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01-19-13, 21:11
Speaking of getting screwed over. You all may remember Jenny the pornstar,




I introduced to the group last year. She I were regular as clockwork at one point and I know she had some issues but I kept that separate. 6 plus months ago she moved to SC, Charleston area for a break and she called me 3-4 am one night saying broke down on her way back to ATL and could I WU some $. She said she be at my house 1st thing to make us square. $100 plus fees, she no-showed and no text or calls nothing for a month or more. She called again a month or 2 later, now coming in from Tennessee, told me she had gotten arrested on her way to ATL the time before and admitted to being pregnant, as to why she didn't call. Now, I'm wary of helping her, I sent her 35$ more middle of the night again guess what another no-show. I deleted all her info, ect. Washed my hands of her. Out of no where she shows up at my door (I'm single no big deal) a week or two before Christmas. She's 3-4 months pregnant, hooked on crack (I know cause she would try to sneak off to my bathroom to light up, or snort powder) and just got out of a month of jail. I asked if she was going to make the 135 plus 15 in fees up to me. She just want to hang at my place while she made what ever decision her crack head was trying to make. She finally declined to make anything up to me. So actually went through her purse with her watching, took all the cash she had $117. 00 told her I was taking it to make us even. She could be mad if she wanted, I wouldn't stop being her friend and would help her in other ways if she needed, but I would not give her or lend her anymore money. As far as what she owed me, I was getting either Cash or Ass as that was what our original agreement. I pocketed the cash, told her she had to leave right then as I was heading out.

I'm an asshole I know, taking her money (not really, just getting mine back) she being 3-4 months and kicking her out pregnant on a cold rainy winter night. Fuck that, Let some other sucker take care of her, I'm not here to get used.

PS. She's got a lot of life changing decisions to make with a child on the way, hooking and addicted to crack.My 2cents,

I think you did the right thing. You tried to help and got sh_t on. NO ONE can help her until she is ready for it. Nice pics, its a shame that such a fine girl is going down THAT road.

Son Of Anarchy
01-20-13, 13:46
Speaking of getting screwed over. You all may remember Jenny the pornstar,




I introduced to the group last year. She I were regular as clockwork at one point and I know she had some issues but I kept that separate. 6 plus months ago she moved to SC, Charleston area for a break and she called me 3-4 am one night saying broke down on her way back to ATL and could I WU some $. She said she be at my house 1st thing to make us square. $100 plus fees, she no-showed and no text or calls nothing for a month or more. She called again a month or 2 later, now coming in from Tennessee, told me she had gotten arrested on her way to ATL the time before and admitted to being pregnant, as to why she didn't call. Now, I'm wary of helping her, I sent her 35$ more middle of the night again guess what another no-show. I deleted all her info, ect. Washed my hands of her. Out of no where she shows up at my door (I'm single no big deal) a week or two before Christmas. She's 3-4 months pregnant, hooked on crack (I know cause she would try to sneak off to my bathroom to light up, or snort powder) and just got out of a month of jail. I asked if she was going to make the 135 plus 15 in fees up to me. She just want to hang at my place while she made what ever decision her crack head was trying to make. She finally declined to make anything up to me. So actually went through her purse with her watching, took all the cash she had $117. 00 told her I was taking it to make us even. She could be mad if she wanted, I wouldn't stop being her friend and would help her in other ways if she needed, but I would not give her or lend her anymore money. As far as what she owed me, I was getting either Cash or Ass as that was what our original agreement. I pocketed the cash, told her she had to leave right then as I was heading out.

I'm an asshole I know, taking her money (not really, just getting mine back) she being 3-4 months and kicking her out pregnant on a cold rainy winter night. Fuck that, Let some other sucker take care of her, I'm not here to get used.

PS. She's got a lot of life changing decisions to make with a child on the way, hooking and addicted to crack.You got to do what you got to do, plus do you really want a crackhead hanging around that long? It would have been a matter of time before she sold you tv for rocks, turned tricks in your crib for a free hit and probably have dope boys lifting shit on the way out. You did better than me. I would have told her to stay the night. Dragged her pussy raw. Then when her ass nodded off I would have cleaned her purse out and sent her packing with just enough taxi money to make it to the train station.

01-20-13, 15:29
Good catch. Now is the original reviewer just BS'in or his perception of the girl skewed? Perhaps he meant to say the "actual" girl was as attractive as the girl in the pics instead of "was exactly as in the pictures"? Well, at least I can scratch her name of my list. Thanks for saving me some money.Man yall got to get google chrome and the tineye and goolge image search extension, you won't believe how many fake pics I've exposed with it.

Doc Stroke
01-20-13, 18:05
You got to do what you got to do, plus do you really want a crackhead hanging around that long? It would have been a matter of time before she sold you tv for rocks, turned tricks in your crib for a free hit and probably have dope boys lifting shit on the way out. You did better than me. I would have told her to stay the night. Dragged her pussy raw. Then when her ass nodded off I would have cleaned her purse out and sent her packing with just enough taxi money to make it to the train station.This is exactly how I would have handled the situation, but I wouldn't have even left that trick with taxi money. I'd have put that girl outside and let her star gaze and went about my biz. Generally I'm a nice guy, but these chicks are ridiculous and think that you should be okay with them taking shit from you and keep giving them more. I try to keep it all biz even if the chick is cool. She's being nice so you'll be generous. If I want to feed a chick, I'll call someone who isn't a pro. If I want to l have a chick at my place to chill with, I'll call a non pro. If I want to fuck a *****, get my nut and send her about her way with no headache, I'll hit the ads.

Ya got to be careful with these girls. They get on the job training with being a con artist and know how to push yo buttons. I think of them as a used car saleswoman and it's kept me from being taken too many times.

01-20-13, 18:31
Hey guys,

I'm new to the ATL area and I just moved here, found this site and I would much appreciate it if you guys could give me some advice and links on some Asian or white chicks.

Thanks, I'll try out some stuff on my own and keep you guys updated.

Doc Stroke
01-21-13, 13:32
Man yall got to get google chrome and the tineye and goolge image search extension, you won't believe how many fake pics I've exposed with it.Been doing that for some time. Not long but yeah, it comes in handy. When I was in Savannah I ran across a chick who used a pornstar for her pics and would have gotten away with it if I hadn't seen someone on here say they did a reverse pic search. I researched it myself and then started using it. There's alot of other programs to be used as well.

01-21-13, 15:43
Well, I've never posted about this, but I thought with some of the other posts about Tagged, and now these recent posts. After reading the posts about Tagged, I decided to give it a try. Very frustrating at first, started finding locals that looked good, requested an add, and then had to wait, and wait, and wait. After about a week, I had 4 girls on the hook for a meeting, however the average was about $1. 5 for some hand work, and 2+ for other stuff. I think if you are going to try and find a NON-pro, if you can call them that, that you are looking at more problems. One that I've texted with, is starting to get a bit to close, even though from the start she knew it was just sex. I've had more luck with sugardaddy. Com then anything else. Craigslist has been pretty much worthless, except for 1 girl I found and was to stupid to follow up on. So overall.

Tagged: about a week of waiting, then ok, a bit more $, but a thrill with most of the girls.

SugarDaddy. Com: found some GREAT girls, $$, but OMG some really, really good action.

Craigslist: one or two good people, but mostly scams left and right.

Backpage: nothing yet.

Seekingarrangments: found one good one, but she turned out to be crazy.

*************: okay.

Whatsyourprice: found about 5 good ones, but $$, they always just want dinner with their $, and then a second date or third then something, but each date is $$

Think I'm going back to pro's then. Had a few that I liked, and might try to setup something regular. Karma, massage one, Sugar Kane, want to tap her, Julia Steele, dominatrix, great tits.

01-21-13, 18:00
Hey guys,

I'm new to the ATL area and I just moved here, found this site and I would much appreciate it if you guys could give me some advice and links on some Asian or white chicks.

Thanks, I'll try out some stuff on my own and keep you guys updated.Great, try a provider or two out and report back!

01-22-13, 08:39
Well, I've never posted about this, but I thought with some of the other posts about Tagged, and now these recent posts. After reading the posts about Tagged, I decided to give it a try. Very frustrating at first, started finding locals that looked good, requested an add, and then had to wait, and wait, and wait. After about a week, I had 4 girls on the hook for a meeting, however the average was about $1. 5 for some hand work, and 2+ for other stuff. I think if you are going to try and find a NON-pro, if you can call them that, that you are looking at more problems. One that I've texted with, is starting to get a bit to close, even though from the start she knew it was just sex. I've had more luck with sugardaddy. Com then anything else. Craigslist has been pretty much worthless, except for 1 girl I found and was to stupid to follow up on. So overall.

Tagged: about a week of waiting, then ok, a bit more $, but a thrill with most of the girls.

SugarDaddy. Com: found some GREAT girls, $$, but OMG some really, really good action.

Craigslist: one or two good people, but mostly scams left and right.

Backpage: nothing yet.

Seekingarrangments: found one good one, but she turned out to be crazy.

*: okay.

Whatsyourprice: found about 5 good ones, but $$, they always just want dinner with their $, and then a second date or third then something, but each date is $$

Think I'm going back to pro's then. Had a few that I liked, and might try to setup something regular. Karma, massage one, Sugar Kane, want to tap her, Julia Steele, dominatrix, great tits.I tried the Tagged thing and it ended up working out okay. I have to admit, I used it in a different way. I took advantage of the situation and manipulated the whole thing. I think you have to look for a little bit. It is not something that you can start and you are going to find something right away. I have two girls I am seeing at .50 a visit. You are always searching for that gem and I am lucky enough to have found a couple. I must admit, I try to play them before they play me. I am very clear that this is just about sex and nothing else.

01-22-13, 09:30

Can't find anything.

Johnny Mapalo
01-22-13, 18:08

Can't find anything.C'mon guy. The pics are fake! When will you guys ever learn!

01-22-13, 23:27

Can't find anything.Found her through her number, didn't do much research but here are some links.




01-23-13, 17:26
Hey Guys,

I'm a senior member from Jacksonville and I will be in Atlanta in early February and was hoping for a referral or two. Cute young spinner with a nice rack. You know, the perfect woman. Seriously, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Steve

01-23-13, 18:52
Hey guys,

I already know she's legit, just wondering if anyones seen her and has specifics.



Dave Phd
01-23-13, 20:11

They all want something for nothing, she keeps trying to increase her time with me and I just hold out or cut everything down worse. These girls all act like we are there friends as long as the money or favors are coming in. As soon as it is gone so are they. Get what you can out of them and you can't let yourself feel bad about it because they won't give a shit about you either.

No truer words have been said regarding our choosen hobby. You may find a jewel every now and then amongst the non-pros, but you can't get wrapped up in these brawds lives. They all come from f_cked up situations (for the most part) and make f_cked decisions, if they didn't we wouldn't have this wonderful hobby. A fellow from the Birmingham board summed it up once as "these chicks will take you for all you have, all you can borrow, and leave you broke and 60 miles from home IF YOU LET THEM". There are no such thing as favors with these brawds (for the most part) , so if you aren't getting the nookie when you hand the money or favor over Don't Do It. You can't feel bad or feel anything other than the physical pleasure in our hobby, they sense the weak and prey on them LOL.

Steak 404
01-23-13, 20:32
No truer words have been said regarding our choosen hobby. You may find a jewel every now and then amongst the non-pros, but you can't get wrapped up in these brawds lives. They all come from f_cked up situations (for the most part) and make f_cked decisions, if they didn't we wouldn't have this wonderful hobby. A fellow from the Birmingham board summed it up once as "these chicks will take you for all you have, all you can borrow, and leave you broke and 60 miles from home IF YOU LET THEM". There are no such thing as favors with these brawds (for the most part) , so if you aren't getting the nookie when you hand the money or favor over Don't Do It. You can't feel bad or feel anything other than the physical pleasure in our hobby, they sense the weak and prey on them LOL.Ironic timing.

I met this jewel (I've been keeping her info to myself) & have been seeing her every now & then. $60 or $80 whenever I see her on the way out. Always has something I'm paying for her (phone bill, books) vs just paying her. I guess makes her feel better.

Was planning to set up a meet for tonight & she informs me "her guy" (pimp) wanted to drive her.

This is a new development. I told her it was nice knowing her. She's pissed. I'm holding my ground.

The reality: I've been around long enough to know once a gem gets turned out by a pimp she's done being a gem. Seen it too many times. Eventually they all go bad. Someone ruins them. Enjoy them before that. After that? Ugghh!

01-23-13, 20:43
Ironic timing.

I met this jewel (I've been keeping her info to myself) & have been seeing her every now & then. $60 or $80 whenever I see her on the way out. Always has something I'm paying for her (phone bill, books) vs just paying her. I guess makes her feel better.

Was planning to set up a meet for tonight & she informs me "her guy" (pimp) wanted to drive her.

This is a new development. I told her it was nice knowing her. She's pissed. I'm holding my ground.

The reality: I've been around long enough to know once a gem gets turned out by a pimp she's done being a gem. Seen it too many times. Eventually they all go bad. Someone ruins them. Enjoy them before that. After that? Ugghh!Hopefully the newbies on this forum will understand that concept.

01-24-13, 09:09
Ok I've rightly been chastised for my "save a ho" actions. There is one more thing I just found out yesterday afternoon, also related to my stupidness. My 84 year old Mom called saying she was coming today to visit for a couple of days. I smoke downstairs in my office so I went around opening doors to air the place out and discovered that the key to my mid-level door to a back deck was missing. It's been maybe three weeks since I remember opening that door. There is another minor possibility but I'm sorta-kinda sure this crazy chick Alayna pocketed it.

I tried my other house keys to open the door and discovered that the missing key only worked on that lock. I haven't lived there very long and didn't know that. And ever since I bought the place it had always just been left in the lock itself (without much regard). I also went out to find a spare key I had stashed in some bushes outside and found that it was missing too. This was probably found and stolen long ago by one of a couple of landscaping crews I've hired.

Well, the upstairs key was to a double locked door so I wasn't immediately concerned but with my Mom coming I made a mad dash to Home Depot and installed new deadbolt locks on all my doors last night. Some needed replacing anyway so I am not too unhappy, but Jeepers, I realized that I had been way too lax about this stuff.

I know this is OT but I will say that earlier last year I installed a safe that is double bolted into an adjoining firewall. I've also just recently have purchased a used Glock 17 for about $350. I've never owned or had an interest in guns but with the new bans that are sure to come I figured it is now or never. It has a 17 round clip which may well be illegal soon. An engineer co-worker and friend of mine that is an ex career Marine officer is taking me out into the woods next weekend for much needed lessons.

So now I have three rules regarding outcalls: 1) no drivers at all; 2) dress down [because of a nosy neighbor who a couple of girls have already noticed staring at them]; and 3) make sure all spare keys, cash, wallet and shit are stashed away.

Doc Stroke
01-24-13, 19:27
Ok I've rightly been chastised for my "save a ho" actions. There is one more thing I just found out yesterday afternoon, also related to my stupidness. My 84 year old Mom called saying she was coming today to visit for a couple of days. I smoke downstairs in my office so I went around opening doors to air the place out and discovered that the key to my mid-level door to a back deck was missing. It's been maybe three weeks since I remember opening that door. There is another minor possibility but I'm sorta-kinda sure this crazy chick Alayna pocketed it.

I tried my other house keys to open the door and discovered that the missing key only worked on that lock. I haven't lived there very long and didn't know that. And ever since I bought the place it had always just been left in the lock itself (without much regard). I also went out to find a spare key I had stashed in some bushes outside and found that it was missing too. This was probably found and stolen long ago by one of a couple of landscaping crews I've hired.

Well, the upstairs key was to a double locked door so I wasn't immediately concerned but with my Mom coming I made a mad dash to Home Depot and installed new deadbolt locks on all my doors last night. Some needed replacing anyway so I am not too unhappy, but Jeepers, I realized that I had been way too lax about this stuff.

I know this is OT but I will say that earlier last year I installed a safe that is double bolted into an adjoining firewall. I've also just recently have purchased a used Glock 17 for about $350. I've never owned or had an interest in guns but with the new bans that are sure to come I figured it is now or never. It has a 17 round clip which may well be illegal soon. An engineer co-worker and friend of mine that is an ex career Marine officer is taking me out into the woods next weekend for much needed lessons.

So now I have three rules regarding outcalls: 1) no drivers at all; 2) dress down [because of a nosy neighbor who a couple of girls have already noticed staring at them]; and 3) make sure all spare keys, cash, wallet and shit are stashed away.Damn Juker. I guess it goes to show that even those of us with plenty of experience can have a lapse in protocol. I have all the same rules that you have, but I'd add that the house itself should be dark. I usually only leave enouhh light to see where we're going. Also close doors to areas that a chick don't need to know about. It's all the same things they do (most of the ones I've seen) when going to see a girl. Some might say it's over board, but I take down pictures and put away anything that could be used to identify me or link me to another person (like family).

Also, I park my non hobby car in the garage and remove the hobby license plate. The room I use is stripped down. Bed with sheets, party favors, a tubed tv (yeah I said it) , and a black or red light.

Last thing, I keep my cannon under the bed for easy access. I'm a paranoid bastard.

Steak 404
01-25-13, 02:01
Damn Juker. I guess it goes to show that even those of us with plenty of experience can have a lapse in protocol. I have all the same rules that you have, but I'd add that the house itself should be dark. I usually only leave enouhh light to see where we're going. Also close doors to areas that a chick don't need to know about. It's all the same things they do (most of the ones I've seen) when going to see a girl. Some might say it's over board, but I take down pictures and put away anything that could be used to identify me or link me to another person (like family).

Also, I park my non hobby car in the garage and remove the hobby license plate. The room I use is stripped down. Bed with sheets, party favors, a tubed tv (yeah I said it) , and a black or red light.

Last thing, I keep my cannon under the bed for easy access. I'm a paranoid bastard.All good helpful reminders. It is easy to get lax after a series of incident free adventures. Sometimes a little scare is a good thing.

A couple more I (try to) follow:

Do not get (too) impaired (drunk) with ho guests over.

Do not let them get (too) impaired. If they are high, do not let them in. Do not let them use in your place. In general do not frequent gals that have drug problems. I could explain the rationale behind that whole theme but hopefully it is self-explanatory.

I mimic them with the whole "two-call system" in reverse. Obviously they figure out the actual address when they get there. But what they get over the phone is a street number that goes to a multi unit dwelling up the block. I tell them to call me when they are a couple blocks away. (obviously that doesn't work as well in a subdivison with all single family homes). This allows me to control the situation a little more. If she's got a driver (after she said she doesn't have one) I can tell. If she looks nothing like advertised I don't have a scene outside my door.

