to time and then disappears for months.

11-24-10, 23:42
Ok so I'm out on the prowl to find something last night around 2 am, I decided to hit the east side. Found a BSW on Livinston named Angie not the best looking face but nice body so I said what the hell. We find a nice spot make our arrangements and so I want her to ride me. She starts out by giving me a CBJ then gets completly naked and hops on top it is at this point I realize the horrible oder comming from her which instantly fills my car. I almost threw up. I had to make her stop and get out to put her cloths back on. I drove with all the windows down to drop her off. My question is how do I get that funky smell out of my car. I can sell it through the air freshers. And what do you do to avoid that type of situation because I never want this to happen again.

Traveler Two
11-25-10, 17:56
Ok so I'm out on the prowl to find something last night around 2 am, I decided to hit the east side. Found a BSW on Livinston named Angie not the best looking face but nice body so I said what the hell. We find a nice spot make our arrangements and so I want her to ride me. She starts out by giving me a CBJ then gets completly naked and hops on top it is at this point I realize the horrible oder comming from her which instantly fills my car. I almost threw up. I had to make her stop and get out to put her cloths back on. I drove with all the windows down to drop her off. My question is how do I get that funky smell out of my car. I can sell it through the air freshers. And what do you do to avoid that type of situation because I never want this to happen again.First get the biggest douche you can find.

I would let it air out a bit then close it up with a box of arm&hammer stuff you put in the fridge. If that doesn't work maybe some of the more pet friendly carpet cleaners

11-27-10, 09:57
I was driving along Livingston last night, and a BSW tried to waive me down as I passed. I wasn't really looking for anything, but wanted to see what was a valible. I turn down the next street which is a one way and stop in front of a small apt. I did not go around the block to check her out. A few seconds after I stopped, A black Lincoln unmarked police cruzier pulls on the other side of the street and watches me for a minute before driving on. I've noticed that a few of you have said that you have seen this car while out, just a reminder, look out for this one.

11-28-10, 02:07
First get the biggest douche you can find.

I would let it air out a bit then close it up with a box of arm&hammer stuff you put in the fridge. If that doesn't work maybe some of the more pet friendly carpet cleanersI took your advise and used some carpet cleaner in the car that worked like a charm. Man for something that smelly I would have thought I would have smelled it as soon as her draws came down not while I'm in the act, man my hands stunk from taking off the raincoat couldn't imagine what it would have been like if I was bareback.

11-28-10, 02:10
I was driving along Livingston last night, and a BSW tried to waive me down as I passed. I wasn't really looking for anything, but wanted to see what was a valible. I turn down the next street which is a one way and stop in front of a small apt. I did not go around the block to check her out. A few seconds after I stopped, A black Lincoln unmarked police cruzier pulls on the other side of the street and watches me for a minute before driving on. I've noticed that a few of you have said that you have seen this car while out, just a reminder, look out for this one.I was on the east side the other day and I too noticed that Lincoln. I have got to remember to pay attention to that, I went out there tonight didn't see it but LE was out in force.

11-28-10, 21:02
I been pretty much staying with my regulars. Ms Attitude, Hot Spinner and occasionally TT on Liv.

A couple weeks ago, I saw a BBW at the bus stop on cleve / Hudson. Got a poor BBBJ. She's been calling me the last week but I been putting her off. Then her cousin calls me. Wants to meet me.

She's got her own place and quoted CL / escort prices. I played along all week.

Today she texts me and I say I ain't got what she's asking.

She says today she running a blue light special, and I can get it all for $30.

I figure I got nothing to lose.

So, yea, she's a biggun. At least 48DDD's, but a tight pu$$why for a big girl.

Gave great BBBJ, and positioned for mish. I hit it hard and rubbed her clit harder.

She moaned and squirmed quite a bit for a big girl. And got her big O.

Then she wanted me to finish doggie. Finally got her rolled over and literally climbed up on her ass and hit it hard.

She moaned and groaned some more and I finally blew my load.

Meaning, I don't normally do the BBW's, but this one got me hard and kept me hard.

I gave her $40 for being a good sport.

She wants to go back to CL prices, but, I ain't paying those prices for what I already got for 40.

Then, tonite, the 19YO hot little spinner calls. Seeing her on Thu.

See a few on cleve / liv / main, but, I think I'll stick with what I know. I'm too tired to train a new one.

11-29-10, 13:42
A few years ago a buddy of mine had a similar experience, only the chic wasnt a SW. He picked her up at a party and she was a real hottie. He got her in the back seat of of his car and pounded her several times Well he was somewhat drunk and didn't notice the smell because of her perfume. The next morning when he got in his car it was so rank he threw up. There was a huge spot on the back seat of the car where she had dripped and apparently her Aunt Flo had been visiting. He tried cleaning it off the seat and was fairly successful except for the smell of the rotten fish and perfume.

He wound up taking it to a professional car detailer that many of the high end dealers used. They steam cleaned the vinyl seat and used an Ozone Generator for 24 hours and it did get rid of the smell completely. The total cost for the steam clean and Ozone Generator=$150. 00.

When I pick up a chic I don't know, I always finger her first and do a smell check. If it doesn't smell good enough to eat I won't touch it. I keep Handi Wipes and liquid hand sanitizer in the car for that kind of situation.

The nose ALWAYS knows!

11-29-10, 22:33
A few years ago a buddy of mine had a similar experience, only the chic wasnt a SW. He picked her up at a party and she was a real hottie. He got her in the back seat of of his car and pounded her several times Well he was somewhat drunk and didn't notice the smell because of her perfume. The next morning when he got in his car it was so rank he threw up. There was a huge spot on the back seat of the car where she had dripped and apparently her Aunt Flo had been visiting. He tried cleaning it off the seat and was fairly successful except for the smell of the rotten fish and perfume.

He wound up taking it to a professional car detailer that many of the high end dealers used. They steam cleaned the vinyl seat and used an Ozone Generator for 24 hours and it did get rid of the smell completely. The total cost for the steam clean and Ozone Generator=$150. 00.

When I pick up a chic I don't know, I always finger her first and do a smell check. If it doesn't smell good enough to eat I won't touch it. I keep Handi Wipes and liquid hand sanitizer in the car for that kind of situation.

