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05-18-11, 13:47
Please. Everyone has to understand that all of OTR, has increased in value with the Casino coming at some point in the future. With it being within 1-3 miles of the area, you know property owners are going to try to convince the planner of the surrounding casino planner of the Hotels and Condo's to come to buy, rent, or whatever on there property. If it were me I would be trying to make my property as attractive as I can.

The biggest part of that is eliminating the crime in the area, moving poor folks out of the area, and adding a few coats of paint to the building to make it look more presentable.

If you can travel, look at areas like New Jersey, Detroit and more to see how they had to clean up the bad areas, cut down the crime in that area, and city wide, and to get the statics down to a more acceptable level.

Plus, add to this is that the Mayor did not get his trolley car, and he is pissed, so somebody has to pay the price for that, and the CPD is under a microscope, for not cleaning up the crime problem. So many issues and problems, with too many people with bogus answers.

Statics are the key to everything, and that is what it is all about, the good and the bad, the pros and the cons.

It is about Stats, and raising the property valves of the whole area, so when investor coming in to plan a project will have to offer a good sum of money for the available property. That is the purpose of investment properties.

I have seen the post on the Street Forum, about the CPD putting the heat on the street, but that is easy to figure out. As I have posted before, and from the beginning, since putting Casino's in Cincinnati was first suggested. So it should come as no surprise, that the heat is still on in the OTR, WE, LPH, UPH, and more. Even Walnut Hill and Avondale are on that Hot List to be cleaned up too, at some point.

If the police want to avoid more talk about merging into the Sheriff's department, then they need to "LOOK" like they are resolving the crime problem in the areas within 5-10 miles of the New Casino's.

When they do, look for property valves to skyrocket once the Casino construction is close to completions.

05-18-11, 23:03
Please. Everyone has to understand that all of OTR, has increased in value with the Casino coming at some point in the future. With it being within 1-3 miles of the area, you know property owners are going to try to convince the planner of the surrounding casino planner of the Hotels and Condo's to come to buy, rent, or whatever on there property. If it were me I would be trying to make my property as attractive as I can.

The biggest part of that is eliminating the crime in the area, moving poor folks out of the area, and adding a few coats of paint to the building to make it look more presentable.

If you can travel, look at areas like New Jersey, Detroit and more to see how they had to clean up the bad areas, cut down the crime in that area, and city wide, and to get the statics down to a more acceptable level.

Plus, add to this is that the Mayor did not get his trolley car, and he is pissed, so somebody has to pay the price for that, and the CPD is under a microscope, for not cleaning up the crime problem. So many issues and problems, with too many people with bogus answers.

Statics are the key to everything, and that is what it is all about, the good and the bad, the pros and the cons.

It is about Stats, and raising the property valves of the whole area, so when investor coming in to plan a project will have to offer a good sum of money for the available property. That is the purpose of investment properties.

I have seen the post on the Street Forum, about the CPD putting the heat on the street, but that is easy to figure out. As I have posted before, and from the beginning, since putting Casino's in Cincinnati was first suggested. So it should come as no surprise, that the heat is still on in the OTR, WE, LPH, UPH, and more. Even Walnut Hill and Avondale are on that Hot List to be cleaned up too, at some point.

If the police want to avoid more talk about merging into the Sheriff's department, then they need to "LOOK" like they are resolving the crime problem in the areas within 5-10 miles of the New Casino's.

When they do, look for property valves to skyrocket once the Casino construction is close to completions. Maybe having a buzz on doesn't work too well when trying to make a point. Not only does this not make any sense, but there's little fact to your argument. Casino (if it ever happens) has yet to have any effect on property values or emphasis of CPD. In fact, biggest concern for District 1 is theft from autos (pretty much a problem all over town, state, country). Sure, there has been a recent up tick in violent crime in OTR in the past month – and that needs to be controlled – but in historic terms stats are WAY down.

I'd say recent heat in mentioned areas is more a consequence that the commander of vice is a no-nonsense woman who is driven to excel (her brothers are also rising stars, so there may be some friendly competition there). Police merger with sheriff is off the table and not likely to crop up again – too many nuances to that issue.

Streetcar isn't dead yet, even if it is a struggle. There's too much energy behind it and too much at stake to call it over with.

Higher property values in OTR RIGHT NOW are due to redevelopment efforts. Hasn't happened yet in Pendleton, but that area is poised to take off with or without casino. Groundwork for that has been underway for the past ten years. Sure, any casino will accelerate rise in property values, but that pretty much will be limited to a 5-6 block radius (greater demand for market rate housing).

Crime stats will come down when the environment changes. With only a few exceptions, police can't appreciably impact crime. Crime isn't a police problem. It is solely a problem for citizens and can be controlled only by them (theft from autos, personal violence). That's why police are much more proactive in seeking citizen involvement in these areas.

Mr Boombastic
05-19-11, 13:56
With my properties I stand to make a good deal of money if everything works out right as I had hope it would. I took advantage of a down economy, and the fact the Red Stadium did wasn't built there, and the supposed new Coliseum never took hold, so something was need there and the casino was perfect.

I am looking at a 3-4 fold increase in the property's values, that and I have been working with other property owners and we are working with a person working for own interest. There is a lot of info you don't know about and even whether this info is even worth posting. If you are a property owner you understand where I am going with this.

If you think.

Crime stats will come down when the environment changes. With only a few exceptions, police can't appreciably impact crime. Crime isn't a police problem. It is solely a problem for citizens and can be controlled only by them (theft from autos, personal violence). That's why police are much more proactive in seeking citizen involvement in these areas. Is all that is too it then you are really misinformed. There is a shyt lot of burglary's, small robberies, in the area. Many go unreported, because those involved have chosen to resolve the problem themselves, so you get a lot of PAYBACK, activities, with a few of them resulting in shooting and from that a shooting resulting in a death.

Drug Dealing and robbing Drug Boyz is up in the whole area from OTR, to WE, to Westwood. The Crack Cook houses are targets for home invasions. Those stats are up. Hitting the soft target is more the key for the vice squad because they are safer, so when hitting hard targets, that is more a matter of a Task Force, and a lot of planning, then good new coverage, so show they are on the ball, and dealing with the drug problem. I don't by the whole thing because it is more for publicity than real drug dealing change.

As for the Vice Squad commander, you must know more about her than I do. I will keep aware of what she is doing, and her competition with her police brotheren. If she would understand that arresting the SW's just moves them around, from one place to another. It is the SW that have all the information of the streets. Not to say they would snitch, but I have learned the whereabouts of people days, weeks, or months before the police ever pick them up. All info from SW's. It is just a matter of asking. But will they snitch to the Police, very hard to say, it is not a good relationship, going on. If they would just let the SW work an area and contain them there, the Police might, and I mean they just might stay in that area. The Mohawk area works, since there are only a few homes around there, and the area is prime for that kind of activities.

Anyway Budgets and Results are ruled by stats, and whether they are up or down, they are still the mark of success for the CPD. Stats can say whatever you want them to, so they will always be the benchmark and standard. I have them so much at the Police / Neighborhood meetings.


Maybe having a buzz on doesn't work too well when trying to make a point. Not only does this not make any sense, but there's little fact to your argument. Casino (if it ever happens) has yet to have any effect on property values or emphasis of CPD. In fact, biggest concern for District 1 is theft from autos (pretty much a problem all over town, state, country). Sure, there has been a recent up tick in violent crime in OTR in the past month – and that needs to be controlled – but in historic terms stats are WAY down.

I'd say recent heat in mentioned areas is more a consequence that the commander of vice is a no-nonsense woman who is driven to excel (her brothers are also rising stars, so there may be some friendly competition there). Police merger with sheriff is off the table and not likely to crop up again – too many nuances to that issue.

Streetcar isn't dead yet, even if it is a struggle. There's too much energy behind it and too much at stake to call it over with.

Higher property values in OTR RIGHT NOW are due to redevelopment efforts. Hasn't happened yet in Pendleton, but that area is poised to take off with or without casino. Groundwork for that has been underway for the past ten years. Sure, any casino will accelerate rise in property values, but that pretty much will be limited to a 5-6 block radius (greater demand for market rate housing).

Crime stats will come down when the environment changes. With only a few exceptions, police can't appreciably impact crime. Crime isn't a police problem. It is solely a problem for citizens and can be controlled only by them (theft from autos, personal violence). That's why police are much more proactive in seeking citizen involvement in these areas. GOOD NEWS :

Rip-Off Nikki got busted last night. You will hear about it on the news, today. She got caught in a police decoy car, and smelled a trap, then tried to act as an Undercover Cop, to a Real Undercover Cop. They busted her and took her dumb-ass to Jail. She has been pulling that gag on a lot of folks and amazingly has gotten away with it more often then not. I can't believe how she did it either.

Nikki is a thief, liar, cheat, scammers, and big time "Cash-and-Dash" BSW. Even the other SW's around her don't want to be near her. She has made enemies with a few of the fags too, and that is really bad news for her.

There have been a shyt load of warnings about her. She moves around alot, and is on District Ones Most Wanted List. She has a couple of kids that I hope will be now removed from her care.

At one point Nikki was the Bomb, slim, trim, and an awesome build, and a decent personality, but the streets, drugs, and babies, have changed her for the worse. She is also BiSexual, and I really think she prefers women to men, but only the men spend money for SW action.

So watch the news tonight, read to paper, or see it on the net. It sounds like a very funny story, and an SW scammer got where she deserved and is off the streets. Good!

05-19-11, 14:36

Rip-Off Nikki got busted last night. You will hear about it on the news, today. She got caught in a police decoy car, and smelled a trap, then tried to act as an Undercover Cop, to a Real Undercover Cop. They busted her and took her dumb-ass to Jail. She has been pulling that gag on a lot of folks and amazingly has gotten away with it more often then not. I can't believe how she did it either.

Nikki is a thief, liar, cheat, scammers, and big time "Cash-and-Dash" BSW. Even the other SW's around her don't want to be near her. She has made enemies with a few of the fags too, and that is really bad news for her.

There have been a shyt load of warnings about her. She moves around alot, and is on District Ones Most Wanted List. She has a couple of kids that I hope will be now removed from her care.

At one point Nikki was the Bomb, slim, trim, and an awesome build, and a decent personality, but the streets, drugs, and babies, have changed her for the worse. She is also BiSexual, and I really think she prefers women to men, but only the men spend money for SW action.

So watch the news tonight, read to paper, or see it on the net. It sounds like a very funny story, and an SW scammer got where she deserved and is off the streets. Good! Here's the link:




Mr Boombastic
05-21-11, 14:26
Man I can remember when Nikki was the SHYT and I even did her and her girlfriends at the sametime. She use to be the girlfriend of a BSW named Paula, who was the SHYT too, but they both got too far into drugs, having babies, and loosing their looks, and more shyt than I can even name.

Next thing I know Nikki had changed for the worse, and even friends & SW's around avoided her. I am not certain of the reason, for they were a lot of them, but she was unliked by by many, even to the point where other SW's warned you about her.

The one thing that if you know Nikki was how much she had changed. Not just by gaining weight, and loosing some of her looks, but by her hygiene. At first she was great about her personal hygiene, but then it changed and it got terrible, and I mean bad. I was warned by a few members on this forum about her, but of course I had to learn for myself and they were right.

I got with her and got a half-azz BJ from her and when she bent over for me to hit it from the back, the SMELL of her VJ was just "AWFUL". I have smell some bad pussy before this this was so bad I had to just back away.

I told her how bad it smelled, and she just said she didn't smell anything. It would be impossible for her NOT to have smelled it. It was AWFUL. She already had my money, and wasn't going to give it back. At this point I wasn't going to get into a fight over the 20 bucks paid. That was then!

Then I realized that in my previous conversations, when she was rational, she spoke of not wanting to do the SW business full time, and only wanted to pick up some extra, while she was working. She has never had a decent job even full or part-time. She is basely LAZY, and fell into the trap of easy, quick, money. Then she got pimped out, had a few babies, and drugged up. Got got lost and turned out.

Then she decided to make even quicker money with the cash & dash routine. She did this to mainly white guys who didn't know any better, and those who would not really fight back if put to the test. She would always ask for the max that she could get, or get what she could get then dash. Of course always Money First, and No Service Second.

A few time she tried it with a couple of people that were the wrong ones to try it with, including myself, and she got a Beat-Down for it. I once grabbed a hand full of her wig, and told her I'd break her jaw, if she did not give me my money back. She throw it to the ground, I made her pick it up and put it in my hand, and I mugged her hard in the face. That was mild, because she got beat up pretty bad, by a couple of men she scammed like that and they didn't play that game. Good for them, because they laid a real beat down on her.

I have avoided Nikki for about 2-3 years now. I once saw her late night at a bus stop, with it being about 38 outside cold & wet, and sat in my car and just looked at her, as she looked at me begging for a ride. Then while she was standing about a foot from my car door reaching for the door handle I drove off, circled the block and drove off again, just to be MEAN about it.

Nikki got what she Deserved, and Best of all, she got busted red handed, and she was on the District One Most wanted list. Unfortunately Pocahontas, is on that list too, but Pokie is far, far from being a Nikki. She keeps herself clean, and dresses decently, especially at night when she is going to party. I mean "High Heels, & Mini Skirts, and sometimes

No Panties".

Good Work CPD. Congrads on the arrest of "Skank Hoe Nikki."


Here's the link:





Darth Vader
05-25-11, 14:57
Have not been here in quite awhile and just popped in to see what was up and to say Hi. Seems things have not changed alot, which is a good thing for the most part.

05-25-11, 15:45
Kelly and Karla are running a special. 75 FS, GFE and greek is avail for additional. 25 They also have a special for duo's at the best price you'll ever see for both of them Karla# 513*3406 Seniors may PM me for thier #As always YMMV Marmon

05-25-11, 16:16
Sarah the Prego had her baby and is back working her #513-XXX-6863 some limited service BTW this is the one who is 32 yrs old if you need more info PM me Marmon1913.

05-26-11, 20:50
Hey guys,

Just informing I'm looking into changing my screen name from Candicane1241 and looking to change it to Naturalredd. Thanks again and just hoping this doesn't cause o much confusion. There as most you guys know it, there is so many scam and rip offs with the name candi so just trying to sort myself from them.

05-27-11, 07:16
Do they post somewhere. Haven't heard of them before.


Dr Moose
05-27-11, 23:23

This just on Ch 12 Bust in West Chester. Said it was from an ad undercover followed up on.

Wingman Todd
05-28-11, 00:19
Prositution sting in West Chester last night. Details to unfold. Doesn' t sound good. Watch your ass and watch your posts. I'm laying low for a bit. You may PM me only. Worried! Channel 12 broke the news. Not good.

Wingman Todd
05-28-11, 06:35

Prositution sting in West Chester last night. Details to unfold. Doesn' t sound good. Watch your ass and watch your posts. I'm laying low for a bit. You may PM me only. Worried! Channel 12 broke the news. Not good.

05-28-11, 07:44
Did everyone miss the other bust like a week ago? These are due to complaints from neighbors, as these are very nice apartment communities, and these ladies are generating too much traffic.

Wingman Todd
05-30-11, 13:15
In spite of the oppressive heat and humidity (just came in to take a break) , always remember those who have served to make our country great and allow us to do what we do! God bless the USA ! Did anypone catch the PBS special last night from the Capital? Moving.

On other matters, sorry for Brian. Buddah is cool and will be able to be found on that vouched Indy's site.

I have absolutely no problem with him and he has been nothing less that straightforward with me. We have had quite a few "spirited" chats. I understand him now better than before.

If you have any concerns or questions, pm me. And to the nubies, do the same and I will try to help within reason.

Wingman out. Enjoy the day!

06-01-11, 09:17
Kelly and Karla are running a special. 75 FS, GFE and greek is avail for additional. 25 They also have a special for duo's at the best price you'll ever see for both of them Karla# 513*3406 Seniors may PM me for thier #As always YMMV MarmonI had some fun with Kelly the other day. She is sweet girl with a great set of fun bags to play with. She does love to use that mouth and is not a clock watcher. We played canine then finished with mish with kissing. Not bad for. 75.

06-01-11, 15:39
Saw a post on BP and tried to research with no success. Getting used to the search engine on USASG. Any help or feeback would be appreciated PM if you have info that is useful please.

Big Mack

06-02-11, 22:11
Saw a post on BP and tried to research with no success. Getting used to the search engine on USASG. Any help or feeback would be appreciated PM if you have info that is useful please.

Big MackNever heard of "Brittany Taylor" and can't find any ad for her on BP. I am, however, intimately familiar with my dear friend "Brooke Taylor" who is one of the finest providers I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with.

06-03-11, 13:07
Any new reports? I love her looks and she seems sweet, but I get two different opinions. I am not sure of what almost a GFE is? Does that mean she won't allow entry or what? I sure wouldn't want to pay a premium to have my car washed and have to finish it myself! I could just wash it at home?

06-03-11, 18:56
Never heard of "Brittany Taylor" and can't find any ad for her on BP. I am, however, intimately familiar with my dear friend "Brooke Taylor" who is one of the finest providers I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with.Thanks All I have been told about Brittany is her name is Brittany Taylor with a 131 after her last name. I did do a Google on her and she is for real. Just can't find anyone who knows her or has seen her and can PM info. Thanks for the feedback though. Brooke was kind enough to ask if I was referrring to her in a PM. I responded no but was appreciative of her time and contact.

Thanks for the update though.

Big Mack

Todd Cincy
06-03-11, 20:14
One thing that has really struck my attention recently is that every transgendered male under the sun seems to be trying his hand at escorting to straight males. (Note the proliferation on the various sites.)

This seems to be a case in which supply exceeds demand. I have never read a report from a hobbyist looking for t-girls.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gays whatsoever, I just wish they would stay out of the hobbyist sites frequented by heterosexual men.

I don't frequent the SW scene, but I imagine that the gay males posing as women are even more numerous in that venue.

Forgive the rant. Maybe others have a different opinion?

06-04-11, 00:45
One thing that has really struck my attention recently is that every transgendered male under the sun seems to be trying his hand at escorting to straight males. There was a comment made by someone here earlier this year about one of the ads and they laughingly referred to checking that section of BP only to satisfy their morbid curiousity. But to your point it does pay off to review the TS ads because you might be surprised how many of them are marketing themselves in multiple channels.

Any good marketer would, but my issue with that is that they are not doing so with full disclosure. If chics with dicks is somebody's turn on so be it. To each his own, but Let's face it. None of us are on BP looking for legitimate therapeutic massage. We are looking to push the envelope to see how far that "massage" is going to go. There are enough ripoffs to be had on BP that I don't want to deal with the added ripoff of getting something "extra" that I didn't bargin for being there when I go to cop a feel between my therapists legs.

Check out that section of BP. There are not that many ads on any given day and you just might be doing yourself a favor.

Irl Fan
06-04-11, 23:49
If there's that many, I got to assume someone is buyin what they're sellin.

