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06-20-08, 20:03
I love this hobby, I wish I could make it a job!Dude,

If this was you're job, you'd just blow it! OR have it blown, I'm not sure which!

(ducking now to avoid the vegetables being thrown)

06-20-08, 20:05
(I'm very proud of the "DuShe Decimel System" tag. I just love a good pun and that one was good! I don't care who ya are!!!)Or, could it be the "douchey decimal system."?

06-21-08, 15:36
Have to second the recommendation of BOP regarding Terri. After her duet the other night, I stopped in for a solo performance this afternoon. She is a very lovely lady, very skilled in her chosen profession. It's also nice to meet a lady who can actually have an adult conversation, and who is a genuinely nice person. Treat this lady special, gentlemen. She's a rare find! BOP continues to amaze with is amazing spidey sense for talent!

Bird of Prey
06-23-08, 09:06
What intrigues you is not on my list of "need to knows".

As we all recognize, like an ass, everyone also has an oppinion. Your post qualifies you as also having a personality to match your baskside and your oppinion. I took a look at your past several posts and it seems all you do is complain in every forum you visit.

I'm pointing this out to Jackson and for the first time in my history adding you to my IGNORE list. I recommend this fabulous device to everyone in this forum. This way, you and your "bipolar" oppinion get the treatment they deserve.

Bird of Prey
06-25-08, 03:11
Echo or Makala is a 23 year old 'Crack Ho" that can't decide what she ants to be when she grows up. (Personally, growing up is nothing to be thinking about when getting laid is the point.) You can see she's got lots of baby fat and a very evil grin when she's swallowing. During the encounter, we both had a great time with multiple pops. She also showed great interest on meeting as many forum members as possible. The problem is she simply doesn't have the train of thought of even a child. She called me for a ride this morning at 5Am. By the time I got dressed and drove to her location, about 15 minutes away, she had fallen back asleep and refusd to answer her phone. She called two more times during and both times wasn't there when I arrived. I don't chase pussy. So here she is. Just don't let her get away before you fu*k!!!

R Consultant
06-25-08, 06:47
I say she can have all the baby fat in the world if shes using and doing the key word you mentioned--"swallowing"!! Thats what Im talking about. If you can find those super SW then I would keep her the black book of to-do ho's.

Great Job BOP ya gotta love a girl who can get those "rpm's up" with a nice set or DSL's..

Happy Hunting..

Echo or Makala is a 23 year old 'Crack Ho" that can't decide what she ants to be when she grows up. (Personally, growing up is nothing to be thinking about when getting laid is the point.) You can see she's got lots of baby fat and a very evil grin when she's swallowing. During the encounter, we both had a great time with multiple pops. She also showed great interest on meeting as many forum members as possible. The problem is she simply doesn't have the train of thought of even a child. She called me for a ride this morning at 5Am. By the time I got dressed and drove to her location, about 15 minutes away, she had fallen back asleep and refusd to answer her phone. She called two more times during and both times wasn't there when I arrived. I don't chase pussy. So here she is. Just don't let her get away before you fu*k!!!

Bird of Prey
06-25-08, 09:24
I get a number of welcomed personal messages each week, typically asking about specific girls or events. The most recent one I received clarified my thoughts on a main segment of our hobby... the Street Girls...

There is no defining the future in fu*king crack ho's except that there will be the fu*king of crack ho's in the future!

They can't control the pipe and we can't control them.

Therefore planning on fu*cking any particular crack ho... at any particular time is much like herding cats!

I know when I get up in the morning, I'm going to dipping my wick in one of them sometime during that day. Which one it will be is a surprise and A GIVEN FACT for both of us! They know they are goingto be fu*king someone(s). The one(s) on this given day, just happens to be me (and others).

Re-read and learn to live by the Rules of Mongering. (I prefer to call them the "22 Commandments of Mongering".) If you don't, you will be fu*cked but certainly not in the way you intend!

06-25-08, 21:24
Spent some time with Echo over the noon hour today! It was well worth the visit, although the girl seriously needs to take few hours and get some sleep. She's clearly been soaring for the past few days... and a crash is coming. She about dozed off when I went to cover things up. So, I guess the advice would be to get it while you can, boys!

06-25-08, 23:21
Is there a better area than sbw b/t paw and kel for mid-afternoon (2-6pm) sw's. Made 2 passes and saw nothing, zip, zilch, nada. I have a very conspicuous car so I can't make more than 1 pass up and down b/f it looks obvious.

Bird of Prey
06-25-08, 23:48
Just after ICT "dipped his wick" Echo got another date and asked me for a ride to meet the guy. I told her she didn't have to "chase the dragon'. She had some money, she'd had some lunch and I arranged for a place for her to crash for remainder of the day. She made a lame excuse and started to walk 15 blocks thru a bad part of town to met the guy. (If your "spidey" sense isn't tingling read on.

Go back thru my posts for the past 3-4 years and you will find my reports on repeated attempts to help providers get a better life by getting stablized and off the pipe.

It's never worked. You can't save a ho whose sucked crack into their lungs. Write off any normal relationship you might fantasize about having with one of them. For a crumb the size of a grain of sand... they will lie; steal; leave their children, husband, mom or dad. They will take it in every hole, with no thought for their safty or yours (meaning any and everyone to follow); they will live on the street or under a bridge going for days without a change of clothes let alone a shower or food, water or rest.

Crack is the devil incarnate. There is nothing one won't do for the next hit. There's nothing you can do to change that. Crack is very ritualistic in nature with triggers that set off the ever increasing desire for the drug. In Echo's case, the earned money was the trigger. Not ICT's fault, not my fault, possibly a little of the blame can go on whomever first showed Echo how ruin her life a little at a time while having the time of her life. Echo is an adult who made a bad decision and continuies to make it badly again and again. Echo never came back, never called or even answered my repeated calls and texts.

Now that I've had my say on dope, may I also say this...


06-26-08, 00:54
First of all... BOP, my friend, let me just say, SCORE! You have the best damn luck with these chicks. It sucks that she ran off to the pipe so fast, but good on ya for gettin it while the gettin was good!

Now... for the educational portion of this evenings ramblings. If you see a chick on the North stroll with short blondish hair and facial jewelry, answering to the name of Kristina or Kandy - depending on her mood (and it changed many times in the minutes we were together) - RUN, DO NOT WALK, RUN the other direction as FAST AS YOU CAN. Talk about SCARY. Looks really good from the street. Not bad once in the car. Price is "right." But, as the man once said, you get what you pay for. Got to the room and it was one of those "what have I gotten myself into." First, she grabbed my phone and started trying to call people on it. Had to take it from her as she did not want to give it back. Then, when she took her clothes off, we started the "spider bites" routine to explain the sores. I politely declined and SHE HAS THE NERVE to start the "I'll scream rape if you don't pay anyway" routine. I told her to scream all she wanted. She said, "what about your wife. You got a ring, she'll leave your ass." I just laughed in her face, left her a $5 for her "trouble" and walked out. She didn't follow, but I was real cautious driving after that, looking for any followers.

So, seriously, watch out for this chick. She's not worth it, no matter how good the street view is!

06-26-08, 04:28
Thanks for the heads up ICT.

Saves the next guy some unneeded drama.

R Consultant
06-26-08, 09:52
I was laughing hard as I read that as Im an animal lover with 2 dogs a 2 cats. I think the idea of herding them let alone just asking them to do a dam thing is in impossible. Thats why I have 2 dogs. At least they care what I have to say and I can take them for walks and so forth.

I agree you have to live by Jacksons Rules for Mongering and Always control your environment no matter what or you will get hammered sooner or later.

By the way heres some cat herding BOP--lol.

Happy Hunting..

I get a number of welcomed personal messages each week, typically asking about specific girls or events. The most recent one I received clarified my thoughts on a main segment of our hobby... the Street Girls...

There is no defining the future in fu*king crack ho's except that there will be the fu*king of crack ho's in the future!

They can't control the pipe and we can't control them.

Therefore planning on fu*cking any particular crack ho... at any particular time is much like herding cats!

I know when I get up in the morning, I'm going to dipping my wick in one of them sometime during that day. Which one it will be is a surprise and A GIVEN FACT for both of us! They know they are goingto be fu*king someone(s). The one(s) on this given day, just happens to be me (and others).

Re-read and learn to live by the Rules of Mongering. (I prefer to call them the "22 Commandments of Mongering".) If you don't, you will be fu*cked but certainly not in the way you intend!

06-26-08, 10:31
Crack is the devil incarnate.Indeed. The word I use is "corrosive" - it burns them, slowly but surely. And sometimes, not that slowly.

One can't "save" anyone with an addiction. They have to hit, ummm, rock bottom and come to the realization that "this isn't working, I have to do something different". Until then, Lord Rock is the only thing that matters.

06-26-08, 17:33
I think I saw her over by Mike's Steakhouse a day or two ago. Wearing a tight blue-green top and blue jeans. Didn't notice the facial jewelry, but she looked good enough from a distance I figured she was friends with Leo and passed on by.

Now. For the educational portion of this evenings ramblings. If you see a chick on the North stroll with short blondish hair and facial jewelry, answering to the name of Kristina or Kandy. Depending on her mood (and it changed many times in the minutes we were together). RUN, DO NOT WALK, RUN the other direction as FAST AS YOU CAN. Talk about SCARY. Looks really good from the street. Not bad once in the car. Price is "right. " But, as the man once said, you get what you pay for. Got to the room and it was one of those "what have I gotten myself into. " First, she grabbed my phone and started trying to call people on it. Had to take it from her as she did not want to give it back. Then, when she took her clothes off, we started the "spider bites" routine to explain the sores. I politely declined and SHE HAS THE NERVE to start the "I'll scream rape if you don't pay anyway" routine. I told her to scream all she wanted. She said, "what about your wife. You got a ring, she'll leave your ass. " I just laughed in her face, left her a $5 for her "trouble" and walked out. She didn't follow, but I was real cautious driving after that, looking for any followers.

So, seriously, watch out for this chick. She's not worth it, no matter how good the street view is!

KC Questor
06-26-08, 18:27
For a crumb the size of a grain of sand... they will lie; steal; leave their children, husband, mom or dad. They will take it in every hole, with no thought for their safty or yours (meaning any and everyone to follow); they will live on the street or under a bridge going for days without a change of clothes let alone a shower or food, water or rest.

Crack is the devil incarnate. There is nothing one won't do for the next hit.

Agreed. This reminds me of the anti-meth ads that the state of Montana created.

15 bucks for sex isn't normal (http://screencast.com/t/aM1tmfJudoS)

06-26-08, 19:51
Since the State of Montana has been so kind as to fix prices, I'm seriously considering relocating!

06-26-08, 20:53
But only because I found a real life spinner!


Bird of Prey
06-27-08, 01:09
I was merely making a passing comment about street girls. I didn't intend to turn our happy blog of sexual adventures into a litiny of drug debasement. Let's regroup and return to the lies we all spread about the size of our sexual organs.

(The only thing shorter than IctTravelers' attention span is his d*ck! He claims to be effected by a change in his meds, but for decades they've always just called it premature ejaculation!!!!) :> :>

Advisor Today
06-27-08, 11:04
I agree BOP, lets get off the details of the crack ho's situation. Life is to short to worry about the social impact of what is happining to these girls. Unless you are selling it to them, you can't be at fault for what they are doing.

On a lighter note. Much has been said about some of the members weight situation so I have decided to change my attituted. I don't mind sleeping on an empty belly, as long is it's not mine.

Let's work on the best slogan I have heard yet. "NEXT".

Have a great weekend, and share any success stories with the group.


R Consultant
06-27-08, 11:05
That was funny and one very bored woman--hahaha. We have lots of malls here but I have never seen that. My dumb azz used to slide down the stairs on the rail --tell me that wasnt stupid. Good thing I didnt damage the jewels back in the day.

Have a great day guys..

Happy Hunting..

But only because I found a real life spinner!


06-27-08, 19:20
From my perspective, it's not premature. It's Just In Time!

R Consultant
06-28-08, 10:57
I always tell the ladies Im with its not my fault if I shoot first we both started at the same time its not my fault I crossed the "finish" line first. Hehehehe

They of course get a laugh out of it also. But hey its about me for the next 30 years or so this go around.

Happy Hunting..

From my perspective, it's not premature. It's Just In Time!

Bird of Prey
06-29-08, 04:03
Since my operation and radiation, it's been impossible for me to "cum" during intercourse. Don't miss-understand my meaning. I get all the pleasures of bj's & fu*king except the "spurting". (Too much info, huh? Read on it gets better.)

Last year, I would go street mongering with a friend. When we picked up a ho we would begin asking her questions about her abilities in the BJ dept.

Most would immediately begin bragging about getting most guys off in just a few minutes or less. I would then negotiate a bet with the girl. If she could get me off in 10 minutes or less, she would win two jacksons. If she didn't, she had to fu*k us both for the forty.

Only once did we get turned down. Never did the ho win the bet. Never did one really feel cheated or fail to laugh when we told them what the real deal was. Everyone got off during the encounter and many became regulars that are around today. They just don't wager with me anymore!

R Consultant
07-02-08, 08:04
I think you could do that just about anywhere. Heck we would all have to buy you a beer in that case. Can you imagine how much azzz we all would get with that little wager going on. You are right though they all say they are the chief head nurses and its the best in town. So sad half of them dont have a dam clue what they are doing. When you do find one thats good at it you make sure you keep track of her as best as you can.

Happy Hunting..

Since my operation and radiation, it's been impossible for me to "cum" during intercourse. Don't miss-understand my meaning. I get all the pleasures of bj's & fu*king except the "spurting". (Too much info, huh? Read on it gets better.)

Last year, I would go street mongering with a friend. When we picked up a ho we would begin asking her questions about her abilities in the BJ dept.

Most would immediately begin bragging about getting most guys off in just a few minutes or less. I would then negotiate a bet with the girl. If she could get me off in 10 minutes or less, she would win two jacksons. If she didn't, she had to fu*k us both for the forty.

Only once did we get turned down. Never did the ho win the bet. Never did one really feel cheated or fail to laugh when we told them what the real deal was. Everyone got off during the encounter and many became regulars that are around today. They just don't wager with me anymore!

Bird of Prey
07-03-08, 00:11
Every once in a while I slip up and start thinking that the current "flavor of the week" is one worth hanging on to for a while. "Terry" or "Teresa" seemed to be one of these providers.
"If they are on the pipe, content yourself with what you've gotten and maybe rush a little more because she isn't going to last." They can only maintain a small measure sanity for so long and feeling sorry for the b*tch isn't going to make any difference except possibly in your wallet..
Terry services seem cheap, even for the second floor of the CitiHost, 1st room from the West. Until you started adding in all garbled, repeated stories of how broke up she is that her sister won't let her near her own kids, blah, blah, blah. and the trinkits that are always coming up missing. Nothing of any value but pawnable, just like her. Just enough to be annoying.
Then I had the epiffany... Our Mantra showed me what I had to do.... "NEXT"!!!

Memorize the picture below fellow mongers. If you're stopped at a light on SBW and she approaches the car, roll up your window & drive on. There's another just down the road... one that might not be a thief or be quite as burned out.
(Just don't bet too much on it!) as I said before....


Luv Swallowers
07-03-08, 13:07
Just cum down their throats and kick them to the curb! Have no mercy on these coniving bitches. they will take you for all you got if you let them!

R Consultant
07-03-08, 19:57
Hey BOP,

I think for Xmas this year we all should get ourselves a nice full mouth and cheek Kimberwick to help these ladies with directions. Hey it works for horses it should work to get them to walk and talk a little better since when they are cracked out they are a little wild anyway.

What do you think? Just trying to help with your photo--hehehe

Happy Hunting..

Every once in a while I slip up and start thinking that the current "flavor of the week" is one worth hanging on to for a while. "Terry" or "Teresa" seemed to be one of these providers.
"If they are on the pipe, content yourself with what you've gotten and maybe rush a little more because she isn't going to last." They can only maintain a small measure sanity for so long and feeling sorry for the b*tch isn't going to make any difference except possibly in your wallet..
Terry services seem cheap, even for the second floor of the CitiHost, 1st room from the West. Until you started adding in all garbled, repeated stories of how broke up she is that her sister won't let her near her own kids, blah, blah, blah. and the trinkits that are always coming up missing. Nothing of any value but pawnable, just like her. Just enough to be annoying.
Then I had the epiffany... Our Mantra showed me what I had to do.... "NEXT"!!!

Memorize the picture below fellow mongers. If you're stopped at a light on SBW and she approaches the car, roll up your window & drive on. There's another just down the road... one that might not be a thief or be quite as burned out.
(Just don't bet too much on it!) as I said before....


Do U Wanna
07-03-08, 23:47
I'm sorry for ya bird. I havn't mongered in long enough to be past any statute of limitations, but let me say this, the higher $$ agency girls can be bad too. I had 2 awful experiences with one agency, then found a good one, and even had a thing set up with the girl to work as an indy. It was great, she would snuggle up with me the whole night.

