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08-19-13, 16:57
I am 60 and have been in the hobby for 18 years.

BTW sometimes I ask providers about thier schedules and so forth. Most of their customers are married guys, and their busiest days are Monday and Tuesday which surprised me

08-19-13, 16:58
I'm 50, and started 32 years ago, also ex Navy, mostly Med, Europe.

Back in 1980, a beer was about the same cost as a girl, in Lisbon.

It most definitely was not high-end, but at 18 I had much lower standards!

The number is probably over one hundred.I started in the navy also, San Juan the women were hot and the price was cheap. 15 plus. 05 for the room if any sailors ever went to San Juan do you remember the black angus bar?

08-19-13, 17:15
35, been doing this for about 8 months. Not counting 2 isolated instances prior to that, in Vegas, etc.

It'd be interesting to know why guys / gals started doing this.Why? Well that is complicated. Mostly summed up by the fact that I was never that successful and hooking up / one-night stands like a lot of my friends. I went home alone many of nights when doing the bar scene or would be the awkward 3rd or 5th wheel. I have a social anxiety issue. After college, I lived with a buddy for a year and I banged one chick (receptionist at work) and he had like 8 different girls. There's a myriad of other reasons too but I will spare everyone.

08-19-13, 17:46
I'm 64.

Started when I was in my 40's.

# of providers I've seen. More than I can count on my my fingers, toes

08-19-13, 19:07
Ha! That's awesome.

Was this all in Argentina? Care to give a US $ amount for all that action?The vast majority here, prolly less than 20K give or take. I average between 30-50 a date. Lately it's been going up so prolly 40-60 a date mostly with the occasional higher dollar treat thrown in.

08-19-13, 19:24
Survey:Age: Fifties.

Years in Hobby: About 25.

Frequency: Between 70 and 80 sessions per year, mostly regulars with the occasional dalliance with a new lady, but that mostly happens when out of town, or when a new lady strikes my fancy or inquires about squirting, since I love being present for that "wide-eyed" OMG it really does happen epiphany.

08-19-13, 19:25
68. Can't wait till next year when I'm 69, LOL.

Started maybe 4 years ago. Have seen between 20-30.

Expense is limiting. Otherwise, so many, so little time, sigh.

Did have a period between 20-30yo of about a 15 times.

08-19-13, 19:32
I am 71, and I have been in the hobby for about 6 years. I have been with at least 10 different young women, but now see only a few repeat ATF's.

08-19-13, 19:52
Low Fifties and in the hobby for about 15 years.

The bill to date works out to about $35k unless I throw such things as hotel rooms, meet and greet fees, meals, etc and then it really spirals up.

Total number of ladies, well I had over 50 reviews on the large canine board before I stopped posting reviews there in 2009 (and I didn't post reviews for everyone I saw)

So the number has to be well north of 100, more if I add in civilians.

And I'll add another question into the survey.

Most off the wall "appointment"

Went out to a strip club after a social and the lady I had an appointment with earlier that evening introduced me to her roommate that danced at the club. Long story, short, wound up back at their apartment for what turned into an unplanned 3 hour freebie from the roommate which continued every evening for the next 3 days with 1 or more of the other dancers. Total hobby cost for the week, $600 (including the planned appointment, 5 bottles of Jack, buying breakfast at Denny's or Perkins the next few mornings, and a 12 pack of Diet 7Up).

08-19-13, 19:58
I am 64.

Been in the hobby for ten years.

In the past probably one or two visits a month. Under the radar for the last 6 months with health concerns Hoping to return to activity some day.


08-19-13, 20:06
Hi, Just wanted to apologize to those that attempted to reach me today due to the availability I posted in my Monday Ad. I got ahead of myself and forgot I had prior obligation's with my personal life. Sorry for the miss leading post.



08-19-13, 20:29
65 years of age. Been hobbying 3 years, usually once, sometimes twice a month. Have seen about ten different providers, prefer to repeat if I feel comfortable with someone.

08-19-13, 20:33
34 years old and first encounter was the various legal houses in western Europe 10 years ago. I played very intermittently until about a year ago. I rarely repeat because I'm in this for the variety.

08-19-13, 21:57
The vast majority here, prolly less than 20K give or take. I average between 30-50 a date. Lately it's been going up so prolly 40-60 a date mostly with the occasional higher dollar treat thrown in.With the Blue Dollars now trading at about 8. 5:1 it's like using your petty cash jar.

08-20-13, 07:15
And I'll add another question into the survey.

Most off the wall "appointment"I had two that standout, more so for being dangerous and stupid. First, just out of college some older guys I knew bragged about picking up SW on vine and it intrigued me. After a friend's wedding downtown, dressed in a tux, I picked up a SW near vine. I was wasted and she wasn't doing it for me so I asked her if she had any friends. She took me into this dump apt to meet her friends. It was me, the two girls sitting on a bed and some other guys who were doing drugs across the room. I vaguely remember cockroaches climbing on the wall. I was so wasted that nothing really happened and I quickly left. I was lucky that nothing bad happened to me. I mean I am a 20-something white kid with a nice car and wearing a tuxedo going into this crack house.

Second one, was with a low end BP provider (Penny) who is not around anymore. It was my second date with her. I picked her up and she said it would be a FS car date which is not up my alley so she took me to her friend / supplier's house and completed the dream in this nasty basement.

08-20-13, 07:26
Excluding professionals (pay for play) , how many women have you had sex with since losing your virginity? One could surmise that the those with the most number of hobby years/$ spent have the fewest number of non-pro relationships and encounters. Then again, maybe not.

Jay Malibu
08-20-13, 07:46
Excluding professionals (pay for play) , how many women have you had sex with since losing your virginity? One could surmise that the those with the most number of hobby years/$ spent have the fewest number of non-pro relationships and encounters. Then again, maybe not.When I was much younger, I worked downtown Cincy and was getting laid. Mostly one-night stands almost weekly. I kept track and got around 150 or so. Sometimes I would drink them pretty and woke up the next morning with a few that surprised me! LOL. Several marrage (s) later, and a lot older, I started to hobby during trips to Detroit where I could slip over to Windsor where it was really easy and eventually legal. I have over 120 reviews on the oThER site and have probably seen double that number since the review criteria there is so restrictive there. These days I prefer to stick to UTR favorites that I've gotten to know well.

Member #5150
08-20-13, 08:48
The black angus, oh yea sometimes I was to drunk to remember the details but always a great time.

I started in the navy also, San Juan the women were hot and the price was cheap. 15 plus. 05 for the room if any sailors ever went to San Juan do you remember the black angus bar?

08-20-13, 09:50
I have a feeling that anyone up in the 1000's isn't going to admit it.

08-20-13, 10:00
I have been with 9 women other than my wife, all those were in a 15 year period of my 30's and 40's.

I stopped seeing non- pros after the last one called my wife 13 years ago. Ever since then I have limited myself to pros even though I have had at least one other offer for some non. Pro action. The pain caused by that event 13 years ago makes the "professional option" the only option for me.

I am one of those guys who married the first girl who would have sex with him, and that was 40 + years ago. For wifey, a big "O" twice a month is all she wants. I am more needy than that. It does get expensive. I wonder how guys who are not self employed can get the funds?


08-20-13, 10:43
Excluding professionals (pay for play) , how many women have you had sex with since losing your virginity? One could surmise that the those with the most number of hobby years/$ spent have the fewest number of non-pro relationships and encounters. Then again, maybe not.No count on non-pros; (just a guess it might be 500ish). Very active in the sexual revolution of the 70's & early 80's, all shapes, sizes and nationalities, three-some and four-somes, mother-daughter together on two seperate occassions; pretty much lived to get laid. It was so easy to get laid in those days, (pre hiv and herpes) it was there for the asking. Multiple partners in a day was not uncommon.

Began hobbying in the late 80's, so about 25 yrs ago, or so. I'm Sixty-something in age (wow, did I just say that?) I look in the mirror and wonder who that 'old fuck' is staring back at me. Used to hobby twice a week early on, now down to 2-3 times per month avg these days, mostly UTR ladies. More fortunately than unfortunately, the drive is not what it once was.

08-20-13, 12:41
I have a feeling that anyone up in the 1000's isn't going to admit it.In my younger years I had a job where pussy literally fell into my lap with very little work. Before I ever started mongering my number was over 500. I'm not boasting, all the guys that did what I used to do, where I used to do it, were getting crazy pussy. It had nothing to do with me, I just held out the bucket to collect the rainwater that was falling on my head.

Cowboy Me
08-20-13, 13:00
In my younger years I had a job where pussy literally fell into my lap with very little work. Before I ever started mongering my number was over 500. I'm not boasting, all the guys that did what I used to do, where I used to do it, were getting crazy pussy. It had nothing to do with me, I just held out the bucket to collect the rainwater that was falling on my head.OK got to ask about the job, something with a band I am guessing. Just curious about what got the girls in "That state of mind" to collect. Oh damn unless it was what my "friend" well high school acquaintance used to do a few decades ago in daytona as "salesman" yep that worked for him but me I never been a good salesman nor wanted his job. Lmao

08-20-13, 13:23
No count on non-pros; (just a guess it might be 500ish). Very active in the sexual revolution of the 70's & early 80's, all shapes, sizes and nationalities, three-some and four-somes, mother-daughter together on two seperate occassions; pretty much lived to get laid. It was so easy to get laid in those days, (pre hiv and herpes) it was there for the asking. Multiple partners in a day was not uncommon.

Began hobbying in the late 80's, so about 25 yrs ago, or so. I'm Sixty-something in age (wow, did I just say that?) I look in the mirror and wonder who that 'old fuck' is staring back at me. Used to hobby twice a week early on, now down to 2-3 times per month avg these days, mostly UTR ladies. More fortunately than unfortunately, the drive is not what it once was.Same here, probably around 500 plus. I lost my virginity in a border town in Mexico when I was about 14. I too am in my 60's and now only see two or three a month. I don't look in the mirror if I can avoid it! But I think that I enjoy the ladies now just as much as in my younger days.

08-20-13, 13:36
OK got to ask about the job, something with a band I am guessing. Just curious about what got the girls in "That state of mind" to collect. Oh damn unless it was what my "friend" well high school acquaintance used to do a few decades ago in daytona as "salesman" yep that worked for him but me I never been a good salesman nor wanted his job. LmaoI just don't want to give out too many identifying details, it was a job, not a gig, where I got to interact with 4-500 collage age chicks in a party mood every week. If you're a hunter and 200 deer a day walk under your blind, you're going to bag some deer. It doesn't mean you're a great hunter, it just means you found the right place at the right time.

Number one everyday jobs for scoring non-pros;

DJ at tittybar

Any other job at a titty bar

Bartender at a bar popular with your preferred type of chicks


08-20-13, 13:39
Thanks to all the Mongers and Providers who have responded to my survey either on here or via PM. I'll keep the survey running for a few more days and then I will post the results.

This has been a fun survey. I'm looking forward to compiling all the numbers. I would like to hear from a few more Providers, though. Only a few have responded, but I get that.

Talk to you all soon!

Hi All,

I wanted to put a couple of survey questions out for Mongers and Providers. Strictly optional, of course. My purpose for these questions is nothing more than curiosity.

I have been a Monger for about 15 years, but I had to leave the hobby for a couple of years. I recently came back to the hobby with this screen name. In case you're wondering, my old screen name was naam456, in case you want to, look up some of my old posts. Anyway.

I am curious to know a few things.

For the Mongers, what is your age? That's it. I'm just curious to know the average age of the Mongers on here. You can reply here or you can send me a PM (or tell me to go to hell. Nothing will be shared by name for anyone who chooses to send me their age via PM. After a couple of weeks, I'll put together the results and report out to everyone. To get started, I am 49.

For the Providers, I assume you will want to respond via PM, if at all. I assure you nothing will be shared that is sent to me via PM that would identify anyone's response by name. I have three questions for you. First, what age man do you prefer to see? Do you tend to have better experiences from guys in their 40's vs. 30's, etc?

The second Provider question is at what age do you think us Mongers should find another hobby? How old is too old? I suspect the answer might be that it's time to find a new hobby when we run out of cash, LOL. But I would like your thoughts.

And question three for the Providers is what is the age, if you know, of the oldest Monger you've ever seen. How did it go?

Thanks all for reading, and thanks in advance to any Mongers or Providers who respond. Like I said, I'll post the general results in a couple of weeks if I get enough responses and no personally identifying info will be shared by me.

Play safe all.

08-20-13, 14:19
Excluding professionals (pay for play) , how many women have you had sex with since losing your virginity? One could surmise that the those with the most number of hobby years/$ spent have the fewest number of non-pro relationships and encounters. Then again, maybe not.9 civilians during college and the few years following college.

17 providers, of which 1 was greek only. Also on top of the 17 are a couple BJ only dates.

08-20-13, 14:23
No count on non-pros; (just a guess it might be 500ish). Very active in the sexual revolution of the 70's & early 80's, all shapes, sizes and nationalities, three-some and four-somes, mother-daughter together on two seperate occassions; pretty much lived to get laid. It was so easy to get laid in those days, (pre hiv and herpes) it was there for the asking. Multiple partners in a day was not uncommon.

Began hobbying in the late 80's, so about 25 yrs ago, or so. I'm Sixty-something in age (wow, did I just say that?) I look in the mirror and wonder who that 'old fuck' is staring back at me. Used to hobby twice a week early on, now down to 2-3 times per month avg these days, mostly UTR ladies. More fortunately than unfortunately, the drive is not what it once was.You need to write a book based on your travels. I thought I was getting to a high number 20-something (counting civilians and providers) and catching up to my friends who are closer to 50-something partners.

Can you reveal any secrets to your success. I mean how do you land a mother-daughter combo?

08-22-13, 20:47
I have never been there. What are the rates? How clean is it? Anything else I should know? Feel free to PM me. Thanks.

08-23-13, 06:57
I have never been there. What are the rates? How clean is it? Anything else I should know? Feel free to PM me. Thanks.It's kinda by Eden park I believe, been awhile since there but cheap. You can pay for 8 hrs for about $25 bucks. Not a Hilton or anything but not ghetto either. If looking to have a place to go for romance and great companionship time I wouldn't refer it but just for an hr or few with a good provider it's an ok place. Once you check in tho you can't leave for anything not even food. Because once you leave that's it, you can't come back in. Been a couple yrs since I was there and it was only once so things may have changed but the old Jerry Springer used to take his girls there. As funny as that is. Hope this helps.

08-23-13, 09:16
You need to write a book based on your travels. I thought I was getting to a high number 20-something (counting civilians and providers) and catching up to my friends who are closer to 50-something partners.

Can you reveal any secrets to your success. I mean how do you land a mother-daughter combo?Lord NO, there will be NO novel; too incriminating. I would have to tame the version or blow the lid off things and that wouldn't fit with my current life situation today. There was no secret to any success, likely part of it would be generational, being sexually wild in the 70's-80's versus today are two diff animals. I was a lounge lizard in that day and had a black book and intel that would choke a horse. If getting laid was the order of the day it could have happened on the hour, every hour of the day, if I could keep getting it up and Lord knows I did my best at that one.