The nose ALWAYS knows! I think I am going to start keeping handi wipes in the car because of that situation. I might have to try that finger them first approach though, I'd much rather have to try to get that smell off my finger than have to deal with it in my car.

11-30-10, 19:34
Quite slow, gunplay last eve and guessing nearly all stayed in. Of interest. Short, heavy, older, nastier, on east sullivan, frightening. Fairly attractive blonde 1 block from central and sullivant but missed out on 2nd drive.

12-01-10, 11:32
Hey busternutz,

I sent you a pm about the girl named angie. Can you check your inbox and respond please. I really need to know.


12-01-10, 18:05
Hey busternutz,

I sent you a pm about the girl named angie. Can you check your inbox and respond please. I really need to know.

ThanksI got your PM and have responded.

12-03-10, 06:05
Had the opportunity to swing through CBUS this week. It is unbelievable the amount of LE that was out for a Monday night. I thought boy there must be a lot of crime on the sullivant happening. I saw two very hot chics walking right past holly hill (I was heading east) but as my luck would have it, when I checked my 6, I had a LEO right on my tail. He didn't turn off till I reached Hague. By the time I got back they had dissapeared behind that family dollar into that gigantic apartment complex. I cursed my luck (and the LE) and continued on down sullivant.

Over all I cruised the following areas Parsons, High, Cleveland, Main, Sullivant, Broad, and Livingston.

I saw scattered SW on all areas. Probably an avg of 1-2 per road. Finally picked up Gwen on Parsons around the kroger. We went back to my room at the southwind for some fun and games. Negotiated 40 for half and half.

I give her a 6 over all in looks because she has a badass body. Her face isn't the geatest nor her small boobs but her nice solid ass and tight snapper made up for it.

Service was some of the best to better I've had and I rate her an 8. Started with a backrub and went to BBBJ. Flipped over for some mish pounding and finaly finished with doggie style.

Recorded the whole session on video.

12-03-10, 13:43
Hey busternutz.

I sent the pm, please let me know what you think.


12-03-10, 20:11
I looked around the west side today and did not see much. I went to Livingston and found BSW Bionca medium size girl. 5'5".19, just had a baby a few months ago. I picked her up and rolled and talked to her. She looks young, over 18, she tells me she's 19. I didn't wana take the chance tho and she did not have I'd on her, so I give her my number for a later hook up. I stop at a store before dropping her off, notice theres a cruzer watchin me or some one else whose in the same area, couldn't really tell. I belive some of you may know her, if so let me know if she's good to go.

12-04-10, 02:38

I had messed around with her in the summer. Met her off of Livingston and we found a place to park to handel our business. She wasn't very good at the BBBJ so she then tried to get me off by screwing but we stopped because I got spooked by cars comming by. She tried to make it right and gave me her number but I never called.

12-04-10, 02:56
Finally had some luck Monday and saw a few out in the early afternoon. Picked up a cute little blonde on sully and wedgewood. She is maybe 5'6 or so, skinny, small tits, but she has a killer ass. After checks were made to make sure neither was LE we went back to my place. After some BBBJ on went the cover. This girl can fuck and seems to enjoy it. Everything cost $50. I got her number, she did say it belonged to a friend. If you want it shoot me a message.

12-04-10, 08:40
Picked up a cute little blonde the other day on sully and wedgewood. She is maybe around 5'6-5'8 or so, skinny (put her less than 120) , nice small little tits with responsive nipples, a nice little ass, and a piercing in her lip. After introductions and a LE check I took her back to my place. After some nice BBBJ decided it was time for a cover and hit it doggy. Watching that ass as I hit her from behind and before long I popped. Took her back to where I found her and got her digits. If anyone wants them send me a message.

12-04-10, 17:00
Hey guys new here. Sorry if I'm not supposed to do this but I'm looking for a good girl that does GFE, BBBJ, and must do Greek. I like thin blondes especially short ones. PM me if you can help me out.

12-05-10, 17:42
I was driving along Livingston last night, and a BSW tried to waive me down as I passed. I wasn't really looking for anything, but wanted to see what was a valible. I turn down the next street which is a one way and stop in front of a small apt. I did not go around the block to check her out. A few seconds after I stopped, A black Lincoln unmarked police cruzier pulls on the other side of the street and watches me for a minute before driving on. I've noticed that a few of you have said that you have seen this car while out, just a reminder, look out for this one.Since when did Columbus start using unmarks?

12-05-10, 18:01
Anyone have an update on the false rape case of Amy Bourgois? Please post it.

I recently picked up a young lady. She got in the car without asking questions, and when I asked her if she wanted to "make some easy money" she said yes. When we got to the safe location, she demanded money and said if I did not give her free money and take her to a neighboring county, she would call the cops. She also refused to get out of my car.

So I drove her to a bus stop and ordered her out. I wanted to drive to a public place so anyone could see what was going on. I figured if people saw me kicking her out of my car, it would be a good defense, since what kind of "victim" would not want to run away from her alleged attacker? To make a long story short, I called the cops on her and she left with no money. Then she entered my plate number into her phone. I did not touch this lady, but with the Amy thing and the Duke lacrosse team case, I am quite nervous over this. All it takes is some overzealous cops and prosecutors and thats it, you're done. I use a voice recorder tape machine in my car just for that in case. Cost me $25 and digital. When I pick up a SW I start recording. I had a SW file rape on me before. She wouldn't leave my house, I left her outside with my roommates came back home and police was there. Long story short they didn't believe her and took her to jail and she got like 6 months in jail The girl was weird but I didn't notice until next morning she kept penny in her ear to protect her. She was made cause she somehow lost the. 25 I gave her. I was sweating bullets when I came home and saw cops around. They saw the used condoms on floor so they said why would a rapist use condoms. Anyway they said be safe next time and took her to jail. Glad my roommates didn't tell people at school. We all were going to Ohio State,

But I thought it was over with for me and I was young then too. But I knew somehow I knew I was ok because she was a BSW and lying. Plus my roommates was there in their rooms and they asked why she sleep through the night and wait to call police and if she knew roommates was there why didn't she scream for help.