Then, WHAM, the hammer dropped, she needed money for bail over old warrants, and I would not step up to the plate. Due to the fact that I shunned her in her time of need, she shunned me in return.

07-04-08, 16:20
Because of some personal reasons I was off this hobby for a long time.

But when ever I got chance, I always enjoyed reading the posts from different forums especially Chicago and Rio for years. Since I was not in position to contribute anything, never posted anything.

But after a very nasty and expansive divorce, again in the market looking for thrills. Never heard of "Wichita" before moving here. And accepting a job over telephone. All of my friends were shocked for a while with my decision of moving to this town. But at this juncture of my life, I really needed some place like Wichita and my last five days at Wichita are up to my expectations based on my limited internet research done on the place.

Enough about my personal situation.

Just very basic experience from a newbee of Wichita for the last two dreams I had at Wichita. Based on the reports on this site and word of mouth from a couple of locals I met at a local strip club "Jezebel" at 47th and Oliver.

Nice club with 20-30 girls on Saturday night with three dance stages. I liked one Dancer there named Mercedes. Based on the feedback of some locals there might be a chance of take out if you visit the place very frequently. In that hope I had a lap dance with the same girl for three times.

Gave her enough hints that I will be more than interested in take out and wanted to know the price but no solid response but just the same answer- next time. Either I was taken for a ride or that was my first day there so no possibility of getting lucky for the first time. But the private lap dances got better every other repeat. This still gives me some hope and so no regrets there.

After more than a couple of drinks and new to the place I was almost ready to call the night off. But while driving to my hotel I ended up at Broadway Street (not in my Yahoo map directions).

The name itself triggered some memory from the posts I read on this forum and it just excited my very old habit of encountering SW’s on Chicago streets in old days. So instead of asking for directions for my hotel I started driving on Broadway looking for some SW. It was timing ((9:30-9:40 pm) or Saturday night, could not find anything for the next 20-25 minutes. I was strolling from Wal-Mart on Broadway (Pawnee street till Douglas). While I was giving up, I just saw one WSW coming out of one of numerous motels on that street. I just turned my car around (traffic violation and a big rookie mistake). But blame it on Jezebels beers.

Anyway drove slowly and park on the side way two or three blocks up. The girl came up and after taking two or three glances on the streets, approached my car. I rolled down the passenger side window and asked whether she wants a ride and also told her that I am lost and looking for my hotel. She played along and asked for a ride to Hydraulic. She was average looking in her late 20’s and with obvious look of a regular drug addict. After few customary exchanges of sentences about being LE and new to town, she came straight to the point. 0. 4 for BJ and 0. 6 for fs. I countered 0. 2 for a BJ and told her that since I can not bring her to my hotel, I will pass for FS this time. I also added in our contract that if I like the service, I will throw another 0. 1 as tip. She did not haggle even once and readily agreed.

Wow! No inflation in this business. I still remember paying the same in Chicago 10 years ago. That thought put some smile on my face.

Now I was little worried about the neighborhood and lots of posts about LE. I asked her any safe place. She recommended one side street behind some motel. But as old rule, never go to a place she suggests, I kept on driving and passed her suggested place. She got little annoyed by that and told her to hurry up and started telling me all the bust stories about LE and how this street is swamped with LE’s.

Anyway I saw a parking building on the street and entered the lot. I was expecting some attendent but luckily no one was there. I parked on 2nd floor between two trucks- fixed my rear view window and told her to start. She demanded the money first but I showed her the money and told her that it will be given only after the service and put it on top of the steering wheel. She did not like it and said that she always gets it upfront but I also remained firm. Reluctantly she agreed and started the job. In between two cars passed by and I got little paranoid and she did not take it very sportingly. And she took the money from dashboard and told me to get out of the place. Since she already had the money and I did not want to make any scene, I made another deal with her that if she makes me come, she will get another 0. 2 as bonus. After a little reluctance, she agreed and started working again. This time no interruption of any passing car and her above average skills, it did the deed and we were through. I gave her another 0, 2 as discussed and I dropped her at the place where I picked her up. She told me that this is the area where normally she works. She has digits but not functioning right now and she will give me the next time. .

Name- Angel (obviously Street name)

Location; Broadway and Lincoln
Face- 6.0
Body- 6-7
Repeat- May be
Digits- Not available right now(will post if she ever gives to me)

Went to Jezebel again on Tuesday hoping to hook up with Mercedes for some thing more but alas she was not working there that night. I had a lap dance with another artist named Christi and instead of spending more money on lap dance, in the first encounter itself I asked about the out take and she politely replied in negative. Either I was misled by some locals there in my first visit or I am not lucky yet to encounter the right dancer yet. If ever I get lucky there, I will post it here giving the details. Anyway, some of the locals I met there were going to Pleasures- another strip club. So I tagged along just to get an experience. Nice club but with few dancers like Jezebel. May be because of Tuesday. Had a lap dance with one Hispanic cute dancer named Ginger? But no luck in take out. So called the night off.

I cruised Broadway again on Thursday night on Pawnee and Broadway. I will post the details later – nothing very exciting though.

In nutshell so far –Wichita – not a bad place for monger.

Kudos to BOP, ICTP. It looks that these two are contributing half of the posts on this forum. Good work. Keep it up! Your posts help a lot for a newcomer like me. Later. .

Safe hunting.

Do U Wanna
07-06-08, 18:44
Nice post sonic. I know some of the girls from Jezzies, but havn't been there. I know one who does take outs, but one secret to getting it is not giving them too much money to NOT do take out. In other words, they are making so much money dancing for you, what is their incentive for take out? None.

I'm also from a different area, and moved here years ago. Their is one thing I've never been able to get used to here, and that's the women. You can't be nice to them, and I'm not talking just in the mongering relationships. Many have nasty tatted up dads who have done time, they date guys with no drivers licence or job, and you have to at least act like your not a nice guy, and slowely bleed a little niceness in here and there as you can get away with it. Oh, and most have been "touched" by a weird uncle when they were little.

This fat old man actually has a couple of bucks, but I'm a cheapskate at the same time. Drive old old truck, live in a working class neighborhood. I've learned to NEVER let on that I may actually be "something" with these girls. Let them think your a bum, and they will love you silly. Start talking about wanting to pick up another forclosure for rehab as a rental invenstment, they will run away. The women in the working class neighborhoods think no differently than the prostitutes. They are the same animal. Being good is bad to them, so play the part, and you will actually be able to knock out quite allot of young pussy without directly paying as in a ass for cash deal.

They steal! I had one ***** raid my change jug, she took all the dimes! I guess she thought I'd notice the quarters being gone LOL! I weighed the damn thing before and after her being here alone, and it lost a couple pounds. I'm thinking 2 lbs in dimes is probably quite a bit of money, their was not one fucking dime left in that son of a *****!

They do drugs. At least pot! Their welfare culture has allowed them and their entire families to have free access to all the strong opiate prescriptions they can possibly get their hands on. So they pop pills too. Sometimes more! So keep a heads up on that, and make sure your never in a situation where they can ditch something under your car seat or something.

They usually havn't graduated highschool, and have IQ's under 100, most fall between 78 and 85. (it takes 60 to be able to breath, the national average is about 120) They usually have a couple of kids before they are 19. They think social security disability pensions for being bipolar are a status symbol! They refer to the 4-600/mo as "GUAAAAAAAANTEEEED MOWNEY" It's a success/status symbol given the families they come from. They whip out the plastic like it's a Platnium card and shop like crazy, only their "plastic" is a vision card. Their shopping spree's are actually a looting of the public treasury, but they don't see it that way. They think they are entitled.

My advice would be to stay off broadway. You have about a 1 in 3 chance of getting busted every time there. They put your picture on a website also! AND this is one of those areas where "the cops are always right" so even if you picked up your cousin on broadway, they would slam you with a prostitution charge and the picture goes up the next day, no court date, no trial.

Just my 2 cents. Welcome to the neighborhood.

I'd recommend Jessies Primetime, and I know this is probably considered wrong to say, but If you find a good girl there, ask her if she would see you as an independant, offer to work around the lean times, and back off when it's busy. $100 is more than their cut through the agency, and if you are hitting her up only during dead times, she will probably hang out awhile if you like that sort of thing. Order pizza, if your like me with 1000 movie channels, she might hang and watch a movie. All for $100 plus $20 for a pizza.

07-06-08, 22:59
Dawn has finally come again... this time down by the Sonic on N. Broadway. She's mapped, so you won't see her walking, but keep an eye on the front porch just to the north. She is looking better than she has in a long time. Pretty clear headed. Even a bit of makeup. A very nice afternoon diversion!

07-06-08, 23:02
Hey Wanna... thanks for another long post, full of generalities, no information, a political rant, questionable advice with a bit of bragging about how smooth and wealthy you are. One in three???? Holy shit, BOP and I would have logged years in jail by now. You, as usual, are full of crap.

KC Questor
07-07-08, 00:40
They usually havn't graduated highschool, and have IQ's under 100, most fall between 78 and 85. (it takes 60 to be able to breath, the national average is about 120)

Generalize much? And maybe check your facts. The national average IQ is, amazingly enough, 100. That's how an Intelligence Quotient is defined. Some tests are skewed and give results higher or lower, but it correlates to socioceonomic status more than anything else. An IQ of 85 is exactly one standard deviation below the mean, which means that 34.1% of the population are in this range.

Your line about 60 being required to breathe is clueless as well. Mild mental retardation is an IQ of 50-69 and people in this range are often called "educably retarded." (70-79 is called "borderline mentally retarded"). Various levels of retardation go all the way down to 20 and below ("profound retardation").

The original clinical term used by doctors before it became known as profound mental retardation was "idiot". Funny how that word can apply outside the medical field now.

Hate Veggies
07-07-08, 01:41
Awesome response to DYW. I'll buy you a beer next time I'm in town. HV

Do U Wanna
07-07-08, 09:00
I stand corrected on the IQ issue, however, I'm right on the money as to how most working class neighborhood girls in Wichita score. And I'm right on the money that they don't think or act any different than the girls who are on the streets selling their pussy.

I was trying to give the guy a heads up on Wichita! IT IS A DIFFERENT WORLD HERE! What's "bad" elsewhere is celebrated here, and what's "good" elsewhere will only make people suspiscious and untrusting of you here. That's because they don't generally (yes, I am a generalizer, but even painting with such a broad brush is about 70% acurate) know anyone with anything who didn't steal it somehow.

As far as the one in three odds on So Broadway, well, I'd get busted one in three times if I tried it, that's just my luck, I'm not the deft player you guys are, and if he comes from somewhere "normal" he might be like me. Again, my theory of what's bad elsewhere makes you a Wichita hero is supported.

Don't take me wrong, I love Wichita! LOVE IT! In the world of the blind, a one eyed man is king! I'm definately no better than a one eyed man, and this is definately the land of the blind LOL!

Also, my post referred specificially to certain neighborhoods. Their are 3 neighborhoods here, 1.) bombed out ghettos 2.) nice area's with educated people where home values are $150k + 3.) the 50% of the populus very large south side, where homes range from $30k-$80k retail, about 1/2 of them are rented by toothless white trash, the "bad" types of minorities, the other 1/2 house the hold outs, (the ma and pa south siders who are dieing off little by little), the up and coming who will move on, or the flat out cheap asses like me who get a kick out of having high enough credit card limits to pay for an entire house! LOL.

Of course in my generalization, I miss out on quite a bit. For example, their are some beautiful tree lines streets where all the houses are like doll houses, the lawns are manicured to perfection, and they sit up north in an area where you won't see a white face for blocks. I LOVE THOSE OLD BLACK FOLKS! They are actually the best amongst us. I could sit and drink coffee with them all day. They have been through so much, yet lived right, done right. Also, alot of the shit has invaded other areas, what do you think happens to the people who trip and fall in the QT, or Wal-Mart? They don't all stay here once they get that check.

That brings to light another broad generalization. Ever see a car accident here, or someone fall down in the store? They look like a cross between a poor victim in pain, and someone who has just won the lottery. If you do reside around here, you better have a nice sized umbrella policy, these people are sue crazy! Come to think of it, just go into the WalMart at Pawnee and Broadway. I always get in the longest line they have and observe people as if they are monkeys at the zoo. Zip, they paid with Vision, Zip, so did they, Zip, there's another vision purchase, (squeak squeak squeak) there goes another oxygen bottle being wheeled by (whiiiiiiirl whiiiiiiirl) (beep beep) ut oh, two hovarounds almost collided on isle 5 LOL! At#$ I crack myself up!

Ya know, I don't think my long winded posts are such an inconvenience here, we get what, maybe 4 or 5 total posts per week? That's not much to weed through. You are all a celebration of something beautiful, FREEDOM, and actually, I like you all very much! I'm not an anti on here flaming people, I support what you do because it supports my theory of freedom for two consenting adults to choose to do as they do, and it being nobodys business what choices they make.

The street action thing is a sore spot for me, but I will say this, any one of those girls can walk into the cop shop and say "I'm addicted to crack and selling my body, and want to stop! " They will be swept away by the butterfly project and whisked into a treatment center throught he YWCA. So feeling sorry for them is pointless, although I do.

And for the record, I have mongered before, and am swiftly coming to the conclusion that doing so is the way to go. I've worked all the angles with getting free pussy from these girls with some success, HOWEVER, since they are all just as stupid and really no different than the street girls mentally, why not just hire an independant outcall girl? I think the quality would be allot better, and it would be allot less work!

07-07-08, 20:53
So... after re-reading your posts... I can't tell, Wanna. Are you a monger or not. You can't seem to make up your mind.

What you are is a dumbass troll.

Advisor Today
07-08-08, 11:09
No I don't Wanna. In fact I am so tired of your say nothing posts I am going to put you on my ignore list. I would suggest anyone who feels the same way to so as well. Perhaps you like to read your own crap but I sure get tired of it. Your paint with a broad brush. It's too bad you don't have any colors that mean anything to most of us mongers. I have never seen any information on any of your posts that advance the hobby. So here's to not having to look at your posts in the future.

Advisor Today

As always be safe.

07-12-08, 02:07
Wanna... Lest you say that "not everyone on here hates my posts" let me add my name to the list of people who do. I don't post a lot because I don't have a lot to say. Rather than posting meaningless crap, I try to make sure that my posts count. That way, people will read them and pay attention. More importantly, I will be part of growing our knowledge, like most of the regular contributors here are.

You're right, we do have freedom of speech. However, that has some responsibility. To be part of a community, including an online community such as this, you have to observe the societal norms. We don't devote our energies here to saying how stupid women in Wichita are or throwing around generalities. Instead, we spend that time talking about our mutual interest.

With that, I, too, am done with you. I've responded to you a time or two in an effort to educate you and help you fit into the group. Unfortunately, you know everything and those of us who have been successful here are just a bunch of neanderthals. So, I'm gonna drag my knuckles on down to the stroll and score some fun. Anyone else wanna go?

Bird of Prey
07-12-08, 08:42
Shhhesh, I go on vacation maybe once in 4 years and you guys go to war with each other.

Let's all take a deep breath and remember the purpose in our exchange of information here. It is always voluntary for anyone to make a comment as it is to believe another's comments. Like an asshole, everyone is entiled to an opinion.

The exchange of CURRENT INFORMATION with LIMITED GENERALIZED PERSONAL OPINIONS that will lead me to my NEXT! is what I'm looking for here. How bout ya'll?

Now get back out there and report back.

Bird of Prey
07-13-08, 09:30
Or maybe one of his relatives did at one time???? (There's a very clever pun there if you can take the time figure it out there.)

Using his post I was able to find an early Dawn with Sonic speed and have my aching muscles massaged... every single one. She's a very ingeneneous lady, that one. She uses several different areas of her body to release all your pent up tensions. In the end I was completely spent and she was dripping with... well with pride... so to speak.

Porches are excellent pieces of architecture, don't you agree?

07-14-08, 19:42
Thx BoP for the hook up.

Dawn was as advertised and then some. Probably the second best BBBJCIM I have had. I figured I might have some performance anxiety, new girl, unknown place, but being that she had the BoP seal of approval I was fairly at ease. She was real laid back and so enthusiastic that my nerves weren't half what they normally are, and as soon as she started my "relaxation therapy" I knew I wouldnt have any problems. I was a little generous with 2j's but that was for keeping her on the hook for almost an hour and her kindly clearing people out of her place so for that I was a little extra appreciative. Definitely will see her again when the need, ahem, arises.

Bird of Prey
07-14-08, 23:43
That Sonic boom you didn't hear was Dawn no longer porch sitting. She's added digits to her catalog of TRIX and I'll be happy to pass them along to any senior contributing members.

Don't blink, you'll miss SOMETHING!!!

Bird of Prey
07-21-08, 02:07
My little head can be quite convincing when he gets motovated.