As to the Mother-Daughter situations, it again was more a matter of the times, back when the MILF was burning her bra and declaring sexual independence. Both situations were young 21 yo daughters and fairly HOT Mothers who were late 30's, while I was late 20's and virile as hell. Momma wanted to show she still had it and was really trying to be one of the girls rather than Momma and at the same time show the Daughter sort of a 'how-to-properly-seduce-a-man' tutorial, so who was I to disappoint? Sort of like acting out on a Playboy story, but a real event and I might have been just a demonstration object who was willing and able to bang both of them and fulfill their fantasy too. Being 30 yrs removed from the sexual revolution this activity would be less likely to happen today. [Besides my M-D duo today would likely be a 40 and 60 yo, and that brings on a whole other dynamic, or lack there of. I'll pass].

08-23-13, 11:16
Can I ask A2 to change your title to "Larry Dallas"?

I wish things were like that now. I grew up in the 80's-90's and sex wasn't as freely available. It still isn't.

Stupid HIV. Stupid AIDS. Stupid monkey-fucker who made the AIDS. I guess at some point, getting all the free love, a guy just decides he has To fuck a monkey. Just to be different. What a selfish asshole.Back in the day, [very early 80's, maybe 81-82 if memory serves me right], Herpes actually had more of an impact on the free-for-all-fvck-fest than even HIV. Obviously HIV is much more of a game changer but little was known about it back when I spent more time out of my pants than wearing them. Then Herpes scared the Bee-Jabers out of everyone and it put a halt to the outrageous sex fests. Flashback: I remember one night on a house boat on the Ohio River, there were two guys and four girls, drinkin and partying. Had my way with 3 of the 4 girls on the boat. Drat not a clean sweep. Then I gave two girls a ride home, one of which was the gal that we hadn't had sex together, so when we got to the one gals place we fixed that, had a three-way. Oh, those were the days! To think if vitamin V was available back then. I'm lucky that I survived this era; I pretty much lived to get laid.

08-23-13, 11:28
Lord NO, there will be NO novel; too incriminating. I would have to tame the version or blow the lid off things and that wouldn't fit with my current life situation today. There was no secret to any success, likely part of it would be generational, being sexually wild in the 70's-80's versus today are two diff animals.It looks as if the age survey in another thread might show that there are a lot of guys on here in the 50 to 60 year old range. Those guys almost all probably do remember very different times, and I for one feel sorry for the younger guys who came of age in a different culture. In some ways there is an analog to today's heroin epidemic and it's coincident increase in the sheer number of providers. Back in the 70s, there were a whole lot of 714s stoking the fires of the sexual revolution, especially in Northern Kentucky and Southern Cincinnati. It was not uncommon to go to parties where everyone was eating "disco biscuits" like candy, meet someone new, and be in some back bedroom with her in a matter of minutes, not hours. Fess up guys, how many of you remember getting redressed and wondering "what the hell was this chick's name again?"

Sadly, the analogy ends with quantity; most everyone moved on from the 70s (lived to tell it, that is) whereas the drug of choice today will only leave epitaths.

08-23-13, 16:34
Man o man. That's something I have not thought of in a long time. Thanks for making me smile.

It looks as if the age survey in another thread might show that there are a lot of guys on here in the 50 to 60 year old range. Those guys almost all probably do remember very different times, and I for one feel sorry for the younger guys who came of age in a different culture. In some ways there is an analog to today's heroin epidemic and it's coincident increase in the sheer number of providers. Back in the 70s, there were a whole lot of 714s stoking the fires of the sexual revolution, especially in Northern Kentucky and Southern Cincinnati. It was not uncommon to go to parties where everyone was eating "disco biscuits" like candy, meet someone new, and be in some back bedroom with her in a matter of minutes, not hours. Fess up guys, how many of you remember getting redressed and wondering "what the hell was this chick's name again?"

Sadly, the analogy ends with quantity; most everyone moved on from the 70s (lived to tell it, that is) whereas the drug of choice today will only leave epitaths.

08-23-13, 21:33
It looks as if the age survey in another thread might show that there are a lot of guys on here in the 50 to 60 year old range. Those guys almost all probably do remember very different times, and I for one feel sorry for the younger guys who came of age in a different culture. In some ways there is an analog to today's heroin epidemic and it's coincident increase in the sheer number of providers. Back in the 70s, there were a whole lot of 714s stoking the fires of the sexual revolution, especially in Northern Kentucky and Southern Cincinnati. It was not uncommon to go to parties where everyone was eating "disco biscuits" like candy, meet someone new, and be in some back bedroom with her in a matter of minutes, not hours. Fess up guys, how many of you remember getting redressed and wondering "what the hell was this chick's name again?"

Sadly, the analogy ends with quantity; most everyone moved on from the 70s (lived to tell it, that is) whereas the drug of choice today will only leave epitaths.And since I only drank a few beers or killed a bottle of Jack I could usually remember the girl's name (which came in handy if you ran into her at another party where the pickins were slim. All you had to do was talk about how great another girl was in the sack to have her decide to prove she was better).

You're right, it wasn't unusual to nail one girl early in the evening, another later on the same night and then wake up on the couch the next AM with an entirely different one.

Mr Boombastic
08-24-13, 04:10
In the 70's the Sexual Revolution hit its peak, and Disco was Hot & Hungry. There was a Disco in the buildings basement that use to be Behind Macy's (a City parking lot now) , called 'Tomorrows'. It was based on the Studio 54 type Disco, and it was the 'BomB'. I met so many women in that place that I would as many did Screw in the back Fire Exit stair well that lead up to the street. The door said Alarm will sound if Door is Opened, but it didn't function.

So just a quick push and the two of us would be up the step, and would Screw in the darkness towards the top of the steps.

The Best night for this was on Thursday, after they let the men in after 10pm, when the Male Review Stripper Show was over. Of course weekends, especially Saturday was Great too.

It was Great, and we would exchange numbers, and plan to do this again at the Club, and then regularly at either one of our places. After some drinks, and dancing, if the chemistry was right, we slipped away to the stair well, or to Pogues garage, where we use my backseat. It had a good deal of room them.

Often we would slip away from her friend with or without them knowing. And amazingly if the friends knew or were told they would approach me to do them when their friend wasn't around. I thought it to be backstabbing but did it anyway, but it turned out to be there sexual game.

That then lead to My First Real Girl Orgie. It was #4 females and just me at my place. And for some reason I was kinda afraid because I didn't know if I could do #4 females. Will they took good care of that for me.

Plus they all took me to the DSSC in Dayton, for my First Swinger Club adventure.

Those were the day, my friends, those were the days.

Now I have been to After Hours places and now have had young girls straight up ask me if I wanted to Buy a piece of pussy (theirs) from 50-75-100 bucks. Damn!

I saw a fine thinly built young lady walk in the After-Hours Club as I was at the bar. I said Hello, and asked her name. She said plain as day, 'Seventy-Five'. Stunned I said "Excuse Me' and she said again "$75", and proceeded to order her a drink. Of course I said "Seventy-Five" what & for what. She said let get to it. If you want some of this / me it will cost you $75 for everything and I'll give you #30mins to enjoy it. No Rush, so think about it. And I can buy my own drink. And if you say No, then you need not ask me for my number. And No I won't take yours. So what's it going to be?

Of course I passed. I never saw her again. If I did I am not certain I would even remember her. She was dressed to nice and looked too, for the place I was at anyway.


08-24-13, 09:32
Just a heads up, the BEST Oktoberfest in the region is this weekend out in Colerain Twp. At Germania Park (on Kemper between Pippin and Old Colerain).

I can't help but to fantasize what some of our lovely ladies would look like in a Bavarian Beermaid outfit!

Go here for more info:



08-24-13, 19:25
I will be visiting the Cincinnati area Monday & since I have never been there, I am not sure of the most accessible / SAFE areas for you gentlemen & hoping anyone here may be able to shed any light? I was thinking of staying in the downtown area, but I do know downtown is not always ideally located for proximity or maneuverability in some cities.

If you have any information that may help me in my search feel free to DM me! Your help is greatly appreciated.

08-26-13, 13:02
I for one feel sorry for the younger guys who came of age in a different culture.Late 80s-early 90s. My Era.

Girls dressed in rugby's and other baggy long-sleeve clothing, only got down their pants if you dated.

70s-early 80s.

Pretty much free sex as explained below.


Today, girls dress with bra, g-string showing, supposedly girls give oral today like it is going out style, girls treat their boyfriend to a 3-somes, young girls getting implants, etc

08-26-13, 20:36
Late 80s-early 90s. My Era.

Girls dressed in rugby's and other baggy long-sleeve clothing, only got down their pants if you dated.

These are the girls who's parents decided to make sure their kids didn't do what they did in the 60's.

70s-early 80s.

Pretty much free sex as explained below.

These are the girls that wanted to be just like their "cool" older sister or cousin that they idolized when they were little, not a lot of hard drugs, more pot and getting drunk than anything else.


Today, girls dress with bra, g-string showing, supposedly girls give oral today like it is going out style, girls treat their boyfriend to a 3-somes, young girls getting implants, etc.

The result of them being allowed "to express themselves", these are the kids of all those parents that enjoyed themselves in the 70's-early 80's.

So anybody want to place a bet on what it's going to be like in another 10 years?

Dr Kenneth W
08-27-13, 00:00
Looking for a two girl tag team BBBJ. Please PM me as I do not want to rely solely on ads.

08-27-13, 14:22
Was this requestion meant to be Posted in the Escort forum.

If not it would be better suited for that area instead of here in the General Forum.

I was just wondering, because sometimes, I have posted a question or reply in the wrong area too.

Just Asking!

Looking for a two girl tag team BBBJ. Please PM me as I do not want to rely solely on ads.

08-27-13, 19:37
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive douchebaggery. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

08-28-13, 09:48
As promised, here are the results of the survey of providers and mongers.

I asked providers what age men they prefer to see and how old is too old for a monger to be chasing after 20-something providers. I also asked for the age of the oldest person they've seen.

Only a few providers responded (no surprise there) and they generally prefer to see men 35+ years old. Old-age doesn't seem to matter to them as long as the guy is physically up to the challenge of a young woman. Finally, most had seen at least one man in his 70's and one provider saw a guy in his early 80's. WAY TO GO DUDE! MY HERO!

On to the monger survey. I asked mongers for their current age and also how long they've been in the hobby. I had 41 guys respond to the age question. The average age is 51. The youngest age is upper 20's and the oldest is early 70's. Here's a stratification:

5% under 30.

12% 30-40.

22% 40-50.

29% 50-60.

29% 60-70.

2% 70-80.

As for the question about number of years in the hobby, I had 37 guys respond. The average number of years is 15. The shortest time is under one year and the longest is about 40 years. Here's a stratification:

27% less than 5 years.

11% 5-10 years.

27% 10-20 years.

19% 20-30 years.

16% 30+ years

Interesting results, I think. I'm happy (and a little surprised) to see that so many guys in their 60's are enjoying the hobby. For some reason, I had it in my head that providers might not be as keen to see men 3X their age, but it looks like I had that wrong. Like someone said a while back, I guess you're not too old to play until you run out of money, LOL. Anyway, I'm happy about the results because that means I have many years of fun ahead of me, as long as the money holds out.

Play safe.

Thanks to all the Mongers and Providers who have responded to my survey either on here or via PM. I'll keep the survey running for a few more days and then I will post the results.

This has been a fun survey. I'm looking forward to compiling all the numbers. I would like to hear from a few more Providers, though. Only a few have responded, but I get that.

Talk to you all soon!

Dr Kenneth W
08-29-13, 00:12
Was this requestion meant to be Posted in the Escort forum.

If not it would be better suited for that area instead of here in the General Forum.

I was just wondering, because sometimes, I have posted a question or reply in the wrong area too.

Just Asking!This seemed the most appropriate place without being irrelevant I other forums.

Sweet TnA
08-29-13, 09:43
When pm'ing us ladies please make sure that there is enough room in your inbox to receive a response. I have received a few pm's recently and have been unable to respond because the gentleman's inbox was full. Thanks fellas!



08-29-13, 13:54
How much should I tip for a 120 / hr body rub?

08-30-13, 13:24
Want to go home without some delightful company. Will be South of Miamisburg looking for a "friend" Have 100 roses to spoil with and would be glad to tip generously for a PSE lady who is in serious need also. I love to show compassion for "needy" women who show great appreciation from an empathetic man. Not like the government and can't help all the people but would try to do my "small" part to "lift" spirits. Last and only post here. Feel free to pm ladies as I don't want to consume space of an inordinate amount and piss off my brothers. PM by tonight or I will have to go home Saturday evening or Sunday disappointed. Nice hotel air conditioned, CLEAN, and may even take the lady out to dessert after eating a smorgasboard of selections. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend all.

08-30-13, 22:48
How much should I tip for a 120 / hr body rub?I looked up tipping in Emily Post's Etiquette Book and could find no actual listing for that. On a more serious note, it would depend on what was the HE and the quality thereof. More than likely though not much, an excellent massage should not be more that around $70 an hour tops. What you get in a rub is not worth near that but even if it were you have already given a $50 tip IMHO. As always.

Del Griffith
09-01-13, 15:40
Hope everyone has a blast tonight at the fireworks! Whether you're at the river or making your own.

Dr Kenneth W
09-05-13, 23:13
Do you fellows remember several girls working out of one house in Batavia? They got busted and a couple of better ones worked for a time out of the holiday inn. I wonder what happened to those girls?

09-06-13, 03:26
Do you fellows remember several girls working out of one house in Batavia? They got busted and a couple of better ones worked for a time out of the holiday inn. I wonder what happened to those girls?There was a bust in Felicity (near Batavia) in 2012 and another at Eastgate Mall in 2011. Before that there were a few ripoff girls in the county jail and the county official caught in northern Kentucky with a young lady. No stories about the ladies in these cases, as it should be.

09-10-13, 15:57
I'm about 40 miles west of Cinci visiting family, looking for some local advice on AMP's and incall only ladies. Will be glad to repay the info if anyone makes it down to Orlando, Floirda

09-11-13, 19:50
Hey all, I've searched and don't see this anywhere but some ads. Is there someplace that gives all the providers general locations? Some of the ads have it and some do not. Always interested in N Ky and Cinci East providers.

Hillbilly Bob
09-11-13, 23:36
I have 1 post on her can anyone with more then 1 post give me a little info on this girl

09-12-13, 07:35
If you include cincy itself and Norwood and thereabouts, you probably have at least 75% of the escorts (not SWs) covered. If you don't see it mentioned in an ad, just ask the provider. By the way, many of them frequently relocate or rotate from one area to another, such that you could see one in florence only to find that she has decamped to mason. Staying one step ahead of leo and the landlord. Ya never know.

Hey all, I've searched and don't see this anywhere but some ads. Is there someplace that gives all the providers general locations? Some of the ads have it and some do not. Always interested in N Ky and Cinci East providers.

