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10-24-07, 18:36
First of all, I made that post BEFORE I saw there were other areas to look at. I have been reading the forums, most of the day in fact. Thanks for all your help. I can only hope to one day meet you to return the favor in person.

Trav Pokerman
10-24-07, 19:34
I am new to the area and would like any advice on where I can go during the day to find a woman with a nice body that gives great head or more. What is the going tip, and what streets should I roam?


RouchieIn addition to RTFF, it is important to practice. Until you drive the strolls, there is no way for you to learn. I advise reading posts made over the past year to identify the major strolls (there are many references throughout here). Then, read forums for other cities, as there are often useful suggestions posted elsewhere which are applicable anywhere.

It will take many attempts before you feel comfortable with the strolls and pickups. As with anything, the more you do it, the better you will get at it.

You will make the same mistakes we have all made. Once you pick up one too many crackheads, you will learn what to avoid.

The excitement of this hobby lies in the fact that a provider could be a great date one day, and the worst another day.

It's also important to recognize that girls often move around, don't keep steady schedules, and may change their street names. Therefore, the only really useful piece of information here is where the major strolls are located.

It's not like I can say, "Linda can be found at Washington & SCarey at 10 AM Tuesdays". If I wanted a sure thing, I'd go to a MP. Street mongering provides greater excitement.

Fat Joe
10-24-07, 20:23
One that you will not find is CCL.

Me: Crack Cocaine Loser
Me: Crazy Cock Lover
Google says: Critical Crack Length
USASG Balto: Concentration Camp Lean

It took me way too long to figure out what CCL meant but I god damn figured it out.

10-24-07, 20:32
I'm just now getting back to normal from a most intense and incredible roadtrip with none other than LoveLOS.... details are coming, I just need to recover a bit more before I can devote the appropriate attention to detail.

I'll chip in also, but I have to admit some sleep sounds appealing right now.

Another epic for the books. I wanted to show Bench how we notch it up a bit for a great sex-vacation. Another willing victim, allowing LL to ruin his life--except that BSR is easily the equal of LL for basic corruption. Those planning to attend the Tuscon/Nogales roundtable should read with interest--lots of similarities in atmosphere, albiet the ladies of Nogales are better looking than the hood rats of Irvington.
While NJ is not the level of sex mecca of many foreign locales, it is on the east coast the USA and puts the block to shame...

I think it is good proving ground for honing your club mongering skills.

By the numbers:
2 days
3 hotels
1 apartment
1 amp
3 states
2 mongers
900 miles
13 pops
18 condoms
7 women
40 minutes of video
20 pictures
1000 bucks

Bench has begun the epic... C. S. I. Irvington


10-24-07, 23:30
Found her on the 7th. (sorry for the delay) say's she a hair dresser in glen burnie.

Overall she wasn't that good. Nervous, etc. All the newbie stuff.

Two jacks for the whole ride.


10-24-07, 23:34
Can't remember her name, but I've picked her up about three times now.

Real pro, doesn't *****, does her job, friendly. A favorite.

Also got a 5 min vid where she is really going to town on my cock. It told a while because I was wearing a condom and had just had chatty cathy about 10 min before, but like I said she's a favorite so I had to stop.

Red Dog 44
10-25-07, 08:41
Hey Pie,

Where'd ya p/u the blonde? She is hot.

Nat Zass
10-25-07, 14:13
Is this Wendy from CB? She looks similar, but if so, she has gained weight. If not, her sister works on/off Fairhaven on occasion.

Nice pic. Personally, I hate latex, though.


10-25-07, 14:43
Can someone list the sw, streets again.

Ray the Hunter
10-25-07, 17:25
Hit the W/W loop around 10am saw several SW out even with the rain. Stopped to talk with one that had given me the nod, then I heard someone call my name. It was Amy, she has blond hair, wears a 38-C bra which is a little loose on her, but the rack looks and feels good. Amy has some slight stretch marks from having a couple of kids. At first she was a little jumpy from the pipe early on, but she really got into the sex. Amy treated me like she was my GF, at least she made me feel that way. Got ½ and ½ for standard fee. Would love to repeat the experience this is not my first time with Amy, but the first time we could feel safe to enjoy each other.

Brigitte from Wilkens Ave. is now in the hospital from an OD. I think her weight gain had a little to do with her problems, but that is not the only thing that put her on the path to self destruct.

Cloud William
10-25-07, 18:36
I never did make it over to Conkling, so perhaps I can get up there next time. If someone could send me a short loop to prowl up in that area, it would be much appreciated!

This works for me:

Traveling West on RT 40 (Pulaski highway)

Pulaski to Conkling street -turn left.
Conkling to E Baltimore street -turn right
E Baltimore to Patterson Park Ave -turn left
Patterson Park Ave to Eastern Ave -turn left
Eastern to Conkling street -turn left
Conkling back to Pulaski -turn right
Pulaski to N Haven street -turn right
N Haven to E Baltimore street -turn right

SW's can be found anywhere along this route but will be most common on Conkling and E Baltimore.


10-25-07, 20:54
Found her on the 7th. (sorry for the delay) say's she a hair dresser in glen burnie.

Overall she wasn't that good. Nervous, etc. All the newbie stuff.

Two jacks for the whole ride.

PieI love newbies.

10-26-07, 02:22
Wasn't planning on mongering Thursday evening was checking out some of the Bmore SW photos than I got the obsession going. Left the house it seemed like the rain was over but when I got into town it was raining started at WW since there are more places for our lady friends to take cover however there was nothing going on did 3 loops saw 1 SW very nasty looking don't know how some of these girls make any money.

Was contemplating going to the east side instead I went to B/CB nothing going on there either seen about 6 people walking around Fairhaven but they were all guys saw a couple girls walking on Patapsco got eye contact pulled in the side street picked up Pam 25 yo hair in pony tails average looking brunette. Says she just started working for the first time a week ago I don't know if I believe her. Took her to my spot which was about 10 minutes away. She asked for the money up front didn't mind since we were a ways from where I picked her up. I handed her a Jackson she asked if I was happy and she swallowed could I give an extra .10 I told her she was going to swallow with out the extra .10.I had her drop her pants no real firmness in the ass .she did an average performance and actually opened door and spit I told her I thought she was going to swallow she actually complained that some shot down her throat .maybe she was new and thought catching was considered swallowing. Although performance was average attitude was good so I tipped her a Lincoln. Would not repeat with her

10-26-07, 22:07
Can someone list the sw, streets again.

Just on the last two pages alone there are references to the streets where sws can be found, and above your post (and below this one) Cloud William, out of the goodness of his heart and because he is a nice guy (unlike me I am a rat bastard) posted the PP/C loop. But apparently you can type but not read. RTFF. Seriously. Even a minor attempt would have resulted in information. Or use the search function. Almost every senior here has earned their stripes, and we did it by READING THE F'ING FORUM!!! So get your lazy ass up and hit the archives or go back 25 pages or so and read! This goes to every other newb out there too asking for a handout! You all whine and complain and threaten to "return the favor" because you are unwilling to help yourselves and want to be coddled. We are not the government. We are not going to hold your hand, or wipe your nose or your ass. There is a TON of great info on the board. What not to do. How not to get caught by LE, how to recognize a SW, etc. If you are willing to put in the effort, the members here will stick together and share with you. But we don't give handouts to lazy, ignorant newbs. And I hope you do "return the favor" because it will be to buy us a beer for the great advice we gave you on how to man up and be respected on the board, and plus by following our advice you will score a ton of p*ssy and owe us bigtime.

Dr. Monger

P.S. This is the third newbie in two weeks to come in here asking for a handout. WTF is going on here? Sh*t time for my blood pressure meds...

Vince 951
10-26-07, 23:33
Newbie poster here, been lurkin several years. Actualy work has me bouncing all over the country and the form has been real handy.

Back to Nubies.

Seems the Baltimore CL has had a rash of complainers over the last several days ranging in gripes about price to service for cost and some posted the link to the form and the newbis are looking some just dont know listen befre talking.

Take care

10-27-07, 00:52
Just on the last two pages alone there are references to the streets where sws can be found, and above your post (and below this one) Cloud William, out of the goodness of his heart and because he is a nice guy (unlike me I am a rat bastard) posted the PP/C loop. But apparently you can type but not read. RTFF. Seriously. Even a minor attempt would have resulted in information. Or use the search function. Almost every senior here has earned their stripes, and we did it by READING THE F'ING FORUM!!! So get your lazy ass up and hit the archives or go back 25 pages or so and read! This goes to every other newb out there two asking for a handout! You all whine and complain and threaten to "return the favor" because you are unwilling to help yourselves and want to be coddled. We are not the government. We are not going to hold your hand, or wipe your nose or your ass. There is a TON of great info on the board. What not to do. How not to get caught by LE, how to recognize a SW, etc. If you are willing to put in the effort, the members here will stick together and share with you. But we don't give handouts to lazy, ignorant newbs. And I hope you do "return the favor" because it will be to buy us a beer for the great advice we gave you on how to man up and be respected on the board, and plus by following our advice you will score a ton of p*ssy and owe us bigtime.

Dr. Monger

P.S. This is the third newbie in two weeks to come in here asking for a handout. WTF is going on here? Sh*t time for my blood pressure meds...I was wondering if there was any more streets other than the ones listed assholes!

10-27-07, 01:05
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Trav Pokerman
10-27-07, 10:34
we did it by READING THE F'ING FORUM!!!Before hitting the streets, I read, then reread, then reread, forum postings for this & other cities, for several years of postings (including archives). Then, I hit the streets and practiced. You're not going to become good at this simply by receiving handouts. You won't be good even if you do a lot of reading. The only way you will learn is by doing.

You will make mistakes, as we all have. By reading many posts, you may know how to react if in a situation. For example, when a girl pulled my keys from car, I simply stood up to her, as I had read that it's important to stand up to the girls. If it had not been for a post suggesting being assertive, I may have not known how to react.

Also, because I will assume you don't know these obvious items, I will repost several Do's/Dont's:

- Hide/lock all valuables and items containing name/address
- Have only amount needed for date accessible to her
- Create a "mongering wallet"....I'll let you use your sleuth skills to determine what this is.
- Do not perform a pickup on main stroll (pull to side street)
- Do not talk to girl through window
- Do not honk your horn to get a girl's attention
- Pass on a girl, regardless of how hot she is, if a discrete safe pickup cannot be done

I suppose I'm encouraging newbie laziness by reposting these items, but I'm hopefully helping others at the same time.

The Sarge
10-27-07, 10:45
I drove around W/W for a while last night and all I kept seeing were the usual "skanky" 2 girls from Brunswick st. Sorry just not my taste. It was hard weathering the rain and the foggy windshield. Definatley had to keep my door locked when I rolled up to a potiental SW. My ejector seat was malfunctioned. I decided to go with a BSW near Nicks sub shop. Name Linda I picked her up off of her door step. She was NOT ccl. She had a nice plump round caboose. Soft ta-tas and GREAT lips. I will have to admit the preformance was a little low. She did complete BBBJTCIMWS. Which was ok. She allowed head ramming and azz slapping. Always a plus. The best thing she did was kinda make these terrible sounds while DT. Kinda like she was really hating it. That was pretty cool. Typical. 2 plus. 1 tip. Lots of rain sorry guys.

10-27-07, 10:46
After reading the forum, and making some notes as to stomping grounds, went out on patrol. I saw a few LEO's but nothing that would raise any suspicion. I must have cruised from Balto. County thru Glen Burnie and then back to the city. Finally found a not so bad thing cruising around some side street in Brooklyn. Said her name was Katie but who knows. I was very nervous as soon as she got in and we rolled off. She started chatting and would not shut up, I am assuming she was high on something, but this being my first trip out, have no idea what it could have been, . And judging by her clothes, it sure wasn't coke. I paid two jacks for a CBJ which when I was ready to pop, she removed the lid and completed WS. (It was supposed to be half and half, but, unfortunately, I was not thinking and driving the Jeep was not the best way to get it. Had I not been afraid of getting caught, it would have been much better (for me anyway). I dropped her off about two blocks from where I picked her up. Tits were too small for my taste, but the smooth shaved puss looked good from where I sat, again, too bad I was too nervous to pop it.

Beefy Joe
10-27-07, 14:54

I'm new this board, but an old mongerer from D.C.area. Live in Fredneck now. Found the map (not to hard) & read some posts. Man,some of you can be pretty pissy. But I think it's funny. Well I'm gonna scope out this map. Wish me luck.

10-27-07, 15:37
Wasn't planning on mongering Thursday evening was checking out some of the Bmore SW photos than I got the obsession going. Left the house it seemed like the rain was over but when I got into town it was raining started at WW since there are more places for our lady friends to take cover however there was nothing going on did 3 loops saw 1 SW very nasty looking don't know how some of these girls make any money.

Was contemplating going to the east side instead I went to B/CB nothing going on there either seen about 6 people walking around Fairhaven but they were all guys saw a couple girls walking on Patapsco got eye contact pulled in the side street picked up Pam 25 yo hair in pony tails average looking brunette. Says she just started working for the first time a week ago I don't know if I believe her. Took her to my spot which was about 10 minutes away. She asked for the money up front didn't mind since we were a ways from where I picked her up. I handed her a Jackson she asked if I was happy and she swallowed could I give an extra .10 I told her she was going to swallow with out the extra .10.I had her drop her pants no real firmness in the ass .she did an average performance and actually opened door and spit I told her I thought she was going to swallow she actually complained that some shot down her throat .maybe she was new and thought catching was considered swallowing. Although performance was average attitude was good so I tipped her a Lincoln. Would not repeat with her

I am sorry, did I miss something? What about that experience was worth tipping? Her performance was average, and in actuality, her attitude was not good, since she did not even try to swallow as you requested. You bargained for an average bbbj for a jackson, and that is what you got...Gentlemen, when you tip for average service, the girls will come to expect it. Then not only will we pay more, but the level of service will go down. Tipping is for a stellar experience. You said yourself you would not repeat with her. Did I miss something? I am getting old. In my day tips were earned, not expected or owed.

Dr. Monger

10-27-07, 15:41
I was wondering if there was any more streets other than the ones listed assholes!

Actually no you did not. Your post was as follows:

Can someone list the sw, streets again.

Except you changed your name from Esolo34. Clearly you and the truth are not close friends.

I wish I could make a joke about being punked, but I did that already. But then I see you had another posted deleted for just being you. Keep up the good work.

Dr. Monger

10-27-07, 15:45
After reading the forum, and making some notes as to stomping grounds, went out on patrol. I saw a few LEO's but nothing that would raise any suspicion. I must have cruised from Balto. County thru Glen Burnie and then back to the city. Finally found a not so bad thing cruising around some side street in Brooklyn. Said her name was Katie but who knows. I was very nervous as soon as she got in and we rolled off. She started chatting and would not shut up, I am assuming she was high on something, but this being my first trip out, have no idea what it could have been, . And judging by her clothes, it sure wasn't coke. I paid two jacks for a CBJ which when I was ready to pop, she removed the lid and completed WS. (It was supposed to be half and half, but, unfortunately, I was not thinking and driving the Jeep was not the best way to get it. Had I not been afraid of getting caught, it would have been much better (for me anyway). I dropped her off about two blocks from where I picked her up. Tits were too small for my taste, but the smooth shaved puss looked good from where I sat, again, too bad I was too nervous to pop it.

Congrats Chief. I was nervous my first time as well, and only asked for a HJ. And you did the right thing by paying the agreed upon amount, even if you did not get what you bargained for, because it was you, not her. A great first pickup report. Welcome aboard!

Dr. Monger

Old Monger
10-27-07, 19:16
I have been mongering for close to thirty years, without serious incident (knock on wood) and still learn many valuable and important things by reading the forum. Successful mongering is not just about listing streets, in fact the hot spots tend to change due to community and LE pressure. Only by reading the forum can one learn who the good ones, who the average ones are, and who are the rip-offs. In fact, reading the forum before going out mongering helped me pick up a real gem. So do yourself a favor and take the time to read the forum, and the spent will yield splendid dividends. Good luck to one and all.

10-27-07, 20:25
I am sorry, did I miss something? What about that experience was worth tipping? Her performance was average, and in actuality, her attitude was not good, since she did not even try to swallow as you requested. You bargained for an average bbbj for a jackson, and that is what you got...Gentlemen, when you tip for average service, the girls will come to expect it. Then not only will we pay more, but the level of service will go down. Tipping is for a stellar experience. You said yourself you would not repeat with her. Did I miss something? I am getting old. In my day tips were earned, not expected or owed.

Dr. MongerYour right I thought it seemed contradictory after I posted. I actually tipped on attitude she was very nice talkative and and respectful the effort was there just wasn't the was I like it. She seemed like a nice girl I guess I have a little soft spot. She also did not ask for the tip after service had she asked again I probably would not have tipped her out of gp

10-28-07, 18:14
-Did a quick spin on the WW on my way home Saturday night saw about 5 SW picked up Mandy 27 yo red head a little meat on her nice rack average bbbjcim standard Jackson. Glad I got out quickly there were a few mongers driving like idiots.

Sleeping Bag
10-28-07, 22:13
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-28-07, 22:20
To Benchseats Rock: If anyone is a serious douche, it's you. Your combative, arrogant attitude is more unwelcoming then Esolo34's laziness to read the postings. Do us all a favor, Douchebag, just stfu.

To Esolo34: I agree with Benchseats Rock's suggestion but not his attitude. Read the postings.

Peace!Thanks, I read some of the posts but not all, I will read the others, I'm on many forums and it is just easier to ask, so sorry if I seem lazy, I will read them.

Bmorefolife formerly esolo34.

Benchseats Rock
10-28-07, 22:46
To Benchseats Rock: If anyone is a serious douche, it's you. Your combative, arrogant attitude is more unwelcoming then Esolo34's laziness to read the postings. Do us all a favor, Douchebag, just stfu.

To Esolo34: I agree with Benchseats Rock's suggestion but not his attitude. Read the postings.


Well, we've certainly been to this rodeo before. It's obvious you're just going to be one of those people who doesn't like me very much - at least you've got friends. If I'm that unwelcoming to you, then why do you keep coming back?

I'm not shutting up for anyone I don't know or have an incredible amount of respect for, and that ain't you. As far as this forum goes, there are more than just a few people here who I call friends online and in real life - the bottom line is that I'm not going anywhere - so put me on ignore if you want to, but don't think for a minute that you're going to get me to go anywhere.

Have a nice day,

Benchseats Rock

Trav Pokerman
10-28-07, 23:23
Against my better judgment, I picked up Brandy for a second time, in the upper end of Washington Avenue, approaching Hess station. She is a 30-something mid-weight blonde (curly, shoulder-length hair), with large teeth.

Just as she did the first time, she requested more than the normal tuition. I stood my ground, and gave her the standard after threatening to return her if she didn't back off with the pushiness. I explained that she would get more from guys if she weren't so pushy and so quick to discuss money early on.

I highly recommend avoiding her, or tossing her from your car once you discover that it's Brandy. It's a shame she's so annoying, as she has good skills and a great-looking pussy.

10-28-07, 23:24
To Esolo34: I agree with Benchseats Rock's suggestion but not his attitude. Read the postings.


Clearly you have an axe to grind here. So as not to inflame things further, I have ommitted your critique of Bench from the quote. This is your second flame of Bench. Honestly, I am a little surprised after your last tangle with Bench, and recall that you were "reporting him to Jackson". Funny, that post (you allegedly reported) did not get pulled. So either you didn't do what you said, or you did and Jackson did not agree with your estimation of the situation. And aren't you also the dude who mentioned BBFS from a SW? You think you can tell if she is "clean" by looking at her? (To be clear you did not because she did not...but you clearly contemplated it).

This is not the fight club. We don't have one here. Go over to Philly if you want that. By your own admission you have been away from the Baltimore Board for a while. You can be the Defender of Newbs all day long, it is not going to change the culture here. And, FYI, "Esolo" has already changed his name and made another dumb comment, which I called out. As you can see, he has not responded, as he was caught in a blatant lie. My guess is he is back to lurking, reading the Forum and actually learning something. You might want to pick your defendees a little more carefully.

Dr. Monger

Sleeping Bag
10-29-07, 07:44
Last night, saw a cute brunette mid-20's WSW on Conklin. She says she does this stuff very rarely, like once or twice a year when she needs money desperately. She was definitely clean-looking, like a non-pro civi. So seeing her on the street made Mr. Happy very happy. Went to her place. Did the standard bj, mish, and then greek - all bb. The amazing thing is that she came during the greek. It was completely amazing to see her juice squirt out as I greeked her. I then came in her ass, and then she licked her shit and more juice off my cock. This girl is definitely a freak. All this for 2.5 jacks.

She's a definite keeper. Very sweet personality and friendly. You wouldn't think that she's a pro wsw, nor that she's superfreaky. It's like seeing a librarian suddenly turn into Traci Lords.


Sleeping Bag
10-29-07, 08:00
Clearly you have an axe to grind here. So as not to inflame things further, I have ommitted your critique of Bench from the quote. This is your second flame of Bench. Honestly, I am a little surprised after your last tangle with Bench, and recall that you were "reporting him to Jackson". Funny, that post (you allegedly reported) did not get pulled. So either you didn't do what you said, or you did and Jackson did not agree with your estimation of the situation. And aren't you also the dude who mentioned BBFS from a SW? You think you can tell if she is "clean" by looking at her? (To be clear you did not because she did not...but you clearly contemplated it).

This is not the fight club. We don't have one here. Go over to Philly if you want that. By your own admission you have been away from the Baltimore Board for a while. You can be the Defender of Newbs all day long, it is not going to change the culture here. And, FYI, "Esolo" has already changed his name and made another dumb comment, which I called out. As you can see, he has not responded, as he was caught in a blatant lie. My guess is he is back to lurking, reading the Forum and actually learning something. You might want to pick your defendees a little more carefully.

Dr. Monger

What critique did you omit? What are you talking about?

As for what Jackson had done or not, or what you're wondering what may have happened or not, is none of your business. So keep wondering away.

As for BBFS, what does that have to do with my beef against Benchseats Rock's attitude? You need to stick to one argument and not mix in other issues that have no relevancy.

"This is not the fight club." I absolutely agree with you. It is not. You should say that to Benchseats Rock. All I am doing is matching Benchseat Rocks at his own attitude. He unleashes his attitude on newbs. I unleash my attitude on arrogants. I have no more axe to grind against arrogants than he does against newbs.

I am not a defender of newbs, but I am a offender of arrogants. So if arrogants like Benchseat Rocks doesn't learn to tone down his offensive and combative words, then he's going to learn to receive what he's giving. I'm simply dishing to him what he dishes out to others.

I guess in a certain sense, I am like Benchseats Rocks. What a scary thought. The only difference is: while he's a prick to all people, I'm a prick to pricks like him.


10-29-07, 08:53
Hello all,

Newbie here. I just wanted to report on my first time last Friday the 26th of October. After signing up and reading the forum, I went down to Wilkens around 8pm and started driving around. It was still raining so I didn't think that anyone would be out. I don't remember the street name but it was near the end of Wilkens where there is a circle that you get to make. Anyways, on my second time doing the circle, I saw a person standing underneath the doorway (she was there the first time I circled) and I decided to stop. I pulled over on Wilkens just as she started walking down the street (so I pulled a couple cars ahead of her and parked again). She came by and looked at me and then motioned with her hand. So, I rolled down my window and asked her if she wanted to get out of the rain for a bit. She got in and I started driving. Since it was my first time, I have no idea where to go so I allowed her to take me to her place. She also told me her name but as nervous as I was, she could have told me 10 times and I wouldn't have remembered it. She wanted. 30 for a cbj, I told her. 20 She then said how about. 25 and I figured with the rain she deserve the little extra so sure. She went to work and it was very good. I started to snap a few pictures and we finished pretty quickly (one would think that she take her time and get to be out of the rain longer.). Since it was my first time, I have no other experience to base it on so I thought the cbj was pretty good and ended up giving her. 30 (since I took some pictures too). If anyone recognize her name from the pictures then please let me know.


10-29-07, 09:06
Hello to all the senior members. Thank you guys for some of the name and places. Definitely helped a lot. I went again last night the 28th of October. Got there around 8:00pm again and cruised around. Had to get home soon and as a result was not able to really look. First I saw a few but they were all in a group. (felt a little uncomfortable approaching a group). Saw one from a distance and when I pulled close the WSW looked good so I got her in. Said her name was Jeanie (picked her up on the corner of S Monroe and Wilkens). Again, drove to a spot close to I-95 and she agreed to. 20 for a cbj. She went to work but halfway I felt her the back of her teeth hitting into my happy place. I asked her to slow it down some and she did (by the way, it felt like she was on something because she won't shut up.). Finished but felt rushed so I just gave her the. 20 with no tip and she got out of the car and I left. When I got home, I took a shower immediately. I retrieved the condom and poured water into it to see if there was any holes or puncture marks made when her teeth kept hitting my head. Did look like it but still freaking out a bit.

