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09-01-18, 19:18
Have been leeching from USASG for a long time, and it's time to share my person experience today. So I am been trying to book with Riley (https://www.eros.com/maryland/baltimore/files/468770.htm) an appointment for the past 2 months but no success due to conflicting schedule and her locations. In the previous attempts, she quoted $$ 2 for an hour. Finally I decided to try again last night / this morning. Of course, I asked her if she is in the Tysons area. She replied via text that she could either be in DC or Tysons Corner. I was liked, sweet, let's do it. Asked her if she can do 11 am and the donation, and she replied an hour saying the earliest will be 3 pm with no mentioning of the roses. Okay, no big deal as I just need to shuffle some of my weekend business meetings around.

Well, this is when things went downhill. I asked her to confirm the donation, no reply. Asked her for the location / address for incall, and no reply. Asked to confirm the appointment, and of course no reply. I was about to give up after waiting for 3 hours. Suddenly she sent a text with an address. Just when you think there was hope, it went down to the drain in no time. I was driving to Tysons Corner shortly after she texted the address, and she called me. Since I can barely hear her voice over the phone, I pull over and trying to figure out what's up. Turned out that she can't do 3 pm, and want to reschedule for 5 pm instead. It's 2:30 pm at that point and I can't change my schedule anymore, so I declined. She called again and said if 4 pm will be alright. I was liked sure, since I don't leave town until 5:30 pm. Here comes the frustration part. She started asking me my name, how long will be session for, where did you find out about me, etc. All the information and references were exchanged during our previous texts. I answered all the question anyway. At one point, I tried to ease the weird conversation over the phone by saying "it must be a Saturday where we are all confused. Hahaha. " She doesn't understand what I meant, and went dead air for another 30 seconds.

Then comes the most annoying part. She said because she's not a local girl (been posting in DC and Baltimore in Eros multiple times but not a local girl. I wonder.) so it will now be $$ for an hour because she is now hosting at Tysons, so she will "have to pass the cost" to me. It's not about the money but a matter of principal. I have been asking for donation confirmation since this morning with no answers. Also been asking for confirmation of the appointment, only received a text 30 minutes before hand. So guess what, "I thank you for your time and have a good day!

Good thing is that the brothers at USASG always stressed to have a backup plan. I patron Asian Gem (http://asiangem.us) few weeks ago, and Aniyana was amazing. Shoot a text to them and got a response in 5 minutes, saying that Josephine is available at 3:15 pm. I replied that I will need more time to drive there, and they were willing to work the time out. Once I got there, I can't believe what I saw. The photos on the website is probably not hers, but she looks a lot better in person. Typical K-agency work of flow with a joint shower. A lot of DFK and good 10 minutes of BBBJ. She slipped the rain coat on without even being noticed. Worked different position, keep smiling and GFE the whole time. Finally I filled the bag in 15 minutes. She gave me a decent massage afterward, then tried to get jr. Up for second shot. Unfortunately, as an old man, second comes rarely, so we showered again and headed out. I will definitely repeat because of the attitude and Josephine's GFE services.

So I guess it's like the old saying. When one door closes, another open.

09-01-18, 21:01
Don't know if there are a lot of k-girl fans on this board, but with TER dead, it is hard to get good intel these days. I heard that a new asian agency opened in nova, so I decided to TOFTT and met with josephine. To my pleasant surprise I realized that we had met before when she was visiting as daina. The photos on the site aren't her, but trust me you won't be disappointed. She is drop dead gorgeous with big eyes, an athletic, toned body, and a round ass that most k-girls don't have. She was amazing as I remember, and if you are a fan of k-girls I highly recommend that you run to see her while you still can. She had a bunch of excellent reviews on TER, and she has some up on them, under the name diana in LA and boston, you can see her actual photos there. Why she isn't using them now, I have no idea. Needless to say, it is awesome that she is visiting, and I plan to repeat many times!Kudos to you for posting a contribution rather than immediately asking questions or seeking recommendations.

That being said, when posting about agencies, especially K-agencies, some additional info is usually needed to help make the Intel as useful as possible.

First and foremost: Links, links, links. One of those is worth a thousand words since then other forum members can quickly see provider pics and anything else you're posting about.

Second: Screening requirements. An agency with excessive requirements will only be of interest to a smaller subset of hobbyists. So knowing about the requirements helps avoid wasting the time of both the hobbyist and the agency.

Third: Price. A provider who is a fantastic value at 250 is not such a great value at 350. If the website (again, link needed) doesn't list prices then the only way the forum will have that intel is if you tell us.

Thanks again for the preliminary info and looking forward to your follow-up post.

09-02-18, 12:26
Kudos to you for posting a contribution rather than immediately asking questions or seeking recommendations.

That being said, when posting about agencies, especially K-agencies, some additional info is usually needed to help make the Intel as useful as possible.

First and foremost: Links, links, links. One of those is worth a thousand words since then other forum members can quickly see provider pics and anything else you're posting about.

Second: Screening requirements. An agency with excessive requirements will only be of interest to a smaller subset of hobbyists. So knowing about the requirements helps avoid wasting the time of both the hobbyist and the agency.

Third: Price. A provider who is a fantastic value at 250 is not such a great value at 350. If the website (again, link needed) doesn't list prices then the only way the forum will have that intel is if you tell us.

Thanks again for the preliminary info and looking forward to your follow-up post.Based on the info from an earlier post from Czech and the name Josephie, it seems like the agency is http://asiangem.us/, looks like they need 2 verifiable references. No costs are listed though.

Maybe this helps or not, just throwing my 2 cents there. It doesn't help me as I don't have the references to try the agency, but other members may find it helpful.

09-02-18, 14:10
(...) Good thing is that the brothers at USASG always stressed to have a backup plan. I patron Asian Gem (http://asiangem.us) few weeks ago, (...) So I guess it's like the old saying. When one door closes, another open.Czech, good for you that your back up plan worked. But I found for my case it's hard to get a plan B or C etc work out.

When a provider flake, that usually happened at last minutes or 10,15 min after your set time that you found out have been stood up. If you then try to make another appointment with a different agency, it have to 1 or 2 hour later. The k agencies usually like a day ahead notice. It's easier going un-noticed by spouse for a 2 hour windows, enough for you drive to and back from incall location plus the actual time with providers. But to schedule another one plus the wait, that will fall into the 3,4 hours gone missing, which will easily raise suspicion.

I wish there are agencies or independent providers can do business like those AMPs. I recently ventured into those AMPs and pleasantly found out they can work with 15 min advanced notice. Just call them ahead and say I will be there in 15 min and AMPs are happy to accommodate. I think they actually prefer short notice.

Meanwhile, double book a time doesn't work either. Say you book 1st provider at one time, then book 2nd for half hour later. If 1st one fail, you can go to 2nd. If 1st one work out, you can cancel 2nd. But if you cancel 2nd with 1/2 hour notice, if it's an agency, they might ban you forever. You may lost the opportunities to see their other wonderful providers and your effort gone through their screening process is wasted.

This is a dilemma for me. If you keep working with good professional agency or provider, you chance get flaked is minimized, but you get same type of people and service; If you venture into different race or appearance and want the varieties, there is the unknown and the danger of being flaked.

09-02-18, 22:29
Czech, good for you that your back up plan worked. But I found for my case it's hard to get a plan B or C etc work out.

When a provider flake, that usually happened at last minutes or 10,15 min after your set time that you found out have been stood up. If you then try to make another appointment with a different agency, it have to 1 or 2 hour later. The k agencies usually like a day ahead notice. It's easier going un-noticed by spouse for a 2 hour windows, enough for you drive to and back from incall location plus the actual time with providers. But to schedule another one plus the wait, that will fall into the 3,4 hours gone missing, which will easily raise suspicion.

I wish there are agencies or independent providers can do business like those AMPs. I recently ventured into those AMPs and pleasantly found out they can work with 15 min advanced notice. Just call them ahead and say I will be there in 15 min and AMPs are happy to accommodate. I think they actually prefer short notice.

Meanwhile, double book a time doesn't work either. Say you book 1st provider at one time, then book 2nd for half hour later. If 1st one fail, you can go to 2nd. If 1st one work out, you can cancel 2nd. But if you cancel 2nd with 1/2 hour notice, if it's an agency, they might ban you forever. You may lost the opportunities to see their other wonderful providers and your effort gone through their screening process is wasted.

This is a dilemma for me. If you keep working with good professional agency or provider, you chance get flaked is minimized, but you get same type of people and service; If you venture into different race or appearance and want the varieties, there is the unknown and the danger of being flaked.Using your agency example, if Plan A falls through and you only have a limited time window, then by necessity any backup plan needs to be uncomplicated and quick.

IMHO, the key to a good backup plan is advance homework. If you know Plan A is taking you to a specific area, then research needs to be done beforehand to identify other possibilities (indies, AMPs, Asian crapshoot places, etc.) in that same area. IME, by taking those steps you can often switch to your backup in as little as 15-30 minutes.

But there's no way to pull off a Plan B that has as many moving parts and advance notice requirements as the original plan. Something like that will need to wait to be Plan A for another day. What you have to decide is whether you need to get your itch scratched badly enough so that you don't want to wait for a future time window.

If you have the names and numbers of a few indie providers in the area (maybe some that you've been eyeing for a while) and the numbers of a couple of crapshoot places and maybe the locations of a few nearby AMPs, it should take only a few minutes of texting or calling to set something up. About double-booking, I would advise against it as it's a good way to get blacklisted as a no-show client and also because we hate it when providers do that to us.

If you want to make a Plan B that's more elaborate, I guess that's possible but even more advance work would be needed. I have no problem with the "quick and dirty" solution and I've even found some gems that I wouldn't have otherwise.

Just my two-cents worth and I'm sure other members will chime in with their advice and experiences.

09-02-18, 22:41

Part of her ad says she offers GFE but her list of "don'ts" sure doesn't sound very GFE-like to me. Just another reminder, considering all the marketing hype out there, that it's always good to maintain a skeptical and "buyer beware" mentality.

09-03-18, 10:18
Czech, good for you that your back up plan worked. But I found for my case it's hard to get a plan B or C etc work out.

When a provider flake, that usually happened at last minutes or 10,15 min after your set time that you found out have been stood up. If you then try to make another appointment with a different agency, it have to 1 or 2 hour later. The k agencies usually like a day ahead notice. It's easier going un-noticed by spouse for a 2 hour windows, enough for you drive to and back from incall location plus the actual time with providers. But to schedule another one plus the wait, that will fall into the 3,4 hours gone missing, which will easily raise suspicion.

I wish there are agencies or independent providers can do business like those AMPs. I recently ventured into those AMPs and pleasantly found out they can work with 15 min advanced notice. Just call them ahead and say I will be there in 15 min and AMPs are happy to accommodate. I think they actually prefer short notice.

Meanwhile, double book a time doesn't work either. Say you book 1st provider at one time, then book 2nd for half hour later. If 1st one fail, you can go to 2nd. If 1st one work out, you can cancel 2nd. But if you cancel 2nd with 1/2 hour notice, if it's an agency, they might ban you forever. You may lost the opportunities to see their other wonderful providers and your effort gone through their screening process is wasted.

This is a dilemma for me. If you keep working with good professional agency or provider, you chance get flaked is minimized, but you get same type of people and service; If you venture into different race or appearance and want the varieties, there is the unknown and the danger of being flaked.I do this for AMPs all the time. Even with my regular AMP visits, I have a couple nearby noted down just in case. I'm single, so no issue with the spouse timing, but it's still my time and waiting 1 or 2 hours is still annoying.

I will second your note about AMPs and their required notice. A lot of them will take someone with short notice. Even though I don't do agencies, I completely agree that the backup shouldn't be an agency just because of the risk of being blacklisted as a no-show.

09-03-18, 10:58
I have seen her several times over the years and when you first meet her she can be flaky. Switching hotels and being late. She told me she gets many requests and very careful about someone she meets for the first time. I would cast any judgments on her as she is a good performer and all woman. Haven't seen her in over a year so can't speak to what happen recently, but my experience is that if you want to see her in Maryland (she is a big Raven fan, so guessing she drives a far way to DC) you will have better luck.

09-05-18, 11:17
Has anyone seen this Lexi?

It's possible she had been reviewed before but it's hard to tell because if the reviewer added a backpage link to the review, we'll that's now gone.

Thanks for any help.

https://massage.eros.com/washington_dc/files/9510548.htm?cat=6211I did See Lexi a few weeks ago. Picture are accurate, she is a tall black woman with short hair. Appt complex was easy to find. Parking was in back easy to hide. Basement appt. Very empty. Shower was a DIY. She left while I showered, asked for donation to placed in a envelope. I herd her talking to someone very loud, a mans voice coming out from another room. Now I'm nervous. She was wearing skimpy outfit and brought out the girls early. Very mild massage. On Flip, tried to feel ass and starting to roam and was told to watch the fingers. The TV was blaring in other room, reminding me someone was there. Didn't feel up to it so I left.

Member #6446
09-05-18, 13:29
Good thing is that the brothers at USASG always stressed to have a backup plan. I patron Asian Gem (http://asiangem.us) few weeks ago, and Aniyana was amazing. Shoot a text to them and got a response in 5 minutes, saying that Josephine is available at 3:15 pm. I replied that I will need more time to drive there, and they were willing to work the time out. Once I got there, I can't believe what I saw. The photos on the website is probably not hers, but she looks a lot better in person. Typical K-agency work of flow with a joint shower. A lot of DFK and good 10 minutes of BBBJ. She slipped the rain coat on without even being noticed. Worked different position, keep smiling and GFE the whole time. Finally I filled the bag in 15 minutes. She gave me a decent massage afterward, then tried to get jr. Up for second shot. Unfortunately, as an old man, second comes rarely, so we showered again and headed out. I will definitely repeat because of the attitude and Josephine's GFE services.

So I guess it's like the old saying. When one door closes, another open.Heard about this new K-agency (http://asiangem.us/) thanks to the brothers here, and wanted to share my experience with Josephine. I've been trying to pass screening for a K-agency for a long time, and pretty much never got replies. I sent this place a few references and my P411 handle, and heard back within 30 minutes, and was good to go. Definitely not her pics on the site, but she's gorgeous with full lips and nice curves. Super tight and wet, had a great time, will be back soon.

I didn't know the exact rate, so I assumed $$.6 for an hour (what I've seen at other K-agencies), and left a tip for $$$ total. Will try to get clarification on rates and update.

09-06-18, 11:00
I did See Lexi a few weeks ago. Picture are accurate, she is a tall black woman with short hair. Appt complex was easy to find. Parking was in back easy to hide. Basement appt. Very empty. Shower was a DIY. She left while I showered, asked for donation to placed in a envelope. I herd her talking to someone very loud, a mans voice coming out from another room. Now I'm nervous. She was wearing skimpy outfit and brought out the girls early. Very mild massage. On Flip, tried to feel ass and starting to roam and was told to watch the fingers. The TV was blaring in other room, reminding me someone was there. Didn't feel up to it so I left.I finally got around to seeing her a few days ago. Your comments were almost exactly like my experience. Her pictures are accurate, I don't know if they are her or not but if they are I think they might be several years old. Her body is not as "tight" as it looks in the pictures. She also says in her ad that she is Native American, to me she looks all African american, not that that's a bad thing.

During the very mild massage, I also heard someone and when I questioned it I found out that she shares a place with long time provider Demi. If I had know that I probably would not have booked an appt with Lexi because I have never known Demi or any of the girls she shares a place with to provide any more the a mild rub down with little to no roaming and a basic NOVA finish.

She did get fully nude and I too tried to roam a bit, but was told "don't touch there”. If you don't want to be touched like that then don't remove the panties.

While this was not an awful experience it was not the best either. In my opinion you can't charge what she does unless you provide an exceptional massage or extras. 1 or the other. I will not return and do not recommend.

09-06-18, 11:40
Google the # had a desire for a black girl. She is mild bbw with the best BBBJ I've ever had in and out of mongering.

Member #5795
09-06-18, 17:26
Heard about this new K-agency (http://asiangem.us/) thanks to the brothers here, and wanted to share my experience with Josephine. I've been trying to pass screening for a K-agency for a long time, and pretty much never got replies. I sent this place a few references and my P411 handle, and heard back within 30 minutes, and was good to go. Definitely not her pics on the site, but she's gorgeous with full lips and nice curves. Super tight and wet, had a great time, will be back soon.

I didn't know the exact rate, so I assumed $$.6 for an hour (what I've seen at other K-agencies), and left a tip for $$$ total. Will try to get clarification on rates and update.$$.2 for 45 and $$.6 for 60 with CIM add .4

Great location and Josephine is an absolute gem and gorgeous!. A 10 for looks and skills. Shower before and after. Very sensual and relaxing and worth every penny.


09-06-18, 21:48
Any of you guys being redirected to "ibackpage" despite clicking on a bedpage link?

09-06-18, 22:56
Which Demi does she share the place with? Is it Demi Diamonds (https://www.eros.com/washington_dc/files/769943.htm) or a different Demi?

Reason I ask is that a year or so ago I saw a Demi Davis. Short blonde "pixie" haircut, piercings and lots of tats. And it was one of the top sessions I've ever had. Then some weeks later she up and disappeared. She had like 6 or so reviews and I never saw any more. Been keeping an eye open for her.

I finally got around to seeing her a few days ago. Your comments were almost exactly like my experience. Her pictures are accurate, I don't know if they are her or not but if they are I think they might be several years old. Her body is not as "tight" as it looks in the pictures. She also says in her ad that she is Native American, to me she looks all African american, not that that's a bad thing.

During the very mild massage, I also heard someone and when I questioned it I found out that she shares a place with long time provider Demi. If I had know that I probably would not have booked an appt with Lexi because I have never known Demi or any of the girls she shares a place with to provide any more the a mild rub down with little to no roaming and a basic NOVA finish.

She did get fully nude and I too tried to roam a bit, but was told "don't touch there. If you don't want to be touched like that then don't remove the panties.

While this was not an awful experience it was not the best either. In my opinion you can't charge what she does unless you provide an exceptional massage or extras. 1 or the other. I will not return and do not recommend.

09-07-18, 03:24
I TFTT. I responded to an Asian ad for $ .6 for the whole bit (tip not necessary / worthy). I learned that the provider is oblivious to the services advertised. There was no DFK, kissing, co-shower, body slide, roaming, communication, and the worst GFE. Five minutes into the session she mechanically protected me and motioned to FS. I was not having it. The woman did not look anything like the picture that was sent to me (not in the ad). If it was of the same person then the provider let herself go years ago. She said she was two years in the business from China. With difficulty I was able to stretch the session to about 45 min- asking for more massage and was able to get a CBJ. After session I echoed this back to the provider and she did not understand at all what I was saying and I left. A brief conversation with the "boss" about false advertising only got me a reply to say that the Falls Church location was better (I was in Vienna / Maple Ave).