01-25-13, 05:27
Damn Juker. I guess it goes to show that even those of us with plenty of experience can have a lapse in protocol. I have all the same rules that you have, but I'd add that the house itself should be dark. I usually only leave enouhh light to see where we're going. Also close doors to areas that a chick don't need to know about. It's all the same things they do (most of the ones I've seen) when going to see a girl. Some might say it's over board, but I take down pictures and put away anything that could be used to identify me or link me to another person (like family).

Also, I park my non hobby car in the garage and remove the hobby license plate. The room I use is stripped down. Bed with sheets, party favors, a tubed tv (yeah I said it) , and a black or red light.

Last thing, I keep my cannon under the bed for easy access. I'm a paranoid bastard.Unfortunately, if you invite a provider to your home and you own the home in which the appointment occurs then there is no anonymity for the hobbyist. In virtually every county property ownership records are easily available online in county websites. Then of course through very simple and free websites the names of spouses, children, and parents can quickly be obtained in a matter of minutes. You can imagine how easy it is to obtain additional personal info from social network sites and professional resume sites after your name and the names of family are obtained.

It is the digital age and everyone that owns property and has a spouse will leave a digital footprint.

01-25-13, 06:47
All good helpful reminders. It is easy to get lax after a series of incident free adventures. Sometimes a little scare is a good thing.

A couple more I (try to) follow:

Do not get (too) impaired (drunk) with ho guests over.

Do not let them get (too) impaired. If they are high, do not let them in. Do not let them use in your place. In general do not frequent gals that have drug problems. I could explain the rationale behind that whole theme but hopefully it is self-explanatory.

I mimic them with the whole "two-call system" in reverse. Obviously they figure out the actual address when they get there. But what they get over the phone is a street number that goes to a multi unit dwelling up the block. I tell them to call me when they are a couple blocks away. (obviously that doesn't work as well in a subdivison with all single family homes). This allows me to control the situation a little more. If she's got a driver (after she said she doesn't have one) I can tell. If she looks nothing like advertised I don't have a scene outside my door.Good advice, Steak. Glad I don't host.

Steak 404
01-25-13, 10:50
Unfortunately, if you invite a provider to your home and you own the home in which the appointment occurs then there is no anonymity for the hobbyist. In virtually every county property ownership records are easily available online in county websites. Then of course through very simple and free websites the names of spouses, children, and parents can quickly be obtained in a matter of minutes. You can imagine how easy it is to obtain additional personal info from social network sites and professional resume sites after your name and the names of family are obtained.

It is the digital age and everyone that owns property and has a spouse will leave a digital footprint.Agreed. If you have a spouse hosting is just plain crazy.

If have heard more than one story about a wife finding out a guy was using their marriage bed for trysts (p4p or otherwise) & it wasn't pretty.

I've only hosted out of multiunit dwellings. One I owned one I don't but the one I owned was a highrise & didn't have unit numbers or identifying numbers on the door. All she knew was she was getting off of an elevator in a big building.

Another thing. If you are worried about discretion make sure your mail is out of view.

I had an experience a few years ago where I met this gal at a nice $500K+ single family in a subdivision on the Northside. We get to chit chatting & the natural question was "so is this your place?" Her reply was "no it is my cousin's place but you didn't like the motel I was staying at (which was true. Some Extended Stay off 85) & he's playing golf this morning so I just thought I'd meet you up here. It's really nice, right?"

You want to talk about playing with fire! Imagine she gets a disgrutled john & suddenly BOOM! Outed to her family, etc.

Steak 404
01-25-13, 11:13
Good advice, Steak. Glad I don't host.Thanks Nite. Obviously with hosting there is the whole anonymity thing that goes away for the guy. But if you are not super concerned about that (not that you want her broacdcasting your biz all over the news) there are some advantages.

The biggest one simply being you control the situation more. You aren't walking into some apartment where you will run into a big guy (of any race) washing dishes as you exit. The whole danger thing way down.

LE risk is way down. Heck of a lot more difficult to pull off a coordinated sting where they cannot control the location. (I'm saying goes down not away. If LE wants to make it happen they can. They tend to go for easy though).

Then there's some practical stuff. If you want to avoid having to drive all over town only to find out she's at McDonalds getting a bite and will be back to the notel in "half an hour" or she won't pick up the phone when you get to her incall area. (Of course she'll be late getting to you but at least you can do something productive while you wait vs. Sitting in Notel parking lot).

Finally, my place has fewer roaches than most incall apartments.

Of course to each their own & I certainly understand why it isn't an option for many

Doc Stroke
01-25-13, 11:57
Unfortunately, if you invite a provider to your home and you own the home in which the appointment occurs then there is no anonymity for the hobbyist. In virtually every county property ownership records are easily available online in county websites. Then of course through very simple and free websites the names of spouses, children, and parents can quickly be obtained in a matter of minutes. You can imagine how easy it is to obtain additional personal info from social network sites and professional resume sites after your name and the names of family are obtained.

It is the digital age and everyone that owns property and has a spouse will leave a digital footprint.I agree with that assessment. If you invite her over some of you privacy has been lost. If I had fb or any of the other social media account she could possibly catch up to me, but I'm one who stays off the grid as much as possible. I've had a girl I'd previously seen show up to my door before. I let her in but unlike her visit she heard the 90 lb killers I got running around the house. She'd already seen the cannon and she made the comment 'obviously you aren't worried about intruders, huh? ' to which I responded 'You tell me? Are you an intruder or guest? '

I actually tend to prefer going to the girl, but I outcall the well established, well reviewed girls over some new random chick and we never meet for the first time at my place. Also, I like the fact that I have nosy ass neighbors, they have my number and will call if there's activity at the spot if I'm not there or they can hear the dogs going nuts in the house. I guess I'm fortunate because we all have an understanding. Yo bizness is yo bizness.

01-25-13, 17:57
Thanks Nite. Obviously with hosting there is the whole anonymity thing that goes away for the guy. But if you are not super concerned about that (not that you want her broacdcasting your biz all over the news) there are some advantages.

The biggest one simply being you control the situation more. You aren't walking into some apartment where you will run into a big guy (of any race) washing dishes as you exit. The whole danger thing way down.

LE risk is way down. Heck of a lot more difficult to pull off a coordinated sting where they cannot control the location. (I'm saying goes down not away. If LE wants to make it happen they can. They tend to go for easy though).

Then there's some practical stuff. If you want to avoid having to drive all over town only to find out she's at McDonalds getting a bite and will be back to the notel in "half an hour" or she won't pick up the phone when you get to her incall area. (Of course she'll be late getting to you but at least you can do something productive while you wait vs. Sitting in Notel parking lot).

Finally, my place has fewer roaches than most incall apartments.

Of course to each their own & I certainly understand why it isn't an option for manyJust curious if any of you guys who host have found cooties in your bed? LOL

01-25-13, 18:48
Hey Guys,

I'm a senior member from Jacksonville and I will be in Atlanta in early February and was hoping for a referral or two. Cute young spinner with a nice rack. You know, the perfect woman. Seriously, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, SteveWww.exoticasianatlanta.com

Son Of Anarchy
01-26-13, 02:30
I've had my eye on a provider from my hometown in New York for awhile. I remember when she was small time and was working locally in the city. Now she travels mostly across the country charging pro prices. I keep an eye on her calendar and her first time to Atlanta this week I had to see her. The name is Marcela (I know, how trademarked Spanish can you get) from Costa Rica.

As a matter of fact, she emailed me and told me she was coming. I'm thinking she didn't have as much love as she though she was cause she stated she doesn't take new clientele yet she contacted me. She asked for two references to verify me and we met downtown at the Twelve. When I arrived not only was I a little leery of being there. I mean the security at the twelve is tight. So tight that the elevator won't even allow you to go to any other floor than what was specified by security.

She greeted me in the hallway. Offered me something to drink upon entering. Even sat and talked with me a bit before engaging in our services. She provides GFE services which in my case included French, CIM, BBBJ and FS. Damage was 3oo. I KNOW! A little steep for someone used to SW activities but like I said she's from my hometown so I had to patronize her.

Started out getting a great BBBJ! She let me get a handful of hair and grab the back of her neck. A little bit of French kissing and straight into doggy. I asked her to only talk to me in Spanish and she obliged with no problem. Turned me on big time. I usually can't position for the spoon position but she rolled with it and compensated for my lacking of it. Switched over to mish. She put a pillow over under lower back so I can get a straight deep penetration and that was my kill position. Finished with CIM. One of the best professional escort sessions I've had in a long time. She says she never really comes down South but I chopped it up with her and gave her a little game. I'm sure she wasn't really trying to hear what I'm saying considering her clientele she already gets.

Got to keep this one on my list for when I go home and visit.

01-26-13, 15:32
Anyone know what happened to Hush?

Site's been down for a while now.

01-26-13, 15:54
Does anyone know if Zoey is still at ATF? Her picture is still on the website, but she hasn't had any reviews in a while, and I don't see any mention of her in their ads.


01-27-13, 11:31
Does anyone know if Zoey is still at ATF? Her picture is still on the website, but she hasn't had any reviews in a while, and I don't see any mention of her in their ads.

ThanksLast thing I heard was that she was pregnant. Last few times I saw her, her boobs had tripled in size. Really looked good on her skinny frame, but alas it was not just a growth spurt. Maybe even got diseased, who knows.

01-27-13, 16:23
Oh well. I'll keep a lookout for her.


01-28-13, 17:51
Does anyone know if Zoey is still at ATF? Her picture is still on the website, but she hasn't had any reviews in a while, and I don't see any mention of her in their ads.

ThanksWhy not simply call ATF and ask?

01-28-13, 18:39
Why not simply call ATF and ask?Because I'm a nervous Newbie and can't decide if I want to try. If I do try, Zoey's reviews say she is very outgoing and good with Newbies.

Zero Dude
01-28-13, 23:06
Anyone know what happened to Hush?

Site's been down for a while now.I was thinking the same thing. I used Hush a lot in ther heyday. Bella had so e great Greek providers. I also liked the fact trips to Greece were only $50 more.

01-29-13, 04:00
Hey guys,

Headed to ATL in a couple of weeks just wanted some info on and good agncey I would like some Latin or Asian but I'm really not pickey just want some good clean fun any info on agncies would be great.

Thanks in advance.

01-29-13, 05:21
Because I'm a nervous Newbie and can't decide if I want to try. If I do try, Zoey's reviews say she is very outgoing and good with Newbie's.It's not a crime to be nervous and calling an agency doesn't obligate you to book a session. You can always say you called to get additional info about Zoey. Escorts have met all kinds of guys, from nervous to very outgoing. As long as a guy is cordial and not a jackass, escorts / providers don't really care.

01-29-13, 07:43
Because I'm a nervous Newbie and can't decide if I want to try. If I do try, Zoey's reviews say she is very outgoing and good with Newbie's.Hey my friend, I was nervous also when I made my first call over 11 years ago. I had chosen to call an independent.

Find a nice quiet time for yourself, take a deep breath, dial that number! Tell them you're new. You're likely going to find someone cordial on the other end who will politely help you through the call. There is nothing you can say that they have not heard before, just don't be too blatant or rude.

This can be a fun ride, but you got to step up and buy your ticket.

Have fun, enjoy, and play safe.


01-29-13, 15:49
Thanks for the advice guys!

Hey my friend, I was nervous also when I made my first call over 11 years ago. I had chosen to call an independent.

Find a nice quiet time for yourself, take a deep breath, dial that number! Tell them you're new. You're likely going to find someone cordial on the other end who will politely help you through the call. There is nothing you can say that they have not heard before, just don't be too blatant or rude.

This can be a fun ride, but you got to step up and buy your ticket.

Have fun, enjoy, and play safe.


01-30-13, 11:59
Anyone know what happened to Hush?

Site's been down for a while now.I was wondering too. Hadn't used them for a while but checked on the site now and again to check out the girls and see if Serena ever came back.

Haven't had any quiet time to call and see what's up. Anyone else called lately?

01-30-13, 13:51
Tried to see Sherry today. Called and set appt and headed her way. When I arrived she would not answer the phone after several tries. Even called from a second cell phone and after she recognized my voice hung up and would not answer again. If anybody has any advice for getting to her please let me know.


01-30-13, 17:51
Hey guys,

Headed to ATL in a couple of weeks just wanted some info on and good agncey I would like some Latin or Asian but I'm really not pickey just want some good clean fun any info on agncies would be great.

Thanks in advance.Exoticasianatlanta dot com is a good start but you will probably be asked to verify yourself somehow.

01-31-13, 23:58
I was wondering too. Hadn't used them for a while but checked on the site now and again to check out the girls and see if Serena ever came back.

Haven't had any quiet time to call and see what's up. Anyone else called lately?So I called, and the number is disconnected. I guess they're gone for good.

02-01-13, 18:35
Tried to see Sherry today. Called and set appt and headed her way. When I arrived she would not answer the phone after several tries. Even called from a second cell phone and after she recognized my voice hung up and would not answer again. If anybody has any advice for getting to her please let me know.

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/the-sky-is-the-limit-43/3212788Now that's funny. A woman as skanky-looking and old as that needs to be paranoid about anything? Seems it should be the reverse.

02-01-13, 20:25
So I called, and the number is disconnected. I guess they're gone for good.She was on the Gold Club website for a few weeks last month. You might also want to check out www.flirtatiousbiz.com/teagents/. Serena might be UTR at that agency.

Steak 404
02-02-13, 02:42
Now that's funny. A woman as skanky-looking and old as that needs to be paranoid about anything? Seems it should be the reverse.LMAO.

(& I say the follow not meant to be a smartass, but in all seriousness) Maybe she is a little nutzo? You pick the clinical diagnosis. Or on something? I'd say 50%+ working girls (or seniors in her case) suffer from something and / or substance abuse.

02-02-13, 09:22

(& I say the follow not meant to be a smartass, but in all seriousness) Maybe she is a little nutzo? You pick the clinical diagnosis. Or on something? I'd say 50%+ working girls (or seniors in her case) suffer from something and / or substance abuse.Exactly. Added to a probably weird personality is the face that she's old as hell and wrinkled. And she's the one that ought to be careful? LOL

02-03-13, 12:36
I know of a LADY that is becoming active in the massage and escort business again. Gives a fantastic massage and then a lifetime experience ending. A very striking lady of poise and sensuality that wants to get going again. Exotic and intellegent also. No, she is not $80, nor is she $350. Works from her nice home.

AMP4Me, you know her and I know you also would reccomend her on here, she has new number.

PM for info, I may or may not answer as I am quite busy but will try. Do not be offended If I do not reply right away or at all, please.

Wet Dream for sure. PW

02-03-13, 12:51
Exoticasianatlanta dot com is a good start but you will probably be asked to verify yourself somehow.I live in Maryland but I've used several similar agencys in my area. You will at least need to have 2 well reviewed providers to vouch for you, and some do accept work info. Getting on P411 can also help since most agencys do accept P411.

02-04-13, 01:32
Ok so I'm on the road for work staying in a hotel. I decide to check out BP for some local treats. I see one I like. I call her up and we talk. She tells me her location after the two call deal. How about she's in the room RIGHT NEXT TO MINE? WTF? LOL! This had to be a damn one time stroke of luck!

02-04-13, 14:27
Ok so I'm on the road for work staying in a hotel. I decide to check out BP for some local treats. I see one I like. I call her up and we talk. She tells me her location after the two call deal. How about she's in the room RIGHT NEXT TO MINE? WTF? LOL! This had to be a damn one time stroke of luck!Like a Good Neighbor, I will be right there!

02-04-13, 14:53
I'm out of town or I'd be writing a report about now.

Someone needs to go see this one.


Member #5130
02-04-13, 22:04
Ok so I'm on the road for work staying in a hotel. I decide to check out BP for some local treats. I see one I like. I call her up and we talk. She tells me her location after the two call deal. How about she's in the room RIGHT NEXT TO MINE? WTF? LOL! This had to be a damn one time stroke of luck!Why did you post in Atlanta and Montgomery? Just curious.

Steak 404
02-04-13, 22:26
Ok so I'm on the road for work staying in a hotel. I decide to check out BP for some local treats. I see one I like. I call her up and we talk. She tells me her location after the two call deal. How about she's in the room RIGHT NEXT TO MINE? WTF? LOL! This had to be a damn one time stroke of luck!I had something similar happen years ago with an incall to another unit in my condo building. Cancelled on her (obviously) citing some BS excuse.

Never could look at this woman around the building without thinking about her "double life." She was one of those chicks that truly did have a great 9-5 job. Most of them that say that as full of shit. (you know a lot of broads advertise the "just do this for excitement" blah blah blah).

02-05-13, 03:54
I'm out of town or I'd be writing a report about now. Someone needs to go see this one.

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/best-service-hottestshayna-real-pics-guys-22/15706313That is Canadian web model Kate from katesplayground. Com. I doubt she's providing down here in the ATL unfortunately.

Hobby For All
02-05-13, 09:08
I'm out of town or I'd be writing a report about now. Someone needs to go see this one.

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/best-service-hottestshayna-real-pics-guys-22/15706313Stolen pics don't waste your time

King Booka
02-05-13, 10:26
Now that's funny. A woman as skanky-looking and old as that needs to be paranoid about anything? Seems it should be the reverse.She really posts as "43?" wow. If she is really 43, then goddess sandy (http://atlanta.backpage.com/BodyRubs/tantra-a-blissful-retreat-mature-678-886-7887-40/6277726) is really 40.

02-05-13, 11:06
Has anyone seen petra leon lately? 8i really want to see her but her last review was from so long ago you wud think someone that hot wouldn't go mnths and months without a review. Did I miss something?

02-05-13, 11:24
Isn't that the truth! I saw Sandy at least 10 yrs ago and the pictures were old then. Cannot imagine what she looks like now. She is a strange bird. She keeps her rates up there, so she must get some traffic.

She really posts as "43?" wow. If she is really 43, then goddess sandy (


) is really 40.

02-05-13, 11:54
Oh no! I think the time has come. Her number is disconnected I tried calling this morning.

02-05-13, 18:11
Isn't that the truth! I saw Sandy at least 10 yrs ago and the pictures were old then. Cannot imagine what she looks like now. She is a strange bird. She keeps her rates up there, so she must get some traffic.Pretty much any provider older than 40 (even age 60 and up) will state her age as early 40s in an ad.

02-05-13, 18:14
Oh no! I think the time has come. Her number is disconnected I tried calling this morning.Chances are she'll return to Atlanta. These girls like to live a party life and move city to city either out of boredom or LE heat.

Johnny Mapalo
02-05-13, 18:38
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

02-06-13, 02:22
Why did you post in Atlanta and Montgomery? Just curious.Because I live in Montgomery, but I'm in Atlanta at least twice a month with my job

02-06-13, 14:15
gentlemen, do any of you have info on either of these 2 ladies?

the first one scares me as being either **** or stolen pics.


the second one looks a little rough but might be worth 1. 5.