Did not get any pictures since too many cars were around (near the train tracks).

Here is a questions to senior members and please forgive because I did read the forum but didn't not find enough relative information.

How safe are cbj compared to BBBJ? Can I still catch anything with a cbj? And during the act let's say the helmet broke. Does that increase my chance of getting something? Thanks.

P.S. Jeanie was older (late 30s early 40s), good body though, boobs are a B cup and sagged a little and her skin looked rough (too much drug use? ). She wore a hat and chewed gum (she actually put the gum on my dash while she was doing the cbj. Ugh. That is why she also didn't get a tip.

10-29-07, 10:18
Went to her place. Did the standard bj, mish, and then greek - all bb. The amazing

haha!Bb, as in bareback? Although she looks clean she is going bb with a total stranger do you really think you are the only one she does that with? Probably not. Especially dangerous going greek.

Adobe James
10-29-07, 10:47
This is not the fight club. We don't have one here.

Yeah, but you would have to say that, wouldn't you? After all, the first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.

10-29-07, 11:25
Well, I busted my Wilkens cherry yesterday. Found Linda, a 28-year-old bsw near Monroe. She sent good vibes so went to her house. Her bj was kind of lame; nearly no suction. Didn't avail myself to anything else. $20 plus $10 house fee to her mother (?)
Linda is still a looker. But she was kind of jumpy and in need of a fix.

C L Hunter
10-29-07, 11:36
I sure hope this was part of a fictional story to penthouse forums instead of the real thing. You must be a moron if you really did bb someone you just met (pro or civilian)

Last night, saw a cute brunette mid-20's WSW on Conklin. She says she does this stuff very rarely, like once or twice a year when she needs money desperately. She was definitely clean-looking, like a non-pro civi. So seeing her on the street made Mr. Happy very happy. Went to her place. Did the standard bj, mish, and then greek - all bb. The amazing thing is that she came during the greek. It was completely amazing to see her juice squirt out as I greeked her. I then came in her ass, and then she licked her shit and more juice off my cock. This girl is definitely a freak. All this for 2.5 jacks.

She's a definite keeper. Very sweet personality and friendly. You wouldn't think that she's a pro wsw, nor that she's superfreaky. It's like seeing a librarian suddenly turn into Traci Lords.


Bad Bad Boy
10-29-07, 14:52
Before hitting the streets, I read, then reread, then reread, forum postings for this & other cities, for several years of postings (including archives). Also, because I will assume you don't know these obvious items, I will repost several Do's/Dont's..........etc. I suppose I'm encouraging newbie laziness by reposting these items, but I'm hopefully helping others at the same time.
Trav, thanks for your helpful do's/don'ts mongering tips, places to avoid (General thread), and positive helpful attitude. I am sure many of our members, new and old, will appreciate you advice and the time it took for you to provide them. Thanks, BBB

Adobe James
10-29-07, 17:29
I was up in CB on Thursday. Not good luck. It was sprinkling steadily, but even so, there were girls out. But it was one of those nights when they'd be gone as soon as you circled around the block.

After two hours, I accidentally picked up Vivienne again (see previous report). Rather rough-hewn, not much to look at, but I must admit, she knows how to clean the pipes and is friendly and professional.

Last night, I was up again. Clear, but cold. Picked up Nikki and went for half&half. She wanted $50; I offered $45. Yeah, I know. I should have stuck with the street price of $40. She seemed friendly enough and was decent. She said that in future, I could go to her house, which is just off one of the main drags. I'm not fully convinced, but I'll think about it.

10-29-07, 20:42
Hey fellow mongerers! I have been around for a while and probably have nearly hit most of you while racing to pick up the few good ones down on Wilkens. I read through a lot of the posts and was surprised to see that some of my favorites were never photographed. Actually some of you may have been just keeping them for their personal collection. Since I am new to the board thought I would post something for the group but my pics of Gia, Kristen from Hagerstown, and Alycia (when she was clean and working for you all know who) all need to be resized. Pics will follow and hopefully I can hear some stories about my favorite three SW's!.

10-30-07, 00:02
What critique did you omit? What are you talking about?
So you are saying you can't read, and don't remember what you posted?

As for what Jackson had done or not, or what you're wondering what may have happened or not, is none of your business. So keep wondering away.

Not wondering at all because NOTHING HAPPENED. So either you are a liar and you did not report him, or you did, and Jackson disagreed with your assessment. Either way, it make you a loser, don't you think? If you had not bragged about reporting it, no one would know or care.

As for BBFS, what does that have to do with my beef against Benchseats Rock's attitude? You need to stick to one argument and not mix in other issues that have no relevancy.

It actually was relevant. It was more proof you are a moron. Or not credible. Or both.

"This is not the fight club." I absolutely agree with you. It is not. You should say that to Benchseats Rock. All I am doing is matching Benchseat Rocks at his own attitude. He unleashes his attitude on newbs. I unleash my attitude on arrogants. I have no more axe to grind against arrogants than he does against newbs

I am not a defender of newbs, but I am a offender of arrogants. So if arrogants like Benchseat Rocks doesn't learn to tone down his offensive and combative words, then he's going to learn to receive what he's giving. I'm simply dishing to him what he dishes out to others
I guess in a certain sense, I am like Benchseats Rocks. What a scary thought. The only difference is: while he's a prick to all people, I'm a prick to pricks like him.


And you think being the self appointed policeman of the board does not make you arrogant? Try looking in the mirror... Oh and by the way, we have done pretty well without you here or your "defense" of anyone. You are going to teach Benchseats a lesson? lmfao. yeah you really showed him...lol He has chewed up and spit out much worse than you. Well, you were right about one thing...you are an offender. At least we could agree on something.

Dr. Monger

10-30-07, 00:07
Last night, saw a cute brunette mid-20's WSW on Conklin. She says she does this stuff very rarely, like once or twice a year when she needs money desperately. She was definitely clean-looking, like a non-pro civi. So seeing her on the street made Mr. Happy very happy. Went to her place. Did the standard bj, mish, and then greek - all bb. The amazing thing is that she came during the greek. It was completely amazing to see her juice squirt out as I greeked her. I then came in her ass, and then she licked her shit and more juice off my cock. This girl is definitely a freak. All this for 2.5 jacks.

She's a definite keeper. Very sweet personality and friendly. You wouldn't think that she's a pro wsw, nor that she's superfreaky. It's like seeing a librarian suddenly turn into Traci Lords.


And here I thought Fantasyland did not open until Spring. Lets see, you found a semi pro, who only comes out twice a year, who does BB FS, BB Greek and BB BJ, came from the greek, and them did ATM and only charged you 2.5 Jacksons? And you seriously expect us to believe this tripe?

Lets not even talk about the BB part, its just too outrageous on so many levels. What is amazing to me is that so many on here were so ready to believe that post. Please, get a life.

Dr. Monger

10-30-07, 00:09
Yeah, but you would have to say that, wouldn't you? After all, the first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.
Now that is so funny AJ I actually did laugh out loud. Nice to see ya.

Dr. Monger

10-30-07, 00:26
As you all know, PP/C has been dry lately (no pun intended). FYI I have seen the Fat WSW on Conkling out a lot. So I was out hoping to spot my party dress girl (a pipe dream I know). Cruising a back street I spotted a definite suspect, but I could not get a good look. So we played the game where I circle around, and finally we met up at the same corner. Not great, but not horrible, and not skanky. She got in, and her arms were actually not trashed, and it looked like she had a a rack. Off to my spot, and played the copy game (so I could see the rack) in the car. Real and a nice C-cup at least. She asked for a tip up front. I firmly told her I do the usual tuition, and that if that was not satisfactory, I could return her to the spot I found her. She said it would be fine. We got to the spot, and of course used a translator for my language lesson. Skills were so so, so instead of complaining, I told her if she unleashed the puppies it would speed things up. Apparently there was a stash in one, but the other set free and it was very nice! Shangri-la followed soon after. They were not shriveled or shrunken. She says she has been out about three months. I have not seen her again, but I am sure she is out there. Perhaps a full upgrade next time, to see both puppies free and playful before they wither away.

Dr. Monger

Sleeping Bag
10-30-07, 00:56
So you are saying you can't read, and don't remember what you posted?

Not wondering at all because NOTHING HAPPENED. So either you are a liar and you did not report him, or you did, and Jackson disagreed with your assessment. Either way, it make you a loser, don't you think? If you had not bragged about reporting it, no one would know or care.

It actually was relevant. It was more proof you are a moron. Or not credible. Or both.

And you think being the self appointed policeman of the board does not make you arrogant? Try looking in the mirror... Oh and by the way, we have done pretty well without you here or your "defense" of anyone. You are going to teach Benchseats a lesson? lmfao. yeah you really showed him...lol He has chewed up and spit out much worse than you. Well, you were right about one thing...you are an offender. At least we could agree on something.

Dr. Monger

You still lost me on what your first point is about. You said something about deleting my comment. I did not see any of my comments deleted. Unless you have administrative powers like Jackson, you didn't delete anything I have posted. So you're going to have to clarify.

So the mentioning of BBFS is to attack my credibility. Well, dufous, I personally don't care whether you think my reports are true or not. I report what I've experienced to share with others. Whether you wish to take advantage of my escapades or not is up to you.

Well, as I said, if I am arrogant, it is displayed towards arrogant pricks like Benchseats Rocks and now includes you. And if you think I'm concerned about what he has chewed up and spit out, I can tell you that I too have chewed plenty far worse than the likes of either of you two little boys. So if it's a challenge, then bring it on!

Sleeping Bag
10-30-07, 00:58
And here I thought Fantasyland did not open until Spring. Lets see, you found a semi pro, who only comes out twice a year, who does BB FS, BB Greek and BB BJ, came from the greek, and them did ATM and only charged you 2.5 Jacksons? And you seriously expect us to believe this tripe?

Lets not even talk about the BB part, its just too outrageous on so many levels. What is amazing to me is that so many on here were so ready to believe that post. Please, get a life.

Dr. Monger

I simply share what I've experienced. Whether you believe my reportings or not is up to you any more than whether I believe any of your reportings are true or not. Take it for what's its worth. If it's not worth anything to you, then... hey, your loss or your gain.

Sleeping Bag
10-30-07, 01:04
Hit Eastern this evening. Completely dry. Headed over to W/W, saw about 5 SW's but nothing that appealed. They were all street-worn. I think after last night's escapade with the civi, my appetite for the pro's have dimmed. Headed home to call it an early night.

10-30-07, 01:25
You still lost me on what your first point is about. You said something about deleting my comment. I did not see any of my comments deleted. Unless you have administrative powers like Jackson, you didn't delete anything I have posted. So you're going to have to clarify.

So the mentioning of BBFS is to attack my credibility. Well, dufous, I personally don't care whether you think my reports are true or not. I report what I've experienced to share with others. Whether you wish to take advantage of my escapades or not is up to you.

Well, as I said, if I am arrogant, it is displayed towards arrogant pricks like Benchseats Rocks and now includes you. And if you think I'm concerned about what he has chewed up and spit out, I can tell you that I too have chewed plenty far worse than the likes of either of you two little boys. So if it's a challenge, then bring it on!

Okay, I will type this slowly and in small words so you can understand. When I quoted your previous post, I deleted the inflammatory comments so as not to re-post them. And let's be clear (because your spelling and grammar certainly are not, nor is you comprehension of the written word). You mentioned BBFS, which yes, does reflect on your credibility, as evidenced by the shock displayed by so many members of this forum who may have believed your report. By the way, if you have any doubt, "doofus" or "dufus" is the correct spelling. And "arrogants" is not even a word.

You chewed up and spit out plenty far worse than us? lmao. You and all 146 of your reports? You know its funny, I went back and looked at your reports. Didn't find you chewing up anyone and spitting them out. In fact, its more like when criticized you apologized. Did you maybe grow a set since moving back to the east coast? Nah, our technology is not there yet.

Oh and I found something very interesting while reading your old posts right here:

and here:


Apparently you started some name calling over on the San Fran board as well. At least over there you had the decency to apologize. And what was your rant about? Lazy people who don't RTFF. But wait, isn't that what you criticized Bench for doing? In reality, Bench picks on anyone who says something stupid. Usually it is newbs who make that mistake. So you are not only stupid, you are hypocitical as well. Wait, would you like me to link to Websters so you can get a definition on that? The correct spelling is h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-i-c-a-l. I think you can find the link to Websters.

Some more links to your hypocrisy, and then an apology:

You ranted about people pm'ing you:
Then someone pointed out you asked them to: (its the post where you asked them to, not the one where it was pointed out)
Then you apologized.

It's like you don't even know what you wrote in your own posts! Which is a sure sign of a lie. Ask any police officer. Its hard to tell the same lie twice...

The reality is YOU are the arrogant prick. That's actually one thing I have never been accused of, until now...lol. I would tell you to crawl back under your rock, but I have seen your type on this board way too many times over the years. We just have to ignore you and you will go away. Remmber my advice gents, Don't Feed The Troll. That is clearly what you are with your attacks and posts about BBFS.

And so now your set to "Ignore." Bye bye.

Dr. Monger

Sleeping Bag
10-30-07, 02:00
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-30-07, 02:50
Go hide in your mama's basement and invest more time drooling over my past sexcapade reports as you wish you had any real encounters as I have.


P.S. What wrong with apologies if you've been proven wrong. At least, I'm not arrogant enough to know when I need to say I was wrong. Thus far, concerning Benchseats Rock and you, I do not need to apologize. Continue your bantering with arrogance, I will get on your ass.Ummmm, my first observation is that all previous attempts, and most likely any future attempts, to muzzle or mellow out Box Seats Squeak were, and will be, doomed to a miserable failure. He is mellowing out with age. Thirty or forty more years and he may be downright polite. Who am I kidding?

My second observation is that Dr M's points are reasoned, humorous and pretty easy to follow. On the other hand, your proofs seem, well, pointless, with one exception:
"I'm a prick..."My final observation is that anyone that decides to try to take on both BSR and DrM on this thread is not real bright, IMHO. It seems they have a lot of friends here, people who know them, have partied with them, have been with them when they were living the dream, not the drivel you posted about. The net effect is that your credibility is like non-existent in comparison--especially when you make blatantly incorrect personal insults to one of the most respected members here. Way to win friends and influence people. Duh-Huh, Not real smart there, Ferd!

Enjoy the forum,

Bareback Greek -- Uuughhuummmm, ahem. Don't guess you are interested in hearing the lecture about risky behaviors? :eek:

Smiling Fox
10-30-07, 03:14
I have, in my limited time available on this earth, made an amazing discovery. Seems sleeping what ever his name is has a personality flaw. He believes he can tell every one what to do, and how to do it.

I have done a brief review, all the was back to 2005. While sleeping was in SF. I am amazed that one guy can say the same works so many times, and not have it dawn on himself that maybe he, is the one out of line. There must be at least 5 references to him saying that wonderful word "peace".

The other thing that I noticed, and I only got an impression of. This boy, has had more BB than is smart in this day and age. Oh I know its neat to hit a Pro once in a while BB, or a MILF. But to take on FS BB, get Greek BB, and repeatedly, is suicide. To be blunt. I wonder if sleeping is in fact giving us facts, or just dreaming his stories to us. Hence the name Sleeping Bag.

Mr. Bag, I have PM'ed you, and you failed to take my advice. You have insulted me, and many members on this board with your rude posts. I only wish that Jackson would allow this note to be posted A/O.

I sentence you, and commit you to the depths of hell.

You have been deleted!


Sleeping Bag
10-30-07, 03:21
Ummmm, my first observation is that all previous attempts, and most likely any future attempts, to muzzle or mellow out Box Seats Squeak were, and will be, doomed to a miserable failure. He is mellowing out with age. Thirty or forty more years and he may be downright polite. Who am I kidding?

My second observation is that Dr M's points are reasoned, humorous and pretty easy to follow. On the other hand, your proofs seem, well, pointless.

My final observation is that anyone that decides to try to take on both BSR and DrM on this thread is not real bright, IMHO. It seems they have a lot of friends here, people who know them, have partied with them, have been with them when they were living the dream, not the drivel you posted about. The net effect is that your credibility is like non-existent in comparison--especially when you make blatantly incorrect personal insults to one of the most respected members here. Way to win friends and influence people. Duh-Huh, Not real smart there, Ferd!

Enjoy the forum,

Well, thanks for your opinion.

On your first observation, I don't give a hoot about what others may have tried to do to take on BSR. Personally, I'm not taking him on. If I see a post where he's being a prick, I'll dish out to him what he's dishing out to others. That's all I'm about. If he's nice to others, I'll be nice to him. If he's a prick to others, I'll be a prick to him. So it doesn't start or stop with me. It starts or stops with him.

On your second observation, unfortunately, it doesn't hold much objective weight by the simple fact that you already admitted your bias favor for BSR and DrM. Anyone who speaks loud enough and tickles the bones of people can easily persuade popular opinion than the most logical and well-structured argument. DrM chooses miniscule snipshots that have no relevance and certainly has no logic merely to try to discredit me rather than addressing the main issue where I am right and BSR is wrong.

On your third observation, as far as respect goes, respect is earned, not given. First BSR, and now Dr.M, have not earned any respect from me. Quite the opposite, they've both lost my complete respect, and will now have to earn my respect for either of them if they want it. Other than that, I personally don't give a hoot who either of them are. They have their friends, I have mine. I have to admit that many of my old Baltimore friends are no longer posting here or haven't posted in awhile. Baltimonger is the only one I see still around, but he seems to have migrated over to the D.C. board with guest appearances here now and then.


10-30-07, 08:41
Well, thanks for your opinion.
On your third observation, as far as respect goes, respect is earned, not given. First BSR, and now Dr.M, have not earned any respect from me. Quite the opposite, they've both lost my complete respect, and will now have to earn my respect for either of them if they want it. Other than that, I personally don't give a hoot who either of them are. They have their friends, I have mine. I have to admit that many of my old Baltimore friends are no longer posting here or haven't posted in awhile. Baltimonger is the only one I see still around, but he seems to have migrated over to the D.C. board with guest appearances here now and then.

I really don't think anyone here is trying to or wants to earn your respect, why should they? who are you?
This board was doing just fine without you and now we have a problem child trouble maker.
Maybe hopefully you will disappear again, soon.

Sleeping Bag
10-30-07, 09:23
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Sleeping Bag
10-30-07, 09:31
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-30-07, 21:32
Did a loop of PP/C recently. Not even a skank or a fat chick to be seen. Back streets: empty. Main drag: empty. It was almost surreal. Headed up to Hambden. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Back to PP/C. Still nothing. Saw a hot blonde, but she actually was waiting for a bus, as she got on when it came by. It was like they were all hibernating.

Dr. Monger

Smiling Fox
10-31-07, 08:29
As I drive thru town, I too have noticed the lack of anything to meet.

I have seen some terrific civies. Oh well.

Alas I have made some excellent contacts lately off the street, which I am harvesting.

Don't you love that kind of talk on this board. Its like a cash crop.

Maxine asked me to do a review on doggie, Oh she stopped by last night.

6'1" of pure lover. OMG, what to do with all that woman. Maybe I will double check with her on the review, since I hate kiss n' tell specifics.

I am so glad that Jackson issued my last post quickly. Deleting a problem in the computer world is a real nice thing. Thanks.

Smiling Fox ;)

10-31-07, 08:50
Guys, I'm just trying to get some intell on my favorite pastime. What I've been getting the past few days is a bunch of boys having arguing about who's dick is bigger, smarter, and most resistant to fire(fire RETARDant). Why don't we all go out and get laid, then we can write about it and use this forum for it's intended purpose!

Nat Zass
10-31-07, 12:01
Did a loop of PP/C recently. Not even a skank or a fat chick to be seen. Back streets: empty. Main drag: empty. It was almost surreal. Headed up to Hambden. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Back to PP/C. Still nothing. Saw a hot blonde, but she actually was waiting for a bus, as she got on when it came by. It was like they were all hibernating.

Dr. MongerI agree with you. The well has been dry on the w/w/ loop for a few days, including this morning. CB has empty streets, except for one thin holocaust survivor. Way to scary for me.

I also agree with you regarding SB. Good commentary, but my guess is that he may be a waste of electrons. We shall see.

Sleeping Bag - we are all here for the hunt. Useful comments are good; humor is better. Ragging on other members is a waste of all our time, including yours.


10-31-07, 14:09
Hit the loop early this morning nothing going on but Le everywhere did notice a couple of sw's but none to my liking.

10-31-07, 14:30
I agree with you. The well has been dry on the w/w/ loop for a few days, including this morning. CB has empty streets, except for one thin holocaust survivor. Way to scary for me.

I also agree with you regarding SB. Good commentary, but my guess is that he may be a waste of electrons. We shall see.

Sleeping Bag - we are all here for the hunt. Useful comments are good; humor is better. Ragging on other members is a waste of all our time, including yours.


hey Nat!

Nice to see you around buddy. I was in B/CB a couple of times recently. Did not report because there was nothing to report, well one girl on 4th in Brooklyn but could not get a good read, so I passed. I do like the improvement to Fairhaven. The old roadway used to take a toll on my car! Its mich nicer now...

Dr. Monger

10-31-07, 15:52
Did 1 lap around the P/P loop yesterday and the Doc was right it was a ghost town. That was around 3 o'clock pm.

Cloud William
10-31-07, 18:28
Well it's certainly been busy on the board since I last checked in. I see that an old Senior has popped up (welcome back Nat), if we get Robux back we can have the band together again.
In all the hoopla with Squirt Bag two truly well written first posts were overlooked. They were done by Lokicue82. Coherent information, photos, and well written descriptions of what happened were all part of the posts.
What was clearly evident was the fact that he took the time to not only read the forum but to learn it, know it, and live it.

Well done.


10-31-07, 18:53
Well it's certainly been busy on the board since I last checked in. I see that an old Senior has popped up (welcome back Nat), if we get Robux back we can have the band together again.
In all the hoopla with Squirt Bag two truly well written first posts were overlooked. They were done by Lokicue82. Coherent information, photos, and well written descriptions of what happened were all part of the posts.
What was clearly evident was the fact that he took the time to not only read the forum but to learn it, know it, and live it.

Well done.

You know you are right, and I forgot to respond to Loki's question about CBJ vs. BBBJ. So here goes: To my (limited) knowledge, there have been no studies which document the difference. From a scientific standpoint, clearly a CBJ is much safer with regard to certain risks. Actually, HIV is not one of them, as it is well documented that saliva is not a good transport mechanism for the virus. That being said, she could still have semen in her mouth from a previous customer, which could have any and all kinds of malevolent bacteria and viral agents in it. Most STD's would need to enter your urethra to infect you (again, not HIV, which would need a break in the skin), so as a practical matter, a CBJ can provide an effective physical barrier. If you get a BBBJ, you can take some affirmative steps including asking her to gargle with an alcohol based mouthwash first, washinng yourself as soon as practically possible afterwards, and then urinating to clean out your urethra. None of these are guaranteed, as I previous advised, I took all these steps and still caught something. Easily cured by anti-biotics, fortunately. Since I have swithced over to cbj, I have not had to go back to the clinic even once. I was a regular customer when I was getting BBBJ.

In the real world, I have NEVER asked a civilian for a bbbj. I have no reason to, because I am usually certain they have not sucked a dick within an hour or two of sucking mine. And I have only had one problem with a civilian ever, and that was way before I ever picked up a student. Another factor I believe is your personal immunity. Some gents just never seem to get anything, or just never display symptoms. I think the latter group are the ones who pass things along.

Dr. Monger

Larry 56
10-31-07, 20:03
When you can't find black SWs anywhere, you know things are tough.


Sleeping Bag
10-31-07, 22:28
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-31-07, 23:54
If you don't feed a troll, it will go away...


11-01-07, 00:32
Picked up Stephanie 23 yo not sure if that is her real name someone else reported her name as Christy doubt very much there are two different girls from Guam working our streets.Actually thought she was about a 7 on a SW scale had a short skirt started with a bbbj reached under her skirt no panties nice played around there for awhile below average bj went for FS K9 standard tuition found her on Ramsay about 2 blocks up from Scarey on the stoops.

11-01-07, 16:23
If you don't feed a troll, it will go away...


Excellent advice that I give out all the time. And I presume that more troublemaking is going on. Jackson's advice on the main forum page is the absolutely the best. Use that "Ignore" function gents.