Terry called and begged forgivness, blah blah... All I heard was "I wanna f*ck, really bad." She had hinted that she fantasized often about being with another girl but had never vocalized it to anyone else.
Dawn is not Lesbian, but she eats pussy with gusto. Soooooooooo, I arranged for a hookup of the two. Dawn knew what was up but Terry thought it was a double header with IctTraveler.
Terry got naked and on the bed playing with a vibrator. I joined her and pinned her down while Dawn knelt between her thighs and applied the tongue. Terry acted shocked, said "No, not now." but then realized she had nothing to complain about.
While I chewed on her tits roughly the way she likes, Dawn went to town and had Terry moaning and begging for more. In short time she was cumming like a steam emgine. Icttraveler did join us but may not have known what he just missed.
Terry went on to make me very happy for being a match maker. My next area of training for Terry involves restraints and nipple piercing. Not my idea, hers. Do I love this hobby or what?

07-21-08, 16:09
So, BOP calls me and says... hey, Dawn's over. Wanna?

What kind of a silly question is that?

I had some work to wrap up... but I headed out as soon as I could. By the time I got there, Dawn had already done Terri, and Terri was doing BOP. I in turn, did Dawn, and Dawn did me.

The only problem I see is that now we have to fight Terri for Dawn's attention. Oh well. In all.. a great afternoon!

Bird of Prey
07-22-08, 03:52
Need I remind you all...

"It's the early "Bird" that cums before "Dawn"!

Oh, stop the groaning. You had to see that coming. (Opps, I did it again!)

Bird of Prey
07-22-08, 04:02
The past Roundtable Disussions have been a lot of fun, but to be perfectly honest, they've been a pain in my a*s. I've often described it as "Herding Cats".

For all those who would like to attend the August edition, please be advised of a sugnificant change regarding attendence. It is now a couples affair.

Please PM me for the new concept.

07-26-08, 18:22
Fwiw I stopped at the Sonic landmark Friday afternoon at about 4:00. Whle there I saw a chunky hispanic gal with long, wavy, dark hair outside nextdoor. When she started walking south I approached her and asked whether Dawn stayed there. She said that she didn't anymore and with a smile asked whether I was interested (in her company). I declined and thanked her for the information. I was nervous and didn't come up with anything more to say. Didn't even get the gal's name or whether she had digits.

Bird of Prey
07-27-08, 02:46
Even if Dawn had been there, I doubt the girl you mentioned would have told you the truth. Why? She wanted the business. In this case, I know who you are refering to and you made the correct choice in passing on her offer. While Dawn is my Top 10 All Time Provider list, she is the worst referal of talent ever. She introdced me to the one you mentioned. It's not nice to speak poorly of the dead, since that's what her performance was like, I can't say more. Keep looking and posting. You're getting warmer!

07-28-08, 03:04
Well, a close friend arranged to introduce me to one of the ladies of recent disucssion tonight. Unforutnately, there were entirely too many local constables out seeing to my safety for me to make the duck into her lodging. In fact, one of them decided to have a little chat with me regarding my lane changing technique. After we debated the definition of 100ft for a while, I was advised that driving around on South Broadway at midnight was not the best idea and that he didn't want to see my car around there again tonight. So, I obliged his request and called it a night.

Be careful out there. I saw them hiding ALL over the place. Two were even hanging out in the fire station on SBW.

Bird of Prey
07-29-08, 21:48
Missed it by Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Much! ;>

R Consultant
07-30-08, 12:29
Dont feel bad they are here and everywhere lately. They just starting enforcing an older law about impounding your car if your caught soliciting or even thinking about it. So they have been running stings alot lately. Its amazing how many people they do get busted these days.

The code name for one of there stings was called "Johnny Come Lately" from what the paper said down here. LOL!!

Be safe out there..

Happy Hunting

Well, a close friend arranged to introduce me to one of the ladies of recent disucssion tonight. Unforutnately, there were entirely too many local constables out seeing to my safety for me to make the duck into her lodging. In fact, one of them decided to have a little chat with me regarding my lane changing technique. After we debated the definition of 100ft for a while, I was advised that driving around on South Broadway at midnight was not the best idea and that he didn't want to see my car around there again tonight. So, I obliged his request and called it a night.

Be careful out there. I saw them hiding ALL over the place. Two were even hanging out in the fire station on SBW.

Bird of Prey
07-31-08, 23:06
I recently had the pleasure of attending the Police Academy Graduation Ceremony. The Mayor and several members of the City Council were there as well as the Chief of Police and of course the complete academy educational staff. If you've never been to one, I highly recommend it. These people put their lives on the line for us every day.

The class had around 40 graduating officers, most of which looked like high school kids with badges and guns. Several looked like they would rather shoot themselves in the foot than walk across the platform to shake the Mayors hand and receive the certificate that they had gone though hell for the past 90 days for.

Here's the important part. To become officers, these recruits have to recite a beautifully written and well verbalized oath. They take it with them and ends up on a forgotten wall for most I imagine. I was seriously impressed by what these words said and promised. Only the U.S. Constitution and Amendments surpass the ideals that these ladies and gentlemen promise to uphoid. What the exact words were isn't important for me, I didn't but would promise to uphold them. What is important, is that each of them do.

Should I ever be stopped and see what I think may be the arrest process beginning, I'm going to ask the officer if they remember their graduation day and the words they pledged. If they meant what they said, they will be chastising me for bad moral behavior choice rather than being embarrased by a bogus, pointless arrest. That's my hope, anyway!

Bird of Prey
08-03-08, 20:16
For those that say there's very little goes on in River City, it's only because they aren't trying. Here you find Terry meating Advisor; and if course Peaches always enjoys her time at Terry's "Y"; Nikky spent some quality time getting ready for our upcoming Halloween Party. Yes, my friends there's always someone, er ah, something to do in our hometown!

Teabag X
08-03-08, 21:16
For those that say there's very little goes on in River City, it's only because they aren't trying. Here you find Terry meating Advisor; and if course Peaches always enjoys her time at Terry's "Y"; Nikky spent some quality time getting ready for our upcoming Halloween Party. Yes, my friends there's always someone, er ah, something to do in our hometown!Bird, you are the fucking man!

Sooner or later, I'm gonna be over there. And you gotta hook me up with Nikki !! Every time you post something about her, it makes me want her even more!

Bird of Prey
08-04-08, 09:02
I'm sure Nikki would be extremely happy to meet you!

Each time I've seen her, it's been, well fun.

Now for the reality check... Don't plan your date with too much regidity.

Nikki is a crack ho. Crack ho's are not known for dependability. Crack ho's are well known for f*ckabilty. Nikki is a crack ho. Let's recap. IF she's around and IF she answers her phone and is able to conversate and does what she says she will, YOU ARE GONNA HAVE A GREAT TIME!

FYI... I'll be posting more of our last session shortly. It involves hot wax and nipple clamps. Stay tuned!

Advisor Today
08-05-08, 15:09
Thanks to BOP I had the opportunity to have a meeting with Terry. Terry came with great reviews from BOP. I must say that they were well deserved. Terry and I spent better than one hour in just about every position you can think of. We even did the swing for a short time. I am not a multiple pop type of guy, but if some one could get me there I think it would be Terry. I told BOP afterwards that if I was considering checking out of this world a session with Dawn and Terry would probably do it for me. But I guarantee I would go with a smile on my face and a drained pair.

Thanks again BOP, you are a master.

Advisor today

be safe.

B Bardill
08-09-08, 13:20
After cruising Broadway from 19th south to Pawnee. I finally got laid Wednesday night after visiting Jezebels. I just happened to run up Broadway and spotted a blond chick in white shorts and top come out of a side street close to the QT on south side. I pulled in at the next street and she hopped in when she made it up there. I don't remember her name but she smelled good and we headed up over towards Grove and I did her in the front seat behind some road construction area that had some dirt piles big enough to hide the car. There are many good looking girls walking the strip there, but I did see a couple that were decent enough. Well I'm back in Los Angeles now where the pickings are almost as slim, but there are more areas to look when I'm here besides the abundance on CL. Thanks for your posts guys, it did lead me to the right area, just not much there to find.

08-18-08, 01:27
Hey guys...

I drove past Jessies tonight at a little after 11pm. There were three police cars (marked) out front and several cops visible through the front door. It didn't look like they were being busted, but any time the cops show at an entertainment venue such as Jessies, I think its worth being aware of.

Keep in mind... I am not saying anything bad happened... just sharing what I know.

Now... where the hell is everyone else at? Its been a long time since anyone posted!

08-18-08, 10:38
Just some more observations. Checking the Police site to see who got busted for street action I noticed at least three very clean looking girls. The bust address was a hotel downtown on Kellog and the charge was for the most part the same. Escort w/o license. Sounds like one of the two shopes in town hired girls without getting their paperwork in order or some girls who wanted to bypass the street and went straight to CL. Use all the resourses and keep your eyes peeled... Fun to be had just use the big head first....


Bird of Prey
08-20-08, 03:16
Johnnie Law attended an out of town "Cop Conference" recently. Topics said to be studied were "Craigslist"; AMPs; and Escorts. In a TV sound bite actually quoted a local vice cop as saying, "We didn't even know they were doing things like this in Wichita".

Craiglist has been busted twice and now local agencies are getting calls. Here's a tip. Avoid the Holiday Inns Suites at Kellogg & Broadway. The cops must have gottena bulk deal to bust the girlb becasue they all took place there!~Even tho the lighted sign on the east side of the building lights to say..."Ho Suites", they really aren't!

08-20-08, 05:07
Dawn continues to do her part to revive the social significance of the front porch. Last week it was instrumental in my making her acquaintance one afternoon.

She identified herself and said she thought she remembered me (doubt it! ) when I asked if she were Dawn after walking up (A photo posted here gave me an idea of what she looked like. Thanks.). Said she'd been under the weather for a few days and was just then getting back to work. Wasted no time in telling me what she could do for me and how I would be helping her out if I accepted! It was both business-like and friendly. She had a place available and put me at ease instantly (when combined with knowledge I had learned here. Thanks again! ). I don't think you need to worry if there is a guy on the porch too. Be sure to say "Hi" to him.

Dawn seems to like her work and devours it eagerly. When I asked to inspect her attributes her dress was off in nothing flat and she was going commando. As her lips went to work, my hands found things to do. Soon I was back in my car and on my way out of the neighborhood, pleased that I had been able to help her.

Az Dude
08-20-08, 21:54
Johnnie Law attended an out of town "Cop Conference" recently. Topics said to be studied were "Craigslist"; AMPs; and Escorts. In a TV sound bite actually quoted a local vice cop as saying, "We didn't even know they were doing things like this in Wichita".

its the worlds oldest profession bro.. duh!? :-)
heck my grandma knows how to use craigslist.. for cryin out loud!

there are also some 'grandmas' on CL under the erotic services
section in my town!

glad they could spend the taxpayers hard earned $$$'s to research
this stuff. An evening with a computer and google can teach you
as much or more.. lame.

thank goodness I live in a larger metropolitan area where the cops
have more important things to deal with.

08-21-08, 01:14
Do U Wanna strikes again! Below is his latest ranting, now via PM.

Officer... Please. Leave me alone. You get your head taken off because you run off at the mouth. The difference between you and me is that I reported FACTS to the GROUP to help my fellow hobbyists. I don't have a clue what was up at Jessies. All I know is there was way too much WPD in the area to make any of us comfortable. I didn't suggest any major stings, etc. I just said, I saw police cars.

You, on the other hand, just talk a bunch of $hit. There was nothing of any value in what you sent. I don't know who all you sent it to, nor do I care. Please do not send me anything further. The fact that I posted something about Jessies does not make me your friend or ally.

I will say this though... if you have such a wealth of information, why not share it? Everyone else on here does. You're the only one saying how you have all this info, but only sharing BS.

Jeez... To quote our friend, Bird, "NEXT!"


Here's his latest:



I'm not sure how long it will take, but whether it will be a week, a month, or a few, some big shit is going to happen in Wichita regarding prostitution. Especially pertaining to Jessies.

They have a BIG time hard on for her, the old iron lung breathing nasty hag!! I'd share more, and personally hate to see it happen, but I get my head taken off everytime I say one peep.

The law has the upper hand, nobody cares about a bunch of mongers, or prostitutes! They got sinfulwish, and they are going after the others with all their resources.

It serves them right, the agencies have been allowed to operate pretty much without hassles, BUT, they didn't keep their operations clean and legit (in a sense). And they havn't kept their other business dealings besides their agencies on the up and up either.

08-21-08, 15:33


08-21-08, 15:40
do u wanna - do your homework.
it's an election year. yes there are more arrest and stings. it's a seasonal thing. yes more than usual but there are precautions to take.

also the sinfulwish fall was not le out to get them. it was due to sloppy paper work and an **** worker. that is never tolerated even here on the street level.

as for jessies? jessie can take care of herself and her girls. she has been around longer than you have been in vice. let's not worry about her.

so. one more time......... leave . go away. go get a doughnut.

to quote our friend, bird, "next!"

08-22-08, 03:04
I'm pretty sure I saw the decoy shown in the video as she sat on the pavement against the corner of the motel as I drove by on Broadway. I thought to myself that she looked like she was working or trying to appear to be working.

Az Dude
08-22-08, 14:04
Don't discuss *anything* with a gal unless she gets in the car with you!

Do you need a ride? Is sufficient. If she won't get in the car with you, then *drive away*.

They can hassle you all they want (which they probably will) but IT IS NOT A CRIME to offer someone a ride. I would not say anything to the office to incriminate myself either.

If enough guys did this, it would waste a ton of their time and foil these sorts of entrapment efforts IMHO.

Sigh. Wichita a good place to be 'from'!

Do U Wanna
08-22-08, 22:11
Az dude, thanks for what you said, however, I feel that if you ask a girl if she wants a ride, and she starts pushing the set up questions, and you drive away. YOU'LL GET ARRESTED REGARDLESS!

Their is a big stink about LE tactics right now, but I highly doubt anything will come of it.

08-23-08, 00:30
In that news report, they busted men that were 81 and 76 years old! Give these guys a break, they are on their way out of life, and just want to feel young again with a woman. I'm glad that WPD caught some tough criminals that day.

08-25-08, 14:08
I must thank BOP for graciously introducing me to Terry and Ocean___ over the weekend. I couldn't keep my hands off Terry as we sat and visited for a while before getting better acquainted. Terry's photos definitely don't do her justice, although I much appreciate the photos posted on this site by BOP and others (In fact, a photo of Dawn armed me to get a leg-up in credibility here.). I found her figure very nice, complete with a nice, little butt and pretty breasts with long nipples. A small pooch from child-bearing is the ONLY detraction. She's a fun gal.

Bird of Prey
08-26-08, 18:13
One page one of this site, there is a list of Rules for Mongers. Prior to it being posted there, I posted a version at the start of this forum. It's entitled "For My 200th Post".

If you follow the rules (especially my version) to the letter, I'm very doubtful anyone will be stopped. If stopped, and you remain calm while treating the officer (s) with the respect they deserve (I mean this. These officers put their lives on the line every day for you.), I believe you will drive away as I have on 4 separate occasions, right here in Wichita.

There are self righteous people in every profession. Cops are engrained with principals, "Respect" being the most fervent. They treat you with it, and expect the same. Failing to understand that will do you no service. Don't talk, until you drive and admit nothing ever. Mean freedom. I. M. H. O.

Do U Wanna
08-26-08, 22:41
This is kind of a street action kinda place, but imho, the best thing to do is establish an indy, or a good agency girl who you can recruit to moonlight for you. You'll blow $100, but you can find girls who are damn near normal, and are just doing it because hey, you can get paid for doing shit you've been doing for free all your lives. You can even find a girl who might just chill out and watch a movie afterwards or something, if that's your sort of thing.

I found one recently, but since I'm so hated on here. Just bad business to come forward. Not that you guys would need the info anyways, your all pro's, and I'm zilch, nada.

Bird of Prey
08-27-08, 00:09
There are those here that believe the Wichita Police now monitor this forum. "DoYouWanna" has been accused openly of being "plant.". I've tried to stay out of the fray and stay focused on the purpose of the forum.

I have no personal knowledge of anything involved with this ongoing personalized infighting but I do not beleive "D" is a cop. Instead, I think is an individual that has strong beleifs; does have a inside history of escort services and generally lacks basic communications skills. I have friends that are computer genius's but can't carry on a simple conversation without using tech terms us norms don't understand.

Let's give "D" a break and not jump him with moreaccusations. "D" you are not hated. You are suspect becuse you refuse to acknowledge others information is just as credible as yours or mine or anyone in the forum. We are offering oppinons. Nothing more and "D" has his.

I.M.H.O. means "In My Humble Oppinon". I.M.H.O. If "D" would use this term much more often, the public attacks would wane.

Do U Wanna
08-27-08, 17:54
I'm not a police officer, I was a reserve officer for a huge metro police department 20 + years ago and it required being a uniformed and armed sworn peace officer. Cops have a tough job, but not for the reasons you would think. Mainly, people are idiots. I've had enough of a taste of the world to know what people are as well, and often speak in a very curt, cynical fashion. For that I'm sorry, in the real world, I am actually much different, and appreciate the art of attracting more bees with honey.

What makes me really love this forum, is that you all represent something much different than what's on the surface. You all don't even realize it. You represent FREEDOM, free speech, and the right for an individual to do what they want with their own bodies, and for other peoples freedom to pay for it.