Firm Offer
02-06-13, 14:48
gentlemen, do any of you have info on either of these 2 ladies?

the first one scares me as being either **** or stolen pics.


the second one looks a little rough but might be worth 1. 5.


tiai have seen the lady in the 2nd link a number of times, as she is about 10 mins from my home. she is an excellent provider, takes care of all your needs and nothing seems to be off limits. she is one of the nicest providers i have met over the years. but if you're looking for barbie, best to move on. nice big boobs but also a belly. she just recently raised her donation to 150 but i'm sure she'd go for 100 if you offered.

good luck

02-06-13, 17:42
gentlemen, do any of you have info on either of these 2 ladies?

the first one scares me as being either **** or stolen pics.


the second one looks a little rough but might be worth 1. 5.


tiathe link for the first one seems to be gone. can you look her up again and post a link?

02-06-13, 18:13
The link for the first one seems to be gone. Can you look her up again and post a link?So I went to Backpage, and sure enough its gone. The girl in the pics claimed to be 22, working out of Norcross. Went by the name "Ashley" and her phone number ended in the last 4 digits 1239. She looked closer to 17 or 18 and cute as she could be. Brunette, smokin body. Damn, I should have done a screen save

02-06-13, 21:32
So I went to Backpage, and sure enough its gone. The girl in the pics claimed to be 22, working out of Norcross. Went by the name "Ashley" and her phone number ended in the last 4 digits 1239. She looked closer to 17 or 18 and cute as she could be. Brunette, smokin body. Damn, I should have done a screen saveGoogle "site:backpage.com ashley 1239" without the quotes. Here are the cached links with photos:



Pics are obviously fake though, do an image search and you get internet model http://www.baileysroom.com/

02-07-13, 22:44
So I went to Backpage, and sure enough its gone. The girl in the pics claimed to be 22, working out of Norcross. Went by the name "Ashley" and her phone number ended in the last 4 digits 1239. She looked closer to 17 or 18 and cute as she could be. Brunette, smokin body. Damn, I should have done a screen saveCute girl sparked my interest when I first saw the ad, but something was off and nothing added up when I did a little research. Hit her on text saying how good she looked and wished the best since she was only outcall and I wasn't set up for that. She hits me back the next morning offering an early-bird incall special in Norcross. Seemed too tricky for me to be bothered. That number came up in Columbia and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in an 8-day span and pics and other info didn't connect. I opted to wait for someone else to TOFTF.

02-07-13, 22:48
Oh no! I think the time has come. Her number is disconnected I tried calling this morning.That's unfortunate! I had her in my sights! Been following oThER reviews and was ready. Just needed the time. PS. June leaves Saturday. If you missed her, you DEFINITELY missed a treat!

02-07-13, 22:51
Has anyone seen petra leon lately? 8i really want to see her but her last review was from so long ago you wud think someone that hot wouldn't go mnths and months without a review. Did I miss something?Check again, Fly. The last review I found was this month. The next on the oThER site is in September but she has been active. And on my radar.

02-07-13, 22:59
Exoticasianatlanta dot com is a good start but you will probably be asked to verify yourself somehow.Nite, EAA and Heaven Playground are my go-to agencies. A verification service is a BIG help. PM if you need details.

02-07-13, 23:01
I know of a LADY that is becoming active in the massage and escort business again. Gives a fantastic massage and then a lifetime experience ending. A very striking lady of poise and sensuality that wants to get going again. Exotic and intellegent also. No, she is not $80, nor is she $350. Works from her nice home.

AMP4Me, you know her and I know you also would reccomend her on here, she has new number.

PM for info, I may or may not answer as I am quite busy but will try. Do not be offended If I do not reply right away or at all, please.

Wet Dream for sure. PWPW, I got 21 but been lurking since '08. Can I get the password? LOL

02-08-13, 00:35
Google "site:backpage. Com ashley 1239" without the quotes. Here are the cached links with photos:



Pics are obviously fake though, do an image search and you get internet model.

http://www.baileysroom.com/Nice detective work, D. Thought I had seen those pics before but couldn't place them. Wonder if the real girl looks anything like her.

02-08-13, 11:44
PW, I got 21 but been lurking since '08. Can I get the password? LOLPM sent with a question. BTW, could only researsh 12 posts, all in Jan and feb. WTF, had this problem before, thought it was corrected with others.

Oh well, Wet dreams, PW

Firm Offer
02-08-13, 12:28
Check again, Fly. The last review I found was this month. The next on the oThER site is in September but she has been active. And on my radar.I recently saw an ad for her on Big Dog.

02-08-13, 13:41
I recently saw an ad for her on Big Dog.She posted an ad on this forum and The othER site was a new review from this month. I'm sure she is hot as the reviews state but also looks like she requires references

02-08-13, 18:03
That's unfortunate! I had her in my sights! Been following oThER reviews and was ready. Just needed the time. PS. June leaves Saturday. If you missed her, you DEFINITELY missed a treat!I'm going to have to disagree with you on June. I saw June. Wasnt impressed at all. It was an okay time. But there were a few things that happened that I didn't like. Biggest was as soon as I was cummin while she was giving BBBJ she just stoped completly and was still so it wasnt intense at all LOL. While the agency itself is awesome and amber is great, I wasnt feeling this particular provider. She was like maybe a 4 in my book and thats being nice and pearlie is like a solid 7 with a 9 body.

02-08-13, 18:05
She posted an ad on this forum and The othER site was a new review from this month. I'm sure she is hot as the reviews state but also looks like she requires referencesWell yeah like literally as soon as I posted that comment on here her oThER review popped up LOL so mayb it was perfect timing. I still want to go check her out! I got my references in order now.

02-10-13, 00:45
Anybody got any intel on this one?


02-10-13, 12:19
Nite, EAA and Heaven Playground are my go-to agencies. A verification service is a BIG help. PM if you need details.Anyone willing to share some tips / ideas with a reg member on how to get in with these agencies? I would love to be a episode regular with the girls they have moving thru there. Just seems impossible to get in and frankly the AMP scene is becoming or is a waste of money. Thanks.

02-10-13, 12:58
Anyone willing to share some tips / ideas with a reg member on how to get in with these agencies? I would love to be a episode regular with the girls they have moving thru there. Just seems impossible to get in and frankly the AMP scene is becoming or is a waste of money. Thanks.Yeah, it's a classic thing (kind of like the old "experience needed" clause in ads when you were doing your first job hunt!)

You might try one of the screening services like P411 or DateCheck. I was a member of P411, but I was *invited* to it by a provider who was a member, but I *think* you can join by having them do a background check. Worth a look if you can handle the privacy aspect.

Beyond that, you just need to see some providers who do not themselves screen clients, but who WILL give you a recommendation if YOU are screened. You might assume that this would engender certain jealousy or territoriality problems, and it can, but it generally doesn't. I will point out that agencies generally will NOT accept referrals from an AMP, so you probably can't cash your AMP chips in that way.

Sometimes you'll find an agency who is willing to message you through a review site (like T E R) if you have a long history there; I've been a member of T E R off and on for 14 years, with a multiplicity of reviews evenly dispersed through that time, so it's worked for me. Like so many things in this hobby, YMMV.

If it were ME, and I were starting out, I'd try to find some agency providers who moonlight on backpage (how? You have a look at all the agency photos, and then keep an eye on backpage very thoroughly for a few days, and try to spot matches. Recon is boring, yes!) ; that would get you in with an agency girl, and she could get the referral engine started.

It's really not easy because it's not supposed to be; it's some secret society bullshit, to be sure. But then, that's the idea? Security through inconvenience.


02-10-13, 13:55
Work info will do the trick if they are even taking new guest. I've seen many of the ladies who have been with episodeatl, and all I can say is it's a step above any AMP. Most of these agencys won't accept AMPs or most backpage girls as references. I'd get on P411 and start seeing well reviewed ladies and slowly start to build a good reputation by recieving lots of oks.

02-10-13, 14:25
If you really want to get int the agency scene, but don't have any local references or aren't a member of P411, etc then your best bet is to start at Essential Referrals. They have a really newbie friendly policy that doesn't require any local referrals. And once you're good with them, all the other ATL agencies accept them as a reference so you're in pretty much wherever you want to go. One thing I did run across before, and it may no longer be the case, while the agencies will accept references from other agencies, the independent ladies usually don't, so you're back to square one trying to get in to see them. The problem is that the vast majority of girls who don't screen (most BP chicks) either don't stay around all that long or won't provide references for you and really you don't want them to cause the last thing you need when trying to see an upscale provider is to have some hood chick cussing her out and hanging up on her. The way I broke into that scene (and looking back I kinda wish I hadn't cause these ladies cost!) was to first see a few lower upper class providers (200-250 hr) who weren't on my radar at all but were part of that circle and had light screening requirements. Kinda like investment sessions to get to the ladies I actually wanted to see.

Reading this now, I'm dumbfounded by the shyt I went thru for the opportunity to basically spend a car payment for an hour or two of some ladies time. That's got to be a cardinal rule that I'm breaking: never think about the amount of money you've spent on this hobby and what else you could've bought with it!

Steak 404
02-10-13, 15:11
Solid advice BobbyJ!

Particularly to use referrals from like providers. Agencies don't trust indies and vice versa and using a $60 BP as a reference does more harm than good.

References with agencies are a bigger deal than indies. Many better indies (from personal conversations with them about this) ultimately go with their gut. They may say they want this that or the other but ultimately rely more on how you present yourself (usually initially by email) than anything.

My advice if you just want something good but aren't stuck on any single one gal is to introduce yourself to a handful of them and see what develops.

02-10-13, 18:26
Anyone willing to share some tips / ideas with a reg member on how to get in with these agencies? I would love to be a episode regular with the girls they have moving thru there. Just seems impossible to get in and frankly the AMP scene is becoming or is a waste of money. Thanks.Sent you a PM.

02-11-13, 00:44
Still trying to get some info on a few. Anyone?


Johnny Mapalo
02-11-13, 02:39
Still trying to get some info on a few. Anyone?

http://montgomery.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/exotic-girls-with-an-insatiable-appetite-new-in-town-21/7289370Hmm, the one on the top left used to work the streets. I've seen her before. The other curly haired one, I've seen her before too but I can't remember where. Probably reviewed somewhere before. Those girls been in the game for a minute. I recognize the faces.

Member #5225
02-11-13, 04:26

85/30mins Under my 100 quote for the year so I give her a call, sounded very flirty on the phone, requested CIM, and she said thats fine.

She was less than a mile away from my house so I was really hoping to find a good quick regular near by. I get there and it is the girl in the picture, but she as a shirt on and nothing else. No makup, and is preggo about 3-4 months. It was 5am and struck out downtown see SW-Reports so I let that slide. Drop the 85 and she puts it away, grabs a cover for CBJ, and I remind her I'm looking for CIM and she then flips the dumb switch, oh whats that. O_0 I explain and she's like no, you can put this on or leave.

I say find whatever, just bend over. I pound doggy and she keeps doing dumb shit like moving side to side, looking in the mirror trying to make her ass clap or something, starts rushing me after 10 mins. I finish on her back and she gets pissed, runs to the bathroom. I've been here 15 mins at this point. I snake 2 jacksons back and show myself out. She texts me about 10 mins later and goes off about how she is going to get her pimp to fuck me up etc etc. I remind her that she lied to get me there, said nothing about being preggo, and I only spent 15 mins. Then blocked her number. YMMV.


02-11-13, 06:52

85/30mins Under my 100 quote for the year so I give her a call, sounded very flirty on the phone, requested CIM, and she said thats fine.

She was less than a mile away from my house so I was really hoping to find a good quick regular near by. I get there and it is the girl in the picture, but she as a shirt on and nothing else. No makup, and is preggo about 3-4 months. It was 5am and struck out downtown see SW-Reports so I let that slide. Drop the 85 and she puts it away, grabs a cover for CBJ, and I remind her I'm looking for CIM and she then flips the dumb switch, oh whats that. O_0 I explain and she's like no, you can put this on or leave.

I say find whatever, just bend over. I pound doggy and she keeps doing dumb shit like moving side to side, looking in the mirror trying to make her ass clap or something, starts rushing me after 10 mins. I finish on her back and she gets pissed, runs to the bathroom. I've been here 15 mins at this point. I snake 2 jacksons back and show myself out. She texts me about 10 mins later and goes off about how she is going to get her pimp to fuck me up etc etc. I remind her that she lied to get me there, said nothing about being preggo, and I only spent 15 mins. Then blocked her number. YMMV.

-RRXLOL wild. I like them pregnant I might have to check her out. That forehead is serious though.

02-11-13, 06:54

85/30mins Under my 100 quote for the year so I give her a call, sounded very flirty on the phone, requested CIM, and she said thats fine.

She was less than a mile away from my house so I was really hoping to find a good quick regular near by. I get there and it is the girl in the picture, but she as a shirt on and nothing else. No makup, and is preggo about 3-4 months. It was 5am and struck out downtown see SW-Reports so I let that slide. Drop the 85 and she puts it away, grabs a cover for CBJ, and I remind her I'm looking for CIM and she then flips the dumb switch, oh whats that. O_0 I explain and she's like no, you can put this on or leave.

I say find whatever, just bend over. I pound doggy and she keeps doing dumb shit like moving side to side, looking in the mirror trying to make her ass clap or something, starts rushing me after 10 mins. I finish on her back and she gets pissed, runs to the bathroom. I've been here 15 mins at this point. I snake 2 jacksons back and show myself out. She texts me about 10 mins later and goes off about how she is going to get her pimp to fuck me up etc etc. I remind her that she lied to get me there, said nothing about being preggo, and I only spent 15 mins. Then blocked her number. YMMV.

-RRXJust noticed that if you look at the small of her back you can see her "pimp" in the background.

02-11-13, 14:46
Just saw this online and I remember that someone had seen her and giving her a good review.


02-11-13, 22:44
LOL wild. I like them pregnant I might have to check her out. That forehead is serious though.LOL, that is at least a fivehead!

02-11-13, 23:47
LOL wild. I like them pregnant I might have to check her out. That forehead is serious though.I called her this afternoon on the way home from the office. Decided I would see her, cause I have a curiosity for being with a pregnant chick. Well she happened to be right around the corner, so I said I'd be there in 15. It was more like 20-25 with Traffic, called her 4-5 times once there. Straight to VM. Went to the store. Called again. Rang 5 time then to VM. So I headed home. I am at my exit in Norcross when she finally calls me back. Told her to forget it as it was an hour later then when I originally was to see her and I was on the other side of the city by then. She didn't get upset. Just asked me to call her again when in the area.

I say there are other fish in the sea, so unless it's super convenient, I will pass on this one and save my cash for someone else.

02-12-13, 01:54
Anyone know what happened with Brooke ("size 0") 00 http://www.********.com/atlanta/Escorts/brooke-vip-provider-size-0/1410581

Looking for a white / asian spinner (huge fantasy of mine).

Member #5225
02-12-13, 02:38
I called her this afternoon on the way home from the office. Decided I would see her, cause I have a curiosity for being with a pregnant chick. Well she happened to be right around the corner, so I said I'd be there in 15. It was more like 20-25 with Traffic, called her 4-5 times once there. Straight to VM. Went to the store. Called again. Rang 5 time then to VM. So I headed home. I am at my exit in Norcross when she finally calls me back. Told her to forget it as it was an hour later then when I originally was to see her and I was on the other side of the city by then. She didn't get upset. Just asked me to call her again when in the area.

I say there are other fish in the sea, so unless it's super convenient, I will pass on this one and save my cash for someone else.Do you know about Unique? From EF

02-12-13, 17:35
Hmm, the one on the top left used to work the streets. I've seen her before. The other curly haired one, I've seen her before too but I can't remember where. Probably reviewed somewhere before. Those girls been in the game for a minute. I recognize the faces.I saw her three years ago went to her home. The home was nice but messy and it had a foul odor. Kids toys everywhere but we were alone. She is tall and heavier but is the same girl in the photo. The odor was so pungent I told her I was not interested. If the house was unkempt the pussy is not far behind.

02-13-13, 16:26
Sorry everyone as I've posted this question before, but haven't heard any answer.

Anyone know what happened to Hush Agency? Site isn't live anymore and was curious if they had a bust or if the owner just decided to end matters?

Anyone know?

George GA
02-13-13, 22:53
LOL wild. I like them pregnant I might have to check her out. That forehead is serious though.That's not a forehead. That's a fivehead.

02-19-13, 01:11
Sorry everyone as I've posted this question before, but haven't heard any answer.

Anyone know what happened to Hush Agency? Site isn't live anymore and was curious if they had a bust or if the owner just decided to end matters?

Anyone know?Not sure. I was wondering the same thing (we discussed this about a week ago).

Site is down, and the number is not live either. I just thought I'd try and call and got one of those out of service notifications.

Also noticed that Bella hasn't posted on another site in a while either. I guess they're gone. Sucks, too. I hadn't been there in a couple of years, but was looking to get started again. That was the only agency I used. I don't have any clout for referrals for any other agencies right now.

02-19-13, 13:56
Not sure. I was wondering the same thing (we discussed this about a week ago).

Site is down, and the number is not live either. I just thought I'd try and call and got one of those out of service notifications.

Also noticed that Bella hasn't posted on another site in a while either. I guess they're gone. Sucks, too. I hadn't been there in a couple of years, but was looking to get started again. That was the only agency I used. I don't have any clout for referrals for any other agencies right now.

This keeps coming up, so here is the scoop. Hush was bought by another agency quite a few months ago. It stayed operating after that for a while. I have not heard from Bella in a while so just assume it is closed. The girls have moved along and most are at other agencys or by other names.

If you know the scoop, you could try talking to her sister. If you do not not, then just move along to another agency or indy. Someone will let you get back to being a client.

Wet Dreams. PW

02-19-13, 22:27

Call this one last week two call system Telly on the south she was wearing red bra / panties lingerie set High heels. Looking good and smelling good. She look just like her pictures. Pretty face and a nice butt with a great shape. Welcomed me in with a hug. We sat on the bed and talk for a few minutes to break the ice. Ask me to place donation, on night table. I took off my shirt and got comfortable and we started, she stroked me through my pants a bit and then started with a phenomenal CBJ for about 5 minutes. Transitioned to K9 and then to mish with some moaning to go with the action nice and wet. Back to K9 to finish the view on that ass was great. We chatted for another 5 minutes as she got me a hot towel to clean up with. Didn't feel rushed at all and seemed like she would have kept talking had I not got up to get dressed. Tipped on top of the fee. Just overall a great session. No drama, Good provider, good environment, good attitude, accurate pics, good service.