Dr. Monger

11-02-07, 08:16
Picked up a skinny WSW on 4th and P. Brown Hair, Large Blue Eyes, Big Nose, Mouth full of Bad Teeth. Tad too nervouse to catch her name since I am new to this particular area. She Promised me the Moon & the Stars for 2 Jacks. Foolishly I paid. We parked and I let the trouser mouse out. She proceeds with a HJ and complains that this is not a good place to park. She then directs me to drive all over the place and suddenly gets out of the car at a light. Tells me to drive around the corner and that she will be right back. I agree because I am still thinking with the little head. That little voice kicks in and I know I have just been had. Circled around the block a couple more times and then spot her coming out of a little market with a bagful of groceries. This one has a pair of Brass Balls on her. Keep your distance. Karma is a MF, so I am sure she will meet the wrong guy one day that won't simply suck it up. Can't be the first or last time she does/did this.

Happy One
11-02-07, 12:53
I will be polite this time in keeping with proper responses.
RTFF or get the royal flame of board members !@!!!!

Ned Flanders
11-02-07, 13:48
So, after RTFF for about a 10 days once I came across this forum I hit the street for the first time. First day I drove around CB/B area and Wilkens several times and was still very nervous. Also I ddin't see anything that interested me. So I just got familiar with the routes on that day. I went out again two days later and still was having trouble finding anything until I was in Wilkens area and saw Leah hangin out. I asked if she wanted a ride, drove around a couple of blocks, then she asked if I had a spot. I'm not taking these girls home with me, just not gonna happen, and I'm not quite familiar with the areas enough to take her picnicing or to a drive-in. So, even though I was nervous I went to her place. She got rid of, what she said was her roomate, and we went into her place.

She proved she wasn't LE by grabbing it and I felt more comfortable. SHe wanted a jackson and half for BBBJ caus eshe had to give half of jackson for the room. I said the going rate was a jackson. BJ was good, with CIM but not WS. I gave her the Jackson and tipped her the half. Felt generous.

This girl was alright looking, some tracks but didn't look brunt out and she was nice and calm. I got her number when I left and might see her again. Not bad for the first time I guess. If anyone has quality SW rate numbers and wants to exchnage please contact me. I'm not seeing that much quality SW when I go out in the afternoon as this is the only time I have available. Would love to merge resources with someone.



11-02-07, 16:34
So, after RTFF for about a 10 days once I came across this forum I hit the street for the first time. First day I drove around CB/B area and Wilkens several times and was still very nervous. Also I ddin't see anything that interested me. So I just got familiar with the routes on that day. I went out again two days later and still was having trouble finding anything until I was in Wilkens area and saw Leah hangin out. I asked if she wanted a ride, drove around a couple of blocks, then she asked if I had a spot. I'm not taking these girls home with me, just not gonna happen, and I'm not quite familiar with the areas enough to take her picnicing or to a drive-in. So, even though I was nervous I went to her place. She got rid of, what she said was her roomate, and we went into her place.

She proved she wasn't LE by grabbing it and I felt more comfortable. SHe wanted a jackson and half for BBBJ caus eshe had to give half of jackson for the room. I said the going rate was a jackson. BJ was good, with CIM but not WS. I gave her the Jackson and tipped her the half. Felt generous.

This girl was alright looking, some tracks but didn't look brunt out and she was nice and calm. I got her number when I left and might see her again. Not bad for the first time I guess. If anyone has quality SW rate numbers and wants to exchnage please contact me. I'm not seeing that much quality SW when I go out in the afternoon as this is the only time I have available. Would love to merge resources with someone.



I don't think I stand alone when I say Bravo! to Ned. This report should be a shining light to all newbies. He RTFF, got out there and learned, and reported back.

To Ned directly I will say this board is the merger of resources. Just keep reading. You will learn the names of girls, post more reports, build a rapport with fellow hunters and maybe even get invited to a Round table or two. Once that is done, you probably won't need a merger, but you will have quite a few friends who can help with anything you need.

Welcome aboard.

Dr. Monger

11-02-07, 16:39
You know some days you have it and some days you don't. I need to make a correction since it is too late for me to edit the post. In my response to Loki (and Cloud William) I indicated I have never asked a "civilian for a bbbj". I meant I never have asked a civilian for a "CBJ". Obviously in the context I clearly meant CBJ. I had a brain fart sorry all.

Dr. Monger

Bad Bad Boy
11-02-07, 21:59
So, after RTFF for about a 10 days once I came across this forum I hit the street for the first time. First day I drove around CB/B area and Wilkens several times and was still very nervous.
Good start, Ned. Keep reading the forum, especially the Baltimore Mongering Basics - for Newbies thread. Read it 2 or 3 times since there is a lot of very useful information to help keep you safe. It's a crash course on mongering.

You were very smart to take your time and drive around the various loops during daylight hours to familarize yourself with the area. Very good move.

You were also smart in not trying to force a pick up. If it doesn't feel right, back off and try another time. Better safe than sorry.

I would advise staying out of any of these girl's homes and/or trick pads until you gain a little more experience. You never know who might be hiding behind the door to rob you or do worse.

These girls know a lot of safe or relatively safe places to park for a car date. Follow your gut, if the place doesn't feel right try some where else.

Most of these girls will start their negotiations high and then settle for less (street price). Just let them know that you always pay the street rates and a tip will be forthcoming if you are pleased and not rushed. If they balk, start the car and offer to take them back. Once they hear that engine start, they will back down and accept what is offered. It beats going home without any money to show for her time.

Don't worry about being nervous. All of us are when picking up a new girl. It's an adrenalin rush. Just act calm and don't let them know you are new to the game or they will take advantage to you. These girls are very street smart and are always trying to size up a monger to see if he is a easy mark. Try to remember what you learned in the Basic Mongering thread and you will be okay.

Ned, you are off to a good start and I'll be anxious to follow your progress.

Keep up the good work and welcome to the Board.


Just for Kix
11-03-07, 11:44
She wanted a jackson and half for BBBJ caus eshe had to give half of jackson for the room. I said the going rate was a jackson. BJ was good, with CIM but not WS. I gave her the Jackson and tipped her the half. Felt generous.

Ned - Welcome to the forum. I generally avoid going to these girls houses and have not done so in quite some time. However, in my experience the half-jackson for the room is not unusual. Most times it someone else's place that they're staying and that's whose looking for the ten spot. You'll often meet the "land lord" on your way to the room. In the past I've forked over the ten directly, or put it into my girls hand and seen her immediately hand it over.

That's not to say than a SW might not try to get the extra ten even when they know they won't really have to pay it, but just keep in mind that the half jack for your stay at one of the W&W palaces is not unheard of.

11-03-07, 20:32
This goes to Amjad. DO NOT ever give specific locations on this board of where you go on your dates. You said you went to UMBC because the parking lot was always full there at around 4pm.

LE reads this board as much as the rest of us so unless you want them staking out the areas you report that you go I suggest you just say in your reports that you "took her to my spot". End of story.


11-04-07, 08:33
I went cruising Sat night around 10 and 1 (to and from the Block) around Wilkens. I saw maybe one SW, but she was close to a LEO. She gave me the look, but there was a cop in an unmarked car at a stop sign ready to turn. It did not seem like a good pick up. I saw another police car on Wilkens and Monroe and LEO was walking to his car. I could not see what he had been doing. Overall though, hardly any LEO activity.

Since there was no SW activity, I decided to go home. I am not sure if it is getting cold, my timing, or other things have caused such poor results.

Happy One
11-04-07, 19:11
Decided to do the WW loop 11:00 on. Saw the tall thin Heather from
Cathrine area on Wilkens at the State diner using the phone. She look
nice, but looks very thin. I waved & drove by looking for something
different. Found cute little girl on Desota with short brown hair, very
petite, said her name was Laura. She had fair ability & tight kitty, standard
Drove around awhile & saw quite a few SW out & about. Not to much
LE as there was last nite. Good luck to everyone, be carefull

Benchseats Rock
11-04-07, 21:15
I am not sure if it is getting cold, my timing, or other things have caused such poor results.

Other things... like the general election that's being held on Tuesday? Things have been slow all around for a reason...

In other news, some intrepid newbie was spotted getting blocked in by LE trying to make a pickup in the alley next to Sherrie's last night.
I guess he should have RTFF'd.

Benchseats Rock

Trav Pokerman
11-04-07, 22:35
I hooked up with Debbie in Brooklyn (not to be confused with Debbie on Fairhaven) recently. We went to her place, which is not far from the stroll.

She looked cute when clothed, but horrid when clothing was removed (stretch marks galore). I had already requested an upgrade (I usually car date, so I decided to take advantage of having a room for once), so I went through with it. Service was okay, but not exceptional. I'm curious about the thoughts of others that have been with her, as I'm on the fence regarding her. She lives with at least one other SW (I believe her name is Wendy. Who, by the way, has lots of scabs, and I would stay far away from. Even though she seemed very friendly).

As for the Fairhaven Debbie, I highly recommend her. I've been with her twice, and has performed exceptionally well both times, with no rush. If you pick her up, treat her well.

Hugh Jardon
11-04-07, 23:35
I'll answer these in the body of your post.

I have been paying a Jackson BJs for over 20 years, from Phoenix Arizona, to Hartford Connecticut to Paterson New Jersey to Baltimore Maryland, the Jackson has been good enouogh for me since 1987. But need a reality check:

1. What is the going rate for a HJ or BJ in Baltimore, say on Wilkens Ave., say for a 6/10 rated provider with acceptable attitude and performance?
$20 for a BJ, tip a fiver if she's good.

2. What is the going rate for car sex, for the same provider described above. I have heared frot he girls that it is $40?
That's about right. You could probably negotiate $30, if you're good at it.

3. What is the going rate for taking her to a motel for sex? I heared it s $80, because takes too long to drive, get the room, finsh, return?
Depends on how long you want her for. If you want two pops, $60-80 isn't too far out of line. This is a situation where you negotiate ahead of time.

Then I have 3 questions which more experienced mongs can answer:

1. How do you get ride of a situation where (after finishing), she starts telling you to go right and left, to get to her destination which proves too far form where you picked her up -- whats best thing to do or say?
Usually, if they've performed good service and have been pleasant, I'll take them most anywhere. If they're getting ridiculous about it, I'd just say this is as far as I'm taking you, get out.

2. She is getting in/out of the car before/after doing it, then at that moment a police car pulls fromot he opposit corder (face to face). What is the best thing to tell the officer, to avoid trouble? (my line: I was offering her a ride)
There's nothing wrong with giving someone a ride. Why would he think anything more had transpired?

3. She looked OK form a distance, but when she was inside the car she scared me (drunk, high, had tracks all over her arms), what is the best way to ask her to get off? (my line in the past: I am going to Main and Broadway, is your destination along my route?)
You can act all freaked out like you're having a panic attack and ask her to get out, RIGHT NOW!! Or you can say, sorry I thought you were someone else.
Check her out carefully as she nears your car. The best time to get rid of her is before she gets in your car.

To tell you the truth, I had a confrontation on an occasion or two, kicking girls out, but also on few occasions paid the girls in full, because of medical or other condition which was disturbing to see.

Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks folks.

11-05-07, 03:54
Picked up a skinny WSW on 4th and P. Brown Hair, Large Blue Eyes, Big Nose, Mouth full of Bad Teeth. Tad too nervouse to catch her name since I am new to this particular area. She Promised me the Moon & the Stars for 2 Jacks. Foolishly I paid. We parked and I let the trouser mouse out. She proceeds with a HJ and complains that this is not a good place to park. She then directs me to drive all over the place and suddenly gets out of the car at a light. Tells me to drive around the corner and that she will be right back. I agree because I am still thinking with the little head. That little voice kicks in and I know I have just been had. Circled around the block a couple more times and then spot her coming out of a little market with a bagful of groceries. This one has a pair of Brass Balls on her. Keep your distance. Karma is a MF, so I am sure she will meet the wrong guy one day that won't simply suck it up. Can't be the first or last time she does/did this.Next time you go on a run never and I mean never pay up front and never go to her spot. Remember those two rules and you will never go wrong, and oh yeah if she promises to rock your world and so on don't waste your time because usally the ones that brag that they are so good are usually the ones that suck.

Bad Bad Boy
11-05-07, 07:54
She Promised me the Moon & the Stars for 2 Jacks. Foolishly I paid. We parked and I let the trouser mouse out. She proceeds with a HJ and complains that this is not a good place to park. She then directs me to drive all over the place and suddenly gets out of the car at a light. Tells me to drive around the corner and that she will be right back.
Champ, most of us have had to learn our lessons the hard way just like you did. The key here is to learn from your bad experiences and not make the same mistakes again.

I have had these girls request that I take them "shopping" first or pay them up front before any services are rendered. Once you pay them and allow them to get out of your car before finishing the deed, you can pretty well assume they will split and leave you dry.

To avoid these situations, tell them that you want to take care of business first before taking them to run an errand (to get a bite to eat). You are not their taxi. Do not let them talk you in taking them to cop. Remember, business first, everything else last.

If they request being paid up front, give them a partial token payment or show them you have the money. Do not give them full payment until after the deed.

Be specific when communicating what services you want and that you will pay the going street rates and a tip if you are pleased and not rushed. If she does not fulfill her part of the deal, like no kitty play or whatever, then no tip should be forthcoming or the payment reduced accordingly.

If you paid 2 Jacksons for a HJ, you paid too much. The going rate for a BJ/HJ is 1 Jackson. Don't over-pay.

Good luck out there and be safe.


Bad Bad Boy
11-05-07, 08:18
I have a question which more experienced mongers can answer: She is getting in/out of the car before/after doing it, then at that moment a police car pulls fromot he opposit corder (face to face). What is the best thing to tell the officer, to avoid trouble? (my line: I was offering her a ride). Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks folks.
Amjad, if you are stopped by LE with a SW in your car and he asks you what you are doing with her, our standard answer has been to say that we are offering her a ride. Don't admit to anything else or let LE trick you in some manner to admitting that you know the girl is a SW.

This whole situation can get pretty dicey depending on the LEO who stops you. Some LEO's may cut you some slack if you are polite and non-mouthy and others may want to give you a hard time. It's the luck or bad luck of the draw.

LE can arrest you for almost anything, but getting a conviction is a different matter. He can arrest you for solicitation and being in the presence of a know prostitute.

Even when your case goes to court and the charges are dropped and/or you are acquitted, LE has won because your name will appear the paper for being arrested, your car impounded, you have to go to court, have to hire a lawyer, the embarrassment it has caused, etc.

Just stick to your story that you are just giving her a ride, don't admit that you know she is an SW, be polite, and hope for the best.

Don't depend on the SW to help you as she won't if they offer her a better deal. She'll turn on you in an instant if it is to her advantage.


Johnny Fever35
11-05-07, 10:26
Amjad, if you are stopped by LE with a SW in your car and he asks you what you are doing with her, our standard answer has been to say that we are offering her a ride. Don't admit to anything else or let LE trick you in some manner to admitting that you know the girl is a SW.

This whole situation can get pretty dicey depending on the LEO who stops you. Some LEO's may cut you some slack if you are polite and non-mouthy and others may want to give you a hard time. It's the luck or bad luck of the draw.

LE can arrest you for almost anything, but getting a conviction is a different matter. He can arrest you for solicitation and being in the presence of a know prostitute.

Even when your case goes to court and the charges are dropped and/or you are acquitted, LE has won because your name will appear the paper for being arrested, your car impounded, you have to go to court, have to hire a lawyer, the embarrassment it has caused, etc.

Just stick to your story that you are just giving her a ride, don't admit that you know she is an SW, be polite, and hope for the best.

Don't depend on the SW to help you as she won't if they offer her a better deal. She'll turn on you in an instant if it is to her advantage.


I see girls thumbing a ride quite a bit. So if you pick one up you could be charged if she is a known SW. The monger is at the mercy of LE since LE can arrest you without seeing any actual act. Just seems like there should be a better pickup method. Like meeting in a bar, DD or convience store that whould be safer for both parties considering that most SW'ers phone numbers don'twork.

It's also strange that it seems alot of SW want to be picked up on the main drag and reluctant to more around the corner. Most will move but some
just want to stay out in the open on the nain drag. And there seems to be plenty of mongers willing to do the pickup in open areas that can be see from
alot of angles. LE lately have been parked not only on main drags but in places that I would not expect. And they are parked watching Sw'ers.
Hopefully, things will get back to more normal after the elections.

11-05-07, 15:03
22 Rules for SW Mongering

1. IS SHE? - It ain't like in the movies -They wear ordinary clothes, and are just walking alone, with no bags, or maybe making a phone call at a pay phone (but if you checked, there's no one on the line). Believe it or not, a girl walking alone and without shopping bags on a hobbyist street is almost always a SW.

2. If you aren't sure, come back in a few minutes. Non-pros who happen to be walking are going somewhere, which isn't up and down the same stretch of road. And on hobbyist streets, the local women tend to avoid looking like they might be in business, unless they are!

3. If she is watching traffic, she's probably a SW.

4. If she makes eye contact with you, she's probably a SW.

5. If she then smiles at you, she is a SW. After all, you're just some dude driving by.

6. If she's with a "boyfriend", who disappears when you come around again, he's pimping her. Be careful! Don't unlock the door until she's ready to get in, with him nowhere to be seen! If you follow these rules, you're in control of the situation.

7. THE PICKUP - Pull over at the next parking lot, or around the next corner and park nearby. If you're sure she saw you - smile back at her, dummy! - then feel free to pull further down the block, so it's not so easily observed by LE. She'll casually turn down your block, walk past - and then suddenly walk up to see if you're letting her in. Keep eye contact, keep smiling - invite her in.

8. Lock the other doors! You're in a crime-filled neighborhood!

9. AVOIDING LE STINGS - Do not EVER EVER EVER discuss anything with a girl who isn't seated in your car, except to offer her a ride. THAT'S ALL YOU'RE DOING! IT'S LEGAL! Just being a nice guy... On every board I've seen, LE always tries to make the bust without the F LE risking her ass by getting in. READ THIS RULE AGAIN! IT'S IMPORTANT!

10. This is the perfect time for LE to pull you over for rolling through a stop sign, just to harass your ass. Drive like a preacher! It's an effective way of intimidating we hobbyists, and they'll use any opportunity if they're watching.

11. Make a turn or two before discussing $$, just in case. Watch your rear view - you can bet she will, too! I've never heard of LE getting in the car, with a follower, but better safe than sorry. A known LE trick - she doesn't get in, but directs you to meet her around the corner. Guess who's waiting there, instead of her? If she doesn't get in right away, move on!

12. AVOIDING SCAMS - If you do a car date, and you let her pick the spot (she'll try to direct you), be aware that she may be setting you up for a robbery. Don't settle for her spot - or at least, force her to come up with a second choice. Her boyfriend can't be in two places at once.

13. If you go back to a hotel, and she picked it, be aware that this could be a setup for cash&dash, or her pimp busting in & robbing you.

14. If you go back to her place - are you mad? The "boyfriend busting in mad, waving a gun" scam probably happens a lot - since the victims won't report the robbery, they get by with it, even though the victims know where the robbers are staying!

15. If you go back to your hotel, um, have fun! (OK, that's not a rule. If you go back to your hotel, be discreet so the mgmt doesn't call LE on you.)

16. If you go back to your house - are you really ok with a potentially-addicted SW knowing where you live?

17. WALLET - Do not leave your wallet within her reach. If you think you know a clever spot to hide it, remember that 100's of others have thought of it, too. While you're distracted, her free hand can be working...

18. MONEY - Do not have more in your pocket than you want to spend. She (and your dick) will talk it out of you. If she's really worth an extra few dollars, you can go get it (out of the trunk, the ATM, your other pocket, whatever). Current street rates are 20 for BJ, 40-50 for FS, and you can tip later if you think it's worth it. Remember, it isn't worth it just because you came. She'll always demand a tip, if she thinks it's coming. Many will claim they "usually charge more" - the word on this board is: they don't. But, hey, some of these girls are hard-working, quality-driven providers, even though they're SW (really - I mean it!), and they deserve a break.

19. HUNTING HOURS: They're out at all times, in most weather. I've heard of them walking as early as 4:30am, and well past midnight. They work the lunch hours for guys on lunch, afternoons for guys on early shifts, mornings for guys who'll be late for work, and all through the evening and night. If it's lightly raining, there will be less, but there will be some. Most of these girls are drug addicts; their addiction doesn't have a "M-F, excluding legal holidays" schedule.

20. CFS!!! Carry a condom. Usually, they don't have one (which I think is so fuc*ing stupid, but then, if they had a clue they wouldn't be SW-ing). You don't want to be tempted to skip the cover because that pussy is so fine.

And the freebie: Every time some SW claims "I'm the best! I'm worth more", it really means, "I'm a lame-ass lying lazy talent less junkie!" The good ones don't have to brag; they'll get your return business.

21. Don't let her use your cellphone. It's a very common request. She'll call her friend, or her own phone, and that will give her access to your # - which might set you up for unexpected & inopportune calls for business or bail money.

22. Be friendly. As has been noted in other threads, these are people with feelings, not just automaton sex dispensers. If you're friendly, chatty, and warm, she'll open up, relax, and probably be more generous with her service, in all the little ways that matter most. Remember, if she's never hooked up with you before, she's worried that you might be either LE, or some psycho SW-stalker.

As always Play Safe

Hugh Handsoman
11-05-07, 15:17

First of two parts - While just a teenager in the 1970s, she danced on The Block, where she snorted cocaine and heroin and sold sex in back rooms. Later, with her addictions firmly rooted, she set out on her own, offering her body on the streets of West Baltimore as a deadly virus was spreading.

The years have worn away at Sharon Williams, whose deeply lined face, reddened eyes and pained expressions tell of poor health, nights in abandoned buildings and customers like the man who kicked her down a flight of stairs, breaking two ribs and puncturing a lung.

Yet she remained a prostitute to support herself and her habits. Not even the discovery 12 years ago that she had been infected with HIV changed that. She also counts herself among the many addicted women who, despite knowing the risks, have given in to customers who refuse to wear condoms.

Baltimore moved higher on a list kept by the federal government of areas where AIDS infections are spreading fastest. The city had been fifth in the previous count.

Metropolitan area rankings of reported AIDS cases during 2005 per 100,000 population.

Metropolitan area

of cases Rate

Miami 2,435 44.9
Baltimore 1,074 40.4
Memphis 420 33.3
New York 6,150 32.8
Atlanta 1,587 32.3
Baton Rouge 225 30.7
New Orleans 400 30.3
San Juan, Puerto Rico 746 28.9
Orlando 551 28.5
Jackson, Miss. 142 27.2

Includes Baltimore City, and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard and Queen Anne's counties. Of the 1,074 cases, 80% were within Baltimore City limits.

Source: Maryland Aids Administration
"They'll do anything for a high," Williams said. "If they want money enough, they'll agree to it. I've slipped up once in a while."

The sale of sex for drug money is an important but largely overlooked reason why Baltimore has the nation's second-highest rate of AIDS diagnoses, trailing only Miami. By the end of last year, almost 16,000 city residents were living with HIV or AIDS.

Women desperate for their next fix and men willing to risk their health for cheap sex are partners in an epidemic that shows no signs of ending. Experts consider prostitutes to be "core transmitters" because of their high infection rates and large numbers of partners.

Therapeutic advances have prolonged life while education has lowered the overall HIV infection rate. Still, the death toll from AIDS continues to mount, reaching almost 9,800 in Baltimore since the epidemic began in the early 1980s. The disease has devastated families, leaving children without parents and often killing multiple relatives. It is the leading cause of death among adults 35 to 44 years of age, surpassing homicide, and has had a corrosive effect on neighborhoods already beset by poverty, crime and homelessness.

At last count, Baltimore's rate of new AIDS diagnoses was nearly three times the nation's, 21 percent higher than New York's and almost double San Francisco's - two cities that people more commonly associate with the epidemic.

In certain parts of the city, the impact is even more striking. In ZIP code 21217, which includes Sandtown-Winchester and the Pennsylvania Avenue corridor, the percentage of people living with HIV/AIDS is 15 times the national average.

Public health authorities have been slow to address the connection between AIDS and what some experts call "survival sex," in part because the people involved are elusive and their role hard to quantify. Most of the women have been addicted to drugs and, in some cases, ensnared in prostitution since childhood. Many are homeless, wandering from one abandoned building to another.

The prevalence of crack
A key part of the sex trade, epidemiologists say, is crack cocaine. The drug produces an intense high followed quickly by a crushing depression that can be relieved only by smoking more. Crack, which has been a major presence in Baltimore since the early 1990s, drives many female addicts into a relentless cycle of drug-seeking and prostitution.

"They have a lot of partners to sustain their habits," said Dr. Jacques Normand, chief of the AIDS program at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "There is no question in this country that there's a substantial epidemiological relationship between crack and HIV transmission. It all comes down to the trading of sex and drugs."