In case there are anyone out there that has thought about these flamboyant Asian ads and was wondering- I would say forget it. This happened to me one other time last year but the provider was not Asian. But I figured its not these imported women who come over for the money only. The "bosses" just exploit these women. I was still respectful to her the whole time and even gave her a pat on the head before leaving.

09-07-18, 09:27
I TFTT. I responded to an Asian ad for $ .6 for the whole bit (tip not necessary / worthy). I learned that the provider is oblivious to the services advertised. There was no DFK, kissing, co-shower, body slide, roaming, communication, and the worst GFE. Five minutes into the session she mechanically protected me and motioned to FS. I was not having it. The woman did not look anything like the picture that was sent to me (not in the ad). If it was of the same person then the provider let herself go years ago. She said she was two years in the business from China. With difficulty I was able to stretch the session to about 45 min- asking for more massage and was able to get a CBJ. After session I echoed this back to the provider and she did not understand at all what I was saying and I left. A brief conversation with the "boss" about false advertising only got me a reply to say that the Falls Church location was better (I was in Vienna / Maple Ave).

In case there are anyone out there that has thought about these flamboyant Asian ads and was wondering- I would say forget it. This happened to me one other time last year but the provider was not Asian. But I figured its not these imported women who come over for the money only. The "bosses" just exploit these women. I was still respectful to her the whole time and even gave her a pat on the head before leaving.These outfits have been around forever. Search the forum for "crapshoot" and you'll find lots of info. There are a few strategies you can use to tilt the odds (a bit) in your favor.

There are also Latina crapshoot places. Different ethnicity but same principles apply.

09-07-18, 09:33
Any of you guys being redirected to "ibackpage" despite clicking on a bedpage link?That's been happening periodically. Usually after a few hours bedpage comes back online. Although sometimes it can be down for as much as a day or so.

Not sure what their problem is but iBackpage, at least at this point, has zero content that isn't spam. Bedpage has it's share of spam but it also has real ads.

09-07-18, 11:29
Which Demi does she share the place with? Is it Demi Diamonds (https://www.eros.com/washington_dc/files/769943.htm) or a different Demi?

Reason I ask is that a year or so ago I saw a Demi Davis. Short blonde "pixie" haircut, piercings and lots of tats. And it was one of the top sessions I've ever had. Then some weeks later she up and disappeared. She had like 6 or so reviews and I never saw any more. Been keeping an eye open for her.Demi Diamonds.

09-07-18, 13:48
Google the # had a desire for a black girl. She is mild bbw with the best BBBJ I've ever had in and out of mongering.I'd like to know the damage please?

09-07-18, 14:13
Went to an asain crapshoot out of centreville 540 area code. Stay away unless you want a chubby asain novelty notch on the ol headboard.

09-07-18, 19:36
Went to an asain crapshoot out of centreville 540 area code. Stay away unless you want a chubby asain novelty notch on the ol headboard.Is that every visit is truly a roll of the dice. The women rotate often so the chubby Asian you saw might be on her way to another apartment or back to NY or somewhere else. And the woman who replaces her could conceivably be that "diamond in the rough" that most mongers love to find.

Because it's a crapshoot, it's only worth playing if you know how to increase your odds. If you don't then you'll crap out pretty much every time.

All those strategies have been discussed, at length, and a forum search will find them. FWIW, I've had some memorable sessions with crapshoot providers so it's not a hopeless cause if you do your homework before you play.

Jose Cuervo
09-07-18, 22:09
I TFTT. I responded to an Asian ad for $ .6 for the whole bit (tip not necessary / worthy). I learned that the provider is oblivious to the services advertised. There was no DFK, kissing, co-shower, body slide, roaming, communication, and the worst GFE. (...)
In case there are anyone out there that has thought about these flamboyant Asian ads and was wondering- I would say forget it. Thanks for the report, brother Nero. I've always looked at those ads and wondered. As you say, they look TGTBT, and I guess that's it.



Tom McAn
09-08-18, 00:33
Thanks for the report, brother Nero. I've always looked at those ads and wondered. As you say, they look TGTBT, and I guess that's it.


Jose.JmSuttr's advice should be heeded. He said it better than I could.

In my past experience with the Asian crapshoot, I've had a couple of hits and the rest were misses. But even the providers who performed well looked nothing like the young, attractive models in the ad photos. Figure on seeing an OK-looking MILF at best, and don't be surprised if you see Granny instead.

09-08-18, 12:10
Just left tysons from seeing a pair of brazilian goddesses. 305-850-0846. The two girl special is to die for. Vannessa is a tall lightskinned almost caucasian thick but good video vixen thick photos could be her . Anita is a dark very well built woman. Their two girl special is amazing and worth every penny. I'm coming back to see each seperately. Extras are on the menu. Treat these girls good as this is thier inaugural visit. Seniors dm for more info. This is definitely a diamond in rough. I dont like to go into detail about details because my experience has been a definite ymmv with every single provider. What ill say is extras are available. Theyre are sharing a room and youll ask why such a great review.... im on here a lot and while my posts arent the most informative i can at least give you some info and assure you they arent leos. These girls are tge reason i am a hobbyist.

09-08-18, 14:46
There are some very knowledgeable fellows on here whom I enjoy reading their posts. There are too many to name, but I definitely put JmSuttr and Tom McAn in the "trusted seniors" category. (And there are several more. Indeed the NOVA boards are lucky to have such a number of great guys.) I really appreciate the advice and counsel they share on these boards.

Here's something I've gleaned based on reading experienced guys' like these posts. When I go to the Asian crapshoot or an AMP, I plan on seeing a middle aged, or even older, average looking woman with a pudgy body. Definitely not the beautiful young lady in the ad. That way, finding a cute girl or even a butterface behind the door is a pleasant surprise. If you try this strategy, you should hardly ever be disappointed.

Best of luck to you all.

JmSuttr's advice should be heeded. He said it better than I could.

In my past experience with the Asian crapshoot, I've had a couple of hits and the rest were misses. But even the providers who performed well looked nothing like the young, attractive models in the ad photos. Figure on seeing an OK-looking MILF at best, and don't be surprised if you see Granny instead.

09-08-18, 14:51
There are some very knowledgeable fellows on here whom I enjoy reading their posts. There are too many to name, but I definitely put JmSuttr and Tom McAn in the "trusted seniors" category. (And there are several more. Indeed the NOVA boards are lucky to have such a number of great guys.) I really appreciate the advice and counsel they share on these boards.

Here's something I've gleaned based on reading experienced guys' like these posts. When I go to the Asian crapshoot or an AMP, I plan on seeing a middle aged, or even older, average looking woman with a pudgy body. Definitely not the beautiful young lady in the ad. That way, finding a cute girl or even a butterface behind the door is a pleasant surprise. If you try this you should hardly ever be disappointed.

Best of luck to you all.Overall the asians are best seen in md unless you have privledged info.

I also would like to thank the fellas on this board. I feel we have a good number of trusted men that share intel. For all you lurkers who just like to read, its on us to weed out the bad apples/providers. That way the word will get out there. Don't come to nova with bulls**t. And well keep the lousy providers somewhere else. The more we report the better we ALL are going to options. Remember folks, we are the ones holding the cards not them. I don't care how special they are!!

09-08-18, 15:39
I TFTT. I responded to an Asian ad for $ .6 for the whole bit (tip not necessary / worthy). I learned that the provider is oblivious to the services advertised. There was no DFK, kissing, co-shower, body slide, roaming, communication, and the worst GFE. Five minutes into the session she mechanically protected me and motioned to FS. I was not having it. The woman did not look anything like the picture that was sent to me (not in the ad). If it was of the same person then the provider let herself go years ago. She said she was two years in the business from China. With difficulty I was able to stretch the session to about 45 min- asking for more massage and was able to get a CBJ. After session I echoed this back to the provider and she did not understand at all what I was saying and I left. A brief conversation with the "boss" about false advertising only got me a reply to say that the Falls Church location was better (I was in Vienna / Maple Ave).

In case there are anyone out there that has thought about these flamboyant Asian ads and was wondering- I would say forget it. This happened to me one other time last year but the provider was not Asian. But I figured its not these imported women who come over for the money only. The "bosses" just exploit these women. I was still respectful to her the whole time and even gave her a pat on the head before leaving.Yeah, we all know it too well. My enjoyment rate with them was about 25%.

I've only had one nice experience with a lady in her late 20's. While I'm down there DATY / FIV, she's pretending to talk on the phone. Strange but it worked! One time I found a young lady in her early 20's and thought I'd hit the jackpot. But the poor thing was afraid of me. She squirmed every time I touched her. Instant boner killer. Then, I responded to one fake pic ad and the woman had to be in her mid-50's. She looked like George Takei with longer hair and makeup, and I only stayed because someone else flaked. I don't know how but I banged her straight into next week. The next week I responded to a different fake pic ad and ended up with George Takei AGAIN! But this time she remembered me and pretty much let me do whatever I wanted.

The worse thing for me is that, unlike the latinas, I cannot communicate with the Chinese ones. I think that would really go a long way to developing some sort of bond or connection. So in a strange way, I totally get why we get so-so or bad service. I've always done better at the Korean AMPs over the crapshoots, but ever since Downtown in DC left (the Golden Age), these women are now older too. But they get so surprised by my rudimentary Korean that it actually loosens them up.

People may not agree, but in my experience with Asians, the Asian-American girls (esp. From Cali) that do this actually do a much better job than the crapshoot places. I've met so many chill ones over the years.

09-08-18, 22:10
There are some very knowledgeable fellows on here whom I enjoy reading their posts. There are too many to name, but I definitely put JmSuttr and Tom McAn in the "trusted seniors" category. (And there are several more. Indeed the NOVA boards are lucky to have such a number of great guys.) I really appreciate the advice and counsel they share on these boards.

Here's something I've gleaned based on reading experienced guys' like these posts. When I go to the Asian crapshoot or an AMP, I plan on seeing a middle aged, or even older, average looking woman with a pudgy body. Definitely not the beautiful young lady in the ad. That way, finding a cute girl or even a butterface behind the door is a pleasant surprise. If you try this strategy, you should hardly ever be disappointed.

Best of luck to you all.The Nova Thai ladies are the exception. They are almost always attractive (sometimes gorgeous) and many times on the younger side. Menus, cost and performance may vary, but they are consistently attractive in my experience.

09-09-18, 18:06

Thanks for the good, albeit discreet, review. Just further validation that you really want to stick with South and Central FL area codes.

These are the ones you want to keep an eye out for:

305,786, 954,561 & 407.

This applies for latinas in most cities.

Maryland has several quality latinas in Silver Spring, Takoma Park and (my new favorite) Laurel who use local DC and MD codes, but at least for NOVA latinas, stay away from local and NY area codes unless you don't mind a rushed switch and bait dream.

Pleasant Dreams,


Just left tysons from seeing a pair of brazilian goddesses. 305-850-0846. The two girl special is to die for. Vannessa is a tall lightskinned almost caucasian thick but good video vixen thick photos could be her . Anita is a dark very well built woman. Their two girl special is amazing and worth every penny. I'm coming back to see each seperately. Extras are on the menu. Treat these girls good as this is thier inaugural visit. Seniors dm for more info. This is definitely a diamond in rough. I dont like to go into detail about details because my experience has been a definite ymmv with every single provider. What ill say is extras are available. Theyre are sharing a room and youll ask why such a great review.... im on here a lot and while my posts arent the most informative i can at least give you some info and assure you they arent leos. These girls are tge reason i am a hobbyist.

09-09-18, 22:45
Asian crapshoot ads are easy to spot because they feature TGTBT pics and promise every ultra-GFE service under the sun for the bargain price of 130/160.

The best info about these places can be found by searching (keyword: crapshoot) for the numerous discussions that have taken place in the past. But, for those who are newer to the forum, here's the quick and dirty version:

1. These are high-volume operations that care little about customer service or developing regular clients.

2. You will never be speaking (or texting) directly to any of the providers. The scheduler will usually be at some remote location, such as NYC.

3. Everything in the ad, except for the location and the phone number, is fake and is designed for the sole purpose of getting you to call. There are no Japanese twin college students waiting to give you a co-shower with BBBJ. I repeat: Everything. Is. Fake.

4. When you call or text, the scheduler will tell you anything to get you to visit. Think of this as a verbal version of the misrepresentations in the written ad.

5. When you get to the apt and a woman answers the door, there will almost always be other women available. Even if that woman, or the scheduler, insists she is the only one available, it is almost certainly a lie. The other women might be busy with another client, or hiding behind a screen or in another room, but they are there.

6. Neither the woman who answers the door, nor any others in the apt, will look anything like the ad pics. Whether they are ugly or attractive, young or old, slender or fat, is truly a roll of the dice. They also move around often so, even if you visit the next day, there's no guarantee the same providers will be there. Hence the "crapshoot" designation.

7. 9 times out of 10 the entire menu of service consists of a short backrub followed by a flip, CBJ or HJ to get you ready, and CFS. The average elapsed time for a session is probably around 15-20 minutes. And most schedulers will start the clock when they text you to come up and they will call the girl when, by their too-fast clock, they think your time's up.

8. Arguing with any of the providers, about anything (price, svc, quality, etc.), is a complete waste of time. She won't have a clue as to what was said in the ad or by the scheduler and her English will either be rudimentary or non-existent. All that will happen is that she will get angry or upset and you will look like a jerk.

9. Arguing with the scheduler is also usually a fool's errand, with one exception. If you can get an immediate discount for the session you just booked, take it and count it as a win. Any promise of a future discount or upgrade is bogus and will never materialize.

10. Your cash, and your willingness to hang onto it and walk away, is your only leverage. Once you hand it over your leverage evaporates. For that reason any negotiation you undertake with the scheduler needs to take place before you hand over the cash.

That's enough for now. Let me pause here to allow other experienced members to weigh in with their own observations.

After reading the above one might ask whether there's any value at all to be found in visiting a crapshoot place. The answer is a qualified "it depends" and I'll post more about that, and about strategies for improving your odds, in a followup to this post.

Until then, stay safe and always think with the big head.

09-09-18, 23:41
Demi Diamonds.When last time someone seen her? Notice ad on E site but for Springfield. Normally Tyson's and Gallows area since leaving landmark area 8 yrs ago. And her doubles were with another smaller white massue. Thought they were lovers. Demi use to escort hard in her day but HJ happy endings for years only now.

09-10-18, 19:05
Reading some of the recent commentary on the Asian crapshoot ads, the only crapshoot ad that I found to be excellent were the ads posted for Asian girls in the apartments across from the Fairoaks Mall. The one time I went there, I had a very attractive Chinese girl (probably in her 20's). She enjoyed my DATY on her and her body was very nice. Pretty face. This was last Summer.

09-10-18, 21:23
When last time someone seen her? Notice ad on E site but for Springfield. Normally Tyson's and Gallows area since leaving landmark area 8 yrs ago. And her doubles were with another smaller white massue. Thought they were lovers. Demi use to escort hard in her day but HJ happy endings for years only now.Was a couple of months ago in Vienna, but she has moved to Springfield. Saw Lexi there and saw Demi on the way out. No complaints about Demi if you don't mind limited menu. Standard nova with prostate. Not young but as advertised, friendly and doesn't short you for time. I finished early and was offered additional massage. Perhaps a bit pricey but I enjoyed.

Tom McAn
09-11-18, 00:28
When last time someone seen her? Notice ad on E site but for Springfield. Normally Tyson's and Gallows area since leaving landmark area 8 yrs ago. And her doubles were with another smaller white massue. Thought they were lovers. Demi use to escort hard in her day but HJ happy endings for years only now.As I've previously stated, I last saw Demi about seven or eight years ago when she was known as Juicy Jenna. She offered FS on a future visit for $ on top of her original donation, which I believe was $. 6 back in the day. I didn't take her up on the offer because not long afterward I saw another attractive MILF who gave me a nice massage plus FS for the same fee that Demi / Jenna charged for a FBSM w / HJ. Of course, Demi is still around while the other gal has long since retired. If anyone has more recent info on Demi, please feel free to speak up.

09-11-18, 19:16
I know in LA, some of the WeChat ads end up being handlers who have a good set of gals. Curious if anyone has come across a WeChat "Erin" around Mosaic District. My assumption is it would be the same as the ads. Total crapshoot, but wondered if someone else has tried. I may TOFTT, but unfortunately am traveling for awhile, so who knows if "she" will say around.

Reading some of the recent commentary on the Asian crapshoot ads, the only crapshoot ad that I found to be excellent were the ads posted for Asian girls in the apartments across from the Fairoaks Mall. The one time I went there, I had a very attractive Chinese girl (probably in her 20's). She enjoyed my DATY on her and her body was very nice. Pretty face. This was last Summer.

09-12-18, 15:47
Not sure it's the same Apple previously discussed. Thought I'd post and see if anyone has anything to add before I TOFTT.



09-12-18, 18:05
September.If Joyce returns, please let us know.

09-12-18, 19:18
If Joyce returns, please let us know.I will do that as soon as I have any other info.

09-12-18, 21:45
Not sure it's the same Apple previously discussed. Thought I'd post and see if anyone has anything to add before I TOFTT.


Q.I have heard good things about her, but have not had a chance to see here.

09-13-18, 07:23
I will do that as soon as I have any other info.Messaged her on her Wechat but no reply yet. She's comms dark at the moment, hopefully on a plane.

09-14-18, 16:45
LF seems to be having at least one nice Chinese. Yiyi was pretty good. They have a k-girl currently, although they are having her operate in hotel adjacent to normal condo. I seem to be out of the Thai loop these days. I have one regular, but the young ones seem to be gone. How I miss the Viet girls.

09-14-18, 16:47
Reading some of the recent commentary on the Asian crapshoot ads, the only crapshoot ad that I found to be excellent were the ads posted for Asian girls in the apartments across from the Fairoaks Mall. The one time I went there, I had a very attractive Chinese girl (probably in her 20's). She enjoyed my DATY on her and her body was very nice. Pretty face. This was last Summer.They've been having at least one nice young asian, although there may be a rotation where they may have a little meatier on the bones ones. They rotate frequently, though, a little over a week. They have a decent k-girl at the moment, but operating at hotel down street from condo.

09-14-18, 16:51
Asian crapshoot ads are easy to spot because they feature TGTBT pics and promise every ultra-GFE service under the sun for the bargain price of 130/160.

The best info about these places can be found by searching (keyword: crapshoot) for the numerous discussions that have taken place in the past. But, for those who are newer to the forum, here's the quick and dirty version:

1. These are high-volume operations that care little about customer service or developing regular clients.

2. You will never be speaking (or texting) directly to any of the providers. The scheduler will usually be at some remote location, such as NYC.

3. Everything in the ad, except for the location and the phone number, is fake and is designed for the sole purpose of getting you to call. There are no Japanese twin college students waiting to give you a co-shower with BBBJ. I repeat: Everything. Is. Fake.

4. When you call or text, the scheduler will tell you anything to get you to visit. Think of this as a verbal version of the misrepresentations in the written ad.

