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01-12-06, 23:00
Thread Starter.

04-08-06, 00:12
Thread Starter.Tonight I met lisa sexy tight dream. She was with her friend tonya what a tag team match they really rocked my world. They got in my car along willis rd. Where lisa staated that they were looking for a good time I said o well why not both of them were hot and when I seen them naked o my god I couldnt believe that these girls were out they weeere courtious sweet and o so hot for details coontact me the info is hot!

04-08-06, 00:22
Friday night what a night hooked up with lisa agian and as soon as I thought it couldnt get better it got as tony tiger says greaat! the head was incredible and I cant wait for more.

Casey Jones
04-08-06, 09:32
Cruised up Chamberlayne due to the heavy traffic on the interstate Friday at rush hour. Theresa was out in her usual stomping grounds. North towards azalea was a WSW that I've never seen before. Strawberry blonde hair; just ok on the looks factor. She was twisting and turning watching traffic from all directions. Very skittish

Anyway I didnt' partake -

Tarheel Josh
04-11-06, 22:44
I cruised JD on Thursday afternoon at 3pm. Here's the breakdown:

At Chicago: 2 BSWs (a 4 and a fat 3), and 1 WSW (an older, skinny 3).

At Terminal: 1 blond WSW, a 7 or 8 in white shorts, the hottest girl I've ever seen on JD. I definately would've scooped her up if I wasn't on my way to a meeting. There was also a chunky HSW across the street, about a 3, who sometimes stands at the trailer park. A little futher down the street there was another WSW, a 5 or 6.

I saw two LE vehicles on the prowl, one was the paddy wagon.

It just kills me that I couldn't partake of that hot WSW, nothing on JD has come close to looking that good. And I saw her getting out of a monger's car, so I know she's not a decoy. I almost ran a red light craning to stare at her.

04-13-06, 05:30
Well I finnal had a night that I was able to leave early due to it being a slow OT night so I decided to take a drive on JD around 330am and saw a few out. I was tring to get the attention of a WSW looked ok but had to keep moving due to the paddy wagon out. The wagon pulled me over about 1/2 hour later for a busted tail light but since I have just moved to the city I was just lost. He told me that I was in a bad part of town and gave me directions back to the free way since I hade taken a wrong turn and was lost :). Well that is all I have to report at this time. I wAS wondering if anyone has any Info on the Petersburg area as I am now living close to there and would get a better chance of mongering there than in Richmond and since I was pulled over I want to stay out of the area for some time until I am forgoton.

Great Expecta
04-15-06, 08:25
I cruised down JD at 5:30 and only saw a few ragged crackheads.

I took a few tours down Chamberlayne at 7:30 and saw a possible WSW just north of the Popeye's. LEO was all over the place though.....

Be safe out there!

P Funk1
04-17-06, 12:24
Cruised Jeff Davis about 10 in the morning Monday. Only saw one what appeared to be one wsw. Long frizzy brown hair. Thumbing in front of a gas station south of Hull st Outlet. Didn't get good close look. She was on sidewalk at edge of road pretty open about it. When I got up the street and turned around she was gone. This was right before it started a light rain.

04-21-06, 08:32
Things seem to be picking up a bit lately. I've seen two new wsw between the Belmont and the BP in addition to most of the usual faces. One of the newbies wears a blue hat, is quite a bit older (harder looking) than I'm interested in (I think the hat hides her features) and the other was a bit chunkier. I didn't get a good look at her but I did get 'the look' from her. Also, there was a genuinely hot looking bsw (probable - and may be the one mentioned a few posts back - but no pony tail this time). I'm not sure that she isn't too good looking to be for real. She wasn't there on the flip. Shortly after these sightings I noticed Emily out for a stroll further north on Chamberlayne and I decided to stick with known material.


The Sampler
04-22-06, 11:19
Passed through Richmond, late Friday around 3 a.m and did the loop, headed down JD, was a few girls out bsw, and wsw, also uncle LE, so I ran across the bridge and did Chamberlyn, only thing out were about a 1/2 dozen trannies, so I headed over to North Ave, where I spotted a few bsw, I deceided on a bsw about 5-5 110lbs not bad in looks a 6 on the sw scale, she wanted a jackson for a bjcim, I told her all I had was .15 normally my going rate, she agreed, this girl had one of the softes asses, with a wide crack to match, only thing is she wouldn't do greek, but she gave one of the best bj in a while, she was already working it, when I then grabed her by the back of the head and face rammed her with all I had, and all this was going on while I was driving, after I pop in her mouth, she spitted and then proceeded to undress, she flipped over so I could get a good view of her ass, the she flipped again and showed me her pussy, and played with herself. She then got dressed and told me to drop her off home to her girlfriend. I asked could I do them both in the future, she said we'll see. Fellows, have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back.

Willie Burg
04-26-06, 22:31
Saw a slim WSW just north of the Cities Motel, walking north. She had short, blonde or sandy-blonde hair, and was wearing blue jeans and what looked like a white sweater. I'd give her body about an 8 or 9. I couldn't get a good look at her face, but I think it was about a 7 or 8 on the SW scale. Would have liked to turned around to see about a BJ, but I was still on my real job, so had to keep on going. Anyone else seen her out?

Willie Burg

Willie Burg
04-26-06, 22:32
Forgot to add that she was probably about 5'6" in height.

04-27-06, 07:48
About 8:30 I was cruising Chamberlyne just before and as the rain began. Mostly familiar faces but on the northern end of Chamberlayne I was approached by a WSW about 7 months pregnant who wanted to go for a ride. She was pretty chuncky, my guess is without being overweight. Fat turns me off so I declined - and I also declined Diamond she approached me (an unusual move for her; she's usually very aloof). I hadn't read about the pregnant chick and as time passed I got to wondering what I'd passed on.

Later, I ran into Theresa was near the Bo Jangles but apparently she'd already called one of you mongers to get her a room out of the rain. Its nice to know your compassionate and keeping merchandise warm and dry for the rest of us. I guess it wasn't meant to be that night.


Virginia Guy
05-01-06, 20:50
Last week on Friday, I picked up a 50 yr old WSW on Midlo around 6pm. She was walking near the Pep Boys. She took me to her spot and a CBJ for a jackson. She offered to swallow, but I won't go uncovered. Too risky for me. She had a good attitude and looks were oK. I also saw Teresa on chamberland around 5pm. It's really slow out there. If you're getting some, make sure to share with the rest of us. Happy mongering.

Asian Shark
05-05-06, 08:19
Drove around Rt 1 and saw 2 white SW walking together with tight jeans and they looked pretty good. So I turned around tried to pick them up and I was one step too late. A monger with large SUV picked them up right before I could get there.

A monger with large SUV - Please post your experience. !!

Asian Shark

Casey Jones
05-05-06, 08:37
Drove around Rt 1 and saw 2 white SW walking together with tight jeans and they looked pretty good. So I turned around tried to pick them up and I was one step too late. A monger with large SUV picked them up right before I could get there.

A monger with large SUV - Please post your experience. !!

Asian Shark

Rt 1 is V E R Y long. Boston to Florida I believe <G> Where were you on Rt 1?

05-05-06, 12:15
Rt 1 is V E R Y long. Boston to Florida I believe <G> Where were you on Rt 1?Well now, he posted under RIchmond so that narrows it down a bit.

05-05-06, 21:19
Last week on Friday, I picked up a 50 yr old WSW on Midlo around 6pm. She was walking near the Pep Boys. She took me to her spot and a CBJ for a jackson. She offered to swallow, but I won't go uncovered. Too risky for me. She had a good attitude and looks were oK. I also saw Teresa on chamberland around 5pm. It's really slow out there. If you're getting some, make sure to share with the rest of us. Happy mongering.Picked up same last week and she said she isn't always out there. First time I'd seen her and run through there a lot. Same price for same service which was good. Thought there'd be more action tonight with the race in town but the rain.

Casey Jones
05-07-06, 07:53
Well now, he posted under RIchmond so that narrows it down a bit.

r i g h t

Casey Jones
05-15-06, 10:54
In protest over the lack of activity I will not share any details of my Sunday morning fishing trip until someone else steps to the plate............

Virginia Guy
05-15-06, 16:41
cruzed JD. nothing worth stopping for. saw teresa on north. a couple BSW and a couple old WSW on southside. Lisa's number doesn't even work. call a blonde escort from CL last week. she wasn't worth the $.5 she wanted for a quicky

05-15-06, 16:49
I spent about 2 hours on Chamberlayne (from 1-3 pm) today. I saw Emily stroll north on my first pass but I was heading south. She was gone when I headed back north. Having seen her within the week I was hoping for variety. Theresa could have provided the variety but she never showed. Just as I was heading back home I saw a new bsw on the northern end of Chamberlynn but I was out of time. She appeared new, fresh and not bad looking.


Governor Spots
05-15-06, 19:49
Hello gentlemen,

First let me thank the forum contributors for their input to this fascinating board. I was very surprised to find this site several months ago and the information provided in this particular forum as well as others in the region (Baltimore) has been interesting and valuable.

My first report is unfortunately negative- about 7pm Monday saw Teresa and Emily getting cuffed up and taken away by a team of RVA LEO on Chamberlayne in front of Gate Oaks Apts. I had observed Emily walk down Chamberlayne and join Teresa by Hawk's BBQ at the standard spot. A few minutes later LEO arrives and begins shaking them down, fifteen minutes, three squad cars and a van later, the scene was all cleaned up and the gals were gone.

Make of this what you will.

JP was out, she is the irish-looking broad found on Chamb north of Laburnum. She's so-so. Saw about 8-10 bsw along the that I would not consider approaching.

05-18-06, 07:30
Gov Spots apparently knows what's going on - I have not seen Emily, Theresa, or Diamond since his report. I have seen other activity - mostly bsw's and mostly a 5 or less on the sw scale. All but one have been new to me and since I tend to be cautious I have not sampled. Be safe - there seem to plenty of eyes watching activity.

Gov, is JP the chunky readhead or the slender black-haired one working near Rt. 1 and Azalea (even sitting in front of the check cashing store by the BP for an hour)? Both looked a bit Irish to me.


Governor Spots
05-18-06, 14:47

I have not seen JP as far up as Azalea. She was out last night around 7pm, she would be the lighter-haired person, shoulder-length hair, kind of chunky around the middle and rear but not fat, not much up top, medium height (5'5" or so) not particularly bad-looking. I always see her in the blocks between Laburnum and Bellevue. The one time I met her she did what she said she would, but was encouraging me to finish almost as soon as she started.

I have seen a pretty attractive but under-experienced looking WSW on Chamberlayne in the last couple of weeks, blond-haired girl in her early twenties, with a really blank/spooked look on her face. She would not talk to me beyond accusing me of being a cop (actually I was trying to round her up the same night the real fuzz was busting the others). Another one told me this one's name is Tracy. Anybody managed to catch her?

05-19-06, 09:12
I met Teresa yesterday. Apparently she wasn't picked up as reported. She confirmed however, that Emily was arrested. Other than Teresa it was slim pickings. On the bright side there was a possible WSW similar to Teresa in appearance but darker hair and much better looking. I've seen the possible WSW around the BP and a few blocks south. She strolls like a sw but I can't make eye contact, so maybe she isn't. About 3:30 or 4 I saw the most outrageous bsw I think I've ever seen heading south on Chamberlayne up near North avenue. I'm not totally sure it was female eventhough it was wearing a bra. I couldn't give her/it a 2 on the SW scale - and darned if she didn't flash me as I drove by. She/it was very skinny, rather flat chested and butt-ugly. I nearly puked in my car when she/it flashed me, and I've got a strong stomach!


Governor Spots
05-19-06, 13:33
Good to know Teresa is OK- I hate to see these girls have more trouble that they already do.

Out and about last night (Thursday) I saw JP again at Chamberlayne and Westminster, wearing a white top.

05-20-06, 10:10
OK Gov, I know which one JP is now. I've seen her around a number of times but she isn't my cup of tea. On a slow day when the little head was talking and the options were few I went to pick her up but she had such an attitude problem I ended up passing. I'm glad to know I haven't missed much.

Have you seen the tough looking lady, usually seen between the BP and Hawks? The past couple of days she's had an 'I love NY' tee shirt on.


05-21-06, 08:53
Well I was board Thusday night so I wnet for a drive in petersburg and found the action is at the intersections of Wahsngtion and Carter/Little church streets. I got an ok BBBJ swalow for 15 roses and some information on petersburd I was told that if I followed Washengtion throug town I would find more at the other end well good luck out there and be safe.

05-23-06, 08:06
Diamond is back and listening to her music as she strolls between the BP and Hawks. I saw her around 5 pm. JP was stolling further north on Chamberlayne. I also saw a new (to me) slender bsw dressed in a yellow outfit showing her midrif (and it was worth showing - no paunch) just north of Brookland. Out of caution I didn't pick her up but she is definitely working. If anyone else saw her and has info please post it or PM me. I don't think she's LE but there are some gender issues in this area and I'm not interested in making a mistake and the discovering it later, if you know what I mean. There's some drama I just don't need.


Aug Rider
05-23-06, 18:24

Good info. I've been searching and inquiring about the area. Thanks for the info.

Stay wrapped

05-24-06, 01:43
I was crusing CL this weekend and saw some new faces on there that are advertising in petersburg. I was wondering if any one sampled. Since I will be moving there in the next few weeks( house closeing issues atm) but as I am in hopewell I am close


If they are still in town next week I may sample.

Be safe out there

05-24-06, 07:44
The reports are falling off. Yesterday was a great day but I'm not inclined to be the one doing all the research and reporting.


Va Fun Tymes 2
05-24-06, 09:48
I will gather all the info I can from my 4 friends. I have been out of town with work for a few weeks. We have to get the right info back up on here!

05-27-06, 21:53
Hit the area of Petersburg Thursday nite, saw two bsw, both down in the area of the notels, but the area was also full of LE, so after the second pass and watching the boys pull someone over I made it my business to head home, you might be right, there may be a little action in this area, I know it use to be some time ago, but my adventure Thursday was just plain dull. Well like always fellows stay safe, have fun, watch your back, but most of all keep it wrapped.