Terry Brown, vice president of Baltimore Behavioral Health, daily sees the link between drug use and prostitution among the women who enter his drug treatment center. "I would say that if we have a woman who is a substance abuser, is unemployed and has no income, the way she supports her habit is the sex trade," said Brown, who is co-chairman of the city's Commission on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment.

In a months-long examination, The Sun interviewed physicians, advocates, social workers, addiction counselors and public health experts to learn how the sex trade contributes to the greater epidemic. The best understanding, however, comes from the stories shared by nearly 20 women who have fed their addictions this way.

Many of the women were initiated into prostitution around puberty. Several told of childhoods in which fathers or relatives forced them to have sex with men to support their own drug habits. Soon the girls were getting high to numb their shame.

As women selling sex for drugs, many have been routinely exposed to beatings, robberies and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

"They're holding on for dear life," said Sidney Ford, who runs a drop-in center on West Pratt Street called You Are Never Alone. "They feel they're doing all they can to keep that grasp on what little bit of life they see is left for them."

In Baltimore, the neighborhoods most afflicted by HIV/AIDS flank downtown, sweeping past Johns Hopkins Hospital on the east and curving from Druid Hill Park past Carroll Park on the west. They are the same ones heavy with drug dealers, jobless residents and prostitutes.

About dusk one day, a stream of young people traipsed north from Pigtown to Sandtown in search of drugs. Hours later, their purchases completed, they hurried home along streets where prostitutes struck solitary poses. The women wore blank expressions and shabby clothes as they awaited passers-by and motorists.


The women were black and white, teenage to middle age.

Sgt. Sean Mahoney, who patrols the Western District, observes this ragged commerce night after night. Along Wilkens Avenue and Washington Boulevard, he addresses many of the women by name and knows their stories.

"They've been treated like crap all their lives by their parents, by their men," said Mahoney. "Drugs are an escape."

Nation's Top 10

Baltimore moved higher on a list kept by the federal government of areas where AIDS infections are spreading fastest. The city had been fifth in the previous count.

Drug use and prostitution have long been a part of Sharon Williams' life. She failed as a Fells Point waitress because of her addiction but became an attraction on west-side streets where, in her heyday, "I was one of the prettiest girls in the neighborhood."

Back then, men approached her for sex as she walked along Ramsay and Carey streets wearing hot pants. On a typical day, she said, she had four "johns." With a touch of pride, she said she made to afford her own place to live.

But she lost that a long time ago. This summer, she was finding refuge in an abandoned Formstone-faced rowhouse just north of Carroll Park. To get there, she walked up an alley and scaled a low stone wall to enter a kitchen with empty cabinets and ankle-deep trash.

Up a flight of stairs were two bedrooms. The one where she slept had two bare mattresses and a mural of a toucan in a tree that someone had defaced by painting an obscenity. Strewn about were empty malt liquor bottles, frayed insulation and dirty clothes. On the torn edge of a drop ceiling, she had stashed her needle and tools.

Soon, she was feeling the effects of a heroin injection. Her head dropped to her chest, straight brown hair cascading over her face. Suddenly, she cried out to no one in particular, "How many times?"

She scratched her head and rubbed her eyes with puffy hands that are common among people whose veins have collapsed from shooting drugs. Minutes later, she rose and stooped over a chair. Holding onto the armrests for support, she murmured incoherently before calling out, "Oh, my God. I'm still here. Still here, all right."

That she's still here at 45 is remarkable.

Williams spent most of her childhood in foster care but ran away at 15. By 17, she began dancing on The Block, the stretch of bars and strip joints on East Baltimore Street. She has been addicted to heroin and cocaine for more than 25 years, she said, and has been prostituting herself about that long.

The men she cared about were users, too.

On her arms are the tattooed names of long-ago boyfriends. On her left arm is written Richard, a strip-club doorman who died when he slammed his sports car into a tractor-trailer while high on cocaine, she said. On her right arm is Buddy, her first love, who died of a heroin overdose.

"I'm beginning to feel like the black widow," Williams said, going on to describe how her fiance, Paul, used drugs and died of AIDS in 2003. AIDS later claimed his brother too.

Like many people with multiple risk factors, Williams can only speculate how she contracted the virus. Paul may have given it to her. In her family, there was precedent for this. She said her elder sister died of AIDS in 1995, having caught the virus from a drug-using boyfriend.

Then again, she said she might have gotten it from a fellow drug user who stuck a needle into her cooker, a large bottle cap that she had used to dissolve heroin into an injectable liquid.

Williams said she doesn't always tell customers about her HIV status. One man, she said, was so enraged after she belatedly told him that "he put his car in reverse and tried to run me over."

Among women who trade sex, studies find infection rates as high as 30 percent in locales around the nation. Such studies haven't been done in Baltimore, though several nonprofit groups that serve this population report rates that are similar or higher.

In general, the odds of an infected woman spreading the virus to a man through sex are lower than the odds of a man transmitting HIV to a woman. For female-to-male transmission, the risk might be as low as one in 1,000 for a single act of intercourse. Increases in risk

3.But the risk rises steeply if certain conditions are met. A woman with a genital sore is more contagious. An uncircumcised man is more susceptible. A woman who has gone untreated might have more virus to shed.

The risk, studies have shown, can rise as high as one in four, depending on which conditions are met.

"The likelihood they will infect someone keeps going up because of the probabilities," said Dr. Thomas Quinn, infectious disease professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "If the odds are one out of 10 and someone has sex with 10 people, then one is going to get infected."

Nation's Top 10

Baltimore moved higher on a list kept by the federal government of areas where AIDS infections are spreading fastest. The city had been fifth in the previous count.

Metropolitan area rankings of reported AIDS cases during 2005 per 100,000 population.

Many of those who trade sex for drugs have sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia, which boost their susceptibility to HIV - and the potential to pass it along. People who have lesions caused by these infections are three to six times more likely to spread the virus in a single act of sex, according to experts.

"Their primary focus is on getting high," said Dr. Jonathan Zenilman, chief of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins' Bayview Medical Center. "They may ignore symptoms of STIs, ulcerations. They are chronically ill, a lot of them."

For years, Williams devoted herself to her addictions and little else. Last spring, she estimated that she had been spending $20 to $30 a day for heroin, and $100 to $200 for crack. She raised some of the money by "tricking" and some by securing drugs for others. She has a criminal record that includes convictions for drug possession, burglary and prostitution.

She took HIV medications in the late 1990s in a prison health program supervised by Johns Hopkins Hospital but drifted out of therapy after her release, according to records at the University of Maryland's Evelyn Jordan Center, where she is an occasional patient She gave doctors there permission to discuss her medical history.

In April, after failing to show up for two medical appointments on the same day, she confessed that she was busy "using." Doctors had no opportunity to examine her until June, when she went to the University of Maryland Medical Center emergency room after a beating. There, doctors treated her wounds but also discovered a sexually transmitted disease.

"The fact that she has gonorrhea means she's having unprotected sex and [potentially] spreading HIV as well," said Dr. Ronald Reisler, her doctor at the center.

It was the latest in a string of infections that included syphilis. She also has hepatitis C, which is spread by dirty needles. Last year, a blood test indicated that her HIV infection had worsened, compromising her immune system.

"The problem is, she doesn't come to clinic, doesn't take medicines," he said. "If she continues on this path, I would expect her life expectancy to be short."

During the summer, Williams was back at the emergency room with a painful abscess in her calf at the spot where she had repeatedly injected heroin. As it turned out, her trip to the hospital was fortunate.

Doctors not only treated her abscess but also referred her to a methadone program that she has begun to view as a springboard to stability and legitimate employment. She attends daily support groups and sees a counselor who is helping her organize her life. For now, she is living with a sister near Hollins Market, though Williams occasionally ends up homeless after disagreements.

Weeks into treatment, she reports that she hasn't been tempted by heroin but did smoke crack when friends lit up a pipe. Afterward, Williams said, she was "miserable" with regret.

The link between crack, risky sex and the virus has not been well-studied in Baltimore. But in Miami, which has the nation's highest AIDS rate, a study among female crack addicts provides some insight.

There, the drug of choice is overwhelmingly crack, in contrast to Baltimore, where heroin and crack addiction are intertwined. But the Miami experience shows the role that crack can play in motivating prostitutes to seek one customer after another, said Dr. Toya Brewer of the University of Miami.

Brewer set out to measure sexual risk-taking among female crack addicts. A majority had at least one paying customer. Three-quarters who were HIV-negative engaged in unprotected sex. Among those who were positive, 56 percent had unprotected sex - a smaller percentage, but a majority nonetheless.

Sex-trading addicts draw customers from inside and outside their social circles. "They can be linked to people who are not in their group who in turn spread HIV in the larger community," Brewer said. "Some of them are exposing others; the rest are exposing themselves."

While prostitution can result in sexual transmission of HIV, it does not show up in federal statistics that characterize the epidemic. "Intravenous drug use is considered a recognizable risk factor, whereas having sex for crack does not fit into one of the defined categories," Brewer said.

In Baltimore, scientists hope to learn more about the link between prostitution and AIDS from a study of sexual transmission in neighborhoods with severe poverty and high rates of HIV infection. The survey is part of a larger national look at heterosexual transmission being overseen by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

4.The researchers, with the Maryland AIDS Administration and the Johns Hopkins University, have begun recruiting 750 adults who will submit to HIV blood tests and recount their sexual and drug histories. The survey, among other things, asks specific questions about the trading of sex for money, drugs or other favors.

"Rather than being filtered through a physician's report, we're getting a better picture of the mixture of risk behaviors that need to be addressed," said epidemiologist Colin Flynn of the AIDS administration. "We'll use this to guide our prevention programs."

Prostitution, which has a long history in Baltimore, increased noticeably with the arrival of crack in the 1990s. Public health authorities believe that it triggered a syphilis outbreak, which they eventually quelled by offering testing and antibiotics in the worst drug neighborhoods.

But reducing prostitution was far more difficult. Dr. Peter L. Beilenson, then the city health commissioner, said he is convinced that the sex-for-drugs trade was one of the main forces driving the HIV epidemic during his 13-year tenure.

"They're not an easy group to reach," he said. "They're not all in the Route 40 corridor or even in hotel rooms, where some of the prostitution occurs."

The city sex trade ripples beyond the neighborhoods where it is concentrated. Just as people drive into the city for drugs, men from outlying areas cruise the streets for sex, running the risk of becoming infected and passing the virus to their spouses or other partners.

How many women sell sex in Baltimore remains unknown, although advocates for them contend that there could be thousands. About 700 visit two drop-in centers, and 1,000 prostitution cases are filed annually in District Court. That number probably includes multiple cases for some women, according to a prosecutor. On the other hand, many go undetected.

Some women don't work the streets at all, trading sex instead with male drug dealers and acquaintances. Some accept as little as $5 but say they are frequently offered more for sex without a condom. The women are engaged in a relentless if dangerous struggle - not only for drugs but also for the necessities of life.

"It could be for money, food or clothing," said Dr. Susan Sherman, a Johns Hopkins epidemiologist who refers to their work "survival sex." "It could be for cigarettes, drugs, anything."

You Are Never Alone
Sidney Ford left her job as a hospital social worker a decade ago after she read of two prostitutes who had been chained and tortured in a basement. "I started going to the brothels, saw the vulnerabilities, women who early in adolescence were raped by their fathers, boyfriends," she said. For some, sexual abuse began when they were even younger than that.

Ford founded You Are Never Alone to break the pattern that this kind of abuse established. She placed the center in a Carrollton Ridge neighborhood that is well-known for drug activity and the sex trade associated with it.

Outside is a constant flow of men and women, black and white, many with unsightly needle tracks on their arms and necks. Young men wearing the colors of local gangs can be seen stuffing bills into barely open fists. Other men amble by, pushing shopping carts filled with scavenged aluminum and copper that can be turned into cash.

Merchants trace the neighborhood's decline to the arrival of crack over a dozen years ago. Craig Strohmer, who operates a nearby hardware store that has been in his family for more than 100 years, recalled the exodus of middle-class families that coincided with the proliferation of corner drug dealers. Landlords abandoned their properties. Mom and pop stores closed.

At her center, Ford sometimes has to shoo away dealers and addicts who congregate nervously in the backyard of an adjacent rowhouse.

She hopes to help the women inside avoid drugs or find inspiration to shake them. A realist, she said many of her clients won't do so until they are ready, and she displays enormous patience with those who struggle.

"They're not in a state emotionally or physically or intellectually to be able to plan, to think about a future," said Ford.

Ford tries to create an environment in which women feel safe and can at least begin to envision something better. Some come for the basics. They shower, eat lunch, engage in banter and assemble outfits from piles of donated clothing.

Many go beyond that. They might meet with Ford to discuss the emotional wreckage left by years of childhood abuse. They may consult a nurse practitioner from Healthcare for the Homeless about routine medical problems or get a referral to free HIV treatment. About a third of the women have the virus, Ford said. Many have never been in treatment.

Eventually, women may decide to attend weekly support groups in which they learn skills as basic as how to say no. Ford and Tim Bridges, the assistant director, help them navigate the bureaucratic labyrinth that keeps many from getting drug treatment or public assistance. Bridges also assists some who are fresh out of prison.

Recently, Sharon Williams bounded into the center carrying a purse stuffed with prescriptions for a stomach ailment and other ills being addressed at the Evelyn Jordan Center. Perhaps, she said, she will one day begin treatment for hepatitis C and, finally, HIV.

None of that will happen if she doesn't learn to manage the details of daily living. Fishing through her purse, she located a scrap of paper that may represent the first steps toward accomplishing that.

It contained a "to do" list that her methadone counselor suggested that she update on a daily basis. On it were tasks such as obtaining proof of her divorce, documentation that she would need to obtain from a government records office to qualify for Medicaid.

She had no idea whom to call or where to go but seemed energized by the task.

"I've started writing goals," Williams said. "I make four goals on a piece of paper. Even if I do one and write 'completed,' it makes me feel good."

When In Vegas
11-05-07, 19:09
Your chances of catching anything with a CBJ are virtually impossible. With BBBJ you can catch Herpes or even chlamadya if the girls throat is infected (the girl usually has a nasty soar throat).

Herpes is harder to guard against since the girl could be contagious but not have any symptoms.

How safe are cbj compared to BBBJ? Can I still catch anything with a cbj? And during the act let's say the helmet broke. Does that increase my chance of getting something? Thanks.

Butt Ugly
11-07-07, 12:19
Hooked up with Amanda yesterday late afternoon on Ramsey. She wae about 19 Y/O, smelled just out of the shower sweet, and was a little plump, but attractive. Hadn't been beat up by the lifestyle YET. Right away my vibe meter told my something was not right here. Amanda stated she had just left the stripped sunshine motel about an hour ago. She was not happy with my hides and I curtantly wasn't happy with any of hers and there was something wrong and I couldn't figure out what it was. Got tried of riding after 15-20 minutes so decided to turn her in for a more cooperative model. As soon as she saw that we were headed back she blurted out she was sOOOO dope sick she would do anything for the money (there it was). She showed me her titties, very nice shape, inverted nipples, C+ cups. I gave her 10 and said maybe next time. Don't like them dope sick they gag to much.

Didn't have much time after that so pointed the mobile foward home and said "maybe Amanda won't be sick next time I see her".

Well the weather is starting to cool off and before long I'm out of here for Thailand and surrounding hunting grounds. It's nice to be the catch instead of looking for hours for something decent. Where I'm headed the girls must compete (look good, be pleasant, perform well) or I'll surely find some one better. And the LE don't care what you do just so you don't hurt the girls.

Sleeping Bag
11-07-07, 21:04
Well, the weather is getting colder, but definitely the SWs are out. Where were they in the summer? Anyways, drove through PP, W/W and Brooklyn. Lots of them out, but none that caught my attention. Went to Konklin, and a few there too. I decided to head back to W/W because most of the SWs were there.

On my where there along Baltimore, I saw tons of 5.0 near the strip club area. I saw one strip club girl (blond, mid-20s, 8/10, firm ass and tits) trying to start her car but it wouldn't start. So I pull up next to her car and help her jumpstart it. I asked her what's happening and what's with all the 5.0 action, and she says it was a raid. And it was just before she was to start her shift. So now she didn't want to go to work and would be out of $. So I offered her some $ for action.

I followed her car to a quiet parking lot. Went into her car and for $$, got a great bbbj and cfs and gfe. These strip club girls cost more than the SWs. But they're definitely higher quality also.

Chuck Roast
11-08-07, 01:33
Your chances of catching anything with a CBJ are virtually impossible. With BBBJ you can catch Herpes or even chlamadya if the girls throat is infected (the girl usually has a nasty soar throat).

Herpes is harder to guard against since the girl could be contagious but not have any symptoms.
Well, we could all wear a full body condom and stay at home and wack off. Thats what Howard Hughes wouldve done.

11-08-07, 12:10
Hey all. I had to be in the city this morning for some business and figured that before I leave I might as well stop by and see what is out. I was looking for Jackie. She is my favorite and I have gone to her 2x already. Tried an older woman last time by the name of Jeanie but she was on something (see my previous posts). Anyways, drove around the usual spot but couldn't find Jackie and was about to call it quits when I saw a really good looking girl right on Wilkens. I pulled into the side street and she came up and said if I needed some help. Told her that I give her a ride if she should show me how to get to a gas station. She hopped in and said that her name of Sheena. I remember Sheena from the previous posts about her and figured this girl looked about right (in terms of body), the face and hands have definitely taken a beating from the streets. Went to a place that she suggested (not exactly discreet because there were cars going by and construction crew right in front of us. But I was thinking with the little guy). She wanted. 20 right away and again because I was think with the wrong head, I went and gave it to her. She then went to work. Good cbj with a bit of deep throat. Tits are still firm and stomach is pretty flat. I was taking my time to finish and she actually told me to cum because she was getting tired. I ended up finishing shortly after and then proceeded to fill the condom with water to make sure that it didn't break. Gave her 8 quarters as a tip even though I really did not want to. But the BODY, oh man, I was distracted by that body. Would have taken pictures but didn't think it was a good idea considering cars were going by and some of them actually slowed down a bit. I have gotten her phone number and it works for now. If anyone wants it, let me know. Maybe we can do an exchange.

P.S. Being a newbie, when I go down to W/W even if I don't pick anybody up, I use it as a way to get to know the roads better. Now I just have to figure out what CB means.

11-08-07, 13:49
Hey there my fellow mongers,
Picked up CJ on Fairhaven & Patapsco this a.m-enjoy pics,post will follow when I get the chance!! Rook.

11-08-07, 18:08
Hello All. Man, that Sleeping Bag guy is a bag of douche! Anyway, just wanted to update the board on the Hampden action. Or lack thereof. The three SW's who I had success with in the Spring and Summer, Sheri, Shelly and Amber have disappeared. I have heard rumors and hearsay but I won't pass those on here. Sticking to the facts they are not walking anywhere I have seen and not answering the phone numbers I had for them. A shame, Shelly and Sheri especially were pretty good.

Two recent experiences:

Gina. A little chunky and mid-40's with a gorgeous DD rack. Gina claims to be a CityPaper masseuse who works Hampden every now and then. She prefers to be contacted by phone. PM and I will share digits. In my opinion Gina is about the best BJ artist I have ever met. She goes for the gusto and gives what I consider to be 'porn star quality' head. I have done FS and her pussy is nice and tight, but the BJ is so good it makes FS secondary to me. Gina is a little more expensive than most of the SW's, but I see no evidence of drug use with her. Arms are clear, clean skin, washed clothes and different outfits every time I have seen her, and she is a healthy weight, a little plump in all actuality. $30 BJ. 1/2 and 1/2 with two pops for $60. I would give Gina 3. 5 out of a possible five stars to using the old Star Search scoring system.

Rachel. Rachel has been around Hampden for years. I rarely pick her up but when the picking were slim recently I decided to give her a shot. She is a ginger, pale skin, red hair and freckles. She is a hardened drug user so I would recommend covering for everything. She has a half decent body, titties were probably great a few years ago but they are on the sag now. One thing with Rachel is she is a no below the waist girl, so if you like to finger that is not happening with her. 1 Jack CBJ and 1 out of a possible 5 stars.

Trav Pokerman
11-08-07, 23:45
Now I just have to figure out what CB means.CB = Curtis Bay / BCB = Brooklyn,Curtis Bay

Sleeping Bag
11-09-07, 01:51
Hello All. Man, that Sleeping Bag guy is a bag of douche!If you got problems, then leave. Otherwise, be at peace.

11-09-07, 10:59
Stay away from East Side!

Hot ass girl walking right now. Its a STING! They have police vans and cars around the corner!

11-09-07, 11:33
I don't know why this was erased, but there is a sting going on right now at Pulaski and Conk.

11-09-07, 11:35
If you got problems, then leave. Otherwise, be at peace.They are doing a sting right now, at Pulaski and Conk!

Girl is hot as shit! BUT OBV. Vice! They have several police wagons and cars around the corner.

11-09-07, 14:01
They are doing a sting right now, at Pulaski and Conk!

Girl is hot as shit! BUT OBV. Vice! They have several police wagons and cars around the corner.===========================================

Hi BabyAndrew,

Okay, okay, we get it, but did you have to post it three times?



Smiling Fox
11-09-07, 17:57
So the other night I am out late, headen north on Reisterstown rd. At Fallstaff bus stop sits a young lady, a little heavy, she looks up, I look at her, she looks back, I smile, she smiles, I make a motion, she makes a motion, good god lady, do I have to get out and open the door for you. LOL. Nope. She jumps up and runs out to the car, and gets in.

Low and behold she tell me her name. Cathy.

Tulli, You were right. Nice rack, yummy, and a really nice BBBJ. One of the better ones out there. She is sorta clean, but likes to go out every few nights and do some,

Oh well, I have been searching the streets for this nice rack for, well quite a while. I always love local talent. LOL. Thanks Tulli.

Smilng Fox; )

Oh I happen to hear that the sleepy creapy guy is still around. "peace". Remember the IGNORE BUTTON, Dam button really works too. LOL

Big Dawg1087
11-10-07, 03:12

Hi BabyAndrew,

Okay, okay, we get it, but did you have to post it three times?


JacksonHe's new as we can all see but I think it's cause of the moderation of the posts before the public can see it. I know cause I was confused by why my posts weren't showing up when I first found this site.

11-10-07, 09:08
Just got back from the loop after a deep throat from Ruby. I tried to RTFF about this Ruby, but it looks I missed something. This Ruby is 7 or better on a 10 scale, blond, looks great without makeup. Kinda Scandinavian features with the nose and eyes.

I saw W/W Ruby about a month ago and she had dyed her hair blond and lost a lot of weight. What about your Ruby's teeth? Was she missing a few?

11-10-07, 10:40
Smiling Fox -- I'm glad you found her. That's where she hangs out -- or on side streets opposite from the bus stop.
I don't want to sound cynical but they all come back eventually, unless they are dead.
Which gets me back to Netta, a great lady in her late 40s whom I found a year and a half ago on Garrison and saw occassionally. She disappeared this summer. One of these days I'll find her. Whether any of the innocence is left is another matter.

11-10-07, 10:42
Hey there my fellow mongers,
I picked up CJ on Patapsco & Fairhaven on Thusrday early afternoon. I actually pass on her the 1st time because it wa my first stroll thru & I wanted to see what was out on CB/B. As I was passing her-I saw those "PUPPIES" jumping out of her shirt to say "hi" so when I didn't see a soul out on my way down Fairhaven,I passed her again & made eye contact & pulled over on a side street & she got it.

The first thing I did was ask her how old she was,she said 22. I asked her what year she was born & she got the right answer-she said she just turned 22 last week,has 2 kids & doesn't do drugs. I was like "sure" in my head but she showed me her arms,not a track mark,but I am sure she could still be using in other ways. Said her name was CJ & just needed the extra money.

The 10+ minutes I was talking to her & driving to my spot,she gave a really good vibe-whatever that means,but this girl sounded intelligent,was very personable & showed me her almost perfect c cup titties which I let my other hand explore while I was driving. She still has the "innocence" about her for being on the street since she was 19,from what she said-but she doesn't come out all the time.

So now we get to my spot & got comfortable,I just wanted a pipe cleaning at first & that was what we agreed upon initially-no donation was even discussed-I played with them BEAUTIES for a while before she got started on her pipe cleaing. She was very responsive to the nipple playing,sucking etc.,

CJ than begins a BJ-(get it?) !!! Lol. Very good technique,alot of enthusiam-interest went into it-ball playing,shaft licking,ALOT of DT-ing,even when she was gagging-NEVER a complaint!! I was like DAM girl-where have you been all this time. I than had her lay on the seat while I gave her a good skull f*cking with my tool. She love it & told me she likes it rough-hair pulling,ass-spanking,choking etc.,if you guys like it rough on the girls,this gal is for you.