And with the license plate thing if somehow I have disagreement with SW I always leave my lights off till I drive away to where she can't read them. If daytime I make sure I do a uturn or backup and drive away so they can't see them. I do that anyway just because I don't want them having that info. There is a license plate hider you can buy online that will hide your plates at press of button.

12-07-10, 09:35
Since when did Columbus start using unmarks?I'm not sure when they started, but it has been for a long time. They have unmarked cars and suvs. The suvs are harder to spot, but if you know what to look for, you can spot them out a little easier.

12-07-10, 18:36
Found a skinny WSW on shully, she was wearing a brown jacket with blue jeans and she was walking with Amanda, Her chest looked good at first but they felt fake. Had a BBBJ from her which wasn't very good, forgot her name, would not try again. We ran into her friend Cece at the store. Cece looks 30, 5'6", brown hair short cut, big ass, did not try her but she rode around with us for a little. Dropped them both off, and seen them together again back on shully later on and just drove passed them.

A BSW tried to wave me down on Livingston. When she came close to the vechile, I passed, she did not look good at all.

12-07-10, 20:38
Found a skinny WSW on shully, she was wearing a brown jacket with blue jeans and she was walking with Amanda, Her chest looked good at first but they felt fake. Had a BBBJ from her which wasn't very good, forgot her name, would not try again. We ran into her friend Cece at the store. Cece looks 30, 5'6", brown hair short cut, big ass, did not try her but she rode around with us for a little. Dropped them both off, and seen them together again back on shully later on and just drove passed them.

A BSW tried to wave me down on Livingston. When she came close to the vechile, I passed, she did not look good at all. Which Amanda was this?

12-08-10, 10:07
Which Amanda was this?I don't know. 1st time I've seen her.

12-11-10, 01:17
I don't know. 1st time I've seen her.That girl Cece sounds interesting where at on sully did you see her?

12-11-10, 04:41
Man, I have had bad luck with some of the girls who I use to have really great times with. I ran into Mercedes tonight off of Main she told me she just got out of jail and wants regulars like me again but man, I just wanted a BBBJ so I know I wasn't taking advantage of all her skills but, man I thought she was bettter than that. After a while I had to help her out because I wasn't going to bust with her skills as they were. I still took her number so maybe I'll give her another try in a couple of days.

12-12-10, 10:50
Well I was a dupe again. This time it was a girl going by the name of Missy. She was standing near the corner of Sully and Yale (E of the RR overpass) She wanted money upfront which I refused. Then wanted to see money and put somewhere she could take it after business was concluded. I put it in the ashtray. Well, she took it almost immediately and wouldn't give it back. I should have just wrestled it away from her and kicked her out but was not brave enough to get in a physical altercation. Then she took off with the cash.

She is fairly short, around 5'3' and thin, dark hair, has several small crack scabs on her face. She kind of looks like Maria, but definitely a different girl. Her MO is so similar to Maria (stands near the corner, slightly back from sully, followed by cash and dash) There must be a crack house around S Yale where these girls are trading techniques to scam mongers. I am leery of anyone near that intersection.

I should have kicked her out immediately, bad attitude, dictating the situation, wanted too much, etc. Maybe I am just too nice of a guy to deal with these girls.

12-12-10, 11:37
Early in the morring around 8 I started my trip. Seen an older WSW on Parons, blond wearing a red coat and blue jeans, passed on her as she was too old and not what I wanted. Didn't see anything else so went on to Sullivant and found Stephanie, (Blond, pregnat). After she got In headed west on Sullivant and seen the other WSW with brown coat and blue jeans I had a few days ago with a friend in her same spot, a paddy wagon pulled next to them and started asking them questions, I drove on. Stephanie showed me to a nice quiet spot were we could take our time. I got a long BBBJ with cims. Got her number and dropped her off. Will share # with senoirs if she oks.

Found Alana at the gas station on Sulliant & Norton a short while latter. (she's a skinny tall blond girl) Talks a lot. Not my type and did not try her, but she gave me her and her friends #. Says her friend is a red head named Jeanie. (did not see the red head friend, she was not with her.) She says they do 3somes. She also says that they place ads on BP some times. (this is not the Alana with black hair thats on BP. Will share # with any one that wants to try her / them.

At night there was an old BSW at Abby Lane on Cleveland ave. Didn't know she was old until she got to the window, passed on her, but have # for any one who wants. She stays at the apts. There and uses it for services.

Humpty Dumpty
12-12-10, 13:15
Well I was a dupe again. This time it was a girl going by the name of Missy. She was standing near the corner of Sully and Yale (E of the RR overpass) She wanted money upfront which I refused. Then wanted to see money and put somewhere she could take it after business was concluded. I put it in the ashtray. Well, she took it almost immediately and wouldn't give it back. I should have just wrestled it away from her and kicked her out but was not brave enough to get in a physical altercation. Then she took off with the cash.

She is fairly short, around 5'3' and thin, dark hair, has several small crack scabs on her face. She kind of looks like Maria, but definitely a different girl. Her MO is so similar to Maria (stands near the corner, slightly back from sully, followed by cash and dash) There must be a crack house around S Yale where these girls are trading techniques to scam mongers. I am leery of anyone near that intersection.

I should have kicked her out immediately, bad attitude, dictating the situation, wanted too much, etc. Maybe I am just too nice of a guy to deal with these girls. Once you give her the money, thats it, you aint getting it back, I read of one monger in Dayton who spent several weeks in jail on a robbery charge for doing that. I never have problems with giving money upfront in the ashtray. IF I have control of the situation, which means you have to take her out of the area, so if she expects a ride back, she has to perform.

If a girl grabs something of yours like a phone or a GPS, or money you had not already given her, then grab it back. But if you have already given it to her, there is nothing you can do at that point.

I would also recommend "window screening" as I call it. This cuts down the possibility of "throwbacks" which are women you pick up but will have to throw out for being too old, ugly, weird, bad vibes, being a TV, being too sped up on drugs, etc.

Here is how I would do it. I crack the passenger window a bit and pull over:

HD: Hi miss! Hey whats your name?

SW. In a speed up voice, geeking uncontrollably, I notice scabs upon seeing her up close) Tasha! Hey how much money you got? You're cute. Hurry up! Open the door!