One thing that has really struck my attention recently is that every transgendered male under the sun seems to be trying his hand at escorting to straight males. (Note the proliferation on the various sites.)

This seems to be a case in which supply exceeds demand. I have never read a report from a hobbyist looking for t-girls.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gays whatsoever, I just wish they would stay out of the hobbyist sites frequented by heterosexual men.

I don't frequent the SW scene, but I imagine that the gay males posing as women are even more numerous in that venue.

Forgive the rant. Maybe others have a different opinion?

Mr Boombastic
06-05-11, 18:03
Only To Whom It May Concern:

Street SW Relationships are just that, but they can Alot of Real Fun, and only."Fun"

Everyone knows you are never going to play a character in the movie "Pretty Woman" that will never ever work. Many time SW's can't help but to take advantage of a situation, where they can get "FREE MONEY" even when they care and like the guy. People be careful of that regardless of the situation and what you are told. The Best ones know how to pull the Heart Strings, control the people they come into contact with. They are Strippers at heart and I am talking strippers of your money, and anything else they can get.

They do seem to like men who can control and manipulate them, and they tend to lack respect for men who do them right. This is not the case in every situation, but it seems to be 90% or more of the time.

I use to have a great street relationship with Kiwi; Martha; Crystal; and several others that I can't remember their names right now. If they saw me, they would leave someone else's car to get into mine. Yea, I have broken my own rules at times, but I am very well schooled, and I really do know my limits, and guidelines. We would go to get something to eat, drive around and talk, and still have our side FUN too. Sometimes I would get a room, under there name, and be with them for hours, sometimes 3some and moresome.

I still have SW's who have taken a liking to me, and vice-versa, but we both know the truth. It really is about the SEX & MONEY, because if we really got to know each other, we could never really trust each other, and any man would have a problem wondering how many men his SW girlfriend has been with, and what they have done.

I STILL HAVE THEM AROUND TOWN, and we kick it as much as we can, but the Economy is still Bad, and even though I get more than normal, it is still not for FREE. I would rather PPV, than to try to get it for free by telling them someone you have deep feelings for them, just to have them think you care. Some will, but no me.

Street Love can be FUN, and it has a lot of bonuses, that can make things worthwhile, but don't ever think it is REAL. This is still and always will be."Pay-per-View" (PPV).

Only, To Whom It May Concern!

Member #4523
06-06-11, 08:01
Mr. B. Speaks words of wisdom in his post about relationships with SWs. In 1992, after the breakup of a 17 year relationship with my second wife, I got emotionally involved with a BSW and actually came to think of her as my girlfriend. But realistically, where could that relationship have gone? Could it have become a successful marriage or successful long-term relationship? When it finally became completely clear to me that the answer to these questions was NO, I broke off my relationship with her, got back into the conventional dating game, and eventually found a wonderful woman who became my wife.

As Mr. B. Said, you can have some fun with SWs, but when you start thinking of them as potential life partners, you need to slow way down and take a realistic look at the situation.

(Don't worry, Mr. B, I would never think of Keisha as a potential long-term relationship.)

06-06-11, 08:43
The comments made in the two posts immediately below concerning relationships, the danger of relationships, with street walkers applies to all P4P relationships.

Nothing exists beyond the transaction. Like visiting a proctologist. We're not buddies.

Member #4523
06-06-11, 11:10
Nothing exists beyond the transaction. Like visiting a proctologist. We're not buddies.Exactly! Last August, when I spent an afternoon hanging around a BSW named Keisha whom I found really attractive, I gave her $30 when I left. She seemed surprised and asked me what I was paying her for since we had not done anything sexual. I told her that I would always pay her for her time and that's how I wanted to keep our relationship. A transaction; I pay you money for the pleasure of your company. As soon as you blur the line between the business transaction of money for services rendered and friendship, you are on a very dangerous and slippery slope. I implied that I might be on that slope myself in a post I made recently about Keisha by using the phrase "potential disaster" in the subject line of the post, but that phrase is misleading and I shouldn't have used it. I was just stretching for dramatic effect. My dealings with providers will always be business transactions and never friendships or romantic relationships. I made that mistake back in 1992 and won't repeat it.

06-06-11, 11:32
I got experience with some of that myself. Back in the day I had a couple relationships and truth is I still do. Never really had anything bad happen from it and I enjoyed it and would not trade it.

There is a friend of mine down cincy way that last I spoke to him was also in a relationship with a provider. I am not knowledgable about his relationship other than it has gone on for a fairly long time.

So there is some examples of it being good. But I would not trust any of them without a lot of reasons to and ample time to prove that they are worth trusting cause it is 99% of the time about $.

06-06-11, 14:16
Just last year I had some delusions that 30 years difference in age, not to mention her being a provider, just might work, LOL. Never did get too far, thank god! But sometimes that little man between your legs takes completely over.

Never again. Here's your money and I am out the door!


06-06-11, 20:48
Just last year I had some delusions that 30 years difference in age, not to mention her being a provider, just might work, LOL. Never did get too far, thank god! But sometimes that little man between your legs takes completely over.

Never again. Here's your money and I am out the door!

EzLook at the ladies 30 years older than us and you'll see what they see. You couldn't pay me enough. I don't know how they do it. Quite franky, many hate every minute.

Member #4523
06-06-11, 20:52
Look at the ladies 30 years older than us and you'll see what they see. You couldn't pay me enough. I don't know how they do it. Quite franky, many hate every minute.Coincidentally, I was having almost the exact same thoughts just a couple of days ago. And I agree with you that it would make me gag to have to go down on someone 30 years older than me. But then, I'm near 70 so someone 30 years older would really be "circling the drain" as they say in geriatric circles.

06-06-11, 21:13
Coincidentally, I was having almost the exact same thoughts just a couple of days ago. And I agree with you that it would make me gag to have to go down on someone 30 years older than me. But then, I'm near 70 so someone 30 years older would really be "circling the drain" as they say in geriatric circles.Bill, age is like toilet paper. As it gets closer to the end it runs out so much faster.

So keeping it in perspective you'd probably only have to do MSOG on a 75 year old old-maid retired school principal for $250 an hour, pay for the room, deal with the screening, make sure she isn't a bareback sneak and deal with the review that you smoked cigars and your pace-maker went off.

Member #4523
06-06-11, 21:40
Bill, age is like toilet paper. As it gets closer to the end it runs out so much faster.

So keeping it in perspective you'd probably only have to do MSOG on a 75 year old old-maid retired school principal for $250 an hour, pay for the room, deal with the screening, make sure she isn't a bareback sneak and deal with the review that you smoked cigars and your pace-maker went off. You got me on the cigars, but I haven't been fitted for that pacemaker yet. : )

As for the toilet paper analogy, when you get to the last couple of sheets, it's not really of much use anyway.

06-07-11, 02:23
I'm New and I need as much advice as possible and possible if you feel generous enough possible msg me a few good girls number.

Thanks So much

06-07-11, 12:01
Bill, age is like toilet paper. As it gets closer to the end it runs out so much faster.

So keeping it in perspective you'd probably only have to do MSOG on a 75 year old old-maid retired school principal for $250 an hour, pay for the room, deal with the screening, make sure she isn't a bareback sneak and deal with the review that you smoked cigars and your pace-maker went off. That is without a doubt the single funniest thing I have read here. Golfcart you are great.

Darth Vader
06-07-11, 13:40
My 20+ years of experience has shown me that while you can become friends with providers but as mentioned here in this forum, it always eventually comes back to the money. You can take them on a date, buy them dinner, buy them gifts but they always come back to the money.

These girls have been used and abused for most if not all of their lives. It is all they know. They think if you are nice to them that you are trying to scam them or that you are weak and easy pickings. I have had several providers tell me they don't understand why all the hobbyist want to marry them. And on some level they believe it.

I even had one say that she doesn't understand why they would want to marry her just for free sex. The guys on this board that proport to be friends with all these girls are just kidding themselves. Once the money stops flowing or you stop paying their rent or car payments (Before you ask, I have never paid rent or car payments but I know of several that have) the friendship just happens to blow up in an ugly ending.

Guys just need to remember this is a hobby not a lifestyle. Treat it as such.

DV aka KG

06-11-11, 19:31
I just got back from Knoxville, which is pretty awesome as far as the scene goes, but they are having a problem there right now that may be coming our way. I got the same warning from a few different providers, so I'm going to assume it to be correct. In recent weeks they have had an influx of black escorts advertising on BP and CL, they are coming up from Atlanta. When they guy shows up the girl is never the one advertised, once inside he is robbed by the pimp. Apparently there are several all working the same scam. One provider told me that her friend that works in Lexington has heard of the same M. O. Occuring there in the last week. Well we are the next stop on the 75 track, so it is only a matter of time. There was also a news story about it in Knoxville, so they may all be leaving there soon. Here is one of the ads: http://knoxville.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/new-please-be-gentle-special-19/3876727

One of the providers said this was a porn stars pic, but I don't recognize her. So be careful as usual.

Strip Junkie
06-13-11, 00:10
I just got back from Knoxville, which is pretty awesome as far as the scene goes, but they are having a problem there right now that may be coming our way. I got the same warning from a few different providers, so I'm going to assume it to be correct. In recent weeks they have had an influx of black escorts advertising on BP and CL, they are coming up from Atlanta. When they guy shows up the girl is never the one advertised, once inside he is robbed by the pimp. Apparently there are several all working the same scam. One provider told me that her friend that works in Lexington has heard of the same M. O. Occuring there in the last week. Well we are the next stop on the 75 track, so it is only a matter of time. There was also a news story about it in Knoxville, so they may all be leaving there soon. Here is one of the ads:


One of the providers said this was a porn stars pic, but I don't recognize her. So be careful as usual. Tineye shows that the photos are stock photos of a porn star.

Ky Mike53
06-13-11, 16:15
Anyone know of bars where you can find a lady? I am not into the street scene, but a bar might be exciting. They must hang somewhere. PM if any advice.

Strip Junkie
06-13-11, 17:25
Anyone know of bars where you can find a lady? I am not into the street scene, but a bar might be exciting. They must hang somewhere. PM if any advice.You need to go to Dayton, Lexington, or Louisville. There is nothing in Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky worth messing with.

06-13-11, 18:47
Anyone know of bars where you can find a lady? I am not into the street scene, but a bar might be exciting. They must hang somewhere. PM if any advice.If you are looking for a professional woman, they are available at the Brass Ass in Newport. Quality isn't the best, and they will ask for a lot, but if business is slow, you can bargain. BBBJ's and more are avaiable right in the club, as is take out. Tori and Rain on the day shift are good to go either way.

Having said that, it's not a great value. Other clubs are more inconsistent, and as with all things like this, YMMV.

Sir LanceLicksalot
06-14-11, 23:26
If you are looking for a professional woman, they are available at the Brass Ass in Newport. Quality isn't the best, and they will ask for a lot, but if business is slow, you can bargain. BBBJ's and more are avaiable right in the club, as is take out. Tori and Rain on the day shift are good to go either way.

Having said that, it's not a great value. Other clubs are more inconsistent, and as with all things like this, YMMV.What is the current tariff for "take out" from a Newport bar? Done in Lexington it is anywhere from one Benjamin on up.

Ky Mike53
06-15-11, 20:15
If you are looking for a professional woman, they are available at the Brass Ass in Newport. Quality isn't the best, and they will ask for a lot, but if business is slow, you can bargain. BBBJ's and more are avaiable right in the club, as is take out. Tori and Rain on the day shift are good to go either way.

Having said that, it's not a great value. Other clubs are more inconsistent, and as with all things like this, YMMV. I am thinking more in line of good looking pros hanging out at regular bar looking for a hookup. About 5 years ago I saw 2 good looking women in their early 20's working the bar at Behl Street in Covington. Surely there is bar where one can find a pro outside of a strip club.

Wingman Todd
06-15-11, 20:44
I will always PM replys, ut right now to many issues on the personal side. Have a great time!


06-16-11, 02:38
Anyone know of bars where you can find a lady? I am not into the street scene, but a bar might be exciting. They must hang somewhere. PM if any advice.I think in any bar there will be some drunk woman you could probably fuck with a little effort. Might not be very good looking.

06-16-11, 09:43
I had a great dream back in May that included a really nice Body Rub by a BBW, which was undraped and Catelyn started dressed but in my dream she became very comfortable and quickly disrobed. In the dream she really got into it and wanted to enjoy herself as well. The menu expanded quickly with no extra tipping. Usually BBW not my cup but in my dream she was very pretty and eager to please.


06-16-11, 13:00
CL has totally screwed up my definition of BBW. I would not call her a BBW, compared to what other tubs are calling themselves BBW. She looks pretty normal to me, and I would not have called her a BBW.

I had a great dream back in May that included a really nice Body Rub by a BBW, which was undraped and Catelyn started dressed but in my dream she became very comfortable and quickly disrobed. In the dream she really got into it and wanted to enjoy herself as well. The menu expanded quickly with no extra tipping. Usually BBW not my cup but in my dream she was very pretty and eager to please.


06-17-11, 13:11
CL has totally screwed up my definition of BBW. I would not call her a BBW, compared to what other tubs are calling themselves BBW. She looks pretty normal to me, and I would not have called her a BBW.Sorry I should have mention pictures are not totally accurate, she is still very pretty but probably about 25-30lbs heavier than the pics.

06-17-11, 20:20

Has anyone used this?

Blocks your phone number with any number you want to be seen.

It looks to be a great tool. I tried it today and it went through, no answer though.

I'm hoping to not get a huge charge on my cell phone, and wanted to see if any other users have tried it.


06-17-11, 23:39

Has anyone used this?

Blocks your phone number with any number you want to be seen.

It looks to be a great tool. I tried it today and it went through, no answer though.

I'm hoping to not get a huge charge on my cell phone, and wanted to see if any other users have tried it.

ThanksI guess the site markets your phone number to telemarketers.

06-18-11, 12:39
Get yourself checked out. I picked up something I didn't need to pick up if you know what I mean. (suspects: AllieCat, Brandi in Hamilton, Kelly in Reading). PM for further details.

Mr Boombastic
06-18-11, 14:32
Man your knew is terrible and everyone understands the risk involved. The last time I have heard or known about an SW burning someone was my Friend "Road-Runner" who got burned by the Deaf BSW who was found on Linn near Dayton. I haven't seen her in a few years, but that doesn't mean she is not still out there, but I'd avoid her anyway.

There are a few more avoidable SW's out there, but I forget their names right now.

So Doingit, can you give us more details of these SW's becoz we really need to know about. If you can be detailed w / o exposing yourself, it could be very helpful to all concerned.

By the did you catch this by. BJ or by Raw-Dog.

Get yourself checked out. I picked up something I didn't need to pick up if you know what I mean. (suspects: AllieCat, Brandi in Hamilton, Kelly in Reading). PM for further details.

06-18-11, 16:20
Thanks for this important post. We appreciate your candor.

FS always covered, right? If not, be straight with us. BBBJ? What is the nature of the "gift?" Everyone needs to be educated about which for what. Don't be coy. We all need to know what is circulating, and how it was transmitted.

Correct or not, many assume that what ever is transmitted orally is less easily transmitted, and more easily treated.

FS is a different story.

P.S. "Doingitmyway": You need to tell us... What IS "your way?"

Get yourself checked out. I picked up something I didn't need to pick up if you know what I mean. (suspects: AllieCat, Brandi in Hamilton, Kelly in Reading). PM for further details.

06-18-11, 16:57
The other night I was on Reading Road. By the no tell motels and there was le every where you looked. I seen a silver suv maybe a jeep cherokee not sure going through parking lots then talking to le. Few minutes later it was going through another lot. Driving down reading Road there was 4 le cars then across from one motel was 1 le sitting there watching it. Not sure if they was looking for someone or just watching it in general. When I left they pulled me over but didn't do anything to me so just be very careful and watch out.

Todd Cincy
06-18-11, 18:05
I think that where we hobbyists take a big risk is with DATY, which, let's face it, all of us have done at some point or another.

BBBJ is not quite as dangerous, but it is certainly not "safe". I received a BBBJCIM from the lady in Eastgate last October, and I was nervous every time I went to the bathroom for a week afterwards. I don't plan on doing that again.

When I was much younger and very, very stupid, I occasionally had unprotected FS with escorts. Luckily I never caught anything. I think some of the providers (particularly the cheaper, high-mileage ones) do allow some regulars to skip the cover. After all, some providers once made this exception for me.

Needless to say, I would never have unprotected FS with a provider again. My point in posting, though, is to note that it *does* happen.

Get yourself checked out. I picked up something I didn't need to pick up if you know what I mean. (suspects: AllieCat, Brandi in Hamilton, Kelly in Reading). PM for further details.

06-18-11, 19:15
I think that where we hobbyists take a big risk is with DATY, which, let's face it, all of us have done at some point or another.

BBBJ is not quite as dangerous, but it is certainly not "safe". I received a BBBJCIM from the lady in Eastgate last October, and I was nervous every time I went to the bathroom for a week afterwards. I don't plan on doing that again.

When I was much younger and very, very stupid, I occasionally had unprotected FS with escorts. Luckily I never caught anything. I think some of the providers (particularly the cheaper, high-mileage ones) do allow some regulars to skip the cover. After all, some providers once made this exception for me.

Needless to say, I would never have unprotected FS with a provider again. My point in posting, though, is to note that it *does* happen. All FS was protected, BBBJ of course was not.

Member #3995
06-18-11, 19:15
I've seen 2 of those and now I'm a little shaken. What did you do with them and what was your going away present?


Get yourself checked out. I picked up something I didn't need to pick up if you know what I mean. (suspects: AllieCat, Brandi in Hamilton, Kelly in Reading). PM for further details.

06-18-11, 20:28
I've seen 2 of those and now I'm a little shaken. What did you do with them and what was your going away present?

Thanks. BBBJ and protected FS with each girl. Probably ended up with clamydia. Will know for sure with test results. But Doc seems certain of it. Whitish discharge from my tip was my only clue something was wrong.

Todd Cincy
06-18-11, 20:54
Obviously any STD is bad news, but at least this one is easily treatable with antibiotics. It seems that this is a bacterial infection that can live in the throat of an infected person, which means you almost certainly got it from the BBBJ.

Because the symptoms are fairly mild, a lot of people who get the C don't even know they have it, which may have been the case with whichever lady it was.

BBBJ and protected FS with each girl. Probably ended up with clamydia. Will know for sure with test results. But Doc seems certain of it. Whitish discharge from my tip was my only clue something was wrong.

06-18-11, 23:00
The other night I was on Reading Road. By the no tell motels and there was le every where you looked. I seen a silver suv maybe a jeep cherokee not sure going through parking lots then talking to le. Few minutes later it was going through another lot. Driving down reading Road there was 4 le cars then across from one motel was 1 le sitting there watching it. Not sure if they was looking for someone or just watching it in general. When I left they pulled me over but didn't do anything to me so just be very careful and watch out.You have your answer.

