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02-14-10, 15:05
Wow! Stop the presses! CookyJar found a girl that looks decent. I would think that women with good skin tone and hygiene practices aren't his type.

How dare you talk about me, when this is the best you have to offer.

I noticed this too, I forgot to post about it. Her French skills were phenomenal. Obviously, she doesn't look like she used to! I did not even recognize her when I saw the mugshot. What a shame.


You need to be ashamed of yourself. This girl hasn’t looked good for at least twenty years. And you want to talk about me.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Humpty Dumpty
02-14-10, 16:26
I guess you missed the statement in which I said "She obviously doesn't look like she used to."

Anyone know for sure when Heather gets out? Her "sister" told me "in a couple weeks" when I called on Friday. He has been saying "a couple weeks" for more than a couple weeks.

02-14-10, 17:48
I feel compelled to post this, though it kind of hurts a little more than just a bit. I've known tammy since long before she was pregnant with any of her kids. Most of you out there who know her. Know her as "Skittles". I'm disappointed to see where she ended up, but that's what the glass dick brings with it. Hopefully her time will serve her well and she'll be clean and MORE IMPORTANTLY STAY clean once released! Here are two pictures of her from her better (albeit not "clean") days.

I feel very sorry for her. Fortunately her only "father" she really knew passed away just a couple short months before this episode, so he didn't have to endure seeing it. Unfortunately her daughter DID witness ALL of it and it really had a severe impact on her.

Tammy, SOME of us will miss you.

02-14-10, 17:58

That was funny.

Humpty Dumpty
02-15-10, 18:10
I feel compelled to post this, though it kind of hurts a little more than just a bit. I've known tammy since long before she was pregnant with any of her kids. Most of you out there who know her. Know her as "Skittles". I'm disappointed to see where she ended up, but that's what the glass dick brings with it. Hopefully her time will serve her well and she'll be clean and MORE IMPORTANTLY STAY clean once released! Here are two pictures of her from her better (albeit not "clean") days.

I feel very sorry for her. Fortunately her only "father" she really knew passed away just a couple short months before this episode, so he didn't have to endure seeing it. Unfortunately her daughter DID witness ALL of it and it really had a severe impact on her.

Tammy, SOME of us will miss you.Wow. When where these pics taken? Still way past her prime in those pics, but better than what she looks like now. Post some more pics from your archive, dude! I am sure you have some good ones. You are a welcome addition to this forum.

And don't mind CookyJar. Check out his "contributions" to the photo gallery, but do so on an empty stomach!

02-15-10, 20:52
I guess you missed the statement in which I said "She obviously doesn't look like she used to.

I guess you missed the statement in which I said, “This girl hasn’t looked good for at least twenty years.”

However, I’m willing to let the whole thing go. Why don’t you bring me up to date? What have you done lately?

In all of the years that I’ve been posting on this site, I have yet to put down another monger for his taste in woman. To each his own; that’s my motto. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; that’s my other motto. I’ve got others.

If you don’t like the looks of a girl’s pictures I post – fine. I don’t mind if you comment on the girl. After all, they’re not mine. I don’t own them. I am not looking to marry them. They aren’t my girlfriends or my sister or my mother or anything. In some case I don’t even touch them. So talk about them all you want. But, why make it personal?

Why did you have to make it personal?



Humpty Dumpty
02-16-10, 09:23
Okay, enough. I have already been temporarily banned once, I am not going to be baited into an argument. CookyJar, I tried putting you on "Ignore" hoping that I would not have to see your photos if I did that. But only your posts are gone, rather than the pics, which does no good. I am hoping Jackson can change this.

02-16-10, 10:39
I feel compelled to post this, though it kind of hurts a little more than just a bit.
Tammy, SOME of us will miss you.

I was in no was directing my comments at Tammy Nash. I sympathize with you. We sometimes forget the hardships that cause the heartbreak. We also forget that no one lives in a vacuum; there are kids, parents and friends surrounding us all.

…Post some more pics from your archive, dude! I am sure you have some good ones. You are a welcome addition to this forum.
And don't mind CookyJar. Check out his "contributions" to the photo gallery, but do so on an empty stomach!

We’ve seem Unidentified61’s contribution, and you’ve obviously seem mine. I am still waiting to see a valid example of a contribution made by you. Come on! Don’t be shy! Show me just one example of a pretty girl you’ve dated. In fact, show me a picture, as proof, of any girl you’ve actually dated. Remember; you started this. More importantly, remember this; “Bullshit ain’t nothing.”

(BTW – I appreciate your deleting the original post, in the Philly Thread, that started this. In the future feel free to make any comments you feel pertinent. Please, don’t make them personal – it’s not necessary. )


PS: Michelle is a cutie – isn’t she? And, it you’d take the time to do a search, you’d find a number of other cuties I have posted, IMHO.

Mike 80
02-17-10, 01:54
And don't mind CookyJar. Check out his "contributions" to the photo gallery, but do so on an empty stomach!Seeing a photo of a Philly SW from CookyJar in the Photo Gallery posted on the Columbus board made me curious so I took a look at his report and saw the back and forth with Humpty Dumpty.

Humpty Dumpty clearly needs to either get his eyes checked or turn in his Monger "Man card." After looking at a sampling of his recent posts I quickly realized the guy is a complete non-entity whose drivel is not worth bothering with. On the other hand many of the top posters from across the country have paid tribute to CookyJar on the Philly board, several of them repeatedly, as the #1 poster on the entire USASexGuide site. His photo contributions are so far beyond anyone else's, there really is no #2. Yeah the picture he posted of his most recent conquest Sarah Palin, er "Michelle" isn't bad but she might be the 30th most attractive woman whose pictures he's posted in the past year. Anybody doubting the caliber of SWs he's hooked up with might want to sort the photos in the Photo Gallery by user name and just spend a few minutes browsing. Or go back to December of any of the past 4 years of so and see the hotly contested competition for Philly/Camden SW of the Year (the crown every young Philly girl wants to win someday). Cooky always posts a summary report with pictures of the nominees.

Yes, he has certainly posted his share of skanks too. And there are a couple in particular that people like to point to in criticizing him. But like he says, he's posting what's out there, not filtering it to show just the best ones. As he mentions in his post below he never criticizes others for their taste in women or really for much else. Although probably 95% of posters who comment on his work rave about it, there are always the jealous losers like Humpty Dumpty who secretly wish they were CookyJar. If I had to draw an analogy for Ohio-based mongers, I'd say having a zero like Humpty criticize Cooky is like having the Cavs' Jamario Moon complain that he ought to be starting ahead of LeBron.

02-17-10, 06:26
The amount of attacks on CookyJar isn't surprising, but that is unfortunate. I guess jealousity among other reasons may have part to do with that. As well as Jackson, CookyJar is a true benefactor to humankind.

First, the pictures of the police shoes that Unidentified65 posted. If any legitimate non-decoy SWs are wearing them while working the streets, she's gonna have to ditch them; especially before any of us be willing to pick her up!

Ok, back to CookyJar and many welcomes here. I noticed many comments of the pictures he posted concerning women who are substantially below average in physical appearance. Truth is, some of the pictures he has taken are also of beautiful women as well. Just go look at some of the pictures he taken in the past and see for yourself. He is right in every word and I couldn't say it any better when he said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

The majority of porn pictures (professional pictures especially) are of young women who are much prettier than your average woman. It's unfortunate that the porn industry tend to cause some of us to have unrealistically high expectation of what women many of us men would date should look like. Unlike majority of the professional porn pictures, the porn pictures on this website have "real women" pictures that more realistically portrays what most women really look like. Just as SWs looks degrade over (often unfortunately short) time, that same beautiful young woman in your favorite porn mag won't be as pretty when she's older; and perhaps will have difficult time finding men to fuck her when she's 70 if she tries. Also, many people tend to take someone close to their appearance level and age as their romantic partners.

Not only what I mentioned above, it's true that "average appearance" women then to have better personalities and attitude than the really beautiful types; though not always. The really beautiful types are propositioned by men all the time and if you are lucky to have one of those as your romantic partner along with their often negative personality traits, she may try to pussywhip you. Meaning as she may just as well say; "be a good little boy now, and I'll give you some pussy. If you don't meet my expectations, then I won't give you any pussy!" Think about that, who wants a woman like that! I remember reading about studies that researched that unattractive women who aren't propositioned by men that often may actually have more sex than the really beautiful types. Goes to show that unattractive women often take whatever advantage that they can, while the really beautiful types can take their sweet time and pick and choose. Even if you are by the really beautiful type's definition of "being a good little boy", some of those even then will rarely put out their pussies for you; perhaps sometimes because they're tired because they're worn out from fucking somebody else or for whatever bullshit reason. For some of the really beautiful types, they use their pussies as an effective tool to get what they want; while the more average appearance type of women don't tend to be as stuck up. Leave that to tampons, who wants to hopelessly try to have sexual relations with a woman who only allows her pussy to be stuck up with tampons but rarely dicks because she really can take her sweet time to pick and choose? It also is perfectly understandable to refuse obviously very unattractive women as they often don't have regards to their appearance anyway. There are many women who have acceptable appearance because they put forth some efforts to look nice, not because they are automatically reasonably attractive. After all, some of those Hollywood stars who are really hot aren't so hot without their makeups.

While it's true that if you're a 65 year old rich man that you may be able to have romantic relationship with an 18 year old hottie, it still begs this question; is she really valuing you as a person truly worthy of love and respect? Often not really. Usually she agrees to a relationship with you so she can have much of your wealth. Therefore, if you're a rich man; you have to be more careful who you choose as your romantic partner. In that case, suppose your a rich man and know of a single woman about your age that you regard well and like well enough to have a romantic relationship with who happens to have cancer, and she has good regards for you as well. Then you might help ease her burden by buying her food and help her with some bills when she isn't expecting it. In that case, she probably will be much more likely to value you as a person worthy of respect than that 18 year old golddigging hottie. These 18 year old golddiggers may very well try to have your baby so she can really rake in plenty of your money through the child support system and you know how insane that system is. Consider a vasectomy if your an older rich man who wants to lure some clean 18 year old hotties with your wealth and use that advantage to have sex with them. That way, there won't be any worries about that happening. However, to go with this woman who's fighting cancer may be more rewarding from an emotional perspective; however. Whatever your perogative is.

On the same token if your a poor man, if a woman brush you off because of your financial status; just move on to the next one and forget about her. If the same woman who brushed you off in the past suddenly becomes interested in you shortly after you find a good job, brush her off as she did you when you were down; her interests in you is not genuine but is for your assets. Sure, go ahead and use her pussy to jack your dick off on a one night stand, but in terms of a real relationship she will be more trouble than she's worth. Make sure you wear your rubbers lest you get her pregnant and she comes after you for child support, even if she is disease free.

If you happen to have romantic interests in a woman who happens to be 15 years older than you, while your motives may be more pure than a 65 year old man trying to date an 18 year old hottie; you still may face challenges to win her because she will wonder why you really want her considering her maturity and your youth. Therefore, like anything else; make sure your motives are good and that you in fact really respect her and desire her and will keep her, even if she soon lose her looks much sooner than will be the case if you went with someone your age and provide her the comfort of that; then she might accept you.

What I've written in this particular posting really isn't on how to score some quick pussy with some cash as this website is intended; but is to address what the realistic expectation of what women likely will look like as opposed to what many of us would like for them to look like, although it would serve as a an advice on how to find a woman for meaningful relationships outside of mongering. Due to the fact that many nude women in the pictures on this website would be overlooked by Hustler and Playboy who only use really extremely beautiful women anyway goes to show the true positive values of the pictures on this website as pictures of women that you actually have a chance to have sex with because she is on the same beauty level as your handsomeness, especially if you're not excessively handsome. That, this is what CookyJar clearly understands; and many men needs to understand that. Not only that the women in the pictures on this website are at an attractiveness level as your own that you can realistically have sex with, if the woman in the picture on this website is in your town; then you truly actually have a chance to have sex with that woman in the picture. Something that can't be said for naked women in Hustler and Playboy. However, since many of the women in the pictures on this website are more likely to steal your wallet than would be the case if you somehow manage to have sex with the girl who posed for playboy since she has addiction problems and is a SW unlike that girl in Playboy; you still have to be careful.

Oh, by the way; about the lady in the picture from the news about that bank robbery as the getaway driver who is really unattractive. I would almost be willing to bet that taking the picture of such an unattractive woman who isn't even naked broke that camera.

Stay Safe

Member #3969
02-17-10, 08:19

Don't waste your time here just place him on ignore like most people already have. He's been banned once and it's only a matter of time until he more than likely will be banned again. He's just one of many that talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. A high post count but a virtual zilch for REPORTS.

Too many guys on here (the whole site not this specific board) that don't actually make any reports at all. They just comment on the ones that do. Your's being one of the most active members just attracts a lot of people (both fans and detractors alike). It's unfortunate but it does come with the "fame".

BTW, he didn't delete the report that started the whole pissing match it was deleted by Jackson after it was reported to the moderator. I have proof of that! Keep up the great work and good luck out there.

(BTW – I appreciate your deleting the original post, in the Philly Thread, that started this. In the future feel free to make any comments you feel pertinent. Please, don’t make them personal – it’s not necessary. )

02-17-10, 09:15
First, the pictures of the police shoes that Unidentified65 posted. If any legitimate non-decoy SWs are wearing them while working the streets, she's gonna have to ditch them; especially before any of us be willing to pick her up!

OMG! Het, slow down and relax when you read these posts. The picture of the Police shoes were a joke! Nothing more, nothing less. You think to hard and take everything so seriously. Get a sense of humor.

I cannot believe you thought that was real. I seriously have to ask, do you just lack common sense or were you drunk when you posted that?

02-17-10, 10:28
Wow! Stop the presses! CookyJar found a girl that looks decent. I would think that women with good skin tone and hygiene practices aren't his type.

The crack about, women with good skin tone and hygiene practices not being my type, wasn’t called for. That’s what irritated me. That and the fact that he left Ohio and traveled all the way to Philadelphia to make the comment.

… like he says, he's posting what's out there, not filtering it to show just the best ones. As he mentions in his post below he never criticizes others for their taste in women or really for much else.

Thanks Mike, I could not have said it any better.

The amount of attacks on CookyJar isn't surprising, but that is unfortunate.

…CookyJar is a true benefactor to humankind.

Stay Safe

Thanks Het0015, but, a benefactor to humankind may be taking it a bit far. :)


02-17-10, 12:02
Het welcome back but dude seriously I can only speak for myself I gave up half way through your novel post. Short & sweet, come on who the heck wants to read that much on this board?

Humpty Dumpty
02-17-10, 16:51
OK then. When I come back to town from my business trip I will take some pictures of the finest flesh that 20 or 30 bucks can buy. There is no excuse to pick up disgusting sore covered zombies. When I come back to town you can bet that my cream filling will adorn the sugar doughnuts of the gorgeous hohos of this beautiful city. Not to mention my bastard children will be physically and intellectually superior. They will grow up to be doctors, scientists, or at the very least, vice cops.

CookyJar, I accept your challenge! My pics will put yours to shame! Not that this would be much of a contest.

02-19-10, 16:26
Know whatever became of Candi Palmer?

02-19-10, 16:40
Hey Guys!! Hit the bottoms last night about 5 o clock and cruised till about 6:30. All i seen where angie( the older one) at davis and sully. and stephine up by morts. They aren't my cup of tea. I was looking for some younger sw. I did make a couple of trips up on the hilltop and seen nothing. I guess i was looking for something new. Good luck on this winter hunting season. Be Safe!!

Hungry Wolf
02-19-10, 19:36
I met up with Amanda Tuesday, she started with Anal Rimming, BLS and BBBJTCWS three OS in a row for me. I hope to find some one different for the night. I would love to find a Mexian SW, only had one in my quest of looking all these years.

Humpty Dumpty
02-19-10, 21:06
I met up with Amanda Tuesday, she started with Anal Rimming, BLS and BBBJTCWS three OS in a row for me. I hope to find some one different for the night. I would love to find a Mexian SW, only had one in my quest of looking all these years.Which Amanda? Where did you find her? How much did it cost? For fucks sake, are important details an afterthought on this site nowadays?

02-20-10, 00:37
While I find it wise to error on the side of caution, your statement is grossly inaccurate. If you do your research you would learn that it is estimated that a mere 2% of sex workers in the united states are hiv positive. Even that is a conservative estimate.Proof?: Wheres the research at?

Chris H
02-20-10, 01:38
I met up with Amanda Tuesday, she started with Anal Rimming, BLS and BBBJTCWS three OS in a row for me. I hope to find some one different for the night. I would love to find a Mexian SW, only had one in my quest of looking all these years.

There is a Mexican sw on Cleveland name, Prisicilla. She is usually around 17th and Cleveland. She does a good job, and her pussy feels very nice, even with the condom.

Chris H

Hungry Wolf
02-20-10, 05:54
There is a Mexican sw on Cleveland name, Prisicilla. She is usually around 17th and Cleveland. She does a good job, and her pussy feels very nice, even with the condom.

Chris HHey Chris,

Is she full-blooded Mexican? Do you remember the Spanish sw on Fairwood closed to Main around '05 and 06?The first time I pick her up I was so exicited it took me awhile to get it up,I had her a few time,but some time she would bug out and wanted me to drop her back off before we did any thing.One time she wanted me to go in a house on Fairwood to do it but I said no go,I was not putting my life on a line for a piece of ass.But when she was not tripping she was point.

Humpty Dumpty
02-20-10, 10:17
Know whatever became of Candi Palmer?Haven't seen her since I blew my load in her around May 2008.

Humpty Dumpty
02-20-10, 13:20
Proof?: Wheres the research at?Where is your proof? Where is your research? 70% HIV positive doesn't even exist in sex worker populations in Africa.

I have done BBFS with close to 300 SWs. I caught chlamydia once. Nothing else. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but read "the Myth of Heterosexual AIDS" by Michael Fumento, particularly the chapter entitled "the Prostitute Paradox". It will explain in plain English, with numerous resources and an extensive bibliography, why people like myself aren't getting infected. The book is 10 bucks on ebay.

If you like, we can continue this in the Safe Sex forum.

Myth busted!

Chris H
02-20-10, 15:07
Hey Chris,

Is she full-blooded Mexican? Do you remember the Spanish sw on Fairwood closed to Main around '05 and 06?The first time I pick her up I was so exicited it took me awhile to get it up,I had her a few time,but some time she would bug out and wanted me to drop her back off before we did any thing.One time she wanted me to go in a house on Fairwood to do it but I said no go,I was not putting my life on a line for a piece of ass.But when she was not tripping she was point.