So it has been a good 15 minutes of pipe cleaning fun & still,not a "are you done yet" from her-nothing but enthusiastic & willing to please was coming from her so I ask her to show her real nice bubbly ass of her & I spanked the sh*t out of it in which she just gave a big smile-at this point I wasn't gonna just be happy with a pipe cleaning-I asked if she wanted to upgrade & she was more than willing to oblige-& get this-still NOT a word on donation!! Can you believe this chick??

Sorry guys but I am not any good at taking action pics of me f*cking a girl-I need to learn from the best Baldy C. & Glenn. So I strapp on the cover & I had her back that bubbly ass into me-reverse CG & went at it-man,she had a little more "cushion for the pushing" for me-but it felt really good grabbing ahold of her titties & ramming her as hard as I could-than she kinda laid back on me & I went at it again-grabbing her hair-putting my hands around her throat,slapping her in the face-MAN,she loved the whole f*cking thing.

Than I had her blow me some more & rammed her head real good on my pogo stick-she gagged some more but not a F*CKING complaint. I swear I was like-THANK-YOU GOD!!!!

We switched to DOGGIE & as I rammed her-again,I pulled the shit out of her hair,slapped that nice bubbly ass & she loved every minute of it. I asked about the "back door" that that was the only thing she didn't agree to,she said maybe next time.

I than had her turn around & skull-f*cked her again really good. We switched to mish & I pounded her really good & finally when I was ready to erupt,I took the cover off & she sucked every last freaking drop of "GRAVY" out of me. Holy shit guys-this has to be one of the best if not best experience I have had out here-she was totallt GFE. We were together for about 35 mintues-not counting the drive to & from & she didn't b*tched once about the length of time,the donation, NOTHING but her willingness to PLEASE me.

When we got ready to drive back,I asked her what my donation was since we never discussed it beforehand & with me upgrading to f/s,I was expecting her to say 40 or 50 at least-her Response?? TWENTY as in .20!!!!!! I was like holy shit in my head. Me being a nice guy donated .30 to her favorite charity. Guys-if you have the chance to pick CJ up-be nice to her & you will have one of the best times of you LIFE!! I offered to take her to get something to eat & she said "no thank-you:. She had just eaten a little earlier. I had some snacks & drinks in the car so I offered that to her & she was more than happy to accept it.

If I didn't have plans that day-I would have ask her to spend the afternoon,day,couple days with me!! Lol-CJ is super cool chick. I believe her now that she is not hooked on anything,because if she was,she would have asked for more donation in my opinion. I know that 99% of the girls out here are hooked into something or some kind habit-but I believe she might be the exception to the rule.

Sorry for the long-ass post but I received a ton of pm's from my fellow mongers about her & promised to write a juicy detailed post!! Sorry-no digits on CJ. Take care my fellow mongers & be safe!! Rook.

Benchseats Rock
11-10-07, 10:46
I than had her lay on the seat while I gave her a good skull f*cking with my tool. She love it & told me she likes it rough-hair pulling,ass-spanking,choking etc.,if you guys like it rough on the girls,this gal is for you.

You owe me at least a tank of gas and the rest of my weekend. For starters.
Thank you. I think.



Happy One
11-10-07, 18:51
Rook, CJ is a sweet heart. Im suprised you didnt see her on the West
side by Payson, Wilkens area. Sh has a very abusive BBF that beat the hell out of her & treated her worst than the dog they had. Told she could get
the hell out, but the dog stays. She does dabble with the drugs & does
have a couple of kids floating around. When shes fighting with her BBF she
hides out over CB. Her mother was living in CB, but dont know if she is
still there.

Yes Ruthie is back & how sweet she is. Slimed down, but still has beautiful
tits & quality service. If she is geeking, dont pick here up or you will be
real sorry.

Evertbody be cool

11-11-07, 15:58
is nearly impossible. Great find. As usual, great shots. I wish I had your luck.

Here's someone (I'm terrible with their names) I found at the corner of Pontiac and 4th in CB.

She was fairly clean, friendly, accepted the standard rate with no problems, didn't even object to photos.

I would repeat as she sucked me just the way I like it..slow and gentle like she's got nothing else to do all day.

As usual I got a short video, 78K, of her working. I'm trying to post it to youporn but it doesn't want to take for some reason.


11-11-07, 16:05
I've been having trouble getting a post to take. Third time might be a charm.

Here's a few recent (11/4) pic from CB area. Found her at corner of 4th and Pontiac.

She was friendly and accepted standard rate with no problems including pics.

I would repeat, as she sucked me like she had nothing else to do all day and nowhere else to go.


Smiling Fox
11-11-07, 22:28
Hey kulli, yeah, I can't count the times they come back.

Had chrissy down in Hamdan hon, about 1996, wow, she was like 18, 19, and fresh and cute, and alive. Picked her up last year she was like 30, drugged, and with kid. Oh well.

But it was a kinda treat to finally find Cathy.


Smilng Fox ;)

11-12-07, 15:05

You realize that this forum is for posts by men about sex with women. Posts of the kind you posted are not allowed. I suggest you edit that out. And forget about attending a RT. I would be too afraid to be in the room in a sexual situation with you since you apparently like men.

Dr. Monger

11-12-07, 19:44
You realize that this forum is for posts by men about sex with women. Posts of the kind you posted are not allowed. I suggest you edit that out. And forget about attending a RT. I would be too afraid to be in the room in a sexual situation with you since you apparently like men.

Dr. Monger

I thought the post about Ruby being an 8/10 was strange, but the latest post is indescribable?

11-12-07, 20:22
I spent several hours prowling today. First in CB, then in Brooklyn. Not much happening. One bit of good news is that I picked up Ariel between 10th and W.Bay. She is back after spending two months in the care of the city. She still looks pretty good. Same type of workman like effort. She dozed off on the way back to drop off. Same as usual.

After this I prowled the W/W corridors. Not much happening at all, plenty of LE. Then I had the brilliant idea to go to PP/C for the first time. Got there and prowled around 11-Noon. Nothing doing except one girl with a decent face along E. Balt. When I circled around and got up close I discovered her addiction was well advanced beyond my limit to pick up. Legs were so thin I was suprised she could walk. A shame, because I could tell she was very attractive not long ago. So I went over to a great beer joint for lunch and a couple of stouts. Went back out from 1-1:30pm. Still nothing doing at PP/C.

Went back to W/W and CBB between 2-3pm. Saw Ariel again in the same area, and a older short bsw on the phone on 10th. I saw what was a cute blonde on 5th near Pontiac, but the acne scared me off. Saw tall Beth at her normal spot on Pennington. Other than this the streets were barren today. Tough time of day when schools are letting out, and the mercury is falling.

Until next time...


11-12-07, 23:07
I see my post without pix, so here's the pix.


11-13-07, 01:24
Took a tour of WW about 7:00 pm Monday evening after about 4 loops and seeing several SW but nothing I liked I came across Chrissy on Wilkens just past Catherine. looked cute a little shy about a 7 on a SW scale 20 yo brown hair average weight nice firm tities although small average bbj upgraded to FS went k-9 nice round butt shaved kitty sounded like she was getting into it.Smelled nice overall good attidude.Now this is funny no money was discussed so I remember reading Rooks report on Cj so I asked her what her tuition was she started to hesitate and say I hope it ok with you but I really need (I'm thinking here it comes she's going to try to hit me up for .60) instead she said if I could swing it she can really use .30 but if I couldn't she would be ok with a Jackson told her I felt generous so I gave her the extra half Jackson she said she would make it up to me if she saw me again and thanked me twice on the drive back for the extra .10 lol would probably see her again nice young girl she also had that "innocence"

Benchseats Rock
11-14-07, 12:12
Hey kulli, yeah, I can't count the times they come back.

Had chrissy down in Hamdan hon, about 1996, wow, she was like 18, 19, and fresh and cute, and alive. Picked her up last year she was like 30, drugged, and with kid. Oh well.

But it was a kinda treat to finally find Cathy.


Smilng Fox ;)

Tall, thin, redhead Chrissy?
I remember her from 1997 or so.... she made mongering a real sport.

11-14-07, 23:34
Long time no action, been taking a break getting my $$$$$ right. Was over on Harford Road earlier, not realy looking for anything in particular. Ran into Rita near the 7 11 (county before Northern Parkway heading toward city). Rita's about late 30s early 40s maybe, 5'3", 125 or so, shoulder brown hair, nice teeth, nails done, very clean. Said she's not out often. Nice frame, so I had to stop. We proceed to find a spot, and found one we did. Standard rate + extra, when she stated "I'm alot better than the other girls out here" She didn't lie. Lots of licking, slurping, and catch. Was wanting to upgrade, but was held at the red light.

I'm in that area frequently, I'll try to repeat. No digits.

11-14-07, 23:46
I was in Baltimore today around 1 pm and had a few extra hours, so of course I had to put them to good use and check out the CLIX loop. I was encouraged by the good reports posted lately, as well as by the temperatures in the 60's. The first loop was disappointing - hardly any talent out, but no LE either. On my second pass, I spotted Melissa, a ~22 YO WSW, short, dark hair, thin, decent face walking on Monroe near the bridge. Since I had limited time and she was nearly the only game in town, I made the grab. I had second thoughts because she was nodding, but I decided to ride it out and see what would happen.

We went to a good, quiet spot and she agreed to $20 for a CBJ. She asked for more, but we ended up agreeing she could earn a tip for exceptional service. It was really odd the way she kept slowing down and speeding up during the deed, but not at all unpleasant. What was happening was she was nodding off with my pud in her mouth. Once she got going, she was able to keep enough focus to finish and I have to say, it was one of the best I've had, full marks on her technique.

After she finished, she asked me to drop her off a couple of blocks away from where I picked her up. We all know what the experience took out of me, but it seemed to really drain her, too. She couldn't keep her eyes open and I had to wake her up to ask which way to go. I was getting tired of that after 5 blocks and a number of turns. Finally, she asked to run into this corner pizza place to get a slice and had the nerve to ask, nicely, for me to wait for her and give her a ride home. I waited, alright, but just for her to get out of the car.

All in all, very pleasant service, down-check due to the narcolepsy. She'd probably be very good on a good day.

Looks: 7
Skills: 10
Attitude: 7


11-15-07, 12:14
I decided to start out on the east side for a change of pace. Did one pass around PP and saw 1 BSW walking and 1 SW sitting on stoops went for the 1 on stoops but she was gone by the time I went around the block continued around the park saw a nice looking girl walking on E Baltimore made pick up her name was Sarah 22 yo from South Carolina went to my spot was thinking FS but did not realize till we got there she was CCL. She had on this puffy jacket was a bit deceiving I'm not into CCLs but went for a BJ(standard tuition did not discuss price before services rendered)) reached for a grab of the bottom not much meat on it again nice girl average performance she was sociable and had a good attitude however I would not repeat.

Checked out the west side on the way back saw the usual suspects about 4 SW and LE was parked on intersection of Payson and Wilkins made 1 pass and went home.

11-15-07, 17:38
Tall, thin, redhead Chrissy?
I remember her from 1997 or so.... she made mongering a real sport.

and then there was the blonde Chrissy and her sister. There were a lot of Chrissys.

11-15-07, 17:44
You realize that this forum is for posts by men about sex with women. Posts of the kind you posted are not allowed. I suggest you edit that out. And forget about attending a RT. I would be too afraid to be in the room in a sexual situation with you since you apparently like men.

Dr. Monger

Is that how it happens? You get a few BJs from a tranny and you didn't know she was one. Then after you realize she is a tranny you say "hey it wasn't that bad". Next thing you know you got a dick in your ass. How can you not tell? There ugly as fuckin sin and they got the gait of a man.

Larry 56
11-15-07, 20:19
and then there was the blonde Chrissy and her sister. There were a lot of Chrissys.

There was that Chrissy that used to work out of a house in CB. I really thought that she was under age but she actually had ID and her aunt (also working) backed her up. She had excellent skills and reminded me of a high school cheerleader that wouldn't be caught dead with me.


Larry 56
11-15-07, 20:24
Is that how it happens? You get a few BJs from a tranny and you didn't know she was one. Then after you realize she is a tranny you say "hey it wasn't that bad". Next thing you know you got a dick in your ass. How can you not tell? There ugly as fuckin sin and they got the gait of a man.

You never been in New Orleans, have you?? :D

In the 70s, I was in the French Quarter and they had some who were the best looking 'women' you ever saw. They just had dicks and the wrong 'equipment'.

Luckily, I was tipped off by an older, more experienced monger but trust me, those boys fooled me.


Bad Bad Boy
11-15-07, 22:09
You never been in New Orleans, have you?? I was in the French Quarter and they had some who were the best looking 'women' you ever saw. They just had dicks and the wrong 'equipment'. Luckily, I was tipped off by an older, more experienced monger but trust me, those boys fooled me.
Larry, you make a very valid point. I had a similar experience like yours when I was in New Orleans several years ago.

I was walking down Bourbon Street early one morning and watching the various owners opening their shops and taking in the sights. Moments later, I spotted this gorgeous gal wearing a white tank top, black mini, and heels walking down the other side of the street. She was giving me the eyeball and I thought hey, I might just get lucky here. WRONG!

I walked passed a store owner who was laughing and watching us. He told me it was no girl but a guy dressed in drag or a trany. You could not tell from a distance with "her" trim body, the way "she" walked, or anything else that "she" was a guy. It would have been a different matter if I would have gotten a closer look.

It was so embarrassing that I walked down the next side street to get away from "her". While I can laugh about it now, it wasn't too funny when it happened.

Fortunately, I hooked up with two SW's later who showed me a good time while I was there during my two day visit.


11-16-07, 12:24
Made an interesting scoop on Thursday evening on Patapsco near Annapolis Road. She was walking and eyeballing the westbound traffic while I drove past her in the eastbound direction. She is a WSW, about 30-35, 5'5", 130, light brown shoulder length messy hair. It took a couple of loops to get her to come off the main drag and get in the car.

The conversation that immediately followed the scoop was unusual and interesting. She said "I'm thinking of getting a boob job, what do you think?" By then she had her jacket open and her sweatshirt pulled up to expose some very ordinary B-cups. I said "they look OK to me" and she said "how can you tell without touching them?" I obliged and found them to be a bit soft for my taste, but not nearly as bad as the typical 30 y/o SW. Then she reached over to my crotch and said that I would be hard by now if her boobs were done. I told her that it takes more stimulation to get me hard so she struggles to unzip me but gets the job done quite effectively (she's a pro).

By this time we were at Patapsco and Washington waiting to make a left turn to head to the notel district. She gets out some hand lotion and proceeds to go to work on me. I tell her to slow down and we can go full service but she says no. All of the sudden I'm thinking "could this be a cross dresser with its hands on my dick?" I say I want to see her pussy so she sits up and pulls her sweatpants to her feet and exposes rash covered legs (and a pussy). That was the end of my interest in FS. I let her finish the HJ, which was pretty decent but I couldn't keep my mind off of the nasty rashes.

I gave her a Jack and took her to the SA where she probably landed a few other mongers and exposed them to whatever was on her legs (MRSA?). The whole time with her was probably less than 10 minutes.

As soon as she was out of the car I pull out some alchol based wipes and wipe every inch of skin that she touched. When I got home I showered and threw all of my clothes in the washer with hot water. This morning I used Resolve on the seats in my car.


Edit - After posting the above report, I googled MRSA photographs. I'm pretty sure that Kathleen's rash was not MRSA, but I'm not an expert. It was still pretty ugly. Looked more like something called "Lichen planus", which can result from chronic hepatitis. Not surprising from a SW. I'll stay away from this one.

Sleeping Bag
11-16-07, 13:21
I say I want to see her pussy so she sits up and pulls her sweatpants to her feet and exposes rash covered legs (and a pussy). That was the end of my interest in FS. I let her finish the HJ, which was pretty decent but I couldn't keep my mind off of the nasty rashes.

I gave her a Jack and took her to the SA where she probably landed a few other mongers and exposed them to whatever was on her legs (MRSA?). The whole time with her was probably less than 10 minutes.

As soon as she was out of the car I pull out some alchol based wipes and proceed to wipe every inch of skin that she touched. When I got home I showered and threw all of my clothes in the washer with hot water. This morning I used Resolve on the seats in my car.

HorsetraderTry also the decontamination chamber, pouring clorine bleach all over yourself, and scrubbing yourself raw with SOS pads.

Andi Ferrari
11-17-07, 19:30
Newbie top both Baltimore and SW girls, been reading the forum for a little while as I waited for a decent opportunity to check out the action.

RTFF'd up I spent some time driving around Pulaski-conk saw a few girls and noticed a few LE's so went away an sat it out for a while before going back for a second look. Three SW's on Conling but not up to much and one scraggy thing walking up and down Pulaski. As I was filling up my car with fuel noticed a WSW eating some food, wasn't sure if she was SW or not at first. Drove past her a couple of times she looked, nodded and I pulled up about 300 yards away she walked acdcepted a ride. She assumed I wasn't LE because of my English Accent, showed me she wasn't by putting my hand down her pants and we drove to a spot I had scoped out earlier.

Name was Katie, late 20's says she normally works for an escort agency but she was on suspension for fighting.

She was cleen, discussed contribution whe arrived at my spot, agreed 20 for a BBBJ. She claimed to enjoy what she did and said she was good. Time to see.

She was right. Excellent technique, took me really DT without complaining. Then she puked. Managed to get it out of the car but she just went right back to action letting me fuck her face hard till she puked again. And again and again. Great performance. Allowed fingers in pussy and ass. Does A and says she always works hard to please her client.

Alcoholic wipes afterwards. Cleaned herself up and was very pleasant.

Paid. 20 plu. 05 tip. Would repeat.

Thanks for all the advice

11-18-07, 00:43
Larry, you make a very valid point. I had a similar experience like yours when I was in New Orleans several years ago.

I was walking down Bourbon Street early one morning and watching the various owners opening their shops and taking in the sights. Moments later, I spotted this gorgeous gal wearing a white tank top, black mini, and heels walking down the other side of the street. She was giving me the eyeball and I thought hey, I might just get lucky here. WRONG!

I walked passed a store owner who was laughing and watching us. He told me it was no girl but a guy dressed in drag or a trany. You could not tell from a distance with "her" trim body, the way "she" walked, or anything else that "she" was a guy. It would have been a different matter if I would have gotten a closer look.

It was so embarrassing that I walked down the next side street to get away from "her". While I can laugh about it now, it wasn't too funny when it happened.

Fortunately, I hooked up with two SW's later who showed me a good time while I was there during my two day visit.


MONGER TIP #64 If you fall asleep drunk with a SW and the next morning you wake up with a sore ass it means the SW was a tranny.

Hugh Jardon
11-18-07, 22:36
Nice report...especially for a first post.
Sounds like you found a very good SW to "break your cherry." I hate to tell you, but they all won't be this good. But plenty of them will be, and they make it all worthwhile.
Keep at it, keep your wits about you, and follow the mongering rules that are posted on here somewhere, and you will have many fun years of this!

add: And be sure to post about your activities. It's how we stay informed about SWers, busts, ripoffs, etc.

11-18-07, 23:33
Great first report. Nothing more needs to be said. You did everything right. Welcome aboard.

Dr. Monger

Sleeping Bag
11-20-07, 13:12
Cruised PP the other day early evening because I wanted a quicky before going back to work. There was a modest number of SW's out. There were some fine babes out on the streets, but I couldn't tell if they were SW's or just civis. They were strolling up and down the blocks, but when I saw other cars slowing down for them, these girls didn't glance or care. It got me thinking, "So why are these girls here? "

One particular SW was a hot brunette, but she walked bow-legged. Made me think either she's truly bow-legged, or she got something between her legs that I don't want to catch. Another brunette SW that caught my eye was a skinny one. We passed glances at each other, and I decided to swing around the block one more time and then pick her up if I see no one else. And, boy, am I glad I did that. I drive to the next block and see six 5.0 cars coming in the opposite direction.

When I circle around, all signs of "modest number of SW's" were completely gone. Oh well, I had to get going and couldn't cruise longer.

11-20-07, 13:49
Finally got some time away from work to do some cruisin' around the area. Started w/ my old stomping grounds Conk and PP. Nothing really going on, saw two WSWs but they were in really bad shape. One was so high that she could barely walk in a straight line. After that, decided to stop in at Sherrie's (back in the day, you could get some decent action when it's not too crowded. But once again, came up empty. Finally made my way over to Wilkens, and Jackpot! Saw about 6-8 SW's up and down the ave. Locked onto a tall blond with what seemed to be a pretty nice body. Only problem was that she was so damn active (walking up and down the street) that it was kinda hard to get a direct line of contact. So, while making one of my newly learned loops (don't know the street, but it's a one way) ran into Lori. Now Lori's about 26 about 5'3" pretty nice b-cups. Rolled down the window, and before I could really ask, she jumped right in. Pretty nice girl w/ decent conversation. Asked if I wanted to park and showed me a really nice spot not too far from the pickup. She asked for Jack and Abe, but assured me it was worth it. I told her that I've heard it before, so we agreed on just Jack w/ Abe in tow if she did some damage. All I can say is DAMN! She lifted up her shirt, told me that I could either rub her ass or play w/ her tits. After I got comfortable on her ass, she slowly took me in her mouth and proceeded to go to town. She got into it so much that I had to stop her to make sure that she was alright! Lori was a real pro, did a lot of ball-licking (which she seemed to like more than me) and moaning. Never rushed and even CIM. After I finished, she gave me a couple of extra licks to make sure that I was clean. Couldn't get the number, but she showed me her house and told me to stop by anytime.

The crazy part is that when I was dropping her off, saw my other regular Patty standing on the corner! Thought about giving it a go, but had to pass, Lori wore me out.

All in all:

Looks: 6-7
Attitude: 10
Performance: 10

Stay safe out there

Larry 56
11-21-07, 04:23
One particular SW was a hot brunette, but she walked bow-legged. Made me think either she's truly bow-legged, or she got something between her legs that I don't want to catch.

Maybe she rides the horse??? :D


11-21-07, 15:28
Picked up Amy on Fairhaven last night, she's a thin short haired brunette with A cup tits. She jumps in and as we were heading to my spot she says (pay close attention ) "that's a little far to go for a twenty dollar blow job". It has been said repeatedly in the past and at least this girl knows a bbj is twenty not twenty five or thirty dollars. So please guys don't even offer more than twenty, some of you guys have a few girls out here actually thinking they should get more than $20. Anyway we proceed to my spot where she gives one of the best bj's I've had in years this girl really knows how to suck cock. So i bust a nut in her mouth give her $20 and just because I am a nice guy I forked out an extra buck and a quarter to buy her a soda on the ride back. I have her digits (for trusted members only) and she said she usually has mins.

Happy Mongering


Smiling Fox
11-21-07, 16:22
So I'm driving up Reisterstown Rd. , last night. See a tall long haired lady walking. Bruenette. Full bodied. Which means not skinny. No ccl. I give her a toot, and she turns around. By god its Farley.

She jumps in. Ugh, last time she had so many rules, and she was so drugged. Well she still has all the stories of a good SW. But she claims to be clean. Ok, I give her a ride, she shows me her tits. And they are DD's nice, too. I give her a few bucks for dinner, and off I go. I will catch up with this, next week.

Anyway she is in AC for the weekend, maybe back at HJ motel.

Nice jewish girl, SW. Omg.

Smiling Fox

11-24-07, 03:28
Its been pretty bad in the W/W area lately. Was up there Thanksgiving night. Didn't see much and what I did see was pretty bad. Wilkens Leah is done in my opinion. If anyone has been with here lately you will know that she gives horrible service. She claims she has kicked drugs. IMO she was a better provider when she was using. More power to her but she sucks as a SW.

Also Fairhaven Leah is a total waste as well. She clearly doesn't want to be out there doing this and her service shows. Its a real shame too because looks wise she is one of the best out there but she just has a really poor attitude. Too bad.

Wilkens circle Stephanie the Hawian looking one is also hit or miss. When shes showered and clean she can be real good but sometimes she smells so bad you can't even let her into your car.

So at this point I can only hope that we start to see some new faces in the coming months because the old standbys suck if you ask me.

Good luck.


The Sarge
11-24-07, 11:45
Made it up to Balmore last night. Tried the W/W man this loop is dying fast.