Still Looking
05-29-06, 10:50
Petersburg has been picking up lately but I have not posted about it because although the quanity has improved the quality has not. I picked up a bsw two days ago for .02 cents and had f/s with her. She was ok but nothing to brag about. I did spot a wsw the next night but did not have time to stop. She was worn pretty bad and a little chunky for my tastes. There was a very nice wsw sometime ago but I think she has moved on.

05-29-06, 14:16
Anyone have any experience with her?


Va Fun Tymes
05-29-06, 16:57
Anyone have any experience with her?

WDShort Blonde one? Or a new one?

05-30-06, 07:34
No, not blond. She has dark brown hair and usually hangs out between the BP and the Burger King on Chamberlayne. I've seen her talking to other mongers and I've talked to her once, so I know she's working.

Short Blonde one? Or a new one?

Va Fun Tymes 2
05-30-06, 10:46
No, not blond. She has dark brown hair and usually hangs out between the BP and the Burger King on Chamberlayne. I've seen her talking to other mongers and I've talked to her once, so I know she's working.

Oh ok, Dont know that one... Any details?

On another note...

I did see a blast from the past last week on my return. SARA, the older one with the huge tits was out on JD. She is WAY DOWN HILL now, she looked like she was trying to get off a drug and REALLY strung out. I didnt have any dreams due to its ruff condition...

Is anyone else having issues posting? Maybe that is part of the reason no reports??? I got both of my names reset but cant post on this one easily.... I can do it on my name without the 2 but its not a senior member so it takes awhile before showing up..


05-30-06, 14:30
Visiting Richmond in a few weeks and was looking for suggestions on a cheap motel where I could stay near the strolls on JD or Chamberlayne that have been mentioned. I like to be able to take the girl back to a nearby hotel or even make the connection on foot.

Richmond Fotog
05-31-06, 01:28
Does anyone ever check out the RPD site?


The majority of these photo appear to be taken a hotel/motel room somewhere.
Does anyone recognize this place?

EDIT: By checking the address listed as 2301 Chamberlayne Avenue on a Yahoo search it showed as the address for the Belmont Motel.

Prior to this, the photos appeared to be taken in the back of a conversion van.

Casey Jones
06-01-06, 15:16
Lots of activity around 5:30. Teresa was out near the Car Pool. Up North near Laburnum was a skinny hot looking BSW with muscular arms wearing a belly shirt. Was some question in my mind of the gender so I kept the wheels rolling north. Lastly I passed a sourfaced skinny WSW whom I have seen before but don't know her name about 2 blocks below Azalea.

06-03-06, 14:27
Lots of activity around 5:30. Teresa was out near the Car Pool. Up North near Laburnum was a skinny hot looking BSW with muscular arms wearing a belly shirt. Was some question in my mind of the gender so I kept the wheels rolling north. Lastly I passed a sourfaced skinny WSW whom I have seen before but don't know her name about 2 blocks below Azalea.

You probably had reason to worry. I picked someone matching that description up about a week ago. After s/he got in the car I noticed a hint of beard and asked what he/she/it was. It turned out *he* was better looking than most of the bsw's in the area. Fortunately, we quickly reached a mutual understanding that neither of us were interested in pursuing things. I've heard horror stories about this and it was my first experience - perhaps I got off easy. Whew. Five minutes later I met the horniest woman I've ever met - that made up for everything and then some. Have not seen her before nor since. Her name was Gail and other than talking way too much and way too fast she was hot.


Virginia Guy
06-03-06, 23:46
I pu teresa for the first time at BP. she can really suck like a trooper. I pounded the back of her throat (without a single gag reflex) for over 5 minutes. I almost felt bad, almost. 11pm and less than a jackson 19 singles.

06-04-06, 06:44
I drove CH . Ave for about 1hr yesterday and all I saw was one BSW, but she was too busy talking on her phone to even look my way. Welll her loss.

06-04-06, 07:19
Anyone have any experience with her?

WDI have met up with Stephanie several times over the past 6 months or so. She gives good service and I will continue to pick her up whenever I have the time. She was arrested a while back and her picture was on the RPF web site, so she seems to be a little more careful these days. Don't be surprised if she is a little hard to pick up, until she recognizes you.


P Funk1
06-04-06, 09:09
Sunday morning about 745 AM was sitting at light at big K on Midlothian near chip and saw very attractive wf near bench. She was looking at the cars at light near me and as soon as I caught her eye a small white car pulled into K parking lot and did a u-turn to pull up as she walked over to it. I am not sure if she was waiting for someone in particular or working but she looked about 20, white, wearing jeans and t-shirt that covered a very endowed top. She was almost too good looking for that area and I have not seen her before.

Does she sound familiar to anyone?

Va Fun Tymes 2
06-04-06, 15:22
Sunday Morning..

Riding around enjoying the weather I saw a few new faces.

Cham @ North had a BSW that was in a red shirt and short skirt and about a 8+ on the SW scale. It had me thinking it was a TSW... I saw one monger pick her up... Hopefully he may be on here.

Diamond was out in a Short White skirt looking better than before.

No dreams for me, I did see someone I have seen before picking up a WSW as I rode by, maybe he will share his dream...

Casey Jones
06-06-06, 09:15
4:30 ish saw Teresa all dressed up outside the motel adjacent to Brookland Park Blvd. Even had on heels. When I came back she was G o n e

06-07-06, 07:29
I saw her strolling yesterday afternoon about 6 blocks north of Brookland. Did the flip and she was gone.

Hsrams, Thanks for the info on Stephanie.


06-07-06, 16:37
Emily was out again and apparently low on funds. I drove by her twice and you'd have thought I was her best friend she hadn't seen in ages. There were a couple of young looking bsw's near the BP and around the motel there. One of them was high enough that she couldn't walk well. That's a sure sign to avoid - who knows what they may be carrying but even if they're clean service will be a 2 or less. The skinny bsw (tsw?) was out and looking near Chamberlayne and Westminster. I tried to get a better look - she isn't the tsw I encountered recently but 'once fooled, twice shy'. I kept looking for Stephanie or Theresa but never saw either of them. Finally had to head home.


06-09-06, 22:48
WD, if you see Stephanie walking around the BP area with a guy, there isn't much chance of picking her up. That's been my experience anyway. She will hardly make eye contact. I think she lives in the area with her boyfriend and I often see her walking with him or in a group. The only times I have had any luick is when she is walking alone.


Still Looking
06-10-06, 08:38
I picked up qne of three girls that were walking on chamberlain Wed. night. Did not get her name. Heavy set girl blonde. Worse bj I have ever gotten. If you see these three together just keep on going. This was around 11pm.

Virginia Guy
06-10-06, 13:28
p-u Teresa for a quick CBJ for a jackson. she mentioned Stephanie has a boyfriend so she only walks once in a while.. Sat 1pm near BP.

Richmond Fotog
06-11-06, 23:59
I never understood why these girls don't have digits to share with regulars?

The girls I see in DC do and eliminates crusing.

Emily was out again and apparently low on funds. I kept looking for Stephanie or Theresa but never saw either of them.

Casey Jones
06-12-06, 13:44
I picked up qne of three girls that were walking on chamberlain Wed. night. Did not get her name. Heavy set girl blonde. Worse bj I have ever gotten. If you see these three together just keep on going. This was around 11pm.

I think I saw her Wednesday afternoon- chubby with strawberry blonde hair. not ugly at all just kinda big. I wondered and then passed.

Still Looking
06-13-06, 07:51
I cruised chamberlain saturday afternoon and ran across Alisha. This girl was very cute about 5'1" and wild in the sack! It was refreshing to find a girl that took care of herself and took care of her clients. Alisha smelled like she just stepped out of the shower . I almost went DATY but knew better. She said she use to dance in the strip clubs but not anymore. She wanted fifty but settled on 35 peanuts. I would definatley see her again. She also said she does not do the stroll very often. She had no digits to pass along. Great attitude and as close to getting "Halle" as you could get.

Seva Lurker
06-13-06, 10:32

Many of the girls buy their cell phones that are pay as you go. Run out of minutes, the phone stops working. These girls are typically junkies and use the money for dope and not getting and keeping a steady customer base.

In a business where making sure the customer is satisfied, the girls really need a lesson in customer service. They will get more repeats by not ripping off their johns, not smelling like they just crawled out of the nearest cess pool and such. Keeping a few extra dollars to keep the digits up would really help their cash flow in the long run. But when you are on drugs, there is only one thing that matters and that is the next high.

Va Fun Tymes 2
06-15-06, 16:20
Last few days have had PLENTY SW's out and ready to play....

Do you hunting wisely, I have noticed many new faces out there....

06-19-06, 21:14
Passed through JD this afternoon and saw Lisa for the first time in months. Don't know where she has been but she looked thinner then ever and pretty rough overall. I didn't get a chance to stop and check her out because someone picked her up right before I got to her. Wonder what her story is this time around?

Virginia Guy
06-20-06, 08:39
Lisa has been shacked up at a local motel. I think someone has been taking care of her rent. Her cellphone is not working. I saw her a couple weeks ago for a quick BJ at the hotel. I just call the local motel and transfer to her room. She is the same. Paranoid and wanting to move to Las Vegas where she thinks streetwalking is legal. Not the brightest, but can suck a golfball through a garden hose : ).

Bill Buxton
06-20-06, 09:20
It's great to give info but that's how the gals get locked up.Way to much info not just enough.I feel we must change how we post because many areas are using this to get the gals.To each his owne,not trying to say I know everything just trying to keep the good ones safe from LE.

Try using the pm for specifics with other seniors and give general info on your finds,after all these gals are not scholars and I would not be happy with myself for putting them in harms way...



Seva Lurker
06-20-06, 14:06
My two cents on passing info and LE reading the boards.

1. Yes, LE reads this board, and others like it. Are these their sole source of info. No. Street patrols bust many of the girls. I've said it several times in the past. Spend 2000 hours a year riding around a specific part of town and you will start to know the regulars. LE knows the areas better than we do.

2. The purpose of this board is to pass on information. If we become so paranoid that LE will bust the girls when we post their info, then LE, like a terrorist, has won by default.

Now I will agree that some info might be better left unsaid. If you go to a titty bar and get lucky, don't post the details. Good way to get the place closed.

As frustrating as some posts by newbies can be, we all had to go through that stage. If we only post to senior members by PM, then some deserving prospective senior member with great intel won't post it and we all lose.

As Bill Buxton said, the girls are not scholars (except maybe the ones 'working' their way through school). If the girl is on the street, she knows the rules. I don't want to see the ladies busted, there aren't enough of them as is, but that is part of the game they play. Look at the arrest records of many of the girls, and the majority of the busts tend to be for drugs and not prostitution related charges.

Use some common sense in posting info. But don't stop posting, LE probably already knows it anyway.

Richmond Fotog
06-22-06, 03:00
What records are you referring to here? The only ones publicly displayed, that I know of, are on the RPD site and the majority of them are for prostitution and solicitation charges. Very few of them carried additional charges.

Granted, these girls are not "scholars" even though most claim to be college educated, but they know the business, risks and are street-smart. The ones I know of and have met are smart enough not to carry anything on their person that would get them into trouble if stopped, questioned or even arrested.

The same applies to people out cruising. Why would anyone out looking carry anything with them that could get them into trouble if stopped? I read a post here not long ago from someone out cruising knowing he a brake light out .. another one with an expired inspection sticker ... how dumb is that?

Common sense applies not only to posting, but also while you're cruising.

As Bill Buxton said, the girls are not scholars (except maybe the ones 'working' their way through school). If the girl is on the street, she knows the rules. I don't want to see the ladies busted, there aren't enough of them as is, but that is part of the game they play. Look at the arrest records of many of the girls, and the majority of the busts tend to be for drugs and not prostitution related charges.

Use some common sense in posting info. But don't stop posting, LE probably already knows it anyway.

Richmond Fotog
06-22-06, 03:25
Agreed that LE may read the boards, but I don't think they're actually learning anything or gaining any information that they don't already know.

I agree the purpose of this board is for reports and information - useful information, tips, spottings, warnings etc. Some of the information I've seen posted is sometimes useless and misleading.

Simple and basic info is all one needs. They even have this to make it eaier:
Terms and Abbreviations List

Is it neccessary to post a detailed review of the time spent with a girl? I find it pretty useless as many have said, YMMV with the same girl.

I agree with what was stated below, if someone wants details or specifics then that's a perfect use of private messaging.

2. The purpose of this board is to pass on information. If we become so paranoid that LE will bust the girls when we post their info, then LE, like a terrorist, has won by default.

Now I will agree that some info might be better left unsaid. If you go to a titty bar and get lucky, don't post the details. Good way to get the place closed.

Seva Lurker
06-22-06, 14:51

Virginia is a bit behind some other areas in being able to obtain info on girls who have been 'detained' by the man in blue. Some other locales have jail info and other charges the individual in question may have been charged with. In those cases, drugs seems to be a more common charge than prostitution.

Regardless of their 'education', if a girl is working the street, then she has come pretty close to hitting the bottom. Way too many have drug problems that blind them to what they are doing and they really aren't thinking.

We talk about thinking with our big head instead of our little head when out mongering. The drugged out girls are thinking only about the next fix, not if the guy is okay, if the guy is undercover LE or much else.

One thing that I find strange right now is that because of my living locale and business travel, I post on two or three boards fairly regularly. On all of them there is this sudden paranoia that LE is reading the boards and acting on the info we post.

The Dayton, OH (my old hauting grounds) board just had a post saying not to describe the girls to specifically. I wonder what they would do if a poster like Ho_chaser (used to be in Newport News), Cookie Jar (a regular member from Philly who is doing better with his posts than some senior members I have known), Baltimonger, Capt JB, or even myself visited and posted PHOTOS of the girls on the street. :D They have had 4 photos posted this year, two of them reposts from craigs list and the other two supposedly from a girls chat room. All clothed.

Being old enough to remember CSN when they were a new band, a line from one of their songs keeps going throug my head. So from the aptly named "For What Its Worth"

"Paranoia strikes deep,
Into your life it will creep,
It strikes when you're always afraid.
Step out of line, the man come and take you away."

Still Looking
06-23-06, 13:59
I have been mongering for more years than I can remember and I get a chuckle from people that seriously think that the police spend a great deal of time and effort following boards like this. As mentioned before with all the time street cops are on patrol they know more than any info posted on the board. Hell they know and have tried some of the new talent on the street well before it hits the board. So my advice is quit being paranoid and keep posting your adventures. No one is going to come knocking on your door for posting here.