HD: What was that?

SW: Tasha! Let me in! Its cold!

HD: Oops, thought you were someone else!

(Drives off)

Tasha: Fucking Asshole! Fuck You!

Now, I know when picking a lady up, you want to be inconspicuous and get in her in the car ASAP, but this 10 second word exchange can save you a lot of headaches later.

12-12-10, 18:03
Man, I have had bad luck with some of the girls who I use to have really great times with. I ran into Mercedes tonight off of Main she told me she just got out of jail and wants regulars like me again but man, I just wanted a BBBJ so I know I wasn't taking advantage of all her skills but, man I thought she was bettter than that. After a while I had to help her out because I wasn't going to bust with her skills as they were. I still took her number so maybe I'll give her another try in a couple of days.I'm surprised. She's usually a pro in that department. Although, she freaked out when I CIM one time. It was my mistake, but it just felt too good.

12-12-10, 18:21
I'm not sure when they started, but it has been for a long time. They have unmarked cars and suvs. The suvs are harder to spot, but if you know what to look for, you can spot them out a little easier.And sometimes, they'll even use their own vehicle to blend in even further.

12-13-10, 01:38
Early in the morring around 8 I started my trip. Seen an older WSW on Parons, blond wearing a red coat and blue jeans, passed on her as she was too old and not what I wanted. Didn't see anything else so went on to Sullivant and found Stephanie, (Blond, pregnat). After she got In headed west on Sullivant and seen the other WSW with brown coat and blue jeans I had a few days ago with a friend in her same spot, a paddy wagon pulled next to them and started asking them questions, I drove on. Stephanie showed me to a nice quiet spot were we could take our time. I got a long BBBJ with cims. Got her number and dropped her off. Will share # with senoirs if she oks.

Found Alana at the gas station on Sulliant & Norton a short while latter. (she's a skinny tall blond girl) Talks a lot. Not my type and did not try her, but she gave me her and her friends. Says her friend is a red head named Jeanie. (did not see the red head friend, she was not with her.) She says they do 3somes. She also says that they place ads on BP some times. (this is not the Alana with black hair thats on BP. Will share # with any one that wants to try her / them.

At night there was an old BSW at Abby Lane on Cleveland ave. Didn't know she was old until she got to the window, passed on her, but have # for any one who wants. She stays at the apts. There and uses it for services. Wow did you do all this in one night, if so you do get around. I have found quite a few SW's at Abby Lane.

12-13-10, 01:43
I'm surprised. She's usually a pro in that department. Although, she freaked out when I CIM one time. It was my mistake, but it just felt too good.I'll agree with you that's why I was so suprised. I must have caught her on a bad day. Does any body know who The Cand is that she is cool with? Like what she Looks like or anything Mercedes said she has a nice rack but I want someone else's opinion before I call her.

Mw Jrp
12-13-10, 09:17
About 30 minutes before, I picked Angel a 28yo tall blond, but dropped her thinking she'd rush things. At her house she offered her roomie, Sarah, who was too fat and round. That's why I scooped Bobby; I knew I'd get a GFE.

Bobby gives a super fantastic BBBJ, DFK, lots of BLS. Then it was CFS CG and a mish finish. When I nut Bobby rocked her hips abd squeezed those muscles, like GFE.

She has a new phone, but may need minutes. Digits for active senior members.

Plenty of girls out in the snow. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
12-13-10, 09:58
I rested after Bobby Jo, then went out. Again saw many girls, but Starr was the cutest I could find. H&H. 40 +.1 tip at my room. Plenty of jacking on the way and some BBBJ in the room. Starr showered clean and came out dressed for sex. She has large D's with some droop but kept a slinky top on to hide her torso, but exposed the funbags.

As she promised her giner lips are long and huge, a favorite of mine, and she has a really big clit. Naturally, I had to DATY on that pink treat. She responded with ooohs and aaahs but did not nut.

Then it was my turn for CFS mish and those pussy lips wrapped all the way around my base and felt terrific. Soon I busted and she showered again. The only negative was no kissing. But the DATY on that clean, pink, huge giner and clit more than made up for no kissing.

She has a working number for active senior members. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
12-14-10, 09:00
Scooped her for H&H. 40 +.10 and she earned every penny. Megan has extra long giner lips and a flawless body that looks 18yo. Her ample C / D's have some baby-tupe droop but the giner is no-kid tight, so I should have asked.

Got a better than average BBBJ and CFS 3 positions. First it was CG and she almost made me cum. While she rode me I shoved a finger up her ass and got no protests. Then I had her RCG and that cute, soft, mark-free bumper was sweet. For the finish I flipped her for mish and had those long lips wrap around my base and the nut was memorable.

She does not want referrals, so if I see her again, I may DATY, but she refrained from kissing, but allowed some. I dropped her at her house about a mile from the pick. She is 5'4", has long brown hair, has a spinner build with a large bust. Her face is cute, but a little plain, and her lips are large top and bottom.

So, if you find her enjoy, she is a real treat. Be safe and good hunting. MW

12-14-10, 13:14
Alana also goes by Nicole. I had called her friend, Chrissy from BP and arranged a meet at her place. Neither one of them are beauty queens bur very slim / trim and anxious to accommodate and please. I spent nearly 2 hours with the two of them at the same time for a Franklin. Both of them are good for lots of excellent BBBJ, all positions and lots of 2 on 1.

The apartment was a bit dirty but with tow of them to play with I wasnt interested in inspecting the place.


Early in the morring around 8 I started my trip. Seen an older WSW on Parons, blond wearing a red coat and blue jeans, passed on her as she was too old and not what I wanted. Didn't see anything else so went on to Sullivant and found Stephanie, (Blond, pregnat). After she got In headed west on Sullivant and seen the other WSW with brown coat and blue jeans I had a few days ago with a friend in her same spot, a paddy wagon pulled next to them and started asking them questions, I drove on. Stephanie showed me to a nice quiet spot were we could take our time. I got a long BBBJ with cims. Got her number and dropped her off. Will share # with senoirs if she oks.