I don't like the street action, and that is the main stay here. If you respect my feelings, I'll respect yours. I just can't get over the fact that people live in those neighborhoods, business people try to etch out a livlihood etc. As far as the girls are concerned, yes, their is basic human compassion from me towards them. However, the YWCA and WPD work together to offer any one of those girls a way out. Any one of them can walk into the South Patrol Station, or flag down a cop and they will be taken to a safe house. All they have to do is want it.

Some guys can work out arrangments with Sports Illustrated swimsuit models, but the common man must settle for a much lower scale form of entertainment, like escorts. But I do understand that the services might also be out of reach for some, $200-$300 might be their whole paycheck, or whatever their reasons are, who am I to judge.

I sure don't have the answer, but it does seem like legalization is the way to go, it would serve all ends of the market, and eliminate the organized criminal element of human trafficing and the girls strung out on drugs, because you could make the punishment for going outside legal channels so severe, it would nearly cease to exist.

Just my humble opinion.

Bird of Prey
08-28-08, 12:42
I rest my case!

08-28-08, 20:09
Nicely put do you wanna.

08-29-08, 23:47
and my apologies...

08-30-08, 00:07
Chi Bi... Chi Bi... Kah nay nah boo chow Chi Bi.

08-31-08, 20:56
At BOP's request, I'll reserve my responses to DYW. I think one more thing should be said, however. Wanna should never, ever make another threat against anyone in this forum again, as in indicating he might "snape" someone's neck.

Nor should he ever use information that could personally identify someone, such as mentioning a specific type of vehicle. That kind of behavior should (and already has been) reported to a moderator.

Hate Veggies
09-08-08, 15:09
Hey guys, I've been away for awhile and see that most of the posts have been bitter infighting instead of reviews so hope this helps.

Check out my review of Krystal in the KCMO section. I'm typing this here because she drives through Wichita on her way to/from Dallas and does have a client or two in ICT that she already stops for. I don't see her ads on CL down there though.

I know that most are in the SW price range but if you venture to the $$ range, she's nice and legit.

Cool, take care and play safe. And if you do contact her, treat her well, I want to make more trips to Kansas.

USA Kansas
09-10-08, 20:52
Bop introduced me to Terry over the weekend. Terry is very easy to talk with, and does a super good massage. I tore some ligaments in my back years ago, and the muscles still tighten up in that area if I over do it. Terry knew exactly what to do to relieve the tightness, and pain. Best massage I've ever had.

Didn't end there though. Terry wanted to make sure every muscle on my body was relaxed, and feeling good, so had me turn over. Mighty fine, mighty fine!

Bird of Prey
09-12-08, 04:43
Terry does massage? Hmmmmm. I'll get back to ya in a bit...

09-18-08, 00:13
I have been away a few weeks having and recovering from some surgery. Was just sure I had missed some stuff. Alas, it looks like y'all have been as bored as I have.

Gotta find me someone to help nurse me back to health! :-)


Teabag X
09-20-08, 22:31
After months of trying, Bird and I finally got together with 2 of his little treats. Terry and Wendy were good to go! Dressed in nice little outfits, stretched out on 2 beds, side by side and both definately wanting some action. I had been promised Terry on Friday when we talked and man, let me tell ya. That girl really knows what she's doing with a cock!

And once the f*cking started, it got wild! She rode me, then blew me some more. Then I had to have dinner. And she paid me for my effort by coating my face several times! Then, it was my turn to pound her for awhile.

We had the camara rolling, taking pics AND videos. But, we were f*cking so hard, we bounce my HP camara off the bed and broke it! So, Bird got his camara out and continued the fun. At 1 point, Wendy was eating Terry while she was sucking Bird. I couldn't handle that anymore so, I grabbed a Trojan, moved Wendy, and pounded the hell out of Terry doggy style. She was diggin it so much, I thought she was gonna bite Birds cock right off!

We definately had a blast! And I got invited back for when ever I wanted to come. And you guys should see what Bird calls the birdhouse! MY GOD! This place is set up like you wouldn't believe! Beds, couches, sex swing, bondage gear, more sex toys than a sorority house, big screen TV with xxx porn rolling the whole time. I mean DAMN! If you get into a marathon session in this place, you aint a real man!

Thanks so much again B O P! You're definately a monger that's a step above 95% of the rest of us.

And I have to send these videos to Glenn61 so he can filehost them for me. Then I can put up the links for all to enjoy.

They call me Problemchild.

And I'm back quiet. For now.

Bird of Prey
09-22-08, 01:59
Hospitality is what the "Bird House" is all about. From time to time, we enjoy getting together and "blowing" off steam. Teabag was real pleasure to party with. Both Wendy and Terry (as well as I)are looking forward to his return.

09-22-08, 07:00
Nice pics, I really enjoyed this one with Nikki



R Consultant
09-22-08, 07:51
I love the hair pulling exercises you are putting that nice young lady through. I have never figured out why they like it or the pigtail thing and then they want you to polish your balls while your pulling there hair in both directions as there tongue oscillates back and forth..

Happy Hunting..

Hospitality is what the "Bird House" is all about. From time to time, we enjoy getting together and "blowing" off steam. Teabag was real pleasure to party with. Both Wendy and Terry (as well as I)are looking forward to his return.

Teabag X
09-22-08, 08:48
Nice pics, I really enjoyed this one with Nikki


MisfitI'm hoping she'll be around next time i'm there. I think she needs anal lessons. And R consultant, I'm the 1 pulling Terry's hair. She was diggin it! And she loved me spankin that ass! I turned the whole thing red.

09-22-08, 15:46
Hospitality is what the "Bird House" is all about. From time to time, we enjoy getting together and "blowing" off steam. Teabag was real pleasure to party with. Both Wendy and Terry (as well as I)are looking forward to his return.Dude, pic 5, looks like you may have hit bottom with the look on her face.

R Consultant
09-22-08, 19:28
Nice job, sorry about getting the wrong guy. A nice red ass is the only way to go. A little flogging action and maybe a good wax job can bring a tenderness red before you wipe the dust off her ass in future visits.

Happy Hunting..

QUOTE=Teabag X]I'm hoping she'll be around next time i'm there. I think she needs anal lessons. And R consultant, I'm the 1 pulling Terry's hair. She was diggin it! And she loved me spankin that ass! I turned the whole thing red.[/QUOTE]

Bird of Prey
09-23-08, 07:25
Over the past nine months, the "Bird House" has hosted dozens of parties. Many have gone undocumented. Some are camera shy. (No really) Sometimes I'm just plain lazy. Every so often files get misplaced. Here are some I just found. Please forgive me if the participants are sometimes mislabled. (No not the ladies.)

Sometimes I think this might be more approproiately called the "Fat Old White Guys Forum"! You know we all look alike right?

SW Surfer
09-23-08, 08:45
Super Mega Props to BOP

Dude those are some great photo's.

I am inspired and will be getting a new digital cam before my next trip.

09-23-08, 11:20
Over the past nine months, the "Bird House" has hosted dozens of parties. Many have gone undocumented. Some are camera shy. (No really) Sometimes I'm just plain lazy. Every so often files get misplaced. Here are some I just found. Please forgive me if the participants are sometimes mislabled. (No not the ladies.)

Sometimes I think this might be more approproiately called the "Fat Old White Guys Forum"! You know we all look alike right?
I think that damn Nicki is pretty. My friend Teabag hit the jackpot with you. Maybe when Memphis plays Tulsa in basketball maybe I can contact you and get some of her. And whoever else is around. Love those Pics.

Bird of Prey
09-24-08, 01:28
In the last 24 hours I've been inundated with requests for information on the use of the "Birdhouse". It evolves a bit more each day but here's what going on right now...

If I get laid at the same time, all facilities are FREE.
If you want to bring a female for a little one on one action, the rent is $45 per visit or $100 for UNLIMITED USE for 30 consecutive days. Included are a Sound Proof Loft with Total Security and Off Street Parking; Multi-Level Beds, Sex Swings; Bondage & Electro Sex Equipment; Condoms and Complete Toiletries for Men (deodorant, after shaves, body sprays, shavers and soap) and Women (douches; body sprays and deodorants); Soft Drinks and Snacks; Sex Toys (Sterilized after use); Fresh Linens; Big Screen TV with Homemade or Professional Porn; Bose Music System; Mood Lighting and Loaner Cameras.

I'm told some guys actually pay girls to have sex? You would think that would be illegal. The Bird also has zero tolerence for illegal drugs of any type. In any event, no money ever exchanges at the "Birdhouse". If LEO should ever become curious, we are just a bunch of guys and girls that enjoys the exchange of bodily fluids, sometimes in group form.

If I've left something out that you would like to ask about, P.M. me. Ya'll CumBac, ya hear!

Teabag X
09-28-08, 02:11
This evening we had terry again. And we had a newbie named Tina.

Like my VERY good friends, trewalker69, and G61 say. A pic is worth a thousand words. And we got a BUNCH of pics.

Enuff said.

They call me Problemchild.

And I'm back quiet.

Teabag X
09-28-08, 02:21
Your favorite longhaul trucker had a BLAST in Kansas!
Thanks again Bird of Prey. you're 1 hell of a guy!

R Consultant
09-28-08, 07:06
One thing for certain the Bird House is one place everyone should visit once in there life. As from the pics I have seen you guys post its a nice little retreat. I kinda wish the house next to the bird house was for sale. Having neighbors like you guys would be real interesting.

Real nice job..

Happy Hunting..

Your favorite longhaul trucker had a BLAST in Kansas!

Teabag X
09-28-08, 14:47
Here are some more pictures of last nights fun.

They call me Problemchild.

And i'm back quiet.

09-28-08, 21:40
Well I tell ya Teabag, You are alot more in the know than I, as I'm in Kansas all the time and never had a minutes fun............... All I see is corn and hay ;-( But glad to see you got the hook up and having a great time, nice pics by all y'all , keep up the good work gentlemen! We need to get these KS dudes down to the homeland sometime tea

Your favorite longhaul trucker had a BLAST in Kansas!
Thanks again Bird of Prey. you're 1 hell of a guy!

Teabag X
09-29-08, 17:40
Well I tell ya Teabag, You are alot more in the know than I, as I'm in Kansas all the time and never had a minutes fun............... All I see is corn and hay ;-( But glad to see you got the hook up and having a great time, nice pics by all y'all , keep up the good work gentlemen! We need to get these KS dudes down to the homeland sometime teaI'm not sure about the rest but, B O P is DEFINATELY worthy of a trip to "manland". When ya gonna take him "home", tre? Those little SB's down there can use a man like bird. But, not as much as he deserves them!


Done for now.

Bird of Prey
09-30-08, 03:29
What Teabag isn't telling ya'll, is about all the drama that surrounded our last lil shindig. Most of these female participants aren't... shall we say... professional in their approach to the hobby. Most want to thump and jump for the dope man.

Those that do this aren't invited back. The "Bird House" was designed for multiple hour, mutual fun, with multiple pops. TB had specific tastes in mind during this visit. Landing a lady that filled his plate proved to be an evening of disapointments. Without going into the grissly details, lets just say Tina wasn't the first or even second choice for this event. While she may have been a decent f*ck, her abilty to fufill her evenings agreements was seriuosly lacking.

Terry & I had some interpersonal problems as well, that have since been ironed out Whether Terry was upset about not being the main course or just being bitchy because women are that way around other women, she was a handful on her own.

In any event, economics is forcing the shut down the "Birdhouse". Everybody loves to party when someone else is picking up the tab. With all the side expences, it just isn't feesable to continue.

USA Kansas
10-01-08, 23:41
Dang Bird,

I hate to see you close down the birdhouse.

You have a real nice place.

If I owe you, let me know.

10-02-08, 22:50
Dang Bird,

I hate to see you close down the birdhouse.

You have a real nice place.

If I owe you, let me know.

Same here, my friend. If I've contributed to your decision, please let me know.

Bird of Prey
10-03-08, 10:23
Anyone wishing to donate to the "Save the Bird's House" Fund knows where to reach me and they will be gratefully accepted.

Bird of Prey
10-06-08, 23:54
I really have to cleanout my hard drive more regularly. (Pun Intended) Here's some final shots of Ocean, Terry, Kelly and Me.

10-07-08, 17:58
I thank BOP for inviting me to "The Birdhouse" in the past. It was fun to meet him, Terry and others there. It will be missed. Hope there is a way to revive at least some of that experience.

10-08-08, 11:37
Yes it would be sad to think that the birdcage is no more. I have been there but just a few times myself. I do thank Bird for the oppertunities. I remember the times well. Just last week I was back in the River City having a bite of chicken out the Popey's on N B. I saw a blast from the past walk in. Dawn was coming thru with what look like her man handler. She just smiled and me and went about her business. Ahhh Good Times...
Anyway. As one chapter closed another will soon begin. That is the nature of the beast.... Til The Next Chapter......


Do U Wanna
10-08-08, 20:27
I might not be on the "in" around here, but might consider donating to the birdhouse, cuz you guys seem to treat the girls right, and give them a warm safe place to hang out. You should set up a paypal account so I can donate without exposing myself.

Advisor Today
10-15-08, 16:21
I had a weird experience last week. I attended a small school football game. Shortly after settling down on the bleacher a young lady sat down next to me. I didn't pay much attention at first then I looked over at her. My mouth almost fell open. This lady almost could have been a twin of Dawn who has been featured in several photos on the Wichita forum.

As luck would have it I had a session with Dawn a couple of weeks ago so I had a good mental image of what she looks like. For a few seconds I thought it was her, but then I realized this gal was a milf from the the area. Believe me when I say milf. I kept having visions of Dawn acting like a vacuum cleaner. I had to stay on the bleacher for most of the game because if I would have stood up and turned around my Woody would have knocked someone down (not up)

It was a fun evening of thinking of raunchy sex. I hope I will be able to get together with Dawn again soon. I do have photos of the last session I had with her. I will post them soon.

Be safe not sorry

advisor today.

Hate Veggies
10-15-08, 19:47
If anyone is going this weekend, can they take a message for me to one of the girls please. I am out of town. PM if you can assist a senior member. Thanks. Take care and play safe.

10-16-08, 01:15
Well, Gents, I stand corrected... and lighter in the wallet. I bet a friend $100 that there was no p____ to be had at Pleasures. Having NEVER been lucky in there before, I thought it was a sure way to drink for free.

Well, it took just under an hour and only two lap dances and one of the lovelies offered additional services. Mind you, I would have been concerned that she was one of our uncle leo's minions except that I have seen here there before and I had her nipple in my mouth and my c___ in her hand (and I do mean IN her hand, not through the pants, but her hand down my track pants and holding Mr. Happy in a very loving way). I'll repeat that this was on only the second lap dance.

So, I inquired of the price and she suggested that she was "THREE times a lady." I suggested that she rethink her marketing plan and we entered some "heated" negotiations where I did my best to ensure that the big head did the negotiating while she did her best to massage my defenses. We settled at half of her original offer and splitting the cost of the facility for our follow-up appointment.

She said to buy her a drink and we could work out the details. I thought I was getting screwed in the wrong way til she took money to the DJ booth and then came to the table and said come on, I tipped the DJ to skip me until I get back.

We departed and visited a local establishment on US54 where we spent just over an hour exploring the meaning of the clubs name, with me having not one but two opportunities to experience it first hand. She was equally satisfied and all languages were spoken fluently.

I agreed not to share her name, but I can tell you this much. She is a blonde, is usually drunk, has DAMN nice tits, a cute face, and hangs out with a girl named Angel. Her ass is not as firm as you might like, but it looks good on stage and she gives one hell of a lap dance, in addition to the extra services on offer at an alternate locale.

Senior members, I would be willing to offer more details if we've spoken before.

Good luck all!

10-20-08, 15:26
Well kids... For those of us that use the local pros and agencies there looks like there's another one in town...
Sinfull-Seductions.... (Very familary name...Hmmm) They can be found at
Just an FYI for all you special dudes....


10-20-08, 16:41
Interesting. They don't appear to have an actual address listed anywhere though. I certainly wouldn't mind an evening of fine dining with Alli there.

Well kids... For those of us that use the local pros and agencies there looks like there's another one in town.

Sinfull-Seductions.... (Very familary name...Hmmm) They can be found at

Just an FYI for all you special dudes.


10-23-08, 10:54
I do believe the old address is gone too. It is now the new stadium....LOL

Western Gamble
10-24-08, 17:05
ICT - Pleasures has several (at least 6 - that I know of) girls that will go full service. Sometimes afternoons you can get quick service in house.

Do U Wanna
11-10-08, 00:46
It's too bad that the "escorts" are so high priced! The street girls. Well. They are what they are, no offense. I'd like a longer term engagement, not an in and out thing. At least 3 hours, but that would be $600 conservatively, and THAT'S INSANE!

I saw an add girl in Phoenix who will do $450 for the whole night, why don't more girls do that, I mean think about it. One guy who you know is alright, no down time, some more casual time chilling. Less chance of getting busted, hurt, less down time. Maybe.

Is it that the girls want to get the cash and go see their dealer, or is the personel level too great (I can understand that).