New blond shows and gets popped pretty quick.

Reading is named as a new hunting ground and now they're all over it.

06-18-11, 23:47
I was active on this forum in 2004. At that time, LE conducted a major sting of local escorts, and reported USASG as one of their sources of information. In my opinion, LE could easily be "trusted" senior members on here who have been active for years. They could be sharing information to gain information.

This is a risky hobby. That UC doctor who was arrested last week probably will end up losing his job. All over a $15 BJ.

As far as STD's go, I wonder how many mongers on here may be carrying something with mild symptoms that they are unaware of? Of course, then they end up passing it onto providers via BBBJ's or DATY, and ultimately other mongers. That is one reason I've been reluctant to use providers that everybody and his brother are going to.

06-18-11, 23:56
You have your answer.

New blond shows and gets popped pretty quick.

Reading is named as a new hunting ground and now they're all over it.What shows up with SW activity is drug activity. The two seem to be inseparable. Was the blond popped for prost or drug paraph, or both. Should be easy enough to check out. When was she popped and where? Which blonde? Please PM me if you know who it was for sure.

I would find it hard to believe that a small burg like R has the manpower to dedicate to chasing a few guys picking up a SW; M4, Misdemeanor at best. For that type of activity mentioned my guess is that they are chasing someone in connection with an active criminal investigation and / or pursuit or someone who has a warrant for other criminal activity. Yes, while they are out there and observing they might stop any cars looking suspicous, aka driving slowly trolling for street talent.

I guess we may never know for sure. Unless a bust is publicized in the area. Yes, be careful for sure. And it is always a good idea to keep specific details of shady or potentially illegal activities to a skeletal description.

Stay safe.

06-19-11, 01:06
I am quite sure that LE has been reading everything posted on this site and I posit that if any of us were LE we would do exactly the same thing. Yes there are senior members here that are infiltrators. A couple outed each other in the Dayton forum not so long ago. I can guarantee that I know of at least two senior members that frequent both the Dayton and Cincinnati boards that are. There is nothing that can be done to make this a completely secure endeavor let alone prevent LE from accessing the postings. Just follow the rules to minimize your chances of getting caught. As always.

06-19-11, 08:37
Too bad you need a prescription of azythromycin. A single doe of 1 Gram clears this up and make the whole thing go away. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure doc has to report this and they need to track down and test partners, including if married, his wife. What a way to be outed from the hobby at home.

Obviously any STD is bad news, but at least this one is easily treatable with antibiotics. It seems that this is a bacterial infection that can live in the throat of an infected person, which means you almost certainly got it from the BBBJ.

Because the symptoms are fairly mild, a lot of people who get the C don't even know they have it, which may have been the case with whichever lady it was.

06-19-11, 11:20
I am quite sure that LE has been reading everything posted on this site and I posit that if any of us were LE we would do exactly the same thing. Yes there are senior members here that are infiltrators. A couple outed each other in the Dayton forum not so long ago. I can guarantee that I know of at least two senior members that frequent both the Dayton and Cincinnati boards that are. There is nothing that can be done to make this a completely secure endeavor let alone prevent LE from accessing the postings. Just follow the rules to minimize your chances of getting caught. As always.Would be interested in who you suspect. I don't want to pass along anything that could cause trouble for the girls. If not I completely understand. Thanks.

06-19-11, 21:33
What shows up with SW activity is drug activity. The two seem to be inseparable. Was the blond popped for prost or drug paraph, or both. Should be easy enough to check out. When was she popped and where? Which blonde? Please PM me if you know who it was for sure.

I would find it hard to believe that a small burg like R has the manpower to dedicate to chasing a few guys picking up a SW; M4, Misdemeanor at best. For that type of activity mentioned my guess is that they are chasing someone in connection with an active criminal investigation and / or pursuit or someone who has a warrant for other criminal activity. Yes, while they are out there and observing they might stop any cars looking suspicous, aka driving slowly trolling for street talent.

I guess we may never know for sure. Unless a bust is publicized in the area. Yes, be careful for sure. And it is always a good idea to keep specific details of shady or potentially illegal activities to a skeletal description.

Stay safe. You forget that we have Uncle Simon here and his need to protect us from having any sort of fun.

Trust me when I say if he can get a headline out of it and use that to stand on a soapbox proclaiming he needs more funding he will do so in a heartbeat.

His views toward anything associated with the evil sins of lust, fornication or sodomy have not changed at all since he lived in Westwood in the days of his "youth".

06-19-11, 22:11
This will always be skewed Fri-Sat due to the Ritz nightclub. They are assigned that duty when they come on shift, so they have some time to hang around before the Ritz actually pops off. I feel bad for the amount of BS those poor bastards have to deal with out there on a weekly basis.

06-19-11, 22:39
[QUOTE=Nday Guy; 1218251]Too bad you need a prescription of azythromycin. A single doe of 1 Gram clears this up and make the whole thing go away. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure doc has to report this and they need to track down and test partners, including if married, his wife. What a way to be outed from the hobby at home.

Not really outted since I am not married and not seeing anyone regularly. But I am taking a bit of a hiatus for obvious reasons.

Sir LanceLicksalot
06-19-11, 22:54
Too bad you need a prescription of azythromycin. A single doe of 1 Gram clears this up and make the whole thing go away. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure doc has to report this and they need to track down and test partners, including if married, his wife. What a way to be outed from the hobby at home.You can get Azythromycin on-line without a prescription, just do a search for it.

Google is your friend.

06-19-11, 23:00
[QUOTE=Nday Guy; 1218251]Too bad you need a prescription of azythromycin. A single doe of 1 Gram clears this up and make the whole thing go away. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure doc has to report this and they need to track down and test partners, including if married, his wife. What a way to be outed from the hobby at home.

Not really outted since I am not married and not seeing anyone regularly. But I am taking a bit of a hiatus for obvious reasons. Just curious Doing it. What info does the Dr need from you? Did he need specifics, and obviously you can't even give it to him since these aren't real names, etc. But did he ask, and does he have a requirement to report your name, etc to Bd of health, or Dept of Disease control? The sobering side of the hobby, or I guess you could say that about anyone having sex with multiple partners, hobby or not. As has been stated, there are risks. As we know but you never think it is going to happen to you. (metaphor).

How long did Doc say it would take for confirmed pos on results? This shouldn't be long; day, or two, I think.

Also, did you contact back the 3 girls that you mentioned, to let them know that they could have a problem? They should know for sure, and be tested. Hope you be well soon brother.

06-19-11, 23:18
The area in question is technically part of Sycamore Township. It is only a few blocks long with Cincinnati on the south and Reading to the north and oddly, it's cut off from the rest of Sycamore Township which is over by Kenwood Road. The Hamilton County Sheriff's office has free reign to do anything they please in any of the townships.

Also, don't forget the joint task force which is when local police departments band together to investigate crimes (particularly drugs, gambling and prostitution) that cross multiple jurisdictions. Those boys don't pay any attention to boundaries and borders.

What shows up with SW activity is drug activity. The two seem to be inseparable. Was the blond popped for prost or drug paraph, or both. Should be easy enough to check out. When was she popped and where? Which blonde? Please PM me if you know who it was for sure.

I would find it hard to believe that a small burg like R has the manpower to dedicate to chasing a few guys picking up a SW; M4, Misdemeanor at best. For that type of activity mentioned my guess is that they are chasing someone in connection with an active criminal investigation and / or pursuit or someone who has a warrant for other criminal activity. Yes, while they are out there and observing they might stop any cars looking suspicous, aka driving slowly trolling for street talent.

I guess we may never know for sure. Unless a bust is publicized in the area. Yes, be careful for sure. And it is always a good idea to keep specific details of shady or potentially illegal activities to a skeletal description.

Stay safe.

06-20-11, 08:37
[QUOTE=Varoom; 1218666]

[QUOTE=Doingitmyway; 1218651]Just curious Doing it. What info does the Dr need from you? Did he need specifics, and obviously you can't even give it to him since these aren't real names, etc. But did he ask, and does he have a requirement to report your name, etc to Bd of health, or Dept of Disease control? The sobering side of the hobby, or I guess you could say that about anyone having sex with multiple partners, hobby or not. As has been stated, there are risks. As we know but you never think it is going to happen to you. (metaphor).

How long did Doc say it would take for confirmed pos on results? This shouldn't be long; day, or two, I think.

Also, did you contact back the 3 girls that you mentioned, to let them know that they could have a problem? They should know for sure, and be tested. Hope you be well soon brother. [/QUOTE.

Just like a standard dr visit. I don't know if more info will be needed if the results come back positive...the meds and shot given are said to cure it in a day...of course i can't get in touch with 2 of the girls due to the inevitable number changes the third did get a text but i didn't get a response

06-20-11, 16:46
I'm trying to post things and get some help but just get turned down everytime. So I guess I have to give a review to be respected.

I just had the experience of hiring Staci. Her pictures are her but she is very old and I would not recommend her. Also I need some good young girls so I can have a good time for once please PM me!

Dr Moose
06-20-11, 23:23
[QUOTE=Varoom; 1218666][QUOTE=Doingitmyway; 1218651]Just curious Doing it. What info does the Dr need from you? Did he need specifics, and obviously you can't even give it to him since these aren't real names, etc. But did he ask, and does he have a requirement to report your name, etc to Bd of health, or Dept of Disease control? The sobering side of the hobby, or I guess you could say that about anyone having sex with multiple partners, hobby or not. As has been stated, there are risks. As we know but you never think it is going to happen to you. (metaphor).

How long did Doc say it would take for confirmed pos on results? This shouldn't be long; day, or two, I think.

Also, did you contact back the 3 girls that you mentioned, to let them know that they could have a problem? They should know for sure, and be tested. Hope you be well soon brother. [/QUOTE.

Just like a standard Dr visit. I don't know if more info will be needed if the results come back positive. The meds and shot given are said to cure it in a day. Of course I can't get in touch with 2 of the girls due to the inevitable number changes the third did get a text but I didn't get a responseWell in the ER I see people with all sorts of STD's most times We test with an Elisa "Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay". These are quick and results are rapid. It triggers a response to the Chlamydia antigen. Shows the immune system trying to fight it.

If you present with symptoms present most times no test. Just the treatment rule of thumb all good after your. Course of treatment.

On the Bright side 1 gram of what is known as Zithromax brand name aka Generic Azithromycin. Generally prescribed in a Zith pak 3 day dose for treatment and prophylactic purposes. Finish all medication and don't. Have sex while taking treatment.

Hamilton County and Clermont County are on the low side of infection rates. It does occur more often in young. Adults 18-29 than others. One of the risk of the hobby.

Reporting requirements: Yes anyone who presents with an STD it is to be reported to the local health dept. Most do not get reported as well" to be honest in today's medical practice there is just too much paperwork to do." Every once in a while we'll see a chronic case in someone and they'll get reported to assure control.

Yes you can get the medication over the net. But you can't be sure it is Chlamydia or another std or serious urinary infection. You have to be the judge of that. Some of the meds sold on the net are out of date or even not what you think your getting. Be careful.

Moose "who is a Dr. Certified by the ABEM".

06-20-11, 23:32
Since the topic came up I will share what I learned when I went through a scare about 2 years ago.

Ohio does have a contact tracing law which requires doctors to report to the health department positive tests for some STDs. Not sure which but definitely HIV and Hep. I think others also. You are then required to list all your contacts so they can be notified. On the plus side, they can be notified anonymously so they don't know it's you who was infected. On the down side, for the women in your life who don't get around the block much it may not be hard for them to figure out it was you who may have put them at risk.

Your regular family doctor may be sympathetic enough to help you avoid this by not reporting it.

However, I discovered and have used a lab which does anonymous testing. There is no doctor involved and they claim to let you be 100% anonymous. They don't make you reveal your real name and they can email the results to you. Your blood is drawn by a nurse.

The place is in a strip plaza in Forest Park and is called Any Lab Test Now. They are a national company.

Their website says they test for "seven (7) STDs including HIV, Herpes (I & II) , Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C" for $229.

I have been there twice now with negative results both time (thankfully) and consider it my duty to have an annual test.

Just thought I would throw this out there for anyone thinking about getting tested.

I don't know what to tell you if you wind up with a positive result, but at least you'll know.

06-21-11, 00:02
Hey Arizona. Welcome to the board.

Right or wrong, there is a tendency to ignore newbies who simply ask for referrals. Some members will tell you to RTFF.

What is even worse is a newbie who PMs senior members asking for phone numbers of specific providers. The fewer the posts the newbie has, the worse it is. I have had many guys who have 0 or 1 post PM asking for info. They are probably too uncomfortable or too shy to post on the board. Unfortunately, I have to ignore these requests.

Please try to see the point of view of the established and senior members. They are simply trying to keep the providers safe and the board safe by only giving referrals to posters whom they think they can trust. And how do they know they can trust a newbie?

Odds are you are someone who can be trusted. Eventually. But for now, you need to glean information from the board, use that info to see a few more providers who have already been recommended on this board (in other words RTFF) and then give good, quality reviews of said providers.

For the record, short generic reviews tend to not be as helpful in establishing your credentials. Your review of Staci is not particularly enlightening. Tell us why you would not recommend her. And her being "old" is not necessarily helpful since age is relative. What is old to you may not be to someone else. A 40 year old provider may seem old to a 30 year old monger but she may seem young to a 50 year old monger.

Good luck, stay safe, read the guidelines for successful mongering and I hope to see your post count grow.

To all newbies out there, post some reviews. We want to know about it.

I'm trying to post things and get some help but just get turned down everytime. So I guess I have to give a review to be respected.

I just had the experience of hiring Staci. Her pictures are her but she is very old and I would not recommend her. Also I need some good young girls so I can have a good time for once please PM me!

Wingman Todd
06-21-11, 00:33
I am still UTR, however I must ask if you are refering to Stacey from NKY? If it is the other busted Stacey. I understand. She is a rip off. But if it is the Stacey from NKY, sorry for your displeasure. She is old? What is old to you? Maybe a MILF, but she has been nothing less than a dynamite provider for me and quite a few others that I know. Grasshopper, I guess it is how you treat the woman to reap their benefits. Younger so you can what? Treat them like dirt, get your nuts off and move on? On I am sure you will go far in establishing friendships with the quality ladies out there, who I must add, that though they may not post, but moniter this forum for comments. Godd luck!


P.S. With help like this, forget it! Learn the system.

I'm trying to post things and get some help but just get turned down everytime. So I guess I have to give a review to be respected.

I just had the experience of hiring Staci. Her pictures are her but she is very old and I would not recommend her. Also I need some good young girls so I can have a good time for once please PM me!

06-21-11, 02:12
Article in the cincy paper about Ham Co. Having specific std's positive rate from 2 to 9 X's higher than the national avg. There is also some info in the article about testing and reporting requirements for health care providers, which has also been discussed in recent posts. This is a sobering read.

"Hamilton County has a "mini-epidemic" of sexually-transmitted diseases, says the author of a new report gauging the region's health."


Soleil 81
06-21-11, 09:59
You forget that we have Uncle Simon here and his need to protect us from having any sort of fun.Sadly, MISSION: Accomplished.

06-21-11, 21:26
Helped a lady in a parking lot get her car jump started about 34 to 36 yrs. Got it started and she asked for my e-mail address so she could send me something. She sent me a e-mail and asked if she could pay me back with a treat. Being leary I said I think about it. Well I finally took her up on it. WOW what a trip 5'4" 36 the's shaved kitty FS<DATY, LFK, BBBJ and CFS a little baby fat. I asked her for digits and she said no she just e mail me when she want's to hook up again. She said first one is free next time. 35 to. 40 un rushed service was there probably hr and half. I said do you do this often and can I share she said she would think about it. She told me why her prices are low is because she feels that she get as much pleasure out of it as I do and why take advantage of a good thing. If some one charges more for the service there just in it for the money and they don't give a shit about YOU where if you treat them right they will come back and after all is all CASH Tax free money.


06-22-11, 19:57
However, I discovered and have used a lab which does anonymous testing. There is no doctor involved and they claim to let you be 100% anonymous. They don't make you reveal your real name and they can email the results to you. Your blood is drawn by a nurse.

The place is in a strip plaza in Forest Park and is called Any Lab Test Now. They are a national company.

Their website says they test for "seven (7) STDs including HIV, Herpes (I & II) , Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C" for $229.

I have been there twice now with negative results both time (thankfully) and consider it my duty to have an annual test.

Just thought I would throw this out there for anyone thinking about getting tested.

I don't know what to tell you if you wind up with a positive result, but at least you'll know.

Just a quick note. A few years ago, one of my mongering friends (and I do mean a friend and not me) had this problem and went one of these labs. When he found out he was positive, he googled the disease and treatment. He then order the antibiotics from a USA supplier for treating aquarium waters. The pills he got he looked up in a PDR and they were identical in size, color and markings as those made for humans. Everything he could find told him that the pills were the same. He took them and all is well. Just a thought.

06-22-11, 20:13
Same here. I'd hate to be the guy that messes up a good thing, but I also completely understand if you'd rather not say. Thanks in advance either way.

Would be interested in who you suspect. I don't want to pass along anything that could cause trouble for the girls. If not I completely understand. Thanks.
I am quite sure that LE has been reading everything posted on this site and I posit that if any of us were LE we would do exactly the same thing. Yes there are senior members here that are infiltrators. A couple outed each other in the Dayton forum not so long ago. I can guarantee that I know of at least two senior members that frequent both the Dayton and Cincinnati boards that are. There is nothing that can be done to make this a completely secure endeavor let alone prevent LE from accessing the postings. Just follow the rules to minimize your chances of getting caught. As always.

06-24-11, 14:23
If you like Chinese food and super cute Chinese girls who are flirty as hell check out Peking in Cherry Grove Plaza. The girl that works the counter is just so damn adorable and likes to come and sit with you and flirt when they aren't busy. It's like an AMP with food, but no HE. LOL

06-28-11, 14:54

Is chat lines more or less safe than SW or Escorts? Called the # listed below by Luvsmassage in the chatline forum, got signed up and within 10 min had phone # of 2 girls asking 1/2$. Are these just more sophisticated streetwalkers?

Is there more or less risk involved w / chatlines? Has anyone heard of stings being done on them.

06-28-11, 17:53

Is chat lines more or less safe than SW or Escorts? Called the # listed below by Luvsmassage in the chatline forum, got signed up and within 10 min had phone # of 2 girls asking 1/2$. Are these just more sophisticated streetwalkers?

Is there more or less risk involved w / chatlines? Has anyone heard of stings being done on them. If you haven't already, I would suggest reading through more of the chat line thread found here. There you will find the answers that you seek. That thread went through a brief phase but has pretty much been dead lately.

Have I ever heard of any stings being done on the lines? No, but I would still carry the same level of concern that you would have when talking to any unknown provider over the phone (or through your open car window if on the street). If you discuss specific acts for a given amount of money then you run the risk of getting popped.