09-12-13, 07:46
I have 1 post on her can anyone with more then 1 post give me a little info on this girlI have seen her. Florence KY local. Amazing oral skills. PM for more if needed. Peace

09-12-13, 22:04
If you include cincy itself and Norwood and thereabouts, you probably have at least 75% of the escorts (not SWs) covered. If you don't see it mentioned in an ad, just ask the provider. By the way, many of them frequently relocate or rotate from one area to another, such that you could see one in florence only to find that she has decamped to mason. Staying one step ahead of leo and the landlord. Ya never know.Thanks for the reply. I was thinking more around 275 around Beechmont and in the Latonia area. I guess I could ask the girls. I am still so new I hate asking too many questions. Getting there though. As long as it's a general area, they shouldn't mind that, right?

09-13-13, 00:05
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking more around 275 around Beechmont and in the Latonia area. I guess I could ask the girls. I am still so new I hate asking too many questions. Getting there though. As long as it's a general area, they shouldn't mind that, right?If they don't say in their ad then ask them generally. If you ask if their on the eastside you can be sure they are either at the beechmont. 32 or Milford areas near the freeway. And as long as Florence is close enough you should always be able to find someone in the area. As others said many of them rotate. And sometimes the right one is worth an extra 15 minute drive!

09-13-13, 09:27
Hello to all, just wanted To introduce myself. Long time reader finally felt comfortable to get in on the boards and share some reviews as well as personal UTR girls down the road. I have learned a lot from reading this board and hope to contribute as much as I can. Stay safe.

09-13-13, 18:18
I think I got pretty amazing oral skills to tha. Ks for the good word though it always helps.

I have seen her. Florence KY local. Amazing oral skills. PM for more if needed. Peace

09-14-13, 10:24
I think I got pretty amazing oral skills to tha. Ks for the good word though it always helps.Fantasy, you sound pretty good. Do you offer the full oral menu. BBBJCIM, COF, and swallow? Do you allow MPOPS during an hour dance?

09-17-13, 13:09
[Commercial Message deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because it appeared to be a commercial message and/or it contained links to a commercial website. Please post reports consisting primarily of a commercial nature and/or reports with links to commercial websites in the Classified Advertisement section of the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.

Ky Mike53
09-18-13, 01:51
Hoping to find an utr sexy spinner to meet regularly for a mutually beneficial relationship. Discretion is a must

09-18-13, 07:21
Fantasy, you sound pretty good. Do you offer the full oral menu. BBBJCIM, COF, and swallow? Do you allow MPOPS during an hour dance?This is the sort of post that should be a pm to the provider. Or, better yet, a tel contact directly to her. Shouldn't be posted here.

09-19-13, 08:54
Howdy guys, I'm new to the hobby, just getting started. I've been reading a lot and picked up a lot of the lingo, but I haven't "taken the plunge" yet and worked with a provider. Hoping the change that soon and start giving back to the community. I'm in the Cinci-Dayton area frequently for business these days and I've been reading lots of ads and reports. I don't have references yet, obviously, so I'm not sure how it will work. Lots of the good providers seem to ask for 1-3 references, and I understand why. I'm a gentleman, so a good provider won't have any issues with me, but I know they have to stay safe as do I. But how do you get started without references? Any tips or recommendations on that or on the hobby in general? Much appreciated!

09-19-13, 20:20
Not sure how many guys know her, she did post on here maybe a year or more ago.

Awesome girl, gorgeous blue eyes, funny, and a good friend.

Same story, battling with the devil (heroin) for 3 or 4 years. OD'd last week.

Just 22 yrs old.

If anyone is interested in a treatment that works to get off of opiates, just google "Ibogaine". Highly effective and results in 24 hours for many.

Do you own research. Especially Dr. Deborah Mash, professor of Neurology and Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology at University of Miami.

It may be expensive to get to another country to be treated, but in theory, it pays for itself quickly for those that spend 100-200 a day / 3K-6K month.

I personally know 2 people who have been clean for over a year from the treatment.

09-19-13, 22:54
Howdy guys, I'm new to the hobby, just getting started. I've been reading a lot and picked up a lot of the lingo, but I haven't "taken the plunge" yet and worked with a provider. Hoping the change that soon and start giving back to the community. I'm in the Cinci-Dayton area frequently for business these days and I've been reading lots of ads and reports. I don't have references yet, obviously, so I'm not sure how it will work. Lots of the good providers seem to ask for 1-3 references, and I understand why. I'm a gentleman, so a good provider won't have any issues with me, but I know they have to stay safe as do I. But how do you get started without references? Any tips or recommendations on that or on the hobby in general? Much appreciated! Hello and welcome to the board. I am Sexy Sandy and some providers as myself and my partner Summer will see you without references as long as you are a member here. I can not speak for all providers but when calling, if you tell them you are a member here and ready to take the plunge maybe it will make a difference. Wish you the best of luck and be safe as always.

09-20-13, 03:25
Hello and welcome to the board. I am Sexy Sandy and some providers as myself and my partner Summer will see you without references as long as you are a member here. I can not speak for all providers but when calling, if you tell them you are a member here and ready to take the plunge maybe it will make a difference. Wish you the best of luck and be safe as always.Sandy Rocks! You could not go wrong with her, or a duo with summer as your 1st trigger pull from USG.


09-23-13, 01:07
I'm not in town this week, but, was given a heads up by a friend that our favorite Uncle is booking two rooms, near the end of a hallway by the stairs for this weekend. This has the earmarks of a sting. But, I'm not sure specifics other than which hotel.

Be safe out there this weekend.


09-23-13, 12:53
Sandy Rocks! You could not go wrong with her, or a duo with summer as your 1st trigger pull from USG.

HendoThanks to you and Sandy for the comments and the welcome. I've also gotten several PM with good advice, so thanks to those folks as well. It's funny, this board seems to have more sense of community than most of the 'mainstream' ones I've been on. That's nice to see.

Sexy Sass
09-24-13, 12:27
Hey I lost my other user name sassy sexy and this will be my new name, just letting everyone know I am working today in north Cincinnati and I have my number in classified ads on page 4.

Thanks sorry for the inconvenience


Member #4570
09-25-13, 15:02
Hey guys, I am on the hunt for another slim to spinner type lady on the east side that will work for about $75 / session (how ever long it takes 30, 45, 60 minutes etc.). My current gal is staying with uncle leo for a time and I am getting "frustrated". I have texted all my old contacts but it appears that they have moved on or changed numbers.

Any suggestions would be appreciated and I will keep them UTR, I promise.


09-25-13, 17:16
Is there a secret method to get Brandy to answer the phone? I've tried for weeks. Is she that busy?

09-25-13, 23:36
I'm looking for a Squirter to spend some time with tomorrow. Any suggestions?

09-26-13, 11:47
I'm looking for a Squirter to spend some time with tomorrow. Any suggestions?Hello Mr. WackeyGuy21,

I may have a suggestion for you.

When I was with cupcake she got very excited and squirted. I asked her if she did it often and simply replied "if the mans good enough" with a little wink. Try her.


Ok, by the rules I should take this down, but it's Sasha talking about making CC squirt, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.



09-26-13, 13:55
I'm looking for a Squirter to spend some time with tomorrow. Any suggestions?Dewyrose420 is one of the best squirters around and has lot of milk also.

09-26-13, 18:23
A2, you are hilarious! And I'm glad you left it up!

Hello Mr. WackeyGuy21,

I may have a suggestion for you.

When I was with cupcake she got very excited and squirted. I asked her if she did it often and simply replied "if the mans good enough" with a little wink. Try her.


Ok, by the rules I should take this down, but it's Sasha talking about making CC squirt, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.



09-26-13, 18:38
Hello Mr. WackeyGuy21,

I may have a suggestion for you.

When I was with cupcake she got very excited and squirted. I asked her if she did it often and simply replied "if the mans good enough" with a little wink. Try her.

SashaOf being paid for. I wouldn't even need to participate and it'd be more than enough.

09-26-13, 19:38
This will be my last post. I've decided to give up this part of my life to focus on things that I know will be more important in the long run. I greatly appreciate all the help I've gotten on this site, and I hope I've helped other along the way as well. Good luck to all of you and stay safe.


09-26-13, 20:20
Is there a secret method to get Brandy to answer the phone? I've tried for weeks. Is she that busy?Have you unblocked your number?

09-26-13, 21:31
This will be my last post. I've decided to give up this part of my life to focus on things that I know will be more important in the long run. I greatly appreciate all the help I've gotten on this site, and I hope I've helped other along the way as well. Good luck to all of you and stay safe.

-DHD-Best of luck to you, I am considering the same course of action. Undecided at this point.


Dilli Gara
09-26-13, 22:32
Hey guys, I am on the hunt for another slim to spinner type lady on the east side that will work for about $75 / session (how ever long it takes 30, 45, 60 minutes etc.). My current gal is staying with uncle leo for a time and I am getting "frustrated". I have texted all my old contacts but it appears that they have moved on or changed numbers.

Any suggestions would be appreciated and I will keep them UTR, I promise.

-BigBird69Give Karma / Lexie a call, she will negotiate.


09-27-13, 13:51
This will be my last post. I've decided to give up this part of my life to focus on things that I know will be more important in the long run. I greatly appreciate all the help I've gotten on this site, and I hope I've helped other along the way as well. Good luck to all of you and stay safe.

-DHD-I've tried to quit before. It costing me money that I could be giving to my kids or grandkids, it cost me time away form my business. But this thing is like being on a drug. It keeps calling you back.

Good luck

Member #4505
10-01-13, 13:46
Its my birthday this week. Any providers want to help me celebrate?

10-01-13, 13:52
Its my birthday this week. Any providers want to help me celebrate?Looks like we're both Libra's.

Happy Birthday

Ron M
10-01-13, 14:02
I've tried to quit before. It costing me money that I could be giving to my kids or grandkids, it cost me time away form my business. But this thing is like being on a drug. It keeps calling you back.

Good luckQuit Drinking = Done.

Quit Smoking = Done.

Quit Hobbying = Never

Dr Kenneth W
10-02-13, 18:53
Just curious if there is an appropriate place to discuss sex clubs on the forum, and if Club 440 near Milford has ever been discussed? I was at Club 440 once. Wondering if there are others around.

10-03-13, 02:15
I've tried to quit before. It costing me money that I could be giving to my kids or grandkids, it cost me time away form my business. But this thing is like being on a drug. It keeps calling you back.

Good luckIts an addiction just like any drug, smoking cigs, alcohol, gambling, etc. Addiction is VERY POWERFUL. Good luck DHD. I'm 10 hours sober. LOL

10-03-13, 07:05
Just curious if there is an appropriate place to discuss sex clubs on the forum, and if Club 440 near Milford has ever been discussed? I was at Club 440 once. Wondering if there are others around.Dr K, swing clubs came up as a discussion topic here in the "general" thread earlier this year. Here is a link to a post that will drop you into the time frame of that discussion and then you will need to scroll and read from there:


Todd Cincy
10-03-13, 08:36
Quit Drinking = Done.

Quit Smoking = Done.

Quit Hobbying = NeverI don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. (I hate all three with a passion, in fact.) But I love to hobby.

The difference, I think, is that female companionship is a natural activity that actually releases healthy endorphines. On the other hand, there are no health benefits to smoking or drinking.

I have debated giving up the hobby, too. But I always come back. The key, I think, is to find a happy middle ground, a point of moderation.

10-03-13, 10:08
I left the hobby once when I met an attractive woman in my work. She and I had similar interests as far as libido, and she said she did not wish to get married or change her life, nor should I change my life, we would simply have an affair.

However after seeing her for exactly 2 months on the DL, she announced that she wanted us both to get divorced and marry each other. I disagreed and referred her back to the discussion we had when we went into the relationship. She got mad, then got drunk and dropped a dime on me. The expense was enormous and the huge amt. Of strife it caused is still felt in my life 14 years later, although I was able to hold onto my work and my homelife. This hobby is the only way to go if you have even a little bit to lose. IMHO, if you have an average libido, the expense is well worth the ability to sleep at night. Affairs are for folks who want to gamble with losing half of everything they have.


10-03-13, 11:39
I left the hobby once when I met an attractive woman in my work. She and I had similar interests as far as libido, and she said she did not wish to get married or change her life, nor should I change my life, we would simply have an affair.

However after seeing her for exactly 2 months on the DL, she announced that she wanted us both to get divorced and marry each other. I disagreed and referred her back to the discussion we had when we went into the relationship. She got mad, then got drunk and dropped a dime on me. The expense was enormous and the huge amt. Of strife it caused is still felt in my life 14 years later, although I was able to hold onto my work and my homelife. This hobby is the only way to go if you have even a little bit to lose. IMHO, if you have an average libido, the expense is well worth the ability to sleep at night. Affairs are for folks who want to gamble with losing half of everything they have.

TbWell put. I couldn't agree more. I lost half of everything 4 years ago. Not due to the Hobby, but couldn't be happier now.

Ron M
10-03-13, 12:42
Married Guys have to Tread very Lightly in this Hobby. Wives some how have a Sense if their Husbands are having a little outside "Playtime." If you're Single and in this Hobby it's Great. Playtime is no problem. I Love being Single. No Sneaking around or lying to the S / O to get away for Playtime. I would never want to Trade my Single Life for getting Married. Thanks to you Married Guys, I learned that Marriage is Bad. Recently my Nephew got a Divorce cause his Wife suspected he was playing around. 18 years down the Drain.

10-03-13, 18:23
Married Guys have to Tread very Lightly in this Hobby. Wives some how have a Sense if their Husbands are having a little outside "Playtime." If you're Single and in this Hobby it's Great. Playtime is no problem. I Love being Single. No Sneaking around or lying to the S / O to get away for Playtime. I would never want to Trade my Single Life for getting Married. Thanks to you Married Guys, I learned that Marriage is Bad. Recently my Nephew got a Divorce cause his Wife suspected he was playing around. 18 years down the Drain.Treading lightly is a good thing and sometimes not.

For a few guys the wife or SO finding out is a good thing because they suddenly become very determined to make sure that you get taken care of at home.

Others find out that the wife or SO has a bit of hidden kink and suddenly get asked "can I join in? Or do you know any that like girls?"

Of course there are always a few wives and SOs that go completely ape shyte and either want you dead or they try to track down every lady you've met.

And then there are those that have a "hunting" license like myself which basically says play to your hearts content within certain guide lines.

And then there's a friend of mine who is one lucky b@stard. He comes home and the wife has his cell bill on the table, accuses him of having an affair since he calls this number all the time and she doesn't recognize the woman's voice from her voice mail greeting. After an hour of fighting he tells her to call the number and to her surprise the phone in her purse starts vibrating. She didn't know her own cell number, the voice on the voice mail was the girl at the phone store that helped her with her iPhone and setup her voice mail. The end result of it all was that he could do no wrong for the next six months, the wife suddenly had a new menu along with plenty of availability every week AND he got to hobby to his hearts content.