This may be the same girl, because she use to work Fairwood and Main. She has a very nice moan as you put it in and out of her.

02-20-10, 15:57
I have been asked to post some of my archived photos. Here are a few of the girls we may all remember. Many will remember and/or recognize them!

Hungry Wolf
02-20-10, 16:02
This may be the same girl, because she use to work Fairwood and Main. She has a very nice moan as you put it in and out of her.Oh by the way I rode pass Jessie better know to me as LaWanda, she look so bad now compare to when I first meet her back in the 90's when she was a dancer, she had a banging body, nice big round ass which she let me fuck her in the ass, and FS. She might see me drive by and call my cell phone(unlike these girls I had the same number for over 15 years. LOL)but I been cool with messing with her for several years now, one time she wave me down when we were both driving on the freeway but I do some small talk to see if she doing all right and keep it moving.

Humpty Dumpty
02-20-10, 16:12
You guys aren't talking about Priscilla Gochenauer, are you? She is all over town. From the west side to short north to E. 5th. I would not pick her up now though.

Can you describe this Mexican SW some more? I would love to shoot my anchor baby formula inside a lust Latin lass.

02-20-10, 21:16
Proof?: Wheres the research at?
Google, I guess, is not for the lazy. I must have made that number up for the sake of being argumentative.

Chris H
02-21-10, 02:24
You guys aren't talking about Priscilla Gochenauer, are you? She is all over town. From the west side to short north to E. 5th. I would not pick her up now though.

Can you describe this Mexican SW some more? I would love to shoot my anchor baby formula inside a lust Latin lass.

Is Priscilla Gochenauer Mexican? The Priscilla I am speaking of says she is only in 1 area, but who knows when these hoes is telling the truth.

Hungry Wolf
02-21-10, 12:56
You guys aren't talking about Priscilla Gochenauer, are you? She is all over town. From the west side to short north to E. 5th. I would not pick her up now though.

Can you describe this Mexican SW some more? I would love to shoot my anchor baby formula inside a lust Latin lass.This one I only seen near Fairwood and I get around,nice full lips,nice shapely body and curly hair.I would love to see her again if she is acting nice.

02-21-10, 13:09
Am i the only one that gets a little tried of humpty's self inflated ego. I shared some info that he requested and he just turned into his own slam towards the girl. I had trouble with guy a while back. But gave him a second chance. But i think he needs to be banned for good. Or maybe we need to sit down and have a beer together.

02-21-10, 14:45
Am i the only one that gets a little tried of humpty's self inflated ego. I shared some info that he requested and he just turned into his own slam towards the girl. I had trouble with guy a while back. But gave him a second chance. But i think he needs to be banned for good. Or maybe we need to sit down and have a beer together.

We do but he does it just to piss everyone off. Just ignore him.

02-21-10, 22:41
Am i the only one that gets a little tried of humpty's self inflated ego. I shared some info that he requested and he just turned into his own slam towards the girl. I had trouble with guy a while back. But gave him a second chance. But i think he needs to be banned for good. Or maybe we need to sit down and have a beer together.
I would not be sad if he died in a fiery car crash.

Hungry Wolf
02-23-10, 11:04
I got ahold of a paper magazine called The Slammer where is show all of the recent arrests govering Franklin County and there are men and women's pictures in there for solicting and prostitution,so i sure you guys will see some faces you know!

02-23-10, 12:00
I would not be sad if he died in a fiery car crash.
Bit harsh there.

Dads Extra Fun
02-23-10, 18:18
I was up and down Hilltop and Bottoms multiple streets and only one lady who was older and uglier than me. Same over on High and Parsons. Can't find decent drive time fun anymore.

02-23-10, 21:24
Anyone ever have any luck with digits for Sheila or Karri for me? Another one I haven't seen anything posted about in awhile is Karma.

She still around?

02-23-10, 23:39
I have recieved calls from 2 girls who used to work the bottoms. That are in jail.I guess uncle leo has been real busy and putting alot of the sw inside, out of the cold. Both ladys said; jackson pike is filled with sw from all over town. Just have to wait till they start releasing them. And let the games begins. Be safe!!

Dads Extra Fun
02-24-10, 12:23
I have recieved calls from 2 girls who used to work the bottoms. That are in jail.I guess uncle leo has been real busy and putting alot of the sw inside, out of the cold. Both ladys said; jackson pike is filled with sw from all over town. Just have to wait till they start releasing them. And let the games begins. Be safe!!

Appreciate the update.

Hungry Wolf
02-24-10, 19:15
The new issue of the SLAMMER come out this Friday ,some of the girls in this issue are not bad looking ,Misty Dinardo is who I want to do.

02-24-10, 20:59
Tuesday afternoon, while cutting through from S. High to Parsons, I happened upon a young lady who accepted an offer for a ride. We hit things off and went for a little ride to get to know each other. Turns out she's 22 and has what I love - a nice natural bush to play in. Found a nice spot to sample the goods. She likes to ride and she's very tight.
Goes by Mandy. Don't think she walks. Got a number to try.

Ass Raper
02-25-10, 01:29
Hey fam I was wonering if anybody had info on a wsw named angel big girl always see her in the morning when pulling into work. She works the short north campus area he hair is blond about 5'7 - 5'9 smile is not cute looks like someone knocked out a couple of her teeth. you can see the retainer looks like she might be willing to work hard to make up for looks and the smile. If anybody has info please let me know.

02-25-10, 08:59
Hey fam I was wonering if anybody had info on a wsw named angel big girl always see her in the morning when pulling into work. She works the short north campus area he hair is blond about 5'7 - 5'9 smile is not cute looks like someone knocked out a couple of her teeth. you can see the retainer looks like she might be willing to work hard to make up for looks and the smile. If anybody has info please let me know.

Hey Ass Raper,

I had the pleasure of Angel's company several months ago over on Sulley. I reported here on the encounter.

She was very nice to me during our cardate CBJ. Great attitude, great skill, she is a bit thick but had the most awesome all natural rack I've ever played with. Definetely top shelf.

I am disappointed that someone hurt her, that's one of the risks of the street. I've met some that may deserve a beatdown, but defintely not her.

If you find some digits or actionable intel on this jewel, I certainly hope you would share. I would love to get a room and repeat with this fluffy little cupcake.

Firehouse Mack

02-25-10, 14:34
I also had the pleasure of angels services while she was on sully down by morts. She has great skills and attuide.. and over all we had a great date. Goes to show looks are not everything.

02-25-10, 14:39
Went mongering on sully and it was slow. Went up on the hilltop. Found wsw named michelle l. picked up at the DQ. I was pushed for time and did the car thing. She does hAVE SOME GREAT SKILLS. But after you get past the hustle and whining. Would date again. Be safe!!

Dads Extra Fun
02-25-10, 14:50
Tuesday afternoon, while cutting through from S. High to Parsons, I happened upon a young lady who accepted an offer for a ride. We hit things off and went for a little ride to get to know each other. Turns out she's 22 and has what I love - a nice natural bush to play in. Found a nice spot to sample the goods. She likes to ride and she's very tight.
Goes by Mandy. Don't think she walks. Got a number to try.

Trophy... where were you cutting over between High and Parson? I may be cutting over to far south... typically Reeb or Innis. It would be nice if action started looking up that side of town.

02-25-10, 17:15
I just realized that you guys might be talking about angie vroman. She has gone by the name Angel in the past. She's sweet but is pregnant and smokes cigs and crack which I find so disturbing. She doesn't have a teethy smile which at first I mistook as her teeth missing.

02-25-10, 20:18
I just realized that you guys might be talking about angie vroman. She has gone by the name Angel in the past. She's sweet but is pregnant and smokes cigs and crack which I find so disturbing. She doesn't have a teethy smile which at first I mistook as her teeth missing.
I think Ass Raper's Angel is a lot taller & bigger than Vroman and blonde. Besides there must 5-10 girls in the Botttoms and Westside named Angel or Angela.

Stay alert, stay safe.

02-26-10, 00:02
Check out these meaty lips!
West side, Sully, in the bottoms.
Not tight but sure wet.
Dad's, I think it was Hanford.

Cmh Hound
02-26-10, 09:19
Check out these meaty lips!

West side, Sully, in the bottoms.

Not tight but sure wet.

Dad's, I think it was Hanford.That's some serious pussy!

Cmh Hound
02-26-10, 09:32
Driving home Sully wasn't really looking but saw a blonde beckoning to me. She hopped in, said her name was Jen. Not great looking, but decent. Immediately showed me her tits and had me pull out my cock. Before we talked money she was stroking me. Her enthusiasm had me ready and we went some where private. She sucked me a while and asked if I wanted to fuck her. Hell yes! She had a good body, nice tits and a hairy pussy. It even smelled good. I fingered her a bit and she was getting into it, talking it up like a porn star. I like an enthusiastic girl. Fucked her covered, mish, she grabbed my ass and begged for it harder. I was getting ready to cum and said so, she pulled me out, took off the condom and stroked me onto her belly. Nice!

Best of all, only. 40 for the whole deal. She didn't have digits but said she hangs by the DQ nights and occasionally dances at rumors days.

I'll be looking for her.

02-26-10, 12:04
Check out these meaty lips!
West side, Sully, in the bottoms.
Not tight but sure wet.
Dad's, I think it was Hanford.

Good God Jim!

Hungry Wolf
03-01-10, 13:24
I saw Lanette last night, she lost so much weight I did not think it was her, she said she was shot about 3 months ago in the upper thigh and do not like to be out there that much. She wanted to do something to get some money to get off the street for the night but her face was run down and she had a smell that you could smell in the cold night air. She said she would make it worthwhile, but I was cold on that, got her number to check on her later, hopefully she can get back to the old Lanette.

Columbus Guy
03-01-10, 19:47
Found Angel on Sullivant. Blonde, 5'9, 170lbs, see cups. Not sure if she is the same one others have reported on. Seems to fit the description but here tits aren't that nice. Big, but floppy. Anyway I thought the service was just average. She got the job done but was a little rough with the teeth. Not sure that I would pick her up again.

Chris H
03-01-10, 20:14
I saw Lanette last night, she lost so much weight I did not think it was her, she said she was shot about 3 months ago in the upper thigh and do not like to be out there that much. She wanted to do something to get some money to get off the street for the night but her face was run down and she had a smell that you could smell in the cold night air. She said she would make it worthwhile, but I was cold on that, got her number to check on her later, hopefully she can get back to the old Lanette.Thats too bad about Lanette getting shot, but I am not surprised when people live that lifestyle.

Hungry Wolf
03-01-10, 22:32
thats too bad about Lanette getting shot, but I am not surprised when people live that lifestyle.,You know what Chris, from what she told me it was uncalled for, she never did anything bad to me and I never heard anybody say anything bad about her. But I miss the good old days with Lanette, Lacy and Mercedes.

Chris H
03-02-10, 08:23
You know what Chris, from what she told me it was uncalled for, she never did anything bad to me and I never heard anybody say anything bad about her. But I miss the good old days with Lanette, Lacy and Mercedes.Overall she is OK, but she did steal an IPOD out of my car last year, so she is not on the top of my list. Oh, and Mercedes is a theif too.

03-02-10, 09:35
Ok! I thought I post something that just happened to me pertaining to thieves. I have known this SW from the hilltop for about 2 yrs. Her name is Shannon [Actual Personal Name deleted by Admin] dark hair, short, kinda of a big round butt. Boss ***** tat on her lower back. And I admit at times, you try to help some of them. She was at my house and spent the night. When she gets tried of the streets she calls me and come and stays a few days. This weekend she helped herself to about 80.00 from my wallet and then took my car. After about 2 days she used someones phone to text-message me the location of the car.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove Real Personal Names in the text. Please do not post anyone's actual personal name in the Forum. Thanks!

03-02-10, 10:06
Interesting post, Niteryder. I know who this lady is, I picked her up a couple times back when she was attractive. I informed her of this board back then, to which she replied "has anyone mentioned anything about my health? " I interpreted that as a red flag.

Are you saying she is giving info to the cops about dope boys(which is what your post sounds like) or mongers? Can any specific busts be credited to Shannon? Or are you just making this up out of spite for ripping you off?

Also, has anyone picked up the Slammer paper recently? I noticed a few ladies that I have been intimate with have graced the pages of this new publication.

03-02-10, 11:04
You have got to be NUTS if you take any of the girls home with you. I don't care who they are. Given the chance, they will steal from you. Not only that, once you let them in your house, you have just shown them where and what valuables you have. Even if they don't take it at first, they are going to share that information with someone who will be interested in it. They will come back and get it later. Niteryder, I hope this girl doesn't know when and where you work cuz somebody is likely to come back to your house and clean you out.

03-02-10, 14:47
I must have been lucky so far and maybe my time will come, but I've never had any problems when I take a girl home. Of course, I have my standards as far as who I date so I'm sure my list of girls may be shorter than many others. And, most of the girls were from the Short North back when things were jumping and the area wasn't gentrified like it is now.

The last girl who stayed over, not counting my regular girl, was Searah from the Bottoms a couple of months ago. She woke me up to ask if she could get a cold pop out of the fridge.

Stay alert, stay safe

03-02-10, 22:53
I have known this girl well. I have been to her parents house. I have spent time with both of her sons. I don't take any SW back to my house.

And yes! She is selling info to popo for money. She is responcible for twan's recent bust. I don't know who he is. But he was dealing out of a apartment over off of mound. She was laughing about it. And yes I'm pissed she ripped me off money camera car. I figure I would tell the turth and let street justice work for me. So mongers and dopeboys beware.

Be safe!

03-03-10, 11:31
I have known this girl well. I have been to her parents house. I have spent time with both of her sons. I don't take any SW back to my house.

And yes! She is selling info to popo for money. She is responcible for twan's recent bust. I don't know who he is. But he was dealing out of a apartment over off of mound. She was laughing about it. And yes I'm pissed she ripped me off money camera car. I figure I would tell the turth and let street justice work for me. So mongers and dopeboys beware.

Be safe!

1. She has parents who obviously care about her.
2. She has two kids that love her.
3. You knew she was a crackhead.
4. You brought her to your house.
5. You were with her when she was selling information to the cops.
6. she stole your car and cash from your house
7. Her consious got to her and she called and told you where your car was.

All of experienced mongers know that you have to be careful when dealing with the addicts. We all should know that if they go into withdrawal long enough, they are going to do whatever is necessary to get a new hit as quickly as possible and by any means necessary. This does not justify her stealing from you but you could have had her arrested for stealing your car and money.

It would have been easier to just warn the mongers what she did (Theft) and really cause her some loss of business.

Now, lets think about what you did instead. You outed her to the dopers? Are you F'ing crazy? Do you realize that she is going to have a death warrant out for her now? Just out of curiousity, when she ends up dead, will you be satisfied? Not only that, did you even THINK that with what you wrote, you might be charged also if something serious happens to her? Your last two postings have got to be the most idiotic thing I have seen posted on here in years. Did you think about the family YOU discussed that obviously cares about her? You were the fool who took her home and you used this board as a form of retaliation that will likely lead to her death?

Last but not least. Rest assured if the cops weren't paying attention to this board, they damn well are now. If something happens to her, they are going to be working VERY hard to find out who everyone is,,,especially YOU!

Humpty Dumpty
03-03-10, 11:54
Ok, about the Shannon thing. The entire point of this board is to share information. She stole from Niteryder, she should have to deal with the consequences. If mongers did stuff like this more often, it will make girls think twice about stealing, or setting us up for robbery. I have not had any bad situations since Mercedes the BSW back in 2002? I think. If she had a "conscious"(its spelled conscience) then Shannon would not have done that it the first place. Even though Niteryder said some bad things about me, I will let that go. I think he is in the right here.

Now onto a couple reports, which are late due to me being temporarily banned again. I was under the impression that it was OK to post links on you tube because they are not part of a competitor's website. I was wrong. All of the competitor sites are worthless anyway.

First: I met Jasmine(not her real name) near Vern's bar on Sullivant. She is 24, WSW, glasses, dark brown hair, height weight proportionate. But not so pretty. Not street-worn, just not very pretty. I offered 30 for BBFS. She whined about money, then starting whining about pregnancy and diseases.

She pulled down her pants and her pussy was hairy. So that sucked. We did BBFS for 30 and I blew my load inside her. Between her looks, whining and hairy pussy, I will not pick her up again. She gave me her number, anyone who wants it can have it.

A day later I was driving down Sullivant by Demorest. Found a WSW who is 23. Forgot her name; she has chiseled but feminine facial features. I wanted BBFS for 30. She whined a little bit about using rubbers, but gave in. We did the deed at a place she suggested, which was kinda dangerous, but it was light outside. I blew my load inside her. Then I dropped her off at the crappy apartments on Wedgewood so she could buy drugs. No digits. Would see her again for sure.

I also had to get a job-mandated blood test. To the shock and surprise of absolutely no one, I am clean as a whistle.

Also, has anyone picked up the Slammer paper? I have blown my load in 3 girls in that issue, and 2 have given me good BBBJS.

03-03-10, 17:38
For your info the popo have been watching this site for years. And as far as a death sent. it's not your business. Her parents gave up on her quite a few years ago. her dad has told me, she dead as far as he goes. her mom does still care. they won't let her see her boys. But the point is. She thinks she is untouchable. Maybe popo will take her off the streets.I was just stating the truth. if you don't like it. Don't log onto this site. Maybe the dope boys have familys too!!! When i was in vietnam- it was a eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. i was lucky to come home. Maybe it's time for her to move on.

03-03-10, 20:34
The name of the song. Or was certain about the singer, but the song may have been called something like "The Lady and the Snake" and I'd thought the singer was Tom Jones. (As a sidenote if anyone remembers it, please fill me in. I'd love to find it again!) At any rate, in the song, Lady finds wounded snake in the forest. Snake begs for help, lady refuses. "You're a SNAKE! " "Pretty Lady,. " snake begs "Help me. I promise/I swear I won't bite! " etc, etc. Lady finally is convinced to take the snake home and nurse the snake back to health. By the end of the song, snake bites lady. Lady is dying and says to snake. "Why would you bite me after all I've done for you? " Snake responds: (and this line I remember verbatum) "Shut up, silly woman. You knew damned well I was a snake before you took me in! "

NiteRyder: "Shut up, silly woman! You knew damned well she was a snake before you took her in! " Regardless of what she did, she doesn't deserve what is about to happen to her. Yes, the purpose of the board is to share information. And if she's a thief, then yes, inform the group. If she stole your car, by all means let us all know. If she's an informant for the police, tell us that, as well. But to identify her by her first and last names and accuse her of turning in one of the dope boys with the worst reputation on the West Side for his treatment of the girls was. IMHO. Unacceptable, irresponsible, and unforgivable.