Risks are high that you might feel like you are the victim of bait-and-switch once you arrive because everyone "sounds" sexy on the phone. Of those females working the line in search of "generous" men, some may be SW's, some will be escorts that advertise on BP and troll the lines, and some are PTer's just in need of some quick cash.

Same risks as any other form of the hobby for getting set up and robbed. So don't let your guard down for those type of safety considerations just because providers are lurking among civilians that are actually looking for a love connection. I found that one out the hard way.

06-29-11, 07:39
If you like Chinese food and super cute Chinese girls who are flirty as hell check out Peking in Cherry Grove Plaza. The girl that works the counter is just so damn adorable and likes to come and sit with you and flirt when they aren't busy. It's like an AMP with food, but no HE. LOLYah, her husband's been sick the last few months & sometimes she has her son over. I quit eating there when they had some Russian guy working the wok.

06-30-11, 08:32
Beware Drake is hotter than a two dollar pistol this week.

06-30-11, 23:01
E. Com was a very valuable site for escort listings. It is a real shame it was shut down. The review section was a great resource. It was a nice supplement to USASG for finding out who was real versus bogus. Does anyone know of any other comparible sites? I've been to BigD but the picking seem so few.

07-01-11, 22:45
E. Com was a very valuable site for escort listings. It is a real shame it was shut down. The review section was a great resource. It was a nice supplement to USASG for finding out who was real versus bogus. Does anyone know of any other comparible sites? I've been to BigD but the picking seem so few.I use Indys, it sometimes is difficult to get your vouches but it has worked for me. As always.

07-02-11, 10:54
E. Com was a very valuable site for escort listings. It is a real shame it was shut down. The review section was a great resource. It was a nice supplement to USASG for finding out who was real versus bogus. Does anyone know of any other comparible sites? I've been to BigD but the picking seem so few.I use another site as a valuable tool. For instance, our friend Lauren / Mei Li has multiple reviews and most every one is not a good review. Single reviews of a good nature give me little confidence unless I am familar with the screen name. After all, what would stop a provider from creating a screen name and giving herself a wonderful review as to attact business.

07-02-11, 10:59
I use another site as a valuable tool. For instance, our friend Lauren / Mei Li has multiple reviews and most every one is not a good review. Single reviews of a good nature give me little confidence unless I am familar with the screen name. After all, what would stop a provider from creating a screen name and giving herself a wonderful review as to attact business.Have you tried "the erotic review"? They are a decent site, not as comprehensive as they used to be though

07-02-11, 11:32
<edit delete> After all, what would stop a provider from creating a screen name and giving herself a wonderful review as to attact business.Each of these sites monitor the ip address of the provider and that of the reviewer. Inconsistencies in reports coming from a providers own ip address will get them banned from the site. While this is not fool proof, there is at least some checks and balances to eliminate self reporting or reviews.

Besides, as you said, reason to be skeptical of any single review, especially if you are not familiar with the reviewer. Multiple reviews by known hobbyists is the only way to draw any conclusion in advance of an appt.

07-02-11, 12:05
Have you tried "the erotic review"? They are a decent site, not as comprehensive as they used to be thoughWell that was the site I was referencing, using it in my title of the post. Guess that got changed by the moderator.

Wingman Todd
07-04-11, 09:20
Hope everyone has a safe and great day celebrating our indepence! Hope you get a good BANG along the way.

And Jackson, nice touch with the red, white and blue for the backround!


07-04-11, 11:24
Jackson I really like the set up, wouldn't bother me if it was kept 4 awhile. In your activities over this weekend I hope everyone remembers how great a contry we live in, flaws and all and most importantly the brave men and women who fight for our very freedom. God Bless America

07-04-11, 12:28
I saw many of you were wondering what to do now that ECOM is dead. Many of you are probably aware of INDYS. Com. There is also a growing national board called ECCIE. Net. It stands for Escort Client Information Exchange. Not a bad board and it has not yet become flooded with drama and clique mentality. The Ohio region is still growing, but you will find some ladies worth seeing there.

Member #3995
07-05-11, 22:30
Anyone seen this ad? I found the third pic kinda funny.


07-05-11, 23:26
Anyone seen this ad? I found the third pic kinda funny.

http://cincinnati.backpage.com/BodyRubs/unemployed-housewife-will-give-sensational-personal-relaxing-body-rub-32/7310761Yeah that is bad. I like the knee sticking out from the recliner. So she was doing that pose with at least 2 others in the room.

M K Paris
07-06-11, 00:23
I posted this under a different category, but I don't think people read that category very often, so I'll try this one.

Playboy probably has the most gorgeous models on the planet posing for them. I read it. But it is about exhilarating as a medieval painting. Their small amount of girl on girl stuff is laughably pathetic. The girls basically blow each other kisses and make ridiculous faces like they are in some kind of ecstasy.

But I just don't like the harder core stuff at all. First of all, men are gross looking beyond compare. I am surprised every woman on earth isn't a lesbian because men are so ugly to look at. Furthermore, a lot of porn is preoccupied with long close up shots of a woman's genitalia. Or a man or woman spending 15 minutes licking a woman's pussy. It just doesn't float my boat personally.

So is there something more in the middle of Playboy and hard-core? I only like girl on girl action. I've spent a little time surfing around, but all I seem to find is either artistic nudes or the hard stuff. I really find it hard to believe I am the only man in the market for medium-core lesbian porn. Sometimes I think I should produce it myself. I would make a lot of money, and it would be fun to film.

07-06-11, 00:47
Anyone seen this ad? I found the third pic kinda funny.

http://cincinnati.backpage.com/BodyRubs/unemployed-housewife-will-give-sensational-personal-relaxing-body-rub-32/7310761Check out that fine pussy in the 2nd pic!

07-06-11, 10:53
Anyone seen this ad? I found the third pic kinda funny.

http://cincinnati.backpage.com/BodyRubs/unemployed-housewife-will-give-sensational-personal-relaxing-body-rub-32/7310761That's hilarious. However, I love her outfit so I sent her an email. I'll keep you posted.


07-06-11, 11:13
I posted this under a different category, but I don't think people read that category very often, so I'll try this one.

So is there something more in the middle of Playboy and hard-core? I only like girl on girl action. I've spent a little time surfing around, but all I seem to find is either artistic nudes or the hard stuff. I really find it hard to believe I am the only man in the market for medium-core lesbian porn. Sometimes I think I should produce it myself. I would make a lot of money, and it would be fun to film.There is pretty much a porn for everyone's particular tastes. Just reviewed my stash of downloaded les porn and found some that seemed to fit your description coming from Suze. Net (although checking the site, they also do plenty of guy / gal stuff too). http://lsgmodels.com/ Is pretty decent and focusses on the softer side of porn. Also, MET (http://www.met-art.com/) is somewhat artsy, but it can also be pretty hot (much more than say a typical Playboy). You may also like SappicErotica. Com and nubiles. Net. However, I think you were really onto something when you said that producing it yourself would be the most fun.

07-07-11, 14:19
Bad news, Gentlemen. Velvet has moved to Louisville. She will certainly be missed.

M K Paris
07-08-11, 01:30
I mentioned the other day, that Playboy needed not a lot, but at least a few more grams of spice for me. It's too bad they insist on being so artistic because their models are out of this universe.

Anyway, my point is I was upset by something today. When I went to cancel the subscription, I was alerted I had to call an 800 number during their central business hours. I did call and got a female operator and told her to cancel the subscription. She wasn't rude, but she wasn't cheerful either (certainly because they are angry about cancelled orders). It wasn't too huge of an ordeal, it only told a few minutes.

What infuriated me was it would have been so much simpler for me, and affordable for them not having to hire operators, if they allowed me to quickly cancel online, like the other websites allow you to. With their vast wealth, they can't have a "cancel" link online?

The only conclusion I can reach is Playboy is trying to make cancellations harder to discourage them. I sometimes come back to a website I like and reorder for a month, and then cancel again. Since Playboy is trying to discourage cancellations in this manner, I will not be inclined to come back as a customer anytime soon.

07-08-11, 06:35
Hey guys I'm new in the area came here with a couple lady friends and don't really know where would be the best place to hand out our cards or to even get to know anyone where is a good place to mingle in the area? Any suggestions.

07-08-11, 12:18
I 'll bite. Send pm with contact info etc.

07-08-11, 13:18
Bad news, Gentlemen. Velvet has moved to Louisville. She will certainly be missed.I know how to get to Louisville. Its not that far and she would be worth the drive, imo.

Do you know if she is still offering service in her new location?

07-08-11, 15:50
Okay Seniors and anyone else, I really need some help finding a good, RELIABLE, outcall friend. I know, I know. RTFF but in my defense, the posts are mostly incall or so old that the girls have probably changed their numbers (Like I said, I've lurked here for a while).

So if anyone can lead a guy in the right direction, either PM or just a reply, it would be appreciated. Just looking for a thin to medium build girl. Not much into BBW (no offense ladies).

Can someone help a guy out here?

07-08-11, 15:54
So what's the hot ticket on a hobby phone nowadays? I know Virgin Mobile has been recommended on here before, are they still the way to go?

Here's what I'm looking for:

* Can purchase the phone and refill minutes with cash.

* Can activate the phone without supplying my real name and address.

* Refill minutes that don't expire once activated.

* Data plan so I can check my hobby email address and various hobby related sites from it, to keep my real phone completely clean.

* Device that has wifi so I can do as much of my Internet access as possible over wifi instead of the data plan.

* The refill minutes need to also give me text messages and data access.

And in a really perfect world:

* A device that uses the same wall and car charging cables as my current Samsung Focus.

I saw the LG Optimus V at Best Buy, and I think that phone with a Virgin plan gets me most of what I want. I really like the rate plans, I could easily get by on their $25 plan which is unlimited text and data, and 300 minutes. The only thing I'm unclear about is whether the $25 top-up cards expire after 30 days. Anyone know?

07-08-11, 16:30
So what's the hot ticket on a hobby phone nowadays? I know Virgin Mobile has been recommended on here before, are they still the way to go?

Here's what I'm looking for:

* Can purchase the phone and refill minutes with cash.

* Can activate the phone without supplying my real name and address.

* Refill minutes that don't expire once activated.

* Data plan so I can check my hobby email address and various hobby related sites from it, to keep my real phone completely clean.

* Device that has wifi so I can do as much of my Internet access as possible over wifi instead of the data plan.

* The refill minutes need to also give me text messages and data access.

And in a really perfect world:

* A device that uses the same wall and car charging cables as my current Samsung Focus.

I saw the LG Optimus V at Best Buy, and I think that phone with a Virgin plan gets me most of what I want. I really like the rate plans, I could easily get by on their $25 plan which is unlimited text and data, and 300 minutes. The only thing I'm unclear about is whether the $25 top-up cards expire after 30 days. Anyone know?On the 25 per mo. 300 min plan, the minutes do not rollover. They are good for 30 days only at that rate and you pay the 25 per mo min. More if you use more mins obviously.

They do have a plan. Called PayLo, where mins are good for 90 days. No monthly min fee or pymt during the 90 days, just top up 10 bucks at the end of 90 days and number is good for another 90 if not using it much.

Sorry, I can't answer any of your other questions about emails, tech stuff, etc. I'm sure that is all possible with this service and about any other one. You should go onto www.virginmobile Dot com check their phones to see if they have a compatible one with your requirements above? I just use the basic phone. Costs 10 bucks and have already broken one. The good news was just another 10 dollar phone and transfer over the number. And good to go again, until I sit on / drop it again.

The only thing about the VirgMob phone is they do want a name and address. Of course doesn't mean you give them your name and address. When activating it you can do so through the phone but I did it online, which is probably traceable much easier. No email address, but some how they could trace that. Say if a high level crime was involved, but I don't plan on being in that much demand, that they would look for me that hard. Sure is nice not having all that crap on my real phone. Whew.

07-08-11, 17:01
So what's the hot ticket on a hobby phone nowadays? I know Virgin Mobile has been recommended on here before, are they still the way to go?

Here's what I'm looking for:

* Can purchase the phone and refill minutes with cash.

* Can activate the phone without supplying my real name and address.

* Refill minutes that don't expire once activated.

* Data plan so I can check my hobby email address and various hobby related sites from it, to keep my real phone completely clean.

* Device that has wifi so I can do as much of my Internet access as possible over wifi instead of the data plan.

* The refill minutes need to also give me text messages and data access.

And in a really perfect world:

* A device that uses the same wall and car charging cables as my current Samsung Focus.

I saw the LG Optimus V at Best Buy, and I think that phone with a Virgin plan gets me most of what I want. I really like the rate plans, I could easily get by on their $25 plan which is unlimited text and data, and 300 minutes. The only thing I'm unclear about is whether the $25 top-up cards expire after 30 days. Anyone know?Yes, the Virgin Mobile plan ($25) only lasts for 30 days. Then you add a new top-up card.

07-09-11, 12:26
I know how to get to Louisville. Its not that far and she would be worth the drive, imo.

Do you know if she is still offering service in her new location?Here ya go.


Strip Junkie
07-09-11, 16:26
Okay Seniors and anyone else, I really need some help finding a good, RELIABLE, outcall friend. I know, I know. RTFF but in my defense, the posts are mostly incall or so old that the girls have probably changed their numbers (Like I said, I've lurked here for a while).

So if anyone can lead a guy in the right direction, either PM or just a reply, it would be appreciated. Just looking for a thin to medium build girl. Not much into BBW (no offense ladies).

Can someone help a guy out here?Try Craig's List. There are plenty of recent outcall girls there. I doubt that anyone is going to hand out information to you until you have proved that you are not LE or a danger to the girls or your fellow hobbyists. Don't come here looking for information on the girls until we know who you are and you have something to offer in return.

07-09-11, 20:24
That's hilarious. However, I love her outfit so I sent her an email. I'll keep you posted.

SPInteresting! I would definitely be curious if you got an email back. Not too long ago, this couple was advertising on CL, but simply as a hot housewife looking to show-off oral skills. Seems like they were looking for hot tubs, or other interesting venues to "party". It was never implied that there was a donation of any type. I just thought they were in an open relationship.

I corresponded with them once, but their availability was very limited, and they didn't want to travel north of the river.

Maybe you will uncover something new.

07-09-11, 21:44
Okay Seniors and anyone else, I really need some help finding a good, RELIABLE, outcall friend. I know, I know. RTFF but in my defense, the posts are mostly incall or so old that the girls have probably changed their numbers (Like I said, I've lurked here for a while).

So if anyone can lead a guy in the right direction, either PM or just a reply, it would be appreciated. Just looking for a thin to medium build girl. Not much into BBW (no offense ladies).

Can someone help a guy out here?There are plenty of ladies listed on Backpages that do outcall and have been reviewed or mentioned on this site. I know the search function here sucks, at least it does for me. Just search the BP threads and you will undoubtedly find someone that meets your criteria. I am sorry if this is not enough to help you, but you need to help yourself at this time and establish a trusted name on this site before you will receive any special help. Every senior member has been where you are, hang in there. As always.

07-10-11, 10:25
So I had a really weird dream the other night. In my dream I was going to see the Penny that has been reviewed on here. So I texted her, basically saying hey wanted to see what specials you had going on and if you were available tonight. The first red flag that I got was that she gave me times but never asked how long, nor gave me her donations. The second red flag is that she was available to meet 15min after my first text. So, at this point in my dream, I was getting ready to wake up and forget the whole situation but I thought,"oh what the hell, I'll meet you at XXpm. Now, based on the reviews I had read about other people's dreams, rates are very reasonable and she can usually be found in run down motels. In my dream however, she tells me to meet her at one of the nicest hotels in greater cincy. At this point in my dream, I am like f*ck this there is no way she is staying at a hotel that charges $15 a day for parking. What bothered me about the whole dream is that she has reviews and I texted the same number used in her reviews.

My questions are: 1) did I do the right thing by not meeting, or am I just a paranoid weirdo? 2) Any advise for future reference is greatly appreciated (as at this point I am a little bit of a mess and ready to give up on non long-time trusted sources).

Vince Delaus
07-10-11, 16:39
So I had a really weird dream the other night. In my dream I was going to see the Penny that has been reviewed on here. So I texted her, basically saying hey wanted to see what specials you had going on and if you were available tonight. The first red flag that I got was that she gave me times but never asked how long, nor gave me her donations. The second red flag is that she was available to meet 15min after my first text. So, at this point in my dream, I was getting ready to wake up and forget the whole situation but I thought,"oh what the hell, I'll meet you at XXpm. Now, based on the reviews I had read about other people's dreams, rates are very reasonable and she can usually be found in run down motels. In my dream however, she tells me to meet her at one of the nicest hotels in greater cincy. At this point in my dream, I am like f*ck this there is no way she is staying at a hotel that charges $15 a day for parking. What bothered me about the whole dream is that she has reviews and I texted the same number used in her reviews.

My questions are: 1) did I do the right thing by not meeting, or am I just a paranoid weirdo? 2) Any advise for future reference is greatly appreciated (as at this point I am a little bit of a mess and ready to give up on non long-time trusted sources).Follow your instincts.

07-10-11, 19:17
.My questions are: 1) did I do the right thing by not meeting, or am I just a paranoid weirdo? 2) Any advise for future reference is greatly appreciated (as at this point I am a little bit of a mess and ready to give up on non long-time trusted sources).You did the right thing, if anything is ever out of the ordinary, just bail, better to be safe than sorry. Everyone should learn to listen to their gut instinct, and to separate what is just nervous energy in anticipation of meeting a stranger for fun and when your body is telling you something isn't right. We've all been there, where we just want to try and force the situation in our favor because the little brain is taking over. Always have a back up on speed dial for when these situations occur so your free time isn't totally wasted.

Soleil 81
07-11-11, 14:16
On MSNBC today:

"For several years, public health officials have been concerned that gonorrhea, one of the most prevalent STDs in the world, might become resistant to the last widely available antibiotics used to treat it, a class of drugs called cephalosporins. Now, it has."

Here's the link to the online text article:


It's not in the USA. Yet.

07-12-11, 10:05
After reading several positive reviews on this site concerning the legitimacy of the my secure tabs website I went ahead and ordered a small quantity of vitamins see & v with a pre-paid visa. I am not yet over 60 my ins will not cover these medications. As most of you well know they are quite expensive without ins picking up part of the tab. I was able to get the cipla generics shipped at roughly $2 a pill and gave them a test run last night. No discernible difference from the name brand. Just wanted to share my positive experience with this company as I know there are plenty of bs sites out there that are more than willing to steal your identity and / or ship you bogus vitamins.