10-03-13, 21:35
That is incredibly funny. Little secret I never knew that was shared with me. When men have climaxed it takes a bit to "recharge". A wise woman can check your sack to know if it is ready or not. Be careful if she reaches there to confirm!

Treading lightly is a good thing and sometimes not.

For a few guys the wife or SO finding out is a good thing because they suddenly become very determined to make sure that you get taken care of at home.

Others find out that the wife or SO has a bit of hidden kink and suddenly get asked "can I join in? Or do you know any that like girls?"

Of course there are always a few wives and SOs that go completely ape shyte and either want you dead or they try to track down every lady you've met.

And then there are those that have a "hunting" license like myself which basically says play to your hearts content within certain guide lines.

And then there's a friend of mine who is one lucky b@stard. He comes home and the wife has his cell bill on the table, accuses him of having an affair since he calls this number all the time and she doesn't recognize the woman's voice from her voice mail greeting. After an hour of fighting he tells her to call the number and to her surprise the phone in her purse starts vibrating. She didn't know her own cell number, the voice on the voice mail was the girl at the phone store that helped her with her iPhone and setup her voice mail. The end result of it all was that he could do no wrong for the next six months, the wife suddenly had a new menu along with plenty of availability every week AND he got to hobby to his hearts content.

10-04-13, 09:18
When I was first married I always wondered why so many guys spent lots of their leisure hours playing golf and attending baseball games etc. Not too many years later I found out that most of the sex I was having was the same way I had BEFORE I was married:. By myself in the bathroom. That is when I saw the wisdom of the "all male hobby":. Get tickets to the game, spend the first 3 innings in the ball park, then a lovely one- hour "vacation" with select lady, then watch the last of the game from a sports bar happy and relaxed. My only mistake at first was to attend football games. Wifey decided she was a fan and invited herself along. That was the end of watching football at the stadium. If she ever decides she likes baseball, well, then that will go away and the next sport is golf.


10-04-13, 10:08
Looks like we're both Libra's.

Happy BirthdayFrom another libra. Hopefully you both have a great week and LOTS of fun.


Ron M
10-04-13, 11:16
When I was first married I always wondered why so many guys spent lots of their leisure hours playing golf and attending baseball games etc. Not too many years later I found out that most of the sex I was having was the same way I had BEFORE I was married:. By myself in the bathroom. That is when I saw the wisdom of the "all male hobby":. Get tickets to the game, spend the first 3 innings in the ball park, then a lovely one- hour "vacation" with select lady, then watch the last of the game from a sports bar happy and relaxed. My only mistake at first was to attend football games. Wifey decided she was a fan and invited herself along. That was the end of watching football at the stadium. If she ever decides she likes baseball, well, then that will go away and the next sport is golf.

TbIf your Wife attends all the Sporting Events you like to go to, your Hobbying is Finished. LOL. I've Never been Married. No need to have Sex in the Bathroom alone. I just call my Provider to join me.

10-04-13, 12:08
I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, *********, Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.

C Builder
10-04-13, 13:18
That is when I saw the wisdom of the "all male hobby":. Get tickets to the game, spend the first 3 innings in the ball park, then a lovely one- hour "vacation" with select lady, then watch the last of the game from a sports bar happy and relaxed.

TbI never thought of that. I am going to give it a try.

Unaccounted for time is my main problem. The second problem is coming home with a different smell. Never been caught, but a couple of close calls.

Ron M
10-04-13, 13:46
I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, , Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.All Married Guys get caught eventually. Maybe not right away, but eventually. I've Never been or Ever will get Married. I'm Single and I can go out Hobbying anytime I want. It's too much Fun being Single. You Married Guys better be Careful.

10-04-13, 14:00
I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday, came and spent some special time with me for my birthday. I had a fabulous week and will never forget how sweet all of you are to me.

Again thanks,

Sasha :*. :*

10-04-13, 15:15
All Married Guys get caught eventually. Maybe not right away, but eventually. I've Never been or Ever will get Married. I'm Single and I can go out Hobbying anytime I want. It's too much Fun being Single. You Married Guys better be Careful.Just kidding!

Member #4514
10-04-13, 16:45
Club 440 is okay but I think there are better people at Sinday. It's in Middletown, a pretty nice club overall. You have your times when it's hit or miss, but if you go during a themed night then you are guaranteed to have some fun. There are cabanas in the back, and most of the people are exhibitionists so you get to see the action, and sometimes it's pretty damn hot seeing who it is.

I have been in the lifestyle for 12 years off and on, so if you have more questions feel free to pm me.I've been to both Sinday and 440 very recently. Sinday has a LOT more quality people there and is much more upscale so I highly recommend it. 440 is okay but the proportion of really hot women there is very low. There might be 1-3 hot girls there on a Saturday night out of 60 whereas there might be 15 out of 40 at Sinday.

Todd Cincy
10-04-13, 17:02
I've been to both Sinday and 440 very recently. Sinday has a LOT more quality people there and is much more upscale so I highly recommend it. 440 is okay but the proportion of really hot women there is very low. There might be 1-3 hot girls there on a Saturday night out of 60 whereas there might be 15 out of 40 at Sinday.Disclaimer: I have never been to one. What I have consistently heard, though, is that it's typically 10 or 12 guys waiting in line to hit it with an obese woman. From what I hear, most also don't allow single men (which makes sense, from their perspective, I guess.)

It seems that the swinging lifestyle would pay off best if you had a hot significant other who was also into the lifestyle. Then you could meet attractive couples and bi women on the Internet. But how many of us are so fortunate?

A swing club is a engaging fantasy, but I think that for most of us, the hobby is a much more certain route to satisfaction.

Todd Cincy
10-04-13, 17:17
Thank you for sharing. I copied and forwarded this to one of my married friends who just started hobbying. I was the one who introduced him to the hobby. (For years it was just me telling him about my adventures; but then his married sex life went south.)

I still feel a bit guilty for inadvertently inducting him, as he has two young children (ages 13 and 7).

On a related note, I would be curious to see a breakdown of what percentage of us are single vs. Married.

I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, , Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.

Member #4449
10-04-13, 17:47
I can sympathize with you MrNiceGuyCincy I'm divorced over something very similar. She got everything and still has a lot of my stuff and won't give it back. I get called names and ignored once I bring up my belongings. Good luck to you.

10-04-13, 17:50
Thank you for sharing. I copied and forwarded this to one of my married friends who just started hobbying. I was the one who introduced him to the hobby. (For years it was just me telling him about my adventures; but then his married sex life went south.)

I still feel a bit guilty for inadvertently inducting him, as he has two young children (ages 13 and 7).

On a related note, I would be curious to see a breakdown of what percentage of us are single vs. Married.I "feel" for the poster but he STILL gets more sex than I get. LOL.

My first marriage ended because I 'cheated' GF or SW or Pro. It doesn't matter some marriages fail because someone isn't getting what they want.

My new wife has long ago admitted my sex drive is higher than hers. And really doesn't mind the few times I go to strip clubs. Recent she hinted that she would 'forgive' my seeing a hooker, since their wouldn't be any emotional involvement

10-04-13, 21:11
Guess I m not alone! I think k I was doomed to find the hobby after I found the stack of my dads skin mags in the bathroom drawer. My mom pretended to not know about. After I got married and had my first kid she did not want to go out much and lost the sex urge cept when the hormones raged about quarterly. Then it felt like she was doing me a favor. My first sp introduced me to a client of hers prob 13 yes ago we both have played game since. I stayed in marriage to raise my daughters, they are happy I did. Now I am divorced happily but seem to find all the crazies to date, some of which are hot. Much easier to play here any chance I get $ the ladies are lovely.

10-04-13, 23:18
I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, , Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.Sounds like you have a real control freak for a spouse, everyone has issues and she seems to have plenty to go around. I'd rather live under a bridge than put up with that shit.

10-05-13, 12:04
I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, , Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.I was in a similar situation at the beginning, got caught, did therapy, blah blah blah. I held up my end of the deal but got nothing in return. I ended up getting divorced after 12 years of marriage (the last 4 with NO SEXUAL CONTACT. I stayed for the kids). Flat out told her in front of her lawyer "If you used your mouth for something other than bitching at me all the time, things may have ended up different." (stupid I know, but I have a temper and I'm very sarcastic. Dangerous and expensive combo). Although I'm broke most of the time, I don't have to listen to her if I don't want to. THAT make me happy.

10-05-13, 12:10
Disclaimer: I have never been to one. What I have consistently heard, though, is that it's typically 10 or 12 guys waiting in line to hit it with an obese woman. From what I hear, most also don't allow single men (which makes sense, from their perspective, I guess.)

It seems that the swinging lifestyle would pay off best if you had a hot significant other who was also into the lifestyle. Then you could meet attractive couples and bi women on the Internet. But how many of us are so fortunate?

A swing club is a engaging fantasy, but I think that for most of us, the hobby is a much more certain route to satisfaction.A former girlfriend and I used to frequent 101 in Dayton, sounds like it was similar 440, very few high quality ladies, quite a few women past their prime (both age and weight) , tons of guys, and food. If you lower your standards more than slightly, you could easily get laid. It would be cheaper to spring for a GFE in many cases, plus you don't have to compete.

Todd Cincy
10-05-13, 12:59
A former girlfriend and I used to frequent 101 in Dayton, sounds like it was similar 440, very few high quality ladies, quite a few women past their prime (both age and weight) , tons of guys, and food. If you lower your standards more than slightly, you could easily get laid. It would be cheaper to spring for a GFE in many cases, plus you don't have to compete.As noted, I'll defer to those who have actually been. However, my direct experience with "adult dating"and "meet hot women who are looking for sex" schemes have not been positive.

About 20 years ago (when I was still a young guy myself) I joined Playtime International, or something like that. They attempted to pair me up with middle-aged women who were 40 to 50 pounds overweight. As the saying goes,"the odds were good, but the goods were odd". No thanks. (This was about the same time that I learned about the hobby.)

And about 14 years ago I fell for the sales pitches of at least one of the "adult dating" websites that were then novelties on the Internet. Nothing but porn scams and come-ons from bisexual and gay men. I spent 6 months dealing with the spam problems that resulted. (Yes, I had only one email account back then.)

If you really want to "get laid for free" on a massive scale, about the only way I have found is to get yourself in the best shape possible, and then really, really work the conventional venues. But the "hot women looking for sex" dating ventures are almost always a waste of time, in my experience.

There is a reason why ladies are able to charge for their time. If there were lots of attractive young women looking for free, indiscriminate sex with middle-aged men, few of us would be here.

10-05-13, 14:33
Just wanted to let everyone know, I will be taking a few days off as I deal with the death of my sister and getting thru the funeral.

I will post upon my return.

Until then, all have fun and stay safe.

10-05-13, 22:21
Just wanted to let everyone know, I will be taking a few days off as I deal with the death of my sister and getting thru the funeral.

I will post upon my return.

Until then, all have fun and stay safe.I do not even know if this is proper as far as etiquette, but I would like to offer you all of my sympathies and condolences on your loss. As always.

10-06-13, 00:33
I think your life story is probably the norm for married guys rather than the exception. I believe 95% plus of marriages become sexless and dull after a certain period of time. I guess there is validity is sticking around to help raise kids. That is a worthy endeavor in our society despite a sexless (and loveless?) marriage. Kids need a Mom and Dad around.

That being said, I'm glad I never got married. I realized when I first started FAP'ing at age 15 that I get bored too easily with one girl, and so I've never really had a relationship last longer than a few months. There's too much pussy out there in the world I need to sample and enjoy, so that explains my eternal bachelorhood. I admit I feel sometimes like I'm missing out on the stable home life with little kiddies running around, but I got nieces and nephews I can visit so that sorta fills the void. Given the outrageous costs of raising kids and college tuition these days, having kids makes no sense for me unless I win $100 million in the Powerball and even then I'd give it a lot of thought before taking the plunge.

So I try to make do with what I have. Which is a few spare duckets to enjoy the mongering hobby and maybe even hook up with a real date using the popular meeting sites. I tend to get enough action to satisfy my loins at age 43. Luckily I don't have the raging hormones making me think about poontang 27 hrs. A day like I was in my 20's and 30's. LOL. I'm starting to think more often with the big head these days so that means I avoid a lot of poo-poo that you married guys have to deal with.

As a side note. Did anyone in here ever meet women off the AOL chat rooms when they were popular in the 90's? Fuck man, I met a LOT of girls from there during my 20's and I got to say my sex life was pretty active from it. I'd say between 1996 and 2000 I probably met close to 50 girls from AOL chat rooms and banged at least 40 of them (or just BBBJ). I really miss those damn chat rooms! I tried the Facebook chats but they seem boring as fuck compared to those awesome AOL chats. Anybody else have fun with them?


I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, , Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.

10-06-13, 08:43
I do not even know if this is proper as far as etiquette, but I would like to offer you all of my sympathies and condolences on your loss. As always.Thank you and your condolences are much appreciated.

10-06-13, 12:24
You are right about those old AOL and Yahoo chat rooms too. It was a bonanza for getting laid. I wasn't quite as active as you but I'd guess I met 25 women off there for sex. We're a couple of old dudes pining about the good ole days! LOL.

I think your life story is probably the norm for married guys rather than the exception. I believe 95% plus of marriages become sexless and dull after a certain period of time. I guess there is validity is sticking around to help raise kids. That is a worthy endeavor in our society despite a sexless (and loveless?) marriage. Kids need a Mom and Dad around.

That being said, I'm glad I never got married. I realized when I first started FAP'ing at age 15 that I get bored too easily with one girl, and so I've never really had a relationship last longer than a few months. There's too much pussy out there in the world I need to sample and enjoy, so that explains my eternal bachelorhood. I admit I feel sometimes like I'm missing out on the stable home life with little kiddies running around, but I got nieces and nephews I can visit so that sorta fills the void. Given the outrageous costs of raising kids and college tuition these days, having kids makes no sense for me unless I win $100 million in the Powerball and even then I'd give it a lot of thought before taking the plunge.

So I try to make do with what I have. Which is a few spare duckets to enjoy the mongering hobby and maybe even hook up with a real date using the popular meeting sites. I tend to get enough action to satisfy my loins at age 43. Luckily I don't have the raging hormones making me think about poontang 27 hrs. A day like I was in my 20's and 30's. LOL. I'm starting to think more often with the big head these days so that means I avoid a lot of poo-poo that you married guys have to deal with.

As a side note. Did anyone in here ever meet women off the AOL chat rooms when they were popular in the 90's? Fuck man, I met a LOT of girls from there during my 20's and I got to say my sex life was pretty active from it. I'd say between 1996 and 2000 I probably met close to 50 girls from AOL chat rooms and banged at least 40 of them (or just BBBJ). I really miss those damn chat rooms! I tried the Facebook chats but they seem boring as fuck compared to those awesome AOL chats. Anybody else have fun with them?