06-26-06, 03:53
Well I have been moving this week to Petersburg. I did some driving around and found that if you go a few blocks past the governers school there is one or 2 SW sometimes I picked up a BSW she said she needed some monies really bad and gave me 1/2and1/2 for 20. There was also some BSW's down on washingtion and little church area. Good hunting and be safe. BTW I did not see my Uncle Leo out at all tonight.

06-26-06, 11:22
Lisa has been shacked up at a local motel. I think someone has been taking care of her rent. Her cellphone is not working. I saw her a couple weeks ago for a quick BJ at the hotel. I just call the local motel and transfer to her room. She is the same. Paranoid and wanting to move to Las Vegas where she thinks streetwalking is legal. Not the brightest, but can suck a golf ball through a garden hose : ).Just a note for visitors to Las Vegas. One of the State Courts recently said there law "Loitering for the purpose of prostitution is unconstitutional. They added that it is o.k. for a woman to get a man's attention.

More is needed for a conviction of prostitution. Yes prostitution is illegal in las Vegas and Clark County!

Casey Jones
06-26-06, 13:58
Took a quick spin down Chamberlayn at 1 PM monday. 4 possibles; actually 4 that I'm sure of. A wsw about 3 blocks N of Brookland Park; nice hair, thin build, decent body and kinda rough of face. Teresa was down in her usual spot. Also a very hot BSW dressed in black boots with a red shawl - very nice looking. Also a thicker BSW not huge actually looked ok.

Virginia Guy
06-26-06, 20:28
P/U Kristy the blonde WSW that would always hang with her pimp on JD near the BP. She disappeared for awhile. Now she's back, strung on H, paraniod as ever. She gained about 30 lbs. Tits look better, but the belly is a big turnoff. CBJ for a jackson last Friday morning at 8:30am.

P/U teresa today around 6pm on Chamberland near the laundromat. CBJ for a jackson. She has my vote for the best BJ in Richmond.

It would be nice to see some new talent around here.

06-28-06, 17:50
I haven't posted in a while. I have been out of the area. I have seen a bunch of new faces on JD. I saw Lisa but she isn't worth the hassle. She ripped me off for a jackson before I left. I picked up a WSW named Angel on JD south of Chippenham. Got 1/2 & 1/2 for 50 roses. A very good time. Be carefull all.

06-28-06, 23:36
Cruisin on JD near Willis Rd. Saw a WSW, HOTTTT. Said her name was Jessie. BJ for a Jackson. Very good but starting to show signs of wear from to much crack. No digits but said she and a girlfriend would be around for about a week. Tried to get a threesome but the girlfriend was busy. Get it while its hot!

06-29-06, 11:03
Little head was talking to me quite loud, so I deceided to make a run of it Sunday nite/Monday mourning. It had to be about 2 a.m did JD, but the only thing out was LE and T's same for Chamberlyn, so I headed over the bridge over by the projects off Mosbly was a few bsw, but none really that made the little head say take that one, so back across the bridge, and over by the other projects just off of 2nd. picked up a bsw by the name of Nicki, said .2 for bbbjcim, but she settled for .15, the girl knew her job quite well. She was happy, I was happy that I could now call it a nite, and most of all the little head went down for his rest. Have fun, watch your back, and most of all be safe.

Illegal Smile
06-30-06, 16:22
I hear 20 mongers got busted on JD in Chesterfield yesterday. No one we know I hope ! Be carefull out there !

06-30-06, 19:12
Illegal smile is right. I talked to a girl on JD near Willis were I picked up Jessie the other day. She didn't act right so I pulled off and watched. I ended up seeing a guy get arrested. I don't know if that is Chesterfield or Richmond but I got out of there. I think I was followed but I'm not sure. Watch yourself guys.

07-01-06, 06:20
I think I ran into the same situation on JD near Willis on Thurs. I stopped to talk with a decent looking black girl in front of one of the motels. She approached the car but everything she said was louder than necessary, and she kept asking specific questions about what I exactly wanted to do. I just drove off because something wasn't right. Any other similar experiences?

07-01-06, 06:22
You guys may be right about the busts. There hasn't been much action on JD lately. I did pick up Amy a few weeks ago and she gave me her number and I lost it! She told me she was for anything and I lost the da#@n number.
Also, my apologies, people asked for Julie's number a while back. But aas usual when I called the number no longer works and she moved.
I hope to see Amy again, she works it slow and steady and moans!

07-01-06, 06:26
Also, I picked up a WSW named Trina. She had me drive while she gave me one of the meanest blowjobs I have ever had in my life! She good and hard with passion. I thought she was going to suck my kidneys out.
This credit doesn't come easy, I've had blowjobs all over the world and that was the best only for 20, but I haven't seen her again.

07-01-06, 06:29
Looks like the police did us all a favor picking up these ones!


Va Fun Tymes 2
07-04-06, 12:50
Man you all need to get out hunting!! SW's everywhere!

I know I saw 15-20 today on the 3 major well known spots....

07-04-06, 22:42
Be careful! I just read in the times dispatch that last week thurs. and fri. They busted 37 people in an undercover street walker sting on Jeff davis on the chesterfield end.

P Funk1
07-06-06, 01:55
Jumax saw the same thing I did-Sounds like they got a lot of people! The link is below for anyone that did not see the article. Hope the link works!


Virginia Guy
07-08-06, 15:08
I picked up Katie a WSW just out from Chesterfield jail. A CBJ for a jackson. Looks and service were a 6. Probably wouldn't pu again.

07-08-06, 15:43
Saw a WSW with True golden blonde hair and blue eyes. Never saw her on JD before so when I picked her up we were both nervous, but after about three minutes we got down to business. She gave me a CBJ for a Jack which was okay but I had to clean uo myelf. She was alright...

07-10-06, 19:23
I saw many of the regulars. Kim was working the north end, Diamand was listening to CDs and when I saw Teresa also on the north end I did the flip and followed her down a side street and watched her get in another mongers car. Also some unfamiliar BSW but all but one looked like trannies.


P Funk1
07-11-06, 02:26
Monday about 1130 pm I was traveling Midlothian east and saw what appeared to be a wsw on a side street near the Shell (near Chipenham). She was kind of stumbling in the median and had dark hair, blue jeans and what appeared to be a blue and white tank top. I was at light and was just about to turn to ride by her but all of a sudden a marked state trooper turned onto the side street and slowed down and started talking to her. I obviously continued east on Midlo and the next block up at old warwick a unmarked city car was handcuffing someone on the front of the car. It appeared to be a medium sized female but not sure and it may have been a male. Appears LE is working this area pretty heavy so everyone should be very careful! Also saw two other marked city units in area down by ch.12!

Casey Jones
07-12-06, 15:21
8:30 Am - two fuggly TSW across from the carpool

2:30 - Northend above Laburnum - WSW - regular but I don[t know her name - decent body; kinda snarly face - dressed very attractively today in a belly shirt and shorts. Looked great but have had her service before and it aint hte best. Also a huge bsw about 3 blocks north of Brookland Park Blvd - not my style. Lastly the head phone wearing chick was out near Burger King

Alos took a trip down JD after the Chamberlayne run and saw nuthing nada nome

That's all folks

07-13-06, 13:33
Yesterday on Chamberlayne there was a gaggle of SW between Azalea and Brookland Park. All were walking south. I was going north. It almost looked like a retreat of the forces. Right place, wrong time for me.

Richmond Fotog
07-14-06, 13:40
Once in awhile, you'll find some girls working Midlo. Mostly they hang out around the Paper Moon or the adult bookstore by Ch. 12.

They also use the bus stop in the K-Mart parking lot.

Monday about 1130 pm I was traveling Midlothian east and saw what appeared to be a wsw on a side street near the Shell (near Chipenham).

07-17-06, 07:01
Well I guess I was lucky and missed the sting I was out driving about on the morning of july 4th and saw Lisa and she was good. Wanted to go to here room but as it was on the main drag I decided on a car date. We found a spot and did 1/2-1/2 for 20 nice CBJ and finished wiht her on the front seat. But I will say this she sure seams ditzy. Also update on petersburg it is thre but just very spotty. I got a cash and dash for the first time in a long time but other than that nothing else to report form Petersburg.

Virginia Guy
07-17-06, 09:45
I saw Lisa Friday night around 11pm at the Wendy's on JD. Jackson for a CBJ. She said, she's going away for a year on a prostitution charge. too bad for us. two ther WSW and a few BSW out at the same time.

07-18-06, 17:47
Went out Sunday nite, or early Monday, whichever you want to call it, after making a few rounds to check out the girls ran across 4 bsw that weren't bad out of all of the dozen or saw that I had seen for the nite, also saw one wsw in the area of Northern Ave. Anyway while working my way back down Chamberlyn over by the Micky D's I see this thin bsw sitting on a bench, at first I said this is too good to be true so I go around the block and there she was alone, unlike the girl I was on my way to pick up, so I ask her did she need a ride, and she says yes, then I do the test, only because of the neighborhood that I'm in, so here goes the test, are you the man, (no) are you 100% female (yes) can I touch,you between your legs (yes) last but least, can I feel for an atoms apple (yes) ok you're a girl, anyway she wanted .25 for a bbbjcim, but because I truely only had .15 she went for it, but it was one of the best that I had in a while, besides being thin, the girl had a really nice body, claims her name is Angela, also saw a couple of bsw over by the projects but they were with the hommies, was also a couple of really your girls out, looked to be about 17/18 way too young for me, or to be out doing the do, but you never know, anyway watch your back, have fun, and always be safe.

Virginia Guy
07-19-06, 11:12
WSW brown hair about 7 on scale. service was also a 7. CBJ for a jackson. Service was a 7. A few other WSW and BSW out about 2pm yesterday.

Casey Jones
07-20-06, 09:16
WSW brown hair about 7 on scale. service was also a 7. CBJ for a jackson. Service was a 7. A few other WSW and BSW out about 2pm yesterday.


I did a very brief run up chamberlayne yesterday at 5:30. Only one BSW and she was way south near Glenns. Thin; flat belly - ok looking I guess.

Virginia Guy
07-20-06, 20:34
She was on JD near Bell at the S&B c-store.

Casey Jones
07-21-06, 14:13
She was on JD near Bell at the S&B c-store.

I've noticed that the S&B store is convient for more than groceries <G>

Virginia Guy
07-22-06, 16:58
P/U Ashley, a young blonde WSW. She was a bit heavy, but cuter than all the girls on JD. She was at the corner of JD and Terminal. CBJ for a jackson. 6pm Friday.

Casey Jones
07-24-06, 09:00
Teresa was spotted having an indepth conversation with 2 of Richmonds finest- she was all dressed up!

Spotted one other knarlyl WSW - to put it bluntly pretty much of a hag. I've seen her on the arrest pages before. Kinda like looking at the sun - I had to avert my eyes pretty fast

Virginia Guy
07-26-06, 18:44
quick CBJ for a jackson. teresa and diamond were also out. emily's CBJ does not compare to teresa. 6pm Wed on chamb

P Funk1
07-29-06, 00:16
Noticed light skin BSW on Midlothian near the Shell (near Warwick). She was wearing jean shorts and very revealing tank top and appeared to be decent looking.(maybe 7 on scale) Kind of skinny but nice face. I was getting ready to pull into station to check her closer then noticed a BM that came up to her and started yelling at her-not sure if boyfriend or pimp or both! I went in and got a paper and when I came back out they were walking from parking lot with him still yelling at her. She did look my way when I pulled in and again as I got into my car to leave the lot. This was about 8 AM Wednesday morning.

Also have noticed that RPD is parking marked patrol cars in some of the lots in the same area. There is usually no one in them and they stay parked in the same lots for a few hours in the evening. I posted a couple of weeks ago about what appeared to be a sting or strong enforcement in the area so maybe they are trying to keep up appearances...but be careful!!

07-29-06, 01:22
Went out to KFC on JD and saw what seems to be Chesterfield LE have a car pulled over in the Hess gas station across from the 7-11, they had what seemed to have been a wm and a bsw standing outside the car as the searched the car and talked with the guy, the girl was leaning against the car. Up the road on the city side once again the boys had a car pulled over while searching, this was around about 10 p.m. Fellows watch your back, have fun, but most of all be safe...........................

Virginia Guy
08-02-06, 22:12
picked up Ruby at JD and Chicago. Dirty blonde about a 6.5 on WSW scale. Service was a 6. CBJ for a Jackson. Monday night around 6pm.

Va Fun Tymes 2
08-02-06, 22:17
Plenty of Action on JD... No dreams due to the friends being with me. Made a few passes looking for a used car in the area.

Hope the monger int he white van shares a story about the BSW in the blue shorts... Looked like a 8+!

P Funk1
08-07-06, 01:08
Sunday afternoon around 3 pm saw possible WSW on Midlothian few blocks west of Belvidere overpass. She was walking with traffic but turning to check out each car. LE was in area so not sure if they were watching her or not. She appeared to be about 28-30. Maybe 5'5 or so. Very skinny with short brown hair, jeans and gray t-shirt. Closer to the overpass there was a wf walking eastbound over bridge. Did not appear to be working. Maybe one of the women that lives in the nearby trailer park. She was walking pretty fast and looking down. Never looked up.

Still a lot of LE in Midlothian Turnpike area. Above is only action seen there in last few days.

08-07-06, 16:40
Sunday afternoon around 3 pm saw possible WSW on Midlothian few blocks west of Belvidere overpass. She was walking with traffic but turning to check out each car. LE was in area so not sure if they were watching her or not. She appeared to be about 28-30. Maybe 5'5 or so. Very skinny with short brown hair, jeans and gray t-shirt. Closer to the overpass there was a wf walking eastbound over bridge. Did not appear to be working. Maybe one of the women that lives in the nearby trailer park. She was walking pretty fast and looking down. Never looked up.

Still a lot of LE in Midlothian Turnpike area. Above is only action seen there in last few days.Man what were you smoking? Those two streets do not come anywhere close to each other. You have lost your credibility with me.

Lone Wolf
08-08-06, 09:46
Pfunk did you mean the 161 overpass? And if so then yes it turns into Belvidere at Broad Street.

Casey Jones
08-08-06, 09:56
Man what were you smoking? Those two streets do not come anywhere close to each other. You have lost your credibility with me.