5. When you get to the apt and a woman answers the door, there will almost always be other women available. Even if that woman, or the scheduler, insists she is the only one available, it is almost certainly a lie. The other women might be busy with another client, or hiding behind a screen or in another room, but they are there.

6. Neither the woman who answers the door, nor any others in the apt, will look anything like the ad pics. Whether they are ugly or attractive, young or old, slender or fat, is truly a roll of the dice. They also move around often so, even if you visit the next day, there's no guarantee the same providers will be there. Hence the "crapshoot" designation.

7. 9 times out of 10 the entire menu of service consists of a short backrub followed by a flip, CBJ or HJ to get you ready, and CFS. The average elapsed time for a session is probably around 15-20 minutes. And most schedulers will start the clock when they text you to come up and they will call the girl when, by their too-fast clock, they think your time's up.

8. Arguing with any of the providers, about anything (price, svc, quality, etc.), is a complete waste of time. She won't have a clue as to what was said in the ad or by the scheduler and her English will either be rudimentary or non-existent. All that will happen is that she will get angry or upset and you will look like a jerk.

9. Arguing with the scheduler is also usually a fool's errand, with one exception. If you can get an immediate discount for the session you just booked, take it and count it as a win. Any promise of a future discount or upgrade is bogus and will never materialize.

10. Your cash, and your willingness to hang onto it and walk away, is your only leverage. Once you hand it over your leverage evaporates. For that reason any negotiation you undertake with the scheduler needs to take place before you hand over the cash.

That's enough for now. Let me pause here to allow other experienced members to weigh in with their own observations.

After reading the above one might ask whether there's any value at all to be found in visiting a crapshoot place. The answer is a qualified "it depends" and I'll post more about that, and about strategies for improving your odds, in a followup to this post.

Until then, stay safe and always think with the big head.One outfit which charges 140/160 with 40 extras operates a bit differently. Their webpage does show photos, half accurate half sometimes not. Their calls are actually routed to the long timer at the condo.

09-14-18, 18:22
One outfit which charges 140/160 with 40 extras operates a bit differently. Their webpage does show photos, half accurate half sometimes not. Their calls are actually routed to the long timer at the condo.But, unless you know the specific outfit in advance (through forum reports, etc.), you're more likely to get one of the generic crapshoot places. Feel free to post the specifics of the outfit to which you're referring, if you have a mind to, or perhaps how to recognize their ads.

09-14-18, 19:49
LF seems to be having at least one nice Chinese. Yiyi was pretty good. They have a k-girl currently, although they are having her operate in hotel adjacent to normal condo. I seem to be out of the Thai loop these days. I have one regular, but the young ones seem to be gone. How I miss the Viet girls.I was actually disappointed with yiyi as she tried to upsell, but whatever. Current k-girl is okay, kinda shy, maybe cause I usually communicate with my rudimentary Chinese and couldn't really communicate well with the k-girl. Pics of her is accurate but I think just a tad outdated, give or take +5 to 10 lbs.

Been trying to get verified with BL and asiangem lately. Hope they pull thru for me. Love them spinner k-girls.

09-14-18, 22:19
Thought she was back based on an earlier post, so sent her a text. She responded that she has extended her vacation and won't return until October!!Appears to be a September review for her on them, so she may be back.

09-15-18, 11:01
I was actually disappointed with yiyi as she tried to upsell, but whatever. Current k-girl is okay, kinda shy, maybe cause I usually communicate with my rudimentary Chinese and couldn't really communicate well with the k-girl. Pics of her is accurate but I think just a tad outdated, give or take +5 to 10 lbs.

Been trying to get verified with BL and asiangem lately. Hope they pull thru for me. Love them spinner k-girls.There is only one upsell, which isn't really an upsell since it's pretty much standard with all the girls as far as I know: . 4 for BBBJ. You may get for. 3, but it has been standard. 4 for all the girls there. If there was more upsell than then that, your experience is not what's been consistent over the years. Give hh rate and they verify hh and go on, unless you want BBBJ. Current k-girl ruby is by no means fat, chunky, or weighty. No fat on her, although yes from photos to real life are a bit little different. For me, the face was smoothed out in the photos, since she's a bit pimply in person. Don't know if LF is going to go more mixed asian or stick with Chinese. Plus, don't think she was as GFE as your standard agency k-girl or other indie k-girls. I do miss nia in tysons.

09-15-18, 11:01
But, unless you know the specific outfit in advance (through forum reports, etc.), you're more likely to get one of the generic crapshoot places. Feel free to post the specifics of the outfit to which you're referring, if you have a mind to, or perhaps how to recognize their ads.I thought I did. LF.

09-16-18, 07:08
Heard about this new K-agency (http://asiangem.us/) thanks to the brothers here, and wanted to share my experience with Josephine. I've been trying to pass screening for a K-agency for a long time, and pretty much never got replies. I sent this place a few references and my P411 handle, and heard back within 30 minutes, and was good to go. Definitely not her pics on the site, but she's gorgeous with full lips and nice curves. Super tight and wet, had a great time, will be back soon.

I didn't know the exact rate, so I assumed $$.6 for an hour (what I've seen at other K-agencies), and left a tip for $$$ total. Will try to get clarification on rates and update.Any clarification on rates?

09-16-18, 13:57
I think I'm going to simply stop trying sharon, since every time it is never her. Don't know who said mimi was a hot little package in thread way back, but man she's either not the same mimi or mimi got hit with an ugly bat. Just can't get over the bad teeth and weight. Seems the thai women in their 20's have disappeared or rotated back to Thailand for their visa renewals.

09-16-18, 14:06
Any see her? https://cityxguide.photo/ads/come-see-katherine-exotic-latina-mixed-fairfax-the-best-on-the-list-re-11560322.

Harley Dude 29
09-16-18, 15:09
Any see her? https://cityxguide.photo/ads/come-see-katherine-exotic-latina-mixed-fairfax-the-best-on-the-list-re-11560322.I saw her about six months ago. Very nice looking body and very sweet. Big upsell right off the bat, so kinda ruined the mood. She seemed to be all about the business as when I didn't take the deluxe version she was all about getting me done and out. So 30 minutes was about 15-20. Maybe we just didn't click.

As a rule, and it's not scientific, I find those with 702-Las Vegas prefixes are seldom about service but more about the money. I am sure that's not always the case but seems to be a lot of GP syndrome from Vegas.


09-16-18, 15:11
I almost missed this in the other forum: Advertises good rates and catchy good ad. I once played along and then bailed after they asked for a gift card instead of CASH.

Probably an old fat ugly guy that needed a shave with a big beer belly smoking a cigar and drinking beer laughing all the way to the bank. Definitely a scam!

- "Ginger the gift card scammer is advertising again.


Haven't seen her ads for a while but just saw this one and wanted to post a "heads up" in the forum.

Info can be found by doing a forum name search but, IIRC, her scam involves telling you to buy a gift card, asking for the card number over the phone, and then cancelling the appt.

I know experienced mongers wouldn't fall for this but wanted to post as a PSA. ".

Member #5795
09-16-18, 16:01

Had a dream of Tiana today. She's staying in a mid level motel in Alexandria right off of 395. I opted for a .8 short stay. She's cute and very pleasant to talk to. Started with an excellent BBBJ with good eye contact then suited up for CG until completion. She will be in town for a few more days. Definitely worth a visit.


09-16-18, 16:20
I saw her about six months ago. Very nice looking body and very sweet. Big upsell right off the bat, so kinda ruined the mood. She seemed to be all about the business as when I didn't take the deluxe version she was all about getting me done and out. So 30 minutes was about 15-20. Maybe we just didn't click.

As a rule, and it's not scientific, I find those with 702-Las Vegas prefixes are seldom about service but more about the money. I am sure that's not always the case but seems to be a lot of GP syndrome from Vegas.

HD29.IIRC, her ad quotes 250 for the hr and 150 for the hh. What's included in the "base rate" and what did she ask for an upgraded session?

Also, did she specify what would be included in the upgraded session (GFE or near-GFE)? Understood that you didn't partake but just curious what she says she'll deliver.

Thanks for TOFTT and reporting back. Like you, I tend to be skeptical of providers with 702 area codes and this just adds to that skepticism.

Harley Dude 29
09-16-18, 19:49
IIRC, her ad quotes 250 for the hr and 150 for the hh. What's included in the "base rate" and what did she ask for an upgraded session?

Also, did she specify what would be included in the upgraded session (GFE or near-GFE)? Understood that you didn't partake but just curious what she says she'll deliver.

Thanks for TOFTT and reporting back. Like you, I tend to be skeptical of providers with 702 area codes and this just adds to that skepticism.The base rate was a NOVA ending with limited touching and pretty much just her being a jackhammer. That was it. The hour included more and she alluded FS but it was not confirmed. Based on the half hour I doubt there is any GFE type of experience.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Maybe others had better experiences.

09-16-18, 20:28

I wanted to know if anyone knew a good latina bbw in the area?

Happy Guy 2
09-16-18, 22:16
Tried to look up the old Jazmine that was well reviewed and then moved to Tysons as Meena.

Can't seem to find her anymore. Put Meena in a search and about 30 Meena's came up on The Erotic Monkey.

One was Wash DC area but did not look like her. I did not realize that Meena was such a popular name.

Does anyone know if she is still around?



09-16-18, 22:21
Tried to look up the old Jazmine that was well reviewed and then moved to Tysons as Meena.

Can't seem to find her anymore. Put Meena in a search and about 30 Meena's came up on The Erotic Monkey.

One was Wash DC area but did not look like her. I did not realize that Meena was such a popular name.

Does anyone know if she is still around?


DC.Is this the one?



09-16-18, 22:43
I think I'm going to simply stop trying sharon, since every time it is never her. Don't know who said mimi was a hot little package in thread way back, but man she's either not the same mimi or mimi got hit with an ugly bat. Just can't get over the bad teeth and weight. Seems the thai women in their 20's have disappeared or rotated back to Thailand for their visa renewals.Sharon and her AAMP in Dulles / Herndon are always a mystery. Who are you going to get?

I took advantage of the lousy weather and the region's obsession with NFL Opening Weekend to schedule some time with Sharon. I texted her a little after 9:00 AM, when she says she starts working, and received a prompt reply. Since I used to frequent her AAMP when Jazmine also was in residence, I knew the routine. Two texts will get you in the door. It is a large apartment complex, so it is a good thing to check it out before you arrive. There is an optimal parking spot away from prying eyes and with easy access to her AAMP. When I used to see Jazmine there, it was always a mystery whether she would show up or someone else. I figured the bad weather and the Redskins would optimize my chances of seeing the actual Sharon instead of some protege. I was right.

Since it is a Thai AAMP, you take your shoes off in the foyer of the apartment. Sharon greeted me and escorted me into the closest bedroom, a familiar spot. It is clean with a both bed and massage rack. I stripped down and hopped on the rack. I left my donation in one envelope (2) and my tip (.8), as I hate negotiation half way through the process. She was kind of surprised, but took it in stride. First half was a "light" massage on my back backside, and legs, with plenty of teasing. You do not go see Sharon for a stimulating massage. I like it, as it is relaxing and the teasing indicates the fun to come.

Upon the flip she stripped down to her panties and provided a nice facial massage before showing a lot of attention to the boys with hands, mouth, and tits. The HE was exceptional, with a combo B2B, P2P, hand and mouth release. Shower afterward and left happy.

So, what have we learned? Choose your time when you think it is optimal with not much competition form other mongers. Be nice, friendly, and direct with what you want. Chances are you will not get an overweight provider with bad teeth.

But you never really know with Sharon's AAMP. . . . .

09-16-18, 22:55
Tried to look up the old Jazmine that was well reviewed and then moved to Tysons as Meena.

Can't seem to find her anymore. Put Meena in a search and about 30 Meena's came up on The Erotic Monkey.

One was Wash DC area but did not look like her. I did not realize that Meena was such a popular name.

Does anyone know if she is still around?



She also includes her other website links in her Switter listing.

09-16-18, 23:11
The base rate was a NOVA ending with limited touching and pretty much just her being a jackhammer. That was it. The hour included more and she alluded FS but it was not confirmed. Based on the half hour I doubt there is any GFE type of experience.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Maybe others had better experiences.Katherine has been advertising on pretty much every site out there and is obviously trying to drum up as much business as possible. I've been tempted because I'm a fan of Latinas and her pics look good.

The two things that held me back were the 702 area code and the vague way she describes her service offerings. She talks about bodyrubs and "companionship" but on every ad website where they allow the provider to list their services she leaves that part blank or vague.

So I've been waiting on an intel report and yours is exactly what the doctor ordered! The reason you're to be commended is that you shelled out your hard-earned $ and, when Katherine turned out to be a bad value, you posted a report that will help others (like me) save their cash.

That's exactly what this board is all about and kudos to you for the intel.

09-17-18, 10:10
Hey all, wondering if anyone has seen Taylor at Jen's. My one experience with one of her gals has been forgettable but I'm hoping this one will be good! Any and all insight would be much appreciated.

09-17-18, 10:20
Appears to be a September review for her on them, so she may be back.Just saw the typo. Meant to say a new review on Erotic Monkey.

09-17-18, 10:22
I think I'm going to simply stop trying sharon, since every time it is never her. Don't know who said mimi was a hot little package in thread way back, but man she's either not the same mimi or mimi got hit with an ugly bat. Just can't get over the bad teeth and weight. Seems the thai women in their 20's have disappeared or rotated back to Thailand for their visa renewals.Must be a different Mimi. If you try to see Sharon on a Monday, will probably get the other girl, as Sharon takes Monday off. Best advice is to as k is this actually Sharon? I've always gotten an honest response.

09-17-18, 10:28
Tried to look up the old Jazmine that was well reviewed and then moved to Tysons as Meena.

Can't seem to find her anymore. Put Meena in a search and about 30 Meena's came up on The Erotic Monkey.

One was Wash DC area but did not look like her. I did not realize that Meena was such a popular name.

Does anyone know if she is still around?


DC.Try searching as AsianMeena, no spaces.

09-17-18, 10:51
I think I'm going to simply stop trying sharon, since every time it is never her. Don't know who said mimi was a hot little package in thread way back, but man she's either not the same mimi or mimi got hit with an ugly bat. Just can't get over the bad teeth and weight. Seems the thai women in their 20's have disappeared or rotated back to Thailand for their visa renewals.There are several fairly new Thai ladies advertising on bedpage, mostly in Annandale area. I haven't sampled because it's too far from my place.

There used to be a Thai named Amy, who I saw when she was roommate with Kay in Centreville. Someone saw her this month in Centreville according to EM, but I didn't get a response when I sent a text last week.

Anyone on here seen her, or know if she has a new phone number?

Looks like Alexa has changed to Karen and moved from Centreville back to Annandale?

Anyone know of any other Thais now in Centreville other than Nalee?


09-17-18, 11:39
Try searching as AsianMeena, no spaces.Found her, but not sure where she works out of these days. She has an Escortbook page with a Maryland number, but I also found a GFEMonkey page of her from Southern California with an 714 area code.

09-17-18, 13:18
Has anyone had an experience with this girl? She seems to bounce between Tampa and DC.


09-17-18, 15:24
I have seen her in ads for a long time now, and for some reason I've always assumed she was a fake. Did a forum search and nothing turned up. She has popped up again and this time on Switter:


And now I've found that she has some them reviews (tho I don't pay for them so I cannot view them):


So now I am starting to question my assumption. Is she for real or not?

09-17-18, 16:31
Has anyone had an experience with this girl? She seems to bounce between Tampa and DC.

https://adultsearch.com/washington-dc/washington-dc/female-escorts/1346241Nevermind, I found some info on the old BP posts, I'm going to pass.

09-17-18, 18:25
Sharon and her AAMP in Dulles / Herndon are always a mystery. Who are you going to get?

I stripped down and hopped on the rack. I left my donation in one envelope (2) and my tip (.8), as I hate negotiation half way through the process.
. .I should do a better job proofreading my comments. Sharon's base rate is as advertised: $ . 2.

09-17-18, 19:26
I think I'm going to simply stop trying sharon, since every time it is never her. Don't know who said mimi was a hot little package in thread way back, but man she's either not the same mimi or mimi got hit with an ugly bat. Just can't get over the bad teeth and weight. Seems the thai women in their 20's have disappeared or rotated back to Thailand for their visa renewals.It might have been me who said that about Mimi. It's definitely a different on then. I know that when I last went to Sharon's place, I saw a Mimi who definitely didn't have bad teeth or was overweight. When I last tried to contact her, I was told (by Sharon) that Mimi was on "Vacation" til August. Tried contacting Mimi in August a couple of times, never heard back. Haven't been back since.

09-17-18, 19:26
Found her, but not sure where she works out of these days. She has an Escortbook page with a Maryland number, but I also found a GFEMonkey page of her from Southern California with an 714 area code.You must have missed my post below because, if you click on her Switter link, the first thing you see is the phrase "Thai Paradise in Tysons Corner. " It also lists her contact number (240 area code) and email and, since she has to actively post and maintain that account, I would consider it as the most recent and accurate information source.

Member #6465
09-17-18, 20:48
After a lot of trouble I finally got confirmed and made an appointment. K girl was young and hot and matched the photos on the web. She had no ass however. Rimming and bbjcim seems the specialty here based on old reviews and my experience. She was fine with draining me till the hour was up. I was good for two cups and grabbed another shower. It's expensive and pretty far for me. 300 per hour. I'll definitely go back but not anytime soon.

09-17-18, 21:38
After a lot of trouble I finally got confirmed and made an appointment. K girl was young and hot and matched the photos on the web. She had no ass however. Rimming and bbjcim seems the specialty here based on old reviews and my experience. She was fine with draining me till the hour was up. I was good for two cups and grabbed another shower. It's expensive and pretty far for me. 300 per hour. I'll definitely go back but not anytime soon.Can you fill in some context for those who may not have it? What is BL?

Happy Guy 2
09-17-18, 22:29
Tried to look up the old Jazmine that was well reviewed and then moved to Tysons as Meena.

Can't seem to find her anymore. Put Meena in a search and about 30 Meena's came up on The Erotic Monkey.

One was Wash DC area but did not look like her. I did not realize that Meena was such a popular name.

Does anyone know if she is still around?


DC.Thanks all for your help. Reconnected and fine now.

Appreciate the help this forum can provide.



09-18-18, 10:30
Can you fill in some context for those who may not have it? What is BL?Found an interesting post while browsing Adultlook that lists contact info for several Asian agencies, including BL.


And a similar post with contact info for other Asian agencies.


Not sure how current any of this is. Just posting as an FYI.

09-18-18, 12:24
After a lot of trouble I finally got confirmed and made an appointment. K girl was young and hot and matched the photos on the web. She had no ass however. Rimming and bbjcim seems the specialty here based on old reviews and my experience. She was fine with draining me till the hour was up. I was good for two cups and grabbed another shower. It's expensive and pretty far for me. 300 per hour. I'll definitely go back but not anytime soon.I may be having a dream with BL can you pm me your provider?