02-21-13, 00:21
Speaking of getting screwed over. You all may remember Jenny the pornstar,




I introduced to the group last year. She I were regular as clockwork at one point and I know she had some issues but I kept that separate. 6 plus months ago she moved to SC, Charleston area for a break and she called me 3-4 am one night saying broke down on her way back to ATL and could I WU some $. She said she be at my house 1st thing to make us square. $100 plus fees, she no-showed and no text or calls nothing for a month or more. She called again a month or 2 later, now coming in from Tennessee, told me she had gotten arrested on her way to ATL the time before and admitted to being pregnant, as to why she didn't call. Now, I'm wary of helping her, I sent her 35$ more middle of the night again guess what another no-show. I deleted all her info, ect. Washed my hands of her. Out of no where she shows up at my door (I'm single no big deal) a week or two before Christmas. She's 3-4 months pregnant, hooked on crack (I know cause she would try to sneak off to my bathroom to light up, or snort powder) and just got out of a month of jail. I asked if she was going to make the 135 plus 15 in fees up to me. She just want to hang at my place while she made what ever decision her crack head was trying to make. She finally declined to make anything up to me. So actually went through her purse with her watching, took all the cash she had $117. 00 told her I was taking it to make us even. She could be mad if she wanted, I wouldn't stop being her friend and would help her in other ways if she needed, but I would not give her or lend her anymore money. As far as what she owed me, I was getting either Cash or Ass as that was what our original agreement. I pocketed the cash, told her she had to leave right then as I was heading out.

I'm an asshole I know, taking her money (not really, just getting mine back) she being 3-4 months and kicking her out pregnant on a cold rainy winter night. Fuck that, Let some other sucker take care of her, I'm not here to get used.

PS. She's got a lot of life changing decisions to make with a child on the way, hooking and addicted to crack.I know this post is old but most of these girls in this game ply mental games and act like 10 year olds. Just they way it is a big game to them. U have to dumb yourself down and act like a ten year to get them to play nice. Like if she said no to your advances talk to her like your her daddy. Jenny do I do we'll to you right. You should do the same bla bla bla.

These girls have no mental stimulation while they are in the streets and they depend on you for that well us, got to play with their mind. Once you wake their mind up and stroke their mental sensors a green light will go off and they are yours forever. It's kind of hard explaining but psychology.

I'm shocked she didn't screw you. Especially if she didn't have no place to go and broke. I'm sure she was trying to game you again

Johnny Mapalo
02-21-13, 05:52

Call this one last week two call system Telly on the south she was wearing red bra / panties lingerie set High heels. Looking good and smelling good. She look just like her pictures. Pretty face and a nice butt with a great shape. Welcomed me in with a hug. We sat on the bed and talk for a few minutes to break the ice. Ask me to place donation, on night table. I took off my shirt and got comfortable and we started, she stroked me through my pants a bit and then started with a phenomenal CBJ for about 5 minutes. Transitioned to K9 and then to mish with some moaning to go with the action nice and wet. Back to K9 to finish the view on that ass was great. We chatted for another 5 minutes as she got me a hot towel to clean up with. Didn't feel rushed at all and seemed like she would have kept talking had I not got up to get dressed. Tipped on top of the fee. Just overall a great session. No drama, Good provider, good environment, good attitude, accurate pics, good service.I'm surprised you got to her. I heard she was hard as hell to hook up with.

Joe Sixtynine
02-21-13, 12:21
I'm surprised you got to her. I heard she was hard as hell to hook up with.Man, I have been trying to hook up with this chick for months, once she said not available cause on holidays the other time she said yes I'm available and said hold on, then hung up. Other times she just doesn't pick up phone. The stars seem to have aligned for you, I've read great things about her.

Johnny Mapalo
02-21-13, 21:12
Man, I have been trying to hook up with this chick for months, once she said not available cause on holidays the other time she said yes I'm available and said hold on, then hung up. Other times she just doesn't pick up phone. The stars seem to have aligned for you, I've read great things about her.You know, I myself have called the Chocolate chic a few times out of curiosity and I also got the cold shoulder treatment. Every time I called her she would immediately say "call me back in a minute". I would call back 5 minutes later and she would never answer the phone again. I would leave a message and she would never get back to me. I don't know what that chic's problem is. She could be making so much more money and have so many more customers but I guess she wasn't digging my voice over the phone or something. Too bad for her. I just move on as always.

02-21-13, 22:52
You know, I myself have called the Chocolate chic a few times out of curiosity and I also got the cold shoulder treatment. Every time I called her she would immediately say "call me back in a minute". I would call back 5 minutes later and she would never answer the phone again. I would leave a message and she would never get back to me. I don't know what that chic's problem is. She could be making so much more money and have so many more customers but I guess she wasn't digging my voice over the phone or something. Too bad for her. I just move on as always.I've been dealing with Chocolate off and on for about 2 yrs now and have never had any problems getting through to her. Just keep trying and I promise it will be well worth it. She is a great provider.

02-23-13, 15:03
Speaking of getting screwed over. You all may remember Jenny the pornstar,




I introduced to the group last year. She I were regular as clockwork at one point and I know she had some issues but I kept that separate. 6 plus months ago she moved to SC, Charleston area for a break and she called me 3-4 am one night saying broke down on her way back to ATL and could I WU some $. She said she be at my house 1st thing to make us square. $100 plus fees, she no-showed and no text or calls nothing for a month or more. She called again a month or 2 later, now coming in from Tennessee, told me she had gotten arrested on her way to ATL the time before and admitted to being pregnant, as to why she didn't call. Now, I'm wary of helping her, I sent her 35$ more middle of the night again guess what another no-show. I deleted all her info, ect. Washed my hands of her. Out of no where she shows up at my door (I'm single no big deal) a week or two before Christmas. She's 3-4 months pregnant, hooked on crack (I know cause she would try to sneak off to my bathroom to light up, or snort powder) and just got out of a month of jail. I asked if she was going to make the 135 plus 15 in fees up to me. She just want to hang at my place while she made what ever decision her crack head was trying to make. She finally declined to make anything up to me. So actually went through her purse with her watching, took all the cash she had $117. 00 told her I was taking it to make us even. She could be mad if she wanted, I wouldn't stop being her friend and would help her in other ways if she needed, but I would not give her or lend her anymore money. As far as what she owed me, I was getting either Cash or Ass as that was what our original agreement. I pocketed the cash, told her she had to leave right then as I was heading out.

I'm an asshole I know, taking her money (not really, just getting mine back) she being 3-4 months and kicking her out pregnant on a cold rainy winter night. Fuck that, Let some other sucker take care of her, I'm not here to get used.

PS. She's got a lot of life changing decisions to make with a child on the way, hooking and addicted to crack.This is sad on so many levels. In her prime, Jenny was probably my favorite web site girl. I know she is just following the path of so many girls have but I just never thought she would. I never got to see her when she started dating and while I regret that my thoughts now are that she can hook up with somebody that can keep her clean for the baby's sake. Doubtful but hopeful.

02-24-13, 02:39
Hello gents,

I am a long time hobbyiest from NYC I post here from time to time and on BGFE. Usually when I visit ATL I check out a provider. I am still pleasantly haunted by one provider named Iman / Imani who was the "master" of the slow BBBJ and yes it was incredible. She seems to be long gone. If anyone has any info to share with a comparable BJ specialist I would greatly appreciate it.

02-24-13, 14:40
Hmm, the one on the top left used to work the streets. I've seen her before. The other curly haired one, I've seen her before too but I can't remember where. Probably reviewed somewhere before. Those girls been in the game for a minute. I recognize the faces.Thanks bro

02-24-13, 15:56
Hello gents,

I am a long time hobbyiest from NYC I post here from time to time and on BGFE. Usually when I visit ATL I check out a provider. I am still pleasantly haunted by one provider named Iman / Imani who was the "master" of the slow BBBJ and yes it was incredible. She seems to be long gone. If anyone has any info to share with a comparable BJ specialist I would greatly appreciate it.You might want to see Pearlie, a Thai chick who advertises on eros (hyphen) atlanta dot com. She's $200 but sucks like a Hoover and an overall good fuck.

02-24-13, 23:08
I posted in the Mississippi group already but, Any road warriors got any info on Hattiesburg? BP action here is not my style, my choices are all over an hour away! Just checking before I have to get out in the public and put these words to work!

02-25-13, 18:57

She has Becky's phone number and looks like her but not sure. Anyway. 6'2 BBW, really only good for a BBBJ. Low end price and low end hotel near Motel 6. I was in the mood for a quick blow and. 4 was hard to pass up. Decent girl, was locked up in Kentucky she says. Delivered 20 ish minutes of decent but not great head. I could tell she really needed the money so what the hell. Doubt I'll repeat but again, ok for a blow and go. I didn't CIM but seemed like it was available.

02-26-13, 07:38
You might want to see Pearlie, a Thai chick who advertises on eros (hyphen) atlanta dot com. She's $200 but sucks like a Hoover and an overall good fuck.Thank you for the info. She looks like a winner!

02-26-13, 18:46

She has Becky's phone number and looks like her but not sure. Anyway. 6'2 BBW, really only good for a BBBJ. Low end price and low end hotel near Motel 6. I was in the mood for a quick blow and. 4 was hard to pass up. Decent girl, was locked up in Kentucky she says. Delivered 20 ish minutes of decent but not great head. I could tell she really needed the money so what the hell. Doubt I'll repeat but again, ok for a blow and go. I didn't CIM but seemed like it was available.Last review I read on her was that she had meth mouth and a stinky cooch.

02-28-13, 09:05
Decided to look for some late night fun. Stumbled onto http://candiescorner.com/our_escorts.html And, more importantly Melanie. Fell asleep and had a dream that Melanie visited me for $$$. She is heavier than her photos, but the pics are definitely here. Lots of energy and all around a good time. Was a little pricier than I normally go, but a good experience. CBJ, DATY, COWGIRL. Would repeat if a little cheaper, so probably will not.

02-28-13, 11:28
Decided to look for some late night fun. Stumbled onto.


And, more importantly Melanie. Fell asleep and had a dream that Melanie visited me for $$$. She is heavier than her photos, but the pics are definitely here. Lots of energy and all around a good time. Was a little pricier than I normally go, but a good experience. CBJ, DATY, COWGIRL. Would repeat if a little cheaper, so probably will not.$$$ and CBJ? Hell, it could be .5$ and this boy will pass on CBJ.

02-28-13, 15:08
Anyone has any info on Jasmin? http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/alpharetta-sexy-latina-jewel-100-special-21/15891641

Steak 404
02-28-13, 18:11
Decided to look for some late night fun. Stumbled onto.


And, more importantly Melanie. Fell asleep and had a dream that Melanie visited me for $$$. She is heavier than her photos, but the pics are definitely here. Lots of energy and all around a good time. Was a little pricier than I normally go, but a good experience. CBJ, DATY, COWGIRL. Would repeat if a little cheaper, so probably will not.Thanks. A couple general questions re: the agency: From the website "prices vary & are discussed only between escort and client" (I'm paraphrasing)

So what is the set up? Do you call the service & then get a call back from the girl you select (and then get a rate quote?)

Who does the booking? Screening (If such a thing exists)?

Is this an agency or an advertising service?

Also "Leilani" (Tall Asian Chick) looks familiar from a couple years ago then dissapeared. Anyone remember her?

I know it is easy play to Monday Morning QB & say this, but regarding the old (skinnier) pics I'd send her packing. One thing for an agency to use stock photos but they should at least be representative.

02-28-13, 19:39
Thanks. A couple general questions re: the agency: From the website "prices vary & are discussed only between escort and client" (I'm paraphrasing)

So what is the set up? Do you call the service & then get a call back from the girl you select (and then get a rate quote?)

Who does the booking? Screening (If such a thing exists)?

Is this an agency or an advertising service?

Also "Leilani" (Tall Asian Chick) looks familiar from a couple years ago then dissapeared. Anyone remember her?

I know it is easy play to Monday Morning QB & say this, but regarding the old (skinnier) pics I'd send her packing. One thing for an agency to use stock photos but they should at least be representative.I agree. The format reeks of an advertising service, not an agency. A quality agency will post several pics of an escort and include pricing. This Website lacks that.

02-28-13, 19:42
Decided to look for some late night fun. Stumbled onto.


And, more importantly Melanie. Fell asleep and had a dream that Melanie visited me for $$$. She is heavier than her photos, but the pics are definitely here. Lots of energy and all around a good time. Was a little pricier than I normally go, but a good experience. CBJ, DATY, COWGIRL. Would repeat if a little cheaper, so probably will not.Wow, $300 for a "heavy" girl and and the BJ was covered? If you don't mind big girls, that's fine, but you could have done much better on price / service with other Atlanta agencies.

Johnny Mapalo
03-01-13, 05:04
Wow, $300 for a "heavy" girl and and the BJ was covered? If you don't mind big girls, that's fine, but you could have done much better on price / service with other Atlanta agencies.Dudes nowadays don't get no value for their money. I just read a review from another site where dude paid $175 for 30 minutes, everything covered and when he tried to change positions the girl bitched and moaned. I'm like $175 for 30 minutes. Are you phucking kidding me? How stupid can you be? That's why some girls charge ridiculous prices because there will always be some lonely sucker that's willing to pay the price.

Son Of Anarchy
03-01-13, 09:37
I find some good ones and I find some bad ones. Recently I have acquired a knack for the Craigslist casual encounters and bagged a bdsm 19 year old femme who enjoys getting the stick outside of the strap on but every now and then I hit the page so I don't lose touch with the action. With my provider moving out of my vicinity it's hard to get a good provider and so far this is what I tried. Yummie. Her pics looked ok. She seemed slim and petite and spinners have been my thing. So I take that trip of seeing her. No negotiating was needed since her damages were duely noted. When I arrive I'm on guard. I usually don't monger in Dekalb unless its metro Dekalb so I feel out of my range. Call her up at the notel location. She tells me where to go and I'm on it. Upon seeing her I was satisfied. She's about a 6 or 7 by my standards and with it. One problem. She's sore and can barely take a stroke. Are you kidding me? Her BBBJ was great but my niche this evening was FS. I tell her this is not working out and she agrees that her service was way below average and gives me my money back. Here's where it gets ugly. Here boyfriend slash pimp hits me up outside before I get in the car and demands the money back and walks up to me like he's going to do something. I casual say no and get ready to get in the car. He starts getting closer. I tell him dude I will chop you in the fucking throat and leave your ass in the parking lot. After a few verbal threats he backs off. Even his girlfriend / hoe is like I was right. She's in no condition to work and how can she make money like this with him threatening customers making a scene and running off people. I leave on that note. Never doing that again. Beware guys. I don't think she's bad but she got some serious baggage and it could have been worse. I could have been morgues or in the slammer for "morgueing" him.


03-01-13, 20:00
I find some good ones and I find some bad ones. Recently I have acquired a knack for the Craigslist casual encounters and bagged a bdsm 19 year old femme who enjoys getting the stick outside of the strap on but every now and then I hit the page so I don't lose touch with the action. With my provider moving out of my vicinity it's hard to get a good provider and so far this is what I tried. Yummie. Her pics looked ok. She seemed slim and petite and spinners have been my thing. So I take that trip of seeing her. No negotiating was needed since her damages were duely noted. When I arrive I'm on guard. I usually don't monger in Dekalb unless its metro Dekalb so I feel out of my range. Call her up at the notel location. She tells me where to go and I'm on it. Upon seeing her I was satisfied. She's about a 6 or 7 by my standards and with it. One problem. She's sore and can barely take a stroke. Are you kidding me? Her BBBJ was great but my niche this evening was FS. I tell her this is not working out and she agrees that her service was way below average and gives me my money back. Here's where it gets ugly. Here boyfriend slash pimp hits me up outside before I get in the car and demands the money back and walks up to me like he's going to do something. I casual say no and get ready to get in the car. He starts getting closer. I tell him dude I will chop you in the fucking throat and leave your ass in the parking lot. After a few verbal threats he backs off. Even his girlfriend / hoe is like I was right. She's in no condition to work and how can she make money like this with him threatening customers making a scene and running off people. I leave on that note. Never doing that again. Beware guys. I don't think she's bad but she got some serious baggage and it could have been worse. I could have been morgues or in the slammer for "morgueing" him.

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/the-girl-next-door-21/16294046Funny that her ad states no thugs or pimps, but of course she has one! Glad you got out of there with your dick still attached.

03-01-13, 20:11
Anyone has any info on Jasmin?

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/alpharetta-sexy-latina-jewel-100-special-21/15891641I had called her and have yet to set up an appointment but she sounds like a Latina and said her pics are real. $100 for the half and $150 for the hour. I assume all services require a cover like the Latina girls do in those apartment "parlors." Why not TOFTT and report back?

03-03-13, 00:18

She has Becky's phone number and looks like her but not sure. Anyway. 6'2 BBW, really only good for a BBBJ. Low end price and low end hotel near Motel 6. I was in the mood for a quick blow and. 4 was hard to pass up. Decent girl, was locked up in Kentucky she says. Delivered 20 ish minutes of decent but not great head. I could tell she really needed the money so what the hell. Doubt I'll repeat but again, ok for a blow and go. I didn't CIM but seemed like it was available.Well, I just came back. My experience was waaaaaay different.

She's 6'2" alright. Built like a brick shithouse. Give her the donation. Tells me to come over and sit by her. Out pops the rubber. Pops it on me, and she's not giving it her all. Or if she is, she sucks at giving BJ's. Then, she disrobes, lays back. Telling me kiss her mammoth twins, which I do. Tells me to put my fingers in her. Which I do. Then she proceeds to get off while I'm sitting there fingering her. (Or at least as far as I can tell she does, I dunno) So, then the rushing comes."Yah, just come already." We're not even 10 minutes into it. Hell, I doubt we were even 5. She tells me to get on top of her (with the glove on) , I oblige. But man, she's just so damned big. Anyway, while I'm thrusting, I tell her that I want to come on her face. Nope. Sorry. Between her tits? Nope, sorry. That just killed it for me, I pulled out and finished myself off by hand. The room reeked of pot, but she smelled pretty clean.

I mean, if I wasn't so horny going in, I prolly would've gotten up and left. I dunno what it is about you, but that was my experience.

03-03-13, 00:25
Well, I just came back. My experience was waaaaaay different.

She's 6'2" alright. Built like a brick shithouse. Give her the donation. Tells me to come over and sit by her. Out pops the rubber. Pops it on me, and she's not giving it her all. Or if she is, she sucks at giving BJ's. Then, she disrobes, lays back. Telling me kiss her mammoth twins, which I do. Tells me to put my fingers in her. Which I do. Then she proceeds to get off while I'm sitting there fingering her. (Or at least as far as I can tell she does, I dunno) So, then the rushing comes."Yah, just come already." We're not even 10 minutes into it. Hell, I doubt we were even 5. She tells me to get on top of her (with the glove on) , I oblige. But man, she's just so damned big. Anyway, while I'm thrusting, I tell her that I want to come on her face. Nope. Sorry. Between her tits? Nope, sorry. That just killed it for me, I pulled out and finished myself off by hand. The room reeked of pot, but she smelled pretty clean.

I mean, if I wasn't so horny going in, I prolly would've gotten up and left. I dunno what it is about you, but that was my experience.Sounds like a wooly mammoth to avoid.