I have seen one of the women Twan has taken revenge on over a $50. 00 debt. It was not pretty. He had two other girls beat her down with galvanized steel fence posts! Do you truly believe Shannon or anyone else deserves that because YOU were gullible enough to give her (knowing she's addicted to crack) access to your $$, your home and your car keys? And for all anyone on this board knows, you are lying about the entire situation because you wanted her all to yourself and she left you for another trick. But you sign what COULD BE a death warrant? If this is the way this board is going to operate. Then I believe it's time it has outlived its usefulness at least for me.

Alll you other hobbyists, Almost all of the girls out there are addicts. Don't take them to your home. If you want to befriend them, schedule lunch with them daily at white castle so you know they're eating, give them a phone card, hell, get them a cheap hotel room. But don't give them access to your home, your cash and your car. You can't blame them for their addiction. In fact if it weren't for that addiction, you'd be home pounding your own pole! Niteryder, you dropped yourself 10, 000% in my book and I've totally lost any respect I may have had for you.

03-03-10, 20:41
For your info the popo have been watching this site for years. And as far as a death sent. it's not your business. Her parents gave up on her quite a few years ago. her dad has told me, she dead as far as he goes. her mom does still care. they won't let her see her boys. But the point is. She thinks she is untouchable. Maybe popo will take her off the streets.I was just stating the truth. if you don't like it. Don't log onto this site. Maybe the dope boys have familys too!!! When i was in vietnam- it was a eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. i was lucky to come home. Maybe it's time for her to move on.

I agree, popo is probably watching the board but you have just guarenteed that they are going to watch it much closer. You say it is not my business? You made it everyone's business when you posted what happened. Like I said before, she IS responsible for what she did but you went way over the line. You said it should be an eye for an eye. If she gets killed because of your posting, do you consider that an eye for an eye? How about having her arrested and just warning us fellow mongers? That would be an eye for an eye. You took it to the extreme. Telling someone to leave the board because they disagree with wanting to have one of the girls killed? PUHLEEEEEZE. and like I said, if something happens to that girl you can bet you are going to be talking to the popo and you are likely going to be causing many of us to be talked to. I can't believe you lack the common sense to realize that you could be in serious trouble if something happens to her now.

I'll be the first to say, she f*cked up but you f*cked up too and you might have screwed over the rest of us. Unbelievable.

Humpty Dumpty
03-03-10, 23:36
Bighardone- You seriously think that LE is going apeshit because someone outed one of their rats on the internet? And somehow it would be Niteryder's fault if something bad happens to Shannon, rather than Twan and his posse of thugs? Of course, LEO shouldn't watch over the dealer or his homiez or anyone else who is an actual threat, but some dude on a message board? And this is going to cause mongers to be watched and harassed how? Your argument has zero logic. Go cry me a river.

I am out of town on business and will be back soon to soak the sugar doughnuts of all the good looking SWs with my milk.

03-04-10, 13:11
Humpty, honestly, nobody cares about your opinion. I wouldn't expect you to be smart enough to figure out the obvious. I don't even think anyone on this board even likes you.

Humpty Dumpty
03-04-10, 13:28
Enough with the argumentative posts. You won't bait me with an argument.

So lets get back to business. Who has picked up the Slammer mugshot paper?

I noticed 5 girls who I have previously been with.

Chris H
03-04-10, 16:19
Where can the SLAMMER magazine be found in C-Bus? I looked at 5 different stores and gas stations with no luck.

Chris H

03-04-10, 16:52
Hey! don't be slaming humity dumpity. Look!!!! just because he has a diff. op. than u. Don't slam him. You have appointed yourself the the moral one. Look at this site. We are exploiting drug addicts for cheap sex. And your the moral one. Just remmeber when you point the finger there are 3 looking back at you.
Be safe!!! And i like humity and his wacky posts.

03-04-10, 17:01
Wow! And now back to what the site is all about. Went cruising last night about 5:30 found amanda. about 5'5" tall bout 125 lbs. Dark Hair. What a great personality. Shaved and clean. Great serivce. I left a tip. I do have digits. She just got her phone 2 days ago. She is on my all time fav's!!! Now. Be safe!!
Yea! big hard one, I didn't take her home. Yet!!!!!!!!

Kaiser Soze
03-04-10, 19:31

I found it at N&N on Sullivant

03-04-10, 20:46
Interesting post, Niteryder. I know who this lady is, I picked her up a couple times back when she was attractive. I informed her of this board back then, to which she replied "has anyone mentioned anything about my health? " I interpreted that as a red flag.

Are you saying she is giving info to the cops about dope boys(which is what your post sounds like) or mongers? Can any specific busts be credited to Shannon Gaines? Or are you just making this up out of spite for ripping you off?

Also, has anyone picked up the Slammer paper recently? I noticed a few ladies that I have been intimate with have graced the pages of this new publication.
C'mon we know its you humpty. Trying to get an unmoderated account?

03-04-10, 22:58
Ok, so this week was supposed to be the week I came out of my winter "hibernation" (if you will). I tried a couple old numbers, and a few newer ones and ended up with nothing, so I decided to hit the beat (which, as you'll see in a second is a poor choice of words). I went out around 8, and spent about 3 hours driving around. I ended up going home around 11 with nothing to show for it, but I did have an interesting run in.

Around 10 I was turning off of Central onto Town. Further down (just past the light near the conveniance store), I could see a girl with longer dark hair with a white jacket that looked like she might be worth a 2nd look. So I started down, and got caught at the light. By this point, the girl has made it to west park, but still looks good, so I'm willing to wait the extra minute or so. However, as I'm waiting, a dark SUV/mini-van whipped around the corner and pulled up alongside the girl. I thought "great, I'm about to lose my potential pickup." Instead, what happened was a younger girl (looked to be about 18, if not 16-17) jumped out of the passenger door, and without and provocation that I could tell, kicks the other girl's leg out from under her, and delivers and couple shots to the head/body.

I was surprised to say the least. The mini-van was still idling, as the driver was still in it, just with the breaks on. Now probably what happened next wasn't my smartest moment, but I am proud of it regardless. The light changed, just as I was about to gun my car forward, and I flicked on my brights. I drove forward honking my horn rapidly. The 18ish year old girl looked up, saw me coming, jumped back into the mini-van/suv and it drove off. I tried to catch the plate but it was no good. Instead, I stopped and picked up the young woman (who it turns out looked more like 35-40ish), but this time to see if I could offer any assistance.

The girl ranted and raved for a bit, I could tell she was in the business but was no longer "in the mood." That was fine for me, as I was more just trying to make sure she was OK at that point. I offered to drive her anywhere she needed to go, and ended up dropping her off at Sullivant and Davis (near the Market/Pizza place). I also gave her a 20 just because I felt bad for her, and wanted her to have a chance to clean herself up (though I couldn't see any bleeding). Her name was Terry, but she said she also goes by Gypsy.

Thinking back on it, while I'm proud that I helped her out, if the people in the car hadn't backed down, or worse had had guns or knives, I'm not sure what I would have done. After dropping Terry/Gypsy off, I drove around for about another 30 minutes, but I really wasn't into it anymore and ended up just heading home.

I guess I'll try to come out of hibernation again sometime this week/weekend.

Chris H
03-05-10, 01:45
Thanks guys, I found a spot that sales the SLAMMER...

03-11-10, 12:21
What ever happened to captain? Does anybody know. Last i knew he was living up in the hilltop area? Did he get pinched in that deal last fall?

03-12-10, 09:17
No new reports despite this perfect weather? I cruised Sullivant two mornings ago and saw only two fat chicks. Where dem hoes at?

03-12-10, 17:07
No new reports despite this perfect weather? I cruised Sullivant two mornings ago and saw only two fat chicks. Where dem hoes at?
You need to try in the evening between 9 and 10pm. I went down Monday and Thursday night and played with alot of new girls. All of them between 20 and 28 years old, nice bodys, nice looking and all but one had working numbers. All on Sully in the bottoms and hilltop. Monday night I got 4 bbbj's by 4 different girls in 1 hour. One of the girls was Ashley's sister Rebecka. Kinda tall, blonde hair, slender, 22 years old and boy, could she deep throat...then swallowed every drop.

I stopped posting because there was to much bs about everything else going on. People going at each other and wishing people were dead. Not my cup of tea. I'll just keep enjoying the girls!

Columbus Dude
03-12-10, 23:27
You need to try in the evening between 9 and 10pm. I went down Monday and Thursday night and played with alot of new girls. All of them between 20 and 28 years old, nice bodys, nice looking and all but one had working numbers. All on Sully in the bottoms and hilltop. Monday night I got 4 bbbj's by 4 different girls in 1 hour. One of the girls was Ashley's sister Rebecka. Kinda tall, blonde hair, slender, 22 years old and boy, could she deep throat...then swallowed every drop.

I stopped posting because there was to much bs about everything else going on. People going at each other and wishing people were dead. Not my cup of tea. I'll just keep enjoying the girls!4 bj's in 1 hour.

Yeah right

The Squirrel
03-13-10, 10:34
And I just heard about this site. I've read all the introductory postings. Does anyone have any specific advice regarding areas to shy away from, people to avoid, etc?

03-13-10, 12:23
4 bj's in 1 hour.

Yeah right
I did not say I blew my load on all four. Only the last one with Rebecka. If you don't drive across town once you pick them up and you just get a blow job, you can do more than four a hour if your wanted too. Just have them suck your dick for 10 minutes, if you want to try a few girls. If you want to see how it's done, your more than welcome to ride along with me sometime. Just lay in the back set of my car and see for yourself.

03-13-10, 19:20
For those of you like me that have always read about Megan Wymer on these postings but have no clue what she looks like check out the new edition of the slammer issue#4 that just came out this weekend, and oh you will never guess what she got busted for (just kidding)

Chris H
03-14-10, 01:59
I . If you want to see how it's done, your more than welcome to ride along with me sometime. Just lay in the back set of my car and see for yourself.

LOL.... thats is funny, lay down in the back seat, thats a good one!

03-14-10, 13:44
Can anyone tell me where to get this?

03-14-10, 17:36
It's on sully between the D/Q and the sunuco on the hilltop.
They don't call Ironman for nothing!!!! HaHaHa be safe!!

Mr Nomatter
03-15-10, 01:59
For BSW? No information on them at all?

03-15-10, 09:38
What ever happened to captain? Does anybody know. Last i knew he was living up in the hilltop area? Did he get pinched in that deal last fall?
I believe he is safe and smart about what he is doing right now. Im sure he'll see your post. Kind of the same I have done on my posts here on the board.

Chris H
03-15-10, 19:12
For BSW? No information on them at all?

They are out there, but kinda hard to find the good ones right now, just gotta be patient and keep hunting. I will give an update if I find any good ones, and please do the same.

By the way, I have been seeing girls on CL or BP recently, with GREAT results, and NICE prices!!

Dads Extra Fun
03-15-10, 21:13
Wow! And now back to what the site is all about. Went cruising last night about 5:30 found amanda. about 5'5" tall bout 125 lbs. Dark Hair. What a great personality. Shaved and clean. Great serivce. I left a tip. I do have digits. She just got her phone 2 days ago. She is on my all time fav's!!! Now. Be safe!!
Yea! big hard one, I didn't take her home. Yet!!!!!!!!

How about a little help on where you found this catch? I'm assuming somewhere along Sully?

03-15-10, 21:36
For BSW? No information on them at all?
If you look on Cleveland Ave between Hudson and 17th you will find some. Jessica was out last night. She has not been out for awhile. Nice looking black girl....about 5'7", early 30's, nice body, great ass. Everything on her menu, bbbj, cim, fs and greek. Chris, if you want Jessica's number...I have it.

03-16-10, 11:17
Hey mongers!! It's just about christmas. There are a bunch of sw getting out and will be back on the streets.Should start happening this week. From what I'm hearing, all they talk about is getting laid and getting there pussy's licked. Happy Cunting. Be safe!!

03-16-10, 11:20
Well I was thinking! Maybe a fellow (and be a gentleman) should showup at jacksom pike and make shure the ladys gwet home safe!!

03-17-10, 20:33
Dated kari tonight, .2 for a pretty good bbbj. As I was dropping her off, spotted a girl in her early 20s with twotoned dyed blonde hair who looked real/y good. As I drove away I see her along with kari talking to some dope boys. I badly want to sample this girl, anyone. seen or know her?

03-17-10, 23:51
Picked up Ashley on Sully next to Smith Market on the hilltop at 9:15pm. Very cute 24 year old white female, about 5'7", nice body, brown hair and dress nice. I have never seen her before. Got a awesome bbbj while I played with her smooth shaved kitty. She took her time, never rushed, deep throat, cim and swallowed ever drop. She did not have a phone...gave her my number and told her to give me a call. This girl is hot! I hope she is around for awhile.

Then drove to Cleveland Ave and 7 girls were with in three blocks. Two white and 5 black girls. Picked up Recee at Cleveland and 19th at 10pm . Black female, 5'8", slender build and not bad looking. OMG, can she suck some dick. BBBJ, deep throat...all 8 inches down to my balls and she loved every minute of it. She said she swallows, but I could not cum again after doing it with Ashley. Told her to call me next week. She is open to trying greek also. Right up my alley. Jessica was out also.

Guys, the girls seem to be back. Alot of new girls on the market. Glad the warm weather is back.

Hungry Wolf
03-18-10, 17:01
Finally got with Amanda last night white, long black hair, nice shape, remind me of a suburb girl. The BBBJ is always good but it's the lick me downs that are mind.blowing. Ironman59 if you could had seen Jessica 10 years ago, she is a shell of former self.

03-19-10, 12:02
Around 7 cruised up S. high street. Found a cute little spinner by the name of chrystal. She has a tat on the back of her neck that says the same. Picked her up at the dougnut shop. She was scared i was a cop. After a little conversation she took me to her 1 bedroom apt. I know thats a no no.But i always go with my gut. And it got me thur vietnam for 2 !/2 tours. I was totally impressed with her oral presintation. Deep thoart till done. Cute little pie. she is about 5'3" dishwater blond hair over the shoulders. About a 120 lbs. But i must say my last few trips have been nothing short of GFE expriences. She doesn't have a phone. Be safe!!

03-19-10, 13:13
I've seen a couple of repprtsfor gir/s on high st., where aboits do tjey hang out and how is it compared to sulli?

Humpty Dumpty
03-19-10, 18:55
I went down High Street to head to Club Diversity to drink a couple cosmopolitans and have stimulating conversation. Just kidding.

I met MJ, or Maxie, or J. I should just call her the luckiest girl in the world. She is skinny WSW with long dark curly hair, 25 years old. I did her BBFS and shot my load inside her. She asked for something to wipe her pussy off with. Good thing I had a bag of clothes I was gonna drop off at the Goodwill center on South High. She wiped herself off and then I threw the bag in the donation bin. I am up there with Mother Theresa when it comes to my awesomeness and generosity. Damage was 25. Met her by Barthman.

03-20-10, 08:43
I have had luck in the past 10 yrs there. Starting at White castle and going south to All american Diner. I have had some luck with going alittle north and south of where I said. But Mostily Right between those locations.And i have some luck in the over on parson . Be Safe!!

Humpty Dumpty
03-20-10, 16:14
Friday night, I was partying like a rock star with a few cool people in the Brewery District. Then after we got kicked out at 2:30 AM I went down the street to Buckeye Donuts. And to my surprise, the woman who got my donuts was the hag on South High in this report:

http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showpost.php? P=917722&postcount=2120

So if you of you guys are interested in the nasty old hag who works 3rd shift, she is available. A couple other things; the fountain pop machine on their campus location has a gnat problem. And I suggest a new donut flavor; the Buckeye Creampie. It would be like a Boston Creampie, only it would be like a peanut butter ball dipped in chocolate like a buckeye treat. So for the donut version, it would have chocolate covering, peanut butter filling, and of course, my hot white cream inside it and drizzled on top.

After seeing no action down south, I went up Cleveland where I noticed a young attractive WSW with glasses just north of Weber. I was happy. Then she told me her name, Lilly. My heart sunk. It was the Lilly with AIDS. So FS was outa the question. I told her I wanted a BBBJ, she said she would need to get a rubber. So after giving her a buck to buy the rubber, I decided to take off. What a shame.

Then it was back to the West Side, where I met "Ashley" whose real name is Megan. 24 year old slender WSW. She is pretty but has scratches on her face from opiate use. Its a shame because she has a pretty face and good skin. She was very nervous and apprehensive, and at first claimed she just wanted a ride home. I did my best to convince her I was a good person. She was on the rag so I opted for a BBBJCIM which I would rate as above average. Would definitely repeat. I referred her to this site as well. I met her at West Broad by Dakota.

Anyone pick up the Slammer? Larra Stone looks like shit! I would not have recognized her if the name was not under her mugshot.

Chris H
03-21-10, 01:04
I went down High Street to head to Club Diversity to drink a couple cosmopolitans and have stimulating conversation. Just kidding.

I met MJ, or Maxie, or J. I should just call her the luckiest girl in the world. She is skinny WSW with long dark curly hair, 25 years old. I did her BBFS and shot my load inside her. She asked for something to wipe her pussy off with. Good thing I had a bag of clothes I was gonna drop off at the Goodwill center on South High. She wiped herself off and then I threw the bag in the donation bin. I am up there with Mother Theresa when it comes to my awesomeness and generosity. Damage was 25. Met her by Barthman.
LOL...that was a funny report.

03-23-10, 03:55
Was cruising sunday afternoon. Ran across Megan Wymer She had just got released from jackson pike hotel. She said she was tested and doesn't have aids? Has put on a few pounds ,hair is black in color. I almost didn't reconize her. I just can't get past the aids thing. And wish i had a way to confrim. I think it's called RUN Forest RUN!!!!!! Over the next few weeks there releasing more lady's. It was nice of popo to keep our girls off the streets in this bad winter we had.
Had a another date Amanda E. And it was nothing short of wonderful. A friend and I are going to Las Vegas for spring break. Be safe!!

Humpty Dumpty
03-23-10, 04:14
Glad you liked my report, Chris. Clean up your inbox! I had a number to send you of an old favorite.