I headed over to CB area cruised the strip twice and found a cute little blonde named crissy. At one time I am sure she was a 9 out of 10 on the civilian scale. But you know the CB story. So I would rate her a 7-8 SW or a 6 Civilian. She a nice long blonde hair, tatoo on the lower back. Probably 5'6 ish and somewhere around 120 lbs. She tried to get me with her STANDARD rate of. 4. I explained my standard rate is. 2, but if she dose a good job she MAY get a tip of. 1. She oblidged. We drove out of the area to a nice quiet spot. She was very friendly and nice to talk to. Did a very good job of BBJTCNQWS my only complaint is when I pushed her head deep on the tool she had slight gag reflexes. That was kinda cool. Overall I would see her again. Good luck fellas

11-24-07, 14:43
Was very slim pickings Thursday night started at B/CB to WW to PP just a handfull of SWs on WW didn't see a single one on PP/Conkling and there was a lot of LE in B/CB decided to take one more pass on Ww on my way home and saw Jules,Bobbi Joe and Renea passed on all 3. I than spotted an unfamilliar face made the pickup her name was Heather 31 yo from Carrol County very clean,nice teeth,short hair,smelled good average build.She said she had been clean for 3 years and had gone back out within the past 2 weeks said this was her last night out and had just gotten some methadone pills for her detox. went away from the city parked standard tuition went for a bbj.I must say this was one of the best I have recieved real good DT excellent technique would repeat if I saw her again but she says that was her last night I hope it is for her sake.

Brian Wcz
11-24-07, 16:54
Is it me or are all the spots drying up like there is nothing better for le to be doing than worrying about the petty stuff anymore. Hard to get relief with street walkers anymore guess craigs list it is.

11-25-07, 03:21
I made a trip up to your loops from DC a week ago (Friday night). After all, even spending $10 for gas still leaves me in the green, with BJ's being only $20 up there! LOL.

Anyway, was cruisin around Wilkins at about 2:30am, saw a few SW's, but nothing that I felt a need to stop for. Then, as I was about to head to another area, came across a decent lookin WSW, and made the scoop. I negotiated. 3 for 1/2 and 1/2, and off we were to her spot. Yea, I know, bad idea, but since I'm from DC, not B'more, kinda had no choice.

Anyhow, when we got to the spot, she started with a bbj which was just blah, so I told her to hop on top and get the show started right. Needless to say, almost 30 cramped minutes later, I was nowhere near completion, she started to complain about her leg (which was in a wierd position, I will admit), and we took a break. She started bbj again, but I then was starting to lose interest. I promised her a tip of. 1 if she could get me off, and she got back on top and rode me like a damn champ! I mean, she was givin' it up before, but this time she was flingin' it on me; I was holdin on for dear life! LOL.

Mission was accomplished, and I gave her the tip. She said her name was Mindy? Mandy? Somethin like that. She's about 5'6, said she was 23, slim waist but with very nice hips, thighs and a nice ass for a WSW. Her bbj wasn't all that, but then I rarely enjoy it anyway. She got wet during both sessions, which was a nice touch. I would repeat.

I'm done tryin to monger in DC. Prices just aint worth it. So, from now on, my mongering mantra shall be: "Baltimore. HO! "


11-25-07, 13:45
Picked up Felicia last night off of Wilkens. We went to my spot where she started with a real nice bbj as she was working away I had her loosen her pants so I could do so roaming. I grab some ass and slide a digit or two right up into her, that's when I asked how she felt about taking it in the ass she said its fine so I offered up another Jackson, she dropped trowel completely bent over and took it with no complaints at all.

Happy mongering


Big Dawg1087
11-26-07, 19:28
Dropped by apex and saw there was absolutely nothing going on. All male crowd and no females so I left and started to go looking for some SWs. I eventually found myself on Wilkens (not 100% sure it's the normal but it said Wilkens Ave.) around 9 pm.

I'm a absolute newbie at this so after I saw that there was absolutely nothing at that time, I checked the surrounding area. Immediately saw 2 police cruisers, not hidden, just driving through.

Eventually, around 9:30, I returned to the area and found that there were more. Maybe 2 BSW and 3 WSW. Most of them did not look very appealing from far away except one of the WSW. I went in for the pickup, saw that she was probably a 5 or 6 at most. Let her in and checked each other if we were cops, she took me to her place.

It looked like it was in a decent neighborhood, almost right off Wilkens. She had a female roommate but I guess the roommate knew the business and vacated the bedroom. I asked for a BBBJTCIM and she did it. No questions asked and no attempt to upsell. Just asked for the standard. 2 and was on my way. The BBBJ was probably just a 5 but as it was my 2nd time getting a BBBJ (usually get a CBJ) I probably rated it too low. Looked to be in the 40's and breasts were sagging.

Told me to drop by whenever I'm in the area as she was usually around. PM for Name/address but only TRUSTED MEMBERS.

Sleeping Bag
11-26-07, 21:34
I decided to cruise down Wilkens to see what action is seen. I had read all the past reports about Bad News Kelly, but reading about her descriptions is one thing, actually identifying her is another.

So I pick up this so-so looking auburn/brown/brunette haired looking girl. She tells me her name is "Carry." So we agree to go to her place. What a complete dump. She jibber-jabbers for 5 minutes with some guy in the house over the dog. Then we go upstairs, and her mattress is soil bad. And she spends another 10 minutes cleaning up and appearing to look for something. I ask her what is she looking for, and she responds "nothing." Then the guy she was talking with earlier calls out her name, "Kelly!"

That caused my eyes to pop wide open, and my immediate thoughts were, "OK, I'm out of here!"

All in all, I gave her the $10 for the room. I told her to keep it (simple lunch $ for me). I just wanted to hightail it out of that place fast.

11-27-07, 06:33
You've gotta stop referencing exact locations in your reports. Unless you want LE to start waiting for you where you say you're going.

That's twice now that you've given specific locations about where you go on your dates. Either cut it out or get the fuck off this board because you're endangering everybody you stupid mother fucker!!!


11-27-07, 10:00
I decided to cruise down Wilkens to see what action is seen. I had read all the past reports about Bad News Kelly, but reading about her descriptions is one thing, actually identifying her is another.

So I pick up this so-so looking auburn/brown/brunette haired looking girl. She tells me her name is "Carry." So we agree to go to her place. What a complete dump. She jibber-jabbers for 5 minutes with some guy in the house over the dog. Then we go upstairs, and her mattress is soil bad. And she spends another 10 minutes cleaning up and appearing to look for something. I ask her what is she looking for, and she responds "nothing." Then the guy she was talking with earlier calls out her name, "Kelly!"

That caused my eyes to pop wide open, and my immediate thoughts were, "OK, I'm out of here!"

All in all, I gave her the $10 for the room. I told her to keep it (simple lunch $ for me). I just wanted to hightail it out of that place fast.I am new to it all and after RTFF many times I have made my way out to venture. Yesterday morning was in the wilkens area not much out but there was one SW on wilkens near cathrine I went around to make my first scoop and she was gone.

Went to conkiling this morning and not a soul to be found. I did see one WSW but nothing I would ever pick up. Wondering if its me m I just not seeing them. Maybe I set my standards too low for mongering. Maybe there are more out there but I just don't see them. Well any insight would be appriciated. Like best times for the different areas, is there daytime places to find them, and if anyone would hook me up with some digits or a name and address that would be awsome also. Happy mongering

Stay safe

Adobe James
11-27-07, 16:06
Here's an old report. I've been out of town and off this forum for a while.

I saw Nikki in late October; she had invited me to give her a call and see her at her place. Three weeks ago, I gave her a buzz and we arranged a meet. Took about an hour to connect, but then she met me at the door. She took me upstairs and her tiny room was a disaster, but this is not exactly a surprise, right? FS for $45. Quality was adequate and it was a hell of a lot more comfortable than the backseat of my car.

It has now been brought to my attention that this is the well-known Nikki who supposedly left town and the life last November.

11-27-07, 18:16
Just got back from Wilkens, here is a fresh report as of 5 AM Sunday.

After dating 3 times from Crasigslist last week, last was a wonderful Black chick called Bella, at BWI. Guys, that was my best fuck in 2007, for $100.

Been to Wilkens twice since, and again tonight. I hit the avenue at 3 AM, the place was a ghost town. I checked out PPT, and again, nil.- so I came back to Wilkens on my way back, and I guess it was the right time. On first pass I saw 4 WSW, picked up Amber. Amber has surviced me well in the past, but this time she was cracked up. The minute I picked her up she begged for her money so she can buy cigaretts, I gave her a Jackson. Big mistake. She take her sweet time talking to a couple who were standing there, then finally comes back insisting that we go back to her spot. OK, but, her spot was behind the St. Angus Hospital, in an empty lot where we immediately got chased out by security.

Last time I was with Amber she was pleasant, her tits were just right, grip size, she took me a very safe spot. But this time she was different, so I asked her to give me a HJ while I drove her back, and dropped her off without finishing me off.

One the way back I saw a good looking BSW and a couple of faces I did not recognize, but after dropping Amber off, they were gone, so I drove to Ramsay and saw Stephanie there (Hawaii), she looked bumbed, so I passed her. Then I saw a WSW near Pulaski, her name was something like Prinsuria.- second person who gives me this name on Wilkens in a week. She fell asleep while giving me a HJ.- another Jackson waste.

Typically I hit Wilkens around 11 PM, I guess 3 AM is a bit late.

And I will say it again. NEVER PAY UPFRONT. You can show them the money. but never ever trust a SW with your money. Ever. Period. End of story. Service is better when they know you have to be satisfied.

Dr. Monger

11-27-07, 18:20
Since I was able to take some time off due to the holiday, I got to do some daytime mongering last week. W/W was pretty dead. I only like to do one loop during the daytime to keep a low profile. Absolutely nothing.

Another time I went by PP/C and saw some WSWs on Conkling, but it was like Night of the Living Dead, even though it was daytime! I passed on the three zombies. Nothing else out. With the price of gas, and the decrease in SWs, I rarely feel the urge to go out looking anymore.

Dr. Monger

11-27-07, 21:43
I've been hitting the AMP's for about a year now and strip clubs way before that so I had some free time today and wanted to see if I could get in on SW scene. So I headed over to Wilkins, nothing to speak of, then I headed to my old part of town on Conkling. About 5 WSW's some with great bodies, but all of thier faces needed double bagging. I'm not expecting Mrs America, but as the Dr. Said in a previous post, not worth the gas. Do things get better at night? I guess I'll keep cruising till I find a descent one, If there are any. LOL.

11-28-07, 18:39
You've gotta stop referencing exact locations in your reports. Unless you want LE to start waiting for you where you say you're going.Unless someone posts a specific time he's going to be there (and who could predict such a thing?), then the worst that's going to happen is that a cop will see the report and say to himself, "Maybe I ought to keep an eye on that spot." It's not like they're generally sitting around with nothing to do; if it's a slow day, they'll go harass a girl walking, or some lowlife dealer.

It's much more likely that some civilian will see you in a spot, and then call the cops, but odds are poor they'll respond quickly enough to catch you. It's certainly not impossible to get a cop stumbling over you through a random patrol -- in fact, they've probably already got a pretty good idea of what sort of places we're likely to use, and they will almost always investigate a car that's parked in a suspicious spot. Try to pick a place where nobody will see you, but if they do see you, they won't think, "WTF is that car doing there???". Also avoid places with security patrols (like St. Agnes, for cryin' out loud), because those guys will be watching what goes on.

I'm sure that LE does check in on this forum from time to time, but I'm also sure that they're watching what's going on when they're cruising the neighborhoods, and they'll figure out any new wrinkles faster than we will. They'll see the girls out on the stroll, and they'll see the spots where you might go park for a quiet moment. The question is whether they'll be willing or able to do anything about it, and that's an entirely different matter. The biggest thing is going to be preventing anyone from calling the cops and saying, "There's a hooker and a john at Location X RIGHT NOW, and this is the third time someone's been there tonight! Do something about it before the used condoms are knee-deep in my yard!"

Night Lurker
11-29-07, 01:57
Trust me, I RTFF and I went out today to give this whole thing a shot for the first time. My whole destination time was about 2. 5 hours and still. My dick ain't wet. So this is how it went.

I started off today at around 10pm in the PP/Conk area then to the W/W loop then to the CB area and back to the W/W loop. I saw probably about 4 busted ass SWs (most of them in W/W area BTW) and 1 decent looking BSW but by the time I looped back around, she was gone. The rest of them I would have to get drunk to at least 0. 3, have 3d glasses, and get hit by a baseball bat to invite them into my car.

I saw this one funny ass lady (not sure if she was a SW) but she was near stricker twirling around in the middle of the road and saw her again doing the same shit on scarey later. I almost hit her twice. Whatever shes on, she need to cut that shit out because she's gonna get run over.

Anyways, I need some guidance. Gas is expensive. Time=Money. Need some expert advice from expert mongerers and if there are any experts or newbies out there that want to explore together or even carpool to save gas, PM me.

In the mean time, I need to go choke the chicken.

Larry 56
11-29-07, 08:36
Wilkens circle Stephanie the Hawian looking one is also hit or miss. When shes showered and clean she can be real good but sometimes she smells so bad you can't even let her into your car.

So at this point I can only hope that we start to see some new faces in the coming months because the old standbys suck if you ask me.

Good luck.


Did Stephanie have that baby?


Larry 56
11-29-07, 08:38
Made it up to Balmore last night. Tried the W/W man this loop is dying fast.

I headed over to CB area cruised the strip twice and found a cute little blonde named crissy. At one time I am sure she was a 9 out of 10 on the civilian scale. But you know the CB story. So I would rate her a 7-8 SW or a 6 Civilian. She a nice long blonde hair, tatoo on the lower back. Probably 5'6 ish and somewhere around 120 lbs. She tried to get me with her STANDARD rate of. 4. I explained my standard rate is. 2, but if she dose a good job she MAY get a tip of. 1. She oblidged. We drove out of the area to a nice quiet spot. She was very friendly and nice to talk to. Did a very good job of BBJTCNQWS my only complaint is when I pushed her head deep on the tool she had slight gag reflexes. That was kinda cool. Overall I would see her again. Good luck fellas

That Crissy is a winner. On the pipe though. Watch out for the geeking.


Larry 56
11-29-07, 08:45
Picked up Heather at 12:30 AM today, she remembered me, but I did not She is 25, 7/10 on SW scale, A-size cup, 5'3", 140 lb, all approximate.

For a Jackson we went to the new spot where she proceeded with a CBJ, but she started moaning. A signal that upcoming question: are you almost done? , so I had her finish with HJ.

Heather is friendly and cute, but she asked me for extra $, to stop by a store, to take her. Out of my way, asked to use my cell phone, asked for a Coke. She just kept asking for more things. Got her number, but I prefer to hunt.

ON my way back I saw 7 SW, on Ramsay and on the Circle. LE intensive, about 6 cars.

Heather from Pigtown? I thought that she got clean??


Larry 56
11-29-07, 08:50
My 2 cents: stay away from public institutions and from federal facilities.

Any place with security AVOID. They want to make a name for themselves. I had a friend who worked for Pinkerton's and he told me that it was his most fun getting parked mongers arrested.

They love to be called officer, by the way. So if you get caught by one, refer to them as officer. They are all failed LEOs or LEO wanna-bes. They think they are on Law & Order.


Evil Otto
11-29-07, 10:15
I have been away for a few years and had a little time on my hands late one night a few weeks ago. Hot some of the old familiar places on the west side. When the fuck did all of those police cameras and annoying blue strobe lights go up? Anyway, saw only 1 or 2 possible sw's so called it a night.

Bad Bad Boy
11-29-07, 12:47
Trust me, I RTFF and I went out today to give this whole thing a shot for the first time. My whole destination time was about 2. 5 hours. Anyways, I need some guidance. Gas is expensive. Time=Money. Need some expert advice from expert mongerers and if there are any experts or newbies out there that want to explore together or even carpool to save gas, PM me.
Akuma, I am glad that you have RTF which I hope also included our Basic Mongering thread. There is a lot of good safety tips and maps of our various loops.

Sorry, but we do NOT provide on-the-job-training nor provide a guide service around the loops. Most of us have spent a lot of time, energy and money involving our hobby so don't expect us to jump up and volunteer to be your mentor.

I seriously doubt that you will get any volunteers to show you the ropes since you have not established any credibility nor contributed anything to our board. Let's face it, we have no idea who you are. You could very well be a LEO.

After you have done this, our members may feel more comfortable with you and be more willing to share information.

However, I would like to offer a couple of suggestions:

1. If you are looking for "Pretty Woman" Julia Roberts or other beauties, you won't find them on the loops. There are a few gems out there. Drugs and street life take their toll very quickly and their appearance, behavior, etc. spiral downhill very fast. That's why we have a separate rating system (scale) for SW's vs. civilians.

2. SW's can usually be found working the loops 24/7. I don't recommend circling the loops more than twice. The more time you spend looping, the more noticeable you become to LE. Loop once, take a short break and get a cup of coffee, and loop a second time. No more.

It takes a while to learn the ropes and a lot of patience (not to mention gas).


11-29-07, 14:01
Hit Garrison mid am. LE was out & about , under cover had a 30ish black man jacked up against his car on the northern end. Passed 3 cruisers from Wabash to the Junction. Pickings were very slim bsw on north end a 1or2. Nothing on south end. On return trip spotted a wsw swooped & scooped. Casey 5'2" 100 lb. pierced nose. Have seen Casey on Garrison for a couple of years now. Drugs have worn her down & out. Went for cbj 1 jackson. I was very horny so was ok , probably will not repeat.

11-29-07, 19:45
Went trolling Monday found Melissa on the WW she said she works as a dancer at the block. Gave me this story about being stuck there for 2 days and that she lived in a halfway house in Bel Air nice looking girl about 5"4 brunette she told me she used to work the WW about 5 months ago got a bbbjcimws no tuition was discussed up front paid her standard although she tried to hit me up for an extra.10 overall good performance would repeat.

Wednesday started on the East side went around PP nil around the Park went down E Baltimore spotted 2 SW made a loop pulled in the side street 1 of the girls walked up I told her I was interested in her friend just as her friend walked over noticed LE across the way they saw me talking to them scared the crap out of me pulled away fortunately they did not pursue me needless to say i got out of dodge and went to WW nothing good after 2 passes so I went to B/CB way too much LE left there and went by the SA spotted a very nice looking blond about a 7.5 on a civilian scale 9 on a SW scale smelled real good no visible signs of drug use. she got in started bitching about guys wasting her time driving her around and not dating her got a little suspicious of her even though she got in the car i asked her if she was LE so I copped a feel NICE big natural rack. She told be she wanted .30 for a cbj no bb and .50 for FS.Out of GP and the fact that I only had .30 on me I ended up passing I asked her if she was a dancer she said yes she just started worked at ****** and her name was Crystal 28 yo i than made another spin down WW nothing I liked there still was thinking about Crystal went back to SA hoping she was still there sure enough she was. She seemed happy to see me I told her I had only 1 Jackson on me what could she do for me she said she would give me a bbj as long as I promised not to CIM I agreed I asked her to show me her boobs while she was doing the deed she obliged she also showed me her nice shaved kitty and did not ask for money up front. I’m sure she would have gone FS for to Jackson’s hopefully I will catch her again and go FS. This was only the 2nd pickup I made at the SA in about 10 years of mongering never really liked the quality of girls I saw there before last night.

11-29-07, 22:23
Any place with security AVOID. They want to make a name for themselves. I had a friend who worked for Pinkerton's and he told me that it was his most fun getting parked mongers arrested.

They love to be called officer, by the way. So if you get caught by one, refer to them as officer. They are all failed LEOs or LEO wanna-bes. They think they are on Law & Order.While that may be *mostly* true, it isn't a guarantee. I used to do that job back when I was in college. It was a handy way to make a little extra cash, especially on slow posts where I could also work on my homework assignments. I worked car dealerships (running off late night car thieves and checking for unlocked cars on the lot), warehouses (checking for fire, break-ins, and leaking chemicals), store parking lots (watching for muggers or people who were camping out), and high-rise apartments (buzzing in people to score from the drug dealers on the 10th floor). I did get a kick out of seeing assholes pack up and run when they saw me approaching, but the paperwork involved with an arrest was too much hassle. We never had guys parking with SWs at any post I worked, but that had more to do with the busy neighborhoods. I'm pretty sure I broke up some drug deals, but as long as they did their business somewhere else, I didn't give a fuck about what they did. I did take pictures of a couple of guys and told them to haul ass and never come back -- be aware that some security guys may try that, even if it's not strictly legal.

In general, I agree with the advice -- avoid anyplace that has security. It's not worth the hassle, so you should go somewhere else.

11-29-07, 23:22
I seriously doubt that you will get any volunteers to show you the ropes since you have not established any credibility nor contributed anything to our board. Let's face it, we have no idea who you are. You could very well be a LEO.
Or a triple axe murderer.

11-29-07, 23:29
was a good one for prowling. For a change I was able to get what I wanted fast.

I got to Brooklyn around 3 pm. I made a loop around CB first, but not much happening. Then I went over to B, and saw a long haired blonde strolling. I pulled into 711, and she acknoledged me, but was heading over to one of your monger mobiles on 7th. So I pressed on and when I made it back to CB, I saw a really attractive brunette walking apparently nowhere, and smoking a cigarette. Could this be the one? Indeed it was Cia. I will confirm what everyone has spoke about. Very pleasant company! Actually seems to have her act together.

I dropped her off near home, and continued the prowl. Once around and I found Bobby on Pontiac. Decent looking 27yo auburn hair, around 5'6, with a bit of acne. Provided a NQCBJ. She's got cocksucking stamina fo' sho'. She could change her name to Bobbing (on my stick hahaha). Too much talk about her life's drama on the way back. She's worth a try, just turn up the radio when your done.

There was zero LE presence during my 2 hour visit to the area.

PP over and out!

11-29-07, 23:33
In general, I agree with the advice -- avoid anyplace that has security. It's not worth the hassle, so you should go somewhere else.

Unless of course you get to know a security guard and give him a kick back. He could become your most valuable lookout.

Benchseats Rock
11-30-07, 01:02
I have been away for a few years...

If you are who I think you are, go back.

Evil Otto
11-30-07, 09:59
If you are who I think you are, go back.I hope not. You must have me confused with another asshole. As far as I know I have never submitted anything stupid, offensive, inflammatory or smelling of pork.

Johnny Fever35
12-01-07, 01:03
How much do those row houses cost to rent?

We need to find ways of doing buisness better!

Not sure what it is, but just seems like there should be a better way of doing business.

12-01-07, 20:39
Went out on the loop around 7 this morning nothing out things are dry right now.

12-02-07, 00:15
How much do those row houses cost to rent?

We need to find ways of doing buisness better!Some quick scouting through Craigslist for zip code 21223 shows that you're going to pay at least $600 per month for rent, plus utilities, application fees, insurance, and all that other good stuff. If you just go absolutely bare-bones, you're still going to spend at least $8,000 for a year, which breaks down to at least $150 per week.

I can get a lot of perfectly adequate hotel rooms for that kind of money. There's also the risk of having the neighbors notice if the only time they ever see you is when you're coming in with a skank, and leaving a little while later. They might just rat you out to the cops, or let themselves in when you're not around so they can have a little party. Then again, some of the little princesses one might bring over could come back on their own time... and bring some friends you don't really want to meet up with.

It could be dangerous to split the cost among others, too, as you might run afoul of laws about "keeping a bawdy house", or whatever the hell they call it here -- not sure of the exact name, but I'm pretty sure it's a felony.

Smiling Fox
12-02-07, 02:32

This is the street walker post thread. So I will post a report about walking thru the previous 6 posts of JRJ2123.

I'm done. Yup another troll. Thankfully there is a control on this board. IGNORE! JRJ2121 you have been deleted. LOL.

Smiling Fox

12-02-07, 09:21
Bench - why don't you go away. You don't own this, or any other board!
Wow, the guy asks for phone numbers for woman who want sex in his first post and calls others dicks in the 2 following post and now tells one of the most respected seniors to go away.
I think maybe the majority vote would be for you to go away.

Benchseats Rock
12-02-07, 11:55
Bench - why don't you go away. You don't own this, or any other board!

Fuck you. I'm not going anywhere... There are other boards that compete with this one that are nicer places to hang out - I'm not on any of them. Maybe you'd be happier there?

I hope not. You must have me confused with another asshole. As far as I know I have never submitted anything stupid, offensive, inflammatory or smelling of pork.

I hope this is nothing more than a case of mistaken identity and bad memories all rolled up into one.

Benchseats Rock

12-02-07, 15:15
I was driving down baltimore st. today a few streets before Conkling when I came up behind a guy trying to stop a streetwalker. She must have been as dumb as he was because neither of them saw the marked LE behind me.

Needless to say I pulled by him while shaking my head and let Jonny Law do his job. I guess his little head that he was thinking with could'nt see the rear view mirror.