03-03-13, 10:34
Sounds like a wooly mammoth to avoid.Like I said in my original post, really only good for a low end BBBJ. She didn't rush me at all but no overtime either.

03-03-13, 11:59
Hmm, the one on the top left used to work the streets. I've seen her before. The other curly haired one, I've seen her before too but I can't remember where. Probably reviewed somewhere before. Those girls been in the game for a minute. I recognize the faces.I've seen Candy's pics on the Page (in Atlanta) before.

03-04-13, 10:21
I find some good ones and I find some bad ones. Recently I have acquired a knack for the Craigslist casual encounters and bagged a bdsm 19 year old femme who enjoys getting the stick outside of the strap on but every now and then I hit the page so I don't lose touch with the action. With my provider moving out of my vicinity it's hard to get a good provider and so far this is what I tried. Yummie. Her pics looked ok. She seemed slim and petite and spinners have been my thing. So I take that trip of seeing her. No negotiating was needed since her damages were duely noted. When I arrive I'm on guard. I usually don't monger in Dekalb unless its metro Dekalb so I feel out of my range. Call her up at the notel location. She tells me where to go and I'm on it. Upon seeing her I was satisfied. She's about a 6 or 7 by my standards and with it. One problem. She's sore and can barely take a stroke. Are you kidding me? Her BBBJ was great but my niche this evening was FS. I tell her this is not working out and she agrees that her service was way below average and gives me my money back. Here's where it gets ugly. Here boyfriend slash pimp hits me up outside before I get in the car and demands the money back and walks up to me like he's going to do something. I casual say no and get ready to get in the car. He starts getting closer. I tell him dude I will chop you in the fucking throat and leave your ass in the parking lot. After a few verbal threats he backs off. Even his girlfriend / hoe is like I was right. She's in no condition to work and how can she make money like this with him threatening customers making a scene and running off people. I leave on that note. Never doing that again. Beware guys. I don't think she's bad but she got some serious baggage and it could have been worse. I could have been morgues or in the slammer for "morgueing" him.

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/the-girl-next-door-21/16294046I have had luck in every avenue I have tried from high end escorts, to back page to Tagged to just bar pickups, BUT, I have never had one ounce of luck with CL casual. Either nothing, or " go to this web site so I know you are safe", Yeah right, I'm going to click on those sites and attachments. UN HUHH, yeah wait for me honey. LOL Son of, we need to have a beer somewhere and you can teach me how!

Wet Dreams, PW

03-04-13, 12:14
I had called her and have yet to set up an appointment but she sounds like a Latina and said her pics are real. $100 for the half and $150 for the hour. I assume all services require a cover like the Latina girls do in those apartment "parlors." Why not TOFTT and report back?Planning to do it. Saw another ad today by the same name diff # http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sexy-exotic-busty-curvy-latin-23/15682708

03-04-13, 15:28
Went to check out the club on my day off and who knew I would get some pussy in the end! Normally this club has only black strippers but this visit I saw a hot little latina on the pole. Approached her and asked her to come to my table. I asked about VIP and she told me I would get escort service inside and indeed I did. Received bbj first then started to finger her and feel her moist pussy before doing the deed. She was limited to only rev cowgirl being that we were not entirely alone with the managers outside. The donation was 125 and I think that is a bargain considering some guys pay over 200 and get nothing but a close dance inside.

Johnny Mapalo
03-04-13, 20:57
I find some good ones and I find some bad ones. Recently I have acquired a knack for the Craigslist casual encounters and bagged a bdsm 19 year old femme who enjoys getting the stick outside of the strap on but every now and then I hit the page so I don't lose touch with the action. With my provider moving out of my vicinity it's hard to get a good provider and so far this is what I tried. Yummie. Her pics looked ok. She seemed slim and petite and spinners have been my thing. So I take that trip of seeing her. No negotiating was needed since her damages were duely noted. When I arrive I'm on guard. I usually don't monger in Dekalb unless its metro Dekalb so I feel out of my range. Call her up at the notel location. She tells me where to go and I'm on it. Upon seeing her I was satisfied. She's about a 6 or 7 by my standards and with it. One problem. She's sore and can barely take a stroke. Are you kidding me? Her BBBJ was great but my niche this evening was FS. I tell her this is not working out and she agrees that her service was way below average and gives me my money back. Here's where it gets ugly. Here boyfriend slash pimp hits me up outside before I get in the car and demands the money back and walks up to me like he's going to do something. I casual say no and get ready to get in the car. He starts getting closer. I tell him dude I will chop you in the fucking throat and leave your ass in the parking lot. After a few verbal threats he backs off. Even his girlfriend / hoe is like I was right. She's in no condition to work and how can she make money like this with him threatening customers making a scene and running off people. I leave on that note. Never doing that again. Beware guys. I don't think she's bad but she got some serious baggage and it could have been worse. I could have been morgues or in the slammer for "morgueing" him.

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/the-girl-next-door-21/16294046Damn, you didn't at least let her keep 20 bones for the BBBJ? Alot of them hos are worn out and overworked anyways. Its just a big hustle game to them.

Zero Dude
03-07-13, 15:20
I was coming back from a business trip and struck out out West. I had the itch and contacted Amber. I used this service over a dozen time so seething up a meeting was very quick. They even stayed open late for me due to a slight flight delay. Very safe gated apartment complex. Behind the door was a very sex Asian lady with a string thong on. Put down the donation and jumped into the shower. While she was cleaning me I did roam around too. I got a short preview BBBJ and we headed to the bed. I went face down on the bed. She stared with tongue massage all up and down my back. She was about to rim me but I stopped her (I felt that was kinda strange). I flipped and she did the full on BBBJ. After a few minutes I told her to get into the 69 position. We then put on the cover and did CG, mish, doggie and rcg. She gave me the rubber filled with cum and said it was a gift from her. He had a playful sense of humor. After a little she started BBBJ again but it was not going to happen and it was really late. In really wanted to cim, but I had to go. I should have booked a 90min or 2hr session. Exotic always fulfills my asian desires.

03-07-13, 22:23
She gave me the rubber filled with cum and said it was a gift from her.Nice post. Just hope that jizz-filled condom was yours and not leftover from a previous customer.

Zero Dude
03-08-13, 00:10
Nice post. Just hope that jizz-filled condom was yours and not leftover from a previous customer.LOL, it was mine. I just read my post and noticed the horrible auto correct and grammar.

03-10-13, 21:16
New to chick with a nice body and cool attitude to boot. Looking to make between. 60. 50 per visit. Have more pics if needed for the serious. Located in the Dunwoody area. I have already let a few (4) check her out. And all had good things to say. No stretch marks and a sexy body with a phatty. Age of 21. She just trying to get outther.

03-13-13, 11:52
Stay away from this one. Decided to TOFTT and boy did I. Sounds sweet on the phone, says she's the girl in the photos but she is not. When I get there she's a cute spinner with a nice ass so I stay (silly me). We had agreed on $ for the half, she starts the CBJ and after 30secs asks me if I want to upgrade to full service for $ more and claims that it is in her add. I say no she goes for another 30 secs and asks if I'm about to finish because my time is almost up. Having heard other voices in the house I just get dressed and leave without incident.


03-14-13, 12:40
Bad news guys. ER is closing its doors. Site went down yesterday with the message that it would be back up after a rework. Well on her forum she posted today that she's done.

Johnny Mapalo
03-14-13, 19:40
I have had luck in every avenue I have tried from high end escorts, to back page to Tagged to just bar pickups, BUT, I have never had one ounce of luck with CL casual. Either nothing, or " go to this web site so I know you are safe", Yeah right, I'm going to click on those sites and attachments. UN HUHH, yeah wait for me honey. LOL Son of, we need to have a beer somewhere and you can teach me how!

Wet Dreams, PWWell, I'm just the opposite of you. I've had no luck with my ad on backpage. Just a bunch of hoodrats begging for money. Craigslist casual encounters now, I've gotten more than a handfull of phone numbers and talked to some of them but never made the plunge over to their house end. I may try one or 2 of them this weekend to see if they are serious. Craigslist is good, just place an ad in the "men seeking women" section. Don't waste your time in the "casual encounters" section. Too many men over there posting dick pics. Just post normal pics in the "men seeking women" section along with "$$$" in your ad. That always seems to do the trick for me. LOL.

03-14-13, 22:43
I was coming back from a business trip and struck out out West. I had the itch and contacted Amber. I used this service over a dozen time so seething up a meeting was very quick. They even stayed open late for me due to a slight flight delay. Very safe gated apartment complex. Behind the door was a very sex Asian lady with a string thong on. Put down the donation and jumped into the shower. While she was cleaning me I did roam around too. I got a short preview BBBJ and we headed to the bed. I went face down on the bed. She stared with tongue massage all up and down my back. She was about to rim me but I stopped her (I felt that was kinda strange). I flipped and she did the full on BBBJ. After a few minutes I told her to get into the 69 position. We then put on the cover and did CG, mish, doggie and rcg. She gave me the rubber filled with cum and said it was a gift from her. He had a playful sense of humor. After a little she started BBBJ again but it was not going to happen and it was really late. In really wanted to cim, but I had to go. I should have booked a 90min or 2hr session. Exotic always fulfills my asian desires.Exotic is one of my two faves, Zero. Easy setups, very welcoming girls. Unfortunately, I'm on the road and may not get to see Suji or Bella.

03-14-13, 23:04
Bad news guys. ER is closing its doors. Site went down yesterday with the message that it would be back up after a rework. Well on her forum she posted today that she's done.What is ER?

03-15-13, 04:46
What is ER?Former upscale service in ATL.

03-15-13, 05:33
Former upscale service in ATL.At first I thought you were talking about the oThER site.

03-15-13, 23:29
At first I thought you were talking about the oThER site.Oh yeah. No. ER not another site.

03-20-13, 20:03
I hope I am asking this in the correct forum. I have been a lurker on the TN forum for a couple of years and will be in ATL this coming week. I feel like treating myself and both the Gold Club Agency and the JFL Agency have caught my eye. Gold Club seems a bit more expensive but also seem extremely professional from what I can gather. JFL has some beautiful women as well, including Brinkley who seems to have greek available for an upcharge. As much as that entices me, My main thing is I just want which ever agency I choose to be a good experience with an emphasis on GFE, and DFK, and multiple shots. I was wondering if any one can offer advice on either of these agencies, and if the provide a lot of deep kissing.

03-21-13, 22:59
I hope I am asking this in the correct forum. I have been a lurker on the TN forum for a couple of years and will be in ATL this coming week. I feel like treating myself and both the Gold Club Agency and the JFL Agency have caught my eye. Gold Club seems a bit more expensive but also seem extremely professional from what I can gather. JFL has some beautiful women as well, including Brinkley who seems to have greek available for an upcharge. As much as that entices me, My main thing is I just want which ever agency I choose to be a good experience with an emphasis on GFE, and DFK, and multiple shots. I was wondering if any one can offer advice on either of these agencies, and if the provide a lot of deep kissing.Since I'm a fellow Count Basie fan. Either agency should suffice. If Brinkley's body type is your thing (it is mine!) then she should work out, I think. Girls at both agencies are more or less GFE. If you're amenable to Eastward expansion, there are a couple of Korean agencies (Episode and Exotic Asian, who both feature their girls in Eros Atlanta) with similar service levels.


03-22-13, 09:56
Since I'm a fellow Count Basie fan. Either agency should suffice. If Brinkley's body type is your thing (it is mine!) then she should work out, I think. Girls at both agencies are more or less GFE. If you're amenable to Eastward expansion, there are a couple of Korean agencies (Episode and Exotic Asian, who both feature their girls in Eros Atlanta) with similar service levels.

O.don't forget ATF, has some of the best and also Gold Club. IMHO, and you know I have one! ! LOL.

Wet Dreams, PW

03-22-13, 10:11
Since I'm a fellow Count Basie fan. Either agency should suffice. If Brinkley's body type is your thing (it is mine!) then she should work out, I think. Girls at both agencies are more or less GFE. If you're amenable to Eastward expansion, there are a couple of Korean agencies (Episode and Exotic Asian, who both feature their girls in Eros Atlanta) with similar service levels.Just re Brinkley's body type: The last time I saw her, which was a few months ago, her earlier pictures were no longer representative. She looked more full-figured, so to speak, like in the more recent motorcycle shots. Still attractive – maybe more attractive to some eyes – but no longer the slim hot thing shown in pink panties or pigtails.

03-26-13, 15:18
Wow, went to see Jasmine again. Fine Asian lady with great body, face and breast. AND, WOW, she has changed her terms and actions. Great massage, great sex, AND NOW she is doing BBBJ to get you going. I almost popped imediatly so I had to restrain myself to save for the penetration of her fine body. WOW, she never did BBBJ before and I asked, she said she is just trying to make us happy. No CIM but fine BBBJ to get me up and ready, not that I need much to get up when I am with her. Anyway, thats the latest and I had to do the review since it was such a drastic change in her service. Dropped $190 and well worth it. Woo Hoo, I'll be back soon.

Thanks Jasmine for great service that I thought could not get much better but it did.


03-26-13, 17:59
Wow, went to see Jasmine again. Fine Asian lady with great body, face and "breast."

WET DREAMS, PWOne breast? What happened to the other one? As I recall, she had two last time.

03-27-13, 11:31
One breast? What happened to the other one? As I recall, she had two last time.? Why? Number count!

03-27-13, 11:35
Wow, went to see Jasmine again. Fine Asian lady with great body, face and breast. AND, WOW, she has changed her terms and actions. Great massage, great sex, AND NOW she is doing BBBJ to get you going. I almost popped imediatly so I had to restrain myself to save for the penetration of her fine body. WOW, she never did BBBJ before and I asked, she said she is just trying to make us happy. No CIM but fine BBBJ to get me up and ready, not that I need much to get up when I am with her. Anyway, thats the latest and I had to do the review since it was such a drastic change in her service. Dropped $190 and well worth it. Woo Hoo, I'll be back soon.

Thanks Jasmine for great service that I thought could not get much better but it did.

WET DREAMS, PWAs she said she has a new tall large breasted lady coming and also a petite little chocolate coming also. Actual information post as we all should do.

Wet Dreams, PW

03-27-13, 14:09
Wow, went to see Jasmine again. Fine Asian lady with great body, face and breast. AND, WOW, she has changed her terms and actions. Great massage, great sex, AND NOW she is doing BBBJ to get you going. I almost popped imediatly so I had to restrain myself to save for the penetration of her fine body. WOW, she never did BBBJ before and I asked, she said she is just trying to make us happy. No CIM but fine BBBJ to get me up and ready, not that I need much to get up when I am with her. Anyway, thats the latest and I had to do the review since it was such a drastic change in her service. Dropped $190 and well worth it. Woo Hoo, I'll be back soon.

Thanks Jasmine for great service that I thought could not get much better but it did.

WET DREAMS, PW"The King" is always uncovering a new gem. Hey buddy, ya got to hook me up.

03-27-13, 23:53
Wow, went to see Jasmine again. Fine Asian lady with great body, face and breast. AND, WOW, she has changed her terms and actions. Great massage, great sex, AND NOW she is doing BBBJ to get you going. I almost popped imediatly so I had to restrain myself to save for the penetration of her fine body. WOW, she never did BBBJ before and I asked, she said she is just trying to make us happy. No CIM but fine BBBJ to get me up and ready, not that I need much to get up when I am with her. Anyway, thats the latest and I had to do the review since it was such a drastic change in her service. Dropped $190 and well worth it. Woo Hoo, I'll be back soon.

Thanks Jasmine for great service that I thought could not get much better but it did.


I went and met the lovely Jasmine when her interest grew a few months ago. CBJ ruined it so glad she is now on the BBBJ train.

JPW for President.

03-28-13, 19:37
Wow, went to see Jasmine again. Fine Asian lady with great body, face and breast. AND, WOW, she has changed her terms and actions. Great massage, great sex, AND NOW she is doing BBBJ to get you going. I almost popped imediatly so I had to restrain myself to save for the penetration of her fine body. WOW, she never did BBBJ before and I asked, she said she is just trying to make us happy. No CIM but fine BBBJ to get me up and ready, not that I need much to get up when I am with her. Anyway, thats the latest and I had to do the review since it was such a drastic change in her service. Dropped $190 and well worth it. Woo Hoo, I'll be back soon.

Thanks Jasmine for great service that I thought could not get much better but it did.

WET DREAMS, PWDoes she have pictures anywhere?

03-28-13, 20:16
Does she have pictures anywhere?Here's a link to Jasmine: http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/the-best-exotic-asian-not-a-spa-28/15912022

03-28-13, 20:23
Wow, went to see Jasmine again. Fine Asian lady with great body, face and breast. AND, WOW, she has changed her terms and actions. Great massage, great sex, AND NOW she is doing BBBJ to get you going. WET DREAMS, PWKing? Pwhipped is our Emperor. They do not come any better than this intelligent, wise and good hearted man. Our pants are off to you. (Or is that hats?)

Amp Fme
03-29-13, 00:36
King? Pwhipped is our Emperor. They do not come any better than this intelligent, wise and good hearted man. Our pants are off to you. (Or is that hats?)Rtogo, not sure that came out right."our pants are off to him?" I consider him a very good friend, but nowhere near that good a friend. Now Jasmine on the other hand, yep I am unzipping as I walk to the door.

03-29-13, 10:23
Here's a link to Jasmine:

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/the-best-exotic-asian-not-a-spa-28/15912022 The pic is her. On second thought, Jenny who I do not believe is there anymore? Jasmine is a very pretty lady with natural large breasts, yes two of them. LOL

Wet Dreams, PW

03-29-13, 10:26
One breast? What happened to the other one? As I recall, she had two last time.That is funny, I will try to make sure I put a s next time. LOL LOL But probably will forget, as I thought it would or could be the name for both. I will say a pair next. LOL LOL.

Wet Dreams, PW

03-29-13, 10:30
King? Pwhipped is our Emperor. They do not come any better than this intelligent, wise and good hearted man. Our pants are off to you. (Or is that hats?)Ok now, lets not give the wrong impression. I don't go both ways. Thanks AMPY for adding that but I am sure it will come back to haunt me. LOL.

Wet Dreams, PW

03-29-13, 10:35
"The King" is always uncovering a new gem. Hey buddy, ya got to hook me up.You got to bring your a* out of S. C. To be able to meet the hott Atlanta gals. BTW, I just saw a very pretty one you would like from ATF agency, pierced nips and really pretty, Farah, used to be Ania from Mariposa. Left spots all over my bed. LOL LOL BBBJ, covered FS.

Wet Dreams, PW

Amp Fme
03-29-13, 10:50
. Thanks AMPY for adding that but I am sure it will come back to haunt me. LOL.

Wet Dreams, PWOh I can pretty much guarantee that you have not heard the last of this. Opportunities like this one to take shots don't come up that often.