Found Alana at the gas station on Sulliant & Norton a short while latter. (she's a skinny tall blond girl) Talks a lot. Not my type and did not try her, but she gave me her and her friends. Says her friend is a red head named Jeanie. (did not see the red head friend, she was not with her.) She says they do 3somes. She also says that they place ads on BP some times. (this is not the Alana with black hair thats on BP. Will share # with any one that wants to try her / them.

At night there was an old BSW at Abby Lane on Cleveland ave. Didn't know she was old until she got to the window, passed on her, but have # for any one who wants. She stays at the apts. There and uses it for services.

12-14-10, 21:45
PM'd ya.

She's waiting for your call

12-14-10, 21:48
PM'd ya Lisa's number.

She's waiting to hear from ya

Mw Jrp
12-15-10, 00:18
After the Megan date I kept rolling for about 2 hours until I found a young, petite, cute gal that wanted a ride. It was Kristi and I found a diamond. She is not beautiful, but cute like the girl next door. 5'2", medium build to small, brown hair, B / C's, and everything was firm, tight, and mark-free. Oh boy, WOW! What a sweet package.

For. 50 total I got H&H and then some. BBBJ, DATY. 69, and a mish finish. She looked cuter than cute in the thigh highs. After some oral warm-ups I had her straddle me and the 69 was on. We must have licked, lapped, and sucked for 15 minutes.

Most of the 69 time her butt-hole was spasming. But at the end with a finger in her butt, the spasms went crazy and I knew she nutted; much like Brittney in Dayton does. Kristi also kept grinding her giner on my tongue and mouth and she seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. It was as clean, tasty, sweet a coochie as I ever munched on. I told her put me on her dance card tomorrow.

This one is even better than Megan. Firm, firm, firm all over, no sag at all and a nice thin layer of baby-fat all over her. And she is orgasmic, which I like. Nothing like the ones that have kids, get fat, lose weight; well you know. Kristi is a keeper and a repeater, for sure.

Unfortunately, she too does not want any referrals. Again, if I can find her so can you. I'm not even from Ohio for God's sake. Be safe and good hunting. MNW

CMH Hobbiest
12-15-10, 23:50
Managed to get out a couple of times this week and lucky on both days! First was beginning of the week. I had made my rounds starting on the east side, Parsons, High and out to the west. I was about to give up and decided to go out Broad to G-ville the Sully. Made the turn on Sully and saw a WSW heading east. Wasn't totally sure she was working so I pulled off and waited a few minutes and she was at my passengers window. Asked her if she needed a ride and sure enough she did. Says her name is Ginger. 18, thin maybe 100, dark hair and very clean and smelling good. Half and Half with a little DATY at a place of mine for. 35 Very tight and clean but wanted me to drop her near some questionable apartments so she must use but didn't appear to be tweaked when we hooked up. No digits. Says she lost her phone. Would be nice to try again if I can find her.

Second night, started out west. Hoping to see Ginger, but no luck there. Cruised the route heading eastward Sully, a couple skanks but not what I was looking for. Ran into Nikki on Parsons not too far from DQ. Says she's in her early 30's with 3 kids. Nice face, probably a 8+ on SW scale. Small somewhat saggy tits but they responded nicely to attention. Very flexible girl! Half and Half for. 4 (my choosing) GREAT personality and a lot of fun! Says all the right things to make you feel good without sounding like she's bs'ing! Will definitely see her again, have untested digits that I'm really hoping work out! Be Safe and Have Fun. CMH

12-16-10, 10:01
I found a young BSW 19-20, 4 months preg. Can't remember her name. On 22nd and Cleveland. Friendly girl, gave a decent BBBJ. She has my number, and I'm sure I'll hear from her again.

12-16-10, 11:26
Picked this one up at sully and davis and dropped her off at rich and davis. She got in the vehicles and just started rambling about something and pulled her shirt up to expose a nipple, no tits what so ever! She started telling me needed money up front and just pull around the corner. I looked at her and could tell she was cracked out of her mind! Didn't feel right so told her to get out. Blonde hair down to shoulders, dark coat with orange on the shoulders. 5'4 or so and probably 105lbs or so. Be careful of this one.

Mw Jrp
12-16-10, 12:57
I needed to rest after Kristi and did, but decided to try my luck again since this week had proven so productive in the Capital city. I saw several out there all along Sullivant at various times and watched a couple get scooped. Some looked pretty good and of course a few didn't. But I kept thinking of Kristi and hesitated letting someone else snatch the snatch or just moved on.

I did scoop Megan again and she didn't look as good after the Kristi date, plus she was in a hurry. So, I gave her. 05 and dropped her at her drug house for her fix.

On balance, the options for quality has picked up around town like a year or 2 ago, IMHO. Too bad I won't get back to C-bus until next year. Be safe and good hunting. MW

12-17-10, 10:25
I had just had a quick session with a good pick up, and wanted more action. I find a BSW on Livingston who said her name is Texas. She's 5'6", light skinned, short hair cut, not cute in the face, but she had a nice size ass. I asked her to come into a corner store with me so I could restock up on protection. She follows in. I'm in the store for a few minutes, and check out another girl that entered. The store does not have what I need, and I lose track of Texas, I look around the parking lot and don't see her, after a few minutes I find her walking down the street and I get her to come back over. I stop at another store and get what I need. As I'm driving she doesn't talk much, and not to responsive to my questions. I find a spot for us, and she complains that its too much out in the open. So I look for another spot. As I'm rollin, I see two better prospects, so I hurry to ditch Texas, and try to find the other two with no luck in finding them.

12-17-10, 16:02
Picked this one up at sully and davis and dropped her off at rich and davis. She got in the vehicles and just started rambling about something and pulled her shirt up to expose a nipple, no tits what so ever! She started telling me needed money up front and just pull around the corner. I looked at her and could tell she was cracked out of her mind! Didn't feel right so told her to get out. Blonde hair down to shoulders, dark coat with orange on the shoulders. 5'4 or so and probably 105lbs or so. Be careful of this one.You made the right call on that one and saved yourself a lot of problems. I think her full name is Michelle real bad news Bennett. I would strongly suggest anyone that picks her up hit the eject button ASAP.