12-02-07, 19:18
About motels, the $60, plus $80 for the SW (compated to $40 in the car), adds up to $140. Compare that to a $100 quickie from Craigslist and the choice becomes obvious.

Why are you paying double to the SW to go to the motel??? Why are you paying double for the motel???

The SW is 20/40; in a car, a house, a notel, a cemetery, a sewer pipe, etc.
The motel is <30

Stop fucking up the price structure people.

12-02-07, 19:41
First time post from me, I'm completely new to all this, at least in the USA. I've read pretty much everything here.

I took a drive down Wilkins today at 5.00PM. Rainy weather. Nothing but one BSW on SCarey at Ramsay.

Ran down Washington Blvd and gave Wilkins another pass, and noticed that a late model, white Chevy Pickup was right behind me. I had noticed this truck near me on the first pass. It stayed right behind me until I reached SCarey the second time, then it continued south on Carey past Washington. I bailed, and drove home, because I don't believe in coincidences.

Don't know if this is particularly useful information, but I've learned a good bit from reading others posts here, and want to try to give back what I can.

Benchseats Rock
12-02-07, 23:37
...but was told by SEVERAL SW that they charge $80 for a motel date...

They're all going into rehab tomorrow and none of them does this much. And every house you park behind is owned by a cousin or an aunt.
Ever hear those? Ever believe any of them?

You're being fleeced - plain and simple. It's not more complicated than that but hey, it's your money... and your rep on the street as a pushover.


12-02-07, 23:49
The real issue is that cars were not designed with SWs in mind. A fat man like me is cannot slide in between the passenger seat and the glove compartment.Yeah, with a standard car, doing anything in the front seat is often a problem. I much prefer getting out of the car and going SOMEWHERE, even if it's just into a little patch of trees. That's a problem in the colder months, for obvious reasons.

About motels, the $60, plus $80 for the SW (compated to $40 in the car), adds up to $140. Compare that to a $100 quickie from Craigslist and the choice becomes obvious.While some of the crappy motels will quote you an hourly rate, I agree that a more relaxed date is the way I prefer to go. I don't have to worry about the first pop coming too quickly, and I can relax a little bit and enjoy the experience. It isn't always going to be on the menu, but I've found that for the girls I'm happy to see (instead of the ones I'm settling for when I'm desperate), they will generally be willing to go along with an enhanced rate for an hour. They know there's going to be multiple pops, and it cuts down on the "geez, are you ready yet?" factor. You don't get the girls who are really looking for the next score because they want to shoot up RIGHT NOW DAMMIT, as those girls aren't wanting to take the time to go anyplace, but I'm not happy about picking up those sorts of girls anyway.

It is a different kind of rush to pick up a SW and know that within a very few minutes, I'm going to be shooting my load in her mouth, or inside a rubber while I'm fucking her in one of her other holes. It's very immediate, and sometimes that's all I have time (or opportunity) for. It's very different to me to consciously say, "I'm going to call someone", pick out some likely ads, and make the date. I prefer the more deliberate experience, just like I prefer going to Ruth's Chris Steak House over Fuddrucker's any day of the week. However, if I've only got $20, and I'm hungry RIGHT NOW, I'm going to pop into Fuddrucker's. That doesn't make it a better experience overall, but it does mean that it's the only thing I can do at the time, so I enjoy the shit out of it.

12-03-07, 00:24
Why are you paying double to the SW to go to the motel??? Why are you paying double for the motel???

The SW is 20/40; in a car, a house, a notel, a cemetery, a sewer pipe, etc.
The motel is <30I pay 20/40 for "one pop" service. If we're going for an hour, where I'm going to fuck her at least twice (maybe three times), and she's going to suck my cock until I get hard and ready to fuck her, then I'm willing to pay an enhanced rate; 70 seems like a fair starting point for me, and I'm willing to go 80 plus tip for service, usually. I offer an extra premium for additional services, such as taking it in the ass, or doing something that occurs to me at the time, like pressing her tits against the motel window while I'm fucking her from behind, or blowing some random dude down at the Apex while I'm boinking her, or fucking in the woods at Patapsco Valley State Park. I'm willing to describe things in advance and negotiate fees if it's something I'm looking for specifically, and I'm also willing to put an SW's ass back on the curb if she won't go along with whatever fee I think is reasonable.

If I'm going to get a motel, I do not generally go for the nasty hourly motels along Route 1, although that's not a hard and fast rule. Mostly, when I get a motel room, I'm getting a place that is at least "Motel Six" quality. I don't know if the cops are monitoring the no-tell motels, but I'm not willing to take that chance, and the extra bucks are a worthwhile investment to me. I don't think I'm driving prices up by not usually going to the el-cheapo places.

I don't know about Amjad, but that's what I feel a lot more comfortable with. Yes, I'm winding up seeing more CL girls these days, though I do still cruise the WW loop once in a while. I don't feel like I'm inflating prices; instead, I think I'm offering an opportunity for a girl to earn more on a single date by doing more. I'm not going to rip her off, nor am I going to push her into things she doesn't want, but I'm giving her the chance to put more than $20 in her pocket, too. Maybe she'll just waste it on smack; if so, then the opportunity probably won't come back many more times. However, if all I'm looking for is a standard "blow me in the car" date, then the standard fee applies.

12-03-07, 14:24
I agree with Bench if that is the Otto that he thinks it is....GO AWAY..! RTFF and you will see why.

True Bench doesn't own this site or thread but he has contributed MORE then nearly everyone on here with a few exceptions. His status amongst the long time members of this site couldn't be any higher.

Loop Vet
12-03-07, 17:14
That's not the "Uncle" that everyone loved to hate. OG was a DC and Northern Virginia poster, Evil Otto claims other cities as his own. They write differently too.


Chef Enzo
12-03-07, 22:17
O.K. so I did it...I created the "STUPIDEST post" thread.


I put it where it belongs - in the opinion section.

Please post your contributions.

Please quote from "ACTUAL" posts and provide a link to the original post.

Happy Holidays (Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza, El Malaguenia etc.), Happy New Year, Peace, Joy and Love to everyone.

Bah Humbuggg

Benchseats Rock
12-03-07, 23:08
Its almost freezing outside -- it is my first winter here ... should I expect to see SWs in weather like this? Just wndering before I drive 30 min to Wilkens. Any help is appreciated.

I have digits for 3 SWs, but I enjoy the fishing part.

Again, with gas prices and weather, we need to do business differently, like having a roundtable around a fireplace; I am sure the girls will like the eggnog.

I need to come to terms with the good folks on this forum whom I offended when I explored dating that sexy TS. No regrets whatsoever, but once was enough.

Lets discuss.

There is a Roundtable coming up. You're not invited to it - you're simply too new to the forum, and judging from your questions and apparent naivety, you're not yet experienced enough for any of the regular attendees to trust you just yet. Maybe it will happen in time - it has happened before that a newbie rises quickly through the ranks - but not you, at least not yet.

Of course this doesn't mean that you can't throw your own party. I would strongly encourage you to do that with other members who are also new(er)... there is alot to be learned in the group dynamic that will increase your overall knowledge and make you better mongers and ultimately better members.

As for the legendary Roundtables... as always... if you're a trusted senior and have attended one in the past, an invitation is automatically extended. If you haven't attended one in the past and think that you're worthy of our mutual trust, ask one of the organizers for an invitation and maybe we'll see you there. And yes, we're planning for one in the near future.

Benchseats Rock

12-03-07, 23:59
Hey there my fellow mongers,
Here are pics of 2 sw I picked up Sunday afternoon 2:00ish.
The 1st one is red hair Mandy-20 y.o little spinner. I had dated her about a year ago & hadn't seen her since. She automatically remembered me,once I saw her BEAUTIFUL TITS,I remembered her too!! Lol.

The NEGATIVES FIRST-1)she likes to go thru your console area-looking for change,candy etc.,(Be firm IMMEDIATELY & tell her to knock that shit off) or you will drop her off.
2)She doesn't let you CIM-BIG NEGATIVE.

Now the POSITIVES-1)her TITS
2)Cute little spinner
3)her TITS
4)very good oral skills
5)her TITS
6)very GFE once she is comfortable with you
7)her TITS
ok,enough about her tits-well-not really. Her tits are one of the softest, prettiest tits I have had the chance to play with. They are your typical 20 y.o soft,little firm tits. My donation for a oral cleaning was .20 with a tip if she earned it.

As nice as her tits are,she LOST major points for no CIM. SO needless to say-she didn't get a tip. She was disappointed but understood. She told me that she doesn't even let her bf CIM. I would repeat with her for f/s next time because of her TITS!! Picked her up just before the circle on Ramsay.

SW #2-sw Shannon was picked up just pass the circle on Wilkens. After I dropped off Mandy,I spotted this cute looking sw,a little pudgy,but very personable.

I made eye contact,moved in for the scoop, etc.,etc., Come to find out,I dated her also awhile ago when she was skinny & before she had a kid.
I told her I just got a release & that it might be a little more work for a 2nd release.

She said that wasn't a problem & she was here to please me. Just the response I like to hear. She starts off the pipe cleaning while I am driving to my spot. After about 10 minutes,we get there & the whole time she doesn't complain-she was working away,unclogging my pipe.

I play with her nice titties & she tells me she is lactating. She says she has a 6 y.o boy but she doesn't know why she is still "milky". Well-not to say I didn't believe her but I had to see for myself. Sure enough-her titties were milky-not alot-but just a squirt here & there.

She gets back to the pipe cleaning after a few minutes of tittty play. After another 10 minutes of pipe cleaning,I told her it was ok with me if I jerked the chicken & if she could swallow my load for a tip. She agreed & sure enough-didn't waste a single drop of my "creamy gravy".

Shannon is a very fun girl to be with-not sure if it was because I had dated her before & we always clicked or what,but I am sure if you picked her up,just like 75% of the sw's out there-if you treat them right,their service will be better.

All in all a very good daily double,considering how dead it had been. Prior to these two pickups,I spent Friday & Saturday night mongering PP,DUMPdalk,B/CB & WW without any luck. Enjoy the pics my fellow mongers & stay safe!! Rook.

12-04-07, 00:16
How were her tits?

[QUOTE=Rookiemonger]Hey there my fellow mongers,
Here are pics of 2 sw I picked up Sunday afternoon 2:00ish.
The 1st one is red hair Mandy-20 y.o little spinner. I had dated her about a year ago & hadn't seen her since. She automatically remembered me,once I saw her BEAUTIFUL TITS,I remembered her too!! Lol.

The NEGATIVES FIRST-1)she likes to go thru your console area-looking for change,candy etc.,(Be firm IMMEDIATELY & tell her to knock that shit off) or you will drop her off.
2)She doesn't let you CIM-BIG NEGATIVE.

Now the POSITIVES-1)her TITS
2)Cute little spinner
3)her TITS
4)very good oral skills
5)her TITS
6)very GFE once she is comfortable with you
7)her TITS
ok,enough about her tits-well-not really. Her tits are one of the softest, prettiest tits I have had the chance to play with. They are your typical 20 y.o soft,little firm tits. My donation for a oral cleaning was .20 with a tip if she earned it.

As nice as her tits are,she LOST major points for no CIM. SO needless to say-she didn't get a tip. She was disappointed but understood. She told me that she doesn't even let her bf CIM. I would repeat with her for f/s next time because of her TITS!! Picked her up just before the circle on Ramsay.

Evil Otto
12-04-07, 14:46
I agree with Bench if that is the Otto that he thinks it is....GO AWAY..! RTFF and you will see why.

True Bench doesn't own this site or thread but he has contributed MORE then nearly everyone on here with a few exceptions. His status amongst the long time members of this site couldn't be any higher.What a warm and friendly reception. Thanks so much!! Obviously the guy I have been confused with did something to catch the attention of BSR and Motorback. However, I am not him and I really don't care to be barked at by a guy whose claim to fame is spending many, many of the irreplaceable days and nights of his life chasing crackwhores. I thought I made it clear that I was someone else. Did I get a retraction or even a half-assed apology? No.

Glad I live elsewhere. Ok, I'm ready -- Flame away!! Or not. Remember, this isn't all that important relative to the real world - unless this is all you have or the only place you feel powerful.

Evil_Otto has left the state.

12-05-07, 01:46
. And if you're so high and mighty what the fuck are you doing reading and posting on this forum in the first place? !

You claim your life is so much different than anyone else's why do you even read or visit this site?

Good thing you left the state. You won't be missed you dumb motherfucker


12-05-07, 14:39
Picked up my first SW today near PP. I cruised the W/W loop didn't see anything so headed over to PP. Cruising down Bmore street saw a girl that looked like she should be LE, so I went a few streets down, then came down a side street as she got to it. She asked for a ride, so as we were driving she pulls up her shirt to show me her C cup fake boobs,WOW, said she used to strip, but now has tons of stretch marks. So I got a CBJ, I was very paranoid, but still able to finish.


12-05-07, 17:06
Tuesday headed straight to SA hoping to find Crystal no such luck, proceeded to B/CB spotted one decent looking SW on Patapsco made a quick loop to catch her on the side street too late another monger beat me to the punch, looked around seemed to be a heavy presence of LE so proceeded to WW checked SA no Crystal actually no SW at all got to WW spotted an ok looking unfamiliar SW walking towards the city in between Brunswick and Millington on Wilkins I turned on Brunswick and made my way down Millington hoping to catch her but I guess another monger beat me to the punch again.

I also noticed some erratic driving by fellow mongers when I spotted another SW on Catherine as I was getting ready to take a left turn from the left lane another monger was attempting to do the same from the wrong lane. I also saw someone do a U turn on the side street rather than go around the block.

As I continued on my mission I found Mary she got in my car thought she was in her thirties told me she was 56 lol was a bit reluctant but decided to go for it anyway as I was driving away with her I was beginning to have 2nd thoughts and decided to return her. I was ready to call it a night when I spotted Shannon I read Rooks report on her so I decided to give it a go I'm pretty sure it was the same girl based on the pic and the fact that she was plump as he described. I did not want to go for FS because I did not like her body so I ended up getting a bbjcim from her. Although she was personable I thought her performance was below average sub par technique she asked me for a couple extra $ over the standard rate after completion however I did not give it to her I didn't feel she was worthy of a tip I would not repeat with her .It seems like I've been spending way too much time driving than I would like to the pickings have been pretty slim the quality low. I might end up camping out at the SA till I find Crystal again lol

12-05-07, 19:51

Please stop the bickering. This site is supposed to be where info is gathered to help us with the hobby. I have mongered for 7 years, and although I have never posted, I probably know, or know of, any number of you. I have sent pm's to some of you when you asked the members for info, and try to be as helpful as possible. Fact of the matter is, everyone can't be a "chief", and you need "indians" like me and others who help out when we can. But I think we all can be in agreement that we need to "stick together" and stop the I'll will and nastiness. Whether a senior member or a "novice" like me, civility is universal.

12-05-07, 21:49
However, I am not him and I really don't care to be barked at by a guy whose claim to fame is spending many, many of the irreplaceable days and nights of his life chasing crackwhores.

Chasing crack ****** is a good thing, not a bad thing. I think I will put a "I stop for crack ******" bumper sticker on my car.

12-05-07, 22:08
Picked up my first SW today near PP. I cruised the W/W loop didn't see anything so headed over to PP. Cruising down Bmore street saw a girl that looked like she should be LE, so I went a few streets down, then came down a side street as she got to it. She asked for a ride, so as we were driving she pulls up her shirt to show me her C cup fake boobs,WOW, said she used to strip, but now has tons of stretch marks. So I got a CBJ, I was very paranoid, but still able to finish.


Congrats! Did you get a name?

12-06-07, 04:14
Loop Lives! Hail. bredren!


That's not the "Uncle" that everyone loved to hate. OG was a DC and Northern Virginia poster, Evil Otto claims other cities as his own. They write differently too.


Loop Vet
12-06-07, 11:08
Ravane you must have missed my report on 12-1 in the DC SW thread. I've been wondering where the heck you been too. Hoped my report might inspire you...

The Gentleman
12-06-07, 14:22
Could I get one of those Bumper Stickers?

12-06-07, 14:43
Just got back from the loop [1:00pm.Plenty to choose from as the weather kept them in yesterday. Concerning my earlier post, ie, "civility", I was speaking in the broadest of terms and no one in particular. Myself included!

12-06-07, 15:11
She gave me her name but I was so nervous I forgot it.

I dropped her off near P/P ave.

12-06-07, 15:28
Chasing crack ****** is a good thing, not a bad thing. I think I will put a "I stop for crack ******" bumper sticker on my car.Caution I brake for crack ******" that would be a funny bumper sticker outside the mongering district although I wouldn't drive down B/CB with that sticker I don't think LE would find that to funny.

12-06-07, 19:01
That's not the "Uncle" that everyone loved to hate. OG was a DC and Northern Virginia poster, Evil Otto claims other cities as his own. They write differently too.

Uncle Cracker does/did his best work over at www.argentinaprivate.com . As much issues as he created here with his pompous James Bond attitude that rubbed HIM and a few others the wrong way, I can say he posts very good and informative stuff on BsAs.

12-06-07, 19:22
Caution I brake for crack ******" that would be a funny bumper sticker outside the mongering district although I wouldn't drive down B/CB with that sticker I don't think LE would find that to funny.

I think it would be a lot worse if you were mongering with a "My child is an honor student at ******* School" bumper sticker. As hard as it may be to believe, most LEO's have wives and kids and take things like family guys picking up SW's the wrong way.

Driving some SW around the hood looking to score dope for her and/or you and telling the LEO who pulled you up that you were looking for a store or restaurant, now that is what LE REALLY wouldn't find funny.

12-06-07, 20:14
I think it would be a lot worse if you were mongering with a "My child is an honor student at ******* School" bumper sticker. As hard as it may be to believe, most LEO's have wives and kids and take things like family guys picking up SW's the wrong way.

Driving some SW around the hood looking to score dope for her and/or you and telling the LEO who pulled you up that you were looking for a store or restaurant, now that is what LE REALLY wouldn't find funny.Oh Oh I didn't think of that I better get that bumper sticker off my car lol.

Thats Right
12-06-07, 21:05
After being busted a while ago I've been hesitant about getting back in the game. Hell, I've even been hesitanat about posting on the board. Anyone got any advice to get over the jitters. I have cruised but whimped out when I could of sealed the deal. I now have that constant fear of the backseat of a l/e ride. There is only one SW that I trust but I don't have her new number. Because of my rookie status on this board I am not at liberty to request her info, unless of course someone feels comfortable enough. I am just looking for a little kick in the tail to get back on the monger wagon. HELP.

12-06-07, 21:26
As I have pm'd to interested members this past week, Alicia received a 6 month stay courtesy of our county government. [the charge was violation of probation] She has served a month of it and with good behavior, etc, should be out in in less then 4. She went to court last Friday and told the Judge she needs a drug rehab, so they are trying to find an open bed for her. She went in weighing 96 lbs, and is up to 125. Alicia calls a couple times a week, so if any members want additional info, please let me know. Be safe!

Big Dawg1087
12-07-07, 00:13
I decided to combine two reports because I was too lazy to post up one earlier. On Tuesday, I went out to Wilkens around 10 PM and it was pretty dead. I saw maybe 1 WSW and another WSW (possibly) except she was walking a dog which I didn't think they would do. Anyways, saw a couple LEOs and decided to just head home.

On Thursday, I decide to go out again and find that there was more available. I saw 2 LEOs and about 4 WSW and 3 BSW. This was around 10 pm again. Finally caught up with a WSW named Lara (pronounced Lair-a) and went back to her place. Told me she had surgery on her knee and so she couldn't walk well. At her place, there was a. 1 fee for the house owners and we went up to her room. Got a BBBJ but without a cim. Instead, I gave her a necklace made of pearls. After the deed, I went back down and left.

She wasn't that good as she kept taking breaks asking if I was close but she did tell me some information that you can help you guys. There is this one chubby/fat girl named Ashley. Brown hair, large frame and body. Apparently she has HIV/AIDS which I presume no one wants so avoid her at all costs.

Just for Kix
12-07-07, 03:26
Hello All-

Been a while, but I had a chance to get back out there late Wednesday evening. I hit the W/W. The snow was over, but it was cold and messy so not many folks or cars were out and about.

Saw lots of eligible candidates as soon as I hit the scene. Two very nice ones were on Ramsay. One in particular was a short and cute blonde that I should have gone for, but since I had just gotten on scene I wanted to cruise a little more.

Finally picked up Melissa on Payson. She looked decent, but hard to tell since she was all bundled up. She had a knit hat with huge ear muffs that were covering most of her face. I wasnt' sure if I knew her or not, so when she approached I asked her to pull her hat up. Didn't know her, but she looked reasonably cute and clean so off we went. She was of medium height and build and had brownish hare.

We went to my spot for shaft cleaning that was most excellently done. Nice and wet, varying speeds, hand used intermittently and with good effect. She caught and we rolled out. Not much of talker on the way out or back, but I'll take that over the geeking/chatting/radio fiddling ones. Never unwrapped her, so I'm not sure what the rest of her body was like.

Monger on!


12-07-07, 20:52
Tuesday headed straight to SA hoping to find Crystal no such luck, proceeded to B/CB spotted one decent looking SW on Patapsco made a quick loop to catch her on the side street too late another monger beat me to the punch, looked around seemed to be a heavy presence of LE so proceeded to WW checked SA no Crystal actually no SW at all got to WW spotted an ok looking unfamiliar SW walking towards the city in between Brunswick and Millington on Wilkins I turned on Brunswick and made my way down Millington hoping to catch her but I guess another monger beat me to the punch again.

I also noticed some erratic driving by fellow mongers when I spotted another SW on Catherine as I was getting ready to take a left turn from the left lane another monger was attempting to do the same from the wrong lane. I also saw someone do a U turn on the side street rather than go around the block.

As I continued on my mission I found Mary she got in my car thought she was in her thirties told me she was 56 lol was a bit reluctant but decided to go for it anyway as I was driving away with her I was beginning to have 2nd thoughts and decided to return her. I was ready to call it a night when I spotted Shannon I read Rooks report on her so I decided to give it a go I'm pretty sure it was the same girl based on the pic and the fact that she was plump as he described. I did not want to go for FS because I did not like her body so I ended up getting a bbjcim from her. Although she was personable I thought her performance was below average sub par technique she asked me for a couple extra $ over the standard rate after completion however I did not give it to her I didn't feel she was worthy of a tip I would not repeat with her .It seems like I've been spending way too much time driving than I would like to the pickings have been pretty slim the quality low. I might end up camping out at the SA till I find Crystal again lol

Picked up my first SW today near PP. I cruised the W/W loop didn't see anything so headed over to PP. Cruising down Bmore street saw a girl that looked like she should be LE, so I went a few streets down, then came down a side street as she got to it. She asked for a ride, so as we were driving she pulls up her shirt to show me her C cup fake boobs,WOW, said she used to strip, but now has tons of stretch marks. So I got a CBJ, I was very paranoid, but still able to finish.



Nice reports. Fromunder senior membership is just around the corner, and it will be well deserved. MDman24, also a nice job. Good to see fresh blood!

Dr. Monger

Larry 56
12-08-07, 05:53
Don't know if this is particularly useful information, but I've learned a good bit from reading others posts here, and want to try to give back what I can.

Good post. Thanks.


Larry 56
12-08-07, 05:56
I have always respected the $20/40 price structure, but was told by SEVERAL SW that they charge $80 for a motel date beause of the time involved, approximately 1 hour.

As for the motel, I have not asked if they rent by the hour.

It is called short term at the no-tel.

$80? If she tells you not to nut in her mouth, I hope that you won't believe her.

Our girls are SWs. Please don't overpay. You are not going to marry her.


Larry 56
12-08-07, 06:03
There is this one chubby/fat girl named Ashley. Brown hair, large frame and body. Apparently she has HIV/AIDS which I presume no one wants so avoid her at all costs.

You will hear similar stories from our girls all the time. They learn to hate one another.

Of course she might be correct about her HIV status but the fact that she told you makes be believe that she thought the other girl was competition so you won't see her again. You'll hear this same story over and over again.


Larry 56
12-08-07, 06:14
I am a sucker when it comes to long legged SW with tiny skirts (or cutoff jeans which barely cover their asses, and have have not seen any of that in B'more. I tell you fellow mongers, most action here has turned to hotel/ motel or cell phone dating -- we need to go on Craigslist and post about the benefits of Mongering on WW or PP, so we can have more providers in the open.

For many years, Baltimore has a national reputation for ugly SWs. Girls work here that couldn't find work in a lot of other cities. It wasn't always that way but I think the situation has gotten a lot worse over the years.


Larry 56
12-08-07, 06:17
Its almost freezing outside -- it is my first winter here ... should I expect to see SWs in weather like this? Just wndering before I drive 30 min to Wilkens. Any help is appreciated.