So I met the old favorite on E Main as opposed to Sully where I used to find her. Her body looks great, her BBBJCIM is superb. Only thing that sucks about this girl is that she always uses rubbers for FS. But no big deal. I will not post her name because she has 18 months on the shelf. She is staying at a crappy motel on E Main. Give her a couple months, she will be back in Jackson Pike soon. Senior members, PM for digits. Tell her Humpty Hump sent you.

I also met Barb on Parsons. This is another great looking girl with great attitude and technique. She gave me her number but a 40-something year old white male answered and did not seem thrilled to hear from me. I acted as if I had the wrong number.

I also tried to call Amber H the pretty blonde. Her mother answered, and was not happy to hear from me either. You would think she would speak more kindly to the potential father of her grandchild! I tried to assure Amber's mother that I am a class act and have only good intentions for her troubled daughter, who is a sweet pleasant lady who made some terrible decisions. I don't think I was too successful at convincing her though. Nice guys like myself can never catch a break!

Hungry Wolf
03-23-10, 16:24
Glad you liked my report, Chris. Clean up your inbox! I had a number to send you of an old favorite.

So I met the old favorite on E Main as opposed to Sully where I used to find her. Her body looks great, her BBBJCIM is superb. Only thing that sucks about this girl is that she always uses rubbers for FS. But no big deal. I will not post her name because she has 18 months on the shelf. She is staying at a crappy motel on E Main. Give her a couple months, she will be back in Jackson Pike soon. Senior members, PM for digits. Tell her Humpty Hump sent you.

I also met Barb on Parsons. This is another great looking girl with great attitude and technique. She gave me her number but a 40-something year old white male answered and did not seem thrilled to hear from me. I acted as if I had the wrong number.

I also tried to call Amber H the pretty blonde. Her mother answered, and was not happy to hear from me either. You would think she would speak more kindly to the potential father of her grandchild! I tried to assure Amber's mother that I am a class act and have only good intentions for her troubled daughter, who is a sweet pleasant lady who made some terrible decisions. I don't think I was too successful at convincing her though. Nice guys like myself can never catch a break!That funny somebody call me twice from a hotel on Main St sunday morning I had two missed calls and call back and the lady(with a accent) said it must had been a customer who call me.Now you really got me wonder who call me!

03-23-10, 19:12
I was suprised Monday when I got a phone call from Ashley. She asked what I was doing and if I wanted to see her. Picked her up in the bottoms on broad by the KFC. She agreed to go back to my place for fs...but greek was not on her menu. So, I save the trip and got a super nice bbbjcim while I played with her kitty. She said she swallowed, but she spit. Dropped her off on the hilltop.

Member #1052
03-23-10, 20:53
Nice guys like myself can never catch a break!

Preach Brotha!

Humpty Dumpty
03-24-10, 12:28
I was driving down Sullivant last week when I noticed a pretty WSW at West Park. There was a problem though. A young, short black male wearing a hoody that covered up almost all of his face.

The young lady made eye contact and I pulled over. But rather than her approaching the vehicle, the young gentleman did, and tried to open my passenger door which was locked. I politely asked him what he was doing, to which he gave a mumbled response. I then informed him that trying to enter someone else's car without permission is not only rude and illegal, but possibly deadly. He must have sensed anger and indignance in my voice. He mouthed the word "cop! " to his lady friend and they walked in between a couple houses. Anyone else see this? SWs don't need babysitters. When I see a "pimp" doing this, I call the cops on him.

And that brings another point I need to make. If you get pulled over, harassed by the cops, or have to call the cops, don't post here the day after it happens. There is a record of you with your name attached to it. Wait a while to tell us about the cop who gave you a hard time while driving down the street.

03-26-10, 10:30
Dated her yesterday at her spot. Cost me roughly .8. We fucked for an hour with some bbbj and daty in between. We really enjoyed each other and she came numerous times to the point she was too sore to continue. I second humpty's comment on her body looking amazing. Not quite Amber H caliber in the face dept but much hotter time.

03-26-10, 12:10
Was cruising sunday afternoon. Ran across Megan Wymer She had just got released from jackson pike hotel. She said she was tested and doesn't have aids? Has put on a few pounds ,hair is black in color. I almost didn't reconize her. I just can't get past the aids thing. And wish i had a way to confrim. I think it's called RUN Forest RUN!!!!!! Over the next few weeks there releasing more lady's. It was nice of popo to keep our girls off the streets in this bad winter we had.
Had a another date Amanda E. And it was nothing short of wonderful. A friend and I are going to Las Vegas for spring break. Be safe!!

Look through the forum you'll s3e a post from me of jer friend clqiming the same thing (wymer sisters don't have hiv)

But leitwine sisters do for sure

03-27-10, 10:01

I couldn't get this to attatch to a PM, so am posting here.

I know several "Tiffany" (s)

Is this the one you meant in your message to me?

Mr Nomatter
03-28-10, 01:26
Do any of you know a mixed girl, hangs around sullivant just north of central?

She has curly hair, really pretty.

Is she cool?

03-28-10, 13:10
Thanks for the hook up...met with D T last night at 1am. Came back to my my place. This girl has a great attitude, takes her time and enjoys her self. Nice bbbj, fs, greek, dfk and cim. She is a good one!

Humpty, I hope the two I gave you work out. If you have any problems, let me know.

Saturday night around 2:30am I drove down Cleeland Ave and seen 5 bsw between Hudson and 18th. Seen one wsw on Sully and Davis with her pimp. I circled around a couple of times and he was always close by. He had a hoody that covered his face. I will never stop to pick up a girl with her pimp with her. When will these girls learn most people will pass over them because of that.

03-28-10, 16:49
Now, I remember why I date black girls.
Saw/picked up/got a BBBJ from a WSW on cleve a couple weeks ago. Kinda a plain jane, 25 deflated titties, quiet, but, gave a fair BBBJ.

Got her # for next weekend (yesterday)
Texted her Fri nite-preparing for Sat, she texted back ("just tell me when/where-I'll be there Baby')
Sat, I text 'on the way' - nothing. I text "i'm here now' - nothing. I call, voice mai box full. No Show.
Sat nite she calls, says she was up all nite, agree to meet Sun at 1.00.
I text 'on the way' - nothing. I text' I'm here' - nothing. I call - voice mail box full. I hit main st and Liv. Kinda slow. Finally see Toni (BSW, 32, 5' 5", 34C's)on Main. She's put on a few pounds (says shes stopped smoking) breasts are filled out, nice butt.Had the van so in back we went.

Took it all off. Great BBBJ, took it all and tongued it what seemed like forever. Got me really hard really quick. Then FS and Doggie. Says greek next time for an xtra $10.

So, the WSW still ain't returned my call. Don't think I'll stop for her again.
As mentioned, too many nice BSW's on Cleve.

Saw(didn't date) 4 regulars yesterday. Saw Tina on main. Gave her a ride and $10-to be discounted next date. Dropped her off and she sees her firend, Star, BSW tall and lean, nice little titties. Was wearing a mini mini skirt. Her ass was hanging out. I've dated her a few times, and each was less than spectacular. Got a call from Joyce, the older SBF. Just wasn't in the mood for her. TT called. She's 22, 33C nice body, but probably 4 months pregnant by mow. Just wasn't ready for her hyper attitude.

So, today was a good day.
Hopefully tomorrow will be too

Be safe

Chris H
03-28-10, 17:22
I left the club around 2:30am last night ready to get off.
So I headed down to Main to look for a nice thick BSW. 1st ride through, nothing out there, so I called Humpty's girl to see what she was up to. She told me to meet her at the Speedway on Main, down the treet from James. Of course she wasnt there, so I kept going East on Main, and saw a WSW giving the look. So I made the turn to meet up with her. Her name is Sunshine, and she says she is roommates with Humpty Girls. Anyways, her service was good and unrushed. She has a nice body and is not shy about using it.

After dropping her off, I headed back down to the hood, so I could find that thick BSW that I desired. While hunting down there, D T calls me, but I told her that I was just with her friend, and I really was not in the mood for another WSW. I finallly did see a BSW that peaked my interest off of Main, not that thick, but had a decent body, and we went to a nice spot to do FS outside. Cant remember her name.

It is about 4:30am now, so I head down to Cleveland Ave. to see if I could find that thick girl I wanted. No luck on Cleveland, and I was not willing to quit, and headed back to Main, and saw the BSW that was nice and thick. It was Mercedes. I am sure alot of us know who she is. She gets in the car, and pulls those huge titties out, and pulls my stuff out, and she begins her nice BBBJ. I wanted to hit it from the back and she was down with that, but her BJ was so nice, I was bustin before I knew it. Mercedes may be an old timer, but her skills and body is still off the hook.

It is now 6am, Sunday, and I had something I could actually go ahead and do, to get out of the way for the day. After completing that task, I am horny again, and head to Cleveland Ave. Its now pouring raining out, around 7am, but I did see LaLa on Cleveland and Oakland Park. Picked her up, went to her apt, got a great BBBJ and FS to complete my 4th nut in about 4 hours. Went home a very happy and satisfied man!

Chris H

Mr Nomatter
03-28-10, 22:50
I left the club around 2:30am last night ready to get off.

So I headed down to Main to look for a nice thick BSW. 1st ride through, nothing out there, so I called Humpty's girl to see what she was up to. She told me to meet her at the Speedway on Main, down the treet from James. Of course she wasnt there, so I kept going East on Main, and saw a WSW giving the look. So I made the turn to meet up with her. Her name is Sunshine, and she says she is roommates with Humpty Girls. Anyways, her service was good and unrushed. She has a nice body and is not shy about using it.

After dropping her off, I headed back down to the hood, so I could find that thick BSW that I desired. While hunting down there, the T calls me, but I told her that I was just with her friend, and I really was not in the mood for another WSW. I finallly did see a BSW that peaked my interest off of Main, not that thick, but had a decent body, and we went to a nice spot to do FS outside. Can't remember her name.

It is about 4:30am now, so I head down to Cleveland Ave. To see if I could find that thick girl I wanted. No luck on Cleveland, and I was not willing to quit, and headed back to Main, and saw the BSW that was nice and thick. It was Mercedes. I am sure alot of us know who she is. She gets in the car, and pulls those huge titties out, and pulls my stuff out, and she begins her nice BBBJ. I wanted to hit it from the back and she was down with that, but her BJ was so nice, I was bustin before I knew it. Mercedes may be an old timer, but her skills and body is still off the hook.

It is now 6am, Sunday, and I had something I could actually go ahead and do, to get out of the way for the day. After completing that task, I am horny again, and head to Cleveland Ave. Its now pouring raining out, around 7am, but I did see LaLa on Cleveland and Oakland Park. Picked her up, went to her apt, got a great BBBJ and FS to complete my 4th nut in about 4 hours. Went home a very happy and satisfied man!

Chris HYou crack me up, but this can't be real- all night? Four different girls?

Chris H
03-29-10, 00:09
You crack me up, but this can't be real- all night? Four different girls?

Dude its real, no jokes, but I am worn out today, may be back on the hunt tomorrow!!

Hungry Wolf
03-29-10, 01:31
Dude its real, no jokes, but I am worn out today, may be back on the hunt tomorrow!!I with Chris on this one i had came 5 times in a row on just head,but it was no SW,but AMANDA has got 3 nuts in a row out of me a couple of times!

Humpty Dumpty
03-29-10, 23:09
The only thing unbelievable about Chris's report is being able to find 4 good looking SWs in one night. Sometimes its a pain in the ass to find even one.

Hungry Wolf
03-30-10, 19:56
The only thing unbelievable about Chris's report is being able to find 4 good looking SWs in one night. Sometimes its a pain in the ass to find even one.And I concur with you on this one, because some of the ones I see these guys bragging about, I rather jack.off to my laptop. But Hump, I LMAO every time I read this.

Mr Nomatter
03-31-10, 01:46
Well, I really wasnt calling him a liar. Just saying, starting at 2:30 getting with a SW, not the exact kind wanted, goes out fishing again, does another one, still not what is wanted.

Find the flavor your looking for. At 4:30. 5:00 am

Still at it at 7 am in the rain for number four, LOL

Just saying, unbelievable! In a fiendish kind of way.

Chris H
03-31-10, 09:00
The only thing unbelievable about Chris's report is being able to find 4 good looking SWs in one night. Sometimes its a pain in the ass to find even one.
Of course it was not easy finding the decent girls, and keep in mind, this was over a 5 hour period, so that is less than 1 good looking girl per hour.....and I am in NO WAY bragging, there really is nothing to brag about, just sharing some info.

Humpty Dumpty
04-01-10, 11:09
Of course it was not easy finding the decent girls, and keep in mind, this was over a 5 hour period, so that is less than 1 good looking girl per hour.....and I am in NO WAY bragging, there really is nothing to brag about, just sharing some info.Well I have lucked out before like that, but not recently in Ohio, that is for sure!

So I am glad everyone likes Tiffany. The only thing that really sucks about her is she won't do BBFS. Oh well, her loss!

Chris H
04-01-10, 15:41
Well I have lucked out before like that, but not recently in Ohio, that is for sure!

So I am glad everyone likes Tiffany. The only thing that really sucks about her is she won't do BBFS. Oh well, her loss!

You are so right...not in Ohio. Have you ever been down to Orlando and did some hunting? Those girls are like what you see in the movies, the ones walking on OTB not far from Walt Disney.

When I was speaking of your girl, I wasnt talking about Tiffany, I was talking about D T. Never heard of Tiffany.

04-01-10, 15:52
When I was speaking of your girl, I wasnt talking about Tiffany, I was talking about D T. Never heard of Tiffany.

Chris, D T is Tiffany

04-01-10, 16:08
Went out looking Tuesday night and it was very slow. Hit Sully and broad on the hilltop and bottoms...seen one on each street, but not my taste. Seen nothing on south Hight and Parson. Went back to the bottoms...seen nothing. Went up to Hudson and seen Ashley.

Got on Cleveland and found Recee at gas station. I posted a few days ago about her deep throating all 8 inches down to my balls. OMG, best cock sucker out there right now. She sucked my cock for 15 minutes. When I was about to cum, I heald her head down and blew my load in her throat. Then she sucked it until she had every drop of cum and swallowed all of it. You can tell she enjoys giving head. If you ever come across her...she will make you a happy man!

Rack Pat
04-03-10, 17:47
Anyone have contact info for Tina, blond WSW, tall & skinny in the bottoms? I had her cell number and lost it. She's great service - had her a week ago.


Chris H
04-03-10, 17:48
Chris, D T is Tiffany

I dont think they are the same person, D.T.s 1st name is not Tiffany, it starts with a D, but I think Humpty mentioned not to say her real name on here.

04-03-10, 22:53
I dont think they are the same person, D.T.s 1st name is not Tiffany, it starts with a D, but I think Humpty mentioned not to say her real name on here.
Lol to spell it out: tiffany is d's street name.

04-03-10, 23:02
Go back a couple of days to post #2363 I posted her damned photo, Same girl, just doesn't want to use her real name so she's using street name Tiffany!

I can't believe this is so complicated!

04-03-10, 23:15
Went out looking Tuesday night and it was very slow. Hit Sully and broad on the hilltop and bottoms...seen one on each street, but not my taste. Seen nothing on south Hight and Parson. Went back to the bottoms...seen nothing. Went up to Hudson and seen Ashley.

Got on Cleveland and found Recee at gas station. I posted a few days ago about her deep throating all 8 inches down to my balls. OMG, best cock sucker out there right now. She sucked my cock for 15 minutes. When I was about to cum, I heald her head down and blew my load in her throat. Then she sucked it until she had every drop of cum and swallowed all of it. You can tell she enjoys giving head. If you ever come across her...she will make you a happy man!Damn She seems like a winner:) Make a brotha wanna make that trip to Ohio.

Chris H
04-04-10, 00:36
Lol to spell it out: tiffany is d's street name.

Oh..ok, thanks for the info.

Mw Jrp
04-05-10, 07:45
Found her on Sully bottoms around 9:40p Easter night. Had a little difficulty convincing her I was not LE and we would be safest out of her hood. She finally agreed to ride with me and agreed to H&H .40 + .10 tip.

She jacked me all the way using her right hand which had her leaning on me like a regular GF, but that was about it for warmth and a memorable date. No kissing or DATY; too bad she had a clit ring on her very fat-lipped coochie.

Although her BBBJ was quite good, so I let her do that for 15minutes and moved around in a few positions to play with her giner and tiny B's. Finally, she had me ready to bust, so I covered up and hit her mish. It was very tight and the tunnel juiced up unlike few I've seen before.

I could have easily finished that way, but her working the boys while giving head was better than most, so I had her flip with no complaint to K9 for the finish. BTW, that wrapper was soaked with pussy juice. I asked her if she had cum up there and she claimed she had just come out. Clearly she was shaved, clean, and just showered.

Maybe I'm more of a stud than I think?! LOL.

Anyway, the doggie finish with her working the boys was of course super. Nice thing about 28yo's versus 18yo's is they understand where the erogenous zones are and if asked will expertly work them with skill. Although, she admitted to 28, I could have believed she was 24yo.

Angela has a thin spinner frame, but some bruises on her. Maybe she is new to this line of work. There was no balking on the .40 plus, although she did ask for .60 before I dropped her off near the pick. And this was after she was pleased with the .50.

She gave me a phone number. Also, I think we met before, but she thought not so. Be safe and good huntiing. MW

Mw Jrp
04-05-10, 19:42
Well at first it looked like everyone had a date but me. I dialed up no less than 12 numbers and spoke to 4 gals who said call me later or I'll call you. LOL.

Undaunted I kept rolling and rolling. Found a really cute young one sitting outside a store at a strip center. At first she blew me off and I left, but returned and she finally got in but I had to buy her Taco Bell first. She was darling enough I decided to play her games.

Finally got her to my playpen and naked she looked and felt great. Even though she looked 18 she is 24yo and just had a kid, but the bod is still quite nice and no marks. But to my delight this gal can suck a dick like no other. Her talent is to use her tongue while varying speed and firmness with her cute little mouth.

Normally, a gal could not get me to nut orally with all the disappointments and her insistance on food etc. But this corksucker had me ready to bust in 6 to 7 minutes. I had to slow her down because I wanted to tap her giner. Even though it was that time I covered up and hit her mish until her muscles tighten and I filled the wrapper. Boy she wasn't kidding about the red river. But I got my nut while sqeezing her firm butt and fondling a firm B/C. All the while gazing dreamy eyed into her baby blues and that darling little baby-face of hers.