I too have trouble with street names.......I am always racking my brain trying to remember the cross streets.

You can make up for this fiasco by PM ing me with the digits of a steady hot ho who charges a sawbuck for great service <G>

P Funk1
08-09-06, 01:50
Myself and many others have called that bridge the Belvidere overpass for the last 20 years or so but sorry for the wrong street name!

I looked it up on one map and it is called Belt Blvd so sorry Ride if you couldn't figure out where I was talking about. I am not looking for any credibility from you or anyone else....just passing info along. Anyone that has traveled that area should know where I am talking about as that is the only overpass on Midlothian! But thanks for the Flame!

Thanks Lone Wolf for your post-Yes it is the 161 overpass and yes it does turn into Belvidere at Broad.

And not to earn anyone's credibility-Tuesday night about midnight there was what appeared to be a wsw talking to possible monger in a car that had pulled into the drive in front of the storage facility between the trailer park and the XXX Book Store on Midlothian. She appeared to be 30 or so with long light brown hair, t-shirt and shorts. Did not see face as she was leaning into drivers window of car. Still lots of LE in area-saw three or 4 marked between Chip and Ch. 12.

08-09-06, 13:00
Pfunk did you mean the 161 overpass? And if so then yes it turns into Belvidere at Broad Street.You guys crack me up. Route 161 begins as Bells Road, then picks up as Belt Boulevard, parallels 10 for a while, then becomes Westover Hills Boulevard to the Nickle Bridge (it cost a quarter now), then Pumphouse to Blanton to the Boulevard, then Hermitage to Lakeside.

No wonder information here is lacking. Nobody knows where they are?

No flames are ever intend. The education you just received was priceless.

P Funk1
08-09-06, 23:57
Evidently others knew where I was talking about even though I had an incorrect street! It also appears you knew where I was talking about because instead of offering friendly advice you blasted me!

And since you want to be so anal about it- you forgot East Belt Blvd (161 between Hull Street and Midlothian) and then West Belt Blvd on the other side of Midlothian before it becomes Westover Hills Blvd.

Glad I did not pay for that priceless info!!

No Flames are ever intended!! Right!!

08-12-06, 06:39
Well I was coming home form work last night and decided to take the hopewell exit form 295 to 36 heading tword ft lee. well about amile past the gates on washengtion st I saw a about a 6-8 WSW at the cleaners (never seen one ther before) It was about 430am and about 1/2 mile past the petersburg battlfield park. By the time I turned around she was gone so not sure if she was just waiting for someone but she did give me the look I will have to keep my eyes open for her. Other than that petersburg has been slow. I did find 1 BSW that was about a 4 on the SW scale gave a pretty good BBBJTCWS for 10. Well be safe out there and good hunting.

P Funk1
08-13-06, 18:40
Saw a short news piece Sat. night on Ch.12 about a community meeting held this weekend for those that live in the Chamberlayne Ave corridor. This forum's members favorite hobby was mentioned in the story and about ways citizens could help police stop it. Everyone be very careful in that area as it sounds like there may be "citizen eyes" helping LE in that area!

08-14-06, 00:10
I dreamed that I cruised around Chamberlayne, a few blocks from the CH and North AVE intersection and picked up Emily today around 5:15-ish . I dreamed that she offered that we head to her hotel but I was not interested in that. Decided for a BBBJCIM for a Jackson. Drove to a safe spot, she did the deed, spit out the door. I drove her back to just off Chamberlayne and let her out and went on my merry way.

Then I woke up.

08-17-06, 10:38
Pick up KiKi on JD. She's a BSW that would be classified as BBW. She's not the big nasty type, but more of the BigSexy type. If you are into thin women, then she's definitely out.

I almost didn't pick her up, she was dressed very conservatively, but this is JD. Let me say it this way, she looked like a regular just walking to the bus stop. Clean clothes as if she were on her way to the mall or something.

She had a great personality and gave good service. She told me she was married and that she doesn't get out much. So she falls in the Semi-pro category. All in all it was a good time and I'll hope to see her again and hopefully get the service up to "great".


Virginia Guy
08-17-06, 19:20
I picked up a blonde WSW last Friday. She was at the S&S on JD. About a 6-7 on the SW scale. Good looks, attitude and service. CBJ for a jackson. She said she was from Virginia Beach. Nice to see some new talent on JD.

I also saw teresa on Cham on Monday. A quick CBJ for a jackson. She gives the best oral service. She is a trooper. Very good at her job. Happy Mongering

Va Fun Tymes 2
08-23-06, 13:23
Is it slow or people not posting?

I have seen many new faces out which make me think thigns are getting better or they are getting hot??

Governor Spots
08-23-06, 19:57
I was out and about on Sunday and Tuesday- I did see plenty of SW but am not interested in most of them. I did see the woman who is probably Kiki mentioned below, a hefty lass but with a decent face and huge tracts of land. I would have tried her, but someone else got her first.

I'm very curious about a girl I've seen for a couple of months on JD, who behaves like a SW but won't respond to attempted pickups. Young, fairly rotund white girl with dark hair and nice face, small tattoos on each upper arm. A while back I would see her standing around in front of City Motel and the C-store at Courtland and JD with a pair of black folks, one of which was a mean-looking apparent lesbian. The girl would hang around, look up lazily at me as I went by or was stopped at an intersection, even walk right past. At one point I guess I was so obvious that the lesbian looked back at me and said "Goddam, do you have a problem?" No, and yes.

So, the past few nights I see this girl again, around the Relax Inn and BP station, again she's hanging around, now with a tall black male, but no signs that she's working except the fact that she's all over the stroll. She walks toward cars then walks away, but occasionally disappears for an hour or so, only to reappear on the sidewalk without any obvious signs of interest in making more new friends. Cars drive by and honk and she doesn't respond. Anybody know the girl I'm talking about and have any contact to relay?

Aside from her I saw a pretty regular assortment of girls on JD- Sylvia, the skinny white girl with the fucked-up eyes, the great grey mullet, Casey, the very large white woman with glasses that sits at the bench in front of Captain D's, a few miscellaneous homely white females and a couple of big-busted black ladies who don't look bad, plus the one that's probably Kiki. Looks like Relax Inn is the current home spot for SW's.

There was a post in the Escort thread where a new poster asked about Lisa/Willis Rd. He got flamed but I think it's a legitimate question. I occasionally drive down there but never see any action on Willis. It's kind of a drag to bust way down there from the main JD area, to always leave frustrated. I think I have met Lisa before (dark-haired, dark eyes, appears latino, kind of disagreeable) and don't need to again, but I would be interested in hearing any more specific details about hunting in that vicinity.

I have also had occasion to visit North Ave, spoke briefly to a busty BSW named Jersey who I found walking over the bridge between 1st and Poe St, but didn't take her with me, but she seemed OK. Lately I usually just settle for my familiar BSW in that area, Jenny.

08-24-06, 12:03
I was out on JD last night. LE EVERYWHERE! There were some undercovers out to. I picked up a wsw but an undercover started to follow me so I let her out. Finally broke down and picked up Casey in front of captain D's. She is a very large woman but will do in a pinch and will do a good cbj. Be carefull on JD.

08-25-06, 04:17
Went out fri morning around 1 am and all I saw was lots of LE in both areas it looks like a state wide crack down bee safe out there. I did not partake tonight due to the amount of heat out.

08-26-06, 08:34
I agree with others that there sems to be a lot of LE out. You'd almost expect an election coming up. Things have been slow, too. I still see Theresa south of Brookland on a regular basis but her habit seems to be taking its toll. Richmond's finest puveyor of bjs was out of it Friday morning, stumbling with friends. too bad I could have used her services. Further north a block or so above North on the west side there are three regulars. One is a skinny tall short-haired wsw that is strange looking. I've passed on her consistently but she works really long hours. I've seen her at 7 am and 9 pm regularly. Besides being weird looking she has a male friend that often hangs with her that diminishes my interest. There are two other bsw, neither are treats but I lowered my standards when I couldn't find any favorites and my first choice turned out not to be a working girl (and I was so sure). Her name was Tracy and I'd give her looks a 5 on the sw scale, attitude the same and service a 6. Oddly, I think she enjoys the act - might get a 7 or 8 for service if she does and gets a bit more into it. If your inclined to be safe, bring your own protection. *Trusted* senior members can pm me for contact info. The info is 3 weeks old so she may have moved on, though she seemed to plan on staying around.

If anyone has recon on the tall skinny one, I'd be interested. JP seems to have vanished, to no ones loss and Kim and Emily seem to be making fewer appearances. We need some new talent.

08-26-06, 20:58
Work and a busy family summer has kept me off the stroll for the most part, but I had some time this afternoon to do two tours of Cham/JD from Azalea to ChipPkwy and back, between 2:30 and 4. Only thing I saw was a short, petite WSW with long curly red hair, hanging with a gaggle of black guys across from the CarPool on Cham. Not even sure she was working. Otherwise, not a damn thing out and about - probably because of the heat of the afternoon. Oh, well...

Work has me in NN a lot these days, so I've done a little cruising of the Jefferson corridor down there. I usually see a seriously skanky BSW or two around the intersection of Jeff. and Mercury, but otherwise nothing. Seems like the summer weather has the girls working hours that don't jibe with mine. Sucks..........

08-28-06, 14:19
Took a drive down JD around lunch time but didn't see anyone. After last week I'm alittle scared because it seems that LE is starting to crack down. Anyone have any info?

Va Fun Tymes 2
08-28-06, 17:33
Dont know what our area has been up to lately since I was on vacation but SC is REALLY LE infested....

Governor Spots
08-29-06, 20:31
I saw my North Ave regular BSW on Sunday and had her make out with my nuts for a while. I asked her about heat and she didn't make any noises like there was deliberately increased enforcement at the moment. I asked her how it was going and she said, "They're riding, especially at night." I told her I wondered how much they care and she said, "Oh, they care." She didn't seem to be saying that there was more attention than normal. I told her that I had read an article in the Times-Dispatch in the real estate section about that neighborhood that said it was a potentially good neighborhood for growth but that SW's took their clients around Battery Park for services. She seemed suprised that this was a known fact.

09-06-06, 00:51
Went out the other nite and did all the loops, while running chamberlyn I also noticed that the state boys was also patroling the city streets, well fellows have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back.

Tonite Danite
09-06-06, 16:46
I'm completely new to the game. I've been reading for a few months and have figured out half the abbrev's. Anyways I've only been with an escort once. That was the last time I had any chick for $. I want somethin cheaper on JD or north, or chmb, I just can't seem to find it. Do you have to have a special sense for these things or what? I'm on JD tonite what's happenin?

P Funk1
09-07-06, 18:32
To Tonite-check out the link at top of page for abbreviations....almost anything you will see on board is on that page!

Cruised Chamberlayne Wednesday about 4 pm...one possible wsw was in area near Popeyes but there were a couple of le in area. She appeared to be in mid 20's with long brown hair wearing shorts and white shirt. She was walking with a b/m who kept looking around as if very nervous..not sure if boyfriend, pimp, customer...or whatever.

P Funk1
09-11-06, 17:44
Saw article in Richmond Paper today....everyone needs to read this and be aware!!

This is Headline and below is link to the article!

Zones would bar prostitutes
Richmond officials want to make it illegal for prostitutes and their customers to enter three areas


Everyone be safe!!

09-11-06, 21:21
It's the same ol' shit that a lot of other cities have tried (follow the Seattle-area boards here for a good example.) The girls just move to a new area. But the citizens that are feeling that their neighborhoods are "damaged" by the streetwalkers won't give a shit - they've got terminal NIMBY Disease.

Stay safe, guys...

09-12-06, 09:35
It's the same ol' shit that a lot of other cities have tried (follow the Seattle-area boards here for a good example.) The girls just move to a new area. But the citizens that are feeling that their neighborhoods are "damaged" by the streetwalkers won't give a shit - they've got terminal NIMBY Disease.

Stay safe, guys...Having lived in Seattle when they passed the same thing I can say LE will enforce heavily for awhile. Lay low and it's not a problem. Now in Seattle you can pick up girls leaning against the sign posts that say no soliciting zone. The girls will find a new stroll, and the guys will find them.

09-13-06, 01:07
Went out Sunday nite, lots of LE and a few girls, so I ran the city, doing all the loops, ran across a few bsw, but most of them were with the homeboys, something I could never understand, first I don't need his permission, second Im not out trying to pick him up, last but least, I don't need for him to watch me, nor do I need him to tell me how to do it or how much. Anyway I called it quits and rode down a side street, and man this is where all the girls were hiding, I ended up picking up a slim but cute bsw, says she was 21, she was walking with another slim girl a little older, and also sorta cute. The girl 21 jumped in, we did the feel feel touch touch, and headed to a dark spot for a good old fashion bj, and she did it with no hands all mouth, all for the very low price of .15, Im plan on going back for full service, with both her and her friend at the same time, well until then, have fun, be safe, and most of all watch your back.

Governor Spots
09-13-06, 19:02
There was an interview with a guy from the ACLU on the radio this morning. He called the Zone proposal a 'gimmick' and pointed out two obvious points- the traffic will relocate to another spot just up the road, and, they still need to have cops to actually enforce it. I guess we'll see how serious the city is going to be about this.

I ran into Sue, a BSW I used to find over on Mech Trnpk in the city. She's content to do as little as possible for the $, I don't know why I even bother.

Willie Burg
09-14-06, 11:46
I didn't have time to partake in anything, but I did drive Rte 1 south from I-295. Time was about 9:30 p.m. Saw few wsw opposite side of the street from the Car Pool. One was fairly thin. I was driving too fast to get a good description, so I'll just have to give my first impressions of what I saw. We all know how reliable first impressions are when on the prowl; get closer and YIKES!

I saw another group on the corner of one of the streets just after crossing the James River. It was a mixed group and could have been just a bunch of school kids hanging out.

Saw a nice looking, taller thin blonde walking across the lot towards the Texico just after Bells. Not sure if she was working or not. She was inside when I drove by on the flip.

Heading north now and there are several bsw walking the stretch from Bells up and past the motels. I saw a dirty blonde haired wsw just before the fire station before Bellemeade. I got the look and waved. I didn't have time to play, but did a flip anyway. She was gone when I went back.

The strangest thing is that I don't think I saw a single LE unit. They must be all unmarked, if they were out.