03-29-13, 11:31
You got to bring your a* out of S. C. To be able to meet the hott Atlanta gals. BTW, I just saw a very pretty one you would like from ATF agency, pierced nips and really pretty, Farah, used to be Ania from Mariposa. Left spots all over my bed. LOL LOL BBBJ, covered FS.

Wet Dreams, PWThanks "King", I do plan on making it to ATL soon (week of May 12, HINT!) I will check her out and give Tiff a call.


03-29-13, 11:40
You got to bring your a* out of S. C. To be able to meet the hott Atlanta gals. BTW, I just saw a very pretty one you would like from ATF agency, pierced nips and really pretty, Farah, used to be Ania from Mariposa. Left spots all over my bed. LOL LOL BBBJ, covered FS.

Wet Dreams, PWThanks "King", I do plan on making it to ATL soon (week of May 12, HINT!) I will check her out and give Tiff a call.


04-02-13, 09:05
Any info on her?


And the ad says White only. And confirmation?

04-03-13, 15:32
Sooo, hello to the board and greetings. I just had a decent experience with a provider named Kells from BP, here's the run down. Very pleasant on the phone, prompt in getting to the outcall location, really friendly. Really didn't press the money issue, and actually started BBBJ in a public hallway. LOL. Had me finish in rubber but seemed open for me to put it else where. Decent looking but dresses real suspect. Cheetah print boots w / heels drawn on eyebrows, heavy too. Playfull too. Donation was actually the last thing she asked for. Would repeat but also like to switch it up. So probably not soon. Check her out.

Sec See
04-10-13, 20:17
Anyone know where Toni went? Now it seems we have sienna and lanie. Both of whom are kinda fat.


Amp Fme
04-10-13, 23:41
Any info on her?


And the ad says White only. And confirmation?Sorry no personal info on this one. But read her ad again, she states she loves older white gentlemen She does not state that she is white only. Based on how she phrased her ad, I suspect that while she may have a preference, she loves the color green more than she dislikes darker pigmentation. Did not do any research on other sites or tineye, but those pics look familiar for some reason.

04-11-13, 09:00
Anyone know where Toni went? Now it seems we have sienna and lanie. Both of whom are kinda fat.

http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/ready-for-some-real-pampering-fun-im-all-that-and-then-someguaranteed-678-668-3815-25/13790736If she is 120 lbs, I'm 21 year old and 160 lbs. Been a LONG time since I've seen those numbers! LMAO

04-11-13, 09:19
I was thinking the same thing about the pictures. I have not mastered the tineye and other search thingy's so I can't research them. The first picture is either someone I know or it is really close resemblance to a present, past or future friend. Sorry for the no info post, but hoping someone would have some intel on her and or the pics.

Wet Dreams, PW

Additional info: http://georgia.backpage.com/WomenSeekMen/i-shine-bright-like-a-diamond-29/16569756 this ad does say White men only. Hope this does not start a firestorm again, but it is what it is. Anna has lots of adds by searching her tele number. I really believe she was reviewed on here way back. No I did not RTFFF, LOL.

Wet dreams, PW

Further: Nothing on ThE otheR bde

Dreamin time
04-11-13, 11:32
I was thinking the same thing about the pictures. I have not mastered the tineye and other search thingy's so I can't research them. The first picture is either someone I know or it is really close resemblance to a present, past or future friend. Sorry for the no info post, but hoping someone would have some intel on her and or the pics.

Wet Dreams, PW.

Additional info: http://georgia.backpage.com/WomenSeekMen/i-shine-bright-like-a-diamond-29/16569756 This ad does say White men only. Hope this does not start a firestorm again, but it is what it is. Anna has lots of adds by searching her tele number. I really believe she was reviewed on here way back. No I did not RTFFF, LOL.

Wet dreams, PW.

Further: Nothing on ThE otheR bdeShe's popped up in Athens and other places. No hits on Tineye, but when I saw the Athens ad, I though the same thing.

Jig Master
04-11-13, 11:35
If she is 120 lbs, I'm 21 year old and 160 lbs. Been a LONG time since I've seen those numbers! LMAOYeah, she's more like 150-160 lbs. But her weight wasn't the first thing that caught my eye, it's that, ugh, face.

Amp Fme
04-11-13, 17:14
(snipped) this ad does say White men only. Hope this does not start a firestorm again, but it is what it is. (snipped)Thank you for the clarification. In that case, I retract my statement. Apologies to all for trying to give her the benefit of doubt and suggesting bad advice. You'd have thought I would have learned by now.

04-11-13, 18:25
Thank you for the clarification. In that case, I retract my statement. Apologies to all for trying to give her the benefit of doubt and suggesting bad advice. You'd have thought I would have learned by now.You were right, her ad there said she "preferred" white men, not saying she would not. I just was researching her and found the other. You done good. We all know you were not just trying to increase your post count. LOL.

BTW guys, I am still finding good girls on Tagged. Even had a gay girl respond and saw her. Wow, I think I am part Lesbian. She was boyish in looks but all WOMAN in sucking and fucking. Not posting to say PM me, just giving info that you guys may want to test the waters, err the pussy! LOL.

Wet Dreams, PW

Nver mind, I was getting to be a smart ass publicly. Yeah I know i am but try to keep it in PM, well no, just forget it. LOL LOL

04-12-13, 13:51
Saw Sue at Journey2U. She is the girl in the pics and she's about a 9. 5 on the beauty scale. Nice round ass, perky B-cups with nice, thick nips, carefully manicured Bush, about 5'4" tall and 27 years old. She seems nice enough (at first) but there were a few drawbacks to the session:

1. BBBJ skills are sub-par. She could only bob up and down on the head of junior while jerking the shaft with her hand. No DT skills to speak of which is a must for me when paying that much for a session.

2. After we showered and got comfy, I noticed she had put some kind of lotion all over her body. I prefer to touch a woman's nice, clean skin, not this greasy stuff.

3. Well into the session, it was announced that time was over. Probably my fault for not watching the clock, but it would have been nice to have a 5-minute warning or something. That was a real mood killer. In addition, Sue started to suddenly lecture me on "rules," which is not something I want to hear from an escort and which seemed partially made up. Sue called Stella and Stella offered a fair price for a little overtime so I could finish. Kudos to Stella for salvaging a session which was going downhill fast.

4. In the overtime session, which Stella had offered as 15 minutes, Sue suddenly downgraded it to 10 minutes. WTF? It's like Sue decided to make up her own rules on the fly. That didn't sit well with me and added to my diminished mood. Trying to be creative so I could bust a nut and leave, I suggested a position for Sue so I could FIV as part of the process. No go. Was informed she doesn't like that. Sue finally finished me off with a vigorous HJ and CIM, but I was hoping to watch the splooge shoot into her mouth. Instead, she cupped her mouth over junior's head so I couldn't see the action.

Sue realized I was no longer in a good mood and quickly decided to try to upgrade her attitude, but it was too late. I got dressed and left.

Overall recommendation? Gee, I sure wish Momoko would come back!Total different experience for me. I have seen many many K-dolls over the years and Sue is definitely one of the hottest and nicest that I have come across, no pun intended. Sue is very nice and drop dead Gorgeous (level-10). I'll be repeating often whenever she's around me!

04-12-13, 16:41
Total different experience for me. I have seen many many K-dolls over the years and Sue is definitely one of the hottest and nicest that I have come across, no pun intended. Sue is very nice and drop dead Gorgeous (level-10). I'll be repeating often whenever she's around me!Would agree that most of Stella's girls at top notch. Sue was the one less-than-stellar experience I've had there. Good that she worked out well for you.

04-15-13, 22:26
Has anyone seen the Chinese girl at Heaven Playground? Have not used that agency.

04-16-13, 23:49
Has anyone seen the Chinese girl at Heaven Playground? Have not used that agency.Nite, I would avoid Heaven Playground at all costs. Really shitty agency at ridiculous prices for the service that's rendered. I've patronized them in the past (three times) and had horrible experiences in 2/3 that culminated in no show appointments. That Chinese chick is not bad but I wouldn't risk it.

04-16-13, 23:56
Nite, I would avoid Heaven Playground at all costs. Really shitty agency at ridiculous prices for the service that's rendered. I've patronized them in the past (three times) and had horrible experiences in 2/3 that culminated in no show appointments. That Chinese chick is not bad but I wouldn't risk it.Don't recall any reviews here about Heaven. Can you elaborate on your experiences? The Chinese chick looks hot.

Amp Fme
04-17-13, 11:34
Nite, I would avoid Heaven Playground at all costs. Really shitty agency at ridiculous prices for the service that's rendered. I've patronized them in the past (three times) and had horrible experiences in 2/3 that culminated in no show appointments. That Chinese chick is not bad but I wouldn't risk it.I know you are not talking to me Xeo, but I would appreciate a PM or further info as well. Never used Heaven, so IDK. Their website list 250-275 per hour for incall and 300 per hour for outcall. That is right in line with a lot of other ATL agencies. Not disputing your personal experiences, but since they have many positive reviews and Chinese escorts are so rare in ATL, I would like to hear about the negatives with them.

Since I am trying to cut back on my posting addiction, also interested in PM's for any Japanese ladies as well. TIA.

04-17-13, 20:18
This post is a little overdue.

Arrived in Atlanta looking for some fun and went to Eros. I have had the most success at this site on locating quality ladies. Called Lisa Lover an she answered right away. Said she was available, but I had to speak with her scheduler? Shortly after I hung up with Lisa her scheduler calls, and after some very light screening, I am good to go.

I went to her in all location off 400 (I think exit 5) right before 285 and call. She gives me the apt# and. Go up. I knock on the door and a ver attractive lady with the most schmokin hot body I have ever seen answers the door. I can barely keep from staring at her incredible rack. They are store bought, but boy were they nice! Anyway, after a little bit of get to know you chit chat, she Leans and plants a very passionate DFK on me and we start to get down to business.

After a lot of kissing an groping, we are both naked and she starts an incredible BBBJ. I was definitely thinking "yea, I made the right choice". Anyway to make a long story short, we fucked in multiple positions until I just could not hold it any longer. I really wanted this to last as long as possible. Afterward, she cleaned me up and we said goodbye. I will most definitely repeat.

Damage was $$$ for the hr and very well worth every penny!


04-17-13, 21:12
Nite, I would avoid Heaven Playground at all costs. Really shitty agency at ridiculous prices for the service that's rendered. I've patronized them in the past (three times) and had horrible experiences in 2/3 that culminated in no show appointments. That Chinese chick is not bad but I wouldn't risk it.PM me anyone that wants some info on them. But I agree, don't go.

#Wet Dreams, PW

04-17-13, 21:15
sent PM to you

04-18-13, 09:04
This post is a little overdue.

Arrived in Atlanta looking for some fun and went to Eros. I have had the most success at this site on locating quality ladies. Called Lisa Lover an she answered right away. Said she was available, but I had to speak with her scheduler? Shortly after I hung up with Lisa her scheduler calls, and after some very light screening, I am good to go.

I went to her in all location off 400 (I think exit 5) right before 285 and call. She gives me the apt# and. Go up. I knock on the door and a ver attractive lady with the most schmokin hot body I have ever seen answers the door. I can barely keep from staring at her incredible rack. They are store bought, but boy were they nice! Anyway, after a little bit of get to know you chit chat, she Leans and plants a very passionate DFK on me and we start to get down to business.

After a lot of kissing an groping, we are both naked and she starts an incredible BBBJ. I was definitely thinking "yea, I made the right choice". Anyway to make a long story short, we fucked in multiple positions until I just could not hold it any longer. I really wanted this to last as long as possible. Afterward, she cleaned me up and we said goodbye. I will most definitely repeat.

Damage was $$$ for the hr and very well worth every penny!

GatorShe still around? I last saw her about 10+ years ago when she was working out of a high rise apartment in midtown. She had the best man made tata's / strongest cooter muscles I've ever experienced on a woman. Her rates were $150-$200 back then.

04-18-13, 11:05
She still around? I last saw her about 10+ years ago when she was working out of a high rise apartment in midtown. She had the best man made tata's / strongest cooter muscles I've ever experienced on a woman. Her rates were $150-$200 back then.Yeah, she has been around a long time. Wow, does she really still look that good? She has to be 40 + I think.

Wet Dreams, PW

04-18-13, 11:12
More info. This is the first page of her 17 pages of reviews. So I guess she DOES still look that good. LOL.

Wet Dreams, PW.


Jan 2013 8. Really Hot 9. I forgot it was a service

Jan 2013 8. Really Hot 9. I forgot it was a service

Dec 2012 9. Model Material 9. I forgot it was a service

Sep 2012 8. Really Hot 9. I forgot it was a service

Sep 2012 8. Really Hot 9. I forgot it was a service

Aug 2012 8. Really Hot 8. Went the extra mile

May 2012 8. Really Hot 8. Went the extra mile

Apr 2012 9. Model Material 9. I forgot it was a service

Feb 2012 10. One in a Lifetime 10. One in a lifetime

Feb 2012 8. Really Hot 8. Went the extra mile

04-18-13, 11:29
This so typical, this is page 15 of lisa Lover. And 17 was less and most of the reviews thru the first 10 or so pages were similar. But I understand why the guys grade higher as the escorts will trash the guys, claim they did not see the guy and other unless all reviews are 8 and above these days. I maybe wrong wiith Lisa, she may and really could be much better looking and giving better service now that she has matured with her 12 years in the business. I think I need to enjoy her company.

Wet Dreams, PW.

Nov 2002 6. Nice 5. Average

Oct 2002 8. Really Hot 7. Hot Time

Oct 2002 7. Attractive 5. Average

Oct 2002 7. Attractive 6. Nice Time

Oct 2002 6. Nice 7. Hot Time

Sep 2002 8. Really Hot 7. Hot Time

Aug 2002 8. Really Hot 7. Hot Time

Jul 2002 7. Attractive 8. Went the extra mile

Jul 2002 7. Attractive 7. Hot Time

Jun 2002 7. Attractive 6. Nice Time

04-18-13, 17:54
Yeah, she has been around a long time. Wow, does she really still look that good? She has to be 40 + I think.

Wet Dreams, PWI would vouch my left nut that her DD's are still spectacular however the state of her bod after 10+years, who knows.

04-18-13, 18:39
I would vouch my left nut that her DD's are still spectacular however the state of her bod after 10+years, who knows.Bolt-ons don't deteriorate over time?

04-18-13, 19:04
I'm in Atlanta tonight and looking for recommendations of an outcall provider who provides a nice ending. Northwest Atlanta. Suggestions appreciated!

04-18-13, 23:54
I am very glad to see that I am adding to the discussion. You all have been extremely helpful in my participation in the hobby that I am glad that I can contribute. Well, I have got a two-fer here!

I was recently down in Tallahasse and saw a very fine lady by the name of Reagan. OMG she was hot. She was in her mid to late 30s, but she was very attractive and had a very, VERY nice body. She had a set of bolt ons that were nice, but definitely not the best I have seen. The great thing about Reagan was that she was the real deal! Her main concern was that I was having a good time. I will definitely repeat when I am able. The good news here is that she is from Atlanta! Did I say she was from Atl? Yes, and I hope to met her up here as we'll. Please see my report in Tallahassee. Damage for in call is $$.

Now to more timely info. Just got finished with my umpteenth session with Pearlie. I cannot begin to describe her sessions in any way that will do her justice. I know that she is very popular with the board, but you would think that you were the only guy giving her business by the way you are treated when you go to visit her. I know that she is very well reviewed on this board, but I can't help think what a lucky bastard I am when I go to visit her. Again I say that because when I goose Pearlie, I feel like I am the only guy that she sees. I know, a little delusional.

Anyway, if you have not seen Pearlie, I strongly suggest that you add her to your must see list.


04-19-13, 00:05

The grading system may have deteriorated over time, but Lisa's body has not! OMG, she really has taken care of herself. The only issue that I noticed is that her hair appears to be thinning, but as indicated, I was not looking at her hair.

Regardless, she was great and I highly recommend. Will not be disappointed.

I am going to repeat soon.


This so typical, this is page 15 of lisa Lover. And 17 was less and most of the reviews thru the first 10 or so pages were similar. But I understand why the guys grade higher as the escorts will trash the guys, claim they did not see the guy and other unless all reviews are 8 and above these days. I maybe wrong wiith Lisa, she may and really could be much better looking and giving better service now that she has matured with her 12 years in the business. I think I need to enjoy her company.

Wet Dreams, PW.

Nov 2002 6. Nice 5. Average

Oct 2002 8. Really Hot 7. Hot Time

Oct 2002 7. Attractive 5. Average

Oct 2002 7. Attractive 6. Nice Time

Oct 2002 6. Nice 7. Hot Time

Sep 2002 8. Really Hot 7. Hot Time

Aug 2002 8. Really Hot 7. Hot Time

Jul 2002 7. Attractive 8. Went the extra mile

Jul 2002 7. Attractive 7. Hot Time

Jun 2002 7. Attractive 6. Nice Time

04-19-13, 05:41
I am very glad to see that I am adding to the discussion. You all have been extremely helpful in my participation in the hobby that I am glad that I can contribute. Well, I have got a two-fer here!

I was recently down in Tallahasse and saw a very fine lady by the name of Reagan. OMG she was hot. She was in her mid to late 30s, but she was very attractive and had a very, VERY nice body. She had a set of bolt ons that were nice, but definitely not the best I have seen. The great thing about Reagan was that she was the real deal! Her main concern was that I was having a good time. I will definitely repeat when I am able. The good news here is that she is from Atlanta! Did I say she was from Atl? Yes, and I hope to met her up here as we'll. Please see my report in Tallahassee. Damage for in call is $$.

Now to more timely info. Just got finished with my umpteenth session with Pearlie. I cannot begin to describe her sessions in any way that will do her justice. I know that she is very popular with the board, but you would think that you were the only guy giving her business by the way you are treated when you go to visit her. I know that she is very well reviewed on this board, but I can't help think what a lucky bastard I am when I go to visit her. Again I say that because when I goose Pearlie, I feel like I am the only guy that she sees. I know, a little delusional.

Anyway, if you have not seen Pearlie, I strongly suggest that you add her to your must see list.

GatorDitto on Pearlie. Probably the best bang for the buck in this city.

Coco Chanel
04-19-13, 17:21
I recently moved here from New York City. I wondered what websites escorts use to advertise around here besides BP. Can anyone be of assistance?

04-20-13, 07:14

04-20-13, 09:55
I recently moved here from New York City. I wondered what websites escorts use to advertise around here besides BP. Can anyone be of assistance?USASG has an Escorts Only section!

04-20-13, 10:12
USASG has an Escorts Only section!

Guys read the Waterbury Conn section in Jan. But what tha hey, everything is not true, yeah, and it is all dreaming.

Wet Dreams, PW

04-22-13, 19:18
PM me anyone that wants some info on them. But I agree, don't go.