There is nothing like a 24yo that looks 18, IMHO. So, on balance it was a good afternoon. I gave Krista my number to call. I hope she does since I want some more of that pussy and I have to fill her mouth with some goo too. That magic tongue is memorable. I met a stripper in Loisville about 3 years ago that sucked that way. Then there is Tara in Michigan; and Jenny and her friend Emily in Dayton that are that good too. But the talent is difficult to find for sure.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-06-10, 02:03
Called Tina at 8:30pm...picked her up at Towne and Dakota. Great bbbj with lots of deep throat. Wanted greek but it was are first date. Said she would do it next time and shave her ginger for me.

Called Tiffany at 9:30pm...picked her up at Summit and 9th. Came back to my place with a sample bj on the way. Once inside...nice long bbbj, dfk, fs and greek. Again, Tiffany reminds you of an old girlfriend the way she takes care of you. No rush what so ever.

Should be seeing Angela tomorrow. Called her after dropping Tiffany off and she said she was in Groveport for the night. Said she would call me Tuesday when she got back to the bottoms. Hear she has big shaved pussy lips. Can't wait to hit that!

Be Safe

Mw Jrp
04-06-10, 07:54
Well, I rolled Cleve looking for Recee or possibly one of the hot young BSW's that flock to Shadow's vehicles. This was before the rain and if the gals were around they must run from me because I didn't see any youngin's and few SW's. I have rolled Cleve now about 5 times the last year and strike out each time. Oh well maybe next time. Then the rain came so I started dialing numbers.

It seems all you guys have the referrals' dance cards full. No worries, glad everybody is getting laid. As the rains slowed I rolled Sully bottoms and found 30+yo Crystal happy to get out of the rain, and even happier to jack me, and give some BBBJ on the way. She also dropped her jeans to the ankles, spread her legs, and encouarged me to rub her giner while we rode to my pen. Crystal loves to suck cock; her words and it shows. I wound up with 2 oral experts today. Wow, lucky me.

In the room she undressed, put on black thigh highs, and her tall, lean, spinner frame looked great. She bent over backwards on all 4's to proudly display her goods, spreading it all nice and wide and pink. Like I said her BBBJ is terrific. Again, I could have filled her mouth but switched it up so as to prolong.

Got DFK, BBBJ, plenty of boy and taint licking, overall a near GFE, but I never got around to DATY, maybe next time. Finally covered and had her climb on. As she was rocking on me CG, Tiffany called, but I was unable to answer, so maybe manana.

Then I rolled Crystal on her back and hit her mish. She wrapped those long legs around me, clasped those giner muscles, talked dirty, oohed and aahed like she was busting one herself, and claims she did. Well, good for her. For me I had her get on all fours and work the boys until I busted mine. Oh some where in between, I had her give some more BBBJ, and finally it was nut #2, K9.

This gal gave me her friends phone and I may order up a 2 way with them. But Crystal is a no-hurry, sweet talking, intelligent, dedicated-to-her-profession, hot little SP. She is in her 30's, not as firm as Krista, but a 10 in performance, IMHO. She has long brown hair, no tits, and a closely cropped, mostly shaved, tight little giner, and a very thin spinner frame.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-06-10, 11:01
Like I said her BBBJ is terrific.
But Crystal is a no-hurry, sweet talking, intelligent and dedicated.

J, your right on...Crystal gives some awesome head with lots of deep throat. Shes a good girl...always takes her time and never any drama. Just a sweet person! Glad you found her.

Mw Jrp
04-06-10, 14:57
Now, you lazy newbies that keep pm'ing me, get out there 4 or 5 hours a day and you'll find them too. Don't pm me, try one of the locals like yourselves and tell us all about it. If you can't find a SW in C-bus you need glasses. I found them north and west; lots and lots of them. All sizes and shapes and colors, and I passed on most of them with friendly smile, always. Easily 15-20 candidates.

I was also given many, many numbers. Some worked some did not, the girls have lives too, so I did what you should do. Rolled until I found one that meet my fussy standards. Of course it wasn't always that way, but with experience comes better, tighter, juicier, hotter (unts to fuck and play with, and I don't mean disrespect to the ladies, I'm talking giners!

I probably had 150 posts before I even asked for a number. Well, I enjoy the (unt hunt, as you can probably tell. So, get off your computers and give yourself a field trip. There is no more thrill than having her hop in your car, dodge the cops, cop a feel or 2, negotiate a fair date, and have her "get-you-in-the-mood" (jack-off or BBBJ with or without some giner play) while you roll to a playpen or play site.

Oh, BTW. I have myself on Tiffany's dance card at 7pm tonight. I"m just a lucky guy. Be safe and good hunting. MW

J, your right on...Crystal gives some awesome head with lots of deep throat. Shes a good girl...always takes her time and never any drama. Just a sweet person! Glad you found her.

Hungry Wolf
04-06-10, 15:43
I got the new SLAMMER last friday and did find out until the other day that Niteryder's girl Cali,better known as Shannon M.Derhodes (who suppose to be working with the L.E.O.) got pick up for Drug Paraphernalia and Solicting.The way she looked was a hot mess,but I seen her before and she does look better in person.

Mw Jrp
04-06-10, 21:23
Surprise, surprise; Tiffany could not meet at 7p after promising at 2:30 she'd be available. Poor gal has a time management problem; well most of them do don't they?

As she put me off 45 minutes, promising to call me when her emergency was over, I dialed a number given me and Terri from the bottoms was available, so I scooped her 10 minutes later. For you newbies, 45minutes in hoe time is about 4-5 days, that's why I never wait; always move on to plan B, C, D, or P which is other Pussy.

Terri is a veteran and as such her oral skills are exceptional, including licking the taint, boys, and right down to the pleasure zone which she worked gently with her fingers. The only downer was I found her grey roots distracting while she worked mini me, but a 20yo getting drilled by 2 guys on TV kept my mind off Terri's age and on the fellating at hand, er... mouth. Did I mention she knows all the erogenous spots to lick, touch, stroke, and work?

Being a pussy dog I had to let her ride me CG. Then we moved to mish, and more BBBJ, then finally K9 with her using hands and fingers in all the right spots to put me over the edge and a ball-busting nut. Good little spinner girl; just a bit older than I like, but I am always very pleased to have some new pussy. In spite of what one clown in Michigan said about (unts all being the same, they are not; no 2 alike. That's why I like pussy. Oh and Terri had a really big clit that I played with all the way to my pen.

She aims to please and I have a number for seniors if you are interested. Also, if I had known Tiff was going to flake at 6pm in the Sully bottoms 2 really hot young blonds were looking for a ride, and one was a 10 IMHO.

Like I said earlier, there is no shortage of pussy around. You newbies just dont have the experience to pick them out from the citizens. That's why you need hundreds of hours of practice. So, good luck. Oh, and according to one gal the herd was thinned this weekend; 60 of them were rounded up for all sorts of infractions. Still, a few were missed, like 100 or so.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-07-10, 08:07
I was told that popo picked her up because she was scared that one of the dope boys was looking for her.I get phone calls from a couple of girls that she is in with. They can't believe she only got 25 days for about 4 prior warrants.And they got 90 to 180 for 2 priors. So read between the lines.

04-07-10, 16:04
She said she would call me Tuesday evening and that she did. Picked her up on Towne and off we went. Nice bbbj while I played with her smooth shaved ginger for about 15 minutes and then I cim. She told me she lives on the north side. Going to her place next time for fs. Does not do greek, but I love shaved pussy also. Thanks J...I had a good time with her!

At 2pm Tuesday night I seen 10 girls in 15 minutes driving up Cleveland ave. Between 17 and 22nd there were 4, one block noth of Hudson there were 2, from Weiber to 4 blocks north there was 4. Six black girls and 4 white. Amber and Jessica were 2 of the 10. Jessica was on Cleveland and 22nd...Amber was north of Weiber. Amber is a cute 24 year old, long brown hair, nice full lips, about 5'7", slender and dresses nice. She does bbbj, cim, fs and greek.

Like J said...there out there.

Rack Pat, sounds like we are talking about the same Tina, but I don't give out numbers to people I don't know. You can email me your name and number and I can give it to her. You may want to give me something she well remember you by also.

Be safe

Mw Jrp
04-07-10, 20:28
I was looking for the hottie I saw on Sully yesterday at 6pm. Sure enough she was there hanging out with some folks and the other hottie from yesterday was walking. I decided the one working was not that hot after all; say a 7ish, and circled a few times for the 10. But she gave me the cold shoulder and disappeared.

Since the weather was nice and loads of worker were working and LE was light, I decided to roll until a 9+ popped up. Did you read the last sentance you lazy newbies and out-of-staters, that are too afraid to roll around? It didn't take long and I ran across 2 of them; a 9.5 and an 8.5. If I knew either of them I'd have taken them both because the older wanted to ride in the back seat while the cuttie did all the work. But I held firm on Shelly, only, and took her to the pen.

As with most youngin's she is wirey and difficult to handle, but overall a terrific piece of tail. The little (unt spinner spent the entire travel time puting on makeup which fell on my seat and detracted from my "warm-up" time. NTL, she is hot enough nude, with black thigh highs pulled up to the pinkest giner I've seen in a long time, she got my blood rushing down below where I needed it for the fun times.

I had her spread the pink on the bed and started some DATY, very clean, tasting coochie machine. She offered to straddle me 69 and gave a very fine BBBJ while I tongued her clit for a good 10 minutes until she nutted. I too was hard by then and we moved into a CG position, then mish, and finally K9 with her working the boys from beneath until I busted my nut and filled the wrapper. I pumped away hard into her very pink giner and the o-ring started swelling too and it was just as pink. Also, her giner lips gripped my cock as I thrust in and out, just like in the movies. It was a nutting site to see for sure.

For those of you that like the butt, she says not her, but possibly her friend does. And BTW, the 2 are clit licking, (unt munching, friendly horn-dogs. Both prefer girls, well Shelly clearly does. But, on balance she did a fine job of taking good care of me, once we got started; and no rushing, TG. I may invite them tomorrow for the 3-way they were angling for today, now that I have a feel for them.

Shelly has tiny A's, fairly firm, probably 10 lbs underweight, a to-die-for spinner bod, and the pinkest, sweet tasting giner, and loves to have it licked. I hope to see her again, donated .50 + the thigh highs, and dropped her where Angela is staying. But I have 2 different number for the gals. Oh, and I got a pic for my collection, but unfortunately cannot upload. Very sad.

So, you newbies and out-of-staters, get out there and get laid or at least sucked off, and don't forget to tell us all about it. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
04-08-10, 08:41
I had a date set with TD but rolled Sully to kill a few minutes. Not much happening until that street with the infamous drug house; well maybe there's more than one. But I saw the most awesome 10+ walking the side street. She was young, blond, built, dressed in an above the knee dress or skirt and looked like the girl next door.

I almost tried to scoop her and cancel on Tiffany, but when I have an appointment I just can't cancel because sometihing else pops up. I circled twice, the first time she turned down the alley to meet, the second time she was gone. But in her place were 2 more, different ones, also young but only 8's or 9's. I circled once for them, but by this time I was probably scopped as LE and they walked briskly down the street together towards Sully.

By this time it was time to head over to pick TD. Oh, and for you newbies and out-of-staters there were no LE, none, nada, and really hot SW's to date. I hope you clowns can read this. Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-08-10, 14:20
What ever happened to captain? Does anybody know. Last i knew he was living up in the hilltop area? Did he get pinched in that deal last fall?He gives some of the ladies that get locked up info from this board. One female mentioned his name to me. He also would send care packages to these females. I heard it first hand from a lady who had the pleasure of staying in the "ironbar motel".

Mw Jrp
04-08-10, 22:21
I thought they would all be out. Boy was I wrong; no LE either, so where were they? I rolled for 2.5 hours and found no one. I did scoop Erika kinda hippy (heavy) tall but she needed .10 to pay the babysitter before leaving the area.

Here's a tip for you newbies. Fuck the babysitters. There are none. It's all a scam to get .10 or .20 for the next rock and you'll never see the (unt again, or your donation. So, if you front money for such BS be sure you get your money's worth before she leaves your vehicle. Even Savanah said Erika is BS.

Anyway, 20 minutes after the Erika no-go, I see Savanah and Erika both in the same alley, and they both hop in S in front and E in the back. So, I firmly tell E to get out and S to stay, but she's freaked about leaving the area and I almost lost her. I guess my silver tongue and promise of a .50 + .20 tip convinced her to roll with me.

I had to buy her lunch too, another .06, so the total donation was .76 I guess. But it is not often I get to have sex with an 18yo, how about you guys?

Well, in the room she put the beige thigh highs on and her small perky B's, a round butt, puffy little giner with pink lips protruding slightly, and a perfect spinner shape, no-kids, looked like a 12 out of 10, and she is a beautiful blond with a face to die for, IMHO.

Anyway she announces no BBBJ, so I start off with DATY and she starts jumping all over the place ooohing , aaaahing, moaning, groaning, and telling me how to do it. Pretty soon we are DFK, and then in a 69 position, me on top and she is sucking away, dick, balls, and all. Oh yeah! And still more muff diving directions and I think she nutted 2 or 3 times.

Finally, it was my turn to tap that 18yo giner. Of course it was tighter and gripping the deeper you go, OMG. I got mish with her wrapping her legs around me, rocking those hips wildly, and thrashing about. For the K9 finish she also rocked so fast she almost got me to bust but then she picked the tempo up and it was too fast and actually hurt with her smacking her ass against my abdomen, so I slowed her down the way I like it and busted with her stroking the boys and taint like a veteran many years her senior.

So, overall even tho she is a bit difficult to handle, well aren't they all under 20yo's, it was a memorable date for sure. I took her to the store before the drop and she gave me her new phone number. Not sure how long it will work, but she called the man before she left my car. Digits to seniors. And her real name is not Savanah.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Kaiser Soze
04-09-10, 06:00
What led you to believe Savana was not her real name? Could it be the tat on her chest stating a different name? Just wondering if we are talking about the same girl.

If so she, she does look nice. Sampled myself about a week ago.

Mw Jrp
04-09-10, 10:35
There was another gal out on Sully. I first spotted her at Rich and followed her down a one-way, the wrong way at 2:20am, oops! Made a quick correction and saw her several minutes later on Sully. Circled a few times to declare my intentions but she ignored me, so I finally shouted, hey want a ride. She answered no. So, I moved on but spotted her 2 more times walking east then west on Sully. I guess she was just walking. Very strange to be on that street at that hour, no one else around, and just walking up and down, hmmm.

Anyway, with things other than her quiet, I was ready to leave when I happen across Crystal on Sully. I just pulled over right there and she came running. In she hops and away we go. But she kept nodding off even with a BBBJ on the way. Same strange behavior in my pen. Clearly, this was not going to be one of her better performances.

Still I managed to get a fine BBBJ, some CFS mish, and let her finish me with a BBBJCIM. It was actually very good once we got to the finish as she DT'd while I busted and had to swallow at least some. I also had her work the tongue for extra stimulation. She spit some which is fine by me.

On the drop near a dope house I had trouble waking her, but finally she came to and once out in the cold night air scampered off just like I scooped her. Hope she gets some needed rest.

As for me I'm gone from C-bus until 2011. But ya gotta love this town with its great variety and propensity for hot, sweet, giners of all ages and diversity. It was 8 nuts in 7 different hottie's, and very fine week in deed.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-09-10, 19:15
Was cruizing Livingston just to see what was out and saw Brianna walking down the street. Now, I hadn't seem her in 4 or 5 months and figured out why. Be damned if she didn't look 10 months pregnant.

Stopped, she got in and off we went to our special place. We talked along the way and it so happens she just got outa jail for assult (fighting with another SWer over drugs-no doubt) and, she ain't pregnant, but FAT!!!

Had to decide to get just a BBBJ of go for it all. She did a usual great BBBJ and decided to hit that fat (unt. Was OK, but she didn't have the moves she did just 12 short months ago when she first started hitting the streets hard.
She's 19 now, and pretty much done plumb wore out
They go down hill really quick.

Sat saw TT. Seems she already had the baby. She didn't look more than 3 months along a month ago. Dept of Soc Svs kept the baby-of course.
Well, had the van, so it was on for a full session.
She got in back and undressed before I could even park.
Got a great BBBJ, FS. Doggie, tried anal, but, her butt was too tight, and she complained, etc. but, it was her idea, cause she knows I like it.
Finished with a catch.

Yesterday after work, saw the petite 19YO, BSW Kisses, halfway between Main and Liv on some side road.
Again, went to the secret parking place, had the car, so wasn't quite as comfortable. She took it all off. I sucked the hell outa them 32B's. Went in for Mish, then doggie, then she rode it for a while. Finished with mish and unloaded on her little titties and face.

On the way back she mentioned she really missed my taking pictures of her while she worked me over. Said I'd bring the van and the camera next time.

Tinas been calling from a different number every time. Guess her BF kicked her out. Says she going to rehab, but, been saying that for a month. I like her when she's straight, but she's been high every time she's called and left a msg.

Aqua has been in the hospital. Haven't seen her.
Reece (aka: Marissa) haven't seen since the first two times I hit it a month ago. I can concur that she really does give a great BJ.
LaLa is never at her # when I call.
Mamasan offered up Wilma, but, I didn't feel like breaking in a new one just then.
Never have seen the plain Jane WSW near Cleve/Oakland. She gave a good BBBJ with no rush.

Say Tanya on Main last week. Had the van. got a good BBJ, mish, doggie, and catch for $20. I said I wanted it all next time. She agreed that the back door was available for another 20.

Hopefully this summer will bring us some new meat.


04-11-10, 20:49
Got a call from Amber today (Sunday) at 4:30pm. She called to give me her new number and tell me she shaved her kitty. In the past I would only fuck her in the ass because I don't fuck pussies with alot of hair. I had asked her about shaving it the last time I was with her. Thought I would give it a try since she has a nice fat pussy. She is a cute 24 year old white spinner with long brown hair. Drove over and picked her up on Cleveland Ave.

The only thing Amber does not do is swallow. Everything else is a go. Got a nice bbbj while I played with her shaved kitty. Nice and smooth...no hair at all. Looked great! Had her lay her head on the pillow and then fuck her face for about 10 minutes. Lubed her up and fucked her pussy for awhile bb. Felt really good with no hair down there. Then turned her on her side and shoved it up her ass. Fucked her ass for about 15 minutes. Looked like she was in some pain, so I asked her if it had opened yet. She siad it was kind of painful, but go ahead...she just deals with it. So, I fucked her ass some more...she was laying there taking all 8 inches up her ass like a champ. I blew a nice load in her ass. I told her it was a good nut and she said I'm glad thats why I'm here. She then went a sat on the commode to let my cum run back out of her ass. Took her back and dropped her off.