Willie Burg

Virginia Guy
09-15-06, 19:57
I picked up a Blonde WSW 41, cute and thin. Wednesday around 8pm near Texaco on JD. Lond Blonde hair. New to the streets. On a crack binge for the last week. CBJ for a Jackson. If I had more time a notell would have been next. We don't find good opportunities around here very often. Have fun.

Willie Burg
09-18-06, 23:08
Hey, Virginia Guy. That sounds like the blonde I saw there the day before. PM me if you have any good info on her. I would love to give her a try.

Willie Burg

09-20-06, 18:07
I've noticed a red head around Hawks BBQ and south on Chamberlayne. Tonight I got the look. If anyone has experience I'd be interested in recon. PM me. She is fairly petite, dyed curly red hair to her shoulders or a bit more, a tatoo on her left shoulder. Thanks. WD

09-21-06, 00:46
I was working overtime and left work early and went down JD at about 2am and saw absolutly nothing not even LE hope the new laws have not messed up the area.

Good hunting bee safe

09-22-06, 20:34
I have been on JD several times in the past week. The pickings have been slim to none. Anyone had any luck or is this new law screwing everything up? Let me know.

Virginia Guy
09-23-06, 09:03
Thursday night around midnight. I counted 12 LE vehicles and many cars pulled over. Obviously, no action. Be careful out there.

09-23-06, 10:31
Thursday night around midnight. I counted 12 LE vehicles and many cars pulled over. Obviously, no action. Be careful out there.DUI check points all over the metro area. State & Federal funds providing the OT. They will pop up where you least expect them.

09-23-06, 21:54
Drove down JD around 5:30pm. Saw wsw near Terminal Ave. From a distance not bad looking. Slender with grayish wavy hair and red slacks. I shot a look approaching and she acknowledged. But I kept driving as this was only a look and see trip. A liitle further South saw a bsw who was a bit on the husky side. After a turnaround I spotted 2 young bsw walking hand in hand near the Video Mart. They looked about 19 0r 20 and were pretty hot for JD strollers. LEO could be spotted at the Mr. Submarine, the Grab N' Go and Video Mart.

Virginia Guy
09-26-06, 21:38
P/U on Cham around 6pm. Redhead in early20's. Heavy but cute CBJ for Jackson

09-27-06, 00:25
I took a couple more trips down Jd but didn't have much luck. I saw a BSW near th BP but had 2 guys with her that looked like they would rob anyone who came near them so I didn't. I saw a WSW near Dundas Rd. She looked pretty good but was getting into a van so I didn't get a shot. Hope you guys are having better luck. Be safe and watch for undercover LE!

09-27-06, 08:28
Saw lots of action yesterday, both the girls and LE. Drove down Chamberlyn and saw a thin wsw with red curly hair (shirly tempel) and a few bad looking bsw, passed them all, LE was also heavy in this area, plus I was out looking for a bsw I had meet a few days earlier, 25 and thin, a 8+ on the sw scale, goes by the name of Brittany, anyway couldn't find her so I came across two more bsw, the first I passed, the second was a short bsw, went by the name of Tia, anyway settled on .15 for a cbj, I must say it was just about one of the worst bj I had in a while, the girl used too much teeth, I wish I would have went with the first bsw and passed up Tia, anyway watch out over on Mosby, near 25th street, saw a really cute bsw, but one of you guys beat me to her, but this area also seems to be crawling with T's, so like always, have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back!

P Funk1
09-28-06, 01:19
Passed by the Super Flea Market on Midlothian about 2 pm Wednesday. There was what appeared to be a wsw sitting on a cement block in the front of the lot near road. She was eying traffic. Appeared to be about 20-25, skinny and about 5'8 with long red hair. I was running an errand but when I drove back by about an hour later she was nowhere to be found. Not sure if was LE sting or not but there were a lot of marked cars in the area on the 2nd trip. Or maybe someone got lucky!

During the 2nd trip back thru the area around 3 pm there was also a possible wsw in front of the small hotel next to the Shell station near Midlothian and Warwick. She was really obvious standing in front of the hotel near the entrance in jean shorts and shirt. Appeared to be about 20 with long brown hair. She was watching the Westbound traffic. There was a wm on a bike that rode up to her from the hotel parking lot...he looked like he was saying something to her but she appeared to ignore him. Could have been a sting also....not sure. And there were several marked cars in the area so they had to have seen her! Be very careful in this area!!

09-29-06, 15:10
I took a drive at lunch looking to see if I could find the red haired girl I've seen. I got lucky on my second pass and snapped a few pictures. Initially she was with a black guy and someone in a wheelchair. Shortly after was alone and I took my pictures. When I went to pick her up she was getting into BMW from out of state-just my luck. If anyone can fill me in on Red I'd sure appreciate it. On the other hand, since I'm certain now that she's working I'll likely find out myself.

I also saw this BSW. She really didn't look like SW material but I got a glancing look from her which suggested she was working. I found her again off Chamberlayne and was ready to pick her up but when she asked to get in my car she was missing a front tooth and that turned me off.

Also saw the city putting up the enforcement zone signs - tv cameras and all were photographing. I ran into the bsw about a block away from one sign and red was a few blocks away.


10-05-06, 03:35
Did a quick run of the city, LE was everywhere, had a few cars pulled over on JD, I did see a really hot w/chick with a homie on North Ave. Don't know if she was working, but the girl was hot and also dressed really well, also saw a bsw walking down Chamberlyn by the Micky D's, Im not sure but it could have been a trannie, looked good, didn't want to take a chance and then end up getting into a fight. Well have fun, be safe, but most of all watch your back.

10-06-06, 20:48
Newbie here and I have a thing for gumjobs? Any senior members ever have any luck in Richmond with a gummer? Please share any info. Tia

10-09-06, 10:59
The trips I've taken on JD in the last week have included seeing A LOT of LE. The girls I see hanging around all have men with them. I think this is something to throw off LE. Can anyone confirm that? Anyone have any didgits? All the ones I have are not in service. Imagine that. Be carefull and safe. Some of the guys hanging with the girls look like they will rob you or worse.

10-13-06, 21:18
I scored two hits in three nights.

Wednesday night about 7:15 I cruised from Chip north to Azalea... I was really hoping to find the tall slender blonde on JD, but NO-one was out on the south side of the river, so I toured the north side... just south of the fire station I found a very petite WSW with short dirty-blonde hair (never caught her name) hanging on a bus bench. Decent BJ in the car for a Jax, and she told me that Teresa was in jail and things were really hot since the "zone" was put in place.

Tonight about 6, I found Kelly across from the CarPool on Chamb. Really nice personality, and a much better than average BJ for a Jax. She took off her jeans and let me finger her to an O (*very* tight pussy), and told me that she would sometimes do FS for BJ rates because she's rather have sex than give BJs. She confirmed that Teresa was in jail - according to her, Teresa didn't get a prostitution bust, rather she gave the cops a phony name so they busted her for identity theft. Go figure...

No real LE showing either evening, but it may have just been too early.

Be safe out there...

10-16-06, 17:05
Also saw the city putting up the enforcement zone signs - tv cameras and all were photographing. I ran into the bsw about a block away from one sign and red was a few blocks away.

WDI often drive up and down JD and have yet to see a Target Enforcement Sign. Where are they to be found? I'd like to get my own photo souvenir. How long is this program suposed to last? I recall used to see one on a light pole next to the 7-11 near JD and Hopkins Road. That was 5 or 6 years ago when they were doing this same kind of program. I used to consider stealing it but thought about the consequences not being worth it if caught.

10-18-06, 08:00
I often drive up and down JD and have yet to see a Target Enforcement Sign. Where are they to be found? I'd like to get my own photo souvenir.

I'm not sure on JD where they're located. On Chamberlayne there's one at Azalea and Chamberlayne on the north bound side and another on the South end at Chamberlayne and Tazwell (also north bound). The writting is rather small so you need to look closely to see what it is. There's also a small map on the sign showing where the SW are found, er, excuse me, showing where you're not supposed to pick up a SW. There are other signs along Chamberlayne, too. I just don't recall all of the locations.

I've not seen my red headed friend for a week. Have others seen her? If so when, as I'd like to sample. Perhaps the signs are working as I've only seen a couple of ugly bsw and Emily, who seems to have gotten very regular in her stroll. I just wish she'd quit waiving at me every time she sees me. Geesh!


P Funk1
10-18-06, 20:48
Saw a BSW on Midlothian walking west between the Texaco and the Taco Hell about 11 pm Monday night. There was a marked car in front of me and I could tell he was watching her as he drove by. He turned onto side road between Taco and Micky D's and then went down alley behind the Taco Hell and strip club. I pulled into Micky D's to grab a shake and when I was pulling out I noticed the LE car had gone around the block and was again coming west and then cut his lights on and pulled into the strip club parking lot. Not sure but believe someone may have picked the girl up as I did not see her. Very Hot in that area last few months so be careful!!

10-21-06, 12:09
There are signs on either side of Chamb at the intersection with Overbrook, mounted on the traffic-light poles, a little above normal street-sign height. They are smaller than usual signs and don't stand out, and they can't be read from a vehicle unless you have really great vision - they appear to be aimed at the people walking on the sidewalks, not the motorists driving by.

Such A Beast
10-23-06, 06:01
I've cruised Richmond many times with no luck, but hit up this weekend. I met the redhead (Kelly) from previous posts. Had a problem with her voice, whick made me leary at first, but we got comfortable and ended up in her room. She's about 5'1" and a great FS expeience with no rush. Donated .40 because she had room and I knew I could take my time. For the interested. she's in Travelodge on RT 1 #118.

Still Looking
10-29-06, 11:11
I took a trip up Chamberlain yesterday and found Kim just south of azealea. Went to her room and had a good time. She wanted 40 but went for 35. Fs started with bbbj then proceeded with covered doggie then on to missionary to finish. Not bad in the service dept. Nice body, would see her again. She also said she doesn't walk the street anymore too much heat.

Casey Jones
10-30-06, 11:20
I took a trip up Chamberlain yesterday and found Kim just south of azealea. Went to her room and had a good time. She wanted 40 but went for 35. Fs started with bbbj then proceeded with covered doggie then on to missionary to finish. Not bad in the service dept. Nice body, would see her again. She also said she doesn't walk the street anymore too much heat.

Any contact info? Please?

Still Looking
11-02-06, 12:03
Casey I sent you a pm. Would not want to mess it up with too much info with all the heat right now. This is not the same kim as on previous posts.

11-02-06, 17:45
On the 4 pm news today the station reported on one of Richmond's Most Wanted. Theresa Rapholtz is wanted for Failing to Appear on a Prostitution charge. She is a white female who is frequently seen in the Chamberlayne Avenue area. The picture they had was a mug shot and was typical of a SW. They want this one pretty. One hope they get the picture up on their web site. This is one to stay away from. There were several other SW in court today as well. The court site has not been updated yet, so the outcome not know at the time.



11-02-06, 23:23
Did the area and found most of Richmond pretty dead, ran across a bsw who said she didn't feel like doing anything, maybe it was because of what I offered her, anyway I hit North Ave. and ran across a bsw by the name of Lynn who said she could do me for .10, for that price I couldn't refuse, I gave her a small tip, well be safe, have fun, but most of all watch your back.

Casey Jones
11-06-06, 13:29
Casey I sent you a pm. Would not want to mess it up with too much info with all the heat right now. This is not the same kim as on previous posts.

Thanks - I owe you one!

Still Looking
11-07-06, 14:24
Glad I could help a fellow monger. I'm always looking for new talent.

Virginia Guy
11-07-06, 18:07
picked up Sherrie on azalea and cham monday 9pm. WSW I dated once before. since the last meeting service was poor, I kicked her out and didn't waste the money. slim pickins with the TEZ.

anyone have good intel on girls with rooms? I am ready to bust a nut, but nothings out there. I am starting to think about dreaded Lisa again. Crazy and paranoid, but real fun at times. help.

11-08-06, 10:04
picked up Sherrie on azalea and cham monday 9pm. WSW I dated once before. since the last meeting service was poor, I kicked her out and didn't waste the money. slim pickins with the TEZ.

anyone have good intel on girls with rooms? I am ready to bust a nut, but nothings out there. I am starting to think about dreaded Lisa again. Crazy and paranoid, but real fun at times. help.I'm pretty sure Lisa in a guest of the state right now. She was never the best, but any port in a storm.

Casey Jones
11-09-06, 10:14
On Chamberlayne North - maybe the last 5 blocks before Azalea I saw at least 5 SW last night - 2 White and big; 2 Black and 1 I belive was a tranny. Nothing above a 3 in the dark - I took a pass, but was shocked at the quantity.

Best chance was down at the usual fishing hole - a wsw who was gone on the flip. Looked good.

soooo long story short lots of activity 9;30 ish

11-11-06, 08:35
Took a drive down JD last night around 8pm hoping to find a quick bj. I drove down as far as the Food Lion and the old KMart. I did see some possibilities. But I got paranoid because of the LE hanging in the area. I got the "look" from two different BSW. But since there were marked cruisers a block or so away I opted not to stop. I may try again tonight.

BTW has anyone here tried this this one from Craigslist? http://richmond.craigslist.org/ers/232968352.html She is a bigun'. She also does a lot of crossposting. But for $35 I could go for a car quickie. I'm just trying to avoid a drive up to Woodbridge this weekend to visit one of their fine AMP's.

Virginia Guy
11-11-06, 21:05
I picked up the WSW in her 40s again this afternoon around 5pm on JD. She has brown hair and brown eyes. A quick CBJ for a jackson. She is cute. I would give her a 7 1/2 on the SW scale. Good service. A asked about greek and she is willing. She doesn't have a phone. Hope you guy get a chance with her.

11-12-06, 09:21
I'm pretty sure Lisa in a guest of the state right now. She was never the best, but any port in a storm.I haven't seen Lisa in months so you are probably right. Not much action on JD these days. If anyone knows where Lisa is for sure, please post the info.

I've been spending my time on Chamberlain with mixed results. But met up with Angel last Friday. She was walking down by the I95 interchange. She took me to her place for 2 Jacksons. Angel is a light-skinned BSW, probably in her 30s. One of the nicest I've run into on Chamberlain. I always stop for her if I have the time.