07-12-11, 14:08
So I had a really weird dream the other night. In my dream I was going to see the Penny that has been reviewed on here. So I texted her, basically saying hey wanted to see what specials you had going on and if you were available tonight. The first red flag that I got was that she gave me times but never asked how long, nor gave me her donations. The second red flag is that she was available to meet 15min after my first text. So, at this point in my dream, I was getting ready to wake up and forget the whole situation but I thought,"oh what the hell, I'll meet you at XXpm. Now, based on the reviews I had read about other people's dreams, rates are very reasonable and she can usually be found in run down motels. In my dream however, she tells me to meet her at one of the nicest hotels in greater cincy. At this point in my dream, I am like f*ck this there is no way she is staying at a hotel that charges $15 a day for parking. What bothered me about the whole dream is that she has reviews and I texted the same number used in her reviews.

My questions are: 1) did I do the right thing by not meeting, or am I just a paranoid weirdo? 2) Any advise for future reference is greatly appreciated (as at this point I am a little bit of a mess and ready to give up on non long-time trusted sources).Diver you did the right thing.

The most critical time is that last few minutes before you actually meet. In this case the whole thing was inside of 15 minutes.

07-12-11, 17:37
I'd like some feedback from senior members & any provider that may be looking at this.

I used to frequent the AMP's, mainly because they were the safest and the routine was the same.

Over the years I've had a couple dependable providers, but for the most part providers come and go for their own assortment of reasons.

I think this website is a great resource, especially for known providers. But lets be honest, their are few dependable providers out there.

Their may be more, but there is a valid reservation in taking one for the team. Meeting a new and unknown person for the first time is very nerve wrecking.

Especially for people with more to lose, by making the wrong decision.

The major issue (in my opinion) , is the providers suffer because new hobbiest's are afraid to make the call to the unknown.

BUT, what if there was a way to verify who you were going to meet, and not just in coded phrases.

If you lurk on BP, CL, or any of your other favorite url's you will see a lot that you would like to try out. But they usually look TGTBT, they claim to be "independent" but are really.

A part of a "bait and switch" scheme, or they are LE.

My idea is a free community, where only verified providers can post, and hobbiest's can windowshop with ease and w / o worry or risk.

Providers pictures will have a watermark to indicate that the girl in the picture is the same one you will meet.

There will be no garauntee of your experience, only the garauntee that the person you set up the meeting with, is indeed the person you will meet.

Providing that sort of "peace of mind" would encourage more activity from all parties involved.

While I understand there are a few "senior members" with a list of reliable people to call, those members are in the minority, not the majority.

How great would it be to simply be able to go to a site, select your companion, and be on your way. Everyone prospers in this scenario!

I would like a few senior members & providers to contact me for more details & to let me know their thoughts or improvements on the information I've provided already.

I'm not looking to step on any toes, or get in anybody's way. But I know I would be much more involved in the hobby, if I knew exactly who was going to knock on my door everytime.

I look forward to your thoughts, ideas, and comments!

07-13-11, 12:56
So I had a really weird dream the other night. In my dream I was going to see the Penny that has been reviewed on here. So I texted her, basically saying hey wanted to see what specials you had going on and if you were available tonight. The first red flag that I got was that she gave me times but never asked how long, nor gave me her donations. The second red flag is that she was available to meet 15min after my first text. So, at this point in my dream, I was getting ready to wake up and forget the whole situation but I thought,"oh what the hell, I'll meet you at XXpm. Now, based on the reviews I had read about other people's dreams, rates are very reasonable and she can usually be found in run down motels. In my dream however, she tells me to meet her at one of the nicest hotels in greater cincy. At this point in my dream, I am like f*ck this there is no way she is staying at a hotel that charges $15 a day for parking. What bothered me about the whole dream is that she has reviews and I texted the same number used in her reviews.

My questions are: 1) did I do the right thing by not meeting, or am I just a paranoid weirdo? 2) Any advise for future reference is greatly appreciated (as at this point I am a little bit of a mess and ready to give up on non long-time trusted sources).This is why I never use text messages. Never have and I never will.

I don't believe you can get a real sense of someone via text.

Most of these girls are on edge talking to a new client for the first time. They are reluctant to reveal too much. I know because some of them have told me so. Texting complicates things because whatever is texted is in writing which makes for stronger evidence and not as easily thrown out as voice calls due to wiretapping laws.

I much prefer the give and take of a real-time conversation. A simple question of how she wound up in such a nice hotel can possibly be explained as she was meeting a client who wanted to meet there because he works nearby and only has a short time. She then would up with the room for the rest of the day since it was already paid for. Or maybe because she got a great deal on Priceline. I know a provider who once got a $100 a night room for $25 there. Who knows?

But questions like that flow more easily and don't seem as suspicious as a question via text. I've even had a few girls tell me they don't respond to text messages at all.

Most times I've talked to a provider for the first time, I've sensed tension on her part. There's some on my end too. Telephone discussions break the ice faster, I believe, and will get confusion cleared up much faster.

Yes, trust your instincts. No one will fault you for calling it off if your gut says no. I'm just saying your gut might have told you something else if you had spoken with the young lady. Just my 2 cents.

07-13-11, 13:03
This is why I never use text messages. Never have and I never will.

I don't believe you can get a real sense of someone via text.

Most of these girls are on edge talking to a new client for the first time. They are reluctant to reveal too much. I know because some of them have told me so. Texting complicates things because whatever is texted is in writing which makes for stronger evidence and not as easily thrown out as voice calls due to wiretapping laws.

I much prefer the give and take of a real-time conversation. A simple question of how she wound up in such a nice hotel can possibly be explained as she was meeting a client who wanted to meet there because he works nearby and only has a short time. She then would up with the room for the rest of the day since it was already paid for. Or maybe because she got a great deal on Priceline. I know a provider who once got a $100 a night room for $25 there. Who knows?

But questions like that flow more easily and don't seem as suspicious as a question via text. I've even had a few girls tell me they don't respond to text messages at all.

Most times I've talked to a provider for the first time, I've sensed tension on her part. There's some on my end too. Telephone discussions break the ice faster, I believe, and will get confusion cleared up much faster.

Yes, trust your instincts. No one will fault you for calling it off if your gut says no. I'm just saying your gut might have told you something else if you had spoken with the young lady. Just my 2 cents.There are advantages to both forms of communication. I think that it may well be best to integrate both into your efforts. Many ladies do not like to text at all while many younger ladies text almost exclusively. I will usually start via a phone call but eventually end up texting. I have had contact with ladies who will only text. There are no incorrect ways to go about this, just what ever your level of comfort is along with that of the lady. As always.

07-13-11, 14:01
[QUOTE=Stimulus; 1235209]This is why I never use text messages. Never have and I never will.

I don't believe you can get a real sense of someone via text.

It does come in rather handy for brief communications if you are in the office and don't want other ears listening in, though.

I like to use a combination of communication methods, including phone, text and email. Often, I use email and text more often, because I seldom get a provider on the phone at the time that I call, and then she calls back and I'm at my desk, and it goes on from there. Email and texts allow for a little more flexibility in responses.

07-13-11, 20:03
So I had a really weird dream the other night. In my dream I was going to see the Penny that has been reviewed on here. So I texted her, basically saying hey wanted to see what specials you had going on and if you were available tonight. The first red flag that I got was that she gave me times but never asked how long, nor gave me her donations. The second red flag is that she was available to meet 15min after my first text. So, at this point in my dream, I was getting ready to wake up and forget the whole situation but I thought,"oh what the hell, I'll meet you at XXpm. Now, based on the reviews I had read about other people's dreams, rates are very reasonable and she can usually be found in run down motels. In my dream however, she tells me to meet her at one of the nicest hotels in greater cincy. At this point in my dream, I am like f*ck this there is no way she is staying at a hotel that charges $15 a day for parking. What bothered me about the whole dream is that she has reviews and I texted the same number used in her reviews.

My questions are: 1) did I do the right thing by not meeting, or am I just a paranoid weirdo? 2) Any advise for future reference is greatly appreciated (as at this point I am a little bit of a mess and ready to give up on non long-time trusted sources).1) When a lady won't quote a rate it's usually and bait and switch or LE.

2) The Hyatt in Florence is quite LE friendly and more than willing to allow.

Multiple rooms on an empty floor to be borrowed from time to time.

07-13-11, 21:54
I've seen Penny a couple of times as a second or third choice before as I like to stay in the Florence area. No doubt she's not top shelf, but I always got pretty decent service out of her. After this, I'll be staying away for a little while now.

07-19-11, 08:48
Originally from So. Ohio and I see the plethora of s / w reports here and thought it worth mentioning to the locals that a trip through the portsmouth area would be a must for a one tank weekend trip. Although pharmaceuticals is a problem with the locals in that area, it is a target rich environment and not all that many problems with le. The gallia street area towards 8th street will lead you to a vast amount of appalachia treasure with great assets and attitudes and very reasonable demands. Been a member for years and glad to see the amount of sharing in town. A little bit of a drive, but worth the time! Good hunting!

07-19-11, 13:41
a trip through the portsmouth area would be a must for a one tank weekend trip. Although pharmaceuticals is a problem with the locals in that area, it is a target rich environment and not all that many problems with le.I can confirm this one. I drive through there on the way to Charleston WV, and most of the girls look pretty good. Meth is definitely a problem, and the motivating factor for them being out there. The choices are plentiful though.

07-19-11, 18:11
1) When a lady won't quote a rate it's usually and bait and switch or LE.

2) The Hyatt in Florence is quite LE friendly and more than willing to allow.

Multiple rooms on an empty floor to be borrowed from time to time.I usually prefer when ladies don't quote rates and talk about services. That's how you get pinched, busted, locked up, arrested, etc. I would also never use anyone's room on the first date. I go to a previously undisclosed and spontaneous alternate location. LE won't go for that.

Jay Malibu
07-19-11, 18:42
I usually prefer when ladies don't quote rates and talk about services. That's how you get pinched, busted, locked up, arrested, etc. I would also never use anyone's room on the first date. I go to a previously undisclosed and spontaneous alternate location. LE won't go for that.I agree with Getati. If a lady starts talking about rates and services, that's a big red flag. Do you homework. You'll find what you need to know. If new then plan on TOFTT since even if they would tell you, you'll likely find it different when the rubber meets the road. They may say GFE and most hobbyist will agree on what that is. Most new ladies have a different opinion if not experienced or not shown the ropes from another provider. I'll go back to quietly following the posts.


07-19-11, 19:17
I agree with Getati. If a lady starts talking about rates and services, that's a big red flag. Do you homework. You'll find what you need to know. If new then plan on TOFTT since even if they would tell you, you'll likely find it different when the rubber meets the road. They may say GFE and most hobbyist will agree on what that is. Most new ladies have a different opinion if not experienced or not shown the ropes from another provider. I'll go back to quietly following the posts.

JMDiscussing services is a BIG NO in my books (and red flag) , but how are you supposed to prepare a donation if you don't know what it is? I would rather know what it is and have it ready so I can sit it down at the beginning. In my opinion, it would be much riskier to show up without a donation ready. With all of the quality providers I have seen, this is never an issue. It seems that this is more of an issue with Backpage- which continues to be discouraging. This is the first time I have tried to schedule a meeting, in which, I was not given a quote for donations.

I still need to work on the format of my calls / texts, but up until now it hasn't been much of an issue.

Ahh, the adventures and learning experiences!

Wingman Todd
07-21-11, 14:44
Today in the afternoon WCPO news feed. Pretty skanky looking at that! :

HAMILTON, Ohio. After receiving numerous complaints by Hamilton residents in reference to prostitution, the Butler County Sheriff's Office executed an undercover operation which resulted in the arrests of 11 people.

The sheriff's office orchestrated the operation in the early morning hours of Wednesday. Females who made offers for sexual activity to undercover agents were immediately taken into custody and transported to the Butler County Jail.

A total of eight women were arrested. Undercover female investigators were then placed on the street and within a few hours, three men were arrested for attempting to get the women to engage in sex acts.

The following people are charged with soliciting:

Tiffany Castle. 23, of Hamilton.

Peggy Whitaker. 43, of Hamilton.

Amy Webster. 22, of Hamilton.

Ashley Wheeler. 21, of Fairfield.

Anna Campbell. 29, of Hamilton

Connie Proffit. 48, of Hamilton.

Victoria Dickens. 20, of Hamilton.

Christina Riley. 35, Hamilton.

Clifton Turner. 68, of Hamilton.

Zachary Parsons. 23, of Hamilton

Adam Simon. 32, of Hamilton.

Sheriff Richard Jones said residents expressed their concern for the safety of their streets as well as the safety of children playing in the area.

07-21-11, 16:58
Today in the afternoon WCPO news feed. Pretty skanky looking at that! :

HAMILTON, Ohio. After receiving numerous complaints by Hamilton residents in reference to prostitution, the Butler County Sheriff's Office executed an undercover operation which resulted in the arrests of 11 people.

The sheriff's office orchestrated the operation in the early morning hours of Wednesday. Females who made offers for sexual activity to undercover agents were immediately taken into custody and transported to the Butler County Jail.

A total of eight women were arrested. Undercover female investigators were then placed on the street and within a few hours, three men were arrested for attempting to get the women to engage in sex acts.

The following people are charged with soliciting:

Tiffany Castle. 23, of Hamilton.

Peggy Whitaker. 43, of Hamilton.

Amy Webster. 22, of Hamilton.

Ashley Wheeler. 21, of Fairfield.

Anna Campbell. 29, of Hamilton

Connie Proffit. 48, of Hamilton.

Victoria Dickens. 20, of Hamilton.

Christina Riley. 35, Hamilton.

Clifton Turner. 68, of Hamilton.

Zachary Parsons. 23, of Hamilton

Adam Simon. 32, of Hamilton.

Sheriff Richard Jones said residents expressed their concern for the safety of their streets as well as the safety of children playing in the area.To bad that Victoria Dickens looks like a real cutie

Soleil 81
07-22-11, 00:58
After receiving numerous complaints by Hamilton residents in reference to prostitution,.Oh, there's that famous "numerous complaints by residents" thing again. I call shenanigans. Let's all chip in and purchase LEO a new "Phases That Pay When Talking to the Media" book, shall we? Certainly there is a newer edition.

Ky Guy 123
07-22-11, 03:59
Sometimes it's all in how you ask. If they won't quote, or you don't WANT them to quote specifics... ask for an expected ' potential range of compensation'. That can give both parties the ability to have possible deniability, while giving an idea of how much might be needed to have on hand.

Just a suggestion.. :)


Discussing services is a BIG NO in my books (and red flag) , but how are you supposed to prepare a donation if you don't know what it is? I would rather know what it is and have it ready so I can sit it down at the beginning. In my opinion, it would be much riskier to show up without a donation ready. With all of the quality providers I have seen, this is never an issue. It seems that this is more of an issue with Backpage- which continues to be discouraging. This is the first time I have tried to schedule a meeting, in which, I was not given a quote for donations.

I still need to work on the format of my calls / texts, but up until now it hasn't been much of an issue.

Ahh, the adventures and learning experiences!

07-24-11, 01:45
Originally from So. Ohio and I see the plethora of s / w reports here and thought it worth mentioning to the locals that a trip through the portsmouth area would be a must for a one tank weekend trip. Although pharmaceuticals is a problem with the locals in that area, it is a target rich environment and not all that many problems with le. The gallia street area towards 8th street will lead you to a vast amount of appalachia treasure with great assets and attitudes and very reasonable demands. Been a member for years and glad to see the amount of sharing in town. A little bit of a drive, but worth the time! Good hunting!Since I don"t know that aree, what places are good besides that corner?

Dr Moose
07-30-11, 02:07
Pretty self explanatory. I am at SOMC ever other weekend and heard rumors about this coming. So be careful seems the local activity is under the microscope.


08-07-11, 14:43
Has anyone here been to Hong Kong and have any reviews? I will be there next month and would like to hear from people here.

08-07-11, 16:04
Has anyone here been to Hong Kong and have any reviews? I will be there next month and would like to hear from people here.Sign up at internationalsexguide. Info / forum.

Wonderful sister site with great information

Member #4733
08-07-11, 16:24

Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?

08-07-11, 17:38
If you are planing a trip to*Lexington ky beware this girl may be HIV You can also read this on the Lexington Forum.


Wingman Todd
08-07-11, 19:40
I was there 3 years ago and would love to repeat! Spent the weekend there and was quite entertained. The city just is a lifetime experience to behold. The sites, culture, people, shopping and experiences! Understand that as a former British colony, most signage is in both English and Chinese and most speak both. It is a culture melting pot from the world. I met Ausies, Brits, Asians, Canucks, and Russians in the bars and shopping. Fortunately and unexpectedly the Russian I met one night I learned later also was was quite fluid in Greek. Though voice communication was at best strained, the end result was awesome. I think she was a Bond girl!

Spent most of my time across the bay in Shenzen, China at an upscale hotel. Very accomadating woman who loved to please. Apparently had the management paid off for their activiteis. Understand that when they ask for $$ for their services it it NOT local currency but good ole US dollars! Sampled only once as my stay there was quick but it was a night to remember! But rest up and get the jet lag out of your system as I did to truely enjoy.

Just my thoughts! But take Nday's advice. I didn't know about that stuff back then and was a nubie ploughing through!


Has anyone here been to Hong Kong and have any reviews? I will be there next month and would like to hear from people here.

08-08-11, 17:43

Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?Are you for real? For real? For real?

Search reviews! Search reviews! Search reviews!

She is mentioned everywhere and most like her.

Member #4733
08-08-11, 19:07
Are you for real? For real? For real?

Search reviews! Search reviews! Search reviews!

She is mentioned everywhere and most like her.I truly enjoy the camaraderie of such gentlemen.

08-09-11, 17:54
Has anyone else noticed the rise in girls working in Erlanger? They seem to all be working out of the hotel next to Speedway. Kinda makes me nervous.

Wingman Todd
08-09-11, 22:37
Dear, the site you mentioned as preferred411 and another caled datecheck both as dot com's are very real and quite secure. Men can only be vouched by other providers. PM me if you would like more details!

Today, On my Yahoo Instant Messanger, I recieved a friend request. Accepted it & Proceeded to ask the Gentleman where He got My screen name from (Beings, I only post on here & CL & Always ask when getting random requests) He said He didn't' remember because He searched so many sites but that if I was worried that He wasn't "Legit" that I could go to.


(A so called Escort site) where He has reviews of being "Legit." The site to Me, Seems NOT REAL, Or seems to be put together by LE? Anyone know if this is in fact a legit site?[/QUOTE]

08-12-11, 15:54
A friend tells me there looked to be some stakeout activity by the Florence Police around some of the hotels around 18 and Turfway today. No way of knowing what it was about, but I'd be cautious. There was nothing subtle about it, because it was marked cars, so could have been something like cars getting broken into in the parking lots or who knows what.

08-13-11, 14:31
A real rush job and insisting on meeteing her clients in the lobby may have contributed to that situation.

08-17-11, 18:11
I was out at a buffet restaurant, last week, and I was there with a few buddies, and what you see when you are just out is awesome.

There are some Fine, Sexy, Women out there. Some of them are just as Flirty about things as you are, and others are too defensive and uptight to be in public.