If you like a young spinner that does not rush or bring any drama shes the one. If your a foot guy, she has nice feet. Senior members that I know...pm me if you want her number. Get it while its good.

04-11-10, 23:15
Had some free time this afternoon so cruized Cleve. Main just ain't got no one worth picking up, and Liv it's the same ole ones. Cleve seems to have more.

Saw Miranda around 20th. Haven't seen her for a while, so decided it was her turn. Circled down the alley, and two other SBF's came down the alley. I passed em up and picked up Miranda. I asked who they were and she one of em was Tina. DAMN! She owes me a discount from a week ago where she 'borrowed' $10,Said to take it outa her next check. Oh well.

Parked in the hotel parking lot and got in back. She took it all off, and I went to work on those perfect 32B's with nice little nipples. She started in on another great BBBJ. I assisted with the hand on the back of the head, and she didn't like it, but allowed it. She took it all, held it, and did the tongue flick thing, which drives me nuts. She's one of the few that get's me hard immediately. I wanted to hit that tight pussy, but her BBBJ was so wonderful, I let her continue till I lost it. Held her face in my crotch, she sucked it dry, and held it, for a full minute, tongue flicking all the time. Stopped my McD's on the way back and she got a double cheeseburger for a tip. (actually, I paid her for FS, but acceptped the BBBJTCCIM instead. that's on me, and very worth the xtra $10.)

Went home, changed and went for a nice 150 mile motorcycle ride.

What a great Sunday.

(Yea, Tinas gonna call tomorrow and cuss me out, but, business is business. It was Mirandas turn. I've seen Tina 3 times sine I last saw Miranda.)

Gonna try to hold off till next Friday. Got some unexpected expences coming up.

Be safe.

04-12-10, 12:59
search; I'm not going to link it.

To the monger with the Camaro who dropped the skinny blonde SW off at Hawkes and Town the other day, and immediately wiped off the dashboard, bravo sir.

I chuckled at knowing I was watching somebody who undoubtedly participates in either this board or another very much like it. If you were in a position to see me, I'dve given you a small salute.

Speaking of that spot, which it seems many of you know, it should be shut down at this time. The eviction notice was for Friday, I'm told.
Ok, I'm slow today. What does wiping the dashboard off imply?

04-12-10, 14:42
Ok, I'm slow today. What does wiping the dashboard off imply?

Tell-tale footprints on the dash? Maybe a stray shot the SW didn't catch?

04-12-10, 20:43
Tell-tale footprints on the dash? Maybe a stray shot the SW didn't catch?
Aaaah. I'd considered the latter but rationalized it was probably too uncommon to be obvious. First one makes much more sense.

Humpty Dumpty
04-16-10, 09:30
Digits to trade? Anyone have any? PM me at once!

So Becky Caroll was in Darby Creek, but overdose was the cause of death? Sounds weird. RIP.

04-16-10, 10:58
Went on a drive down sully (hilltop). Picked up a sw by the name of amanda about 5'7" red hair. lots of track scares(heron). Great skills and really got into role playing. Overall i had a good time. I do have digits for senoirs. Be safe!!

Humpty Dumpty
04-18-10, 01:29
First, I called Shelly the 20 year old WSW. Thanks Mw Jrp for the digits. A black guy answered. He handed the phone off to Shelly. Her voice did not seem sexy at all and it was very difficult to understand what she was saying. She wanted me to pick her up near Town St.

When I approached the pickup intersection, I said to myself, "oh, THAT Shelly."
I have blown my load in her once before. Her service is great, and she looks great, but she is a geeker and is always bouncing off the walls. She was looking good but due to her drawing too much attention to herself(several neighbors were looking at her in amusement) I decided to flake on her. I tried not to make eye contact with her as I drove past. I will sperminate her again sometime when she isn't quite so high. Causing a scene is quite a turn-off.

Called Barb on Parsons. Her wigger brother answered and said she was not there.

I called Jennifer N thanks to digits provided by Nervegas. Yes, she has indeed packed on quite a bit of weight. A LOT. She also said during her most recent stay in jail, she became girlfriends with Teresa "Tessa" Hernandez-Soriano, the WSW who used to work N High St and hang out by Lucky's stout house and the convenience store that sells crack stems. Anyone who has followed this forum recently knows that Tessa was a nice lady up until a little less than a year ago when she decided to start ripping everyone off. Now she is en route to prison. So, back to Jennifer. She gave me one of her typical great BBBJCIM for 20 again. Also she says Becky Carroll was stabbed, not overdosed? Can someone go to the coroners office and tell us what the hell is going on?

04-18-10, 08:44
but according to a pretty reliable source who attended Becky's funeral, she had been stabbed more than 22 times.

Columbus Dude
04-18-10, 11:59
Saw a girl at 6:30pm on Saturday in front of the school near the corner of Princeton and Sully. Young, black hair, glasses, dressed in black. Looked too good to be true, circled the block a few times and she was definately working or a sting. Any info on her? I left the area to meet friends for dinner so I couldn't stick around to see if she got picked up.

04-19-10, 16:42
Upon arriving back in town this morning. Cruised down parsons. came across ashley about 3 blocks south of the new fire station. She hop in and spilled her drink all over my car. She was so stoned could talk very well. I asked how much she stated 6 and i wasn't interested any more. She told me go get a crackhead for that. I asked her what was the diff between a heron junkie and a crackhead? Why do heron junkie's get more money? Does anyone know? HA!HA!HA!. Ashley has long blond hair. about 5'7". very very skinny now.
After that i went over to sully and found a few oldie's. Just lost my

04-19-10, 17:35
Upon arriving back in town this morning. Cruised down parsons. came across ashley about 3 blocks south of the new fire station. She hop in and spilled her drink all over my car. She was so stoned could talk very well. I asked how much she stated 6 and i wasn't interested any more. She told me go get a crackhead for that. I asked her what was the diff between a heron junkie and a crackhead? Why do heron junkie's get more money? Does anyone know? HA!HA!HA!. Ashley has long blond hair. about 5'7". very very skinny now.
After that i went over to sully and found a few oldie's. Just lost my
Hah what a dumb broad.

Humpty Dumpty
04-19-10, 18:23
I am really sick of hearing this. But maybe its a good thing. You guys can pick up the ugly girls, and I get the "too good to be true" ladies that you are too scared to pick up.

Yeah, I heard Becky Carroll was stabbed 27 times, supposedly by a woman. But of course Columbus's media outlets are absolutely pathetic. Who cares about murders when there are important news stories like Tiger Woods and bullshit like that.

04-21-10, 07:10
Picked up Kelly tuesday morning around 8:00 am Sweet attitude cute face 5"3 140 lbs wsw tattoo lower left leg..She wanted 50.. A jackson is all I had,a jackson was all I needed for good old fashion service.The Area ,Cleveland ave. near northen lights shopping center.

04-21-10, 20:47
I am really sick of hearing this. But maybe its a good thing. You guys can pick up the ugly girls, and I get the "too good to be true" ladies that you are too scared to pick up.Then quit making up reports. Some of your reports have been fictional. Because, I have been on some the same streets you mentioned during those times, and I've seen NOTHING. Yet, you're striking gold all the time.

I'm not saying all your posts are fiction. But, I do know, you've "stretched" the true on some.

04-21-10, 22:01
So I have been out of this site for awhile and have not really been up to much other than meeting a gal named wendy about a month ago on sully. She gave the best head ever and had some nice fake tits. I called the number she gave me and she is in jail.

I called tammy's number a few weeks ago and someone told me that she was in jail. I looked up her info and this board and found out what happened.

Anyways as an update, she called me a couple of days ago and she is out and well. I do have her number for those who want them.

Good luck and have fun!

PS: anyone know what happened to Lil Red or Elise?

Book Man
04-22-10, 20:30
Been waiting since you posted on 2 17 10 #2265 for some cream pie pictures of the too good to be true girls you date. I am ready to see the master cream pie mans women.

Happy Cream Pieing

Mw Jrp
04-22-10, 21:17
I picked her up during Cav's game. She is a tight little spinner. Got jacking and BBBJ on the way to my room. Agreed to .40 for H&H; also tipped .10 extra.

Her BBBJ is well above average and she takes directions well. For the finish I covered and hit her mish. For having a couple kids she is nice and tight as some spinners are. She said no finger insertions and I didn't try any DATY.

Have digits for seniors and I may call her again. Be safe and good hunting. MW

04-23-10, 14:27
So I have been out of this site for awhile and have not really been up to much other than meeting a gal named wendy about a month ago on sully. She gave the best head ever and had some nice fake tits. I called the number she gave me and she is in jail.

I called tammy's number a few weeks ago and someone told me that she was in jail. I looked up her info and this board and found out what happened.

Anyways as an update, she called me a couple of days ago and she is out and well. I do have her number for those who want them.

Good luck and have fun!

PS: anyone know what happened to Lil Red or Elise?
Lil Red-Megan is out and about. Dated her a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. She has got herself looking real clean. I think she gives a great bbbj. She gave me a new # for her the last time. Havent tried it since she has been easy to find on Sully.

Dads Extra Fun
04-23-10, 17:09
Saw this slim new thing on Parsons. Gave a wave and she met me in an alley so knew she was in the game. 23, about 5'7, 120 lbs with short dark hair and brown.eyes. Easily an 8 if it wasn't for the sucker marks all over her neck. Bad news is no cim. Bbbj then hj to complete. Still looks tasty enough I'm setting a date for fs to what its like and see if it gets better.

04-23-10, 18:47
Sounds good! I had a look at Parsons last week went I hit the Vault but saw no one, guess I'll have to look again!

Saw this slim new thing on Parsons. Gave a wave and she met me in an alley so knew she was in the game. 23, about 5'7, 120 lbs with short dark hair and brown. Eyes. Easily an 8 if it wasn't for the sucker marks all over her neck. Bad news is no cim. BBBJ then HJ to complete. Still looks tasty enough I'm setting a date for FS to what its like and see if it gets better.

04-23-10, 22:40
Somehow, somewhere I lost the latest digits for "Tiffany" (D.T.)

Anyone help me out?


Humpty Dumpty
04-23-10, 23:39
Then quit making up reports. Some of your reports have been fictional. Because, I have been on some the same streets you mentioned during those times, and I've seen NOTHING. Yet, you're striking gold all the time.

I'm not saying all your posts are fiction. But, I do know, you've "stretched" the true on some.Would you care to link me to these reports?

About Megan Wymer, according to Becky Carroll a few months back, she is out and about and a certain LEO is always following her.

About Elise, I haven't seen her in a year and a half. Hopefully her cuckold husband dumped her. Her boyfriend/pimp/brother called and threatened me once. I told him to come find me. He was not successful in finding me as he said he would.

Can someone tell me about Nicole Solis? Becky Carroll told me she had quit the streets and got married.

04-24-10, 12:20
Lil Red-Megan is out and about. Dated her a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. She has got herself looking real clean. I think she gives a great bbbj. She gave me a new # for her the last time. Havent tried it since she has been easy to find on Sully.

What time of day is she usually out? I've driven a few times this week and no luck. I did see someone who looked like her walk around the fire station near the hospital but she wasnt a sw :(

04-24-10, 15:17
Made 4 round trips on Sully at 2 pm and did not see anyone on the street. I drove over to Cleveland and made 2 roundtrips and again no luck. Came back to sully at 1 am and made 1 roundtrip and still nothing. Is there by any chance a hot time to drive around or is it just my luck this time around?

Jst Hvn Fun
04-24-10, 20:30
Made 4 round trips on Sully at 2 pm and did not see anyone on the street. I drove over to Cleveland and made 2 roundtrips and again no luck. Came back to sully at 1 am and made 1 roundtrip and still nothing. Is there by any chance a hot time to drive around or is it just my luck this time around?I hit Cleveland on Thursday night around midnight and saw quite a few options though only saw 2 worth gettin excited about. Was very lucky to run across Nicole who seemed to have disapeared for a while, said she just moved back to aunt's on Cleveland. Still young and fresh at 21 but very skilled. Cute and clean enough that wouldn't look like a SW if it weren't for the barely there outfits she has always worn. Cute round face with sexy full lips, grill is a little crooked but not too bad. Beautiful slim little body still with great skin and great little ass. As soon as we were parked she was 100% naked and ready to go. Donated. 30 for uncovered BJ then doggie. I date bpage girls for 3 or 4 times that and don't have nearly as good a time.

04-25-10, 13:01
I hit Cleveland on Thursday night around midnight and saw quite a few options though only saw 2 worth gettin excited about. Was very lucky to run across Nicole who seemed to have disapeared for a while, said she just moved back to aunt's on Cleveland. Still young and fresh at 21 but very skilled. Cute and clean enough that wouldn't look like a SW if it weren't for the barely there outfits she has always worn. Cute round face with sexy full lips, grill is a little crooked but not too bad. Beautiful slim little body still with great skin and great little ass. As soon as we were parked she was 100% naked and ready to go. Donated. 30 for uncovered BJ then doggie. I date bpage girls for 3 or 4 times that and don't have nearly as good a time.Must be my luck or maybe I don't know what I am looking for. I see guys walking and I do see some women, but they are mostly old and a couple of them were carrying babies. Not a single one of them would even look at me as I drove by. I don't know, maybe I will just have to keep on driving and see what comes up.

04-26-10, 19:20
Would somebody please post or PM Tiffany(D.T.)'s digits for me?

I had them and lost them somewhere.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

04-27-10, 07:32
Anyone got skinny Crystal's digits? Damn good BBJ and I would hate to miss out on it again before its gone. I got her address which apparently she is not staying at anymore and didn't get digits cause I didn't have my phone.

04-27-10, 11:42
What time of day is she usually out? I've driven a few times this week and no luck. I did see someone who looked like her walk around the fire station near the hospital but she wasnt a sw :(
Picked her up late mornings, early afternoon

Dads Extra Fun
04-29-10, 17:27
Darlene has been back for a couple weeks. Spending most of her time on Parsons but still visits Hilltop on occassion. Damn fine bj to completion. She's got some weight on her and looks and seems healthy.

Blu Ray
04-30-10, 19:08
Last night on my cruise I spotted 4 BSW on the east side. I ended up picking up April at Livingston and Seymour, 5'7" stylish flip hair do, nails clean appearance, small B cups, slim waist, big round booty. Rate her looks 8, atitude 8 and skills 7. 5 BBBJ well worth the. 30 I gave her, would date her again.

05-01-10, 20:01
Tiffany IS CHANGING HER NAME! Turns out there are now three or four "Tiffany"(s) out there and the one that has been getting the good reviews here is getting her good name and reputation slurred by some of the others. So she has decided it will be easier and wiser to change her name to something more distinguishable! "Tiffany" is changing her name to: NIRVANA! I have personally spent some time with her recently and I assure you her skills are as good or better than they've ever been! I had/have no complaints. She treated me like a movie star, she partys like a Rock Star, has the inhibitions of a Porn Star and (at least when she and I got together) she looked like a heavenly star! I would rate her at least an 8. 5. I time, mone and effort I spent was well worthwhile and included a meal from Mickey D's. A true GFE, there is no question I'll be using her digits again SOON! Senior members (ONLY) can PM me and I will pass them along.

Happy Hobbying!

Mw Jrp
05-02-10, 19:08
I found her down a street near Oakley, off Sully. She claims to work from her phone, claims drug free, yet I found her out. Although she may have been porch sitting to keep out of the rain.

She has a very erotic touch, GFE-like, jacked me along the way, and gave a BBBJw/DT, very, very nice. Super co(ksucker! I also inserted a finger or two in her giner and stroked her clit along the way. The clit swelled nicely. Only draw-back on her is some loose tummy skin and saggy C's, that once were ample D's. She is built just about right now, but has that loose skin.

In my pen she dressed in black thigh highs and looked hot. She is a blue eyed cutie. I got more BBBJ, DFK, lots of licking the boys and taint, giner play, no odor there. I probabaly should have DATY, but she was into stroking, caressing, and pleasing me. So, I let her fingers, mouth, and giner work their magic on me. Donated .40 + .10 tip, and we were both very satified.

Finally I covered and she rode me CG, but her loose skin was not doing it for me, so I flipped her over and rode her mish. She reached under and worked the boys and taint like a real pro. I knew she would. Finally I busted a nut and she rocked, squeezed, and made sure I was completely done; again like a real pro.

Her efforts and performance were GFE. Bobbi Jo really aims to please. I dropped her at her apartment and have digits for you veterans aka seniors.

After I dropped her, I saw Savanah in the bottoms. She is the most gorgeous one around, but her attitude is nothing like Bobbi's, and since I had just busted, I was not in the mood to wrestle with an 18yo. Also, she was not as cute today with the rain running off her at 6:16p. So, I was able to pass.

For you guys that need glases I spotted at least a dozen along Sully hilltop, Sully bottoms, and Broad bottoms between 3:30p and 6:30p There was a cutie on Broad a few streets over from Central, but I managed to pass on her; very tempting, probably 22yo.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Member #1052
05-03-10, 00:42
One of these days I'll find an honest ho... Sunday night between 8p & 9p, I found a blonde on Sully and Martin. She hopped in, but she was twitching and mumbling so much I dropped her off within two blocks. Just couldn't deal with that. I think she said her name was April, or something, but she just checked out of the city owned hotel last week.

Saw Krista on Sully hilltop, just not sure of the cross street. She looked about a 7 on the sw scale which dropped to a 5 when she got naked. Smell wasn't bad but her jeans and bra were literally holding her together.

She got in the car and I swear to everything I hold dear, she didn't shut up until she started blowing. On the drive to my room, I told her I was looking for a long-time date, that I wanted to pop at least twice, "No problem." I have to rate the service an 8 though because she is very proud of her skills once she takes her teeth out. Yep, that's right, a good old fashioned Jackson gummer. On mish, she was not bad, rubbing the boys and making the right noises.

Then of course, as soon as she spit, she started dressing and talking about her brother waiting for her, etc, etc. As soon as we got in the car, she started talking again. When she said she was Crystal Gail's cousin, I gave her a Lincoln to blow me until we got to her dealer. Blessed silence...

All told, .4 for mish w/ spit, then a tip for the mute button. Seniors can PM for digits.

Happy hunting,


05-03-10, 01:36
Seen a wsw on Cleveland in front of Dreamers, I went down a block turned to come back down a alley to see if she was still there. By the time I got back another car picked her up and LE was right there shinning there lights on the car.