Casey Jones
11-13-06, 10:32
BTW has anyone here tried this this one from Craigslist? http://richmond.craigslist.org/ers/232968352.html She is a bigun'. She also does a lot of crossposting. But for $35 I could go for a car quickie. I'm just trying to avoid a drive up to Woodbridge this weekend to visit one of their fine AMP's.

I tried "the bigun" once. She's for real - actually and surprisingly articulate with solid skills and workmanship. That being said her ads for bareback and the herpes rumor that have haunted her but her on my no call list.

11-13-06, 12:53
I tried "the bigun" once. She's for real - actually and surprisingly articulate with solid skills and workmanship. That being said her ads for bareback and the herpes rumor that have haunted her but her on my no call list.Yep, always better to be safe than sorry.

11-17-06, 09:22
Hey, any info on Denise, white girl, short dark hair, slender, big boobs, used to dance at the Red Light Inn?

Virginia Guy
11-20-06, 20:00
strawberry blonde WSW in her 20s. 6pm on JD near Albany. 25 for a CBJ. seen her before. ok service.

11-26-06, 20:24
Have cruised Baltimore and Raleigh mongering for SWs with success due to the excellent mongering maps fellow mongers have took the time to prepare. Thanks guys. As I travel through Richmond frequently I would like to know if Richmond has a Monger map and could someone PM it to me or give me the locations of the better cruisin spots. Yes guys, I have RTFF. Pretty vague and Richmond is a big place and confusing for an outta towner. I see lots of referrals to Chamberlayne, Azalea, North, Jefferson Davis etc. But would like a little for detail. Thanks for any help and hope to see your lovely city and its lovely providers soon.

11-27-06, 20:47
Picked up a bsw on North Ave last nite, forget her name but her oral skill was quite well, wasn't much on looks but I was running out of time and the little head was starting to get upset and said he would settle for anything, but it wasn't a total lost, she told me that she had lots of friends who were into just about anything, so she gave me her number and told me to give her a call, caller her twice today and both times she was out, will continue, will let you guys know later what else is on the menu as far as girls looks and age. Be safe, have fun, but most of all watch your back.

Mo Finz
11-27-06, 21:12
Chamberlayne southbound, just past 7-11 before the next to Checkers. Long blonde, 5-2 maybe lil chunky maybe early 20's. Petted the kitty, got her off, she was very vocal. Very nice BBBJ for a Jackson No CIM but still nice and wet. Would do again. She usually sits on the bus bench, wasnt even sure if she was working. Glad I took a second pass on her.

Long Stroker
11-28-06, 02:57

Chamberlyn is north of the James River. Get on it near Broad and head north from there.

Jeff Davis Highway is actually US 1 that runs parallel to I-95. It can be accessed via Bells Rd (South of the James)

That's not much info, I know, but I hope it helps.

11-29-06, 00:50
Based on the recent report from Casey Jones I cruised Chamberlayne this evening between 9:30 and 10:15. There was a lot of activity both in the area he described and between Capt. Ds and Micky Ds. I saw both white and black SWs and one probably tranny on the north end by Azalea. I opted for a very petite black SW on the north end. $.2 wasted. If you see a BSW less than 5' tall wearing glasses when its dark out, keep going. I also saw a new (to me - she has some miles on her but not to bad yet) WSW working toward the South end. I wished I'd tried her but LEO was out every time I made a pass. A lot of the old familar faces seem to be gone but I did see Diamond out tonight. Its probably been a month since I saw Kelly. Has anyone picked her up recently? I seem to have the worst luck with her.


Governor Spots
11-29-06, 21:44
I met with the young woman near Checkers on Chamberlayne but I thought she said her name was Shannon. She is nice and round, big legs. Told me she was 20. 1/2 + 1/2 .4. The BJ was wet but I was a little wary of the spit-in-hand fakeout. She does sort of look like a civilian.

In a related note, I was out on Thanksgiving and passing by that bus stop to get Shannon/Sharon's attention. A dressed-up middle-aged black woman on that corner asked me for a ride. I knew she wasn't working, said no but then gave in. Ended up giving her an actual ride to the 3rd & Broad transfer stop. She was from Southside, I don't think she knew knew what she was doing hailing down a strange dude on Chamberlayne Ave.

Virginia Guy
11-30-06, 20:07
I picked up a should length blonde WSW on Tuesday afternoon around 3pm. She was on JD near the Wendy's. She was staying at the Rainbow. Quick CBJ for a jackson. Decent service.

Mo Finz
11-30-06, 20:42
I met with the young woman near Checkers on Chamberlayne but I thought she said her name was Shannon. She is nice and round, big legs. Told me she was 20. 1/2 + 1/2 .4. The BJ was wet but I was a little wary of the spit-in-hand fakeout. She does sort of look like a civilian.

In a related note, I was out on Thanksgiving and passing by that bus stop to get Shannon/Sharon's attention. A dressed-up middle-aged black woman on that corner asked me for a ride. I knew she wasn't working, said no but then gave in. Ended up giving her an actual ride to the 3rd & Broad transfer stop. She was from Southside, I don't think she knew knew what she was doing hailing down a strange dude on Chamberlayne Ave.I could have been mistaken, but I thought she said Sharon. Irregardless, how was the other half? Her kitty purred pretty nice in my hand, would Scooter like a trip down that tunnel?

Governor Spots
12-01-06, 15:01
Mo- the 'other half' was good, although I ended up bumbling half-dressed around in the back of the car so much that I was the one not physically up to it. She was definitely willing though and struck a couple of submissive positions that were pretty sexy and open. I'm into her type of figure which is big-around but not sloppy. I've looked for her again since without any luck, including earlier this afternoon.

Governor Spots
12-01-06, 19:19
Theresa is on the loose- saw her Friday evening about 5:15 pm on Chamberlayne north of the BP then lurking back by the park off Ladies Mile.

Mo Finz
12-03-06, 10:22
Mo- the 'other half' was good, although I ended up bumbling half-dressed around in the back of the car so much that I was the one not physically up to it. She was definitely willing though and struck a couple of submissive positions that were pretty sexy and open. I'm into her type of figure which is big-around but not sloppy. I've looked for her again since without any luck, including earlier this afternoon.Yeah, I hear ya there. She was pretty nice, turned me on when she called me daddy. I see her there occasionally, next time I pick her up I'll take the full tour and post it back here. She really got hot when I sucked on her neck and nips and tongued her ear.

Wish I could find a nice Latino SW in the area.

Mo Finz
12-04-06, 21:59
Mo- the 'other half' was good, although I ended up bumbling half-dressed around in the back of the car so much that I was the one not physically up to it. She was definitely willing though and struck a couple of submissive positions that were pretty sexy and open. I'm into her type of figure which is big-around but not sloppy. I've looked for her again since without any luck, including earlier this afternoon.Try up that side street at the end, The City Motel. Thats wheres shes staying with her "husband". Tried the 1/2 and 1/2. It was pretty good. Round and soft, but not lumpy and disgusting. She got off, i ended up shooting on her face. Enjoyable girl. BTW, her name is Shannon, i must have misheard her the first time

Governor Spots
12-06-06, 23:11
I found Shannon again this evening at her usual spot. Before we drove away she said she needed to drop something (probably the bucks from her last job) with her husband, I drove around the block and we found him, a huge black guy, she hopped out and talked to him for a second and I waved sheepishly at him as I drove off with his wife. Kind of weird. Received a lengthy BJ, very nice, for which I overpaid. Still, she's a pretty nice girl and not street-damaged, actually a breath of fresh air compared to this town's usual fare.

On Tuesday I got lucky, found a strange older white woman I had never seen before walking along Overbrook near Battery Park, Donna. She totally looked like a civilian, I drove by her a couple of times until we got friendly enough for her to climb in. She went on with a long story about losing her straight job, splitting up with her boyfriend, and having her two dogs die in separate circumstances. I drove her around a while listening and was about ready to give her the boot when she asked if I wanted to fool around, she needed bread. Ended up parking and receiving a stupendously well-delivered BBBJCIM in exchange for a .2 donation plus .1 tip (well earned). Really one of the most unexpected and excellent services I've ever had, real deal. She said she was leaving town today to meet up with the ex-boyfreind out of state, I believe she was just in need for this occasion. A great one off.

Governor Spots
12-11-06, 22:05
The WSW Donna I mentioned is still around, I guess her story of leaving town was BS. Anyhow, I stand by my remarks on her service. She's probably 45-50, dark hair, makeup, I've seed her since on Chamberlayne.

12-12-06, 23:28
Well fellows its a little after 10 on Tuesday nite, just came in from doing a run around the loop, LE everywhere, there were even state boys in the city limits patroling the streets, seen lots of uncover cars driving around some even had people pulled over, passed the 7-11 on JD by Hopkins saw two undercover cars with about 8 LE on the inside they looked like nacs, anyway will run out later but fellown more so than ever be safe, and when I say watch your back, also watch your front and side, I can only hope you guys can have fun on a nite like this. Wish you guys luck.

Virginia Guy
12-26-06, 15:30
I picked up tracie last week on Cham past Walgreen's. Black hair, blue eyed, late 20s WSW about a 6-7 on SW scale. She was a little rough on the CBJ for a Jackson. I had to ask her to stop the teeth work. I was getting a bit sore from the repeated scraping.

Friday afternoon around 4pm, I picked up Michelle on Cham across from 7-11. She had long brown hair early 30s WSW. Decent CBJ for a jackson. She lifted up her shirt to prove she was not a cop. Wow, what a smell. She could have benefited from a shower with soap and a washcloth.

Happy mongering.

12-28-06, 19:48
I had some time early this afternoon and made the rounds on Chamberlain. Picked up a WSW named Sandy (dark hair, medium build, probably late 30s) around McDonalds. She took me to her place for BBBJ and FS for 2 Jacksons. I won't pick her up again. Service was rushed and marginal at best.

Still Looking
01-02-07, 22:23
I have not posted in awhile but I have been doing alittle recon in the past month. I guess I have not been as productive as others or I'm just getting too picky in my later years. Anyway hope everyone has a great new year and happy mongering.

Va Fun Tymes
01-03-07, 10:07
I'm just getting too picky in my later years.Thats not a bad thing at all! I am doing it as well!

Silver #1
01-19-07, 14:00
Cruised JD on Monday night around 11:00 pm. I saw six marked cars, two unmarked cars and no girls. I decided not to make a return trip, so I headed to my hotel room.

I have never seen this much police presence.

02-04-07, 07:58
I was killing some time during lunch on Friday and decided to check out the North Chamberlain area. Things have been really dead for the past couple of weeks and I was getting desperate, so I drove down farther then usual, all the way to the I95 interchange.coming back up Chamberlain to the north just off the I95 ramp, there was a nice looking, late 30s, BSW walking aimlessly around the bus stop. I made the loop a couple of times until we finally made eye contect. She hopped in and said her name was India. After a short discussion, she took me to her place where she seemed extremely nervous. To make a long story short, she eventually came around and the menu included everything. Because she was so nervous, no money was even mentioned until I brought it up at the end. We both ended completely satisfied. I had to leave in a hurry so am still kicking myself that I didn't get digits. Hope to see her again. I won't make the same mistake next time.

02-05-07, 09:43
I was killing some time during lunch on Friday and decided to check out the North Chamberlain area. Things have been really dead for the past couple of weeks and I was getting desperate.No kidding. This is the slowest its been in years. I'm almost weaned to CL but the price difference is reducing my frequency.

So I drove down farther then usual, all the way to the I95 interchange.coming back up Chamberlain to the north just off the I95 ramp, there was a nice looking, late 30s, BSW walking aimlessly around the bus stop. I made the loop a couple of times until we finally made eye contect. She hopped in and said her name was India.I'll keep an eye open for her. Its been months since I've seen a decent looking SW. Would love to find Kelly again. If any mongers have recon, let me know. The last I saw her was at a motel on 1 about a block from where you met India.


02-11-07, 21:22
Picked up a bsw the other day, for ..15 this girl gave great bj, for .30 she would have did greek, anyway after the wonderful bj, I picked up another bsw brown skin named mesha or meesha, whatever, but anyway paid this **** .20 up front get back to the spot and she start giving me a hard time, then she starts to give me a bj and then she would stop the start then stop, after about 5 mins she tells me shes done, was I pissed, but I didn't have time to make a scene due to the fact where we were and I didn't want to loose my job, but if you guys ever run across a brown skinned street walker named meesha, stop your car and put her ass out, picked her up near the 7-11 on JD. Had a wonder time also while I was in Philly this week, and alsos MD. Well fellows be safe, have fun, and most of all watch your back.

02-23-07, 21:34
I went out today to see what might be availible, I saw LE hinding behind signs and big trucks, but didn't even see any crack heads out, hope it picks up.

03-15-07, 00:14
Well there is some action on JD but sporadic. First I found B, an older wsw, brunette, ok shape, clean, got some good head for .2+.1 When she finished I quickly unlocked the door thinking she was gonna spit. Nope, she just sat there and smiled at me. Now that was good.

On another outing I found wsw H further up JD than I would have suspected around 11:00 pm or so. Parked and got real good bbbjtc .2 + .2 . Said if I gave her the extra .2 she’d make it up to me. Gave me a # but I never got back to her. Mid to late twenties blond ok bod decent face 6 or so. New in town.

There were some really rough looking ones too, but I barely slowed down to get a look before moving on. Still way more action than in NN.


Mo Finz
03-15-07, 18:59
I decided to go trolling Wednesday 3/14. The weather was warm and saw several girls out. One wsw,tall and lean in black tube top and basketball shorts. Missed her , but didn't cry about it.

I was just about to make the last run and head for home when i saw a possible wsw at the corner of the one way street next to the Catholic Church. She stopped and turned to me as i passed by her and i stopped. So she got in and the game was afoot.
Asked the "Are you" questions then we felt each other up. Her name is Sabrina, maybe mid to late 20's, reddish brown short hair. I got her shirt up and this girl has one tight little body. Maybe 110 pounds soaking wet, big nipples on relatively firm c cup tits. Opened her jeans and showed me her shaved little kitty, which i petted while we went to my favorite pond. Made out for a bit then she proceeded to go down and test out the big worm. She has pretty good oral skills. $20 for bbbjtccim. She was a catch and release advocate. I got her digits, hope to catch up with her again soon. Senior members may contact me , however if you're not a senior member, please offer some digits in return.