09-18-18, 13:29
After a lot of trouble I finally got confirmed and made an appointment. K girl was young and hot and matched the photos on the web. She had no ass however. Rimming and bbjcim seems the specialty here based on old reviews and my experience. She was fine with draining me till the hour was up. I was good for two cups and grabbed another shower. It's expensive and pretty far for me. 300 per hour. I'll definitely go back but not anytime soon.BI? Abbreviation for?

09-18-18, 15:26
Fellow pooners,

I will be in Nova next week and would love to meet a Greek loving provider. Please pm. I can reciprocate with Seattle area information.

Thank you.

Roamin Roman
09-18-18, 21:37
Fellow pooners,

I will be in Nova next week and would love to meet a Greek loving provider. Please pm. I can reciprocate with Seattle area information.

Thank you.Greetings, EasternProwler. Seattle is a long way from NoVA, but a few of us mongers might eventually get out to that far corner of civilization.

If you check some of the websites for providers in this area (ie, AdultSearch, Eros, etc.), you'll almost certainly find what you're seeking. But, for what it's worth, your thin post count (7 to date) won't inspire many mongers to share the gems that aren't advertised on websites. In order to receive information from your fellow mongers, you generally need to have a modicum of "board cred", which one earns by posting useful information on the forums. That excludes the "Me too" or "Does anyone know..." type of posts. We don't mind helping a fellow monger; that's what this site is all about. But, at a minimum, we like to know that the fellow asking for information isn't just somebody who's coming with hat in hand.

None of this is meant to discourage, but only to help you understand in the event that you don't receive many replies. Cheers, and good hunting.

09-18-18, 21:50
I have seen her in ads for a long time now, and for some reason I've always assumed she was a fake. Did a forum search and nothing turned up. She has popped up again and this time on Switter:


And now I've found that she has some them reviews (tho I don't pay for them so I cannot view them):


So now I am starting to question my assumption. Is she for real or not?Haven't seen her personally but, IIRC, she had some reports on the forum but under a different name. She's definitely real but the reports weren't that great and I remember some disappointment with her looks and service.

One thing you could try is to do a search on some of her other phone numbers (bottom of the ad page, below) to see if any other names come up. Then you can search this forum, and also the boards of some of the other cities she visits, to see if you find any intel.


09-18-18, 21:57
Nevermind, I found some info on the old BP posts, I'm going to pass.She doesn't list a name in her ad so just curious what info (phone number? Filipina?) you used to search the forum. And what info did you find that made you decide to take a pass?

Member #6324
09-19-18, 02:33
Simple text then call to setup. Safe incall location in Annandale area. Had me wait about 15 minutes once I arrived. Definitely helped that I speak spanish. Answered the door in a tight dress showing her curves. Complimented my ability to speak spanish. Face was plain, not ugly, not hot. Body was as advertised in photos. Donation was placed on dresser as instructed and she stripped down while I used her bathroom. Incall was nice and clean. Once I joined her on the bed the cover was immediately placed and CBJ begun to get jr ready. Then immediately to CG then mish then doggy then mish where I finished. Felt more like a QV with her. Not necessarily a bad attitude, but definitely trying to get you in and out fast. Did comment at one point that she wanted me to finish. Most likely would not repeat.


09-19-18, 10:26
LF seems to be having at least one nice Chinese. Yiyi was pretty good. They have a k-girl currently, although they are having her operate in hotel adjacent to normal condo. I seem to be out of the Thai loop these days. I have one regular, but the young ones seem to be gone. How I miss the Viet girls.I saw her the other day. I had a good time. She looks good and was very playful. Communication was tough but she broke out her translation app and even put on some music. I was going to put up a review but I've been super busy over the last week and, as we know with these places, the girls don't stay around for too long. It's definitely a crapshoot, but I've had a bunch of good experiences (so not so good too, but that goes with the territory).

09-19-18, 10:29
There is only one upsell, which isn't really an upsell since it's pretty much standard with all the girls as far as I know: . 4 for BBBJ. You may get for. 3, but it has been standard. 4 for all the girls there. If there was more upsell than then that, your experience is not what's been consistent over the years. Give hh rate and they verify hh and go on, unless you want BBBJ. Current k-girl ruby is by no means fat, chunky, or weighty. No fat on her, although yes from photos to real life are a bit little different. For me, the face was smoothed out in the photos, since she's a bit pimply in person. Don't know if LF is going to go more mixed asian or stick with Chinese. Plus, don't think she was as GFE as your standard agency k-girl or other indie k-girls. I do miss nia in tysons.This was my experience as well. 4 for BBBJ.

09-19-18, 10:55
I see a few of you posted about "BL". Is Butterfly Legend back? The pictures on their site appear to be working again. They hadn't responded to my texts a few months ago when the the pics weren't working. I haven't tried recently, but just read the earlier posts and checked the site to see that the pics are working again.

09-19-18, 14:52
Since Coco was on vacation at Angel. I decided to call BL. Getting verify was easy since I been to other K-agency. Whole process took about 10 min. Made appointment with Linsey. Once I got there, same procedure as all other place. Linsey open the door, she had a cute face and killer body. Her picture is accurate on the site. Downside was her voice, she have a deep voice, sound like an older person. Got in the room, normal routine in the shower. Once in the room she was fun. Got her into many different position and she didn't mind. Bbj was good. Finish with bbjcim. I would definitely see her again but she leaving this Saturday.

09-19-18, 14:56
Something I do with all new potential team members is to let them know I'll be staying for just about the entire time I purchase and ask them is that going to be a problem?? This stops them in their tracks from trying to rush me.

But about 5 years ago I scheduled a $100/ HH session with a potential and the babe was rushing me after only about 10 minutes. I told her to give me $20 back and I'll be out of here in 5-6 minutes.

She angrily grabbed and threw a 20 at me, I finished a couple minutes later and then took my time leaving. I never called her again and told her why as I was leaving. She didn't seem to care and that was in the days when many an escort didn't have to worry about cultivating regulars. When BP went down I bet she was in a tight spot because I doubt she changed her M. O. Of rushing people and not cultivating regulars.


I have never done a 15 minute session because I know I'm not going to like it. #1 I like being "in there" at least 10 minutes per session and #2, I love basking in the afterglow at least 5 minutes so I don't see how I can get all that done in just 15 minutes.

Happy Mongering!!


Simple text then call to setup. Safe incall location in Annandale area. Had me wait about 15 minutes once I arrived. Definitely helped that I speak spanish. Answered the door in a tight dress showing her curves. Complimented my ability to speak spanish. Face was plain, not ugly, not hot. Body was as advertised in photos. Donation was placed on dresser as instructed and she stripped down while I used her bathroom. Incall was nice and clean. Once I joined her on the bed the cover was immediately placed and CBJ begun to get jr ready. Then immediately to CG then mish then doggy then mish where I finished. Felt more like a QV with her. Not necessarily a bad attitude, but definitely trying to get you in and out fast. Did comment at one point that she wanted me to finish. Most likely would not repeat.


09-19-18, 15:09
She doesn't list a name in her ad so just curious what info (phone number? Filipina?) you used to search the forum. And what info did you find that made you decide to take a pass?I used the phone number, with dashes, and found some archived info from the old BP forum here. If you search without dashes it won't come up. Some of the info said that what she was advertising wasn't what she was providing.

09-19-18, 21:54
Simple text then call to setup. Safe incall location in Annandale area. Had me wait about 15 minutes once I arrived. Definitely helped that I speak spanish. Answered the door in a tight dress showing her curves. Complimented my ability to speak spanish. Face was plain, not ugly, not hot. Body was as advertised in photos. Donation was placed on dresser as instructed and she stripped down while I used her bathroom. Incall was nice and clean. Once I joined her on the bed the cover was immediately placed and CBJ begun to get jr ready. Then immediately to CG then mish then doggy then mish where I finished. Felt more like a QV with her. Not necessarily a bad attitude, but definitely trying to get you in and out fast. Did comment at one point that she wanted me to finish. Most likely would not repeat.

https://adultsearch.com/washington-dc/washington-dc/female-escorts/1181513This lady isn't bad looking but just a waste of time. Theres way better out there. Gps like a mofo.

Member #5795
09-19-18, 22:32
I'm new to Nova. Arlington area. Just looking for an UTR MILF. I haven't had much luck. I'm a veteran of the Richmond area. Certainly a big difference. Anything would be appreciated.


09-19-18, 23:18
Found her, but not sure where she works out of these days. She has an Escortbook page with a Maryland number, but I also found a GFEMonkey page of her from Southern California with an 714 area code.Tysons Corner, I think.

09-20-18, 08:27
Wonderful crapshoot exp. Latinas domincans in chantilly. Dm for details.like i said crapshoot but wow real pretty girl. Usually stay for about a week. I got in touch with thier boss

09-20-18, 09:47
Wonderful crapshoot exp. Latinas domincans in chantilly. Dm for details.like i said crapshoot but wow real pretty girl. Usually stay for about a week. I got in touch with thier bossThats a throwback style post THE other site.

09-21-18, 12:19
Anyone know if Japanese Helen is still around? She used to be in either Manassas or Sterling and really provided the best service!

WATTA great session last year!

Let me know what you have on her.

09-21-18, 14:15
Decided to try LF today for the first time. Terrible experience.

After a lot of texting back and forth, finally got the address. Drove to the location and then had to text a few times after for thr door code and apartment number. All feeding into the sketchy factor. Not sure if this was more vettting or just an amateur hour response from whoever was at the cell phone. Building is confusing as hell and finally just called to get walked in to the apartment. Pro tip: use a Chinese google translator if you want a better response.

Went to the apartment and was met by Cherry and a MMS, who seemed a only few years older. When inside MMS kept saying for me to lower my voice even though I was speaking at a hushed tone. Entire apartment was strange, giant stuffed animals and low lighting; place was pretty dirty. They seemed very spooked but probably the normal protocol.

Cherry wasn't bad looking: very skinny but had an odd low voice. Not very attractive IMO. Terrible and disinterested personality which killed it. Nice bolt ons.

Quick shower in a unclean bathroom and then to the bed, which didn't look much better. Provider literally massaged me for 30 seconds and told me to turn over. Followed by a decent CBJ, we do Miss and Dog, and it was a wrap. She complained about me going too deep. She complained about me touching her down below. She complained that it was taking too long.

Whole experience took maybe 15 minutes. She got dressed and impolitely got the boot. Honestly she was a B and did nothing to retain biz.

Luckily, called an audible last second and opted for the HH at 1. 5. Terrible experience won't be back (unless I get a PM for a better provider at this jip joint). Save your money, gents and log onto You Porn LOL.


09-21-18, 19:13
This was probably the most civil let down I've ever read on a board. Thank you for being courteous, Roman. I'm trying- up to 9 posts already!

Greetings, EasternProwler. Seattle is a long way from NoVA, but a few of us mongers might eventually get out to that far corner of civilization.

If you check some of the websites for providers in this area (ie, AdultSearch, Eros, etc.), you'll almost certainly find what you're seeking. But, for what it's worth, your thin post count (7 to date) won't inspire many mongers to share the gems that aren't advertised on websites. In order to receive information from your fellow mongers, you generally need to have a modicum of "board cred", which one earns by posting useful information on the forums. That excludes the "Me too" or "Does anyone know..." type of posts. We don't mind helping a fellow monger; that's what this site is all about. But, at a minimum, we like to know that the fellow asking for information isn't just somebody who's coming with hat in hand.

None of this is meant to discourage, but only to help you understand in the event that you don't receive many replies. Cheers, and good hunting.

09-22-18, 00:33
So I finally had the honor to be verified with my first k-agency, very convenient and secure location, instructions was clear and easy to follow.

My dream was with Ayiana, pics on site was accurate, actually taller than I expected. She had a very sexy lingerie on and I was greeted with a long DFK at the door with mutual touching, her skin was silky smooth and soft. Next stop to room she helped me strip while DFK and slow BBBJ. We showered next and was washed thoroughly and she teased me on what's coming next. Laid flat on bed, she started to kiss / lick everywhere and was even offered rim, but I declined as I don't enjoy it. Flipped over, more DFK BBBJ FIV DATY, she seems to be really into DATY. She slipped on the cover for me, a few different mish positions and I was ready to explode, now I think about it, I didn't last that long, she teased a lot during the session haha, truly a very talented GFE. I ended up pulling out, took cover off for BBBJCIM. Cleaned up a bit, and we small chatted a bit on the bed while she teased for second round, tried more BBBJ HJ for a long time, but I was drained, my recovery time is usually 1 hour at least LOL, definitely not her fault. Hopped in shower, she washed me up, got me dressed and I was on my way. One of my best experiences so far, I can't wait to check out the other k-girls they have to offer.

I opted for 1 hr $$ 0 GFE, there are more cheaper alternatives out there, but this worth it if you want GFE.

09-22-18, 06:40
I opted for 1 hr $$ 0 GFE, there are more cheaper alternatives out there, but this worth it if you want GFE.Weird, pretty sure I typed 3 $, anyways 300.

09-22-18, 07:06
So I finally had the honor to be verified with my first k-agency, very convenient and secure location, instructions was clear and easy to follow.

My dream was with Ayiana, pics on site was accurate, actually taller than I expected. She had a very sexy lingerie on and I was greeted with a long DFK at the door with mutual touching, her skin was silky smooth and soft. Next stop to room she helped me strip while DFK and slow BBBJ. We showered next and was washed thoroughly and she teased me on what's coming next. Laid flat on bed, she started to kiss / lick everywhere and was even offered rim, but I declined as I don't enjoy it. Flipped over, more DFK BBBJ FIV DATY, she seems to be really into DATY. She slipped on the cover for me, a few different mish positions and I was ready to explode, now I think about it, I didn't last that long, she teased a lot during the session haha, truly a very talented GFE. I ended up pulling out, took cover off for BBBJCIM. Cleaned up a bit, and we small chatted a bit on the bed while she teased for second round, tried more BBBJ HJ for a long time, but I was drained, my recovery time is usually 1 hour at least LOL, definitely not her fault. Hopped in shower, she washed me up, got me dressed and I was on my way. One of my best experiences so far, I can't wait to check out the other k-girls they have to offer.

I opted for 1 hr $$ 0 GFE, there are more cheaper alternatives out there, but this worth it if you want GFE.Your post said the price for 1 hour is $$0 which, at least to me, looks like 200. But that can't be right since you also indicated that the price is higher than average.

So I'm guessing your $ notation had a typo and the true price is more like 300. But, since I don't like to guess, could you please clarify?

Also, FWIW, I think the practice of using $ instead of numbers is ridiculous since all it does is increase the potential for confusion. There's no need to be cryptic as it doesn't serve any purpose, IMHO.

09-22-18, 08:36
So I finally had the honor to be verified with my first k-agency, very convenient and secure location, instructions was clear and easy to follow.

My dream was with Ayiana, pics on site was accurate, actually taller than I expected. She had a very sexy lingerie on and I was greeted with a long DFK at the door with mutual touching, her skin was silky smooth and soft. Next stop to room she helped me strip while DFK and slow BBBJ. We showered next and was washed thoroughly and she teased me on what's coming next. Laid flat on bed, she started to kiss / lick everywhere and was even offered rim, but I declined as I don't enjoy it. Flipped over, more DFK BBBJ FIV DATY, she seems to be really into DATY. She slipped on the cover for me, a few different mish positions and I was ready to explode, now I think about it, I didn't last that long, she teased a lot during the session haha, truly a very talented GFE. I ended up pulling out, took cover off for BBBJCIM. Cleaned up a bit, and we small chatted a bit on the bed while she teased for second round, tried more BBBJ HJ for a long time, but I was drained, my recovery time is usually 1 hour at least LOL, definitely not her fault. Hopped in shower, she washed me up, got me dressed and I was on my way. One of my best experiences so far, I can't wait to check out the other k-girls they have to offer.

I opted for 1 hr $$ 0 GFE, there are more cheaper alternatives out there, but this worth it if you want GFE.Hello, please provide a name or description or any link to the AD of this place. Unable to figure out what is AG tysons!!

Member #5795
09-22-18, 08:42
RustyMuffler, Please clear your inbox. Thanks.

09-22-18, 10:02
So I finally had the honor to be verified with my first k-agency, very convenient and secure location, instructions was clear and easy to follow.

My dream was with Ayiana, pics on site was accurate, actually taller than I expected. She had a very sexy lingerie on and I was greeted with a long DFK at the door with mutual touching, her skin was silky smooth and soft. Next stop to room she helped me strip while DFK and slow BBBJ. We showered next and was washed thoroughly and she teased me on what's coming next. Laid flat on bed, she started to kiss / lick everywhere and was even offered rim, but I declined as I don't enjoy it. Flipped over, more DFK BBBJ FIV DATY, she seems to be really into DATY. She slipped on the cover for me, a few different mish positions and I was ready to explode, now I think about it, I didn't last that long, she teased a lot during the session haha, truly a very talented GFE. I ended up pulling out, took cover off for BBBJCIM. Cleaned up a bit, and we small chatted a bit on the bed while she teased for second round, tried more BBBJ HJ for a long time, but I was drained, my recovery time is usually 1 hour at least LOL, definitely not her fault. Hopped in shower, she washed me up, got me dressed and I was on my way. One of my best experiences so far, I can't wait to check out the other k-girls they have to offer.

I opted for 1 hr $$ 0 GFE, there are more cheaper alternatives out there, but this worth it if you want GFE.Sounds like you had the ultimate good time. BBBJ, offer to RIM you, etc, etc. . and then, knowing what probably took place the last 4 hours before you were there, does it scare anyone else to then do DFK, DATY, etc? Yes, pleasurable, but at what potential long term cost. I am jealous for the pleasure but I need to sleep at night. Am I just a prude? I would be scared to death.

Anyone else have same reaction? I don't mean to criticize Evo, just understand how to deal with the risks of what sounds like going to a real Heaven.

I like pleasure but need to balance risks and rewards. Sounds like there is not even a reason to use a cover if someone is not that concerned!


09-22-18, 10:19
Sounds like you had the ultimate good time. BBBJ, offer to RIM you, etc, etc. . and then, knowing what probably took place the last 4 hours before you were there, does it scare anyone else to then do DFK, DATY, etc? Yes, pleasurable, but at what potential long term cost. I am jealous for the pleasure but I need to sleep at night. Am I just a prude? I would be scared to death.

Anyone else have same reaction? I don't mean to criticize Evo, just understand how to deal with the risks of what sounds like going to a real Heaven.

I like pleasure but need to balance risks and rewards. Sounds like there is not even a reason to use a cover if someone is not that concerned!

DC.I think it's a risk one have to take, if you aren't comfortable doing so, don't. I personally do a quick assessment when I first enter. Alot of times you can tell if provider is just as cautious and her hygiene condition, we both use of mouthwash alot during the session, no funny smell either, most importantly don't partake if you have any sort of cuts, sores, etc. I've had GFE sessions where I declined DFK / BBBJ, it didn't feel right.