Since I was at Dreamers, I deceided to visit for a little while. After I left Dreamers, I went down Cleveland-17th-Hudson- and back down Cleveland. 2 1/2 blocks down from oakland park I see another wsw. I made two passes, then pulled over to pick her up on the third stop. She was in her mid-40's blond hair, 5'8", white sweater and blue jeans. She was a big chested women, but didn't look to fat. She has (sw) tatted on her left fore arm.

She approahced the drivers side window, I ask her if she needs a ride. She replilles, "Do you need a date?". Again I ask if she needs a ride and she says the same thing again. Then she gets upset and says she not the f-ing cops. I tell her maybe next time.

As I turn and head back down Clev. less than a block LE headed south passes and next minute tails me. After a few minutes they turn off and less than a mile away I'm followed by another LE car for a few blocks.

To everyone Be safe and stay on guard.

Mw Jrp
05-03-10, 08:43
She looked 25 in the dark and 30yo without her clothes. But she had been up too long, was tired, and had that crackhead jitter. Still she tried to please. Fortunately she has a really large, long-lipped, fat juicy giner, that she didn't want touched but didn't mind it fu(ked nice and hard.

Her BBBJ was typical of the crackheads; too rough for my liking but got me hard for the main event. I also had her jack me on the way to the room. No sense in asking her to work too hard on the way by BBBJ so I kept it to jacking. It was decent and got me in the mood.

I only hit her mish and busted a strong nut in that fat giner. She opened it for me and it was wall-to-wall pink. Boy do I love that! She may have not had any kids; not sure. But she worked those muscles while I stroked away and even after I busted. It made for a real happy ending. And I could feel those fat lips curling around the base of my shaft while I pumped away and nutted.

With an imprint of that expansive, pink, coochie on my mind, the feel of it gripping me, I had no difficulty nutting; inspite of the other obvious drawbacks. Then too it was fresh, new pussy. Ya got to love that!

Dropped her off with .45 and rooled on. No comparison between this one and Bobbi from earlier this eve. Bobbi wass all performance and Barb had a fat giner. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Hungry Wolf
05-03-10, 23:35
I met T on Scully last week, WSW, about 5'9 i80, nice in the face, and cornrows. Got in the car and right off the bat said I could fuck her in her big round ass. But she was jumping around and almost sitting on my dick without a rubber and me exicted, I said just give me a head jobThe BBBJ and swallow that was so good I could had went for round 2, but no go, lie about going to check on her kids and could I drop her off, yea right, to a drug spot you mean. Couple nights later I met M that was so nice and polite I going to keep her on the team, WSW, redhead, nice built, BBBJTCWS got her number, call later on for round 2 nice head to doggy all the time talking dirty to me, want me to pull out and swallow, but forget that the pussy was to good. I will see her tonight.

Humpty Dumpty
05-04-10, 17:49
Damn it was rainy for a while!

I drove down Cleveland. Saw a few ugly BSWs, hollering as I drove past.

I drove up Sully, saw Brooklyn. I have never picked her up before, and don't think I ever will.

Saw several WSWs on Davis. Too bad they were all butt ugly!

I met the 26 year old Amanda. She is(was?) friends with shorter, younger red haired Amanda. What is her last name? Anyhow she still won't do BBFS. So I got BBBJCIM instead. Have digits available for trade with senior members.

Hungry Wolf
05-05-10, 08:00
I know a raven-hair Amanda, who let's me do it all and the M I was talking about in my previous post is red head and goes by the name Mandi, who you could be talking about.

I got both numbers too.

Jst Hvn Fn
05-06-10, 09:54
I hit Cleveland Ave around 8pm last night. Nothing to be found up north but LE, saw 3 BSW on the south end. Went with the best looking option which turned out to be Jessica aka Jessie with a new hair style. I've dated her a few times but had been a while but she remembered me and hugged me like an old friend. Jessie is a sweet girl, light skinned, mid 30s, slim build. The long red braids are gone, sportin a stylish little short cut with blonde highlights now. She has a habit but has always kept her self put together well. Just as I remembered, she doesn't rush a great BBBJ. Threw her a tip and she massaged the boys on the ride back. Got the number but said no minutes right now, hope she gets some soon as she is well worthy of being a regular.

Blu Ray
05-06-10, 18:41
I hit Cleveland Ave around 8pm last night. Nothing to be found up north but LE, saw 3 BSW on the south end. Went with the best looking option which turned out to be Jessica aka Jessie with a new hair style. I've dated her a few times but had been a while but she remembered me and hugged me like an old friend. Jessie is a sweet girl, light skinned, mid 30s, slim build. The long red braids are gone, sportin a stylish little short cut with blonde highlights now. She has a habit but has always kept her self put together well. Just as I remembered, she doesn't rush a great BBBJ. Threw her a tip and she massaged the boys on the ride back. Got the number but said no minutes right now, hope she gets some soon as she is well worthy of being a regular.Hey, Jst Hvn Fn

Just wondering where in the South End that your getting lucky? My guess is Parsons, not S. High. Let us know,is this the best kept secret.I didnt know much was going on down there.

Jst Hvn Fn
05-07-10, 02:30
Hey, Jst Hvn Fn

Just wondering where in the South End that your getting lucky? My guess is Parsons, not S. High. Let us know,is this the best kept secret.I didnt know much was going on down there.I actualy meant the south end of the main strip of hunting on Cleveland down towards 17th. There are a couple little hot spots down there just off Clev where there is almost always somethin to be found.

Cbus Bigguy
05-07-10, 14:00
Anyone have info on Heather from the bottoms?

I hear she is out of jail,But not staying with step dad with no legs.

Is she back on the streets?

Blu Ray
05-07-10, 21:33
I actualy meant the south end of the main strip of hunting on Cleveland down towards 17th. There are a couple little hot spots down there just off Clev where there is almost always somethin to be found.Thanks for clearing that up,didnt know if there was some action on Parsons that I was not aware of. There maybe a increase in traffic ,since the Vault has opened up.

Humpty Dumpty
05-08-10, 18:51
Anyone have info on Heather from the bottoms?

I hear she is out of jail,But not staying with step dad with no legs.

Is she back on the streets?The landline she used no longer works. I have not seen her. A whole bunch of ugly ladies hang around her (former?) place though. I'll pass on them. I would to see Heather again and blow a hot gob of sperm inside her.

Also, red haired skinny Amanda was seen at Sunoco on Sullivant in the Hilltop. She looked like shit! So bad I let her out of the car without doing anything with her this time. What a shame.

I ended up checking out some of the trashy west side bars to see if there were any pretty ladies. Well, I struck out. I went to several bars and all the women were either over 50, ugly, or with other dudes. I went to Mort's, Blueberry Hill, and then to the Keg Room, where some black guy was selling Viagra and Cialis from a pharmacy he had just robbed. Then he told the bartender to call the cops to take him to a shelter because he had no place to stay. The cops searched him and found a fuckload of pills of all kinds, in their original packaging. He was promptly thrown in jail. At least he will have a place to stay for the near future!

05-09-10, 10:11
There have been a few posts about Becky online here and the recent discovery of her body. This is probably the best photo I've EVER seen of her and makes her murder the Crimestoppers Crime of the week (or whatever they call it.)


May she RIP

Humpty Dumpty
05-09-10, 14:12
How come they are just now asking for information on this? The cops, the media and the mayor are just pathetic. Also check out the comments on the other story. "It will take years for Darby Creek to recover from an environmental disaster like this." Insensitive, sure, but it made me chuckle.

Mw Jrp
05-11-10, 21:27
Found her on Sully a couple streets east of Hague at 7:30p. She seems fairly new at this but knows all the right spots to stroke. Her BBBJ is exquisite. Got that half on the way to my room and jacking the rest of the way.

In the room and on the way her tiny nippled C's were 16yo firm; wow. I also got CFS mish, DATY, 69, and she looked like a million in the black thigh highs. She also enjoyed the porn I put on and almost nutted while I DATY, but got herself off as I plowed her no-kids tight giner.

While cliaming to be 23yo her frame is like most 19yo's. She is not the spinner that Jenny was last night, but well worth a ride and a great oral artist.

Humpty, I'll pm her digits. I'm sure you'll enjoy. And she is looking for a few other seniors to stay off the streets.----clear you pm box please-----

Also, if you missed Erica, there were a dozen others along Sully. I saw Shaleena in the bottoms and Brooklyn hilltop. The cops rolled up on her and a few BSW's she was chatting with. Then there were 2 or 3 along Broad bottoms. And this was all between 6:30p and 8:45p. Something for everyone.

Finally, I phoned Megan from a referral. This one is off the streets too I believe, but no answer. Maybe she's still celebrating mom's day.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Dads Extra Fun
05-13-10, 17:25
Finally caught up with the tall thin long haired blond out occassionally on Parsons. WOW! 5 ft 9 in and maybe 125 lbs wth DDs. BBBJ, doggie, cowgirl and mish for .6. A bit high but worth it to have a 10 on sw scale.

No digits and she says she's headed for detox (heroin). She might get clean but she'll be back working in a few weeks as she's got no other skills to fall back on in her words.

Play safe

Humpty Dumpty
05-14-10, 00:02
So I saw Jennifer walking up Sullivant by Sunoco. She has already shed quite a bit of weight. We drove to a secluded area and did BBFSCIP. This time though, her pussy smelled rancid! So only vanilla shakes for her from now on, no more creampies. I went to the Tee-Jaye's on Broad and washed her filth off of me in the bathroom sink. Has anyone recognized any arrestees in the Slammer recently?

SW Surfer
05-14-10, 09:18
Well guys I will be visiting C-Bus next week and look forward to surfing all the hotties I have been reading about. Can't wait to get back in the old stomping grounds and see how it's changed.

Remember the days you could go to club Venus on West Broad and get a .20 Blow and Go - those were the days.

Wish me luck,


05-14-10, 14:37
So I saw Jennifer walking up Sullivant by Sunoco. She has already shed quite a bit of weight. We drove to a secluded area and did BBFSCIP. This time though, her pussy smelled rancid! So only vanilla shakes for her from now on, no more creampies. I went to the Tee-Jaye's on Broad and washed her filth off of me in the bathroom sink. Has anyone recognized any arrestees in the Slammer recently?
lol @ "rancid."

So does she actually look good again? wonder how she managed to lose the weight. I doubt she bought a gym membership.

I've been wiyh her as well when the cootch has been less than fresh.

Columbus Dude
05-16-10, 20:12
Anyone check out the young brunette with the red backless strappy shirt and black pants walking by Souder and Sully? I circled a few times, but so did 2 cruisers and the chopper was in the air. Didn't get a warm and fuzzy so I left for home. This was at 7:15pm on Sunday. Any info?

Hungry Wolf
05-17-10, 23:35
There are some new ladies out there and all are not SW, just remember close mouth will not get feed!

Hungry Wolf
05-18-10, 12:57
Did anybody see the pretty BSW on Scully about 1:00 am on the Hilltop? She was light-skin, had a skirt on with nice looking legs,carrying a purse,too good looking to be true! I drove up and down to find her and saw her again and she walk out onto the street and was floored how good she look, but thought it could had been a sting.If anyone pick her up let us know.

Humpty Dumpty
05-19-10, 12:07
Did anybody see the pretty BSW on Scully about 1:00 am on the Hilltop? She was light-skin, had a skirt on with nice looking legs,carrying a purse,too good looking to be true! I drove up and down to find her and saw her again and she walk out onto the street and was floored how good she look, but thought it could had been a sting.If anyone pick her up let us know.Yeah, good looking girls are always cops. Anyhow I drove down Main the other day and a BTV gave me a catcall that sounded like Michael Jackson.

Mr Goodwrench
05-20-10, 18:58
First off thanks to the seniors that answered my pm's. your intel was spot on! Headed out of the hotel and found my way through the maze of one way streets that is Cbus over to Broad. Cruised around for an hour or so figuring out the landscape of broad and sully. saw a few wsw's here and there got a couple of looks but by the time i'd make a loop or figure out how to "circle the blocks" they were gone. Saw a few LE cruising but seemed to be more concerened with real world issues. So I happened across this brunette wsw around the badger state street and broad. As I passed by I got the look so once again I try to circle the blocks and as I pulled up to the corner of the loop she was actually there. A little heavy on the make up but she hopped in as she needed a ride over to her dad's house. After some small talk where she told me she never does this, that she's a dancer at some club.... blah blah blah and then a cop check we agreed on .2 for a bbbjcim. I took her to a spot i'd recon'd earlier where she pulled out a very nice set of D cups and lived up to her end of the bargain. She kept switching up techniques and didn't use alot of hand and had a nice DT gag! Dropped her off near her place as she had to go get some groceries. Glad to contribute to the local economy. Said her name was Sheila and gave me digits to party later on. Looks - solid 7.5 on any scale. Attitude - 10. service - 9. Ya'll be safe. Of course this was only a dream.

Go Fast Turn Left.

Mr G.

Dads Extra Fun
05-21-10, 16:33
The new was Sable, new to me but not the stcene. Body looked good coming from behind and in the rain. About a 6 on sw scale but picked her up for nocelty as much as convenience. One of those I charge 30 but for you 20 types. First sign of trouble. As she gets started she says if you darent off in 5 minutes she charges more. I saved her the problem and asked her to leave. She's about 5'7" and 120 lbs with blond hair she kept in a hood.

Ran into Darlene 5 minutes later (the old). Another excellent bbjtc. She's claiming to be staying off the streets most of the time but that's where I found her. For those that don't know her, reddish hair below shoulders, blue-green eyes, Cs, about 5'6" and 150. Great mouth skills.

Both of these were on Parsons south of Kroger this afternoon about 4pm.

05-21-10, 17:29
Looking through the backpage today, I seen Roxanne and Mandy from the bottom. You can find them on the hilltop. Looks like there moving up in the world. The bad thing is there not that great. The picture are recent.

Columbus Dude
05-23-10, 16:35
Saw the tiny little young brunette again. She crossed sully and walked down the alley just south of sully that run parallel. Red shirt, knee length skirt. Looks young and real clean. I was too cautious and lost her to someone else. Saw about 6 other girls on Sully at the time.

Hungry Wolf
05-24-10, 18:17
Can any one tell me about Maria, WSW on Cleveland Ave south of Nortern Lights. Shapely ass, alright in the face but that ass. Wow. When I turn around to caught her she was gone. I saw a friend who was on Cleveland who gave me her name. I want some of that!

Mw Jrp
05-24-10, 22:25
I have had her in the car 3 other times and each time she would not leave the bottoms so I let her out. But today she was agreeable to riding and H&H .40 +.10 tip. To my surprise she was firmer than I recall and much tighter than I expected for having a kid.

She jacked me all the way out of the bottoms and I played with her clit on the way to my pen. Her touch was again, better than I expected.

Also, her BBBJ was very, very good. She said she does not like her pussy licked, but on our next date she changed her mind and said we could get friendlier. I must say she was a pleasant surprise and a very good SP.

For the finish besides mish I got K9 and even though she could not reach the boys, her giner was tight enough that I had no trouble busting in that snug snapper.

Naturally she has no phone. I found her at 4:45p and dropped her before 6p after an unhurried satisfying date.

There were many out on Sully and Broad streets. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
05-24-10, 22:34
After the Shaleena date I rolled and window shopped. As it was getting near sunset I spotted Amanda in the alley. Seems she has a warrant and is trying to dodge LE. Of course she rarely walks; but I found her walking and she does have that warrant. LOL.

I almost believe her newbie story since she cried twice about her lot, and she was very nervous about me being LE. Finally calmed her down and enjoyed a very fine jacking on the way to my room.

For .60 got H&H including BBBJ, 69, DATY, and CFS mish. And it was a fine nut #2 for the eve. She has a strawberry tuft of hair but otherwise is shaved below, and she looked sweet in the black thigh highs.

I have her digits but she has no minutes. But still if you seniors want them pm me. You know how it goes with these gals and numbers.

Before the Shaleena date I dialed 8 numbers. Fortunately, there are many options on the streets of this capital.

Oh, yeah, Erica is out of state in rehab. So forget that one. Too bad, she was really sweet.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
05-25-10, 20:24
After the Magon date I rolled around to window shop. It wasn't long before I happened across Amanda 23yo redhead from yesterday. I forgot to inspect that strawberry blond giner so I had to scoop her to see if it was so. And so much for her staying off the streets. LOL. She was several blocks over from yesterday but still off Sully hilltop.

Today she was comfy with me and it was more of a GFE. Even though I just had a hot date, Amanda got me worked up into a rock hard, stiffening state. This time we DFK, 69, DATY. Her clit is really sensative and she was oohing and ahhing and thrashing all over the bed. For me it was arousing.

Before I finished the date she claims to have busted twice. These gals are making feel alot more studly than I am. LOL.

Her giner is so pink and she has a small tuft of strawberry blond hair down there. It looks like a youngster's; well she is young, 23yo. And she has a pretty pink asshole to go with that pink little giner.

It is all a dream (unt to fu(k and bust a nut in, IMHO. For the finish CFS mish she wrapped her thin little legs around my back dressed in black thigh highs up to her snapper, and rocked her hips and clenched those muscles until I was completely spent. Come to think of it so did Magon.

Another nut busting day in the capital city. Oh after the Amanda drop I saw Shaleena on the hilltop, looking very fine iindeed, but all I could do is wave to her. Be safe and good hunting. MW

05-25-10, 21:29
Surely you can't be talking about the redhead who's purportedly hiv positive? She is a fugly skank.

Perhaps you mean cheyenna aka Savannah aka Jamie?

Mw Jrp
05-26-10, 20:27
She looks much younger than her 40yo age. If she had said 25yo I would have believed her. Got H&H .40+.10 tip and her BBBJ and oral technique is some of the best I have ever had, IMHO

Besides plenty of BBBJ, licking, lapping, and using her magic fingers, I got CG and mish. I considered finishing orally since she is that good, but busted CFS mish.

She claims to have came at the same time and that's why she squirmmed, and moved with me as I nutted. In any event it was a GFE.

She has a phone and wants to hear from a few seniors. She claims to be drug-free, alcohol-free, and no street record, and stays off them at night. It shows in her firm athletic frame and firm small B's. Her bod is well preserved, IMHO.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
05-27-10, 17:45
They were out and about on Broad Hilltop, Broad Bottoms, Sully bottoms, and Sully Hilltop. I stopped for no less than 4 of them and each one walked up to the window and mouthed cop, asked for a cig, or asked what I was upto. Not one wanted a ride with me so I struck out and called it a night.

Apparently, I resemble LE at night; this is the only explanation I have. And this is the first town I have found the night-crawlers much more paranoid than the day SP. A very strange night, IMHO. Oh, and I passed a dozen or more that just didn't look too sweet.