Happy Fishing Everyone!

Willie Burg
03-17-07, 00:26
Saw a very nice looking wsw on JD, one block south of Azalea. She wore a dark t-shirt(I think) and bell bottom jeans that ended about 6 inches above her ankles. She had shoulder lenght, dark hair. She smiled at me, but when I was finally turned around I could not find her anywhere. Not sure exactly what time this was, but it was still light out(probably around 6:00 or 7:00.

About 30 minutes later I caught a slender bsw out of the corner of my I, just as I was passing her. This was on JD between Sledd and Tazwell. I went around the block, but... foiled again. She was getting into another monger mobile just as I came around the last corner.

I cast my line one more time and met a bsw just north of JD and School St. at around 8:00 - 8:30. Called herself Sheneke. She was about 5'6-7," and fairly slender. I thought I picked up a shemale at first. She must have shaved her head just a few weeks ago; her hair was so short. In addition she had no breasts that I could see. I drove silently while I tried to figure out what I should do or say to find out - didn't want to offend her if she was for real. Finally I just asked. She assured me she was all woman. She told me one guy stopped her once and asked if she was a ts. He turned her down, because that is what he was looking for. We went to my rented fishing hole and got down to business. She washed up well before playing - much appreciated. First DATY. Her pussy was shaved except for a little tuff above her pussy. She seemed to enjoy that, taking my head and pulling it into her pussy. After she returned the favor. She had great technique and paid a lot off attention to the stepchildren, gently sucking and licking. I put on a cover and she worked it some more with her mouth. I told her to jump on anytime, so she did. A little cowgirl, then I stood next to the bed while she kneeled on it and finished doggie style. She has very small tits that are not that full, but has a very nice pussy. She gave me her number, and said it would be working next week and meantime I could call this other number that she also gave me. It was her brother's cell phone. Think I wait the week and see if her number gets activated. I drove her home and she made a point of showing me exactly where she lived (incase I need to come pick her up). Isn't that nice!

Mo Finz, if the number is legit, I'll gladly exchange it with you.

Willie Burg

03-20-07, 19:20
Sampled an attractive WSW today, bod 7-8, face 7-8, performance 8; safe, discrete, clean; upper Chamberlayne stroll; has own motel room. Got digits and permission. Senior members PM me for details. I don't mean to be an asshole about this, but I sense that this one needs her identity protected. Flame me if you wish.

NWIN Monger
03-21-07, 15:38
I just recently moved to VA after spending most of my life in NW Indiana. I spent alot of time and research during my Indiana hunts, and now must start over with finding some of the more promising areas for fun between DC and Richmond. I decided to take my 1st ever VA stroll in Richmond around the area of Chamberlayne Av. 1st I must say that was the most LE I have ever seen in in one area, this must be a hot area. I did plenty of cruising up and down some side street areas and getting aquainted with this new hole. I saw plenty of girls who appeared to be working (why else be on out @ 1:00am, in this type of area) I finally saw a WSW who fits the description Max999 had

Sampled an attractive WSW today, bod 7-8, face 7-8, performance 8; safe, discrete, clean; upper Chamberlayne stroll; has own motel room. Got digits and permission. Senior members PM me for details. I don't mean to be an asshole about this, but I sense that this one needs her identity protected. Flame me if you wish.Did she wear glasses and have a few tats? (may have been the same one)

I picked her up and was extremly cautious. I think I may have freaked her out how cautious I was. Did not discuss $ or option at all untill we got to a hotel she was at. Told me she had to make sure her friend was done before we went in. At that point I almost left thinking Sting once I entered the room or some guys waiting to rough me up. Since I discussed nothing with her till this point I proceeded cautiously to the room. I checked bathrooms, closet, ect just in case LE was hiding. She undressed then started on me, decided it was same and discussed payment. Overall it was a great experiance for my 1st VA stroll only went with BJCIM. She wanted 80 for everything and 40 for my decision. told her I only would give 20 the going rate back in Indiana. she hesitated and agreed. (I wasn't about to let a cracked SWer take 40 when I know thats to much, plus from experiance I knew she needed her fix and would take 20) No reason to allow prices to rise.

Uponcompletion I left to find that the N 95 exit was closed and spent some time wondering around saw a few more girls a real nice BSW about a 9 but there was a lot of LE in the area and she didn't really move off one spot so I was thinking decoy. I finally stoped beside an LE car and told them I stoped off for some food and was looking to get back on 95,they helped out and I went back home happy and safe. If anyone has any hints as far as what to look out for as far as potential LE stings in Ricmond please feel free to PM. I know how LE does it back home, and am following my rules of engagement till I learn more on the area. Also is this area normally as heavy with LE cars, and vans?

Casey Jones
03-23-07, 13:40
Just wanted to point out the obvious - that's a hell of a first post - welcome and good luck. Its tough out there.

Virginia Guy
03-23-07, 15:26
I picked up a couple blonde sisters today. It was my lucky day. They looked too good for the area, so i approached with caution. I asked if they needed a ride, and they said no, but maybe in 5 minutes. I came back in 5 minutes and they hopped in. I asked if they would both service me. They wouldn't do a 2 on 1, so I had one at a time.

Keri is 31, clean shaven, cute face with the nicest breasts i've seen on a SW. Keri is clearly a 10 on the WSW scale. Julie is 47 and looks great for her age 8-9 on the scale.

Of course, they have a cell phone with no minutes loaded, so contacting them will be difficult. They hang around laburnum and Chamb. I snapped a couple pix to help you guys find them, Let me know if you've ever hooked up or meet them in the future. I scheduled a second round next week. I hope they show up. I will get a pix of Keri's breasts. I love puffy nipples. Good luck and be careful.

03-23-07, 16:41
[QUOTE=Virginia Guy]I picked up a couple blonde sisters today. QUOTE]
You are a lucky dog.

Mo Finz
03-23-07, 17:18
Please keep us updated. I myself would love to have a go with Kerri.

I picked up a couple blonde sisters today. It was my lucky day. They looked too good for the area, so i approached with caution. I asked if they needed a ride, and they said no, but maybe in 5 minutes. I came back in 5 minutes and they hopped in. I asked if they would both service me. They wouldn't do a 2 on 1, so I had one at a time.

Keri is 31, clean shaven, cute face with the nicest breasts i've seen on a SW. Keri is clearly a 10 on the WSW scale. Julie is 47 and looks great for her age 8-9 on the scale.

Of course, they have a cell phone with no minutes loaded, so contacting them will be difficult. They hang around laburnum and Chamb. I snapped a couple pix to help you guys find them, Let me know if you've ever hooked up or meet them in the future. I scheduled a second round next week. I hope they show up. I will get a pix of Keri's breasts. I love puffy nipples. Good luck and be careful.

03-24-07, 11:10
Well its Springtime and the warmer weather has certainly increased a mongers odds. Its nice for a change to see people actually getting some action. BTW mega-props to Virginia Guy. I'm not much into the SW scene but it does seem there are trophy bass to be had right now. Recently I have found some action on CL and a Yahoo group. I've written about Leila on the Richmond Escort board. Shes a good find for those into massage with a happy ending. I also have found Tammy who has a studio in her home. She also gives a fine massage with HR but doesn't allow much in the way roaming. Tina is another find. She is a larger middle-aged woman who gives oral releif at SW prices. Far from being a beauty she works out of her clean and neat southside home. Senior members may PM for details and digits.

03-28-07, 17:33
Whats up Richmond, I am in town for a long visit, where can I find some fun. PM me with details or Contact #. Thanks in advance.

Virginia Guy
03-30-07, 15:14
Well, I called the sisters this morning. Lucky minutes were loaded on the pre-paid cell phone. The younger one answers and she informs me that her sister was arrested for skipping a court date, but she was available. I picked her up at the same spot off Cham and Laburnum.

Back to the no-tel for a wonderful GFE experience. LFK, lots of sucking, kissing my and her body. She is better than most escorts for a fraction of the price. I paid three jacksons for an hour and two pops. BBBJCIM, Russian, Cowgirl, missionary, then doggie for the finish.

Here are a few pix, but don't tell her you've seen them on the forum. I put the largest pix that the forum would allow. You can see the detail of her great body. Let keep the photos our little secret (don't want to ruin a good thing).

Larks Tongue
03-30-07, 16:18
Well, I called the sisters this morning. Lucky minutes were loaded on the pre-paid cell phone. The younger one answers and she informs me that her sister was arrested for skipping a court date, but she was available. I picked her up at the same spot off Cham and Laburnum.

Back to the no-tel for a wonderful GFE experience. LFK, lots of sucking, kissing my and her body. She is better than most escorts for a fraction of the price. I paid three jacksons for an hour and two pops. BBBJCIM, Russian, Cowgirl, missionary, then doggie for the finish.

Here are a few pix, but don't tell her you've seen them on the forum. I put the largest pix that the forum would allow. You can see the detail of her great body. Let keep the photos our little secret (don't want to ruin a good thing).

Congrats. Nice pics. She looks well worth what you paid.

03-30-07, 16:46
Virginia Guy wrote, "Here are a few pix..."

Hi Virginia Guy. I really liked the photos! Great work. But I was wondering aren't you scared of getting an incurable disease like herpes while going bareback into her? I'm just curious: did you ask her if she was clean or anything? What gave you the confidence to "go in?" Thanks again for the photos :-) [Grateful applause]

PS: I'd like to do the same thing, but I'm too scared :-)
How did you overcome your fear?

When In Vegas
03-30-07, 19:53
Wow, she might have a carrer shaving pussies :-) Nice pics. She's very cute.


PS. Rosco: If you look close enough you'll notice VG is safe

Well, I called the sisters this morning. Lucky minutes were loaded on the pre-paid cell phone. The younger one answers and she informs me that her sister was arrested for skipping a court date, but she was available. I picked her up at the same spot off Cham and Laburnum.

Back to the no-tel for a wonderful GFE experience. LFK, lots of sucking, kissing my and her body. She is better than most escorts for a fraction of the price. I paid three jacksons for an hour and two pops. BBBJCIM, Russian, Cowgirl, missionary, then doggie for the finish.

Here are a few pix, but don't tell her you've seen them on the forum. I put the largest pix that the forum would allow. You can see the detail of her great body. Let keep the photos our little secret (don't want to ruin a good thing).

Shogun Hua
03-30-07, 21:01
Virginia Guy wrote, "Here are a few pix..."

Hi Virginia Guy. I really liked the photos! Great work. But I was wondering aren't you scared of getting an incurable disease like herpes while going bareback into her? I'm just curious: did you ask her if she was clean or anything? What gave you the confidence to "go in?" Thanks again for the photos :-) [Grateful applause]

PS: I'd like to do the same thing, but I'm too scared :-)
How did you overcome your fear?

It looks like he is wearing a rubber in the picture he is screwing her.

03-30-07, 22:38
Take some more pics and post them.

We want to see.

03-31-07, 11:45
Virginia Guy wrote, "Here are a few pix..."

Hi Virginia Guy. I really liked the photos! Great work. But I was wondering aren't you scared of getting an incurable disease like herpes while going bareback into her? I'm just curious: did you ask her if she was clean or anything? What gave you the confidence to "go in?" Thanks again for the photos :-) [Grateful applause]

PS: I'd like to do the same thing, but I'm too scared :-)
How did you overcome your fear?

Rosco2, as (if) you get older, you will learn that "fear" can sometimes equate to common sense. Asking a SW if she is "clean" is pretty naive IMHO. Assume that she is infected with the worst STD you can imagine and use protection no matter what she says. If she is eager for BB then it may indicate that she is testing positive for so many STD's that she has nothing more to "fear" or to lose. Hate to cast gloom on your grin but that's something you need to learn if you hope to become old like some of us oldtimers. Don't mean to scold but think about it.

If you look closely at the picture, I think you will find protection was used although I didn't see it at first either. The condom is a healthy shade of red!

NWIN Monger
03-31-07, 13:59
I had the oppertunity to break away this last Fri. Night and go down to Richmond to see what type of fun was to be had. Upon looking at photos from Virginia Guy I was hoping to find this Keri girl. (Well no luck), but I did see a decent looking WSW on Chamberlyne on my way into the city. I decided to turn around and go in for a closer look and when I returned she was gone. On my way back north on Chamberlyne I saw Richmonds finest stopped a car and had a guy and what looked like a SW out of it. (hope it was none of you! ) Since I was seeing alot of LE I decided to grab a bite to eat and head back home. I think I will try a AMP up north on Sat. And take care of my itch till then be safe.

Virginia Guy
03-31-07, 15:58
I just called Kari and asked about giving out her number. She doesn't feel comfortable getting calls from unknown men. I will work on her a little more and try to share the number with my fellow senior members. I don't want to screw this up, so it may take me a little while.

She mentioned dating a new guy, so he must be taking care of her. As her money dries up, she may be more willing. Stay tuned.

03-31-07, 21:18
One of my LTFs if not an ATF. Attractive, slender, clean, own room, very skilled, no drugs, no alcohol. Senior members PM me for digits.

P Funk1
04-02-07, 18:04
I drove down Chamberlayne from Azalea Friday afternoon about 5-515 pm and saw what appeared to be one of the two sisters talked about on here by VG. She was just a couple blocks south of Azalea. I did not get a good look at the face as she was walking southbound same direction I was going. There was a lot of traffic and could only glance at mirror. She did have long blonde hair that appeared to be pretty thick. I also noticed 2 or 3 LE in the area all within a few blocks so chose not to run around the block for better look or pickup.

Today drove north on Chamberlayne from Laburnum and did not see anything but LE so be careful!

04-07-07, 12:42
saw a bsw across from the bk on c ave and rolled around the block. couldn't find her so made another pass. I stop where I last saw her and she pops out
of the shadows.

I let her in the car and she says her name is rosyln. I said where'd you go? says she was drinking a beer and she smelled of it. I go about ten feet stop the car and tell her to get out. and not because of the beer smell.

she used to be a guy and after some haggling she's out of my car so beware.

Tall straight black hair worn up.

The rest of the evening was no better. Didn't open the door on three other stops on jd. Damn they were rough looking.


Willie Burg
04-08-07, 02:06
I met a girl (well, maybe it was a girl) at the WaWa next to the Travel Lodge on Brook Rd. She came out of the WaWa as I was walking by the door and asked me if I could remember a number and call her - maybe tell some other guys about her. She said she was a dancer that she was on Craigslist and Eros. I asked what she was doing at the moment. She said she needed 15 minutes and she could meet me.