09-22-18, 11:13
Sounds like you had the ultimate good time. BBBJ, offer to RIM you, etc, etc. . and then, knowing what probably took place the last 4 hours before you were there, does it scare anyone else to then do DFK, DATY, etc? Yes, pleasurable, but at what potential long term cost. I am jealous for the pleasure but I need to sleep at night. Am I just a prude? I would be scared to death.

Anyone else have same reaction? I don't mean to criticize Evo, just understand how to deal with the risks of what sounds like going to a real Heaven.

I like pleasure but need to balance risks and rewards. Sounds like there is not even a reason to use a cover if someone is not that concerned!

DC.Is celibacy. But I'm guessing it's unlikely you'll find anyone on this board who practices that form of risk prevention. After that, there's monogamy. But, once you move beyond those you find yourself in a world of various risk-reward hobby scenarios and it becomes the responsibility of each adult actor, understanding all possible consequences, to choose their particular comfort zone.

Tom McAn
09-22-18, 19:17
Anyone know if Japanese Helen is still around? She used to be in either Manassas or Sterling and really provided the best service!

WATTA great session last year!

Let me know what you have on her.I haven't seen any ads for Helen recently. And if she does start advertising again there's no guarantee it will be the same gal, at least based on my previous experience with similar Asian ads.

09-22-18, 19:40
I haven't seen any ads for Helen recently. And if she does start advertising again there's no guarantee it will be the same gal, at least based on my previous experience with similar Asian ads.https://backpage.com.dc.listcrawler.com/post/26783287/Helen


And I concur with your comment that, especially looking at all the different locations and numbers in the LER listing, there's no guarantee the girl being advertised is the same Helen that received positive reports in the past.

09-23-18, 08:33
Hello, please provide a name or description or any link to the AD of this place. Unable to figure out what is AG tysons!!http://asiangem.us

09-23-18, 11:50


And I concur with your comment that, especially looking at all the different locations and numbers in the LER listing, there's no guarantee the girl being advertised is the same Helen that received positive reports in the past.If you're referring to Helen in Manassas who provides an amazing BBBJ, she is still there! Creepin.

Tom McAn
09-23-18, 12:40


And I concur with your comment that, especially looking at all the different locations and numbers in the LER listing, there's no guarantee the girl being advertised is the same Helen that received positive reports in the past.Thanks. I must have missed those ads. I'm still figuring out how to navigate in the post-Backpage era.

I couldn't help but notice the photos were different in the ads to which you linked. And, of course, the provider likely looks much different and is likely somewhat older than the models in the ads.

09-23-18, 13:39
Okay, it's good to go now.

RustyMuffler, Please clear your inbox. Thanks.

09-23-18, 14:16

There's a little minx whose ads keep popping up on websites I frequent. Here are a few of them:

https://m.escortdirectory.com/escort/Jessie Jay-104115.



Jessie is only listed as "Asian". If the photos are accurate, she appears to be Thai.

I've been cut off from access to reviews on the monkey, but she has some there:


One of the short, one sentence reviews I have been able to find says she is "as beautiful as her pictures". That doesn't exactly compute to "Her pics are accurate".

Her rate is three bills for an hour's time with her. That is outside my usual comfort zone. But perhaps you guys can help me out. If you've seen her, or if you have access to her reviews, does she come through with a worthwhile experience?

That's definitely a GFE rate, but does anyone know if she gives a good massage as part of her repetroir? What about no rush and multiple cups of coffee?

Another factor is I'm looking for a non-smoker in a non-smoking environment. And anything else you guys might be able to add for color commentary would be greatly appreciated. (e.g. Speak English? Good attitude? Are the DDs bolt ons? Tight box? Good mic skills with BLS? Safe incall? Etc.).

If you want to keep it on the DL, please PM me.



09-23-18, 14:25
Haven't taken the plunge as she's not really my type. Past intel (search forum for Alyssa) mentioned a possible case of GPS and a menu that charges extra for everything. But those same reports did have some positive aspects and, IIRC, were complimentary of her appearance.

So, if there aren't any negative "fine print" elements to this special, it might be an opportunity to sample the goods for mongers who have had Alyssa on their radar.



*Scroll down the Switter feed to find her post. For some reason it appears there but doesn't when you click on her personal Switter link. Or maybe it's just that I haven't yet figured out how to navigate that damn site!

P.S. If you're interested in booking a session, but not able to make it today, might still be worth contacting her and asking for a raincheck 😉.

09-23-18, 14:34
Decided to try LF today for the first time. Terrible experience.

After a lot of texting back and forth, finally got the address. Drove to the location and then had to text a few times after for thr door code and apartment number. All feeding into the sketchy factor. Not sure if this was more vettting or just an amateur hour response from whoever was at the cell phone. Building is confusing as hell and finally just called to get walked in to the apartment. Pro tip: use a Chinese google translator if you want a better response.

Went to the apartment and was met by Cherry and a MMS, who seemed a only few years older. When inside MMS kept saying for me to lower my voice even though I was speaking at a hushed tone. Entire apartment was strange, giant stuffed animals and low lighting; place was pretty dirty. They seemed very spooked but probably the normal protocol.

Cherry wasn't bad looking: very skinny but had an odd low voice. Not very attractive IMO. Terrible and disinterested personality which killed it. Nice bolt ons.

Quick shower in a unclean bathroom and then to the bed, which didn't look much better. Provider literally massaged me for 30 seconds and told me to turn over. Followed by a decent CBJ, we do Miss and Dog, and it was a wrap. She complained about me going too deep. She complained about me touching her down below. She complained that it was taking too long.

Whole experience took maybe 15 minutes. She got dressed and impolitely got the boot. Honestly she was a B and did nothing to retain biz.

Luckily, called an audible last second and opted for the HH at 1. 5. Terrible experience won't be back (unless I get a PM for a better provider at this jip joint). Save your money, gents and log onto You Porn LOL.

-Kip.I used to really like LF but, recently my dreams have been a lot more like yours. Haven't been back since I got there one time and they didn't respond with the door code for 10+ minutes. Which I now am noticing I totally forgot to report on.

09-23-18, 15:10

I saw that an agency tours frequently through your area and was wondering if any have tried.


I'm much further north, so they don't come my way often. However I was wondering if they got positive marks here.

I'm jealous of the ladies why'all have!

09-24-18, 00:39
I was going thru STG and the only bbw's were the poorly reviewed Trina Trio (see post #2871). So, I was glad to find Paris's ad in the "candy" section of listcrawler. Set up was easy. I met her at her incall location later that afternoon. She is the girl in the pictures. Looked good, wore perfume (this may be a concern for some), was friendly and accommodating. I had a good session. Easy conversation led to clothes off, b2 b, BBBJ, watched her toy her big juicy clit, Russian in those bbw tits, and finished in missionary. I would recommend if you like bbw's. Will repeat when she comes back to the area. She is also advertising on STG now.

09-24-18, 10:09

I saw that an agency tours frequently through your area and was wondering if any have tried.


I'm much further north, so they don't come my way often. However I was wondering if they got positive marks here.

I'm jealous of the ladies why'all have!About a year ago I saw Ellen who was then with travelingbrazilians and she was absolutely amazing; bubbly, friendly and amazingly hot. Ellen is now independent I believe:


But at the time at least, the agency was legit and delivered as promised. There is another legit agency specializing in Brazilians http://www.touringgirls.ch/ I have seen Daisy Dukes and she was as hot as her pictures and a great time. http://www.touringgirls.ch/girls/gfe-daisy-dukes/.

09-24-18, 10:26
Haven't taken the plunge as she's not really my type. Past intel (search forum for Alyssa) mentioned a possible case of GPS and a menu that charges extra for everything. But those same reports did have some positive aspects and, IIRC, were complimentary of her appearance.

So, if there aren't any negative "fine print" elements to this special, it might be an opportunity to sample the goods for mongers who have had Alyssa on their radar.



*Scroll down the Switter feed to find her post. For some reason it appears there but doesn't when you click on her personal Switter link. Or maybe it's just that I haven't yet figured out how to navigate that damn site!

P.S. If you're interested in booking a session, but not able to make it today, might still be worth contacting her and asking for a raincheck 😉.My impression is she has someone trying to manage her offerings and advertisements and they may differ from what she is actually offering. Or maybe the wacky tobacky is getting in the way When I saw her she was very straightforward, no upsell, no charge for extras. It was $$$ but everything was on the table; worth it IMO.

09-24-18, 16:14
Hello everyone so it's been 2 weeks since I found this website and I finally decided to create an account and share some info with you guys.

So I've been in this hobby for more than a year now so I guess you can same I have some experience.

Let's start with.


I visited this place several times, it's kind of hard to find the apartment on your first visit so give yourself some extra time and it makes it even harder that you get no signal in the garage.

By reading previous comments about the girls in LF I guess I been lucky with the ones I met there. I always go for the hour 2. 0.

Every time is the same thing first a shower then massage and you know what's next. 2 girls there gave me BBBJ and allowed me to daty at no extra charge because they "liked me" (iris and yo-yo). I think all their girls there are Chinese and they are young well at least the ones I been with they were younger than 30. So my experience with LF has been good so far.

-the Thai lady's in Annandale.

Luna, Sophie and Alexa that used to be in fairfax now lives with them.

Luna is probably in her late 40's but she still looks good 1. 20 for an hour massage and 1. 0 extra for FS. Her massage is average.

Sophie and Alexa are in their late 20's same prices as Luna but their massages skills are bad! Your going to be lucky if they massaged you for more than 5 min.

Everything is covered I don't know is they do BBBJ or daty. And they rush you a bit.

-Antonella (Latina).

I found this girl on switter. This was back in June, this "agency" brings girls form South America and they only stay here for like 2 weeks. So I contacted antonella saw her for an hour 2. 6 GFE. She has a nice body, she was staying in a hotel a in Tyson's. Sex was good BBBJ, daty and a massage and we showered together and the end of the session. Saw her again the following week the only difference is that she let me cum twice this time. She told me she was going to be back in the US late September.

-moon (nicesense).

So turns out that Antonela gave my number to moon. Moon contacted me we set up an appointment for an hour GFE 2. 6 basically the same experience as with Antonella. Saw this girls twice. Found out that she works with nicesense. I saw her at her "private residence" and not where she works for nicesene so I'm not verified with nicesense yet. She's still in nova not sure for how long.

BTW I contacted nicesense and if you don't have any references they just ask for a picture of your I'd.

I can speak Spanish so that really helps to build up a better relationship with the latinas. Got me some pretty nice discounts with moon and Antonella.


So 2 weeks ago after 3 weeks trying to get verified with this agency I got the green light!!

Ayiana was available saw her for an hour. Really nice body she's tall. We started with a shower there so gave me a preview BBBJ.

Then we continued on her bed. She lets you cum twice, BBBJ and date and almost convinced her to try through the back door but she said "next time" I will definitely visit her again. Incall is in Tyson very private 2. 6 for an hour.

So that's I'll I have for now. Hope this helps and I will continue to post from now on about my adventures. Thank you everyone and have a nice day!

09-25-18, 05:45
Evening gents. Visiting your region, I found Camilla on Switter:


She was amazing! Beautiful tall Columbian, perfect breasts, amazing ass, and very willing. Clean fresh DATY / O, great DFK, the whole package. The only down side was CBJ.

She said she's going back to Columbia in early September, so get her while you can!


Jose.Hi, can you please provide an update on one thing. Was she able to speak or understand english?

I had dream with brazilian girl before who can't understand, so it gets very difficult to communicate. Thanks for your info.


Jose Cuervo
09-25-18, 11:36
Hi, can you please provide an update on one thing. Was she able to speak or understand english?

I had dream with brazilian girl before who can't understand, so it gets very difficult to communicate. Thanks for your info.

Regards.Hey brother Sammy. It's a good question. Someone else reported her English was good. My experience, there wasn't much conversation so it's hard to judge. Definitely the basics were there (and a heck of a lot better than my Spanish, so there's that), but not sure about more involved conversation. She seemed to understand what I was saying, but afterwards I was thinking maybe she was just good at faking it.

I see she's back, if I see her again I'll try to be more observant!



09-25-18, 13:45
Hi, can you please provide an update on one thing. Was she able to speak or understand english?

I had dream with brazilian girl before who can't understand, so it gets very difficult to communicate. Thanks for your info.

Regards.Just have Google Translate ready before you meet.

Translate. google.com.

09-25-18, 15:36
Thanks all for your help. Reconnected and fine now.

Appreciate the help this forum can provide.



Where can I find the link to Sharon Herndon's AD. Earlier she used to advertise everyday in BP, but now with BP being blocked and so many other platforms running parallel, its difficult to find. Unable to get the link anywhere. Please help if you have.



Member #6446
09-25-18, 16:49
Any clarification on rates?$$.6 for an hour.

09-25-18, 17:23
My impression is she has someone trying to manage her offerings and advertisements and they may differ from what she is actually offering. Or maybe the wacky tobacky is getting in the way When I saw her she was very straightforward, no upsell, no charge for extras. It was $$$ but everything was on the table; worth it IMO.https://listings.switter.at/?utf8=✓&query=Dulles

Follow the link and scroll down to see Alyssa's listing. And, like before, just posting as a PSA as I haven't personally partaken of her offerings.

09-25-18, 17:30
I was going thru STG and the only bbw's were the poorly reviewed Trina Trio (see post #2871). So, I was glad to find Paris's ad in the "candy" section of listcrawler. Set up was easy. I met her at her incall location later that afternoon. She is the girl in the pictures. Looked good, wore perfume (this may be a concern for some), was friendly and accommodating. I had a good session. Easy conversation led to clothes off, b2 b, BBBJ, watched her toy her big juicy clit, Russian in those bbw tits, and finished in missionary. I would recommend if you like bbw's. Will repeat when she comes back to the area. She is also advertising on STG now.Found her ad but no mention of rates. Can you shed some light on what she expects for her hh and hr sessions? And was it all-inclusive or were there extra charges involved?


09-25-18, 23:20
Found her ad but no mention of rates. Can you shed some light on what she expects for her hh and hr sessions? And was it all-inclusive or were there extra charges involved?

http://northern-virginia.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/busty-blondie-limited-availabi/269877590513120 HH /200 H -no upsell.

09-26-18, 05:54

Follow the link and scroll down to see Alyssa's listing. And, like before, just posting as a PSA as I haven't personally partaken of her offerings.I've been looking at her Switter ads for some time and there was one (now deleted) that indicated that she is being 'managed'. I'm always hesitant to partake under these circumstances (when one is managed by small-time operators), big agencies are fine but not when the manager could most likely be lurking around.

Member #5795
09-26-18, 07:02
I've been looking at her Switter ads for some time and there was one (now deleted) that indicated that she is being 'managed'. I'm always hesitant to partake under these circumstances (when one is managed by small-time operators), big agencies are fine but not when the manager could most likely be lurking around.A lot of good talent on Switter. My current favorite. Just go to #NOVA and look for Cherry. A hot Argentinean blond. Always stays in upscale locations.


09-26-18, 11:22

Anyone tried Chloe? She advertises in Bedpage.

Please share your experience if you have already.


09-26-18, 13:01
A lot of good talent on Switter. My current favorite. Just go to #NOVA and look for Cherry. A hot Argentinean blond. Always stays in upscale locations.

SR.Tried #NOVA, #Cherry, #Argentina, and anything else I could think of. Don't know if she's left the area but, unless I'm doing something wrong with the search parameters, you'd think there'd at least be some kind of Switter trail.

Any other ad websites (personal, agency, etc.) or other links for Cherry? Also, what are her rates and is she GFE or near-GFE?

09-26-18, 14:59
A lot of good talent on Switter. My current favorite. Just go to #NOVA and look for Cherry. A hot Argentinean blond. Always stays in upscale locations.

SR.No details on her Switter about rates or services. Can you provide any Intel on that? Mostly I'm curious about CBJ or BBBJ and damage for HR.

09-26-18, 16:54
Hello everyone so it's been 2 weeks since I found this website and I finally decided to create an account and share some info with you guys.

So I've been in this hobby for more than a year now so I guess you can same I have some experience.

Let's start with.


I visited this place several times, it's kind of hard to find the apartment on your first visit so give yourself some extra time and it makes it even harder that you get no signal in the garage.

By reading previous comments about the girls in LF I guess I been lucky with the ones I met there. I always go for the hour 2. 0.

Every time is the same thing first a shower then massage and you know what's next. 2 girls there gave me BBBJ and allowed me to daty at no extra charge because they "liked me" (iris and yo-yo). I think all their girls there are Chinese and they are young well at least the ones I been with they were younger than 30. So my experience with LF has been good so far.

-moon (nicesense).

So turns out that Antonela gave my number to moon. Moon contacted me we set up an appointment for an hour GFE 2. 6 basically the same experience as with Antonella. Saw this girls twice. Found out that she works with nicesense. I saw her at her "private residence" and not where she works for nicesene so I'm not verified with nicesense yet. She's still in nova not sure for how long.

BTW I contacted nicesense and if you don't have any references they just ask for a picture of your I'd.

I can speak Spanish so that really helps to build up a better relationship with the latinas. Got me some pretty nice discounts with moon and Antonella.

Thank you everyone and have a nice day!Thanks Jose5564, this is good intel! Can you fill me in on who LF is?

And I've seen some providers from nicesense but it has been a while. I don't even know where to find them these days. Do you have current contact or location info for them?

09-26-18, 17:17
I know there are plenty online mail order you can do without prescription. But you still need a credit card and wait for the mail order to arrive, which could be a risk if your SO saw a suspicious package.

Is there anyway to get those drugs locally with cash?

09-26-18, 18:25

Anyone tried Chloe? She advertises in Bedpage.

Please share your experience if you have already.

Regards.All your post is asking question. Tofft and report back, once you build your rep up, people on here might help you out.

09-27-18, 02:23
Tried #NOVA, #Cherry, #Argentina, and anything else I could think of. Don't know if she's left the area but, unless I'm doing something wrong with the search parameters, you'd think there'd at least be some kind of Switter trail.

Any other ad websites (personal, agency, etc.) or other links for Cherry? Also, what are her rates and is she GFE or near-GFE?I found her with #nova. https://switter.at/@Cherryka.

Also, did a search on her number and found https://www.eros.com/washington_dc/files/1832050.htm.

But, I don't see anything on rates.

Member #5795
09-27-18, 06:22
I found her with #nova. https://switter.at/@Cherryka.

Also, did a search on her number and found https://www.eros.com/washington_dc/files/1832050.htm.

But, I don't see anything on rates.You can just text her for her rates. I do HHR for $. 4 Not sure what her hourly rate is.

Member #5795
09-27-18, 06:27
My friend Ashley from Richmond is coming to town soon. She's a real sweetheart with nice headlights and a nice big booty. Not a BBW but firm. Great BBBJ skills and will do almost anything including Greek for extra. You can PM me for her Number. She is looking for dates this Saturday and Sunday. I'm not sure exactly where she will be staying though.