10-06-13, 21:28
You are right about those old AOL and Yahoo chat rooms too. It was a bonanza for getting laid. I wasn't quite as active as you but I'd guess I met 25 women off there for sex. We're a couple of old dudes pining about the good ole days! LOL.Those AOL chat rooms were custom designed for getting pussy. You could do a search filter and find all women that were currently online within a certain number of miles from your ZIP code. I lived in a small town halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh but I still managed to find plenty of horny gals in both those cities plus a good amount in the smaller towns. My dick was gettin' overtime action in those days! Nothin' better than chatting with a 19 year old girl online and things are getting hot and she IMs you back with "Want to hook up tonight?"

I dabbled in the Yahoo chat rooms around 2004 or so but they werent yielding the bountiful poon like I got from the AOL boards.

Bring those damn AOL chat rooms back!

10-08-13, 19:07
Hey a fellas,

I could have swore I posted a HUGE thank you to everyone that came and wished me a happy birthday and all of the thoughtful pm's.

I feel so much love from so many people. I had the greatest birthday week EVER! I actually got a whole week to celebrate.

Thanks :*

Sasha Black

10-10-13, 03:23
There were a few arrests a few days ago for procuring, loitering and soliciting. All in the 5600 block of Montgomery Road in Pleasant Ridge.

I'm assuming those are not SW unless that's a new zone I'm unaware of.

Is there a business there of some sort? I used to live not far from there and I hate to think I missed out on some fun.

10-10-13, 06:31
There were a few arrests a few days ago for procuring, loitering and soliciting. All in the 5600 block of Montgomery Road in Pleasant Ridge.

I'm assuming those are not SW unless that's a new zone I'm unaware of.

Is there a business there of some sort? I used to live not far from there and I hate to think I missed out on some fun.There is a massage place just past the school. But I'm not sure if they offered extras and I've never seen a SW there. But If I recall sexyasskristen was located very close by. But I have no clue anyone have any info?

10-11-13, 01:00
Those AOL chat rooms were custom designed for getting pussy. You could do a search filter and find all women that were currently online within a certain number of miles from your ZIP code. I lived in a small town halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh but I still managed to find plenty of horny gals in both those cities plus a good amount in the smaller towns. My dick was gettin' overtime action in those days! Nothin' better than chatting with a 19 year old girl online and things are getting hot and she IMs you back with "Want to hook up tonight?"

I dabbled in the Yahoo chat rooms around 2004 or so but they werent yielding the bountiful poon like I got from the AOL boards.

Bring those damn AOL chat rooms back!I just found them again. You have to download the aol software. I used to get laid a lot from chics I met in aol chat rooms. Girls all over the country.

10-11-13, 01:37
Let me offer some advice. I have a degree in psychology, but only a Bachelors. Firstly, you need to tell your wife that you want to go to counseling on your own to deal with your "sex addiction." Go to a male counselor and start discussing with him how you need to transition to two households. Even if you never do anything else, having your own counselor will be empowering. You need to discuss your issues with your own personal counselor. You may be a "sex addict," but you will never recover. That is ok. That is what you have to work with. Eventually, you need to divorce this woman and get a $300-400 dollar apartment. People get divorced all the time. It is for your and her own good. Your kids will deal with it one way or another. You are not totally responsible for their happiness. When they become adults they will have to work out their own shit like you did. My guess is that all of these reasons why you can't leave are just excuses because you are scared at all of the fall out that will happen when you go. It won't be so bad. I know it is hard, but you shouldn't be a prisoner to some BS protestant value system. Your wife thinks you owe her your life because our culture has become feminist and insane. Everyone will adjust over time. Once you have left, get a really cheap place. Let your new "sex addiction" counselor be your guide and support you through all of this. He will be a licensed counselor, but he is there to help you leave your wife, not cure your "addiction." Leave a note and get out. Just get out. Just get the F out. Tell you wife you need some time alone and get a hotel for a week, then start transitioning. Your wife probably doesn't love you, but only has her own fear of abandonment issues. I wish I was in a place to help people like you. I would love to pick you up in a limo and drop you off at your new apartment with a nice working girl waiting at that door.

QUOTE=MrNiceGuyCincy; 1892729]I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, , Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.[/QUOTE]

10-11-13, 11:25
Maybe I am off detention! My posts are showing up much faster now and therefore become relevant to the current subject being discussed. It used to be my posts had to be approved by a moderator cause of my wordung and pronunciation. Hopefully all is well now.

10-11-13, 16:20
Fuck that. Don't leave your wife. Introduce her to the business, let her earn her keep by peddling her wares. Have her give you the money she earns so you can spend it on your own mongering activities. By the way when did this site become a place for marriage counseling?

QUOTE=BahamaMama; 1898717]Let me offer some advice. I have a degree in psychology, but only a Bachelors. Firstly, you need to tell your wife that you want to go to counseling on your own to deal with your "sex addiction." Go to a male counselor and start discussing with him how you need to transition to two households. Even if you never do anything else, having your own counselor will be empowering. You need to discuss your issues with your own personal counselor. You may be a "sex addict," but you will never recover. That is ok. That is what you have to work with. Eventually, you need to divorce this woman and get a $300-400 dollar apartment. People get divorced all the time. It is for your and her own good. Your kids will deal with it one way or another. You are not totally responsible for their happiness. When they become adults they will have to work out their own shit like you did. My guess is that all of these reasons why you can't leave are just excuses because you are scared at all of the fall out that will happen when you go. It won't be so bad. I know it is hard, but you shouldn't be a prisoner to some BS protestant value system. Your wife thinks you owe her your life because our culture has become feminist and insane. Everyone will adjust over time. Once you have left, get a really cheap place. Let your new "sex addiction" counselor be your guide and support you through all of this. He will be a licensed counselor, but he is there to help you leave your wife, not cure your "addiction." Leave a note and get out. Just get out. Just get the F out. Tell you wife you need some time alone and get a hotel for a week, then start transitioning. Your wife probably doesn't love you, but only has her own fear of abandonment issues. I wish I was in a place to help people like you. I would love to pick you up in a limo and drop you off at your new apartment with a nice working girl waiting at that door.

QUOTE=MrNiceGuyCincy; 1892729]I had been mongering for 10 or 12 years. I started back in the days where the only way to find a provider was to look in the adult section in Citybeat. Then came the internet and, after a while, hobbying became much more efficient. I typically used sites like another site, , Eros-Ohio and Escort. Com to find providers. I used Backpage now and then too, and, of course, USASG. In fact, you can see my old posts on this site as a former senior member under my old screen name, naam456, which is no longer active.

My hobbying addiction became stronger and I started diverting some of my paycheck into a secret checking account that my wife knew nothing about. I told her my employer cut everyone's pay. I got a debit card to access that account and, over the course of several years, I was eventually able to divert enough money to see a provider once or twice a week. I had a couple of regulars that I saw at least once a month each, and then played the field the rest of the time. It was awesome!

Then one day my wife found the debit card. I tried all kinds of ways to cover everything, but she eventually figured out how to access it online and saw all the money I had been diverting from my paycheck and all the cash withdrawals. She also saw where I used the debit card to pay for memberships on another site and Escort. Com. She saw charges for hotels from when I decided to get a room to see a provider that only did outcall. She looked through all of that and eventually put two and two together and confronted me.

That was February of 2011. Since then, my life has been hell on earth. I was forced into seeing two counselors weekly. One with my wife to save the marriage and the other for sexual addiction counseling for me. That lasted almost two years. I can't tell you the number of nights she had me up half the night talking about what happened, digging for details, trying to explain the unexplainable. I remember the countless arguments, so frequent that it wasn't long before my teenage kids figured out what happened. She even tried to get me to take her to a couple of the places where I saw providers (I didn't and never will). It's not that I wasn't getting enough sex at home, it's just that I was not sexually interested in her anymore. I hadn't been for a long time, for several reasons, which led to the mongering. But I could never tell her this as it would crush her even more than the discovery of the mongering did.

So today, over 2 & 1/2+ years later, we generally get along. We still have at least a couple of discussions a month about what happened and it still comes up in conversation almost daily. We have a decent sex life, but I'm basically only doing it because if I don't, she will assume I'm mongering again and tighten the noose even more.

But the life I live is not a happy one. She has essentially cut me off from the few friends I had. I basically can't go out and do anything except go to work, unless I'm going to be with her or one of the kids. She tracks me everywhere I go with GPS. She reads all my emails and texts. She inspects the phone bill and investigates any call or text to / from a number she doesn't recognize. She monitors all my internet traffic at home and on my smart phone. If it takes me 10 minutes longer than she thinks it should to go to the grocery store, I get grilled with questions when I get home. She tracks every dollar of cash that I get to spend and reviews all of my pay stubs from work. She looks at the bank accounts online almost every day. She calls me at work regularly to make sure I'm really there because she knows I can't forward phone calls from my work phone. If we go out for dinner or whatever, I get slammed every time I turn my head if there happens to be another woman in my line of sight. I'm not allowed to be friendly to other women either. No friendly chit-chat with a waitress at a restaurant, just all business. If the waitress is friendly with me, I have to ignore it. Any time I have a meeting at work where women will be attending, I have to give her a full account of who was there and how long the meeting lasted. The list goes on.

By now you're probably wondering why the hell I'm still married to her. Good question. The thing is, we can't afford to maintain two households and still provide all the things we want for our kids. They go to private schools because we live in a crappy school district. We pay almost $20, 000 a year in high school tuition. I tried to leave a couple of times, but the kids were just devastated, so I stayed. We both love our house and the neighborhood, so it would be a big deal for either of us to leave. Basically, I am trapped in this situation for probably another 5 or 6 years until enough tuition is behind us and enough bills are paid that I can afford to leave and not have to live on chicken soup. The kids will be adults by then and, hopefully, better able to handle mom and dad separating. I hate lying to her and acting as if I still want to be with her, but I don't feel like I have any other option right now. If I'm honest with her and do the right thing, the kids' lives will be badly impacted. I just have to wait it out.

Believe it or not, I still monger a little bit now and then. I scrape cash together from my lunch money and a dollar here and a dollar there and I have enough cash to see a provider maybe once every few months for a 30 minute session. I even manage a car date with a SW here and there, but that's about it. I hate it!

So, anyway, that's my sob story. One that is entirely my fault, but one that impacts the lives of those in my family as well. I have no one to blame but myself and sometimes I think maybe deep down I'm really not afraid to get caught again. Because this time, it would certainly end in divorce and I don't think I will be truly happy again until that day comes.

Morale of the story? If you're married and have to keep your mongering hidden from your wife, cover all your tracks, and then cover them again. If you have kids, don't monger at all until they're grown and gone. Don't make the careless mistakes I did that allowed me to get caught. Because if you do, you could end up in a situation similar to mine and, trust me, you would be better off quitting the hobby than letting that happen.

Play safe.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

10-16-13, 11:02
Which I will not quote and copy it again...hits pretty close to home. I think if you are married you really should consider what will happen WHEN you get caught, and the lives it will change, and the destruction it will cause. Its more than just loosing your happy home, and half your stuff.

If you are unhappy, then maybe a divorce should come first. I have done the counselling, and the sex addict thing. I believe I am a sex addict...and I also believe MOST guys on here are as well. (my opinion) I am still married, but the damage is done. Once the trust is gone...it is gone. And the love from someone who wanted to love you forever is tainted. Is it really worth it? I say no...it truly is not. I happen to have the worlds most forgiving wife. (which makes it worse if you can believe that).

So I do have advice for the married guy:

1) comunicate with your wife right now, and see where you stand right now in your marriage. Instead of saying "if you gave me more sex it wouldn't happen" have sex with HER. She loves you and probably misses sex with you just as much. If you spent half the effort being interested in her that you spend chasing hookers..she'd be on your jock 8 days a week.

2) if you see sex providers...use condoms...GET TESTED every 12 weeks. Don't infect your wife.

3) have a lawyer's phone number handy. You will need one.

4) don't ever use your home or work computer, or your real cell phone for outside sex activity. A burn phone and an old smartphone that hooks to public wifi should be all you need. This is evidence that will be used against you, or get you fired.

5) realize that you may be a sex addict or that this activity may lead to that. Sex addiction IS real, and is a critical risk to your mental health. Go to an SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) meeting once, you will get a REALLY different view of things.

6) think of what will happen to your relationship with your children WHEN they find out. Is this the legacy you want?

7) lastly, if you are ok with all of that, and can successfully daily lie to yourself and your family...then bring on the hookers.

P.S.: I am a sex addict. And I am a hopeless lot. I had the perfect life...one I would gladly take back and give this all away.

10-16-13, 11:18
Has anyone ever met a girl named Anna on livelinks that says she is in Western Hills. She says she is 5'3" 135 lbs. "cheerleader body." She can't send pics supposedly. Says I can walk away if I don't like what I see. .8 for FS. PM if you have any info. Thanks.

Ron M
10-16-13, 11:21
Which I will not quote and copy it again...hits pretty close to home. I think if you are married you really should consider what will happen WHEN you get caught, and the lives it will change, and the destruction it will cause. Its more than just loosing your happy home, and half your stuff.

If you are unhappy, then maybe a divorce should come first. I have done the counselling, and the sex addict thing. I believe I am a sex addict...and I also believe MOST guys on here are as well. (my opinion) I am still married, but the damage is done. Once the trust is gone...it is gone. And the love from someone who wanted to love you forever is tainted. Is it really worth it? I say no...it truly is not. I happen to have the worlds most forgiving wife. (which makes it worse if you can believe that).

So I do have advice for the married guy:

1) comunicate with your wife right now, and see where you stand right now in your marriage. Instead of saying "if you gave me more sex it wouldn't happen" have sex with HER. She loves you and probably misses sex with you just as much. If you spent half the effort being interested in her that you spend chasing hookers..she'd be on your jock 8 days a week.

2) if you see sex providers...use condoms...GET TESTED every 12 weeks. Don't infect your wife.

3) have a lawyer's phone number handy. You will need one.

4) don't ever use your home or work computer, or your real cell phone for outside sex activity. A burn phone and an old smartphone that hooks to public wifi should be all you need. This is evidence that will be used against you, or get you fired.

5) realize that you may be a sex addict or that this activity may lead to that. Sex addiction IS real, and is a critical risk to your mental health. Go to an SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) meeting once, you will get a REALLY different view of things.

6) think of what will happen to your relationship with your children WHEN they find out. Is this the legacy you want?

7) lastly, if you are ok with all of that, and can successfully daily lie to yourself and your family...then bring on the hookers.

P.S.: I am a sex addict. And I am a hopeless lot. I had the perfect life...one I would gladly take back and give this all away.For anyone thinking about getting Married and are Mongering, don't get Married. You want the Perfect Life? Stay Single. You guys that are Married be for warned, you Will Get Caught.

10-16-13, 12:00
For anyone thinking about getting Married and are Mongering, don't get Married. You want the Perfect Life? Stay Single. You guys that are Married be for warned, you Will Get Caught.Why not meet her for a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Chat about the weather for a min, then get busy if all checks out. If she declines then you have your answer.