In 15 minutes she came. She started feeling my cock (that was the cop check), then asked for compensation before going any further. I gave her what we had agreed on, but as soon as she had it, she asked for another $40. I said no. She tried to blow me, but sucked at sucking. She pulled out the tits, which looked really nice, but felt like they had a rock the size of my fist in them. "Oh I just had a baby," she said.

To make things worse she kept interrupting. First she asked if I liked dildos up my ass, then she stopped and asked if she could see my butt. Next she wanted me to hump the mattress like I was fucking someone. That's when I really started questioning the gender. And she wondered why I wasn't getting hard. I said she wasn't doing much to get me there and how about seeing some skin. "I don't take my clothes of for less than $100," she said. "Let me just try sucking you again." I pulled my rubber of and said I was through.

I'm not sure if She is a TS or not, but she was all about getting as much money as she could and doing nothing in return. I wouldn't put it past her to do a cash n dash routine. I saved her phone number just so I could post it here. If you're daring, or just want to mess with her, here's the number 804-237-3801. I haven't called it and have no idea who might be at the other end of that number.

Willie Burg

04-08-07, 17:15
Fellas, whats up. Can someone help a fellow monger out. Please PM or post details, looking for some action in the Richmond area.

Virginia Guy
04-11-07, 09:48
saw her again at no-tel. BBBJ for pop 1. had to fake pop 2 cause during doggie the fish smell got pretty bad. had to get in the shower and clean up. I knew it was too good to last. she is not ready for phone number sharing. sorry guys

NWIN Monger
04-11-07, 13:02
[QUOTE=Virginia Guy] had to fake pop 2 cause during doggie the fish smell got pretty bad. had to get in the shower and clean up. I knew it was too good to last.

I always felt lucky when I was the 1st to discover a new girl on the streets. Then as time and the "crack monster" take over things start going down hill pretty fast. Those 8-9's quickly become 5-6's. At least you had some good memories BS. (Before Smell) Then again maybe she just forgot to shower, for the last week.

Still Looking
04-11-07, 17:46
I had the pleasure of catching up with Max999's local girl and had a great time with her. She is very nimble and has energy to burn. Thanks Max she is a keeper!

04-12-07, 22:42
Got lucky this mornng and met up with Zabrena (with a Z). Picked her up on North Chamberlain around Laburnum. Reddish hair, 30 somethng, good shape. She took me to her place for a nice FS romp. I will look for her again. Clean, sober, and pleasant to talk to. I got her number, but who knows if it will work in a week. I haven't had much luck with return visits in the past.


04-15-07, 17:06
I had a dream about a red head named kelly today, was driving up chamberlane, and picked her up around brookland near the walgreens I think. She took me back to her room, which was not far. I got FS for $40. CBj was ok, but the FS was excellent, she is very talented with her hips i might say..

Since I couldn't get anyone to tell me about there regulars, I had to go out and find my own. I must warn u, she is a CH, alot of sudden movements for no reason, I found it to be funny.

I got the digits for those that are interested, she said I can give them out. so PM me if you want info.

Casey Jones
04-17-07, 16:48
I had a dream about a red head named kelly today, was driving up chamberlane, and picked her up around brookland near the walgreens I think. She took me back to her room, which was not far. I got FS for $40. CBj was ok, but the FS was excellent, she is very talented with her hips i might say..

Since I couldn't get anyone to tell me about there regulars, I had to go out and find my own. I must warn u, she is a CH, alot of sudden movements for no reason, I found it to be funny.

I got the digits for those that are interested, she said I can give them out. so PM me if you want info.

Thats Max99's girl! Coolchick

What is a "CH"

04-17-07, 17:18
CH is a Crackhead. Tell Max I said sorry, I didn't mean to dream about his women. LOL, I hope he will forgive me.

P Funk1
04-17-07, 20:07
I would guess "CH" is Crack Ho!

04-17-07, 20:37
I would guess "CH" is Crack Ho!
Nope. Maybe "coke head" but not crack.

04-17-07, 21:43
Nope. Maybe "coke head" but not crack.

Hmmm...maybe chit head?

04-17-07, 21:45
Met her on north Chamberlayne this afternoon. I had seen her this morning going to work along with a younger prettier WSW with reddish hair (not Kelly). I didn't have time this morning. The prettier WSW wasn't still around but Andrea was. She's a 4 in looks (maybe a 6 from a distance), a 5 in attitude, and maybe a 4 in service. Her teeth are scary. She said she lived near the Virginia Center Commons mall. That would make for hunting grounds closer to home.<g> First new girl I've seen in a while and today I saw two.


S Crover
04-18-07, 11:01
Found Anna on Chamberlayne yesterday around 6:00 PM. She is 20 years old, 5'2" , brown hair, 110 lbs. Anna is her real name as I saw her driver license. She is staying at the Chamberlayne Motel with her "boyfriend" (say pimp). Told me that her boyfriend does not take her money but only holds it for her. (How naive can this girl be?) She is in the business since the day she turned 18. Claims to have lots of steady clients. Was very professional. We went to a notel. Without a word she dropped all her clothes, got on the bed on all fours with her butt pointing in my direction. Since I don't care for doggie style all that much I told her to turn around after a few minutes of humping her. She immediately flipped over, put her legs in the air and spread her pussy lips with her hands iurging me on to put it to her. All in all a very nice session was had. No rush, no fuss. I highly recommend her.

04-18-07, 21:27
I've noticed the same WSW every morning this week on Chamberlynn between North ave and Azalea. About 5' or so and petite. I'm thinking of giving her a try in the morning. I don't see her in the afternoon. Any reports would be appreciated.


Illegal Smile
04-23-07, 07:10
I havent posted on the SWer side for a bit. Yesterday with the nice weather I took a ride up JD. North of Bells near the trailer park I saw a new face ! WSW with strawberry blond hair, short/shoulder length. Grey tee shirt with nice bit of belly showing. Thin and attractive by SW standards. Give her an 8. Actively giving traffice the look. I swung around to scoop her but some other monger grabbed her up before I got turned ! Hope you enjoyed !

04-27-07, 18:26
The petite young thing I'd been seeing in the morning stopped showing up last week. I ran into her this afternoon and everything that's been reported on her is true. I'm surprised she's 120 lbs....I'd have guessed 90 lbs soaking wet. About the only things I can add is BBBJ are not feasible even for more cash. She hates cum and that really took away from the experience. Several large tatoos and a scar that is probably from a C-secton but I'm not a doc and I didn't ask. Also, got digits. Senior members can PM me.

Still looking for Kelly or a call back.


04-30-07, 09:00
The action is finally picking up. Anna has a friend that's a solid 6+ on the SW scale (maybe better but I need more recon to verify). Theresa's back and she has some special oral skills (voted best in Richmond by everyone in the front seat of my car) and there seem to be some newbees getting introduced to us mongers. I've seen lots of contacts happening but no one seems to be reporting. Spring has my "***** moans" flowing and I'm sure I'm not alone.

The Dog

Casey Jones
04-30-07, 09:23

Do you remember Stacy - Teresa's cousin and in my humble opinion - even better. Somebody taught those two right <G>

04-30-07, 18:39
I vaguely recall Stacy. I was thinking she was high drama. I even saw Diamond at lunch - she must have lost 50 or 60 lbs. Looks good but losing that much weight in this business isn't always good news. Be safe!

In other news I saw the prettiest WSW I've ever seen in Richmond this evening about 5:45 on Chamberlayne. I got a good look and I'd giver her an 8 on a regular scale. I did the flip and things were going great until I looked in my rear view mirror and saw my boss was behind me. She wasn't there on the third pass....but I will be watching.

Anyone familiar with Anna's girl friend? PM me if you are. I'm going to try her out if they're still around next week. I've got my plate full this week. <g> Finally reconnected with Leila and later in the week I've arranged a CL date.



Do you remember Stacy - Teresa's cousin and in my humble opinion - even better. Somebody taught those two right <G>

Casey Jones
05-01-07, 16:44
I heard she was high drama ..................but from Teresa. Personally I thought she was articulate; intelligent and could suck a golfball through a hose.

Took a couple laps on Chamberlayne today - one saw one and she's a veteran not worth even a drunken sailors consideration.

05-01-07, 18:33
Took a couple laps on Chamberlayne today - one saw one and she's a veteran not worth even a drunken sailors consideration.

I believe I saw her too - morning and evening. Scary. After Leila cancelled on me (a chronic problem it seems) I thought I'd see if I could hook up with Anna's friend and take care of urges - apparently no one here has info on her and as a good citizen I thought I'd do some recon. I think I glimpsed Anna heading back to her room and no sign of her friend or their "boyfriends." Then I saw a Richmond City Police car in the parking lot next door. After that I called it a day. I hope they have not been attracting too much attention - the thought had crossed my mind before that they were being less than subtle. No sign of the beauty from yesterday.


Virginia Guy
05-02-07, 04:49
I hooked up with anna yesterday around 6pm. $25 for a CBJ. She is all about the cover. Not bad looking. A little ghetto for me, but I would see her again. Teresa was the best BJ in Richmond. That girl could jam a tool into the back of her throat for hours without stopping. Kinda miss her...

My cutie Keri must have lost her cell phone. I am unable to reach her. too bad. Nice to see a little action on the boards again. have fun.

05-02-07, 14:01
JD Loop yesterday -- met a red head about 21 - an 8 for sure the SW scale around 6pm -Wendys- - Slim petite and not tainted by the normal SW stuff.

Seems daylight hours are a little safer.

No Drama!

Saw a couple of other possibles on the JD loop.

Things are picking up.

NWIN Monger
05-02-07, 18:18
I had the oppertunity to sample some of the area talent again last night. I met a girl who goes by the name Anna. I have seen posts of her on the board and was very eager to see what she was all about. Well I also had to go with a BJ and yes it was covered. Even a few extra bucks couldn't get her to change her mind. Money ussually gets these girls to do anything you want. She was a tough cookie to crack or I was just not willing to spend that kind of $ on a SW. I ended up happy in the end and she at least had some decent skill. I may try her again if I see her out, but I also seen alot of lookers after I dropped her off. I will hopefully be out and sampling again soon.

05-08-07, 07:33
I was scheduled to see Leila yesterday but she did another no show. After one nice session months ago I scheduled a second session. When I showed up she said her baby sitter crapped out on her and we'd need to reschedule. Eventually I did and she called and cancelled an hour before the appointed time. Yesterday I was waiting for her to answer her door when neighbors said she was out of town on a family emergency. No call, no email. One connection in four attempts doesn't enamour me with her reliability. Her services are limited too but the full body massage is nice. Has anyone else experienced this with her or am I just lucky?

Decided to take to the street and see what was available. The only lady I saw strolling Chamberlayne was the "veteran" mentioned earlier. I did notice a woman hanging where I am used to finding Anna. She looked friendly so I introduced myself. Her name was Deana and she said Anna had left town. Even though her teeth were scary the rest of her was ok in my horney state so I gave her a try. Nice personality but not worth the effort frankly.

Still trying to connect with Kelly but I'm getting closer I think.


05-08-07, 12:23
I was scheduled to see Leila yesterday but she did another no show. After one nice session months ago I scheduled a second session. When I showed up she said her baby sitter crapped out on her and we'd need to reschedule. Eventually I did and she called and cancelled an hour before the appointed time. Yesterday I was waiting for her to answer her door when neighbors said she was out of town on a family emergency. No call, no email. One connection in four attempts doesn't enamour me with her reliability. Her services are limited too but the full body massage is nice. Has anyone else experienced this with her or am I just lucky?
Sorry to hear youv'e had problems with her. She did once cancel on me but at least it was the day before. I'm sure your aware she has a busy schedule and her sessions are dependent on having a babysitter. Personally I appreciate that, I once saw someone else in the area who simply put their kids in another room. Thats so wrong. In fact I opted to leave. I really do feel your pain but seeing her sometimes can be difficult because she happens to be a decent person. I've had three really fine sessions with her over the last four months, would have been many more but it can be hard to get a solid schedule with her. To be honest I wouldn't go anywhere else if I could get her to have a more reliable schedule.

05-09-07, 18:06
To be honest I wouldn't go anywhere else if I could get her to have a more reliable schedule.

I'm not sure I'd go that far but I'd probably have a weekly session, if she was reliable or halfway interested in keeping a client happy. Honestly, this is one business that is ripe for anyone that's interested in selling a little fantasy or customer service along with their other goods. Leila was unusual in that she really didn't rush things but after missing 3 out of 4 confirmed appointments and twice failing to cancel (i.e., I took leave and went to her appartment to be disapointed) I think she could have been a little accomodating with her time this morning. Hell, if it'd been me I'd have offered a free visit for the inconvenience but I couldn't get her to see me during her free time. Sweet kid but I'll only take that kind of inconsistent availabilty as SW prices.

Anyone following CL that's interested in meeting the gal from Spotsylvania (chunky but young) don't waste your time. I've tried to hook up for a week and this morning we were IM'ing and she confirmed an appointment, I took leave from work and then asked for directions and/or a phone number. At that point she disconnected and claimed ISP problems. Based on this and failed attempts to connect last week I'm betting she's a fake. Saw 2 decent WSWs on Chamberlayne today and when I did the flip my phone rang just as I was approaching her and it was a call I needed to take. She wasn't there on my 3rd pass. The other one looked too good to be true and then she waved at me. I was set to pick her up and then saw the Richmond police cruiser coming by. I watched for over an hour and never saw her again. Everyone else was to scummy to stop for.

I'd ask for recon on Tatiana or Little Ms. Respectable who advertise on CL too but the way my karma has been the past two weeks I'd get misinformation! It's been bad attitudes, blue balls, and ugly SWs. The best I can say today was I didn't get arrested or mugged.

Waterdog - singing the blues alone tonight and hoping you're doing better than me

05-09-07, 22:03
Waterdog - singing the blues alone tonight and hoping you're doing better than me
Mannnn! It does sound like a streak of bad luck with appointments. I really hope it gets better. It really sucks using leave time and have it wasted. The ladies should have more repect for our time but I never met one that wasn't flaky at some level. Just seems to go with the territory. The sad fact is we have limited choices in Richmond.