R Consultant
11-10-08, 19:25
Did the birdhouse stop feeding all the pigeons? 411 anyone?

I really have to cleanout my hard drive more regularly. (Pun Intended) Here's some final shots of Ocean, Terry, Kelly and Me.

Advisor Today
11-13-08, 10:57
Alas the birdhouse is no more. The economic downturn has hit our hobby. BOP has been keeping a very low profile. I did see him last week and had a session with Teri, but it wasn't the same.

I have also been to pleasures. I didn't get lucky, but had several lap dances with an old friend. I about fell over when she informed me that dances were now $30. I predict that these prices will drop or pleasures will go out of business. I was there late in the afternoon and there were 5 or 6 girls for every guy.

Even though I have always had a good time I don't think I will be going back, at that price I would rather take my chances on bw.

How about some more posts, has everyone crawled into the woodwork?

be safe


Seed Seller
11-13-08, 16:39
Less chance of getting busted, hurt, less down time. Maybe.You're not thinking like a pro. For these women, the horizon is very much narrower than for us. The far future is next week. That's how they make 200 bucks an hour but are always broke.

They don't think of the benefits you described. They think of getting the cash, now.

Western Gamble
11-14-08, 23:59
They have had the $30 for months and Norman won't go down. Crazy. For $20 or 2/1 they would all be much more busy like a DejaVue or Topeka. But they will work you at the table for more (outside or away). And some are reasonable.

Sw Hunter
11-26-08, 10:35
I will be in your town in December and would like to spend some time with a lady, can you guys give a fellow hobbyist some help?

Sw Hunter

USA Kansas
11-27-08, 11:35
Hunter,your best bet for a no hassle hook up you should look up jessiesprimetime.com.

Resonable, and good service.

Sw Hunter
11-29-08, 16:31
Thanks!! I appreciate the insight!

11-30-08, 18:45
It's too bad that the "escorts" are so high priced! The street girls. Well. They are what they are, no offense. I'd like a longer term engagement, not an in and out thing. At least 3 hours, but that would be $600 conservatively, and THAT'S INSANE!

I saw an add girl in Phoenix who will do $450 for the whole night, why don't more girls do that, I mean think about it. One guy who you know is alright, no down time, some more casual time chilling. Less chance of getting busted, hurt, less down time. Maybe.

Is it that the girls want to get the cash and go see their dealer, or is the personel level too great (I can understand that).These affordable overnight rates are out there, just gotta dig. Here are a couple good ones in the KC area (just in case ur up there).

http://southern.rare-playmate.com/ This one is $350 overnight incall. $500 outcall on your 2nd visit.

11-30-08, 18:47
It's too bad that the "escorts" are so high priced! The street girls. Well. They are what they are, no offense. I'd like a longer term engagement, not an in and out thing. At least 3 hours, but that would be $600 conservatively, and THAT'S INSANE!

I saw an add girl in Phoenix who will do $450 for the whole night, why don't more girls do that, I mean think about it. One guy who you know is alright, no down time, some more casual time chilling. Less chance of getting busted, hurt, less down time. Maybe.

Is it that the girls want to get the cash and go see their dealer, or is the personel level too great (I can understand that).Heres another reasonable all nighter provider, shes $400 for one pop, $500 for unlimited pops. You do the math!


12-07-08, 01:26
Hey all,

Just a lurker here from time to time. I did notice in the Eagle today a place called Jasmine's Spa is opening up in ICT. It's near Central and Woodlawn. Steam room, showers, parking behind the building. It sounded pretty interesting to me. I may have to get my Xmas present for myself early!


KC Questor
12-07-08, 17:36
Heres another reasonable all nighter provider, shes $400 for one pop, $500 for unlimited pops. You do the math!

Cassandra Whirl is awesome (but I've never done the overnight thing).

12-07-08, 22:49
Hey all,

Just a lurker here from time to time. I did notice in the Eagle today a place called Jasmine's Spa is opening up in ICT. It's near Central and Woodlawn. Steam room, showers, parking behind the building. It sounded pretty interesting to me. I may have to get my Xmas present for myself early!

BlizzardheadI thought I would give a review of ICT's two AMP's

There is one on East Central, just east of Oliver. I have had mixed results. Endings are always happy, but the women are older and some are just going through the motions. I have been there four times.

A new one opened up one block south and 1/2 a block west of Central and Woodlawn. The women are younger. I have tried it once with a happy ending. The massage was a "2" and she was unenthusiastic with the ending. Amount spent would have been better at Jessies.

I am into the SW thing. I am looking for a regular independent or agency. Any tips?

12-23-08, 04:16
Picked up Dawn with the intent of a BBBJ, however she was nearly incoherent. She asked for a couple of Jacksons, I laughed that off and offered her one. She kept rubbing her arms, hands, legs, etc. and mumbling to herself. I nearly turned the car on two wheels just to get her back and out of my car. Avoid at all costs.

12-24-08, 15:21
Sorry to hear that Dawn was under the influence when you saw her. I think that one has to assume that it is a possibility with most of these gals. I've had fun with Dawn three times and visited with her a couple more w/o catching her in that condition. The last time I saw her she had a cellular 'phone that rang once or twice while we were together. She told me that someone else was paying for the 'phone and gave me the number. It worked within the last hour when I called and she talked normally, but said she needed money!

12-27-08, 02:29
I cruised B'way some this afternoon and saw a little gal, probably white, with long, dark hair and a nice figure walking a few blocks north of Murdock. I think she was working because her head was on a swivel. Hadn't seen her before. She was gone when I passed again after driving maybe eight blocks.

Bird of Prey
01-03-09, 10:50
The New Year is underway and it's time once again to nominate our favorites from the past 12 months of play for Sl*t of the Year 2008.

Nominations must include the tr*mps abilities that set her apart from the run of the mill S/W. Any b*tch with a mouth can deliver a BJ but it takes a real provider to make it memorable!

My nomination, which many of you will find as no surprise, is Terry. She's cum a long way since I found her down on S/BDW. Her very first night out showed real promise as she took on myself and a friend at the same time without even a whimper.

Since then she's got off the pipe (mostly), added weight and increased her skills to the point where it's her idea now to take it in the ass then lick and suck her own juices off my dick with a smile. Her rim jobs are to die for! (Although those of you that are deeply onto kissing will want to at least be first in line for the day!)

She screams like a woman processed during sex and delivers a simply fantastic massage in the same session for a fraction of what you would expect.

I'll look forward to my fellow mongers nominations for this prestigeous award!!!

01-06-09, 04:17
I don't feel qualified to nominate anyone since my pool of talent is very small, three gals.

I think I saw the same spinner I saw about a week ago. Both times it's been after dark, about 6PM this time, and I haven't seen her face very well. She was in about the same place, NBDW west of St. Francis Hospital. She has a tight, slim body, wears glasses and has long, dark hair. Both times she has been checking her neck's range of motion as she walks and both times I didn't see her when I came around on another pass.

01-14-09, 12:34
Very new to this hobby and am looking for a good massage parlor in the area? I want a full body satisfaction.

01-14-09, 16:02
Well, Throttlejockey, just look down the page a few posts and find some information. For even more information, use the search function!

I was on my way to a break at Burger King while looking for working girls Tuesday afternoon. I was on 11th approaching Broadway, just north of the Midtown Community Resource Center, when I spotted a community resource standing, appropriately, at the intersection. She gave me the eye, but I wasn't in the market so I looked away. When she approached the vehicle and asked for a ride, I decided that I'd visit with her and let her in. She gave me the hard sell for a BJ, but I resisted and told her I was on my way for a burger. I offered to take her to her destination, but she continued to give her sales pitch as I drove to BK, ultimately scooping one of her large breasts out of her top for my inspection. I continued to resist even her $15 offer with free sample, finally took her to the proximity of the Sonic and shooed her out of my car. She said her name was Poppie. She's a latina or light-skinned black with long, wavy hair, an ordinary face and a pretty juicy figure, probably 20-something. Another community resource later warned me of Poppie's tendency to take things that aren't hers, so be extra careful with her.

USA Kansas
01-14-09, 21:04
Hey B.O.P how you doing?

KC Questor
01-14-09, 21:10
Very new to this hobby and am looking for a good massage parlor in the area? I want a full body satisfaction.
Head south, to Tulsa (preferably) or OKC.

01-15-09, 14:07
Hey Gears,

That tight female your talking about does she look like she may be jail bait. If so she is legal and a good one to have. I was very cautious when I picked her up for the first time. Good thing I got over my fear cuz she was worth the time.

01-15-09, 14:15
I don't feel qualified to nominate anyone since my pool of talent is very small, three gals.

I think I saw the same spinner I saw about a week ago. Both times it's been after dark, about 6PM this time, and I haven't seen her face very well. She was in about the same place, NBDW west of St. Francis Hospital. She has a tight, slim body, wears glasses and has long, dark hair. Both times she has been checking her neck's range of motion as she walks and both times I didn't see her when I came around on another pass.Worth the pick-up if its the same one I'm thinking about, looks like she may be jail bait but legal.

01-15-09, 18:23

She looks young, but I haven't had a good enough look at her to guess her age.

Do tell more.

01-16-09, 15:59
Spotted the infamous "Spinner" earlier today. Looked legal to me, but still young 19-20ish. North Broadway in the 9th-13th area. Unfortunately there was a ton of traffic and she was gone by the time I came back around. Her head was indeed on a swivel, but try as I might I couldn't make eye contact.

01-19-09, 18:48

She looks young, but I haven't had a good enough look at her to guess her age.

Do tell more.If she wears glasses and recently been wearing a tan coat she be the one. Worth the money spent for a good tight time.

01-20-09, 01:28
I'm new to the area anybody know if CL is worth checkin out?

01-21-09, 09:37
In my opinion Craigslist is hit and miss you never know what you are going to get. Better off finding a Indy off of the boards or going to jessie's. Atleast you mite find a review on them.

01-22-09, 13:34
A couple of weeks ago, street action especially NBW was very busy. Saw A, 1/2 and 1/2, and 4 or 5 I did not recognize. However, this week LE presence is almost suffocating. Yesterday, I saw one thick BSW and that was only for a few seconds. Be careful out there.

01-23-09, 00:11
Saw A, 1/2 and 1/2, and 4 or 5 I did not recognize.Oldguy58, I suppose that sentence makes sense to you, but please expound upon it for me. Thanks for the report. I was on NBW Thursday night around 8:30. 9:00 and didn't see any SW's.

01-24-09, 20:04
Had a couple of free hours this afternoon so I took a fun around the Broadway stroll. Was out from about 1 to 3. Mostly dry.

Also took a detour over to Washington, Topeka, and Emporia. I thought I had hit pay dirt at 2nd and Topeka. Pretty good looking one on that corner. But as approached the corner, the car in front of me pulled over and snagged her right in front of me.

Cruised back around about 1/2 hour later but she wasn't back in the area. Don't get a chance to get out very often so having a dry run was a big disappointment.

During the whole run I only saw to LE cars around. One had a car pulled over for a traffic violation and the other was just driving by.

Bird of Prey
01-29-09, 00:37
With apologies to to Peter, Paul and Mary...

The really outstanding BJ's have all gone to visit Uncle LEO, unfortuneately!

Dawn of north end Sonic fame is on extended vacation in Butler county. My understanding is she literally had her door kicked in by the insistant old farts. They demanded she cease plying her trade on their beat.

Doris of Murdock & NBW is in Sedgwick County Detention. Her charges and time away are unknown to me.

Terry is awaiting trail with the probable sentence of 36 months hanging over her like a black cloud.

So if anyone is aware of some new talent, as yet unknown to me, I would really appreciate at heads up (No pun intended) as pressure is really building. (So to speak)

01-29-09, 03:41
Wow! Sorry to hear that. I guess that Dawn's and Terry's digits won't do me a lot of good now! I consider both to be friends and look forward to updates.

I trolled NBW Wednesday night around 9:30 and probably saw one WSW at about 20th. This h/w proportional gal with long, dishwater blonde hair looked at me as I passed. She may have backtracked to the convenience store at 21st to give me another look as I put some fuel in my car, but I thought the gal I saw there looked taller and didn't make the possible connection in my mind until later.

01-29-09, 11:36
Sorry so late...However I had an appt in Wichita this last Tuesday. One of the coldest times of the year so far. My appt was at 5 and It was 4:30. I decided to waist some time and strole up NBDWY. I was low on gas and decided to head for the QT. At about BW&10th I spotted from behind a short girls shakin her stuff as she was walking south. She had on a Dark Blue Parka and Black stocking cap. She look to be about 5'3".

I got my gas and headed back South. I passed her again at around 13th. She made eye contact. Very cute. She smiled real big and stopped walking. Waited for me to make the turnaround. Sad to say I had to keep my other appt. She was definatly working...Not sure if legit but she was out there.

I also saw in front of the Hotel across the street from Popeys' Chicken. She as short blond and HOT!!! Way to hot! Acting like she was working but as they say. "Looked to good to be true"

That was two days ago.....

01-30-09, 02:57
A is for Amy, "Half and Half" is the nickname of one my favorites and is her favorite activity. If the little blond was waving a lollipop and bouncing around drawing attention to herself, you are about to get stung.

Advisor Today
01-30-09, 13:20
Welcome back Bird!!

Although I have known the news about Dawn, Terry, and Dorie for awhile it still hurts to see it in print. I enjoyed the time I spent with these three fine ladies. I have to thank BOP for setting me up with all of them. The will be missed.

On my last Wichita venture I had to fend for myself. After several trip up and down S & N BW I was about to give up as a lost cause. On my final pass I was going by the apartments south of the QT when a black gal gave me the eye. Going around the block found her walking toward my car. She got in and we did the LE dance.

We then went back to my motel room. First thing I had her shower then we had a good time. She wasn't great, hell I would barely put her in the good category but as the old sailing saying goes any port in a storm.

Her name was Ericka. I thing she does mostly BJ in car dates so the motel thing was a new to her.

Hope I never have to use her again but who knows how hard up a guy can get.

Be safe

Advisor Today

Bird of Prey
02-02-09, 01:18
Since my standby's are all on "assisted vacation", the Bird was forced to fly low over NBW last Thursday about noon to seek new talent.
A dishwater blond was on the strole near the Auto. As I reversed course on Market she dashed for the car, jumped in, almost immediately raising her sweater to show me her tits while reaching for my crotch & begging "Please tell me you aren't the police?" Amy tried to negotiate a bit too high for an as of yet untested service. She settled for a more resonable donation and we were off to her room close by. Yes I know, buyer beware. This 29 year old newby didn't strike me as one that would be working with someone hiding in closet or under the bed so I proceeded to brake all the rules I preach to you all.
In any event, there were no problems and surprisingly no indication of drugs. There were also too many rules IMHO. I beleive she could be trained to be a pretty good submissive and probably even work into a regular.
The first thing she's got to deal with is being pregnant. I'm not suggesting anything whatever. It's just that I don't want deal with that certain surprise. 6 on looks, 6 on attitude, 5 on skills. Digits available but for how long, who knows.

02-02-09, 15:56
New to area and stumbled across this site sometime back and made a couple of post. Was reading old posts and saw gap there for awhile and was wondering if everyone got picked up by uncle leo. Even checked out there web site for who been arrested lately. Saw that my recently found friend was picked up by uncle leo up north. Haven't seen her out lately, hope she isn't on vacation.

Was out the other day and saw a light completed chunky B/F in the area of BW/Pine. Went back by and she was gone by time I got back around.

02-04-09, 01:34
I drove around a bit earlier this evening... though I have been out of the game a while, I didn't think I was completely clueless. Therefore, it must be the weather. I say that because ALL I saw in almost an hour was one ugly hump thats been working the stroll TOO long. I thought she was gonna jump in front of my car at 11th and Broadway... Jeez.

Anyone having any luck? All of my favorites have either disappeared or are taking the trip to the Sheriff's Bed and Breakfast.

02-04-09, 04:05
I was out checking Bdwy in the wee hours of Monday and didn't see much for a while. Saw a blonde with her hair pulled back across from Relax Inn at around 3:00. She didn't give the look, but seemed to be loitering so I came 'round and gave her another chance. Stopped around the corner and within a short time she was accepting the offer of a ride. Introductions revealed she was Oceannah whom I had met last Fall courtesy of BOP. A $25 suck session in a dark neighborhood ensued, but I had declined her offer to go to her room. She looked and smelled nice. I examined her saggy b-cups and felt her round bottom as she worked. She said she didn't really work Bdwy and offered more traditional incall escort services of $75/30min and $125/hr rates. Gave me digits, but when I tried them Tuesday evening a guy who didn't acknowledge knowing anything about the name Oceannah answered! Useful contact information for her would be appreciated.

I was in the mood to window-shop after my interlude and continued to cruise for a while. Saw another blonde wearing a long, white coat walking at around 9th on NBdw in the company of a small person. She gave the look as I passed twice. I really wondered whether the small person walking with her could be a grade-school boy. So sad if that was the case!

02-06-09, 13:54
Oceannah is the way she spelled her name for me.