10-16-13, 14:48
You're right. This is not a place for marriage counseling. I was just trying to keep guys from making some of the same mistakes I made. I'll keep my Dr. Phil crap to myself from now on, lol.

The wife probably would make a decent provider, although her BBBJ skills need improvement. ;)

Play safe

[QUOTE=Cincyjim;1899224]Fuck that. Don't leave your wife. Introduce her to the business, let her earn her keep by peddling her wares. Have her give you the money she earns so you can spend it on your own mongering activities. By the way when did this site become a place for marriage counseling?

C Builder
10-16-13, 21:06
You're right. This is not a place for marriage counseling. I was just trying to keep guys from making some of the same mistakes I made. I'll keep my Dr. Phil crap to myself from now on, lol.Don't do that, I enjoyed reading about how this is working out for other people.

10-16-13, 23:50
Why not meet her for a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Chat about the weather for a min, then get busy if all checks out. If she declines then you have your answer.Thats the beauty of having an apartment I do host sometimes starting out with coffee I believe you can produce more dates by just being social with no sexual strings attached sometimes people just get lonely and coffee always is a great link to maybe a pretty fantastic date deafinetly worth a shot for some of you shy guys.

10-17-13, 08:19
You did not ask for marital advice, you simply shared your experience. It is relevant, important, and well written!

[QUOTE=MrNiceGuyCincy;1902845]You're right. This is not a place for marriage counseling. I was just trying to keep guys from making some of the same mistakes I made. I'll keep my Dr. Phil crap to myself from now on, lol.

The wife probably would make a decent provider, although her BBBJ skills need improvement. ;)

Play safe

10-17-13, 11:33
I enjoyed the marital perspective posts, the hobby certainly entered into my divorce, along w lots of other stuff. strip clubs are full of guys wanting to talk to pretty ladies. personally I think coffee with Silky sounds awesome! but I might dribble it all right down my chin from distraction
and be too damn shy to do anything but stare and lust,

QUOTE=SilkyWetness;1903281]Thats the beauty of having an apartment I do host sometimes starting out with coffee I believe you can produce more dates by just being social with no sexual strings attached sometimes people just get lonely and coffee always is a great link to maybe a pretty fantastic date deafinetly worth a shot for some of you shy guys.[/QUOTE]

10-17-13, 13:08
You guys that are Married be for warned, you Will Get Caught.This is my biggest fear because while I do my best to mitigate risks, the risky nature of the hobby may catch up to me. I was ready to give up the hobby because the thought of what it would do to my 3 kids but I happen to check my hobby email Monday morning and see a message from a regular. I text her and 15 minutes later she is tasting me. I am not sure I could quit.

Who on here has been caught by LE or SO? Can you share your experience?

10-17-13, 13:55
I just found them again. You have to download the aol software. I used to get laid a lot from chics I met in aol chat rooms. Girls all over the country.I tinkered with AOL about 6 months ago. The chat rooms look the same as they always did. Just REALLY lame now. Hardly anybody on there, and 90% of the chat rooms are gay or lesbo. Pass.

At least I have those cool memories of AOL from 1995 to 2001. When my dick was getting crazy action from all those horny AOL chicks.

10-17-13, 13:57
I enjoyed the marital perspective posts, the hobby certainly entered into my divorce, along w lots of other stuff. strip clubs are full of guys wanting to talk to pretty ladies. personally I think coffee with Silky sounds awesome! but I might dribble it all right down my chin from distraction
and be too damn shy to do anything but stare and lust
Thats the beauty of having an apartment I do host sometimes starting out with coffee I believe you can produce more dates by just being social with no sexual strings attached sometimes people just get lonely and coffee always is a great link to maybe a pretty fantastic date deafinetly worth a shot for some of you shy guys.I think the coffee (lunch or happy hour) route is a good one, but in my experience many providers still ask for references and in general do not want to waste their time. I've offered to make it worth their time $, but in the end they typically want the full fare for the meet and greet. Seems like a great way to meet (on the providers terms), chat and possibly pick up a long term client. A few have taken me up on the invite - all of which have been mutually GREAT experiences. But, most seem to dislike such an approach; probably because the ones that decline are fake (i.e., posting bait-switch pics, etc.). For the real ones, it's too bad, because it seems to me that a 30 minute meet and greet can be the least stressful of initial encounters. All business relationships that I've experienced are 'no charge' for the first meeting - it's part of the sales cycle. I am certain I'm missing some perspective here, but a meet and greet seems reasonable and safe.

10-17-13, 15:02
Has anyone seen or heard from Rachel24 in Mt Auburn? She was a regular advertiser here but hasn't posted in a few weeks. I'm ready to get back into it and wanted to see her.

10-17-13, 15:31
Has anyone seen or heard from Rachel24 in Mt Auburn? She was a regular advertiser here but hasn't posted in a few weeks. I'm ready to get back into it and wanted to see her.I was actually wondering the same thing. I saw her a couple of weeks ago or so and had a good time. Was thinking about another visit soon. She seemed like a very nice young woman with a good attitude. Hopefully she's just doing so well, she doesn't need to advertise.

10-17-13, 15:37
Has anyone ever met a girl named Anna on livelinks that says she is in Western Hills. She says she is 5'3" 135 lbs. "cheerleader body." She can't send pics supposedly. Says I can walk away if I don't like what I see. .8 for FS. PM if you have any info. Thanks.281446281447281448.

10-17-13, 16:06
Has anyone seen or heard from Rachel24 in Mt Auburn? She was a regular advertiser here but hasn't posted in a few weeks. I'm ready to get back into it and wanted to see her.Thought I saw a post about her getting noticed by a family member on here. Made me wonder what the family member was doing on here? I know there is still old post of hers up. No clue if she's still in business. I wouldn't mind knowing if you find out, she was on my list.

10-17-13, 17:48
281446281447281448.I don't know her. But if that is really her and she is legit, I want to know her. LOL She's a hottie!!

10-17-13, 20:11
I tinkered with AOL about 6 months ago. The chat rooms look the same as they always did. Just REALLY lame now. Hardly anybody on there, and 90% of the chat rooms are gay or lesbo. Pass.

At least I have those cool memories of AOL from 1995 to 2001. When my dick was getting crazy action from all those horny AOL chicks.Same here. The Chat rooms I used to hang in are always empty. Also I noticed the profiles are not the same. Just looking at the ladies profile & commenting on pics or what ever was an easy way to get a dialog started.

Member #5522
10-17-13, 20:20
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-17-13, 20:52
Thought I saw a post about her getting noticed by a family member on here. Made me wonder what the family member was doing on here? I know there is still old post of hers up. No clue if she's still in business. I wouldn't mind knowing if you find out, she was on my list.Not sure if she is still on here, but she told me she didn't like to post face pics because her uncle (not LEO) was addicted to this stuff..

10-17-13, 21:41
I will ask her if she is willing to see seniors.


10-19-13, 08:32
I find myself in Middletown quite a bit for work every week and would love to find a provider I could have a dream with that provides a great BBBJ since that is what I enjoy most. Any suggestions? I can travel down to Monroe or up to Franklin if needed for lunch. Don't have a lot of time for lunch that is why I prefer BBBJ. Any one know any ladies that can have a new regular and help me partake in these dreams? Pm is fine if needed.

Member #4385
10-21-13, 08:11
This is my biggest fear because while I do my best to mitigate risks, the risky nature of the hobby may catch up to me. I was ready to give up the hobby because the thought of what it would do to my 3 kids but I happen to check my hobby email Monday morning and see a message from a regular. I text her and 15 minutes later she is tasting me. I am not sure I could quit.

Who on here has been caught by LE or SO? Can you share your experience?No experience with LE, but an ex-boyfriend is threatening blackmail, exposing me to my employer and probably my family. I regret everything I've done, but I can't undo it.

10-21-13, 13:37
I find myself in Middletown quite a bit for work every week and would love to find a provider I could have a dream with that provides a great BBBJ since that is what I enjoy most. Any suggestions? I can travel down to Monroe or up to Franklin if needed for lunch. Don't have a lot of time for lunch that is why I prefer BBBJ. Any one know any ladies that can have a new regular and help me partake in these dreams? Pm is fine if needed.I just read a report by KenwoodJack about a girl named Brooklyn who lives in Middletown. I don't remember what her skill level was, but he said she is extremely thin. She has several reports on the Dayton board.

Alaska Tom
10-21-13, 22:22
Is anyone else getting malware warnings for usasg forum? I started getting them this afternoon from my Chrome browser, I still logged in. I have run anti-malware program.

Which found no evil stuff...warnings still come up, though, as of 1015 pm.

10-21-13, 23:37
Is anyone else getting malware warnings for usasg forum? I started getting them this afternoon from my Chrome browser, I still logged in. I have run anti-malware program.

Which found no evil stuff...warnings still come up, though, as of 1015 pm.I got same thing on desk top. I signed on with my Ipad hoping what ever it is won't effect this like it might my computer. I was going to inquire m self & maybe send a pm to Admin.

We are working on it, there's nothing on our servers. I was on the site all day and then ran Security Essentials, Malwarebytes, and Super Anti Spyware and I was clean as a whistle.


10-21-13, 23:50
Is anyone else getting malware warnings for usasg forum? I started getting them this afternoon from my Chrome browser, I still logged in. I have run anti-malware program.

Which found no evil stuff...warnings still come up, though, as of 1015 pm.Yes had them too, wonder what is up.

10-22-13, 07:26
Yes had them too, wonder what is up.I use my I Pad I couldn't get thru the way I normally log onto the site I just shortened my search and got in. Still confused I wonder who started that up.

10-22-13, 07:45
I use my I Pad I couldn't get thru the way I normally log onto the site I just shortened my search and got in. Still confused I wonder who started that up.I've tried through Chrome, Safari, IE and Photon browsers. If you brute force directly to the address bar, you're in, but if you go through Google you get the runaround. Other search engines work just fine, but not if you use Chrome, of course. Is Big Brother Google doing some sly censorship, I wonder? Won't stop me; I risk far worse infections than malware in this hobby.

I think some anti prostitution douchebags reported us to them. Our servers are clean, I used the site all day yesterday and my AV never alerted to any threats beyond that google screen. After work when I scanned my computer it came up clean in Security Essentials, Malwarebytes, and Super Anti Spyware.


10-22-13, 07:46
Is anyone else getting malware warnings for usasg forum? I started getting them this afternoon from my Chrome browser, I still logged in. I have run anti-malware program.

Which found no evil stuff...warnings still come up, though, as of 1015 pm.Everyone is getting Computer savvy!

10-22-13, 09:39
Everyone is getting Computer savvy!It is the same as when I type nipple into yahoo search. Before it reveals the results it warns me that it is adult content. No shit! I am the adult that typed it in!! Just a couple more clicks. All you can do is add USA to your trusted sites, but that wouldn't be very discrete no would it?

10-22-13, 09:42
No problems here. Site pulls up as normal with no ads etc. While I'm posting anyone know anyone close to Milford, Miami Twp area. Looking for a GFE, don't care for so called BBW. Thanks guys.

10-22-13, 10:21
Everyone is getting Computer savvy!There was malicious software found on 13 of 395 pages checked as of yesterday, though none today.

Alaska Tom
10-22-13, 11:04
There was malicious software found on 13 of 395 pages checked as of yesterday, though none today.I logged in just now, Tues 1100, using Ubuntu OS and Chrome, malware warnings still there.

Remember, gang, always wise to run anti=malware and anti-virus programs on regular schedule!

If any of you guys are finding anything after scanning please PM me. I use the site all the time and my AV is not blocking anything, nor am I finding anything when I scan.


10-22-13, 11:21
OK, so I got the same warnings yesterday morning, bulled through and got on the site anyway, and sent Admin a message. He replied that he was on it, which I expected. I haven't noticed anyone on the Cleveland threads mentioning it. I use AVG, which isn't showing me any problems, and I haven't noticed anything unusual, so I think its bullshit. Keep on keeping on.


10-22-13, 17:39
I scanned with AVG on Chrome and found nothing but I still get the Warning screen. I can get on using IE but I don't like to use it. Any ideas?


Alaska Tom
10-22-13, 18:24
I scanned with AVG on Chrome and found nothing but I still get the Warning screen. I can get on using IE but I don't like to use it. Any ideas?

Thanks.AVG is pretty outstanding, but anti-malware is good also. There is a free version at http://www.malwarebytes.org/.

I have kept on using Chrome, but running anti-malware daily.

I'm working with Google to make it go away. I've scanned the site several times and came up clean. I use the site all day with my PC and have scanned my system with Security Essentials, Malwarebytes, and Super Anti Spyware twice and came up clean as well. Well, except for the 300 or so cookies (regular cookies) that SAS finds every time I use it.


10-22-13, 20:15
Is anyone else getting malware warnings for usasg forum? I started getting them this afternoon from my Chrome browser, I still logged in. I have run anti-malware program.

Which found no evil stuff...warnings still come up, though, as of 1015 pm.It popped up on my computer, I thought about it, but then ignored it.


10-22-13, 21:35
Texted for several weeks before my schedule and hers worked out. She was fun, pics were legit, price was a little much for me, especially because I had just found a freaky non working girl from the line that gave me all I could handle. I'd repeat in a pinch though. Just my 2 cents.


10-22-13, 22:35
I am getting the same thing on chrome and on my phone. No problems found so far though.

I'm working with Google to make it go away. I've scanned the site several times and came up clean. I use the site all day with my PC and have scanned my system with Security Essentials, Malwarebytes, and Super Anti Spyware twice and came up clean as well. Well, except for the 300 or so cookies (regular cookies) that SAS finds every time I use it.


10-23-13, 02:21
I was getting the malware warning on my Chromebook most of Monday but not now.

I am getting the same thing on chrome and on my phone. No problems found so far though.

I'm working with Google to make it go away. I've scanned the site several times and came up clean. I use the site all day with my PC and have scanned my system with Security Essentials, Malwarebytes, and Super Anti Spyware twice and came up clean as well. Well, except for the 300 or so cookies (regular cookies) that SAS finds every time I use it.


10-23-13, 08:50
As of now, I am no longer getting the warning, thanks A2.

Alaska Tom
10-23-13, 11:31
I was getting the malware warning on my Chromebook most of Monday but not now.As of 1115 Weds, no further malware warnings. Many thanks to Admin for working with Google to get it cleared up. Google can sometimes be a pain to talk to, so we all owe.

Big kudos to Admin.

Again, many thanxx!!

10-24-13, 10:16
Ok a wile back, I saw dewy rose, had a good time, might go back.

Also saw fancy Felicia she was nice and easy to be around, prolly will repeat.

Also saw pet from backpage, recommended!

Had a few good times with Cassidy crown, will go back.

Went and saw young paige, nice ass, sweet girl, may repeat.

10-24-13, 16:24
I got a text a few days ago from my friend Sarah from Norwood with her new phone # after talking on the phone for a few days we set up a date. She no longer lives in Norwood with her sister long story, she is living with this guy and dancing in Dayton. We went to the Notel Fulton had a nice time. Surprisingly she had never heard off or been to the Fulton I told her she lost points on street cred, she said she's just a nerdy white girl. Nice kid we had fun then I dropped her off. I will repeat be safe guys I'm out.