09-27-18, 06:37
Ask her nicely to visit Greenville SC! Something about her does it for me!

My friend Ashley from Richmond is coming to town soon. She's a real sweetheart with nice headlights and a nice big booty. Not a BBW but firm. Great BBBJ skills and will do almost anything including Greek for extra. You can PM me for her Number.

09-27-18, 08:47
I also saw her and had no trouble. Her limited english, my limited spanish, and google translate worked like a charm. She's a very sweet person!

Just have Google Translate ready before you meet.

Translate. google.com.

Jose Cuervo
09-27-18, 08:59


Hey guys. Visiting your region, I met up with Sweet Lexi.

The good:

Contacting was easy, communication was clear and prompt throughout. Set up outcall to my hotel, she arrived on the dot. She is a beautiful young woman. Small but perfect breasts, slim ass, lovely face. (A bit too much makeup for me, but that's just me). So all of that was great.

The bad:

Her site says GFE and French Kissing under Services. But in the event, it was clear that no kissing was on the table. I didn't press, but it was a bit of a mood killer for me. Everything covered, and she was a bit mechanical about it all, just wanting to get it over.

Damage was $240 for an hour, but she actually only stayed maybe half an hour -- that was my preference. All in all, I'd say she has potential but not a repeat for me.



09-27-18, 10:23
You can just text her for her rates. I do HHR for $. 4 Not sure what her hourly rate is.CBJ or BBBJ? I've seen too many reviews from folks who TOFTT and noted that the only downside was CBJ. I understand that it will be a YMMV situation, but it would be good to know if that's on the menu.

Member #5795
09-27-18, 13:13
CBJ or BBBJ? I've seen too many reviews from folks who TOFTT and noted that the only downside was CBJ. I understand that it will be a YMMV situation, but it would be good to know if that's on the menu.Everything covered.

09-27-18, 14:47

I had a dream about Ms Honey, we were at an upscale hotel in Tyson's. She was nice and courteous, I asked her to meet me at parking lot of the hotel, just had a bad experience with these hotel brand and she did. Great BBBJ, while fiv. I asked her if CIM is ok and she said it's ok, so I did. We had a great conversation afterwards, she was expecting round 2 but had to leave. . 5 hrs /160.

Member #5795
09-27-18, 19:28
Ask her nicely to visit Greenville SC! Something about her does it for me!I gave her number to 7 people and she said she hasn't heard from anyone yet. I wonder why I'm on this board sometimes.

Member #5795
09-27-18, 19:31

I had a dream about Ms Honey, we were at an upscale hotel in Tyson's. She was nice and courteous, I asked her to meet me at parking lot of the hotel, just had a bad experience with these hotel brand and she did. Great BBBJ, while fiv. I asked her if CIM is ok and she said it's ok, so I did. We had a great conversation afterwards, she was expecting round 2 but had to leave. . 5 hrs /160.$. 60 for BBBJCIM?

09-27-18, 19:54
I gave her number to 7 people and she said she hasn't heard from anyone yet. I wonder why I'm on this board sometimes.NOVA is a large congested area. Depending on where she's going to be staying could be the difference if somebody is willing to visit.

09-27-18, 22:32
I gave her number to 7 people and she said she hasn't heard from anyone yet. I wonder why I'm on this board sometimes.I cannot check in here all day, and I'm betting most others cannot either. It would probably be hazardous to most peoples' employment. I'm checking in tonight, but I imagine it is too late to call so I'll try tomorrow.

09-27-18, 22:55
I've always seen providers staying in hotels. I've never been to an established place of business. I guess the closest I've come was when seeing some of the notangels girls a few times at the same apartment in Tysons, but it's not like it had a sign out front.

When entering a hotel you have the guise that you could be going in there to see anyone for any reason. Even the hotel staff might not know what's up and if you're nondescript you breeze in and out more or less anonymously. I always bring a laptop sleeve or planner. I've always wondered, when seeing someone at a massage place or spa for example, how do you keep from sticking out like a sore thumb? Anyone watching would know what's up. How do you keep from having your car parked in front? Do you park down the street and walk in?

I'm not planning to start going to these places, but when I've seen them with a car or two out front I've always wondered this.

09-27-18, 23:01
I was going to write a longish story about how & why I ended up here, but I got lazy so you just get this.

I was pleasantly surprised to find Ninna to be younger and more beautiful than comes across in her photos. Very nice deep BBBJ. I upgraded to the PSE option which turned out to mean simply greek (she didn't talk dirty or go bareback or anything like that LOL). She started the greek in RCG which was very interesting, then moved to doggie where I finished round one. Her English is very good so we had nice chitchat. She came twice during DATY; I think the first time maybe she was acting, but the second time was definitely real. Then on to sweet missionary but alas my advancing age prevents me from consummating round two within one hour.


It was OK service for the price point. Nice change of pace but for me the little K-girls is where it's at.


09-28-18, 01:19
$. 60 for BBBJCIM?Yes Sir. Pretty cool gal. Her menu is pretty good, but having problems getting round 2 in my dreams, especially in 30 m.

09-28-18, 07:09
Heads up, said should arrive later next week. May the milking begin.

09-28-18, 07:30


Hey guys. Visiting your region, I met up with Sweet Lexi.

The good:

Contacting was easy, communication was clear and prompt throughout. Set up outcall to my hotel, she arrived on the dot. She is a beautiful young woman. Small but perfect breasts, slim ass, lovely face. (A bit too much makeup for me, but that's just me). So all of that was great.

The bad:

Her site says GFE and French Kissing under Services. But in the event, it was clear that no kissing was on the table. I didn't press, but it was a bit of a mood killer for me. Everything covered, and she was a bit mechanical about it all, just wanting to get it over.

Damage was $240 for an hour, but she actually only stayed maybe half an hour -- that was my preference. All in all, I'd say she has potential but not a repeat for me.


Jose.Allot of talk about this chick. She's been doing this for a while now. She was a freak with an unlimited menu early on. She gets to Fairfax and starts promoting herself on social media then raises her rates and restricts her menu. I can understand raising rates but why would someone lessen their offerings when what they were doing was working? Old Lexi I'd visit again in a heart beat, New Lexi, not so much.

09-28-18, 07:48
If you had $$ in your pocket & a couple hours to kill who would be your first call?

DC Outlaw
09-28-18, 10:25
I just saw that Olivia is back in our area next week. My budget is currently being funneled to SBs right now so there's no way I can afford her updated pricing. But she's by far the most beautiful Greek tour guide I've ever had the pleasure of being with. I'm glad I found her when her prices were lower.

If any of you mongers have the cash, I highly recommend.


09-28-18, 10:48
I know there are plenty online mail order you can do without prescription. But you still need a credit card and wait for the mail order to arrive, which could be a risk if your SO saw a suspicious package.

Is there anyway to get those drugs locally with cash?Go to you doctor and ask for a prescription of Sildenafil, which is the generic drug in Viagra. Insurance company will string you out asking why you need it. Ignore them. Go to GoodRX and look for a coupon for the drug. I currently get 30 20 mg pills for about $30. Not bad considering a straight prescription of Viagra was about $60/25 mg pill after insurance and only 3 pills per month. Take the coupon into pharmacist when you pick up the pills. I've never had a problem. If you are on Viagra, you'll have to be very busy indeed to use 30 pills in a month. LOL.

09-28-18, 12:05
I'm going to check out this provider this weekend and will be able to report back next week. Goes by a few different names. Dawn, Celia, Cici.

Just wanted to make sure no one had pertinent info that I should avoid.

Thanks guys.

09-28-18, 13:15
Heads up, said should arrive later next week. May the milking begin.Did she happen to mention which Nova town?

09-28-18, 16:45
I just saw that Olivia is back in our area next week. My budget is currently being funneled to SBs right now so there's no way I can afford her updated pricing. But she's by far the most beautiful Greek tour guide I've ever had the pleasure of being with. I'm glad I found her when her prices were lower.

If any of you mongers have the cash, I highly recommend.

https://privatedelights.ch/listing/OliviaRosy/Washington-DC/Washington-DCCan you get me a job where you work please? Something that nice sure is expensive!

09-28-18, 19:09
Can you get me a job where you work please? Something that nice sure is expensive!I had the pleasure of her company when her rates were lower. I can attest to her Greek tour expertise. She'll take all you can give her and still coax more out of you. She's insatiable but at 600 I'll just have to sit this visit out. "If you have the means I highly recommend it. " Chick-chicka-chicka.

Member #6377
09-28-18, 22:56
I've had my eye on her for a while and she always seems sketchy. I saw some video on her snapchat or instagram with some guy in the background and it had a note that read "Fiance". Maybe that's the cause of the unlimited menu, etc.

Allot of talk about this chick. She's been doing this for a while now. She was a freak with an unlimited menu early on. She gets to Fairfax and starts promoting herself on social media then raises her rates and restricts her menu. I can understand raising rates but why would someone lessen their offerings when what they were doing was working? Old Lexi I'd visit again in a heart beat, New Lexi, not so much.

09-29-18, 17:14
I gave her number to 7 people and she said she hasn't heard from anyone yet. I wonder why I'm on this board sometimes.That's all right, she posted in STG this afternoon:


09-30-18, 00:47
I'm going to check out this provider this weekend and will be able to report back next week. Goes by a few different names. Dawn, Celia, Cici.

Just wanted to make sure no one had pertinent info that I should avoid.

Thanks guys.You just need to look at posts in Backpage forum and you will get your answer. Search for Cece etc.

Tom McAn
09-30-18, 01:00
Executive summary: It wasn't a perfect session by any means, but my visit with Chelsea went better than I originally anticipated.

An experienced monger like me shouldn't have to decide between some questionable options, but that's where I found myself this weekend when I decided to seek out some relief following a recent stressful period of time overall and an especially rough week at work. Plans A, B, C and D didn't work out. I was in Springfield after taking care of some personal business and didn't feel like driving anywhere else before I went home. So it came down to a choice between Chelsea, a provider using old or fake photos and with a history of mixed reviews, or the Asian crapshoot. I rolled the dice and contacted Chelsea. She was available; I set up an appointment and drove to her incall location in a fairly decent motel near the Springfield Town Center, a motel where I've previously seen a number of other providers. I waited a few minutes before Chelsea called me with the room number, and I went inside and upstairs.

I knocked and Chelsea opened the door and let me in. She definitely wasn't the gal in the photos unless they were taken a long time ago, but neither was she unattractive. Her top showed off her cleavage. I went inside and we chatted as I got undressed while Chelsea removed her top, shorts and shoes. For some reason she left her midsection covered and her socks on throughout the session. On the other hand, her tits were absolutely gorgeous. Chelsea applied the raincoat with her mouth and began a decent French lesson. After she got me good and ready we switched to CFS in mish. Chelsea kept her right hand down near my cock, keeping me from penetrating her as fully as I would have liked. Still, the bed creaked as we went at it for a good 10 minutes before I finally filled the cover. I enjoyed watching her tits bounce as I banged her. She didn't hint at any other positions being available, although I would have loved to seen her on top. She's not the type of provider I'd want to bang in K9 position, not with those tits of hers. I went in the bathroom to clean up, then went back in the bedroom and got dressed. Damage was $. 2 for what was supposed to be a half-hour session.

Will I repeat with Chelsea? I'm not sure. I wish she hadn't left her hand near my cock; she also shorted me on time. I wish she'd given me a massage before starting the French lesson, and I wish she'd undressed more fully. Still, I had an itch and it got scratched. I actually felt weak-kneed after I came, the first time I've had that feeling since I briefly got back together with an ex-girlfriend a while back. So we'll see. In the meantime, here's her current ad:


09-30-18, 01:04
Executive summary: It wasn't a perfect session by any means, but my visit with Chelsea went better than I originally anticipated.
https://adultsearch.com/washington-dc/washington-dc/female-escorts/1201435You really are brave but not sure if the right head was doing the thinking here. .

Not saying that I've not made questionable decisions myself mind you.

09-30-18, 01:08
That's all right, she posted in STG this afternoon:

http://northern-virginia.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/100-real-give-me-a-call-321/908007449870Does she have any report? Didn't see anything.



09-30-18, 06:35
Does she have any report? Didn't see anything.


Thanks.How accurate are her pics?


09-30-18, 07:06
I'm going to check out this provider this weekend and will be able to report back next week. Goes by a few different names. Dawn, Celia, Cici.

Just wanted to make sure no one had pertinent info that I should avoid.

Thanks guys.I've dreamed of her twice. In both of my dreams she was roughly 50 ish. First dream wasn't bad, I imagined a quick BnG and it was basically fine. The worm turned on my second dream. I imagined I popped in her mouth and she flipped the heck out about it (even though that was also part of the first dream). And not a minor flip out either. It was pretty much a nightmare.

This was like 3 years ago and I'm sure she's even older and more worn out now, but I wouldn't know because I resolved to never dream that dream again.

Member #5795
09-30-18, 09:40
Does she have any report? Didn't see anything.


Thanks.She's Ashley 2 or Ashley W on the Richmond forum.

09-30-18, 10:33
She's Ashley 2 or Ashley W on the Richmond forum.Thanks for the info.

But am confused now.

On that forum, I see.

Post 8448 Ashley W. CBJ.

Post 8449 Ashley 2 - BBBJ.

Also, posts 8258 and 8259 seem to suggest that Ashley 2 and Ashley W are different.

Wow. That many Ashleys in richmond. Some posts suggest perhaps up to 6 of them. No wonder everyone is confused.

Tom McAn
09-30-18, 12:38
You really are brave but not sure if the right head was doing the thinking here. .

Not saying that I've not made questionable decisions myself mind you.I've made many mistakes over the years, including with the Asian crapshoot.

As for my latest adventure, it's simply how circumstances worked out. The personal business I had to take care of took somewhat longer than expected. That resulted in my original plan not working out. The backups turned out to be busy or didn't answer their phone. I suppose I could have called someone in another part of town, but it was getting late and I was both tired and horny. So I rolled the dice. In this case it worked out better than I thought it would, although I remain hesitant to recommend Chelsea based on the negatives I cited in my report.

Edited to add: Based on the comparison of the photos to the person I saw, I'm now convinced Chelsea's photos are fake rather than old. Then again, she's still attractive and her tits, while different from the photos, are quite nice.

09-30-18, 13:17
Hi, this is my experience with NOVA options. Hope it helps. Can PM for further info.

Amber Rod. - Alexandria.

She is a petite PR girl very cute and sweet gf with full menu open to anything. She is my ATF but only was able to see her once. She fell of the radar after sites shutdown and may have retired. If anyone knows differently let me know.

Jade. Alexandria.

Jade is a viet girl in her 30's, pretty, super down to earth, friendly, open minded as she doms sometimes, small chest and booty, everything covered. She prefers regulars. Recommend for straight forward session, massage, or if you want a dom. She travels and not always in the area. PM for details.


Rotating asian girls, usually late 20's, results may vary. Depends who you get, some are great, some are robotic. Usually very pretty. Standard session. Recommend 45 minutes to try. Pics on site usually accurate but with some touch ups.

Paris. Tysons.

She is from South America and shares apartment with a couple others. Looks like she went back now, but others still there at apt. If its anything like her I don't recommend. Overpriced and semi rushed. She was hot but personality not good.


Country white girl with apt near merrifield, previous profiles put her in springfield. She has a great personality, late 20's, petite, she gets into it with right person. I am not sure if she is still around however afters sites closed down. If she is, I recommend.


She is late 30's woman in arlington, great assets, south american blonde. If you are good to her and verify as asked, she opens up and is totally non rushed session. I recommend if she is your type.

I hope to post more in the future, but hope this little bit helps for now.

09-30-18, 16:24
Heads up, said should arrive later next week. May the milking begin.Hi, was wondering where joyce is located and if there is an ad to view. Thanks for the heads up! PM if you prefer, thanks.

09-30-18, 18:41
You guys have a great group Colombian women down there. I was in Fairfax, VA, and found an agency / group of Colombian women. The scheduler was very nice and professional. I got lost because the numbering on the building was odd but she still found a date for me. Very pretty Colombian lady. I had a great time and I will use them again when I am in Northern, VA. Great non-GFE provider.

09-30-18, 20:32
I've made many mistakes over the years, including with the Asian crapshoot.

As for my latest adventure, it's simply how circumstances worked out. The personal business I had to take care of took somewhat longer than expected. That resulted in my original plan not working out. The backups turned out to be busy or didn't answer their phone. I suppose I could have called someone in another part of town, but it was getting late and I was both tired and horny. So I rolled the dice. In this case it worked out better than I thought it would, although I remain hesitant to recommend Chelsea based on the negatives I cited in my report.

Edited to add: Based on the comparison of the photos to the person I saw, I'm now convinced Chelsea's photos are fake rather than old. Then again, she's still attractive and her tits, while different from the photos, are quite nice.You were hungry and your preferred restaurants were booked up, closed, or otherwise unavailable. Your choice was either to go hungry or to take advantage of available opportunities.

It may not have been the best burger, and the atmosphere may have been lacking, but it satisfied the need. And, best of all, you didn't pay steak prices for it.

There are a number of providers who have been around for quite a while and are in the same category as Chelsea (Bonita comes to mind). While they're not great, they meet the need, but they're also not ripoffs and aren't overpriced.

So, for having to go with a Plan C or D option, you did just fine. And especially when you consider that your experience was at least comparable, and possibly better, than going to an Asian crapshoot place.

09-30-18, 21:07
Hi, this is my experience with NOVA options. Hope it helps. Can PM for further info.

Amber Rod. - Alexandria.

She is a petite PR girl very cute and sweet gf with full menu open to anything. She is my ATF but only was able to see her once. She fell of the radar after sites shutdown and may have retired. If anyone knows differently let me know.

Jade. Alexandria.

Jade is a viet girl in her 30's, pretty, super down to earth, friendly, open minded as she doms sometimes, small chest and booty, everything covered. She prefers regulars. Recommend for straight forward session, massage, or if you want a dom. She travels and not always in the area. PM for details.


Rotating asian girls, usually late 20's, results may vary. Depends who you get, some are great, some are robotic. Usually very pretty. Standard session. Recommend 45 minutes to try. Pics on site usually accurate but with some touch ups.

Paris. Tysons.

She is from South America and shares apartment with a couple others. Looks like she went back now, but others still there at apt. If its anything like her I don't recommend. Overpriced and semi rushed. She was hot but personality not good.


Country white girl with apt near merrifield, previous profiles put her in springfield. She has a great personality, late 20's, petite, she gets into it with right person. I am not sure if she is still around however afters sites closed down. If she is, I recommend.


She is late 30's woman in arlington, great assets, south american blonde. If you are good to her and verify as asked, she opens up and is totally non rushed session. I recommend if she is your type.

I hope to post more in the future, but hope this little bit helps for now.Thanks for your reports but just wanted to point out that, since BP and TER have gone away, there are at least 4-5 sites where providers advertise now.