There was a young girl there that had the most Awesomely shaped body I have ever seen. She had rounded wide hips, a serious basketball full moon ass, and a waist, so small, it looked like she had a few ribs removed. Plus she was Pretty, had her own REAL long hair, and looked to be Bi-Racial, or maybe Foreign. She was eating by herself, and we were about to leave the restaurant, so we didn't have a chance to approach her, and we had at one point thought she was with someone, or at least waiting for someone. Basically she was Fine, and most impressive. I now look back and wish I had said something, even if it didn't work. I am certain she gets approached everyday by someone male or female. The only problem, by the skin tight jeans she was wearing, you could see she had kinda skinny legs and I am more a Big Legs Guy. Still, for her I would be willing to change.

One more I was at another Buffet, and this time I was by myself, and met a lady there eating with her Daughter and Mother. I first noticed her because again she was my type, with wide shapely hips, great round butt, really nice big breast, and a small waist. She did have Big Legs, and wearing heels. She was almost eye-to-eye with me and I am tall.

We managed to do a quick "I Like Look" once over, and exchanged names. We also exchanged numbers, but unfortunately she was in Cincy visiting her mom and she lives just east of Indy. I am not much of a Distant Lover, but we stay in close contact. She told me she use to be a Stripper in her younger days, she is 35y / o now, and her daughter is about 8, and a very well mannered nice kid too.

She could easily be an Escort, with a High Dollar Valve, but she is into being independent, and making her own way. I like that. And for the people who want to know "YES I HAVE" now I leave it at that.

Everytime I go to the Mall, and sometimes to the Grocery store, I see some Fine ass women out there, and they are hungry for a man, even just to have SEX with. Often you have to Talk your way through her defenses, and many times they are not looking to get married, or have a boyfriend as we think they would.

Many time most of my success comes from young girls and I am talking about girls at the age of 21-29. They are horny and bold, and have no problem asking for money for SEX. More than not they have Jobs, their own place, and have been doing this with younger or older men for years. They seem to be smart, intelligent, and looking to get whatever on their own. It is a 50/50 mix of those having kids or not, but it is always about Money, and treating them with Respect, and in the moment like they are your girlfriend for that time.

I didn't mean to take this forum to something else, but you have to know that there is a lot of Opportunity everywhere, and it often will find you. As I have told people for years, get your conversation together, and learn to hold one without being boring, weird, or disrespectful. And try not to take a freebie without her knowing you are willing to pay her for it, just to keep the boundaries clear.

08-23-11, 20:07
Judging by the consecutive female pics on cincymugshots, I would say there was a bust somewhere? I haven't checked the news yet.

08-24-11, 06:54
It certainly looks like a street sweep. Tuesday has long been the day LE picks up street workers (and ignorant mongers).

Are there records of exactly where the arrests were made? And how do long-time SWs get arrested? Surely they know how NOT to be entrapped by LE. Of course, LE can and does use quasi-legal tricks (or blatantly illegal actions?). Mongers know (or should) how to avoid explicitly offering $ for service. Shouldn't it be easy for an SW to have their LE-dar tuned to entrapment?

When will the public see that "public safety" is better served by spending LE monies than to hassle street workers? Are we now safer? And gun-toting drug boys? Still active. Sorry--drug violence stems from laws of prohibition, not from girls on the street.

Judging by the consecutive female pics on cincymugshots, I would say there was a bust somewhere? I haven't checked the news yet.

08-24-11, 17:37
It certainly looks like a street sweep. Tuesday has long been the day LE picks up street workers (and ignorant mongers).

Are there records of exactly where the arrests were made? And how do long-time SWs get arrested? Surely they know how NOT to be entrapped by LE. Of course, LE can and does use quasi-legal tricks (or blatantly illegal actions?). Mongers know (or should) how to avoid explicitly offering $ for service. Shouldn't it be easy for an SW to have their LE-dar tuned to entrapment?

When will the public see that "public safety" is better served by spending LE monies than to hassle street workers? Are we now safer? And gun-toting drug boys? Still active. Sorry-drug violence stems from laws of prohibition, not from girls on the street.I didn't see any of the charges when I went to the Hamilton County site. Most of the time when I do see something it is usually drug related.

Harry Harper
08-30-11, 08:00
Does anyone have any experience with this one?


I will be in the area this weekend and she looks inviting.


08-30-11, 09:24
Anyone else see the dumpsters outside and all the furniture outside is it going away for good? Saw them last night on my cruise down mlk. Never used them myself but a couple of my frequent girls did.

08-30-11, 12:02
Does anyone have any experience with this one?


I will be in the area this weekend and she looks inviting.

HHI clicked on the link and was unable to get to the ad. There are at least two Olivias with whom I am familiar. One is acceptable and the other is not so much. Sorry I cannot be of more help without knowing which one to whom you refer. As always.

08-30-11, 17:14
Anyone else see the dumpsters outside and all the furniture outside is it going away for good? Saw them last night on my cruise down mlk. Never used them myself but a couple of my frequent girls did.Or it could be a bad case of bedbugs.

08-30-11, 17:36
Based on some of the text in the broken hyperlink, I believe he was talking about the Beechmont Olivia (the "not so much" one)

Actually, I have been considering her anyway, just feel like I have to check her out!


I clicked on the link and was unable to get to the ad. There are at least two Olivias with whom I am familiar. One is acceptable and the other is not so much. Sorry I cannot be of more help without knowing which one to whom you refer. As always.

08-30-11, 19:04
I was able to locate the page by cutting the broken link into Google.

THis is the Olivia up around Beechmont and I-275.

Try this.


I haven't had any experience with her to comment though, sorry.

Based on some of the text in the broken hyperlink, I believe he was talking about the Beechmont Olivia (the "not so much" one)

Actually, I have been considering her anyway, just feel like I have to check her out!


08-31-11, 06:33
Anyone else see the dumpsters outside and all the furniture outside is it going away for good? Saw them last night on my cruise down mlk. Never used them myself but a couple of my frequent girls did.Bedbug infestation, I'm surprised they care enough to throw out the furniture.

Harry Harper
08-31-11, 07:22
That's the one I am referring to. Sorry the link did not work, I have not finished reading my book "Computers for dummies" yet. I texted her yesterday and she said she would call, I have not heard yet. Guess from what I have read already she is flaky. I need a sure thing cause I am passing thru. Thanks for the help.


08-31-11, 08:39
That's the one I am referring to. Sorry the link did not work, I have not finished reading my book "Computers for dummies" yet. I texted her yesterday and she said she would call, I have not heard yet. Guess from what I have read already she is flaky. I need a sure thing cause I am passing thru. Thanks for the help.


Based on previous reviews for this one I think you have anything but a sure thing.

You could do yourself much better, IMO. Like Naughty Nina in Cincy or Olivia 24, in Dayton, the other Olivia mentioned previously, if you are going anywhere near Dayton when passing through. Both are advertisers here on the site and both are well proven to be solid providers. Their links on this site are below and each have photos and many positive reviews here. Enjoy your visit.

N. Nina. http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?6324-Escort-Classified-Ads-Posted-by-Escorts-No-Reviews-or-Commentary&p=1267284&viewfull=1#post1267284

Olivia24. http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?6324-Escort-Classified-Ads-Posted-by-Escorts-No-Reviews-or-Commentary&p=1265217&viewfull=1#post1265217

08-31-11, 11:27
She is a super cute girl in person. I have seen her several times. If you are quoted less than $$.5 it isn't a sure thing. Historically, she has never been a sure thing. Her menu expanded several months ago but I think she is very selective about who gets the expanded menu. I don't see her anymore because of the cost. If you have the money and she likes you, she is worth the $$.5. I can't stress enough that YMMV!

That's the one I am referring to. Sorry the link did not work, I have not finished reading my book "Computers for dummies" yet. I texted her yesterday and she said she would call, I have not heard yet. Guess from what I have read already she is flaky. I need a sure thing cause I am passing thru. Thanks for the help.


08-31-11, 11:31
Germans are WAY ahead of Cincinnati and all other US cities. And they are adding to their tax coffers in the process. SWs must deposit about $8 to get a ticket which allows them to walk the streets:


Here is the BBC article on the subject:


Also, in Bonn, there are erected wooden cubicles,"consummation areas" to provide a little privacy for a car date. Dunno what the fee for these is:


With Cincinnati's deep German roots, what do you think the chances are that we will see these facilities anytime soon in our fair city?

Strip Junkie
08-31-11, 17:21
Germans are WAY ahead of Cincinnati and all other US cities. And they are adding to their tax coffers in the process. SWs must deposit about $8 to get a ticket which allows them to walk the streets:


Here is the BBC article on the subject:


Also, in Bonn, there are erected wooden cubicles,"consummation areas" to provide a little privacy for a car date. Dunno what the fee for these is:


With Cincinnati's deep German roots, what do you think the chances are that we will see these facilities anytime soon in our fair city?About the same chance that the Bengals will win the Super Bowl this year. You have the same chance of ever Seeing these in bluenose Cincinnati as seeing Mike Brown's Bengals ever win the Super Bowl.

08-31-11, 18:28
After putting some pieces of information together over the past few weeks, I believe Uncle Leo has some new undercover wheels. Early 2000's model Mercedes S Class. Dark gray / black (it was night so it was hard to tell for sure of the color). BE CAREFUL.

09-02-11, 20:53
Guess who got busted again? This time with a new last name.


She was fun but things are going downhill fast.

09-03-11, 07:34
Guess who got busted again? This time with a new last name.


She was fun but things are going downhill fast.One is her maiden name and the other is her married name. BTW her hubby is doing time in the slammer. Boy what a difference 6 months makes. I talked to her and she said that it's no BFD. I said keep it up and you are going to lose your kids (3) and end up dead. Seems like she really doesn't care. Now working with Vanessa. Use to work with Vicky who is now on her own advertises on BP. Be careful as these girls are nothing but trouble now.


09-03-11, 08:25
What's really interesting about her is not only has she been busted and they've used different names it's happened multiple times under each name. I'm just glad I got to see her several times when she was pregnant and clean. She was a doll.

Mr Pokerear
09-07-11, 17:43
I am staying in Covington and I am not familiar with the city. Is this the gay district? Contrary to my user name, I am 100% hetro. Any good places to hang out on a Wed night.


09-07-11, 20:24
Guys, I find the drama in this forum often more than you would find on a daytime Soap (for women!) , so I try really hard to avoid contributing to it. But given all that I have seen, I really felt the need to say this, with respect to all members and Providers.

While all members regarless of their status should avoid personal attacks, and posts beyond the forum rules, the fact is that when a member is made to feel afraid to post a negative review, the integrity of this site / forum is ruined, and therefore of no value to any of us.

This is often the result of members "coming to the rescue" of a Provider when someone posts a review which is not to our liking.

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not every members experience with a Provider, nor every Providers experience with a member is the same. Some better, some perhaps not as good. The chemistry that two people develop is as big apart of this as anything, and there are many other things that may drive this.

Because someone has an experience with ANY Provider that is not up to the standard that any one of us may have expereinced, that does not make the review invalid, as long as they have done so with respect and consideration of forum rules (which should be upheld by the Moderator, and supported by all of us).

We as Sr's should know this and do our part to protect the INTEGRITY of the site / forum. Lose the drama, and keep it objective, keep it respectful and keep it meaningful. Of other members and Providers as well.

I just post this as food for thought for all of us.


09-07-11, 20:35
Well said Cfg.

Guys, I find the drama in this forum often more than you would find on a daytime Soap (for women!) , so I try really hard to avoid contributing to it. But given all that I have seen, I really felt the need to say this, with respect to all members and Providers.

While all members regarless of their status should avoid personal attacks, and posts beyond the forum rules, the fact is that when a member is made to feel afraid to post a negative review, the integrity of this site / forum is ruined, and therefore of no value to any of us.

This is often the result of members "coming to the rescue" of a Provider when someone posts a review which is not to our liking.

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not every members experience with a Provider, nor every Providers experience with a member is the same. Some better, some perhaps not as good. The chemistry that two people develop is as big apart of this as anything, and there are many other things that may drive this.

Because someone has an experience with ANY Provider that is not up to the standard that any one of us may have expereinced, that does not make the review invalid, as long as they have done so with respect and consideration of forum rules (which should be upheld by the Moderator, and supported by all of us).

We as Sr's should know this and do our part to protect the INTEGRITY of the site / forum. Lose the drama, and keep it objective, keep it respectful and keep it meaningful. Of other members and Providers as well.

I just post this as food for thought for all of us.


09-07-11, 22:25
Well said Cfg.Cheers and here here. I would like to remain neutral but did like this coment.

09-07-11, 23:38

Member #4733
09-10-11, 21:09
Would anyone happen to know anything about this cast of characters?

Google Search: 859-409-4514.


09-10-11, 21:21
Would anyone happen to know anything about this cast of characters?

Google Search: 859-409-4514.

http://www.eros-ohio.com/files/234188.htm've seen the 2nd set on BP. A lot of photoshopping on those pics. Looks almost TGTBT.

09-12-11, 21:42
I saw these 2 ladies a few weeks back and the service was not bad considering the price. But what you have to watch out for is the constant texting that they will do. Such as Hey Babe lets hook up. Or can you come see us we need the money. I have asked them over 6 times to stop but a day or 2 later they continue. So if someone can tell me how to block texts from a number in a private tell I'd appreciate it.

Stay safe,


09-13-11, 06:54
The rules that may not be on the Mongers "10+ commandments" are:

A) never let an SW use your phone (how many times have they asked soon after getting in the car, to call their dealer? Do you want that number on your phone record?

Be) Do not call them without blocking caller I'd (it will show up as "PRIVATE" when they get the call). This will prevent return calls, texts, and general harassment. When they need $ quick for a fix.

See) Put your phone far out of reach when being serviced. While the little head is way distracted, their fingers will do the walking into your pockets. You know the rest. It happens all too often.

Safe mongering-which includes cell phone protection!

I saw these 2 ladies a few weeks back and the service was not bad considering the price. But what you have to watch out for is the constant texting that they will do. Such as Hey Babe lets hook up. Or can you come see us we need the money. I have asked them over 6 times to stop but a day or 2 later they continue. So if someone can tell me how to block texts from a number in a private tell I'd appreciate it.

Stay safe,


09-13-11, 07:51
I saw these 2 ladies a few weeks back and the service was not bad considering the price. But what you have to watch out for is the constant texting that they will do. Such as Hey Babe lets hook up. Or can you come see us we need the money. I have asked them over 6 times to stop but a day or 2 later they continue. So if someone can tell me how to block texts from a number in a private tell I'd appreciate it.

Stay safe,

FitterI always strongly suggest using a prepaid "hobby" phone, paid for in cash with new prepaid cards bought with cash, that you can dump periodically. It's a bit of a hassle, but you cannot be doing this stuff with your everyday phone and number, period. You'll run into this texting issue with Natalie and Bell and most other low-cost providers. I just suggest getting a prepaid plan with cheap texts or one that lets you block texts from a certain caller easily (Verizon is pretty good for cheap texts. Net10 is pretty good for phones that let you block a number easily). If you've given these girls your regular phone and number, it's probably time to get a new phone number and / or a phone that lets you block them easily (it really varies a lot depending on the carrier, the phone and the plan).

09-13-11, 09:34
If someone can tell me how to block texts from a number in a private tell I'd appreciate it.

Stay safe,

FitterMr. Number is available for Android phones, iPbone & I think Blackberry & will block calls / texts from specific numbers.

Mr Boombastic
09-13-11, 12:18
I want to "THANK EVERYONE" who sent me via PM some of their favorite numbers, and some I exchanged with. I do appreciate this, and as far as I am concern I plan to continue it. Here again is the problem. By time I get the number from you and call it, they are either out of minutes, or the phone is no longer in service. Sometimes by time someone could call the cell phone has a new owner, or really was not theirs to begin with. It can be just a real cellular mess.

I did try to call all the numbers, and only has two of them that were in service. One of the had their voice mail working, and the other answered the phone. I tried several time to reach the voice mail in person, till finally I gave up. The other I reached her, and we talked, but by time we did complete our conversation, she want more money for her services than I would have been willing to pay. And she wanted this money from me. Sight Unseen! She even said she would give me a threesome with her and her sister. Sounded very Kinky, but I would never pay that price even if I had seen them before. They want 100 bucks a piece, and they were staying or working out of one of the local Notels.

This is just me, but when I exchange number, I have already made an agreement with that SW to charge my referrals & friends, the same price I am paying, or no more than 5-10 bucks more. I never ask them for a referral fine, but they give me a little something special on each meeting. When I talk to they know they can make good money by having a good flow of referrals to keep them in money everyday. I know sometimes some referrals can approach some SW's as SUCKERs, and some SW's can't help but to take advantage of them, and some referrals might even find themselves Disrespecting some SW's. I know this can happen, but I try to handling this before hand, and to let everyone know, how things should work.

If you are going to get the numbers of SW's and then refer other members to them, then Please be BOLD enough to ask questions, and to conduct this like a business deal. They know the deal even though sometimes they don't act like it. It is big waste of time, to try to call an SW, only to find she is requesting money. 2-5 times the street rate, or are trying to pose as Escorts. I am a street price person, and anything above that, is not my Cup-of-Tea.

If I were going to use an Escort, I would use Escorts posting on our forum, and to date I have not use them.

This is just to let some of the member know I have called your SW referrals and very few have ever panned out. I still appreciate the help, and I still will continue to ask or exchange numbers. So far this is hard to process, when you really don't know the SW or have no real intell on her. This is complicated even more when you haven't ever seen her. So we are almost always going into any arrangement somewhat in the fog.

I hope this information, will answer the question PMed to me asking about their referrals. I will only give details via PM, just to keep their referral confidential, as well as the member giving the Intell, and Info.

Thanks for Everything!

09-14-11, 19:48
I almost thought this foum had outlived its useful life and I was just about ready to follow in the steps of assman and surrender my handle. Glad to see that we are back to having Escorts posting in the "advertising with no comments" thread, warning one another of possible ripoffs and LE infiltration, and providing reviews of our experiences banging pay-to-play pussy.

I think sometimes all of us need to be a little thicker skinned and to choose our battles here wisely. Keep up the good work gentlemen!

09-14-11, 20:59
I almost thought this foum had outlived its useful life and I was just about ready to follow in the steps of assman and surrender my handle. Glad to see that we are back to having Escorts posting in the "advertising with no comments" thread, warning one another of possible ripoffs and LE infiltration, and providing reviews of our experiences banging pay-to-play pussy.

I think sometimes all of us need to be a little thicker skinned and to choose our battles here wisely. Keep up the good work gentlemen!As a first timer on this site. I would have to agree. It is a great thing to look out for each other. Its as good for the girls as it is for the guys to know who the bad people are. Everyone should be entitled to buy, sell or give away what is there's including your body.

09-15-11, 21:14
Advertises in the Craigslist cas section.