Be safe,


12-17-10, 16:08
Just for your information to some of you guys here,

I here alot fo you saying you make girls come butt whatever. Don't be fooled by that. Its the girls job to cater to your ego. They act like they cumming but they are really not.

So get off your high horse

Chris H
12-17-10, 23:33
Just for your information to some of you guys here,

I here alot fo you saying you make girls come butt whatever. Don't be fooled by that. Its the girls job to cater to your ego. They act like they cumming but they are really not.

So get off your high horseFunny and so true! Great advice RW.

12-17-10, 23:33
Just for your information to some of you guys here,

I here alot fo you saying you make girls come butt whatever. Don't be fooled by that. Its the girls job to cater to your ego. They act like they cumming but they are really not.

So get off your high horseTo clarify, if this is the first time you've dated that SW, and she gets very vocal and 'cums' in 3 minutes, then, yea, she's probably faking.

But, if it's a regular, chances are she is cuming when she says she is.

I just dated Miranda again. Her hormones are running rampant. I was doing her doggie and she started moaning, and moving and shaking. I told her to 'cum for me baby' and she said she already did.

I dated a girl back in Denver who was a nymph, and had to cum multiple times before she finished me off with CIM.

I dated Tina last week, at her place, in a bed, with mirrors, etc.

I hit her as hard as I could, with numerous positions, and then went thru the positions again.

She never came, or pretended to cum.

She just wanted to make her money.

I've dated women that talk dirty, call me daddy, and say they're cuming in 2 minutes or less. I don't believe them but let them go on with their ego stroking game. (I don't need my ego stroked. I just hit it harder when they do that)

So, yea, the new to you ones probably are pretending.

The regulars will let ya know, if they are, or if they aren't, or if they do at all.

Meaning, I've had a lot tell me thay don't cum. It's business.

So, Yes and No. Depends.

Be safe.


12-17-10, 23:37
I found a young BSW 19-20, 4 months preg. Can't remember her name. On 22nd and Cleveland. Friendly girl, gave a decent BBBJ. She has my number, and I'm sure I'll hear from her again.I was with Miranda the other day, and she told me that Keisha was pregnant.

I'm guessing that's her.

Miranda is pregnant also: 7 1/2months, but, still sucks the best dick on Cleve and does Doggie quite well.

No #. Hit and miss.

12-18-10, 03:17
To clarify, if this is the first time you've dated that SW, and she gets very vocal and 'cums' in 3 minutes, then, yea, she's probably faking.

But, if it's a regular, chances are she is cuming when she says she is.

I just dated Miranda again. Her hormones are running rampant. I was doing her doggie and she started moaning, and moving and shaking. I told her to 'cum for me baby' and she said she already did.

I dated a girl back in Denver who was a nymph, and had to cum multiple times before she finished me off with CIM.

I dated Tina last week, at her place, in a bed, with mirrors, etc.

I hit her as hard as I could, with numerous positions, and then went thru the positions again.

She never came, or pretended to cum.

She just wanted to make her money.

I've dated women that talk dirty, call me daddy, and say they're cuming in 2 minutes or less. I don't believe them but let them go on with their ego stroking game. (I don't need my ego stroked. I just hit it harder when they do that)

So, yea, the new to you ones probably are pretending.

The regulars will let ya know, if they are, or if they aren't, or if they do at all.

Meaning, I've had a lot tell me thay don't cum. It's business.

So, Yes and No. Depends.

Be safe.

Shadow. You are a master Shadow. I am honored to study a your knee. I also like what you had to say to Hank the Dwarf in Boston.

12-18-10, 08:25
You are a master Shadow. I am honored to study a your knee. I also like what you had to say to Hank the Dwarf in Boston.Not really, just years of experience.

Since I was 18 in SEA. (SouthEastAsia. 1968)

And a little common sense has a lot to do with it.

Hank and I have similar tastes.

Got to support the admirers of the dark side.

Thanks and be safe.


Humpty Dumpty
12-19-10, 01:24
You got to be careful when picking blackberries. Some are bitter and even poisonous! As far as Hank's pics, some of those ladies are good looking, but most are not ladies I would pick up. I did shoot my Aryan vanilla icing inside a couple chocolate hohos recently though. I also picked up a young BSW who turned out to be an extortionist, and I had to call the cops on her. She got outa the car with no money.

12-20-10, 01:07
You got to be careful when picking blackberries. Some are bitter and even poisonous! As far as Hank's pics, some of those ladies are good looking, but most are not ladies I would pick up. I did shoot my Aryan vanilla icing inside a couple chocolate hohos recently though. I also picked up a young BSW who turned out to be an extortionist, and I had to call the cops on her. She got outa the car with no money.That's extremely unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear that you've had such bad luck with the Ebony beauties.

I guess that means that all WSW's are soo much more attractive than any BSW.

And that no WSW would ever think of Ripping and Running.

Your totally unbiased reports are taken for what they're worth.

Fortunately not everyone feels the same.

Why not just let the guys who prefer the black women report on what they do.

I could go into a long explanation, but I'm sure the point would be lost.

To each their own and hopefully they live long happy lives.


Humpty Dumpty
12-20-10, 10:42
Of course there are WSW or HSW who occasionally cause problems. But chances of problems with BSW are exponentially higher. I have picked up hundreds of hohos, and after doing this so many times, you learn to expect certain behavioral patterns from certain types. Yes, I still occasionally pick up black girls. By "certain types" I do not mean just by race. I mean by overall vibe as well. If I go against my intuition, and pick up a pretty girl with a bad vibe, shit usually hits the fan.

Negative stereotypes do not just appear out of thin air you know. They are made because a significant portion (though not necessarily majority) conforms to this negative stereotype over and over and over again. You are probably just a "nice guy" who lets women piss on you and then they tell you its raining. [Political Commentary deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove political commentary in the text. Please remember that the purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Please do not post political commentary in the Forum. Thanks!

12-21-10, 01:25
Of course there are WSW or HSW who occasionally cause problems. But chances of problems with BSW are exponentially higher. I have picked up hundreds of hohos, and after doing this so many times, you learn to expect certain behavioral patterns from certain types. Yes, I still occasionally pick up black girls. By "certain types" I do not mean just by race. I mean by overall vibe as well. If I go against my intuition, and pick up a pretty girl with a bad vibe, shit usually hits the fan.