#Wet Dreams, PWPwhipped and AMP FME My apologies as I've been out of the loop for a while and didn't check for responses. Will PM you both soon but I see that whipped probably already checked it out himself.


Amp Fme
04-22-13, 20:05
Pwhipped and AMP FME My apologies as I've been out of the loop for a while and didn't check for responses. Will PM you both soon but I see that whipped probably already checked it out himself.

XNo sweat, still would appreciate the PM when you get a chance. Have not gone the agency route in awhile, but tempted enough by the Chinese offering to consider taking a look at the agency. Pwhipped may like the darker complected, but I seem to have this asian fever that keeps flaring up. Not in a hurry since the old (yes, I said old) fart tends to be right about such things.

04-23-13, 00:02
No sweat, still would appreciate the PM when you get a chance. Have not gone the agency route in awhile, but tempted enough by the Chinese offering to consider taking a look at the agency. Pwhipped may like the darker complected, but I seem to have this asian fever that keeps flaring up. Not in a hurry since the old (yes, I said old) fart tends to be right about such things.AMPY, you know I would not steer you wrong. Don't even go there. Remember Trinity, dark, beautiful, dances on the bar? They were listing her for a long time, she was not there. I know, she was with me LOL LOL

05-11-13, 10:36
Hi Everyone,

I am an active member on the RI forum and am coming to ATL in the near future. I'm looking for some recommendations. Can anyone help me out? Feel free to PM me. I appreciate your help.


Amp Fme
05-11-13, 21:04
Hi Everyone,

I am an active member on the RI forum and am coming to ATL in the near future. I'm looking for some recommendations. Can anyone help me out? Feel free to PM me. I appreciate your help.

ThanksWelcome to ATL. It has been my observation that requests such as these get a better response if they include some specifics on the type of recommendations one is seeking. Age, price point, ethnicity, body preference, service, area of town, etc. Not to be a jackass, but without this info, one usually gets the RTFF response.

05-11-13, 22:04
Welcome to ATL. It has been my observation that requests such as these get a better response if they include some specifics on the type of recommendations one is seeking. Age, price point, ethnicity, body preference, service, area of town, etc. Not to be a jackass, but without this info, one usually gets the RTFF response.I PMed him earlier with the same comment / request. Great minds think alike. LOL

05-14-13, 12:22
Has anyone ever seen these girls before? I'm interested in Cocoa especially. TIA.


05-15-13, 06:09
I saw Mimi a couple of nights ago. Her pics are real. She works in a secluded residential area.

If you like AA women with large asses, she's your girl. We did CBJTC, RCG, Doggie, and I got 2pops for 100! PM me if you'd like her info and you're at least a SR Member.

05-23-13, 16:02
It's been a while folks. I've been out of the scene for a while and thought I'd come back with a bang! Not that anyone cares, but no real reason why I've been out of the hobbyist scene just thought I'd lay low for a while.

On with the show!

Saw Brit at JFL about a week ago:


Looks: 7.

The photos on Jasmine's site are definitely glamorized for Brit. The photos don't show that she is a bit curvier that what the photos may reveal. She's not BBW by any means, but she has a little more weight than what the glamorized picts seem to portray. This didn't greatly bother me that much as I had a great time with her, but it's definitely something to keep in mind. That said, if you are a breast man, then you should see this girl. Her breasts are beautifully heavy, large, and she loves having them played with. Personally, I'm not a breast man, but nonetheless even I had some fun with her tits.

Body: 6.

As mentioned before, her pics are glamorized on Jasmine's site. She has a little more weight than what the pictures seem to portray. Not a terrible body, but again if you're looking for spinner, then she's not your girl. If you like a bit of curve on your woman, then go see her.

Attitude: 8.

She started out a bit businesslike, but after a brief chat with bottled water (they always offer water at JFL's incall) , Brit started to warm up. After a bit of DFK and heavy petting, she became much more relaxed and "girl next door" like. Very sweet girl.

Performance: 8.

This girl is fun. Lots of fun. Her BBBJ is excellent (if I had to rate her BJ, about 7 1/2 to 8 out of 10). Not sure if she does BBBJTC (not a requirement for me) , but doesn't hurt to try. Lots of DFK'ing, willing to try nearly any position, and loves her pussy licked. Her pussy is extremely tight (well, it is for me! LOL) And we went well beyond the clock. Seconds are available (YMMV). I don't believe she offers greek, but I'm not into that.

Overall: 7. 5.

Lots of fun, great performance, tight pussy, but the glamorized pictures (which usually don't bother me) knocks some points off for me.

Ultimately, if you like curvy women and / or big breasts, then go see this woman. She's a ton of fun, sweet, and very accomodating.

05-24-13, 16:30
Went to see Lydia: http://www.eros-atlanta.com/sections/atlanta_asian_escorts.htm

Photography can do wonders for a woman. Lydia has a bigger ass than the pics suggests, but not laden with cellulite. Paid $160 for 30 minutes, got undressed and chatted for 5-10 minutes as the shower water was taking forever to get warm. Got into the shower with her. She soaped my crotch down, rinsed it, then proceeded to squirt warm water in her mouth and give a BBBJ. Repeated several times, dried off and laid face down on the bed. Lydia left the room for at least 5 minutes and I could hear her talking to Pearlie, who was in another bedroom with a customer. Lydia returned with her panties back on, told me to flip over (no back massage) , just rubbed my dick to get it hard (no more BBBJ which I had hoped for) , applied the cover and asked if she could ride. I nodded and she seemed to be having a good time working it for her lady nut. Then we did doggy with Lydia making the appropriate moans and at least acting like she enjoyed it. For guys who like a big Asian ass and to smash it hard, she's your girl. Moved to a standing BBBJ with Lydia on her knees, only it was no BBBJ, just her jacking me off into her mouth. I politely protested about not getting a BBBJ but then she mentioned in a slightly terse voice that we didn't have enough time. We WOULD have had enough time if she hadn't left the room for so long or had to wait for the shower to warm up.

OK for a trial run but would not repeat. Pearlie is a much better time.

05-25-13, 12:04
My return to the hobby continues. Saw Brit from GoldClubEscorts late last week:


Looks: 7.

Attractive and her pictures on the site are definitely accurate. They are touched up, but provide a good representation of Whitney. She's a little older than I typically like out of the girls I usually see, but I was sort of in a MILF-why mood anyway.

Body: 8.

Nice body. As said on the looks section, pictures are representative of how her body is. She definitely takes care of herself. That said, I don't want to give the impression that she's a "hard body type". She isn't. Very feminine. She's very well put together.

Attitude: 7.

She's a total sweetheart. At the same time, there is a twinge of business in her. Experienced hobbyist will know instantly that she's done this routine many times and does her acting job extremely well. Problem for her is that I can tell a routine a mile a way. Still, I played along, and ultimately I felt welcome and had a great time. She's a wonderful conversationalist and gives the impression that she wants you there and wants to give you a great time.

I just can tell (at least with her) that this is a set routine for her. She just happens to do the routine very well. (Hope that makes sense)

Performance: 7.

I had a good time with her, but to be honest it wasn't the "spectacular time" that I usually crave out of my providers (see my Brit review below). She has a great body. Knows how to use it. Gives a great BBBJ (not sure if she goes to completion, but something tells me she does). Loves doggie, so pound her out in that position. Allows for DATY. This is where I could tell she was just going through a routine. She's extremely willing and wants to try and please you. I guess for me, we just didn't click 100. Still, had a great time.

Final verdict:

I recommend her. Especially, if you're in the mood for an attractive MILF-why blonde with a great body. She's very experienced and knows how to "handle the routine," but nonetheless you'll have a great time.

05-25-13, 12:21
The marathon of new ladies continues! Saw Spencer Hastings at Atlanta Fantasies on Friday of last week:


I've been out of the scene for a while. Not that anyone cares, LOL. That said, in the past I usually used agencies as they provided ease of use and convenience. Coming back to the scene, I had to try this "new" (well, new to me) agency called Atlanta Fantasies. The reviews from "the other site" appear to be solid for this agency, so I signed up and decided on seeing Spencer Hastings. The process was fairly straight forward and easy: sign up on the website, wait for email, schedule the girl. Rinse and repeat.

Body: 6. 5 to 7.

Usually in my reviews, I start with "looks," but with Spencer I felt the need to comment on her body first. Her pictures are very glamorized on the website, so when I met Spencer I was truly shocked at how thin this woman was. I wouldn't go so far and say she's anorexic thin (definitely not drug thin. She is clearly very healthy. More on this in a minute), but a lot thinner than I had expected based on the pictures presented on the site. Spencer is clearly the type of woman you tell in confidence: "woman, you need to honestly put on some weight. Please eat some protein or something."

Yeah, you can bet she's a spinner. She's just a lot thinner than my taste (I think this is the 1st girl I've been with that I've thought this).

She definitely works out. Despite being so thin. You can see glimmers of muscle definition. I just have a feeling that she's the type of woman who is addicted to working out. I'm sure you've met those types. Before I left the session, I was so tempted in mentioning to her: "go out and order a pizza and eat the whole damn thing. You need the weight."

Looks: 6.

Her thinness is distracting, for me at least. Her face is fine, but I can tell she's added in some years doing this work. I can tell that she would be a lot more beautiful if she ate something.

Attitude: 7.

Nice. Extremely friendly. Besides greek, there didn't seem to be any position or desire of mine that she would say no to. She seems like she would be a cool girl to hang with and grab a beer with. If only she would drink the beer.

Performance: 6.

It's clear that sexually speaking she and I didn't click. Again, she was very accomodating, enthusiastic, and tried to put on a great show. However, her extreme thinness, lack of "chemistry" seem to distract me from the entire session. BBBJ was decent. Seemed to enjoy MISH and DATY, but I just couldn't get it into her with her. After emptying into the condom, I didn't feel the desire or the need to go for a second. Although, I'm quite sure she would have gone another round. Based on how she was trying to get me going again, I could tell that multiple pops were available.

Not my type, but I wouldn't hold this against her in the review. I just think she and I don't click.

Final Verdict:

Spencer is a professional through and through. Very accomodating, nice, easy to talk to. However, her body just turned me off to a degree I just didn't want to see her anymore (she needs to gain some weight). I won't be repeating.

05-25-13, 12:52
Saw this girl last week as well. This one is a winner for me, Melanie at JFL:


Unlike the last 2 girls I've reviewed, Melanie and I definitely clicked. I knew the moment I walked in the door that we were going to have a lot of fun. On with the review:

Looks and Body: 7.

The JFL pictures a bit out of date. She's put on a little weight, but she has a cute Georgia peach face. She doesn't have the worn out look and still has the youthful look to her. She came to the door in a babydoll piece and panties. The flat belly picture on JFL isn't true anymore. It's not a gut, but I can tell that she doesn't really work out much anymore and has happened to stay (relatively so) at her weight level. Still, she's cute. Just a little softer than the pictures seem to indicate.

Attitude: 9.

She's a Georgia Peach through and through. I think I've found my "type" in terms of providers. In the course of my experience in the hobby world, I've discovered that I tend towards young white southern (primarily Georgia) girls. They just do it for me, and I seem (note I said "seem") to work for them as well. I'll just say that despite booking my time for 1 hour, we were there for a lot onger than 1 hour. A lot longer.

Performance: 9. 5.

Honestly, one of the best times I've had with an escort in a very long time. After introducing each other with a soft kiss and briefly hitting the bathroom to clean up, the moment I walked out, we were totally wrapped up in each other. This woman loves to kiss, and I have to say we must of DFK'd for quite some time. Our mouths explored each other extensively before we even got naked. It's rare to meet someone sexually where you spend so much time doing this. Needless to say, before clothes were removed, my cock was rock hard and pulsating. Her pussy was already dripping causing wet spots on the bed through her panties.

Her BBBJ is honestly in my top 5 all-time BJs. Holy shit, did she devour my cock. It was like she was a starving person who hadn't had solid food in weeks. Her mouth, tongue and lips were absolutely incredible. DT'ing, being sloppy, saliva going everywhere. Me grabbing her head and fucking her mouth like a. Wonderful stuff. She didn't want to stop. She seem to really enjoy the fact that my cock could take her amazing BBBJ. It was probably an act or she was simply just being complimentary, but she commented on this: "most guys at this point would have spilled into my mouth." I chuckled and told her that I was the type that usually didn't cum through BJs. She laughed it off and followed up by saying that: "most guys say this, but honestly it's rare for me to meet someone who I haven't made cum in a BJ." Again, she may be acting, but I'll take what I can get! LOL.

So, does she do BBBJTC? Based on her comments above, I'm betting she does.

She must have given me head for at least 15 to 20 min. I wanted to return the favor and went down on her. Did I mention that we clicked? (Yes, I think I said this 100 times already, LOL). Again, maybe it's all an act, but based on my fingers inside of her while tasting her for long time (I did say we went way over our hour time) I'm almost certain she enjoyed herself. Also, the sheets definitely needed replacing before we even fucked. If you enjoy DATY like I do, you'll enjoy her a lot. She is delicious, wet, tight, pulsating. Oh my, I think I'll give her a shout soon.

We did every position under the sun, girl on top to reverse cow girl to doggie to MISH then the splits on my cock. God damn this girl is tight. We were completely drenched in sweat by the time I finally exploded inside of the plastic bag deep inside of her. We just started laughing and laughing after that. Damn. That's all I'll say.

Did we repeat? Ummm, what do you think? LOL Yes, multiple pops are available, and boy did I go for multiple pops with her.

Final Verdict:

YMMV, but this girl is a ton of fun in bed. Her BBBJ is phenomenal. She loves to please and be pleased. Very very GFE. Go see her.

06-04-13, 19:16
Saw Thai Leeya: http://www.eros-atlanta.com/sections/atlanta_asian_escorts.htm

She wanted a reference so gave her an agency that I had used. Got to her gated apartment in Dunwoody and she opened the door, hiding behind it in a negligee and maybe 5-inch heels. Her pics are either airbrushed nicely or old. Her ad states 5'2" but she's about 4 inches shorter and said she's 32 years old, not 26 per the ad. She's had 3 kids and has the tummy stretch marks to prove it, with a nicely-shaped ass but not as firm as I'd like and her bolt-ons are a turn off as well. In addition, Leeya needs to be introduced to the concept of oral hygiene. Her breath was horrible.

Gave her the donation and got down to business. She laid on top of me and started the GFE thing, rubbing herself all over in a very sensual manner, caressing my balls, etc. She could only manage to get her mouth cupped over the head of my dick and did more of a pulling motion with her mouth, not sliding it up and down in true BBBJ fashion. Asked her to suck deeper but she apparently could not, a big disappointment for me. She then applied the cover and got on top. At this point I noticed how warm the room had become, with only a ceiling fan and no A / C. She rode me for a few minutes, then I flipped her over for mish but she didn't really want to spread her legs wide open for full thrust. Flipped her over for doggy and she would spread her small legs too far apart and push back, creating too much of an angle for a serious fuck. I kept telling her to put her legs closer and her ass up higher, pushing it into position with my hands, but she kept resisting. I had to stop and show her how I wanted her in K9. She was a little more cooperative but it still wasn't working, so I knelt in front of the bed (low to the floor) , pulled her toward me and finished up in mish, removing the cover and busting on her stomach. By that time the room had become unbearably warm and I wanted a good shower. Cleaned up with some wet wipes, got a small bottle of water and left.

Will not repeat as I compare Asian escorts in that price range to Pearlie, whom I consider to be the gold standard.

Johnny Mapalo
06-04-13, 19:58
Saw Thai Leeya:


She wanted a reference so gave her an agency that I had used. Got to her gated apartment in Dunwoody and she opened the door, hiding behind it in a negligee and maybe 5-inch heels. Her pics are either airbrushed nicely or old. Her ad states 5'2" but she's about 4 inches shorter and said she's 32 years old, not 26 per the ad. She's had 3 kids and has the tummy stretch marks to prove it, with a nicely-shaped ass but not as firm as I'd like and her bolt-ons are a turn off as well. In addition, Leeya needs to be introduced to the concept of oral hygiene. Her breath was horrible.

Gave her the donation and got down to business. She laid on top of me and started the GFE thing, rubbing herself all over in a very sensual manner, caressing my balls, etc. She could only manage to get her mouth cupped over the head of my dick and did more of a pulling motion with her mouth, not sliding it up and down in true BBBJ fashion. Asked her to suck deeper but she apparently could not, a big disappointment for me. She then applied the cover and got on top. At this point I noticed how warm the room had become, with only a ceiling fan and no A / C. She rode me for a few minutes, then I flipped her over for mish but she didn't really want to spread her legs wide open for full thrust. Flipped her over for doggy and she would spread her small legs too far apart and push back, creating too much of an angle for a serious fuck. I kept telling her to put her legs closer and her ass up higher, pushing it into position with my hands, but she kept resisting. I had to stop and show her how I wanted her in K9. She was a little more cooperative but it still wasn't working, so I knelt in front of the bed (low to the floor) , pulled her toward me and finished up in mish, removing the cover and busting on her stomach. By that time the room had become unbearably warm and I wanted a good shower. Cleaned up with some wet wipes, got a small bottle of water and left.

Will not repeat as I compare Asian escorts in that price range to Pearlie, whom I consider to be the gold standard.Airbrushed photos are one of the reasons I never did the agency thing. All they show are professional photographed pics. I want to see some cell phone camera or regular digital camera pics to see what the girls really looks like. Those professional picks are very misleading and airbrushed. I was looking at one the other day and looked real closely to realize the chic had a hell of a stretch marks on her stomach. You had to look real closely to catch it. I will try one of those agencies soon but they need to send me some regular unprofessional pics. I need to see what the girl really looks like when she lets her hair down.

Also, a chic hiding behind the door is a very bad sign. I had a girl do that to me once and I saw the real reason why she was hiding behind the door. She wasn't a stunner by any means.

06-05-13, 05:43
Airbrushed photos are one of the reasons I never did the agency thing. All they show are professional photographed pics. I want to see some cell phone camera or regular digital camera pics to see what the girls really looks like. Those professional picks are very misleading and airbrushed. I was looking at one the other day and looked real closely to realize the chic had a hell of a stretch marks on her stomach. You had to look real closely to catch it. I will try one of those agencies soon but they need to send me some regular unprofessional pics. I need to see what the girl really looks like when she lets her hair down.

Also, a chic hiding behind the door is a very bad sign. I had a girl do that to me once and I saw the real reason why she was hiding behind the door. She wasn't a stunner by any means.Although I agree with you 100% on the pics issue, I know the reality of it is that I'm never going to see a pic of an agency escort when she just woke up. Most of these girls are single moms and will have some sign of childbirth. Even if their pics are not heavily altered, they're still going to strike favorable / erotic poses to take a monger's mind off of any imperfections. Best to go in there knowing you'll have to decrement 1-2 beauty points. Strangely, Erica the lady pimp probably posts the most accurate photos of her girls, but she can't be considered an agency.