In my dream, I spent about $$ and had a nightmare. She brought drugs to my location, lackluster performance, and really, I was better off spending the $$ on myself. Heavy smoker. Brings drama, and doesn't have her own transportation (she asked for cab money back to her house when she left). If you want an Asian girl who will tell you no more than what your ex-wife did, then this is the girl for you. Otherwise, stay the hell away from her.


09-22-11, 16:47
Congrats on an Excellent first post. Sorry you had to TOFTT; I tried to, but she blew me off. Sounds like I dodged a bullet. The drama, the drama-I sure as hell don't need it!

Advertises in the Craigslist cas section.

In my dream, I spent about $$ and had a nightmare. She brought drugs to my location, lackluster performance, and really, I was better off spending the $$ on myself. Heavy smoker. Brings drama, and doesn't have her own transportation (she asked for cab money back to her house when she left). If you want an Asian girl who will tell you no more than what your ex-wife did, then this is the girl for you. Otherwise, stay the hell away from her.


09-22-11, 16:58
Speaking of drama, what is it with this girl?


I had tried to see her a few weeks ago, and at the last second she blew me off-as in disappeared and would not answer phone, not in the good way. I posted about it at the time.

But others have had good experiences with her. And she is beautiful and sexy, and according to reports, has very good skills.

So I let bygones be bygones. And got burned again. We set up a time, she was a bit delayed, no problem, I'll call in ten minutes, and then. Zip zero nada. Suddenly she won't answer the phone; my

Time, gas, etc. Wasted. I'm busy, as I am sure many of you are. So when I set something up, well I expect follow through-especially from an established provider.

If anyone knows the secret handshake or code words or whatever the hell it is that actually gets you in Alaya's door, well let me know. I guess.

Thanks for letting me rant, Crazykev

09-22-11, 22:07
Speaking of drama, what is it with this girl?


I had tried to see her a few weeks ago, and at the last second she blew me off-as in disappeared and would not answer phone, not in the good way. I posted about it at the time.

But others have had good experiences with her. And she is beautiful and sexy, and according to reports, has very good skills.

So I let bygones be bygones. And got burned again. We set up a time, she was a bit delayed, no problem, I'll call in ten minutes, and then. Zip zero nada. Suddenly she won't answer the phone; my

Time, gas, etc. Wasted. I'm busy, as I am sure many of you are. So when I set something up, well I expect follow through-especially from an established provider.

If anyone knows the secret handshake or code words or whatever the hell it is that actually gets you in Alaya's door, well let me know. I guess.

Thanks for letting me rant, CrazykevThat is how she has always been. She is great if she shows or even answers her phone. A few weeks ago she had said that she was retiring, which didn't last long. The only thing that will improve her accountability is when it hurts her pocketbook too much. As always.

09-22-11, 22:32
This may be a crazy idea. But the whole controversy over ******** / Massive7 recently did make me think it might be a good thing to have a thread on here called "Providers Forum," where "Forum Advertisers," or providers generally, could get and share information about how to operate safely. This would not, I hope, be something like "Escorts Defense," never used anymore anyway, for additional sniping about bad reviews of beloved providers. But it would be about useful information on how to do business. Maybe providers get their own version of "22 rules" eventually (obviously there are different factors for SWs, incall, outcall, etc.).=============================================


Restricted "Advertiser Only" forums are a common feature of many escort advertising websites in the country where I live (not the USA). However, their primary purpose is specifically to allow the girls to exchange information on and otherwise warn each other about difficult or abusive customers.

Personally, I've always thought these Advertiser Only" forums were a good idea, and quite likely to be a component of any escort advertising website that I may decided to start.

After all, fair is fair.



09-22-11, 23:01
I think it's awful that providers who happen to get in trouble with le have their mugshots and real name posted here. That's in my opinion, unacceptable and actually makes me nervous to use this site.================================================

Greetings Everyone,

Posting arrest and incarceration reports, mugshots and / or real personal names is strictly prohibited on this forum. I've worked hard to enforce this policy, and taken a great deal of criticism along with having a number of members quit the forum because of this policy, but I firmly believe that posting the names and / or photos of people who have been arrested is morally wrong and really just helping the police in their efforts to embarrass these people.

In addition, given that this website is all about assisting people in obtaining commercial sex services, it seems counterproductive that this website would add to the problems of the unfortunate people who have been arrested by publishing their names and / or photographs.

Let me add that in the country where I live (not the USA) , the entire idea of publicly exposing any chica who was arrested for participating in commercial sex endeavors is completely repulsive. It would be like posting the name and mugshot of a personal friend, but then I guess in the country where I live (not the USA) we typically enjoy friendly relationships with our "girlfriends", all of whom are just regular people trying to pay their bills.

Anyway, that's enough philosophy for one day. The bottom line: All members are encouraged to report all instances of arrest and incarceration reports, mugshots and / or real personal names to me via the "Contact Us" that may be found at the bottom of every page of this forum.



09-23-11, 15:05
Speaking of drama, what is it with this girl?


I had tried to see her a few weeks ago, and at the last second she blew me off-as in disappeared and would not answer phone, not in the good way. I posted about it at the time.

But others have had good experiences with her. And she is beautiful and sexy, and according to reports, has very good skills.

So I let bygones be bygones. And got burned again. We set up a time, she was a bit delayed, no problem, I'll call in ten minutes, and then. Zip zero nada. Suddenly she won't answer the phone; my

Time, gas, etc. Wasted. I'm busy, as I am sure many of you are. So when I set something up, well I expect follow through-especially from an established provider.

If anyone knows the secret handshake or code words or whatever the hell it is that actually gets you in Alaya's door, well let me know. I guess.

Thanks for letting me rant, CrazykevI will say that while I had a positive experience with her, once I got there I called and got no answer. Actually, I had called about 10 minutes in advance to say I'd be 5 minutes late, and she didn't pick up. I went to her location anyway. Tried calling again. Waited around. Started figuring it was a no-show situation and started calling some others for back-up plans. Got a call from her that I missed. Finally connected after a few tries. Then she was a little miffed that I was late. So, yes, I can understand the problem. Overall though, she was worth it. I don't think there's any secret code. Just pure luck. I would just always expect to have a backup plan when trying to visit her. She's not alone in this. I have been amazed how often you'll set a time and then there's no answer when you call right on time. I cut her some slack because I was a little late myself though.

09-23-11, 23:43
I'm new to the guide but not the game. I have seen kitty of florence always straight to buisness not GFE. Jade whos down for what ever, always good service. Penny who is not real trustworthy with new bf. Summer and katy which summer always makes anyone happy. Katy not that into it. Roxy before she left for wv she was sexy and great provider. Here's where I need some help I'm looking for young rockhard body see+tits thats a great time and affordable. I know this is asking alot but with all the scammers its hard to figure out. Any help greatly appreciated.

09-24-11, 01:23
Once again, I found myself in Cincinnati this week. I've not had the best in luck with providers on BP the last few weeks, so I've been perusing the CL section, looking for something to dream about.

I had a dream that I was talking to someone on yahoo, who told me that she couldn't come out, but, she had a friend who could. After an hour's wait to get to my outcall which was 'just around the corner, ' $$ brought a BBBJ, along her realizing that shark week was starting. On my sheets. She finished up the task, and offered up some covered ATM action to apologize for the sharky mess on the sheets. Sadly, a few days later, I started getting text messages from a number ending in 8188 begging me to see her again. Apparently she had a bunch of home drama that she thought that I actually gave a flying fuck about. Ultimately, it ended with me throwing away my google voice number for the next time that I'm in Cincy. Stay safe out there, guys and gals!

09-25-11, 22:01
After getting tired of burning one of my minutes daily to find out that she still had none of her minutes, I rolled the dice on Labor Day and bought a. 15 phone card to juice up her phone. We make plans to meet that night after dark. Sunset finally comes along and now she goes MIA again and stops responding to messages! Oh well, that seems to be par for the course but I thought is was worth a shot. Eventially a couple weeks later the phone goes dark again.

Now today I get a call from a strange number and its Natasha. To make a long story short. Life had gotten in the way and she now wants to make up for what had happened on Labor Day. Allowing the photo shoot was part of the making up (enjoy the pics and sorry but the promise was to crop out the face). After the shoot about 40 minutes of GFE followed. She had a safe in-call location available and should continue to have it for the rest of this week. She also has use of "temporary" digits for this week and is seeking to reconnect with friends and perhaps make some new ones too if I know you.

Mister Nky
09-26-11, 08:58
I'm new to the guide but not the game. I have seen kitty of florence always straight to buisness not GFE. Jade whos down for what ever, always good service. Penny who is not real trustworthy with new bf. Summer and katy which summer always makes anyone happy. Katy not that into it. Roxy before she left for wv she was sexy and great provider. Here's where I need some help I'm looking for young rockhard body see+tits thats a great time and affordable. I know this is asking alot but with all the scammers its hard to figure out. Any help greatly appreciated.Summer is more into it than katy.

09-26-11, 12:58
Summer is more into it than katy.Can not go wrong with Petra (Pet). Great attitude, body and the price is right.

Mr Boombastic
09-26-11, 14:23
Last Spring I was given Natasha's number if we are talking about the same one, and I called her, to arrange a date, and she told me she didn't have time. Not that she was busy with dates, wasn't taking on anymore people. It's that she had enough to do and I was one too many. So I told her okay and never called her again. That was a new one for me. An SW turning down business. I know she was not that booked, and I gave her the safe, name so she knew I wasn't LE.

I just hooked up with another referral, and it was CooL.

So if she is the same one then it is good to know she could have used the extra income. I have kinda lost my interest, and she will have to post a few facial pix for me to be interested in, because a pair of Big Tits is a Dime-A-Dozen. I need to get a lot more info & pix to make a call for my taste.

I am not telling anyone not to use her services, but I am saying that any SW that all of a sudden needs to get back in service and is willing to deal, needs Money. That can be a good or very Bad thing. You need to make your choice, but you need to make an informed choice. Once you have all the information then your choice can be made, as best you can make it at that time.

Remember it really is your Money, and your Money is Your Money. No One Else's Too Do With. Spent it Well, because YOU Earned It!

Make an "Informed Choice" and " Never Pay in Advance "

After getting tired of burning one of my minutes daily to find out that she still had none of her minutes, I rolled the dice on Labor Day and bought a. 15 phone card to juice up her phone. We make plans to meet that night after dark. Sunset finally comes along and now she goes MIA again and stops responding to messages! Oh well, that seems to be par for the course but I thought is was worth a shot. Eventially a couple weeks later the phone goes dark again.

Now today I get a call from a strange number and its Natasha. To make a long story short. Life had gotten in the way and she now wants to make up for what had happened on Labor Day. Allowing the photo shoot was part of the making up (enjoy the pics and sorry but the promise was to crop out the face). After the shoot about 40 minutes of GFE followed. She had a safe in-call location available and should continue to have it for the rest of this week. She also has use of "temporary" digits for this week and is seeking to reconnect with friends and perhaps make some new ones too if I know you.

10-06-11, 19:18
I noticed on the courts web that there was alot of men arrested today. Also driving home from work thru LPH there was a blonde with hair pulled back on State. Parked directly across the street was a white Yukon, and down the street on a side road was 2 cruisers. This was around three this afternoon.

10-07-11, 06:37
The number of reports about an (attractive?) blonde apparently offering up service but probably being part of a sting is (for me) conclusive enough of intensified LE sting presence. We may need to add a new rule:

Use extreme caution if she looks too good to be true (you know: TGTBT). Do NOT pick up on the first pass, scope out possible surveillance cars, don't make radical U turns, drive away if she doesn't jump right in (you were wrong about who she is-you THOUGHT she was a friend in need of a ride.)

As important as this forum is for valuable information on enjoyable providers, it is (IMHO) equally important at alerting us to avoiding the headline-grabbing efforts of LE against non-violent "offenders". LE in this role is strictly analogous to Iranian "moral police" who arrest people on the streets who violate strict religious mores but pose no risk to the general population.

To all the lurkers out there: our collective eyes will make the cruise less risky, both from LE and from "cash and dash" ladies. Please contribute your observations to the forum. Reports such as MrNails form the core of avoiding contact with LE.


I noticed on the courts web that there was alot of men arrested today. Also driving home from work thru LPH there was a blonde with hair pulled back on State. Parked directly across the street was a white Yukon, and down the street on a side road was 2 cruisers. This was around three this afternoon.

10-07-11, 12:00
Back in the Nati (finally). Hope all are well. Look to get out and see the sights again soon.

Be safe.


10-08-11, 07:46
And can be useful: http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?feedId=2678

10-17-11, 09:05
It was good to finally hook up with Natasha again (referenced below by Ceenote). While she may have been in the SW arena in the past she has cleaned up her act. The skills are undeniable and my recent visit ranks among the best from any provider. She's worth the trip and the time.

Wingman Todd
10-18-11, 22:48
I went to Home Depot at off of beechmont tonght for some plumbing supplies (YES!) , and decided to pull into Micky"ds for a bit to eat. Crap! To Union Twnship overlooking the Red Roof facing the property and another cruising the perimeter. Went on to Home Depot and observed 2 other cruisers on top of the of hill over looking the the back part of the RRinn. Guys, something ain't right at this time there! Talked to a well known provider and she had already moved her base camp due to intel. Stay away for awhile! IT IS HOT!


10-19-11, 06:44
You are correct. I noticed this a few days ago.

SnoJoin date is important. I've spotted and reported members who start posting stellar reviews of providers and try to get "inside info" claiming long time status when in fact they joined a day ago. That smells either of LE or or a provider rating herself (Savannah. Dayton). Would love to see join date back.

10-20-11, 08:19
Well thanks for the info my friend. By chance is the hot redhead down there? She has eluded me in the past, let me know if you see her.

WE have to put up with you again! LOL! And yes, I now know who you are, but that will be our secret! BTW, the girls on Beecmont are now more in town and off of Corbly and around Krogers! I do see them out there all the time on the way to and from work. For me, not interested! Just troll as you do best!


This place sure has gone to shit lately. Been a while since I posted, but it seems like it's a damn chat room now. Where is all the good info? Let's get this site back to the way it was intended to be! Those of you who know me know who I am and who I was before retirement, so you guys pm me!

10-23-11, 15:21
Either a bunch of co-eds and other young women got wild and crazy, or there was a bust somewhere judging by the latest round of mugshots on CMS. Anyone got any info (I haven't scanned the news sites yet).

10-23-11, 15:45
Perhaps they are just the folks who got arrested as part of Occupy Cincinnati. They arrested a bunch of young people this morning. All of those mug shots seem to have been booked about 8:30 AM this morning. They all look too well groomed to have been part of a real bust.

Either a bunch of co-eds and other young women got wild and crazy, or there was a bust somewhere judging by the latest round of mugshots on CMS. Anyone got any info (I haven't scanned the news sites yet).

10-23-11, 15:48
Either a bunch of co-eds and other young women got wild and crazy, or there was a bust somewhere judging by the latest round of mugshots on CMS. Anyone got any info (I haven't scanned the news sites yet).They're civilians. Looking at their backgrounds. Has to be the group from Occupy Cincinnati. I think they arrested 11 last night down on Fountain Square. Other than the one with the facebook hobbies "I love drinking, smoking, and I'm addicted to shopping", my guess it their priors are, at worst, jaywalking. Maybe I should start me some protesting, eh?

10-23-11, 23:02
Does anyone know of any providers that do Male-Male-Female threeway, where they can provide the other male? It's something I've always wanted to try, but it's a personal thing and I wouldn't want to include anyone I know. I was hoping someone out there provides this service. Any info is appreciated.

10-27-11, 13:22
Greetings Everyone,

I recently cleaned up this thread by deleting a number of off-topic and otherwise pointless posts, as well as a number responses made by other forum members to these deleted posts.

In addition, I have taken the following actions:

1. I have identified "Phoenixhil22" as a pimp. I do not permit pimps to work on my forum, and thus I have deleted everything he / she has ever posted. In the future, Phoenixhil22 is only permitted to promote herself (if he / she is a girl) , and is specificaly not permitted to argue with or critize other members and / or other advertisers or to post ads for other girls.

2. I have identified "Massive7" as a pimp. I do not permit pimps to work on my forum, and thus I have deleted everything he / she has ever posted. In the future, Massive7 is only permitted to promote herself (if he / she is a girl) , and is specificaly not permitted to argue with or critize other members and / or other advertisers or to post ads for other girls.

This cleanup process is not perfect, and it's possible that I may have inadvertently deleted a few otherwise legitimate posts. If you find that your own report was also deleted, please don't take it personally.



Wingman Todd
10-27-11, 21:52
I will be the first to say sorry to see Massive7 go. In the beginning there was no trust between us. However over the past year we got to know each other and became good friends. Not everyone is into agency's and that is fine. Your choice! I had learned to have a great respect with him and shared many a few laughs over the times. However, it is not our site, but Jackson's. I respect that. Buddah, however is not a pimp! He runs a well thought of and respected agency that many have enjoyed when using the services of the ladies he has discovered. He can be found now on the site in the Indy-ianna area of the midwest. Just my humble thoughts on this subject!


10-28-11, 06:52
I will be the first to say sorry to see Massive7 go. In the beginning there was no trust between us. However over the past year we got to know each other and became good friends. Not everyone is into agency's and that is fine. Your choice! I had learned to have a great respect with him and shared many a few laughs over the times. However, it is not our site, but Jackson's. I respect that. Buddah, however is not a pimp! He runs a well thought of and respected agency that many have enjoyed when using the services of the ladies he has discovered. He can be found now on the site in the Indy-ianna area of the midwest. Just my humble thoughts on this subject!

WmI agree. It's Jackson's site to he makes the rules, but Buddah has been a great asset. It is a well run agency and he takes care of things to keep it safe. It should be noted that there were virtually NO negative comments on this board about Buddah's referrals. Only praise by many senior members, That's statistically better then average.

Member #3995
10-28-11, 08:04
I guess the old saying is true. Pimpin' ain't easy!

I too will be sad to see Buddah go. Had nothing but positive experiences with him and will continue to use his services in the future.

10-28-11, 15:26
Anyone here ever heard of "The Bikini Barber" I got an interesting tweet about a week ago about this lady on twitter calling herself "The Bikini Barber" wondering if any of you know if its legit or what can one expect? Tried doing some research but wasn't able to come up with anything. Any help would be appreciated!


Just Buddah
10-28-11, 16:27
As I am no longer permitted to do business on this site (a decision I respect Jackson for) I have dropped the handle I did business under and now I am Just Buddah a regular guy not working here. I will not post or answer anything about my work.

I have friends here so kudos to Jackson for allowing me to stay as a forum poster. This will be fun to partake in conversations I would not have before.