10-26-13, 16:46
I do not know if this is the proper forum post to bring this problem up, but since there has been a software update, my username and password are no longer maintained on the login site in the upper left hand corner of the tool bar next to Welcome, even though I have "remember me" checked off. Has anyone else noticed this problem?

10-26-13, 17:04
I do not know if this is the proper forum post to bring this problem up, but since there has been a software update, my username and password are no longer maintained on the login site in the upper left hand corner of the tool bar next to Welcome, even though I have "remember me" checked off. Has anyone else noticed this problem?I've had that problem going on for a while, if I am on here for a while I have to log on three or for times.

10-26-13, 23:08
I do not know if this is the proper forum post to bring this problem up, but since there has been a software update, my username and password are no longer maintained on the login site in the upper left hand corner of the tool bar next to Welcome, even though I have "remember me" checked off. Has anyone else noticed this problem?Mine works fine.

10-27-13, 01:21
In the past I have had this problem if I do not include the "www." when typing the URL in the address bar.


I do not know if this is the proper forum post to bring this problem up, but since there has been a software update, my username and password are no longer maintained on the login site in the upper left hand corner of the tool bar next to Welcome, even though I have "remember me" checked off. Has anyone else noticed this problem?

10-27-13, 06:54
In the past I have had this problem if I do not include the "www." when typing the URL in the address bar.

Sno.Actually I had that problem before but since the update mine works great. LOL go figure.

Alaska Tom
10-27-13, 11:40
In the past I have had this problem if I do not include the "www." when typing the URL in the address bar.

Sno.I am using the Chrome browser with Win 7, have had no problems getting automatically logged in when going onto the site. I wonder if it might help to go into your settings and do a "delete all cookies" move?

10-27-13, 22:47
[Political Commentary deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove political commentary. Please remember that the purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Please do not post political commentary in the Forum EXCEPT local politics as it directly pertains to the subject of local laws and ordinances regarding commercial sex in the area defined by the thread title. Thanks!

10-28-13, 04:41
Hi Boys.

I like to stay UTR. Say what you want, but I know of a nice young lady, about 22. REALLY cute girl. She has experience, but looking to go out on her own. Send me a pm if interested.

10-28-13, 13:31
No problems here. Site pulls up as normal with no ads etc. While I'm posting anyone know anyone close to Milford, Miami Twp area. Looking for a GFE, don't care for so called BBW. Thanks guys.I'm on the eastside also, and can't seem to find any GFE girls close. Big demographic over here for quality girls.

Member #4637
10-29-13, 09:19
I keep hearing Uncle LEO has been hanging out in the Springdale, Sharonville, Tri-County area. Anyone see any evidence of this recently? There are quite a few providers in the area and I don't want to get caught up in that if I can avoid it.

10-29-13, 12:43
I do not know if this is the proper forum post to bring this problem up, but since there has been a software update, my username and password are no longer maintained on the login site in the upper left hand corner of the tool bar next to Welcome, even though I have "remember me" checked off. Has anyone else noticed this problem?This problem occurs only on my iPhone. Login name and password will not be maintained even though "remember me" is selected. I do not have this problem on my computer. Sorry if I did not make this clear to other members when I first posted this problem.

10-29-13, 12:51
This problem occurs only on my iPhone. Login name and password will not be maintained even though "remember me" is selected. I do not have this problem on my computer. Sorry if I did not make this clear to other members when I first posted this problem.Mine works fine and always have sweetie. We'll look at it tomorrow.

10-29-13, 13:49
This problem occurs only on my iPhone. Login name and password will not be maintained even though "remember me" is selected. I do not have this problem on my computer. Sorry if I did not make this clear to other members when I first posted this problem.Go to your settings and make sure you have the correct options selected.

Settings Safari Passwords&Autofill AlwaysAllow.

*Notice the AlwaysAllow option within the Passwords & Autofill menu. When turned on, you may choose to select to use this feature even if websites request that you do not.

Hope this helps. If not, delete all of your cookies and try anew. You may have conflicting cookies that are sending your browser mixed signals.

Del Griffith
10-29-13, 13:49
This problem occurs only on my iPhone. Login name and password will not be maintained even though "remember me" is selected. I do not have this problem on my computer. Sorry if I did not make this clear to other members when I first posted this problem.This happens occasionally on my iPad. I just ignore the warning & click where I want to go, 9 times out of 10 there is no need for me to log-in again.


10-29-13, 22:30
I keep hearing Uncle LEO has been hanging out in the Springdale, Sharonville, Tri-County area. Anyone see any evidence of this recently? There are quite a few providers in the area and I don't want to get caught up in that if I can avoid it.LEO has always been very present in those areas and will for the foreseeable future, because it is so accessible and there is a steady supply of ladies in that area. If you educate yourself on how to conduct yourself you can successfully conduct your business in those areas. I have on numerous occasions but I am very cautious, even more than usual when I am around there. As always.

10-30-13, 00:26
Hi Boys.

I like to stay UTR. Say what you want, but I know of a nice young lady, about 22. REALLY cute girl. She has experience, but looking to go out on her own. Send me a pm if interested.Thanks to all for the interest in this provider. Since my inbox is now flooded, I will post on the forum when she is ready. She is transitioning right now, and needs a little time. Thanks and stay safe.

Cassidy Crowne
10-30-13, 02:59
[Message to Admin deleted]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove a message directed to the Forum Admin.

The open Forum is not the appropriate venue to contact the Forum Administration regarding individual questions, complaints or comments about the administration of the Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the administration of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks![Message to Admin deleted]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove a message directed to the Forum Admin.

The open Forum is not the appropriate venue to contact the Forum Administration regarding individual questions, complaints or comments about the administration of the Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the administration of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

10-30-13, 13:35
I recently made my first foray into the hobby with SashaBlack, and what an initiation! All the good things I've read here are true, and then some. Of course she's a babe and she's got the skills, but it's her attitude that put things over the top. She seems to really be into it and any nervousness on my part quickly faded away. She was welcoming and excitingly aggressive once she could tell I was into that. The only downside is that ultimately, I had to come back to the 'real world'. I had a great time and intend to visit her again as soon as I can.

Setup was actually pretty easy and smooth considering my newness to all this. So thanks to Buddha and especially thanks to Sasha for making my first hobby experience such a good one. Highly recommended.

10-30-13, 16:30
I'm on the eastside also, and can't seem to find any GFE girls close. Big demographic over here for quality girls.I have a really nice UTR find PM me.

10-30-13, 16:55
This problem occurs only on my iPhone. Login name and password will not be maintained even though "remember me" is selected. I do not have this problem on my computer. Sorry if I did not make this clear to other members when I first posted this problem.I think that I may have solved the problem. After logging in and entering the password. Go to the bottom of the page and tap the symbol for pages. Once that opens, tap private on the left side. It asks if you want to keep this page and a window opens asking if you want Safari to use auto fill to enter the login and password. Hit yes. This seems to correct the problem I was having on the iPhone.

Member #4637
10-30-13, 17:18
Just in the last half hour, every time I visit this site, I get a warning for "Slovakia..." as a security bypass warning. Anyone else see that?

10-30-13, 18:57
I have a really nice UTR find PM me.Tryed to pm you. Your box is full. Pm me description and contact info if you would.

10-30-13, 19:26
I think that I may have solved the problem. After logging in and entering the password. Go to the bottom of the page and tap the symbol for pages. Once that opens, tap private on the left side. It asks if you want to keep this page and a window opens asking if you want Safari to use auto fill to enter the login and password. Hit yes. This seems to correct the problem I was having on the iPhone.I knew that had to be the problem I'm glad we could fix it sweetie.

10-31-13, 13:36
Yes this is the one the only Stormy!

I am alive well and have missed you guys. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts of me and we'll wishes. I cried when I read them today. Just so everyone knows my past troubles had nothing to do with this wonderful hobby.

Gone T M
10-31-13, 22:23
Yes this is the one the only Stormy!

I am alive well and have missed you guys. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts of me and we'll wishes. I cried when I read them today. Just so everyone knows my past troubles had nothing to do with this wonderful hobby.Stormy... Are you back? I sure as hell hope so!

10-31-13, 22:39
Stormy... Are you back? I sure as hell hope so!I am back but not in Cincinnati. If I could book enough appointments I would come there. Also get there. I am in Akron and just posted first time today in Akron forum. Now I want to be there with my play friends.

The One the Only,


11-01-13, 23:20
Hello guys, I am new to this hobby. Been reading around past couple days. Can I please get some tips that might help me before I make my first appointment? BTW, will escorts care or refuse to spend time with me if I am a different race? (brown) if that matters.

11-02-13, 02:58
Hello guys, I am new to this hobby. Been reading around past couple days. Can I please get some tips that might help me before I make my first appointment? BTW, will escorts care or refuse to spend time with me if I am a different race? (brown) if that matters.Ok so I'm going to say what everyone else I assume is thinking read the forum make your own judgements and go for it if you like what you see set an appt up but you can't just come on here offering no useful intel or having tested the waters yourself some providers do discriminate race I for one am not one of them but alot of the girls require references this is my suggestion just read and youll find all you need above all else be safe and think with your big head and not the little one.

11-02-13, 10:25
I am back but not in Cincinnati. If I could book enough appointments I would come there. Also get there. I am in Akron and just posted first time today in Akron forum. Now I want to be there with my play friends.

The One the Only,

StormyNice to see your ok and hope you get back down this way.

Member #5083
11-02-13, 11:53
Hello guys, I am new to this hobby. Been reading around past couple days. Can I please get some tips that might help me before I make my first appointment? BTW, will escorts care or refuse to spend time with me if I am a different race? (brown) if that matters.First of all, use tineye or google image to determine if the photos are real or not. There are a few self-shot photo websites that a lot of girls borrow from. Many also borrow photos from providers in other areas. This will also be revealed through tineye or google image. I've seen providers use photos of well know people and if you challenge them on it, they will still insist the photo is really them.

Be wary of out-call only providers. This often is a cash & dash set up.

When you get to her place, don't discuss services with an un-reviewed provider. If she isn't reviewed just let things take their course. The provider will often ask you to get undressed first, to confirm you are not LE. Also make sure the deadbolt is locked and peek in the bathroom if it is an un-reviewed provider.

Use a disposable cell phone.

Don't see a reviewed provided without seeing a photo. Make sure you see photos. Everyone's taste is different. Some guys hand out 8's, 9's & 10's like they have been in prison for 25 years. Even a photo can be misleading if it is hiding some flaws.

Regarding race. Some provider's stipulate, "No AA men or No AA men under 35". You can research why this is the case using google, and find various explanations. Not knowing you, my guess is that you will not have any issues with race.

For your first experience, I suggest you see someone who has been reviewed. This is not the only review site available.

There are other helpful hints, but these are some basics.

11-02-13, 12:19
Hello guys, I am new to this hobby. Been reading around past couple days. Can I please get some tips that might help me before I make my first appointment? BTW, will escorts care or refuse to spend time with me if I am a different race? (brown) if that matters.I am Greek and darker than most Latinos and have never had an issue. The girls ask "what are you?" but never in a negative way.

Wingman Todd
11-02-13, 14:59
So how do you ask if they do Greek if you are Greek? Haha! I am teasing you of course!

I am Greek and darker than most Latinos and have never had an issue. The girls ask "what are you?" but never in a negative way.

11-02-13, 16:34
First of all, use tineye or google image to determine if the photos are real or not. There are a few self-shot photo websites that a lot of girls borrow from. Many also borrow photos from providers in other areas. This will also be revealed through tineye or google image. I've seen providers use photos of well know people and if you challenge them on it, they will still insist the photo is really them.

Be wary of out-call only providers. This often is a cash & dash set up.

When you get to her place, don't discuss services with an un-reviewed provider. If she isn't reviewed just let things take their course. The provider will often ask you to get undressed first, to confirm you are not LE. Also make sure the deadbolt is locked and peek in the bathroom if it is an un-reviewed provider.

Use a disposable cell phone.

Don't see a reviewed provided without seeing a photo. Make sure you see photos. Everyone's taste is different. Some guys hand out 8's, 9's & 10's like they have been in prison for 25 years. Even a photo can be misleading if it is hiding some flaws.

Regarding race. Some provider's stipulate, "No AA men or No AA men under 35". You can research why this is the case using google, and find various explanations. Not knowing you, my guess is that you will not have any issues with race.

For your first experience, I suggest you see someone who has been reviewed. This is not the only review site available.

There are other helpful hints, but these are some basics.
I am Greek and darker than most Latinos and have never had an issue. The girls ask "what are you?" but never in a negative way.Thank you very much, guys. This helped a lot. I already have an eye on a girl that I like. Sindee from ee. Anyone have experience with her?

11-02-13, 21:22
So how do you ask if they do Greek if you are Greek? Haha! I am teasing you of course!Wait a minute, can one monger profile another monger? Anyways, the girls always ask what I am, and of course they smile when I tell them.

D Nut
11-03-13, 00:17
Wait a minute, can one monger profile another monger? Anyways, the girls always ask what I am, and of course they smile when I tell them.When providers ask me what I am, I just tell them I'm a pervert, which makes me a citizen of the world.

11-03-13, 08:20
When providers ask me what I am, I just tell them I'm a pervert, which makes me a citizen of the world.When providers ask me what I do for a living, I tell them this "this"!

11-03-13, 12:29
When providers ask me what I am, I just tell them I'm a pervert, which makes me a citizen of the world.Of that first talk I had when I came of age. Mom Sat. Me down and said in her soft sweet voice, "You know you are a pervert, RIGHT?... I'll be back to see you next weekend.

11-03-13, 13:01
When providers ask me what I am, I just tell them I'm a pervert, which makes me a citizen of the world.When providers ask me what I am, I just tell them I'm above average size.

11-03-13, 19:00
[Message to Admin deleted]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove a message directed to the Forum Admin.

The open Forum is not the appropriate venue to contact the Forum Administration regarding individual questions, complaints or comments about the administration of the Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the administration of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

Member #5083
11-04-13, 21:26
Would you hold it against a fellow monger to embellish a review just to get a discount from a provider, or to stay in her good favor?

11-04-13, 22:31
Would you hold it against a fellow monger to embellish a review just to get a discount from a provider, or to stay in her good favor?How would anyone ever know? I am confident that it happens all the time. As always.

Alaska Tom
11-04-13, 23:57
Every time I go to a new page today, I get a warning from my anti-virus program warning of a virus that it is quarantining, it says.

JK / agent. NKT trojan.

Anyone else getting this?

11-05-13, 11:03
I'm getting the same message sometimes. I think mine started JS instead of JK.

Alaska Tom
11-05-13, 17:55
I'm getting the same message sometimes. I think mine started JS instead of JK.Mine was actually starting with JS also, I mis-typed it. Getting same warning now, Nov. 5 454 pm.