Contact information in hand, but I suspect it has a short shelf-life.

Bird of Prey
02-16-09, 00:40
The both don't work very long!

The bad news is...Girls are in & out or on & off this hobby in short order. Few operate more than 90 days with out burning out or heading over to Elms Street Resort for extended stays.

The good news is... More girls are lining up to take their place. Bonus...When the girls check out of the Elm Street Resort most return to service without missing a beat.

This week alone I dipped my wick in Melanie, Jade (both newbies) and an old favorite Kelly popped back up. I was the lucky guy to initiate her back into the land of orgasms provided by the male of the species!. I just love to hear them holler!!!

The board has been pretty bland recently gentlemen. the girls are out there waiting to make ot hot. Do your part and post, don't just lurk.

02-16-09, 04:46
I had a 5 pm appointment last Thursday the 12th. Took a little drive up one way to NBW and did some recon. Small thin wsw with long fine hair left QT going east and then south. Noticed Leo turning east one block south of the QT on a collision course with my target so I turned north on BW. Saw good looking tall thin young white thing with curly brown hair walking south with long strides about two blocks north of the QT. Made a quick turn around on the one ways to get a better look. Leo was out of the car talking to her in the Taco parking lot. Decided to go around just for another look and saw Leo setting back in the lot across from the Sonic. Three in about 3 blocks!! Time to go home. I did have some luck about 3 weeks ago at about the same location. Picked up one of the best looking sw I ever have at about 3 in the afternoon. She says that she is only out just before sunrise, but she had her phone/purse stolen and couldn't get back into her friend's room. She is about 5' 4", wore a black hat, long dark hair, nice eyes, nice body, etc. Went by the name of Brandi. First bj I have had where the woman growled as she sucked me. My apologies boys, I did not get her digits but will if there is a next time.

02-18-09, 03:34
Did a lot of cruising in the Anti-Prostitution Emphasis Area Monday evening. L.E. was not much in evidence except as reported below.

A fairly large wsw carrying a shoulder bag and with her dark hair pulled up in a clip aggressively signaled as I passed several times in the general area of N. 9th and Market, but I didn't find her attractive and didn't bite.

Saw a young, slightly thick, black or hispanic gal wandering up and down a couple of blocks of NBW. Saw her at the drive-through window of a chicken place. Saw her yell after one of the guys walking purposelessly down the road and catch up to her friend. Saw her in a motel parking lot talking to someone. Saw her joking and jumping next to a pickup at a convenience store.

Saw a smiling gal in front of the motel across from the Sonic. Didn't see her again on subsequent passes.

Saw two very young-looking gals, one blond and the other brunette, who were drawing attention between Market and BW along N. 9th and 8th, I think. Came to the conclusion later with BOP's help that they were probably TGTBT.

Saw Jade walking "home". She got into my vehicle and we went to her room for some paid fun. I found her pretty attractive and enjoyed her covered (my choice) cocksucking services. Thanks for the report, BOP.

After I left, I saw a major l.e. operation going down at some of the new Inter-Faith apartments. Several patrolmen were searching the property for someone. The two wsw's were seen in the area just before.

Bird of Prey
02-20-09, 01:39
Picked up Melanie on Market near 11th the other morning about 9AM. She isn't the most attractive female (5'10", 135#, wavy short dark hair) on the streets but something about her called to me. Her very demeanor when she got in the car told me this was no decoy cop. She showed me her condom and asked if I had a place or did i want to acompany her back to her room? I asked what was on the menu and the cost? Whatever you want, whatever I've got, for however long I like. (As long as she had time to shower before she met her dad to go to lunch at 1PM. and she had $40 to pay for her room.)
Needless to say, we toured the world, speaking Greek in several positions. I had one of those $5 2-speed mini-vibrators that Vegas Cinema sells at the counter. She fell in love with it. In parting, I let her keep it. After all, she had just spent 3 hours entertaining me. I thought was the very least I could do, don't you?

Bird of Prey
03-06-09, 05:44
There are litterally dozens of ladies walking the streets waiting for you gents to tell their story. What are you waiting for? Some are good, some aren't. It would be a heck of a lot easier for us all if we would communicate a little better.

03-07-09, 20:07

I must be traveling the wrong routes or looking at the wrong times.

Had a few hours free today so spent ran up and down Broadway, did the loop over to Washington, scouted out the area south of Via Christie, and even took a look over on Hillside. Nothing, Nada, Zip.

For reference it was from about 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Would love to post, but get tired of saying I saw nothing.

Sure wished I had read your posts earlier and tried to contact you for Dee's digits. Would have had time to enjoy a little interlude.

There are litterally dozens of ladies walking the streets waiting for you gents to tell their story. What are you waiting for? Some are good, some aren't. It would be a heck of a lot easier for us all if we would communicate a little better.

03-08-09, 00:57
Looked around today. Quite a few LE. Few ladies.

03-15-09, 02:26
Hello fellow mongers,

I have just lurked for so long. I have about 10 years of hobby practice though the last 2 have been few and far between. I did most of my fun in Los Angeles which got very tight when I left there back in 05. I hit a few on Bway when I got here in 06. The usual experiences, some smelled so bad I had to get the car detailed afterwards but one was exceptionally talented in the bbbjcim skills. Said her name was Bee (Bea?) and the price was right at $25. EDE bleach blond A cups flat as pancakes. This must have been a year ago. Caught her N Bway around 10th 11th. No digits or I would have gladly grabbed her again but with a mandatory shower thrown in.

Sorry for the lateness in my reports here. I am just starting to make amends for all of the good information I have gleaned from this thread and several in other cities that made it so much easier for me to spot the tracks and some of the robs.

I have been too busy to do much mongering of late though lately have found myself driving BWay more often. Seems such a convenient street to use to get to other places. lol. I always think I have the excuse ready if I get stopped. I was looking for a cheap car to buy. There are so many lots on the street. The last few times I have been out have been just too dead. Probably more bad timing than anything.

So with my impending divorce and desert of pussylessness I should be prowling more frequently. Would hate to die of a priests disease. My pipes need a regular flushing.

I did hit that MP on Central with some result about 6 months ago (hj) and I also hit an AMP in OKC last month. I really just need a local regular. Don't we all.

Oh also hit Jessies about two months ago for the first time after reviewing this forum and seeing where the best results seemed to be. Being DaBargainMan I had to really stress over those prices but the lady I met was well worth the 175 + small tip. Young sweet. Forgot her name but her pic is no longer on the web site. No upsell or asking about tips was such a plus. And she made interesting small talk that seemed genuine. Only downside was I felt very vulnerable pulling up to their office to pay the fee. Wish they had parking in the rear. My car stands out like a sore thumb. Other downside was there was a bit of a used odor coming up from her spot as I was hitting it. For that kind of price I would have assumed it would smell sweeter. But she was running back to back as it was a Friday night.

Any way, safe hobbying to all. I think I will be pretty active here soon and promise to share all of the gory details good or bad,


03-24-09, 04:17
I've cruised the streets of Wichita in the anti-prostitution emphasis area recently (where else?). Last Thursday I think I saw the brunette spinner first mentioned a few months ago. Saw her once between 5 and 6:00 pm on N. Market between 8th and 9th. She gave the look, but I didn't stop. Didn't see her again that evening. Also saw a taller brunette in the same area. Was told by Halph that she is Sharon. She is solid and about the same thickness from her shoulders to rear. I've seen her in this area before, but don't have any experience with her. Late I saw an obese blonde who seemed to have a one-block stretch she was working.

Had a date with Halph the Tuesday before last. She's half white and half black. The halves seemed to be pretty well mixed together into a well-proportioned woman with shoulder-length, wavy, dark hair (average height, small b-cups). She walks the street some in the area mentioned above. Left a message during the afternoon at the number she gave me and she returned my call from another number around 6:00, I think. This is probably what you can expect if trying to call her. You can leave voicemail at one number, but she'll call you from another number. She can tell you why. Arranged to pick her up near Douglas and Hillside. We were both hungry so we found some fast food (my treat). She was friendly and coherent. Told me she's been doing this for 16 years! Said she also has a regular job. I then bought her some smokes and after touring an old neighborhood near HCA Wesley decided that we needed to stop and get better acquainted. Her compensation was dinner plus $20 from which she also bought her smokes. I recommend her.

Bird of Prey
03-25-09, 05:00
Half has a troubled past with charges involving violence and larceny. This can, of course, be said of many of the ladies of the street. My source is credible, but not without a checkered sheet also.

I'm just wanting to remind everyone know that safety is an issue in our hobby. It's up to us all to watch out for each other.

04-10-09, 17:03
It's good to be reminded of the risks and dangers involved in picking up streetwalkers, so thanks, BOP. In my encounter with Halph, the closest to violent she became was when she sucked the tip of the condom and stretched it upward then let it snap back in playful fashion. That got my attention, but didn't hurt me.

Tuesday, two weeks ago, I was cruising NBW and surroundings not long after 5:00 in the evening when I saw the Abominable Snowman, Bigfoot and Amy! They were all walking hand-in-hand on Broadway toward Pine (Amy turned out to be the brunette spinner I've sighted fleetingly several times in recent months.). This time I went around the block and parked near her path. Few SW's would have gotten me to stop that day, but she was on the list. She got in and we started driving. She started complaining about dealings with some guys who window-shop and waste her time. I assured her that I wasn't one of those (at least not this time!).

We eventually parked in an alley against a fence in a residential area and got better acquainted. She wanted her money up front and I relented, but reached over and locked her door. She also let me know that the $20 I was offering was cut-rate, but she'd do business. I go for cbj's with sw's and produced a flavored condom for her. She asked whether she could trade her orange condom and keep the cherry I offered for use with her boyfriend. I didn't ask, but that indicates to me that cbj is standard for her. I pawed her from her butt to her boobs and hair as she worked. She is a cute, 28yo spinner, but if you are a boob guy, you will be disappointed by what she has under her top. I liked her technique and was soon satisfied and we were on our way. I think that as we were driving she actually recognized the vehicle of a regular customer. She said that she often walks during rush-hour. She had a 'phone without minutes. Amy is enjoying her 15 minutes (make that 30 days) of fame on the internet courtesy of WPD.

Since that day I've cruised a couple more times and seen quite a few sw's in the same general area. Have seen a few on S. Broadway too. One north of the Relax Inn yesterday was pretty obvious by her loitering. A guy should be sure to make one like her walk if you don't know her. She might have put the brakes on your party plans and given you a ride instead.

04-11-09, 15:42
I know this is a long shot but does anyone know any providers around Little Sahara?

Bird of Prey
04-21-09, 01:14
Tonight Advisor and I decided to scout out the territory to take one (or two) for the team. After one pass down BW I noticed a couple of liklies on 11th headed west. A quick flip round the block produced Jennifer and Shea.

Advisor & I have done the DblHeader several times before but not since the demose of the Byrd House had we donw the foursome thing. Jennifer is a short 110 Hispanic spinner that makes the bulk of her income by selling cars... titles are extra. I wasn't overly excited about her as a propect but Shea showed great promise. The fuck gods smiled as Jennys phone rang and she had to depart.

The Western on Kellogg, took our money and Shea took to the sheets like a little girl waking up from a bad dream. She was litteraly scard to death. Don't misunderstand, she's well over 18, even 30.

This was the just the first time she'd ever walked the streets. Jennifer promised to show her the ropes and promptly disappeared ahnding her over to us.

What was to become of her??? She sucked dicks, she came shaking like a leaf, took my dick up her ass and pussy a couple of times and was thrilled to ride back into town with a c-note and a half. She left me her number and looks forward to meetng all you qualified mongers out there!!! Advisor has promised to send me some pix that i will post asap.

04-23-09, 16:02
The good luck that resulted in me meeting the Abominable Snowman, Bigfoot and Amy recently continued with the sighting and encounter with the legendary Dawn last week. She accepted my offer of a ride on N. Market in the evening twilight and we went "walking in the park and reminiscing" as the song goes (well, without the walking part). First she had to buy some smokes (the traditional kind) and when she returned to my car she asked enthusiastically, "Are you going to let me suck your dick?". I responded in the affirmative and we were off to "hide in plain sight". After some deep-throat action we were headed back to the point of origin. BOP, she said that you weren't there when she got out of the klink at 1:30 in the morning after her extended stay! I haven't seen her in my trolling since and she didn't have a 'phone when I saw her.

Last week I saw a pretty, dark-haired little gal (probably a latina) on N. Topeka and Emporia who seemed to be working, but her behavior confused me such that I didn't know whether she considered me a potential customer or a stalker when I passed her again, all in the early evening. Saw her again when I was in town early Saturday morning. This time her signals were clearer and I just had to talk to her so I picked her up. Nicole got in even though she said she didn't need a ride. She told me to take her to the McDonald's nearby on N. Broadway and I bought her breakfast at the drive-through. I was really window-shopping that morning and after driving a little I told her that I just wanted to inspect her ample breasts. She took my $10 for that purpose, but my enjoyment cost me about $5.484/second ($3.71 for breakfast included, but no mileage for transporting her there) because she was now irritated that I had wasted her time and just scooped her left breast out for my perfunctory inspection (hard to do a good job of it in 2.5 seconds and I didn't inspect the right one at all!). At her request, I dropped her at some nearby apartments. Don't know whether she'd let me pick her up again. She has shoulder-length, dark, wavy hair and would be a spinner if she lost about 20 pounds, so I'd say she looks "healthy". Flashes a nice, big smile (at least she used to).

Was out again Tuesday of this week looking around and saw the above girl and several others in the evening along 11th St. North, east of Broadway. Also saw another one or two south of there a few blocks.

Bird of Prey
04-27-09, 11:53
As promised here are the pix from Advisor and my fling with Shea. Looks like a fun time was had by all!!!!

Bird of Prey
05-05-09, 06:03
This suppose to be a forum of many voices. I don't like to give lectures. Gears is one of a very few who consistently try to pass on info. I may be forced to move to another board that gets more participation.

In the mean time this is Rene. She fucks and sucks to smoke. Decent attitude, unremarkable talent but stays the course until you say stop or she swallows.

Advisor Today
05-07-09, 16:39
It does seem like there are a lot fewer posts on the boards lately. I for one have been lacking, however, I haven't been very active lately. The economy has slowed me down some but not stopped me completely. I hope to make it to Wichita next Monday evening, so perhaps I will have something to post at that time.

Bird the young lady you posted last looks like she could suck a ping pong ball thru a garden hose. I sure would like some sweet young thing to suck something out of my short hose.

I usually try to party with Bird and let him post the photos as it is difficult for me to post photos.

I have heard there is an AMP in Derby, does anyone know anything about it. What kind of services does it offer? Is there extras to be had? What price ranges? and most of all do they offer happy endings?

If Monday/Tuesday have anything to offer I will post that information at a later date.

05-07-09, 18:16
Well, I ran across the recently mentioned Brittany, but had a fairly different experience. She smelled nice, had to be somewhat talked into accepting a ride and was a real chatterbox regarding potential activities. Her shall we say "Gangsta" speech style was a bit annoying, but I wound up with one of the better BBBJCIM's in my recent history. Maybe I just caught her in between hazes, but I'd probably snatch her up again.

Bird of Prey
05-08-09, 07:59
I was so happy to see someone else posting that I decided to run right out and give Britney a ride.

It seems that the day I first found Britney, she was coming down off a four day high without sleep (or a bath). This time she was much more on top of her game and worth putting her thru her paces. She was compliant, somewhat submissive and friendly. She spoke all languages and would assume any position that I desired. From a straight sex perspective, she would have to rate a high 7 this time. From a personality perspective, she still seems lost and not overly interested in the Junction Function, if you get my drift.

Always keep in mind the above board adage... Y.M.M.V. (Your Mileage May Vary)

Bird of Prey
05-13-09, 00:52
As I traveled west on Central near Hydraulic, I was focused more on the continuing rain that I was on mongering but suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a short blonde doing the over the shoulder glance at traffic, which as we all know is a sure sign of a working girl. As she spun back, and I swear without even thinking, I was giving her the hand signal for circling the block.

Within 60 seconds, Laura was in my car, showed me her mouth sized breasts, felt my crotch and we were off to the room. Laura was dressed in a T-Shirt, cover up and sweats; soaked to the bone and surprisingly in good spirits. As soon as I said my name, she recognized me as a friend of ICTraveler.

ICT had called me just as he picked Laura up a few weeks ago, hoping to pop for a threesome. I was under the weather so he proceeded without me. He called after with high marks, but I noticed he never posted here. Shame Shame!

I can attest that Laura is good time. She chases the pipe, but seems to have it under somewhat control. She's well spoken, interested in pleasing and not an upseller. Y.M.M.V.

She has "Betty Davis" eyes that are deep crystal blue. She has an easy smile once she gets to know you. She has a mouth that feels like warm butter. She's accomplished at deep throating and at 90 pounds or less, riding your lap is no problem. On the obligatory street scale Laura makes most look like they are in the dust. 9 on looks (naked); 8.5 on technique (No anal); 9.5 on attitude. (One has to leave some room for improvement)

She has no phone currently but plans are in the works. She has agreed to pix on our next rendezvous later this week. As soon as I have them, they will be here.