Negative stereotypes do not just appear out of thin air you know. They are made because a significant portion (though not necessarily majority) conforms to this negative stereotype over and over and over again. You are probably just a "nice guy" who lets women piss on you and then they tell you its raining. [Political Commentary deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove political commentary in the text. Please remember that the purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Please do not post political commentary in the Forum. Thanks! ". Chances of problems with BSW's are higher."

And this is based on what. Your own biased attitude when you pick up a BSW?

And, yes, I am a nice guy, who, if I get a bad vibe from any SW, I drop her back off where I picked her up.

However, I don't 'assume' cause she's white, or black, or mexican, she's a skank / thief / rip off.

Also, it's too bad Jackson deleted a portion of your post. Or, actually it's a good thing, to remind you of what we're here for. And that isn't to flame anyone for whom they choose to date, and report on. But, biggotry and prejudice are hard to overcome. Hopefully some day you'll see the light.

Having said that, Here's hoping you and your family have a great Christmas, and that some black person does something really nice for ya.


12-21-10, 01:32
I called Lisa last nite and she told me that only of of the four people who asked me for her digits actually called her, but declined cause he didn't have a place to date.

Which, reinforces my reluctance to pass on phone numbers. It makes me look bad in her eyes.

Here I am bragging up on her, pass out her number, and she bets butkus.

Now, when I get back in town, I got to hit it cause to show her that 'someone' still cares enuf to suck then 48DD's, and hit that phat ass from behind.

Merry Christmas to all.


Dads Extra Fun
12-21-10, 20:51
Out early Saturday evening starting at 7 pm. Sully and Parson loops were dead. Found a WSW on Livingston but she was tripping and booted her after a block. Name was Tammy, about 5'7" and 150 pounds with long brown hair. Avoid this one.

About an hour later came across Judy at Main and Berkely. Had to circle a few times as she was making me nervous the way she was flagging cars but finally made the move. Once in the car she was calm and actually pretty comfortable to talk with. She's in her mid-40s and at one time may have been something very nice but you know the life. Body still wasn't looking to bad though. I was feeling pretty comfortable so we negotiated a price of 40 and went to a place she knows since I'm not used to the East side.

She's about 5'4" and maybe 125, slim body with soft skin and a nice booty. Breasts are sagging a bit but not badly. BJ was cursory just to get me hard before slapping on a cover then she rode me cowgirl about 10 minutes before switching to doggie where I eventually nutted. She wasn't a bad conversationalist. Not overly educated of course but was at least aware of recent events and could hold a decent conversation. I took her back to her place and I gave her an extra 20 for an Christmas tip.

Not the greatest experience but a nice one on a night that was nearly a bust.

Humpty Dumpty
12-23-10, 01:00
Out early Saturday evening starting at 7 pm. Sully and Parson loops were dead. Found a WSW on Livingston but she was tripping and booted her after a block. Name was Tammy, about 5'7" and 150 pounds with long brown hair. Avoid this one.

About an hour later came across Judy at Main and Berkely. Had to circle a few times as she was making me nervous the way she was flagging cars but finally made the move. Once in the car she was calm and actually pretty comfortable to talk with. She's in her mid-40s and at one time may have been something very nice but you know the life. Body still wasn't looking to bad though. I was feeling pretty comfortable so we negotiated a price of 40 and went to a place she knows since I'm not used to the East side.

She's about 5'4" and maybe 125, slim body with soft skin and a nice booty. Breasts are sagging a bit but not badly. BJ was cursory just to get me hard before slapping on a cover then she rode me cowgirl about 10 minutes before switching to doggie where I eventually nutted. She wasn't a bad conversationalist. Not overly educated of course but was at least aware of recent events and could hold a decent conversation. I took her back to her place and I gave her an extra 20 for an Christmas tip.

Not the greatest experience but a nice one on a night that was nearly a bust. Mid 40s? And you gave her 60 bucks? For just a simple lay? This is bad for 2 reasons.

1. I am stating the obvious, you are contributing to inflation. Smooth move, ex-lax. I am sure she would have more than thrilled with 10 bucks, especially if she was so desperate she had to resort to flagging down cars, rather than using a subtle smile and eye contact.

2. By overpaying the ladies of the streets, you push them closer to death. Why? Well, when I give a lady who I have creampied 20 or 30 bucks, she only has so much to spend on substances that will kill her. When you dudes overpay, she will have more money, to buy more junk, and thus she will give herself an overdose and probably end up dead in the gutter. Again, smooth move ex-lax!

I used to overpay back when was inexperienced and not too confident. For a good looking girl under 30, 30 bucks is the ceiling for BBFSCIP. For an hour of service with multiple pops. 50 or 60 is reasonable. Stick with that. Don't forget to give her condoms to use with everyone else except me.

Humpty Dumpty
12-23-10, 01:23
Shadow, we know you like black chicks. We get it. That's your preference. No problem. I too have banged plenty of black chicks. Enough to know that its playing with fire. I don't think I have bad luck, maybe you just have extraordinarily good luck. My results are typical. Other mongers have mentioned the same thing. When I get drunk, I can probably expect a hangover. And when I pick up a BSW, I can probably expect something to go awry. Not because of "bias" and "biggotry" (sic) but because there are cultural and genetic differences. Thats how it is.

Now that I have a bit more experience, my hodar intuition is better at telling me who is going to try to rip me off and who isn't. For example, when I came across Aqua, I could tell by her overall vibe and whatnot that she was a good person, and even though she was not a working girl, I intuitively knew I could pick her up with no problems. I was right. But most blackberries are not like that. Most blackberries set off the hodar red alert.

In short, I think I have had enough experience at this game to know what I am talking about. I could just imagine if you were a cop."A middle aged white male slowly cruising down Cleveland Ave at 3 AM driving a Lexus, with a much younger black female in the passenger seat. Don't want to be biased. They are probably just going to Meijer, I would be biggoted to think it was a monger picking up a chocolate hoho!" Political correctness trumps common sense in this day and age.