11-05-13, 18:11
Had a slow time getting in this morning, but no other problems.


11-05-13, 22:01
My Avasti virus protection warns of a virus every time I open a new page. Started yesterday.

11-05-13, 22:21
Every time I go to a new page today, I get a warning from my anti-virus program warning of a virus that it is quarantining, it says.

JK / agent. NKT trojan.

Anyone else getting this?I was getting it earlier too. But it has gone away now.

11-06-13, 09:56
I have posted this on a the Chicago board but I have not heard anything back. I don't think they are as active as we are here, which is surprising. I will be up there in a couple weeks for work, staying near O Hare. Anyone on here travel up there for business and have some recommendations?

11-06-13, 10:16
I have posted this on a the Chicago board but I have not heard anything back. I don't think they are as active as we are here, which is surprising. I will be up there in a couple weeks for work, staying near O Hare. Anyone on here travel up there for business and have some recommendations?Can't say I was impressed with the offerings last time I was up around O'Hare.

11-06-13, 11:14
I have posted this on a the Chicago board but I have not heard anything back. I don't think they are as active as we are here, which is surprising. I will be up there in a couple weeks for work, staying near O Hare. Anyone on here travel up there for business and have some recommendations?I get up there several times a year and since I like Asians I just go to eros guide. The Asian apartment gals are 160 for awesome FS. I think they are the best damn deal in the country so check it out. Also links on eros go to Thaispicygirls site with the same options and 90 minute sessions for those of us who want multiple pops.

Stay safe, Daz.

11-06-13, 22:44
I get up there several times a year and since I like Asians I just go to eros guide. The Asian apartment gals are 160 for awesome FS. I think they are the best damn deal in the country so check it out. Also links on eros go to Thaispicygirls site with the same options and 90 minute sessions for those of us who want multiple pops.

Stay safe, Daz.Why are there no decent asian full GFE girls in Cincinnati. I would really like to see one. They really get me going and I have been looking for one to see, but the only ones around, which are few, are not GFE.

Ron M
11-06-13, 22:55
I have posted this on a the Chicago board but I have not heard anything back. I don't think they are as active as we are here, which is surprising. I will be up there in a couple weeks for work, staying near O Hare. Anyone on here travel up there for business and have some recommendations?Not much worth seeing here in Chicago. I should know cause I live here. Sure there are a few Gems around. But overall Chicago isn't a place to find Great Providers. If you guys travel here just to see what Providers are here, don't. Save your Money. Just check the Chicago Board if you don't believe me. You guys in Cincy have a much better selection of Nice Ladies than we have here in Chicago. Hell I'm thinking about driving to Cincy to see some of the Ladies over there.

11-07-13, 10:52
I get up there several times a year and since I like Asians I just go to eros guide. The Asian apartment gals are 160 for awesome FS. I think they are the best damn deal in the country so check it out. Also links on eros go to Thaispicygirls site with the same options and 90 minute sessions for those of us who want multiple pops.

Stay safe, Daz.Thanks Daz . I did find the Thaispicy website and they had a small selection and none really peaked my interest at $180/ hr. I couldn't find anything on the Asian apartment gals. It seems the action is rather random in Chicago. Not a stable of quality affordable SP like we have here. Eros Chicago is filled with a variety of SP but they are quite expensive and I was burned once already with a Eros Chicago SP to the tune of four hundee so I am skeptical.

Ky Guy 123
11-11-13, 00:18
I was reminded today of some damn good fun that was had last year partaking of Veterans day specials. I hadn't seen any mention yet on ads, so just wanted to see if anyone was doing such tomorrow? Just thought I'd put the consideration out there.


11-11-13, 10:13
I was thinking the same thing. Would be nice to show us veterans appreciation. MF.

I was reminded today of some damn good fun that was had last year partaking of Veterans day specials. I hadn't seen any mention yet on ads, so just wanted to see if anyone was doing such tomorrow? Just thought I'd put the consideration out there.


11-11-13, 11:08
I'm running a Veterans Day Special. 50 for half and 80 for full hour. Cum see me today!

I was reminded today of some damn good fun that was had last year partaking of Veterans day specials. I hadn't seen any mention yet on ads, so just wanted to see if anyone was doing such tomorrow? Just thought I'd put the consideration out there.


11-11-13, 14:22
I am sure theses are common at gay bars (not my scene) but anyone ever heard of a traditional (non-gay) glory hole around town?

11-11-13, 14:32
I am sure theses are common at gay bars (not my scene) but anyone ever heard of a traditional (non-gay) glory hole around town?How would you know if was a guy mouth or a girl mouth? No way I am sticking my favorite appendage in a sticky duct taped hole. The other thing I would find it hard about that...is my dang beer belly would keep me from getting all the way in!

Not that there is anything wrong with that. I am just curious as to how you would know, seeing as to how you want a "traditional" one. If you find one...wear a condom.

11-11-13, 15:07
How would you know if was a guy mouth or a girl mouth? No way I am sticking my favorite appendage in a sticky duct taped hole. The other thing I would find it hard about that...is my dang beer belly would keep me from getting all the way in!

Not that there is anything wrong with that. I am just curious as to how you would know, seeing as to how you want a "traditional" one. If you find one...wear a condom.There was one up in the colrain area and it turned out to be a guy in a wig with some makeup on. It looked like a girl through the hole. I always wondered myself about how anyone could trust putting their junk through a hole and not worried about some sicko snapping some vice grips on it and walking away. I had a friend about twenty years ago we were coming back from Detroit. He was in a stall at a rest stop and heard a tapping foot. He tapped back and the guy put his junk through the hole. He pulled his vice grips off his belt holder and clamped them down on the head and left the poor F**ker. He came back to the car, I drove off and he told me what he did and yes his vice grips were missing from his belt. I will never stick my junk in a glory hole.

Ron M
11-11-13, 15:21
There was one up in the colrain area and it turned out to be a guy in a wig with some makeup on. It looked like a girl through the hole. I always wondered myself about how anyone could trust putting their junk through a hole and not worried about some sicko snapping some vice grips on it and walking away. I had a friend about twenty years ago we were coming back from Detroit. He was in a stall at a rest stop and heard a tapping foot. He tapped back and the guy put his junk through the hole. He pulled his vice grips off his belt holder and clamped them down on the head and left the poor F**ker. He came back to the car, I drove off and he told me what he did and yes his vice grips were missing from his belt. I will never stick my junk in a glory hole.When I Travel I Never go into a Stall. I just use the Urinal and leave. Who would ever think that the other Cars travelling on the Interstate would be looking for a Glory Hole. Your Friend should have Never Tapped back. But putting a Vise Grip on that Guy was Funny. Serves him right.

Why would anyone want a BJ from a Woman in a Glory Hole? I'd rather see her up close and personal.

11-11-13, 15:25
Hey guys, I'm thinking about scheduling a visit with Japanese Abby and her partner. Any one else have any experiences? I saw a post about her today saying that she's kinda robotic, but nobody else has said anything since August according to the forum search.

11-11-13, 16:05
I would have to be sure the sucker was 100% female. It is seedy but ran across some porn and it caught my eye. Of course the porn was hot chicks on the other side of the glory hole. I read some stories about husbands who let their wives do this at swingers clubs as it was a big turn on for both the husband and wife.

Yes, this is how I spend my day at work, porn, reading about crazy sex stories and scheduling dates with our city's finest.

11-11-13, 16:44
I have seen them separately and enjoyed each experience. I wouldn't describe Abby as robotic, though it sounds like a fair amount of YMMV with her. I haven't repeated with either, but that wasn't for lack of trying. Missed a connection with Raven and just wasn't in the right part of town at the right time to repeat with Abby. I'd say give it a go if the price is right for you.I've seen abby before and she was all about business but got the job done.

Member #4570
11-12-13, 12:07
There is absolutely nothing funny about that. Holy fuck people, what kind of sick ass freak thinks this is funny or acceptable?! If you don't want you dick sucked by a guy then don't fucking tap back, it's common sense. Causing physical harm to a person that YOU baited is reprehensible.

Why am I always shocked by the stupidity of some people.


When I Travel I Never go into a Stall. I just use the Urinal and leave. Who would ever think that the other Cars travelling on the Interstate would be looking for a Glory Hole. Your Friend should have Never Tapped back. But putting a Vise Grip on that Guy was Funny. Serves him right.

Why would anyone want a BJ from a Woman in a Glory Hole? I'd rather see her up close and personal.

Member #4570
11-12-13, 12:08
Because no real man would find this funny.


Your friend was a bigoted piece of shit who lured another human into a situation where he could assault him. What kind of "man" thinks this is funny or cool?

Ky Guy 123
11-12-13, 14:08
Hi all.

I was a little disappointed in the deals offered here in Cinci yesterday. I know that prices are extremely competitive and such already, but was hoping that perhaps for vets themselves there might be something more. As such, I put out feelers in other areas and found appreciation southwards, in Lex. One lass offered a full hr for her hhr rate to vets (with proof of status of course), and another whom is an utr part timer that a friend introduced me to offered free blow & go's for wounded vets. That is the kind of appreciation that a lad who has sacrificed much can get behind. So, in other words, I REALLY enjoyed myself yesterday, just not in the Queen city, and hope others did too.


11-12-13, 14:54
Hi all.

I was a little disappointed in the deals offered here in Cinci yesterday. I know that prices are extremely competitive and such already, but was hoping that perhaps for vets themselves there might be something more. As such, I put out feelers in other areas and found appreciation southwards, in Lex. One lass offered a full hr for her hhr rate to vets (with proof of status of course), and another whom is an utr part timer that a friend introduced me to offered free blow & go's for wounded vets. That is the kind of appreciation that a lad who has sacrificed much can get behind. So, in other words, I REALLY enjoyed myself yesterday, just not in the Queen city, and hope others did too.

Jay.I did have a special running all day but it was posted so late it really didn't matter at that point that's why I've extened it all week.

11-12-13, 17:51
Your friend was a bigoted piece of shit who lured another human into a situation where he could assault him. What kind of "man" thinks this is funny or cool?I didn't say it was funny. I merely presented this information so others could benefit from it. Yes, he is a amazingly cruel human who lured another human into a situation so he could harm him. But I think it is important for people to know that these people exist and everyone needs to be careful. Fortunately he got what was coming to him and went away for more than a decade for a similar act. His prime years were spent running from men that were bigger and meaner than him.

11-12-13, 19:10
I drove to Abby's apt on two different occasions, only to be turned away or ignored after arriving to her parking lot. The first time was late at night and a heard of cruisers were coming in at the same time, heading toward her building on a near by domestic call, so I gave her a 'pass'. We rescheduled when I was back in the area about a week later. She instructed me to come to her building at 12:30, but about 12:15 texted to say it would be 1:00, then directed me to a nearby Kroger's, to pick up "supplies" . When I returned at 12:55, with supplies in hand, to let her know I was back, the phone went silent, and unfortunately has stayed that way ever since. No explanation, no apologies and no interest, on my part to ever see her again. Just my two cents worth.

Hey guys, I'm thinking about scheduling a visit with Japanese Abby and her partner. Any one else have any experiences? I saw a post about her today saying that she's kinda robotic, but nobody else has said anything since August according to the forum search.

11-12-13, 20:44
When I Travel I Never go into a Stall. I just use the Urinal and leave. Who would ever think that the other Cars travelling on the Interstate would be looking for a Glory Hole. Your Friend should have Never Tapped back. But putting a Vise Grip on that Guy was Funny. Serves him right.

Why would anyone want a BJ from a Woman in a Glory Hole? I'd rather see her up close and personal.I drive for a living. Years ago you could find Lot Lizards in Rest Area's, but that's a thing of the past. I very rarely go into Rest.

Area's at night unless it's an emergency like going in for a number 2. Anymore if you go into a rest area at night your more likely to run into two situations. Your either going to be robbed or have some queer hit on ya. But you can forget about hooking up with a lady in thier.

11-12-13, 21:18
I have been with Abby three times each time got worse she is robotic and rushed. Normally I only write good reports but on Abby you need to find someone else. Unless you want to be rushed and with a girl who is more interested in the next appointment than you.

Ron M
11-12-13, 22:37
I drive for a living. Years ago you could find Lot Lizards in Rest Area's, but that's a thing of the past. I very rarely go into Rest.

Area's at night unless it's an emergency like going in for a number 2. Anymore if you go into a rest area at night your more likely to run into two situations. Your either going to be robbed or have some queer hit on ya. But you can forget about hooking up with a lady in thier.I've Never been Robbed or Hit on at a Rest Stop. Thank God. At night I get a Motel Room off the Interstate. Rest Areas are for just to take a Pee. When I get to my Destination I have a Former Provider that I visit 3 to 4 times a year. I'm seeing her in about a Week.

11-13-13, 07:07
I am rather new to this site & pretty much a rookie in the hobby. Aside from some fun I used to have in AMP in ATlantic City many many years ago I am rather green still. I have spent some time with AMP's in NKY with little to no luck other than getting a good massage & a neglected hard on. I am guessing I should turn my efforts & $ towards the lovely women that advertise on here. The thing that has had me hesitant so far is my lack of references that these understandably ladies require. Is there any way to demonstrate that I am just a harmless horny bastard & I am nobody's Uncle? Also Is it standard to tip these ladies in addition to the stated fees? Any feed back would be appreciated!



11-13-13, 14:34
I am rather new to this site & pretty much a rookie in the hobby. Aside from some fun I used to have in AMP in ATlantic City many many years ago I am rather green still. I have spent some time with AMP's in NKY with little to no luck other than getting a good massage & a neglected hard on. I am guessing I should turn my efforts & $ towards the lovely women that advertise on here. The thing that has had me hesitant so far is my lack of references that these understandably ladies require. Is there any way to demonstrate that I am just a harmless horny bastard & I am nobody's Uncle? Also Is it standard to tip these ladies in addition to the stated fees? Any feed back would be appreciated!


BuyingSmilesWhen calling a provider let them know you are a member here and give them your member name. This might help.

11-15-13, 12:31
My flavor to date has been the tiny spinner types or the skinny waifs, mainly because I could never score with these body types when I was younger. Problem is these girls typically have no boobs. Any recommendations on girls out there that are D cups or bigger but are not BBW?

11-15-13, 12:54
I know there's some of you wondering what's going on with me. I'm doing well.

PM for details.

Ky Guy 123
11-15-13, 13:14
My flavor to date has been the tiny spinner types or the skinny waifs, mainly because I could never score with these body types when I was younger. Problem is these girls typically have no boobs. Any recommendations on girls out there that are D cups or bigger but are not BBW?Natti GFE is a tiny lass with a very nice sized chesticle region. That'd be my suggestion.

Hope this helps.


11-15-13, 15:13
My flavor to date has been the tiny spinner types or the skinny waifs, mainly because I could never score with these body types when I was younger. Problem is these girls typically have no boobs. Any recommendations on girls out there that are D cups or bigger but are not BBW?SpinnerElla has some serious juggs.