Guys, this is your chance to hook up with an escort quality girl without the attitude and for less coin, If you've dropped $150+ at the services, Laura will make you happy more than once for the same outlay. (No pun intended)

05-14-09, 07:36
On Jessie's site there is a new girl named Cotton Candy. Does anyone know anything about her? I thought about checking her out. Has anyone been to Jessies? Do I need to get a room before I go? Any Info would be great.

KC Questor
05-14-09, 15:39
On Jessie's site there is a new girl named Cotton Candy. Does anyone know anything about her? I thought about checking her out. Has anyone been to Jessies? Do I need to get a room before I go? Any Info would be great.

Jessie's is an incall establishment. When you visit their office you will be directed to a nearby apartment to meet your date. They will do outcall to your hotel but you either have to be a repeat customer or visit their office first to get screened.

No info on Cotton Candy, however.

05-14-09, 16:30
Anyone know the actual rates at Jessies?

Judging by their "Specials" I'm guessing a couple Franklins per hour.

Hate Veggies
05-14-09, 18:31
On Jessie's site there is a new girl named Cotton Candy. Does anyone know anything about her? I thought about checking her out. Has anyone been to Jessies? Do I need to get a room before I go? Any Info would be great.

I would call and tried to set an appointment with Cotton Candy. My experiences with Jessie's has been that only a couple of girls from the website are ever there when I have gone. Usually LA, Exotic and Firecracker and sometimes someone not on the website. Let us know how it goes with CC and thanks for reminding me to check their site from time to time.

05-19-09, 02:59
Well... Since the bird man called me out...

Yeah, I've been remiss in posting for a while. It's tough to access the site from my computer safely these days. Anyway, a few morsels.

First... the rate at Jessie's is the same as it always has been... 1.75 for the hour. Tips not required, but, well, you know the drill.

I will second all that the Bird had to say about Laura. Nice, nice, nice. Very reasonable and a nice afternoon, if you can find her. She's not been good about calling back for a second visit, if you get my drift.

I spotted Brittany as well a few days ago... and we spent a little time together. Any port in a storm... but just barely. Might drive on by next time.

And... here's blast from the past. Spotted Dawn this afternoon pretty far east on Central. Didn't stop... but she looked really run down. Damn near run over! Too bad for us.

Be careful out there!

Hard Blaze
05-19-09, 14:28
Does anyone have any information on Island Girls massage? Email me directly if you have any information if they provide extra attention.

Bird of Prey
05-21-09, 00:03
Here's the update on Laura. I have her tucked away for a few days if you would like to meet her. I know she wants to meat you!

05-21-09, 22:11
Birdman we need some talent like that here in Fayetthell, NC, nice pics and I'm sure first rate pussy.

Advisor Today
05-25-09, 14:32
Had an opportunity for a date with Laura last Thursday. Unfortunately she had an argument with another man the night before, he wanted her to do something outside of her window of services offered. When she declined he hit her and gave her a fat lip. Even with her fat lip she was more than accommodating. He BBBJ with the lip was awesome, I can only imagine what she would be like with her lip feeling fine.

She was very much interested in my pleasure and not her own. In fact she got off once and was not really interested in me touching or playing with her after that. I think the bird and I need to tag team her and get her broke in to multiple pops for herself. I think she would be a much better provider with that ability.

She also does not go for Greek, I suspect that was what got her the fat lip to start with.

Except for her tits she has the body of a teenager. Unfortunately her tits show the abuse of several children and a fondness for the pipe.

I do not have a number for her, wish I did I would probably see her again, and again and again, well you get the picture.

Be Safe

Bird of Prey
05-30-09, 05:46
Last night I was on the NBS (North Broadway Stroll) and I found a new cutie walking that I just had to show you! Naw...the truth is... Enlarge this avatar and imagine she's out there now! It's just cool as shi@.

Advisor Today
06-04-09, 11:30
With BOP help I located a very professional lady yesterday. Tia had a room in west Wichita, set up a meeting. Tia is a 30s something native American from Ok. She went right to work and started to get naked. Good body, a little fuller from being older. Smaller tits with great nipples. Started with DATY until had my fill. She then started a BBBJ very good action, from there we went to cowgirl, mish and doggie. With my medical history it is very hard for me to get off. I almost always have to finish with good ole mrs palmer and her five daughters. Tia was very helpful with a lot of rubbing, touching and licking along with a great prostate massage.

All in all she was well worth the .75 donation, and will see her again if her number is still good in a month.

If you are a senior member with credentials you can pm me and I will lay her number on you. Regular members, sorry but pay your dues first.

She said she was on Craigs list but couldn't find her.

Be Safe.

06-19-09, 17:17
First off, hearing about BOP left me speechless! Is such a huge loss to the hobby. He was always a great help to me, esp back in the day.

Have seen a couple people asking about Island Girls Massage, but no posts. Am planning a trip there, but before I go was wondering if anyone has any info on rates, procedures, or just any recommendations. Feel free to PM me if that is easier.

I have been to the east JJ's spa a couple times. It is just ok, as long as you don't let them upsell you and overpay. Never been to the west, but am curious how it compares. I will post back if/when I make it to the place in Derby.

Thanks for any info, PM or otherwise.

USA Kansas
06-22-09, 23:35
Hadn't been on this forum for a while, but saw an ad in Craigslist for a Asian Spa at 1030 E. 1ST Street at Washington, and figured I'd find out from Bird what to expect. I knew he would know about it. What a shock I got instead.

Last few times I talked to BOP he acted like the prostate problem was in the past. Never imagined he was still battling it. Sure wish he'd of said something so I could of visited him one more time. I considered BOP a good friend, and will miss him very much. Can't think of a good reason to go to Wichita now.

Advisor Today
06-30-09, 11:18
I wasn't planning on posting on the board for awhile but some thing came up, pun intended.

I was in Wichita the past week on business. I really wasn't planning on picking up anyone, it didn't seem the same with out BOP but I couldn't help going around the strolls. I happened to travel up NBW and all of a sudden I was surprised to see an old friend, Dawn.

We connected and went to a motel. She is still in top form, however, I do suspect she is back on the pipe. If you catch her in one of her calmer moods you can have a great time.

For those who have not heard of this young lady I will give you some info. She gives a BBBJ that is different than any other gal l have been with. She if very liquid and includes a great deal of tongue action while blowing.

She also puts new meaning to rim job. She doesn't do a rim job she dives into the hole thing, yes spelling is correct. I do believe this gal gets off in eathing out a guys ass. Just remember where that mouth has been if she wants to kiss you. Not only you but the previous guy she was with. For the right guy she will also speak greek. We ended the session with BBBJ CIM with her licking me totally clean.

She does not have a phone but she can be found.

Advisor Today.

06-30-09, 19:47
Dawn can still be found this week as well. I couldn't resist doing some window-shopping this afternoon and saw her in her old haunts. Got her attention partly because she knows my car!

Last week saw an older, skinny, strawberry blonde who was praised in this forum in the past. (Edit) - I think this gal's name is Doris. I spied her a couple of times on NBW.

Advisor, maybe Dawn is responsible for the shigellosis (My term of endearment for it is "the shigs".) outbreak in Sedgwick County!

Lesser Kestrel
07-01-09, 00:34
I've been an avid lurker for some time. I've done my research by reading and re-reading the various forums that I'm familar with. It's time I quit watch and joined in the hobby.

After an hour of touring the various strolls made infamous by members of this forum, I'm sad to report that I was just as scared as I was when I started. My hands were sweaty, my legs where trembling, my forehead was awash in sweat. My ears were ringing with what I should and shouldn't say.

There she was. 5'7", 105#, dark hair covered in a bright red, leather. "Kid Rock" hat and tits bursting out of a pushup bra. The outfit was accented by tall boots that I envisioned would be wrapped around my waist in the next 30 minutes. Somehow I negotiated the car over, slowing down while lowering my window to ask if she needed a ride without runnning her over.

We spent 60 minutes obilterating my monger virginity, something I will not miss. "B" prefers to work an early shift and spends her days and evenings with regulars. She gave me her digits and promised to pose for pictures on my next hookup. Somehow, I'm thinking that won't be too long from now!

Lesser Kestrel
07-02-09, 09:04
"B" or Brandi didn't call like she promised. Pissed as I was, I was still in the mood so I headed down east Central.

Picked up "Dorthy" who turned out to be a real "Toto" biatch. She had an attitude that had me looking for an exit after just 2 minutes in the car. When I told her I wasn't buying she tried to tell me that I had already bought when she sat down in the seat.

She agreed to try elsewhere when I pulled the car over and assited her out of car by means of her hair. She threatened me with making a scene. I just made one faster than she did.

If your new dates name is "Dorthy", you have a problem. Dirty blond, 120#, kina bug eyed but in a cute way. Sorry guys just too much adrenalline to remember more than the threat and action.

07-02-09, 21:07

Your point is taken, and I respect your view. You’re right, we don’t want to antagonize those out to deter those seeking the type of connections we all desire. I would point out the BOP felt the same way, but those reading this board are “supposedly” on the same team, so I won’t say any more.


I’m surprised at the action you found with Dorothy. If she’s the same one I’ve seen in the past, she’s definitely gone down hill. If she’s actually about 120, yeah, she’s hitting the pipe. Used to be a little heavier than that….but all other descriptions fit her. Sorry to hear that, because she used to be fun.

WPD is hitting the streets with stings, so be careful out there guys!


07-03-09, 22:22
Hadn't been on this forum for a while, but saw an ad in Craigslist for a Asian Spa at 1030 E. 1ST Street at Washington, and figured I'd find out from Bird what to expect. I knew he would know about it. What a shock I got instead.

Last few times I talked to BOP he acted like the prostate problem was in the past. Never imagined he was still battling it. Sure wish he'd of said something so I could of visited him one more time. I considered BOP a good friend, and will miss him very much. Can't think of a good reason to go to Wichita now.Any news about this? Massages are my favorite.

Do U Wanna
07-05-09, 20:32
Who cares if you antagonize me, but I'm not a cop. It's just the guys who chase the street action really leave a sour taste in my mouth. I come accross as an asshole, because quite frankly, I have quite a bit of disgust in you guys. But just as many, if not more look at me the same way I look at you guys for being an escort user.

So am I wrong for feeling I'm better? I mean what's the point of being the lessor weirdo right? I've just had good luck with recruiting girls from agencies to see me outside the confines of having to share the fee with the agency, for a reduced price. Generally if your cool and they feel relaxed you can get regular $100 deals worked out, and I've become friends with some to an small degree.

Agencies have a licencing process, and the girls are supposed to obtain licences as well, it just slices out a lot of the hard luck rock heads that walk the streets with felony records.

For me the point is getting pussy I can't get on my own merits anymore, 19-22 year old cuties. Not nasty fucking disgusting street ******.

For whatever it's worth, I am sorry for all the problems I've caused here.

07-08-09, 14:54
I was out window shopping for quite a while Monday night. Got to North Broadway at about 8:30 and started "shopping". Saw lots of the brothas out and about. Many were in small groups wandering around, looking around, harassing each other, etc. Doesn't make much sense to me even though I've seen it many times before. I suppose there are a few "entrepreneurs" among them. There would occasionally be a sista there too, but I saw little to make me think any was an entrepreneur herself, at least at that time. One of the brothas succeeded in getting an interview with a local man in uniform. Maybe he got a job.

At around 10:00 I started to see the working ladies in the usual places. Saw a pair, older brunette and younger blonde. A pickup was stopped at the corner, but I was between the sw's and him and the brunette came to my window. I shook my head and as she walked away, the pickup swung quickly into the parking lot and after some talk all retired to the nearby motel. I wondered whether it was a sting and came around several more times without seeing the gals, but continued to see his pickup at the motel.

I ended the night of shopping with one more piece of cheap entertainment. Saw a tall, slim sista in a sundress who was trying to get my attention. I looped around and came by again and my lights illuminated her white panties as she held her dress up and walked toward me. Decided then that I had had enough fun and pointed the car homeward.

I was out again today for a little while, beginning at 5:00 PM. Saw Doris on and near NBW. Saw a gal sitting on an apartment porch on N. Market. She was definitely interested in the people driving by. On SBW, north of the QuickTrip, I saw a wsw sporting a mop of dark hair. She smiled so sweetly to me, but I resisted and went home! Oh, it is hard to resist some of these sirens (only some of them)!

Lesser Kestrel
07-09-09, 03:10
After the bad experience with Dorthy, I decided I better get back on the horse as soon as I could. I drove Broadway from Pawnee to 21st about 7PM and didn't see a single prospect. I pulled into McDonalds near 10th and was solicited right there in the order line by a cute little Hispanic named Jennifer. She's 95#, straight dark hair and a pleasing personality.

She jumped in, I ordered her a burger and drink and we sat in the lot, discussing her menu. I'm really not interested car dates but decided that this might be the best deal to be had. For a Jackson, (and the food) Jennifer delivered exactly what she promised. One extreemly pleasant gland twitch.

She says she's always on Bway near there every night, unless the police are running a sting. She didn't have a phone, so I guess plan on visiting Ronald regularly and keep your eyes open.

Advisor Today
07-14-09, 01:25
In Wichita for a couple of days. Decided to take a spin aound the strolls saw several out walking but none really turned my crank. Saw a nice looking, little on the heavy side with nice size boobs working NBW. Picked her up did the LE dance. She told me her name was Echo, some minor bell ringing went off but I ignored them. We worked out a price and went to my hotel room, gave her the money and from that point on she was in a hurry, said she had to get back to her baby. In fact it was a complete turn off. I got dressed had her do the same and took her back to broadway. Surprise surprise she didn't want to go to her hotel, but wanted to be let off at a gas station, dollars to donuts her supplier was in that area.

When I got back to the room I went back and found a post by the late great BOP warning us about Echo. Once she got the money all she could think about was getting high.

She amazed me by asking if I wanted her telephone number, sorry but one rip off per ho is enough.

advisor today

be safe, be careful, be smart. ( wasn't smart on this one)

P.S. If I get time tomorrow I plan to check out the AMP I have heard about. I will post any info I get.

Advisor Today
07-15-09, 22:42
After my last street encounter I decided I needed to try something different. I had heard of the AMP mentioned previously oin the board but it seemed that no one had any experince with it. I stopped in the next afternoon. I think the name is Sun-Chi it is located east of Washington, and I believe it is 1st street, but I could be wrong. those of you who know me know I am not from Wichita and I am not sure of all the streets. At this point I don't want to go into details because of the notable presence of possible LE on this board. I will get into more detail with any SENIOR member who pm's me. Sorry but I will not answer regular members unless o.k.'d by a senior. So please save us both time if you are not senior don't bother. I will say I had a more than happy ending and will visit again.

Be safe


Thunder 04
07-17-09, 16:50
After not finding much to my liking in Tulsa lately (too many big girls for my blood. I don't even date girls that are over weight so sure the hell not going to pay to have fun with them cause I like them spinners! ) I decided I would take the short trip over to your fair city. I saw a lot of good reports from young, skinny, hispanics on here--just what I love!

I started out cruising bout 8:00 and saw one BSW and one hsw who were both huge and was starting to think I had wasted some money on the gass. There was one older overweight WSW who was not bad but sure not what I was thinking of. My cruise was up and down nbw and Market and shoot. The one-way street going south on the otherside of broadway.

Finally about 8:45 saw BSW that was bout 5'8" and 120. Just what I like size wise and hve never been with an african-amerian lady before. We drove around and found a spot where I ended up with CBJ followed by cfs for 1 1/2 jacksons. She was about a 7.5 on the scale and was a nice conversationalist. She was getting little baby belly and she was about three months preggo come to find out. She was 20 and said she doesn't walk much, just when she is wanting some extra money. I asked about other girls and she indicated there are about 12-15 the way I like and about 25 total who walk full-ime and 10-15 who walk periodically. She said there were some stings on the girls the last two weeks. Through out some of your all names and she had never heard of you and then didn't know anything out this site. So that led me to believe that she may not walk that much. Who knows though.

Also, don't know how things are here but, she waited until after our activities were done to discuss collect on the roses I bought her. Most of the time in t-town they want the roses first. I was going to wait around and check out some more action but decided by that point to head back and check out a couple of strip clubs in ok on the way bac home. After eing at those I wish I had stayed.

I did see a super hot little latina sitting on a bench at a chruch type deal, right by Central. She was there a lot and then would not be there but never did see her walking. I kept hoping she would so I could see if she was working.

I will be back for sure to enjoy the fun times to be had at Wichita. Maybe have to get a hotel next time so that I can have multiple fun. Have fun and stay safe!

Hate Veggies
07-20-09, 15:28
It's been a while but there was a spinner that worked the strip clubs that had a tat on her lower back that said Dream or Dreams or Dreamer, or something like that. skinny, black hair, small breasts, pretty fun though. It seemed to be that she was working on nights that I could not make it in. I finally came through on a weekend and asked around. If anyone has any information that would be great.