As for hiding behind the door, that isn't necessarily a bad sign as most Asian escorts do that. They generally hide behind the door looking through the peep hole and will quietly open the door when they see the customer approaching as they don't want to attract their neighbors' attention.

06-05-13, 07:25
Although I agree with you 100% on the pics issue, I know the reality of it is that I'm never going to see a pic of an agency escort when she just woke up. Most of these girls are single moms and will have some sign of childbirth. Even if their pics are not heavily altered, they're still going to strike favorable / erotic poses to take a monger's mind off of any imperfections. Best to go in there knowing you'll have to decrement 1-2 beauty points. Strangely, Erica the lady pimp probably posts the most accurate photos of her girls, but she can't be considered an agency.

As for hiding behind the door, that isn't necessarily a bad sign as most Asian escorts do that. They generally hide behind the door looking through the peep hole and will quietly open the door when they see the customer approaching as they don't want to attract their neighbors' attention.Yeah, I've always chalked the hiding behind the door thing to discretion. But yes, I'm sure some hide be / see they are ugly, but the guy can surely turn around.

06-06-13, 04:14
Her #ends 2170. Very nice ebony gal. Maybe 26. 5' 8" ish Great natural D's. OMG! A nice big ass. No fat. A solid 8 on the body. Arrived at an upscale hotel near P Mall area. Easy screening. Great GFE. Paid 250 but I see her rates went up. Would repeat. She knows how to treat a man.

Dreamin time
06-06-13, 11:39
Saw this girl last week as well. This one is a winner for me, Melanie at JFL:


Unlike the last 2 girls I've reviewed, Melanie and I definitely clicked. I knew the moment I walked in the door that we were going to have a lot of fun. On with the review:

Looks and Body: 7.

The JFL pictures a bit out of date. She's put on a little weight, but she has a cute Georgia peach face. She doesn't have the worn out look and still has the youthful look to her. She came to the door in a babydoll piece and panties. The flat belly picture on JFL isn't true anymore. It's not a gut, but I can tell that she doesn't really work out much anymore and has happened to stay (relatively so) at her weight level. Still, she's cute. Just a little softer than the pictures seem to indicate.

Attitude: 9.

She's a Georgia Peach through and through. I think I've found my "type" in terms of providers. In the course of my experience in the hobby world, I've discovered that I tend towards young white southern (primarily Georgia) girls. They just do it for me, and I seem (note I said "seem") to work for them as well. I'll just say that despite booking my time for 1 hour, we were there for a lot onger than 1 hour. A lot longer.

Performance: 9. 5.

Honestly, one of the best times I've had with an escort in a very long time. After introducing each other with a soft kiss and briefly hitting the bathroom to clean up, the moment I walked out, we were totally wrapped up in each other. This woman loves to kiss, and I have to say we must of DFK'd for quite some time. Our mouths explored each other extensively before we even got naked. It's rare to meet someone sexually where you spend so much time doing this. Needless to say, before clothes were removed, my cock was rock hard and pulsating. Her pussy was already dripping causing wet spots on the bed through her panties.

Her BBBJ is honestly in my top 5 all-time BJs. Holy shit, did she devour my cock. It was like she was a starving person who hadn't had solid food in weeks. Her mouth, tongue and lips were absolutely incredible. DT'ing, being sloppy, saliva going everywhere. Me grabbing her head and fucking her mouth like a. Wonderful stuff. She didn't want to stop. She seem to really enjoy the fact that my cock could take her amazing BBBJ. It was probably an act or she was simply just being complimentary, but she commented on this: "most guys at this point would have spilled into my mouth." I chuckled and told her that I was the type that usually didn't cum through BJs. She laughed it off and followed up by saying that: "most guys say this, but honestly it's rare for me to meet someone who I haven't made cum in a BJ." Again, she may be acting, but I'll take what I can get! LOL.

So, does she do BBBJTC? Based on her comments above, I'm betting she does.

She must have given me head for at least 15 to 20 min. I wanted to return the favor and went down on her. Did I mention that we clicked? (Yes, I think I said this 100 times already, LOL). Again, maybe it's all an act, but based on my fingers inside of her while tasting her for long time (I did say we went way over our hour time) I'm almost certain she enjoyed herself. Also, the sheets definitely needed replacing before we even fucked. If you enjoy DATY like I do, you'll enjoy her a lot. She is delicious, wet, tight, pulsating. Oh my, I think I'll give her a shout soon.

We did every position under the sun, girl on top to reverse cow girl to doggie to MISH then the splits on my cock. God damn this girl is tight. We were completely drenched in sweat by the time I finally exploded inside of the plastic bag deep inside of her. We just started laughing and laughing after that. Damn. That's all I'll say.

Did we repeat? Ummm, what do you think? LOL Yes, multiple pops are available, and boy did I go for multiple pops with her.

Final Verdict:

YMMV, but this girl is a ton of fun in bed. Her BBBJ is phenomenal. She loves to please and be pleased. Very very GFE. Go see her./pulls over and saves phone number.

Awesome report.

06-10-13, 01:47
So I get this friend. Little chick that I know. That has lost her job, but doesn't want to lose her income. So this is where you few good men can step in. She is offering her services (and they are damn good I might add) for. 8 for 10-15 min. 02 for the hour. She does anal BJ and FS of course. She never posted on CL or BP or any sites. So she is a true newbie to the game. So if you looking for a fun time. All are welcome really. Doesn't matter your race or the color of your skin. Just the content of your character. And the contents of your wallet. Just looking to help her get out ther.

Son Of Anarchy
06-10-13, 10:21
This one looks quite promising.

06-11-13, 00:40
What part of town is she located? And how can I get in touch? She looks like a winner!

06-11-13, 19:15
What part of town is she located? And how can I get in touch? She looks like a winner!She in the lawrenceville area. Whenever you want to see her. I will tell her to get a room that night. Just let me know. She single so its all good. Just new to the game.

06-11-13, 21:58

Called and the woman on the phone sounded Chinese, not Japanese as she claims. Probably just a handler pimping out a desperate Chinese single mom as with Mimi in Alpharetta, but she did say she's working out of a no-tel on Powers Ferry for $140 FS.

06-12-13, 18:43
Saw Mayumi today: http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/asian-japanese-sayumi-arrived-to-you-a-few-weeks-52tall-100lbs-36d-natural-25/18005647

Pics are fake. Mayumi is Japanese alright and doesn't speak any English, Chinese or Korean, just Japanese. She's about 5'2" or so, is not as slender as the woman in the pics and has a tummy paunch. I believe she has the same handler as Mimi, the woman I posted about the other day. Donation is $140 / hh or $160 / hr. I chose the half hour. Met her at the same no-tel chain as with Mimi, but on Powers Ferry, not Haynes Bridge Road. Mayumi undressed me just as Mimi did, asked for the donation, then rubbed herself all over me. She went for a condom right away, so it was CBJ and CFS for the whole session. The only communication we really had was body language and international suckie fuckie signs. After the deed, she did as Mimi did, led me to the bathroom, ran the shower until warm, let me clean up first, then she cleaned herself up. Although the price was OK, I won't repeat as I prefer a BBBJ in the mix.

06-14-13, 10:09
She looks good, how can I contact her?

Amp Fme
06-14-13, 15:07
She looks good, how can I contact her?Contact who? Many of the posts here include links to ads that include the lady's contact info. If there was no link, then probably would be a good idea to identify the lady. Be prepared to be told to RTFF though. Short of that, best any of us can suggest is for you to go outside and start yelling. She might hear you.

06-15-13, 11:22
I know this may not be the best place to ask this but honestly I thought I'd give it a shot. I moved to Atlanta a little over a year ago and have been visiting some of the AMPs around town. I hate that sometimes they can be a hit or miss. Since then, I've wanted to move on to visiting escorts and find one that I can see regularly. I recently saw a few reviews here along with a number so I decided to give one of them a call. Unfortunately, I couldn't schedule an appointment because I do not have any references. My question is, how do I go about getting references if I'm new to this? I'd love to get in on this action and start posting my own reviews.

Steak 404
06-15-13, 15:24
I know this may not be the best place to ask this but honestly I thought I'd give it a shot. I moved to Atlanta a little over a year ago and have been visiting some of the AMPs around town. I hate that sometimes they can be a hit or miss. Since then, I've wanted to move on to visiting escorts and find one that I can see regularly. I recently saw a few reviews here along with a number so I decided to give one of them a call. Unfortunately, I couldn't schedule an appointment because I do not have any references. My question is, how do I go about getting references if I'm new to this? I'd love to get in on this action and start posting my own reviews.Give them your commanding officer's name. If that doesn't work name drop the Mayor. If they still aren't biting just give them your badge and precinct number. They will appreciate the direct approach.

Of course if I've misread things, my apologies. Try like the rest of us did and call enough of them until you find one that doesn't really require one (which is more than will admit it, despite what websites say, etc.)

06-15-13, 23:55
Does anybody have any info o Petra Leon that advertises in the escort classifieds? I can't find anything on her and for the price I'd like to know first.

06-16-13, 02:38
Does anybody have any info o Petra Leon that advertises in the escort classifieds? I can't find anything on her and for the price I'd like to know first.She's legit. She's been around for a few years now & has reviews on "the other site."

06-16-13, 23:31
She's legit. She's been around for a few years now & has reviews on "the other site."Thanks. The ads look great but like I said for that high it better be good!

06-17-13, 10:15
I know this may not be the best place to ask this but honestly I thought I'd give it a shot. I moved to Atlanta a little over a year ago and have been visiting some of the AMPs around town. I hate that sometimes they can be a hit or miss. Since then, I've wanted to move on to visiting escorts and find one that I can see regularly. I recently saw a few reviews here along with a number so I decided to give one of them a call. Unfortunately, I couldn't schedule an appointment because I do not have any references. My question is, how do I go about getting references if I'm new to this? I'd love to get in on this action and start posting my own reviews.Easiest point of entry with Escorts are with agencies. There are pluses and minuses about using agency. You'll need to weigh out the pros / cons with agencies if you want to go this route. From there, (please note: this isn't true with all independents, some independents don't accept agency references) , you can start using the agency as your initial reference with independent providers. At this point, you'll have independent provider references which gives your the gamut.

Another recommendation would be to sign up with a service like P411. There's a yearly fee to use this service, but it will often provide an easy in for verification with providers. Most providers will accept you right away after seeing if you have a P411 account.

Finally, it really doesn't hurt to have an account with "the Other site." They have whitelist functionality which provides "some" verification benefits. It's hit or miss on the Whitelist on "The Other Site." However, often if you tell a provider your handle on another site, they are often a lot more accomodating in verification.

All in all, the best tip is (as long as they are being reasonable) is to be friendly and nice during the verification process. A smile goes a long way.

06-17-13, 10:41
I'm usually the "college girl" type when I seek out escorts. However, every once and while I get a hankering for a insatiable MILF with a lot of experience. Over the weekend, I found quite the nympho: Pussie Willow (aka PW) at Erotic Flavors.





Looks: 7. Her pictures attached are accurate, but a bit fuzzy. She is definitely attractive despite her age. Her teeth need a lot of work, but she has a warm and friendly smile. All in all, she's a pretty woman and it's clear that her "golden years" were when she was of college age. She probably killed it when she was younger.

Body: 7. 5. Very nice body. She's kept it up. Sure, you can tell she's older (she's a MILF, LOL) , but solid body with wonderful, soft skin. She's had kids, but despite not having a perfect flat tummy, she holds herself up well. Her pussy is beautiful bare with a gorgeous clit. Nice sized & hefty breasts. They are real and even for her age. They've held up well. If she were at a bar, I'd definitely "hit it" without a second thought.

Attitude: 9. PW is friendly and sweet. Alabama girl who wants you to have a good time. The moment I walked in the door, I felt like her secret lover stealing away time from her limp dick husband. (No, we didn't role play, but that's what the "event" felt like). Extremely easy to talk to, we hit it off very well. Instantly likable. She has a "southern" sexiness about her. PW gives the feeling that she just wants you to have a great time.

Performance: 9. I must be lucky lately. PW is definitely another winner for me. This woman wore me out. I don't believe that Greek is on the menu, but everything else seems to be available. Heck, we did practically everything. Multiple positions, multiple pops. Loves kissing and really digs getting her pussy licked. BBBJ is nice. Soft at first that builds to heavy sucking. Loves doggie, MISH, on top, spooning, reverse cowgirl. The description that says "A Real Firecracker" absolutely accurate. Absolutely and totally satisfying. Never ever watched the clock, and we were dripping in sweat at the end of it all. Despite going over time, I have zero doubt that she wanted to hit it a 3rd time. I had zero energy at that point!

PW is an absolute winner. Go see her. You'll be sore and thank me later.

06-17-13, 12:31
A little overdue on this one.

Wanted to post her link from Eros, but it is no longer there.

Made an appointment to see Gabrielle via her email and did not hear back, so I called. She picked up right away and said something was wrong with her email, but no problem, we made an appointment for the next evening. I was surprised that she did not screen.

Received a call about an hour or so before the appointed time to confirm the appointment and gave me the name of the hotel she was staying at off of 400. So fa so good. Arrived and got her room number and went up. The lady that opened the door was nicely and professionally dressed, was very attractive (better looking than her pictures) was very tall (5'10" at least) and had a very nice rack. She invited me in gave me a hug and a kiss and told me to get comfortable, and so did she. On my way to Nirvana. She had an incredible set of man mades. Nicer than Lisa Lover's. I did not think that was possible. Her ad said she was 35' but she told me later that she was 42. She looks fantastic. I don't know why she does not advertise that. Most older women who look like she does charge a hefty premium.

We got on the bed with some kissing and a lot of groping on my part and Then she started to chat, and chat and then chat some more. This lady really likes to talk and all I want to do is get busy. I was a little concerned this would take up the entire hour, which it did. I did not want to be rude and ruin what I thought was going to be an incredible experience. Well, she finally got the hint and we went at it and at it and at it. Awesome BBBJ! Everything else was covered. Ended up visiting for about 2 and a half hours. After a Little more chatting we went for round 2. Amazing!

A little too much talk for my taste, but the rest more than made up for it.

Total damage was $$$$. A little more than I typically like to spend, but I had been eyeing her ads for quite some time and decided to take the plunge. Will repeat if I get the chance.



06-17-13, 18:44
She looks good, how can I contact her?Sorry I was referring to Out Ther in L-ville.

06-18-13, 16:28
Does anyone know anything about Joi Love, who advertised in the Escorts. Classified Ads thread? Her pics look pretty good but wondering about services.

06-18-13, 17:06
It would scare me a little bit since she has a picture taken in front of her high school locker!

21 PYT looking for some sugar from some daddies

So I get this friend. Little chick that I know. That has lost her job, but doesn't want to lose her income. So this is where you few good men can step in. She is offering her services (and they are damn good I might add) for. 8 for 10-15 min. 02 for the hour. She does anal BJ and FS of course. She never posted on CL or BP or any sites. So she is a true newbie to the game. So if you looking for a fun time. All are welcome really. Doesn't matter your race or the color of your skin. Just the content of your character. And the contents of your wallet. Just looking to help her get out ther.

Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version Name: badorange.jpg‎ Views: 289 Size: 12.7 KB ID: 253768 Click image for larger version Name: thelook.jpg‎ Views: 220 Size: 28.6 KB ID: 253769 Click image for larger version Name: resized.jpg‎ Views: 254 Size: 25.3 KB ID: 253771

06-18-13, 17:34
It would scare me a little bit since she has a picture taken in front of her high school locker!

21 PYT looking for some sugar from some daddiesWhat is PYT? Pretty Young Thing?

06-19-13, 16:33
Went to see this girl today: http://atlanta.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/new-asian-beautiful-girl-678-704-6556-kkkoo-23/18236570

Not sure who the lovely model is in the pics but the woman who answered the no-tel door on Chamblee-Tucker looked nothing like her. She's Chinese, claims to be 28 but is over 30, is short, pudgy and has jacked up teeth. She wanted $120 / hh or $160 / hr. I didn't stay.

06-19-13, 18:39
Thanks for the report Nite. If you get yellow fever the two Asian agencies on Eros are top notch if you haven't already tried. Exotic Asian and Episode Atl. A little more expensive but photos are accurate and girls are pretty.

Stand by for some arse like XxATLxX to post that he knew those pics were fake and you should to.

Went to see this girl today:


Not sure who the lovely model is in the pics but the woman who answered the no-tel door on Chamblee-Tucker looked nothing like her. She's Chinese, claims to be 28 but is over 30, is short, pudgy and has jacked up teeth. She wanted $120 / hh or $160 / hr. I didn't stay.

Devon Aire
06-19-13, 20:35
Went to see this girl today:


Not sure who the lovely model is in the pics but the woman who answered the no-tel door on Chamblee-Tucker looked nothing like her. She's Chinese, claims to be 28 but is over 30, is short, pudgy and has jacked up teeth. She wanted $120 / hh or $160 / hr. I didn't stay.The website address on the bottom of her photos would be your first clue that the pictures aren't real!


06-19-13, 20:53
Thanks for the report Nite. If you get yellow fever the two Asian agencies on Eros are top notch if you haven't already tried. Exotic Asian and Episode Atl. A little more expensive but photos are accurate and girls are pretty.

Stand by for some arse like XxATLxX to post that he knew those pics were fake and you should to.Yeah, tried both agencies, but was trying to save a little money as GFE Plus with episode, for example, is $260 for 45 minutes.

06-19-13, 20:54
The website address on the bottom of her photos would be your first clue that the pictures aren't real!

255713That's what I get for not expanding the pics I guess. Still, I didn't expect the girl in the pics to be at the door as they looked like an Asian model.

06-19-13, 22:01
I could never get clear answer on what the extra 40 for GFE Plus gets you at those agencies. Standard rate gets BBj, covered full service and shower. What gives?

Yeah, tried both agencies, but was trying to save a little money as GFE Plus with episode, for example, is $260 for 45 minutes.

06-19-13, 22:05
I also saw PW recently. Had a great time. Can't go wrong with her.

06-19-13, 23:11
I could never get clear answer on what the extra 40 for GFE Plus gets you at those agencies. Standard rate gets BBj, covered full service and shower. What gives?GFE means CBJ. GFE Plus means BBBJ. In other words, $40 more to unload in her mouth.

06-19-13, 23:11
I also saw PW recently. Had a great time. Can't go wrong with her.Who are you talking about?

06-19-13, 23:34
Who are you talking about?He must be referring to Pussy Willow, I believe she handles the North and Northeast burbs!

06-20-13, 10:32
OK thanks. Seems like a scam. I always got bbj at Exotic for normal 45 min service. Never did CIM cause its not my thing but most offered it.

GFE means CBJ. GFE Plus means BBBJ. In other words, $40 more to unload in her mouth.