Just Buddah

10-31-11, 19:52
Anyone here ever heard of "The Bikini Barber" I got an interesting tweet about a week ago about this lady on twitter calling herself "The Bikini Barber" wondering if any of you know if its legit or what can one expect? Tried doing some research but wasn't able to come up with anything. Any help would be appreciated!

http://twitter.com/TheBikiniBarberThe girl has quite the body thats for sure. If you watch the one video of her in the ring I am not certain that I would want to spar with her because she looks like she knows what she is doing! But overall after watching her Youu tube vids I lost interest. IMHO she looks to be a fame seeker who has a close inner circle of promoters that are trying to assist her in getting noticed in whatever way that might be.

If she really is a barber though I wouldn't mind admiring that body while getting a haircut. She would need to leave the posse behind though, charge not much more than Great Clip prices, and preferably bring another female friend that might be more skilled in the conversational arts. One who could talk about herself in some other fashion than what area code she's out of. This is Cee from the 513. Peace Out.

11-01-11, 01:12
Ok I'm putting this out there before it comes up. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread but here goes, I was supposed to meet a gent from this site last night Oct. 31. He was supposed to contact me when he reached my incall location for further instuctions at about midnight which is exactly when my phone stopped recieving calls because I needed to add more airtime and didn't realize it. I wasn't able to call or txt him back after I corrected the phone situation because he used a resticted number and I cannot recall what his handle is here, but I do remember the real life name he called himself. If this was you and you are reading this I'm very sorry, please pm so I can make it up to you.

11-01-11, 07:53
Ok I'm putting this out there before it comes up. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread but here goes, I was supposed to meet a gent from this site last night Oct. 31. He was supposed to contact me when he reached my incall location for further instuctions at about midnight which is exactly when my phone stopped recieving calls because I needed to add more airtime and didn't realize it. I wasn't able to call or txt him back after I corrected the phone situation because he used a resticted number and I cannot recall what his handle is here, but I do remember the real life name he called himself. If this was you and you are reading this I'm very sorry, please pm so I can make it up to you.It is one reason for guys not to use restricted numbers, so the fault is not all on you at all.

Steve McQween
11-01-11, 08:49
Ok I'm putting this out there before it comes up. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread but here goes, I was supposed to meet a gent from this site last night Oct. 31. He was supposed to contact me when he reached my incall location for further instuctions at about midnight which is exactly when my phone stopped recieving calls because I needed to add more airtime and didn't realize it. I wasn't able to call or txt him back after I corrected the phone situation because he used a resticted number and I cannot recall what his handle is here, but I do remember the real life name he called himself. If this was you and you are reading this I'm very sorry, please pm so I can make it up to you.Now thats service.

Mister Nky
11-01-11, 10:54
If Jade was staying one more it would be great. But I will miss out. You be safe up in browns cavs territory hun.

11-01-11, 12:03
Any provider worth her donation knows that a girls rep is 99% of how you will do in this business. You can call me slutgirl, but don't call me a shoddy provider, LOL. I happen to love my current occupation, and even with some schooling under my belt, would not be able to make this income any other way. So yes, I look at it as a customer service that I am providing and am willing to bite the bullet to make it right. But, all of that aside, I also know that karma is real and she's a *****. My time is (usually) valuable and I hate when it's wasted, so I can't knowingly do it to somebody else and at least not try to make it right? Thanks guys, at least I tried.

A side note, I also don't usually answer restricted calls, but I wasn't busy and after the third time I picked up. I totally get that we all need to be discreet and careful. This is not my original idea, it's been discussed here before, but I use a cheap $11 phone you can get at wally world and find airtime to add to it at any gastation. It's disposable in case I need it to be and not hard to replace. Also doesn't cost anything if you don't use it.

Jade Slutgirlinky

11-03-11, 09:50
Its a damn shame that others providers here aren't as classy and strait forward as you are doll. I haven't got to see you yet but if you come back soon I will make it a point to see you immediately. Your awesome and maybe others here will learn what a real woman is like.

Ok I'm putting this out there before it comes up. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread but here goes, I was supposed to meet a gent from this site last night Oct. 31. He was supposed to contact me when he reached my incall location for further instuctions at about midnight which is exactly when my phone stopped recieving calls because I needed to add more airtime and didn't realize it. I wasn't able to call or txt him back after I corrected the phone situation because he used a resticted number and I cannot recall what his handle is here, but I do remember the real life name he called himself. If this was you and you are reading this I'm very sorry, please pm so I can make it up to you.

Shy Guy 64
11-03-11, 13:58
Hey, Guys,

Every once and a while, there is a Craigslist ad which appears in the Cincinnati Craigslist Casual Encounters which has a pic of a blonde with curly hair, amazing legs, and her face blurred out. It asks if you would like to take a ride in her van and receive a BJ while on the road. The ad is usually flagged within minutes but today I responded to the ad and despite my fears, (like being set up for a robbery or fake picture or kidnapping me. LOL) it was soooo worth it.

There is a dude driving the van with tinted windows and they will pick you up in a parking lot close to you. You sit in the back with "Susie" and basically make out with her until she strips your pants off and becomes a human vacuum cleaner. Holy Cow. I couldn't believe it. She was sexy, her face was beautiful, she was wearing sexy business attire, and her body was amazing. The dude drives the van onto the interstate and when you have screamed, Uncle. He drives you back to your car. The best part of this whole deal is that she absolutely loves it. She is not acting. She loves BBBJCIM and doesn't hold back at all. PM for details.

11-03-11, 18:17
Its a damn shame that others providers here aren't as classy and strait forward as you are doll. I haven't got to see you yet but if you come back soon I will make it a point to see you immediately. Your awesome and maybe others here will learn what a real woman is like.A guy told me that he was the one who Jade had the unfortunate problem with her phone. He said she more than made up for it the next evening and that if you can get past the BBW aspect, Jade is simply the best, a real sweetheart, true GFE who absolutely seems to enjoy what she does.

11-04-11, 06:53
Your'e a lucky dude that you got out of the van with all of your organs in place. Going to a strange hotel is bad enough. Picking up a SW might be thrilling to some but it carries the highest LE risk. Getting into a VAN with a male driver who drives you away while you play with his girl in back is plain out CRAZY. What was your plan if he did't stop driving? Live long and prosper (I hope) BTW - I hope your new video that appears on the porn sites is flattering.

Hey, Guys,

Every once and a while, there is a Craigslist ad which appears in the Cincinnati Craigslist Casual Encounters which has a pic of a blonde with curly hair, amazing legs, and her face blurred out. It asks if you would like to take a ride in her van and receive a BJ while on the road. The ad is usually flagged within minutes but today I responded to the ad and despite my fears, (like being set up for a robbery or fake picture or kidnapping me. LOL) it was soooo worth it.

There is a dude driving the van with tinted windows and they will pick you up in a parking lot close to you. You sit in the back with "Susie" and basically make out with her until she strips your pants off and becomes a human vacuum cleaner. Holy Cow. I couldn't believe it. She was sexy, her face was beautiful, she was wearing sexy business attire, and her body was amazing. The dude drives the van onto the interstate and when you have screamed, Uncle. He drives you back to your car. The best part of this whole deal is that she absolutely loves it. She is not acting. She loves BBBJCIM and doesn't hold back at all. PM for details.

11-04-11, 07:43
Your'e a lucky dude that you got out of the van with all of your organs in place. Going to a strange hotel is bad enough. Picking up a SW might be thrilling to some but it carries the highest LE risk. Getting into a VAN with a male driver who drives you away while you play with his girl in back is plain out CRAZY. What was your plan if he did't stop driving? Live long and prosper (I hope) BTW - I hope your new video that appears on the porn sites is flattering.That is an adventure isn't it? I think I might be afraid of that.

No I am certain that is scarey. Good luck boys

11-04-11, 09:52
I was just wondering how you got the handle "ShyGuy"? There ain't nuttin shy about getting into a van with some dude and his gal and going wherever they take you to.

I agree with the other poster; this is nucking futs. Plain and simple. Glad that it worked out for you and that you got your Johnson all wet, but taking this kind of risk isn't going to work out in too many cases; JMHO. You've certainly gotten over your shyness, if in fact you ever were. WOW. Glad you landed safely on this risky adventure. I can't imagine doing so if you are anyway else paid me a handful of Hundo's. Just sayin. Also, it sounds like this is the same Suzy that has been discussed briefly on this board in the past. Interesting approach on her part too.

Hey, Guys,

Every once and a while, there is a Craigslist ad which appears in the Cincinnati Craigslist Casual Encounters which has a pic of a blonde with curly hair, amazing legs, and her face blurred out. It asks if you would like to take a ride in her van and receive a BJ while on the road. The ad is usually flagged within minutes but today I responded to the ad and despite my fears, (like being set up for a robbery or fake picture or kidnapping me. LOL) it was soooo worth it.

There is a dude driving the van with tinted windows and they will pick you up in a parking lot close to you. You sit in the back with "Susie" and basically make out with her until she strips your pants off and becomes a human vacuum cleaner. Holy Cow. I couldn't believe it. She was sexy, her face was beautiful, she was wearing sexy business attire, and her body was amazing. The dude drives the van onto the interstate and when you have screamed, Uncle. He drives you back to your car. The best part of this whole deal is that she absolutely loves it. She is not acting. She loves BBBJCIM and doesn't hold back at all. PM for details.

Member #5623
11-04-11, 10:01
Man, I was thinking the something. You don't sound like a shy guy to me.

Your'e a lucky dude that you got out of the van with all of your organs in place. Going to a strange hotel is bad enough. Picking up a SW might be thrilling to some but it carries the highest LE risk. Getting into a VAN with a male driver who drives you away while you play with his girl in back is plain out CRAZY. What was your plan if he did't stop driving? Live long and prosper (I hope) BTW - I hope your new video that appears on the porn sites is flattering.

11-05-11, 23:03
I just saw the same ad on CL again tonight and they say the van is rolling again from N KY. Sounds like something out of a horror movie.

11-05-11, 23:44
Do you suppose that at the end of a long hard night. The dude parks the van on a hill and hoses out the back end of this puppy? Wonder how much jizzim flows in a typical night in the ole van? But then again, some things are better left unknown. LMAO.

I just saw the same ad on CL again tonight and they say the van is rolling again from N KY. Sounds like something out of a horror movie.

11-06-11, 13:14
She swallows every drop. She even has a seat out of the van to give her more room.

Do you suppose that at the end of a long hard night. The dude parks the van on a hill and hoses out the back end of this puppy? Wonder how much jizzim flows in a typical night in the ole van? But then again, some things are better left unknown. LMAO.

11-06-11, 20:42
She swallows every drop. She even has a seat out of the van to give her more room.So what do you do when she is done? Talk about sports while the guy drives you back?

Sounds like the BANG-VAN videos. Are you SURE there wasn't a camera in the van taking videos.

If so. Hop you were smiling.

11-06-11, 21:40
The drive back is the awkwars time, for sure. But the level of chit chat depends on the dude. No cameras or anything like that, she has a very "real" life and wants discretion. Just a horny woman that gets off on sucking cock. Not much more to it than that.

So what do you do when she is done? Talk about sports while the guy drives you back?

Sounds like the BANG-VAN videos. Are you SURE there wasn't a camera in the van taking videos.

If so. Hop you were smiling.

11-07-11, 14:01
Oh, not disappointed "in" Petra by any means. Technically, I haven't had the chance to be anything with Petra yet.

My disappointment stems from finally having some time set aside to visit this lovely and I have been finding that her mailbox is full time and time again. Would you guys quit calling her and give a brother a chance!

Still hoping but thinking I might have to change direction as time is a terrible thing to waste.

Hope to catch you soon Petra!


Maxim V
11-07-11, 19:10
In town visiting, can you steer me in the right direction for a good BJ, and a good cowgirl rider?

11-07-11, 19:57
The drive back is the awkwars time, for sure. But the level of chit chat depends on the dude. No cameras or anything like that, she has a very "real" life and wants discretion. Just a horny woman that gets off on sucking cock. Not much more to it than that.And you are the Driver. And / or her SO?

I think we have had a similar discussion about that on this site before?

11-08-11, 04:16
Nice observation Varoom. Your post gave me reason to 'look back' on reports previously posted by CT1967. I didn't recognize the handle at first, but certainly remember the earlier 'false report' by 'CT1967' when reading his previous posts. Anyone following the 'van' story will find some interesting reading and be reminded of the questionable integrity of this member? It pays for anyone to look back and come to your own conclusion before buying into this van ride bs. Whether CT1967 is LE, a shill, a driver, the so or just incredibly naive or stupid, it serves a reminder as to why we value the opinions of trusted sr members and look at most noobs with eyes wide open, until they prove themselves worthy.

And you are the Driver. And / or her SO?

I think we have had a similar discussion about that on this site before?

11-08-11, 07:45
Nice observation Varoom. Your post gave me reason to 'look back' on reports previously posted by CT1967. I didn't recognize the handle at first, but certainly remember the earlier 'false report' by 'CT1967' when reading his previous posts. Anyone following the 'van' story will find some interesting reading and be reminded of the questionable integrity of this member? It pays for anyone to look back and come to your own conclusion before buying into this van ride bs. Whether CT1967 is LE, a shill, a driver, the so or just incredibly naive or stupid, it serves a reminder as to why we value the opinions of trusted sr members and look at most noobs with eyes wide open, until they prove themselves worthy.So is THE VAN a Paddy Wagon taking yo to the local booking joint?

11-08-11, 09:40
The drive back is the awkwars time, for sure. But the level of chit chat depends on the dude. No cameras or anything like that, she has a very "real" life and wants discretion. Just a horny woman that gets off on sucking cock. Not much more to it than that.I think this guy is smokin something wierd or he's more bull than shoot.

11-08-11, 12:10
This is the "naive and / or stupid" guy. So what is an "SO"? Sorry, couldn't find the term in the glossary. Did I miss it?

And you are the Driver. And / or her SO?

I think we have had a similar discussion about that on this site before?

11-08-11, 13:24
This is the "naive and / or stupid" guy. So what is an "SO"? Sorry, couldn't find the term in the glossary. Did I miss it?SO would be "significant other".

11-08-11, 13:29
This is the "naive and / or stupid" guy. So what is an "SO"? Sorry, couldn't find the term in the glossary. Did I miss it?SO. "Significant Other". As in boyfriend or husband.

11-08-11, 15:37
That there's less posting of useful information on these forums, take a look at the crap being served up on the Backpage thread, or the fact that the most interesting thing on this one is probably fictitious. All of the stupidity drowns out and chases away any useful information anyway. Even things that used to be mostly useful, like Ripoff Reports, quickly descend into little high-fiving sessions by some of the regulars at times. There may well be a "silent majority" of readers who make good use of the info, aren't axxholes and don't constantly post useless drivel. But that's not the impression you get from reading what's on here for the most part.

11-08-11, 16:55
This is the "naive and / or stupid" guy. So what is an "SO"? Sorry, couldn't find the term in the glossary. Did I miss it?SO = Significant Other, ie husband, boyfriend, etc.

11-08-11, 18:29
I did some posting on CL to find out more about the van and I was told that the guy sucks you too. So if they drive you away from your car and then the guy wants to suck you in order to drive you back. WTF are you going to do?

11-08-11, 18:36
I did some posting on CL to find out more about the van and I was told that the guy sucks you too. So if they drive you away from your car and then the guy wants to suck you in order to drive you back. WTF are you going to do?My photo would be on cincymugshots. Com, because I would be seriously injuring him, if not killing his azz.

That program isn't going to happen, and I don't care how big a dude he is.

11-08-11, 20:20
Nice observation Varoom. Your post gave me reason to 'look back' on reports previously posted by CT1967. I didn't recognize the handle at first, but certainly remember the earlier 'false report' by 'CT1967' when reading his previous posts. Anyone following the 'van' story will find some interesting reading and be reminded of the questionable integrity of this member? It pays for anyone to look back and come to your own conclusion before buying into this van ride bs. Whether CT1967 is LE, a shill, a driver, the so or just incredibly naive or stupid, it serves a reminder as to why we value the opinions of trusted sr members and look at most noobs with eyes wide open, until they prove themselves worthy.I was just reading this entertaining soap opera and had a question.

What happened to Shy Guy 64? He was the original poster about the van. CT1967 chimes in and takes over the story. Notice how Shy Guy 64 and CT1967 have very similar writing styles, just like CT1967 and XUfan did.

This guy is either the stupidest cop ever or a serious tool.

11-08-11, 22:07
I checked this out and noticed the same thing. Nice work bobo. Another thing, I asked for intel on the scooby doo van, and was told via pm to email her direct email account, but mention this site, and my handle on here. Now all due respect, but something just seems fishy to me. Shyguy may be a strait up cat, but certainly he doesn't think we are that naive. Just my observation.

I was just reading this entertaining soap opera and had a question.

What happened to Shy Guy 64? He was the original poster about the van. CT1967 chimes in and takes over the story. Notice how Shy Guy 64 and CT1967 have very similar writing styles, just like CT1967 and XUfan did.

This guy is either the stupidest cop ever or a serious tool.

11-08-11, 23:44
Thanks. And yes, I am the "SO". This forum can be absolutely hysterical. I especially like the "I did some checking on CL and the guy sucks you, too". Man, if I could drive a van AND being sucking a cock in the backseat I would be some kind of amazing contortionist! Also, the "Notice the similar writing styles". I have read this on here many times. Seems this guy should be some kind of writing analysis expert.

Anyway, I appreciate all of the Private Messages from sane, laid back, curious guys. Good to know there are some regular guys that prefer to avoid paranoia as a modus operandi and want to take the time to know some facts before deciding they "know" everything about an opportunity or situation.

I await the responses from the "Senior Members" who certainly make this so damn entertaining!

SO. "Significant Other". As in boyfriend or husband.

11-09-11, 09:08
Thanks. And yes, I am the "SO". This forum can be absolutely hysterical. I especially like the "I did some checking on CL and the guy sucks you, too". Man, if I could drive a van AND being sucking a cock in the backseat I would be some kind of amazing contortionist! Also, the "Notice the similar writing styles". I have read this on here many times. Seems this guy should be some kind of writing analysis expert.

Anyway, I appreciate all of the Private Messages from sane, laid back, curious guys. Good to know there are some regular guys that prefer to avoid paranoia as a modus operandi and want to take the time to know some facts before deciding they "know" everything about an opportunity or situation.

I await the responses from the "Senior Members" who certainly make this so damn entertaining!"avoid paranoia as a modus operandi"

You got busted twice for lying on this forum, you give paranoia a good name.

"take the time to know some facts"

You posted false reviews. How do we get "facts" from your lies?

I was right, you're a serious tool.

Shy Guy 64
11-09-11, 10:56
This is Shy Guy again. I am not the same person as CT1967. I posted because I thought you guys would be interested in a positive review of a great provider. I had a great time and no. I did not have to let the driver do anything to me to get my ride back. It was a very exciting and ultimately relaxing time with a very nice and beautiful lady. You guys have turned it into a circus. I have sent PMs to interested parties and hopefully they will receive the same joyful experience that I did on my ride. I am done posting on here because it causes way too much drama. It's ridiculous.