Be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
05-27-10, 17:53
I first tried Misty and for Spinman her digits are off. Then I called Carmen who said she would return all calls in 30-45 minutes. Well she did and we are on for later, but it was 4 hours afetr I called her.

In the mean time I rolled to see who was out. I happened across Shaleena and in she hopped, off we went with mutual masterbation on the way. In the room she showered, dressed in black thigh highs, and looked great and clean as a whistle.

For the same donation as last time I got H&H and a terrific nut CFS in a well muscled, smooth as a baby's, and juicy giner. I got 3 positions or maybe 4; CG, mish, K9 on knees and K9 with her on belly flat and her firm round ass up slightly.

Looking forward to seeing carmen, but need some rest. Be safe and good hunting. MW

05-27-10, 20:51
So, for those of you who remember Elise Miller, she is back out there! Went around Sully near the N & N store and found a cute blonde in a nice skirt walking by and I swore she looked like Elise so i called out to her name and she responded. She's been out of state for awhile and returned not too long ago. She does have digits so if any of you have any in return, I will share.

05-27-10, 23:12
Chatted with Ashley for a few minutes today. She was on her Parsons stomping ground and looking pretty good. She's gained some weight and now has a great body. But she is still hooked on Heroin and claims she is going to rehab (again). I gave her a few bucks and told her to stay safe.

Blu Ray
05-28-10, 00:05
Just catching up from a few days ago , went on a cruise on Cleveland ave.Started at Cleveland and 17th and headed north went all the way past Northern Lights did not see much.But on my return trip southbound I spot a BSW at Minnesota and Cleve.She was 5'5" about 140lb about 24yro wearing tight white Capri pants and white hoody shoulder length dark wavy hair.She is thick in thighs, big booty small waist Looks about a 7 .So I pick her up and move to a spot near by, the whole time she is very paranoid about LE and checking everything out in my car with a hawkeye including me .She spots that I have a pack of cigarettes in my shirt pocket and asked for one.So I hand them to her and she takes 3.So we park and she begins to give bbbj. she goes at on all 4s ,like my dick is dinner and she has not eaten in week.Thrashing around wild like for about 5 minutes ,then suddenly stops and says she wants to move to another spot. So we move a couple streets away and stop .She sticks her hand out and says this is not free,well I was defiantly not going to pay for that,she got out and I went on home.Well later when I checked my pants , I discovered she took money out of pockets, 20 out of each pocket .She says her name was Chocolate, again signs that it might be her very paranoid about LE asked me if she was arrested when we stopped,scans you and everything in your car {looking for something to steal} wild thrashing style to distract you while she picks your pockets. Watch out for this one.Be careful out there .

05-28-10, 17:14
You can't have any money in your pockets when getting serviced. Thats the best time to rob you. Don't have anything in the ride that can be pocketed. Dealing with these skank crackheads you got to be one step ahead of them. I picked her up one night and talked her down to 10 for BBBJ. For some odd reason I dumped her off at the next block and didn't bother with service. Glad i went with my gut instinct.

Blu Ray
05-28-10, 18:54
You can't have any money in your pockets when getting serviced. Thats the best time to rob you. Don't have anything in the ride that can be pocketed. Dealing with these skank crackheads you got to be one step ahead of them. I picked her up one night and talked her down to 10 for BBBJ. For some odd reason I dumped her off at the next block and didn't bother with service. Glad i went with my gut instinct.Yea, that's good advise wish my gut instinct or intuition was working that night! She is one slick pickpocket.

Be careful, be safe and happy hunting!

Blu Ray
05-28-10, 19:50
Well last night my hunt started on Parsons did not see much there. Except at Parsons market there was a Blond about 22yro, looks a 8. 5, nice figure 5'5", she had a Aztec style tattoo 10" wide on her ass. She was arguing with some guy, and then walk away. Was not able to connect with her thou. So I headed to Livingston, just when was about to give up I spot April. I had picked up April last month, my report was date 4-30. So I loop around and pick her up at Livingston and Bulen. She says she will do everything for. 6, so I negotiate. 44 and a pack of smokes, she agrees and we head to my spot this time. She starts off with BBBJ, then DATY, more BBBJ followed by K9. Then more DATY, she did not want to stop til she came, very juicy. Attitude is a 8. 5. Skill is 8 and looks 8 she is a little thicker in the waist than I first reported thou, she wears a tummy toner, a girdle type thing. Would repeat.

05-29-10, 02:52
Kahoots had a free buffet dinner tonight (as they do the last Friday of every month) and if you were lucky enough to pick up a copy of "OHIO NIGHT VISION" magazine in advance, you'd see they have a coupon in there that waives the cover charge as well. So for $8. 00 (the cost of a couple of draft Bud Lites) I got in, had the two beers, and a couple rounds at the free buffet PLUS had substantial entertainment! They had some 34 to 36 girls working, so pickin's were far from slim and as usual, most were 8+ on the Columbus scale. There were even some available on the take-out menu, though they were a bit rich for my blood so I passed on that.

But I thought I'd let everyone know that it was a worthwhile trip up there and recommend if you're not afraid to part with some cash, there ARE still take-outs available in the area, and they're not half bad looking, either. No, they're not the. 20 girls from the bottoms, Hilltop, Southside, or Cleveland Avenue strips, but they're pretty damned attractive and hungry. Ya might want to give it a try. If you get one of the "NIGHT VISION" magazines, the coupoon in there is still valid for the rest of May, and will get you in with no cover charge.

Happy Mongering

Humpty Dumpty
05-29-10, 03:34
Blu Ray,

You must not have been doing this for very long. What the hell? Read the 22 rules. Then read them again 22 more times. You have much to learn. Your next report will probably be like "She told me to drive to a spot. When we got there, she got out and a bunch of black guys came up to me and robbed me and took my car! How could I have avoided this? " or maybe "She wanted me to stop at the babysitter's house to drop off money. Then she never came back! "

BSWs are notorious for stealing. Not to mention possible TVs. I rarely pick up BSWs because they almost always cause problems. My intuition is pretty sharp, I hardly have ever have problems with any girl nowadays. Don't worry, kid. You will soon become as streetwise as the other members of this board.

Also, about the Slammer paper. I think they are leaving out the majority of the mugshots. I think they leave out 2/3 of them! Great idea, poor execution. There are so many ways that paper could be better. In Dayton, there are 3 different mugshot papers. Maybe some better competition will pop up in Columbus.

As for Friday night action, I was with a lady (not a SW). We drove down Cleveland Ave after stopping to drop another couple off when I noticed Lily with AIDS get into a car with someone at Cleveland and Melrose. This was just after midnight. She is a WSW in her 20s with medium length(for a lady) brown hair, average weight, and glasses. She is cute. A damn shame she has AIDS!

05-29-10, 16:48
Well last night my hunt started on Parsons did not see much there. Except at Parsons market there was a Blond about 22yro, looks a 8. 5, nice figure 5'5", she had a Aztec style tattoo 10" wide on her ass. She was arguing with some guy, and then walk away. Was not able to connect with her thou. So I headed to Livingston, just when was about to give up I spot April. I had picked up April last month, my report was date 4-30. So I loop around and pick her up at Livingston and Bulen. She says she will do everything for. 6, so I negotiate. 44 and a pack of smokes, she agrees and we head to my spot this time. She starts off with BBBJ, then DATY, more BBBJ followed by K9. Then more DATY, she did not want to stop til she came, very juicy. Attitude is a 8. 5. Skill is 8 and looks 8 she is a little thicker in the waist than I first reported thou, she wears a tummy toner, a girdle type thing. Would repeat.Is April a BSW or a WSW, just wondering?

Blu Ray
05-30-10, 08:51
Blu Ray,

You must not have been doing this for very long. What the hell? Read the 22 rules. Then read them again 22 more times. You have much to learn. Your next report will probably be like "She told me to drive to a spot. When we got there, she got out and a bunch of black guys came up to me and robbed me and took my car! How could I have avoided this? " or maybe "She wanted me to stop at the babysitter's house to drop off money. Then she never came back! "

BSWs are notorious for stealing. Not to mention possible TVs. I rarely pick up BSWs because they almost always cause problems. My intuition is pretty sharp, I hardly have ever have problems with any girl nowadays. Don't worry, kid. You will soon become as streetwise as the other members of this board.

Also, about the Slammer paper. I think they are leaving out the majority of the mugshots. I think they leave out 2/3 of them! Great idea, poor execution. There are so many ways that paper could be better. In Dayton, there are 3 different mugshot papers. Maybe some better competition will pop up in Columbus.

As for Friday night action, I was with a lady (not a SW). We drove down Cleveland Ave after stopping to drop another couple off when I noticed Lily with AIDS get into a car with someone at Cleveland and Melrose. This was just after midnight. She is a WSW in her 20s with medium length(for a lady) brown hair, average weight, and glasses. She is cute. A damn shame she has AIDS!Humpty,

Thanks for the advise ,you make some good points.And yes a have read the 22 rules ,and will read it again.Is there any more you can tell us about Lily ,there should be a list on here for SW with aids . What day does the slammer come out on news stands?

Blu Ray
05-30-10, 09:03
Is April a BSW or a WSW, just wondering?April is a BSW, she hangs out on Livingston east of Fairwood. She changes her hair style, last time it was shorter with a perm. I've asked her for a # both times she says she does not have a phone. My review of her last month was post# 2434.

Hope this helps you.

Hungry Wolf
05-30-10, 16:16
Hook up with my London, Ohio girl, 24 White, Strawberry hair down to her ass, 5'7'' 160 thick ass and nice shape. Start off with BBBJ, licking my balls(a plus), let me try anal(glee), pumping for 10 mins, told me to stop it was hurting, clean up and finish doggy style. Waiting for next month for her visit!

Mw Jrp
05-31-10, 08:50
I have had about 18 pm's for digits and info on the wonderful SP's from the Capital city, probably a record for a week of sexual romping. First of all if you are not a senior, and you can't seem to read, you get nothing, nada, no response at all. I delete your mesaages.

Then if you are a senior but your posts in the last 6 months consist of commentary and have no "meat" (as in sweet meaty pussy) or substance concerning SP type dates and some details about what went down (her hopefully for a BBBJ), you too get deleted. I just can't figure out who or what you are.

Then there are a few seniors who asked historical questions that I have no idea what you are talking about; you too get no answer since I am not from C-bus. Sorry.

Finally, a few of you want to trade numbers, because you have really great SP's on a leash, or some such thing. You guys piss me off the most, since I provide intel and digits free, no strings attached. In return EVERYWHERE I go, seniors shower me with digits, intel, and more pussy than I can fu(k in a week.

It is my understanding of this forum, that it is a site for guys to share info about SP's in various towns around the USA, so they can get head or laid. It is not for trading or bartering or selling info. SHARING!!, to me that means free, no charge, gratis, here's some contact info, have fun!.

Obviously, you sniveling traders get deleted too.

So, the bottom line is I shared the info I had with a few of you who are seniors in good standing. The rest of you can fu(k off. But nice try. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Blu Ray
05-31-10, 14:20
Well Saturday on my way out of town decide to cruise the west side. Started out on Sully did not see much, just a couple WSW not bad looking about7. 5. Headed up Hague when I see this real thin red head, so I loop around to get a better look. Now she is on the other side of the street, how she managed to get over there I don't know because she could barely stand up, let alone walk, she was bombed out of her gord. She was stumbling around trying to walk, she was definitely high, red head hair pulled up 5'3 maybe 90lbs soaking wet, anorexic look very sickly. So head up to Broad, and then on out of town this is around 3:30.

On my return trip back into town around 7:30 I cruise Broad Hilltop and I see the same redhead again now on Broad with some guy. Now 4 hours later see seems to be straight, who the hell is this girl, she needs help. A little later I spot a BSW light skinned a little thick 5'8" walking. So I pull in to the UDF. I go in to use the restroom real quick, when I come out she had walked away and went into a pizza joint on the corner. So I went on down the road, and headed home.

Later on that night I go out at 11:30 head to Parsons, and not even 2 minutes into my search I spot a WSW that looks good so I loop around and pick up Melodie at Innis, she looked better from 50 feet than up close. But still a solid 7

She looked younger at 50 ft, but she about 30, 5'3 nice see cup with tatts, dark hair pulled back. Rolled away to a spot I picked, BBBJ gave a. 25 she tries to please, skill is a 8. Attitude is a 8. I will repeat.

05-31-10, 20:38
A lot of you out there remember some of the old timers out here on the streets. Does anyone remember Wendy Marlowe? I'm just wondering what ever happened to her. I haven't heard from her in an awfully long time and I'm wondering where she may have disappeared to.

Hungry Wolf
05-31-10, 22:49
A lot of you out there remember some of the old timers out here on the streets. Does anyone remember Wendy Marlowe? I'm just wondering what ever happened to her. I haven't heard from her in an awfully long time and I'm wondering where she may have disappeared to.A friend told me where Lacy(she was a Bsw who work Main St back in the early '90's,light-skinned,beautiful shining black hair,look and was shape like Vanity from Vanity 6,her,Mercedes and Lanette were vying for top SW in Columbus back in the day.) was staying at.I went to check out my old friend and old was right!Drugs has took her to the depths of hell!I was aghast at the sight before me and if there is anything I can do to help her I will!

06-01-10, 09:31
Was cruising on broad st in the hilltop and ran across a sw that i haven't seen in some time. She told me she was at jackson pike and then to rehab. BUT she had a relasp. Very sad for this girl is about as nice as a sw can be. I have dated her over the last 5 yrs. And she has always been very very acomendating. She is about 5 4" long brown hair about 140 lbs Has been staying with friends on the hilltop. And has no digits.
Jrp!! said a mouth full, about guys who want to make this site something it is not. It's about the lady's. and sharing and recieving info. It just takes time to become a good senior.

06-01-10, 09:34
hEY!! HUMPTY you where right about heather. she relasped and is back on the street. I haven't seen myself. But reliable source has and gave me the info. I think she's hanging and davies ave. no digits yet. be safe!!

06-01-10, 17:21
Met Bianca, BSW near Sully and Clarendon. Parked down the street and she approached an got in. Performed LE check, then start cruising for a place to park. Agreed on $20 for BBBJ, and she started going down while driving. Parked, finished up, and she got out and went in 'her brothers' house. Was in a rush so didn't get digits.

Would repeat.

06-01-10, 20:05
hello out there

06-01-10, 20:21
I'm assuming this is the Roxanne you spoke of. I've been trying to call her at the digits she left on the page to no avail.


Her friend (on same page) is Mandy and she intercepts all messages to Roxy. Please let me/us know if you get new digits for her.


Mw Jrp
06-01-10, 20:50
I remember her from a year or so ago. She was an H user on Sully hillltop. She appears healthier and cleaner in the pic. MW

I'm assuming this is the Roxanne you spoke of. I've been trying to call her at the digits she left on the page to no avail.


Her friend (on same page) is Mandy and she intercepts all messages to Roxy. Please let me/us know if you get new digits for her.


Hungry Wolf
06-01-10, 21:32
Met Bianca, BSW near Sully and Clarendon. Parked down the street and she approached an got in. Performed LE check, then start cruising for a place to park. Agreed on $20 for BBBJ, and she started going down while driving. Parked, finished up, and she got out and went in 'her brothers' house. Was in a rush so didn't get digits.

Would repeat.Bianca is cool, know her for over ten years, use to be a dancer, but that drug will take them down that SW path. Nice head game too skinny for my taste too fuck,caught her while you can.

Hungry Wolf
06-01-10, 21:35
I'm assuming this is the Roxanne you spoke of. I've been trying to call her at the digits she left on the page to no avail.


Her friend (on same page) is Mandy and she intercepts all messages to Roxy. Please let me/us know if you get new digits for her.

ThanksRan into Mandy last night,okay head game,but hitting that pussy doggy style ifeel oh so good!

06-01-10, 23:00
This is the same lady as the photo. when i get some digits (she has no phone) i will share them with you fellows. She is spending the nite with me now!

06-02-10, 10:05
Anyone have digits for Misty on Sully/Rich? I have seen her out a couple of times unable to get to her before she gets picked up and once I had another wsw with me & she told me thats Misty. Would like to try her menu sometime.

06-03-10, 05:45
Blu Ray, this little item is nice to have for some of the more complex situations that you may run into.


Just catching up from a few days ago , went on a cruise on Cleveland ave.Started at Cleveland and 17th and headed north went all the way past Northern Lights did not see much.But on my return trip southbound I spot a BSW at Minnesota and Cleve.She was 5'5" about 140lb about 24yro wearing tight white Capri pants and white hoody shoulder length dark wavy hair.She is thick in thighs, big booty small waist Looks about a 7 .So I pick her up and move to a spot near by, the whole time she is very paranoid about LE and checking everything out in my car with a hawkeye including me .She spots that I have a pack of cigarettes in my shirt pocket and asked for one.So I hand them to her and she takes 3.So we park and she begins to give bbbj. she goes at on all 4s ,like my dick is dinner and she has not eaten in week.Thrashing around wild like for about 5 minutes ,then suddenly stops and says she wants to move to another spot. So we move a couple streets away and stop .She sticks her hand out and says this is not free,well I was defiantly not going to pay for that,she got out and I went on home.Well later when I checked my pants , I discovered she took money out of pockets, 20 out of each pocket .She says her name was Chocolate, again signs that it might be her very paranoid about LE asked me if she was arrested when we stopped,scans you and everything in your car {looking for something to steal} wild thrashing style to distract you while she picks your pockets. Watch out for this one.Be careful out there .

Dads Extra Fun
06-04-10, 16:28
Met carmen about 4pm at Broad and Eureka. Delightful bj so complete she left nothing to drip. She was wearing another nice little outfit that highlights her shape. Fingered both holes the whole time and you talk wet! Definitely worth repeating. Those not seen her before, black hairN maybe b cups. Nice figure but she does have some milage.

06-04-10, 17:26
Met this little cutie on North High & Lane. Was looking good in a summer dress.
Said her name was Anna and she needed a ride up to Worthington to visit friends. Gave her a ride and one thing led to another. Stopped along the way for a quickie - tight, tight, tight! I don't think she normally walks. Gave me her phone number - we'll see how that goes. I wish the young ones didn't shave!

Cmh Hound
06-04-10, 21:30
I've been cruising Columbus for years now and although I appreciate and patronize the willing WSW's of Sullivant and Broad, I was wondering if anyone knew of any Latina SW's. I occasionally hook up with an escort from CL that is Columbian and she is well worth the money, but I can't drop that kind of cash regularly. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