Yes. Our girls are about the drugs. Cold doesn't stop a drug addict.


Larry 56
12-08-07, 06:23
Also, anyone been with Amber? I had mixed results with BJ/HJ with her. Thinking about straight/backdoor in the car!! any advise?

Where'd ya pick her up? I know one.


12-08-07, 13:08
First time post from me, I'm completely new to all this, at least in the USA. I've read pretty much everything here.

I took a drive down Wilkins today at 5.00PM. Rainy weather. Nothing but one BSW on SCarey at Ramsay.

Ran down Washington Blvd and gave Wilkins another pass, and noticed that a late model, white Chevy Pickup was right behind me. I had noticed this truck near me on the first pass. It stayed right behind me until I reached SCarey the second time, then it continued south on Carey past Washington. I bailed, and drove home, because I don't believe in coincidences.

Don't know if this is particularly useful information, but I've learned a good bit from reading others posts here, and want to try to give back what I can.Somehow I missed this post just reviewed it initially i thought it was just a fellow monger taking the same route than i remembered I saw what I was pretty sure was a ULE talking to a SW (looked like rip-off Kelly) on that first street off of Brunswick he was standing next to this big white later model pick up truck I'm not sure if it was a Chevy or not. I later spotted the same truck parked on Wilkins just around the corner from Brunswick there were about 3 people standing around the truck with the ULE? talking to them for some reason I think I might have dismissed the fact that he was LE but now that I think about it I'm sure he was, So monger cautiously if you spot a big white later model pickup truck.

12-08-07, 15:41
Two finds from a while back:
Lindsey from Wilkens Ave. Back on the streets after an aborted attempt at getting clean- the bupe worked for the H, but did nothing for her huge coke habit. Great BBBJTC for 20 pesos. Swallowed it all without complaint.

Shannon from CB. Picked her up on Everett St. by her house. A bit of a skank but better looking than most down in the Bay area. Other than that, it was pretty dismal. She slept on the way out, slept on the way back, and slept through the BJ. Won't repeat.

I have cruised but whimped out when I could of sealed the deal. I now have that constant fear of the backseat of a l/e ride
Don't fear BPD throwing you in the back seat. Nope, they'll put you in a nice van.;)

I haven't hit the loops in at least 6 weeks. It's pretty dismal. I did get to see a monger try to pick up a SW on Pulaski Hwy. by Sherrie's, right across from the motel, where LE was parked with his lights shining right at him. She really acted like she didn't want to have anything to do with him with the LE across the street. He pulled up in the alley street to the right of Sherrie's and began hassling her. LE rolled up behind him with the light show a-blazing. I went over to the motel lot and watched the LEO tear the guy's ride apart inside and then let him go. The SW had long taken a walk and got picked up by another monger on Conkling.

12-09-07, 03:37
Picked up Lisa at 10 PM on S. Carey and Washington. I arrived to the area 10 minutes before and only saw on other BSW on Ramsey. It was my first time with Lisa, she is white, 35 years, blond w/light skin, about 8/10 on SW scale.

She suggested getting a room at a friends house, for $10, and full service at $40. Sadly, I lost my erection .

Or maybe your just gay. Go away already!

12-09-07, 05:34
Very good tips. I like to drive a good distance from where I pick up the SW on empty streets. This way it's very easy to tell if a cop is following you. Parking close to the track is too risky. In many cases the cops will pass by and it's too easy for the cops to follow you.

John Stiffwood
12-09-07, 05:53
Hey guys,

Where's a good place to pick up girls? OK, just kidding so no need to start the flaming. I have RTFF for a few weeks before posting. I've been mongering for 20+years and just stumbled across this forum. I thought I had a successful hunt around 1am on Saturday. A cute little blond on Wash. Blvd. Once she got in my truck and took off her coat I suddenly realized this chick was probably 15 or 16 at best. Had to throw that one back. Said her name was Sandy and swore she was 18, but I just couldn't believe her. Oh well the hunt continues.

Larry 56
12-09-07, 11:11
Headed to WW again at 1:30 AM, SW presence is moderate, so is LE presence. I picked up Stephanie on S. Carey, and she looked exotic with her makeup on. I am saying that because a couple of weeks ago I stopped for her, but she looked so trashy that I decided to pass. This time it was different.

Decided to get my HJ while driving. I parked to finish (dont need another front wheel aligment bill), then took her back to Wilkens and Pulaski. Stephanie is pleasant and talks like a little girl; she says "thenk ya" often. I feel sorry for her.

I advised her again to get a cell phone, so she can stay inside in cold weather. She said her phones keep getting stolen (I think it happens when she is on crack). I asked her what she is doing for Xmans, she said: just another day.

Ok, ok. What happened to her baby???? Last time I saw her she was 6 months and still smoking that pipe. She was supposed to go to Bayview for help and I think she went.

She is not very smart even when not high so I figured that she might be dead by now.

I do feel sorry for her. Very clueless! Sad.


12-09-07, 11:33
Ok, ok. What happened to her baby???? Last time I saw her she was 6 months and still smoking that pipe. She was supposed to go to Bayview for help and I think she went.

Larry!She did have her baby, back around last March or so if memory serves. She had gone to the Bayview CAP program but didn't last there very long before leaving. Family is caring for the child.

12-09-07, 17:14
My question to you Larry_56, why did you attack Hizark21? I feel that mongers on this forum are so attached to their SWs. Remember guys, this is all about liquidity. We need more mongers, so we can more Hos, more hours of the day :)

I was the one who had something to say about Hizark21, not Larry. If you have read Hizark's posting history, you'd know why.

More mongers don't create more hoes. You want more Mobtown hoes, go find some 18 year old girls and get them hooked on the needle, then wait 6 months to a year; or get them hooked on the pipe and wait a few weeks.

Overpaying makes the problem a lot worse. They can buy enough smack to kill the average non-user or occasional user with $40. They don't need $80 all at once. You're just paying for her bf to get high.

The streets were dead early afternoon. I saw Angela, but she is noticeably avoiding me. What's up with that? Really odd, considering the rapport we've had in the past.

I did notice the mistake from my post about the cop across from Sherrie's. It was the parking lot of the storage place, not a motel. I'm getting senile in my old age.

I think about a lot of the SW's I used to turn down, then compare them to what's available now, there's no contest. I remember older Rhonda who knew me, but I never dated. Just not quite my thing at the time. Now she'd be a hottie compared to the average SW out there now (save Angela).

12-09-07, 19:12
I think we are loosing many of the better girls to: 1. Jails Yes, somewhat. SW's almost never get any REAL jail time. Most spend their pretrial month and then get let out. Don't believe me? Take the name of your favorite SW and put it into the Maryland Judiciary Case Search (http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiry-index.jsp) engine, you'd be surprised at the number of possession charges which end up as PBJ, probation, Stet, and Nol Pros. Angela has spent all of 1 month in jail in the last 6 3/4 years.They exchange info to LE for their freedom.,
2. Better citiesThese are heroin addicts, mind you. There is probably no finer city to use the needle in than Baltimore. 70,000 junkies can't be wrong.,
3. Craigslist. We are only left with crack ****** who cannot even keep a cell phone number.Virtually all of the ones posting on CL from Baltimore never worked the streets. Some are ones who would have never considering the sex trade without CL. As far as cell phones- they do get stolen because they are exchangeable for drugs.

You left out 2 very important reasons, though if you're really new to this area you'd not know: Getting clean, and dying. That's the avenue most SW's take on their way out of town.

We need the Indian Tribes to rescue us with Nevada style laws. The legend of the BLOCK is almost gone.
What do Indian Tribes have to do with Nevada? Prostitution is only legal in remote counties of the state, and Indians have NOTHING to do with it. If that were true, then Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods up in Connecticut would be hot mongering spots.

12-09-07, 23:41
How she an average of 15 clients per day and makes $600-$1000 daily.

15 x 20 =300 Must be some fantastic tippers out there. Stick to the program

Larry 56
12-10-07, 00:28
My question to you Larry_56, why did you attack Hizark21? I feel that mongers on this forum are so attached to their SWs. Remember guys, this is all about liquidity. We need more mongers, so we can more Hos, more hours of the day :)

I did? Where did I attack him?


12-10-07, 01:25
Once in a great while I will run into a SW who causes problems. Earlier this year picked up this one crazy SW who started threatening me after I drove a good distance from the track.

But the only real problems was this one SW who demanded $20 after I decided to drop her off. This SW refused to get out and runs out then tries to grab me when I tried to throw her out of the truck. After all of this she then starts yanking on my windshield wiper when I try to drive away.

This one reason why I try and go with a younger SW if I have the choice. They are usually nicer and much less trouble. And they are usally better looking...!! But 95% of the SW's are nice and don't cause problems.

12-10-07, 10:11
I haven't cruised for or picked up an SW in years; probably 11 years. Most of my time in the hobby is spent at AMP's and incall escorts.

However, reading this board made me a little curious. Last Monday after the Ravens game, I went and drove the BCB loop, particularly up and down The Fairhaven corridor. Even though it was a very cold night that included 30MP wind and blowing snow, I spotted at least 7 SW during the 30 min or so I spent in the area. Several were very cute, including a couple of blondes up at the top of Fairhaven that I would have taken home to mom (OK, Maybe not but you get my drift)

I was mighty tempted to partake, but I hadn't really come prepared and I needed to get home (It was 1:30 when I left the area). Still, considering all the stuff I've read on this board about the recent lack of talent, I was pleasantly surprised to find as many girls out on such a cold and lousy Monday night.

12-10-07, 16:41
Here is a catch up report from the last two weeks.

Hampden, Sunday 12/2 7:30 pm. Only in Hampden. A night not fit for man nor beast, pouring rain and cold. But I was horny and any port in a storm as they say. I found Rose, approximately 60 years young and hooked on Ready. Yes, 60. Golden Girls territory. She was out and walking at about 7:30 pm. Literally, the only person out, even the x-mas tree stand and Santa were gone becuase of the weather.

I am not proud of the fact that she gave me a dentures-out bbbjtcim (dobbtcim) but it was not the worst I've ever had. Seeing those dentures on the dashboard was one of those moments that gave me an opportunity to pause and wonder whether I should be laughing or crying at myself and this old lady. Then I came in her mouth and forgot about it. Rose is a sweetie, she was carrying a big gallon zip lock bag with mini candy bars, apples and oranges and she offered me a snack on two separate occasions, one at the beginning of our 'date' and once just prior to exiting. The whole episode made me feel like I was on some kind of SW candid camera show. I kept waiting for the corpse of Allen Funt to appear and let me in on the cosmic gag. Rose cost one jack plus an Abe Lincoln tip. She should go south and work the senior circuit in Boca or West Palm!

Pulaski Highway & Haven. Saturday 12/8 8:00pm

Picked up Jenny, claimed I had dated her before but I think she has me mixed up with another monger. Not a bad looking SW, clocking in at about an 8 on the SW scale, a solid 6 in real life. I guessed her age to be 25, but she told me she was born in 1976, so that makes her 31. Lot of meat on her, not CCL by any stretch. I almost kicked her out because she wanted to score first and I don't play that game. She wanted me to drive her somewhere, park and wait. Please, this is not my first time at the ho-down and I don't dance to that tune. Anyway, when I pulled over and told her to get out she changed her tune and we had a nice time after that. I took her to an undisclosed semi-industrial area and proceeded to enjoy bbbjtcim for a jack and an Abe tip because we are close to the holidays. No saggy titties here gents, they look nice and she could pass as a straight, non pro GF if she cleaned up a bit. Funny thing was, she said that her BF thinks she just burns guys, doesn't actually work. My guess is that she was going to burn me but then went to plan B and decided to not let the $ walk away. Just speculation, who knows. A decent SW, but I think she will try to scam the uninitiated.

Hungus Out

12-10-07, 19:00
How she an average of 15 clients per day and makes $600-$1000 daily.

15 x 20 =300 Must be some fantastic tippers out there. Stick to the program

If he's talking about older Mary with the black coat and fake teeth, and seems to be in a perpetual happy state: That b!tch is totally out of her mind. Once she was flipping out about some imaginary other woman she claimed she was getting high for free all day & night. She's out all the time and doesn't get picked up much.

12-10-07, 21:37
Hizark isn't here. There's no proof he's been out of SoCal ever. He's posting here to pad his numbers. He's trying to break 2,000 posts by the end of the week apparently.


12-10-07, 22:40
Seeing those dentures on the dashboard was one of those moments that gave me an opportunity to pause and wonder whether I should be laughing or crying at myself and this old lady.

True classic. Thanks for sharing.

12-11-07, 00:27
Hampden, Sunday 12/2 7:30 pm. Only in Hampden. A night not fit for man nor beast, pouring rain and cold. But I was horny and any port in a storm as they say. I found Rose, approximately 60 years young and hooked on Ready. Yes, 60. Golden Girls territory. She was out and walking at about 7:30 pm. Literally, the only person out, even the x-mas tree stand and Santa were gone becuase of the weather.

I am not proud of the fact that she gave me a dentures-out bbbjtcim (dobbtcim) but it was not the worst I've ever had. Seeing those dentures on the dashboard was one of those moments that gave me an opportunity to pause and wonder whether I should be laughing or crying at myself and this old lady. Then I came in her mouth and forgot about it. Rose is a sweetie, she was carrying a big gallon zip lock bag with mini candy bars, apples and oranges and she offered me a snack on two separate occasions, one at the beginning of our 'date' and once just prior to exiting. The whole episode made me feel like I was on some kind of SW candid camera show. I kept waiting for the corpse of Allen Funt to appear and let me in on the cosmic gag. Rose cost one jack plus an Abe Lincoln tip. She should go south and work the senior circuit in Boca or West Palm!

You should change your name to Summer for summer sicker than others ha ha
that is a great story

12-11-07, 00:59
Went out for an after dinner snack and almost wound up feeling those cold clanging bracelets again!

Made my way down to W/W and saw my old faithful Patty. Made a loop to scoop her up and was almost immediately cut off by a squad car. Pulled over to get out of his way and the cop jumped out and got at Patty. I guess he was looking for her or something cause he just started patting her down and asking her a bunch of questions. Needless to say, I left the scene w/ the quickness and headed toward Monroe. Just before I got to the light, I saw an Undercover LE snatch up a Monger w/ his unmarked car. Oh, I can take a hint. High-tailed it out of there. Man, I guess LE has nothing else to do on a rainy night!

Be safe out there!

12-11-07, 04:02
Yes, must be the same Mary. She inherited 16 homes in Baltimore from her grandma. She is from Luisiana, came to B'more 18 months ago.

Now that is some funny shit, I have seen her on the strolls since the early 90's but I guess since you say so, I will just believe you!

The Sarge
12-11-07, 18:51
Got to make this quick. I picked up Tori around 175 and rt 1 about 11:00 am the other day. She was a tall blonde in stripper heals. She had soft skin and was about a 7 out 7 on SW scale. BBBJTCIMSWALLOW was ok. She was a little rough with the fella. I was in a hurry and very horny so she was just fine. I gave her. 3 of my candy bar at her request. She was by no mean as friendly as my favorites from the W/W loop.

Bjroll John
12-12-07, 00:25
Got the urge, girlfriend and I broke up so needed a new mouth.Cruised Conkin 1 BSW 1 or 2 WSW skanks.Hit PP found Cristi says she is a ex-blockette thought she'd start her own business because the clubs take more than half her money.Cristi 5'9 tallish brown hair and eyes nice thin body little B's.Opted for a .2 BBBJCIM she did a fine job and was nice and didnt smell so I think is is new.
This was at 11pm low LE.
Look 7
Service 7
Attitude 9

But Nothing spectacular will not repeat but if shes the only thing out maybe (I dont like have the same girl more than once)

12-12-07, 03:31
My day started late with a trip to Wilkens around 4:30 PM where actiona nd LE presence were light. On the second pass I saw Heather on S. Carey. She got in and we parked in a scenic area where I got my HJ; felt different with cold hands, but she worked a sweat to completion. I gave her $5 over a Jackson for Christmas. She wrote her phone number for me on a napkin from an earlier encounter, so did others, but napkins are in shorter supply in my car.

I decided to check out the action when we returned, so I can write a fresh report for fellow mongers, I saw this check who I decided to check out ... the name was Mary (Bubbles) from Luisiana. We went to the same scenic spot and despite all effort and time, did not come to completion, so I pardoned her for the good faith effort. She earned a Jackson and a long ride. Mary turned out to be ancient.

The girls today were spooked by a chick standing not far from the circle, they all thought she was LE. I stopped ona red light where she tried to get into my car, she was OK, but not exciting.

Anyway, this chick Mary never stopped talking about all the SW who were killed during the past year. How she inherited 16 homes inthe area from her father. How she an average of 15 clients per day and makes $600-$1000 daily. Anyway, she stated that LE has been after Johns in the area recently.

For those of you who are more senior, you have visited Piers place and paid respect with $10, now there is a guy who rents out his garage for $5/stop; you stay in your car. Anyway, prices on Craigslist are dropping significantly during the holidays, so I will be checking out more latinas and foot-fetish. Happy holidays to all.
Yeah that Mary is off the hook been out with her a couple of times and talks the same old stuff about her dad, how many sw's have died, how much money she makes etc. Service ain't all that great either. I heard from one sw that she freaked out when she caught her bf with another dude.

Sleeping Bag
12-12-07, 12:58
It was lunchtime, and I was starved for some tuna. Cruised the usual spots to see what take-outs looked good. Over at PP, saw a decent brunette (7 out of 10), about mid-20s. I forget her name, but I definitely won't forget her. For .4, did BBBJ and BBFS. Juiced up her tuna, and then said adios seniorita.

Great attitude. Great performance. Tits kinda saggy, but can't complain for the price.


12-12-07, 20:28
Yeah that Mary is off the hook been out with her a couple of times and talks the same old stuff about her dad, how many sw's have died, how much money she makes etc. Service ain't all that great either. I heard from one sw that she freaked out when she caught her bf with another dude.

Yeah but is there any truth to SWs getting killed? I assume its not the kind of thing the papers care about.

12-12-07, 22:40
Yeah but is there any truth to SWs getting killed? I assume its not the kind of thing the papers care about.

It's been the same story since Jack the Ripper... And the papers care, because that kind of thing SELLS!


12-13-07, 03:07
Wednesday B/CB Heavy LE presence saw only 2 SW.SA nada WW saw a cute younger short red head on Payson said hello to her she said hello back but kept walking. Went up Wilkins found Mandy on Pulaski friendly girl says she was 19.read about her on Rooks report drove around with her told her I wasn't sure if I wanted FS or just BJ she told me no CIM with BJ.I told her I would go FS if she had a good body with no saggage,she showed me her nice milky white tities tummy was pretty flats shaved kitty got a cbj followed by FS MISH gave her .30 decent young spinner can't complain half&half with 19 YO for 1.5 Jacksons.

John Stiffwood
12-14-07, 02:40
12:30am Friday morning and CB/B is a meat market. No fewer than 15 SWs and no real sign of LE. It's a buyer's market. I made 2 loops and saw some never before seen talent. Scooped up a lovely little brunette who said her name was Diana. She says she "never does this" just needed some cash for XMas. Jack + .1 tip got a really great BBBJTCIMWS.

12-14-07, 05:33
Went out wednseday evening after making 2 calls to my old reliables got one and could'nt get in touch with the other. I leave my house and head down to Renee's she's a girl I have made some previous posts about. I get to her house and step in the door and am ready at attention because as I stated before she has a very nice body. Well she begins cbj and I must admit was not up to standards as previous times I have been through. I decide to upgrade to fs, told her I had half a jack, she tells me it's a whole jack now. I'm like damn usually I give her jack and half for fs. Anyway she was ok with it and we proceeded to fs. Just wasn't into it and she said she had another date on the way, ok that's why you kind of rushed me? I was like let me pop and get the fuck out was very disappointed this time with service but will go back just to see if this was a bad day.

12-15-07, 02:42
Wednesday B/CB Heavy LE presence saw only 2 SW.

Much the same was my experience Tuesday.

Havn't taken a trip up that way since early summer.
Stopped in @ Fantasies for a couple since I didn't see a soul out on the trip in.
After watching their lazy ass dancers (from the early shift) I set out.
Only a couple out on fairhaven (I don't like how they changed it to 1 way only). Nothing worth trying to pick up, and several cruisers (as well as a pair out on foot patrol.)

Set out to W/W - only to find that it was much the same. There were a few out, but nothing worthwhile. It had started raining - so I kinda expected that. Started seeing more cruisers than sw - so I called it a day.

12-15-07, 20:42
Had some time to kill and went through CB. Nothing on Fairhaven, but saw a brunmette on Patapsco near 6th. Got the nod and went around the corner and met her for the scoop. She got in, rather attractive, maybe a 7 on the SW scale, 5 on civilian. Her name was Mary. We went to my spot and I got a great BBBJCIMWS for standard tuition. Got the digits, too.

On the way home, I remembered a CP ad for Autumn, located on Ingelside and inviting drop-ins. So I fugured, why not. Turns out it was Royalty, and the place was as I remembered, but again, little head was thinking so up I went. 2 very cute attendants, and I chose the Middle Eastern one. So-So massage, up selling for topless and nude. Very cute body, with nearly free roaming allowed, but no FS here. Pretty good Happy ending, but not worth the price, even with the after % discount. Would not repeat, for the same money others are a better deal. It was nice to speak English though.

Back to the road again. Be safe.


12-16-07, 04:35
I made it to Bmore the other evening and made a pickup in CB. My new friend was pretty hot and went by the name of Tammy. For a jackson I had one of the best CBJ's I have ever received. She said she has been out of the game for 11 years and she had married a John, but has now left him and living in Towson, She got out of her own car at Fairhaven. Blonde about 5.5 maybe 34dd and a very cute face for an older WSW. Tats on arms by her hands. I give a solid 7 on my SW scale.


12-16-07, 16:48
After being denied for the take down by my new civilian find I had left her and went for a stroll despite the heavy rain and it being 3:00 AM. Started at the SA since I knew the bus stop was shelter from the rain saw 1 SW there who looked like the wicked witch of the west I then headed to the WW saw a handful of figures holding umbrellas but they were all guys under them I guess they were waiting for Schlong01. I saw 1 SW she was butt ugly decided to give B/CB a shot before calling it a night. I found Michelle on Pontiac spinner brunette about 5'2 and just turned 20 smelled good just out of shower nice girl looked cute, tight little body. I took her to my spot proceeded with a bbj for a Jackson and mentioned I might up grade to FS. I grabbed a hold of her nice little as and played with her kitty as she did the deed. She than offered me an upgrade for. 10 more went for it CFS mish in the passenger seat pounded away her tight little kitty while grabbing that tight little ass decided to finish with a bbjcim as a probed her kitty with 3 fingers very nice finish. This was one of my better finds in the last couple months; my experience late night up to this point has not been very good I usually find the bottom of the barrel out late. I got Michelle's digits as a matter of fact I might repeat with her today.

Beefy Joe
12-16-07, 23:01
Hey, all. Been reading tff for awhile now. Finnally decided to do a little mongering today. Went to W/W. Cruised it twice. What a bunch of skanks. 1st round had a WSW run after my truck. Stayed away from that block, after that. I saw quite a few SW's, & no LE. On the 2nd round, found something tempting maybe 4-5 SW scale. Circled the block & she's gone. Lucky for me. Wandered over to C. B. Found a little sweetie. Short black hair, named Jamie. Nice attitude. Told me she's gonna get a tatoo of her babies name. Well we get to a spot. Pull her shirt up, & no tits. I've got 3 Ds compared to this 1. I make her lower her pants, just to be safe. All's well, WHEW! Nobody can call me an Ajhmed. Gave a jack & tip if good head. Gave awesome BBJTC sucked & licked every drop. Then spit. Fingers smelt as clean, if not cleaner then I put them in there. Don't know if I'd go FS little loose down there. Overall great attitude. Looks 8 SW scale (with winter jacket), little chunky. If your a tit man keep on truckin. FS You've got a bud can tall boy do it. Me, I like my BJ's I'll do it again. By the way I gave her another jack tip, don't give me no shit.

Merry Mongering Joe

12-17-07, 02:14
Sunday evening found myself in B/CB again tried calling Michelle no luck I guess she didn't get more minutes. Found Amy 27 yo short hair pierced every thing tits, pussy, eyebrows got an awesome bbbjcimws very good technique standard jackson rate. On the drive back her she told me she had a roommate named Zowie I asked her if she thinks she would be able to arrange a 3some she said she had done one before with Zowie and wanted to do one again gave her my digits she said she would call this week not holding my breath but I hope she does call.

Brian Wcz
12-17-07, 22:02
Zoey is a good find have seen her several times she knows exactly what she is doing.