So, in addition to one agency (LotusFlowerz) you named 5 different providers. Searching multiple sites for multiple names takes a bit of time, assuming the girl is currently advertising and assuming the searcher would know which one of their search hits was the correct Amber, Jade, Paris or Jen.

If you don't have a current link because you haven't seen them recently, you can probably find archived info on the eroticmonkey site. Appreciate the fact that you're willing to respond to PMs, but that can also chew up a fair amount of time (especially for you) with all the back-and-forth involved. Much more efficient and effective for all if the initial report includes a link.

P.S. Glad you had a nice time with Rubie but thought I should mention that she's at least in her late 40's or early 50's. I saw her several times back when she was charging 250/260 per hour and she was in her mid-to-late 40's at that time.


Member #5795
10-01-18, 07:20
Thanks for the info.

But am confused now.

On that forum, I see.

Post 8448 Ashley W. CBJ.

Post 8449 Ashley 2 - BBBJ.

Also, posts 8258 and 8259 seem to suggest that Ashley 2 and Ashley W are different.

Wow. That many Ashleys in richmond. Some posts suggest perhaps up to 6 of them. No wonder everyone is confused.Yeah, Richmond has / had a lot of Ashleys. PM me and I can fill you in.

10-01-18, 13:49
Hi Fellas,

Any one tried this one, any feedback would be much appreciated.



10-01-18, 14:15

Country white girl with apt near merrifield, previous profiles put her in springfield. She has a great personality, late 20's, petite, she gets into it with right person. I am not sure if she is still around however afters sites closed down. If she is, I recommend.

Thanks for the report. I have seen Jen and can fill in some details and contact info. It was a while back out near FairOaks, I recall it was a good session, she is very petite and cute but may not be for everyone. I can't remember if CBJ or BBBJ. I recall she is a bit odd, you'd just have to meet her to see how. Room was not the tidiest. Talks a LOT, but it's kind of cute, and yes she does get into it for the "right" person. She said I was really thick which was tough for her, which I am kinda sorta, but never got a complaint before. I never got the itch to repeat, not for any particular reason, just didn't. It actually might be fun to return and see how the session is.

Oh, writing this I recall she is a little nervous about security and her screening method was odd and struck me as something someone new to this would do.



10-01-18, 17:37
You were hungry and your preferred restaurants were booked up, closed, or otherwise unavailable. .....In my post, we've all been down that road. Feeling really really hungry, options limited and select an option that otherwise might not have. Been there done that. Guilty as charged. LOL.

Know that no-one has suggested yet but just want to make it clear that I was in no way passing a judgment. Just an observation that's all.

Member #5795
10-01-18, 18:27
Saw her ad on Switter and https://privatedelights.ch/profile/lusciouslolita.

We made plans to meet today. At the last minute she asked for a picture. I told her I didn't feel comfortable doing that and she flipped out started sending nasty texts. Calling me an asshole etc. I said bye and blocked her number. Too bad, she lives close to me. I would stay away from the b***h.


Tom McAn
10-02-18, 01:25
Thanks for the report. I have seen Jen and can fill in some details and contact info. It was a while back out near FairOaks, I recall it was a good session, she is very petite and cute but may not be for everyone. I can't remember if CBJ or BBBJ. I recall she is a bit odd, you'd just have to meet her to see how. Room was not the tidiest. Talks a LOT, but it's kind of cute, and yes she does get into it for the "right" person. She said I was really thick which was tough for her, which I am kinda sorta, but never got a complaint before. I never got the itch to repeat, not for any particular reason, just didn't. It actually might be fun to return and see how the session is.

Oh, writing this I recall she is a little nervous about security and her screening method was odd and struck me as something someone new to this would do.


https://cityxguide.com/escorts/pure-young-country-540-388-3382-pics-are-all-me-and-current-9530226I tried contacting Jen last winter but couldn't get through to her. It appears she hasn't advertised locally since March, so I don't know if she's still active or whether she perhaps moved to another area. The ad from City X Guide is from September 2017.

10-02-18, 02:12
Hi Fellas,

Any one tried this one, any feedback would be much appreciated.


https://alligator.com.dc.listcrawler.com/post/26776562/Ya, fake dude. Scroll all the way down until the yellow box that says "More Pic and Reviews" pops up.

Click on the yellow box and you will see lots of pictures of different girls.

10-02-18, 05:46
I tried contacting Jen last winter but couldn't get through to her. It appears she hasn't advertised locally since March, so I don't know if she's still active or whether she perhaps moved to another area. The ad from City X Guide is from September 2017.But she kept cancelling. One reason or the other. And I then stopped. Told her to contact me when she's ready.

Though she does have a dress restriction that she wouldn't show her mid-section, has to be covered at all times. Her reviews also indicated the same.

10-02-18, 05:48
Yeah, Richmond has / had a lot of Ashleys. PM me and I can fill you in.PM sent. Thanks.

10-02-18, 05:50
Saw her ad on Switter and https://privatedelights.ch/profile/lusciouslolita.

We made plans to meet today. At the last minute she asked for a picture. I told her I didn't feel comfortable doing that and she flipped out started sending nasty texts. Calling me an asshole etc. I said bye and blocked her number. Too bad, she lives close to me. I would stay away from the b***h.

SR.Sorry to hear that.

I've been in touch with her for some time now. For one reason or the other, we've never been able to get together. But this attitude does make me take a step back.

Did she not verify you before setting up?

Member #5795
10-02-18, 06:39
Sorry to hear that.

I've been in touch with her for some time now. For one reason or the other, we've never been able to get together. But this attitude does make me take a step back.

Did she not verify you before setting up?No verification. Not good on communication either. She starts texting then goes dark. Not worth the aggravation in my opinion.

10-02-18, 07:49
Hi Fellas,

Any one tried this one, any feedback would be much appreciated.


https://alligator.com.dc.listcrawler.com/post/26776562/Search the forum for "crapshoot" for more info.

10-02-18, 07:58
Saw her ad on Switter and https://privatedelights.ch/profile/lusciouslolita.

We made plans to meet today. At the last minute she asked for a picture. I told her I didn't feel comfortable doing that and she flipped out started sending nasty texts. Calling me an asshole etc. I said bye and blocked her number. Too bad, she lives close to me. I would stay away from the b***h.

SR.IIRC, last ad I saw for her quoted a price of 300 for the hour. With an attitude like that she comes across as a SW with delusions of grandeur.

Not sure what's up with pic requests as a screening technique, but that's also a deal breaker for me. Sounds like you saved yourself 300 of your hard earned $.

10-02-18, 17:21
Thanks for the report. I have seen Jen and can fill in some details and contact info. It was a while back out near FairOaks, I recall it was a good session, she is very petite and cute but may not be for everyone. I can't remember if CBJ or BBBJ. I recall she is a bit odd, you'd just have to meet her to see how. Room was not the tidiest. Talks a LOT, but it's kind of cute, and yes she does get into it for the "right" person. She said I was really thick which was tough for her, which I am kinda sorta, but never got a complaint before. I never got the itch to repeat, not for any particular reason, just didn't. It actually might be fun to return and see how the session is.

Oh, writing this I recall she is a little nervous about security and her screening method was odd and struck me as something someone new to this would do.


https://cityxguide.com/escorts/pure-young-country-540-388-3382-pics-are-all-me-and-current-9530226I saw her last fall in a low budget motel in Tysons. Room was a mess and she was a nervous nelly. Hopped in the shower after I got there and left me hanging in her room. Smoker which turned me off. BBBJ and lots of stripper pole if IIRC but covered me up and rode me pretty well. I like the little ones and she was fine but I haven't repeated either. BUt then again, there are very few with whom I do repeat so don't let that stop you. She was DTF and I think I gave her $$. 5 for the hour.

10-02-18, 19:45
Saw her ad on Switter and https://privatedelights.ch/profile/lusciouslolita.

We made plans to meet today. At the last minute she asked for a picture. I told her I didn't feel comfortable doing that and she flipped out started sending nasty texts. Calling me an asshole etc. I said bye and blocked her number. Too bad, she lives close to me. I would stay away from the b***h.

SR.I have heard this pattern with her several times from mongers. And none have seen her. Not even ones that sent pics and followed request to the tee. Real LE concerns with this provider. I was curious until I became aware of this unusual pattern. Be careful better around for sure!

Member #5795
10-02-18, 21:24
I have heard this pattern with her several times from mongers. And none have seen her. Not even ones that sent pics and followed request to the tee. Real LE concerns with this provider. I was curious until I became aware of this unusual pattern. Be careful better around for sure!Stay away.

10-03-18, 12:29
I have heard this pattern with her several times from mongers. And none have seen her. Not even ones that sent pics and followed request to the tee. Real LE concerns with this provider. I was curious until I became aware of this unusual pattern. Be careful better around for sure!

Stay away.I saw her a few days ago. She's safe, no LE, but communication skills are not the best.

I contacted her via email and we had a back-and-forth for a couple days. She is a bit slow to respond. We set up a meet and transitioned to text, which went smoothly to my surprise (sometimes a problem with providers who have trouble putting the two together). I did send the selfie (probably not a wise decision in general) at her request. At first txt communication was good. Got to her location in crystal city and suddenly comms went dark. Waited in the lobby and sent several texts, no answer, started to call, no answer, was getting frustrated but figured might as well have a drink. I figured if I ordered a way-to-expensive drink that would cause her to call just as the drink arrived.

Funny enough but that magic seemed to work pretty well and I left half a drink on the bar and went up. She's a very curvy girl, she advertises as part Latina but in reality she's 100% Tennessee. No explanation at all as to the delay; an apology but no explanation. "Yeah, sorry, my fault". OK, whatever. Dropped the donation of $$$ and excused myself. Came out and she is hesitant. Turns out she didn't pick up that I had left the envelope there and was still waiting. Had to point it out to her. Noob mistake on her part?

We proceeded. Some DFK, she has piercings if that's your thing. Lip and tongue. BBBJ and then she slipped the cover and rode in RCG. She really gets into it, and that's what made the session worth the trouble. Good dirty talk. All in all it was a good time; I would see her again (but I don't often repeat in general). If donation was $$. 5 she would be fantastic. In her favor she is curvy, young and cute and if you like that you'll enjoy.

Mr Dave
10-03-18, 16:18
Decided to try LF today for the first time. Terrible experience.

After a lot of texting back and forth, finally got the address. Drove to the location and then had to text a few times after for thr door code and apartment number. All feeding into the sketchy factor. Not sure if this was more vettting or just an amateur hour response from whoever was at the cell phone. Building is confusing as hell and finally just called to get walked in to the apartment. Pro tip: use a Chinese google translator if you want a better response.

Went to the apartment and was met by Cherry and a MMS, who seemed a only few years older. When inside MMS kept saying for me to lower my voice even though I was speaking at a hushed tone. Entire apartment was strange, giant stuffed animals and low lighting; place was pretty dirty. They seemed very spooked but probably the normal protocol.

Cherry wasn't bad looking: very skinny but had an odd low voice. Not very attractive IMO. Terrible and disinterested personality which killed it. Nice bolt ons.

Quick shower in a unclean bathroom and then to the bed, which didn't look much better. Provider literally massaged me for 30 seconds and told me to turn over. Followed by a decent CBJ, we do Miss and Dog, and it was a wrap. She complained about me going too deep. She complained about me touching her down below. She complained that it was taking too long.

Whole experience took maybe 15 minutes. She got dressed and impolitely got the boot. Honestly she was a B and did nothing to retain biz.

Luckily, called an audible last second and opted for the HH at 1. 5. Terrible experience won't be back (unless I get a PM for a better provider at this jip joint). Save your money, gents and log onto You Porn LOL.

-Kip.Sorry I'm not a nova vet, what is LF? Thanks.

10-03-18, 17:25
You were hungry and your preferred restaurants were booked up, closed, or otherwise unavailable. Your choice was either to go hungry or to take advantage of available opportunities.

It may not have been the best burger, and the atmosphere may have been lacking, but it satisfied the need. And, best of all, you didn't pay steak prices for it.

There are a number of providers who have been around for quite a while and are in the same category as Chelsea (Bonita comes to mind). While they're not great, they meet the need, but they're also not ripoffs and aren't overpriced.

So, for having to go with a Plan C or D option, you did just fine. And especially when you consider that your experience was at least comparable, and possibly better, than going to an Asian crapshoot place.Saw this this girl in sfield fits that category to a T. Theres got to a be a term for that. Superhot nongfe spinner that's is super professional. But not "special". Thats the hail mary.

10-03-18, 18:19
Thank you.

Ya, fake dude. Scroll all the way down until the yellow box that says "More Pic and Reviews" pops up.

Click on the yellow box and you will see lots of pictures of different girls.

10-03-18, 22:48
She's back in town.

10-04-18, 09:01
Lf = lotusflowerz.

10-04-18, 14:44
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Member #5795
10-04-18, 17:05
She's back in town.How do I find her? I lost her info.


10-04-18, 17:37
How do I find her? I lost her info.

Thanks.I don't know Joyce, but I've been reading this thread. After doing a search, I'm guessing this is the one:


10-04-18, 18:53

Texted the number and it's a simple back and forth, asked when I'd like to come and how long I'd like to stay. Got the address and.

Saw BB Thai. Pics are exaggerated, she's a little chubby, but has it in the right places. Paid $. 2 for the hour massage which was pretty relaxing. After about 30 min she asked to flip to begin the ST. Negotiated to put on some Frank Sinatra for another $. 2. Warmed up with a BBBJ then got a cover. We danced in many different positions. Mish, CG, and K-9. I filled the bag. Headed off to the showers and came back to dry off where I got an additional neck massage which felt pretty good. It felt like she snapped my bones back into place and sent me off with a smile on my face. I will return.

10-04-18, 19:06
Texted the number and it's a simple back and forth, asked when I'd like to come and how long I'd like to stay. Got the address and.

It's great that ya found such a gem but please tell me you didn't hand over $$. 4 for all? That would be detrimental to the monger economy, LOL!

10-04-18, 19:17

Texted the number and it's a simple back and forth, asked when I'd like to come and how long I'd like to stay. Got the address and.

Saw BB Thai. Pics are exaggerated, she's a little chubby, but has it in the right places. Paid $. 2 for the hour massage which was pretty relaxing. After about 30 min she asked to flip to begin the ST. Negotiated to put on some Frank Sinatra for another $. 2. Warmed up with a BBBJ then got a cover. We danced in many different positions. Mish, CG, and K-9. I filled the bag. Headed off to the showers and came back to dry off where I got an additional neck massage which felt pretty good. It felt like she snapped my bones back into place and sent me off with a smile on my face. I will return.Did you meet any of the ladies she works with? Several of the Annandale Thai masseuses share expenses but not sure who is currently working together. I know Luna has one or two with her so just wondering if BB is one of those or if she's working elsewhere? Feel free to respond via post or PM, as you prefer.

10-04-18, 21:59
Texted the number and it's a simple back and forth, asked when I'd like to come and how long I'd like to stay. Got the address and.

It's great that ya found such a gem but please tell me you didn't hand over $$. 4 for all? That would be detrimental to the monger economy, LOL!Haha YMMV ofc, originally she wanted $. 6 extra I was able to talk her down to $. 2. I've seen plenty of Thai indys who all wanted $. 6 and above in addition to the $. 2 hour fee. (Thai Luna comes to mind) I've tried others like Lucy Thai who ask for an additional. 4 just for a topless unethusiastic HJ. Just reading through the forum I've seen people pay $$. 5 for HH motel action, the way I see it this comes with a nice 1-hour massage. Depending on where you go for AMPs you're usually looking about the same if you want the Free Samples action. That being said I'm a terrible haggler and drawn out arguments are a boner killer. But I don't doubt a smooth talker and / or debonair can get more mileage for less buck.

10-04-18, 22:46
Just wondering if anyone is patronizing the elite models from España. I don't know if they don't want their url posted, for some reason. I don't see ads for them, so maybe they have plenty of regulars. They do have some nice looking ladies, according to the photos. They no longer post rates.

10-05-18, 00:36
How do I find her? I lost her info.

Thanks.I'll PM you. She going to be here a while.

10-05-18, 07:24
You guys have a great group Colombian women down there. I was in Fairfax, VA, and found an agency / group of Colombian women. The scheduler was very nice and professional. I got lost because the numbering on the building was odd but she still found a date for me. Very pretty Colombian lady. I had a great time and I will use them again when I am in Northern, VA. Great non-GFE provider.
https://liveescortreviews.com/ad/washingtondc/703-488-0013/1/2884038Them have some lovely blonde colombians. She's very apprehensive of new customers. Pm for info. Very nice ladies for the price and menu is very YMMV. Again if your known and you are a pro monger, they open up for you.

10-05-18, 12:12
Did you meet any of the ladies she works with? Several of the Annandale Thai masseuses share expenses but not sure who is currently working together. I know Luna has one or two with her so just wondering if BB is one of those or if she's working elsewhere? Feel free to respond via post or PM, as you prefer.Las time I went there it was about a month ago at 10 pm to see bb.

And Luna Sophie and Alexa was there so I guess now they are sharing the apartment.

10-05-18, 12:45
I'll PM you. She going to be here a while.Any suggestions where I can go to see her profile / pics?

10-05-18, 15:58
I'll PM you. She going to be here a while.Yes. Can confirm it.

10-05-18, 16:13
Them have some lovely blonde colombians. She's very apprehensive of new customers. Pm for info. Very nice ladies for the price and menu is very YMMV. Again if your known and you are a pro monger, they open up for you.I would agree. She was blond and beautiful! You have some hotties in Northern VA.

10-05-18, 16:31
Yes that is she. She was worth the time hope she still is and will be back soon.

Thanks for the link.I've seen her a couple years ago, everything covered, decent CBJ, and would hit it hard from behind for quick buck.

10-05-18, 16:58
I am trying to build references in NOVA. Because the girls I want are all asking for it. Here is a sample reply I get.

Sorry but only see new friends that have at least two references from well known active and reviewed providers or agencies that must have email addresses to confirm which you have to provide.

So any tips on providers or agencies are appreciated.

10-05-18, 17:46
Did you meet any of the ladies she works with? Several of the Annandale Thai masseuses share expenses but not sure who is currently working together. I know Luna has one or two with her so just wondering if BB is one of those or if she's working elsewhere? Feel free to respond via post or PM, as you prefer.Same question. I believe Luna has "Pinky" with her, but I haven't confirmed.

10-05-18, 18:58
Same question. I believe Luna has "Pinky" with her, but I haven't confirmed.It's been ages since I've seen Luna. My experience with her was very much a one and done deal. But she was located in the same apt complex. When I went to see BB I believe "pinky" was there as well, so while I can't confirm for sure, the theory that they are a network and sharing the apt, expenses, ect. Together seems extremely valid. Hope that helps.

10-06-18, 07:19
In town for one night. Can you help a monger Out with a good BBBJ? I do not like heavy girls.