07-30-09, 19:23
I did see a super hot little latina sitting on a bench at a chruch type deal, right by Central. She was there a lot and then would not be there but never did see her walking. I kept hoping she would so I could see if she was working.

There's a latina who calls herself Nicole and may be the gal you saw. I saw her on the streets for a short time this past spring in the N. Broadway area and then didn't see her again until a Friday night recently. I sometimes saw her sitting instead of walking, so that habit matches. She looks a little like Rosie Perez with a longer face. She's short and h/w proportionate w/b-cup saggy breasts that may be behind a padded bra when you see her. Looks good in a pair of tight jeans and knit top. Hair is shoulder-length, dark and wavy. If you stop for her, she'll be friendly initially. May show you her breasts and let you touch them. She'll give you a story and try to get money up front. If you fail to hold the line and pay before play, she'll then become a *****. I don't know whether she would treat you right if you stay firm with her. I suspect not, but I was a chump and therefore don't know.

Lesser Kestrel
08-03-09, 01:45
The massage place on the northeast corner of 1st & Washington may just be Wichita's first real AMP to have happy endings. Mycece wasted no time getting down to what she thought I had on my mind. I was really interested in a good massage and the HP but she had another agenda. That's a problem when English isn't understood that well. I didn't want her to thiink I didn't want to get there at all! All in all it ws a good time.

I'll go again.

Member #4476
08-07-09, 08:03
Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if you have any recommendations for a good pickup bar in the Wichita area. Either non-working OR working girls. Just some place where the probability is higher than average. I do a little drive by mongering, but want to try a little less active approach for a while. Also. I know most of the strip clubs in Wichita serve food. Do any of them offer any consistent and decent takeout?

Thank you,


Member #4476
08-13-09, 18:36
Of Leo. Holy cow! How do you guys have any fun around here? ! Tried one of the strip clubs that was close to the hotel. Babydolls. Did I say strip club? Really just a bikini bar with nice enough girls from an attitude perspective, especially given that it was DEAD. Going to try out pleasures tonight, but from my call there, it sounds like the girls are good but the dances are unrealistic (30 to 50). Still looking for a recommendation for a good bar where you might find ladies interested in meeting, especially near the airport but anyplace in town will do.

Happy Hunting,


Lesser Kestrel
08-24-09, 02:39
To do any mongering so I don't have anything really to report except this little bit of humor. Practice the look of shock just little better than this guy displayed when he got sccused of picking up a street walker by a cop. He made it to the cops web site for busted hookers.

Lesser Kestrel
09-08-09, 17:33
I was checking several other forums since this one seems a bit vacant recently and came upon a suggestion that the local cops page is a good place to find where the action is. That may seem like leaning into a thrown curve ball but there is some logic there if you mind the lessons taught here.

What's your thoughts?

09-08-09, 23:17
I agree. Of course, it can also tell you where the cops are looking most. Keep in mind, they don't post all of the arrests... For example, the paper reports a sting netting a dozen arrests and only 4 or 5 appear on the site. Huh??? What does that tell us?

Anyway, if you mind the rules, it can be a good place to start.

i noticed at least 3 on the stroll last night at the SAME CORNERS where they were recently arrested. Maybe they are hoping lightning wont strike twice?

09-14-09, 23:22
I was in town last week to do a little meet and greet with a new company rep and went strolling in the evening.

Anyone know if the cops are soliciting, because I was so hard up and all I'm seeing is cop cop cop! I'm sure they could use some extra cash.


Teabag X
09-15-09, 14:35
Hadn't been on this forum for a while, but saw an ad in Craigslist for a Asian Spa at 1030 E. 1ST Street at Washington, and figured I'd find out from Bird what to expect. I knew he would know about it. What a shock I got instead.

Last few times I talked to BOP he acted like the prostate problem was in the past. Never imagined he was still battling it. Sure wish he'd of said something so I could of visited him one more time. I considered BOP a good friend, and will miss him very much. Can't think of a good reason to go to Wichita now.Thsi is the 1st time I've been to Wichita in about a year. I partied with Bird at the bird house with terry,tina, and J. and posted pics of the events as well, under the S/N of Teabag x. I intended to call Bird when I got here and now I can't find either of his numbers.

Then I get on here and read this. USA... PLEASE PM me asap. I need to talk to you.

Lesser Kestrel
09-21-09, 00:45
Picked up Stacey at McDonald on the north stroll. Her warm wet mouth showed some promise but once the clothes were off the excitement level dropped considerably. She looks like she must have lost 60-70 pounds around the middle because her belly had multiple ripples of skin just hangin there.

Her picture is up on the police website now in case you're interested in what not to pickup unless you are into chubby chasing. She takes it any way you want to give including anal. Trouble is. Once I saw itl I didn't want it any more.

Lesser Kestrel
09-30-09, 21:33
Hong Kong Massage on West Central didn't look like any of the other low end A.M.P.'s recently opening town. The advertise in Craigslist and Backpage which seemed like a good sign that extra's might be available.

I'm glad to report that they are... almost too easily.

The table shower was amazing. Every nook and cranny was almost spit polished. The massage was lack luster but I wasn't there for that anyway. April was quick to ditch her clothes and even quicker to splay her legs. She is enthusiastic and has absolutly no concept of the English language.

She doesn't need to comunicate verbally and that's a good thing because it's not polite to talk with your mouth full. Is it?

Go. You will be glad you did. Y.M.M.V.

Member #4476
10-01-09, 19:21
Hong Kong Massage on West Central didn't look like any of the other low end A.M.P.'s recently opening town. The advertise in Craigslist and Backpage which seemed like a good sign that extra's might be available.

I'm glad to report that they are... almost too easily.

The table shower was amazing. Every nook and cranny was almost spit polished. The massage was lack luster but I wasn't there for that anyway. April was quick to ditch her clothes and even quicker to splay her legs. She is enthusiastic and has absolutly no concept of the English language.

She doesn't need to comunicate verbally and that's a good thing because it's not polite to talk with your mouth full. Is it?

Go. You will be glad you did. Y.M.M.V.What kind of dollar investment did you make?

Lesser Kestrel
10-02-09, 07:51
$45 at the door and $100 for the benefit package

Lesser Kestrel
10-03-09, 07:38
The internet shopping mall provided by Uncle LEO has closed. they no longer seem to want to show pictures of the unlucky citizens who provide and partake in the fruits of our hobby. Does this mean our leaders finally have grown up.


10-04-09, 00:34
I saw that too. Maybe they'll decide that putting only the customers' photographs up there would serve their purposes better and start doing that. Don't want to have my photo there.

There was a lot of police commotion between the community center and the Burger King on N. Broadway Friday night. Don't know what the problem was.

10-06-09, 09:55
Is it my imagination... or are things just plain dead. I mean zip, nada, it's a dry hole kind of dead? Thank goodness for regular friends!

10-06-09, 16:08
Very dead. I saw one very pregnant, very stoned blonde obviously working usual spots the other night and that's been it for ages.

10-09-09, 00:36
I agree that it's pretty quiet out there, but I've seen a long-haired, short, young, hwp blond twice in the NBW neighborhood recently. She's clearly working, but I haven't talked to her. Both times it's been near 5:00 PM. Once I parked in the Burger King parking lot one afternoon after seeing her on Topeka, but I chickened out when she walked by and loitered to give me a chance to notice her. Shortly thereafter I saw her quickly get out of a car as it was leaving the parking lot. I think she had "asked for a ride" and then something went wrong and she made a hasty exit.

10-14-09, 03:53
I saw three enterprising ladies on NBW at 3:00 AM Monday. Two were with pimps. Didn't see any on the south end.

Bird of Prey
10-16-09, 00:05
From the ashes of lies. One shall arise to wreak havoc and set loose the dogs of revenge! In other words. Rumors of my death have greatly been exaggerated. Where's the s*uts? Bird 's Nest even has feather pillows now.

10-16-09, 15:57
As I sat in the McDonalds drive-thru a seemingly chubby blonde in baggy blue sweats and a hoodie walked by *very* slowly and giving me "the look". Couldn't tell much about her and didn't care for what I could see, so I got my breakfast burrito and moved on. Also saw a thin bsw a bit further north that appeared to have a pimp with her. I think I'm getting picky, but if you're in that any-port-in-a-storm mood they're out there.

Advisor Today
10-16-09, 17:57
I am relieved that Bird has come back from his hibernation, wait that's bears, how about his long flight south. I for one am looking forward to seeing posts and photos from the bird man.

I hope I can get to Wichita soon so we can soar around the strolls and find some sweet things to do our thing with.


Bird of Prey
10-17-09, 00:44
Birds of a feather tend to fly together! Already my box buldges with greetings and questions. Fellow mongers...Let's just leave it with "For those that choose to beleive no explanation is needed. For those that choose not to beleive no reason is enough.

You do know the only twp differences between reason and excuse is gender and level of management!

10-19-09, 12:26
I am glad to hear the rumors of your death were greatly exaggerated. Now get back to mongering dam it! I mean I almost cried that you had died.

Bird of Prey
10-20-09, 01:30
Think how sad I was to read of my demise. I can only hope when it really does happen that NORMAL people say some of the nice things ya'll did about me!!!

Enuff of that.

Haven't seen any real talent on the strolls recently. Even Dawn has become lack luster in her oral talents. A good rule of thumb is that if the lady you are laying pipe into has a large crudely done tattoo just above the crack of her ass that says "Crazy *****" you will want to exit quickly after cumming unless you are really into DRAMA.

I decided to give the new crop of AMPs a try. My experience was the girls ary hardly knockouts; that I would never frequent one that doesn't offer a table shower. The massage was seldom something to write home about so I won't . The Happy Ending was almost too easy. I'm thinking we may be seing some headlines very soon like those recently in KCMO.

10-20-09, 20:47
Jasmine massage on Oakwood. Near the intersection of Central and Woodlawn. 3 attractive Chinese girls work there. All three give awesome massages. Then the real fun begins, after the flip over. If you know what I mean.

Lesser Kestrel
10-21-09, 05:10
Pun's are fun!

Last night I picked up a 30'sih something long blonde haired lass that was walking down Central. At first I was not sure she was working as there were no overt signs. When I pulled into the parking lo turn around I timed it so I would exit just as she crossed the driveway. She must have been day dreaming because when I rolled the window down to talk to her she looked bit startled but smiled and jumped in. We talked and drove around checking each other out.

She said her name was Ocean and was really hungery. I introduced her to the new Angus burger then to my Whopper. Opps I did it again.

Ocean has an amazing warm wet mouth; She moaned appreciatively when taking a licking or I was balls deep on either of her holes and loves to have her long hair pulled. All in all I have to say she was the best street walker experience I had ever. She didn't have digits but took mine. I'm ho[ong she will call me back soon because the ninty mintes we speant together was too short. I remember how you guys always ***** at each other about noy paying too much but Ocean was well worth the grant and jackson.

Looking back the archives I seemed to remember her name and sure enough she turns up several times over the years both good and bad reports. All I can say is that last night seemed like a good one fur both of us!

10-21-09, 22:12
Well, it is time to say goodbye to Wichita.

Lost my job last summer and found a new opportunity in Salt Lake City. So I'll be moving out the the mountains and checking out the strolls and opportunities there.

I had some time today for a last drive up and down Broadway. And par for the course, didn't see a darn thing.

So keep up the good faith here. From the postings it seems that others have been more lucky than I.

And it is good to see BOP back and roosting again.

If any of you are ever in SLC, send me an I'm and I'll give some ground reconnoissance.


10-21-09, 23:35
Jasmine massage on Oakwood. Near the intersection of Central and Woodlawn. 3 attractive Chinese girls work there. All three give awesome massages. Then the real fun begins, after the flip over. If you know what I mean.What do they charge for their services?

10-22-09, 10:55
Here is a news report from another town. Read and learn. Times are tough and hard. Just think twice with the right head and all will be fine.



P.S. - Bird - Glad to see your a real Phoenix !!!!

Bird of Prey
10-23-09, 00:19
Bird of Prey Rises from Lass's Asses! Forgive me. I have punned!

10-23-09, 10:52
(Groans are heard from the audience.)

Lesser Kestrel
10-25-09, 00:24
And do it conspiculously lest he be out done!

Y.M.M.V. Every post made here carries with it this phrase. You Mileage May Vary. Her mood is effected by her last john; her last or next hit or lack there of; your mood; language barrier; how much sleep etc; ect; ect!

Just because her last lay was top drawer doesn't mean her next will be.

Bird of Prey
10-26-09, 00:38
If we ae to lower our level to multiple puns. For our common good let's limit them to one pun per day. I can't think that fast!

10-29-09, 07:59
Glad your still around. You keep the board alive. Was in town last weekend, my timing must be bad, did not see much. Looked for a couple hours on the main drags.

Bird of Prey
10-29-09, 15:20
I've heard repeatedly the best time to find ladies on the strolls on the weekend is early morning. Like 3AM early. Let me say this about that.

The time and temperature that you find this fella on the streets is WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER.

Only tweekers are out then and they are more into finding the dope man then making any of us the least bit happy. "Leo" can park and spy too easily then also.

Just my oppinion.

11-05-09, 15:50
Will be in Wichita next week and would like to sample the AMPs....have not seen any recent reports. Anyone have any suggestions? Please pm me if you have details to share. Good to know that they have returned to Wichita! Thanks!

Bird of Prey
11-09-09, 15:55
I wanted to be the first to wish all my fellow mongers the Happiest of Holidays.

And show everyone "Santa's Woody"!

11-10-09, 07:56
Was in town Saturday, saw 2 bsw and 4 wsw all on BW all were 3's.

At least the parade keep Leo busy.

Bird of Prey
11-11-09, 03:38
I always like to check the past postings of a new contributor to our forum. You can do it by left clicking their name and selecting that option from the drop down list that appears.

This gives you a good perspective of who they are and what or how they add to the various forums. When I see one that posts the same basic review (Like no luck) again and again it makes me look more closely at the time period and the cities where thay have been posting.

Keep personal information to yourself in a forum. You never know who your last poster really was or is.

Advisor Today
11-11-09, 10:42
Ran across a new face on NBW last evening. She got into the car and we went thru a quick LE dance. She told me her name was Angie. We retired back to my motel room for a round of fund. She told me she had only been on the streets for a few weeks, I could believe her, she did not have well used look that most of the gals have.

We spent over an hour at my room going thru all the motions. The only thing not availabe was Greek, but I think that could be changed with the right motivation.

Angie is a little older that most, in her mid 30's. Her line was that she was only doing this because she could not find a job and her unemployment had ran out.

She did not give me her number, she also told me she was ready to give up and move back home.

I feel luck that I got to sample this young lady.


11-13-09, 08:00
I guess bird feels I am LEO thats cool. He was the one the inspired me to post more. I have been somewhat reluctant to post for many years in fear that they could be traced. I do not know all that much about computers and knock on wood have never been caught in the hobby. I have always been extremely careful. I just tought I would try and give back info sence I used this place to get it. but if it is not wanted I will gladly stop. I have been here for four years and have only made 10 post. I am not an expert at sharing and currently live quite aways from any large town.

11-13-09, 08:09
If you look at my first post it was in may of 08 if you check birds may post he was complaining about us not posting. So I went back to the places that i have previously visited and tried to start adding to the board. I have tried to contribute in a more timely manner sence.

11-14-09, 15:35
Had an interesting experience Thursday evening. I was scouting on NBW and saw someone who resembled tall, blond "Jade" from the past. She was walking with fast-food bag in hand. I had a nice experience with "Jade" once in her NBW motel room and have had my eye peeled for her ever since. I caught this new gal at a convenience store where I looked at her more closely. The resemblence wasn't great, but it had been a while since I'd seen 20-something "Jade" so I asked her if she was "Jade" just after she stepped outside. She smiled and chuckled and said that "Jade" would be in jail for a long time (I wasn't surprised at this since I'd seen her pictures on the city site) and then asked whether I was looking for a girl (as in "working girl"). I replied, "No" and was amused that in looking for one "working girl" I had found another. I didn't note her actual name or get digits. As I drove away, she was talking to a dude through his pickup window, always a "working girl", I suppose.

11-15-09, 12:11
First ... thanks to those who sent me pm from my request for info. As promised...a report. Paid a visit to Hong Kong this past Friday. Therapist was "Apa" "Epa" or something close to that, average looking Chinese lady probably in 40s. Great table shower...she really took her time and made sure every nook and cranny was cleaned...gotta say she was a bit playful too! Would rate the massage about an 8. I have had better but have also had far worse. No rush at all ... in fact I think total session exceeded the hour. My only problem came with the flip....extras available but at price way above what I am used to paying. She actually wanted 80 for hj and 130 for bj. Indicated that fs was not available. After a bit of negotiation settled for a very mechanical hand release. Gotta say the experience was better than none at all, but I doubt that I would return on future visits unless prices drop!

Bird of Prey
11-18-09, 16:39
I would not want to be the cause of the type rampant paranoia that's ravaged this board in the past. My thoughts were never that you or anyone currently on this forum was LEO. I don't think they participate as much as monitor but no one can be sure.

If I came accross poorly, I appologize.