12-23-10, 18:02
Shadow, we know you like black chicks. We get it. That's your preference. No problem. I too have banged plenty of black chicks. Enough to know that its playing with fire. I don't think I have bad luck, maybe you just have extraordinarily good luck. My results are typical. Other mongers have mentioned the same thing. When I get drunk, I can probably expect a hangover. And when I pick up a BSW, I can probably expect something to go awry. Not because of "bias" and "biggotry" (sic) but because there are cultural and genetic differences. Thats how it is.

Now that I have a bit more experience, my hodar intuition is better at telling me who is going to try to rip me off and who isn't. For example, when I came across Aqua, I could tell by her overall vibe and whatnot that she was a good person, and even though she was not a working girl, I intuitively knew I could pick her up with no problems. I was right. But most blackberries are not like that. Most blackberries set off the hodar red alert.

In short, I think I have had enough experience at this game to know what I am talking about. I could just imagine if you were a cop."A middle aged white male slowly cruising down Cleveland Ave at 3 AM driving a Lexus, with a much younger black female in the passenger seat. Don't want to be biased. They are probably just going to Meijer, I would be biggoted to think it was a monger picking up a chocolate hoho!" Political correctness trumps common sense in this day and age. How do people not know that all you do is try and troll on the boards? This is all you are (and have been doing since you've been here) doing. Your posts go off of other posters. I thought you were a troller. Then, someone alerted me to another site, where it confirmed everything I thought and said.

Humpty Dumpty
12-26-10, 11:59
I am here to offer advice and to exchange useful information. Who knows how many gentlemen have been spared from ripoffs or arrests due to my posts? Also, this site has an enormous amount of entertainment value as well, so why not have fun?

Now lets get back to the subject of sex. C'mon guys, post some kickass reports. Apparently its not just cold in Columbus, but its dry as well! I am glad I am down south for the winter. Then again, I have been getting my action off the streets so I have not been posting many reports myself.

Chris H
12-27-10, 01:08
I am here to offer advice and to exchange useful information. Who knows how many gentlemen have been spared from ripoffs or arrests due to my posts? Also, this site has an enormous amount of entertainment value as well, so why not have fun?

Now lets get back to the subject of sex. C'mon guys, post some kickass reports. Apparently its not just cold in Columbus, but its dry as well! I am glad I am down south for the winter. Then again, I have been getting my action off the streets so I have not been posting many reports myself. I like the info and intel you offer H D. Plus you have provin that you are real, especailly with that special jewel you found in Aqua!

12-27-10, 08:24

I just found this site a couple weeks ago, and have very much enjoyed reading all of your posts. In addition to reading, I have been able to use the tips you have given and the locations you mentioned with some pretty good results. I wanted to Thank All of You, and hope to be a long-term member of this site.

Last Wednesday (12/22) , went crusing around Sully. Found Cheryl who was in her mid 30's, blonde and maybe 150lbs. Not a great body, but very pleasant to chat with. She helped me find a nice secluded location for a BJ. Did incredible work with her tongue. Afterwards, driving her back, she wanted me to pick up her brother and drop them both off someplace. That made me very nervous, but against my better judgement, I picked him up since it was loosy weather. I just knew I was going to get ripped-off and / or mugged, but he turned out to be a really cool guy. I dropped them both off someplace and survived.

She was about 4 blocks south of Hague, so if you see her, I would recomend her. Happy Hunting everyone and thanks again for all your tips.

12-27-10, 15:08
Last Tuesday evening my plans got changed so I had some time for a cruise and I was craving some attention. I made a pass down cleveland Ave and didn't see anything. I headed west on Broad St at abuot 9:15PM. Near the old fire station I saw a young lady walking ans she made eye contact with me. I drove about a half block and swung into a parking lot. In a couple of minutes she approached the passengers side door. I dropped the window and asked if she needed a ride. Amazingly she did and hopped in. She wa sdressed in jeans, boots and a light blue ski jacket. My car was warm so as we drove away she took off the jacket. She had a very lovely chest which I told her was exceptionly nice to look at. SHe said " they are really nice to touch too" and leaned over in my direction and I concluded that she was right. We were driving and she convinced me that she was legit so we headed west to a large parking lot. After getting situated, she spent a very pleasant 20 minutes showing me a host of her oral talents with a CIMS. I gave the lady a 20 and dropped her off S / O Broad near Princeton.

She told me her name is Jennifer, age 27 and she had been the guest of the Franklin County Inn for 4 months. She has medium blond hair and is about 5'5" and about 135 lbs that was very well arranged. She gave me her number and I definitely plan to repeat. She was clean with with makeup and a light perfume. She was a good conversationalist, very calm and VERY accomodating and no signs of any abusive behaviors.

Be safe and good hunting

12-27-10, 17:29
Was back in Ohio for the holidays last week and took some time to drive through Columbus on my way in and on my way back.

Last Tuesday night was the more eventful of the two escapades.

Savanah. 50 for FS. She had a slightly strong odor you know where, so that was a bit of a turn off. Plus, she kept talking on her phone. Even during the deed. Very annoying. Then, she started telling me that the guy she was going to meet was going to beat her. I asked if she wanted me to take her to a shelter instead as I felt kind of bad for her, but she just looked at me as if I'd asked her to figure out pi to the 12th decimal. Hot blonde, but not worth the trouble IMHO.

Megan. I picked her up back in September when I was visiting for work. She is hands down the best looking WSW I've ever come across in your fair city. She looks like a coed. Mid 20's, slender, nice size tits, shoulder length brown hair and very shy. 40 for FS and it was fantastic. I asked if her last name was Wymer at one point and she emphatically said "no!", telling me she wasn't a thief like her. Picked her up on Sullivant near Glenwood (I think that's the cross street). Had me drop her off in an alley behind a house off Town (both this time and last). Anyone know this one?

Sunday was awful.

I picked up a girl I THOUGHT was someone I'd found during an earlier trip to CBus that I really liked. This one was just awful though. Scabs all over her and tweaking like a mofo. Tried to shoot up in my car. Can't remember her name, but I've picked her up before and swore then I wouldn't repeat. Ah well, our little heads sometimes take over.

Saw Melissa on Broad but by this point I was behind schedule and had to get going. She's still damn hot though.