10-06-18, 14:52
In town for one night. Can you help a monger Out with a good BBBJ? I do not like heavy girls.https://switter.at/@Marianna0the0muse

10-06-18, 15:41
It's been ages since I've seen Luna. My experience with her was very much a one and done deal. But she was located in the same apt complex. When I went to see BB I believe "pinky" was there as well, so while I can't confirm for sure, the theory that they are a network and sharing the apt, expenses, ect. Together seems extremely valid. Hope that helps.Yes, Pinky, BB, Luna, and Bella are together.

Tom McAn
10-06-18, 16:56
Here's an Asian crapshoot ad I found over on what is supposed to be a Northern Virginia ad board. The problem is these providers are apparently located in New Jersey. While I have my doubts the folks posting these ads were born in the United States and thus may not be familiar with our geography, one would think they'd want to post ads on the correct boards if they expect to attract local customers.


10-06-18, 18:54
Here's an Asian crapshoot ad I found over on what is supposed to be a Northern Virginia ad board. The problem is these providers are apparently located in New Jersey. While I have my doubts the folks posting these ads were born in the United States and thus may not be familiar with our geography, one would think they'd want to post ads on the correct boards if they expect to attract local customers.

https://cityxguide.com/escorts/grand-new-opening-passaic-three-beautiful-asian-dolls-full-service-4-h-12611704/There is a Woodbridge in New Jersey.

10-06-18, 22:19
Just wondering if anyone is patronizing the elite models from Espaa. I don't know if they don't want their url posted, for some reason. I don't see ads for them, so maybe they have plenty of regulars. They do have some nice looking ladies, according to the photos. They no longer post rates.I guess I didn't need to be cryptic: http://elitemodels.es/.

10-07-18, 00:17
https://switter.at/@Marianna0the0museShould be on everyone's bucket list.

Tom McAn
10-07-18, 13:48
There is a Woodbridge in New Jersey.True, but so far as I know there is no Passaic in Virginia. The only benefit I can see from that ad is it gives one more Asian crapshoot option to mongers headed for the Garden State.

Tom McAn
10-07-18, 14:17
I recently visited a provider I wish I'd seen in the past. I saw that JJ (Jaymie Joi) was back in town and set up a session with her. I wanted something focused on massage this time and wasn't in the mood for Asian cuisine. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect for an ending as previous reviews indicated that JJ had been a FS provider at one time but no longer provided such services. Nonetheless I decided to take a chance, knowing I wouldn't be entirely disappointed if I didn't get FS since I got it during my recent visit with Chelsea.

I arrived at JJ's hotel room in Rosslyn and she greeted me with a hug. She gives her age as 32; I'd say 35-40 is probably more accurate. She's a curvy MILF; those seeking young spinners should look elsewhere. I undressed and took a shower, then returned to the room and laid down on the massage table. JJ proceeded with a pretty decent massage which lasted a while before she asked me to turn over. After the flip I saw that JJ had lowered the top of her short dress to reveal a very nice set of man-made tits. I'm not normally a fan of bolt-ons, but the plastic surgeon in this case did a heck of a job. Whoever worked on JJ wasn't the same surgeon who worked on Tara Reid some years back. JJ confirmed she no longer provides FS and began a HJ. Roaming was not only allowed but encouraged. She pulled up her dress to reveal she wasn't wearing any panties and asked me to play with her ass and pussy. I did so but didn't attempt FIV, not wanting to push my luck on my first visit. My restraint was rewarded with a very nice Russian finish. Damage was $. 5 for the hour; she also offers half-hour sessions for $ and a bondage-themed session for $$.

JJ will be in town another couple of days but told me she will be back again later this fall. Here is her Eros ad:


10-07-18, 15:19
I recently visited a provider I wish I'd seen in the past. I saw that JJ (Jaymie Joi) was back in town and set up a session with her. I wanted something focused on massage this time and wasn't in the mood for Asian cuisine. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect for an ending as previous reviews indicated that JJ had been a FS provider at one time but no longer provided such services. Nonetheless I decided to take a chance, knowing I wouldn't be entirely disappointed if I didn't get FS since I got it during my recent visit with Chelsea.

I arrived at JJ's hotel room in Rosslyn and she greeted me with a hug. She gives her age as 32; I'd say 35-40 is probably more accurate. She's a curvy MILF; those seeking young spinners should look elsewhere. I undressed and took a shower, then returned to the room and laid down on the massage table. JJ proceeded with a pretty decent massage which lasted a while before she asked me to turn over. After the flip I saw that JJ had lowered the top of her short dress to reveal a very nice set of man-made tits. I'm not normally a fan of bolt-ons, but the plastic surgeon in this case did a heck of a job. Whoever worked on JJ wasn't the same surgeon who worked on Tara Reid some years back. JJ confirmed she no longer provides FS and began a HJ. Roaming was not only allowed but encouraged. She pulled up her dress to reveal she wasn't wearing any panties and asked me to play with her ass and pussy. I did so but didn't attempt FIV, not wanting to push my luck on my first visit. My restraint was rewarded with a very nice Russian finish. Damage was $. 5 for the hour; she also offers half-hour sessions for $ and a bondage-themed session for $$.

JJ will be in town another couple of days but told me she will be back again later this fall. Here is her Eros ad:

https://massage.eros.com/washington_dc/files/3609869.htm?wn=1Jaymie's visited NOVA for a number of years. I saw her a couple of times for FS and had enjoyable, non-GFE, sessions. She worked with an older blonde (name escapes me) for doubles sessions (regular & BDSM). The older blonde was definitely the domme and JJ was the sub. IIRC, JJ mentioned to me that she naturally has sub tendencies.

Happy to see she's back but doubt I'll take the plunge as I'm picky about the massage quality of my FBSM sessions. I'm not a big fan of soft, teasing massages and prefer a deeper pressure than most want or are able to give.

But, for those looking for non-Asian options, sounds like JJ is a solid find. Good report!

10-07-18, 17:27
G'Afternoon Gents.

I was recently in Fairfax when I had a pleasant dream with Jennifer.

I gave her a ring and chatted with her for a bit and decided to see her for a hhr. She texted ne her address and I headed to her location which was extended lodging. Since she hadn't met ne before she did not provide room # until she saw my car. Once given I was at her door.

She opens the door but stands behind the door out of sight. When the door closes I see a sexy body in black lingerie. The pics are accurate and I had no complaints about her body. What I will say is that I usually assume that providers blur their face for privacy, as for Jennifer it nay also be because she is a butherface. She did have nice lips and but I would give her face a 5.

As I sat on the corner of the bed I asked her to give me a little preview dance. After a min she pulled my pants off and proceeded to play the skin flute like a pro. She placed the reed over the flute with her DSLs and play a rousing BLS and DT. As the performance progressed she was super accommodating and took directions well. She let me try any position I wanted with some enthusiastic moans and spanish dirty talk (my request). After several maneuvers I decided to wrap it up as I didn't want to take advantage of her hospitality. I never felt rushed and I asked her if I could rinse off in addition to the wipe she offered and she was so gracious in saying yes. I would consider her light GFE and might offer more but I'm usually only interested in non-GFE so I never tested the limits and was somewhat unreceptive to her LFK attempts.

She is Colombian so if you can practice your espanñol with her. Now I'm off to NYC hoping to have some remarkable dreams in thmy big apple.


Looks Face-5.

Looks Body-8.



Donation-don't exactly remember but think it was between $ and $. 25.


Pleasant Dreams,


10-07-18, 17:42
First, I want to congratulate you for being in a position to see the type of ladies who require it. Try offering escorts you've seen and their phone numbers. I've been told providers often answer / reply to verification requests. You'll have better luck jumping through those hoops during non-peak hours. Also, keep those emails short and sweet as if you know what you're doing. Confidence goes a long way.

Hope that helps.



I am trying to build references in NOVA. Because the girls I want are all asking for it. Here is a sample reply I get.

Sorry but only see new friends that have at least two references from well known active and reviewed providers or agencies that must have email addresses to confirm which you have to provide.

So any tips on providers or agencies are appreciated..

Tom McAn
10-07-18, 19:04
Jaymie's visited NOVA for a number of years. I saw her a couple of times for FS and had enjoyable, non-GFE, sessions. She worked with an older blonde (name escapes me) for doubles sessions (regular & BDSM). The older blonde was definitely the domme and JJ was the sub. IIRC, JJ mentioned to me that she naturally has sub tendencies.

Happy to see she's back but doubt I'll take the plunge as I'm picky about the massage quality of my FBSM sessions. I'm not a big fan of soft, teasing massages and prefer a deeper pressure than most want or are able to give.

But, for those looking for non-Asian options, sounds like JJ is a solid find. Good report!If I recall correctly, Camille was the name of JJ's partner. I have no idea if she's still active and didn't think to ask JJ when I saw her. The subject simply didn't cross my mind.

JJ's massage technique wasn't soft and teasing. It seems to me she's had some training. The massage wasn't what I'd consider professional quality, but it was more than a basic rub and tug. I enjoyed my time with her and respect her current boundaries, but I wish I'd seen her back when she provided FS. That probably would have been fun.

10-08-18, 21:04
Hey Lohkey can you clear your inbox please? I had a question for you.

10-08-18, 21:35
I tried reading a few going back and surely got educated. But still some Q's linger and I thought it best to ask.

1. Spinner = I got the meaning -- but is this "typically" done during a 1 hr session? Do these providers offer to spin. Do we ask for it?

2. I read few times about taking a bath together in the beginning and the end. Is this standard fare in K-agencies? There seems to be a cadence to the K-girl providers. Bath / massage / the main act / massage / bath. ? Is this typical. Or do we have to specifically state what we want? Curious to know what what is good for "good experience overall" in terms of VFM.

I guess its a trade off in terms of time / 2 pops?

Generic question: I did some research and there are sites where they specifically list that the Provider does not have implants. Some don't. At what point can you ask this question? Or is it even Ok to ask this question? For e. G. Ayiana / Josephine. Are the breasts natural?

10-08-18, 22:49
I would just like to point out that Jennifer's Models is using fake photos for its models.


Simply reverse image searching the images for the above model return a Twitter famous model who definitely is not touring the country as an escort.

This is not the first time they have used completely fake photos. Their "members area" has not been updated in months. This agency has completely gone to the dumps.

Roamin Roman
10-09-18, 02:32
I tried reading a few going back and surely got educated. But still some Q's linger and I thought it best to ask.

1. Spinner = I got the meaning -- but is this "typically" done during a 1 hr session? Do these providers offer to spin. Do we ask for it?

2. I read few times about taking a bath together in the beginning and the end. Is this standard fare in K-agencies? There seems to be a cadence to the K-girl providers. Bath / massage / the main act / massage / bath. ? Is this typical. Or do we have to specifically state what we want? Curious to know what what is good for "good experience overall" in terms of VFM.

I guess its a trade off in terms of time / 2 pops?

Generic question: I did some research and there are sites where they specifically list that the Provider does not have implants. Some don't. At what point can you ask this question? Or is it even Ok to ask this question? For e. G. Ayiana / Josephine. Are the breasts natural?Thanks for the enjoyable post, amigo. It brought a smile to my face. As to your questions:

(1) "Spinner" is a nickname for a (very) thin gal. Unfortunately, being thin doesn't grant them some magical power to spin during the session.

(2) With regard to the bath, some offer a shower before the session, and some offer it after the session. Just go with the flow, and don't ask.

(3) On the matter of pops, most K agencies offer one unless the ad says otherwise.

(4) Concerning implants: Don't ask a provider if she has implants. Just compliment her on her assets, irrespective of size or shape.

So, now that you know the answers to these questions: Good luck. (We all need some luck, but some of us need more than others.).


10-09-18, 02:56
…. there are sites where they specifically list that the Provider does not have implants. I'm sort of wondering what the ad says for this particular selling point.

10-09-18, 03:02
Apparently, my etiquette sucks. I texted Diamond this evening with a courteous salutation and inquiry if she was busy. She replied with a friendly hello and asked how I was. I replied saying thank you for replying in a timely manner and that I was doing well. Then I stated that I would like to meet and for planning purposes, what part of northern Virginia she was at. There was a delay, and I received a reply saying that she asked how I was and whether I was going to follow suit. Huh? OK, I thought maybe she didn't get my text, so I forwarded it again. There was another delay, and then she delivered a series of texts launching into a lecture of how I didn't ask her how she was doing after she asked how I was doing and that this is how southerners do it and that I did not care how she was doing. Rather engaging in this, I just replied, "thank you for your consideration," and a (undeserved) picture compliment, to which she replied, "You're not considerate. " Yeah, OK. Whatever.


10-09-18, 07:28
Checkout erotic monkey. And even some provider websites. Such as http://natalia028.cuties-sites.com/.

It simply says implants = yes / no.

I'm sort of wondering what the ad says for this particular selling point.

10-09-18, 07:36
Thanks My Friend.

Regarding Spinner. Decades back I saw a movie Samsara (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsara_(2001_film) - there is a scene that leaves the viewer to imagine "spinning" but she does it beautifully and being from the east I have seen the contraption to put babies to sleep. Ever since it was a fantasy. But you are right. I should be practical.

- implants. I don't like them. I love the natural shape, variety and texture. Rather than a dome that defies gravity and that that makes einstien turn in his grave. So as to speak. So I can seemyself valuing this forum all the more. Cheers!

Thanks for the enjoyable post, amigo. It brought a smile to my face. As to your questions:

(1) "Spinner" is a nickname for a (very) thin gal. Unfortunately, being thin doesn't grant them some magical power to spin during the session.

(2) With regard to the bath, some offer a shower before the session, and some offer it after the session. Just go with the flow, and don't ask.

(3) On the matter of pops, most K agencies offer one unless the ad says otherwise.

(4) Concerning implants: Don't ask a provider if she has implants. Just compliment her on her assets, irrespective of size or shape.

So, now that you know the answers to these questions: Good luck. (We all need some luck, but some of us need more than others.).


10-09-18, 08:06
In the context of k-agencies, what in the world is GFE+ supposed to mean?

10-09-18, 08:43
Just saw one of the best non GFE providers. Spinner lovers this the truth. Pm for info. Definitely worth my $. 40. She told me she has two friends coming at the end of the week. I've seen them also and all three are great. Again non GFE but DEFINITELY WORTH IT. I never get into specifics Because I've realized that your mileage may vary every single time. While they are service providers sometimes these lades just aint feeliing it. What I can and will say is I see a lot of these ladies and this one checked all my boxes.

10-09-18, 13:03
Just wondering if anyone has experience with this one? Looks like she could be cute and fun. But I couldn't find any reviews.


10-09-18, 16:53
They will stay around as long as guys keep feeding them. Stop feeding the ones that you want to go away!

10-09-18, 17:47
They will stay around as long as guys keep feeding them. Stop feeding the ones that you want to go away!Very very true. Boycott asian crapshoots in nova!

10-09-18, 18:14
Looking for a change of pace and would like to find an arab to have fun some with. They seem to be tough to come by in the area.

Anyone with experience with these two smoke shows and if they are even real?



Open for any other recommendations as well. PM me if preferred.

10-09-18, 18:40
Apparently, my etiquette sucks. I texted Diamond this evening with a courteous salutation and inquiry if she was busy. She replied with a friendly hello and asked how I was. I replied saying thank you for replying in a timely manner and that I was doing well. Then I stated that I would like to meet and for planning purposes, what part of northern Virginia she was at. There was a delay, and I received a reply saying that she asked how I was and whether I was going to follow suit. Huh? OK, I thought maybe she didn't get my text, so I forwarded it again. There was another delay, and then she delivered a series of texts launching into a lecture of how I didn't ask her how she was doing after she asked how I was doing and that this is how southerners do it and that I did not care how she was doing. Rather engaging in this, I just replied, "thank you for your consideration," and a (undeserved) picture compliment, to which she replied, "You're not considerate. " Yeah, OK. Whatever.

https://alligator.com.dc.listcrawler.com/post/27021127/Damn. I got one for you where apparently being on-time means being there at the exact second. I had texted the provider to see if we could meet that afternoon, we settled on noon and she told me to text her then when I was parked in this mall she was nearby. I get to the mall at 11:52, so I texted her that I was parked there and would wait for her further instructions. Noon arrives, then by 12:20 still no text, so I figured she bailed on me, I text her telling her I had to go and that maybe we'd get together next time. She texted me at 12:30 saying "You got here earlier than agreed". Huh? Were we going to meet AT the mall? LOL.

10-10-18, 05:47
Apparently, my etiquette sucks. I texted Diamond this evening with a courteous salutation and inquiry if she was busy. She replied with a friendly hello and asked how I was. I replied saying thank you for replying in a timely manner and that I was doing well. Then I stated that I would like to meet and for planning purposes, what part of northern Virginia she was at. There was a delay, and I received a reply saying that she asked how I was and whether I was going to follow suit. Huh? OK, I thought maybe she didn't get my text, so I forwarded it again. There was another delay, and then she delivered a series of texts launching into a lecture of how I didn't ask her how she was doing after she asked how I was doing and that this is how southerners do it and that I did not care how she was doing. Rather engaging in this, I just replied, "thank you for your consideration," and a (undeserved) picture compliment, to which she replied, "You're not considerate. " Yeah, OK. Whatever.

https://alligator.com.dc.listcrawler.com/post/27021127/She didn't want business much, ridiculous woman.

10-10-18, 06:29
Dude, I have no doubt what you are saying is true, but for the record my experience was completely the opposite. I think some girls get so many flaky calls and texts that get really hair trigger about communication. So maybe she didn't like your text. But anyway, my experience with the same lady was stellar. And she made a point of telling me how she is from Texas and girls from Texas are a super friendly and nice *if* you treat them the same way in return.

For me, she was sweet and provided everything to me I could ask for and more. Feel free to PM me for details. A little bit of baby fat, but a wonderful rack and a great ass to boot. Reasonably priced for NOVA. I would most definitely recommend.

Apparently, my etiquette sucks. I texted Diamond this evening with a courteous salutation and inquiry if she was busy. She replied with a friendly hello and asked how I was. I replied saying thank you for replying in a timely manner and that I was doing well. Then I stated that I would like to meet and for planning purposes, what part of northern Virginia she was at. There was a delay, and I received a reply saying that she asked how I was and whether I was going to follow suit. Huh? OK, I thought maybe she didn't get my text, so I forwarded it again. There was another delay, and then she delivered a series of texts launching into a lecture of how I didn't ask her how she was doing after she asked how I was doing and that this is how southerners do it and that I did not care how she was doing. Rather engaging in this, I just replied, "thank you for your consideration," and a (undeserved) picture compliment, to which she replied, "You're not considerate. " Yeah, OK. Whatever.


10-10-18, 13:51
Just wondering if anyone has experience with this one? Looks like she could be cute and fun. But I couldn't find any reviews.

https://adultsearch.com/virginia/chantilly/female-escorts/1130344She has some positive reviews on the Baltimore forum. I've tried to catch her a couple times but haven't been ablemto make contact. Let us know if you do!